#wanted to be her soooo badly when I was 6...
maia-radfemdu · 7 months
Shameful but I remembered one of my first crushes was Pavel Stratan 😭😭😭 You guys might know him as HER dad:
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ptolemaeacles · 9 months
♡ being hazel callahan’s cheerleader gf hcs
pairing: hazel callahan x cheerleader!reader
synopsis: what it’s like dating hazel (post huntington fight)
notes: unofficial part two to this !! if you guys have anything to add, feel free to hop into my inbox or comment, i love interacting with you guys !!
word count: 1k
after the huntington fight, she finally took you out on a date. she completely wracked her brain for days trying to find the best place to take you.
most likely, asked josie where she would take isabel since the four of you seemed to be parallels of each other (nerdy, loser lesbian and her super hot, preppy gf)
going back to the first date though, i would imagine she took you to an arcade or maybe a diner (like josie and isabel were at). and of course she shyly asked you if that’s what you wanted.
hazel and you were sat in your english, making usual conversation since the both of you had finished your work. hazel realized it was probably a good time to ask you about that date.
“so i wanted to ask you, um, about the date. i know it’s been a few days and i’ve been planning it but what do you think about the diner? you know, after school, you can pick the day if you’d like, or if you changed your mind, we can just not go at all, it depends on you-”
“haze,” you stopped her with a soft smile and putting your hand on top of hers, “i’d love to go to a diner. that’s perfect. and tomorrow is good with me if it’s good with you!”
hazel sheepishly smiled back at you.
“yeah, it’s good with me.” she murmured.
after the third or fourth date, she wanted to pop the “will you be my girlfriend” speech badly. she wanted it to be romantic but not cheesy, heartfelt but not corny, cute but not cliche. god she was over thinking this like a motherfucker.
and to her surprise, you popped the question before her.
hazel was lounging on the loveseat in the corner of your room while you were sitting cross legged on your bed. the both of you had decided to study at your house after school. (not much studying was done so far. often getting distracted by making out with each other. so much so, the two of you had realized that nearly an hour had passed which resulted in hazel moving to the loveseat so the two of you could get some actual studying done.)
“so did you divide both sides by 6 or by 4? i don’t get that part.” hazel lifted her gaze from her notebook to you, who was already looking at her.
you decided to just blurt it out.
“haze,” she hummed in response, “do you want to be my girlfriend?”
hazel felt her mouth go dry. she really did want to be the one to ask you but it was so much hotter that you asked her.
“yeah, uh, yes, fuck, i’d love to.” she exclaimed.
now onto the actual BEING hazel’s gf (i love to over explain things, sorry)
hazel’s love language is definitely physical touch or gifting-giving. not super into pda but will put her arm around your shoulders or a hand on your lower back when you’re walking. if she’s feeling risqué, then an arm around your waist.
no matter how long you guys have been dating, she still gets nervous around you. doesn’t matter if you woke up with horrid morning breath, messy bed head, and/or a puffy face, she’d still look at you starstruck, as if you held the entire world in your palms. she’s a hopeless woman in love.
she does have a lot of money (probably one of those kids who refuses to say she’s rich, she calls herself “comfortable” …..) but she loves to make gifts for you. i can see her being into welding or wood workshop. (not sure if all schools have these types of classes, i’m american soooo)
100% makes wooden sculptures or welding a ring with the both of your initials on the inside. she made a wooden sculpture of the two of you holding hands (you nearly cried when she gave it to you)
very big music lover. listens to divorced dad rock. pearl jam, metallica, nirvana, etc. probably a minor swiftie (really obsessed with folklore and evermore but not a big fan of her other albums) definitely listens to boygenius (she listens to ‘leonard cohen’ and thinks of you). likes r&b/rap from time to time. (frank ocean, mac miller, a bit of tyler the creator.) oh and some 80s r&b like sade. her playlist is very diverse to say the least.
not really a gf headcanon but she’s definitely got some irregular allergies. strawberries, i would say. walnuts too.
PLAYS GUITAR. both acoustic and electric, she's interested in drums too and she tried learning how to play but it was too loud for her so she quit. writes songs for you but you would never get her to perform them or even show you in a million years.
LOVESSSSSS to nap and cuddle with you. a lot of the time, she invites you to her house under the guise of “studying”. you’ll be grabbing your backpack ready to pull out your english homework and she’s grabbing her blanket and asking you to just lay in her bed with her for “5 minutes”. you guys end up falling asleep (exactly like she planned) and wasted 2 hours. it was worth it.
“okay so i think we should start with our english homework because we need to brainstorm for the ess-“ you opened your bag, ready to study with your girlfriend.
“we can do that later, babe,” hazel grabbed your bag and set it on the ground, “aren’t you tired? i mean you walked all around campus, which is huge, might i add-“
“not really-“
“doesn’t matter. we should lay down and rest a bit so we can have clear minds, and we’ll be ready to study.” hazel had already kicked off her shoes and crawled into her bed, lifting her blanket and silently asking you to lay down with her.
“only a few minutes, okay, and then we have to get to work.” you breathily chuckeld, not impressed with your girlfriend’s antics.
hazel giggled and ushered you under her blanket, wrapping her arm tightly around your waist and tucking your head in the crook of her neck.
you knew what her plan was but she was too cute to say no to.
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 10 months
Hello, Mr. Monster (Six. Somnolence)
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Summary: Eros and Psyche inspired Soulmate!AU, Morpheus x female OC/reader
Chapter warnings: trauma, A/N: This is literally half of what I planned on for this chapter. Soooo. Yeah. One of the teasers for this chapter applies to chapter seven, lol. But the wait will be worth it! Thank all of you who've stuck around. <3 You are all dears and deserve big cups of tea and cuddles. Dream’s creations brought him stories.
6: Somnolence
They groveled before his throne by the dozen, sharing tales of the child Aisling – in need, protected by his arcana as she moved through the mortal plane, jetsam in the wake of a better life she should’ve lived. Hundreds more, many of them nightmares, told epics of the woman Aisling – tearing their anchors from the dreams of innocent mortals, protecting the most fragile dreams from harsh reality in quiet corners of the world where fantasy still thrived.
His creations brought these stories to trade for forgiveness the subject of their tales had already secured. Only a few shared their memories because they cared for her. They wanted their lord to see her as they’d found her, and how could the Prince of Stories not love a timely hero in a grand tale?
Some told him what they thought he needed to know. Facts about the mortal with his name and power etched in her soul.
He had his own story, one of a cage and a strange woman with true sight and curious magic. A woman who looked too hard at all the wrong things and freed him without promise or threat.
When he first saw her from his prison, when his restraints shattered and he could see properly for the first time in over a century, hope and loss nearly consumed him. He’d been aware of the place in his essence where a mark might grow before Earth gathered into a planet. Every time he fell in love, he waited for the name to appear. Trapped in his glass prison, cut off from anything that made him more than a fragile facsimile of a human shape, he hadn’t felt anything fill the empty space. He lacked the awareness.
How had he imagined meeting a soulmate? Not like that. Not as that – a nameless monster in a cage. She fled the moment she found him, and he imagined he could see Nada’s footprints in the sand as his true soulmate’s steps echoed over stone.
Perhaps it was for the best. The quaint hell of Burgess’s basement was no place for introductions, and he brought all his bereaved fury to bear in his escape. Even as he found his freedom, he found yet another treasure the magus and his son had stolen from him.
She had been hurt. Badly. And he had not been there. If Alexander Burgess hadn’t already earned his punishment, seeing the crude letters cut into Aisling Hunt’s heart over her own mark clinched his doom.
When she finally slept, he showed himself as everything he was not upon their first meeting. Her clever eyes, blinded by fear and expectation, did not see him. Did not know him.
Though he ached to be with her since the moment he truly saw her, though he yearned to repay her for ending his captivity, a hundred years of helplessness festered like a dark canker in the depths of his passion.
When she did not recognize him in that first dream, he did not rush to correct her ignorance. He welcomed it, and with her oblivious naivety, he took control. In the second dream, it was even intentional. So long as she did not know him, he was… safe. So was she. Or he liked to believe so. Safe from fear and confusion at the clear weft of their wyrds knotting them together through actions she believed entirely her own.
But now she knew him.
She’d seen his face, and the budding trust he’d savored as she came apart under his hands and tongue shattered like the finest glass. He imagined it like shards coursing through her blood. He’d seen as much in her eyes as she looked up from the hand of her captors, brought in silken chains to her monster, the entity she’d readily freed from Fawney Rig. Her growing faith, possibly even affection, cut her from the inside out, glittering in her eyes as she fought against the pain his face brought her.
Once again, he was shown to her as a monster, as a frightful king who might accept such a gift from the unseelie court. His lip curled at the thought.
