#watching their stuff whilst I’m drawing really helped me pick up a lot of skills
scrimblyscrorblo · 20 days
Any tips for coloring traditionally? I have no clue what im doing
Valid, I don’t even feel like I know what I’m doing most of the time lol
- Usually I like to test the colours first, like a lil circles to see how they look together before. It’s typically best to start with your lighter colours , the darker ones will cover up mistakes and you can layer the shading
- Be loose with it, at first I was a real perfectionist about colouring w markers and it made me not want to do it. But once you kinda accept there’s going to be a mistake or two, you can kinda breeze through it a bit more, not to say don’t take your time tho - the colouring process is fun and tedious when it wants to be
- And don’t be afraid to use colour palettes from shows or characters you really like, already! That’s actually good to get a feel for how different colours work together and why.
Sorry these are so long TT
- The only other thing I might suggest is that when I sketch in pencil first I sometimes hatch over certain parts to get a feel for the values.
Like which parts are gonna be darker and lighter so it feels like colours of the same value aren’t going to blend in too much.
I hope these help this is mostly stuff I’ve learned watching professional artists’ process, usually Drawfee, highly recommend!
They do different Drawclasses for stuff like anatomy, colouring, perspective etc for free on their drawfee vods channel
And of course keep trying, the more times you try something the more it’s gonna get easier! Good luck!!
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
don’t feel (4)
jj maybank x female reader
part one // part two // part three
summary: you and jj go on your surfing date and get to know each other until topper interrupts (terrible summary im sorry)
word count: 2.3k
warnings: mentions of abuse, swearing, topper is a dick (sorry lads), gets pretty angsty at the end (it wasn’t even gonna be an angsty chapter but my brain got the better of me apologies) i also havent read it through so pls ignore the mistakes
—— I am in no way romanticising abuse if you have any issues with my writing pls message me
A/N: everyone say hallelujah because i’ve finally written something!!!!!!!!!! sorry in advance if it’s not the best, i havent written in like a month and i struggled with this chapter before my little hiatus but i want to finish this series so badly so i did some the other day on the train and its kinda got me back into the swing of it :) as always feedback is appreciated
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After JJ had left last night, it didn’t take long for you to finish cleaning the pool and then collapse onto your bed for one of the best nights of sleep you’d had in a while.
Your alarm woke you up out of your slumber, and as you reached for your phone turn it off you hissed in pain as your injuries on your side and head throbbed at the movement.
Lifting your pyjama shirt up to inspect your side, you were met with a large bruise and as you looked at it you couldn’t help but feel a little hatred for Topper and his carelessness - no doubt he’d try and talk to you soon enough to apologise, but that was a problem for another day. Today’s problem was meeting up with JJ for your little date, you had no idea if it would even go well but you knew you had to try as you were apparently soulmates. You looked at the bruise on your side again making you realise it would definitely be obvious when you were wearing your bikini so you were going to have to try and find a shirt to cover up, at least for the initial part of the day.
Going through your draws you found a nice black bikini that complimented your body nicely and a large shirt, that was slightly see-through but not enough to really show your bruise, as well as some of the other scars on your body from multiple different injuries. You got dressed, brushed your hair before pulling it into a loose bun, and quickly admired yourself in the mirror before picking up your keys and leaving your room.
You poked your head into your sister’s room, only to be met with her soft sleeping face, you didn’t want to wake her up, but you needed to let her know you’d be out for the day, and hoped she would be too instead of at home on her own.
You walked over to her, lightly flicking her nose, and laughed as she tried to swat your hand away, still half asleep.
“I’ll leave you alone if you open your eyes.” You said, ready to poke her cheeks until she woke up enough to talk to you.
She groaned as she opened one of her eyes, “it’s so early, let me sleep.”
“It’s almost 10, in what world is that early?” You asked, a smile on your face at how incapable she was in the mornings, an almost polar opposite to you who always loved waking up early.
“My world.” She huffed, pulling the covers up over her face.
“Okay well I was wondering if you were going anywhere today as I’ll probably be gone for most of today, but I can try and make it back early if you are on your own.”
“No I’m going to Carley’s again,” she pulled the duvet off her face to raise her eyebrow at you in question, “but where are you off to? You almost never socialise with people.”
You jokingly scowled at her, “Hilarious and if you must know I’m meeting up with a boy for a possible date thing.”
She squealed and sat up to look at you, “Oh my god yes! Who is it? Do I know him? Is it Topper? What are you doing on the date?”
“I’m guessing you’re awake now jesus christ. But you’re going to have to find out about it later, after the date so if it goes badly I don’t have to tell you.”
“Rude,” she pouted, “But have fun!”
You gave her a small wave before heading out of her room and downstairs to grab some toast before you left.
Even though it was tourist season, the beach seemed pretty empty and calm when you arrived, a few people in the sea already catching the waves, and as you looked at all the different groups on the beach the blond hair of JJ Maybank caught your eye.
He seemed to notice you at the same time as you saw him, he waved and walked over to you, “Hi.”
You smiled at him, trying to ignore the pain you felt on your face as you took in his injuries, “Hey, you good?”
“Always, and like I said yesterday I’ve had worse - Topper isn’t exactly the best at beating people up.” He laughed it off, but you couldn’t help but think there was something behind the words he was saying.
“Sure,” you said, fiddling with the hair band on your wrist, “well I hate small talk, so are you ready to be amazed by my incredible surfing skills.”
He laughed, clearly not convinced, “Bring it on Y/N.”
You grabbed your board from your car, and headed with him to the water, trying to pay more attention to the waves than his toned chest, not wanting him to realise how attractive you found him - you didn’t need that sort of teasing.
The two of you walked out into the water, moving to lay on the board as it got deeper so you could paddle out a little further. The waves weren’t as big as you’d like, but at least the sea wasn’t flat, otherwise this whole day would be less than ideal.
Both you and JJ sat up on your boards, waiting for the perfect wave for you to ride, and as you watched the water you could feel JJ watching you.
You turned to him, eyebrow raised, “What?”
“Why are you wearing a shirt?”
“Are you that desperate to see me in a bikini?” You joked, trying to avoid the question.
“Of course,” he winked at you before a look of seriousness came back over his face, “but also a little concerned as not many people where shirts in the water.”
“I bet they do, but if you must know, where Topper elbowed me last night I have a shitty bruise and I didn’t want people on the beach to see and maybe judge, so I covered up.”
“Oh, um, can I see it?”
“A bit of a weird request,” you chuckled, “but I guess so yeah.”
You lifted up your shirt, revealing the dark purple mark across your side, green tinging the outside of the mark, you heard JJ breathe in sharply as he took in your injury, “Holy shit are you sure you’re alright, like obviously I can feel it slightly but it looks awful Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, “I’m fine, can we surf now?”
He nodded, and as he turned away from you he muttered under his breath, “Just avoid every question I ask huh?”
