#willie jack x reader
cloveroctobers · 8 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🎃 — 2. Willie Jack
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A/N: okay y’all lured me in to write anotha one about our girl! Can’t believe the show is over, idk why I expected at least 4-6 seasons smh. Show will be missed and I’m open to seeing where the cast further take their careers fr. I’m not speaking on that supposed relationship between two certain characters because it wasn’t really executed to me while watching? We all know if there was going to be a relationship between the teens who it really should have focused on. So whatever they hinted at this time doesn’t actually exist and it’s not canon to me! Anyways, would definitely recommend a rewatch for myself lol.
WARNINGS: language + awkwardness when it comes to crushes?
PROMPTS are from here + I’m using: blackberry picking, “do you want some hot chocolate?” and “I don’t like scary movies.” “I’ll keep you safe.”
🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/
Willie Jack is still in disbelief that she’s back.
Well…not really back she thought. Mika was simply visiting temporarily from Nebraska—of all fucken places!!! which she moved to with her house full of family a few years back. She didn’t get the chance to visit much (at least Elora did being a whole college student and shit) but it seemed like she kept up with mostly everybody else, except for Willie Jack who was still being closed off with Mika’s departure.
“What’s up with you? Why aren’t you over there chopping it up with Mika? You know she’s outta here on Sunday right?” Bear says from beside Willie Jack, who quickly turns her attention back to her friend on the field.
Willie Jack shrugs, “don’t be in my business bro.”
“Yeah Cheese is right, you’re vibe is giving preternaturalness.”
Immediately Willie Jack jerks her head back with a frown, “fuck did you just call me?”
“I don’t know but i know it fits.” Bear grins at Willie Jack, slapping his hands down on her shoulders before leaving her at the plants to join the rest.
Yes it was unusual for Willie Jack to ever distance herself from her friends. She was a social butterfly amongst her friends majority of the time but having Mika back after all this time made her feel off and that’s something she hardly allows herself to feel.
“Sup,” another familiar voice catches Willie Jack off guard from behind the shrubs, her fists going up ready to defend herself but she realizes it’s just Elora staring at her strangely.
Elora lifts her chin, “what’s up with you?”
“I really wish everyone would stop saying that shit to me. I’m cool, having a grand time with my buddy, bart the blackberry tree.” Willie Jack is waving her hands at the dark fruit.
Elora stares hard at her friend before flicking her eyes off to the group where Mika has her head thrown back in laughter at something Jackie says.
Which also doesn’t sit right with Willie Jack.
“Jackie ain’t funny, so fuck is she laughing at?” Willie Jack mutters making Elora slowly nod her head and cross her arms as she gets closer to the girl.
Elora states, “Mika’s still that giggly person we’ve always known and love. That hasn’t changed.”
“Yo, You’re supposed to be on my side here.”
“Why does there need to be sides when it comes to Mika, she’s our homie no?”
Willie Jack rolls her eyes and says nothing more at that. She did consider Mika a friend once upon a time and it’s not like she didn’t consider her as such but things did change the night that she left. And Willie Jack never told anyone about it and still wasn’t sure how she felt.
“I guess but like…it’s different now.”
“But why?” Elora pressed, “to me it seems like you’re the one making it an issue when it didn’t seem like she had a problem since she hugged you when we met up earlier.”
Willie Jack messes with her beaded earrings now, briefly thinking about that encounter hours ago. Mika was all deep dimple smiles and although Willie Jack was the last person she hugged, Mika still acknowledged her like they haven’t stopped talking.
“If I tell you, you got to promise me you won’t make it a big deal.”
Elora nods, “okay…go on.”
Willie jack looks around to make sure everyone is still out of ear shot, she scratches at the back of her neck in nervousness. She’s been holding onto this for so long now and she knows there’ll be some relief telling somebody about what went down.
“Alright so I’m just gonna come right out with it,” Willie Jack exhales, “the night Mika left to shitty Nebraska…she came over to the crib and we were out in my backyard having a bit of a heart to heart you know? And she kissed me, bro.”
“What?!” Elora yells gaining the attention of everyone and Willie Jack goes to slam her hands on top of her cap covered hair in embarrassment.
Willie Jack glares at Elora who covers her mouth trying to hide her laughs, leaving Willie Jack to turn to Jackie, Bear, cheese, and of course Mika. She gives them a commercialized thumbs up before turning back to Elora, yanking on her shoulders to shove her further away between the shrubs.
“Fuck did I just say,” Willie Jack hisses at Elora who’s grinning at the younger girl now after stumbling a bit, “you’re the one making it worse now.”
Elora rolls her eyes, “please, they have no clue what we’re even talking about.”
“Maybe not or maybe! with you sounding like a fucken surround sound.”
Elora chuckles, “my bad, bro. But this explains so much!”
“Does it?”
“Yeah! she’s been asking me about you whenever we catch up with me at school and her all the way in Nebraska.” Elora informs Willie Jack who lifts her brows at bit at the news until Elora then sighs, “I was the only one that figured out that something went on without her really saying anything about it.”
“Wait…Mika’s asked about me?” Willie Jack is rocking on her toes now and Elora sends her a knowing smile.
“Uh yeah bro, it’s not like she ever forgot about you. You’re the one who stopped sending letters and picking up the phone.”
Willie Jack lifts her chin inquiring, “How you know that?”
“Mika told me, shit ass!” Elora lightly shoves Willie Jack’s shoulders.
“So…I’ve been a shit ass all this time when Mika’s been worried about me?”
Willie Jack’s never been the type of friend to just leave you hanging. If there was a issue, she would be quick to tell you to, “not be like that!” Wanting to figure it out, even if it was only keeping each other company until you were ready to speak on it. However with Mika, things change and she wasn’t sure if it was for the better.
“Well…I wouldn’t say worried but she cares and I don’t think she ever stopped being your friend, you’re the one who stopped.”
“I didn’t mean to.” Willie Jack feels the weight of that statement and she didn’t enjoy the sinking feeling in her tummy right now.
“Then fix it.” Elora orders, “Stop hovering in the corner by yourself like a fucken weirdo and just talk to her! So maybe you guys can be something if that’s what y’all want.”
Willie Jack scowls, “who said all that? I still don’t even know how I feel about it all. It happened forever ago anyways. Maybe she forgot? Plus she could be seeing somebody and we live hours away now so I doubt that will ever work.”
“Stop doubting yourself and you won’t know unless you try.”
Plus they could always look at Elora as a prime example. Although she wasn’t that far away from Okern, Elora still put in the effort to still be around now that their lives were slowly but surely changing.
“…Mvto, Elora.”
“Don’t mention it,” Elora pushes Willie Jack’s shoulder, “can’t believe you’re growing up on me, making out and shit.”
“Ah, yeah, shut up.”
“Let’s go!”
“Alright man, don’t rush me! Let me get my thoughts together first.”
“If you think too much, you’re gonna fuck it up…more than you already have.”
“Wow, it’s like that?
“Yeah, kinda.” Elora snickers.
Elora ends up leaving Willie Jack for a few moments to gather herself, gradually directing the rest away from Mika as she sees Willie Jack making her way over.
She’s swinging her hands behind her back awkwardly as the crisp air blows. Mika’s dressed in a jet black off the shoulder baggy sweater paired with a patterned pleated skirt, ripped up stockings, and gummy bear earrings.
She’s gorgeous and it’s not fair.
“How much blackberries you think you got?” Willie Jack starts from behind Mika, who’s on her tippy toes.
She sets back down, tossing some into a picnic basket she brought along, which Bear and Jackie teased her about but she shrugged it off with a smile and middle finger.
“You know…I was trash at probability in school right?” Mika’s sunset eyes glance at Willie Jack over her shoulder, “I never guessed right or got the prizes and it definitely pissed me off to no end.”
Willie Jack leans forward, peeking at her basket but Mika playfully steps in front of it, “I’m not sharing.”
“What?” Willie Jack blows a raspberry, “I’m sure I got more than you back in my own stash. These hands are the quickest ones here.”
Mika stares off at the spot Willie Jack was once at and dips her head, almost pointing, “are you faster than a Prairie dog?”
Willie Jack whips around, locating the chunky animal running off with her sack of blackberries. “Hey you oversized chicken nugget, that shit ain’t yours!”
The animal stops in the middle on its run, dropping the bag to bare its teeth at Willie Jack who jumps back with her hands raised in the air, leaving the dog to pick the sack up with its teeth and carry on its way.
“Even the fucken animals tryin’ to tear a hard working woman down, that ain’t right! Imma tell the ancestors about your bullshit too!” Willie Jack yells as the prairie dog continues fleeing.
Mika’s laughing before softly placing her hands on Willie Jack’s shoulders, “I think that was his way of telling me to share, although you’re the one who ghosted me.”
“Don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” Willie Jack is poking her lips out.
Mika gives the long haired girl a look before turning to put her basket on her wrist, leading the way through the rows of blackberry shrubs.
Letting out a long sigh Mika replies, “the dogs never told me you ended up with amnesia.”
“I don’t think I have that,” Willie Jack said walking beside her, “…I just don’t want to make it awkward for you.”
Mika glances at the braided girl, “For me or for you? I don’t have any regrets if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“…are we talking about the same thing? The thing that happened a couple years ago in my backyard?”
“Oh you mean: me kissing you and you kissing me back?”
“Is that how it went?” Willie Jack’s eyes were in slits now.
Mika laughs, “hell yeah, shit ass and I didn’t forget! I couldn’t, which is why I wrote to you.”
“But you never brought it up?”
“I couldn’t get the best read on you when it happened. I knew you were caught off guard but…did you like it?”
Willie Jack stares at the floor, twisting her lips around in thought. How it felt to have Mika’s always covered bracelet arms locked softly around her shoulders, and her natural scent of patchouli, apples, and brown sugar was already intoxicating before she even put her lips on Willie Jack’s. Of course she was caught off guard with Mika taking the lead, Mika’s focus only on Willie Jack’s lips as she stopped thinking about it and just did it. There was only one chance and she waited a long time to take it so why not go forth with the risk?
“I mean…I didn’t not like it.” Willie Jack peeks at Mika who nods with a small smile, “it’s just shitty that you pulled that that same night you were leaving though. Didn’t really have a chance to talk about it or process it really.”
Mika understands that, “sorry about that, the not talking about it but not the actual kissing part. guess I kinda had to process myself…since I been wanted to kiss you but I did panic when you didn’t say much after.”
“It was something…but a good something.” Willie jack bumps her shoulder with the girl who smirks at her.
Soon they’re walking in silence, fingertips brushing against each others as the make their way back to Elora’s car where everyone else is standing near it talking themselves.
“Hey guys!” Cheese waves, “we’re gonna have enough berries to last us to new years!”
Willie Jack announces, “I got the most though!”
“Where?” Jackie asks.
Willie Jack kisses her teeth, “fucken prairie—it doesn’t matter, I just do and you’ll have to take my word for it.”
“I’d rather not.”
Willie jack rolls her eyes.
Elora laughs as she gazes at Mika and Willie Jack, “you two ready to go? It’s getting dark and we got a hour drive back home.”
Her eyes meet Willie Jack’s silently hinting that she hoped they got somewhere with their talk but Wille Jack just shrugs her shoulders.
“I’ll help if you get tired, Elora.” Mika speaks up.
Willie Jack raises her brows, “you got a license?”
Mika was a year older than Willie Jack.
“Yup not long before my family and I traveled back here. Think that’s why my ma really wanted me to do it in the first place since they took my granny’s license away. She’s losing her sight and thinks my hair is on fire instead of pink.”
“Orange would look sick on you though,” Jackie comments, making Willie Jack flick her eyes over to the once bleached girl.
Willie jack adds, “you want Meeks to look like fucken child’s play? She’s wearing the pink well, better than I’ve ever seen. True queen shit, which you wouldn’t know a thing about.”
Jackie sends a look to Elora and Bear, unsure what was going on here.
Mika bumps her hip with Willie Jack’s, “we’re cool again, I think.”
“Must be with how hard Willie Jack just went for you,” Bear grins before glancing at the girl on his right, “got Jackie here speechless.”
“Fuck off,” Jackie shoves Bear while looking at the hat wearing girl, “…glad whatever you two went through is over but…do we got a problem Willie?”
Willie Jack is nonchalant, “we don’t got no beef…just chill out.”
Which definitely sounded like a warning in Jackie’s eyes.
“It was a compliment or suggestion. Don’t see Mika getting tight about it.”
“Okay! Let’s get going.” Elora steers the conversation away, “Jackie, ride up front with me.”
“Sure,” Jackie eyes Willie Jack who huffs at her, circling around to the passenger side.
Cheese gets in the middle of the backseat while Bear runs around to the other side of the car to sit behind Jackie. Willie jack is awkwardly looking at the space in the car.
“I’ll hold your basket for you, Mika.” Cheese offers, while she thanks the young boy.
Bear sees The dilemma and also offers, “You can squeeze in Mika or sit on my lap if you want?”
“Oh god,” Elora mutters, pressing her forehead against the steering wheel, making Jackie frown at her.
Willie jack shakes her head, quickly moving to sit right beside cheese, strapping herself into the car before holding out her hand, “C’mon on then, you heard Elora. We got a long way to go.”
“Ohhh are you—
Willie Jack dips her head silently making Mika smile to herself, while the rest await the scene that plays out in front of them. Mika doesn’t further question it, entering the car and sitting right on Willie Jack’s lap before closing the door behind her.
“Aw but Mika doesn’t have a seat belt.”
Willie jack carefully slips her hands around Mika’s waist, “I got her.”
“That works for now!” Cheese beams, not reading into it too much like the rest in the car are.
Bear is smirking now after it dawns on him what is happening as Mika leans back into Willie Jack’s embrace so Elora can better see out the back window but also because it was a nice place to be.
“Is this okay?” Willie Jack whispers to Mika who’s made herself comfortable, head resting back in the space between Willie Jack’s neck and shoulder.
Mika says, “yup! Long as you got me.”
“I do.” Willie Jack meets Mika’s eyes, squeezing her a bit tighter.
“Good, then we have nothing to worry about. Let’s enjoy the ride.”
