#why ADHDers may be so quiet
my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
If You Have ADHD Why Are You So Quiet?
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I forget what I’m going to say (even while I’m saying it)
I speak very quickly (I get embarrassed, misheard, and often told to “just slow down”
I forget words, names, and sentence structure
I’m exhausted
I’m concentrating on listening and processing
I don’t want to interrupt (when/how am I meant to join in)
I have thousands of thoughts occupying my brain
I’m concentrating on my body language (whilst tying to read yours)
I struggle to speak about things I have no experience or interest in
I’m afraid of rejection (RSD)
I CAN Network Ltd
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wigglebox · 1 year
sorry i’ve been kinda MIA
ADHDers may understand this but you know when you get the run up to your period and you just Feel Different TM? Bc estrogen blahblahblah or whatever?
it made me want to learn shuttle tatting randomly [lace making] which i learned and then almost immediately after i learned the basics i didn’t wanna do it anymore [stimulation was done] and then it put me into a short creative hiatus where i didn’t want to draw, write, crochet, lace-make, embroider, literally anything, for the last week. 
but my period has come, i’m slowly starting to work myself out of this. i’ve been maing BEADED CURTAINS for my apartment with leftover beads i’ve had for like a decade at this point. i’ll take pictures later. 
but i’m almost done with that. 
i like to equate the ADHD cycle of crafting and creativity as a merry-go-round in my head and sometimes whichever seat is raised is whatever hyperfixation i got. 
the writing and the drawing ‘horses’ or seats are the ones that are permentantly there like, all the time but if one is raised, the other one can’t be, so essentially i can’t write and draw at the same time bc it takes too much energy. but i can write and crochet or draw and crochet or do other crafts just fine lol
but sometimes, in general, the adhd creativity merry-go-round needs to take a break, recharge, get polished up and all that, before going for another ride
soooo that’s why i’ve been a little quiet on my end! but i’ll show the beaded curtains once i’m done <3 
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fqirycollective · 1 year
Autism vs ADHD: A Collab
It's commonly known that Autism and ADHD are frequently comorbid with one another. There are many overlapping symptoms. However, there are some that deny these symptoms can exist in the other disorder because it's not in the diagnostic criteria. This doesn't mean the person can't experience them, nor does it mean they have the other disorder. (Think how systems have been known to have psychosis, but not all systems have another disorder known to cause them.) This led to me feeling invalidated because I have thouroughly considered being autistic but I don't meet the criteria, but still had the symptoms often considered "autistic-only" as a diagnosed ADHDer. I brought this up with Alex (@theaxolotlcollective) and we realized we both experience the same symptoms, but for different reasons. That led to this collab of how symptoms present in both disorders present differently based on experiences!
These stand for "rejection sensitivity" and "rejection sensitivity dysphoria." RSD is only found in ADHD due to the differences I'm about to describe and how the person who coined it intending it for ADHD, but many other disorders may experience rejection sensitivity. ("RSD appears to be the one emotional condition found *only* with ADHD." - Dr. Dodson, chadd.org.) When my RSD is triggered, there's not always something that triggers it. In autism and other disorders, there's typically an external trigger. For me, it can be external but also no trigger at all. An external example is my old choir teacher telling me to sing notes that were too low to be comfortable in my range because I could hit them in general. This triggered my RSD. Something with no trigger would be when I saw a bug on the floor. I automatically broke down because of RSD, and there was nothing that caused it. This is a big difference in the way both RSD and ADHD are different from other disorders.
Stimming and Fidgiting
Stimming is a repetitive moment that's often done to help regulate and soothe emotions. I stim when overwhelmed to help do so, but I also stim as a fidgit. By this, I mean I put my hyperactve and fidgiting energy into stimming. Whenever I can't use the preferred way of fidgiting, I get more distressed and I couldn't figure out why until I realized it's also a stim that I use to regulate my emotions. I do it when bored, as well as when trying to remain focused (and it helps). For me, they're combined and often difficult to distinguish from one another.
