tenelese · 6 months
Obsession isn't Loyalty
The poor blue hedgehog was on the ground battered, bruised, and injured all over. He could barely stay awake nor could he endure the pain he was feeling both physically and emotionally. The black hedgehog along with the white bat and red echidna standing in front of his nervous and shaky though the one that really sent shivers down his spine was the pink hedgehog herself. After 30 minutes of them beating and besting him almost to death, the black hedgehog was stating that this is what he gets for trying to best him, the red echidna claiming him to be a bad guy if not monster, the white bat was just going with flow, and the pink hedgehog states how this was his fault as she did all of this along with the years of chasing him was because she loves him...apparently she still do. The blue hedgehog did try to speak up a few times, but this resulted in him getting punched and/or kicked in the stomach area with the group yelling and scolding him to not interrupt them. It soon begin to be to much for the blue hedgehog that he was beginning to slowly lose conscious. Before the blue hedgehog lost consciousness, the black hedgehog kneels down to him and threatens the blue hedgehog to never ever try to best nor beat him again. The pink hedgehog then picks up the blue hedgehog and begins running and carrying him bridal style towards a nearby hospital so that the blue hedgehog can recover from what he's been through, her main concern was hoping for the blue hedgehog to learn from this. The black hedgehog, white bat, and red echidna all went their separate ways believing that their jobs there was done and also hoping that the blue hedgehog learned his lesson. However unknown to everyone there, a certain two tailed fox was watching them by a tiny activated flying camera.
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tenelese · 6 months
Obsession isn't Loyalty
Having enough of Sonic rejecting her love and running away from her all the time, she decides to go to extreme measures to not only bring some sense into Sonic but to also teach him a lesson. This gets Sonic seriously injured and traumatized, however Amy isn't the only one involved and not the only one he's now fearful of. Sonic starts having regrets on the people he's with...until he realizes who are truly on his side...and Amy fails to realize the fact she acts like an obsessive stalker...until someone open her eyes...
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tenelese · 6 months
The Sin of Betrayal
Chapter 1
Girlfriend wakes up and gets ready for the day, it was an important day as she was now gonna introduce her boyfriend, Kapi, to her parents! Hopefully they're get along with Kapi better than they did with her ex...not that Boyfriend was the problem, he wasn't! That was all on her parents! When she told her parents that she broke up with Boyfriend, they cheered! It was short-lived when she told them that she found a new boyfriend. They calmly told her to bring her new boyfriend over, she texted Kapi about it and he agreed though he told her why her parents opinion matter since the two of them love each other before they begin texting and flirting with each other. She guessed he makes a good point on that, after he said that...her mind wandered over to Boyfriend...she'll admit she did miss him. A thought came to mind! She thought about inviting him to a fancy restaurant to hang out, she doesn't want to lose him as a friend. She still cares deeply about him, so she sent him a text asking if he wanted to hang out next month. She wouldn't invite over now nor very soon, she knows that he is very upset and needs time away from both her and Kapi. She had a feeling he wouldn't respond to her back immediately nor for a minute so she decided to wait for him to respond anytime he wanted.
Unknown to her, Kapi was also texting Boyfriend to invite him over to the arcade for a party he was hosting next week. His reason of inviting Boyfriend over to maybe hangout with him like they did back in college. They were like bros back then! He kinda did miss those days...To be honest, the last time he saw Boyfriend was 3 weeks ago when he stole his girlfriend because she was out of Boyfriend's leage. He wasn't stupid enough not to know that Boyfriend would be upset with the whole thing, but they were still friends. He waited for a response from Boyfriend, but hasn't gotten anything, he was annoyed but you can't help with people sleeping in or them losing their own phone. He got himself dressed and ready to meet his new girlfriend's parents, he wanted to make a good impression so he got himself to dress formally and got Girlfriend some roses. He was ready!
