#(sorry i had to tag him because he is short and fuckin cute and also handsome and just perfect shdhfjjfbf)
Okay take two because I think tumblr didn’t let me submit this unfortunately but I won’t stop talking about baby girl soap!(Thank you for answering all my asks I get excited to bond over my interest with people and I love always seeing your writing <3)So let’s say prices goes on leave for a couple of days (man's need a vacation from dealing with everyone’s shit) and gaz just gets even more menacing when price leaves. Him and soap do bets and dare more than ever since price and gone even with ghosts tells them to stop (gaz see’s that as a challenge and plans to make the 2 weeks that price is gone living hell for the simps) . So he gets to work and dares soap to wear a ghost's hoodie for the day (ghost definitely ran to get soap, a hoodie he would forever deny that tho) and he literally loses it when he sees soap in his hoodie. The other beg soap to wear their clothes he does and quite often to the point it’s a regular thing and they lose it gaz takes it a step further to get the best blackmail he makes soap wear shorts, thigh highs with a matching collar that broke the dam so people try to flirt with soap they are immediately met with the most threatening stare from like 4 different guys.
Firstly) I fuckin love baby girl Soap. God damn is it good.
Secondly) Thank you so much!! I actually love responding to asks and people’s prompts, it’s so much fun. So I’m glad you’ve been submitting them 😁
Thirdly) I realised I’ve been writing these with the sort of idea of Soap getting with everyone (just Ghost being like the first or main) and I haven’t been tagging everyone else! Guys, I’m so sorry. I’ll fix it when I get the chance.
But onwards!! So I can imagine Soap actually trying to steal Ghost’s hoodie at first because he’s more than fairly sure the man won’t let him borrow it for the bet he just lost with Gaz.
Ghost catches him obviously and Soap very nearly loses his fingers for it but when he says he has to wear it because he lost a bet Ghost nearly carks it. Man’s freezes and stares and imagines the sergeant in every piece of clothing he owns and fuck… he’s gonna give it to him.
So there Soap goes, walking around base with Ghost’s hoodie for the day with said man following close behind. Soap’s pretty built, no doubt about it, but Ghost is even more so. So the hoodie sits a little loose on the younger, sleeves slipping past his palms and hem sitting just below his ass, it’s a sight that’s for sure.
When the rest of 141 see it they immediately try and ask him to wear their clothes. I reckon Rudy would try getting the man to wear his track pants because he likes wearing them a little tight whereas Soap wears ‘em loose, so the pants are just a bit of a squeeze for the man with an ass but he manages.
Alejandro likes getting him to wear his turtlenecks because while he’s taller than Soap the other is just a little wider than him. So Johnny fills them out really nicely but the sleeves and hem sag a little at the ends of his torso and arms and it’s really fuckin cute.
König I reckon gave Soap a hoodie once (because one look at the rest of his wardrobe and they were immediately out of the question) and the shorter was absolutely swimming in it. It was beyond adorable and everyone found themselves hard pressed to be jealous or disappointed when Soap was peeking out from under that hood with the brightest smile and sweater paws.
Johnny - poor, oblivious, adorable Johnny - has no idea why everyone is suddenly giving him clothes to wear and why half his wardrobe has now been replaced. He’s not really complaining because he finds it comforting to have things of his teammates with him. Likes the comfort of sleeping in König’s jumper when he’s going to sleep, and the way Rudy’s track pants and Alejandro’s turtle neck show off his hard earned muscles. He also loves curling up in Ghost’s hoodie when he’s had a rough day because it smells like him and it’s comfortable.
Now that Gaz knows Soap barely owns any of his own clothes he ramps it up a notch, positively ecstatic to send his captain this next batch of blackmail material because it’s absolutely glorious and he feels as if his captain might be getting a tad bit bored while on his leave. So he gets these footy shorts he saw while in Australia one time - they’re short, black and silky feeling - along with some thigh highs and a collar and a slew of other things.
Soap fuckin hates him for it but he’s a man of his word and he’ll be damned if he lets Gaz hold that over his head (never mind all the embarrassing outfits and humiliating scenarios he gets in)
So next time Soap walks into the mess hall, blushing a deep af red but holding his head high regardless, he very nearly causes some severe accidents. The bet this time was the footy shorts and Ghost’s hoodie, which means there’s only a strip of black showing at the edge of the jumper before it’s just pale legs and bare feet (cause Gaz is a shit and stole his shoes)
The 141 are in varying states of horny silence and utter shock while the rest of the base are in all sorts of disarray. Some guys are already making fun of him, pointing and laughing, while others are in the same boat as the 141. Soap’s a looker, it’s hard not to be attracted to him.
Then the thigh highs and matching collar come out and it’s too fuckin much. Rudy’s praying for strength, Alejandro is trying so very fucking hard to speak English but his brain has left the chat. König could very well be passed out on the table at the moment - nobody knows - and Ghost is about two seconds away from slinging the man over his shoulder and making an escape with him.
The 141 are quick to snap out of it when some rookie - a new guy from the latest squadron on base - goes up to Soap and starts flirting like his life depends on it. Now it wouldn’t be too bad if Soap was his usual oblivious self and just returned it with a smile and friendly nod, but he doesn’t.
Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish - maybe for the first time in his entire life - catches onto the flirting and returns it. He blushes and plays coy, hiding the bottom of his face behind the collar of Alejandro’s turtle neck as he laughs at whatever the fuck the rookie is saying and it’s enough to send the whole squad into a murderous rage.
Ghost is the first to move, hand already pulling a knife out as his eyes stay zoned on the asshole that’s got his hands on Soap. Rudy and Alejandro aren’t far behind cursing up a storm in Spanish as König lumbers after them.
Ghost uses his bulk to get between them, Rudy and Alejandro blocking Soap from the rest of the base’s eyes as the former takes off his jacket and hangs it on Soap’s shoulders. König uses his height and bulk to pick Soap up and hide him from view before leaving with him. It’s such an obvious claim and blatant ‘don’t touch what’s ours’ that the rest of the base quickly learn to avert their eyes whenever Soap enters a room dressed in anything less than military gear.
Gaz feels as if he should feel bad for what he’s done but honestly? It’s too funny. Plus, Price left him a very detailed message on what he would do to the guys if he came back and he was one military personnel short because of Gaz’s stupid bets and dares.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
I love that everyone is coming to talk to you about fanfics, haha! Don't mind if I join in - tell us about your favourite style fanfic tropes. 😎
Fr lmaoooo idk where all this is coming from but I’m here for it!!!!
Okay so WEARING EACH OTHERS CLOTHES!!! God I eat that one up every time it’s so cute like I just KNOW growing up they had half their clothes at each other’s houses and constantly lost track of who owned what shirt and THEN!!! As they got older and weren’t the same size anymore (personally I’m a big boy Stan truther but it’s precious the other way too) and Kyle started absolutely SWIMMING in Stan’s baggy ass sweatshirts and Stan gets cuteness aggression lmao he’s just like awwww look how cute my super best boyfriend is in the peace love pine trees hoodie asjdjdkgfj
Calling each other “dude” romantically!!! Like other pet names come into play but dude stays bc it’s them
WHEN THEY HAVE THEIR OWN SECRET UNSPOKEN LANGUAGE like they’re always on the same wavelength totally in sync with each other!!! They understand each other like no one else, can read each other like a book, fully on the same side and will follow each other to the ends of the earth!!!
Okay okay we all know I STAY reading and writing style whump and PROTECTIVENESS!!! When they worry about each other constantly and get so freaked out when one of them isn’t okay I eat that shit UP every time I love them defending each other, physically or verbally, like no one fucks with Stan without experiencing Kyle Rage and vice versa!!! When Stan is the one to completely flip his lid and panic because Kyle’s hurt or in danger just AAAAA
On that note: TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER!!! There’s a reason most of my stories have a “yep I injured the boys again” tag because I LIVE for the sweet sweet tender moments after an Incident where they’re patching up each other’s wounds all worried and Soft, talking each other through the pain and telling them that it’s gonna be okay bonus points if we get a tearful “I could’ve lost you” “you didn’t, I’m right here” GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!!
On THAT note (sorry I’m just fucking insane) STAN CARRYING KYLE!!!!!!!!! Once again I’m a short angy Kyle/ big boy Stan truther and I looovvvvveeee a little bridal style carrying moment holy shit (I’m surprised I didn’t put any of that in my style week stuff lmao) like I am fully guilty of putting my favorite redhead in Situations JUST so I can have that, like I gave OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle chronic knee pain, diabetes, an ed, and Stan carries him so much lmfao someone put me in Making Kyle Suffer Jail
Ok another one I love is Kyle as the Voice of Reason! Like when he’s the go to guy, savior complex mom friend who just wants to take care of everyone! And boy howdy does Stan not make it easy lmao between him and Kenny (the disaster duo) that man is Exasperated
THEM BEING EACH OTHERS RIGHT HAND MAN!!!!! Fighting side by side, Stan and Kyle against the world! When they can depend on each other more than anyone else and trust each other with their lives. Stan would follow Kyle into a burning building and Kyle would pull him out! That trope is why I’m so feral about stick of truth like they gotta be on the same side or they feel like somethings missing (codependent bastards)
Stan playing guitar for Kyle/ Kyle reading to Stan!!! The domesticity ugh I love it
Casual cuddling oh my godddddd like even before they got together they’re always touching each other in some way and Cartman’s like it’s fuckin gay to cuddle at sleepovers you guys are 15 and they’re like fym it’s not gay to cuddle the homies? (It so is) best friends to lovers on TOP!!!
Them generally being huge simps like PLEASE why y’all staring longingly also in the same vein them thinking the other is the most beautiful thing in the world those two are DOWN HORRENDOUS
I also reeeaaaaly like when they’re kissin… and it starts off all slow and sweet… and then it gets more passionate… and suddenly Stan’s hands are tangled in Kyle’s hair and Kyle’s pushing him against the wall and they’re practically falling into each other desperate to be closer and whispering “I love you” into each others mouths and nothing in the world exists other than the two of them and
Lmao that’s some of my favorite style tropes I’m super normal about them obviously
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
Silk Shorts
Blaise (Del Taco Guy) X Fem!Plus size! Reader
TW: oral m receiving, anxiety, crying, weight mention, self harm, crying, yelling, dry heaving, vomiting, self hate, insecurities, clothes shopping, daddy kink, body worship, angst with fluff
If I miss a tag please let me know!
Blaise is the beautiful brain child of @glassbxttless who is spoiling me and letting me write for her AU. This was only supposed to be a cute little blurb and now it's a 4000 word brain child. Please enjoy this, it was super cathartic to write.
He’s heard you sigh for what feels like the fith time today, and jesus, he fucking loves you but it’s starting to get on your nerves. It’s barely noon and you're all spread out on the carpet in his office floor. Wearin that cute pink nighty set he’s seen you in and out of a million times by now. He watches your shoulders tense up and he just knows you’re about to let out ANOTHER sigh and he snaps his laptop shut a little too loud making you jump. Looking over your shoulder at him behind his desk all guilty.
“Sorry Daddy.” It’s a half assed apology but he can see that you’re still holding that tension in your shoulders. Blaise raises an eyebrow at you as he lights up a cigarette and pats his lap, wanting you to cuddle up to him. You shake your head and go back to lookin at your phone. He doesn’t like being told no, even if it’s coming from you. Especially when he can feel you too much in your own head. You’ve been together for a year now and he knows you, the whole emotions and ‘i love you’ part is pretty new to you both but he knows when you’re worrying over something just as much as you know the moment he calls you without a text or steps in the door he's had a shit day. “Honey, you know better.”
He exhales and watches the way you twist to look over to him again, admiring the way the little lacy shorts get eaten up by your big thighs and the way that soft patch of stomach can be seen when you’re all relaxed like this. He feels his cock stir in his pants and he palms it. Willing it to wait until he knows what exactly is going on.
You’re caught, you knew you should have stayed out of his office, but he’s been on the other side of the country and the big apartment he got for you is well… Too big, without him there smoking and taking up all the room and fucking you full every half hour. You worry your lip between your teeth and you get yourself up, cringing when you feel the way your thighs jiggle and your tits move when you walk over to him. Now that he’s home you don't wanna be away from him but you’ve been trying to go clothes shopping and it’s never a pretty endeavor. With the way you’re built and the way you’re bigger than most it feels like a fruitless impossible task, nothing ever fits right, if they have your size it's only online, and you can’t even try it on to make sure it does fit right! Let alone if you want something cute you have to pay an arm and a leg for it. Not that you couldn’t just ask Blaise for some extra cash, but as silly as it is, you don’t wanna bother him for it. Because if you tell him what it’s for he’ll wanna come with and that's a whole other thing.
Blaise sees the way you’re stuck in your own head and you get comfortable between his outstretched legs, you squish a cheek against his thigh, you’re so fucking close to his cock he might lose his mind. He takes a good look at you and the app you have open on your phone and when he sees the flashing lights for an ad “20% off when you sign up!” and the rows and rows of dresses he cocks his head again. Stubbing out his cigarette he wraps one of those big warm palms around your jaw and gives you a little shake, causing you to look up at him all starry eyed.
“You need some new clothes baby?” He asks, hand still wrapped around your jaw, making you pout in the cutest way. He watches your eyes flick down before meeting his and you nod just a little bit. You’re anxious, he can feel it beat off you in waves and you are biting your cheek, he can feel the way you're going at it through your cheek. You’ve never been shy to ask him for money before, for anything, not that you asked him for all that much before anyway, just to help you cover tuition and ubers, the occasional nail appointment. Now that he’s thinking about it he doesn’t know if you’ve ever asked him for clothes money, and now that he’s thinking real hard about it he’s trying to remember the last time he’s seen you in something new. He was usually too preoccupied with taking your clothes off to really notice, but it’s been a year now and even when he takes you out it’s usually the same rotation of those cute lil club dresses with different shoes. He feels like an idiot for not picking up on this sooner, you’re his girl, you’ve been his baby since he laid eyes on you. But you’ve got him so drunk on your kitty and wrapped so tight around your finger he didn’t pick up on this.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He’s pulling you up closer to his crotch, and now he can see down your shirt and there’s not stopping his cock from getting hard now. You slip out of his grasp and lick your lips as you start to work his belt off, it’d be impossible to not notice how hard he was. You work his slacks down and press feather light kisses over his clothed cock before pushing your face down hard and starts working his briefs down as well. You wrap your lips around the head of his cock and he hisses while you give him those fucking puppy dog eyes that he knows is going to kill him one of these days. You work him deeper into your mouth and let out a noncommittal hum, Blaise drops his head back against his chair when you do that and groans. You’re nestled against the base of him now and he’s fucking panting, you’re sooo fucking tight for him, it doesn’t matter how many times he fucks your throat raw, you’re always sooo tight and- ”Fucking perfect sugar. Make me cum then we’ll get you dressed and hit the town.” He feels you freeze for a moment before you fondle his balls in that way only you do and he’s gone again.
You’re really nervous, you’re nervous when you get dressed, opting for something you can slip in and out of easily. You’re nervous when Blaises kisses you nice and deep, basically tonguing your tonsils while you both wait for his car. You’re especially nervous when you’re pulling up to the mall, you’ve never been to this mall before, knowing they probably don't carry your size in any of these stores. You’re trying to let on too much, Blaise actually looked excited for this, excited to go out with you, excited to ‘have such easy fuckin access to you Princess.’ But you can’t feel much beyond this dread you always get and how sweaty your palms are. Blaise helps you out of the car before you tuck your arm into his and follow into what might as well be your funeral.
The mall is, well a mall, no matter how many name brand and designer stores are crammed into it you’ll always be able to smell the pretzel place and there’s always some teens who should probably be in school around. You let Blaise lead the way, he can’t remember the last time he took someone shopping, must have been years ago, when he first started doing what he’s doin, when he finally got some money in his name and wanted to impress whoever was nearby. He’s chatting your ear off while he walks you into the first clothing store he sees. It’s chic, trendy, all neutral colors and boxy patterns. You walk around the store with Blaise at your side trying to fight off the rising panic in your gut, nothing is going to fit and Blaise is gonna finally realize you’re too fat for him and leave you. Even after he got that tattoo just for you, even after he’s whispered all those ‘I love you's' into your hair when he thinks you’re asleep.
You pick at some of the clothes, flipping over the tags and making faces. Blaise chalks it up to the fact nothing in this store looks like much your style and you’re thankful for when he kisses his spot on your neck and whisks you out of there and on a quest for something more your style. You’re in and out of what feels like 10 stores, with nothing more than some jewelry he caught you eyeing and asked him for. He tisked you but bought it for you, making you promise you’ll pick out some clothes once you find something you like. You’re on the other side of the mall by now and he feels you lag when you both pass by a lingerie store, nothing too gaudy or cheap in the windows. He knows expensive when he sees it and the lacework on the sets on display are just that. He’s watching your reaction, your eyes are darting over a lacy peachy set and he's imaging you in that set and he’s getting hard again. Leading you inside the store he feels you stiffen right before you both enter and he chalks it up to the wave of jasmine that wafts out when he opens the door for you.
Swallowing your nerves you enter the store you’ve been dreaming of going to for years, knowing damn well you wont fit into anything here, you’ve done the research, they don’t carry anything above a size 5 here and you’re trying not to cry as you walk in. You’re both greeted with a happy trill of a hello and she gives you the once over you’ve gotten your whole life, the once over that means ‘there's no way she can fit into anything in here’ you make your way into the belly of the beast.
Blaise is watching your intently, you can feel it and he knows you can, he knows you want something from this store and if he has to buy one of everything for you he is going to. All he wants to do is fucking spoil you like you deserve and he also maybe, might want to cum all over those pretty red shorts you’re feeling in between your finger tips. He steps up behind you and you jump a little when he nuzzles into your neck. His hands are trailing up your thighs, over your arms and feeling the silk between his fingers while letting out a little hum. You relax back into his chest, and press a kiss next to his Adam's apple. “I wanna see you in these baby, also wanna cover them in my cum after I tear through them to get to your juicy cunt.”
You gasp and turn around, your cheeks are heating up in embarrassment, not only for Blaise being so crass out in public, not that you expected anything less, but also because you know he’s never going to be able to see you in these. You press a hand to his chest and another to your cheek trying to stop and settle yourself.
“Daddy! You can’t say things like that in public.” You tap his chest for emphasis and roll your eyes when he gives you that look he always does before he eats you out for hours.
“Aw, you two are so cute! Shopping for your wife today sir?” The store attendant has managed to sneak up behind the both of you while Blaise was whispering filth in your ear. Blaise stiffens at the mention of a wife and shoots a glare at the attendant,
“Excuse me?” he turns fully to the attendant and she shrinks once he’s no longer crouching over you, you’re hiding behind him now, not wanting to deal with this just- wanting to go home. You know she’s about to say something stupid and you know you might have to pull Blaise out of here by the back of his suit jacket. She looks ashamed enough but she asks again-
“Are you two shopping for your wife today sir?” She gestures to you who is hanging onto Blaises arm, not only for your sake but also hers, Blaise runs a hand through his hair and you can see his shoulders tense.
“Do you see a ring on my finger? Do I look like im fucking married to you?” Blaise’s voice is starting to raise and the attendant takes a step back, raising her hands up in front of her, trying to diffuse the situation.
“No, sir I'm sorry- I just thought. You, she was your daughter you see.” Blaise goes stock still and you worry your lip between your teeth, you can feel the way he’s getting angry, you can see the way the red is creeping up over his turtle neck and into his face. He takes one big step forward and points at her.
“Now you listen here, she is not my daughter. Do I look old enough to have a daughter her age? You’ve got a fine fuckin establishment here and I don’t want to cause any fucking trouble so why don’t you get a fucking dressing room started for us and one of everything in her size.” He gestures to you during the last bit and you start to panic in full force. The attendant does that once over you’ve been getting at every store you’ve been into today and you know exactly what the next words out of her mouth are going to be.
“I- I can get that room started sir, but we don’t carry anything in her size.” She at least has the decency to look scared when she says it and Blaise blows up on her then.
“What the FUCK do you mean you don’t carry anything in her size? What like it’s fucking hard to do so?” He picks up those shorts you were eyeing and looks at the price. “You have the fucking nerve to charge four hundred and eighty fuckin’ dollars for a pair of shorts and you can’t carry them in my baby’s fucking size? What kind of bullshit is that?” He keeps going and you’re tugging on his sleeve, trying to get him out of the store, trying so fucking hard to not let these tears that have been building up all day finally spill over in public like this. Blaise is in full swing now, asking questions, and hounding this poor woman to death, digging his cell phone out of his pocket to start making calls, because he has a fucking number for every situation and apparently this is one of those.
“Can we just go?” You’re trying to get his attention, embarrassed and needing to go home before more of a scene can be made. The attendant has gone ghost white as he lays into her and this whole store and you just leave, you can feel the tears start to slip and you need to be out of this fucking awful jasmine induced nightmare so you can breathe. You make your way out of the store while you can feel the tears track down your face, knowing you look like a mess while leggy blondes and brunettes with arms full of bags point, whisper, giggle, behind their hands at you while you try to find the closest fucking place to cry. Closest fucking place to maybe drown yourself and never have to fucking go through this again, never have anyone ever have to deal with this again. You see a restroom and hurry to it, thanking whoever was listening that it was just a single room, no stalls, no way for anyone else to come in and hear you cry yourself sick yet again.
You shut the door behind you and lock it tight before you’re curling in on yourself, sobs tearing out of your chest while you try to hold it together. You didn’t want to do this, you knew it was going to be a fucking disaster. It always is, it’;s easier to stay home and order whatever online and hope it fits. You’re fucking fat and there’s no changing it, you pinch your thighs till you feel the sting of blood bubble to the surface, these fucking thighs that you hate, that make it impossible to fit into skirts, dresses, pants. You’re trying to muffle your cries as you drag your nails up up up over your stomach, round and big, and awful. You know you’re not worth his love of affection, worth anyone's love of affection with a body like this. You watch the red welts bloom from where you’ve dragged your nails angrily over your skin and you sob so hard you feel like you might throw up.
You’re so caught up in your self tirade of hate that you haven’t even noticed the banging on the bathroom door, haven’t heard the panicked yells of Blaise on the other side, he’s never heard you cry like this before and his blood is running cold thinking it’s his fault, thinking he’s made such a scene, embarrassed you so much he’s caused you to cry. He gives up on getting you to open the door before he’s trying to knock it down. It takes a good three times before he’s kicked the door in and he sees you and his heart breaks then and there. You’re dry heaving into the toilet, face puffy and eyes red from crying, he can see the little drops of blood running down your thighs and the way your top is rucked up with the welts peaking through.
