#yoghurt the fox
nerdycolorcupcake · 1 year
I started to play Minecraft bedrock edition on my phone once again, to see what has changed (and my computer is down bc the charger is broken)
I decided to play one of the selected snow environments, and boy was it was a hard start
No food sources nearby (only being able to find a single sheep so no beds)
Iron and coal were easier to get so armor and torches were no problem
However one thing became constant in these few minutes
This fox
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Once i dug my bunny hole to hide from the cold and literally be afraid of starving to death, this white fox, despite their clear fear of me, stood nearby the entire desperate run for survival
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sadly i died by tripping off the stairs
but that fox was there, and took none of the things i lost
i died near the spawn so it was easy to recover everything
and then
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The fox finally joined me in my little safe space
needless to say i am happy, foxes are surely a welcoming continuity in my Minecraft runs
Wonder where I'll go next
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smolpumpkinpaws · 9 months
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Snack ideas for pet dreamers/regressors!
DISCLAIMER: This is strictly ideas for snacks, not meals! You gotta eat three balanced meals! Anyways, onward!
Kitty regressors/dreamers: Cats eat fish and many cat foods contain chicken, so goldfish crackers and chicken flavored crackers can make fun snacks for kitty regressors! People used to feed cats cream, though that's only safe in small portions and must only be done on occasion. Going off of that, maybe you could have a cup of yoghurt as a kitty snack! Using cereal like kibble could also be fun!
Pup regressors/dreamers: Like mentioned above, using cereal as kibble could be fun. Also, there are those Scooby Snacks biscuits that look like dog biscuits! Dogs also eat meat, so jerky could be a good snack too!
Wolf regressors/dreamers: Like with pup snacks, you could use Scooby Snacks or jerky as your wolf snack! Wolves have also been known to eat rabbits, so you could use those Annie's snacks that are shaped like rabbits, too. Wolves have also been known to eat berries on occasion (usually when prey is scarce), so you could also try berries as your wolf snack, especially if you prefer to have a vegetarian/vegan option!
Fox regressors/dreamers: Foxes eat a variety of things, such as rabbits, bugs, small birds, and occasionally berries. So, you could try chicken flavored crackers or Annie's rabbit shaped snacks. You can also eat berries as a vegan option. As for something resembling bugs, you could try gummy worms or cooked grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are expensive though, and if you're shopping online, make sure you're buying grasshoppers cooked for people, not as reptile food!
Bunny regressors/dreamers: Rabbits of course eat fruits and vegetables! I think real life rabbits can only eat certain kinds of fruits and vegetables, and even then, they're actually supposed to eat greens and can only eat fruits and vegetables on occasion, but you're a regressor/dreamer, so you can eat any kind of fruit or veggie you like! Fruit gummies and veggie straws are also good ideas too!
Bear regressors/dreamers: I know a few things bears eat are salmon, deer, berries, and honey. So, bear regressors can try eating goldfish crackers, deer jerky, and berries! As for honey, I'd imagine anything with honey works.
Dragon regressors/dreamers: Dragons are known for their love of treasure, so chocolate coins and ring pops are possible options! If my books are correct, dragons are known to often eat fish and livestock, so goldfish crackers and jerky are good options, too.
Bat regressors/dreamers: Different kinds of bats consume different things, including fruits, insects, and blood. So, some possibilities are fruit, fruit gummies, gummy worms, cooked grasshoppers, and red fruit punch or red soda!
I hope this gave some of you some ideas!
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auxiliarydetective · 2 months
Straw Hat Fun Facts - Evie's OCs Edition
A while ago, I posted these character bulding questions on my resources blog. And now, in the light of my lingering obsession with One Piece, my growing number of OCs for the fandom AND my recent milestone, I've decided that now is as good a time as any to finally answer them for my own OCs! Not all of them are, in fact, Straw Hats, but I'll still answer the questions for them because I can.
Featured are Aurelia, Cora, Inari, Lily, Luna and Lux AND the two still undeveloped ones, for now code-named Betta Fish and Flying Squirrel because... well, that's what they're based on.
Have fun!
Note: I wrote this post over a week ago, told myself I'd proofread it and never did... And then I proofread it last night at about 11pm, so... Yeah, you'll find no braincells here, just pure vibes and the braincells that were already there a week ago. That being said, I'm particularly proud of the "As a Family" section
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Animal Resemblances
Aurelia: Peacock
Cora: Mouse
Inari: Red fox
Lily: Fennec fox (obviously)
Luna: Swan
Lux: Lynx (once again, obviously)
Betta Fish: Well.... a betta fish! Also known as Siamese flying fish!
Flying Squirrel: I actually get to say some more here, it's specifically a Japanese giant flying squirrel.
