#'he's practically their uncle- sweetheart he LIKES watching 'em. it's fine! it's really fine!'
snuggleboots · 11 months
Akatsuki parents? Akatsuki parents.
because I like shoehorning my experiences into my ninja bullshit. Hope y'all enjoy my rambling. : )
Feat. Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame, Itachi.
Hidan ends up a girl-dad, and a proud one at that, given your daughter is a complete fucking gremlin, just like him. An aggressive toddler that looks like a tiny little sweetheart, with chubby cheeks, gorgeous violet eyes framed by the prettiest eyelashes you'd ever seen, and hair that looks like a carbon copy of your own. Her little smiles are a mixed bag, and you never know whether to expect cute baby affection or chaos that no toddler her size should realistically be capable of bringing into existence.
Nobody expects it when she toddles on up, all tiny, squishy hands and 'awwww, hug?'s, only to turn on a dime and start biting, smacking, or pinching- all while wearing a huge grin that she must have inherited from her dad, or giggling like a squeaky hinge. Babysitters do not last, Hidan finds absolutely nothing more hilarious than seeing another one leave haggard and never pick up jobs from either of you again.
She's a natural climber, knows no fear, and loves nothing more than climbing up onto the back of the couch and waiting. 'Oh no, 'M stuck!' is a goddamn trap. It took a couple pint-sized ambushes, wherein she lunges, catches some serious air, and rams into you or Hidan at full force to learn that lesson. Your natural state becomes STRESSED. Hidan, on the other hand? Constantly entertained. That little girl can do literally no wrong, because, shit, she's just emulating her dad, obviously.
If it's possible for a toddler to be sarcastic, she is, and it's only ever when she's using her manners. One tiny little eyebrow cocked, a crooked smile and cooed, 'Oh, nooo. So-orry!' Hidan has literally cried from laughing so hard, until she turned it on him. One big, angry bitemark on his forearm later, and those tittering giggles and 'Uh-oh, you o'tay? Uh-oh!' felt just a little more irritating than when they were directed towards you. He's even less impressed when you're laughing right alongside your little devil-child.
Older kids tried, once, to pick on the little girl who laughed too loud and played too hard. Unfortunately for them, she's always had a set of lungs and knew damn well how to use them. One blood-chilling shriek- not because she's hurt, but because she knew he'd hear, and haha, there's dad. Big, fat crocodile tears, a quivering pout and squeaky, 'Oh, no!' and it was game on.
Hidan doesn't give a fuck how old a snot-nosed shithead might be, his bullying is indiscriminate and he's had far longer to refine his insults than they have. She's rarely bullied, because word spreads and it's hard for a kid to bounce back from such heated and targeted shit-talk, even harder to bounce back when they watch some whooping, laughing maniac beat the shit out of their dad for trying to step in. You were only slightly surprised, and a little concerned when your little gremlin laughed and squealed over the playground dad on dad beatdown.
Deidara drops by from time to time, and he seems to have as much fun wrangling your tiny little hellion as Hidan does. He doesn't mind the fact that she can be aggressively playful, and takes absolute delight in the way her eyes go wide and shine with awe when he shows off his art. She's fascinated by his hair, and you find some remarkable moments of quiet and peace when she's perched on the couch with him on the floor, her chubby fingers toying with and carding through the golden mane that's somehow smoother and shinier than silk. If he minds the fact that she essentially pets him like a cat, he certainly doesn't mention it. 'Awww! So sof', so sof'.' Between Deidara and Hidan's high energy capacity for mischief, his visits always end up with your daughter properly knackered, and mercifully tame for the rest of the day.
Kakuzu didn't want kids the same way a dad doesn't want the dog his kids inevitably end up bringing home. You two ended up with a daughter, and at some point, somehow, someway, he became begrudgingly attached and takes over everything surrounding that little baby. Maybe it was the fact that when he looks into her eyes, he sees a soft, sweet mirror of his own, moss-green eyes that haven't yet seen the horrors of the world and the awful things that wait within it. Either way, the most miniscule part of him that can still feel love does, and every ounce of it belongs to her. You have your share, but you know that his daughter put the moon and the stars in his sky again.
Your full-time job becomes raising her, the little lady that sees the world with his eyes and speaks remarkably well for a tiny toddler her age. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that he'd trust some random to watch over his girl. You're just lucky that she's an honest delight to raise, although that might be your own bias talking. Kakuzu does a lot of reading with her, and it's almost comical to see a man like him drawling and grumbling through a ten-paged book about a little pig's wild adventures in kindness.
When Kakuzu's balancing books in the evening and she can't sleep, she always seems to find her way to the kitchen table where the old bounty hunter is pouring over expenses and budgets. Tiny fingers count on an abacus while he counts stacks of green, and when he loses count because she's quietly chatting away to the walls and the table and his ears when they listen, he can't even find it in himself to be upset. Not when those pretty eyes turn their gaze to him and she bids her sweet 'uh oh, sorry papa'. For all his power, he can be weak in those moments that make his heart just a little happier.
Innocent, and unacquainted with the temper that almost defines him as a man, she isn't afraid of him, she isn't afraid of him, she isn't afraid of him. Never had she, nor will she ever bear witness to the ugly, vicious face of his short-fuse and hellfire wrath.
That sweet little girl is spoiled, and that's only because she never seems to ask for anything herself. So polite, for one so small. When little green eyes sparkle because they fell upon a pretty dress, a toy, a book that has her oohing and ahhing, a little cup that has a straw 'oh, wow!' and a cute little pig printed on the plastic 'ohh! a piggy! haha, oink oink!' - who is he to turn his head and leave it at that?
She could ask for the moon, and it would be all he could do to bid a slow, pensive nod and murmured assurance, 'It only sits in the sky for you.'
Hidan is a frequent and uninvited visitor, and while normally you'd find that to be cause for concern it's quickly proven pointless to worry given the fact that if Kakuzu isn't grouching him under control, your daughter has a hilarious talent for putting him in his place. Seeing the zealot sat on your couch, being prodded and chided by a girl less than half his size is certainly a sight to behold; hearing her tut and chastise him in a way she must have learned from her dad for putting his feet on the coffee table, shoes on the couch, or his drink on the side table without a coaster is absolutely hysterical. 'Stains are 'spensive! Feet down!'
Kakuzu's sweet little mini-me: breathes
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Kisame takes on the dad role like he was born for it, after a small period of adjustment. You two end up having a boy and a girl, and he's practically putty in their little hands. Your boy is huge, had been since he was a baby - which is natural, Hoshigaki kids are just... big, generally. Your girl caught both of you off guard, only because she's so tiny. The sibling dynamic is chaos, but a warm one that always seems to leave Kisame cackling or grinning over something ridiculous those two end up getting into.
Your boy is like a walking clone of his dad, and even as a little boy he's already standing as tall as your ribs. Slate-blue hair as soft as cornsilk, teeth that make you grateful he was never a biter, and little gills bracketing his throat. Soft-spoken, a little shy outside of his parents, and constantly looking to wrestle and play. If you're doing something, he's a guaranteed little helper - he likes to help with cooking when you let him. If his baby sister is getting into trouble, he's either helping her do it to make sure she's safe, or he's the one carrying a kicking, griping toddler to one of you two to handle. Yeah, he's a bit of a narc- but it's always for a good cause. He's a fretful big brother.
Your girl is probably the most precious little baby you'd ever met, and Kisame is quite literally helpless against her doe-eyes and deceptively sweet, cheery little voice. Where her brother is quiet, she is loud; where he's happier to follow the rules and keep out of trouble, she's a born rule-breaker that finds boundaries just to test them. When you stumble upon her in the midst of some suspiciously quiet, pint-sized anarchy, she always manages to look surprised that you ever caught her in the first place. She looks like you, if you were knee-height and sporting tiny little daggers for teeth and gills on your cheekbones. Kisame blames you entirely for her gremlin personality.
Kisame does not discipline unless he needs to, because he feels awful when big, sweet baby eyes look at him with complete betrayal that he dared to tell them no, or stop them from pulling off some kind of crazy baby scheme that would make your hair grey from stress. Quivering pouts or teary eyes and he's gotta tap out.
Babysitters adore your kids when they behave, but Kisame vets any you hire thoroughly because he's more than a little protective of his babes. It's like they're each a half of his heart living outside his body and he honestly struggles to manage the overwhelming love and affection they pump into his veins every day. He could, and gladly would break fingers over something as minute as hurt feelings.
You hold the sole rights to discipline outside the house, too. If either of your ankle-biters act out their mischief in public, and someone tries to step up and throw in their two cents, Kisame's massive silhouette and mean, sawtooth grin are very effective deterrents.
Itachi is a semi-frequent visitor, and both of your children love him fiercely. You're half-convinced that he has some kind of Uchiha magnetism, given the fact that he'd won over not one, but three Hoshigaki by the sheer power of his quiet, soothing presence. Kisame takes great amusement in watching your little lady climb all over the poor man, and your son sidle up beside him with his favourite book to chat his ear off about the adventures that lay within it. Itachi, to his credit, never ever seems to mind the undivided attention of the lively gilled babes.
Kisame, and his pint-sized sidekick: getting into Hoshigaki-brand bullshit
You, with your sweet little chore buddy: > : ( no- one hundred times, no!
Kisame, and his tiny co-maker of mayhem: betrayed, bamboozled, and somehow? positively shocked that you found out
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Itachi slips seamlessly into a domestic role, despite how long he'd been absent from one. Childrearing almost seems like his god-given purpose in life once he actually sets himself to it, and the second you two brought home your cooing, burbling baby it was on. He's happy, grateful to stay home and take care of your son, tend to the home and make your transition back to work as smooth of a process as possible.
It's an all-too common scene to come home and find the Uchiha at task in the kitchen, tending to a meal simmering on the stove while your squishy, pudgy-cheeked and sleepy eyed boy perched on his hip with a tenderness that makes your heart hurt. Even as a clumsy little toddler, he's never found very far from his dad. If Itachi is cleaning, there's his little mini-me, trying to help and earning gentle encouragement and a soft, fond smile for his efforts.
Honestly, your little guy is the most well-mannered, well-adjusted, well-spoken toddler you've ever met. He genuinely likes to help, to the point that it sometimes becomes a problem because he's very determined when there's any little problem set out in front of him. At the park, playing with other little babes, he's more concerned with making sure everyone's playing fair and playing safe than he is about actually having any fun himself. He's a bit of a worrywart for someone his age, and half the time it feels like he's the self-appointed tiny guardian of his friend group. Someone trips and skins a knee? 'Are you okay? We can sit down for a little. It's okay.' A born father, is your Itachi.
Who, for a man so reserved and soft-spoken, is hellbent on making sure his son has the most peaceful, memorable childhood he can possibly offer. Not a day is wasted in your household, even a lazy day is an opportunity to make memories and spend some honest, quality time with the people he loves most. You three can cook meals together, with your boy set to work at taste-testing and mixing ingredients under the quiet, watchful eye of his dad. He never wants for encouragement, love, affection, or little things that catch his eye; it would be wrong to call him spoiled, because he isn't, but there is little he wants that he doesn't receive.
Your secondary job is bullying Itachi into taking a day to relax and unwind, because although your son is essentially the perfect child, it's still a lot of work to raise him. Even when you're the primary parent on those days off, he's never far away, and always finding sneaky ways to slip back into dad-mode rather than actually relax. Half the time it takes you putting your son on the job of wrangling his dad just to make the man sit down, crack open a book and let himself just be. That typically entails your little boy gently chiding his father in a way you're certain he learned from the Uchiha himself- and god, it makes your heart melt. 'No, no. Gotta have your tea, it's gonna get cold', 'Sit, sit, sit. Sometimes we need to sit, papa. Gotta rest!'
Kisame loves to visit, he makes that fact no secret. For a man so massive, so intimidating, he handles your boy like glass- as if he's afraid a little rough play might break him. And your son, always as sweet as he is smart, adores the company. His questions know no limits, and he's a clever little babe about getting answers without actually asking questions. 'Can we go swimming? You must swim fast- can you swim under water? I can hold my breath longer than you can.' You once got to watch the boy perched at the end of a dock for half an hour, holding a staring contest with the swordsman who'd been stubbornly sat at the bottom of the lake's shallows for at least half an hour. That thoroughly entertained grin on the swordsman's face when he flared his gills told you he knew what exactly your boy was so curious about when he'd challenged him in the first place.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: pure fluff and a happy ending as promised :)
A/N: the final chapter 😭❤️ see my full note at the end
Chapter 37
“What’s your location? Over,” the walkie talkie on the kitchen counter crackled.
“Dino chicken nuggets are coming out of the oven as we speak. Over,” you replied back.
“Roger that. Over and out,” Jo stated and the walkie talkie went back to static.
Spencer got them as a gift for her and she would constantly have one with her, giving the other to someone before leaving the room so they could talk through it.
You headed out to the back porch and down the steps into the yard with a big plate of nuggets and dipping sauces as well as some juice boxes and applesauce for the twins.
“Coast is clear. Do you copy? Over,” you spoke into the walkie talkie.
“Affirmative. Bring ‘em up,” Jo exited the main part of the treehouse and you saw her on its little porch.
Spencer had built her a little pulley system with a basket and rope so she could lower or raise items up into the treehouse instead of carrying them up the ladder.
You placed the food and drinks inside and then made your way up the wooden ladder.
“Thank you, Mommy,” Jo smiled as she bit into a nugget.
“No problem, Cadet Jo,” you ruffled her hair up a little as she giggled.
You ducked to get through the door of the treehouse and sat down on a cushion on the floor next to Spencer who had both the twins in his lap.
“What are we watching?” you asked as you clipped the twins’ bibs on.
“Cars!” Jo cheered.
“I wanted to watch a subtitled Russian film but I was ‘boo’ed when I made that suggestion,” Spencer grinned as he grabbed the spoon to start feeding the babies.
“Hm I wonder why,” you teased.
Once Jo got the movie playing on the laptop, she took a seat in your lap with the plate of nuggets and took turns eating one, then handing one to you, then Spencer.
Once all the kids were fast asleep in your laps and the credits were rolling, you turned to Spencer.
“You and Derek really did a good job building this treehouse, love,” you complimented him.
“Anything for my family,” he smiled, then leaned over to kiss you.
It was the morning of Jo’s 8th birthday party. You wanted to make it extra special in light of what happened at her 7th birthday party.
Spencer kept reminding you that it wasn’t your fault a psychopath shot you and sent you to the hospital but you just wanted to give Jo the party she deserves.
You rented a bouncy house and an inflatable water slide. Spencer was doing a magic show and Penelope was doing face paintings. You baked a huge stegosaurus-shaped cake from scratch. No kid would be bored and Jo would have an amazing time.
You settled for having it in your backyard instead of the park now that you had plenty of room. The whole team came over earlier to help set up.
Penelope got all her paints organized on the porch table as Spencer set up his mini stage for the performance. Hotch and Derek filled the slide with water while you and Emily carefully brought the massive cake to the table outside.
Jo came running outside already in her swimsuit, eager to get the first splash in the water slide.
“You have to come with me, Uncle Derek,” she insisted.
“Jo, I don’t have my swimsuit on,” he replied.
“You’re in athletic shorts. They’ll dry quick,” Savannah, his girlfriend, yelled from where she was setting up the food table.
Derek looked to Hotch to help him out. Hotch pointed back to Jo who was giving him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine,” he groaned, taking off his shirt which elicited a holler from Penelope.
Jo made her way up the steps with Derek right behind her.
Jo sat down in Derek’s lap and then turned around to face him.
“Okay, ready?” she asked him.
Derek nodded and then pushed off, sending them both down the slippery slide.
“Weee!” Jo exclaimed as they slid down.
“Again,” she demanded, “Where’s Daddy?”
“He went to put his swimsuit on, Baby J, so he can go with you,” you told her as you set Ollie down next to Ophelia in the playpen outside.
“Coming, Princess!” Spencer ran outside and scooped the little girl up in his arms as he trekked up the steps.
“How about we go down like a penguin this time?” he suggested.
Jo nodded enthusiastically as Spencer got onto his belly and Jo laid on top of him and wrapped her hands around his neck.
“1…2…3!” Spencer pushed off and they raced down the slide again, Jo giggling the whole time.
“Again!” Jo said.
“I think we are going to have to buy one of these, love,” Spencer called over to you, laughing and running up the stairs right behind Jo again.
“Please welcome my lovely assistant to the stage,” Spencer spoke in his magician tuxedo.
You waved as the audience clapped. You were wearing a sparkly red sequin dress to compliment Spencer’s bow tie.
“I am going to make my assistant…disappear,” he stated.
The kids in the audience gasped.
Spencer took your hand and guided you to the big black box in the center of the stage.
“Just like we practiced,” he whispered to you as you stepped inside.
You winked and he kissed your hand as he let go and closed the door.
Spencer knocked on the door a few times and wiggled his hands for some showmanship.
“Okay, on the count of 3. We’re all going to yell ‘Abracadabra’,” Spencer explained, “1…2…3!”
“Abracadabra!” all the kids yelled.
Spencer set off a small smoke bomb and quickly opened the door, revealing an empty box.
The kids all screamed in wonder.
“Bring Mommy back!” Jo yelled.
You had to stifle your laughter from behind the fake wall in the box you were hiding behind.
“Your wish is my command, Princess,” Spencer closed the door again.
“To reverse the spell, we need to say the exact same word,” Spencer stated.
“Abracadabra!” the kids yelled once again.
This time, you opened the door and the kids clapped enthusiastically.
“For this next trick, I need a volunteer from the audience,” Spencer smiled.
All the kids’ hands shot up in the air.
“I’m going to have to go with the wonderful birthday girl right in the front row,” you took Jo’s hand and escorted her up onto the stage.
“Jo, I need you to pick a card, any card. Show the audience but not me,” Spencer fanned the cards out in his hands and closed his eyes.
Jo picked the ace of hearts and showed the audience.
“Now, put it back in the pile,” he said.
“Alright,” Spencer opened his eyes and began to shuffle the cards, “Is this your card?” he asked, holding the eight of spades.
“No, Daddy. Try again,” Jo said.
“Is this it?” he questioned, holding the queen of diamonds.
“No, Daddy.”
“Oh,” Spencer smacked his forehead, “I know where I put it,” he pulled off his top hat.
Spencer then proceeded to pull a bouquet of flowers, an endless handkerchief, a rubber chicken, and many other silly things out of his hat that had the kids in tears from laughing.
Finally, he pulled out the ace of hearts, “Is this your card, Princess?”
“Yes, Daddy!” she beamed, hugging him.
Jo’s birthday was a complete success. She was completely worn out by the end of it and slept in late the next morning.
But when she did finally wake, she was eager to try out her gift that you and Spencer had gotten her: a big kid bike with no training wheels. It was purple which was her favorite color with a white basket on the front and a little bell on the handlebars.
You and Spencer were going to teach her how to ride it today. She padded up with some knee pads and elbow pads and her helmet.
You had the twins in their double stroller with mini bucket hats on to protect them from the sun.
“Okay, Jo. Me and Daddy will run with you for a little but then we’re going to let go but you’re going to keep pedaling,” you explained to her.
“I’m scared,” she replied, looking at the street in front of her.
You were practicing in the street in front of your house because it wasn’t very busy and it was flat. Plus, you could leave the twins in the stroller in the driveway.
“It’s okay, Baby J. You’ve got all your padding on so even if you fall, it won’t hurt at all, I promise,” you assured her.
“I believe in you, Princess,” Spencer kissed her helmet-covered head.
“I’m ready,” she nodded, moving her feet to the pedals.
“That’s my girl,” you smiled.
You and Spencer began to jog alongside her as she pedaled.
Spencer looked at you, “Okay, Princess. We’re letting go.”
You and Spencer both removed your hands from her bike and she continued to speed forward.
“Yes, Jo! You’re doing it! ” you encouraged her.
“Princess, can you turn around and come back to me and Mommy?” Spencer asked.
Jo carefully steered her bike and headed back to you both with a massive smile on her face. You and Spencer were loudly cheering her on.
“Okay, try to brake,” you said.
Jo slowly came to a stop right in between you both.
“You’re a pro!” you grinned as you both knelt down to hug her.
Jo had been biking for the past hour and she was still having a blast.
You and Spencer were laying in the front yard with the twins in your laps.
“Mommy, Daddy! Look!” Jo exclaimed as she did donuts on the bike.
“We’re looking, Baby J,” you laughed, “Great job!”
You leaned your head on Spencer’s shoulder.
“Y/N…” Spencer began.
“Yes, Spence?”
“Thank you,” he replied.
“For what?” you looked up at him.
“All this,” he motioned to Jo, the twins, the house, the yard, the chalk drawings on the driveway, the rocking chairs on the front porch, the doormat that said ‘The Reids’, everything he ever dreamed of, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you kissed him, “I’d give you the world if I could.”
“You already have,” he smiled.
A/N: thank you everyone so so so much for reading, commenting, reblogging, etc.! i love you all so much. i’m probably going to miss this too much and do one-shots of this series in the future. also, this series hit 14,000 on ao3! that’s crazy that that many people read my work. thank you, just thank you! -dory <3
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat
series taglist: @doctorreiding @reidsfish
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
Hello sweetie. May I have 7) “I dreamt about you last night.”, 14) “Can I have this dance?”, “I couldn’t live without you.” and “I’m yours, in every way possible.” with Sonny Carisi (I'm heads over heels for that man) with female reader, please. Thanks :) - @reading--mermaid
for @reading--mermaid. sonny carisi x female!reader.
word count: 2240
rating: e for everyone, because a wedding brings everyone together, for better or for worse, but in this case definitely for the better (pretty much fluff! tw: mentions of alcohol.) 
For the moment, you remember why you wish you could be an only child.
“You’re bringing your boyfriend. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.”
“You know, when I dreamt about you last night, I completely forgot about the part where you’re absolutely insane,” you comment mildly. Your hand reaches for your glass, and Jane just sighs. “Guess it just slipped my mind.”
“Uh-huh. So he’s coming, then?”
Your sister is glaring at you from across the table, but you don’t look at her, focusing instead on the brunch menu.
“Seems like I might try the scallops today,” you hum, and she just rolls her eyes.
“You’re allergic to seafood, dumbass, and you’re bringing your boyfriend.”
“No, I’m not, Jane.” Your voice is firm, and when she narrows her eyes at you, it’s your turn to give the dramatic roll. “Look. I don’t want to bring him. Barb’s my friend, and I love her, and I’m excited for her, but that wedding is going to be shitshow. The last thing I want is to scare him off because dear old Uncle Phil decides to get too rowdy and Aunt Julia decides to drink two bottles of wine instead of one at the reception.”
“That’s just how weddings work,” Jane counters, and when you open your mouth again to argue, she raises her hand. “It’s a shitshow, but it’s sweet. You’re a bridesmaid, sweetheart. And unless you want one of the bridal party trying to flirt with you all night, your boyfriend is the perfect protection. Plus, I want to meet him!”
With a sigh, you lift up your hand to tie your hair back, your scrunchie forcing the mess into a bun. “You’ve met him,” you say, with no lack of petulance, but Jane just sighs.
