#. REFLECTIONS . ( musings )
johannestevans · 10 months
gonna have to update my will soon and i am absolutely gonna make everyone else do their first wills at the same time i update mine and it's so funny how everyone is just like "ugh but it's so much effoooooort" and it's like. yeah but it's Important and you'll prefer it Done rather than Not Done if worst comes to worst
if you're estranged from your family of origin like?? u don't want them having custody of your remains and misgendering you in your obituaries or whatever, or putting you through religious ceremonies that you reject
you don't want them keeping your death secret or shutting out your actual family and loved ones from your death and the grieving process just bc you didn't write up a piece of paper
and that's not even thinking about the division of your assets? stuff like savings or bonds etc if you have them, other assets if you have them - your home if you own it, your car or bike, your big pieces of tech, your collections
if you're an artist or another independent creator, who gets to receive the profits in your death, who gets to control your body of work, who inherits creative control of your work or your name? do you want your unpublished work to be finished by someone else and put out there?
and that's not even considering like. an advance directive / living will, which for many of us with chronic illnesses (esp considering long covid) are important to keep in mind, to make sure you're given appropriate care if you are rendered unable to control your own circumstances, or if you don't want to be kept on certain forms of life support, or if your family follow a religious doctrine you don't that would lead to you being denied certain medical care, etc
like i know it's easy to sort of go all-edge and be like, oh well, i don't care what happens when i die, i'm cool, etc, but like. if you have people you love and care about? if they depend on you?
and even if it's like "Oh, fuck the state, it's terrible, i shouldn't have to play by their rules" ok well if you don't have living relatives and you don't make a will then the state gets control of your assets, and wouldn't you prefer to give it to a charity or an organisation you love and trust?
like if you die in the UK and your assets can't go anywhere they go to the fucking Crown. would you rather king jackass and his line of inbred imperialists get your assets, or a trans charity? exactly.
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neverbesokind · 24 days
Oh my god it's The Alchemy day I have SO many thoughts about this song so I'm gonna try and condense them.
First of all, the song starts and ends with "This happens once every few lifetimes," which is a statement filled to the BRIM with irony, in my view. The entire album up to this point has been concerned with two romances, both of which Taylor states she felt were destined and fated and "storybook" in their own ways. The entirety of TTPD is exploring how these fated, destined, storybook romances could actually crumble, and with it, her faith and belief in the existence of fate and destiny and storybook love.
But THEN... almost at the end of the standard run of the album, Taylor states that she's getting back from recovering from this tragedy - "I'm back / The hospital was a drag / Worst sleep that I ever had". She gets back from the messy process of healing from the events described on the album, and despite everything finds herself falling in love again.
This is why the title is significant, too. Alchemy is the pseudoscience of making a material into something more valuable. And this reflects the emotional process of Taylor falling in love again - she felt like the past two tragedies took the shine off of everything, killed her belief that love could ever work. But then, despite everything, she falls in love again and the normal, even tragic world she lived in before is transformed into something golden.
And then the first line repeats again, to reflect the cyclical nature of what she has experienced. Obviously, "this" doesn't happen once every few lifetimes, it's happened twice before on the album and is happening again in this song. She's falling in love, she's finding something beautiful and fated, and she can't help but find it gorgeous and meaningful, even if she's been shown again and again that she might be proven wrong in the end. And it feels so special that even if it's obvious that it isn't a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it feels that rare and that precious.
In this song, love is the alchemy, the process of turning normalcy into meaning and beauty, and she can't help it.
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
Kyoko and Junko are two sides of the same coin, in terms of their Ultimate abilities.
Junko is the Ultimate Analyst, which lets her analyze and learn Talents, sure, but most importantly lets her predict what's going to happen in the future based on the data she has. Trends, people, interactions, relationships - all of that is something she can mentally and easily comb through to accurately guess at what will happen in the next step, two steps, three steps.
Junko's Talent lets her predict the future. Accurately.
Kyoko is the Ultimate Detective, which lets her analyze the past and figure out what happened to get people where they are now. She can look at people and determine their current everything and accurately determine how that grew out of their past everything. She observes to find motives to explain a current murder by gathering details that show what previously happened.
