#and decided it would be better to have their relationship remain platonic
i think the reason i love mitsumi and shimas relationship so much is that the manga has made it clear that they matter to each other no matter if their dynamic is romantic or not. like obviously i am expecting (and rooting) for them to get together, but i’ve never seen a piece of media actually put a platonic relationship on such a high level, even prioritizing it over a potential romantic one
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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When MC Feels Burnout/Emotionally Numb THE DEMON BROTHERS 4.1k words | SFW | gn!Reader | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Fluff & Angst A/N: The relationships between MC and the brothers can be read as romantic or platonic. The twins' sections are combined. ♫ [ MC's POV: Song Rec ]
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Lucifer is concerned when you come to the dining room table for breakfast looking worse for wear; there's dark circles under your eyes like you haven't slept. You pour yourself a cup of tea and wrap your hands around the warm porcelain, but you don't drink it. Your breakfast plate remains untouched, and eventually you shuffle out of the room without a word.
He keeps an eye on you at RAD, but you're unusually withdrawn. You follow his brothers from class to class, eyes downturned and silent despite the lively conversations going on around you. Everyone walks home together that afternoon, but when he glances back to see how you are, he notices you’re lagging behind the rest of the group. He slows his pace to match yours, but you barely seem to notice; the walk home is silent.
When dinner time comes and goes without any change in your behaviour, he decides he needs to do something to snap you out of this little funk you're in. Later that evening, he invites you to keep him company in his study while he finishes his work. You accept in a monotone voice; it could be misconstrued as boredom, but he knows better.
Sometimes you read and listen to cursed records while he works at his desk, but tonight the random book you plucked off the shelf lays unopened in your lap. You stare unseeing into the fireplace, and your body is tense like you can’t relax.
He picks up something he was supposed to finish tonight—a folder full of documents to review and sign— but you barely notice when he sits beside you. He gives up all pretense of working when he places the folder and your unread book on the floor by his feet. He tucks you under his arm and pulls you against his side. You lean against him, a little reluctantly at first, until you start to relax. Your cheek is pressed against his chest and his heartbeat thumps gently beneath your ear.
He’s not sure how much time passes when you finally drift off to sleep. There’s something vulnerable about the way your body melts against his, and he wonders where he went wrong that led you to be in such a state to begin with.
He considers waking you so you can go back to your room to sleep. He contemplates carrying you somewhere more comfortable so he doesn't have to wake you—his room is closer, and maybe you won’t mind sharing a bed with him if it’s only for one night. Light and shadow from the fireplace dance along your skin, and you’re so warm in his arms; moving now seems like an impossibility.
A sore back in the morning seems like a fair price to pay when he decides to keep you exactly where you are. He maneuvers so carefully while he leans back against the armrest and holds you to his chest. He pulls the blanket off the back of the sofa and makes sure you’re covered before he closes his eyes. He doesn’t even notice that he syncs his breathing with yours, and he falls asleep not long after.
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Mammon eagerly tells you about his day—the things he bought, his wins at the casino, how his part-time gig is going—and he’s used to getting some sort of reaction from you (good or bad).
Today, you look at him blankly and tell him that’s nice in a quiet, emotionless voice that worries him. Having you scold him for being financially irresponsible (while you bite the inside of your cheek to resist the urge to smile) would be better than this. He’s stunned by your lack of a reaction, and you turn away from him when you’ve decided you don’t need to focus on paying attention to him anymore.
After dinner, he goes to your room and finds you laying in bed, staring at your ceiling and drumming the mattress idly with your fingertips. 
"Whatcha doin’?" he asks, even though he knows what you're going to say next.
“Nothing,” your quiet, flat tone replies.
“Good. Come on,” he says in a much chipper voice than yours as he grabs both your hands and practically pulls you out of bed. He leads you outside the front door where his car is parked, thrumming gently while the engine runs. He flips on the seat warmer for you and glances at you occasionally from the corner of his eye; he hopes you’ll melt into the warm leather soon.
“We're just goin’ for a little drive,” he explains, even though you don't bother asking where he's taking you in the middle of the night. The radio is streaming music from his phone, and he keeps the volume low. He nods towards his D.D.D. on the dash. “You can change it if you want,” he offers, and he’s not surprised when you decline.
He drives away from the bustling streets of the Devildom. The road is empty and the skies are clearer here, but he knows brief moments of tranquility aren’t enough to alleviate whatever it is that’s bothering you.
He’s never been good with words, but he rests his hand palm-up over the gear shift. He’s not sure you even notice since you’ve been staring out the window most of the drive. After a few moments, you surprise him and put your hand in his. He squeezes your hand gently before lacing your fingers together; it feels like a victory when you don’t pull away.
Every once in a while he squeezes your fingers between his, and he smiles at the dark, open road when you do the same.
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Leviathan knows what it’s like to feel numb. Sometimes he feels that way when his self-imposed isolation wears him down. Talking to Henry and surrounding himself with his games and manga and toys isn't always enough to fill the black void of jealousy that makes his tone sharp and his fangs even sharper.
He gets that way when he thinks about all things he wants but doesn’t have—he notices you become this way from doing too much for everyone else until you lose yourself in the process.
Between the two of you, you should be able to find some sort of balance. He feels like you should both know better, but here you are, drowning in your own black void while he watches helplessly. He can barely help himself; how can he possibly help you?
For lack of better ideas, he invites you to his room to play games. Usually you’re so animated when you play together; you jeer at him when he spins out due to a perfectly-timed banana, or you toss your controller aside and tickle him when his shell knocks you out of first place.
That level of enthusiasm is gone today; you tap the controller pad in total silence. You don’t care when you come in last place, and you don’t care when Levi throws the match so you can win. He turns off the TV and shuffles on the floor so he’s facing you. You glance at him occasionally but go back to staring at your lap.
Levi hates it when you cry, but he hates this dead-eyed stare of yours even more. He grunts in frustration when he gets up suddenly and grabs a small tin off his desk.
“Come here for a sec, I could use your help,” he says, and he shakes the tin in your direction until you get up from the sofa and shuffle to his side. He leads you to the aquarium where Henry bobs peacefully in the crystal-blue water. Levi hands you the tin and unfolds a step ladder he keeps tucked away. He climbs the ladder carefully so he can open the window at the top of the tank.
You open the can of fish flakes when he asks you to, and he sprinkles a generous helping across the top of the water. You’re transfixed by the sight of Henry dashing through the water for his supper, and Levi can’t stop staring at you.
“Sometimes he’s good to talk to,” Levi mentions off-handedly. “Henry is a good listener.”
(Both his Henry’s are good listeners, Levi thinks.)
“What do you talk about?” you ask him quietly, still watching the fish eat the tiny flakes.
“All sorts of stuff. Anything you want—he doesn’t judge.” 
(You have that in common, too.)
Levi sputters a little, embarrassed by all the things he’s telling you, his little self-care rituals he normally keeps to himself. He thinks that even in your worst moments, like the way you are now, you’re still not nearly as pathetic as he is. You don’t deserve to feel like this, ever.
You glance away from the aquarium and meet Levi’s eyes just as tears begin to collect on his lash line. He clears his throat and takes the tin from you before putting it back on his desk. He pretends to organize things so he has an excuse not to turn around.
“Maybe you can come by tomorrow night and help me feed him again,” he manages to choke out.
A pause, and then you whisper, “I’d like that.”
Levi bites his lip to muffle his sobs.
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─── SATAN:
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Satan watches you during class and realizes you’re not acting like yourself. You tap your pen idly on the desk and stare at nothing. This is your favourite class but you’re not even listening.
Sometimes you come to his room after dinner and read, but not today. After school, you brush past everyone else and head to your room. He’s worried about you, and he’s not going to let you blow him off tonight. He knocks on your door, and your lifeless voice asks why he cares so much. He gets tongue-tied deciding how to respond:
I like spending time with you. You like reading nearly as much as I do and I don’t want that to ever change. It kills me to see you like this.
“It’s important to me,” is all he manages to say, and you must sense his desperation because you finally agree to follow him back to his room.
You sit on the bed while he picks the book off the shelf for you. You make a quiet noise of surprise when he places a pillow in your lap and lays down. Normally he reads to you, but his eyes are gentle when he holds the book out to you instead.
“Can you read a bit tonight?” he asks quietly. You frown and look like you want to argue, but he pushes just a little more—”for only a few chapters, okay?”
You take the book from him and pull out the bookmark when you find the right chapter. You glance down at him and when he smiles encouragingly, you start to read.
Your tone is quiet and dull at first, and your speech is slurred; Satan has trouble understanding you sometimes. He wonders if this was a stupid idea after all, but then you huff in amusement when you read a funny passage. He peers up at you and the little smile still tugs at the corners of your mouth as you finish the chapter.
You read another whole chapter after that, and Satan nearly melts in your lap when your free hand lazily combs through his hair as you read. Your eyes are a bit brighter when you finally stop reading and close the book.
“I can read a bit more if you’d like,” he asks you when he sits up. He almost expects you to refuse and shuffle away, but you nod and lay down when he sets the pillow in his lap for you to rest on.
He reads another chapter, quieter and slower than usual, and he stops reading when you fall asleep. He sets the book aside and moves you gently off his lap so he can settle into the space behind you. He drapes an arm loosely over your waist and contemplates other ways he can help you feel better.
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It breaks Asmo’s heart to see you like this. Your lovely complexion betrays the long days and poor sleep you’ve had. Your warm, shining gaze is dull. Your brow is creased with little lines and your mouth is downturned—he misses your easy smiles the most.
Sometimes Asmo feels like a ghost when he smiles at you but it feels like you see through him, not really acknowledging him or anything else around you.
He switches apps on his D.D.D. when he sees your message ping the group chat. You say that you’re not cooking dinner tonight (no explanation given) and that Lucifer should use part of your allowance this week to order food for everyone instead.
Asmo doesn’t blame you for not wanting to cook for seven hungry demons, but he has a suspicion that you plan on locking yourself in your room all night and skipping dinner for the third night in a row.
(You might’ve been at the dinner table every night this week, but he noticed that you just moved the food around in your plate without eating anything.)
No, he won’t let you do this to yourself. He understands wanting space and having lazy days, but that isn’t what this is. This is isolation and sadness and exhaustion, and if he feels this upset seeing how affected you are, he can’t imagine what you feel—or don’t feel—inside.
Asmo sends a quick message to Lucifer and asks him not to order anything for dinner just yet. Worst case scenario, Asmo will cave and order dinner for everyone later—but for now, Asmo marches to your room with a plan instead.
You’re buried under the covers when he lets himself into your room. He doesn’t bother turning on the lights; he can see you perfectly without them. He sits down slowly on the edge of the bed and rests his hand on your hip.
“How are you feeling, sweetie?” he asks quietly, and normally you laugh away his pet names for you, but today you shrug under the comforter instead.
“M’fine,” you mumble into your pillow.
“I could use your help with something,” he says, leaning down closer to your ear. He presses lightly against the side of your body like a poor imitation of an embrace. “How about you get up and keep me company, hmm?”
You’re quiet and don’t say anything, and Asmo’s hopeful smile starts to drop when he thinks you’re ignoring him. After an awkward minute of silence, you sigh and turn your head slightly towards him. “Help you with what?”
He’s not going to give you the chance to change your mind, and he stands up and reaches for your hand. “I’ll show you in the kitchen.”
Asmo steers you towards a barstool in the corner of the kitchen so you can relax while he makes dinner. He has an assortment of ingredients spread out across the counter. The family recipe book is opened to one of your own additions added to the back pages. 
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” he grins and winks over his shoulder at you. “I’ll cook tonight, and if I get stuck, who better to help than you?” He taps his chin thoughtfully and takes his D.D.D. out of his pocket and hands it to you for safekeeping. 
Asmo might not be the most skilled cook among his siblings, but he’s confident enough that he follows your recipe correctly—for the most part. If you didn’t know him better, you would think he was exaggerating his movements and adding commentary to each step to be silly. But you do know Asmo, and you recognize this as his natural playfulness when he does something he enjoys. 
Nearly twenty minutes later, there’s splatters of sauce on the front of his apron and he adds more salt and pepper to the pot with a flourish. When he turns his head to check on you, his mouth purses in surprise when the flash on his phone camera lights up the room. He blinks rapidly when he realizes you took a picture.
He jabs the stirring spoon in your direction with a playful glare. “I hope you got my best side,” he jokes. He’s self-conscious about the spices he knows that got in his hair somehow, and there’s something sticky on his cheek.
You slip the phone into your pocket and slide off the stool so you can reach for a clean cloth. You run it under the lukewarm tap for a moment, and your lips twitch into a smile when you wipe away the smear of sauce near his mouth. 
“You’re doing great,” you murmur quietly, glancing at the pot simmering on the stove.
“Does it smell good enough to eat?” he asks nervously, and he beams when you nod.
He wraps his arms around you and laughs as he hugs you as tight as he can. He knows the apron is making a mess on your clothes, but he doesn’t care. Neither do you, apparently—you wrap your arms around him after a few moments and hug him back.
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Beel walks to his room dejectedly, and not even the bags of treats from Madam Scream's hanging off his arms makes him feel any better.
He invited you to go with him to the pastry shop after school today. He knows you're not eating properly, but that combined with your bleak mood and dull expressions convinces him that there's something wrong beyond not being hungry.
He watched you during meal times every day this week: you shuffled your food around on the plate and didn't eat anything, or you took little nibbles out of something then dropped your fork on the plate with a sigh and left the rest uneaten.
He went to the bakery after school today, alone. Even though he invited you, you said you weren't in the mood and walked home without him. He bought a few boxes of his favourites, and some for his brothers to share, and he bought a half-dozen Blood Velvet cupcakes especially for you.
He knocked on your bedroom door when he got home and told you he had a surprise, but he was met with silence. He heard the faint creak of mattress springs, but you didn't come to the door and you didn't respond. He frowned, but he explained in the cheeriest voice he could muster that he brought you some cupcakes.
“Thanks, you can have 'em, though,” your muffled voice replied through the door. 
It’s an understatement to say that Beel is extremely concerned about you.
He walks to the room he shares with his twin. Usually Belphie naps in the attic after school (more often than not, he convinces you to nap with him). It’s a surprise when Beel finds Belphie sitting cross-legged on his bed with his pillow in his lap, and his eyes snap to his brother’s as soon as the door closes.
“They're not eating enough,” Beel tells his twin. He sets aside the boxes of pastries he bought, his appetite and mood completely soured.
“They're not sleeping enough either,” Belphie replies. He doesn't tell Beel about your sleepless nights, but his brothers would have to be blind not to notice your haggard appearance and the dark circles blooming under your eyes. You haven't napped with Belphie in over a week either, and he misses you—but he keeps that complaint to himself.
"What can we do?" Beel asks as he drops heavily on the edge of his bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. He leans forward, elbows on his knees, and runs a hand through his hair.
Belphie is quiet for a moment, and he glances at the boxes of abandoned pastries Beel brought home. "What’s the plan for dinner tonight?"
Beel looks up and scratches the back of his head. "Some of the others are busy so Lucifer said it was a free-for-all night."
(That usually means everyone orders takeout while Beel eats whatever is left in the house himself.)
Belphie stands up and tucks his pillow under one arm while he wanders over to the stack of bakery boxes near the door. He rifles through the bags until he finds the one he's looking for, and he gestures for Beel to follow him. "I have an idea. Come help me in the kitchen."
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It’s peaceful in the deepest corner of the House of Lamentation gardens. Even if the others were home, there’s enough distance from the house to offer peace and privacy—it's nice out there.
Belphie thinks a picnic might be relaxing enough for you to enjoy; the hard part is convincing you to join them. The twins are determined and they both go to your room and insist you have dinner with them.
“You have to eat something,” Beel says in a pleading voice, eyes sorrowful with worry for you. It wasn’t quite enough to convince you to get out of bed, but you swallowed around the lump in your throat as your eyes burned with emotion.
Belphie crawled onto the bed next to you, dangling over the edge precariously while he reached for your hand and laced his fingers with yours. “Please,” he whispered, eyes just as sad as his twin’s, “it feels like I haven’t seen you all week. I miss you.”
You can’t possibly say no to both of them, not when Belphie’s face is so close to yours and his lower lip trembles with too much emotion. You know he can be manipulative, but even in your bleary-eyed daze, you realize he’s being unusually honest now.
You wipe away the stray tears that pool in the corner of your eyes and nod your head. Belphie slides off the mattress so Beel can help you up, and they both hug you before they lead you outside. By the time they take you to the garden, you’re all sniffling quietly, but the twins are smiling a bit now, too.
The blanket Belphie lays across the ground keeps you from getting too cold, and you all share portions of the improvised picnic the twins packed: sandwiches, a thermos of warm soup, a container of diced cheese and poison apple slices. You don’t eat as much as the twins do, but they look content that you finished eating everything on the small plate you made for yourself. 
Beel offers you one of your cupcakes next. He brought the whole box—optimistic, Belphie said earlier, raising his eyebrows before shrugging and putting the box into the basket.
You sort of remember Beel knocking on your door earlier and asking you if you wanted one, and you know that you refused. You accept one now because you can’t bear to say no to him twice.
When the food is eaten and the dishes cleared away, Belphie lays back on the blanket and gently nudges you to lay beside him. He rolls onto his side and lays his head on your shoulder, and you can see him looking at you from the corner of your eye. 
“Have I told you the story about that star?” he asks quietly, pointing towards the sky.
He probably has, considering how much time you both spend in the planetarium together, but you lean your cheek against his brow. “You can tell me again if you want to.”
He tells you the story about that star, and the other stars near it, and when your eyes start to droop heavily with sleep, he smiles and keeps going. He whispers more stories until your breathing slows and you start snoring gently in his ear; he hopes the stories follow you into your dreams.
Beel sits nearby on the large blanket, watching over both of you with a keen eye and soft smile; his belly is warm and full from a pleasant meal and your company. Belphie carefully maneuvers himself to his knees without waking you, and he stands up and stretches out the kink in his neck. Beel stands and lifts you so gently into his arms, and he cradles you to his chest while Belphie hurriedly packs up the picnic basket and blanket. 
The house is dark and quiet when they slip back inside, and Belphie leads Beel to your room. They both tuck you in—Belphie pulls back the covers and Beel lays you down and slips off your shoes. Beel squeezes your hand and waits for his twin by your door; Belphie murmurs a final goodnight as he brushes his lips across your forehead.
The twins head back to their room, and all three of you have the best night's sleep you've had in days.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Platonic Yandere Kento Nanami x Adoptive Daughter!Reader
This was the Request of @yukiotacon i hope You like it!
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Overprotectiveness, isolation, past trauma (HAIBARA), unhealthy relationship, UNHEALTY MINDSET, some persecution, angry Nanami is a scary Nanami. I think that's all.
At first Nanami never thought he would be a father, with his line of work and how lethal it is, he did not believe he could even get married to start a family.
Although of course, that changed completely when you lived in his life.
You were the youngest daughter of a family that had been a victim of the curses, and a special girl at that, because you were able to see the curses before apparently, but your family had discarded them as imaginary friends of their infant daughter.
Thanks to this, they could not foresee the imminent danger and it cost them their lives.
to everyone except you.
When Nanami found you, all alone, crying for someone to help you, but still with innocence on your face... it awakened something in him.
(Haibara, you remind him a lot of Haibara, someone whose life and innocence were taken from him, he can't let them do the same to you)
Kento decided that he would take care of you, although to be honest, he knew there was something wrong with him at the time he decided.
but he honestly didn't care at that point.
That's how you ended up as his daughter. I tried to make you have a normal life, away from the curses, to make you forget about your bad experience, but some marks remained forever...
Nanami has mostly overprotective tendencies and is somewhat strict, but at the same time she is very aware that what she feels is WRONG.
So I have long insisted on having your life, yes, but away from the world of Sorcery.
He will tell you HORRIBLE anecdotes and stories of co-workers who died at work, the horrors of curses, everything to keep you away from that world.
He himself usually eliminates curses that appear near his house, so he will hardly teach you anything at first.
It is only when you start your high school years that you insist more on the topic of learning how to better deal with curses because, well, schools are full of them.
(Nanami begins to regret not having taught you at home but it's too late)
If you insist enough, you will finally get him to teach you the basics of cursed energy and thus be able to kill curses little by little.
honestly Nanami is a nice Platonic Yandere to have. in this special case at least.
As long as you don't do anything related to the world of Wizardry, he's almost like a normal father. Just a little paranoid and protective, but hey, what father of daughters isn't?
When Nanami is an office worker, this side of him is more noticeable, because although he is miserable with his job, he is more than happy to see you have a normal life as a NORMAL teenager. Coming home from work and finding yourself either arriving or leaving school is very rewarding.
He feels like he found a reason to live.
Even if Nanami is more manageable at this time, he is no less lethal to anyone who even remotely poses a threat to you.
Did you mention someone who followed you at school? no more.
Is a classmate teasing you at school and the teachers do nothing? Kento will talk to that person...
The same goes for people he considers a "bad influence" yup, he's that kind of father. It requires knowing your friends (or at least, their parents) to know if it is safe to leave you with them. If they don't pass his standards, you won't see them or hang out with them again.
He just don't want to lose you...
For this reason, he is quite undecided about whether to tell you about his return to the world of Jujutsu.
He KNOWS you're interested in Jujutsu even after all, but he doesn't want you to go down this hole with him.
You would eventually find out, he reasons, and if he were to die on the job, you DESERVE to know why after all.
whether he tells you or you find out, you find out and Nanami doubles down on his overprotective tendencies by 200%.
Your current year of high school is homemade, why? because Nanami no longer trusts that high-grade curses cannot appear where you study and you cannot defend yourself.
stay home where it is safe.
I can see him even installing (without telling you) a baby monitor somewhere in the house to make sure you're there all the time.
If Gojo finds out about you, Nanami would be soooo screwed. Gojo wouldn't stop pestering him to tell him things about you, but at some point Nanami explodes and threatens him VERY SERIOUSLY to rip his throat out if he breathes another word about you.
It startled Gojo a little to be honest.
I mean, he was used to annoying Nanami all the time, but seeing how he changed so drastically when he brought up a specific topic related to you...it was even terrifying.
what topic was it? Letting you go on quests as a Sorceress.
Nanami thought it was just a joke from Gojo (as always) but in reality the thing was... different.
You had gone for Gojo to give you some training secretly from Nanami when you saw that he clearly wouldn't give it to you.
and Gojo simply accepted because he thought it would be fun to see Nanami's reaction when he found out.
Gojo didn't think Nanami was AS bad as you made him out to be with the overprotectiveness, you were a teenager after all.
but now...he took it more seriously.
Satoru wanted to know if Nanami would be okay in a "hypothetical" case because even if it seemed funny at first, he didn't think that with everything Nanami had been through he shouldn't take his opinion into consideration.
Although in the end he decided that the best thing would be to send you for more experience and (hopefully) give Nanami a lesson in your capabilities.
NOW, when Gojo sends you on your missions, you are ecstatic, finally some action! Finally something different from your normal, monotonous life! It was great!
The hardest part was altering the monitor that you KNEW your father had left at home and fixing it before he arrived. A part of you tried not to feel bad about all this, but on the other hand, who in their right mind puts a MONITOR on their TEENAGE DAUGHTER?? You had valid points.
although it didn't last long...
Nanami knew there was something wrong with you and in general several things were happening simultaneously with that.
Nanami randomly lost control of the monitor she had left at home and only recovered the image even hours later.
and he could feel that every time you were with more... attitude? more challenging.
He HAD to know what was causing this rebellious phase in you that he KNEW it would get worse if he didn't stop it, maybe some guy? He will kill him,a bad influence friend? He will get rid of it, but he has to know.
and when he does that is when he sees you come out of a successful mission.
tired, with some scratches, with your energy damned at FULL and when both of you exchange glances....
you run.
And run, and run and run...
What else should you do? You weren't going to tell him this way! You didn't want to face it.