“Princess. Comere.” He goes to pick you up and you hold your hand up, stopping him in his tracks, shaking your head back and forth as you try not to vomit in front of him. You look over at him start crying all fresh, you can see how fucking scared he looks, how concerned he is for you and it makes you sick to your stomach.
“Just, go home Blaise.” your voice is hoarse from all the crying and you're mumbling it more into the toilet then to him. His heart breaks at that, he won’t just leave you and he loves it when you say his name. But he never wanted to hear it like this, hear it between hiccups of sadness instead of pleasure like you usually say it.
“I’m not just going to leave you baby-” he takes a step closer and kneels down on the tile with you, you let out a huff and roll your eyes, mumbling a quiet ‘you should’. He hears it and places a hand on your back, you tense up and he almost takes it back before he thinks twice, knowing how much you love, need, want, beg him to always touch you. “I didn’t catch that honey.” You let out a sigh before you look over at him properly.
“Just, leave now Blaise. Leave me now and go get that tattoo covered up and find someone actually worth your time. Because I’m not.” You husked out, throat raw hoarse. How you manage to have fresh tears running down your face is beyond your comprehension, but they’re there and he’s wiping them away as fast as they come.
“Why would I do that bunny? I love you to death.” You stiffen at the admission and worry your lip between your teeth.
“I’m just not, I -” you struggle to find the words that have been in the back of your mind and the tip of your tongue since you started this arrangement. “I’m too fat for you Blaise, you need to be with some supermodel, teeny tiny Instagram influencer, someone who can fit into all the shit you wanna buy em. Not someone like me who ends up shopping at fucking second hand stores and Wal-Mart.” It feels good to get the thought out that you’ve been harboring this whole time, it’s like breaking a fever, ripping off a bandaid, it stings and hurts now but it’s better for everyone involved to know the truth.
This whole tirade Blaise has been listening, but he doesn’t know if he’s ever felt more lost in his life. He has no fucking clue what you’re going on about, he has never once thought about leaving you from the moment you wrapped your lips around his cock. He never once thought you were fat, he was always so caught up in the way you looked under and over him and how fucking hard you make him cum to think about anything other then how much he loves all of you. He pulls you in tight to his chest and presses kisses to the top of your head while you dig your fingers into him and cry anew. He sits and waits for you to finish, or the hiccups to stop, for your breathing to get heavy and slow, even. He pulls back cradling your face between his palms before pressing a tiny kiss to your lips. You close your eyes and enjoy his touch, committing it to memory, figuring it’s going to be the last.
“Your brain is too big for its own good, ya know that sweets?” Blaise breaks the silence in the bathroom with that and you feel like this afternoon hasn’t been real. You look up at him all puzzled, lost as to where he’s gotten that thought. You go to ask him about it before he shushes you with a tender kiss. “Baby, I- you’re not fat.” You roll your eyes and give him a look that almost makes him feel sheepish. He squishes your cheeks together making you pout before pressing kisses all over your face.
“Okay, yes you are fat. But that doesn’t change the fact I'm in love with you.” He laces his fingers together at the back of your neck and keeps eye contact with you. “I don’t give a fuck how much you weigh or what size you are. I love you, every single fucking part of you. I love the way you feel when you cuddle up with me. I adore the way you feel under my hands, I love the fact I can rest my head on you and feel comfortable. I-” he’s getting lost in the thought of the first time you trapped him between your pillowy thighs and he’s getting hard. You can feel him getting hard under you and you huff out a breath. You go to pull away and he’s pulled back to the present. He tightens his grip and focuses back on you.
“You’re not too fat for me. I don’t want anyone but you, I will never want anyone but you.” He says it with such conviction it makes you start to tear up again, finally, maybe, believing him a little. “Sorry for dragging you out here love, I should have picked up on the fact you didn’t want to come.” You shake your head and press a kiss to his palm.
“It’s okay. Can we just go home?” you plead, Blaise nods, helping you up and sending a text for his driver to be ready by the doors ASAP. Once your home Bliase sheds you out of your clothes before laying you down in the middle of his big bed and kissing what must be every fucking inch of your skin, paying close and tender attention to the spots where you dug your nails in deep enough to bleed. He’s never been this soft to you and before you both know it you’re out like a light, exhausted from all the emotions.
It’s not even a week later when someone rings the bell to your apartment, you buzz them in, figuring it’s one of your friends stopping by to say hi or needing help with homework. It’s not until there's a knock and you answer the door and what has got to be a small army of delivery people with so many packages you’re getting dizzy. You direct them to the living room, and they’re piling up and you’re starting to freak out a little. It isn’t until you see Blaise’s driver with a little envelope addressed to “Baby” in his chicken scratch. You thank him and sit on the counter opening the letter.
“Baby girl,
I know last week was rough on you. I went ahead and ordered you some stuff, well I sent my stylist out and ordered you some stuff to your measurements. I know that this doesn’t fix everything but I hope it’s a start and as soon as I’m home I will make sure you know just how much I love you and how perfect you are.”
82 notes · View notes
kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Ten: When it Rains
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a/n: hi besties!! This one is... tough I’m ngl to y’all. It is the second to the last chapter which is so wild to think about, but alas all good things must come to an end. Hopefully you don’t hate me too much by the end of it but feel free to vent in my inbox :))) much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character (Halani <3)
Warnings: swearing, some suggestive humor, ANGST (!!)
Word Count: 7.4 k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine
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“Is that my shirt?”
Alani squints at the cartoon bee printed on Harry’s white t-shirt and crosses her arms in disbelief. 
“Yes it is! I’ve been looking for it everywhere,”
“Don’t worry, you can have it back soon,” he admits, crawling back into his bed with an apologetic kiss to her pouting lips. “Doesn’t smell like you anymore,”
Harry scoffs and props himself up on an elbow. “Don’t act like my Spice World jumper isn’t hanging at the foot of your bed right now,”
“You left it there,” Alani defends. “I was merely being kind and looking after said hoodie because it was abandoned by its owner,”
“Oh yeah and you’ve fought real hard to reunite us,”
“Can we get back to the main issue at hand? Which is that I’m kinda pissed off that you look better in that shirt than I do.”
Harry chuckles to himself and presses an affectionate kiss to her temple. “You’re too kind.”
Alani rests her cheek against his chest and listens to the rain pattering harshly against the window, admiring the flashes of lightning that illuminate the dimly lit room. Harry had convinced her to stay the night, worried about her driving home alone in the storm, and he was met with very little resistance. Secretly, he thanks the rain gods for allowing him another night to hold her close. 
“H, you gotta tell her,” Jeff had warned the previous night. “I already pushed the flight back a week—”
“I know,” Harry huffed. “I just need a little more time.”
Jeff sighed, rubbing his tired eyes with the heels of his hands. “You have until this weekend when we go away with the girls. One week in Maui, and then it’s back home. I’m sorry.”
Harry’s stomach turns remembering the conversation, but he decides to push all the nagging thoughts to the back of his mind and focus on the present. 
“You all packed?” he asks, trailing his fingers up and down her arm. 
Alani drapes her leg over his hip and nods. “Been packed since last week.”
She had been ecstatic the day after Mila and Chad’s wedding when Harry invited her to tag along on the couple’s trip with Jeff, Tom, and their significant others. His eagerness to include her in his friend group was not only reassuring, but exciting. It felt like their lives were coming together, even more so after she had introduced him to her parents. They, of course, had adored him and quickly given their seal of approval. While Alani knew that it was ultimately her choice, it still felt good to have support from the most important people in her life, and she hoped to win his friends over just as easily. Harry, on the other hand, had no doubts that she would fit right into his chosen family. Her name had been cautiously dropped during a weekly FaceTime call with his mother and sister, and he was overjoyed when they enthusiastically grilled him for details. 
What Harry was less sure of, however, was how Alani would react upon hearing that his vacation was up and that he would be headed back to L.A. in a week’s time. It was still early in their relationship and an indeterminate break seemed less than ideal. He had tried to convince both Jeff and the label that he could finish the album in Hawaii, but the same couldn’t be said for Jeff Bhasker, Mitch, Tom, and his new bassist, Adam, who all had families waiting for them back on the mainland. It was too risky personally and financially, so Harry reluctantly negotiated one last week to persuade Alani that a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be a death sentence. 
“What d’you wanna watch?” he asks, sitting up against the headboard to turn on the T.V. 
Alani sighs and settles deeper into his side. “When Harry Met Sally,”
“But it’s not Christmas or New Year’s,”
“So,” Harry explains. “We have to wait ‘til the holidays, wouldn’t be right otherwise,”
Alani scoffs and peers up at him with a judgemental look. “So I guess Serendipity is also out of the question?”
“We’ll have all Christmas to get through that list, darlin’,”
Her stomach flips at his suggestion of their future holiday plans. Privately, she had wondered about such things, as well, including what gifts she might get him or where they would spend the holidays. Though still months away, it suddenly felt within reach. 
“Fine,” Alani softens. “The Notebook,”
“And let you drool over what’s-his-face?” Harry pokes. “No fuckin’ way,”
Alani pinches his side and sits up. “Would you stop being insecure about that? I’ve already told you I was just kidding that time,”
“Yeah well, it still stings,”
“Why don’t you tell me your celebrity crush? You know, so I can be totally fine about it because it doesn’t mean anything,”
Harry shrugs, the corners of his lips turning into a playful smirk. “Don’t have one,”
“Why, because you’ve already dated them?”
“Hey,” Harry pouts. “That was a bit snippy,”
Alani’s muscles tighten. She hadn’t realized that his dating history was a sore spot, but she takes a deep breath and plants a sweet kiss to his jaw as an offering of peace. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,”
“S’alright. Truce?”
“Jennifer Aniston,”
“My celebrity crush,” Harry explains shyly. “When I was younger,”
Alani giggles lightly. “I see. Good taste, she’s hot,”
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna leave me for her too,”
“I just might,”
“Can’t say that I blame you,”
“Look I know this is a cute little bit we do,” Alani sits up, her gaze dead-set on Harry’s to communicate the seriousness behind her words. “But I just want you to know that I feel so lucky to be with you. I’m not going anywhere any time soon,”
Harry swallows harshly. It was everything he’d ever wanted to hear and it kills him that he can’t return the sentiment with full honesty. A little less than a week is all he has to prove that even though he physically has to go, his heart will remain wherever Alani is. “Me either,”
Another round of thunder booms outside and the lights fizzle out, leaving the room completely dark save for the intermittent flashes of lightning that gently illuminate the room. 
“So much for watching a movie, huh?” Alani sighs. 
“I think I know some other ways we can keep ourselves entertained.”
Harry sets a steaming cup of tea down onto the table in front of Alani and she looks up from her tube of nail polish curiously. Harry flashes a dimpled grin in her direction and whistles a familiar tune, one that she had heard in the studio when he was busy doing his Bob Dylan impression. 
“What’re you singing?”
“The song,” she clarifies. “You were singing it the other day, what is it?”
Harry serves her plate of hash browns and shrugs. “Dunno, just a little tune ‘ve been workin’ on,”
“It’s nice,”
“Thanks, sweets,” he offers, setting her food down and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“Hey Alani,” Jeff interrupts, stepping into the kitchen with his cellphone pressed to his shoulder.
“Glenne wants to know if you’re okay with her setting up a spa thing for you guys,”
"Yeah, definitely,” Alani perks up. 
“Cool, thanks.”
“Look at you,” Harry teases, taking a bite of his toast coated in strawberry jam. “Minglin’ with the girls,”
“They’re not even here yet,” 
He scans over her appearance and his brows furrow, hit with the sudden realization that she’s dressed in formal attire. 
“What’s with the fancy outfit”
“I have a meeting, remember?”
Alani blows on her freshly painted nails and holds up her other hand for Harry to do the same. 
“My senior advisor. We’re going over my research project,”
Harry’s brows raise. “Smarty-pants,”
Alani had scheduled her meeting with Dr. Hudson months ago and had, truthfully, forgotten all about it until she had received a courtesy email the day prior. She had been working on her proposal in the spare minutes she had away from Harry, which were few and far between, but she knew the initial meeting would be much more casual. Alani checks the time on her phone and stands quickly when she realizes that she is supposed to meet Dr. Hudson in  less than thirty-minutes. 
“Gotta go,” she offers, shoveling potatoes into her mouth and grabbing her bag. 
Harry ceases blowing on her nails and kisses the back of her hand before sticking out his lips for a kiss of his own. “Good luck, darlin’. Meet me at the studio after?”
“Sure thing, sunshine. See you later.”
“How did the Joni Mitchell piece go? You never told me,” Dr. Hudson questions, taking a sip of her coffee. 
Alani offers a shy smile and toys with the hem of her skirt. “A flop,”
“Just one more closer to the winner,”
“Yeah,” Alani sighs, stirring her smoothie. “Maybe it’s time to move on from that,”
The professor shoots her a disapproving look and sets her drink down. “Alani—”
“I just think maybe there’s more realistic—”
“You are not giving up,” Dr. Hudson reassures her. “You’ve come too far and you’re a terrific writer. One of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of teaching. These things take time,”
Alani nods gently, her lips pursed in a tight smile. “Thank you, that really means a lot,”
“What are you working on right now?”
Absolutely nothing, Alani thinks, but then she remembers the half-written article about Harry sitting in her files. 
“A short piece about… a local musician,”
Dr. Hudson’s brows raise, intrigued, and she nods. “That sounds interesting. Definitely more personal,”
You have no idea. “Thanks. I mean, it’s not really anything—”
“I’d love to read it when you’re finished,” the professor continues. “What’s the scope?”
Alani thinks, trying not to give too much incriminating detail about her subject or their relationship. 
“Well,” she starts, hesitant. “He’s writing new music and working on his first album. I guess I kind of want to follow his journey and redefinition of success in the music industry,”
Dr. Hudson hums. “I love it. Send me a draft.”
Alani swallows and takes a minute to consider the offer. Surely there couldn’t be anything wrong about sharing her work privately with her advisor. She had been so excited about the potential of the article when it was first started, but it had since been neglected like so many of her other rejected pieces. Starting again seemed exciting, and she knew that Harry would be pleased to play such an important role in making her dreams come true. That had, after all, been the initial terms of their agreement. 
“Okay,” Alani accepts. “I will.”
Harry draws out the last note and Mitch lets the chord ring between them for a moment. 
“I think that’s the one,”
“Yeah, I liked that progression better,”
“Hope you got that, Bhasker,” Mitch calls to Jeff in the sound booth, who gives a thumbs up in response. 
Harry continues humming, his head still bobbing to the tune, when he hears the studio door creak unpleasantly. His eyes shoot up to find Alani wincing and timidly stepping into the room. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt,”
He softens and beckons her over. “Never an interruption, sweets,”
Alani slots herself between his legs and wraps her arms around his neck, giving a gentle peck to the tip of his nose before pressing their lips together.
“How’s the weather?”
“Just got a lot sunnier,”
“Meeting go well?”
She nods and twists a lock of his chestnut hair between her fingers. “Yeah, actually,”
“Then we should celebrate!” Harry perks up, peppering a kiss to her cheek. “Dinner, wine, movie, the whole shebang,”
Alani frowns, thinking back to the article she promised Dr. Hudson. “Hmmm, raincheck?”
Her boyfriend deflates. “You’re ditching me?”
“Just for one night,” she explains, pulling him closer. “I wanna finish up some school stuff before our trip. Otherwise I won’t be able to give you my full attention,”
Harry pouts, but he nods understandingly. “‘Kay,”
“I’m sorry, sunshine. I’ll miss you tons,”
“Ditto, sweets,”
Alani presses her forehead against his and her fingertips wander through the growing curls at the nape of his neck. “Please don’t be upset,”
Harry smiles warmly and smoothes his hands up and down her back. “Never, m’love. Could never be upset with you,”
“Promise,” he nods, planting a sweet kiss to her lips. “Hey, I wanna play you somethin’,” 
Alani grins and pulls back a bit to read his expression. “Let’s hear it,”
Harry grabs the guitar next to him and slings it over his shoulder before adjusting the capo. The song starts sweet and gentle, his voice light to match the tune. 
And oh we started 
Two hearts in one home 
It’s hard when we argue 
We’re both stubborn I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home 
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home 
Alani watches in awe as he pours so much emotion behind every word, his vocals effortlessly powerful and rich. She claps when the song finishes and leans in for a kiss. 
“I love it,”
“S’not finished yet,” Harry shrugs, still fiddling with the strings. “Just the chorus right now,”
“Will you teach it to me?”
His brows raise in surprise. “You play?”
“No,” Alani admits. “But I have a feeling you’re a good teacher,”
“Well, let’s see what you got,”
Alani turns and Harry props the guitar in her lap, his arms wrapping around her as he guides her into the right position. His left hand demonstrates the beginning chord and she replaces his fingers on the fretboard to try for herself. She strums and the beginning note resonates in near-perfect pitch. 
“Hey,” Harry beams. “You’re a regular Hendrix,”
He continues positioning her fingers over the right spaces and letting her strum, humming the lyrics softly into the shell of her ear. 
“We don’t argue that much,” Alani defends playfully. 
Harry chuckles and kisses her temple. “Maybe not, but we’re really good at makin’ up.”
“Easy, Styles.”
Harry: Hungry?
Alani peels her eyes away from the computer screen and reads the message lighting up her phone. 
Alani: Not really
Harry: …
Harry: oh 
She laughs and pads over to the window. Sure enough, Harry holds up two bags and flashes a cheesy grin down below. 
“Need a study break?”
“I’ll meet you at the door.”
Harry makes himself comfortable in the middle of her bed and unpacks the bags. 
“I’ve got a California and a spicy tuna for my favorite girl,” he announces. “With a side of eel sauce,”
“And the world's best boyfriend goes to Mr. Harry Styles,” Alani grins, taking a seat next to him. 
He smirks and pulls out his own order of miso soup and sushi. “How’s the homework comin’ along?”
“Not too shabby,”
“Glad to hear it,”
“Hey, what time do I meet you at the airport tomorrow?” she asks, dipping her roll in the sauce. 
Harry freezes and turns to her with confusion written all over his face. “I’m sorry, did my girlfriend just insinuate that we’re not leaving for the airport together?”
“I really need to finish this,” Alani explains. “It’s almost there,” 
“Two nights?” he complains. 
Alani nudges him with her shoulder and shakes her head. “We’re gonna be spending an entire week together, non-stop. You’re gonna get sick of me,”
“Never,” Harry rebuts. “Not possible,”
“Just one more night,” Alani bargains. “Then I’m all yours, no interruptions.”
He nods and takes a sip of his soup. “Alright, deal.”
You have to tell her, Jeff’s voice rings in his mind. 
The airline stewardess ushers Harry and Alani to their seats while Scott and Miles settle down a few rows behind. She didn’t know exactly what to expect from first-class, but suddenly the perks of having a famous boyfriend increased tenfold by the sight of their luxurious accommodations.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Alani asks while Harry hovers over his chair. 
“Sitting, or I was about to,”
“And you’re not even gonna offer rock-paper-scissors for the window seat?”
Harry shakes his head with an amused chuckle. “No because I already know that you’re gonna get up to pee every five minutes,”
“Not true,”
“It is too true and it’s exactly why we can’t cuddle while we fall asleep,”
“Or maybe the reason is because I’m claustrophobic and I just don’t wanna hurt your feelings,”
Harry frowns. “Really?”
“No,” Alani admits, taking the aisle seat. “I just said that so you’d give me the window,”
“Get up, we’re switching,”
“Thank you, sunshine! You’re the best,”
Harry slumps into his new chair and crosses his arms. “Forty-five minutes and we’re already fighting like an old married couple,”
“Oh really?” Alani smirks. “Is that what old married couples argue about? Who gets the window seat?”
“And leaving the toilet seat up, going antique shopping—” 
“—What old married couples have you been hanging out with—?”
“—Picking up the kids from school,”
Alani presses a kiss to his shoulder and rests her head in the crook of his neck. Her eyelids are still heavy from staying up the night before, but her article was completely finished and sent off to Dr. Hudson just like she’d promised. Now, she could enjoy her vacation free of any worry or obligation, completely focused on the perfect boy still rambling next to her. 
“But, obviously I mean that doesn’t count, right?” Harry asks, craning his neck and smiling softly when he sees that his girlfriend has already dozed off. He kisses the top of her head gently and lets his own eyes flutter close with a deep, contented breath. 
“And then I’ll have to repaint it, but I haven’t decided on a color yet,” Glenne explains to Alani as they stroll through the airport. 
Alani hums. “It was your grandmother’s?” 
“Well, it was somebody’s grandmother’s. We picked it up at this little antique shop in Santa Monica.”
Jeff escorts Glenne into the shuttle car while Harry and Alani share a knowing look and stifle their laughter. They shuffle into the back seats as Tom and his wife, Jenny, claim the middle row. 
“So you’re a journalist?” Jenny asks, turning in her seat eagerly to face Alani. 
“Not quite,” she explains with a polite smile. “Still a student, but hopefully someday,”
Jenny nods and twirls the ring around her finger. “Sounds exciting. Maybe you can hitch a ride on tour with this one and do some writing there.”
“Yeah,” Alani smiles, settling further into Harry’s side. “Maybe.”
The idea of traveling the world with Harry and being a part of the excitement of touring the album was something she had considered briefly, but hadn’t allowed herself to fully indulge until this moment. It was already thrilling to see him polish the songs he had begun during his trip, but she could only imagine how much more special it would be to see him perform them for the rest of the world. A twinge of jealousy sparks at the thought of having to share any part of him with the public, but Alani knows that his gifts are much too special to keep all for herself. Harry was golden and he deserved to shine in all of his radiant glory. That was exactly what she had penned in her article, and she said it not because he was her boyfriend and there were clear personal investments, but because she knew it was true even before he had shown any romantic interest in her. 
“What’s tour like?” Alani pipes up as Harry watches the landscape out his window. 
He considers it for a moment and clears his throat. “Fun, mostly. Can be tiring,”
“Lots of partying and adoring fans?”
“No,” he chuckles to himself. “Not so much the partying. Enthusiastic fans, sure,”
Alani narrows her eyes. “No partying?”
“Nope,” Harry reiterates. “Don’t really like to do all that stuff when I’m working. Also just didn’t wanna…”
He trails off and Alani waits a beat to see if he’ll continue. “Didn’t wanna?”
“Fuck it up,” he finishes. “You know, like, be the one who ruined a good thing for a little bit of fun.”
She lets his words settle in, rubbing a reassuring circle on the back of his hand. “Makes sense. Sounds really responsible of you to do that.”