You looked at him, eyebrow raised, but he was already paddling his board to catch the next wave.
So that’s what the two of you did for almost two more hours, caught lots of waves - showing off the different tricks you could do, which in your opinion you were much better than him, not that he would admit it - and spoke about all the little things you could think of whenever you were waited for a good wave. Even whilst talking, you felt like you weren’t really talking, neither of you really spoke about anything deeper than your favourite colours or films and you were pretty sure he was now beginning to notice how you avoided any question about your home life. But you knew he was hiding something too so you didn’t feel as bad.
It was when you were both out of the water that the day took a turn for the worse. You were heading to where your bags were when you spotted Topper arriving at the beach, his eyes searching for something. And you were pretty sure that that something was you.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” JJ said from where he stood behind you, looking at the way Topper was now manoeuvring along the beach looking for you.
You held out your hand in front of JJ, “Please stay here, I’m gonna talk to him and do not want you to start something.”
“He started it last night not me.” He scoffed, ignoring the way your eyes rolled at how childish he sounded.
“Just stay here. Please.”
You didn’t wait for him to answer, instead you headed towards Topper, bracing yourself for the apology that he was going to try and give you, even if you were far from forgiving him.
He spotted you as you approached him, smiling widely and jogging over to meet you half way.
“Hey Y/N I was looking for you.”
“I guessed that.” You say, crossing your arms as you stood looking up at him.
“Right,” he moved his hand through his hair, “well, um, I know you said last night that you didn’t want to see me, but I can’t stand you being mad at me and I really want to apologise. I really didn’t mean to hurt you and i don’t think I’m like Rafe and hurting you is the last thing I would ever want -and can you please say something!”
You couldn’t help but flinch at his raised voice, his eyes widening at your reaction.
“Shit I’m sorry Y/N, please talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say to you Topper, you hurt me and it might take a while for me to forget that. So I have nothing to say.”
“But-“ he tried to reach for you hand, but was instead met with the empty space as you stepped away.
“Nothing to say.”
You looked at his sad eyes one more time before turning around and heading back towards where you assumed JJ still was.
You didn’t realise you were shaking until you reached JJ and he looked at you with worry, “Woah are you alright?”
“I’m fine, it’s just-” you clenched your fists, “nevermind it doesn’t matter now anyway.”
He stepped towards you, “You know Y/N, this whole soulmate thing means we need to talk to each other about stuff, so it does matter. Please talk to me.”
You tapped your foot anxiously as you considered his words, “Fine. It’s just that in my life I haven’t had many people who care about me, and most of the time if they do care, I either push them away or they leave because they realise I’m not worth it. But never T - he was always there for me and my sister, and I’m just not sure I want to lose that but at the same time he hurt me and yeah that’s pretty much it.”
JJ put his hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as you looked up at him, “Well thanks for telling me but we might have to continue later because the idiot,” he pointed behind you to where Topper was now marching towards you, “has spotted us.”
“Oh for fucks sake.” You muttered, wondering if the angry look on his face was due to seeing you with JJ. It most definitely was.
You waited for him to get closer, no longer in the mood to deal with his shit.
“Really Y/N? You won’t talk to me or spend time with me but you’ll spend time with this dirty pogue?”
“I’ll have you know I bumped into him a while ago and we were just chatting and even if I hadn’t, who I spend my time with is none of your fucking business Topper.”
You could feel JJ tense up beside you as you lied to Topper about why you were with him. You’d apologise to him later but if Topper knew you’d been on a date together then the situation would get much worse a lot quicker than you’d like.
“Funny that I don’t believe you,” he scoffed, “but then again all you do is lie Y/N isn’t that right? Lie to everyone about everything, especially your home life.”
You froze, shaking your head for him to stop speaking, but he was too lost in his own anger and jealousy to realise he was crossing a line that could never be undone.
“Does your new friend know about that? Or should I tell him?”
“Topper please, don’t.” You reached out a hand to try and calm him down. You could feel JJ’s ocean eyes focused on you, his suspicions apparent.
“Well Y/N, you’ve already made it clear you don’t want to be friends with me so I’m just passing the information to the next guy you’ve found so he can pick up the pieces whenever you decide to show actual emotions.”
“Please-“ You tried.
“Her parents beat the shit out of her and her sister, that’s the big reveal,” he told JJ, ignoring the tears streaming down your face, “but what she doesn’t realise is that she is as emotionless and uncaring as them, so be ready for when she gets bored of you and throws you out like yesterday’s trash.”
Topper didn’t even look at you as he left, leaving you crying and JJ staring at you wordlessly. Your whole life unravelled before you, in one of the most to the point and unpleasant descriptions you’d ever heard, ignoring the implications of what he said about you. Is that really what people thought about you?
The silence between you and JJ became too much for you, you steadied your breathing, wiping the tears off your face “Well I think I’m gonna go, it was nice spending time with you, I guess I’ll, um, see you around.”
You looked up to see him open his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly closed it. You nodded to yourself and headed back home, ignoring JJ finally saying your name behind you, you just wanted to get away from the disaster of your first date with him. Soulmates sometimes didn’t work out and apparently yours was one of those, even if you wanted it to work.
A/N pt2: i was gonna add a bit of JJ’s perspective but im lazy so sorry y’all and sorry again for the fact i haven’t read through it i’m ill and sorry again (i feel like a youtuber making apologies here) that this isnt my best i’m just happy ive posted something and thanks for reading
A/N pt3: (it never ends sorry) I don’t know whether it’s because I’m very unromantic but even if I had a soulmate I wouldn’t feel strong feelings straight away so I tried to portray that but it gets better in the next chapter!!
taglist: @outerbongs @jjaybank @bailspogue @outerbankslut @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @alexa-playafricabytoto @teamnick @k-k0129 @do-not-talk-to-me-i-am-awkward @thoughtsofthestars @http-cherries @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @thesurfingsnail @lonely-kermit @oopsiedoopsie23 @overly-b @lus-shh @xlittlemissydjx @asaks6082 @copper-boom @danicarosaline @deathcompass @jellyfishbeansontoast @butterfliesinthenightsky @iamaunicorn4704 @my-soul-is-the-moon @diverrdown @thorsangel @saintkore @prejudic3 @ponyboys-sunsets @starrystarkey93 @teenwaywardasgardian @celestialmaybank @kaylinfayezink @pixelated-pogues @otrbnks @x-lulu @obxmxybxnk @im-a-stranger-thing @jjmbanks @allycat449-blog @rudyypankow @silverstarsandsuns​ @chaoticbisous​ @realistic-breadstick​ @boldlypessimistic​ 
Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you
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Cultivating an enjoyable video games experience with non gamers aka How do I get my non-gamer significant other to play games with me?
Video games.
