#ugh. UGH. WAUGH.
i think the reason i love mitsumi and shimas relationship so much is that the manga has made it clear that they matter to each other no matter if their dynamic is romantic or not. like obviously i am expecting (and rooting) for them to get together, but i’ve never seen a piece of media actually put a platonic relationship on such a high level, even prioritizing it over a potential romantic one
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evelyn-art-05 · 1 year
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soukoku; a whole life together
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abiiors · 6 months
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le-velo-pour-dru · 6 months
Believe it or not guys I am sooooooooooooo lonely irl :( I have like. three or four friends? Not like a friend group, just 3-4 people I One of which I never really see anymore, cause I'm mostly in classes of juniors and seniors, and he's a sophomore, plus I haven't gone to a lot of clubs yet this year. I've been sitting at a table full of people all year so far, cause that's where one of my friends sat for a while, and after he moved to a different table I just stuck around cause I like stability. I'm not friends with any of the people at that table, and I don't even talk to them, but it's kind of nice to be surrounded by conversation, even if I'm not a part of it. The thing is, though, they've started occasionally talking about things that make me uncomfortable?? And one day it got too much for me, so I decided I was gonna move tables, and so for now I've moved to an empty table. But I. actually really don't like that?? It's so lonely just sitting on my own, not even with strangers :( But I don't know where else to go. I really don't have all that many friends and I feel weird about randomly inserting myself into someone's friend group without warning. But I just can't take sitting all by myself for much longer. I don't know what to do :(
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
one of the reasons i love this version of wesker so much (pretty much any time he’s wearing this suit)
the tapping of his fingers in annoyance when he finds that ada hasn’t killed leon yet but also expertly hiding his emotions in order to seem calm and collected.
which is why i love that he immediately found a way to work around it he doesn’t stay upset for long and doesn’t let those emotions get in the way of his plans. he adapts and overcomes. a true mastermind in my eyes
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m1d-45 · 1 year
My Dearest, Venti
How are you, my love? Have you enjoyed the Windblume Festival this year?
I heard about a tradition of giving Windblumes to those who you love and adore, and I wanted to participate in it. Attached to this letter is a small notebook—about the size of your palm—with musical notes on the cover! You can write your poems or songs, and honestly seeing it made me think of you, so I wanted you to have it.
For the second gift, I created a unique bouquet with flowers from my own garden. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I spent quite a while choosing the flowers for this bouquet (not to mention the time I spent researching for the meanings for each flower) but I don’t regret it at all. I want the best for you and I hope you can appreciate their beauty—and the trouble I went through making it.
The prophecy surrounding this Windblume has made me reflect on the importance of having someone like you in my life. You're always there to keep those around you safe and secure, and I can't thank you enough.
It amazes me how kind and thoughtful you are, my dear. I knew that leading the traveler into your nation, into your steady hands, was the best decision.
You are my guiding wind: the one that has never led me astray. I look forward to being reunited with you soon, my love.
- 🍄
[Attached to the letter a small lined notebook and an assortment of flowers: lavender, hydrangea, heliotrope, and edelweiss standing out.]
venti sat in the hands of his statue, gently playing his lyre. the song was slow, appropriate for the late hour.
he watched the skies, seeing the many stars streak across it, playing solely by muscle memory. his feet swayed, the soft wind rustling his cape but never pushing with force. the night was calm.
when one of the stars grows larger, seeming to fall from the sky, his hands falter for only a moment. part of him hopes- prays, even, that it’s for him, but he reserves his hopes. it could be going to somebody else in mondstat, or even overshoot the nation entirely and land in fontaine or natlan.
the star grows closer, and closer still. he tries not to get his hopes up, he does, but he still ends up stowing his lyre in his inventory and rising to his feet, daring to reach for the stars.
his hand brushes against the star, the warmth of it seeping into his palm and soothing any soreness from his playing. the shell begins to crumble where he touched it, but he’s quick to catch the notebook and paper inside, bringing both close to his chest as the remains of the star drift in the wind.
the notebook is small, music notes across the cover—he wonders if they form a song—and with a bundle of flowers tied to the front. he admittedly can’t identify most of them… but he recognizes lavender, the smell from the flowers seeping into the air as he carefully unfolds and reads your letter.
the wind around him picks up in an attempt to wick some of the heat from his face. these were your windblumes? if he was honest, he was surprised you gave him one at all… it was nearing the end of the festival, and the traveller had finished sorting out the prophecy a while ago.
but you…
you thought of him. you, even in a world so far from his own, took the time to grow and pick flowers, to write out a letter, to see a notebook in a store and be reminded of him. you took care in your choice, making sure each flower represented what you wanted exactly… he made a mental note to stop by flora’s shop and see if she could tell him what you trusted your flowers to say.