Harry presses a soft kiss to her temple and resumes his study of the scenery. They chat amongst their friends for the remainder of the drive and Alani immediately presses Glenne and Jenny for information about her boyfriend in his younger years. They indulge her inquiries and ask their own questions, deciding privately after a few minutes that her and Harry are a good fit. 
When the group arrives at the resort, Glenne takes charge and instructs them all to meet at the lobby for lunch in twenty minutes. They collect their keys and head up to their respective rooms, which are all located on the very top floor. 
“What a view,” Alani muses as she takes in the sight from their private balcony. 
Harry admires the wonder on her face and nods, his eyes not leaving her side profile. “You’re tellin’ me,”
“Let’s never go home,” she poses, arms snaking around his torso. “Let’s stay here forever, just me and you,”
His throat tightens as he thinks back to the inevitable conversation waiting for them. Harry didn’t know why it was so hard to think about leaving because he had every intention of keeping touch and making their relationship work at all costs. But there was a part of him, a very tiny recess in the back of his mind, that feared the possibility of Alani not feeling the same. 
“Yeah,” he agrees with a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose. “Whatever you want, sweets,”
Alani senses a shift in his demeanor, but she can’t read it. “You okay?”
“Never better,” Harry swallows, mustering up a small smile. “But I am hungry,”
She isn’t entirely convinced that there isn’t something bothering him, but she decides not to push it and tightens her grip around his waist, instead. 
“Race you to the lobby.”
“You’re on.”
“You’ve never seen Finding Nemo?”
“Was I s’posed to?”
“My god,” Alani marvels. “You know, I’m starting to believe those rumors that you were grown in a lab,”
Harry’s brow raises and he blinks. “That I was what?”
The restaurant that Glenne and Jeff chose features an aquarium tunnel at the entrance, much to both Harry and Alani’s excitement. Fish, large and small, swim around them and the pair take turns pointing out their favorite colorful species. The Hull’s snap photos for their four year-old daughter, but Jenny also secretly captures one of Harry and Alani with their hands clasped under the mesmerizing blue lighting as a keepsake for her friend. 
“Add Finding Nemo to our movie list,” Alani says, admiring a clownfish that swims close to the glass. 
“S’it  gonna make me cry?”
Alani giggles softly and turns her head away from the glass to silently observe Harry under the lighting of the rippling water. The combination of his serene features and the sound of Billie Holiday’s I’ll Be Seeing You over the sound system creates a perfect image in her mind, one that makes her afraid to blink, lest it be gone forever. Harry glances over at her through the corner of his eye and his lips curl. 
“Checkin’ me out?”
“Like whatcha see?”
“Love it.”
His heart nearly stops at her words, but before he has a chance to process their implication, the hostess calls on their group. 
“And I’ll have the piña colada,” Harry orders once they're seated. 
“Oh my god, H,” Glenne laughs from across the table. “That reminds me, remember your birthday last year when James got trashed and hoarded the karaoke machine for, like, two hours?”
“Ruined that song forever,” Jeff quips, reliving the memory of the Late-Late host drunkenly serenading the entire party with the same song on repeat. 
Harry cringes, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I try not to,”
Alani watches as they reminisce on the event, adding their own details and pieces to the puzzle. It’s amusing to watch, but a small part of her also has to fight the pang of exclusion settling into the pit of her stomach. She feels guilty for being affected by it knowing, logically, that it isn’t intentional or malicious in any way. Still, Alani is painfully reminded of the vast differences between their worlds. Harry had gotten to know practically every part of her life, including her family, but there was still so much that she didn’t know about his. It was something she worked hard not to dwell on, given the novelty of their relationship, but she also worried that fear and insecurity would prevent her from investing what little of her heart Harry hadn’t claimed yet. 
“Who was it that started dancing on a table and almost broke a chandelier?” Tom asks, wracking his brain. 
“I think it was Ken—” Jeff hesitates, clearing his throat. “Actually, I don’t remember,”
Harry shifts in his seat beside Alani and reads over the menu, quickly changing the subject. “What’re you gonna get?”
“I don’t know,” Alani admits. “Everything looks so good,”
“Oh look,” Jenny pipes up across from Harry. “They’ve got your fav, the mango sorbet. I wonder if it’s as good as the one in Italy,”
Harry beams and reads over the item. “Oh yeah, that was amazin’,” 
Alani files the detail to the back of her mind. She hadn’t known mango was his favorite flavor of anything, and while it was a trivial detail, she realized that there were so still many little details about him that she wanted to know. Harry had made such an effort to remember everything about her, like her go-to sushi order and the fact that she always saved the kiwis for last in her fruit salad, so it made her feel a touch guilty that she hadn’t made the same effort. 
“Wanna share the coconut shrimp?” Alani asks with a gentle nudge to his shoulder. 
“Oh, uh—”
“He’s allergic,” Glenne says offhandedly, not cold or condescending, but more in the same way that an older sister would. 
“Oh my god,” Alani’s eyes widen. “I’m so sorry,”
Harry laughs lightly and shrugs. “S’okay, I’d let you poison me,”
“I didn’t mean to be rude,” Glenne apologizes, reaching her hand out to Alani. “I thought you knew.”
Alani accepts the hand and waves away her concern. “No, don’t worry about it. I didn’t know, actually.”
“We can stop talking about my defects now,” Harry teases. “‘M not dyin’,”
He leans in closer to Alani and presses a kiss to her temple. “But if I was, it’d be an honor to have my last meal with you.”
She responds with a soft smile before returning her attention back to the menu. His sentiments, however sweet, unfortunately did very little to soothe the embarrassment of her mini faux pas. It was irrational, Alani knew this, but it made her wonder what else she didn’t know and what bigger secrets he was potentially keeping. Whose name had Jeff meant to say earlier to identify the mystery dancer at Harry’s party, and why had it created an awkward shift in the air? She decides not to let the spiraling questions spoil her fun and takes a generous sip of her cocktail to avoid them for the time being. 
Harry sets the room key on the nightstand next to their king sized bed and lets himself sink down into the soft mattress. The group had spent the entire day sightseeing, from botanical gardens to scenic beaches, but he was really itching for some quality time alone with Alani. Lately, their time together had been cut frustratingly short by work, school, and life in general. Even when they were seated right next to each other with arms linked or fingers interlocked, she felt far away and he didn’t know why. He hoped that this trip would allow them time to reconnect and solidify their relationship before he had to return to California. 
“Mini bar,” Alani comments, kicking her shoes off and wandering over to the small refrigerator in their suite. “Who’s paying again?”
“The label,”
“Thank you Columbia Records,”
She swipes a few bottles of tequila before climbing into the bed next to Harry. 
“Wanna play a game?”
Harry props himself up on his elbow and nods. “What kinda game?”
“Never have I ever,” Alani explains. “But instead of putting your finger down, you take a shot,”
“Sounds dangerous,”
“It’ll be fun. You can go first if you want,”
He hums and nods in agreement before sitting up to face her. “‘Kay. Never have I ever...named my car after a musician,”
“Cheap shot,” Alani narrows her eyes, taking a sip from the bottle of Jose Cuervo. 
“Your turn,”
She fiddles with the bottle cap, a question already in mind, though she isn’t sure if she should ask it. 
“Never have I ever… dated a model,”
Harry’s brow furrows, but he opens his own bottle slowly and takes a sip. “So it’s that kind of never have I ever,”
“Just trying to keep it interesting,” Alani shrugs innocently. 
“Right. Never have I ever slept with a guy named David,”
Her eyes widen, but she laughs half-heartedly and takes a sip. “Jeez, okay. Never have I ever—”
“Wait, so you two actually…” Harry interrupts, trailing off at the end. 
“I mean,” Alani starts, her eyes wandering to the ceiling. “Yeah, a long time ago,”
“How long ago?”
“Okay, maybe this was a mistake—”
Harry shakes his head. “No, I’m sorry. I’ll play nice,”
“Alright,” Alani accepts. She knows that she should probably steer the game back onto safer territory, but the wound has been re-opened and she can’t resist the urge to keep picking at it. “Never have I ever slept with a fan,”
Harry takes a slow sip. “Never have I ever cheated on my partner,”
The bottle stays put in Alani’s hand. “Never had I ever gone on a vacation with my partner before this trip,”
The tequila washes over his tongue bitterly like the faint memories that it symbolizes. “Never have I ever dated someone just for the publicity,”
The bottle in Alani’s hand doesn’t move, much to Harry’s relief, but her mind is not as tranquil. 
“Never have I ever told someone I loved them when I didn’t,” she says slowly.  
Harry takes another shot and it burns all the way down. “Why are we doin’ this?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t wanna play anymore,”
“Alani,” he starts, springing to his feet when she leaves the bed. “Hey, look at me, please,”
She blinks back the tears that threaten to spill over her lower lashes before turning to him. “I’m sorry, that was a stupid game,”
“S’just all out of context,” Harry offers, reaching for her hands. “Wasn’t the right way to have all of those conversations,”
Alani takes a deep breath and nods. “Yeah, you’re right,”
“What’s really botherin’ you, hm sweets?” He coos, bringing her cold knuckles to his warm lips. “Tell me, please?”
She releases a shaky breath and tries to sift through the fog in her brain for the right answer.
 “I don’t know, really, I just,” Alani hesitates. “Am I a bad girlfriend?”
“No,” Harry says quickly, his hands lifting to cup her face. “God no, you’re the best,”
“Then why didn’t I know that your favorite ice cream flavor was mango? And why didn’t I know that you were allergic to coconut, and why—”
“Hang on, is that what this is all about?” he questions. “Cause I’ll go eat an entire coconut right now,”
Alani laughs lightly and pinches her eyes shut. “No, it’s not about that. I just feel like you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and you make me feel so fucking special and, God, I just wanna be good enough for you because—”
Harry holds his breath and watches as her eyes gloss over. 
“Because I love you,” she finishes, voice small. “More than I ever thought possible,”
His own eyes sting, but he doesn’t fight the tears that fall as he presses his lips to hers firmly. 
“I love you, too,” Harry murmurs. “I love you so fuckin’ much it drives me crazy,”
Alani chuckles softly. “Ditto,”
“I’ve been wanting to say it for ages, can’t believe you beat me to it.”
“Guess you’re not the only one full of surprises.”
The early morning sunlight creeps gently into Harry and Alani’s room, casting a soft, golden glow onto the bare skin that peeks through the white duvet. Harry stirs first, a strand of Alani���s hair tickling his nose and making him smile. He prys his heavy eyelids open and winces at the dull aching of his head aggravated by the light. Alani hears his muffled groan and sighs, willing the sun to go back down and let her sleep a few more hours. 
“Mornin’ sweets,” he rasps with a warm kiss to her bare shoulder. 
She peels her own tired eyes open and flashes a sleepy grin. “Good morning, sunshine,”
“How’d you sleep?”
“Super. You?”
Harry props himself up on his elbow and rests his chin in his palm as he admires the traces of sleep still on her face.
“Just swell.”
Alani chuckles lightly and reaches a hand up to comb through his unruly bedhead. His skin is warm to the touch, and the light from the window casts a heavenly glow around his visage. She pokes her finger into his dimple, which elicits a soft laugh and makes his smile grow wider. They stay intertwined under the sheets as the sun fully rises and soak up their own details to keep as souvenirs from this moment. Alani takes in the scent of vanilla and the juxtaposition of Harry’s inked bicep against the plain, white sheets. He stores away the image of her sleepy, mocha eyes and the pink, manicured fingernails that trail up and down his arm. Neither of them are sure exactly how long they remain in this moment, for all they know it could be hours or days. But whatever the duration, it doesn’t seem to be enough. I need more time, Harry had told Jeff, but there was no more left to give. He had to tell her, and it was now or never. 
“Hey,” he begins carefully. “I need to tell you something,”
Alani sits up to be eye level with him and nods. “Anything,”
Harry waits a beat, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear and pressing his lips to her bare shoulder before letting the confession spill out. 
“I have to go back to L.A.,”
 “I kinda figured,”
He draws in a deep sigh of relief. “You did?”
“Yeah,” Alani shrugs. “Hilo isn’t exactly Hollywood,”
“I asked for more time, but the label—”
“No, I get it. So… when? Next month?”
Alani’s brows furrow. “This Friday?”
“Yeah,” Harry admits with a gulp. 
“The last day of our trip?”
Her heart drops into her stomach and she feels sick. It all made sense now why Harry’s mood had shifted when she jokingly asked him not to leave, and why he had been so insistent on spending as much time together as possible this week. Their game of never have I ever turned instantly defensive when asked about his dating history. Never had I ever gone on vacation with my partner before this trip. Never have I ever told someone I loved them when I didn’t. He had whisked her away on a farewell trip and God knows who else had been in her place before, or worse, who would be in it next. Harry was saying good-bye. 
“Wait,” Alani says finally, mind still racing too fast to process. “How long have you known?”
“How long?”
Harry swallows. “Couple of weeks,”
“You knew for weeks and you didn’t tell me?” she questions incredulously.
“I tried—”
“You know that I hate surprises, you know how I feel about plans—”
“I’m sorry,” Harry insists, sitting up straighter. “I wanted to tell you so many times, but it just never felt right,”
Alani rolls her eyes. “So what, you were just gonna leave a fucking sticky note on my pillow and hope for the best?”
“Don’t say that—”
“Is that why you brought me here?” she asks, voice hoarse. “Is that why you gave me this necklace? A souvenir of our little summer fling so you could leave with a clear conscience?”
Harry’s jaw tightens. “How could you even think that?”
“Because maybe it’s true. Why else would you wait until the very last minute to tell me about this?”
“Maybe we should take a minute,” he suggests, the whites of his eyes now bloodshot. “Before we say something we’ll regret,”
“I think I already did.” Alani admits. Never have I ever told someone I loved them when I didn’t. 
Harry’s head pounds and he feels like he’s drowning, treading water in every direction only to be dragged further into the current. He quickly pulls on his clothes from the night before and tries to steady his breathing. 
“M’gonna go wait in the hall,” he offers. “Give you some space to think and then we’ll talk, yeah?”
Alani doesn’t respond or even meet his pleading eyes. She simply tightens the duvet around her body and turns her head to the window, letting a single, bitter tear roll down her cheek. The door closes softly and she is immediately filled with regret and guilt. Had she truly meant all of the things she said? Or was it fear and the instinct to flee taking over her mouth? Alani wanted to believe that she was wrong and that Harry hadn’t intentionally kept her in the dark, but from where she stood, the sun had long disappeared behind the clouds and all that was left was the storm. 
Harry trudges down the hallway and the walls spin, closing in on him slowly. If he had just told Alani sooner, everything would be different. He had avoided doing so for this exact reason and out of fear that their relationship wouldn’t be worth the risk in her mind. It was selfish—he was selfish—to try to make the decision for her, and now the woman he loved was getting ready to walk away because he had broken her trust. What else was there to do? His back meets the wall and he sinks to the floor. 
“Hey H,” Jeff clears his throat from above. “We should talk,”
“She knows. Didn’t go well,”
“So she did approve the article?” 
Harry lifts his head and his brows furrow. “What?”
There’s a harsh knock at the door and Alani jumps. In Harry’s absence, she had managed to cool off and sift through her frantic thoughts. She had been wrong to think that he used her, all it took was a quick stroll down memory lane to prove otherwise. He had never given her any true reason not to trust him, so there had to be some other reason why he hadn’t told her about his plans to leave so soon. Alani pads over to the door and unlocks it gently. 
“Harry, I’m sor—”
“Wanna talk about surprises?” he seethes. “What the fuck is this?”
She squints at the phone screen that he holds up to her face and the title of her unpublished article stares back at her. 
“I don’t know—”
“Well it has your goddamn name on it,” Harry shoots back. 
Alani steps aside and lets him into the room before she closes the door behind her. “I can explain—”
“Did you write it or not?”
“Yes, but—”
He shuts the phone off and slams it face down onto the night stand. “How fucking dare you call me a liar and then pull this shit behind my back,”
“I didn’t lie,” Alani defends, voice weak. “I had no idea it was going to be published, please just listen—”
“A class project,” he interrupts with his back still turned. “That’s what you said,”
“It was never meant to be released,”
“How do I know that? How do I know you’re not just trying to cover your ass?”
“Please,” Alani begs as her vision begins to blur. “I was wrong, I shouldn’t have said all those things,”
Harry runs a hand through his hair and casts his eyes to the ceiling in an attempt to quell the emotion that pools behind his eyes. 
“So why did you?”
“I was scared,”
Alani takes a deep breath. “Of losing you for good. Of falling in l—”
“Don’t,” he interrupts. “Don’t finish that sentence,”
“I don’t know how,” she tries again. “And I don’t know who released it, but I swear—”
“You really expect me to trust a word you say after you accused me of lying about this whole thing, about us?”
Harry’s  gaze lowers back to hers and the bright, green eyes that she has come to love are replaced with a blood-shot, stormy sea that makes her stomach drop. The words get caught in her throat. 
“I fucked up,” he continues. “I know that I should’ve told you. But I’m having a hard time believing that this wasn’t planned, that this random website would just accidentally publish your work without your consent,”
Alani can’t explain it either, she truly had no idea how her writing had ended up in the wrong hands. There was only one other person she had entrusted it with, but surely Dr. Hudson hadn’t betrayed her, had she? Alani didn’t know who to believe anymore. 
“Harry, I’m so sorry,” she tries. “I didn’t mean what I said, and I know I can’t take it back, but you have to at least believe that I never wanted to hurt you,”
Harry is silent for a moment, and Alani decides that it’s her turn to tell the truth. There was nothing left to lose. 
“At first, I did want to publish it,” she explains. “But I changed my mind and I scrapped the whole thing. In the end, the only person I intended to show it to was you,”
“So how did it get onto the internet for the whole fucking world to see?” he presses. 
Alani sighs. “My advisor wanted to know what I was working on, so I sent it to her, but she never had my permission to publish it. Now I realize how stupid it sounds, but it’s the truth,”
“If you had come to me, I would have given you permission,”
“I’m so sorry,”
Harry’s shoulders tense. Every fiber of his being  wants to believe her, but how could he? She had told him herself that things would be messy and warned him that he didn’t know what he was asking by pursuing a relationship with her. Maybe it really was all his fault for not seeing the signs, but that still didn’t change the fact that he couldn’t trust her anymore. And based on her reaction to the news of his departure, it seemed as though Alani didn’t trust him either. 
“Even if you’re telling the truth,” Harry begins, slow and deliberate. “You still thought, after everything, that I would abandon you. And if that’s the kind of person you think I am, if that’s the person you wrote about—”
“Then I hope you got all the material you wanted.”
“Please, don’t go.” Alani cries but it’s too late. The door slams and her heart falls. 
After a beat, she races to the door and into the hallway but there’s no sign of Harry. As quickly as he had appeared into her life, he had vanished. Gone without a trace.
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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harringrovetrashrat · 3 years
Tagged by @disdaidal !!!  Thank you!  Omg I’m like 🥺💖🥺💖
So, I figure since I have so many things I’m working on, and no idea when I’ll actually finish them (outside of my Big Bang Project), I should share the bits of them that I do actually have dhfoiahfiosh
What we have are these:
A fic where Billy meets some older queer people while kicked out, and learns from them how to love himself
“So I’m guessing you’ve never met a queen before,” they said. Billy shook his head.
“I’ve never met any royalty.” Juicy laughed and it made Billy feel like he’d said the wrong thing until she looked at him again, practically beaming.
“Well honey, there’s queens abound in here. Drag Queens, specifically.” Billy’s mouth formed a small ‘o’.
“So, you’re a… man?” Juicy shook her head.
“Personally, I find man and woman too limiting. All gender is a costume, darling. I just think dresses are prettier than suits.”
“You haven’t been in the right suits,” Cindy said with a smirk. Juicy gave her the finger without looking.
“It’s called taste, sweetie.” Cindy just laughed. Billy stared at Juicy, feeling awed by them. They were so tall, toned and beautiful. Their skin was dark and glistened with the glitter they’d spread over it. “I’m sure you have taste, don’t you munchkin?” Billy couldn’t help it and he pouted.
“I’m not short, I’m average for my age,” he snapped. Juicy just smiled.
“I like you,” they said, pointing a long nailed finger at him.
A Cheesy Summer Camp Horror fic, with romance and comedy because Like.  Y’all know me.
“Let’s stop talking about her,” Heather cut in. “Let’s talk about this weekend.”
“This weekend?” Billy asked, perking up. “What about it?”
“Well, I was thinking we could celebrate the end of the first week with a skinny dip,” she said, eyes sparkling. Billy didn’t miss the flush that crossed over Robin’s face, though he wasn’t entirely sure who it was directed at. He definitely had a guess.
“I’m game!” Tommy piped up, grin wide, anger disappearing from his face. Billy rolled his eyes and snorted, but raised his hand, tongue running over his top teeth.
“Why not,” he said, giving his eyebrows a quirk. “I ain’t no pussy.”
“Of course,” Adam muttered, rolling his eyes. Billy’s eyes snapped over and narrowed. “Isn’t it a little, I dunno, juvenile?”
“Oh come on,” Steve chimed in, munching on the cookie now, relaxing with the change of topic. “Maybe so, but it’s summer, it’s camp, why not, right? Start it off with a bang?” His smile was teasing, bright, and Billy found it hard to look away, hard to deny that smile what it wanted.
The Reverse AU where Steve moves to Hawkins with his father and step family, Claudia and Dustin, and Billy was adopted into the Mayfields
“I’m not--! It’s just midterms! That’s what has me all out of sorts.” He opened his notebook and tried to will his blush away. There was a soft thud and Nancy joined them.
“What has you out of sorts?” She asked.
“Billy so has a crush on that new guy from New York,” Heather said. Billy made a noise of protest when Nancy smiled, leaning over.
“Oh he’s so cute! Truly impeccable taste you have,” she teased. Billy rested his head on the table.
“I hate both of you so fucking much,” he hissed.
“No you don’t,” they chorused.
“I do, I really do,” Billy replied.
Mermaid AU where Steve and Billy were young friends before being separated.  Steve tries to reunite them obviously
“I can show you a bunch of cool stuff,” Billy said, feeling oddly proud of himself. And well, the ocean was his home. And he never got the chance to really show it off to someone who didn’t already know it. “If I show you the ocean, will you tell me more about humans?” Steve nodded. “Like, why are all the ships girls?”
