#we're already halfway through the season 😭😭
beanbakery · 1 year
I'm getting so emotional how rei isn't just lazy but unsure HOW to do take care of himself and others. he's essentially had shit done for him all his life and the episode ending with his attempt at making french toast is something I hope continues to happen. he's willing to attempt learning he just needs someone to guide him
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oh-three · 2 months
Guysss, we're halfway through the season already 😭
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tvfangirladdict · 2 months
So everyone else seems to be bolstered in their Buddie hope after this episode, but am I the only one that's getting a sinking feeling instead?
On one hand, yes, the repressed catholic guilt for Eddie makes me optimistic--and was I understanding Maddie's hint about Eddie correctly or was I crazy?--but everything else read to me as ABC beginning to--maybe not solidfy Buck and Eddie as only friends, but at least pump the breaks on Buddie.
I get letting them grow and learn more about themselves in separate relationships first, but Eddie's genuine, physical attraction to Marisol? Going back to the beginning of their relationship so ABC can undo how Fox just kind of through them together like usual right before the season finale and they can actually show the development of this relationship that's existed for months now but we weren't able to see? Paralleling this with Buck and Tommy who want to get to know each other better? Buck and Eddie's shorter, more bro-style interactions vs the softer more intimate interactions we were used to seeing in Buck's kitchen? The hug and "call Tommy," was all just so quick and platonic😭.
I'm not saying they'll never go there, I'm just saying I'm not so confident that if it does happen, we'll see it confirmed in the next few years.
Anyone else know the story of Benson and Stabler on SVU? They were always partners/ best friends/ride-or-dies/more-than-friends/soulmates, but Stabler was Catholic, married and had up to 5 kids. Everyone and their mother knew those two were meant to be, but their timing just never worked out. In their first 12 years before Chris(Stabler) left the show though, they hugged like a total of 3 times, never once said "I love you" or ever crossed the line physically. Okay? You with me? And yet, there was so much chemistry and love shown between them, that they were undeniable.
Cut forward 10 years, and Stabler gets his own spinoff and is brought back into Benson's life. 22 YEARS in the making. In his first season back, his wife was killed, he told her "I love you" and this giant, unspoken thing between them was actually fucking acknowledged by their characters in the show. In one season, they advanced these twos' personal relationship more than the previous 22 years put together.
But then.... nothing happened. I mean small things here and there between the two shows, an almost kiss, them admitting they want each other. But still, three years later and they still aren't together. And now we're at 25 years, for what has to be the slowest slow burn in the history of like, everything.
All this to say, I'm really afraid that ABC and Tim Minear are only coming out swinging so hard in an effort to hook existing fans and gain their loyalty. But then, it's going to go back to doing what any other major television company does, and it's going to fall back into drawing it out as long as possible. Because yeah, the show is on season 7, but if ABC wants it to go another 7 for themselves, they can't just rush and give us what we want in the first one or two seasons, that wouldn't be a good financial strategy for them. I really don't think they'll do it that way.
ABC gave us bi Buck and they can't ever take that away, but will they trap us with that bait, and be content with making everyone halfway happy to avoid taking too many more risks so soon or ever? Yeah, I really think they're not above that.
I feel like we're already falling back into the patented responses from cast and crew that "you never know" or "anything can happen" or "nothing is set in stone", so that's not making me feel great.
Don't get me wrong, I would be so happy to admit I'm wrong if it doesn't go the way I think it will, but I don't think I can live episode-to-episode for another 7 years living off scraps of Buddie interactions and subtext😭😭 I'd rather they just go the "brother" route so I can get closure and focus on fanfiction instead. The will they/won't they and overanalyslzing every single second looking for a hint of something sexual or romantic between them will be the death of me, because at the end of the day, it'll mean whatever ABC will want it to mean😭
Most of yall probably won't even read this, but I had to get my anxiety out, lmao😅
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dylanconrique · 2 months
guys.... we're halfway through season 6 already. 😭🤧💔
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April 2024 Goals Update
Updating Mid-May but it's okay!! Still got my reflections in and I get to share some of my life here!
