vix-fics · 15 days
The Footsteps You Left Behind - Chapter 02
Note: The polished version of this story can also be read on AO3! X3
A lonely shell. That is what he was.
In the years following her departure, he returned often, if only to sit in solemn silence and listen to the wind rustle the leaves of the surrounding forest. He would oft find himself sitting alongside the old dried up well in hopes of catching a trail of her scent, knowing how futile it was to do so, or grazing along the grassy hillside nearby to nap and reminisce. Other times he would visit Rin and contemplate her growth, until the day she had wed the average, everyday village man.
He visited the village less after that.
He had found that Inuyasha had gained himself a mate, though they no longer resided in the village. Neither did the slayer and the monk. He did not care to ask where they had gone, just knew that they were nowhere to be seen.
The old woman’s passing was hard for Rin. As it should be considering she was under her tutelage for some time.
Every time he visited, it would seem Rin’s visage changed to him. When she was young, it was easy to witness her growth into a young lady, but with each passing season, her features filled out. She became shapely, and when she was with child, even more so. No longer was there the naivety of one so young, and yet, it was all he could see in her.
He had felt proud.
And he wondered if this was what his father saw in himself. He also wondered if this was as close as he would come to having offspring.
When Rin reached her elder years, he began to wonder how long it would be before she, too, would leave this world.
Just like her.
Because once she, too, departed, he would be left alone. Left to wander.
And he had all the time in the world.
But it was empty.
<- Chapter 01 | Chapter 03 ->
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vix-fics · 18 days
The Footsteps You Left Behind - Ch. 01
A bout of inspiration struck yesterday! Thought I might share it with you all today, as well!
Summary: In the wake of her departure from the world, Sesshoumaru finds a way to move forward. And he does so, in the hardest ways possible.
He watched the tears slip from her eyes and mingle with the muddy puddles surrounding the old well. Eyes as blue as sapphires regarded him with an emotion he couldn’t quite name, gripping his heart and hollowing his mind. His thoughts seized when their eyes met with heated ambition- a strength they both portrayed but didn’t feel.
And then his lips crashed against hers, hot and hard. Their teeth clicked against each other for the briefest of moments, though that hardly mattered. Her breathing was labored, and he realized that he, too, had held his own breath in the wake of their passion.
“Don’t leave,” he murmured into her mouth, but it was muffled and nearly incoherent.
“I have to,” she mumbled back, unable to stop the onslaught of her tears. The pain in her eyes reflected his own, but neither could alleviate the hurt that bled into their hearts like an infection to the body.
They both knew that if she didn’t leave now… she’d be forever stuck. Grounded in a place and time that was not her own.
They had both already made this decision. Together.
They pulled apart. He, unwilling to let her go until the very final moment, and she, wanting to cling to him for as long as they both existed.
And it was so unfair.
Her fingers slipped from his entwined ones, her hold loosening as she leaned backward into the well, her teary-blurred eyes staring into his own glistening orbs. He unfurled his fingers from her hand, releasing his grip on her. Her tears trailed after her like sparkling diamonds, and within a breathtaking moment… she disappeared from this world- from his world.
And the mourning did not end. When the rain poured and the ground became like quicksand with its deepening mud flats, erasing all trails of scent and blending her shoe prints into the terrain- erasing her, the sorrow settled and consumed his mind and wounded his spirit. With brokenness settling into his soul, he walked away, only pausing briefly to contemplate looking back.
But he knew she would not be there.
So with great effort, he lifted his heavy boots, and moved forward.
Chapter 02 ->
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vix-fics · 18 days
So for the past two and half, going on three, weeks, I've been working on these babies!
They are for a visual novel game I'm currently in the process of developing. My biggest worry is that my art tends to fluctuate, so I'm worried that it might not be consistent. But who knows? I look forward to seeing results!
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vix-fics · 6 months
So I have done a few exercises to stretch my brain and doodled out a few scenes for my fic Built For Sin. Go check it out if you have some time! X3
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin - Chapter 6
A little bit of recollection.
