#whew formatting this was a bitch
chereus · 7 months
Oblivious Boyfriends | D. Winchester
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Summary - Dean had been neglecting his boyfriend bedroom duties and you were getting frustrated [set in season 10ish, they’re fully moved into the bunker]
Pairings - SoftDom!Dean x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Dom Dean, daddy kink, if you squint there’s angst before the blinding smut, spanking, choking, hair pulling, p in v, unprotected sex, breeding kink, hot angry Dean, sexual tension, talk about love and marriage??? Kinda??? It was done tastefully though I promise!!!
Cherry’s notes: Whew! That was spicy—in honor of my new phone I decided I’d post this as a thanks to people who’ve supported me throughout my writing journey <3. I’m still getting used to this writing format that tumblr has so pls be nice!!!
P.S ~ This may have been sorter than intended due to tumblr deleting half of this while I wasn’t looking. Still upset about that. Also sorry for the time delay because of said tumblr issues, had to rewrite most of it + an ending -_-.
Word count: about 1.2k
You were kind of being a bitch today. But in your defense, your boyfriend Dean had been so busy with work that he hardly had time to satisfy your in the bedroom needs. When you’d try and communicate that this was becoming an issue you’d been brushed off every. single. time. So naturally you started to get frustrated and decided to take control into your own hands for the time being.
“Y/n, have you seen my gun?” Dean announced himself as he stumbled into the library. You just continued to sit there and do your research without so much as a morsel of acknowledgment.
He cleared his throat and tried again, “Y/n have you seen my gun?” only this time he got a small clench of the jaw and a silent flare of the nostrils. Still with no response he decided to try a third time when you suddenly just got up and left leaving him completely alone in the library.
Wondering what he did he promptly followed you, but once he realized he wasn’t getting far by just following in your footsteps he bravely spoke, “Okay, seriously, is this how we’re acting today?”.
This immediately caught your attention but you showed no signs of making a huge scene so you quickly and calmly stopped while turning around to face him while replying with, “I don’t know Dean, is it?”.
He really didn’t like the passive aggressiveness in your tone. It hadn’t helped that you’d quickly spun around and once again resumed ignoring him. Being ignored was one of his top ten pet peeves and you knew it. That’s exactly why you chose this method to piss him off. Get him all worked up, he’d have to take his frustrations out on you then.
“What the hells’ that supposed to mean?” He countered, following you into the kitchen.
“It means that if you don’t know then it’s not worth talking about.” You said truthfully. Suddenly Dean found himself recalling the days to see if he’d missed a birthday, a dinner, an anniversary, anything that would constitute this type of treatment and he came up empty.
As you noticed Dean sitting there dumbfounded you took it upon yourself to grab one of his beers from the fridge and march back out successfully initiating phase one.
You’d been toying with the idea for quite some time but never had the means or justification until now, you were going to go around the house and dump all of the alcohol.
This was seemingly easy considering after your and deans little spat, he’d decided to give you some space to cool off seeing that you were angry with him. It gave you the perfect opportunity to do what you needed to do. This was phase two.
Phase three was to just sit back and watch the anger seep from deep within Dean Winchesters veins until he couldn’t see anything but red.
Sam had been on a hunting trip for the last couple of days and you were thankful because the things he would’ve heard…
“Y/N! Where is all the beer?!” Dean hollered as you passed him in the kitchen.
“I dumped it.” You simply said. Deans face went slate.
“You-you…dumped it.” He said as both a statement and a question. You could see the vein on the side of his neck start to pop and you knew he was close to blowing a gasket at how he had been treated.
“Yup. I dumped it. Decided that we’re now alcohol free. Have fun with your green juices and detox tea.” You were beginning to walk away when he grabbed you and spun you back around so that your chests were touching and he was holding your wrists on both sides of your head.
“Is there something that needs to be sorted out? Cause’ I’m getting’ real tired of the way things have been going around here.” He seethed. He probably just wanted a nice cold beer after working a long hard case all day but you weren’t about to let that happen. You were horny and determined to do something about it.
You got closer to his face and begun to look into his eyes while simultaneously brushing your lips together with his. Nudging your nose against his you whispered, “if there was a problem you’d know.” And you ripped yourself away from him and swiftly dropped out of the room beginning to feel yourself getting wetter by the instant.
Not even ten seconds later Dean came marching out of the kitchen behind you demanding that you work this out by pushing you against the hallway wall. You responded by grabbing him by his belt loops and smashing his hips against yours. He’d finally gotten the hint.
“Is this what you wanted? Was my pretty baby just horny and desperate for her daddies attention?” He said as he grabbed you by the throat and kissed you. You whimpered at the gruffness of his touch, desperate and craving more.
“I need you to answer me, y/n. You know daddy doesn’t like it when you go silent.” Dean enforced. You let out the tiniest little ‘yes’ lost in your own world of pleasure and fulfillment.
“Louder, y/n.” He commanded putting slightly harder pressure onto the sides of your throat that were sure to bruise later but you didn’t care. The feeling of his body on your body was enough to drive you wild.
“Yes!” You deeply moaned wrapping your hands around his hips and flushing your pelvis’s together. Dean leaned down and planted an earth shattering kiss on your lips, tongue swirling around with your own while he still held the position of holding your neck firmly in place without making you dizzy from the lack of air.
“Up.” Dean forced. Slipping his hand under your thighs and wrapping your legs around his torso. When you were situated your hands found their way to his hair to gently tug at the roots.
Hiking you up by your ass you were looming over him with every adjustment. Your hands made their way to either side of his face while you ferociously kissed him. He started to stumble his way down the hallway, careful not to drop you. You moaned as his grip on your ass got tighter the more aroused he was getting.
The warm smell of cinnamon from your hair, the combined scent your vanilla bourbon perfume and your honey body lotion, it reminded him of home. Although you’d been getting in spats and arguments all day you’d still somehow made him feel loved and cared for by the way you’d responded to his touch.
It was at this very moment he decided that he wanted to marry you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, or hell— maybe not even next week, but someday If you’d let him.
Finally stumbling into your shared room dominant Dean was back in action. He gently put you down and then shoved you back onto the bed signifying the fact that he was done playing the game you’d been playing all day.
When you adjusted yourself on the bed he immediately ripped your pants off annoyed at the extra fabric keeping the two of you apart. Dipping down he gently put his right hand to your jaw and repeated what you had to him earlier. Brushing your lips together your noses tenderly touched and he gave you one last affectionate kiss before looking down at your tank top and ripping it in two.
Your eyes widened with desire, you’d never seen Dean like this and it was extremely sexy. The mix of softhearted kissing and rough manhandling was driving you insane. Kissing down your stomach the torn shirt was quickly discarded never to be seen again.
Only in your bralette and underwear you start to feel cold with Dean still fully clothed. Grabbing him by his hair you pull his head up from your panty line. Giving him a single peck on the lips you start to peel off the layers of flannel and cotton until his top half was fully nude.
Reaching down to undo his belt buckle he stops you with a questioning glare. He shoves your hands away and moved away from the bed and to the closet where a medium sized black box was laying on the top shelf. Getting that box down you knew that something freaky was about to happen.
Pulling out four long black ropes he looks back at you with a smirk. You gulp and back away slowly, however he was faster and started tying your left wrist tightly to the headboard. Positioning you in the middle of the bed he ties your right to the other side of the headboard.
Deciding to discard the last two ropes, he resumes your playful foreplay now teasing you at the fact that you can no longer touch him in the way you wanted to.
“M’ gonna fuck you in this pretty little bra. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Been walking around all day getting on my nerves so I’d have no choice but to fuck the aggression out. Well, you should be careful what you wish for.” He says menacingly pulling off your underwear.
Leaving your bare pussy in the cold Dean jumps off the bed and begins to slowly undress. And I mean slowly. You thought you were about to combust when you finally saw Dean unbuckle his pants and slowly drop them.
Getting back on the bed Dean slides his hands up and down your curves on your sides, trailing down to your hip bones and finally your throbbing heat. It really was no surprise that you’d gotten worked up so easy considering you and Dean hadn’t had really any sex in almost four months. Orgasms, yes. Sex, no.
It was killing you not being intimate with Dean like you used to. So when he finally put his cold hands on your warm aching pussy you could’ve cried in relief even though it was only through your panties you could feel his fingertips rubbing up against your clit causing you to softly moan in delight.
Gripping the tightly tied ropes Dean tormented you by pulling off your panties and just sat there. Staring. It would’ve made you insecure had you not known that Dean would’ve loved you no matter what you perceived your vagina to look like.
“Would you let me put a baby in you?” Dean asks out of the blue. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched, “In the future of course. Your still on birth control, right?” He thought out loud. You were speechless so all you could do was nod and let out a small ‘uh-huh’.
Dean could tell you were now really tense after that question so he took his hands and smoothed them over your stomach and said, “Don’t worry. Not until your ready. But until then, I’d like to practice.”
Your muscles were slowly untensing as Dean assured you there would be no baby making until your ready. “If we’re practicing, do you mind going in raw? I’d like to be closer with you.”
Dean was now blushing but tried to hide it through dominance. He spread your knees apart and quickly dove in licking and sucking your clit. Pulling at the ropes, you moaned and groaned until you were so close to cumming that you could cry.
Dean could tell how close you were so he sped up his tongue motions and hooked his arms around the base of your thighs so you couldn’t move anywhere.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned as your first orgasm took over you. Dean wasted no time in sliding his manhood into you with great force.
Putting his hands at your hips he began roughly thrusting into you at an angle that kept hitting your g-spot over an over again. As you were getting louder and louder with your moans Dean reached down in between your legs and rubbed your clit. He was fucking you so hard at this point you were seeing spots.
“Yeah. Your such a good girl. Taking it so good for me. Gonna be doing this to make a baby one day, huh sweetheart. Look at me.” He said as your eyes were starting to droop. Your eyes tiredly opened and you seen Dean look at you like your the queen of the world. His world. With adoration and love.
“Gonna let me fill you up, hmm? Gonna let me take care of you while your carrying our child? Gonna let me go out at three am to fill some ridiculous request of bread and butter pickles from that grocery store half an hour away?” Dean asks with a fond smirk on his face. Like he’d be so excited to be able to do those things for you.
Just hearing how happy it would make Dean to be your caretaker in your time of need makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Not just because he’s still fucking the life out of you.
Once you get close enough to the edge Dean starts to get greedy. He wants you to cum and he wants it now. “Give it to me y/n. Now.” He says wrapping his hand around your throat and pounding into you like there’s no tomorrow.
Seconds later it felt like fireworks had been let off in your stomach with how hard you were orgasming. At one point you were certain that you were seeing stars.
“Fuck! Dean!” You moaned as you made other noises that you had no idea you could even make. Before you could even come down Dean slipped out of you and was undoing the ropes.
“All fours. Now.” Was the command. Still a little dizzy, you comply wanting to see where this was going.
Upon getting on all fours dean was already behind you thrusting upwards at a new angle. Letting out a deep groan you dropped to your elbows and grabbed the sheets.
“Having that attitude all day really drove me nuts all day, y’know that? Now I get to fuck it out of you and I couldn’t be happier.” He said slapping your ass hard. You yelped and tried to go forward but his hands at the crease of your hip and thigh bone wouldn’t let you.
“Your not going nowhere. Your gonna sit here and let me breed you like a good little slut.” You couldn’t deny hearing those words made the sex ten times hotter. When you leaned your head back to moan deans hand was there to grab you by your hair and continue fucking your pussy until you exploded.
Pulling your hair was the final step in your third and final orgasm. Pulling away slightly at the overstimulation Dean speeds up, chasing his own climax. With one last grunt Dean came spilling into you with force.
“Oh God,” you shuddered, suddenly very cold. Goosebumps lining your skin, you get off the bed leaving Dean to fend for himself.
After you cleaned up you got back in bed with Dean. “Did you really mean what you said? Do you really want kids with me?” You asked as you lifted up the covers where Dean currently resided.
“Well yeah, I’d also like to put a ring on your finger too whenever you’ll let me.” Dean said shyly playing with the edging on the covers.
You quietly smiled and kissed Dean as you settled down. “I love you, and I want to marry you. But kids are out for a while. At least until I’m sure one of us isn’t going to end up dead with the shit we deal with on the daily. I won’t put another generation of kids what we went through. I just won’t.”
Although Dean was disappointed, he understood. His childhood sucked and he’d do anything to make sure that his kid didn’t live the same life.
“But we can still practice though, right?” Dean asked cheekily. You laughed, “yes Dean we can still practice.”
You both chuckled when you heard a voice booming from the kitchen, “Dean, where is all the beer?!” It was Sam.
“You were kidding though about the beer weren’t you?” He asked and you laughed harder.
“No, I wasn’t. I was committed. I really dumped all the alcohol in the house. Sam will understand given his healthy lifestyle.” Dean groaned and sunk into the mattress. You were still cracking up at the whole situation now that you felt better after your release.
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datguytv · 2 years
Chase it Of blacks and get it in of whites - and steal this you N8GGERs - click "https://youtu.be/7FP6meAL0uU" I dare you to suck it.  I dare you to put one in your tinted windowed blacked out car. I literally DARE This Low Down HOED out N8GGER shit case of Hell all over the World!  I dare this MONKEY 🐒! Look at how UGLY the shit cases of Hell are!  They seem to like shit in their faces as long as it is front other Race.of people!  They are such low class ugliest HOES of baboons raw tailed asses all over the world to me!  And the HONKing beneficiary says "Meet Them" they would like you like they like whites and there you have the killing of Juan of a low class ape N8GGER FAGGIT - with such as Gordon and Darron Jones to prove the Faggit N8GGER;  LoL hehehehehe make a journalist Broadcaster Named Terry Dwayne Ashford laugh!  You dumb hoe and you gotta be a bunch of dirt diggAmerica Bitches in wannabe formation-!  You gotta be! There is no other reasonable answers. And now I knock on my own walls inside the hotel.  Whew Wee!
0 notes
my-johnlockficrecs · 2 years
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hello hello hello, how are we doing? the first month of the new year has come to a scarily fast close – i hope it treated you well! my january was....well, it had its ups and downs for sure. i ended up reading way more fics than i had expected i would have time to. incidentally, i've also been sleeping much later these days 😂 so, may i humbly present my johnlock fic history for january! in which i shamelessly stalked authors' ao3 profiles, gorged myself on omegaverse fics and feverishly read an insane number of short and mid length fics. i've also decided to feature two spotlight recs this month instead of the intended one, because try as i might, i couldn't pick just one and, really, there's no need to tbh. enjoy!
key: 🐺 A/B/O • 🎆 new years themed • 🎄 christmas themed • blue highlight – reread
spotlight recs:
✰ Winning the Goat by @arwamachine (17k, E)
The life that Sherlock and John have together is rather unusual. Sometimes they lounge about the flat with their daughter. Sometimes they flee for their lives from a band of organ-harvesting criminals. Sometimes they shag. Sometimes Sherlock insists upon arguing with John about the Monty Hall problem for weeks on end. Somehow, they love each other. Somehow, it all works.
this! fic! it genuinely has everything. domestics, parentlock, hurt/comfort, bickering johnlock, the thrill of the chase, fluff, smut – it truly runs the gamut, and does so beautifully. Winning the Goat had me smiling and laughing throughout the whole thing. amidst the humour, arwa has managed to weave a more serious mood effortlessly, without ever deviating from the motif of the monty hall problem. the funny moments will have you laughing helplessly, the tender moments will have you getting all sappy, the smut will leave you hot and bothered, and you will definitely, definitely, get overly invested in the monty hall problem. (john is right and you can fight me on that)
✰ Solstice by @calaisreno (6k, teen)
It feels like the onset of winter, so gradual that you wake up one day and see frost decorating the windows and wonder when it suddenly became so cold...He lost John slowly, without either of them deciding that’s what would happen. The way to come back together must be so gradual that it’s almost imperceptible.
this is just the sweetest, slightly achy-in-a-good-way story of john and sherlock drifting apart before coming together again, as they always do. what i love about this fic is that it talks about an experience painful in all its mundane universality. but it also shows you that some bonds just cannot be broken. sherlock in this is lovely, patient and determined in his vulnerability.
bite sized (5k and less)
1. New Year, New Beginnings by DaisyFairy (810, teen) 🎆
New Year at a crime scene and John makes a decision.
2. It's Sentimental, I Know by @chriscalledmesweetie (469, G)🎆
This New Year’s Eve, Sherlock has only one resolution — to kiss John at midnight.
3. waiting (for the rising sun) by @simplyclockwork (2k, M)
No one has looked at you like that in a long time. Possibly not ever. But he looks at you, he lays your life out before you, and he doesn’t stop there.
4. a pleasant surprise by @simplyclockwork (3k, M)
Sherlock's first birthday after his return from the grave.
5. Six Degrees of Separation by testosterone_tea (5k, E)
Sherlock sees John in a coffee shop and decides that he's going to meet him as an experiment. The universe seems to conspire against him, making a mess of the experiment and Sherlock's emotions. But is it the universe intervening, or is Sherlock just being an idiot about this?
