#vash is smart boi
moodysnowflake · 1 year
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Oh yeah Nick.
Vash sniffed that from miles away, deadass stared at all your red flags, and thought "Mh, that's sexy".
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orcelito · 1 year
i do love that vash is the Definition of high int, low wis. he puts on the goofiness to get ppl to not pay attention to how absolutely Bonkers skilled he is so ppl just assume he's a dumbass. and like. he IS. in some ways. he is SUCH a dumbass. but he's an incredibly intelligent dumbass. he has layers.
#speculation nation#focusing on the wiki page's bit that says his IQ is higher than most humans#like YES he's a rabid little guy (big guy tbh) all bark no bite least intimidating motherfucker around (until he Gets Serious)#but he's also like. legit super sharp. like Geeze it takes me by surprise anytime i see it#if any1 thinks he's genuinely stupid. Pls. pls. pay attention. he is VERY smart.#he also is the kind of stupid where he would shoot a hole in a jelly donut#listen you can be highly intelligent and highly stupid at the same time. believe me. that is my entire existence.#me projecting onto vash in yet another way re: high int low wis#im a total dumbass & make all sorts of stupid decisions. many just for the fun of it#like how yesterday i sampled the hazelnut extract. despite knowing FULL WELL that sampling the rose and vanilla extracts#made my tongue numb. guess what happened when i tried the hazelnut extract?#if u guessed that it made my tongue numb. ur right!!! i had to go to the sink to rinse out my mouth just like i did with the rose n vanilla#did i know that was going to happen? yes! did i sample it anyways? YES! this is the kind of chaotic dumbass im talking about here#sometimes life is boring and you gotta do what u gotta do to get ur kicks ok.#vash is an immortal guy living his life trying to be underestimated so he doesnt have to get into fights#but pulling out the Big Guns (heh) if it comes down to it. and STILL manages to be skilled enough to keep it non-lethal#the fucking Precision he needs in order to shoot nonlethally with his pinpoint accuracy is Insane#ok im a wolfwood girlie first and foremost but the more i think about Vash the more im drawing hearts around him in my mind#i think. im more in love with trimax vash than tristamp vash is the thing. i love them both but FUCK dude#trimax vash is just. hooooooooooooo boy#just like wolfwood. i prefer trimax wolfwood over tristamp wolfwood. that's just the facts#idk where im going with this. im just drawing hearts in my mind's eye around them Both now. there is no downside
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
broke: vash was completely right n humans r deserving of love, despite all their flaws n wrongdoings. him enduring their abuse shows his kindness n tht hes a Good Person. he fights 4 whats right n is admirable n knives is completely wrong.
broke: knives was completely right bc his entire race was being enslaved n used, so he was justified in wanting 2 eliminate them as the entire human race, regardless of if they were directly tied 2 the plant experimentation, is complicit in the abuse of his race bc they use plant power also commit many atrocities. vash is protecting the v same ppl tht fucked them over n trampled on them n killed their sisters n vash is completely wrong n stupid 4 believing in humans so much.
true: BOTH of their viewpoints r taken 2 the extremes n it's not black n white. theyre both kind of right n wrong (tho kni is a Lot more selfish n morally reprehensible), n it's Meant 2 b tht way. u can find both of them fucked up/stupid 4 some of their actions n views bc theyre both in the technical wrong. u cant fault any1 4 leaning 2ward 1 side or the other bc both sides make their points n r justified, but take it 2 far. vash shouldnt continue 2 tolerate the venom n abuse thrown his way like a complacent dog n kni doesnt want tht 4 his brother n thinks of him as insane 4 just taking the abuse n even going back 2 those who abuse him n hes also right in tht all humans benefit from the suffering of his race but cant understand tht wiping out an entire planet's worth of mostly innocent ppl, even if they passively benefit, is fucked up n wrong bc they need power 2 survive n theyre doing what they can n taking what they can get.
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nanomooselet · 4 months
My Brother's Keeper (II)
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As in every version of the story, Vash only plays the fool. He is not one. Oblivious, hapless and harmless are always masks he wears. From beneath them, he susses out what Wolfwood is pretty much immediately.
Not that it was hard. The man's barely trying. And really, three days into the trip to July and a guy carrying a cross from Nai's freaky book suddenly shows up, walks off the trailer slamming into him, tries to separate Vash from the reporters, lectures him about killing to survive, makes just-kidding-or-am-I remarks about being an assassin, then finally reveals he's actually carrying an absurdly overpowered laser-cross-gun before inviting himself along for their quote-unquote "protection". Nevertheless he sticks almost exclusively by Vash, who is by a very, very, very wide margin the least in need of protection among them.
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Just in this scene his lighter has the Eye of Michael sigil on it and judging by the heap of butts, after picking tunnels for everyone to search (including one for him) he stayed right where he was and chain-smoked until Vash returned. Not too long afterwards Roberto abruptly and mysteriously vanishes, and Wolfwood tries to convince Vash the reporters must be dead. …Yeah, I guess that counts as subtle for someone who named himself Millions Knives, but c'mon. Knives thinks his stupid brother won't come to his party unless he's dragged there. Vash has a chaperone now whether he wants one or not.
If I were in Vash's situation I'd be quite annoyed. For fuck's sake, he's an adult. He's been one for over a century. He doesn't need a damn babysitter. And what kind of idiot sends an assassin to do that job?
Except... Knives somehow made the perfect choice in Nick.
Wolfwood's cynical rhetoric has no effect whatsoever on Vash's ideals and he's hardly any more effective at keeping Vash safe. Simply because Wolfwood's there, Zazie and Legato between them find excuses to endanger Vash, which is par for the course when Knives tries to "protect" him. No, what makes Wolfwood the best man for the job is something that may well have happened in spite of Knives, and it's this.
Regardless of his real age, at heart Nick is a kind but wounded boy who's only trying to protect his beloved family, especially his crybaby brother. He kills because he doesn't think there's any choice - he's ultimately a victim of indifferent circumstance. In a way, an innocent.
In Wolfwood Knives gave Vash everything Vash wants to believe is true of Knives himself. With all his heart, Vash wants his brother's cruelty and manipulation to be just... just some wildly misguided but sincere attempt to save the Plants, because he doesn't believe there can be any other way - but he'd be open to an alternative. Nai really does love Vash, just like Vash truly does love Nai, and Rem loved them both. His brother can't be a monster.
If he's smart and kind and strong and brave enough, if he can just overcome his fear, Vash is sure that he can help. He'd convince Nai that humanity doesn't have to die, it's just ignorance and crashing on this barren planet that made everyone's hearts so barren while they struggled to survive. They, the twins, can take responsibility for what they did and help Plants and humans to help each other. If they could do it together...
He could love his brother without it being so fucking painful. They could love each other without every encounter they have leaving more helpless people dead, more scars on Vash. From all that he's lost, he could salvage this one thing. He'd be so content with that. He's survived on much less. He ran before, but he'd stay this time, and for good. Neither of them would be alone. They'd have time.
On top of that, Vash needs to help people - it's what keeps him alive, and it makes him happy. Wolfwood needs someone who'll treat him like he's a person rather than a weapon, to remember that he doesn't have to be the Punisher. That's what keeps him alive. There's still a place for him in the world, even for what he's become.
If Vash can convince Wolfwood, his brother's agent, to accept that place... if he can help him... maybe he could do the same for his brother. Just as Luida did for Vash himself.
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And Wolfwood does a damn good job playing the part without even knowing that's what he's doing. Well, he knows he's protecting Vash, but all it's in how he does it.
JPN: You only get one life. You have to fight for it, no matter who you hurt in the process. There's no other way to survive.
ENG: You only get one life, y'know? Self-sacrifice might satisfy the ego, but don't throw your life away. Survival's everything.
This is advice you'd get from a brother. If one must die so another can live, I'd rather you live - so make sure of it. Dumbass. (It's also the final request Rem made of the twins: I want you two to survive./Try your very best to survive for me.) Maybe phrased bluntly and a bit abrasive, but not… insane. No weird sermons about crusades and fire from the sky, no verbal abuse or put-downs, no blame, no hurt. What's more, while Wolfwood does try to convince Vash to leave the reporters for dead, when Vash goes back for them Wolfwood bitches all the way but goes with him. He slices open the Grand Worm for them (though I think also to annoy Zazie). And after that, he clinches it by, of all things, trying to get Meryl to eat bugs.
You're not going so survive like that. Come on!/Are any of you freaks interested in survival? Come on! Open wide!
(This is totally irrelevant, but their stupid bickering in the background in the English dub is hilarious. Nick straight up says "I'm helping!" and adds something about how short Meryl is. Meryl starts protesting that she's a "perfectly average-sized woman." I bet they were unbearable in the truck.)
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Nai was always dismissive of, if not outright nasty about, Vash enjoying food he doesn't need. Nick gets it. Consuming food gives physical nourishment, and Plants don't need that to survive. But it's also togetherness, shared joy. Those are things both Plants and humans need, so it's not a 'waste'. We're more than merely serving a material purpose or function, even one that's self-declared. Even as Plants.
No matter how heavy a cross you carry, you still deserve to eat. You still deserve to laugh./Heh, no matter how heavy the cross is you carry, you deserve food. And to laugh.
Vash needed to hear that, or something like it. It's the kind of thing Rem used to say, the kind of thing Luida told him. (It's about everyone getting a share.) Meryl, though she cares for him, doesn't yet know how to break through Vash's rumination.
Nick's being a jackass older brother by happenstance, because he's letting down his guard. It's who he really is: kind of a silly kid who cares deeply about people and shows it by goofing off and pushing their buttons until they want to fucking kill him. But Vash would so relieved to have a brother who's just annoying about how much he cares. Who still cares enough to listen to his opinions, and to compromise when they disagree; who doesn't loathe the person Vash is because it's not what he thinks Vash should be. So Vash eats what Wolfwood offers, despite Roberto's warnings, extending his trust. Wolfwoof takes that in the spirit it was intended, a little shocked. Despite himself (and despite Zazie), he and Vash are genuine friends from this moment onward.
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Also Nick is having a ball bugging the shit out of Meryl. She's like three feet tall and so easy to piss off! Maybe if he tries hard enough he can make her head explode. Irritating the little sister mode: activate.
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That doesn't mean everything's love and peace, though.
Wolfwood's work isn't over yet. I think he's relieved Vash extended his trust both because, despite himself, Nick likes this dude (and that must have been an interesting realisation to come to about his sadistic boss's fluffy wuffy cotton ball of a twin brother) and because it makes his job easier. But now he's emotionally invested. He shouldn't be. He can't be. Zazie reminded him why, can see it in [his] eyes. The last person who cared like this was Livio.
Again, Vash isn't stupid. He does care about Nick as a person, not a surrogate Nai, just as he cares about everyone; it's why he's so easy to love and so, so many people have come to love him. (Precious darling boy.) Nevertheless, there are gaps between what Vash needs from Nick and what Nick is capable of giving. And there's one huge glaring difference between Wolfwood and Knives.
That difference meant the hope Vash came to have about confronting Knives in July was misplaced. He just couldn't have known until it was too late.
Part I
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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silentwhispofhope · 1 year
Could I get soooooome headcanons for Vash having a crush on a reader who is kinda sassy and tough and smart mouthed, but also super sweet and caring and goofy?
Like they are there to comfort him and care about him and others all the time but is ready to throw hands at the drop of a dime, or sasses or curses Nick out if he does something mean?
