#Types of Magic
dunmeshistash · 29 days
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Dungeon Meshi - Types of Magic (Kabru the Lubricant User)
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 month
Can MC be powerful enough to later become a Weather Mage or a War Mage, etc.? That would be kinda cool if that would happen, but I'm also good with MC not being OP, I'm just curious if that will happen later in the story.
Thanks for your question! It's mostly implied that MC could attain these specializations once they've developed more in their skillset, education, and career, but in the timeline of this game, it wouldn't really be realistic, given that it hasn't even been a year since they've joined the Shepherds and started using their powers openly and in public! It takes years of pursuit and development to become a true and accredited [Weather Mage, War Mage, Whisperer, etc.], even if MC is already educated and trained in magic, so those more niche specialties will take 'black robe level' mastery and experience first! But they're certainly on track to achieve it based on their current trajectory!
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
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gear-project · 3 months
Long time no see. If I am correct, Zappa had managed to gain control of his ghosts and spirits, right with the Zappa Scale? In Guilty Gear's world, is there any lengths or training one can go in order control or tame spirits and ghosts? Is it possible Zappa might've had help from anyone in particular?
There is what is known as a "Contract" relationship between Humans and Demihumans when it comes to magic.
Alchemy (in A.B.A.'s case) is something similar, though equivalent exchange is required (having the same value as something else).
Rather, Testament's whole deal is that he had a Contract with a Demihuman as a Gear.
Ghosts aren't too far removed from most Demihumans (least of all someone like Izuna and his tribe...)
Of course the term "Demihuman" is the modern interpretation of Youkai from older games... so in that sense it's something of a modern retcon, but I digress.
Stereotypically you'd expect to make a contract with a DEMON... but most "Demons" are on the same level as ghosts and other spirits in Guilty Gear's World.
In fact... one such Demon was responsible for King Daryl's "Pudding Incident" (which Zappa resolved a while ago).
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emshryke · 1 year
Types of magic in Centrallis:
Scrying — the ability to use water, crystal, a mirror, fire or another means to see the past, present or future. Often used in fortune telling. Colour symbolism for this ability is silver.
Divination — the ability to use tarot/oracle cards, pendulum, tea leaves and other means to determine what is going to happen, the best route to take, etc. Often used in fortune telling. Colour symbolism for this ability is "blueberry", which is a lot like ultramarine.
Spellwork — all magicians are able to cast at least a dozen spells by the time they come of age (turn 18). Some learn from Magisters (tutors) while others teach themselves by trial and error. Spellbooks help, but not every magician can easily obtain them. Colour symbolism for this ability is violet.
Healing — the use of magic (potions, spells, herbs and sometimes other, unusual means) to heal the mind/body/soul of a fellow creature. Colour symbolism for this ability is maroon.
Herbalism — the ability to identify and use herbs for a variety of purposes. Most healers use herbs, but not all herbalists are healers. Colour symbolism for this ability is emerald green.
Mending — the ability to look at a damaged item with a magician's eye, see where the problem is (even when it is a broken cog inside a clock) and repair it with a spell or intent. Colour symbolism for this ability is copper.
Alchemy — the ability to transform one element into another. A famous alchemist, named Lauryn Goldfinch, once created a pool which could turn anything that touched the water to solid gold. For this reason, colour symbolism for this ability is gold.
Spirit work — ability to engage and interact with spirits. These may be ghosts or living spirits (these shall be explained in a later post, if anyone would like to know more about them). All ghosts are spirits, but not all spirits are ghosts. The colour for this ability is crimson red.
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Notice: Discomancy is a valid branch of magic.
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joncronshawauthor · 11 months
The Fascinating World of Fantasy Magic: The 10 Types You Need to Know
Fantasy literature is filled with a wide variety of magical powers and abilities. From spells and incantations to magical creatures and artifacts, the fantasy genre is rich with imagination and wonder. Here are ten of the most common types of magic found in fantasy: 1. Elemental Magic. This type of magic allows the user to control and manipulate the elements of nature such as fire, water,…
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foreverbaby25 · 4 months
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thedragonsprincecomic · 8 months
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✨🔮 Hey Tumblr fam! Let's dive into a world of enchantment and explore some fascinating types of magical magics! ✨🌟
🔥 Fire Magic: Harnessing the power of flames, fire magic ignites with intensity and passion. It can be both destructive and transformative, embodying the essence of creation and destruction.
🌳 Wood Magic: Rooted in nature, wood magic connects with the ancient wisdom of trees and plants. It resonates with growth, healing, and harmony, allowing wielders to communicate with the spirits of the forest.
💧 Water Magic: Flowing with the currents, water magic taps into the ebb and flow of emotions. It grants control over the tides, healing properties, and the ability to shape water to the mage's will.
🌍 Earth Magic: Grounded and resilient, earth magic draws strength from the very essence of the planet. It grants the power to manipulate soil, rocks, and minerals, as well as communicate with creatures of the earth.
⚙️ Metal Magic: Forging a connection with metal, this magic allows manipulation of alloys, shaping metals with precision, and even bestowing enchanted properties. It embodies strength, durability, and craftsmanship.
🌑 Darklighter Magic: Balancing light and shadow, darklighter magic dances on the edge of duality. It grants the power to manipulate shadows, create illusions, and tap into the mysterious forces of the night.
🌈 Rainbow's Cosmic Magic: Bursting with vibrant hues, cosmic magic channels the energy of the universe. It weaves together the power of the stars, planets, and celestial bodies, allowing wielders to manipulate cosmic forces.