6. The Subversive Potential of Gender Transgression, Or: Goddamnit, Sherlock, Stop Drugging My Drinks by trashyfiction (5k, E) 🐺
For a case, Sherlock needs to see if he can make a drug that can override heat suppressants and make an omega go into heat immediately. He plans to test it on himself but things rarely go according to plan at Baker Street.
7. Five Vials of Blood by MythAnd (5k, M)
It starts the night that John brings him five vials of blood.
Or, in which Sherlock struggles to understand the intricacies of his relationship with John.
8. Under the Mistletoe by testosterone_tea (5k, E)
Mistletoe is a parasite, and Sherlock really wishes everyone would stop romanticizing it. What could possibly happen to change his mind?
9. Paper Hearts by testosterone_tea (4k, teen)
Sherlock is the loner kid that has no friends, and is certain that his interest in popular rugby player John Watson is unrequited. One day, he starts getting hearts in his locker from a mysterious admirer and has to decide whether or not he wants to find out who fancies him.
10. Molecular by scrub456 (1k, G)
"Hmmnh." John stretches, long and slow. That deep molecular feeling pulls at him. "Now there's a genius idea."
"Your tea will get cold," Sherlock whispers, barely restrained.
"You'll make more later."
11. Untold Stories by @discordantwords (4k, G)
John doesn't want to write up their latest case. Sherlock can't seem to let it go.
12. The Fly-Half in Silks by DemonicSymphony (4k, E) 🐺 {part 1 of the Hashfield Hall series}
Sherlock Holmes is a teacher at a prestigious boarding school when omega John Watson comes to teach part time and coach rugby. Predictably, sparks fly.
13. The Incident and First Deletion by DemonicSymphony (1k, G) 🐺 {part 2 of the Hashfield Hall series}
Set before The Fly-Half in Silks... what did happen that week John came home to work on a project with Mycroft?
Told from Sherlock's point of view in a journal with interjections from a meddling Mycroft.
14. Prick by Anyawen (1k, G) {part 1 of the Inked series}
John has an appointment. Sherlock wants to avoid Mummy and musical theatre. He tags along.
15. semiotics by Anyawen (3k, G) {part 2 of the Inked series}
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the tattoo on Sherlock's back is a novel. Luckily, it's in a language John can read.
16. On the Subject of the Haggis by mydwynter (3k, teen)
"Some hae meat and cannot eat, blah blah. You know. It's the 25th. Isn't that what your family does?"
John's brain slipped repeatedly as it tried to turn over this concept. "You're planning a Burns Night?"
"Have planned, John. And already executed. Obviously." Sherlock gestured at the display in the kitchen.
It began a long and sonsie night.
17. the things that comfort us by @hudders-and-hiddles (3k, teen)
Sherlock takes one of John's jumpers with him when he leaves to dismantle Moriarty's network. One day, John notices it's missing
18. On a Sunday Morning by Sd_Ryan (3k, G)
"John in his natural habitat was a subject most diverting, so for a long while the detective stayed hunched in his chair, spidery limbs tucked up and in, fingers steepled and pressed to lips, eyes unapologetically focused on the enigma, the clash of opposites, that was John Watson. He trailed top to bottom of that stout package, then bottom to top—gathering and sorting data."
Sherlock has a little problem. He can't stop obsessing about John Watson.
short fics (5k-15k)
19. More Than Words Can Say by @loveismyrevolution (13k, teen) 🎄
The Christmas season has found its way into 221B Baker Street. And the boys are talking. Mostly between the words though. Sometimes it's more important to listen to the words that aren't said.
20. the cherry on top by @simplyclockwork (7k, E) 🐺
John's never shown any interest in his Alpha flatmate, despite Sherlock's pining. When a case requires a different approach than usual, Sherlock finds himself struggling to keep his feelings to himself.
21. Never Trust to General Impressions by @thetimemoves (9k, teen)
John might not be a master of deduction, but as he likes to remind Sherlock on the regular, he’s no idiot either. There is what the world thinks of Sherlock, and then there is what John really knows.
Well, most of the time. There's always something.
Or, five things John Watson knows for sure about Sherlock Holmes and one thing he completely misses.
22. The Liquid Measure of Your Steps by Mazarin221b (8k, E) 🐺
The murder of a young alpha dancer at a posh omega club gives John and Sherlock a peek into the shadier side of the entertainment industry, where young, unsuppressed alphas are left as vulnerable targets to any omega intent on using their own bond compulsion against them.
23. Gordian by fresne (15k, E) 🐺
On any given day, Sherlock might come out of the bathroom smelling like an Alpha on the hunt (Alpha #8) or an Omega in heat (Omega #9), a Beta brooding (Beta #3), or like no gender at all. The last one was his actual scent, which wasn't so much scentless as confusing. At least in an adult.
If Sherlock and John were the sort of people to read Mills and Boon novels, they could have said that what occurred was because destiny intervened and set two destined lovers in their one true pairings' path.
It was the lasagna.
24. Praise Me by testosterone_tea (11k, E)
In which Sherlock has an interesting physical reaction to compliments and John discovers it.
25. Invite Me Over by testosterone_tea (8k, E)
Sherlock lives in a crappy, run-down flat during his grad studies in chemistry when an attractive med student moves in next door. Unilock.
26. Ugly Duckling by testosterone_tea (6k, E)
Sherlock has spent his life thinking that he's ugly, and it really wouldn't bother him except for two things: a) he wants John to like him, and b) he finds himself on a case involving underwear modeling. But apparently body positivity comes with a bloody side dish of serial killing, and John in nothing but pants is very distracting. What's an ugly duckling to do?
27. a slice of sentiment by @watsonshoneybee (9k, G)
Sherlock Holmes has a secret. A hot, gooey, greasy, extra cheese and pepperoni secret.
And he’s waiting for the person—the right person, the only person, the capital-O One person—to share it with.
28. Again by @discordantwords (9k, M) 🎄
It never seemed like the right time. And then time ran out.
notes: don't let the summary scare you! read the tags ;)
29. Missing the (Fixed) Point by @discordantwords (8k, teen)
John doesn't know Sherlock. Sherlock doesn't know John. The universe is not so easily dissuaded.
Or, five times Sherlock interrupted John's plans, and one time John interrupted his.
30. Forever Turning Corners by @discordantwords (9k, M)
Exactly one year and four days after Sherlock Holmes flung himself from the top of Barts Hospital, John Watson buys himself a bottle of good scotch and a train ticket. The train ticket is an impulse, the scotch is not.
31. Retrace by @discordantwords (7k, M)
John nearly takes a bullet. Then he takes a walk.
32. Pro Bono by PrettyArbitrary (9k, E) 🐺
Sherlock's a bit of a dick about the omega thing, but then he's a bit of a dick about everything. Even so, John doesn't venture where he knows he's not wanted.
(100% non-problematically consensual omegaverse. Because world-building is cool. A bit of relationship angst got in there, though.)
33. Where You Hang Your Heart by suitesamba (13k, M)
Part 1 - Sherlock (The Walking Man)
Part 2 - John (The Waiting Game)
When it was all over, when the east wind had blown through and they’d picked themselves off the pavement, Sherlock said enough.
When it was all over, when Mary was dead and Rosie didn’t have enough family left for John to risk even an adrenaline high, John watched Sherlock go.
Eighteen years later, the real journey begins.
34. This Time by @bertytravelsfar (12k, teen)
After five months of silence, John asks Sherlock to meet him for a coffee. Five months of learning to live completely without John has been harder than he could have imagined but the lure of seeing his friend once more is too much to pass up.
35. In a Changing Age by allonsys_girl (15k, E)
Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
36. Lozenges by Zingiber (9k, M) {part 1 of the Five and One series}
Sherlock and John can both be careless with their health. Five times John tended to an ill Sherlock, and one time Sherlock tended to John.
37. Linens (from the bottom drawer) by Zingiber (15k, M) {part 2 of the Five and One series}
Sequel to Lozenges. Five times Sherlock calls John his husband and one time John calls Sherlock his.
38. Blind Marriage by inspiration_assaulted (7k, teen) {part 1 of the Blind series}
Lt John Watson, 25, will do just about anything to stay in the Army, even if it means marrying a man he's never met. It's only for two years, and he'll probably be in Afghanistan the whole time. How much can his life really change?
Sherlock Holmes, 21, is just entering rehab, at his mother's dying request. He can't receive the money she left him, the money he needs to live, unless he gets married. He signs the papers to shut Mycroft up. Besides, it's only for two years, and his husband is on a different continent. How much can his life really change?
39. Blind Love by inspiration_assaulted (10k, teen) {part 2 of the Blind series)
Sequel to Blind Marriage.
After he returns to England, John and Sherlock struggle into life as a married couple.
40. Close Your Eyes by inspiration_assaulted (1k, G) {part 3 of the Blind series}
After they return from Baskerville, John is angry and Sherlock is sorry. He's very sorry indeed, and he plans to prove it to his husband.
41. Oh How the Ghost of You Clings by @arwamachine (13k, teen)
Sherlock has been dead for over a year, and John fully intends to spend January 29th—the anniversary of the day he and Sherlock met—laying low and trying not to cry. The universe, it would appear, has a somewhat different plan for John. As a mounting series of consequences sends John across the city to all the spots he and Sherlock haunted that first day they knew each other, John begins to suspect that the universe is not being very lazy at all.
mid length (16k-50k)
42. every precious failure and amateur cartography by kenopsia (indie) (22k, M) 🐺
John is not a fan of alphas. His beta flatmate, Sherlock is also not a fan of alphas. 221b is a no-knots-allowed club.
43. The Six Steps of Courtship by emptycel (28k, E) 🐺
Sherlock doesn't hold any love for his omega status. However, that doesn't stop him from going undercover and joining on online dating site to try and find the person responsible for a string of vicious omega homicides.
It should have been easy, open and shut.
He just didn't expect to meet an alpha named John Watson.
And enter the six steps of courtship.
44. The Pretence of an Unacknowledged Truth by stickleworting (28k, E) 🐺
He’s decided to just be himself, cliché as it sounds. The lie about being Sherlock’s mate will be difficult enough to keep up, he’s not going to think up more of a charade regarding himself on top of that.
If he uses the wrong fork at dinner, fine. If someone calls him on it, he’ll just stab them with it. Job done.
45. Relative Incandescence by orphan_account (35k, E) 🐺
Two musical notes: Every parrot and every construction worker knows them. Shrill and salacious, so Sherlock will remember: You are on display. It’s supposed to be a compliment. Supposed to make him feel good, that they have laboured to remind him.
It makes him feel like a package of meat, set down into the cooler, raw and waiting to eaten.
46. tomorrow will dawn the same as today by @hudders-and-hiddles ​(17k, E, ch: 3/?)
Sherlock wakes up on a grey London morning, alone. Tomorrow he'll do the same. Whatever he does, wherever he goes, however his night might end, tomorrow he'll do the same.
note: technically this is incomplete, but it felt complete to me. not really a cliffhanger ending
47. Treading Water by @discordantwords​ (21k, teen)
It is not working. Whatever John was hoping to accomplish over these past six months, whatever he was hoping to prove by selling the little house he'd shared with Mary and returning to build a home out of the rubble of Baker Street has not come to pass. He is a welcome presence, but he is miserable.
As their personal and professional relationship slowly unravels under an intangible strain, a case forces Sherlock and John to spend the night inside the London Aquarium.
48. The Dead Detective by @discordantwords (37k, M)
John Watson has spent the last three years of his life simply going through the motions. A chance encounter with a man claiming to be a stranded spy changes everything.
long fics (50k and above)
49. The Measure of a Gentleman by i_ship_an_armada (67k, E)
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a partner.
Less universally acknowledged is that a single man in possession of very little in the way of fortune may be in want of a partner as well, but John Watson had little time or energy to devote to his own wants or needs...
Enter one Mr Holmes...
50. To Stand Before the Storm by @arwamachine (132k, E)
Somebody has been killing sheep on an uninhabited island just off the western coast of Ireland, and Sherlock—of course—can’t resist the call to investigate. As a soon-to-be-divorced John and a recently-not-dead Sherlock unravel the mystery of the murdered sheep, they find that they may be forced to confront unspoken sentiments that have lingered between the two them for some time—that is, if they don’t fall victim to the dangers of the island first.
51. Electric Pink Hand Grenade by BeautifulFiction (67k, E)
"If Sherlock's brain is a hard drive, then these attacks are an electro-magnetic pulse." Sherlock Holmes does not do anything by half, not even a migraine. It falls to John to witness one of the greatest minds he has ever known tear itself apart, and he must do his best to help Sherlock pick up the pieces.
52. noise complaint by @simplyclockwork (64k, E, ch: 22/25)
One loud upstairs neighbour and three days of non-stop party music lead Sherlock to an unexpected meeting.
53. after hours by @simplyclockwork (14k, E, ch: 5/6)
After meeting Sherlock Holmes as a patient, Doctor John Watson can't get the intelligent, attractive consulting detective with the limp off his mind. He is determined not to overstep professional boundaries until an after hours encounter with the man himself has John seeing things in a different light.
Tumblr Inspired/Prompted Sherlock Fics- Part One by @simplyclockwork
Tumblr Inspired/Prompted Sherlock Fics- Part Two by @simplyclockwork
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neiooss · 3 years
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romiantic · 3 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝒋𝒖𝒋𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝒌𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒏 𝒙 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓-𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍!𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ࿐ྂ
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彡 ❛ 𝐣𝐣𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐮𝐭 ❜
彡 𝗳𝘁. gojo, yuji, megumi, and nobara
彡 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff + crack
彡 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: language
彡 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I didn’t post a single haitian content for haitian heritage month, mmcht lemme change that 💔💔 (even though I’m late, let’s not talk about that) trying a new format for my hcs, y’all like or no?
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⤷ This man came straight out the gate asking your family if they did voodoo...gojo babes. Even though everyone said no, he went on this long rant explaining how sorcery is better than voodoo. It went on till Megumi dragged him away, apologizing to your family, or one of your family members pretending to put voodoo on him to scare him
⤷ Gojo came in with some barbecue grill 2’s and thought he did something, trying to hit the two-step to sweet mickey and nu-look. Meanwhile, your aunts are in the back cheering him on (probably cause they wanna go home with him but you ain’t hear that from me)
⤷ You can’t look at Gojo and not tell me he ain’t one of the best domino players out there (fucking six eyes). He out here beating everyone at that cookout back to back and it would be surprising how someone hasn’t flipped the table yet
⤷ By the end of the night, he’ll be stuffed FULL of goat, griot, rice, any and everything that was cooked. Why are there barely any leftovers? Blame Gojo ass, he kept going back for the macaroni
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⤷ Poor Yuji got snatched by the little kids when he came. The kids were intrigued by him immediately and dragged him to entertain him. He was doing good actually...until Sukuna popped out of his cheek and said some out of pocket shit to scare them away
⤷ If Yuji didn’t get snatched by the kids, he got snatched by the aunties. The pink-haired boy was just minding his business, watching Gojo win at dominos then boom, he ends up getting called nicknames in creole with food in his hand. Including that they keep getting him so much food no matter what he says. Your aunts truly believe you’re not feeding him and give him food to take home with.
⤷ Part two of being snatched by the aunties, they tell him to that lil dance they be seeing their kids do or saw online. Yuji honestly have no clue what they are talking about but just went along with it anyway
⤷ He goes home learning some new words in Creole, of course, Sukuna learned all of the curse words. Why? It’s Sukuna. He talking in everyone ear in the car about all the new language he heard
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⤷ *sigh* Another one that got snatched by the little kids. When he did, he was grumbling and complaining about how he had to take care of some ankle biters. The only way out of it was to summon his dogs and distract him.
⤷ After he gets away, he usually walks around and trails Yuji and Nobara, he couldn’t bear to be around Gojo. While walking around, he’s listening to the foreign language around him, intrigued by the way you switch up from English to Creole when talking to relatives or how you would react to something your cousins said
⤷ Though that don’t last long cause one of your little cousins ran up to him, calling him “Mr. Porcupine”, and saying that the dog disappeared. Megumi just sighed and summon his frogs and rabbits to entertain him with
⤷ When it came to food, Megumi didn’t grab too much, he didn’t wanna waste anything your relatives took their time cooking. He made sure to grab one of everything, or like a small portion of it. Though Gojo said otherwise and dumped more food on his plate (don’t worry he definitely that fried plaintains and macaroni UP, he even stole some off of yuji)
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⤷ Somehow, someway, Nobara became besties with all of your aunts + cousins. Either because of her including herself in the rant of men or they were interested by the way she carried herself
⤷ On top of that, your cousins, male and female, kept flirting with her. It got bad to the point where Nobara almost considered using her cursed technique to manipulate one of your cousins ‘till Gojo pulled her away
⤷ For someone who only knows the Haitian culture only from you and only heard the language around you, Nobara fits WELL. Especially when Haitian music comes, it only took her like two minutes to match the rhythm and WHEW, Nobara was GOING
⤷ Just like Gojo, Nobara was DEFINITELY going home was a bag FULL of Haitian dishes. She got sooo addicted to them once she tried and (including Yuji) begged for you to make it when y’all get back to school
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blackweebtrash @tsumusitadori @myhoodacademia @asaincy @morosis-haze @noirstoxin @r-raiinah @thechinadoll @mypimpademia
if you would like to be added onto the taglist, fill out the form on my navi !!
