#youkai tribes
lowder-the-koopa · 1 year
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"Chao Chao!" — Cheese, Sonic Battle 
Summoning time:
"Sumo shave! Flavo engrave! Flash team'a Brave!"
 "Isamashi! Wake up! Have a nice day!"
"A-Boo-shiggy, boo-shiggy, boogie woogie! Cling-clang delirious, Mysterious!"
"Fushigi! Fushigi! Boogie woogie! We only want to have a great time!" 
"Gruff stuff! Rough bluff! Red ban, jacket stand, bling blang, Tough!"
"Goketsu! Goketsu! A concentrate of absolute perfection!"
"Alarming! Boom, boom, walla, walla, dance, dance, Charming!"
"Pretty! We're Friends! Bring in the Luck!"
"What a light! What a glow, what a passion, we're limpid, Charming!"
"Speedy artful! Sing la-la-la! Everywhere Heartful!"
"Pokapoka! Or whatever it is! How do you do!?"
"Marvelous thee! Gusty, free banshee! Sing, song Shady!"
"Usurakage! It's all our fault!"
"Lookie-lee, lookie-lee, flippidy-dee! Lookie-lee, lookie-lee, bubba Eerie!"
"Bukimi! Give me! Help me! Bukimi! Bukimi! Help me!"
"Trippery! Gippery! Slimey-wimey do, Slippery!"
"Nyororon! Let's go-go! Isn't so good!?"
Here are two drawings that represent the two winners of the two polls I did, Sonic X and Yo-Kai Watch Season 1.
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mysticstars02 · 3 months
Youkai Watch Drawings Part 4
Oh boi
Time for part 4 :^)
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This one is for April Fool's day where Dragon Lord tribe's is instead of Slippery, it's Tough!
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Oh look! My 1st YW animation (and attempt lol)
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mamabearcatfanart · 2 years
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Words at the Well
A reinterpretation of the famous artwork The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton.
They were silent as they approached the well, both of them dragging their feet. It had been a long and trying day – a battle with a tribe of mountain oni had earned them a small shikon shard, but all of them had been injured in some way during the fight.
Inuyasha had already recovered from his broken nose, stoically sitting on his haunches in the carnage of the battle field while Miroku cracked it back into place for him. Now a few hours later, even the bruising around his eyes had gone. Shippou and Kirara had also gotten over their scrapes, bumps and bruises, but the humans would need a day or two to recover, both Miroku and Sango looking a little worse for wear.
Kagome had elected to go home a night earlier than planned for her test, wanting a hot bath and good night’s sleep before the long day of study ahead of her. Much to her initial surprise, Inuyasha had agreed. He’d been glancing at her anxiously the entire walk from Kaede’s hut, and when they got closer, she thought she knew why.
Neither of them mentioned the lone shinidamachū floating silently around a tree in the gloom at the edge of the forest. They came to a halt in the long grass by the well, the tension between them growing. Finally Kagome cleared her throat, doing her best to smile brightly at Inuyasha, even though she was so exhausted she could barely stand upright.
“So, I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, okay? Try and stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”
She turned, hoisting her backpack up on one shoulder and climbing up on the side of the well, but was stopped from jumping by a gentle tug on her injured hand.
“You’re gonna take care of this, right?” Inuyasha said as he looked up at her, his gruff tone in direct contrast to the gentle strokes of his fingers against hers. He glanced down at her hand, barely touching the bandage covering the cuts where the feathers from her arrows had sliced open the skin. “Make sure you wash it again, and put some of that cream on it. And you need to look after those scrapes on your knee too.”
Before she could answer, Kagome’s attention was drawn to the forest behind him, where another shining youkai had joined the first, its snakelike form twisting through the trees. Both of them seemed to be carrying souls, and Kagome pushed down a shudder, hoping neither of the softly glowing orbs had belonged to girls in Kaede’s village. At an insistent tug on her fingers, she turned her attention back to the hanyou in front of her, doing her best to smile again for him.
“Inuyasha, I’ll be fine. Make sure the others rest, and as soon as my test is done, I’ll be back.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
As he continued to gaze at her, not moving away, she sighed tiredly, her exhaustion and morbid thoughts weighing heavily on her.
“Go on Inuyasha, she’s waiting for you.”
“Don’t matter. You got hurt today Kagome. I need to make sure you’re okay first.”
“But nothin.”
His amber eyes seemed even more intense than usual in the growing shadows, the parched yellow grass lit by the setting sun a pale comparison.
“I have a duty to Kikyou, it’s true. It’s a matter of honour, and apart from my sword and the clothes on my back, my word is all that I can call mine. Just like you go to school for those exams because that’s what your family expects. You have a duty to them too.”
He pulled her hand gently to his chest, covering it with both of his, resting his head against her arm, his voice slightly muffled against her shirt.
“But I want to know you’re okay Kagome.” His voice faltered, and he turned his head, nose pressed tightly against her arm. “I need to know you’re coming back. And I want you to know I’ll be waiting for you.”
Tears sprang into Kagome’s eyes, and she curled her fingers around his, squeezing gently, ignoring the pain.
“I promise I’m okay Inuyasha. I promise I’ll be back.”
He released her fingers with a sigh, hiding his hands back inside his long sleeves, squaring his shoulders and smoothing his earnest expression away with a scowl, as if the softness had never been there.
“O’course you will. Bring more ramen when you come back, we’re nearly out.”
Kagome grinned at him, then turned and jumped, enveloped by the eerie glow of the well.
The day after tomorrow she had an exam, which she was not looking forward to. Then Inuyasha would be waiting for her. But right now, she had a long overdue date with a hot bath.
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gear-project · 2 months
Long time no see. If I am correct, Zappa had managed to gain control of his ghosts and spirits, right with the Zappa Scale? In Guilty Gear's world, is there any lengths or training one can go in order control or tame spirits and ghosts? Is it possible Zappa might've had help from anyone in particular?
There is what is known as a "Contract" relationship between Humans and Demihumans when it comes to magic.
Alchemy (in A.B.A.'s case) is something similar, though equivalent exchange is required (having the same value as something else).
Rather, Testament's whole deal is that he had a Contract with a Demihuman as a Gear.
Ghosts aren't too far removed from most Demihumans (least of all someone like Izuna and his tribe...)
Of course the term "Demihuman" is the modern interpretation of Youkai from older games... so in that sense it's something of a modern retcon, but I digress.
Stereotypically you'd expect to make a contract with a DEMON... but most "Demons" are on the same level as ghosts and other spirits in Guilty Gear's World.
In fact... one such Demon was responsible for King Daryl's "Pudding Incident" (which Zappa resolved a while ago).
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP AU - Timeless Journey
What if the Infini-Map episode was more like individual, full-scale journeys. Like, the map deactivates for a period of time after each leap, so Vlad & Team Phantom have to survive in each time until then. Because of this, they are essentially stuck for months at a time. Like, depending on how far into the future/past it sends someone, the more it drains the map & the longer it takes for it to recharge. Sending people to other places in the same time is small beans, but sending people through time is difficult.