He could not bear it. Though the two parts of him stood at war – the lover and the wounded king – neither exalted in her fear. Deep within, the mark cut him, too. Soothing her pain when she fell into his hands in their first dream together was far from selfless.
He wanted to chart her, like a star-filled sky, or an endless ocean reflecting those stars. He could sense the elements in her, the base reality of every living thing bound up in her tattered mortality. Wildfires and oceans. Sweeping winds and green fields.
And beyond that? She’d done more with the powers the fae cursed her with than he would’ve thought to ask. A touch of eternity beyond anything human tangled so deep in her soul he could never take it back, not without killing her.
He wanted to do terrible things. To pluck out her heart and wear it in a locket, sundering her from the waking world forever. To wrap her up in splendid charms and spells to make her forget anything she might miss outside the bounds of the Dreaming. To pull her deeper and deeper into himself until they were truly one, until she became a part of every aspect, even if it would destroy her. His desire ached to maul her in some way, to sate his hunger and leave a mark even mortal eyes could see.
At the same time, he’d gladly hand his nightmares the broken remains of any other – mortal, god, or angel – who threatened so much as the ease of her smile.
He yearned for her entirely, and he was not all light.
She felt so right in his grasp when he caught her up in the throne room. safe at last in the circle of his arms. But he was not free to hold her. He required her permission, her clear consent, a reciprocal yearning in word and deed, and until he had that, he must prove himself. He could not fail her again.
And so Lord Morpheus, dread King of Nightmares and ruler of the Dreaming slouched low in his seat, watching Aisling Hunt breathe, at rest in the perfect silence of oblivion as he waited at her side.
He hadn’t brought her to the rooms he began crafting as he rebuilt his kingdom from ruins. The bed was no less grand, the space fit for a goddess, but it was a thoughtless grandeur. Perhaps it was selfish, but he did not want her fear to spoil the joy he’d hoped she’d find… in her home. He did not want her first memories there to echo with terror and doubt.
“My lord?”
Lucienne hesitated in the doorway, hands clasped behind her back and brow furrowed with care. Though he wanted to close the doors and keep these quiet moments entirely for his own, his librarian had been the one to remind him of his soulmate’s fragility, and although she often provided insights he did not like, they were all the more invaluable for his distaste.
“I do not know what to do.” He looked from his love to his librarian, nearly as lost as he’d been when he first returned from his imprisonment, sitting below a throne governing nothing but broken glass and crumbled stone. Then he’d had a course to follow, a realm to repair, even if he hadn’t known where to begin. “There is no quest to fulfill. No correction to make. She is not even mine to repair, even where I am at fault.”
His former raven watched, shifting in place, but never taking her eyes from her master and the mortal he would love.
“Perhaps…” She paused, and Morpheus looked to her searchingly, grasping for hope in the wake of this latest failure. Taking it permission, she continued delicately, handling her ruler like the delicate pages of the library’s oldest tomes. “Perhaps a king is not what she needs at this time.”
He already knew that, but he could not accept it.
“Is my name not carved on her heart?”
“Morpheus, my lord.” Lucienne offered the correction like a balm to a blistered wound. “Not Dream of the Endless. You assume you know what her reaction will be when she wakes, but how can you predict someone you barely know? She knows even less of you, and I’m sure she has plenty of assumptions.”
He bristled. He already knew her, as he knew all dreamers. The facts of her life flowed through the Dreaming, but he only understood them as a mortal would know printed words on a page. They’d shared precious little time. Three dreams.
Would she ever trust him like that again, or had he lost her entirely in his carelessness?
He didn’t wish to agree with his librarian’s suggestion, but he had no ideas of his own, and he would not fail his little hero once again. Could not.
“What do you suggest, then?”
Drawing herself up, Lucienne unclasped her hands and folded them anew in the front, clearly itching for a book or ledger to occupy herself. “I don’t know her any better than you do, sire, but there are some who do. Why not… invite them to share their insights?”
Morpheus closed his eyes, calling to mind the many subjects who flocked to offer pieces of Aisling’s story. Most clasped nothing but small gems, scattered fragments of a grander jewel. But the ones she called friend, that walked the Waking world beside her…
He opened his eyes and looked through the Dreaming, reaching to the shores of Nightmare, where a beast with pretty manners turned at his call.
“Fine Gentleman. I summon you. Come to me.”
The nightmare followed his order, appearing in the room at the foot of Aisling’s bed as the shape of the realm bent to accommodate Dream’s will. Despite his decades in the Waking world, the nightmare had taken up his old duties admirably, and Dream expected Fin, as so many called him, would return the loyalty Aisling had shown him. She risked her freedom to safeguard the nightmare’s path home, after all.
Fin knelt, bowing to his king, but his eyes flicked to the bed, and Dream dismissed his respects. “Rise. You have leave to speak. There are answers I would have of you.”
The nightmare didn’t need to be told twice. Back on his feet, he gingerly touched the edge of the blue coverlet, and asked, “It’s true? The unseelie, they – Is she alright?”
“In body, yes.” Lucienne approached the far side of the bed, closing a semicircle around the sleeping mortal who’d caused so much concern. “But she had an attack of some kind, and none of us are sure what to expect when she wakes. Perhaps you have some experience with similar episodes?”
“I do.” The nightmare kept his attention on Lucienne and his hand a few inches from Aisling’s feet. History and affection bound them closer than oaths and debts. Rot green ghosted through Dream’s thoughts, and he wrestled the specter away as the nightmare explained. “She hasn’t had one in a long time, but she used to have panic attacks when she was younger. Bad ones.”
“And how did she treat them?” Morpheus demanded his creation’s attention. It would do the nightmare well to remember whose soulmate he’d been called to aid. It would do him well to remember his king.
Nothing of the beast faced the King of Dreams, only the gentleman, and though he kept his head down, his gaze fixed on Morpheus with iron determination.
“My lord, I have a suggestion you won’t like.”
There was much in the past hours Morpheus had not liked. He’d cut his throat to ease her thirst if need be or burn every star in the Dreaming’s sky to keep her warm. Sitting up in his chair, he prepared himself to bleed.
“What is it? What does she need of me?”
The nightmare didn’t hesitate. Didn’t flinch.
“Your distance, sire.”
Morpheus recalled the scene in the great hall. His destined soulmate. Alone, collapsing on his throne room floor, shaking and afraid. He wouldn’t have it.
“I will not leave her. She will not be alone.”
Her friend, the nightmare, shook his head. “She wouldn’t be alone. Any of us she knows could stay and mind her, but…”
Ah. Morpheus sat back in his seat, expression cooling as he realized they had only just reached the part of the suggestion he would not like.
The nightmare took a deep breath, set his shoulders, and forged ahead like a soldier facing down a dragon.
“She was never afraid of you because you were powerful. She lived in fear that you’d take her choice.”
He gave his king a moment to consider the revelation, though even in his brief acquaintance, Morpheus had learned that much. But it was only a reminder, and he spooled out deeper knowledge like a bandage he could pull his friend together with.
“When she wakes up,” he said, “she’ll need to feel in control. Even in the Waking she took space for herself – to find the truth, redraw the borders around what she’d chosen and what she’d been told to choose. The greatest gifts you can give her are time and space.”
Drawing his hand back, letting his fingers drag over the covers, the nightmare bowed. Morpheus read more than respect in his creation’s bent spine. This was the obeisance of a supplicant, one begging for grace rather than offering fealty.
“She’s resilient, but give her a chance to find her feet before you ask her to be brave again.”
Dream of the Endless did not smile down on his creation. The nightmare had been right. He did not like this plan at all, but he had asked, and the nightmare spoke truly. As a true friend.
Loathe as he was to banish himself, he would abide by the counsel of one who knew his soulmate well in the hope that he, too, may someday be allowed to know her.
“Very well.” He rose, and the chair crumbled to sand. “You and those of your choosing will serve as companions, guides, aides. The One Beneath will guard her.”
The nightmare took his orders and departed to gather his fellows. Lucienne waited for her lord, offering him silent company and support as he pulled himself from his little hero’s side.
He craved her faith. Her willing trust and all that would follow. It seemed, however, that he must first give her his own.
“When she is ready, she will come to me.”
She roused from the dreamless ocean to meet a crush of memories.
The fae delivered her. Morpheus took her. And now she woke in a bed she didn’t recognize.
He’d watched as the fae threatened to strip her of her own mind. And he’d – he’d always been –
She ripped the sheets back and fought her way off the plush mattress. Not awake enough to land on her feet, she fell to all fours, and the impact jarred her knees, sparked little agonies up her wrists. She dropped flat, belly-down beside the impossibly soft sheets and a blanket that looked like rolling waves caught the threads. She looked at the wonderous bedding with dull eyes. Then closed them, so she wouldn’t have to.
