#˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥flora-writes
izukuisbaby · 2 years
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includes : katsuki bakugo, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki
info : this takes place during the license exam ! this idea comes from the lovely @randombabywitch thank u again for the support baby 💓
m.list | comment if u enjoyed !
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You instantly caught Katsuki’s eyes. The way your hair shone in the dawn’s sunlight lured his mind out of his usual competitiveness. At that moment, nothing but your face mattered to him. For one mere instant, someone accomplished the impossible, he felt at peace. Your eyes meeting his warmed his heart like none other on earth. Of course, he never mentioned this to any of his friends but unbeknownst to him they started conspiracing after seeing the slight blush on his cheeks when he looked at you.
Izuku heard your laugh and found it really cute, which caught his attention. You were mesmerized by his messy green hair and were chuckling while looking at him. "Look how cute this guy is !" you tell your friend, smiling from ear to ear. Izuku was a blushing mess and started sweating, which you found extremely cute. You could not help but feel guilty for making him anxious though.
Shoto is so bad at lying, his face is not usually expressive but when he saw you, everyone noticed his little smirk. This moment felt like the ones he read about in his childhood books. You looked like a royal, you exuded grace and beauty. If he had to use an adjective to describe the first time he saw you, he would say dreamy. Light surrounded you and complimented your face features. When you smiled at him, he felt his heart drop into his chest, an unknown feeling that he will learn to love.
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© izukuisbaby. do not copy, modify, translate, repost or take my ideas/concept without giving credits but comments, feedback, reblogs and asks are very much welcome ! 💌
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mindfulstudyquest · 2 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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yawneneteyam · 1 year
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・゜゜・.what they smell like — ( neteyam, lo'ak + kiri )
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•°. *࿐what the three eldest sully siblings smell like + fem!navi!reader
layout is inspired by @keisobe and this prompt is from @love-me-a-good-prompt! this is my first writing for these characters, but I hope you enjoy ❥
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NETEYAM is always on the move, so on days were he is training with his father- he often comes back to camp with a faint smell of sweat following him. but you know that underneath, after he washes his day away, neteyam will come back to you smelling like sandalwood and cinnamon.
you're unsure where he gets it from, but the sweet woody aroma is intoxicating. you knew that other female na'vi in the clan noticed it too, everything about him was alluring. but you felt safe knowing that he always came back (before or after training) to you.
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LO'AK couldn't help but resent neteyam. whilst his older brother came back from training smelling fine, lo'ak felt as if he came back smelling like an unwashed ikran. lo'ak always had to try harder in trainings, nothing came effortlessly to him as it seemed to for neteyam. So while he is gone, he really works up a sweat.
when he's not training, lo'ak smells like a rainy day. it's comforting and you find solace in his scent after challenging days. when he is forced to leave the clan for his family's safety, you find yourself breathing deeper on the days that it rained- trying your best to remind yourself of what lo'ak used to smell like when you're head was on his chest.
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KIRI smells like a flower field. you weren't sure how she managed to always smell so sweet and inviting- but you didn't want it to change. eventually, you both chalked it up to her obsession with laying on the ground in the flora- listening for her mother in eywa.
If the scent was ever stronger, you knew she was feeling isolated more than usual. so you make sure to give her extra attention once she has returned from her journey.
kiri also has the tendency to smell of dapophet, a plant used for healing. she spends a lot of her time with her grandmother practicing how to care for injured and wounded na'vi, so the scent tends to linger after a long day. to you, it's the sweetest smell.
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the-possum-writes · 10 months
Fiona and Cake: FaC!Fern X Fem!Reader
I don't have much other than that I just wanna see that tbh. No smut is the only rule. That's a lie- the other rule is to have fun writing this. No smut and have fun.
❥Character: Flora Mertens (Fem!Fern)
❥Tags: SFW, established relationship, snowy cottagecore
❥Synopsis: It's winter season and you're left helping Flora by chopping wood and keeping her company.
❥A/N: I'mma be real and admit I didn't know what to write for this request and kept postponing it, sorry if it's on the short side. But hey, I still wanted to do some fanart for her.
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"That'll do," you say as you let go of the ax after chopping the last log in half, removing your gloves to rub your calloused hands together. Since the majority of forest animals hibernate once the snow falls, it is silent outside.
The snow-covered dirt crunches under your shoes as you pick up the extra logs surrounding the chopping block and stack them in your arms before bringing them inside your tiny hut. You piled your wooden stack next to a coat rack when the door banged shut. Upon hearing two pots shuffle in the kitchen, a female voice says "How's the weather?" from inside your isolated home.
"It stopped snowing, and it's not as cold so maybe we can head out for a walk later." you suggest mainly because cabin fever has been eating you from the inside out these past few weeks but Flora doesn't share your sentiments.
"I'll pass, even if the weather is fine i hate feeling the cold snow biting at my feet." she expresses with a complain.
"Come on Flo, the clouds look really pretty and soft during the sunset. Besides, I bet it gets pretty lonely and quiet here when i run errands at the village." you insist while removing your excessive coat and scarfs.
"You're just jealous my heaters keep me company at night." she taunts.
"Jealous? Hah! It's like a tropical forest in there, I'd evaporate the moment I take a step inside!" you cross your arms. "I'll keep staying in the guest room thank you very much."
Flora walks in the living room with two mugs in hand but all you can do is stare in bewilderment at your roommate's choice in clothing. "Pfft, what are you wearing?" you suppress a chuckle but failed to hide your smile.
Homegirl looks like she's prepared for the next ice age, she's wearing at least 6 layers of sweaters and two blankets thrown over his shoulders for good measure, the shuffling you heard from the kitchen comes from her bunny slippers that barely contained her pointy feet wrapped in socks and legs warmers.
"What do you mean? It's my winter clothes." Flora responds with annoyance, more than aware that her choice of clothing looks like a bundle of laundry.
"You look like the pile of clothes on the side of my bed." you laugh, standing up to retrieve your own scarf from the coat hanger on the door entry.