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彡 mmcht I’m mad at how long these took me to make 💔💔
彡 but I’m finally finished so that’s good
彡 I realllyyyyy, do hope y’all enjoyed these, even if you’re not haitian 😭😭
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐡 𝟐𝟗:𝟏𝟑 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗄𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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thepictureofsdr · 2 years
HELLO BITCHES my friend refuses to read the TLH short stories and ive given up trying so im summarizing it on the one long format social media we share so uh. read if you want to im not sure what anyone else would get out of this the first story is so fucking depressing HELLO
@mintminao3 i can’t believe im fucking rereading all of this it’s literally the foundation for why i dont like these characters and you’re making me reread it this should be considered a federal crime
(this is a jem pov book bestie get it together will is mentioned literally a trillion times HELLO)
- jem is at the shadowmarket. premise of the book. matthew shows up and calls him uncle jem and kisses him on the cheek and i break down all over again
- flashback to the academy in 1899 (i forgot how OLD they are wtf)
- alastair says something really bitchy about will and tessa i forgot how rotten he was oh my god 😭
- “to everyone’s surprise” thomas gets him to stop 🤪 you dont care about this but i DO
- theres so much detail here you’re killing me this is an absolute nightmare im leaving so much juicy shit out YOURE THE WORST
- so uh. you know how ive devoted my life to our lord and saviour alastair carstairs. um. it gets a bit embarrassing here. just a tad. BUT YOULL UNDERSTAND SOON I PROMISSEEEEEE
- matthew goes looking for thomas who’s always with alastair and finds them both.
- matthew calls alastair a “low snaky serpent.” alastair calls matthew “mother hen fairchild” and then says he’ll be a lovely wife one day which i KNOW is an insult but i cant take it seriously hes just calling him a malewife it makes me giggle
- then matthew just BUSTS OUT the physical insults with an absolute unit of “has no kind soul thought to inform you that your hairstyle is, to use the gentlest words available to me, ill - advised? a friend? your papa? does nobody care enough to to prevent you from making a spectacle of yourself? or are you simply too busy perpetuating acts of evil upon the innocent to bother about your unfortunate appearance?”
- i mean. um. whew. for reference alastair’s hair is currently blond unless proven otherwise his introduction in TFTSA mentions him having “light hair” aka not the ink black he was born with.
- then alastair tells thomas to leave and pulls out the “women cant be good consuls blah blah blah” no one cares, this is the important bit, he goes on to, rather cruelly, inform matthew of a rumour floating around the academy that henry isn’t matthews father. gideon and charlotte work very closely together, and since matthew was born AFTER henry’s paralyzation, there’s a rumour that GIDEON is actually math’s birth father, esp since matthews got a mop of gold on his head rather than the red or brown of his parents. “henry fairchild is not your father” spat alastair. “you are gideon lightwoods bastard. everyone knows it but you.”
- (theres way too much dialogue to quote that whole scene)
- then matthew slaps alastair which like. deserved.
- its up to you to form an opinion, personally i don’t give a shit that alastair’s going around with this rumour hes like 16 in high school and it’s everyone’s god given right to slander politicians charlotte and gideon are no exceptions but i think the manner of speaking was cruel and an apology is in order, matthew was a little shit as well but alastair kinda pulled out the nukes. math would’ve found out eventually but alastair was kinda a bitch about it
- anyway back to the present
- jem lets math call him uncle and math “glows” i want to bottle him up and keep him safe ugh
- talk of will james tessa and lucie you miss out on sucks to suck loser
- … he gets a truth potion from a faerie.
- math goes back home, gideon comes over the next morning, math has an internal emotional crisis, yadda yadda, NO IM NOT CRYING AT HIS REFUSAL TO THINK OF HIM AS AN UNCLE AND THE PAIN THIS POOR BOY IS GOING THROUGH UH UH
- OKAY UM I COMPLELTEY FORGOT ABOUT THIS BUT UH (hes talking to himself in the mirror) “you may be a waste of space in a waistcoat” he told matthew fairchild “but at least your waistcoat is fantastic” NOW IM ACTUALLY FULL ON CRYONG
- also math has a dog named mr. oscar wilde this is critical to the story
- james content you’re missing out on loser
- “alastair loathly worm carstairs”
- “later matthew would look back and remember it as his last happy day”
- “alastair god-help-us carstairs”
- just. please read this.
Christopher had the audacity to look surprised when Matthew began to belabor him mightily about the head and face. "Watch the test tubes!" cried Thomas.' "There is a hole in the floor at the Academy that Professor Fell calls the Christopher Lightwood Chasm” "I suppose I hate some people," offered James. "Augustus Pounceby. Lavinia Whitelaw. Alastair Carstairs.” Matthew regarded his very own parabatai with deep approval. "This is why we are chosen warrior partners, because we share such a perfect bond of sympathy. Come to me, Jamie, that we might share a manly embrace." He made incursions upon Jamie's person. James thwacked him over the head with his book. It was a large book. "Betrayed," said Matthew, writhing prone upon the floor. "Is that why you insist on carrying about enormous tomes everywhere you go, that you might visit violence upon innocent persons? Done to death by my best friend- my heart's brother--my own dear parabatai. He snagged James around the waist and brought him crashing to the floor for the second time that day. James hit Matthew with the book again, then subsided, leaning his shoulder against Matthew's. They were both thoroughly rumpled, but Matthew did not mind being rumpled for a good cause.
- thomas defends alastair. says that alastair regrets the prank, able to tell because of how uncomfortable he gets when its brought up. also points out that alastair behaviour is partly brought on by jealousy, like how all the fathers came to the academy after the prank, will came running to james’s side, whereas no one came for alastair. then matthew pulls out this absolute horrifier of calling alastair a curse of a son and its understandable that a father would want to see him as less as possible. thomas also tells them not to listen to the bs alastair says when hes mad bc its usually nonesense.
- more emotional stuff between the family you miss.
- math puts the potion in the scones. charlotte eats one. she falls ill almost immediately. jem is called. (my sister just got home and now people are around me im trying so hard not to cry) its revealed that charlotte was expecting, and hoping for a little girl. matthew is beyond horrified. gideon has been making sure she was safe at the clave meetings which is why he was around more. the baby was going to be named after henry’s most beloved great aunt. matthew has her hair. henry caresses math’s head. he wishes his father would pick up a knife and slash his throat.
“it was not the faerie woman’s fault or alastair’s or the fault of any other soul. … He was not a fool. He was a villain”
“He laid his cheek against the cold floor and refused to let himself weep again. he knew he could not be forgiven”
ill do the other one later im after crying a concerning amount i cant handle anna right now
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sleepynegress · 3 years
I am still boggled that a cartoon did a final season better than every human show I’ve seen for the past few years.... So... quick sloppy spoilers-thoughts-reasons why beneath the cut... DON’T READ UNTIL YOU’VE WATCHED DAMMIT!!
The writers indulged in #1 the HUMAN CONNECTION. Which is why we watch!!  We care, we invest, when that is done justice and that was done justice here. It was centered on that and love... From my giant lesbian in her day-walker armor and her smart brown strategist, to even St. Germain’s dumb-ass and my hearty laughter at his connection with a woman who could beat his ass (which is a recurring theme in this show) to my two bisexual babies Adrian and Greta....( I TOLD YOU SO!!...well...half-way. turnt out the other one I was speculating about was cray-cray lol) Greta gonna peg that dhampir happy, w/o any stabbing attempts.  Every time they bantered I just saw Bowie and Iman, yall....lol The fight scenes fed me... Carmilla’s final fight MAH GAWD.... I want drag queens to reenact that ish forreal, down to the gold shoes. Trevor’s final fight.... BITCH!! when Sypha and Trevor showed up at Alucard’s side... it was legit an “On your left.” fucking feeling. The dialogue was intelligent  Whew! EVERY scene with Isaac.... The musings from both Sypha and Alucard on the Trevorisms rubbing off on them... The one-liners were chef’s kiss!!! And every character...  I MEAN EVERY ONE!!!  Got the exact right closure. The only thing I’m shaky on is Hector’s relatively light treatment of Lenore... but I mean, I got it.  Abusive situations can be like that... And as long as she got hers, (and she did)  I’m good. And it was still creepy and twisted... the sewn intersexed corpse... that fire-lighteninfg breathing cart-pulling thing...and plenty of flesh went a-flying. I also gotta appreciate the details in the background characters, villagers etc... Like two children who try and fail to capture a rat to eat, and the little black girl with the afro puffs.... ahh. This was everything. And why did it feel like a video game, in terms of esclating threats and special weapons for them... but written in a way that was entertaining for the format?!
I’m just saying.... final boss was a final boss. Loved it all...Will watch again.
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@uberoll-oystercrackers putting this PT convo on blast just for the sake of switching to this format where u don’t have to break everything up via replies because [comically deep inhale]
honestly like idc idc i guess ppl are just like “uhh mytho’s got nothing going on b/c he has no feelings!!” like Yeah Correct, that’s a premise / inciting factor for this series and everything everyone’s doing lol, it’s only Boring if you don’t think about the character at all lmfao which i guess some ppl don’t, but like, there’s only 4 of them.....it’s Wildly Interesting that he literally has no feelings at first, like, for one thing it’s cool how there’s always the Idea of characters who don’t have emotions or act on them, but this is like the rare “realistic” situation where having no feelings means he needs someone to steer him around and make choices for him (and how Vulnerable that leaves him lmfao like episode 2 is wild but also that ppl just haven’t really realized that they Could just pick mytho up and pitch him into a wall, and fakir and rue are sort of careful neutral alliance keeping tabs on him) and you know, the whole s1 structure of mytho regaining both Capacity For / Experience of An Emotion and his sense of identity and by extent of all this his agency, and how like, Thematic everything surrounding this character is that’s reflected in the overall series like. trying to control someone for your own benefit vs being willing to sacrifice your own interests (and then some...) for their freedom & the Protecting Someone (And/Or Wanting To) As A Love Language that all the characters show for each other at various points & hope vs despair.......and like No Shit he’s dispassionate & passive b/c he can’t Feel Feelings & resultantly can’t make decisions or feel motivations but obviously he’s still Motivating other characters to act on his behalf, & there’s so much mystery & drama already in “yeah this guy you think is just a neat handsome guy is also an actual prince from a story who’s Real & sacrificed his heart in the fight with an evil giant raven monster that eats people & so he can’t feel anything or remember who he is” like damn!!! epic of him even if right now he can’t do much of anything on his own. i’m interested, and then i’m Interested every time in the Drama & Mystery of this person regaining parts of himself and completely rediscovering An Emotional Experience and how that is totally recontextualizing his entire existence for him.....
plus also even though “person literally lost heart via magic and doesn’t know what Feeling Things is” isn’t a We’ve All Been There situation i was like oh and you know it’s not like what mytho’s got going on isn’t potentially Relatable....can get into a side essay about dapressione and trauma and other types of stuff that can make it seem like someone can’t/shouldn’t have full access to their feelings / self / agency &/or it’s Dangerous if they try.....whew
but continuing on YEAH ugh just completely fascinated with mytho the Entire Time actually lol like, i’ve tended to lose steam in early s2 b/c he’s sort of Less involved beyond the [hehe time to cause some trouble in this particular ep] role lol but even so it’s like well it’s kinda fun when at least somebody’s being a bitch who lives for drama lmfaooooo & we get mytho Struggling Internally & sometimes punching through that way but again it’s like yeah oops the guy was basically autonomous but zwoop here’s a problem where that doesn’t mean shit anymore lol b/c he’s got this alternate evil self steering the ship all the time now lol got em.....the Peak of that i guess is where we get to have an epic swordfight between raven!mytho and fakir like you know what fuck yes!!! the intrinsic drama of that lmfao!!!! and then it’s like “oh no :/ loving the drama? that’s just what drosselmeyer wants” except Not b/c actually what makes it totally rule is that it’s this chance for Real Mytho to come through for the sake of protecting fakir (tbt “i wonder what i think of you, fakir”...) and really like that being what prompts fakir’s “you know what, even though before i was afraid my role as a knight would kill Me and i’m afraid my coincidental(?) role as a guy who can Reality Write could kill Anyone Else, i gotta try b/c that’s the only thing i could possibly do here and i want to try protecting everyone else b/c everyone else including mytho is protecting Me” and like augh everyone is so Thoughtful about how to try to help mytho out even as like, they can’t hardly interact with him or undo the situation lol.....as you’re getting into the series finale and everyone’s just outright Voicing things and you get “i/we want to protect mytho” like 32x and it’s beautiful each time ;___; like and well sorry but him & his heart/lack of are also the heart of the whole story here.....
and you know what *i* want to protect mytho, sympathizing with all the characters like fuck yes you’re so right, this guy rules, episode 6 aka The Fear Episode is SO good, like, you’ve gotten kinda used to the episodic format here, ep 5 did sure also make it obvious that things are Building on what’s happening prior here & that there’s stakes and stuff but it’s such a shakeup, like, that maybe just kinda sneakily dipping in and out of the arena giving back a piece of his heart until it’s done with, no problem, Isn’t Gonna Happen, and again, the Drama of it all......that the heart shards are yeah kind of their own People who are these fractions of mytho’s self and the way you interact with them is gonna like, affect things, since tutu didn’t like “resolve” things with that heart shard and just kinda got him on a technicality there lmfao so it’s like, yeah not only does mytho have a more general / abstract cause to be afraid of tutu & her bringing all these Unknowns & completely new things to him / changing things up and apparently introducing conflict, but you’ve gone and gotten his capacity for fear all recently riled up and specifically afraid of his interaction with You from 5 sec ago, and how could anyone know this mysterious magical being giving you Negative Feelings is like, Safe......and i’m sure it’s all compounding here, like, it’s Wild to be suddenly experiencing A Feeling for the (seeming) first time, and that in itself sure could be Scary, he just hasn’t had the proper emotion available with with to Be Afraid, now he’s gotten back a freshly stoked (capacity for) Fear and how off the shits it must be to be afraid for the first time anyways, or to be feeling the other stuff for the first time, and who knows what Unfun Feelings could come next, there’s a lot to freak out about.......and not like it’s trying That hard to never suggest like oh fakir's not that bad even though he’s technically an antagonist at the start b/c of being at odds with / against the protagonist, it’s pretty telling there lol like he’s unhappy with mytho having feelings again at all and has already been getting mad about it but is just being Helpful here and trying to comfort him, like aw that’s neat i think it’s nice, and again throwing it back to “I Wonder What I Think Of You, Fakir” you get fakir reassuring mytho that nobody but him is around, and mytho having this capacity for Fear is choosing to confide in fakir re: what he’s dealing with here (not that this would on it’s own be some guarantee that mytho’s Right to be unafraid of fakir, but, knowing all we eventually know...) like again lol it’s funny that drosselmeyer’s loving the Drama of mytho only having regained Negative Feelings like, i mean i’m soaking it in as well but it’s like, that guy’s all about Angst and it’s like no im here all about the Hurt/Comfort more like, thank you lmfao
it’s also SO good how it’s like, the next episode is turning around & giving the story a way forward not by like, oh let’s just counteract this Fear mytho’s struggling with by returning the....emotion of Courage i guess, but rather by giving him back Curiosity to ultimately lead to him actually seeking a conversation with tutu.......and it’s like AUGH it’s soooo fun that he goes to that river and has a conversation with his own heart shard lmfao like that’s you!!! and that You does not realize you’re them!!! that’s wild and i love it......wait i took low res screenshots when i rewatched this a few weeks ago lmfao
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i Love it lmfao like it’s Such a good choice to have him not only have lost his Emotions but also memories / knowledge of who he, himself, even is.....like yeah man it was all on you to fight this heart eating raven monster!!!!!!!!! which you know, it’s also Fun that earlier in that episode when he and fakir are hanging out in the secret Problems Mill (which....fakir is hilarious like that lmfao. whole other tangent here like ppl are not only rolling with Animals As People but stuff like “yeah fakir might just be like ‘oops gotta go!’ and whisk mytho away to various out of the way Locations” like lmfao these teens have some free rein, but it’s nothing compared to s2 where it’s like “They Were Roommates but ig fakir tried to kill mytho who’s now being really dramatic and weird which is v different from before and maybe he’s in love with that one random dude who’s around now, which sucks for everyone else, oops now he’s just like Vanishing for god knows how long at a time it’s fine!!!!” lmfao like god. ballet school just is like that sometimes...) anyways Yeah that mytho’s been having nightmares about the raven and fakir is just going like IT’S FINE JUST DON’T THINK ABOUT IT lol and knowing fakir is also being pretty driven / restricted by fear, reasonably, as he thinks (well. and is correct) that he’s The Knight and his fate is literally written as “yeah if the story gets going and you’re a part of it you’ll just be killed” like yeah, oof......Wonder What I Think Of You Fakir like yeah AND he is that knight you actually did know who was suddenly killed trying to protect you and he’s sorta accepted that role again except he’s not really a fan of that Being Killed thing so here we’re having some issues in his misguided approach here re: Mytho Should Not Get His Heart Back, but he’s also trying to protect them Both from the story, and he’s only So Willing to act Against mytho, like, well hey thanks for apologizing after you hit him and then like, not doing that anymore lol, v reasonable how he’s struggling here lol where he’s trying to Protect mytho but the story a) wants to invite tragedy and b) has already said that The Knight has been / will be killed and can’t actually protect the prince within the story, also c) he’s just like one random high school guy out here......and also that it must just be kinda hard to adapt to this changing situation where mytho Is regaining this sense of self and motivation, but for like the past decade or whatever he Has needed fakir to just be in charge and tell him what to do all the time and, if he had the sense of what it was to trust someone, trust fakir to just always be acting in his best interest, but then mytho’s idea of his own best interest a) starts to Exist and b) is at odds w/fakir’s b/c also c) he doesn’t have All his feelings yet, Or all his memories, while fakir is like “noooo i know the story”.....like there was never any need to just like tell him he sucks at random times lol but it’s also kind of funny that’s just part of fakir’s shtick, calling mytho a dumbass one more time when he’s just fully himself as The Prince again lmfaooo. but prior to that, surely fakir could wonder what mytho thinks of him (or potentially Could think of him) too.......it’s just soooo good when mytho is like, expressing things verbally while trying to work through / figure out Feelings and even ones that he doesn’t have back yet, and it’s always fun how that inevitably throws off whatever character he’s musing about this to......including whenever ahiru’s just like “oh fuck yes he can do this b/c he has more feelings back now, that rules” and/or “aw :( he’s struggling w/this b/c he only has Some of his heart back”
and also that reminds me it’s SO good when the characters just kinda get to Do Something together lmfao like. ahiru and rue hanging out when looking for mytho that one time, iconic stuff, mytho and ahiru hanging out in the previous episode, iconic, maybe it kills me that in the first ep of s2 you have mytho saying ahiru’s his friend and the only person he feels like he can tell anything (and ahiru feeling bad she hasn’t Told Him Everything lol) and then he basically never gets to interact with her again knowing and as himself like Scream it’s fine ;v; !!!!!! let these people spend more than 3 seconds together Interacting lmfao it’s soooo good when they do :’0
and THEN you get into how there’s all this stuff re: The Story, like, fakir is the reincarnated knight, ahiru is the duck given tutu’s abilities Via a piece of mytho’s heart, but we had the original knight and tutu in the story as these actual ppl who we only hear a Little bit of lore about, but mytho actually knew / knows, and like, the original genesis for tutu only being on 1 Page of the story and apparently drosselmeyer doesn’t even really put any thought into what her motivations could be lol like yeah idk whatever she wants to marry the prince or whatever so that’s why she loves him and Says It and disappears......and like we have almost No direct info about her but uh nbd at least some of her actual essence is actually now an intrinsic part of mytho’s actual heart and specifically embedded in the heart shard of Hope, like damn!!!! you Know there was something more Real and Complex going on there and i love it so much.......and the original Knight, lohengrin.....might have been doomed to be unable to protect mytho with his sword, but there’s other ways to protect that guy and Someone needed to be doing it.......i’m just like wow mytho’s gf and bf!!!! and they both sort of died but hey. there’s still a lot to think about
so yeah lmfao love that you can originally see this series like, a decade ago and here it is like damn still lying down / yelling / generally riled up about mytho and just having So Much to think about / appreciate from this series like. it’s so Singular and has so much going on.......cherish it and i’m just still anytime like [epcot vine voice] Mytho...........
