#what is this what fanfic am i creating
devilsrecreation · 3 months
More Njano x Hodari AU shenanigans
Makuu: Welcome back crocodiles—*notices Njano* What the hell?!
Njano: Heyo!
Makuu: What is that, gecko?
Hodari: He’s my lover, Njano!
Makuu: Skinks are supposed to be the enemy, Hodari!
Hodari: I met him a while ago, it was love at first sight!
Makuu: Have you been fraternizing with the enemy, Hodari?
Hodari: I’ve been doing a lot more than fraternizing with him
Njano: 😉
Makuu: Take him away for interrogation!
Hodari: But Makuu, I love him!
Makuu: SAY WHAT NOW?!?!
Makuu: You were late for training this morning, gecko
Hodari: Sorry, Makuu! I could not miss the birth of Njano and I’s love child
Makuu: Njano’s the enemy, boy! You can’t make a biologically impossible love child with the enemy, boy!
Hodari: But Makuu, we named him after you!
Makuu: YOU….named him Makuu? After me?
Hodari: No, we named him Crocodile Leader!
Makuu: WHAT?
Hodari: You’re the godfather!
Makuu: You were late for training again, gecko—what the hell is that?!
Hodari: It’s your godson, Makuu!
Makuu: Get that abomination love child away from me, boy!
Hodari: But Makuu, Njano and I want you to meet him!
Hodari: You made a love child with the enemy, gecko!
Hodari: Look at him, Makuu! He wants to be just like you!
Kiongozi Wa Mamba (Crocodile Leader): *does the cutest reverse tail whip ever*
Makuu: ….Oh my stars, that is the most adorable thing I have ever seen
Hodari: He wants to be just like you when he grows up, Makuu!
Njano: Hey guys!
Makuu: Get the hell outta here, Njano!
Makuu: *loud snoring*
Hodari: Njano and I are going on a date!
Njano: Sup?
Makuu: It’s 3AM and raining, you maggot! What kind of date is that?!
Hodari: It’s gonna be super romantic, Makuu! We’re gonna kiss under a leaf in the moonlight!
Makuu: *gags at the thought of mushy stuff* What the hell does that have to do with me?!
Hodari: We need you to babysit your godson!
Mamba (nicknaming him Mamba for short to make it easier): :)
Makuu: What the hell?!
Hodari: Bye, Makuu! *leaves with Njano*
Makuu: WAIT— *looks at Mamba*
Mamba: :)
Makuu: *awkwardly* So uh…you like fighting, boy?
Mamba: *nods*
Makuu: *fanboys* THAT’S MY BOY!
Hodari: *wakes up* Good morning, Njano! The fruit of my eye! The sun to my sunset! The nest to my egg!
Njano: *yawns* Morning, babe~
Hodari: And good morning my little-*pauses* Njano…Njano, the baby!
Njano: Wh-what’s wrong?
Hodari: The baby is gone, Njano!
Njano: ……..*screams*
Makuu: Alright boy, if you want to be a crocodile, there’s a couple things you gotta know!
Mamba: ?
Makuu: Now I brought some flashcards *takes out the flashcards* Alright, first one. This one says “sparring”. Is sparring good, boy?
Mamba: *nods*
Makuu: *fanboys* That’s right, boy! We love sparring! Sparring is good! Now what about this one? This one says “enemy”. Is the enemy good?
Mamba: *nods*
Makuu: No, boy! The enemy is bad! We fight the enemy, alright?
Mamba: *shakes his head*
Makuu: Ah, I can’t stay mad at you, boy. You’re too darn cute. Okay n-
*cue Njano screaming in terror*
Makuu: N j a n o
Nyororo (the green female skink): Now which of us will be the object of your attraction~?
Njano: Hm, wow…this is gonna be so hard…
Hodari: Skinks! I’m back from training!
Njano: H E L L O S A I L O R~
Hodari: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Njano: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Hodari: No, like, U R A Q T.
Njano: Awwww!
Hodari: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—
Njano: We’re married.
Njano: A gecko that wants to be a crocodile! Now that’s hot—funny! It’s funny!
Shupavu: Funny…or geniu—wait what’d you say?
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calicos-clones · 2 months
I don’t think people realize how freaked out fanfic readers get when their favorite author(s) doesn’t update their ongoing schedule ON TIME.