She had slept for what felt like ages. He would imagine it was, perhaps, the safest she had felt in a long while. He knew it had been some time since she had seen any of her companions. He did wonder whether she had even been content to stay with the village or travel like the others.
He, himself, had left Rin in that village. However, she had turned into a young lady, and then, an aspiring young adult in a short period of time, and soon enough, she, too, had left that village for her own adventure.
With a tight lip, he looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms. He really didn’t want to take another in. After Rin’s departure from the village, he wanted nothing to do with others in general. He had left Ah-Uhn and Jakken with Rin for safety, and afterward, he was alone again. It was peaceful and quiet… and utterly dull.
He took one careful claw and gently pushed some bangs from her face, exposing her forehead. The two of them had some unfinished history, he knew. He only wondered if she would want to continue the friendship they had started so long ago.
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin - Chapter 5
Kagome couldn't sleep.
Chapter 5 - Comfort
Having long-since calmed but was far from being able to comfortably sleep, she remained awake for most of the night, only beginning to fall asleep once the sun rose. The bags beneath her eyes were clear indicators of her lengthy night.
Sesshomaru hadn’t said anything all night, simply allowing herself to release her thoughts unto him. She idly wondered if he thought her a coward for running away instead of facing off her attackers. She knew no excuses could ever make her running away right, and she would have to live with that fact.
As she tossed once more on Sesshomaru’s pile of fur, she heard the sudden sounds of clasps being undone. Hesitantly, she looked up and over the mountain of fur and watched Sesshomaru set aside his armor and swords. “What’re you doing?” Kagome asked softly. Though she hardly had an answer as he sauntered over to her drew her into his lap atop his pelt.
“Rest. You have not slept all night,” he said, his arms marginally tightening when she tried to pull away from him. She didn’t much struggle, for sure, but even if she had put up a fight, she doubt her strength would outmatch his. So instead, she nodded and snuggled further into his warmth.
Again, she could hear his heartbeat. She closed her eyes and focused on it. And it seemed… that’s all she needed.
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin - Chapter 4
Kagome recalls how it all started.
Chapter 4 - Recollection
She didn’t want to talk about it… and he didn’t force her to. With it being so fresh in her mind, her body felt like it was still in self-defense mode. Visibly shaken from her the whole ordeal, she snuggled into Sesshomaru’s pelt and allowed the fluffiness to encase her like a physical shield.
Despite him bringing her to the furthest depths of the forest and away from prying eyes, she could hear them. The whispers. The villagers held no shame and could hardly control the slip in their tongues as they spoke amongst each other. She always thought it was because she looked like Kikyou. Or she was alone, unmarried. Or a healer. Or… something.
“They talked about me at first,” her voice croaked, and he handed her a ceramic-looking cup filled to the brim with water. Where he had even gotten it was a mystery to her. He patiently waited for her to continue, and after she drank, she did. “Kikyou this, Kikyou that. Comparing me, all the time. But well… I was fine with that. But the rumors spread and it just… changed.
“Sango and Miroku left with Shippou, though they did invite me along. But, well, I felt like a third wheel, you know?” Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and her lips began to tremble. “And the villagers were so nice at first. They helped me out a lot and then we found out that there was this group going around collecting… God, I don’t even know what they were collecting, but it sounded awful. Like special creatures found all over the world. Poachers, almost.
“Anyway,” she continued, thumbing the lip of the cup in her hands, “I didn’t think they’d come after me. I’m so… ordinary. I thought I was fine. It never crossed my mind to actually… take precautions. I guess I thought there’d only be one of them and if the time came, it’d be fine.
“But villagers were being staked in the village,” Kagome said, “and without Inuyasha and the others… how could I protect an entire village? Even my own head was at stake and-and… is it bad that I didn’t want to die, too? Does this make me a horrible person?” Tears fell freely, some dripping and rippling in her cup.
She let the words linger in the air, and Sesshomaru sat back against the cave wall, listening but not making any remarks. And who knows? Maybe that was for the best.
