#learning difficulties
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Why did no one tell me she has a reading problems? When people talk about Saphire from the manga they talk about how feral she is or her and Ruby‘s Romance but why does no one talk about her having reading problems this is the exact kind of shit I had to deal with I feel so called out! This is the first character I’ve seen that has to deal with this shit
Anyway I love her
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cha-mij · 7 months
Doctor Who 5:8
Elliott (a very smart young lad who quotes Sherlock Holmes: "I can't do the words, I'm dyslexic"
The Doctor: "that's ok Elliot I can't make a decent meringue. Draw like your life depends on it."
This is the kind of representation I adore.
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cryptcatz · 2 years
i hate that when i ask for help with things (often technology related) i get mocked. for not understanding the “obvious”. “but it’s literally so easy!” they say, as if that will suddenly make it easy to my brain. this is often from people on help forums etc., often people literally offering help to troubleshoot things. just because im “slow” and have difficulty learning things that means i don’t deserve just the smallest amount of patience?
i know it’s amusing when people ask “obvious” or “dumb” questions, but please consider biting your tongue and actually kindly answering them instead of making fun of them or getting angry.
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nld-as-insights · 6 months
Should I Get My Child Evaluated for Autism, ADHD, or a Learning Disorder, and Should I Talk to Them About it?
Some parents do not want to get their neurodivergent child evaluated for a diagnosis or they avoid talking to their child about the diagnosis because they don’t want to label, pathologize, or stigmatize their child. I appreciate this concern because diagnoses can be too focused on the negative, and a negative lens is stigmatizing. At the same time, acting hush-hush about a diagnosis is also stigmatizing. Therefore, I suggest getting your child evaluated and talking to them about it, but doing so in a non-stigmatizing way. On this blog I share non-stigmatizing ways to talk about diagnoses.
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balestrem · 1 year
Oh did anybody else experience help from their parents with their dyslexia, leading up to less stress at school because to the teachers it seemed as though I could easily cope with the stress? But then, when we got homework again I struggled once more and required my parents‘ help and now I‘m a grown adult and feel overwhelmed by the slightest tasks and don’t know how to cope with the stress…? No? Nobody feels like that? It’s just me?
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yukiwhitetm · 1 year
Too Young
by Yuki_White (@yukiwhitetm @sentariana)
What does it mean
When you say to me
That I am “too young”?
Too young to live
in pain chronically?
So, what is, shouldn’t be?
Too young to struggle
to stand and walk?
Yet here I am, struggling.
Too young to be
Constantly, unendingly
Tired? But I am exhausted!
How old do I have to grow,
What is your timely aim,
For you to accept my disability?
See, my pain does not diminish,
Nor my ability to move improve
Nor my fatigue depart from me
In the face of your judgement,
Claiming me to be
“Too young”.
Too young for what?
Too young to struggle
or strain for quality of life?
No. Disability does not
On gender, age or race.
Man or woman. Young or old.
Black, Hispanic, Asian,
Indigenous or White.
It makes no difference
To any disability
Or learning difficulty.
So, when you say I am
“Too young”,
It is a lie you tout as truth.
All “too young” is
Is discrimination and
An inability to accept reality.
Next time, I ask that you
Cast aside all stereotypes and biases
and engage with me honestly
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Think the reason I love reading so much as a dyslexic person is cause I’ve had to fight for it. For most people it came naturally so they take it for granted where as I had to work so fucking hard to get anywhere near my peers, but once I did I didn’t stop till I exceeded the majority of them.
I’m not any less dyslexic tho, my preferences reflect that. I mainly read genre fiction and YA as I can get my teeth into it and read a 400 page book in a day, however as soon as I’m asked to read anything academic it can take me 2h to read 20 pages and there’s a good chance I’ll have to read it again to actually understand it.