“Huh,” Steve said, tapping his chin with his finger. “I don’t actually know… Usually I think ‘cause a guy names them. I’ll ask my tutor. He knows everything.” Steve wasn’t a huge fan of Professor Owens, but he was nice enough. He let Steve find things to bring in and ask questions about, he didn’t get mad like Steve’s other tutors had when he had trouble reading. So even though Owens still pushed for Steve to focus more on his future, he was better than the other adults in Steve’s life.
“Tutor?” Billy asked. “What’s that?”
“Like a teacher,” Steve replied. “But like… Different.” In fact, Steve wasn’t totally sure what the difference was. Billy just squinted, looking confused.
“Different… how?”
“Uh, tutors are… are taller,” Steve replied matter of factly. Professor Owens was taller than Ms. Joyce had been, so there wasn’t anything to argue against that. Billy nodded seriously, making a note.
There was a ringing bell and a distant voice calling Steve’s name, making him sigh dramatically. It was already time? Billy’s ears twitched a little and he looked at Steve.
“What’s that?”
“That’s my nanny,” Steve said, mopey and pouting.
More of You’ll Find Me Looking Over the Edge of the World
“Oh, King Steve thinking about skipping?” Billy tugged him down, making Steve stumble as a fist started rubbing against his scalp and messing up his hair.
“Fuck, dude!” Steve cried, nearly dropping his tray. Billy just cackled, letting him go and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“No,” Nancy said through grit teeth. “He’s thinking about staying and taking--”
“He can’t go around looking like that,” Billy said with faux concern, eyes all worried as he leaned on the table with one hand and used the other to point at Steve’s, now fully messed up, hair. “I think Steve’ll have to take the afternoon, don’t you?” Billy turned to look over his shoulder, not seeing the way Nancy rubbed at her temples as Jonathan very obviously tried not to snicker. Steve almost felt bad. Billy knocked on the table with his knuckles, pushing up with a grin. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him home safely.”
“Get me home--” Steve began, but before he could finish his sentence, Billy was shoving him around and out of the cafeteria. Nancy sighed, shaking her head, giving Steve a look he knew would turn into a talk later. “Sorry guys!” Steve tossed over his shoulder.
Billy with a rat he named Max to piss off Max (he calls her human Max and she hates it)
“And what the fuck are you doing here?!” He asked her. Max, the little trouble maker, just squeaked at him, wriggling in his grip. “No fucking wonder I didn’t see you in Barbie’s house this morning, you decided to be a fucking Houndini, didn’t you.” She squeaked again, tail swirling and dragging along his wrist. He heard footsteps behind him and moved to shove her back into his jacket sleeve when Steve approached.
“You okay-- Oh!” Steve blinked, brows raised as he saw Max reach with her small, cute little pink hands to grab for Billy’s hard nipple again. “So…”
“Cut that out!” Billy hissed, moving her down to cradle her against his stomach. She settled in, but she was definitely hungry and would get restless again quickly. “I didn’t see her this morning but just assumed she was hiding in her little pile.”
“Me too,” Steve said, checking around the hallway for anyone who was late. Luckily, there was no one around to see them trying to hide a rat in Billy’s jacket. “How’d she even get out?”
“I mean, we are keeping her in a Barbie dream house instead of a cage--”
“Really? You’re gonna sass me now? After you insisted that she ‘live like the princess she is’--”
Stranger Than Fiction AU
“Billy, I swear to fucking god if you don’t get out there right now--” Billy stumbled out from the back, head turned to glare at Max, who was pushing him from behind. She pushed until he was at the counter, face to face with Steve. He glared, though his face was flush. Max crossed her arms. “Like we fuckin’ practiced.” Billy shot her another angry glance, but then looked back to Steve. Who was so confused.
“Max may have, uhm, brought it to my attention that I may have overreacted just the tiniest little bit.”
“That’s not at all right,” Max said under her breath. Billy swatted behind him without looking, missing her completely.
“Anyway,” he pressed on, “I just,” he sighed, pushing an errant curl behind his ear. Steve watched the movement before snapping his eyes back to Billy’s. “I don’t often take the chance to be nice, so I got maybe a little offended.” Max scoffed. “Okay a lot offended,” he said with an eye roll. Steve couldn’t help it; he snorted. Billy’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes lit up, like a kid who just learned Santa was real. Steve blushed, looking away, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face.
“It’s okay,” he replied, turning back to look at Billy. The sun lit up the stray blonde hairs poking out of his messy bun, making a light halo around him. Steve had to catch his breath.
It was like looking at an angel, vengeful and dangerous, but exciting all at once. His eyes seemed to shine, bright and gleeful, but also full of mischief.
“It’s okay,” Steve repeated, feeling his face heat up more. “I would have taken them if I could. They were amazing.” He smiled, nodding towards the stairs. “I should get to it though. Last day and all.” Something sad briefly flickered over Billy’s face, but it was gone as soon as it was there, and Steve thought he must have imagined it.
“Yeah, good luck,” Billy said. Max was smiling, smug, and she punched Billy’s shoulder.
Leverage AU
“Well,” he said slowly, letting the trio shake off their shadows. “The lab closed.” This isn’t about the kid was the underlying message. “But, what’s happening now is that Mayor Kline accepted a lot of weird bribes. They’re from a company called Starcourt Industries. Now, that’s the name of the mall that opened, Starcourt, but what’s weird--”
“--Is that they didn’t exist for very long before suddenly popping up in Indiana,” Alec cut in. “It reads like one of our companies. General background, seems legit, but I did a lot of poking around most of this stuff leads to loose ends. It took a while to get there, so at first glance…” The group nodded. At first glance everything checked out, and even a little digging would provide a general cover that most people wouldn’t think to look past.
Of course, none of them were most people.
“So who are they?” Eliot asked.
“All of the loose ends lead back to Russia,” Alec said. “But nothing concrete or connected, just more companies that do really general stuff. It goes real deep.” The implications there were discomforting. Alec was a genius, and excelled in his line of work, but this kind of grand scale cover up meant one thing: this was bigger than just a few bad apples in a company. This was a plan.
“So who’s the client?” Sophie asked. Nate pulled up a picture of a grumpy looking man, mustache groomed and eyes hard, but kind.
“Chief Jim Hopper.” That got Parker’s attention, bringing her out of the funk she’d been in since the mention of San Diego and Billy.
“Like, Police Chief?”
“Yep,” Nate said, popping the P. “He’s the one who found the kid, found out there was something going on at the lab. Now, he’s positive something weird is going on. Knows he’s done everything he can to legally take the Mayor down, but the man has a lot of friends in high places, and Jim can’t do anything. And that’s,” he smiled, “Where we come in.”
That’s still merely some of what I have going on, but that’s what I’ll share rn. Anyway, tag me in ur WIPs! I’d love to read them :) tag ur it
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weeb-stomper · 3 years
Bakugou KatsukixFem!Reader - Desk Work
Word Count: 2,170
*In surprised old man voice* “It’s been 57 years.....”
No seriously, sorry for not posting in so long! Art block is a bitch :( But I’m back! I have something in the works that’s taking way longer than I thought it would, so I busted this out over the last few days just to get things goin again on the ol’ writing blog :) hope you enjoy, NSFW below cut
special thank you to @wootato and @kat-unzel for beta reading this so many times. Also tagging @cupcake-rogue because she went out of her way to mention something I wrote in a post the other day and she made me feel all UwU-soft :)
Tagging all my friends cause ha
     Patrolling with Dynamight had been difficult at first. He was abrasive and stand-offish, a wolfish thirst for power kept him from having many friends and the calculated strength he brought to every fight was admittedly a bit scary. Civilians were equal-parts likely to ask for his autograph as they were to cross the street when they saw the two of you coming, with the exception of the countless women who would attempt to chat him up throughout your patrols. You couldn’t say you didn’t get it, if you were honest. He was quite attractive, and you’d passed an embarrassing amount of time wondering what those calloused fingers might feel like digging into the meat of your thighs, what that mocking sneer might taste like when it melted into your mouth…But considering the cold way he brushed off his adoring public, those fantasies remained as they were. Fantasies.
     All you could say now was that if you’d had any idea how this day might turn out, you would have worn cuter underwear.
     You were sat in Bakugou’s lap, your back against his chest and his feet hooked around your ankles, prying your knees open so wide your hips hurt. You wondered in passing where exactly your shorts had gone before a sharp pain at your pressure point erased your thoughts once again, the resulting moan echoing in the stale air of his office. Your jaw ached, Bakugou’s fingers stretching your mouth open so wide you thought your lips might split, his other hand pinching and tweaking your nipple underneath the stretchy material of your hero costume’s top. The taste of his sweat flooded your mouth, his rough fingers smashing your tongue against the sharp edges of your teeth and allowing drool to spill out and run down your chin. His breath was hot against your neck as he sucked another mark onto the sensitive skin just below your ear, the overwhelming scent of burnt caramel filling your nose.
     “C’mon sweetheart, where’s all those stupid jokes now?” Bakugou hissed against your ear, hand dropping from your chest to rub harsh circles against your clit. “You were so fuckin annoying on patrol today, I thought for sure you’d be a good girl for me.”
     A choked sob wracked your shoulders as his pace picked up, the rumble of his manic laughter reverberating through your ribs completely overwhelming your senses: Taste, smell, hearing, feeling, he was everywhere on you at once and it was just too much. And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from writhing against him, wordlessly pleading for more. Your head spun, growing more and more hazy as his ministrations continued, dragging ragged moans and whines from your lungs against your will. If he’d just let you cum once, if he could show you that kindness, you’d do anything.
     Your head tilted towards the door of his office in the far corner of the room, noting with a cracked whimper that he hadn’t even bothered to lock it before he’d set on you. You felt him smile against your shoulder as his eyes followed yours, a pang of panic ringing in your head a split second before he sank two fingers inside of you. A guttural moan poured from your lips, your back bowing against him as he began working you over.
     “Heh...you finally noticed? Took ya long enough, sweetheart. You’re dumber than I thought.” He chuckled, feeling you clench around his fingers at his harsh words. “You like that, huh? Then why don’t ya beg for me, sweetheart?”
     A fresh torrent of drool dripped past your lips as Bakugou finally pulled his hand from your mouth, fingers still connected to your lips by a nearly-invisible strand of saliva. Swallowing back as much as you could, you worked your jaw open and closed, easing some of the built up tension there. It had been painful, but you couldn’t help but miss the taste of him. An all consuming sense of emptiness mixed into your lust clouded mind when his other hand trailed up from between your legs, and you let out a low whimper at the loss. If he kept up like this, you were sure you’d pass out. His hands settled on your hips, gently urging you off his lap and turning you to face him.
     He remained slumped in the chair, a wide grin showed the now familiar sharp canines at the edges of his smile. Half lidded eyes raking down your face, trailing across the swelling marks that framed your neck on either side before skipping down to settle between your legs, heightening the feeling of your own slick rolling down your thighs, and his breathing faltered for a moment. It was humiliating, standing half naked and wrecked in front of your boss like some fucked out groupie, and your hands subconsciously drifted to the hem of your top, knotting into the elastic material as you shifted anxiously in front of him. Risking a glance, you noticed the strained tent of his pants. Even through the thick fabric of his hero costume you could tell he was big and, you realized with a surge of pride, that he wanted you. A vicious grin stretched your abused lips.
     Bakugou was silent as you sank to your knees between his legs, his smirk falling as you slid your hands up his muscled thighs, looking up at him through tear spattered lashes with wide, innocent eyes as you worked his belt undone. The softness of your touch left him frozen, his head tipping back against the seat when you finally tugged down his waistband to free his cock. Flattening your tongue, you licked a long strip up the underside of him, drinking in the loud groan that slipped past his lips. Those hands you’d quickly grown addicted to twitched, moving to tangle in your hair, but you slapped them away. He growled as you continued taunting him, placing small kitten licks and sloppy kisses against his member and relishing the needy way he tried to push into your mouth whenever you strayed too close to the head.
     “I don’t beg for shit.” Your voice was hoarse but confident. You were playing a dangerous game and you knew it, but seeing him all riled up from your teasing was such a power trip that you couldn’t resist.
     Your stomach dropped as your eyes slid up to Bakugou’s face, meeting his gaze for the first time since before he’d closed the door. His lips were pulled back in an animalistic sneer, glaring down at you with half-lidded eyes. The furious crimson staining his cheeks did nothing to soften his expression, like it might have were this literally any other situation. A small giggle tumbled from your mouth despite the warning written plainly on his face. Ya, you’d worked him up. 
     Big mistake.
     His hand shot into your hair, gripping tightly at the roots and guiding your head to him while the other hand held his cock steady. He shoved himself sloppily against your lips, smearing precum across your mouth and cheeks. You gasped as his hold on your hair shifted, a burning pain exploding across your scalp, and he seized the opportunity to force his way past your swollen lips and bottom out in your mouth. Tears pricked your eyes once again at the new sensation as his now-free hand shifted into your hair to maneuver your head along his length. 
     “Keep runnin your mouth, sweetheart.” Bakugou snarled, slamming himself against the back of your throat and making you gag against the intrusion.
     He shuddered, rough hands cementing you in place against him. Your eyes widened, a reflexive wave of panic sang through your veins as the seconds stretched on, your nails digging deep into the tops of his legs and a hazy tingling the edges of your mind as the lack of oxygen made itself known. You hollowed your cheeks around him, doing your best to work your tongue against his shaft and dropping a hand between your legs to give some much-needed attention to your neglected core. The feeling was euphoric, the tension building inside you feeling more and more unbearable as Bakugou’s moans mingled with the small whimpers escaping around his cock until your shoulders were shaking. Pins and needles erupted across your skin as your orgasm crashed over you, your shoulders folding forward as you slumped against him, thighs twitching as you rolled your hips into your hand.
     He tore himself from your mouth with a stuttering groan, ignoring the way you coughed and sputtered for air as he rose from his seat, pulling you onto unsteady feet. Spinning you around quickly, he planted a hand between your shoulders and shoved you down against the desk in front of you. The cool wood felt good against your heated skin and you relaxed against the surface. You clutched the edges of the fine wood for support as you indulged in your peak, savoring the lingering muscle twinges and blissed out fog still wrapping your mind. It was only when you felt something hard press against your entrance that you came to your senses, managing to slur out a ‘wait’ before he sank into you to the hilt, immediately pulling you undone again. You almost screamed, patches of white popping in your vision as he began thrusting into you wildly, writhing in painful ecstasy as he hit that sweet spot inside of you over and over again. The sound of that malicious laughter cut filled your ears once again 
     “Fuck, baby, you feel so good around me.” He groaned, planting a hard slap against your ass. “Keep making those cute little noises for me, ok?”
     You were being too loud, you knew, but you couldn’t stop the salacious moans and whimpers from bubbling past your lips between mindless praises and begs. Dignity was a forgotten concept at that moment. You couldn’t care less if someone walked in, saw you rocking back into his Bakugou’s thrusts like the pathetic, desperate little thing you felt like, or heard the way you mewled and cried for your boss to fuck you till you couldn’t breath. All that matter was chasing the high that Bakugou gave you, the stretch in your walls as he used you completely for himself.
     The breath was again stolen from your lungs as he slammed down on top of you, pressing your chest so hard against the desk you could feel your ribs creak. His rhythm was growing sloppy, hands groping you wherever he could reach as he neared his own climax slipping beneath your shirt to dig into the burning flesh of your waist. A sudden desire erupted in your lusty mind, and you lifted your head, trying in vain to communicate with the man above you. He let out a frustrated growl that reverberated against your back, threading his fingers into your hair and jerking your head to the side enough to look you in the face.
     “What the hell do you want, sweetheart? Spit it out!” He demanded, carmine eyes glued to your bruised lips.
     “I’m on the pill!” You sobbed, voice no more than a cracked whine.
     You shuddered at the wolfish grin that split his face as he processed your words, releasing your hair and digging his fingers into your waist hard enough to bruise.
     “You wanna be my little slut? All filled and dripping with my cum?”
     You nodded frantically, struggling to match him when his pace picked up.
     His eyes darkened. “Then say please.”
     You didn’t hesitate. How could you?
     “Katsuki, please!”
     That was it. He hugged you tight against his chest as he finished inside of you, painting your insides with thick ropes of cum, thrusting into you shallowly as he rode out his high, the immense feeling of fullness bringing you to your own peak once again. You went completely limp against the desk, letting out a sharp wail as tremors took over your body once again. It was the most deliciously overwhelming thing you’d ever experienced, completely blotting out your vision for a few seconds and cancelling out everything except the feeling of him still buried inside of you.
     Eventually, the two of you separated, Bakugou tucking himself neatly back into his pants before crossing the room to retrieve clean clothes from the small cabinet in the corner opposite the door. Rather than right yourself, you slid to the floor behind the desk. The twinges in your legs hadn’t completely subsided, but the cold air of the room was starting to become an issue as you realized again that you had no idea where Bakugou had thrown your shorts earlier. Your eyes trailed lazily around the room, briefly appreciating the sight of a now-shirtless Bakugou before grazing past the open door.
     OPEN DOOR!?
     Your eyes darted back to Bakugou, who was now staring at the door with a mixture of horror and shock. You couldn’t help but laugh, slumping back against the desk.
     “Jeanist is gonna be so mad at us.”
@kat-unzel @wootato @sawamooora @honeyyandere @anxietyplusultra @redpandaramblings @krystalwithakay @dynamightslittlehotpocket @spooky-all-year-round @nkjktk @cupcake-rogue
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Reyes brothers + Little sister!Reader
Anon asked: Could you write an imagine of how is it being the reyes little sister?
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author Comments: I actually don't know what the hell I did. Is it a headcanon? Is it somekind of short imagine? Enjoy. Gif credit: @angels-reyes .
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Being the little sister is not easy.
“Who you love the most, ah?” Angel says raising his chin proudly, sitting in front of you with Ez by his side.
“Me, of course”.
“I'm the older, shut the fuc' up”.
“Yea', but I'm smarter than you and I used to help her with homeworks”.
“I taught her to punch your shitty fac—”.
“Why we have to do it every week?” You sigh more for you, than for them, rubbing your temples as you shake your head so tired of the same story all the time. “I love you equally”.
Angel clicks his tongue rolling his eyes, getting up of the sofa and hitting EZ's neck. “She loves me more than you”.
Your brothers are so overprotective that they threaten a five years old 'cause he said you were cute. And no Mayan is allowed to breathe close of you.
“Prez, security distance”. Angel says, sitting at the pool table with a beer in his hand.
“I'm sorry, what?” Bishop raised his head at him, placed by yourself, as he was showing you the photos he made the last time he went to Stockton.
“You're too close to my sister”.
You snort heavily, covering your face with both hands.
“Yea', I can't show her my phone at two fuckin' meters away, pendejo”.
“Ignore him”. You beg at the oldest, making a gesture with your hand, so he can continue.
“Why is prez so close to her?” EZ asks, coming from nowhere.
“Send her by email”.
Coco fears for his life whenever he accidentally calls you ‘mami’, 'cause Angel says that's disrespectful.
Not even your father can yell at you in their presence.
But they're also so kind, gentle and lovely with you. Your brothers always take care of you when you get sick. They cook for you, even if you have to order something because they're so useless that is a miracle that the kitchen has not burned yet. They usually stay all night long at home watching Disney movies with you, taking your temperature every five minutes.
“EZ, I'm okay… It's just my period”.
“ANGEL. RED CODE. I REPEAT. RED. CODE”. For some reason he starts to scream out, watching the older running from the kitchen to the living room in two seconds.
“What the fuck…?”
They made a lot of extra work to pay for your university. Angel says you're the only hope of the Reyes family. But he didn't like that you chose to study law. Till he was arrested.
“See, idiot? She's my lawyer”.
You're dying of shame, with the cop's gaze going from your brother to you.
“Aren't you too young to be lawyer? How many years do you have?”
“Excuse me?”
“Sweet Jesus Christ, Angel…”
Whenever they're out from Santo Padre, they always bring you a present. Sometimes it's a book, sometimes it's a collar… And they also call you. A lot. Like a lot. Hiding from the crew 'cause it's not allowed. But fuck the Mayans, you're the little sister.
“Yo! Man! Focus on both of us, not just you”. Ez is complaining because Angel facetimed you and he has the objective pointing only at him.
“You're so fuckin' ugly, man, I don' wan' my camera to break!”
“She's my sister too, moron”. Ez hits Angel's ribs with his elbow, so he can make some space for himself.
“You never get tired of fighting...?” You're laughing, lying at your bed when the night has come.
“For your love? Neva', amor mío”. The oldest say with a goofy look on his face, Ez rolling his eyes.
“We miss you”.
They couldn't even get mad at you those nights you call them being drunk at an illegal party, nor in a pub where they used to serve alcohol to teen girls. Both used to picked you up, and while EZ was making you eat something they bought, Angel were destroying the bar and threatening the owner with a clipped shotgun. After that, you had to run away from the cops.
They're not affective between them, nor with Pops, but with you… They're always hugging you, kissing you, flattering you. All the time. And it's pretty good whenever you wake up feeling some hate about yourself for no reason.
Actually, you're the only one who can ride their motorbikes, even if you don't have the enough confidence to do it. But the promised you that they were going to buy you one when you get graduated. So you can ride together.
But at the end of the day, you're the one who covers your brothers with a blanket, after falling asleep on the sofas at Pops', giving them a dearly kiss on the cheek and telling them how much you love them, and that your life wouldn't have any sense without them.
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marshieee · 4 years
✨Haikyuu boys as your brother series✨
You had your second date and your brother figured it out. How will they react?
A/N: Chapter 2 pt.2 of second date. Warning there might be some errors and my english is still not good please bear with me and i hope you guys like it (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
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He can't bear to see how you and aone are so FUCKIN SHY to each other, like fuck just talk normally.
But what frustrates him the most is you. Cause you are not like this, you deadass went 360 in personality and he doesn't like that.
He'll be around the corner mumbling"I didn't raised you like this"
He really really wanted to go and make you two hold hands but he can't that'll just ruin everything.
You and aone would deadass spot him quickly cause this bitch is tall.
And both of your phones will blow out because of him saying
Eventually you two got comfortable with each other. Because of peer pressure you two are receiving.
And the date was fun so futakuchi eventually....still followed until the end.
"That was a great date huh?"
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(There's an error here in kuroo's convo um the "ok he" Was colored blue so you can't clearly see it i am so sorry)
You were expecting a boy named haiba lev a half Russian half Japanese boy, who's the same age as you and tall af.
But you were greeted by a cute brown hair boy, a sweet angel inouka.
"Y/N! Hey"
"Why are you--wait did my brother?"
"Yep yaku-san told me to hang out with you today since you're spending to much time indoors"
"Is that so"
Of course that's not true tbh just two days ago you went shopping with your friends and went home late.