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin - Chapter 3
Kagome get's a hold of herself in the arms of an old acquaintance. Sort of.
Chapter 3 - Relief
For a long while, her labored breathing was all she could hear. Her body ached as if every muscle had been strained to the max all in one go. The feeling of cold metal on her hands and face soothed her. It gave her focus and allowed her to calm herself down to rational thought again. Her mind reeled at all that she had just processed- though most of it was a blur.
But just as she felt calm enough to step back, her emotions took hold of her again and she sobbed uncontrollably, though this time with relief. Her aura was still wildly out of balance as it lashed out around her in a protective circle.
But then she heard crickets.
And the rustling of the trees in the wind.
And she could hear a heartbeat. Calm. Rhythmic.
She turned her tear-streaked face up to her protector and bit her trembling lip to get a hold of herself. The intensity of molten gold orbs stared back at her. His face was as impassive as ever, she noted, and though she always thought he was annoyed with her when they traveled together in the past, he seemed to allow her the time she needed to collect herself. Even if it was upon his person.
“What happened?” He demanded, concern lacing his tone despite his demeanor.
It was enough to send her bursting into tears all over again. “Se-Seshomaru,” she barely managed to get out through her sobbing coughs.
She wasn’t sure if he knew what he was doing, or if he was just trying to get her to be quiet, but he lifted his only arm around her person and escorted her away from the clearing.
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin - Chapter 2
Kagome comes slamming to a halt with her pursuers hot on her trail.
Safety Armor
Twigs snapped against her face as she blindly ran through the forest. Her aura pulsed like a beacon, searching outward for safety but also leaving a visible trail for her pursuers. The chase lasted far into the darkness of the forest. Sobs ripped from the back of her throat as she gasped and gulped for air. The combination made it hard to regulate her breathing.
She stumbled multiple times, but always righted herself as quickly as she could. A cough or two would alert those behind her and she’d take off running once more.
But then she slammed into a cold metal, narrowly missing one of the spikes that jutted from the top. She clung to the metal, practically wheezing and trying to make herself as small as possible. Her cries were loud, and she had a hard time gaining her composure. And then her attackers burst into the clearing.
There were outrageous shouts from the men who wanted to capture her. She paid them no mind as she tried to gather herself, but the more the shouts rang in her ears, the more her anxiety spiked. Her body shook with fear, and she didn’t dare let go of the cold metal because, without it, she knew she’d fall. So, she clung.
There was a loud crash behind her, as she tried hiding her face between the spaces of her arms. And in just a few moments… it grew quiet.
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vix-fics · 8 months
Built For Sin
After a potential kidnapping, Kagome seeks solace from the comforts of the forest and the arms of an old friend.
Chapter 1 - To The Forest
She bit down. Hard. The man yelped in pain, and with one large fist, smacked her in the side of the face to get her to detach herself from his arm. Tears, streamed from her eyes and her cheeks became red from the exertion. Adrenaline hit her like a rush as self-preservation fought for control. She released the man’s arm and quickly made a mad dash towards an open window of the room. She leaped through the window, preparing to tuck and roll the second she made it through. The man recovered fairly quickly, however, and gripped her right around the ankle just before she could make it all the way out and had her slamming face-first into the dirt and scraping against the window sill.
Her mind raced as she began to panic and in a quick-ditch effort to ward off the man, she grabbed a nearby rock and threw it as hard as she possibly could in her haphazardous position, kicking at her attacker and potential kidnapper. Her effort was rewarded as he released her ankle and she slid forward and the rest of the way out of the window. Gathering herself quickly, she made a mad dash to the outskirts of the village.
Tears blurred her vision as she made her way to the forest beyond the village. She reached out with her aura, searching for something or someone, anyone or anything that could give her safety. She looked behind her- torches had begun to light casting a warm glow that felt more menacing than comforting. She knew they would follow her right into the forest. The glow of her own aura was a dead giveaway for those who sought her out. It would only be a matter of time.