So, they literally have to dress & act the part while becoming part of the legends there.
Like, there was this one Danny Phantom x Teen Titans fic that did this with the Ancient Asia time & it was super cool!
Like, in these times, they have other things to contend with besides Vlad. In fact, Vlad is about the only Hereafter Ghost that they have to fight & as such, they have to adjust how they fight.
In Rome, they have to fight monsters. In Salem, they are hunted regularly by Supernatural hunters, legit human-sacrificing, devil-worshiping witches, zealous Puritans, monsters, & angry Natives. In Asia, they have to go against Yaoguai & Youkai, as well as Yuurei.
In Salem, it becomes apparent that it's far more complicated than just black & white. For one, there are legit witches & then there are people who just wanna live their lives in a way that might not be entirely endorced by the general public. There are also true Children of God Christians who want to live a good life in His honor, then there are religious zealots that go way too far, & then there are those who use their religion to manipulate others & as a ticket to further their own agendas or to spread hate. Not to mention how there were places where there was conflict between settlers & Natives where in some places it was the settlers who attack, while in others, it was the Natives.
They were especially surprised to see how the 2 sides delt with the other's dead. Generally, settlers just killed & buried, & sometimes so did the Natives. However, there were also tribes that actually did scalp people or even ate the losers in order to 'gain their power.' At the same time, there were also plenty of places where the 2 sides actually got along very well.
Sam is especially shocked to learn that it actually wasn't a genocide as genocides imply an intent & concerted effort by a people to cause an entire population to go extinct. Yes, there were dickwads that mistreated them, but there are assholes like that everywhere, you can't get rid of 'em. It wasn't the norm, nor the goal. In fact, what killed most of the Natives were diseases accidentally brought over by the English. That isn't genocide. That's an accident.
As for the reason behind Lincoln's execution of 38 indigenous individuals. From what I'm seeing, the Dakota killed hundreds of settlers & took many hostages, hundreds infact; most of said hostages being women & children. Not just white people either, but "mixed-blood" as well. True, their land was taken, they were asked to stop their traditional hunting practices, forced to farm (after which there was crop failure, a harsh winter, & depletion of wild game due to poor hunting practices; none of which besides the poor hunting was something that could've possibly been predicted at the time by either the Dakota or the settlers), they were promised provisions & annuity which, just before the war they didn't get, & they weren't able to trade because of the Civil War.
All these things were obviously wrong & unfair, & I can definitely understand their anger, but the Dakota also shouldn't have attacked & killed so many people in retaliation. Protest should always be your first option in these situations.
At the end of the war, 2,000 Dakota either surrendered or were taken into custody. This included 1,658 non-combatants, as well as those who opposed the war & tried to free the hostages. In actuality, out of all those people, only a little more than 300 Dakota men were initially sentenced to death. Then, Lincoln came in, reviewed the cases, & reduced that number even further until it was only 39. Even then, one later got a reprieve, so the total was reduced to 38!
Only 38 out of 2,000!
The likelihood that even one of those 38 Dakota were innocent is very low. And the fact that it was so few meant that Lincoln was trying his damnedest to salvage the situation!
If it were a true genocide, each & every one of those 2,000 Dakota, including the 1,658 non-combatants & indigenous who didn't agree with the war & tried to free the hostages & the "mixed-bloods," would've also been killed, but they weren't!
Also keep in mind that what we know of today as Native Americans weren't even the original occupants of America. Most Natives can trace their lineage back to Asia because the Natives migrated to America from across the Baring Straight. Those migrants then either fought with the original inhabitants of America or mixed with them exactly like how the English did, so Natives have no more claim over American land than modern Americans.
Back then, land was obtained via right of conquest because, whether you like it or not, back then the general belief was might makes right.
The same could be said of the Natives. They waged wars between each other all the time. Not just with the white man. And when one tribe won, what do you think happened? The winner took the losers, either their belongings, people, or land. Sometimes all 3. Life was just cruel back then. So, why is it okay when the Native Americans did it, but when the white man did it, it was wrong?
That's what we in the business call a double standard.
It is very much not just black & white.
While briefly in Japan, specifically, Danny is called a Hanyuu, or 'Half-Spirit' & is often targeted by Youkai, Buddhist monks, Taijiya, as well as Shinto Miko & Kanushi. He has a similar journey there to what was described in the Teen Titans Crossover fic I mentioned.
Like, I'd like to see character growth in the trio especially. Especially in Sam who, as a very modern, vegan, & obviously left-leaning, feminist individual, has to learn that women actually have it super good back home. That she is not oppressed &, in fact, even has a couple of freedoms that men don't. Also that if she doesn't eat meat in these times, it's actually possible that she might not eat for long periods of time & might even die. At least, she definitely wouldn't be able to eat enough to keep her healthy. It's not like they made supplements back then.
Not to mention how up-in-arms she gets with a lot of the Puritans in Salem. There is this belief that she has that all of them were wicked & evil & were genocidal maniac zealots & barbaric slavers, but she's very quickly confronted with the fact that most of them were actually just people.
Let's not forget how much Tucker actually learns about actual slavery & racism. Yeah, the Emancipation Proclaimation was passed at least a decade before the time that they arrive there, but prejudices still ran very high. Like, he never really knew that there were black plantation owners & while he knew, conceptually, that slavery was a world-wide issue, it never really clicked inside his head what that meant. Such as the fact that there were white slaves such as the Irish or that 99% of the black slaves in America had not been stolen from Africa by white colonists, but rather sold by other African natives such as the Dahomey. Let alone the fact that the Barbary Pirates had more white slaves in Africa than there ever were black slaves in America.
It's only here in this journey to different times & countries that he realizes that slavery was legitimately a world-wide pandemic. That it had existed since the foundation of human history & had a handhold in practically every country. That people didn't simply imprison other cultures or races because of racism. Rather, the strong enslaved the weak. To the victor went the spoils & that included the people of the same race. If you lost, you were likely enslaved.
Hell, slavery was even worse in Rome than it ever was in America. Tucker never knew that in Rome it was entirely legal if a slave killed their master, for every slave in that household to then be executed to dissuade rebellion. THAT'S NUTS!!
Then, to connect the fact that the very word "Slave" was derived from Slavs who were white themselves & were often enslaved in the Ottoman Empire. It was mind-boggling.
As such, in modern times, there was likely not a single human alive that wasn't descended from at least one slave. No one group had more right to being angry about it than anyone else. If anything, white people should be proud because they can truthfully say that their ancestors ended slavery. Or, at least made it illegal in most of the free world. No other race has done more, sacrificed more, to end slavery than white people. If not for Europeans & white Americans it's highly likely that slavery never would've ended. In fact, no other country has ever had slavery as part of their institution for such a short amount of time as America. No other country has abolished it so quickly after their inception.
So, what did he have to complain about? Hell, Sam is Jewish! They'd been enslaved multiple times! They'd been culled in Egypt & had a genocide waged upon them! Sure, the genocide failed, but only due to American intervention.
