#(one of the 'sisters I never had' is my college roommate btw)
lurking-latinist · 1 year
#I'm just so tired of posts mocking people without siblings#I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean very much#and I know many of these posts are probably made by teenagers to whom sibling status seems much more important than it will in 10 years#but what if we didn't make negative generalizations about people based on circumstances outside their control at *all*?#sure your upbringing affects your personality in some ways!#but maturing is a process of adjustment and of learning to be more considerate of others for EVERYONE#having siblings does not magically speedrun this process for you#just. next time you see a post about how only children entirely miss some essential aspect of human development#stop and think about people with no siblings that you know#which - if you know me - includes me#stop and think about how you would feel if someone made a post like that about a group to which you belong#stop and think about whether you really think people develop fundamental personality flaws based on whether their parents have other kids#stop and think about how much some of us WANTED to have siblings and didn't#how thrilled we were when we got to spend time with a big family or sleep over at a friend's#how much it means when we're able to say to a friend 'you're like the sister/brother I never had'#(one of the 'sisters I never had' is my college roommate btw)#(so I can't have been THAT bad of a roommate)#stop and think and then decide if that's the attitude toward other people that you want your blog to embody#and if this tag rant has made you think 'wow! only children can't take a joke!'#I promise you that's just me. there are plenty of others that can#I also want to add that this is not directed at anyone in particular.#there are many such posts I've seen and I don't think I know the OPs of any of them#this is just a general reflection on how that whole genre of post makes me feell#*feel#eta: and to be clear there's good-natured joking and there's mean-spirited mockery and I'm not always great at telling the difference
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bubbabooo · 2 years
ao3 recs
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i’m back 😋
decided to make another ao3 recs list hehe, these are always my fav to make
i’ve also decided to completely revamp the way i do my recs lists. before the descriptions were too vague and lazy. now i’ll be giving my own description along with what i thought of the fic. looking back on my old recs lists i cannot believe they got as many notes as they did when they were so crappy LOL
also i don’t know if you can tell but i’m trying to make my lists prettier ☺️☺️ (hence the header image and the pink dividers :p)
side note, there’s and alarming amount of atsumu fics in here?? i didn’t even realize that i’ve been reading purely atsumu content?
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Forget-Me-Not by ChaoticSins
Atsumu x reader, friends to lovers 💗💗. this one has me in a chokehold. so you and atsumu are childhood friends and you’ve been in love with atsumu practically your whole life. you end up leaving for college but then when you finish it you need to get an apartment. atsumu offers to be your roommate (see where i’m going here?). this whole story had me squealing and kicking my legs. i really don’t want to spoil it but i will give you one of my favorite quotes in this book: “But…don’t ya fuckin’ dare think yer 5 years of waitin’ around for her is anywhere near the 11 years I spent lovin’ her,” :) ongoing
msby black jackals online! by mooshys
Black jackals x reader, mostly platonic but one of the guys will be endgame ;). this one is by the same author as shiratorizawa antics! i adore that story and they both share many of the same elements. if you liked that one you’ll definitely like this one. here, you are the teams social media manager. you go through many heartwarming (and hilarious) things with the team. this story is definitely a nice fluffy getaway from the majority of fics i read haha. it was so fun to read and i loved it. completed
Better Days Ahead by morningsideup
Kuroo x reader, demon kuroo x reader, magic/modern au. do i really have to say more?? this fic…! so you are just the run of the mill museum worker (btw your co worker is tsukki), living a boring ol mundane life. until you find the demon prince kuroo who accidentally traveled to your universe and is now unfortunately stuck due to you destroying the item that brought him here. now, you are stuck with this spoiled demon prince and are forced to help him search for the missing shards of his gem that brought him here so he can travel back home. cmon, tell me that doesn’t immediately want to make you dive into this fic. the tension between reader and kuroo drives me insane. and you’ll come to know that tsukishima can be a little shit. 10/10 so far, ongoing
They were roommates by atsukashii
Iwaizumi x reader, roommates au<333, friends to lovers. you are in need of a roommate. you see an ad for a girl named tooru oikawa looking for a roommate. you jump at the chance and are looking forward to moving in. you think everything’s perfect until you get to your new home and see that tooru isn’t a girl, and that he has a very friend who also happens to be your roommate. oikawa won’t be difficult to live with, but iwaizumi? and his hotness? def gonna be a problem. this is the perfect quick read. it’s so good for when you’re in a reading stump and need a pick me up. iwaizumi makes you feel all mushy inside🥴. and the ending has to be one of the most satisfying fic endings i’ve read recently. completed
Set the Bar High by BeansNCornbread
Atsumu x reader, enemies to lovers, complicated. you work at a bar. you’re a college student and this is the perfect gig for you. however, miya atsumu never fails to make your life more difficult. he shamelessly flirts with you while he’s with other girls, and never leaves you alone. maybe you’d consider indulging him if he didn’t break your little sisters heart all those years ago. cannot explain how much i love this fic so far. the way atsumu desperately tries to get your attention while you keep brushing him off. and the tension. the fucking sexual tension between reader and atsumu. it has me bitting my nails. i binged this in an entire day. i love atsumus cocky ass and his fucking pining is so obvious but our oblivious readers ass doesn’t even realize it. craving the next chapter. ongoing
call me home by laurelandharper
Ushijima x reader, faking dating troupe<33. You are a famous ex child star and current professional model. you and professional volleyball player ushijima wakatoshi are paired up together for an ad campaign. to overcome unavoidable rumors, the two of you decide to fake date until things calm down. nothing can go wrong right? hehe. i love ushijima. i just love this man. everytime i read a fic with this man i’m blushing. what i really liked about this fic is was how short it was (occasionally i enjoy a nice quick read) and i liked the build up of reader and ushijimas relationship. it felt very real for me. sometimes when i’m reading the fake dating troupe i feel like the authors sometimes force the relationship. i didn’t feel that at all while reading this fic. ushijima is such a sweetheart and gentlemen here. love this fic please read it <3 completed
Challenge Accepted by Cutesight
Akaashi x reader, sort of enemies to lovers? There’s a challenge going around. Get the attention and “break” the handsome setter of Fukurodani. No one has completed this, no one’s even gotten close. However, when curious little y/n decides to partake in the challenge, she gives akaashi a run for his money. This fic is a guilty pleasure. It was a nice break from the other complicated fics i’m reading. It’s a very easy read and i love it for that. Honestly, a couple times throughout this story akaashi was getting on my last nerve. like just be with reader?? but overall it’s such a fun read. one of the best ways i can describe this story is idiots in love. oh and konoha is a little interesting in this fic too ;) completed
I Hope It Hurts by demxnscous
Atsumu x reader, enemies to lovers. you are the manager for Inarizaki. you and atsumu have never gotten along. the setter has always been a pain and you thought maybe things could improve over time. they didn’t. but now you’re being forced to tutor him, will things get better? this fic is hardcore enemies. atsumu and reader hate each other. this story is still in its early stages, so we’ve only seen a little build up with reader and atsumu. but i love the hatred between them. it’s so raw. it’s not the bullshit enemies to lovers where they kinda don’t like each other. they strongly dislike if not hate each other. i cannot wait to see this story blossom and progress. ongoing
Red Thread by deltachye
Ushijima x reader, soulmate au. in a world where you are bound to someone for life, all you want is to be with your soulmate. however, after finding him, and living with him, what do you do when he loves volleyball more than he’ll ever love you? i’ve said this before, but i tend to stray away from soulmate aus. this one is one of the few exceptions. honestly as much as i adore ushijima, he could be severely annoying throughout this story (which was intentional). this story does have some scenes which may be triggering for some which the author includes in her tags, so check it out and don’t read this one if you’re uncomfortable with those topics. overall, this story is a good example of how good a soulmate au can be without forcing it too much. completed
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 30
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 2280
Hey [y/n]
Hope you and Mina are having fun!
When do you think you'll be back?
I'm actually crashing at her place tonight!
We have female plotting to do
against who
Not you guys, don't worry ;)
Ahem, who would you be plotting for if not for us?
It's not Dongmin, is it?
Oh my god
It's for MINA, not me
How would I even have the mental energy for anyone else
Let alone the physical endurance
I can help you work on that ;)
Not in the group chat
You can't blame us if all we can think about is you
Sup bois this is Mina
[Y/n] just choked on her drink and then went to the bathroom
Is it okay for you to be on her phone?
I own her more than you ever will
Anyway if you guys fuck up with her
Jackson will be the least of your worries
Guys… I'm scared
I won't!!!
Oh you're fine JK
Keep up the good work
It's the other fucks I'm talking about
Jin you're okay too
For now
You have a discerning eye
This discerning eye likes Gucci
Duly noted
Oh she's coming back
Anyway I'm stealing her tomorrow too
Not sorry
Byeeeeee xoxoxoxoxo
she's pretty cool
Two days!
I know!!
You're still gonna come over for dinner, right?
Wouldn't miss it!
Plus I need to talk to Namjoon about something
Wow so you're coming over for Joonie, not for me
Since when do you call him Joonie?
I'm shopping with Mina btw!
Doesn't she look cute?
Picture attached
She thinks it makes her look slutty
I think she looks great though
What do you think?
They're great
I mean she's great
I mean she looks great
I have to go
You and Mina burst into laughter as the two of you read your brother's texts on your phone, and your friend's breasts almost burst out of the ridiculous dress she had tried on. Honestly it was barely worthy of being called clothing, but it had served its purpose.
"I told you," you said in smug tones. She rolled her eyes, but the giant smile on her face was telling.
"Hey you have no room to talk," she responded, crossing her arms and somehow emphasizing her chest even more. Instead of deigning to give her completely correct statement a response, you pretended to be poked on the eye by one of her nipples. She snorted and swatted your head before heading back into the changing room.
"Well now I feel more confident in your plan," she called through the door.
"Dude I've never seen you this insecure around a guy, what gives?" you asked. She didn't respond until she came out again, wearing her regular clothes. The look she gave you was mildly incredulous.
"I mean besides the fact that he's like the most beautiful person I've ever seen?" she asked in tones of disbelief. You rolled your eyes a little. Like sure, your brother was objectively a good-looking person, but come on. She rolled her eyes back, then her voice went a little quieter. "Besides, you're my best friend. You're more important to me. So if the dynamic with all three of us got weird… or things didn't work out…"
Mina words trailed off uncertainly, and you cooed and pounced on her in a giant bear hug. She laughed and hugged you back just as fiercely.
"Awwww you're the sweetest," you squealed happily, rubbing your cheek all over hers. "We're all adults, and even if things don't work out, it's not like either of you would do anything shitty to make it weird. Besides, you're closer to me than a sister anyway."
Your best friend beamed and squeezed you even tighter, making you wheeze. How were her skinny arms somehow stronger than Jungkook's? Maybe you should actually use that stupid gym membership. Hah. Not.
"Okay!" she announced, releasing you right before you passed out from oxygen deprivation. "Let's find the perfect 'oh I just dropped by to say hi, not to seduce you, but also please fuck me and then marry me' outfit."
"That is very specific. But we'll do it."
I miss you
You left before I got home from work yesterday :(
Aw Tae <3
What are you up to right now?
For that female plotting?
You guessed it :)
Could I join?
I just got off work
I want to hang out with you <3
Mina says you are allowed to join us
Location attached
It didn't take long for the boy to arrive, and to your delight, he came bearing two iced coffees. He handed one to Mina first, which was surprising. She nodded to him approvingly, and he perked up like a puppy. You pouted and reached for your own, but he held it teasingly out of reach and tapped his cheek with his free hand cutely. Giggling, you kissed him while Mina pretended to throw up into her plastic cup.
Yay you're close! I'll be there in 5
"You are now officially a whore for coffee," your best friend deadpanned, making you snort and shrug as you took a large slurp from your straw.
"Guess I'll be working at the cafe for the rest of my life then," teased Taehyung, smiling so sweetly that you felt your entire body heat up in embarrassment. Mina laughed and patted the boy on the head, oddly saying "you're almost off probation," but before you could ask what it meant, she was dragging the two of you to the next store over.
As it turned out, Taehyung was an amazing shopping partner. He had a knack for spotting items that neither of you would immediately choose, but ended up looking fantastic. And he was surprisingly candid about what didn't work, without being rude or putting either of you down. Having him along was actually just as much fun as being with Mina alone.
You didn't tend to buy that many new clothes for yourself unless you were with Mina, so other than that pre-gala splurge with Jin you hadn't actually gone clothes shopping with any of your roommates. Or should you call them something else now? Technically only Jungkook was properly your boyfriend, the rest were… lovers? Paramours? Why was twenty-first century dating so vague?
Shaking the thought out of your head, you gave a thumbs up when Mina strutted out of the dressing room in a dress picked by Taehyung. For as weirdly specific and unlikely as her outfit specification had been, it was perfect. It was a flirty sundress, fitted enough on top to draw attention to her ample assets but still somehow casual and unassuming.
"Taehyung. Congratulations. You have completed your time and you are now officially in my good books," Mina announced, making him beam happily. You narrowed your eyes.
"Wait, Mina, did you - "
Before you could ask if she had gone momma bear mode on your roommates, her phone rang. Groaning at the caller ID, she made an apologetic face at you and answered, walking a ways away.
"As a reward, do I get to hear more about this female plotting?" asked Taehyung curiously. Adorably, he had reached to tangle his pinky with yours, and the innocence of the action was somehow more intimate than if he had grasped your entire hand.
"Hmm, well you are better at keeping your mouth shut than Jimin," you mused, smiling at the boy. He winced, remembering all the times his best friend let things slip. "It's to distract Jackson when we tell him that we're… whatever we are."
"What do you mean 'whatever we are'?" he asked with a pout, a cute scrunch in his brows.
"I mean, it's sort of an unorthodox situation. Plus none of us have really defined anything, the only one who's asked me to be his girlfriend is Kookie."
Despite the fact that there was no bitterness or passive-aggression in your tone, Taehyung's eyes went wide as he realized that what you said was true.
"[Y/n], you're so special to me. To all of us. I hope we didn't make you feel like you aren't," he said earnestly, cupping your cheeks in his hands. You thought you might melt into a puddle at the sincerity in his gaze.
"Hey, I could have asked too. I'm a strong independent woman," you joked, rewarded by the way Taehyung's eyes sparkled. "I just really do think the whole situation probably warrants a group discussion, I just figured we'd all talk about it tonight when we figure out the whole Jackson dinner situation."
The boy nodded in agreement, but before he could say anything else, Mina stomped back with a scowl on her face.
"Fucking three people called out of work and my manager asked me to come in," she said with a sigh. "I have to bounce because he offered time and a half."
You winced, knowing that the restaurant she worked at was a pain even fully staffed. But the tip money was good, and time and a half plus a less split tip pot was too good of a deal for her not to pass up. Taehyung, understanding the pain of being a shift worker, grimaced in commiseration.
"We should probably go too," you agreed. "It's probably close to time for our house strategy session, anyway."
"Are you actually going to tell them about the plan, or let them sweat?" asked Mina with a snort, and Taehyung laughed at the idea.
"I haven't decided yet."
As it turned out, you were a total simp and couldn't bear to see Namjoon so stressed out. Thus the plan tumbled out of your mouth within minutes of the house meeting. It was worth it though, for those dimples to hit you full blast.