Everything here was his. Even… even she was. Now. Maybe.
She hated every beautiful thing in the room, but she hated herself more.
It was her fault. She let herself believe she was safe, and she paid in flesh and scars.
How many years of her life would she voluntarily trade to the fae to erase the past… however long they kept her, from the moment she passed through the mirror til now? And how long was that? Did she sleep for a few hours? Days? Had the Waking world seen a hundred years as her monster bundled her up in his castle?
Her breath caught like a sleeve on a doorknob, sudden and jarring.
It hadn’t really happened.
It had.
He’d promised her he wouldn’t steal her away or exploit what she offered. He helped with her pain and brought her pleasure, and she’d –
A cold hand with scabby skin and broken nails wrapped around her fingers.
She didn’t need to open her eyes to recognize Jeff.
She rubbed her thumb along an exposed tendon to assure him she was alive, and he squeezed back to prove he was listening, that he had her, that he would stay. That everything was alright and nothing truly terrible had happened as she slept.
That all was still as she remembered.
Despite what she’d seen.
Maybe it meant something that her monster let her oldest friend comfort her instead of demanding the burden of care himself.
But if the first promises had been lies, and his excuses for the mask must’ve been, then she couldn’t trust any peace offerings, either.
The nightmare held her hand, but he couldn’t ground her. She refused to settle in her skin. She knew what would happen when she did. Whole people wore skin – filled with pain, and regret, and longing. Nothing hurt more than that.
She’d been here before. Not on this floor, in this plane, within her monster’s domain. But a floor, and in the end, polished marble or scratchy, threadbare carpet, it didn’t matter once she landed. A floor was a floor. She became hollow enough to forget she was alive, bleeding from a war no one else could see or save her from.
She had to get up. Had to move. Had to save herself. No one else could, not even Jeff, or Fin, or Gault, or
– Morpheus.
The floor had warmed under her cheek, proof of a beating heart she didn’t want to feel, and she turned to press the other side of her face to a new, cooler patch of marble. Maybe the stone floor could leach enough heat to freeze her mind. Numb it. So she could forget.
Forget his face. His expression when she broke the seal in the basement of Fawney Rig and the way he looked down from his throne as the pansy swung above her eyes.
Forget his careful, beautiful hands, and how it felt to dissolve with him between the stars.
Forget the smell of earth. The feel of claws. Of spider silk… The dress. She was still wearing the damn dress.
Inspiration couldn’t lift her from the floor, but fear and disgust launched her upright as she sank her fingernails into the delicate lace and pulled.
The left sleeve tore from her shoulder like tissue paper. Just as it was meant to. A pretty thing for her soulmate to rip off her body. Titillating scraps of fabric that wouldn’t impede a lover. That offered even less protection than she’d thought.
She froze again. Her breath caught on a lump in her throat as visions of another destiny crept like a snake through her thoughts. One where the graceful fingers she was coming to adore destroyed the dress. Where she’d lost herself entirely. Where her monster became everything she feared.
She blinked furiously. Her wet eyelashes stuck together. The air in her lungs turned thick with agony she wouldn’t voice, and the elegant room turned to a blur as she crashed to her knees, clutching her arms close to keep from shaking apart. To protect herself. To hide the body the fae tortured into gleaming perfection for a monster’s pleasure.
She wanted the dress off.
She couldn’t stomach the thought of baring any more skin.
She couldn’t think beyond the tearing pain in her chest.
This is what came of leaving the floor and becoming a person again.
Hands cut through the fog, urgently curling around her shoulders. She jerked back, shouting wordless protest, and a voice reached out to find her where the hands could not reach.
“Aisling, you’re safe. We’re here. Can you hear me?” The voice plucked on memories. Dust and sunshine and green stains on her skin from cheap jewelry stewing in sweat.
“Gwen?” She only realized she’d asked when she heard her own voice. It didn’t feel right. Nothing felt right.
“Yes.” A smile behind hands offered in support, palms up, begging to be accepted. “It’s just me and Jeff. Can I – Are you…” The dream looked her like she was holding a knife to her lover’s throat. “Can you tell me what you need?”
No. She really couldn’t. It wasn’t safe, and she didn’t know.
But the fucking dress…
She pulled at the fabric. Carefully. Trying to express herself as words failed to coalesce.
“I want it off. I feel…”
She felt like she needed to scrape her skin off all over again, but even in her confusion, she knew Gwen wouldn’t help that far.
But Gwen knew her, and Gwen knew how to listen, even when dreamers struggled to speak. “I’ll draw a bath and find you something to wear.”
Aisling knelt where she’d landed and swallowed down rising bile. Even she forgot, on her better days, how physically painful fear could be. Jeff took her ankle, so she knew she wasn’t alone as Gwen swept out of sight to do as she’d promised. Her most loyal nightmare.
She didn’t mean to scare him.
Her chest ached with an old burn, and she knew she couldn’t turn to the same cure that soothed it last time.
Gwen returned swiftly, before Aisling even had time to miss her, offering her soft hands again for her friend to accept.
She still couldn’t stand the idea. Jeff was different. Jeff needed the comfort as much as she did, and there was no mistaking his hand for anyone else’s.
She found her feet on her own, still hugging herself, eyes on the floor. Her stomach ached. Her skin crawled under the sticky lace. As she followed Gwen into a side chamber, she couldn’t help noticing the view outside the great, arched windows. A whole world stretched beyond the glass – worlds upon worlds, even.
Her ordeal wasn’t over.
She couldn’t just jump in her van and leave the Dreaming. Boundless as the fears and fantasies of every living thing, aware of her presence as its monarch, it would hold her until he gave her permission to leave. As she walked through her – ostensibly – private rooms, she might as well be sitting in her monster’s palm again.
Gwen showed her to a sunken tub behind a screen, an indoor pond that scented the air with clouds of lavender. An indistinct set of clothes sat on a low table beside a stack of towels, and a small collection of soaps and bottles stood within reach of the water.
Gwen wrung her hands, fighting to smile. “Would you like help? I can wait outside if you prefer.”
“I’ll be fine on my own. Thanks.” Getting the dress off would end in a fit. Big, ugly tears and hacking sobs. She just knew it. She couldn’t stomach someone sitting beside her, trying to comfort her as she came to terms with everything the fae had done.
She had to wash this new skin alone. She needed to mourn. She needed to figure out which way to swim before she drowned in aimless grief, and worrying what she looked like or how she made a loved one feel would only pull her deeper. Fortunately, Gwen understood.
Her friend left. She stood alone in the opulent ensuite, pulling apart what was meant to be her dreaded wedding gown, trembling as she tried shielding herself from eyes that simply weren’t there.
She took her bleeding heart into the bath, and the warm water tried to swallow her pain. Washing and scrubbing until she couldn’t feel the faeries’ touch under her raw flesh brought a little relief, but missed her scars. The little marks on her fingers from careless accidents in the kitchen, places she cut for spell work, and a hundred incidental bumps and nicks. It looked alien now. Too smooth. Perfect in a way even a birth-bruised baby’s wasn’t. Her true sight detected residual magic that wouldn’t fade in her lifetime from the unicorn’s horn. It made her beautiful. The kind of beauty she could use as a weapon if she wanted. If she was dealing with a lesser creature than an Endless.
When her cuticles bled, she gave up trying to erase the potion’s effects.
And she cried.
She cried so much she was surprised the water level didn’t rise. The bath stayed hot and fresh as she tried flaying herself, and she wondered if had some secret healing power. Hardly shocking, all things considered, but she wished it was plain water she could turn pink with her human blood.  
She stayed too long, cleaning her hair, her face, the spaces between her toes. Her intention worked the scrubbing into a ritual. Not all the magic would leave, but she banished the traces of her captors’ essence. She peeled away their staring eyes and casual violence.
She was her own self, and she would make it so.
At last, cleansed in body if not in mind, she climbed out and began the process of becoming a whole person again, with feelings and all. Feelings, and legs, and wet hair.
The towels were so soft she nearly cried again, but she felt ridiculous enough to sniffle down her hysterics and start getting dressed. Gwen had brought something like elegant loungewear. Better than any sweatpants or old t-shirt, they draped around her without clinging or threatening to fall off. Comfortable. Woven from some fabric she’d never touched before but maybe dreamed of, like the plush toy she slept with as a child and the silky ripple of a stream over her fingers. A shawl waited at the bottom of the stack, and she pulled the extra shield around her shoulders like armor. Everything fit. Nothing pinched, or chafed. It couldn’t be the most attractive ensemble, but it felt like a promise. Reassurance stitched into the loose fit that covered her so well.