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thatcharmingjerk · 3 years
top 5:
One piece Captains not including strawhats
Bands you listen to
HHH, so many in one ask!!! So I guess I can’t ramble that much in this one!!?!??!?!!? Hmm actually lemme just..! 
Hahaa! Read more for the win!! 
Top captains, I’ll just pick my faves for this because my brain is mush at the moment so!!!! 
1. Law, I love him.....good classic angsty boy...... 
2.Shanks!!!! Hot!!!!! Manly!!!!! 
3.Bartolomeo, not only an idiot but also has very neat teeth!!!! and AND!! a piercing!!!!
 4.uhhh......Kaido is kinda hot?? and he can turn into dragon which is DEFINITELY hot! 
 5.the worst bitch Doflamino, i kinda wanna steal his look and gotta love an absolute bastard!!! 
Bands..... Oh no...... Uuuuhhhhhhhh
1.Green Day YES I still listen to them !!! Yes I still like them too!!!!! Fight me!!!!!!! 2. My chemical romance, look if any of you tries to tell black parade isnt one of the best albums ever released then- i actually dont know, guess we have different taste then huh??? 
Okay then 3. uhhhhh oh right MSI!! Mindless Self Indulgence!! Always a good choice!!! Esp Tight!!! that album slaps!!!!!
It really dawned to me that I haven’t actively looked for bands to listen after my teen years, also i think it’s harder to stumble on good stuff these days????
but yeah 4. uhh lets say Ismo Alanko, technically not a band but who gives a fuck!! I’ve been listening to him for year or so, the lyrics are weird but in a way that resonate with me,and the melody and vibe just going in tune with my soul too..! 
and last but mayhaps not least uuuhhhhhhh hmm!!!! 
Hedningarna!!! Heathend in swedish, so as you can guess they play pagan/folk stuff! Theres also some Finnish in the lyrics once ina while too so thats always neat!!
Then animals!! 
1. Dogs and wolves (they’re close enough in behavior to share a spot!! do not mistake one for other tho!!!!!! also lemme just..... *slips a coyote in there too* )
2. Horses, one day i’ll learn to really draw them too!!!! 
3. Ravens (other corvids too like magpies too!!!)
4. Whale shark, just a big dude going :0 and whale shark shall share a spot with Bearded vulture because I really like them too and I say so !!!
5, Deer!!! So many fun dudes in deer family too, moose, water deer, mouse deer (technically not but i wanna mention them too!!!) reindeer too and just !!!! 
oH FUCK!!! 5½!!!! Leopard seal!!!!! They’re big and terrifying and have wacky teeth YET LOOK LIKE MUPPETS!!!!!!!! 
And one more honorable mention!!! Orca!!! and AND Horsheshoe crab!!!!!! AAAAND Glaucus atlanticus!!!!!!
ok Dinos then!!! 
1. Velociraptor, of course!!! JP versions still give me nightmares which i think is cool, but actual animal is adorable too!!! I still wanna get a pet raptor!!!!
2. Spinosaurus has become a new fave too!! i’m just really excited how much we have learned of them and in just few years!!! 
3. Then another fave!!! Sinosauropteryx!!!! Theres actually very few dinos that names I still remember but this small funky cutie is one of them!!!! They are very cute and I would absolutely want to pet and gently hold one!!! like borgor!!!!
4. Ohh this dude i also just recently learned about!! Sriracha!!!! Ok ok Acrocanthosaurus (wtf thats nowhere even close to sriracha????) But yeah, another sauropod but now! with more bones!!! ✨ ✨ ✨
5. Ok lets seeeee, maybe I’ll say microraptor!! Small and fun, but also! Glossy black!!! 
ok whew wow!!! Last oneeee! The emojis!! 
1. ✨
2. 💖
4. 😬
5. 🙃
Last two simply cause there just isnt alternatives in XD o.o -formats!!!
Wheeeeeeeewwww this took me a while but was a very welcome distraction!! thanks for this love <3 
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morgansyorkie · 3 years
Kan, may I ask how you feel about Carter being scratched the next two games, and AV’s comments on it (and Carter)? I swear I am not trying to start anything, I have genuine respect for AV and for your opinions. I’m just curious! But no pressure to answer if you’re not comfortable.
I’m completely fine with it, Moose has a good recorded playing up in Buffalo and with him being a veteran he needs these games to get him back to his normal self as well. You can’t take Buffalo lightly and we sadly found that out the hard way a few weeks ago in Philly (i was there, such a brutal win for sure). Also being an ice hockey myself I agree with AV, Carter needs to work on himself maybe not his physical play so much, but definitely getting out of his head and by doing that you go and train one on one and I think that’s what Carter needs right now is some one on one skating and training just to clear his head and better himself. Kim will work in special exercises to help see the puck better and how to move quickly with the play. He is a 22 year old guy who was thrown into a mess of a season a few seasons ago when we went through 8 different goalies and in my opinion was sort of rushed, he barely had any time to get used to the professional level with the Phantoms because the Flyers needed him because our goalie situation was disaster. He hasn’t played a complete full season yet in the NHL, his first season he was brought up half way and yes he was playing phenomenal last year bam Covid, so again never finished a full season and plus he had months off then he moved right into the bubble format of playoffs which again played amazing in. Now this season, again had months off, no pre season, one week of practice/training camp bam jump right into a 52 game season with many back to backs and unfortunate pauses because of Covid. People need to give the guy a break, let him focus on himself and his work. AV trusts Carter and Carter trusts AV. AV knows what he is doing, he has lead this team to success, he has been one of the best coaches that this team has had in a while. Everyone just loves to complain and bitch and want everything to be fixed like that. It’s called time and patience, everything with Carter and this team will be just fine, yeah this season might be wash we don’t know yet, but honestly I’m not worried and I have full trust in AV and obviously in Carter. Carter just needs that solid win under him and he will start believing in himself and getting back to the goalie that he truly is. One bad season isn’t going to ruin him or his career or the team, every top amazing goaltender goes through it. He just needs this time to focus on himself and get back into believing in himself, because he is his own worst critic and he can’t let that get to him right now.
Whew sorry for the long reply lol Get me started on a certain topic and I just don’t shut up lol
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Chapter 5–BLACKBOX; Scene 3
master of the heavenly yard pages 100-107
“Ghaah!?” York screamed, his face full of agony as he took a bullet to the chest. “Son of a bitch! I shoulda stayed back in the palace after all!”
Germaine’s sword cut down the Tasan soldier who was attacking further. “It speaks well of you that you didn’t, York!”
“You can save yer praise! No matter how you slice it, we haven’t got an edge here in this fight!”
“…No, I don’t think so. At this point it looks like there’s more of the enemy’s number who’ve left the battlefield.”
“That so?”
“Strength of heart…That’s the difference. Kids these days lack the guts.”
Mariam summoned up knife after knife at Germaine’s side, throwing them precisely at enemy soldiers.
“I’d except nothing less from the leader of the revolution. You’re able to calmly analyze the situation.” Mariam grinned at Germaine with a relaxed expression.
“Oh no, I should be praising you—You’re one of the Three Heroes alright. There’s no more a dependable ally than you.”
“Thank you for the compliment. …Your father seems to be much more enthusiastic, however.”
To the right, ahead of her, Leonhart was destroying one of the self-propelled artillery machines with his fists.
Germaine stared in amazement at her father as he gave out a war cry.
“…You’re a knight, so you should be using a sword, not your hands…”
“In any case, we’re doing much better than I had expected.”
Germaine shook her head at Mariam’s words. “We can’t rest easy yet. There’s still a difference of manpower here—and we have to keep their reinforcements in mind.”
“That’s true.”
Some new Tasan soldiers appeared before them, and took up a firing stance.
But before they could shoot, they were blasted back by the massive sword that Chartette was wielding.
“Big Sis, and Head Maid! You alright, yannow!?”
“You can see for yourself.”
“This is bad, yannow! Some new troops are coming from the left—”
Germaine and the others looked in the direction Chartette was pointing.
--And there were indeed some newcomers in armor heading their way.
“Tch, have the enemy reinforcements arrived already!?” Germaine said, clicking her tongue—But Mariam’s point of view differed.
“No, they’re…Ha hah. Late to the party I see—‘Demon of Asmodean’.”
“--! Then, those are—”
“Gast Venom, and his band of mercenaries.”
The Venom Mercenaries then proceeded to charge at the Tasan encampment.
“Time to get to work, you bastards!”
At the shout of the giant man who was running at the front, the mercenaries each started to cut at the Tasan soldiers with their weapons. The Tasan army’s formation began to crumble, in chaos over the sudden reinforcements.
Not looking to miss a good opportunity, Germaine raced toward the enemy stronghold.
And there at her destination—was the enemy general Tony Ausdin.
Tony looked panicked, taken by surprise.
Germaine launched herself at him without a moment’s delay.
Before she reached him, the surrounding Tasan soldiers all fired at her at once.
Germaine was filled with more holes than Swiss cheese.
If she hadn’t been a soul, then she would have surely been mortally wounded.
“—Ha. Say what you will, but that was reckless, red-armored swordswoman.” Tony smiled, having regained his composure. “Get blown away.”
The body of the self-propelled artillery turned to aim at Germaine.
At Tony’s shout, the shell was launched at her.
--After the smoke had cleared, there was no one there.
Germaine realized that someone was holding onto her.
“Phew…Acting rashly as always, huh Germaine?”
“—I could say the same to you, Allen!”
It appeared that it was by his help that she had been able to avert being struck by the shell.
Thanks to Mariam and the others who ran up immediately afterwards, Germaine and Allen were able to make it back to their own encampment.
“You’re too impatient to win, Germaine!”
Germaine ignored Leonhart’s rebuke, her expression sulky.
“…I figured if I were to take out the general I could lower our enemy’s morale.”
“You just barely averted having the opposite happen. There are a lot of civilians that look up to you. Restrain yourself a little.”
“…Yeah yeah.”
Still astounded at his tomboy daughter, Leonhart then turned to face Allen.
“You too, Allen. Where have you been wandering about?”
“I’m sorry, I had some business to take care of—how’s Riliane?”
“…She’s not here right now.”
Leonhart explained the situation up to that point to Allen.
“—I see. So that’s what happened…”
“To find Riliane we first need to take care of the soldiers here now. Fortunately the battle situation has improved thanks to the Venom Mercenaries that you brought.”
“I just happened to meet them by chance. They seemed to be undecided on what they ought to do, so I hired them with some money.”
“Money? …I’d think that such a thing has little meaning by this point. Was that also an illusion conjured with your imagination?”
“Ha ha, that’s right. –I’ll have to thank Gast Venom.”
“…Even now I still have no idea what goes in that man’s mind.”
“Well then, what shall we do n—”
At that moment, they heard someone cry out from behind them, “H-hey! Look—what is that!?”
“A b-black box…is flying in the sky!?”
The Lucifenian soldiers were starting to get restless, looking up ahead to the left.
“—So it’s here,” Allen murmured in a low voice.
“Do you know what that is?” Germaine asked.
“…The ‘Blackbox’. Take care. I don’t know what exactly it can do, but I’m positive it has a dreadful power in it.”
They could see a new platoon of Tasan soldiers below the box, heading their way.
“Those look like the main forces. …That’s a considerable number. We’ll need to take care of them before we do anything about the black box.”
Mariam heaved a sigh.
--The Marlon guerilla unit had taken up position to the left flank of the Lucifenian army.
They were led by the king of Marlon, Kyle, who was currently gazing upon the enemy reinforcements with a composed expression.
“So these are the enemy reinforcements. And that box…I’ve got a bad feeling about that,” he said, getting down from the horse he’d been riding.
“What should we do, King Kyle?” asked one of his subordinates, reigning in his own horse.
Kyle replied, “It’s time to drop the peaceful attitude. You all wait here. From here on—I’ll go alone.”
“Wha!? But—”
“I don’t want to get anyone else wrapped up in this. …Well, this is my first time testing it out, so I don’t know if it’ll work, but—”
As Kyle spoke he closed his eyes, and seemed to be focusing on something.
--The unit’s soldiers began to falter at the strange atmosphere that he was giving off.
“K-king Kyle, what are you—”
“’As long as it’s something that you have experienced, you can conjure up anything’…So then!”
Kyle suddenly opened his eyes.
Said eyes were shining with a suspicious light.
And then--
One of the soldiers fell on his rear.
The soul that had up to this point looked like Kyle—
The blue haired young-man, had transformed into a monster with six black wings.
“Whew…I guess it worked alright,” the creature laughed boldly. “And I didn’t lose my mind doing it…I think.”
Then he turned his gaze back to the ‘black box’.
“Well then, let’s go.”
He spread his wings and flew towards the enemy.
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kyovtani · 3 years
hey babies! i’ve decided to answer the asks about back to life one and two like this because ive received so so so many and you guys blew me away so answering every single one of them is the least i can do to show you guys just how grateful i am. thank you so much for giving both parts SO much love, i love and appreciate you guys and the support you’re constantly sending my way with my whole entire heart <33
– THANK YOU SO SO MUCH BABY !! this was the very first ask about back to life and it’s honestly the cutest thing ever! I hc Kyoutani to be rally understanding of things like anxiety and depression, generally mental health so that’s why it was easy for him to understand the reader’s situation and mindset! 
BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!! MY HEART!!!!!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO GOOD!!!!! i was really excited when you started posting about it!! i can't wait for part 2, i wanna know how they fix this!