“Word.” Willie jack concludes, almost snapping her eyes shut at how annoying she probably sounded but Mika just presses her forehead into the side of Willie Jack’s head.
Elora drops Willie Jack off first with Mika having to exit the car. She asks Mika if she’ll walk her to her door and she agrees with a yawn along with a stretch of her arms up into the autumn air.
“So…” Willie Jack is back to swinging her hands in front of her as she stands face to face with Mika on her stoop.
Mika laughs, “yes Mena?”
“Do you want some hot chocolate?”
“I’d love some!” She bounces on her toes, “I’ll just tell the guys that I’m staying here.”
“Yeah, okay. Nice!”
Willie Jack silently curses to herself again while she just knows her friends are in the car talking shit. She watches Mika lean against the door of the window, talking to their friends in the car, waving at them before she steps back. Skirt spinning with her as she walks back to Willie Jack and fuck she’s so pretty!
Which almost distracts her from Bear smashing his lips on the car window as Elora pulls off from the curb with a honk of her horn.
“After you my lady,” Willie Jack holds her hands out after pushing the front door open.
Mika curtesy’s before entering the home, peeking around as she steps into the first space, which happens to be the living room. “Everything still looks the same.”
“Uh huh.” Mika plops down on the couch while Willie Jack enters the kitchen, turning the stove on before opening the fridge to get the leftover homemade hot chocolate she made at midnight.
It’s quiet but it’s not awkward as Mika makes herself comfortable, folding her legs underneath her on the couch. It’s not long before Willie Jack enters the living room with steaming mugs.
“Thanks,” Mika takes the mug with a smile while Willie Jack places her’s on the coffee table.
She takes off her hat, tossing it on the arm of the couch before digging her fingers into her braid to let her hair run free. Mika watches Willie Jack as she sips on the just right hot beverage, admiring just how beautiful her “friend” is.
“Your hair’s gotten longer,” Mika observes, “it’s still stunning.”
Willie jack fans her hand about, “thanks girl, I grew it myself.”
“Hell yeah! Love it just the way it is.”
And the way Mika is looking at Willie Jack makes her heart thud in her chest. The damn girl’s only been here for a day and she’s already got her feeling a way.
“We should watch a scary movie!” Willie jack jumps to her feet, heading over to the collection of dvd’s.
Mika rests one hand in the crease of her other arm, “I don’t like scary movies.”
Willie jack looks back at Mika from her squatting position, picking up on her unease. She was aware that Willie Jack’s parents weren’t home as the house was too hushed and she didn’t see her dad’s truck in the driveway. Night time has definitely fallen and they were alone, dancing around what they could be and now this girl was trying to put on a horror movie?!
“Really?” Willie jack asks, “any particular reason or…?”
“I don’t think it’s never really been my thing,” Mika murmurs while she looks at the front door, “every time you or bear would suggest sneaking into the outdoor movie night by lake crow I wanted to stick my head in the dirt and never come out.”
“Shit…guess I gotta pay more attention.”
“Nah, who wants to be the odd one out when everyone else was down? I just dealt with it…plus you two were always so excited although I lost sleep for a few nights because of all those movies but…you get over it you know?”
“If we do this…you think you’re gonna have any nightmares?”
“Hard to say honestly.”
“Then…I’ll keep you safe.” Willie Jack strongly said, “but that’s only if you want to. I’ll even pick the least scary one out of the batch.”
Mika sips at the hot chocolate, thinking about it, “I’m gonna hold you to it.”
Willie Jack makes a offering motion with a imaginary hot chip before taking the time to go through the collection. She finds one that she thinks will be alright before shoving it into the dvd player. Once she’s seated back next to Mika, she tosses one arm along the top of the couch allowing Mika to fill in that space.
She does, shuffling closer as a long suspenseful intro starts after Willie jack fumbled with the remote. Willie jack tries her hardest to keep her eyes on the screen but it’s the heat radiating off from Mika that makes it hard.
“Hey…you’re not drinking your chocolate?” Mika points out, pulling her head back to look at Willie Jack who fails to hide her staring.
She scratches at her ear, “oh right, it’s still piping hot. Imma let it rest for a bit you know?”
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those iced hot chocolate people?”
Willie jack scrunches up her lips, “I’m not. Don’t even think I ever tried that before.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Your face did though.”
“What’s wrong with my face?” Mika leans back to give Willie Jack the side eye.
Now they’re looking at each other and Willie Jack is silently counting the beauty marks that’s on Mika’s diamond shaped face while Mika’s peering at Willie’s side profile.
“Nothing,” Willie Jack fully turns now gripping Mika’s chin and she almost forgets to breathe correctly, “nothing at all,” before she leans forward to press her lips right against Mika’s.
Willie Jack hears her squeal a bit but Mika knows she has to hold on tighter to the mug now while Willie Jack holds her in place. Mika tastes just like chocolate and cherries while her lips feel like fresh petals. Look at that, Willie Jack could be poetic or corny when it comes to romance too! Mika’s unfortunately not Willie Jack’s first kiss but this kiss definitely makes her forget all about what’s their face. The only thing that’s on her mind is how her heart basically skips a beat with her lips right on Mika’s.
And a kiss like this has never made Mika’s toes curl before.
When she pulls back, Mika is curling Willie Jack’s hair back behind her ear. She bits down on her lips to hide her dimpled smile (which doesn’t work in her favor really, Willie Jack was so tempted to poke them) as Willie Jack slowly opens her eyes to meet Mika’s sunset.
Willie Jack remembers to breathe, “What?”
“You kissed me, you really like me.” Mika sings into Willie Jack’s face, while the girl claps her hands against her face hoping her skin isn’t warming up but knows it probably is.
Mika reaches for Willie Jack’s wrist while laying her head back on the couch, “don’t be shy now, that was glorious!”
“Glorious? Oh my god.”
“That a great thing! Marvelous! Splendid even!”
“You sound like one of those teachers who thinks the sun shines out of their ass, bro.”
Mika pauses,“I don’t think you can call me bro anymore.”
“Why not?”
“‘Cause we kissed, twice?” Mika holds up the deuces, laughing as Willie Jack shakes her head, trying to wrap her head around the fact that she initiated this kiss.
Willie Jack nods her head at her own thinking, “You’ll always be my bro…just a different type. More meaningful, a higher level.”
“Oooh so I get perks?”
“Yeah…as soon as we figure out what to do about us?”
Mika goes quiet then, knowing their time was limited. She was only here for a week, mainly to visit and go to the state fair but that thought made her depressed since she was also building a life after graduating high school…all the way in Nebraska…and that’s not something she wanted to dwell on right now.
She peers at Willie Jack from underneath her lengthy eyelashes, “We could always just make out some more until we do?”
Willie jack scoffs, “I see, you only want me for my lips.”
“And your heart,” Mika leans into Willie Jack who licks her lips, feeling those butterflies in her stomach.
Willie jack throws her head back, “the rizz is killing me!”
“You love it.”
“I think I do.” Willie Jack nods.
“Yeaaah! So kiss me.”
“I’ll do more of that after we finish the movie, I know you’ll need it.”
“So you’re the one plotting on me then.”
“Noooo.” Wille jack fails to hide her smile although this wasn’t originally her plan…it doesn’t sound half bad now.
Mika pokes the long haired girl, “Now I don’t believe you!”
“Well I hope you have it in your heart not to hold nothing else against me. I made you hot chocolate, I gave you my love—
Mika laughs a bit, “that you did, that you did.”
They briefly place their foreheads against each other until Mika moves to rest her head on Willie Jack’s shoulder. It’s not long that they turn their attention back to the screen, both confused on this grainy yet clearly dated horror film.
“I think we need edibles to enjoy this.”
That would make the most logical sense and why Willie Jack’s dad even owned this film: House (1977).
“Damn,” Willie Jack snaps her finger, “and it would be even better if we at least had the blackberries. All that work we put in, we should at least be able to enjoy them.”
Mika gasps, “I can’t believe I left them in elora’s car.”
“That blows…hopefully cheese holds them down for you or else we’ll have to kick somebody’s ass. And by somebody, I mean bear and probably Jackie’s Wednesday Addams lookin’ ass.”
Mika snorts, missing this friend dynamic, “Meeks and Mena, doing what we do best.”
“Fuck yeah, thriving and Survivin’.”
“Real shit,” Mika grins as Willie Jack slips her hand to intertwine with Mika’s.
And she enjoys how Mika’s hand fits just right in her own, although a little shaky, which reminded Wille Jack of Mika’s old fear of bodies of water when they were much younger, Willie Jack gives Mika’s a quick squeeze to ease any form of anxiety her body maybe experiencing.
Whether it be the wonders of the world or the wonders of their relationship.
They didn’t have to always search for the answers, at least not right away. So for the present they could settle into the excitement of what’s happening in the now…
To just live with the guidance of one another.
With Meeks and Mena holding on no longer tiptoeing…then perhaps that could be more than enough.
🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/ᐠ - ˕ -マ༘⋆𖤐🕸️ 🕸️𖤐༘⋆/
Continue with my October anthology prompts here.
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gaiath · 2 years
Being in a relationship with Willie Jack includes...
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Before the relationship even started, she was always on guard when it came to you. No one was able to mess with you because they knew Willie would be right around the corner.
The other's definitely know about her favoritism and crush on you, so whenever she asks stuff like:
"Is y/n comin' though?' " 'm gonna go pass around y/n's house, haven't seen her in a while." "Picking some stuff up for y/n" "ooo can I have some?" "Nah"
They immediately start teasing her because it's too obvious that's she's got heart eyes and her tongue out for you, and her response is always:
"Fuck off, man"
But, when she can finally call you hers romantically, it's the sweetest relationship anyone has ever seen.
When you're not feeling the best, she will always be the first one to practically perch her head on your shoulder, softly rub it and ask, "What's wrong with u, hm? Did someone do something?"
Her love languages are mainly acts of service and quality time. She just can't help but wanna help you with something or do something sickly sweet for you.
Oh, and she makes the best meat pies for you, practically slapping away anyone's hand that tries to touch your meat pie.
If you're not native or weren't born on the reservation, then the two of you probably met at a job you bagged in the rural area or you might've just moved in the neighborhood.
Her eventually telling you about what happened to Daniel and immediately taking her into the safe lock of arms, holding her as she cries into your chest. You're dependable. Sweet. Safe.
Just what she needs.
And, yes, she will obviously get in a fight over you because you're too sweet and have helped her through too much shit for someone to act as if they know you.
Borrowing several amounts of her clothing because they're just so comfy and they remind you of her if the two of you are away from the other for whatever reason.
Meeting her parents and since they are her literal caretakers, they will be a little sceptical on the person their daughter is head over heels in love with.
She tells you about how they want to truly meet you and eat some soup over the dinner table together. You'd be a little tense but the night is eventually filled with laughter, childhood stories, her conflict with Chunk and much more.
Willie Jack is always talking about how she's going to California with you and saving money to go with you. Sure, she's also excited to go with the rest of the rez dogs but she's so excited to see that gleam in your eyes when the two of you head off.
[@king-julian6201] <3
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goforshexgo · 8 months
"back on that bullshit" I'm writing fanfictions again
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angelcbf · 2 months
Since there is a lack of fics on my favourite girl, Willie Jack, I figured I’ll write one. And I did it ya’ll. 6 parts out so far.
Hit it up y’all. my Wattpad is princenaveen1simp and the fics called Jaded Love.
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lukeywritesstuff · 5 months
Willy The Cat
Snapchat from: BIGBOOTYY/N
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Caption: ‘daddy come home! I miss you! -Willy!’
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Liked by: lhughes_06, jackhughes and 5,443 others
Lifeofy/n: I eat sleep breathe Willy. I love him more than I love Luke AND myself combined.
Lhughes_06: feeling the love here…
→ JackHughes: you think people love you, that’s cute.
_quinnhughes: I spent one day with you and I also breathe Willy (his fur is up my nose)
→ lifeofy/n: don’t be a hater Quintin.
→lhughes_06: yeah that’s my son your bullying!
→lifeofy/n: lukey, i love you… but it’s you’re.
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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December 11, 2022
Mitch had invited over the team and their family’s for a holiday party, mostly everyone from the team showed up to Mitch’s house.
Octavia stood up from the where she was sitting on the floor, playing with the dogs for the last few hours and walked out the room trying to find some quiet.
She walked around the house that she has been in many times now and walked into the library that she loves to go into and stopped at the door hearing the melody of someone on the piano, she quietly walked closer seeing Joseph playing on the piano.
Octavia clapped as Joseph finished his song, Joseph quickly turned around startled but relaxed seeing Octavia.
“Hi Via.” Joseph smiled softly at his favorite teammate.
“Joey.” Octavia nodded and walked over sitting next to him, she hit one of the piano keys.
“Do you know how to play?” Joseph questioned, Octavia shook her head no, “Want me to teach you?”
Octavia looked at Joseph and slowly nodded her head, if she was being honest she has gotten the closet with him on the team the quickest, maybe it was because she enjoyed his more quiet personality or he was just so calm he reminded her a lot of her brother Quinn.
“Ok.” Joseph happily smiled and started to teach Octavia about all of the keys on the piano.
The two must of been there for a long time because they didn’t notice that most of the party was already gone.
Mitch and Auston were looking for Octavia and Joseph, as the two had disappeared from the party, Auston looked into the library and smiled at the sight in front of him, he put his arm out blocking Mitch from walking into the library, “Look!” Auston quietly whispered.
“Oh my gosh!” Mitch mouthed looking like he could faint from the cuteness, he smiled happily so glad Octavia is getting more and more comfortable with the team.
Auston and Mitch shared a look and quietly walked way letting the two continue to play.
Joseph fondly watched as Octavia slowly hit the few keys as he had instructed, He gently clapped as she finished, “Good job you’re a natural!” Joseph praised his young teammate and he wasn’t lying she seemed to pick it up very quickly.
“Thank you.” Octavia softly mumbled focusing on the keys.
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moka44 · 10 months
Bear's girlfriend punching Jackie for him.
(Bear x native/mexican f!reader) A/n: this will take place season 1 ep 2. This is my first story so please be kind, its also 3 in the morning for me so if it didnt come out good thats also why lol. But I hope you enjoy.