It wasn’t for display. She wasn’t for display. It was consideration. Patience. A tender embrace offered from a safe distance.
And she was beginning to doubt Gwen had chosen these clothes at all.
She shivered, pulling the shawl tight across her chest, and returned to the bedroom. Gwen rose, uncertain but ready for anything. Aisling waved her down.
“I still… I’m going on a walk.” The world beyond the windows was all Dream’s, but she needed an open sky and a breeze on her face. The screaming child in the back of her head wailed the polished marble felt like raw slate and the close air smelled like soil and mildew. It didn’t, but she wanted to break the association before it took root.
Twisting her hands again, Gwen nodded, and Aisling didn’t wait for someone to tell her she wasn’t allowed, or that she really needed to stop and put on shoes, or that she should act like a delicate lady and keep to the garden. Better to ask forgiveness than permission.
So many of her friends told her stories about the Dreaming. She wanted to love it.
She would outrun her fear, literally if she had to.
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sylvaridreams · 2 months
Recently the question came up in the guild of when ocs were at their happiest in life, soooo...
for Alba he was at his happiest when Jormag was whispering to him… the direct attention, the voice telling him things he wanted to hear that he wasn't getting from other people. they knew him better than anyone could have. it was very soothing, comforting, having these quiet conversations with the wind, feeling control and responsibility being taken out of his hands. he felt wanted in way that he was missing, and for once didn't have to worry about things because the voice kept telling him it was okay to rest and close his eyes and lean into it.
second place is when he was fused with his tiger, it was exhilarating because he was sharing the tiger's thoughts and desires, and then just running blind through the woods fulfilling those desires. basically all their thoughts and needs and wants were pooled and he was gaining all the boons of the tiger being happy and fulfilled. he was only conscious for maybe ten full days combined out of ~6 months but. when he was aware of himself as a person he was for the most part overwhelmingly happy about what he was doing.
Auruim, similarly... was prolly at his happiest in times he was deeply corrupted. during the short time between being chosen as mordremoth's champion and the dragon's death, he had at least a few weeks of intense, raw power and control over things. like in the same way, he was handed what he had been missing and knew intuitively how to use it. taken with a grain of salt because corruption + hivemind thoughts but it was a really high point in his life where he finally had the power to not only protect himself but lead.
other time… he was sadly really happy during most of his coma dream… the demon feeding off of him wanted his happiness, so it was giving him day after day of pure bliss to live out, spending time having fun and being around the people he loved the most and never having to argue with them, never being made angry or upset… it was really like "ok now imagine all of your friends and loved ones are a perfect fit for you and only ever make you really happy to be around them." and it only started to turn when the demon was exorcised and started dying, and the dream started crumbling around him and going worse and worse and darker and darker. i dont think he remembers much of his coma dream but. what he does feels very bright and warm and. felt like being home. still struggling to regain that feeling after waking up.
and then Aeris was briefly but intensely happy in the moment when Alba missed the shot and Kralkatorrik blasted him because she thought for a second that Alba was going to die. and there would be nothing left but her and Kralkatorrik. and then the second passed and Aurene was branded and dead and Alba was so badly wounded he could barely walk and she was hit with the rush of guilt and horror at what she'd thought, then anger that her dragon had got away, so she took it out on him in front of everyone :) classic Aeris moment.
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tinimmyweek · 11 months
@jimmyjrsmusoems ranks Tina/Jimmy Jr. kisses (from worst to best...kinda?)
We are officially two weeks out from Tinimmy Week!!! (can you hear that??? me, screaming in the distance???) @babsvibes actually sent me an ask on my own blog about my favorite Tinimmy kisses, but we thought we might as well put it here instead. Obviously, this ranking is just MY opinion, and I would love to hear yours! (Also, if I forgot any...sue me!) Anyway....
10. "The Gene and Courtney Show" Season 6, Episode 7
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Listen....while I love that he brought her a rose, I cannot handle the second-hand embarrassment I feel when I think about how Tina is wearing a diaper in this scene. Like...I know she's dressed as cupid, but it's all I can focus on!!! If she wasn't wearing one, I think I would rank this kiss higher.
9. "The Bob's Burgers Movie"
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I feel like some of you might be shocked that I didn't put the movie kiss higher (I shocked myself with it when I was making this list), but there are just other ones that I like more! I do love the "Woah." "Yeah." afterwards, and I'm pretty sure I cried the first time I saw this scene in theaters lollll
8. "Every Which Way but Goose" Season 9, Episode 14
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*giggles and kicks feet* <3 <3 <3
bonus :
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7. "Pig Trouble in Little Tina" Season 10, Episode 4
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I know that the first one is supposed to be part of Tina's dream, but they look so cute that I wanted to include it. The actual kiss in this scene is made for me by Zeke's "Oh hell yeah!" after and Jimmy Jr.'s dazed reaction. Also, these poor kids that aren't apart of the friend group were probably soooo confused
6. "UFO No You Didn't" Season 9, Episode 9
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The way that she SPRINTS down the hall in this scene kills me, and I love Jimmy Jr.'s (and Jocelyn's) reactions after. If this wasn't immediately followed by THE Zekina kiss, it would probably be higher up on my list! (That's what I get for being a multi-shipper, oops)
5. "Gene it On" Season 4, Episode 20
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4. "Ex Machtina" Season 7, Episode 8
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Obviously, I'm biased...but this is arguably the best Tinimmy episode overall, and this kiss is just...magical??? Idk??? The fire in the back??? The vibes??? Also, I considered adding the scene where Jimmy Jr. kisses the robot while the entire family watches, but I can't watch that scene without physically recoiling, sooooo
3. "The Quirkducers" Season 7, Episode 6
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bonus angle :
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2. "Sheesh! Cab, Bob?" Season 1, Episode 6
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The first kiss!!! Honestly, this is the one I struggled to rank the most. I think they've had better ones since this, but there's something so special and nostalgic about this one??? I think part of it is that I love the window scene right before this. IDK!!!! <3
"Bob Actually" Season 7, Episode 9
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Was there ever any doubt about which one would be #1??? I am never NOT thinking about the sky kiss. He planned this!!! For Valentine's Day!!!! FOR HER!!!! He was so excited about it!!!!! Also, Sky Kiss is my favorite Bob's Burgers song, so it gets extra points for that. The "Jimmy Jr. kisses Tiiiiiiiiiina" part scratches my brain just right. <3
(As a side note, after typing these all out, I realized that they kiss SO many times in season 7???? If you took out the Xmas episode, there would be three episodes in a row where they kiss. They need to bring that momentum back for me personally)
If you read this entire thing, just know that I am giving YOU a (virtual) kiss on the cheek <3 Happy almost Tinimmy week, I am so so excited to see what everyone comes up with!!!!
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beepiiboop · 4 months
HI for the character ask game im obviously going to ask U about wh... how about questions no. 1, 6 and 8 for ashe and charlotte ^_^
1 - what do you like or dislike this chara(s)?
FOR ASHE; WHAT I LOOOVE ABT HIM IS HOW INSANELY COMPLEX HIS CHARA IS TO THINK ABT. LIKE. GODDDDDDD. thinking abt everything that happened w/ him by the fact ashe set a rule for himself on trying to not let emotions get in the way for him when getting the witch's heart thus repressing all of it away as he's that desperate of wanting to bring back his family. plus having bad trust issues too via that scene where he checks the food to make sure it isn't poison AND also has a limit w/ himself on how he tries his best to act like his genuine self before the desperation of wanting to bring back his family to life gets to him
FOR CHARLOTTE; SHE'S SOOOO COOL I LOVE EVERYTHING ABT HER. especially her connection w/ claire by being fiona's demon that makes you go OUUGHHHH when thinking abt it.... and also her craziness too whenever she's messing around the human cast's lives i support her v much. she has the right to be a little messed up!
6 - what's something you have in common with this chara(s)?
FOR ASHE; i get him personally bc i too also have trust issues and repression issues at that too. both of us together ashe
FOR CHARLOTTE; I GUESS THE FACT PLUSH COLLECTING IS ONE THING WE HAVE IN COMMON plush collecting used to be my hobby a lot when i was younger and had a ton of fun collecting them
8 - what's something the fandom does when it comes to this chara(s) that you despise?
FOR ASHE; I HAAAATE PEOPLE MISCHARACTERIZING ASHE BADLY AS "TEEHEE HE'S SOO TRASHE! HE'S JUST LIKE KOMAEDA/OUMA!" NO HE ISN'T. Y'ALL DON'T GET ABT HIS CHARA STOPPPP DOING HIM DIRTY LIKE THIS !!!! along w/ that, i dooo nawt like how people depict ashe as in siri/ashe stuff too (i don't like that ship ever 💖) bc people will often mischaracterize him and sirius BADLYYYY together in ship format or be weird as fuck abt those two
FOR CHARLOTTE; i haven't seen anything that the wh fandom does w/ her that makes me mad thank god but one thing i will say is if you hate on her or miss the point w/ her chara i will explode you w/ my mind.