Specific Numbers
Aurelia: 107 (do-na)
Cora: 6/5 (sixth Straw Hat to join if you count Luffy, fifth if you don't, i.e. fifth recruited), 96 (ko-ra), 25510 (a-ka-i-to), 19 (ichi-ku)
Inari: 8/7 (eighth Straw Hat to join, seventh recruited), 176/576 (i-na-ri), 53 (ka-mi)
Lily: 5/4 (fifth Straw Hat to join, fourth recruited), 66 (ri-ri -> Lily)
Luna: 8/7 (eighth Straw Hat to join, seventh recruited)
Lux: 106 (ji-rou), 693 (ru-kku-su -> Lux) 080 (ou-ya-ma; short for ouyamaneko = lynx)
Betta Fish: to be determined
Flying Squirrel: 6331 (mu-sa-sa-bi = Japanese giant flying squirrel)
Specific Colors
Aurelia: black, gold
Cora: a very dark fuchsia/dark red
Inari: pastel orange/pink mixture
Lily: pastel purple/pink mixture
Luna: (soft) icy blue
Lux: beige, white
Betta Fish: Cobalt blue, rainbow
Flying Squirrel: Dark cyan/blue
Specific Smells
Aurelia: violets, a hint of sandalwood, expensive perfume
Cora: cherries, cinnamon
Inari: strawberries, birthday cake
Lily: sea salt (the smell gets caught in her fur), water lilies, usually a hint of cigarette smoke because she's been around Sanji for a while
Luna: almond milk and honey
Lux: cheap cologne; grease or oil if he hasn't showered since last working on the Tang
Betta Fish: salt water, lavender
Flying Squirrel: Incense, wax, fireworks
Favourite Type of Island and Season
Aurelia: Previously spring on a summer island, now spring on an autumn island
Cora: Spring on a spring island
Inari: Any season on Totto Land; summer on a spring island
Lily: Summer on a spring island
Luna: Winter on a spring island
Lux: Winter on a winter island
Betta fish: Autumn on any island with a forest
Flying Squirrel: only knows Wano seasons
Favourite Food
Aurelia: Spaghetti carbonara, most likely
Cora: Honestly? Fish and chips. I don't know why. But not the cheap kind. High-end fish and chips, freshly made by Sanji. Fish that is fresh out of the sea, with a crispy crust, and the chips aren't your typical burger fries but more like fried potatoes. I feel like she'd also enjoy sweet potato fries
Inari: Inarizushi, which is a pouch of fried tofu filled with sushi rice. She loves it because it has the same name as her and because it has little fox ears. Sanji usually decorates it with a fox face to match
Lily: Omelette. Why? Because fennec foxes love eggs. Generally, preparing her an egg is good enough, whether you cook it or fry it, she loves eggs, but she especially adores omelettes because they look cool and because of the way Sanji makes them
Luna: Yoghurt, preferably with honey. She also loves elderberries, or yoghurt with elderberry jam
Lux: I feel like he'd like turkey hen? Generally, some sort of poultry. Also chicken (which is a poultry, I know)
Betta fish: Oysters, seaweed
Flying Squirrel: Daifuku (the food, not the character), udon
Least Favourite Food
Aurelia: Chips as in crisps, specifically she doesn't like salted ones. ESPECIALLY not salt and vinegar ones
Cora: I feel like she's not a fan of bitter foods in general and she hates it when food gets burned and she has to eat that charred black stuff. Luckily, that doesn't happen to Sanji. For somewhat obvious reasons, I feel like she also doesn't like oregano
Inari: Funnily enough, she doesn't like fried tofu. Her favourite food is inarizushi but she doesn't like fried tofu. That's because it takes the correct tofu, the proper frying technique and enough rice for her to like inarizushi. She doesn't like the taste of just fried tofu on its own
Lily: I'd say she doesn't like dried, salted fish. It's a common preserve on sea travels and she probably had to eat it a few too many times. Poor girl. She may also be slightly allergic against high amounts of salt
Luna: I don't know. Honestly, she might not be a fan of alcohol? Or at least drinks where you can taste the alcohol, so anything spiked probably isn't for her. There's this dish called Herrencreme in Germany - she wouldn't like it
Lux: Lux isn't exactly a picky eater, but I feel like he has a personal vendetta against cooked meat, especially if it's overcooked
Betta fish: Easy, mermaids don't eat meat and they don't eat fish. A certain group of people tricked her into eating fish at some point and, when she learned what she ate, she immediately had to throw up and felt bad about it for years after
Flying squirrel: I feel like she wouldn't like typical American™ fast food. Too greasy and weird
As a Family
Aurelia is normally the mother but, in the case of the Straw Hats, she might as well be the rich aunt
Cora has middle child vibes (says I, the person with no siblings). She's younger than Nami, vibes-wise. Then again, she's Sanji and Zoro's boyfriend, so... She's the girlfriend that's already part of the family
Inari: The youngest daughter, but only because her and Lily don't exist in the same universe. Technically, she'd be a cousin though? Or a half-sister? Yeah, she's a half-sister!