Difficulty Focusing
I often have difficulty focusing. I can't focus when there are too many people talking because there's too much going on, but I also can't when it's quiet. I tend to have to multitask to focus, which many people don't understand. I also have struggle focusing with executive dysfunction, since I can't focus on a task that executive dysfunction is keeping me from doing because I'm still trying to focus on the previous task. I also have the opposite, where I hyperfocus. This often occurs when I have adrenaline rushes, and I struggle to focus on anything else and even forget basic life necessities. A common occurance for me is with school work, and I don't remember the important life things until it's done.
Social Troubles
I struggle socially, but not in the way the diagnostic criteria for autism describes. I struggle to keep focus on a conversation, to "stay in line" and wait my turn, not interupt people. I also connect things randomly, which make sense to me through quick connections my brain makes but not to others. My body also often moves faster than brain and I do things without thinking. This led to a lot of people labeling me as "the smart dumb kid" because I get good grades, but appear without common sense. Another struggle I have socially is with the "out of sight, out of mind" thing. I don't think of things without being prompted, which often frustrates other people. An example of this is my mom asking me why I didn't know what I want for dinner. I told her I didn't think about it so she said "Well you need to eat, don't you?" It was difficult to explain that it wasn't dinnertime and I wasn't hungry, so it didn't occur to me to think about it. It's also important to mention that there was a study that found 80% of children with ADHD are part of the "rejected" group and so it makes sense for us to struggle socially.
Sensory Issues
I have a lot of comorbid disorders that impact my senses, so this will be a combination because it's hard to differentiate what causes the issue. Hearing wise, ADHD makes me pay more attention to all sounds around me. This also combines with PTSD and anxiety, and combines with my tinnitus symptoms from VSS. I struggle with most lighting conditions because of VSS and migraines. Touch-wise, my attention is often diverted to things like clothing tags and feels. I'm also hypersensitive to touch and it has to be certain fabric or I can't wear it. There's also a weird thing I do, where I can't smell much but when I do smell stronger smells, I also taste it. It's fine with food, but is a huge struggle with things like cleaners. I don't know why this is, but I know people have thought I was weird for it.
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feyti-odinsdottir · 3 years
Zack Addy + Autism
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Okay so I know I've been posting a lot about Bones, but its my new hyperfocus show and I am not sorry. Today it is once again my favorite smol bean Zack Addy. As I (an ADHDer) rewatched some of my favorite episodes, I noticed some interesting things about Zack. Then I started researching some of the symptoms of autism, and I just:
• May have a few close friends, not many acquaintances
• May see the world literally and in black and white
• May struggle to process visual or auditory information
• May get more or less upset about something than is "appropriate"
• May be involved in very specific hobbies or interests
• May struggle to adjust when plans change without warning
• May take jokes very literally and not understand teasing
• May miss sarcasm or subtleties when others are speaking
• May not understand why blunt honesty is seen as rude
• May possess inability to understand nonverbal communication
• May be able to focus intensely on small details
• May frequently infodump
• May miss "obvious" facts that nobody else does
Now I don't know about you
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But doesn't this seem
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An awful lot
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Like a certain grad student
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That we know?
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I mean, it honestly makes a lot of sense. Very intelligent, very specific interests, unable to understand sarcasm, bluntly honest, detail oriented, takes things extremely literally, poor social skills. My headcanon is that Zack Addy has a mild case of undiagnosed autism. Canonically he comes from a large family in Michigan, three brothers and four sisters. My experience as part of a large family leads my best bet to be placed on Zack being a middle child, maybe number 4 or 5 in the lineup. He probably struggled with autism for years, but quiet middle children usually get less attention than the others, and his symptoms were probably written off as him being "nerdy" or "awkward," and he himself probably didn't even think to consider that maybe there was something more going on. Now I'm thinking about all the times that all Zack wanted was to just be normal like everybody else, and I just really want to get him out of the loony bin and give him a big hug.
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elyvorg · 3 years
Still a Hero - author’s commentary (part ADHD)
Yep, it’s that fic of mine again, the one I still haven’t stopped thinking about even though I published it like half a year ago now. I’m finally getting around to doing a little bit more author’s commentary on it that I didn’t do back then, because these bits involve the idea that Kaito has ADHD, and at the time I hadn’t yet made my post explaining all the reasons why I’m sure of that and all the symptoms of ADHD that Kaito is definitely affected by. For the purposes of this post here, I’m going to assume you’ve read that. Heck, even if you’re not interested in my fic, if you enjoy my analyses of Kaito, please go read that post if you haven’t already! It’d mean a lot to me.
