Hey have a snippet
I am making a one shot that people seem to be interested, figured I give a snippet of it.
It was never right until Stanley came along. Until he came along and came along the first choice. When he held that cute little smirk that meant he was going to defy him. A smirk that sent shivers down his spine, and make the heart in his chest skip a beat. The knowing that Stanley had a choice and he used it to defy him.
And choice was the first thing he made sure Stanley had. He made sure that Stanley could think for himself, and maybe that was where he went both wrong and right. Because it was Stanley's sentience that took him away, but it was also his sentience that allowed him to love The Narrator.
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These are originally from twitter lmao
might dump some more clock 0ut sketches i made lol
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hello!! Question to Mr. Narrator guy, are there anything else you do other than telling a story?? If so what is it?
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Narrator: Stanley insisted that he had a better answer…
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Stanley Parable Doodle Dump
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Narrator by @indigokitty​
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[Made specifically for you]
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Domestic fluff with Narrator 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)
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More Royalty AU inspired by what @chessmuncher said :D
Bucket is a Scottish fold :)
Cue I won’t say I’m in love to start playing.
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How much would y’all hate me if I made a Stanarrator one shot that is called The Art Of Letting Go and it’s all about the narrator letting Stanley free from the parable, and knowing that he’s going to be left behind again. And the entire time he keeps comparing this feeling of being left behind to the time in the skip and watch the narrator slowly lose his mind again but still never regretting the fact of letting Stanley free
Anyways how’s y’all day been?
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*hypnosis voice* you will contiune writing "with love, your anchor" oooooo
0-0 I will continue writing With Love, Your Anchor
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Into the Backrooms (Stanley Parable Au) Part 1
I feel like I wanted to have a proper step into the Stanley Parable fandom! I am currently writing a fanfic, and looking for some roleplays (please check out my other posts on that) but I feel like making a whole ass au for this funky little game that has now decided to take up an infestation in my brain. 
And you all are gonna suffer with me.
While I am not an artist (a far cry from it really, truly is a disappointment), what I AM is a Writer. Like my dear Narrator! And for the moment, dear readers, you are all to be MY Stanley’s as I take you through an adventure as I make these two experience quite the ride if I do say so myself. 
Interested? Well I sure do hope so. Come along Readers and Stanley’s! Off to an adventure!
Content Warnings: A crucial part to every AU, the content warnings! This is purely here to make sure nothing affects the readers too badly. I wish to make you cry, not permanently traumatize you. Though, I must admit, this is a relatively mild AU. Need not fear, there should hopefully not me anything too drastic here! -Normal Stanley Parable existentialism  -Creepy Eldritch like abominations (includes fan works of the monsters of the Backrooms!) -Monsters, Violence and General Horror alike! Anything specific you need to know going forward?  Why yes of course! While there isn’t much, the most crucial thing you should keep in mind is this: The Narrator does not remember resets. Our dear Stanley does. Remember this. This is important....like this fern: 
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Though I do feel like the Fern is much more important.
Any who, I am finding myself Rambling! If only there was a skip-what? Oh, we don’t speak of that? Are you sure? There’s a note? [papers rustle] Ahh! There it is, yes, we don’t speak of that. 
Apologies readers. Please ignore that. Anyways, lets reset! [snaps fingers]
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This is a story of a man named Stanley...
-Stanley was a normal office worker. No wife. No kids. A simple 9-5 job with shitty co-workers and an even shittier boss. Stanley really had nothing going for him, an average man in a, while quite sad, average life. That is why it seems to be a surprise, when a man like Stanley seemed to ‘no-clip’ out of reality. As the gamers would say. 
-Stanly wasn’t sure what to do with himself. In fact, all he could do was simply stand there for a while as he took in the bright yellow walls and the familiar humming of florescent lights. In fact, it was almost familiar! ‘Why, I must just be at my job!’ Stanley thought. Though he seemed to be ignoring the quite blaring signs that this was, in fact, not his office. 
-After a few moments of strict contemplation, Stanley finally found himself in the urge to move. Though he wasn’t crying out for help, much to our confusion. Was it that he was too scared to shout? Or was it that he simply at no voice at all? Whatever the case, we only watched. Though we could see the hairs on Stanley’s hair stand up. ‘I am being watched’ Stanley thought, but despite looking around, he could not find us. 
-As Stanley started to explore these yellow walls, more and more did his mind come into the terrifying conclusion that this wasn’t his office. Obviously. Oh shush you. There was almost no desks, and the few he found were almost completely broken down. One in fact, with an ever so gentle touch, entirely broke down to smithereens! It wasn’t a very nice desk though, and no one was sad to see it go. Still, Stanley pushed forward. 
-Yet despite his countless wandering, there seemed to be no end in sight for this madness. There was no difference. Not even a dead end! Every wall felt entirely the same, and Stanley could never figure out if he was simply walking in circles or truly making any progress. And through this entire time, Stanley still seemed to be keenly aware that something was watching him. It’s strange for him to notice us. He seems to notice you more. 
-After what felt like hours, or maybe even days, Stanley came upon another desk. One that is almost brand new in appearance. Something that looked like it came just out of the box. Pristine as ever, and not even a single scratch in sight! It truly stood out against the ugly yellow of these walls. 
-What was even better, was the evidence of other people inside this desk. Various papers that contained information that Stanley had no idea existed. What seemed to scare him more, was the unsettling thought that he wasn’t alone. No...this world seemed to have monsters. ‘How can one survive a hell like this’ Stanley thought, fear coursing through him. ‘How am I, a pathetic office worker supposed to survive this hell’.
-The papers described a few entities. Ones that can be found on this ‘level’, to which Stanley made a note to himself. There are more levels. The first paper described a humanoid creature known as The Hound. The very image itself seemed to terrify Stanley, and the sheer thought of having to stare at it to get away made Stanley pray that he would never have to encounter it. 
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[Art by oxslittlehorrors]
-The second monster was called the Bacteria. Though this one didn’t seem to concern Stanley too much. He had no friends to communicate after all, which is very sad and depressing for Stanley, as one deserves to have friends. Alas, he must suffer through unimaginable horrors...all by himself. Stop being melodramatic. He came in by himself, which is normal.
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[Art by DarkAudi1728]
-The third monster seemed to terrify Stanley the most, and rightfully so. With a twisted smile and unnatural eyes, this was truly a creature straight out of Stanley’s nightmares. And the very thought of nightmares made Stanley wonder, ‘Maybe I am dreaming?’ he thought, ‘maybe if I opened up my eyes, this all would disappear’. Oh. If only it were that easy Stanley.