TW: A lot of swearing
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One minute Bear was walking down the alley, the next minute he was done getting jumped by Jackie and her gang, soon waking up to seeing a spirit, ”Aho! Young warrior!” Bear heard. After everything, Bear couldn't help but walk in pain to the one place he knew he can alway go to. As Bear arrived he knocked on the door until his eyes met beautiful dark brown eyes, he could stare at them all day and those eyes belonged to his beautiful girlfriend.
“Oh dios mio! Bear what the hell happened?” you asked. You made him sit down on the couch and closed the door. “Fucking jackie and her crew.” Bear said as he rested his body on the couch while putting his head up. “That puta!” you responded. You sat down next to him,setting the first aid kit on the coffee table that was in front of the both of you.
You started cleaning Bear's nose, he couldn't help but think how lucky he was to have you. How you are always there for him when he needs it, to the time they spend with each other, the way you laugh, how you speak full spanish when you are pissed even though it does scare him, he still loves that about you. How your long black wavy hair is always soft. How you teach him how to cook your favorite Mexican food. Remembering when he first saw you, when someone mentions you he always thinks about how beautiful you are. He can tell you anything but of course you are going to tell him what you think but he loves that about you, how you are honest with him and will tell him if he was in the wrong. When he told you about Daniel, you pulled him into a hug and let him cry his heart out. 
“What are you thinking about in that head?” Bear hears you ask him as you finished cleaning his nose. “Just how lucky I am to have you in my life.” he said, putting his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. “Oh really?” Y/n giggled looking at him while you put an arm around his neck gently as your other hand is on his chest. “Yup and thankful for having you in it too, because if i didn't then i would be at the hospital right now.” Bear said, grabbing your hand that was on his chest kissing it. Bear looked over at you leaning in to kiss you. You can tell he put all his emotions into that kiss, you can feel it all. You pulled away to catch some air putting your forehead into his. “But you know you still have to go to the hospital, mi oso. That was actually where I was going to meet you guys before you got here. But just because I cleaned the blood from your nose doesn't mean it's not bad.” you told him.
“My mom going to freak the fuck out.” Bear said, sitting up and sighing. “I know but you still have to go babe.” you told him rubbing his back trying to comfort him. You soon get up from the couch going to the kitchen, grabbing some water and tylenol for him. You hand him the water with the tylenol, “This should help with the pain.” you said. He drank the tylenol with the water, after he was done he handed it back to you saying thank you. You set the glass in the sink, soon grabbing your keys, “ ready to go?” you asked him while holding your hand out. Bear looked at your hand, grabbing it while you both walked out the door. After you locked your door, the both of you got in your car and made your way to the hospital.
You both arrived at the hospital seeing Elora, Willie jack and cheese, as you both said what's up to them. You helped bear check himself into the hospital, “ill be right back, i forgot my mom asked me to get her some snacks for lunch, do you want anything?” you asked Bear but he shook his head no. As you were in the store getting snacks you noticed a black car that looked really familiar, so you hurried to the register to pay then left. When you got back to the hospital, you saw Bear outside with Elora and Willie jack, “What did the Doctor say?” you asked, “Well he basically asked if he can get with mine or your mom but other than that its not broken.” Bear replied. “That good it's not broken” you said, hugging him. Bear hugged you back but soon let go so you can take the snacks inside. You asked Bev to give the stuff to your mom, handing her the bag.
You went back outside and made your way to the group hearing Bear, “The fuck is this?”, “Fucking nerve, man, leaning on your car. Trying to act solid” Willie Jack said to Elora. You couldn't help but feel the anger you had earlier when Bear first came to your house with his busted nose. You couldn't help but think ‘im going to beat this bitch up’.” Where the fuck is Cheese? Let’s do this then, ”Bear said. “Yo, what's up, motherfuckers?! Oh, you guys were so fucking sick when you jumped me by my fucking self.” Bear said, walking up to Jackie and her crew. You and Willie jack both started taking off your guys' earring walking behind Bear. You notice your mom and bear mom Rita came outside to break everything up. After they did Officer Big came out to stop everything but as everyone was walking away Jackie said “Go on, mama’s boy take your little girlfriend with you.”.
That made you snap, “Jackie” you said making her turn around, you ran towards her punching her in her face knocking her down. “That's what happens when you jump my boyfriend. Estupida maldita perra. Te golpeare el culo, pruebame otra vez perra.” you told her that as your mom pulled you back before Jackie could do anything. "Holy shit." Bear thought, he couldnt help but smile at himself. he never seen him girlfriend react like this before but boy did he think she was so sexy punching Jackie. After everything you went home to rest since it was already getting late. After getting ready to go to sleep you hear someone tapping on your window, you already knew who it was. Opening the window for Bear to come in, but when he stepped into your room he kissed you like he was starving.
Bear soon pulled away, “you were so hot when you punched that bitch in the face.” he said looking at you. “Is that so? Well hopefully now she knows to keep her distance.” You said laughing. You walked to your dresser pulling some of Bear's clothes out, throwing them at him. This was just another normal night, where Bear comes over to hang out sometimes like this night, he spends the night. You turn off the light to your room, making your way to the bed. As you both laid down, Bear pulled you to lay in his chest. He knew you loved to hear his heartbeat, it was like a lullaby to you. “Thank you.” Bear said. “For what mi amor?” you ask. “Sticking by my side today.” Bear responded, sitting up a little to look at you, moving a little piece of hair out your face, you both looked at each other moving closer until Bear closed the gap between you. Bear pulled away, “I love you so fucking much.” he said. “I love you too Mi Oso.” you said to him as you laid back on his chest, you both soon fell asleep in each other's arms.
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Oh dios mio= Oh my goodness
Mi oso= my bear
Estupida maldita perra.Te golpeare el culo, pruebame otra vez perra = Stupid fucking bitch.i'll kick you ass. Try me again bitch.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐚
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝
𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬
𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐞
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
Hey there, lovely peeps! The Easter bunny has paid a visit to my humble page, leaving behind a basketful of surprises just for you! So, this week, get ready for an egg-cellent treat as we dive into some extra special fics that'll hopefully have you hopping with excitement! 🤍 Here's what's on the menu:
🏌️‍♂️William Nylander teeing off as he takes reader golfing ⛳️
💕 Andrei Svechnikov, Jack, and Quinn Hughes leveling up in their relationships with reader(s) 💓
🤍 Join inexperienced!reader as she navigates new emotional challenges with Willy 🤍
Stories will be dropping on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! 📅 See you there! 🥳
With love and Easter cheer,
Miss Honey 🤍
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residenthughes · 3 months
mad at me - jack hughes
pairing: jack hughes x afab reader
word count: 3.5k
tags/warnings: +18 nsfw, so minors dni, smut, unprotected p in v (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), creampie, praise, spitting & choking (nothing crazy, i promise!), use of pet names (my girl, sweetheart, baby, princess, sweetheart), slight degradation (if you squint?)
summary: jack's latest game has tensions running high and feelings left unresolved. lucky for him, you know just the solution.
notes: so...this is happening 😭 this is very much inspired by the devils latest game against the kings where jack got pretty heated 😵‍💫 who doesn't love a bit of angry! jack? 🫣 but yes, as i've mentioned before, i don't usually write smut, so this may not be the best so any tips or comments you guys have to share would be much appreciated! 💗this has been partially edited, so if you see any errors along the way, they'll be fixed soon! as always, thank you for reading and hope you enjoy! much love! <333
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It takes a lot for Jack to get mad.
A sequence of events that all come to a boil, a mountain of incidents that snowball into an avalanche of his wrath. He’s so sweet, like sunny Sunday mornings that smell of fluffy pancakes and honey syrup - so, even now, so far into your relationship, you’re aware that moments like these occur. Of course, emotions wear thin like tired socks and you’re no stranger to your own and Jack’s that have seen all shades of the rainbow, but perhaps there’s something in the air, some electricity that changes the wiring of your brain because tonight is so different from the rest. Dissimilar from when you leave Jack be when his big emotions demand their place, unlike how you wrap each other in blankets of comfort when tensions have eased and everything is whole again. Because, again, this is not about you. It’s about Jack and how, as the universe has written it to be, gravity pulls straight towards him.
Things have been good - he’s come back from injury, back to his kingdom on the ice and the Devils have won back to back games - truly unheard of during their current season, beating their last opponent in regulation for the first time since 2009. It’s a big deal - the smile on Jack’s face says so, the satisfaction of his tone indicating so when he’s come back from his away games. So, you want this happiness to continue, because you love him and the happiness he illuminates but at the end of the day, his job is hockey. A coin toss of wins and losses that you’re trying to wrap your head around because you’re biassed and see all the commitment that him and his teammates put in everyday. As a result of this, Thursday happens; a dice roll of events that spiral into chaos.
You’re back home in Jersey, comfortably situated on the couch in the warmth of an ending winter that shows peaks of an upcoming spring. You’ve got popcorn in your lap because you’ve rediscovered how much you love the savoury snack, happily munching away as Jack’s game starts and the adrenaline kicks in. The first period is eventful with many saves that have you clawing at the couch, but then the second period starts and all hell breaks loose. Tensions run high and as level-headed as Jack is, he is not immune to agitation - subjected to a nasty hit into the boards, the opposing player purposely banging his elbow into Jack’s head. You’re about to start yelling at your TV screen like some drunken sailor because Jack’s been injured this season and doesn’t need more time away from what he loves, but Jack decides to get his lick back and you’re automatically silenced. Your jaw drags the length of the floor as you watch him crosscheck the hell out the guy, proceeding to rough the player up before referees interfere. Jack and the guy are arguing back and forth as they’re escorted into their teams’ penalty boxes and you’re just left bewildered, a mess of emotions with wide eyes as your stomach turns.
You watch astounded as Jack flushes in his temporary plastic home, eyes wide at he hurtles comments that leave the opposing player with a sour taste in his mouth. Jack’s shaking his head when he’s gotten what he needs off his chest, wiping away his sweat as his anger grinds to a simmer. Your eyes are glued to the TV, perched on the edge of your seat as your heart beats hard in your bruising chest. The power play continues on but you’re lost in a trance, awaiting Jack’s emergence from the penalty box that can’t come soon enough. Once he’s out, he’s sprinting for the puck and manages to get a breakaway that assures New Jersey a goal, but the loser in the penalty box with him is hot on his heels and Jack misses. He’s fuming once again, ranting to the referee that pays him no mind. Jack skates off, smashing his stick against the glass before he’s back on the bench and completely snaps it in half, a string of profanities leaving his lips. 
You sit there in awe, your grinding teeth sinking into the flesh of your fingers as your brain becomes an all-consuming pile of filth. Your precious boy, who loves his three hour long naps and looks at you like you hang the stars in the sky, the hopeless romantic who pulls out all the stops for you simply because you deserve it and who holds you as if you’re fine china - he’s almost unrecognisable now, wearing his emotions like the number of his jersey as his expression pinches and his azure eyes narrow. A rush of emotions you both experience that make a home in the chaos of your minds that long leave the remnants of their havoc.
The clatter of Jack’s hockey bag echoes from the doorway, bringing you out of the syrupy daze you’ve been submerged in far too long. You leap off the couch as your body carries you towards the front door, electricity rippling down the ridges of your spine as your skin tingles with the unknown. You keep your emotions at bay for the time being, unsure of what state Jack may be in as you creep around the corner and catch an eyeful of his demeanour - blinding annoyance. An exasperated sigh pushes from his chest as he slips off his trusted beanie, the ruffle of his wet curls bouncing as his fingers card through his hair. You gulp.
“Ro?” you test the waters - short and sweet just to gauge his reaction, anticipation hanging in the air. 
“Hey.” he bites, not bothering with looking your way as he shimmies his coat off with more force than necessary. 
You gnaw at your bottom lip, feeling helpless. “I saw the game…”
“The one I almost got fucking injured in?” he chirps, looking at you now with a pointed stare that burns with all the fire in his heart. No longer azure, his eyes singe with an almost midnight hue. “What a shitshow.”
“That was a dangerous hit, that guy’s got whatever’s coming to him,” you’re quick to reply, taking small steps towards Jack who hangs up his coat. “But that doesn’t change the fact that people pay to watch you play.” 
Jack stills in his movements, figure unmoving momentarily before his eyes throw you a lasting glance, the beginnings of a smirk working amongst his roseate features. “So, you heard?”
You blush under the heat of his undivided attention, gaze averted as you fumble with the hem of the hockey jersey on you. “Not necessarily.”
“Then what did you hear, baby?” he queries immediately, shifting so that his body now faces yours, an arm resting against the coat hanger as he sizes you up, unabashed and assertive.
Your stomach flips, the race of your heart undeniable. “You’ve got a mouth on you, so it’s easy to read lips.”
You’re chirping, working under his skin in a way that maintains some form of respect but has all the intentions of riling him up, which manifests into the beast you wish to see. A cocked eyebrow and a ticked jaw, flashes of disbelief flickering on his face. Once more, your emotions bear the weight of an anchor as excitement conjures up the swirl in your stomach, your masquerade crumbling at the seams as your nostrils flare, biting back a shit-eating grin.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he questions with a hint of humour, because he knows you like the back of his hand. You give him no response, preoccupied with suppressing the misplaced giggle that threatens to leave your lips. “I can’t believe this.”
The seams fully come undone, a snicker or two bypassing your lips as you retreat from the situation, ending up with your back against the door leading to the basement with Jack hot on your heels. Mirth bathes you in delight and you let it, a plethora of chuckles falling into your hand as you avert your gaze whilst Jack forgets any concept of personal space. Perhaps you’re deserving of whatever damnation comes your way, a punishment you’ve fully brought upon yourself, but when your senses fill with the waft of Jack’s earthy musk cologne and the remnants of his apple shampoo, accompanied by the warmth of his body that leans towards yours, you can’t bring yourself to feel a shred of regret.
His arm, enveloped by his raven black dress shirt, raises as he cages you in, vulnerable and at his mercy. “What else did I say, since you can read lips and all?”
This is a circus of words, meaning riddled in optical illusions that would have someone think none the wiser. Except this is yours and Jack’s circus, an act tailored for two that entertains your minds that run wild. A wildness you feed off as you meet him with the same decisiveness.