However, unknown to Kapi... Boyfriend was up...and to say he was so upset with the two of them texting him to hang out with them as if nothing happened was understandable. He was on the bed staring down at his phone with the messages from both his ex girlfriend and his formal friend, tears began streaming down his cheek.Sure it's been 3 weeks since the incident, but he just couldn't get over it. It's not like there was anything he could do to win Girlfriend's heart back would he want to. He accepted the fact that his now ex girlfriend moved on from to Kapi and broke his heart, but he still couldn't get over the heartbreak. He guess he could understand what Pico went through when they broke up, but Boyfriend didn't choose anyone else nor cheated and moved on from Pico. Boyfriend knew he should have blocked both Girlfriend's and Kapi's phone numbers, but he didn't...he tossed his phone to the side and covered himself up with covers while staring out the window on his apartment. He decides to think about the invites rather than straight up reject them...
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tenelese · 6 months
The Sin of Betrayal
He lost...he actually lost...no...He Can't Lose! How Could He Have Let This Happen!? This Can't Be Happening! The crowd was cheering for and with Kapi at his victory of winning Girlfriend from Boyfriend. Girlfriend hopped off the speakers and lands next to Kapi, they then hold hands.
"Better keep up next time!" Kapi stated out loud to Boyfriend as they began walking into the cheering crowdwhile Boyfriend just stood there in disbelief with a shocked devastated look on his face...he couldn't move at the moment nor knew what to do at that moment. After a moment, he then had a numb expression and began walking out of the arcade with his head down. As soon as he made it outside and into the alleyway next to the Arcade, he stood there for moment until tears began to stream down his cheek and soon...he broke on the ground crying. What did he do to deserve this?
Meanwhile in the Arcade, while Kapi was boasting about winning, Girlfriend went to go search for Boyfriend to cheer him up by letting him know that he didn't lose her completely. They could still be friends! Who knows? Maybe best friends! She soon went back to the game section where Kapi is along with the cheering crowd and he held her waist with his hand. She decided to check up on him later, she may have moved on to Kapi, but deep down inside...she still cared for Boyfriend, that will never change. This was just the beginning of a new life for the three of them! She wondered what the future had in stored for them!
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tenelese · 6 months
The Sin of Betrayal
This is the alternate universe/dimension where Kapi successfully takes Girlfriend from Boyfriend. It's all fun and games until Kapi finally understands what kind of trouble he's in when it comes to his being with his new girlfriend. He has to fight her parents and their henchmen, her vengeful ex boyfriend and his friends, and etc. Not to mention, Girlfriend is more dependent on him despite being a powerful demon. Boyfriend now has depression from losing his girlfriend to his now formal friend, he would make a unexpected appearance to their rap battles in the crowd once in a while, but that was it. His formal girlfriend would try to invite him over to hang out with them or with just her as friends, but he would refuse to acknowledge her and Kapi. Not to mention Girlfriend ends up having problems of her own...
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tenelese · 6 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
Nearly Froze to Death
Whitty's P.O.V.
That's It!! I'm staying at Carol's!! I can't stay out here, it's freezing cold out here!! I somewhat feel sorry for the people who has to stay out here in the cold...not to mention the snow is getting bigger and bigger everyday of the week. In fact, Carol called me and told me I should stay with her until all this ends. Works for me! I wasn't far from Carol's house when I noticed a child laying in the snow. Normally I would just keep walking, but there was this feeling that something was off about this like...something is wrong, so I got a closer look at the scene. The kid turns out to be the same one who got them two tweeps to leave me alone! Are they okay? Or are they fine with the snow? I don't know! I heard a whimper from them...I think they're struggling to move. Something is telling me to get them out of the snow and take them somewhere warm...I mean...I owe the tiny stranger for saving me from the harassment and offering a hamburger that night. So I quickly grab the kid and pulled them close to me, so they can get some body heat from me on the outside. I'm fine because I can regenerate my own body heat on the inside. I look down at the kid and found them barely awake, they looked kinda weak...from the cold I mean, plus I feel them shivering badly within my arms.
"Hey! You alright?" I asked, this was my way of keeping them awake, but I was getting no response and their appear to be heading to sleep mode.