“Once. For like, ten minutes, in passing. You’re both always busy, and not only that, but I know Mom and Dad wouldn’t mind meeting the guy that you’re basically swooning over every time you talk to them on the phone. How long’s it been that you’ve been gushing about him? A year?”  
That makes your brows raise, and Jane can surely see them even over the menu. “They’re coming, then? For sure?”
“For sure. Uncle Phil paid for their flight. Said he wanted the whole family there, and that means every brother they can manage.” There’s a moment of silence as Jane glances around. The waiter still hasn’t come for your order, and so she busies herself with a drink of water before speaking again, letting you ruminate on the fact. “Just. Think about it. Please? For me?”
So, you do. You think. And while the prospect of Sonny meeting your… eclectic family is terrifying; you can’t help but think that he’s… well. He’s Sonny. And when you think about him meeting your parents, finally…
With a sigh, you put down the menu, interlock your fingers, and when you look up, your sister is flashing her puppy eyes at you.
“Fine. Fine! I’ll ask. And if he’s not busy, which he always is, I’ll bring him,” you relent, just to get her to stop looking at you like that. There are practically tears in her eyes. Immediately she breaks out into a grin, a little cackle added on. “But you owe me the name of your firstborn. I don’t care what David says, sister’s honor.”
“No shit,” Jane returns. You shake on it, making you chuckle. “Easiest deal I’ve ever made.”
Sonny says yes. Immediately. No hesitation. It’s a testament to how fantastic he is that when you bring it up over takeout that night, he seems absolutely delighted at the prospect.
Of course, you try to warn him.
“You might not be available the day of,” you point out.
His response is easy as he takes off his jacket, drapes it over the back of your couch. “If you give me the date, I’ll take time off right now. Liv’ll be fine with it, you know that.”
“My parents will be there,” you warn, and while the moment gives him pause, he ends it with a smile.
Good. Good. To meeting the parents? You want to poke him, see if he’s an alien or something, but he’s still smiling and all you really can do is kiss him for it.
“You know, all of my family is a pain in the ass,” you state bluntly, a last ditch effort. He snorts, and you reach to stab him with your plastic fork, the takeout he brought home not yet opened up and dug into. “I’m serious! It’ll be a mess, okay, and if I can spare you that –“
He just chuckles, reaching to pull you into his embrace. You melt into it – by this point his button down is off, leaving just his undershirt. He smells like home, and you can’t help but sink into the feeling. “Sweetheart, that’s family. Trust me, all right? You’ve met my sisters, you’ve met my parents. It’s about time that I return the favor.”
When he kisses your temple, you’re realizing with a twist of your lips that he’s unfortunately pretty damn great.
“You know, you won’t be able to really talk to me until the first dances,” you tell him, just for shits and giggles, and that earns you another kiss, this one on your cheek, your neck, your jaw, behind your ear.
“But I’ll be able to see you.”
So, it’s done. The car is rented, the hotel is booked, and when the weekend of comes around, and the two of you hop into your car and make the three-hour ride up.
Of course, the wedding is about as much of a pain as you expected it to be.
It should be noted that you love being there for your cousin, and she looks absolutely stunning her gown. It’s not the gown, or your own dress (which is plain and deep burgundy, styled perfectly with a matching lip). It’s not the ceremony, which makes you tear up, as her and her wife seal the deal with a kiss that you hoot and holler at. It’s not the food or the drinks or the venue or anything else that came together for Barb’s perfect day.
It’s the family.
Aunt Julia goes just as hard as you expect her to. Uncle Phil’s jokes are crude, but… inevitably get a laugh from one side of the family or the other. Your nieces are chaos incarnate, and half your time as bridesmaid is spent wrangling the dog that was made the ring bearer, your bathrobe getting caught on every doorhandle in the place. By the time the reception comes around, you’re exhausted and close to tipping over, navigating the intricacies of a big family with poise and grace you’re sure God probably gave you just for that day or something.
It’s a mess.
It’s your mess.
And Sonny, that day? Well. Sonny… is Sonny.
Sonny helps you catch the dog the first time it escapes (and the second time, and the third time). Sonny, due to some last-minute stomach bug, ends up helping out as usher, and makes every single family member he escorts to their row and aisle and seat smile. Sonny, at his place at the table where your parents sit, spends the whole night chatting them up, and you and your sister at the table with the bride and groom, can only watch from a distance.
“He’s crushing it,” Jane tells you. David’s sitting there, too, and he’s also enraptured with your boyfriend. The weariness of the day starts to wear off, and now that the pictures are done the drink in front of you is white wine and your belly is full. “Don’t look now, but I think Dad’s writing the invitations for Thanksgiving.”
There’s a pride that fills you, then. It’s been coming the whole day, but in that moment, you feel like you’re about to burst. You’re grinning, and when he glances over to where you are, well.
“You know what? Let him,” you say, and your eyes don’t leave Sonny as he winks and goes back to his story. “He really is crushing it.”
Soon the meal is done. There’s cake, and laughter, and you watch as Barb shoves her piece into Meredith’s face with unbridled glee. At that point you look around for your boyfriend, but he’s nowhere to be found. Neither are your parents for that matter, and you’re sliding out of your heels so you can troll around, eating cake, looking around for them.
Eventually, though, they come back. It’s in the middle of the first dance when you feel the familiar presence behind you, and his hands move to wrap around your waist as you watch the brides sway together, the rest of their lives ahead of them.
“Just in time,” you tease. “I thought I’d have to go solo out there.”
He turns you, so your vision of the brides is now full of him. You haven’t got to linger on it yet, but right here and now, he looks stunning. While the men in the bridal parties have black suits, Sonny’s is a beautiful navy, with a pocket square that matches the color of your dress (you’re almost ninety percent sure it’s from that lawyer he knows, but you don’t bring it up, kind of hoping he’ll keep the full ensemble). “And keep the world from seeing my awesome dance moves? No way.”
You giggle. The wine, the meal, the end of the day approaching. You’re loose, and he’s smiling, which makes you grin. “Saw you dodging the chocolatey fingers of my nieces and baby cousins,” you point out, and his eyes widen for a second before he glances around, peeks over your shoulder.
“Yeah, just, uh, don’t tell ‘em where I am. I think it’s part of their game to see who gets the most fingerprints on me by the end of the night.”
The DJ announces the end of the first dance, welcoming the bridal parties onto the floor. Sonny lights up at this, and offers his hand to you. “Can I have this dance, beautiful?”
Your smile softens, just a tad. “I thought you’d never ask.”
The music is slow, but not glacial, and Sonny starts it off by holding you proper. Soon enough, though, you’re moving into each other, and your head is resting on his shoulder, the slow sway of the brides what you’re mimicking. It’s gentle, and sweet, and for the moment you allow yourself to close your eyes.
Everything else slips away. All that’s left is the music and Sonny against you. Your dress brushes against your feet, still bare and cold against the dance floor, but nothing can bring you out of this ecstasy.
His voice is low against your ear, almost raspy as the song fades into something new, and the DJ announces the rest of the group can join with their significant others. “You know, I had a good time with your parents,” he murmurs, and you laugh lazily against him.
“I noticed. Be careful, I think my mom was thinking of kidnapping you so you can tell her all the Carisi family recipes.”
“Now those are top secret,” he informs you, seriousness in his tone, and when you pull back to look at him there’s mirth, even with his little pout.
“Obviously. I’ll distract, and you’ll hit the road.”
He laughs now, and it’s easy. It’s like breathing, the two of you. “Right. Well. We did talk about other things, while I was ensuring the safety of my family’s legacy.”
That peaks your interest, and you raise a manicured brow. “Like what?”
For a moment, he pauses. He’s caught, looking at you, under the lights, and for a moment you think he’s not going to say anything at all. But then he leans in, presses your foreheads together, and the world stops.
“I told ‘em… I told ‘em I’m yours, in every way possible. I told ‘em how I couldn’t live without you, and I told ‘em how I don’t want to.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and when you blink a couple of tears fall. “Sonny…”
“I told them, how one day, I’m gonna propose, and I’m gonna ask you to marry me. And I told them, how I really, really, hope you say yes.” His voice is definitely raw, now, and your swallow is tight. “You don’t have to say anything right now. Of course not, I’m not proposing now, but. I just… I need you to know how much you mean to me. How much being a part of your family, how much it means to me. And… I hope you want to be a part of mine.”
The slow music ends. The DJ is cheering now, and the crowd is clapping, and soon something more upbeat starts. But you’re stopped, in the middle of the dance floor, and before you can think you’re pulling him into a deep kiss, pressing up into it on your toes.
When you pull back, your mascara is running. But you don’t care. You couldn’t possibly care less. “If you think I’m saying anything but yes, whenever the hell you ask me, Dominick, I –“
He kisses you again. And when the world fades away once more, it’s because the two of you know that your whole lives are ahead of you, too.
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
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imagine being the daughter of bella and edward and your coven finds out about your relationship with felix part two
I got woken up by the beautiful sun shining on my window , i was in a happy mood for a second when i remembered what needed to be done for today . I then let out a heavy sigh and i got up , i did my bed and cleaned any left over mess i made the night before and i got in the shower and i took a quick but hygienic shower that left me smelling like baked christmas cookies and mint candy canes . I then got dressed for my outfit of the day , i made sure i was comfortable enough because i knew felix would be taking me to volterra in a private jet . After i was done getting dressed and did my hair and make up the last thing i needed to do is to pack my bathroom essentials and bring my phone and my phone charger , after i was done i looked around and noticed how empty the room felt with only my bed and my tv and some furniture left in my room . At this point some of my tears started to drip , i was afraid this was gonna end up bad , what if felix would fight them and he killed my dad like last time in italy ? What if my dad would kill felix ? What if my coven would disown me ? I started to shake out of it , i then grew enough balls and esme had prepared me some eggs and bacon , i smiled at her and pulled her into a tight hug and she just chuckled .
" Thank you esme , i love you so much you are the best of the best no one can top your cooking "
" oh sweetheart , i love seeing you in a good mood , you are never this sweet any special occasion ? "
" N-no , i just thought id show my gratitude towards you and thank you for being there since i was born esme , thank you for taking care of me , thank you for the love you have given me since birth , you really are like a second mom and i would never trade it for anything in the entire world and im thankful i have hou by my side no matter what "
" Oh sweet heart , i love you as if you were my own , i love watching you grow into the amazing lady you are now , and im sure you will keep being the lovable lady you are "
I then nodded and we were talking while i was eating , after i was done i gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave me one as well it felt like i was saying my goodbye to her which was true because i don't know when ill see her again or if ill even see her , i then did the rest with my family . I saw nessie and she was trying to braid her hair but she was unable , so i stepped in and i braided it for her .
" Let me see "
" Thank you y/n "
" It's no problem nessie , so how is your life with jacob ? Any problems ? "
" My life is amazing , Jacob is the sweetest to me and he cares for me allot , im grateful i have him "
" Well im glad he is treating you like the little princess you are . I hope you know ill always be your sister no matter what , ill always be available when you need me , and no matter what happens ill still love you and i hope you will to little sister . "
" I love you more big sis , and we will always have the same bond because we were in mommies belly , even though you are full vampire and you grew up faster than me and i still look 8 we will never be separated no matter what "
" Well im glad you think so , like it ? "
" i love it ! , thanks sis ! "
" No problem nugget "
We hugged each other and i placed a kiss in her forehead and now i headed to spend time with uncle jasper , he was watching tv and i just sat down next to him .
" Hey uncle jasper "
" What's up ? "
" Nothing much , just thought i would spend some quality time with my favorite historian person "
" Psh im more than a historian "
" Yeah ? Like what ? "
" a great uncle , you can't deny it "
" Yeah of course not , So how are you and aunt alice ? "
" We are doing great , i keep falling in love with her more after each day that passes "
" Well im glad to hear that heh "
" I was meaning to ask you , about what jacob said yesterday , you know you can trust me , did it really happen y/n ? "
I knew i could trust him
" Well yes it did , with another vampire uncle , just don't tell anyone or jacob "
" I won't , so who is the guy ? Do we know him ? "
" I guess you will have to wait and see "
We spent time together with him telling me his battle stories and i hugged him and headed out to spend time with uncle emmett , he was as usual working out so i changed into my sport clothes and headed out to see him and give him one last work out buddy bonding before i headed out .
" Hey uncle em you ready for a race "
" psh game on "
We ran three miles around the woods and he ended up beating me as usual .
" I won "
" Yeah Yeah stop showing off it was luck "
" Wanna lift next ? "
" Oh you are on ! "
We started lifting and i won this time and he started chuckling , we then went out hunting as usual and he catches a bear while i ate a deer and we headed back to the house honestly im thankful vampires don't sweat . Next up i went to spend time with aunt rosalie and aunt alice , they are usually together but first i gave uncle emmett a hug and then headed off , they were in Rosalie's room .
" Hey aunties , can i come in "
" Sure y/n me and alice were discussing what we are gonna wear for the upcoming ball "
" Ball ? What ball ? "
" The volturi will be hosting a ball in new years eve , we are invited and we were gonna go shopping for dresses next Friday ? "
" Oh um ill go some time another day aunt rosie , in fact i came here to spend time together with both of yall "
" Well why dint you say so !? I just learned new make up tips i wanna show you ! "
" And ill show you how to style your hair y/n "
" sure guys feel free to show me "
They showed me new make up tips and how to style my hair and honestly i appreciate it because i learned how to style my hair better and how to glam myself up for this upcoming ball i never even hared off yet . Now i headed to spend time with mom and dad , he was playing the piano while my mom was reading a book in her room in the couch , my dad purchased him a piano in his room .
" Hey mom and dad , can i come in ? "
" Hey y/n yeah sure "
" Thanks mom , so what are you guy's doing ?
" Im practicing a new song i learned wanna hear it ? "
" Sure thing dad "
He started playing a song and i honestly loved it and i gave him a hug after he ended the song , then me and my mom were talking and we bonded real good . i hugged them both before i confronted jacob about what happened yesterday .
" Hey jake um do you have a moment ? "
" Sure "
" I wanted to apologize over um yesterday , i know i can be a bitch sometimes but i just get annoyed quickly "
" You and apologies ? You feeling well y/n ? "
" Yes jake , i just thought it was right if i apologized to you "
" Well apology accepted "
" Thanks , and thank you for making my little sister happy , i hope you continue to love her as much as you love her right now "
" I will of course , now im heading out to have a meeting with sam , but thanks for the apology , ill be back before 6 "
" Thanks and good luck "
Now it was time to spend time with the last cullen carlisle , he was in his doctors office in the house and i just knocked .
" Hey Carlisle , can i come in ? "
" Of course y/n you are always welcomed "
" So what are you doing huh ? "
" Just doing some research for the upcoming ball "
" So you and aro were friends huh ? How was that ? "
" He can be a bit power hungry but i know he is a great guy "
" What about the guards ? "
" They were fine , i got along with everyone , alec and jane were just chilling but the guards i spent time with were Jane , Alec , Demetri , and Felix . "
" and how was felix ? "
He then looked at me and i started to panic
" He was a great guy , he is the most strong vampire in the world and everyone fears him , im sure you are dreaded to meet him , you and felix were meant to be you know ? "
Wait a second ... He knows about us ?
" Wha- what do you mean ? "
" Well i know you both are mates and you have been seeing each other and that today is your last day here before you head to volterra with him "
" How did you - "
" know? Aro told me , but the rest of the coven does not know because its not my place to tell them , its yours . I have spotted yall both hugging and kissing , i also noticed that you packed your bags yesterday and today , not to mention i knew thag whatever jacob was talking about was true "
I then started to have a faint blush .
" Yeah uh about that i can explain ! "
" No need to , that is a natural thing with mates , and felix will do anything in his power to see you happy , trust me i know him longer than you "
" I guess you are right "
Then a loud voice caught me and Carlisle attention
We both rushed to the living room and then i saw him , well all of them exactly ! I thought it was only gonna be felix but i was wrong ! It was the four guards !
" We came here to collect y/n "
Jane spoke and the tension was high as fuck
" My daughter will not be collected without a reason ! "
" y/n is felix' s mate , they have been seeing each other for quite a while , now it is set for her to leave this coven and join us "
Alec spoke and i felt like i was about to have a panic attack .
" Y/n what is he talking about ?! "
" Mom i ... "
" So what jacob said last night was correct ? You slept with this murderer ! "
My dad shouted and then felix growled and speed next to My side protecting me and he stepped infront of my dad .
" And if we had sex what is the problem ? She is my mate and i have every right to please her in bed and have the right to touch her if i wanted to and whenever i want to "
" So that's why you been acting all weird huh ? You knew this was gonna happen "
My aunt rosalie stated and carlisle put a hand over her and let out a sigh and my dad then knew then and there that he knew .
" So you knew all along !? You were her partner in crime and you backed her up with this relationship ! "
" It was not my place to say something edward , this is y/n's and felix's business "
" Mia tesoro please grab your bags , its time to head out "
I just simply nod but alice and my mom hold my wrists
" No ! You can't go ! You cant be part of there coven y/n ! "
Jane then uses her power on alice and she falls in pain but bella uses her shield on her so she is able to get over it and i quickly head for my bags and i have my mini back pack .
" Jasper you also knew about this and you dis not bother to say one word about it !? "
My dad shouted
" I just found out today edward "
" So what i smelled was true , you guys were riding like it was the best time of your life and if your life depended on it y/n "
Felix and demetri then chuckled but my dad and mom shouted at him .
" Jake ! Stop ! "
" As much as i am delighted to see this controversy we need to go master caius would be very upset if we arrived late "
Jane said and i just headed out and felix put a hand over me while my family watched me leave with sadness in their face , i let a few tears slip here and there but felix grabbed my face in his huge ones and wiped my tears away with his thumb .
" Amore mio, per favore non piangere, non sopporto di vedere quei tuoi bellissimi occhi piangere. Ti amano e lo supereranno amore mio, per favore sorridi perché quando piangi mi sento come se stessi crollando. "
" My love , please do not cry , i cant stand to see those beautiful eyes of yours cry . They love you and will get over it my love , please smile because when you cry i feel like i am crumbeling down. "
" Vorrei solo che questo potesse essere diverso amore mio, spero davvero che trovino nel loro cuore per rinunciare a me e per essere felici per noi.
" I just wish this could have been different my love , I really hope they find it in their heart to foregive me and to be happy for us . "
" They will my love they love you and they will accept us if it means they see you happy "
" Thank you my love , your everything i need right now "
We hugged and he placed a kiss on my mouth and i kisses back with gratitude .
Hoped yall liked it ! Ill be posting the next one tommorow ! Question of the day ! ( If u can answer ) what was your favorite bonding experience with a cullen ? Follow me on wattpad and give it a like and follow if you wanna see more ff of felix ! 💞
Username : yunnoitwasshorty
Name : romacetea
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ahtohallan-calling · 4 years
chapter 26 and the epilogue of don’t read the last page are here!
[kristanna / m / multichap / modern au with actress!anna and vetstudent!kristoff]
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and following along with this fic! Your support means the world to me.
november 1st
On the way home from the movie premiere, Anna was strangely quiet, her head against Kristoff’s shoulder and both hands on her stomach. It wasn’t until they were at home once more and he was helping her out of her gown that she said softly, “I don’t want to have the baby here.”
His hands stilled on the laces. “What do you mean here?”
“In LA.”
“But this is where your doctor is,” he said, frowning as she stepped out of the dress.
“Yeah. But I...I don’t know. Maybe this is crazy, but-- well, he mentioned a while back that in case we were ever up visiting your parents and something went wrong, that he used to practice up there, and he knows someone, and…”
Kristoff moved to stand in front of her, cupping her face in his hands as she looked up at him with worried eyes. “Why don’t you want to have the baby here?”
“Just...they’re all going to be there. All the photographers and reporters trying to be the first to get pictures, and I just...I don’t want that to be part of it. I want it to be just us. Do you think...do you think maybe we can figure it out?”
He kissed her forehead. “I’ll call my mom tonight, see if we can stay up there with them.”
“But you have clinicals--”
“Just a couple more days, then my exams aren’t til the first week of December. And I still have days off allowed, so after the fourth, we’re good to go.”
She heaved out a sigh of relief. “I’ll call the doctor up there first thing in the morning. Are you sure your parents won’t mind?”
“Are you kidding me? They’re gonna be over the moon. Ellie, too.”
“And your brothers?”
“Nate’s already bought him and Liam both ‘world’s best uncle’ t-shirts. And Lilly, honestly, is gonna be pissed that she won’t be home til after he’s born. She’s already talking about just skipping her last week of classes to come home.”
Anna broke into a wide smile. “So...we’re doing this? I mean, assuming Milo doesn’t decide to make an appearance in the next three days?”
“Don’t jinx it,” he teased, leaning down to kiss her.
november 8th
Anna had been having a hard time sleeping the last month or so, but the past week had been nearly unbearable. Tonight she’d given up on it altogether and had rolled out of bed a little after midnight. Kristoff, who’d practically been sleeping with one eye open the entire time she’d been pregnant, had sat up immediately, but she’d kissed his cheek and said, “Go back to sleep, honey. You’ll be up all night with me soon enough.”
Now she found herself sitting-- well, leaning, really-- on his parents’ sofa watching Friends reruns and steadily making her way through a pint of pistachio ice cream. A creak came on the stairs, and she winced; preparing to make her apologies for waking up whoever it was. Before she had even turned around, though, Kristoff’s father said, “Only me, kiddo. And I’m up and down all night, anyway.”
After a minute, he joined her on the sofa with his own pint of ice cream. “What’s keeping you up, then?” he asked.
“Aches and pains and a little monster determined to turn my ribs into dust.”
He chuckled at that. “How you feeling besides that?”
She shrugged, not meeting his eyes. “Just...tired, I guess.”
The cramp in her lower belly worsened again, and she winced, shifting in a fruitless attempt to get more comfortable. Cliff noticed her movement and wordlessly handed her a throw pillow. “Thanks,” she sighed, setting it behind her back. 
For a while, they watched the show in companionable silence, occasional faint bursts of laughter escaping them. When it switched to an infomercial, though, Cliff cleared his throat and looked at her. “You have to excuse me, Anna, for being so quiet. You know I’m not really one for words.”
She winked at him. “It’s alright. Your son takes after you.”
He smiled and reached over to pat her hand. “I think he turned out pretty okay, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” she said softly. “He really did. I hope Milo does, too.”
Cliff nodded slowly. “Are you nervous?”
She’d been doing her best to hide it, but when he looked at her like that with his voice so gentle and his eyes so soft-- “Yes,” she admitted. “About-- about not just, you know, the labor part, but...what comes after. I guess I just...don’t know how to be a mom.”
He gave her another long, thoughtful nod. “Can I tell you a secret?”
She raised an eyebrow, inviting him to go on.
“I still don’t know how to be a dad. And I sure as hell don’t know how to be a granddad. But that’s the thing, kiddo-- nobody really knows. You just do your best to love ‘em and get them on the right path, and then…” He shrugged. “I guess the rest kinda follows.”
