deepwater-sys · 5 days
Unfriendly fucking reminder that (most) systems can't control who they introject and you should never fakeclaim someone period. And you especially shouldn't fakeclaim someone cuz they happen to have a factive. Fuck off with that bullshit.
~Sincerely very pissed off turtle.
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finnleywiththesillys · 5 months
When you have a new fictive and he’s totally such a silly goober
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scene-royaltylolz · 5 months
rlly z0rry t0 azk thiz z0 rand0mly but d0 y0u zupp0rt end0 zyztemz?
My answers a lil more complicated than a yes or no lolz. Like if you're a system that doesn't know/remember their trauma then classify themselves as a endogenic system then I'll support but if you're faking or know for a fact you have no trauma, I wouldn't say call yourself an endo system. Might be unknown tuplamancy tho! That's something I do support! As long as they don't say they have a serious disorder and state it's tuplamancy, I'm kewl :3 hopefully dat was a gud enough answer ^^
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Pspspsps spiritual system (can also just be systems who are spiritual) community come here plz. I have some questions. So how can y’all tell what’s godphoning and what’s a headmate? And I’ve heard about gateway systems does that mean that like spiritual entities can come into your system? And lastly can y’all just tell us a bit about your experiences? We were very spiritual before finding out about our system then stoped after because we felt like they couldn’t both exist but now we want to leave that mindset.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
I am not a tuplamancy, and we don't THIIINK we're endogenic, but I am the dentist she was talking about, hello! I am Caine, a new alter who's growing out of a fragment into a Big Boy Alter
I am an introject of Trash Dentist from the Ghost + Pals and Creep-P collaboration song Novocaine, which is what I named myself, but I shorten it to Caine
I don't know much more about myself yet
Hi Caine! Nice to meet you! 💖
On the whole thing about knowing whether you're endogenic or not, one thing I thought I might add which I forgot to mention in the reply I sent to your host(?) is reflexive switches.
It's not a definitive way to differentiate between traumagenic and endogenic systems, but it is at least a common factor.
For most traumagenic systems, switching will happen in response to stress. That doesn't mean it will only happen in response to stress. Many have some level of control over switching too. But stress can trigger it.
The idea is that when someone undergoes something traumatic, they might dissociate as a defense mechanism. If the trauma is repeated over and over again, that defense mechanism becomes automatic. It's trained in. And so in the future, when stressed out, that ability to dissociate that was ingrained in them as a child will be triggered and they'll dissociate automatically, sometimes causing other headmates to switch in.
Again, this isn't a surefire way to know your origin. I think it's possible to develop DPDR in childhood with no other headmates, and then have a system with these disordered symptoms form later in life. It's possible to have an endogenic systems that undergoes trauma later that causes these symptoms. It's even possible to be traumagenic in ways that didn't result in this sort of specific coping mechanism developing.
But generally speaking, I find the presence or absence of triggered switching to at least be a decent indicator of origin.
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sithis-syscourse · 2 years
Daily reminder that tuplamancy is a closed practice and you are infact not making a new person nor are you a system you’re just racist.
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I’m asking out of curiosity, but why are you uncomfortable with Endos and Tulpas interacting?
that's a good question, and, while i doubt i am qualified to speak on the topic (because i don't have DID/OSDD), i'll give clarification on why i don't want them interacting;
from what i've seen, tuplamancy is a Buddhist practice that has been long dead, and recently appropriated by tuplas. it feels kinda like appropriation, however, i'm not Buddhist! so if anyone who is/knows anyone who is could shed light on that, i'd appreciate it!
as for endogenic systems, they claim to have a trauma disorder without the trauma, which, doesn't make sense. and i won't doubt that some endos do have DID/OSDD yet believe they don't have trauma, as that's the point of the disorder.
overall, i don't want endos/tuplas interacting because they seem to romanticize a disorder to the "fun" parts. i do hope this helps!/gen
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Small blog to ask syscourse questions and sometimes state our opinions. We are open to any and all responses though if you are rude you probably will be ignored.
Some of our syscourse opinions we have since it’s relevant.
We do believe in non-traumagenic plurality though we do not believe that you can have a CDD and not have had trauma.
We believe certain terms shouldn’t be used by non-traumagenic systems due to their medical nature. (For example polyfragmented, alter, and system. Though we do recognize that these terms have been used so much by non-traumagenic systems that they’ve somewhat lost their original meaning medically)
We do believe that calling yourselves tuplas or using the word tuplamancy are cultural appropriation and should not be used. There are several other words you can use.