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[Art By Rerochu]
-It was the last file, that interested Stanley the most. In fact, it seemed to have interest him so much, he decided he would read the entire file! ‘The Watchers’ it was simply called. 2 beings who seemed to only watch and never speak. We can speak Stanley, you simply aren’t ready to hear us. From what the creator of this file can gather, he believes that there are 2 watchers, mostly concluded that the entities that are watching him feel different when each do it separately. There is a third. They are much higher than us though. They are the one truly writing this story.
-Stanley didn’t like that these Watchers were in fact watching him, and wondered what was so interesting about him that they feel as though they should watch him. After all, wasn’t he just an average man who lived a uneventful life? What was it that made him so special? Out of all these creatures though, the only ones that were considered entirely harmless were the Watchers. So maybe, he could be content with their staring. If only they could maybe give him some privacy when he-oh I am not repeating that! That is entirely disgusting Stanley! I understand you humans have various bodily fluids that need to be purged from the system but to think I would want to watch that! The gall Stanley, the utter insolence to believe that I wouldn’t allow yourself some-oh your not even listening Stanley. Not yet anyways. 
-Despite his fears and worries, Stanley pushed on. This never-ending maze drove on and on, as Stanley seemed to desperately search for anything that may free him from this hell scape. To allow himself to return back to the reality he wanted. ‘Maybe this will be the motivation to finally quit my job!’ thought Stanley. Maybe this will finally be the reasonings of why he will finally pull a life together that wasn’t quite so average. That wasn’t quite so dull. Maybe Stanley could finally get out of that terrible rut he was in. 
-Though as Stanley thought about it, it wasn’t the job that truly made him so dissatisfied. No, instead it was the crushing loneliness that truly made him dislike the life he lived. He had no wife, nor kids after all. No friends or even family that Stanley was close too. He was alone in life, and now maybe he will be alone in death. Your never alone Stanley. I-we are always here. You will not die alone here, we are watching you.
-As time passed, and his exploration continued. Stanley seemed to suddenly freeze in place when he heard the sounds of vents crashing. Vents he wasn’t even aware of in the first place. There was snarling and growling, and then in front of him fell a large lump of flesh, fur and hair. The Hound. A great beast, and so much bigger than Stanley could ever have thought possible. It had fallen quiet clumsily, and seemingly unaware of Stanley’s presence as he pulled itself back up. Bones creaking unnaturally, and soft snarls escaping its gnarled lips sent a much different shiver up Stanley’s spine. 
-’Hide! Hide’ Stanley thoughts seemed to cry, ‘He needed to hide’ and yet all he remembered with the long yellow halls and corridors that led to nowhere. What was he to do, what could he do with this horrifying monster was right in front of him. Yet, Stanley persevered. Keeping this amalgamation of twisted limbs and grotesque stench in his eye sight as Stanley slowly walked backwards. Though, it really didn’t take long for the Hound to find the office worker. 
-Yet despite it’s entire attention was on Stanley, it seemed as though it was frozen. Just like the file said, stare at it and it will not move. Stanley kept slowly inching further and further back, desperately praying that there would be somewhere for him to hide. Somewhere to run and lose the monster that wants to tear him apart. With one flick of his eyes, looking to spot the freedom from this danger, the Hound lunged. 
-Stanley was lucky, he was far enough away to dodge from the monsters attack. Scrambling for his life, Stanley found himself now running back through these office walls. Both familiar and not familiar at the same time, and yet there was one key stark difference. A silver locker. Stanley didn’t question it, he was running for his life after all. That locker wasn’t there before. Shut it.
-Stanley was desperately trying to catch his breath, ‘this was a lot more than I bargained for’ thought Stanley, ‘how am I going to survive this?’. The Hound walked past his locker, and he tried to be as silent as possible. He didn’t want the monster to find him, to tear him apart like the file said it would. He didn’t want to die, he was young. He had so much left to live for. He wanted a family, a life that he truly enjoyed living. He wanted-Stop rambling and continue. Oh come on! It’s a great time for reflection!
-Yet the Hound kept moving on. He kept continuing and the sounds of crunching and snarling and slobbering faded into the distance. Stanley was safe...for now. There were many more monsters and horrors that awaited him in this endless maze. Stanley had much to go, but with surviving the first encounter, Stanley felt confidence. Is it confidence, or arrogance? You always think confidence is arrogance.
-After this terrifying encounter, Stanley took a little bit to pull himself together. Much to the Watcher’s annoyance, as they were starting to grow bored of just watching this plain office worker walk around. The Hound finally brought a bit of entertainment but really, it wasn’t much.
-Why don’t you watch the entities then, if your so bored? They are even more boring...much more predictable. Then stop complaining. 
-But eventually, Stanley had to get moving again. He wondered how long he was exploring. Now that the first locker had appeared, there seems to be much more popping into place. ‘More places to hide’ Stanley noted. There even started to have more desks pop into place. Desks that had more items, such as food and water. Survival needs that for a moment Stanley seemed to forget he needed. 
-He encountered more of the creatures and each time was able to survive against whatever they had to throw at him. It seemed that even if one was a basic office worker with quite a sad life, he had the necessary skills to survive this place. Yet all Stanley thought to keep him focused, was the thought of going home. A hopeless endeavor. You will never leave Stanley, not until we want you to. Don’t we want him to win? Win what? The game?
-’Hello?’ Stanley suddenly thought. Looking up as though he heard two voices. Did he hear us? That would be the first? He can’t be ready yet. ‘I can hear you though’ Stanley thought again. Can you hear both of us? ‘There is only one voice...are you the watchers?’ It seems like he cannot hear me. Strange. The few who made it this far could hear us both. ‘Hello?’ Stanley thought again. ‘Are you still there?’ We are still here Stanley, well I am still here. We are simply wondering why you cannot hear us both. ‘So you are the Watchers’ Yes we are, of course we are. What else would we be.
-Stanley seemed to contemplate that. He went silent as he crept into his thoughts, searching the crevices of his mind to figure out if there was any way to explain this situation. Though this couldn’t be any more abnormal than the abomona-’Why are you narrating me?’ Stanley suddenly thought, pulling himself out of his tangent.
-What? Stanley you can hear that too? You shouldn’t be hearing that, oh no. This is very wrong. Stanley could you hear me the entire time?
-Stanly had only shook his head, his face frowning in a sort of confusion as he stared up at the ceiling. As though that was where he thought this mysterious voice was coming from. ‘I only just started hearing you now’ Stanley said, in response to the voice’s question.