Anna felt her eyes begin to sting with tears, and without her having to say anything, Cliff moved to sit closer to her, pulling her into a hug. “And I want you to know, sweetheart,” he said softly, patting her shoulder, “that I think your mom and dad would be just as excited-- just as proud-- as I am.”
They held onto each other for a little while as Anna sniffled into his shoulder, but then another cramp started up, and she pulled back with a hiss. Cliff raised his eyebrows. “How long have you been hurting like that?”
“Oh, since I guess around lunch? But it’s fine, really, I pretty much never stop being achey at this point.”
“I’ve been down here with you for nearly forty-five minutes now, and even without my glasses I can tell it’s been hurting you more and more as time goes on.”
Anna frowned. “Well, that’s how this whole thing kinda works, isn’t-- ow, Jesus fucking-- sorry, Cliff.”
He squeezed her hand until the moment passed. “I think,” he said, his eyes warm, “you better go wake your husband up.”
november 9th
“I got here as fast as I could!” Sven panted as he burst into the room. “Tell me I didn’t-- oh, shit!”
“You’re really not supposed to use potty language like that around kids, you know,” Anna said, her eyes bright as she looked up from the bundle in her arms to smile at him. 
Sven stood frozen on the doorstep for a moment longer until Kristoff chuckled and said, “You wanna meet him?”
That was all it took for Sven to spring into action, and a moment later he was leaning over the side of the bed, getting as close as he could to the sleeping infant in Anna’s arms. “Shi-- shoot, man,” he breathed. “You got lucky.”
“I know I--”
“He got Anna’s nose.”
Anna burst into laughter. “Kristoff’s nose is just fine.”
“That’s the hormones talking. Can I hold him?” he asked eagerly.
When Elsa returned from the cafeteria a few moments later carrying a tray of coffees, for a moment they glared at each other, eyes narrowing, in a silent debate about whose turn it was to hold the baby, but then he squirmed in Sven’s arms and began to wail.
Sven handed him back to Anna immediately, who rolled her eyes. “He’s just hungry,” she teased. “What happened to you being the most competent godfather of all time, huh?”
“Part of being a good godfather is knowing when it’s time to pass him back,” he said magnanimously as Anna began to feed the baby. “Like right now, because I can’t do that.”
She laughed. “Okay, okay, point taken.”
Later, when it was just the three of them again, Kristoff moved to sit beside his wife on the bed. Anna snuggled happily against his side and carefully set the baby on his lap.
“Hey, Milo,” Kristoff whispered, reaching down to trace a finger over his son’s tiny hand. “Happy birthday.”
Milo Clifford Bjorgman-- that's what they'd decided on; his father had cried when they told him as he held his grandson for the first time.
Anna smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “We did a pretty good job, huh?”
“You’re the one who did the hard part. Even if you didn’t know that it was going on until-- what, one A.M.?”
She giggled. “If it wasn’t for your dad, I might have just had him on the kitchen floor.”
“Thank god he found you then,” Kristoff said drily. 
“It kinda worked out, though. That meant I was only worried about you passing out for a couple of hours.”
He was distracted from replying as Milo blinked sleepily and peered curiously up at him. “Hey, buddy,” Kristoff whispered. “How’s it going?”
Anna leaned her head against his shoulder. “Do you think he likes us?”
“Judging by how much he’s already eaten today, he definitely likes you.”
She giggled. “He sleeps better when you’re the one holding him, though.”
His lips tugged upwards into a smile. “Do you think so?”
“Oh, definitely. He gets that from his mama.”
Kristoff turned and kissed the top of her head. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Yeah. But it bears repeating, I think.”
“I love you,” he whispered into her hair. “I love you two more than anything in the world.”
She smiled and turned to kiss him. “Love you back.”
“You sure you two are going to be okay?” Anna asked as she finished putting in her second earring.
Kristoff leaned down and kissed her cheek. “It’s just an ear infection, baby. I can take care of him.”
She frowned. “Yeah, but you’re still running a fever, and--”
“That’s what I’m here for,” Bulda said cheerfully as she bustled in, Milo in her arms. “Ellie, baby, why don’t you let Anna do that lipstick for you?”
“See?” Kristoff said as Anna turned to help his sister finish putting on her makeup. “I’m more worried about you two and the trouble you’re going to get into.”
“Us? Trouble?” Ellie said, rolling her eyes. “Please.”
“You’re still in trouble for skipping class, by the way,” Bulda said sternly. “And very much re-grounded as soon as tonight is over.”
As the two of them began to argue, Kristoff took the opportunity to take Milo from his mother’s arms and walk into the kitchen with Anna, moving carefully to avoid stepping on the train of her long, golden gown. “You nervous?” he asked, passing her the baby.
Anna shrugged as she cradled Milo carefully against her chest. “Nah. I know I’m not going to win anything.”
“I mean, between three nominations...odds are good, right?”
“Nah. Musicals never really win the big awards. And considering one Disney movie got two songs nominated in that category, I don’t know why I even bothered working on an acceptance speech.”
“Well, in my opinion, Anastasia was the best movie of the year,” he replied with a wink. “Definitely had the hottest lead actress.”
“Get down here and kiss me before I put my lipstick on.”
He did so with a smile.
He’d grumbled all day about his mother coming by to help him out tonight-- “He’s my son, Ma, I can take care of him on my own”, to which she’d replied, “I know you can, but I just want every opportunity to love on my grandbaby, and I’ll be bringing your sister, anyway”, and Anna had interjected, “And he’s still running fever, Bulda, and I caught him trying to mow the lawn, anyway.”
But he had to admit he was grateful for it now as he sat nervously on the edge of the sofa, drumming his fingers against his knee. Anna and Ellie had both looked beautiful on the red carpet-- well, really, Ellie had looked nervous as hell, but when Anna had taken her hand in her own she’d relaxed for the most part-- but this time around, there was more for Anna to do than just look pretty.
“Now performing another of the numbers nominated for Best Original Song,” the host said, “here’s Anna Arendelle, singing ‘Under the Stars’ from Anastasia!”
There was silence for a moment before the slow swell of violins started to play, and then the lights rose to reveal Anna, looking like a goddess in her gown, as she began to sing, and despite himself Kristoff felt tears spring to his eyes.
“Look at her go,” his mom breathed, and on her lap even Milo seemed enraptured.
Anna finished the song to uproarious applause, and damn, he wished he’d protested harder about her telling him in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t going to the Oscars with a fever, because right now what he wanted more than anything was to run onstage and scream, “That’s my wife!”
Fifteen minutes later, when all five of the nominees for ‘Best Song’ were announced, his mother reached over and squeezed his hand as the camera landed on Anna and Ellie in the audience. They waited with bated breath as the announcer said, “And the Oscar goes to…’A Garden Full of Butterflies’ from To Those Who Wait!”
Both of them sat back with a sigh. “It’s alright,” Kristoff said, “there’s still the other two, right? And those are a bigger deal.”
Milo gurgled in agreement.
If he was being honest, Kristoff didn’t really give a shit about the rest of the ceremony-- he’d seen some of the movies with Anna, but in his opinion, most of the shit nominated for these awards was just depressing as hell-- and so he distracted himself from the waiting by tidying up around the house, straightening the rows of toys Milo’s aunts and uncles had spoiled him with and folding the blanket Anna had given him for their first Christmas together and rearranging the pictures on the fridge so that the one of the two of them on New Year’s was right next to the picture of the day they’d brought Milo home.
“Kris!” his mother squawked as he stood back to admire his handiwork. “They’re doing Best Actress!”
He hurried back into the living room just as the announcer for this award-- Hans, to his amusement, who had been nominated for nothing on his own merit-- said, “And the Oscar goes to...Anna Arendelle!”
The two of them erupted into whoops of joy, Milo joining in with a screech of his own. “That’s right, buddy,” Kristoff cheered as he swept his son into his arms, holding him high for a moment to make him squeal with delight before cradling him against his chest. “Mama did it!”
Anna’s eyes were shining even brighter than her gown as she took to the stage and accepted the statuette. “Wow, I-- wow,” she said, and the audience laughed fondly. “I don’t know what to say, I mean-- I wrote the speech and everything, but I didn’t actually study it because I never in a million years dreamed this would happen. I, um-- well, let me start of by saying thank you to everyone who worked on Anastasia with me, especially our wonderful director Destin Mattias. And thank you to my family as well-- my sister Elsa, especially, thank you for supporting me since we were kids.”
She grinned and looked right into the camera. “But most of all, thank you to my husband, Kristoff, who couldn’t be here right now because he’s taking care of our son. I love you more than anything, honey. Thank you for going on this crazy, incredible journey. I wouldn’t be here without you. Here’s to our happy ending.”
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Take Us Home
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A/N: This one is also a crossover with The Too Late Tales (Polyamorous Bucks) and was written for @cowboysht​ and the Dad!Hangy anon. I hope you enjoy.
       Adam paced in the hallway, trying to hide his worry from Emily. She had just dozed off in the bed, monitors strapped to her stomach and arms. An IV snaked its way into the back of her hand.
           Earlier that morning, she’d awoken in their bed in a puddle of blood-tinged fluid. Adam had called the hospital as he helped her change clothes. The sheets were left in a bundle on the bedroom floor. The go bag was ready and by the front door. He’d practically carried her to the car.
           At the hospital, they’d taken her to a room and settled her in. Her doctor came and examined her, a worried look passing over her face. The baby was breech, she’d said. Turned the wrong way. Not uncommon, but a problem. Particularly if they couldn’t turn it before it came time to push. They’d wanted to avoid a C-section with Emily if they could. But it was starting to look like that would be the only option to have a healthy mom and a healthy baby.
           He stopped and leaned back against the wall, scrubbing his hands over his beard. It had grown a little out of control as he waited for his firstborn. Worry for Emily had taken all his attention.
           “Hey,” Nick said soothingly. He stood across the hall, propped up against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Matt was on his left, arms crossed over his chest. The two of them had been in Williamsburg on a vacation with their wife and kids. “It’s going to be okay. Em’s got a good doctor. She’s got you here with her. And you’ve got us.”
           Matt stepped up to Adam’s side and gripped him firmly by the shoulder. “We went through this five times with Y/N, and we were terrified every time. Both of us were a mess.”
           Adam hung his head and smiled softly. “How do you manage this? She’s in there in pain, and there’s nothing I can do to help. And now the baby… there might be something wrong. What if something happens to the baby? What if…”
           He stopped and took a deep, shuddering breath. The thought of something happening to Emily was more than he could bear. His heart stopped in his chest. He couldn’t imagine life without her. Adam couldn’t even bring himself to say the words.
           “Don’t think like that,” Nick said as he took up a position on his friend’s other side. He too clapped his friend on the shoulder. “She needs you to be strong for her right now. Emily is strong on her own, but she’s going to need you to get her through this. Trust me.”
           “Are we ready for this?” Adam asked, sniffling back tears. “How do you know if you’re ready?”
           Matt chuckled. “You’re never ready. But you do it. Because you love that woman more than your own life. And the baby that you’ve made together depends on you. Trust me, being a father is the hardest thing we’ve ever done…”
           “… but it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. And with the woman you love, it’s the best blessing you could get.” Nick shook his friend gently. He looked at Matt, the two of them communicating as they always did.
           In unison, the three of them bowed their heads. Matt lead the prayer, asking comfort for Adam, protection for the baby, and a safe delivery for Emily. By the time he was done, all three of them were crying.
           Adam’s strong fingers wrapped around mine. The worst pain I’d ever experienced spread through me. It started low in my belly and shot out along my back, coiling around my torso, and snatching the breath from my lungs. I couldn’t form words. All I could do was whimper.
           “It’s okay, Em,” he said, pushing my hair back from my face with his free hand. “You’re doing great.”
           I turned my head toward him, searching his face, memorizing it as if it would be the last time I’d see him. “Adam, if something goes wrong—”
           “Shh,” he replied, shaking his head. “Nothing’s gonna happen. You’re gonna be just fine. And so is the baby. I promise.”
           A sharp stab of pain rushed along my limbs. “Adam,” I whimpered, feeling as if every last ounce of energy was sapped from me. “It hurts. It shouldn’t hurt this much.”
           It was late afternoon when the whole ordeal was over. The doctor had been wonderful. I didn’t know what I would have done without her. She’d soothed my worries, talked Adam through his fear, and done what we thought couldn’t be done. Carefully, gently, she’d turned the baby in my womb and helped bring him into the world.
           When they’d placed him on my chest, his little face scrunched up as he screamed his first scream, I knew that I’d never really known love before. Seeing the curve of his cheeks and the little wisps of strawberry blond hair on the top of his head made my heart burst apart behind my ribs. He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
           He quieted when I settled my hands on his back and the back of his head. “Hi, sweetheart,” I whispered against his head. “I’ve waited so long to meet you.”
           Adam sat in the chair next to Emily’s bed, the bundle of blankets held gingerly against his chest. His son slept peacefully; his dark blue eyes closed, long lashes casting faint shadows on his perfectly round cheeks. He was beautiful in a way that he’d never dreamed. Ten fingers, ten toes, rosebud mouth, wisps of hair like down against his head, skin that was soft and clean.
           He cradled the newborn carefully, just the way the nurses had told him. He held him with one hand holding his head and neck, the other supporting his butt and back. A new feeling had taken root in his chest at the sight of his child. It was a sense of purpose. A deep love that he hadn’t prepared himself to feel. Looking at the baby in his arms, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would go to the ends of the earth to protect him.
           The baby yawned and snuggled closer to his father’s chest. Adam’s heart contracted with a desperate adoration. “You will never want for anything if I can help it,” he said softly. “I will never, ever leave you. Whatever who choose to be, whoever you become, I will be behind you. No matter what.”
           Tears came then. They rolled down his cheeks and into his beard. He sniffled hard, his breath catching in his chest. Love bigger and stronger than anything he’d ever known swelled through him. It was so desperately deep and wide that he couldn’t fathom where it ended, and he didn’t want to.
           His lips brushed against his son’s forehead. Emily was asleep in the bed, her hair tucked up in a knot against the pillows. Her face was slightly pale with high spots of color on her cheeks. She was somehow newly beautiful to him. He saw her in a new light. Before, he loved her smile and her laugh and her beauty and her intelligence and her compassion. Now, he saw a strength in her that he’d barely glimpsed before. She’d endured so much to bring their son into the world, and he could never put into words the pride and love and gratefulness that he felt.
           “Your mom is the best woman in the world,” Adam whispered to his son. “She’s strong and smart and funny and beautiful.”
           The baby yawned and stretched, eyes fluttering open. Adam rocked him gently, smiling. “Hi, little man,” he cooed. “Hey, baby boy.”
           A nurse slipped into the room, wheeling a small bassinet. She settled it on the side of Emily’s bed and smiled at Adam. “Do you need anything, Mr. Page?”
           “Are our friends still in the waiting room?”
           “Yes,” she replied with a grin. “All of them are ready to find out about that little guy.”
           Adam grinned. “All of them?”
           The nurse nodded. “There’s four or five of them out there now.”
           Adam heard the noise before he made it to the waiting room. When he turned the corner, he saw the people who were his second family. Matt and Nick sat together with their wife, Y/N, and their five kids. Kenny sat nearby, talking animatedly with Nicole Jackson. Cody and Brandi were dozing against the wall.
           The first to notice him was Mattie Jackson. She grinned and shook her Dad’s shoulder. Nick looked up, and soon everyone else was watching and waiting. “Well, Uncle Adam?” Mattie asked.
           Adam walked a few more paces into the room and smiled, rocking back on his heels. He looked around at the people he loved. It paled in the light of the love he felt for his wife and son, but he still loved them. They were his family.
           “Em is doing great. Everything went well.” He looked at Matt and Nick, both of whom smiled and nodded. “The doctor was fantastic.”
           “And?” Kenny said, getting to his feet.
           Taking a deep breath, Adam grinned. “It’s a boy. Stephen Aaron Page. And he’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
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@cowboysht​ @mox-made-me-do-it​ @not-that-kinda-gurl08​ @lilred91​
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writingsteph · 4 years
Here For You Chapter 15 Sneak Peek
“Be a good girl, okay? Listen to what Aunt Sarah and Uncle Nick say.”
The tiny brunette assured her mother she would be, “I’m always good!”
Shelby smirked, “Mostly yes.”
Rachel pouted. Just a mostly?!
Shelby found the little expression too cute for words and frankly quite hilarious. Her little drama queen. “Oh come here and gimme a kiss.”
That was easy to do for the affectionate child. She kissed her mom and they exchanged “love yous” before she got out of the car.
The Glee coach waited until Sarah opened the door. Sarah came out in sweatpants and a loose tee, her hair up in a messy bun. She gave her niece an enthusiastic smile before ushering her in.
Shelby gave Rachel one last wave before mouthing a thank you to her sister and putting the car in reverse. An inadvertent yawn escaped her. God, she was tired.
“You look like a girl who still needs one or two more hours of rest, sleepyhead.” Sarah said ushering Rachel in. She brought her in for a hug and a kiss atop her hair. The woman’s light green eyes always the first feature that caught the preteen’s attention.
Rachel also always forgot that her aunt was taller than her mom. Lord, were all the Corcorans giants? And if so, why was she so damn short?
“I just woke up early. But you know if I had coffee I would feel much better.”
“I’m pretty sure your mother would disagree with that statement.” Sarah chuckled, “Have you ever even had coffee, sweetheart?”
Rachel shrugged sitting on a stool in the kitchen as she watched her aunt prepare breakfast. She knew for a fact Emma was still asleep, so she’d wait with her aunt.
“My dads always left some in their coffee pot and I would take some when they left for the weekends. I always put a lot of milk and sugar though. I tasted it black once and it was awful and I burned my tongue.” Rachel’s whole body shook in disgust at the memory.
Sarah couldn’t help but feel her heart tug at the thought. Shelby had mentioned that Rachel was left alone pretty much all the time. No one to play with her, love her, pay her any attention.
They were only coming up on 3 months since Rachel had entered their lives, yet the woman felt just as protective of Rachel as she did her own child. She grabbed tomatoes and ham out of the fridge and set it directly in front of Rachel on the island.
She grabbed two knives and handed one to Rachel.
“Can you cut the ham into small pieces and I’ll cut the tomatoes?” The woman asked. Rachel, always eager to help, gladly did so.
“Sure. But if you can trust me with a knife, you should trust me to drink some coffee.” Rachel said with a smirk.
“You’re too young. Be patient. You have the rest of your life to drink coffee!”
“I’m not too young!” Rachel exclaimed. How dare her aunt!”
“Oh hush you. I don’t let Em drink coffee either. Tell me, when you were with your dads and they were around did they let you drink coffee?”
Tread carefully. She reminded herself.
Rachel kept cutting, silent for a moment.
Her dads? Why would she have ever asked them that. She imagined Leroy telling her to stop asking such inane questions, while Hiram just stood idly by.
I mean, by the time she was ten she stopped communicating much with them anyways, save for the times that she got so frustrated and she would just burst out yelling. Those times always ended horribly.
“I never asked them...and they were never around.”
Sarah looked up at her niece with compassion welled up in her eyes. There was so much to that short answer. She swallowed hard. She felt dumb. Inadequate. What do you say to that? How did her sister do this?
“But what does it matter what they thought?” Rachel’s voice broke through the woman’s thoughts, “I'm with mom now anyways.”
Sarah thought that a more beautiful sentence couldn’t have been said at that moment.
“You’re totally right. And your mother says no.”
Rachel groaned. She’d just have to keep sneaking it. No harm done she supposed.
“Your dads get here next week, right? Are they staying with your Aunt Carrie?”
“No, they rented a house nearby, and they said I could stay with them while they’re here.”
Sarah had already known all the details, thanks to Shelby, but was hoping to get some insights into the girls' thoughts.
“Wow. That’s great, hon! Are you excited about that?”
Rachel bit her lip. She’d been holding her thoughts about this in for a bit. Her mom had gotten so busy and it’d felt like lately she’d just been shuttled about with very little downtime to spend together, and with her dads coming so soon, well it was all just building up.
Rachel looked at the ham she’d cut up and pushed it towards her aunt, “I just, I’m scared I’m gonna miss mama and I don’t want them to get mad at me because of it.”
“Rach, If you miss your mama you know she’s just a phone call away. You call her if that’s what you need to do sweetheart.”
“...b-but what if they, what if they get mad? And they don’t wanna come see me anymore?”
Rachel looked up, brown eyes gleaming with worry.
“Honey.” Sarah grabbed the girl’s hands, “Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’ll worry about that when the time comes. I think they really miss you and it would be so stupid of them to get mad over that and ruin the short time they have with you here, but if that does happen, you have a whole family here to love on you.”
“Hello family!” Came uncle Nick’s voice. He’d just come back from a morning run. Sarah wanted to kill her husband for ruining the moment they were having, but smiled when Rachel hopped off the stool and ran towards the front door.
“Uncle Nicky!”
“Hey little one!”
Sarah wiped her face in slight frustration and kept on with cooking because the commotion was going to wake up Emma and she’d have a pack of hungry children and husband soon.
“Nick you better come in here and help me cook!”
“Rachel’s got it. I have to shower!”
“What?!” Rachel squeaked after being put down by her much taller uncle.
“You’re the best niece.” He winked as he went up the stairs.
…. ….. ….
10:30 had rolled around and Rachel was outside with Emma practicing some dance moves that were going viral. Although it was clear Rachel picked up on the moves quicker than Emma.
“God, she’s good.” Nick commented as both he and Sarah watched from the window. The family loved to see the blossoming relationship between the two cousins. “What is that dance called anyway?”
“The Renegade.” Sarah replied, “Keep up with the times old man.”
“Damn babe. I’m impressed you know that, and Rach is definitely hitting every one of those moves hard.”
Shelby’s getting her into some dance classes starting next year,”
“Molding her into a mini Shelby I see.”
Sarah laughed, “She already came that way. I mean, look at her.”
The man agreed and kissed his wife’s cheek, “Just like our little one came out like you. Her athleticism and all.”
“Except her goddamn stubbornness. All you Nick.”
Nick’s mouth gaped, “Are you-you’re fucking with me.”
Sarah looked at him with nothing but innocence, “How could you accuse me of that?”
“Stubbornness runs in the Corcoran family! All of you!”
“Fine. Then Emma’s bad dancing comes from you.”
Nick burst out laughing, “Touche.”
“It’s cold out. I’ll never get how kids don’t feel the cold.” Nick shuddered. A summer man himself.
“For the aesthetic of their video. Whatever that means.”
Sarah rolled her eyes, just as she had done when she questioned both girls as to why they wouldn’t want to stay inside. Emma had said those exact words to her. Rachel agreeing with a firm head nod.
Nick was also just as clueless. Regardless, he took his phone out and shot a picture of the girls.
“What are you doing?”
“Putting this on Facebook and captioning it with ‘willing to freeze for the aesthetic.’ “
Sarah gave her husband a push with her hips, trying not to laugh herself, “Emma’s going to kill you with all those lame dad jokes.”