“This number,” you start, pointing towards the digits printed on your sleeve belonging to him. “86 is what people go to see - sorry, pay to see.”
You’re not really sorry, the smirk on your face says otherwise. “I think I said a lot more than that, sweetheart.”
“Besides all the huffing and puffing,” his tongue pokes at his cheek, a playful smirk betraying his flaring emotions. “You asked if he was there to play or to hurt people - fair point to make.”
“And all the others weren’t?” Jack’s moved closer, his thigh situating itself between the gap of your legs. 
You bite your tongue at the friction. “You know the answer to that.”
“Maybe,” his caging arm leaves the door, the web of his hand sat against your chin as he holds your face, maintaining the same fiery gaze that unravels you altogether. “But, it’d be better coming from you.”
“Jack,” he’s flexed his thigh, your hand reaching for the button on his dress shirt as you wane in defeat. “Please.”
“I don’t follow.” 
Your bawled fist meets his stacked chest. “Don’t play dumb.”
Jack chuckles, holding all power in the palm of his hand. “I’m just confused as to why my pants are wet.” 
To prove his point, he draws his thigh away because he’s a selfish bastard and shows you the damp spot you’ve left after his thigh made its way between your legs. The shame that washes over you is unbearable. 
Jack’s cold hands find themselves underneath the material of his jersey, one hand dancing along the outline of your underwear with a finger hanging over the top of the seam. “Oh, what to do with you.”
He’s such a tease, his ego large and in charge as you’ve long forgotten any sense of game at hand as your eyes pool with only an anguish he can extinguish. “Fuck me, please.”
“Why?” his tone light and airy, his finger hooked around the seam of your underwear as the material leaves your skin
You shiver at the breeze, eyes closed as your weak fist manages to grapple onto some material of his shirt. “Because, I need you and I think that goes both ways.”
The band of your underwear snaps against your stomach as Jack retrieves his hand, head cocked to the side as he considers the weight of your words with a locked jaw. Your teeth are sinking into the plumpness of your bottom lip, nothing but pleading in your eyes as you gaze up at him with all you can muster. 
His hand lays against your cheek, thumb automatically caressing the skin - a touch that you not only lean into, but shiver towards. “Get upstairs.”
This is a fairly new playing field for you two -  a game of cat and mouse that brings out an unfamiliar side to you, so foreign in nature that you second guess your desires and where your lust leads you. Jack doesn’t allow for any hesitation though, hand in hand with you as he comes into himself too. His thumb brushes against the corner of your lips that lift, a soft smile surfacing amongst his features before you’re headed upstairs in a flash, scurrying towards your bedroom with a trail of your clothes left in your wake.
Jack doesn’t take long to meet you upstairs, his pinstripe blazer removed as he unfastens his tie around his neck. He spares you a lingering glance as you lay sheepishly on the bed perched on your elbows, legs ajar as your folds glisten in the soft bedroom light. Jack quickly rids himself of his clothing, slipping his boxers off to reveal his hard on. A comfortable length with all the girth to fulfil you, tip flushed pink as it brims with precum. It takes everything in you not to sink to your knees and fill your mouth with his cock.
As he approaches the bed, he motions for you to turn around and you do so with no questions asked, back arched as you wait in anticipation as you feel the bed dip with his presence. Jack comes up behind you, body so incredibly close yet somehow so far away as his hands make contact with your burning skin, giving the flesh on your back a brief massage. A surprised hum vibrates in your chest as Jack drags a single finger along the dip of your spine, leaving goosebumps in his wake before he adjusts himself behind you, to which you push your ass back against his hard on.
“Stop teasing.” you sound more desperate than intended, cheek squished into your cool silk pillow.
“Can’t admire my girl before I fuck her?” The nonchalance of his tone draws a mewl out of you, your hips jutting as they search for any more contact. “Besides,”
Hands resting against the mould of your hips, one shifts as you feel his cold index finger draw in between your folds, fingertips swirling around your clit. You moan brokenly, body curling into itself. “You’re just here to take it, aren’t you, princess?”
You’re nodding before your brain can even compute his words, humming along to accentuate your point as his fingertips continue to swirl along the shape of your clit. It’s too much and not enough - a tug of war of sorts that makes your hips rock into Jack, an action that at one point, has his tip catching against your wet entrance. A hiss from behind you sounds as you grapple onto the pillow beside you. 
Jack’s hand leaves you high and dry, but alias, his patiences dissipates into the night sky as he glides into you in one smooth motion, robbing you of your breath and sanity as your mouth gapes open and eyes roll. Sinking into the mattress, your spread legs accommodate for the snap of Jack’s hips as he starts to fuck you from behind, your back curving as you gladly take everything he’s offering. Face mangled into your hoard of pillows, your fingers cling to the duvet for some kind of security, at the mercy of Jack who pleases you in all the way he knows how. 
“How hard do you want me to fuck you?” he asks, maybe genuinely because his strength seems somehow restricted, but you’re keening high in your throat at how filthy his words fall from his rosy lips so easily. 
“Harder,” you plead, losing yourself in the pleasure as your one hand shuffles to rub against your neglected clit. “Harder, please.”
And, he obliges, bullying his cock into you as you gasp at the impact. A smack lands against your ass, the supple surface sizzling as your hips retract, Jack’s ironclad grip holding you from escaping any further as his fingers make indents into your skin like notches in a bedpost. 
“Hang on,” his pace slows, breath laboured as you feel him pull out of you reluctantly. “Turn around. I need to see you.”
You squirm against the sheets, easily complying with Jack’s wishes that suit you, your body turning as your sweaty-layered back sticks to the duvet. In the dimmed light of your bedroom, you catch a glimpse of Jack, whose wet curls fall in all the right places and how every outline of his well-built body drives you wild. You catch the shallow rises of his chest and the flush against his cheeks and as he tucks stray strands of hairs behind his ears, his hands find purchase at your thighs and draw you closer. It’s when he looks into your eyes, shameless in the pleasure written all over his face as he pushes into you again that you think you could never get tired of this view. 
Your walls mould to the shape of his cock, sucking him in entirely as you both moan at the feeling. To add fuel to the fire, Jack decides to unfold your legs and hoist them over his shoulders, the new angle burying him even deeper and bringing you closer to the edge. A huff of amusement sounds from Jack as he peers down at your parted lips, wasting no time in fucking you into the mattress as the bed creaks underneath the pressure. His earlier annoyance rears its head in his movements, unsettled irritation laced in the impact of his thrusts, your cunt leaking all around him as he pounds into you relentlessly. So close in proximity, Jack takes the opportunity to caress your cheek, a sweet gesture as your breath hitches, all before his hand slowly drifts down towards your neck. An affirmative nod from you is he needs to tighten his grip, your brewing orgasm intensifying tenfold as he maintains all the eye contact to make you shudder.
He’s balls deep in you, each hard thrust punctuated by the smack of the wooden headboard against the bedroom wall. You feel him all around you like some wicked embrace: in your stomach, your lungs and around your throat, the snug clasp his calloused hand holds against your pressure points lolling your mouth open, gasping at the sheer intensity stewing within you. 
Jack takes the opportunity, wet curls stuck to his forehead, leaning closer as he spits directly into your mouth, as he does onto the ice throughout his games. Something twists violently in you, back arching off the bed as your lips fall close to moan from the deepest parts within you, the taste of Jack on your tongue. 
“Taking me like such a good girl,” he praises, your reflection plentiful in his eyes. “If I’d known you liked this, would have done it a long time ago.”
Everything begins to blur at the edges like an old photograph, bliss engulfing you in its heavenly fire as your skin shimmers with sweat and your nails scrape at Jack’s shoulder - a futile attempt to regain control that had been long lost, your bodies movement forgotten as you squirm and shiver all over. 
Oxygen courses back into your deprived lungs as Jack releases his grip, burning hand against your cheek as his thumb brushes your cheekbone, catching your fluttering eyelashes. “I got you, baby. Got you, princess.”
“Never been fucked,” a whimper escapes when Jack notches that spongy spot that buries your nails into his skin, “like this. Feels-fuck, good.”
He laughs lightly, pace stuttering yet hitting all the right places. “Love giving my pretty girl what she wants,”
You clench around him, embedding your nails into the flesh of his back as your teeth sink into your bottom lip, gaze scattered. “And my pretty girl wants to come, don’t you?”
He poses the rhetorical question with a mean pinch at your clit before pushing a heavy hand down on your lower stomach, the pressure accelerating you towards your fast-approaching orgasm. The sounds pour out of you like a waterfall, eyebrows furrowed as you plead with begging eyes. “Kiss me?”
“Whatever you want, baby.” he breathes, almost whiny as his hand circles around your nape, your figure floating as your lips collide in a messy embrace, rhythm unmatched as your yearning seeps through your teeth. 
Jack captures all your moans in his mouth, the new angle of his thrusts adding to the sloppiness of your wet kiss. The smack of his stuttering hips knocks against your clit in a way that has you seeing beyond, swallowed whole by his galaxy of stars as he gives you one last jerky thrust, teeth nipping at your bottom lip to undo you. Frayed at the seams, you come undone, unravelling in a mess that perfectly matches Jack as he quickly comes after you, coating your walls as your cunt spasms all around him as he rides out his high. 
Once Jack’s shallow thrusts grind to a halt, he slowly pulls out a heavy sigh, locking eyes with you as he runs a finger down your sensitive cunt just to get a shiver out of you. Your eyebrows knit, a flare of annoyance mixed in with fatigue written across your face that draws a humoured snicker from your boyfriend. He collapses down next to you, a kiss pressed against your cheek before you both aimlessly stare up at the ceiling. 
Amusement tugs at the corners of your lips. “You should get angry more often.” 
“I was just about to say the same thing.” agrees Jack, laughter making its home between you two as nothing but sweetness lingers in the air.
“Come on,” he urges, his hand nudging yours, body prying itself off your bed as he goes to stand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
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starsinmylatte · 3 months
𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚐
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Here is my submission for @kentopedia's wonderful Love Through the Ages collab!
➻ Summary: Trapped in the gilded cage of Victorian high society, you were determined to rebel. You ran the streets in disguise at night and threw yourself into your work as a typist for Scotland Yard during the day, rejecting the label of “quiet, submissive woman.”  Further rebuffing the ideals of your time, you scoffed at the idea of love and marriage, but a certain blonde Detective Inspector always seemed to make your heart flutter. You’re assigned to work a case under him, and your feelings only grow more complicated… but will your budding romance be able to survive one of history’s most infamous murderers?
➻ Pairing: Nanami Kento x afab!Reader
➻ Rating: Explicit (18+, minors DNI)
➻ Word Count: 8.2k
➻ Warnings: Explicit sexual content and Discussions of the Jack the Ripper case/thematic elements related to the case/time period (rape, poverty, etc.)
➻ Song recommendations (in order):
Toxic- From “Promising Young Woman” Soundtrack performed by Anthony Willis  Les feuilles mortes- Jean-Michael Blais The Swan- Camille Saint-Saëns
➻ Author's note: I did a ton of research to make sure I had my details correct, so there are tons of easter eggs hidden in the fic. I had a lot of fun with this one!
Join my taglist here!
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Colors flew through the air as you tossed various skirts, bodices, and any other accessories unfortunate enough to catch your ire clear across the room. They hit your quilted bedsheets with an audible thunk as Misato shook her head at your antics, tsking at you from the corner. 
“Love, you’ll be late if you carry on like that. Wipe that scowl off and pick one already.” 
You shot the maid another half-hearted frown, looking as grim as a young woman clad in only her chemise, garters, and stockings could. Misato strode over with matronly confidence, snatching the next garment out of your hands before it could grace the top of the pile. She held the bodice up, inspecting it in the clear morning light before giving a brisk nod. 
“Right then, this will do. It’s posh enough to keep your father happy without all those extra frills and ruffles you hate. Grab that skirt, and let’s get on with it.” 
You did as you were told, albeit extremely unenthusiastically. Misato hummed soothingly, draping the familiar weight of a corset around your waist. This was a dance you knew the steps of all too well. You fastened the busk up quickly before bending down to grasp at the foot of the bed, adjusting your decollete into the supporting garment. Misato tightened the laces systematically, just as she had done for every year you’d been old enough to dress as a woman. 
Standing back up, you moved your body around, wincing and rolling your shoulders as you reacclimated to the squeeze of the steel boning. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, dropping your head in apology at the sight of her soft frown. “I know I’m bull-headed, and I know it only causes trouble for you.” 
With a gentle sigh, the maid slipped a muslin camisole over your head before moving to fasten a bustle around your waist. “I understand, love. But you’re a woman of society, and you’re to dress as such. Now, bear you in mind, I’d rather die than see you in trousers like the men, but I think there’s a middle ground to be found yet.”
You smiled at her, grateful for the affection, “I know, but I’m still glad to hear it.” 
“Who knows… Maybe you’ll finally attract a husband who’ll let you run as wild as you’d like.” The older woman teased you, pinching your cheek affectionately as she slipped several layers of skirt over your head. Her loving prodding pulled an imperceptible flush across your cheeks, and you distracted yourself with the buttons of your bodice. “Lord knows some of those peelers can’t be too horrible to look at.” 
“Love,” you scoffed, choosing to ignore the way your mind immediately wandered to a certain stoic, blonde detective, “is for little girls who still believe in fairy tales.”  
You continued on, selecting a hat from a drawer. “I work because I want to do something important… something beyond embroidery and gossiping at garden parties. There are people out there who need help, Misato.”
The maid laughed softly, pinning your hat at a perfect, jaunty angle. “I’ve known that since you stood at the height of my knee, but I can still hope to see you happy.” 
You bade Misato goodbye with a quick kiss on the cheek, finally venturing out from your family’s warm, comfortable house to wait by the road for your carriage. An icy breeze brushed past as soon as you stepped outside, ruffling through your skirts and causing you to shiver. As you waited patiently, the damp air slowly seeped under your multiple layers of clothing; the strangely oppressive chill only took a few moments to carve beneath your skin like an icy dagger. 
Normally, little birds would flitter throughout the small yards alongside the street, filling your morning commute with their cheerful racket, but there was only silence today. Your only companions were the ever-present fog and smoke that blanketed the city, but today, they seemed so much thicker than usual, making the overcast sky feel even more bleak. 