So, the entire idea of reparations is sheer lunacy because if one group that'd suffered from slavery got reparations, then shouldn't every other group that suffered through it too? Including white people? Realistically, if everyone got reparations for their ancestors' suffering in slavery, then how would you even keep track of the exchange of money because, again, literally every person on the planet probably has a slave ancestor.
And if you say that only those who suffered the most should get reparations, then how do you even measure that?? You can only know this sort of thing through deep, deep research. Do you have any idea the amount of money it would take to figure all that out? It'd probably take more money to sus all this out than to actually pay reparations! Then there's the reparations on top of that?? Entire countries would go bankrupt all to soothe a phantom hurt that no one still alive actually experienced for themselves! A hurt that isn't even secondhand!
And just like with Natives, African tribes waged war against each other & took the spoils including people & land from the losers all the time! So, why was it perfectly fine for the black man to do this, but not for the white man? Why does everyone hold the white man to such a high standard??
But I digress.
Either way, Tucker & Danny become the designated hunters of the group, while Sam forages. With how naturally archery came to him in Beauty Marked, I see Tucker getting very good & seemed to be oddly suited to the life of a hunter, to Sam's growing anger.
However, she is quickly forced to either eat meat or die because, without her supplements or access to a wide enough variety of vegetables, she becomes very sick.
Then, one night she was attacked by a bear who would've killed her if not for Tucker's shooting. Sam's automatic response was to go ballistic on him for killing an animal, until he told her that it would've killed her. Period.
It wasn't playing games, it would've killed her & she expected him, her best friend, to do nothing? To what? Choose the bear's life over hers? Hard pass.
That already was humbling, but then Tucker later taught her a hard lesson in the natural order; you kill it, you eat it.
She'd been attacked again, but neither Tucker nor Danny had been near & so she was forced to defend herself.
The cougar that had attacked her, went down with a lucky shot to the head.
The thing was, when Tucker, Danny, & an old, grisled hunter who lived nearby found her crying over it, the old man told her that they had to use its parts or it'd rot & it'd have died for nothing. That she needed to take responsibility for the life she took.
It was a hard lesson for Sam to learn. She sobbed as she ate the cougar's meat. As much as she hated to admit it, it was the most delicious thing she'd tasted in a long time. Due to her stubborn adherence to veganism, she'd been slowly starving herself.
It was here that she finally realized that not everyone had the luxury of veganism. That it was only possible because of modern convenience & if society were to collapse, the stubborn vegans would be the first ones to die.
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mabeljonesrock · 4 months
Au where Kanjuro is the human/Three-eye hybrid like Charlotte Pudding.
The idea was formed after I couldn't help but find Kanjuro and Pudding similar together(except Pudding reforms and Kanjuro didn't) and Kanjuro covering his forehead with his bangs.
Warning: may contain bullying, discrimination, depression, mental illness and suicidal themes...
One of his parents is a member of the Three-Eye Tribe who drifted to Wano country and later married a member of the Kurozumi family where they started a theatre troupe.
They then go on to have Kanjuro who inherited one of his parents’s third eye.
While Kanjuro enjoys acting with his loving parents, he unfortunately faces bullying from those who finds his third eye disgusting(similar to Pudding’s sad childhood). Only his parents protected him from discrimination and one of them(most likely the Three-eye member) comforted Kanjuro by telling him his third eye was beautiful no matter what. Sadly, they soon died being killed onstage and can no longer protect Kanjuro from being discriminated for his third eye.
With his parents dead and having no one to defend him, Kanjuro was left homeless and depressed, drifting away into the streets where he was shunned and hated by everyone he came across.
The ostracization got worse. Some refused to give him shelter. Some refused to hire him. Some like to beat up his third eye(by punching, hitting, kicking or throwing rocks at him). To make it worse, some try to kill him, believing him to be some kind of Three-eye Youkai.
Many began calling him horrible names like "weird Youkai", "freakish Oni" and most of all, "hideous three-eyed monster".
It got so bad that Kanjuro snapped and decided to end his miserable life as a three-eyed outcast by attempting to throw himself off the bridge, hoping to join his parents in the afterlife. Only to be stopped when Orochi, Higurashi, and Semimaru found him.
They revealed themselves to be his relatives and had killed the murderers of Kanjuro's parents. They offered him to work for them, promising they would love and accept him as their own despite his third eye. Kanjuro gladly accepted the offer and became Orochi's most loyal follower.
Because they never bullied, mocked or ostracised him for his third eye, Kanjuro believed they were the only ones(besides his dead parents) who accepted him for who he was which increased his loyalty towards Orochi. Or that's what he thought. In reality, Orochi never cared for him and actually finds Kanjuro's third eye ugly and creepy. He only hides his disgust towards his third eye just to earn his trust.
When Kanjuro was given a mission to spy on Oden and live as a Kozuki member, Orochi instructed him to conceal his third eye with a bandanna to pass off as a normal human. He told Kanjuro the reason he had to disguise himself as a human was because nobody except the Kurozumi family would ever accept a three-eyed freak like him.
During his stay as Orochi's spy and playing the role of one of Oden's faithful retainers over the years, Kanjuro carefully kept his third eye a secret from everyone. When his bangs later grew out, he used them to hide his third eye better.
When he revealed his true colours as the traitor by abducting Momonosuke, he removed his bandana and revealed his third eye to everyone, expecting them to cruelly mock him for his third eye...
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Writer Intro
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About me:
Super into fantasy when writing and reading. Loves to enjoy lots of other genres in games/tv shows/movies.
Royal Road: Lost Roads (tentative, may change)
Takes place in a Celtic-inspired fantasy world. The world is currently in an ice age, and 500yrs previous one of the main characters had killed the sun, causing the cold to creep farther south. Through the centuries people have adapted well to the changes in their environment.
So far I've built the world, established the main group of characters, and written a couple of shorts. Not sure on the main story yet, or if it'll be like a serial, a series of shorts.
Collection of shorts (and eventually, hopefully a longer story) set in a celtic-inspired fantasy world. (spirits/gods/roundhouses/nature) Female MC is immortal. All four MCs are looking for their place in the world.
Immortal but mentally still a young girl, Madga wanders the world, running from anything that reminds her of her life before the death of the sun. After an accident that leaves her with a permanent illness, Ress leaves her children and tribe behind, wandering and training until she can earn back her role as a warrior and protector in her own eyes. Tuah beats her drum loud and wild. She's gone through the druidic training, but certain beliefs required of her leave her bristling. Cas'cerra is a warrior. He's expected to go out into the world for ten years to learn, and possibly gain a pack(a family). But he's content in staying home... that is until Madga comes back into his life; she hasn't aged a day since he last met her when he was a child.
Posts: Maps
How could you ever do this? Synopsis: Madga is travelling near Northern Suuroo when she comes upon a tribe that has drastically changed since the death of the sun. The air is thick and smells so bad that she has to cover her face, yet she can still feel the grime on her skin. What have they done?