Besides, the dark look your father had before he realized you had seen him was...dark to say the least. You never thought you'd see your father like this.
although you also didn't expect to see him come after you with a new level of anger.
It looked like a wild animal going after you.
You tried to use the advice that Gojo had given you, but you found yourself overshadowed by your desperation, he was much faster than you...
You tried to take him near civilians, thinking that he wouldn't try anything with them around, but you were scared when you saw him take out his tool.
Was he REALLY going to use it!?? With so many people around!? It's leaving you without options.
You finally decided to go somewhere further away from the people for their safety, but at some point you lost Nanami from sight. no no no no where the hell did he go??
The only thing you remember before falling unconscious was thinking about how you left your teacher waiting.
and now here you are back, at home, with your "father" on another "normal" day.
The house now looked like a military fort when you woke up, with an anklet on it.
despite all the turbidity of the matter. You just wanted to know something from your father. The WHY of all this, what makes it worth it?
His answer sounded both crazy and made a lot of sense, at the same time that you understood something...
that he just wanted to protect you at all costs, he has already lost so many people in his life for that reason, he refuses to lose you too...
He will never leave you.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️❤️❤️
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thedickcavettshow · 2 months
Can you tell us a little more about Joan Baez's girlfriend Kimmie? I'm curious about who she was and you seem to be the expert
Hiiii sorry this took so long to answer lol. Turns out I have a lot to say on this subject. Kimmie is a fascinating person and has lived a pretty wild life.
I'll just preface this by saying firstly I'm not an expert, I've just done a lot of research out of curiosity. Secondly, there is an absolute TON of misinformation out there about Kimmie, so everything that I'll tell you is stuff I learned from quotes directly from Joan, Kimmie, and other people they knew. The majority of this information is coming from Joan's memoir And a Voice to Sing With (1987) and Kimmie's interviews in the book Pearl: The Obsessions and Passions of Janis Joplin by Ellis Amburn (1992).
Joan Baez met Kim Chappell in the early 60s, when Kim was 17 years old and just freshly graduated from high school. Kim was a California surfer girl and Joan describes her by saying she "blew in, fresh, tan, skittery, ragged, shy, rebellious" and describes having sex with her as being "superb and utterly natural".
in 1962 Joan bought Kim a motorcycle and they rented a house together and they both adopted Doberman pinscher puppies. They often appeared in public together pretending to just be platonic friends, and Joan brought Kim along with her on tour, and Kim served as Joan's assistant and took care of her records. Kim also wrote some songs for her. They broke up after Kim trashed their bedroom because she got jealous of Joan's interest in a man she met on tour, but they remained friends after breaking up and Kim continued to work as Joan's assistant for a while. The time they spent together was positive, definitely one of the most pleasant of Joan's relationships, and Joan has said that being together taught her a lot about herself and about love and sex. Kim said of Joan in 1992 "Joan Baez was my first lover and brought me out and I still haven't recovered from that woman".
In the mid 60s, Kim became a heavy drug user, and in 1965 at a party with Jerry Garcia she took a little too much acid and climbed to the roof with an axe and began chopping the roof apart, then got onto her motorcycle (the one Joan bought her) and drove 120 mph to Joan’s house, climbed in through a window, and passed out in the middle of Joan’s living room. Joan called Kim's mother and they brought Kim to the hospital, and unfortunately that event pretty much ended their friendship.
While in the hospital, Kim was introduced to heroin, and immediately became very addicted. After being released from the hospital, Kim met a woman named Peggy Casetra (a name that is probably familiar/infamous to anyone who knows a bit about Janis Joplin) and they fell very much in love with each other. Peggy owned a boutique in San Francisco called Mnasidika (Sappho reference) and was also a heavy drug user.
Kim met Janis Joplin backstage at a show at the very beginning of Janis' career, and Janis was instantly attracted to her and pursued her. Since Kim and Peggy were not monogamous, Kim accepted her advances, although she felt that Janis would get along better with Peggy and decided to introduce them the next day. Both Kim and Peggy became close friends with Janis, and Janis was extremely enamored with them specifically because of Kim's relationship with Joan Baez. Janis and Peggy became lovers, and Janis’ friend Sunshine Nichols says "When Janis described Peggy to me, the first thing she said was, 'Well, Peggy's lover was involved with Joan Baez.'" The fact that she dated Joan was one of the first things Kim had told Janis when they first met. Apparently she got a kick out of telling people about it. Peggy and Kim were still together during the entire time that Peggy was seeing Janis, which at first Kim was fine with, but Janis eventually came to wanting Peggy to leave Kim for her and that soured the friendship between Kim and Janis slightly.
Kim and Peggy did not break up, even though they had a lot of issues with their relationship, which were not all caused by Janis. Kim was apparently a terrible driver, which really angered Peggy and they fought about driving which frequently escaladed into full-on fistfights. Kim was always driving way too fast and at one point she drove straight through a brand new $1500 fence. The fact that they were both extremely addicted to heroin obviously didn't help. They both did a lot of stupid stuff while high. This is a quote from Kim about a time she broke several of her ribs in the late 60s because she was trying to go to the bathroom late at night but was so high that she ended up on the second floor balcony instead: "I sat down on what I thought was the toilet, but it was thin air and I fell off the second-story porch, landing in a forked sapling. It was easily a ten- or twelve-foot drop. I lay there in the tree, stone naked, and I remember seeing stars and saying to myself, 'Oh, what a beautiful night!' Then I passed out."
Even though they had their issues Kim and Peggy were very openly and proudly a lesbian couple, so everyone around them knew about it. They spoke about being gay pretty openly, and they had a classic butch/femme dynamic (Kim was butch) that they made no attempt to conceal. The members of Janis' band and the other people she worked with strongly disapproved of them, and Albert Grossman, Janis’ manager (and Bob Dylan’s), tried very hard to keep the two of them away from Janis, because he felt that they were a bad influence on her and didn’t want her to get involved with “the gay thing”. Obviously he was not successful with this. Unfortunately their openness about being gay had a pretty negative effect on the two of them after Janis’ death.
After Janis' death, a lot of the people Kim and Peggy knew blamed them because they already had negative feelings about them and they were a pretty easy target. This was exacerbated in 1973 when Going Down With Janis, a "biography" about Janis' life written by a ghostwriter named Dan Knapp under Peggy's name was published. Peggy had agreed to let Knapp write a biography about Janis and had told him many stories about their time together, but Knapp took those stories and twisted them into something unrecognizable that just existed to shock and scandalize readers. Going Down With Janis did garner a bit of a cult following for being notoriously depraved and shocking, but unfortunately it's mostly made up. The book was essentially just Knapp's degrading sex fantasies about Janis written as though they were true facts and written from Peggy’s perspective. When the book was released, Peggy was horrified by its contents because she loved Janis and had only told Knapp positive stories about their time together. The book painted Peggy and Kim as Janis’ abusers and implicitly blamed them for Janis’ death.
After the book was published, Kim and Peggy faced enormous backlash from pretty much everyone they knew which led to Kim almost being murdered in an attempt at revenge. One night in the mid 70s while Kim, Peggy, and some friends were at a lesbian bar in Los Angeles called Bacchanal-70, Janis' former heroin dealer assaulted Kim in the alley behind the bar and stabbed her three times in the chest, puncturing both her lungs, and then left her there to die. Luckily, Kim was able to make it back inside the bar and she was rushed to the hospital. She was in critical condition but she managed to pull through and made a full recovery. She and Peggy split up for good after that.
By the 1990s, Kim managed to get sober after a very long and debilitating addiction that almost killed her many times. She said in 1992, "I finally managed to get clean; though I still enjoy marijuana and a glass of wine with a meal, I'm careful not to abuse."
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This is the most recent picture of her that exists in the public, taken in the early 90s. There isn't any information about her since then.
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
espinosa!reader established relationship with daryl and carol treats her like a sister she always protects
Something To Prove | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Espinosa!Reader
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Summary: Ever since meeting you, Carol has felt an overwhelming urge to protect you at all costs. You were like a sister to her and she would go to great lengths to ensure your safety and your happiness. Now, after you went to her after an argument you had with Daryl, she made good on her promise and decided to give her best friend a piece of her mind.
Additional pairings: Carol Peletier x Fem!Espinosa!Reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff, some angst
Era: Alexandria/Sanctuary, post Saviour war, pre the building of the bridge
Warnings: Swearing, arguing
Word count: 1.9k
A/n: Thank you so much for the request! I didn't know exactly what to write but I hope you like where I went with this. There's not a lot of Daryl x Reader in this, but it was so fun to write about Carol and reader's platonic relationship. I love Carol with my whole heart.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests. AND NOW THEY'RE ALSO OPEN FOR ANY SCUD FROHMEYER REQUESTS! It's actually criminal how little fics about him there are, so send in any thoughts, headcannons or requests about him, along with some about our wonderful Daryl Dixon.
“Woah, woah, woah. Wait a second. He said that?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, wiping a stray tear from your eye. “I understand he doesn't want me to be in danger, but I can tell how much he hates it here. I don't want him to be alone, but he keeps pushing me away. I don't know what to do, Carol. He won't even talk to me about it without starting up an argument.”
Carol pulled you into her embrace, gently rubbing your back as you quietly cried into her shoulder. She slightly rocked you side to side, whispering reassuring things into your ear as she tried to calm you down. She held you tightly, refusing to let up until you felt better.
After a couple of minutes of just being held, you pulled back and wiped the remaining tears from your eyes. You gave her a weak smile and stood up, wiping your hands on your jeans.
“Sorry about all that,” you apologized sheepishly. “I don't know why I broke down like that.”
“Don't apologize,” she reassured you, waving you off. “It's good to let your emotions out every once in a while. Bottling them up doesn't help, believe me.”
“Maybe you should try telling that to Daryl,” you scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “He's done nothing but bottle up his feelings lately. I understand that he's not the most open person when it comes to things like feelings, but he always talked to me whenever something was bothering him. Now he's becoming more like the Daryl I knew when we first met back at Terminus. Reserved and closed off.”
Carol nodded, intently listening to you. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
You shook your head. “No,” you began, crossing your arms over your chest. “I don't want him to get pissed at you either. I'll be fine.”
Carol pursed her lips and hesitantly agreed. “Okay, if you're sure.”
“I am,” you nodded, before hearing the walkie-talkie go off in your pocket, your sister on the other line.
“There's a problem. One of these pendejos caused a fight to break out and I can't find Daryl anywhere.”
“Mierda,” you cursed under your breath. You looked at Carol apologetically. “Sorry, I have to go.”
“It's okay,” she reassured you, getting up to give you a quick hug. “Be safe out there, alright?”
“Always am,” you quipped before rushing out of the room, talking to Rosita on the walkie-talkie. “I'm on my way. Keep them from killing each other.”
With that, you were gone. Carol looked at where you disappeared into and sighed, a million thoughts plaguing her mind, but she was sure about one thing—she had to confront Daryl about the way he was treating you. Carol was the one who had encouraged Daryl to pursue a romantic relationship with you in the first place, and she'd be damned if he threw it all away because of his stubborn nature.
With determination, she got up and walked out of the door, one destination clear in her mind. She knew exactly where Daryl would be at that moment, and it was as good a time as any to try and knock some sense into the archer.
“Figured I'd find you here.”
Daryl looked up at the approaching woman, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He grunted in acknowledgement at Carol, turning his gaze away from her and back to the ground.
Carol sat down next to the archer. She stared ahead and sighed, catching Daryl's attention. “I know I've said this a lot, but I really think Y/n is the one for you, you know?”
Daryl furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not sure why the Peletier would bring you up as the topic of conversation. “Yeah,” he started, nodding slightly. “I think so too.”
“Really?” Carol asked. When Daryl nodded, she continued. “Then why the hell are you pushing her away? Do you have something you wanna prove?”
“I ain't pushin' her away,” he replied, more confused now. He took a final drag from his cigarette before putting it out, flicking it away from him.
“Then why the hell would she feel the need to come to me for advice on what to do? In tears, might I add.”
Daryl's frown deepened. “Wha'?” he asked, suddenly feeling small under Carol's scrutinizing stare. “She came to ya cryin'?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, pursing her lips. “She came to me about the argument you had with her this morning. From what she told me, you said some pretty nasty stuff. What's that all about?”
Daryl sighed, realisation dawning on him. Memories of the argument he had with you flashed through his mind and he grimaced. He immensely regretted everything he had said to you in that argument, but he didn't know how to fix it. You and Daryl had been arguing a lot more since he started supervising over the Sanctuary. He didn't trust any of the former Saviours and he knew some of them had it out for him, so having you there with him made him scared. Scared that the Saviours would take their anger out on you. Scared that he couldn't protect you against all of them. He felt so scared for you.
Admittedly, having you there did make him feel better. To have your presence beside him and to be able to hold you at night while you talked about your day made this hellhole a lot better for him, but it also made him anxious. He didn't want any of the backlash meant for him to get you hurt. He couldn't watch get hurt. He'd never be able to forgive himself.
“Daryl?” Carol voiced, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked over at her and frowned.
“She tell ya everythin'?” he asked, continuing when she nodded. “Then I dun' have anythin' to say.”
“You do!” she exclaimed in frustration. “Why are you treating her like that? She's your partner, Daryl! That woman would do anything for you!”
“Tha's wha' scares me!” he bit back loudly. When he saw Carol go quiet, he lowered his voice. “She has proven tha' she would do anythin' fer me by bein' here at this shit hole. I can see tha' bein' here is takin' a toll on her. And these assholes ain't makin' her life any easier. I jus' want her to be safe.”
“Daryl,” Carol started, putting a comforting hand on the archer's shoulder. “You know she can handle herself. And even if she couldn't, no place would ever be really safe. There are Saviours everywhere now. At Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom. It doesn't matter whether she's here or there. If she's here, at least you'll be able to keep her safe.”
Daryl pondered over Carol's words. After a few minutes of silence, he finally spoke up. “I messed up, didn't I?”
“Big time,” Carol nodded, chuckling softly. “But it's okay. Just go talk to her, and I mean really talk to her. No arguments.”
Daryl nodded and got up, turning and heading back into the Sanctuary. He only had one goal in mind; find you and beg for your forgiveness if he had to.
“Go get her, tiger!” Carol laughed from behind him, pleased that she was able to get through to him. She just hoped that his stubbornness wouldn't mess it up.
“Hey. Ya got a moment to talk?”
You looked up from the papers you were reading, locking eyes with Daryl. You could see him fidgeting with his hands, his body language radiating nervousness.
You nodded at him. “Yeah.”
Daryl inhaled sharply and stepped forward. You watched him anxiously, not knowing what to expect. The longer he took to speak, the more your mind started to wander—did he do something wrong? Was he bit? Was he leaving you for someone else?
“'M sorry 'bout this mornin',” he finally said, taking you by surprise. “I shouldn't have said wha' I said. I know yer jus' tryin' to look out fer me and I appreciate it. I jus' got scared tha' somethin' would happen to ya if ya stayed here with me. Most of these assholes dun' exactly like me and will do anythin' to hurt me. I jus' dun' want them to hurt ya to get back at me.”
You stepped forward and embraced Daryl in a tight hug, catching him off guard. However, he hugged you back tightly in a couple of seconds, burying his face into your shoulder. He breathed in your clean scent and instantly relaxed, his body sagging slightly.
“You should've told me how you felt, Dar. It would've saved us so many arguments,” you whispered, sighing in relief.
Daryl scoffed lightheartedly. “I doubt tha'. We woulda jus' argued 'bout whether ya should stay here or not.”
“I'm not leaving,” you said with a sense of finality in your voice. “I know how much you hate it here, Daryl. That's why I decided to stay. I stayed so that you didn't have to feel alone in this place.”
Daryl pulled back from the hug to look at you, keeping you in his arms. His heart fluttered at your revelation, and he gave you a small smile. “Ya stayed fer me?”
You nodded. “Of course I did. I love you, Daryl. I'd do anything for you.”
Daryl ducked his head down to press his lips against yours, catching them in a sweet kiss. The kiss lasted for a couple of seconds before he pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. “I love ya more.”
“I love you the most,” you retorted playfully, giving him a teasing smile.
“Ain't possible,” he replied, scoffing lightly.
“Agree to disagree,” you said playfully.
Daryl rolled his eyes affectionately before kissing you again, this time more feverishly than before. It didn't take long for Daryl to push you back against the table, hoisting you up by your thighs to sit on it.
You giggled against his lips. “Eager much?”
“Shut up,” he mumbled before attacking your neck with kisses, nibbling on your sweet spot beneath your ear. You moaned quietly and leaned your head back, giving him more access to your neck.
However, the moment was short-lived. The crackling of static from the radio startled the two of you, Eugene's voice coming through.
“Daryl, Y/n, we need you down by the trucks pronto, ASAP.”
Daryl groaned and lowered his head to rest on your shoulder, eliciting a laugh from you. You gently pushed him away from you and jumped off the table, grabbing his hand and interlocking your fingers.
“Come on, they need us. We can finish this later.”
“Gonna hold ya to tha',” he responded, giving you a heated stare.
You smiled at him. “C'mon, pretty boy. Let's go.”
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arlana-likes-to-write · 7 months
Live Bait
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Part 2 of Rescue by Lauren Daigle
Summary: After spending time with Maria and Natasha in Norway, they've decided to bring you to the Avengers Compound. Unfortunately, your life remains complicated and wild as you try to navigate living with the rest of the Avengers and the possibility of meeting your father.
Relationship: blackhill x daughter!reader, Winter Solider x daughter!reader, Avenger x reader (platonic)
Warning: mention of death, mention of Red Rauma/HYDRA abuse, anxiety, kidnapping, injuries, gun shot, gambling, angst with fluff,
Word: 9.3k
Sneaking back into the States was something out of an action movie and a bucket list item you didn’t know you had. Your face had to be hidden to avoid facial recognition from nearby cameras and if you had to speak with anyone you mimicked an English accent. It was high stakes but it was so much fun. Finally, you landed on the helipad of the Avengers compound. Your body was shaking with excitement and nervousness as Natasha and Maria completed their post-landing routine. “How are you doing kid?” Natasha asked. You knew you couldn’t lie to her right now. Your poker face wouldn’t be convincing.
“I think I’m going to throw up,” you admitted. Your leg was shaking, bouncing up and down. Natasha stood up from the copilot seat and walked over to you. She knelt in front of you, holding out her hands with her palms facing up. It was a new addition to your relationship with the Black Widow. You would place your hands on top of hers and you would keep them there until your emotions were under control. It helped you more than the breathing techniques. It grounded you. Your hands were clammy when you placed them on top of Natasha’s.
“Tell me what’s going on,” you liked the feeling of her hands. They were warm, calloused, and rough against yours.
“I-” you stopped and gave yourself a moment to collect your thoughts. “What if they don’t like me?” You whispered. She smiled, rubbing her thumb across the back of your hand. “And I want them to like me but I know I can be difficult,” you made yourself giggle.
“They are going to love you and if they don’t I’ll punch them,” you smiled, and your leg stopped bouncing.
“She may have a better punch than you, darling,” you looked at Maria. She was walking over to you. “They’ve been very excited to meet you.”
“My sister and best friend will be the first people you meet and you’ll meet everyone else when you are ready, okay?” You nodded, taking your hands off of hers.
“Okay,” you sighed. “Sorry about that. That was-”
“You better not say stupid,” she pinched your sides playfully. You giggled and stood up, walking with the couple to the ramp. The New York sun shined on the ramp and at the bottom was a blonde and a brunette You let out a shaky breath, put your best poker face on, and followed them. You stayed behind the couple, letting Natasha hug the blonde and Maria greeted the man.
“So,” the blonde said, you were surprised by the thicker Russian accent. “You’re my niece.” “I am,” you said, keeping your eye contact with her. Her eyes were a similar green to Natasha’s. “So you’re my aunt.” She smiled, and a fondness grew in her eyes at the title.
“I am,” she repeated. “My sister says you are kind of a badass,” your body heated up at the compliment. You looked at your mom.
“Are you talking about me behind my back?” She rolled her eyes, throwing her arm around my shoulders.
“I like bragging about my kid, sue me,” you smiled, finding yourself leaning in her embrace. “So my sister is Yelena and that handsome devil is Clint.” Clint rolled his eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” he deadpanned but his face softened when he looked at you. “It’s very nice to meet you. Why don’t we show you around?” The compound was amazing! You found the place massive compared to the RV you were living in. You were a little upset it took Natasha this long to show you this place. There was so much room for activity, you loved the gun range. The whole training facility was your favorite.
“Where is everyone?” Maria asked when you reached the end of the tour. You sat at the kitchen counter while Natasha made you a peanut butter sandwich. Clint sighed, pouring a cup of coffee.
“We wanted to create a divergent to ensure you guys got back into the States safely,” Natasha glanced at her friend. “They took the bait and the team is hoping they get lucky. They’ve been gone for 5 days.” Your mom placed the sandwich in front of you. You were hungry but the idea of people you didn’t know fighting to keep you safe made your stomach twist.
“They’re gonna be okay, right?” You questioned.
“Yeah,” Natasha nodded. “They’ll be okay.” She wasn’t lying. You sighed, taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Nemnogo krasnyy (little red),” Yelena said. You titled your head when no one acknowledged her. You pointed to yourself. She nodded.
“What did you call me?” You questioned.
“Little Red. You like?” It wasn’t the worst nickname you’ve heard so you nodded. “Do you want to play in the shooting range?” Your eyes grew wide.
“Yes!” You jumped off the chair. “Let’s go.” You followed your aunt to the training area.
“She better be in one piece, Belova” Natasha’s voice called after you as you both broke out in a run.”
After dinner with Clint and Yelena, Natasha found you lying on the couch with Maria. You were resting your head on Maria’s lap, watching a movie. The Black Widow slipped next to her girlfriend. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight. It wasn’t under the most ideal circumstances that her family was together, there was still a real threat to her and your life. But she was happy to have this time together. You shifted on the couch and pulled the blanket over you. “Do you want to go to bed, dorogoy (sweetheart)?” Yelena put you through an intense workout, you almost fell asleep at dinner. It was nice to see you smile and joke around with Clint and Yelena. She was excited to see you interact with the rest of the team. You groaned, leaning into Maria more.
“Wanna watch the movie,” you whispered. Maria chuckled.
“We can pause it and watch it tomorrow,” she ran her fingers through your hair. “Yelena put you through the wringer, didn’t see.” You sighed, flipping on your back to look up at the couple.
“It was fun,” you said. “But my body hurts.” Natasha laughed, pausing the movie.
“Come on, buttercup,” the Black Widow stood up and pulled you off her girlfriend. “It’s time to go to bed,” you nodded, rubbing your eyes.
“Night Maria. See you in the morning,” she said goodnight to you and you followed the Black Widow to the room they deemed as yours. You crawled into bed and Natasha pulled the blanket over you.
“Are you still nervous to meet the rest of the team?” Natasha watched you think it over. You sat up and put your hands out with palms facing up. Without hesitation, Natasha placed her hands on top of yours.
“What happens if the Avengers can’t catch him?” You asked instead. “Will I be hiding for the rest of my life?”
“That is a big ‘What if’ because we will stop him,” it was a hefty promise to make but Natasha wasn’t going to stop until you were safe. “You won’t be hiding forever. Once he is dealt with, you can do whatever you want. Your life will go back to normal,” you nodded but Natasha knew there was more on your mind. She squeezed your hands. “Come on, what else is on your mind?” You sighed.
“What is going to happen to him?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “Fury will probably want to speak with him to try to get information on HYDRA but after that, I’m not sure.” Natasha was conflicted. There were moments during training or missions when Natasha saw the man behind the monster HYDRA created. You nodded, removing your hands from hers. You laid back down and Natasha fixed the blanket around you. “Remember what I said, okay? I’ll be your shelter and armor. There is no distance I won’t cover to get you.” She pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Okay,” you whispered. “Night Mom,” Natasha smiled. She was never going to get tired of you calling her that.
