#why was Pegasus Dream not included in that picture…oh well
uni-vee · 1 month
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Part two!
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carapeace · 4 years
She smiled and shook her head at the screen. Her kitty was strange sometimes. He excelled in poorly timed puns and always tried to surprise her with a pickup line. He loved roses and tended to swing his tail when he was bored. Ladybug knew, from several identity patrols, that he liked video games and movies but liked reading just as much. He loved to stargaze, had an action figure of every superhero including the one-off ones, and once he even told her that story of him wandering the streets of Paris in an astronaut helmet. (Though he hadn’t told her why. Ladybug supposed it breached the identity rule.)
But nothing matched the sheer chaos he exuded when playing Among Us.
(aka a weird fever dream thing that my midnight brain came up with)
ladybubs [pink] joined the lobby. catnerd [black] joined the lobby.
catnerd: evening mlady ladybubs: yo
foxy lady [orange] joined the lobby. turtle man [lime] joined the lobby. vye pier ee on [green] joined the lobby. Ryuko [red] joined the lobby.
Ryuko: hello!
Pegasus [white] joined the lobby. time bunny [cyan] joined the lobby. king kong [brown] joined the lobby.
king kong: hell yeah i’m ready!!
There are 2 Impostors among us. 
Ryuko: Can someone explain to me how you play this game?  turtle man: just do your tasks  foxy lady: click the map foxy lady: go to the exclamation points foxy lady: and just do what it tells you to do Ryuko: ok 
It had all been Chat’s idea. He’d wanted everyone to drop their discord so they could go on voice, but Ladybug had vehemently declined, citing identity reasons. Chat hadn’t pressed. 
turtle man: where  vye pier ee on: nav  Ryuko: King monkey is dead? ladybubs: looks like it catnerd: i saw lb headed there catnerd: its her ladybubs: no i never went there foxy lady: skip? vye pier ee on has voted. foxy lady has voted. time bunny: i was still swiping my card turtle man: anyone who can’t get their card swipe on the first try is simply inferior time bunny: wow way to flex turtle man: i’m just built different time bunny has voted. catnerd: im telling you it’s ladybug  catnerd has voted.  ladybubs: idk black sus turtle man: she makes a fair point ladybubs has voted. turtle man has voted. Ryuko: Who do I vote for? vye pier ee on: who do you think is the impostor? Ryuko: Chat Noir catnerd: WHAT Ryuko has voted. Pegasus has voted.
No one was ejected. (Skipped)
Ryuko was doing a wonderful job playing dumb. Kagami Tsurugi was a lot of things, but she was not inexperienced. She came to win. She always came to win. But they didn’t have to know that. Marinette knew the game better than any of them, with the possible exception of Chat. She came to win, too. The two of them were an absolutely unstoppable team. Except for one thing: her lovable catboy kept getting in the way...
catnerd: LSLDKIJFDKS foxy lady: what turtle man: seriously i was almost done with simon says catnerd: ITLSDK LADYBSUG ladybubs: i just caught chat noir faking a task so he called a meeting to try and blame it on me catnerd: SHE JSUT VENTED RIHGT IN FRONT OF MKE ladybubs: see Ryuko: Hmmm looks quite suspicious vye pier ee on: skip, i wanna do my tasks ladybubs: im voting chat he’s making himself sus ladybubs has voted. vye pier ee on has voted. time bunny has voted. time bunny: sorry chat youve gotta go Pegasus: Do you even have an alibi?? catnerd: i was in reactor and she vented in to try and find a kill ladybubs: nah Pegasus has voted. foxy lady has voted. turtle man has voted. catnerd has voted. Ryuko has voted.
No one was ejected. (Skipped)
Adrien ground his teeth in frustration. As much as he hated selling out his lady, he hated not being listened to even more. But he had one thing against him: he was terrible at this game. He could never convince people to trust him - he couldn’t play the social aspect of it without sounding suspicious. And Ladybug knew it. She’s playing the long game, he realized. He’d have to outsmart her if he wanted to beat her. And he knew he could never outsmart her. He sighed. The best he could do was stir up chaos, and stirring up chaos was what Chat Noir did best.
foxy lady: dang double kill ladybubs: rip viperion and carapace foxy lady: where was it ladybubs: electrical foxy lady: ah catnerd: YOU GUYS IM TELLING YOU ITS LADYBUG foxy lady: youve been a lil sus catboy foxy lady: where have you been all this time? catnerd: TRAILING LLADYBUG!!! ladybubs: he was following me around the whole map ladybubs: i only missed him when someone turned out the lights foxy lady: well if you were following her the whole time she couldn’t have been impostor Ryuko: It’s true. Chat does seem quite sus. ladybubs has voted. catnerd has voted. catnerd: vote lb if you value your lives Ryuko has voted. foxy lady has voted. Pegasus has voted.