Once a niche hobby of adult programmers in the 70s, before targeting 10 year old boys in the 80s and 90s, video games are now a mainstream hobby and entertainment product that has shown tremendous growth in the past 30 years. While films and serialized shows have shown some developments, with new technologies and the invent of streaming, the gaming industry has undergone a complete transformation in only a few short decades. Entire genres have been created, along with improved graphics, mechanics, and storytelling.
But with more people getting into video games now more than ever, the age-old question continuously resurfaces:
“How do I get my significant other to play video games with me?”
And it’s an understandable question! Games are an important hobby to some, and it’s nice to be able to share in that passion and joy with the person you love most. I completely understand this. I’m a cosplayer and I’ve definitely conned my boyfriend into pressing seams for me or sitting in hour long panels about EVA foam. It’s not exactly his number 1 priority, but we have fun together doing it, and he’s able to appreciate my craft a little more because of it.
Similarly, he’s not an artist, but he always helps me table in Artist Alley, gives advice on new prints to make (“If you’re going to make a niche DnD print, at least display it near the DnD stuff to be a conversation starter”) and stays up til 2am cutting stickers with me. It’s exhausting, but we have a lot of good memories from doing it together.
It’s nice to include your significant others in activities that bring you joy.
So how the hell do you convince your partner to engage with video games… if they never have before? And what kinds of games are going to give you the best experience?
Hi. Welcome. This is where I come in.
I’m not a gamer. At all. I’m awful at video games. Whilst my boyfriend was growing up and devouring every console he could convince his parents to buy, I was being a horse girl. No Halo for me today, sir, I have a showjumping class to attend. The only video game I would willingly participate in was Singstar during sleep overs, and that was because I was a musical theatre kid and knew this would be the only video game that I could completely decimate my peers with. Street fighter? No thank you. But I will wreck your shit with Stacy’s Mom by Fountains of Wayne.
But somehow, even though this is my upbringing, I have to acknowledge the fact that over the past 10 years I’ve actually played… a lot of video games. I think I’ve figured out the key. I think I’ve distilled the answer. Now obviously this is purely based on my experience, and everyone will have slightly different results, but I will now present you with my scientific anthropological findings of how you may be able to repeat this process.  
“How do I get my significant other to play video games with me?”
Now I think there are two ways to go about this.
1.       Play a video game together where both of you are holding a controller and in charge of some aspect of the game. Ie. Character, assistant, the right foot, etc.
Now I realize this seems obvious.
“You mean I can play a video game with my significant other by actually playing a game with my significant other??? Uhhhh yeah…. I WOULD THINK SO”
But hear me out. Out of the two ways you can go about this, I actually think this is the hardest way (I’ll explain why soon). My partner and I do not often play games together like this. What we usually do, and what I would be more likely to recommend is:
2.       Play a game where you (the gamer) have the controller, and your SO participates or watches from the couch.
This is what my boyfriend and I usually do, and it’s the less likely of the two options to cause arguments, fights, and tears.
But let’s first look at option 1.
Playing a game together
Do you remember when you were in high school and you had to do a film study for a semester? And your teacher would explain all the different camera shots and angles and what they meant? A low angle shot where a character towers above makes them seem intimidating. A character cloaked in shadow indicates that the character is sneaky.
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Your teacher told you all this, but in reality, all of these meanings were probably pretty obvious to you. You intuitively knew what they meant because you had been raised on watching movies. You were already familiar with this language of film because it had always been present in your life.
Well guess what? Video games have a language too.
And just like film, if you have played video games your whole life, you might be surprised at just how much of this language you have absorbed, and how much of this literacy is REQUIRED to play a modern video game.
The fact that triangle is always jump, x to interact, L2 to aim, R2 to shoot, circle to crouch, square to reload… all of that is assumed knowledge that you would probably have ingested over time, so it comes completely natural to you now.
Your SO doesn’t know any of this. They probably don’t even know that the L and R buttons exist. I didn’t. I still forget.
This is why choosing a game to play together is so difficult. When you finally do choose one? You have to be patient. You cannot get annoyed when your SO has to ask every five minutes what jump is again. They may have difficulty navigating around menus and UI. They may have difficulty moving around in game. Side scrollers are pretty intuitive, but games that require you to position a camera? Ie. Most third person or first person anything? Oof. That’s hard. They might fall off a lot of bridges or stare at the ground a lot. This is a skill you have to build up. You have it already. They don’t. It’s important to remember that saying anything like “You can do it, it’s easy!” or “Why are you having so much trouble with this?” is NOT HELPFUL. It’s only going to make your SO feel stupid/bad. Remember, they don’t give a shit about video games. Their life has been just fine without them until now, and it will continue to be just fine without games. They are only doing this FOR YOU. So why would you want to make someone feel stupid for just trying to make you happy?
Treat them like a baby deer. Gently. Tentatively. You are slowly drawing them into the clearing. Any harsh comment will send them running.
Based on all this, here are some recommendations on games that work well to play with your SO.
1.    Games you are SUPPOSED to be bad at.
You know how I just talked about how there are general conventions over controls? And that it can be frustrating for your SO to learn these whilst they come intuitively for you?
Well what if you eliminated that disparity by playing games where the controls intentionally make no goddamn sense? By playing a game with whacky controls, it evens the playing field. Your SO is learning and struggling with controls, but so are you! This way your stupidity is not humiliating, it creates a sense of comradery. There’s no shame, just silliness and fun. The game I played with my partner that made me first realise the genius of this was… Octodad.
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Octodad is collaborative. It’s an absolute nightmare to control, but for once my boyfriend’s muscle memory was actually a detriment. He would instinctively go to move like he would in other games, but that’s not how Octodad works. So he was rewiring his muscle memory whilst I was just a blank slate.
“Trigger to grab things? Yeah sure. Why not? I don’t know any better.”
It also hits that sweet spot of being short enough that the silliness doesn’t grow stale, and has a sincere enough story that you do become invested in the fate of the octopus in your hands.
10/10 Octodad. Highly recommend.
Other games in this genre that I feel would be worth a look:
-          Man Fall Flat
-          QWOP
-          Surgeon Simulator
-          Super Bunny Man
 2.    Hey! It’s Nintendo!
Ah Nintendo. It’s where most children start, so it seems like a logical place for a burgeoning gamer to begin. But specifically, what I want to recommend are the range of excellent Nintendo party games that are simple to navigate, fun, and often cooperative. I can’t play an FPS, but Mario Kart comes very easy to me…. Or as easy as it does to anyone. Similarly, Mario Party requires almost no video game literacy, and you can introduce it to your SO as “It’s just a board game that happens to be a video game”.
Although we do joke about Mario Kart and Mario Party being “friendship killers” because of their competitive nature and how easy it is to sabotage other players. If you are worried about these games maybe causing to much distress, I would also recommend the tried and true Wii Sports or the more modern 1-2-Switch. It has a cow milking game! It’s fun! And you can laugh at one another as you make terrible dick jokes.