My headcanon of ADHD-Kaito in DRV3 itself may or may not have been something the writers actually meant to drop a million hints towards and therefore may or may not be the official canon “truth” about him. But, since I’m the writer of Kaito in this particular fic, and I did have it consciously in mind that he’s ADHD while writing it, Kaito being (unknowingly) ADHD is officially canon in the Still a Hero universe, because I say so.
(And yeah, I doubt anyone even noticed this. Imagining that he’s ADHD doesn’t change anything about who Kaito is; it only adds an extra interesting layer to why he is this way. All I did was use that to help inform the ways I wrote him reacting to some of the things he went through in the fic.)
Chapter 2 – emotional dysregulation
The second and significantly worse half of Kaito’s self-torturing session, once he snaps and gets uncontrollably, painfully angry, was something I deliberately wrote as being some very nasty emotional dysregulation.
For the first half of this ordeal, when he’s thinking about breaking out on behalf of the kids to prove it’s possible after all, Kaito’s still basically in control of himself. He’s being stubborn and short-sighted and self-destructive and definitely making the wrong choice, but it’s still him making a choice and consciously deciding of his own volition that this is a good idea, that this pain will be worth the end result that he can totally reach.
This stops being the case after long enough, though – and it’s no coincidence that it happens right when it begins to sink in for Kaito on a deep, visceral level just how horribly helpless he is.
At that point, Kaito pretty much just snaps and loses control entirely, getting overwhelmed by a disproportionately-amplified rage that’s really just a defence mechanism for those other feelings that he simply can’t cope with. He drops any sense of the vaguely-rational mindset he had at the beginning that this is going to take a while and only gradually chip away at the frame’s integrity each time, and devolves into a completely irrational THIS NEXT SINGLE HIT WILL DEFINITELY BREAK IT. Which, of course, is incredibly counterproductive in that it only serves to make him feel even more weak and helpless furious when it repeatedly doesn’t.
Thankfully I don’t get the fly-into-a-rage kind of ADHD emotional dysregulation that often – but this also means that I can look at the very specific edge cases that do happen to trigger it for me and figure out that the root cause is almost certainly a completely immovable sense of helplessness. I’m not saying this is necessarily the case for every ADHDer who suffers from anger issues, but man does that make for some delightfully convenient personal experience for me to have drawn on when writing this particular scene.
I can also confirm from this experience that what sucks way more than the actual initial problem that the anger is triggered by (which doesn’t even have to be that big of a deal! ADHD loves to amplify stupid tiny things!) is the anger itself once it takes hold, how completely all-encompassing and uncontrollable it is. Nobody should ever want to feel that way. It’s different when you have a cause to be righteously angry about, like Kaito did at the beginning of this scene, but what I’m talking about doesn’t feel anything like that – it just feels ugly and painful and wrong.
Mind you, when this anger first takes control of him, Kaito does also choose to indulge in it rather than fight it, because he’s still stubbornly insisting to himself that any kind of pain is better than giving up. (Meanwhile, in other situations where Kaito’s gripped by this kind of too-strong anger, such as when he might end up hurting someone he cares about (oh hi trial 4), he’d probably be trying to fight it to some extent… but even when he does that, it doesn’t seem like it’s very successful.)
But even then, there’s some small, smothered, barely-acknowledged part of Kaito that really doesn’t want this at all. That part of him begins to feel more trapped by his own anger than by the contraption itself, hating the way he refuses to let up on hurting himself both physically and emotionally and really wishing he could control himself and just stop.
The problem is that the only real way to try and quell this kind of anger is to confront the true (and equally-amplified) painful emotions that the anger is just a cover for. Which in this case would, in theory, result in Kaito breaking down in a huge crying fit over how utterly trapped and helpless he feels. Yeah, no way he's doing that at this point in his arc, so furious self-destruction it is!
Chapter 4 – uncontrollable thoughts
Multiple times throughout the fic, but especially in chapter 4 when he’s attempting to sleep, Kaito tries to just think about nothing at all. He never truly manages it, because ADHD minds cannot ever think about nothing.