"That - that might work, actually," he said happily. "He's actually mentioned Mina before, I think he feels like a creep for liking his little sister's best friend."
"I figured it was something like that," you said with a roll of your eyes.
"So we have that out of the way, but what do we actually tell your brother?" asked Jungkook, settling his chin on your shoulder.
"Wait before that, how come [y/n] is sitting on Kookie's lap instead of mine?" whined Jimin, pouting at the two of you. The youngest smirked at him.
"Boyfriend privileges," he responded smugly, tightening his arms around your middle and hugging you closer possessively. You watched as lightbulbs flickered into life above the heads of the other house members. Before they could panic like Taehyung had earlier, you spoke up.
"That's another reason for this meeting, actually. Like. How do we define this? Do we need to define this?"
"Well you know that given the chance any of us would wife the shit out of you," said Jin bluntly, making you blush when the others immediately nodded in agreement. "But since that's illegal, I call eldest privileges on marriage." He gracefully caught the pillow that Jimin threw at his face.
"O-okay, that is a conversation for much further down the line," you stammered, face suddenly on fire. "What I mean for now is… sh-should I call all of you guys my boyfriends if someone asks? What do we tell people? I don't necessarily care what others think, but I also don't want to deal with anyone treating me differently or poorly because they think I'm a skank or something."
"You can call me anything you want," said Yoongi with a smirk that mellowed into something sweeter with his next words. "I'm yours either way."
The others echoed similar sentiments, and if Jungkook hadn't been holding you you would already have found a blanket or a pillow to hide your face in. How else was your heart supposed to handle all of these amazing men professing their affections for you at once? Even one or two at a time had been enough to make your chest want to explode, all seven concurrently was a serious risk to your physical health.
"You guys too," you muttered into your hands, which had risen to cover your face.
"So we'll tell Jackson that we're all very serious about making this work, which we are," said Namjoon, drawing the attention back to him. You shot him a grateful look, and he returned a dimpled smile. "Preferably before he tries to murder us, but we have Mina on standby in case that happens."
"Remind me to get her something nice," Jin murmured to Hobi, who nodded vigorously in agreement. The room took on a lighter air as the big topics were out of the way, and it was impossible not to laugh as the boys began to speak like secret agents on a mission. They were just all so cute.
You knew it wasn't all going to be sunshine and rainbows - even a relationship with just one person was bound to get tricky at times. Compound that by seven and things could get messy, especially adding jealousy into the mix. It wasn't like you wanted to have to come up with some weird schedule to divide everyone's time equally amongst each other either. Still, the boys clearly loved each other as much as you, and the open communication with everyone was a good start. Things would work out.
As long as everyone survived tomorrow's dinner with Jackson.
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Tags: @singukieee @persphonesorchid @xmochiloverx @taestefully-in-luv @meavie @silscintilla @forpunishers @jnghs @avadakadabra93 @thesleepingmoonfox @readers-posts @teeheelittlebitch
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holds out hands . may i hear your oc lore
since this is a sequel to this unanswered ask from my main
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ill give you my agents (and 2 related ocs) bc giving you all the ocs in one post will be really hard i have SO MANY. too many. ANYWAY sillies under cut!!!
lets start with 3 because thats where the timeline starts
heres a p old timeline drawing thingy that still holds up i think
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yeah just read through it. holds up. three is mostly the target of self projection lmao.
smore fun facts ab them:
they were team callie in the s1 final fest
they are wildly competitive
they sleep with an eyemask on bc the scrred eye glows in the dark (it bothers eight)
they value abilities over looks on gear so most their outfits are atrocious unless someone forces them to look good.
they can speak octarian
if they had a penny for every time they let an octarian who just got to inkopilis live with them theyd have two pennies. which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
which brings us to the next one which is actually an octoling oc i made back in like 2016??? def splatoon 1 era. shes been redesigned a bajillion times but the story is mostly the same. after the octavio fight she is also one of those octos who tried to get to inkopolis. this one was found by three who was like. i jave no idea what ur saying ur coming with the the old man totes knows octarian from his divorce. this n that and they teach eachother language and culture and its sweet and cool and they probabyl had some wlw stuff going on until 3 had a wholeass gender crisis
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this is her btw. the drawing on the right is more up to date. im still thinking of renaming her. ill never find a name that fits. her original name was marianna but thats too close to marina!!!!!
shes also a fashion designer! she likes to use traditional octarian or military designs in her clothes. her pieces are not meant for turf wars though. shes still in close contact with three, and they hang out a lot. she wants to get three to ask the squid sisters if they could wear some of her clothes on a splatfest. three forgets.
next up!!!!! agent 4. i have two of those. they independently became agent 4 and then unrelatedly also became college roommates.
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hash is more of a canon adjacent agent 4. poser, loser, really dramatic and really loud. kidna does whatever they want and also likes to leave graffitti on the kettles they clear. theyre also an only child. they also call marie mom jsut to annoy her. also their hairstyle is the bob in the front but the back is spiky/shaved. theyre a silly lil punk.
ikarus is a cynical asshole. and also a self centered poser whos set on looking cool for whoevers watching. he has 2 younger siblings and 1 older sister. hes from outside greater inkopolis, thinks hes better than the in city inkopolitans but behaves the exact same. he sucks i love him. he really looks up to n respects marie bc she reminds him of his elder sister. his fav brand is toni kensa
ikarus got the agent job first, n got rlly mad when they found out that theres another agent 4 bc he didnt show up enough nd marie just hired someone else. they share a uniform. they try to annoy eachother by puttinf the weirdest smelling stuff in the uniform b4 leaving it at the canyon. when talking ab em as agent 4 i like to use #4 for hash and n°4 for ikarus
the two also have a 3rd roommate
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she doesnt have a name though. and if she does i forgot it :(
the three actually make a pretty good unit in their apartement. hash and ikarus only find out theyre both agent 4 when its time for the boss fight and both of them show up to get it done with. theyre both very competitive. they end up fighting over it and hash wins. ikarus is on the truck w sheldon and marie and is yelling insults at the battlefield until marie shuts him up so she can sing.
thw three roommates also always do salmon run shifts together. if they fuck up on a wave they always blame it on the one freelancer. yes they also kiss.
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for eight i actually made this ref here recently!
theyve always been really fascinated with inklings and also were going to become an engineer before running off and landing in the metro.
they are very well spoken but also pretty shy. they try to make a good impression on people. finds it hard to trust others.
it took a while until he got used to sleeping in a bed. still sleeps with an eye open sometimes. its a habit.
theyre usualyl the one forcing three into at least okay looking clothes. oh also this tall loser likes to wear heels n platforms. hes literally taller than marina and still wears heels.
he actually started learning inklish back in octo valley from really outdated books. after coming to inkopolis hes been given a buncha annotated language books from marina (and from three, who still had the ones they used w the other octo girlie). but they still end up using some really old phrases and words that kinda leave some people perplexed.
oh also they're not THAT good at fighting (they were never a soldier) theyre smart and persistent though. still ended up severely in debt w pearl bc of the metro. pearl offered he can just work as stage crew for off the hook for a few tours or so and theyre good. he took the offer immediately bc bro barely got income to repay that all normally.
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mapofthesoul20 · 2 years
TXT College AU Headcanons
Because TXT are officially in (Cyber) University, why not have some fun imagining the shenanigans they’d get into as average American college students? (All quotes are irl quotes by me and my friends btw XD) 
Yeonjun is the one who wakes up half of campus by screaming in the quad in the middle of the night. He is not drunk. 
Yeonjun accidentally becomes the poster child for the school and is in every ad because he is just that pretty and talented. The others never let him live it down
Yeonjun, two weeks of class left: “Is it too late to admit I don’t know what’s going on in this class?” 
Soobin was unanimously elected president of his fraternity. His frat is  actually like nice and chill, but they JUST NEVER LISTEN TO HIM. He leaves with a headache after every chapter meeting 
Soobin doesn’t understand how football works but shows up in full gear and face paint to every game 
Soobin: “If the teacher doesn’t show up in 15 minutes, we can leave”
Beomgyu is the one who burns the popcorn in the dorm at 3AM and triggers the fire alarm. Multiple times. Taehyun threatens to strangle him 
Beomgyu is on some obscure sports team, like archery or water polo, and Yeonjun is 100% convinced Beomgyu is making it up just to fuck with him
Beomgyu, crossing the street: “Go on, cars, hit me! Pay my tuition!” 
Taehyun is a lead in the a capella team (Sorry, I had to do it to someone XD). Takes them to Nationals with his rendition of Zayn Malik’s “Let Me”. (Soobin shows up in full gear to support) 
Taehyun is the friend who will always be there to help his friends move in/out, especially if there’s pizza offered. Be warned, he’s also the friend who will take a video of them when they drop something on their foot and are hopping in pain, posting it with a caption “Lol, what a loser <3″ 
Taehyun: “I should start carrying my knife around again.” 
Hueningkai’s family lives near by so he’s always hanging out with his sisters and doing laundry at home and at least once a week brings home a stray friend in need of a home-cooked meal
Hueningkai walks up to the ornamental piano gathering dust in the corner of the student lounge, plays the most hauntingly beautiful rendition of Mozart, says “I think aliens exist and we should be nice to them” and walks away never to be seen again
"Okay, what errors were made in this lab experiment?” Hueningkai: “Showing up to class.” 
Yeonjun gets drunk at frat parties and makes elaborate plans to kiss Soobin. Except he’s usually conspiring on said plans with a very drunk and very painfully oblivious Soobin
Taehyun and Hueningkai were roommates freshman year. First day of orientation, Taehyun claimed Kai as his and they’ve been bffs ever since.
Soobin: “This class is really similar to the one I took last year.” Beomgyu: “So you’re just taking the class again??” Soobin: “Well, if I wanted to change it, I would have to go talk to people...so yeah!”  
Hueningkai and Yeonjun sustain themselves off of cup noodles and whatever they can steal from the cafeteria (27 containers one time, but who’s counting). It’s not unusual to walk into the dorm kitchen in the middle of the night and see one or both of them standing in the dark slurping noodles with a dead look in their eyes
Beomgyu and Taehyun are each other’s go-to dates for Soobin’s frat’s parties because 1) It saves them the headache of having to figure out dates every time 2) they love to tease people who are jealous 3) who else is gonna turn up with them to “I’m a Barbie Girl” 4) It gives Soobin a migraine every time they clear the living room just to do a dance battle ending in Beomgyu dipping Taehyun, and really isn’t giving Soobin a headache one of the great simple pleasures of life? 
Soobin and Hueningkai one night were like, let’s get an ouija board. Immediate regret. Taehyun didn’t even bother trying to stop them, he just he hid in his room because he is a scaredy cat and smart enough to know not to mess with spirits 
Yeonjun and Beomgyu are straight A students which drives their professors crazy because they’re always talking loudly and goofing off together in class and taking up office hours trying to flirt with the professors 
Taehyun at the library: notebooks open, study guides neatly typed out, 10 highlighters and red pens at the ready, reading three books at once. Soobin next to him: gave up studying twenty minutes ago, downing a family-sized cheeto puffs bag 
Beomgyu and Hueningkai have movie nights in the dorm’s common room (often leading to said popcorn burning). They eventually get banned though because Beomgyu keeps screaming at the jump scares. And because they had reconstructed the entire common room into an elaborate fort 
When Taehyun gets really homesick he sleeps in Yeonjun’s dorm room, curled up on the beat-up bean bag and making that ‘Taehyun scream’ at anyone who tries to make him move. Yeonjun just feeds him snacks by hand and tries to convince the RA, No no, he swears, he really isn’t hiding a pet cat in his room 
Feel free to add more XD
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omg-just-peachy · 3 years
Ooh if you wanted to do a sambucky roommate fic, maybe a college au where one gets up to use the toilet in the middle of the night to find the other still studying but fighting sleep as they do? I live for your sambucky fics btw!🥰
waaah, thank you! 🥰i hope you enjoy some pre-sambucky, mutual pining, and very over-tired sam.
I’m also going to use this for the modern/no powers au square if my sambucky bingo card!
Bucky isn't sure what it is that wakes him up, only that all at once, he's very much wide awake. He rubs at his eyes and peers at his phone, finding it's already after one in the morning. He yawns, rubs a hand over his face, and decides to get up and go to the bathroom, maybe grab a bottle of water on his way back.
It's not until he opens his bedroom door that he sees the living room light still on, notes scattered across the coffee table and floor, and then, in the middle of it all, there's Sam, all but drooped over his laptop, his eyes half-closed as he attempts to soak in the rest of the material for his test in the morning.
Looking at him, Bucky shakes his head, his heart giving one of those annoying, stuttering flips as he takes in the sight before him.
"Sam?" Bucky says softly, trying his best not to scare him.
It doesn't work, given the late hour and how undeniably exhausted Sam is, and he jumps as he looks up at Bucky, throwing a hand over his chest as he glares at him.
"You tryin' to give me a heart attack? What are you doing up?" Sam asks.
Bucky frowns. "What are you doing up? Don't you have to be up in like, six hours for your exam?"
He hates when Sam gets like this, so determined and focused on getting the perfect GPA that everything else takes a backseat, even his own well-being. Sure, college kids never sleep and all that, but Sam was going to run himself into the ground before long. Bucky can't even remember the last time they'd had one of their Friday night movie nights. He misses them. He misses Sam, not that he can admit as much out loud.
"Yeah, that's the whole point," Sam says this like it should be obvious, but the only thing that's clear to Bucky is how tired Sam looks. As if reading his mind, Sam yawns hugely, barely managing to smother it behind a hand.
"You're not gonna pass if you're not awake to take it," Bucky points out.
"I'm not gonna pass if you keep pestering me, either," Sam snipes.
"Sam," Bucky says.
"Buck," Sam replies with another yawn. "S'all good, alright? Go back to bed." He looks away and starts trying to shuffles his notes into something resembling order, clearly expecting Bucky to turn around and go back to bed.
"Did you even eat?" Bucky asks, not moving. He'd grabbed pizza with Steve after their World Lit class earlier, and Sam was already in study mode when he got back.
"Uh... At some point earlier, yeah," Sam says. Lying, Bucky knows. If anything he ate lunch, which they had together at just after noon.
Bucky rolls his eyes and pads into the kitchen. He grabs the water that started all this, then spots the Kraft Mac and Cheese sitting on the counter. Technically, this is not Sam's favorite thing. He loves to tell Bucky about his sister Sarah's mac and cheese, and how it's nothing like the shit from the blue box, but...
Well, it's here, and Sam's exhausted, and he needs eat something if he's going to stay up. So Bucky pulls out their one shared pot, fills it with water, and sets it to boil while he drinks his water and looks at his phone. Every now and then he peers in at Sam, head still bent over his computer, and he has to push away the urge to do more than this for him, wants to go and pull him into a hug and drag him into bed, set his alarm, and remind him that he doesn't have to be perfect one-hundred percent of the time.
But Sam's not his to do that for, so... Mac and cheese will have to suffice.
Once the pasta is cooked and he mixes everything together, he dishes it out into two bowls — Sam will fight him less if he doesn't have to eat alone — and makes his way back to the living room.
