#whumpmas wish
slippedtheknot · 6 months
Whumpmas Day "Three"
Wish + Denied Food as Punishment + Gilded Cage
Whumpee sniffed as he pulled his knees up to his chest, wishing for the smallest crumb. His stomach ached, and Whumper had all of the cupboards locked away. But...his stomach hurt so badly. If only he had something...anything.
"Whumpee," Whumper kicked the door as he was walking past, "I need you to make dinner now. Like, now now."
"Okay, sir." Whumpee said softly; grabbing ahold of the wall to pull himself up. Whumpee entered the hall, only to be remembered how bare his room was compared to the rest of the house.
He walked down to the kitchen; finding that Whumper had already set out ingredients. Whumpee's eyes landed on the small box of locally grown raspberries and his stomach let out a loud grumble. Whumper wouldn't notice if Whumpee had one, right?
He stuck his hand in, and searched for the smallest one. Whumpee pulled it out; holding it delicately in his palm.
"Hey!" A spatula came down hard on his hand. "What do you think you're doing?! I don't seem to remember giving you permission to eat?"
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emcscared-whumps · 11 months
WiJ 2023 - 11: What Whump Media do you Prefer and Why?
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
Picky and Squicky
Okay, so I actually prefer writing and styalised, semi-realistic, and animation art as my mediums of whump.
I have a strong aversion to a lot of live-action whump and I can't place why other than that I am just a very squeamish person (a couple of months back, I cut my thumb, and passed out not once, but four (4) fucking times. You heard me right. I'm FUCKED lmao I WISH I was exaggerating)... ANYWAY ^-^'
We have established that I am squeamish, which means that any media with realistic blood and gore is automatically kinda gross rather than whumpy; instead of the fun stomach flips, I get the not-so-fun stomach unsettle. So, many T.V. shows and movies which many consider to be whumpy just don't do it for me, because even on the offchance that the character fits into my hyperspecific tastes in whumpees, it's unlikely it'll ever come to anything because of the way realistic effects sicken me (not negative, I mean very literally, almost lost my dinner once from a very realistic and talented portrayal of arsenic poisoning that I was NOT prepared for lmao).
I saw this gif once, a knife trailing across skin. Would've been absolutely gorgeous if it hadn't made my skin crawl like I scraped a knife badly across a ceramic plate for minutes afterward (:
All this to say that written, drawn, and animated mediums are the only media I reliably get whumperflies off, and even then, It's usually writing, or art, usually my own art because, again, I am very specific and I have a lot more context for an image I created myself ^-^' (usually a drawing of a whumpy idea).
Writing, art, and animation are safe, reliable, and they deliver for me, they allow the portrayals of my favourite kind of whumpees, I can go as niche as I want, and since most of the whump devouring I do is online, I can filter out a lot of the content I don't want to see uwu
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Day 4 of @whumpmasinjuly
->Prompt: "Share a TV show, movie, story, or any media that gives you the whumperflies"
Tv shows
Hemlock Grove
Peaky Blinders
Saw franchise
The tortured 2010
The Final 2010
The Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way (I love these comics so much and there's some very good whump scenes in them!)
I don't know anymore whumpy comics so if anyone has recommendations please send them my way!
Manga/Anime (only 7 because I've been reading and watching manga/anime since i was like 6 soo this list could go on for a long time)
Tokyo ghoul:re (I never saw the anime adaptation!)
Magi series
Mirai Nikki
Deadman Wonderland
Corpse Party
Blood - C
The Kindall K series by Renne Nielsen or otherwise know as @callaeidae3 on here! They do art as well which is just pure whump and the best but their writing is amazing! (I'm still not through the first book in the series but I love it so far!)
Fanfiction (I don't read fanfic when I'm actively writing in fandoms but ...)
Post-Asmodeus Sabriel Feels by UnityGhost (@unityghost)
30 one-shots of Sam Winchester/Gabriel from spn chocked full of angst and feels... It's amazing I highly recommend!
All of @lemissingmask 's Not A Shade AU is just prime whumpness and it's both so beautiful and their art is amazing and I could go on all day about it!
Like I said above Callaeidae3 does amazing art and it a lot of it pertains to the Kindall K series which, may I add, is amazing... Art from the author themselves of a novel? Yeah it's just *chef's kiss*
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whumpsday · 11 months
Kane & Jim AU: Tiny Kane
Kane & Jim AUs Masterlist
g/t sideblog here! @smallsday
content: whump, g/t, tiny whump, fear, burns, torture, vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker, rescue, caretaking, recovery, comfort, starvation, weight loss due to starvation
Whumpmas in July Day 6: Deprived GT July Day 6: AU Two Weeks of Whump Day 6: Cage
surprise extra cameo from TWOW as well, three events in one! i've been wanting to do a tiny Kane AU for a looong time. how did Kane become tiny, you ask? well, it's- (i describe a convenient plot device, but a loud truck blows past and you can't hear me). but yeah i'm just doing this for fun and not worrying about the context lol. you get no in-universe explanation, i just love tiny whump
Jim was pretty sure the only reason he wasn't completely freaking out right now was because he'd been warned in advance about the size, but he was still freaking out a little bit.