(…You know, even as I say that, there’s still a part of my brain going “but isn’t it actually because it’s not possible for anyone to think about nothing?”, despite that I’ve heard that actually that’s a perfectly reasonable thing for neurotypical people to be able to do. Sounds fake, but okay. My brain has never shut up even once in my life.)
The other problem here is the ADHD inability to properly control what we’re focusing on and thinking about. I’ve found that this gets even worse when I’m tired, dulling what little control I ever had in the first place. Instead of thinking about nothing, I just end up thinking about whatever random crap happens to be in the path of least resistance for my train of thought. This can be… not great when it comes to avoiding bad thoughts that it’s easy to spiral into focusing on when left unchecked.
I had this idea in mind a lot for this chapter as Kaito attempts to sleep. Usually, he’d be firmly trying to think about anything but what’s happening to him right now and how he’s feeling about it. When he’s this horribly exhausted, though, he has so much less control over that. So he keeps getting unwillingly bombarded by thoughts about the most immediate physical sensations he’s feeling – hungry, thirsty, hurting – and how much he wishes they’d just go away, even though that’s the last thing he wants to think about.
The whole “someone who thinks he’s strong” thing was meant to be this kind of idea, too. When Takehira says that to him at the beginning, it lodges somewhere deep in Kaito’s mind, because he subconsciously already feels like it’s the truth about him and is terrified of what it’d mean if it was. So naturally, on the surface, he stubbornly files it away as Not Worth Wasting Time Thinking About. But then it keeps popping into his head anyway, usually in moments where his mental defences are weakened, because an ADHD brain does not care what its owner doesn’t want to be thinking about and will nudge their train of thought down those paths whether they like it or not.
(Okay, so maybe all of this isn’t quite so specifically being caused by Kaito having ADHD. Probably anyone who’d been through what Kaito had would have lost a lot of their ability to control what they’re focusing on and thinking about by this point. …Unless the neurotypical equivalent here really would be to just naturally stop thinking about anything out of exhaustion, despite not being able to actually sleep? I wouldn’t know. But my point is that I had ADHD-related ideas in my mind to help me write this, either way.)
Chapter 6 – rejection sensitivity dysphoria
Kaito’s huge sobbing fit over believing he’s failing Shuichi and Maki was something I had very consciously in mind as the absolute worst kind of RSD-fuelled breakdown imaginable.
It might have seemed a bit excessive of me to have Kaito’s emotional pain completely eclipse the actual physical torture for so long – and he was sobbing uncontrollably for something like half an hour, maybe more, before it wore itself out – but, no, can confirm, RSD really is just that fucking awful. Imagine the already-very-legitimate pain of being convinced that his best friends are going to die because of him, but disproportionately multiplied by like a thousand. Next to that, the excruciating torture-poison is nothing.
(Well, maybe this would have made sense anyway, because the fact that the thought of getting his friends killed hurts even more than the torture is precisely why Kaito was obviously never going to break! But that wasn’t actually the main thing on my mind when I wrote it that way; I just realised that it fit that after the fact.)
I also drew off my own experiences of some of my worst RSD episodes (which were still not nearly as bad as what Kaito went through here, and which thankfully I haven’t had that many of) to help me write Kaito’s physical reactions to this kind of emotional agony. I hope I did a good job of getting across what it physically feels like to be crying that horrendously, uncontrollably hard – not just quiet sobbing, but straight-up loud, ugly, inconsolable bawling. In a way, writing it felt almost like yet another kind of torture I was putting him through.
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Director’s Cut Chapter 18: A Long Overdue Talk
Director’s cut chapter 16
Virgil woke the next morning curled around Elliott, who was trying to get out of bed. Virgil gave a soft groan before untangling their tails and rolling over. “Five more minutes.”
Elliott laughed. “Looks like someone got used to sleeping in.”
Virgil sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and floating slightly before sinking back down into the natural bed. “What time is it?”
“Just past nine.” ADHDers have a delayed circadian rhythm that makes them sleep from midnight to 10 am.
