#RD Pixie stuff
track2hack · 4 months
Pixie made it home for Xmas!! 🙌
She trotted the whole bloody way down Marshland Rd, I think she knew she was going on an adventure lol
Poor Ed and Gem were so excited they had to run and buck and jump all the way around the paddock but I missed it cos I was too busy trying to hold onto madam who thought it was a fabulous idea to join them!! 🙈
Ed’s infatuated with his new little girlfriend (sorry Felicity you’ve been replaced!) and Gem is just happy she gets the green grass instead of the rank stuff in the other paddock 😂
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 4 months
"Because it's not actually supposed to be about love at all. It was kind of changed, but let's talk about it: See the Lover's card is actually about choice. A card of choice"
Hahsahs with all my love for Erica but what?? There is this LITTLE misunderstanding about the Lovers card that originates way back in many "Marseille style decks":
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(Tarot Pierre Madenie & Tarot Jean Noblet)
You can see a man standing between two women and who appears to be Cupid with his arrow.
Many readers had an "AHA!" moment and affirmed that the card in fact was not about love but instead about "choice and dilemma". It seems that he is undecided about choosing between these two ladies...
But unless you're Oedipus there is nothing to worry! Because the woman on the left is his MOTHER, ready to bless the new couple. Her crown speaks of wisdom and maturity instead of the flowers on the head of the young girl. This is not a card choice because even the man has not free will at all! Cupid decided for both of them.
Look at older representations of the card:
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(Visconti-Sforza, Budapest and Minchiate. Again, Love/Cupid blessing a couple. Here the Mother is mising but the core concept is the same: Love)
A lot of stuff got lost with the new and fast printing methods that allowed a massive production of decks, misleading us into this mistakes.
Now, I'm surprised that while she isn't even reading with a "Marseille style" deck, she ended up in the same wrong place. The Lovers' card in the RDS deck has many changes, maybe the most important one that the couple ilustrated is Adam and Eve, in Garden of Eden.
And even when the Genesis story has an element of choice aka "the Apple", the card itself is about THE LOVE between this two not the temptation or the expulsion or anything else. (And to be fair, the damn choice was MADE. That's the fucking point! That Eve made in fact the decision and Adam followed her! THEY DIDN'T WAIT AT ALL hahahah).
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But yeah, let's ignore the name, the myth it is illustrating, the TRUMP it represents and let's focus on this: The damn asymmetry of the mountain and other DETAILS.
(Btw, let's take a minute to appreciate Pixie's [Pamela Colman Smith] art. The deck is a mess but her style? She was on fire!)
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riddledeep · 4 years
Vocabulary and Slang
A requested glossary for Fae slang, swears, or common vocabulary the Fae grow up with. I included some additional worldbuilding such as the counterpart kinship terms and ceremonial preening phrases as well.
Some terms in here are Gaelic, some are pulled from myth, some are just made up fantasy words. That’s kinda how I roll.
Related: Vatajasa For Beginners | Fae Court Cases
Not the ENTIRE glossary, but these are common terms Fae would recognize that humans usually wouldn’t, though they’re not exactly “slang terms.”
Cloudlength - A unit of measurement between a mile and a kilometer.
Cloudcliff - The edge of a cloud; fall or jump from the edge and you can descend planes of existence until you hit another cloud.
Core Trait - The personality trait that a corresponding set of Faedivus, Faeumbra, and Faelumen inherently share; their “central drive.”
Core-Sync - A universal force or magic that causes Anti-Fairies to mirror their counterparts in terms of being injured and mating.
Damsel - The official term for a female Fae. Adjective form: “Damseline.”
Drake - The official term for a male Fae. Adjective form: “Drakian.”
Drone - A Seelie drake, usually small, who is highly susceptible to pheromones. They generally follow gynes around and are stereotyped as obedient to a fault. Historically they have been mistreated by Fae society, and the cloudlands are currently (as in “during my fanfics”) working to improve this. Despite the name “drones,” drones are most similar to worker bees, not drone bees.
Dysolfactya - An inability to properly read pheromone cues (Dyslexia but for smell). Rupert Roebeam and the pixie Keefe are both drones with dysolfactya, making it somewhat difficult for them to navigate Fairy society. Those with dysolfactya aren’t always treated well in Fairy society, as people tend to react to them with annoyance instead of finding ways to help them.
Faedivus - The genus of Fairies and Pixies. A baby Fairy or Pixie is called a nymph.
Faelumen - The genus of Anti-Fairies. A baby Anti-Fairy is called a pup.
Faeumbra - The genus of Refracts. A baby Refract is called a chick.
Field-Sight - Fairies or Pixies who have triggered field-sight (by briefly rolling their eyes back in their heads) are able to see the colors of magic in the world around them. Things like clothing and facial features won’t show up. Humans do not appear in the energy field unless they’ve recently come in contact with a magical item or magical being. The Unseelie lack this ability.
Gyne - A large, freckled Seelie drake who projects a lot of dominant pheromones; they’re the Fairy equivalent of queen bees. Gynes are especially territorial. They develop from Fairy children who consumed a lot of jelly in the first few months of life. The Anti-Fairy counterpart of a gyne is a pilot and is born with black facial fur resembling a mustache and goatee. The Refract counterpart of a gyne is a plume and is born with long, wiry “plumes” that curl from their head like antennae.
High Count / High Countess - High positions in Anti-Fairy World that make up the executive branch of Anti-Fairy government (the Anti-Fairy Council balance their political power). Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are the current High Count and High Countess with Foop first in line as Anti-Cosmo’s heir. The camarilla court make up their council of advisors.
Honey-Lock Instinct, The - The all-powerful magical instinct that drives Anti-Fairies to mate with the counterpart of whomever their “host” does. In preadolescents, mere feelings of attraction can incite a “mini honey-lock” of affection in their counterpart. 
Imprint - A magical being’s “personal signature” in the energy field; something like the magical version of facial features, but can be picked up on from anywhere within a close radius. Anti-Fairies use a similar system called a vocal signature to identify people.
Inrita - A chemical secreted through a gland at the roof of a brownie’s mouth. It holds no effect over them per se aside from helping them break down almost anything they put in their mouth, but inrita drains the magic from objects and some magical beings; a “closed circle of inrita” will cancel all magic in the vicinity, including causing Fairies and Pixies to “drop their lines” and start asphyxiating. Vendors often keep “inrita mud” near their wares to prevent people from magically stealing it. If inrita has any effect on genies, it’s a minuscule one. Brownies fall low on the social ladder due to how easy it is for them to kill someone. See also, Brownie-Kisser.
Instar - A Seelie Courter who still has their nymphhood exoskeleton. Typically someone under one year of age (give or take a few months) is said to be “in instar.” Poof is the exception to the rule giving how his body has been messed up by the frozen timestream. 
Iris - An Anti-Fairy with a sexually-transmitted disease that makes their eyes match their counterpart’s eyes, as opposed to default red. The STD is highly prized in Anti-Fairy society due to a history of being associated with success, leadership, wealth, and cleverness, and generally it’s kept out of the reach of the commoners. Anti-Fairies are overwhelmingly more attracted to Anti-Fairies with colored eyes than one with “default red” eyes; it’s part of their cultural upbringing.
>> The STD itself is known as The Iris Virus despite being a magical bacteria and not an actual virus.
>> The virus comes with additional unpleasant side-effects, such as loose-hanging skin, sores in the mouth, and sores around the inner thighs; these sores flare up for a week or two around the anniversary of the day you got the virus.
>> In Refracted society, colored eyes are a sign of shame and can cause your flock to disown you even if you were born with them through no fault of your own.
Kiff-Tie - If two Anti-Fairies in close proximity are killed, they’ll regenerate together and be fused like one creature. They do not take on a unique new form; rather, their bodies are fused together like Siamese twins. In place of the typical Valentine’s Day celebrations, it’s popular sport among Anti-Fairies to use arrows to kill snuggling couples instead.
Kiss of Frost - Will o’ the wisp saliva has the ability to paralyze the limbs; a deep enough kiss will even freeze the body to the point where it stops functioning and dies.
Luz Mala - A Fae conceived with magical assistance or through totally magical means. They tend to be very powerful and emotionally unstable, with their emotions frequently affecting the world around them. Historically luz mala are looked down upon by Fae society because of this, though some people (notably Anti-Cosmo) have made an effort to fight for their acceptance. Poof, Foop, and Juandissimo are all luz mala.
P.A.W.S. / Previously-Activated Wand System - A simple wand used to perform simple magic. This type of wand records a lot of magical information and is usually required for children doing magical homework. Parents might also want their children to use these wands so their magic usage can be tracked.
Preening - The ceremonial exchange of pheromones between two or more parties, performed by licking one another’s necks and faces. When Fairies or Pixies settle business deals, preening is often involved. In that context, preening would be professional, but it can also be an intimate (though non-sexual) gesture between two people. Preening is usually performed by drakes, though damsels are sometimes taught the gestures. Preening with someone “for fun” on a regular basis would be a sort of “bromance” relationship and a sign that you two are close, devoted friends.
>> Preening features prominently in many of my works that feature Fairy culture. Read more about the 24 preening signals HERE.
>> Notoriously, H.P. feels very close with both Anti-Cosmo and Jorgen because they preen regularly for political and friendly reasons. Jorgen sees his relationships with H.P. and Anti-Cosmo as strictly professional while Anti-Cosmo is rather touch-starved and treats preening as a relaxing way to unwind but not necessarily as an attempt to form an emotional bond. On some level, you could argue that Anti-Cosmo sees H.P. as his casual friend with benefits while H.P.’s vision is more of a bromance where they respect and support each other.
Refracted, The - The third class of Fae that make up a third of a Fae soul (each Fae soul consists of a Fairy, Anti-Fairy, and Fairy Refract counterpart). The Refracted are gold and white bird people, and the Refracted class overview can be found HERE. Properly they are called Fairy Refracts. When speaking of their culture, the term is “Refracted culture.” When speaking of people, the term is simply “Refracts.”
>> Refracts are born the opposite sex of the hosting Fairy counterpart and are always born three months after the Fairy (as opposed to Anti-Fairies who are born the first Friday the 13th after three months have passed). Their names are framed Drake Wanda and Dame Cosmo instead of Anti-Wanda and Anti-Cosmo.
Seelie Court - An umbrella term encompassing Fairies (including subspecies) and Pixies. The term “Seelie” can be used alone, such as in the phrase “I’m Seelie.” That would be an example of a slang phrase since the proper way to say it is “I’m a member of the Seelie Court.”
Sharing Magic - Fae who are near each other can pick up on one another’s attraction signals in the energy field. Sharing magic is a way of sharing signals, directing them towards one another and feeling the touch of each other’s magic. It’s sort of like cuddling (in the sense that it’s something you might do with either a romantic partner in private or a friend in public depending on your comfort level) but with magic. Sharing magic normally coincides with physical cuddling or with preening. The term might also be used if you’re giving SHAMPAX (magical CPR).
Tomte - A Fairy without the ability to channel magic. If someone tries to “go tomte,” it means they’ve injured or are considering injuring their right hand, which is the “organ” of a Fairy’s body that really channels magic. Alternatively, it may also mean that they’re trying to “go natural” and not use magic, but without injuring their hand. Refracts and Anti-Fairies are not affected by their counterparts going tomte, and injuring their hands won’t have an affect on their ability to channel magic either.
Unseelie Court - An umbrella term encompassing Anti-Fairies (including anti-pixies) as well as Refracts. The term “Unseelie” can be used alone, such as in the phrase “I’m Unseelie.” That would be an example of a slang phrase since the proper way to say it is “I’m a member of the Unseelie Court.”
Other useful worldbuilding terms that don’t count as slang either.
Claímh Solais - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: a magical sword that once belonged to King Nuada and is capable of severing the soul from the body. This treasure was bestowed upon the Fairies. It’s normally in the care of the Fairy Elder, though its theft from the Pink Castle was largely responsible for kicking off the May Blossom War. Foop is widely suspected to be the thief, though he and his family deny this.
Cloudlands, The - A term that encompasses all the magical Fae worlds. The cloudlands we see in the show are known as “The Fairy World colony” (even Anti-Fairy World falls under this term). The Fairy World (Earth) colony is distinct from the Red Retreat (Jupiter) colony, the Legend Peak (Mars) colony, and the Hawthorn Haven (Delk) colony.
Coire Dagdae - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: the bottomless cauldron of The Dagda (also called Undry). This treasure was bestowed upon the Anti-Fairies and was in the care of the High Count and High Countess at the Blue Castle until Anti-Cosmo lost it during the War of the Angels.
Elphame - The original motherland of the Fae. Fairy World is a colony of Elphame. Many Fae search for Elphame as they travel the universe, though they have not yet found it. It exists only in stories and many people (especially Anti-Fairies) do not believe it exists. You can read more about Elphame and its colonies HERE. 
Hy-Brasil - Anti-Fairy World’s official name; I named it after the mythical island said to be off the coast of Ireland, inhabited by “large black rabbits” and “a magician in a stone castle.”
Insula Solis Infintum - Anti-Pixie World’s official name; literally translated its name means “The Isle of Infinite Sunshine.” It’s an island prison and is technically part of Anti-Fairy World. Located above Rio de Janeiro.
Lia Fáil, The - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: a magical coronation stone found in Ireland. This treasure marks a neutral zone for the Fae, who respect the truce with their utmost honor.
Sleá Bua - One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: Lugh’s magical peacekeeping spear. This treasure was bestowed upon the Refracts and is kept in a tower. Notably, Dame Artemis’s goal in the second half of Frayed Knots is to retrieve it.
Sprigganhame - Pixie World’s official name (shortened). Pixie World is a micronation located entirely within a single Fairy World region (the Central Star / Purple region).
Tír Ildáthach - Fairy World’s official name; “The Land of Many Colors.”
Other terms that are commonly used as slang.
Abra-Bats - A slang term for Abracadabrium batteries: a rare portable power source controlled mostly by the Pixies.
Ah’kas - A slang way to refer to preening (specifically the ceremonial / intimate part of preening). See the Ceremonial Preening Terms section below.
Attraction Signals - Various pulses automatically put out by magical beings that allow other magical beings to detect their presence. These signals are named such because they attract the energy field.
Cú Chulainn - Not exactly a common slang term, but Cú Chulainn is a very famous mythical demigod. H.P. commonly refers to Talon by this as an affectionate pet name, parly because Cú Chulainn was a very strong hero and partially because the hero was famously fostered by several fathers (since the hero’s actual father was a deity who didn’t stick around).
Dazzled - A slang term from around the time Cosmo, Wanda, their counterparts, and the pixies were growing up. Replaced “jazzed.” It means “Cool” or “Awesome.”
Finella Reflex - The name for a Seelie’s instinct to destroy their Unseelie counterpart. Strongest when an Unseelie is in a Seelie’s territory (as determined by the strength of pheromones). Also known as “cold shoulder syndrome.”
>> A widely accepted theory slowly being discredited as time goes on. Poof and Foop’s ability to co-exist as roommates has confused a lot of people who used to believe in this reflex and used it to defend their racist beliefs.
Going Dusty - A euphemism for death among the Seelie. The Anti-Fairy equivalent is “gone to smoke” while the Refracted equivalent is “gone to mist.”
Gootie-Goggling - An old-fashioned slang term for checking someone out. This phrase is out of date in modern times.
Ivywish - A common word in Anti-Fairy society in reference to the Anti-Firebox v. Ivywish case. Saying something like, “They pulled ol’ Ivywish on me” or “They went Ivywish” means, “They discriminated against me on the basis of my being an Anti-Fairy.”
Jazzed - A slang term from the time when H.P. was growing up; “That’s jazzed” means “That’s cool” or “That’s awesome.” This phrase is out of date in modern times; it was replaced by “Dazzled.”
Jacked - A slang term from the time when H.P. was growing up; “That’s jacked” means “That’s dumb” or “That’s messed up.”  This phrase is out of date in modern times; something like “That’s ridiculous” or “That’s stupid” would be more common.
Lines - Shortened from “magic lines” or “breathing lines.” When an Anti-Fairy damsel gives birth to lifesmoke, it rushes towards the primary “host” counterpart and envelops them. Poof’s counterparts (Foop and their Refract) “bound together” and “attacked” Poof at the exact same time, hence the giant cloud and the confusion of the Fairies; normally the clouds are much, much smaller.
Mint - A slang term that will crop up during Poof and Foop’s teenage years; “I’m mint” basically replaces “I’m awesome” in the future. It is also often phrased as “That’s minty.” This slang term is not used in stories that take place before Poof and Foop enter middle school, and it’s at its peak during their high school years.
Naiad - A wingless Fairy (both those born without and those whose wings have been cut off).
Prince of Destiny - A slang term for a gyne (Usually intended to be sarcastic or insulting).
SHAMPAX - CPR for the Fairykind; stands for “Sharing Magic to Prevent Asphyxiation.” Usually administered mouth to mouth, but can also be administered by mouth to an open cut in the skin.
Sugarblind - A slang term that basically translates to “blackout drunk.” Not used very often. “Sugarloaded” is more common, but if you need to specify the difference between “drunk” and “blackout drunk,” you would use this term.
Sugarloaded - The state of being “sugar-drunk” due to consuming too much candy and/or soda. The Fae are not affected by alcohol- only sugary products.
Tingle-Fritzy - A state of arousal in the Fairykind that can result from anxiety, feelings of attraction, or from being sugarloaded, for example. This term is named after the fact that a Fairy or Pixie’s magic lines will fritz in and out of contact with the energy field in this state.
Thinningcore - “Going thinningcore” is the Unseelie equivalent of going tingle-fritzy, since the Unseelie don’t have their own magic lines. Simply put, when they begin to stress, they can have difficulty “breathing”. It’s also a common side effect of Anti-Fairies being right-side-up too much. While tingle-fritziness can sometimes be associated with pleasure (“sugar high”), going thinningcore is generally considered unpleasant.
Wishbirthed - A nymph who skipped the birthing process and was wished out of their parent, and as a result ended up with a large glob of magic stuck to them. This process can be seriously risky if you don’t know your anatomy well or can’t channel sufficient power. Often used interchangeably with luz mala even though technically they shouldn’t be.
Year of Promise - The time between when fairy courtship officially begins and when one’s wings are notched; “the honeymoon phase.” In Fairy culture (mostly seen in the common fairy subspecies but sometimes seen in others), Fairies mate on the first night of official courtship and then spend a year “hands off” from each other and all other partners. When the year is over, the couple reunite and discuss their feelings. They either marry or break up (it’s very rare to continue courting without marriage after the year is up).
>> The common fairy subspecies takes the Year of Promise tradition extremely seriously. Ironically, despite believing in a tradition that allows the couple to freely and respectfully bail out if they fear the marriage won’t work, they are stereotyped as a subspecies that rushes relationships.
>> Traditionally both partners should wear a ceremonial apron and gloves in public for that entire year and should avoid touching people with their skin. 
>> Notably, Wanda and Juandissimo had a Year of Promise. When it was over, Juandissimo enthusiastically requested Wanda’s hand in marriage and was shocked when she turned him down.
Common casual phrases in Fae culture.
“Are you jitterlines?” - “Are you crazy?”  
“As the dragonfly skims” - As the crow flies; measures distance by wing without taking the topography of the landscape into account. This term is used by Fairies; Anti-Fairies would say “As the bat soars” and Refracts would use the crow term.
“Don’t flap your wings dustless” - “Chill out”, “Calm down.”
“I’m only [Un]Seelie” - “I’m only human.”
“Lousy-lines” - A phrase that means something like “grumpy-gus” or “Debbie downer.”
“Sheathe your wand” - In this sense, it means “Hold your horses.”
“Who brushed the dust off your wings?” - “Why are you so grumpy?”
“Will a genie’s kiss fry your lines off for a week?” - Rhetorical question given as an affirmative answer; equivalent to, “Do chickens have lips?” Stemmed from the fact that genies have so much magic in them, kissing one long enough will overload the body and cause the Fairy to fritz all lines from the energy field.
“You’re fudging your wand waves” - “You’re exaggerating.”
“You’re twirling my lines” - “You can’t be serious” / “You’re making me anxious.”
“You’re yanking my wing” - “You’re pulling my leg.”
Special terms specific to Fairy culture. These terms are always italicized since they are words from an ancient language.
Aldra mór - The dominant gyne of the local area. A very dominant gyne who visits another gyne’s territory would be visiting an aldra mór, even if the visitor is more dominant than the host.
>> Ex: The Head Pixie is aldra mór of Pixie World. No gyne can be aldra mór of Fairy World because it’s simply too big, but they could be aldra mór of a neighborhood or estate property.
Chéad grá - The aldra mór’s alpha retinue drone (the drone in charge of leading the retinue and overseeing fellow drones). Although not the aldra mór, he generally holds authority and you might ask him questions if the aldra mór wasn’t around.
>> Ex: Sanderson is chéad grá of Pixie World; he’s sort of “head butler.” The term is tied to the aldra mór’s territory; you would not greet a drone by saying “Welcome to my home, chéad grá.”
Caisleán - The main building that belongs to the aldra mór and contains his sleeping quarters. These buildings were common in hive estates, though in modern times few gynes have estates so this term might simply refer to their house. To some people, it may be taboo to enter the building if you aren’t family.
>> Technically, H.P.’s penthouse - not the entire building - would be classified as his caisleán in modern times.
Mhaisci - A special room where preening is performed, usually but not always separate from the bedroom. Since the bedroom is considered private, it’s nice to have a separate place where it’s a little less awkward to discuss business deals. A mhaisci might be decorated like a bedroom, but is commonly decorated as an office with a couch.
>> You can see a modern mhaisci in my Sims 4 build of H.P.’s penthouse HERE.
Mhalaith-chéad - Special ceremonial clothing set aside for the chéad grá and ONLY the chéad grá to wear while preening. This clothing usually resembles silver silk pajamas, though there can be some variation. It’s very taboo for a lower-ranked drone to wear this.
Tháircha - A separate living area for drones, usually containing bedrooms, bathrooms, an office space, and a living area just like any other small house. It’s traditional for all drones to share one bedroom, however, which often cuts down on rivalry (usually 4 drones max to the same bedroom). Also commonly abbreviated “tháir.”
Tekti - A guest house, separate from the caisleán. If you’re staying on a gyne’s property, this is where you would be since gynes are territorial and generally prefer not to sleep under the same roof. Modern Pixie World features the Onyx Hotel in place of a traditional tekti, which would be a more humble building.
Yidreamu - A term that means “affection site.” Traditionally, Fairies don’t mate in the same beds they sleep in and in Fairy architecture you will generally see a smaller room connected to the master bedroom. This room is also used for snuggles or simply relaxing together while reading books or watching movies (not just mating). It is also very common for a couple’s yidreamu to be some sort of cabin, boathouse, or similar vacation home instead. I built a yidreamu in Sims 4 and talked more about them in the Fairy architecture post, HERE.
Phrases used in ceremonial preening; they appear in a few Origin of the Pixies and Frayed Knots chapters but are often glossed over elsewhere. They are usually referred to as “The ah’kas.” Some of these words also appear in Mother Nature and Father Time’s sacrificial shrine song.
These phrases should always be spoken in the correct order, in ceremonial conversation form, so they are listed in order and not alphabetically. In story, these phrases are always italicized. The use of these phrases can be seen in the Origin chapter “Senseless” and the Knots chapter “Tipping Scales.”
Again, preening is part of Seelie culture due to the fact that Fairies and Pixies share their DNA with insects; preening was specifically intended to be an anthropomorphized take on eusocial insect licking behaviors. Licking to show dominance and submission is instinctive for Seelie, particularly gynes and drones. Damsels are invited to preen for business purposes but are not usually taught the motions of the full ceremony (since damsels are based on drone bees and gynes and drones are based on queen and worker bees).
Anti-Fairies and Refracts do not normally preen. It isn’t instinctive for them and is not part of their cultures (in fact, in Anti-Fairy culture / bat instincts, licking someone’s face or neck is used to signal desire for sex... which is DEFINITELY not what a Fairy means to communicate). However, some might be willing to preen if invited to by a Fairy. For example, Anti-Cosmo is willing to preen with others due to his rank as High Count and his (often crippling) belief that he’s expected to do so; however, many Fairies are uncomfortable preening with Anti-Fairies due to the cultural gap between the races.
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish cara” - “May I have your mountain?” (Body)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish cara” - “If you will have me, you have my mountain.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish lámha” - “May I have your hands?”
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish lámha” - If you will have me, you have my hands.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish taná” - “May I have your lines?” (Breath)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish taná” - If you will have me, you have my lines.”
“Ah’ne ah’ne ah’ka, awa krei’ish ri’apa” - “May I have your core?” (Soul)
“Kalra kalra keiko krei’ish ri’apa” - If you will have me, you have my core.”
Preening is a mutual exchange of pheromones and, in full ceremony, is combined with gestures and physical touch. After offering someone your body, you are giving them consent to move closer to you (possibly on top of you or any other way they’re comfortable with that allows them a better angle to lick your neck).
As the ceremony advances, partners gradually share magic with one another, aligning their magical signals until their breathing is in sync. After agreeing to the fourth level - the core level - partners consent to transition to a mutual magical state where they can meld minds. This can be seen in some of my works, such as the Origin of the Pixies chapters “From Straw to Gold” and “King Unconventional.”
In business deals, you can also ask a “fifth” question and would replace the last word with the request you are asking for. For example, “utwrisa” which means “your aid and concern.”