“Not before she freezes out there.” The father shrugged jokingly, “Anyways it can’t be worse than you posting a picture of Emma sleeping, balled up on my lap when she was sick last month and captioning it ‘forever our baby she’ll be.”
“But she was so cute!”
“She had a fever and was wearing a onesie!”
A certain onesie that Sarah saw her daughter eyeing at Target and bought it for her the next day.
To Sarah’s defense she had honestly thought there was no issue with posting a picture of Emma in the item of clothing. See, Emma herself had posted a picture with her and all her friends in onesies. But, apparently, they weren’t cool enough to wear in a picture you mother posts on Facebook? All of it confused the lawyer really.
Sarah scoffed, “Well I deleted it. So what does it matter?”
“Mom you’re so embarrassing, take it down before everyone sees!” Nick parroted their preteen, “That’s why it was deleted.”
Just then Sarah’s phone rang, “Shut up Nick.” She chuckled, grabbing her phone from the counter. She picked it up at the sight of her baby sister’s name, an inkling of what the conversation would be about. This time of year was always crazy for Shelby and her Glee club, and she hadn’t taken any pressure off the gas pedal even with Rachel around. Shelby would have to learn this lesson the hard way.
“Can you grab Rach? I think Shelby’s gonna want to talk to her.”
Nick did so, bringing in two slightly out of breath children.
Rachel could see some form of disappointment in her aunt’s eyes and she looked at her slightly confused when the phone was handed to her. “It’s your mom Rach. She wants to talk to you.”
Rachel’s eyebrows furrowed. Her mother never called during practice, “Mom, are you okay?”
“Yes, love. I’m alright. I just have slightly bad news. I had to take one of my lead soloists out-”
“What why?! The Winter show is so soon!” Rachel’s eyes bulged.
Shelby really did not need the reminder, but she also wasn’t going to explain that said soloist was caught dealing weed on school grounds.
“They weren’t following the rules, and that was their consequence.”
“Geez mama. That’s a kinda mean consequence.”
So I’ve been told little one
Shelby was sure her glee kids hated her right now, but she did not budge. Her rules were set in stone and all students at that school knew that and. Corcoran’s glee club had a code of behavior to uphold. From the start of their time in the club they signed a contract knowing that Shelby was zero tolerance when it came to any kind of drug.
“But because of it Rach, I have to stay for three more hours so I can prep our new soloist and make some lineup changes.”
Rachel felt her heart drop just a little. Yet again her mother’s priority was work.
“Oh.” Her voice, only a whisper.
She wasn’t new to being the last on a parent’s list of things to do, but it didn’t hurt any less.
Shelby faltered. “B-babe. We still have most of the day. And we’ll still do the things you wanted to do today. Promise.”
“No, it’s okay. I think I want to spend the rest of the day with Aunt Sarah.”
She really didn’t, but her mother had upset her.
“Rachel, Sarah might have things to do.” Shelby explained, she shook her head on the other side of her phone, not having expected her daughter’s response.
Then why didn’t we just spend the whole day together. Why did you have to go to practice AGAIN?! Rachel immediately thought.
The preteen looked at her aunt, “Aunt Sarah can I stay here for the rest of the day?”
Sarah leaned on the counter and gave her niece a reassuring smile, “If it’s okay with your mom.”
“She said that-”
“I heard her.” Shelby sighed heavily, “Rachel-”
“She said yes,” Rachel pushed, “ why can’t I?”
Shelby could hear the attitude, creeping up, and she definitely did not have time to diffuse any of that. With a heavy heart she agreed.
“Okay, okay. I’ll come by once I’m done and we can spend our day at Aunt Sarah’s.”
“Thank you.” Rachel’s voice cracked, “Bye.”
The girl almost shoved the phone back up at her aunt, not bothering to wait for her mom to respond. She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t cry. Sarah and Nick both could see the range of emotions in those sparkling brown doe eyes.
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crue-sixx · 5 years
For Family
Title: For Family
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary:  The reader is a hit-man for the mob.  The boys get into more trouble than they can handle.
Warnings: Swearing, descriptive violence, making a murder look like a suicide
Note: Italics mean it was in the past
It all started when you were ten years old, the sweltering heat of an Arizona summer sun was hot enough, but you being left in the car with the windows up and doors locked while your mother, Darla was trying to score more drugs for her and her moron boyfriend  Lucas.  Said moron was waiting outside the car, making sure you couldn't get out and ruin the deal was laughing at you.  Sweat was pouring down your face and you could feel yourself grow weaker every passing second. You eventually passed out, sounds of a skirmish reverberating in the back of your mind.
It was the sound of shattering glass that momentarily woke you from your heat stroke induced stupor, a big fat man with greying hair carrying you to a cool place.  "To the hospital, Henri" the man said to the driver and the smooth motion of the car eased you back into a deep sleep.  When you awoke, you were in the hospital getting fluids and the fat, aging man sitting beside you with all the love of a father in his eyes.
"Hello, Little One" he greeted in accented English  "I am Enrico Gatto.  From this day, I will be your father" he kissed your hand and you nodded in respect and accepted his hospitality with grace.  "What is your name, Little One?"
"Y/N, L/N" you answered weakly.
"No" the old man shook his head "From this day, you will be Gatto.  My daughter" you didn't argue with him even if you could.  You had heard of the Gatto crime family and what they'd do to anyone who disrespected them.  You'd much rather live by their rules than end up in a filthy, battered orphanage with the thousands of other parent-less bastards the family left in their wake.
Your eyes were getting heavy again, and when you felt the gentle caress of his hand on your forehead, he said "Rest now, when you are well again, your training begins..."
In the world of 1981 at twenty years of age you were already the most successful hit-man in the Gatto family.  Your father had ordered you to go to Los Angeles and keep an eye on his biological son there, and if he acted against the family to take him out. For the past ten years of your life, you were trained in business practices, hand-to-hand combat and all the different ways you could fuck with people's minds and lives.  Only a select few of The Old Man's men knew your real purpose there, and they reported directly to you the goings on of the son, Gino.  The only person you answered to was Don Enrico himself.
But to keep up appearances of being a shy, weak damsel in distress, you were told to dress modestly, keep your head down and your nose out of drugs, and use your former name when people asked about it.  Other than that, you could do whatever you want.  But if you ever saw a crow with a messenger pouch on its leg, you had to drop everything and do exactly as the note said, then send the bird back with a white rose petal stuffed in the pouch to tell The Old Man that the job was done.
In your spare time, you rented out a shitty apartment in a filthy building where the renters directly below you were always loud and rehearsing their rock music.  To be completely honest, you knew next to nothing about rock music at all-the only music the Old Man would allow was opera.  The first time you heard them play, you had an epiphany-you actually liked their kind and went down to ask if you could listen to them.
The drummer leaped over his drum set and ran up to you, with a big grin on his face "Fuck yeah you can!"
The bassist and guitarist looked at each other in utter annoyance, the consternation clear on their faces.  Finally the bassist said "Okay, just be quiet and sit on the couch.  You're so lucky you're cute" the guitarist just rolled his eyes.
"Fuckin' teenagers and their fuckin' hormones..." he grunted.
The singer eased his way over and sat down on the couch next to you and said "Hey, cutie!  I'm Vince what's your name?"
You internally rolled your eyes at the word "cutie", you hated pet names like that and if you ever got the chance you would teach this blonde surfer punk some manners.  "I'm Y/N, L/N.  I live right above you!" you added the most annoying valley girl giggle you could muster, to which you saw the guitarist's eye twitch in rage.
When the other three heard where you lived, they kind of looked down in mock shame.  "Sorry" the drummer said "our rehearsals and parties must be so loud it's hard to think up there..." he extended his hand and said "I'm Tommy!  Nice to meet ya!" you shook his hand firmly.
"Nikki" the bassist said, raising his hand and a weak smile.  He seemed to be warming up to you slightly.
In a barely audible voice the guitarist added "Mick" without as much as looking up.
"We're playing at the Whiskey A Go Go tonight!  You should come!" Tommy said and added "we always have parties afterward!  Come to that too!"  It was as if the tall young man was one of those 'Love at first sight' assholes.
"That sounds great!" you said in excitement "What time do you go on?"
"10:30" Nikki said, not at all perturbed at the addition of another fan. 
"Cool!" you then saw a crow with a message pouch in the window, not skipping a beat you checked your watch and said "Shit I'm going to be late for work!  See you later!"
They all waved good bye, some more enthusiastic than others.  You went back to your apartment and opened the message.  Only a single word was written on it "Gino".  You swallowed it right away,  and prepared for a fun time.   You hated that prick ever since The Old Man bought you back to his house.
You knew by now, the few men who knew of your whereabouts had their orders to subdue Gino and wait for you to get there.  They would chloroform him during breakfast and keep him drugged until nighttime. 
When he woke up, you were the first person he saw.  "You have been a bad boy, Gino" you said in a condescending tone "Prostitution and drug trafficking?  Really?"
"Hey!  I'm bringing in cash for the family!" he protested, but with great satisfaction you swing the butt of your handgun across his face, blood spurting from his nose and mouth.
"You know the Old Man's rules" you said "No hookers, no drugs and no kiddies" you cocked the gun, rolling the bullet in the chamber and placing the gun to his temple "When you get to Hell, Gino tell em Y/N sent you" and pulled the trigger.  A reddish pink cloud erupted from his skull, brain matter and bone littered the floor of the warehouse.
You were wearing latex gloves of course, and put it in Gino's dominant hand.  You then placed a typed suicide note at his feet.  When you called it into the police you stripped from your work clothes and tossed them into a burning trashcan along with the gloves.  Underneath you were wearing a tank top and Daisy Duke shorts, waking towards the Whiskey.  One of the other guys had already sent the crow back to The Old Man with the white rose petal.
You came in the middle of a song, the whole place was rocking out and you were genuinely having a good time when the song ended and Tommy saw you front and center. Apparently it was the last song of the night and he ran up and hugged you like you were old friends.  You were taken aback but you returned the gesture, saying "Sorry I was so late!  I was stuck at work!"
"What do you do that takes more than eight hours?" Mick asked suspiciously.
"I work at a nursing home as a house keeping lady" you said, having procured a name tag from Sunnyside Nursing and Retirement Home, complete with your name, picture and job title.
"That's cool, sweetheart" Vince said, another tack on your tally for utterly beating the shit out of this blonde bimbo.
"It's a job" Mick smiled softly, finally taking a liking to you.
"So let's go to that party you were talking about" you winked at them, and they all smirked with knowledge of what they were about to partake in.
When morning came, you were crashed on their couch wearing one of their shirts.  The smell of burning eggs wafted to you and made you cough.  "Who taught you how to cook?!" you shouted as you opened the widow to get the smoke out.
"Julia Child" Mick answered sarcastically, as the toast began burning as well.  "Eat, I wanna talk to you" he slowly sat down across from you.
"It's black" you said "I'm not eating that" you pushed the plate away in disgust.
"Fine" he scoffed but then got serious "Your last name, my sister married a man with that same name" your stomach dropped from its place into your feet.
"What are you getting at, dude?" you asked.
"What are you're parents names?"
You wouldn't answer him, feeling yourself getting tense "I don't like talking about them"  the one thing that got under your skin quicker than anything else was talking about HER.
Mick did his best to try and stop you physically but his physical limitations stopped him from doing more.  "I might be your uncle" he said quickly.  A million thoughts came flooding your head, clouding your judgement.  You were about to say something, but the training you received from the Old Man kicked in so you just walked out in a huff.
You still hung out with the younger members all the time but Mick kept his distance, though from his facial expression it was rather painful for him to see you.  A few weeks went by without hearing from the Old Man, but one day a crow with a message tapped on your window.  You let it in, petting it's head.  The message was some random druggie business associate of the Old Man's, who apparently didn't pay his monthly protection fee and narc'd on the Old Man.
You sighed and got his address from the note where you were also instructed to make him suffer.  But imagine your surprise when you opened the door to find some of the Old Man's fingermen with the dude right here in the apartment.  One of the Old Man's most important lessons was to never bring your work home with you.  Its like shitting where you eat.  You don't do it.
It was late on a Saturday night, the party was raging downstairs with its loud music, people so fucked up that they could barely walk so nobody would notice.  You immediately knew what was going on.  Some men loyal to Gino wanted revenge, but if you were to die today, you wouldn't go without a fight.  You reached for your handgun but shot were fired before you could even get a round off.
Bits of plaster went flying through the air, the impact making the paper thin walls crack and see into the apartments next door.  You dove behind your couch for cover, praying that it was thick enough to stop the bullets.  Sounds of people running and screaming from the whole floor flooded your hearing and you were bought back to your training-imagine an aria.  Soon you couldn't hear anything but said aria, and your focus was reached. 
Almost as if you were a robot, you pulled your gun and fired five shots, three hitting the targets and two missing.  Now that the playing field was more evenly matched, you saw that the remaining two were trying to re-load.  You took the opportunity to push forward the heel of your palm and break a nose, then you grabbed the elbow and immobilized the whole arm.  The man cursed as you performed a perfect hip throw and locked his arm in an arm bar.  With a swift jerking of your hips, you heard a sickening snap as bone went through the skin.
The other guy had re-loaded and a slug went into your hand.  You let out a scream of rage as you rolled the guy with the broken arm on top of you so he could take the bullets meant for you.  You then heard a shotgun blast and everything went quiet.  You pushed the man off you to see Nikki, Vince and Tommy in stunned silence while Mick was expertly holding the smoking shotgun.
"What the fuck..." Nikki started but you shut him up.
"Quiet asshole" you barked, all of your false sweetness now gone.  You peeked out of your window and saw three more cars with armed mobsters pull up and run into the building.
You pushed past them yelling "If you dipshits have enough sense, you'd hightail it out like I am!" you hauled ass down the back stairs and into the alley.  You knew that if they found you here, that your other hideouts were likely compromised as well.  You were about to dash to a manhole and into a sewer when someone pulled you back.  On instinct you ducked and threw the person over your back and rolled into a camel clutch, stretching the person's back beyond what is humanly possible and grasping the head.  The mixture of blonde hair and incoherent screeching of cuss words let you know it was Vince. 
You let him go and said "If you're gonna follow me then hurry up!" you easily lifted the manhole cover and slid it aside, climbing down.
Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you up "Not without a fucking explanation!" the footsteps were getting closer, shouts of :FIND HER!" were heard.
"If you REALLY want to get blown to hell today then by all means, stay here but I have no intention of dying!  Let me go!" you roared to him.
"NO!" he yelled back, pulling you up.  You pulled a bowie knife from your belt and slashed his hand with it, he reflexively let go and you dropped into the most foul smelling liquid you'd ever inhaled.  You took a few limping steps and vomited.  You heard splashes when more people came down the ladder, and you honestly thought you were done for.
You were shocked when Nikki and Tommy hoisted you in between them and began walking.  You were soon on the very edge of town when you three emerged from the sewer, all smelling like a fucking toilet.  "We're here..." Nikki said, letting his side down and knocking on the door "Marty!  Get the iron ready!  I got a gunshot victim!"
Marty was a pimple faced teenage medical master, having graduated as a doctor at age 12.  He was also a stoner who would take people who didn't have insurance and treat them in his little shack.  He was 18 now so it was his very own home, one that his parents couldn't leech off of.  "Got it!" he helped the others bring you in and laid you down on the floor.
"Jesus what happened?!" Marty said as he was applying some ointment to your scratches you got when bullets whizzed by your head.
"Fuck if I know!" Nikki said "We were having a party when we heard her" he pointed to you "fighting with a bunch of guys then gunshots and people running" when the iron was good and hot, Marty sat you up and handed a dirty dish rag to Tommy.  The tallest young man in the room knew what he had to do, he got behind you and gagged you.
The pain of burning flesh was something you felt before as part of your training but it was always so painful.  As soon as the hot iron came down on the raw, bleeding meat of your hand, you let out a muffled scream and for the first time in years, you l"et tears fall down your face.  Tommy kissed your hair and said softly "It's okay, Y/N...only a little longer..."  when they let you up, your good hand swung out and punched Marty right in the face.  He fell back and cursed you, his eye already swelling.
Nikki turned you so he could look directly at you and said "What the ever loving fuck is going on Y/N?"
"I'm a hitman for the Gatto crime family" you told them plainly.  "The Old Man adopted me when I was ten after he killed my mother and her boyfriend" you were beyond pissed now and looking for blood.  You got up, but a jolt of pain from your legs prevented you from moving.
Nikki and Tommy pushed you back down and said "You're not going anywhere.  You need to heal up and get better before you get revenge" Marty was now icing his eye and about ready to wrap your burnt hand.
"Why are you admitting this freely?" Nikki asked.
"My fuckin' cover's been blown, my apartment's shot to shit and if I cant get in touch with the Old Man, he'll come up here and look for me.  That puts you all in danger too" you said.  "Get me the phone..."
Marty was hesitant, but after looks from the others he relented,  You called and explained the situation to the Old Man, and he promised to come get you the next morning.  He did as he promised and got you in the car, looking as disappointed as a father scolding a wayward child.  "What's the matter?" you asked, taking out a cigarette.
"You've failed me, Little One" he said as he pulled out a revolver and handed it to you.  "Take your own life to atone for your transgressions, or I will torture you when we get back to Arizona..." his voice was full of malice and you simply put the gun beside you and looked directly at him.
"You dishonor your family by refusing a direct order?" he was growing incredulous as you stared him down.
"Family? No" the driver turned around and put a bullet in Enrico's head without a word "You? You bet your ass I would"  the blood pouring out of his nose and mouth was like a fountain, staining his upholstery an ugly burgundy
"Nice shot, Uncle Mick" you smirked as you admired his handiwork.
"That's Pumpkin" he replied.  "You get your love of firearms from your mother's side of the family" you laughed at that.  You knew when you talked to the Old Man on the phone the day before, from the sound of shock in his voice that he was the ones who sent those men to kill you, not people avenging Gino. 
The others met up with them back at the apartment and you apologized for playing them like cheap banjos, to Vince and Tommy for injuring them.  "So how did you change drivers without the Old Man noticing?" you asked them.
Nikki chuckled "I've got some buddies in the mob too.  I called in a few favors people owe me" that was all that he'd say about the subject and you knew better than to ask.
You turned to Mick and said "It seem like we have A LOT of catching up to do..." you decided that you'd let him in your life if he wanted it.
"That we do Pumpkin" he smiled warmly "That we do"
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dammn-dean · 5 years
Decision Or Collision - Part 2
I know it’s been a while since I posted the first part of this but here’s the continuation! Hope you like it, as usual it’s unbeta’d so all mistakes are on me. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Characters: Mechanic!Dean, Business Man!Bucky, Reader
Pairing: Could be Bucky x Reader or Dean x Reader (Let me know what you think)
Words: Almost 2.8k
Warnings: Maybe language, AU/Crossover
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“You were right, this place is great,” he grinned from his spot, across the booth from you.
You couldn’t help but smile at him as you popped another fry into your mouth. Tearing your eyes from his you looked around the Roadhouse, your aunt’s place aka the perfect place to come for a great burger and beer.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be up for it ‘Benz guy’,” you teased, using Dean’s earlier name for him.
That made him let out a hearty laugh, “Yeah well, let’s just say I need to keep up appearances for my job.”
“And what is it that you do exactly?” You would be lying if you said this mysterious, well dressed man across from you didn’t intrigue you.
He stared at you with a glint in his eye, as if he was trying to read you. He waited a moment, figuring out what he was going to say. He reached for the mug to his left with, you watched it as he brought the mug to his lips and took a big gulp of his beer. You would never admit it out loud but your eyes were on his lips, he licked them before they softly were placed on the edge of the mug. Then your eyes drifted down his throat, eyeing his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed the amber liquid.
“My father is a very important man, with enemies,” His voice pulling you back to reality. “I don’t wanna divulge too much, let’s just say he’s a wealthy man with a big part in the state government. I just kinda have to play mediator a lot,” he says with a smirk on his lips. “Sometimes it doesn’t work out to great for me, but it’s what you do for family I suppose.”
You gave him a nod, picking up your own mug to take a sip of the golden liquid. You took him in, jacket now off, sleeves rolled up showing off his strong forearms, the thin white dress shirt he was wearing not hiding his thick bicep as it flexed and moved under it as he did normal human things that shouldn’t draw your attention, but they did. It was distracting really, you were trying your best to keep your eyes locked on his but you kept drifting and you just hoped he didn’t notice. He either hadn’t or he was being polite enough not to bring it up.
“How’s everything going over here Y/N?” Your cousin Jo popped up beside the booth.
You gave her a smile with a knowing eye, she spoke to you but her eyes were on James. You rolled your eyes when she started nibbling on her lower lip with a hand on her popped out hip. She was always such a flirt, and apparently she saw something she liked.
“I haven’t seen ya around here before,” she drawled with a grin.
“Never been here before, I’m James,” he smiled back at her and held out his hand, which she took and gave a small shake that lasted a second too long but that was just your opinion.
“Names Jo, my mom owns the place,” she gestured around the Roadhouse.
“And her mom is married to my Uncle Bobby aka this is my cousin,” you explained with a smile as James’ eyes fell back to yours.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Jo.”
“Pleasures all mine James,” she practically purred.
“Would you like to join us?” He was being polite and you loved your cousin but you were ready for this to become a two person thing again.
“Jo actually works here. By the way could you get ‘em to send us another round please?” You asked with a smile.
She let out a huff and muttered some form of affirmation then headed back towards the bar with sway of her hips. You let out a small laugh and turned your attention back to James. Whose eyes were on you with a small smile on his lips.
“She seems nice,” he said with a nod in her direction.
“Mhmm,” you hummed as you took another sip of your beer, finishing it before the next was brought.
“So what else is there to do around here?” He asked after finishing off the rest of his beer, perfect timing.
You both gave thanks to the server and watched as they gathered up your now empty plates and mugs. You waited for them to leave before responding to his question.
“Well honestly not too much, there’s a movie theater, couple hole in the wall restaurants that would surprise you, couple bars. Most people just like comin’ to the Roadhouse,” you answered with a shrug.
James gave a nod and took a sip of his fresh beer. You heard the bell at the door ding, indicating someone new was entering but you had your back and didn’t turn around to see who it was. Your eyes were on James, and his were on whoever it was to walk in. He gave a small shake of his head and a laugh as he sipped his beer again.
“Jo! My usual please, and might I add you look great tonight.” A loud voice boomed from the doorway.
You knew who it was without even needing to turn and look, yet you did to find Dean settling into a stool at the bar, facing Jo who was leaned up against the bar grinning back at him. Did he have to openly flirt with every female he encountered? While it did make you feel a bit better about how he was with you it also made you feel slightly less special, because that’s just how Dean Winchester is. You couldn’t hear their conversation but you didn’t really care to, Jo’s giggled floating around the place was enough.
“You alright?” He could sense a change in you since Dean walked in the bar, and you hadn’t mean to let him effect you.
“Of course I’m alright. Sorry,” you answered with a smile. You gave yourself a little mental pep talk, telling yourself to not worry about what was happening over there. Just have fun with this beautiful and mysterious man sitting across from you.
