xjulixred45x · 18 hours
Kianna with a yandere radio demon
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Kianna: nope fuck this
Fr. One of the worst to have.
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xjulixred45x · 18 hours
What will be your next works/request?
Here they are, from the oldest to the most recient Request (but not exactly the publishing order, it will be kind of random this time)
Platonic Principal Yaga x Reader
Platonic Yandere Nanami/Higuruma x Necro Reader: reaction to safe adults
Hunter(Toh) x Fluttershy Reader
Platonic Yandere Nanami/Higuruma Drabble Angst
Hazbin Hotel crew with Bill Cipher Reader
Hazbin Hotel crew with Hunter TOH Reader
Yandere Mephisto Pheles x Willing! Witch! Reader
SatoSugu x Bully! Reader (continuation of a Drabble)
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Scarlet Witch! Reader
Lucifer, Satan, Mephisto and Shiro with a half demon Reader crushing on them
would react Rin, Renzo, Juuzou to finding out their crush is a half demon?
General Dating Headcanons of Higuruma
Yandere Nobara Kugisaki Drabble
Platonic Nanami x Adoptive Daughter Reader
Lancelot x depressed Luz! Reader
Yandere Choso x Rosa Reader (OC)
Amity, Luz and Hunter with an Angel Dust! Reader
Yandere Lucifer/Mephisto and Amaimon Headcanons with half demon Reader (individual)
Yandere Giyuu Tomioka x Kianna Reader (OC) Drabble
Platonic Yandere Winry Rockbell x aprentice Reader
Platonic Roy Mustang x Sibiling Reader Drabble
Yandere! Evil! Mark Grayson/Invincible x Little Sibiling! Reader
Mark Grayson/ Invincible x Raven! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Yui Komori! Reader
Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric and Ling Yao x Reader with a Twin
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xjulixred45x · 21 hours
I'll do✨ and thank You❤️
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xjulixred45x · 1 day
My Sis make a Desing for Morgan of the RE-IMAGINATION of Wish! It's Awesome! I LOVE IT!!
Also, the most bastard of the bastards🤣love it
We talked about how Morgan was desinged to be The total oppositive of Mangifico, not only in personality, but in appereance too, Magnifico has short and good hair, Morgan long and tangled, Mangifico really dosen't use jewelry of any kind(besides His married ring), Morgan use Gold and a Lot of accesories, Magnifico uses mainly white and light colors, Morgan uses black, etc.
Like the Classic villains, Morgan wears a shade of green(but this is also bc he is kind of based on another oc i have that i Will show up these days) and it's to 1- Match His eyes and 2- highlight when he uses His Magic, which is also green.
His hair is a Mess, long and tangled, but it also appears to look like a mane(like Scar, por example) and His eyes, Even if tired, are pretty sharp. He looks like some kind of Predator.
If i have to put His personality in a nustrel, i would Say he is like a King Magnífico that is ACTUALLY evil, mixed with Maleficent and some Úrsula. He has flow. And it's pretty good at singing.
His Voice is like Mister Hyde or, in a more "Disney" way, Steven Rodríguez (Poseidón of Epic the Musical).
Soon i will show MY Morgan(not from Wish, but from Danny's World :3)
¡Mi hermana hace un diseño para Morgan de la RE-IMAGINACIÓN de Wish! ¡Es impresionante! ¡¡ME ENCANTA!!
Además, al más bastardo de los bastardos🤣 me encanta.
Hablamos de cómo Morgan fue diseñado para ser el opuesto total de Mangifico, no solo en personalidad, sino también en apariencia, Magnifico tiene cabello corto y lindo, Morgan largo y enredado, Mangifico realmente no usa joyas de ningún tipo (aparte de su anillo de matrimonio), Morgan usa oro y muchos accesorios, Magnifico usa principalmente blanco y colores claros, Morgan usa negro, etc.
Al igual que los villanos clasicos, Morgan usa un tono de verde (pero esto también se debe a que está basado en otro personaje que tengo y que apareceré estos días) y es para 1- Combinar sus ojos y 2- resaltar cuando usa Su Magia, que también es verde.
Su cabello es un desastre, largo y enredado, pero también parece una melena (como Scar, por ejemplo) y sus ojos, aunque cansados, son bastante agudos. Parece una especie de depredador.
Si tengo que poner su personalidad en un nustrel, diría que es como un Rey Magnífico que es REALMENTE malvado, mezclado con Maléfica y algo de Úrsula. Tiene flow. Y es bastante bueno cantando.