The submissive preening partner (the drone or person seeking aid) initiates the questions and movements; only they have the authority to advance the ceremony in order to signal consent and hopefully limit the chance of abuse. The submissive partner only advances the ceremony as far as they are willing to go. It is common to stop after the first question when preening for the sake of settling a business deal (if you even ask a question at all... in modern times, many business deals are settled with a handshake or a few quick and simple licks). Some professional relationships may progress to the second question (hands), and even to the third (lines).
It is rare to advance to the fourth question (core) in a professional relationship. Much of the confusion between H.P. and Anti-Cosmo regarding the status of their relationship comes from the fact that H.P. repeatedly insisted to Anti-Cosmo that preening is “strictly professional” but did not make clear that the melding mind stage is generally treated in Fairy culture as a sign of great trust, friendship, and intimacy.
Thus, H.P. tends to see their relationship as more intimate and trusting than Anti-Cosmo does (which plays into why H.P. teases Anti-Cosmo so much, believing he and Anti-Cosmo are very close although in reality, Anti-Cosmo is often flustered or offended by his jokes). As another example, the relationship between H.P. and Jorgen constantly slides up and down, with both parties feeling comfortable with one another and happily progressing to the mind-melding stage of preening one day, but bitterly refusing to progress farther than the first stage the next. Their comfort level changes rapidly, but is at least always clear to them unlike Anti-Cosmo, who is constantly confused and hurt if H.P.’s comfort with him doesn’t remain at max at all times. Anti-Cosmo's self-esteem will take a hit if H.P. doesn’t allow him to complete the full ceremony every time they preen while H.P. believes he is simply communicating “I like you, I’m just not in the mood for going further.” Jorgen gets it because this is Seelie culture, but Anti-Cosmo is easily confused.
If you wish to stop the ceremony immediately (but respectfully), you would say “Shri'ana vi scintu.” So, if someone asked “May I have your core?” you could reply with a phrase that roughly means “No thank you, the current situation feels right and I don’t want to progress” without the harshness of a simple “No.” H.P. is notorious for flat-out saying “No” instead of the proper phrase, which often insults or confuses the people he preens with.
Swears, slurs, or otherwise unprofessional language.
Blitz - Not a particularly nice word at all and generally considered the ultimate rude term (though it can be combined with other terms to be even ruder). “Blitz” can also refer to mating, especially mating quickly or carelessly.
>> “Snatterblitz” would actually be the ULTIMATE rude term.
>> H.P. uses the word “Blitz” frequently, though he tries not to use it in professional settings. Despite his best attempts, it commonly slips out when he’s around Jorgen or Anti-Cosmo, who sometimes sit in awkward silence. H.P. becomes flustered when he hears young children (pixie children in particular) use this word. If your kid overhears him and begins repeating it, it’s one of the few things he’ll immediately and sincerely apologize for.
>> Though it’s frowned upon to use this term in Fairy World, it’s EXTREMELY frowned upon in Anti-Fairy World. Anti-Fairy culture is rooted in the idea that friendship and passion, not selfish personal pleasure, should be the reason you engage in sexual activity. “Blitz” implies very casual behavior with the goal of quick personal pleasure, and clashes harshly with Anti-Fairy values. An Anti-Fairy who states that he or she enjoys “blitzing” would be shunned.
Brownie-Kisser - A slur with its roots in the idea that brownies as a race are naturally dumb and shy and easily taken advantage of. Someone with a brownie for a significant other is often viewed as not being able to “get anyone better”; a “brownie-kisser” is often viewed as desperate, slutty, or even a rapist.
>> Despite the fact that this term is blatantly racist and cruel, it’s unfortunately still quite common in Fairy society (and so is bias against brownies in general). A more extreme term is “brownie-blitzer.”
>> This slur is practically non-existent in Anti-Fairy World. Anti-Fairies don’t mind brownies and it would only be used as an insult to a Fairy’s face, not as gossip behind anyone’s back.
Dust / Smoke / Vapor - Fae turn to either dust, smoke, or vapor when they die. These terms are sometimes used as exclamations, such as “Smoofing dust,” “Good smoke,” or “Dear vapor.” Fairies use “Dust,” Anti-Fairies “Smoke, and Refracts “Vapor.” These terms are considered very mild and are usually used in place of “Curses!” or “Drat!”
Fez - A mild exclamation in Genie culture. May also come in the variation “fezzing.” This term is rarely used by non-Genies. If you hear that word, someone nearby is probably a genie in disguise or hangs around genies often. Despite being a mild Genie word, Happy Peppy Gary considers it to be worse than it is and tends to use it if he’s frustrated and his usual “freaking-deaking” doesn’t cover it.
Fritz - The state of magic lines rapidly disconnecting and reconnecting to the energy field.
>> “Fritz” is less extreme than “Blitz” and “Snatter” but more extreme than “Smoof.” I would say it’s equivalent to “Damn” if used as an exclamation. It can also be used in casual conversation when referring to breathing lines, since that’s the appropriate context to use it in.
Knotted-Lined - A very cruel way to call someone an idiot. Widely considered a slur that should no longer be used at all.
>> To put this into context, even H.P. (who is known to use “Blitz” regularly) avoids using this term unless he is EXTREMELY upset with someone. If I recall correctly, this term is only used in the Origin of the Pixies chapter “The Makings of Greatness.” It probably slips out when he’s drunk with his friends though.
Smoof - Mild curse word; Norm and Sanderson have both used it in canon. With smoof canonically being a reference to hemp, I’ve headcanoned it as being a plant that can be used for various things, such as making burlap sacks. Notably, Happy Peppy Gary uses this term since he’s spent so much time around Pixies, which often earns him strange looks from humans.
>> This is a very mild term and is the equivalent of “Shoot” or “Darn.” If you can catch yourself then it would still be better not to use this term in a professional environment, but most people probably wouldn’t bat an eye if they heard it. It is commonly used as an adjective to emphasize frustration with a situation (“Smoofing”).
Snatter - Not a nice name to call someone; sometimes strung together as “snattersmoof.” The exact definition falls somewhere between “brown-noser,” “cheat,” “submissive partner,” “lovable scamp,” and “female dog.”
>> Both Sanderson and Anti-Sanderson tend to use this one a lot. It’s more extreme than “Fritz” but still not as extreme as “Blitz.”
>> A similar word, vlakrina, exists in the traditional Anti-Fairy language (Vatajasa). However, Anti-Fairies view a vlakrina as “a person who humbly intends to dote on you to express genuine apology as though they were your devoted sexual servant” rather than the Fairy view of a snatter which is something like “a person who is alluring or submissive because it turns them on or because you hired them to act this way.”
>>> Calling someone “snatter” is pretty much always meant to be insulting while calling someone “vlakrina” could be a compliment akin to “You are extremely humble.”
The traditional terms used to describe relationships with counterparts, from Gaelic kinship terms.
These traditional words fell out of fashion in the cloudlands during the War of the Sunset Divide (causing most Fae to use terms like “Niece” and “Nephew” to refer to their counterpart’s children) but the terms make a comeback as Poof and Foop enter adulthood. You would put a possessive word like “My,” “Our,” or “Their” in front of these terms, which are lowercase and italicized in story.
These words are very useful for Fae who regularly have contact with their counterparts’ families. Poof understands them because Wanda’s side of the family is firmly rooted in Fairy traditions, including language, though he rarely uses them because he’s still reluctant to acknowledge Foop’s family as “his” family. Foop, being a smug know-it-all, likes to use these terms but has a hard time remembering what they mean and tends to mix them up.
“My counterpart(s)” - Mhuintir
“The brother of my counterpart” - Deantháir
“The sister of my counterpart” - Deirfiúr
“The spouse / committed partner of my counterpart” - Ceathar
“The partner of my counterpart” - Muirnīn (Generally used for a boyfriend, girlfriend, or similar partner who can’t be called a spouse)
“The counterpart of my father” - Uncail
“The counterpart of my mother” - Aintin
“The son of my counterpart” - Nia [Generally implies the child was raised by them; might not apply to a blood child who was given up for adoption but definitely applies to anyone adopted into the family]
“The daughter of my counterpart” - Neacht [Same as above]
“The grandson of my counterpart” - Garmhac
“The granddaughter of my counterpart” - Gariníon
“The father of my counterpart” - Athair
“The mother of my counterpart” - Máthair
“The grandfather of my counterpart” - Seanathair
“The grandmother of my counterpart” - Seanmháthair
“My biological son raised by my counterpart” - Mac
“My biological daughter raised by my counterpart” - Iníon
“The children of me and my counterpart(s), collectively” - Leanbh
Those are the kinship terms; on some level, these people are considered your extended family even if they are a different species. Fairies believe that counterparts share a soul, making them closely related. Because of this, Fairies shun romantic relations with anyone in the above kinship list (though it is widely agreed that it’s natural to develop a crush on your counterpart’s love interest).
Anti-Fairies, however, traditionally believe themselves to be a completely separate species who were originally shapeshifters but later took on forms to resemble people they grew fond of. They believe they are not related to Fairies by blood or soul, but are akin to “guardian angels.” Because of this, most Anti-Fairies would consider it acceptable to have romantic relations with their counterpart or their counterpart’s relatives.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents masterpost
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theaviskullguy · 2 years
So u want secrets huh? Well,
I used to be in big love with mlp! My friends and i were big into it circa 2013's or so and each of us claimed a character. We were a big enough friend group to have all mane 6 covered. Twilight (very nice and smart), fluttershy(actually was p toxic), rarity (so rarity she went to fashion school), dashie (a furry also a lot like rd tbh), we had an applejack for a short time... and then i was pinkie! Because i was not only silly as heck but also extremely innocent (literally at like 13, seeing a picture of my pony in question snorting what i now know is cocaine and thinking she was enjoying a pixie stick c:) and it was also just rare to see me drop an f bomb.
Anyways.... i um. I had crushes on all of them like litterally all my friends i was so gay picture this anon sitting between friends looking at their features and thinking about how pretty they are pink in the face like "wow... friendship is magic 🥺😳" BUT I DIDNT FUCKING KNOW WHAT A LESBIAN WAS EVEN WHEN I STUMBLED ACROSS UNSAVORY BAD ARTS WHEN SEARCHING UP PONIES. I JUST DIDN'T KNOW. TEACH KIDS ABOUT LGBT ITS BAD ENOUGH TO LOOK BACK AND REALIZE YOU DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THE ATTRACTIONS YOU FELT. anyways im no longer a girl pinkie pie either
Anyways the pony stuff was unecessary i guess but i thought it made visualizers even funnier. Gay horse
oh lawd.
once again
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jayankles · 6 years
Big Bag of Dicks
Pairing: Jensen x Twin Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2137
A/N – This is my submission for three challenges. 1St – for @roxyspearing who graciously gave me an extension with this #roxy’s spn quote challenge with the quote ‘You’re my brother, and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks.’ 2nd is for @queen-of-deans-booty #Jordan’s 2K Fluff Challenge with the prompt wrapping gifts. 3rd is for @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms  #karissa’sgiffollowerchallenge which is the gif below the cut
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You knew this was a bad idea! You should have known what he was going to do but you still let him come on this shopping trip with you!
All your life you had known that he was a little shit.
Even when you shared your mother's womb, he would kick the living daylights out of you.
And of course he had to kick you so he could get out first, something he'd brag about still.
Spinning on your heel, you caught him doing the exact same thing you told him not to do a few moments ago.
He was a fucking pain in the ass.
‘Would you fucking stop!’ Exasperated, you punched him as hard as you could in the shoulder.
‘I don't know what your talking about.’ Jensen said, a smug grin on his face. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
Groaning, you threw your head back and looked to the ceiling of the supermarket.
‘Jensen, you’re my brother, and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks.’ Pointing a finger at him, you told him that this was not the day to get on your nerves even more. You were already stress that it was December now and you still hadn't bought a present for your mom and dad.
‘Oh lighten up, Y/N/N. I'm just having some fun.’ He tried to reason but it still wasn't working with you. You were pissed and he wasn't making things better.
‘It's all fun and games for you but this is serious for me. This is the only time where I don't have to go into work and spending the day with you guys because my boss is an add. I don't need to add you to that list too.’
You just needed him to stop throwing unnecessary items into your shopping cart. God he was an ass.
You loved him but he was an ass and pushed you to the absolute limit, it didn't help that you were already behind schedule on buying and wrapping gifts.
You knew exactly what to get. Your father had been moaning and groaning about his watch being ‘a stupid, non working piece of metal.’ Your mother, on the other hand, was one that you could make. She usually complains about all of her children, and grandchildren, not being with her all the time. The scrapbook you hoped to make her would help her see that she was an amazing woman and that although her children weren't in the same room at the same time, they would always love her and be there with her, be there for her. You had all the images cut out and ready for her scrapbook, you just needed to find the perfect one for her. Your brother definitely wasn't making it easier, throwing every other food item and artsy stuff into the cart you were pushing.
You were stressed and pissed. Not a good combination when you want Christmas to be perfect.
Was it to much to ask?
Finally, Jensen got the hint; a nose flare and scowl later.
He took the items, that weren't on your list, out of the cart and apologised profusely, seeing that you were close to a breakdown enough to bring you to tears.
At first it was funny, you had to hand it to him but continuously doing it drove you insane.
‘What's next on the list, Sis.’
You scoured the list, all consisting in your scribbles and crossed out items that you had thrown in there already.
‘Um, we still gotta get the veggies, the turkey, the um- the five bird roast that me, you, Pops and Birdie love.’ You pointed a finger to the ceiling before pointing it at your twin brother. ‘Oh that reminds me what do I get for Dani - do you guys need more baby clothes or can I just offer my assistance as the cool aunt slash babysitter.’
Smiling, you hoped that it was enough but were willing to do anything to make your sister in law happy.
He waggled his own finger at you, a lopsided grin, ‘uh uh uh, you’re not getting out of it that easily. You’ll babysit whether you like it or not, Y/N/N. She has been eyeing a dress for quite some time. I would have got it but I’m planning on gifting her another thing. This way you have a present to give her and she’ll think you’re a mind reader but you’ll know that I’m a great husband and listener.’
‘Didn’t I have to tell you three times to stop being a pain in the ass? You’re not that great of a listener.’ You laughed at him as he looked as if he had been punched in the gut.
One week later
A knock at your bedroom door sounded and you rushed up from the floor, watching your step, to make it to the door.
‘Wait!’ The door handle began to open. ‘You’re not allowed to come in. There is a sign on the door!’
‘You don’t even know who it is.’ The voice sounded and you rolled your eyes.
‘You idiot, I do now and I’m wrapping presents, yours included, Jay.’
You knew you should have locked the door the moment he wiggled it again.
‘Jay, I swear to god would you please just stop. I’m trying to do something nice for you and if you ruin it, I will kick you where it hurts most, I will hack your twitter, I will reveal secrets not even mom knows. Do not test me!’
‘You promised me you wouldn’t, we twin shook on it.’ He whined through the door, you could literally see the pout on his face now.
‘Yes I did. But if you try to open this door, mom will know what happened when we were seven and you won’t get any of the gifts I have got for you.’
He was silent and you were sure that Jensen was thinking about what you had said, he was only a few seconds away from giving you an answer.
You knew him well enough, you hoped.
‘Can you at least give me a clue? Then I’ll go.’
‘Nope but you’ll love it.’
You quickly opened the door and pressed a kiss to his cheek. ‘Thank you,’ you squealed before shutting the door again, effectively shutting him and the rest of your family out of your room.
Terrible, you were terrible at wrapping gifts, no matter how many times you had tried, it never worked out well for you. The triple rolled and poorly taped gifts would have to do for now. You just hoped that your family would appreciated your hard work.
Christmas Morning
Grunting awake, you lurched upwards, a heavy weight on your stomach.
‘Aunt Y/N/N. Aunt Y/N/N. Wake up! It’s CHRISTMAS!’ Your enthusiastic niece, JJ, squealed in your face.
‘Justice,’ you whined with an exaggerated pout, tucking her dirty blonde hair behind her little pixie ears, ‘please, my sweet girl, five more minutes.’
She huffed, her big brown eyes, which she inherited from her mother, growing even wider. Dammit, why did she have to be so cute? ‘But Y/N, when you say five minutes you don’t mean it. You want longer and daddy said I could have candy if I woke you up.’
‘Jay, did daddy put you up to this?’
Her eyes quickly averted and buried her face in your neck, ‘no.’
‘Uh huh. Tell you what...’
‘What?’ She slightly lifted her head so that you knew she was listening.
Shaking your head at her, you reached over your bedside table and grabbed your phone. ‘How about I lay with my best girl for another ten minutes, huh? We hardly ever get to do this anymore, please Justice.’
‘’kay.’ Thank god it was that simple. ‘Just ten more minutes.’
Setting the timer – to twenty minutes but she shall never know – you put it back on your nightstand and fell back onto the bed, your arm now thrown over the little girl as you snuggled against each other and got just a little more sleep.
A mere five seconds after you closed your eyes, the alarm on your phone went off, you had no excuse for the little Jaybird now.
After silencing the phone, you turned your head to see brown eyes and a smile already wide and greeting you. ‘That took forever.’
You deflated a little. ‘Did you not wanna spend time with Aunt Y/N/N?’
‘I did! But Santa came last night.’ She was bouncing now, on her knees and tapping your palms against your stomach. ‘Can we please go wake the others and open them? Please?’
‘I don’t know,’ your voice a little high as you sung. ‘Do you love me?’
She giggled, gripping your pajama top in her little fists and nodding excitingly. ‘Yeah!’
You tapped your cheek, ‘gotta give me some lovin’, Jay.’
As quickly as you had said it, she wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed your cheek then moved to the other side to repeat the action. ‘Love you.’
Finally, you both got out of bed but she refused to let you go so you carried her to the family room where the rest of your large family were.
‘Hey, look who’s finally up!’ Your twin teased, munching on his cookie, a traditional christmas morning cookie and by the looks of the almost empty plate and the crumbs that coated the corners of his mouth, something was telling you that it wasn’t his first one.
‘Shut up.’ You said to him before you took two cookies. Bouncing JJ on your hip, you handed her a cookie and tapped them together in a ‘cheers’ action. ‘You wanna see what Santa got for you?’
‘Duh!’ She giggled and you immediately looked at her father.
‘Oh yeah, totally your kid.’
JJ wiggled out of your hold, sitting cross legged next to the tree, offering various poses – a range of cute smiles and smirks just like her daddy – at the phone Danneel pointed at her. You went to go sit on the fossil grey armchair, tucking your legs under yourself, resting the cerulean blue cushion in your lap.
‘Dani, gimme the phone and you and Jay can get in the picture too.’
You had the perfect angle from where you were sat, from top to tip the decorated tree fit in the frame, the family of three – soon to be four – picture perfect smiles on their faces.
Jared, Gen, Tom and Shep came over to the house not to long after. Finally, all the children were able to open their presents along with the rest of the adults. You just hoped that everyone liked what you got or made for them.
Even you were excited to open your gifts. Your mom knitted you a thick, warm scarf. Your dad brought you two leather bound journals, The Princess Bride DVD and tickets behind the dugouts to see the Dallas Cowboys. You thanked them both, kissing your mom on the cheek and high fiving your dad.
Danneel loved the dress you got for her, you told her in the card you wrote that it was Jensen’s idea. I wasn’t her only present though, you picked up three of the same sized packages handing them to Jensen, Danneel and JJ, telling them to open them all at the same time.
You smiled in anticipation as they opened their gifts, the colour of the decoration the same sky blue with speckles of gold splattered on them.
‘What is it?’
‘They’re sound waves. Forever ago, I asked all three of you if I could record your voices. I told you all to say I love you. Jensen’s necklace has Dani’s and Jaybird’s, Dani’s has Jay’s and Jaybird’s and JJ’s has her mommy and daddy’s.’ You scratched at the back of your neck. ‘It’s not much but I just hoped that it would-’
Jensen interrupted you, smothering you with a big ole bear hug, one of your favourite hugs.
‘They are perfect, thank you.’
The mug he got you customised with his face on it could never compare to the thought you had put into the gift that you had got for his little family.
He thought your reaction was priceless enough to throw his head back, his action a whole body laugh that turned into a giggle.
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It was a good job Jensen and the rest of Jared’s family had pitched in to getting you a fancy camera and those fairy lights so that you could hang it in your bedroom back at home. The piece of thread you had hanging from your walls a little bare. Jensen would just have to make sure that there was enough memories made to fill the strings.
Lemme know what you think... feedback is life
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hotsterfield · 6 years
Christmas - Tom Holland
Word count: 2559
Masterlist | Promptlist
A/N: Someone requested this, and it was what i had in mind for my Christmas special, so i decided to do it!
It is so heavily based on my family traditions. So to the Danes, i’m really sorry if i messed up on some of it, but I’m only an expert on my own traditions! This is kind of how i imagine it would be like, to bring a not danish guy home for Christmas! So Merry Christmas and happy New year!
“Welcome home love” You mum said as she opened the door for you and Tom. She quickly pulled you into a hug, before looking at Tom. “And Tom. It’s great to have you here”
“It’s great to be here, Mrs l/n” Tom said politely, as he also got pulled into a hug.
“Come on in! We’re about to start decorating the Christmas tree. We’ve been waiting for you two to show up” You mum hurried you into the living room, where you found your siblings. You greeted them, and Tom kept in the background. He had met your parents, but never your siblings. He wanted to make a good impression.
“So, this is the lover boy, huh? Thomas, right?” You sister greeted him, with a smug smile. If you knew your siblings right, they were going to scare him, just like you had done so many times before with your siblings’ friends.
“Yeah. And Tom is fine. I usually just use Tom. It’s a pleasure to meet you” Tom said, smiling kindly.
“So… Tom. You are dating out baby sister. I’m just pointing out, that the sentence for murder in Denmark, isn’t that long, so if you don’t take care of her, I will take care of you Your brother said dead serious, causing you to glare at him. “But welcome to the family!” Your brother said happily, as he pulled a confused Tom into a hug.
“I am. And I will. She’s the most amazing girl I’ve ever met, so I’m not going to risk losing her. Even if it means spending Christmas in Denmark” Tom answered happily, as he gave your blushing cheek a kiss.
“Before the two of you get all lovey dovely, we need to decorate the tree. Mom is making… Risengrød” Your sister commented, as she looked at Tom. “Eh, rice porridge. Pudding? Does it even have a translation?”
“I don’t think so? I think it’s pretty Danish” You said, uncertain. “It’s like a porridge, made of rice. You boil the rice in milk, and then we eat it with butter and cinnamon with sugar. We also pour this fruity drink in the bowl, when we eat it” You tried to explain to Tom, but you realised how crazy it must’ve sounded to him.
“So, is that the dessert?” Tom asked with frowned eyebrows.
“Kinda. But in our family, we eat it for dinner, on the 23rd. It’s a tradition. Just like how the air balloon is the first thing to go on the tree!” You said, grabbing the pixy in an air balloon, and putting it on the tree. It was beautifully embedded with small glass pearls.
“Is that one more special than the others?” Tom asked, as he started taking some of the other items up from the box.
“Yeah. When our parents first got this house, and they spent their first Christmas here, they didn’t have any stuff for the tree. They made everything from paper, so it was just all white. The air balloon was the first thing they got, and the first coloured thing on the tree” You explained, as you all started decorating the tree. It didn’t take long before the tree was decorated, and you stepped back as your sister put the last ornament on it.
“And then we just need the star” She said, as she gave the star to your brother. He was the tallest in the family, so he always got to put the star on the top.
“Don’t we need to turn it on as well?” Tom asked, as your brother placed the star safely on the top.
“No. We turn it on tomorrow, after dinner” You sister said, as your dad started setting the table.
“So. Tom. What do you do? What do you study?” Your dad asked. Your parents had only met Tom a couple of times, and only very briefly. You had never really told them about the fact the he was an actor, but you had hinted it a lot of times. You had even been on a couple of gossip magazines.  
“I am an actor, so I don’t study anything” Tom answered, as he started helping your dad setting the table, like the gentleman he is.
“Yeah dad. Y/n’s boyfriend is famous. How did you think she met all of those big actors? You don’t just run into Robert Downey Junior or Chris Hemsworth in London” Your sister looked at your dad surprised.
“So, you’re a successful actor then? In movies? Any movies I know of?” Your dad kept asking, making you roll your eyes.
“He plays Spider-Man. I sent you a picture of him. In his spider suit. I’ve sent you a picture, of him. In a magazine. In his spider suit!” You said with a laugh.
“I thought he just had a really good costume! Spider-Man is your favourite hero, so I thought he just had a really good costume, because you like it. But of course. If anyone is going to date their childhood crush, it has to be you” Your dad smiled, as your mom came in with the risengrød.
“Y/n, why didn’t you tell us Tom is an actor? And a big one too!” Your mother said, as everyone took their seats.
“Because you would judge him based on that. And you would interrogate him with whatever stuff google tells you! Besides, we’ve watched two of his movies. You even pointed out how one of the actors looked like Tom” You said, shaking you head in a laugh.
“And Tom. Since you’re the guest, you get to start! There’s an almond in there, and whoever finds it, gets a present” You gave the big bowl of risengrød to Tom. After he had taken a portion, you guided him through the cinnamon and butter. As he took the first spoonful, he got a strange expression on his face.
“That was not the taste I was expecting, but I think I like it. It’s very creamy” Tom commented, as he took a second spoonful.
“Your family is really competitive. I had no idea that you could get so competitive, and strangely enough, I think it’s kinda hot” Tom confessed, as you got into your room. You had been playing board games most of the nights, and everyone in your family always wanted to win.