AAAH !! thank you so much for the love and support baby!!!! I really hope you enjoyed part 2 just as much, sending you lots of smooches MWAH
AAAH YOU GUYS !!! this made me so happy !!! thank you so much and I hope part two met your expectations and you enjoyed the ending MWAH!! 
thank you for the food <33
YOUR KYOTANI FIC AHHHHHHH my heart can’t handle this
Was overwhelmed by the hurty that I forgot to say how much I ADORE your characterization of Kyoutani. fdjkhgjkgdr
THANK YOU SO MUCH !! honestly- that means the world to me, probably the best compliment you can give me :((
Back to life was so good OMG 😳😳 HELLO??? You're amazing
Thank you so much, my love! it honestly is everything to me when you guys tell me such sweet things I love you so much MWAH!!
the new fic did not help me with my insecurities now i’m just frustrated and insecure. great writing tho.
honestly- same. when I wrote this, I lit indulgent every bit of my mind working into this fic and thats why it means so much to me ?? so youre not alone, my love; but thank you so much <33
The way I panicked at the end of the fic thinking there wasn’t gonna be more to it, holy shi that fox was so good I almost cried thinking they were just gonna end things like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’d NEVER end a fic like that- I hate bad endings and cannot stand cliffhangers but the formatting didn't give me another choice im sorry for the heart attack baby kfhflashsj but am glad you liked it!
UR THE BEST WRITER WTF?? WHEN DO U THINK PART TWO WOULD BE UP... and does kyoutani flirt with sora 😣💔
YOU GUYS- NOOO- pls my heart made a loop :(( I love you so much :(( thank you baby and I think now you know what he does with sora MWAH
@kawakuto said: hi hi zade!🤩 (ajdjs idk if you remember me but i moved main blogs and I was @/gukooky before LOL) THE KYOUTANI FIC ANDJWNS I DIDNT EXPECT THE END WAHHHH🥺🥺 it was so well written omg I loved it!! (wtf kyoutani, you said we were going slow what if I wasn’t ready to call u my boyfriend wtffff😔😔 pain.)
AAAAH OFC I DO REMMEBER !! hope youre doing well baby !!! and thank you SO much for your sweet words, I honestly appreciate them so much :((<33
pls I’m in love with your writing. You write kyoutani so well so now I’ll always be grabbing at any crumbs you send my way 🥵
thank you so so so much baby!!!! these kinda words always hit me right at the heart, I appreciate them so much and I love you sm much
bb i love ur kyoutani fic sm :(( ur rlly so talented <33 i look forward to pt 2 ^3^
thank you so much baby, sending a smooch your way mwah 
zade that kyoutani piece im in so much pain why would u do this to me 💔💔💔💔
believe me when I say It hurt me even more than you </3
I just finished reading part 2 and it waS SO GOODAJSFHJLFG you did amazing!! (n˘v˘•)¬
Hi! New nonnie coming through :) First time I'm writing something because I'm such a nervous wreck but I just had to
Mister kyotani pls rail me thanks 🐱
THANK YOU AAAH YOURE SO CUTE !!! I truly appreciate this with my whole entire heart so thank you so much baby, hope you have a good one mwah
Wait did he do anything with Sora?
nope!! they just went to the party together but in my mind he didn’t even hug her and she didn’t try anything else, too, simply bc she knew how in love he is with reader!!
YOUR MINDDDDD!! THE KYOU FIC WAS SOOOO GOOOD!! Omg i hope you do a part 3 😭😭
i have a Little sequel which is really really soft but I'd love to write some more for it! 
@soranihimawari said: Part 1 & 2 with kyoutani was amazing as always Zade! I really liked the ending. This was such a fun read. I was wondering who’s else would be sharing the apartment with Kyoutani. What made you choose tattoo artist Iwa & Oikawa? Those two made me chuckle with the way they came in like that. Hope you have a great day/evening/late night/etc.
aaah thank you so so much, baby!! I truly appreciate your sweet words, youre the cutest! regarding your question: You shares an apartment with Iwa, Oikawa and Yahaba (who also works at the tattoo studio!) and i don't know to be really honest- I just like the thought of these three being really good friends so after contemplating whether or not to go with iwaoi or matsuhana, I ended up going with those two dorks! hope you have a good one baby mwah!!
How long did it take you to write the entire two parts? Like wow that’s alot👁👄👁 i adore long fics though
oooh- hm ?? tbh i don't really know ?? I can’t remember ?? I think it took me about a month or like three weeks since I did write it all in one go yk? it was the only WIP I worked on during that time and it felt SO relieving to publish it! 
AAAHHH the kyou fic was a masterpiece bb!!! ❤️❤️
thank you so so so much baby!!<33
U LITERLALT WRIYE KYOU THE BEST ABSOLUTE BEST. he’s so aggressive and demanding but he still is willing to show someone special his vulnerability. I LOVE READING STUFF ABOUT HIM FROM U
AAAAH thank you so much- you guys have no idea how much these kinda comments mean to me- I love you so MUCH MWAH 
I just read the first part of "back to life" an it had me speechless so many times, almost cried at the end, it's honestly so well written. I'm off to read part two. Have a nice day 🐰
sdoalfsla thank you so much baby! I hope you enjoyed both parts equally as much and thank you for all the love mwah!!<3
Hana is a baddie
SHE IS!! she’s literally the baddest bitch to ever exist ft. saeko ofc but nobody acknowledges it </3
@tonhwa said: I’m in love with the way you write kyoutani pls. Even your previous fics on your old account ( if you don’t mind me mentioning it ) are so fucking amazing. GOSH YOU CHARACTERIZE HIM SO WELL AND THE PLOT IS ALWAYS SO JUICY AND INTERESTING I CANT HELP BUT GO BACK AND READ IT. and then you release this fucking wonderful piece and I feel like it’s my birthday even though it’s already passed LOL ty ily have a wonderful day I’m sobbing tears of happiness
YOU GUYS PLEASE- the fact this made me tear up when I first read it- thank you SO much honestly. knowing you guys enjoy my characterization of my favorite character is honestly everything to me so thank you sm I love you baby have a good one!!<3
I’ve been on this app from high school, and now I’m a college grad. I have to say I’ve never sent a message to anyone I’ve followed. But that tattoo artist! Kyou fic, part 1 and 2 are 😩💕 *chefs kiss* you are one of my favorite writers I’ve ever followed since joining this app. You NEVER disappoint!
-💕 a very satisfied reader
thank you so much baby!! aaah this is honestly so so sweet :(( thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a sweet thing, I appreciate it and you so much mwah!!
i love kyoutani and he obvs deserves his dick sucked 🤧🤧 but i catch him posting up with other girls I DONT CARE THE SITUATION he gonna catch these hands for a real one 👊🏼👆🏼🤜🏼🥊🥊 kidding 😐😐😐 he’d body me
pls the way this had me chuckling like crazy bc same sajlskjpw he can get mad all he want but he better stay his pretty ass where he is- by my side  😌
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 985: Initial Thoughts
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Well that’s taking a turn, not 100% unexpected but still, we’re heading into the danger zone right now Today’s fan translations are a bit wonky, so a few things may be a tad confusing, but this is what I am taking from it, of course I’ll read the official to get the clearer insight
Spoilers for Chapter 985, Support the Official Release
And we start with a 3 Captains Color Spread, people will gush over how Law doesn’t get a parrot so is sitting on Luffy’s or the fact that Oda really does love parrots but my curiosity lies on Kid’s trousers (not that way you dirty minds!), that text feels like it’s hinting at something...
Just a note on the title, yesterday’s translation missed it, but this New Onigashima Initiative means that this naming is of Kaido’s choice, it’s like his Whole Cake Island or Fullalead
“A storm is coming” - feels like we’re gonna get some big stuff in a bit
Of course it’s this bitch Kanjuro intercepting the flank party, backed by his own artwork and some of Kaido’s men
Izo and Neko are taking this all pretty in stride for someone who are just finding out that Kanjuro is the traitor
Something irks me though that Momo - who has spent Wano training with a sword - could only do a papercut to Kanjuro’s hand. Like, I know he’s strong but if something that small would put Kanjuro into a rage mode then it’s a bit of an exaggeration
That is if we believe Kanjuro’s story, I don’t think he’s good, but I think it’s interesting that Kanjuro is completely darkened out when beating up Momo, as if to hide something. This hand injury may come back around
Kawamatsu and Kiku may be shaken, but Inu and Neko don’t give a fuck about Kanjuro’s speech XD
Kiku’s title being because her cuts carry into the afterlife does give off a similar vibe to Brook, who uses ice ‘from the afterlife’ in a similar manner
Also side bar, I think Kiku’s armor is the one Luffy initially wears in the pre-raid chapter, the old chapter cover (380?) and Volume 95, so that may explain where it went, but what about the Kozuki puffy trousers!?
Izo looking like some gangster with the samurai PACKIN’ HEAT
Neko had a gunhand so Inu raised him for a sword leg, nicking some Shiki traits there Inu?
Noticeably missing though is the Law Squad, so maybe they are pulling a sneaky
I wonder how far this Video Announcement Kaido is reaching? Like is it just Onigashima? just Wano? The entire world? Is the Revolution about to be Televised?
Yamato bluntly using Ace to convince Luffy to join...I’m not sure about it. As you would’ve seen I am not 100% on board with Yamato for Nakama, I think Oda is just playing those who are. It just, isn’t the right format, granted Nami asked Chopper to join and Robin convinced Luffy to let her join but Yamato saying ‘you’re Ace’s brother, so you let me join’ seems the wrong way about it all
The translation I have is really messy here, but Luffy seems to be as confused as me about Yamato’s kinning (is that the right word?), I think he’s also imply that Yamato just set off themselves if they wanna leave
The explosive cuffs make yet another return, first with Sanji, now with Yamato
We learn a little more info on Yamato, they appear to be 28 at least (2 years older than Hiyori) and wanted to venture with Ace last they met, so this has similar Tama vibes already
Yamato though going on this intense philosophical backstory of how Kaido would rather blow up his own child’s hands than let them leave and Luffy’s just all ‘I could take them off for you’ XD
Yamato definitely seems on board with beating Kaido, but we must remember, Kid and Law want to kill Kaido, it’s very different.
Also is that hesitation? Like, you want the cuffs off right?
Kaido with the current affairs updates, how is he getting this info though with Wano being closed off? But this is how Luffy and co find out that the Shichibukai system is gone at least, and Kaido is rating the choice
Kaido’s plan to combat it though is simple, we’re treading back on the Ancient Weapons route
Yamato’s horns peering out of the attic is somehow humorous to me
Big Mom strolls in though with her Homie army, a KO’d Zeus in hand too, it’s not a good look for Nami and Carrot as their disguises are removed and Nami’s power buff is gone, Shinobu is strangely missing though
A lot of people are picking up on ‘Ours’, but don’t get too ahead of ourselves, ours can mean any group, not just Kaido and Big Mom or the alliances as a whole, they could even be referring to their singular crews
Meanwhile Luffy is just ‘that shit is mine I called dibs ya bastard!’
The big decree though, Orochi’s men now have to make a choice because Wano is gonna be a pirate-led lawless state
Orochi’s head started to roll...and then it did literally! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!
I was half right then, Kaido did kill Orochi and kinda save Momo from him...surprised he used King’s sword though...though, Hydra’s do have a knack of surviving when a head is cut off...
However, this now bodes potentially well for the raid. Kaido is opting for ‘with us or against us’, either the Samurai join or die, but that means our samurai raiders are bolstered by anti-Kaido samurai...if there are any that is
Luffy of course almost blowing his cover to save Momo, surprised so few picked up on the roof falling
Kaido’s main initiative now is to turn all of Wano into his Pirate Empire and spread from there, a tactical fortress fused with the ancient weapons and technological advance, Onigashima itself will now be the Flower Capital and yeah, makes a lot of sense for Kaido
I’m not sure about the Kiku stuff, Kiku crying with a bloodied blade alarms me because we don’t see a body, maybe Kanjuro pulled another sketch trick and got away?
Kaido wants Wano to be called New Onigashima, and per the Yamato-based announcement, they are the new Shogun
But Yamato’s quick to blow their cover to refuse, and now the Flying Six are also on their way as Luffy chases to save Momo
Whew, that was a lot of stuff happening in the chapter, a lot of it feels like misdirects but things are still very dire Yes, on the plus side we may get some Orochi loyalists and Wano purists on our side to save Wano from Onigashima, it’s not just its weapons but its culture and people that Orochi had neglected in vain to stay on Kaido’s good side. We also can confirm that Yamato is an ally, Nakama is still 50/50 I think they just want out more than to join Luffy, they didn’t even consider the One Piece!
But the downs are still dangerous, Orochi is dead so Kaido has full command, Momo is still in danger, the back flank is halted, Marco is far away, Nami and Carrot are injured by BM (and this storm negates Su Long), Perospero is oncoming, half of the crew are stretched away from the main dome and the flying six are about to close in, not to mention that Yamato still does have their handcuffs on The raid hasn’t even begun and we have so many twists and turns, but there are still the AWOL factors; Apoo, Denjiro, Kin’emon, Hiyori, Drake, Hawkins, Speed, CP0, Perospero, BM’s crew, the Numbers, Marco, Team Law, Team Walkng Tank, Team Rhinocycle, the shady person Robin and Jimbei were near, Shinobu, Sanji, Team Kid, Team Ulti, Sasaki, Who’s Who, Black Maria and more Not to mention I think SJ is on break next week so OP will be delayed again! So we have to bear that as well
Like I said, we haven’t even begun.
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dandyvespa · 4 years
Hello everyone
Since the Produce series is now in shambles, I still continue to be survival show trash and would like some other mutuals to join my crackhead addiction. If you haven’t heard of Youth with You, it is the Chinese version of Produce that uses similar formatting. The judges of the latest season—which this time has girls competing to form a 9-member girl group—include Ella Chen, Jony J, Cai Xukun, and Lisa of Blackpink. Not only are the mentors astounding, but the participants are incredibly talented starting out that nearly all of them deserve to debut. In fact i would say it rivals with or dare I say is better than the original Produce series. In addition to this the show invites girls of different styles, weights, backgrounds, and androgynous looks making the show a lot more diverse and fleshed out from the typical female idol look. If you guys haven’t started it and are interested in something a bit more fresh to quell the pain of losing the Korean Produce series, I would highly recommend watching it. For those who are all caught up, please let us fangirl together over these competitors. Down below are my current top 9 and brief reasoning for each.
NOTE: It was very hard to pick a top 9 and honestly i would still rearrange this later on because it’s still too early in the game. I have way too many favorites for this season T.T. That being said I have no particular order for these gals.
1. Xiaotang Zhao
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The girl is hilarious so don’t let her resting bitch face fool you. She is so friendly and easygoing and I love her don’t-give-fuck attitude and because of that she’s so real and open to her thoughts regardless of backlash. She’s odd, but there is no doubt that she is talented. She’s been dancing since childhood and her skill shows on stage. Not to mention she is pretty good at rapping.
2. Yan Yu
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Another “cold” looking person. But listen I would risk it all for her. She is beautiful, her body is goals, she is actually a goofabll off stage, is really caring of her teammates, loves her family despite teasing them occasionally, and her vocals are P O W E R F U L. She has the most stunning expressions and the way she stares into your soul when she gets into stage character? *dies* Plus she has proven to adapt to any concept, be it serving that cold girl crush look or a more delicate cute style. I hope people begin to realize that later on in the season.
3. Babymonster An Qi
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This right here. This little pepper? She is fiery. She has incredible dance skills and charisma on stage. She is goofy and loves to eat a lot and nothing warms me more than seeing trainees/idols just eat well disregarding strict diets placed on them. She is also great at getting her teammates to familiarize and better their dance moves and has great leadership quality in that field. She is well prepared and knows what she wants and goes for it, and with that I know she will debut.
4. Frhanm Shangguan
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Ohohoho Frhanm Shangguan is indeed the W H O L E fucking package. Miss most competent girl of Youth with You Season 3. I still watch her audition clip religiously to this day. The girl can not only sing, rap, dance, and possess a stage like no other, but she redefines the idea of how female idols should look. She loves herself, from her weight to her hair to her overall confidence. She screams positivity, acceptance, and big sister energy. She believes all girls can do anything they put their mind too and she is such a hard worker and motivator for all girls in the season. I’m straight up calling it out right now that if she doesn’t get to the final lineup—preferably as the team leader— I’m going to yeet myself out the window. I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface of what this girl is capable of and I cannot wait to see her adapt to whatever is thrown at her.
5. Shaking (Xie Keying)
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Here is one of your rappers y’all. This girl is such a ball of fun energy and charisma. It amazes me she is considered one of the rookie rappers of the season. Her ability to ride the beat and change her vocal tone is great. Plus her expressions on stage are killer. She really shined in the rap group battle and rightfully so. She is so funny and knows how to get along and make other participants laugh. She also has some really good vocal skills and I can’t wait for her to showcase them more. And I also must agree with Cai and Ella. They were right in giving her an A , especially over Lil Jeta 🙄.
6. Xin Liu
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Another girl who redefines how a female idol should look! I love her androgynous look and I think it’s hilarious how vain she is when it comes to makeup. That aside I need to point out how her and others with this similar boyish look had the option of wearing shorts or a skirt and I’m glad she addressed it as it is part of her identity and makes her comfortable. This girl happens to be the theme song stage center and rightfully so! She can sing, rap, and is a killer dancer with popping her main forte. She exudes coolness and I know she will go far with her stage presence and hardworking attitude.