Lily: Well, you got me there. Youngest daughter, but she's also Sanji's daughter, which would mess up all the generations, so let's say she's the baby daughter that Sanji mainly takes care of
Luna: She's the oldest sister, or, because she's Sanji's girlfriend, she's the girlfriend who the parents like more than their actual child because she's so responsible
Lux: Technically not a Straw Hat, so let's say he's either a cousin or the kid living next door who's always playing soccer with the Straw Hat kids and comes over so often that he practically already lives with them
Betta fish: I can't give too much away without spoilers, but she's the other mother. She's the dad's girlfriend. We're doing a patchwork family here, people. Two moms, two dads.
Flying Squirrel: Neighbour kid who helped the Straw Hats get their ball out of a tree that one time and now they love her. Her and dad no. 1 bond over woodworking
Real-World Nationalities
Aurelia is Mexican, no doubt about it
Cora is English
See, this is where "nationality" becomes the deciding factor because, nationality-wise, Inari is English. As for her heritage, she's probably not just white. I see her as being part Japanese
Lily doesn't really have a nationality because she grew up on a ship, but she eventually moved in with Kaya, who is English
Lux, I'd say, is Russian
Betta fish lady is Thai, because betta fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish and Siam is the historical name of Thailand
Flying Squirrel person is Japanese and of Chinese and Japanese descent
Inner Brain
Aurelia: It depends! Her inner brain is either fully on danger mode or fawning over Mihawk 24/7
Cora: Mostly sewing-related. The other half belongs to her boys <3
Inari: Sweets and chaos.
Lily: There's no way to pin it down. Her mind is 100% childlike whimy and chaos
Lux: Is Zoro around? If so, he's 100% in love. Otherwise, he's honestly either about training or repairing the Tang - or a no thoughts head empty sort of person. He loves his naps
Betta fish lady I honestly don't know too much about yet. Further in the story, she's thinking about her partners for sure (and trying to babysit the Straw Hats, probably), but before that...? I dunno. Let's say she's thinking about tea.
Flying squirrel person is thinking about archery, revenge, stealing, honor and the occasional woodworking project
Suited Flower
Aurelia: Aster flower
Cora: Somehow, I'd say it's a poppy. Because poppies make you fall asleep, which is something that Cora is notoriously bad at lol - and it's red!
Inari: Snapdragon
Lily: Water lily
Lux: Zinnia
Betta fish lady: Hyacinth
Flying squirrel person: Hydrangea
I think I'll leave it at these for now? Maybe you'll find some interesting fun facts here <3
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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look-i-love-u · 1 year
Asking Game
Thanks for the tag @mikhailoisbaby, @creepkinginc, @energievie! xx
what’s your name? Vey
your sun sign: aquarius
the last song you listened to: Blood and Glitter - Lord of the Lost
what are you wearing right now? pink striped socks, black undies, black bra with white polka dots, black trousers, black tank top, black woolen jumper
how tall are you? 1,60m
piercings? three
tattoos? none
glasses? contacts? both (not at the same time though)
last drink: water
last thing you ate: yoghurt
favorite color: pink and black
any pets? one dog
do you have a crush on anyone? no
favorite fictional character: Mickey Milkovich
a movie you think everyone should watch: God's Own Country
a book you think everyone should read: The Wish List - Eoin Colfer
the last place you traveled: a short work trip last weekend
something you’re looking forward to: going to dinner with some friends
Tagging: @ian-galagher, @shinygalaxyperson, @vintagelacerosette, @whatwouldmickeydo, @deathclassic, @surviving-maybe, @squidyyy23, @auds-and-evens, @ardent-fox
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thestarinstarving · 14 days
helloooo tumblr
short(er) post this time! today was pretty uneventful, stayed just under my cal limit, but have no idea how much i burned bc my fitness app was playing up today. messed with the settings a lil so it should be fine now! ive also decided not to weigh until friday. lowkey embarrassed to put my cw on here since i gained after b1ng1ng, but oh well. at least ive started a duo diet with a moot to stay motivated 💪🫶
having one of those late night "getting my life together" moments, so i'm deciding to plan my day tomorrow. ive tried similar thinfs before but always set my goals way too high and just being disappointed, so i'm gonna try and be more reasonable this time around. had an exam that was just okay.