“Goodnight sweetheart,” the Black Widow kissed the top of your head. She stayed until your breathing slowed and you were fast asleep. She hoped you didn’t notice how scared and worried she was. Her small family was finally whole again. If she were to lose you when she just got you, she worried who she would become to get you back. But she couldn’t let those thoughts consume her. Right now you are asleep and safe. She only focused on that.
The smell of cinnamon woke Natasha up. She felt around in the bed and found the spot next to her empty and cold. Figuring it was her girlfriend in the kitchen, she got out of bed, put on when of Maria’s long sleeves, and made her way to the kitchen. Maria was engrossed in making French toast she didn’t hear Natasha walk up behind her. The Black Widow put her arms around her waist. “I could have cooked, baby,” she kissed her girlfriend’s shoulder. Maria leaned back in her girlfriend’s embrace.
“Fury woke me up,” she flipped the French Toast that was in the pan. “The team got back late last night. He wants to have a meeting.” Natasha stood next to her, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“Are they okay?” Maria nodded.
“The usual cuts and bruises but they are good,” but the sigh Maria let out worried Natasha. “According to Fury, there is some tension between Stark and Rogers.” That wasn’t new. The due always seemed to be getting underneath each other’s skin. Natasha frowned.
“Did he elaborate?” Maria shook her head. “Cool,” she deadpanned, sipping on her coffee. “When’s the meeting?”
“20 minutes,” she glanced towards your room. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted her to be there.” Natasha sighed.
“I’ll go wake her up and ask her,” she kissed Maria’s cheek and sat the coffee mug on the counter. When she opened your door, the sight made her smile. You were still asleep, on your stomach with your arms hugging the pillow you were using. Natasha knelt next to you, a gentle hand on your back. “Sweetheart, wake up,” you didn’t. “Wake up.” You groaned, opening your eyes. You blinked a few times, your mind and eyes still laced with sleep.
“Morning,” you mumbled, stretching.
“Morning,” she smiled. “So I know it’s early but the team went back last night and there is a meeting in about 20 minutes. Do you want to be there?” You blinked at her, giving your brain a chance to process the information.
“Do you want me to be there?” You questioned and sat up. Natasha sat down in front of you.
“I want whatever you want. You can come or go back to bed,” you bite your lip and pick at the edge of the blanket.
“Can I stay here?” You whispered. The Black Widow nodded.
“Of course,” she smiled. “Maria is making breakfast so eat when you are ready.” You nodded with a smile but Natasha could see that you were hiding something. She wasn’t going to force you to talk and hoped you would come to her when you were ready. So, she stood up, kissed you on top of your head, and walked to the door. Before she left, she glanced at you one more time. You were lying back down, pulling the covers back over you. Natasha heard you let out a small sigh.
Gently, she closed the door behind her and rejoined Maria in the kitchen. A stack of French Toast was made. “She’s not coming,” Maria looked up from the report she was reading as Natasha took her coffee and a piece of French Toast from the top stack.
“Is she okay?” Natasha shrugged.
“I don’t know. I’m worried this is happening all too fast,” Maria nodded and closed the report. She rounded the kitchen island to stand in front of her.
“It’s gonna be a tough adjustment, we live with a cast of characters,” the redhead smiled. “But she is resilient and strong, just like her mama.”
When she walked into the conference room, it was thick with tension. Steve and Tony were on opposite ends of the table. “Romanoff, Hill, it’s good to see you both states side. Fury said. She looked at the team. No visible injuries. They looked tired, hell even Vision looked exhausted.
“Glad to be back,” she sat down next to Wanda. “What do we know?” Maria sat down next to her, placing a hand on her thigh.
“Yesterday the team had the opportunity to capture the Winter Solider,” Fury said.
“That dude can punch,” Pietro said, rubbing his jaw. Oh, Natasha knew the strength behind the Winter Solider.
“But it was not a complete failure,” Fury pulled up a picture of the Winter Solider. Natasha saw Steve fidget out of the corner of her name. “We have a name. His real name is James Buchanan Barnes,” Natasha’s head snapped to look at Steve but he refused to look at her. “Which until last night, we thought was killed in action in World War II.” Her head was spinning. She couldn’t believe it.
“Did you know?” The question stumped her. Of course, she didn’t know. “I mean you could have known and not told us,” Steve finally looked at her and she hated the look in his eyes, like she was the enemy. “You have a daughter that we knew nothing about.” Her jaw clenched.
“Watch your tone, Rogers,” Yelena threatened.
“Oh cut the shit, Capsicle,” Tony said. “Romanoff lying is no surprise. She and Belova were trained for that but what what is your excuse?” The conversation shifted away from the Black Widow to the billionaire and soldier.
“This is different,” Steve tried to defend himself.
“Bullshit!” Tony slammed his hand on the desk. Maria squeezed Natasha’s leg when she flinched from the noise. “We find out your long-lost buddy is alive and the whole team is ecstatic for you. Turns out I overhear you and birdie,” he pointed to Sam. “That your buddy killed my parents and you weren’t going to tell me.” Oh. OH. The tension between the two now was explained. Natasha saw Steve clench his jaw. “FRIDAY, play it.” Fury stepped out of the way as the screen behind him began to play a video. It was raining and a car slammed into a pool soon a motorcycle pulled up. The Winter Solider rounded the driver’s side where Howard Stark was on the ground. He beat the man and placed him back into the car. The same fate was met for Maria. The video ended and the room was silent. “So,” Tony broke it. “What do we do now?” Natasha found it odd that after all these years the video of the ‘car accident’ surfaced but she needed to keep the team together, it was their only shot of stopping him.
“I didn’t know, Steve,” she kept her voice steady even though she was sure he could hear her heart pounding. Her green eyes were trained on the table. God, she wanted to avoid this conversation. “In there and when I was assigned to missions, he was Winter. Sometimes I could see the man he was before HYDRA got to him but then they would reset him and it would be gone.”
“Reset him?” Rhodey questioned.
“Reset him how?” Sam added. That godforsaken chair. Natasha could still see it, hear his screams in her ears. Maria gave her leg another squeeze, it was the only thing keeping her in this room.
“Sestra,” she looked at Yelena. Her green eyes showed her concern. Natasha sighed.
“It’s how they keep him under their control,” she looked at Steve. “Let me guess, he didn’t recolonize you,” the soldier nodded.
“He didn’t even recognize his name.” Her eyes went back to the table.
“Because he’s Soldat to them,” the name tasted vile on her tongue. “HYDRA has this chair. They would strap him to it and electrify him,” she barely heard Tony let out a quiet, ‘Jesus’. “If we went on a mission on Saturday, he would get reset on Sunday and in training on Monday he would have no idea who I was,” Natasha tore her eyes away from the table to look at Tony. “I am deeply sorry for what happened to your parents but it wasn’t him. Someone made him do that, he had no choice.”
“None of us did,” Yelena added on. Natasha saw Clint whisper something in her ear. The blonde nodded.
“So what do we do?” Wanda questioned. “They can’t stay in hiding forever and the longer he is out there more people are going to get hurt.” She was right. You were his mission and that meant he would stop at nothing to complete it.
“The most logical option is to set up a trap,” Vision said, leaning back and folding his hands. “So we can have control over all variables.” The Black Widow placed her hand on top of Maria’s.
“He won’t come out again unless it’s believable,” Rhodey added on. “It has to involve his target.” You. You offered to be bait but that was out of misplaced trust and anger.
“Sedlala by ona eto (Would she do it)?” Yelena asked.
“Ty khochesh’, chtoby ona eto sdelala (Do you want her to do it)?” Clint clarified. Natasha’s gut instinct was to say, hell no, and they could find another way. But she that every option would be covered.
“English would be preferred,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“I’d like to come up with another option before we use her,” she said, cringing at the way she said ‘use’. It made her think about her time at the Red Room. The Windows were seen as objected to being used. She sighed. “I understand you are putting your life on the line for a child you haven’t met yet.”
“Yet?” Same questioned, smiling. “So we can meet her.” Natasha nodded.
“Yes soon,” she said. “But thank you I should have said that sooner.”
“We are family, Nat,” Wanda looked at her then to Tony and Steve. “Sometimes we keep things from each other because we think it’s for the best but at the end of the day, we will always be there for each other.” Tony huffed.
“Yeah, yeah, put the witchy powers down, kid.” Tony stood up and made his way over to Steve, holding out his hand. “Let’s go save him, okay?” Steve looked at the extended hand to him then Tony’s face.
“I’m sorry,” he took it. “I should have told you as soon as I found out.” The billionaire shrugged.
“It’s in the past, let’s work towards a brighter future.” The previous tension seemed to evaporate and Fury informed them that they’ll have a meeting soon to come up with a plan. But the team deserved to rest. One by one they began to trickle out but Natasha stayed sitting, she heard the unspoken words Fury wanted to say.
Soon it was Natasha, Maria, and Fury left. The director smiled the closest thing to a smile. “I’d like to meet her,” he said. “If she’s comfortable with that.”
“FRIDAY, where is she?” Natasha asked the AI.
“She has gotten out of bed and is watching cartoons,” FRIDAY advised. “Should I inform her that you would like to see her?”
“We’ll come to her,” Maria said. “Let her know we’ll have a guest.”
A guest. That was all the AI said to you which gave you a heart attack, not expecting another voice. The door of the small apartment opened and you paused the show you were watching. Your mom and Maria walked in with a man wearing an eye patch followed behind him. “How was the meeting?” You asked. “Did they get him?” Natasha shook her head.
“But we did find something out,” she said. “I’d like you to meet Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.” You stood up, whipping your hand on your pants before you shook the man’s hand.
“It’s good to finally meet you in person, kid.” you smiled.
“Nice to meet you, sir,” you let go of his hand and followed the group into the kitchen. You sat on a bar stool while Nick poured himself some coffee and the couple plated the leftover breakfast. “So what happened?” You asked.
“We found out his real identity,” Fury said, taking a sip of coffee. “His name is James Barnes, a-”
“Steve Roger’s best friend,” you cut the man off, eyes slightly wide. “I thought he was killed in World War II,” your mom raised her eyebrow at you. You shrugged. “I paid attention in history class.” It was your second favorite subject in school.
“That is what everyone thought,” Maria said. “Until the team confirmed his identity this week.” She sat down next to you. “Which has caused some tension,” you looked between the couple, asking an unasked question. Natasha sighed.
“Steve believes I knew his true identity and kept it from him but I didn’t know,” you frowned, seeing the truth in her eyes. But you saw the hurt too that his teammate lost trust in her.
“That’s not all,” Fury said. “Turns out the Winter Solider is responsible for the death of Howard and Maria Stark.” Oh. That complicated things.
“Well,” you said slowly. “I guess we have something in common.” The Black Widow snorted at your poor attempt at a joke. You smirked. “So to recap, the Winter Solider is James Barnes, Steve Roger’s long lost best friend who killed the Starks and is after me. This man happens to be my biological father, which I’m guessing the team knows?” You questioned.
“Cool,” you mumbled, running your hands through your hair. “So what do we do?”
“We are working on that,” Fury said, pushing off the counter he was leaning on to walk over to you. You spun around in the chair to face him, keeping eye contact with his good eye. You kept your face neutral. He was reading you. The ends of his lip curled up in a smile. “You got a good poker face, kid.”
“So I’ve been told,” you said. “Now what do you want?” He shook his head.
“Nothing,” he said. Well, that was a bald-faced lie. “Not right now at least. We’ll be seeing each other soon.” He quickly left the apartment. You raised an eyebrow, looking back at the couple.
“What a weird dude,” you mumbled. The couple laughed. “This plan that is being worked on, does it involve me?”
“They want to set up a trap,” Maria told you. “So we can control every outcome.”
“But I told them that using you was the last resort,” your mom said. “And you can back out if you don’t want to do it.” You nodded.
“I know,” you were nervous. “If I can help I want to.” You wanted to help that was the truth. Each day he walked freely but you and others were in danger. That reality didn’t stop you from being scared. Scared for yourself. Scared for the team. Scared for Natasha on the possibility she would have to face him again. But were you ready? All your life you wondered and dreamed about your biological. Now all the answers were laid out in front of you and you weren’t sure if you liked it.
When the couple was done with breakfast, you helped clean up and you changed out of the clothes you slept in. “You don’t have to meet them right now,” Natasha said, opening the door for you.
“Well, I can’t stay locked away in my room forever like Rapunzel. Oh! That reminds me, we should watch Tangled. It’s my favorite Disney movie,” Natasha chuckled, rustling your hair with her hand.
“Sure, we can watch it tonight,” you fixed your hair before entering the common area. The Avengers were there. You found Clint and Yelena right away, the blonde offered you a small smile. You returned it. “Guys, I like you to meet someone,” Natasha got the attention of everyone in the room. Oh, there were a lot of eyes on you. Your mom introduced you. Wanda and Vision were in the kitchen while Tony and Rhodey were at the dining room table discussing something on a tablet. That left Sam and Steve on the couch. The blonde super soldier kept looking at you and then back to Natasha. His blue eyes would linger on yours. Tony whistled.
“You really said copy and paste with this one.” Before you could respond, a strong gust of wind spun you around and pulled you away from Maria and Natasha. A man with white hair had his arm swung over your shoulders.
“So this is the fresh meat,” he pinched your cheek.
“And this pain in the ass is Pietro,” Maria deadpanned. Pietro chuckled and sped off behind Maria.
“You love me, Hill.”
“Pietro,” Wanda warned. “Be nice.” He quickly moved over to Wanda.
“You do know I’m older than you.” You smiled, shaking your head. There was a set of twins in your class back in California. You wondered how your classmates were doing. What were they told when news of your parents’ death hit and you disappeared? How was Sarah or Agent Cruise? You made a mental note to ask Natasha about them. The conversation flowed naturally with the Avengers. They asked about your likes and dislikes and your life before all this. The anxiety you were feeling was melting away. Suddenly, Steve stood up and left. The room grew quiet as everyone watched him leave.
“What’s got his panties in a twist?” Tony asked. You looked at your mom and her eyes showed how conflicted you were. You sighed and followed the man, ignoring the call of your name. The soldier was by a pond that rested on the compound’s property. He was sitting on the deck, getting lost in the water. But you knew he heard you by the way his shoulders moved.
“Tony is wrong,” he said. “All I see is Bucky when I look at you,” he shook his head. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” You took it as an invitation to join him on the bench. Out of the corner of your eye, he looked at you and began to laugh. “Sorry, I know this isn’t funny.” You smiled softly.
“It’s fine,” you told him. “Sometimes all you can do is laugh about everything.” You sat back, folding your hands on your lab. “I was lucky that I was given to a loving family but it didn’t stop me from questioning who gave me up. Can you imagine my surprise when I find out the Black Widow and Winter Solider are my biological parents?” He chuckled. You finally looked at the man. “She’s telling the truth, she didn’t know,” Steve looked back at the water. “But I get it. It’s easier to blame someone else in this messy world.” He sighed.
“I blame myself not Nat.” You hummed.
“Can you tell me about him?” You asked. The super soldier was silent. You feared you overstepped but you allowed the man to gather his thoughts. There had to be a lot of emotions running around inside him. He discovered his best friend was alive but at what cost?
“Bucky was loyal,” he began. “He protected me and everyone around him that couldn’t stand up for themselves. He was funny, kind, and my brother,” Steve looked at you. “I guess that makes me your uncle.” You laughed, pumping your shoulder against his.
“Can I be honest with you about something?” He nodded. You saw a stone resting on the dock and you stood up to pick it up. It was flat, a perfect stone to skip. Summers were spent by the water. You would spend hours looking for the perfect rocks to skip.
“I’m scared,” you said, running your thumb over the smooth surface before skipping it across the pond.
“Why are you scared?” You turned around to face the blonde and leaned against the wooden post.
“That you and the team are going to get hurt protecting me,” you admitted. “I don’t want that to happen.” He smiled.
“It’s our job,” Steve said. “We signed up for this life.” You frowned, walked over to him, and held out your hand. He placed his on top of yours. His was different, it was warm and rough.
“You may have signed up for it,” you said. “Doesn’t mean I want it to happen.” He closed his hand and squeezed yours.
“We’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Okay,” you were sure if you liked promises. Once upon a time, your adoptive parents promised they would always be around but now they were gone. Would they keep their promises to you?
“That’s it!” Natasha heard Tony yell as she walked into the common area. She changed out of the clothes she wore on her date with Maria into something more comfortable. It was nice spending time with just her girlfriend and Yelena said she would keep an eye on you. She wasn’t expecting to walk in to see you, Tony, Clint, Rhodey, and Sam sitting around a round table playing poker. You threw your cards down and pulled the ‘pot of winnings’ closer to you. The pot was candy and Natasha saw you had the biggest pile. “Your daughter is a cheater.” You looked at the Black Widow, a twinkle in your eye and you unwrapped a jolly rancher.
“You’re a sore loser,” you said, popping the blue candy in your mouth. “Come on let’s play again.” The table groaned as you divided up your pile. Natasha chuckled and joined her sister at the kitchen counter. The blonde had a few files and a bottle of vodka.
“How long has that been going on?” Yelena glanced at the table with a smile.
“About an hour,” Natasha poured herself a shot. “She’s already beat Steve, Vision, and Pietro. Those idioty (idiots) think they can win.” Clint gasped.
“I heard that Belova.”
“You boys know she can count cards, right?” Natasha questioned. It was your turn to gasp.
“I knew it!” You ducked as a smarties got thrown at your head and grabbed the chocolate bar in the middle. Your laughter was music to Natasha’s ears as you jogged over to them and jumped in the empty chair.
“Mom,” you whined. “I was winning. You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am, dorogoy. But we have to protect their egos.” You giggled and opened the candy bar. The Black Widow watched you glance at the folders Yelena was reading. Your eyes did a double take. “What is that?”
“I know that man,” you pointed at the picture. “He was at a few poker games.” Yelena closed the folder.
“These poker games,” Yelena said. “Where did they take place?”
“All over the city,” you told her. “Mostly at bars in the back room or warehouses.” The blonde looked at her sister.
“If we send agents to these locations we may find some HYDRA informants that could lead us to the Winter Solider,” she explained. “Do you think you can tell us where they happened?” You shrugged.
“I can try,” you said, taking another bite of the chocolate. “I was young when I went to some of them.” Natasha nodded.
“Run it by Fury,” Yelena cleaned up the folders and left to call the director.
“How was your date with Maria?” You asked once it was just you and her. The Black Widow smiled.
“It was good,” she enjoyed the one-on-one time with her but it was weird having dinner without out, even Maria said something about it. You smiled, breaking off a square, and handed it to her. Natasha took it. “Do you still want to watch Tangled or do you want to beat the boys again?”
“I will choose Tangled over anything.” Natasha chuckled, throwing her arm over your shoulders. You leaned into her embrace.
“It’s nice to see that,” you hummed in question. “Your smile, sweetheart, your smile.”
“Again,” Yelena ordered. You let out a shaky breath as Steve threw the metal shield. It bounced off the practice dummies and came towards you. You caught it the way Steve showed you, feet slipping slightly but you used the force to propel yourself forward and through the shield back. It took the same path as it traveled back to Steve. The super soldier caught it with ease.
“It’s fascinating,” you heard Tony say with a tablet in his hands. “She’s a mini Romanoff.” Yelena nodded and Steve threw it again. This time it was in a rapid session. Every time you caught it, you threw it right back and Steve did the same.
“Do you think Barnes and Nat could have passed down a version of the serum?” Sam asked. That was the theory they wanted to test after you outran Sam and could keep up with Steve.
“We won’t know until her blood work comes back,” the billionaire said. “But it does seem that way.” You let out a breathless laugh. It was another thing to add to your list.
“What the hell are you doing to my kid?” Natasha asked, entering the training room as you caught the shield for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Romanoff, come look at this,” she glared at Tony as she walked over to him. The billionaire showed her the tablet, her facial expression was unreadable.
“Stop using her as some science experiment,” she marched over to you, ripped the shield out of your hands, and threw it at Steve. “My pogovorim ob etom pozzhe (We will talk about this later). She glared at Yelena.
“Mom,” you said as she pulled you away from the other Avengers. “Mom,” you repeated. “I’m fine.”
“Sit,” she pointed to the chair. You did as you were told as she disappeared. When she returned, she was holding a first aid kit. “Does this look fine,” she held up your arm to show you the bruising. You didn’t have the heart to tell her that those bruises were the second round. The others already healed. She knelt in front of you, adding some cream to your arm.
“They are saying that you or Bucky passed down a version of the serum to me,” you watched the Avengers set up another training session this time with Vision and the Maximoff twins. Natasha sighed.
“Maria and I had a similar conversation in Norway,” you looked back at the Black Widow. Her green eyes were already looking up at you.
“How does that change things if that test comes back positive?” You whispered.
“It changes nothing, honey,” your mom said. “You are still my daughter nothing else matters.”
“But will that make me an Avenger?” Natasha shook her head.
“Just because you are different or special doesn’t mean you need to be an Avenger. It will always be your choice. I won’t or Fury or the rest of the team will not force or guilt you to join,” she gently ran her fingers over the bruises that were already beginning to heal. “When you get older and you decide you want to join the team, I will support you tenfold.” You connected your hands with hers and looked at the woman in front of you. In Norway, while the couple was asleep, you opened Maria’s laptop and searched for Natasha Romanoff. Quickly, you learned the things she was subjected to, and the horrors she faced to become the hero the world knew her as. Everything was not her choice. She was forced to become the Black Widow, forced to lie and kill, forced to have you, and forced to give you away. Her life choices were made for her, she wasn’t going to let it happen to you.
“Okay,” you smiled. “Thank you.” Natasha smiled and cleaned up the used medical supplies.
“Try to take it easy in training,” she kissed your forehead. “You’re gonna give your mom a heart attack.” You giggled.
“Yes ma’am. Be nice to Yelena. She made sure I was okay.”
“No promises,” she winked at you and walked over to her sister. You sighed, leaning back in the chair. What a weird life you were living.
Tony called you, Maria, and Natasha into his lab the following morning. He said that the test results were inconclusive due to him only finding fragments of the serum in your DNA when he compared it to Steve and Natasha. But the Black Widow told him that Widows were given different versions of the serum than the one they gave Steve. With this new information, a training schedule was made to prepare you. It was still uncertain if the Avengers were going to use you but you enjoyed training with people other than Natasha and Maria. Hand-to-hand combat with Steve, conditioning with Pietro (which you thought was unfair), and weapon training with Clint and Yelena. But your days weren’t fully spent dripped in sweat and your body aching, your mom made sure of it. You spent time with Wanda in the kitchen, played video games with Sam and Rhodey, and annoyed Tony in this lab. It was fun but you felt like you weren’t doing enough to help. The team met almost every day to brainstorm ideas, but they came up empty.
You were sitting with Yelena looking at the map of the city you grew up in to try to rack your brain where these poker games took place. You remembered a few spots; Ray’s Bar because the owner gave you sour candy and the warehouse by the pier because it smelt bad. You hated going to those games, the smell seemed to stay with you days after the game was over.
You sighed, taking a grape from the fruit bowl Wanda made for you. “What’s wrong Nemnogo krasnyy (little red)?” Yelena asked, continuing to type her mission request to Fury.
“It’s stupid,” a piece of cheese was thrown at your forehead. “What was the for?”
“Because if something is bothering you it’s not stupid. So talk,” You ate the cheese she threw at you.
“I feel like I’m not doing enough to help. I want to do more,” you slumped down into your chair. “I hate feeling worthless.” Yelena closed the laptop and stood up. You heard her approaching footsteps but you didn’t look at her until she was right in front of you.
“You are not worthless,” she said, kneeling to your level. “Your job is to stay safe. That is what the team wants, especially your mama.” You shrugged. Yelena tapped your leg. “What can I do to help?” Well since she asked…
“I want to read possible case files the Winter Solider has been connected to.”
“Absolutely not,” she said, standing up suddenly and going back to her laptop.
“Aunt Lena,” you called after her and was quick to follow her. “I know nothing about him. Wouldn’t it be smart for me to know everything I can?” She opened the laptop slowly. “Think about it. If you guys were to use me as bait it needs to be believable so for it to be believable I need to know everything about my target.” The blonde sighed.