Virgil nodded, and moved to grab a fresh covering from the closet. He opened his jewelry box for the first time in a few moons and decided to go all out. He was home, he was royalty, and he wanted to show it. Before he slid the first armband on, his eyes caught on the bracelet Roman had given him. His smile was tinged with sadness at the edges but he kept it on, brushing his thumb over it. “Thank you.” He whispered.
“What was that?” Elliott asked as they turned back around.
Virgil shrugged. “Nothing. Nothing, let’s get to breakfast.”
They headed down to the dining room and took their places. Virgil’s mother commented on him being gone longer than normal but the family was used to him disappearing for moons at a time so no one made too big of a deal out of it. He tends to wander off a lot and has time blindness.
Toby and Ember were talking about Ember’s crush and how she thought a Necklace was in her future. Nate and Jasper were discussing plans for the crops. Andy, as usual, was just sitting off to the side. Virgil bumped their shoulders together as he sat. “How are you doing?”
Andy just leaned his head on Virgil’s shoulder. “I should be asking you that.”
Virgil chuckled. “I’ll be fine. How have you been holding up?”
Andy closed his eyes, looking exhausted. Virgil knew his twin like his own mind and there was something they needed to talk about. “I’ve been taking it one day at a time, Virgie. Don’t worry about me.”
Virgil laughed. “It’s my job to worry about you, silly.” He squeezed his twin’s hand as they began the meal. “We’ll talk about that later, okay?”
After the meal, Andy said he was going to be in his room so Virgil went to the garden to try to sketch out the Necklace design. He picked up the slate and writing utensils, bemoaning the loss of paper and pencil. Just as he was getting somewhere with the drawing, a knock sounded at the arch. ADHD comes with high creativity due to hyperfocus.
He looked up, hair floating in the midmorning current. “Yes?”
One of the royal guards was there, looking slightly annoyed. “Someone found a royal-finned out by the edge of town. He says he wants to talk to you.”
Virgil nodded, putting his drawings and thoughts aside. “Send him in, won’t you?” He tried to put on the princely mask he’d always worn for affairs of state like this but he found that it was eerily similar to the polite mask he’d worn at the party. An event he would rather not think of at the moment.
He had no idea who he was expecting to see but it certainly wasn’t the very person, the very human, he was trying to forget. Logan swam in, his hair a mess the current had used as a toy, his shirt rumpled and barely coming far enough down, and his legs in the form of an indigo tail that, despite Virgil’s best efforts, his brain categorized as complementary to his own and a color that looked very nice on the human prince. Logan smiled at him, his hand coming up for a tentative wave. It was the meekest Virgil had ever seen him and, despite all that had happened in the past day, it hurt.
Part of him was elated to see him again, to know that he was here with him instead of with the-. He couldn’t bear to finish that sentence. Instead, he waved the guard away and rose to stand. “What are you doing here? Better question, how did you get here?”
Logan didn’t respond, his eyes scanning Virgil. The mer crossed his arms, acutely aware of just how many bands he had and how few rings. When Logan’s eyes met his again, the human took a deep breath with a wince, clearly not used to breathing water.
“It started at the cliff. I talked with the . . . entity that you gave the stone to. They gave me a tail for three days and I set off to find you. So, I swam for what must have been three hours before time and exhaustion caught up with me and I fell asleep. I woke to a . . .” His voice trailed off as he searched for the right word before eventually just gesturing to Virgil’s tail.
“Mer. We’re called ‘mer’.” Virgil supplied in a tone that conveyed more anger than the hurt he truly felt at seeing Logan here.
“Right, a mer. She asked me which blessing I came from and where my contingent was, claiming she’d never seen me in town before. I have no idea what she meant by blessing so I just asked for you and they brought me here.”
Virgil held up a hand. “What name did you ask for specifically?”
“Virgil. I asked to see a Virgil. I described the purple tail and the side fins,” he gestured to the ones that lined his own sides, “and they brought me here.”
Virgil nodded. “And why are you here?”
Logan frowned, awkwardly moving forward until he was as close as Virgil normally allowed. “Why wouldn’t I be here?” His tone made him sound as if he had no idea what he’d done wrong.
Virgil scoffed, throwing his arms wide. “Maybe because you played with my feelings for a few moons before asking to kiss someone else?”