"Hey! Don't Fall Asleep! Wake Up!" I yelled, but it was to late...they went into a deep slumber, but they're still alive because they're still shivering. I have to get them out of this cold and fast. So I ran straight away to Carol's house while regenerating my body heat so the kid can stay somewhat warm. I finally made it! I knocked on the door and waited for Carol to respond, it took a minute, but she opened the door and hugged my legs.
"Whitty! There you here! I was worried you-" she stopped when she noticed the tiny figure in my arms.
"Is that...?" she was beginning to ask.
"Yes, I found them in snow barely awake!" I explained.
"Come in! Come in!" she motioned me in. I sat the kid on the couch as Carol ran to get some covers.
"Whitty! Do you think you can get the fireplace going?" she asked.
"I'll try!" I answered.
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tenelese · 6 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
A Talk With a Father
Riley's P.O.V.
I finally got all the food that I and the poor will need for this winter. I all have to do now is wait in line. After that...I might have to sell parts of the house again...and my games...again...okay I'm up!
"That'll be $69.78" The Cashier said, oh boy...before I can pay a sky blue tall stranger whose head was like a flame of a fire gets in front of me and puts a lot money on the counter before grabbing me and putting me and my stuff in his buggy. Then he walks into the parking lot and puts all his groceries and...stuff in the trunk before putting my groceries in the back seat, after that he picks me up out of the buggy and puts me in the front passenger seat before getting in the car himself and drives off. This was more akward than scary to be honest...I was actually rather curious of where this was going.
"So? Riley right?" he asked, I stayed silent...I don't know this guy and he brings me into his car and leaves with me!
"Oh right! Where are my manners? I am Solazar! You may not know me and I may not know you, but my son seems very fond of you for saving him. He wouldn't shut up about you freeing him and stuff, but I'm glad that you did whether is was intentional or unintentional" he said, Wait...I met his son...?
"W-who?" I asked.
"Agoti little one" he answered, oh! I guess that make sense!
"I wanted to thank you properly for freeing my son, so that's why I personally wanted to invite you to dinner at a five star restaurant as a token of appreciation, if you don't mind" he continued.
"I...uh..." I  stuttered "Don't worry young one! It's on me!" he said.
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tenelese · 7 months
PacifideTale (Undertale AU)
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PacifideTale is an undertale AU where Frisk (along with Chara and the six souls) travels to different undertale AUs to save her alternates and counterparts while erasing any and all threat to them. But there's more than meet the eye. Like Frisk choses both pacific and genocide and she teams up with Chara. The six souls are corrupted. How? Why? Well this book will answer all your questions. Check it out if you want.
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tenelese · 7 months
PacifideTale Frisk and Chara (Undertale AU)
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PacifideTale Frisk and Chara are two semi-immortal children who are on a mission to visit all Undertale AU and save all their alternates and counterparts while killing and slaughtering any threatening monsters in the way. The six souls also joins and follows them on their mission, however they are not themselves.
Frisk is somewhat the leader of the group as she's also a host for Chara and the six souls. While Frisk is still a pacifist and still has a kind caring heart, she has no problem going through with genocide. Frisk also has no problem allowing her body being control by Chara and the six souls. Frisk came from an abusive family and would cover up her wounds and bruises with both bandages and clothing. She finds herself fighting for her life in both pacific and genocide route mainly because the monsters want her soul to free themselves from the underground, she wasn't always successful in her battles and have died multiple times causing her to be reminded on her old abusive life. While her scars reminds her of the pain she's been through, she refuses to make them fade away just so she would be reminded on why she chose the path she goes on. She goal at first was the help free the monsters in the pacific route and succeeded until she restarted out of guilt for the six souls. She was planning on going through with the same pacific route until she went down the genocide route upon becoming self-aware of some of the monsters motives like Toriel attempting to keep Frisk hidden from the world and as a replacement for her deceased children (not to mention her attacking Frisk first), Papyrus wanting to send Frisk to the guards where she would be killed, Mettaton obviously wanted to kill her for her soul for himself so he could escape and be popular, Undyne and Asgore wanting to kill and take her soul so they break the barrier for the monsters to escape. None of them have even bothered to ask nor made a deal with her for her soul...not to mention the other previous children, she would have considered giving up her soul. And the fact that Sans would call her a monster despite almost all the monsters wanting her dead for her soul seemed to have triggered her to the point where she calls out Sans for what the monsters ahve done to the previous and how he supporting Papyrus down that road (and not once protected her like he promised) before being killed and teams up with Chara (and the six souls) to get revenge and to erase her world. Upon finding out that there are different worlds out there and knowing that there are alternate versions and different counterparts of her that could be going through her pain if not worse, she made it her life mission to go save them all and take out only the threateningly monsters.