“Your mother will kill me.”
“She won’t know I got them from you. I’ll blame Clint or tell her FRIDAY gave them to me.” She rubbed her forehead.
“Fine, I’ll get the files, okay? Just be careful.” You squealed, wrapping her arms around her neck.
“You are the best! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She shook her head, chuckling.
“I know I am. Now get back to work,” you stood at attention, gave her a mock salute, and ran back over to the map. It was a start and you were excited! The possibility of reading case files made you feel like a spy, like your mom!
You called it an early night, claiming you were tired from training. Both Natasha and Maria seemed to believe it so you had time to read the files Yelena gave you. She was right when they said they didn’t have a lot and many of them were speculated that the Winter Solider was responsible. He was that good, that deadly, that feared that if there were witnesses no one would talk. Sighing, you bit down on the pen you were using. This was your father. Steve told you that he was loyal and protective but in these files, you saw none of that. How much did HYDRA get rid of? “Hey, sweetheart,” you jumped as the door opened and had little time to put the files away before your mom walked in. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you squeaked out. She glared at you as she walked into your room. Natasha picked up one of the files and read it over. Then another and another until all of them were in your hands.
“Where did you get these?”
“I found them,” you lied. You hated lying to her but you wanted to protect your aunt. “I wanted to learn more about him so I went searching,” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I’m sorry.” Natasha sat down in front of you, the files on the floor but you refused to look at her.
“Can you look at me?” It took you a moment but you looked up at her. “I’m not angry, okay? I just wish you had come and talked to me about this instead of reading those. Those files,” she pointed to them. “Only tell one side of the story.”
“Steve told me about Bucky but I want to know about-”
“The Winter Solider.” She cut you off. You nodded. “Why didn’t you ask me?”
“I didn’t want to upset you. I know it’s a sensitive topic,” she gave you a sad smile.
“You could never upset me, okay?” She placed her hand on your cheek and kissed your forehead. She quickly moved next to you and pulled you into her arms. “So what do you want to know?”
“Anything you want to share,” in a similar fashion to Steve, she took her time before she spoke. You took her hand and began to trace the lines on the palm of her hand.
“He was Winter to me and some of the other Widows,” she began. “He was a strict trainer, very serious on missions, and quiet. Some days he terrified me but other days he was kind,” you heard the slight shake in her voice but you didn’t dare attention to it. “No matter what though he was extremely protective of me and the other Widows. If a mission were to go wrong, he would take the blame and accept the punishment.”
“Did you love him?” You found yourself asking. Natasha let out a shaky breath, you felt it on the top of your head.
“Not in the way I love Maria but in some way I did. In there, it was rare to see any kindness so when he should it to me I accepted it.” You spun around so you were lying on your stomach and looking up at her. You noticed her green eyes were glossy with tears.
“I’m sorry.” You said.
“Why are you apologizing?” You were sure but it felt like you needed to say it. Maybe you were apologizing for everything she went through. Did anyone tell her they were sorry? Sorry for taking you away. Sorry for forcing her to have you. Sorry for robbing her of her childhood.
“Just thought you needed someone to tell you that.” You whipped away that fell down her cheek. “Do you think I can sleep with you and Maria tonight? Those files were not child-appropriate.” A deep laugh was pulled out of your mom and you counted that as a win.
“Come on buttercup. Let’s go to bed.”
You were lost, unable to follow the conversation as you sat through another meeting to come up with a plan. Somehow Steve and Tony started arguing and your mom tried to stop them. Damn, your head was going to split open. “Enough!” Your sudden outburst got the attention of the room. You stood up from your spot in the corner and walked to the table. “You know damn well it won’t work.” Maria gasped.
“Steve doesn’t like that kind of talk,” you rolled your eyes at her. You looked around the table, Steve and Tony settled down in their chairs, and your eyes locked on Natasha. “Use me. I’m ready. I’ve trained, I’ve studied, and we know he won’t come out unless I’m there.”
“Sweetheart,” your mom pleaded but you held up your hand to stop her.
“I’ve thought about it, every possible outcome, and I know how dangerous he is. I mean I saw him murder my parents.” Tony mumbled, ‘Twins,’ under his breath. “But we have to stop him. The longer HYDRA has him the more people will get hurt. We have to save him,” the team was quiet, as they had a silent conversation with one another. But Natasha’s eyes stayed on you, afraid if she looked away you would disappear right before her eyes. “Come on guys,” you whined. “We got this! You are the Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes. You’ll protect me.” They were waiting for Natasha’s approval, no one was going to speak before her. You kept your heart steady and your poker face down so she could see everything. Finally, she sighed.
“I don’t like it,” she admitted. Then again who would? She was going to have to watch her daughter be live bait. “But she’s right, it’s our only option.” You smiled, nodding your head.
“How we do proceed?” Vision asked. “We must ensure the capture of Sargent Barnes and the safety of Miss. Romanoff.” You liked Vision. He was the only Avenger to call you, ‘Miss. Romanoff’, it made you feel more connected to her.
“Actually,” you raised your hand slowly. “I have an idea.”
“Little red,” you looked up from your phone. Steve was walking towards you with two men. The nickname seemed to spread once Yelena said it in front of the team. You heard it more than your actual name, it made you feel like a superhero. “I want you to meet some people.” You stood up and met the trio halfway. “This is Agent Brock Rumlow and Secretary Alexander Pierce.” You shook the men’s hands. You’ve seen them around the compound, a handful of times but you’ve never been introduced. “Agent Rumlow will be in charge of the SHIELD agents assigned to this mission.”
“I must say it’s a good plan. I was told you came up with it,” Pierce said. You nodded.
“Yes sir,” you said. “I knew the only way to ensure his capture was if it was believable and I was present.” Pierce smiled, you didn’t like it. A chill went down your spine.
“You’re a brave kid,” he said and the four of you began the walk to the conference room. It was the final meeting, to make sure all the Ts were crossed and Is were dotted. Rumlow trailed behind you, Pierce, and Steve.
“Are you not scared?” He asked. “The Winter Solider isn’t someone to be messed with.” You hated his tone but you brushed it off, there were other things to worry about.
“Terrified,” you admitted. “But I know all of you have my back,” Steve opened the door. “Right, Agent Rumlow?” You asked him, refusing to enter the room. He smirked.
“Right, Little Red.” Oh, you hated the way he said your name. You walked into the room and sat between Natasha and Maria. Immediately, your mom grabbed onto your hand and squeezed it. You squeezed it back.
With the plan in motion, you were starting to feel sick to your stomach. The busy New York streets were doing nothing to calm your nerves, even though you could pinpoint the SHIELD agents stationed around you. This was your plan after all. For the past few days, you were sending text messages to your ‘friends’ back home and claimed you hated living with the Avengers. You double-downed and said they were holding you against your will. Tony made sure your messages could be seen. Finally, a number you didn’t recognize messaged you and proclaimed they could get you away from them. A plan was made for you to sneak your way to New York City and meet at a cafe. Unbeknownst to your mysterious contact, the Avengers were in the loop. You would entertain the man until the Winter Solider made his appearance. As soon as he was there, you were to get to a predetermined location and a SHIELD agent would get you away from the fight.
You were given no coms. The only thing you were given was a bracelet with a tracker on it that your mom gave you. You sipped on your hot chocolate and played with the piece of jewelry. You wished you could hear your mom’s voice but you knew she was watching. So was Maria, Yelena, and Clint. “Hello,” you jumped at the sudden voice, hitting your knee against the table.
“Sorry,” you whipped the hot chocolate you split. “You startled me.” The man laughed and offered his hand. You shook it as he sat down. He wasn’t what you were expecting, glasses, long black hair, and tattoos. He chuckled.
“It’s fine. I can imagine you are on edge with everything going on,” you nodded as the man put a briefcase on the table.
“It’s been a crazy few months,” you admitted.
“Parents murdered by the Winter Solider and kidnapped by the Avengers,” you took a sip of your drink, it was still hot. “What made you want to get away from them now?” He asked.
“I just miss my friends,” your voice shaking was a good choice. You deserved an Oscar for this performance. “I miss my life before all this,” he opened the briefcase. “I want to go home.”
“I’ll get you home, sweetheart, trust me,” it happened rather quickly. The man reached for your hand and with his free one he had a small syringe. You had to admit it was ballsy, attacking in such a public location. But you were quick to pull your hand away and splash your hot chocolate on the man’s face. In his panic, you jumped over the metal fence and heard the man speak frantically in Russian, no doubt to the com he was wearing.
You got flashbacks as three black vans came rushing down the street, and innocent civilians dove out of the way. But you stayed, you needed confirmation. The man overcame his shock and jumped over the fence. He swung at you. You grabbed his fist and used his momentum to throw him over your body. With his back on the ground, you delivered a quick punch and he was out cold.
The vans stopped and there he was. An assault rifle was in his hands and his metal arm was shining in the sun. His eyes were glued to you as HYDRA agents poured down the street. You thought it was overkill but their attention was diverted when Tony flew overhead, blowing up one of the vans. That was your cue, you turned around and ran.
You thanked every conditioning session Pietro put you through because you made it to the alley in no time. “Little Red,” you sighed as you saw the SHIELD agent.
“Agent-” his name died on your lips as a gunshot went off and his body slumped to the ground. A hand went around your mouth before you could scream and a sharp prick on your neck made your eyes water. You tried to fight the assailant as he dragged you to a van, over the bodies of the other agents that were assigned to protect you. Whatever they injected you became too much, your eyes began to close as they threw you in the back of the van. The last thing you felt was them ripping the bracelet off your wrist before the world went dark.
You woke with a start. You dreamt that you were falling, screaming for someone to help you but no one was there. In the dim light, your eyes adjusted to the room, no cell, you were in. There was a toilet, a door with a caged window, a mattress you were lying on, and stood in the corner was him. The Winter Solider. You jumped to your feet and faced him. The sudden movement caused your head to spin but you remained standing. His eyes were cold, void of any emotion. If he knew who you were, he gave no indication. He looked at you like he was staring right through you. “Hi,” you squeaked out. God, your heart was beating so fast. Rattling against your rib cage. There was no way he couldn’t hear it then again you could hear his. You focused on it, the slow pace of his heart. You let out a shaky breath then another. Soon your heartbeat matched his and you looked at his face, half of it covered by that mask. There was a small spark in his blue eyes that quickly disappeared. He was impressed. “Where am I?” This time your voice was steady. Instead of answering, he closed the distance between you and him. You fought every nerve in your body that called out for you to run. But you stayed. Even when he towered over you and tried to force your back against the wall.
You were terrified, fear crept deep within your bones, as his eyes looked over every detail of your face. Was he trying to memorize it or find a memory? You weren’t sure. With his metal hand, he gripped your chin. You were surprised at how gently his touch was. “Who?” He grunted out, you almost missed it. Did he ask you who? What the hell was that? He could have added so many more words to make a thought. Instead, he asked you who? Before you could question him, the door opened and he was back in his corner. Four heavily armed men entered the room.
“Well, well, well,” you knew that voice. “Look whose finally up.”
“Rumlow,” you said as the SHIELD agent walked in followed by Pierce. “And Pierce.” What was going on? They worked for SHIELD, they were the good guys. Your stomach dropped at the realization. They beat you, you met someone with a better poker face than your own. You hated cheaters.
“The whore’s daughter is smart.” Rumlow chuckled. Your blood boiled but you had to be smart. You were given a losing hand and you weren’t ready to fold. Pierce held up his hand to silence him and stepped closer to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the Winter Solider move. The rest of the room missed it.
“What do you want from me?” The man grabbed a hold of your chin, forcing your head side to side. Winter grunted in the corner, this time the room heard it.
“Looks like she has a guard dog already,” Rumlow teased. Pierce dropped the hold he had on you, your jaw sore.
“Welcome to the new world order,” he said. “Hail HYDRA.”
Sorry! I know another part is annoying but this was getting really long. Good news is a lot of it is written soo I'm hoping to post it on Monday, maybe Sunday. Enjoy!
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wing-ed-thing · 6 months
Childhood Friends to Lovers Relationship Headcanons
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Tags/Warnings: No Reader Pronouns Not into romance? Here's some platonic childhood friends with Iruka hcs!
𓆃 It's a very natural progression, especially if you're in the same age group as Iruka and remain moderately involved with the village growing up.
𓆃 Iruka is friendly enough to be able to bond with just about anyone, and given you're in similar circumstances after the Nine-Tails attack on the village, you're bound to be drawn to one another.
𓆃 Especially if you're left with few loved ones, being around others who share your circumstances makes your situation feel less lonely. At least, that was the idea when the Third Hokage implemented the youth programs for those who lost family stability.
𓆃 It was an awkward series of after-academy and weekend activities thrown together by a bunch of volunteer shinobi who didn't know much about kids, but you and Iruka wouldn't know better until you were older.
𓆃 These programs were also open to children whose parents were now working around the clock to assist the village, so even if your circumstances didn't resemble Iruka's, you could naturally find yourself in similar spaces.
𓆃 You probably couldn't even recall the exact moment you and Iruka became friends at all. You just always remembered him there and could hardly think of a time where Iruka wasn't in your life.
𓆃 (Iruka remembers. He's told you once before. Something about helping him out when he was new to the program and grieving, but you don't actually remember any of that.)
𓆃 He's always the first person you invite to your group outings with friends and he always makes time for you. He actually always makes time for anything you invite him to, whether you explicitly ask him or hint that you'd like him there.
𓆃 For a lifetime, he's been at every graduation, performance, and new life event you could ever ask someone to be at.
𓆃 Iruka was also always at your place, and if he wasn't at yours, you were at his.
𓆃 Any family you have surely already considers him one of them, your more sentimental— or otherwise slightly ditsy— family forgetting that Iruka isn't another blood family member.
𓆃 As you get older, your friends or extended family will constantly assume that Iruka's your partner. From your teenage years on, everyone will assume that you're a couple whether you are or not.
𓆃 And, well, you practically are a couple. You see each other every chance you get; you talk to each other every chance you get; you work in complete and utter tandem, that even people who don't know you very well assume that you're a couple.
𓆃 With his proximity to the people closest to you, it's an appropriate assumption and when you do finally get together, no one's surprised.
𓆃 Hell, even if you decide that marriage is for you, no one would be surprised about that either.
𓆃 "I thought you were already married," practically every shinobi in the village will most certainly say upon your announcement.
𓆃 Children will be a large part of your life whether they're yours or not, strictly because of Iruka's status as a teacher. His students mean the world to them, and by extension, it's probably for the best if you get as least a little involved.
𓆃 Your dynamic will work best if you show a level of dedication on par with his, whether you're another teacher, a sensei, or even simply drop by with treats every so often.
𓆃 The students think that ANBU warriors are fascinating and giving demonstrations of your superior kunai skills never fail to impress.
𓆃 "You'll only be able to do that if you do all your homework on time!"
𓆃 Your relationship is village-centric. Perhaps you won't be setting off on any crazy joint-mission anytime soon, but you will have a close, natural relationship and a village full of people who absolutely adore you.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Not into romance? Here's some platonic childhood friends with Iruka hcs!
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acewritesfics · 4 months
Pal-entine's Day | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Platonic!Female Reader
Request: From anon for last years Valentines celebration. THIS IS A REPOST FROM @/DLMLUFICS.
Prompts: friend valentines, being stood up and surprise. 
Warnings: fluff. “Friendly” kiss between friends. Platonic relationship.
Word Count: 1,089
Jay Halstead Masterlist
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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It's almost 10 o’clock at night and Y/N is laying on her couch, watching some sappy romance movie with a tub of her favorite flavored ice cream cradled against her chest. Just as she stabs the spoon into the ice cream to scoop out some more a loud knocking comes from her front door.   
“Go away,” she mumbles putting no effort into making the person go away. But as the knocking gets more incessant, she sighs sitting up and slams her ice cream on the coffee table. She drags her feet to the front door, opening it and is pleasantly surprised to see her best friend and work partner, Detective Jay Halstead, standing there. She hides her surprise and sadness behind a teasing smirk. “Your date didn’t want to take it back to her place?”  
“There was no date,” he tells her, pushing past her to go inside.   
She only just notices the stuff in his hands after she closes and locks the door behind him and follows him into the living area.  
“Did you get stood up or something?”   
“Nope,” he says, placing the 6 pack of beer, some welted flowers, and bags of food on the kitchen counter of the open plan space. After shrugging off his coat, he hangs it over one of the dining table chairs.  
“What’s all this?” she asks confused and still a little surprised.   
“I didn’t actually have a date tonight,” he admits. “I was going to spend the night at home, watching hockey with beer and pizza but then you texted me saying that jackass stood you up. So, here I am being the bestest friend ever.”  
“You didn’t have to do this,” pouting, she fights the urge to cry. She truly did have the bestest best friend in the world.   
Y/N was asked on a date by one of the patrol officers at the 21st. This guy she has been flirting with and waiting for him to ask her on a date for a few months now. So, when he came up to her a couple of weeks ago, asking her if she would like to have dinner with him on Valentine’s Day, she told him she would love to.   
Tonight, he was supposed to meet her at one of the slightly fancier restaurants along the waterfront. When he didn’t show up an hour after their reservation was made for, feeling hurt and embarrassed, she paid for the couple drinks that she drank and left the restaurant so another couple could use the table.   
As she sat in her car in front of the restaurant, needing a moment to compose herself, she texted Jay telling him what happened. She didn’t expect a reply or a call until tomorrow, while hoping he was having better luck with his own date. What she didn’t expect was for him to show up at her doorstep with some of her favorite things.  
“These are for you, because everyone deserves flowers valentine's day,” he says picking up and holding out the flowers. “I may have stolen them from some restaurants outdoor table. Please don’t arrest me.”  
“Depends on what’s in those bags,” she smiles already feeling a lot better than she had been five minutes ago.   
Jay has always had the knack for making her feel better even when she wants nothing more than to wallow in her own misery. He would never let her do that alone.   
The two friends met when they went through the academy together. They dated for a couple of months but ultimately decided they’re better off friends and have remained that way since. After graduating, they were assigned to different districts but always found time for each other. Now they’ve been working intelligence together for 4 years which has come with many difficulties in their friendship but has also made it even stronger.  
“I know you well enough to know that the ice cream on the coffee table is all you’ve eaten tonight so I brought the best burgers and fries in town with me,” he holds up one of the bags, showing her the logo of her favorite fast-food place.  
She takes the bag from him and opens it, instantly inhaling the smell of her favorite burger. It smells so good her stomach begins to rumble giving away that he was indeed right about her having not eaten a proper meal.   
“I could kiss you right now.”  
“I wouldn’t stop you. It’ll be the most action both of us have gotten today,” he says setting the second bag of food on the table and opens it.   
Y/N walks over to him, taking his face in her hands and plants a soft peck to his lips. “Better?”  
“Much better, thank you,” he smiles and goes back to removing the food from the bags. “I love you; you know that right?”  
“I do. I love you too and I should be the one thanking you,” she says moving to hug him from behind, her hands against his stomach and her head resting on his back. “This is the best surprise I’ve ever gotten and it’s why you’ll always be my number one guy.”  
“I’ve got to make sure my number one woman feels loved and cared for, especially after some loser beat cop breaks her heart,” he says and turns around in her arms. He kisses her forehead as his arms wrap around her.   
“He didn’t break my heart,” she assures him. “I just feel stupid for wasting my time on a guy that I thought actually liked me back.”  
“You’re not stupid, he is,” Jay reminds her. “Now let’s eat cause I’m starving.”   
Y/N chuckles and lets him go. She sits down at the table, pulling the food out of the other bag. Jay sits to her right as they begin to eat. “Best Valentines ever.”  
“You mean Pal-entines,” Jay says as though he’s correcting her.  
“Did you learn a new word?” She teasingly questions him.  
“I had to look it up,” he shrugs. “There was also Galentine's, but I don’t have the anatomy for that,” he adds making her laugh.  
After eating, they move to the couch to finish watching the movie she’d started before he arrived. By the time the movie finished, Y/N had fallen asleep curled into Jay’s side as they laid down to get more comfortable.  
Instead of leaving, he pulls the blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over them. He makes himself more comfortable, being careful not to wake Y/N. 
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TAGGED: @mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @cs-please - @alexxavicry - @nicole-19s-world - @mimiteller712 - @qutequeersstuff
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Royal Pain: Epilogue
I know I said I would hold off posting until the Christmas story was completed, but this one literally had one chapter left and it felt rude to make you wait for it.
Happy boys!
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24|Pt 25|Pt 26|Pt 27|Pt 28
Six months later:
They were having a holiday plus everyone celebrating something awesome party.
It was held at Steve and Eddie’s new house. Steve had decided to move out the apartment and buy a house now that the business was so successful. And on their six month anniversary, Steve asked Eddie to move in with him.
It had two studios. A music one for Eddie, where he could write songs and the boys could practice so that they no longer had to rent out that garage.
The second one was for Steve to get his art degree. He was still running Royal Pain, but wanted to learn new styles and techniques that would help him become a better tattoo artist.
Chrissy, Robin, and Vickie had also moved into together, but into a bigger apartment that had three rooms so that they could all have their own space, but still remain a committed polycule.
Argyle and Chrissy were both full time tattoo artists, leaving time for Steve to go back to school.
Robin was going back to school, too. To become a translator.
Eden and Argyle were still a couple and expecting their first child in the summer.
Nancy and Jonathan remained broken up, with Nancy in therapy and Jonathan dating a friend of Miranda’s.
Jeff and Miranda were getting married in February, the reception to be held at the Nightmare Holes.
Mike and Will were official now, too and were in talks to move in together. They were trying to decide to move to Will’s apartment, Mike’s, or a find another apartment all together. One that was both their space.
Erica had moved to New York to be with Max and Lucas. But all of them were in town for the party. Having planned it around when the Knicks would be in town.
Hopper was loving Eden as his apprentice, hers almost being up. He was eyeing the first of the year to promote her.
Brian came out as ace and that Cecil was his platonic life partner and had been for the last couple of years.
Gareth and Gethin were still sharing the apartment, but they were still single. Gethin was always looking for the next Mrs Hughes, but Gareth was content to find out more about himself before diving into a relationship.
Dustin and Suzie were also expecting, but they had just found earlier that week.
The Binghams were so excited that two of their daughters were pregnant and were planning to come up in the summer to help with Eden’s baby and help Suzie get ready for hers.
They were all gathered around in the kitchen with a package that Murray had sent over that morning.
“Come on, Ed,” Wayne said softly. “Open ‘er up.”
Eddie nodded and tore the brown paper off the gift. He let out a choked out sob.
Steve put his arm around Eddie’s shoulder.
“Oh sunshine,” Steve breathed. “Show everyone.”
Eddie nodded and lifted it over his head so everyone could see.
There in a black frame and nestled in a white background was a gold record for their song, Pretty Boy Under Bright Lights. The first love song Eddie ever wrote for Steve. And it had just sold its five hundred thousand copy.
They all started cheering.
Steve kissed Eddie’s cheek fiercely. “See? I knew you could do it on your terms, Eds. You are a rockstar now.”
Tears ran down his cheeks nodding his head. Then he was surrounded by his band. They were hugging him and cheering.
Sometimes it really does work out for everyone. Even if didn’t happen the way they thought it would.
Eddie thought back to that day so long ago when Max had called him to let him know that she was leaving. He never thought that losing a tattoo artist would change his life forever.
Later that night, he pulled her aside.
“I owe you big time, Red,” he said, wrapping his arm around her.
Max grinned. “Hell yeah you do.”
“Anything you want, you’ve got,” Eddie promised. “My left kidney. My first child.”
She laughed. “When you two get married, I want to do matching tattoos on both of you.”
Eddie blinked. “Deal!”
Steve wandered over just then. “What’s a deal?”
Max grinned up at him. “Eddie just promised me that I get to do wedding tats when you two get married.”
Steve looked at Eddie and then back to Max. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
Max nodded once. “Damn straight it is.”