Logan huffed out a breath, turning to the side slightly before turning back. “How about the lying? How about the consorting with that entity, leading me on all summer, the fake amnesia? How much of that was the truth?” He paused, hurt in his eyes. “Do you even truly care for me?”
That made Virgil snap, his heart shattering. “Out of all the questions to ask!” He had to take a second to run a hand down his face, batting at his floating hair. “Do you even know what I’ve been through in the past day, let alone the past four moons?” He paused for breath, sending a glare toward Logan when the human opened his mouth to speak. “I’ve been captured by pirates who wanted to sell me for profit, made a deal for my life with Remy, faked amnesia just to get that trinket of a necklace, fallen in love with a human and I might as well have betrayed my entire blessing in the process!” Only at the end did Virgil realize he’d been raising his volume the whole time and was now shouting at someone he’d once thought he’d never hurt. Emotions too big for the event that caused them.
Logan opened his mouth to give a rebuttal but paused. “Fallen in love? How would you be betraying your entire blessing by doing so?” His voice was softer and at a lower volume.
Virgil shook his head, feeling the headache that comes with tears. His voice was shaky but he managed. “No. You don’t get to hear all of my secrets and pain while I know you’re in love with someone else.” Easily emotional and still dealing with the vestiges of RSD.
“But I’m not!” Logan ran a hand through his hair uselessly. “I thought he was you!” This was quiet, barely drifting to him.
It was Virgil’s turn to pause, hand reaching to rub his aching eyes. “What?”
“It’s a story that most people would question the sanity of but suffice it to say that the person you saw, or think you saw, was a shapeshifter using your likeness.”
The space was silent for a time before Virgil sniffled. “Does that mean . . .?”
Logan nodded, coming just shy of Virgil’s personal space. “I had wanted to ask if I could kiss you before I professed undying love.”
Virgil smiled, feeling heat rise in his cheeks. “Is it too late to accept the kiss?”
Logan shook his head as his hands came up to cradle Virgil’s cheeks. Virgil’s head dipped down and their lips connected. In that moment, Virgil could have sworn time had stopped. The kiss was sweet and short but it was also everything Virgil had dreamed it would be even before he’d known he wanted it.
“Now,” Logan said when they broke the kiss, “what was that about you betraying your blessing? And, what is a blessing?”
Virgil settled back down in his seat on the sea moss, turning the slate over and hiding the picture that now served a new purpose. “A blessing is a group of mer.” He waited as Logan settled by his side, tails intertwining. “The reason I might have betrayed my blessing by falling for you is that I was willing to give up my life here and live with you on the land. Typically, once a mer chooses to leave their blessing, they aren’t allowed back in.”
Logan took his hand and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of it. “I’m grateful that you are willing to do that.”
Virgil leaned into him, his free hand sliding through the water to hover over Logan’s cheek. The human leaned into his palm and Virgil could have melted. “May I kiss you?” Virgil’s voice was a whisper that was almost a purr.
Logan smiled and leaned in.
Director’s cut chapter 19
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jennsepticeye · 5 years
Hi, yes, let's talk about how ADHD stigmas and what they actually mean from an actual ADHD person.
Hi, I'm Jenn, I'm 18 and I was diagnosed when I was 14 and have been taking Methylphenidate to help me function like a normal human being for 4 years.
There's a whole alphabet of abbreviations in here, so have a key
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
SPD Sensory Processing Disorder
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
RSD Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria
ASMR Autonomous Sensory-Motor Response
ADHD and ADD effect everyone differently. Everyone. And it's really important to understand that because comments like "well you don't look ADHD" or "but you're so calm" can be really damaging to people struggling with it. It can be invalidating and trivializes how hard living with ADD really is.
Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria, or RSD, is relatively common among kids and adults with Attention Deficit Disorders. This is basically when someone perceives an interaction negatively even though it might not be. If internalized, it can cause major depression and can be misdiagnosed as rapid cycling bipolar disorder. If externalities, it can appear as an anger disorder. Kids and adults with RSD are ultra sensitive to rejection, more so than non ADHD people. So if someone you know has ADHD it is important to make them feel wanted and be aware that externalized reactions are not ones they really have control over.