Chara is a supporting leader and partner in crime. Chara did not trick nor manipulated Frisk, Frisk actually managed to persuade Chara into joining the mission. In fact, Chara isn't manipulative towards Frisk despite still wanting to kill and erase everything, but was a bit manipulative towards the six souls before they changed though she mainly did it to give her and Frisk more help when they need it. Though Chara was planning on manipulating Frisk at first. Chara would guide Frisk through various of things, would explain all types of things like food, people, and etc. sometime. However, when it comes to battle Chara would research and inform Frisk of their foes like who they are, they weaknesses, what they've done, and etc.. Chara would make sure that Frisk is constantly healed so that Frisk wouldn't die and if anything goes wrong they can always go back in time. Chara would possess Frisk when she's either struggling or to talk and fight the foe herself despite having the ability to reveal herself without Frisk's help. Due to Frisk unexpectedly gained new abilities and Frisk having the ability to use her determination to go to one AU to another, Chara soon gained the soul of SAVE which gave her new powers and abilities. Chara gives Frisk her own golden heart necklace and knife as a way to let Frisk know that she's trusts and that she was fully on Frisk's side.
The six souls are the souls of the previous children (after Chara) who were killed by the monsters. They weren't corrupted nor wanting to harm the monsters who killed them at first, until Chara reminded them how the monsters killed them without mercy, took and used their souls without their permission, and how Frisk would end up just like them if they didn't step up. These reminders along with knowing that Frisk could end up just like them, they agreed and ended up...changing. They don't really possess Frisk as they mostly just give Frisk their powers and abilities, but they do reveal themselves to their foes and will fight alongside with Frisk and will posses Frisk when necessary.
And yes! I know it's really spelled "pacified" and not "pacifide". It's for a pretty good reason.
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tenelese · 8 months
Robin and both beta and current Amanda (and Wooly) by TristenNorfleet1
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tenelese · 10 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
Riley's P.O.V.
I just delivered the last homeless teenage mother and is heading home...until I see...some humans...demons...? I can't really tell...as they got closer they appear to be both, oh dear...they appear to have rope and a big sack bag. I don't know much about things like this, but what I do know is that it's bad news. I chose to run away and been trying to lose them by taking twists and turns...the first times work, but I can't the same for the other tries. I don't think luck was on my side as I found myself cornered in an alleyway with them...it's been an honor helping them poor beings. I got on the ground on my knees hugging myself then closed my eyes waiting for the trouble to begin...I hear their footsteps coming closer and closer...for every step that comes closer my fear rises. Then the footsteps stop and I began hearing painful grunts and groans along with hitting noises. After 5 minutes the noises stop and pair of footsteps started coming towards me and stops...I guess the person was inspecting me or checking me out...I don't know...I was scared to look at the person. What did they want from me?
"So...we meet again..." that voice...I look up to see the same guy who blew up the restaurant, I couldn't help, but tremble a bit.
"What are doing here all by yourself? You do realize how dangerous it is for someone such as yourself to out here all alone" he continued.
"I-I was h-heading home, b-but they chased me here..." I stuttered, he look down at me for a moment.
"I see...where do you live?" he asked.
"H-huh?" I asked looking up.
Tabi's P.O.V.
I got on one knee to see them face-to-face, I can tell they don't fully trust me. I'm not really the type of guy to care, but...I can't leave this kid alone especially when those DEMONS going to harm them.
"Where do you live?" I asked again, they're afraid of me...