Kane sat huddled in the middle of a little silver cage, trying his best to balance himself so the only part of him that touched the floor was protected by the small bit of clothing he had. A pair of shorts that looked like they'd been haphazardly sewn together, the seams halfway to coming apart. He strained to raise his feet slightly so they wouldn't burn.
Despite his efforts, the hunter thrust the cage toward Jim carelessly, causing Kane to lose his balance and burn his feet. He shrieked, righting himself as quickly as possible. The entirety of his five-inch body was dotted with similar burns.
The hunter tossed a key, which Jim scrambled to catch. "Don't worry, it's harmless now."
Jim carefully took the cage, being sure to move steadily enough that Kane wouldn't fall over again. On a closer look, a large, circular burn on Kane's back looked suspiciously like the end of a cigarette. "Oh."
He barely paid attention as the hunter said goodbye. All he could focus on was Kane. The situation was too bizarre.
"It's been a while," he said as soon as the hunter left.
Kane burst into tears instantly. "I'm sorry!" he cried. "P-please, Jim, sir, I'm so sorry! Mercy, please have mercy, I can't take-" He was crying so hard that he struggled to pull enough air into his little lungs, gasping for breath around tears. "I'm s-so sorry, I'm so sorry, please-"
"Hey, hey," Jim interrupted him, sick to his stomach. He'd fantasized for years about wringing an apology from his tormenter, but not like this. It was abundantly clear Kane expected Jim to hurt him.
As much as he hated Kane, as much as he'd wished him dead for years, he didn't think he could ever hurt someone as defenseless as Kane was now. Like the hunter said, he was harmless. The vampire may have haunted his nightmares and waking paranoia alike for the past decade, but Jim couldn't even bring himself to be afraid of him now.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," he continued. "How about we get you out of there? That looks... painful."
Kane nodded profusely, tears streaming down his face. "Please," he begged.
Jim placed the cage on the hood of his car, trying his best not to jostle it. Kane whimpered at the movement, every muscle tensed as he tried to balance himself.
The key was small and silver. To him it was a harmless trinket, but it was half as tall as Kane and would burn him on touch. When he'd heard about Kane's size now, Jim had only thought of what it meant in terms of the harm Kane could cause. Like this, Kane couldn't hurt him, kidnap him, force him into submission. He'd never thought about what the hunters might do to a vampire this vulnerable.
He unlocked the cage, reaching in since Kane wouldn't be able to climb out on his own without getting burned. Kane looked at his approaching hand with utter terror, but made no move away from it, allowing Jim to scoop him into his palm and out of the cruel cage.
Kane stared up at him, eyes wide with fear as his chest rose and fell rapidly, backed up against his fingers so Jim could feel him trembling. His heart raced, fluttering with fear.
"It's okay," Jim soothed the tiny, shaking vampire in his palm. He hated Kane, he really did. Nothing could ever erase the things Kane did to him, the years Kane stole from him. But he knew what it was like to be hurt and scared, and he wouldn't wish it on anyone. Even Kane. "Just try and relax."
Kane gave a stiff nod, but did not relax. "Yes, sir," he said anyway, timid and afraid.
It felt so wrong, and brought up some of the worst memories Jim had. Memories of being that vulnerable person, unable to stand even the slightest chance of protecting himself against someone so strong, calling Kane sir just like he wanted in a desperate attempt to placate him before he-
"Jim," he corrected, unnerved. "You know my name."
"Y-yes, Jim!" Kane squeaked, only looking more terrified, like calling him sir had been worthy of execution. "I'm sorry!"
"Don't worry about it." Jim threw the silver shit on the floor of the backseat before getting in the car, briefly scanning for a decent place to put Kane. "I'm gonna put you in the cupholder."
"Thank you," Kane breathed. He sounded so relieved to just be out of that cage. Jim couldn't imagine what a car ride in that thing would be like.
He went to put Kane in the cupholder, but hesitated.
Kane weighed almost nothing, even less than he should at this size. Given his lack of a shirt, Jim could easily see his ribs poking against the skin of his chest, the way his stomach dipped in, concave like his cheeks.
He was starving. He was starving so badly that if he weren't a vampire, he would surely be dead.