Thick tendrils of gloom trailed over the cobblestones, swallowing the flickering gas lights one by one. There were no people on your street this early, no signs of life to be seen anywhere. Another shiver shot down your spine, but this time, it had nothing to do with the cold. The world was grey and eerily silent as the fog finally reached you, blanketing your entire body with frigid mist. The downy hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end; everything felt off… like an ill omen.  
A moment later, the clacking of hooves on the cobblestone echoed throughout the street, and a familiar carriage finally appeared in the gloom. You barely waited for it to come to a stop before you opened the door and climbed in, not caring to observe the proper etiquette. 
“Cold, miss? It’s a chilly mornin’ innit?” The driver chuckled, shouting loudly as he snapped the reins, urging the horses to return to their steady gait. “Don’t worry; we’ll get you back inside soon enough.” 
“Ah, yes… It is a bit chilly.” You smiled and brushed your actions off with a laugh, but the feeling of dread still weighed heavily on your heart. 
Even the horses seemed restless, rolling their eyes and tossing their well-groomed manes back and forth as they plodded eastward. You were grateful to finally see some sense of normalcy as you reached Victoria Street, where people of all ages milled around, setting up their businesses both on and off the street. Shops opened their doors, and street vendors set out their wares, squabbling loudly over placement and price. You smiled wryly as a young boy snatched a steaming pie from the corner of a table, eyes shining with delight as he shoved the greasy pastry into his mouth. He disappeared into the teeming crowd with the shopkeep still blissfully unaware of the theft.
The sight was as endearing as it was heart-wrenching; the cute little boy probably stole out of sheer necessity. If he hadn’t stolen the pie, there was a good chance he wouldn’t have eaten at all today, even in this area of the city. You suddenly felt guilty that you had the privilege of being able to turn down breakfast. 
“So much needs to change,” you murmured, drumming your gloved fingers against the lacquered side of the carriage. Most of the people from the upper crust simply wanted to hide the poor away; their attitude was just to keep them out of sight and out of mind.
Your thoughts continued as you looked off into the alleyways and then glanced eastward to where the worst parts of London were concealed. If your family had their way, you’d have never known those parts of the city existed; you’d have been kept on a pedestal in the opulent West End. To them, all you needed was decorative knowledge meant to accent your pretty face and attract a rich husband, but no one had counted on your tenacity. You had been too intelligent, too fierce of a little girl, always demanding answers from your tutors, rejecting their half-baked excuses about the world and how it worked. 
 Before long, you figured out that not all people grew up similarly. You fished stories out of maids and butlers, learning about how other people suffered in the cruel workhouses and filthy alleyways hidden in the background of the city you loved. But the most appalling thing by far was how little your parents and their wealthy friends seemed to care.  
When you turned ten, you convinced Misato to help you sneak out for the first time, mainly by threatening to go even if she refused to be your accomplice, and from that night on, you began exploring the real London. When your parents thought you were safely locked away in your room practicing embroidery, you were actually exploring the streets wearing ragged clothes “borrowed” from the nearest bin. It was dangerous and wholly irresponsible for a lady like yourself, and if anyone found out, your reputation and life would be ruined forever…. So, of course, you loved it.
“It’s no wonder I ended up here, in the last place a ‘lady’ should ever be.” You murmured, smiling as the carriage finally jolted to a stop outside the stately, brick-and-stone building at 4 Whitehall Place. The driver opened your door with practiced ease, and you entered Scotland Yard’s world of cops and criminals. 
“Odd, there’s so few people here…” You murmured, arching an eyebrow in curiosity as you walked in and reached your desk. 
Typically, the station was filled with men waiting on their orders for the day or waiting to go on patrol. The few men who were present milled about restlessly, and most wore the trademark blue peeler uniform. However, two men were notably different; they were dressed in everyday clothes and stood off to the side of the Chief Inspector’s office. If you didn’t know better, you could’ve guessed they were gentlemen who simply wandered in off the streets. 
“I haven’t seen those two before. They must be detectives.” You pieced together, noting the tension that hung heavily around them. 
The two men were certainly young to be detectives, but one seemed more experienced and slightly calmer than his counterpart. They each wore black frock coats and trousers, but from there, the appearance differed. The composed man had kind eyes and tawny, disheveled hair covered with a bowler hat, whereas his friend sported a red vest, fluffy hair, and no hat. He looked younger and full of nervous energy; for some reason, his hair seemed oddly…. pink?
You sighed, chalking it up to a trick of the light as you set up your desk for the day. In a valiant attempt to neutralize your own nervous energy, you began to clean your typewriter, stealing glances at the young detectives, trying to parse together what was going on from snippets of their conversation. 
“Do you really think- how long will it take?” 
“I don’t know, just wait and see.” 
Suddenly, two more men you did recognize walked into the room without fanfare. Chief Inspector Yaga led a tall, serious-looking blonde man over to the others, and your heart fell through your chest at the expression on his face. Not many of the detectives treated you well, but in all the time you’d worked there, Detective Inspector Nanami Kento had never failed to greet you with a small smile and a polite greeting every morning at the bare minimum. 
This morning, however, his expression could have cut through stone. The stoic man’s lips were set into a cold, hard line, and he didn’t even notice your presence. His dark eyes glittered in intense concentration, and the two young men snapped to attention as soon as he approached them.
Something has happened. Those aren’t the eyes of the gentleman I know… that’s the gaze of a detective entirely focused on his case.
Scotland Yard and its detectives were no strangers to tragedy and brutal events. They carried the weight of investigating the most unspeakable acts people could inflict on each other, but you had never seen DI Nanami look quite this grim. You watched the four men talk quietly for what seemed like ages before they finally walked over to your desk. Chief Inspector Yaga looked you up and down with a critical gaze as if to size you up. 
“How can I help you this morning, sir?” You met his eyes calmly, the feeling of dread rising, squeezing your heart once again. 
“You’ve been with us for almost two years now, correct?” His gruff voice rumbled through you like thunder promising an oncoming storm. 
“That’s correct, sir.” 
“And you’ve never had any-” He paused, gesturing around as if searching for the correct word, “trouble with the cases up until now?” 
Nanami’s chiseled jaw clenched as the Chief Inspector questioned you. He seemed to be looking just past your face, staring at a spot on the wall in a manner that seemed as though he was willing it to spontaneously catch fire. You didn’t try to hide the way your brow furrowed in concern at the question.
“Trouble, sir?” 
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Deep, dark bruises were blooming under the man’s eyes; it looked as if he had gotten little-to-no sleep for weeks. “I know you’ve certainly heard… more than a few disturbing things in your time here. The paperwork you tend to has details of crimes, and you’re around the men every day….  God knows they don’t know when to hold their tongues.” 
You nodded along, still confused and growing exponentially more concerned. His words were true; you’d certainly heard more than your share of gory details from the policemen as they returned from their patrols, whether it was just accidentally overheard or they told you directly as if it would impress you. 
“Well… It is never enjoyable, but I deal with it in the same way the men do, sir.” You pointed out deftly, unwilling to seem fragile. 
Nanami remained grimly silent, but a small smile played across the corner of his lips as Yaga watched you closely. After a moment of silence, the burly DCI sighed again. “Then there’s a job for you. I am about to ask more of you than I would like to, but you’ve excelled at your current position, and this situation calls for related skills.”
For the briefest moment, you could’ve sworn that you saw Nanami’s fist clench at his side. Still, the stoic man stayed silent as Yaga continued on, “You’ll be working under DI Nanami, and your main responsibility will be to organize and keep a running record of the evidence as it comes in. You’re to help them keep track of any papers they need to revisit during their investigation. Other duties will be assigned as needed.”
Yaga nodded stiffly and walked back to his office, shutting the door firmly as if to signal the finality of his decision. You looked up at Nanami with concern, as the man had barely moved since he arrived at your desk; he still looked silently furious. “Are you… do I need to do anything right now?” 
His mood seemed to shift to calm in an instant. “No, nothing right now. I’ll have a file to give you as soon as I return, but I do need to introduce the case to you so that you’re not blindsided when you… see it.” 
Nanami motioned for the two young detectives to step forward, “First, this is DC Itadori, and this is DS Ino. They will also be working under me for this case; if you have any issues and I’m unavailable, you can go to them.” 
The two young men tilted their heads in polite acknowledgment as they were introduced, each giving you a small smile, almost like the one Nanami usually reserved for you.
Ino spoke first, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Even under these circumstances.” 
Itadori nodded enthusiastically, “Yes! It isn’t often we get to work with a-”
“And I think it’s time for us to go secure transportation to the scene. You’ll have to excuse us.” Ino butted in quickly, placing a firm hand on Itadori’s shoulder and hauling the young man away, blatantly ignoring his noises of protest. 
You turned back to the Detective Inspector, whose expression was unreadable as he sighed, “He means well. Please forgive him.” 
A small, reassuring smile touched your lips as you gazed up at Nanami, “I’m not offended, Detective. I’m no shrinking violet and a bit of levity won’t go amiss every now and then.” 
Your small quip made the blonde man chuckle lowly despite the situation. “I’m well aware. But this case….” His expression shifted once again. “I don’t like involving you in it.” 
Hurt shot through you, stabbing through your heart with a dull ache. You had worked alongside him for two years, and he’d never seemed like the other men who constantly doubted your abilities for the supposed sin of being born a woman. You liked this man; you had trusted him.
“Do you really not think I can be of help?” You frowned as indignation seared through your veins.
You must’ve looked truly hurt because Nanami shook his head. “It has nothing to do with ability. You should know that I hold your abilities in high regard, but…” he said softly, “this case- it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before, and you should never have to see things like this. No one should.” 
Your firey attitude froze instantly, turning to shame as you realized his true intent. “Forgive me, I’m used to….” 
A flush crept across your cheeks as you took a deep breath, smoothing the fabric of your skirt and regaining your professionalism.
Why is it so easy for me to make a fool out of myself in front of you? 
“ I understand,” he murmured, studying the typewriter in front of you with a strange intensity. “You may as well come into my office and have some tea.”
It took you no time at all to understand exactly why everyone seemed on edge and why the Detective Inspector was so affected by the case. You had read files of violence, murder, and rape before, but what Nanami had to sit down and tell you was beyond all of that. There was a monster, some sick freak brutalizing and murdering women throughout the streets of Whitechapel. He toyed with and desecrated their bodies, and all evidence suggested that he had acted multiple times and was going to continue unless he was caught or killed. This wasn’t some random act of criminal violence or murder of passion committed by a jilted lover…. this was something only the devil himself could be capable of.
The warmth of the teacup against your hands brought you some comfort, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drink any of the tea. Your stomach roiled violently; you were suddenly immensely glad you’d skipped breakfast as Nanami softly explained what had happened to the women and the events that led to Yaga deciding that you’d join his team. 
“They found another body this morning,” he spoke plainly, but his deep brown eyes roamed over your face, his expression full of gentle concern. “Worse than the last, even.”
You glanced at the thick file in front of you, your stomach lurching as your eyes landed on the sketch of the previous victim. If it was only growing worse… God, you couldn’t even imagine…. The room suddenly felt too hot, your corset too constricting as you leaned forward, fighting the bile that rose in your throat. 
Nanami was by your side instantly, his large hand warm and soothing on your back as he knelt beside you with surprising grace. “If you don’t want to do this…. I understand. I swear I do. Just say the word, and I’ll have you home.”
It took a brief moment, but you swallowed thickly and straightened up, your eyes glittering in determination as you gazed down at the kneeling man. “No. I can’t- I won’t- sit idly by, knowing I had a chance to help, even if it’s just in a small way.” 
An entire moment passed as the two of you stared into each other’s eyes. Nanami rested his hand on yours for a brief moment, giving it a gentle squeeze, and you could feel your brain short-circuit. You were much closer to a bachelor than society would deem appropriate, but the desire to uphold proper values wilted against your need for comfort. 
The moment was over quickly, and the Detective stood, brushing dirt off his tan pants. “It’s time for me to head out to the crime scene. I’d like you to use my office while I’m gone.” 
Nanami gave you an achingly soft smile, the exact smile you had craved before he tugged his coat on, slid his unique, round glasses into place, and left the room. 
Weeks turned into months, but the monster who called himself Jack the Ripper still hunted the women of Whitechapel. It didn’t take long for the press to run with the story, drawing more attention to Jack than his victims. An endless flow of letters and tips began to pour in every day, and the monster had even penned a few himself, mocking the police for not being able to catch him yet. 
You spent every day working beside Nanami, who insisted you move into his office, claiming you could work more comfortably there. The attraction you felt towards the stoic detective grew as you spent more time with him, sharing the intimate workspace. He was always so busy and stressed beyond measure, but he was unfailingly kind and considerate of you. In return, you went above and beyond your assigned duties to care for him. You ensured that Nanami ate as regularly as possible, brewed him tea when he was having a particularly hard day, and provided him companionship. 
You had always known that Nanami was intensely intelligent and focused, but he truly gave all of himself to this case. Unfortunately, the Ripper seemed to be a shade able to pass through walls for all the helpful clues he left behind. You watched, feeling utterly helpless, as the pile of bodies grew and the dark circles under Nanami’s eyes deepened. Despite putting on a brave face, he seemed frustrated and permanently exhausted; if you had to guess, he even slept at his desk some nights. 
As the case progressed and even more women were killed, Nanami made it a point to make sure you were safe, even though you lived on the opposite end of London from where the murders occurred. You reassured him that you’d be fine, but he still gifted you a small firearm, a Derringer, that you kept tucked in your handbag every single day as both a good luck charm and a deterrent. The detective also insisted on escorting you home at night, and on the rare nights he was unavailable, he sent Ino or Itadori in his stead. 
However, most nights, you only waited inside for an hour or two before sneaking back to the streets. You were convinced the people who frequented the bustling pubs and taverns of Whitechapel had to have more information. Many people weren’t keen on sharing any information with the police, but you knew they’d talk amongst themselves and certainly to a pretty girl at the bar. You knew it wasn’t smart, but you were determined to help in every way possible; too many women were living in fear. However, a small part of you did know that you were also desperately trying to ease Nanami’s burden. 