"Hey, Einstein," Bucky says, nudging Sam's socked foot with his own. "If you're gonna stay up, at least eat something, alright?" He sets the bowl down on the coffee table in front of Sam before he can argue, then parks himself on the floor beside him.
"You didn't have to do all that," Sam says, surprising him.
Bucky gives him a quizzical look and a lopsided smile. "Not even gonna fight me on the blue box knock off stuff? You really must be tired, Wilson."
Sam rolls his eyes at the jab, but Bucky sees him soften as he picks up the bowl and takes a bite. "God I'm starving," he says between bites. He looks like he's coming back to life as he eats, and Bucky gets distracted, watching him, glad to have been able to help, in some small way.
"You really should take better care of yourself, you know," Bucky says quietly after a beat of silence.
Sam nods, then looks at him, and it goes quiet again, just the sound of Sam's music, something by Marvin Gaye, Bucky knows by now, playing softly in the background.
Then Sam turns and looks at him, and for the briefest minute, Bucky's terrified he's going to cry right there on the living room floor, surrounded by books and papers, his brown eyes look so wide and bright, but the moment passes and he doesn't.
Instead, Sam just nods again, like he's deciding something, and puts a hand to Bucky's shoulder. "Thanks," he says, and places his empty bowl on the floor beside him. "I just... get so focused. I gotta keep that scholarship, you know? I get caught up in it all sometimes, trying to make my parents proud and all that."
Bucky nods, because he does know, realized it their first day on campus three years ago, just how much Sam's family means to him. He knows Sam lost his parents when he was far too young, and now he and his sister Sarah are incredibly close.
"I know they're proud of you," Bucky says, surprising them both.
Sam gives him a tired smile. "I hope so."
They lapse back into silence, and Bucky wants to suggest that they get up and go to bed, remind Sam that he needs to sleep before his exam, but he doesn't want to ruin whatever's happening between them just yet.
"Think I've done all I can do tonight," Sam says finally.
"Probably, yeah," Bucky agrees. "You've been out here until all hours every night this week, so." There's a hint of accusation in his tone, he knows, but he can't help it.
"You don't have to worry about me, you know that, right? I'm a big boy."
"Yeah, well, someone has to," Bucky says, and he watches that same soft look of surprise fall over Sam's face again. He hadn't meant to say it, not really, but sometimes he feels like if he doesn't tell Sam how he feels he might just explode one of these days.
"Yeah, okay," Sam says, then yawns again before either of them can say anything else.
"Bedtime," Bucky says firmly, getting to his feet and extending a hand down to Sam, who lets himself be pulled to his feet, hand warm and soft against Bucky's.
Sam doesn't let go of his hand though, not until they're outside of their respective bedrooms, when he thanks Bucky again, and wishes him a good night.
The next morning, Bucky wakes up and wonders if maybe he'd dreamt the whole thing: mac and cheese at 1:00 a.m., Sam's confession, Sam holding his hand.
It certainly feels too good to be real. He lets the memory of it wash over him as he drags himself into the shower, and then to the kitchen, where he prays they still have coffee.
Instead, on the counter he finds a jagged piece of notebook paper, alongside the can of coffee grounds, Bucky's favorite.
In what is unmistakably Sam's handwriting, there's a note.
Thanks for last night, and sorry for keeping you up. Celebrate me kicking this exam's ass at dinner tonight? I'll be back around 6:00 to pick you up. Sam
Bucky's stomach flips as he reads it a second and third time, heart racing.
Not a dream, then.
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omgggg can you share ur list of things you’ve read ? 😭 i feel like i’ve hit rock bottom thinking i’ve read everything
Alright, here we go, these are a few of my favorite reader-inserts I have saved on my AO3:
Multi Ships (collection of one shots/love triangles)
Dear Diary: Bakugo VS Midoriya VS Todoroki. Reader had her heart broken by Bakugo, moves on and develops feelings for Midoriya that might be mutual?, and now Bakugo likes reader but is a fucking dick about it and Midoriya is an oblivious green bean. Meanwhile Todoroki is just a sweety, acting like a real friend and being there for reader during the drama (that he sometimes causes). Angst alert, just pure angst. I love it as much as i want to pull out all my hair cause of these idiot children. (Wordcount: 77415 Status: Incomplete)
The Void You Left Behind: Past Kirishima/Reader, Bakugo/Reader. Reader was married to Kirishima who sadly died while on the job. Bakugo and reader mourn together and help each other to move on. The grief in this was so realistic and well done, you will feel like you were hit by a truck. I cried and had to take breaks. (Wordcount: 71016 Status: Complete)
Million Reasons: Past Bakugo/reader, Midoriya/Reader. Bakugo and reader were married, but Bakugo (a total dick) cheats on reader and was abusive towards reader who ends up leaving him, changing jobs, and now working for the current number one hero Deku. Warning: Domestic violence, abusive and manipulative behavior. (Wordcount: 55693 Status: Incomplete)
MULT-FANDOM COLLECTION (my-american-hero): Multiple story collection, not just bnha. Author’s tumblr account.
BNHA College Reader Inserts series: 5 works, all in college. Really like the Bakugo/Reader centric fics in this one, reader doesn’t take his shit. (Wordcount total of all works: 62691 Status: Series incomplete,  but only one of the works isn’t complete.)
Baby no Hero Academia: Multiple stories of our favorite characters being parents. (Wordcount: 72822 Status: incomplete)
My Hero Academia Images: multi story collection. If you like these, look at the other works by this author. Some are choose your own route stories with different endings for each ship. (Wordcount: 240426 Status: incomplete)
My hero academia one-shots!: smutty and fluffy one shots with multiple characters. (Wordcount: 155424 Status: complete)
Boku no Hero Academia One-Shots/Imagines~! (lady-Bakuhoe): one-shot collection. Didn’t realize right away that I had been reading lady-bakuhoe’s stuff for months on AO3. (Wordcount: 39963 Status: complete)
Ship Centric:
Bakugou, Katsuki ( Alpha!Bakugou ; Omegaverse )(AO3 Link) (Tumblr Link): Smut one-shot, omegaverse, alpha/omega, daddy kink. (Wordcount: 5087)
Wolves Among Us: I’m pretty sure everyone knows this one, still putting it down. Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU. (Wordcount: 334465 Status: Incomplete)
Bakugou Household: Domestic Bakugo just being the best dad. (Wordcount: 37867 Status: incomplete)
Types of Love: A bunch of one-shots about different types of love with Bakugo as the center subject. (Wordcount: 10243 Status: Complete)
Sex is a learning, even for shitheads.: Porn with Plot. Focuses on the evolution of the relationship between reader and Bakugo and their sex lives together, from first learning how to do the sex and controlling quirks during to exploring kinks, likes and dislikes. (Wordcount: 73453 Status: Complete)
Speak (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader): Soulmate Au- first words tattooed on body. Reader isnt too thrilled about the resident gremlin of 1-A is her soulmate. Smut included. (Wordcount: 153848 Status: Complete)
Knockout: I just started this one today, but I like it so far. Underground kickboxer au, kickboxer!Bakugo meets card girl!reader. (Wordcount: 85297 Status: complete)
His Tyranny: Fantasy au. Barbarian King Bakugo is power hungry, looking for anything to boost his strength, takes reader, a girl with a strong and dangerous magical ability, from the tower she was locked away in. (Wordcount: 76038 Status: complete)
Dakimakura: Bakugo develops a crush. Porn with plot. (Wordcount: 48657 Status: Complete)
Secret Admirer: Reader leaves Bakugo love letters. Things get steamy when reader gets caught. (Wordcount: 2278 Status: complete)
How to get a boyfriend?: Reader is Bakugo’s little sister and wants a boyfriend, she has her eyes set on her brother’s manly best friend. (Wordcount: 22431 Status: complete)
A Helping Hand (author’s tumblr https://thetrashyartwitch.tumblr.com/): No quirk au. Reader wants to better herself by going to the gym and develops a crush on Kirishima who was just being himself and being kind to reader. This gets a gold star from me, I read this over and over and I still love it so much. (Wordcount: 5707 Status: complete, one-shot)
Rising Sun (Btw, don’t bug the author about updating, they already get hounded about this one and other fics. The wait will be worth it.): Fantasy au and arrange marriage between princess!reader and dragon!Kirishima. Reader is in an entirely new environment and culture, getting to know her new kingdom and husband. (Wordcount: 14667 Status: incomplete)
Crimison|Ink (Kirishima x Reader) : I know I posted about this one before, but I will post about this again. I read this so many times, I have it downloaded on my phone to read offline. I don’t even know where to begin to describe this one, I just love it so much and can’t wait for it to come back. I don’t want to say I have a favorite, cause I love all of these… but if I had to choose *cough* this one *cough*. Summary: “Kirishima and his band of heavily tattooed brothers own and run a very well known tattoo shop together. One day a girl wonders into the shop in search of a tattoo to mark the start of her new life. Soon enough she’ll learn that this ‘family’ business is more than just buzzing tattoo guns and ink, and finds herself caught up in the middle of it, all while having to deal with a certain sharp-toothed pain in the ass.” Warning: violence, blood and gore, toxic past relationships. (Wordcount: 119179 Status: incomplete)
Oranges: Omegaverse, alpha!female!Reader/Omega!Kirishima. Mutual pining childhood friends who are oblivious towards each other’s feelings while everyone notices. (Wordcount: 19695 Status: Complete)
Anger Management: smut one-shot, reader is pissed about something at work and uses Kirishima to get rid of the rage by riding him till she’s no longer angry. (Wordcount: 1509 Status: Complete)
The Pizza Delivery Guy: Modern and College Au. Reader’s roommate Mina puts in to send the cutest delivery boy over. Best customer service experience ever. Pure fluff and flirting. Wanna see more. (Wordcount: 1607 Status: Complete)
Better Late Than Never: Dumb dumbs pining over each other both thinking they are just friends. (Wordcount: 2996 Status: complete)
Boyfriend Me: Short and simple, i live for the fluff and awkward kirishima. Accidental confessions and lack of words when around your crush. (Wordcount: 701 Status: complete)
The Heat of a Dragon: Pure smut with fantasy dragon!kirishima… who has two dicks. (Wordcount: 2464 Status: Complete)
All in his head: Reader has a mind reading quirk and Kirishima has a surprisingly dirty mind, sexy times ensues. (Wordcount: 1415 Status: Complete)
Fatgum/Reader (warning: all are smut fics)
First Time: This was my first fatgum fic I ever read and it’s still one of my top faves. Reader and Fatgum finally take steps into becoming intimate. Fluffy porn with plot. Size difference, totally a size queen’s go to fic. (Wordcount: 5394 Status: complete)
Sugar : Another first time fic, this time with a baker!reader in the middle of her kitchen. Size difference. (Wordcount: 6241 Status: Complete)
Dine and Dash: Celebratory public sex. (Wordcount: 2883 Status: complete)
Brick Walls are Great Support: Public sex in an alleyway. (Wordcount: 3006 Status: complete)
Drizzle: Valentine’s day sexy times with food. (Wordcount: 3017 Status:Complete) 
Temporary: Omegaverse, Omega!reader goes to a heat/rut house and meets alpha!Fatgum. (Wordcount: 3367 Status: Complete)
Not a typical Office Romance: office sexy times. (Wordcount: 2006 Status: complete)
Warmth of You: collection of Deku/reader one-shot smuts. I actually love this author a lot, does some of the best bottom Bakugo fics I have ever read. If you like bakudeku, check out their other works.
“Just Friends” : Jealous Midoriya doesn’t like being called just friends and reminds the reader that they are way more. Smut. (Wordcount: 3492 Status: complete)
Hero Santa: Best friends become something more during movie night in a blanket fort. Fluffy smut that makes me smile. (Wordcount: 4936 Status: complete)
Hoodie [SeroxReader]: post-break up, the only thing left behind was one of Sero’s hoodies that Reader still wears. Angst. (Wordcount: 3284 Status: complete)
Sour. Sweet. Gone.: no quirk and college au. Sero and reader are both pining idiots who go from friends to enemies to lovers. (Wordcount: 10448 Status: complete)
Tape residue: fluff smut, friends to lovers. Sero misread some signals but it all ends well. (Wordcount: 3410 Status: Complete)
A Seronade of Misunderstandings: Sero plans the most romantic and cheesy way for the first time but reader thinks his secretive behavior means he’s cheating. (Wordcount: 3420 Status: Complete)
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hale-13 · 2 years
Psst. Hey. Hey. Can you give me the WIP rundown? 😘 Aaaaall the things!!
Menacing me on my own page? The audacity. Criminal. J A I L.
But maybe I will give you the WIP Ask Game rundown below the cut 😂
I already answered Paparazzi here for MC and no one gets any behind the scenes Big Bang except for Christie but here is the rest (I’ve got my eye on you BTW)
13 Going On 30
No idea how I got conned into this one but here is a tiny little snippet (it is rotting in my folder and I need someone to bully me into finishing it)
“MJ?” He croaked hoarsely, stumbling over and fumbling with the locks so he could crack the door open and look at his girlfriend. Michelle was seething on the other side and she pushed in around him and left him standing in the doorway gaping. He shut the door quickly and turned to look at MJ who was now standing in the middle of the room and glaring at his Spidey suit which was still in a pile on the floor.
“So this is why you stood me up,” she stated, voice tight.
“What?” Peter asked, ripping a t-shirt off of a nearby lamp and pulling it over his head. “MJ look I-,”
“Save it,” she said through gritted teeth. “I don’t know what I expected when I said we could give this one more shot. I’ll never come first will I? It’s always going to be Spider-Man.”
Last Kiss May/Ben
This was actually meant to be part of a different fic but, seeing as I am physically incapable of shutting up, it got too big and now it is its own thing.
As it turned out, Ben Parker was very interested in getting pancakes and they met at an out of the way diner with sticky floors and tables and a questionable health rating but some of the best breakfast in the city just after seven that morning. They were both exhausted from night shifts and downing coffee at unhealthy rates but the conversation flowed light and easy between them.
Ben had bounced around a couple of construction jobs right out of high school before going to the police academy. He had joked and said that college wasn’t for him, his younger brother Richard had gotten all the brains in the family and had gotten accepted to Cornell on a full ride scholarship. May told him a little about her own family – that she was estranged from her sisters who lived out of state. About her plans to graduate within a year to work ER or ICU, how she was to pursue her BSN as soon as she could.
By the end of breakfast she was smitten and it was clear that Ben didn’t want their morning to end when he invited her back to his apartment for coffee.
In the end, the coffee pot sat empty and unused on the counter while May dozed with her head on Ben’s chest. She normally wouldn’t hang around after a one-night stand but, in this case, she thought she might try her chances.
5+1 Ned Handshake
This is Hyp and Angie’s fault one hundred percent.
When MIT finally, finally, sends Ned his dorm assignment and his new roommate’s contact information it’s the height of summer in New York about one week after he graduated in the top five of his class at Midtown. He’s meeting up with MJ for the first time since their joint family graduation party to try and cool off with some Italian Ice and they’re both rushing to eat it before it melts into juice. MJ’s mouth is dyed blue from hers and Ned knows that his is probably not that much better.