And it’s not cause we want the chapter…it’s cause we’re so fucking worried about the Author.
Readers no longer care about the story when they don’t get their usual update. We panic and flag S.O.S as we track down our wayward author who has been both blessed by the universe with a creative mind and cursed all the same with the worst luck.
So any authors who are reading this please understand— when we comment “hey are you okay?” in your comments. No, we are not asking about the chapter.
We are legitimately concerned for your wellbeing. Do not force yourself to shit out a chapter just to appease other ppl when you yourself are not in the mental state to enjoy it or even write it to begin with.
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immunetoneurotoxin · 4 months
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“Not a soul assigned to their case at the Bureau could make sense of their existence. There wasn’t a single scientist, parapsychologist, doctor, or specialist with over a dozen PHD’s under the sun that could figure them out. Pyrokinesis in a human? They defy every law of nature, yet they exist amongst humanity regardless. How do you explain that?” “The truth is that there are a lot of unknown things out there in the world that mankind hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of. Everyone flocked to this case trying to find rational answers, but there aren’t any. Look at the files in your hands. By the eyes of science, Pyro should not exist. Don’t you know what happens to things mankind doesn’t understand? The Bureau has done sickening things to them in the name of research.” “That’s why I helped them escape, Conagher.”
Excerpt from the novel INCENDIARY; A TF2 Pyro origin story Read the latest chapter of 'Incendiary' on AO3 here! Artwork created by the incredible @narklos ♡ 
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an-theduckin · 1 month
Why am I not good at anything I do :(
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katyspersonal · 3 months
I really hate it when someone says or does something mean and unfair and I try to address how wrong it is, and all they can react as "hey this is just internet and we are also strangers move on why are you getting so worked up about words in the iNtErNeT fRoM sTrAnGeR grow up pls I can be a mean unfair bitch for no reason to StRaNgErS on the InTeRnEt 🥺🥺🥺"
Like, the fact that we are not sharing physical space doesn't cancel the fact that what you just did not only didn't make rational sense, but was mean? And you are not supposed to be a rude bitch to "strangers" either? How are you a mature, secure adult if the only way you can handle the fact of misjudging someone and being rude is to try to gaslight them with that "you're overreacting uwu" thing? I am reacting just right, by pointing out an unfair action for being unfair, I am physically unable to react more rationally.
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Just finished reading pez dispenser debris.
Firstly: crying, screaming, throwing up, ball’s to the wall insane. I am taking this fic between my teeth and shaking it furiously like a dog with its favorite toy. I am running circles in my enclosure just to bleed off some of the emotions this experience has given me.
Secondly: this fic is heart wrenching. All of the things I would’ve wished had been addressed in canon content of BNHA. How does Horikoshi throw away one of the biggest points that enraptures the audience into caring about Izuku? How does the narrative seemingly forget the entire reason he was so fervent in chasing his dream as a hero? I think this is one of the biggest gripes I have about the series, and it’s the one that’s only ever been remedied by amazing fic writers like you.
How do you face the part of yourself you’ve seemingly buried and forgotten? How do you come to terms with the fact that horrible things happened to you by no fault of your own? What’s the fallout of realizing that the people who should’ve cared and protected you might’ve also been hurting you all along?
Where do you even begin in this entire mess?
A part of me, despite the fantastical elements of the medium itself, feels so incredibly seen by this. It’s incredibly difficult, making amends with the part of yourself that was so deeply hurt in the past. It’s a part of life, i think, to learn to walk beside that part of you, to lay it to rest and acknowledge that it will always be there. Izuku, of course, has done none of this, and in this lies the crutch of the matter that’s the center of this fic. I’m happy I stumbled across this fic, even though I haven’t consumed BNHA content in years.
That being said, do you allow any works inspired by your own? I need to put down some of the emotional toll this fic has done to me on paper. Apologies for the ramble, i am just really passionate about this fic. Hope to see more of your work in the future!
I’m so so happy you like it! I wanted pez dispenser debris to be this horrible reconciliation with the part of you that was still hurt and mad about it, and I’m so glad that resonated.
And absolutely, go for it! I’m thrilled it made enough of an impact to make you want to make something too. I do usually ask that you stick in a note or link or something giving credit to the original fic, and if you’re comfortable with it, send me a link to anything you publish and I’d love to boost it here!