Even though you were determined, you still felt incredibly guilty about the situation. It would undoubtedly drive Nanami mad with worry if he knew what you were up to, but you promised yourself that it was safe enough, that you’d always sneak back home before nightfall. You had even planned only to visit pubs on Whitechapel Road itself, knowing that proximity to the main road made your outings safer. Weeks passed as your covert outings continued without a hitch, but one night, everything changed. You had been far too distracted by the bartender you were conversing with, and before you realized it, the sun had fully set. You might’ve been right on the main road, but you were alone in Whitechapel after dark, where the monster was certainly lurking in the shadows.
Every bump in the night made your heart seize in fear as you started down the street, desperately heading back toward safety. You managed to make a decent headway, but the sound of a familiar voice stopped you dead in your tracks. Nervously, you glanced around to find DC Itadori at the building right in front of you, blissfully unaware of your presence as the young man chatted with a passerby.
You knew that the proper thing to do would be to approach him for help, to admit that you had made a mistake, but you couldn’t ignore the small voice in the back of your mind that whispered, “You know he’d tell Nanami, right?”  
Telling DC Itadori would be bad enough, but the thought of his mentor being disappointed in you or even hurt by your actions made your heart lurch. 
“It’ll be just a quick detour,” you promised yourself as you turned and headed down the closest alleyway.
Your journey was fine for the first few minutes, but it didn’t take long for you to garner unwanted attention. Your dress lacked the finery you usually wore, but it was still the dress of a respectable woman, and this dark alley was no place for any woman. Drunken men leered at you from every shadow, trying to coax you closer. You ducked and weaved your way out of their clumsy attempts to grab you, but you were forced to run down alley after alley to avoid them. The familiar weight of the Derringer that you’d tucked into your garter was the only comfort you had as you fled deeper and deeper into the heart of Whitechapel. An icy chill crept down your spine as you grew painfully aware that you’d gotten lost in the maze of alleyways. 
Thick, oppressive fog curled throughout the already cramped alley as you hurriedly turned the next corner, only to hit a dead end. Your blood ran cold, and tears of exhaustion and fear ran down your face as you glanced around, desperately trying to figure out where you were, but it was useless. The fog was too dense, and you were too lost. Two sets of footsteps were still following you. You could hear them approaching faster and faster,  and you shrank back into the corner in fear, reaching under your skirts for the cool metal of the pistol as a last resort-
Suddenly, you heard the sounds of a brief scuffle around the corner, followed by the sickening crunch of a nose shattering. A man yelled out in pain; you could hear him sprinting back down the alley as another voice rang out into the night, “Miss, are you alright?” 
You could’ve wept at the achingly familiar, husky tone as your Detective Inspector appeared out of the gloom, lantern in hand. 
“I seem to have made a mistake,” You managed weakly.
Nanami froze instantly at the sound of your voice. He raised the lantern to illuminate your tear-stained face, and a look of sheer horror broke over his handsome features. You crumpled against the wall, and the Detective Inspector rushed forward to support your body, his strong arms cradling you with breathtaking gentleness. 
“Are you hurt?” He asked quickly as his gaze scanned you over systematically, desperately searching your body for any sign of injury. 
“No, just cold, afraid….. and more than a little ashamed. Thank you for saving me.” You admitted meekly, fighting the urge to lean into his warmth. 
Nanami groaned audibly in relief, tipping his head back as if thanking god. His arms tightened around you slowly as he embraced you, holding you against his broad chest while you shook with latent fear. You flushed furiously as you reciprocated his embrace, drawing enough comfort from his presence for your heartbeat to calm. 
“You’re trembling,” he murmured, voice low and soothing. “let’s get you somewhere safe, and then you can tell me why you’re out here.” 
“I can’t go home. It’s too late; I won’t be able to get back in until morning when my maid returns. Perhaps I should rent a room here for the night? No one will know me this far out. I do have some money.” You rambled, trying to keep from crying even more.  
Nanami sighed, stepping back slightly to look into your eyes. “I’m not leaving you out here alone. It won’t be ‘proper,’ but I’d like to take you somewhere where I know you’ll be safe.” 
You felt a pulse of clarity flow through you, and you placed a hand on his muscular forearm, gently squeezing it in reassurance. “I trust you.” 
The detective’s warm, brown gaze softened as he saw the honesty written across your face.
“One more question, then. Do you think you’re up to walking? I could carry you, but that may draw more unwanted attention.” 
You shifted on your feet, testing them out. “I think I’ll be alright.” 
Nanami smiled down at you before deftly unfastening his tan, woolen greatcoat. He draped it over your shoulders with heartbreaking gentleness, ignoring your mild noises of protest as he secured it around you. 
“It’s cold tonight,” was all he said as he offered you his arm.
You held onto him tightly, instantly comforted by his solid frame and the quiet strength Nanami carried himself with, even in a tense situation like this. You had never been more terrified only moments ago, but now you felt safe and protected, almost warm despite the cold air around you. 
“Thank you…. It is quite comforting.” You murmured.
Nanami smiled down at you briefly before guiding you through the maze of alleyways, letting you dictate the pace. Funnily enough, the fog seemed to dissipate as the two of you walked down the streets of London together. You could see the stars twinkling above you, and if you didn’t know better, the two of you could’ve been a couple out on a nighttime stroll together. 
Time passed quickly as you walked together in comfortable silence, and soon, you arrived at a comfortable-looking townhouse near Bedford Square. Nanami unlocked the door without any preamble, ushering you inside out of the cold. He led you up the stairs into a tastefully furnished drawing room with a beautiful bay window that overlooked a moonlit garden.
“Please, make yourself comfortable,” he encouraged, leading you towards a plush settee. Nanami busied himself with lighting the ornate fireplace as you curled up against the arm of the furnishing, still wrapped up in his coat. You snuggled against the soft wool, surreptitiously enjoying how it smelled of his fresh, woody cologne undercut with the deeper scent you could only describe as his. 
As soon as Nanami finished tending to the fire, he began to pace around the room in a manner you knew meant that he was thinking deeply about something. 
“What is it?” You asked softly, almost afraid of the answer. 
He took a deep breath and stopped pacing, turning to look at you. Nanami’s expression held no anger as the firelight flickered across his face, but a profound sadness filled his beautiful brown eyes as he spoke, “I don’t think you understand what it would’ve done to me if you were the next body found.” 
You dropped your head, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as Nanami continued his pacing, “When I realized it was you in the alley, I- I thought the absolute worst had happened.” 
He ran his hands through his hair, pacing even more frantic as he tousled the normally neat blonde strands. “You must know by now…. You have to know…”
Nanami turned to you once again, dropping his arms to his side in defeat. “I love you.” He rasped, voice raw with emotion. “I’ve known for months. I didn’t think I could court you properly until I caught this bastard, so I didn’t say anything. You don’t deserve to be associated with me if I fail, but after tonight, I just can’t take it anymore. I understand if you say no, if you need a better man, but-” 
He didn’t get to finish his sentence. In the blink of an eye, you flung yourself across the room and into his arms. Nanami caught you in surprise, scarcely able to believe he wasn’t dreaming as you clutched desperately at his sides. Uncontrollable tears fell from the corners of your eyes as you gazed at him in unabashed adoration.
“I love you too,” you confessed, “ I don’t think a better man exists.” 
That was all the encouragement he needed. Nanami smiled lovingly, softly as he leaned down to press a slow, feather-light kiss against your forehead. You sighed in bliss, and the detective breathed deeply as if he hadn’t had fresh air in months. Months of stress and fear melted away from both your bodies, the negative emotions paling in comparison to the warmth of your love. Nanami ghosted more kisses across your cheeks and nose, taking his time to savor every inch of your beautiful skin before finally pressing his lips against yours. 
The kiss was soft and sweet. Your eyelashes fluttered shut, and you acted purely on instinct, leaning further into his embrace. One of Nanami’s strong, steady hands moved to cup your waist, holding you like precious china as your lips parted from the chaste kiss. As you shared another intimate breath, his other hand slid under your chin, tilting you forward to capture your lips again. 
“Marry me.” He mouthed against you, voice rough with emotion. “Let me protect you, love you, worship you. I want to hold you in my arms, to keep you by my side until I die.” 
“Yes,” you nearly pleaded, clawing at the material of his blue vest in an attempt to somehow pull him closer. “Kento, please…. I’m yours.”
He groaned desperately at the intimacy of his first name on your lips as his hand moved from your waist to wrap around your back possessively. Nanami trailed his other hand to cup your jaw as he kissed you even more passionately, almost devouring you whole. You had kissed before, but it was only mild, adolescent flirtations with boys you didn’t bother to remember; it was nothing like this. This kiss was searing, threatening to burn you from the inside out if you stopped for even a second. Your chest lay flush against Nanami’s, your body moving against his in a way that made his trousers grow uncomfortably tight. 
Nanami realized instantly and broke the embrace, stepping back to hide the way his cock strained against the fabric. The desirous look in your eyes and your attempt to follow him nearly shattered his resolve completely, but he touched your shoulder gently. 
“It will get increasingly hard for me to remain the gentleman you deserve if we continue.” He warned breathily, a light dusting of pink gracing his cheekbones. “If you need, I can go stand outside until morning.” 
A whimper left your kiss-swollen lips. Your body ached in a way you’d never felt, craving the sweet burn of his touch in places you’d rarely explored yourself. The world felt hazy and syrupy as you tried to regain your mind, but it was a futile task. Your breasts felt heavy, your nipples sensitive as they rubbed against the fabric of your chemise. 
“That’s not what I need,” you pleaded, and Nanami shuddered. 
“Can you tell me what you do need?” He murmured, taking a tiny step towards you. 
“Kento, I-I’ve never done this before,” you stammer, blushing furiously and shrinking back in embarrassment. 
Immediately, Nanami is at your side, holding you tightly once again. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of, darling. I wouldn’t love you less either way. All it means is that we’re on equal footing here.” 
He pulled you into another hug, intent on soothing you further as your mind spun. 
“You’ve never….?” You questioned softly. 
“No,” Nanami murmured, “I haven’t been with anyone.” 
“That does make me feel better,” you admitted, biting the swell of your lower lip. “What I’m feeling right now is new…. strange, even. I want you to touch me so badly that it hurts.”
Nanami groaned again, pulling you against his broad chest; he could easily feel your heart racing, and he wasn’t faring much better. 
“Do you want me to touch you now, or do you want me to wait?” He asked, voice deadly calm. 
“I think I’ll die if you wait,” you pleaded, pawing against his vest again. 
He chuckled roughly, grasping your wrist and pulling it to his lips. Your breath hitched as he kissed the tender skin of your pulse point, savoring the way your pulse raced under his touch. Without further preamble, Nanami reached down for your skirts, slowly drawing the fabric up past the soft leather of your garters. He reached down, tracing up your thigh with his fingers until they caught the cool metal of the Derringer, which you had completely forgotten about. 
Nanami tugged it free as he kissed you once again. He smiled into the embrace, pulling you with him as he stepped over to set the small gun on a nearby table. You glanced at him in astonishment, unsure how he had known. As soon as the firearm was safely put away, he scooped you up into his arms with another soft laugh, “Darling, what kind of detective would I be if I didn’t know?” 
You smiled up at him, “I suppose you do have a point, darling.” 
He sighed in bliss as you turned the affectionate nickname against him. You traced your hands up Nanami’s broad chest greedily, slipping them over his shoulders for support as you leaned in for yet another desperate kiss, unable to sate your desire for his lips. He somehow managed to walk and return the kiss at the same time, only stumbling slightly as he brought you into another room. 
You giggled against him, and he smiled, devouring the sweet sounds and eager to hear more. Nanami leaned down, setting you gently on his large bed. He pulled back to gaze at you in utter adoration, loosening his golden cravat and undoing the buttons of his blue brocade vest. He discarded them both, leaning forward to cage you between his arms as you drank in the sight unashamedly. 
“You know it isn’t proper for me to see you in just your shirtsleeves yet,” you teased, snaking your hands up his arms and growing bold enough to nip at his bottom lip. 
“I don’t think anything that we are about to do is too ‘proper,’” Nanami smiled affectionately as he circled his hands around your corseted waist, pulling you forward to sit at the edge of the bed. He unfastened your boots, caressing your stocking-covered feet gently as he set your shoes to the side. Afterward, his hands returned to your waist, meeting in the middle to trace over the small buttons of your green bodice. 
“May I?” He implored, voice low and breathy with anticipation. 
You nodded, biting your lip nervously. “Please.”
Nanami’s deft fingers began to undo button after button, exposing the other layers of clothing underneath as he went. You’d chosen to forego wearing a camisole, as none of your outerwear was fine enough to need protecting, so he was immediately met with the sight of your corset and the lip of your chemise beneath. The silken chemise you favored was thin enough to be nearly transparent, and Nanami’s breath hitched at the sight of your pebbled nipples peeking over the top of your corset. 
He knelt slightly, enraptured by the sight of your breasts rising and falling with every breath you took. Nanami stared at you ravenously as his breathing grew heavier. You blushed prettily, shrugging the bodice off as the once-stoic detective’s tongue darted out to wet his lips. His hands dug into the fabric of his duvet as he fought the urge to caress and kiss every part of your body. 
“I want to explore every part of you with my hands and tongue,” he confessed with a groan. “I can’t hold myself back much further, but promise that you’ll stop me immediately if I make you uncomfortable.” 
You noticed the pupils of his brown eyes were blown wide and dark with lust as he looked at you, fully enraptured but waiting for your response. His expression forced an involuntary whimper to tumble from your lips, and the heat in your core spiked once again. 
“I promise, but please… I didn’t think I could feel something like this.” You begged sweetly, guiding his large, warm hand to rest on the swell of your breasts.
He caressed the area gently, watching your face as his clever fingers explored your soft curves. You sighed in delight as he squeezed and traced the barely-covered skin, prompting him to investigate further. His fingertips grazed your nipple, and your back arched instantly, mouth parting in a perfect “O” at the waves of pleasure that shot through you. Nanami’s gaze grew half-lidded and hazy; he squeezed the small bud in response, and you outright moaned as your core clenched in need. 
“Feels good?” He purred, utterly shameless in wanting to learn your pleasure. 