ADHD is not a childhood disorder. My brother is nearly 30 and still struggling with symptoms. Some children do grow out of it, and most do not.
ADHD people are not lazy. We're not. Not inherently anyway. If you're someone without ADHD I imagine it's hard to comprehend the complete lack of motivation that comes with such a disorder. I want to have good grades, and I want to get my homework done, but I am so easily distracted that tasks which take a neurotypical person 20 minutes will take me upwards of an hour. My brain is a constant cycle of "I'll do it later." I have a hard time prioritizing what needs to be done vs what I want to do. I could do my homework but I would rather read or write.
There are some overlapping symptoms between ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). I struggle with one of those symptoms, sensory processing disorder. Basically what that means is sometimes I get sensory overloads due to environmental factors that can lead to anxiety like attacks. There are also some sounds, textures, sights, tastes, and smells that absolutely do not agree with me. Velvet lined clothes are an absolute no go because the feel of velvet on my skin is liable to cause a sensory attack, scrambled eggs are the same way, and those phone dog whistles. Be mindful of people with SPD around you, and what triggers them.
Typically when you think ADHD you picture a kid with no filter running around the room, a trouble maker who can't sit still. And when you think stim, you either think ASMR or the ASD kid who yells all the time. There are lots of different types of stims and it's important for these kids to stim because it helps them function. Verbal stims are called echolalia. Kids who stim this way often seem obnoxious or unintelligent. They usually repeat something often, a quote or just noises. This is generally the least socially acceptable stim. But these kids aren't dumb, or unintelligent. They repeat those phrases as a way to maintain focus. If this is a stim that distracts or disturbs you, then be kind about it. Offer the person a place to work where they won't distract others, but can stim as they please.
Another stim is oral stims. These people usually chew on things, be it fingernails, coat sleeves, pencils or gum. There are several types of stim "toys" for this purpose. Rubber necklaces that prevent tooth damage while limiting and self destructiveness, like fingernail biting. Baby teething rings are a favorite of mine because they hold up well.
Tactile stims are the ones most commonly labeled toys. I know that fidget spinners now have a bad rap, but they were originally designed for people with attention disorders to stim with. But There are also other toys such as Tangles, Fidget Cubes, Spinner Rings and maze bracelets. If these appear in say, your classroom, don't rush to confiscate them unless they are more of a distraction to the students that a beneficial tool.
Tactile stimmers may also make repetitive motions that seem abnormal for neurotypicals, almost like Tourette's in nature. For instance, I clap the sides of my feet together or rub or punch my collar bone. You should only try to stop this behavior if it's self-destructive, because this is a stim that is helping that person focus
Auditory stims. I know we've all seen that person who needs music to focus, or someone who prefers silence. It can be problematic for some ADHD kids who need music to focus because in my experience I am easily distracted into singing along with the lyrics. Video game music is often composed specifically to boost concentration and I've found that movie soundtracks are a good option as well. If you're a teacher, be mindful of these students' needs.
Now lets talk about why this works. One of the leading theories for ADHD (be mindful that I'm not a doctor) is what I call the Floating Focus theory. As humans evolved we couldn't focus 100% on just one task. If we were picking berries we had to have been mindful of our surrounding to be aware of threats. This lookout side focus is called the "floating focus." In ADHD people the floating focus is overactive, which makes us easily distractable. I once spent an entire hour playing with a sequined pillow because I got distracted from some AP reading. With these stims, our floating focus is occupied on something, so we can't get distracted be something else.
(Bonus fact about floating focus: it's part of the reason some ADHDers seem to have awesome hearing because their floating picks up on conversations in quiet environments. For instance, I could be reading with my door closed and hear one parent say to another "should I call Jenn down to take care of the chickens?" And then I'll get up and head down before they've caked me)
I wanted to put this after the stims because it's not quite the same. Deep Pressure stim is another type. Kids who stim like this may wear compression shirts or weighted clothes, or use a weighted lap pad. I sleep with a 15lb blanket. This is a sub category for tactile stimming, but sometimes a useful tool in bringing someone down from a sensory episode. For instance I sometimes have my sister lay down on top of me and wearing a chest binder is a happy coincidence. They also train service dogs to do the same thing.