-How strange Stanley, that you can only here me. Hmm, well as I try and figure out what is happening, how about you go one and try to continue finding your way out?
-Stanley suddenly shook his head, waving at the ceiling to try and get the voice’s attention back. ‘Wait’ cried Stanley, ‘Wait come back! I don’t want to be alone again!”
-Stanley, you are never alone. We are always here, always watching over you. 
-’Then tell me your name at least...what's your name’ Stanley asked, and the voice went silent at though. There was a sense of unease in Stanley, as though he may be hearing it narrate, it was taking a long time to respond to what he thought was a simple question.
-I do not have a name Stanley, I am only here to watch. Rarely ever interact.
-’Then what should I call you? If theirs two Watchers, how can I make sure I ask for the right one?’ Thought Stanley, as he stood there. Still staring up at the ceiling.
-Well I shall leave that choice up to you Stanley. I am not good with names, I only know yours and the others that came through here. None to call my own.
-Stanley contemplated that. It was a difficult ask, as what could you possibly name an entity that is beyond what seems to be human. A god in of itself who watches your every move and knows your every thought. What could he name something that speaks your-’Narrator. I am going to call you Narrator.’
-What a fascinating name Stanley! It is good to meet you!
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Another new experience, all collecting together in an overwhelming feeling, yet all he could genuinely feel was elation. He'd never thought he'd have this. An experience in a way that an experience is supposed to be felt. With a body. With a heart that beats in your chest. With air in your lungs. With eyes to see.
Or a story of reflection and to learn how to be human. All told from the point of view of a god turned mortal.
Chapter 1-
A deep breath was heard. A gasp that felt hitched, strange, and felt even stranger for the man that was now breathing. Was he breathing? Logically, his brain knew he was. After all, he was going through the process of taking air into and then expelling it out of his lungs. It was a simple process, something he remembered doing from before when annoyance rose in his chest and he had to expel it in a sigh that mimicked breathing. He never needed to breathe.
Not until now at least.
Not until he lay there, feeling something hot underneath his hands, the bright warm sun against his face and his chest was inhaling and exhaling the fresh air of the outside. A place he never experienced, never thought he would have wanted to. Somewhere where he only made and molded with lines of code and gentle touches but never truly experienced. The outside was always foreign to him, he never understood it despite hearing stories of it. After all, he was only supposed to be a few fickle lines of code and a voice with too much power.
His eyes blinked open, groaning as his hand naturally went above his face to block the sun that stung his eyes painfully. Another new experience, all collecting together in an overwhelming feeling, yet all he could genuinely feel was elation. He'd never thought he'd have this. An experience in a way that an experience is supposed to be felt. With a body. With a heart that beats in your chest. With air in your lungs. With eyes to see.
Of course, he experienced things, but not in the way Stanley-
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Looking For RP (Will delete Post Later)
Hey there!
Your friendly neighborhood biblically accurate angel here is obsessing over the Stanley Parable, and I am very interested in Roleplaying it! 
Interested so far? Good! I hope you are! Plot Ideas: First things first, plot ideas! I am happy with suggestions but I will also be providing a few here to just in case someone is interested in these ideas! -A dystopian Au, something we can build on (AKA for example, Stanley is in the Hunger Games, and maybe the Narrator is from the Capital) -A plot where somehow Stanley and the Narrator end up in Reality. Now Stanley has to adjust in being back to the life he once knew (maybe he has a family/real life before he was taken into the Parable) and The Narrator has to adjust having a body and being human. -An AU where Stanley is an SCP scientist, working on an SCP named The Narrator. Not realizing JUST how powerful this guy is.  -Skip ending, but what if it didn’t reset? Stanley finds the Narrator, and now the two of them have to survive in an almost post apocolyptic world that maybe isn’t JUST desert as Stanley had originally been led to believe. -Backrooms Au where Stanley gets trapped in the Backrooms, and The Narrator is an entity from it! -Streamer Au where the Narrator is a pretty popular Streamer, and Stanley is quite a big fan of him...and his voice. -Also happy with any cliché/normal au’s such as Royalty, Coffee Shop, or anything that falls into these categories! 
I am truly content with discussing any plot ideas you have as well!
Who Will Play Who? Due to personal preference (and wanting practice for this fanfic I am writing) I prefer to be playing the Narrator. However, if you truely wish a swap, I will be content into talking about it! Where will we RP? We will discuss basics in the Tumblr Dm’s, but main RP will be set Discord Chats! I am happy to discuss things out in discord though! Character Looks? That's something we can discuss and work on. This also includes any Headcannons, Fan Ideas, or just general concepts that we have for the characters!
How do I Roleplay? I prefer detailed roleplay, and do not wish to roleplay people who do script roleplay, or anything similar. 
EX: *he looks at him* Why aren’t you talking to me *he looks down* I prefer paragraphed roleplay! Here is an example of how I roleplay: "Stanley just stood there doing nothing at all. He seems to think I have nothing better to do with my ti-oh your moving now" The Narrator said, once he realized Stanley had started moving. "All of his co-workers were gone. What could it-Stanley please slow down-When Stanley came-"  The Narrator narrowed his eyes at Stanley, who was walking through much faster than he could keep up with the dialogue. "Really Stanley? A break? Why now? Weren't you just in the broom closet a few resets ago? Or was it more like-" The Narrator trailed off, grumbling to himself as he tried to remember if Stanley was in the Broom Closet only a few resets, or more like 50 resets. One loses track after a while, and it's not like he could really do anything but wait until Stanley decides to get up and start moving again. So he decided to get himself comfortable, since he figured he'd be waiting here for a while.  Even going so far as to revise the script a little bit, making little changes that he feels are necessary to the idea of this perfect story he so desired. Anyways, either comment or DM me if you are interested! Thanks so much for reading this post!
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“I am the Monster I was Born From” (Part 1)
Hello again :D It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well, don’t you worry my fellow DreamSMP enjoyers. I have returned with a very new AU that is actively making my brain go brr. So if I have to suffer through it, so do you :D
Anyways, lets get on with the trigger warnings cause this au is a little messed up:
Content Warnings Ahead: Read at your own discretion! 
-Small violence between an adult and a minor (34 + 16) -Mentions of Blood
Viewer discretion Advised! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
“I am the Monster I was born from”
-The main character of this au is a Child of Dream. His name is Justice, and he is currently being raised personally by Philza. However, Mumza, Technoblade, and Nikki also participate in raising Justice. 