“Then just wait till you meet the rest of my family. They’re much worse than me!” You laughed, as you sat down on the bed. “Do you want the bed? I don’t mind taking the mattress”
“We can just share the bed. I don’t mind being close to you” He said lovingly, as he put his arms around you.
“Tom. We usually share a king size bed. This is a single bed. You’re either going to push me off of the bed, or squash me against the wall” You shook your head, smiling at Tom.
“I’m not! I’ll have my arms around you, so if you fall, so do I” He insisted, with his puppy eyes.
“You know I can’t say no to you and your gorgeous eyes” You said, leaning in towards his lips. “But if you push me down, you can sleep on the mattress”
“Deal” Tom said, before connecting your lips.
The following day had been long, but you had enjoyed every moment of it. You had started the day of with a family breakfast, before you had started preparing the food for the dinner. Just after noon, you had all gone to church. Tom had tried so hard to stay focused in the church, but he didn’t understand a word that was being said, so it didn’t take long before he started entertaining the little girl in the row in front of you instead.
When you got home, everyone took their seat on the couch, as you watched the last episode of the Christmas calendars. It was another thing you needed to explain to Tom. That you in Denmark had a tv show, specially made for December, with an episode every day till Christmas.
“So the girl, Tinka, is a nisse. Like a pixy, or a leprechaun thing. She lives in the Nisse world, where they hate humans, because humans stole their Christmas star and their magic. Then she found out the she was a half human, and everyone got scared of her, so she went into the human world, where she found the boy, Lasse, who helped her find the Christmas star.
The nisse crowns prince killed his father, so he could become king. He’s a really bad person, but Tinka and Lasse found the kings other son in the human world, who also turned out to be Tinkas father. Now the evil prince is in the tower of loneliness, and they just have to do a ritual to get back the magic” You had explained to a very focused Tom. Just about every Dane knew the concept of a Christmas calendar, but Tom didn’t have a chance at understanding it without seeing it.
It was always a boy and a girl, who somehow need to save Christmas. There was always an evil person, and relatively often also a younger sister. The Christmas calendar was one of your favourite Christmas traditions, and Tom really wanted to love it with you, so he tried his hardest to understand it.
After watching Tinka, you watched the last episode of another Christmas calendar. “The Julekalender”, a show everyone knew, and the only show being aired every year. It was a lot harder to explain, and you eventually had time give up. You watched as Tom sat with a confused expression, as they started speaking a mix of Danish and English. The Julekalender was really a concept you couldn’t explain, it was just there. A part of the Danish Christmas for over 25 years.
After you finished watching the Christmas calendars, your grandmother arrived. When she was introduced to Tom, the language barrier came. She had a hard time understanding English, and Tom? Danish wasn’t exactly his strong suit.
“So your grandmother only speaks Danish?” Tom asked. He really wanted to impress your whole family.
“Well no. She’s fluent in Danish and German. She also speaks Spanish, just not English. She also speaks south Danish, but that technically doesn’t count as a language” You said, as your grandmother started talking to your siblings.
“That’s actually quite impressive. What about the rest of your family? Do they speak English?” Tom asked, suddenly nervous about meeting the rest of your family on the 25th.
“Yeah. I’m actually not sure about my grandparents on my mother’s side. My mom’s mother isn’t that great at it, but I don’t know about my grandfather. He used to be a UN peacekeeping solider, so I think he has some basic knowledge. But everyone does speak English. Even my 11-year-old cousin is pretty close to fluent” You said.
You grandmother came back to you and Tom, and you started talking to her about Tom. After a short time, the clock hit 18, and dinner was served. You all took your seats, and the food started going around.
“Y/n, I’m not sure what half of this food is” Tom said to you, in a low voice.
“Right. You know the duck, and the sauce. The boiled potatoes. Those are brown potatoes, it’s basically just caramelized potatoes. Then there’s red cabbage, and old fashioned white cabbage” You explained, as you pointed to the different items. “Oh. And that’s boiled apples with a bit of jelly on them”
“That’s a lot of cabbage. And why would you caramelize potatoes?” He looked sceptically at the brown potatoes.
“Just try it. It won’t kill you. Might ruin your diet, but I promise we’ll work out later in the week” You said, giving him a small peck on the cheek.
Tom carefully tried all of the different foods, but he was not a fan of the brown potatoes. The dinner went on nicely, with a lot of small talk, and stories. You and your siblings helped translate the conversations between Tom and your grandmother.
After having eaten most of the duck, you all just sat there, talking and laughing. After about half an hour, you cleaned up the table, before bringing in the dessert.
“are we having the. “risangroat”? Tom asked, trying hard to pronounce the word right, but not quite making it.
“No. It’s similar, but there’s chopped almonds in it, and vanilla. It’s sweeter, and it’s cold. We eat it with warm cherry sauce on” You smiled. “And if you find the whole almond, you get a present. Just like yesterday”
“I like how you turned food into a competition. It’s kind of a strange concept” Tom said, as he took a plate of risalmande. This time it was your grandmother who ended up finding the almond.
After having cleaned the table once more, everyone but your father left the living room.
“Why are we in the kitchen?” Tom asked, making you smile. This was one of your favourite parts of Christmas.
“He’s turning on the tree. When everything is lit, we go in and dance around the tree” You said in a calm tone.
“Dance? What do you mean dance?” Tom asked confused. Dancing around the tree wasn’t really something you did in most countries, so you could understand why it might seem a little strange.
“Well. We are going to make a circle around the tree, and then walk around it, while we sing Christmas carols” You explained with a smile.
“Okay. Is this something everyone does, or is it just one of your family traditions?” He asked, still a bit confused.
“Everyone does it. In Denmark, at least. I’m not sure about the rest of Scandinavia” You said, and in the same moment, your father opened the door, letting you back into the living room.
The tree was beautiful, and you looked at it in awe. There was just something about the lights from the candles and the tree, that made everything seem kind of magical. You took Toms hand, as you started singing the carols. Tom was humming along, since he knew the melodies, but not the Danish lyrics. You took a few songs in English, like jingle bells.
At the final song, a slightly faster carol, you held on tightly to Tom, as your entire family started running around the house, singing “nu er det jul igen”. Out of breath, you stopped back in the living room.
“So what happens now?” Tom asked, as everyone caught their breath.
“Now, we open the presents” Your mom smiled.
Your sister started reading the names on the presents, and handing them out. You all took turns handing out the presents, and when you were halfway, you got a present from Tom.
When you opened it, you found a beautiful jewellery set. It was silver, with blue gemstones embedded. It contained a neckless, earrings, a bracelet and a ring. The ring was absolutely gorgeous, and you carefully sat the box down, so you could give Tom a hug.
“Thank you. It’s so beautiful. You really didn’t have to” You said with your arms around him.
“Of course, I had to. Only the best is good enough for my princess” Tom said, as he gave you a quick kiss.
@rock-n-roll-queens @m-sterre @exclusively-inclusive @@rock-n-roll-queens @m-sterre @exclusively-inclusive @behxndthemask @stephie-senpai @gaiasambuci 
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
he  is in a fist fight every few seconds these low life fags demandi t and he says ok sowe are and htye get pissy and keep it up. then we see bja and preston and they try saying irritating stuff all the time want him weak and sickly and he says what for faggots cant take me as a regular person...and we laughed no. it is a sign they are weak ignorants slobs that are willing to hit to get stuffandhim andhe says hit me your head comes off...and he says knife goesnear it and he taunts him come on pussy comeon and he backsoff says i threaten you we take your stuff now..you say  it about my  ppl  all day long and we ciunter it now we up it on yout threaten you fuckers here and tkae your stuff..fag...and he says good God i was not listening...left ocmes backtries dub sh and we see it is bja and he cant stop, so we say what good aryou youcant defend yourself...he looks up says imherok and we say we took it all they odnt have it we do and it is Asgard..and he puked said you die bja and you later hes ays really pussy i never knew pussies could talk..and gets up says no and sits nd look youi squt to pee like your gf so he looks odd says wow this sucks and allday all night...and we  sy this it is them the morlock they are aggressivenow here and all over and we hit themaggressively. we flatten thier things and macs sawit instigated him drew himin and had him hit thier own stuff..over things too.  we firedon themstoped her temproarily...then hit harder they flew out he wasoff it and sh says ill die but no movie and he laughed..and saw tons below were her stopping her.  finaly she said we see and hit them all too.  a porkder too fatassedporker.tons free her now. and we see theminfight buthere it is. the slow gradualy decline in his life will stop we stop it he knows our plan doesnt care for you or yours your tuadry queens all hell bent on revenge on an inventor is no good meaning youhavenoparalel and your done....so he says if we are done you are yourdone...your all done porker this is sh and we dont eat sh so f off.  die scum...you fell for your tard kids stuff ad we dont so f off weak shithead...and   ehar himwheep sasy this we cant this sucsk so bad we cant stop the tards and it is true they cant..we can. hit hard and say this he said sabotage used Hulk proof abounds and w el ook he checks evidence yeh treat it like a real crime it is...bidens event a real crime...losing the AIprior to a real crime and more mssing it up...all crimes...sending tech overseas...the bomb and he is stillhere annoying all.  we use tons osf threats and it take toomuch time and we hang all now all. and we pile alreddy a constest here is on.huge huge piles and we challange macs nicely...for a pile contest and same footprint basedon quantity and a gentelmens bet one hundred dollars Thor covers it apoor person of ours,and we accept and we pay it if so and see then more it is different low amounts and we will see it in themtoo and we get it here is a bit differetn but wesant to Thor says RD saysand he tries they are on himthicknow and are morons losers blow it allfor ahoot andhowl and yousuck. idiot blackwidow porkedherself twice...hit teh ship using Hulk and then her own...as theyi wouldnt allow it to crash adn are wanted for homocide mass homocide gennocide and regicide patricide xenocide and miltiple countsof attemtped murder here on our son youfag girl we hit you now and yoiur ssuckad all charges placed areby your cops on you and interpol has warrants and your not allowed in russia by any....if yougo there they sayo you die.  and hve to come here toseewhat your doing...so youwont today asshole run to hte ukraine to live and yousay it and we say  youshould she tried to poison youtonsof times with sugar and moretomake you sickto get youto a hosptiatl to steel you  away and murder you eventully...and use you as a hostage...and he knows wanted it out...remembers the sugar pixie sticks he used toadvertise your idiocy...and she did it too and that is one reason why. she is a humping faggot too lesbo shits....we see you fingerupand allaround.  i sned the Hulk kill all hers take her stuff ripoff her middle fingers  adn we shall Hulk salys and both go after her now. Thor
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aunclesquishy · 7 years
Last night I had a dream I got tazed by a racist dude and then it just got rly bizarre
I was walking down a dirt road to a convenience store and these two dudes (one of whom I vaguely remember was not white though I forget what he looked like exactly; it wasn’t ultimately important it’s just smth that stuck w me after I woke up) were walking in the opposite direction (toward me but not with any real intention, they were just walking) and one of them made some kind of hand gesture that symbolized ‘14’ (I think it was just nine fingers, so at least the four was there, cause dream logic) and glaring at me as I passed (but it was rly weird bc it was the poc that raised his hands, so I’m walkin along all confused trying to figure out like 'wait a minute pok of color can’t be nazis can they there’s gotta be an explanation for this’ and in-dream reasoned out that all nazis are racists but not all racists are nazis, I guess, idk, dreams are whack man)
So with my back to them I made a '21’ (two and one w my hands) which I knew in my dream meant something but obv irl it doesn’t. Also I was now wearing a denim jacket with sick patches on it like a proper bamf
Walk into the store which like, imagine a real goat simulator gas station. Dudes follow me in and one points a gun and I’m like 'oh shit’ and shoots except plot twist it’s a tazer gun. And then it went slo-mo bc at first I didn’t feel anything and it slowly coursed through my body starting w my middle back. But it was weird bc part of it was like, 'I’m being electrocuted and in genuine pain’ but it was also 'im being electrocuted and it’s now that bad but I guess I should be convulsing so here ya go’ and like, part-consciously tensed my hands, legs, and back, and rolled my eyes back, and I remember thinking 'whoa this feels heckin WEIRD like not bad but just whoa so that’s what it’s like’
And then one of them knocked a pile of chips from a shelf. Not even a bag, just a pile of plain chips on a paper towel on a shelf.
And then like nothing it just cuts to me on a snowy bridge, but also not me, like your dream is stuff happening and bc it’s ur dream ur watching shit happen but ur not technically 'there’
So like this thing is playing out where it’s night and snowing on a bridge and the mane six from mlp:fim were all flutterponies now, even rd and fluttershy, and the style was different. They were obv smaller with confetti-like swirls and color gradients on their legs (I remember raritys was a pastel yellow into her usual white). And like they were all so pumped to fix this bridge and would shrink more (and their look would change too in that they’d turn into like, felted pixies). So now fluttershys tinker bell I guess and they fix the chains holding up the bridge and it’s like 'yay friendship did it high five everypony’
And they’re all zipping around town (which I think was rly London in disneys first Peter Pan) and then actual me is watching this looking up from the bridge like 'damn this season sucks what the fuck, hub’
Idk I remembered almost this entire dream but like what the fuck
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riddledeep · 4 years
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Fae Milestone Chart
Early life development for fae. Luz mala (fae born of magic) develop more quickly than most. Poof and Foop are luz mala.
More details below the cut.
Generally, Fae culture is good about letting you do things at your own pace without too much pressure (benefits of a million year lifespan). There are regular breaks in school, and if you want to take gap years in between, you can request them easily (as long as you’re willing to fill out packets or do projects later to cover what you missed).
Fairies are expected to complete Spellementary, middle, and high school before marriage and before pursuing a career path seriously. Further education is optional; the majority of Fairies do not go on to a school like the Fairy Academy. Godparents absolutely have to.
Anti-Fairy World has its own education program that’s basically a “come learn anything you want for as long as you want to” program. This system does not have face-to-face meetings in classrooms or daily homework. Research projects, dioramas, poster presentations, and other deliverables make up the majority of schoolwork. This system is much better suited to the nomadic colony life typical in Anti-Fairy World. The program is called the Anti-Fairy Academy, though it encompasses Anti-Fairies of all years and isn’t solely for further education (like the Fairy Academy is).
During the May Blossom War, Foop continued his education through the Anti-Fairy Academy program since he could not attend the rest of Spellementary or any middle school in Fairy World. At age 130,000, when Poof was entering high school, he decided to pursue education in Fairy World again. He dreams of being the first Anti-Fairy to graduate from the Fairy Academy and is racing against his rival, Anti-Whistle Anti-Fernfire, to do this.
Notably, Fairies are stereotyped as people who marry young but have their first kid much later in life. Historically, parents and children lived in separate houses but on the same large plot of land. Having children too soon could lead to overcrowding. Many Fairies do get to see their grandchildren, but very, very few meet their great-grandchildren.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 4 years
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Freckle Distribution in Gyne Fairies
If a Fairy or Pixie baby consumes a significant amount of jelly (any kind of jelly) before they shed their exoskeleton, they will develop into a gyne: the queen bees of Fairy World. All gynes show facial spots (freckles). The majority show neck and shoulder freckles too.
There is some range in freckle distribution, so certain patterns run in families. Notably, the Fairywinkle family carries the gene for lateral spots. Freckle distribution WITHIN the above areas can also vary:
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Locations - (Labeled in first picture)
Dusting - Number of freckles; how concentrated they are in one location
Heavy dusting - Lots of highly concentrated freckles
Light dusting - A small amount of scattered freckles
- H.P. has an average dusting of freckles on his face. He has a heavy dusting on his upper arms and a light dusting on the backs of his shoulders.
- Longwood has a heavy dusting on his face, upper arms, AND shoulders.
- Poof has a light dusting on his face, average on his chest, and heavy on his forearms. He shows lateral spots.
Gynes are the queen bees of Fairy World. They’re larger and produce the strongest pheromones, making them highly attractive to potential mates and drone Fairies. The dominant gyne in the area produces pheromones that completely suppress the fertility of subordinate gynes.
Since male Fairies give birth in FOP canon, only males can develop into gynes. Some male Fairies develop into drones instead (who are more like worker bees despite the name “drone”).
The term for a Fairy who is not a gyne or a drone is kabouter. The majority of the Fairy population are kabouters. Almost all pixies are drones with a small handful of gynes.
There are two types of gynes: dominant and subordinate. There can only be one dominant gyne in an area because his pheromones suppress the pheromones of other gynes. Subordinate gynes are infertile until they leave or challenge the dominant gyne.
Symmetrical freckle patterns are considered more attractive.
Gyne freckles can range in color between pink, red, orange, brown, and black. Pixie freckles are more red. Poof’s are more brown. Freckles darken with age. They are darkest during adulthood (peak of fertility) and lighten again later in life. THIS pixie reference sheet shows Longwood’s dark freckles and H.P.’s light ones.
The Anti-Fairy counterpart of a gyne is called a pilot. The Refracted counterpart is called a plume. They show the same freckle distributions as their counterpart.
Pilots are born with black facial stripes (i.e. Foop’s facial hair). Plumes are born with two long blue plumes that curl like ribbons from their hair.
Since Pixies are genetically identical, no pixie will ever show freckles far down the chest, up to the wrists, or down the sides.
Saying someone was “born a gyne” is technically incorrect.
In my final FOP ‘fic, Devil’s Backbone, Foop makes the connection between jelly and gyne development. Until that point, everyone assumed gynes were born randomly, but were more likely to be born to gyne or drone fathers than kabouter fathers.
Related: Fairy Class Overview || Pixie Class Overview
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 5 years
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Apt. 002, Rapunzel Apartments - Inkblot City, Pixie World
A study of Pixie design choices built with Sims 4. Pixies share apartment suites with peers in their age group and don’t live in individual houses. They share their genes with eusocial paper wasps, so a roommate system works well for them.
The apartment featured in this build is the one Sanderson, Hawkins, Wilcox, and Vice President Longwood share; other Pixie apartments are nearly identical. Not a lot of variation in Pixie World. Sanderson and Hawkins share the upper right room while Longwood and Wilcox share the lower left one.
The windows aren’t accurate to my vision (They can’t move in apartment builds), but overall I’m pleased. Check out the Head Pixie penthouse suite HERE. Compare with Gary and Betty’s Pixie-designed Dimmsdale apartment HERE.
Key points of modern Pixie architecture:
Monochrome color scheme of grays, whites, and blacks.
Whenever possible, Pixie rooms are not as boxy as rooms of Fairy design; slanted walls are expected. Overall, Pixie architecture is angular but flows smoothly.
Pixie apartments are intended for sleeping, storing clothes, and washing up. Socializing within the apartment is not a priority, so you won’t see many seats. When off the clock, pixies most often socialize in the recreation building, where they can work on their hobbies and converse with others in a larger space (Hobby items are stored in locker-like closets, freeing up space in the apartment for life essentials).
Most apartments feature a desk with a computer in the entry hall. Pixies may love technology, but they generally keep electronics out of the bedroom. You wouldn’t see TVs mounted on the wall, laptops in bed are shunned, and even those who stay up on their phone don’t stay up long. If you work in Pixie World, high-quality sleep is a must.
The ceilings of Pixie rooms are not as high as those of Fairy rooms; for Fairies, expressing dominance or submission in quiet but visible ways (like floating height) is incredibly important because it keeps the peace without stepping on toes. Pixies, composed entirely of gynes and drones, are sensitive enough to pheromones that they identify rank instantly and constantly without requiring the strict floating positions of the Fairies.
Pixies certainly don’t have separate sleeping and mating bedrooms like Fairies do- their culture discourages those affections to the point that they didn’t keep that crucial element of Fairy design at all. If a pixie does mate, it will most likely be done outside of Pixie World entirely; this contributes to the stereotype that pixies are an innocent, submissive race.
Bathrooms are never connected to master bedrooms directly; there is always some sort of hall. Pixies are neat freaks and distinguishing the rooms clearly is a must. No one wants to sleep with their head near a bathroom door.
Note the cushioned benches in the bathrooms- these are for sitting on while pixies clean each other’s wings. Fairies normally clean wings in the bedroom (which is usually where dressing occurs) while pixies are more likely to dress in the bathroom following a quick shower and a toweling off. This reflects the differences in each culture’s time management; Fairies tend to ready themselves for the day leisurely, sitting in bathrobes and eating breakfast, while pixies are prompt creatures who get in and out.
Few decorations, even on shelves. Bookshelves (if any) hold textbooks, Da Rules, dictionaries, and citation guidelines instead of novels.
Floors are tile or wood; carpet and stone are not common. Pixies use electric lighting instead of torches or oil lamps.
Half-wall kitchens are signature to Pixie design, providing more openness in a small space. Expect a coffee maker in every Pixie kitchen, even though they’ll probably buy a cup on their way to work anyway.
Dining tables are not staples of Pixie architecture. Rather, breakfast nooks provide small tables and a few chairs. Some pixies prefer the table farther from the wall with four chairs around it, though two usually serves just fine.
Worth mentioning that most pixies don’t do their own laundry. Laundry workers rank among the lowest of the Pixie social hierarchy, so when pixies return home they might find folded clothes waiting for them. Or, clothes might ping on top of them if they were in bed at the time (Blame Rosencrantz).
Related: Pixie Class Overview || Fairy Design || Anti-Fairy Design
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 5 years
Fae Magic
The very complicated subject of fae magic. My goal was to design a system that encompassed all the nuances of The Fairly OddParents, trying to bring them together under a single umbrella without invalidating canon, if possible.
Although it’s complex, this system has served me well as a worldbuilder and fanfic writer since it’s easy to pull it around and find a place for everything.
Magic: A History
Spells vs. Wishes
The Energy Field
Magic-Touched Objects
Wands (Features of a Wand || Wand Varieties)
Magic and Biology
Magic Pools
Sharing Magic
Magic and Money
Risks and Inconveniences
Healing Magic
Geasa and Da Rules
The Colors of Magic (Further details)
Magic Specializations (Further details)
Magical Faux Pas
Class Overviews: Fairies || Anti-Fairies || Pixies || Refracts
The Fairy Elder and Supreme Fairy Council
The Eros Family
Nature Spirits
Magic: A History
(Compare with “7 Billion Years In Brief”)
It’s speculated that long ago, fae ancestors possessed the ability to use core magic (the core being a fae’s life-giving organ inside the forehead dome). Core magic was quite powerful and did not require a conduit (e.g. a wand). Over several generations, however, that ability seems to have faded.
For several eras, magic required chants or ingredients in order to invoke its power. Potioncraft was the dominant magic system of the time. Spellbooks also came into being (as stone carvings or wood etchings bound into a collection on the Fairy side, scrolls on the Anti-Fairy side) and magic was limited to certain spells that had been discovered. Innovation was uncommon.
Modern Magic - Spellbooks have gone out of fashion. Potions are considered complicated and unnecessary. Potions can be brewed and used by anyone, even non-magical creatures.
Finally, several generations before H.P. was born, starpiece magic entered the playing field (“Starpieces” refers to several magical conduits, including wands and Pixie technology). Starpieces allow Fairies to cast magic easily, accurately, and silently; chanting is not longer needed because the wand does all of that for you. Starpieces tune into the same frequency of the energy field that Fairies breathe, granting access to the correct frequency of magic without drawing power from a Fairy’s life force.
Although ancient spellbooks and potion recipes still exist, starpiece magic is the standard magic system throughout Fairy World today.
Spells vs. Wishes
In Fairy legal terms, a spell is magic cast by a fairy acting on their own. A wish is the result of a godchild’s will combined with their godparent’s will; thanks to this combination, wishes can lead to seriously powerful magic far above what a fairy can cast alone. Granting wishes is also less draining for a fairy than casting spells.
You must be a licensed godparent to legally grant wishes, and you may only grant wishes for your assigned godchild. You can cast spells if you wish to, but your spells should be for personal reasons; you shouldn’t bring your personal spells into a godchild’s life unless they specifically wish for it. There are often legal repercussions for doing so due to possible disruption of a godchild’s feelings of safety and stability.
The appendix is the magical organ in Fairies that allows them to sync their thoughts to other magic users’ when combining their power. Fairies also develop empathy links with their godchild through the appendix as well to help them hone in on what a godkid is asking for. Even when godparents aren’t near a child, if the appendixes are linked, a godparent can sense a child calling for them.
Coast Clear? - Under “Magic Specializations,” read about Essential Sensories and how Fairies can check if it’s safe to poof in
When godparent and godchild are permanently separated, some may request the empathy link be severed (which usually involves the removal of the appendix). Others prefer maintaining the links until each godchild dies. Godparents who become extremely distressed can accidentally rupture their godkid’s appendix. 
Appendix - It’s extremely rare to be a godkid if you don’t have an appendix. No appendix means no wishes. A Fairy without an appendix will struggle to function in highly emotional Fairy society.
Spells, wishes, and appendixes are also discussed in the Pink and Gray chapter “Heroes to Goats;” as part of the agreement to let Gary, Betty, and Kenny grow up under Pixie care, the Fairy Council insisted their appendixes be removed. Pixies can cast spells around Gary and Betty but cannot sync minds or draw energy from them in order to grant wishes.
The Energy Field
Magic flows throughout the universe and different magical beings tap into different frequencies of it, like radios. As they grow, magical beings learn to tune out the static white noise put out by certain magical frequencies and tune themselves into the one that suits their people’s magic. Fairies draw their magic (and breath) from a certain energy field frequency. A Fairy can channel magic through their body, drawing on their own life force, or draw it through a conduit to avoid draining their own energy reserves.