Su Voz es la de Mister Hyde o, de forma más "Disney", la de Steven Rodríguez (Poseidón de Epic the Musical).
Pronto mostraré MI Morgan (no de Wish, sino de Danny's World :3)
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Con el permiso de @xjulixred45x he hecho el diseño del villano de su rewrite,¡saluden al más bastardo de los bastardos! Morgan✨️
No me corresponde hablar mucho de el(ese es el trabajo de julix)pero puedo decir que su rol como villano es BRUTAL, también puedo decir que me inspire en los villanos clásicos de disney para hacer su diseño,mis principales inspiraciónes fueron jafar,ursula,scar y hades,también me inspire en morgana le fay de las leyendas arturicas(de ahí el nombre).
En fin,el villano que merecíamos en el aniversario número 100 de disney☹️
With the permission of @xjulixred45x I have made the design of the villain of her rewrite, say hello to the most bastard of bastards! Morgan✨️
It's not my place to talk much about him (that's Julix's job) but I can say that his role as a villain is BRUTAL. I can also say that I was inspired by the classic Disney villains to make his design. My main inspirations were Jafar, Ursul, Scar and Hades, I was also inspired by Morgan le Fay from the Arthurian legends (hence the name).
Anyway, the villain we deserved on Disney's 100th anniversary ☹️
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xjulixred45x · 1 day
I NEED IT!!!!! Bad moment to live in latinoamérica😭
¡¡LO NECESITO!!! Mal momento para vivir en LATAM 😭
It’s so ugly yet cute at the same time, idk how to explain. Update: It’s 20 cm!!
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xjulixred45x · 1 day
Mhin accidentally walks in on mc changing:
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
WISH: the power of Wishes (RE-IMAGINATION)
okay, I know that many people have already done this, but I want to make my own version of this and above all do my bit for Magnífico Stands (the only salvageable character in the entire movie) and instead of just using the original concepts of the work (which is great) i wanted to mix both the concepts that i liked from the final work and the discarded concepts. we'll see.
First of all, Magnifico would not be the villain, nor would Queen Amaya. Is it simply too much to ask for a king/queen who truly cares about their people in a sincere way and does not want to harm them? although there would be a fixed villain. But I'll leave it for later. Asha and her family remain the same, except that Asha never really considered the stories her father told her about the stars as something real and thought it was another way of referring to the Magnificent King's wishes. which encouraged more fanaticism for him. I think Asha would be more studious, not exactly a book eater, but someone who has many hyper fixations and wants to know absolutely everything about those topics that she is passionate about. which causes some distance between her and boys her age. I mean, his clumsiness is a little more justified (maybe he's even neuro divergent? but I'll leave it ambiguous). Thanks to this and her somewhat more theatrical personality (which we see at the beginning of the movie), Asha participates in various activities to help the inhabitants of Rosas. In this way we would be introduced to the utopian way of life of the kingdom and perhaps even to Asha's few friends. I think that of his group of friends the only relevant ones would be Daliah and MAYBE Simon. Daliah would have a disability that makes her use a crutch (as in one of the old concepts) and she is like a book worm, she and Asha probably met because they had many hyperfixations in common. Simon dreams of being a knight of the kingdom, so he and Asha bond by having similar goals and helping each other achieve them. (Asha and Daliah even help Simón train and encourage him 😭Simon helps Asha get jobs). In general they are a fairly united group. then the main plot of the movie begins, Asha wanting to be Magnífico's apprentice, BUT not because of her Grandpa! But she genuinely wants to use magic to make her family's life easier by being just her and her mother (they're not going to put a 90-year-old man to work) and take better care of them. message about family in your face. The entire At All Costs sequence occurs but with a different context, not only does Magnífico open up to Asha but she also opens up and tells the above, that since her father died she feels that she has to do something to improve the life of her family, take care of them as best you can. generating not only empathy on our part but also on Magnifico. thus becoming his official apprentice. (no, here there is no problem with returning the wishes or anything else, because probably having removed the filling it could be explained in more detail why several dangerous wishes should not be fulfilled.
As an extra fact: I like to think that desires can also disappear on their own when they are fulfilled without the need for Magnifico, simply to give it a little more weight)
Asha and her acquaintances are obviously very happy, and proceed to have certain interactions with Queen Amaya, perhaps just giving more lore about her and Magnifico (God knows we needed it) and even about the founding of Rosas itself and the Magic sistem.