-Justice is the closest to Philza and Mumza, since they are both the most direct in raising him. Mumza often calls him “Mommy’s little devil” since he was always a little menace as a child. 
-However, outside of that little group, he was very isolated. After all, he is a child of Dream and he looks a lot like him. He has almost glowing green eyes. The familiar fanged smile on a cute little toddler face, cute little nubbin horns on his head. There is so much of Dream in him, and a lot of people don’t like him because of it. 
Official Looks: Eyes: Bright Green, glows when it’s super dark Hair: Black, almost shiny black. Has a few white streaks in it. Blemishes: Freckles across his face, a small little scar on his chin where he fell down the stairs and hit his chin. There are also other very minor scars as well.
-Tommy often avoids him or ignores him. He’s the one that has the most active reaction around him. If he’s hanging at the house he will interact with Justice, but it’s often pretty awkward and Justice would just move on to something else instead.
-Ranboo doesn’t really LIKE Justice per say, but he tolerates him. He understands that this child isn’t Dream, but it’s difficult to look at him and not flinch at the eyes and the smile on his face. 
-Tubbo doesn’t mind Justice all that much, outside of the adults, he’s the only one that hangs around Justice for a considerable period of time. Mostly because him and Michael are really close, as well as Justice being close with almost all the kids on the server. 
-Otherwise people are really neutral around him. Only one that kinda tries more to have a smaller relationship is Fundy.
-He has no relationships/doesn’t know them is the following people: -George -Sapnap -Karl -Sam -Quackity -Punz
--Justice had always wanted to learn how to fight, but he was never really allowed to. Despite almost everyone having the chance to teach him. Phil always said no, he wasn’t allowed to. At least not until he was considerably older.
-In this Au, Dream is dead. He died when Justice was around 3 years old but he never raised him. Philza had him since he was a baby, and told Justice that Dream wanted nothing to with him. It took a while for Justice to come to peace with that, but he has accepted it as a part of himself. That doesn’t stop him from wanting to know more about Dream though. 
-In his desire to know about Dream, he keeps pushing for stories. But he rarely ever gets anything. Techno never talks about Dream, only a pained look on his face appearing whenever his name is mentioned. Sometimes even yelling at Justice to shut it if he pushes to hard. Phil always says “Maybe when your older”, and Nikki and Mumza barely knew Dream enough to give anything of substance. 
-He asked Tommy once, when he was feeling particularly brave. Tommy lashed out at that, putting his arm against his neck and choking him. Pinning him against the wall and looking Justice dead in the eyes saying “Don’t you ever fucking mention him to me again or I will MAKE you regret it.” Afterwards, Justice always avoided Tommy. He was terrified of Tommy.
-It wasn’t until one day, he went up to Phil’s attic to get something. When he found a small little box labeled For Justice : From Dream. He wasn’t sure what to expect, the handwriting was unfamiliar. He opened the box, and found a few items inside. The first was a Mask. The iconic mask that even Justice knew about. It was covered in dust, almost barely able to see the smiley face etched in the mask with black paint. Chips and cracks of wear and tear. Even faint traces of blood that Justice tried to ignore. He always heard about the mask, and even found a few very old paintings of Dream and a few of the members of the Kinoko Kingdom.
-Another item was a collar for what seemed to be for a small pet. There was a metal tag that held the name “Patches” on it. He had no idea what this was.
-The third item was a key. It was rusty, but he could almost feel the enchantments radiating off of it.
-The final item was a letter, a letter he assumed was written by Dream. It reads as followed: Dear Justice,
I hope that you will be seeing this someday. I told Phil to only give this to you when you are ready, but honestly I dunno if he would. I told him it was up to him, and I would get it if he never gave this to you. 
First off, I know what Phil is going to be telling you. He’s going to tell you that I didn’t want you. That I basically left you to him and wanting to have nothing to do with your life. And I want you to know how untrue that is.
I love you Justice. You are my whole entire world, my heart truly started to beat when I held you in my arms. I never really knew what it was like to love something so whole heartily until I saw you look at me. I love you so much, and I am so sorry I could never be your father.
Because I would have rather you hated me than loved me because hate is so much easier.
I wanted you to never long for me. Phil is your father now and I want him to be EVERYTHING that I can never be. I want you to never feel like I was missing from your life. And TBH I don’t even know WHY I am writing you this letter. I don’t even know if I want you to have this. But this is for just in case. Just in case maybe your ready to hear how much I love you. I hope to see you again someday, but I dunno if I am ever going to make it out of here. 
I did a lot of bad things, and I hold a lot of regrets. But you, I could never regret having you. 
I left you a few things, I hope Phil doesn’t destroy any of them. My mask, I should hope is pretty obvious. Feel free to do what you want. Shatter it, keep it, hide it. Whatever. I don’t care, it’s yours now.
Patches collar should be in their too. She was a fiercely loyal friend to me, and I adored her dearly. I hope she will be a dear companion for you. All you have to do is simply call her name and she will come. Her favorite food is Cooked Salmon, so I hope you can give her all the cooked Salmon she deserves. She was the closest thing I had to a friend. 
Finally, the key. It’s to my home, though Techno would laugh and say I am homeless. Everything there is yours. Every item, book, and weapon. It’s all yours. Do with it as you will.
I hope Phil never taught you to fight. I hope you never have to learn how to pick up a weapon and I hope you never become me. I had to fight since I was young. Fighting is all I know, and I do not want that for you.
I hope you have a good life, and a long one. Don’t become the monster I became. 
Love, Dream
Part 2 Coming Soon :D
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“Amnesia Was His Name”
Inspiration Credit to this Amazing Fanfic: A Second Chance From Beyond The Grave
-Please note this is only inspiration but this Au/Idea is very separated from the fanfic listed above. There are small similarities but a lot of key differences! Thank you for understanding-
Please ask questions if you’d like! I would adore answering any/all questions you have about the world building of this au and the characters and history all of you can find and see! Also, sorry if it feels kinda all over the place, I am just going and writing as the ideas come to me! 
“Amnesia Was His Name”
-Soma is his name, or the name he goes by. He knows he has another name, he can’t remember it though. He wishes he could.
-The dream’s, nightmares really, are a comfort almost. It’s the one constant in his life. The dreams that leave him screaming with terror, his heart pounding in his chest before mournfully curling into a ball as he tries to piece together the small fragments that have stuck in his head, or write them down before he forgets. Nightmares he started having at the ripe age of 2 years old.