The fact that the hunters had deprived Kane of food when it would take so little to keep him fed was horrifying. He was five inches tall, and yet they'd stripped him of everything from food to clothes to accommodations that wouldn't burn him. It was cruel. it was sadistic.
It would take so very little for Jim to rectify it.
He didn't want to do this. It was ridiculous, considering the circumstances, but he was scared to. The scars on his neck, hidden snug under the fabric of his turtleneck, seemed to ache the more he thought about it.
Jim set Kane down gently in the cupholder. He could psych himself up on the drive home. For good measure, he grabbed a couple stray napkins and put them in there with him. "Here, you can use these to make yourself a little more comfortable."
Kane wrapped them both around himself instantly, bundling himself up in the cheap paper like they were blankets. "Thank you," he said, choked up with genuine gratitude. "Thank you so much for letting me use them. I'll be good."
The display about broke Jim's heart. "No problem, man."
Kane sat dutifully in the cupholder the whole drive, beyond grateful that he didn't have to do it in the silver cage. The cage which laid ominously in the backseat, ready to be pulled out again whenever Jim decided he deserved it. And Kane knew he deserved it.
Jim could do anything he wanted to him, and he'd be powerless to resist. He'd probably be powerless to resist even at his old size, given how weak the starvation had made him, but especially now. Just like Jim had been when their situations were reversed. Jim could return every slap, every kick, every iron-clad grasp around his neck that Kane had dished out, and return it tenfold until he was nothing but red paste.
But he would heal. He always did, slowly but surely, and would continue to unless he was staked. Jim may have shown him mercy this time, but he couldn't expect that every time after what he'd done.
Jim parked the car when they got there, extending his hand toward the cupholder. "We're here," he announced.
Kane waited a moment to be grabbed, something he'd become very accustomed to after years of being handled like an unbreakable toy, before he realized Jim was waiting for him to climb on.
"Yes, s- Jim," he corrected himself just in time, hauling himself onto the human's warm hand. He brought the lovely napkins with him, hoping Jim would allow him to keep them.
The decadent smell of human blood enveloped Kane once again as Jim cupped his hand around him, his mouth watering at the scent. He would do anything for just a drop, but he knew better by now. Bad vampires got punished. He could be good, prove he was worthy of being allowed outside his horrible, burning cage. Even being used as an ashtray would be better.
Jim carried him inside. It was surreal: he hadn't been anywhere besides the hunters' compound and its backyard since shrinking. To be in a regular house, with everything massive and blown up around him, just emphasized how he could never go back to his old life. He would be at the mercy of others forever, no matter what.
"I don't have any clothes for you," Jim said apologetically. "I wasn't expecting you to... not have any. I'll look for something in town for you tomorrow. I'll get you some cloth you can use in the meantime."
That was even better than napkins! Jim was going to give him clothes! Clothes his size, that fit!
"Thank you so much!" he enthused, craning his neck to look up at his new keeper. "That would be amazing. You're- you're very generous." He knew he would have to earn this kindness, but he was too excited to care.
Jim shrugged, Kane's world tilting with the motion. "It's kind of just the bare minimum. It's not like you ever deprived me of clothes, right?"
"I would never," Kane assured him quickly.
It was hardly the only kindness Jim would gift him that night. Jim allowed him to bathe in the sink, and choose what room he would be kept in. He chose the basement, enticed by the lack of windows bearing the dangers of the sun. Jim set up a small cardboard box for him layered with blanketing. It was the softest thing he'd felt in years.
"There's one more thing." Jim seemed... upset about this one, which set Kane on edge.
He pulled the cloth he'd been given tighter around himself. Was Jim finally about to take his revenge? Kane could deal with that, as long as he got to sleep on something soft after. "Yes?"
Jim reached toward him. Despite his own train of thought, Kane couldn't help but flinch back. Waiting to be grabbed, squeezed, his limbs snapped, his skin burnt-
But Jim didn't touch him. His hand stopped in front of him, a giant thumb in front of his face. "You can feed."
Kane couldn't believe what he was hearing. After years of complete deprivation, he would finally be allowed food?
He didn't ask Really?. He didn't ask if there were restrictions. He couldn't bear it. He was being given permission, and every instinct in his body screamed at him to feed before the precious blood was taken away forever again.
"Thank you!" Kane exclaimed. He took Jim's thumb in his hands, and with a final glance up at Jim, he bit.
The taste was like nothing he could have ever imagined, more phenomenal than any blood he'd tasted before in his life, despite how many times he'd tasted Jim's blood in particular. It flowed into his mouth with abundance, rich and savory. He couldn't possibly get enough, even when Jim's thumb trembled in his hold.