I like to thing wish Sistem of Magic is a mix between The Owl House and Harry Potter.
This would be where the villain would be mentioned for the first time (mention, not appearance), who would be the one who destroyed the Old Village of Magnífico. For now I'll just call him Morgan (like, Morgan Le fay). and then there is the matter of the star. It seems to me that both Magnifico and Asha would be interested in this type of magic to prove ancient myths about stars, so they spend several weeks working on ways to "bring" a star to Magnifico's laboratory. First they study in depth Astronomy, alchemy, traditional magic and then they go to the attempts. **funny sequence of all the failed attempts to lower the star from the sky** I think there would come a time where Asha would even stay the night in the castle to be able to investigate Magnífico's books because her attempts failed and they are both super sleepless. There may even be a cute moment where Asha falls asleep in the castle so Amaya and Magnifico give her a blanket and pillow to make her comfortable (these two are so cute, I can't----) and Magnifico, searching for more books, ends up coming across the forbidden book. the book he took from his old town... that belonged to Morgan. Now, I imagined a whole Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde-like sequence with this(this was so long i'm sorry) Magnífico tempted to use the book, but as soon as he remembers everything that that same book provoked, what that book TOOK FROM him, it goes away, but he starts to reflect, if it is really good to keep that reminder, that constant nightmare, if he does well. and then (perhaps due to lack of sleep or a materialization of the book) Morgan appears. mocking him, laughing at him, like do you really think you will ever be free from what HE did? from all the damage he caused? He will NEVER be free of it. and Magnifico obviously denies this! Morgan should be dead now, this is just a bad dream. but "Morgan" lets him know that as long as he lives he will always be "there." Magnifico only sees it as all the damage he caused, he lets him know, that when he can completely get rid of his book, there will be no trace of it. That he'll be forgotten. Morgan makes it clear that he will never leave him, THAT HE WILL STAY no matter what he says while he struggles with Magnifico for the book.
AND WHEN MAGNIFICO HAS THE BOOK IN HIS HANDS HE SEE IN HIS REFLECTION THAT HE HAS GREEN EYES WHILE MORGAN SAYS THAT HE WILL BLOOM LONG AFTER HE IS GONE IF HE DECIDES TO FOLLOW HIS PATH (use dangerous magic, the star)... Magnificent knows Morgan well, he needs him to survive, he is a PARASITE, he may not be able to control him, but he will definitely rejoice when he knows that Morgan took his last breath. TRAUMA TIME, "Morgan" showing Magnífico a hallucination of how he destroys 1- the kingdom of roses 2- its inhabitants and 3- AMAYA. f for Magnifico. Magnificent, he's had enough of this, he just curses Morgan one last time, sending him to hell and throwing his book into the fire, which rises above his castle with a green flame... MEANWHILE Asha, still half asleep, settles in as she thinks about her failure with the star again, as she looks out the window at the northern stars, and JUST out of habit, she wishes she wished she could have one of those, so she could help people. and ZASSS! Before she realizes it, a great light appears in the room that almost blinds her and when she regains her composure she is a small creature! What a magic dust! A funny moment that my sister came up with for the inclusion of Star Boy is that Asha gave the star a simple nickname "little guy" and the star decided to change shape back into His kind of human boy😅 In any case, Magnífico hears the confusion and, with his adrenaline high, runs to see Asha and discovers a fucking star boy in his palace. He's shocked, obviously, but now he's much more cautious than before (lack of sleep + ptsd). I think it would take a moment with Amaya to calm down a little, remind him that he is not Morgan and that he would never use magic to hurt its habitants, and to get some sleep (another Amaya moment x Magnifico YEY!) Anyway, Asha, Amaya and Magnifico trying to teach Star boy the basics of human culture while figuring out how exactly it works without being too invasive.
But Star Boy dosen't make it easy, being kind of a knew-it-all(a little arrogant?), messing up some of the tries of Magnífico and Asha of get test material. Things like that.
I don't Even think he knows how frágile humans are at the Start, so it would take a little...incident to make him realize that. But definitely flying dust would be something fun 😝 I think Asha would have several moments with Star Boy showing her the kingdom of Rosas, just trying to use his magic for good and teach him human things.
But at the same time is hard with Someone who's never been with humans before, so when he tries to do something that Asha thinks is "good for the people" Star Boy misunderstand and end up doing something wrong, like grouwing too much the tries to the point the people can't reach them to get fruit, turn the water in ice for fun, etc. Her friends join in! but at the same time I think that some (especially Dalilah) would feel half done by having a new new person in the group (who is literally from another world).