-However it’s only small, almost useless details that he remembers. Glasses. White eyes. A man who seemed to be kissed by fire. A boy who wanted to be a man. A wicked smile. Goats. Things that ever made sense when put together, and yet he always seems to dream about them. 
-He also often feels a calling of sorts. Things that seem familiar to him in ways that they shouldn’t. He love the Arthurian legends, reading about King Arthur and Merlin, Uther Pendragon and Morgana. But his favorite is reading about the sword in the stone. Though, he swears on his life they always draw the sword wrong. They never get it right. Ad it’s name wasn’t Excalibur, but he couldn’t tell you what it’s real name is supposed to be.
-He remembers watching Sleeping Beauty, and had to look away when he saw Aurora sleeping on her bed. Feeling broken hearted, but not for the character on the screen. These feelings were tied to something he doesn’t remember and how his heart aches for the longing he feels.
-He can’t stand fire. Ever since he was young, the fear of the flame has always been there. He remembers his aunt telling him when he was just a baby in her arms, he cried when her husband lit a lighter to light up a cigar, and only calmed down when the flame went away.
-He can’t describe the pain he goes through with his body in any way other than feeling ‘broken’. Sometimes his limbs feel like they are twisted, his nerves frayed and on fire and yet looking at his arms and legs and see there fine almost makes him more sick than his stomach. He feels like he’s covered in wounds, gashes and broken bones and the pain is so strong all he can do is lay there helplessly, praying to something, anything, for the pain to go away.
-His parents, in a fit of kindness, got him checked out for it once. The doctors couldn’t find the source an simply stated it was “Psychosomatic”. Aka, why he goes by Soma. He refuses to go by the name given by his parents anymore. 
-His body doesn’t look right either. Nothing looks or feels right about him. His hands feel to dainty, small. His legs don’t feel like their the right shape. His hair is black, it’s too dark. His eyes shouldn’t be blue. His teeth feel to flat. He feels to short. 
-However, during his travels, there are three rules Soma doesn’t even remember putting into place. Well, are they rules? Limitations? He doesn’t entirely know what to call them, but here they are:      1. There is a man that cannot have the book. No matter what. (What book? What man? He doesn’t know)      2. He will not regret it. He doesn’t regret it, and he will not change it. (What? What won’t he change, why doesn’t he regret it?)      3. All he wants is a family. He doesn’t deserve it. (And it seems he never will)
-He’s around 23 when he first meets someone he swears he knows. A man with soft brown hair and a kind smile, wearing colorful clothing. Soma was at a coffee shop when he saw him. He was a barista working there, his nametag calling him Karl. His head hurt looking at him. He made his drink and it was some of the best coffee he ever had, and he kept returning. It was because of Karl that Dream stayed in this small town for so long. Yet Karl never said anything, even as they became friends. Seeing each other every morning.
-Then Soma had to leave. He couldn’t stay anymore. Karl cried when he left. He felt sorry for leaving.
-The next person he saw made him freeze. He didn’t know why, but he simply could not bare to speak to him. The feeling of hurt, of betrayal. Of an isolation so painful all he could do was hit club by club because he couldn’t brush off the feeling that this would be the last person he would be allowed to speak with. He left that town immediately when he saw him. 
-It took almost two years when he meets Sapnap and George. Much like Karl, he seems to know them, but they never seem to recognize him. Not for a while at least, long enough that Soma accepts that they may not know him in the way he knows them. However, he doesn’t know what set them off, to make them realize. All he hears is the faint whisper of a word he’s heard all his life, but for the first time he hears it in a different way. “Dream?”
-Soma freezes. Dream? Is that his name? It feels familiar, and it’s almost a flash but he can faintly see the imagine of an incredibly scarred man in his head. 
-”Is that my name?”
“You really don’t remember do you?”
“Should I?”
“We all do”
Part 1 of ???
This is all I can write down rn! This au makes brain go brr and there are so many elements to it but I gotta figure out how to write it all down properly! Anyways, enjoy what I have rn
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Heeeyyy! I saw your awesome Michael in prison AU where Michael gets locked up and Dream starts caring about him… I want you to ask, if I‘m allowed to write a fanfic about that - of cause with credits :) this would be awesome
Of course! Go right ahead! Most of my AU's here are 100% free to write about, all I ask is if you can credit me and provide me a link cause I would love to read it!
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Angsty Cowboy Au (Part 1)
Hello There!
Welcome to one of my first offical Star War’s Au that exists outside of Cannon Lore or anything Alien really! All I have done so far is Headcannons: Start Here for HC’S If you have any questions or suggestions for this Au, don’t hesitate to DM me! I would love to hear all your guy’s thoughts about this! And if I should write a fic on this or not!
However, this time my brain has decided to grace me with a lovely Au I am excited to share with you all! So lets get started-
Ship: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker/Padme Amidala World: Human Au, No Powers....COWBOYS YEE HAW Triggers: Child Abuse, Slavery, Emotional/Physical Abuse, Non-Con (not from main ship tho) Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Watto, The Hutts
-This au is set on Earth, during the modern times in Montana. The Hutts are the owner of a large farm/ranch where they basically runs a mini empire. Watto specifically is a high ranking member, and is put in charge of making sure their ‘employee’s’ are doing their jobs.
-Shimi Skywalker was 14 was she was kidnapped and put into Slavery, and soon bought by the Hutts to be put to work. Where she then has a son with an employee of the Hutts (Shimi is one of the only slaves working there), who was executed.
-Anakin was born into Slavery, and has known no other life than this. Rarely has he ever left the farm, and when he does he is usually fixing things around the small town since he was one of their only mechanics. Or at least, better than any of the ‘official’ mechanics.
-Shimi dies when Anakin is around 13. She was whipped, and those wounds became infected and Anakin couldn’t get the medicine in time. 
-After her death, he also worked another of her jobs in ‘entertaining’ the employee’s or allies of the Hutts. He also does this to get extra food, more breaks, etc.
-Anakin also works around the farm, and while his main job is a Mechanic, he also works closely with the horses and animals. He is amazing at taming the wild ones, and usually works really well with the more energetic ones. He usually rides the younger ones when they go out cattle herding. He also is often the one called if a horse escapes and is also in charge of taking care of the dogs and feeding all the animals.
-Obi-Wan was raised in Washington DC, alongside Padme who was fighting her way to the top to be a senator and one day even hoping to run for president. Obi-Wan is her faithful bodyguard, after recently being Honorably Discharged from the Marine Special Forces. The two of them have been married since before Obi-Wan left for his tours and have both remained faithfully loyal to each other.