...the touch of the wind. Synopsis: Madga discovers a long forgotten weapon.
I Don't Want To Fight Synopsis: A snow storm catches Madga off guard. Quickly seeking shelter, she runs into a group of Suuroo warriors... just before something comes out of the snows to attack them.
I'm gonna help her! Synopsis: Young Cas'cerra is visiting another tribe with his aunt and the dogs when he comes upon a girl in trouble. After fighting off her assailants he feels a connection with her and can't help but see that she's safe
They're Supposed To Help Us Synopsis: Tuah is in training to be a druid-bard. She beats her drum loud and wild without care. She followed the teachings of the druids, but when spirit attacks her friend and it shakes her beliefs and she begins to question everything they're taught her. It’s My Shame That I Can’t Protect You Synopsis: Ress is used to being a protector. She fights for her tribe and her children. But after a blow to the head she's sent south, away from the fighting and away from her purpose. She tries to be strong, tries to find something to fill the void, but nothing really works. Then one day a visitor comes and gives her an idea of how she can keep her life purpose.
Finished Works:
Royal Road: Wanderings
Synopsis: Despite her hearing loss, Sophie still sings everyday after work at the café. There isn’t much to her life otherwise, that is until a puppy forces himself into it. Suddenly she can see the magical side of the world: spirits that share her bus route, doors that open to Otherworlds… and a man and a woman who are a little more than human and have their hearts set on her.
Books should have tags too! magical realism; main character has a hearing aid; inspired by ‘youkai’ and shoujo stories like Natsume’s Book of Friends, The Ancient Magus’ Bride, The Morose Mononokean, Kamisama Kiss, etc; a hopefully soft story with some action points; not romance heavy but there is some; mostly celtic mythology with a little bit of a few others here and there
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geminmyeyes · 10 months
Chapter 2 - Beyond Light and Shadow (Tumblr Backup)
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Somewhere in the Youkai World, a palace plunged in the darkest shadow, leaking with powerful yoki energy much like a stray drop of ink darkening the once clear water. Lit only by faint azure flames, a cold, calculating youkai with a feminine form sat upon her throne of decaying bone.
“Goku Hyakki-Hime, your majesty,” Chiharu began, kneeling before the might of the frigid hearted queen he served so loyalty for saving his life. His Kenbumajin was by his side, being able to manifest without the need for him and Chiharu to switch places like they did in the Human World. “I’ve done the request of bringing back the requested youkai, however,”
“However, what?” The queen’s cold voice spoke, her voice not either curious or furious. It was devoid of tone, not even that or boredom or bemusement.
“There was a group of individuals who possessed various Youkai Watch devices that opposed my efforts, I was able to fend them off with the aid of the Genma and the Kenbumajin you have given me, even killed one of their Kenbumajin,” Chiharu began his report, trying to save face. “But they seem to have the current lord of the Youkai World on their side, meaning it’s possible for them to get intel on the location of the Sacred King’s Armory.”
“The Hellfire Judgement Lance is a big maybe given the Mikado Tribe’s connections,” Chiharu’s Kenbumajin piqued in, trying to remain as collected as possible despite the sarcasm and need to make a biting remark flowed through his veins. “But the others I greatly doubt, given how scattered a lot of them are, both in the Human and Youkai Worlds. Even then, it took me breaking the limiters on my armor to get rid of that one Kenbumajin, dunno when I’ll be ready for that kind of power again.”
“Don’t fret though, my queen,” The Kenbumajin added to his statement. “That lance wielder isn’t even the one that killed me the first go around, we should be more than fine.”
“Technically don’t we have a Scared King’s Armory in our possession?” Chiharu piqued. His queen looked dull, but something in her eyes gave something resembling worry.
“It’s grafted to something I’d rather not think about unless it’s a moment of desperation. Besides, there’s no telling where the holder of such a weapon is so we can’t even use the power of one of the Sacred King Kenbumajin against them,” Goku Hyakki-Hime gave a typical lifeless response. “The two of you can go recover for now. Chiharu, please visit me in this throne chamber when you wake up, there are necessary upgrades I must bestow upon you.”
As the two were dismissed, Goku Hyakki-Hime shifted her focus elsewhere, to a fellow Oni that had been dragged in by her loyal knights.
Shutendouji, who was gradually becoming more and more conscious, shot right back to reality when Goku Hyakki-Hime held up his chin. In her stiff motions, there was at the very least a valiant, noble attempt to try to give him a tantalizing look. Damn, she must’ve known his tendency to obey anyone who calls herself princess. Without Douketsu to tell him how much of a simpleton he was acting like, he felt himself not too keen to improve on such a weak spot. Plus he had to admit, despite her dead motions, this queen lady was really damn cute.
The events from last week were, to put bluntly and simply, a lot to process despite happening in rapid succession. Not only was this Chiharu kid on their level, but had a Kenbumajin that was insanely powerful, leaving Asura greatly weakened and Fudou Muyoou dead in Youkai Terms. At least, that's what everyone guessed, not a soul had seen the ruffian boy form he took when he wasn’t lending his electrifying power to Touma anywhere. The kids had a vague idea on where to get help, but it was cryptic and they were at the end of the day, a bunch of first year high school students.
Yes, they saved all of Human and Youkai kind from extinction when they were only in middle school, but this felt different despite seeming initially, a much less pressing threat on the surface. Taking over the world at least had a chance of reclaiming it as opposed to full on extinction, but those wanting to take it had one hell of a dangerous ace up their sleeve.
Just who was that guy, anyways? Youkai existed in legends beforehand, the portrayal of the people being a bit different to how it is in the reality of the Youkai World (Lord Enma being a particular example, he can’t even grow a beard), and it puzzled Natsume. She had spent a whole night reading upon legendary archers with possible sun affiliations. Legends of an expert archer who shot down the nine suns upon request, punished with mortality alongside his wife. Another about a child of a sun god who started one of the bloodiest wars by being offered the most beautiful woman in the world. Several words were read about a prince fearful to fight against his family, but being assured it would be okay in the end by the literal universe itself. Stories of a god of sun, light, kingship, and the arts possessing a powerful sling and being the father to an equally great, if not greater, hero. So much information, such little time. A board originally for keeping memos and the occasional cute pin was now covered in thumb tacks and string with several handwritten notes from various paper pads she had kicking around in her room.
“The sun motifs and archery could have melded together, alongside a bitter resentment from becoming mortal for simply doing as he was instructed to do…” Natsume pondered aloud, gripping the pencil between her hands. “That guy HAS to be Hou-Yi! If I turn out to be wrong then I’ll be–”
“Natsume, sweetie?” A familiar, soft voice spoke, the door creaking open without a moment’s hesitation between the gentle knock that preceded. From that string of actions and voice, she recognized her as her mother instantly.
“Y-Yes, mom?” Natsume choked out as politely as she could, trying to ease up from the sudden entrance of her mother and about to yell a swear. 