Chat Noir was not An Impostor. 2 Impostors Remain.
Victory - Ladybug, Ryuko
Adrien shouted a surprised “goddammit” so loudly that a sleep-deprived Nathalie, feverishly working one floor down, jumped in her chair.
Marinette cackled so evilly that Tikki, who had been in her dollhouse resting, came to peer over her shoulder, making sure she wasn’t about to become the next Hawkmoth.
And Kagami Tsurugi just smiled to herself, in the dark on her phone way after her bedtime, a cool smile that comes from the rush of victory.
Play again?
New lobby
ladybubs joined the lobby. catnerd joined the lobby.
catnerd: DAMMIT BUG
Ryuko joined the lobby. turtle man joined the lobby. foxy lady joined the lobby.
turtle man: wow. WOW. foxy lady: RYUKO??? Ryuko: B-)
king kong joined the lobby.
king kong: i always get killed off first ladybubs: nothing personal man
vye pier ee on joined the lobby. time bunny joined the lobby. Pegasus joined the lobby.
time bunny: wow ryuko you are cutthroat vye pier ee on: i gotta admit you two really had me Pegasus: Agreed. ladybubs: *high five* Ryuko: ? ladybubs: high five me back!! Ryuko: *high five* ladybubs: !!! ladybubs: ok can i start king kong: yeah
There are 2 Impostors among us.
foxy lady: oh come on what now catnerd: it’s ladybug turtle man: oh not again vye pier ee on: you serious man??
Marinette was tempted to make a voice chat, just to hear Chat Noir’s reaction when he found out who the impostor was. She’d pay for a ticket to see his face. She could almost picture it now - eyes wide, mouth open with shock, eyebrows furrowed with the indignation of betrayal.
Adrien was a man on a mission, and for some reason, even after last game’s debacle, nobody ever seemed to trust him. 
catnerd has voted. foxy lady has voted. turtle man has voted. vye pier ee on has voted. Ryuko has voted. Pegasus has voted. king kong has voted. time bunny has voted.
Pegasus: Rena’s pretty sus too. foxy lady: the game literally just started chat called the meeting just to get ladybug out ladybubs: and it’s not gonna work. catnerd: beware the bug!! ladybubs: ha ha. everyone knows the cat scratches harder. catnerd: wanna bet? ladybug: actually, yes. i’ll beat you into the dirt. catnerd: oh it’s on vye pier ee on: it’s never wise to challenge ladybug in anything man catnerd: >:3 ladybubs: >:3 turtle man: knock off your flirting and vote ladybug ladybubs has voted.
It was cute, how much he got into the game, Marinette decided. Even if he’d never beat her. She was a master strategist. She knew how to play the social game. She’d win every time. Still. It was adorable how he thought he could hold a candle to that. She held back a giggle as she watched him reply in the chat, thinking of how his face must have looked, challenging her.
Adrien was going to expose Ladybug and win this time. I mean, they couldn’t eject him every time, right? He was bound to win, one way or another. Even though he never won any games he played with her. This one was his for the taking. It’s on, Bug.
catnerd was not An Impostor.
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dantays-inferno · 4 years
All the homages to Tom Hiddleston in the ME! music video
This may seem outdated now that TS8 has arrived, but I’ve been working on this post for a long time, and after a listen to Folklore, I think it’s still a bit relevant ;) 
I wanted to share some Easter eggs we unearthed while doing an archaeological excavation of the ME! music video.
I know what you’re thinking...that video came out over a year ago! Aren’t those Easter eggs a little rotten from sitting out there this whole time?
Don’t fret, dear reader. The eggs were well preserved like bread baked in Pompeii just before Mt. Vesuvius blew. That is to say, these Easter eggs pointing to Taylor’s undying love for Tom (who can blame her!) are both deeply buried and in shockingly plain sight.
Our journey into the excavation all started with this:
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I was watching this video and noticed the jaguar sculpture on the desk and just about died because I will always associate jaguars with Tom Hiddleston’s ad campaign for them. The ads contain three of Taylor’s favorite things: London, cats, and Tom Hiddleston. I’m not sure what her feelings are on luxury cars, though of course she referenced the commercial on reputation (jag-you-ars.) You can watch them here, but be forewarned--you may feel weak in the knees by the end. You may also be triggered by seeing a human interacting with a big cat (I can’t be the only one who feels scarred by Tiger King...)
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After this, I watched the ME! video again and saw one reference to Tom after another.
The living room scenes remind me of a Gucci ad campaign Tom in...fall of 2016. Oh. Seems significant.
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1. Why those shoes. 2. How does he not have dog hair on his suit. 3. This very ad hung on my fridge for a month. 4. The color scheme and mod feel of this photo shoot feel very similar to the ME! living room. Taylor even included her own two animals (who are somewhat similar in color to these glamorous pooches.