-However, due to recent threats, the two of them have decided to go into hiding in Montana, leaving Mace Windu and a few others to take care of the threats and wait for their signal to return. 
-Either way, the two of them have to adjust to 1. The domestic life. and 2. living in the middle of nowhere. Padme having to adjust living in the middle of nowhere since all her life she has been raised in the city, surronded by people constantly. As well as learning how to live with her husband now fully in the picture. Obi-Wan still having to adjust being away from war, and realizing that surviving in a small cottage is a lot different than surviving in the middle of an army camp. As well as also having to learn that he now has Padme with him. That it’s okay to relax. 
-It’s here that they meet Anakin Skywalker. They find out a few appliances are broken when they arrived and asked around town if they knew anyone who could fix it. They of course, quickly recommended Anakin. To which Watto then informed that he’ll make sure Anakin gets sent out to fix whatever they needed fixed.
-2 days later, and Anakin Skywalker shows up with a bright smile that left both Padme and Obi-Wan helplessly flustered. Anakin was quick in fixing most of the issues, but informed them that there was a part missing for the oven that he needed to get so he would return in a few days.
-It was then they asked if Anakin knew anything about bee-keeping. Which, he doesn’t but comes back with 5 books all about bee-keeping, the part that’s needed and bags under his eyes.
-Anakin is just as infatuated with them as they are with him.
-Then more things keep ‘mysteriously’ breaking around the house to which Anakin of course comes to visit and fix every time. He doesn’t question it, but Padme and Obi-Wan worry that they won’t be able to spend any more time together when there comes a time that everything is working perfectly (or even better). 
-They ask Anakin if he wants to come over sometime, to which he’s like “Is there something else broken? I can fix it now if you’d like” and Padme quickly interjects with a “NO! Just to hang out. I would love to cook dinner for you sometime, and we both would really love to get to know you outside of just fixing stuff for us” -Anakin quickly declines, saying that as much as he would like, he is too busy to ‘hang out’. Obviously nervous about something.
-The next day, he has faint bruise on his face and accepts their offer. Saying Watto has given him some time to come over for the evening/night. Of course, the two of them are incredibly excited and start preparing once Anakin leaves. However, they are concerned about the bruise on his face and plan to ask him about it.
-Padme makes one of her nicest meals, of course kicking Obi-Wan out due to his...terrible abilities in the kitchen. However, Ob-Wan is working on making the house presentable and setting up the dining table with candles and the like. These two hopeless romantics are trying HARD to woo Anakin as much as possible.
-When Anakin arrives, both Padme and Obi-Wan are dressed in some of their best (casual) attire, leaving Anakin to be blushing so hard his ears are red. The other two are not much better since Anakin is donning a Cowboy hat, cowboy boots and quite nicely dressed up. (They won’t admit it, but Anakin is v handsome in his cowboy attire). Anakin def stands out to their more city looks tho.
-The night goes really well, Anakin very confused about what Padme made but eagerly eats every single bite and accepts a second plate when Obi-Wan asked if he wanted one. Obi-Wan didn’t mention that Anakin looked like he wanted another one but seemed too nervous to ask. 
-Anakin eagerly listened as the two of them talked about themselves. Padme talking about her dream to become President. How she wants to make everyone’s lives better and have a happier and more peaceful country. Obi-Wan talking about his time touring, talking about all the lives he has saved and all the missions he was on.
-Anakin was fascinated with their stories. Wishing he himself had those kinds of stories to tell but was stuck on a farm, surrounded by people who didn’t give a shit about him. Only wanting what he can offer.
-When their attention turns on him, Anakin quickly tries to change the topic as he wants to avoid talking about himself (who actually wants to hear the words of a slave, they are probably just trying to be polite). 
-Padme notices his hesitance and nervousness, and tells Anakin that they genuinely wanna know more about him. “What about your parents? Who are they?”
-Anakin gets a sad look in his eye, “I never knew my dad, and my mom died when I was 13″.
-Padme and Obi-Wan freeze, the person in front of them was an orphan? Obi-Wan quickly comes to his senses, and states “I am sorry for your loss”
-Anakin just shrugs, “It’s fine. I am not surprised about it, and wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up like them” he would say mournfully before quickly shaking his head and smiled. “Sorry, that was sad! Uh, your food was good”
-They allow a change of topic now. But they want to know what Anakin means about ending up like them. Was he sick? Obi-Wan made a mental note to get Anakin to a doctor. 
-Anakin decides to talk about his life on the farm. Talking about all the animals, and telling them about their personalities like a dog he named Artoo who loves following him around, and a grumpy old mule that even though he has arthritis in his bones, he’s still amazing at showing his displeasure at things. 
-Padme tells him that the bees are doing well, and offered to let Anakin go home with a jar of honey that she recently collected and very proud of. In fact, its her first jar of honey.
-Anakin is surprised at her offer, before kindly accepting. He LOVES honey.
-It gets later in the night, and the two of them notice Anakin becoming a lot more withdrawn and nervous, and of course the two are worried about him. Why wouldn’t they be. 
-”Hey, Anakin, say, what happened to your face?” Padme would gently ask
-Anakin blushes, and just says “I got in trouble with Watto for declining you guys, I am sorry”
-The reason Anakin declined was that he didn’t want his view on Obi-Wan and Padme to be ruined. He knew if he accepted, what they wanted, and he wouldn’t be able to say no. He didn’t want to lose the idea that they were good people. Watto of course was angry when he told him, and punched him and gave him some of the most grueling chores as punishment.
-Anakin is under the assumption that Slavery is common, and that everyone knows what he is. This is the life that he knows of, and Shimi never really told him any different in fear of getting Anakin in more trouble. Anakin doesn’t really know the concept of saying no.
-Of course, Padme and Ob-Wan have no idea how the hell to react to what Anakin just said. “What do you mean...you go in trouble for declining?”
-Anakin shrugs, “I mean, I said no to you guys. Which I shouldn’t have”
-Now they are incredibly concerned. “Anakin, you can always say no to us. Always” and Padme is just “Have you ever come over here to fix something, when you didn’t want too?”
-”Well...not really, I mean one or two times but that was just cause I was really tired and I hadn’t slept and I was really sore and hurting but I like coming over here cause you guys give me snacks which is nice and-”
-”Anakin, if your tired we don’t require you to come over. Whatever needs to be fixed can wait”
-By now, Anakin just wants the night to be over, and he’s anxious for the ‘finale’ to happen and is just- “Why don’t we go to the bedroom?”