Natsume’s mother simply just looked at her board with a puzzled look but an earnest nod. “I hope you’re having fun with…whatever you’re doing right now, but remember you start school tomorrow so it’s not the best idea if you stay up too late, alright?”
Crap, she had been staying up too late going down rabbit holes of information again, hadn’t she?
“I-I will! Wow, time sure does fly sometimes!” The daughter answered back rather awkwardly, her mother closing the door gently as she left.
In a moment of awkward silence, Natsume realized she should probably go to bed soon. It was halfway past midnight already. Her brain was already fairly fried by looking up so much information and trying to piece it all together.
As she was turning off the lamp and main light in her room, the corkboard stared her down. “HOU-YI” was written boldly and confidently in the center of the board, alongside a crude scribble of what she remembered that Kenbumajin looked like. String connected points to points from different stories and legends. 
She hoped that she would be able to balance all of this alongside the turbulence of starting high school tomorrow. 
A positive note for Natsume is that the day started out normally. Just take her seat, pay attention to what each teacher has to say, no sweat no problem. It was the first day after all, nothing too difficult would be given on the first day.
That would be the case if it wasn’t for the army of girls that manifested out of what felt like absolute thin air to crowd around one guy in particular. 
Whoever he was, he radiated with the distinct scent of lavender vanilla, and his skin was a divine smoky quartz free of any blemishes, glittering like the finest copper. Hair was a dark oxide red that had a few lilac hair extensions brushed in for extra effect. He was practically a modern Aprhodite, just casually going about with a posse of girls.
“It’s. It’s literally the first day!?” Natsume thought to herself, casually picking up the pace with walking to her classroom to avoid getting roped into whatever nonsense was going on over there. She took a seat, closed her eyes, and hoped whoever would plop into the desk next to her for the rest of the year would be tolerable.
 “I’m surprised that there’s a girl not instantly captivated by me,” The boy from earlier spoke, and to Natsume’s shock, was going to be right next to her for the rest of the year. Just great.
She didn’t bother to give him an introduction, making the kid’s smug face humbled slightly. This one would be a challenge, he thought.
“My name is Saito Mitsue, I kindly ask you to not forget such an important thing,” He tried to play it as smooth as he could, covering up his embarrassment and failing slightly at hiding it.
“I’m, uh, Natsume Amano,” Natsume answered bluntly within a bit of a bemused blurting out of an introduction.
Classes went by relatively normally, not even the homeroom teacher felt like they were secretly a malicious youkai this time around. Maybe this would all be normal. Aside from the aforementioned threats of a hostile conqueror of the human and Youkai worlds but that could wait until after a long drawl of classes. The last of these classes was next.
“Oh brother, Home Economics. Not my forte,” Saito bit his lip a bit in dread, Natsume looking a bit puzzled.
“Is it that hard? Mostly just learning a few different skills,” Natsume tried to reassure to the best of her ability. Saito looked off to the side a bit, his hand to the side of his face.
“Ehhh, I was never the best cook, I had to always get my brother to help me out–”
The rather fabulously eccentric boy’s train of thought came to a screeching halt when the door slid open and the one who would bear knowledge of home economics entered the room. He looked to be pretty toned and ripped. Slightly sunbaked skin could be seen through his mostly clean and professional look with a collared shirt and tie, but he had a scruffy, uneven beard, like he attempted to shave but the razor blades broke instantly on the first go around.
“Alright, let’s get this introduction brief and simple so we can get to the good stuff,” The man spoke, his voice strong yet gentle, crossing his arms to do his best to seem cool. “Name’s Mr. Kazama, and I’ll be your coach in showing you how to make the most of your home, from how to use appliances to how to cook well!”
As the last class of the day continued, Chiharu stood on the roof of the building, looking over something he was given this morning from his queen. It was a Youkai Arc, but the usually translucent white outer edge was pitch black, not a bit of light was allowed through despite its resemblance to a gemstone in terms of texture and weight. 
“This is a Dark Arc,” Her words echoed in his mind. “It gives a boost to a Youkai’s Shadowside form, but it can only be summoned in its Shadowside form and they will not really listen to you all that well. Summon them from a safe distance.”
He had asked about wanting to summon two fierce looking youkai he saw among the Dark Arcs, one of lightning and one of wind, but was ordered to refrain from summoning them due to the summoning system still being a prototype and those youkai in particular being a little more unruly. But perhaps if these Youkai Detectives prove themselves as a particular thorn in their side.
Initially, there was hesitation. A small part of Chiharu wondered if this was the right thing to do, something about the arc he was given and the ones his queen presented felt ominous in some way. 
But, an order from the queen is an order, and he had to obey to prove his gratitude towards his pointless life having been given some meaning.
In the same slot he would insert his Youseiken key into, Chiharu slotted in the arc, a shadowy energy coming out of the watch grafted to his arm as the face gave a faint glow. The words he was instructed to say flooded his mind and he held the dark arc over the watch face.
“One whose heart is sealed in darkness, let the world know your wrath!” The dark fog spread more and more until it summoned forth a youkai, where that youkai ended up or what it ended up being was unclear as the summoning coordinates seemed to be a bit off.
But what could be gathered was that this youkai had made the previously idyllically bright and sunny skies be covered in dense clouds that brought in buckets of hard hitting rain. Chaos was unleashed almost within an instant, it was quickly a record for schools to dismiss their students to let them go home early in this sudden freak storm. 
The blare of grating storm warning sirens and frazzled looking weather reporters, it was a delight for the wicked child.
In the midst of the sudden shift of weather without a single warning, among all the panic, a silver eyed university student was staying level headed, but was puzzled by the sight.
“The weather patterns for today…they didn’t line up like this at all!” Shirogane muttered to himself, pulling up a somewhat shady website on his phone, the occult reporting site Usuranura. There was no way that this was a freak accident of weather, he had forecasted that it was going to be clear skies from sunrise until sunset.
But was this all a work of something supernatural, or was he just a fraudulent meteorologist in training? Was this path even right? His mind was quite literally clouded.
Even then, the request was submitted, sitting in his university's science ward peacefully to try to inspect this bizarre phenomenon. 
To Shirogane’s surprise, there was a response to his request, and by the time he looked at it and put his phone down (the phone service on campus was a bit shoddy and slow), three spunky high school students stood before him.
“Oh hey, aren’t you that guy I ran into last week? Shirogane Inazuma was it?” Natsume asked, the aforementioned man nodding.
“Yes, it seems the rain keeps making us meet,” Shirogane commented, before getting back to the matter at hand. “As you can probably tell, there has been a sudden burst of rain despite there being no clouds as far as the eye could see earlier, and there’s no signs of it stopping either. It has the potential to become a Typhoon if it keeps up…”
“Shouldn’t you be headed home if the weather has the potential to be that bad?” Touma asked, Shirogane simply shaking his head in response.
“I’m a meteorology student, an understudy weatherman if you will, I can’t back down even when things look dire like this,” He answered, lost in thought.