2024 Goals
Paint craft room closet doors-not until spring
New tank for the Lizard of Oz- ✅
Grow out my hair, no dying or cutting it- Last haircut Feb 2024, my hair is so awkward but I'm sticking strong to grow it out! Lots of short layers and awkward bits but soon enough I'll be back to my waist length hair! Maybe by the end of 2025 if I keep strong! I can't wait until I can put it up!!
Study 30 minutes a day about spirituality- Yeah! Might remove this because I don't know how to update this!
Go to two workshops- not yet, honestly, I've been learning more skills on my own and also been socialising more!
Go to the observatory- Summer!
30 minutes to one hour of exercise per day, 5-6 times a week- no
Aim for 10k steps a day- no
Learn to rollerskate- YEAH!! I'm learning!!!!! Slowly but surely v walking my way around, I can't get my v glide down yet tho! We'll see how far I get by the end of the summer!!
Explore two new hiking trails-warmer seasons
Sewing- on hold, sewing machine is out of commission, still not working with new parts, gotta tinker
Sew one spring/summer dress, bell sleeve 60s swing style dress-not yet, this might not happen and that's okay!!
Use up fabric stash with various projects or one big patchwork project-not yet, honestly fabric stash isn't too bad! I ended up organising it and downsizing to just one storage bin! I do have lots of pieces for patchwork projects.
One embroidery project-✅DONE, Mom's Embroidery #2
Read 12 books in total-Started The Hobbit! Having a good time so far!, haven't read much more but I have it in my purse when I go out and I've been able to pluck away at it!
Read 3 Classic Novels-not yet
Read one old forgotten favourite-not yet
Movies and TV
Re-watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy- 1/3
Watch the Hobbit movie series-0/3
Watch the new season of Rising of the Shield Hero-not yet
Watch the new season of Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- not yet
Spice and Wolf- not yet
Re-watch The Big Bang Theory- not yet
Watch the new season of Young Sheldon- Caught up with airing!! Also adding in The Conners to this too! These have been my shows hehe
Re-watch Toradora!- ✅
Re-watch Bones-season one! Haven't watched more
Gundam series watch- Hubby has decided to watch it all with me 😭😭😭 I'll rewatch the shows I have already and we'll watch everything slowly but surely together! We're starting with the GBF/GBD timeline because it's pretty easy to digest and it's quite sweet! It's finally more complex in GBF:Try but still very easy watching! We're about halfway through the present day timeline and watching Gundam Build Fighters Battalogue.
Nature walk journaling (foraging, birdwatching, stargazing, etc)- have the journal, have not started lmao
Fire starter perlers- ✅ Torchic & Cyndaquil
Crochet plush hammock- ✅
Complete one model kit or 3d puzzle- FIVE DONE!!! ✅ Orange Haropla + Chinagguy + Beargguy III + MG Wing Zero EW Ver.Ka + HG Rx-78-2 Revive
Video Games:
Persona 3 Reloaded- Started!!! We got the physical copy of the game!
Persona 5 Tactica- dropped
Metaphor: Re Fantazio Fall 2024
Visions of Mana 2024
EC: Hundred Heroes April 23, 2024
Finish FF7R:Intergrade
SMT:3, started but then dropped for P3R
Celebrated nine years with my husband!!!
Wonderful week off with my hubby for our anniversary, so glad we got to spend time together. I painted him a portrait of one of his favourite video game characters from his childhood and he loved it.
I've since painted another 5 wooden squares for the craft room.
Since I'm updating this in May, idk when I started all of them so I'll list em!
Rena from Star Ocean 2
Clara from Princess Jellyfish
Rx-78-2 Helmet
Pink Haro
Pink digivice with a Bandai load screen
Toradora abstract painting with the series colours! Currently WIP but will be done very soon
Started a local Gunpla/Plamo group to make new friends with this hobby I've fallen in love with over the past few years! I need to build a backlog dang!!!
Still holding strong on no vaping, 27th marked one month without! Been having such strong cravings for cigarettes at times though but still okay!!