If that’s not something you wanna do that’s totally fine!
Vash just gives me “I love a person who could kick my ass….but wouldn’t” vibes 😂
A/N: Oooooo! I honestly this is such a great idea, and this type of person would be a great match with Vash! I’m totally not procrastinating from studying for my first biochem exam pshhhhh
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Vash Headcanons with a Tough but Sweet S/O
Your quips back at Wolfwood’s criticisms of him, pointing out the undertaker’s own contradictions, always make him feel better himself. It makes Vash feel like his own methodology isn’t completely wrong, even though he does know it can be flawed.
He’s also deeply grateful for you defending him. This poor boy has been chased away and betrayed by so many people, your trust in him makes him fall harder for you.
Vash knows you’d be willing to throw hands for him, but he tries to keep you from doing this as much as possible, often having to put a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. As much as he loves you, humans are much more fragile than Plants, and he would rather see you not get hurt.
He also appreciates that you know when to be brutally honest and when to give subtle lies. However, sometimes your mouth does get the two of you in trouble when you don’t hold back. Vash has to do damage control at that point to prevent the two of you from being kicked out of the bar or town.
Your tough love is also something that he needs. Your “nagging” about his latest injury makes him realize he does need to keep himself out of harm’s way as much as possible in order to help others. You also always give him a teasing little flick to his forehead after patching him up, which always makes him laugh in response, lifting the more serious atmosphere of the nagging session.
He loves when your goofy nature slips out. One of Vash’s favorite memories is when your dragged him away from the campfire to dance with him under the stars. The two of you have no idea what you’re doing, but the night ends with him picking you up and twirling you in the air and in a fit of giggles.
You once managed to find an old, battered pun/riddle book that managed to survive the whole journey from Earth. When it’s just the two you traveling to another town, you’ll try and read them to Vash. He knows the answer a majority of the time, but he doesn’t have the heart to ruin the little guessing game going on when your eyes shine that brightly.
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triplesilverstar · 5 months
Drinks and a spit roast, sounds fun
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Pairing: Vash X Wolfwood, Vash X F!Reader, Wolfwood X F!Reader,  Vash X F!Reader X Wolfwood
CW: Drinking, anxiety, PDA, dirty dancing, grinding, P in V sex, blow jobs, spit roasts, Bathroom sex, slight voyeurism, deep throating, cum swallowing
Word count: Roughly 8K
A/N: Chapter 9, where the three of you are celebrating the fact you have a new job and Nicholas is switching to days instead of nights. I wonder if the three of you will have a good time or not.
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As much as you might have felt uncomfortable waiting outside of a club for the other two to get out of the car, a throwback to what your Friday and Saturday nights had always entailed, being there with Vash and Nicholas had least helped settle your nerves. 
Your last few days at your previous job had been similar to your first day after you gave your notice, with everyone except upper management giving you the cold shoulder. The cat calls outside the building however were gone, though that might have had more to do with the fact either Nicholas or Vash dropped you off or picked you up.
So now it was Friday, and the moment you had stepped inside the apartment while Nicholas parked his bike you saw Vash sitting on the couch with his tablet out and felt your nerves flood your system. 
You must have made a noise as his face lifted from the screen in front of him, looking up in time to see your apprehensive face as you strode into the living room. “You know if you don’t want to go out tonight we don’t have to.” Closing the cover and quickly padding towards you and reaching out to cup your face in his palms. “I don’t want anyone uncomfortable just because I want us to go out.”
Your hands reach up to wrap around his wrists and smile at him in what you hope is reassuring. “It's not that I don't want to go Vash, it's just some hang-ups because of before. I really do want to go out tonight, you and Nico are so different from what I had before when didn’t have a real choice when I went out.” You don’t have to say anything more for Vash to understand what you mean, while you haven’t gone into a lot of detail the boys are pretty smart and don’t need you to spell it out for them.
Vash ducks his head down so his forehead is pressed against yours but he doesn’t do anything to either shake off your hands or remove them from his face. “You do now, and I don’t want you feeling like you have to come out with us. We can always celebrate your new job and Nico going to days here in the apartment.” 
His eyes are searching as if he’ll make the decision to stay in and the slightest drop or sense of you not wanting to go out. “No Vash. It’s fine really!” You’re pleading into his face hoping your breath doesn’t smell like your lunch as you talk to him with so little distance between your faces. “If anything maybe I’m a little nervous about what to wear because it used to be picked out for me.” Giving a little chuckle as you turn your face away, aware of the heat rising on your cheeks. 
“Well if you like I can help you pick something?” His voice is soft and you nod quickly, laughing a little as your head doesn’t move much with it still in Vash’s hands. “Let’s go see what’s in that wardrobe of yours sweetheart I know we can find something.”
A few hours later with supper in your stomach and the sun setting the three of you are climbing out of a cab, planned so that at the end of the night you don’t have to worry about Vash’s car. You don’t plan on getting drunk and neither do Vash or Nicholas but Nicholas was quick to point out this was the safest bet. Vash had tacked on he was just worried if they walked someone might hit on you with how sexy you looked which made you blush furiously.
Even if you thought the duo you were with were far better looking, Nicholas had pulled on a pair of black slacks with a white button-down shirt. One more button than was required was left undone as if to show off his chest which drew the eyes upwards to land on the leather choker he was wearing. You almost swooned in the apartment and you were hoping he’d leave it on for later because you were having dirty fucking thoughts about the tan man and using that choker like a collar. 
Vash on the other hand had on a pair of jeans that you might have thought were made around his legs for how tight they were leaving nothing to the imagination with a red t-shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair pushed back from his face for once and styled in spikes that seemed to defy gravity. Honestly, if you thought Nicholas was going to be the death of you Vash in his outfit might be an image from the afterlife with a promise of all your desires filled.
So with a skirt from your closet that Vash had pulled out right away as a suggestion and a lacy top, you felt underdressed compared to your company. It might be you chasing others away from the duo instead of them chasing others since you doubt you’ll be the one being flirted with tonight. 
Outside the cab and looking at the club that you’ve never been to with two ridiculously hot men has you feeling the nerves settle into your stomach again. It’s almost like Vash can sense your apprehension though, sliding his hand down your arm until his fingers are weaving between the smaller digits of your hand. “Come on Sweetheart, or our handsome Nico will leave us behind.” 
Nicholas lets out an annoyed grunt, waiting for the two of you to join him before approaching the doors. “Funny Vash, real funny.” Waving his hand as if to say for Vash to lead your little party and you find one of your eyebrows quirking upwards. This club has a bouncer and a wait line to get in but Vash is heading right for the burly man, and your nerves come back in the form of your hand gripping Vash’s just a little tighter. 
Stopping to look towards you and Nicholas who is close enough that you can feel the heat from his body against your back. “Something wrong? If you changed your mind we don’t have to go.” That reassurance of his is back and you let out a small airy laugh. 
“No. Just nervous about the bouncer, pretty sure we should be heading for the back of the line.” At that Nicholas snorts, squeezing your bare shoulder. 
“Trust me Little Bear, we’re getting in with no waiting. When you travel with us you get in no problem.” A wink and you want to roll your eyes, not feeling any better about what is going to happen but you trust the two of them. You’re going to enjoy telling them you told them so as Vash heads towards the door again. 
And you feel even more awkward when the bouncer reaches down to undo the snap of the rope that serves as a barricade with nothing more than a nod to Vash. Well and a poorly veiled sneer at Nicholas behind you. 
In all your life even with the so-called prestige that came with Henry you’ve never just walked into a club before. “What was that about?” 
“Rai-Dei and I used to work security jobs like this one together, so he might not like me but he’s not gonna make us wait in line.” Nicholas shrugged moving closer to you so you’d be able to hear him over the music that seeps from the walls just past the entrance that makes up the coat check.
“Oh, did you know he’d be working tonight?” Vash pats your arm as he slips away to turn in his jacket and you understand why, it’s already getting warm and you aren’t even in the main throng of bodies yet. 
“Happy coincidence.” Nicholas winks at you and you know you’re shaking your head because that wink says it all. It’s a nice feeling though knowing they planned this at least a little more than just a random outing.  
With Vash rejoining your little party of three made its way deeper into the club. Missing the way Nicholas dipped his head towards Vash as you walked just slightly ahead of them. “I have no idea how you get her in that skirt but fuck Vash.” Licking his lips as the fabric clung to your ass in a way that wasn’t helping his boner and he wished he had worn looser pants already. “It’s making it real hard to be a gentleman.” 
With a smirk on his face, Vash tilted his head and licked the edge of Nicholas’s ear playfully well aware anyone could see them. “I thought by now you’d know I have a way of making things happen.” Ever since Nicholas had made the comment about the skirt in the apartment Vash was bound and determined to get you in it for them. “And I know the feeling. I want to find a dark corner and just have her.”
“So what are we doing?” The sound of your voice pulls their attention back to you and away from the thoughts swirling in both of their heads about your lovely curves. 
“Drinks first?” Vash is quick to answer with a dazzling smile that charms you, never once thinking the blond might be up to something. With the throng of people at the bar Vash leans down to kiss the side of your mouth as Nicholas agrees. “You and Nico go grab a table, doesn’t make sense for the three of us to wait at the bar.” Plus Vash doesn’t need you seeing him or Nico getting preferential treatment at the bar because there's no way they won’t recognize their boss's twin. 
“Come on Little Bear.” Nicholas has his hand resting on your hip tapping a pattern to the beat and aiming for calming you. You might not have talked about it but he knows why you’re skittish, the fear of seeing someone from your old friend group coming and making trouble for you. When Vash had made the suggestion he had done a little bit of online stalking to see where the asshole of a boy that was your ex liked to go. “I see a table that should put a skip in Vash’s step.”
You chuckle as your hand lands on his and the coarse feeling of his fingers under yours. “Is there anything that doesn’t put a skip in his step?” It’s a valid question as the blond always seems to be a in good mood. Like he’s just high on life.
“Not that I’ve seen!” Letting Nicholas guide you to the table and you do your best to keep smiling and not letting your eyes dart around the room like a wild animal. You don’t have any reason to be this nervous, placing your hand on the table and hoping it hides the twitch of your fingers. The table isn’t far from the dance floor and you wonder if the duo likes to dance, Vash seems to be the type with his outgoing personality but Nicholas strikes you as the type that if he can it’s not something he does often. If at all. 
“This place is nice.” You’re trying to make small talk and Nicholas must sense you’re not feeling like yourself as he moves closer to you and keeps an arm around the small of your back. Nicholas does this for the dual purpose of physical comfort and he could already see a few wandering eyes running up and down your body, you might not have agreed to date them yet but he sure as hell isn’t letting anyone else touch you in that damn skirt that makes your butt look like a present.
“Yea, it’s not too big and it’s got a good layout for having a drink or two and maybe a little dancing.” 
“Oh?” You smile feeling part of his words rumble from his chest. “Does that mean you and Vash are gonna go be the center of attention?”
“Not me, but I get the feeling Vash will want to dance and it’s probably gonna be with you.” Dipping his head down for a chaste kiss to the edge of your cheek. “No way we’re leaving you all by your lonesome for someone to sweep you off your feet.” Winking at the end as he teases you. 