"Yeah, yeah I know I look ridiculous but if you were in my place you'd know how bad plants have it during winter." Flora defends, almost regretting to bring you hot chocolate.
"I didn't say it looks ridiculous, rather I'd say you look comfy, like when we get together to watch home movies," you place your scarf around her neck and tie it properly, the final cherry on top to complete her cozy outfit. "There, you left a part of your neck exposed." you complement her, placing a kiss on you forehead as you take the mug from her hand.
The gesture and compliment has Flora's mood change, softening her expression as she takes a seat on the living room couch. "Now that the wood is chopped up and the fire is burning, how about we finish watching that TV series we left behind yesterday?" she pats the empty spot next to her, an offer you can't deny.
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years
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Less // she/her // XXVI // Taurus // INFP // Hufflepuff Wizarding World Profile | Pinterest | Spotify
Hi there! Welcome to my blog. I'm still in the process of figuring this all out but I'm hoping I'll get the gist of it soon. Atm I'm taking things slow so I might be a bit MIA.
Regardless, you can feel free to drop me a note. My asks/DMs are always open :)
HP WWI Verse side blog @savetheundoneyears old secondary oc blog @inactive-herbalist
Have Yourself A Jummy Little Christmas (HPMA) The Chronicles Of The Dragon's Eye (HPHL; WIP - unpublished)
OCs (below the cut)
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❥・ Violette Jolie Durand | Pinterest | Spotify ⤿ the Durand Lineage ❥・ Abraham Aurelius Henry Alden | Pinterest ❥・ Oscar Alatar Erdstern | Pinterest | Spotify ❥・ Victor Abel Lyon | Pinterest
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❥・ Lunas Griffin Avery | Pinterest | Spotify ❥・ Odessa Lilian Avery | Pinterest ❥・ Ione Lumina Avery | Pinterest ❥・ T.O.W.E.R | Camden Voss + Piotr Serov
[Disclaimer: the WWI-verse is not an actual era but an original story]
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❥・ The Alden-Falcon Kids | Pinterest (Edward, Owen, Livia, Flora)
❥・ Ottilie Ariette Enfield | Pinterest
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❥・ Mabel Lunette Joan O'Shea | Pinterest ❥・ Delton 'Del' Alistair Michael O'Shea | Pinterest
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❥・ Vella Clementine Orbarrow | Pinterest
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❥・ Aldéric Mylan Durand | Pinterest
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❥・ Jupiter Adélie Durand | Pinterest | Spotify ❥・ Elio Amédée Durand | Pinterest | Spotify ❥・ Gaia Alvina Jeanny Alden | Pinterest ❥・ Timéo Alain Durand | Pinterest ❥・ Lyam Astride Durand | Pinterest ❥・ Eula Avice Durand | Pinterest
❥・ Isla Linnea Longcast | Pinterest ❥・ Atlas Levi Jameson Austin | Pinterest ❥・ Lotus Everett Gregorovitch | Pinterest
❥・ Silas Ashford (Next Gen) | Pinterest ❥・ Merle Romina Montero (HPMA/Next Gen) | Pinterest
Minor OCs aka OCs with next to no content (oopsie): ❥・ Albin Liborius Antubidasbin (HPHL) | Pinterest
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sincerely-krp · 7 months
hello! this is admin flora and fauna of daze krp. we were not going to say anything in hopes of this all just going away, however, due to the anons hall of fame seems to be receiving as well as the anons on this blog, we see it fit that we clear some things up.
1st off, we never received hate in or inbox, nor did we ever claim to receive hate. all that we said was that we received strange anon messages that seemed a little passive aggressive. every anon on our page that we received has been posted (minus one asking for a carrd tutorial). it made both admin fauna and i heavily discouraged from opening because of what was happening. we never wished any ill-will towards the hall of fame admins, and all of the theorizing on this blog is getting to a point where it is ridiculous. we are not victims, and we were not bullied by them in any way shape or form. we were just discouraged due to the constant anons comparing our rps to different rps.
we do not want to start anything with any rps or anyone. we just wanted to create a new, inviting, and welcoming roleplay with a fun idea. however, it did not seem to gain much interest, and with the strange anons, we simply decided not to open. once hall of fame posted their ask about why they blocked us, admin flora decided to message them privately and try to communicate. this was the message.
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which they then responded to on november 11th which is found in their submission. no further communication was put forth mainly because admin flora sent that message through a tumblr account she does not use (due to being blocked on her personal).however, seeing the continuous anons on this blog theorizing what happened is getting to be a bit much. although we wish things were handled differently, they were not, and everything ended up here. we do not wish for any continued hate, and we would just prefer to put this behind us.
2nd, and lastly, both admin fauna and i were at their roleplay. however, we were there for technically only one day (active) and immediately went inactive due to being busy. after that, it had been a month after when our rp had launched. therefore, we did not come up with the idea for the roleplay as we were inside of it. however, as the hof admins have stated, due to previous copies of their rps, it can cause some speculation. however, our rp was completely based on i-land, along with an entertainment company theme to keep it going once the show had finished. therefore, along with being on a completely different platform, we believed it to be different and did not even once think of hall of fame while forming our rp. although that is hard to prove, there are screenshots of us talking about the rp idea.