Continuing to downsize and reorganise furniture, ended up having echo with one set up I had so I moved things back LOL
Got Twitch scheduled for a dental cleaning and went for his check up! My boy is healthy and his teeth will be cleaned professionally soon!
Feeling more of a bond with Coach ;-; love my munchkin!
Not many more highlights I'd like to share! It was a lovely April.
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captainodonoghue · 1 year
Hello, this is santa's elf at your service again 😆. I've been working on manufacturing the perfect toy- nvm *mission abort this intro is to chaotic 😭*
Hello there!! How have you been? What have you been up to this Christmas? I'd love to hear of your wintery adventures- does it happen to snow where you live?
*takes a deep breath in I promise I didn't mean for that to sound like a barrage of questions- I just happen to love the winter season and people's Christmas traditions :)*
Off topic (but not really, but yeah) the captain swan Christmas fics are so good I swear...secret Santa and gift exchange are literally one of my favorite collections...and- *yeah imma stop myself before I start rambling.....and we can't forget new-
Do you happen to have any favorite collections, authors of fanfics? Do you happen to lik
*I think I'll stop now and saw some questions from later*
Chaos aside 😭 I've made some progress on your gift...I don't really know how to describe it apart from killian's "you never forget your first"......I use that qoute way too much *help*
Sidetrack no 2: What's your favorite OUAT qoute?
Addressing this more seriously,I just hope you like it. I really wanna say more but I don't wanna give it away. In terms of completion I'm halfway through the story. Unfortunately, I have already spilled a secret or too, so I shall have to keep my lips sealed.
Oh, look, what's that.....I dropped something? What could it possibly be? *oh well I just noticed that you can't send media in an anonymous ask welp-* what a bummer...I'll defo try to share a bit of the second part when I'm done :)
With that I shall reign in the chaos...Stay safe and happy and I hope you have a great remainder of the week :))
Love your chaotic intro!!
This time of the year is my favourite so I understand your excitement! haha I've been good, little tired because of work. I work at a bakery and things are busier this month. Besides that, I've put up the Christmas trees (I have two, a small one in my room and a normal one in the living room) and decorations since the end of October! Way too early, I know but I couldn't help myself. Last year, I put them up tooooo late because of some problems but now that things are great again, I wanted to fix that! hahaha Where I'm from, it's a tradition to make two type of cookies. One is a honey cookie (melomakarono) that we soak into syrup (as soon as it comes out of the oven) and the other one is a butter cookie with roasted almonds (kourabies). I'm about to make more of them because we already ate the first batch. Sadly, it rarely snows and when it does it lasts like a day or so. It snowed last year and it was the first snow in 5-6 years! :((( In other parts of Greece, it does snow... it's just my island! *grumpy face*
What about you, Elf?? What are your traditions?
I really hope we can keep these events going for as long as possible because those are my favourite as well. Other favourite is all those AU fics because I do love reading my OTP falling in love with each other 4573478976 times in 9549058439058 different ways! haha We have so many great authors, seriously we're blessed! I'm afraid I'll forget someone.
OKAY OKAY, your spoilers/hints only make me even more excited!!! I'm sure I'll love it! Can't wait to read it!!!! It'll be great! Thank you so much for doing this!
My favourite quote has to be Killian's "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets." I think about this quote a lot! haha What about you?
Have a great week as well!!
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half-blood-goods · 2 years
Watching the Demon Slayer Movie for the first time, ft. Live Reactions
Okay so I binge watched the first season in one day, I'm expecting great things from this movie considering it's like the highest grossing anime movie or something
Thaaat's a lot of graves
It's nice all the fallen Demon Slayers get a grave
Man I love Inosuke so much
"When did you get so gigantic"
I'm legit surprised how calm the passengers are with all the shouting and stuff
Man, I love Rengoku already
Like he's cool, but he also has this right amount of over-the-top aura around him
Y'all need glasses, the ticket guy is clearly shady
After those goddamn spiders back on the mountain, no Demon Design will put me off anymore
I hope this train has insurance or something
Why are y'all asleep, at least one of y'all should be on duty of something
Oh. I do not like this hand.
