kemenykotes · 5 years
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A negyedik kávénál általában már elfelejtem a cukrot is beledobni a bögrébe, és ugye, ahogy mindennek, ennek is megvan a következménye. 🙈💓 #hányinger és #remegés 😂😂 #coffee #coffeetime #everytimeiscoffeetime #vivantviragines #viragines #portrait #outside #portré #authorsofig #writersofinstagram #writerslife #writerinspiration #authorsofinstagram #readerofinstagram (helyszín: Budapest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxt8zAsgoQ6/?igshid=17irf7n85e4jv
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9passecommeavant · 4 years
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Franziska zu Reventlow, fotografiert von Henri-Pierre Roché, 1908 (Archiv Monacensia)
Moderne Hetäre
Franziska zu Reventlow erfindet für sich eine moderne Form des Hetärentums, orientiert an antiken Vorbildern. Sie prangert das Christentum an, weil es „den Menschen in einen unlöslichen Konflikt zwischen seiner eigenen Natur und der ihm aufgezwungenen Moral“ stürzt und fordert „den Mut zur Sündhaftigkeit“, die man „lieber Lebensfreude nennen“ sollte. In ihrem 1899 erschienenen Aufsatz Was Frauen ziemt! Viragines oder Hetären? spricht sie sich für eine Frauenbewegung aus, die für die Frau freie Verfügung über ihren Körper fordert. Es geht ihr bei dieser Freiheit nicht um eine möglichst große Zahl von Liebhabern, nicht um Quantität, sondern um Qualität. Sie selbst kennt ein ebenso großes wie vielfältiges Spektrum von Liebesarten. Dazu gehören große Leidenschaften und Liebschaften voller Dramatik genauso wie anonymer Sex mit „fremden Männern“, Gruppensex, Orgien, und Prostitution. Die wichtigsten Männer in ihrem Leben sind: Emanuel Fehling, Walter Lübke, Alfred Friess, Albert Hentschel, Ludwig Klages, Karl Wolfskehl, Franz Hessel und – vor allem – Bohdan von Suchocki, genannt Such.
Monacensia Literaturarchiv und Bibliothek / Gunna Wendt
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restlessmuseum · 7 years
your resume, all raw materials for a salary history of addictions kept in strictest confidence hyperInc.
challenging a career a situation environment losing viraginity, ora et labora
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snatchinked · 5 years
viragin sex
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hinderevolution · 7 years
Cool Vocab
charientism: an artfully veiled insult
concilliabule: a secret meeting of people hatching a plot
eccedentesiast: one who fakes a smile (ex. while on television)
estrapade: a horse’s attempt to remove its rider
gongoozler: an idle spectator
lalochezia: the use of foul language to relieve stress or pain
lethologica: the inability to remember the exact word for something
nudiustertian: pertaining to the day before yesterday
philosophunculist: one who pretends to know more than they do to impress others
psithurism: the sound of wind in leaves or rustling leaves
tarantism: the urge to overcome melancholy by dancing
thelemic: permitting people to do as they please
vigesimation: the act of killing every twentieth person
viraginity: masucline qualities in a woman
happy writing :)
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Virago means a Woman Warrior (pronounced veer-ah-go). Granted this is an archaic definition of the word. Today it has much more “negative” connotations, synonymous with other words for *ahem* difficult Women: shrew, dragon, vixen, witch, hellcat, she-devil, spitfire, hag, gorgon, fury, ogress, harpy, nag, battleaxe, old bag, old bat, cow, old cow, bitch. It’s adjective form is Viragine/Viraginity. 
I’ve seen all of these words slung at Women that make waves, Women who are bosses, and Women that fight for equality.
So, let’s reclaim this word for ourselves.
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
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My gym visit for today. Everything is in kg and I am feeling great! 
Submitted by @fandomsfanman 
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
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@fandom-jumper01 Ik it’s not the best picture but this is from a master class I took a few months back with a famous choreographer! I’m not too huge on actual workouts but dancing has been my way of staying fit and emotionally grounding myself all my life.
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
I saw that you asked for testimonials about how your blog has affected people personally, and I'm not sure this is the right place to share such things, but I will try anyway. I broke my foot running about five weeks ago and I have basically been bedridden until now. I felt increasingly weak, but your blogging encouraged me to do planks, stretches, and keep my strength up, as best as I could with my shattered bones. I used to do kung fu (for almost ten years!) and now I am inspired to take up boxing to feel that vitality again. I want to be the warrior I once was! Thank you!
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
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Let's work even harder! Everytime I train I try to repeat one set the same as last time and then add 2 kg to get a little bit stronger each and every time i go. Honestly it's gettin fun for me cuz i feel my muscles a lot more and working out is a lot of fun? Though I'm hella insecure 😂 Let's keep going! We are strong women! ❤
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
I recently discovered the word ‘virago’ exists, and I want to reclaim it for its archaic meaning: a woman of masculine strength or spirit; a female warrior. 
It currently has much more “negative” connotations, synonymous with other words for *ahem* difficult Women: shrew, dragon, vixen, witch, hellcat, she-devil, spitfire, hag, gorgon, fury, ogress, harpy, nag, battleaxe, old bag, old bat, cow, old cow, bitch 
I’ve seen all of these words slung at Women that make waves, Women who are bosses, and Women that fight for equality. 