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thejaymo · 2 years
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Cassandra Cain isnt a character i feel comfortable saying much about, i have read few of her storys although id like to, but id like to contribute my experience with dyslexia to the conversation around cass and language.
it has been brought to my attenton that cass conversing mainly in sign, a common headcannon and incorperated often into fics, is illogical as she struggles with english, leat alone a whol new language.
i agrree with this, while i am uncertain of the exact diagnosis she was given in story (i think it was smothing called ephasia?) her struggle with language and its rules is something i relate to, from her consise communication to struggles to read i feel there should be a conversation opened that learing new languages is hard, especialy for those that struggle with there first language(although it is true that engish is her second language and body language is first) not everyone can be a polygot like the rest of the batfamily, i think it could be interesting to have cass communicate non verbally with people she dousent have a language in common with, or just having people around her comfortable with the way her learning dificultys present. i see why she should be able to read and wright, and communicate clearly in english, but there the bats, surely they can make som sort of text to speach or vice versa device?
also id like to bring attention to how i just phrased my understanding that it whould be benaficail to the story for her to be able to overcome her difficultys, “should“ ‘should’ she overcome her issues, she ‘could‘ but it should not be nessasery for her to be able to speak,read and wright to a high level. and who is to say what that level is? what level of english ids ‘satisfactory‘
som epeople think, mainly when thye communicate over text, that i mae not a native speaker, common things i so sutch as spelling things phoneticaly, as you may see in this verry text. i am not, i speak engish as my first and only language, my dyslexia means i struggle to spell things ‘correctly’ as wll as that, my typing and motor skills are not perfect, i will often mistlype letters. howver i am often told my verbal language skills are superb and i have a highly acedemic way of speaking, i do sometimes, others times people mention selective mutisum and get annoyed when i um to mutch, and dislike my curt way of speaking, often roundinng words and dropping articals.
what  tried to say in the last paragraph is that language skills shouldent be a signifier of intelegence as thy can vary from eatch type of language skill, speatch, wrighting reading and listeng. and also what i have been trying to say this whole thing is thst i feel we should let cass ecplore her lerning diffuculty, and how it dousent make her ‘unintelegent‘ or that she dousent need a ;high’ level of langage skils to be valued.
note: i have in this text, due to the subject matter decised not to stress on spelling mistakes and gramma errors, i will edit anything i feel is difficult to decipher but i feel i whoud betray my poiint by correcting myself to mutch, and id you dismiis my point due to my spelling and grammar issues i implor you to refelc ton that
secondary note: if you are using a screen reader and wish to read this i undersand it may be difficult to read so i am happy to polish it by request.
third note: i undersatnd that the charecter of cassandra is asian and the interection of her race and disabityly should be carefuly handled as to not be negative to either. i was discussing here my opinion on her diabilitys presentation, and do not feel i can comment on how it intersects with her race and gender
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v-via-a · 9 months
Y/N struggles to read, Angela Shepherd sitting next to Y/N tries to help but gets outed by a substitute teacher - but Y/N fires back with the help of someone.
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Your teachers always knew you struggled to read, you could write well as the words sounded in your head but you would still struggle, you knew that answers but reading really got to you. You spent extra time getting help with your reading and writing with someone.
A substitute teacher was in your class, a little note was placed on the book the teacher was meant to assign in the class reading “Y/N struggles with reading and doesn’t read aloud in class”
Y/N slightly freezes at the teacher read the note rolling their eyes knowing who it was about.
“Who is Y/N Cade?”
Everyone’s eyes darted towards Y/N with Angela giving them dirty glares back then to the teacher.
“Me” Y/N answers loud not making eye contact.
“Oh right okay” they huff showing off the book telling the class to take it out, that they were going to read aloud and then write up on what they learned.
Everyone took there turns it was circling around the room as it reached the last few people - Y/N managing to keep up following the lines with her finger. Then it came to Pony-boys turn, he read fast his enthusiasm being really well.
Angela’s turn quickly came up as she read through the page but her tone of voice wasn’t as enthusiastic as Pony-boys as Y/N could tell she was bored of the book not like the others she enjoyed. All the class turn to a new chapter as everyone read a page each. Angela continued onto the next chapter until she got cut off -
“Excuse me? Why are you reading Y/N’s page?” the teacher sneers making Y/N and Angela look at each other, Pony-boys eyes darted towards Y/N.
“I’ll continue reading i don’t mind” she tried to come up with a quick excuse to save Y/N the embarrassment.
“I mind, Y/N please read your part”
You could tell straight away by the smile the teacher didn’t like Greasers, especially knowing Y/N struggled like they fed off the embarrassment.