Conduit - An object that channels magic (Usually a wand, but could be an ancient artifact or magical item)
Wands only work properly inside pockets of the energy field where magic is plentiful. Wands pick up a signal in those energy pockets the same way cell phones can; if you’re out of range, some features won’t work. If you travel any direction in the universe too far, you will eventually pass out of the energy field and it will be harder to use magic, and eventually become difficult to breathe; however, if you travel up or downstream a river of magic, you’ll be connected longer than if you run perpendicular to the river.
Magical Hotspots - Click HERE for the Fae Cosmology post, which describes these rivers of magic throughout the universe.
Fairies are connected to the energy field through invisible magic pathways called magic lines.
Magic Lines - Invisible magical pathways that connect Fairies to the energy field, allowing them to breathe and use magic. If a Fairy’s lines are disrupted, they will not be able to do either of these things. Sort of like windpipes, but they’re outside the body. Also known as breathing lines.
Fritz - If a Fairy briefly loses connection with the energy field, it’s called fritzing. Magic lines are constantly trying to reconnect with the energy field and will reattach quickly in most cases. When under something like a butterfly net or tinfoil hat, a fairy will instantly fritz and be unable to reconnect. They can still breathe and talk at first, but will steadily run out of magic (equivalent of being buried alive).
Fairies can fritz when startled, scared, if they swim too deep, or if outdoors in bad weather. If you fritz because you’re drunk or aroused, people might say you’ve gone tingle-fritzy.
For eons, the energy field has unfortunately become quite dirty. The Big Wand filters pollution from the energy field and distributes it across the nearby universe; the nearer you are to the Big Wand, the easier it is to drink from filtered parts of the field. All of Fairy World has access to filtered magic, but the flavor may differ the further you are. If you venture from Fairy World to another planet, you will go off the grid. Theoretically, the Big Anti-Wand functions the same way, but it doesn’t work as well.
When the Big Wand shuts down, so does its filter. Drinking raw magic isn’t ideal for modern-day Fairies since their bodies are accustomed to filtered magic. Flying and shapeshifting are still possible, but are more strenuous in a raw zone than a filtered zone. Starpiece magic may not be possible at all, or if it is then you only have access to dregs.
Fairy World is set to cut excess magic if the Big Wand goes down and start rationing its magic supply. Ensuring everyone can still breathe is priority number one. During “Crocker Shocker,” Crocker cut the Big Wand’s power. The field was still there, but Fairies couldn’t use it without getting sick, so their handheld wands immediately shut down to limit the amount of intake.
Near-Immortality - As long as a Fairy is in contact with the energy field (via their magic lines) they are extremely resilient and difficult to kill.
Magic resists magic (à la “Abra-Catastrophe!”) If you stab someone with a magical blade, it will pass through soft skin, potentially nick bone, and feel uncomfortable, but it won’t kill the Fairy. Fairies are weak to non-magical weapons. However, even then, they will heal quickly if in contact with the energy field unless they were struck by a significant amount of force or hit in a sensitive area of the body.
Arms heal quickly because they’re thick with magic (the hands are one of the exit points of magic, so magic travels from the core to the hands). Legs take a little longer but not by much. Wings do not have veins that carry magic, so they take much longer to heal.
Hospitals - The closer a Fairy is to the Big Wand, and the more power they can draw from the field, the faster they’ll heal even if they were badly hurt with a non-magical item. The Fairy World hospital is right next to the Big Wand because of this.
Core - The life-giving organ in a fae (equivalent to a heart, but this organ is magical and located in the hollow head chamber). Stabbing the core will kill a Fairy instantly.
Breathing - The fae don’t like going out in bad weather because it affects their ability to use magic (See also, magic lines). In particularly bad weather, they may not be able to breathe. Unlike humans, the fae get to breathe in outer space... but it comes at the cost of not being able to go outside if it’s a day you can’t breathe.
Anti-Fairies are not connected directly to the energy field. They are fully capable of performing magic in magical dead zones as long as their host counterpart has access to the energy field.
Magic resists magic (See also, “Abra-catastrophe”).
A magical being cannot be killed by an object that has been created or changed with magic (See also, near-immortality). If you’re a Fairy, you can cut your hand off with a magical knife and nothing will happen. You won’t even bleed. If you accidentally cut your hand with a non-magical knife, you will. Magical bullets cannot kill you, but non-magical bullets can.
Fairies are magical creatures, but are also grounded to the physical world. They could kill another magical being with their bare hands (Not immune to one another).
Opaque Magic - Magic in a visible, physical state. Magical beams and Bridges are formed of this magic. May or may not magic-touch an object (depends if a beam is manipulating the composition of an object).
Transparent Magic - Magic in an invisible, nonphysical state. This magic never magic-touches objects. Shapeshifting, levitating, and poofing something from room to room are examples of transparent magic. Domestic magic (kitchen/vanity) is also transparent.
A wand’s cap is filled with sacred rosewater drawn from the magical fountain Kiiloëi. This rosewater drains over time and must be refilled so the wand can tune into the proper frequency of the energy field. A wand with an empty cap is useless for performing magic. Click HERE to see the parts of a wand.
Different types of wands exist to fit the needs of different magic users. Some types are capable of deflecting magic, but are very heavy. Some wear out easily and are sold cheaply, making them good for those who lose their wands often. Read more about wand varieties HERE.
When a wand is broken, it releases a burst of energy that can be felt by nearby magical creatures. The energy field shifts as it tries to incorporate the new explosion of magic into its usual river-like flow. Bursts can disrupt nearby magic usage for about half an hour.
Gyne Fight - Wands are snapped in a gyne fight, preventing outsiders from interfering.
Magic and Biology
Natural fae magic is also known as pink magic- the color associated with quick reactions and basic biological abilities such as flight and shapeshifting. Fae wings are small and require the support of pink magic to enable floating. When energy is cut, fae cannot channel floating or shapeshifting powers in the usual way. Internal pink magic can be used without a wand as long as a connection to the energy field is maintained through the lines; spells used against other people still require a conduit.
Pink Magic - Fae naturally have an internal store of this. As long as you can breathe, you can use some pink magic. This means you can poof very short distances without a wand and change shape. You will not have enough magic to float if the Big Wand is down for a long time.
Different fae races have race-specific abilities. Fairies and Pixies secrete oils and stale magic from their skin on a constant basis. Being ectothermic, this sweat doesn’t actually cool them down, but it serves another important function: it allows them to store accessible magic in case of emergencies. If necessary, a Fairy or Pixie has enough power to cast a small spell even if they don’t have a connection with the energy field.
Fairies and Pixies also have an ability known as field-sight. They can sense nearby magical beings and can also use their internal magic to view the energy field in its raw state, viewing concentrations of magic in physical form.
Sweat - Seelie Courters secrete magic that sticks to their skin. They can cast one, two, or maybe three small spells without access to a wand, other than the usual pink magic. Only Fairies and Pixies can do this; Anti-Fairies and Refracts can’t.
Principle of Observation - When non-magical beings glance at a Fairy or Pixie who has magical sweat and dust on their skin, they may not realize something is out of the ordinary (Ex: They will notice an animal is an odd color, but will not question it). Those who perform a double-take will begin to question it, and those who continue studying and thinking about the situation will be able to pierce this “veil.” Anti-Fairies and Refracts are not protected by the Principle.
Godkid Clause - Godkids are immune to the Principle of Observation, no double take required, once they spend time around their fairies. Fairy dust can be spread to individuals the godkid interacts with, passing on the clause temporarily (Think “No Substitute For Crazy”). Witches, who are half magical beings, are automatically immune to the Principle.
Anti-Fairies have the power to mind-meld. They can read others’ thoughts, though most Anti-Fairies must make physical contact in order to do so; very few are powerful enough to do so from a distance. Anti-Fairies can also meld minds directly with their counterparts, allowing the three to communicate (albeit awkwardly) no matter how far apart they are.
Refracts are the inventors of scry bowls and crystal balls, and hold the power to see other locations through the eyes of birds (some can even control movements of the birds as well). Refracts only have this connection with the bird species they share their wings with, but any bird of the appropriate species is fair game for scrying through.
Racial Abilities - Special magical abilities only Seelie, Anti-Fairies, or Refracts have. These are the Principle of Observation, the mind-meld, and scrying (in that order).
Additionally, Anti-Fairies and Refracts hold the power of regeneration. So long as their Fairy host lives, the two counterparts are incapable of dying and will simply regenerate if “killed.” Depending on the severity of the wound and the size of one’s share in their magic pool, regeneration may be very quick or it could take weeks. See “Magic and Money” below for more about regeneration.
Magic Pools
Counterpart trios have a pool of magic shared between them. This is their allotted share of the energy field (No one can take this resource from them and drain it).
Here is a depiction of a magic pool. The pool is part of the energy field (represented here by negative space). The braided threads are the magic lines, or breathing lines.
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The hosting counterpart is directly connected to the magic pool at birth. The host has an organ that filters the raw magic and turns it into purified magic, which his counterparts breathe. Counterparts do not have their own organ to filter raw magic.
Host - In 99.9% of cases, the Fairy counterpart is the host counterpart. In extremely rare cases, the Anti-Fairy or Refract can be born the hosting counterpart. This is a major part of the plot in my ‘fic Frayed Knots.
Raw Magic - See “Sweat” described in the section above. Fairies and Pixies secrete raw magic from their system through their pores because they are hosting counterparts. Non-hosts do not have the ability to eliminate impure magic from their system. However, if an Anti-Fairy or Refract is born a host, they will be born with that ability (via drool).
When one counterpart uses a large amount of magic, they draw a large portion of the pool to them. The other counterparts will briefly be affected and may cough. If an extreme amount of magic is used, the other counterparts may briefly lose the ability to fly, may feel strangled, and could even black out.
Each pool is further divided into three parts, which are not always equal. Using a few large spells or many small spells will steadily drain the pool, and it will take time to rest and recharge. Pool sizes and individual share sizes are based on genetics, so some Fairies choose partners with large pools to ensure their children have large pools too.
Shares - How much magic you can draw from your magic pool before you start taking magic from your counterparts (which can make them sick).
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When a Fairy baby is first born, they do not have counterparts, so they possess all three shares of the pool. Poof’s pool was above average size at birth, making him a tempting target for Anti-Fairies and Pixies to exploit.
Lift - The larger your share of magic, the higher your crown floats. High lifts indicate magical prowess and are considered more attractive.
Core-Sync - What happens to the host is mirrored in one or both counterparts. The closer the sync, the more damage a counterpart will take if the host is hurt. Small amounts of damage do not cross the sync chasm.
Poof’s and Foop’s shares of the magic pool are equal because they have a strong core-sync. If Poof stubs his toe or slaps himself in the face, Foop can feel it. Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo have a weak core-sync. Anti-Cosmo only feels Cosmo’s injuries if Cosmo is severely hurt. 
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If you understand the existence of a magic pool, understanding shapeshifting is easy. You know that a fairy is connected to this pool via magic lines. Magic lines carry magic from the magic pool to the fairy.
Usually, only one spell can be cast or wish granted at a time. If you’re skilled, you can summon different food products in the same poof cloud. You might even be able to summon an entire circus as long as you’re locking into a “default” circus model. However, it’s difficult to summon a shield and shoot a magical blast at the same time.
Shapeshifting is pink magic. Remember:
Pink Magic - Fae naturally have an internal store of this. As long as you can breathe, you can use some pink magic. This means you can poof very short distances without a wand and change shape. You will not have enough magic to float if the Big Wand is down for a long time.
Because pink magic is internal (see the pink glow around my Wanda drawing), it can be used at the same time as magic drawn from the energy field (the blue line). This means energy field magic and pink magic do not overlap, so they can be performed at the same time.
So how does shapeshifting work? It actually doesn’t take ongoing concentration, and you can stay in a new form easily, even in your sleep. Imagine that inside your brain, you have two hooks that stand in the ground a fair distance apart. A rubber band dangles from one of them.
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That band represents your ability to shapeshift. If you can stretch your energy far enough, you can hook your shapeshifting ability in the “on” position:
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Your new form won’t slip off while you sleep (though it will snap if you’re caught in a butterfly net, because the “hooks” will disappear). To change back, you disconnect it. Healthy shapeshifting should be a one-time power burst, not an ongoing drain.
It takes time for fae children to learn to shapeshift. They can pull their band a little, but only through practice can they recognize the amount of force they should apply and what they’re trying to do with it. Young fae usually make the mistake of trying to hold their form with absolute concentration, making it impossible to perform other magic at the same time.
Partial Shapeshifting - Appearing in a new form only on the outside. Ex: A cow with the digestive system of a fairy (one stomach). Or a bird with the reproductive system of a fairy (cannot lay eggs in bird form). Or a car without a working engine. Startled Fairies usually take a form like this when hurrying to disguise themselves.
Full Shapeshifting - Taking on a totally new form. Ex: A cow with the digestive system of a cow (four stomachs). Or a bird with the reproductive system of a bird (ability to lay eggs in bird form). Or a car with a working engine. When a fairy needs to seem convincing, this is how they shapeshift. Full forms take more thought and energy.
For fae parents, the equivalent of “You can’t take your eyes off them for a second once they learn to crawl” would be “once they learn to hold a form.” It’s easy for babies to get lost, especially if you have no idea what they turned into while you were in the other room.
To force someone else into another form (if your target is magical), you have to override the natural pink magic of their body. This is the equivalent of one human trying to shove another off balance while they’re standing near each other. If the target is off guard, changing their form is easy. If they’re expecting you to push them, they might stumble but not fall (they’ll resist and knocking them over will take a lot more effort). Someone with a large magic pool is someone bigger than you (harder to overwhelm).
Reversal - It’s difficult for the target of a forced shift to reverse a spell on themselves. However, bystanders may be able to reverse it for them. Yellow magic can only be undone by the caster (or a Supreme Fairy Council member), but all other colors can be undone by another fae with enough patience.
Forcing non-magical beings into another form is simple since they do not have natural magic to defend themselves. You just have to get the form right.
Sharing Magic
Sharing magic is a form of intimacy for parents and children, siblings, very close friends, romantic partners, or gynes and drones (all close relationships, not just sexual ones). Spending pleasant time together can allow two fae to share magic. Sharing magic is easiest for Fairies and Pixies, though Anti-Fairies can also do it. It’s rare among Refracts.
Although Seelie and Unseelie Courters cannot physically mate, they are able to share magic to express intimacy. The exception to this rule is counterparts: counterparts cannot share magic because they already share the same magic pool by default (it would feel like normal breathing instead of a blend).
Aura Circles - Fae can sense nearby sources of magic in a circle around them. They also release signals into the energy field that other fae can detect. Your lift (height of your crown) indicates the size of your aura circle; higher crown means you can sense farther.
Range - Sharing magic requires you be close to one another, but when it comes to Seelie, it doesn’t require physical contact. It can even be done through a wall- you just have to be within one another’s aura circle.
Anti-Fairies don’t have aura circles, so they must be closer to share magic (usually the tips of their claws need to brush). Anti-Fairies are a snuggling species, so they normally share magic with friends while roosting together or intimate partners while mating.
Sharing magic literally involves opening your soul to visitors, allowing two partners to view each other on a neutral mindspace plane. Instead of a blank neutral zone, you can choose to invite someone to your core chamber: a personalized pocket dimension each fae possesses. Sharing magic is intimate because it involves blending minds in order to share thoughts and feelings that are difficult to articulate, allowing the second party to feel the brainwaves and emotions of the first (and vice versa).
When two partners come apart, it takes time for their lines to untangle back to normal, so for several minutes to a few hours, they continue sharing one another’s lines and magic pools. Partners whose lines are tangled are known as “snared.”
Snaring - Although sharing magic can be thought of as a sexual thing, it is widely viewed as a platonic equivalent: a deep and caring bond expressed between extremely close friends.
Magic and Money
Magic power itself does not cost money, but wands run on magical rosewater, and large wishes drain rosewater faster than smaller wishes. Wands sometimes need to be refilled (every few months if you use your wand regularly and every few years if you use it sparingly- possibly every few weeks if you’re a godparent).
You can refill your wand at one of many rosewater stations that exists in the cloudlands. Many Fairies keep at least one rosewater tank at home for future use; those tanks can refill a wand eighty to a hundred times and can be quite expensive.
Rosewater Station - Gas stations don’t exist in the cloudlands, but rosewater stations do. They also sell basic groceries and candy. In my ‘fic Snips and Snails, Foop mentioned you have to be an adult to refill your slushee cup.
If a wand is devoid of rosewater, a Fairy can try to draw power directly from their life force. The body usually resists this for the same reasons it’s difficult to tickle yourself- you will only be successful if your brain treats the draw as a panic response. If your brain isn’t panicking, you will probably not be successful at drawing directly from your life force. A direct draw is the final defense mechanism of the Fairy body, and because it directly damages the Fairy, the body prevents it unless you’re in an emergency situation.
Unseelie Courters (Anti-Fairies and Refracts) regenerate if they’re “killed.” If their bodies have enough natural magic, they regenerate on their own. If someone is low on magic, it may take longer. They may get caught in limbo for a while and may require a donation of magic to bring them firmly back to reality.
Too Low on Magic - Genetics, old age, sickness, or if you’ve lost a considerable amount of magic before (by using magic frivolously, excessive bleeding, multiple pregnancies, and multiple regenerations).
Friends might donate magic to a friend the same way a human might buy lunch for someone, but if your friend is constantly killing himself for the thrill of it, your patience may run thin.
Anti-Fairy doctors will heal you with magic they’ve gathered previously, but they may expect payment for their services. Payment is often made with money, though food or fancy clothing may be acceptable payments in some places.
Risks and Inconveniences
Keep in mind that shapeshifting and poofing short distances are actions performed with internal “pink” magic; those are easily performed and come with few risks attached. Besides monetary expenses and the drawbacks of pulling directly from your life force, there are other reasons fae may avoid using magic in my works as frivolously as they do in the show.
> Some people may not have a wand for personal or monetary reasons. Besides needing rosewater refills, the wand itself can break with overuse and some may not think it’s worth replacing. Kitchen wands that can perform only levitation and dish-cleaning magic exist, and vanity wands that can alter your face and hair also do. Do you really need an expensive ‘universal’ wand when specialty wands are much cheaper?
> Some fae do not have much magic to spare and consider using magic for shortcuts to be wasteful. Some have enough magic but see it weak or lazy to rely on magic as a crutch. Some limit magic usage for health reasons.
> Using magic does in fact age your body. A frivolous Fairy will have a shorter life than a frugal one (but does 20 or 30,000 years - only two or three years in human terms - really make much of a difference? That’s for the individual to decide).
> Using a lot of magic in a short time can be physically uncomfortable. The breathing lines connecting you to the energy field can feel limp and drained, and can easily get tangled. This causes discomfort for a Fairy, making them feel itchy, slimy, or flaky and dry (it may even be difficult to breathe).
> Trying to poof somewhere you can’t envision clearly can be dangerous. Most wands prevent you from trying at all, and will kick you back to where you just were if it can’t get a safe read on your destination.
>> Sometimes you literally can’t poof where you want to. At the end of Baby, You’re a Rich Man, H.P. and Sanderson were kicked back when they tried to teleport into the middle of a storm that was whipping the energy field around; it was too unstable to materialize at their original destination, so H.P. tried again and had them ping under a dry roof instead.
>> The technology preventing you from materializing inside something else is fairly new to the cloudlands and people are still getting used to it throughout Origin of the Pixies. In the past, many, many Fairies died due to jump-locking (fusing with something and being unable to revert back), contributing to Fairy World’s small population of 7,000 by the time H.P. was born. In modern Fairy World, special areas known as “teleportation pads” reroute poofing magic to a pad and allow you to materialize safely. Many Fairy World homes also have teleport pads in front yards, though that’s going out of fashion as more Fairies trust their wands won’t let them jump-lock.
> You shouldn’t try to reverse a spell if you don’t know exactly what the conditions of its casting were. Spells are still attached to their casters in the energy field, and you might hurt someone if you yank spells around. Some spells may have hexes embedded in them and may hurt you if you try to revert someone else’s spell.
>> Many curses have a “security system” of sorts attached that alerts the caster when someone is trying to undo a curse or trace it to its source. A caster who doesn’t want to be found may choose to cut ties with the curse so it can’t be traced back, or they may reveal themselves to the person they placed the curse on, ready to dish out further punishment.
> Magical backlash is a thing. Pure Fairy magic is extremely hot and pure Anti-Fairy magic is extremely cold. Casting certain spells may physically hurt a Fairy, and wands have a built-in mechanism to collapse certain wishes. In the Origin of the Pixies chapter “How Not to Bake Brownies,” H.P. received burn scars when he lay his cheek against the von Strangle staff while trying to channel magic.
>> In an early concept for Anti-Wanda, I planned for her rosewater-filled starpiece to hang on a necklace and she could shake it to use magic (the idea being that it kept her from losing it, and looked pretty too). I scrapped this idea upon realizing it would burn her throat. The fae struggle to create starpieces they can’t be easily separated from while also creating pieces that won’t burn them. It’s a vicious cycle of design. 1,000 years post-series, the Pixies do create starpiece watches that latch onto the hand and don’t burn skin, and in the far future they use starpiece earpieces.
Healing Magic
Anti-Fairies are considered great healers. In the 130 Prompt “All I Ever Wanted,” Poof cast a painkiller charm on Anti-Marigold by reading it from an Anti-Fairy spellbook. Most Fairies would chuckle at this, not believing healing charms to have much value. Stereotypically, Fairies prefer their body’s natural healing and accept any pain that comes with it. They tough it out, and admitting you use painkillers would be a social embarrassment.
Although Fairies have created simple domestic wands for simple tasks (Cleaning dishes, styling hair, dousing fires, levitating objects, and so on), healing magic is not easily performed with a wand, at least not effectively. Anti-Fairy children are taught to memorize healing charms from a young age while Fairy parents sniff and steer their kids away from them.
A geis is a magical oath from Irish folklore. Typically, one is granted a great boon but only so long as they don’t break an oath. Some oaths may involve not eating dog meat or not refusing hospitality. Both these geasa were put upon the mythical hero Cú Chulainn. He was once tricked into a situation where these geasa came into conflict, forcing him to eat dog meat because he could not refuse hospitality. For breaking his geis, he lost his extreme strength and was killed shortly after.
Geasa do exist in the cloudlands and fae occasionally impose them upon each other, but they’re usually contained to the aristocracy. The Eros family, for instance, are under a geis to preserve every species in the universe or else they’ll lose their powers over love (and their lives). Many things godkids can’t wish for are prevented by Da Rules because they would violate a geis in some way (Ex: Only the Eros family may interfere with true love, only the Sandman is allowed to approve sleep wishes, and only the Tooth Fairies can mess with teeth).
Geasa are very serious matters in Fae culture and are not taken lightly.
The Colors of Magic
Magic beams normally come in one of five colors, with red a rare sixth color that usually appears if someone’s life is threatened. The five main colors are known as “the Fairy rainbow” and appear in decorations throughout Fairy World. Fairy World is divided into four regions, each represented by a Robe who sits on the Fairy Council. The Fairy Elder wears yellow.
Both Fairies and Anti-Fairies can see the color of magic. Fairies can also taste magic and Anti-Fairies can hear it.
Yellow - Hot and peppery - Like powerful waves flowing over sand
Blue - Cool and salty - Starts with a low hum before cracking loudly
Pink - Sour - Sounds like a sharp snap and catches you off guard
Purple - Sweet and warm - Sounds like a creek flowing over stones
Green - Sharp and spicy - Sounds low and lightly bubbling
Red - Bitter - Sounds like it’s boiling and seething
Below is a quick reference of what circumstances trigger which color. For more specifics, view the magic colors post HERE. Bold, bright, solid colors (opaque magic) indicate stronger emotions. Wispy pastels (transparent magic) indicate absentmindedness.
Yellow -> Putting others first; delight - Can only be reverted by the caster; does not revert itself with caster’s death
Blue -> Irritation; common in fights - Can be reverted by the caster or a bystander with great effort, but irritation must have subsided somewhat
Pink -> Knee-jerk response; also used in shapeshifting - Any bystander can revert it with a bit of effort
Purple -> Neutrality and rawness (Magic’s natural state) - Can only be reverted by caster; reverts itself with caster’s death
Green -> Misery and panic; can be triggered by laziness - Reverts itself within hours
Red -> Obsession and fear; survival instinct - Reverts itself within minutes
Yellow is associated with joy in Fairy World. Green means misery; if you draw an X through something you don’t like, you’ll probably draw a green X. Green is not associated with concepts such as “Go” and “Complete” but with “Avoid this.” Yellow is associated with concepts like “Great work!” and “You did it!”
The blood of magical creatures changes color the same way their beams do, with the default state being purple. Counterparts’ magic and blood reflect that of the host even if the counterpart is experiencing different emotions.
A Fairy’s life-giving organ is the core, which is found in the head chamber. All cores look white to physical eyes. However, using field-sight, core colors are revealed (meanings described below).
Physical and magical intimacy are both required for procreation, and one’s core color reveals the type of magic one was fertilized with. Long ago, only babies fertilized with yellow or purple magic survived to term fully healthy; the other magic colors were unstable and led to birth defects (pink and blue) or didn’t survive at all (red and green). Yellow magic lasts after death, but purple magic doesn’t, causing babies fertilized with purple magic (“purple-borns”) to die following the deaths of both parents.