And so, she launched herself forward, toward her beacon of familiarity.
Next Chapter
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vix-fics · 9 months
Oh Dear... Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 - Experiment 1: Ice Cold!
"Hey, Oh," she said as she took some popcorn from the bowl sitting in Oh's lap. They were watching some "chic flick" movie that Oh seemed insanely engrossed in.
"Your boxes are so colorful!" He exclaimed, "Tell Oh, how do you get those miniature people inside?"
Tip laughed at his question. "They're 'moving pictures'. They're made from recordings."
"Oh...Oh doesn't quite understand - so these tiny people are not real?" He questioned.
"No...I mean, yes, they're real, but they are recorded," she replied. "Oh, I was wondering..."
Oh finally looked up at her, "Can Boov...how are Boov created?" She asked. She was going to ask about the emotions, but she didn't want to know just yet. In fact, she didn't know a whole lot. "I know you told me that you're usually in a baking oven, but..."
"Boov are created-" And from that point on, Oh went on a complete talking spree. She had been so engrossed with what he was saying that they had both actually lost track of time. It was when her mother called that she actually wondered why her mother hadn't been home just yet.
"Tip, honey," she said over the phone, "would you mind if I spent the night at a friend's house? There's some cold pizza in the fridge, and I will have my cell phone on all night in case you get lonely."
"Will you come back tomorrow?" Tip asked her. She looked over the counter to see Oh inspecting the tv again. "Would it be okay if my friend stayed with me tonight?"
"Is your friend a boy?" Her mother asked.
She didn't know how to answer that. "No?" Luckily, her mother didn't hear the question in her voice.
"Alright, then, honey! Stay safe, and make sure you lock everything, okay? I promise to be back in the morning - though it might be a little late," she said.
"Okay!" Tip said enthusiastically. She looked at the wall clock - it was still pretty early. "Catch ya' later, Mom, love you." After she hung up, she immediately went over to the livingroom and watched as Oh tried to work the remote control. "Hey, Oh, you ever have a freezie shake?"
"What's that?"
She wondered if Boov could get headaches. She made up a quick slushie that she put two straws in and walked to the livingroom. She took a small slurp - pretty sure that she didn't want a brain freeze. "Just slurp through the straw."
Oh did it, and after a small slurp, his eyes lit up and he quickly chugged it. He looked up at her, and she just stared, wide-eyed. "H-How did you do that?" She asked.
"It was very cold," he commented, "but very flavorful! Do you have more?"
She laughed and made him another. Unfortunately, on his fifth slushie...he turned a pale blue. He froze in spot and she stared at him. He didn't move for quite some time and she began to worry. When he came to, he shivered and she immediately went to go get a blanket when she realized that he was still an icey blue color. "I guess freezie shakes are bad for Boov."
She laughed as she snuggled into the blanket with him. She his skin was like ice, so she cuddled him closer. Stripes of pink began to flow over his skin and she wondered what it meant.
Experiment number one was a success. "I d-do no-ot think fr-freezie sha-kes like Oh." She laughed.
"That's usually called a brain freeze, but for you, it's a little different. From now on, let's try to keep it down to just one, okay?" He nodded as best he could, wrapping his arms around her waistline and grabbing some of her warmth. He shivered for a while longer before his temperature was finally brought down.
Who knew Boov could drink three slushies back-to-back before getting a brain freeze?
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vix-fics · 9 months
Oh Dear...
The Boov are known for showing a few select emotions, but they are far from displaying every HUMAN emotion there is. For a human, there's a whole rainbow - could Tip's friend be right? Could Oh really only show just a few of those human emotions?
Chapter 1: I Propose an Experiment
It's been a few years and Gratuity Tucci is finally at the beautiful age of sixteen. With school still being a struggle, her friend "Oh" still his normal Boovi self, things were pretty much settled. Until...her friend had the most interesting idea.
"Oh, come on, Tip," she said to her friend, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. They were on their way home from school when her friend spoke up about it. "Not a whole lot of us know the Boov. The least you can do is introduce us!"