“Oh, honey,” Eddie teased. “There ain’t nothing straight about this relationship.”
She smacked his arm.
But Eddie just giggled.
“Come on,” Max said. “I want to see it.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You saw it on my Insta.”
“It’s not the same and you know it,” she growled. “I want to see Steve’s masterpiece.”
Steve blushed. “Come on, Max...”
Eddie looked at his blush and then turned to Max. “Fine. But here and not out there where everyone can gawk.”
“Well, duh,” she said. “That’s why I asked now.”
Eddie took off his shirt and turned around.
“Oh shit,’ she hissed. “It’s even better than the pictures give it credit. Steve, this is incredible. There’s no way I could have done something like that.”
Steve ducked his head. “I really really like how it turned out.”
Eddie put his shirt back on. “Yeah. Me too. I just don’t like showing it off, because it’s so personal. Between me and Steve.”
Max nodded. “Yeah. Absolutely. Thanks for showing me.”
Eddie nodded back and wrapped his arms around, Steve. “Thanks for everything, Red.”
She waved them off. All she had done was leave. But they didn’t see it that way. So yeah, they owed everything to Max, for choosing to live her life on her own terms.
“Before we go back to the party,” Steve said. “I wanted to give you another present before we got to the main one later.”
Eddie’s shoulder sagged. “Babe you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” Steve said scratching his cheek. “In fact it was something I’ve been meaning to give to you for a long time.”
He pulled out a brightly wrapped package the size of baseball.
“This isn’t a baseball, is it?” Eddie asked playfully.
Steve laughed. “No. It’s not that.”
Eddie removed the wrapping paper to find a small black velvet box. He opened it slowly.
“Babe, you can’t give this to me,” he begged. “This is the only thing you have left of your grandpa.”
Steve took it out and slid it on Eddie’s middle finger on his right hand. It fit perfectly. “I’ve been wanting you to have it since you gave me your lucky guitar pick. I wanted to give you something that was on the same level of importance to me that this was for you.” He tapped the pick gently that was under his shirt.
“It’s not–you’re not–”
Steve shook his head. “I will propose. Just not yet and not with that. You’ll get a ring on your left hand, sunshine. Make no mistake.”
Eddie nodded. “I love you, babe.”
“Steven Courtney Alexander Harrington you better not be making out in there!”
Eddie and Steve laughed and kissed deeply, then they walked back to the party, arms wrapped around each other.
“Right names, wrong order,” Eddie teased as they rejoined the group.
Robin blinked. “Wait, really?”
Steve nodded.
“I can’t believe you told him before you told me!” Robin hissed. “I was here first!”
“But I liked watching you guess,” he said laughing. Then he turned to the rest of the crowd. “Who told?”
Robin wiggled her shoulders smugly. “No one told me. I looked up your grandparents. They’re both pretty famous, after all.”
Steve sighed. “Again which of you told her to look it up?”
Robin’s jaw dropped and Vickie’s hand slowly went up.
“Traitor!” Robin said in mock outrage.
Eddie leaned down to see that Steve was pouting about her learning his middle name.
“Don’t worry about it, babe,” he said kissing Steve’s cheek. “We can make her guess my middle name.”
Steve immediately brightened up. “Oohhh. Yeah, okay. It’ll take her years to guess yours!”
“It’s Wayne,” Robin said confidently.
Wayne snorted from the corner. “You really think my deadbeat brother would name his son after me, the responsible one?”
She frowned.
Steve turned to Eddie gleefully. “You’re right, sunshine. Best game ever.”
Robin started shouting out names and it wasn’t even Eddie correcting her. It was Jeff, and Miranda, and Gareth, and Brian and everyone else who knew Eddie’s middle name.
And of course Steve knew it too, but he liked watching their friends and family laugh and try to guess. Because the truth was, Eddie didn’t have a middle name. Robin could guess forever and never get it right.
Steve curled up against Eddie’s side and sighed happily. It was his best year yet. And as long as he had Eddie by his side, they would all be great years to come.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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madixkiwi · 1 year
Pressure (Chapter 1)
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader (fem)
Word Count: 1.3k
Description: Miguel and Y/N are in an established relationship. As the events of "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" gradually unfold, conflict arises between the couple. Miguel is a complicated man with the fate of the multiverse riding on his shoulders. Y/N is a Spider-Society technician with a big heart and strong morals.
News of the Renaissance Vulture’s appearance in Earth-65 spread rapidly throughout Spider-Society. Miguel was busy watching over his monitors when Lyla was made aware of the situation, prompting her to interrupt his focus. She casually informed Miguel about the anomaly, and he immediately abandoned his post to take care of the problem. 
“Wait, are you really planning on tackling this on your own?” Lyla asked with a faux sense of curiosity. Miguel would have ignored her as he marched down the hall towards the Go Home Machine if it weren’t for her unwavering persistence. 
“I’ve handled worse on my own before,” he huffed. 
“Okayyy, just don’t be scared to call for backup.”
Miguel shook his head in annoyance. When he arrived at the control room of the Go Home Machine, the doors opened to reveal the two people he needed to address before heading out. Spider-Byte sat in front of the control panel, testing out holographic filters that added virtual flowers in her hair and hearts floating around her face. Beside her stood Y/N, carelessly laughing as Margo selected a filter that turned her hair green. The two girls paused what they were doing as soon as Miguel walked into the room. Margo quickly shut off the hologram and giggled awkwardly while Y/N stiffened and straightened her posture. 
“Oh, hey Miguel,” she murmured. 
“Ay, Dios mio,” Miguel whispered under his breath. He closed his eyes and sighed, deciding not to comment on what he just witnessed. “Lyla’s detected an anomaly on Earth-65, so I’m going to go take care of it. Have the Go Home Machine ready when I get back so we can send it back where it belongs as soon as possible.” 
“Roger that,” Margo said. 
Y/N nodded in agreement, flashing Miguel a sheepish grin. “You got it. We’ll have everything ready when you get back.” 
Although his sharp features remained rigid, Y/N recognized the affection for her in his gaze as his eyes slightly softened. The pair had been together for years, even before Miguel had become the Spider-Man of Earth-2099. They remained friends for a while until Miguel began the Spider-Society, for their platonic relationship quickly blossomed into romance after he allowed Y/N to join the team as a technician. Miguel’s dedication to his job often prevented him from properly expressing his adoration for his partner, though Y/N was content in knowing that his walls always came tumbling down after a hard day’s work had concluded.
Without wasting any time Miguel entered the proper coordinates on his watch and opened a portal to Earth-65. “Time me,” he said as he pulled his mask over his face. “I’ll be back before dinner.” And with that he launched himself through the portal. 
Lyla stayed behind for a moment, popping up between Margo and Y/N. “Hey guys, can you tell Jess about this before Miguel asks me to call for her later?”
“You don’t think he can handle this on his own?” Margo questioned.
Lyla shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
The A.I. then disappeared as the portal in the middle of the room closed, leaving Y/N and Margo alone again. Y/N hummed as she began writing a message to Jess, informing her about the situation in case Miguel needed her help later on. Margo pulled up a timer and started the count as Miguel requested.
“Do you think he’ll actually make it back in time for dinner? That’s in half an hour.”
“I guess we’ll find out soon.”
Miguel had actually returned five minutes later than he had anticipated, though he appeared in the control room with a Vulture, Jess, and another Spider-Person in tow. Confusion overtook Y/N’s features as she peered at the anomaly that looked as if he had come straight out of someone’s sketchbook. “You’re late,” she teased, crossing her arms and turning her attention to Miguel. 
He tossed the Vulture directly onto the Go Home Machine’s platform, and Margo began to run the sequence that would return him to his correct universe. Miguel then pulled off his mask before walking over to Y/N. “I know, I know. This one’s on me. I guess I-”
“Bit off more than you could chew?” Jess smirked from across the room. The new Spider-Person hesitantly lingered beside her.
“Yeah, I did.” Miguel’s lips formed into a frown, visibly disappointed in himself.
Y/N noticed the shift in his demeanor and decided to change the subject. “So,” She turned towards the girl in the white costume. “Who’s the new recruit?”
The new kid practically jumped as soon as they were mentioned. “Go on,” Jess encouraged them with a caring smile. “Why don’t you tell us all who you are?”
There was a brief moment of silence before they spoke up. “My name is Gwen Stacey. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and it gave me superpowers.”
“Welcome to the club.” Miguel responded.
Y/N had been assigned the job of taking Gwen on a tour of Spider-Society after Miguel took her in. She introduced Gwen to all of the different Spiders while showing her around the building, simultaneously learning more about Gwen in the process. By the end of the day the pair had grown fond of each other.
When night finally fell upon Nueva York, Y/N showed Gwen to her room and clocked out of work for the day. She made her way back to the apartment she shared with Miguel, finding it empty. The sight of a vacant apartment was one that Y/N knew well. She almost always made it home before her partner. She showered before laying down for bed. Miguel didn’t arrive home until three hours after Y/N had fallen asleep. 
The disturbance of Miguel crawling into bed while Y/N was sleeping never failed to wake her, though she happily embraced the moments when she would open her eyes and see Miguel staring down at her. Tonight she noticed that he was especially tense. He brushed the hair out of her face and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. 
“Mi amor,” he grumbled sweetly.
Y/N smiled with bliss. “Hey.” She turned over and stretched out her arms. Miguel reached out and wrapped his arms around her torso, melting into the warmth of her body as she buried her face against his neck. As she brought her arms around him in a gentle embrace, she could clearly feel the tension that he carried in his shoulders.
“How was work today?” She whispered against his skin. Her words came out groggy since they were laced with sleep. 
Miguel sighed. “Luckily today’s anomaly didn’t cause much trouble. He didn’t disrupt the canon, and only managed to destroy a museum.”
“Oh, that’s all?” Y/N giggled. “Is that why you took so long to wrap things up?”
“Running into Gwen set us back. I wasn’t planning on bringing her to headquarters, but Jess was insistent.”
“Gwen told me about what happened. You did the right thing, bringing her to Spider-Society.”
Miguel hummed.
“Is that what’s got you so stressed?”
“I can feel it in your muscles, and I can see it, too. You’ve been so stiff lately. What’s going on?”
Miguel’s arms tightened around Y/N’s body. She felt his racing heartbeat thud against her chest. “It’s nothing, just an anomaly we’ve yet to catch.”
“Nothing, hm?”
“It’s nothing, okay? I promise.”
Y/N wasn’t convinced, but she was too tired to challenge Miguel’s claim. She yawned and snuggled her head against his body instead of arguing. Miguel yawned as well, his pearly fangs glistening in the moonlight that slivered through the bedroom window. He gave Y/N another kiss on the forehead upon realizing she was slowly drifting to sleep.
“Goodnight, princesa.”
“Goodnight, I love you.”
“I love you, too. Sweet dreams.”
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hollandsfavbabe · 27 days
Peter's Precarious Polyjuice Potion - part 2
Part 1
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
synopsis: in which you and peter are forced to take extreme lengths to protect your secret relationship with the help of your shape shifting powers
warnings: lying, extreme secrecy, a very flawed plan, made up asgardian traditions, end of a secret relationship
word count: 9.3k
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a/n OMG IT'S FINALLY HERE! I'm so sorry for how long it took (life's a lot to handle sometimes), but isn't it so worth it?? Nearly 10K words, she's a big one. Stay tuned for a very special announcement tomorrow, possibly involving a new series about some very magical characters ⚡🦁! Without further ado, please enjoy this very lengthy part two! I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it.
With only a little more than 24 hours to prepare for the impromptu family dinner, you and Peter wasted little time (other than the 30 minutes spent celebrating your stroke of genius). You spent the entire night practicing shifting in between forms; MJ for you and Flash for Peter.
While transfiguring your figure to match MJ’s wasn’t much of a challenge, you found it exciting getting to practice on another human, something you had never tried with your powers before. At first you had to retain physical contact with Peter to hold his transformation as Flash, clutching onto his hand as you perfected every portion of his to match the yearbook portrait reference you had of the obnoxious boy. Eventually, you started getting the handle on holding his transformation without touching him and then progressed to being able to change him from opposing sides of his bedroom with the simple swish of your finger.
Once all the technical work was figured out, you focused on perfecting the individual aesthetics and mannerisms of your faux significant others. For Peter, you stole one of Bruce Banner’s compression button ups that resembled something one of Flash’s butlers would’ve dressed him as and transfigured a lightsaber slap bracelet into the same ritzy watch that you’d seen on Flash’s sickly wrists from days he had haraseed you on Campus. Unlike Peter, who was fortunate to still attend school in New York, Flash had followed you to MIT which allowed you to develop a form for Peter that was closer to the person he was now and help him slip into character.
One of Peter’s flannels sufficed for your own transformation into MJ, but neither of you had quite the right dark bottoms outside of Peter’s Night Monkey suit from your SHIELD hijacked senior trip. You tried to call her as she had remained one of your closest friends, but it always went to her voicemail no matter how many times you tried. You figured she was still in school as resorted to a midnight trip to the nearest Target, picking up a pair of black jeans that you thought suited her. Of course becoming MJ to date Peter publicly wasn’t ideal, but it was so much better than having to change into Flash.
By morning you both felt confident in your disguise and focused on narrowing down the specifics of your plan. Before long, it was time for your scheme to turn into a reality.
As previously decided, you and Peter left the Campus under the guise of two platonic friends going their separate ways to pick up two beloved dates. In reality, while your father and Pepper were hard at work in the kitchen. You transformed your cars to resemble the area of forest around them and returned to Peter’s room to get ready, evading the cameras with the same transformative tactic. Simple objects like cars were much easier for you to transform, meaning holding it wouldn’t be a challenge. People on the other hand, were much more complicated and a successful heist of this nature would require full activation of your powers. It would be exhausting, but you knew you could do it. You were determined to succeed, another blessing that accompanied your inherited stubbornness.
You and Peter lounged about in his room undetected by the others for around an hour, the amount of time it took to pick up ‘MJ’, before it was time to start the show. You both dressed and hobbled over to Peter’s window where he jumped before you. Upon receiving his shout of survival, you also shimmied out and jumped into Peter’s waiting arms below as he caught you with ease.
“Are you ready for this?” he asked, setting you down on the ground while keeping an arm locked around your waist. As your boyfriend, he knew what a transformation of this size meant in relation to your health and worried as the considerate person he was.
You enclosed his hands in your own and closed your eyes. With a deep breath, you allowed the familiar skin-tingling sensation to surround you as your form was replaced with MJ’s. You open your eyes to meet the dark sea of murky brown enclosed in Peter’s and shoot him an assured smile along with a nod of approval.
“Let’s do this.”
It was with his hand entwined with yours that you made your way to the entrance of the most hospitable area of the campus where you knew the kitchen resided. The normally undecorated door sported a festive green wreath with red bows and silver bells embedded on the small branches as you rapt upon the wood and stepped head first into the lion den.
“I’m back!” Peter called, and immediately you two were greeted by Steve at the door. He took Peter’s coat from him like the old-fashioned gentlemen he was and as he turned to get yours, you had to fight hard to suppress the urge to smile at him like usual. Your persona has changed, you remind yourself, and the girl you’ve taken on does not smile at strangers. Ever. Instead you acknowledged Steve as stone faced as possible in the same manner MJ would’ve if she had done it herself.
“Nice to meet you MJ,” Steve smiled as he extended his hand to you, gesturing towards the thick flannel you had on. “May I take your coat?”
You eyed him down and shook your head.
“No, I like the cold.” you mumbled and walked off to the main room where Peter and the rest of the Avengers were so anxiously awaiting you, your father setting the last dishes on the table as they came out of the steaming kitchen.
“MJ!” he bellowed through the mass of hungry heroes at the sight of you and you can't help but feel strange about being called something other than the several names he had given you over his many years raising you. “We’re so glad to have you. Peter’s told us so much about you!”
You looked at your father with the same expression you had seen MJ give strangers many times before and nodded as he came forward, careful not to match his smile. You had to be absolutely unreadable, especially around your father or else your plan was sure to fail.
“Thanks for the invite. I’m happy to be here.” you recited in your practiced monotone voice, closely resembling MJ’s, but not quite mimicking it. You could feel your heart start pounding as your father eyed you with suspicion, his eyes narrowing at you.
“Have we met before? I feel like I know your voice from somewhere.”
You gulped as silently as you could, fighting hard against your nerves as your palms began to sweat. You balled them up before the perspiration could drip and gave a simple shake of your head, trying to stay as close to MJ as possible.
“I don’t believe so.” you stared him down with a classic MJ look; eyes in a half-lidded gaze and lips upturned into a bored sort of state.
“Hmm.” your father paused to ponder, his eyes scanning down to your balled fists that gave off a contradicting message to the thoughtless aura you aimed for. It was by the grace of a higher power that Pepper finally swooped in to save you, laughing angelicaly at Tony’s antics.
“Give her some space Tony! She’ll never come back if she thinks she’ll be suffocated.” she grinned and latched onto one of the arms he held propped upon his hips to pull him away from you. Instead she pushed him in the direction of the nicely set table and gestured for the others to take a seat.
“We just finished setting everything up, except for the main courses, so you’re welcome to come take a seat, MJ.” she offered, plopping down to the left of your father once he was settled in the head chair. You took note of the others as Bucky, Sam, Steve, Thor, and Natasha took their respective seats, leaving four empty chairs reserved for the couples that were supposedly attending.
Peter was by your side in an instant as if he could read the thoughts of doubt racing through your head. He took your hand and squeezed ever so slightly to remind you that neither of you were alone and that he wasn’t going anywhere. You wished you could show him how grateful you were for him, but even the semblance of a smile would’ve given you away to the others. Yet even under your mask, Peter could read you. It was a talent he had adopted from years of being around you and no matter what you put off for others, somehow he always knew.
He led you to your seats and pulled out a chair for you before claiming his own seat in between you and Bucky. You began to dish yourself up small helpings of every dish that was indicated as vegetarian friendly, a gesture from Pepper after Peter had told her about the real MJs dietary restrictions. You were lucky most of her sides ended up being meat-free naturally as any extra miles ran for ‘MJ’s comfort would’ve been taken in vain. Afterall, you would have to eat for two people the whole night.
It was while you were buttering up a plump Hawaiian roll that you realized that all of the other Avengers were staring at you, an awkward silence enveloping the room.
“So, MJ, tell us about yourself.” Natasha prompted, growing tired of the tension. She wasn’t as suspecting of you as you father who was eerily silent as he poured gravy on his mashed potatoes.
You cleared your throat as you rehearsed your background, careful not to break from character for a single moment.
“You guys probably already know, I used to go to school with Peter. That’s how we met. We didn’t have many classes together, but we were on the decathlon team together, so I guess that’s cool.”
“So I’m sure you know my daughter as well, right?” your father brought you up from across the table. He would’ve startled you if you hadn't been in such control of your expressions. Instead you gave him a curt nod, turning your head to peer at him.
“Yep, I was friends with her before Peter actually.��
“Well that’s wonderful!” he grinned, though you were sure you could sense the slightest tone of insincerity. “You know, she's coming tonight, but she’ll be a bit late. She went to pick up her boyfriend. You should know Flash, right?”
You felt Peter’s thigh nudge yours from underneath the table as you hesitated to reply, a reminder of the story you were to recite as soon as someone brought up Flash. It was imperative, otherwise the pieces needed to assemble the perfect date night heist wouldn’t fall into place as you had planned them.
“Oh, I can’t be around Flash for too long. He’s a real creeper.” you deadpanned. The other Avengers froze in the middle of their meal, all setting down their utensils and staring at you with intrigue.
“Like in the mortal television program? What is its name … Mind Facts?” Thor asked through a mouthful of cranberry sauce that he evidently had not learned was supposed to be enjoyed with other foods.
“Are you talking about Minecraft? The video game?” Peter suggested, the only person present who was young enough to make sense of the god’s unintelligible examples.
“Yes! The Craft of Mining!” Thor exclaimed. “‘Tis a much enjoyable endeavor indeed.”
“No, I’m pretty sure she means that this Flash kid makes her uncomfortable.” Sam reasoned, stamping out the sidetracked babble at the source as everyone’s attention returned to you.
“What do you mean, MJ?” asked Pepper. Despite all your preparation, you were suddenly realizing how much you lacked an explanation for why you and Flash couldn’t be together other than the truth. Without completely reasoning through it, you conjured up the best lie and let it slip out of MJ’s lips as the immediate regret sunk it.
“I have a … restraining order.”
SIlence washed over the table as the Avengers looked at you in surprise. Even Peter seemed shocked, but he quickly morphed his expression into one of remorse as if he had already known about the tragedy you had just made up out of thin air.
“What happened?” asked Bucky curiously, before receiving a hard elbow from Sam for asking such an invasive question.
“I don’t want to get into it.” you replied, satisfied with the severity of your lie preventing any further questioning out of respect for your fantastical situation. “It's fine though. He can be here as long as I’m in another room.”
“That reminds me,” Peter stood, clearing his throat. “I haven't shown you my room yet. Wanna check it out?”
“Sure,” you shrugged and stood to take his arm as the two of you headed towards his room, leaving a table of conflicted Avengers in your wake. Your father parted his lips, nearly calling you back to the table long after you and Peter had snuck out of sight until the sudden blare of the doorbell rang out from the entrance.
“I got it, ” he assured Steve who was eager to open the door until he was encouraged to stay at the table. This time your father went to open it and was met with you smiling in your normal form, your hand hooked in the crevice of a strange boy’s elbow that he had never seen before, Flash. Well, more accurately, Flash/Peter. In the two minutes you and Peter had been gone, you both managed to change into different outfits and transform into different people.
“Hey dad!” you greeted, leaning forward to kiss his cheek as you did all you could to separate yourself from the quiet stone-faced girl you had been pretending to be only a moment ago.
“Hey junior,” your dad smiled, pulling you into a casual hug before stepping back to motion you inside. You hurried in with Flash/Peter right behind you though he stopped in front of your father and held out one of his transfigured hands to shake Tony’s, grinning at him in a weird not even Flash like way that you supposed would have to do. “You must be the famous Flash!” your dad smiled back, accepting the shake before pulling the disguised boy inside.
Flash/Peter’s watch glinted in the artificial light of the dining room, the cherry on top of a perfect disguise. You had used a slap bracelet to make it,  transforming the original green of the lightsaber blade it took the shape of into something that resembled a Rolex.
“Famous?” Flash/Peter quirked an eyebrow as he began removing his own puffy jacket. “I don’t know about famous. I’m a pretty mediocre guy if I do say so myself.”
You kneed your boyfriend in the leg, a not so subtle reminder that he was supposed to be a walking endorsement for the person he was presenting as Flash naturally was. He doubled over in pain and you ignored whatever strange looks your fellow Avengers sent your way.
“Ahh.” he groaned, keeping his whimper down so as to not give his real voice away.
“Isn’t he just the silliest?” you mustered another fake grin that was becoming easier to produce with each front you hoisted up to protect your plan. You pulled Flash/Peter back up so he could be straight on his feet once more and headed towards the table, sitting in the only two seats with empty plates. “He gets so funny when he’s nervous. I’ve been trying to remind him he can be himself.” you enunciated the last part for your boyfriend’s sake.
“Oh you’re so right sweetie,” Flash/Peter reached to hold onto your hand. “I just don’t want anyone to think I’m a conceded assho-”
“Turkey’s ready,” you heard Pepper announce as she brought the large bird out from the kitchen and set it on the table. You hadn’t even noticed her absence at the table throughout all the chaos of pretending to be two people. You were reminded of your alter-ego as she set down a smaller dish closer to where you had been eating before. “I also have a vegan substitute for MJ.”
“So, Flash,” your dad began, retaking his position as the head of the table as he began carving at the turkey. “MJ and Peter were here not long ago. I’m guessing you know about them?”
“Of course I do, Mr. Star- I mean Tony,” Flash/Peter corrected himself, careful not to slip up by calling your father a name that was all too easy to trace back to Peter. The correction however, was almost worst as you noticed your father’s brows indent into the glare of a skeptic. “I’m friends with Peter actually. He’s a great kid.”