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If you really want, play it on co-op team mode.
 In summary, when picking a game to play with your SO my general recommendations are:
- make sure the game has very simple controls and linear movement (if any at all)
- or have a game with bonkers controls so you can learn them together
- avoid competitive games to start. Or play competitive games that require no video game literacy. The best FPS or Tekken player is NOT going to win Mario Party. It’s just luck.
Playing games this way with my partner is fun, but not how we usually play games. This is because if I want to play a AAA title, or maybe a great JRPG I’ve heard about, I have to move on to the second method.
 Playing games where the gamer has the control and the non-gamer watches/participates via other means.
This is how my partner and I generally play games. Because my partner is the one holding the controller, navigating the game, combat and menus, I am not required to have any of that assumed knowledge I mentioned earlier.
But how can you make watching a video game compelling?
It’s actually not as difficult as you might imagine, but you’re right in that it does rule out a chunk of games. If you have grand dreams of your non-gamer girlfriend fawning over your sweet League of Legends skills… then I think you need a bit of a wake-up call. Competitive online games, FPS and sports games (such as FIFA) are generally not fun to watch. This isn’t a blanket statement! Some non-gamers could find these fun. But generally, if you don’t know the skill it requires to perform certain moves or strategies, or are unfamiliar with even the basic rules… these games just look like a mess.
Me watching someone play Overwatch: “Wow… I suddenly have motion sickness”
I find the most compelling games to watch are: Narrative driven
Think of all the games that are basically movies with some gameplay thrown in. Uncharted and the Tomb Raider reboot are just long form Indiana Jones movies. The Last of Us is a survival, drama, horror movie that makes you question your morals and how far you are willing to go to help humanity. The Witcher captures a rich narrative and lore comparable only to the Lord of the Rings films. The Yakuza series might be the best mob movie I’ve ever seen. All of these games are great and as engrossing to watch as they are to play. Lovable characters, compelling obstacles, and a good dose of spectacle keep them entertaining. Narrative driven games are my favorite to just sit and watch whilst my partner plays.
However, “narrative driven games” encapsulates thousands of titles, with some being more suited to watching than others. To help narrow down games that are enjoyable without a controller, I’ve narrowed it down into 3.5 sub categories.
1.       Games with a looser/more predictable narrative, but the visuals are just so damn appealing
2.       Choice based games – with the sub category of puzzle games
3.       Mediocre games, but they’re fun
 Each of these categories creates a uniquely different gaming experience, ranging from a cinematic “sit and watch” style, to a higher participation, more co-operative team based style. Let’s start with the first as it’s the easiest to define.
 1.    Games with a looser narrative, but engrossing visuals
Sometimes games will have a good story, but you’re just not sure if it’s good enough to sustain someone’s attention for 20+ hours. Maybe it’s a little predictable. Maybe you know the hero is destined to save the day. Will this be enough to hold my SOs attention?
And I think you are really the only one to answer that.
But let me first tell you about one of my favorite games, and probably only the second game I ever played with my partner.
I fucking adore this game.
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Eat my ass. It’s great.
But is the story that great? I mean it’s cool. Half angel, half demon boys. Long lost twin brothers. An evil demon who killed your father and has now essentially become a mob boss and corrupted your city. It’s cool. It’s interesting enough, but at the end of the day, you know Vergil is going to betray you. You know your cardboard cut out girlfriend(?) is going to be a liability. You know you’re going to defeat that demon boss with your big sword.
But god damn, if it isn’t a riot to watch. Devil May Cry has some of the most stylish and slick combat, that it’s really entertaining to just witness. You can cheer on your SO on as they climb up to a SSS ranking and maintain their combo over 5 whole minutes. The soundtrack is blasting. The level design and art direction are stunning. Watching Dante get dragged into Limbo is always an experience, and you’re never quite sure what you’re going to walk into this time. DMC still has one of the most inventive boss fights I’ve ever seen and I’m honestly waiting for another game to top it.
So, I think if your visuals are captivating enough… that can definitely save a game with maybe just a good to average story. It’s just a treat for the senses.
Other games I would put in this category would be:
- The Arkham games, particularly Arkham City and Arkham Knight. God the combat is just great to watch, with each punch really feeling brutal and heavy. The spookiness of Gotham is eerily beautiful, and finding all the easter eggs in the world is a real treat.
- The latest Spider-man game from Insomniac games
- Breath of the Wild – I just like… being in this game
-Nier Automata – this one is a bit weird. I wasn’t sure which category to put it in, but felt because of the interesting mechanics and gimmick of playing over and over again to reveal more of the world and story, I decided to put it here.
 2.    Choice based games
This is definitely my favorite type of game to play, and the one that I think is the easiest to engage with, despite the lack of controller in my hand.
The whole reason I started playing games with my partner is because he was playing a game and after a while I just… sat down… and started watching.
The game was Mass Effect 3, and I just became really involved in the story and the choices my partner was making. We have since gone back and played the entire Mass Effect series multiple times, and I feel it really exemplifies what is so fantastic about playing a choice-based game with a non-gamer.
Choice based games still allow your SO to be heavily involved. If you are letting your SO make choices, then they are still playing the game. Just because I wasn’t the one actively shooting Collectors does not mean I had no impact on our game experience. It was my choice to cure the genophage. My choice to spare the Rachni queen, and you can be damn sure that it was my choice to romance Garrus across the series. Choice based games are fantastic for keeping your SO engaged and the two of you can cultivate your own story and endure consequences together.
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Obviously I love Mass Effect, but some similar games in this style would be:
-          Until Dawn
-          The Witcher
-          The Persona series – but be careful! These games are long so may not be great as an introductory game
 Visual Novels! – Visual novels are excellent for this! They’re purely choice based, and it doesn’t matter who is clicking the next button. For an added amount of goofiness, take on roles and do stupid voices. Do it. It’s great. Nothing makes me laugh harder than romancing an anime schoolgirl with an old man voice.
 They’re short, but can be replayed for a different ending if you wish. My partner and I played Dream Daddy together multiple times and were avid about who our favorite dads were. I liked Robert and Craig. My partner liked Damian and Brian. 
 My partner and I have actually just started playing a new visual novel, but along with it being choice based, I would also classify it as a puzzle/problem solving game.
 2.5  Puzzle/problem solving games
Puzzle games are great for a similar reason as choice-based games, as they keep your SO involved. Only this time they are helping to problem solve. Many times I’ve been able to figure something out before my boyfriend, so I can go “ohhhh take that, drop it here, then move that here” and it’ll work!
Currently we’re making our way through the Danganronpa series, which is a bit of a hybrid between a visual novel and puzzle game. It’s not a difficult game to control or navigate at all, so I could play it on my own, but I like playing it with my partner as we bounce theories off of one another and work together to solve a crime. I’ll remember certain pieces of evidence he doesn’t, or he’ll remember one throw away line from the opening 3 minutes of the game that is now an alibi. During free time, we’ll each pick a character to talk to, so we both get to learn more about our favorite characters.