cals in: 676
breakfast: 230
☆ 2 store brand weetabix biscuits, 145 cals
☆ 170ml semi skimmed milk, 85 cals
lunch: nothing
dinner: 279 cals
☆ 82g pork, 199 cals
☆ 37g fries, 80 cals
snacks: 167 cals
☆ monster zero sugar pineapple, 11 cals
☆ 1 fox's milk chocolate rounds, 86 cals
☆ 115g light greek strawberry yoghurt, 70 cals
cals out: ??
net cals: 676
sw: 173lbs/78.5kg
cw: 162lbs/73.5kg
gw1: 160lbs/72.6kg
ugw: 110lbs/50kg
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parameddic · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper : my cat, surprise last song you listened to : shake it out, florence & the machine currently reading : uhhh i just finished The Study of Poisons which is poison study (maria v. snyder) from Valek's POV, it was about 3.5/10 and i would not bother reading it if i were you. made me like valek less and actually believe the romance less, as well last movie : fantastic mr fox last show : modern family, it's been my background noise show for the past couple months what are you wearing right now : a jumper and trackie daks. it's currently 7 degrees C how tall are you? : 5'11" but maybe 6"? i get different outcomes if i'm using the measure in my boss' office (he's a surgeon and has a height-thing) vs if i'm using a tape measure. taller without the tape measure piercings / tattoos? : no piercings but i have wanted pierced ears for a while (ear cuffs!!!!); one tattoo, it's a sunflower, on my arm glasses ? contacts? : glasses last thing you ate? : muesli and yoghurt favorite color(s) : blue-purple current obsession : my cat. i am not sure i really have an 'obsession' in fandom terms atm but i do enjoy 911 LS obviously. i stopped watching 911 at the end of 5a i think? because it just wasn't my teapot anymore. i am always obsessed with sociology, also do you have a crush right now?: not currently. i am in no real rush to find a partner? if it happens it happens, whatever favorite fictional character : currently TK strand. I have been falling out of love with 10 a little which is really sad last place you traveled : uhhhhh last time i travelled was. oh! over christmas, i went to see my dad, so up to queensland. it was fun, we went to au.strali.a zoo again (the steve ir.win one), and i have tickets booked up to queensland again for a residential at my university at the end of may as well!
tagged by: @fyrewalks
tagging: I don't actually really have anyone to tag. potentially... @lilxmcrtes, @camptw1nk, @inkedmuses, @unfragile, @caterva and i also just want to know merry's answers for these but i know most of them @merrilark
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🥀 and Fundy!
I just rewatched three of his videos so the fox child is on my brain right now lol
🥀 darkest headcanon/theory please I just read crimeboys angst you can’t do me like this not more angst please- (/j)
ummmmmm fuck it’s been so long since I fixated on his character-
oh I had a headcanon that he felt like a bad parent because he was trying to raise a kid while having mental health issues and sometimes yoghurt would have to take care of him (make dinner etc)
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sevenxvirtuesx · 1 year
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  closed starter─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
“Okay so I would just like to point out there wasn’t like a sign saying ‘Do Not Touch’ or ‘Warning: Touching This Means Being Cursed With Bad Luck and it’ll Drive You Crazy Cause You Cant Even Get Your Yoghurt From The Fridge Without the Yoghurt Exploding.”
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Was that snarky? It was a little snarky. Hopefully the pout off any edge. And besides, saying it aloud in such a manner made her laugh. The laughter was bright and genuine despite the circumstance. “Sheesh, c’mon. A little sympathy? Please? I know, I know, borrowing a book from the library comes with its risks but I didn’t know it was a cursed book till I picked it up. And I don’t know what to do! I’m like stuck in my room. Every time I leave, someone picks a fight or I fall - you should see this bruise on my hip, it looks a little like a fox, might get it tattooed.” Yuki gave them a warm grin, hiding away any discomfort or pain. It was an annoyance, that was all - the curse would wear off or someone would break it. And as long as she was sat on her bed, what could go wrong?
…shit, was that a creak? The bed wasn’t breaking right?