his eyes lingered on select words in your letter, wondering if you had put as much thought into it as your bouquet. you had to, right? or did you just put pen to paper, letting the words come as you wrote.
it pained him that he didn’t know more about you, sometimes, but it was clear you knew him well. no, more than that; you trusted him, even though he was no longer the ruling archon of mondstat. you trusted him to keep your vessels safe within his borders, trusted his judgement in a world so far from the one you were in now.
venti blushed at the last word of your letter, the idea that you could love him even a fraction the amount that he loved you one he would never forget.
the wind picked up again, and venti leaned into it. if he closed his eyes, if he directed the current just so… for a brief moment, he could almost imagine that it was you.
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brown-little-robin · 3 months
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ohmeadows · 10 months
clorinde/navia got me it's joever for me they got me oh my god they got me
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munamania · 9 months
having a moment. it's like. something else to have someone be so genuine and openly interested and swoony im not um. very easily accustomed to this yk it's like cognitive dissonance unfortunately. as much as i want to be with it
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As much as I fear the consequences of voting amane forgiven i just. Cant stomach the idea of her getting hurt again
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spellsparkler · 3 months
gnome proportions are going to kill me
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aspoopalypse · 4 months
i feel like im gonna be underdressed for this punk show im going to at the end of the month :(
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caedogeist-rights · 6 months
(uhhh fuckin, wano act 2 spoilers, idk. i dont typically liveblog on tumblr. im at 943 rn.)
rarghhhhhhhh ok so. im not even done with the episode at this point but everything is going so bad for everyone except the strawhats, who are actively in battle so we'll fuckin see. the heart pirates... basil fucking hawkins i want his HEAD he's so fucking CRUEL and just... ugh the CRUELTY on display coming from kaido et al. kid and killer.... like... dude..... fucking KILLER..... i knew i recognized that face (from tumblr, not from the fascinating masked man) and just. oh g-d. oh that is the WORST thing. orochi and kaido steal your dignity and your pride and they are just... so fucking awful.
there's a theme all across one piece of luffy, freedom, vs. a controlling force trying to kill or control more. we know this. within this is luffy going against someone who controls others' specific actions, makes people do what they don't want to do. in thriller bark, dressrosa, and now in wano, (and also others but listen idr) the problem society faces is that someone is taking over their bodies. im putting a pin on connecting thriller bark to these two (short answer: its about someone changing how you're seen) but. i mean we know the connection between dressrosa and wano. we're all one piece fans here.
the POINT is. orochi and doflamingo and kaido and such are powerful people specifically in their ability to remove people's individual free will. doffy takes away movement and narrative/how one is perceived, orochi and kaido take away people's means of living (food) and means of expression (the fucking smile fruit). SMILE makes me so damn mad in a way that doffy's actions never quite did, because it is truly removing a person's... communication, essentially. the way they are seen and can connect with the world is, even if orochi and kaido are dead and gone, forever altered. they're always laughing, but the people fed SMILE who didn't get an animal are silenced. the truth of their lives is hidden and even if they try to explain anything, SMILE essentially scrambled the social signal to such an extent that the message can't go through properly. it's a terrifying thing, to not only be unable to express the emotions you want to, but to be wholly unable to express anything BUT joy. SMILE doesn't just make them laugh and smile, it- either directly or as a ripple effect/coping mechanism- changes how people talk about things, makes people sound optimistic, take things lightly, and overall reduce any weight to their words. they're seen as fools when all they are are victims with their mouths taped shut. and i fucking HATE it.
which brings me to killer.
im just seething with rage tbh. killer's identity has been shattered. the things he cares about have been removed. eating a SMILE, losing his mask- he lost his dignity and his pride and it just hurts to look at. he... has been changed to such a degree. they even changed his fucking name (i think??? at least like... the common name others use for him.) i want him to never smile again if thats what he wants.
i see. now. why wano is like... very much so... of COURSE the place where luffy ends up. and i think. from what ive gathered on this here website. of course wano is where gear 5 happens. they NEED that freedom. luffy save me. luffy. save me luffy.
i have like... 140 episodes left of this arc? im emotional? things will progress to such an extent? one piece is good and wano is weird? prolonged laughter is very uncomfortable to listen to? wahoo.
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btw i haven’t rewatched ratatoing in a while and oughhh i forgot how much i unironically love this movie <3 <3
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starberry-fag · 10 months
"one day we'll look back on this and laugh, and laugh, and laugh, ohhhhohoooh boy"
"oh how we laughed and laughed, except i wasn't laughing"
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
trying not to go back to sleep and wake up at 3pm but it's so harddddd
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