You nodded vigorously, unable to speak, as you pulled his other hand to your back. He knelt on the floor, pulling you to stand over him as he reached around to unfasten your skirts and small bustle. They dropped to the floor, and he leaned forward to pepper kisses across your stomach and the tops of your thighs. You couldn’t feel his lips directly for the corset and chemise still in the way, but you could feel the warmth of his body close to yours. The intimacy of him kneeling before you, kissing your body so hungrily, made you throb with need once more. Acting on pure instinct once again, you began to rub your thighs together, desperate to relieve the ache.
He reached for the strings of your corset, successfully untying the knot. Nanami felt around for a moment before leaning back to look the silk and leather garment up and down. The detective chuckled lowly, “Would you mind helping me, darling? This is the first I’ve dealt with a corset, and I’m afraid it’s not as straightforward as the other layers.” 
You gazed down at him in adoration, guiding his arms to grasp different parts of the lacing. 
“Pull here…. and here.” You murmured, and the corset loosened under your combined ministrations, finally becoming loose enough for you to unfasten the busk. 
Nanami watched breathlessly as it fell. He grasped the hem of your chemise, the final major barrier separating him from your soft skin, and rose from his kneeling position to pull it over your head. Finally, you stood before him fully topless, and he shuddered in desire as he removed your drawers. 
He picked you up again, setting you back on the bed to work on the layers of his clothing. You whined in protest, wanting to undress him as he had explored you, but he simply shushed you, only speeding up his movements as he spoke through gritted teeth, “Darling, I promise you that we will have ample time for you to undress me later…. but right now, I need you, or I’m going to fully lose my mind.” 
Nanami was barely able to choke out the words as he threw his shirt aside, granting you a beautiful view of his muscular chest and the smattering of honey-blonde hair that covered it. His arms were just as well-built, and you bit your lip once again, squirming on top of his sheets as you watched him. Nanami hooked his fingers into the waistband of his trousers, drawing your attention to a patch of coarser blonde hair that trailed down his lower stomach, hinting at what you’d see next. 
You felt hot, fully and shamelessly filled with lust as you stared at the outline of his thick cock tenting the fabric. Nanami groaned as he saw your reaction, palming his erection as he started towards you, only clad in his trousers. 
“Lay back for me, darling,” he cooed, guiding you onto the mattress. It dipped beneath his weight as he joined you, running his fingers over your leather garters. He pulled them down with his teeth, pressing kisses to the bare skin that forced a litany of moans and pleas from your lips as he rid you of your stockings. Dimly, you realized the space between your thighs was sticky with your own arousal. Nanami realized a split second after you, trailing his fingers up to your core after disposing of the garters and stockings. 
“You’re beautiful, gorgeous…. Perfect.” His deep voice rumbled against your ear as he traced his finger through your folds. You shivered and moaned in response, your legs falling open even further, begging for him to explore more. He slid up on the bed next to you, leaning down to kiss your bare, sensitive breasts as he toyed with your soaked cunt.
Nanami carried on like that for a few minutes, noting that you grew the most desperate as he circled the small pearl of flesh at the top of your sex. He caressed it, noting with no small amount of satisfaction that his ministrations made you beg for more and whimper his name. Tension coiled in your stomach as he gently circled the puffy bud and kissed you passionately, relishing the taste of his name on your lips. It didn’t take long for that tension to snap in your stomach like an elastic band, and your back arched off the bed as you came hard. 
He growled praises into your ear, teasing his fingers into you as your cunt spasmed around nothing. “My future wife… a goddess.” 
Your eyelashes fluttered shut in a moment of discomfort that soon gave way to the blissful feeling of being filled. There was no pain as the other women had complained of; your world was a haze of syrupy bliss as your lover prepared you with his fingers, gently stretching your velvet walls. 
Nanami rutted his hips against the bed, delaying his own pleasure until you were ready for him to truly fill you. The two of you moaned and sighed, almost in sync. 
“You’re so soft and wet,” he cursed under his breath. “I won’t last much longer… Do you think you’re ready?” 
You leaned up to kiss him passionately, mouthing your desperate assent against his lips. Nanami unbuttoned his trousers, unclothing his lower half in record time as you lay back against the sheets, eyes fully glazed over with lust. He spread your legs, slotting his hips between them, and you felt the swollen tip of his cock kiss your needy sex as he positioned himself properly. The two of you were panting, moaning together like animals in heat as he pushed in slowly, desperately trying not to hurt you. You cried out at the stretch, digging your nails into his back, the pain pulling another guttural moan from your lover. Any discomfort quickly turned to blinding pleasure as he sank into you fully.
Nanami paused arduously, his cock twitching, desperately begging for him to move. 
“Tell me… when.” He forced the words out through gritted teeth, his expression almost a grimace as he fought the urge to thrust into you. 
The warmth and pressure of his body, the feeling of being stuffed full, the feeling of his cock twitching inside you… It was all too much. Your fingers scrabbled at his back, desperate for purchase, as you whined, high-pitched and needy in response. “Now, please- oh, God. Need you now.”
Nanami groaned as he began to move his hips slowly, dragging his thick cock along your velvet walls. He began to move slightly faster as you writhed beneath him, your mind too sex-addled to form a coherent thought or sentence as his swollen balls slapped against you. 
Your future husband fucked you slowly but thoroughly, filling the room with the salacious sounds of your lovemaking. A familiar tension began to build in your core, and Nanami groaned as your walls squeezed his cock. Unlike earlier, there was almost no warning as you shot straight over the edge of a mind-shattering orgasm, and you cried out desperately.
Nanami growled and cursed against your neck as your cunt milked his cock, desperately begging to be filled. 
“So close. Need… need to pull out.” He rasped, almost whining as he left the plush warmth of your sex. You watched him in a lust-filled daze, melting against his sheets as Nanami leaned back, furiously stroking his cock. He grunted and moaned shamelessly, hips still shallowly thrusting against his hand as he desperately sought bliss. His head tipped back as he panted; you could see a beautiful, rosy flush color his chest and neck, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch of it. 
Nanami’s thrusts started to falter from their original pace, and you watched, wholly enraptured, as his brows furrowed and his perfect mouth fell open. He came a moment later with a hoarse cry; thick ropes of his seed coated his hands and stomach in spurts. He stroked his cock a few more times, fully milking out his orgasm before collapsing on the bed by your side. You both lay there in silence for a few blissful moments, basking in the warmth and security of each other’s arms.
“I love you,” you whispered, breaking the silence with a smile. 
“I love you too, my darling future wife,” Nanami murmured back, entwining his hand with yours.
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Tagging some friends: @pseudowho @saradika @thefact0rygirl @babygirl-leon-kennedy @hereforthesunrise @ashotofspotchka @ironandglass @amyroswell @cassandrablacker @lady-valtieri @justanothersadperson93 @orangecremepuff @belle-smith07 @outspokenbrat @enchantedsylveon @khaleesihavilliard @spam-love @silverliningsandstorms @msniks @panteramarron @eldritchbeauty @unoriginalidea @cindyneko-strider @markleeisdabestdrug @gabbyburgers @its-chickenwing-450 @luneariaa @akiiireix @tojispookiebear @dangoank0 @ifuckinghateschool @barryatsumu @voids-universe @mahgyu @themoonmonologues @byul9158 @starlitnotes @makingtimemine
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
Willie Jack | October Prompts 🕷
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A/N: this my girl! This my favorite character! WLW + reader is always of color & in this case Afro-indigenous.
Prompt: 1. “I’m not helping you carve your pumpkin.” + 13. “Can you stop breathing down my neck?” — “Dude, I’m over here.”
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Letting out a yawn, you moved your cheek from the palm of your hand as you sat at your girlfriend’s dinner table. It was going on 8pm and honestly you were ready to go home but didn’t exactly have the energy to do that just yet.
Also you had plans with your girl, yet she got caught up with the dogs and you got off work at six; you were more than willing to reschedule as the sun disappeared behind the clouds. However when you had plans to spend time together, Willie Jack took that seriously and always wanted you around.
She had to do a little bribing, having Elora drop her off at your place after their hang out sesh just to walk back to her’s (honestly…she carried you on her back to the next street over) so she could make you some frybread with the leftover Succotash her mom had in the fridge.
“Hey, you sleeping over there on me?” Willie Jack called out to you from behind, standing in front of the stove.
Widening your eyes, you sat up straight, chin now pressed into your shoulder as you replied, “who me? Nooo. I’m just wondering how much longer I gotta stare at this pumpkin to magically make it carved already.”
“With your eyes closed?”
“And how do you know my eyes are closed if my back is to you, Mena J?” You questioned, using your own spin on the girl’s name who didn’t mind the nickname—only if it came from you.
Willie Jack switched off the stove with a twist of her lips, “don’t you think I know you by now? We’ve only been together for like half a year or something, babe? The only time you sit in that seat is when I’m in the kitchen and you try and hide that you’re gonna take a nap while I’m over here doing shit like a wife.”
“Aren’t you?” You smiled as the girl padded over to you, placing the glass plate full of bread on the center of the table.
Willie Jack then pulled the chair out to plop down on your right, “Damn straight.”
You tilted your head as a, ‘alright then,’ response, feeling the true weight of your two curly buns sitting on both sides of your head while you did so. Exhaling you reached forward over your pumpkin, plucking a piece of bread off the paper towel, which drained the grease for you, and placed it next to the veggies on your plate. Using a fork you scrapped the colorful vegetables into the frybread and began folding it as Willie peeked over at you, sipping from her raspberry colored cup.
Raising your brows at her, you briefly turned your attention back to your dinner, taking a bite as Willie spun the pumpkin to her attention, eyeing the outline of the design you chose.
“A ghost? You sure didn’t pick anything simple.”
“When have I ever?”
Willie Jack pushed out her lips with a nod of her head in agreement. She flicked at your pumpkin with a decision, “I’m not helping you carve your pumpkin.”
A frown settled in between your brows as you questioned, “and why not?”
This didn’t make sense to you. Willie Jack was the one who wanted to do all this fall inspired couple shit with you and all of a sudden she didn’t want to help you out?
“I thought we were gonna paint them not carve them? You know how tough this skin is? I’m not fucking up my fingers because of this orange shit. I rather do that in the ring you know?” Willie Jack responded, sending in a few jabs into the air.
You huffed, “that’s why we use this baby right here and not the sorry excuse for a knife that they give you in those stupid kits they sell at the store elora works at.” You waved the butcher knife in the air as Willie Jack watched you spin the item around with ease.
Willie Jack reached over, grasping your wrist to take the knife from you, “what am I, fucken Michael myers? I like hitting people not stabbing them.”
“Not you trying to switch up on me when this was your idea.” You rolled your eyes, “I was down for this instead of the usual smashing a few pumpkins.”
Willie Jack gave you a look, “who says we can’t do everything but that? October is just starting, baby!”
“You just did.” You pointed as Willie got to her feet to enter her living room and turn on the tv to play some music.
Once Willie Jack sat back down next to you, she reached over to playfully pull down on your ear, making you slap her hand away, “Aw don’t be like that. I was just fucken around since you decided to snooze on me for like seven seconds. You know I got you always, right?”
Shaking your head you sat back against the chair, bringing your plate up to take another bite. After chewing for awhile you decided, “Then I’m not helping you paint your pumpkin.”
“That’s whack. You know I failed art class.”
Which wasn’t a hundred percent true. You met Willie jack in jewelry class sophomore year, seated at the same table but over as you and one of your friends that she didn’t particularly like kept to your side. Willie Jack didn’t have any issue with the saw, screwing the wire into the handle and going away at the metal with no issue. She had one of the best works in the class and she knew it, even went around helping other students when she finished her work, much to the teachers passionate joy.
That’s eventually how the both of you got to talking, despite your bestie (at the time) mumbling shit about this underneath her breath. Until this day you still weren’t sure what the exact beef was between your old friend and your current girlfriend. The both of you knew she needed help too but would rather get help from the teacher than Willie Jack. Nonetheless that friend ended up not being in your life anymore since she told others that it had to do with you picking sides with the enemy. However you’d say it had to do with her not accepting that you can be friends with anyone you wanted and she retaliated by making up untrue rumors and dating your idiot ex who was on the football team.
“Well that’s a lie,” you started and stopped as you swallowed your food, “you seemed to do well in jewelry class.”
The brown haired girl brushed off her shoulders with a grin, “yeah but I’m no auntie b tho!”
“Fine, I’ll give you that.”
The two of you smiled at each other for a moment, enjoying each other’s company, despite you being exhausted and dreading going to school on Monday.
“Hurry up then, wife.” Willie Jack knocked on the table, “we got work to do! And I’m playing that indie boyband you like while we work.”
“Is this your way of telling me you want to slow dance in the living room with me?”
“I’ll save that for our wedding day.” Willie winked, taking her own piece of bread to bite into before she tossed the rest onto your plate.
Scoffing, you crossed one leg over the other as you continued eating.
After some time the both of you were seated in the living room, newspaper resting on the coffee table as Willie went to work on your pumpkin and you did the same for her. The Spotify playlist was on shuffle, playing a mixture of both of your music tastes making the both of you feel further at ease. You basically sat on top of each other, one leg tossed over her’s as she crouched forward carving your pumpkin while you lounged backwards.
Willie Jack rapped the lyrics while you hummed to them, pumpkin on your belly as you made small strokes of the thin brush against the orange pumpkin.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back. It’s probably my dad.” Willie said abruptly, making you snap out of your zone to realize that the telephone was ringing.
She carefully lifted up your leggings covered thigh, then shimmied by you instead of going around the coffee table to head into the hall. Sighing you stretched out your long legs, continuing on Willie Jack’s piece.
Before you could zone off some more, vibing out to the music, Kendrick Lamar’s voice suddenly went quiet making you huff in annoyance. Was Spotify having a moment again? Your eyes flicked to the television just in time to see the tv shut off with a flash of white to signal it’s exit. Not too long after, all the dim lights in Willie Jack’s house also erupted your vision in complete darkness.
“The fuck!?” You heard Willie Jack yell in the background.
Carefully leaning upwards, you used one of your hands to feel for a free spot on the table to place the wet pumpkin down. Next you got to your feet as you listened to the patter of Willie Jack’s feet.
“Yo, what happened?” Willie asked you from somewhere on your right.