Daliah Even Starts ti believe that Star Boy could be kind of dangerous, specially if she ever sees him mad, he literally is making a disaster without intention, what would happen if he DOES have intention?
But Asha tries to ressur her that Star Boy is not malicous, but just naive, and unexpefienced, and he's trying to learn! Trying to be better.
It would be Even better if Someone endup hurt or Asha almost gets hurt so Star Boy Star to realize, well, MORTALITY, and tries to make up what he did wrong And control better His own Magic. With the proper support ofc. which causes Daliah to distance herself a little while Asha and Star boy have their well-deserved romance (at all cost reprise? at all cost reprise) and Simon continues training hard to be a knight.
Daliah feels insecure around Star Boy, even if he is more careful and empathetic now, she definitely got the impression that his magic is dangerous, but does she feel guilty for distrusting Asha like that, for feeling jealous? so he is going to reflect alone.. That's when he runs into Morgan, probably while on the outskirts of Rosas. and in a certain way when they meet they have some worrying interactions. Morgan gets Daliah to tell him that she feels insecure about her friendship with someone and the whole thing, that she feels like someone is dangerous but they don't believe her, etc. Morgan, with a master's degree in Manipulation, tells her something personal to gain her trust, how he used to be seen as similar to where he came from, how he took refuge and distanced himself from everyone because he didn't fit in, how he had to find his own way of standing out, like her. It sounds like a very Evil Like me moment to me. I mean, Morgan manipulating Dalilah in an emotional moment by being passive aggressive and at the same time being "empathetic." You may even not only try to convince him to see his friends differently, but also his desires. Doesn't that seem archaic to you? Don't you think that having someone who fulfills your desires is something horribly selfish? Like? Are people going to learn if there is no pain involved? (a philosophy...valid, but taken to the extreme) Thanks to this, Daliah begins to hang out with her friends less, but with Star Boy around, they don't realize it at first. Star Boy and Asha do some experiments with their magic for Rosas' benefit, with good results, Magnifico is even being friendlier with him and not as tense. everything seems to be going well... but then Magnifico notices that some wishes have... disappeared. and in the distance, you can see a light on the outskirts of Rosas... a green light... oh no, no no no no- it has to be a mistake- a coincidence- The scene is made where help is sought from the town to find the traitor who stole the wishes, the people are worried, and they are attentive. Asha and Star Boy are confused: why would someone steal the wishes if only Magnifico can fulfill them? There is no way to know who it was? How could he get into the palace? Daliah seems especially distressed, it almost seems like she wants to approach Queen Amaya to tell her something. but at the last moment he decides not to and runs away. Asha and Star Boy get worried and go after her, following her through Rosas until they reach the outskirts of the kingdom. and that's when they see it. Morgan. He has his mirror scepter, Daliah is in front of him, tired from running.
Morgan has several orbs around him, stained and withered, it takes Asha a second to realize they are WISHES. THE LOST WISHES, HE WAS INFECTING THEM..
Now, two possible ways this could end. one attached to the film, another more of my own interpretation. The one attached to the movie is that, Morgan uses his powers augmented by wishes and manages to temporarily absorb Star Boy, and with his powers he manages to keep the entire kingdom of Rosas under his thumb. even Mangifico (maybe controlling it and only true love's kiss can break it?). but Asha, using what Magnifico taught her, manages to make a collective spell to summon the star and thus weaken Morgan, allowing the wishes to leave him and Star Boy using his powers/Magnifico to lock him in the mirror of his scepter. My own interpretation would be that Morgan would rather use people's fears, using their Wishes as a base, infecting them and in a certain way controlling them (and taking away vitality from the people of Rosas). that is the source of the power of evil, fear and ignorance. Then the people of Rosas, seeing that they are all weakened and that the wishes make Morgan stronger, decide to give the remaining wishes to Magnifico and Asha, so that they can recover and be able to face Morgan. Just saying that not only do they not need the physical desire for it to be fulfilled, but they will work to make it happen all together, now the COLLECTIVE desire is to defeat the villain. and thus they manage to give a Power Up to both Asha and Magnifico to fight with Morgan and thus free Star Boy, who similarly ends up locking Morgan in the mirror forever. In the end there is almost no wish left intact, Rosas is a mess, but now they have a new aura of optimism, of desire to try, to work to improve, the people decide to help with their own hands instead of just using magic. There could be a time skip for when Rosas is completely rebuilt, there could be more equity in magical and non-magical users, people no longer depend so much on their desires and work as a team with the few sorcerers there are to make everything better. Asha is Magnifico's official successor, so she is crowned princess of Rosas. while Amaya and Mangifico teach new, younger magic users. Simon is a guard, Dahlia found a way to feel complete in her own way (maybe working with Asha's mom) Star Boy and Asha together, as well as Amaya and Magnifico. In general the message would be that there are dreams that are selfish and that can lead to destruction, that should not be pursued. While there are dreams that are sincere but you have to work for them, everything you can, even if you need help to fulfill them, it is up to YOU to make it happen. and like that, this story is over. END
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
This was by long shot the LARGEST work i Ever done, but i hope You guys like it.