“Maybe while you’re in town I could show you a couple of the other things to do in town?” You asked with a quirk of your eyebrow.
James’ eyes widened but he still held a smirk, “Oh yeah like what kind of things could I do, doll?”
Your eyes mimicked his, you realized how your question came across. The sip of beer you had just taken got stuck in your throat mid-swallow causing you to start coughing. All while trying to explain what you meant. James laughed amused the whole time, while holding out a napkin for you, which you took patting away any beer that had managed to spill out. God, why were you so embarrassing?
“That is so not what I meant, I mean not to say..” you were cut off before you could add to your embarrassment.
“You alright over here sweetheart?” It was Dean, right beside you with a comforting hand on your back. “Sounded like a lung was about to come up.”
“I’m fine, thanks for checking on me,” you tried to reassure him with a smile.
Your eyes flicked across the table, you noticed James sitting there taking in you and Dean. You really wanted Dean to leave without noticing you being here with James, but it seemed rude to not bring up the fact you were indeed here with someone else. Before you made the decision Dean made it for you, his eyes followed yours and he then noticed James at the booth across from you.
“You remember James from earlier right?” Sure that works, make it seem like you were introducing them.
“Oh of course, sorry man. Didn’t see you there,” Dean seethed.
They each held out a hand to shake the others, almost imitating the weird stare off they had earlier, causing you to roll your eyes.
“We noticed you come in, seems like your having a great time with Y/N’s cousin?” James retorted as their hand shake broke.
“Jo’s been a friend of the family for a while,” Dean grumbled.
“Of course, would you want to join us by chance?” James asked. Making your eyebrows shoot up into your hairline, this is definitely not what you wanted.
“I would hate to intrude.” It sure didn’t sound like he would hate to intrude.
“No of course, join us,” you chimed in.
You glared at Dean, but he either missed it or didn’t care because he plopped down in the booth right beside you, arm up and around the back of the booth behind you. Here we go.
The next few moments were filled with awkward silence. So your mug just about stayed on your lips, draining as much beer as possible. You waved down your server for another one, silently awaiting the next round.
“Maybe you should slow down sweetheart, got to be at the shop early in the morning,” Dean teased to the right of you.
“Yeah, you always have to be at the shop early, never stops you from having one too many.” You shrugged your shoulders.
Dean nodded in agreement before finishing his bottled beer that you hadn’t noticed in his other hand before calling out to Jo for another with a wink that you missed but James didn’t.
“How long have you two known each other?” James asked curiously.
“Well I’ve been working at the shop for a few months, but our families knew each other when I was little,” you eyed Dean as he nodded agreeing. “He was a few grades ahead of me, never really noticed or talked to me when I was here back then. Then my mom and dad moved us off when I was a teen. Wasn’t really until I came back that we really ‘met’ I suppose.”
“I can’t imagine how someone even back then wouldn’t notice you,” James smirked. It was hidden behind his mug but it didn’t stop the effect his words had on you, cheeks heating up at his admission.
Dean didn’t miss the jab, it didn’t sit well with him but he knew better than to bite. Why were you here with this douche anyways? You’d never even came to the Roadhouse with him, so why did you ask some random rich guy to come here with you? More importantly, why did you see him come in and not say anything? Surely this wasn’t like, a date.. was it?
“Oh believe me, I kick myself all the time for not noticing here when we were younger, but I’ve made it up to you sweetheart haven’t I?” Dean spoke directly to you the whole time and you felt your cheeks growing even redder by the second, you couldn’t do this anymore.
“You know what guys, it’s getting pretty late. I think that last beer really went to my head, time for me to head home,” you yawned to help your point.
“Of course, sweetheart,” said Dean.
“Sure thing, doll,” said James.
You closed your eyes and said a small prayer to whomever to let you get through the night. When you opened them you saw James flag down the server for the tab.
“All together?” She asked James, no one else even mattered at the table to her.
“Of course,” he grinned right back at her while fishing a card out of his wallet. You were about to protest when he spoke up again. “His from the bar too please.” James gestured towards Dean.
“No, that’s alright,” Dean held up his hand in protest. “I’ll just pay on my way out.”
“No this is on me, my treat. For all the work you’ll be doing on my car.” James gave Dean a genuine smile, he was just trying to be nice after all.
“I appreciate that but I can get my own tab,” Dean sounded a bit aggravated but James paid him no mind.
“I insist.” And without waiting he tossed his sleek black card on top of the table despite Dean’s words and just like that the server was off, card in hand.
You sent Dean a glare, telling him to be nice. He eyed you back, clearly not happy but he didn’t say anything else besides muttering a ‘Thanks’ to which James shrugged off with a friendly smile. When the server came back with his card Dean slid out of the booth and headed toward the bar without another word at either one of you. You let out an audible sigh, thankful for the relief of being around one of them at a time.
“Thank you James, I had a great time,” you beamed.
“I had a good time too doll, thanks for bringing me here,” he affirmed as he signed the copy in between eyeing you as you slid from the booth.
You reached for your jacket but before you could pull it on he was there, gently taking it from you for you to slide your arms into. You whispered a ‘thank you’, as you watched him reach for his own jacket, choosing to just toss it over his forearm for now. You took that moment to snag up your purse and look towards the bar to say bye to Dean but his eyes were already on you and they held a heat. You stopped dead in your tracks, unsure what the look was for but it didn’t stop the chill from running up your spine.
“You alright?” James asked with a hand on your lower back.
The touch caused you the recoil from and he reacted by pulling his hand from you, worried that his gesture upset you. In reality you were just startled, everything that was happening mixed with the beer you’d had was just too much.
“I’m fine,” you reassured him. “I’m just going to say bye to Dean really quick.” You didn’t really wait for a response before heading over to Dean.
“Heading out, I’ll see you in the morning?” You sounded weird, not like yourself but there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
“Of course sweetheart, be careful.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes cut to James when he said that.
“Just being friendly to a customer from out of town, D.” But were you?
“If you say so,” he muttered before sipping his bottle, lips wrapping around the end before pulling it away quickly.
You nibbled your lip and stared at him a moment to long, your brain swirling with thoughts and questions but instead of verbalizing any of them you just tapped his back and headed towards the door. You sent Dean one more goodbye in the form of a wave on the way out that he matched, they nodded towards another. Once the cool air hit your face making you feel better and more level headed instantly, almost like you could finally breathe freely.
“You need a ride back to your hotel?” You asked as you snatched your keys from the purse on your shoulder.
“I would hate to put you out of your way, I can call a cab,” he pulled his phone out and started typing away on it.
“I insist,” you used his earlier words against him.
He stopped typing on his phone and grinned at you, “Well alright then, I’d love a ride.”
Perma Taglist: @waywardbaby @mannls @msruchita @ashdownbloodline @his-paradox @mamaraptor @sophie-barnes26
Supernatural Taglist: @assassinofmasyaf @jessriley1109 @deaniepie24 @karikatz12481 @deanna-s-winchester @dean-winchesters-bacon
Marvel Taglist: @baebeepeach (Did you change your URL?) @josiejosie0 @technolilly @gabby913 @sonotalice @bexboo616 @gigistorm @just-trying-to-survive-marvel @doublephoeenix @rumoured-whispers @scarletsoldierrr
Bucky Taglist: @hiddles-rose @givemethatgold
Decision or Collision Taglist: @camillechan @thewinchesterchronicles @fairchild21 @faithfullpanicmoon @sunlight-dean @its-a-simply-me-thing  @darkangeldesignstudio @tardis-is-mine @jessieray98 @booksteaandrainyday
(I know it’s an AU, so if you don’t want like this or didn’t want to be tagged I’m sorry! But if you do like it and want to be tagged let me know. Also, if your name marked out it means I couldn’t tag you.)
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aclamclriver · 6 years
let me call you sweetheart
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summary:  arthur paterson is nephew to one of new york’s most ruthless crime bosses,  no matter how miserable it might be.  running illegal alcohol through a town that is on the brink of prohibition,  paterson is interested in only poetry and solitude, until he meets the charming daughter of new york’s upper class.   tagged:   @ochacaka​,  @oh-adam​,  @moonlightsolo,  @killakylo,  @say-my-name-assbut notes:  you know how sometimes you make a post that is 98% thirst 2% history and you end up getting carried away and you go ahead and plot out twenty one chapters because you have no control over your life?  this is one of those times.  
tommy scout tells him one day,  chewing on a toothpick with his usual nonchalant grace,  that there’s no way in hell they’ll ever ban booze in new york.
“it’s too much money,”  tommy said,  kicking his heel against the barrel that lies in half-ruined waste by his foot.  he’s an idle boy       hardly a man,  though he has half a foot on paterson,  and the beginnings of a fine mustache that’ll be the envy of every man in the bar.  paterson likes to think tommy comes and goes as he pleases,  drawn to the hubbub and chaos of new york because it presents something to see;  otherwise,  what else could he be doing?  he’d fit better in the south,  where the drawls run thick like molasses on words that slur into the next,  and tom sawyer paints a fence with a lazy idea in mind.  
paterson doesn’t fit in anywhere,  he supposes.  he’s 26 and he still has too many boyish features:  ears lopsided and prominent,  practically made to be pulled and snatched at whenever someone wants his attention.  he’s tall limbs and gangly appearance,  not quite at home in his own body,  built for tripping over and kicking over and generally making a mess when one is hoping for quiet.  he imagines himself as some kind of tragic background character in his own poems,  the one he scrawls on scraps of paper he can snatch away whenever the opportunity presents itself;  not a hero,  and certainly not a villain,  but doomed to observe and see and never find himself within.  
“those old loons have got the wrong idea,”  tommy remarked,  and paterson pulled his attention away from the barrel to follow tommy’s gaze,  falling on the women holding up signs and calling up all sorts of questionable decrees he couldn’t care less about outside the magistrate’s office.  “they wanna ban the booze,  they’re just gonna make it harder to find husbands.  half of ‘em will only get married if their man has his goggles on.”
paterson didn’t answer,  but tommy never seeks one from him,  anyways;  he seems utterly at ease in quiet,  and more often that not,  laughs at his own jokes harder than anyone else.  he is a caricature of comedy,  a mimicry of the jest,  and paterson thinks that one day,  tommy will have turned out to be some kind of imp that wanders from town to town,  no goal in mind but to keep himself vaguely entertained,  and no one will at all be surprised.
“they’ve been protesting nonstop,”  paterson commented,  and tommy shrugged,  a half-hearted gesture that shows nothing but disinterest in the whole affair.
“governor makes too much money from the drinkers to throw ‘em out.  hell,  governor drinks himself quiet every evening.  not to mention the mayor and all the judges.”  he snorted,  pulling his toothpick from his mouth and flicking it into the busy street;  paterson watched as it disappeared under the rickety tires of one of the new automobiles careening by.  “these birds think the drink is to blame for everything.  most be the most boring households in the city!  even the puritans had a sense of humour.”
paterson said nothing.  under his arm,  in crates stacked two by three,  were bottles and bottles of wine and rum that were stamped from halfway around the world,  touring through europe on the back of an assassination that took them all by surprise.  they’re earmarked for the mayor himself,  and he paid an arm and a leg to get them,  right around the same time that he let one of the drys come in and make a stirring speech about the morality of the drink and how the world would be better off without it.
uncle dean was real chuffed to get the order,  but uncle dean was in one of those strange moods where the wind could blow him one direction or another.  some days,  he was happy to throw his arm around paterson’s shoulder,  and offer him friendly advice about life,  and love,  and all the rest of the business;  other days,  paterson was ducking under that same arm,  moving faster than his limbs allowed to get him out of the way of whatever uncle dean happened to be hurling.  there was no real middle ground with dean,  and there was certainly no pleasing him with bad news       paterson had learned to keep his mouth shut when the times were bad,  and keep it shut when things perked up.
they’d been doing this a lot,  lately       grabbing goods from the docks late at night,  when the guard was persuaded to look the other way,  and selling it for a profit out the back,  so to speak.  alcohol might not be prohibited,  but new york was tense,  real tense:  just the other week,  the dryers had managed to get a bar shut down on serving german beer,  and there was a lot of talk about europe,  europe this and that,  europe and the duke who was killed,  and the duke and his country,  and where that all fit into the greater picture.  no one had any real clue what was going on,  but it seemed like germany was on the wrong side of it,  and austria-hungary,  and suddenly things from overseas was very expensive,  and worth more than paterson could imagine earning in his life.
“more than those damn scribbles could earn you,”  uncle dean was sure to remind him,  and paterson had simply pretended that it was a good point,  and he wasn’t working on a poem at that moment,  anyways.
he was always working on a poem.  he had been writing since before he could remember,  watching the world and turning it into prose through eyes that always saw more than he let on.  it was difficult to write when his uncle was always pressing him to run errands,  and it was difficult to run errands because uncle dean was mixed up with crowds that veered towards the unsavoury.  paterson was a good kid,  and he had looked it;  no one took notice of him now,  because how could anyone imagine arthur paterson smuggling booze and goods around in his little beat-up cart,  with his scruffed hat and his dozens of little papers that always seemed to have something scratched across?
he was thinking of that now,  crossing the lane across central to bring a new shipment in that uncle dean had said was more than his head’s worth,  and he better not forget it.  he had a good idea of what was inside,  but hadn’t really bothered to take a good look       the less he knew,  the better.  his head was stuck on his latest verse,  stuck on trying to get it to work;  all the words fit right,  but he had nothing behind it,  no spark,  no jolt.  no muse,  really.  and he was still pondering that when someone in front of him gave a loud cry,  and paterson realized he had been about to hit someone who had accidentally crossed in front of his rickety auto.
he swerved,  hard,  nearly upending the whole thing as he sought to avoid hitting what was evidently a woman in a blue jacket and dress;  he didn’t see much more,  as his wheel hit the curb and gave a tremendous screech of annoyance,  causing passerby to jump out of the way,  or snicker openly at the whole affair.  there were a few honks behind him as other cars witnessed the mess,  but other than nearly jolting himself out of his seat,  the damage didn’t seem too bad.  
shit.  the booze.
he leapt from his seat,  ignoring the door entirely,  and as he did,  he realized the dame was still in front of the car,  probably frozen in shock.  despite his worry over the cargo in the trunk,  he couldn’t just leave her there to come to her senses       what if he had grazed her,  or she had twisted an ankle,  or something?  better to make sure she was okay.  so he turned,  opened his mouth,  and  ...  found himself speechless.
you hadn’t meant to cross the street just then       you had gotten distracted by something,  found yourself a little too close to the road,  and only realized your predicament when a car came barreling down at you.  luckily your mouth knew better than to freeze like the rest of you had,  and you had let out an unladylike shriek as you came close to being flattened like a pancake on easter sunday.  you had just caught your breath when paterson came out to check on you,  and something about the way you looked       your hair in the sunlight,  maybe,  or how the blue of your dress showed off the high colour in your cheeks       seized his attention and choked all the words right out of him.  
“oh,  my goodness!”  you had said,  highly distressed,  flapping your arms in hopeless anxiety.  “are you alright?  i didn’t mean to step in front of you,  it was an accident and i       and your car!  i am so sorry,  is it very damaged?  does it need any repairs?  are you alright?”
you asked that all in one breath,  your eyes blinking up at him from thick lashes that swept out like a brush of ashes on the hearth,  and paterson had opened his mouth to answer and closed it again when none of his words would surface.  
“are you alright?”  he managed to ask,  only after you had started to inquire at a higher pitch about needing to see a doctor;  you stopped mid-sentence to look at him in puzzlement.
“i  ...  oh,  yes,  of course,  you didn’t even hit me.  but are  you  alright?  you hit the curb awfully hard!”
“it’s fine,”  paterson said,  having not once looked at the car.  “i’m fine.  it’s fine.  you sure you’re not hurt,  miss  ...?”
“[y/n],”  you said,  and you had smiled up at him in such dazzling relief that paterson was immediately struck with the desire to repeat the entire process all over again,  just to see you smile once more.  “and you are mr  ...?”
“m’name is arthur,  but all my friends call me paterson,”  he replied,  and he was intimately aware of how silly he sounded,  how stretched out and inelegant he looked compared to your beauty       with a lose twist of hair bobbing on your neck,  and a flush high in your cheeks,  and a pretty white brooch on your chest,  accentuating the line of your throat and the curve of your chin.  
“well,  i am very sorry we couldn’t meet under better circumstances,  mr paterson,”  you said,  and the way your tongue rolled his name like a sweet had his knees shaking.  “are you very sure the car isn’t damaged?”
“absolutely,”  paterson answered,  quite firmly,  and he leaned one arm down on the door,  as if to prove a point;  it gave an ominous shake underhand.  “uh,  but if you need a ride anywhere  ...  you know,  to apologize for having almost run you down  ...”
“it was all my own fault,”  you declared,  and you shook your head firmly on the point.  “and i am meeting a friend just across the street,  but thank you very much for the offer.  mr paterson,  if you  do  find that the car has been damaged,  please,  please  give me a call and i will pay for the damages immediately.  i’m just       ”  you rummaged in your purse for a moment,  and emerged with a thick white card,  printed with fine black lettering.  “my father,  mr.  sullivan,  will pass along your message.  you can find us at this address.  please,  mr paterson, if there’s any damage at all,  it really is my fault,  and if you find there were any injuries!”  you pressed the card into his hand,  the fabric of your glove brushing along his skin like an electric shock.  
he had been struck dumb,  only able to offer a garbled  “thank you,”  before you had smiled that dazzling smile again,  and darted back across the street,  making sure to glance both ways before you made the crossing.  he watched after you for several minutes,  until you had disappeared from sight,  and then his gaze fell to the card you had closed in his hands.
fifth avenue,  beamed up at him in that elegant script,  barrister and business.  underneath was the name you had mentioned,  and an address that paterson knew spoke more money and manners than he had hairs on his head.
but god,  he thought,  slumping against the rickety old jalopy that was still parked up on the curb,  much to the annoyance of passerby.  but god,  oh god,  that smile.  if your smile was an arrow,  that he had been struck to the quick,  and was bleeding out in the most wondrous agony.  
that poem he had been irritated with was already forgotten,  replaced with one that emulated your eyes to starlight.  paterson smiled,  clasping your card to his heart.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
World’s Best Dad: The Next Year
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Summary: The reader and Dean’s baby arrives...
World’s Best Dad Masterlist
Pairing: single parent!Dean x kindergarten teacher!reader
Word Count: 13,200ish (sorry not sorry)
Warnings: language
A/N: There were a couple of things in this series I never got around to addressing and figured we should have one last ride with the Winchesters. Thanks so much to everyone who loved this series as much as I did!...
“Dean!” you shouted, waddling down the hall. “Dean!”
You got no response and headed over to the back door, covered in Gracie’s big red hearts she’d made up for the Valentine weekend. Dean was falling over dramatically into the snow covered backyard, Gracie jumping into a big pile beside him as they got in some after dinner playtime.
“Dean!” you shouted again, opening the door and letting a fresh drift of snow onto the kitchen floor. You saw him sit up with a smile but wide eyes staring back at your tone. “I think he’s coming early.”
“Come on Gracie,” said Dean, lifting her up with one arm, running through the back door and quickly shedding their snow gear off.
“I thought he was coming in March,” said Gracie. You gasped as you felt pain ripple through you, not certain if that was normal or not.
“Y/N,” said Dean, sitting you down in a chair. “Five minutes and we’re on our way.”
“Dean,” you said, feeling your stomach roll. “Make it less than that.”
He didn’t bother to put on his jacket before he had you, Gracie and your bags in Baby, racing off towards the hospital as you tried to remember all of the steps from your classes about breathing and timing.
“Fuck,” you grunted out, Gracie dead silent in the back seat. Dean reassured her you were fine but something didn’t feel right. The second you were in a wheelchair and rushing inside, Dean was nearly foaming at the mouth.
“Where’s her normal doctor?” barked Dean, the two nurses leading you glancing around at the decorations. “Don’t tell me…”
“It’s valentines this weekend and Dr. Wexley has the night off,” said one of them. Dean was red in the face when they shoved a clipboard in his hands and said Dean and Gracie could come back with you in five minutes.
About three later, Dean was rushing in alone, a different doctor poking and prodding at you as you scowled back.
“Is she in labor or what?” said Dean, the doctor pointing at another nurse that took Dean out and had him back within three minutes wearing a pair of scrubs.
“I think that’s your answer...oh shit,” you said, gripping the sheets tight. “Where’s Gracie?”
“Sam just got here, he’s in the waiting room with her,” said Dean, taking hold of your hand and immediately wincing. “Crap, your little hand is strong.”
“Give me something for the pain. Now,” you growled, the doctor waving people around. “Now!”
“Mrs. Winchester it’s a little late for that. He’s coming right now,” said the doctor. “A few more minutes and we’ll be ready to go.”
“Dean,” you whined. “It hurts.”
“I know sweetheart, almost there. Just a few more minutes and you’ll be okay,” said Dean. He ran his hand over your head and tried to give you something to focus on until they started telling you to push.
Your heart was racing when you woke up, your stomach much flatter than you were used to but the sight of Dean holding a little clump of blankets in his arms put you at ease.
“Hey,” you croaked out, Dean lifting his head up in relief.
“Hey little guy, want to meet your mommy?” asked Dean, standing up and walking over slowly. You winced and knew you should have felt some kind of pain but whatever they gave you had you forgetting about it. “He got a little stuck on the way out and you passed out and they pretty much shoved me out of the way until they pulled him out a minute later. Doc said you got a damn high pain tolerance.”
“Is he okay?” you asked, Dean helping to put him in your arms. Your body felt wrecked but the little green eyes staring up made you forget all that. He had a full head of dirty blonde hair on his head under a blue cap but those big eyes glancing back and forth between you and Dean were all you could focus on.
“He’s perfect. You are too, even if you’ll be sore for a while longer than we expected,” said Dean, moving to sit on the edge of the bed with you. “He’s as cute as you.”
“He’s...” you said, not sure what word to settle on, nothing seeming good enough for this feeling you had towards this little guy. Dean tensed up beside you though and your heart nearly broke. “Dean, he’s perfect and he’s ours. I’m not-“
“I’m sorry,” said Dean, shifting so he could rest his head on your shoulder. “It’s overwhelming and my mind just went back there even though I know you’d never....”
“This is our son and I love him, Dean,” you said, leaning down and kissing his forehead for the first time. “He’s wonderful and we both need his Daddy more than ever now.”
“You’re not scared?” asked Dean. You laughed and Dean pecked a kiss to your cheek.
“Terrified. Calmly terrified is the word I would use,” you said.
“Babies aren’t that hard,” said Dean, waggling a finger over the baby’s chest, giving him a small tickle. “They don’t move around, don’t talk back, don’t have science projects they neglect to tell us about until the night before...he’s a cakewalk compared to the training you’ve gotten over the past year.”
“How long was I sleeping?” you asked, looking for a clock, catching the time to not be as late as you figured.
“You only slept about fifteen minutes. This little guy has been around fourteen. The nurses and the doc literally left just as you woke up,” said Dean.