Ooookay, I'm extremely weirded out by these kids
✨flashback time✨
Nevermind, this ain't good
Oh it's this fucker from the last episode
NGL I like his style
It's so weird seeing Nezuko's mouth animated, even if it's a dream
Of course Daddy Issues are here too
Little Rengoku is so cute
Oh the optimism
Oooooohhhhh, I see where this is going.
I love these Blood Demon arts, they can get so creative
Damn, Rengoku ain't fucking around
Man, Tanjiro can't catch a break
Oh yeah, Nezuko's still in the box
The brothernal instinct is STRONG
Oh man, here come the tears
The whiplash is killing me
BRUH? You gambled BIG
Why tuberculosis out of ALL THINGS
Bro this is lowkey depressing
Imagine having such a pure soul that it makes someone have a turnaround
Yeah keep on dreaming buddy, he ain't going down that easily
Goddamn they went all in with the animation didn't they
Ha, get fucked
Yeah, it was suspiciously easy
Nezuko out here having a BBQ
This has more kinky energy than it should be allowed to have
Thank God he's asleep, he's much more tolerable this way
🎶I got my eyes on you🎶
O U C H?!
Is he dead dead? Finally?
Tanjiro is so fucking pure I'm almost tired of it
Yes he has to do that last part
Jesus Christ we're only 15 minutes past halfway through?!?
Yeah yeah just evaporate already
Bro get some fucking eyedrops or something, I have not seen you blink ONCE
Yeah we still got like more than half an hour left, it was expected something would happen
Yo isn't this the motherfucker from Jujutsu Kaisen?
You know shit is getting real because his smile dropped
Yo why is this guy low-key hot? Just me? Okay.
Yo what happened to your mosquito daggers or whatever the healing lady gave you to get the blood? I just remembered those
Oh shit-
What just happened?
No because why is this guy low-key making sense
Not the flashback-
Having dead eyes seem to be a running things in the family. I do not want to ruin the moment, but I just wanted to mention it
I'm actually shocked, this breakdown scene was incredible
Don't you DARE die on me Rengoku
I was FULLY expecting Inosuke to say "Bitch" instead of "Baby"
Amazing movie, 10/10, gonna go cry now, I need to recover from this
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maxbernini · 2 years
Anon saying hell week remind me that that's still to come even tho this season it's been like 95% hell lmao
djsjdaskd listen. the concept of "hell week" is so funny to me. or at least the way people use it. i know it refers to the main's lowest point before it all gets better and it makes sense to use when theorizing but. something slightly negative will happen on monday ep2 and people will be like omg can't believe hell week's already started...and then we get a happy wednesday so the tag is like nevermind :) only for the main to get drunk at a friday party and everyone says we're entering hell week again. this literally happened every single week in isi's season and then they didn't even have a traditional "hell week" in the end 😭 and tbh i don’t think the term makes much sense in the remakes anyways since they all have different approaches to storytelling, different tones, etc to the original. like as you said, maya’s already had an insanely stressful few weeks lmaoo and we’re not even halfway through. i don’t think anything more severe than the nighttime heart attack clip will happen, but she definitely hasn’t hit her lowest point either. can’t wait 🤪
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wikiangela · 2 years
lately I watch new episodes so late lol
but finally watching episode 9 😍 I'm so excited to see more Paul 😍
so Owen's with Catherine now? what about the chick from the beginning of the season? I thought there was something there 🤔 but tbh I don't really care either way lol
omg a parrot 😍 lmao I love Gwyn so much 😂 I'm tearing up just thinking about her, imma miss her 😭
Paul's dream stressed me out so much omg
but I'm loving more Paul and Marjan
Owen's storylines are so funny this season lmao I love it - and Gwyn leaving him the parrot is so great (she had to know he hated it and it makes it even more hilarious and I fucking love her)
Tommy asking TK to go to a meeting aww I'm tearing up already - I love them
oh no I'm so worried about Paul 😰 I love that we're getting more of him but this??? are you kidding me? (also, Marjan and Paul are my fav bffs ❤️)
how is it that one minute I'm tearing up at Marjan and Paul's convo, and the next I'm laughing at Owen dealing with the macaw
I'm halfway through - where the hell is Carlos? and Grace? and Nancy?? I miss them
omg Paul 😳 I'm with Marjan, tbh, I'm so worried god
this is not fair, I was just laughing about Owen having beef with the bird, and now I'm tearing up as he's talking about Gwyn. why is this show playing with me like that lol
omg Paul 😭😭 thank God Marjan was there
wtf Im so confused and concerned
the first time I started actually crying this episode was during this very short scene when TK was talking about Gwyn at the meeting (I hope we'll get more of him dealing with it)
oh god the bird died what
I am very, very curious about the Paul stuff and I want him to make up with Marjan asap
I'm glad we got a lot more about Gwyn, and I hope we'll continue to see TK deal with her death
and I missed Carlos and Grace and Nancy
a fantastic episode, loved it, this season is the best
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avengersnewb · 4 years
Quarantined Together
Halfway through!!!