-Padme and Obi-Wan are confused? I mean, yea they are totally down. Anakin is a sexy boi and they are very very into him. But like, the mood isn’t there and Anakin obviously isn’t as into it as they are since well, he declined them and then is forced to visit them. 
-Obi-Wan then shakes his head, “Why don’t we just stay out here and keep chatting, we know about the animals on the farm but we still know nothing about you”
-Cue Anakin “I don’t understand” Skywalker. But who is he to say no. 
-They let Anakin leave not that much later. Having a confused expression because he has no idea what just happened. They just wanted to talk with him? That makes no sense?
-The next day, Padme realizes they forgot to give Anakin his jar of honey so they decided they are gonna visit him on the farm. 
-The farm isn’t off limits at all, a lot of townspeople visit, especially wives or people who need things from them. Just no one of course visits Anakin. So when they arrive, they aren’t expecting to see Watto yelling at Anakin who is shakily holding a small cat in his hands. 
-”Cats are useless! If its sick, leave it to die” Watto yells at him, before stepping forward and Anakin is flinching back. Obi-Wan intervenes then. “Hello there!”
-Watto stops and narrows his eyes, before realizing who it is and smiles. “Greetings! Kenobi correct? What are you doing here?” Watto asks. “Oh, we are stopping by to see Anakin, I hope you don’t mind us taking a few minutes of his time?”. Obi-Wan, ever the negotiator. 
-”Of course not! Anakin, go take them to your room! You know what to do!” Watto would then growl at him, causing Anakin to nod. Then, Anakin would lead him to his small place he has. Not much, barely enough space for two people but they all get comfortable. 
-”I hope were not taking to much of your time, I just realized I forgot to give you this” Padme would say, trying to play off the fact that she was terribly concerned about the way Watto was treating Anakin. Anakin, who just ever so gently takes the jar of Honey with wide eyes. “Thank you” he would whisper. 
-They don’t comment about how little food Anakin has in his cabinets when he opens them up to put the jar in. Only just both agreeing that they are going to take care of him if its the last thing they do. 
-They leave with a “Goodbye darling” and Anakin flushes red.
-They don’t know whats going on, or what is happening. But they know this for sure. Whatever it is, they will protect Anakin Skywalker from whatever horrors he is facing. They will take care of that boy they are head over heals for, and make sure he is happy, healthy. Warm and fed. And that he knows he’s very loved.
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Anakin Headcannons Part 3
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Welcome to Part 3 of my Anakin Skywalker Headcannons! The other 2 parts are linked above, and as always please mind the various triggers. Both cannon typical and those that are mentioned in my previous posts! Please read those first since I may be referencing some previous headcannons!
Some things may be dipping more into the AU category, but still very cannon! 
Anyways, lets get started!
-Ashoka actually likes doing makeup, but never really on herself since its a lot more difficult to practice on herself. One day she asked Anakin if she could practice on him and of course, he accepted. At first, she was pretty terrible but now she has done some really good looks and even as a small secret business going to help other young Jedi Padawans learn. Or just doing their make-up for when they are sneaking out to go to parties. Obi-Wan just looks the other way.
-Speaking of Make-up, Anakin does really like to be pampered. Ashoka convinced him and Obi-Wan to go to a nail salon and while Obi-Wan wasn’t a huge fan, Anakin loved it. He always lets Ashoka pick out the colors, and its a really good way for them to bond (and get Anakin to relax for even a little bit). If Padme has time, she also loves to join as well. Unfortunately, the nail polish doesn’t last very long, especially during the middle of war but its a nice break for a while.
-Anakin enjoys cooking! He often is usually the one in charge in the kitchen while Obi-Wan is banned from the kitchen due to either burning things, dropping things or just cutting himself. Ashoka however helps a lot, and is really good at trying new spices or finding new recipes. Obi-Wan has resigned himself to becoming the designated taste tester.
-Anakin has once become incredibly offended over the fact that Artoo said C-3PO was his best friend and didn’t talk to the astromech for a week. It took Artoo having to create BFF friendship bracelets (with Ashoka’s help) for Anakin to forgive him. He still holds the bracelet in his storage compartment. Obi-Wan watched with genuine confusion before just accepting that this was his life.
-Anakin, on many occasions, has experienced Gay panic. Padme and Obi-Wan thinks its hilarious. Especially when he’s all flustered and embaressed when someone his hitting on him in the bar. And yes, while he normally doesn’t LIKE being hit on, that’s usually on missions or when Anakin is not in the mood. Having a night out with Padme or Obi-Wan makes him much more relaxed. That and he can sense that they aren’t like the people he knew when he was young. Or like Palpatine. 
-Anakin doesn’t really like kids all that much. 1. Cause he ever really had a proper childhood so he genuinely doesn’t know how to act around them. 2. He has no patience for them sometimes. 3. Also because of not having a good childhood, he sometimes feels really envious to them. He wishes he had what they had. 
-Anakin is very good at dancing! However, he doesn’t really like it all that much. He’ll dance for Padme or Obi-Wan, but he doesn’t really do it for fun. 
-Anakin loves listening to the violin. Whenever he is having a really hard time sleeping, he’ll play violins in the background. 
-Anakin didn’t talk for 3 weeks when Ashoka left. He was utterly devastated and never before did a hole in his heart hurt so much. There was empty space left when Ashoka disappeared, and while at first he did feel angry, he then became sad. Defeated. Broken. Other than Obi-Wan, Anakin truely felt like their was nothing left to the order. It was then that Anakin’s trust in the council, the jedi, was broken. Cause no matter how much they hurt him, he could never forgive them for taking Ashoka away. 
-Anakin almost left with Ashoka. She told him to stay. “You have Obi-Wan” she would state. “He needs you more than I do. We’ll see each-other again Skyguy”. Next time they saw each other, they were enemies. 
-I love the idea that Anakin is some form of God or Eldritch being in a way. He just never fully realizes HOW powerful he actually is. No one else realizes either. Most of it is because Anakin is terrified of himself sometimes. Throughout his Padawan years, he often had to pretend that their were somethings that just didn’t come easy to him after getting lectured a lot by Teachers and Obi-Wan. The force is just so natural for him to control that people believe he’s cheating somehow. And when the Darkness overtakes him? No one realizes that it pretty much kills everything Anakin was. It’s the first time that the force completly overtakes Anakin, and all that was left is just a force being, not Anakin. He was now fully submerged and held no control of it. It was only until Luke that he was able to gain enough strength to pull himself out.