“I can’t believe we made this,” you said, leaning your head back with a smile. “Did Gracie meet him yet?”
“No one has,” said Dean, sitting up with a big grin. “Our parents are on the way but you think you’re up for Gracie and Uncle Sammy to visit?”
“Definitely,” you said, Dean kissing you both before leaving the room. It felt very still once he was gone, just you and your son staring at one another, neither of you having a clue of what was going on really. “I love you so much. Your Daddy loves you and your sister loves you and your Uncle and grandparents and you’re going to be so loved...you and your sister are going to help me remind your Daddy that he is worth so much and has just as much love surrounding him as you do...and you’re freaking adorable, kid. You’re one of the best moments of my life, you know that? Yeah, you little guy are amazing and you’re going to have a great life with this whacky family we call the Winchesters. No matter what happens, we’re always going to be here for you because that’s what we do for each other and someday I hope you realize how amazing of a family we have.”
“I think Mommy is in love,” said Dean, your head raising to see him back in the room, Gracie nervously standing in front of him. Sam was smiling wide from the doorway and gave the baby a tiny wave, Dean picking up Gracie. He sat down on the edge of your bed with her in his lap, facing you. “Gracie, this is your little brother.”
“He’s tiny,” she said quietly, shrinking back into Dean. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You won’t munchkin. You just need to be careful with him, okay?” you said, her head nod tentative as you saw Dean reach forward.
“Want to hold him?” asked Dean, plucking him out of your arms and holding him in front of Gracie. “Just hold up your arms like we practiced.”
She did as told and Dean rested the baby down, his arms there just in case but you saw Gracie light up when she looked down at her brother, her mood completely different now.
“He’s kind of silly looking,” she said, leaning down and giving him the gentlest of kisses. “But cute.”
“She’s taking on her role of big sister well,” said Dean, laughing behind her as he took hold of the baby, Gracie shifting to crawl into your side. “This is your little brother, Gracie. Now as somebody who has one myself, you watch out for your little brother. He’s going to look up to you.”
“Like you and Uncle Sammy?” she asked.
“Exactly,” said Dean, Sam stepping over and ruffling Dean’s hair.
“Yeah, big siblings are pretty cool to have,” said Sam, bending down and tickling the baby’s chest much like Dean had.
“Come on Uncle Sammy, meet your nephew,” you said, Dean handing him over.
“Hi, buddy,” said Sam, the baby ridiculously small in Sam’s arms. “I’m your fun Uncle Sam. You are going to be such a little troublemaker I bet.”
“No, he’ll be a little angel,” you said. “Two perfect kids.”
“Where’s the first one?” teased Dean, grabbing Gracie and tossing her up on his shoulders.
“Daddy,” whined Gracie, rolling her eyes. “I’m right here.”
“Oh, there she is,” said Dean, Gracie bending down to squish Dean’s cheeks. “Thankfully we got another man in the house. I don’t think I could have handled three women.”
“He’s so cute,” said Sam, making faces, the baby closing his eyes. “I think it’s his nap time.”
“Y/N looks ready for bed too,” said Dean. “You were only in labor for like half an hour too. Imagine if it was like half a day.”
“Let’s not and enjoy the fact that we got him a little early,” you said, closing your eyes with a smile. “I want to hold him but I want to sleep.”
“Take a rest and I’ll wake you up when the parents get here,” said Dean, feeling Gracie give you a hug and kiss as you did as told.
“Gracie, do you want to go down to the cafeteria with your Grandpa and get some ice cream?” you asked a few days later.
“Which one?” she asked, both of them hopping up, glancing at one another
“Take ‘em both munchkin,” said Dean, pointing at both of your fathers. “You two figure out the name thing please before the new one learns to speak.”
“Dibs on Pops,” said John, your dad scowling. “Oh, you wanted Grandpa anyways and you know it old timer.”
“I’m younger than you, the walking dead,” shot back your dad. You had to fight back a laugh, John pointing a finger at you.
“I’ll take you off wafcakes and put you on the pandogs if you don’t watch it, Winchester,” he said. “Although...nice comeback, Granpda.”
“Well, we wouldn’t be here right now if we’d had some good comeback stories, Pops,” said your dad, your eyes going wide as they both burst out laughing.
“No adult jokes in front of your granddaughter,” you growled, both men looking away sheepishly. “Gracie, watch your Grandpa and Pops for me would ya? Those two get up to no good when they get together.”
“They’re not as bad as Grandma and Gram,” said Dean, the one who suggested Gram for your mom in the first place. “Like freaking lost nutjob sisters those two are.”
“I used to think my parents were stuck up. Then I got engaged and they’re just as nuts as the freaking Winchesters deep down,” you said.
“They raised you after all,” said Dean, standing up. “Now old people and short people get out.”
“I fit neither of those descriptions,” said Sam, Dean rolling his eyes. “Come on Gracie, your old parents are booting us out. Maybe Pops will buy his favorite son an ice cream?”
“I’ll buy you an ice cream if you spill the beans on Eileen,” said John, your dad spinning around to join in.
“I’ve heard about her Sammy, you should-”
“Dear god they never stop talking,” said Dean, closing the door to room so you were finally alone. “Too bad this thing doesn’t have a lock.”
“Probably a good thing considering this is a hospital and all, baby,” you said, stretching in bed. “Speaking of which, how about you bring our other baby over here.”
“Little guy,” said Dean, plucking the more squirming bundle out of his tiny bed and carrying him over. Dean sat down in a chair facing you and kicked his feet up with a sigh. “We never settled on a name.”
“We thought we had two more weeks,” you said, Dean humming. “I want to get out of here and it’s been nearly three days. Let’s name him Dean Jr. already and be done with it.”
“No! We’re going to be calling him this the rest of his life. It should be special,” said Dean.
“I’m joking you worry wart,” you said, sitting up in bed. “We’ve got Gracie…”
“Yeah but Gracie was named out of...you know, pretty much my lowest point ever. It was more of a reminder of how amazing she is,” said Dean. You shifted in the bed and crawled over to him, kissing his lips and resting your head on his shoulder. “You’re supposed to rest.”
“Worry wart,” you said. “He is also amazing and he needs a kickass name.”
“Bob,” said Dean, earning an eye roll. “Bill. Billy Bob.”
“Take this seriously would you?” you asked. “We said something-”
“Aidan,” said Dean with a nod. “Addy for a nickname.”
“Aidan,” you said, cocking your head. “Aidan Winchester. Little Addy. Aidan and Gracie. Addy and Gracie. Addy? Eh, I don’t know about Addy.”
“Eli. Henry? My grandpa was Henry. I never met him,” said Dean.
“Henry,” you said, pursing your lips. “You want to be Henry little buddy?”
The baby scrunched up his face and you held up your hands.
“Henry’s off the table then. What’s something cool?” you said. “You named Gracie because a nurse said you were graced with her. I think we’re over thinking this.”
“He was early,” said Dean, tilting his head back in thought.
“We had to rush to get here,” you said. “He came fast. You were speeding like you were being…”
“Chase,” you both said at the same time.
“Chase Winchester? That sounds pretty cool,” you said, Dean tilting your son up. “What do you think about Chase? All the girls are going to be after a little cutie like you, just like your daddy.”
“Chase something Winchester,” said Dean. “I know...Oliver.”
“Our son’s initials are not going to be COW, smart ass,” you said, laughing to yourself. “You liked Aidan. How about Chase Aidan Winchester?”
“Because a crow cawing is better than a cow,” said Dean, rolling his eyes.
“Chase Henry Winchester,” you said. “I like that and he doesn’t have to deal with random animal noises being made at him on the playground.”
“Just our dumb mugs squealing and giggling in his face,” said Dean. “You good with Chase?”
The baby blinked and turned into Dean’s chest with a sigh, letting out a tiny coo.
“I think he’s good. He’s so precious,” you said.
“Gollum,” said Dean, his eyes lighting up.
“Get out,” you said, Dean laughing to himself. “You and your shitty jokes are what got us into this.”
“I love a girl who loves a mean dad joke,” said Dean, handing Chase over. “I’m going to grab a nurse and hopefully we can be heading home in a couple of hours.”
“Did you finish putting the diapers and nappies all in the changing table?” you asked. “I feel like we’ll need that sooner than we think.”
“Yes...maybe...you know what? That sounds like a great project the grandparents could do together,” said Dean, pulling out his phone. “I’ll send the moms on it and have them bring our lunch home.”
“Sounds great, baby,” you said, Chase snuggling against you. “You’re going home today buddy.”
Three hours later you and Dean were the only ones left at the hospital, you staring at Chase in the car seat with a grimace.
“Y/N, you want to sit back there with him?” asked Dean.
“Yes,” you said, climbing in the other side, Dean laughing by the time he got in the front. “I’m nervous okay? At least Gracie, albeit I’d be fucking horrified, is a little bigger than seven pounds if something were to happen.”
“We’ll drive the side streets and go five under the whole way home,” said Dean. “I promise. Although it is funny.”
“What’s funny?” you asked, tugging on one of the straps, Chase poking open an eye at you.
“Seatbelt,” said Dean.
“He’s got his seatbelt on,” you said.
“I meant you, Y/N,” said Dean, leaning over the front bench. “We ain’t moving until every Winchester is strapped in tight.”
“Sorry,” you said, pulling in your lap belt. “What’s funny again?”
“You are, sweetheart. You used to be paranoid about this kind of stuff with Gracie when we first got together and you’re doing it all over again,” said Dean, smiling in the front seat as he pulled out.
“I never stopped, just got better at hiding it,” you said, putting a hand on Chase, already sleeping again. “Don’t freak out in front of the kids. I learned that like week one.”
“Try not to but sometimes you can’t help it,” said Dean, cranking up the heat. “We kind of missed our hot date you know.”
“Chase, Daddy is going to hold this over you the rest of your life you realize,” you said, Chase flapping his lips. “Why is he so cute? It’s not fair.”
“Kid’s gonna be a heartbreaker someday. We totally had reservations at a fancy place too, Chase. I was going to have steak, not a turkey sandwich at two in the morning when my stomach was grumbling,” said Dean. “Not cool.”
“Daddy is a big teaser if you haven’t gotten that yet,” you said. “Your big sister will show you how to wrap him around your finger.”
“I am not wrapped…” said Dean, glancing in the mirror to see your eyebrows raised. “I’m wrapped a smidge around her finger, just a smidge.”
“Daddy is also very corruptible if you play your cards right,” you said.
“Mommy hogs the couch, Chase. I hope you like sitting on the floor...with me...because she and Gracie and the freaking dog are up there having a nice cuddle without me,” said Dean.
“Daddy is also a liar,” you said, Chase blinking open an eye. “I know, he looks so sweet and then he comes in for the kill.”
“Shut your mouth back there, sassy girl,” said Dean. “We don’t need two of them with your eye rolls. The one is rough enough.”
“Gracie is an angel ninety nine percent of the time,” you said.
“The spawn of Satan the other one percent...well considering she’s half of that woman I’m not surprised,” said Dean. You knew he’d never quite let go of that resentment but at least he’d toned down the name calling lately. “Sorry. I don’t want to talk about her ever again.”
“We’ll have to someday,” you said, rubbing Chase’s chest. “He should know.”
“I know. How about ten years from now?” said Dean. You rolled your eyes but smiled, giving him a nod. “Mind if we make a quick pit stop on the way home?”
“Gracie, we’re home,” said Dean, carrying Chase in his carrier in one hand, the other on the small of your back. You saw her pop her head out of the hall closet, shushing you both and closing it back up. “Oh, hide and seek. Don’t mind us then.”
“Gracie! It’s not funny anymore! I’m not giving up!” you heard Sam shout, whipping around a corner with a pout. He lit up when he saw you and came over to help you with your bag. “Took you guys long enough.”
“Gracie, we got you a present!” you shouted, her head poking out of the closet, Sam spinning around with a big grin.
“Hi munchkin,” said Sam, Gracie running out and down the hall with a giggle, Sam letting her get away until she made her way back to you. “Caught you.”
“I let you catch me,” she said, Sam tossing her over his shoulder. He nodded and set her down, Gracie giving you and Dean both hugs before slowing it down and carefully going to her brother. “Hi Chase.”
The baby blinked at her and made a face, glancing back at you and Dean.
“He won’t talk for a long time, huh,” she said, sitting down next to him, looking him over.
“No but you can talk to him all you want, munchkin. Except when he’s sleeping obviously,” said Dean. You saw a blur of fur come out of the family room, his nose going fast before zeroing in on the carrier. Dean plucked it up quickly, staring down at your three month old pup. “Toby, behave.”
“Toby’s just interested,” said Sam, picking up the puppy so he could see. He licked his nose and stared at Chase, the baby seeming indifferent. “Toby, that’s Chase. He’s a pup like you.”
“Did you just call my kid a dog?” said Dean, Sam groaning and setting Toby down. He wandered off to go back to his bed, yawning and shutting his eyes. “I’m joking, Sammy. I’ll bring it up when he tells me how much cooler Uncle Sammy is than me though someday but you’re in the clear for now.”
“Gracie,” you said, bending down with a big grin. “Do you want to see your present?”
“Yes,” she said, rocking on her heels, exactly how Dean did when he was excited.
“Let’s go to the garage then,” you said, her face scrunching up. She led the way and you could tell she wasn’t thrilled at first. Until she opened the door and you flicked the light switch on.
“Yes!” she said, hopping up and down, a new gray and pink bike with a big red bow sitting there. “I wanted a big one!”
“You’ve been so good with taking care of Toby and your mom the past few months. We know you’re going to help take care of Chase too, munchkin,” said Dean. “You’ve been a big girl lately and we wanted you to know how much we appreciate it.”
“I’ve been helpful,” said Sam with a smirk. You smacked him in the chest and he let out a huff, ready to give it right back when you held up your hands.
“Uh uh, I’m on rest a few weeks,” you said, Sam scowling. “You can have Gracie’s old bike if you want.”
“Uh, no,” said Dean. “That’s Chase’s someday. It’s already black.”
“We got such cool kids,” you said, high fiving Dean.
“Well the parents are dorks,” said Sam, dashing away before you could give him another slap. “Come on, the old people will be back soon with lunch and Chase probably shouldn’t be in where it’s so cold.”
“Gracie, want to show Chase his room?” you asked, her focus back on her brother like that, taking hold of Dean’s hand and tugging him back inside. “I’m guessing that’s a yes.”
Two Months Later
You felt like crap, your stomach churning all day and a headache that just got worse and worse as it went on. Chase was cranky and not sleeping like normal, thankfully no fever or anything wrong with him that you could tell. Gracie was on spring break and a ball of energy, running around the house like it was on fire. You still had an hour before Dean was home from work on top of all that.
“Finally,” you muttered, Chase sleeping in his bassinet in the family room. You sat down on the couch and quickly lay down, closing your eyes with a sigh.
“Mom! Toby has to go outside!” you heard her shout as she came in the room. Chase started crying and you gritted your teeth, going back over to rock the bassinet. “Mom! Toby-”
“Gracie!” you shouted, her body tensing up. “Let him out in the backyard and then bring him back inside. Go play in the backyard until your dad gets home. Chase needs to sleep.”
“But you said we could play over break, have our girls day,” she whined.
“Gracie, I’d love to but I don’t feel well. We’ll have one as soon as I’m feeling better, okay? Please take the dog out for me, munchkin,” you said, Chase crying louder. You picked him up and tried to shush him back to sleep.
“But you said-”
You walked away towards the back door, the dog nowhere in sight and a puddle on the ground.
“I don’t need this right now,” you mumbled, walking back and putting Chase down as he started into a full on meltdown, Gracie following you around the kitchen as you cleaned up the mess. She was on you like glue as you went back to Chase, his face beat red as your stomach rolled.
“Can we play-”
“Go play in the backyard until your father comes home,” you said. “We need-”
“I want to play-”
“Backyard unless you want to make it time out,” you said too harshly but not having the patience at the moment, Gracie going wide eyed. “Back yard, now.”
She slumped away quietly, Chase screaming in your ear for a few minutes until he calmed down. It was just enough time for you to feel shitty for screaming at a seven year old. She was a kid, a good one, but even she couldn’t be perfect all of the time. You went to apologize for snapping when your stomach lurched and you ran for the bathroom, barely getting inside before you got sick.
“Rough day?” asked Dean a while later, your head lifting up to see him standing in the doorway after your fifth time of emptying your stomach. “You look awful, sweetheart.”
“You know how to make a girl feel pretty,” you joked, shuddering when Dean ran a hand up and down your back. “I think I’m done now.”
“We’ll get the bucket just in case,” said Dean, leaving for a few minutes, back with fresh pajamas and an orange bucket with a garbage bag. He wiped your face off and helped you change, running his hands over your head. “I’ll make you some soup.”
“Thanks,” you said, trudging out to find Dean had put Chase in his carrier and plopped him on the table. You sat down and saw Gracie sitting on the back porch, her back to you. “She should come in, it’s getting cool out.”
“Gracie,” said Dean, popping the back door open. “Want some soup and grilled cheese for dinner?”
She didn’t answer but got up slowly, walking like a mouse inside and sitting at her spot. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and you saw a scrape on her cheek.
“Gracie, did you fall?” you asked, hoping out of your seat, bending down and forgetting the lingering pain in your abdomen. She didn’t want to look at you and you saw the dirt on the front of her shirt, another long scrape on her arm and one on her leg. “Munchkin, you’re hurt.”
“Come here,” said Dean, picking her up and sitting her on the counter, looking her over. “Gracie what happened? Why didn’t you get your mom?”
“She was mad and said to go outside. I didn’t want her to be more mad at me,” said Gracie, ducking her head down when Dean tried to get her to show her face.
“Gracie I’m sorry for yelling, munchkin. No matter what, if you’re hurt, you come get one of us or an adult. You being okay is the most important thing in the world to me,” you said.
“But Chase was crying,” she said with a sniffle. “He’s more important.”
“Gracie Winchester,” you said, putting a finger under her chin. “Where did you get that idea?”
“School. Some kids said you don’t love me as much because you’re not my real mom,” she said.
“Munchkin,” you said, lifting her off the counter and holding her tight. “Gracie, I love you and I am your real mom. I love you just as much as your brother. I love you both the same, no matter what anyone says. I might get mad or upset sometimes and you might do things I don’t like but I always, always love you. You’ve got to believe me munchkin.”
“Promise?” she said. You nodded your head and set her back down.
“Promise,” you said, Dean moving in to clean her up. “I love you so much Gracie.”
“Hey,” said Dean as he crawled into bed that night. He sent you to get some rest after a light dinner and you did feel a lot better. At least physically. “You’ve been crying.”
“No,” you said, Dean rubbing his palm against your cheeks.
“You just have puffy eyes and dried tears on your face for no reason then?” he asked. He pulled you into his chest and you sighed, fisting your hand in his shirt. “You’re okay, sweetheart.”
“She didn’t say she got hurt because she was scared to tell me. She thought I didn’t love her like I do Chase because we’re not blood? How long has she felt like this? How long have I been such a shitty mom that she wouldn’t talk to me about it?” you asked, hoping you were too tired to cry again. “What am I doing wrong? Tell me, please.”
“Y/N,” said Dean, moving the hair out your face so he could look at you. “You have done nothing wrong. I’ve been on the other side of this so many times I know it doesn’t feel like it but you didn’t. You didn’t feel good and she pushed your buttons-”
“I’m the adult, Dean. I should be able to handle it,” you said.
“Yeah, says the sleep-deprived new mother that was violently ill and had a seven year that didn’t know when to quit. You’ve never really yelled at her before, not like that from what I’m guessing. She knows you love her. We had a little talk and she understands now that she can’t always be the center of attention. We’re a family and sometimes that means taking care of her or Chase or me or Toby or our most neglected member, you,” said Dean.
“I’m not neglected,” you said, turning your head up to catch Dean raising an eyebrow. “I’m not.”
“You’ve barely let me put you first from the moment I met you. We’re setting aside some Y/N time every week from now on where you can relax and take care of yourself,” said Dean. “No excuses.”
“I’m fine,” you said, Dean growling. “Fine, I’ll do your special me time thing.”
“Good girl,” said Dean, kissing the tip of your nose. “I told her she has to tell us about any bullying that happens too. I don’t want a repeat of that asshole kid from kindergarten.”
“Do you think you could manage to take off Friday? I want to give Gracie our day out,” I said. “Let you boys have a day to yourselves.”
“We’ll get a couple six packs and throw on skinemax like real men,” he said with a smirk.
“I’ll make you have the period talk with Gracie, I swear I’ll do it,” you said, Dean grimacing. “How about some sesame street instead?”
“Dirty Harry?” asked Dean.
“As long as it’s not porn, I don’t care,” you said, letting out a quiet laugh. “Thanks for helping me with my freak outs.”
“That’s what partners do,” said Dean. “You help with my nightmares.”
“I thought we only talked about those in the middle of the night,” you said, reaching up to stroke Dean’s hair.
“It’s close enough,” he said, letting out a big yawn. “They’ve gotten so much better because of you.”
“I’m a good cuddler, what can I say,” you said, burrowing yourself into Dean’s chest. He reached over to turn off the light and pull the sheets up, both of you out quickly. You woke up when you heard mumbling on the baby monitor a few hours later. You drudged down the hall to see Gracie stepping out of Chase’s room. “What’s up munchkin? You should be in bed.”
“Checking,” she said, your brow furrowing. You perked your ears up and heard some thunder overhead. “Daddy said I can check on you guys and then go back to bed. I didn’t wake Chase up, I swear.”
“I know munchkin,” you said, grabbing her hand and heading back to her room, tucking her in. “Thank you.”
“For what?” she asked.
“Checking on us of course. You take care of all of us,” you said, Gracie’s face in a pout. “Gracie, I’m not mad at you. You can always talk to me.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. You hummed and she ducked her head down. “I thought you liked Chase more than me.”
“No munchkin, never. He’s so little he needs a lot of attention but you’re both my priority. I love you both more than anything,” you said.
“I’m sorry I was bad today,” she said. “I missed you is all.”
“We’re going to fix that,” you said, rubbing a hand over her head. “We’ll always have our us time. Mom just needs a little break every once in awhile and your Daddy reminded me to do it more often tonight.”
“Is your tummy better?” she asked. You hummed and she reached over to rub it. “I liked when you could feel the kicks.”
“Well we got little Chase over there in his crib kicking in his onesie,” you said, an idea coming to mind. “Gracie, do you want to have a sleepover?”
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to stay with you and daddy anymore,” she said.
“I was thinking you and your brother have never had a sleepover,” you said. “If you want to have one that is.”
She hopped out of bed as you grabbed her blankets and pillows, dragging them across the hall and laying them down for her on the comfy chair in there.
“All set?” you whispered, Gracie nodding as she glanced over at her brother. “Love you.”
“Love you too mom.”
“Oh my god,” you mumbled into your pillow. “Dean. Dean you’re doing it again,” you said, half of his body on top of yours, pinning you down.
“We have guests,” he mumbled back. You poked your head around his to find Gracie curled in his side, Chase’s bassinet in the room. “There was a sleepover you neglected to tell me about.”