You already figured out that your brother just replaced your date with someone new. You don't even know if this is a date cuz inouka just said he was told to hang out with you.
"You know i kinda lied back then, yaku-san told me to have a d-d-d-date w-with y-y-you"
AAAAHHH HE'S ADORABLE glory to God my i rest in peace. You just told him that you guys should just enjoy this day.
Meanwhile. The person why you had a date with lev and the person who replaced lev was surprisingly good at stalking you. You didn't even notice an ounce of their presence.
They were good it's terrifying.
"You know i still like lev for y/n"
"Haha watch your mouth"
Probably yaku just wanted to see how things go with your date with inouka he'd rather see you date inouka tbh.
"Think about the babies they can produce"
"Alright better grit your teeth"
Overall the date was great, you had fun, kuroo died survived eventually, yaku was satisfied.
In the end you didn't know that yaku and kuroo stalked you and yaku will never tell you.
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To tanaka's despair you unfortunately had a second date with terushima.
It not like he doesn't want you to have a date with someone it's just that your date is someone who's in his *most wanted to kill*
Nishinoya who is a little heartbroken because you're on a date with somebody and not him. I'll date you omfg
And the two planned to watch over you in short stalk you during your date cuz they don't trust the guy.
Ennoshita who happened to hear their plan during practice break have decided to tag along.
Who knows what will happen if this two lost their cool.
Tanaka can't really ask you or tell you to cancel your date without any reasons besides "i just don't like the guy"
That ain't manly for him.
They really would take it up a notch mostly tanaka and nishinoya only tho. They'll buy disguises.
Like disguises wigs, new clothes, hats, shades ya name it.
Ennoshita will be just behind them looking stressed and worried.
Stressed because this combo literally already planning how to murder terushima
Worried that your date might get ruined if you caught them.
Which miraculously you didn't.
You really enjoyed the date and had fun, while the trio had finished their mission. Tanaka and nishinoya MOSTLY NISHINOYA would go home dejected.
"I'm home! Whoah what's up with you"
"Oh hey! How's your date?"
"Fun actually um what's up with him?"
"Oh you know.....stuffs."
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Let me tell you this yes hinta will follow you with yamaguchi, why? Cause he wanted to see how things would go he's worried.
And he asked if yamaguchi could help him.
"I'm so sorry if sho-chan troubled you sugawara-san"
"Ah it's ok i don't mind, ah also you could just call me suga"
"Oh um ok s-suga"
"Ahhh to be honest *rubs the back of his neck* i actually uh also wanted a....second date but...i was.....too....shy"
Amen sister your soul has left your body.
You two were having a great time, while hinata and yamaguchi are trying their best to hide from you two.
Which they failed cause both you and suga already noticed them from the beginning.
"Are they still there?"
But chose to pretend not to. It'll just hurt hinata's ego and both of you know that so you two agreed to pretend.
You find it cute that hinata is worried about you and at the same time uncomfortable cause date is supposed to be two people enjoying their time.
The date ended it was perfect you really enjoyed it.
"I had fun"
"Me too"
"I guess hinata and yamaguchi already went home huh?"
"Yeah they probably thought that if they don't go home before us they might get caught."
"It looks like it hahahaha"
"So um i better get going i think sho-chan is waiting for"
"Ah wait y/n!"
Sugawara grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss.
"Goodnight, let's do this again next time just tell me when you're free ok"
This was the best date you could ever asked for. You probably should thank hinata for making this happen.
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Idk I’ve been feeling pretty down lately. Something cute, angsty, and smutty with a jealous Merriell Shelton and fem reader ?? You can have fun with it
Doux Comme Des Bonbons
Pairing: Snafu x Gender Netural! Reader
Summary: Snafu has a tendency to always wound up into trouble. Regardless, you still manage to put up with him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Implied sexual harrasment, jeleous! snafu, cursing, fighting, but very minor! 
A/N: Of course I can! I feel you, hope this cheers you up! ❣️✨ I’m sorry this came so late. I’ve been studying for a few tests. I promise to work on a few requests this weekend though! I love the requests though, keep them coming in! This one was a little longer than expected. Snafu is my favourite himbo. The title translates to “as sweet as candy” bc this is fluffy-is. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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“Snafu, he’s just a classmate!”
Snafu slammed the door to your apartment building. If school and work weren’t hard enough, this had been your breaking point. As much as you loved your Cajun boyfriend, he was an absolute handful. It was like taking care of a manchild who you loved one minute, the next you wanted to scream in his face. Whenever things were peaceful between you, it was bliss. Endless worship, cuddles, cute french nicknames, romantic and steamy nights. It was anything a partner could ask for.
But when all hell would break loose between you two, it would be full-on discord.
“Classmate ma’ ass. Prissy lil’ fucker. I’ve seen ‘da way ‘dat preppy boy looks at you.” Snafu annoyingly badgered. He followed you around your apartment. Stopping at the kitchen counter, you spin on your heel to look at him straight in the face, a hand on your waist and an angry pout proudly displayed on your face. “ ‘Dat Chris or whatever his n-”
“Chad. His name is Chad.” You corrected.
The Cajun groaned as his calloused hands grasped onto the counter. He was extremely aggravated with hell in his eyes. “Whatever. I don’t like ‘yah hangin’ ‘round him. Chad kept starin’ at you like you were a piece of meat. Tried to fuckin’ steal ma’ seat next to you! ‘Dat lil’ sunva gun tryin’ to sit next ‘ta ‘ma Cher!”
Chad wasn’t someone you considered a friend or acquaintance. He was someone who was in your lecture who happened to be one of your friend’s inner friends. Whenever you would go to study, Chad would always tag along. He mainly wouldn’t study and would pester the hell out of you. He had even followed you to Snafu’s jeep, which proceeded to Snafu almost running him over. Thankfully you had convinced Chad not to press charges.
There was no denying he was a total asshole. He wore the brighetst polos, cheated on every test, and did whatever he pleased. Snafu was convinced that his parents paid his way into college. It baffled you how you’re best friend could even consider someone such as Chad a friend. His whole purpose of being alive was to annoy you. Snafu surely didn’t care for him. But you only had the class for another two months, and then you would be rid of Chad.
Two months had gone by and Chad’s advances had begun to slowly die down. He was aware that you were dating Snafu, who he deemed a man out of your league. It was true, but you loved Snafu with every part of your soul. Snafu was not your everyday boyfriend. It was like dating a man child off of his ADHD medication. He was a somewhat (but still young) man who worked in lumber, a little rough around the edge with a thick Cajun accent. You were a teacher’s pet with a kind heart and gentle presence. When your friend Eugene had set you up, you’d never thought it would work. But date after date, the two of you only grew closer. Within three months, you had moved into Snafu’s apartment since you could barely afford to live in a shitty dorm. When Snafu had offered his home to become your home, you knew you had fallen in love with him. As much as Snafu was the occasional pain in the neck, he was yours and you were his.
Also in those two months, your professor had invited you to a semester party after you had finished up exams. The university you attended was celebrating his retirement and had invited the whole school. Not wanting you to be alone, Snafu tagged along. He looked amazing that night; his wild curls tamed with copious amounts of gel, a white collared shirt, and dress shoes that were crisp. It would have been a lovely night if Snafu had simply kept his mouth shut, which he struggled with.
Walking arm and arm with your Cajun boyfriend, you were literally the belle of the ball. The amount of compliments you had received on your outfit was impressive. You had to thank your friend for the simple, yet elegant outfit.
One of your classmates had stopped to compliment your outfit. After a short discussion, you and Snafu continued your way to your assigned seating. Smiling at one of your classmates, Snafu pulled you in closer to his body.
“Relax Snaf,” You smiled as you leaned your head onto his shoulder. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“Whaddya talkin’ ‘bout? I’m fine. Justa’ lotta guys comin’ up ta you-I don’t blame them ‘doe. But if the-”
Snafu was cut off by your friend Hana. Best friends since birth, the two of you were inseparable. Same neighborhood, same high school, and same world-renowned university. Hana knew you better than your own parents at times. You left Snafu’s link to go give her a hug. Hana walked over and gave Snafu a pat on the back, knowing him quite well. You could tell she was a little standoffish with him since she thought he was way out of your league, but was glad to finally see you happy.
“Someone's looking dapper tonight!” Hana commented, patting Snafu’s shoulder. Snafu chuckled and nodded back, complimenting Hana’s (hideous) pink coral slacks. You saw Snafu’s confusion at how bright the pants were. Hana, even if she was your best friend, was a drastically different person from you. “Glad you brought him along, y/n. You guys look so cute together!”
Snafu stood right beside you. Feeling a firm hand on your waist, he looked over and gave you a devilish smirk. “Hana, my cher right here is ‘da real belle of the ball? They don’t even have to try-they just always look flawless.”
While being flirty, Snafu’s sweet side was starting to break through. The three of you chuckled as you gave Snafu a peck on the cheek. Cooing into his ear, “Merriell Shelton, you’re one heck of a kiss up.”
“What? I’m only speakin’ the truth.” He defended.
Hana smiled along at that, giving you a small wink. “Snafu is only speaking the truth. You guys are looking for your table?”
You nodded in response. The banquet hall was small and full of people. It was also dark which made it near impossible to find your assigned seating.
“We’re actually at the same table! Allow me to lead the way.” Hana stated. Snafu and you followed here through the crowd to the table. It mainly contained your classmates and a few of their families and friends. Everything was at peace until you saw a flash of a preppy patchwork suitjacket. It took a minute to process before it hit you and Snafu.
It was the one and only Chad.
Chad had been conversing with his friends.Upon seeing you, he let out a bostieorus laugh with his other preppy friends. Snafu felt immeidntly threatened in his presence, his hold tigenthing at your waist. He was trying to act tough but came off more as a child who’s favoruite toy was going to be taken away. As Chad stood up to come greet himself, you leaned over with your teeth gritted into a smile.
“Don’t say a damn thing. I can handle this.”
The tension between Chad and Snafu was evident. Here Chad was a young and egotistical frat boy who thousands of girls would squirm after. Here Snafu was, a bug-eyed Cajun with a heavy accent and one hell of an attitude. Chad still seemingly wasn’t over the fact that he was almost run over one time by Snafu. He even lightly joked about it, which didn’t sit well with any of you. This only caused Snafu’s burning hatred for Chad to grow even more. Chad was the gasoline and Snafu was the flame. Unfortunately, you and Snafu were placed right next to Chad and his friends. Hana was right next to you and knew that this wasn’t going to end well with the prepster and Cajun. Snafu would swing around the cheap whiskey in his cup and glare down Chad whenever he would even dare look at you. You hated the fact that Snafu was acting like this just because of Chad. The inner immature child in Snafu was beginning to show when Chad began to talk politics. It led to a passive aggressive agreement before you became the mediator before someone got a black eye.
Chad was busy talking to his goons when Snafu turned to you, a hand on your thigh. You placed your hand, squeezing it as you leaned in. “Bab-”
“I don’t like him. Prissy little bitc-”
“Merriell!” You scolded. “Langug-” Snafu smirked as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. “I ain’t a Proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. Do people think he’s straight? With those pink tight pants, it’s sendin’ another message.”
A snort escaped your mouth as you leaned into the Cajun’s shoulder. He did have a point though. What did people see in Chad that was so attractive?
Snafu noticed that you were amused by his humor. That devilish smirk you knew all too well was plastered on his face. “We should bust outta here, ditch the party and go back home. Watch a ninety day fiance. I like what’s on ‘da outside, but i wanna see what’s on ‘da inside…”
Snafu’s fingers crawled closer to your stomach. You bit your lip in response, your cheeks burning. It was so hard to resist him all dressed up and neat. Two could play this game.
“What the hell am I ever gonna do with you, Merriell Shelton?”
“Beats me, (Y/p) (Y/l/n).” He purred into your ear. It was definitely starting to become harder to resist him, especially when he called you by your professional name. But you had to contain yourself and watch over Snafu for another hour.
Your professor had walked over, interrupting your intimate moment. It was mostly for the better. Snafu had a chance to talk to your professor and learn more about the class you had been taking. He chatted up a storm with Snafu, who seemed integrued. Snafu wasn’t one for learning whatsoever. But anything that his partner would do was of interest. Your professor had even complimented Snafu saying that he had found a lovely partner. As he walked away, Snafu stood by and grabbed your drink to go get a refill. You attempted to get up but Snafu put a hand on your shoulder, holding you down.
“Sit down, darlin’.” He stated, saying a hard d in his creamy Cajun voice. “I’m takin’ care of my smart lil’ student.”
The next few events happened too quickly for you to process. Once Snafu had left, Chad had scooted into his seat. You could smell the vodka on his lips. He began to be his typical self, but got much more invasive of your space. You mostly ignored him as he talked about how rich his family was and his summer house on Nantucket. Hana wasn’t there, so you were stuck until Snafu came back.
Chad began to insulet your boyfriend. It started out as nothing more than a drunken rant, but things slowly came to tug at your heart. He began to make fun of his appearance, calling him “bug-eyed” and “dirty looking skin”. He made fun of his work occupation, outfit, almost anything and everything about him. It was definitely an uncomfortable situation. Where the hell was Snafu?
The breaking point was when Chad had wrapped his arm around you, asking you “What the hell do you see in that loser?”
The next events were full of discord. Snafu had come over, furious. He had yanked Chad out of his chair, yelling in his face. Chad began to cry, threatening to sue you and Snafu. He had also thrown pathetic insults at Snafu, which only made Snafu’s burning hatred brighter. Everybody had their eyes on Snafu, you, and Chad. Embarrassed, you grabbed Snafu and dragged him out of the venue. It was best for the both of you to leave before the police were called. The last words you heard before leaving were Chad’s drunken cry.
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer next day! Hope you both get evicted from your shitty little apartment! You people are so evil!”
“You could have just ignored him!”
“Like hell! He had yah’ hand ‘round you, tryin’ to s-”
“Oh for the love of god!” You cursed. “I could’ve handled that on my own. You didn’t have to yank him out of his chair!”
“I did have ‘ta! He was assaultin’ you! You’re my c-”
“Merriell, do not cher me. This is serious,” You hissed. All you wanted to do was go to bed and escape this horrible nightmare. “He could charge you for assault. Even if it was minor, you did try to run him over with your car. There’s no way you could stand a chance against that. If you had let me handle it, it wou-”
His sour tone definitely made your whole body go numb. When Snafu raised his voice, you knew he was mad. He was usually pissed off at the world, but it was chilling to hear him scream. His eyes widened as the gel in his hair began to wear off; his unruly curls began to show. You stepped back, feeling tears sting at your eyes. Snafu, upon seeing this, freaked out. He had been irritated the whole night. The last thing he wanted was to see you all upset. Your lip began to quiver as warm tears streamed down your cheeks. The Cajun’s face softened, walking over to apologize. He had fear all over his face. You were the person he loved the most yet at times he had no idea how to comfort you. Emotions weren’t his speciality. He grew up greedy and selfish since it was all he knew. When he had met you, Snafu had truly changed. He didn’t know how to describe it, but you had made him a better person. You gave him hope that the world wasn’t such a shitty place.
Turning around, you walk upstairs and block out everything. Your eyes are full of tears, blinding your vision. Snafu followed after you, begging for forgiveness. He was like a lost, heartbroken puppy. Instead of heading towards your shared bedroom, you decided to hide away in the bathroom. Slamming the door, you back into the wall and slowly slide down. All you wanted to do was just let your emotions loose and not have to think about absolutely anything. You just wanted to be alone with your tears and nothing more.
The tears eventually stopped with your vision cleared. You could feel the dry makeup under your eyes. Your arms and legs felt numb as you were backed to a wall, staring into the shower. What did your professor think? It was horribly embarrassing for you. There was no way you and Snafu could win a lawsuit against Chad. He knew the power he had over the both of you. It was going to be an absolute nightmare. Hana was most likely blowing up your phone with notifications. What di-
Your thoughts went away when you heard the bathroom door open. It was the one and only Snafu who had the look of a sad puppy. He normally wasn’t this soft, but his face was ridden with guilt. You didn’t even react when he walked over and sat right next to you, his thigh right next to yours. Staring at the wall, he let out a sigh. His big blue eyes were right on you.
“Cher,” His fingers trailed onto your chin as he gently turned your head. Your face was destroyed with ruined makeup. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Guilt was all over his face. But there was no time to be whining, all he could do was attempt to make things right.
“Come on,” Snafu cooed. Grabbing your hand, he gently led you up to look in the mirror. This was the second time you saw yourself in the mirror that night. You looked like you had been hit with a tornado. The once neat outfit had been wrinkled, your neatly gelled hair wispy and falling apart, and your face covered with runny makeup. Snafu had gone through the cabinet to grab some makeup wipes. His fingers titled your head to him as he ran it gently over your face. Instead of fighting back, you let him remove the makeup from your face. He made sure to clean off every little bit from your foundation to your lipstick. As he reached your eyes, he peeled off one of your fake leashes and jumped back.
“Sacre bleu!” He cursed, throwing the eyelash into the sink. Snafu was a man who was scared by nothing, except for a fake eyelash. You bit your lip, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“ ‘Da fuck is dat thing? Fuckin’ spiderweb lookin’ bitch. Looks like it has a damn life of its own...” Snafu ranted as his words slowly turned into french. He turned over to you, biting your lip as you held back a laugh.
A smirk appeared on his face as he placed his hands on his hips, “You’d wear this shit?”
“Hana gave them to me.” You shook your head, smiling. He did have a point; they looked like spiderwebs. “I know, they're ridiculous.”
You felt Snafu’s calloused hands grab your waist and halt you on top of the bathroom counter. “Well atleast you make them look hot. Speakin’ of hot, you looked amazing tonight…” He looked down before looking right back into your eyes. “Listen, I’m sorry darlin’. Just seein’ him bother you made me livid. Ain’t no one gotta treat my cher like ‘dat. Especially ‘dat vineyard vines lookin’ prissy.”
You let out a sigh, leaning into his shoulder. “God, his suit was awful…”
“Fuckin’ blindin’. Like, pick a struggle with ‘dat middle part and layerin polo shit…”
A snort escaped your mouth. Snafu wasn’t wrong; Chad looked even worse than he usually did. It was always bright, blinding colors matched with even brighter, more hideous clothes. Snafu’s hand gently caressed your hair as you leaned onto him.
“By the way…” You cooed into his ear, “I’m not condoning what you did, but hearin’ you rip Chad to pieces was kinda hot...”
“Want me ta’ do it again? I’d love to see his little face all scrunched uppa’ ‘gain.”
“God no,” Shaking your head, your hands fiddled with his unruly curls. “If you do, i’m gonna take away all your cigarettes. We can’t handle the lawsuit that’s coming.”
“Y/n, hate to break it ‘ta yah, but I’m not a rule follower. Can I atleast run him over with ‘ma car? Or steal his trump sign?”
“Snafu Shelton, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
Snafu wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He held on tight, like a child holding a teddy bear. “Stay with me. Right here, right now.”
You smiled into his shoulder as the two of you were wrapped in each other's arms. Snafu was certainly a handful, but you loved him more than anything in the world. He was truly willing to do anything to protect your honor and make you happy. That was a true man, not a boy.
“Ok, your chokin’ me Snaf.” You stated. Moving his arms, Snafu looks at your eyes as you rubbed them. “What time is it?”
“Ten? Darcey and Stacey are on.” He said, grabbing your hand as he led you out of the bathroom into your bedroom. “We can poppa’ few beers and order from Shanghai.”
An relieved sigh escaped from your mouth. Alcohol and chinese food were the perfect cure to a horrible night. “Thank freakin’ god. Anythin’ to forget this god awful night.”
You walked away to throw on your sweatpants and one of Snafu’s flannels on. Suddenly, his hand grabbed yours as he pulled you back to whisper into your ear. “Can’t wait ta’ see you outta’ dat pretty lil’ number ‘ya got on.”
An over exaggerated gasp escaped your mouth as you playfully (gently) slapped his face. A snarky laugh escaped his mouth. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to change. “Keep it in ‘ya pants, soldier.”
“Sorry. Whenever I see yah, I lose control darlin’.” Snafu smirked devilishly. “Can’t help it that you're smart n’ sweet. Just like candy.”
“Seriously, what the hell am I going to do with you?” You repeat yourself as you finish changing. It baffled you how you could handle Snafu. He was a manchild at times.
The Cajun grabbed your waist and began to tickle you. You fought back as you held back your giggles. Carrying you to the bed, he laid you down as the two of you held each other. His hand drew careless figures into your back as you nestled your face into his neck. He placed a kiss into your face, gently sighing into it.
“I love you, y/n.”
“Love you too, you dirty bastard.”
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greyhavensking · 4 years
100 Followers Celebration!
God, I’m late with this, but I finally passed the 100 follower milestone and I wanted to do something for it to show my appreciation. That something turned out to be almost 3000 words of emotional hurt/comfort and dumb boys in love, so I hope someone enjoys it.
I can’t even express how grateful I am to have (over!!!) 100 people think I’m worthy of following when mostly I just reblog other people’s posts and scream in the tags, but this is me trying to get the point across. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the people who continue to tolerate my bullshit and occasionally encourage my sad stucky edits and my angsty fluff fanfics. You’re all amazing and wonderful people!
Also cross-posted on Ao3 here.
you left your mark on me like footprints in the snow
“Buck, you awake?”
It’s sort of a moot point, seeing as Bucky — light sleeper that he is — would have woken up the second Steve stepped across the threshold of the living room, but he feels compelled to ask nonetheless. His ma was a stickler for courtesy, especially when it didn’t cost anyone a dime, and while he can’t quite manage to defer to politeness when it comes to aggravating superiors, it comes easy as breathing with most everyone else.
Bucky isn’t everyone else, and half the time Steve doesn’t bother filtering himself around him, but tonight—
Tonight’s a bad night.
But it’s not Bucky’s night for a change.
As Steve pauses at the back of the couch, arms crossed and head ducked, he sees Bucky smoothly push himself up into a sitting position from where he was stretched across the cushions, rolling his shoulders back as he scrubs his flesh and blood hand over his face. He was awake, judging by the dog-eared book he lets slide to the floor; Steve can’t make out the cover from this angle, but he’d bet anything it’s one of those YA novels Sam recommended to him that he refuses to thank Sam for. Something about Greek gods and terribly unlucky teenagers. Steve doesn’t go for fantasy often, but he knows Bucky’s been plowing through the series for the last few weeks.