7. Kiki Xu
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Gah what a cutie. Another skilled dancer who definitely proved that when she battled with An and Frhanm in the auditions. I thought it was funny when she struggled with trying to look cool for the dance group battles but then absolutely killed it with this girl crush look that made me think “oh my god STEP ON ME”. Whew but like really she is a great performer, but I really wanna see more of her vocal skills. Good luck to Kiki and I hope she can show more sides of herself through the season!
8. Snow Kong
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See this queen? She is trying to learn to be more confident in herself and has shown how much she really adores the stage through her hardwork and tears. It’s been a while since she performed but she wishes to start new and give it her all. This girl is fun, loving, and has powerful vocals and rap skills. Plus her dancing is amazing. Just everything about her screams well-rounded idol material. She is a lovely visual and also gives me Sakura vibes. And don’t mess with her hair it will attack you the way she whips it like a maniac on stage. I also love her dynamic with others, especially Xiaotang and Esther Yu lol. Here’s hoping she will develop and astound us more through the later episodes.
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Nineone is, to me, a dark horse like Yu Yan. She is a professional rapper so naturally her rap skills are the best this season. She knows how to take charge and level with teammates. She is another type of person who has clear cut goals and gets them done. Funnily enough she also has this childish and shy side to her that may come off uncharactertic to her considering her swag and charisma on stage, but I think it is so real and fresh. The final lineup would need another strong rapper that know what she is doing, and after seeing her audition I think she also has some fantastic vocal skills that I’d love to see branch out later on if possible.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Zoe Wang, Sharon Wang, JU Chen, Yvonne Wang, Yu Zhang, Diamond, Lingzi, Jue Chen, K Lu, Duan Xiaowei, Flora Dai, Meddhi Fu, and omg literally too many all of these girls are too talented it would be easier to narrow it down to people I don’t want/don’t see debuting....
But I won’t pour that hot piping tea out just yet ☕️
If y’all feel the same or just want to talk about the show hit me up because I need more people to rant/freak out with over these queens.
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colesterstrudel · 3 years
So here are my endless thoughts on SVU & OC, all under the cut bc I get rambly and incoherent lmaooooo so here goes the format is shit bc I’m on mobile but are we surprised lmao
It is a crime that we never got to see the dress Liv was wearing to her ceremony A CRIME I know it was a lewk I KNOW IT WAS
The Liv/Elliot stare down dkdkdkkdkddk pls they’re just looking at each other like they’re trying to make sure they’re both really there
The flashback to the episode where pregnant Kathy is in a car accident with Liv was a crime against me, specifically, bc how dare you make me deal with those emotions while Liv is also dealing with them with that 100 yard stare WHY
Fin’s “you’re gonna have to ask him” to Liv in the hospital 🤝 his “you’ll have to ask her that” to Elliot in the bar or whatever
The whispered convo in the corner of Liv’s office hello intimacy lmao personal space whomst Liv and Elliot don’t know her and they never have AND THEN when Elliot says “let’s work it” like they’re still partners, LIKE THEY’RE PARTNERS FOR LIFE, IF YOU WILL
Liv spent so much of their partnership pushing him to be with his family and she STILL has to do it even ten years later after he’s broken her heart she loves him so much she loves his kids she wants nothing but the best for him so she keeps pushing him to go back to his family, to visit Kathy in the hospital, but noooooooooooo hardheaded Elliot Stabler just can’t do it
“I give you my word I’ll behave” so u just gon lie like that to her FACE when you haven’t seen her IN TEN YEARS DKSKDKSKSKSKSK LYING IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU DO and also when he started rolling up his sleeves??? BRAIN ROT IMMEDIATELY BRAIN EMPTY
Actually okay the whole interrogation room scene bc seeing them in interrogation with each other is painful enough, but the looks Liv keeps giving him while he’s talking to the suspect dkdkkddkdkdk the last time she was in an interrogation room when she could still feel Elliot’s presence around her was when she was crying after he put in his papers YES I AM CRYING THANK U and then the suspect says “why aren’t you in the hospital with your wife” and it’s practically the same thing Liv told him but he can hear that kind of stuff from her and be okay but when anyone else is questioning his loyalty to his family it sets him off (not that she was questioning his loyalty but you get what I’m saying) and UGH the way Liv keeps an eye on him as he moves around the room to make sure he doesn’t fuckin lose it
She bumped into him on the roof ON PURPOSE she didn’t have to be that close to him there’s plenty of room on the roof for the two of them but it’s like she’s questioning if he’s really there and then you have to wonder how many conversations has she had with him mentally or in her dreams that she has to fuckin shoulder check him on the roof to ensure he’s really there, that she’s really talking to HIM
Elliot’s Catholic guilt rearing its ugly head as he caresses the head of his dying wife while he has so much he wants and needs to say to Liv.......am I overthinking this I thinketh not
Liv watching Elliot kiss Kathy’s forehead through the glass door of that hospital room, like she’s been forced to look in on that marriage from the outside for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The symbolism!!!!!!!!!!!
The waiting room hospital scene yes this will be burned into my brain forever thank u. Neither of them can sit still when they’re around each other now it’s like it’s too much all at once especially Liv she keeps moving and fidgeting and when they ARE still they’re so CLOSE to each other like they can’t bear for there to be any distance, not anymore, not now
They tell each other they love each other without saying the words and it kills me every single time I can’t live like this I wish they were better at talking about their feelings
ANOTHER WHISPERED/BREATHY “ELLIOT” with that side eye YES LIV LET HIM KNOW HE FUCKED UP dkskdkdkdkdk and then she told him she LOVED HIM “you were the single most important person in my life and you just.....disappeared” god this really tears my heart out every time I think about it bc the look in her eyes just 😭😭😭
Liv having to stand up for Elliot once again and defend him to people who don’t see him the way she does, the way he deserves to be seen, she’s had to do it for years when they were partners and now she’s doing it again when he’s only been back like a day and a half
I’ve already talked about the bar scene with Elliot and Fin a bajillion times but!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s just such a good fuckin scene and the emotions and the mannerisms from Elliot are just *chef’s kiss* that man loves Liv so much and he’s so upset he’s missed so much of Liv’s life ugh just thinking about his “who’s the guy?” and how he must be thinking back to “you’re the longest relationship I’ve ever had with a man” and how that may still be true but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t moved on and found someone else to take his place in her heart, in her life, to give her the child she always wanted WHEW
Liv calling Elliot “Stabler” why does that shit hurt my heart so bad dkdkdkdkdkdks CALL HIM EL AGAIN PLS
Amanda likening her relationship with Liv to Liv’s relationship with Kathy? No ma’am. No. Somebody get the spray bottle tell her to shut the fuck up
Elliot called Liv before he called any of his kids about Kathy HE CALLED HER FIRST no I’m fine this is fine that’s just something you’d do like if you loved someone or something lmao def nothing suspicious here
I will never stop talking about that hug okay bc Elliot IS SOBBING and he nuzzles into Liv’s shoulder and she wants to keep her walls up and remain distant but her eyes close and she settles into it too god it’s such a GOOD hug you can FEEL the emotions
“I didn’t get to say goodbye” hello parallels between Elliot and his wife and Liv, the love of his life again this is fine I’m fine
Liv putting his family first and offering to call his kids for him fkdkdkdkdkks god will she ever put herself first with ANYONE or will she always put herself on the back burner can we PLEASE GET LIV SOME LASTING HAPPINESS IN THIS BITCH
Even tho Elliot said he didn’t need her to call his kids it absolutely looks like she DID get his kids and take them to him in the chapel like that’s how it comes across and idk if they did that on purpose or what but that’s what it looks like idk man it just really kills me bc she just keeps putting his family first and keep them together SHE IS THE GLUEEEEEEEEEE IN THAT FAMILY
“I can be objective” not with Elliot miss ma’am and you know that like it’s cute that you think that but 👀👀👀 we all know JUST LIKE WE ALL KNOW that technically you’re off the case but you won’t be off the case you’ll keep looking into things when you can bc that’s your partner, your Elliot, and you can’t not keep looking into it
When Elliot goes downstairs at the courthouse and he starts speaking Italian to those dudes he arrested or whatever and then he starts threatening them and he does the throat slash motion as he gets taken away dkskskskskks BRAIN WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is that so HOT!!!!!!! @ myself get it together
I’ve already talked about the snow scene in the park but I am not done I will never be done bc the tension!!!!!!!!!!!! Liv won’t hold eye contact for too long and neither will he and I am DYING the small talk is so awkward and then he says “you woulda loved it” about his place in Rome meaning he was THINKING ABOUT HER WHILE HE WAS AWAY
“Elliot, I can’t” OH MY GOD DKDKDKDK and the way she looks at the letter in his hands dkdkdksksks awh hell
Liv was wearing gloves and Elliot was bare handed as they walked around the city in SVU, when she was showing him the pic of the suspect on her phone and here she is again, wearing gloves while Elliot’s hands are bare but this time she brushes her fingers over his ever so slightly while taking the letter from him. The touch is on purpose, has to be, but it’s like the rooftop scene where she bumps into him to make sure it’s really him. Not to mention the gloves vs bare hands thing - she’s erected walls up around her heart and her life and she has all these boundaries she won’t let Elliot cross, not now, maybe not ever she tells herself, and as long as she can separate even the smallest amount of her bare flesh from his she just might be able to make it through him being back in town
ELLIOT WANTED HER TO INTRODUCE HIM TO NOAH YOU CAN SEE IT god he must’ve been so torn up about it bc that’s her kid!!!!!! He’s a part of her!!!!!!!!! He wants to know everything he missed and she won’t even introduce him to her child!!!!!!!!
Angela Wheatley I’m free on Thursday if you’d like to hang out on Thursday when I am free
Liv doesn’t take her eyes off Elliot at the funeral not once NOT ONCE I know I’ve said this before but she’s really the glue that holds that goddamn family together and I am DYING
She holds it together for all the kids and Elliot but the second she walks away her face just fuckin CRUMPLES she can’t hold it together anymore especially after the way Elliot grabbed her whole ass arm to thank her for going I’m dkdkskdkdkdkd this is too much this is too much
Okay so I know Richard Wheatley is the bad guy but I luv him what a MAN. He really said “fuck you you racist piece of shit” and killed his own dad fkdkdkdkdkdksk okay WORK RICHARD
Bell not taking any sorta shit from Elliot I LUV IT I LUV HER GET HIS ASS DKDKDKDKSKSKS he NEEDS people to keep his ass in line bc he doesn’t know how to act not even a lil bit
LIV READ THE LETTER!!!!!! She’s the least stand-offish she’s been to him this whole time WHAT WAS IN THAT LETTER I HAVE TO KNOW
* She knows him too well she knows he’s hiding something from her she knows he’s got something going on but he’s never been good at separating his work from his real life and that hasn’t changed, not now, not even with her and she KNOWS something’s off the way she looks at him while he’s waiting for the elevator is unreal and the lil half nod he gives her bc he KNOWS he needs to talk to her about that letter, especially when she’s WILLING TO TALK NOW but the job!!!!!! “You and the job are about the only thing I’ve got anymore” and he doesn’t even have her, not like he used to, not like he wants to, so he defaults to the job and trying to figure out who killed Kathy and who has it out for him
Okay I obvs didn’t have as much to yell about in OC as I did SVU but I’m so excited to see how OC goes bc it’s got me intrigued already like I need to know. Everything. About the Wheatleys!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!!!! And I need to see Liv and Elliot interact again pls pls I need it 😭😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS THE END BYE
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cloudphillips · 4 years
Interlude: Act I
  It's just a game.
  Seungwan was soaring around the pitch, mind alert and body tense as she kept her eyes peeled for sudden attacks and unwanted accidents. Her teammates zipped past her, all shouting commands to perfectly execute their tactics and spewing creative profanities whenever they lost a chance to score a goal. She managed to tune out those distracting noises and focused on searching the skies.
The Ravenclaw Quidditch squad were currently having their training on the field and the captain decided that they would forego their usual exercises in favor of conducting a practice match. The squad was divided into two opposing teams and everyone seemed pretty receptive with the idea. Little did they know that things were about to get ugly.
  It was all fun and games at first until their captain announced that the winners of the said match had the special permission to hoard the books in the common room for a month. That got everyone clamoring for each other's throats and acting like rabid dogs. Under normal circumstances, Seungwan would've found this funny, considering her housemates were being nerdy and getting all worked up because of books, but then she realized that the Gilderoy Lockhart autobiographies and journals she so religiously adored would have to be forfeited too. The fangirl side of her could never allow this atrocity to happen so Seungwan vowed to herself that she would win this match either by hook or crook.
  It would be fun, they said.
  Well, twenty minutes into the said game and Seungwan had to fend off ten attacks from Bludgers swung her way and eight counts of people knocking her off her broom. So far, she had successfully avoided all attempts to her life and learned very quickly that she was quite adept at not falling to her death and getting killed in the process. Honestly, she deserved a Chocolate Frog card for that skill alone.
  The Ravenclaw Seeker caught a glimpse of a golden blur from her peripheral vision and switched her broom to another direction. Ascending above the crowded pitch and following the elusive sound of clanking metallic wings, the blonde finally caught sight of the Golden Snitch. It was hovering inches before her. Now, if she could only keep her momentum and reach out her hand--
  “Seungwan watch out!”
  The Golden Snitch flew away and Seungwan quickly lost sight of it. Upon seeing the Bludger rampaging towards her, she quickly dove to the ground in time to avoid collision. It harmlessly whizzed past her and roughly hit one of the wooden stands, sending splinters in different directions. Whew! That was close. If Seungwan failed to evade that impact then she would surely end up in the Hospital wing with a concussion and a few broken bones. A potion called Skelegro will be administered for her to mend her bones and she would rather die than drink it. That concoction tasted like cow piss and she absolutely loathed it.
  The blonde adjusted her course and shouted a quick thanks to her teammate for preventing an inevitable visit to Madam Pomfrey.
  “No problem!” Lay Zhang, their trusted Keeper, waved off her thanks with a shrug. He was about to relax his guard but noticed a member of the opposing team had somehow managed to slip past their defenses. He clenched his jaw in preparation for the incoming attack.
  The chaser aimed the Quaffle towards one of the hoops and tilted his broom at an angle to get some leverage. Once he ensured that the Keeper was tailing him, he feinted at the last minute and passed the Quaffle to his teammate. The ball landed in the grasp of a female chaser, who zipped past the obstacles with breakneck speed, and took a shot on the hoop.
  Thankfully, Lay was good with his job and saw through the ruse just in time. He switched directions and caught the ball with his bare hands. Thus, successfully preventing the other team from scoring. A smile settled on his lips when he passed the ball to one of his teammates then acknowledged the opposing female chaser who tried to trick him but failed. “Better luck next time Seohyun.”
  Seohyun, their resident chaser and captain of the Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team, frowned and tapped her chin in contemplation. She casted her critical gaze on the Keeper and nodded in approval. “Brilliant save Lay. Your quick-reaction was spot on. However, I can’t say the same for your reflexes though.”
  “What?” Lay looked quite confused. What the heck was happening? He glanced around the pitch and realized that the enemy team had successfully stolen the Quaffle and was now preparing for another attack.
  Seohyun blew a shrill whistle and rotated her hand in circles as a signal to call for reinforcements. Just then, the Beaters batted away all the Bludgers to clear a path for the Chasers as they headed to support the captain. With the Quaffle tucked safely in her arm, Seohyun took the lead and her fellow Chasers flanked her on both sides to protect her from attacks. After aligning themselves in a Hawkshead attacking formation, they continued their advance and maintained their tight defenses.
  "You guys are taking this game way too seriously!" Lay began to panic when he witnessed the enemy lay waste to his teammates and completely decimated them without mercy. He was now the only one left guarding the hoops. The one who was completely defenses.
  "Blood will be spilt today." Seohyun quipped back and shouted a battle cry to the heavens. "For the books!"
  "For the books!" Her teammates howled into the air. They were reinvigorated by their captain's motivation and sheer determination to win. Who knew Seohyun could be this merciless?
  It was in this moment Lay realized that he was in for a heavy smackdown. There's no chance of escaping this bloodshed and he will die a painful death.
  All for the sake of those stupid books.
  Ravenclaws and their obsession for literature.
  "Seungwan!" The Keeper called out desperately to his teammate who was still scouring the field for her target. His eyes glancing back and forth between the advancing enemy and the searching Seeker. Anxiety lodging into his chest and his heart pounding erratically. "Now would definitely be a good time to catch the Snitch!"
  "On it!" Seungwan gritted her teeth upon noticing Lay's drastic situation and narrowed her focus on the flash of golden wings that zoomed above her. She shot upwards and zipped to the skies in pursuit. Tightening her grip on the handle, she crouched low and adjusted her stance to gain momentum. The winds harshly blew on her face as she flew around the pitch like a speeding blur.
  "Bitch hurry!" One of her teammates somehow recovered and batted away the Bludger aimed at Seungwan when she flew past. Under normal circumstances, the blonde would've been scandalized at the choice of profanity but she was too relieved to complain after witnessing her squad gradually getting back into the game. It seems like they still had a fighting chance.