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── @xamassed ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
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[ID: digital drawing, dsmp fanart the picture shows six kids, Michael, Youghurt, Shroud, Foolish JR, Finley and Michelle. Michael has half of his face sewn on and white in colour. There is also patch on his left leg. The rest of his skin is light pink. he has pink hair with white streak in them. his eyes are green and the left one has black sclera. He has fangs and sharp ears. he is wearing pink shorts and yellow sweather with brown stripes. His toes and fingers are black. Yoghurt has coily white hair and fox ears, tail and legs. He also has claws. His eyes are brown with black sclera and his nose and lips are black. he is wearing blue pants, black shoes and white hoodie with blue pom pomps. Shroud has dark grey skin, messy short hair, and scars on his mouth that look kind of like fangs. His eys are dark blue with red sclera and his eyebrows look like eyes and there are also eye symbols under his eyes. The palm of his hands and his mouth are darek red and he has sharp black nails. He is wearing red turtleneck, red sneakers and blue jeans. He is also holding notebook. Foolish JR and Finley are holding hands. They look the same but Finley has longer hair. They have light orenge skin and straight blond hair. They have white eys with turquise sclera and they are wearing white shirts and green pants with green suspenders. michele has white skin with pink spot covering the left half of her face. she has eyepatch on her right eye and the other is light blue. She has long wavy white and pink hair with a bun. She is wearing brown blouse and shoes and green pants, belt and headdress. She also has wooden necklace. end ID]
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braveolpabear · 2 years
Papa Bear The True Saviour of both Farm and Jungle Animals🐻
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Papa Bear formerly Lachlan Andrew Ormerod aka Good Old Pa Bear is regarded as The True Saviour of both Farm and Jungle Animals . He is simply known as The Destroyer of Dragons because he hates Dragons (in most cases MediEvil Dragons form the planetoid Medievilonia) and Eliminator of Predators because he loathes Ferrets, Weasels, Raccoons, Wolves, Foxes and Coyotes. No matter the incredible odds or whatever situation Papa Bear will always triumph since he created not just all the inhabitants of the planet Pleasure Paradise along with it's two orbiting planetoids Mystic Jungle and Sunny Oasis respectively but every single monster or creature all throughout the far-off distant galaxy known as Galaxceus because he possesses the strongest magic in the whole planet Pleasure Paradise (if not all over Galaxceus) called ''Pigasus''. He has a fiercely protective guardian angel Jodie, who is a chubby but super-strong four hundred-pound thirty five-foot tall Pink Heavenly Whippet with huge angelic wings matching her short fur colour. She is now Queen of The Castle of Heaven aka The Heavenly Castle due to her obtaining most of the remaining Dragons Treasure aka Dragons Gold in the castle dungeons, thus making Papa Bear her servant. Together in the event of a crisis Papa Bear whips out his Pig Wand while Jodie whips out her Horse Wand before concocting a Stupidity Spell on their adversaries making their favourite animals (in most cases Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, Monkeys, Giraffes and Vultures) highly intelligent but making the animals they despise (like Foxes, Raccoons, Ferrets, Weasels, Coyotes and Wolves) incredibly stupider. In addition to working part-time as his guardian angel-turned queen servant Papa Bear has a full time job as a dairy product delivery Bear for Georgette's Ice Cream and Yoghurt Co Factory. This is because Papa Bear once had his own farm on Pig Island after getting all the Animal Furries whom he and Jodie helped on their quest to help build it but he ends up losing the farm due to the shortage of Dragons Treasure, and after he finds The French Ice Cream Cow needs extra funds for her business so Papa Bear decides to give her his last remining Dragons Gold. In gratitude The French Ice Cream Cow offered the fat teddy-like Bear a career opportunity to which he gladly accepted. Following the grand opening of her business Georgette now owns Papa Bear's failing farm and gives the chubby Bear his job delivering boxfuls of her dairy products including her flavoured ice cream using a few of sentient Airmites formerly from the industrial planet Zephyr whom are now permanent denizens of Pleasure Paradise and now work as transportation. Papa Bear delivers Georgette's ice cream products all over each planet or asteroid throughout Galaxceus via casting a Teleportation Spell riding on one of the Airmites as transportation. He also brings his trusty Pig Wand as case of a MediEvil Dragon attack. Papa Bear occasionally visits his wise old mentor Porko the Dragon-hating Jungle Boar Shaman aka The Hogfather who has since moved to Pig Island next to The Heavenly Castle due to his original jungle hut getting burned down by Dragon Soldiers. With a lot of love, bravery, warmth, courage and a great big tummy Papa Bear is a Bear an entire far-off galaxy to explore🐻🐗🍌🥥🍍🌴🏝️
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froyo-ravioli · 2 years
9, 10, 15
9. 3 things you like doing on a rainy day
Not go outside, for one thing. I kind of like rain only when I don't need to be in it :) But I do love falling asleep to rain sounds on the roof. Even when it's not raining, I have an app and I listen to rain when I go to bed almost every day. When it's actually raining and I'm inside, I like looking at it through the window. When my cat comes inside from being outside when it rains, he loves to be dried off with a kitchen towel.
10. 3 things you like eating with coffee
I don't actually drink coffee. So if I can exchange that for tea...