"W-w-why...?" they asked. The kid was playing it smart, because of stranger danger.
"I'm gonna walk you home" I said. They stared at me for a moment.
"Okay..." they answered with no emotion as they got up and motioned me to follow them, I got up and began to follow them. After an hour of watching over the kid and looking to see if we're being followed, we made it and...it turns out to be an abandoned house...they opened the door allowing me to have a small peek inside...the inside didn't look so bad minus the holes the walls, floors, and ceilings but this house was in no condition to be living in!
"Thank you for walking me home! I gotta go to bed now...see you next time..." they said before closing the door. Where was this kid's folks? Should I call someone? I honestly feel bad for the kid...having to live in a house like that!? I don't know what to do...but the least I can do is find a way to help them...like they helped me.
Riley's P.O.V.
What a night...I was lucky this time...I need to be more cautious...this isn't the first time this happened. And that guy...he offered to walk me home...I need to get some sleep for tomorrow.
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tenelese · 10 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
The Confrontion of Dearest
Riley's P.O.V.
I HATE carrying these two large plastic bags, but who else was gonna feed these poor hungry helpless people on the streets? I must remember the duty I chose to make the world a better for both rich and poor. As I make my way to the same place I encountered that tall bomb man, I noticed two (somewhat) tall figures in the distance...oh boy...I think they were walking towards me, as they got closer and closer...I realize they were demons. Based on the smirk looks on their faces I knew they were bad news, but I shouldn't judge someone so...I decided to see what they want. The tall woman crouched down to my level.
"My my my aren't you a cute one! My daughter was right about you being cute" she said, wait...daughter? I met her daughter? I tilted my head in confusion...
"My daughter talked about how you saved her life from a 'certain' killer...with her describing your appearance we decided to find and give you our thanks".
The man said still standing up. I actually had a bad feeling about this...were they talking about the restaurant incident?
"Not much of a talker eh? Well we were just leaving anyway" the mother said getting back up as the father suddenly pets my head. "Till we meet again" he chuckled before leaving with his wife. I...I...I have no words...no comment...but just fear and shock. But if they do anything to harm me...I'll be ready for them! With or without help!
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tenelese · 10 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
The Greater Good
Updike's P.O.V.
I captured a demon, but she and her blue haired boyfriend escaped. Grrrrr...I'll save her for later...my sight and mission are on Whittmore. He's a threat to everyone and society that he must be put down for good. People might ask why...it's for the greater good. While walking around stilling scouting for the bomb man, I see a tiny kid all by themself on a sidewalk eating a sandwich. I'm not a softie for these type of things, but the least I can do is make sure they're okay, safe, and that they had a home. I walk up to them.
"May I ask why you out here by yourself? We have had dangerous beings around this area more times than I can count" I said, they look up at me with no emotion...can't say I'm surprised...this kid knows not to talk to strangers or else they be talking to me right now. I get on one knee to see them face to face.
"If you're wondering who I am, I am Updike, leader of the group called, The Greater Good, we hunt down dangerous beings who are a threat to society and would kill a lot of people...have you come across something or someone that tried to hurt you?" I asked, they shook their head no in response.
"May I have your name?" I asked.
"Riley..." they answered reluctantly. We sat in this spot for an hour until they got up and unexpectedly handed me a burrito.
"I gotta go...bye..." they said as they began walking away until I grabbed their shoulder.
"If you ever come across deadly creatures...call me" I stated before letting go. Riley...hmmm... better keep a close eye on them...
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tenelese · 10 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
Riley's P.O.V.
I found a game in the middle of the sidewalk...it appears to be Simulating type game...I think. I go to the abandoned house outside the city, a place I call home and hook up my gamecube to play the game. I put the game in getting ready to play, that was until I hit the power button. A portal opened up inside the TV, like woah...did not see that coming, what else I did not see coming was a smoke ball face coming out of the TV and turning into humanoid character. He looked just like the teenager or young adult from the cover of the game, he looked at me noticing me still holding the game controller.