“Drinks!” You almost jump at how quickly Vash was at the bar, with a small tray in hand and three drinks on it. You could laugh at the neon drink that has to be for Vash as Nicholas reaches for his whiskey and you reach for your own preferred drink. Taking a sip and enjoying the slight burn on your tongue.  
It isn’t long before the three of you fall into much easier conversations about the week as your first round goes down, Nicholas slipping away and returning just in time with the second round for the three of you as you finish the last few drops from your first. 
You don’t want to say it’s cozy but it is nice to be out with the two of them away from the apartment now that you don’t feel as tense. It’s the same conversations you’d be having if you were home in your lounge clothes on the couch, well minus the raised voices over the music. Or how warm your body feels and you aren’t sure if it’s from the heat in the club with Vash and Nicholas each on one side of you or from the booze in your system. 
Lifting your glass Vash leans down as you take another mouthful of your drink and with the noise his lips are right against your ear. “Come dance with me?” Well, he didn’t need to get that close but you understand why with the way he whispered it against the skin, his upper lip brushing the shell of your ear and it sends a shudder through you. 
Taking a bigger swallow for that hit of liquid courage that you might not need after the first drink you look to Nicholas to see him leaning on the small bar table with a nod. Sometimes you think those two can talk without ever opening their mouths. Damn, that tanned man for being right about Vash wanting to dance with you though. “I’m not very good.” Your voice is a little louder to be heard over the music and it might be lost but you’re certain of the waiver in your words compared to moments before. 
“I don’t care, I just wanna dance with you and make a scene.” That doesn’t give you the warm and fuzzies but you slip your hand into his and let him lead you both to the floor while Nicholas watches with his whiskey in hand. 
Vash doesn’t tug you far before his steps slow and he's turning towards you and starts to move, far smoother than anyone else you’ve ever seen. It’s obvious immediately that the blond likes to dance as he moves, and you’re certain if anyone is watching they can pick up how awkward you feel. At least until Vash places his hand on your hip and moves in closer. “Just follow my lead if you feel comfortable.” 
Well, it’s not really following as he moves your body so subtly that it looks as if you are moving in time to the music with Vash. Either way, you find the anxiety that was bubbling inside of you slipping away as the music beats around your body. The bass drum in the music makes your chest thrum with the sound as it seems to vibrate through your muscles right down to your bones. It’s a feeling you don’t mind once in a while compared to having it every weekend. You do have to give it to the blond, he really is good at this switching his movements as the songs change. His hands wander along your body it isn’t long until your doing the same in smaller movements.
Eventually, you let yourself go and just move in time to the music, which isn’t hard to do with Vash in front of you. Those bright blue eyes watch your every movement and like this, you don’t miss every micro expression on his face. The widening of eyes when your hands get a little daring on his body, the flare of his nostrils when the scent of your perfume wafts towards him from someone walking close by. The quick bite of his lower lip when your thigh brushes his crotch and you feel the boner he’s sporting, that really makes you smile and boosts your confidence. 
Back at the table, Wolfwood is enjoying the show. Of course, Vash would move the two of you so that one of the overhead lights would illuminate you both as you moved, painted in the changing neon colors. Taking smaller and smaller sips of his drinks as Vash’s long fingers trailed along your body Wolfwood found it easy for the world to wash away, like your twisting bodies was a show that was being put on just for him in the comfort of the apartment. The reminder of the night that you and Vash first gave him a double blow job wasn’t helping the tightness he was feeling around his waist. Vash knew how to play him well and with you added in it just got him riled up faster. He was already looking forward to when the three of you would head back to the apartment as he wanted to leave both of you panting messes in his bed too exhausted to move in the morning. It made his head swim thinking of the little noises both of you would make and his cock throbbed wanting more than the fabric of his underwear and the cool feeling from his zipper pressed against it. 
Wolfwood was glad that the music was pounding when he lets out a groan at the sight of Vash squeezing one of your ass cheeks in his hand. Fuck. At this rate when you came back from the dance floor he was going to need to slip off to get some relief at this point or he wasn’t even going to make it home. 
Tossing the rest of his drink back his dark eyes settled back on the two of you just as Vash turned his head just enough for their eyes to lock.
If Vash knew he had a captive audience he was going to run with it. Licking his lips as he started being a little more free with his hands on your body and moving his limbs in a way that left Wolfwood finding it hard to swallow. You’re obvious to the little show with your back to him and facing Vash, practically riding his thigh under his direction and from the way Vash is grinning Wolfwood has a feeling you’re as turned on as he is right now. So when you suddenly turn with your fingers in your hair and Vash pulls you against his chest Wolfwood lets out another groan as the light makes him think of all the sinful things he wants to do to you. Your skirt having ridden and he could see the briefest flash of the top of your stockings. 
As you and Vash keep moving you feel like Vash is up to something as his touches seem more deliberate now, and your body is humming with your growing arousal. Like this, you can smell his skin and your bodies are close enough that there is always some part of you touching each other. 
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?” Nipping your ear as he whispers the question in time to giving your ass a squeeze so your crotch rubs harder on his leg. At this point, your panties are beyond damp and you regret letting Vash pick out a skirt for you. He hasn’t made any kind of move to slip below the fabric but you’re starting to feel like you’re at a dangerous point where you want him to. The idea of him fingering you while on the dance floor has another wave of wetness pooling between your legs.
“Of course.” You’re honest in your answer as you do trust Vash, he’s been a beyond caring friend and you’re ready to commit to a relationship with the two. Planning to tell them so be it tonight if you aren’t too drunk or in the morning, after this week of all the consideration they’ve given you and your workplace drop-offs and pick-ups.  
He grins, turning your body so your back is flush to his chest and his crotch so he can grind against you. “Our handsome Nico can see us. I think~” Letting his voice drag out the word as if he’s singing it. “He’s as hot and bothered as we are.” Using his head against the side of yours he guides you until you see the table you left him behind, and you make a noise at the sight of him. It could be the heat from the club or the way the lights are, but you’re certain there’s a sheen of sweat at his hairline and his chest is heaving.
You let out a hum hoping Vash can hear it as you feel a little mischievous, rubbing your hands down your chest in what you hope is a sultry fashion. Seeing the visible swallow from Nicholas at this distance makes you feel braver than normal. “How long have we been out on the dancefloor?”
“Almost an hour.” You can’t hide the sudden jerk of your body as you hadn’t expected that answer. No wonder you feel as aroused as you do if you and Vash have been touching each other like you have been for that long. The alcohol in your system has nothing to do with the warmth you’re feeling then. 
“Well, I think I’d like to head home or find somewhere to fuck my boyfriends.” Giving your hips a shake as you speak and you don’t miss the moan he barely bites back, waiting for your words to sink in. 
“I mean I can think of somewhere.” Turning you so you’re chest to chest again you don’t miss the gleam in his eyes that tells you he heard exactly what you said. “As much as I like the idea of fucking my girlfriend with my boyfriend in a bed, I don’t think we’ll make it. Feel like you wanna try something a little riskier?” 
Hearing him call you his girlfriend should not make you feel as giddy as it does with a fluttering in your stomach as your hands move up to land on his shoulders. “As long as we don’t end up in jail, yes.” Lowering his head to nip at your lips before giving you a quick kiss no doubt pleased with your answer. 
“Then let's go grab our handsome man.” You laugh at how quickly Vash slips his fingers into yours and starts pulling you behind him and it's a lot faster than when you headed for the dance floor. 
“For the record, you're just as handsome.” That gets you a wink once you're out of the mass of bodies and moving a little faster to keep up with Vash. Not that you can blame him because now you're feeling a high from the declaration and part of you is curious about what Vash has in mind by something riskier . 
“My my, I see the two of you look like you had fun.” This close there is no doubt that Nicholas is flustered from having watched both of you. His drink is gone and even with the lighting in the club, you can see how jagged his pupils are. The flick of his tongue across his lips and you find yourself hyper-focused on the wet muscle, and decide to do something a little rash. 
For you anyway. 
With Nicholas leaning on the table you don't have as much of a height difference to worry about, slotting your mouth over his for a kiss taking the time to nibble on his lower lip before pulling back. “Not as much as we would have had if you were with us, Nico.” 
Of course, Nicholas doesn't miss a beat and like Vash doesn't give a shit if anyone is watching you. His hand reaches for the back of your head to pull you back to him for a lingering kiss with a hard pressure against your lips that leaves you weak in the knees and you might have crumbled if it wasn't for Vash at your back. A small mewl leaves you when Nicholas pulls back with a shit-eating grin. 
“Wanna tell me what that was about?” You feel giddy as you watch him, not missing the way his eyes dart down to your lips as if he wants to kiss you again. 
“I think she just wanted to kiss one of her boyfriends.” Vash seems to have no qualms with stealing your thunder, and it's worth it to be this close to watch as understanding dawns on his stubble-encrusted chin. 
“What he said.” You giggle feeling your cheeks grow even warmer, if this is how it feels to just agree to date them you can get used to the feeling. You've never felt your stomach and heart flutter like this before. 
“I'd say you could have picked a better place to tell us Little Bear, but I guess that means we're heading home?” Vash leans past you to whisper something in his ear and you watch Nicholas gulp unsure if you actually heard it or it was in your head. “Are you sure?” 
Something about the way he said it makes you raise an eyebrow until you feel Vash press more into you and the hard on he's been sporting since the two of you were on the dancefloor is firmly pressed against your butt. 
“It's fine Nico~” Trailing a hand down your arm and you're quickly becoming distracted by the blond. “You worry too much, now come on. I can't wait much longer.” Grabbing the remains of his probably warm drink and finishing it in one go. Given your frugal nature you do the same since you know these drinks weren't cheap from the bar, wincing at the warm booze that hits your tongue making the flavor just a bit harsher. 
“I shouldn't have done that.” You groan as you make a face, only for Vash to cup your cheeks between both of his palms. 
“You're so adorable when you make that face!” Squealing a little before he has your hand in his again. “Now let's go my lovely partners because I want to fuck you. Right. Now.” All teasing in his voice is gone and while you're used to hearing that rasp from Nicholas, hearing it from Vash is making something inside of you quiver. Happy to let him lead you once more, and probably not for the last time that night. 
Except as he leads you towards the bathrooms you feel yourself growing warmer for a whole different reason. “I’ll go check it out.” The music isn't as loud here so you aren't raising your voices, watching as Nicholas shuffles past you and heading into the men's room. 
“Vash” you call, staring at the very obvious well-known sign for gendered washrooms making sure you don't look at him. “Did you mean what I think you meant on the dancefloor?” 
“If you mean getting lucky in the bathroom? Yes.” Giggling and pressing the tip of his nose into the side of your face. “If you don't want to we can just go home, I feel risky but I don't want you to be uncomfortable.” His voice is soothing and you haven't felt like you would be forced to follow through anyway but him voicing it still makes your heart warm regardless.
“I.” You bite your lip before continuing because the truth is this is something you would have never thought of doing. Well. Before Nico and Vash you wouldn't have thought about being in a poly relationship or a threesome on a regular basis either yet here you are. “I really want to do this, it just seems so risky and that is making me giddy.” You admit laughing a little as you look at him at last seeing the warmth in his eyes. 
“I know it seems silly, but that is what makes it fun.” Kissing the tip of your nose just as Nicholas reappears. 
“If we're doing this, now is the time.” At least Nicholas is showing the same level of nerves as you which helps ease the little voice in your head. You don't question anything since it being proverbial clear might not last if you do. Sticking close to Nicholas as he heads in and heads for the last stall that's against the wall. 