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Here’s another image from the Gucci campaign:
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The suit Brendon wears while watching out the window, to me, mimics the suit Tom is wearing above. Not incidentally, the jaguar statue is at Brendon’s elbow. And you’ll notice that the pinkish pillow behind Tom’s right shoulder is basically the same color and texture as the sofas in the ME! living room.
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Let me also note that all of the rooms above featured shades of green associated with Loki.
Well, that was fun. Let’s do some more.
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The hallway Grace Kelly Taylor walks through at the beginning of the video always puzzled me. It was one of those things that stuck out but I couldn’t say why. Well, I wondered if it represented a place TS had been. I guess so because here is an interior shot of part of the Vatican Museums in Rome:
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I saw this and just about fainted. Taylor and Tom visited the Vatican while in Rome in summer 2016. They were heavily papped, unfortunately. I can’t imagine how miserable that would have been, but they also did look very happy together. I get little heart eyes and then cry for Taylor (and Tom), praying for her happiness while listening to New Year’s Day. I might also mention she wore blue kitten heels, remarkably like the pink ones in this portion of the video. 
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Now this is a find I’m truly proud of...here’s an interesting tie Tom wore many moons ago. And I really mean many moons ago because there are only these sad tiny photos you get when someone cropped a VHS recording they took of that time your were on TV in 2010.
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First, what a great tie, and can I get a sundress made out of it too because I just really love floral prints. But besides that, I mean, I’m just getting some deja vu...
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And the color scheme shows pretty well (along with the silky texture) in Brendon’s most excellent costume at the Billboard awards (which I would also like a dress of):
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And there’s that whole Mary Poppins reference with Brendon teetering down from the sky on an umbrella. I couldn’t help but be reminded of this odd but somewhat talked-about short film “Leading Lady Parts” that Tom had a role in. The basis of the plot being that he wins all the leading female roles in movies because other women can’t live up to Hollywood’s (or whatever the British equivalent of Hollywood is) standards. So at the end of the film, a character walks past a series of posters where Tom has been photoshopped into famous female roles, including...
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Something you’ll never unsee, I know. 
Okay, the next part needs its own whole SECTION.
Thor Ragnarok References
So partway through Taylor and Tom’s midsummer’s night dream, Tom started filming for Thor Ragnarok, one of Marvel’s greatest gifts to mankind, in Australia. The finished film came out on Nov. 3, 2017, just seven days before reputation.
To start with, the color of Loki’s costume shows up quite a bit:
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Beyond this, Thor: Ragnarok takes place on two alien planets: Asgard (Thor and Loki’s home) and Sakaar (a bizarre planet where intergalactic trash is dumped and Jeff Goldblum holds gladiator-style games.)
Sakaar looks a little like this:
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An odd pastel palette splashed on a sea of grays. Detritus and occasionally people (notably, Thor) fall from holes in the sky. Also, notice the sky has a strange refracted nature to it that is seen in the ME! video. 
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So we have another scene of people falling from nowhere down to a sea of pastels and gray with a pink refracted sky.
The sky behind His Lordship Jeff Goldblum in Ragnarok is the best pic I can find of Sakaar’s sky.
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Let’s move on to a more exciting one:
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One of the movie’s main characters, Valkyrie, rides a gray pegasus (unfortunately not a pegacorn)
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The pegacorn Taylor sits on has a rather peculiar eye that evokes Thor’s when he’s in lightning mode:
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Valkyrie also has a totally dope cape (so do a lot of characters, but we’ll focus on her):
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Which reminds me of Taylor’s cape in the marching band scene:
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And the rainbow leading up to the kaleidoscope where Taylor and To--er, Brendon dance? If you’ve watched any Thor movie, you probably remember the long almost-translucent rainbow bridge that stretches from the bifrost to Asgard. 
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So as you see above, the bifrost leads to a room where Idris Elba controls the bifrost bridge. It look a bit like the kaleidoscope room Taylor and Brendon end up in:
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To top things off, Taylor and Brendon’s suits really evoke that old school country feel that stars like, I don’t know....Hank Williams would wear (rest in peace.) 
Finally, the hotel lobby resembles the interior of the Asgard palace, but I can’t find good pictures and this has taken me hours. 
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In conclusion, Taylor is brilliant, love is cruel, ME! is a fantasy fever dream, and Tom is worth the fight. Hopes, thoughts, prayers.
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orleans-jester · 3 years
The Headmistress’s Office.
For the second time in a week, there was an announcement over the loudspeaker. This time, it was in the morning rather than the afternoon, while Frank was waiting for the lunchbell to ring. He never sat with Delta during lunch, since she was with her little girlpack all of the time. But he sat near, eating whatever his mother had packed him that morning, looking at her every couple of minutes while sitting on his own.