with admin fauna and i:
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with admin flora’s friends:
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the following is a voice note from admin flora explaining the early idea of the rp, which we will obviously not be sharing, but we decided to transcript and write out the entire message which is found below:
“okay. i got too excited, but i’m in the car right now, so i’m gonna kind of explain my idea and what i see for it. so basically, i was thinking, so i-land — i’ll explain what i-land is once i kinda get through my idea. so, my idea is having a newly established— so the premise of the rp would be a newly established entertainment company. it’s a new, shiny thing, and to get people to work there— aka kpop idols— um, they start this reality tv show, which would be based off i-land, and it would start with— i’m going to say 20 [members] for an example. so, it starts off with 20 members, and at the end, so we can have a fair thing, 2 groups will debut. one girl group, and one boy group of 5 members each. ten people aren’t going to debut, right? and so basically how i-land works, like, instead of getting a popularity vote, like how boys planet works, that they don’t get to debut if people don’t like them, in i-land, the members vote each other off in part one. so, the people in the show vote the other members off, but they don’t go home. so, in part one, there’s 2 buildings. the main one with all the good stuff is called i-land, while the other one that’s busted is called the ground. after the members in i-land perform— cause there can only be 12 members there at a time and there’s 23 participants in the show— members in i-land will vote each other off after a performance to the ground. so, if out of 12 members, 4 members were voted off, that then gives a chance for 4 members in the ground to replace them. and that’s how it goes for the first part of the show which is what the rp would be based off of. there is a second part… but… we’re not doing that. so, anyway, this would go on for like 8-10 weeks. after that, we would do a random draw to see who debuts. there’s no point system, so there would just be random events and a random draw to see who debuts. if you do not debut, because we are including an entertainment company, they can be other things! they can be a trainee, debut as a soloist, debut as an actor, become a model, or even work as a staff member. the show would be the main.. premise (?) of the rp, and it would place the members of the rp at a certain place. so yeah, that’s my idea. i dont know if i explained it good but just let me know.”
this voice note was sent before the rp opened, but pretty much when the idea was set in admin flora’s mind. there is not much more we can offer, but we do hope that all hate to hall of fame and any side in general stops. we hope this cleared things up!
at the end of the day, we wish no ill-will towards the admins of all of fame. they have always been great and active admins with long-standing communities. we did not decide to not open our directory because of them, but it was because of the baseless rumors and strange asks we were receiving (which we mentioned). as the hall of fame admins have stated, as admins, it’s hard enough to run an rp these days. we do not wish to continue any baseless hate or any hate towards them and wish them all the best. this was just a matter of miscommunication, however, please do not just assume and run with theories made on gossip blogs! it is very damaging to the community, and we wish to just put this behind us. we will not be acknowledging any further asks about hall of fame or our rp in any setting, and we hope that everything is now settled. thank you.
admin note: all asks about this situation will not be posted, due to both admin teams having spoken! if either admin team wishes to make a response, we will be open to posting that. otherwise, we're moving on!
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baizhuo · 2 years
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❥ ; other regions - MONDSTADT .
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because i do think it is a bit necessary to , at the very least , give some sort of verse for each region , & give an explanation as to how & WHY baizhu would be in the other regions . & because I like to give some sort of uniqueness . but also , i would like to at least write down somewhere my thoughts . i suppose we should go in order of release - for what i know . 
this is to also HELP other people who write characters that are not native to liyue .
i still start with the anemo region(s) , since it has been out the longest . i will post - eventually - the rest of the regions , but i also don’t want to like write all of them in a single post . which is why i am breaking it up like this . 
the summary :
MONDSTADT - knows kaeya & klee ; research  DRAGONSPINE - knows albedo ; research
more under the read more .
also please note that i DO list canon REGION CHARACTERS that baizhu would have a POSITIVE interest in interacting with . i always support all kinds of interactions though & while some characters are not listed this DOESN’T MEAN that i am not interested in interacting with other characters . there will be some that baizhu has a more NEGATIVE reaction / (dis)interest in and the like but are not listed . so , again, just remember that just because a character is not listed , doesn’t mean that baizhu will straight up ignore them . he will probably just have a neutral / negative opinion on them . and unless we have discussed , this will be the automatic default .  
yes , despite his physical health , baizhu does happen to trek into mondstadt from time to time , usually TAKING qiqi with him ( though it is a given that he will most likely have her nearby anyway due to his desire to keep her close / safe , but i will also elaborate in another post as well about qiqi ) . the reason for taking qiqi with him is USUALLY to have her play with klee . but there are a number of individuals in live in mondstadt that baizhu will interact with . 
kaeya is one such individual . but he also does have a few patients as well that he may do a surprise visit , if needed . ( though , usually he FIRST makes rapport with them directly in liyue but he may stop in to check on said patients at a later time if needed . )
usually , however , he finds himself more in the wilds of the region ( as he is in the other regions , usually ) . he prefers to procure wildlife samples himself - with the help of qiqi . but it is really to help with his own research . he doesn’t limit himself to liyue - & he shouldn’t . though , often times , he normally comes to the region if he has business with kaeya - & klee . 
it is actually unknown if he personally knows / talks to anybody else in the region deliberately . he does tend to AVOID diluc though . & will finds reasons to keep venti AWAY ( if the bard is actively pestering him ) . after all , he still wants to be a mysterious figure outside of his own region . but he definitely can be interacted with in the region . it’s just that normally he will be studying or taking samples of the flora . ( or the rare interaction with abyssal creatures like hillichurls - but that is already a given since he understands their language to some extent . )
TLDR : knows kaeya & klee ; research ; WOULD BE INVESTED IN TALKING TO : barbara , sucrose , lisa , mona , rosaria 
dragonspine is just an EXTENSION of monsdtadt itself HOWEVER ! baizhu has taken a deep & extreme interest to albedo & his studies . baizhu himself is on positive terms with the alchemist though & , quite OFTEN , shares information pertinent to him . this is usually in exchange for albedo’s knowledge , however there is absolutely no malicious intentions coming from the doctor . 
baizhu does NOT consider their relationship to be a a student / teacher one . it is more of a mutual / equal peer to peer relationship . baizhu is interested in the ore located on dragonspine , as well as other minerals / regional specialties that are ONLY found on the cold mountain . He also is extremely interested in the strange bones / teeth found there . because of this , albedo is not only a peer , but also serves as some sort of tour guide for baizhu . 
that being said , while biazhu’s condition is not suited for the chilling temperatures , he becomes more & more acquainted with the mountain the more he goes . & because qiqi is a cryo user herself so he’s slightly used to the cold . baizhu has learned to adapt , as well as bring the necessary supplies to survive the cold weather that dragonspine has . 