He drank and drank until he physically couldn't anymore. Jim didn't stop him. He just let him keep going, and as Kane came out of his bloodlust-induced frenzy and back to rational thought, he realized that maybe his new size had a good aspect to it after all.
Kane swiped his tongue over the two pinpricks his fangs had made, then released the thumb, scooting back into the cardboard. "Thank you so much. That's- that's the kindest thing anyone's ever done for me. I forgot what it was like to not be hungry." Tears dripped onto his chest, and he realized he must have started crying while he fed. "Thank you, thank you so much. Especially after I- thank you."
"I'm not gonna be cruel." Jim took his hand back, examining the wound. "I won't keep your basic needs away. I won't hurt you. I won't grab you without permission. I know what it's like to be powerless and vulnerable, okay? You know."
"I'm sorry." Kane had never meant it as much as he did right now. "I'm sorry for everything."
"Nothin' you can do about it now." Jim stepped away. "Get some rest. You need it."
Kane nestled into his blankets, full for the first time in years, warm in a way that didn't hurt.
Finally, finally safe.
tune in on sunday for a canon Kane & Jim chapter! taglist in reblog!
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event: @whumpmasinjuly @gianttol @promptsforyourwhumpfic
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whumpmasinjuly · 1 year
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Now introducing the prompt list for Whumpmas in July 2032! 
Thank you for patiently waiting! We will be implementing a couple of new changes! We will not be reblogging any creations this year and will instead keep this blog as a space to only post the prompts, tags, and relevant information. We will post the tag for each day, and we ask that you use two tags when filling prompts this year so that others may find your creations easily:  Tag 1 ---> #wij23day__ (Fill in the blank with the appropriate day number for the prompt you are filling! For example, if you are doing the prompt for day 21, make sure to tag your post with #wij23day21. Of course, feel free to use any other relevant tags too!)
Tag 2 ---> #whumpmasinjuly2023  Be sure to also tag @whumpmasinjuly-archive if you would like your posts reblogged to our new official archive account!  You can also find a banner that you can use in your posts (if you want) under the #wijbanner tag.
The prompts are divided into three categories: questions, prompts, and community activities. Everyone is free to participate as much or as little as they want–there’s no completionist requirement! This list provides a preview of the prompts, but on each day a more detailed post will be released with more context and additional suggestions for each day’s task. Similar to previous years, all prompts and other important information will be found under the #infowhumpmasinjuly tag and #infowij23 for ease of access. This blog will also use the tags #wijquestion , #wijcommunity , and #wijprompt respectively for each post so that you can filter and find the type of prompts you’d like to do. 
Below the cut is a text list of this year’s prompts:
1. (Re)Introduce yourself. 2. What ten words give you the whumperflies/make you think of whump? 3. Stitches/Bandages 4. Share a TV show, movie, or any media that gives you the whumperflies! (Feel free to go off about your favorite episodes/moments!) 5. What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media? 6. Deprived 7. Post a link to your favorite whump fic of all time (or reblog it and/or make a list of them!) 8. Describe your favorite type of whumper! 9. “Stay with me” 10. Check out a new whump blog and drop them an ask! 11. What whump media type do you prefer and why? 12. Search & Rescue 13. Share some of your favorite niche whump tags! 14. Describe the ideal fic you’ve always wanted to read but have yet to find / haven’t written yet. 15. Buried 16. Create a whump meme! 17. What inspires you most to create whump content? (Images? Fics? Shows?) 18. Ache 19. Create a list of some of your favorite whump blogs to share! 20. Describe your favorite type of whumpee!  21. “Please.” 22. Find a story/author you’ve never read before, read it and leave some nice comments (people can reblog the post to plug their series/masterlists/etc as well) 23. What is your favorite type of whump setting? 24. Earth (Environmental whump) 25. Share a sneak peek of something you’re working on! 26. What is your favorite place to find whump media, roleplayers/writers, or fan-created content? (Link us to it!) 27. Unstable (Mentally? Physically? Both!?) 28. Send people asks about their OCs or favorite fandoms! 29. Do you identify with any particular roles or situations in whump? 30. Antidote 31. Who is someone in the whump-creating world that you admire and why?
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whumpmas · 7 months
12 Days of Whumpmas Prompt List
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Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already.
The AO3 Collection can be found here.
There are 24 prompt options and 30 tropes in total! Pick one or both for each day and combine with any trope. Interpretation can be specific or very loose.
(All prompts and tropes can be found below the cut!)