Tip gave her friend a look. "I know exactly what you're asking for, and no means no. You'll only embarrass both him and me, and you might even hurt him."
Her friend was a science genius – she wasn't going to lie. The girl had a knack for discovering things and her latest idea was sure to land her some sort of prize winnings. The girl proposed that Boov could not feel but a select few emotions, but Gratuity immediately shot down that idea. She was pretty sure that Boov had the capability of feeling every emotion.
"Then how about this," her friend proposed, "you do the experiments, and I'll sit back and watch."
"No," was Gratuity's firm answer. "Look, you and the others don't even like the Boov. I don't understand why you're pressuring me into doing this for you. My friend isn't here to play games with, and I'm not going to betray him simply because you're curious."
Her friend frowned but let the subject drop. "So, are you stopping by the lab tomorrow?" Gratuity shook her head.
"No," she replied, "I promised Oh that I'd show him around some of my favorite arcade places."
The girl shrugged and waved goodbye, "Suit yourself! I'll catch ya' later, Tip. Say hello to your Boov friends for me." Tip rolled her eyes. She knew for a fact that her friends all teased her behind her back about being friends with a Boov.
The Boov really integrated themselves with the public. Sadly, not every human being was willing to accept the idea of them living there, especially considering the fact that they pretty much abducted every human on the planet and forced them all to live in Australia. She was pretty sure that there were still a lot of others out there who just didn't quite agree with them living on the planet. In fact, there were small riots here and there – places where the Boov honestly couldn't step foot in simply because of their species.
Tip sighed as she hung her coat on rack next to the front door. "I'm home!" She called, but no one answered. Instead, her cat, Pig, came running out from a corner and happily greeted her in the kitchen. "Hey, Pig, have you seen Mom today?"
She happened to take a glance at the fridge – there was a note hanging there. Lately, that seemed like that's all there ever was…notes. She knew her mother was busy with work as well as with her new boyfriend, but she always got the feeling that her mother just simply didn't have much time for her anymore.
She pulled out the communicator that Oh had given her and tapped on the transparent glass screen. It made an interesting little ringing noise that sounded like popping bubbles before it showed a miniature holograph of Oh. "Hey, Oh!" She said with a big smile on her face.
"Gratuity Tucci!" He cried, "You are the home now, right?"
"Yup," she said with a nod of her head, "you know you can call me Tip, right?"
"Oh, uh, yes! Oh is just so use to Gratuity Tucci, it is odd not calling her Tip," his speech was still a little funny to her, but he was slowly growing accustomed to their ways. "What be for this graph call?"
It pleased her to know that Oh seemed to be rather enthusiastic about her calling him. She reached into the fridge to grab some cold pizza before she thought better of it. "You wanna' come over?" She asked. "My mom will be working late tonight, so I'm gonna' be a little lonely."
"Oh yes!" He cried with happiness, turning a rather slight shade of pink. "Oh will be coming by way now!" And so he hung up. She really had to get him to work on his "phone" skills.
For a moment, she paused. What if her friend was right and Oh really could only feel a select number of emotions. It seemed to her that Oh could only feel one emotion at a time, too. There were times were he changed a whole assortment of colors, but really, she had no way of knowing.
Out of curiosity, she decided to go ahead and try experiment number one. What could be the harm? Chapter 2 - Experiment 1.
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vix-fics · 9 months
Welcome to my brand new Tumblr site!
I don't really know what compelled me to take on this project, but for the last several hours (and probably for the next several hours) I am conglomerating all of my fanfics into one big gigantic portfolio-like place.
i realized that I was really tired of posting and updating my fics to so many different places across the internet. There are so many different platforms that could easily host all of my creative writing, but I really am tired of jumping around and copy-pasting my fics everywhere.
So, rather than jump around, I just figured I could list them all right here on tumblr!
So with that said, I hope you enjoy the site and bare with me as I continue fixing it up! X3
Happy reading!
~ VixeriaS
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