“I’m always awake,” Bucky says once he’s gotten a good look at Steve, despite Steve’s best efforts to tuck all the visible hurt away behind an admittedly shaky smile. He’s joking, mostly — when Bucky first came home, he rarely got more than an hour or two of sleep before some imagined threat had him prowling the confines of the apartment, checking and rechecking the locks and the security system. Nowadays his sleepless nights are still disturbingly frequent, but not every night, and he can usually pass them by reading or watching whatever he finds most interesting on TV. 
Bucky quirks a brow when Steve remains silent, tilting his head. Assessing. “You, though,” he continues as if he hadn’t paused at all, “you should be dead to the world, Rogers. Sawing logs, or whatever it is they say when you snore louder than a damn foghorn.”
“I don’t — I don’t snore,” Steve bites out, reflexive, which just gets Bucky’s other brow jumping up to join the first.
“So it’s one of those nights, huh.” Bucky nods to himself, twisting around on the couch to lean back against the armrest, legs spread invitingly. He pats the space between his thighs. “Good thing I’m a certified Steve Rogers expert and know exactly what you need.”
Steve considers refuting that claim, but he can’t bring himself to bother with it. A flare of indignation does pulse under his skin (he hates the idea that he needs to be managed), though it peters out just as quickly as it came, taking with it the last shred of warmth Steve’s been clinging to since he slipped out from beneath his bed covers. Bucky’s right, anyway; this is what Steve needs, something they’ve pieced together in the months after Bucky felt safe enough to put himself back into Steve’s orbit.
Rubbing briskly at his upper arms, more for something to do with his hands than any hope of warming himself up, Steve hesitates another moment before he sighs and climbs over the back of the couch to crawl in between Bucky’s legs. Bucky wraps his arms around Steve’s waist instantly, tugging him until his back is flush with Bucky’s chest. He noses at the nape of Steve’s neck, presses a kiss there that has a delightful shiver rippling down Steve’s spine, then wedges his chin into the space between neck and shoulder.
“What’s the threat level with this one?” Bucky asks quietly. Threat level is their established short-hand for how bad a nightmare was, what kind of toll it took on them. It’s easier getting that out than something like I woke up crying reaching for you can’t get my heart to calm down can’t breathe woke up alone and had to bite back a scream, and Steve can admit that Bucky’s nothing short of a goddamn genius for giving Steve a way to explain without explaining. 
“‘Bout a seven,” Steve says, which means it’s closer to a nine than he’d like. He can still feel the phantom chill of wind and snow on his face, the ice-clogged water in his lungs, arms outstretched but grasping at nothing nothing nothing. Bucky’s face, frozen over and glassy-eyed. No air, no breath, no life in either of them — but Steve, undead, trapped below the ice, forced to watch it all play out on repeat—
“Uh-huh. Seven. Sure, I’ll go with that for now.” Bucky’s voice is right against his ear, his breath warm, the solid weight of him so very real that Steve shudders again, leaning into him even though there’s hardly space left between them to close. “You need me to do anything extra special?”
Steve shakes his head, then pauses, reconsiders. “Keep talking?” 
His nightmares are — strange. They’re quiet, mostly, unless they involve the train, and then it’s the clack-clack-clack of the tracks, the high-pitched whistling of the wind, his own desperate screams. But when it’s the ice… it’s almost silent. Like an old film, the reels spinning on soundlessly around him. Colors are muted, too, shades of gray and blue and the occasional vibrant streak of red that could be blood, could be his suit, could be the afterimage of staring too long into a bright light. 
Bucky huffs a laugh and tightens his arms around Steve, and in return Steve shifts to lay his hands over Bucky’s skin, one sliding along his forearm, the other reaching down to slip under the hem of Bucky’s shorts. He’d grab the metal arm (it doesn’t bother him, and it’s body temperature from being tucked under Bucky on the couch) but he needs skin right now, and he knows Bucky doesn’t begrudge him it.
“Talking,” Bucky murmurs. “You gotta pick the one thing I’m no good at anymore, don’t ya. No, no, don’t start,” he says, reading the tensing of Steve’s body all too well, and Steve slumps back into his hold, caught out. “I’m not sayin’ I won’t do it, and I’m not gettin’ all self-deprecating on you, either. Words are hard, sweetheart, you know that.”
“Sorry, Buck. We can just put the TV on, or—”
“I said it’s fine, Rogers. Relax. I’m not in the habit of doing things I don’t want to these days, even for you, which is a goddamn miracle considering all the shit I put up with for your benefit when we were kids. Christ.”
Steve rolls his eyes, which he knows is the exact reaction Bucky was going for. “Alright, I’ll bite. What’d I talk you into that was so bad?”
“God, Steve, Snow White? How many times d’we see that in theaters?”
“What? You loved that movie!”
“No, you loved that movie, despite being fuckin’ colorblind. I went because I’m a goddamn sap and I couldn’t get enough of the wide-eyed baby deer act you pulled every time you got to see all that animation in action. You sparkled, Steve, it was addicting.”
“Whaddya mean, what? Can’t a guy get all sentimental over how cute his best guy looked staring adoringly at a cartoon?”
“No, I mean— you went for me? We weren’t even…”
“First of all, jackass, I don’t gotta be in love with someone to wanna see them happy. Second, I honestly can’t tell you if I realized that I was in love with you back then. It’s all mixed up with how I definitely felt during the war, and then with everything that came with thawing out here.”
Hold on— 
“Bucky. Bucky. The war?”
Steve’s half-twisted around in Bucky’s arms now, staring at him, slack-jawed, because they’ve never had this conversation before. Nothing even close to this has ever come up between them. When they got together this century, they only acknowledged that they’d never considered doing so back in the thirties, that their feelings only really surfaced now because they finally had a moment to rest without the fear of discovery hanging over their heads. Bucky has never breathed a word of loving Steve at any point before that.
But Bucky doesn’t seem to understand what’s running through Steve’s head, because his brows furrow as he stares right back at Steve. “Why are you acting so surprised? You think I curled up with you every night just ‘cause I was cold?” He pauses. “I mean, alright, yes, I was freezing and you were a goddamn furnace all of a sudden, but—”
“You have never said shit about this, Barnes, what the fuck?”
And there’s Bucky rising to the challenge in Steve’s voice, lifting his chin and narrowing his eyes. Refusing to let go of Steve, though, for which he’s grateful; he needs the grounding weight of him all the more in this moment.
“I ain’t exactly proud of it, Steve. You and Carter? Fuck, you made my blood boil with her.”
Steve blinks. Blinks again, shakes his head like that’ll make Bucky’s words fall into a neat little line he can actually understand. He feels Bucky’s chest expand as he breathes in deep, feels it deflate as he lets it out in a heavy sigh. His eyes are nearly silver in this light, and so sheepish that Steve just wants to set this aside and kiss on him until he’s smiling again. But — he wants to know, fuck, he doesn’t like secrets between them anymore, and he knows Bucky’s the same way. It’s not the best time to get into this, but really, in the grand scheme of things… it’s as good a time as they’ll get.
“God, alright. I was jealous, okay? Whether or not I knew what you were to me while we were still in Brooklyn, I sure as hell knew it then when I was watching you two dance around each other for months. The way you’d stare after her, the way she tucked herself right into your side whenever you were in the same room… I was sick with it, hatin’ her and hatin’ myself for feeling that way when I didn’t have a fuckin’ claim to you. When you were happy with her and I couldn’t make myself be happy for you. You think I like admitting I couldn’t put my best friend’s happiness above my own bruised ego?”
“Aw, don’t look like that, sweetheart. Was my own fault for never saying anything. And, well, for all I knew back then you were straight as an arrow. You thought you were pretty straight, as I recall. Maybe it woulda just driven a wedge between us if I’d said something.”
“Fuck that.” The words are whispered, but they get Steve’s point across just fine — it’s Bucky’s turn to blink, leaning away from Steve slightly like he needs a better look at him to process what he’s just heard. Steve just follows him, getting his knees under him so he can cup Bucky’s face in both palms, holding him close. “Fuck that. I always loved you, Bucky Barnes. Platonic, romantic, doesn’t fucking matter. If you think for one second I woulda left you over something like that—”
Bucky laughs again, a quick, sharp little thing that barely interrupts Steve’s vehement protests, but the kiss Bucky plants on his lips does the job of getting his attention.
“What a stubborn asshole you are, sweetheart.”
Scowling, Steve kisses Bucky again, harder this time but still achingly sweet. “You think I’m lyin’?”
“Do I look like an idiot? No, I don’t think you’re lying, but that’s what you’re saying now, with the glorious gift of hindsight. You can’t say for sure that’s how you would have reacted, and I wouldn’t have blamed you for it.”
“One more time, Barnes, ‘cause I do think you’re a little slow on the uptake tonight. Fuck that. You got my ass through every fuckin’ illness that so much as looked at our borough, got me through ma’s death… you think you catchin’ feelings was gonna scare me away? I was afraid of you leaving, god, I woulda clung to you forever if you let me, even if you got married, had kids, whatever. I probably wouldn’t have believed you could like me, but I wouldn’t have been mad at you over it.”
It’s quiet between them once Steve’s gotten it all out of his system, save for his heart thudding in his chest and their quickened breathing, the tick-tick-tick of the ceiling fan above them. Steve refuses to look away from Bucky’s searching gaze, and god, yes, he’s a stubborn asshole, but he’s also right! He’s right and he’s going to prove that to Bucky, one way or another, because this is too important to let go. He doesn’t want Bucky thinking even for a second that there is a scenario where Steve would throw him over for someone else. Anyone Steve loved — anyone who loved Steve — would have had to accept that Bucky came first, always.
In hindsight, Steve maybe should’ve figured out his own damn feelings long before he reached the 21st century, but that wasn’t exactly his point right now. 
Steve doesn’t know how long they sit there like that, holding one another without saying a word, but he doesn’t tear his eyes away from Bucky’s for a single moment of it, willing him to understand that he’s always been Steve’s anchor, his touchstone — that absolutely nothing short of death could ever come between them, and fuck, even that didn’t stick. And he thinks Bucky might be getting there, the way a slow, tremulous smile spreads across his face, a flush high on his cheeks that does things to Steve’s heart. 
“I love you.”
Steve’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, automatic, ducking his head down to press into Bucky’s neck, the fabric of his worn t-shirt soft against Steve’s cheek. It’s far from the first time either of them have said it, but Steve still gets so giddy over it, knowing he gets to have this, have Bucky, to hold and kiss and adore this man in his arms for as long as they’re both alive… it’s heady, and something Steve doesn’t want to take for granted, not even for a second. The road they took to get here was too brutal for Steve not to be damn grateful for every moment they have together. 
Which means he doesn’t mind the teasing they get from the rest of the team, the not-so-sly remarks and gratuitous eye rolls that Sam and Natasha are so fond of, the downright lewd shit that gets thrown right back in Tony’s face when Bucky reminds them all that neither of them are innocent grandpas. 
It’s all part of getting to love Bucky the way he deserves, the way he’s always and will always deserve, and if there’s one thing about the future that Steve unequivocally loves, it’s that he can be as open as he wants about just how much he loves Bucky. And, if people do have a problem with it, Steve can kick their asses — mostly over Twitter, but still. He’s a fan.
“Love you too, Buck.”
Bucky hums, content, and readjusts so that Steve is mostly laying flat on top of him, the both of them stretched out across the couch. He snags the blanket from where it’s half-spilled onto the floor, draping it over Steve enough that it covers the majority of their bodies. Steve snuggles in, wrapping his arms around Bucky’s back, giving him a gentle squeeze to show his appreciation. 
He’s all but forgotten the phantom cold that drove him out here in the first place.
“Wanna try going back to sleep?” Bucky murmurs, rubbing circles into Steve’s back.
“Nah. You’re still gonna be here, don’t wanna sleep alone.”
“Mm, fair point. You just gonna lay here, then?”
He could, Bucky won’t protest his weight or the company. “Yeah. Right where I wanna be. You could read to me, though?”
“I’m in the middle of the book, Rogers, you won’t have any clue what’s going on.”
“Just like the sound of your voice, Buck. It’s soothing,” Steve argues, and he’s slurring his words a little, he knows, but he doesn’t care and Bucky doesn’t call him out on it. “Read to me?”
He feels the rumble of Bucky’s laughter in his own chest, pressed right up against him, then the shift of the couch as Bucky grabs his book from the floor and braces it against the dip in Steve’s spine so he can read.
And yeah, Bucky’s right — Steve couldn’t tell you a thing about what’s happening in the book right now (there are gods and monsters and quippy teenagers, but none of it settles quite right in his brain, none of it takes any recognizable shape) but he couldn’t be happier regardless.
Turns out it’s not so bad of a night after all. 
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
A sudden revelation came to me : the big twin besties!!! Davey Sarah Mike Ike would be chaos if they’re together but that is okay bcs we love them. That is all thank you💕
They would!! I’m gonna do them in modern AU, so I hope that’s okay, Rai!!
This is going to be pure chaos. Nothing else. Literally no part of this is serious. It’s just pure dumbassery among friends.
Also Les definitely does dance competitions. He goes to the same studio as Race. He competes in a mini division and he does tap and hip hop and his group wins. Fight me.
Tw: swearing.
“Davey, pop the popcorn faster!” Sarah hollered from the living room.
“Sarah, shut the fuck up!” Davey hollered back. He loved his sister, but she annoyed the hell out of him.
Well, Les did, too. He guessed it was a sibling thing in general, but there was something about knowing someone since before birth that gave you a special ability to get on their nerves.
Plus, it wasn’t like he could make the microwave work any faster.
“What are we watching tonight?” he called while he waited.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Sarah shouted indignantly.
At the same time, Mike yelled, “We’re binge-watchin’ Liv and Maddie!”
“Oh, of course! That’s so fuckin’ obvious!” Davey shook his head, wishing he could stop himself from smiling as he muttered to himself, “We’re such huge fucking dorks.”
They were, of course, watching Liv and Maddie because they were two sets of twins left alone in a house for the night, and that tv show was about a pair of twins. The Jacobs parents were taking Les to a dance competition and the Guzman parents were going to a wedding.
Honestly, Davey was pretty sure they’d left them all together because out of the four of them, Sarah was the only good cook, Mike was the only good driver, Ike was the one who knew how to operate a can opener, and Davey was the one with common sense. Together, they formed a fully-functional teenager.
Also, they all already had partners, so the parents trusted them to be left alone all night together, unlike when Sarah and Ike asked if they could have Jojo, Hotshot, Katherine, and Jack over, too.
Davey heard the TV start up and silently willed the microwave to work faster.
“Ya can’t start without Davey, Sar—“
“Ike, I don’t know how to break this to ya, but I don’t give a shit.”
Honestly, Davey had expected that, “Thanks for tryin’, Ike!”
“No problem, Dave!”
The popcorn finally finished popping, and Davey grabbed the huge bag of M&Ms on the way out of the kitchen with it before going to join his sister and friends in watching Liv and Maddie’s shenanigans.
Ah yes. The ultimate twin night. Admittedly, the feral energy of all four of them was better than it would’ve been if it was just him and Sarah.
And Ike was smirking at his phone, which of course meant Davey had to tease him.
“Textin’ Hotshot, huh?” he asked, poking him in the shoulder.
Ike batted his hand away, “Shut up.”
Mike laughed, “Ooh, that means there’s somethin’ to hide.”
Sarah slung an arm around his shoulders, “Are you gonna fight? Cause I honestly can’t decide who’d win.”
“Nope,” Davey said automatically, “Can’t do that. We can’t have any death matches destroying the living room or our folks will never let us do this again.”
“I guess the blood would ruin your carpet.”
“Well, Mikey, it’s not like I don’t know how to get blood out of things.”
“Why—oh. Okay.”
Sarah laughed maniacally at the look on his face. It wasn’t that he looked grossed out or anything, just kind of surprised to be thinking about it.
Davey was pretty familiar with having to grab spare pads from the hall closet if the bathroom ran out and tagging along on milkshake runs during Sarah’s time of month, but he guessed a boy without sisters wouldn’t have to think about that kind of thing.
“So, how are things with Hotshot?” he asked, changing the subject.
Ike shrugged, “Good. How’s Jack?”
“He’s over here like, all the time,” Sarah said, rolling her eyes, “Or Davey’s over there. It’s cute in a gross way.”
“Fight me, Sarah. You’re the same way with Katherine.”
“Stuff with Jojo is good, by the way,” Mike chimed in, “God, I love him.”
“We get it, you’re cute, now shut up.”
Sarah swatted him, “That’s not very nice, Isaac.”
“Yeah, those are bold words from someone who’s baby pictures I have access to,” Mike agreed.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me, bitch.”
“Again, we can’t have a death match without destroying stuff,” Davey reminded them, “So can we just kick back and watch our show?”
Ike butted his head against Davey’s shoulder like a cat affectionately, “We should skip forward a couple seasons so we can watch Liv and Holden break up and cry.”
“No,” Sarah said immediately, “My eyeliner looks really good today.”
“You’re at a sleepover,” Davey pointed out, “Why did you even do your eyeliner?”
“David, I swear to God.”
“You swear to God what?”
“Don’t listen to him,” Mike said, reaching over to hug her, “You look fuckin’ amazing and you and Kathy usually make the rest of us look like slobs.”
“Aw, thanks Michael.”
“Don’t call me Michael.”
They actually managed to watch about half the episode without talking, before Ike shattered the silence.
“Okay, but do we think Joey’s gay?”
“I think Willow’s obsession with him is creepy and it’s super questionable how the writers played it off for laughs,” Mike admitted, “I think Joey does like girls, though. He has chemistry with a few different girls for like one episode each.”
“But he definitely has a thing for Josh in the later seasons,” Sarah pointed out.
“Oh, yeah. Good point. Maybe he’s bi or pan.”
Davey had never thought he’d have a conversation like this, but he had to admit they had a point.
“Maddie and Willow would’ve made a cute couple,” he said, “Maddie can’t drive. That alone is proof she’s not straight. And Liv had chemistry with Holden, but she would’ve been cute with Andie, too.”
“Oh, preach, bro,” Ike agreed, “And I think one of my first crushes when I was in middle school was actually on Parker from Liv and Maddie, so...”
“Parker’s bi and ace,” Mike said immediately, “I’m callin’ it. I don’t even need any evidence; just by vibes. He’s just this bi-ace mad scientist.”
“But seriously,” Sarah insisted, “Joey had a thing for Josh and I think it was requited.”
Davey rolled his eyes, “Duh. Was that ever up for debate after that one episode where the only thing that made Josh feel better about his breakup with Maddie was Joey?”
“So in short, none of the Rooney siblings are straight,” Mike concluded.
Davey smirked, “Kinda like how none of the siblings in this room are straight.”
“Aw,” Mike grinned, “Are you sayin’ you sees Ike and I as siblings?”
“More like we’re all in a cult and we call each other siblings, Brother Mike.”
“Oh yes of course, Brother Davey.”
“You’re both ridiculous.”
“Are you actin’ like you have custody of the brain cell, Sister Sarah?”
“No, of course not, Brother Ike. Brother Davey has it. He just never uses it.”
“I use the brain cell frequently, thank you very much,” Davey said indignantly, “Just not in conversations with people who don’t even have one.”
“Oh, burn!” Ike shouted, and Davey accepted a high five.
It looked like Sarah didn’t have anything to say to that. Probably because she didn’t have the brain cell.
Whatever. If the Rooney siblings could survive with only one brain cell, which the youngest sibling always had, Davey was pretty sure the four of them could, too.
This probably makes no sense if you’ve never seen Liv and Maddie. I’m sorry.
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idnek83 · 3 years
Aid - Chapter 4/13
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham
Tags: Alternate Universe - Island Mode, No Game Spoilers, Masturbation,  Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Grinding, Wet Dreams, Anal Fingering,  Friends With Benefits,  Getting Together, Internalized Homophobia, Anal Sex
Summary: Everyone is hot and half naked because of their beach vacation. Soda is horny and tries to do something about it. Gundham tries to help and does. It all gets a little out of hand.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Read on Ao3
This Chapter: Soda is slowly realizing his relationships might be changing. Soda has some feelings, Gundham has a secret, and both of them blow off some steam.
Once he was out of Nagito’s sight, Soda stopped and looked around. Gundham had gone to the beach? He said he didn’t like the ocean or whatever, but now he was apparently going to the beach on his own? Had he just made an excuse earlier cus he didn’t want to hang out with everyone?
Had Gundham just not wanted to hang out with him?
Soda hesitated. Gundham might just get even more annoyed with him if he showed up and crashed his secret beach time. Maybe he really should just take the food back to his own room, eat way too much, maybe cry a little, then pass out for the night. That sounded like an alright plan…
But his dumbass already had told everyone he was taking food to Gundham, meaning Gundham would definitely find out that Soda had purposely not looked for him and get even more pissed. God damnit. He really couldn’t deal with it if Gundham hated him.
He started walking towards the beach. If Gundham got mad he could just play dumb and say he was going for a swim, he was still in his swimsuit after all.
It wasn’t a great plan but, hey, it was a plan.
He wasn’t really sure what he’d find; Gundham swimming, or exercising, or taming animals, or like, trying to summon a demon. But when he got to there, Gundham was simply standing still, dressed once again in his swim shorts and scarf, staring out at the ocean with a troubled look on his face.
Something about it made Soda feel like he was seeing something private. Like Gundham really wouldn’t want him there.
Before he could even think about leaving, Gundham turned his head and caught sight of him. He looked surprised and… embarrassed?
“My… Kazuichi, for what purpose have you disturbed my dark meditation?” He didn’t look mad, but Soda could tell he wasn’t happy to see him. Ouch. Fair, but still ouch.
“Uh, Teruteru made food for everyone so… I thought maybe you’d want to eat some too?” He awkwardly shifted the bowl in his hands.
“Ah, if you are simply here to deliver sustenance, you may do so and leave.” Gundham gestured dismissively to a spot on the ground where he had laid out a towel.
Oh shit, he was actually super mad wasn’t he, Gundham must be one of those guys who just never yells when he’s actually pissed, just gets quiet and scary. Shit. Fuck. At least he was used to being yelled at, he didn’t know how to deal with quiet angry people. He really needed to apologize.
“Look Gundham, I’m really fuckin’ sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
“You are sorry?” Gundham looked surprised. God, he must think Soda is a real piece of shit to be surprised that he’d try to apologize. Soda’s chest felt tight. He was actually gonna cry. Gundham definitely already hated him.
“Y-yeah, I- look it was stupid and I’m stupid and I really didn’t mean to be so god d-damn shitty to you, I was just…” A stupid selfish asshole? An idiot chasing tail? The same useless fuck-up he had always been? God he wasn’t even worth the time Gundham was giving him to apologize. And now he was crying like some kind of pussy.