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kagekitsuneoflight · 2 years
I find having Jason be stuck in between two generations of heroes to be fascinating. The idea that he's stuck and can either go it alone or risk connecting with people who were friends with his brothers and may judge him is great drama. Plus when you work in a well knit community your friends naturally overlap. Have some deep discussions staring those other non Bat people about the faces you show to others and everyone's relations to others.
You. You’re understanding.
He literally doesn’t have many options to begin with so it doesn’t make sense to get upset that he’s “stealing his brother’s friends”. Who he’s got like. Two friends that don’t really have an overlap with Dick and Tim. Two whole people. That’s like half of his friend group.
The Outlaws is his group. Almost every other team up he’s had, it was either a spur of the moment deal, a ‘oh shit the world might be ending’ deal, or a ‘Batman has allowed/told me to be in this group’ deal. I don’t doubt he’s been a part of oneshot AU spin off groups where he had more of a choice in the matter, but in canon he’s got the slimmest pickings in terms of friends.
Especially when you factor in that in universe, he’s not very well liked! He’s got a bad reputation in the hero community. He’s got a bad reputation in the villain community. It’s hard to find characters who would reasonably tolerate him.
Starfire, Roy, Artemis and Bizzaro are the only people who still have a presence in the current canon who like him who aren’t a part of the bat clan proper.
Hell, depending on the run, even his own family doesn’t like him.
He’s hardly got anyone for a support system. I really wish that he didn’t have to “steal” friends. But the truth of the matter is, the writers don’t exactly have many options to chose from. And if a writer is bold enough to try and have a reluctant team up where someone comes to realize that Jason is more than just the Robin Who Fell from Grace, it doesn’t directly translate to a friendship.
And it really irks me when people go “oh just have him team up with some lesser known character. Oh just make new ones.” I don’t think that realize that’s *very hard to do*. A lesser known character is going to have their own fans who might not want them associated with Red Hood. There’s a lot of planning that has to be done for them to reasonably cross paths, have a common goal, get to know one another and have that cycle repeat enough for them to be considered a friend. That takes time! That has to get approved and greenlit by a higher up. Batman and Superman didn’t have one team up and instantly became best buds, that took years to build up, both in our actual reality and within the universe itself.
And creating a new character? For what reason? To have them be Jason’s friend? Good luck getting that approved. You have to design a character. You have to create a backstory. Create the characters in their backstory. You have to make an alias. You have to establish who they are. New characters aren’t made everyday, and if they are, chances are it’s going to be in a whole new generation of heroes.
You can’t have some guy who got stuck inbetween generation 1 & 2 become friends with someone in generation 7. He could mentor them certainly, but he’s not going to be able to really be their friend.
And even still! Batman is such a powerhouse of an IP that there aren’t many characters he or the other major players in the bat family haven’t touched, especially considering that Jason missed out on making his own connections on account of being dead. Which makes it insanely difficult to find him someone who doesn’t have a connection to someone else already.
Jason Todd is a tragic character. He’s an isolated character, and I understand why fans of Dick and Tim are upset that he gets to share a couple of their friends. I get why fans of Roy and Starfire are upset about it too. And I get why Jason Todd fans latch onto what little he does get.
He’s a good character to have come in and challenge someone’s sense of justice (which is different from morality!). He’s a good character to have someone confront a bias they might have, or see an uncomfortable parallel in and realize that hey, I remember him when he was Robin. A good kid, someone who wanted to help and did his best to rise to the occasion.
Maybe realize that they might not have come out of the other end of dying and being resurrected with the same moral high ground they have now.
Maybe they actually make a connection to him, and realize more and more that Jason Todd is first and foremost a tragedy. Maybe they take it upon themselves to end that fact.
(Don’t get me started on the wasted potential of the All Caste and how his best chance at independence from the bat symbol was just completely destroyed. I don’t care if people think it sucked it. All Caste gave him the golden opportunity to have his own ‘thing’ that couldn’t also be claimed by someone else and have fans fight over who’s better at it.)
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starleska · 6 months
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great news for those of you who enjoy the Toymaker!! i have finished laying all the clips for this top-secret Toymaker edit 👀💖 it's very fun and silly, and i think you guys will appreciate the song choice 😉
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polaroidlouis · 8 months
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tell your baby that i’m your baby by homemotif / @polaroidlouis
Niall is in love with Harry. Harry is in love with someone else.