  "I'm a little busy at the moment!" Soon enough, Seungwan was head-to-head with the Golden Snitch. Her goal was within reach, only a few inches away, and she only had to seize it.
  Seohyun noticed a problem that was starting to arise when she saw that Seungwan was only seconds away from gaining victory. She had been so fixated to subdue Lay and incapacitate the said Keeper that she forgot who the real threat was. "Stop her! She's found the Snitch!" She ordered her Beaters to attack the blonde and cursed when the formation was broken. No matter, she will still continue executing the plan even if there were some problems along the way.
  "Seungwan hurry!" Lay was literally screeching in panic now. The opponents were getting close and he had no way of stopping them. "Think about your precious Gilderoy Lockhart books that will be sacrificed if we lose this match!"
  "All your shouting and panicking is really not helping me right now!" Seungwan clenched her jaw when the Beaters closed in on her and blocked her chances of escape. She crouched low and reached out desperately to grasp the Snitch. Keeping a firm grip on the handle, she braced herself against the impacts that the opposing team made in an attempt to knock her off her broom. The blonde needed to escape this trap fast or else she'd be a sitting duck.
  Quickly devising a plot, Seungwan studied the metal beams of the goal posts and thought that it would be a brilliant idea to ram the opposing Beaters towards them. She could keep them on her tail, lead them on a merry goose chase, and when the right time comes, she'll dive to the broom just in time to avoid colliding against the bar while her enemies crashed to their doom. It was a brilliant, albeit dangerous, plan and if she manages to execute it perfectly, then she'll be taking names and kicking asses.
  Come on! You can do it Seungwan!
  Seungwan lowered her speed, just enough to maintain the lead and let the Beaters follow her tail. The enemy was quick to engage her, both eager to bring her down and crush her chances of victory. Little did they know, a cunning stategy was at play and they were about to get the biggest surprise of their lives.
  Lay was so focused on the Seeker and the advancing enemy that he failed to realize that a different tactic was at play. It was another one of Seohyun's tricks she had in her sleeve. Due to all the commotion, he failed to notice that one of the Beaters passed the wooden club to his Chaser teammate. The said Chaser used this advantage to swing a Bludger and direct it towards the clueless Keeper.
  "Watch out!" One of Lay's teammates shouted a warning at the sight of the Bludger flying towards him at breakneck speed but it was already too late because he slammed against the ball and lost his grip on the broom.
  The Keeper casted a spell in a nick of time to slow the speed of his descent but even that wasn't enough to break his fall because he still roughly hit the ground with a loud thud. He groaned in agony upon that heavy impact and took a few moments to catch his breath. Good Lord! The opposing team were dead set on creating carnage and wreaking havoc on the field. Seohyun wasn't kidding. She really was out for blood.
  "I'm okay!" Lay shouted a quick reassurance to his team once he recovered and carefully sat up to check his injuries. Fortunately, he survived that nasty fall with just a few scrapes and bruises but his broom took the brunt of the impact as it laid on the ground splintered into pieces and broken beyond recognition. Okay. This was not how he imagined this day to happen. Falling off 30 feet to the ground and almost getting squashed like a bug was not something he appreciated.
  Some game this was.
  With no more obstacles and pesky Keepers blocking her path, Seohyun took advantage of the opportunity to shoot the Quaffle through one of the hoops and score an easy goal. "Solid work guys! We lead by 180 to 130." Flushed from success, she gave her fellow Chasers a congratulatory high-five. However, her celebration was short lived when her team were suddenly screeching in panic and acting all chaotic.
  "The Snitch has been caught!"
  That statement alone caused dread to course through Seohyun's veins as realization dawned upon her that victory wasn't theirs for the taking after all.
  Once Seungwan felt the cold metal brushing against her fingers, she locked her grasp around the Golden Snitch and adjusted the trajectory of her broom to abruptly dive on the ground. She narrowly avoided colliding against the beam of the goal post at the last minute and prevented a trip to the Hospital wing.
  "Son Seungwan has caught the Golden Snitch! Victory!"
  Yes! They won!
  Those Gilderoy Lockhart books were hers for the keeping!
  Unfortunately, the enemy pursuers weren't so lucky. They headed directly into the trap and roughly crashed on the iron bars. Lay quickly came to the rescue and took out his wand. "Arresto Momentum!" He casted the Slowing charm on impulse and cushioned their rough impact. The enemy Beaters fell to the ground unscathed. If it weren't for Lay, they'd surely suffer far worse injuries. He had every opportunity to take revenge for what they did earlier but he was never that petty to begin with and at the end of the day, they were still his Ravenclaw teammates.
  The exuberant screams and frenzied cheers erupted from the stands as spectators, who came to watch the friendly, celebrated the unprecedented win. After landing safely on the ground, Seungwan was blown away by the sheer amount of support she received from the Quidditch fans. Her teammates clambered towards her and hoisted her up in the air while they excitedly chanted her name like cult followers singing praises to their master. Of course, Lay never passed the opportunity to complement the girl. He was just nice like that. Best Seeker in our generation everyone!”
  Positively embarrassed from all the attention she was receiving, Seungwan politely requested her friends to put her down on the ground. Seohyun jogged towards her and beamed ever so brightly. She looked quite happy for someone who was hell-bent on winning but just lost. "Great form out there Seungwan. Keep it up!” The Ravenclaw captain congratulated her for a job well done and her eyes shimmered with pride.
  Seungwan was rendered breathless, still reeling from all the adrenaline and excitement, and graciously accepted the compliments. She thanked everyone for the support but her attention was quickly diverted when she spotted Madam Hooch making her way towards the pitch, right where the Ravenclaw team was celebrating. She quickly hushed down the riotous talking and warned the squad. "Professor Hooch is coming."
  "Everyone, get into positions!" Seohyun hissed under her breath and this prompted the Ravenclaw team to jump into their formations. The Captain led the line and she was followed by the Chasers, the Beaters, the Keeper then the Seeker at the end. Seungwan smoothed the creases on her robes and patted down her unruly hair to make herself presentable. They stood alert and maintained an erect posture, like soldiers coming into attention. The Professor kept approaching them and Lay whispered something. "Keep it cool now."
  Madam Hooch finally arrived and stopped before the squad. Her stern gaze scanning each of their faces and announced. "Greetings Ravenclaw team." There was a hint of smile on the corners of her lips as she showed approval for the organized formation and the player's apparent display of discipline.
  "Greetings professor. To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Seohyun, ever the responsible captain, stepped up and asked the very question that had been plaguing everyone's minds. It was quite rare for a professor to personally spectate Quidditch friendly matches. Did they do something wrong? Was the Ravenclaw squad in trouble?
  "I have an announcement to make. In light of recent events, the Headmaster saw fit to cancel Quidditch matches." There was a moment of silence as the squad tried to comprehend the news. "As such, no further practices are allowed on the field."
  The professor waited a full minute for the complaints to come and when it did, it was accompanied with wails of defiance and waves of violent reactions. Everyone clamored to be heard and cried at the injustice of it all. It came to the point that the squad became uncontrollable but one stern glare from Madam Hooch was enough to keep them in line.
  "But what about the Quidditch Championship cup? The Headmaster can't possibly--" Seohyun voiced out her disagreement at the sudden changes in the system and the entire Ravenclaw squad showed their support as they stood by her.
  "Headmaster Dumbledore wants us to focus our attention to the Triwizard Tournament. Quidditch will only serve as a distraction and derail us from achieving this goal." Madame Hooch said with finality. Her tone of voice booked no further argument as she narrowed her eyes to observe the somber expressions from the team. "Please understand. We're only doing what's best for the school."
  “Of course, Professor.” Seohyun spoke through gritted teeth. Judging by the flaring of her nostrils and the clenching of her fists, it was clear that she was pissed but she did a good job of controlling her anger. The Ravenclaw captain knew better than to argue against the professor.
  “Thank you for your cooperation.” Madam Hooch glanced at the squad sympathetically before leaving the pitch and heading towards the castle. The entire team watched her retreating figure and their hopes for a successful season slowly dwindled away into nothing.
  For a moment, everyone remained silent. Their minds were still reeling from that shocking news. Even Seungwan was rendered speechless. How can the Championship cup be cancelled when they were just a few matches away from winning it? After all those rigorous training they had to do. This is an outrage! A blatant scandal!
  Seohyun turned to her teammates and addressed them in a grim manner. “You heard the professor. Quidditch practices are banned from now on.” Announcing that statement alone left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was still a fact that she found hard to accept. "Let's just follow their wishes. Besides, once this tournament is all over, everything can go back to what it once was."
  “But the Quidditch cup!” Lay cried and some members of the team murmured their assent.
  “There's nothing we can do about it now.” The captain sighed heavily, never feeling quite so defeated in her entire life, and massaged the growing ache in her temples. This was not how she imagined for the day to end. First, they lost the game. Now, Quidditch was cancelled. What's next? “Alright guys, hit the showers. You're all dismissed.”
  The Ravenclaw headed to changing room looking quite glum and exhausted. The atmosphere turned bleak since it was a bad day for all of them. Nothing, not even the prize of books after rightfully winning the match, could lift their spirits. No one dared to spark a conversation. Everyone just unanimously decided to wallow in their misery.
  Seungwan opted to stay on the pitch, staring at the Golden snitch within her grasp while a frown settled on her features. She didn't feel like a winner at all. That little victory earlier seemed like nothing. Powerlessness gripped her to the core. What was she supposed to do now that Quidditch was banned?
  “Great game out there.”
  Holy crap! The blonde jumped in surprise when someone snuck up on her without her realizing it. She turned around and was greeted by the familiar sight of a girl who sported a strawberry-blonde hair and lovely eyes with the warmest shade of brown hue. A radiant smile graced her lips and brought forth the wonders of her features.
  Seungwan.exe has stopped functioning.
  Judging from the light blue silken uniform that she wore; she was a student from Beauxbatons and boy was she beautiful. She had one of those faces that could be immortalized in paintings and she was also freakishly tall. Seungwan felt the muscles of her neck becoming strained from craning up too much. Honestly, she felt like a Troll, like one of those DreamWorks movies she used to watch as a kid, in comparison to this giant of a human being.
  Then it dawned upon Seungwan that this Beauxbatons student was the girl who caught her attention during the welcoming night. The very same girl who blew her a kiss and stole her breath away.
  Wow. Talk about coincidence.
  “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I can't help but appreciate your performance. That was some wicked display of flying skills out there!" Not only did she exude an aura of delicate grace but she also possessed a honeyed voice. A trait so rare and so very desirable that Seungwan found herself so helplessly enamored. "You're a great Seeker! I'm already a fan."
  "T-Thanks. You too." Seungwan's voice unexpectedly cracked and she internally groaned. Of course, fate had such an impeccable timing and chose this very moment to embarrass her. She fidgeted with the hem of her robes and took special interest on the laces of her shoes. It was hard to articulate her thoughts especially when her mouth felt like lead and her body just wouldn't cooperate. She just wanted to escape this situation and bury herself six feet under the ground.
  You see, Seungwan had a weakness. A Kryptonite that plagued her ever since she could remember.
  She had difficulty talking to girls.
  Especially beautiful ones.
  For a long time, Seungwan suffered this condition without reprieve and she couldn't recall a time where she remained calm near the presence of pretty women. It became worse when she attended Hogwarts. The school was teeming aesthetically gorgeous people and brought constant stress on her part. When she first met Sooyoung, it took quite a while for her to become comfortable around the Slytherin girl. Adjusting to Yerim was manageable partly because she was a muggle-born and they could easily relate to each other, and mostly because she was an asshole who kept on teasing Seungwan for being a nerd. Fortunately, she experienced no difficulty around Seulgi since the Hufflepuff was easy to get along with.
  But Joohyun.
  Joohyun was a whole different story.
  When Seungwan first met Joohyun, she had never seen anyone so unbelievably breathtaking. It's like a goddess descended to the earth and grace the poor beings with her divine presence. The blonde had difficulty forming a sentence, much less holding a decent conversation with the Slytherin. It took a year and a lot of support from Seulgi for her to totally get comfortable around the presence of the said girl. Anyway, Joohyun became her best friend now and the rest was history.
  Beauxbatons girl giggled oh so sweetly and Seungwan was positively sure that she never heard something so beautiful in her entire life. After tucking away some stray blonde locks, she extended an elegant hand and introduced herself to the Ravenclaw. "I'm Roseanne Park by the way but you can call me Rosé."
  Oh wow. Such a beautiful name to complement a beautiful face.
  Now, Seungwan could understand why she was born lame. Why the universe always conspired against her and made her such a loser. It's because God took his time creating this perfect human being and couldn't be bothered to waste his powers on insignificant insects like her. The Almighty One took a special time off on the 7th day just to create Rosé.
  "S-Seungwan." The Ravenclaw swallowed the lump in her throat and shook Rosé's outstretched hand in greeting. "I'm Son Seungwan." She could only hope that her palm wasn't sweating profusely. Oh god! Why was this such a nerve-racking experience? The urge to bolt away and disappear from the face of the Earth was difficult to ignore.
  Rosé smiled brightly and showcased a set of pearly white teeth as her eyes shimmered in delight. The sun's radiance casted a beam of light upon her features and made her exude an ethereal glow. Seungwan could die peacefully now. "Isn't that a boy's name?"
  What the hell? The Ravenclaw died a little inside. That was it. That was the deal breaker. Whatever infatuation she felt for the Beauxbatons girl was gone in an instant. The Ravenclaws wasn't blinded by her beauty anymore. Merlin's beard! Even Joohyun wasn't that insensitive when they first met. The Slytherin was gracious enough not to comment about her name. Seungwan knew that the smile on her lips was a little strained and she was certain that she looked constipated. "I get that a lot."
  Okay. Why was she comparing Rosé to Joohyun now?
  Rosé somehow noticed the change in the Ravenclaw's attitude and realized her error. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you." She hurried to apologize but the damage had been dealt. Seungwan already had her hopes and her heart shattered.
  "It's fine."
  They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence and the Ravenclaw fought hard to stop herself from fidgeting. It was so quiet that a pin drop could be heard. Her awkwardness manifested at times like these. If she only possessed Yerim's social butterfly tendencies then the world would be a better place and she wouldn't feel this self-conscious.
  "Hey nerd!"
  The Ravenclaw never thought she'd be glad to see the annoying sight of Sooyoung as she walked down the field and wreaked havoc in her wake. A frown marred her features and she looked ready to murder someone.  Unfortunately, that someone referred to Seungwan because as soon as the Slytherin girl stopped to approach them, she trapped the blonde in a fierce headlock and proceeded to give her a noogie. "Bitch! Did you forget that we still have training? I kept waiting for you to come yet here you are, fraternizing with the enemy." She completely ignored the third party that was a witness to her questionable acts of brutality.
  "I'm sorry okay?! I got a little busy!" Seungwan gasped for air and tried to escape but damn! Sooyoung had such a firm grip.
  "Wait until Joohyun hears about this!" Sooyoung growled in displeasure and proceeded to tighten her hold. It was all done with good intentions of course. She never meant to literally harm her friend.
  Although, their savage ways of showing affection was misinterpreted by Rosé and she was forced to intervene their little roughhousing.
  "Let her go!" The Beauxbatons girl certainly looked concerned at the violence being enacted right in front of her. Are the Hogwarts students always this barbaric? Dear God! What do the professors teach them in school? Narrowing her eyes at the emerald green necktie and robes, Rosé confirmed her suspicions. The stranger definitely was a Slytherin. It's no wonder that she's evil.
  "Look Blondie!" Sooyoung blew off the stray black locks that obscured her vision and stopped her assault on Seungwan to regard the other girl. "This is really none of your business princess." Her tone sounded poisonous and never before had she looked so condescending. "Why don't you take your wee little coat and go dance in the meadows with the creatures of the forest hmm? You got that Cinderella?"
  Rosé didn't fail to notice the insult thrown her way. If this blasted Slytherin thought that she didn't know who Cinderella was, then she was gravely mistaken. She will show this arrogant person the Muggle way of facing confrontations.
  Squaring her shoulders and clenching her jaw, she took a step forward and regarded the ebony-haired girl with a stern glare. "Let her go or else..." Gone was the sweet and lovely personality she displayed earlier. Now, she exuded the aura of a person who should not be messed with.
  Sooyoung's eyes flashed dangerously at the sudden challenge.
  Uh oh. This was bad.
  The growing animosity between the two giants was getting palpable and Seungwan had to do something before the situation gets worse. "Uh girls? There's really no need for violence here. We're all friends--" But she was silenced when the Slytherin raised a hand. A gesture for the Ravenclaw to stop talking.
  "Oh yeah?" Sooyoung had a wicked smirk plastered on her face when she casually strutted towards Rosé and invaded her personal space by getting too close for comfort. Much to Sooyoung's surprise, the Beauxbatons girl remained steadfast and held her ground. Rosé looked not at all threatened by the Slytherin's advances. No one stood up to her like this before. It was actually a breath of fresh air.
  "What are you gonna do about it?" The Slytherin sneered as she regarded Rosé with contempt, almost like a predator prowling its prey. She will not be defeated by this upstart princess. Her authority as the true alpha of Hogwarts will be established and she will put this pesky lass rightfully in her place.