"Are you the one who freed me?" he asked, I didn't know what to say...but he came out of the game after I hit the power button...so I nodded...kinda...he then got on his knees.
"Oh Thank You Thank You Thank You!!! I've been trapped in there for so long!!" he chirped, I was confused...how did he even get trapped in the video game in the first place? Suddenly the portal soon became white-ish and more glitchy, soon another humanoid came through the portal, but this time he flew out as if he was thrown and surprisingly landed on the couch. As me and this tall stranger got a better look at the humanoid... his body looks like a normal human body, however his whole head is black with white eyes...I think his has hair, but like flames. He got up confused, he looked around for a minute before a smile came across his face.
"Yes!! I'm Finally Free From That Prison!! It's Been Years Since-" he stopped himself when he noticed us.
"Were trapped in the game to?" Stranger #1 asked.
"Game? No! I was trapped in void!" Stranger #2 answered.
"Wait...who are you?!" Stranger #2 asked. I got a little nervous because this was unexpected and stepped back some.
"I used to go by the name(you insert), but after being trapped in that game for so long...you can call me by my alter ego and opposite, Senpai!" Senpai(?) Answered, is this what videogames do to people?.
"The name Agoti! How did you get trapped in that game?!" Agoti asked in slight concern.
"Dearest trapped me in there because he didn't like me crushing on his daughter, you said you were trapped in void, right? Did Dearest imprison you there like he did me in that game?" Senpai asked with concern and...I can't describe...maybe fascination?
"Yes...he did...he sent me there because because I was becoming an amazing singer, possibly more than any other" Agoti answered with a slight growl, he then turned to me.
"What about you kid?" he asked me, I'mma be honest...I was scared...
"R-Riley..." I responded.
"Did you get imprisoned by Dearest somewhere to?" Agoti asked, I shook my head no. Senpai intervened.
"This kid just freed me from my imprisonment a minute before you came out of the TV" he informed. Agoti looked at the TV(which is back to normal b.t.w.), then at me, and then at the controller in hand.
"Woah...how did you do it?" Agoti asked in shock.
"I...I don't know...I found this simulator game, I came home and hooked my gamecube then put the game, as soon as I hit the power button...you both came out" I answered.
He stared at me for a moment before pulling me in a (almost) bone crushing hug "Thank You So Much Kid!! Owe You One!!"he thanked before setting me down.
"I would stay, but I have someone I got to see. Bye!" Agoti said before rushing out.
"I guess that's me cue...we'll meet again..." Senpai said before walking out leaving me standing in the middle of the living room I confusion.
"What just happened!?" I wondered to myself...plus what have I gotten myself into...?
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tenelese · 10 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
Smoking is a Cost
Garcello's P.O.V.
I offered little man one of my cigarettes, he refused...so I challenged him to a friendly rap battle. At some point, the inside of my chest felt funny and I began coughing uncontrollably then blacked out. I woke up on the hospital bed somewhat in pain...what just happened? A doctor came in with a clipboard.
"Oh! You're awake! That's a good sign...if that kid hadn't called us then you'd be dead right now" the doctor explained. I'd be dead? What kid? My blue haired pal?
"Say...what kid? Did this kid you speak of had blue hair or autumn hair?" I asked, the doctor looked at me in confusion.
"No. The kid wore a dark somewhat green hooded jacket with black hair...though I don't know if it was a girl or a boy..." the doctor answered. A kid with a green(?) hooded jacket? Where did little man and his girlfriend go at the time? Wait...where is this kid? I should probably thank them! The door opened revealing Annie and...the kid?
"Oh thank gosh you're okay! I hear a kid screaming for help and I went and found you close to death" Annie explained.
"I'm sorry to have worried you...I didn't mean to..." I apologized.
"I know...I'm just glad this kid here kept you alive until help arrived" Annie said, well that was a relief...wait....oh!
"Is this kid the who saved me?" I asked looking over the bed and down to see a little...uh...bo- gir- kid!
"Yep! I'm thankful!" Annie beamed. The kid gave me a tiny smile. The doctor gave a serious look.