You expected it to be a little bigger being on the end but it's not and for the three of you it's some tight spacing. A single thought finally fires in your brain. “Ugh. Guys. Do we have condoms?” You might be down for this but if you don't have any condoms this was all a waste even if you don't know what kind of positions Vash had in mind but with the space you assume at least one of them was going inside of you. 
Reaching into his pants pocket Vash pulls out two of them with a flick of his wrist. “I thought of that Sweetheart.” Giving you a wink. 
“You were hoping for this weren't you?” Nicholas deadpans and you have to agree watching Vash turn a little sheepish. 
“Can't say I didn't.” Laughing before growing serious. “I just like the idea of the added edge to the possibility of being caught. It makes it hotter.” You can't argue, and with Nicholas running his hand under the edge of your shirt and his crotch pressed into your backside it does add to it. Knowing someone could come along at any moment while the three of you are being intimate. 
“What are you thinking Vash?” His voice has that growl to it that makes your spine tingle and you clench with a small noise that has Vash looking at you like he's a wolf and you're little red riding hood. 
“Well, since she's dating both of us I was thinking both of us inside of our little girlfriend if we're all up for that? If not, the usual?” 
You don't wait, piping up right away. “Usual. No offense but I'm not ready for anal.” Blushing furiously because thus far the three of you haven't had anything involving you and your other opening. “I've never done anything with it.” 
“That's fine Little Bear.” Nicholas bends his knees so he can brush his lips over the side of your face. “This isn't the place for new stuff, but if you want we can start with baby steps regarding that.” 
“So, you in me and me in our lovely lady?” Vash is wiggling his eyebrows handing one of the condoms to Nicholas. 
“Yea sounds good.” You can hear the grin in his voice and he takes the wrapper. Vash wastes no time undoing his pants and pushing the fabric down with his boxers so his cock can spring free. Sliding the condom on and reaching to pull you towards him. You’re happy to meet his lips as you wrap your fingers around him, pumping him as he starts to lick at your mouth wanting more. 
Only for a growl of annoyance to ring out from behind you. “Fuck. I ripped it.” 
Both you and Vash stop, with you turning your head to see Nicholas holding the ripped package. “You used your teeth again didn’t you?” This time it’s Vash who makes the deadpan statement and you roll your eyes. Sometimes Nicholas just tries too hard to be sexy with things. “Guess we are heading ho-”
“I could always suck you off while Vash pounds me in this skirt?” Cutting Vash off while you keep pumping him letting your eyes trail down Nicholas’s chest to where his pants are open and his hand is at the base of his dick. It doesn’t matter how many times you see it, his length still makes you shake knowing that something that size could be attached to a person. Reaching out to replace his hand and slowly pumping him, rubbing your thighs together to try and find some relief. 
“Fuck that.” Licking his lips while his hips stutter to thrust up into your hand you get the feeling he’s way more turned on than you thought. “That sounds hot.” One of his palms on the side of your face and tilting you more towards him and kissing you, the smaller space ensuring it’s a short distance to either man. “I don’t think you’re going to enjoy it too much though. That’s a lot of bending.” 
“Don’t care, I wanna fuck my boyfriends and we’re already this far into it.” Nipping at his top lip before letting out a moan. Not wanting to be outdone Vash has lifted your skirt higher along your thighs and two of his fingers are sliding along the folds of your pussy. Your underwear pushed to the side with his thumb.  
“Nico, she’s soaked. You should feel her.” Vash has his body pressing more into your side, his other hand over yours and slowing the movement of your fingers along the length of his cock. Squeezing your hand in his so you feel every vein and bump under the condom. Gasping as one of Nicholas’s fingers joins Vash’s tracing along your folds. 
“Damn, you’re so wet.” Kissing you again like he’s a dying man and you shudder, the pumping of your hands halting as the three fingers slip into your core. Twisting and turning as they stretch you out and Vash is whispering in your ear his voice low. 
“Such a naughty little thing, your pussy is trying to suck our fingers in.” Lowering his head to kiss and suck at the side of your neck while Nicholas is sliding his tongue along your bottom lip. Wanting a far deeper kiss you’re quick to grant, plunging his tongue along yours in time to his finger. “Like it wants something so much bigger in you. Pounding away until you can’t stand anymore.” Groaning as he drags his teeth upwards towards your ear and curls his fingers while Nicholas keeps pumping away. “Come for me Sweetheart and I’ll give you something bigger to clamp on, you needy little thing.” 
Both of your wrists jerk when Nicholas adds a second finger and you feel your cunt clamp down on their fingers inside of you. Spasming as another flood of liquid pours from your core onto their joined fingers, Nicholas pulls away to grin while Vash laps at the red marks along your neck from his teeth. “Such a good girl. Do you want your reward my pretty little girlfriend?” 
“Uh-huh.” You’re whispering as you try to catch your breath, your hands no longer wrapped around their cocks, not wanting to squeeze either of them too hard. Whimpering as their fingers are pulled from your body, and Nicholas holds both of his out in front of your mouth. You get the idea opening your mouth to clean them of your release but Vash is a bit faster shoving both fingers to the first knuckle into his mouth and sucking like it’s the most divine thing he’s ever tasted. 
“That wasn’t for you.” The smallest hint of annoyance in his voice as Vash slides off his fingers with a pop before making a show of licking his fingers off. 
“I just have a better way to let her have a taste.” Slotting his mouth over yours for a sloppy open-mouth kiss, tongues teasing one another as you taste yourself before sucking on the tip of his tongue. All the while Nicholas is groaning with the few in front of him, darting in at one point to add to the mess the three of you are making. 
Breathless you pull away licking your lips and smacking them together. “Please.” Softly whining as your fingers trail along their chests. “I need both of you. Now.” 
“Well Nico, you heard the lady and I do believe it’s rude to leave such a lovely one waiting.” Placing his hands on your hips and turning you to face Nicholas while he hikes your skirt a little higher. “Damn, you look lovely like this Sweetheart.” Slapping one of your ass cheeks before spreading your legs so he can better position both of you. 
Licking your lips you reach for Nicholas, placing your hands on his thighs and leaning down feeling the pressure in your back already as you start to lean forward onto your toes inside your shoes. It’s a little awkward as you use one hard to start to stroke him while the other is trying to support your weight, but seeing that first bead of pre cum on his tip has you groaning. Licking it up and letting out a small hum.
“Try to keep it down Little Bear.” Nicholas groans as his cock throbs wanting to push into your mouth already. To be able to see both you and Vash while Vash fucks you and your lips are wrapped around him knowing every thrust Vash makes into your body will have you taking more of his cock down your throat. 
“You can give me something to keep me quiet.” Teasing Nicholas as you start to lick up and down his shaft while Vash makes a few more adjustments to the way your legs are spread, lining himself up before giving your butt another slap. 
“Ready Sweetheart?” A quick question and you respond by rolling your hips back trying to get the tip of his cock inside your folds. “Well, Nico you better get ready to keep her quiet.” Slowly pressing himself inside your pussy until his tip was firmly past the lips of your cunt, Vash snapped his hips forward plunging into your core. Letting out a whine at the sudden fullness only to have one of Nicholas's hands quickly cover your mouth. 
“Damnit Vash.” A groan from Nicholas at the blond antics and you can't help but run your tongue along his palm against your lips and give his cock a squeeze hoping he'd get the hint. Vash for the first few moments just enjoys the way your walls press against his length, the position and the cramped space doesn't allow for him to go as deeply as he would have liked. Yet the view more than made up for it, licking his lips as Nicholas moved his hand and you started placing kitten licks along the other man's dick. Seeing the way Nicholas would freeze for a moment before relaxing as you worked, sliding the hand that had been over your mouth back and up into your hair. The strands loosely held in his grip as the sound of wet skin on skin reached his ears had Vash grinning. This was what he wanted, both Nicholas and you being with him something he hadn’t realized he had wanted until you waltzed into the apartment. Now you were dating both of them and he felt content, humming as his hands swept along your hip and lower back waiting for you to adjust to him. 
As the grip on his cock lessened Vash set a leisurely pace plunging in and out of your core, waiting for you to start to suck Nicholas off before really getting into it.
Feeling as Vash slowly fucked your core a warmth started to spread more through you a line of sweat forming along your back as you started to slide your hand along Nicholas’s length in time to the pace that was Vash was pumping inside of you. Licking and sucking at the skin of his dick as your hand passed sections of him, using the tip of your tongue to trace a prominent vein up to the head of his cock and letting out a small hum. At the briefest tug to your hair you look up to see Nicholas biting his lip and his eyes hooded as he watches you. Still looking at him you start to lick his tip as if you’re licking an ice cream cone and trying to keep the liquid from dripping down to your fingers. Swirling your tongue around him and letting out small breathy moans as Vash adds in the occasional sharper pump to keep you from getting too comfortable. 
As Nicholas lets out a louder groan that if anyone else is in the bathroom there is little doubt about what’s happening in the last stall you wrap your lips around him and start to suck. “Fuck!” The result is almost immediate as about a third of his length is shoved into your mouth and his other hand settles in your hair. You’re glad you’ve had a lot more practice sucking him off since the first time because you might not have been able to handle the way he stretches your lips. Hollowing your cheeks as you start to bob up and down, and breathing through your nose while sliding your hand around the rest of him and twisting your wrist near his base before sliding back up. It’s hard to focus on keeping your hand and mouth working in tandem as Vash starts to pick up speed, that hand that had been on your hip sliding along your thigh and two of his fingers starting to fondle at your clit. 
The buzzing at the base of your skull grows stronger as you work to take more of Nicholas’s cock into your mouth, almost at the halfway point. Feeling the snap of Vash’s hips against your own is helping as you relax your throat and breathe through your nose moaning from the onslaught of Vash in your slick channel and smelling the sweat in the dark hairs around Nicholoas’s base.
Squeezing your walls tighter as Vash starts to jackhammer into you chasing his release before you hear him let out a whine. “Nico, kiss me~” Damn that whine gets you, clenching like a vice around him as his fingers dance across your clit. A chuckle from above you and you don’t care to stop trying to take more of dick hitting the back of your throat as one of those rough hands leaves the side of your head. Feeling both of them throbbing and twitching as they fuck you, and in this moment you couldn’t be happier, the sound of moans as Nicholas probably tongue fucks Vash’s mouth above you. 
The noise you make as Vash pinches your clit and your orgasm slams through you like a freight train, locking your jaw to try and not bite down on the cock in your mouth. Humming as your body relaxes and a feeling of euphoria floods through your system.
Vash is still jackhammering away, pulling away from Nicholas with a thin string of saliva connecting them above you. “Fuck, I’m gonna blow Nico~” A crimson blush to put a rose to shame breaks out across his face as his hips slam into you and have you choking on Nicholas and moaning like you’re having the time of your life. “She’s so tight like she wants to drain my balls in that pretty little pussy of hers.” Hissing as he slams hard into you once more and throws his head back biting his lip with enough force to draw blood as he cums violently inside the condom wrapped in your tight heat. 
That final slam of Vash’s hips has your nose brushing against the hairs around Nicholas’s base and the smell of him has you squeezing Vash hard enough that you might actually be trying to milk his cock. Knowing from the grunts in front of you that Nicholas is just as close you start to hum, vibrating along his cock and feeling drool slip past the corner of your lips.