I usually drink tea with breakfast (pancakes, yoghurt, ...) I also drink tea as a snack in the middle of the day, and then I usually pair it with something sweet, like a cookie, a piece of cake, pie, fresh fruit, ... I don't put sugar or sweeteners in my tea, but I love to drink it with something sweet.
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans."
What can I say, I've been a Beatles fan for ages. It's a John Lennon lyric from 'Beautiful Boy', for those who don't know. I've got this quote on a wooden board in my home gym room. The board I once bought at a garage sale.
The second quote is :
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From Simon & Garfunkel's Kathy's Song.
If you ever missed someone who is on the other side of the world...
As for a third quote, hmmmmm, difficult to just remember one from the top of my head. It's probably a dialogue between Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from The X-Files. Honestly, as you can see, some musicians and some shows have been so formative to me, lmao, in my early teens, mostly. I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
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nicetrynicetry · 2 months
Wednesday, 3 and a half hours of sleep because of surprise insomnia mixed with a neighbour’s home security system blaring late into the night. I wake with my alarm, remembering A called me at 3am when I told him I couldn’t sleep. He shared his screen on FaceTime, and serenaded me with Ice Cube’s “It Was A Good Day”, rapping the few lyrics he remembers from its original release. “Remember when my car blew up?”, he asked
I would like to stay in bed til 1pm but I get up and leave the house for Pilates, fuelled by the vain promise of defined abs. The class is mercifully small, just me and a woman who makes orgasm sounds when she exerts herself even slightly and the instructor. The instructor has a new doorbell that links to her phone, so every time a fox or a delivery man passes her door in north London the phone makes the sound of wind chimes. I tell her not to let me lie down during the class or I’ll fall asleep, so she sets me up with a panoply of punishing arm exercises using bungee ropes. I take great pride in her saying she’s pleased with my progress, and can’t believe I’ve been coming less than a year. She had told one of her substitute instructors a few weeks ago that I’m “stronger than I’ve ever been”. I actually think this might be true in every sense. I have been making good choices, no matter how much my therapist negs me
I bike to the studio and call the gallery I bought A’s birthday gift from looking for answers about the package’s whereabouts. The liaison with no boundaries tries to ask me whether I want kids and I deflect like a champion. I paint and paint, answer emails, paint some more. I book plane tickets to Switzerland for G’s wedding in June and remember A’s lifelong dream of going hang gliding in Switzerland so I book hang gliding for the two of us, unsure whether we will still be in touch by the time the appointment rolls around. Maybe I’ll go hang gliding alone if we aren’t, soar over the Niederhorn with a Swiss man strapped to me in order to feel better. I make a note to book Athens, too. I read about some breath mints that fill your mouth with saliva and I buy those. I return a pair of shoes that are too lesbian-coded, and practice playing my small synth. I am still anxious about the length of my set for the NY show, perhaps the way some men are anxious about their penis size, except I can do something about my set. An idea for my opening song hits me suddenly. I figure I can loop the first two lines of backing vocals as many times as I damn well please. Something about the laziness of this solution satisfies me immensely. I paint even more, go home, daring myself to work on music for the first time in ages just to ruin my own day. Not to brag, but I have been absolutely crushing my career in painting lately, from the granular dedication present in my daily studio practice to the quality of the professional emails I send to other galleries politely asking them to lose my number. No money panics, but no hubris either. In music I am bleeding funds and hope, insecurity colouring every collaborative interaction and every vocal track I record. It’s a ghastly neurotic mess, and I’m a ghastly neurotic mess. I feel I am failing at both quantity and quality, and it’s all self-imposed so there is nobody to blame. Do NOT quit your day job
Thursday I wake with a headache but a strange sense of peace. I cold plunge, letting leaves and bugs move around my body. I empty the tub and let it fill with fresh water while I drink two cups of coffee. I paint three new paintings that will be done by the weekend. My arms throb from Pilates and I enjoy it. One of J’s two girlfriends is in the hospital with appendicitis and J asks to borrow my ice cream maker for when she is home. I gift it to him, and am relieved to do so, it’s a hefty thing that is used once a year when a fleeting desire for frozen yoghurt arises, and isn’t worth the space it takes up. J’s other girlfriend posts a picture of the first girlfriend lying on a hospital bed with IV fluids and captions it “all my hoes should shed vestigial organs”. Instagram shows me a video with a man biting into a burger. He explains that whenever he orders a burger he orders a double so that “a vegan out there in the world isn’t actually making a difference”. I see that the account is for the conservative American dating app The Right Stuff. I suppose it was about time the Meta algorithm understood me to be both unlucky in love AND harbouring a shameful desire for right wing content. The man’s right, of course: for every puréed cashew or puddle of aquafaba consumed in the name of saving the planet, there is Some Guy eating more meat than he needs