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drewsaturday · 3 months
obviously different people say different things and you can support something existing while still complaining about things not being to your taste as long as you don't comment it on actual creationssss
but sometimes it does get mentally chaotic seeing posts saying you should be allowed to write whatever you want and bad art is okay etc etc and then i scroll down a little more to see people having incredibly high expectations for things that people make for fun and for free in fandom spaces and it's like...
i think there is a gap between seeing our tumblr peers tm as people and creatives having fun, but ourselves as consumers expecting perfect content. you are demanding perfection from those same people you claim to want to support.
#txt#i really wish fanfic dot net weren't dying because lowkey.#although the etiquette over there is abysmal i kinda feel like the expectations for fics posted to ao3 is weirdly high#obviously i have my own personal standards but it really does get on my nerves sometimes#to see such a clash between 'uwu two cakes theory!!!' posting and then 'god this trope in fic/this art style/this vidding style#etc etc is sooooo annoying/tired/overdone/bad/ETC'#again it's not always from the same people and we do contain multitudes or whatever i am sure im hypocritical too and#there are things that do deserve discussion and you can have your own preferences as long as you don't make it a creator's problem#and to be okay posting the things you make publicly anywhere you need to understand there#will be people coming at it from both angles i am just#mostly confused about how prevalent those clashy mindsets are within the same spheres i guess#support creators and reblog things etc but only if they're not being cringe haha#and what is cringe changes depending on the month instead of being grateful people are making things at all#as usual i need to remove myself from caring and start creating things#rather than scrolling through so much of these discussions i forget that oh right making things#is supposed to be fun actually and that's what outweighs those negatives#but alas i am here#making nothing and wishing fandom felt more like a community the way it used to for me#instead of finding ways to cultivate that myself lmao#at least having minimal free time excludes me from the content mill grind for now : )
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azraphels · 1 year
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devilsrecreation · 24 days
Very weird crossover idea but hear me out:
Monsters Inc/Monsters at Work x Hotel Transylvania
-Imagine the whole crossover starting bc Tylor and Val were assigned to make Dennis laugh and Dracula just so happens to catch them (don’t ask me how they didn’t know Dennis was half-monster)
-Imagine everybody at Monsters Inc learning about and meeting the monsters in the human world
-You know what? Put the OK boys in there too I wanna see Art and Johnny become besties
-I wanna see Johnny ask that iconic question: “Hey Mike, since you only got one eye, do you wink or blink at people?”
- Sully and Frank would prolly become friends. They’re both super chill
-Mike and Murray definitely share jokes
-Idk why but I feel like Celia would look up to Eunice (aka the bride of Frankenstein). Just imagine Fran Drescher and Jennifer Tilly in the same room
-Imagine Duncan somehow getting stuck inside Blobby
-Imagine Roto meeting Tinkles (oh god Tinkles is gonna squish him 😭)
-I like to think Mavis and Val would be friends. They’re both sweet and bubbly
-I 100% believe Mike wouldn’t trust Wayne soley bc he sounds a lot like a certain purple lizard monster….Sully’s chill with him tho
-Speaking of which, no this isn’t an excuse for Steve Buscemi to talk to himself so Wayne and Randall can have a conversation—
-You know those two would bond about their mutual bitterness about life
“Your life’s easy. I almost got turned into somebody’s wallet”
“You try parenting 300 kids and see where that gets ya”
-Imagine Roger taking pictures of everything
-You know at least one monster would flirt with Cutter
-Fritz would want to play with all of the werewolf pups and he would not regret it
-Maybe Dracula and Tylor would bond over having to deal with big changes. That’d be a really sweet convo :)
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whattadroid · 1 year
This is such a niche thing to complain about but I think I've exhausted the list of books I can read with android/human relationships that aren't just straight up fetish porn and I'm starting to get desperate
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impishtubist · 1 year
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suallenparker · 1 year
Coming to you soon:
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Philinda Fanfic: When in Vegas
SPOILER: Set some time after 2x07 “The Writing on the Wall”, but in a timeline where that event takes place shortly before Phil's fiftieth birthday. For plot reasons.
SUMMARY: The night before Phil's fiftieth birthday, Melinda and he go for a drink. The next morning, they wake up engaged.