“Frank Skellington, please report to the Headmistress’s office. Frank Skellington, to the Headmistress’s office.”
He’d had a week to think about how this was going to go. At first, he saw it the way that Oogie had laid it out. He had to make a decision. His mother, or Delta. And with the way that things were going with his mother lately, he thought that it was going to be the latter. He’d barely been speaking to Sally. Not with the way that she was going over to Christopher’s. No matter how many times he put those images in her head, she kept going back. She was fighting against him for the first time, and he had no respect for it. He hated it. But he didn’t want to pick Delta just out of Spite either.
But there was a reason that he had been placed in the Pegasus house at the Magisterium.
He wasn’t just a quiet boy, he was a thinker. Wheels were always turning. And he could pick up ideas from other. Even just a snippet of a thought from someone near him could inspire a whole new way of thinking. It wasn’t like that in this time, but it was actually something that Christopher Triton had said. That Delta had changed since staying with Frank and Sally. And it seemed that she had in some ways. She was here at Halloweentown because of him. He was going to make sure that wasn’t in vain.
He got up from his seat, once more to the astonished looks of his classmates, a couple of them teasing about how he was ‘in trouble’ or ‘so lucky’ to have a private audience with Oogie. His expression gave nothing away. It never did. He picked up his backpack and made his way through the halls. He didn’t stop to say hello to the secretary, just walked straight into the office, and closed the door behind him.
“I always forget just how tall you are,” Oogie said, this time not seated at her desk. Rather, she was standing, pouring herself a glass of brandy. It was good to be the boss. “Do you partake?”
“We both know where I get it from,” Frank said, but shook his head about the alcohol. Oogie just smirked and put the bottle down, having poured herself the one glass. She posed near the cabinet that held her liquor, in a way that even Frank found seductive, but he wouldn’t let those thoughts stay very long. He had a reason for being here, and he wasn’t going to forget it. Also, he knew that he would be a fool to accept anything that Oogie had to give him, lest it be a drink or her body.
“That is very true,” Oogie said. “Why don’t you take a seat. This might be a long conversation. Or a very brief one, depending on what your answer is.”
That was the one thing that he would accept. He did sit down in the chair that was offered, the same chair as last time. Because he was not going to just give over a simple yes or no answer. Oogie circled around him before going behind her desk, brandy swirling in her glass. “Interesting. So what is your answer, Frank?”
“I’m not giving you one,” Frank said. Oogie looked interested, rather than annoyed by this proposition so he continued. “I think that you need me.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I bring out the best in her.” Frank said, not boasting about it but he just genuinely thought it was true. “Or what you think is the best in her. Think of what happened when you tried to separate us the last time.”
Of course. Her house had burned down. Because Delta had erupted as a dragon to save her darling little Frank. She sighed - yes, yes, he had a point. She didn’t like that. “So you stay with Delta - and what does that mean for your mother?”
“You’re not going to go into her dreams. Because she will bring it up. She can’t keep secrets. And Delta will find out. And whatever weak alliance that you have with her, just because you bailed her out, it’s going to end. She’ll never put any trust in you again.” Of that, Frank felt sure. He thought he knew Delta well enough to say that. She might hold a grudge against Sally, but she had still told her that she loves her.
“Dear oh dear, I hate when little boys think that they are so smug,” Oogie said. She crossed her legs, and in doing so, bumped a button that was situated under her desk. Another cross of her legs hit a second. Iron rungs came from out of the chair, locking Frank’s ankles and wrists in place. There was a reason it was such a hefty seat. She got to her feet, rummaged through the candy jar that she kept near her desk, and pulled out one of her son’s tasty treats. Truth. She was going to get it all. And find a way to make this work, potentially using one of Frank’s own ideas.
“Seriously?” Frank hissed, feeling himself being bonded to the chair. His first instinct was to try to wrench his wrists out, but it was just too tight, and his hands were too big. Not even breaking the bones seemed like it would work.
“There’s a third for necks, but I’m afraid your height just won’t make that possible,” Oogie said cheerfully. She approached Frank, unwrapping the candy, and sat herself right on his lap, wiggling her ass up against the beautiful thing she had seen while he had been stretched out in her dungeon. “Have a candy.”
“Fuck you.”
“In good time.”
Frank closed his mouth, refusing to take the candy, but Oogie had seen movies. She knew to plug his nose and eventually, it would open all on its own. He lasted longer than she thought though, he was already starting to go blue by the time he finally gave in, and she shoved the sweet treat right into his mouth to met on his tongue. “That’ll take a couple of minutes. But it’s okay. We have all the time in the world, don’t we?”