12 Days of Whumpmas 2023 Prompt List
Day 1: Christmas lights / Christmas Card
Day 2: hot chocolate / white
Day 3: mistletoe / wish
Day 4: at the mall / Santa
Day 5: red / Christmas tree
Day 6: present / sugar cookie
Day 7: snow / fireplace
Day 8: candles / family tradition
Day 9: Christmas carols / bow
Day 10: unwrapped / icicle
Day 11: Christmas dinner / bell
Day 12: midnight mass / Cheers!
Tropes list:
Force feeding
Duct tape
Forced to beg
Gilded cage
Touch starved
Prison visit
Caught in a storm
Domestic abuse
Bound and gagged
Damaged vocal cords
Stockholm syndrome
Forced to kneel/bow
Used in ritual
Childhood trauma
Denied food as punishment
Truth serum
Don't let them see you cry
Alternative (milder) prompts:
Can't go home
Cough syrup
Memory loss
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whumpsoda · 5 months
Happy Whumpmas. 🎅 🌲☃️ You have just been snowballed by a secret Whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump related question of your choice?
Are there any tropes you wish to see more of from the community?
Happy Whumpmas to you too!!! 🫶🫶
For tropes I don’t really know… definitely more hypnosis/mind control/brainwashing because I’m SUCH a sucker for it and I personally don’t see too much of it (might just be me) !!!
And just like very hardcore pet whump? Idk if that counts but just like really in an animal mindset, really intense conditioning, very dehumanizing events and language. I dunno I’m just obsessed :)
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whump-in-the-closet · 11 months
1, 2 and 3
eyo thanks for the ask! from this ask game
1. favorite whump trope to read?
we’re going with the trope of “getting surrounded and beaten” for this. Idk why but something about being entirely alone and outnumbered and just trying to protect their head from any concussing blows. Especially good when the whumpers have like. canes. or crowbars. The visceral mess that’s left behind. The bruises. The stumbling away. You have no idea what Jason Todd getting beaten with a crowbar by the Joker did to me.
2. favorite whump trope to write?
okay I don’t do it often (enough) but writing a flogging scene….*inhales* yeah it’s just. it’s just so good. so fun to write. i’m sorry 11/10 here. It’s the vulnerability and the being forced to kneel and the absolute agony. I need to do it more I swear
3. which of your mutuals ocs would you want to see whumped?
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast’s kasumi. I want isaac to do a vivisection and make her suffer. Yes this is because those last whumpmas in july pieces
@another-whump-sideblog’s Ray because their backstory had so much whump and angst in it and i wish we could have seen more. Also Orchard was a terrfiying whumper
@verkja’s Radomil. He’s already suffered quite a bit but he could always suffer more. Okay plus he’s I feel like he’s a resilient whumpee and watching him deal with the pain would be so cool
that’s all i can think of rn in the span of three minutes i have but there’s a lot more
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whumpers-inc · 1 year
🎵It's beginning to look a lot like Whumpmas 🎵
It's beginning to look a lot like Whumpmas,
Ev'rywhere you go
Take a look at the guy in pain,
He's bleeding out once again,
No bandages to hide the wounds on show
It's beginning to look a lot like Whumpmas,
Men bound up in rope,
But the prettiest sight to see,
Is the guy on Whumpmas eve
Giving up all hope
A set of horrible schemes and a man who will scream
Is the wish of Whumper and Co
Soup and a bed and a hand on their head
is the hope of Whumpee alone
And Caretaker can hardly wait for Whumpee to come home
🎵It's beginning to look a lot like Whumpmas 🎵
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firapolemos05 · 11 months
Whumpmas in July
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Day 4: Character you wished to see whumped.
Oh boy.
Let me tell you.
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This glorious bastard (affectionate).
If there's one thing y'all should know about me, it's that Gajeel Redfox is my #1 best blorbo. I got into Fairy Tail almost a decade ago and this motherfucker quickly became my favorite. A snarky punk dragon man who learns, despite his protests, that he does, in fact, have soft side.
Naturally, as a lover of whump, it's inevitable that I gravitate towards scenes of my favorite characters getting hurt.
Let me be clear,
There is not a single day that goes by without me thinking up scenarios of Gajeel whump.
Not a single fucking day.
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whumpwillow · 11 months
Whumpmas in July #5
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What character do you wish to see whumped?
borrowing a piece from @whumpsday's post again: so what kind of character do i want to see whumped more? WHUMPERS. whumper-turned-whumpee is one of my favorite tropes of all time, and i will never get tired of it, ever. whump the whumpers in canon, whump 'em in an AU, i want to see them vulnerable!!!
as for specific characters...