“That’s funny. I could’ve sworn he was just saying the exact opposite about you.” Sam pointed out, crossing his arms as he set down his fork. He could tell something was off as the man rarely mentioned Peter without sneaking in a jab.
You burst out laughing as an attempt to ward off the growing tension. It was all too artificial.
“Isn’t he just the sweetest?! He always thinks the best of everyone!” you exclaimed, throwing an arm around your boyfriend and flashing the table a false smile.
“Then how do you explain the restraining order?” blurted Bucky, joining Sam in the skepticism.
Flash/Peter’s eyes widened as he failed to provide an answer, nearly abandoning his impression of Flash’s voice.
“It was uhh… a total misunderstanding? I’m sorry, is MJ here? Like right now?” he asked, as if the information was new to him.
“She just went upstairs with Peter,” your father answered, though some of the cheer in his tone had been lost. He suddenly turned to you, and while you weren’t currently in your disguise, his stare felt like a flashlight as if he could see right through you. “I told you we were all going to be eating together. Why didn’t you tell me that she and Flash don’t get along?”
You mentally cursed yourself at the idea. Perhaps if you had spun your lies differently, you and Peter could’ve pretended for two seperate dinners instead of trying to juggling both to hold it together for one.
“I forgot?” you shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t think the restraining order is that big of a deal anymore.”
“Great! That means we can all eat together,” your father cheered, the prospect of his plan coming together overpowering any suspicion he had of you. He stood from his spot at the head of the table and veered in the direction of Peter’s room. “I’ll go get them.”
“No!” you shouted, dread corrupting your face until you noticed the warning look from Flash/Peter to correct yourself. Any extreme objection would be a dead giveaway.
You cleared your throat with a laugh and stood, pushing away from the table. “I mean, no, that’s okay. I can go get them,” you offered. “Flash, do you want to come with me sweetie? I should probably show you where the bathroom is. He has indigestion”
“Oh yes, that would be lovely.” Flash/Peter agreed as he stood with you. He sent you a subtle wink, confirmation of a successful save.
“Okay,” your father agreed, settling more of your worries until his gaze slipped towards Flash/Peter’s wrist where you had forgotten about the transfigured watch. “Just remember to take off your slap bracelet.”
Your heart dropped as you looked down at Flash/Peter’s wrist to discover the enchantment had faded, a symptom of your anxiety. You had been so focused on keeping up the facade of his facial features, the watch detail had entirely slipped from your control revealing Peter’s extremely recognizable lightsaber slap bracelet.
Flash/Peter looked down at his wrist, his eyes widening as he came to the same realization and proceeded to hide his entire hand behind his back.
“I don't know what you mean.” he tried and it took every morsel of your remaining strength not to slap yourself in the face.
“That’s really funny, Flash, because I swear Peter has one just like it,” your father declared to the table, one of the detriments of having a dad that knew your boyfriend so well. “He’s obsessed with Leia’s green lightsaber.”
“No, the blue one is Leia. This one is Luke’s!”
Silence took over the atmosphere in the room accompanied by stares of shock as Flash/Peter’s correction landed. You knew he couldn’t help it, Peter hated when people got Star Wars general knowledge wrong, but boy was the timing inconvenient. 
“Uh, I mean, that’s what Peter would say. He loves that kind of stuff. Oh god, my stomach hurts so bad. We should go babe.” Peter tried to cover, gesturing for you to escape with him to what was presumably the restroom though you were starting to think maybe there were better odds of your survival if the two of you booked it for the nearest remote village instead.
“Sure thing,” you nodded as you escorted him from the room, trying your best to ignore the suspicion that you could feel rising. The operation was still salvageable as long as you and Peter were convincing enough.
“Y/n said that dinner was ready?” Peter said only a moment later, reemerging into the kitchen as himself with you by his side in your MJ disguise once more.
“Yep! You guys can go ahead and take your seats.” Pepper smiled, seemingly the only person unphased by your slap bracelet slip up. You and Peter both did as you were told, sliding into your seats and digging into the meal.
“This is delicious Mr. Stark.” you deadpanned, offering a compliment to your father in hopes that it would subside his skepticism.
“Actually, I made it.” Sam interrupted in between bites, wishing for credit where it was due. You nodded in his direction, trying not to emote.
“Oh, well thanks Sam. It’s good.”
“How did you know my name is Sam?”
You shrugged in a manner that seemed aligned with MJ’s performed disinterest though inside you feel like you could explode on the spot.
“You just seem like a Sam,” you covered. “Or an Anthony, I just went with the first choice.”
“It’s Falcon to you, hot shot.” Sam returned, taking another bite of his turkey. You weren’t unused to harsh comments from him in your usual form so you simply returned to your own plate.
“MJ,” your father beckoned for your attention to which you gave it to him. “I thought you were vegan.”
“Oh, yeah I am.” you nodded. Panic erupted through your core, but you tried to contain it on the surface.
“Then why aren’t you eating the special option I prepared for you?”
“Yeah and why are you in Flash’s seat, Peter?” Pepper joined the questioning. It was then you realized that Peter had chosen the seat to your left where he had previously been dining as Flash rather than his assigned seat on your right.
“My bad, I didn’t realize he was sitting here.” Peter awkwardly rose and moved to sit in the correct spot.
“Yes, and while I appreciate the effort, I can have meat on Wednesdays so it’s okay.” you fibbed. Your father had never strayed from the path of being a practicing carnivore and so you hoped his lack of vegan insight was enough to be unaware that there were no breaks.
“So, how long have you two been seeing each other?” questioned Natasha, changing the dangerous topic of conversation though you supposed her reasons for asking we drastically different from yours.
“Four months.” Peter answered.
“Two weeks.” you chimed at the exact same time of Peter’s own response earning a conflicting look from the other Avengers.
“Uh we mean four months and two weeks.” he covered. “But honestly it feels like we’ve known each other for way longer.”
“Probably because we have known each other longer.” you elbowed Peter under the table, a stabbing reminder of the backstory the two of you had spent an hour preparing earlier that day. Perhaps the time would’ve been better spent constructing an exact timeline.
“Oh right, because we’ve gone to school together since middle school.” he smiled, reminded of your carefully constructed story that pulled from when he had first met the real MJ so many years ago.
“So that means you know my daughter!” you dad exclaimed, though the majority of the genuine excitement he had showed during your first appearance of MJ had completely disappeared. “She just got here with Flash. I know you can’t be in the same room as him, but you really should say hi. I can show you to her room.”
“Oh no need!” you assured him, though with too much enthusiasm. You had to swallow it down as you stood, returning to the character that resembled MJ. “I can go find her myself, I’ll be right back.”
“Yeah and I really have to use the bathroom.” Peter stated, replacing his napkin from his lap into the chair likely so that he would know where to sit when he returned as Flash.
“I’m pretty sure Flash is in occupance of the lavatory.” Thor informed your boyfriend.
“Oh, well in that case, I’m going to use the one all the way across Campus.” he stated and at once the two of you were charging towards the exit. Overall, your confidence in your performance was starting to plummet, but you hoped it was convincing enough.
“What is up with these kids?” your father asked once you and Peter were far out of earshot. He consulted the table for any take similar to his own. There was something off about your and Peter’s dates and he intended to figure out exactly what it was.
“I bet it’s some kind of college disease that’s spreading around. You remember how crazy it can get.” Pepper shrugged, the least suspecting of the table apart from Steve who was always slowest to process anything out of the ordinary.
“I wasn’t that bad. At least I could hold a conversation for more than five minutes without running off.” 
“I wish Wanda would’ve come,” Bucky stated, reflecting on her mind reading capabilities. “I swear she only scheduled that date with Vision to miss this.”
It was not even a moment later that you and Peter returned flushed from the quick change into the alternative couple, Flash/Peter taking the napkin-less seat.
“Feeling better Flash?” your father asked though his tone made it sound more like teasing.
“Hmm - oh! Yeah, much! This all looks delicious by the way. My compliments to the chef.”
“Thank you-” Sam had started to say, until he was abruptly cut off by your father.
“That would be me,” Tony took credit, and while you were confused by the blatant lie, you were sure it had something to do with his ever growing suspicions.
“Ahh yes, well, thank you Tony.” Flash/Peter eyed your father. As in tune with your boyfriend as you were, you swore the assumed first name basis was on purpose now to defame the real Flash.
“Except for the mead. Only the finest can come from Asgard-” Thor started, before he was shot down as quickly as Sam had been by the very same man.
“Speaking of compliments, I just love your T-Shirt,” your father praised, abandoning his plate to stare at Flash/Peter with curious gaze. It was even more frightening than any of your previous slip ups as he hogged every question to point out every flaw in your plan.  “Does Peter know you’re borrowing his clothes?”
Flash/Peter looked down to the wrinkled shirt on his shapeshifted chest, the white text starkly contrasting the black cotton to spell out, “Right now I’m in a galaxy far far away…” You couldn’t believe he had forgotten to take it off. It was a dead giveaway as no one else in the campus, in the whole of New York even was as much of a Star Wars fanatic as your boyfriend as emphasized by his slap bracelet.
You stood up from your place beside Flash/Peter and pulled him away from the table with enough force that it might’ve ripped his arm off had he not had the strength of Spider-Man even when trapped in his school nemesis’ body.
“Oh that’s so funny. Flash must’ve borrowed it from the pile in my closet.” you rambled out an excuse.
“You have a stash of Peter’s weird nerdy T-shirts?” Natasha commented as she lifted her glass of wine to take an overly lengthy sip.
“They’re not weird! Just punny.” Flash/Peter defended in a voice that was all too reminiscent of his natural tone rather than the false falsetto that Flash spoke in. You elbowed him as the two of you ducked away to change.
“We’ll just go put it back now!” you shouted to the table before disappearing out of sight.
“Wasn’t Peter wearing that shirt tonight?” Steve wondered aloud.
“I don’t know,” Sam shrugged. “I couldn’t tell with that goofy flannel he had on over it. How many years has he lived here and no one’s taught him how to dress himself. I think that should be the next operation.”
“Yeah, we could call it Operation Put Peter’s Pull-Overs to Death.” Bucky agreed.
“Guys, let’s look at the bigger problem here,” Tony interrupted as he quite frankly didn’t mind how Peter dressed. “Don’t all four of these teens seem suspicious to you.”
“Well I suppose a little bit, but it could be winter festivities.” Thor shrugged, unbothered by the whole affair.
“What the hell is a winter festivity?”
“He means Christmas.” Natasha filled.
“He’s not from where Christmas is celebrated.” stated Tony before turning to the god for further elaboration.
“In Asgard, winter festivities are when the finest of young people come together to fill the chilled night air with the sweet scent of love-”
“And I’ve heard enough of that.” Bucky forced the story to a stop, nearly running out of his seat quicker than you and Peter had.
“We’re at dinner for the love of God!” Sam looked at Thor with the most incredulous of expressions.
“That’s exactly what I mean, it is for the love of gods.”
“Quiet! I can hear them coming back,” Tony shushed, hoping that what the two of you pulled next would be enough to expose whatever you were hiding. Now, be super analytical here. Watch for any slip ups.”
You and Peter returned to the table, sitting back down in the seats of MJ and Peter once more carving into your meal. Peter was able to swallow a few more bites, but your anxiety surrounding being caught had caused you to lose your appetite.
“Wow, this is so good.” Peter groaned.
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned that.” Sam chided. He too was getting tired of the game at play as he started noticing the same signs your father pointed out.
“Right, well, I thought I should do it again.”
“I hear you’re studying literature, MJ,” your father sent you a question. “With a specialty in classical era Russian authors?”
You gulped down your food nervously as you nodded though you couldn’t recall ever telling your father about MJ’s academic choices. You completely missed the discrete screen he had opened on his lap under the table that he had used to look up all of your friend’s credentials. It was one of the perks of being Tony Stark, he could gain access to anyone’s personal information with the simple tap of a button.
“That’s right.” you agreed, determined not to break from your expressionless front.
“Did you know that Natasha used to live there?” your father inquired and at once you knew what he was getting at.
“No, I didn’t. What was it like?” you replied, hoping he wasn’t about to do what you thought he was. But you and your father were all too similar and if there was a move you suspected him of making, chances were he would do it.
“Well,” Natasha cleared her throat, setting down the silverware she had once used to sift through her mashed potatoes. “- other than becoming a child assassin and spending every day of my childhood being brutally beaten to a pulp everyday to withstand the worst conditions that a hit might include, it was awful.”
“Wow, I’m sorry.” Peter sympathized, caught off guard by the misfortune of the whole story.
“Yeah it’s tragic,” your father brushed off, turning back to focus on you like the lense of a telescope narrowing in on the target star. “Now, you should really practice some Russian, with Natasha.”
“Tony, stop it.” Pepper tried in an attempt to stop the ambush from going too far, but she knew him as well as you did. When Tony Stark had an idea, he was like a bull chasing the red of a woven cloth. If anyone got between him and his goal, they would be squashed from the sheer force of his will.
“What?” he asked, as if he was clueless to the exposing plan that was currently in motion.
“You have that look in your eye. You know that one you get when you think you’re onto something?” 
“I’ve also seen him get it over a new microscope. While it was still in the box.” Peter added. You caught your laugh just in time, putting all your efforts into staying in character.
“Enough, we promised to keep that between us,” your father flashed angry eyes towards Peter before looking at Natasha. “Come on, Nat. Just one line of Russian? Wouldn’t you like that MJ?”
“No I wouldn’t…” you shook your head, though being MJ requires you to be less vehement than normal.
“Oh, but it would help you!”
“Fine, if it makes you shut up.” Nat gave in, before turning to you in your MJ form. You could feel your heart sink in your chest as if the growing weight from the pressure was starting to sink it.
“он думает, что ты лжешь” she spoke, and it didn’t take an expert in the language to know that her accent and inflections beyond perfection. She made a nod towards your father, a subtle attempt to warn you that he knew your plan was failing while she took your side. Little did she know, underneath the cool palette of MJ’s stone expression, you were panicking worse than ever before in your life which you could’ve conveyed had you ever learned to speak Russian.
“So, what did she say, MJ?” your father prompted.
“She dove a soak.” you replied in the best accent you could muster (which ended up being closer to a classic Californian tone than Russian), earning a stern look from Natasha.”
“Did you just say what I think you did?” she glared and you stood up with Peter, heading back in the direction of his bedroom.
“No - I - my notes are upstairs! Let me just go get them really quick.” you motioned for Peter to follow you, deciding that now was a good time for the two of you to switch as you feared being literally snapped in half by the Black Widow.
“See, I told you something’s off!” Tony exclaimed as soon as the two of you had vanished, his tablet above the table as he examined the real MJ’s Seal of Biliteracy.
“I hope you’re right. Otherwise Peter’s girlfriend just totally called me a fucking bitch in Russian and I don’t often let people get away after insulting me like that.”
“Cool it, Widow. I promise you, she did not understand an ounce of that conversation. MJ’s Cornell profile doesn’t even mention Russian,” he pulled up his screen to further inspect, zooming in on the certificate. “She’s actually studying Japanese.”
“Tony.” Pepper groaned at the sight of her husband holding the invasive tech.
“You are undoubtedly the worst iPad kid I’ve ever come across. And we live with Morgan!”
“Aren’t you more concerned with the fact that he can just access people’s private information on a whim?” Steve interjected.
“No. We’re all used to that.” Bucky shrugged as he was quite indifferent on the matter. He didn’t even have a personal phone for Tony to stalk.
“Got some embarrassing searches, Captain?” Sam teased from beside him. But Tony was on it before Steve even had a chance to think about a response.
“None other than the fact that he looks up Bluey on a daily basis to watch clips of it on Youtube.” Tony switched to a new tab that contained a detailed review of Steve’s search history before switching back to MJ and looking up Flash’s profile on Harvard for further opportunities of exposure.
“Hey! That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Steve exclaimed as he crossed his arms against his chest. “I love the Heeler family.”
“But I pay for Disney+. Why do you have to watch it on YouTube?” Tony protested before tucking his tablet away again at the sight of Flash reentering the room, only it wasn’t your face that smiled at the group as you entered, but MJ’s.
“We’re back!” Flash/Peter exclaimed, holding your hand close to him as if you were actually his date. You clutched onto his bicep, missing the firm muscle of Peter’s normal arm as you squeezed Flash’s much more flaccid one. It was then you noticed the disturbed looks from the table of Avengers.
“What?” you asked, moving one of your hands to pat your cheeks. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, but you are holding onto the wrong man.” Bucky pointed out to which you realized that you, MJ, were holding the person that you were supposed to have a restraining order against.
You let out a scream as you tore yourself from Flash/Peter and booked it back in the direction you had come from. Peter was only a few seconds behind you as he started calling your name in Flash’s whiny voice.
“I’m starting to see it now,” Thor acknowledged as the gaps in your plan started growing too wide to go unnoticed any longer. “These young mortals are not who they pretend to be.”
“I told you!” Tony exclaimed. “I think y/n’s powers are behind it. There is no way that she and Flash just happen to appear right when MJ and Peter leave.”
“Either that, or this is just one bad Disney Channel show plot.” Steve shook his head, earning a crude stare from your father.
“What? First I got scolded for not using Disney+ and now I’m getting scolded for using it? Make up your mind!”
You returned as MJ only a few seconds later with Peter at your side as you thought it too risky to change into your other disguises considering the possibility of admonishment.
“Sorry guys, y/n is taking care of the restraining order stuff.” Peter professed as the two of you stood behind your chairs, but opted not to sit down in case you needed to quickly change.
“Is she now?”
“Yep.” you agreed, pulling out your phone as a distraction, hoping the Avengers would just see you as a blatantly disrespectful teenager rather than a skilled liar. You hated the thought of besmirching MJ’s image, but it had to be done to keep your secret. After everything else that had fallen apart, it was all you could resort to.
“Alright, that’s it!” your father exclaimed. “The jig is up you guys, we know what this is.”
“What?” your heart started beating wildly in your chest as you looked up from your game of Subway Surfers.
“I know you’re not really MJ. And I also know that if I went upstairs right this second, that neither Flash nor my daughter would be there.” your father stated, standing and moving closer to you as he revealed your biggest fear since starting the whole operation.
“No, I am and they definitely are!” you countered, losing the quiet aggressiveness of MJ’s normal tone as you defended yourself.
“Then how do you explain your phone case, huh? It looks exactly like the one I got y/n for her birthday last year.”
You looked at your phone case that displayed a solid ivory background and was covered with silly nods to the Harry Potter saga, something your father knew you would love. You laid it case-down on the table so it could blend in as  any ordinary phone once more.
“So, what if I’m just borrowing her phone case?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Like Peter just borrowed Flash’s whole outfit?” he returned and instantly all eyes were on Peter who was not in his flannel ensemble, but his counterparts silly con style instead. He looked down at his clothes and cursed.
“Damn it, I knew I was forgetting something.”
“This has been really funny, said no one at this table, but it’s time to give it up.” your father ordered, but out of the many traits you had missed out inheriting from him, stubbornness wasn’t one of them. You glared a deathly stare at him, your nose scrunching as you painted on your meanest face.
“I am MJ!” you glowered, slightly raising your tone so that he would take you seriously.
At that very second, your phone screen lit up with the familiar likeness of MJ’s contact photo and the swipe to answer button as she decided on the exact moment that you were trying to be deceptive to call you. It was all over.
“Answer it.” your father ordered and you knew you had no choice. You picked up the phone and put it on speaker as per his instructions.
“Hey y/n!” the voice of MJ greeted you through the phone in her usual friendly monotone that she often used when speaking to you. While you had only known each other the last few years of high school and didn’t go to the same college, you two were fairly close.
“Hi,” you replied shakily. There was no going back now.
“Listen, I don't have much time, I gotta get back to one of my classes, but I wanted to know what your plans are for the rest of break so we could find a space to hang out.”
“Uh yeah, I’ll let you know. I’m not doing much, just in a lot of trouble.” you confessed taking in the absolute fury of your father. If looks could kill, you would be six feet under. Honestly, you couldn’t tell if he was more mad at you or proud of himself.
“Oh, ok. Well can you pass the message onto Peter? He would be invited too of course. I’ve already asked Ned.”
“Great. I’ll tell him.” you swallowed.
“I’ll talk to you later, I’ve really gotta go now.”
“Okay, Bye.”
Your heart sank as you set your phone down again and faced the reality of your choices. Your father knew and there was no fooling him anymore.
“Alright, give it up you two.” your father ordered.
“But, I’m not-” you tried, but of course it was no use.
You sighed as you let the facade fall, crestfallen upon your revealed appearance. At once Peter was at your side as your curly hair returned to its natural stage and color and your normal face emerged from MJ’s.
“Busted,” Tony crossed his arms and stared at the two of you. “I’m guessing Peter was Flash.”
“What the hell is going on?” Pepper questioned, the only one who had fallen for the high jinks.
“It’s a scheme! They aim to commit high trickery!” Thor accused, slamming his fists on the table.
“Relax Thor, let Tony finish speaking.” Steve requested, much less disturbed than the others despite the fact that he had also been victim to your foolery.
You couldn’t even meet your father's gaze, far too embarrassed by the failure at your attempt at concealing your relationship. You knew he was eyeing you down with his startling stare, you could tell by his shifting posture. You looked over to Peter who was equally ashamed looking, wishing that you could hold him close.
“What is this?” your father inquired, his brown stern eyes burning into you like a brand into hide.
“Requesting clarification, sir,” Peter uttered. You had learned from past experiences that he often slipped into using strange vernacular when in an awkward situation.
“Peter, I caught you in a game of hooky. That doesn’t mean you become a robot.”
“Right, sorry….sir,” Peter apologized, using the name he had been wanting to call Tony all along.
“I want to know exactly what's going on here… from you.”
Sensing general attention shifting in your direction, you lifted your head to see his finger pointed in your direction. You knew there was no denying his authority though you didn’t think there was much to explain.
“I think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.” Natasha interjected, but she was brought down by Pepper who wanted you to get your chance at explaining. There was very little you could get out.
“I’m sorry, dad.”
“Why don't you two have real dates?”
“We’re not really dating those people Mr. Stark,” Peter contributed, hoping to take some of the weight off his shoulders, though it didn’t help much.
“So when I asked you who Peter was dating, you made up an answer?”
“Yes.” you admitted, lowering your head in shame once more.
“I knew it! He is gay!” Bucky exclaimed.
“What?” gasped Peter as he sent the soldier a well earned look of absolute shock. You couldn’t help, but roll your eyes.
“I already told you, he’s not gay!” you repeated your earlier statement, hoping it was enough to finally put the rumors to rest.
“Then why are you pretending to be his girlfriend?” your father asked and you knew you couldn't hide it any longer.
“I’m not, dad. I’m not pretending to be his girlfriend.”
“But you are quite literally in clothing you would never wear to try and act like someone else.”
“Yeah, if you two didn’t actually have dates, you could’ve canceled.” Sam pointed out though you suspected he only spoke due to his longing to be literally anywhere else.
“Right, okay so I did do that, but MJ is not Peter’s girlfriend. She never was.” you explained and at once you could tell the truth had finally snapped in place.
Your father’s eyes widened as he started to catch on to what you were saying. You nodded at him, taking a step closer to Peter and intertwining his hand in yours. He made it all obvious from the mere look he was giving you, soft and compassionate, two of your favorite parts of him. You could only imagine how in awe your expression was in return.
“I am.” you confirmed, though you hadn’t needed to say anything at all.
There was silence as the rest of the Avengers took in the reveal for a while before Tony broke the silence again.
“How long has this been going on for?”
You gulped.
“Three years.”
Your father nodded, pondering over the information before erupting in applause with the other Avengers joining just behind him and passing high fives all around as Tony shouted “I was right!”
You didn’t understand. He had seemed so angry at you seconds ago and none of it made any sense considering his ancient rule. No dating superheros, he had been preaching it long before you and Peter ever met. Yet it didn’t change the scene before you, the celebration played out as if they were footballers who had just won the championships.