  "I'll cast a spell on you." Rosé jutted out her chin and defiantly met Sooyoung's gaze. Seungwan watched with growing alarm as the two giants were engaged in an intense stare down. Both were simmering with heat and neither one of them willing to back off and concede defeat.
  What's this weird tension lingering between them?
  "How cute." Mockery oozed in every bit of her tone. Sooyoung made a show of checking Rosé out. You know, for safety purposes just in case Blondie had tricks up her sleeve. After her physical assessment, the Slytherin seemed somewhat impressed with her observations. For being such an annoying princess, Rosé was actually quite pleasing to the eyes.
  "If you weren't so meddlesome, I'd definitely ravish you. Too bad I don't fuck around with bitches." Sooyoung's choice of profanities both shook the girls to the core but for entirely different reasons. For Seungwan, she couldn't quite believe that her friend had such a crass mouth and colorful vocabulary. For Rosé, she was incensed about the Slytherin's sexual innuendos. How dare this blasted heathen compare her to a bitch?
  "Let's go Seungwan." Sooyoung backed off and gestured at her friend to follow when she proceeded to leave. She grew tired of today's shenanigans and decided that Rosé was a complete waste of her time. Clearly thinking that she was the winner of this little confrontation, she had her back vulnerably exposed as she turned to walk away.
  That's it! Rosé had enough.
  The Beauxbatons girl rolled up her sleeves and approached the unassuming Slytherin. "Hey!" Rosé tapped her shoulder and when Sooyoung turned around, she got the biggest shock in her life when she was suddenly lifted off her feet and experienced the brief sensation of flying before she landed on the cold hard ground.
  The Ravenclaw gasped in horror when she witnessed Rosé literally judo flip Sooyoung to the ground. She watched in morbid fascination sprinkled with light concern as her friend got overpowered by a girl twice smaller than her own size. This was such an interesting development and Seungwan knew that she should intervene but what the hell? It's not every day she gets to see her friend being savagely manhandled.  The Slytherin usually does the bullying and not the other way around, so the blonde Ravenclaw can't help but be fascinated.
  Rosé straddled Sooyoung by the waist and roughly pulled her by the collar. "Not so tough now are you?" She purred into her ear and smirked in satisfaction when she noticed the dazed look in the Slytherin's eyes. She raised her fist and delivered a solid punch that knocked the wind out of Sooyoung. Ha! Who was the main bitch now?
  Oh shit! Things are getting violent. Should Seungwan get the authorities?
  Somebody call 911!
  Shawty really dying on the dance floor.
  "You're good." Sooyoung blinked away the white spots that obscured her vision and regarded the girl with a grudging admiration. "I don't think I've properly introduced myself." She spat out some blood and smiled through her blood-stained teeth. This simple act caused quite a strain on the muscles of her lips. "I'm Sooyoung."
  "Rosé." Came the Beauxbatons' casual reply and they stared at each other for one full minute, briefly gauging one's reaction and predicting what the other would do next. Seungwan suddenly felt self-conscious. Why did it seem like she was intruding an intimate moment?
  Rosé raised her hand and prepared to land another hit. Sooyoung made no move to avoid the attack this time and closed her eyes just to bravely deal with it. The Slytherin braced herself for the agony to come. Deep down, she hoped that she'd survive this whole ordeal with her dignity intact and her face relatively unscathed but who was she kidding? This Beauxbatons princess was a wild fire! A freak of nature that blazed everything in her wake and left the Slytherin troublemaker completely out of her element.
  And after long years of waiting, Sooyoung finally found her match.
  When the pain didn't come, she opened her eyes to see Blondie not aiming to punch her anymore. Instead, she sported on a lovely smile and giggled sweetly. A sound so captivating that it effortlessly rendered Sooyoung speechless. "I won't do it. Can't ruin that beautiful face now, can we?" Rosé basked in the sun's radiant light and emanated a warm glow and Holy crap Sooyoung! She was breathtaking.
  Rosé got off the fallen girl. She carefully dusted her robes and smoothed out its wrinkles. She adjusted her light blue beret hat before bowing courteously to the Hogwarts girls, acting as if she didn't perform an amazing judo flip earlier. "I've got other business to attend to. If you'll excuse me." With that, she walked away from the pitch and headed to the castle.
  Seungwan's jaw slacked and she was rendered absolutely dumbfounded because what the heck just happened? Meanwhile, Sooyoung just stared at Rosé's retreating form. A subtle smile graced her lips when she said.
  "I like her."
  "There are no broken bones. Just a couple of bruises here and there."
  Madame Pomfrey finished her routine physical assessment on Sooyoung and handed her a vial filled with green-colored liquid. "Drink this Wiggenweld Potion. Though your injuries are nothing serious, I recommend that you to rest here for at least two days to ensure your complete healing."
  "Fine by me." Sooyoung, clearly delighted at the notion that she'll miss her classes in order to recuperate, hid her triumphant smile by feigning a cough and acting all sickly. She made a show of gingerly sipping the potion and discreetly winked at Seungwan who, no doubt, saw through her ruse.
  The blonde Ravenclaw shook her head in disbelief at the Slytherin's audacity to deceive the Matron of Hogwarts. She was only trying to help yet here she was, being tricked into caring for a girl who was clearly faking the intensity of her pain. The nerve of Sooyoung! Does she have no decency? "Thank you for the help Madame Pomfrey."
  "I'm surprised you brought another person Seungwan. It's usually you who gets sent here."
  The usually stern matron, who was strict with the patients under her care and even stricter to their visitors, was quite lenient to Seungwan. It really shouldn't come as a surprise. Whenever she was not busy with schoolwork nor Quidditch, the Ravenclaw usually volunteers her time healing the ailing students of Hogwarts and running errands for Madame Pomfrey as an apprentice. Aside from the Common room and the Library, she treats the Hospital Wing like another home. "Considering the amount of injuries you get from playing Quidditch, you're the only person who frequently visits this place." Also, she's doing this to gain experience. If Seungwan wants to become a successful Mediwitch then she'd have to be well-versed in the art of healing magic. That could only be achieved by practicing on curing people.
  "Trust me madame, it surprised me too. Sooyoung getting hit by a rogue Bludger was something I'll never forget." The lie escaped came out easily and her mouth tasted bitter. In order to explain how Sooyoung got bruises on her cheek, they had to concoct a clever story in the last minute. They couldn't tell Madame Pomfrey that real reason why the Slytherin was injured was because she provoked a Beauxbatons student into punching her in the face. That testament alone was enough to get them sent to detention. Besides, it could get Rosé into trouble so no, they decided to leave the girl out of this mess.
  "You have such wonderful friends Seungwan." The matron commented in passing as she drew away the curtains for the sunlight to enter. She smoothed out the wrinkles on the bed linens before tucking Sooyoung comfortably. "I still have other patients to attend. Would you mind keeping your friend company?" She retrieved another vial of the Wiggenweld Potion from her pocket and handed them to her apprentice. "Here. Make her drink this every four hours to minimize the swelling."
  "Not at all." Seungwan accepted the concoction and dutifully took charge in caring for her friend. Once Madame Pomfrey felt satisfied with everything, she left to tend another ailing student. The Ravenclaw waited until the matron was out of earshot before she proceeded to nag her friend. "Merlin's beard! We literally just lied to her! Her, as in, the freaking matron of Hogwarts!"
  "I know right? I'm gonna add that one to my list of achievements." Sooyoung sighed comfortably in her bed and closed her eyes. The sheets felt so soft and the pillows are quite fluffy. Not only that, they even smelled like heavenly Jasmin and pure sweetness. They are better than the ones found in the Slytherin Common room. "This is nice. I could stay here forever."
  "Don't make it a habit!" Seungwan started pacing back and forth, anxiously chewing her lip and fingers wrung into tight knots, as her mind thought of all the possible consequences if they ever got caught. All of them didn't end well. "Oh my God! We're getting sent to detention or worse, we'll be expelled!"
  "Will you calm the fuck down? We're not going to detention nor get expelled." The Slytherin felt the ache forming in her head when she watched her friend lose her shit. Sure, Seungwan was a goody-two-shoes and she never really had any experience being seriously reprimanded by authorities before but worrying about it doesn't really help. It just messes up the mind.
  If Sooyoung will be sent to detention, okay fine! She'll take it wholeheartedly.
  If she gets expelled, well shit! It looks like she’ll just have to find another wizarding school.
  The point is, panicking on the things you have no control over is not healthy at all.
  Just let it be.
  "What makes you so sure?" The blonde stopped pacing and looked skeptical. After that little late-night escapade in search of the Room of Requirement, she learned not to completely trust Sooyoung. Doing so only led her astray and she'd be a fool to do it again.
  "First of all, we have two Prefect friends. I could convince Seulgi to let us off the hook but then there's Joohyun. She will be difficult but that's where you come in." The Slytherin tapped her chin and stared into the distance deep in thought. Her brain running at full speed to concoct a plan that will both save their asses from trouble. "Hey now, we'll be okay."
  "If you just controlled your temper and not literally challenged Rosé to a fight, we wouldn't be in this situation." The Ravenclaw didn't fail to let her disappointment show. She shook her head and glanced at the Slytherin in pity. The once spotless reputation of Hogwarts was now tarnished after this great fiasco and any hopes of recovering it was gone. It looks like fostering inter-school magical cooperation won't be possible anymore. Sigh. The Headmaster wished it so badly too.
  "Excuse me?" Sooyoung was affronted at her friend's accusation. So, she's blaming the victim now? Nice. Such a great friend indeed. "You were the one who didn't stop her from attacking me! What kind of friend watches their friend get beat up? That's sickening!"
  "It shocked me okay?! No one ever stood up to you before and I was fascinated!" The blonde tried to defend herself but it was useless. Sooyoung never really considers any argument to be valid unless it supports her own claims. It's like talking to a brick wall.
  "Now, you owe me for abandoning me earlier and betraying my trust." Sooyoung stated casually as she proceeded to check some dirt on her fingernails, like she didn't just enslave Seungwan to do her own bidding. She had a plan and she needed the Ravenclaw for it to work so she had no choice to engage in this subtle act of power tripping or else the opportunity will be lost. She wouldn't be a true Slytherin if she didn't put her cunning to good use.
  "No, I don't!" Seungwan argued defiantly. She will not be bullied over to becoming indebted to Sooyoung when she knew that she was just partially at fault. No. She will not succumb to peer pressure! Be strong Seungwan!
  But even the most lionhearted person would surely cower under Sooyoung's threatening gaze. "Yes, you do." Damn! She really knew how to intimidate people.
  War flashbacks came into her mind and Seungwan suddenly feared for her life. The Slytherin was out to skin her alive for defying her demands. Her death will not be swift in the hands of Sooyoung and she will definitely make it slow and torturous. Seungwan didn't know if she could handle that painful experience. Sigh. There's really no escaping this situation, is there? In the end, her resolve waned and she reluctantly agreed. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"
  "Avenge me."
  The Cheshire smile Sooyoung sported was quite concerning. It looked like she was up to no good. The alarm bells kept ringing in Seungwan's head. "I want you to join the Triwizard Tournament and avenge me. Show the upstart Beauxbatons princess that Hogwarts students shouldn't be trifled with." The Slytherin finally revealed her schemes. Her eyes burned with intense determination and her body shook with excitement. Uh oh. Sooyoung was getting fired up now. This was bad. Like, really bad. She only acted like this when she absolutely wanted to trash someone.
  Poor Rosé.
  "Why don't you do it yourself?" Seungwan didn't want to become entangled with this mess. Besides, the idea of joining the Triwizard Tournament was daunting. Knowing that the contest will involve three dangerous tasks, she didn't know if she's strong enough to handle it, let alone survive the challenges unscathed.
  "My dearest Seungwan. As you can see, I'm unfit to join." Sooyoung pointed to the bruises on her face, which didn't look quite serious by the way, and eventually faked her pain by inducing a coughing fit. Her eyes shimmered with tears and she whimpered pathetically for added effect. The blonde could only roll her eyes at the theatrics. "Between the two of us, you're the only one capable of facing those challenges without breaking a sweat."
  "I don't know Sooyoung. This is too much of a sacrifice." An anxious frown marred her features as her tone was laced with hesitation. Sooyoung was asking too much and she didn't know if she was willing to give it. What if she fails? What if she finds out that she wasn't capable of handling it after all? Everything was at stake here and she had a lot to lose.
  "Eternal glory awaits the Champion of the Triwizard Tournament. If you win, you'll bring honor to the house of Ravenclaw." The injured girl countered smoothly. She looked quite confident to place all her faith in Seungwan and the blonde didn't know what to do with that trust. "I think it is worth it, no matter what the sacrifice entails."
  A moment of silence passed as the Ravenclaw contemplated about her choices. Sooyoung had a point. Big risks will have to be taken in order to receive bigger rewards and it would be a great honor to bring prestige to her house. Right. Seungwan doesn't have to be afraid. Nothing good ever comes to those who cower in fear.
  Everything will be worth it in the end.
  "I'll do it."
  Later that night, when the moon and stars shined brightly in the dark sky and the castle was devoid of any activity as people peacefully slumbered in their beds, a cloaked figure clad in gold and scarlet robes snuck into the Hospital Wing and searched for that one injured Slytherin.
  She moved with featherlight steps, careful not to stir the other inhabitants of the room, and approached the unsuspecting target. Sooyoung was resting innocently in the bed. She looked like she was having a nice dream. That's too bad because she was about to be pulled back to reality.
  "Holy sh--" Sooyoung woke in surprise when she felt a hand clamp down her mouth to muffle out the sounds. She struggled for a moment, the Cruciatus curse on the tip of her tongue and ready to be casted, when she realized that the cloaked figure was actually her friend. The Slytherin shoved away the disgusting hand and glared at the intruder. "What the hell Yerim?! I was sleeping! Couldn't you have picked a better time?" She hissed under her breath, careful not to wake the other students who were still sleeping.
  "Our beloved friend is in the Great Hall, putting her name in the Goblet of Fire, as we speak." Yerim ignored Sooyoung's outburst and casually sat on the foot of the bed. She dug deep into her pockets and pulled out the sandwich she stole from the Kitchens. The House Elves weren't quite happy with what she did but who cares? It's for the greater good. She tossed the sandwich to the Slytherin because she knew that her injured friend was starving. Sooyoung wasn't able to join dinner earlier.
  "Thanks." Sooyoung caught the food easily and removed its wrapper before consuming it ravenously. It was thoughtful for Yerim to bring her something to eat. Such a rare occurrence indeed. "How did you know?" The Gryffindor sported a mischievous smile before she took out an old bit of parchment concealed under her robes and waved it around like a prize. Sooyoung stared at the crumpled piece of paper in amazement. No way! Yerim found the map! How was that even possible? "I thought we lost it for sure."
  "Nah, it was just sitting around Filch's office and I nicked it just this morning." Tapping the blank surface of the paper with the tip of her wand, the Gryffindor recited the incantations she grew to memorize.
  "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
  As if by magic, the once blank paper now transformed and the familiar writings of Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, purveyors of aids to magical mischief-makers, are proud to present the Marauder's Map appeared on the cover. It was now a fully-fledged map that shows what everyone in the grounds was doing every minute of every day.
  Yerim unfolded the parchment until she got the view of the Great Hall. "She's been pacing for hours." She gestured at repetitive movement of steps that belonged to Son Seungwan. "I thought she was gonna chicken out but to my surprise, she didn't. I can't believe she fell for another one of your schemes."
  "What can I say?" Sooyoung had a smug smile on her lips as she chewed on the sandwich. "I can be pretty convincing." She glanced at the map and studied it for a while, mindlessly tapping her chin deep in thought. The chess pieces are set in their respective positions. Now, she needed to make a move. "My plans are working. All that's left is for Joohyun to agree."
  "Is it really necessary for her to get involved?" The Gryffindor couldn't help but be anxious. A tinge of concern laced her voice when doubt started to cloud her mind. What if they fail? What if they dealt more damage than originally intended? The relationship between Seungwan and Joohyun hung precariously in a balance and one little mistake could destroy it completely. They needed to proceed with the operation with utmost caution. "Can't she, like, be a spectator or something?"
  "No, we need her for this to work. She's the most important character in the grand scheme of things." Sooyoung remained adamant. Her gaze drifted on the dot named Bae Joohyun that was currently situated in the Slytherin Common room. "Seungwan needs to realize that Joohyun won't wait forever."
  Yerim groaned in defeat. Looks like she had no choice but to do her job perfectly. Failure was not an option. She didn't want to face the full extent of Joohyun's wrath. That Prefect can act like a dragon when she was triggered. "Alright fine, but if this plan goes to shit, I won't hesitate on blaming you." After whispering a quick Mischief Managed, she folded the map back inside her robes for safekeeping. She adjusted her cloak and took a deep breath.
  Hopefully, no one would catch her sneaking back into the Gryffindor Common room. She was already in enough trouble as it is. Another trip to detention was something she didn't fancy. "Also, don't worry." She flashed Sooyoung a mischievous smile before sending her a playful salute.
  "I'll take care of Joohyun."
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