zaedniara · 8 months
The Notebook, a man's woe
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Ladies, you know the movie that guys always bitch about having to watch with their girlfriends. How it sets such a 'high' standard that they couldn't possibly ever follow? Well surprise, (not) the whole damn thing was WRITTEN BY A MAN, the story of this 'high' class man (lol) was enforced by not a WOMAN, but a man................. It's so ironic. Reminds me of all the men bitching and moaning about how 'hulky' guys are not realistic blah blah blah. Guess what, no woman unless she has a fetish actually wants your nasty muscle bulging psycho. That's a guy thing again, to be the strongest. Man oh man, they love to pressure themselves but then pretend that women are the ones doing it.
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zaedniara · 1 year
"Suddenly you’re a hypocrite if you want to show your skin, and you’re easy and you’re a slut and you’re a whore. If I am, then I’m proud. Me and all the girls are hoes, and f**k it, y’know? Let’s turn it around and be empowered in that. Showing your body and showing your skin – or not – should not take any respect away from you.” - Billie Eilish Vogue 2021
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zaedniara · 1 year
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zaedniara · 2 years
The Fall Season 1 Review
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Rating:  ★★  2/10 Tropes: Women Unrelatable • Made 110% by Men • Only Hot Guy Murdered My Review: Let me start by saying, I did not finish this season because it was painful to watch. I ended it halfway through episode 3. Every single female introduced were all the same from wee 16 year old babysitter to wrinkly old Stella Gibson. I felt like I was watching a show with zero input from the female specimen. It felt like a bunch of men all roleplaying what they thought women are and it really painfully showed in how all the girls acted.
Katie (the 16 year old babysitter) for example is constantly acting like she's in heat, in fact even when she's alone in the room with nothing but the camera following her she's still sauntering around like she's waltzing the red district. Cause that's what girls do! Just rub down our bodies and act all sexy sexy for the 0% of people watching, we just can't seem to turn it off!
Stella IS a man inside of a woman's body. The way she casually spots some random 'hunk' of a man gives her room number screws him and then just flips her hair like it's nothing. And furthermore, how she doesn't bat an eyelash at the fact that he's married or that she was having sex with him while Sarah was being murdered, only find out she also porked Jim Burns (whose also married) Assistant Chief Constable. Is there anyone she hasn't had sex with I wonder? And the sex scene my god, it felt like a fetish for the directors to have Stella getting it on all the while cutting back and forth to the murder of Sarah. There was no respect, no humanity given to either side. I had to skip that messed up part of the show.
And why, why is it that when Paul attacks Katie (the babysitter 16 years old!) she's crying and scared, fighting, etc. Only to get up and be like -duck face- can you kiss my booboo better? <3 <3 <3 WHAT GIRL IN HER RIGHT MIND DOES THAT?
Then you have the foreign girls naked in the shower, just topless giggling like school girls and batting at each other like they are some kind of pets, kittens, brainlessly sauntering about with no sense of identity or self. I just don't get it, well I DO, and maybe that's the problem. I'm so sick of seeing it.
All females were your stereotypical 'temptresses' the ones asking for it, either directly or not. And it was sickening to view that being the only 1 model make of the entire female cast. There were interesting things about the show, but I couldn't waste another minute of my life on this crap.
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zaedniara · 2 years
Relationships, people we crave them but they are the reaper in disguise.
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zaedniara · 3 years
I Am Dragon Review
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Rating: ★★★★★★★★  8/10 My Review: I give this the special diamond in the rough tag. It's not very often I find a movie or a show that really blows me away, but that's exactly what this movie did. I really enjoyed this movie a lot. There were so many aspects that were refreshing to see, and also rather rare to see. A few things for myself, the movie has been re-released with English voice acting, but the voices don't do the original story justice. So, for a reminder to my future self, please watch the 2015 version with subtitles. The visuals in this movie are very beautiful and the story feels unique to me, like something I haven't seen often. I enjoyed the romance a great deal between the two main characters because it wasn't raunchy or rushed, but rather it was slow and helped me develop a great deal of respect for their relationship. I'm also extremely happy with the male cast, they were all very attractive. Too often in movies or shows females are top quality, but the males standards are below sea level. The level of scenes dedicated to showing the male in less than covering clothing felt on equal par to the female, and further more it made scenes like her bathing or when she draped her exposed legs over the dragon's neck not seem degrading to her. It felt intimate and sexual in a way that I rarely see. As a female viewer I didn't cringe at the action or exposure, but just smiled feeling like it was really romantic and showed another piece of their relationship together. However, even with a high rating, there were still things that weren't great. The CGI was outstanding quality, but it did have certain parts that were a little awkward to watch, such as when Armand was making the flower petals fly. The female had certain scenes that...made her look way too young and she also was very skinny, as in a certain shot you can see her spine jetting out of her back which was gross to see. The female also feels a bit too brash to me, like she was in danger but at times it was hard to even feel that because she was rolling up her sleeves and throwing the punches no matter what came her way. Not to say that I don't enjoy a strong female, but I like a balance of realism in her actions too. Then there was the story part, where things felt...as though they were wrapped up a little fast. Like when the Armand suspected Miro and sent her off...it was interesting what he pieced together, but there was no lead up outside of that so it felt forced, like a way to just get her to leave. Then the ending when Miro declared she loved the dragon, it left a lot to be desired because we really didn't experience any suffering she felt of losing her love, it was just stated it in word format. Same thing with her father accepting his daughter following her heart, it felt like a wrap up, since he showed the opposite type of personality when she was complaining in the first opening scenes. And then, too, why on earth would he be accepting of his daughter going back with the dragon when this creature to his knowledge murdered countless virgin brides prior and tormented their people. It just could have been done much better, but I'm still okay with it because the movie did a good job having me care for the characters and I really like, and feel like they both deserved a happy ending. So, I'm a bit biased. What I'd love to see however, is squeal to this movie where we follow the story of their daughter who is half dragon and human. But, I am rambling now, so I will end this here and say that despite those loopholes, I still really really liked this movie a lot. 