“I wanna talk to Sakura because she seems sweet and I want her to have friends”
“Ok, then I’ll talk to Mondo because he seems funky.”
And so on. The process is collaborative.
Some games of a similar genre that might be fun:
-          Catherine from Atlus
-          Portal 1 and 2
-          The Phoenix Wright series
-          Resident evil 2 – this one is a bit odd, but resident evil 2 is almost a memory game as you work to remember all the things you’ve picked up, the pieces you need to unlock doors, and prioritize the weapons you’ll take with you. “No take the grenade rounds. If we’re going in the offices, we left that face hugger there, remember?”
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Finally this brings us to our third category, and also the most difficult to explain. So I’ve just called it:
3.    Average Games, but there’s just something enjoyable about them
Sometimes games are just… fun. Sometimes the story is alright, the gameplay is repetitive, but the characters and writing are just so inherently likeable or interesting that you can keep watching. For me, this whole category was created as a way for me to justify my fondness for the Saints Row series.
Saints Row is, on paper, pretty unremarkable. It’s a ridiculous series of games about a street gang coming into fame and eventually political power, and the outlandish things they have to do to climb that ladder. Often cited as a “GTA clone” the gameplay is repetitive and almost boring at times, with most of the missions falling into the “Go here, kill people” category. The world isn’t particularly pretty or interesting. It’s just a city. One that you’ve seen a million times if you’ve played any city-based open world game.
So why do I love this unremarkable series? Why am I oddly attached to these characters?
Ultimately, I think it comes down to the characters being written with a certain amount of honesty, and the interactions between them feel genuine and oddly heartfelt. I don’t really care about rival gangs or accumulating money, but if it lets me ride in the car and have another sing along with Pierce, then I’m going to do it.
I like the weird sexual tension between the Boss and Shaundi, which only seems to become more prominent if you play as the female Boss. I love Matt Miller and him ranting about his Nyte blayde fan fiction. I like finding out the Boss has read Jane Austen.
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It’s just silly and fun, with a good amount of ridiculous spectacle. It’s definitely not a series that I could recommend. It just kind of appealed to something in me. I think there are lots of games that could fit this category. Most people will say that the Borderlands series is “Alright” but it has a lot of fun dialogue and characters who keep it entertaining. Similarly, despite lack luster reviews, I know a lot of people really enjoyed the 2013 Deadpool game because Deadpool was written just like he is in the comics.
This category is the hardest to nail, and you may go through several games that you think are “hilarious” or “crazy fun” that just don’t gel with your SO. That’s ok. As you play more, you’ll eventually be able to develop a sense of each other’s tastes and what will appeal to you.
 General Advice in closing
TL;DR, here are some good parameters to stick to until you reach a consensus of what games your SO might enjoy.
-  Games with a good story and compelling characters will always be entertaining
- If the combat is long and takes up a good proportion of the game, it should be visually interesting to look at. If the combat is repetitive or boring to watch, it should clip along at a good pace and only come in short bursts. Bonus points if there’s party banter!
- Start with shorter games, then build up. It’s a big demand on someone to sit through a 60+ hour game for your first few attempts. Maybe put that Tales game on the shelf for now.
I’ve tried to keep this advice general, but obviously you and your SO will have different interests, and you should appeal to those. I love anime. I love hot boys. Due to these factors, I am more than willing to sit through a long form JRPG about two rival noble boys, as it appeals to my weeb sensibilities. This is not something I would expect others to be able to do.
I generally don’t like films about heists or organized crime. It’s just not a genre that appeals to me, so asking me to sit through Grand Theft Auto is probably not the wisest choice. I have played GTA5 for those that are curious, and it’s not my favorite. It’s definitely not bad, and I do expect other non-gamers would be entertained playing through the story of it. There’s definitely a good story there! It’s just not one that satisfies all of my needs. Just like how I don’t expect every person to love sitting through God of War or Jak and Daxter.
Getting to learn each other’s likes and dislikes takes time. Favorite movies can be a bit of an indicator, but transferring to a different medium complicates things. The most important thing is to listen to each other and be respectful. If your SO doesn’t like your favorite game of all time, that’s not a personal insult. You are likely just experiencing the game in a different way than they are, and they can’t relate to that.
Along with being respectful, obviously don’t pressure your SO into anything. Sometimes you’ll find that your SO might not want to play games with you because they had such an awful experience trying to play with their exes or other friends previously. I know I was really hesitant to ever pick up a controller again after an incident where I couldn’t navigate my character over a log, because I was not used to controlling a camera, and was made to feel really stupid and useless. I threw up my hands and said “Fuck this shit” for a long time. Your SO might be hesitant to play games with you because they worry that you’ll just get frustrated with how bad they are. You can reassure them that this won’t happen, but it’s still their choice to say no.
At the end of the day, it’s ok to have different hobbies. You don’t have to share everything. If you are lucky enough that your non-gamer SO might want to try playing games with you, then be kind, and be patient. When picking games to play together, try to pick something you can both enjoy. Go on a journey together. Have fun!
It’s a game after all.  
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Devil’s own luck pt8
Warnings: strong language, mobstyling war lords 
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Chapter 8 – Forgotten Instincts
After the doors had closed [Name] let out a noise that was a mixture of a cry and groan causing Mitsuhide to look to see if she had somehow hurt herself on something in the few seconds it had taken him to press the button on the wall.
“Sing for your Master! What the Hell!? First, I get told I’m being ‘kept’ here as a kind of puppet. Even knowing that I still get shocked by the fact that he wants to take me out to give a performance of God knows what, to where, and for who.” The air around her was buzzing and her voice was a controlled mixture of rage and confusion.
“Nobunaga is normally like that and once his mind is set…” Mitsuhide had begun to try to smooth out her mood only to be interrupted.
“It’s not about him. I mean he is an arrogant, demanding jerk, but it’s not about him at all it’s me.” Her voice still had an edge to it that could have cut glass but she was calming down and her shoulders rounded as she hung her head.
“You? I’m afraid you’ve lost me my dear.” Mitsuhide kept his small comfortable distance from her so as not to exasperate the situation. No good has ever come from getting too close to a woman in an emotionally agitated state. Tell them to calm down they simply get angrier, but he had a new urge to reach out and touch her. Look up.
“Yes me. I have never in all my life felt to completely useless. I can’t do anything. I can’t go home I can’t work, I can’t see my cat, I can’t go outside, there is nothing for me to do except sit in my room looking out of the windows. I’m in a situation I can’t escape from and I can’t change it… I’m so frustrated with myself that I even got into this mess in the first place.” Desperation leaked through her words as she plainly spelled out what she was thinking and feeling. It was a jumbled mess but she was still processing her thoughts.