Cerus. always Cerus. lowkey wanna write "fanfiction" where he gets whumped more just because I love him so much (Cerus is by @whumpflash / @befuddled-calico-whump )
Vincent! he's like a sad little wet paper bag. he's so pathetic. i love him dearly (Vincent is by @whumpcloud )
literally any character by @sadcatjae but especially Nix and Mercy
Logan. Totally forgot he existed until I was reminded that he was the discount draco malfoy that attacked Melchior in Riot Kings (Logan is by @befuddled-calico-whump )
Royce. Not a character from tumblr but from an actual book and i just. want to see him whumped he is so. something else. (Royce is by Michael J. Sullivan)
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Happy Whumpmas (•∇•。) 🎅🎄🎁🦌 🍪 🥛!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: who’s your favorite whumpee right now and what do you want to be done to them?
Happy Whumpmas! 🎉
Favorite whumpee right now, hmmm, that's a tough one...I don't know if I have a current favorite, although the one who's on my mind right now is Faramir from the LOTR trilogy. I rewatched it recently and that scene where he's wounded and feverish, semiconscious and nearly gets burned alive, that's always a 👀 moment for me haha. I wish we’d gotten to see more of his recovery!
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Day 26 of @/whumpmasinjuly
-> Prompt: "What's a memorable moment that gave you whumperflies"
I remember when I was really really young, the person-who-shall-not-be-named that introduced me to fandom and such and we would roleplay and they would write fanfic and would read it to me (again I was extremely young) but I remember one memory that they pretty much said "they loved their characters, but had to hurt them first to love them later"... But there was always tons of whump when we roleplayed and that was my first exposure to it pretty much...
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whumpsday · 11 months
Petrichor #1
Writing Masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, buried alive, begging, rescue, asphyxiation, religious whump, death wish, starvation, claustrophobia, sensory deprivation, touch starvation, comfort, harming self for vampire feeding purposes, possible historical inaccuracies
Whumpmas in July Day 15: Buried Two Weeks of Whump Day 14: Coffin
this is vampire whump, but it does NOT take place in the K&J universe! i wanted to play around with some vampire mythology that i chose not to incorporate into K&J lore.
thank you to @lost-in-labradorite-halls for beta-reading and helping my clueless jewish ass with the christian bits and generally inspiring this piece via the wonderful vampire torture you regularly concoct!!
also have a song:
Petrichor's endless, airless torment was punctuated once again by the sound of a shovel entering the earth.
It was worth noting strictly because anything was worth noting down here. The digging wasn't out of the ordinary: it was a cemetery, of course.
This time, it sounded close. Every time it sounded near, Petrichor dared let himself hope it might reach him, though he knew such a thing was absolutely ridiculous. People dug graves to bury bodies, not exhume them.
It was utterly maddening. Someone was so close, another soul- a soul, rather, given he did not possess one any longer- and he was unable to make even the slightest peep to alert them to his distress, all oxygen having vacated his tiny box what must have been decades ago, if not centuries. At least he didn't require air anymore.
A tear rolled down his cheek at the thought, his body unable to conjure up more than that. He could not even raise an arm to tap on the wood of the coffin, the weakness having deprived him so effectively. Petrichor listened to the digging longingly, laid still and silent in his grave, the corpse he was.
I'm here. I'm still here, after all this time. Please, it can't be like this forever. I care not whether I'm rescued or slain, but please, someone put an end to it. Dear Lord, I know I'm not one of Your creatures any longer, but please help me.
As if answering his prayer, the digging slowly grew closer as the hours passed. It was odd: usually there would be a bustle of people around, and only one grave would be dug. But he could hear nothing but the digging, and it almost sounded like multiple graves. Perhaps some tragedy had befallen the family owning the plot next to his.
It was disappointing, in a way. The voices, though he could hardly make them out from under the earth, were the only human connection he had left in his horrible fate. Sometimes, he could even make out bits and pieces of the priest's sermon, which never failed to make him cry. He could not even utter a prayer aloud in his wretched state, if the Lord would even have him as he now was. And clearly, He wouldn't.
Petrichor's melancholy thoughts were swiftly interrupted when the sound of digging grew yet closer. Much closer.
As if it were right above him.
Oh dear Lord, please. This could finally be it, couldn't it? If his grave were to be exhumed, for some odd reason?
The shovel knocked against wood. Petrichor could feel it reverberate through the coffin, the first physical sensation interrupting the suffocating stillness in longer than he could know.
He wanted to weep for joy. It was finally happening, it was over. His prayers had finally been answered!
Someone opened the coffin, trading the wooden finish he'd stared at for so long for a starry sky.
Petrichor gasped for breath, his first in what may as well have been lifetimes, smelling of freshly-turned earth. It was nearly impossible to move, his muscles stiff and dry, but he was able to breathe through his nose, and open his mouth just a small amount. It was more than enough: he had air, his lungs no longer drowning.