I round off the day with a podcast accompanying me around the house while I do laundry. It’s rare that I let a podcast follow me home, since usually I have burned through everything worth listening to at the studio. But I realise I’ve been inadvertently searching for the female equivalent of Katt Williams’ imagine on Rogan, and I think I have found it in Megan Fox’s appearance on Call Her Daddy. “It’s crazy that people think it’s gross when I drink blood”, Fox says, “while women everywhere are letting men they don’t know cum in their mouths. He didn’t even buy you a nice drink! The thought of that makes my back hurt”. I like Call Her Daddy because it teaches me that famous women are smarter than I think, and makes me feel bad for assuming otherwise. I have yet to find an episode that isn’t at least briefly thought-provoking, and Megan Fox’s is exactly the same. I think the key difference between her and a Katt Williams is that she is the first to state that she is unwell, while Katt Williams simply believes he’s a genius. This seems to be a matter of gender. Conspiracy theories and lying about how many books you’ve read is to men what the zodiac and past life regression therapy is to women. Katt Williams won’t take the vaccine because of The Smurfs and how it relates to religious texts, while Megan Fox is asking the surgeon performing her third boob job if he saw a crow or an owl or had a dark thought, and if he did, is telling him not to operate. But most painfully obvious of all is that fame is its own mental illness, no matter who you are. If I had the authority, I would put fame and jet lag in the DSM-5
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ohtumbly · 3 months
My Gacha OCs so far (part 2)
This post is incomplete.
Here is a continuation of all my Gacha OCs I made. Check out part 1 here:
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First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 16
Location in the real world: Sapporo, Japan
Favourite food/drink: Shortcake
Occupation: Student
Letitia is an Anglo-Italian who has moved to Japan to study. She has light brown hair in a ponytail and a pair of front sidelocks, fuchsia eyes and long eyelashes. Her default outfit is a school uniform of a white short-sleeved sailor-esque top with short sleeves, blue collar and red neckerchief, a blue skirt, socks and shoes.
Letitia is very, very shy. Poor girl!
She has a soft Lancashire accent that sounds like whispers.
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Wind
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 16
Location in the real world: Adelaide, Australia
Favourite food/drink: Breakfast Burrito
Occupation: Reporter
Tamika is a fox girl with red fox ears and tail with a white tip. She has white hair that fades to light blue. Her eyes are light blue. She wears a white off-shoulder dress with a light blue bow tie, and a pair of short white socks. She also holds a lollipop stick in her mouth.
She's pretty much lazy for most of the time.
She has an Australian accent.
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Light
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: 23
Location in the real world: Tokyo, Japan
Favourite food/drink: Yoghurt bar
Occupation: Engineer
Raiko has been working on her plasma swords and plasma shields and applying how can she apply them to her supermech. She has yellow hair in a bob-cut with a white tip, electric yellow eyes, a yellow t-shirt, a white jacket, a belt, long white pants and yellow platform shoes.
Raiko's calm through her engineering business working on her plasma swords and shields. She has made 28 different colours of these shields.
She has a serious voice.
First appearance: Gacha Studio
Character gender: Female
Character element: Dark
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 10
Location in the real world: New York City, New York
Favourite food/drink: Sugar cookies
Occupation: Student
Natalie is a city girl full of song. She has long lilac hair down her back. Her eyes are white with cyan pupils. Her default outfit is a moon-shaped hairclip on her hair, a lavender short-sleeved top over a white dress, white socks and lavender shoes. She occasionally holds a microphone in her hand.
Nat is a happy, ecstatic girl who takes singing as a hobby.
She has a generic American accent instead of a New York accent.
First appearance: She does not have an appearance in any game
Character gender: Female
Character element: Light
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆
Age: 22
Location in the real world: Montreal, Canada
Favourite food/drink: French Fries
Occupation: Officer
Tiffany works as an intersection controller of Dokitown's police defense team and is one of the two newest characters I've made (the other is Amelia Janet). She has long reddish-brown hair down her back. Her eyes are gold. Her default outfit is an officer's outfit; a blue hat with a gold badge on it, a blue blazer, over a light blue shirt, a red necktie, white gloves, a blue skirt, short white socks and shiny black shoes.
Tiffany is a fun person to be with, sometimes whipping up good jokes, even if she's busy with all the tiring work of standing at one place.
She has an energetic voice.
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Wind
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: 10
Location in the real world: Stockholm, Sweden (Her GC data says her location is "Up In The Clouds")
Favourite food/drink: Shortcake
Occupation: Student
Charity is a fox-dove hybrid. She has long, straight blue hair with a hair tip on top. Her eyes are light blue. She wears a white dress with a yellow coat with short sleeves over it. She also has white socks and yellow loafer-like slippers.