TLDR : knows albedo ; research  WOULD BE INVESTED IN TALKING TO : rosaria ( she’s listed here cause i know she frequents the area too )
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pesiko · 3 years
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Pussy Blocked - rom com, how to be a heartbreaker [31.4k]
Crescents and Daggers - never going to let you go [26.1k]
Il Ritratto di Prometeo - call me by your name AU [22.3k]
Shadows in the Snow - arranged marriage, royalty M [20k]
Miscommunication - royalty AU, “I promise” [19.6k]
Love & Letter - writing letters he will never send [17k]
Always Return - pirate AU, it sparks up the fire [13k]
Wicked Games - after a drunken challenge M [12.8k]
The Dumbing Down of Love - 6 times caught staring [12.4k]
Nothing in Return - boxing, “always loved that photo” [12k]
Home - story of your first love and first boyfriend M [11.6k]
Endings - memories w boy you fell so in love with M [11.1k]
Color Me True - he falls in love w a fictional character [10.4k]
Language of the Flora - a florist and a barista [9.9k]
Summer Lovin - more than a friend for the summer [9.8k]
Autumn Serendipity - basketball player and a new girl [9.6k]
Paradise - he might actually like the beach, angst [9.5k]
I’m Loving Memory - not supposed to happen, angst [9.5k]
Midnight Moon - siren Jeno, stories become reality [9k]
A Little Gift - spiderman Jeno leaves you lil gifts [8.6k]
To Build a Home - Lee Jeno’s one shot [8.6k]
Switchin’ Lanes - in relationships not w each other M [8.3k]
Eventual - falling in love with your best friend M [7.7k]
Vulcan and Venus - love blooms from the ashes [7.7k]
High Hopes - basket player player Jeno n a reporter [7.5k]
10 Things I Know About You - learning in quarantine [7.1k]
Clueless - “I always knew you would be friends” [6.3k]
City Lights - how you came to love your roommate [5.6k]
Someone to Stay - school heartthrob is not yours [5.5k]
The Element of Substance - earthbender n the avatar [5.2k]
Leather Seats - a friend in the tight-lipped boy [4.6k]
White Lie - hogwarts AU, and neither did he [3.7k]
Not Another Love Song - thank you open mic night [3.7k]
Loved You First - things don’t go as planned [3.4k]
Second Best - egging a house with rival Jeno [3.4k]
For Real Love - robot Jeno, “friends can kiss” [3.1k]
Reconcile - when your ex is invited to the party M [2.8k]
Less Than Peace - a midnight drive, oh no the pizza [2.8k]
It Starts and Ends with You - soulmate AU, angst [2.7k]
Lullaby - sharing a moment in the moonlight [2.6k]
Of Princesses and Amortentia - slytherin n gryffindor [2.4k]
Catch a Wave - surfer Jeno, reduce reuse n recycle [2.3k]
Maybe it’s the Chlorine - jealous of you and Renjun [2.3k]
Knight in Distress - “what a knight is supposed to do” [2.2k]
Be Careful What You Wish For It May Already Be True [2.1k]
Sea Foam - hoping it was a mistake he misheard, angst [2k]
Healing - healer Jeno, “you can hold my other hand” [2k]
Blueberry Muffins - working at a cafe and he likes you [1.6k]
Chemistry - thinking you’re together bc your costume [1.5k]
Lil sis - Jungwoo’s sister and you’re dating Jaemin [1.5k]
Candy Hearts - you have a little something for Jeno [1.4k]
Tingles with Y/n - welcome to Jeno’s ASMR videos [1.4k]
Blue and Red Makes Purple - Halloween party [1.1k]
Wake Up - Jeno loves waking up to you [1.1k]
[main masterlist] [nct masterlist] updated 8-26-21
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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୭ flora's notes : this wasn't planned but I'm on vacation and izuku owns my heart, I couldn't stop thinking about him when I bought clothes 😔✋🏼
୭ female reader/ male reader and gn reader friendly 💓
m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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℘. he insists on tagging along with you on your shopping trips. he just loves to feel useful and wants to give his opinion on what you try on !
℘. and he's honest too ! if something looks bad on you he will nicely tell you : "I think this doesn't flatter your body well enough", "you should try another colour baby ! I've seen you wear this one before and you looked stunning/handsome !"
℘. and if one of your clothes fits you well expect a SHOWER of compliments "Y/N THAT'S THE ONE, this looks so good on you and the colour definitely lightens up your face. YOU LOOK SO CUTE oh my god" and he would be a blushing mess🥰
℘. learns about your colorimetria so he can pick clothes for you to try on or as gifts !
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℘. you have to DRAG him to the shopping centre because he hates being around a lot of people. he says they are impolite, careless and disrespectful and he would throw a tantrum if one dares slightly push him to get to a display.
℘. is grumpy the whole time : "hurry up goddamn it, you take 3 hours to undress I'd better get in there and remove your clothes myself", "tf is that granny outfit, who in their right mind would sell that", "this colour makes you look like you're gonna throw up your guts dumbass, get rid of it"
℘. when something suits you, he will very discretely smile and his eyes will sparkle,
"looks good i guess, take it"
"you sure, you don't seem convinced katsu ?"
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℘. "sho, you're not supposed to come in the fitting room while i change !"