Frank did manage to spit out the candy in question, but it was too late, it had already started to dissolve onto his tastebuds. The candy came out of his mouth and went right into Oogie’s ample cleavage, making her laugh. She put her hands underneath her breasts and pushed them up to his face. “Do you want to try to get it? Fish for the candy?” She laughed.
“No.” Frank said, automatically. A truthful answer.
“Oh, working faster than we thought.” She said, not taking offense at his answer. She wiggled herself against him even more, getting comfortable. “How do you feel about our Delta, really?”
“She’s not our Delta, she’s mine.” Frank found himself saying. “She’s everything.”
“And what does everything mean?”
“I love her.”
“Aww - how sweet. You’re going to give me cavities!” Oogie pinched at his cheeks, found them to be lacking in the fat that she needed to do so, then moved to his lips which were pleasantly plump. She pinched those until they started to turn red. “And what about your mother?”
“I’d do anything to protect her, including killing you so you don’t get into her head anymore.”
“Awww,” Oogie said again, a hard pinch on his bottom lip. He tried to turn his head away but she kept pushing it back. “What are you most afraid of?”
“Not being needed by them anymore.”
“By your mother and Delta, you mean?”
It was a fear that Frank had never spoken aloud. Had never even admitted to himself, but it was the truth. That was why he was so against Triton. Because if Delta had her father figure back, she wouldn’t need him anymore. And if Sally found someone else to love - she wouldn’t need to depend on her son. He’d always felt needed by his mother. He had always taken care of her. Until the seafood King had come into the picture.
“Why would a mother ever need you?” Oogie laughed, loving this.
“I need to find her cure.”
“The cure to what?”
“Her curse.”
“What is she cursed with?”
“She’s falling apart. I thought it might have something to do with the fact that you tortured her years ago, but now I think it has to do with her father. Frankenstein worked with my grandfather. That’s why I need to talk to him.”
“Interesting, interesting.” Oogie said, snuggling up against Frank’s surprisingly strong chest. He had muscle for a boy who looked as skinny as he did. Just like Jack. He even smelt the same. This was bringing back good memories for her. But she couldn’t focus on that. She had to keep up with the rapid fire questions before the treat wore off.
“Why do you think you bring out the best in Delta?”
“I make her happy.”
“Do you think she’s happy when she’s learning more about herself?”
“What has she learned?”
And Frank spilled about the fae world, though he was trying to fight against it. He had been trying to keep that a secret, despite the fact that Delta hadn’t told him to. And he told her about how her magic reacted when she was sexually stimuated, something else that he had been wanting to keep private.
“Do you think, right now, she would come after you if you went missing?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why not?”
“We’re not on the best of terms.”
“I hate her father.”
“Well everyone does. Why do you?”
“He’s trying to take my mother from me.”
Oogie laughed again. “Do you think your mother would come looking for you if you went missing?”
“I don’t think she would notice.”
Another heart-wrenchingly true answer.
“Do you have any enemies other than me and Triton, Frank?”
“Arthur.” Frank spat, without meaning to.
Oogie climbed off of Frank, her fingers tired from pinching. She had all that she needed to know, for now. But she wasn’t just going to let him go to continue on with his life. No, she was going to see what Delta really could do. “Thank you for your co-operation. This has been a most ... interesting conversation.”
“Are you going to let me go now, bitch?” Frank hissed. He really was not a fan of having that woman touching him. Of having her anywhere near him, actually.
“Of course I’m not.” She snapped her fingers and two of her own goons came from Oogie’s private bathroom, where they had been filming the whole exchange through a hole in the wall. Little Halloweeners, all dressed up Lock style. She still missed her son, and if she couldn’t have him, she would have replacements. “Make sure to plant some evidence with this Arthur. Let’s see what our girl really can do.”
The goons laughed, one of them hitting Frank over the head with his thick and meaty fist, knocking him out. They then picked up the chair and would carry it through one of the many secret passageways in the schools, taking it right down into the villains lair Oogie had built right in for her late-night poker games with the girls. They’d have fun with him once they all gathered together once again.
0 notes
65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?        nope!