"Holy fucking shit!" His rescuer tried to jump back, but they were inside his grave with him, and space was sparse.
It was difficult to move his eyes, but he managed it, fixing them on the first person he'd seen since his funeral. They looked young, around his age when he'd been buried or perhaps younger, dressed in an androgynous black cloak. Their clothes and face all ranged from speckled with dirt to absolutely caked in it.
Petrichor stared at them with wild, desperate eyes, and with fresh air in his lungs, made what little sound he could manage: a strangled, pleading cry.
"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god." His rescuer continued to take the Lord's name in vain and spew profanities, but Petrichor couldn't bring himself much to care. All that mattered was getting out of his coffin, the end of his suffering. But he was unable to move.
His rescuer seemed to recognize this as well, their string of expletives tapering off as they tilted their head, staring back.
They glanced up at his gravestone. "Here lies Petrichor Adams," they read out. "1797 to 1820."
They looked back down at him, squinting. "What the hell are you?"
Petrichor whined again, a tear making its way down his face once more.
His rescuer leaned in, their initial shock having given way to a surprising lack of fear. They knelt beside him, peering at his face. "You sure got some chompers in there, huh? What, like...?" They looked out over the edge of the hole, like someone would come out and announce it was all a trick, but no one did.
Petrichor could do nothing but stare pleadingly.
His rescuer tapped him on the cheek. The first touch he'd felt in forever, it almost tingled. They tilted his head to the side, exposing the scars he supposed must still mark his neck: the fangs that had condemned him to this fate.
"You supposed to be a vampire or something?" they asked, incredulous. Having picked up that he could not reply, they continued on. "Well, fuck. What, you need blood or something, is that it? Oh, no no no. I've seen the movies, I've played the video games, alright? I am not fucking with this." They produced a small rectangular object from their pocket, angling it at him in various positions and tapping it oddly before replacing it in their cloak.
The soaring hope in Petrichor's long-dead heart crashed against the rocks. He could not understand some of what the digger said, but the sentiment was clear: he would receive no help.
He would remain locked in his prison.
Petrichor's chest quaked with dry sobs. He trained his eyes upward, thankful that his wretched body could not produce tears very quickly, as his vision remained unblurred when he took in the stars. The sight of something beautiful, one last time.
The digger sighed, glancing at his headstone once more.
"Well. It does say you were beloved," they remarked. "Beloved son. They wouldn't've put that there if you were some bloodsuckin' serial killer, huh?"
Petrichor made no further attempt to look away from the stars, but allowed himself to hope again. Perhaps he would be allowed out, if the digger would take pity on him.
His rescuer shook their head. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
They produced a small blade, rolled up their sleeve, and sliced themself across the back of the arm. They positioned the wound just above his mouth, allowing their blood to drain across his tongue.
Petrichor had never tasted blood before- not posthumously, that was. He had been buried shortly after his death, without time to fall prey to his new, monstrous nature. It was nothing like blood had been as a human: the coppery taste when he'd split his lip roughhousing as a child. This, this was everything. It was the sweetest honey, it was the finest glass of red wine, it was the flavorful broth of his mother's pot roast, it was life itself flowing into his veins.
Slowly, the muscles in his body lost their stiffness, and he could move once more. He raised his head up toward the source of the lifeblood, but his savior placed their boot firmly on his chest, keeping him pinned to the floor of his coffin.
"Think that's enough for now. Don't wanna get woozy." They tore a piece of cloth from their cloak, wrapping the wound. "Cat still got your tongue, buddy?"
"P-please," Petrichor rasped, his voice weak from disuse, "Kind... sir? I cannot go on like this. Whatever fate you'd bestow upon me, I care not, so long as I'm not forced to remain inside this box. I am a vampire, it's true, but I had never consumed even a drop of blood before tonight. I mean no harm. Please allow me to leave this coffin." His voice broke, his words coming out squeaky. "I was human once, too."
Desperate begging. He'd never thought his life would come to this, but he supposed it never had. His life had ended long ago.
The boot was removed from his chest.
"Alright, Petrichor Adams, take it easy," his rescuer said. "I'm not gonna leave you down here no matter what you are. That'd be crazy fucked up." They extended a hand. "Robin."
Petrichor took their hand, his own shaking. "Thank you so very, very much. You've saved me from an unbearable fate."
Robin pulled him up to standing, his bones creaking with the unfamiliarity of movement. "Huh. It's almost like you time traveled or something. Says you died when you were 23, that's like, practically my age. Guess the 200 years in between don't really count."
Petrichor wasn't sure what came over him, but he burst into tears instantly. His body had no trouble with it now, two centuries' worth of crying flowing forth all at once as he bawled.