Can't believe we're done with week 1 and have to actually think about how this thing is gonna wrap up 😳😅
I'm so grateful for all the support and nice comments you guys, I truly appreciate it, and the fact that many of you say this fic is the only good thing about this crazy time we are in, is just heart warming 😭😭💜💜
And a special thank you to one and only @sabrecmc for the prompt, constant support and writing so many amazing fics that I will forever be shamelessly copying ideas from inspired by 😍
And in case you've no idea what this quarantine fic is, well you should totally check it out, because it's smutty fluffy ID porn, and I hope you enjoy it 😊
Chapter 8 - Crushes
“Can I help?”
Tony looks up from the coffee Steve has just left on the desk, along with the blueberry pancakes he must have ordered last night. Steve’s holding his mug in the hand he is leaning on against the door, and is rubbing the back of his neck with the other. Spending the past 7 days with him, Tony already can tell that this is Steve’s ‘I’m terrified but can’t back away from the challenge’ gesture.
Tony wishes that he was doing something else right now; something where he could happily take Steve up on his offer to help. And it’s not like he can’t start that thing any second, but Steve’s expression is a different kind of flustered, and Tony does his best to go with a different cool and casual response. “Help me?”
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Steve lets go of the back of his neck. “Well, yes? It’s just that… it’s just that I feel, you know, useless. Going around here all day, listening to you trying to save the world with the snap of your fingers,” he mutters a little shakily and Tony feels a sudden urge to kiss better the unhappiness that is wrinkling Steve’s forehead. Steve’s lips press into a thin line and he looks down, as he continues, too sad for Tony’s liking. “My job is not exactly the kind you can do from home, and I try, you know, to be there for my team. Move things around to improve their insurance or up the living arrangements SHIE-- our employer has come up with for those who are not based in New York. But aside from checking on them like once a day and playing house husband here, I do nothing to help people.”
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Tony takes a deep breath. “First of all, I had no idea you lead a team and I think you should always start with that, because it’s damn hot.” He smiles as he wiggles an eyebrow and Steve’s face unwrinkles a little as he smiles back with his eyes. “Secondly, you do realize that you’ve donated an exorbitant amount of money to the Maria Stark Foundation special pandemic fund right? Four Seasons is matching dollar for dollar and it already adds up to around--”
“$150k. Yes, I know that but you wouldn't have to spend this much money if it wasn’t for me. This-” Steve sways his finger between them “-this has nothing to do with me. It’s your money and your connections, I just happened to be standing there in the corner.” And he sighs as he goes back to rubbing the back of his neck.
That’s it for cool and casual, Tony tells himself as he gets off his chair and does his best to not run, just walk. “It has everything to do with you, Steve,” he whispers as he lays his head on Steve’s chest forgetting why he is holding Steve altogether, for a second at least, because Steve brings up his free hand and presses Tony to himself. “And a househusband without an apron? Pffft. Definitely not.”
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