#you’re what the french call les incompétents.
syoddeye · 17 days
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down the hatch
141 x reader, featuring a smidgen of soapgaz in this bit. ~1.5k words.
continuation of you thought your life was over when your psycho, end-of-days conspiracy theorist austrian neighbor kidnapped you.
tags: poly141, soapgaz depicted. reader is a little cuckoo for coco puffs after being alone for three months. voyeurism. half-assed masturbation. a gun. kind of crackfic, kind of not.
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“we’re not gonna hurt you,” ballcap insists, crouching to open the cupboard under the sink.
“just a little,” dry bones adds, not bothering to lower his voice.
“he’s lying, kitty, swear we won’t hurt you.”
holed up in the surveillance room, you listen over the crackling feed through the attached headset, absolutely fuming. panicking, too, but the door is shut and locked. the seal blends with the maintenance room’s panels, and the button to open it is hidden in the electric panel. the bunker’s build, many cameras, and folding bunks in the second bedroom suggest the austrian had long-term plans to repopulate earth or intended to abduct others but ran out of time.
either option would’ve blown, but now, his paranoia and apparent voyeurism came in handy. the stupid, unwashed idiots look dumb as hell crawling around looking for you.
after a while, they assemble in the kitchen and spend the next hour taking inventory. they are not impressed by the yanni collection, but they are intrigued by the bed you stopped making and the half-completed puzzle of the eiffel tower. you snarl as ballcap completes one of the corners. fucking uncivilized freaks, trampling all over puzzle etiquette. if you didn’t have the external feed and a pile of hardened ooze for proof, you’d know the world had gone to hell in a handbasket. depraved.
eventually, scragglebeard rustles up dinner. it’s obscene, the amount of food he uses. the men lounge and luxuriate in your kitchen and your living room. it doesn’t look like they’ve struggled for much. they eat like a pack of feral dogs when presented with a stew and mash. mohawk produces a half-full bottle of liquor, and the four nitwits have the nerve to toast the discovery of their new home.
a growl from your stomach tempers your outrage. you didn’t consider supplies when you hid. just survival.
the men laze after their meal.
“gonna go have a shower.” mohawk announces, slapping his thighs as he stands.
“thank christ.” dry bones jeers.
“join me?”
you straighten in the swivel chair. that's unexpected.
“nah, i’ll go later.”
“is it an open invite?” ballcap asks.
“warm it up for us, then.” 
you won’t use the cameras that the austrian installed in the bathrooms—that’s crossing a line. then, a minute later, ballcap follows mohawk, and walks right past the three-quarter-finished eiffel tower. you think, vive la france, joie de vivre, or whatever.
a pity the cameras in the bathrooms don’t have speakers. the lens is a bit foggy, but the view is decent. the men waste no time stripping.
the camera sits in a vent, points through the grate, and into the showers. they’re in the stall closest to the door, convenient. mohawk pins ballcap to the slick tile, his hands gripping the other man’s hips so tight you see his knuckles whitening. desperate thing.
it’s kind of boring after a few minutes. mostly mohawk sloppily kissing and nipping at ballcap’s mouth and lips, occasionally detouring down his neck. their junk is mostly hidden at this angle, presumably slippery from the shower and all the dry-humping. wet-humping? ballcap kneads the fat of mohawk’s ass, his eyes fluttering when a particular patch of his throat gets attention. 
fuck, okay, maybe this is more titillating than you originally thought. you adjust in the chair, finding the seam of your jorts (craftily fashioned from men’s jeans you found in a closet), and slowly grind along it. it’s lazy, but you’re not gonna stick your hand down your pants if this is all you’re getting.
and as if reading your mind, mohawk breaks from ballcap’s grip and sinks to his knees. his juvenile haircut flops flat under the water, but ballcap’s dick sure doesn’t. even through the sub-optimal camera feed, you know it’s pretty. the way mohawk immediately hones in confirms, licking up the underside and palming his sack. when he finally gets his mouth to the good part, you unbutton your fly, shove two fingers in your mouth, and lean back. 
near-constant masturbation lost its novelty around week three, but it's like riding a bike. you manage a few good, firm circles, beckoning heat out of hibernation when sudden movement on the camera startles you right out of a lovely, burgeoning haze.
fuck bucket. ballcap has mohawk hoisted by the armpit, their abandoned cocks practically wagging. he’s rapidly speaking and pointing right at the fucking vent. how the hell he spotted the tiny red light, you don’t know, but dry bones and scragglebeard stumble into the bathrooms moments later. 