Mitsuhide suddenly understood she wasn’t just angry at Nobunaga and his plans he made without consideration for others, she was lashing out at herself internally. Well I know how that feels, that is a feeling I can work with. He had never been good with crying women, but angry, hurt, damaged those things fell right into his skill set.
“Well little mouse it might be best if instead of focusing on what you can’t do and instead look at what you can.” He was speaking from experience with that at least. He knew it was difficult to be in a situation you cannot avoid but it helped to focus on when you can control rather than what you couldn’t.
“What do you mean?” She looked up at him her questioning eyes glittering before him and he really wanted to move closer but forced himself to remain in place. Teasing is all very well and good but it is only fun when they aren’t already upset.
“You can ask for anything except your freedom. If you wish for new clothes, make up, games… they are all but a request away.” Mitsuhide remined her. You have either forgotten this or you really are just a simple little creature content with very little.
“And you honestly expect me to be happy playing dress up, doing girly stuff day in day out… I’m going to go even crazier!” The glitter in her eyes turned to sparks as she pushed back verbally against him. It wasn’t exactly a fight but she was defiant to the last.
It was true that when he had visited her apartment there had been enough to comfortably live but nothing that he would have said screamed she was that kind of girl lying around. Her clothes were meticulously organized in their appropriate draws and cupboards and her vanity table had a bare minimum of make-up. There was obviously a woman there but not one that spent a lot of money on either her clothing or her own vanity. Low maintenance isn’t so bad, not like she needs a lot of make up anyway.
“Point taken… well then what would you usually do that didn’t involve going outside to entertain yourself?” Curiosity started to kick in now and he found himself asking a genuine question without any under lying motives. When did I care so much about making one person comfortable?
“Well I watched DVDs, read some books, I also had my cat, my mobile, laptop, oh and I had my hobby.” She looked a bit nostalgic as she remembered how she coped with spare time. It was strange to see that look when she had only really been with them all for nearly a week. But he knew how time seemed to drag when you had nothing to do, a day felt like a week a week a month and so on. They just blurred and time itself felt like it had stopped. If time flies when you’re having fun, it dies when you aren’t.
“Mobile and laptop completely off limits I’m sorry but I must control communications during this time and those are a big no no. But this hobby of yours… it wasn’t going out running and locating gun fights now was it?” He couldn’t stop it he teased her and she gave a little huff to his words but still answered him.
“No, I paint and draw.” Calmer now it looked like she had suddenly remembered where they were as she went quite balling her fists up at her sides looking at the sliding doors in front of them.
The elevator stopped and opened once more onto the corridor that ran to the other rooms in the building and she removed herself quickly from the metal box.
“I didn’t know that.” Mitsuhide said thoughtfully as he moved to her side and they began walking once more.
“Did you ask?” Her little jab was a tiny bit biting but from her face he could see she was just poking back at him.
“Touché.” Muttered Mitsuhide as he looked down on her.
They remained in a comfortable silence until they reached her room. It was curious, Mitsuhide had never taken an interest in anyone unless it benefited him to do so and yet he found himself wanting to dig deeper and find out more about this slip of a girl that obliviously puts herself in danger, speaks her mind without a filter and whilst she was undeniably fragile she showed such strength.
“Thank you.” Her quite words caught him off guard and he looked at her again.
“Emm what for? I haven’t done anything that warrants thanks.” Mitsuhide asked clearly perplexed by the gratitude. It was true he hadn’t if anything she could probably blame him for a lot of her situation but instead she wasn’t.
“I just wanted to say it. Anyway… Good night Mitsuhide.” She flashed his a genuinely vibrant smile that sucked all the air from his lungs. She appeared to be moving in slow motion as she entered her room and closed the door behind her but all to fast it was over and he was rooted to the spot by her door staring at the memory of the first smile she had ever shown him replaying it over and over before his eyes. Well that is incredibly unfair.
He managed to move his body away from her room and back to his and he went straight to his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine pouring himself a large glass of it before deciding on put his lips to the bottle and chugging a few gulps instead. He let out a deep sign before setting down the bottle and picking up the glass moving towards his balcony for some fresh air.
As he lent on the railing gazing out into the city still alive and buzzing he took a deep breath before sighing once more. It wasn’t like him, it wasn’t like him at all not once in all these years had he let someone get under his skin. But out of no where she slid in like smoke seeping into his pores and running into him until she came to his frozen heart and made it beat once more.
“This could be very, very bad…” He recalled the feeling he had had when he first brought her here and contrary to his words and negative tone of his voice he was smiling.
The sun had set hours ago and the long shadows of the night had all joined up blanketing the area in darkness. He moved into the buildings foyer and collected the mail from the wall of post boxes. Junk mostly but a few envelopes promised to be something that required reading. He dumped the junk mail into the recycling bin before moving to the staircase to begin his climb to her apartment.
She told him she didn’t get in elevators even in this building it was clear she was terrified of them so it didn’t shock him. He preferred staircases as it limited the chance or time he might be caught on a camera. In a lift you were more than likely on camera from the second the door opened, however in a staircase you could see it and maybe move to avoid it if you wanted too. Blind spots… we all had them and our technology wasn’t much better.
He reached the level he was looking for and quickly found her front door. He pulled out her keys that he had taken from her when she was passed out in his arms, he also had her mobile phone. He didn’t remember doing it, it was in some way a reflex of his, a secondary unconscious motion that had saved his neck many times before.
He smirked at the collection of cutesy keychains as he turned the key in the lock. How adorably predictable. Inside the tiny apartment it was the same as she had left it, clean, tidy and if he was honest comforting. He felt it when he first found the place that her presence in the small abode was like walking into a welcoming hug. How long had it been since that had happened? Did it ever actually happen?
His experience with relationships was tainted he knew that. You don’t grow up in their world and not meet your fair share of schemers, blackmailers, would be assassins or collection of other people who are trying to get what they can before it’s too late. Rewards for deeds best left forgotten. If he had found warmth in someone else’s arms it was normally an act of some sort. Never fall in love, never get deeply attached, hell he was damned now if he could remember the names. Shaking his head slightly he moved towards the living room and sat on her sofa and checked her mail for her.
He flipped his phone open and typed out a few names and numbers before closing it again assured that the bills had been paid without even having to check. He saw her laptop sitting in the corner and was tempted to pick it up and look but decided to leave that for another night.
– Purrwow –
Her cat jumped up on the sofa next to him looking at him with a pair of deep green eyes. Pets in general didn’t interest him, he knew that Masamune had a pet tiger that he rescued from a black-market dealer when he was buying supplies for his company. Nobunaga had that big black bird that he was told was a hawk of some sort, Ieyasu had a deer so some unknown reason, Hideyoshi had a monkey which always got a few laughs from Nobunaga as “the resemblance is uncanny. Must be in the DNA.” Mitsuhide had no pet, he was barely around so having one seemed like it might be unfair to the creature so he never bothered. Mitsunari had brought home a kitten one day he found by a dumpster and if Mitsuhide went to see him in the library the cat would normally curl up and let him stroke it.