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
Azure Lion(LMK) x Penélope (Epic the musical) Lectora(TRADUCCIÓN)
jajajajaJAJAJA ¿CREISTE QUE HABIA ACABADO CON MIS TRABAJOS DE MONKEY KID/ EPIC THE MUSICAL?¡creíste mal!¡tengo este bajo la manga y definitivamente es mi favorito!
Imagínate a Azure Lion con una lectora similar a Penelope.
tipo, lectora podria ser parte de la realeza de alguna familia importante entre los celestiales, pero a diferencia de ellos queria cambiar las cosas haciendo algo significativo aun si era desde la posición politica, o incluso puede ser pariente de alguno de los miembros de la vieja hermandad(¿algun demonio talvez?)
el punto es que Azure se termina interesando en lectora no inicialmente por su apariencia despampanante, sino por su mente y su gran capacidad para la política, siendo el mismo alguien que no le gusta recurir a la violencia de no ser necesario, ve la adicion de lectora como algo muy bueno para el grupo.
y pese a ser significativamente mas débil que el resto del grupo, lectora sabe como manejarse con sus compañeros, lo que soprende bastante a Azure teniendo en cuenta sus antecedentes de nobleza (especialmente si son humanos/mortales). pero le da una mejor comprensión de su nueva camarada.
(Peng y Tusk hicieron apuestas para ver cuanto tiempo tardaba Azure en caer por "la princesa", apostaron 4 meses y un año respectivamente, Peng gano, y como le encanta presumir eso)
en general tendrian una relación muy amorosa, algo asi como dinamica de un fiel caballero, y lectora siendo directamente de la realeza. ambos se entienden no solo a nivel intelectual sino a nivel espiritual.
Azure sabe muy bien de no subestimar a lectora, pero definitivamente esta mas que dispuesto a defenderla si es necesario sl ver la clara desventaja que hay entre ella y sus otros enemigos.
creo que se monstraria mas cuando la hermandad construye su propia ciudad, Carme Ridge. lectora y Azure se acentarian mas e incluso podrian empezar una familia (o incluso el hijo que tengan podria ser solo de lectora), en general todo estaba llendo demaciado bien.
pero claro, habia que ponerle un alto a Azure y el drenado de energia de la ciudad. pero entonces me preguntó...¿y si la ciudad siguiera funcionando sin la hermandad?¿y si lectora justamente mantuviera la ciudad a flote?
aqui es cuando entra la canción The Challenge, de Epic.
digamos que lectora se hizo cargo de la ciudad en ausencia de Azure(y que de alguna forma se convirtió en un ser lonjevo) y logro que Carme Ridge pasara desapercibida para el reino celestial, pero siguiera siendo un buen lugar para vivir lejos de los dioses. crio a su hijo como pudo(tambien super lonjevo, como Redson talvez) y ej general todo está estable.
¿el unico problema? la insistencia de que alguien ocupe el lugar de Azure como lider de la ciudad y su esposo. que genera muchos pretendientes insistentes que la atosigan, abusan de la hospitalidad de la familia real, incluso llegando a faltarle el respeto al hijo de lectora.
lectora mantiene la cabeza en alto, no dejara que unos brutos manchen el legado de su esposo y sus hermanos, pero cada dia estan mas impacientes, mas insistentes, enojados...no sabe cuándo estallaran.
aunque ella ha logrado mantenerlos a raya con algunos trucos, como decir que elegiria marido tan pronto terminara el bordado de un Hanfu para su hijo, cociendo por el dia y deshaciéndo su trabajo en la noche, esto le gano algo de tiempo, pero no es nada permanente.
una parte de ella solo quiere que Azure vuelva y arregle este desastre. aun si ella puede llevar esta ciudad a la prosperidad, Azure le hacia feliz.
entonces justamente Azure logra salir del Inframundo, ya cuando libera a Tusk y Peng, se dirigen a Carme Ridge, soprendidos de ver las buenas condiciones en las que esta la ciudad. pero se entiende cuando se enteran que lectora ha estado cuidando de todo.