dry bones disappears beneath the frame, and the camera shakes slightly as the vent cover comes off. he steps back, mouth moving beneath his mask, and the four men exchange looks.
scragglebeard speaks as the naked men hastily dress, then start a second sweep of the bunker. this time, armed with the knowledge that somebody’s watching, they don’t split up. they move as a unit.
you watch in horror as they upend the bunker. they move furniture, poke outlets, and empty all the shelves to feel for switches and levers. distantly, you think you would’ve made for a decent escape room operator in the before times. you stifle a mad laugh at the idea, nearly choking when they finally enter the maintenance room.
hand pressed to your mouth, you breathe shallowly as they search. they’re more careful, skipping the electric and valves altogether, probably afraid if they fuck with anything too much, the power or water will go out. they check the ridges between the panels, and you hold your breath as dry bones runs his fingers along the hidden seal.
he stops and peels off a glove. pressing his palm to the secret door’s front, he hums. he glances over his shoulder, directly into the camera, then at scragglebeard. 
“the wall’s warmer here.”
“think there’s something behind it, lt?” mohawk asks. 
lt. initials?
mohawk shoulders dry bones out of the way, pressing his full cheek to the panel and paws at the metal. you freeze, unsure if you’re breathing at this point.
“think it’s residual heat from wiring.'' mohawk finally concludes, pulling away with a shrug. ‘lt’ looks unconvinced, and scragglebeard itches at his namesake.
“it’s gettin’ late. let’s bed down, look again in the morning.”
“you’re not worried someone’s watching us, sir?”
sir? ooh, is it like that? kinky.
“no. if they are, they know we’re armed and in good health. ‘sides. we’re going to cover them.”
your mouth dries. no. no. no. no. fuck, your one advantage. 
the men file out, and lt leaves last. he fishes a strip of cloth from a pocket and stuffs it around the camera’s base, obscuring its view.
“gonna find ya.” he mutters.
one by one, they cover the cameras they’ve found, leaving you with only three. thank you, austrian freakshow, for not skimping on surveillance. you still see the living room, a sliver of the kitchen, and the maintenance hall. it’s not much, but it’s enough to inspire a plan.
you watch the men turn in for the night. you’re not stupid, though. you wait an hour and a half until there’s no further movement, and the bunker’s dark. it’s now or never.
sneak out. grab food, water, and a kitchen knife. flee the bunker. easy.
if it’s still standing, your old one-bedroom rental is a short distance away. you’ll fortify it, then work on luring the rats out of your nest.
tiptoeing past the bedrooms, at least two of the men saw logs. ugh. didn’t miss that in the apocalypse. 
in the kitchen, you gather supplies. tins of tuna, soup, and vienna sausages. the last potatoes. some protein bars. a reusable water bottle. salt and pepper. (spices and seasonings are on the top of your scavenging list.)
satisfied, you tie the corners of your makeshift bindle together and turn to head to the entrance point when your eyes drift over a small shape in the dark. there, atop a side table in the adjoining living room, is a handgun.
in theory, you know how to use it. you logged a good thousand hours on goldeneye 007 as a kid. loads more effective than the paring knife in your hand.
you creep toward it, eyes widening and heart racing. could use on the interlopers while they sleep. but how would you get their bodies out of the bunker? you don’t want to training montage until your muscles swell, not with their corpses doing the same thing in the spare bedroom.
no. much more useful out there. you reach for it.
and somebody reaches for you.
a hand closes around your forearm, squeezing hard to force you to drop the knife, and another wraps around your head, hand clamping over your mouth before you can cry mon dieu. 
the wrapped cans clatter and smash to the ground in the struggle. a deep voice, harsh in your ear and tinged with insufferable smugness, whispers. 
“told ya i was gonna find ya.”
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danswank · 1 year
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@jackbarakat: you’re what the french call les incompétents
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heich0e · 2 years
You post something everyday I never thought I’d read and like and I always enjoy it. You’re so powerful 😩
thank u i'm what the french call les incompétents
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peaches-moon-rant · 2 years
“you’re what the french call ‘les incompétents”
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severusish · 2 years
snape: you’re what the french call « les incompétents »
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etsyfindoftheday · 4 years
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etsyfindoftheday | 12.8.19
you’re what the french call les incompétents by chitownclothing
channel your inner linney mccallister this holiday season and REALLY show kevin who’s boss ;) LOVING this ‘home alone’ quote-inspired dolman tee!