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crepuscularqueens · 7 months
tysm for the tag @sambambucky <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
marvel (mostly sambucky but i've played around with other pairings), the magicians (penntin, queliot, wickoff), ofmd, and one black sails fic (despite that being my main fandom i guess lmao, it's so hard to write for because i can't make it better. i just have to make it worse. and boy do i have plans to make it Worse.) (also i do have an rnm fic, almost forgot about that! i would love to write more i just need the inspiration and motivation to hit at the same time lmao)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
he kisses me softly to wake me up (by a wild amount, which i think was just luck of timing with that fandom blowing up overnight) flowers for the gentleman (first published sambucky fic. looking back on it it's like... cute but could be better. natasha is in it though) held by you (felled by you) (my fav of the ofmd fics i put up, personally) what you wanted (first of my tfatws series that accompanied the show. literally wrote each fic as the episodes came out, it was so fun and idk how tf i kept up with it) hear my name in your mouth and i'm done for (hahaha. yeah.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i love responding to comments hehehe! bc i love getting responses when i comment on other author's fics idk it just feels so fun! and when you notice the same people commenting on your fics idk it's just. holding hands with all of you love you sm <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
omg uhhhh jinx i think mine also be a samsteve one lol. stuck in the bed where we lie bc i love writing angst but i usually resolve it? but they're my favorite tragedy forever.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm i guess after it all calms down? resolution of my tfatws series
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not on anything that's still up teehee <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
it's mainly what i write haha oops
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
crossover is when there are characters from two separate medias in one fic right? not like taking characters from one universe and putting them in the other? if it's the first then... no not anymore. no further questions.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of (i'm not like... overly concerned by the idea)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
someone once translated a teen wolf fic i wrote into russain
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but i am open to the idea of collaborating like that (i've done events where i drew art to accompany a fic which was really fun and i miss that event a lot)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i am so so bad at picking favorites, but if you want to go by what i have the most fics and wips for it would be sambucky
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i want to finish shores begging for big moons so badly im so sorry to everyone because. it was so so fun to write! and i had this big grand plan and knew how it would all work out and then.... i hit a wall and now it's been years and i cry for her every day. i could save her! i could do it! but i also need to reread it bc i can't remember the details anymore lmao. it's a daunting task.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think like... rhythm if that makes sense? like i get into a groove of this is what is happening, here are the beats, this is the action and this is the dialogue and it flows so nicely and has a good rhythm to it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
focusing. i get distracted soooo easily, what is that all about haha. ha.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i love seeing it in fic! i'm always scared to include it bc i don't want to mess anything up, so i usually have it from another character's POV and that they don't know what's being said. which is a cop out, i know. i should probably be better about looking into translations!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
harry potter (i know. there is no need to talk about it)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
how do i choose! tbh it's a tie between i bit the fruit and holy water. don't read into that.
absolute no pressure tags for @dr-lizortecho @unwholesome-gay @verdanthoney @nymhciv !
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catcrazyx · 1 year
for the ask game...... KAITO!! :D
EHEHE MY BABY!!!!!!!!! :DD THANK YOU!! Of course my fav character of all time, like really :3 right up there with Chiaki eheh.
Favorite thing about them: Basically everything!! He's such a complex and interesting character, I feel like there's soooo much to him, he's so cool to get to know more of, and his character alone gives me the opportunity to explore a lot of deep interesting topics and seeing things more grey rather than black and white. Besides, he's not perfect, and even though I love him, I found myself disagreeing with him a lot, which is seriously so amazing, I love flawed characters which make them more relatable and human!! Now more into Kaito himself, LIKE HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING, LIKE HE ACTUALLY ALWAYS CARED ABOUT EVERYONE AND WANTED EVERYONE TO SURVIVE AND FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS AND BE HAPPY! He hides himself bc he's scared to be seen as weak, but also bc he's scared of not being relied on, and if nobody relies on him he can't help anyone. He always puts others above himself even if he appears a bit cocky sometimes, he shows to be very insecure deep down, when he said "you fell for a guy like me" I literally CRIED, he deserves so much love. When I first saw him I thought he was a bit out there, and his design was not my thing, apart from the space design on the jacket, but now he's like super hot, everything about his design is beautiful bc it's so unique of him and I love him, even that stupid goatee I wanna touch it so badly AHHHH Kaito with his hair down also >>>>>> -
Least favorite thing about them: Like I said Kaito is not perfect, and what I dislike about him has got to be how he treated Ryoma. I wish they had gotten a better treatment like in the manga we get to see how Kaito really feels about Ryoma and Ryoma would also surely appreciate that support. But in the game, Kaito was very insensitive for sure, I consider that there's more deep down besides the idol thing, like, everybody forgets that Kaito was already dying by that point and he knew that. Him seeing his idol giving up on life when Kaito thinks he has a "choice" (it's not a matter of choice, but following Kaito's train of thought here) but Kaito himself does not have a choice, he has so many dreams but he knows he's dying and I feel like that must have had some impact on why he treated Ryoma like that, relating again, with the fact Ryoma was his idol, someone whom he admired to follow his own dreams, so I know it must be heartbreaking for Kaito, but it was still very insensitive, and I really wish they at least had some better interactions in UTDP, bc I really think these two deserved to be on better terms. -
Favorite line: J-Just one???? Nah, that's illegal. Here have a bunch of lines: 1. "Being able to share your burdens with others… that's how you get stronger" 2. "Hey! Were you guys making out while I was gone?!" 3. "Hey! Who you calling NPC, you A-S-S!?" 4. "If you want to give up, wait until you've done everything you possibly can!" 5. "The impossible is possible! All you gotta do is make it so!" 6. "No matter how many times we fight, we smile in the end... that's what true friendship is!" 7. "Sometimes you gotta be a little reckless to make your dreams a reality!" 8. "That could have been anyone walking around in women's underwear! Even me!" 9. "That's because, limits don't exist unless you set them yourself" 10. "I believe in you." -
BrOTP: With Himiko!! Not actually related, they are best friends! I had made a "understand my friendship" in 5 minutes post where I showed a bit their dynamic. Kaito sending Himiko very cute memes and images, while Himiko sending cursed things just to scare Kaito, but in a lighthearted way! Kaito actually believed in Himiko's magic or at least on how she wants to make people smile with her magic and I'm sure he'd help her believe in herself more. Also Kaito would totally give Himiko piggyback rides when she's tired!!! Another BrOTP is with Kazuichi! They'd be such good bros! Ahh I wish they had interacted at some point, they'd totally bond! I love how some people made comics showing how Kaito would help Kazuichi get over Sonia, move on and become someone he can be proud of, learning to love himself and chase his passions. Also how Kazuichi would talk about rockets with Kaito, I love them so much!! -
OTP: SAIMOTA IS LOVE, SAIMOTA IS LIFE!! They support, admire, love, care, never judge one another. They are so sweet and so cute and adorable and they are also so gay, like... I could be here talking about them forever (I was, but CHARACTER LIMIT ON TUMBLR SOMEHOW??) Anyway, they fit so many themes and aesthetics, like, Saimota is literally SEASONS, like, spring, summer, autumn, winter!! They also fit so well either cottage core or even like city streets, neon lights, parties, they are perfect in every way. They hold hands to comfort each other. They switch their roles a lot, always support each other equally and communication is really their strength!! They already went through that development in the game, and it's perfect. Anyway, special other OTP mentions: Training Trio, Oumota, Amamota, Akamota, Momoharu, Gokumota, Cyberspace and basically yeah, any ship with Kaito is great. -
NOTP: With Junko. Keep her away from my boy. I saw some people make some headcanons of them interacting, no, no no no no NO. My boy deserves love and happiness! -
Random headcanon: Kaito never met his dad and his mom left him, so that's why he grew up with his grandparents. He was always dreaming and studying so he was actually a very lonely kid, but he'd always be happy and smiling bc he wanted to make his dreams come true! Also all of Kaito's clothes have some sort of space design or space related thing about them bc I say so. -
Unpopular opinion: Kaito is not homophobic or misogynistic. He has toxic masculinity traits, but he always respects women, he may have made some sexist comments, but it was never out of hate for women or for seeing them as less than men?? Kaito didn't see Maki as weak because she was a girl, he invited her to the meeting of who would fight Monokuma in ch.1, he also invited a bunch of other girls, he clearly respected their strength. Even if he says "a man shouldn't apologise so easily" Kaito does apologise when he needs to and he also says that to Kaede, he tells her to not apologise for something that's not her fault, clearly showing how he doesn't treat women differently. And he's not homophobic just because of a very misplaced word that came out of nowhere and didnt' mean anything for anything at anything in the story, characters, dynamics, relationships, plot, nothing. It was put there by the writers for nothing, it has no relation to Kaito's character at all, there's no other evidence of him being "homophobic", he's not homophobic!!! He may have some traditional views, and Kaito is stubborn about a lot of things, but he cares about others and I'm sure if they'd teach him more about it, he'd try his best to respect it, bc he can see the good in people deep down and that's always what he cares about the most! - Another unpopular opinion is that PG Kaito is not a bully, he's pretty chill actually, I consider him intimidating, but not physically violent!! I hate how everyone just decided to make him a bully to find an excuse to hate on Kaito. Kaito doesn't even have a canon sad face PG sprite in the wiki, for me he's even more chill than IG Kaito, he's just protective over the ones he loves. He'd NOT bully Kokichi or Shuichi, instead he'd be stepping in to protect them!! -
Song i associate with them: Oooo I have A LOT. I have already made a video for him with the song "Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots", but I have many others, which I don't want to reveal bc I plan on making a video with them in the future, so it's a surprise :) -
Favorite picture of them:
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
Autistic Person reacts to Autistic Representation in Young Royals Season 2
Spoiler Warning for Young Royals Season 2
Soooo I just finished Season 2 of Young Royals and oh boi, I have thoughts. In general, but about Sara in particular. I was curious about her arc in the second season, purely cause she is one of the most complex autistic characters I have seen in recently produced media, even though I couldn't relate to her particularily much.