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?       maybe like a 0.3
3. The person you would never want to meet?       any person in any form of the government ever they’re Scary
4. What is your favorite word?      love, for more than just sappy reasons i promise akgjb
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?       cherry
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?      the only time i look in the mirror is when i wash my hands so i don’t really Look In The Mirror. i thought i looked nice, by that my hair was greasy lmao
7. What shirt are you wearing?      dark gray cub cadet
8. What do you label yourself as?     C on f u s ed
9. Bright room or dark room?       dim room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?       uhhhhhh i had just finished watching. something with mother 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?         i haven’t really had one? each year has been better than the last
12. Who told you they loved you last?        Alexis, because No❤️️ my mother doesnt count
13. Your worst enemy?        boredom
14. What is your current desktop picture?        a screenshot of my friend Ryver standing on top of a minecraft build with a sign that says massive shmeat because Obviously
15. Do you like someone?       i do! two someones actually but the second most likely won’t go anywhere
16. The last song you listened to?        currently listening to golden by parade of lights
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?         oh i think you know where this is gonna go :D
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?        pick literally anyone in my family
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?          .....there are. probably minors following me so im not gonna answer that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)        i feel like it’s a cliche to say my eyes, but i really love my hair too
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?          Oh My God I Would Kill Someone To Be Cis. look in the mirror and Cry
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?        not that im aware of
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?          i feel like spiders and the existential dread of global doom isnt unique so,,
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.         alright lemme put you on smn right now, rally’s mother cruncher sandwich, but with a Fresh and not soggy brioche bun, actual campfire sauce, a slice of melted havarti, and you’re in heaven
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?         I Will Put It In Savings And Not Touch It Ever because spending money makes me very anxious and also cry :)
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?       askjbdga like it’s hard, nevada obvi
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?       something mixed and fruity, maybe svedka? the strawberry lemonade because that sounds like it slaps 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?         if you’re a republican you’re getting fed to the sharks
29. What is your favorite expletive?         i feel like fuck is just so Versatile, but bitch is a close second
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?         a usb with every file i’ve ever saved, including all of my pictures going back four years
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?         oh boy there’s a lot of options here. either a thought i had once that i will Not disclose, or a piece of information i have about father
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!           sounds like me tbh. either norway or switzerland 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?         Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat- :DDDDDD my cat Trinity that passed two years ago
34. What was your last dream about?       couldn’t tell ya. i meant to write it down but i did Not
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?        the first thing that popped in my head was listener, and yes!
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?        luckily no
37. Have you ever built a snowman?       many!
38. What is the color of your socks?        white and gray
39. What type of music do you like?         oh anything and everything! upbeat with guitar and im sold
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?        sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?         m i n t
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)        ew
43. Do you have any scars?        yep!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?        either bookstore owner or interior designer, im not sure yet. maybe work in a kitchen?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?         i want to be Cis goddammit
46. Are you reliable?        absolutely! if i care for you
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?         do we ever find a family that stays?
48. Do you hold grudges?        oh Absolutely. if you fuck up big enough im never letting that shit go
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?       is it too much to ask for a pegasus
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?          the intricacies of public school boys and their obsession with cold war russia and any world war
51. Are you a good liar?         100%
52. How long could you go without talking?        does out loud to myself count? because i do that a lot. if im depressed or just. tired then a good few days
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?        chin length bob. why did i think that was a good idea. 12 year old me is Quaking 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?       not cake, but ive done cupcakes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?       not Well 
56. What do you like on your toast?          butter and cinnamon sugar, or a good cherry jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?          gears for inktober day 3 babeyyy
58. What would be you dream car?        any ford f150 or a solid 67 chevy impala
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.        not in a While. i don’t think so???
60. Do you believe in aliens?       i Do
61. Do you often read your horoscope?         never in my life
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?        very fond of m
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?       is this even a Question. dragons obviously
64. What do you think about babies?       disgusting vomit spewing lizards, and thats an insult to lizards
0 notes
boutiquebeelzebub · 7 years
Lucifero -Tokyo- 3.10.17
Reny oneman! Wow fam we did it!!!  (long post ahead)
click here for pictures and setlist
To be honest Reny is too big of a venue for Gallo, especially considering Gazette was playing a huge show that day on top of some other bands that may have crossover with Gallo's fan base. However, I think they made the best of playing on a large stage. They put an extension on the stage which helped take up some space and utilized it for solos, gyakudai, etc. The first thing I noticed walking into the hall was that all around us up high on the walls were LED screens that scrolled through 3 of Gallo's logos ("the Gallo", ギャロ, and the seal with roosters on either side) as well as a huge chandelier on the ceiling and VIP room with windows looking out into the hall. Reny is lightyears nicer than most venues they play at which made this show feel particularly special.
Before they drew the curtains, Pegasus, the sankaku mokuba, was already out on the center extension of the stage, but at a diagonal angle. When the curtains went up and they began playing Taidou(1), it took me a moment to take in what I was seeing. Jojo was sitting in a large chair which I can only describe as an S&M throne. The next thing I noticed was something protruding from the bottom of the chair. We're those... legs? Indeed, there was a woman sitting under the chair, her head sticking through the open seat portion of it, her face directly in Jojo's crotch.  It was the same girl from Yamiuta! (@mao_mochizuki on Twitter).  Already I knew this was gonna get interesting. Next out came a creepy guy dressed as a clown (@mirakurumimagic on twitter). He proceeded to take the Mao from the chair and bind her arms with a red rope. I could now see she was wearing black lingerie, big chunky heels, and a blindfold. The clown then took her to Pegasus and had her straddle it where she stayed for a couple of songs.  After a while they pushed her into a face-down laying position and he and Jojo took turns whipping her with a leather flail. After a while the clown took her off of Pegasus, paraded her around the stage a bit, and escorted her offstage with a face that said "don't worry, I'll be back". I have to admit, my eyes were bugging out of my head during this whole ordeal.