Both of their phones are sitting on the table and they vibrate in tandem with email notifications. They freeze for only a second before diving on them like starving animals.
Haunted MJ
No idea where this came from but here it is apparently. Is Peter dead? Why is he haunting MJ’s apartment? The world may never know.
“Stark Industries President and Avenger’s spokesperson Tony Stark gave an update on the masked vigilante known as Spider-Man this evening,” the blonde news anchor reports, her face cut out to be replaced with a video of the billionaire standing at a podium, lit by sporadic flashes of cameras. He looks tired to Michelle. He’s wearing darker sunglasses than usual and his complexion is pale under the lights.
“The Avengers and Spider-Man’s friends and family thank you all for the outpouring of support,” Stark reads woodenly from the notecards gripped tightly in his hands. “When we have an update on his condition, we’ll let you know so you vultures can stop-.”
Colonel James Rhodes, War Machine, pulls Stark away from the podium and takes the cards from him. “We all appreciate your support,” he says, hand gripped tightly on Stark’s shoulder. “But we don’t have anything new to tell you at this juncture. Please continue to keep his family and friends in your thoughts.” He turns away and goes back to his friend. Stark is rubbing his eyes under his glasses and having a quiet conversation with Rhodes that can’t be picked up by the mics on the podium.
Michelle’s kitchen lights flicker and the temperature plummets. The stove turns on and off and the microwave starts and stops in spurts.
Seekmas Last Chapter
No except because this is going through major revision right now. Chapter 6 decided it wanted to be completely different than the way I originally wrote it and it’s taken on a life of its own. Send help.
But, fr, this is (hopefully) the last chapter and will maybe offer a little bit of resolution. Maybe.
We’ll see.
Meet The Joneses
The fic I was supposed to write for MJ week before Haunted MJ took over. From MJ’s point of view after the blip on and her relationship with her family, friends and maybe that dirtbag Peter. We’ll see.
“So Peter’s cute,” Mary-Jane had said slyly a few hours later as they cleaned up from the party.
Michelle had shrugged, ducking to pick up a napkin that had gotten crammed under the couch to hide her blush. “I suppose.”
“He looks like trouble,” her dad had grumbled as he wrestled with the cord to their ancient vacuum. “Where did he get that black eye anyways?”
“Oh hush,” her mom admonished, elbowing him gently and winking. “Don’t you remember the trouble *you* got into in high school?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Robert had responded with a smirk and Michelle mimed gagging into a nearby trash can as her parents laughed.
This took much longer than I suspected and I am facing the consequences of my actions for having so many wips. ❤️ you Oli!
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
i want to start posting from my ironstrange college au (remember the makeup fic i posted in like november? i’ll link it below but it’s from that verse) so! let me explain it:
reminder that this is an au and it’s my au, so i decide how this all goes!
IronStrange (duh)
Christine x Hope Van Dyne* (this gets complicated)
Eventual Pristine
Past Stony, Past Stucky
(Lowkey I’m also figuring out if Rhodey x T’challa could be a ship? they both seem too independent but i also might add it in)
Character Notes:
Tony deliberately never specifies if he prefers to go by Anthony or Tony. People call him both, or also his friends call him Ant. Stephen does not/has never called him Tony, he’s always known him as Anthony.
Happy just tends to go by H or Harry (anyone who calls him Harold receives a death glare, but as a joke Rhodey got him a T-shirt and the pattern is just name tags that say “hello my name is Harold.”)
Rhodey just goes by Rhodey bc Tony *insisted* that all their friends call him that and plus he doesn’t hate the nickname.
Natasha is part of this but she doesn’t go to school with the rest of the group. She’s Tony’s half sister and is the biological daughter of Maria Stark and her best friend. She lives in Italy with some of Tony’s extended family and her bio dad. Few people know of her existence, or they know her as Maria’s niece (for her own protection). It doesn’t rly matter that Howard has no idea who she rly is, he wasn’t with her the entire time Maria was pregnant w Natasha bc she was in Italy (and brought Tony with her)
- Tony and Rhodey are roommates, and they live two floors above the four suitemates. The four suitemates are: Christine and Pepper (who share a room) and Stephen and Wong (who share the other room) despite that, the six of them tend to move fluidly in between both spaces.
- Hela and Carol
- Val and Hope
- Thor and T’challa (Bruce spends a lot of time w them)
- Bruce, Sam, and Loki (as chaotic as it sounds btw)
- Bucky and Happy, who I’ve decided are very close. (btw nobody particularly enjoys the fact that Sam and Bucky live next door to each other, when they’re Busy their roommates can be found w Stephen and Co. or one of the other Odinson siblings).
Friend Groups (note: people overlap/belong to multiple groups, this is also not the full list bc that could go on for a long time):
- The Main Six: Tony, Rhodey, Stephen, Wong, Christine, and Pepper.
- Team Big Brain: Tony, Bruce, Stephen, Hope, Carol, Christine, and Bucky.
- Doctors: Stephen, Tony, Christine, and Bruce.
- Dumbass Protection Squad: Hela, T’Challa, Carol, Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper (usually).
- Psych Majors: Pepper, Wong, T’Challa and Loki.
- Stark Industries: Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy.
- People who Like Astrology: Loki, Bucky, Val, sometimes Christine.
Storylines (There’s no established time frame for this really, but it doesn’t follow mcu canon or any canon):
- Stephen and Tony are lifelong friends. They met on the first day of kindergarten and went to school together in NY (where both their families lived at the time) until middle school. For unspecified reasons, Stephen’s parents opted to move the Strange family to Nebraska before the start of 6th grade. Stephen and Tony were Devastated but were already inseparable at that point and stayed in touch. A business opportunity moved the Starks from NY to California. Stephen stayed in Nebraska for high school but Tony’s parents sent him to boarding school (read: Howard sent him away to avoid having to actually parent, and he thought he was lifting a burden from Maria. This was Not The Case, as she loved her son dearly and would call him everyday. Tony appreciated this more than he ever thought possible.)
- Howard and Stane viewed boarding school as a chance to groom Tony into something malleable and submissive enough to take orders from anyone. His obvious feelings for Stephen (with whom he was still incredibly close) were a Great Concern, so the executive decision was made to set Tony up with Steve Rogers, a blond athlete from his school. It was a way to keep Tony’s sexuality controlled, and Howard didn’t think Stephen was anywhere close to the level he wanted Tony to be (of course, Howard didn’t think his son lived up to his expectations anyway. It was more about control). On the surface, Steve was sweet and everything you could want in a partner, and he even charmed Maria into liking him. She genuinely believed he’d be a good match for her son, so it hurt when she found out what he was really like. Rhodey was Tony’s boarding school roommate for all four (4) years. They met and hit it off overnight, Rhodey instantly feeling brotherly love and the need to protect Tony (or “Tones” as he called him. Rhodey is usually the only one to call him that). Rhodey and Steve did Not see eye to eye on anything, least of all how Tony should be treated. Steve was terrible to him, and Rhodey’s heart broke when Tony admitted he was too scared to break up with him.
- Reenter Stephen. After a particularly bad day, Tony called Maria and Stephen sobbing, missing the two (2) people he talked to more than anyone except maybe Rhodey. It was then he confessed what kind of boyfriend Steve was, and Maria gasped before saying, “Dump him. Let me handle the rest.” That very day, Stephen left school early and traveled to see Tony. It was 2am when he finally arrived, throwing rocks at the window and then scaling the side of the building once he had Tony’s attention. Stephen and Rhodey met the next morning, when Rhodey came back from classes and found his roommate asleep him.
- “So you’re the one who climbed in through my window,” Rhodey said. “For a good reason, I assume.” Stephen confessed it was because he loved Tony and wanted to be there for him, didn’t want him to hurt. (It’s fair to say, though, that Stephen visited before/Tony went to visit him, and they’d spent secret time together over the summers). Tony, believing himself incapable of love, didn’t reject Stephen’s confession but assumed it was only love between friends. The summer before they all left for college (Rhodey, originally from Texas, was also going to school in NY with Tony and Stephen. NY was a big part of who they both were, and they both dreamed of studying there together), they finally started dating at Maria Stark’s motherly demand.
- This demand came a short time before Howard and Maria died, and it also came with admissions of guilt and lots of tears. “I was wrong about Rogers,” she said. “You don’t have to accept what I say or forgive me, but I know Stephen is the right one for you. I think I’ve always known.” (No shit, everyone knew) Knowong she was genuinely sorry, Tony forgave her not knowing that she would die a few months later.
- Most of this canon I’ve created takes place starting in their junior year of college, so everyone has gotten to know each other quite well. I’m sure the more I write from this the more I’ll flesh out relationships between certain characters, but one I want to mention is that Tony and Bucky are very close and co-presidents of the “I Dumped Steve Rogers for Peace of Mind” club. Steve goes to college in the next state/a little further north (that’s as specific as it’ll get for now) and dated Bucky the group’s freshman year. Tony didn’t know any of this until Bucky brought him over one day, and after they (Tony and Bucky) had a talk about the way Steve is as a partner, Bucky realized some things and dumped Steve. He remains angry at them both, especially Tony, from a short distance away which terrifies Tony.
- Sam and Bucky kissed for the first time at a truth or dare night Thor and T’Challa hosted in the group’s sophomore year. After they kissed (Sam initiated) they both shyly admitted feelings for each other.
*Now here’s where things get a little dicey. I started this au with Christine and Hope together for no particular reason, maybe they were on a club sports team together and started dating from there? But Pepper fell in love w Christine at first sight, and it got worse and worse the more they got to know each other. Much like Stephen and Tony, they’re the kind of people who meet each other and just click, even if the eventual path to Pristine involves lots of tears and jealousy for Pepper that Stephen never really experienced. He didn’t feel jealous of Tony and Steve’s relationship, because he wasn’t at boarding school with Tony and there wasn’t much he could do. But as a supportive and concerned (and honest but kind) friend, he was always encouraging and there to listen to Tony. Is Pepper going to be as good of a friend to Christine as Stephen was to Tony while Christine gets ready to marry Hope after undergrad??? that’s the question my forthcoming college au fic will answer.
Also mentioned in my forthcoming fic (which I’m still writing rn)
- post undergrad Wong works as a museum director/curator (havent decided yet, maybe he works his way up the ranks) and double majored in psych and history.
- Stephen, Tony, Happy, Rhodey, and Wong all live together and the rest of the group lives around NYC.
- Stephen, Christine, and Bruce (The Doctor friend group) are all pursuing medical degrees while the SI friend group is transforming the company completely.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk! Congrats on reading all the way to the end lmao. I second guessed posting this a lot but then i remembered that it’s mine and I’m just sharing pre-fic thoughts lol. Thanks for reading/for your support of my work y’all!
Read the makeup fic (it doesn’t have a title) here.
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Face Reveal!
Yay! I have 100 lovely, wonderful, amazing followers! Thank you all for being so awesome! 
As promised, I’m doing a face reveal!
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That’s me.
I also promised a chaotic mini biography, so here goes. This is worse than Nigel Mookerjee’s memoirs. Also, his memoirs are iconic and beautiful and I could never compete with him.
(btw by mini i mean mini by nigel mookerjee standards so this is extensive and not mini by normal standards and very chaotic)
When I was born I was very very tiny. I had bright fiery carrot red hair with white around my crown. I was a genetic rarity since there was only one other redhead in my family in the past 100+ years. From the moment I could move my hands I did jazz hands and acted like a game show host instead of being a baby. 
Going on to preschool, I remember spending all my time playing with the musical instruments and coloring outside the lines because I hated the strict teacher and then they locked me in the bathroom for five minutes of time out. 
I started reading chapter books at 4. When I was 5, my mom borrowed a book called How to Teach Your Child to Read or something like that and I straight up just read that book. I started reading Nancy Drew books when I was 6 and Hardy Boys when I was 8.
When I was eight, I started professionally acting. I played Tiny Tim in the Act Theatre’s A Christmas Carol. I hated the guy who played Bob Cratchit because he was a jerk.
When my sister turned 6, we had a birthday party where my mom and I made her a DIY pinata out of paper mache and an oatmeal box thing. It took an hour to get it open. All the kids tried with the plastic bat and eventually the bat broke. After that, we got an ax handle and used that to hit the pinata. Didn’t work. We eventually had to get a chainsaw and use that. After we got the pinata open, everything was just plastic and candy dust.
I was in team level gymnastics by the age of ten, but I never competed because my mom and I weren’t gonna pay $100 for a leo, tshirt, and flipflops. I was in level 5 gymnastics when I quit.
I was homeschooled in the Pacific Northwest (where it is wet and grey 97% of the time) and moved to the high desert areas of Washington when I was 13. It is very hot and I hate heat. If anyone tells me this part of Washington isn’t a desert, I will show thou pictures of the natural vegetation with is DIRT, SAGEBRUSH, and FRICKIN TUMBLEWEEDS.
I’ve never gotten carsick in my life, but both my dogs do and they have both thrown up on my lap on three separate occasions.
In my freshman year winter break, I came back to school in January sunburned. 
When I was 14, my sister and I joined a circus. A youth circus, but still, a circus. The other kids were like, “You’re first years, you’ll only be clowns in your first year.” So, being me, I rebelled and proved them wrong, getting into 6 acts my first year. Suck it, haters. My main acts that I did were spansets (it’s an obscure circus act), Roman ladders, tumbling, swinging ladders, and tight wire (low wire without the poles). I eventually became a ringmistress and got to wear a really neat red and gold tail coat and a top hat. I had to quit circus after a knee injury from falling off of low wire and then making it 10x worse after my tumbling act.
The fabric on my spansets feels like if cheese graters were a fabric. It has ripped off my skin and I hate it.
My favorite person at circus taught me how to do a back flip through Newton’s First Law of physics.
When I was 18, I won 3rd place in the mezzo soprano category at State for vocal stuff. After I collected my medal, my choir teacher and her husband (the vice principal at my highschool) took my mom and I to eat Mexican food. The waiter there flirted with me and because I lack all social skills, I said, “Yike, buddy, I really like this cheese.” My mother, my choir teacher, and her husband laughed hard about that.
I sing opera, gospel, jazz, musical theater, and country. Because I was bored, at the beginning of quarantine, I got dressed up in my Legolas costume and sang “Kerosine” by Miranda Lambert in my front yard with my giant karaoke machine speaker.
When I was in Les Mis, I played Fantine and at the end when I was standing on top of the barricade, the lights would go black and then we’d have to go off stage to get ready for bows. I fell off the barricade more than one time. I was also a barricade boy so I got to die twice in the same show. I wore giant sideburns and a black wig and I was A MANLY MAN.
I played Scuttle in The Little Mermaid and nearly got killed because I rammed my head into a speaker and then fell off the stage and into the side door. It was fun.
My first roller coaster was the Incredicoaster in Disneyland.
After my first crush and heartbreak, I got over that stupid ass guy by going rock climbing, repelling, and white water rafting. If you ever want to get over a guy, just do something that could potentially kill you without safety gear.
I got nicknamed Buffy by one of my college roommates because I have arms not unlike Thor’s. I like the nickname, hate the person who gave it to me. She was an asshole and made my depression worse.
I was diagnosed with autism when I was 19 (just this February) and it was like watching a TV show with a twist ending and then looking back at all the foreshadowing in all 19 seasons of this weird TV show.