Charity in Gachaverse was still new to the globe from the sky, so she's still wandering around Dokitown.
She has a silvery voice.
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 26
Location in the real world: Cambridge, England
Favourite food/drink: Macaron
Occupation: Caretaker
Paige is the nanny of the Dokitown Daycare. She has short white hair that fades to bluish-grey. Her eyes are lavender. Her default outfit has a light blue hat on her head, a blue and pink dress with light purple ribbon behind it, long white stockings and light purple shoes.
Paige is a ditzy woman who can get confused easily, but shows excellent caretaking to the kids in the daycare.
She has a Posh English accent.
Inventor Dave / Dave
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Male
Character element: Water
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: 15
Location in the real world: Auckland, New Zealand
Favourite food/drink: Steak dinner
Occupation: Engineer
Inventor Dave is a skilled engineer full of creations he made. He has brown hair, dark brown eyes, goggles worn over his head, a dark blue jacket over a white shirt, a belt, long black cargo pants, black safety boots, and a jetpack on his back. He sometimes holds tools.
He tends to complete his projects with extra care and would warn others. Could he really call himself an inventor? Will he actually invent something?
He has a New Zealand accent, one that sounds like a mix of Winner and Two, both from BFDI TPOT.
Snow Queen
First appearance: Gacha Studio
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆☆
Age: 29
Location in the real world: Oslo, Norway (Her GC data says her location is 'The Snowy Mountains of Glacia')
Favourite food/drink: ?
Occupation: unknown
This snow queen ran far away from her home in search of a new one. She lives in an ice castle in the middle of the raging snowstorm. She has long, light blue hair down her back. Her eyes are light blue with eyelashes. She wears a white and light blue strapless dress with short, off-shoulder sleeves. She wears thin slippers on her feet, and holds a staff.
She does not speak.
First appearance: Gacha Life
Character gender: Female
Character element: Water
Rating in character gacha: ☆☆☆☆
Age: 15
Location in the real world: Singapore
Favourite food/drink: 6 inch sandwich
Occupation: Student
Windy is the creator's sister. In Gachaverse, she is a normal-looking human, with short greyish-brown hair, round glasses, and a similar eye color as the creator himself. Instead of a black pupil on the left and a white one on the right, hers is a white pupil on the left and a black one on the right. Her default outfit is a white t-shirt, white shorts and small white socks. And if that sounds bland, she has a handful of alternate outfits, including urban causal wear and a safari outfit, which you can get them from the costume gacha.
Windy can be a shy and lazy introvert who stays in her madly decorated apartment bedroom with posters of boy bands and vtubers on her bedroom walls, and a busy-looking desk. She however always sticks with her sibling when she's out and about. She's a playable character but she cannot be obtained from the character gacha.
She has a light Australian accent with a spoonful of Korean essence.
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driftwork · 10 months
2 am
The hotel in Sidmouth is a boutique hotel of perhaps 20 or 30 rooms,  lxurous and cool by turns.We are  here because of the wedding we  are attending on Saturday.  A few days on the coast.  Wandering around the town, around the dock and the bay,  spending time in a small bar eating tapas with margaritas with music playing.  She isn't drinking. She refuses to say why, though tired she seems happy. It's later, she is asleep, its 2AM - i am in the bathroom  the led of the charging toothbrush glowing through the opaque glass of the cabinet doors.  The sound of foxes or deer in the gardens outside, perhaps also across the road on the hillside.  The led stops flashing,  you shuffle in the moonlight  back to bed, swish swish swish on the wooden floors.  You dream of her  driving the car in her underclothes. Was it my younger body? She asks  in the morning.  Yes, you say.  We are the only people who know those bodies.... It rained. Downstairs at breakfast she says, palefaced, eating muesli with yoghurt,  some fruits, a pot of coffee in front of her, I have to tell you something...
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cagedblocks · 1 year
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Old Yoghurt drawing I had piled up. He’s just a toddler and toddling around on all fours.
Which yeah him still crawling is how imma explain him being just a normal fox in game. Despite him crawling however, he does have a leash.
Which he won’t grow out cause Fundy is a paranoid dad about him leaving him.
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lacuna-lunax · 2 years
It’s very... ‘feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best’ today, ya know?
Today: (1500)
Grenade Carb Killa Chocolate Chip Salted Caramel
Fox's Jam 'n' Cream Raspberry & Vanilla x 2
Grenade Carb Killa Lemon Cheesecake
Starbucks Frappuccino Coffee Drink
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Very Cherry Bakewell Yoghurt
Fabulous Freefrom Factory Chocovered & Candee Coated Peanuts
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