To hear the door to the bathroom open. The three of you are surprised and you find yourself lifted upwards so your feet wouldn’t be visible under the door and your lips wrapped around Nicholas’s base as the rest of his cock has nowhere to go but down your throat.  
Nicholas can’t help himself, feeling your lips and mouth convulsing around his entire length and he groans long and loud as his balls unload. Like this, the only thing you can do is try to swallow as best as you can in between breathing as the sound of footsteps seems to echo like a death march towards the three of you in the smaller space. 
“Damn, whoever you have in there must be a hell of a fuck.” Called from the other side and you feel your face start to burn trying to ignore the sound of running away. 
“I sure am~” Vash calls trying to keep his tone light and you swear you feel him throb again in your core. “Not every day you make your man moan like a whore.” You’re mortified while Vash is having a casual conversation with someone in a bathroom. While you’ve got Nicholas balls deep in your throat and just swallowed the largest load you’ve felt from the big guy while your feet are dangling off the ground held up by your thighs. 
A whistle and you don’t miss what the guy says over the pounding in your head over your embarrassment but when the steps recede and the door opens and closes again you find your feet placed back on the ground and Vash slipping out of your core. 
Slowly standing you reach up to wipe at your lips while Nicholas is working to clean around his balls from the amount of slobber you left on him before tucking himself back inside his pants. Turning to Vash you feel a little dizzy seeing him grin. 
“Sweetheart.” He’s gentle as he grabs some toilet paper to dab under your nose. “That was the best bathroom sex I’ve ever had.” Giving a soft giggle before leaning in to kiss your forehead. “You had Nico’s cum dripping from your nose.” 
Feeling yourself flush at that you look to the floor before chuckling. “Can we go home and fuck everywhere in the apartment. I don’t think I could handle someone else walking in on that.” 
“Of course Little Bear. Just tell us you had as much fun as we did.” You just grin and Nicholas takes one of your hands to kiss the back of while Vash goes about trying to fix your skirt and underwear before the three of you take off. 
“I’ve had the most fun tonight, and I can’t wait to keep having fun.” Slipping out of the bathroom is almost as easy as it was slipping in, and you can’t help but feel giddy as the adrenaline of what you just did courses through you. You can’t wait to get home and have the night continue, for now, you just need to survive the cab ride back. 
At least you don’t have to worry about hiding a chub like your boyfriends. Damn, you feel bad for whatever cab driver stops for the three of you tonight. 
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Chapter 8
Master list for Roommates
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wreckmetoji · 1 year
Hihihi!! Heard you wanted some requests for Trigun 👁️ how about a Vash x reader who ruthlessly flirts with him and always manages to make him a flustered mess? Like they'll be in a cafe eating smthn and she goes "you know whats sweeter than that donut? me ;)."
maaaan he really is just a baby boy, so it isn't that hard to fluster him AT ALL
It was always the little things, the things that had no buildup that got him the most.
The two of you trekked through miles of seemingly endless desert, having to settle for traveling on foot due to the lack of working bus stations in the previous town. Realistically, the next town over was only a couple hours away, but you had left in such a rush you didn't get time to stock up properly on necessities before leaving.
"Ahh, we forgot water too?" Vash sighed, turning his canteen upside down and shaking it in frustration.
"No no, you forgot water. I was smart enough to fill up before we left," You quipped, shaking your nearly full water bottle in front of his face for dramatic effect. He smiled, reaching for it with his left hand. You yanked it away just before he could touch it, poking your tongue out at him in jest.
"Please," Vash whined, "I'm so thirsty." Sinking to his knees playfully, he held his hands up to you in faux prayer.
He didn't see it, didn't see the way your eyes darkened, didn't see the smirk that curled the corners of your sly lips, didn't see the malice behind your sweet face.
"You look really good when you're on your knees begging, Vash," Your fingers gripped his chin, giving his head a little wag, before you turned heel and continued your path. Vash sputtered, face so hot you could fry an egg on him. He quickly scrambled to his feet, running after you.
Finally arriving on the outskirts of town, you both celebrated, decidedly getting a few necessities was your first priority, but sorting through your current finances had you encountering a certain issue...
"We can get some bottled water, and maybe a couple rations, but after the motel I don't think we'll be able to afford lunch," You furrowed your brows, looking down at the coins in your palm. In the back of your mind you vaguely registered him whining about being hungry, to which you didn't miss a beat in gesturing to yourself and saying, "Aw, baby boy, you have a full course meal right here."
It was supposed to be teasing, fun, nothing more than a half-hearted joke, but with every passing joke his face went a little more red and his shoulders a little more rigid, and a not-so-innocent part of you wondered how long it would take to break him.
Considering he was practically steaming from the ears already, maybe you would save that thought for another day. So, instead, you simply laughed, gently grabbing his wrist and insisting you both get some rest at the motel down the street. He followed close behind, face glowing red and uncharacteristically silent, obviously in wait for your next barrage of ceaseless flirting and teasing.
You didn't see him swallow the lump in his throat, or look you up and down as you walked, and most certainly couldn't hear his thoughts wondering how much more of this he could take.
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ryanthel0ser · 4 months
My Reactions to Trigun Stampede After Watching the 1998 show
So I watched all of the 98 show in less than 24 hours and adored it so I went into Stampede cautious and yknow I liked it just a tiny bit (as I am writing this I am on my 4th rewatch, I watched it for the first time 3 days ago, I adore it). I decided to document my reactions cause I feel like a few mutuals will enjoy this.
Episode 1
awww hi Vash, lil guy <333
what are they cooking here, showing us the Rem situation immediately
Rem 😢
This is very much like Eva in DMC5
Oh they're reporters now?
i miss milly...
yep that's Meryl
VASHHHHHHH <333333 MY GUY <3333333
JOHNNY YOUNG BOSCH <333333333333333333333 (yes i watched the dub, it's good and I love Johnny Young Bosch)
only 6 million??
He's so sillay <333
MAJOR aesthetic difference
"Careful the kitchen's serving lead" queen
so weird to see a town not running Vash out
love that they're still mixing the music so that it's louder than the dialogue (not)
Knives you are so close to playing the Interstellar theme
I should really read the manga to see what they're adapting that 98 didn't
Ooo i love this song
Episode 2
I just noticed he calls him "Nai" euueueueueu
*insert catjam here* intro goes so hard
It'd be funny if Roberto went "man this sounds like Dante and Vergil"
Not him trying to cry his way out asjkdfjlkadf that's Vash for sure
I'm so glad they got Johnny Young Bosch for this I don't think anyone else could do it
July is still around??
noooo :[
"why'd they have to use this photo" it's a cute photo!
Did they model Rosa after Milly to atone for the fact she isn't here
Me seeing things that are identical to the 1998 one: excited pointing at tv while pogging
"Mm, Yeah no <3" I love him so much
"what's wrong with being a little timid" I want to hold you and never let go, you do not deserve what's coming
look at my boy dodging lets go
"I don't have any reason not to...eh, I don't really care...I told you I don't" Vash you deserve the world
hell yeah gunslinger moment
that smile AUEUEUEUEUUEUEUEUEU it really reminds me of 98
Episode 3
uh oh
well how we getting outta this
love seeing Vash angry some of my favorite moments are when he's pissed
oh this is a smart plan actually
"who's side are you on anyway" is this going to be recurring
man Knives you really arent holding back
the creators of this show went "hey we saw your twin angst in DMC Capcom and how much yall emphasize the twins so we'd like to do the same since you probably were inspired by Knives and Vash for the Vergil and Dante situation"
is Johnny Young Bosch the only returning voice???
this is the third ask for who's side Vash's on this is definitely recurring
uhhhh whatcha doing there
"you would shoot me?" lowkey wish it was still as funny as it was in the 98 version
He's living up to the Million Knives name
that is certainly a Million knives
Metal Gear ass name
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holy crap they quickly established the difference in serious tone oh my god, there is so much emotional weight here
also the music is gorgeous
yeah the stakes are much higher in this version, they are not afraid to kill characters
this is just heartbreaking
Vash 🥺
so will we get to see what happens to July or will it just not happen
Episode 4
hi Wolfwood
not gonna lie I don't like this fit, the pants specifically
where's your nose king, they took it away
oh well this aint good
Not a priest????
yep that's Wolfwood (lollipop scene)
he's much more emo here tho not as charming as 98
loved that animation of Vash looking at the bill
well Roberto isn't wrong, you did work for Knives
hey isnt that Meryl's gun
"don't worry I can see through his emo persona ^-^" "HEY"
woah cool design
we are getting so much more of these guys than we did in 98
that actually looks good, id eat it
"i can see it in your eyes" dont think i didnt notice that little parallel
im snorting those end credit arts like crack cocaine
Episode 5
Todoroki that you?
the radio spouting religious stuff and doomsday talk is giving DMC5 intro
It's so interesting that at some angles the style is identical to the 1998 show
Vash in particular, they translated his facial expressions perfectly
what's the deal with this kid
man they really are just tugging on my heartstrings in this show
"If God won't, I will!" STOP
Alice Angel that you?
same face as the 98 guy tho just with the scar
Oh Wolfwood doing that has so much more impact now
although in the 1998 version by having it not be someone Vash knew it added to how far Vash's ideals went and it caused Wolfwood to have introspection but this is a different arc
And in the 1998 version the situation is much more ambigous cause Vash is talking to the "kid" but he hasn't turned back at all yet and Wolfwood shoots
so it's more unclear who is right in that situation while in this you can see Rolo is sorta just frozen there and thinking so you're inclined to Vash's side more
what are they cooking, im so intrigued
Episode 6
"im like the cool big brother" tumblr does not agree
I have seen some art
this guy must be a bleach fan
i love this 2D style can I get an entire anime in this style
Little Wolfwood and Little Megumi need to be in a idgaf competition
tiny menace to society
stfu this is so cute, how will this go horribly wrong
smoking at like 7 years old asjkdfalfd
Woah Trigun, your mom lets you have TWO tragic sibling plots???
wow they made Wolfwood trip balls
man they did screw you up
they took his emo swag
S+ what is this Devil May Cry
they flipped Legato's design and put the spikes on the right side and the part the other way
Livio has become Sans Undertale
Wolfwood better have a tiddies out fit next season
they were POPPING in 98
that jacket was STRUGGLING
"Ryan you're objectifying him" yes I am
I want to see his tiddies hand em over
Not gonna lie Wolfwood, you calling Vash "blondie" isnt helping the allegations
Episode 7
if Buddy Daddies hadn't sucked me dry from crying so hard (i had just finished it the previous day) I would be weeping
he aint dead though i saw stuff about him
Legato not gonna lie I prefer your 98 version so far, like he made me shake in my boots a bit
Vash why is your arm made of the blown glass stuff they use to make little glass figures you see in the glass cabinets at the back of the PX or at a big gas station
that gun definitely hit something, just not the town bet
the title card of "Wolfwood" after he calls himself the punisher asjkdfjlaf
hello why am I crying at the scene of Vash with his hands against the glass in the plant
this just in, scene so pretty with pretty music that it made Ryan cry
not the first time
Episode 8
oh nooooooooooooooooooo
dont show me this
dont show me them being happy
my little baby boy auaueueueueueueueueueueueueueueu
"im mom to the sweetest boys in the universe" ONE sweet boy
The little blush on Nai dwaw
Plant lore????