AHORA, definitivamente el hecho de que Azure habria salido del inframundo probablemente genero ciertas anomalias, algo que hizo que lectora viera y dijera "...mh...esto es inusual...¿Azure?" y justamente decidiera tomar el asunto en sus propias manos, le comprara mas tiempo.
¿como? justamente como en la canción The Challenge, dando un reto que solo AZURE podria hacer, talvez hacer un swing con una de sus viejas espadas(super grande) y cortar 12 filas de Bamboo, solo quien lo hiciera seria digno de reinar Carme Ridge **guiño**
Todos lo intentan, todos fracasan, incluso su hijo(pero lo hace con mas gracia que todos).
AHORA, la razon por la que se me ocurrio hacer esto. imagínate a Azure oculto con la hermandad viendo como se desarrolla el reto, disgustado de ver como estos hombres tratan a su esposa e hijo, pero en cuanto lectora suelta la frase "--porque prefiero MORIR que envejecer sin el MEJOR DE USTEDES" y mira directamente a AZURE, como si supiera por puea adivinanza que es el(talvez por cuestiones prsctias estaria con algun Glamour) y simplemente --GHAAAAAAA
no se si Azure estaria dispuesto a aplicar un KING y hacer una matanza contra los pretendientes, pero definitivamente lo haria si ellos quisiera hacer un Hold them down a su esposa e hijo(ya sabes, matar al niño y hacer...cosas horribles con su esposa), ahi si estaria todo "la paz nunca fue una opcion🗡️" y Tusk y Peng le respaldan.
el reencuentro seria tan lindo🥺 diria que es similar a cuando DBK se libro de LBD y IronFan le decia como "ha regresado a ella", esa es lectora, y Azure solo esta tan feliz de finalmente estar en casa :,)
(solo para aclarar, aqui no muere:'D por el bien de mi corazón, talvez haga una segunda parte desde la perspectiva del hijo, pero vere).
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
Yui in pants!?
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
Random but can I ask you to name five reasons why you hate sejij
I hate him too but I'm honestly curious
I don't hate Seiji persey but i definiently hate what Rejet Made of him😭
If i have the 5 reasons it would be
1- he's canon a kind of neglective Father, he let Yui alone most of her childhood, which can lead to sociallity and isolation problems(that would be worse after the SakaJerks).
2- in the first Game he's Just kinda...stupid. i mean, You would REALLY send your DAUGHTER to a place with people You really don't know?? FROM THE CHURCH?
3-If we go for the route that he did on proupose send Yui with the SakaJerks, it's enough reason to hate him(personally i don't think so, there some evidence from the games and manga that shows that Seiji tries to save Yui).
4-The Lost Eden Dark End of Subaru, really Rejet, WTF?
5- i think we missed a HUGE OPORTUNITY of having another protagonist for Diabólik Lovers, not as a Romance Game, but as a Horror Game from Seiji persoective(imagine, being a vampire Hunter in reseach of your Daughter who was send to be vampires dinner, thanks to an organization YOU BEEN WORKING FOR YEARS OF SACRIFACIAL BRIDES). I overal hate the WASTED potential.
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
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Kianna: Ha?
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run girl run!
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
I need to ask from morbid curiosity mostly. I have heard of diabolic lovers mostly from top 10 unfortunately not good ones. What are your unadulterated thoughts on the brothers?
I have talked individually of Subaru and Reiji, and there is a post where i Say which Diaboy i HATE the most, but i Guess is therapeutic talk shit about them all :)
in order from oldest to youngest, not in order from worst to """best"""
Carla to me is practically a P3d0, and it's worse if we consider that canonically she likes Yui to call her "Onichan"🤮 and he's such a son of a bitch, he tortured her SO MUCH (along with Shin) that it made her think about COMMITTING SUICIDE. a scourge
Shin is the definition of Carla's lapdog, and since he has the power he feels comfortable mistreating everyone (but if they were stronger? He comes out with his tail between his legs) GOD THE SCENE WHERE HE MAKES YUI LICK HIS OWN BOOTS. just as bad as his brother. Only he's not a fetishist.