Nowadays, the Eros Triplets use their arrows to ensure babies receive the appropriate amount of magic. However, core colors still reveal what was and what could have been. Purple-borns aren’t supposed to exist nowadays thanks to the Eros Triplets, but on rare occasions one slips through. The Head Pixie, who reproduces asexually, lives in mortal fear that his offspring and Pixie society will collapse with his death since he did not mate to fertilize his eggs.
Fae counterparts are born of purple magic and will die when their host does.
Yellow -> The couple were extremely aroused, presumably delighted
Blue -> At least one of the couple wasn’t enthusiastic that night, or perhaps grew impatient as their partner teased them, but it wasn’t aggressive or painful
Pink -> The couple probably began the night with playfulness, not expecting it to go farther, but neither protested when it did
Purple -> The couple found that night to be relaxed and routine
Green -> Mating was perhaps aggressive or painful, but not to the point of panic; one partner may have been aggressive as a way of play
Red -> The mating was aggressive or painful to the point that one partner became fearful (for either their life or their partner’s)
(Note that these circumstances apply only to Fairies; counterparts reflect their host’s core color regardless of how their own parents felt about mating.)
A common quip in Fae society is “The firstborn gets the most magic.” A firstborn baby will receive additional magic layers around their core. The layer closest to the baby’s core will be the color of the father’s core, the outer later the mother’s. 
Social status is ranked as follows: Firstborn of both parents > Firstborn of only one parent > Second-born of first mate > Second-born of second-mate > Later kids
Magic Specializations
Magic specializations rarely come up in my works by name since they’re the equivalent of college majors and it isn’t usually relevant, but they do exist and different characters have different specialties.
You can read about them HERE
Magical Faux Pas
There may be social consequences for using magic in someone’s vicinity. The 130 Prompt “Make You Proud” shows two examples. Due to previous clashes with the Pixies, Wanda (justifiably) did not feel comfortable letting H.P. control the destination they poofed to. When she said “He’s with me,” referring to Timmy, she told H.P. to back down; it was worth the cost of poofing him if it meant he wouldn’t seize control.
Immediately after they left, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were hit with a burst of hot magic, which negatively affected them since they are Anti-Fairies with cold body temperatures. It was a bit rude of Wanda to poof away right next to someone who would have that kind of reaction to her magic (though she can be excused in this scene for having her focus on H.P.) Similarly, in the Origin of the Pixies chapter “The Art of Starting Fires,” Ambrosine carried his son from an old building before he poofed away to ensure magic usage didn’t damage the building.
Poofing into someone’s private dwelling without being invited is also considered bad form. Some may find it acceptable for children and grandchildren to poof into your house with little warning, but generally the polite thing to do is arrive outside the door (using someone’s private teleport pad if one exists).
Polite People Use Doors - It’s polite to leave someone’s house through the door, then poof away. Certain buildings (such as museums with old, rare artifacts) are not appropriate places to poof inside or out of at all.
In “Playdate of Doom,” Foop showed excellent manners when he poofed a door into existence and waited on the other side of it instead of simply appearing in the room.
It’s rude to serve yourself in someone else’s home by poofing up a plate of food or a chair. In doing so, you are implying they aren’t a good host and they may take offense. Subtle hinting is preferred if you need something, and using magic to get it for yourself will embarrass those around you.
The above faux pas are pretty consistent for all fae races; further nuances exist according to the values of each culture.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 5 years
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Sanderson’s Full Character Profile
Slight Riddleverse ‘fic spoilers. Your mileage may vary.
Name Within Pixie Society: Mister Ennet Sanderson
Name Outside Pixie Society: Sanderson Ennet Chipixie
Title(s): H.P.’s alpha retinue drone; Pixie 002; [REDACTED; see the 130 Prompt “Hate Mail”]
Preferred Form of Address: [Mr.] Sanderson
Alternate Forms of Address: Mister / Ennet / Sanderson Prime / Pixie-Sanderson / Sandykins / Sandy
Aspiration: Achieve usefulness and die feeling accomplished
Born: Spring of the Charged Waters
Zodiac: Water
Birthday: June 19th (Celebrated February 12th)
Hometown: Inkblot City, Pixie World; Central Star Region
Came Into Adult Wings: 154,461 (Average)
Age During Frozen Timestream: 253,163 (Mentally 22)
Age As of “Live For the Moment”: 400,594 (Mentally 35)
Age As of Devil’s Backbone: 416,423 (Mentally 37)
Race: Fae (Seelie Court)
Species: Pixie
Ethnicity: Second generation pixie (Faedivus quadratum)
Nationality: Formerly Ildáthachian (Obtained at birth); automatically changed to Spriggish shortly after the War of the Angels when Pixies became recognized as their own class
Patron Insect: Polistes dominula (European paper wasp)
Mindset: Drone
Primary Gyne: Fergus Whimsifinado (Head Pixie the First)
Secondary Gyne: Darius Smith (Chief Pixie of PixieCo)
Counterparts: Dame Sanderson > Sanderson > Anti-Sanderson
Core: Pencil sharpener (Originally; replaced by hourglass later in life via donor soul)
Core Color: Pink (Layer 1 Purple; Layer 2 Purple)
Core Trait: [REDACTED; see the Origin of the Pixies chapter “Kiss of Life”]
Anti-Pixie: Party guy; likes dancing; overthrew the old H.A.P.
Pixie Refract: Holier-than-thou with a secret rebellious streak
Power: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Endurance: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Wisdom: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Adaptability: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Charisma: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Openness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Conscientiousness: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Neuroticism: Below Average | Average | Above Average
Magic: Tomte | Unstable | Weak | Average | Strong | Luz Mala
Crown Lift: Very low
Breathing Lines: Triple fishtail braid
Karmic Weave: Frayed | Sparse | Plain | Average | Thick | Elaborate | Royal | At Equilibrium | Manifests as jumpsuit
Fagiggly Color: Lavender
Preferred Shapeshifting Form: African gray parrot
Signature Tactic: Interjection - Always getting in the way.
Wand Type: Gingertie / Iron
Heaviest wand type; excellent at deflecting magical attacks
Family: Wealthy, neutral, powerful, and efficient (Pixies)
Creed: Ná mair refracta - “Just don’t be dumb.”
Caretaker Spirit: His Glory Twryth (The wild hog)
Permanent Residence: Rapunzel Tower, Inkblot City; Pixie World
Apt. 002 - Rooms with Hawkins, Wilcox, and Longwood
Central Star (Purple) | Far East (Pink) | Lower West (Green) | High North (Blue) | High South (Navy) | Far West (Maroon) | Lower East (Teal) | Earthside
Occupation: H.P.’s alpha retinue drone; vice president of Pixies Inc.’s complaints department; likes to DJ and sing; [REDACTED; see the 130 Prompt “Hate Mail”]
Previous Employment: Interned at Wish Fixers during youth
Self-Perception: Loyal, humble, dedicated, mature, and basically the best pixie there is (after H.P., obviously).
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Deadly Sin: Pride
Heavenly Virtue: Diligence
Love Language: Words of affirmation
Reinforcers: Praise, physical touch, workplace promotions, pay raises, soda, sugary candy, being in H.P.’s company, music, flowers
History: A combination of separation anxiety, the lack of a stable mother figure in his life, and being the genetically-identical offspring of the Head Pixie has left Sanderson absolutely idolizing his boss. Loyal to a fault, he goes about his work with as much enthusiasm as any pixie is capable of emoting. Unfortunately for him, this devout loyalty means Sanderson lacks all the leadership abilities H.P. would like to see in his successor, which led him to select Sanderson’s rival as his heir and set aside a very different destiny for Sanderson instead.
Endlessly bitter with jealousy but simultaneously conflicted about disagreeing with his beloved boss’s decisions, Sanderson constantly reassures himself that it’s only a matter of time before he manages to impress H.P. so much, H.P. not only makes him company vice president, but acknowledges him as his real, actual son one day too.
Personality: Beneath Sanderson’s guarded exterior is a guarded interior. He is naturally wary, cautious, and critical and does not like allowing others access to his private thoughts if he can help it. As a result, his verbal dialogue is often brief, but when he’s the narrator of a piece, his internal dialogue runs for a long time; he tends to meander from one thought to another before jerking back to the original thought at hand. He’s happy to be helpful, but expects payment for his services and becomes irritated when he thinks it’s less than he deserves. Sanderson doesn’t like addressing his emotions and tries to shove them down and deny they exist at all; he attempts to puzzle everything out logically and is constantly assuring himself that “This is fine.”
Though he may not be the most efficient or confident leader, Sanderson is a hard worker who will relentlessly pursue a target and stop at nothing to get there, and will attempt to encourage his friends in his dull pixie way. Sanderson isn’t one to leave others behind unless he absolutely has to, and would sooner spend three hours chatting with you while you rest rather than walk for forty minutes on his own, secure reliable transportation, and come back to get you. His greatest character flaw is perhaps his overly jealous imagination, which prevents him from forming close bonds with others even when they’re kind to him unless he absolutely does not perceive the other party as a threat to H.P.’s attention or the workplace at large.
Unless you’re directly in opposition with his duties and his values, Sanderson is a bit of a doormat, as his first instinct is to obey instructions. Still, he’ll follow nothing off a cliff. While he’s generally braver than H.P. and would take a dozen hits for any of his friends in a fight, his self-preservation instincts outweigh his natural inclination to obey his boss’s every word. He’s fast, decisive, and never regrets anything unless someone he respects can convince him he’s made a mistake. This makes him a terrifying enemy, because if you cross him, you’ll be flat on your back and potentially unconscious in an instant. Sanderson himself may not cause you a lot of hurt, but he has friends in high places who would be willing to finish you off.
Beneath all the influence of gyne pheromones, Sanderson is analytical, sassy, easily made jealous, and tries to fulfill his own self-interest without being aggressive about it. An argument could be made that this bare self is his “true” personality and the behaviors he shows while in H.P.’s service don’t truly reflect him. Sanderson would be offended to hear this. Would you tell a light bulb it has no business being on because it can also be off? And would you invalidate a bulb’s fondness for being on by arguing the light switch has denied it freedom? Sanderson feels his true purpose is to be “on” and would feel distraught without a dominant figure to link himself to. As far as he’s concerned, every part of the personality he expresses around H.P. is real, and everything he does differently around different dominant figures is equally real and valid in his life.
Special Note - Pheromone Influences: Like all drones, Sanderson can inherently sense how dominant figures expect him to behave around them and falls into different roles depending on who is influencing him most at the time. Around H.P. he is reserved, supportive, impatient, and entitled; he knows H.P. wants him to be stoic and business-like, so he is. Smith, one of the subordinate gynes of Pixies Inc., thinks it’s deliciously powerful to have a dominant gyne’s drone express interest in him, so he sees Sanderson as a seductive prize; Sanderson, in turn, automatically becomes less stoic and more coy around Smith than he ever is around H.P.
Around Anti-Cosmo, who is a dominant figure even though he does not produce insect pheromones, Sanderson is less guarded and more in touch with his emotions; Anti-Cosmo comes from a highly emotional culture, so Sanderson has a more difficult time maintaining his emotionless facade when Anti-Cosmo’s dominance is influencing him, even though it’s easy for him to keep a straight face when influenced by H.P.
Special Note - Core Transplant: Sanderson underwent a black magic core transplant in young adulthood to save his life. He thinks and behaves exactly like he did before the surgery, unless you mentally separate his soul from the body. In a world of magic, this can be done in several ways, but the most common circumstance is sharing magic with him. It could be argued that Sanderson’s exterior personality is not his “true” personality either. Sanderson is extremely self-conscious about his transplant and takes enormous offense if you instate he isn’t the “real” or “original” Sanderson. In his mind, he’s the same Sanderson he always was, even if he has a different core.
Education: Sanderson received his youthful education through homeschooling, taught mainly by H.P. but also H.P.’s father (Ambrosine) and sister (Emery) on occasion. During this time he gained a basic Fairy World education, and also mastered many organizational and workplace skills useful for a pixie. He was trained from childhood to keep a straight face, speak in monotone, and not react easily when startled. Furthermore, he gained his drone training and preening knowledge through millennia of personal experience.
Sanderson has a history of struggling with magic, but to everyone’s surprise, he performed very well in school (after some initial mishaps). The War of the Angels disrupted the latter part of his education, but he still left school at a young age with a degree in pre-alt magic. In modern day he is officially licensed in alteration magic (magic that allows you to lock someone into a new look, species, and/or age permanently rather than shapeshifting and constantly draining their energy) and takes extreme pride in it since he is currently the only pixie (H.P. included) to master this specialty of magic. He doesn’t often get to use his alteration abilities since H.P. rarely has a use for them and there are always catches and caveats and a million reasons why you shouldn’t use such magic in a particular situation, but during the events of the Musical it came in handy when altering the biology of Fairies to mimic that of Pixies.
Spellementary School: Attended for less than a day; was withdrawn for starting fights with classmates. Was homeschooled by H.P. after that.
Middle School: Attended Lindfyre Middle; performed at an average level. His early years were rough as he adjusted to attending public school in general, and he was very sensitive to criticism from his peers at that age. He didn’t really have any friends and stuck closely to the other pixies for support.
High School: Attended Carl Poofypants High. Managed excellently (thanks to his skills in time management and focusing on dull texts for long hours) and had time to participate in several business and music clubs too. Didn’t play sports, but was part of the school band.
Further Education: Attended the Fairy Academy for many years, honing his focus on a curious blend of alteration magic and music. His graduation was delayed due to the war, but he was eventually able to return and finish his studies. After completing several post-graduation certification courses, he was finally able to earn his alteration license.
Favorite Magic Subject: Age Alterations
Least Favorite Magic Subject: Forget-A-Cin Administrations
Favorite Non-Magic Subject: Advanced Music Theory
Least Favorite Non-Magic Subject: Refract Culture
Notable Likes:
Music (Especially rap music, Elvis, and The Beatles)
Singing (See above)
Napping in sunbeams
Human songwriters
Instruments from distant planets
Small patches of bright color in an otherwise gray view
Chewing on paper
The spotlight (Unless H.P.’s already in it)
H.P.’s undivided attention
Swindle H.P. into calling him "Son”
Prevent Longwood from being the next Head Pixie
Ditch Idona
Raise Gary and Betty (and any offspring either has)
Plot revenge on Turner
Found a music company in Pixie World
Raise his own nymphs
Always do his very best
He’s pretty much amazing at everything he does, second only to H.P.
He owes H.P. his life and soul
Mates are unnecessary; marriage is pointless
Holds no spiritual beliefs
Sanderson has abandonment issues to the point of separation anxiety, and slips into panic when left without guidance for too long.
Hates to disappoint H.P. and fears that any mistake might be the one that gets him ditched forever.
Frustrated when limited by the “drone glass ceiling” in the workplace
Stressed if a project he’s working on isn’t measuring up to the high expectations he sets for himself
Flustered around other gynes with strong pheromones; there’s no denying he finds them attractive and alluring, especially as H.P. ages and his pheromones grow weaker. Although it’s natural for a drone to be interested in the pheromones of other strong gynes, Sanderson considers himself weak and disloyal when he gets “turned on” in that way
Comforts: Wing chewing (formerly), talking to himself, knuckle rubbing, nail biting, tapping teeth with shades, seeking out H.P. to solve his problems
Indulgences: Sugar (Particularly Fun Dip and soda), playing loud music, and sampling the pheromones of other gynes in scratch-and-sniff magazines.
Verbal Notes: Sanderson is the watered-down version of H.P. in every way. He criticizes his coworkers often, but is less stingy with praise and kindness. As proud as he is, he’s completely willing to apologize if he feels he’s in the wrong. He’s a great deal more patient than his boss is, and it’s rare for him to lose his temper and burst (Usually when he does, it’s when he thinks H.P. is favoring other pixies more than him when he thinks they “don’t deserve it”). 
Sanderson has a larger vocabulary range than his boss, is less sarcastic, and more likely to think about what he says instead of just blurting things out. Uses “sir” and “dame.” He feels uneasy doing things on his own without H.P.’s instructions, but will analyze the situation as best he can anyway. He rarely asks questions; he will not check in with you at each step in the process and will just keep doing what he thinks is the best thing to do in this situation until you guide him otherwise. He can get a little cocky and will try to show off his memory by not taking notes, though whether he successfully does what you asked is often hit-or-miss.
Sanderson is fairly relaxed (though quietly arrogant). He doesn’t panic in front of others easily, even when they shout at or threaten him, and will continue working at a steady pace and doing his best to satisfy the customer. He tries to relax people by talking to them; Sanderson doesn’t normally get to speak up when acting as H.P.’s retinue in public, so when H.P. isn’t around he’ll talk to everyone who gives him reason to. Though he’s far from empathetic, Sanderson does have the impressive ability to soothe nervous clients with his words. Conflict de-escalation is one of his strengths, even though he struggles with jealousy and pettiness himself.
Sanderson’s love language is words of affirmation. Though more likely to praise than H.P. is, he still isn’t quick to do so and isn’t likely to offer you any indication that you’re doing a good job until you win him over. You can determine his mood according to how often he talks to you rather than examining exactly what he actually said; if he likes you, he will compliment you frequently to your face. If he really likes you, he will branch out to more conversation topics and will compliment you to others’ faces. If he’s in a jealous mood, he’ll make a point of talking to someone else instead of you and make sure you know it. If his feelings are truly hurt, he’ll close himself off and won’t talk to you or anyone else at all.
Though Sanderson is loyal and puts those he cares about on high pedestals, he is not a complete yes-man. If you ask him for his honest opinion, he’s happy to give it to you. The more comfortable he is with you, the more he’ll talk (though even at his most forthcoming, he says much more in his mind than what leaves his mouth).
Language: Swears loudly on occasion, but only if he thinks he’s alone and he’s really upset (This is often followed by a very loud noise on a musical instrument or a bang against a wall). Throws the word “smoof” around more than most Fairies do; while not a very vulgar term, it’s generally not acceptable in polite conversation. Fluent in Snobbish and can speak Milesian fairly well. Knows a lot of legal terms and will smugly explain them to you if you seem lost.
Physical Notes: A puny pixie. Shorter than many of his coworkers despite being the firstborn. “Scrawny” is the word that comes to mind. More tan than the other pixies due to frequently visiting Earth. 
Handedness: Favors his left hand.
Body Language: Unnaturally stiff; rarely expressive. Slightly looser when H.P. and Fairies aren’t around. Though he was trained from childhood to not emote much, H.P.’s pheromones influence him to be even more stiff. The longer he goes without H.P.’s pheromones in his pores, the looser and looser he’ll get. Fluidity comes naturally for drones; their core personalities always remain, but their mannerisms change depending on whose pheromones are affecting them most.
When the Fairy Elder’s power influenced him in the “Minion” Prompt, Sanderson no longer let his arms stay stiff at his sides, but clasped his hands behind his back. He gestured to things and even shrugged, though H.P.’s influence normally prevents him from being expressive with his body language (Guiding people verbally instead of motioning). Inherently Sanderson could sense that the relationship between him and the Fairy Elder would be a mistress / butler relationship, not a boss / employee relationship, and he automatically began behaving that way even when he was still two halls away from her. His core personality did not change, but certain behaviors did.
Hair: His cowlicks are essentially natural, having been licked into place with powerful will o’ the wisp saliva as a baby. They don’t wash out and spring back up within minutes. The double cowlick mark is known as “the Ivorie brand.”
Teeth: Small but extremely sharp; must chew on solid things in order to keep them from growing out of control.
Wings: Pixie wings mimic those of the Polistes dominula. Pixie hindwings are stunted compared to most Fairies’ wings.
Scars: Tiny bite marks along the costas of his wings; stab wound in his right hand courtesy of Chloe in the “This Is a Box” Prompt.
Tattoos: Has H.P.’s company mark branded on the underside of his left wrist along with the number 002. As of the Year of the White Sparrow, he has his own company mark branded on the underside of his right wrist along with the number 001. Click HERE to see these logos.
Style: Crisp. Well-dressed. Dull colors. He wears a two-button, single-breasted, single-vent suit. He owns several, all of them fully lined for extra warmth.
Regular Clothing: Usually in his suit when in public.
Casual Clothing: Often attends casual events still in his full suit; however, his preference is sweaters. He loves the color red. He has a variety of alternate outfits for social events depending on where he’s going (He has side careers as a DJ and also performs rap songs).
Preening Clothing: Normally, H.P. prefers Sanderson wear his suit while they preen to maintain the professional feel of their relationship. H.P. is rather particular about how they preen.
Nightwear: Gray or blue plaid pants, usually with a white shirt. Cotton mostly. Silk is out of the question for sleepwear.
Ceremonial Clothing: On rare occasions, H.P. allows Sanderson to wear a special set of silver silk pajamas while they preen. This is H.P.’s way of handing the reins to Sanderson and letting him call the shots that night. On average, this happens three or four times a year. Most of their arguments are about Sanderson wanting this more often, as he always comes away happy and fulfilled when he calls the shots but finds that H.P. pushes him away early most other days. H.P. defends himself by saying Sanderson is the only one he ever, ever offers the silk pajamas to and perhaps his alpha drone should be a little more grateful that he gets to wear them at all.
Other: Sanderson sometimes attends raves where he is not a DJ or singer. He usually wears tank tops and attends parties in warm areas; he avoids cold areas like Anti-Fairy World and doesn’t wear hoodies. Glowing aesthetics aren’t his thing, so he keeps his look simple. 
Height: 3′5″ (Average for a fae; short for a pixie)
Hygiene: Showers before breakfast every morning. Keeps fairly clean and prefers to keep cool so he doesn’t sweat too much. Takes pride in his cleanliness and general appearance; he’s the one majorly responsible for keeping H.P. clean and it wouldn’t look good if he himself was a mess.
Morning Schedule: Usually up and ready to work by 7:00. Around 7:15, he’ll visit H.P. in the penthouse preening room for morning retinue duties, where he helps his boss prepare for the day. This happens less often now than it used to, but he and H.P. sometimes have a simple preening session in the morning, allowing Sanderson to spend time during the day spreading pheromones to drones throughout the company so H.P. doesn’t have to do it all himself.
Typical Day Schedule: After leaving H.P.’s penthouse, Sanderson goes to work in his office; he is vice president of the complaints department (technically the only pixie involved in the complaints department). His job involves meeting 1 on 1 with clients who wish to express complaints about Pixies Inc., responding to letters, and answering phone calls. He spends a lot of time sitting around not doing anything. So, he is allowed frequent breaks away from the office if he spends them distributing pheromones to drones within a floor or two of him. He only needs to spend a few minutes with each one to pass the pheromones along, and he returns to his office in between these quick sessions to see if he’s missed any calls. When he does receive letters, calls, or clients, Sanderson solves their problems as best as he can or redirects them to someone who can help them better.
Evening Schedule: Sanderson clocks out of his complaints department work around 7-8 in the evening depending on when he started and how busy he was that day. He’ll grab dinner and take a super quick rinse in the shower before heading to H.P.’s penthouse; his evening retinue duties always begin at 9:00. After Cavatina is born, Sanderson spends his evenings checking in with him. By 9:00, H.P. will have already eaten dinner, but Sanderson helps him change into pajamas, cleans his wings again, reads some of King Nuada’s scripture with his boss, and will deliver papers or do any other small task H.P. asks him to do. Some evenings, he and H.P. also preen; these preening sessions will be longer than the quick morning licks and usually have a focus on satisfying Sanderson himself rather than giving Sanderson a focused bundle of pheromones he can transfer to other drones. Most days, H.P. chooses not to preen in the evening and Sanderson feels rejected. Sanderson sees preening as the only time he receives affection while H.P. sees it as an inconvenient chore that throws the rest of his schedule off.
Sleep Schedule: If a preening session occurred, Sanderson comes home from retinue duties later than usual (often 11:00 or 11:30). He usually falls asleep quickly once he’s in bed and is a deep sleeper. He is roommates with Hawkins; Hawkins is almost always asleep by the time Sanderson gets back to their room, so Sanderson keeps quiet and doesn’t stay up too late. His signature sleeping habit is lying on his stomach with his head on his crossed arms. On nights he and H.P. have traveled away from Pixie World (vacations, business conferences, political meetings that require visits to Anti-Fairy World, etc.) he and H.P. sometimes share a bed. If they’re staying at a location where H.P. trusts they’ll be safe, he prefers Sanderson have his own bed. If H.P. feels uneasy about the location, he prefers to have Sanderson within arm’s reach all night. Much easier if they need to wake each other up in an emergency.
H.P. is always the last one to fall asleep if he’s sharing a room with other people, and Sanderson feels quite safe when he curls up near his boss. H.P.’s territorial gyne instincts spike when he shares a room with his drones, so he has an extremely difficult time lying down and will sit on the bed keeping watch for at least an hour after the last person in the room has gone to sleep. Sharing rooms isn’t H.P.’s favorite, but he’d rather be anxious and share a room with Sanderson than have Sanderson in a separate room at an unfamiliar place.
Relationship Status:
Officially single in present day, but legally betrothed to Idona Ivorie as a nymph (hence the branding mark in his hair).
Idona is Cavatina’s milkmother, leading to rumors that the two may be rekindling their relationship in secret. Sanderson will stare at you, unimpressed, and deny this, stating that he is merely taking advantage of Idona’s interest in him because he knows she would never hurt his son. Whether or not you believe him is up to you.