Saverem? Really that's her last name??? Is this Metal Gear
actually not surprised that's Brad
"there has to be something special that only you can do" be the most babygirl anyone could ever be, though you gotta grow up for that
when is this going to go horribly wrong
Man they made Knives look EXTRA Vergil
Episode 9
epic piano, also how are you playing both parts by yourself
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i fully believe they're emulating the 1998 style just in 3D now, the side profiles give it away
well that's messed up, i can see why Knives hates humans
that doesnt explain why he crashed the ships though
"Millions Knives" i really do think you played Metal Gear
Knives I do wonder what your plan was cause how do you expect the plants to survive here
oh so the gun isn't custom made
98 THING HE SAID THAT KINDA IN 98 TOO ("all this time and you're still just as useless without me)
i appreciate them trying to keep the deranged faces Knives makes in 98
Now Vash is even MORE like Nero
oh nevermind, its been 150 years
a whole ship of passengers...I'm sure this won't be relevant later they're going to die arent they
oh my gosh that's right she's never seen flowers and such like this
more of this side picking stuff
I'm not ready for when he does kill again, that will actually break my heart
oh they are just bugs
Episode 10
I literally became a Trigun fan in less than 24 hours
Hundred Spoons lmaooooo
so weird to hear them talk about Earth, but it's not as much of a HUH like 98's
than you remember??? when did you come here last
I need him to say Love and Peace
please please say it
okay is Conrad aware Knives probably aint gonna let him make a new race of humans, like have fun with your experiment he does not want human to live at all
"they're disgusted by you" that is the most babygirl man ive ever seen
i have the exact opposite reaction
also his scars aren't as gnarly as 98...will he get more later
well that's what you get for mixing Knives genetics in that
El-what's her face got homophobia in her eyes
God Knives you drama queen with this piano
oh NOW he's a pastor
BRUH i cant
wtf did you do to him Conrad
also Knives's VA sounds so much like Vergil at times
it's not Dan Southworth but this guy can sound close
Episode 11
oh intro immediately you know it's gonna be intense
okay Wolfwood Im begging you next season at the very least change pants the skinny jean look isnt good
jesus kids these days
always wearing revealing outfits
man they aren't letting up the bible allegories
"dawn your crown of thorns"
1998 had more subtle ones and then the super obvious one with the garden of eden stuff
"we're going to reverse humanity's suicide by killing them all" do yall...do yall not see the problem with that logic
god this makes me want to read the manga now just to see how much this version pulls from it and how much the 98 version pulls from it
Knives what is your workout routine do you workout with Toji or something
"comparison is the thief of joy" SO REAL AND BASED
Knives yknow I have this gut feeling that Rem did mean something to you and you are just in SUPER denial
was it Knives was it? Cause you seem willing to sacrifice your brother for all this
Knives this is gonna backfire on you
Knives read the bible and took all the wrong lessons
dont think i didnt notice that the giant plant resembles Rem
Episode 12
"like a western, life on the frontier" STFUUUUUUUUUUU
ONCE AGAIN THE MERYL REM CONNECTION (referring to 98 when Vash sees Rem in Meryl)
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vashmeryl beach date !!!!
vash was smart for once and realized that the beaches in Sulani would be a good place for a date
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theyre so cute and dumb in their regular fits on the beach
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oh he do be flirting (meryl is so cute T-T)
okay... good start....
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oop,,,,, meryl just growled at vash and he loved it
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okay flirty nerds,,,, you have to do more than wave and growl at each other
vash took the first step, deciding to go into the water for a lil swim
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wiggle boy
everyone STOP .
meryl beach running shot
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vashmeryl play and flirt in the water !!! would you believe !
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meryl was feeling a bit playful and goofy, and vash obviously brought up temperamental subjects
AH theres a cute lil shady spot and so they wandered over to find a spot to chat
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ohhhhhkay,,, the convo was going good until vash decided to pull something a bit too quickly and meryl was like,,, no way my guy
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she thinks hes so cringe !!!
this guy who was watching them thinks the same thing
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alright, they got it together and are chatting about proper things again
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just as an aside, nai is super hungry at work
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but anyway ! vash and meryl are having a grand time
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(vash said something wack again.... and they're being pestered by the other people here on the beach)
trying to escape the nosy inhabitants of sulani vash and meryl went back to their beach chairs.... but it wasn't so successful
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Vash, finally eager for a moment alone, goes for a hug !
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he was rejected.....
he's moving a bit fast...
so meryl decided to tell a story !
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okay wait ! meryl is initiating a hug !!!
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he looks so pleased ldkjsfljd
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no wonder lol
and that's the end of the date ! Meryl went home and Vash took a cool down jog along the beach
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
I would love to say that it took me this long to get to the final three chapters because I was afraid of what would come, but the truth is I was just very very tired.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 12, Chapters 7-9 below.
Chapter 7: Run, Livio, Run
Uh, oh. I'm looking forward to seeing Livio again, but I don't want him to be in any real danger. I know he doesn't mind, but that's actually part of the problem right now.
It's a good thing Milly and Meryl remain miraculously unaffected by this smoke somehow, even though it's messing with the soldiers so much.
Oh, no! Thomas down! Milly down!
Quick shout-out to the Thomas's spiky dinosaur tail.
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OMG they make yipping noises. I had no idea.
Ugh, this could be bad. Meryl is too small to carry Milly away from the scene on her own, and it looks like Milly hit her head pretty good.
Meanwhile, Vash has his hands busy with his dumbass brother.
Ugh, his hair is sooooo dark now....
Knives, buddy, have you seen yourself in a mirror yet? You're more amorphous blob than singular being at this point. You should get that checked out. By a professional. Maybe Conra--oh, wait.
Dude, that's not the face you make when you realize the brother you love so much is basically about to die. It is, however, the face you make when you're about to score a resounding victory over your sibling.
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Ugh, babygirl. You're a mess, babygirl. Why....
Ugh, Domina's also a mess....
I was promised Livio in this chapter. Where is my boy Livio?
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LOL, Meryl's shocked face.
Hahahahaha, Livio's so awkward. How long has it been since he's had a "normal" interaction with someone else? For that matter, this isn't exactly normal. He's probably overthinking the social aspect and might need to spare more brain power to the escaping aspect.
Livio's like, "Here. Have a military-grade bomb door. I'll just set this up for you right here... and I'm off! See ya in a bit!"
There we go. He's switching over into combat mode, not gonna worry about the social aspect. That's for someone else.
The heck?! He just went straight over the top of the door!
He... uh... he miiiiight be a bit outnumbered. Just a bit.
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Smart. He didn't actually need any of them to say anything. He just needed a few people to look in the right direction.
Man, he's fast.
Tornado technique deployed!
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Ugh, Vash. I wish I could tell you there is another way, but if there is, I can't see it. It requires Knives doing things Knives isn't prone to doing, so things are looking very, very grim. Maybe Chronica and her buddies can somehow offer some aid... if they can just figure out what's going on.
Chapter 8: Lights
Ooh, Chronica's peeking into Domina. Plants are weird, yo.
It looks a bit messy in there, even by Plant standards.
Vash's mini-gates are scaring the hell out of the Earth fleet. I don't think Knives realizes just how dangerous they are... or how crazy Vash's precision has been in using them.
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Oh, seems he has some idea.
Noooo! Vash!
I don't think "disappointed" is a strong enough word for whatever Vash might feel losing to Knives here. You know... assuming he has enough of anything left in himself to feel.
Oh, Knives is implying Vash is just unconscious. That's... good. I think.
Huh, I need to save this shot of Livio for a project I want to work on. I honestly didn't think I'd find a manga panel of him in this kind of pose. It'll be a perfect reference.
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I mean, he already commandeered another military-grade metal door for his own purposes, so I don't think this one stands much of a chance. Especially if the primary barring mechanism is on the OUTSIDE.
Shout-out to his EoM-themed twin gun holsters. Not sure how he hides those monster fangs in there, but whatever. They look cool.
Ugh, Vash.... Vash, are you ok? Tell me you're ok.
I'm not sure I quite understand the lights here. Are those... representative of the people down below?
Ahhhh! He's moving! He's moving!!! He looks like absolute shit, but he's moving!
KNIVES YOU LITTLE BITCH LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! And other things to say to Knives if you want to get yourself insta-killed.
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Wait, why does Knives suddenly look afraid?
Up? Chronica?
Wait, why we focusing on Livio right now?! I love you, Livio, but I need to know what's going on with Knives and Vash!
Wait, what's happening??
Ok, I got it. Knives got hit by something from space at the same time Livio went through the door to the little shelter thing. I'm following, I'm following. Also, hi, Elendira. I was wondering where you were.
Vash has an opening.
Vash looks none too happy. Which makes sense considering the last time he faced off with Legato. Knives, on the other hand, looks like he genuinely doesn't know what to make of all this.
Awww, he's so happy.... I really need to update my collage of his seriously unhinged smiles.
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Chapter 9: Two People Against The World
CW: Sexual abuse, sexual assault, depersonalization, abuse
Yusssss, Legato backstory! I've been waiting for this traumafest!
Note: While having a traumafest backstory might help explain one's monstrous actions, it does not, in fact, excuse them, especially as one matures into adulthood and (theoretically) gains a better understanding of action and consequence. The world is so much bigger than our trauma. Now back to your regularly scheduled reaction post.
Ah, I guess Legato and Vash did have ample time to get to know each other over those seven months.
The funny thing about this title is, assuming it refers to Legato and Knives, it's definitely Legato's perspective. I've seen people spell out some pretty decent evidence that Knives cares for Legato more than he admits, but the fact of the matter is Knives doesn't admit it. Knives repeatedly treats their relationship with a level of disregard that suggests no matter how much he values Legato, he's nowhere near admitting it enough to himself to allow room for thinking something like it's the two of them against the world. Gods, I could write essays on the dynamic between two. I adore how much there is to analyze with Legato and Knives. I love how it's Wolfwood and Vash taken to quite possibly the worst extreme.
Heh. Vash looks... almost relieved. And Legato looks almost peaceful here. I wonder if perhaps they reached some sort of understanding, as unlikely as that seems.
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Oh, I thought Chronica was still in space. Looks like she's making this personal.
Eyyy! Milly's awake!
And here she and Meryl are both just worrying about Vash. Love them.
Chronica's got an impressive gun aimed at Knives' face there.
Ooooohhh, Legato and Vash are gonna have opinions on this... especially if it's successful.
What, he just blocked it? Hax.
Love the birdcage imagery for Legato here.
Ah, Legato.... This isn't even him seeking revenge. This is him seeking justice. He doesn't want them to pay. He wants them to experience what he himself experienced at their hands so they know. Gonna be honest, I can't fault him for this, even knowing that there were probably plenty among those who "stood by and did nothing" who lacked the power to do anything even if they were even aware of the problem.
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Ugh, gut wounds hurt so bad, too....
Ok, so this guy's a monster, but for as unrealistic as it is, I love that you can tell so much about him simply by his character design. First, he's someone in power. Money... authority... probably both. He stands on a rich carpet in a fine suit with (what I can only assume is) a trendy hat while Legato is spread out naked, vulnerable, humiliated. Second, for all his power, he's a small man. It's a bit of... height-ism, I guess? Nightow is using it to show that regardless of what else this man has, he's not actually someone who's worth looking up to. And third, he's just... kinda gross. His proportions are distorted and weird with demon eyes and sex doll mouth and he just gives me creep vibes just looking at him.