I’m allergic to cashews and we found out the hard way.
I lack most social skills unless I am in a professional setting and then I turn into a weird charmer. 
I can gargle “What A Wonderful World” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.
I won my church’s Star Wars trivia night and won a nice basket of Star Wars stuff. I also won my library’s Star Wars trivia night. No one else knew what Boba Fett’s ship’s name was.
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This is my sister and I at circus. I was a ringmistress that day and she was Lead Clown, Do-See-Do. I did her makeup. 
So that’s me. This is the face behind all the memes.
Stay rad, dudes. Yeet.
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
How Should It Be - Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai One Shot
[a/n: ah yes back at it again with another cringey one shot. i meant to post this on 5/20 but i couldn’t get my brain juices to work and finish it until tonight. i hope you guys like it. big reminder that i love wang linkai ❤️. sorry if the fic is a mess btw lol.] / master list
He sags down in his seat, visibly defeated by whatever was on his mind. A pout is prominent on his lips as his best friend cracks a smile, clapping him on the back before wrapping his arm around him, their bodies crashing together.
“Why the long face, Gui? Don’t you know that frowning gives you wrinkles?” he asks. If Linkai wasn’t so down in the dumps, he would’ve smacked the exaggerated frown right off of Chengcheng’s face right then.
Fan Chengcheng has never been the kind to just let Linkai live in his misery. Oh, no. Fan Chengcheng has to twist the knife after he stabs you. Sure, the guy’s quiet when you first meet him. But once you get to know him the way Linkai knows him, it’s a done deal. Your soul is his and there’s no getting rid of him.
“You saw my butthole once, Kai. We’re practically blood brothers now.”
Don’t ask. Linkai is begging.
“Nothing,” he shifts back into the ratty couch. He thinks for a second about how Xingjie is always babbling on and on about how he should replace it (as if Linkai has the money to replace this old hand-me-down couch. He’s a soundcloud rapper. How much does Xingjie even thinks he makes off of his beats?). Something about how just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s vintage. Linkai thinks that maybe the spring that pops out of the second cushion of the faded blue sofa may have caught Xingjie by surprise one too many times. That’s why Linkai always sits on the arm rest or lays like a starfish on the floor during movie nights. You’ll never catch him squished in the middle of Yanchen and Xingjie on their Thursday night Grey’s Anatomy marathons (per Yanchen’s request because how could one look at the actual sun and say no?).
He’s picking at the frayed edge of the sofa when Chengcheng says, “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He suddenly snaps, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a pair of his (nonprescription) glasses. He pushes them up on his nose then opens his phone to his notes. Linkai sees him type “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GUI TODAY” and watches him not only put it in bold print but italics as well. “I think we should start a diary of some sort. My sister has one of those and she says it’s all a part of a healthy life style. Wait, should we buy a Password Journal for you? Okay, wait Chengcheng. Too far off track. Let’s focus on the now.” He recomposes himself before saying, “First of all, do you know your rising sign? It could help explain a lot of things.”
Linkai thinks that there’s a reason for everything. He thinks that you never meet a person by mistake. But sometimes...he has to question his life mottos as Chengcheng waves his hand and tells him he’ll make his birth chart from scratch, all he needs is the time he was born (because Chengcheng’s already memorized that he was born on May 20, 1999 in the Fujian Province).
“Chengcheng, I promise on my mother that I won’t judge you. Just tell me if you were dropped on your head as a baby or not.“ He’s desperate at this point. There’s no way somebody just wakes up and makes the conscious decision to be Fan Chengcheng. Not any sane person, that is.
“Astrology is a very serious science, Gui and I will not stand for your bashing!” Chengcheng whines.
Likai gives him side eyes. “Didn’t you only get into astrology because Justin said you were a Gemini and he liked that?”
“No!” But the blush rising on his cheeks says otherwise. “Look. This isn’t about me! This is about you! What’s your deal?”
The older one shakes his head, throwing himself back against the couch and hoping that the weird stain to his left would manifest into a blackhole and swallow him hole. He crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling popcorn and wondering who the hell even thought that shit was cute. He starts to wonder how much he could pay Chengcheng to eat it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Chengcheng says. “I’m expecting a package!” As he gets up, he throws a cushion at his roommate before hopping away.
Linkai shuts his eyes, too exhausted to even fight back. Maybe it is his package. Maybe it’s Justin. Maybe they have another “date” in Chengcheng’s room (it’s not a real date if Justin doesn’t know it’s a date).
He’s about to drift to sleep when another cushion hits his chin, causing him to bite his tongue.
He’s on his feet and ready to throw hands when his eyes land on (a very pissed looking) you.
Honestly. He’s not surprised. You have this sour face all day and all night and it’s to the point where he’s starting to consider having Chengcheng put together your birth chart so that he can understand just that much more about you.
He crosses his arms. “And what is the problem today, princess?” he raises his eyebrows. He leans down, teasingly close, and wrinkles his nose. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Don’t look so stressed,” you scoff. He pokes your forehead, causing you to stumble back a couple of steps. “Hey!” you whine, rubbing the spot. He can just hear you screaming in your head about how he has dirty finger nails or how his hands are always so cold and boney. You huff. “You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“You give me a headache every time you walk into the room,” he shrugs, pulling back. He throws himself onto the couch again and hears the floor rattle beneath him. Another complaint that you’ll throw at him is how he and Chengcheng should just move out of this ratty old place. (“And go where exactly?” “I don’t know! Go live with Zhengting! I heard he needs a roommate!” “You want us to live with Zhu Zhengting? He’ll be on China’s Most Wanted after he kills me and Chengcheng.”) You roll your eyes instead. “But go on. What did your best friend Wang Linkai do to piss you off today?”
“We had a lunch date!” you stomp your foot.
“A lunch date?!�� Chengcheng repeats as he exists the kitchen, choking on the piece of bread he had shoved into his mouth. “You two go on dates?!”
Linkai snorts. Ever since Chengcheng found out the story of how you and Linkai met, he’s been begging for you two to fall in love. (“You met in college when she dropped her books and you helped her pick them up? Fingers lingering, eyes glazing over. Love blooming like spring cherry blossom-“ “Chengcheng, shut the actual hell up. I only helped her out because I’m not an asshole.” “Not an asshole? Have you met you?”). Chengcheng says that he’s read a lot of fan fictions. He knows how this will turn out. Apparently, he’s taking bets alongside Chen Linong and Lin Yanjun as to when you two will finally get together. But jokes on them because you are denser than a book.
According to Chengcheng, it’s not your fault because apparently Linkai has terrible game. His idea of flirting with you is to flake on you half the time, watch you get riled up then pat your head and walk away after you get done ranting to him. Linkai doesn’t call that game. He calls that tolerance because some of this shit you put him through makes his head spin in circles. Plus, he’s got an image to uphold. Xiao Gui AKA.IMP cannot go around braiding flower crowns and singing to the birds like this is some kind of Disney film. He’s still trying to live down that time Xukun posted a picture of him coloring in a coloring book on his instagram story (Ziyi still sends him children’s coloring books every holiday since. Whether Linkai fills them out or not is his business and his business only).
He thinks today is going to be a bad day. He thinks it’ll be one of those days where the two of you will fight to no ends and there’s literally nothing he can do to make you feel better. He hates to admit it but he likes those kind of days because they always end with the two of you laying in his bed. Those are the nights he’ll hold you and wipes your tears, whispering a mantra of “Yes, I’m an idiot” and “I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not cherishing you.” He likes those nights because even though you get on his last nerves, he’ll be willing to admit defeat if that means he’ll get to wake up with you beside him.
“Honestly, Linkai. I don’t even know why I try with you sometimes,” you groan, setting down the bag of food in your hands onto the coffee table with one too many water stains. “Chengcheng, come join us for lunch.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude on your date,” he says.
You smile at him. “It’s not an actual date.“
There’s a weird look on your face as you say that. It’s a look you get that Xiao Gui has never been able to read. Your smile is big but your eyes never seem to match. Your shoulders visibly sag and your movements slow for a second before you seem to realize what you’re doing and get back to being normal. “Come!”
“No,” Linkai plops down on the floor next to you. “He has a lab with Justin due at midnight tonight. He needs to leave.”
“Hm? You keep tabs on me?” Chengcheng has a shit eating grin on his face which quickly disappears as Linkai scoffs.
“No. You’re wearing cologne for once and don’t look oily. From just that, I know you’re going to meet Justin,” he says. “You usually smell like terrible B.O. and your hair looks dry. As for your project, you have it written on your calendar inside of a big red heart. I saw it when I went to steal the five bucks from your dresser earlier.” Chengcheng sputters, face red with embarrassment.
You swat Linkai’s shoulder. “Leave him alone,” you frown. “Don’t worry about him, Cheng. You always look and smell great to me!” you grin encouragingly before turning back to Linkai again to whisper yell. “He has a crush. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten dressed up for somebody you liked.”
“Hey!” he says louder than you expected considering this was supposed to be a hushed conversation. “I’m wearing the jeans you said make my ass look fat,” he retorts. You simply roll your eyes before returning to Chengcheng. Once again, you’ve reminded not only Linkai but the world that you are denser than a book. He makes a face. “You expect me to read your mind and yet you never seem to be able to read mine,” he mutters under his breath, forcefully stabbing into his rice.
“What was that?” you turn back to him. He shakes his head, shoveling a load of food into his mouth to keep you from pressing. You thankfully don’t and once again, turn to Chengcheng. “I think you look amazing. Really. Go get him! He’ll be in your arms in no time!”
“Thanks, jiejie!” the dopey boy grins. “I’ll be on my way then. Be back tomorrow morning. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!” he winks. He’s out the door before Linkai can kill him (as if Linkai even had the energy to do so).
He’s too busy dissecting his meat to notice your cold stare. You have to clear your throat for him to look up and see your face. He groans, “What the hell did I do now?”
“You should be more supportive of Chengcheng.”
“More supportive? Any more supportive and I might as well just text Justin and say ‘Hey dinghead! Chengcheng is in love with you!’” he scoffs. “Honestly, it doesn’t get any more supportive than me.” He’s actually offended that you don’t think he’s all for Chengstin. Linkai is the vice president of the Chengstin fanclub, only coming second to You Zhangjing. “Who do you think always makes sure there’s ice cream in the fridge when Justin comes over? Who do you think hops off our shitty ass wifi when Justin comes to watches movies? Who the fuck ran across town just to fight with sneaker heads to get Justin the newest pair of shoes because Chengcheng was stuck in class? Have you ever had to fight a sneak head, YN? Have you?” His eyes are wild as if he’s seen some things he’d rather not talk about.
You sigh. “I just think you need to be nicer to him,” you shrug.
“Last week you told me not to let Chengcheng step all over me,” Linkai points his chopstick accusingly at you.
“Because you were deadass tired and up doing his laundry while he slept!” you exclaim.
Linkai snorts. You’re honestly a walking contradiction when it comes to him. “Just eat and be quiet. I’ve already got a headache. Don’t make my stomach upset too with all of your nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense, Linkai!”
“If it’s coming from you, it is.” He shuts his foam to-go plate and stands to his feet before you could give him another earful. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything? Water? A soda? A shot of vodka?”
“Ten more minutes with you makes the last option sound more appeasing than it should,” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Nobody is forcing you to be here,” he reminds you, patting your head as he walks away. When he returns, he’s made two pretty drinks and winks at you. Bottoms up, his eyes say.
“Really? Drinking on a Tuesday?” you scoff.
“Whether it’s a Tuesday afternoon or a Saturday night, you will always find a reason to complain,” he replies. You roll your eyes, taking a sip and feeling the alcohol burn down your throat. You grimace before setting it back down on the table. “So what do you wanna do now, hm? Watch a movie? Make me watch you online shop?”
“Maybe I could put make up on you and do your hair,” you suggest.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You say that everyone elses’ boy friends do this for them and yet, I feel as though I’m the only one.”
“Boyfriend?” you repeat, completely disregarding anything else he had said.
“Boy. Space. Friends,” he says before leaning back onto his hands. “Why? Do you wanna remove the space in between us?” he wiggles his eyebrows before swooping in close to you, noses bumping. You freeze at this. “What?” he smirks when you don’t push him away like usual. “You actually thinking about kissing me this time?”
You scoff, shaking your head and moving away from him. “Wang Linkai,” you scoff again. “You really are something else. You know that? Kiss you? My best friend? I’d rather eat sand or-“ You stop, looking at him and seeing the way his eyes cast down for a second. “What?”
He looks back up. “Nothing,” he says before pulling himself to his feet again. He stretches his arms over his head and yawns. “Come. Let’s go shop. Or something. I don’t know.” He shakes his head and reaches for his drink. Maybe he shouldn’t have poured so much alcohol into his drink. One sip and he’s already a mess. “What?” He notices you still haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. “Hurry up and put on your jacket. Or do I have to so it for you?” He makes a swipe to grab your arm but you pull back, holding it against your chest. “YN, what?” he sighs, a bit annoyed. “Are you mad at what I just did? Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just-“
“Linkai,” you frown. “Why do you look so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” he replies, walking around and looking for his keys.
“It’s doesn’t seem like nothing to you.” Your words are careful, almost as if you’re trying to find the right wire to cut in order for the bomb not to explode. It’s always like that when the two of you argue this deeply. And sadly, it always ends with somebody crying.
“Because it’s never anything to you!” he throws a hand down dramatically. “So like. Let’s go because I’m not going to do this today!”
“Do what today?” you ask, standing to your feet. He shakes his head and makes it towards the door when you grab his arm. He instantly spins around and pins you against the wall, arms encasing you. You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s your deal?” you huff.
“It’s not even a bit obvious to you?” He’s smiling like a deviant. Like you’re just playing into one of his cold jokes. “Are you really that stupid?”
“What did I do to you?” you cross your arms.
“Everything,” he says, eyes casting downwards. You feel your heart starting to hammer as you realize he’s staring right at your lips. “You waltz into my life and make it absolute hell. You expect me to just know what’s on your mind. You expect me to just know what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You expect me to just know these things and I don’t and it makes me so tired and yet...” he laughs coldly. “And yet when I look at you, I want to be defeated. I want to fall at my knees at your mercy. It’s been like this since the day we met.” His hand slowly makes its way up to your cheek, cupping the glowy red flesh between his fingers. “C’mon, YN. How should it be? What do I have to do to make you like me as much as I like you?”
“Linkai, you idiot! If you liked me, you should’ve just told me!” you pout.
“And then you would’ve found something to complain about then as well,” he rolls his eyes. “Honestly, YN. Just lighten up with me sometimes. I’m trying.”
“You’re always trying,” you smile. “That’s what I like about you.”
“You wanna know a secret?” he asks, leaning in closely. “I only try his hard for you.”
And as his lips finally land on yours, you realize that this is exactly how it should have been all along.