Y/N took a deep breath as Angela nods smiling at her and Pony-boy nodding his head “You can do it”
At first Y/N stammered but Angela whispered a few words that helped Y/N get started. Y/N read aloud with a smile. It took a minute but Y/N finished the page dropping the book back on the desk looking at the teacher seeing their mouth slightly open.
“Everything okay? I did read the page? I did study it at home?” Y/N gives a devious smirk knowing they just outed the horrible substitute as they turned around mortified as they handed out the worksheets.
Angela tried to contain her smile and chuckle as the teacher came up to their desks with Pony-boy staring right at the teacher also trying not to laugh.
Y/N turned behind to Pony-Boy handing him the worksheet smiling mouthing -
“Thank you”
Looking back on the week after school and hours of him helping Y/N reading page to page helping to get it right. It was PonyBoy helping Y/N the entire time.
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semispeakingautie85 · 2 years
The problem with requesting support as a Autistic is it requires a certain level of insight and self awareness that I don’t have.
I am filling out forms for benefits and I just don’t know.
When it says “can you learn new tasks like using a alarm clock or washing machine” I am instantly like “of cause I can”.
But when asked “do you know which tray to put washing powder in?” No. I put it in the drum because I can’t remember which tray no matter how many times I am told.
“Are you able to sort washing and put it on the right setting”. No, because I can’t figure out all those symbols and remember what all of them mean.
“Do you ask other people questions whilst using the washing machine” yes. Plenty, is this drum filled the right amount? how much power I need? Can I put this item with this item? Etc.
“What about audible instructions” bad, I have to be told things repeatedly.
“So, can you learn how to use a washing machine?” Yes, or maybe no, I don’t know, I am confused. But no everyone else separates and does all that stuff. But maybe it’s not because they can’t but can’t be bothered?
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vykko · 1 year
Fun little dyslexia tip: if you find editing sentences in paragraphs hard because there’s so many words next to it, that you have difficulty telling where the sentence you are working on is
may I suggest using in word docs, the bucket tool where every sentence is a different colour
Like you draft will be very rainbow but here’s some pros and cons
You can tell what you are working on
The colour the sentence is stays the same when you delete and change words or add some
very colourful and you can choose which colours work best for you
Depending on how big and the amount of sentences you have it can take a while to colour everything. but you can just do a section or only the sentence you are working on is highlighted
Idk as it works very well for me so I’m not sure what else
and when you are done you just use the bucket to make the highlighted bits white again
my school drafts are very rainbow and it helps me write quicker without get tired as quickly
be glad if this helps anyone
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cryptcatz · 2 years
also following the theme of the last post this exchange still gets me
dude on reddit literally offering help and advice to people: but it’s literally so easy? i don’t get why you don’t understand
me: well i have autism and learning disabilities so my brain is formatted kinda funky so i just need some extra help. can you answer my question i asked
dude: but it’s literally SO easy. and how do you know how to do X but not Y when X is harder than Y??? you aren’t making sense
me: well it’s easy for you, and X is harder than Y to you, but not me. not everyone’s brain is the same as yours
dude: but it’s literally SO easy and simple
like did he think after the 8th time saying “it’s easy” something would click in my head???? lmaoo
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nld-as-insights · 9 months
This is a link to a Google document I created for links to primary source research about NLD. Please feel free to share it and add more research links to it.
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balestrem · 1 year
Weird fact about dyslexia: some people with dyslexia struggle less with a foreign language than with their native language.
My speech therapist explained to me that there are different areas for where your native tongue is learnt and where your foreign languages are stored inside your brain. I found that to be so interesting, because I really suck a lot in German, but English feels way easier for me to write and read. Probably also because of psychological reasons that are tied into it, because I quickly surpassed my parents in English and so I had less trouble when doing homework because they could not really check on my skills like they could with German.
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sleepystawbie · 2 years
👩 🗑: I don’t write as well as I want to, I suck.
👧🗑: we can write?!
I’m dyslexic, I couldn’t read basic words until I was 8.
I forget that sometimes, when I’m frustrated with myself with my writing. When I can’t spell something or I forget grammar rules. When words don’t come easy or I can’t get what’s in my mind onto the page.
Baby Trash would have her mind blown to know we can read, let alone that we write short stories and transformative fiction. So as I pass 150,500 words on AO3, here’s to you Baby Trash. We got there.
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