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Ugh, this is a common thing with abusers, though. They can get caught up in this sort of self-delusion that whatever they're doing is right and good, that their victims benefit from it or like it or even love it despite ALL signs to the contrary. And having ANY clear sign that, no, their action was NOT acceptable, any action from their victim that even has the possibility of allowing the victim to go free, to leave the abuser's "kindness," is seen as complete and utter betrayal. And then, after suitable punishment has been meted out, they may "forgive" the victim by allowing them to fall back into the abuse cycle... often while occasionally bringing up the failed escape attempt to excuse more extreme behavior toward the victim or to demoralize their victim and keep them in place.
Of course this guy would be turned on by the possibility of getting to punish Legato.
Legato's such a little guy here, too...
Yeah, there's no way something like that happening at such a moment wouldn't seem like an act of god to him. Nevermind that it was probably pure chance and the horrible, unnatural pose he was forced into that saved him.
Yeah, I don't blame him for this, either.
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Ah, Knives really didn't intend this.
Legato really piqued Knives' curiosity here, first by surviving, second by daring to approach him, and third by not showing the least bit of concern that Knives might lob his head off in an instant, and instead asking to serve him.
I really can't get over how small he is here. Even if he was the type to take a bit to fill out, he doesn't look older than 15 here... and that's being generous.
Honestly, living one's whole life (or the vast majority of it) the way Legato did would leave little space for hopes and dreams to grow. It's hard to have even the smallest ambitions when all you've ever known is what it is to be an object used by others.
Heh, he finally smiles, and it's at the thought that it's all going to end.
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I wonder what about this made Knives stay his hand. It's not simple respect for Legato's power. Perhaps he sees some measure of himself (or even Vash) in Legato here, in that time after they found Tesla and everything seemed meaningless and they just wanted it all to end.
Man, they didn't even see fit to give him a name. He was just a toy to them. Makes me sick.
In retrospect, implying I was looking forward to this chapter seems like a bit of a disservice to it. I had enough spoilers to know how dark it would get, but it's different reading it. I... still don't think it excuses a lot of what he does. But it does make me wish all the more that he'd had opportunities to know good people. If it had been Vash who had saved him instead of Knives... or even Wolfwood or the Eye of Michael... his life would be so very different, and probably for the better. He deserves better than he's ever got. He's endured enough.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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trigunwritings · 1 year
Not sure if plantanatomy hcs are still on the table but honestly part of me wants to go even more alien anatomy with Vash just because I always had a thing for Human and Nonhuman pairings where like…. Sex in the traditional way is downright impossible. So I will be the first to throw in potentially cursed No dick /no vag Vash who has more of a meaty petal like situation down there. It looks a bit …. Weird? Strange? He himself calls it offputting but please shush him for that nonsense and build him up again. It still looks a bit like an uncanny mix between a labia and an orchid and when you both try to find out what feels good for each other you try to finger him and realize there’s….not really much that you can finger just because …yeah the way he is supposed to reproduce doesn’t necessarily include penetration Apperantly. You still can have a grand time with him tough because just rubbing him down there feels really fucking fantastic and the petals are sensetive as fuck, so you both get into some pretty satisfactory frotting action till he suddenly doubles over moaning and shaking and pulls away from you… only to dip his head low because he’s a considerate lover after all. So yeah, it’s unconventional but it’s not bad. Not bad at all if you love him and think he’s handsome and would probably still be delighted and willing to make him happy and experiment if he had a cheese grater down there… also that boy has strap game to the max. Get him one somewhere and take him for a ride and your legs will be shaking by the end of it. Vash could let you do this for HOURS he loves it so much.
(Hope you enjoy and also this is me coming in looking at all the smart people making very smart biological headcanons and sharing theories and saying interesting and smart things and going “Yeah but what if it was a pretty flower?” /hj)
Plant anatomy HCs are always on the table for me! I love learning about other peoples’ unique perspectives on things I otherwise never thought much of or thought to mix up—and I completely agree that human/nonhuman pairings that have non-traditional sex is a ton of fun to explore 👀
If a species doesn’t conceive offspring internally, then there doesn’t make much sense for them to have the same kind of plumbing that we’d see in creatures that do. Though I have no idea how a pregnancy analog would translate over to a physiology like that, I definitely think that there would be a wonderful amount of experimentation and mutual learning of one-another’s bodies—Vash would be extremely curious and unendingly sensitive as hell, especially since I don’t expect him to understand his own sexual anatomy very much since there’s so little to compare to as an independent plant.
And now I can’t stop thinking about what kind of orchid his junk would look like
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flowercitti · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Ahh tysm 🥰 this was pretty hard tho skdk 😭🫶🌸 in no particular order here’s some fics from a bunch of diff fandoms:
1. and this touch must be wanting (must become through your ask) - Bungou Stray Dogs - Dazai/Chuuya - Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mori Ougai is his own warning - Finished
Summary: “Once Dazai seems settled, Chuuya finally looks over at him. Dazai is already staring at him, caramel eyes that seem wide and confused but soft. Right now, he’s not the Port Mafia’s youngest executive or a cold-hearted killer, he’s just Dazai Osamu, whoever that may be.
Chuuya finds that he desperately wants to know who that is.”
2. times you need to see her smile - Arcane - Silco and Jinx-centric - Angst, Fluff, Family Feels - Finished
Summary: She’s not broken, but Silco is afraid that if he does not intervene, she will break apart into something barely salvageable.
So he begins to reach out to her in small ways, the only ways that he knows how to.
3. villainous thing - The Owl House - Hunter-centric - Hurt/comfort, Angst, Canon Allegiant - WIP
Summary: She startles awake to the sound of Hooty yelling, abruptly sucking her out of the half-asleep state she had been in. She grabs her glyphs on instinct, one of the stacks of paper she leaves around her room for easy access.
When she finds Hooty, he has the door wide open and the body of a teenage boy slumped against the doorframe. A boy who is swathed in red from blood and grasping onto his staff like it’s the only thing keeping him from face planting.
And as Luz walks closer, the light of the moon catches on platinum blonde hair and she suddenly realizes that it’s The Golden Guard in the doorway.
4. I’ve Never Felt Like This Before - Spider-Verse - Peter B. Parker/Miguel - Pining, Fluff, Touch-Starved, Smut - Finished
Summary: He turns to Peter abruptly when he mutters something smart under his breath, his arms crossed and brows raised as Miguel instinctively bares his fangs—
And then Parker’s finger hooks over his teeth, his mouth twitching into an exasperated smile. Miguel freezes, eyes wide as Peter doesn’t pull away, shaking Miguel’s head with the finger caught behind his teeth, sighing as if in disappointment. Like he’s holding the teeth of a large predator and is completely unfazed by it.
5. touch me like nobody else does (lovely) - Trigun - Vash/Wolfwood - Angst, Wing-fic, Hurt/Comfort - Finished
Summary: “God, Spikey. How long has it been since you’ve taken care of these?” The hand on his nape pets over his hair, the other resuming its reverent preening, tucking feathers back into place with a gentleness that makes him ache.
He whimpers and buries his head into the side of Nicholas’s throat, tears building in his eyes again. He presses closer to him, shifting until he can get his legs around Wolfwood’s waist, ankles locking behind his back.
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needle-noggins · 14 days
She looks him square in the eye. "This dream wasn't meant for me, was it?"
He scoffs, flicking his cigarette and bringing it to his lips. His whiskey glass has disappeared. "Bold of you to assume that, Miss Stryfe."
"Oh, I have no reason not to assume!"
"Ya know, for an insurance claim investigator, I'd really think you'd be more observant." Wolfwood stubs his cigarette out and flicks it aside. Even in a dream, Meryl has to judge him for littering. 
"What is that supposed to mean?"
In her annoyance, she has failed to recognize that he's standing on his own two feet, stepping towards her. Closing the distance between them. Closer, closer, until the lights around them dim, the crowd hushes. The smell of the bar, the dusty wood and cheap liquor and burning lamps, is replaced with the smell of whiskey and smoke and salt again.
Wolfwood cradles the back of her neck and she looks up, meets his gaze. His eyes are slightly narrowed, squished by a faint smile, concern and care on his face. He looks far, far too soft for someone with hands as calloused and bloodied as his.
"Did you ever wonder?" he asks. "In another life, if things could have been different?"
She surges forward and grabs his black lapels, pulling him down to her mouth.
He staggers back, returning the kiss she started but losing his footing. He clips through the wall and down, down, down onto a mattress. A mattress in a dingy dark room with a single candle. Sheets kicked to the foot of the bed. Their clothes strewn across the floor.
He glows amber in this light. She runs her hands along his shoulders, his back, his chest, over the smooth, warm skin. It shouldn't be this smooth. He'd been shot so many times. Where are the scars? Where is the proof of what he endured? 
He shouldn't even be alive, but he's more alive than ever under her. Murmuring his ministrations, trembling under her touch. He's so sensitive, so soft. His little noises and sweet sounds make her melt. Make her wish she could drink him all in. Wish she could go back in time and take him like she'd wanted to. Like she thought she couldn't. Like she knew he did.
Maybe she'd have them both, so plaint under her touch. So tough and hardened on the surface, but just desperate for someone to show them a little softness, a little tenderness. Someone to tell them they're so good, someone to let them be as soft as they've always wanted in a world that has made the both of them so hard.
She'd want to give that to her boys. All that and more.
It's a kindness she can never give them. Not really. She can't fight the way things have already happened. Completely wrong. One of them scarred beyond belief, inside and out. The other, dead. Gone. --- For the Director's commentary. Yes, I am ass who just wants to hear you talk about the inherent mess of pining for the ghost of your lovers ex and being the ghost who recipricates the feelings. So sue me. This just lives in my head rent free. HER BOYS. And how blind she is to being wanted.
So writing a dream sequence was really fun - it made it easy for me to suspend disbelief and write whatever I wanted action-wise, even if it's still a pretty straightforward dream without a lot of metaphor.
I love this idea of Meryl being so smart and self-aware that she's really good at lucid dreaming, but not good at knowing why she's dreaming. Likewise she's very much in touch with her emotions, but still feels them so strongly that she can't control them often. She'll know how she's mad, or upset, or whatever, but not the why. Or she'll misplace or ignore the why because it's a hard truth. I think Trimax Meryl always saw Wolfwood as off-limits for whatever reason. I'm not sure why, and that's left up to hc interpretation. Is is because he was so much closer to Vash? Is it because he's a "priest" or just a dangerous man? Did they just... not spend enough time together?
I also love this bit because Meryl recognizes how hard Wolfwood has become in this world - his calloused, bloodied hands, and how he so desperately wants a reason to be soft. I wonder if maybe (and of course this is a headcanon) Wolfwood didn't get close to Meryl because he thought he didn't deserve someone that good, you know? Vash on the other hand is fucked up just like he is, but Meryl, in her perfect white cape? So in this dreamspace, when he's already dead and gone and there's nothing left for him to lose, he can wonder. He can ask. He can take that leap and he has nothing left to lose.
I also love contrasting Wolfwood's body to Vash's - since this is within Bluebells universe, Meryl is very familiar with Vash's scars. Wolfwood has none, but his life hasn't been easy either - there's some intense dissonance there. He had such a hard life, but there are no scars to prove it - just how much did the Eye mess him up? Just how bad is it? Meryl will never, ever know. She never got to ask.