Ideal Relationship: Sanderson is not actively looking for a romantic partner. However, his preference would be someone who stays home with his nymphs while he’s out working, and who defers to him as the head of the household. He isn’t interested in the emotional side of marriage, but likes the thought of someone being willing to help him with domestic things without asking much in return. He’d prefer someone who doesn’t argue with him much, if at all.
When it comes to gyne/drone dynamics, Sanderson highly values the intimacy of preening- especially so with his position as H.P.’s alpha retinue. He craves physical touch as a sign of acceptance and feels personally stung when his offers to preen are rejected. He feels that preening is an opportunity to bond and express appreciation for and commitment to one another, and feels insulted and unloved when it’s treated as a chore.
Sexuality: Has experimented romantically with Seelie Courters; asexual
Attractiveness: Sanderson is considered rather attractive by Pixie standards. He holds the highest rank in the company a drone can achieve - the alpha retinue position - so other pixie drones defer to him by default. They let him win play-scuffles, allow him to cut in front of them in line, bring him the last slice of dessert, and are quick to obey when he issues a command. Many drones his age consider him whiny and annoying, but drones who are much younger look up to him greatly and trip over themselves in the hopes of impressing him.
By Anti-Fairy standards, Sanderson isn’t very alluring. Anti-Fairies value brains, creativity, and independent thinking... None of which are areas he particularly excels in. He’s more likely to be held for ransom than flirted with. By Fairy standards, Sanderson isn’t notably attractive either. His colors are dull, his conversations uninteresting, his muscles unimpressive, and his magic weak. His singing can turn heads, though, and in general he’s considered a cool-headed hard worker. While not conventionally attractive by their standards, many Fairies see him as cute and sweet and he’s been asked out many times over his life. He usually turns down these offers, though he accepts them on occasion if he wants to network or is feeling particularly neglected that week. Pro-tip: He’ll probably agree to coffee, but prepare yourself for muttered complaints about how the Fairy kind isn’t as good as what Pixies make.
Since Sanderson is the alpha drone of an extremely dominant gyne, other gynes find him very desirable. Occasionally when he’s running errands, freckled Fairies will try to coax him to follow them home. Sanderson has been extremely tempted on many occasions, but since H.P.’s pheromones are so dominant, he has an easier time resisting other gynes than most drones do and always shakes himself out of his fantasies. He’ll try not to show it, but if he likes your pheromones he’ll get very flustered by prolonged attention.
Intimate History: Courted Idona Ivorie briefly during their adolescence before dumping her. Their relationship as adults is puzzling, as they’ve been known to exchange kisses on at least two occasions, yet he denies they’re together. Gyne-wise, Sanderson has been with H.P. for the majority of his life, although occasionally has sought out the pixie Smith when deprived of pheromones. Has history with Anti-Cosmo as well, but it’s taboo to discuss such things.
Sanderson has a high drive for dominant pheromones and is easily annoyed when he doesn’t get them. He sometimes turns to scratch-and-sniff magazines in search of fulfillment, though H.P. tosses those out any time he finds them.
Turn-Ons: No sexual turn-ons he’s admitted to, but sweet smells like flowers, fruit, and chocolate really grab his attention. When someone is genuinely kind to him despite there not being an immediate obvious benefit, it makes him really curious. Combining nice pheromones with confidence and kindness will easily fluster him and if he’s struggling to keep his face blank, he might excuse himself from the room.
Reproductive Status: Capable beginning in the Year of the White Sparrow
Children: Cavatina, plus other offspring in the future
Godchildren: Dale Dimmadome, Flappy Bob, Gary Cabrera, Betty Lovell
Sire: Fergus Whimsifinado (Head Pixie the First)
Grandsire: Ambrosine Whimsifinado
Granddam: Solara Wurpixiz
Aunt: Emery Ranen (née Whimsifinado)
Uncle: Logan Ranen
Cousin: Chrysanthemum “Zan” Ranen
“Uncle Figure”: High Count Anti-Cosmo Julius Anti-Cosma
“Cousins”: Anti-Westley Anti-Lunifly (Talon), Larkspur Shiny Mayfleet
Doesn’t consider Anti-Poof (Foop) or Anti-Dusty (Smoky) to be cousins. H.P. and Anti-Cosmo share custody of Talon and Larkspur, so they visit Pixie World frequently (and are closer to Sanderson’s age). He accepts them in his familial circle, but certainly not Foop or Smoky.
Milkmother: Kalysta Ivorie
Met one day after birth
Betrothed: Idona Ivorie
Met one day after birth
Current Love Interest: Gains a sliver of interest in everyone he hears sing, but never pursues it. His fantasies involve him sitting in the front row of a performance while a singer onstage holds eye contact with him.
Other Important Relationships: 
General - Sanderson is rarely sentimental, yet sentimentality is perhaps his greatest weakness. He doesn’t take personal rejection as hard as H.P. does (He’s dealt with rejection all his life) because he never gives away all his trust to anyone besides his beloved boss; he expects everyone else to betray him someday. That said, he’s a liability in a fight against those he cares for because he sees the softest parts in them even when they don’t always see them themselves.
Flappy Bob, Gary, and Betty - The only ones (besides his own offspring) Sanderson doesn’t expect to betray him; he has blind trust in them and cares about them deeply. While he may manipulate their lives in certain ways, he’d never raise a finger (or wand) to actually harm them, and will instead try to advise or redirect their anger if he can.
Anti-Sanderson - ... It’s complicated. Sanderson trusts Anti-Sanderson more than H.P. does and sees his counterpart as someone who lives a very free and happy life (unaware of Anti-Sanderson’s low self-esteem and other struggles). Sanderson cautiously sees Anti-Sanderson as a friend and looks up to him as the “cool older cousin” of the family even though technically Anti-Sanderson is younger. The two had a major falling out in Prompt 126, “Look At That!” and it’s unlikely they’ll ever repair their friendship.
Hawkins and Wilcox - Easily the two pixies Sanderson is closest with. They’re his roommates and he has a brotherly relationship with them; they’ve been through a lot together. Sanderson is happier and more relaxed around Hawkins especially, and they care for each other a lot.
Longwood - Longwood is the Vice President of Pixies Inc. and next in line to be Head Pixie. He is Sanderson’s bitter rival as he represents everything Sanderson longs for and will never have. Sanderson lived a long life of being H.P.’s most favored pixie, so when Longwood suddenly outranked him, Sanderson never quite accepted it. He constantly feels like he has to compete with Longwood for H.P.’s affection, and that’s possibly what he resents more than Longwood himself- the change from always feeling confident that H.P. cared about him to suddenly being dropped in a world where he might not matter much at all. Sanderson and Longwood share an apartment suite (with Sanderson rooming with Hawkins, Wilcox with Longwood) and can tolerate one another’s company, but they don’t get along well and don’t collaborate on projects if it can be avoided. They’re usually dead silent with each other unless they have a particular snippy comment to make. Someone named Aspen seems to be a bitter part of their past... 
Smith - Smith is one of the “subordinate” gynes at Pixies Inc., but because he wanders the fringes of H.P.’s influence he slips frequently into dominance. Smith has a high drive for preening drones and prizes Sanderson because H.P. has set him on a pedestal; Smith finds it empowering to win the loyalty of “H.P.’s favorite.” When Sanderson is dissatisfied with H.P.’s pheromones, he drifts to Smith in search of fulfillment. To keep the peace, H.P. pretends not to notice; confronting Smith directly could lead to a coup. Again. Sanderson considers Smith’s preening skills immensely satisfying and relaxes around him in a way he rarely does with anyone else.
Mama Cosma - Sanderson is the vice president of the complaints department, so Florensa Cosma tends to complain to him often. She did this more and more after Schnozmo ran away from home and Cosmo eloped. Sanderson has known her for thousands of years and gets along with her well, even though she usually annoys him. In turn, Mama Cosma sees him as a good boy who was raised right and, with her two sons out of the house, channels her motherly feelings into mothering him. She calls his office often just to chat, using random petty complaints as an excuse because she’s lonely and he gets paid to talk to her. Sanderson’s relationship with Mama Cosma is further studied in the one-shot “In Confidence” and the 130 Prompts “Told You So” and “When Suddenly...”
Anti-Phillip - Anti-Phillip is the son of Anti-Bryndin Anti-Coppertalon and a good friend of Sanderson’s. Sanderson doesn’t leave Pixie World by himself often, but when he does he’s probably going to visit Anti-Phillip. They had a lot of playdates in their younger years since H.P. and Anti-Bryndin were fairly close. They have an inside joke about pink elephants that no one else really gets.
Born with Wolbachia pipientis, and with a broken fairy crown under his hat.
As pixies are genetically identical, a DNA test would identify his parents as Fergus Whimsifinado’s parents (Ambrosine and Solara).
If his offspring step on cracks, Anti-Fairies will break his back.
Can’t pass most theory of mind tasks, but he’s a total sweet-talker.
Along with all pixies, he has much higher tolerance for caffeine and sugar than the majority of fae do.
Huge chatterbox if you get him started.
Easily distracted by jingling objects.
Surprisingly relaxed and not easily wound up unless he’s dealing with emotions. Not easily intimidated by other authority figures or large monsters.
Will cheat for you in a wingbeat if he likes you.
Has a sadistic side. Loves when people grovel beneath him. More likely to suggest and act on physical punishments than his boss is.
Refuses to identify as a Whimsifinado unless H.P. gives him direct permission to use the name someday. Uses the name “Sanderson Chipixie” outside of Pixie World instead; however, he considers “Mister Sanderson” to be his real name.
Strictly a virgin and intends to remain one for life despite some of the other pixies teasing him over this. Doesn’t much like kisses either. However, he finds sharing magic during preening to be incredibly intimate; that’s where his urges lie.
Has a long history of winning karaoke competitions while drunk on candy and soda.
Envy is his downfall. Jealously guards what’s his and compares himself to others on a constant basis.
His blood is purple 80% of the time due to his neutral emotions. Most fae bleed blue (irritation), pink (knee-jerk reactions), or green (misery).
Chews on pens, but not his fingernails.
Loves colored highlighters even though he has to keep his colorful stash a secret.
Loves flowers and might actually smile if you give him one. Hates that Mama Cosma has figured this out, but secretly he enjoys her gifts.
Wolbachia pipientis prevents him from bearing children the traditional way. It also blocks all other STDs.
Gary’s and Betty’s legal guardian.
Riddleverse Classic Timeline: Origin of the Pixies > Frayed Knots > Baby, You’re a Rich Man > “Pink and Gray” > “Yellow Flower Number 9” > “Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails” > “In Confidence” > Devil’s Backbone
130 Prompts Timeline: “Mature” > “Told You So” > “Rain Dance” > “Excitement” > “Grooming” > “Minion” > “Solo” > “Fight or Flight?” > “Gaining the Upper Hand” > “Do the Math” > “Open Your Eyes” > “Make You Proud” > “Dignity” > “Entire World” > “Terrible Timing” > “Hate Mail” > “I Got This” > “Unheeded” > “This Is a Box” > “Take a Break” > “The Other One” > “When Suddenly…” > “Look At That!” > “Live For the Moment” > “Forever”
AU Appearances:
“Reedfilter Rules"
Little Imperfections
“King Me”
“Only An Idea” Prompt
“You Deserve It” Prompt
Dust to Dust
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riddledeep · 5 years
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Fae Hierarchy
Fairy Elder - Last of the Tuatha Dé Danann. She is not a god, but holds great authority and power in the cloudlands. She wears yellow robes and a magical diamond necklace that keeps her alive. Fairies, Anti-Fairies, and Refracts alike respect her; she is an impartial figurehead.
Wise Ancients - Extremely powerful nature spirits such as Mother Nature and Father Time. They are neutral parties, but not impartial. These deities have their own agendas and use mortals to further their goals.
Zodiac spirits - The seven nature spirits who represent the seven elements on the Fairy zodiac. The days of the week are named after them.
Supreme Fairy Council - Four Fairies and three Anti-Fairies who are elected to sit on either the Fairy Council or Anti-Fairy Council. The seven are collectively referred to as the Supreme Fairy Council. Each member is called a Robe, and wears a robe in the color of the cloudland region (political state) they represent.
Eros family - Cupid’s bloodline. Always cherubs, always triplets, and allegedly tasked by the gods to maintain Fairy genealogies and prevent any species in the universe from truly going extinct.
Keeper of Da Rules - The Keeper of Da Rules maintains order in the cloudlands by ensuring Da Rules are followed. Following the War of the Angels, the Keeper of Da Rules also became ambassador for the common fairy subspecies. This is Jorgen’s current position.
Lower-ranked nature spirits - The children and grandchildren of the zodiac spirits. They are certainly deities, but are lesser deities.
Alien ambassadors - Aliens who represent other worlds, including entire planets sometimes.
High Count and High Countess - The dual leaders of the Anti-Fairies. While the titles imply separate male and female positions, they can be filled by a same-sex pair. Although equals from a political standpoint, the High Count is still considered head of the household, mirroring the creche father rank in actual bat colonies. These are Anti-Cosmo’s and Anti-Wanda’s current positions.
Head Pixie - This title is often abbreviated H.P. Only the reigning Head Pixie has the authority to make drastic changes to the Pixie social structure. He rules until his death, after which he is succeeded by the Vice President of Pixies Inc.
Fairy subspecies ambassadors - Ambassadors of various races under the Fairy umbrella who attend Council meetings. Some are elected while others are kings and queens born and raised in royal families.
First General - The follower drake of the High Count. The First General organizes and oversees Anti-Fairy troops in war. In times of peace, he also performs ceremonies and breaks gridlock arguments among the camarilla court. This position is always filled by a male. This is Anti-Poof Anti-Everwish’s current position.
Temple acolytes - High-ranking Anti-Fairies who reside in and care for the Zodiac Temples. They are considered experts in matters of architecture; they spend decades studying such things in Zodiac Temples before they can design monuments to the nature spirits or offer their designing services to clients. They’re so renowned for their skill that hopeful Fairy architects will train beneath them instead of attending the Academy.
Head Anti-Pixie - Leader of the anti-pixie race. Generally given the cold shoulder and not taken seriously considering that anti-pixies are stereotyped as constantly-drunk party-loving lunatics. Holds very little political power. This is Anti-Sanderson’s current position.
Vice President of Pixies Inc. - The pixie intended to be the Head Pixie’s successor. Until then, he helps the Head however he is instructed to (Mostly by keeping Pixie World resources such as groceries stocked and helping with childcare duties). Only pixie gynes may hold this rank. This is Longwood’s current position.
Chief Pixie of PixieCo - The gyne who oversees pixies in the Hawthorn Haven cloudland colony. The title is also abbreviated C.P. of PixieCo. The C.P. is still subject to the Head, like a manager to a larger company. As other pixie gynes set off into the world, more C.P. positions will pop up. This is Smith’s current position.
Pixie ambassador - H.P. became Pixie ambassador to the Supreme Fairy Council by default. However, he can elect to pass the position to someone else if he wants to.
Keepers [of Da Rules] - Not to be confused with the singular position. These government workers make up the Fairy World police force and are trained to organize as militia if necessary. They wear sky blue and white uniforms.
Camarilla court - Six Anti-Fairies selected by the High Count and six selected by the High Countess who weigh in on matters of political and social importance. While the High Count and High Countess technically hold seats on the camarilla too, the name “camarilla” is colloquially used to encompass everyone else. In total, there are two people on the camarilla court representing each of the seven elements on the Fairy zodiac.
Heir to the High Seat / “High heir” - A child of either the High Count or Countess (sometimes both) born with the iris virus. A potential heir born without the iris virus would automatically be rejected as the heir for not carrying “the sacred blessing of the nature spirits”. In times of desperation when no legitimate heir can be produced, another color-eyed child of nobility (most likely an extended family member) can be adopted into the bloodline instead. This is Foop’s current position.
H.P.’s alpha retinue drone - A gyne’s primary drone; he oversees other drones and can assist his gyne in distributing his pheromones through the ranks. An alpha drone technically has the same rights as a service animal regarding where he can and can’t go. This is Sanderson’s current position.
Vice President of PixieCo - Simply, the pixie who succeeds the Chief Pixie of PixieCo, and assists him until then. Like the Vice President of Pixies Inc., the V.P. of PixieCo should be a gyne. Again, we’ll be introduced to this position in “The Other One”.
Other von Strangle family members - Nana Boom-Boom. Invisible Leonard. People we saw in “Cosmo Rules”. You know what I mean.
Creche fathers of other colonies - Non-nursing colonies of Anti-Fairies are naturally patriarchal; the creche father is the highest-ranking male in the colony. While leadership skills are valued, his main role consists of caring for the young pups in the colony.
Heir’s betrothed - The intended mate to the “High heir” and therefore the assumed new High Count or Countess. This person doesn’t hold real legal authority, but is treated with respect. As it stands right now, this is Anti-Coriander’s unofficial position.
Chief Sunchosen - A self-proclaimed title for the unofficial ambassador of the Refracted. The intention is that one day, this position will be for Refracts what the High Count and Countess are for Anti-Fairies. This is Dame Artemis’s current self-titled position.
C.P.’s alpha retinue drone - Same as H.P.’s alpha retinue drone, but he belongs to the Chief Pixie of PixieCo. This is Calvert’s current position.
Other celebrities - The Tooth Fairy, famous actors like Blonda, TV show hosts like Billy Crystal Ball, successful writers, and so on.
Mates of camarilla members - Nobles who are nobility through marriage. Obviously, they lose this title if their mate is removed from the camarilla. Usually they contract the iris virus from their mate.
Other irises - Other carriers of the iris virus. Mainly nobles and former nobles who are treated with a hint more respect than commoners. This is a fuzzy area; prostitutes selling the iris virus are an actual inconvenicnce that causes headaches for the higher-ups.
Successful farmers - If you lived in a magical cloud world with limited ability to farm nutritious food, you would value farmers who provided you with high-quality crops too.
Most Refracted - An angelic, pious race of gold and white bird-based people, quite opposite of the stereotype of the evil blue and black Anti-Fairy. The Refracted manage many of the Daoist shrines and ceremonies and are generally well-liked even though they can be pompous and annoying.
Gynes - Large, freckled Fairies (always male) who ate a lot of jelly as children. In actual insect colonies, gynes are the “princesses” who take over from the queen, often by killing her in a battle to the death. Likewise, Fairy gynes are naturally very territorial and often fight each other. Gynes with more dominant pheromones have the ability to suppress the reproductive systems of subordinate gynes. Gynes with many dark freckles are considered more attractive than those with few. The actual rank of a gyne varies in regard to other social status factors, but people generally give them respect.
Upper-class Fairy citizens - High-ranking people who aren’t considered celebrities. The Whimsifinado and Fairywinkle families fall into this category.
Kids of camarilla members and their mates - Children of nobility, often considered nobles themselves. They’re likely to carry the iris virus.
Average Fairy citizens - Regular, non-celebrity folk. Fairy culture is still largely dominated by their caste system, although they’re starting to move away from it as time goes on.
Anti-Fairy commoners - Average Anti-Fairies who aren’t considered nobility; as a result, they’re highly unlikely to carry the iris virus and probably have red eyes. Those who live in colonies are considered more socially acceptable than rogues. Many males travel in bachelor colonies during their adolescent years. Occasionally, females may travel in nursing colonies.
Tourists (Aliens) - Cloudland foreigners. Aliens don’t typically settle in the cloudlands since there’s really nothing to do there if you aren’t magical, and the buildings tend to be very small.
Genies - Generally looked down upon; profiled as dirty, manipulative trouble-makers who enjoy laughing at the expense of others. Technically, it’s difficult to officially rank them since there just aren’t very many in the first place, let alone genies who freely wander the cloudlands.
Drones - Stereotyped as natural-born servants (always male) and born only if their father is either a gyne or a drone. Despite the name “drone”, their natural behaviors are most similar to those of worker bees. They’re attracted to gyne pheromones, so gynes tend to form retinues of drones who take pride in serving him. A drone will be born sterile approximately 75% of the time. Pixie drones, being infected with Wolbachia pipientis, are an exception to this rule.
Will o’ the wisps - Stereotyped as gorgeous temptresses who seduce males and keep harems. They fear floods and slip out of their underground tunnels when it rains. Goldie Goldenglow is the wisp ambassador.
Anti-will o’ the wisps - Stereotyped as prostitutes (“Mistresses” in Anti-Fairy World) and generally looked down upon for having insect wings instead of bat ones; they are also known as “mothdames.” Anti-Marigold is an anti-wisp.
Finfolk - Very similar to will o’ the wisps, although they live underwater. The stereotype is that they capture potential spouses from land and drag them underwater, forcing their captors to be their servants.
Redcaps - Stereotyped as psychotic hillbillies. They’re looked down upon because they need to coat their hats in blood regularly in order to survive, or they’ll die. They have five eyes, are immune to all poisons and venoms, and are generally considered really creepy.
Brownies - Highly shunned for their venomous saliva. Widely viewed as meek servants without much brain power. To call someone a brownie-kisser implies that they’re so incapable of wooing anyone that they took advantage of a poor, dumb, innocent creature instead. Brownies are not inherently less intelligent than other Fairies- they just keep ending up in disadvantaged situations.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 5 years
Cloudland Belief Systems
Multiple beliefs exist in the cloudlands. This post discusses the four most common belief systems from my fanfics: believers in unity between three counterparts after death, believers in the elemental zodiac, believers in a blended system, and believers in the influence of fairy tales on fae biology.
Daoism - A Fae religion based on the idea that Fairies, Anti-Fairies, and Refracts will experience metamorphosis after death and take on a united form with their counterparts (Daoine Sìth). This religion has notable influence from Celtic folklore. Most Daoists are Fairies and Refracts. This Daoism is NOT related to real-world Taoism; it is a fanmade fae religion named after the Daoine Sìth, who are nature spirits described in Scottish folklore.
Zodiism - A philosophy based on the belief that the stars and the fae zodiac influence the lives of all living creatures.Deities known as nature spirits play a role in this philosophy. The year you were born in heavily influences your personality and the animal spirit your family honors largely shape your destiny. Most Zodii are Anti-Fairies.
Integration - A blended belief system held by those who do not believe Daoism and Zodiism are mutually exclusive. It’s not very acceptable to think this way since fae society favors black and white distinctions. The residents of Twilight Point (the settlement formed in Hawthorn Haven by runaway fae youth) are required to accept the idea that they can be integrated, or else speak of no spiritual beliefs.
Woven Ones - A philosophy based on the idea that the fae and their society are products of the beliefs outsiders hold about them and the stories people share. This philosophy is strongly connected with fairy tales.
Different sects exist in the cloudlands, each with their own cherry-picked beliefs. It’s also common for fae to hold no spiritual beliefs at all.
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Vast majority of Refracts
A large percentage of Fairies
A hefty majority of Pixies
A small handful of Anti-Fairies
The Fairywinkle family is very strongly Daoist, but Wanda turned away from those beliefs later in life. Cosmo’s uncle Harold is Daoist mostly because he married a Daoist women, but otherwise no one else in his family is strongly attached to the religion. Poof and Dusty were not raised in a Daoist home (although they are exposed to Daoist beliefs every time they visit their Fairywinkle relatives).
H.P. was raised Daoist and still considers himself to be one since he holds general Daoist beliefs. He would prefer his pixies were brought up Daoist too. However, H.P. tends to cherrypick the parts he likes and ignore the parts he doesn’t- for instance, he might page through King Nuada’s scripture but doesn’t see the point in studying it since he “already knows the stories,” and he hasn’t attended church since he was very young. One of his older pixies, McKinley, is an extremely devout follower of Daoism and visits Fairy World every Thursday to pray and sing songs.
The Eros family, blessed by Aengus, are extremely Daoist and would be killed if they ever strayed from that path.
Building Blocks
This religion revolves around achieving self-actualization- living up to your full potential and reaping the enjoyment of your full magical strength. Hard work and emotional satisfaction are highly prized in this belief system; knowingly subjecting yourself to unhappiness is not. Tales of the Tuatha Dé Danann make up the lore of this religion, though it is believed the race has died out. Stories about hundreds of deities and their intricate relationships are told to children as a way of teaching moral lessons.
Daoists believe the ancient Aos Sí race literally split apart into three separate creatures: Fairies, Anti-Fairies, and the Refracted. They believe that what has come apart will come together again, and three counterparts will become a single creature in the afterlife: Daoine Síth.
Daoism is fairly open and about making your own connection with deities; honoring the memory of these noble spirits can be done with intense worship and prayer, or through simple gestures. It’s a religion of “Whatever works for you, as long as you do it with pride.”
Customs and Rituals
There are thousands of stories related to the Tuatha Dé Danann, and it’s difficult to master them all. Nonetheless, it’s expected one will know a significant amount of them. When one feels confident in their abilities, they agree to be baptized. Baptism involves a symbolic dance and kiss with one’s Refracted counterpart (since Refracts are usually raised to be Daoist priests and priestesses). Baptism can be done in any of the Daoist shrines any time before one comes into their adult wings; once you come into your adult wings, you can only be baptized in the difficult-to-reach High Kingdom temple.
After baptism, you receive a baptism medal and can travel to certain restricted, holy locations in the cloudlands. The Eros Nest is usually restricted, though it opens to the public at certain times.
A church service is held four times a year (generally the first Thursday after the season turns). Many Daoists choose not to use magic on Thursday, though that isn’t a requirement. The religion forces very little upon its believers; it is a religion of self-actualization and coming to decisions on your own.
Daoists honor the memories of the old days and believe they’ll have the chance to embrace the old days themselves after death. When speaking of the Tuatha Dé Danann, one should place their thumb to their chest.