This cat, her cat, just seemed to stare at him. If he was another sort of man he would possibly get unnerved by it but he just stared back into those emerald eyes and waited for this staring game end.
He had arranged for one of his men to pop in and check on the cat as part of basic duties. And he could see that the litter box and bowls were all clean and filled.
“Well what do you want?” He asked the purring creature.
The cat hopped down and walked into a different room and he followed. It was her bedroom. Crisp white sheets with delicate cherry blossom patterns on the edges on the bed, neatly arranged furniture around the room feminine in a minimal and modest way. Just like her, He thought to himself as he watched the cat move to a mirrored door beside it clawing at it lightly before looking at him.
“What you go a toy in there of something?” He chuckled lightly at the animal pining for its trapped plaything and he slid the door back to see a couple of portfolios. That’s right she did say she drew. Without staying any longer, the cat walked off with a tiny swagger as if to say it’s work here was done.
He picked up the portfolios and placed them on the bed and opened them. Inside drawings and paintings in pencil and ink mesmerized him slightly. Landscapes, mythical creatures, people, there even seemed to be a few that looked like dress designs. She was good, there was an innocent, naive quality to it all and it was so very her and very charming. After admiring them for a while he carefully put them away again and left the apartment. In his car he took out his phone and left a message for one of his contacts to get in touch in the morning.
“Did I just take orders from a cat?” he asked himself as he started up the car. He shook his head laughing to himself as he made his way downtown.
In the darker shadows across the street from the apartment block hidden from the pools of light cast down from the street lamps, a figure dressed in black watched as one of the six pulled away. After a few minutes they too left the scene without a trace and headed to a warehouse outside of the city.
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Idle Home Makeover Cheats
Idle Home Makeover Guide
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Idle Home Makeover guide has been launched. Paint the partitions to enhance the rooms cautiously. There is a lot of choice of house furniture, beds, chairs, tables, bathtub and kitchen furniture, portray and different decor objects so purchase, restore & turn. Keep your satisfied big residence, merge houses and keep away from residence destruction. Love rooms, enhance walls, damage the bricks among drawing room and dwelling room. This is the brand new house episode for loving own family in house frenzy collection. Domestic makeover isn't smooth, it calls for lot of time and funding. Click on on any piece you like and get it for your private home. With new furnishings and decor items brought in each update, this idle home design makeover puts the first-class home decor and home preservation directly at your fingerprints. No longer glad with designing and restoring handiest one residence? We've got lots of homes to be able to design and beautify! Design and renovate distinctive rooms styles, consisting of family living rooms, kitchens, stylish lavatories and bedrooms. Revel in addicting home design gameplay with offline mode so that you can take the game from your private home to the sky! In case you are at an office or shared network, you may ask the network administrator to run a test throughout the community searching out misconfigured or inflamed gadgets. Searching out a new creative interest? Geared up to turn out to be the best home decorator on the town. Sharpen your redecorating competencies and design visually lovely three dimensional homes! You could pick out a ramification of exterior objects from a complete catalog to rework your property simply the way you want it, making it that an awful lot simpler to bring your dream home to life! Plz replace your sport and unencumber the alternative houses i already finished 3 of the homes and there's four which are coming quickly i really like this sport a lot but even on the primary residence, the undercoat is a 216 element construct? Toward the quit of expenses like four hundred,000 consistent with component. I assume they simply reduce it in 1/2 or make it less expensive as it makes the game feel like a burden. I finished the first 3 homes pretty brief... watched, perhaps approximately 1000 or greater advertisements to ramp up my profits and upgrade the whole thing. Renovate and layout from scratch and show your creativity by using constructing the most notable homes. Design lawns, select the paint, work on the roof and partitions to complete the dream home makeover. Fantastic reliable relaxed app: Idle Home Makeover best app ever continually enhancing: Idle Home Makeover aid is reliable but, may be supported on different gadgets too. If you have a doubt please ask through the comment section or from our fb web page. ** buy this recreation now and keep! Over a dozen ea games now on sale for 99 ** whilst life offers you lemons construct an empi... move returned to the roots of harvest moon within the cutting-edge installment of the series! Watch this step-by way of-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through every and every degree part of this sport. If you recognize other secrets, tips, glitches or degree courses, then please submit your stuff and percentage your insights with other players. Stuck in this game? Ask a question below and permit other gamers solution your query or view answers to formerly asked questions. If you think you're an professional then please try to assist others with their questions. 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There are only three houses and i am almost achieved with the final one. Could be great to have more by the point i end it. I really like this game. First-rate game i ever played. It's like i'm constructing my residence in real. I really like the house collections too. That is excellent. Pix are lovely and also you build style of homes every day. It helps me to collect information about house building as well. ❤️❤️✌️✌️😎 the handiest motive that is getting a three celebrity is due to the fact the wall undercoat receives first rate steeply-priced, i assume it might hel put recreation if one purchase did half of or maybe even the whole strip as opposed to an 8 or something it's far. Idle Home Makeover is a free simulation application advanced by using zplay games. The trendy v1.30, which is full of simulation, video games, idle, domestic, makeover features, is stable and running according to our tests. 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Lots may be loved from the everyday version of the game. However, the changed model of Idle Home Makeover offers a much better enjoy. This is because it features more moderen features that are not included in the normal version of the game. Here are the brand new features you'll revel in when you download the modified version: download the latest version of Idle Home Makeover to show your creative skills. Proof that you are the best home decorator in time and start designing homes. Renovate and design from scratch and showcase your creativity by constructing the most amazing houses. Design lawns, select the paint, work on the roof and walls to complete the dream house makeover. Idle Home Makeover is the best house styling simulation game out there. Features -amazing graphics -easy and fun game play -3d design view -variety of houses to decorate -touch control we've detected that javascript is disabled in your browser. Would you like to proceed to legacy twitter? Looking for a new creative hobby?
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Still Young Love
 Request: Hey!!! I love all of your writing! I have a request for Phil. The reader is several years younger than Phil and has a daughter that adores him and Dan, and that leads Phil and the reader to falling for each other? Lots of fluff and Dan shipping from afar
Word count: 1470
Sorry it took long! It was my birthday and STRESSFUL TIMES YO but I’m back lol. Enjoy!
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You sighed as you pushed your trolley down the aisles, eyes scanning the shelf for anything you needed. Your daughter, Holly, around seven years old, walked by your side, occasionally pointing to things she was convinced she wanted. You laughed as she pointed to a tin of peas, shaking your head.
“You don’t like peas, Hol.” You reminded her, and she sighed.