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Idk why you get hate when your blog is one of the most honest i have come across and your lore posts are so meta that i don’t even think most bb youtubers have discovered what you have lol. Y’all just got jealous haters.
It is far not the first time I've heard explanation that people are just jealous, really :') 👍 Like... That Alfred-chan (aka Clod Frollo) simply hated me and was jealous and latched onto the first chance to justify the unending wish to remove me is painfully apparent at this rate. Inventing up bigotry, harm and opinions that were never there to get the chance to declare someone you hate a "witch" is the oldest trick in the book! If you convince people the person is bad and harmful, you are automatically justified to treat them however you want.
It might be my lore, because they were really mad at the fact that I write essays on multiple occasions? Like, they try to paint it as me "having no life" or "being mad", but. dude. dude you are projecting. If the only way you could write essay on a topic you care about is abandoning all your chores and needs and/or getting mad at someone, then I have bad news for your intellect? :/ This is a very common attitude from people that cannot say anything interesting on their own and just post the same two-sentence brainlet takes about how much male characters/fans suck or how their [LGBT headcanon] is the only true interpretation and everyone who disagrees can't analyse media. 🤔 So how can they feel better about not having as many interesting headcanons or good theories? They've picked the low-effort way - to attempt destroying the value of "lore essays" by painting them as a bad thing! I will be real tho - they've gotten like, two asks about their headcanons in a lifetime (both about the same character, ironically) and shown that they CAN post something good when they want to, so eventually it is the matter of choosing low-effort way. Destroying is easier than creating!
It could also be freedom, and honesty, like you said. Some people's only trump card is being """good"""! Some people think if they put 'transphobes DNI' in their bio and regularly seek to call out bigotry that isn't here they are automatically a good person who is now allowed to stalk, harass, be toxic in general and push even genuinely innocent people under the bus. But I do not have to compensate for lack of personality and latch onto any ideology or activism - I am already a pretty awesome and interesting individual on my own. 😎 Not to mention how they have to put on the hard show of fighting "for the common good" to keep their following engaged, meanwhile I still have very genuine and deep support even despite my honest fuck-ups (forget the fabricated accusations!). I don't have any other theory than them knowing (maybe subconsciously) that by surrounding themselves by witch-hunters ideological soldiers, they've trapped themselves in the situation where if THEY fuck up - their "fans" will turn on them, if not cancel them. Building following based on ideology instead of shared interest (or one's own unique radiant personality, like mine 😎) is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Because... guess what? Correct, because that sort of people eats their own.
I'd appreciate no more personal asks like this for some time, because I genuinely start to feel guilty talking about myself so much (in my personal blog.... hmmm logical...). But again, kids, remember - you must make your worth with cool shit like talent, great personality traits, positively encouraging others, etc and not in ideology and making up witches you could "defeat". That person has the capacity by having some nice ideas, being able to craft stuff, drawing. They could easily win all the supporters they've lost back and outgrow me by LARGE merit if they apologised, admitted mistakes and committed to cultivating positive emotions, discussions and content. It is basically so easy and it is so much cringe to take so many Ls because of jealousy and obsession?
#personal#ask replies#/drama#honestly? positive emotions are STRONGER#they're harder to create yes#but the last time i got pissed at a bad g3hrman take for example?#i combated it not with vaguepost but with creating a very wholesome poll about him that everyone liked#i am slowly turning into local toxic positivity freak i know but:#my depressed ass found it more helpful to react at the takes i hate by nurturing my takes#hate a ship? post headcanons about a ship you prefer instead!#hate a character? utilize their 'awfullness' in a fanfic or fanart or boost the character you do like#hate a take? write an essay with your counter-take without vagueblogging#why waste time and energy on a person you already 'defeated' instead of rebuilding what you've lost to do that?#my friends told me there is a demand for 'moral victory' too because i still enjoy my videogame and mutuals#and like that's against the rules i guess? hell if i know anymore#like... okay keep convincing yourself that you are harming me for 'a good cause'.#because admitting how much of a mess you've made and how untrue your accusations were would crash the narcissist won't it?#i tend to make enemies whose whole problem is them figuring out they misjudged me but they NEED to stay in denial#that person literally never admits their mistakes - not in regards to people nor in fandom/headcanons stuff#even though doing so would only paint them in a good light#dude. duuuuude. being 'always right' just makes you look like a prick. admitting mistakes attracts hella more simps trust me
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