“Well that settles it, this has to be the work of a Youkai, without a doubt!” Akinori concluded, Whisper looking up from his Y-Pad in a slightly shocked expression when the boy came to that conclusion.
Without further hesitation, investigation began to be underway between the trio, plus Shirogane and his knowledge of the facility. Something about this place, the Youkai causing this freak storm had to be around here somewhere…
Nearby weather radars kept monitoring, the rain being particularly intense around the facility’s building. The rain that was going over the building was less drops of rain and more of bullets battering the daylights out of the structure. 
Amidst the pour of rain there was…crying…sobbing? How strange. The four of them were the only ones in the building.
A shadowy presence could be seen down the hallway, Natsume pressed a switch on her Watch without a moment of hesitation to shine a light. 
Revealed within the cloud of shadow was a Youkai resembling a little girl, with blue skin and lilac hair that was sopping all over her crying face. Her torn umbrella dripped off waterfalls worth of water.
“I’ll try to lock the building where I can, we can’t have all that water trying to damage our equipment!” Shirogane made his intentions clear, meaning everyone would have to try to be careful within limited space confines, and a possible threat of flooding! Good thing this seemed to be a meeting room, so there was some space aside from a table in the middle of the room.
“Summoning, Shadow! Please come out my friend, Jibanyan!” Natsume didn’t hesitate in summoning the (mostly) reliable cat youkai, always there to lend a paw. That or perhaps it was merely just a habit. Regardless the feeling was summoned, but quickly reverted to his Lightside form when he was exactly what he was pitted up against.
“You expect me to square up against a kid?” Jibanyan questioned with a lot of hesitation to fight. “Look, I get it, I can punch a truck in half but I don’t beat up kids. I have a code of honor.”
The rainy youkai, having had enough of the bickering, casted forth some water to try to sweep the feline away, who just resulted in jumping onto a nearby fridge and hissed.
“You’re so…so mean and scary!” The smaller youkai sobbed, the water situation getting much worse by the minute.
“Possession, Genma! Yoshitsune! Lend me your strength!” Touma jumped in, figuring a smaller, less destructive Genma might be the key to winning this fight. In the meantime, Natsume fumbled around for another arc.
“Summoning, Shadow! Please come out my friend, Komsan!”
Within no time both the flute wielding Genma and the fierce shrine dog had made their appearances at last. Swiftly they took off into their own directions to deal with the situation at hand.
Yoshitsune was first to start things off, softly trying to approach the child.
“Is something troubling you, miss?” Yoshitsune asked politely, the child looking in the direction of the flute wielding Genma.
Her response was to smack the Genma silly, giving him a piece of her mind the whole time.
“There’s nothing wrong with me, you meanie!” She cried out, Yoshitsune backing off a bit after smacking the Youkai away with his small but handy sword. Something in her voice was a bit off however, like a child wasn’t this irrational to be calmly asked if everything was okay, right?
“It seems there is some sort of curse making this Youkai’s Shadowside much more violent and unreasonable than it typically is,” Yoshitsune gave his insight to the situation at hand.
“Alright, well it might be best to see if ol’ Komasan can get an opening on that kid and I can see if a little bit of Yojistu can get her out of her funk!” Akinori explained his plan, coordination on the fight being underway.
While waters began to rise in the small meeting room, Komasan tried to figure out how to knock over the Youkai without causing too much harm to a literal child. So using his finisher to summon a huge rock statue to crush her seemed to be an absolute last resort plan.
The dog’s thoughts were stopped by a jet of water being blasted into his direction, jumping out of the way made him run into a chair with wheels and nearly crashing into a wall had he not stopped himself at the last possible moment. Wait a second…perhaps…?
Leaping out of the chair, Komasan proceeded to kick it square in the direction of the rainy youkai, making her wobble a bit where she stood.
“Now!” Komasan barked, Akinori getting a smug look on his face.
“Alright, time to shine, take this!” The priest boy yelled, making a star formation out of magic and tossing it at the rainmaking Youkai, causing a burst of light to purify the troublesome youkai.
Finally, the rain had stopped. The sun started to break through the clouds, slowly starting to dry up the sopping wet ground.
“Is everything alright?” Shirogane asked from the other side of the locked door.
“All clear skies!” Natsume answered, all the locks in the facility being disabled and going back to normal.
All the flooding water that had resulted from the encounter had dried up and now standing was a much cheerier youkai bathed in sunny yellows and a less torn up umbrella. Her face was graced with an expression of pure, unparalleled joy.
“How did I end up here?” The sunny Youkai asked herself curiously, the teens approaching her.
“Hey there little miss, is everything alright?” Natsume inquired, the youkai just smiling in return.
“Yeah, I just got lost,” The asked youkai answered sickeningly sweetly. “By the way, my name is Hare-Onna, my shadowside there is called Ame-Onna but I often get mixed up with my mama if you aren’t super specific. Plus I like being happier and sunnier anyways!”
“Hare-Onna, do you know what happened to cause you to act out in such a way? You don’t seem like the type to do that often,” Touma added in, the girl thinking for a bit before giving a slight sigh.
“I don’t remember much, I remember seeing a mean looking boy as the last thing before my memory got really clouded.” Hare-Onna answered, trying not to seem too glum but perked right back up. “But! I think they might have put a spell on me to be really mean. Usually I stay in one place when I’m in my Shadowside form, I don’t like causing trouble.”
Mean looking boy, that’s probably Chiharu…
“So whoever this Queen of a Hundred Demons is, she must have something that causes Youkai to go berserk and violent,” Akinori thought for a moment, piecing it all together. 
“An evil queen? That sounds awful, please, let me help out in any way that I can!” Hare-Onna called to action, handing out her Arc without a moment of hesitation. “I pinky promise that I’ll listen and be nice, even when I’m upset and go into Shadowside!”
“Thank you, we’re doing our best to figure out how to stop her before things get out of hand,” Natsume smiled back, the sunny enthusiasm rubbing off on her.
Meanwhile, Shirogane thought to himself, some of the words the priest boy was saying. A Queen of a Hundred Demons? Why did that sound so…so eerily familiar?
Miles and miles away, far off in France, a museum tour to a group of high schoolers was underway, taking them through a special exhibition showing off various weapons from across the world.
Swords, spears, shields, knives, bows and arrows, you name it, from all corners of the globe, they were on display. While each was a crafted thing of beauty to behold, there was one that caught the pale blue eye of one student that came abroad.
“Excuse me, could you tell me more about this really pretty archery bow you have here?” Ayame politely asked one of the curators, pointing in the direction of a bow made of pure platinum highlighted with bright cyan accents. 
“Yes, that bow was found by the curation team of this traveling exhibit, and they found it in the Yamuna River miraculously intact and without a scratch!” The curator gave a gentle smile and began to explain. “It’s a miracle such a thing of pure platinum didn’t seem to rust. Because of its ability to have been kept in pristine condition and where it was found, the curation team has decided to call it ‘Gandiva’. Shame that tomorrow we have to pack things up to go to our next stop in Japan…it’s a wonderful piece of weaponry and art.”