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xkanekitoukax · 6 years
completely random question, but do you know some words in French? I love non French people talking French it's so cute and beautiful
I know the basics that maybe most people know. And then my favorite word is merde. Also telling people “you’re what the French call les incompétents” from Home Alone lmao. But I know spanish more.
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emily-adomestic · 7 years
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I cannot believe that little miss "you're what the French call 'Les Incompétents'" actually earned her degree in French. Talk about perfect casting!
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boiledleather · 7 years
A disappointing finale brings Mindhunter’s first season to an inconclusive end
Holden’s meeting with Ed Kemper, who attempts suicide and names Ford as his medical proxy in order to force another meeting, is the first time any of his conversations with murderers has felt like something out of a serial-killer-as-supervillain movie. It’s not actor Cameron Britton’s fault—he plays Kemper with the same unnervingly conversational affect as ever. Rather, it’s the mechanics of the meeting: revealing the stitches from his suicide attempt like he’s a breath away from one of the Joker’s “Do you wanna know how I got these scars?” speeches, leaping from his hospital bed with cat-like reflexes, threatening to murder Holden and make him akin to the “spirit wives” he gained when he killed his previous victims, then reversing course and hugging Holden, thanking him for his honesty. When Holden says he doesn’t know why he came, it turns Kemper into a criminal mastermind, luring the FBI’s best and brightest into a potential deathtrap just to show he could. I’m sure it’s supposed to say something about Holden’s increasingly agitated state of mind, but it just makes him look dumb and indecisive, two things he’s never been.
The follow-up is even more of a misfire. The instant Holden hits the door out of Kemper’s hospital room, Led Zeppelin’s “In the Light” kicks in. The song’s creepy-cool John Paul Jones synthesizer opening had been used to great effect during Holden’s flight to California, but this time the track is fast-forwarded to Jimmy Page’s triumphant, upward-climbing riff. The transition is so abrupt, the musical sentiment so poorly matched to the moment, that I actually laughed out loud—yet that’s not even the half of it. Holden staggers down the hallway and collapses, in the grips of a full-fledged panic attack so severe he thinks he’s dying. As the hospital staff frantically tries to aid him, he hears the voices of other characters in his head, reliving times they called him on his bullshit and warned him about his behavior: Bill, Shepard, Wendy, Kemper, even Principal Wade. “Wait,” you may be thinking, “you mean like the ‘I made my family disappear’ scene in Home Alone?” Yes, exactly like the “I made my family disappear” scene in Home Alone. Add a few floating-head visions and a “You’re what the French call les incompétents” and not even David Fincher and Chris Columbus could tell the difference. The device is so hackneyed it comes across like a joke from a children’s comedy.
Worse, it’s unnecessary. Did we really need to hear people telling Holden he fucked up for us to understand, while watching him have a panic attack brought on by a serial killer who took advantage of him and could easily have murdered him, that Holden fucked up? I can’t remember the last time I saw a season finale swing and miss this hard.
I reviewed the season finale of Mindhunter, which I did not care for, for the A.V. Club.
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dailyjtvcast · 7 years
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dianeguerrero_: You're what the French call...les incompétents
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kristablogs · 7 years
Only People Who've Seen "Home Alone" Like A Million Times Can Ace This Quiz
"You're what the French call les incompétents." Or maybe not.
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corgiborgi · 7 years
Only People Who've Seen "Home Alone" Like A Million Times Can Ace This Quiz
"You're what the French call les incompétents." Or maybe not.
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buvette · 7 years
Only People Who've Seen "Home Alone" Like A Million Times Can Ace This Quiz
"You're what the French call les incompétents." Or maybe not.
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novemberpipehitter · 7 years
Only People Who've Seen "Home Alone" Like A Million Times Can Ace This Quiz
"You're what the French call les incompétents." Or maybe not.
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etsyfindoftheday · 6 years
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etsyfindoftheday | 12.17.17
home alone t-shirt // les incompétents by chitownclothing
i can’t believe i JUST found this christmastime tee THIS YEAR … i definitely ordered it to rock this holiday season. poor kevin … ‘you’re what the french call ‘les incompétents.’’
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skinnymeme · 7 years
Only People Who've Seen "Home Alone" Like A Million Times Can Ace This Quiz
"You're what the French call les incompétents." Or maybe not.
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