For Eden(8), "The Pollo" Devil (or Devu/Debu) came out with his saxophone. For those who aren't familiar, Devil is Jojo and Andy's ex-bandmate from the Skull Fuck Revolvers. He's a beloved character that shows up at their onemans from time to time. His nickname "Devu" comes from "fat" in Japanese because he's a large dude and makes no secret about how he loves to eat. He wore one of Gallo's smaller t-shirts that let half of his stomach hang out. He played throughout the song and had a solo during the guitar solo portion.
After that are a few songs of note that they don't play often:  Masuiro(11), Ahen(12), and Ura Tokyo Cinderella (13). Ahen I think I've only heard once or twice before and the furitsuke surprised me because we made hearts and did tesensu.  This is normal for most vk bands but it caught me off guard because Gallo NEVER has stuff like this. 
The next section of note was the acoustic.  What made this different from other acoustics I've seen from them was that all members participated.  Both Wajow and Nov played acoustic guitars, Andy played bass (not acoustic but oh well), and Kaede played a cajon.  They played Zankou(14), Sagishi(15), and Hoshikuzu(16) (they only play about once or twice a year!).  There's always something about acoustics that make the songs feel more intimate, even when the performers are spread out on a large stage.  I was moved to tears by this feeling and the raw emotion of Hoshikuzu.
After the acoustic, the members left the stage and some heavy industrial music came on. The Mira brought Mao back onstage with him and they put on an intermission "magic show" which included him tying her up, cutting her, shooting her, using a drill on her, and putting her in stockades and sticking swords through her arms and neck (all using theatrical effects though, not to worry).  At the end they carried Mao off of the stage as if Mira had finally done her in.  I really enjoyed seeing their act incorporated into Gallo's show.  I thought it was a great extension of their current themes.
When the band came back on the first song they played was Boutique(17)!  One of my favorites if you couldn't tell... In almost a year I've only heard Boutique once before.
By the time Yamiuta rolled around it was evident exhaustion was creeping in (particularly for Jojo) but they pushed through into the encore. During the gyakudai for Yamikaze(32) Devil came out as well and they brought out fire extinguishers and sprayed them into the crowd (and of course Jojo pretended like it was his dick-- thanks Jo).  At times the clouds were so thick I couldn't see anything.  Lastly we killed the mosh for Kinku(33)~  
Misc. things:
At one point Jojo went over to kamite to chill with Nov, but Nov didn't realize he was there so swung his hand up and smacked Jojo right in the face (I died laughing)
Jojo: "Did everyone pee this time?  If you didn't it's ok go ahead I won't look~" (in Osaka Wajow ran offstage to blow his nose but Jojo said maybe he had to pee)
When we called their names as they came back onstage at one point Jojo told us to yell like animals at a zoo and then said "You're the cutest zoo ever" and I barfed a little in my mouth
He's been doing this recently, but it's worth mentioning: before he left the stage Kaede had us all take hands and jump at the same time 
Jojo said this was the most fun show of his life.  I wonder if it's true or not, but he was in the best mood I've seen him in in a while.  I know I certainly had an amazing time.  For this tour they did the longest sets they've ever done.  In total this whole live was 33 songs and about 3 hours long.  I'm not really sure why they chose to do such long sets, but I think it was to challenge themselves to do something they've never done before.  On top of that playing at Reny was a dream for them.  Hopefully for my sake they don't try to play longer than that XD I don't think my body could take it.  In any case I'm looking forward to more fun times with the black roosters.  I hope they keep pushing themselves through more boundaries and accomplish even more dreams.