This has changed now that I have seen Season 2 Episode 6. I will be honest, for the first 5 episodes, I didn't like what they did with Sara. I really didn't. I thought her arc with August was weird, though I did like seeing a driven autistic character who does things to get what she wants instead of being a flimsy, quirky kid who doesn't know what she is doing, but episode 6 changed that for me.
One thing that many autistic people experience, is that we take people at face value, until we don't anymore. Most autistic people have been victims of bullying and emotional manipulation, without realizing. We tend to be literal, and in general - unless we learned differently, usually as a follow-up to us being told to not always say what we think - we are very honest and blunt. In return we expect other people to act the same. This continues until the point where we realize that this isn't true, that people don't always say what they mean. In many cases, including my own life, this realization doesn't come until a few times of believing someone was our friend only to have them humiliate, betray or hurt you. And from that point on we tend to turn into metaphorical snails pulling back into our shells. If we don't put ourselves out, we cannot be hurt again.
Sara to me seems like someone learning this lesson at the end of season 2. She genuinely believed August because she, in her mind, didn't have a reason to think he might not mean exactly what he was saying. This was made worse by her maybe also wanting to see good in him, as per the metaphorical rose-coloured glasses of being in love. So whilst she made a mistake, a grave one, and made a lot of things worse with her actions, I don't think she meant to. I think she honestly didn't think August would do what he did. And honestly, the scene where the other girls, and especially Felice call her out, in very direct and hurtful words, she became relatable to me. I never was in her exact situation, but I was in a situation where I thought I did something the way I was supposed to, and ended up being called a liar and other nasty things. Some context: In sixth grade, I made up a boyfriend, because every girl talked about the boys they liked and I felt like I needed to belong. It seemed like a rule nobody had thought to inform me of, but that everyone else knew. So, I tried following the rule, and I lied up a boyfriend named Tom. Not smart, sure, but I was 12 or 13 and hadn't gotten to a place where I was happy being the weird kid yet. When it came out that I had lied, my classmates called me out in front of everyone and painted me out to be a manipulative liar and a fake friend and I felt terrible. I felt like I had ruined every chance at ever being anybody's friend ever again. And again, that was me at about 13. I had already had two friendships end badly, and some very traumatic experiences before that point. So I came to the conclusion of "if I don't put myself out there nobody can hurt me or use me" very early. Sara, evidently, comes to this conclusion at 18.
I don't want to defend her actions. I just think there might be more to this arc for her than many people seem to see. I have seen posts about Sara being a cunt, a manipulator, a terrible friend, a piece of shit - those are all quotes. I wish I was lying. I think Sara genuinely regrets it - her mistakes, because they were mistakes. She is not some cunning, terrible person, a mastermind trying to ruin her brother's and her friends' lives. She just made a mistake because she believed the wrong person, and she pays the price. She lost her friends, her safety net, her relationship with her brother is ruined. Trust me, that is punishment enough. I have been there.
It's also nice - well, not nice, but realistic - to see how her allistic friends react. They don't believe her, they are confused how she could possibly have been so "stupid" to believe a guy they all thought was so obviously terrible. They also don't try to see it from her point of view. To them, it is a clear-cut case. Because yeah, that is a realistic portrayal of how allistic people often act toward autistic people making a mistake, especially when they themselves don't understand much about autism.
I think that is all I got to say for now, about this. Just one last message, to the allistic Young Royals fans who are currently on Tumblr, Twitter, Tiktok, shaming her character for being so very terrible, I implore you to think. To reseach on autism a bit. To listen to the autistic people in this fandom. And to take a page from the book of autistic people and take her word at face value when she says that she didn't realize August was lying to her, and that she is sorry.
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realcuntsofsuburbia · 5 months
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1. She’s about 23! She dropped out of high school in 10th grade and started hustling along side her cousins (they influenced on her badly)
2. She was raised by her single mother since her father didn’t want anything to do with Monica so she was raised by her mom and was babysat by her grandmother, Anne-Mae
3. Tried smoking a cigarette once when she was 5, never again. Tried edibles when she turned 16
4. Had a 2 year relationship but it all ended when the girl she was dating, JoJo, started hooking up with her cousin in their bed. FOR 3 MONTHS WITHOUT HER KNOWING.
5. Went to the psych ward for addiction and depression
6. She’s pretty muscular like but scrawny (kinda like in a trevor way???)
7. She’s very clingy to her significant other and that kinda causes the relationship to end early :(
8. Was brought up in the hood but her mom moved up by Paleto Bay since her grandmother passed :/
9. Became cool with LD (even tho he still try to take his shot despite her liking pussy)
10. Loves west coast classic radio and the radio rebel radio!
11. Her style is like a grunge/midwest/street-like
12. She’s VERY possessive.
13. Use pet names for her significant other (baby, babydoll, love, princess, sweetheart, etc.)
14. Has a black challenger that she would give her life for since it was a gift from her mom!
15. Smokes weed when she’s sad, mad, horny, frustrated, happy, tired and so on…
16. Goes to the gym every now and then, has good metabolism
17. Once shot someone with her cousin when a run went south
18. The type of girlfriend to grip your thigh while she cruise around.
19. LOVES going to street racing
20. The fastest roller i know, she gets down, SHE DON’T PLAY
21. Has mini breakdowns in the middle of the nights most time
22. She smells like a musky, vanilla, wood scent
23. Doesn’t care to shave and dgaf if her partner doesn’t cause she know how it is
24. Goes in the woods shooting to calm down when she’s pissed or something
25. Has a tabby cat named TaTa
26. Has a crush on Thomas Hewitt (TCM) and Lisa Rose (Girl, Interrupted)
27. Goes on late night drives for fun and to get food cause of munchies!
28. Hella good at Mortal Kombat
29. She selfs isolate when she’s overwhelmed/overstimulated
30. Has a love and hate relationship with kids. (so real)
31. Obsessed with older women and psychotic people
32. Used to SH when she was just 10
33. Can beat the living shit outta someone
34. Shes always either cutting or dying her hair but she sticks with pixie cut
35. Obsessed with tittys and thighs (just like me😍)
36. Has a best friend, Antoinette, she had a crush on but she didn’t feel the same way :( (still friends though)
37. LOVES GOSSIP (“Oh my gosh, that long motorboat feet bitch still delusional over him?? Pathetic, honestly)
38. Super sassy😨
39. Her full name is: Moníca Marie Wilson
40. Rarely feminine
42. Has ‘fuck me’ eyes
43. She’s about 5’10
44. Has a rbf
45. Gives princess treatment
46. Gets disrespectful real quick if she’s disrespected
47. OBSESSED WITH TATTOOS and PIERCING (she has a tongue piercing despite not being able to have piercings on gta 😞)
48. Surprisingly a good cook
49. she’s the FASTEST pussyeater i know, she gets down, she DONT play 😭
50. Loves throwing slick shots
51. Makes fun of LD when he throws a BF (Bitch Fit)
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AAAAANNND here are the OCs I’ve been drawing all week every single day! Posting this early without the third character cuz I got tired and impatient. I’ll probably add him in later though, so don’t worry bout him just yet :)
(Also, yes these are fnaf ocs because I'm not original...)