Soft bottom WW is like, probably one of my all-time favorite hc's. Just so you know. And I just loved the phrase "Murmuring his ministrations" because it had such religious connotations, I couldn't resist! We can suspend disbelief that Trimax Wolfwood would probably be fucking terrified for his first time in bed with Meryl, or that he'd really do anything at all, because this is a dream. It's Meryl's dream. Time doesn't matter and he can be as soft as he wants. He's already dead, it doesn't matter. Again.
"Wish she could go back in time and take him like she'd wanted to. Like she thought she couldn't. Like she knew he did." -> Meryl admitting to herself that she maybe did want Wolfwood, and she thought he was off-limits too. I wish these idiots got to communicate more. Also, Meryl knew Vashwood was happening, and I can imagine she'd sometimes think about Wolfwood while looking at Vash and selfishly wonder, you know? Jealousy or yearning for both, she never really figured out - until she thinks about it in the paragraph after.
And then - oof - she thinks about both of them being soft, about her allowing them to be soft, which is all they want. But she remembers this is a dream. This is a tragedy. Vash is hardened by everything that happened and Wolfwood is dead.
And then the memory that Wolfwood is very much dead is what collapses the dream after the snippet you shared.
I am always sos sosososoosooooo happy to talk about this idea, I adore it and there is SO much potential in Trimax Stryfewood!
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snakegentleman · 1 year
Tristamp ep 11 Spoilers!!/references to Trimax
What the fuck
Meryl telling ww she was disappointed and kicking his shin was great. I like that it implies she was also aware he was working for Knives; our girl is smart! I hope she does more next episode
I really love the paternalistic angle they’ve gone for with Knives; however, I dislike that he’s been flattened slightly. Tessla fundamentally changed him to be the person who orchestrated the big fall and became genocidal, and the anime sorta makes it seem like he was always anti human. Knives deep down is scared of humans because seeing Tessla shattered his ability to trust them. I still like this direction because it’s still interesting, I just like that added complexity in the manga
My heart hurts for Vash :’( He already blamed himself and Knives made it worse. I don’t understand how knives can look at Vash’s pain with glee; paternalism is the worst.
Ho boy do the vines and stuff look like decay- I hate it here
WW stealing Roberto’s cigarettes-amazing
Tessla was alive? And they could hear her? Sick and Twisted
I’m hoping we get a little more about Tessla, that scene was fairly short, absolutely horrific, but short. I’m not certain if it would have the same impact without having read the manga
Also Knives definitely absorbed her, we saw the eyeball again. Probably out of a desire to save her/out of mercy
Worms at the end of the episode-Zazie is going to play a role next ep
So excited to see what Wolfwood decides to do
What is Knives doing with the core???
Please tell me the season isn’t going to be self contained. There’s a lot of evidence that there will be another season, but I’m worried
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soltiana · 1 year
tristamp ep 11 ramble
I almost forgot that if I had longform (IF INCOHERENT) thoughts about something I could just...blog about them?? i'm still getting used to having this power again. cut for spoilers of course, this ep was so fucked (positive). I have thoughts/hopes for the finale too but I'll keep those to myself so I don't get hooked on them lol whatever will be will be.
meryl and wolfwood exchange pretty standard pleasantries. it's obvious ww is going to come back to try to help vash despite his contract. i still think his chances of making it out alive are pretty good, but i guess we'll find out.
then we're directly thrown into the pussy juice tank. like. last week the episode ended on knives throwing vash into what looked like an oversized version of a plant bulb container, so I was like haha he threw him into the pussy juice funny :) but tristamp pointed directly at me and was like this person knows exactly what we're doing here. what a smart person. yes. the entire tank is pussy juice and it's FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH KNIVES' EGGS. there are plant "buds" everywhere, following up on conrad's discussion last week about how knives has been "helping" him create the perfect living creatures, like himself, but the conclusion they had both come to is that knives' offspring were missing an ingredient, what humans call a soul. the new plant lore dropping is that while humans originally created plants they don't quite understand where their powers come from, other than a "higher source" (god).
tesla vash and knives are what conrad and other plant scientists call "independents" because they have:
souls (from the higher power, presumably)
wills of their own
biological non-independent plant mothers (who died giving birth to them)
and, according to conrad's analytics, while knives "gate" is receptive to the higher power from god, vash's "gate" can not only receive but transmit this higher power (souls) as well. in other words vash is. just. chock full of sperm. he's a humanoid vector for getting other creatures god pregnant, so since they couldn't air vash literally fucking knives pregnant, they settled for him inseminating knives' dozens of pre-laid eggs like a horrifyingly beautiful deep sea nature documentary.
so to get back to the meat of the episode, knives connects his body to vash by stabbing into him with his chains of knife tentacles, and immediately after losing his senses from this black roots begin to grow out of the points the two brothers are connected. the roots seek out each of the eggs, and glowing energy begins to transfer, through knives' manipulation, from vash into each of the eggs.
then we take a trip inside of the twins shared headspace and watch knives brainwash vash one memory at a time, erasing his past for him so that he can be wiped completely blank. when this process reaches a critical point, vash's external body starts reacting defensively - this part is speculation but i think he senses that knives is seeking his memories of rem, and starts instinctively re-creating her before it even happens. so new roots start to grow, this time straight down, following vash's will instead of his brother's, and through the rest of the episode this set of roots expands and becomes a monstrously enormous tree literally in the shape of rem, covered in bio-luminescent blue geraniums.
this is also the moment where instead of knives seeking vash's memories, vash begins visiting knives' instead. vash begins appearing both in memory form as well as his current dream self, which implies a subtle growing grip that vash has on the situation, despite being at 90% synchronization physically. so it's vash who starts entering doors in the ship that leads to knives' memories, beautifully complimented by the fact that the next one he accesses is him solving a problem knives can't figure out on his own. we get our tesla reveal moment and it's fucking incredible.
birthday confirmed canon july 21 happy birthday boys. it also says they were born in the year 2455 so let's just hang in there a couple hundred more years and say hi to them.
vash looks into another door that rings with mechanical sounds, but when he tries to enter it knives takes him instead to the rec room, where they both seem to be recovering from their discovery of tesla. the mechanical door memory is skipped, either for vash, the viewer, or both. in a reversal of their manga conversations where knives is more manipulative and vash is more depressive, knives despairs of human wrongdoing while vash urges knives to have faith in humanity's ability to change. knives interprets this to mean that vash, who has no powers of his own, feels the need to bow to human might and expectation out of self preservation, and makes up his mind to eradicate them so he doesn't have to. adult knives appears in the memory he's curated to explain this, and to tell vash once again that the fall was his fault, since knives did it all for him, to protect his vulnerable twin from human cruelty.
this is the point of mind break for vash, and knives, taking advantage of that vulnerability, becomes empowered and moves in to finally remove rem from vash's memories. symbolically, as soon as he does, vash's red coat carbonates, and knives synchronization (the tristamp version of melding from the manga) reaches 100%. with no memories left to access, we return to knives in the physical world, quietly elated, wishing his brother a happy birthday since believes he has literally re-made him in his own (rem-free) image. while knives and his plant eggs all give off light in the pussy juice tank, no part of vash is glowing anymore, he only reflects light.
then (through vash's power) knives opens the final pussy, the opening to the higher plane where plant power is drawn from. this is the moment that vash's mega-rem geraniums begin to bloom as well. and the plant eggs, still attached to vash's insemination roots, open, revealing non-independent female plants that are connected to vash via their enormously swollen pregnant bellies.
conrad is revealed to be dying, a hostage knives took as an adolescent to fulfill his wishes. this is not news but it is sexy. the knives conrad relationship in tristamp is weird and really good. knives finally disconnects from vash, leaving his motionless shell behind in the pussy juice tank as he crosses through the gate vash opened for him. all the while, vash's giant rem tree is growing, literally suffocating the entire city of july and killing or driving its people to flee. at the moment that knives seems about to make contact with the core he believes to be the source of their power, vash's tree rem fully takes form, and blooms.
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wander-wren · 1 year
i finally watched the first seven episodes of trigun stampede today and i have to say 👀👀👀 i have thoughts. i will attempt to be vague and not spoil things
first of all this is a puppy of a man and he is my new best friend
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second of all, y’all weren’t kidding bout the christ allegory and all that. wow. it’s kinda goofy but like, also believable? in context?
i already knew going in that vashwood was a thing and i was waiting to see how gay, exactly, they were gonna be. and then one of the first things vash says to him is about how he has Good Person Eyes with his silly little smile and i’m like Oh okay. gay.
also it’s just, like, really sad. darker than i expected from what little i saw beforehand/the opening. (well. not the first four minutes. after that.) (maybe i should’ve taken the first four minutes as a hint.)
and more violent than i expected, ig i’m still new to anime and not used to my Silly Cartoons being full of The Violence. but also i get squicked by hand gore and arms are close enough to hands that some of the ep2/3 bits were. hm! hm. it’s cool tho. ig i should’ve expected something like that when there’s a bad guy named knives.
I HAVE A DUMB NITPICK ABOUT THE WORLDBUILDING THO. i do like the worldbuilding i think it’s really cool i love a good desert space planet. i like the sand worms. always gotta have sand worms. and the plants. it’s neat. but uh.
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my question is why is the whole thing a desert and then there is ALSO the great sand ocean?? you can see the outline of the continent and everything?? but?? when we go to the great sand ocean it is literally just, yknow, more sand, and cars drive on it at the same speed as the ship, so like, what is the point. i thought maybe it’s like a big shelf, big drop off, like cliffs, but no? bc there is a genuine concern at one point about sailing into a town?? i’m so. i’m so confused. why is there an ocean. am i missing something??
ANYWAY my other nitpick is that meryl and roberto are very necessary to the story in the sense that they need to be there as outsiders to vash/knives/wolfwood/etc, as stand-ins for the audience, but like. they don’t DO anything so far. aside from occasionally doing one small useful task, they mostly just follow/drive vash around. i felt guilty about internalized misogyny for not liking meryl as much as vash/wolfwood, but cmon, one of them is a Smart Reporter who is interested in vash and has no sense of self preservation. two of them are very traumatized potentially not-quite-human gunslingers. and i like meryl! and roberto! i love a good grumpy mentor and his plucky newbie partner trope. they just don’t do much and dont give me a lot to latch onto.
yeah, that’s about it for right now. most of my thoughts are just that i love, love, love vash. so much. he’s so silly and strange and he’s a pacifist but he’s also veryy competent with a gun/in a fight. and he is sad. and he is a puppy. i want to give him a hug.
i saw that little thing about him refusing to eat after [redacted events] and how he “doesn’t deserve to cry” and meryl going “look at you!!” and clapping when he finally does, + him looking at wolfwood and repeating wolfwood’s comment about deserving to eat. oh my boy. oh i’m latching onto that so hard
same with wolfwood tbh tho i’m not as attached bc he came later and i’m still a little suspicious of some things. he’s also a weirdo but in a very different way. wow it’s almost like he and vash have really similar backstories but adapted in opposite directions.
(what if i was your narrative foil….and we were both boys…….)
oh! final thing is that i love the art style. the planets look so cool and the creature/machine designs are very neat and it’s just. pretty. yes.
hopefully i’ll have time to finish season 1 on tuesday? it doesn’t feel quite like a hyperfixation to me yet (which is good i don’t need to deal with that rn lol), but i’m definitely interested and want to take a wander through the fandom.
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