“Thank you, and I agree, it is quite a beautiful piece of artistry!” Ayame thanked, before starting to take mental notes, as something about the bow looked strangely familiar. 
She got out her phone to scroll through her group chat log between her and the other detectives across the continent and to the sea, further inspecting the engraving from the Youkai World she had been sent in the chat. It was a rhythmic pattern of looking at her screen and then back at the display case.
There was no denying it had a similar four gem set up with a colored diamond much like the other Youseiken she had seen. The primary color of cyan matched the depiction seen in the large engraving, even some of the distinct patterns were translated.
Making sure her hands were steady, Ayame got the best photos she could, getting a few closeups as well, making sure nothing was missed by any glares from the glass or random museum goers being in frame. Then, the photos were sent alongside a message and sticker of a cute rabbit with polka-dotted inner ears making a shocked expression.
“Hey guys, I think this might be one of the Sacred King’s Armory Youseiken you guys were talking about to me last week!?” 
“Woah! Do you know if it’s a permanent part of that exhibit or of a touring exhibit?”
“They said it’ll be on the road to Japan starting tomorrow, so it might be at a museum where you guys are all at! It’s called the Marvelous Weapons Of the Past Three Millennia exhibition!”
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big-anime-energy · 11 months
Making my silly little spider sona named after the really cool (to me) youkai Jorōgumo (the name does tie into her back story as well). They will be a sukeban style punk with a beambat like the ones from tribe nine bc they're cool! I hope I can do my silly little idea justice (>^< )
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devouring-hive · 2 years
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Of course- that’s but one universe.
Many exist, and in far more of them is Yamame a lovely woman- a motherly figure to her clan and wise-woman to the underground tribes of youkai.
and in at least one she’s a pop star.
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dreadlord-mr-son · 2 years
re: Still unnamed Colony AU
Decided to throw everyone into a Minecraft world just to make it easier to map. This style of world may be heavily-familiar to a couple of the characters, depending on my final picks.
I don��t plan to have it heavily gameified. Things won’t actually be square. Food saturation doesn’t heal you. There’s not an “inventory”. There might be respawning? Haven’t decided yet.
I’ve already picked out a large biomes world and an area in it to drop people.
Now I just have to finalize my character list...
I’ve made two short lists so far. One from my Wynnverse timeslines and one from my older OCs and original projects. There are some canon characters from various media (anime) already in those, as Wolfwood and Roy are both heavily tied into a lot of Wynn’s timelines. But I haven’t yet made the “characters from various media canons and fanfic of those media that I like” yet.
To go briefly over my potential picks from my older OCs and original works...
Forest’s Shadow: A sapient non-human I usually list as a “youkai” when I’m writing character lists. Not because she precisely is one, but because it’s a better term for what she is than others available to me. She’s a horse-sized vaguely canid creature who was going to be one of the main characters in a book I never wrote, where her and a young boy from a Native-American inspired tribe(1) who lost his tribe for plot reasons together gather a following and start a new family that expands into a tribe. Oh gee look there’s those same interests that are leading me to write this very fic right now. (1) This would be set on an alternate earth so no actual real tribes that exist or used to exist on our world would be present. Also it would be set in a time period comparable to thousands of years ago on our world so...
“Roach” (Michael Bradley): Well-off pothead with the coloring of a super-saiyan. His plotline was about him no longer being able to afford his house payments on his own so he gets a roommate who ended up being my self-insert. Basically a dumb self-insert sitcom character. One of my very rare straight male characters. Kind of bland to describe? But I’m fond of him. Nicknamed Roach because of the “pothead” thing. I always think of him as Roach and have to remind myself that his actual name is Michael. His story actually has a title: “Fish and Houseguests”. After the saying “Fish and Houseguests stink after 3 days”, referring to people overstaying their welcome. Thus indicating my long pattern of many of my own characters being supremely unimpressed with me.
Three characters from the same story now: Nathanial Sebastian Creighton (prefers Sebastian, thanks). Keneth Weaver Darlene Gothe A trio of college students from a comic I never drew a ton of titled “Something About Slugs” (an intentional non-sequitur). Sebastian is a rich gay guy whose homophobic parents sent him to college in another country so he could go and be weird and gay and artsy over there where he won’t be publicly visible and embarrass the family. Basically, he gets an allowance to keep his head down and pretend he’s not related to them. Very angtsy. Tall and thin and has super strength. Is a pacifist precisely because of the super strength -- he’s terrified he’ll seriously hurt someone by mistake. Suuuuper pretentious artist. Avoids speaking with contractions and gets poetic when drunk. Favorite forms of art are theatre and painting. He likes to dress in a black trenchcoat with a black sweater under it, even when it’s hot. Always wears long sleeves to hide his self-harm scars from when he was younger. I don’t have enough words for how much I enjoy tormenting this boy and making him chew on his own complicated emotions. :p I have a whole comic where I just drew him talking to a crucified Jesus statue about how he felt about the concept of God and his opinion on “love the sin, hate the sinner”. He is. So fun for me. Keneth Weaver is one of the middle children of a large family with many siblings. Very good at deescalating between his two best friends who... do not get along with each other. :p Always dresses in a puffy winter jacket with a warm knit hat (which he tucks his long blond hair up into) because he frequently gets cold chills. Is an absolute sweetheart and is the one of the trio most likely to go feral and punch a mofo for messing with his friends. Has not yet realized that he’s bi and falling for his best friend Sebastian. Everyone thinks he’s going to get into some nurturing care field of study but ends up getting into law from an idealistic desire to defend the disenfranchised. Darlene Gothe is... aptly named. She’s got a “slutty witch” aesthetic, liking to wear black dresses with ratty bottom hems and her cleavage out and swirly black eye makeup. Self-describes as “playfully bitchy”. Sebastian thinks she hates him because she’s constantly insulting and teasing him because she thinks it’s fun to play with him because of his dry sarcastic whit. So she’s just having fun and he thinks she’s being intentionally mean. Keneth sometimes gets so exhausted dealing with these two, but he does love them both. While Sebastian struggles with his complicated feelings for his disapproving parents, her parents are very supportive of her, but she just doesn’t emotionally connect with them and struggles to understand why family is so important to Sebastian and Keneth. Part of her trouble with sincere emotional connection is from school trauma. She was bullied through grade and highschool and coped with it by becoming sarcastically disconnected and prickly (hence “playfully bitchy”). I’m never going to end up writing the comic for these three but I love them so much.
Um. I’mma cut this off here and reblog my own post with the next batch of characters because I’m not even halfway through.
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artsysnationsatwar · 1 year
Nations at War
10. Helvítis Tribe
Chieftain Baal (he/him)
A viking tribe that has allied with demons. It was a thriving nation. That was until its leader, Chieftain Baal, got greedy and summoned a demon far too powerful for his hands. The demon then reduced the nation to only a small village. Now surrounding this cold and icy village with a dry wasteland.