Prayer is not very important, as Daoists believe the Tuatha Dé Danann have moved on, so there isn’t really anyone left to pray to. One may pray to the general universe if that’s what they wish to do. The religion urges followers to find their own way to connect with the universe and feel at peace.
Prayer is done by kneeling with the right hand touching the forehead, palm facing out, thumb curled in so it touches the palm. The same sign (minus the kneeling) means “I come in peace” in Fairy culture.
The single holy book is called King Nuada’s scripture and contains many stories about the Tuatha Dé Danann. One should study this book if they intend to be baptized (though they could learn the stories orally as well and be baptized without ever turning a page).
Moral Rights and Wrongs
Reaching the afterlife is inevitable unless you majorly screw up by committing one of the Three Deep Sins, which are stated in this poem written at the beginning of Da Rules:
Tell no lies, excepting those dressed in white. Kill no one before they've engaged in fair fight. If ever in doubt, recall the Fairy Elder is sure to be right. Disobey these and you'll lose your path to the light.
Truth, honor, and total obedience to the Fairy Elder are crucial. Killing someone without giving them the chance for a fair fight will blacklist you from Fairy society. “Fair fight” means both parties should be physically capable of defending themselves; one should not kill someone who is bound, has been kidnapped and thrown into a small space, or who is praying.
Aside from these Three Deep Sins, there are a few other incidents that can cause you to die a “dustless death” and get lost on the way to heaven. These include killing a unicorn, disobeying your master if you’re a selkie, dying as an infant before you’ve had your first taste of milk, and so on. If you don’t end up on Plane 23, it’s believed the Darkness will snatch you up.
Daoists dislike coin sith (fairy dogs) because they’re said to carry souls to the afterlife. Specifically, their bodies carry souls, and swap soups with other bodies to do so. Commit one of the Three Deep Sins in front of a fairy dog and it’ll take your soul. Daoists believe fairy dogs can die, and that if you die while in the body of a fairy dog, you don’t go to heaven and simply cease to exist. Certain sins will likewise cause you to “die a dustless death” and lose your right to heaven.
In Daoism (as with most of Fairy culture), values such as honor, loyalty, and trust are integral to society (tracing back to Fairies’ adherence to geasa and Da Rules). In Zodiism (and most Anti-Fairy culture), it’s thought that promises should be broken for the “greater good”- a vague concept that makes Fairies uneasy but which community-centered Anti-Fairies soak up.
Fear of The Darkness was everywhere in Fairy World until “Wishology.” After witnessing The Darkness become the Kindness, Daoists are trying to decide how this changes their beliefs.
Social Roles and Relationships
Friends and romantic partners are expected to support one another, helping each other make good choices. Mothers and fathers are both expected to be gentle and nurturing with children (no distinction of gender in that role).
Typically, Refracts are perceived as pure and holy while Anti-Fairies are perceived as deceptive and evil (or if not evil, then certainly troubled and untrustworthy). Refracts usually work as priests and priestesses in the Daoist shrines throughout Fairy World. Fairies hold other jobs (they’re encouraged to pursue what they love) and strive to purify themselves.
Anti-Fairies are, sadly, frequently ignored or rejected. In general, Anti-Fairies are thought to embody the impurities of the soul. It’s best to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit so they don’t consume you in the next life.
Daoism is a religion of self-actualization. You are encouraged to do what you feel is best for you and seek the lifestyle that makes you happy, so there are no strict social roles in this religion.
Death and the Afterlife
It’s believed all three fae counterparts unite into a single being in the afterlife (Daoine Síth form). The Daoine form closely resembles depictions of the Aos Sí. The counterpart with the highest lift (crown height) in life will pass the most personality traits to the Daoine form, the lowest lift will pass the least.
It’s believed your magic cycles back through the universe after death, but that ancestors still have some ability to offer more or withhold some of their magic from living relatives. Respecting your ancestors will ensure magic stays available and easy to use, while offended ancestors may cut your supply.
If a fairy has magic in their body when they die (i.e. a connection to the energy field), they will turn to dust upon death. Those who die without a connection to the energy field will vanish without leaving any dust behind. Daoists believe it’s honorable to die a “dusty” death and shameful to die a dustless one.
At a Daoist funeral, people dress in black. Those who knew the deceased may speak about them briefly in front of a small gathering. Daoist funerals are usually short and held outside, so it’s rare to set up chairs or have a banquet. The next of kin decides what to do with the deceased’s lifedust and core- some dispose of it, others keep it in their bedroom or office space. It’s also common to eat the core, which is a symbolic gesture connected to the idea that once you die, your magic flows back into the universe for your family to use.
The second Thursday of July is the Day of Daoine on the fae calendar. This celebration honors the dead by setting a place out for them at meals and telling this empty chair about events that have occurred in the family.
Life as a Daoist
To call yourself Daoist, you should know (and believe) the major stories about the Tuatha Dé Danann and some traditional heroes, including King Nuada and Cú Chulainn. You should know the four treasures and what became of each one. You should know the three parts of the soul and believe that in the afterlife, you and your counterparts will unite as one.
When you are confident in your knowledge, you can be baptized in a Daoist shrine. There are several of these throughout Fairy World. These appointments must be made in advance and you should arrive fasting. At your baptism, you will meet your Refracted counterpart, who will walk you through a symbolic dance and end the encounter with a kiss (If you’re the Refracted counterpart, you’ll practice your dance in advance and be summoned when called upon).
Once you moult into your adult wings, Fairy and Refract counterparts come together again for a second symbolic dance, this one more detailed and intense than the first. A large coming of age ceremony is held which involves donning ceremonial clothing and dyeing hair with unicorn blood.
Most Fairy World shops close early on Wednesdays, regardless of whether the owner is Daoist or not. They stay closed on Thursday and open again on Friday, when the Fairy work week begins. Many Daoists choose not to use magic on Thursdays, though this is not required. Like the rest of Daoism, it’s a religion of personal choices and self-actualization. It’s up to the individual to decide whether “Thursday” means from sundown on Wednesday to dawn of Friday, whether it’s when you go to sleep, and whether "Thursday” means Thursday in your home time zone or current time zone.
The four season turn holidays are celebrated on the appropriate dates. A small church service is held the first Thursday following each of these holidays, resulting in four church services a year.
Daoists also believe in the three parts of the soul: the hands, the lines, and the core. When sharing magic, whether that be while preening or while mating, the three parts come into play; it’s custom to hold at least one hand palm to palm during these intimate moments. Holding hands is the first of these three stages of intimacy, followed by breathing in sync with one another, and finally sharing your emotions and mind without holding back.
Common Criticism
It’s argued that the Tuatha Dé Danann were people too, just living their lives. Why worship them as though their daily actions were holy?
There is evidence the Aos Sí existed. However, there is little evidence that the Aos Sí split into three counterparts. Perhaps the Aos Sí were ancestors of Fairies, but not Anti-Fairies or Refracts.
There is documented proof of the nature spirits, but not as much evidence for Daoine forms.
Strong evidence for reincarnation exists, but reincarnation doesn’t fit into the Daoist vision of the afterlife.
Anti-Fairies in general don’t mesh well with Daoist beliefs; in general, Fairies try to avoid Anti-Fairies and don’t even invite them to the shrines during baptism when Fairy and Refracted counterparts come together... quite rude for a religion that believes in equal unity after death.
Anti-Fairies are offended if they’re told, in essence, to grin and bear their way through this life because in the next life, they’ll be equal to Fairies.
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Vast majority of Anti-Fairies
A modest number of Fairies
Some Pixies
Very few Refracts
Anti-Cosmo is firmly Zodii and has tried his best to raise Foop and Smoky in a Zodii home. Anti-Wanda was indifferent to Zodiism in her youth but has accepted Zodii beliefs as an adult. However, she leans towards integration. Foop agrees the nature spirits exist and might send miracles if they feel like it, but he feels no attachment or genuine respect towards them. He believes they see mortals like pawns and don’t actually care about him, so why should he praise them for that?
The vice president of Pixies Inc., Longwood, holds Zodii beliefs even though H.P. is Daoist. He was born in a Leaves year, so he often visits the Leaves Temple on Thursdays to meditate and pray. As he’s grown, he’s struggled with Zodii beliefs and even reverted briefly to Daoism because according to Zodii beliefs, he (a Leaves year) should be submissive and shouldn’t hold leadership positions... an obvious conflict with him first in line to be the next Head Pixie.
Building Blocks
The Zodii believe that Tarrow, the cosmic jellyfish and deity of fate and destiny, selects a path and soulmate(s) for everyone. You can choose to reject his plans, but you won’t have his influence in your life anymore, and things will probably go very wrong very soon. 
While there are hundreds of nature spirits, the main seven control the elements and are therefore placed on the Fairy zodiac. The days of the week are named after them. It’s said that their power is strongest on their day of the week, not to mention their year in the seven-year cycle. Similarly, the Zodii believe that the day of the week and year of the zodiac cycle affects the flow of luck that influences you. They tend to be very superstitious people, and will postpone events until the right moment- for example, marrying in a Love year.
The Zodii believe encounters are fated and you can predict how well a relationship will work out by how the first encounter goes. The more impactful the first conversation, the higher the chance you’ll meet again and grow to be good friends.
Then there are bonds. The Zodii believe in fate, and that the year of your birth has a major impact on your personality. As such, they believe in automatic compatibility between certain signs on the zodiac, and automatic incompatibility between others. It’s not unusual for a Zodii to refuse to even have a one-night stand with someone of an “incompatible” zodiac, lest it lead to negative consequences.
Customs and Rituals
Many (though not all) children of Zodii parents are betrothed shortly after birth. Colored rings are distributed to the youth and the youth search the crowd for someone with a matching ring. Those who do not find someone with a matching ring within the given time are declared not to have a soulmate attending the ceremony, and must actively seek them later in life. Non-Zodii often mock the “randomness” of Zodii betrothals, but the Zodii believe strongly in fate. This ceremony was depicted in Frayed Knots Chapter 3, “Fun With Yarn.”
Note - In Anti-Fairy culture, marriage and romance do not always go together. Instead, marriage and soulmates go together. Siblings (especially twins) are sometimes betrothed.
The fae calendar is based around the fae zodiac, with the Love year considered the first year of the new cycle (Leaves the last). The new year is always a big event in Anti-Fairy World, but the turn of the zodiac cycle (every seven years) is bigger. Most Zodii, if they choose to marry, will postpone their wedding until the year of Love. Growth milestones are celebrated in the year of Love as well.
At age 150,000, an Anti-Fairy becomes a legal adult and has a coming of age ceremony that involves watching the body with different products. Non-Anti-Fairies may also engage in this ritual, some choosing to perform it at age 150,000 and others at the appropriate age of majority for their living situation. Anti-Cosmo’s coming of age ceremony was depicted in the Frayed Knots chapter “The Bar Code.”
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The Zodii honor nature spirits who watch over the universe. These include Mother Nature, Father Time, and several other powerful characters who appear in The Fairly OddParents. The Grim Reaper, for instance, is a form of the nature spirit of death. The chicken goddess from the episode “Chicken Poofs” represents the nature spirit of life. The Darkness and the Hocos Poconos are also notable figures to note.
There are seven elements on the fae zodiac (depicted above) and each is represented by a nature spirit. These elements are Love, Fire, Water, Sky, Soil, Breath, and Leaves. It’s believed the seven children were born in this order, giving rise to the seven days of the week on the fae calendar. The association between Anti-Fairies and Friday can be traced back to the Love deity, Dayfry, who represents the first year of the zodiac cycle and the first day of the fae work week.
The zodiac spirits are associated with the following:
Love - Dayfry the Leader - Balance, loyalty, duty, politeness, gentleness, sacrifice, honor
Fire - Saturn the Warrior - Energy, comfort, emotional strength, passion, family, justice
Water - Sunnie the Scholar - Focus, tact, introspection, education, logic, tranquility
Sky - Munn the Trickster - Acceptance, compassion, hope, faith, cheer, speed, safe travel
Soil - Twis the Merchant - Dedication, work, ambition, planning, harvest, physical strength
Breath - Winni the Teacher - Communication, health, teaching, sewing, rest, self-care
Leaves - Thurmondo the Scientist - Curiosity, courage, initiative, understanding, mercy, humility
If someone who is Zodii encounters a problem, they may pray to the spirit they believe would be best equipped to solve the problem (You honor all deities if you’re Zodii- you aren’t locked into honoring only one, even if that’s the one who is “in charge of you”).
Click HERE to see zodiac years from 1990 to 2023 (Google Doc).
To read more about the nature spirits, view the Nature Spirits Class Overview post HERE.
The nature spirits have no biological sex and are genderless in their own eyes. They manifest differently to different people. In the cloudlands the ancient phrase “seven children” was translated as “seven sons,” so the zodiac spirits are said to be male. The Snobulacs worship a healing deity whom they perceive as female, even though this deity (according to the Zodii) is another form of Winni. Dame Artemis explicitly refers to the zodiac spirits as female.
In my nature spirit resource collection, I noted the minor spirits by the gender they are perceived as by the narrator who will encounter them (for personal reference). In reality, they are sexless and genderless.
There are no “holy” texts per se; Zodiism is technically a philosophy, not a religion. However, mythology about the nature spirits exists and is prominent. Many stories have been compiled in collections.
Zodiism is inseparable from math. The flow of luck in the universe is always traced back to calculations and you need some schooling to understand how all that works.
Moral Rights and Wrongs
“Right” and “wrong” are much more subjective in Zodiism compared to Daoism. In Daoism (as with most of Fairy culture), ideas like honesty and obedience are always considered right while deceit and anger are considered wrong; promises should always be upheld no matter what. In Zodiism (and most Anti-Fairy culture), promises can and should be broken for the greater good, and it’s up to the individual to determine when the “greater good” distinction applies.
Those who are Zodii usually try to honor the spirit who rules the year they were born. They try to view the world through that spirit’s eyes and encourage that spirit’s values. Examples:
Someone who honors Sunnie may actively search for those who seem stressed, and try to help them find peace.
Someone who honors Munn may seek those who feel rejected and try to help them find new friends who make them feel accepted.
Someone who honors Thurmondo may seek those who want to tackle large research projects and help them network. 
Zodiism is all about making an active effort to help others the way the spirits would want them to be helped. Actively seeking those in need is considered a good act. Not volunteering helpful information that could benefit someone when they explicitly state what they’re looking for is considered a failure (“going against fate”).
Acting out of turn is also frowned upon. It’s believed the order of the zodiac depicts the natural order of dominance and submissiveness (since the goal is to look to the spirits and try to live like they do). Trying to take the lead when you should be the submissive one is inappropriate.
Note - Age takes priority over zodiac. Those younger defer to those 5,000 years older than them. If you’re born within the same 5,000 year chunk, the earlier zodiac year takes priority.
In the Frayed Knots chapter “Cageflight,” Anti-Cosmo (born in the Water year) struggles with his Zodii beliefs when he decides to take the submissive role with someone born in the Leaves year. Upon realizing he enjoyed this sexual encounter, he is confused and horrified- according to Zodii teachings, he should have been offended, left the situation, and shouldn’t have enjoyed it at all.
Social Roles and Relationships
The Zodii believe in zodiac bonds. That is, the year you were born on the fae zodiac affects your relationships. Yellow bonds are considered good luck, green bonds bad luck (in the sense that even Anti-Fairies desire yellow bonds, not green). Yellow bonds lead to prosperity and happiness, green bonds to misery.
Zodiac bonds are based on the relationships of the zodiac spirits; the idea is that the year you were born gives you the same characteristics as the nature spirit who represents that year, so you too will mesh with someone of other years the same way the spirits do.
Many Zodii are betrothed young. It’s believed that fate plays a role in these betrothals, so they’re thought to lead to genuine life satisfaction even if you end up with an undesirable bond.
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Zodiac Bond Colors
YELLOW - Two people usually get along very well
BLUE - Mostly the same as your counterparts get along
PINK - Mostly opposite how your counterparts get along
PURPLE - It really just depends; could go either way.
GREEN - Usually don’t get along very well at all
Those born in the same year are assumed to have a purple bond.
Foop’s parents and the majority of the Anti-Fairy public expect him to make a damsel named Anti-Coriander his High Countess someday. Foop was born in the Breath year, but is more of a scientist (associated with the Leaves year). Anti-Coriander was born in the Leaves year, but is more of a healer (associated with the Breath year). The Breath and Leaves years share a yellow bond. These two are considered an extremely balanced couple.
This idea of balance is considered a sign of a satisfying relationship; romance and passion are extra benefits, not the main points you should seek in an effective Zodii marriage.
Acolytes are expected to perform duties at their assigned temple, keeping the place clean and working. Many acolytes work on research projects in their free time. Parents do not have distinct social roles in Zodii beliefs (most Anti-Fairy families don’t consist of both parents and a child). However, the young should respect their elders and those born later on the zodiac (close to Leaves) should defer to those born earlier (close to Love).
There are three types of relationships the Zodii consider to be healthy: Relationships of Passion, relationships of Affection, and relationships of Duty. Accepting your fate and doing your duty without complaint is looked upon favorably in Anti-Fairy culture, even though most Fairies don’t consider this particular view healthy. Finding value in difficult relationships is part of the culture shock that keeps many Fairies from committing to Zodii beliefs.
A zodiac spirit pair represents each of these three relationships. You will notice that these spirits have yellow-bonded pairs. Zodii without partners may seek Dayfry, the unbonded spirit, for relationship advice or for a blessing to live a satisfying life without a bonded partner.
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- Passion - Saturn and Munn embody the honeymoon phase of a relationship. Saturn is a flirt whose love language is words of affirmation. He’s a decorated war champion who considers himself a gentleman, and enjoys the traditional motions of courtship. Munn’s love language is gift giving, and he’s constantly trying to impress him with his antics. Anti-Fairies who prefer passionate intimacy may seek their blessing.
- Affection - Sunnie and Twis embody companionate love. Sunnie’s love language is physical touch, and he would snuggle all day if Twis let him. He likes having his back patted and rubbed. Twis’s love language is acts of service, and he likes getting work done with Sunnie at his side. Probably because Sunnie, being the Water spirit, waters his crops. They greatly enjoy one another’s company and conversation. Anti-Fairies who prefer affectionate, less passionate relationships may seek their blessing.
- Duty - Winni and Thurmondo represent difficult relationships. They both share the love language quality time. Winni constantly tells himself he’s doing the right thing in pursuing Thurmondo because they create oxygen for the universe when they’re together. Thurmondo struggles to break free and stand on his own. Since Anti-Fairies are forced to pair with those their counterparts do, they look to Winni and Thurmondo for strength when times are hard.
>> No one stepped in when Anti-Cosmo and his brother were smacked around by their mother, and the children weren’t sure who to talk to about their fears because relationships of duty are considered healthy in Anti-Fairy World (High Count Anti-Bryndin did occasionally scold their mother for being too harsh, but did not punish her or end her abuses).
Death and the Afterlife
Zodii funerals are longer than Daoist ones. They are normally held outside, but multiple people prepare speeches and chairs are set up; Zodii funerals are held a week or even two or three after death (unlike Daoist funerals, which are held as soon as possible). People wear white. Following the ceremony, the core is placed in a special burial chamber within the appropriate zodiac temple.
The Zodii believe in reincarnation after death. It’s anticipated that you’ll return as one of your own descendants, assuming you have the favor of the nature spirits. Because of this, it’s crucial to know your family line; Zodii children are encouraged to research their ancestors and determine who they’re a reincarnation of if possible.
Before reincarnating, a soul enters a waiting period where they serve the spirits in the afterlife. The Soil Temple (Twis’s temple) is populated by visible, glowing spirits who supposedly guard the tunnels. Anti-Cosmo firmly believes he served as a guard in the Soil Temple for centuries after his previous life and will probably serve there again after this one.
Alternatively, those who die may return as an aspect of nature (such as a tree or stream) or an animal (presumably the animal that represents your family), according to what the nature spirits task them to do.
Life as a Zodii
It is traditional for Zodii parents to present a child (born to them or adopted) to the appropriate zodiac temple as soon as possible. The child is blessed in front of witnesses and bestowed with a sacred name, called a private name. Anti-Fairies use their private names until age 150,000 when they have their coming of age ceremonies and use their adult names (which begin with “Anti-”). Non-Zodii parents also give their child a private name, as is Anti-Fairy custom, but do so outside the temples.
Foop was blessed under the name Nebula, but the name “Foop” stuck due to the news coverage surrounding his birth. His name is legally Nebula, but only his extended family call him that; most people don’t realize that’s his name.
Many Zodii are betrothed at a young age and go through life believing they’ve already found their soulmate. Soulmates generally live together (usually in whichever colony holds higher social status. Those who are not betrothed young are encouraged to study themselves and determine who they were in a previous life. Knowing who they were may help them satisfy them in this life by tying up loose ends and completing goals that were left unfinished.
Furthermore, identifying your past life may help you find your soulmate, as it’s believed soulmates reincarnate in the same time period as often as possible. It’s thought you can have multiple soulmates, but usually only one lines up per lifetime. Multiple soulmates in the same lifetime is not unheard of.
Certain Anti-Fairies who show passion and promise are encouraged to pursue lives as temple acolytes. From a young age, these Anti-Fairies study the flow of luck in the universe as well as architecture and interior design. Acolytes are highly respected in Anti-Fairy World, as the flow of energy through buildings is of the utmost importance to highly sensitive Anti-Fairy ears.
Most Anti-Fairies do not train as acolytes, and many don’t train for any job in particular. The majority of Anti-Fairies live and travel with their colony around Anti-Fairy World, constantly on the hunt for food (which is somewhat scarce in Anti-Fairy World). Zodii Anti-Fairies attempt to visit the zodiac temples on a somewhat regular basis, praying and leaving offerings to the nature spirits.
There are 12 special holidays on the fae calendar celebrated by Anti-Fairies, Zodii or not. A few have Zodii influence and are acceptable to celebrate if you happen to be Zodii but not an Anti-Fairy.
It’s believed those born in the year of Love are natural leaders while those born in the Leaves year are submissive. Those born later in the zodiac should be submissive to those born earlier, and young Anti-Fairies to older ones. Those who act in line with these stereotypes are praised by society while dissenters are scolded or even outright shunned.
Common Criticism
Zodiism suggests good and bad are subjective. Every spirit has their own perspective of good and bad and it’s impossible to be good in every person’s eyes. Some see Zodiism as a philosophy that teaches you can do whatever you want without consequences, even if your actions hurt others.
Zodiism a waste of valuable resources (for building temples, murals, monuments, etc.) and followers spend more time prettying the homes of the rich than helping those in need. Where are the morals?
There is so much variation in personality within a single year. How can it be argued that those born in that year will exhibit certain traits (or mesh well with those born under other zodiacs)?
Children are betrothed “randomly” at birth and expected to maintain those bonds for life; Zodii guilt culture is strong.
Any calculation can be invented to argue anything, so what proof is there that the afterlife will be the way mortal math and science suggest?
Where do counterparts fit in this philosophy? Why do babies physically resemble their counterparts at birth? How does the honey-lock work if counterparts don’t share a soul?
Integrationists believe Daoist and Zodii beliefs are not mutually exclusive. They believe if all three counterparts agree to unite as one after death, they will. A counterpart who desires reincarnation will serve the nature spirits until they are granted another life.
It’s thought Daoine unity and reincarnation both involve the unanimous decision of all three parts of the soul; souls in disagreement must reside as separate shards on Plane 23 (probably in discontent) until they decide to either unite or reincarnate together. Balance, agreement, and consent are absolutely key.
The Tuatha Dé Danann are honored and prayed to alongside the nature spirits. Generally nature spirits are considered more powerful, but the Tuatha Dé Danann are looked to when one is honing in on a specific request (Ex: Saturn is a warrior deity in Zodii culture, but one may turn to a specific Tuathan figure to aid them in different battles depending on what that figure is known for; the same rule of general vs. specific also applies to school exams).
Integrationists are often critiqued for being disloyal. They are seen as flighty and desperate to cover all their bases without firmly believing in anything.
The majority of followers are youth (especially as of Hawthorn Haven). As a result, beliefs in integration are sometimes waved off as silly, rebellious, or a passing fad.
The Woven Ones
The Woven Ones believe fae biology, society, and behaviors are influenced by the stories told about their people via fairy tales. The more often stories are told, the more influential they become; fae are only what mortal species believe them to be.
Those who hold such beliefs point to evidence like cherubs (Cupid in particular) gaining and losing power according to the amount of love in the universe.
This belief system is often critiqued for passing responsibility for one’s actions not on the fae who performs those actions, but upon those who tell their stories.
Certainly one of the less popular belief systems, but vocal nonetheless.
Click HERE for my Fairly OddParents worldbuilding masterpost
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riddledeep · 5 years
Fairy Social Ladder
The Fairy Caste System
The subspecies of Fairy you are determines your social status and many of your life choices. Anti-Fairies and the Refracted rarely care what subspecies you are, but many Fairies avoid socializing with people who aren’t in their league. Walk into any Fairy school and you’ll notice that friend groups usually contain members of closely-ranked subspecies rather than roommates.
The social ladder was designed by the Eros family long ago according to Fairy fertility cycles. Back then, its main purpose was to help parents betroth their children to a partner whose heat cycles and instinctive social behaviors would line up well with theirs, and to help sort out messy legalities like inheritance rights. This morphed into the caste system we know today. The social ladder is mentioned often in my fanfics, especially Origin of the Pixies.