"oh, I'm sorry y/n i thought it was okay since i already saw you naked"
"SHO- I mean technically you're right but you could AT LEAST close the curtain, I wouldn't want everyone to see my underwear"
℘. yeah shoto opens the curtain WIDE instead of asking if you're dressed or not. to him, the world stops when you two are together and he only sees you. so of course he wouldn't notice the 20 other people around you in the fitting area, who can now see your fully exposed body
℘. shoto apologizes and is even more of a blushing mess than izuku at this point AND he pays for your stuff (rich bf shoto💥💳💥💳💥)
℘. he is whipped and biased, he thinks everything looks good on you so he isn't of much help but he is a huge support and compliments you a lot♡
℘. ... you'd have to call Mina to actually get advice though -
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
hewwo hi ! m saur proud of u 4 hitting 2k followers my luvr <3 it's such a huge milestone rlly !! n ur celebration is also saur pretty :3
anywho 4 da celebration can i get "y/n finding katsuki's phone unlocked and outta curiosity scrolling thru it just to a find a playist w their name !"
again oml m saur prouda u angel <3
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℘. flora's notes : i love u w my whole heart bro, i hope u like this 💓, also i uh made that playlist for your fictional bf and that's what took the longest in this fic u better enjoy it mf AND I kinda switched up the request I hope it's okay
℘. yes katsuki : listens to taylor swift, one direction and disney songs in secret
℘. infos : this is apart of my 2k event ! feel free to join :) fem reader.
℘. genre : pure fluff, the title is kinda misleading katsuki is not cheating and would never but he has his simp side hidden in his phone
m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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you were waiting for your boyfriend to come back from sparring. katsuki gave you a spare key of his dorm for you to use whenever you needed. you were one of the privileged ones who he let into his personal space. you knew he was a private person and so you could not help but feel proud that he trusted you this way.
the door burst open and your delicate boyfriend entered. he heavily sighed and put his bag down on the floor. you sat up on his bed expectantly, waiting for him to give you attention. he turned around and saw you on his bed, which caused a gasp to escape his mouth... he was just not expecting you there.
"you scared the shit out of me dumbass, next time send a text instead of being on tik tok or whatever you do on that shitty phone", he walked over to you, kissed your forehead and stroke the back of your head with his hand. "I'll go take a shower, make yourself comfortable." he started walking towards his bathroom and right before getting in, he added : "not like you didn't already, you're a little invader I got some of your shit everywhere".
he would never admit it because, well, katsuki hates his feelings but he loves finding little pieces of you in his dorm room. scrunchies that smell like your shampoo, socks, skincare products or even left-over makeup. he cherished those items, each one of them reminded him of a memory he shared with you. the thought of you never failed to make him smile.
you heard the soft buzz of his phone in his bag and decided to take a look. you trust katsuki, he never made anything to make you doubt him and you knew he never would, he dates to marry. you were not expecting any other woman in his dms but Mina, and she has a girlfriend. but curiosity got the best of you and you wanted to see what was hidden in his phone. you first looked at the text he received, it was from Kirishima. "Denki is trying to make an impression of you looking at y/n bro and even Shoto is laughing 💀". Denki often made fun of Bakugo for being a "simp" and looking at you with "puppy eyes" which your boyfriend never ceases to deny. he did impressions of him so often that you could almost picture his act through the phone.
then you went to "notes", they were all locked but you were not surprised, your boyfriend is kind of paranoid sometimes... you tried to put your birthdate in the first one and it unlocked. "things i wish i could tell y/n", was written at the top. katsuki had troubles opening up and communicating with you because he feels weak for having feelings, you hesitated on reading its content. all things considered, you thought it would help you understand him better.
" - i love her, like the kind of love you see in movies. the one i thought didn't exist. like it's fucking stupid to write that shit in my notes but i need to get it out somehow.
- i think ill marry her if one day i get the balls to propose.
- i admire her patience, i can't help but think that going out with me is exhausting. i have a hard time controlling my emotions and i feel like she carries my brain at this point.
- i wish i could spend more time with her, but she probably needs personal space. i left her a key of my dorm, that's stupid too, but i like the idea of her spending time in my room because then it feels more of a home to me.
- i want her to feel like she's the most perfect girl I've ever met, because she is. but I care too much about people's opinion to do that. i am trying as hard as i can to be a good boyfriend but i never feel like it's enough. i don't show her off enough, i don't hold her enough, i don't talk about her enough because I'm scared shitless of falling in love and having it ruin the shell i took so long to build. and denki making fun of me for being a simp doesn't fucking help.
istg if anyone reads this I'll off myself"
you felt a bit guilty, it was more personal than you expected, and you swore not to EVER tell him about this, but it put your mind to rest. katsuki is not an easy boyfriend. he's not easy to comprehend but you love every part of him. you are willing to wait for however long it will take for him to tell you this face to face.
you heard the shower stop, you knew he would exit the bathroom any minute now, but there was one last app you wished to check, his Spotify. he had 2 playlists, his liked songs - 3 452 songs of various genres - put together in one same playlist. you sighed at how disorganized your boyfriend could be at times. and then, there was one with your name "y/n💌"
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your mouth was wide open and you felt like screaming. you won at life bro, your boyfriend had a playlist dedicated to YOU. your face still had the same expression when katsuki came out of the bathroom.
- "what's with the face dumbass ? you saw a ghost or something ? "
- "you have a playlist for me" you gave him a toothy smile, which he returned.
- "yeah it's whatever, when i like, take a shower or something. DON'T TELL ANYONE" he shouted as he sat beside you. "you didn't look at anything else, right ?", your heart clenched in your chest, you didn't want to embarrass him by admitting you read his note for you.
- "Denki just sent you a text" you smiled innocently. you took his hand into yours "Katsuki, I love you and you're enough okay. Don't ever doubt yourself, I chose you for a reason" you softly told him while stroking his cheek with your free hand.