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Soooo this is Loup Doop, Otherwise known as Loop de Doop/ Loop to kids. (She doesn’t like her name much, but it’s what the company branded her as and she can’t exactly change it.) I have a few bullet points about her: *pulls out list and clears throat*:
She’s 6”7, a tall one!
Her hands are not attached to her body, they’re more 3d holograms you can feel (don’t ask me how it works, I dunno either). it does take some conscious effort to have them out, so she doesn’t usually unless she’s with someone or needs to convey something. If you grab her hands, though, she can feel it and it does have a similar effect as pulling a real connected hand: if you’re strong enough, you can drag her along with it. (And yes, she has four fingers and they're never properly drawn, I'm sorry I can't draw real hands...)
She doesn’t have a voicebox. She communicates with sounds and simple pictures (you’ll see what I mean if/when I post comics of her).
She used to belong to a different company before being sold into Fazbear in some merger between the companies. (which comes in later, hehe…)
She was originally built with an outgoing, extroverted personality, but it developed into something more meek and quiet.
Her lil orange cheek things get bigger or smaller depending on her emotions.
She doesn’t usually hang out with the main star animatronics because they treat her badly. She prefers chillin with the mapbots, staffbots and wet floor bots, or the DJ if she has the chance. Because of her affiliation with the staffbots, it leads a lot of members of staff and guests to believe she is one, and they treat her as such often.
She is a bit of a people pleaser, and feels there's something wrong with her when she gets told off for not 'wiping the floors and doing her @$#% job'.
She cannot curse, by the way, it carries into her speech pictures as signs, sorta like the smurf comics. She doesn't like cursing much anyways, so it's not something that usually happens.
When kids come up to her on occasion (because she is sort of a performer), she'll ask them for their autograph on a picture with them, then print two. One for the kid, and one for her personal collection. She remembers every kid she's ever talked to before.
Her charging port is in the 2nd lil ball on the left side of her head.
The balls aren't anything special, just some soft, styrofoam-like material for kids to enjoy.
She doesn't interact with other animatronics, as said before, but is occasionally forced to by Bloo (see his description below) and puts up with it. On that note:
- She doesn't like Monty or Roxanne very much, but she does interact with Monty the most. Although most wouldn't call 'grabbing your younger brother to keep him away from the big scary bot he sees as an idol' an interaction.
- She's never actually met Freddy before, but she hears that he's nice from the Wet Floor bots. She personally doesn't want to meet him, either, assuming he's just like Monty and Roxy but worse because he's the face of the company.
She's seen Chica around, but...Chica means well, but she treats Loup Doop more like a kid than like an equal.
- She loves the DJ. They're best buddies in her eyes. They'll do remixes together, she'll ride on his back, babysit the minis, anything.
-She...doesn't really know what to think of the Daycare Attendant. The yellow one seems okay, just a bit too loud for her liking. The dark one, on the other hand...she's heard the stories from the STAFFbots and decides to steer clear of him if she can.
-Unfortunately, she can't stay as far away as she'd like cuz her brother in bolts has to look up to the strangest role models.
She actually meets them before Bloo does.
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Thiiiiis is Bloo! He's a slightly newer model from the same company that Loup Doop is from, also from before the merger.
He's Loup Doop's lil brother.
He's around 3''4, depending on the shape of his droplets. The body itself is maybe 2''10.
He's mentally about 8 years old.
He's...not really sure what his job is. Neither does staff, so they just let him do whatever. He's pretty sure he was just supposed to be a sign to encourage kids to stay hydrated, but he tries not to think about it too much.
He doesn't have a voicebox, either, so he also communicates through pictures.
The droplets on his head move without conscious effort, but he can move'em around if he wants to as well.
His left hand has a bubble shooter, his right is his charging port or USB drive.
His left hand can also serve as a tazer, but Loup Doop won't tell him why he ccan't see his own blueprints, so he doesn't know about that.
No incident has ever happened where he finds out thus far.
He's very social, loves messing around with kids even though he isn't an actual featured attraction. He does push out a ton of bubbles for kids 'like him' to pop and play with.
He reaally wants to play with other kids, but he doesn't see much of them too often.
He likes being in the spotlight.
He, like Loup Doop, hangs out with the STAFFbots and Wet Floor bots. Unlike her, however, he doesn't mind hanging out with the other animatronics.
- He thinks Chica's great, he doesn't mind being treated like a kid. They paint nails together and play with dolls sometimes.
- He doesn't talk to Roxy much, only when he's with Chica.
- He thinks Monty is super cool, despite his sister's discouragement. He snuck into Monty's room to try on his glasses once and got caught. Turns out Monty didn't really mind, he liked having another fan. He tries to teach Bloo to play bass when he's not busy.
-Bloo hasn't seen Freddy much, either. He's watched all the performances, though, so he's pretty informed. He thinks that Loup Doup's a bit too cynical towards Freddy. He's sure Freddy's just as nice as everyone else.
- His relationship with the DJ is sort of like how kids talk to their friend's parents. He'll say hi, give all the pleasantries...and then immediately go off to mess around with the minis once he's finished talking.
He loves engaging in harmless pranks, so anyone else who does is a solid bud in his book.
He's the reason Loup Doop ever sets foot in the Daycare at all. He loves Sun and Moon, thinks they're very cool. He collects candy wrappers, keeps old worn plushies he finds in storage, drew the poster to hang in his 'room'...
-He doesn't get to see Sun much, mainly cuz Sun's busy with the kids and he can't be in there with them for fear of Management raising complaint. If he goes in real quick before closing, though, he might be able to pop in and say hi. Maybe a quick game of checkers if he's lucky.
- He sees Moon much more often because he catches him on his night patrols. Moon doesn't mind the company, apparently, because he actually engages with the kid when he talks to him. It's been a while since he was able to take care of kids...
Bloo likes cheerleading.
He wishes he could eat. He wants to try the cupcakes and cookies at Chica's bakery, she talks them up and he wants to know for himself. She's not really supposed to eat, either, but he's good at keeping secrets.
Aaaand I think that's all for now! I'll update this if I come up with more, but here's that.
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wingsofescape · 7 months
20 questions for writers
I was kindly tagged by @alighted-willow for this (thank you friend, you know how much I love these!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2 for now, but I have ideas for many more I keep shelved in order not to get distracted from my main project.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
88,706 (but 82k are from one fic)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far FMA 2003, but I did attempt a Yugioh fic a decade ago that luckily never saw the light of day. I started watching Detective Conan so maybe there will be a fic from that one day, depending on what my brain will decide to rot on.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I only have two fics published, soooo
in the cracks of light - 87 kudos
there'll be happiness after you - 32 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I love discussing observations and mutually scream with my readers. Also I really appreciate when someone takes the time to comment so the least I can do is return the favour. Equivalent exchange, if you will.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's complicated? there'll be happiness after you seemingly ends well, but since it's a prequel and shit unfolds in in the cracks of light... it's a fake happy ending and a prelude to loads of angst *kicks reveal chapter under the rug*
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I haven't finished it yet, but itcol will be getting a happy ending! I know it seems unbelievable now, but I promise it's a fix-it and it will end happily.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't gotten hate per se, but I've had some... disagreements over the genre and some "I expected [character] to react [a certain way] because that would rush the story along" where I'm like "it's called a narrative choice that I have fully analysed and can justify, what's your problem", but other than that...
Although there is a certain very divisive topic I'm handling in my fic which could lead to hate, but I've explicitly stated I would be very liberal with the block button if someone left hate, so I guess the haters know how to stay silent.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I'm actually sitting on a sex scene that was written two years ago and I can't wait to unleash it when the time comes (get it? Okay I'll see myself out).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, but I would be tempted to maybe do a HTTYD/FMA crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if anyone would like to translate a fic of mine, feel free! I'm a translator and editor by profession so if you would like a fic translated to either French or Danish let me know and I will do my best.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Me and two friends did have an idea two years ago but we never developed it to fruition.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Do I even need to say it... CoS Edwin all the way.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
As long as I finish itcol, I'm happy. It's more about wips I want to write but haven't started yet.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten the most positive feedback on characterisation and relationship building, as well as metaphors. I also think that for a first time mystery writer I didn't do too badly with plot twists and red herrings and kept people guessing till the end.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I overthink a lot and will get stuck until something is perfect. I overwrite a lot and I think my sentences can get clunky, and I really struggle with describing internal sensations and will overuse body language related to the eyes. Working on it, but urgh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I speak four so it wouldn't be a problem, but I also know it can take a reader out of their experience, so I try to stick to just a few words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished, Yugioh. Published, FMA 2003.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It has to be in the cracks of light. That fic is my baby, it rekindled my love for writing and gave me the best community I could ever ask for. I'm really proud of myself for still being on this story even after two years of working on it and I love its plot and of course giving Ed and Winry the happy ending they deserve (and I like to stick it to the CoS director).