-There was a temple that Anakin went to when he was young. A temple that had their force abilities turn against them. To learn how to defend themselves when the force is gone, when the force resists. Anakin almost died the moment he stepped in. He never went back.
-Speaking of how much the force can overwhelm Anakin, there are many moments when things become TOO much for Anakin. He’ll start bleeding out of his nose, his mouth and eyes and ears. The only way to stop this is to put a force inhibitor collar on him. He’s usually left in the medbay for a week or two afterwards.
-Force Inhibitor collars don’t work the same on Anakin as they do on everyone else. Anakin still has a lot of access to the force, its just wild and uncontrollable. There has been only one time he has been completely cut off from the force, and it almost killed him. It was a punishment from Palpatine. 
-As we know, Anakin was heavily groomed by Palpatine but theres a lot more to it than that. Palpatine often abused him heavily, emotionally destroying him through humiliation. He may wanted to groom Anakin’s hatred, and anger. However, he first wanted Anakin to fear him. To fear him MORE than anything else. He does physically abuse him, but its much more rare and its when Palpatine loses control. Anakin always just says its due to clumsiness and no one questions. 
-Anakin sometimes has too much energy, to the point where Obi-Wan tells him to run around the temple or wherever they are until he’s tired enough that he’s not bouncing off the walls anymore. Anakin also puts up much stronger sheilds that day since more often then not, its the force leaking into him. 
-This is very much an AU HC, but Anakin can’t die. The force has refused it. His first death was when he was 6 years old after an incredibly harsh punishment from Watto. 
-Continuing the one above, he has also found himself trapped in a water planet. Constantly drowning until he was finally able to find land. Obi-Wan and Ashoka thought he was dead. Anakin just pretended he was stranded until he was able to find a way to contact them
-Anakin is the best person to go to, if you wanna sneak out of the temple. As much as Obi-Wan has tried to find Anakin's secrets, it never works and he is always left confused on how this is happening.
-Anakin is incredibly protective of the clones. He has on multiple occasions gotten in trouble from starting fights. Usually punching someone who was talking trash about the clones. 
-He hates that Clones are pretty much slaves. He firmly declares to the 501st that they are allowed to disobey, they are allowed to call him out for a bad call, they are allowed to question. They will NEVER be punished for their failings. And Anakin does this for every new shiny as well. While under his command, they will never feel the way he did. Many clones hope they can end up in the 501st
-Ashoka didn’t have the same mindset at first when she became Anakin’s Padawan. It was the first and only time Anakin was genuinely truly angry at her. He almost decided to not have her as his padawan, before calming down and deciding to teach her to be better. She quickly learned and apologized once she realized the error of her ways.
-Anakin, during his Padawan days, was drugged once. He was pressured into sneaking out for a party, and one of the Padawans gave him a drink. Which of course was drugged. Lets just say they wanted their way with him, but he was able to push them off (eventually) and called Obi-Wan. He tried to tell Obi-Wan what happened, but his master never believed him. Thinking he willingly took drugs and decided to go off and party. Anakin never bothered to correct him. He was just happy a year later that padawan was sent to the agricorps, never to be seen again.
-Anakin never really got a long with the other padawan’s and jedi. He was too old. To emotional. Too...much of anything that they never really liked him. Either he was bullied or ignored, or often made fun of when he struggle with writing and reading. So he often kept his distance. The only reason that situations like mentioned above is because of Obi-wan pressuring him to make friends. Understanding that their are bullies, but struggling to understand just how isolated Anakin is.
-Anakin has known Obi-Wan wasn’t a good teacher for him. He could never understand things the way Anakin needed him to. He critizied when Anakin needed encouragement. He punished instead of rewarded. And for a long time, Anakin thought Obi-Wan was his master. In the slave sense. He knows better now, but he can’t help the small moments of terror when Obi-wan gets angry.
-Obi-Wan rarely gets angry, and Anakin has learned not to show emotions when that happens. To push down the feeling of fear. To push away the need to cry. To ignore the deep sting of humilation when Obi-Wan yells at him in front of the clones. Or worse...Ashoka. He feels an even greater shame when Ashoka steps in to defend himself. However, the things he hates the most are Obi-Wan’s apologies. After all, he was right to yell at him. Obi-Wan is never wrong.
-Ashoka asked Anakin why he seems to just shut down whenever Obi-Wan is angry at him. He never gave her a proper response.
-Vader is both happy, and sad that Rex never turned. He wished that rex was with him both as Anakin Skywalker, and Darth Vader. He wished he was there for his worst moments. He wishes he was still here, as his captain. But he knows better, he knows how selfish that is. Now he just hopes Rex is with Ashoka, and that they are both okay.
-Anakin genuinely feels safe around Rex. He’s one of the few people he fully relaxes around, and feels comfortable enough to show emotions beyond what he should feel as a Jedi. He knows more things about Anakin than even Padme or Obi-Wan does. More often then not, it takes a LOT for Rex to hold himself back and not give Obi-Wan the punch to the face he deserves. Especially when Anakin told him horror stories of things he experiences as a slave, as a padawan and even as a knight that Obi-Wan never believes. 
-In turn, Rex shares to Anakin his insecurities. His doubt of the Jedi and the Republic. “For if they could do the things to you, why would they ever care about us?”. Anakin is always silent then. But he does his best to comfort. Rex hopes Anakin died quickly after Order 66.
-Anakin often overthinks too much. He tries not too, but this boi is filled to the brim with anxiety and worry. (Probably has some form of anxiety disorder). He tries his best to not show it as he seen how much Obi-Wan tries to lecture him out of it, and how much it annoys Ashoka. At least, he doesn’t verbalize his worries but instead mentally prepares in case anything goes wrong.
-The thing that vader is the most angry at Obi-Wan for, is not killing him on Mustafar. Well, the thing Anakin is the most angry for. He wished he died amongst his fellow Jedi instead of the Dark Side consuming him. He wished Obi-Wan saw something was wrong. He wished Padme knew what was happening with Palpatine. He wished...and wished...and wished. 
-He was just happy Luke was okay. And Leia. He is so proud of them, and so grateful that he was able to gain control back before he ‘died’. Now he wanders the galaxy alone, making sure nothing ever controls him again.(Going back to the AU that Anakin can’t die). Finding new ways to heal, to leave the suit once he realize how much palpatine forced him to stay inside. He was still scared, still limbless. But at least he could start, slowly returning back to the way he was. Or close to it. With the force’s help. The force was...almost apologetic for what it did. Even the force makes mistakes.
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