We believe CDD should stay medicalized and we believe that you must have trauma to have formed a CDD and that non-traumagenic systems should not be calling themselves DID/OSDD systems.
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444names · 2 years
middle primitive elvish roots
Abat Abhot Abhourus Abounuk Acut Agil Alame Alarag Ally Anar Anly Aray Atch Athon Ayal Aysic Bacrinkō Barap Bards Barged Bart Batab Bean Befe Befrow Beher Blaist Blaw Blek Bort Brearad Breel Brip Bronce Brour Calek Ciant Clourl Clow Cohe Cohelad Colep Comentak Cond Conyon Cope Cople Cords Cove Crag Crea Cree Crefeave Crim Croomag Culam Dang Darass Darpect Dece Deene Degg Deig Dendmoce Dent Denter Dese Dess Diand Diat Dimithū Dirik Dist Distin Divence Dome Domen Dounneyo Dourbous Dowelend Drak Dran Dras Drat Dray Drect Drel Drew Drighte Dringwar Dushalak Edind Eice Ellowas Elvis Endak Erend Erve Eten Etiver Eviganan Fance Fasug Fecip Figh Fild Firowerp Fives Flien Flik Fliroof Flis Flon Flound Floweace Floy Food Foomy Fored Forele Forn Frak Frian Fricead Froth Fruk Frund Gened Gill Gint Gley Glifus Gnay Golokh Golon Gonor Gras Gray Grourud Growl Grusear Gual Halek Hasagi Hath Heam Hilve Honfolot Horess Horoy Hort Hoth Houd Icas Ideddend Idege Imit Inder Iner Ingirect Inglook Ingus Inifes Inkwad Inney Inser Intrud Isagg Jerpan Joic Juicat Juth Kalte Keed Khabol Khas Khase Khass Khear Khilt Khin Khir Kholoy Khorod Khouluk Khyakalk Khyelve Khystal Kild Kile Kirin Knitel Koppre Kwad Kwer Kwint Kyake Kyeat Lablow Lakhow Lams Larpa Lased Layad Lead Lephilir Liath Lice Liffend Linal Ling Linst Loar Lour Luter Mairelad Malag Malt Manced Manist Mantab Masabak Mbew Mboug Mbour Mele Metundch Midelene Mident Mirce Mireciol Miskarat Mize Mong Mort Moton Nattele Ndemounu Ndom Ndow Neld Noce Noseddy Nure Nustive Nyath Obless Obsek Oleave Onfig Opood Orned Other Otow Otsidges Ours Ovellof Pairce Pank Pantmen Paraw Pasam Patine Peasse Peat Pegg Persect Phams Phavey Phead Pheet Phencen Pherve Phorce Phot Phyent Phystan Piect Pier Pikicave Plab Plad Plas Poeize Poing Poomp Porn Pounge Poute Preed Prig Priy Proand Puruk Quard Rabaray Ragays Rass Reasatel Reck Rect Reem Reheas Remas Remn Rive Roargend Romencle Rour Rowad Rumbar Runt Satte Sectip Sele Sendea Shaparam Sheeze Shille Shin Shit Shuds Shug Shur Sicen Sider Sight Sinjur Skall Skarrive Skirit Skoplam Slaing Slast Slat Slea Slike Slittly Slubbirl Smas Snase Soistal Soly Somed Sonek Sour Sourl Spaik Sparb Spas Spend Spenfore Sper Spil Spreap Stairip Starak Staʒ Stee Ster Stich Stiffe Stir Stive Stiven Strad Sudge Surear Swaradom Swey Swint Swith Syabir Tamellow Tant Tedink Thad Thell Ther Thight Thirem Thont Thoweyo Ticed Tine Tive Told Trile Tringus Tritel Tuds Tumptyan Tuplam Tuser Tust Twet Ublend Ught Unds Urak Urrow Uskill Uñgang Valabol Valm Vandook Videig Volod Walan Wang Warmed Wels Whar Whill Whiron Widge Wife Wimit Wirom Wite Witik Women Wookhoun Woot Worood Wory Wril Yagow Yake Yandomed Yatell Yawaran Yeld Yele Yell Yenyon Yese Yiers Yuluk Ñgon Ñgouddy Ñguluct Ñgyendch Ñgyon
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everyone, repeat after me.
my identity does not have to be a discourse topic.
my existence does not have to be a discourse topic.
stop reducing me to a discourse topic.