🐠 Fish Magic: Immersed in the depths of the ocean, fish magic grants the ability to communicate with marine life, control water currents, and even transform into aquatic creatures.
🎣 Fisherman's Magic: Bound to the world of fishing, this magic enhances skills in angling, providing knowledge of the best spots, predicting fish behavior, and even summoning magical fishing tools.
❄️ Iced Magic: Embracing the frigid chill, iced magic commands the power of ice and frost. From creating ice constructs to manipulating temperature, it brings a sense of enchanting cold to the world.
⚫ Black Iced Magic: A darker and more mysterious variant of iced magic, black iced magic delves into the realm of shadows and frozen darkness. It embodies icy coldness with an eerie twist.
🔒 Copyright Magic: A unique and modern form of magic, copyright magic safeguards intellectual creations. It shields original works, ensures fair use, and even punishes those who infringe upon creative rights.
📀 Bootlegger's Magic: A mischievous and secretive magic, bootlegger's magic allows the creation and manipulation of counterfeit items. It encompasses illusions, sleight of hand, and the art of deception.
🐀 Rat Magic: Embracing the cunning nature of rodents, rat magic grants control over these creatures. It allows communication with rats, summoning swarms, and even transforming into a rat form.
⏳ Spacetime Magic: Manipulating the very fabric of reality, spacetime magic bends the laws of physics. It grants the power to teleport, manipulate time, and journey through different dimensions.
🔬 Science-Magic: Merging the worlds of science and magic, this hybrid discipline explores the boundaries of what is possible. It combines scientific principles with mystical energies, unlocking new realms of discovery.
🧚‍♀️ Fairytale Magic: Stepping straight out of storybooks, fairytale magic enchants with whimsy and wonder. It brings fairy godmothers, talking animals, and magical transformations to life, reminding us of the power of imagination.
✨🌟 These are just a few glimpses into the vast tapestry of magical magics that exist in our imagination. So, let your dreams soar and your creativity flow, and imagine the endless possibilities of the mystical realms! ✨🔮
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
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they love apple more than god
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footlongdingledong · 1 year
love that fighting is considered a pokemon type. like Yea I got magical elemental skills it’s called kicking your ass
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 months
If I may ask, for Enchanter mages, what's the difference between Illusionists and Bewitchers? From what I read in the codex, both of them sound similar in disorienting the mind or something like that. Also, can Enchanters and Diviners read minds?
Hi, Illusionists specialize in crafting visual illusions that deceive the mind (for example, blinding someone with a flash of light or tricking them into hallucinating a confusing labyrinth rather than a straight hallway), whereas Bewitchers literally take control of their minds in order to induce physical effects such as sleep, paralysis, or blindness. It's a subtle difference... I guess you could compare it to a stage magician (smoke and lights and mirrors, making you believe they've turned invisible or sawn themselves in half when that hasn't actually happened through visual trickery or projection) and a hypnotist!
Theoretically, anyone skilled enough in the psionic school of magic can attempt to read someone's thoughts, so you can be a Diviner and still have an ability to do that, but Enchanters actually specialize in it, so it's easiest for them!
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starrysharks · 4 months
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friendship is magic
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gear-project · 10 months
How likely do you think it is for a new forbidden beast user to appear in strive? For that matter, do you think strive will have any more newcomers at this point? what do you think a character based on another of the 6 forbidden arts could end up being?
It's an interesting question...
Right now, the "Six Forbidden Magics" haven't been fully explored except for two of them, leaving 4 remaining.
One involved sight, the other apparently involves growth or regeneration (or possibly even the sense of touch), implying there are "six senses". But of course, that's speculation.
Hi-Deigokutsuipo or "Six Binding Magics" involves a curse for the user, so of course in each case that person has a unique curse bound to them.
While it could involve Sight, Touch, Taste, Hearing, or Smell... or some other Senses that we've not yet seen... either are still very possible.
But beyond those forbidden spells... we also have at least Two OutRage Jinki Weaponry that have yet to be accounted for... in particular the "Dominator" and the "Baikal". Both were created by Frederick during his time in hiding as a Gear, but as far as we know... most of the Jinki were recovered by the Sanctus Populi (a.k.a. the Conclave). It's also implied that at least two nameless Jinki exist (of the two Slayer apparently owns one of them, perhaps it was a gift from Frederick?)
But, even beyond the Magic Instroments that exist in the world, or even the Forbidden Magic not listed in the 666 Arcanum that the Conclave wrote... there is also the undocumented Magic Scores which Dr. Paradigm is in possession of.
These undocumented scores are something like an "index" of Magic functions that the Backyard is capable of which Paradigm "wrote down" during his research in to the Backyard's Magic (with Izuna's assistance).
You can think of them somewhat like a "fragment" of the Tome of Origin's power... but fragment though they may be, they are still more powerful than even the six forbidden curses...
So yes, there's quite a few characters and individuals that we have yet to document in GG's Lore.
Only time will tell how many newcomers exist versus returning characters... but Season 3 is confirmed, so at the very least it's exciting to look forward to!
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retrogamingblog2 · 9 months
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time-woods · 7 months
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someone asked for my interpretations of the characters prismo and scarab wouldve made at the end of fionna and cake,
so here we have Sīdus the Fallen star and The Carmine Cavalier (also regarded as Carma (like karma))
im proud of scarabs character name simply cause cavalier used as an adjective can mean someone who doesnt care for others. also really proud of his sickle thing- its like the mandibles of a beetle but it acts like a guiding weapon rather than attacking, so he can just hook people and completely displace their movements but it can also be used for punching like brass knuckles
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