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djarinscyare · 4 years
Headcanon Blast: Single Dad Au
Aka: an unorganized, random list of headcanons for the single dad au
Poe and Jess were beat friends literally since birth, and they were neighbors too so they never really went more than a week without seeing each other all the way up until college time
Libby loves moana libby loves moana libby loves moana LIBBY LOVES MOANA LIBBY LOVES MOANA LIBBY LOVES MOANA
Poe went to college in NYC to pursue a music career and got a general music degree or something like that
Poe has a sister named Elena, and Libby REALLY looks up to her
Libby's mom (who I havent named yet) was from Greece and she was in NYC for college and Poe was like, high key in love with her and kinda thought maybe she would be the one but then she broke his heart.....
He thought they were going to raise Libby together but she was just like "nah fam I'm not ready to be a mom" and left in the middle of the night, leaving a letter for Poe
She writes to him and Libby once or twice a month
Poe is bi, btw
I usually hc him as gay but for plot purposes in this one he's bi
Finn is an insomniac and a chronic stress baker
No Kylo in this fic bc he's a lil bitch and I do not like him
Poe surfs.
High key a few of Poe's traits on this fic are stolen from Marty Deeks from NCIS LA (surfing, love of theater and sour patch kids)
Poe has two necklaces!!
One is kinda long, sits about mid chest, its just a leather strap with Shara's ring
The other one sits about collar bone level, so visible above most shirts, its a black chord with a little wood pendant carved to look like a compass
But necklaces bave huge emotional significance to Poe, the first for obvious reasons, but you'll have to wait to learn about necklace #2 (unless you're nat, who hears basically all my ideas as soon as I make them)
Snap and Karé have two boys named Eli and Joey
Finn and Rey own a bakery together :)))
Poe gets a job as a mechanic
He really likes James Taylor, and he sings You've Got A Friend and Sweet Baby James to Libby as lullabies
Poe, Jess, Snap and Karé all live within walking distance of each other
Not because I think Snap matters less, but because of how I set up their friendship story
Poe and Jess were friends since birth, and Poe went to college in NYC while Jess stayed closer to home (home is Virginia Beach)
Snap was Poe's college roommate are Karé was Jess's roommate
Snap was coming to visit Poe after he had moved back, and he invited him to a cookout w/ Jess, and Jess happened to be bringing Karé
And Snap and Karé ended up going out and trying long distance for a while (bc snap was still living in NYC) but then Snap moved to virginia beach and they got engaged and got a place together like four blocks from Poe's house and six blocks from Jess
Finn is constantly cuffing his pants, wearing tucked in shirts with colorful patterns, wearing belts, dressing like a Poster Bi™
Did I already say that Rey and Finn are best friends?? Idk if I did, but they are.
Rose fits in here somewhere, I havent figured out exactly where yet
I think she maybe works at the same garage as Poe bc Mechanic Rose is SO underused.
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lcvender · 4 years
idk what i’m doing entirely with this girl yet, i’m totally winging it. she’s the younger sister of a couple of other muses that i have on my indie. pls like this post to validate me or plot klsajdf oh btw its amanda (sage/castor)
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『SYDNEY SWEENEY ❙ CISFEMALE』 ⟿ looks like JETTA LYNCH is here for HER FRESHMAN year as a FASHION DESIGN student. SHE is 20 years old & known to be STEALTHY, CURIOUS, SCAMMING & LOATHSOME. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ amanda. 22. mst. she/her.
trigger warning: child neglect, drug mention
NAME:  jetta kathleen lynch AGE:  20 BIRTH DATE:  september 26th 1999 ZODIAC:  libra sun, aries moon SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  bisexual SOCIAL CLASS:  lower HOMETOWN:  chicago, il EDUCATION LEVEL:  ged FACE CLAIM:  sydney sweeney ADDICTION(S):  cigarettes DRUG USE:  loves adderall and cocaine, smokes weed if asked ALCOHOL USE:  yes POSITIVE TRAITS:  unpredictable, curious, stealthy, idealistic NEGATIVE TRAITS:  scamming, loathsome, fussy, anxious LIKES:  drawing, clove cigarettes, graffiti, faux leather DISLIKES:  bugs, sharing, red meat, farm animals
jetta is the middle child of five, and feels the most rejected. her parents split up when she was 6, but at such a young age all the memories she formed of them were kind of made up. she idolized them despite constant abuse, physical and emotional. now as an adult, she’d aware that most of her memories are fabricated but can’t handle the fact that they were so awful to her when she still loves them so much.
tl;dr her parents were abusive and she still suffers from it.
left home at 17, living on friends couches and selling her younger brother’s Adderall prescriptions
after two years of scrounging money from nothing, she saved up enough to go to college for ONE semester. hence Radcliffe. she also got a small scholarship from them
not necessarily a mean girl or a nice girl. you know how glenda the good witch was like “i’m a good witch !! anyway thanks for killing a mf now take that bitchs shoes”. she’s like that
has lots of false memories and has sort of continued to make them her whole life. doesn’t directly make shit up or anything, but she never trusts herself to believe anything or anyone
major abandonment issues
based on the little girl moonee from the Florida project if you’ve seen that
has definitely committed some crimes but hasn’t done any jail time. yet
doesn’t like frivolously spending her money so she actually makes and designs a lot of her own clothes, as well as thrifting and altering. think along the lines of raven from that's so raven
hasn’t grown out of her teenager phase yet
doesn’t like animals but won’t eat red meat. “just because i don't like them doesn't mean i want them to get eaten”
wanted connections
- ex bfs/gfs. would have likely ended on bad terms because she is very dramatic and emotional. probably a lot to handle in a relationship anyway. she’s had quite a few of them.
- best friend. fucking ride or die we’re both crazy who gives a fuck. you know what i’m talking about. if u kill a man i will help you
- hookups. current or previous, or future even. jetta calls herself a whore but with dignity. she has a lot of experience here
- a roommate in moris.
- frenemies. hate each other one day love each other the next day, its never fucking consistent and they’re constantly upsetting the other just for the thrill
- victims. people she picks on for no reason, even if it isn’t directly.
- bullies. give me people who are mean to her. for whatever fucking reason
- people she uses as models for her designs in class
- someone she does illegal shit with. could be stealing money or tagging a building but she’s always up for it. maybe this is the only time they spend together.
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His Sister - TH & SH
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This was requested by Anon but i lost the actual request. (Requests are open)
This is probably really badly written just because i had so many ideas and it probably makes no sense. Let me know what you guys think 😊
I was invited for pizza night at Sam’s place by both him and Colby. Knocking on Sam’s apartment door felt weird, no idea, just because. The faint sound of Kat’s laugh could be heard. I opened the door, creaking a little. “Y/N!!!” Colby screamed. “My goodness how are you?! It’s been ages brother!”
Yes my own brother calls me ‘brother’ as a means of making me an official member of his friend group. It’s weird but I’ve grown accustomed to it over the two years.
“Guys guys! This is my little sister Y/N!” Colby exclaimed excitedly. Of course i had known Sam the same amount of time as Colby. But tje rest? I had watched their videos and had Sam and Colby talk so much about everyone. I just never met any of the old roommates or friends.
Everyone that could make it to the pizza night came round hugging me. It felt a little weird considering I hadn’t met them before today. “Pizza, y/n/n?” Sam asked.
“Of course! What’s the options? Oh! Do you have pepperoni?” Y/N retorted excitedly.
“Of course he does, I’m here!” Colby sassily replied, causing everyone to laugh.
Prying her away from the guys, Kat was quick to step in to talk to the young girl. Since Tara, Casey and Xepher couldn’t make it, Kat was the only female there. “Wow! Out of the couple of years I’ve known Colby, he never mentioned you.” Kat said. “Oh crap that sounded so rude. I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine Kat. And I don’t really know why Cole never mentions me. Sam didn’t even know I existed for about 10 months, he knew about Gage but not me.” I replied. “Colby and I were never really close, I guess.”
“Oh and what’s changed now? I mean you’re here now.”
“I don’t know. I think he just wanted to be a better brother. Sam was more like a brother than Colby was, maybe Sam talked some sense into him or something?”
Growing up I was constantly in my room studying or out with my friends at the mall or bowling alley. I knew that Sam was my brother’s best friend since Colby constantly talked about him at dinner “Sam and I did this today” or “Can I go with Sam to the mall?”
Colby never really spoke to me, Gage and I had more of a friendship.
But since Colby moved to LA he had started texting me, he even flew me out for a brother and sister weekend.
While I was talking to Kat, the boys decided to have a little game of extreme truth or dare. Complete children, i know.
“Mind if i butt in boys? I got a question for Cole.” I stated, my tone was laced with confidence and seriousness. The lot of them nodded giving me complete reign. “Cole, Kat tells me that you haven’t yold the boys about me and growing up, Sam didn’t know I existed for 10 months! We weren’t close but we are now, why?”
I look from Colby to every guy in the room. The look on their faces was priceless. Kat was smirking at Colby. It was so silent that you cluld hear a pin drop. Well that was until Jake piped up, “She’s one of us!”
“I didn’t want any of them hitting on you.” Colby said dimly. “And i was jealous of you because you got all of mum and dad’s attention.”
“Awe, jealously and protectiveness. Awe how sweet Cole!” I teased.
“Okay, I agree with Jake!” Mike said.
“Did I just become another brother?” I asked.
A chorus of “yeahs” filled the air.
I plunked myself down on Mike’s lap and swung my legs on Colby’s lap. “Okay, truth Y/N.” Mike said.
I looked up to Mike. “Go on,” sass still laced in my words.
“Biggest regret?”
“That all you could come up with big guy?” I joked. “Okay, um, turning down a TFIL trip.”
“Which one?” Mike asked.
“The one where they trashed Colby’s car.”
“Elton asked you?!” Colby bellowed. “I hate him!”
“Chill, i said no but i still regret it because I’ve always wanted to go on those trips. I was hoping to be invited to the Australian one.”
“Oh, you know I could always ask Elton for you?”
“Can you?!” Colby nodded. “I would hug you but I’m comfortable.”
“I’m not!” Mike said (a/n: not dirty btw). I repositioned myself. “Better, thanks.”
A few months after that pizza night and on my 2 week break, I made a trip back to LA. To meet up with Elton for the TFIL trip to Utah.
I had done a few Skype calls with Elton and Corey a few times just get to know one another and to sort out a few things before hand just so that i was comfortable with the whole thing. Since this trip was going to be a week long and I arrived a week early.
I decided to just hang out with Colby and his mates. Well also my friends as well, i guess.
“Oh thank god, we were about to film for Sam’s video if you wanted to join.” Colby said as i entered his apartment.
“Sure, what video?” I replied.
“Paranoia. I’ll explain rules once we get to mine and everyone shows up.” Sam said.
“I’m in!”
“Great.” Sam said, Colby took my belongings and the three of us headed to Sam’s.
It’s just one of those things, isn’t it? I felt as if i was one of the boys, even if i was one out of what 6 girls?
As soon as i walk through the door, i spot another female. I assume it had to be Tara sknce she was sitting quite close to Jake. “Ooo Colby is this your girlfriend?!” The short brunette called.
I started burst out laughing at Colby’s disgusted look.
“Sorry, I’m his sister. I assume you’re Tara?” I said holding my hand towards her.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry.” Tara said pulling me into a hug.
“That’s okay, he doesn’t talk about me. I get the confusion.” I replied and Tara laughed.
“Older or younger?”
“Younger. I’m 20.”
“Shall we get this show on the road?” Sam asked, wanting to quickly film. We all quickly took our places and as a result, I was squished between Reggie and Tara. I felt sort of out of place but I pushed that thought aside not wanting my stress or concern to show up in the video.
Seeing how the videos come together behind the scenes was amazing! The boys and girls are completely natural and basically act as if a camera wasn’t in front of them.
The girls and I decided to have a girl’s night, that night, at Colby’s since he was going over to Jake’s to hang or something.
I didn’t have many friends during school, just a group of 3, then I came to LA only to have a large group of friends plus more because of college. It felt amazing.
I finally got to meet Devyn, Xepher and Cassie and needless to say i got along just fine with them.
“The boys love you, we love you. You’ve basically become a member of our weird friend group overnight! You fit right in girl!” Kat exclaimed hugging me.
“We need to make this a monthly thing guys!” I said to the lot of them. “Of course when it works with my college schedule.”
“Of course.” Devyn replied.
“We’d love that.” Xepher said quietly.
As the girls file out one by one, i smiled to myself. Even though Colby and I weren’t close growing up, it was nice that he wanted to share what he does and it was great meeting his friends.
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myberkeleyadventure · 4 years
I Hate Mother’s Day | growing up with a tiger mom/ narcissist mom #asian-immigrant-family
Soooo I know it’s Father’s Day today - happy father’s day! I’ve celebrated with my family and told my dad.
But this made me kinda think about the holidays my family celebrates and honestly... how awkward they are.
My parents were immigrants who came from Asia to the United States (they are full US citizens now BTW). They have lived a hardened, tough life - even when they were already in the United States. They worked very hard to get to where they are now, and I don’t want to dismiss that at all.
Growing up, my parents were very strict and we had limited financial means. It’s weird to talk about it now because over the years, they have certainly lessened their tiger grip on parenting but growing up, it was very, very tight. I couldn’t go hang out with my friends unless it was related to some extracurricular club activity (Red Cross club, volunteering, etc) and for a purely social hangout, I really had to beg and plead my parents. Even if something didn’t require any money, I’d have to really beg for permission. Looking back on it now, I feel like my parents felt like by controlling us, it showed they cared (something they still do to this day). 
Academics were pushed on us heavily. Sports, relationships, free-time activities weren’t. Every second of my life before college was very geared towards academics and succeeding. I established a great work ethic and study schedule, so that was nice. I am thankful and grateful to my parents for working hard, that I always had a solid roof over my head, and that I always had food in my tummy.
You might be able to sense that I have some animosity with my mom through some of my previous posts. It’s true. Even though my parents had limited means and had a strict parenting style when I was growing up, my dad had a very kind and caring personality for the most part. He felt more human. My mom, on the other hand, has a different personality: never satisfied, always complaining, always comparing, easily upset, very temperamental. (As I’m typing this post, she’s screaming right now.) It is something I still can’t justify as being ok and it’s truly toxic behavior. Her personality has been constant from a young age to present times. Maybe she was stressed at how much she was working and so her temperamental behavior was a result of that; but I still don’t believe you should project this onto a small child. Maybe she has some underlying medical condition or personality changes she needs to enforce; but she should be responsible for her health - how can a small child do this?
I have anxiety and it’s managed well now (after some trials & errors with myself, admittedly) and if I try to pinpoint the root of my anxiety, I have to say it was my upbringing. If my mom came home from work in a bad mood, she would make it so EVERYONE would be in a bad mood. She would have yelling matches because our bathroom was not “clean enough” or be upset if I didn’t score high enough on an exam. She is never one to apologize, and always one to complain. She is manipulative and abusive. She is demeaning. She calls me fat, ugly, and stupid constantly. Her personality and my personality are just NOT compatible.
Hopefully that gives some background of my mom and how she raised us (and what she’s like today). Our family is very emotionally stoic (as most asian american immigrant families can be), particularly my parents. When it comes to holidays like Mother’s Days, it can be a little awkward. Yes, American culture dictates we have to celebrate this but internally, I feel awkward and forced: my mom was not a great mom. I understand she was raised in a different culture and had a tough upbringing but that surely can’t be an excuse to her toxic 20+ years of behavior, right? 