“What the hell?” you cried?
“What?” your father paused all congratulations to turn to you.
“You’re not mad?” you questioned.
“Maybe a little about you lying for so long, but I gotta say, I am more impressed than I am mad. Why would I be mad?”
You almost couldn’t believe it. How could he forget his oldest rule?
“Because I’m not allowed to date him?” you stated as if it were obvious. It should’ve been, but somehow he hadn’t remembered.
“Why would that be?”
You stared at your dad in disbelief as the cheering instantly disbanded. The confusion you felt bubbles into a strange form of frustration. While you weren’t quite angry, you were blown away by the forgetfulness of your father.
“You said I’m not allowed to date superheroes! EVER! That’s like your oldest rule!”
“That's sad,” whispered Sam to Bucky, though it was loud enough that everyone heard it. You turned to glare at him before a large gasp erupted from your father and at once you could tell he remembered. You could feel it now, the shower of disappointment that awaited you, but instead all you heard was laughter.
Your father was laughing! Chuckling at the prospect of such a rule even though it was his very own. You stared at him, mouth agape as you waited for an explanation.
“Oh! Junior,” he chuckled, calling you by the nickname you had held from a young age. “I made that rule when you were obsessed with Loki. It doesn’t count for someone as harmless as Peter!”
Tony laughed as he gestured to your boyfriend who stood frozen like a deer in headlights. You expected the whole room to burst in the same hilarity, but what actually followed was almost worse. Heat bloomed in your cheeks as each of the present Avengers looked at you in disgust.
“Hey, you'd think he was hot too if you were 12!” you defended, though you felt silly.
“I, in fact, did not think Loki was attractive when I was 12.” Thor claimed, holding his proud mane of blonde hair high.
“You don’t count.” you glared at him.
“He literally almost took over New York and killed your dad?” Pepper recounted the events of the battle.
“I thought I could fix him,” you shrugged. “Still do actually…”
“Right, well moving on, if I had known you still thought those were the rules, we could’ve done this ages ago.” your father explained as if the information was a casual concept.
“Done what exactly?” you asked, requiring more explanation.
“You do realize this whole plan was to expose you and Peter right?” Natasha added.
And for what felt like the thousandth time in two minutes, your brain exploded from the new information.
“Well I wasn’t even that sure of it, I started to suspect it after I tried grabbing the Sorcerer’s Stone and literally all the Harry Potter movies were gone and I only know of one other person that considers them Christmas movies in this household.” your father eyed you as he explained it.
You really should’ve known. You totally had forgotten how similar you and your father were in that aspect. In many aspects really.
“So this whole time, everything with Operation Pair Parker, it was all so that Peter and I would confess?”
“Exactly. Though I must say, you had me convinced for a bit with the whole other partners thing. For a while at least.”
“I wasn’t convinced.” Bucky shrugged, crossing his metal arm over his chest.
“Yes you were,” Sam countered, calling him out. “You almost cried about it when you realized they might never be together.”
It was too much all too soon, but after a while you realized the whole plan of misdirection was equal in effort from you and your father as well as stemmed from the same intentions. A respect for the other and deep long running stubbornness. It forced you to crack a grin.
“So Peter and I were allowed to date this whole time?” you restated.
“Of course. In fact, I was surprised that you guys never dated in high school. It all makes sense now. Either that or Peter was gay.”
“What is up with people thinking im gay?!” Peter tried, but no one was paying attention to him.
“Thanks dad.”
“I am going to punish you for lying to me for so long though. You absolutely should've said something earlier.”
“That’s fair.” you muttered, gritting your teeth.
“Oh no it's not,” Pepper interjected. “C’mon Tony, it's the holidays! Can't we punish them later?”
“Fine, but I am going to make you expand your movie marathon to include the rest of us. Steve still has to check Harry Potter off his list.” your father required, reference the written list Captain America had been checking items off of ever since he had emerged from the ice.
“Yeah, as long as there’s a dog involved.” he agreed. You pictured Sirius Black in his dog form and nodded assuredly, omitting any of the tragedy that accompanied the name. You only nodded.
And so your family date was rescheduled to the following night where instead of deception and stress, the space normally used for casual conferencing was transformed into a festive welcoming space. Snowflake decorations covered every corner of the ceiling and the chairs were arranged to all face a giant flat screen with loungers added around for you and the other Avengers to choose from.
Soon, the lot of you had settled down for the first few movies to kick off your marathon, sharing themed snacks and butterbeer from a recipe you had found online after your father declined importing the real beverage from Florida.
It was a better scenario than anything you could’ve imagined after revealing your relationship with Peter. Instead of drama and betrayal, there was light and laughter and just like always, Peter was right by your side in front of the others without a hint of bashfulness. You had just gotten to the third movie after spending the evening rewatching and finishing the first two.
“Which character was your crush when you were little?” you whispered to Peter, shifting closer to him in the oversized bean bag you two were sharing during the quidditch scene.
Peter sighed as he pondered all his options before landing on his final answer.
“Definitely Ginny.” he confirmed
“Good answer Parker.” you agreed, believing the girl was very similar to yourself. Or at least I’m a few ways.
“What was yours?” he returned the questioned, though you wouldn’t volunteer the information as easily.
“Oh no,” Peter groaned as one particular person popped into his mind. “Don’t tell me you were a Draco sympathizer.”
“Don’t hate on his fan club,” you chided, remembering how strong of a chokehold Dracotok held over many in its active days, regardless if you felt bad for the pathetic blonde or not. “But no. I liked the twins.”
Peter chuckled as your answer made more sense than anything he had in mind.
“Which one?”
You opened your mouth, ready to respond, but your father beat you to it, his words sudden and unexpected.
“Fred,” he answered, popping a nerd gummy cluster into his mouth. “She’s got the Wattpad history to prove it.”
You turned in your seat to gawk at him as he offered the information to the whole room.
“You did not just say that.” Pepper scolded from beside him.
“How the hell do you have access to my Wattpad history?!”
Your father pulled out his tablet from seemingly nowhere and opened a tab that described every website you had accessed ever since you were an impressionable young teen.
“I have access to everything you did when you were little. I probably should’ve taught you about your digital footprint better.”
“Well anyways, he’s right.” you turned back to Peter, deciding not to bother with your fathers antics.
“But I’m nothing like them,” he whispered, careful to keep his voice low to prevent further eavesdropping. “Maybe you should make me taller and turn my hair red sometime.”
“You, Peter Parker, are everything I need you to be just the way you are. And I would take you over any of my fictional hallpasses anyday.”
You leaned in to nuzzle his nose with your own, sparring the hall from any intense PDA before your father spoke up again.
“That’s true. She still reads a lot of Spider-Man fics.”
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Cw: fluff, poly!fem!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh
Part two: Y/N and Gayatri meet Gwen, Miles and Hobie
>You were Gayatri's best friend
>Have you ever seen those two girls who cannot be separated for the life of them? The ones that do every school project together? The ones that feed each other at lunch while giggling? The ones that are always wearing matching bff necklaces or rings? Ok, those best friends
>And everyone knew you and Gayatri were a package deal, if she made a new friend, they were your friend too, if you made one, it was hers too, if someone gave the other weird vibes, then you would minimize contact with them
>You were attached at the hip since middle school
>You remember the first time you decided to put makeup on, you took your mom's makeup kit and Gayatri used all the knowledge she gathered from 2010's youTube makeup tutorials to apply it on you, you did the same. It looked patchy, you didn't powder, and used awful toned shades, but it was enough for you and for her (every photo belonging to that time period has been purposefully destroyed)
>Your friendship with Gayatri always seemed perfectly normal to you, it was all just girls being girls, admiring her for afar, loving her (platonically!!!111!!!11!!!!) more than anything you've ever known, feeling at home when she hugged you and you could smell her hair, thinking no one else in this world could understand you like she does, getting mad when boys flirted with her (they're not good enough for your friend!!!)
>just girls being girls
>"I'm glad you didn't go out with Akshay, he looks nice, but I heard he's a flirt" Gayatri stated while putting on mascara in the school bathroom, you mindlessly fixed your hair
>There had been a handful of boys who would leave notes in your lockers, or timidly offer to walk one of you home, but most often than not, they were met with rejection, from picky excuses, to the classic "my dad won't let me date"
>It happened a couple times, but the boyfriends wouldn't last more than a week before you simply decided there was no spark, and ran to each other's house to gossip about it
>"I'm giving up on boys, none of them understand me, or treat me that good, they're so weird" Gayatri complained and paused to bring another spoonful of kulfi to her mouth "You make me feel better than any boy anyway, maybe you're my prince charming" she laughed angelically, bright eyes and her lips glossed over with some lipstick and some remains of the frozen treat you were sharing. That happened some time ago, and even though she laughed, she didn't accept anyone else after that, but she was just joking, right?
>You were sure there wasn't a force in the universe that could separate you from your best friend, even her family loved you as one of their own, there was nothing to be done
>Until you locked eyes with a guy that bumped into you in the hallways
>You stared at him and heard him mutter an apology, but you were too busy scanning all his features to register what was happening
>The mystery boy was a transfer student that started going to your class
>His name was Pavitr, and you would sometimes speak to him, he lived closer to you than Gayatri did, so after you got to her house in the walk after school, there was a solid 10 minutes you had alone with Pavitr
>He was so energetic and joyful, you didn't want to admit you liked him, but there was only so much hotness in you cheeks one could attribute to the spring sun in Mumbattan
>Gayatri was friends with him too, he was just as happy go-lucky as he was with you, you liked that he didn't make neither of you feel excluded from conversations or inside jokes, would he be the same way if you two ever got to date?
>The fantasy of dating Pavitr felt weird, incomplete, you couldn't leave your bestie behind like that! Yes, friends get in relationships, but you weren't just friends, you were best friends forever, super extra duper close friends, soulmate friends!
>But your fantasies came crushing down when she told you "Pavitr's so cute, you know? He's so different from the others, I think I like him, like, like-like him"
>Pavitr Prabhakar was off limits now, you shouldn't even look at him now
>You wouldn't throw the most important friendship you've ever had out of the window for a boy, even if that boy was pretty, the prettiest, and he was kind, and funny, and outgoing, and could light up the whole city with a smile
>sucks to be you, I guess
>a few weeks after that, they started dating, and you wanted to be happy for them, you wanted to be SO BADLY HAPPY, but you felt abandoned, jealous, and so sad
>You had to admit an ugly feeling always boiled in your stomach when Gayatri went on a date, or someone was clearly head over heels for her, but that was because they weren't good enough
>But Pavitr was good enough, he was the best guy, the only man you'd ever trust to date your friend, but the feeling remained
>a little less angry and more sad, but still remained
>They were still close to you, invited you to all their dates, that they would call group hangouts, but you could tell were dates
>At first it was fun, but you always lowered your gaze or pretend to do something else when they hugged, or kissed
>After every kiss, they would both exchange a look with you, but then look away and say something to break the ice, by their eyes, you could tell they were ashamed or saddened, maybe they didn't want to leave you behind and pitied you
>So you stopped going out with them when it clearly was a date, only showing up if there was more people, or if you saw them individually
>"wanna go to the movies w us tomorrow? :)" -Gayatri
>"too busy:/ got homework to catch up on" -you
>"dw luv, I can go your to place and help you w it" -Gayatri
>"ur a bad influence, I'll get distracted" -you
>"true" -Gayatri
>No, you didn't have homework, but seeing your crush and you best friend being cheesy was not the weekend plan you were looking forward to
>When you walked next to Pav, you were stiff and quiet instead of your normal self, he was your friend, but it felt so bad when you could hear your heart beating faster for a boy who was taken, taken by your favorite person in the world
>"I hope Gayatri got better from her allergies, I haven't seen her since last week" Pav said, hoping to break the ice
>"Didn't you go to the movies on Saturday?" You questioned
>"Oh, you couldn't go, it's not the same if it's not the three of us" he answered like it was the most natural thing in the world
>Was really your third wheeling so great to them that they cancelled a date because you weren't there?
>You thought about that for weeks, and wondered how many times it happened since you started to avoid them
>Today Gayatri behaved weird, no one else noticed, but you knew her like the back of your hand,
>She told you she needed you to go to her house after school, it was important
>You didn't push the subject, since she clearly wanted to discuss it in privacy
>A million possibilities ran through you head as you walked to her house, you were scared
>When you came into her room, Pavitr was there, why didn't she tell you? You thought it was a rude thing to do, but she was clearly in distress so you tried to not be so quick to judge
> You sat next to her on the bed, and saw how both of them interchanged nervous looks, Gayatri started speaking, not as nervous as her boyfriend, but still
>"I- I got something to tell you, well, I have a- Pavitr has a crush on you"
>"...What?!" You looked so offended right now, A crush? On you? On someone else? When he was dating the prettiest most amazing girl in the world?! If you were dating Gayatri you would never, ever-
>"It's okay! It's not like that, I like you too!" Her voice interrumpted your mental rambling. Ok, this got way more confusing "I knew I loved you, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and when I started liking Pavitr I thought it was over, that we'd go back to being friends, but it felt awkward when you weren't around, and it felt like cheating when we spent time alone"
> Pavitr started "Gayatri is really so amazing, and I love her so much, but I love you so much too, and I thought it wasn't right to her, so I wanted to break up, but she had the same issue. I guess the thing we want to say is, would you give us a chance?" He flashed that charming smile to you, and paired with Gayatri's love-filled gaze, you almost melted
>Of course you liked her, you were so oblivious, that explains literally everything you have ever questioned about your dynamic with her, but maybe you were scared too
>"I'd love to" you shyly responded and held their hands
>Maybe not all relationships have just two wheels, maybe tricycles are thrice as fun
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palmtreesx3 · 4 months
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As my header states, I'm too old for this. But here I am anyway. If you're here you're gonna watch me embarrassingly lust over every version of Steve Harrington (who am I kidding, just Joe Keery in general) and while I mostly just react to other people's tremendously talented work, I occasionally dabble myself.
So if you are lurking, enjoy and leave some kisses 💋
(18+, don't be cunty, yada yada yada)
🔥 Spicy/Smutty 🚨 Cannon/Cannon Adjacent ❤️ Fluffy/Boyfriend-ism 😩 Angsty
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Get Off (Series) 🔥18+ - SexShop!Steve x Reader : SexShop!Robin x OC (7/9)
Summary: Steve and Robin have about had it with Hawkins, so on Robin's 25th birthday, the pair decides that there's nothing holding them there anymore and they start packing their bags. The friends move to Chicago and quickly find an apartment to call their own. As luck would have it, within hours of arriving to the city, Robin stumbles on a no-strings-attached job offer for both of them - what could be better?! Now just to break the news to Steve…. This multi part story will both explore their platonic relationship and their chaotic experience working at the sex shop together as well as their own paths of self discovery as they plant their roots in their new city and finally deal with the invisible baggage they drug along with them when they moved. Act 4 - Out Now :)
Prologue || V-Card || Act 1 || Act 2 || Act 3 || Act 4 || Act 5 || Act 6 || Epilogue
King of Wishful Thinking (Series) ❤️ Fluffy but eventually 🔥 18+ and marked as such because I'm a hoe - Steve Harrington x Reader (2/?)
Summary: Steve has been in love with you for his entire life. He has always wanted to express his feelings and do nice things for you, but every time he tries to come up with new and creative ways to show you how much he cares, but it seems like fate is always against him. Even though he shallowly convinces himself that you’re just meant to be friends and despite these setbacks, Steve remains determined to keep trying. He still holds onto the hope that someday he'll be able to express his feelings to you and maybe, just maybe have them reciprocated. Paused but not forgotten
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1974 || 1978 || 1980 (coming soon)
Joe Keery Photo Drop Support Group A place to gather when he sends us into a tizzy. This support group was started in response to the Behind the Blinds Photo Drops but can and will be revisited anytime this man rocks our world like that again....All are welcome. Judgement Free-zone. Cake ALWAYS served.
Birthday Cake Train 🍰 A communal space to celebrate birthdays and serve up a slice of Cake....you know which kind. Join the thread when it's your turn. There's enough to go around.
Seeing Stars 🔥18+ The crew finally decides it's time to start celebrating the 4th of July again, but Steve Harrington finds he can't stop himself from staring.
A Girl Like You (PT 2 to Seeing Stars) 🔥18+ In the aftermath of the 4th, embarrassment and emotions are flying, tables turn and shit gets figured out. Read Part 1 to see how exactly we got here.
Deeper for You 🔥18+ It's your annual beach trip with the crew from Hawkins, something you've all been doing together your whole adult life after life forced everyone to part ways. You're all close, but this year, an accidental encounter in the outdoor shower makes you get a little closer with one person in particular.
Jealous Friend One Shot 🔥18+ ask Watching your friend, Steve Harrington, go on Kamakazi Mission dates over and over again was getting kind of old. You’re always there to listen, comfort and pick up the pieces but what if this time it’s just too much? What if this time you’ve had enough and something that feels a little bit like jealousy rears its ugly head?
Firefighter!Steve One Shot
Taking Care of Steve (Road Head) Blurb 🔥18+ ask
Vampy Steve Blurb ask
Fool in Love Blurb (King of Wishful Thinking inspo) ❤️
Stevie Takes Care of You When You're Sick Blurb ❤️ ask
Joe Keery as Steve Harrington Micro expressions
Steve Harrington Smells Like head cannons
Cozy Cardigan Steve (Joe Keery Dork Mag inspo) ❤️
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Ok maybe I'm being overdramatic, but please also consider reading these fics or series I feel like I'd lay down my life for because they have become a visceral part of me and changed the fabric of my being and I think about them all the time. They are all *chefs kiss* and written by amazingly talented people who also have deep Masterlists that also deliver. So wake the fuck up and read em! Again, most (okay fine, all) are 🔥 18+ ...again, because I'm a hoe
Into Open Flames 🔥😩🚨 on AO3
Midnight City 🔥 by @superblysubpar
We'll Call it Love 🔥😩 by @superblysubpar
If Tomorrow Never Comes 🔥😩🚨 by @sweetsweetjellybean
All I Really Want is You ❤️🔥 by @loveshotzz
Whatta Man (Steve's Night) 🔥 by @loveshotzz
New Years Eve (Steve & Eddie)🔥😩 by @loveshotzz
Beyond 🔥 by @abibliophobiaa
We Tried the World 🔥😩 @upsidedownwithsteve
And I Snuck in Through the Garden Gate ❤️🔥 @upsidedownwithsteve
Don't Call Me Baby 🔥😩 by @katyswrites
Aftermath (Steve & Eddie)🔥😩🚨 by @sweetsweetjellybean
Daisy 🔥 by @thyme-in-a-bubble
PSA: Don't steal my shit. Don't repost my shit. Don't steal other peoples shit. Don't use AI. Don't feed my shit into AI. Don't feed other people's shit into AI. Just come here, read about this sweet piece of a man and live on our fantasy island together in lust and in peace.
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thegamingcatmom · 24 days
any chance you can please write anything with fem reader and tanya denali & carmen?
Sure I can! Love those two together. 🫶🫶
I wasn´t sure if your ask was more on the platonic or romantic side - I assume it´s the latter, yes? I´ve done a bit of both here, mainly because I view Carmen as very maternal in general. In the movies we see her being quite nurturing towards Tanya as well as Irina, despite the former being the leader/head of the family. I imagine that trait would be very present in a relationship as well, especially where you (a fragile hooman) are involved.
All in all, I think it turned out quite...intense, in a way. But they mean well, I promise. ❤️
With that said:
Have some doting!Carmen mixed with...Tanya, who´s just being...Tanya. 💋
That horndog.
“No cheating, mi amor.” Came the scolding remark when you went to scratch an itch on the bridge of your nose.
“I´m not!” Not your fault that itch decided now would be a great time to make itself known, right there - under that blindfold you were currently wearing. You had to reach it somehow!
Besides, your eyes remained firmly closed the whole time. You knew better than to disobey your mother hen of a mate when she was, well, mother henning.
You had to admit though…you were getting restless. Neither Carmen nor Tanya had said much about what they had in store for you today – as per usual. You had awoken to soft lips trailing all over your face - as if mapping you – and a megawatt smile that never failed to turn your face various shades of red. Tanya would often lovingly call you her “blushing bride”.
(Which only ever serves to make it worse - just as your mate intends. That minx.)
Breakfast had then been served in bed – Empanadas, your favorite. Carmen loves to spoon-feed you - she gets that special gleam in her eyes when she does. Which is why you indulge her from time to time, even though you sit through it in a rather pained manner. You´ve never felt all too comfortable with people watching you eat - that didn´t stop when you found your mates. Or, well, when they found you.
In your defense: Having two sets of eyes glued to your every movement while being fed spoonful after spoonful does tend to get a bit overwhelming after a while. Surely you can´t be the only one. …Right?
(Especially if the only thing to break the silence are the demands being cooed at you – “One more, mi amor.” Only for that one more to turn into two more…or three more, or four more, or fi-)
After breakfast you had opted for a shower, and were surprised – and disappointed – when neither of your mates went to join you.
“Sorry, my love.” Your partner´s raspy voice had purred at you from her perch on the bed. “Carmen´s orders. Your darling wife knows we wouldn’t be leaving that room anytime soon.”
Well, you couldn´t argue with that. That didn´t mean you had to like it.
“Oh…none of that now.” Tanya had been in front of you in the blink of an eye. Her strong arms had come to wrap around you, cradling you close like the finest china. “I shall make it up to you…later.” She had winked, before pressing those cold lips to yours in a heated kiss that left you reeling.
Your back had met the wall behind you then, greedy hands sliding down until they were met with supple flesh - which they squeezed. The moan that had escaped you had swiftly been taken advantage of – a slick tongue had slipped in, gliding over yours in a way that felt more like a caress, taking its sweet time to explore every nook and cranny, like it hadn´t done so a thousand times before-
Very reluctantly, the tongue had retracted – making sure to graze the roof of your mouth as it went. Teeth had clamped down on your lower lip – most tenderly – and had given it a playful nibble, before releasing it with a light pull.
It was only when a sigh had met your ears, that you remembered to breathe.
“Can´t the two of you behave for a few hours?” Carmen had chided, the hint of a smile betraying her true feelings on the matter. The reprimand had been addressed to the both of you, but the look your mates had shared spoke a different story.
“Can you blame me? I´ve already been deprived this morning. Stealing a kiss was the least.” Tanya had mocked, knowing full well things wouldn´t have stopped there.
Her complaint had been met with another good-natured sigh. “Will you please leave the poor thing to get ready now? We have a rather full day ahead of us, as you well know.” Another look had been shared, and whatever Tanya found - it had been enough to convince her.
However, a rather dramatic sigh had escaped your fair-haired lover at the prospect of it. “If I must.” Hands had come up to cradle your face, before closing the distance to bestow one last kiss. This one had been soft, tender – a stark contrast to the inferno that nearly burnt you alive before.
“Don’t take too long, moja láska.” As if you had been the cause of delay in proceedings.
At last, Tanya had parted from you with a light pat! to your rear, before swaggering past Carmen and out of your shared bedroom.
(Not before throwing you one last smoldering look over her shoulder though – “Later,” it promised.)
Such a drama queen.
You love her.
“Mi amor?” A perfectly styled eyebrow had been raised at you, giving you the look.
If there was one thing you had learned in your time as Carmen Denali´s mate, it was that one best not keep her waiting.
So, here you were now - blindfolded, restless, impatient. Promises of “Nearly there, my love” had long since lost their meaning to you. You could feel yourself getting agitated, which really wasn´t fair to your mates. They had prepared a wonderful day for you, no doubt about that. You were excited – and slightly nervous – about what this was going to entail. You would be spending the day with the ones most dear to you – how could you not look forward to it?
However, it had been a tiring day so far - filled with seemingly endless teasing and doting and pampering. You did enjoy the attention you were receiving, but you were never one for being overly spoiled. You enjoyed the little things – a bunch of flowers on your bedside table in the morning, a little note on the refrigerator that reminded you of the food stored inside, forehead kisses.