Tagging with no pressure @asthmaticbee @woahpip @darkpersonapeace @maples-pages @wickedcriminal and anyone I forget who would like to do this!
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alltheprettyplaces · 5 months
Boo! It's the Nice Ask Week Ghost 👻 What vibes would your dream house or apartment have? Would love to see example pictures :D
hi michelle 💖💖💖💖💖 thank you for the fun ask!!!
you know those houses that are all fun colors that make people go “you know that kills your resale value??” in a snotty voice? I want one of those
so I started looking through tabs/bookmarks I have saved for things I might want to buy when I finally have my own place. these are some prints I might have to get bc they’re soooo cute
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and I’m sure I could find some full apartment shots in my blog of looks I love but since I’m eating breakfast while I answer this we get some google shots haha
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colored cabinets in a kitchen, particularly blue and green ones mmmm and I essentially have a fully kitted kitchen waiting to find a home and (courtesy of mostly my grandma) pretty much everything I have for it is a light blue so halfway there already!
and because I literally just bought these less than a week ago
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disco decor!!!! valentines and spring time decor is my complete weakness with the focus being pastels and flowers and shiny so starting now looking in the decor section of any store is trouble for me haha
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and some overseas inspo from on the left the airbnb I stayed in in London two years ago those lights were an instant “oooooooo” for me. and on the right, ya take a girl to Venice for less than 24 hours and over 6 years later she still wants Moreno glass all over her whole house
actually!!! some more inspo is natacha’s house!!! I looooove how she incorporated color and her stained glass window??? need!!!
in short I think this can just be called a pastel princess vibe and I need it so badly right now!!!
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lol-jackles · 2 years
https://youtu.be/mI94S9OrFfA?t=1253 (20:55 if it doesn't go to the right spot)
He still can't answer anything about the show. Part of her question was "what we can expect from season 1?" and he just talks about how he's not in it much, he talks about who is working bts, and talks about reshoots (they apparently JUST are putting together the pilot reshoots which is... wow). Instead of telling us what to expect from the season or the show in general at all he talks about himself on the show (not in it much, we get Dean's voice etc) then we get this stuttering mess:
"I'm really I'm really excited for for you guys to see it, and I'm I'm excited to kinda see how it comes together we're um we've uh we've just put a bit of a spin on the pilot and did a few reshoots and stuff and that's really that's really coming together nicely uh and then the first episode after that um we have uh John Showalter (tangent about Showalter working on og spn) he is our he is our guy down- he is our boots on the ground he he moved over to New Orleans and he's the producing director of the Winchesters so it is in his good capable hands of somebody from the mothership as we call it and I'm just yea I'm just excited to see what you guys think and um excited for these two uh young very talented actors (fan who asked q interjects: "yea the cast is amazing") yea not just two, there's four and six there's uh we're just really got an amazing cast together and I'm just excited for you guys to uh to get exposed to them because I think they're awesome."
Ummmmmmm so what did we learn about the show?? Well, thankfully nothng about a lens this time. But literally all we learned is that he knows the name of his producing director but apparently doesn't even know how many actors he has on their cast let alone their names ("not just two there's 4 there's 6" like come on dude, I thought you were "on set every day"??). And we will never get exposed to them if you REFUSE TO USE THEM FOR PROMO!!
[I did send this ask to @neecy83 when the panel came out but I wanted your take on this mess. The man can barely make a cohesive sentence about his own show and he stutters soooo badly when he talks about it. Or 'talks around it' I should say since we never get any actual info on the show no matter what question he's asked]
Link.  Thank you for the transcript! Nicely done. Lol more boring behind-the-scene techniques that the fan didn't ask for. in some cons fans will ask about his directing experience, which Jensen loves that teaching opportunity, but this wasn't one of those times. As you pointed out, we learned zero and nada about the show and he generally referred to the cast as "they're awesome", nothing specific.
To be fair, Jensen may not have anything to offer because there's always a possibility they're doing some rewrites, as he mentioned reshoots, which in of itself is not unusual but generally not a good sign.
House of Dragons is an example of a good prequel because they're doubling down on GoT's canon, even when that canon was not part of the source material and totally made up. Nonetheless HoD is respecting OG canon and that went a very long way of earning respect of OG fans and HBO immediately ordered a second season of HoD nearly a week after the pilot dropped. The Winchesters have been so thoroughly roasted by OG fans for its disrespect to canon that Jensen tried to salvage it by promising a "twist" that won't go against canon, and now he won't even talk about it all anymore, just more BTS bullshit to distract people.
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misslu999 · 1 year
I wanted to share my opinion about those characters’ stories quests, I know no one asked or cares but anyway… so this is MY top :
(sorry in advance for the english, it’s not my main language !)
1 - Nahida Acts 1 and 2! Clearly to me those are the bests stories quests Hoyoverse have done. Not only because it confirm she is one of the best character and archon of the game, but also every of them are particularly touching. She is so pure, cute and with what happens during the Sumeru’s Arc, everything is pretty sad. She deserves the world and a big hug! I personally cried in each story… why Hoyo needs to hurt her???!
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2 - Ayaka! One of my favorite character (sorry Jean you are obviously my love but for this top well…) it was splendid! From the beginning to the very end, I had the impression we did a date with her as a « lover » (? Let me dream!!). Her sweetness, her smile, and her innocent were awesome! And let’s talk about the danse at this end, what an amazing cutscene we had! I am though still upset with the fact that traveler refused her present !
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3 - Raiden Shogun/Ei, Act 2, I did like the 1st one but it was clearly like the whole Inazuma Archon quest… kinda cool and a bit blank. Nothing more nothing less. BUT! The 2nd is a very different story, we know so much more about her, Makoto, and it help to understand why she wanted to stay in her eternity. The cutscene at the end is a masterpiece, I personally teared up a bit, and it’s the main reason I put her in the 3rd! (Bonus: we can see Yae!)
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4 - Yoimiya Act 2, the most recent one! I did like the 1st but not like the 2nd who gave me an emotion I didn’t had in the others quests! There is an amazing hidden message about the transition from childhood to adulthood ! Our dreams, our innocence, our ignorance those things that faded little by little. I smiled at the cutscene that remind me a lot to Your Name. I am happy that we gave to Yoimiya some love, after all she does for everyone else, she deserved it!
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5 - I hesitated between 2 characters… but well… How can I ignore her when I know she gonna pestered me if i do not! Did you find? Well obviously it’s will be my dear Eula, as I count her as my 2nd fav character of the game (the 1st in of course Jean!). She is soooo badly treated by Hoyoverse, but just because we didn’t had her banner since when ? I don’t remember, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do her story! She is clearly a character who deserves attention! Behind the fact she always wants revenge she is a very attaching person. She suffered a lot her name, the bad reputation it gave to her. And we all know she is not someone bad, on the contrary, she is a sweetheart !
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- 6 I needed to put her, it’s Yae Miko! I can hear her teasing! Her story isn’t the best and isn’t the baddest. It’s fun how she used the traveler for her needs! We all know from the beginning that Yae has always something behind her mind. And that’s why I put her in my ranking! I had a very good fun to play her story! The cutscene too at this end was nice!
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Hmmm…. i could put Kazuha, Ganyu and Shenhe in this ranking, but those are not the ones who touched me the most. But they didn’t leave me indifferent! So that why I mention them!
I also remind this is 100 % an objective opinion and personal ranking! I love every characters of this game, all of them are interesting. And I did all character’s stories quests! But I find their developments give us much more contexts about the main quest! And also because I loved playing them. So don’t take it too personally because I didn’t put your favorite character, I reminded I didn’t put my Jean!
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evansbby · 7 months
This ask reminds me of this tik tok I saw of a new mom getting the green light at her 6 week check up but lying to her husband that the doc said they should wait a while longer cus she wasn’t ready for him to jump her bones yet 😭 was omega ready when she got the all clear or did she wanna wait a little bit?
Omega was ready before they got the all clear! Bc it’s a/b/o means that she was soooo ready to jump Steve’s bones bc she wants him sooo badly too!
Although this reminds me of some harrowing TikToks where women talk about how they had to tend to their literal week old babies whilst also tending to their husbands bc their husbands wanted to have sex IMMEDIATELY. And so many women in the comments were saying they had the same experience 🥲🥲🥲🥲😔😔😔
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