My dad, on the other hand, has some similarities with my mom (I mean, they both could improve tbh) but on the whole, is much more understanding and at least he doesn’t have mood swings like my mom. He is much more stable and compassionate. (Truly, their marriage isn’t all happy sunshine and smiles; it is more of a roommate situation almost. They don’t celebrate anniversaries or anything, and they’ve talked about divorce seriously a handful of times, including this year -- buuuuuuuut that’s an entirely different post.)
With today being Father’s Day, I feel much more inclined to celebrate Father’s Day versus Mother’s Day (which of course my mom will not like). I think it’s this truly endless cycle: I respect people who respect me. My mom has not done that great of a job raising us and does not respect us so my behavior to her is similar; then she gets upset at this behavior and throws a mood swing. 
I think one of us has to be the bigger person somehow and let the whole 20+ years behind us. But I think to me, that is hard to swallow. I’m more inclined to be at tolerable terms with my mom. I don’t know if I can truly let go of 20+ years and pretend it doesn’t exist and move on and be chummy buds with my mom. Being in this mother-daughter relationship is honestly EXHAUSTING and TAXING on me - even at this level where I just try to live on tolerable terms with her. I know my older sister has somewhat let go of the past (largely influenced by her recent marriage & expecting a child early next year) and has a much warmer relationship with my mom, but admits that even then, my mom is a difficult person. 
To truly have a better relationship with my mom, I think I either have to let go of 20 years of history and/or live a much more distanced life from my mom, and not let her in too much. I currently do the latter, and since I have, my anxiety is much better.
Anyway, this is just a long rant that I had to get off my chest. These holidays celebrating parents (particularly mothers) are difficult for me and just weird, sometimes.
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t0ngue-tech · 4 years
Transient Boundaries
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“’I really don’t.’ Yoongi sighed. ‘I don’t know why she chose me out of all people.’
You adjusted yourself and swung your arm around to drop it behind the bench. Yoongi caught a glimpse of your gaze and the pink flush that was stamped on your cheeks. It was probably the alcohol, but you had a mysterious glow about you that he couldn’t put his finger on.
‘I mean,’ you began. ‘Why wouldn’t she?’”
word count: 5.9k
A/N: early birthday gift for our darling, min yoongi! let’s get a bit saucy up in this bitch huhu. /wiggles eyebrows/ i haven’t made any smut content in a while, so why not do it for our next birthday boy huhu. enjoy! (btw i fckn story mapped this plot three times within the last six months LOL)
Being Namjoon’s friend since they were a pair of thirteen year olds has been quite the adventure, mainly because he was clumsy and quite the character. Yoongi was the opposite, so it made the years quite enjoyable.
Yoongi had the pleasure of being close with Namjoon’s family as well, this meant getting to know his younger sister of one year, you.
You and Namjoon were quite close; you adapted a lot of his personality traits. He always spoke highly of you, excluding the usual brotherly-sisterly hate once in a while. It never bothered Yoongi the way you clung onto Namjoon, he thought it was sweet because all Yoongi had was a much older brother. 
At school, you stuck with your own friends who had similar interests as you; anime and animal crossing. It’s not like you two acted like strangers. Whenever Yoongi and Namjoon walked by, you would always say hello, occasionally giving Yoongi a high five.
Yoongi always thought you were adorable in a childlike sort of way because of your round face and short stature. You also prefered having your hair cut straight, no fancy styles, and stopped right at your slim shoulders. Compared to Namjoon, you were also much quieter and a lot less rowdy.
Whenever Namjoon had a bunch of his friends come over after school, you always offered to bake cookies or bring snacks into his room. None of his friends ever minded if you sat in the room to watch them play video games because you always kept to yourself. You were pretty much everyone’s little sister.
High school was a different story.
The four years of high school were the breaking points of an adolescent’s life and it definitely took a toll on you.
Your interests never changed however, you added a few new ones; shopping, experimenting with makeup and hair colors, and obviously, boys. Namjoon would always watch on the sideline, telling Yoongi “she’s thinking of changing her hair color again” or “y/n rejected some guy from her class.” 
You grew out your hair in high school, dying it red to a deep violet to black whenever you wanted. The low rise boot cut jeans you prefered changed into high waisted skinny jeans and shorts that stopped above your mid thigh. Namjoon would complain about how you needed about an hour and a half to get ready, not to mention hogging the bathroom to blow dry your hair.
The change in your appearance also stirred the hearts and eyes of the friends who never considered you as a romantic interest from the start. Once in a while, Namjoon would get asked “does y/n have a boyfriend?” or “can I have her number?” or even “do you think y/n likes me?”
Namjoon wasn’t over protective of you; he knew you could steer your own ship, but none of the friends who were interested in you didn’t appear worthy of you in your eyes. Even with your brother’s disapproval, they still continued to ask, just in case he changed his mind.
Boyfriends came and went in your life causing you sleepless nights and heavy eyes in the morning. Namjoon always wiped your tears and offered you a listening ear. Knowing you just as long as he had known Namjoon, Yoongi also made sure to do the same for you.
While Namjoon majored in literature in college, you chose to take up graphic design in the arts department at the same university. You didn’t purposely follow in his footsteps to attend the same school as him. The program offered a lot of creative freedom and your best friend was also taking up the same major as you.
College life was as difficult as Yoongi imagined; he attended the same university as a suffering business major. Being a full-time student, joining extra-curricular activities, and having a part time job was enough to make anyone go off the rails. He lived in an apartment that was near the university and was roommates with Namjoon since their freshmen year. Now sophomores, their schedules were a tad bit more stressful. They took any window of opportunity to wind down because they spend so much time on school and work; there was nothing like a few drinks on a saturday night after a full week of hectic festivities.
“Yoomgs… it’s my life call. I have to do it.”
“And how exactly are you going to do that?”
Namjoon shoved his beer bottle a hair away from Yoongi’s nose, condensation leaving a mark. “I have to see Professor Oak and get my starter pokemon, charmander of course. And then, only then, will I begin my journey to becoming the pokemon master!”
Yoongi lowered his bottle and leaned his drunk friend towards the other side of the couch. “Whatever you say, you tall fool.”
After turning down multiple invitations to go out, Namjoon and Yoongi finally decided to attend a party that was hosted by a mutual friend. It was nothing special, just a normal weekend party with a lot of drunk college students. 
Amongst the sea of drunk folks, Namjoon was rambling about his dream to become the pokemon master, a usual conversation he has when he’s drunk. Yoongi, on the other hand, was more so tipsy than drunk. He blankly listened to Namjoon and drew a few long sighs before he decided that he needed to take a breather.
“Namjoon. I’ll be outside for a little bit. Jackson is right over here if you need to puke or something.” Yoongi shook Namjoon’s shoulder and waited for a response, but all he got was a mumble of incoherent words. Yoongi shrugged, letting Jackson know he’ll be right outside.
“Ugh, Jesus.” Yoongi stumbled onto a random bench that was behind the dormitory. He looked up, street light beaming down on him and the first thing he thought of was the truckload of notes he had to go through. He shut his eyes and mentally planned out his schedule for next week. 
Yoongi worked at a music store a few stoplights away from the university and he was going to be working three closing nights next week. This meant he needed to fit in sleeping and studying into his life somehow.
He felt his eyebrow twitch. I can feel my soul leaving my body.
“Min Yoooooooongi!”
Yoongi snapped his eyes open and was made face to face with a familiar facial structure.
“Oh, it’s really you. That green hair really comes in handy, huh?”
He blinked a few times until the hazy image in front of him became clear.
Silver hair. Glasses. Dimples—
He finally twisted his body around to take a good look at you. You waltzed from behind the bench to the empty spot next to him.
“The one and only.” You smiled. “Were you at JB’s party too?”
“Yeah. I just needed some air.” Yoongi sighed. “Namjoon is in there somewhere.”
You crossed your right leg over your left. “I saw him clinging onto that Jackson guy, wanted to say hi, but there’s way too many people inside.”
Yoongi snickered remembering how much you hate crowded places.
“How have you been? You haven’t come around the apartment as much as the beginning of the semester.” He straightened himself out, getting a better look at you.
The last time he saw you with your natural hair color was during your high school graduation and just before you dyed it silver, you had a combination of purple and pink in your hair. At first your parents used to give you shit about constantly coloring your hair, but over time it seems like they got used to it.
Having you over the apartment was normal during the beginning of the semester. You usually went over to take a nap on Namjoon’s bed, do some homework while you waited for your roommate to finish her shift at work, or you would sometimes join them for dinner.
From what Namjoon mentioned, you also got yourself a part time job as a waitress to help with expenses. This is what made your visits to their apartment less frequent. Looking at you now, it was like Yoongi hasn’t seen you in forever.
“Tired, stressed, feeling a bit defeated, but hanging on.” You laughed. “How about you? And how’s that TA situation going?”
Yoongi chuckled dryly. “She’s uh, well, she’s still pushing her efforts.”
He recalled the conversation he had with you and Namjoon a few months ago about how the teacher’s assistant in his economics class tries to flirt with him. The TA promised him a whole letter grade change if he chose to sleep with her and this offer would last until finals.
“And you really don’t want to?”
“I really don’t.” Yoongi sighed. “I don’t know why she chose me out of all people.”
You adjusted yourself and swung your arm around to drop it behind the bench. Yoongi caught a glimpse of your gaze and the pink flush that was stamped on your cheeks. It was probably the alcohol, but you had a mysterious glow about you that he couldn’t put his finger on.
“I mean,” you began. “Why wouldn’t she?”
As you inched closer towards Yoongi, your denim jacket slid down your shoulder, revealing your bare shoulder that was barely supporting the strap of the black dress you were wearing. If his head was on right, he was sure you were trying to make a move on him.
“Uh—um, y/n?” Yoongi stuttered.
Your response came out as a pur and the alcohol was probably messing with his head because he could feel goosebumps rise on his skin.
“Your TA has great taste if you ask me.” You breathed, your face now inches away from Yoongi’s. You lifted your hand and carefully touched a few stands of his mint green locks. “If I was your TA, I think I’d ask the same thing.”
Yoongi’s breath caught in his throat and he turned his face away from yours. “Y/n, I—I think you had a little too much to drink. Why don’t I go and get you some water?”
Before Yoongi could stand, you circled your hand around his wrist to keep him in place. “I’m fine, Yoongi. Just stay with me here, please?”
Alcohol. Too much fucking alcohol.
Yoongi was in panic mode. He really shouldn’t stay with you because he wasn’t sure how things were going to turn out. There was no way he was going to lie to himself and say you weren’t attractive. The years have done you so well to the point where it was almost impossible to picture you as the twelve year old he met years ago.
Namjoon never told Yoongi that he wasn’t allowed to hit on you. Maybe it was because Yoongi never made any advances. But whenever their other friends would joke around saying that Yoongi was going to hit on you next because you were actually friends with him, Namjoon wouldn’t bite back. He would simply say “well, he’s not a bad guy unlike some guys I know.”
Did this give Yoongi the green light? Even if it did, he still felt guilty looking at the innocent facial expression you had that clashed with your outfit choice.
“Y/n, I’m honestly flattered. But I can’t—I can’t stay with you here.” Yoongi tried to sound firm.
From his wrist, you slid your hand down to delicately hold onto his fingers.
“Then we can go somewhere else.”
“Y/n.” Yoongi said. “Just—I ca—I need to go and check on your brother.”
He wriggled himself out of your fingers and just before he turned away from you, he caught you pouting and almost glaring at him. Just as guilty as he felt even thinking about staying with you for the night, he felt the same way walking away from you.
What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.
Yoongi entered the dorm and leaned his head a little too harshly against the door.
“Wha—What the fuck.”
Two weeks flew by and Yoongi hasn’t seen you since that night. Sure, there were times he spotted you on campus flaunting your bright eyes and dimpled smile but he would avoid you. Since that night, he shamelessly hasn’t been able to tear the image of you out of his mind.
There had to be something wrong. That was the only explanation because now just at the sight of you, Yoongi could feel his heart start to pound.
When the semester began, you easily leaned your head against his shoulder whilst watching tv and Yoongi wouldn’t mind at all. You’ve patted his cheeks, twirled locks of his hair in between your fingers, and you even fell asleep with your head in his lap once. He saw you drunk once or twice in their apartment, but you’ve never come onto him like that. Plus, you never looked at him with that mysterious glint in your eye before.
Were those—
—little touches your acts of flirting? And I was just too fucking dumb to realize it?! Augh—!
“Yoongi! You’ve been thrashing around on the sofa for like ten minutes! The fuck is wrong with you?!” Namjoon shouted.
Yoongi shoved his face in one of the throw pillows. He was losing his goddamn mind and there was no way he could tell Namjoon because the reason for Yoongi’s constant thrashes was Namjoon’s sister. It would be too awkward to talk about even if Namjoon was his best friend.
“Namjoon.” Yoongi sighed. “I think I’m seeing the light. Tell my mom I love her.”
“You need to relax. Grab a drink, hook up with someone, eat an entire cake! Do something because seeing your arms flap around for ten minutes is driving me insane.” Namjoon replied.
As soon as Namjoon mentioned to hook up with someone, Yoongi sat up straight and trudged towards the fridge to grab a beer. He was done with his classes for the day and it was his day off, so he should be relaxing. But how could he relax in this state?
“By the way, y/n is almost here.”
Yoongi almost spat out his beer. “Y-Y/n? Is coming he-here?”
“Yeah?” Namjoon scrunched his eyebrows. “Remember—actually, I mentioned it while you were having a complete system malfunction on the couch. You most likely don’t remember.”
Great. Just great.
Yoongi stood at the kitchen counter and then glanced at Namjoon who was diligently typing away at his laptop.
At least Namjoon is here. I don’t think I can be alone with her.
Five minutes later, you showed up at the doorstep with two bags of takeout from the restaurant you worked at. You gave Namjoon a hug and playfully flicked Yoongi’s forehead as a greeting. Yoongi immediately held up his guard around you, but you smiled at him like you always did, melting away the defensive armor he set up.
“Ugh, Joon. If mom found out that you use a dishwasher, she’d pull your sideburns.” You stood in front of the sink to wash the dishes that were piled up.
“You’re telling me that you and Wendy don’t use your dishwasher in your apartment?”
“Of course not!”
While you and Namjoon bickered, Yoongi sat on the sofa sipping on his second can of beer. He took a peek at you and even with your shoulders covered up with a university hoodie, he could still picture it bare with your denim jacket and dress strap sliding down. He panicked at the image in his head and snapped his attention back at the tv.
This was just a mere physical attraction. Nothing more, nothing less. Yoongi was too busy to be dating at the moment, so he hasn’t been with anyone for months, of course he would react a certain way when an attractive female would come onto him like that.
But you were you! I can’t be thinking like this.
“Yoongi, you said the professor for math 103 was easy, you liar.” You plopped down on the opposite end of the couch and whacked him with your math workbook.
“He is easy. What’s so hard about his class?”
“Everything! Look!”
You snatched a throw pillow to sit on it on the wooden floor and opened up your workbook to showcase multiple red markings all over the page.
Yoongi sputtered to stifle his laughter and you automatically pinched his ankle.
“Ow! Okay, calm down, let me see.” Yoongi sunk down onto the floor beside you.