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disasteroracle · 7 years
Alright here we go Philkas week day 3!!! Which for the writing prompt was: Au and of course I had to go with my main jam; Percy Jackson and the Olympians. ;3 Warnings for this one: language is all I can think of? Also Solangelo (Will x Nico is mentioned) I don't own either series. ------ Philip's head hurt, that was his first thought as he came to. Secondly, where was he? The last thing he remembered was himself and Lukas on the back of the motocross bike trying to get away from, from….from something. He barely opened his eyes as he began to sit up. “Easy!” He felt Lukas’s hands on his shoulder and felt more relaxed when he opened his eyes and saw his boyfriend. Quickly he was pulled into a tight hug. “You scared the shit out of me.” “I'd apologize,” Philip replies shoving Lukas away lightly, “but I have no idea what I did.” He then notices they're in what looks like a school's nurse's office mixed with a quaint country home. “Where, where are we Lukas?” He looks at his boyfriend, who's uncomfortably clenching his jaw. “We-we’re at, um, m-my--” “Oh,” Both boys look over as a wheelchair bound man enters the motor whirling lightly as he directs it forward, “so he's joined the living. Hello.” The man reaches out and offered his hand for Philip to shake. “I'm Chiron,” they shake hands and Philip offers his own name, “very good. Will!” Chiron calls over his shoulder. “I'm going to have our best Healer give you a quick glance over.” Chiron explains as teenager around their age enters. He looks like a surfer with knee length cargo shorts and a worn ‘surf Barbados’ shirt. “Wait, wait a second? Healer?” Philip looks at Lukas. “Okay, where the hell are we?” Lukas looks nervous, and without any worry Will answers. “You're at Camp Half-Blood.” Philip snapped his head over to him. “It's a camp for kids like us, you included--” “Like me? You don't even know me.” Philip defends. “Philip,” Lukas reaches out and tries to rub Philip's back and he stinks out of his touch, “let me explain.” Philip watches him. “Please, I'll tell you everything, but first just let Will do his thing.” “Don't worry,” Will reassures Philip gripping his shoulder, “relax, it's confusing, but we’ll explain.” Surprisingly Philip sighs and feels more at ease while this strange kid begins asking him questions and reaches out his fingers hovering softly at his temples. “No concussion, you hit hard, but no damage worth worrying about.” He explains, for a moment Philip swears he saw Will’s blue eyes glow a soft shade of gold. “That's good, very good.” Chiron offers. “Now why don't we let them get cleaned up, you and Nico can show them around once they're ready.” Will nods and follows Chiron out. “Okay Lukas what the fu--” “I'm getting there!” Lukas hisses back turning and passing his boyfriend a clean pair of jeans and a bright orange shirt with a Pegasus the words ‘camp half-blood’ across the chest. “Where do you want me to start?” “What did he mean, kids like us?” Philip demands slowly standing taking his time as his body adjusts. Lukas nods and sighs. “Philip, my mom...she isn't dead.” Philip looks down at Lukas confused. “She's a Goddess, a Greek goddess.” Philip blinks at him. “Are you kidding? You're joking, thanks Lukas, but I'm actually really freaked out right now and you teasing me, it's not helping.” “You saw it.” Lukas told him. “What attacked us,” Lukas stands and runs his hands through his hair, “it was a cyclops.” “I thought I was just seeing things.” “Yeah well I was really hoping you were, but you saw right.” Lukas tells him. “I tried getting us away, but it was to fast and it hit you. I thought you were a goner.” Lukas quickly pulls Philip into a tight hug as he finishes pulling his shirt down. “I'm still not...what do you mean your Mom is a Goddess.” “Come here.” Lukas leads Philip from what he realized to be an infirmary and out into the big houses living room and up to a portrait of twelve people seated at different looking thrones. “There, that's her.” He points to a woman in the picture dressed in a long flowy airy pink gown. She looks just like the picture from the shed. “Aphrodite.” “Aphrodite,” Philip looks back with raised eyebrows, “you're telling me your Mom is Aphrodite.” “Yeah,” Lukas nods looking between Philip and the portrait, “and since you could cross through the barrier around camp, It's likely your Dad is up here to.” “I never knew my dad,” Philip points out, “you knew your Mom though.” “Well Dad met her when she was taking a break from her Husband and laying low from her boyfriend.” Lukas shrugs and leads him over to the couch. “It's a long story,” he gives when he sees the skeptical look Philip is giving him, “but you never knowing your Father that's typical in Demigods or Half-bloods, whichever you wanna call it.” “Is crazy acceptable, because what the hell Lukas. You're insane.” Lukas is trying to find the words to convince Philip he's not lying. “Please just take me home or wake me up, I've got to still be dreaming.” Philip stands and walks out the front door before Lukas can stop him and feels his breath hitch once he looks outside. There were forges, stables with Pegasus, kids fighting with lances and swords, and a volleyball pit. Philip didn't know how to process any of what he saw. (Was that also a wall of lava kids were racing to climb?) “Ready for a tour of the camp?” Will’s voice floats over and Philip notices the other teen beside him with black hair and torn up trouser pants and a Ramones t-shirt. “Oh yeah, this is Nico my boyfriend.” Will casually drapes an arm over his shoulder. “Say hi, don't forget your people skills.” “Hello.” Nico waved lightly and Philip waved back as Lukas joins him. “I'm Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. Has he been claimed yet?” The question is more to Lukas and Will. “Not yet.” Lukas chimes in and grabbing Philip’s hand. "Maybe soon though."
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