- "I KNEW YOU READ IT YOU NOISY ASS. but I'm glad you did it was kind of... heavy on me." he sighed, paused for a moment, relaxing into your touch. "i really love you y/n, I don't say it enough but I really do. love scares the shit out of me. you have the power to destroy my heart and you know how much of a control freak i can be. I trust you with my weaknesses, don't use then against me... please"
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘. flora's notes : i finished this while i was tipsy i hope it's okay-
℘. infos : u can read about ur kins too, this is not necessarily romantic (can be tho:)), female, male, gn reader friendly 💓 if u have ideas for the other jjk characters im down to make a part 2
m.list (bnha version can be found there x)| comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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℘. as we all know, gojo has no filter, so expect to have to undress with the fitting room's curtain fully opened because "he can hide you with his Greek God body"
℘. brutally honest and doesn't care about your opinion "YOU LOOK LIKE A ROASTED PORK IN THIS LMAO", "I thought mustard yellow was the worst colour on you and then I saw that shit you're wearing", "are u tryna beat my grandma at the wrinkles fashion week ??? get that cardigan outta there"
℘. has to bring his God complex in everything "that looks okay on you, but it would look stunning on me", "nah that's a thing I, ME, MYSELF, would be wearing y/n, stop copying me urgh"
℘. will embarrass you in front of everyone "LOOK AT THIS HOT FINE PIECE OF HUMAN, I'LL PAY YOU TO DATE THEM, THEY'RE KINDA DESPERATE", "Y/N YOUR TEDDY BEAR UNDERWEAR IS SHOWING OOOOH SO CUTE LITTLE SLUTTY BABE" (and this is obviously not true, he just wants to embarrass u)
℘. will post your errands on social media and won't care if you look good on the picture or not as long as HE does, and expect something cringe on the text like "shopping with the ugly best friend (the pretty one is obviously me😏🤭🤪🥰🥵)", "here is a gold digger who takes my money for their clothes UwU💸💸💸💸", "they were wearing teddy bear underwear and EVERYONE saw it 🤣🤣🤣"
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℘. blank. face. it's a painful moment for him, he doesn't give a damn about your outfit as long as he gets to take it off
℘. feel lucky that he isn't grumbling because he really hates shopping and he hates being in public places (sir knows damn well he'd get chopped up if a white haired mf happened to be around too, gojo gives him social anxiety)
℘. but he doesn't say anything either, you just end up talking to yourself. he OCCASIONALLY sighs though which is the only animation you get from him :/
℘. he discreetly peeps through the curtain to see you nAaAaAkEd😨 and then blushes a bit CUZ YOU'RE PERFECT
℘. will let you play model in the living room if he chooses what you two will watch for movie night "mmmh", "looks good"
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℘. "DAAAAMN YOU'RE LOOKING FINE", "how are you still single seriously, I'd die for you". he's a simp for you, even just as a friend. HE'S SO SUPPORTIVE PLEASE
℘. best shopping buddy literally, he'll be honest and will try his best to sound polite and not mean
℘. AND HIS PICKS ARE SO GOOD, I HEADCANON THAT YUUJI HAS PINTEREST, he's like you're own personal shopper
℘. and he's always so enthusiastic about going shopping, he's just a pleasure to have around
℘. he 100% makes fun of people tho- but you learnt to love it and now you do it with him
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
੭ु⁾💌 ex!husband toji x reader : running into him at the supermarket
୭ A/N : you can find the other episode of this series here ! I'd be glad to receive your prompts or ideas for ex-husband toji :)
୭ infos : bestie gojo, possessive toji but he's being a sweetheart too because it's you<3, CUSSING, female reader, hints as to why Toji and reader divorced x
୭ inspired by @mari-the-bimbo 's concept
m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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Gojo often made fun of your close-to-death state after your divorce with Toji. He refused to leave you alone and you noticed he tried to take advantage of your celibate sometimes. Today, he insisted on joining you to get the groceries because "you never buy my favorites biscuits and when I come over, I crave them like crazy Y/N, how can you be such a bad friend to me :(" Satoru whined to you EVERY TIME he stayed at your flat. As a gentleman, he was pushing the cart and had an arm wrapped around your waist -- which you scolded him about earlier but Gojo being Gojo just did not care and even tightened the grip he had on you. "OH MY GOD LOOK Y/N THEY MAKE LITTLE TEDDY BEAR SHAPED COOKIES. I'm paying for those but we are bringing them home, sweetheart" Gojo yells in the biscuits alley, "You're such a child Satoru" you smile, "but fine take them". He thanks you by kissing your forehead, still not letting go off his arm around your waist. "Thank you princess" he says smirking.
" “Princess”? Huh, never miss an occasion to flirt with Y/N, right ?  Pathetic. You don't waste time, do you Gojo ? " a familiar voice calls out from afar. You both turn around at the same time and witness your ex-husband. "Aww, the single daddy’s here to complain about his miserable single life, how sad” Satoru mocks in his signature arrogant tone. ”She doesn't want you, Satoru Gojo, when will you get that ?" he says, grinning. "And do you really think Y/N wouldn't want me ?! As far as I know, you divorced her and you're not the one by her side every day, are you ? She doesn't love you anymore, move on Fushiguro" he smirks at your ex-husband. "I think Y/N has a mouth of her own Gojo. How are you doing love, you okay ?" Toji asks stepping towards you. Gojo puts his second arm in front of you to mark a limit so that Toji would not touch you. "Fuck off, she does not love you anymore okay ?! She's with me now" Gojo sternly scolds.
"Are you now, Y/N " Toji asked with a puzzled look, "I- I'm not with Satoru. I'm single." you timidly mutter. Gojo's smirk drops instantly. "That's what I thought. Come with me, love, I'll bring you home" he says, reaching out an arm - which Gojo quickly tries to put down by hitting it with his forearm. "Get. Away. From her.'' He looks straight into Toji's eyes. "If you don't move this arm away from Y/N within the next 3 seconds, I'll chop it off and shove it into your a$$ until I can pull your eye out with your own fingers." Toji threatens as he grasped and bruised Gojo's forearm.  " 'Toru, it's fine, I swear." you grab his arm and lower it while smiling at him. "Y/N, you're fu*king mad.", "He's not dangerous 'toru chill, he's just my ex" you say calmly. Oh, you really did try to resist his mesmerizing green eyes looking right into your soul. But you loved him, and he knew that - along with Gojo. Your heart desired to take his hand again, to feel him again and who were you to deny your own desires ? You took his hand and the sudden touch ignited sparkles within your body, is that how they describe the soulmates' touch ? It does not matter now anyways, all that matters is that Toji is with you.