Slowly you moved sideways from in between the couch and table, shrugging before realizing that your girlfriend most likely couldn’t see this, “I don’t know. I was just sitting here and the tv cut off right before everything else went off? Where’s your parents?”
“Dad said they’d be out a little longer, stopped at the general store to let me know there’s something going on downtown. He didn’t get to tell me exactly what before we lost power.” Willie Jack answered as you crept to the door.
Grabbing at the curtain that covered the windows by the door, you gently moved it to the side to peek outdoors. There wasn’t any street lights or lights illuminating from other houses showing outside either, which means this was possibly a blackout. Your hands suddenly crept over to the doorknob, fingertips reading for the knob to make sure it was locked.
It wasn’t.
Which instantly made you silently curse at your girlfriend in your head. You didn’t play that shit, especially when you all didn’t live far from a sundown town that was only about four miles out from the reservation. Don’t get it wrong, you loved your girlfriend but she could be so careless sometimes.
“Can you stop breathing down my neck?” You hissed, back to peeking out through the glass in search of any movement out there.
Usually most people went outside, ready to throw a party when things like this went down or talk to their neighbors with some source of light to guide the way. It felt strange to you to not see a single person doing just that.
It wasn’t the norm.
Your hand went to the back of your neck, feeling warm air brush against your skin.
“Bro…I’m over here.” Willie Jack told you, making you whip around as the hair on your forearms underneath your sweater began to rise.
“the fuck was that?”
“What?” Willie Jack pressed, trying to make her way over to you.
Holding out your hands you whisper-yelled, “stop! Stay on your side.”
“No. I wanna be next to you.”
“Something just breathed on the back of my neck, Mena J! And you said it wasn’t you.”
Willie Jack hesitated, “Yeah I did say that…maybe it’s just the ancestors and nothing you’re thinking about.”
“Really? ‘Cause I’m thinking it was a damn demon and I’ve never felt that energy before here.” The stress was rising in your voice, “it’s pretty convenient that it wants to come out and play while the town is experiencing a blackout.”
Willie Jack said, “don’t say shit like that to me when I gotta live here and you won’t let me come to you.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you began tiptoeing around, hands outwards as you felt the air, which definitely felt hot in a specific area but you tried not to think about it too much. Your number one goal was to be beside your girl and away from whatever the hell that was back there.
Fumbling hands reached out for the girl, who quickly yanked you to her frame by the small of your back. Your cheeks were pressed against each other as you embraced for a moment.
“Let’s lock ourselves away in my room.” Willie Jack suggested, quickly slipping a hand around your waist and guiding you down the hall to her bedroom.
With you entering first, Willie Jack locked the door behind her before telling you, “I’ve got some cedar and a lighter in one of my drawers.”
You didn’t take long to head over to the said drawer, hands out to lead the way and hoping there was nothing tossed around on the floor for you to break your neck on. With the cedar smudging, the strong smell circulated the air as Willie Jack eventually went towards her closet to pull her storage rack full of her boxing equipment; which included her weights to press up against her door.
Soon she found you back by her bed, away from her bedroom door and sat right beside you. Her hands went to grip the sides of your neck, feeling upwards and gathering that your hair was now down at it curtained around her hands. Next her forehead pressed against yours for a moment, “we’re good in here. Nothing is fucking with us, even if our ancestors aren’t with us right now. We got the cedar and probably a few more hours before daylight.”
At least you weren’t alone and being with Willie Jack, you never had to worry about that.
Soon you found the both of you laying back on her bed, wrapped up in each other. Sleep wasn’t on your mind anymore but the comfort of Willie Jack’s arms wrapped tight around you led you to just that.
“Nobody’s touching you, babe. Not if these hands got anything to say about it, I promise.” Willie Jack muttered against the top of your head before you involuntarily dozed off.
It wasn’t the cawing that woke you up the next morning, or the snoring that escaped from Willie Jack’s wide open mouth. Your eyes peeled open at the sound of something rattling, making your head jerk upwards to focus on the doorknob wiggling. Your eyes then shot to the single window in the room, from what you could tell behind the blinds it was possibly a foggy blue sky outside.
Sitting up, frantically your eyes searched around the various of objects that made up your girlfriend’s bedroom, you were just about to cross over her body when a large kicking sounded at the door.
That’s when Willie Jack shot up, head knocking against yours that made you wince.
“Fuck man,” Willie Jack rubbed against the center of her forehead, “what you doing? Trying to get freaky after being terrified?”
Scowling you wanted to pull on her messed up braid but thought against it as the stinging sensation against your temple told you otherwise.
The kicking continued at the door, making Willie Jack latch onto your hips to untangle you from her. She was ready for war as she jumped down from her bed, picking up a dumbbell before she halted at the knob of the door.
Picking up the salt lamp in her window sill you stood up on her bed, arm cocked back as Willie Jack took one last look at you with a dip of her head. Silently counting, she pressed out the lock to her door and pulled the door back with a scream.
“Fuck outta my house, bitch!” Willie yelled, just about to launch the dumbbell at the entity.
“Hey, hey! It’s me you shit ass!”
The voice of a very alarmed Bear screamed, hands held out and face turned away from the incoming abuse from his friend.
“Bear?” Willie Jack had her eyes in slits, “We almost clocked your ass, bro! What’re you doing here?!”
“Your mom told me to wake you guys up before she went to work. Said the blackout held her and your dad up for hours, they were in and out. Didn’t have the time to scold you two from smashing with the door closed.” Bear was now smirking, as he peeked into the room as you now plopped down onto the bed, pinching in between your brows.
Willie Jack went to swing at Bear, smirking to herself as he easily flinched. “Shut up, shit ass. We weren’t doing none of that, not like it’s any of your biz tho.”
“Then…what were you doing?” Bear was confused.
You now stood beside Willie Jack, who glanced at you, “carving and painting pumpkins, you?”
Squeezing by the two friends you didn’t respond to Bear as he asked your retreating frame, “in the dark?”
Willie Jack placed the dumbbell back onto the rack and moved to slip her arm around a still confused Bear as she led the way back down the hall, “did you see or feel anything last night?”
“No, because it was fucking dark.” Bear commented, “what’s up with you two?”
Willie Jack peered over at you now sitting at the table with Elora (who waved at Willie Jack) and Jackie who dipped her head in acknowledgement at Willie, pouring yourself some coffee as you sat with hunched shoulders.
“Morning, Willie Jack.” Cheese greeted from his spot on the couch, “you guys enjoy the blackout?”
“Fuck no.”
“Oh, okay.” Cheese blinked, “there’s something I found when we first entered your house while everyone else made themselves comfortable.”
Willie Jack frowned, “what, bro?”
Cheese held what appeared to be a nose guard up in the air, making a deeper frown appear on Willie Jack’s face.
“And here I thought I was the only one who had a broken nose.” Bear smiled, “somebody messed you up in the ring and you didn’t tell us about it huh?”
“That’ll never happen, shut up.” Willie Jack shoved the long haired boy who didn’t wipe the smile off his face as he stumbled, “…that’s not mine, cheese.”
“Oh…then who’s…”
Willie Jack blew out a breath as she clapped her hands, “everybody, lets leave!”
“Huh? We just got here not long ago.” Elora argued.
“So?! Donuts sound better and I don’t got that shit here, let’s go. Elora you’re driving.”
“Obviously, I’m the only one that can drive, dumbass.” Elora snarked, slowly following as you were the first to leave the house.
Willie Jack began waving everyone outside the house quickly, pulling the door shut behind everyone.
“You sure you guys were okay, last night?” Bear asked as Willie Jack walked beside him into the fall air.
Willie Jack had her eyes set only on you, up ahead as you waited for Elora to unlock the doors. Cheese stood on the side closest to Willie Jack and Bear as he struck up a conversation with you that Willie Jack picked up on.
“By the way, you guys made really cool pumpkins. Did you do that before the town shut down?” Cheese chatted.
That’s when your eyes flicked back to Willie Jack’s in alarm and she went into protect mode. She quickly nudged Bear’s arm to get away from her house as fast as possible, “I’ll let you know later, bro. We just gotta go.”
Bear barely let his words slip through his lips as Willie Jack rushed to your side, hand sliding into yours as your eyes silently shared concerns with each other.
It wasn’t Willie Jack’s breath hovering behind you last night so…who’s was it?
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Continue along with my fall anthology prompts here
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icarus-star · 11 months
★𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭★
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐤𝐞𝐲: ✧=𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, ♡=𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, ◇= 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 ☆=𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐬!
𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐬 / 𝐭𝐰𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬
charlie walker (scream 4)
✧smutty little headcanons
✧pervert charlie
◇it's you?
✧no touching
✧stop staring
✧stalker!charlie pt.2
✧stalker!charlie pt.3
✧literal legend
✧literal legend pt.2
✧a little while longer
♡fluffy relationship headcanons
♡/✧/☆mlm relationship hc's
♡to be alone with you
◇/✧cherry waves
✧masturbation blurb
♡/✧charlie with an ftm!boyfriend
clyde (electrick children)
✧smutty little headcanons
✧early morning
✧you get me so high
danny cooper (intruders)
✧smutty little headcanons
✧good boy
♡lover boy
✧pretty please?
✧pegging danny
✧filled up
✧thoughts on bunny!danny pt.1
✧thoughts on bunny!danny pt.2
✧/☆seeing stars
✧/☆love buzz (halloween special!)
✧cotton tail
✧bunny!dan & his puppy partner
possum (welcome to willits)
✧/☆smutty little headcanons
✧spaced 'n stoned
✧in the woods
♡night & love
✧ugly boy
chris kenton (twelve)
✧art deco
♡/✧random headcanons
✧play doctor
✧champagne & sunshine
jack thurlow (jack goes home)
✧smutty little headcanons
✧yes ma'am
♡/✧aftercare headcanons
✧anal training
✧male!reader blurb
kappa (black mirror s6)
✧/☆catching you with a vibrator
✧kappa & his good boy
gabriel (gabriel 2014)
♡/☆fluffy relationship headcanons
♡clay pigeons
tyler (the expecting)
none yet!
clay roach (city on a hill)
clement (hick)
♡bf! blurb thing
✧smutty blurb
willie (castle rock)
ollie sway (the song of sway lake)
♡/✧adoration (valentines day special!!)
mike (5 lbs of pressure)
✧virgin reader giving him a bj
gage (bullet head)
gavin (sneaky pete)
multiple characters
s3x/makeout playlists
✧no nut november (collab with @ethical-cain-vinnel)
✧nnn pt.2
✧/☆hybrid moments (danny x kappa)
✧slut4evr (danny x kappa x tyler)
✧ur so creepy (charlie walker x reader x kirby reed)
✧rosemary (kappa x reader x dan cooper)
★𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬, 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭. 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝟏𝟖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫. 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐦 𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭★
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goforshexgo · 10 months
sigh *decides to write fanfiction again*
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lukeywritesstuff · 5 months
Luke Hughes x Reader
Part one of my social media series
Description: in a childhood game of ping pong Luke lost a bet and now he has to name his first child after William Nylander. They didn’t say the child had to be a human child.
Notes: my first time making a social media tumblr fic, bare with me as I fully figure this out <3.
Warnings: fluff, cats, cursing.
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Liked by: lhughes_06, y/bff/n and 8,556 others
LifeOfY/N/N: new addition to the Y/L/N/Hughes family 🩵🩵🩵 help us name HIM!
Tagged: Lhughes_06
jackhughes: Mini Jack!
_quinnhughes: Literally anything except Mini Jack
trevorzegras: name it Ed Sheeran
williamnylander: baby Hughes, remember the ping pong bet?
→ Lifeofy/n: what… ping pong bet…
→ lhughes_06: I have to name my first child after him. Our first child is our cat.
→ Lifeofy/n: I don’t hate it. Willy suits him tbh!
→ williamnylander: congrats, you can now name your actual children what you want.
→ Lifeofy/n: Willy IS my REAL child you MONSTER! He’s my BABY! I BIRTHED HIM!
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toasttt11 · 3 months
introducing carina
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Carina has always been the grumpy one of her family, more short tempered and just not a big people person, unlike her brothers who are both like rays of sunshine. The whole family always adores how different Carina and the boys are.
Carina plays with the number two and if anyone asks she just says she picked a random number but truthfully she picked it because of her two brothers but she would never admit that.
Matthew always looked up to his older sister, she was exactly how he wanted to he, when he started playing hockey he learned a lot from watching his sister, he chose his number 23 because that’s her birthday.
Philip has always been the more silly one out of the siblings but he can easily be a protective of his little siblings.
Matthew and Philip’s favorite sibling is easily Carina, it’s something they both know and admit. The two absolutely adore their sister and can be pretty protective of her.
Carina tends to keep people at arms length just not liking letting people close to her, but when she joined the Sabers her teammates grew on her over the years. She couldn’t not be close to the people she spends most of her time with and ends up eating most her meals with too, she didn’t want them to grow on her but they did.
The Buffalo Sabers is a genuinely younger team most of the players are newer to the league and quite young, Carina is older than at least half the team and they all grew on her, she wouldn’t ever tell them but they end up like little brothers to her.
Carina calls her teammates leaches as they never seem to go away, the whole team loves Carina and her grumpy personality, a lot of them try to her Carina to laugh or smile because of them.
Joseph Woll was someone who always puzzled Carina, He never seemed bothered or intimidated by her glaring face or just the general grumpiness from her if anything it seemed he enjoyed it and that confused her a lot, she didn’t like how he seem to affect her and tried so hard to keep him arms length away from her.
Carina is very short tempered and tends to get at a lot penalties, and she does get in quite a lot a lot of fights on the ice that she easily wins having being taught how to fight most her life.
Once she signed a contract extension she bought her own house in Buffalo, she hated living in an apartment but didn’t want to buy a house if she didn’t know she was getting resigned with the team. She bought a house that definitely has a lot room for just one person but it has a lot of it’s own land and a it’s little bit away from any other houses so she has her own peace and quiet. But many of her teammates come and bother her at her house so she doesn’t get as much peace and quiet as she would like too.
When Joseph and Carina get together almost ever shelf and table in her house has a Lego flowers on it, Joseph is always making her Lego flowers and they are scattered all over her house.
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