ADHD peeps are not always tired. The disorder really fucks with a person's sleeping rhythm, so an ADHD person might have a really hard time sleeping at night because their thoughts are really loud, or because boredom has a wild effect on us. A person with ADHD may have no problem staying up all night but they will be paying for it the next day, which is why they seem lethargic and tired. My sleep schedule is something I'm still working on, but a weighted blanket is often a great tool. (Currently premade ones are super pricey but there are a lot of resources for making your own).
ADHD people aren't slobs. Messy behavior can often be attributed to what's called "visual background-noise." Some ADHD people are messy because they've stopped recognizing the mess, it's just background noise in their visual field. Related to this, ADHD people may seem to know where everything is in their mess, which is often the cause of a reluctance to clean. If they clean then everything will be moved from where it was and they won't know anymore. There is also the reluctance due to lack of motivation.
There seems to be an ongoing commentary that ADHD people can pay attention if they choose to, and this is often said right after someone has done something efficiently. ADHD people can't choose really what they pay attention to. If something is done super efficiently is is often caused by what's called "hyperfixation" or what has previously been called "special interests." These are areas where an ADHD person can focus on a task often better than a neurotypical person. This isn't always good, especially in a case where the itself hyperfixation is bad, is not the assigned task, or if the focus is so strong that a person like me forgets to eat or sleep. You read that right. I honest to god forget to eat. I'll lose track of time and when I check, I'll have been working from 700 to 1500 without stopping.
Meds aren't inherently bad. Like I said I've been taking the off brand equivalent of Ritalin. Methylphenidate. Side effects if ADHD meds include disrupted sleeping pattern, decreased appetite and I sometimes get headaches when they wear off. Last year I lost 10 lbs because of my meds. Meds like Ritalin or Adrerall can also be semi addictive as an ADHD person becomes dependent on their effects. However, if in the right dosage and paired with other non chemical methods, meds can do a lot of good. I am completely nonfunctional in a classroom environment without my meds. This is the case for a lot of people. If you demonize treatments like Aderall then people who need them are less likely to get the help they need. I said at the beginning that everyone is different, this means that the treatments are different for everyone. Do your research and listen to your physician. Don't rush do slander a med because it didn't work for you.
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maximuswolf · 3 years
Diagnosis at 25! via /r/ADHD
Diagnosis at 25!
TL;DR: long journey to diagnosis, feeling validated, grateful to have found this community
All my life I’ve had these assumptions that everyone else was spacey like me, forgetful like me, disorganized and behind like me. Entering high school I realized that is not the case. I share my struggles with my parents who tell me to work harder and just pay more attention. I felt invalidated but still pushed through.
Moving out, that regimented structure was suddenly gone and it’s all up to me to run a life that I’ve never run before. Work suffered, school suffered, and I stayed quiet for a few more years. Then some interesting conversations happened with my parents about my childhood that my teachers also told my parents that I was bored, that I wasn’t listening and would miss instructions. Red flag shot up for me then.
I felt so awkward even requesting an assessment because I was petrified of spending money to be told that this is normal and there’s nothing out of a typical range. Also that maybe I didn’t actually have it that bad because other people suck it up, cope and move forward just fine so what makes me special enough to get a label for it and a treatment. Relating to Reddit ADHD memes helped to solidify that maybe something worth checking out IS there.
Fast forward a month and the shiny diagnosis is here...ADHD predominantly inattentive, severe. >99th percentile for too many things and it stunned me that statistically I’m in the group of the most inattentive people to exist. Like holy shit no wonder why I was struggling to run my life. Work, school, therapy, social, plus actually feeding myself? Wow ADHDers are superhumans.
It’s weird to suddenly have something so vague and overwhelming to be put in a single label. Like everything has been explained and there’s so many answers in that one label that I’ve spent looking for all these years. To have that label feels validating, there’s a name to my experience and there’s concrete supports going forward. It’s something tangible coming from what was this hazy mess of symptoms.
I’m grateful to have found this community and I love learning from all of you. May you all find your best path forward and celebrate in the strengths and differences that make us unique!
Submitted January 22, 2021 at 05:07AM by MODBunBun via reddit https://ift.tt/3p3mJLX
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