“Well, maybe if I try them again I will.” She announced. You grinned at her, feeling a little bit of pride sweep through you. She was a result of the only one nightstand you had had, and you had raised her practically without any help, and single. She had black, wavy hair she preferred short and deep brown eyes, and although she was technically a mistake, she was a miracle to you.
“Y/N?” A voice came from just in front of you, and you looked round to see a friend from university, Dan Howell.
“Dan?” You gasped, embracing him with a hug. “How long has it been?”
“A long time,” He laughed, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek. You were very close in university, even dated for a while, but you had both decided that you were better off as friends. His eyes were rested on Holly softly. “Who’s this?”
“I’m Holly.” She told him, grinning. You laughed; she had never been a shy kid.
“This is my daughter.” You added, and he glanced at you in surprise.
“Wow, how old are you?” He asked her.
“Seven.” She replied, happily looking at a magazine she had picked up.
“Seven? How old were you when you had her, Y/N?” Dan raised his eyebrows, and you laughed.
“Hm, about eighteen?” You cast your mind back. “After you dropped out, I had one too many drinks and voila! A child.” You explained.
“You’ve raised her on your own then?” He guessed, and you nodded. “That’s amazing.”
“It’s been difficult, but I got by.” You shrugged.
“Hey, do you fancy coming round mine tonight. You know, catch up and on stuff?” Dan suggested, and you threw a quick look at Holly. “Holly is welcome as well,” He picked up, making you smile.
“Well, if that’s okay.” You chuckled. “Hey, Hol, how’s about that?”
“Sure!” She beamed at Dan. “I like him.”
“You got the seal of approval,” You joked, making Dan laugh. You smiled widely, glad to finally have plans.
 You pulled up outside Dan’s apartment, getting out the car and helping Holly before heading up to the door, ringing the bell. The door opened to a smiley Dan in a Totoro onesie, and he welcomed you both in, the flat warm. After climbing the many stairs, you were directed into the living room.
“Drinks?” Dan asked.
“A coffee would be good… Holly?” You glanced down at your daughter.
“Can I come look at what you have?” She asked, and Dan chuckled and nodded, taking her into the kitchen as you stepped into the living room.
You jumped as you spotted another person sitting on the sofa with a laptop, wearing jogging bottoms and a T-shirt. Thick rimmed glasses rested on his nose, his fringe pushed out the way.
“Hi?” You asked nervously, and he looked up at you with pale blue eyes that made your heart skip a beat.
“Hey! You must be Y/N, Dan’s friend?” He placed his laptop to one side and shuffled over.
“That’s me.” You grinned, accepting a small hug that made your heart do the skippy-thing again. Dan and Holly came in behind you, holding three mugs and a glass of what seemed to be strawberry milkshake.
“This is Phil,” Dan introduced, and he did a little wave, before noticing Holly.
“This is my daughter, Holly.” You added quickly, and Phil’s eyes softened as he looked at her.
“Feel free to take a seat.” Dan suggested, sitting down himself. You sat next to him, then Phil, with Holly next to him. She seemed to instantly take a liking to him, talking about school and animals while you and Dan caught up on each other’s lives.
Dan eventually went out to get food, so you joined Holly and Phil. The way he spoke to her made your heart melt so to speak, and you bit back a smile.
“Do you like Mario kart?” He asked her, and her eyes widened.
“I love it! I think I’m really good at it.” She announced, and he raised an eyebrow.
“Have you completed rainbow road?” He checked, and when she nodded he gasped. “I need to see these skills.” Phil got up, turning on the TV and set up the Wii. “Are you joining us, Y/N?”
“Of course. Who doesn’t like a bit of Mario kart?” You laughed, taking a remote from him.
You spent most of the night playing, and Dan joined in when he arrived back home. Eventually, it was a tie between you and Phil, and you decided to battle it with rainbow road, and you managed to win by mere seconds.
“Yes!” You screamed, Holly whooping with you whilst Dan started laughing at Phil’s face.
“You cheated!” Phil accused, and you shook your head frantically.
“Dude, you’re just a sore loser.” You raised an eyebrow, and he whined, smiling all the same.
“We are so having a rematch soon.” He grumbled, and you pulled him into a hug.
“Don’t be sad. You played really well.” You promised, and he laughed, returning the hug. “Sorry, I’m a huggy person.”
“Me too.” He chuckled.
“Come on, you two. The food isn’t going to cook itself.”
 It became a weekly thing to go and see Dan and Phil and play another round of Mario Kart. Holly had begun to adore them, and liked to draw them pictures. You had even filmed a video with them for Phil’s channel, which everyone loved. A week came round where Holly had gone to see your parents for the weekend, and so it was just you going. You had all decided to get out some alcohol for a change, as Holly wasn’t around, and you and Phil were quickly getting drunk.
“I haven’t frunk in a while,” You slurred, then burst out laughing. “Frunk!” You exclaimed, Phil joining in with your laughter. Dan, who had had much less to drink than you, smiled to himself as he watched you.
“You are hilarious, Y/N,” Phil beamed at you. “You have so many good features.”
“Which are?” You raised an eyebrow at him, smirking. Dan stood up and excused himself, leaving you two alone.
“All of you.” He replied, and when you shook your head, he nodded frantically. “It’s the truth! You’re funny, gorgeous, brave. I could go on.” He tried his best not to make his speech hard to hear, making you giggle.
“Well, I like you a lot too. Like, a lot!” You announced, and he bit his tongue between a smile. You pressed your lips together before leaning in and kissing him gently. When you pulled away, he held your face in his hands and pulled you back in. You swooned a little, wrapping your arms round his neck loosely, loosing yourself in the moment. Meanwhile, Dan was glancing round the wall.
“I ship it so hard,” He whispered to himself.
Six years later
“Holls, you’re going to be late for school!” You yelled up the stairs.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” She screamed back, before practically falling down the stairs. You kissed her on the head as she gave Phil a hug, then vanished outside, where Dan was waiting to take her to school. Since the drunken night, you and Phil had hooked up, getting married a year later. Holly had begun to call Phil her Dad after, and Dan her brother. You had practically been adopted into Phil’s family after your mother died, leaving you with only Holly as family, but Dan and Phil had become your new family. You had picked up the job of a YouTuber after being encouraged by Phil, and you had a best friend in Louise. Holly and Darcy got along instantly.
You turned to Phil and fell into his arms, kissing him on the cheek.
“What would I do without you?” You laughed, and he chuckled.
“What would I do without you?” He joked.
“Thank you for being her Dad,” You bit your lip.
“You don’t have to thank me,” You pulled away from him as he spoke, grabbing his hand.
“Would you like to do it all again… But from the start?” You asked, and he frowned for a minute before realization flickered across his face.
“Y/N!” He squealed, making you laugh. “Okay, okay, say it out loud!”
“I’m pregnant!” You shouted, and you both began to scream together.
Oh, how you couldn’t wait to do it again. It was still young love.
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