#very fluffy much soft
impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
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vierapril day 28--present
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dragontummy · 1 year
Cats are known for filling people with the irresistible urge to happy stim. They do this on purpose because they love you.
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kenobion · 6 months
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Andrew Garfield for BBC Radio 1
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groovebunker · 12 days
fran's not sure what cc stands for.
but she's absolutely going to find out.
or: the one where fran's a barista and cc's a very beautiful stranger who drinks freshly brewed black coffee and blushes a lot.
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tennis-kittens · 2 years
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Best of off-court Laver Cup 2022 Fedal moments.
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fairyhaos · 2 months
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drzone · 1 year
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Tried a new style of coloring for this and i looooove it
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In my personal headcanon, Callum and Rayla wind up having quite a few kids (4 or 5 at the least). When they get to be middle aged, and their youngest is an independent teenager, they spend more time traveling together and end up visiting an orphanage near the border. It just so happens a baby Skywing elf was abandoned there the night before, and by the end of the day they’ve started the journey of parenthood right from the beginning yet again.
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
the new goats we got r so polite and tiny and sweet they are so. i love picking them up and hugging them
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Can we maybe get come more Cain please? There’s just smth about him😳
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Prepare ur booty for the drabbles coming your way
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gohandinhand · 1 month
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this wee fluffy one, who you often find just 👁️👁️ staring into your soul from behind
went and hid in the bedroom while i was practicing my flute tonight lmao roasted
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orcelito · 3 months
Finally put my sheets back on my bed (I slept on the bottom bunk the past 2 days, whoops...) & everything is so soft and warm and clean. And I am happy and sleepy in a soft cloud bed.
Truly nothing like Bed ❤️
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At least one (1) other person is interested in BATB Furblyg, so here's some ideas I'm spit-balling now or have had for awhile
Abi is absolutely Belle and Nick is The Beast/Prince Adam. Thinking about the Disney storyline specifically:
Prince Adam was cursed as a fucking 11 year old because he wouldn't let a stranger come into his house. He's not the shallow and pompous prick he's made out to be but that's a whole other soapbox for another day-
In terms of Nick, Silas is who bit him iirc, so I can already connect that to Eliza.
From here on is mostly being made up on the spot so apologies for the messiness: Nick is insecure and unsure of who he is, often falling in line with whoever he's around- and that's completely understandable- but maybe this is why Eliza curses him.
Going with the idea of Prince Adam/Nick being cursed as a child, perhaps Silas and him were campers at HQ and Silas was being picked on (maybe for his albinism) and Nick didn't step in to help. Nick was too scared to do anything to help his acquaintance and I could see her using this as a reason to curse him.
"So you were too scared of being targeted to stand up for him? Very well...I'll make sure you're always the target of taunting."
Keeps the fact that him being cursed was unfair, but still gives a plot reason on why he was cursed. There isn't a time limit persay, but Nick assumes that he's stuck like this forever.
Nick's curse ends up just making him look like the infected stage in TQ constantly, BUT he does wolf out like in TQ on full moons. He does not have a "normal" human form though. Nick also becomes more agitated and like his infected self in the game in the day or so leading up to the full moon, is completely out of control the night of the full moon, and is finally mentally himself again the following morning. Nick does retain memories from the hours BEFORE his transformation though, albeit a bit foggy.
Obviously distraught, Nick runs away and ends up living in an abandoned cabin in the Hackett woods. His parents file a missing person case but nothing really comes up from it. Nick didn't want to be found anyway, and eventually the international investigation was dropped and assumed a tragic accident. Idk how HQ stayed up and running but let's say it did.
Eventually while living alone, Nick ends up befriending a few campers over the years. Said campers sneak off during their summer trip to HQ and visit him almost every day with the exception of full moons. They bond and grow together over the years and eventually come back as counselors (get ready for my fun segue).
These are the main Hacketteers (minus Abi)! Cogsworth is Ryan and Lumiere is Dylan, but I'm unsure how I want to assign the others. Part of me thinks making Kaitlyn and Jacob Mrs. Potts and Chip would be funny (same with Laura and Max), but part of me is unsure. I also kiiiiiiiiiinda wanna make Jacob Gaston, but I'm undecided about that. Maybe there will be no rival love interest.
Anyway, Abi never went to HQ as a camper and her first time there is as a counselor! One day while trying to find one of her kids' favorite stuffed animals, she gets lost and ends up deep in the woods. Unfamiliar with the area and with night coming, she decides to approach and take refuge in the "abandoned" cabin in the distance.
Entering the cabin, she eventually stumbles upon a young man with yellow eyes...
N: "You need to leave. Now."
A: "Oh my God- I-I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was here. Wait, why are you slumped like that? Are you injured?"
N: "Go away."
A: "...if you're not injured, come into the light..."
N: [sighing, he steps into the ray of moonlight cast from the hole in the ceiling he fixed once upon a time, but eventually let fall into disrepair again]
A: "Oh...my God..."
N: "Now go."
Abi then runs off and manages to find her way back to camp, but neither her or Nick forget about that encounter and an unexpected friendship will emerge over the Summer months.
I lowkey wanted to make their first meeting a full moon BUT before a full transformation and then have Nick snap at her after trying to warn her to stay away. If I go with this idea, this will lead Abi to trying to find the cabin again after a few days to apologize to Nick for not listening, which works great for Nick because he was going to try to find the "red haired girl who smelled nice" again to apologize for what happened. Despite his appearance, he's still overall a really gentle person and didn't want to frighten her. If you made it to the end, thank you :)
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goodfellowe · 1 year
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You already answered my question so here's mu instead :)
aww look at her so cute and cosy in her little scarf... wonder where she got it from 🤔
thankyou for this!!! T_T
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calumsash · 2 years
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fic moodboard concept in honor of @jbhmalumm birthday: the childhood best friends to lovers to exes to strangers to stuck in a storm together to lovers again malum au we all deserve
after not hearing from Calum for the past year, the last thing he expects is to see him at his front door, asking him if he could give him a ride to his parents' winter cabin, the same one he confessed his love to in a hushed voice when they were young and naive, the same cabin he broke Michael's heart in last november.
he'd love to say he declined, but he never could say no to him, not to Calum, not ever.
so that's how they find themselves stuck there together, a sudden storm preventing michael from coming back to his own place, a small apartment he could never call home cause that's only ever been a person, not a place. home was Calum, still is.
old habits are hard to break and over the course of the week they start to act like they used to, not only as the couple they were for five years, but also the best friends they were for twenty.
conversations are made, confessions are slipped out, a chance to start back again, and this time not making the mistake of letting go.
(Calum's cat, Lloyd, also joins the trip.)
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smile-files · 2 years
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drew some bfdi kins as butterflies & moths. as a treat :) (click image for better quality!)
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