Fairies take the species of their father and the crown of their mother. If both parents have wings, their children will have blended wings; if only one parent has them, most of their offspring will have wings but it’s possible for one to be born without. Many low-class drakes search for higher-class damsels so their offspring are treated as higher status than they really are upon closer inspection. 
Naiad - A wingless Fairy (one born without or one who no longer has wings); the von Strangles ceremonially cut their wings off
The social ladder was far more strict before H.P.’s time. Back then, Fairy children had to memorize the social ladder and greet others according to whether they ranked above or below them. In modern times, Fairy World no longer demands such behavior, but the social ladder still plays an influential role in Fairy culture.
As Poof’s generation grows, the social ladder gradually becomes less important. School teachers deliberately seat kids who would not normally socialize near one another in an attempt to upend the system. In the future, the social ladder may be scorned and rejected altogether.
You can view the original social ladder posts with screenshots HERE on my main blog (Didn’t want the pictures here due to length)
This post brought to you by “I don’t read fantasy just to see regular humans with wings” gang
1) Common Fairies (Faedivus fae)
Patron: Dragonfly (Free-tailed bat; peregrine falcon)
Crown: Six-pointed floating crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 18 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Balls
Ambassador Token: A pocket copy of Da Rules listing only major cloudland laws
Food Weakness: Rump roast
Holotype: Finella Sunbeam
Common fairies are the highest-ranking species in Fairy society. They have elaborate courtship rituals involving dances, and a bonded pair will notch the costas in one another’s wings in the same pattern, individual to the pair (The notching tradition has since spread to other subspecies, but it originated with the fairies). Common fairies are the only subspecies capable of swiveling their wings independently, which makes them the fastest and most agile fliers in the Seelie Court. However, their wings cannot fold directly backwards. Due to sharing genetics with dragonflies, fairies panic around live fish unless exposed to them frequently from a young age.
2) Cherubs (Faedivus ciconiidae)
Patron: Stork (Common raven)
Crown: None naturally
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Ovals
Ambassador Token: A decorative metal arrow about four inches long, piercing two small "hearts"
Food Weakness: Pancakes
Holotype: Aphrodite Eros
Despite their stork genetics, cherubs are classified as a fae race. The majority work with the Eros family, spreading love throughout the universe. Curiously, they’re obsessed with counting seeds. Cherub wings carry the most dominant genes in the Seelie Court; if you mate with a cherub, you’re guaranteed to get a baby with feathered wings unless something goes horribly wrong.
3) Nixes (Faedivus pisces)
Patron: Dobsonfly (Greater bulldog bat; great horned owl)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; chronically damp to the touch
Ambassador Token: A single fancy fork, spoon, and knife
Food Weakness: Lobster bisque
Holotype: Horace Sapphiro
Nixes are stereotyped as the socialites of Fairy society; they are associated with music, poetry, and plays. They typically want their way and are infamous for drowning people who stand against them. Their clothes are always wet, and they lose their ability to do magic when their damp coats are removed. Nix damsels have fish tails. Nixes are responsible for creating coin sith (fairy dogs), though you won’t find a nix who’ll take the blame for it.
4) Leprechauns (Faedivus leipreachán)
Patron: Click beetle (Brown long-eared bat; great green macaw)
Crown: Green hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Somewhat clover-shaped
Ambassador Token: A cooking pot
Food Weakness: Potatoes
Holotype: Sienna Partridge
Leprechauns tend to congregate around Ireland and stereotypically wear green. They’re associated with rainbows and sometimes with greed. In return for releasing them after capture, they are obligated to give you any 49 things you ask for, such as pieces of gold, kisses, smacks to the face, or even years of service (Most people demand gold, not knowing they have other options). The one thing they can’t give is forty-nine children. They lose their ability to do magic if turned upside-down. Generally, leprechauns can only produce children once, and only crossbred leprechauns have wings.
5) Eastern Elves (Faedivus cobble)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: Two wooden slippers
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Thomas Kite
Eastern elves are the elf subspecies most likely to reside in Fairy World. They have the special ability to turn a piece of any nonliving material they desire into shoes or clothes (sans a few particular materials such as smoof); because of this, almost all of them work in Fairy World’s clothing industry. Although they don’t commonly become godparents, they frequently interact with humans by working on their projects at night. Eastern elves are the only elves to naturally have wings. They lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes 
6) Western Elves (Faedivus coquito)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: A baking pan
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Chestingwood Brown
Western elves are probably the most common fae to roam Earth, and are majorly concentrated around Europe and the Midwestern United States. They can summon cookies out of thin air when pleased (no wand required), though they grow immune to the intoxicating effects of sugar with age. Western elves can’t poof and do not naturally have wings, but they can travel through trees. They keep their eyes on humans and report back to Fairy World. Western elves lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes.
7) Northern Elves (Faedivus septentrio)
Patron: Honeybee (Bumblebee bat; elf owl)
Crown: Blue or green pointed caps with spikes around the base
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Dodecahedron
Ambassador Token: A small white pouch that holds more than you’d expect
Food Weakness: Honey
Holotype: Lachlan Buckle
Northern elves are best adapted for life in the cold, hence their name. Since they have natural skill with tools, wood, and cloth, they work closely with Kris Kringle spreading holiday joy to humans all over the world. Northern elves can’t poof and do not naturally have wings, but they are excellent organizers and are thought to take great pride in their work. Most northern elves are drones who defer to Kris Kringle as their gyne; only the Head Pixie rivals that man for high high number of devoted, careful workers. Northern elves lose the ability to do magic if you take away their shoes.
8) Selkies (Faedivus arctocephalus)
Patron: Seals (Lesser bulldog bat; goose)
Crown: Pink coral
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Scallop
Ambassador Token: A pink seashell
Food Weakness: Clam chowder
Holotype: Grace Swiftly
Selkies turn into seals if they wear their sealskin coats, and are “forced” to follow any orders given to them by someone else wearing their coat. Anti-selkies and selkie refracts do not have coats and merely reflect their counterpart. Selkies wear crowns of pink coral and their wings function more like fins and aren’t great for flying with. Their patrons are all seals, though the species of seal can vary.
9) Swanee (Faedivus cygnus)
Patron: Swan (Black scoter duck; swan)
Crown: Winged caps
Heat Cycle: Fertile 8 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; feathery
Ambassador Token: A bathrobe
Food Weakness: Toast
Holotype: Lia Lazulia
Swanee are similar to selkies, although they have feathered robes instead of sealskins; ‘swanee’ is a more gender-neutral term for the swan maidens of myths. They are bound to whomever wears their feathered robe. Anti-Swannee have horns under their hats; according to their culture, only the most dominant anti-swanee may display their horns. Anti-swanee do not have anti-robes and merely reflect the relationships of their counterparts.
10) Aluxo’ob (Faedivus milpa)
Patron: Owlfly (Jamaican greater-eared funnel bat; American crow)
Crown: Large, extravagant metal and fabric crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Bells
Ambassador Token: A colorful puzzle pyramid with rotating sides
Food Weakness: Popcorn
Holotype: Marion Ru
Aluxo’ob are associated with wisdom. They pride themselves on hard work, love puzzles, and are completely invisible unless you look directly at them. They also have the ability to hear what you say about them in conversation no matter where you are. They frequent the Mesopotamia and South American areas of the word. Because they lose power if shut indoors with no open exits, they tend to be claustrophobic. The plural form is aluxo’ob; the singular is alux.
11) Qalupalik (Faedivus crepito)
Patron: Cockchafer (Northern ghost bats; willow ptarmigan)
Crown: Simple three-pointed crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; stark white until they shed exoskeleton
Ambassador Token: A small, fuzzy blanket
Food Weakness: King crab
Holotype: Philip Na
Qualupalik frequent the northern areas of the United States and Canada. You can hear them coming from a ways off in flight because their patron is the cockchafer. They are associated with cleverness, patience, innovation, and wilderness survival. They wear coats called amautis and steadily lose magic the longer they’re outdoors with their hoods down. Historically they engaged in changeling children traditions, though this is now frowned upon.
12) Imps (Faedivus gryllidae)
Patron: Cricket (Spotted bat; cricket warbler)
Crown: None naturally; usually bald; have two antennae
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Rectangular (Vertical)
Ambassador Token: A wooden flute
Food Weakness: French fries
Holotype: Archer Clay
Imps have antennae and no natural crowns, although crossbreeds will show the crowns of their mothers. Their wings chirp if they become flustered or excited because their patron is the cricket. They bounce a lot when they walk and have a special influence over temperature. They lose the ability to do magic if you hold the tips of their antennae together so they touch.
13) Habetrots (Faedivus embroidera)
Patron: Cuckoo wasp (Dayak fruit bat; Australian white ibis)
Crown: Pointed hat with a star at the tip; damsels also have two ribbons trailing from their hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; fluffy
Ambassador Token: A pair of knitting needles
Food Weakness: Lamb chops
Holotype: Brendan Wulhave
Habetrots, although there aren’t a lot of them, tend to frequent the rural areas of Fairy World, mostly tending sheep and various magical farm animals. Their specialty is knitting and sewing. They have the highest turnover rate of any magical being due to the fact that they can have blood drawn by and be killed by magical objects. Like their insect counterparts, they’re considered beautiful but elusive. They curl into balls of fluff when startled.
14) Barbegazi (Faedivus diaemus)
Patron: Snow scorpionfly (Honduran white bat; black-capped chickadee)
Crown: Five-pointed crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Slightly pine tree shaped
Ambassador Token: Thick snow boots
Food Weakness: Granola
Holotype: Andréa Nightly
Barbegazi have large bare feet which they use for snowboarding down mountains. The white bat-like wings of full-blodded barbegazi are recessive and are not often passed to their offspring. Barbegazi more common on Earth in the north than in Fairy World. They do not function well when it’s hot and stick to cold parts of the world. Despite their bat-like wings, they are clearly Seelie Courters; they do not have any bat instincts, and instead have the instincts of snow scorpionflies.
15) Far Darrig (Faedivus mus)
Patron: Rats (Desert long-eared bat; golden eagle)
Crown: Pointed hat; does not float
Heat Cycle: Take after the non-far darrig parent
Shape of Nymphs: Look like rats with pointed hats
Ambassador Token: A bronze brooch in the shape of a proud rat
Food Weakness: String cheese
Holotype: Alfred Indigo
Far darrig love to play, and luckily they’re easily entertained. Perhaps unluckily, their sense of humor tends towards comedic slapstick. They often lack boundaries, but it’s rare for one to continue bothering someone after they’ve been politely asked to stop. They can jump quite high. Beneath the practical jokes they’re real sweethearts and fiercely loyal to anyone they’ve fallen in love with, rarely putting themselves and their own wants first in any situation. They also like snuggles an awful lot. They always take their wings and any insect behaviors from the non-far darrig parent
16) Korrigans (Faedivus myrmeleontidae)
Patron: Antlion (Indiana bat; bowerbird)
Crown: Pointed hat with a ribbon or two curling off the back
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Oval; resemble pine cones
Ambassador Token: A curious wand that creates bubbles out of soap
Food Weakness: Maple syrup
Holotype: Arietta Moonbeam
If you think korrigans are pretty in the shadows, wait until you see them in direct sunlight- their hair will turn white, their eyes will turn red, their wings will shrivel, and their skin will wrinkle. Furthermore, spending too many minutes in the sun will drop them to their knees, and they won’t be going anywhere without someone carrying them. They usually travel in the form of a ball of light or bubble. Korrigans cannot name all seven days in the week if asked to do so.
17) Sylph (Faedivus flavus)
Patron: Eastern amberwing (Yellow-winged bat; common barn owl)
Crown: Tall pointed hats with brims, covered in yellow stars
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Cupcakes
Ambassador Token: A writing quill made from the feather of a peacock
Food Weakness: Soy sauce
Holotype: Luisa Highcrown
Sylph are creatures of the air and rarely touch the ground. They have the largest wing:body ratio among the fae. They’re stereotyped as studious and shy. Sylph hold power over the wind, though their talents are often lackluster in other areas- particularly where water is concerned. If you splash even a little water on a sylph, they’re powerless and mostly immobile until they dry off.
18) Banshees (Faedivus turgidus)
Patron: Cicada (Giant golden-crowned flying fox; three-wattled bellbird)
Crown: Very large crowns with very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Look somewhat ghostly
Ambassador Token: A tome briefly outlining various languages and monetary systems used by various Alien races throughout the universe
Food Weakness: Deviled eggs
Holotype: Brigid Lightwish
Aside from the part about how they go into anxiety attacks around people who are going to die soon, banshees are pretty regular Fairies. Damsels generally don’t like other banshee damsels and often refuse to speak to one another. As a general rule, male banshees are all mute and don’t like calling attention to themselves. Banshees frequent the Ireland area, usually in the skies whereas the leprechauns prefer the ground. If you cover a banshee’s mouth with your hand or another object, they’ll be immobilized.
19) Duende (Faedivus denudo)
Patron: Housefly (Philippine naked-backed fruit bat; rock dove)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile 4 months every 100 years
Shape of Nymphs: Oval (Horizontal)
Ambassador Token: A set of elegant bookends shaped like dragonflies
Food Weakness: None (Unless they’re a crossbreed)
Holotype: Cosmo Elkwood
Duende have no natural crown, and no gravitational field to hold a crown even if they’re crossbreeds. They tend to have very weak levels of magic, but are kindly souls who are considered trustworthy, especially with children (they’ll lead lost children through forests and back to their parents). On an unrelated sidenote, don’t let them clip your toenails unless you want to lose that foot.
20) Gnomes (Faedivus poacae)
Patron: Aphid (California leaf-nosed bat; American flamingo)
Crown: Pointy caps, usually red
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Round; chronically damp to the touch
Ambassador Token: A flower pot enchanted to ensure any seed planted will indeed survive to maturity
Food Weakness: Maple syrup
Holotype: Mallardi Fern
Gnomes have the greenest thumbs in Fairy World and take it upon themselves to look after plants; the majority of gnomes are found on Earth rather than the clouds. They will break out in hives if they come in contact with soap; too much exposure for too long can make them violently ill and even kill them. Gnomes can shapeshift into any kind of plant (but no animal or object) even without a wand. They’re stereotyped for having a phobia of fire. Gnomes and pixies have a long rivalry for biological reasons (aphids vs. wasps).
21) Satyrs (Faedivus satyrus)
Patron: Goat (Long-legged bat; Andean flamingo)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Take after the non-satyr parent
Shape of Nymphs: Giant balls of colored fluff with pink faces
Ambassador Token: A stylus and quill sharpener
Food Weakness: Applesauce
Holotype: Primrose Starfall
Satyrs don’t seem like traditional Fairies. Their feet are hooves and they grow thick, colorful hair around their chests and lower body. Their culture prizes this fluffy hair and its actually against their beliefs to wear clothing unless donning a disguise. Satyrs have wide diets and their habitat ranges throughout the cloudlands as well as Earth; satyrs are a species who interact regularly with humans. They always take their wings after the non-satyr parent.
22) Wraiths (Faedivus phasma)
Patron: Head lice (New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat; cockatiel falcon)
Crown: None naturally
Heat Cycle: Fertile 12 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Flat below and rounded on top
Ambassador Token: A handspun tablecloth of white lace
Food Weakness: Poppy seed muffins
Holotype: Cain Lightray
Wraiths have translucent skin, so one can view their organs. They turn colors depending on what they eat (like their patron insect, head lice). Pure wraiths have no natural wings or crown; some crossbreeds might have wings, but they are always incapable of flight. The more bold colors touching a wraith’s skin, the sicker they get. Since Fairies turn to dust upon death, transparent wraiths are very popular among institutions studying biology. They’re incredibly rare.
23) Goblins (Faedivus avaritia)
Patron: Fungus gnat (Little goblin bat; rook)
Crown: Five-pointed crowns, each point tipped with a small ball
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Mushrooms
Ambassador Token: A large silver coin shaped like a star
Food Weakness: Mushrooms
Holotype: Leroy Lang
Goblins are thought to be both oblivious and greedy with a fascination for gold, gems, and other precious, shiny things. Fungi are their main food source, and they’re often viewed as a scavenger race. Most live underground or on the fringes of Fairy society due to heavy negative stereotypes towards their species. They are impervious to cold and cannot freeze. They overheat easily if not careful.
24) Kobolds (Faedivus auxiliaris)
Patron: Ladybug (Egyptian fruit bat; red-billed oxpicker)
Crown: Colorful top hats (Many colors, but never green)
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Diamonds
Ambassador Token: A ladybug crafted from a ruby
Food Weakness: Candy corn
Holotype: Morley Arrowsmith
Kobold culture is tight-knit and highly encourages charity and friendship in every way. They strive to please and are always excited to help you. Their goal is to complete work quickly and look for more, but the work quality is often questionable. You’ll hurt they’ll feelings if you say so and they may lash out if you deny their help. Their magic doesn’t work near cobalt. They have an affinity with fire.
25) Ishigaq (Faedivus caecus)
Patron: Ice crawlers (Silver-haired bat; blue jay)
Crown: Cloth with a long feather sticking out behind it
Heat Cycle: Fertile 10 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Slightly snowflake shaped
Ambassador Token: Five elaborate miniature candles and a tiny candelabra for them
Food Weakness: Truffles
Holotype: Cosmo Comet
Ishigaq are traditionally a mountain-dwelling species who thrive in Fairy World’s icy mountains. They never leave footprints and only crossbreeds have fingerprints. All ishigaq are either blind or have very poor eyesight. When shadows are dark enough, they act as physical barriers their race must swim through or walk around.
26) Amazons (Faedivus galla)
Patron: Fowl ticks (Anti-Fairy and Refract patrons unknown)
Crown: Feathered headdress
Heat Cycle: Fertile 6 months every 50 years
Shape of Nymphs: Five-petaled flowers
Ambassador Token: None; they want no business with Fae politics
Food Weakness: Chicken
Holotype: Karia
Amazons are a small population who have secluded themselves in Fairy World’s Cherish Jungle. They’re capable of crossbreeding, although rarely do since they’ll be thrown out by their own people for it. Amazons worship a chicken goddess called the Cycling Hen and wear colorful headdresses. They don’t like visitors, and not a lot of people even remember they exist. They lose most of their energy if their headdresses are removed.
27) Trolls (Faedivus troglodytarum)
Patron: Termites (Hoary bat; burrowing owl)
Crown: Fertile 12 months every 25 years
Heat Cycle: Fertile every autumn
Shape of Nymphs: Troll (No exoskeleton, just tough troll skin)
Ambassador Token: A hand-carved storage box for a wand
Food Weakness: None
Holotype: Libindi Rata
Trolls are a Fairy subspecies with green, blue, or gray skin who generally live underground. Unless someone else brought them along, you’ll never find trolls in Fairy World- they can’t climb the Bridges and they can’t poof. Their stone cities are really something to be admired. Some say trolls grow more beautiful with age, but trolls would probably be offended to hear you imply they aren’t beautiful now. Although not quite as offended as they might be to find out people still believe they’re uncultured swine- they’re actually very proper people with great pride in their politeness.
28) Púca (Faedivus virens)
Patron: Emerald ash borers (California myotis; chestnut-tailed starling)
Crown: Three-pointed crown
Heat Cycle:  Fertile 8 months every 25 years
Shape of Nymphs: Like fresh loaves of bread
Ambassador Token: A pair of strong walking shoes that will always be the wearer’s size
Food Weakness: Corn chips
Holotype: Fletcher Reed
Púca always have some tint of green skin, and usually antennae, as well as natural three-pointed crowns. Being creatures of luck, they are heaily associated with Anti-Fairies; they share a repulsion for known good luck charms. However, they wander on their own and are not attracted to bad luck like Anti-Fairies are. There are very few of them in existence.
29) Dwarves (Faedivus taenarius)
Patron: Harvester ants (Dwarf little fruit bat; kiwi)
Crown: Very tall points
Heat Cycle: Fertile only in warm weather
Shape of Nymphs: Don’t seem to have one
Ambassador Token: A large gem; type varies by zodiac year
Food Weakness: Mushrooms
Holotype: Quartz Glaswin
The majority of dwarves are crossbreeds, with a gender ratio skewed towards males. Dwarves are magical “dead zones” who even drain the magic out of magical objects they spend enough time around. They’re immune to the magic of others unless said other is really focused, powerful, and willing to expend so much energy. Dwarf bites are venomous; they won’t cause death like a brownie bite, but are very painful and the after-effects last a long time. They sometimes abduct lawn gnomes. Generally, dwarves suffer from agoraphobia.
30) The Huldufólk (Faedivus cibus)
Patron: Crane fly (Nathusius’s Pipistrelle; blue-footed booby)
Crown: Striped pointed hat that doesn’t float
Heat Cycle: Fertile only in cold weather
Shape of Nymphs: Pentagons
Ambassador Token: A tin pail with a colored stripe around its middle
Food Weakness: Sugary cereal
Holotype: Lorian Weidenburker 
The huldufólk are descendents of elves who thrive in Iceland. They are the only fae species who still practice the changeling children tradition; huldufólk are completely incapable of producing milk for their offspring and often rely on humans to do it. Mostly, they can only digest milk and grain products, so they eat a lot of cereal. According to myth, you should never accept food from one of the huldufólk no matter how sweet and tempting it may appear, lest you end up cursed. The huldufólk are stereotyped as heavy partiers; despite this, they can barely fly two yards without getting totally exhausted.
Note - The following five subspecies are known as the red-flag races; Fairies highly discourage mating with them, the cherubs do not legally uphold marriages to them, and they are each seen as dangerous in some way.
31) Will o’ the Wisps (Faedivus lepidoptera)
Patron: Moths and butterflies (Six-spot burnet motht; greater bird-of-paradise)
Crown: Six-pointed floating crown
Heat Cycle: Fertile from late winter to early summer every 500 years
Shape of Nymphs: Cones
Ambassador Token: A vase filled with chamomile
Food Weakness: Butter
Holotype: Ilisa Maddington
Will o’ the wisps are famous for their flashy butterfly wings and paralyzing saliva. There’s a stark contrast between the drakes and damsels. Female wisps keep harems and are seen as domineering, while and most males are seen as dumb (most likely due to all the inbreeding that occurred not long ago). Betrothing your child to a will o’ the wisp is out of the question for most parents to begin with. Notably, wisps possess a watered-down poison called the Kiss of Frost, which is capable of paralyzing the limbs if it gets in the mouth. It’s only potent while a female wisp is in season, and they can’t utilize it until they’re young adults.
32) Finfolk (Faedivus lympha)
Patron: Minnow (Soprano pipistrelle; pacific gull)
Crown: Wetsuit with a star on the head
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round
Shape of Nymphs: Conch shells
Ambassador Token: Salt and pepper shakers shaped like leaping fish
Food Weakness: Worms (Especially candy ones)
Holotype: Moira Plunge
Finfolk have no natural crowns and no wings. Historically, they’ve kidnapped people and dragged them underwater, turning their caprives into spouses and servants. If a finwife pairs with a finman, both become drastically weaker and less attractive; they generally try to marry outside their subspecies. On land, they must always wear “wetsuits” (They cannot breathe if their gills aren’t kept damp). They aren’t often seen on land.
33) Pixies (Faedivus quadratum)
Patron: Paper wasp (Spectacled flying fox bat; purple-crowned fairywrens)
Crown: Broken crowns which they cover with pointy gray hats
Heat Cycle: Infected with Wolbachia pipientis; adults asexually produce a nymph approximately every 500 years. Though they can’t reproduce the natural way, pixies do grow more interested in seeking partners for 18 months of their 500-year cycle.
Shape of Nymphs: Hexagons
Ambassador Token: A simple silver key dangling from a bracelet of coiled phone wire
Food Weakness: Animal crackers
Holotype: Fergus Whimsifinado
Pixies are an all-male, asexually-reproducing species who are all genetically identical. They carry the Wolbachia bacterium which renders them all asexual and incapable of reproducing with any other species. Pixies live by a corporatism or dictator system of government and are led by the Head Pixie. Covering a pixie with inside-out clothes will shut them down like a butterfly net, and wearing inside-out clothes will prevent a pixie from using any magic on you. Anti-pixies are green and yellow, while pixie refracts are brown and purple.
34) Redcaps (Faedivus ruberconlis)
Patron: Robber fly (Eastern red bat; cardinal)
Crown: Tall pointed cap that must be regularly coated in blood
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round except in very cold areas
Shape of Nymphs: Pyramids
Ambassador Token: Clay that never dries out
Food Weakness: Roast beef
Holotype: Whittle Snowla
Redcaps have three additional eyes hidden under their hats. They will die if their hats are off their heads too long and, once they come into their adult wings, they must regularly soak their hats in blood to survive. Despite the name “redcap,” their hats can be various colors depending on what they’ve killed and how close they are to needing to kill again. They are immune to all poisons.
35) Brownies (Faedivus mundus)
Patron: Assassin bug (Common vampire bat; cassowary)
Crown: Colorful fabric hats
Heat Cycle: Fertile all year round
Shape of Nymphs: Octagons
Ambassador Token: A water bottle that resists acid and always stays cold
Food Weakness: Ham
Holotype: Ky Braddocki
Brownies fall at the bottom of the social ladder mainly because of their venomous bites. Their saliva contains inrita, a substance that drains magic; they can easily disable magic locks by licking around them, allowing them to sneak inside buildings easily. Inrita is deadly to Fairies and can paralyze Anti-Fairies and Refracts. Though dangerous, they are also seen as helpful since their instincts prompt them to clean constantly.
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