You love forehead kisses.
Your mates are well aware of that, and they have toned it down quite a bit since you first entered this relationship. By their standards, at least. Which meant you still received a shiny new car every few months because your old one just wouldn´t do anymore…for whatever reasons. Because it got a speck of dust on it, probably.
(It was either that or being carried just about anywhere. Your lovers didn´t see the point in owning a vehicle anyway, since they were more than capable covering any kind of distance on foot.)
“Are we there soon?” You whined. You couldn´t help it.
It´s a good thing Tanya wasn´t present right now. She wouldn´t have let you live it down for ages. You can imagine it vividly – “Why so fussy today, baby?”
Your whine was met with a hearty chuckle. “Soon, love.”
“Why are we driving there, anyway? I thought you guys preferred carrying me around like a stuffed toy?” You snorted.
“Sí, my love.” Carmen agreed, the smile evident in her voice. “Waiting on you hand and foot is something the both of us enjoy immensely, and nothing short of what you deserve.”
…Great, now you felt bad.
“However,” your wife continued. “We know of your wish for a more…ordinary way of life. So, the car it shall be today.”
That shut you up. More than that: You were left speechless. At this point, it really shouldn´t come as a surprise to you just how considerate your mates could be. But no matter how long it´s been, they never ceased to amaze you.
You enjoyed the little things.
Carmen noticed the tears slowly dripping past the blindfold and down your face before you did. A cold hand reached over, wiping them away in a most tender manner, before taking a hold of your hand. “Are you alright, mi amor?”
You were more than alright.
After what had felt like an eternity, the car stopped. The driver´s door opened and, before you could even blink once, it had closed again. There was the sound of your door opening - a gust of wind hitting your right side - before a steady hand helped you out of the car.
“So,” you prompt, listening to the passenger door closing again, then the beep! beep! of the car locking. “Can I take this off now?” Your hands were already reaching up-
“Ah-” Carmen tutted at you, nimble fingers closing around your wrists. “Not quite yet, cariño. Just a little bit further.”
A sigh escaped you, but the lips that met yours in a quick peck had you complying nonetheless. A soft hand slipped into yours, and then the two of you started walking.
And you walked.
And then you walked some more.
And then some more.
…And some more.
…You´ve got to be kidding-
“Took you long enough.” You were so focused on getting agitated again that the sound of Tanya´s voice caused you to jump slightly. “Did you stop for a little hanky-panky?”
Oh my god.
“If that had been the plan, I could have just left her with you, Querida.”
You didn´t have to see it – you knew the smile on Tanya´s face was rivaling Cheshire´s. Her absence made more sense now.
“I was merely being mindful of our precious one´s needs.” Carmen clarified.
There was silence for a few seconds, before a soft swoosh! reached your ears, moving some of your hair slightly. You could feel cold hands on either side of your face, thumbs slowly stroking up and down. “Where are my manners?” A kiss was pressed to your forehead. “Hello again, my love.”
“…Hi.” You exhaled.
Real smooth. Great job.
“Well, are we ready?” Tanya sounded excited. Somehow, that made you even more nervous.
“I believe we are.” Carmen agreed. Her excitement wasn´t as vocal as Tanya´s, but you could still hear the slight tremors in her voice that confirmed she very much was looking forward to whatever was going to happen now. Which-
“Ready!” Your hands reached for the blindfold-
“Not yet, my-“
You are about to lose it-
“What now?!” You interrupted. You didn´t care how insanely rude that was. You just about had it.
A few seconds passed where neither of you said anything. You didn’t even dare breathe.
 It was most uncomfortable.
…Okay, perhaps you should apologize-
Just as you were about to do exactly that, angelic laughter filled your ears. Coming from both your wives.
“Oh my, such a bratty thing today, isn´t she?” Tanya purred, hands coming to grip your hips tight. Her nose was slowly running along your temple - breathing you in.
“Relax, mi amor. I am only teasing.” Carmen soothed behind you.
Finally, hands reached for the blindfold, untying the knot. You could feel the fabric slowly sliding down your face, before it was removed entirely. Sweet, sweet relief-
…That relief was short-lived, however. Because soon after, the blindfold was replaced with one of your mate´s hands.
You couldn´t stop the whine from escaping your lips. You also didn´t miss the brief rumble that sounded out in front of you in response.
Was Tanya´s mind ever not in the gutter?
“I know, love.” Carmen soothed. “But there is something that we must settle first.”
Oh boy. That sounded serious.
“…Okay?” You dared to ask. Had you messed up? Had they? Was someone dead?
“So wary. One could almost believe you don´t trust us, moja láska.” Hands were rubbing up and down your sides in a soothing manner. “Worry not, Carmen makes it sound much more dramatic than it actually is.”
“Says you?” You snorted, which earned you hearty laughter from Carmen, and an overly dramatic gasp that only proved your point.
“Why, you little-“ The fingers on your sides starting wriggling, causing you to recoil out of reflex. Unfortunately, you were incredibly sensitive. Something Tanya loved to remind you of.
“No! Please, please! S-Sto-hop!” Carmen´s arm had come to wrap around your waist, keeping your trashing body upright. Which meant there was absolutely no way for you escape this torture.
“Oh…I do like you begging, my love.” Tanya snickered, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
At this point, you were wheezing-
“Alright, alright – enough you two.” Carmen came to your rescue, a joyful lilt to her voice. How she had managed to keep your eyes covered with all that trashing and wiggling you did, you had no idea.
The hands left your body, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You had a feeling it wasn´t going to last, however.
“Alright, mi amor-” Carmen began. Your hands were starting to sweat. “Do you remember our talk about having…resources?”
You didn´t like where this was going.
“…Yeah? What about it?” You sounded irritated, and you knew it. Your mates knew it, judging by the collective sigh that followed.
“Cariño…” You knew that tone.
Oh no.
“We understand and respect your wish for us not to provide for you in a way we think is fitting.” Your wife was choosing her words most carefully. “However, we were hoping to…renegotiate.“
Oh no.
“…Renegotiate?” You weren´t sure you even wanted to know.
“Sí, my love.” Carmen continued in good spirits. “You see, today marks the start of a new month to our union, so Tanya and I had thought it fitting to celebrate that with a little ritual.”
“Celebrate? With a ritual? What is that supposed to mean?” You loved Carmen dearly, but she could be so frustrating when she was trying to ask for something.
“Well, we thought we might-“
“Preboha!” Seems like you weren’t the only one getting frustrated. “Carmen, truly - I love you, but you´re confusing her!” Then, as an afterthought, “…and me.”
You couldn´t see it, but you had a feeling Carmen was looking as sheepish as a vampire could in this moment.
“What Carmen meant to say-“ Tanya continued, the mischief clear in her voice. “Is that we would very much like to come to an agreement on when to spoil our little human absolutely rotten.” Cold fingers pinched your cheeks then, using that grip to lightly shake your head left and right.
Not if, but when.
“You…what? No! I-” You started-
“Ah, ah.” Came the authoritative reply. “There will be no discussion.”
This wasn´t fair. Tanya wasn´t supposed to be strict. That was Carmen´s job.
(It also wasn´t fair that it sounded much more intimidating coming from her.)
“Here´s what´s going to happen.“ Your wife continued, her inner coven leader really starting to shine through now. “At the beginning of each month, Carmen and I will prepare something nice and sweet of our choice for you. You will not complain, you will not mope. You will accept our gifts, and you will enjoy them. Are we clear?”
…Well shit. You forgot how insanely convincing – and hot - your wife could be. It wasn´t often you got to see that sight of her.
(Not that you were seeing much right now as it was.)
You said nothing in response, feeling thoroughly chastened somehow. Or, as Tanya had just put it – mopey.
There was another sigh then. ”Moja láska…” Soft hands came to cradle your face. “I understand why this upsets you, and I apologize for causing you to feel this way.” Her thumbs ran up and down your cheeks. “However, I will not apologize for wishing to provide for you. Carmen and I have the means, we have the time, and we love you. All we ask for is one day per month to properly celebrate that.”
You were never one for being overly spoiled. You enjoyed the little things. However-
You recognized those were little things to them. Their world was so much different from yours, it always had been. From day one of your relationship it had been abundantly clear that the lifestyle you used to maintain was pretty much history.
The first few months had been especially trying – they had showered you with things you´d never have gotten for yourself. Things that were either obnoxiously expensive, or that you didn´t even know existed up until that point in your life.
You love bagels with cream cheese. Not so much making them, though. It wasn´t like it was an overly tiring task, but sometimes you were just that lazy. You had made an off-handed comment once about how convenient it would be if all you had to do was push a button and those stupid bagels would magically cut themselves. It had been a joke, obviously.
Next thing you knew, you were owner of a shiny new bagel guillotine.
(Yes, those actually exist.)
Thinking about those early stages now, however…
It really put into perspective just how much they´ve toned it down since then. For your sake. Respecting your needs.
The least you could do was respecting theirs.
“…Okay. One day-” Soft lips pressing firmly against yours swallowed whatever it was you were going to say next.
“Thank you, my love.” Tanya murmured against your mouth, before you felt another set of lips pressing against your cheek. “You´re too kind, mi amor.”
God, it´s been years and you still blushed like a teenage girl.
“Well then, shall we present this month´s gift to our blushing bride?” Tanya snickered, the excitement creeping back into her voice.
“We shall.” Carmen agreed, the hand still covering your eyes beginning to lift-
This was it.
Whatever was about to happen, you had fully agreed to it.
(A fact you would have to keep reminding yourself of for the next few years to come.)
The hand had been fully lifted by now, but you refused to open your eyes. A part of you truly was anxious about what you would find.
“Open your eyes, dearest.” Carmen encouraged, a hand rubbing soothing circles into your back.
You took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing.
Your eyes opened - blinking rapidly to adjust to the bright light at first - before focusing on-
Whatever you had expected, it sure hadn´t been this.
No shiny new car, no newly built house, no jewelry worth millions of dollars.
(All of them things you have received in the past. Several of them.)
Staring back at you was the welcome sign of an amusement park.
It wasn´t just any amusement park, though. Judging by the lack of actual visitors and the welcome sign reading “Happy first pampering-day to our precious. Enjoy! ♥”, you reckoned it was your amusement park.
You were speechless.
“Well? What do you think, my love?” Tanya interrupted your train of thoughts. Which was good, because you were about to lose it just a little bit.
“I…This is…What?” You spluttered, really struggling to form a coherent sentence right now.
“Are you alright, mi amor?” Carmen worried.
Just peachy.
You had to be sure- “You…You guys bought me an amusement park?” This was insane, absolutely bonkers-
“Don´t be silly, love.” Tanya giggled, sounding immensely proud of herself. “We didn´t spend a single penny on this.”
Oh well, that was something at least-
“We built it.”
They did what now?
“…Huh?” You couldn´t care less about your incredibly eloquent comeback right now. “You built an amusement park? Just like that?”
Nodding was all you received for an answer.
“...How?” Your mind was reeling.Where did they get the materials they needed? What about electricity, out here – in the middle of nowhere? Did they think of toilets? Because your bladder was really starting to protest-
“This place used to be a power plant, but it´s long since been shut down.” Tanya explained. “We used forest wood to build most of it – polished and painted it. Laid a few pipes and that was that.”
(The park did have a plumbing system then. Thank god.)
She made it all sound so easy. Then again, to them it probably was.
“Well, shall we go in?” Carmen prompted, nodding her head at it. “Lest we get stuck in the line for too long.” She joked, a gleam in those warm eyes.
This was surreal.
You laughed – a hearty, boisterous, real laugh which was soon joined by your mates´ melodic ones.
This was your life.
You wouldn´t change it for the world.
“Let´s.” You agreed, taking a hold of their hands, and leading the way into your very own amusement park.
A/N: Anyone else with cavity now?
Btw: I´m planning on writing a little sequel to this which will probs be named "Ferris Wheel". ;3
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Now That We Don't Talk
Extended Masterpost
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: ex!Jake x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt, ex!Jake
Synopsis: idk at this point, sorry. But here’s the jest of it: Breaking up sucks ass.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come.
Previous Track:  Hits Different (coming soon..)
Chapter soundtrack: Now That We Don’t Talk – Taylor Swift
(By the way, for every ‘Chapter Soundtrack’, basically the idea is that it’s a song that YN eventually wrote with that chapter of her life in mind) Listen to the song, it's basically the entire chapter, I do not have a creative bone in my body, babes.
Guess this is how it was to be Now that we don't talk
Late at night, Y/N found herself lying on her kitchen floor. She scrolled through her phone, the soft glow of the screen casting shadows across her face.
The press had been relentless; capturing glimpses of the lead guitarist of Greta Van Fleet, at various events and gatherings. Well, it was either that or her algorithm was fucked.
She found herself immersed in the snippets of his life presented by the media. His presence, magnetic as ever, effortlessly parting the crowd like the Red Sea in fan edits.
YN, herself hadn’t gone out in a while, choosing to steer clear from the limelight after a couple of nights of binge-drinking had gone more public than she would’ve liked.
Her red eyes captured by flashing lights as she was ushered into a cab by a friend of hers had made the front page for a week. Let’s just say the Sad Girl Era fans had branded her with, wasn’t exactly the kind of publicity she’d wanted out there.
She couldn't help but wonder if he, too, ever got anxious, while on his way home. Did he absentmindedly make a wrong turn towards the street they used to live on? Did he ever, for a fleeting moment, take a hand off the steering wheel to rest it on her thigh, only to find it was no longer there?
Stalking him online had become a guilty indulgence, a masochistic act that she couldn't resist. She lingered a little too long on his Instagram, scrolling through the curated moments of his daily life.
She noticed his hair, even longer than before, framing the features she used to trace with her fingertips. She observed the familiar furrow of his brow as he performed, a guitar pin between his teeth.
From the outside, it all painted a picture of a life moving forward. She remained on the periphery, a quiet observer of the world she used to inhabit. She caught short glimpses of his social life, photos of shared laughs with musicians they once mocked together, videos of studio sessions with a producer he’d once told to fuck off forever.
The bitter truth hung heavy in the air. She no longer had a say in the choices he made, the life he embraced. The silence between them was deafening. She had become an outsider, left outside in the rain, looking through a window at the life of a boy she once knew.
As her mind wandered into the realm of speculation, she couldn't help but wonder what he’d told his friends – those same friends they had once shared dinners and long weekends with. Were they privy to the turbulent love, the passionate highs, and the devastating lows that marked their time together? Few were even aware of their relationship, so would anyone even come to hear of their breakup?
The public was aware she’d moved from Nashville to LA after her latest tour, but only a select few knew why.
She didn’t know what she, herself would choose to say. There was no point in pretending it was platonic. It wasn't some amicable parting where two people decided they were better off as friends. No. Truth was it had just- ended.
She could never be his friend. Can you imagine? She thought. Casually sharing stories over Sunday brunch; smiling for group pictures at birthday parties? She felt ridiculous just thinking about it. After all, they hadn’t been friends to begin with. Not really.
The days and nights stretched endlessly, punctuated by the silence of unsent messages and unspoken calls. Pathetic. That's how she felt. Pathetic for caring, for still being affected by choices that they had made. The more she’d given, the more she laid her heart bare, the less he’d seemed to want her.
A bitter truth gnawed at her consciousness – a realization which had struck her hard, like a sudden gust of cold wind. She was paying the price of what she had lost, and heartbreak didn’t come cheap.
In the quiet hours of the night, phone calls to Patty became a familiar ritual for Y/N, a whispered confessional amid the shadows. Her manager's voice echoed like a guiding beacon in the recesses of her mind.
"Remember, it's all for the best, sugar," Patty would assure her. "Maybe try and get it all off your chest, yeah? You’ll feel better."
Craving the catharsis that only honest introspection could provide, YN eventually heeded the advice. She sat down at the piano and opened her notebook to a crisp white page. Pen in hand, she began to write.
She tried reminding herself of the way he'd faded ‘till she’d left. A distant star dimming until it was barely a shimmer in the night sky. A black hole whose pull she’d barely escaped.
Every stroke of ink presented an attempt to convince herself she was, of course, so much better off now. As it is written, so it shall be done, or some shit like that.
Let’s see. Now that they didn't talk… well, first off, she didn’t have to keep acid rock in her shower playlist. She no longer had to pretend to revel in the company of so-called industry legends on some yachts. No longer found herself forced to feign interest in these obsolete men’s very important thoughts on the death of good music when she’d much rather jump off the deck.
Quite a relief, right? She smiled bitterly. She was a compulsive liar, even in the privacy of her own apartment, in the secrecy of her own thoughts.
Those weren’t the things that she was glad to be rid of. But the unfiltered truth would look too ugly on paper. It would sound too coarse on the radio.
Frustration seeped into her bones, settling like an unwelcome guest. She didn’t know who or what she was even trying to protect.
She wondered if he, too, lingered on her social media, if he glanced at the magazine covers when he stopped by a gas station. She shook her head. What magazine covers? She’d been trying to stay as far as she could from the press.
In an attempt to recover a shred of her dignity, she’d tried turning back into a shrouded mystery. And failed miserably. Fans and critics alike couldn’t get enough of her enigmatic persona, and it seemed she couldn’t go anywhere without people following her.
Success had never tasted to bittersweet.
Could be worse, though, she thought. She could’ve been heartbroken and shunned. Plus, it may have all been for the best. After all, the flash of cameras was the only bridge they had yet to burn. The only way they could haunt each other without having to do the dirty work themselves.
And this was simply how it had to be, now that they didn't talk.
One night, at the ungodly hour of four in the morning, her phone's shrill ring shattered the stillness, causing her to bolt upright from her couch.
"Patty?" YN's voice was thick with sleep as she answered the call, squinting at the glaring screen. "Do you know what time it is?" she muttered, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, I'm sitting down, what is it?" she asked, her tone tinged with apprehension.
YN listened intently and, after a prolonged pause, she breathed out, "Oh my god."
A mere twenty minutes later, she found herself settling into the backseat of a cab, her mind racing
The driver's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Where to?" he inquired, casting a curious glance at her through the rearview mirror.
"LAX, please," she instructed.
(Welp… guess who’s about to be talking again lol)
Next Track: Beautiful People with Beautiful Problems
Hope you all liked it! Please interact lol, I am desperate for any reaction at all. Help a girl out, peaceful army. Xxx
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violet-fire-cat · 3 months
Been meaning to do another of these for a few days and finally got around to it! Another 👀 ask, another AU!
Let's see... Today I'm gonna go with ~
Prince and his Guard AU For lack of a better name, because I'm awful at names pfft. Royal aus are done a lot, I know, but this ones mine! Actually based on another AU I did for a different fandom ages ago, but then reworked for different characters pfft I hope you're ready for more Ethubs nonsense from me, because that's what this is. (There's Rendoc crumbs too, though it's only mentioned briefly here.)
Anyway! Bdubs is a prince of a small kingdom somewhere. He's not the heir to the throne or anything like that, but he's still pretty important. For the most part though he's not too fussed about royal duties. He'd much rather be caring for the horses at the stables or tending to or sketching the beautiful plants in the palace gardens.
Etho works for the royal guard and has done for quite some time. He's a skilled swordsman and well respected amongst his peers. One day, he's given a new assignment and is placed as Bdubs' personal guard. His job is to accompany Bdubs when he's out and about, and of course to keep him safe should anything happen. Not that he's in any immediete danger, but he is a prince so it's needed!
Bdubs has had personal guards before, some he's liked, others he hasn't. With Etho he's- not sure what he thinks at first. Etho is quiet and hiding half his face behind a mask. He's polite though, just- different. Bdubs tries to befriend him from early on, but that's easier said than done when the guy doesn't talk much.
Gradually though, as they become more familiar with each other they do start to become friends. They find that they have things in common (a love for horses and riding being one of them) and they get along well. It's not long before they're starting to like each other more than they probably should. But neither of them really acknowledge it yet.
Bdubs realises he's got a crush first. Etho is always hiding his face, but Bdubs still thinks he's beautiful. He's kind and nice to talk to as well, Bdubs likes being around him.
Etho comes to terms with it much slower, and refuses to accept it when he does have that realisation. He can't have a crush on the prince are you insane!! Beef, who works in the palace kitchens and is friends with Etho, tells him that falling for the prince is a bad idea. Etho says that yes, he knows, he didn't do it on purpose!
For a while they just sort of admire each other from a distance. A romance between them is not allowed. Their relationship must remain platonic. They would both get in so much trouble if they tried anything more.
Bdubs, however, decides one day that he doesn't care. Screw it! He really likes Etho! So he's gonna flirt with him! Subtly, of course, just in case. Etho doesn't notice it straight away, and when he does he tries to ignore it. But he's blushing at how sweet Bdubs is being. He should tell him to stop but he can't. And eventually he does recupricate. It can be their little secret ~
And that is preciesly what it is. What it must be. A secret. No one can know. It stays in the privacy of Bdubs' quarters. But they love each other. They're happy with their secret forbidden romance ~
Until things change, anyway. Bdubs is told that he has been betrothed to the prince of another kingdom. A man he's only met like, once, very briefly, years ago. Bdubs isn't happy. Mostly because he's in love with Etho but also just because he doesn't want to get married! Unfortunatly, though, there's not much he can do, and soon plans for him to meet his new fiance properly are made.
The new fiance is Doc, who doesn't particularly want to get married to some guy he barely knows either. Still, when he meets Bdubs he's polite and they chat. They get along fine, and are both able to admit to each other that getting married isn't exactly something they want to do. But their families are the ones in control here, so all they can do is make the most of it.
Etho, meanwhile, meets Ren, who is one of Doc's guards. And they talk idly between themselves whilst their respective princes meander through the gardens in conversation. Ren susses out Etho's affections for Bdubs pretty much straight away. Etho denies it, but as far as Ren is concerned it's very obvious.
With the engagement quickly becoming public knowledge and Bdubs' life suddenly becoming much busier, Etho pulls back from Bdubs a bit. He's still doing his work of course, but keeps outside interactions to a minimum. Bdubs is getting married. So that means that their romance needs to stop. At least, that's how Etho sees it. Bdubs notices, of course he does, and he hates the sadness in Etho's eyes, but he isn't sure how to address it.
The wedding is extravegant and beautiful. Bdubs looks stunning all dressed up. Etho wishes he was the one marrying Bdubs, but he knows it's not possible. Bdubs still doesn't really want to get married, he likes Doc just fine, they get along and have become friends, but there's no romance there, neither of them are interested in the other like that. He misses Etho. But he thinks he knows why Etho has pulled away, and he understands, he hates it, but he understands.
Bdubs and Doc basically spend their honeymoon hanging out as friends, but that suits them fine and they enjoy it. Ren and Etho are often close by. And one evening Ren admits that he knows it sucks, seeing the guy you like getting married to someone else. He's kinda in the same boat, he likes Doc a lot too, but you just kinda have to accept it. You know? Etho knows that Ren is right, but he wishes he wasn't.
It's only so long before Etho and Bdubs come together again. They both know it's stupid, reckless, could get them in so much trouble. But they love each other so much that they can't quite help themselves. It's their secret. But it won't stay secret. People will find out, it'll become the gossip of the palace staff and the royal family alike. Both Etho and Bdubs will be faced with accusations that they hate and that aren't even true. Doc doesn't know what he thinks of it all, but despite everything, when he learns the truth he stands by Bdubs' side throughout.
Everything does work out in the end, but there's some tricky times ahead before any of that can happen..
Oh, you wanted to know exactly how that all goes down? Sorry. I'm trying to limit myself to about 1000 words per au (because otherwise I will unintentionally write thousands and thousands of words) and it seems I've hit that limit here!
I'm a sucker for royalty aus, I don't know why. This one is very fun and another I would like to write some day. We'll have to wait and see though!
There's still a few more of these asks in my inbox, so I'll probably be typing up another one of these posts very soon. In the mean time, if you want to ask questions about my aus please do! Give me even more reason to talk about them pfft
But yeah, thank you for the excuse to ramble! I really want to draw some boys for this au now lol
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