"They count!" he wept. "I was down there, I- I was down there the entire time! I did not sleep!"
"Alright!" Robin agreed with haste. "Okay, grandpa, you're 226 then, whatever's good. Jeez, c'mon, you don't gotta cry. It's gonna be okay."
They rubbed their thumb over his hand, and he gasped from the sensation. After so long, every touch felt one thousand times stronger than it was.
Petrichor attempted to pull himself together. "Yes, yes of- of course."
"And listen, you gotta be quieter. We're reeeeally not supposed to be out here right now." Robin hopped up, pulling Petrichor up with them.
A knapsack laid at the foot of his grave, varied pieces of jewelry and a few golden teeth visible from the top.
His rescuer was a graverobber and a thief. But Petrichor knew his situation was desperate, and chose to say nothing. He was no better, given what he was now.
Robin noticed the direction of his gaze nonetheless, offering him a mischievous smirk. "Yeah, Graverobbin' Robin, that's what they call me. And by they I mean me, 'cause no one knows I do this." They began shoveling dirt back into his grave. "Good thing I do, though. Never thought I'd save a vampire on my side hustle, but life throws you curveballs, I guess. You know baseball?"
"I do not, I'm afraid," Petrichor replied, watching mesmerized as his coffin became entombed once more.
"Bro, how are you gonna die in Boston and not know baseball? I gotta take you to a game sometime. Literally first order of business, now that I've got money for tix!"
None of it felt real. He was finally out, but two hundred years had passed. Everyone he'd ever known and loved was long-dead.
He turned, looking to his family plot, but his eyes instantly caught a horrible burning sensation. A headstone in the shape of a cross.
Petrichor averted his gaze. Of course: he'd almost forgotten. He was no longer one of The Lord's creatures.
Robin finished, slung their pack over their shoulder, and motioned him to follow. "You can crash at my apartment while you figure your shit out. I'll grab you some more blood from the butcher's once the T starts running. That's like the subway. Uh, I mean- never mind, not important. Hope pig's blood's enough for you, 'cause I can't do that every day."
At the very least, he had Robin.
"That sounds lovely."
this was originally gonna be a one-shot but i think i might write more? oh god, am i really starting another vampire series? THIS ONE WILL BE SHORTER. A MINISERIES.
if you liked this but want something a more hurt/no-comfort flavored i recommend Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night!!
tune in on tuesday for some kane & jim!
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everything taglist:
one-shots taglist (this is only gonna have 3-4 chapters max so im lumping it in with the one-shots):
event: @whumpmasinjuly @promptsforyourwhumpfic
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whumpmasinjuly · 2 years
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Now introducing the prompt list for Whumpmas in July 2022! And two weeks before July even starts, no less! Shout out to @herkatively for designing the graphics this year! 
The prompts are divided into three categories: questions, prompts, and community activities. Everyone is free to participate as much or as little as they want–there’s no completionist requirement! This list provides a preview of the prompts, but on each day a more detailed post will be released with more context and additional suggestions for each day’s task. Similar to previous years, all prompts and other important information will be found under the #infowhumpmasinjuly tag for ease of access.
Below the cut is a text list of this year’s prompts: 
(Re)introduce yourself
What’s your first memory of whumperflies?
Share a TV show, movie, story, or any media that gives you the whumperflies
Who is your favorite whumpee?
“Hold on.”
Brag about a creator or piece of whump you think is underrated
How did you find the whumpblr community?
Check out some whump outside of your preferred genre
What are your favorite flavors of whump?
Share a sneak peek of something you’re working on
What are your favorite whump character dynamics?
Read and comment on a piece you’ve never read before
What trope do you adore that you wish there was more love for?
“Make me.”
Check out a new whump blog and drop them an ask
Do you identify with any particular roles in whump?
Share a link to your all-time favorite whump work
What are some of your favorite niche whump tags?
Create a whump meme
What’s a memorable moment that gave you whumperflies?
Send people asks about their OCs or favorite fandoms
What do you love about the whump community?
Free choice prompt!
Who is someone who has made your time on whumpblr special?
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mj-iza-writer · 5 months
Happy Whumpmas (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*🎅⛄❄️!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: Where do you get inspiration for whumpy posts or thoughts? Is there something that never fails to get you into a whumpy mood?
Most of my inspiration comes from my Maladaptive Daydreaming disorder. Things that happen in real life that I see or feel inspire my stories. Also things my Caretaker or Carewhumper do are inspired by things I wish could experience.
There isn't really anything that gets me in a whump mood. I'm constantly thinking of stories and characters. Again this comes from Maladaptive Daydreaming for the most part.
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