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zaedniara · 3 years
being pregnant has significantly increased the amount of times i’m told “yeah my spouse, who im married to, doesnt want kids and i do” or the other way around like bro. why in the fuck did you get married. did you even have one single conversation about your shared goals. your relationship is going to fail. you are going to make each other miserable. what the hell are you thinking.
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zaedniara · 3 years
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zaedniara · 3 years
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zaedniara · 3 years
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zaedniara · 3 years
Useless Advice Rant
Do you have cancer? Are you feeling depressed? Are you annoyed with your neighbour, is your dog looking at you funny? Are you missing a limb? Well don’t worry, we have the solution for all your problems above and more. Pretty much list anything at all and we’ll provide you the solution below! Ahem, 1.Exercise 2. Eat healthier 3. Take a shower! 4. Mediate 5. Think positive! Congratulations you are cured! Cured by reading useless copy pasted facts that actually do NOTHING to help the problem!!!! Bloody hell in a hand basket. I am so fed up with researching medical, metal or physical aid, only to be told these same lies over and over again. Why has the internet just become such a washed out place? I might as well turn on the TV and buy so and so product blindly because that’s how helpful looking something up is on the internet these days. Mind you not every place has this garbage, but a huge majority of it does. It’s become an inside joke at my house whenever someone is curious about something we all vote ‘exercise’ and ‘eat healthy’ and then search it up and like clockwork it’s as though every single article we go to has read our minds! So, just remember! The next time you look anything up, save yourself the trouble and just know that to cure anything you need the five steps above. :D
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zaedniara · 3 years
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Pretty relevant for my previous post.
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zaedniara · 3 years
Birth control aka Women’s Suffering
Not sure how many girls even realize this but throughout history women have ALWAYS been the ONLY one to put themselves through HELL in order to prevent pregnancy. Not men, nope. Just women.
And even now 2021, there are COUNTLESS horrible contraptions that women have to shove into themselves just to stop pregnancy. What do the men have to do? Oh just the same old stuff they’ve been doing for 1000000000 damn years! Condoms, that’s it, couldn’t be anymore less-invasive, yet they still bitch about having to use them.
My sister got a copper iud, it somehow got smashed into her inner walling. Causing her pain for months she didn’t understand, then finally she goes to get it out, and they just reached inside and RIP it from you. That’s right, no pain meds, nothing, just tear it out. Then she tells her boyfriend her horrible experience and the first thing he says is “you’re going to get another one right though?” Girls speak out against this, demand something be changed about this because this is ridiculous that you have to shove foreign objects up your crotch. It takes two to make a fucking baby.
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zaedniara · 3 years
why do writers make a woman being infertile out to be the most tragic and horrific thing ever??? like adoption exists???? surrogates??? do they think mothers who adopt their children aren’t “real” mothers??? not all women want children anyhow???? a woman’s??? worth??? is not??? defined by??? her ability??? to??? bear??? children???
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zaedniara · 3 years
whats your type?
Fictional men written by women.
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zaedniara · 3 years
Plan Dick RP Move
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The fact that you joined a new site and then saw someone creating a character, swooped in there like an asshole to STEAL their face claim and then act like the victim? Holy shit, good on the staff team for getting rid of your toxic ass. I don’t give a shit about reserving face claims when you physically see someone is using something. It’s human decency to be like ‘yo hey, see ur using that so imma find something else’ rather than ‘wow i want that, haha fker forgot to reserve their face yonk, all mine now, w-what I did something wrong -tear tear- like omg u guys are so mean boohoo’. Bearly you are clearly someone who steps on other peoples fingers and seriously doesn’t get what the problem is. Like, get help.
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zaedniara · 3 years
Nothing Ever Change By Being Silent.
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