“Chase wake you up?” you asked, burrowing your face into the back of his neck, giving him a kiss.
“Storm did,” said Dean. “Went to check on these two and found out there was a whole moment I missed out on so I tucked them in here.”
“You wanted in on the moment,” you muttered, Dean humming. “Good dad move.”
“Thanks mom,” he said.
“You’re such a dork,” you said, Dean chuckling. “You are.”
“Not as big as you,” he said, throwing his arm backwards over your waist. “Night.”
“Night,” you said back.
You were feeling a million times better by the end of the next day, happy to have some one on one time with Gracie for the first time in months. Dean decided you two needed a drink out and called in Sam to watch the little guys for a few hours. You went down to your favorite bar, quickly asking Sam if he didn’t mind staying later and putting them to bed. Dean was using bad pick up lines and flirting like he was on a first date, making a fool out of himself for your benefit. When you were in the bathroom, you figured you’d join in on the joke and try to make a move on him like he was some handsome stranger and not your best friend that knew you better than yourself.
“Well hey, good…” you stopped, your eyes landing on a tall blonde cupping Dean’s cheek and locking lips with him. He pulled away after a few seconds but a few was long enough.
“What the fuck are you doing,” you said, pitching the question to either one of them.
“Y/N,” said Dean, gulping when he saw you. “This is...her. Gracie’s…I swear, I thought it was you.”
“I can’t believe you kept the brat. Drop step-mommy off and let’s go have some fun like the old days,” said the woman.
“Y/N,” said Dean, grabbing hold of your arm when you glared. “Let’s go before you do something you regret.”
“Are you really going to drop her off?” the woman asked, her eyes bright with the idea.
“I’m going home with my wife before she kicks your ass because if there’s one person that hates you more than I do, it’s her.”
There had never once been a time in your relationship that you didn’t trust Dean fully. You still did. But he was silent the whole drive home and you had no idea what was going on in his head.
“Hey,” said Sam, turning his head around from the couch when he heard the door open. “I thought you two were staying out late like a couple of crazy kids? Getting old guys?”
“Sam, can you head home? Y/N and I need to talk,” said Dean. Sam’s gaze instantly traveled to you. You were glaring at the floor, Sam flipping off the TV.
“Are you guys okay?” asked Sam, your fist curling by your side. “Y/N…”
“Thank you for watching the kids, Sam,” you said, crossing your arms. “But we really need to do this in private.”
Sam was quick to get out of there but not without first staring you both down. You fought occasionally and Sam had been on both ends of them, listening to you and Dean justify yourselves to him before you worked it out on your own. But the fact you were shutting him out made him look at you both to remember that you cared about each other.
“Y/N…” said Dean when you were alone. “Someone spun me around in my seat and I shut my eyes thinking it was you being flirty and it took two seconds to realize it wasn’t you and that was it, I swear on my life.”
“I am not pissed at you for that. I understand and I believe you because trust me, I know how fucked up that head of yours can get sometimes and you would never, ever cheat or anything like that. I am pissed that you couldn’t stand up to that woman and you let her ruin our first fucking date out in months,” you said. Dean furrowed his brow and ran his hands over his face.
“Were you that pissed off that you didn’t hear me say-“
“I heard you. You thought I was going to deck her so you pulled me out of there. I understand but you used it as an excuse to not confront her after all these years,” you said. “I’ve never seen you look so small, scared and I’ve seen you in a hospital bed, seen you when you thought my parents hated you, when you asked me out a second time. It was like everything I’ve told you for nearly the past two years just went away.”
“I told you. I have told you a million times, Y/N. I’m not a strong person,” he said, clenching his jaw. “I’m just not.”
“Yes you are! You pulled yourself through emotional hell so your daughter, our daughter, could have a father. You didn’t give up that. Maybe you gave up on a lot but you never stopped caring about her. You put her above yourself and it sucked, I know it did baby, but you are so strong that you didn’t give up for her,” you said.
“Then why couldn’t I tell off that woman just now? Why did I turn into that pathetic thing she pushed around and she turned me into and broke? Why didn’t I say what I wanted to? I was scared, Y/N, scared she’d spit something back in my face and break everything you have spent the past two years fixing,” said Dean.
“If you break, I’ll put you back together again. Always. I don’t care how long it takes or how many times it happens, I will be here. We’re partners, Dean,” you said. “Nothing changes that.”
“I’m not as strong as you think I am,” he said, shaking his head.
“I’m calling Sam,” you said, pulling out your phone. “Then you and me are going back out to finish our date after you tell her exactly what you’ve been waiting seven years to.”
“I can’t,” said Dean.
“Well if you won’t say it to her, I will.”
“Shit Y/N, don’t make me do this,” said Dean, pacing outside the bar. “I can’t…”
“What does she have left to hurt you with? Nothing. You can’t stand her so why would it hurt baby?” you said.
“Because it’s my fault she didn’t want Gracie,” said Dean, such pure belief of that fact you had to growl just to keep from tearing up.
“Honest time, would you be happy if she never left?“ you asked, Dean shaking head before you could even finish.
“Fuck no, she was a bitch half the time. I was trying to do the right thing and stay with her for the baby’s sake…” said Dean, catching your smile. “I loved the baby, Gracie, not her.”
“Then it turned out how it was supposed to. Go tell her that,” you said. Dean took a deep breath and grabbed hold of your hand, walking inside to see she was at the bar talking with two men now. “I’ll be right here.”
“I know,” he said, dropping it and straightening his back. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder, her face a big smile. Dean’s back was to you but you quickly saw her scowl and roll her eyes, her face hard and her lips moving a mile a minute as Dean stood there. He held up a hand and you saw his jaw moving but nothing else before he turned around and came back to you. He let a smile form on his face as he threw an arm over your shoulders and headed outside.
“You okay?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he said, moving his arm to intertwine with yours as you started down the block towards a different place. “I feel better.”
“Tell her off finally?” you asked, Dean shaking his head. “I thought-”
“I told her thank you. If she had stayed, our lives wouldn’t have been good. I wouldn’t have you or Chase or even Toby. I’m still...me with my crap, but you guys are so worth being that way,” he said.
“You’re such a sap,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s not that late if you want to grab a bite?”
“If it’s got pie I’m sold,” he said. You found a place not too far down, Sam checking in and deciding he was crashing at your place for the night. “Sammy’s watching the kiddos if you want to keep this date going?”
“It’s getting late. What do you have planned Winchester?”
“I have to admit, I really like how much a hopeless romantic you can be,” you said, tilting your head to the side, Dean tilting his to look at you with a big smile.
“Your cheeks are pink,” said Dean, reaching a cold hand over to brush over one.
“It’s nearly pitch black, how can you tell?” you said, Dean shrugging. You turned your head skywards again, staring up at the stars that were poking out, Dean’s hand playing with a strand of your hair. “Do you want to warm up in Baby?”
“Okay,” he said softly, rolling off the hood, helping you down. He opened the front passenger seat and quickly shut it, moving back with a smirk. “More room and everything.”
“Of course there is.”
“Morning,” you heard Dean mumble, your head on his chest. The sky was light and Dean was stretching out as best he could in the cramped back seat, wearing a sleepy smile and nothing more. “Did I warm you up last night?”
“Very much so,” you said, sitting up, his shirt falling off of you.
“Any time and I mean, any time,” he said, kissing you with a smile. He dug around in the footwell and pulled up your shirt and bra, helping you with them as you bit down a giggle, offering back his shirt. “We need to have sex more often.”
“We have it all the time,” you said, Dean chuckling as you found his boxers and jeans, handing them over.
“Baby sex, Y/N. I forgot how loud I can get you,” he said. You gave him a light smack on the chest and he laughed, wrapping one of those strong arms around your back and pulling you flush with him. “I have a very smokin’ hot wife if I do say so myself.”
“With stretch marks...and I’m sure that ‘down there’ is not like it used to be,” you said, Dean pouting.
“You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” said Dean, running his fingertips over your stomach and hips. “All of you is and down there? Sweetheart, your perfection. You’re going to send me to an early grave you keep that up.”
“I know I’ve lost most of the weight I put on from Chase but I still have those last few to go and-”
“Shit, you’re fucking gorgeous, Y/N. You, the mother of my children, are beautiful and perfect and healthy and we both know I’m the one that needs to watch what I eat, not you. I love my bacon but I really got to move onto cheerios before I clog everything up,” he said. “So you keep being a little hottie and I’ll try to keep the dad bod at bay.”
“You’re perfect too,” you said, bopping him on the nose. “My imperfectly perfect, Dean.”
Six Months Later
“Dean? You got eyes on Chase?” you shouted, Dean calling back from the kitchen. You went to go find them but Chase was crawling on the floor, albeit slowly, but he had a big grin on his face. “Chase, you’re crawling!”
“Somebody decided he was going to get an early morning crawl in, huh,” said Dean, Toby coming next to Chase and bending down. “Toby’ll teach you how it’s done.”
“Dad,” you heard Gracie say from the top of the stairs, Dean’s body flinching a little at the new name that popped up early in the week. “Can I play at Matt’s after school?”
“If his parents are okay with it,” said Dean. He leaned against the wall as Gracie shuffled around upstairs, coming down a minute later with her backpack in tow.
“Are you okay?” she asked, giving Dean that classic Winchester furrowed brow.
“Of course munchkin,” said Dean, glancing down to watch Chase crawl over to your feet and start trying to climb up your leg. “Breakfast before school ladies?”
“Starving,” you said, going about your normal morning routine, Gracie talking to Chase in his high chair, Dean quieter than usual. When he had Chase packed away to drop him off at his sitter for the day and you got Gracie in the back, you saw him roll his eyes at you. “Dean…”
“I’m fine, Y/N. Have a good day at work,” said Dean, sliding into Baby. You gave it back but caught his smile, hoping it was a real one by the time he got home.
“Alright Gracie, you take the bus home with Matt and I’ll pick you up at five, okay?” you asked, driving along with the music low, Gracie frowning in the backseat. “Munchkin, what’s wrong?”
“Daddy’s sad again,” she said, staring out the window. “I don’t like it when he’s...you fixed it and now he’s sad and it’s my fault.”
“Gracie, your dad is-”
“No, you don’t understand,” she said, her voice raising, more than surprising for her to act out like that. “You weren’t here before. It’s kind of hard to remember but he always had that pretend smile and he’s had it all week and I know it’s because of me.”
“Gracie,” you said, putting a hand on your head at a stoplight. “Your dad is just getting used to you growing up is all. He never expected to be called ‘Daddy’ forever. When you start getting older, a lot of kids start calling their parents mom and dad and that’s perfectly okay with both of us munchkin.”
“Uncle Sammy said-”
“Were you eavesdropping on your dad and uncle again?” you asked with a groan. “Gracie, we talked about that.”
“I was playing and I heard them in the garage was all,” she said with a tiny sigh. “Uncle Sammy said I’m a daddy’s girl and Daddy said that’s not true so I thought he thought I was too big to call him that anymore,” she said.
“God Dean, why’d she have to get your self-depreciation…” you muttered. “Munchkin, that’s not what your Daddy meant and that’s why we don’t listen in on conversations we aren’t supposed to hear. Your Uncle and Daddy were joking around. Now what do you want to call your Daddy? It’s your choice.”
“I’m not too big?” she asked.
“You’re seven, almost eight, Gracie and you know what? You’re never going to be too old to call your daddy that. You call him what you want, just like how you used to call me Y/N until you felt comfortable with mom,” you said.
“I like Daddy,” she said quietly.
“Daddy it is then,” you said. She was quiet the rest of the way to school, climbing out of the backseat and walking beside you into the building a few minutes before the kids got there. 
“I lied,” she said on the way to your classroom.
“About the name? It’s okay munchkin, you-”
“Not that. When I was in your class,” she said. You cocked your head and bent down, Gracie kicking at the ground with her blue rain boots. “I told Daddy you’d make him happy.”
“We are both so very happy you told him that. You got us together-”
“I wanted a mom,” she said. “For Daddy but for me too and you’re so...everything and awesome and I was selfish and you said you’re not supposed to be like that. Like how I help with Chase sometimes and stuff is being unselfish and a good sister but-”
“Gracie,” you said, pulling her into a hug. “There is nothing wrong with wanting loving parents and for your parents to feel loved. You got a lot of your dad in you for a seven year old, munchkin.”
“No, he’s a boy,” she said like you were nuts.
“Eh, good thing we got some of me in there too,” you said, Gracie cocking her head. “You’ll understand someday.”
“Adults are weird,” she said.
“Yes, yes we are. But really we’re big kids,” you said, standing up and patting her on the back. “Now off to go get smarter you.”
“Mrs. Winchester,” said Dean with a smirk a few days later and back to his normal self, standing in the doorway to your classroom around seven that evening. “I heard there was a hot kindergarten teacher around here…oh shit.”
“Please excuse my husband,” you said to the classroom full of parents with a smile, turning to him with burning cheeks. You nodded and he made a face, spinning around the corner to hide in the hall as you finished up your Open House presentation. By the time they were out of there, you saw Dean biting his bottom lip hard, leaning in the hall against your bulletin board.
“Sorry. I’m kind of hot for teacher,” said Dean, a groan erupting from you. “What? I’ve seen those dads looking at you. Some of the moms too.”
“Shut up dork,” you said, poking your head in your classroom one last time, Dean side stepping you and walking in. “Dude, we got like five minutes before we have to head to Gary’s room.”
“You mean Mr. Flannagan’s classroom?” asked Dean with a grin. “Oh, he still owes me twenty bucks, he can wait a few minutes on us.”
“It’s Open House Dean. We’re kind of on a schedule and...what are you doing to my desk?” you asked, Dean picking up a few different things before pointing at a picture on the wall.
“I never saw that one,” said Dean, a picture Gracie drew of her, you and Dean with an atrocious house in the background. “She’s not great at drawing but I didn’t realize she’d gotten worse at it.”
“It’s from kindergarten,” you said with a shrug. “She drew it during playtime for me that week you got hurt.”
“You kept it?” asked Dean.
“I liked what she wrote on the back. Come on we should...don’t-”
“Thank you for helping Daddy,” read Dean, smiling as he put it back. “Here I thought I was the one that stole your heart.”
“You both did. The Winchesters are a family full of thieves,” you said, Dean glancing at a picture of the four of you and Toby, all wearing sunglasses up at camp that summer with big pouty faces. “Keep this up and I’m coming to the garage and poking at your stuff.”
“I don’t know how you do it, teach a bunch of five year olds all day,” he said. “I’d go nuts.”
“I’m too stupid to be a doctor, too scared to be a cop, too wimpy to be a firefigther, too everything to be in any kind of job that helps people. Teaching a group of fifteen kids to write their names and count I could handle...and it helps a little bit,” you said.
“The children are our future,” said Dean with a smirk.
“Get out,” you said, pushing on his back to walk him out of the room. You locked up your class for the night and wandered down the hall with him until you got to Gracie’s classroom, Gary sighing when you rolled your eyes at having to sign in. “Happy?”
“I am now, Mrs. Winchester,” he said, turning his attention to the room full of parents, most of whom you already knew. You leaned your head back against Dean’s chest as Gary gave his speech, most of it you’d already heard from Gracie and the rest you had the inside scoop on. “Does anyone have any questions?”
“Our son is in Mrs. Winchester’s class and I guess we didn’t put it together until just now that the girl in your class also named Winchester are related,” said one mother you didn’t know all that well.
“What’s the question?” shot back Dean, giving her a glare.
“Isn’t it inapproriate for her to be in this school? Her mother works here and-”
“Lady, don’t be pissed cause my kid is smarter than yours,” said Dean.
“Leave. Now,” you growled at Dean. He squinted at you and you grabbed his jacket and spun him around. “Wait in the car.”
Dean stormed off and you sighed, reciting the school had no policy against it and that it’d been done time and time again over the years by countless teachers and that Gracie did well due to her own hard work. You apologized for Dean and quickly made your way outside, Dean white knuckling the steering wheel by the time you got there.
“If you want to blow up in someone’s face on a soccer field or a party or whatever, go ahead. But do not do that where I work ever again, understand me?” you said, giving him a hard glare.
“No,” he said, squinting at you.
“Excuse me?” you said, Dean shrugging in his seat.
“You’re asking me to not stand up for you and I won’t do that,” he said. “She was acting like a bitch and like you said, you work there so I know you’d keep your mouth shut and take it. I have the luxury of not giving a fuck so no, I will not promise to not defend you when you’re in situations where you won’t or can’t do it yourself. Those types of situations are exactly when I need to stand up for you.”
“Alright,” you said, throwing up your hands.
“I know you don’t...wait, did you say alright? I won that argument? Holy shit, I never win,” he said.
“You have a good point,” you said, squeezing his hand. “By the way, I let you win...when you’re right.”
“Sometimes I just like to see your little face get all red and your chest puff up. You’re cute when you’re mad,” he said. “I got to give it back somehow.”
“Of course you do,” you said. Dean pulled out and headed for home until pulling on the highway. “Where we going baby?”
“Dinner,” he said innocently. “Sam’s watching them all night. I know I said I was going to cook for date night but I figured why not have the surprise? Show off that cute little face?”
“You are always full of wonderful surprises,” you said with a roll of your eyes. It was a little later for a Tuesday and the threatening rain clouds were keeping people in so thankfully the roads weren’t crowded like normal. Dean was talking along as he spoke, your head glancing over every once in awhile to look at him. “What are you looking at, sweetheart?”
“I really love you is all,” you said.
“Love you back, Y/N.”
“Gracie,” Dean mumbled after you’d gone to sleep that night. “No jumping on the bed.”
“You guys weren’t waking up,” she said. You groaned and sat up, hearing an infant giggle come from the floor. “We gotta go.”
“Why did you wake up Chase?” you asked, flipping back the covers. “Go where…Dean, I smell smoke.”
“I told you! There’s-”
“Gracie,” said Dean, your arms already grabbing Chase and moving out the door, Dean with Gracie on his hip as you both caught a whiff of something coming from her room. Dean set her down and you grabbed her hand, trudging down the stairs and outside with them both, shouting for Toby to follow, Dean nowhere in sight.
“Come on, Dean, come on,” you mumbled, Gracie wrapping her arms around your leg until Toby ran out and she took hold of him, Chase looking around at the night sky like it was the greatest thing on earth. You spotted Dean with a fire extinguisher in his hands a minute later, walking out on his own with his phone in his hands.
“I sprayed the outlet in her room and turned off the breaker,” said Dean. “I think the house’ll be okay.”
“I don’t give a shit about the house,” you said, Dean nodding. “Get your ass outside next time.”
“Yes mam,” he said quietly, bending down to grab Gracie, plopping her on the trunk of Baby and wrapping her up in the blanket he kept in the footwell. The fire department showed up quickly, deeming bad wiring was the cause of the spark. Dean wasn’t taking any chances though and Sam was more than surprised to find you at his front door at one in the morning.
“Hi guys,” said Sam, ushering you in when he saw a sleeping Gracie in Dean’s arms, Chase in yours. “Something-”
“Our house is a little, fucked up at the moment to use a phrase. We are not staying there until the freaking wiring is replaced and I mean all of it,” said Dean.
“Well, crash here as long as you need to,” said Sam. “I only got the one guest room but I can blow up the air mattress for Gracie.”
“Thanks Sammy,” you said, trying to get everyone back to bed as quickly as possible, making a space for Toby in the kitchen with a few towels for now.
“Gracie,” said Dean, tucking her in while you crawled into the bed that was normally reserved for when you and Dean were too tired to drive. “Why did you get your brother before you came and got us?”
“He can’t walk,” she said, raising an eyebrow. “He doesn’t understand fire is bad yet.”
“That’s a very good point,” said Dean. “In an emergency, you come and get us first though, alright?”
“No,” she said. Dean spun around to look at you, obviously unsure how to respond.
“Gracie, I wasn’t asking,” he said. “You need-”
“I’m supposed to take care of my little brother,” she said, rolling her eyes. “So that time no. His room is right there and he’s too little so I took care of him before something bad happened.”
Dean turned back to you, shurrging that he didn’t have a good argument.
“You can’t take care of everyone all the time you know, Daddy,” she said, glancing back and forth between you, crossing her arms with a pout. Dean simply shook his head and sat on the ground, staring at his lap.
“When did you start to grow up,” said Dean, glancing at her, her face contorting. She gave Dean a hug, even if she didn’t quite understand what he meant. “Alright, you’re allowed to take care of your little brother. You did a good job tonight Gracie.”
“Can I go sleep in Uncle Sammy’s bed? The floor is hard,” she said.
“I’m sure he’d love it munchkin,” you said, catching Dean’s face. “Why don’t you stay in here with us though, our bed’s big enough for you too.”
Dean was quiet but gave you a smile once she was settled in, mouthing a thank you for getting her to stay close by.
“Dean,” you said at breakfast, perking your head up, Gracie and Chase watching cartoons in the other room. “Dean.”
“Is there an echo? Yes, what is it Y/N?” asked Dean with a laugh, glancing over his shoulder as he and Sam worked in the kitchen.
“What day is it?” you asked.
“The 12th,” said Sam, stealing a piece of toast out of Dean’s hands. “Too slow.”
“I don’t mind wasting your food,” said Dean, shoving another piece in the toaster. “Gracie finished up soccer last weekend if you’re worried about having to rush around this morning.”
“Dean, I can’t remember…” you said, both the boys faces going white. “No, I can remember you two...I don’t remember the last time I...you know.”
“Huh?” they asked in unison.
“When’s the last time I had my...visitor,” you said, Dean cocking his head, eyes going wide. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it.”
“Wait, you don’t think that night at camp,” said Dean, his tongue jutting out to lick his lips. “We said if it happened it did but you don’t think…”
“Cartoons, I’m going to go watch cartoons while you two figure out if I have another niece or nephew on the way,” said Sam, skirting out of there as fast as possible.
“Okay, let’s be rational,” said Dean, holding up a hand. “We did that end of July. It’s October. You really haven’t had one since?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you said. “That was three months ago.”
“I’ll be back in half an hour,” he said, rushing out, returning in less than that with a bag from the pharmacy.
“So? What’s the verdict?” asked Sam when you walked out of the bathroom. Dean was pacing around like a mad man, stopping dead in his tracks when you opened your mouth.
“Are we?” asked Dean.
“I did it three times. I, uh...we got another one on the way I’m pretty sure,” you said, Dean sighing with a big smile. “Happy?”
“Not a good enough word,” said Dean.
“Jeez, you two are like a couple of rabbits, aren’t you?” teased Sam.
“We were going to name this one Sam too,” you teased back, Sam scowling. “We technically could.”
“No way,” said Dean. “We have a fool proof naming system based entirely on situations out of our control.”
“Let’s not get too excited, baby. I think I am, not that I’m positive,” you said.
“Well let’s schedule an appointment to figure that out,” said Dean.
“You realize if we really are...we’re going to need a bigger house.”
Two Months Later
“Who’s a big boy? Who’s a big boy?” said Dean, giggling as he tickled Chase. “You’s a big boy.”