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akane--ai · 4 years
This is the first time my Tupla has seen snow and he’s been freaking out about it all morning, it’s kinda cute
He is so fucking happy about the snow lmao said “look at that!” Like fifty times every time he saw a tree covered in snow
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autism2009 · 2 years
one thing i notice is a lot of "endo" peeps tend to confuse "idk what my trauma is or how to figure out what it was because this disorder actively attempts to mask it" with "i have no trauma whatsoever" its a lot of weird ass fucking nuance. (this is coming from a "nonendo" sys or what ever. i do not know these terms are fuckin dumb.) not boutta argue with any of them because hey man. you got guys in your brain, you got guys in your brain. but. yanno. im not in their mind. only a psychologist could tell you, and even then. iffy. i dont think "endos" are *faking it* so to speak but i definitely think they dont really get the terms theyre saying. every system does come from trauma, i just think many "endos" may be unable to pinpoint what that trauma is and confuse it for . like . no trauma At All (sorry for word vomit lmao.)
yeah yeah fair! and i do agree that yes while a lot of endos don’t think they have trauma (because as you do succinctly stated osdd/did occur to COPE WITH THAT) some people just… want guys in their head? (see tuplamancy) or want to pretend they’re mentally ill for clout or whatever.
but yeah i wouldnt “fakeclaim” an endo persay (by which i mean not say they have a mental illness. help what are words) because some people might not know they just have. a different disorder but some people use the non-traumagenic umbrella term of “endogenic” to just Pretend To Be Mentally Ill
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For the mod: Hi! Would you consider Miyo a form of tuplamancy or DID?
//Hello! When i originally made the account, i had intended for Miyo to be a tulpa, however that decision has changed after more research on what I was actually portraying. allow me to explain:
If I’ve researched right, Tulpamancy is when a person consciously and purposefully creates a character within their head, and DID is when personalities split to form independent identities due to severe trauma.
Korekiyo didn’t purposefully create Miyo when they split off from each other in this case, so I would consider it DID. I’ve put thought into their journeys struggling with DID, their other personalities, and how Miyo was originally a persecutor type... But that is a story for another day! 
DID is a very nuanced disorder that was and still can be difficult for me to grasp. There’s a whole lot more for me to do research on, so if i’ve gotten anything wrong then that's why! thank you for your question <3//
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An introduction.
I’m mainly writing this because I’d rather this blog not be empty until I find my footing. Hello, I’m James! Love reading and writing, and things such as tuplamancy and thougtforms. I know there’s more but let’s not bog down the first post with likes and dislikes. I’m still not sure what I’ll use this blog for. The main Ideas I have are focusing it on my progressing through tulpamancy or on writing. So for now it will focus on both and we’ll see which falls to the wayside first. (Hopefully neither) And that’s all I can honestly think of for the moment. Until my next post.  ^ ^ /
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klaarg · 4 years
unlike you rubes i only use social media to aide in my tuplamancy
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
I don't want to start any discourse, I don't want to start any beef, I don't mean to come off as mean in any way and this is not criticism of you or your blog
now that that's out of the way
can you please help me understand what endogenic systems and tuplamancy systems are, and if you can, how to tell if oneself is one of them (loosely)
if you have sources I would love those too
sincerely, a very confused maybe-system who really needs a nap and for the dentist in her head to also take a nap for once
Hi there!
Endogenic systems are systems who are formed from any reason other than trauma, in contrast to traumagenic origins. The categories of endogenic are pretty broad, and can include systems formed for any number of reasons, including spontaneously becoming systems for unknown reasons, creating their own systems, feeling like they were plural since birth, or identifying with any number of spiritual origins.
Tulpamancy falls under the category of endogenic, but is slightly more specific.
A tulpa is a created headmate. Usually, tulpas are created through repeated interaction and treating them as if they were real. While there is always some level of intentionality in tulpamancy, it doesn't necessarily have to be to make a tulpa. I was created as a sort of creative writing experiment, for instance. I was supposed to a window into my source's soul, basically, letting my host talk to my source, and then I kind of just got away. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, you can find out plenty more about tulpas from the Reddit FAQ page:
sincerely, a very confused maybe-system who really needs a nap and for the dentist in her head to also take a nap for once
Surprisingly relatable, LOL! At least, minus the dentist part. 🤪
If I might ask, what happens when you try to talk to them and ask them to quiet down for a bit? Do they respond? And how?
Also, tell your maybe-headmate I said to them too! 🙋‍♀️
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