As the galant man he is, Toji holds his car door open for you. You sit in the passenger seat as he directs himself towards the driver's. As soon as you both are buckled up, he puts his hand on your thigh and rubs soft circles on it. You try your hardest to keep your composure, but he knew your weaknesses and he loved playing with them. The unknowing paths he was taking let you know that he was bringing you to his house, the one he bought after the divorce. You start to think back to your encounter earlier and you could not help but think "did I do the right thing ?". As if on cue, your phone rang and displayed a goofy picture of Gojo who was calling you for the 26th time. "It was Gojo, isn't it ?" Toji asks, "it doesn't matter Toji, I'll call him back later", "I bet he'll give you a lecture : "oH mY gOd Y/n, HoW dArE yOu ChOoSe ThAt AsShOlE iNsTeAd Of MeEeEE?" and then he would start crying dramatically" he says, chuckling. Your smiley faces meet as you both laugh. Toji turns his head first to park in his alley and swiftly approaches the door on your side to open it for you. The smile you offer him is gratefully returned.
He guides you towards his front door with an arm behind your back and lets you into his home. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll make your favourite for dinner" Toji says, motioning to his couch. "DAAAAD YOU'RE HOME I MISSED YOU", of course that was Megumi. You see him wrap his small arms around his dad's leg, causing the latter to smile. Toji lifts Megumi into his arms and turns towards you. "Look who's here little runt", "Y/NNNNN" Megumi yells as he notices you and starts moving like a worm in his father's arms. He puts him down and Megumi runs towards you. "I MISSED YOU Y/N" you take him into your arms too. "I missed you too 'Gumi" you say, caressing his cheek with your finger. It's impossible for Toji not to remember how things were before you divorced. You three living together, as the picture-perfect family you see in advertisements. While he misses you, he divorced you for a reason, and this reason prevents him from getting back together with you.
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
Hihi! I just wanted to say how you are responsible for the reignition of my love for Izuku!!! I love your work and the fact that you reblog all these other amazing works! Do you have any other Izuku recs? And which Izuku fic is your fave?
(Sorry for being MIA, work is kicking my ass lately)
HELLO, I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF 👀 and ofc !!! so many ppl write amazing fic and deserve to be hyped up, i have quite a big following and i try to use it wisely 🥰 u can find my fic recs in my masterlist, it's rarely updated but there are still some izu stuff. otherwise there's my #˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥flora-loves where u can find stuff i reblogged but my fav izu fic ever was written by @hopeluna they're amazing really
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
੭ु⁾💌 ex!husband toji x reader : megumi's shared custody
୭ A/N : this is not the toji fic I've been bothering yall about for days, just a little idea I had to write when I woke up ! inspired by @mari-the-bimbo
୭ synopsis : you and your ex-husband Toji have joint custody of baby Megumi and your divorce with him is put to a test when he brings him to your house😍
୭ before you read : Megumi is 4 years old in this, also this could become a series so don't hesitate to send your ideas through asks !
୭ warnings : implied nsfw
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You heard your doorbell from the kitchen ringing quite insistently . You knew it was the day your stepson Megumi was supposed to come live with you for a week. That also meant your ex-husband Toji would be there, much to your dismay. You walked towards the door, already exasperated and opened it with a sigh.
"Hello Mrs. Zenin", you brought your gaze upwards to meet the eyes of your ex-husband who was smirking as he looked at you from head to toes in an inappropriate manner, fit to his character.
"Stop calling me that Toji, we are divorced" you curtly said before stepping aside to let him in, and closing the door behind him. "Where is Megumi ?" you asked, seeing his son was not there. "He's in the car don't worry. I just wanted to have some time alone with you, if you-" he begins with his annoyingly perfect grin. "TOJI FOR GOD'S SAKE WE ARE DIVORCED CAN YOU STOP THINKING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH ME ALL THE TIME ?!!" you shouted, he did this every time, and you had enough, or so you thought.
"Do you want to drink something- no dirty jokes Toji" you scolded as you saw his sneer again, causing his grin to widen. "A coffee would be lovely princess, thank you", his smile, his godforsaken smile and the nickname made your stomach flutter and you hated it. Not a word was uttered as you made the coffee and poured it into a cup, handing it to him. Your face got closer to his as you leant forward. Toji jumped on the occasion to wrap your right cheek in his hand and turning your visage so that you were facing him. Your eyes instantly met his and you did not know how long you two drowned in each other's irises, but you could see it was longer than normal. The eye contact was broken when your ex-husband brought his lips to yours in a - let's face it- long awaited kiss. You wrapped your hands behind his neck and climbed onto his lap. He was quick to wrap his own arms around your waist, your chests now touching. He wanted more of you, you were intoxicating him. Toji bit your bottom lip slightly - not enough to hurt you - entailing a gasp to escape your mouth. He took advantage of the moment to put his tongue against yours and you two made out until you were out of breath.
Caught in the moment, you failed to notice Megumi, standing there a smirk on his face, very much like his father's. You quickly climbed off of Toji's lap and ran to him, hugging him. "Megumi, how long have you been standing there ?" you asked, with a blush on your face caused by the embarrassment. "About 15 minutes, it was hot in the car and Dad was taking forever" he replied, walking towards the stool to take a seat in the kitchen beside his dad. You turned towards Toji and looked at him wide-eyed, his child saw you make out and he did not care. "Ha yes, I see" you replied with a light chuckle to hide your embarrassment. "Are you and Dad back together ?" Megumi inquired smiling like the little angel he is, he seemed almost excited - given his tone - at the idea. "No", "Not yet" you and his dad replied at the same time. You could not help but smile at Toji's answer, you still loved him but refused to admit it.
Toji had dinner with the two of you as Megumi demanded a moment with you three together. It was like the old times, and you and Toji could not take your eyes off of each other. After the meal, you escorted your ex husband to the door. You had cramps in your cheeks from smiling since he walked through the door. "Thank you for the meal princess, I'll see you soon" Toji says before kissing your forehead. Needless to say, you have been thinking about him all night - and so did he.