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9. Monochrome Town
Mayor Monochrome (he/him)
Wild west cowboys mix with 1920's rubberhose. A man named Mickey Monochrome won a big duel then took the role as mayor. Now the whole town is cartoony like him. Even the ground and the sky changes to a desaturated colour when you enter the territory.
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8. Arachna
Mayor Webby (she/her)
The 50's esque utopia of uniformed spiderfolk. The nation has been experiencing a resurgence ever since the new mayor was elected. She's headstrong, but she's also tactical. She also hates the rain.
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7. WopGop
A rebellious group from a powerful nation formed its own nation then fled. But then, an unhinged sentient object conquered it. Due to the new leader's insanity, the literal heads of the citizens have been replaced with objects.
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6. Plunders
King Capnbones (he/him)
A union of losing nations who worked together till it's powerful enough to defend itself. The nation considers all of the inhabitants as one big crew of merry pirates. Hell, the government system is called a captainacy with a captain leading the nation. No, he's not a king. King is actually his first name.
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5. Playroom
Queen Alicia of Oak (she/her)
The Kingdom of Wood that allied with the Cloth tribe has united with the Plastic Play nation to form a new kingdom. Thanks to this, the nation of toys could thrive and reach top 5 on the leaderboard. The queen is so grateful for the alliance, you can see it in her very clear smile.
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4. Tsarada
Lord Tsarada (he/him)
A nation of Russian space zombies whose space shuttles orbit the planet. Their leader was a prominent figure during the Russian Revolution. And after his revival along with many others, he revolted against humanity. He's also gained cool ice powers (heheh cool).
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3. Youkai Empire
Emperor Fo (he/him)
Long ago in Japan, an empire of mythical creatures was sealed away under a mountain. But then one day, the empire cracks through the mountain and re-emerges to its former glory. And as the emperor is prepared for his age to catch up, the crown prince is prepared to claim his father's throne.
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2. Perfect Kingdom
King Plague (he/him)
King Plague rules over a kingdom now inhabited by machines like him. He once conquered his homeworld with a fungus that can mutate its victims. The lords and ladies help him in moderating the ever-expanding nation. Together, they are the Aristocrats. His true title is His Majesty, Aristocrat King Eckra the Righteous.
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1. United States of Electro
President Plitz (she/xe)
The number one strongest nation of the planet. An alien race invaded then conquered earth's USA. Their advanced technology is feared by all the nations. But what's scarier is the toothy grin of the president.
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Btw, things can change as I'm still developing this. Thanks for reading.
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riopolh · 2 years
Flying paper monsters mythology
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Next time you are out walking, look up! You never know what you might see. However, the thunderbird, the ropen, and the mothman have all delighted unexplained mystery fans for years. They are known to be magical, highly intelligent Japanese mythical creatures that possess many powerful magical and spiritual abilities. Kitsune, or mythical foxes, are yet another famous youkai in Japanese mythology. Nine-tailed Fox, by Ogata Gekko, 1887, via British Museum. Theses cryptozoological flying monsters may or may not exist. Kitsune The Divine Mythical Creatures of Japanese Folklore. These flying monsters are not regularly accepted by cryptozoologists as anything more than a trick of light and film. It is interesting to note that rods or sky fish appear exactly as flying insects caught on film do. They are so fast they cannot be seen by the naked eye, but instead show up in photographs and on video. These oddities are said by some to be tiny, quick-moving creatures that fly through the air using cuttlefish-like fins on the sides. There are many reports of him chasing cars and people.Ĭryptozoology Flying Monster – Rods or Sky Fish He is a hominid with large wings and glowing red eyes. There have, however, been sightings up until the present day of a creature said to be mothman. Pleasant, West Virginia area in the late 1960s. Mothman came to fame with several sightings in the Pt. This creature is usually described as having a wingspan of anywhere from four to twenty feet with the distinctive long tail and head crest of a prehistoric flying reptile. The ropen is the quarry of investigations by several people. It comes from New Guinea and has been spotted by many people. The ropen is another pterosaur type cryptid. Its wingspan is said to be around five to seven feet, and it often attacks fishermen and small boats. It lives in Africa and has been described by many native tribesmen and visitors to the region. The fantastic animal of the Chinese legends has the appearance of a flying hare with a mouse head. It is depicted as a dragon with wings, the head of a deer, and the tail of a snake. The kongamato is a dinosaur leftover said to be a living pterosaur. In Chinese mythology, Fei Lian is the god of the winds that keep locked in a leather bag, like Aeolus, the Greek god of the wind. There is actually a story of a thunderbird attempting to carry off a 10-year-old boy in 1977. Some are described as more spiritual or figurative creatures, while others insist that they are live flying monsters. The idea of the thunderbird seems to originate with several Native American Indian tribes. Below is an overview of several of the more interesting flying monsters in Cryptozoology.Ĭryptozoology Flying Monster – Thunderbirdīased solely in North America, the thunderbirds are giant, eagle or vulture type birds with wingspans of fifteen to twenty feet. While some of the more popular ones are terrestrial, such as bigfoot, or aquatic, such as Nessie, there are flying monsters as well. Discover more at CasinosFellowCryptozoology is the study of unknown or hidden animals. While not exactly the best of the best (missing from the collection is the overwhelmingly stellar Who Can You Trust from the group’s debut of the same name), the disc is still an ideal way to become. Selamat datang games qq online no 1 indonesiaĬheck out the best online casino in Australia fast payouts guaranteed. P arts of the Process is an apt title for this greatest hits collection from British electronica/trip-hop trio Morcheeba. Stay updated with the best new online casinos at today. The best casino bonus website is Onlinecasinoinformatie Nederland. You can find the best quick casinos in Finland at /pikakasinot If you’re looking for the best online casinos, look here.ġWIN New site for betting and live casinos in India: Alle casinoer er lisensiert av Curacao eller Malta Gaming Authority. Here you will find the best rated casino online and a list of excellent gambling games!ĭu finner de beste norske nettcasinoene hos. More and more players are playing on in the Poland.įür deutsche Spieler ist es immer wichtig, schnell auszahlen zu können, weshalb sie sich für casino mit schneller auszahlung auf entscheiden.īestCSGOGambling is your one-stop-chop for CSGO gambling and betting guides Play mobile casino not on GamStop and get extra bonuses on Hos oss på hittar du all information om casino utan svensk licensĪ - Beste online casino anmeldelser. Hitta det bästa casino utan svensk licens på CUSLĪrab Casino with high bonuses and latest casino games in arabic. The cryptocurrency revolution is upon us and there are many bitcoin casinos you can check out and play with ease in 2022
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turquoisephoenix · 4 years
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Some gift art for a friend of mine!
Here is @makaipunk ‘s fan yokai Unruly from the Wicked/Kaima tribe, and naturally, she’s being unruly by setting absolutely everything on fire. Why is everything on fire Unruly.
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splattackocto · 5 years
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thought i’d draw a medal for my originyan! dunno if i really captured the style of the official medals but i tried
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