At that moment, he completely forgot the nervous feeling inside of him. It was like everything was back the way it used to be; no weird vibes, no unnecessary needs to scoot five feet away from you, it was like nothing ever happened between the two of you.
“The mix what?!” 
Namjoon had been on the phone with one of his coworkers for quite some time and the sudden volume of Namjoon’s voice startled both you and Yoongi.
“Ugh, no, don’t—just leave it as is. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
Yoongi widened his eyes. He’s leaving?! But he’s not the campus radio host today?!
“Geez. Okay guys. I gotta go for a while. Seokjin thinks he ruined today’s mix and I need to try and recover it.” Namjoon walked over to the front door with his laptop in hand and jacket in the other. “I’ll be back later. Y/n, be nice. Stop giving Yoongi a hard time.”
You chuckled and flipped him off. Ah, sibling love.
The front door clicked shut and Yoongi’s mind went blank.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Yoongi, you were doing a great job in avoiding y/n and now here you are, alone with her.
“Yooooooongi.” You lightly jabbed Yoongi’s arm with your pen and then tapped at your workbook. “You didn’t finish explaining this.”
He blinked away his thoughts and cleared his throat, bringing his attention back to your math workbook.
It intrigued him how normal you were acting. You were talking and making jokes how you always did. You didn’t touch him inappropriately, only bumped into his shoulder a few times. 
Yoongi felt stupid for overreacting about nothing. He assumed that the alcohol you had that night was just messing with your head and you weren’t in the right mind. He felt relieved.
Kind of…?
“Ughhhhhhhhh.” You groaned. “I’m gonna fail this fucking class.”
Yoongi smiled warmly at the way you dropped your head on the coffee table.
“You just need to study a little more.” He subconsciously placed a hand on your upper back.
You sighed loudly and whispered something along the lines of “I hate math. I hate college.” He snickered quietly and rubbed your back to console you.
It was quiet for a moment. The only sound that filled the room was the commentary of some game show that was playing on tv. 
You hadn’t said a single word for a while and Yoongi believed you fell asleep. He was still rubbing your back which made him think that’s what made you doze off. A couple strands of your silver hair fell against his hand and he twirled it around his fingers.
It seemed like every time he saw you, the image of the twelve year old girl he met years ago was going further and further away. But thinking of you as a woman made him feel ashamed, like he was betraying his best friend. Being physically attracted to someone was a normal human instinct, so he shouldn’t feel that bad, right?
Damn it, Yoongi. Why are you so torn for?! It’s not like you’re going to actually try something with y/n.
“Nnyoongi?” You whispered cutely and he abruptly stopped touching your hair. “So—Sorry for uh, you know, that night.”
You weren’t making eye contact with him. You probably also felt guilty for acting the way you did towards a friend of your brother’s.
“It’s okay. Alcohol makes everyone act some type of way.” Yoongi went back to twiddling the ends of your hair between his fingers. Maybe you regretted it?
You shifted your body, causing Yoongi to flinch and turned to stare right into his eyes. “I’m not going to ultimately blame it all on the alcohol though.”
“What do you mean?” He questioned.
“I mean,” you were now leaning in, face dangerously close to his own. “I’ve always thought you were pretty cute.”
“Mhm.” You hummed sweetly, not breaking eye contact. “I didn’t want to say anything when I was in high school, but now that I’m in college, it shouldn’t be a problem right?”
Yoongi couldn’t say anything.
You squint your eyes at him. “Don’t tell me you still see me as a middle schooler.”
“N-No, I don’t. It’s not that.” He muttered.
He squeezed his eyes shut. There’s boundaries to this.
“You’re my best friend’s sister.” Yoongi said flatly. “I ca—can’t…”
You pouted and reached for his hand that was balled up in a fist next to you.
“But Joon never disapproved of you or anything.” You leaned in closer, your breath fanned across his cheek. “Do you really not see me as nothing more than your best friend’s sister?”
The seductive tone in your voice melted away every twelve year old image he had of you. The only girl he saw in his eyes was the current you and it was driving him insane.
“N-No.” He managed to say.
“Well…?” Your voice came out as a whisper and you continuously inched closer and closer towards Yoongi to the point where there was barely any breathing space between the two of you.
Yoongi could hear his heart thumping in his chest.
This can’t be okay... but... 
But he wanted it so bad.
In the blink of an eye, Yoongi’s voice was cut off by the sudden gesture of your lips pressing against his. You had one of your hands secured around his nape and your other hand rested on the floor beside him, caging him against you.
Was he supposed to kiss you back? You weren’t backing away from him and your lips felt unbelievably soft against his. This wasn’t supposed to happen but… fuck it, it’s happening.
Yoongi reached out to cup your cheek and boldly moved his lips against yours. He felt your body flinch and prepared himself for you to stop, but you slipped your arms around Yoongi’s neck and deepened the kiss. You prodded your tongue into his mouth and Yoongi eagerly accepted the invitation.
The hand that cupped your cheek slid down to your waist. This movement prompted you to let out a quiet moan that rippled into Yoongi’s mouth, surprising him.
Yoongi broke the kiss and turned his head away from you. What the fuck am I doing?
It was your turn to cup his cheeks and make him lock eyes with you. Your eyes were clouded with lust, hypnotizing Yoongi to the very core.
“Uh oh. I want more.” You breathed.
Yoongi could barely grasp the situation, but he did know one thing. He also desperately wanted more.
“Shit.” Yoongi hissed and captured your lips once more, showing no hesitation in finding your tongue. He wanted to hear more of you, more of the same sweet moan you let out not too long ago.
You pushed the coffee table away with your foot, making room to adjust your body to straddle Yoongi. Within those movements, the kiss never broke. Yoongi’s desire blurred all of his senses. He was intoxicated by your taste and the animalistic desire to feel more of you. He rustled around and slipped his hands under your hoodie to properly touch your skin.
The touch was electrifying. You nipped at Yoongi’s bottom lip and tangled your fingers within his hair. The breathy moans that escaped your mouth as you kissed excited Yoongi even more. There was no way he could hide the excitement; goosebumps rose on his skin and each second that ticked on caused a tight feeling in his stomach and before he knew it—
“Hmm, what do we have here?” You broke the kiss and pressed your forehead against his own.
You gripped his shoulders and grinded your lower body against the hardened member. Yoongi winced and gripped your waist harder.
“Wa—Wait, y/n. Thi—This—ergh…” Yoongi could barely muster a sentence because you roll your hips and let out broken sighs against the shell of his ear. It was obvious how much you wanted him and it was also painfully obvious how much he wanted you, but he wasn’t sure how much farther he could go.
You tipped Yoongi’s chin up and he was made face to face with a not-so-innocent look on your face. Even with your dimples poking out, glasses at the tip of your nose, a glaze of lust swept across your face and Yoongi was losing all of his self control.
“Yoongi.” You purred. “I want you so bad.”
You showed no mercy in leaning back a little to reach down to touch Yoongi’s cock that was clothed behind his thin pair of athletic shorts. A quiet groan ripped passed his teeth at the feeling of your finger tips tugging down the waistband of his shorts and boxers.
“Y/n… ahh… what are we doing…” Yoongi could barely comprehend the words that fell out of his mouth because of the warmth of your fingers circle around his shaft.
“We are studying,” you sighed. “Studying each other.”
You slowly pumped your hand and Yoongi was at your mercy. He let out breathy whimpers and relocated his hands from your waist to your ass that was clothed behind a pair of silk shorts. If he wasn’t in such a haze, Yoongi would have assumed that you planned this from the start.
“Yeah?” Yoongi grunted, playing right into your hands. “Study harder.”
You smirked and leaned in to kiss Yoongi while giving him a hand job. He pushed his hands underneath your shorts to squeeze your ass. A delicious whine was earned and Yoongi wiggled his fingers beneath your panties until he felt wetness on his fingers.
“Heh, well what do we have here,” Yoongi mimicked your words and your movements abruptly stopped.
“Yoon—Yoongi…” you panted.
“Lift your hips a little.” He instructed and you obediently listened. When you lifted your hips, Yoongi had easier access to your dripping wet center.
You were trying hard to focus on your own hand movements, but Yoongi kept a steady pace sliding his finger against your clit and in between your folds. All you could do was chant Yoongi’s name into his ear and feel your entire body melt into his hands.
“Ahh… Yoongi, en—enough, please.” You begged and Yoongi obeyed, waiting for you to continue speaking. “Fuck me. Please fuck me.”
Yoongi felt his heart stop in his chest. Did you really ask…? He screwed his eyes shut and ripped his hands away from your center to rest on top of your thighs.
“Y/n, what you’re asking me… you do realize what you’re asking?” Yoongi asked, trying to hold a steady breath.
“I do.”
You tugged at Yoongi’s waist band to bring down his shorts just a bit further. His length sprung out and you instinctively licked your lips already anticipating what was going to happen next. Yoongi’s hands found home on your waist, just beneath your hoodie, and you propped yourself up on your knees. He gawked at the way you pulled aside your shorts and panties at the same time.
She’s so sexy…
You used your free hand to pump his cock a few times, lifting your finger to your mouth, sucking off a small layer of precum. Just as you did that, Yoongi widened his eyes realizing an important element.
“Y-Y/n, wait, stop!” He was once again in panic mode, startling you.
“Ugh, Yoongi, what--”
“I don’t have con-condoms…” Yoongi’s voice grew soft at the end.
Embarrassed? Fuck yeah, Yoongi was embarrassed. An attractive girl just came onto him, begging him to fuck her right then and there, and boom, he realized that he had no condoms in the apartment.
To be honest, he feared that you would ask him to just go without because there were many risks involved. He couldn’t do that to you.
“Oh,” You said softly.
Shit… I ruined the moment.
“It’s alright, Yoongi. I would never do it without one either, so it’s okay.” You stroked his cheek and smiled.
He let out a breath of relief. Thank God.
“But what are we going to do with this?”
Yoongi flinched at the touch of your warm hand grasping his shaft. You leaned in and left a trail of kisses from his cheek, the corner of his mouth, his jawline, and on against his neck. Sucking softly, Yoongi gripped your thigh and felt his body tremble. If you hadn’t noticed already, his neck was definitely a weak spot.
You seemed to enjoy getting him off, but Yoongi wasn’t going to let you leave the apartment without making you feel just as good as he was feeling at that moment. He swiftly grabbed your thighs and laid you down with your head resting on the throw pillow you were using earlier.
“Pull your panties to the side.” Yoongi commanded with a rough tone.
“Bu—But Yoongi—”
“Be a good girl and just trust me.”
Just like that, you did as you were told, spreading your legs a little to give Yoongi more room. He pressed the base of his cock against your entrance and slowly dragged it upwards, rubbing it against your clit. A strangled garble of his name left your lips and you covered your eyes with your forearm.
“Nghhh, Yoongi—”
He picked up his pace, turning you into a puddle of broken syllables. You continuously cried out his name, gripping the fabric of your shorts and panties. The sound of your voice turned Yoongi on even more and made him want to wring his neck for not having condoms in the apartment.
“Fuck, y/n, I want to be inside you so bad.” Yoongi grunted, pressing against you harder.
“Me—Me too, aghh, Yoon—gi—!” You revealed your face to him. Your eyes were a bit glassy and your cheeks had a beautiful flush across your cheeks. It was a sight that Yoongi never thought he’d ever see in his life.
The sound of his phone going off scared the shit out of him when he took a peek and found out it was Namjoon. He took his phone then glanced at you who looked confused as to why his movements began to slow down.
“Shhhhhh.” Yoongi whispered. “Yeah, Namjoon?”
Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with your hand.
“The flash drive on your desk?” Yoongi enjoyed the adorable look on your face as you tried to keep your voice down. It made him want to tease you. “What time does he go on air?” He resumed the pace he had in the beginning, roughly pressing his length against you and by the look in your eyes, you wanted nothing more than to let your voice out.
“Okay, just—hah—just wait a bit. I’ll be there—yeah, kay’ bye.” As soon as Yoongi hung up, you let out your voice in an instant.
“Fuck, Yoongi, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!” You arched your back against the floor and raked your hand through your hair. He felt your thighs tremble and your breathing became jagged.
“You’re so fucking cute.” Yoongi chuckled and lifted your hoodie, revealing your stomach. Just like you, Yoongi let out a soft string of curses with your name mixed into it. He lifted himself up a couple of inches, placed a hand beside your head to steady himself and leaned forward, spilling his cum onto your stomach.
For a moment, the air was filled with the sound of both of you breathing and in the blink of an eye, the realization of what just happened hit Yoongi like a truck.
“Uh—uh, wait, I can—” Yoongi shimmied around to pull his waistband back up and staggered into the kitchen to retrieve something to wipe your stomach with.
Damn it, Yoongi. What happened to your self control?! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Without another word, Yoongi wiped you down with a damp cloth and avoided eye contact with you. What was he supposed to say at a time like this? Thank you? Let’s do it again sometime?
“You mentioned that Joon needs a flash drive or something?” You asked, slicing the silence into two.
“Yeah. He needs it to save the mix he mentioned earlier.”
“I can drop it off since I have to head out anyways.” You sat up once Yoongi rolled your hoodie back down. “He’s at the studio, right?”
“He is—are you sure, y/n? Because I can just go.”
The two of you stood up at the same time and you brushed down Yoongi’s shirt. On an impulse, he also straightened out your hoodie, pulling on the strings to make them the same length.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just text Joon on my way out.” Even if you just straightened out some of the wrinkles on his shirt, you gently tugged at his collar to bring him down to your height. In one quick motion, you stole another kiss; one on his cheek and another on his lips.
Yoongi was taken back but showed no hesitation in kissing you back. He patted your head and the two of you just stood there, gazing into each other’s eyes.
Nothing was going to be the same anymore and who knew what his relationship was going to be like with you at this point. And most importantly, if Namjoon caught wind of this, how would he react?! Yoongi had to keep this from Namjoon for a while, just until he figured out what was going to happen between you and him.
“Yoongi, are you free tomorrow? Anytime after five?” You were now cupping his cheek, asking him a simple question with the entire galaxy in your eyes.
“Hmm, yeah, I’m free. What’s up?”
“Do you mind coming by my place then? I still need some help with some math 103 stuff and…” you tippy toed to reach his ear. “I think you and I still have more studying to do, so be prepared.”
Yoongi’s heart thumped harshly in his chest. After what just happened, he couldn’t turn you down even if he tried.
You grazed his bottom lip with your thumb and he placed a small kiss right on the pad. Once again, you tugged his face down for a chaste kiss, making his head spin.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Yoongi. I’ll grab Joon’s flash drive myself.” You stuffed your books inside your backpack and disappeared into Namjoon’s room.
The sound of the tv was drowned out by the thunderous noise of Yoongi’s heart beat. Two weeks ago, Yoongi refused to stay with you that night and now everything made a complete 180. You were no longer y/n, twelve year old girl and Namjoon’s baby sister. You were now y/n, a college freshman who had Yoongi instantly wrapped around your finger.
Just before you left the apartment, you waved at Yoongi and sent him a wink. The last thing he saw was your dimple and a pink tint at the top of your cheek. He put a hand to his face and the warmth was apparent.
What in the actual fuck.
♡ rae jagi
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