“Tickling him is not going to get him to say Dada again,” you said.
“You never know. He did it this morning. Come on, Chase, who am I?” Dean asked, Chase glancing at you.
“Da?” he asked, Gracie laughing when she caught Dean’s groan.
“That’s mom, Chase. Daddy’s the other one,” said Gracie.
“The other one. I used to be the top of this pecking order you know. Now it’s me and Toby on the bottom,” said Dean.
“Dadda?” asked Chase, grabbing at Dean’s nose.
“You’re so cute,” said Dean, his voice much higher and adorable than normal, Gracie bursting out laughing. Dean crawled over on the floor to roll her next to Chase, reaching down to tickle them both. “So are you, munchkin.”
“Tickle mom!” she laughed, Dean smirking over his shoulder at you.
“She’ll get hers a few months from now. But we got you and Chase an early Christmas present if you want to open it,” said Dean. Gracie hummed as Dean knelt up, helping her up and sitting Chase in her lap. He went to the hall closet and grabbed the box from the top shelf, setting it down in front of them. “Why don’t you guys open it up?”
“It’s not a puppy,” she said, peeling off the paper, sticking the bow on top of Chase’s head. Dean was on the couch with you taking a picture of them, an arm around your shoulders as she opened the box and pulled out two shirts.
“Big sister? I already knew that...again?” she asked, scooping up Chase’s shirt that said big brother.
“Gracie, we’re going to have another baby,” you said with a big smile.
“Oh,” she said, looking down at her brother. “You have to look out for your little brother Chase, it’s the rules.”
“Af?” asked Chase, finding a piece of Gracie’s hair to pull into his mouth.
“Actually Gracie,” said Dean, a smirk on his face. “We decided to let this be a surprise for all of us. We won’t know if it’s a boy or girl until they’re born.”
“We were thinking maybe you and Chase could wear your shirts and surprise your grandparents when we see them next week,” you said.
“I have a better idea,” she said. You and Dean shurgged.
“Let’s hear it munchkin.”
“We have an annoucement,” said Gracie after dinner at your parents house. Christmas was in a few days and no one apart from Sam knew the big news yet.
“Oh, well this’ll be good,” said John, crossing his arms as Gracie stood up on her seat.
“Dadda!” said Chase, bouncing in his high chair while he flung some of his dinner back in Dean’s face.
“Now that’s funny. Do it again Gracie,” said your dad, Dean scowling at them.
“Dadda!” said Chase, pointing at Dean.
“Before I take another direct hit Gracie,” said Dean, Chase more insterested in playing with his food than eating it.
“Here,” she said, hopping off her seat and going into the hall where you’d purposefully left a bag out, Gracie coming back with it a minute later. She handed the four packages inside to her grandparents. “Merry Christmas.”
“Thank you, munchkin,” said your mom, the sentiment going around the room, the sound of paper tearing open quieting them all.
“Surprise,” you said, your mom wide eyed.
“You’re buying a new house?” she asked, holding up her shirt.
“What?” asked Mary. “Mine says Dean got promoted to garage manager.”
“Uh, guys, mine says…” said you dad, holding up his shirt with a smile. “They’re preganant again.”
“Wait,” said John, staring at his own shirt. “So does mine.”
They both held up their shirts, examinging them closely before spinning them around.
“Thing #1,” said your dad, John laughing as he handed his shirt off to your mom.
“And Thing #2,” said John.
“Two?” asked Mary.
“What can I say, ask Dean to do a job and he goes overboard,” you said.
“Just a tad,” he said, catching Sam’s open mouth. “Better shut that thing before something flies in there, Sammy.”
“I thought...it was just…the one...” said Sam, your lips twitching up. “You two are evil. I bought baby stuff for presents and ugh, I hate you so much right now. I mean I don’t but I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
“Uncle Sammy,” said Gracie, pulling her seat over and standing on it, putting her hands on his shoulders. “Just because our family is getting bigger doesn’t mean we love you any less.”
“Well thank you little miss hallmark card,” said Sam, pulling her over onto his lap, laughing when he bounced her on his knee. “I know munchkin, I’m just teasing. When Chase gets a little bigger, I’ll show you how to tease him too.”
“Trust us, she already does,” said Dean, attempting to get some food in Chase again.
“I’m going to take some time off of work to stay home with the little guys. Three newbies is going to be a bit rough to try and have us both working but Dean’s promotion means we’ll be okay. We have to do some house hunting though so if you guys wouldn’t mind popping down for some babysitting every once in awhile, we’d appreciate it,” you said.
“Of course, not honey and four kids? A couple years ago and you barely knew how to boil water,” said your dad. “Look at you all grown up now.”
“Dad, I’ve been a grown up a long time,” you said, rolling your eyes but catching Dean’s smile. “What?”
“It doesn’t ever stop, does it? Kids doing that stuff,” asked Dean, both your sets of parents laughing.
“It does...but it doesn’t. Kids are weird,” said Mary.
“Yeah, they are,” you said. “But they’re pretty cool too.”
“Just like you,” said Dean, pecking a kiss to your cheek. “Thanks for saying yes, sweetheart.”
“Thanks for forgetting that lunch,” you said, Gracie grunting.
“Daddy actually didn’t,” she said, both your heads whipping around. “He didn’t.”
“Then where did your lunch go, munchkin?” asked Dean.
“I gave it to someone,” she said. “Tommy forgot his that day and mom makes yummy pasta so I thought I’d give it to him.”
“We got together because you wanted pasta?” asked Dean. “Pasta?”
“What can I say, I make good ziti,” you teased. “We already knew Gracie was how we ended up together. Details changed a little bit but we still owe our girl for that.”
“Can we get another puppy then?” she asked.
“No!” you and Dean said in unison before he started in. “You have three younger siblings and a dog, munchkin. We do not need more chaos in this family.”
“It’s okay Gracie. You can come over and play with my new puppy,” said Sam. “Eileen and I are finally moving in together. Thank god she has the patience of a saint with me.”
“Give it two years, Sammy. Soon you and Eileen will be getting hitched, popping out a few of your own…we’re gonna have enough kids and wives between us to form a whole third baseball team,” said Dean.
“Pretty good considering how things were three years ago,” said Sam.
“Very good,” said Dean, reaching under the table to give your hand a squeeze.
“Dadda!” Chase squealed, reaching for him now that the focus was off him getting his mashed peas.
“Eh, you’re alright buddy,” said Dean, giving him a tiny kiss. He smiled and hiccuped, Dean’s eyes going wide as he grabbed Chase and pulled him up and away from the table, just in time to get spit up on. “Yay, a whole other year to look forward to getting thrown up on.”
“Dadda?” asked Chase, wiping at his face. 
“Thank you for trying to clean me up buddy,” said Dean, his voice as light and happy as ever, that sullen, beat down Dean you met a few years not so scared anymore. “Let’s clean up and then we’ll watch a classic Christmas movie.”
“Die Hard?” asked Gracie.
“That’s how you know we’re raising these kids right,” said Dean, high fiving her as he carried a laughing Chase down the hall, Dean giggling to himself along the way.
“I like happy Daddy,” said Gracie. “He deserves it.”
“Yeah, he does,” you said, catching Dean poking his head around the corner, giving you a smile. “Someday he’ll realize he makes us happy too.”
“Y/N? Can you help me for a minute?” asked Dean, coming into view, nodding his head. You got up and followed him down the hall to the bathroom with the changing bag, watching him clean up himself and Chase, tucking your son into a new onesie and putting on a fresh shirt for himself.
“What’s up?” you asked, Dean setting Chase down on the floor, turning his attention to you.
“I’m happy,” he said. “I realized today...for the first time actually...I wouldn’t change a damn thing about my life or what happened if I could. I’d take all the crap a million times over because on the other side is a family that I never could have dreamed of, a family I never dreamed would ever want me yet here you are. I can’t thank you enough for fixing that in me.”
“Dean, I’ve never once, despite what you say about yourself, never once thought you were broken. All I did was fall in love with you. Everything else has been a bonus,” you said, Chase tugging on Dean’s pants. “There’s one of the bonuses right now.”
“The kids are easy. You’re the one I always had to be scared wouldn’t love me,” said Dean. “I’m not scared anymore though. I’ll never be scared of that ever again.”
“Good,” you said, leaning up to kiss him. “If you ever do get scared though, you just tell me and I’ll fill you up with so much love you’ll forget you ever were in the first place.”
“I know you will, Y/N,” he said, looking so very much like a little boy in love for the first time, his cheeks a light shade of pink. “Thank you.”
“For what?” you asked, Dean wrapping his arms around you, resting his forehead on yours.
“Everything. Absolutely everything, sweetheart.”
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The Girl Who Cried Wolf: Peter Parker Short Fic: Part 3
The Girl Who Cried Wolf Peter Parker x Stark!Fem!reader. (Described as curvy but obviously can be any body type and gender, just changed the words in ur head x) Warnings for all parts: Mental Health, swearing, probs some violence at some point, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, sexual nature (consent), emmm emotional rollercoaster throughout. I think that's it?? Please tell me if not. Some of this will be in Peter's p.o.v. That bit is also poorly written as it's mostly Peter rambling. If part has triggering parts for sensitive reads I will say. Mentions of abandonment and physical abuse. Please tell me if I forgot anything x Reader's p.o.v I walked through the cafeteria with everyone's eyes on me, I guess everyone heard what has happened. I gripped onto my tray as I looked for a table to sit out, even though I said I would go to class I didn't. I stayed in the library all morning just staring out of a window, thinking about how I lashed out so quickly. How could I let that happen? I saw Peter, Ned and Michelle sitting down together at a table near the back, I took a deep breath and started to walk over. None of them had noticed me yet. "Hey Y/N, you want to sit with us?" A voice said from next to me, I looked over to my left and saw the jocks and the cheerleaders smiling at me the girl who asked was called Stacy I think. She was Liz Allen's friend before she moved. "Em, no sorry. Thank you for offering, maybe another time" I smiled at them, they all nodded and turned away incept a couple of girls. "If you ever need to talk to anyone, just ask" Stacy said again, I sent her a genuine smile with a nod as a thank you. I started walking again and soon reached the table I was planning on sitting at today. "H-h-hey" I said standing awkwardly, Michelle looked up whilst Peter and Ned turned around. I noticed Ned and Michelle looking down at my purple hand which was gripping my tray. "Y/N! Hey, sit down!" Peter practically yelled causing a couple of people to look over at us, Michelle let out a snort. "Thank you" I whispered and sat down next to Peter. It was awkward as all of them stared at me, I felt Peter brush his fingers over my knuckles. I snatched it away and hid it under the table. "S-sorry, I was just going to ask if it hurts at all" Peter said blushing, I nodded looking away. "It's okay, just a bit of a shock" Was all I said and I started to eat my fruit salad and crips. "Y/N right?" Michelle asked somewhat sarcastically making me a bit confused, I looked over at Peter and Ned. One laughing and the other glaring. "Em yeah, Michelle isn't it?" I asked with a smile, see Michelle seems like someone who I'd be friends with. She nodded. "Yeah, and I heard what you did to Flash. Bastard deserved it, even if he didn't harass you and all he did was walk past you and you sit did it. I would of been there cheering" She said with a shrug and went back to doing something in her notepad. "Thank you Michelle" I smiled, she looked up again. "MJ, you can call me MJ" The next week went by fast but each day I felt sicker and sicker as mum still isn't back, no call or text. I walked into mums room and started to rummage through her drawers to try and find some money as there is no food in the house. I let out a groan when I saw no money where she normally keeps it. I walked back out and sat down on the couch, I stared at the blank screen of the tv. My phone soon beeped and my heart stopped, mum?! I picked it up and saw a text but it wasn't from mum it's from Peter. 'Sorry, going to have to cancel our study session already told Ned. Stark internship called last minute. Sorry! X' I sighed and texted back. 'It's okay, have fun x' I blushed when I left the kiss but he put one as well, I found out this happens a lot with Peter. He cancels a lot for the Stark Internship, I wonder if he's actually met dad. I unlocked my phone and went into my contacts and stared at my Dad's name with a heart emoji next to it. I looked around the empty apartment, I felt tears develop in my eyes. How could mum just leave me? I pressed on the contact as I started to sob uncontrollably. I hope he picks up, he normally does when it's his personal phone. I heard it ring three time before I heard his voice. "Hey Princess, what's up- Y/N why are you crying?" He asked immediately noticing my quiet sobs. "I-it's m-m-mum, she-she wa-wasn't here when I-I came back from yours and she still hasn't come back! I've ran out of money and food and I don't know what to do!" I cried into the phone trying to calm down but when I heard him cursed to himself. "Okay sweetheart, calm down I'm coming. I'm bring the helicopter, I'll be there as soon as I can" He said and I heard mumbling in the background. "When's the kid coming? Alright I'll be back by then" I heard him say to someone. "Princess, you still there?" He asked, I nodded but remembered he can't see me. "Yeah" I whispered. I soon heard him running around and ordering people what to do and to get the helicopter ready. "I'm on my way now, get your school stuff and whatever you need. Remember you have got things at mine as well but get what you need okay? I need to turn off my phone now. If anything else happens call Happy" I let out another sob. "Okay, I love you dad" I cried, he said it back and hung up as I heard the helicopter start. I put my phone down and let out a scream feeling pathetic that I had to call my dad to fix everything. I'm fifteen I should be able to look after myself. I stood up and stumbled to my room and started to pack my weekend bag with all my school things, my charger, sketch book and art things. I also put all my makeup and some jewellery in as well. Once I was done I locked my bedroom door without looking back. I sat down on the couch for a couple more minutes until I heard the helicopter get nearer, I knew he is going to land on the roof because that's where he normally does. I waited for about another five minutes, I felt numb and I couldn't move. Why would mum do this to me? Is she hurt? Has she gotten herself in trouble? Has- "Y/N sweetheart, you in there?!" I heard my dad shout. I let out a shaky breath as more tears ran down my cheeks. "It's open" My voice croaked and I heard the door handle turn, I looked over to the door to see dad out of breath and scanning the room for me. Once he saw me in the state I was in he let out a sigh. "Come on, come here" Was all he said and I ran into his arms and started to cry. "I'm sorry I called-" I tried to say but he cut me off. "Y/N you should of called me as soon as you found out she wasn't in." He mumbled into my hair as he held me. All I could do was nod. "Come on let's get going, Stan is waiting for us" He said after a couple of minutes of hugging me, I nodded and went to get my bag. "Got everything you want?" He asked and took my bag off me. "Yeah, it's mostly my school things" I answered as we walked out with his arm around my shoulder, once the door shut I didn't even look back. The ride back to dad's was quick, I loved going in the helicopter. I remember when I was eight and going in one for the first time, I smiled at the memory. "Come on then, let's get you settled then we'll try and find your mother" Dad said and nodded to Stan as a thank you as he held the door open for us. "Miss Stark, welcome back" Vision said to me as soon as I walked in. I looked at him sigh my tear stained face. "Thanks Vision" I mumbled, I noticed his face fall. "Are you sad? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked turning to Dad, we both shook our heads. "Everything is fine now, isn't princess" All I could do was nod. "Now sweetie, I'm sorry but I've got an unofficial meeting with someone. If there's time I'll let you meet them" Was all he said, I smiled with a nod. "That's fine dad, I'll see you later" I said and we walked away with a wave. "Would you like me to take your bag to your room Miss Stark. I'm sure Mr Rhodes will be happy to see you as well as Miss Romanoff, they are in the training room" Vision said taking my bag off me. "Okay, thank you Vision" I smiled, he nodded to me and set off to my room. I started to walk down to the training room also smiling and waving at people who said hello to me. I typed in the code and gave my finger print when I reached the elevator that takes you to the training room. "Welcome back Y/N" I heard F.R.I.D.A.Y say to me as I played with my jumper and tried to hide my yellow, green and purple bruise. "Hey Friday" I smiled, soon the doors opened and I saw Nat and Rhodey training, Nat with a punch bag and Rhodey walking up and down steps. I smiled to myself watching him, last week he couldn't do it with help and now he's doing to without help. "Looking good uncle Rhodey!" I yelled giggling, he looked over at me with a grin. "Hey mini, what you doing back here?" He asked and slowly walked down the stairs as I headed over to him. I saw Nat stop what she was doing and she also came over. "Hi Y/N" She said with a smile and pulled me on for a hug. "Ugh you're all sweaty" I groaned and pushed her away. "I want one too" Rhodey said and wrapped his arms around me. "What happened to your hand!" Nat cried grabbing it making me pull away from the hug. "It looks worse than it looks I promise" I said, both of them looked at me with raised eyebrows. "What?" I asked taking my hand away to hide it slightly. but I knew what they wanted me to tell them. "I got into a fight" I finally said not looking at them, I really didn't want to tell them why the fight started. "Mmh that's my girl, what did she look like after? Did you rip any of her hair out?" Rhodey laughed, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "He came out with a broken nose and his balls were pre puberty again." I said, Nat laughed but Rhodey looked shocked. "Yes, high five" Nat said and held up her hand, I rolled my eyes but did it anyway. "Why did you do all that in the first place?" She added looking a bit conceded, I looked away. I really didn't want to tell them cause if I did they will tell dad and he's already so busy, too busy to worry about what's going on at school. "N-nothing, he was j-just annoying me and I was having a really bad day" I whispered still not looking at them. "Y/N I've known you for over half of your life, I know when you're lying. What happened? Was he an ex-?" Uncle Rhodey tried to ask but I cut him off straight away. "No! Flash never has and never will be my boyfriend! He's a disgusting pervert who tries to grab your arse and kiss you and-" I cut myself off this time not believing what I just said, I looked at both of them to see their mouths open wide. I tried to explain but no words came out. "W-what do you mean?" Nat asked reaching forward to grab my hand so I couldn't run away. "You heard me, it wasn't the first time time he's tried to get me to go out with him and he's tried to kiss me before but he took things too far last week. And I lost it, if Peter wasn't there things would of been a lot worse for him" I said in a low voice, I couldn't look at them. I was disappointed in myself. "Who's Peter? Did you tell a teacher? What punishment did he get?" All the questions came one after the other out of Nat's mouth as she got angry, I look over at Uncle Rhodey who was looking down at the floor. "Peter is a friend, no the headmaster found out from Flash who claimed I beat him up for no reason and I tried to explain to him what actually happened but sir said he'd take him off all the academic teams so I said I said I over exaggerated so he got off" I rambled all in one breath, again disappointed in myself for letting my soft side get the best of me. "Why would you do that?!" Rhodey shouted, I looked away once again as I saw tears blur my vision. "I-I don't want to talk about it. I'm go-gonna go to my room." I mumbled and started to walk away but I stopped when F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoed through the room. "Mr Stark is on his way down with a guest he would like you to meet Miss Stark" I sighed and nodded then started to wipe away my tears. "Okay Friday, thank you" I called and pulled my sleeves down to hide my hands. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and turned me around to face them. "Y/N, you have to tell your dad. If you don't I will" Nat said with a serious face. I shook my head. "No, he has too much to think about. He doesn't need to be worried about a perv who's tried stuff on me at my school, I have it sorted-he's behind me isn't it?" I said as I saw her looking over my shoulder. All she did was nod, I slowly turned around. "How much did you hear-Peter?!" I asked in shock as I saw the dorky face of Peter Parker looking at me in shock. He was wearing one of his (adorable) geeky t-shirts which I love. "Y-Y-Y/N?" He said walking forward slightly, "Em w-what are you d-doing here?" He questioned and scratched the back of his neck, I looked away. "You said you had to do something with the Stark internship" I said confused, dad normally doesn't bring people from the internship up. "I-I have em see Tony Stark" I rolled my eyes, fuck it he's gonna find out anyway if my dad had taken a liking to him. "Yeah I know what my dad looks like" I laughed slightly. He nearly started to choke. "Wait you two know each other?" Dad asked looking in between us with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, we go to the same school dad." I mumbled, not being able to look at him knowing that he knows what happened with Flash. "Okay how did I not realise that?" I heard him mumble to himself, I sighed and looked back at Peter. "Dad?" He asked all I did was nod. "No one knows, I don't want people to just be my friend because my dad's rich so I didn't tell anyone. Not even the teachers know and-" "Wait! What did you say happened at school?!" Dad all a sudden yelled, remembering the words that came out of my mouth just minutes earlier. I tried to hide behind my hair as my heartbeat increased, my breathing became ridged I really didn't want to say it all over again. I desperately tried to talk but all my mouth did was open and close, I looked over at Peter who sent me a nod and a smile but I shook mine and did the first thing that came to my head. I ran. *Peter's p.o.v* As soon as Y/N ran towards the stairs I went to run after her but someone caught my arm. "Parker, what happened at school with this boy?" Mr Stark asked whilst turning me around to face him. I sighed knowing it's the best to tell him. "This guy called Flash Thompson has a thing for Y/N and em he asks her out all the time but she hates him. He also bullies me a bit and she doesn't like that either but anyway he's like grabbed her arms before but she always pushes him off. And apparently at homecoming he tried to kiss her but she pored punch over him, again sorry off topic from the question sorry-" I rambled but Mr Stark gave me a certain look which made me nod and cut myself off. "Right sorry. Well earlier that day when we were walking to school as soon as we reached the gates Flash turned up and asked her was she doing with me. Or Penis Parker cause that's my nickname but she just told him to get lost in a different choice of words. Then we said bye to each other cause our lockers are in different corridors. Sorry off topic again, but yeah Ned and I went to my locker whilst she went to hers." I took a deep breath as I continued to ramble, trying to give them a whole back story in the quickest way. "And well Ned and I were just talking then we heard a scream, I thought someone was hurt so I ran to where it was coming from and I then saw Y/N shouting at Flash who was like bending over in pain. She said something like 'don't touch me like that again you bastard' then she punched him like really hard. Now as much as I don't like Flash I didn't want her to get into trouble so I grabbed her and she calmed down. Then she ran to the bathroom and I followed her, she told me what happened. She told me what he did as he tried to ask her out and then started to lower his hands towards em her lower em body so she lost it." I finished, I looked over to Mr Stark who was red in the face. "Em Mr Stark, can I erm go after her?" I asked nervously, scared he'd say no and chuck me out for net letting Y/N beat up Flash even more. All he did was nod as he pulled out his phone. "I need to sort some things out, excuse me" He said and walked over to the lift and went up without me. "Guess I'm taking the stairs, where do you think Y/N will be?" I asked the other two. "Ask Friday" They both said. I nodded and started to run up the stairs. "Hey Friday, where's Y/N?" I asked whilst running up the stairs, jumping two steps at a time. "Hello Mr Parker, Miss Stark is in her room. She seems to be crying, would you like me to direct you to her?" She asked, her voice coming from nowhere. "Yeah please!" I shouted not knowing if I was loud enough for her, I'm guessing it's a her, to hear. "Okay Peter, please stop using the stairs when you see the next door." ------- Thank you for reading. Please tell me if you want me to continue x Part one and two on account, I don't know how to link them when on app sorry 😕😂 Tags: @purplekitten30
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