Gundham was standing in front of him now, Soda looked at the ground. Gundham didn’t need to see how ugly his face was when he was crying like a little bitch, and Soda didn’t want to see the look Gundham’s face when he realised just how truly pathetic he was.
“I just so- so fucking stupid and useless and-” He felt a hand on his naked shoulder.
“My sweet companion, I do not know what it is you are trying to apologize for,” Gundham pulled him close to his bare chest and began to gently stroke his hair “but I am certain it is not worth shedding your precious tears over.”
Soda sniffed, grossly, against Gundham’s shoulder “I t-totally ditched you today. I invited you out and the I just f-fucking left you.” His arms were just hanging at his sides while Gundham tried to comfort him. He had dropped Teru’s food. He felt incredibly stupid. He was incredibly stupid.
“I believe it was I who deigned not to accompany you.” Gundham moved his hand from Soda’s hair to his cheek, gently shifting his head so he was able to look into Soda’s eyes. “You have inverted the situation, dearest friend, I fear it is I who must ask forgiveness of you.” Gundham smiled in that soft way that made Soda’s chest hurt.
“I- huh? B-but I should have-“ He averted his eyes from Gundham’s face, he didn’t deserve Gundham’s kindness.
“Then I forgive you, if that is what you wish to hear. I forgive you for all that you believe you have done wrong, and I only ask that you to grant me the pleasure of your smile in return.” The hand on Soda’s cheek slid under his chin and lifted. Soda had stopped crying, but he didn’t smile. “Do not make me call upon my Deva’s, Kazuichi, you will not be able to withstand their wrath.”
Soda laughed weakly, turning his head to rest it against Gundham’s shoulder. “You didn’t a-actually bring them to the beach right?” He sniffled a little, feeling his tears drying on his cheeks “Isn’t it dangerous for them out here in the dark?”
“Ah, you once again prove to be wise beyond my perception. The Deva’s remain safely in their lairs.” Gundham’s hand was back in his hair, stroking.  “You’ve bested my deception with your dark insight, well done.” Gundham stepped back so he could look at Soda again. “Shall we partake in the rations you have fetched? Perhaps it would be best to converse after sating our hunger.”
Soda looked down at the food he had dropped, it looked like the lid had stayed on at least.
“Okay, y-yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
They sat on Gundham’s towel and ate in silence, as Soda’s shaky breathing slowly returned to normal. He always felt so unsteady after crying, it was embarrassing. At least Gundham wasn’t making fun of him for it.
“Hey, um… Sorry about all that.” He said, staring at his feet. “I swear I’m not usually such a pussy, I just… had a weird day, I guess. Shit just kinda piled up and, well… I dunno, I guess I was worried you like, hated me or something?”
“I am… quite far from hating you.” Soda looked up, but Gundham turned away from him. “Why would you think I held such a feeling for you?”
“Cus of how I ditched you earlier! Like a complete asshole! What kinda friend does that?”
“So, the guilt you felt, believing you had abandoned me, that was what caused your emotions to spill out so violently?”
“I guess, kinda… yeah?”
“Ah, then I truly do own you my most sincere of apologies.”
“What? No man, it’s fine, really.”
“But it is my weakness which caused you such sorrow.”
“Your weakness?”
Gundham stood and turned towards the ocean. “As I said, it was I who chose not to accompany you. I… wished to partake in the ritual which our comrades suggested, however, I would not have been able to.”
Not able? Didn’t Gundham just hate the ocean or something?
“It is shameful but… I am unable to traverse Poseidon’s realm.” Gundham hid the lower half of his face in his scarf as he spoke.
‘Unable to traverse’? Wait, did he mean-
“You can’t swim?” Soda was sure he was misunderstanding.
What little Soda could see of Gundham’s face turned red.
“As I said, it is quite shameful. That is why I ventured here this dark night; I wish to overcome my weakness, so that I may partake when next I am bade to an aquatic ritual.” Gundham sighed “However, it is proving quite difficult.”
So he was trying to teach himself to swim? So that he could hang out with everyone next time they wanted to play in the ocean? That was… pretty cute.
“I could teach you.” Soda had spent some time checking out a busty swim instructor at a pool one summer, he figured he probably picked something up.
“You would aid me in this?”
Soda’s heart skipped a beat when Gundham spoke that word, and he knew he was blushing. He told his dick to shut up for a minute so he could help his friend.
“Course, I don’t mind. I missed you at the beach today anyways, so it’d be cool if you came next time.” Soda scratched his face and tried not to think too much about Gundham coming. “You wanna do this now or?”
“It was my intention to begin my training tonight. Does this suit you?”
“Sure, I could go for another swim.” He smiled at Gundham. Gundham smiled at him.
“Thank you, my dearest-”
A loud laugh could be heard coming from the direction of their cabins. Apparently their friends were returning from the other island. Soda saw the embarrassed look on Gundham’s face and realised he probably didn’t want the others to know about his ‘weakness’.
“C’mon, grab your stuff and let’s find somewhere else to do this.” Soda picked up the empty bowl they had been eating from and headed towards the rocky outcrop a little further down the shore. He could hear Gundham just behind him.
The “beach” on the other side of the hill wasn’t nearly as nice. It was essentially just a small patch of sand, surrounded by the rocky outcrop so you couldn’t enjoy the cool sea breeze during the day. But that also meant it was relatively isolated from the rest of the island and they wouldn’t have to worry about the others catching them here.
Swimming, they wouldn’t have to worry about the others catching them swimming here.
Gundham spread out his towel again and Soda bent over to set the bowl down next to it. When he straightened out, Gundham was behind him, staring. There was a moment of awkwardness between them.
“Uh, I guess we should get started then?” Soda laughed awkwardly and gestured towards the water, what was with this atmosphere?
“Yes, you are right.” Gundham removed his scarf, turned, and walked towards the ocean. Was Soda imagining it or did Gundham look a little… disappointed?
Soda followed him into the water. The sun had set like an hour ago, but it was still plenty warm out and the coolness of the water was nice. Soda waded out until the water was at his waist, before diving forwards and enjoyed being submerged in the refreshing feeling for a moment. When he resurfaced he found Gundham staring at him with a worried expression.
“Don’t worry dude, it’s not even that deep here. If you think you’re gonna go under all ya gotta do is stand up.” Soda reached out and gave him a reassuring pat on the arm. Wow, he always forgot that Gundham was actually kinda jacked. His biceps were-
A topic for another time when he wasn’t trying to help his friend learn how to swim.
“Ok so uh, I guess we should just start with floating? Or do you know how to do that already?”
Gundham looked apprehensively at the water and shook his head.
“No worries man, just like, lay back and let the water catch you.” Soda demonstrated, then righted himself. “See? Easy. Your turn.”
Gundham slowly laid back, then promptly sunk below the water. Oops. Not easy apparently.
Gundham re-emerged, blushing and gasping. He turned his gaze to the shore.
“Don’t worry about it dude, that was my bad.” He wasn’t going to let Gundham give up that easily. “Try it again, I’ll help you stay up this time.” Soda moved next to Gundham and put his hands out to catch him. “Just lay back again, I won’t let you go under, trust me.”
Gundham took a deep breath before laying back again. Once he was on his back Soda could tell his hands were the only thing keeping Gundham above water.
“Ok, so now you gotta just, kinda, spread your arms and legs.” He though back to the swim instructor, “Like a starfish.” Gundham complied and Soda felt the weight on his palms lessen. Almost there.
“K’ now you just gotta relax.” Gundham gave him an uneasy look. “C’mon, just like, take some deep breaths and close your eyes. I’m here dude, it’ll be fine.”
With a heavy sigh Gundham closed his eyes. He began taking deep breaths and Soda could feel the tension slowly leaving his body.
Soda felt kind of proud of him. This was probably pretty tough for Gundham, opening up and trusting another person like this. Soda wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do the same thing in his place.
Looking down at Gundham, Soda felt his heart beat a little faster. His face looked almost peaceful and his hair was a little messy. Apparently whatever product Gundham used to style his hair wasn’t waterproof. Soda let his gaze wander to the rise and fall of Gundham’s chest. He swallowed. Gundham had really nice pecs. And great abs. And thighs. And from what he remembered-
No, bad dick, helping Gundham comes first.
But maybe Gundham wouldn’t mind some help from his dick too?
“Is my form off?”
“W-what.” Gundham had opened his eyes at some point.
“I feel as though I am properly ‘floating’ now, but you seem to be examining my form quite closely. Am I doing something incorrectly?”
“Oh, no. You’re doing great. I was just…” Thinking about your dick. “Uh, anyways, why don’t we try a front float now?”
Soda waited until Gundham was standing and demonstrated floating on his stomach.
“So same deal as before, I’ll hold you up, so just focus on letting your body relax.”
Gundham lay forward, with much less apprehension than before, and Soda placed a hand on his stomach to support him.
God, Gundham’s abs. Soda couldn’t help but rub his hand over them a little, pretending he was adjusting his grip. Yeah, he was trying to focus on helping Gundham, but it was okay to be a little turned on right? Staring at Gundham’s back muscles wasn’t really helping the situation either. Why was Gundham in such good shape? Was training animals really that much work?
Focus Soda.
“You alright Gundham? Ready to try actually moving a bit?”
He felt Gundham tense up a bit, but he nodded anyways.
“Ok, I’ll keep holding you up for now so don’t worry. Just try kicking your legs a bit.”
Soda wasn’t sure how long they had been out there. He just knew Gundham was now able to do a passable breast stroke and that he had lost track of how many times he had blanked out just staring at Gundham’s body. He did know he had been caught more than once though. And that he had caught Gundham doing the same thing at least twice.
Gundham definitely didn’t need Soda to hold him up while he floated anymore, but he asked to do it again anyways, saying he wanted to focus on his form. Soda obliged, and Gundham didn’t ask why he placed one hand under his thigh this time, didn’t ask when Soda began to lightly squeeze and rub. Soda didn’t mention the quiet moan that escaped Gundham’s lips when he moved his hand to his ass, didn’t mention the growing bulge in Gundham’s trunks, just moved closer so Gundham could feel the one in his. Gundham didn’t stop him, instead he just stood, slowly, and pulled Soda in by his hips.
“Aid me.” Gundham pressed his cock into Soda’s hip, and breathed against his ear. “Please.”
Soda didn’t even have time to think about the way that word had gone straight to his dick. He grabbed Gundham’ hand and headed for shore.
He sat on Gundham’s towel, only to be pushed onto his back a second later. Gundham kneeled between his thighs and cradled his cheek.
“My sweet companion.” He whispered before ducking his head and kissing down Soda’s neck. Soda bucked his hips a little and slid a hand into Gundham’s hair.
“Fuuck, Gundham.” He moaned his name and bucked his hips again, the angle wasn’t right, he wasn’t getting the friction he wanted. He let out a frustrated groan.
Gundham must have understood what he wanted though. He slid his hands down Soda’s body and grabbed him by the hips, lifting them and pulling them flush with his own. Gundham lightly bit down on his shoulder and began thrusting against him. It wasn’t perfect, their cocks weren’t quite lined up right, but the friction caused by their swim shorts rubbing against each other as Gundham moved was still maddening.
“A-ah… my dearest… I- hah.” Gundham was moving quickly, nipping and licking at Soda’s neck and shoulders as he drove his hips forward. He was quietly moaning, his grip on Soda’s hips began to tighten, and his thrusts were growing stronger as he pulled Soda against him. He looked like he was already about to cum.
Gundham must have already been pretty turned on if he was getting close that fast. As hot as that was, Soda wasn’t ready for this to be over so quickly. He remembered he still needed to make Gundham scream.
“Gundham- ah- wait.” He ran a hand down Gundham’s back and squeezed his ass. Gundham slowed his thrusts. “What’s the rush? Lets slow things down a little.”
Gundham swallowed and stopped moving his hips. “Ah, my dark consort, I apologize. I was-” Gundham slid a hand back up to Soda’s cheek “Overcome.”
Soda shivered at the word. He didn’t think he had ever heard that tone in Gundham’s voice before. And ‘dark consort’ was new too, wasn’t it?
He wasn’t here to analyze Gundham’s speech though.
Soda squeezed Gundham’s ass again and moved his hands up to his chest, shoving slightly. Gundham got the hint and leaned back, only for Soda to follow him up. He placed his hands on Gundham’s shoulders and pushed him back until he was sitting so Soda could straddle his hips. Soda had planned to take the initiative, but Gundham didn’t give him time to.
Gundham’s hand found Soda’s hip, rubbing slightly before slipping onto his ass and kneading. He ran his other hand up Soda’s chest, teasing a nipple with his thumb before replacing it with his mouth. Soda gasped and tightened his grip on Gundham’s shoulders. He had though about sucking on girls’ tits before, but he never realised it would feel so good to have someone do it to him.
“Shit, Gundham.” He ground his hips down into Gundham’s. Gundham hummed in response, his deep voice resonating through Soda’s chest as he switched his attention to his other nipple.
Soda started grinding in earnest, enjoying the way he could feel Gundham’s breath catch against his skin. He reached down to free his cock from his shorts, then moved to do the same for Gundham. He couldn’t really see with Gundham still mouthing at his chest, so he did a bit of feeling around first instead. He traced Gundham’s abs with his fingers and used them as a guide down to Gundham’s cock. God, he forgot how big it was. He rubbed it through his shorts before finally freeing it. He couldn’t help it, he pushed Gundham back a bit so he could see his cock properly.
No fucking wonder he had sucked Gundham off in the beach house. His cock was just so… appetizing. He could literally feel himself salivating at the sight of it. He remembered how thick and warm and heavy it had been in his mouth last time. He wanted that again. He wanted it and he wondered if it would feel just as good in his ass.
His dick twitched but his mind froze. He probably wasn’t ready for that.
Gundham was watching him. Waiting.
“What do you desire my consort?” There was that hand on his cheek again. He looked from Gundham’s cock to his face, his beautiful, flushed face. Gundham licked his lips. Soda followed the movement of his tongue with his eyes, and found himself focusing on Gundham’s mouth.
Fuck, he kind of wanted to kiss him.
Was that allowed? They had never really laid down any ground rules for their… relationship? No. Pact. That’s what Gundham had called it, and it was probably safest to just keep calling it that. Nice and vague. Obviously getting each other off was the main thing with their ‘pact’, they were just two bros helping each other relieve some tension, right? Did that make them fuck-buddies? Did people kiss their fuck-buddies? He’s pretty sure they did in movies, but then they always ended up falling in love, and he didn’t want that.
“Dearest consort?” Oops, guess he had been spacing out.
“Sorry, it’s just-” Probably best to just ask if they could kiss right? “I was um, t-thinking about your tongue? And like, uh y-your lips? Um- sorry.” or not. He had sucked this mans dick but somehow thinking about kissing him was turning him into a stuttering mess.
“Mmm, fret not, my consort, I understand.” Gundham gave him one of those soft smiles that did things to his heart and slid a hand down Soda’s neck, the back up, resting it on the back of his head.
Oh shit, okay. Here goes nothing then.
Gundham brought his other hand up to Soda’s chest and pushed him backwards. They ended up in the same position they had started in, only now with their cocks out and Soda’s legs spread wide. He wasn’t sure why they had to be in this position to kiss, but he wasn’t about to complain. He was all to aware how easy it would be for Gundham to fuck him in this position, and he was too distracted by how turned on that thought made him to notice Gundham was currently moving away from his lips.
Gundham was kissing his chest again, pausing to lick one of his nipples and give it a light suck before moving his head lower.
No kissing then.
Soda felt… complicated. And complicated could wait.
The lips on his stomach reminded him he was about to get blown, and the hand wrapping around his dick reminded him that he was horny as hell.
Yeah, complicated could definitely wait.
Gundham was just barely pumping Soda’s dick. Teasing, Soda realised, getting him extra excited for the main event. Gundham kissed just below his belly button, then pulled away, making Soda whine. Gundham smiled and shushed him, pulling Soda’s swim trunks all the way off and moving back to where he had been, punctuating his action with another kiss below Soda’s belly button and a squeeze of his dick.
Gundham resumed his downward path, planting more kisses on Soda’s abdomen, each one getting just a little bit closer to his cock. Then, right when Soda thought there wasn’t anywhere else for Gundham to kiss, he lifted one of Soda’s legs and began to kiss along his thigh instead.
More teasing?
Soda couldn’t stand it.
He loved it.
He let out a frustrated moan. Gundham laughed and hummed into his thigh, then bit down gently. Soda couldn’t stop his hips from bucking a little, up into the barely moving hand Gundham still had on his dick. The friction felt good, so he did it again. Gundham used the hand he had lifted Soda’s leg with to hold his hip still and switched his attention to his other thigh. Soda couldn’t take it anymore.
“Gundham please! Stop teasing!”
“Were you not the one who said we should ‘slow things down’?” Gundham laughed against the spot where his thigh met his groin. Soda loved it and hated it.
“Y-yeah but c’mon, isn’t this a little too slow?”
“Mmm, then if that is your desire” Gundham finally put his mouth on Soda’s cock.
He kissed the tip gently before running his lips down the side and licking his way back up. Then he opened his mouth and sucked.
“Ah Gundham.” Soda couldn’t believe how good it felt. Gundham took more of his cock into his mouth and began to bob his head. Soda’s head shot back, and he felt like he was going to die from pleasure.
Gundham’s mouth was wet and warm and tight around his cock, and his tongue kept working along his shaft, making him feel things he could hardly describe. Soda knew he was moaning Gundham’s name, over and over, but he couldn’t stop. Every time Gundham pulled back he sucked hard on Soda’s cock and the only thing stopping Soda from thrusting up into Gundham’s mouth was that strong hand on his hip. He didn’t know where the hand on his thigh had gone, he couldn’t focus long enough to find it. He reached for the one on his hip and covered it with his own. Gundham moaned around his cock and laced his fingers through Soda’s, shifting so he could use his forearm to keep Soda’s hips pinned in place.
He was going to cum. He squeezed Gundham’s hand and looked down at him, trying to get his attention, trying to warn him in case he didn’t want Soda cumming in his mouth.
But the second he saw Gundham’s face, lips wrapped around his cock, eyes locked with his, and flushed the same way it had been when Soda had been sucking his cock, it was over. His hips were bucking against Gundham’s arm and he was cumming down his throat, his name on his lips. He could feel more than hear Gundham moaning around his cock, and the vibrations kept him at in ecstasy for just a little longer, before becoming to be to much for his sensitive cock.
“Gundham, please, it’s too much.” Gundham moaned again and pulled off his cock. He went back to Soda’s thighs, no longer gently kissing and teasing, but sucking and biting. Soda was vaguely aware of Gundham’s shoulder shifting rapidly.
“S-soda!” He squeezed Soda’s hand and buried his face into the crook of his thigh. He was so taken aback by Gundham actually calling him ‘Soda’ that it took him a moment to realise Gundham was cumming.
Oh, so that’s where that hand went.
Gundham kept his face pressed into Soda’s thigh for a moment, panting, before kissing it for a final time and crawling back up Soda’s body, releasing his hand only long enough to unhook his arm from around Soda’s leg before intertwining their fingers once again.
“You know I could have, uh, done that for you.” Wasn’t the whole idea of the pact thing to get each other off anyway?
“I’m sorry, my dear companion.” Gundham raised their clasped hands to his lips and kissed Soda’s fingers. “I simply could not resist. Between how beautiful you appeared in your ecstasy and sweetly you were calling my name-” Gundham sighed and smiled, looking into Soda’s eyes “I was bewitched.” He twisted their hands to kiss Soda’s knuckles without looking away.
It made Soda blush harder than anything else they had done.
That complicated feeling was coming back.
He never asked if it was alright to kiss him. He still hadn’t made Gundham scream.
Next Chapter
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flipper-kisses · 3 years
Higher Education
Rami x OC Veronica, Charlie Hunnam 
Word Count: 1446 
Tag list- none yet 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of parental death, car accident, college.    
Chapter 1 - Move In Day       
          The August sun was shining brightly when I pulled into the parking lot next to my brand new home- the dorms of Evansville University. My three hour drive had left my legs cramped and my stomach empty. I had zero desire to unload all of the stuff in my car, so I joined the line of students waiting to check and get their dorm room keys.  
           "Heads up!" I turned quickly toward the sound of shouting and saw a football hurtling towards my face. Instinctively I reached up and caught it, then looked around for the horrible quarterback. A tall guy with long blond hair jogged over to me, hand outstretched.
         "Sorry about that," he said with a smile, and a hint of an accent I couldn't quite place. "Great catch."          I handed the ball over. "I've got two football obsessed little brothers."         The guy looked me up and down. I was wearing navy blue shorts and a gray Nirvana T-shirt with my white and navy Adidas sneakers.         "I'm Charlie," he said and stuck out his hand.         "Veronica," I shook it. "Your boys want the ball back, I think." I nodded toward the group of guys he'd been playing with on the sun drenched lawn.         "Right. See you around then, Veronica." Charlie winked and jogged back to his friends. I watched for a second, one in particular catching my eye. Totally my type with dark, spiky hair, dressed in a black short sleeved shirt and gray shorts. I raised an eyebrow and turned back to the check in table.