So, let’s reclaim this word for ourselves. 
Edit: I also found out it’s adjective form is Viraginity. 
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
FAQ Post - Updated Version
Are Trans Women welcome?
Yes. They are Women.
Do I need to lose weight before I train in Martial Arts?
Many people have either directly or indirectly asked me variations of this. You can start training in Martial Arts at any age and weight is not a factor in if you can Start.
Am I too old to start?
Age is not a factor in starting Martial Arts.
Do I need to get fit before I start training Martial Arts?
Fitness is not a factor in starting Martial Arts training. Just go to the beginner classes.
What Martial Arts should I do?
Go to a few trial classes from different styles and with different groups and pick the one with which you feel the most connected. Compare prices, teachers, students, and cleanliness of the training area.
Make sure there are some more advanced students as this means people have stayed with the organization and progressed in their training or they moved to the area and chose this organization to train. Make sure the organization does not guarantee any level of a belt after a specific period of time-rough estimates are okay but any kind of guarantee sends up red flags that this place is in it for the money since everyone progresses at different rates. Also make sure that their belt system complies with the overall belt system for that Martial Arts style and doesn’t have added levels in between belts (BJJ does have levels in between belts, but not every Martial Art style is like that).
You should do the Martial Arts with which you feel the most connection. Try out the different styles available in your area. Make sure you feel comfortable around the teachers and other students and that the money rates are something that work for you. Make sure the organization is not a McDojo.
If you have any mental/physical limits then speak to the teacher beforehand and quietly sit out if there is something you cannot do.
If you have parents that disapprove because you are a girl or they are worried about it, try ‘gentler’ Martial Arts like Aikido, Women’s self defense, or Tai Chi-they are just as effective but don’t look as scary/aggressive as other styles.
I’m a man/nonbinary/not a woman. Can I still follow you?
Yes, you can follow me regardless of gender.
What is Viraginity?
The Warrior Soul all Women possess.
That’s not what Philia means!
Language evolves, why don’t you?
What Martial Arts do you do?
Capoeira, Kokikai Aikido briefly, and now Tai Chi and I am going to try out Tang Soo Do.
How do I lose weight?
Please read this post. And this one.
How do you motivate yourself/how do I stay motivated?
I set aside time on multiple days during the week to exercise and train. Everyone’s motivation is different, so figure out what motivates you and make that your goal. My motivation is to master different Martial Arts disciplines, because I find most other exercises boring after a while or when I reach a certain physical strength/endurance level, because there is nowhere to go except to add another set or do more reps. In Martial Arts, it’s a learning process because you can do more advanced moves when you master more basic moves or simpler versions of advanced moves in order to be able to do the advanced form of a move or technique.  
There is also this video for how to get motivated.
I have limited income but I still want to learn Martial Arts!
Lots of people on my blog have suggested/found success with talking to the Martial Arts instructor about prices. You can also check with any colleges in your area for student clubs that meet to train.
It’s difficult to get to training/I don’t have time to go/how do I learn Martial Arts all by myself with no formal training?
If it’s difficult to get to training you could go less often and practice what you learned in class until you can go to class again. If you want to learn Martial Arts then make the time for it. You can’t learn any Martial Arts without an instructor in the discipline, you will injure yourself, you will “learn” the moves incorrectly as well as bad habits, you won’t get feedback on what you’re doing wrong and what you’re doing well/correctly. Also, read this post. And this one.
I can’t go to the gym for xyz reason! What do I do?
Exercise at home. You can buy weights or resistance bands and do bodyweight exercises, yoga, or aerobic exercises. You can also exercise outside if possible.
I want to start working out! What do I do?
Experiment with different types of exercise to see what you do and don’t like doing. You should also try going to Martial Arts beginner classes to see which ones you like, as those will get you into shape while teaching you valuable self defense and life lessons.
Why do my muscles hurt? 
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Your muscles burn during exercise because of a build up of lactic acid-during exercise your body uses oxygen to break down glucose for energy. When there is not enough oxygen available your body produces lactate which can be broken down for energy without oxygen-this causes lactic acid. It is best to take a break and focus on breathing when this happens until the burning sensation subsides.
After exercising, it is believed there are microscopic tears in your muscles that cause muscle soreness while they heal. It is best to take rest days to allow these muscles to recover and heal from the exercise.
Why is this submitted post tagged NSFW?
I do not know why the submitter of the post tagged it NSFW. I do not edit the tags of the posts submitted to my blog, the only thing I change about submitted posts is to @ the person that submitted it if they did not do so. I would appreciate it if people would stop antagonizing me and the submitters over it, as in the past the submitters have felt the need to apologize to ME for “causing” the trouble, when really the people who should be apologizing are the ones causing the fuss.
-FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Hi! Could you elaborate a bit more on viraginity? It sounds lovely, but I'm curious as to maybe the etymology, where it comes from, and what it entails. I love your blog btw, you're a massive inspiration
Here is this post I wrote to explain it! I think it is perfect for this blog. 
-FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Is Viraginity pronounced ver-ah-jin-it-ee, ver-ah-guy-it-ee, or ver-ah-gin-it-ee?
From the dictionary: vir-uh-jin-i-tee 
-FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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