Shu just seems boring and bland to me, I'm sorry I can't say much about a character who literally does NOTHING. Her background is fine, but I think she was very wasted on a character in a bad story.
Reiji IS A SON OF A BITCH, he not only decided to kill his brother's friend BUT THE ENTIRE VILLAGE, OUT OF JEALOUSY, and on top of that kill his mother who wasn't even abusive (compared to the other two, she was quite loving). honestly an idiot.
Ayato is unbearable, I just can't stand him, he acts like a little child. apart from the fact that he is the one who objectifies Yui the most and who insults her the most along with Kou. without forgetting that he is considered the "hero" of the franchise😑
Kanato is all of the above combined in an amorphous and delusional mass in believing that he is the victim and that he is right in everything, being also a necrophiliac and cannibal, there is no need for me to say more.
Laito is, sadly, one of the best written in the entire franchise but at the same time he is a FIRST DAMN, he was the first to cause Yui's suicidal ideas, apart from the fact that HE IS a sex offender who should stay away from people .
Subaru is a hothead who gives me certain Incel vibes, he believes that all women are equal and that gives him the right to treat everyone like shit and be physically violent. Even if he has the most "justified" trauma next to Laito, it doesn't make him any less of a horrible person.
Ruki is simply a control freak who, since he is now a vampire, believes he is above everyone else and is honestly a second Reiji but with a cheap background. but he has my eternal hatred for the cat.
Yuma just doesn't catch my attention beyond his design and being just as aggressive as Subaru, he has literally beaten Yui to death in almost all of her endings. I don't like.
Kou is INSUFFERABLE and eager, not only for being so materialistic but for the way he messes with Yui's self-esteem makes my heart bleed.
Azusa is a MANIPULATOR, no matter who it hurts, he literally Guilt Trips Yui to make her hurt him! and then he cuts her! He might be the "Best" but he is still trash.
Kino is similar to Kanato in that he is spoiled and a horrible being at the same time, he has no consideration for those other than him and that makes him DESPICABLE ON HIS ROUTE, he literally killed a child in front of Yui so that he would not try to escape . it's bullshit.
Overall, I think that would be it. They're all trash, but different trash.
en orden de mayor a menor, no en orden de peor a """mejor"""
Carla para mi es prácticamente un P3d0, y es peor si consideramos que canónicamente le gusta que Yui le llame "Onichan"🤮 y es tan hijo de puta, la torturo TANTO(junto a Shin) que le hizo pensar en SUICIDARSE. una lacra.
Shin es la definición de perro faldero de Carla, y como tiene el poder se siente comodo con maltratar a todos(pero si fueran mas fuertes? el sale con la cola entre las patas)DIOS LA ESCENA EN LA QUE HACE QUE YUI LE LAMA LAS BOTAS. igual de malo que su hermano. solo que no es un fetichista.
Shu simplemente se me hace aburrido y soso, lo siento no puedo decir mucho de un personaje que literal no hace NADA. su trasfondo esta bien, pero creo que fue muy desaprovechada en un personaje en una mala historia.
Reiji ES UN HIJO DE PERRA, no solo decidio matar al amigo de su hermano SINO A TODA LA VILLA, Por CELOS, y encima de eso matar a su madre que nisiquiera era abusiva(en comparación a las otras dos, era bastante amorosa). sinceramente un imbécil.
Ayato es insoportable, simplemente no me lo puedo aguantar, actua como un niño pequeño. aparte de que es quien mas cosifica a Yui y de los que mas la insulta junto a Kou. sin olvidar que es considerado el "héroe" de la franquisia😑
Kanato es todos los anteriores combinados en una masa amorfa y delirante en creer que es la víctima y que tiene la razon en todo, siendo también un necrofilico y canibal, no hace falta que diga mas.
Laito es, tristemente, uno de los mejor escritos de toda la franquicia pero que al musmo tiempo es un MALDITO DE PRIMERA, fue el primero en causar las ideas suicidas de Yui, aparte de que ES un delincuente sexual que deberia manterse lejos de las personas.
Subaru es un hiracundo que me da ciertas vibras de Incel, cree que todas las mujeres son iguales y que eso le da el derecho a tratar como la mierda a todos y ser físicamente violento. aun si tiene el trauma mas "justificado" junto a Laito, no le hace menos de una persona horrible.
Ruki simplemente es un maniático del control que como ahora es un vampiro cree estar por arriba de los demas y sinceramente es un segundo Reiji pero con trasfondo barato. pero tiene mi odio eterno por lo del gato.