        "Hi!" A bubbly brunette greeted me. She wore a name tag that identified her as the Resident Assistant. "Name?"         "Veronica Mason."         "Oh, hi Veronica! I'm Lauren, your roommate!" She stood up and gave me a high five. "Here's your key and we are room 323 on the third floor. I'll be around after all this check in stuff dies down then we can grab dinner later?"          "Sure, see you in a bit!" I pocketed my key and heaved a sigh, thinking about all the stuff in my car I needed to bring up. To the third freaking floor. No elevator in the building. I strode past the guys playing football, and all the freshmen with their parents unloading their things. I was transferring in as a junior, which made me very nervous. Everyone had already had two years to establish friendships with everyone on campus. I felt very new and very alone. I didn't have my parents with me, in fact, I didn't have any parents at all. They passed away in a car accident when I was 14 and I'd lived with my grandma ever since.          My thoughts continued to race as I opened my trunk and took out one of my totes. I started lugging it across the quad, sweating in the midwestern heat. I dropped the heavy tote under a tree and sat on it, catching my breath.          "Fuckin a," I muttered to myself. "This is going to be impossible."          "Hey," a shadow blocked the sunlight and I looked up at the owner of the deepest voice I'd ever heard. "Do you need some help with that?"          It was the cute guy playing football with...what was his name again? Chris? The one with the spiky hair and black shirt. Now with him so close up I could see his eyes were an interesting shade of greenish blue and they stood out against his tanned face.         "Yes, please," I replied gratefully and stood up. He was only a few inches taller than me, and absolutely gorgeous. He hefted the tote into his arms.         "Where am I taking this?" Mr. Handsome asked.         "Third floor of that dorm, 323 is the room number."         "Okay," he said and started walking towards the dorms. I expected him to drop the tote where we stood when he heard he had to go up three flights of stairs, but he didn't. I followed him, and we carried it up the stairs together. When we reached my room, I squeezed by him to unlock the door.         "You can put the tote in front of that bed, I guess. Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate you!" I said with a smile.        "That cant be all you have."        "No, I have much more in my car. But this was the heaviest. I can handle it."        "Let me help you. It will go much faster," Mr. Handsome kindly offered.        "Well...okay. I feel bad though. You don't have to do this. Shouldn't you be moving your own things in?"         "I'm a senior. I moved in yesterday. Plus, I threw the ball that almost nailed you in the face. So I figured I owed you one."        I laughed. "You have a shitty arm!"       "Good thing I'm a Fine Arts major," he replied dryly. I grinned and stuck my hand out.       "I'm Veronica."       "I'm Rami. I'm so sorry I almost knocked you out with my shitty arm."        "No worries. I guess we should get the rest of my stuff?"        "Let's do this," Rami replied and headed out to the stairs. —        Several hours later, I was unpacked, settled in and sitting on my bed, laptop open and reviewing my class schedule. A soft knock on my door snapped me back to reality. I climbed off my raised bed and opened the door to find Rami standing against the wall.          "Hey you," I said with a smile. "What's up?"          "Just wanted to see how you were doing. You had a crap ton of stuff to move in."           I laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty much all settled. Want to come in?" I stepped aside to allow him in.           "Looks good in here," Rami looked around. "You work fast. My room is still a shithole!"           I had strung up twinkle lights on the wall high above my side of the room. Posters of my favorite bands crossed my wall and I set framed photos of me and my parents, me and my brothers and me and my grandma. Rami slowly walked around my side of the room, taking in everything with his intense eyes.           "Is this your family?" He asked, gently touching one of my frames. "How come they weren't here to help you move in?"          I wasn't one to share my sob story the first time I meet someone, but he had to ask.         "Well, my brothers are still in high school. They're sophomores."         "Twins?"          "Yup. And my parents- they died when I was 14." I looked away. I was in the accident as well, I'd survived. They didn't. As much as I knew it wasn't my fault, I lived with guilt every day. Rami touched my elbow.          "I'm so sorry for prying. I didn't know."          "It's ok. I just don't talk about it much."           "I have a twin brother, and an older sister. Are these guys complete hell-raisers like my brother and I were?" Rami swiftly changed the subject. I smiled, thinking of those two idiots at home, missing them and their incessant teasing. I also did not miss the fact that there were two guys out there that looked like Rami. It seemed a bit unfair to the rest of the men in the world.             "They like to switch on people for sure, but they're actually really good guys. My grandma did an incredible job with us."             "This her?" He pointed at my favorite picture I had of her. It was from the early 1940s and she was about 19 years old. She had on an adorable knee length dress, cinched at the waist in the style of those days and sassy heels.            I nodded, already missing her terribly. But she was the one who understood my need to leave and be on my own. She'd encouraged me to come to a school 3 hours away, because she knew how desperate I was so start my own life.            "She's beautiful. You look just like her."            I blushed at the compliment and Rami looked at me with a lopsided shy smile. My stomach decided that was the opportune time to let everyone know it was dinner time. Rami laughed and I covered my stomach.             "I was going to ask if you wanted to get dinner with me and my roommate tonight, but If you're not hungry," he teased.           "I was supposed to eat with my roommate, but she got called into an RA meeting. I was going to head down there alone," I shrugged.            "There's no reason for you to be alone on your first night here. Come with us. I promise no flying sports equipment will be involved."
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 8, 2021: The English Patient (Part 2)
Before I get started up again, just another note here about the movies of this month: infidelity.
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Can we, like...stop? Why do so many of these movies revolve around at least one party cheating on their partner? It’s a trend I genuinely hate, and I feel like somebody has taken some wrong messages from films like this. Namely, that it’s OK to cheat on your partner if TRUE LOVE is involved! Probably broken up a hell of a lot of relationships, honestly.
OK, rant over. On with the show!
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The affair continues in earnest, as the war escalates. On the eve of Geoffrey and Katherine’s wedding anniversary, he’s planning on surprising her. It’s revealed that he works with David Caravaggio, AKA Moose, a spy for British Intelligence. However, this doesn’t end well for David, as he’s soon captured by German forces.
See, they’ve received intel about his spy work from an unknown source, whom David fully believes is Almásy. And as he’s tortured for names...the German interrogator cuts off his thumbs. And it’s...fuck me, man, it’s rough as HELL. I’m gonna post the video, but be warned: it’s a tense and intense moment
In the present, Caravaggio reveals that he’s killed both the man who cut off his thumbs, and the man who took pictures that incriminated him. But there’s one more man: the one who showed the Germans how to get into Cairo in the first place. He believes that that traitor is Almásy, a cartographer.
Back in the past, Almásy and Madox talk about the war, and it’s revealed that their expedition may soon be forced to come to an end as a result. Katherine also feels the same about their affair, and the two decide to end it for the sake of Katherine’s marriage. Not that Almásy is happy about that, mind you.
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After making a fool of himself at a dinner with the entire expedition, he also basically assaults Katherine, and I DO NOT LIKE IT, DEAR LORD. Yeah, he’s hurt and he misses her, but he acts like what he would call a cad, and what I would call a dick. Jeez.
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In the modern day (so to speak), Hana and Kip are starting their own flirting and romance at the monastery. And based on how things tend to go for Hana and everybody she loves...yeah, damn, I’m not optimistic for Kip’s chances. Still, I’m happy for them at the moment, no matter how this ends. Seriously, they’re cute, and I like it.
But, uh, the next morning, there’s a bomb that Kip needs to defuse. After spending the night together, Hana asks him not to go, as she’s understandably afraid that he won’t come back. I am, too, as they’ve found a BIG-ASS bomb nearby. And in the process of disarming it, the bomb becomes armed.
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 At the same time, a bunch of American tanks start parading through the town, vibrating everything, including the bomb. After dropping his tools, and not knowing if the bomb can be disarmed...he successfully disarms the bomb. And in the process, it’s revealed that Germany has officially surrendered, hence the celebration.
But the celebration is cut short when Kip’s friend Hardy is killed by a booby-trapped statue (yeah, really), and he descends into a deep melancholia. As Hana is waiting, she overhears Caravaggio’s conversation with Almásy, where  Almásy finally confirms that he wasn’t a spy. So...who was? Well, I have a hunch.
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Madox apparently killed himself after finding out that Almásy was a spy, which he claims not to have been. But the Cliftons also apparently were killed, and Caravaggio blames Almásy for that. However, we soon see exactly what happened.
Remember that surprise Geoffrey had planned? Well, surprise, it’s an attempted murder-suicide!
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I think the spy was Geoffrey. Makes sense, honestly. He knew about the affair, and planned to kill himself, Katherine, and Almásy in one shot. As for why I think he’s the spy, well, the spy needed to know their way through the desert, and needed to be a cartographer. Geoffrey fits that just as well as Almásy does, and he’s been away doing God knows what throughout the film.
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Anyway, Geoffrey dies in the crash, and both Katherine and Almásy survive. Katherine’s pretty badly hurt, but Almásy gets her out, and to safety. On the walk to safety, she reveals that she’s always loved him, and never stopped doing so. Which is good that she told him. Because Almásy leaves her at the Cave of Swimmers to get some help from the nearest town...and I’m pretty sure she won’t be alive when he gets back.
Almásy makes it to the town of El-Tag, after walking for three days. But upon revealing his non-English last name, he’s immediately under suspicion as a German spy or some such, and they refuse to help him get back to her. They instead knock him out and arrest him. They literally put this dude on a TRAIN, and he ESCAPES AND JUMPS OFF OF IT to save her. Goddamn.
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Eventually, he gets back with the help of the Germans, but does so by...giving them the maps through the desert.
Oh. Fuck. So Caravaggio’s fate actually WAS his fault. Even then, though, he decides that he can’t kill Almásy for something that was entirely not his fault. Meanwhile, Kip’s leaving, having been redeployed to a new location. He speaks on his feelings for his fallen friend, as well as his feelings for Hana. The two lovebirds agree to meet again, and I’m rooting for them.
And speaking of feelings...Almásy does make his way back to Katherine, using Madox’s plane to get to the Cave. But unfortunately...he’s far too late. Katherine’s passed away since he’s been gone. Goddamn.
And as Almásy remembers, he also confesses to Hana that he wishes to die. He asks her to overdose him with morphine. Oh, and by the way, sorry if I haven’t been super funny for a bit, but...fuckin’ WHOOF, this film is heavy as shit. It’s not getting better on that front, because Hana agrees to do it. As he remembers Katherine’s death one last time...Hana reads him to sleep with Katherine’s final letter. She and Caravaggio leave the monastery, with Almásy‘s book in Hana’s arms now.
Hana’s face
And, uh...that’s the English Patient. Jesus. Just...wow. See you in the Review, I gotta take a break.
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Anon #1 asked: Wait! You are taking requests!!! Can I please get 46 and 51 with Ez please! I can imagine them at a party or something and he pulls her up with a cute af grin, being all cuddly and sweet!!!
Anon #2 asked: Ezzzzzz with 87 and maybe he whimpers “fuck...” when you do it 👀👀
Anon #3 asked: I’m so sorry, this is the last I swear. 72 and 67 from the prompt list with the youngest Reyes tysm ily!!!!
Anon #4 asked: FUCK, the thought of Ezekiel Reyes telling me I’m a good girl 🥵🥵 I’m wet . I have the biggest praise kink, pls baby, tell me I’m doing so well ! Do you think you could do a little sum for me please 🥵🥺🥺🥺
46. “I wanna dance with you”
51. “You kill me every time you smile”.
72. “Club doesn’t go first”.
67. “You and me, forever”.
87. “Put on my kutte”.
Word count: 2.3k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford ✨
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @xxrouxx
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“EZ it's okay, don' worry. I understand it”.
“I'm truly sorry, (Y/N). I swear to God”.
“Ezekiel. It's okay. Club goes first”.
“I promise we'll celebrate your birthday as soon as I'm back. I promise. I swear”.
“Hey, boy scout! We're leaving! Stop bitchin'”.
“Yeah! Give me a second!” He replies. “I have to leave you… I'm sorry”.
“Go, EZ. Call me when you're back”.
“I will”.
You can't lie. You're a little upset because he's not going to be in your birthday for first time in seven years. You met him at the jail in Stockton, when you were finishing your studies, working as an auxiliary nurse. You're best friends since then, and it's an special occasion. But at least, you have your other friends to celebrate with.
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When they cover your eyes, inside the car, with a bandanna you know it's going to be a crazy night. You don't know anything about your birthday party, and you don't want to think about what they have been able to prepare. You just wait in silence to the car to stop. And when it does and Monique helps you to go out of it, you hear some murmurs claiming for silence. She guides you with both hands on your shoulders, until you're in the middle of the dark.
“Ok, wait! Don't take it off yet!” She says, listening how her steps go away from you. “Ok! NOW!”
You break in laugh, pulling down the bandanna, until you notice where you are.
The whole crew is in the front yard of the clubhouse, reunited with your friends from work and your housemates. Your eyes are filling with tears, watching EZ running towards you to lift you up on his arms. You hug him tightly, wrapping his waist with your legs.
“Fuck, you're so dumb! I thought you weren't gonna believe me”.
He's laughing, infecting you, while he covers your face with a lot of kisses all around.
“Happy birthday, enfermera”.
“You fucking idiot!” You say pouting and hitting one of his shoulders, when your feet are back on the ground.
“Eh! Don' need to be this aggressive, just because it's your birthday!”
“I hate you…”
“Hey, club doesn't go first”. He whispers right in your ear, holding you tightly. “Do you remember what I said once, ah?”
“You and me, forever”.
“That's right. And now… let's enjoy the night”.
So you do. There are a lot of meat that Felipe brought, latin music flooding the crowded yard, beers going from one side to another, your friends dancing with the Mayans. Bishop has ask you for a dance. That man is like your father since you put a foot in his club, and he's pretty good with salsa. But when the song changes to another more sensual, the president pushes you into EZ. He's sitting next to Angel and Gilly, watching you the whole time with that charming smile he's always wearing when you're together.
Your hips moving to the beat, letting yourself go without worries, with sensual and delicate moves. You know how much the skirt of your dress is provoking him, because of the obvious romantic and sexual tension between both since ever, always keeping a secure distance to not fuck up your friendship. But you have had more tequila than you can afford. He reclines on the chair, enjoying the show, while his brothers speak oblivious to the situation. Licking his lips, EZ chuckles supporting the beer over a thigh rubbing his chin while you come closer.
“I want you to dance with me”. You say offering a hand that he doesn't doubt to grab.
Leaving away his drink, EZ lets you guide him to the middle of the makeshift dance floor. His chest stuck on your back, moving your waist to the rhythm of the song, and your arms raised up, back to his nape. His breathing colliding against your neck, following every move so close you can hear his heartbeat. His scent filling your lungs, his lips caressing your skin. You don't even know which song is playing, because dancing with him is in the only thing you're focusing on.
Closing your eyes, you feel his hands going down slowly by your sides to reach the folds of the skirt, raising it some inches, dragging gently his fingers above your skin bristling it.
“Fuck… Stop playing with ma' mind”. He begs you leaving a soft kiss on your neck.
You just laugh tangling your hands with his, turning to face him, too close of his lips. Almost touching them.
“I hate you”. He mutters placing his hands on your lower back, smirking so naturally that makes your legs tremble a little.
“You kill me every time you smile”.
“Really…? Then, erase it from my face”. He challenges you with a too sensual hoarsely tone.
You kiss him. No doubts doing it. His lips tastes so good, that almost dizzy you. You can feel the same necessity he has to happen, as you have. Many years enduring it. And it's finally happening. Your fingers caressing the back of his head slowly, contrary to how your mouth works against his. Your tongue finding the other so desperate you don't mind the shortness of air. You know that everybody is looking at you sideways, not wanting to interrupt the moment, and you don't even care.
“Fuck… now I have two birthday presents to give you”. EZ chuckles, touching his nose with yours in a dearly gesture.
“And what are you waitin' for, Ezekiel?”
The Mayan twists his head, biting his tongue with a naughty smile drawn on his lips. He has that look on his face he could use after killing someone and before adopting a puppy from the dog kennel. Now it also means he's going to show you how much he desires you. Holding your hand, he guides you to the clubhouse, under some claps and whistles from the guys. Of course they felt the tension, since ever, and they also are like five years old. Bad combination. They stop making noise when you cross the hall, right to the dorms.
You know pretty well that room. It isn't the first time you sleep there, after a long day at the hospital, a nap on a day off… Always with EZ. He closes the door when you two are already inside, pushing you with his body to the bed and his hands cupping your face in. He's on top of you, one of his legs among yours, on of yours between his rubbing the erection under his jeans. His tongue fighting yours desperate, while his calloused hands go below the white dress, dragging them on your thighs making you moan low. His fingers reach the waistband of your panties stretching it slightly, biting his lips with your attentive orbs over his.
“Joder, joder, joder…” He curses in spanish. “Fuck… stop me… Please, stop me”.
Yes, you think that could break your friendship, but it's the fear talking. Not reality.
“EZ, I want you. Since ever”. You sentence, leaning up to catch out his breath by kissing him, too hungry for his lips.
He doesn't need anything else to put down your panties, until finding the floor. His right hand ventures among your thighs and the heat that emanates from there, growling in your neck when he reaches your center.
“Shit, baby…” He sighs sliding a finger inside you, making you gasp low right on his ear. “Should be illegal be this wet…”
“And it's your fault”. You quickly highlight, biting his lobe.
EZ wants to enjoy it, to make it slowly for you. But he has wait for too long. Digging his finger among your folds, rough and deep, he rubs his hardness against your knee anxious for feeling some friction. And you're not going to keep containing yourself, using your natural tone of voice to moan, not caring a fuck if the crew and your friends hear you. You want to show him how bad you need him. A second finger gets curled inside you, exploring your wetness masterfully, while his mouth devours yours with the taste of tequila driving you crazy.
But he needs more. So you do.
Much to your regret, after some seconds, he pulls them away to take off your dress above your head, showing him your bare breasts. Ezekiel is fascinated, having you naked when he's fully dressed, under his mercy and his desires.
“You're so fuckin' beautiful, baby”. He growls before catching one of your nipples with his teeth, stretching it up some inches before sucking it gently.
You're squirming below his caresses, spreading your legs to accommodate him between them. Now you can feel how hard he is, thrusting you with the fabric of his jeans rubbing your clit so delicious you could cum like that. Your hands takes off the kutte leaving it by a side of the mattress, taking the advantage of doing the same with his shirt. Ezekiel is so hot, you can't deny that fact, starting to lose control. His long fingers undone his belt and his jeans, undressing himself as fast as you need it.
“Put on my kutte, baby. I wanna see you wearing it and riding me”. He whispers against your lips, biting them dearly, watching him sideways jerking himself off.
You don't say anything sitting up on the bed to do it. And you have to recognize that looks good on you. Eze rest his back against the wall, after throwing away the pillow to get comfortable, looking you while he continues stroking his cock. You can see the veins in his arms marking the toasted skin, licking your lips, being one of your weak points in life. His hands and his arms. Crawling on top of his lap, he plays with his glans among your folds, showing you the smile that makes you feel more wet.
“Fuck, baby… Look at you”. He soughs, while the tip of your tongue tours up his chin and mouth. “Take it all, my Mayan. It's all yours”.
That sounds so good, drowning your legs down, digging his dick inside you.
“Shit, Ezekiel! You're so big…”
“Do you like it, ah?”
“Yes… baby. Yes…”
“Ride that big cock, cariño. C'mon… Ride me”. He begs you, kissing your neck with short ones licking your skin.
Your hips start to bounce his hardness, discovering you can go deeper as much as you spread your legs. His hands nailed on your waist with both thumbs pressing your abdomen, keeping your eyes with his and parted lips. His erection hits your soul every time you jump by a frenetic and constant dance of pleasure, feeling his teeth biting your collarbone and his tongue drawing some bruises above it.
“Shit… just like that, mi vida… justamente así. Such a good girl...”
Ez's voice lost in what you make him feel is everything for you, claiming for more, begging for your warm pussy welcoming him delighted. He creates a road of bites, starting under your chin, sucking it slowly until he reaches your mouth. His tongue explores it finding yours in a filthy and dirty kiss, slapping your ass without expecting, thrice with part of his strength. Arching your anatomy and leaning your head back softly you let your heavy moans flood the dorm, before he turns you over the bed. With Ezekiel on top of you, he grabs your thighs to open your legs as much as you can handle it.
“You wan'me deeper, cariño?”
“And faster… Fuckin' kill me, Ez”.
“Can you keep your legs opened for me, baby girl, ah?”
“Yeah… I promise, daddy”. You nod, getting desperate because he's moving his body to slow.
One of his big callous hands grabs tightly your throat, surrounding your back with the free one. And he does it. He goes deeper. Deliciously deep, with his abdomen hitting your wetted folds once and again, harder than the last. You're almost out of air crying out his name and some spanish curses every time he pounds you, maintaining your gaze burning in lust and pleasure. He wants to kiss you more than anything in the world, but he also wants to see your face and all the gestures your draw in it unconsciously, because of his cock thrusting your g-spot.
Biting his lower lip, Ez nails his knees on the mattress without pulling his dick out of you, but raising your trembling legs to his shoulders before lie down on top of you again. This position is new for you, but after the first push you know it's going to be one of your favorites.
“Wan'me to make you cum, mi amor?”
“Please, daddy, please…”
He chuckles giving you a smooth kiss, tangling your hands on his forearms. The rhythm becomes speedy and intensive, feeling the tickles in your low belly as you start to cry out rolling your eyes in white, when the orgasm wraps your body under his grip. He keeps going with every pound, seeing how red is part of his chest and neck because of the effort, starting to growl when he finds your lips again in a needy kiss begging you to hold for him just a few more seconds. You could wait for EZ all your life.
“Can I… cum inside you?” He asks you as well as he can, somewhat exhausted, close to the edge.
“Fuck… to bring another Reyes?”
He can't help but break into laughs, stopping his moves, as you do. The laughters floods the room for a second, imagining how bad could be for the world, but how good could be for you two. Of course, you've never talked about it. But, having a family together? You're in. And Ez is totally in too.
“Let's set the world on fire, mi vida”. He chuckles, lowering your legs to his waist to pound you again.
His body digging into your legs with somekind of fury, pinching your ass in the meantime of his cock punches your pussy without nonstop. He was so close, he can't even expect his warm jizz completely filling you with a hoarse and throaty moan, drilling your ears.
“Shit, baby…”
He falls deadbeat on your chest, whilst your fingers caressing the back of his neck, getting a little wet because of the sweat your bodies are wrapped in. Slowly pulling himself out, inside of your legs, he kisses a little tired your lips.
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There's no hall of shame when you come back to the crowded yard, after having a short shower together, sitting on EZ's chair by you on his lap. Angel brings you a beer with pursed lips in a smile, not needing to use any words to make you know how proud he feels of you finally being his sister-in-law. He cheers your drink with his, before sitting again on his own chair. Resting your left temple on Ezekiel's shoulder, you have a sip of yours getting comfy against his body. His hand touring your thighs gently, joining the talk between his friends like if nothing happened seconds ago, taking pleasure of having you so, so close.
And you can't help, seeing him smile, but grabbing his chin with two fingers to lean him down so you can kiss him again. You feel like an addict, and by the way he has to drag his hand on your skin, he is too.
“I'm… assuming you wanna be my girl”. He mutters caressing your nose with the tip of his.
“Well, I need a Reyes to handle with a baby one”.
He chuckles shaking his head and closing both eyes for a while.
“Would you… really like it? The idea of having a baby with an ex-con, part of a motorbike cl—?”
“The idea of having a family with my intelligent, handsome, and super interesting bestfriend? Yes, Ezekiel. I would love it”.
“You forgot to say ‘best chef in the world’”.
“And best lover”.
“My ego es happy right now”.
“Good, that's one of my missions”.
“Te amo”. He whispers, hearing a loud ‘aw’ coming from Bishop, Tranq and Taza. The oldest with the most childish minds of all.
You laugh loud curling your legs above your boyfriend, hugging you tightly and filling your face with kisses.
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