"Sir...you shouldn't smoke so much at once...you almost died from lung cancer...well you could've died from lung cancer, so sir I would advise you to not smoke anymore...if you do smoke...at least a smoke a little or practice stopping yourself" the doctor said firmly.
"I see..." I responded. The doctor left...
"Don't worry Garcello...I'm gonna help you" Annie said. "
Thank you Annie" I thanked. The kid was beginning to leave the room until Annie stopped them.
"Hey! Wait! What's your name kid?" Annie asked, the kid turned around giving us an emotionless blank look.
"Riley..." they answered.
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tenelese · 11 months
The Blessing of a Stranger
Justice or Revenge
Tabi's P.O.V.
Finally...I have her right where I want her...I will finally have my revenge! I tried to get her boyfriend or shall I say victim to realise that she's using him, but he's either to stubborn or to stupid to listen to me, so now I will kill the both of them! I bombed the whole restaurant...I wasn't surprised that Girlfriend survived. Just as I was about to advance on them, a tiny figure in a hooded jacket came in between us...are they protecting them? And who are they? Are they with theses two? No matter...I will give this tiny stranger a chance to leave and stay out of this, but if they refuse then I will kill them and then those brats!
"Who are you!?Nevermind! Listen to me and listen good! I need to end this right here right now! Leave Now!! Or Suffer The Consequences!!" I yelled, the figure looked down at the ground as if they were thinking for a minute then they look back up at me.
"Why...?" they asked, this caught me off guard.
"But did you lose everything?" they asked, I stared down at them in frustration, but in confusion. I stared at them for a moment.
"What?" I asked.
"Did you lose everything?" they asked again, what did they mean?
"Do you still have friends, family, and fans who loves you?" they continued, that got to me.
"SHUT UP AND LEAVE YOU TWERP!!!! WHAT I'M DOING IS JUSTICE!!!! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!????" I screamed demandingly. This caused the little one to give me a small glare.
"Justice!? This is not justice! This is revenge! Two wrongs does not make a right! Don't be like Dearest!" she said firmly. How dare they...!
"Don't You Dare Compare Me To That Monster!! I'm Nothing Like Him!! I Would Never Go Around And Ruin Other People's Lives!! You Don't Understand The Pain And Torment I've Been Through!!" I yelled.
"Oh really!? Well you're acting just like him! Look around you! Look at the innocent lives you ruined, harmed, and killed for one girl! Do you not care about the lives of others? And what about the people who do care about you? How do you think they will react when they find out what you did? And I do understand! My older cousin was wrongly accused about attempted rape on my other older cousin even though he had witnesses! He got his revenge, but at what cost? He took his own life away just so the police couldn't catch him! And you what's worse? People still believe what he was trying to proof not to be...a monster." they finished shedding a tear with an emotionless glare. I had no idea...when you put like that...they do understand...could it be that they're right? My thoughts were cut off when they moved out the way leaving those two vulnerable, they then began leaving the burning restaurant with a small glance back at me.
"You can do whatever you want...but don't say I didn't warn you...you still have a chance to get your life back on track...I just feel sorry that you never realized that violence is never the answer and there are others ways for bringing justice and possibly revenge...farewell...I wish you happiness..." they then disappeared. I was shocked, but also...stupid...? I feel like I can trust that stranger...I don't know. I look at the two...still shaking in fear...I at the knife in my hand...then I look I around the burning restaurant with unconscious and dead people on the ground...oh my gosh...what have I done...? I killed innocent people for a stupid girl...I guess they were right...I was no better than Dearest...for me to go all through the trouble for revenge...I feel so stupid! I looked at the two again, I narrowed my eyes at them...mainly at Girlfriend...I looked at my knife then threw it to the ground. I then began walking out the burning restaurant before stopping and looking back at the two.
"The kid was right! You two aren't worth it!" I growled.
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tenelese · 11 months
Two Big Appetite
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(Old drawing, new and remastered version coming soon)
So Robin asks her son what he would like for her to cook him for lunch, Mac requests all types of food whether its good or bad for him. Robin agrees to the humongous request with Mac cheering her on in the process.
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