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
2K notes · View notes
izukuisbaby · 2 years
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m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
℘. flora's notes : Sorry I got carried away and it's very long-
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℘. it would take him forever to admit he caught feelings for you. it would take a toll on his ego and heartless reputation, you know
℘. if only it were just simple feelings... he was in love with you. he found himself thinking about you first thing in the morning, last thing at night
℘. he thinks you look breathtaking no matter what you wear and reminisces about how beautiful you are all day long, but in his head (reputation 😍)
℘. smiles like an idiot just at the thought of you. everyone notices but he says "I'm feeling ecstatic because of how hot I look today ! ", hum hum sure gojo
℘. canonically an attention whore, he will do everything in his power to get your attention. if he scratches himself he'll fake cry to you about how much it hurts so you put a plaster on it and kiss his "wound"
℘. dramatically enters your shared apartment "Y/N IM TIIIIRED I NEED CUDDLES" and throws himself on your shared bed, nearly breaking your legs with his weight, wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek and lips
℘. always greets you theatrically like "Y/N, MY LOVE, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE WITHOUT YOU. COME HUG MEEEEEE !!!" *grabby hands motion*
℘. moves in his sleep. he's either practically sleeping on top of you, crushing you with his weight lying like a starfish or sleeping backwards and puts his feet in your face
℘. and when you confront him about it he says it's his unconscious way of giving you attention...
℘. when you're in public, his favorite thing is to hold pinky fingers because he saw it on tik tok and thinks it's adorable
℘. you're his princess and he spoils you. he's rich, he doesn't care about his money being spent since more come into his bank account anyways
℘. he has a personal driver so you can go everywhere safely and a personal shopper who gets you the latest most expensive designer clothes
℘. gojo either dresses like a mafia boss or an old money boy no inbetween and his favorite style on you is anything that looks like a rich business woman or a modern era princess
℘. also loves to buy you plushies and see you hug them, if they are big enough he puts one of his shirts on them so when he spoons you, you still have a part of him to hug
℘. he was planning on letting you choose the entire decoration of your shared apartment but as it turns out, he begged for HOURS to put light blue paint in all the rooms
℘. which you said no to, obviously he wanted blue because of his eyes THE EGO. And then he proceeded on asking if you could hang a portrait of him in the entrance
℘. but if there's something gojo loves more than himself, it's you, so he hanged his favorite picture of the two of you in a 40"x 60" canvas instead of just his face
℘. adores movie nights with you. he will make you watch his entire collection of dvds and make fun of you when you never heard of one of his favorites : "WHAAAAT YOU NEVER HEARD OF THE HUNGER GAMES?????? NO Y/N WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME"
℘. during the viewing, he enjoys having you in his lap so he can hug you like a teddy bear. unfortunately, your ear is dangerously close to his mouth and gojo never stops talking, including all the while movie nights
part 2
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
Can I request gojo trying to help y/n while shes sick? Like shes actually so helpless and vulnerable it makes his heart drop seeing her pant for air, taking tylenols for her headache, seeing how sweaty she is. And worst of all she can't get up without feeling extremely nauseous :(
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℘. flora's notes : thanks for your request anon I fell even more in love with our favorite daddy gojo😫
℘. infos : female reader
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"Y/N I'M HOOOOME" you hear your boyfriend, Satoru, yell from afar. You felt so drained. Whichever virus you caught probably wanted to kill you because you were having a mix of the worst symptoms of all existing diseases. As you felt the stomp of Gojo's footsteps getting closer to your shared bedroom, you went into the umpteenth coughing fit of the day, the pain in your throat amplifying. "Awww you're sick, mf I told you to bring a jacket" Satoru says in a teasing tone, at the sight of your figure curled up under the duvet, barely able to focus on the show displayed on your flat screen. He noticed your unusual silence and dull gaze, one that is normally as bright as the stars.
"You look like a tiny little munchkin I wanna kiss you EVERYWHERE !!!" He proceeds to spread kisses all over your face to cheer you up, causing you to giggle. "I'll take care of you princess okay, I'm the strongest after all what can't I do, right?" he says pulling down his glasses to wink at you while smirking. "Come on pretty, let's go to the kitchen I'll make you some food" He motioned for you to stand up. Pushing the blanket away, you sat up and felt a horrendous headache hit you all of a sudden. Although, it quickly faded and you managed to stand up.
After just a mere second on your feet, the headache came back but this time an awful nausea overwhelmed you as well. Hearing you grown, Gojo picked you up bridal style. "Shh baby, I'll sit you down on the couch okay. Don't you dare move once I put you there." he says caressing your cheek and kissing your forehead.
"Here you go, princess" he says as he layed your body down on the couch. He then gently wrapped you in a blanket and gave you your favorite plushie to cuddle. "You have to eat something, what would you like ?", you noticed how soft and calming his voice sounded, you wondered if he was making an effort to not talk too loud in order to not worsen your headache. You mumbled a "ramen, please", he smiled at you, switched the TV on and handed you the remote before leaving to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, he came back with your favorite ramen and some coke : "I read somewhere on Google that coke helps with nauseas". Truth is, his mom gave him some when he was sick and it used to make him feel better. He hated seeing you in pain and not being able to help. He always feels the strong desire to protect you and he could not help but experience guilt as he saw your tired figure, barely able to move, on the couch.
"Here is your ramen princess" he saw you move out of the blanket and instantly panicked "NO NO Y/N PLEASE DON'T MOVE YOU'LL BE COLD, I'll feed you", you felt him gently maneuver your body so that he could position himself behind you. Your back pressed against his chest, he brought the spoon close to your mouth until you finish the plate. "You look tired love. Rest a little I'm not going anywhere I promise" he kissed your forehead again and caresses your head to soothe you to sleep. The warmth of his embrace and the tenderness of his pats were quick to make you fall asleep.
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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