Yuma simplemente no me llama la atención mas alla de su diseño y ser igual de agresivo que Subaru, literalmente ha matado a Yui en casi todos sus finales a golpes. no me gusta.
Kou es INSUFRIBLE y con ganas, no solo por ser tan materialista sino por la forma ej la que se mete con el autoestima de Yui hace que me sangre el corazón.
Azusa es un MANIPULADOR, le duela a quien le duela, el literalmente le hace Guilt Triping a Yui para que lo lastime! y encima después la corta el!
Kino es similar a Kanato con lo de ser un mimado y un horrible ser al mismo tiempo, no tiene consideración por quienes no sean el y eso lo hace alguien DESPRECIABLE EN SU RUTA, literalmente mato a un niño enfrente de Yui para que no intentara escapar. es una mierda.
en general, creo que eso sería todo. Todos son basura, pero diferente basura.
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
My girl get away from that trash and marry me
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Me fr
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
He was always a disgusting person
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I like the theories/aus where he loves Yui, but in the Game he is an ASSHOLE
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xjulixred45x · 4 days
Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children
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xjulixred45x · 6 days
A Reel i Made for Instagram of how the relationship of Danny with her Father is❣️
💙as implied, Danny and Dan are going through a difficult time, both emotionally and financially. You could say that someone who hurt his family a lot is going to have an appeal in the events of the story, so the tension is HIGH in all the Floating Cities (since this person hurt a lot of MANY people) and it is especially difficult for Danny because she couldn't give a proper grieff.
💙 Dan is no better, he has to deal with a certain salary gap that (like No-Mag) does not allow him to charge beyond a certain amount that does not cover more than the basics, so he is forced to reduce several things his daily life so that Danny lives comfortably.
💙Despite everything, Dan and Danny have a good relationship, they see themselves as a team. They have both been through the same thing so they know they are devastated, they try to support each other as much as possible (Dan working and Danny returning to studying normally).
💙before all, Dan was much happier, obviously. This is less important, but I thought it would be nice. Dan used to give Danny a Pixxie haircut and because of that she earned a nickname with her family.
💙Dan and Danny enjoy watching sitcoms together, sometimes even horror movies (nothing too Gore, Dan can't handle it) and generally having a nice father-daughter afternoon.
💙Dan is usually very supportive of Danny's powers! When it was colder than usual in "Alvaluz" he took her to parks or lakes so they could skate together, this way they had fun and Dan taught her ways to handle herself without magic in his style.
just...the two of them being a healthy father and daughter duo.
Un Reel que hice para Instagram de como es la relación de Danny con su padre❣️
💙cómo se deja implícito, Danny y Dan están pasando por un momento difícil, tanto emocional como financiero. se podría decir que alguien que lastimo mucho a su familia va a tener una apelación en los eventos de la historia, por lo que la tensión es ALTA en todas las Ciudades Flotantes (ya que está persona lastimo a mucha MUCHA gente) y es especialmente difícil para Danny porque ella no pudo dar un Lugo adecuado.
💙 Dan no está mejor, que tiene que lidiar con cierta brecha salarial que (como No-Mag) no le permite cobrar más allá de cierta cantidad que no da para más que lo básico, por lo que se ve obligado a rebajar varias cosas de su vida diaria para que Danny vivía cómodamente.
💙Pese a todo, Dan y Danny tienen una buena relación, se ven como un equipo. ambos han pasado por lo mismo por lo que saben que están devastados, tratan de apoyarse en la medida de lo posible(Dan trabajando y Danny volviendo a estudiar normalmente).
💙antes de todo, Dan era bastante más alegre, obvio. esto tiene menos importancia, pero creía que sería lindo. Dan solía darle a Danny un corte de pelo tipo Pixxie y gracias a eso se ganó un apodo con su familia.
💙Dan y Danny disfrutan de ver sitcoms juntos, a veces incluso películas de terror(nada muy Gore, Dan no puede manejarlo) y en general pasar una linda tarde padre-hija.
💙¡Dan suele apoyar mucho los poderes de Danny! cuando habia más frío de lo usual en "Alvaluz" el la llevaba a parques o lagos para poder patinar juntos, de esta forma se divertian y Dan le enseñaba formas de manejarse sin magia a su estilo.
solo...los dos siendo un duo de padre e hija sanos.
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xjulixred45x · 6 days
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to all my mutuals and friends. im so sorry
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