Kyoko's Talent lets her retrace the past. Accurately.
Between the two of them, they can see everything.
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uraharashouten · 5 months
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It's 2024, and the ponytail is real.
It's been nearly two decades since the end of main canon, and nearly one since No Breaths from Hell. If Kubo won't give my boy a glow-up, so help me, I will.
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cubitodragon-moved · 7 months
In retrospect, Etoiles calling BadBoyHalo out was almost prescient.
He accused him of only fighting battles he could win and not engaging in combat and running away if there was any chance at loss, especially if the odds were against him.
Last night, with the egg in their care left at 10% health and morale badly sunk, Bad gave up alongside the only two teammates who were still present (Niki, under armed and confused, and Tina, who arrived late). They did not rally for the egg, only making minor efforts to shore up the location before throwing in the towel completely.
They could not win, so they chose not to play any more. They gave up. And the Blue egg was taken away.
Not a good look for the self-proclaimed protector of all of the eggs. I’m curious to see if that choice comes back to haunt BBH later.
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breelynnxoxoxo · 3 months
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oathofpromises · 11 months
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I was looking up at the moon, searching for something
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ride-a-dromedary · 3 months
I know Halsin in canon says that toy bears are "not the most dignified depiction" of the animal, but that isn't going to stop me from thinking that he had a cloth bear as a kiddo even a little bit.
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creatingnikki · 4 months
I am someone who exclaims, 'it's quite chilly today, isn't it?' as I take another sip of my iced coffee. I am also someone who would rather press the glass of iced coffee against my eyes (or the warm mug of jasmine tea) to provide some relief instead of just use the eyedrops the doctor prescribed (and which sit in my drawer of unorganized medication).
I am someone who wants to talk about the film I just watched and the book I just read to the person who recommended it to me. But I won't text them because they are my friend's boyfriend and I am so very careful of boundaries when it comes to other people's. I am someone who is learning how to be that way about my boundaries too.
I am someone whose helix piercing doesn't seem to heal no matter how many months or years go by and someone who has not yet decided on a tattoo though she decided she wanted one a decade ago. I am someone who will let you cry and talk even if we are not close because my awkwardness is not important in front of another person's grief, pain, or sadness and I am someone who will make that allowance for others even if they won't make it for me.
I am someone who will buy you sunflowers and also someone who will buy myself sunflowers because my mother taught me to be a giver but also to satisfy my own desires and not wait around for others. I am someone who wonders why she is writing this and also increasingly using third person to talk about herself but will let herself do it because writing is the one aspect of her life where she does not restrict herself.
I am someone who wonders if there is a person, a guy, out there who will love such a person? I am someone who wonders if there is a person, a guy, out there that I will love? What kind of guy will he be, what kind of guy will he have to be? I have been told I have high expectations and I struggled with it as a teenager and in my early 20s and still some times now I struggle. But I accept it now — I am someone who has high expectations. And it is not a judgement. And it is not a warning. It's a fact. And like most other facts, it doesn't have to be changed, only understood and worked with.
I am someone who will "maintain" me and find others who would love to do so too. Now, too, I have some of those in my life. And so, am I not someone who is lucky? Am I not someone who is loved? Am I not someone who is understood? And am I not someone to whom being understood is a prerequisite for being loved? And yet am I not someone who understands that's not the nature of most love? And am I not someone who is accepting of that as I am of many things? So, then, isn't it okay when I am not accepting of a few things? Am I not allowed to be someone who is not agreeable? Of course I am.
Because whoever it is I am, however it is I am, I am human too. Flawed, fickle, faceted.
And if I am someone who understands that about humans, am I not someone who is also forgiving?
I am. I am. I am.
The coffee is over and so is this funk.
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azukilynn · 2 months
no need
the church of long shadows
of trees upon trees
no need to fall to one's knees
here, no need
the muse is a crow
perched near me, in the pines
not a warning at all
but a blessing
all mine
no god but my own breath
as wide as the sky
my footfalls
my heartbeat
the light in my eyes
azuki lynn
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your-rose-highness · 3 months
On Warmth
A little exploration into the world of instant gratification, and you will find something rather striking.
The living in 'extremes'.
The world today thinks in binaries (unfortunately). It's either absolute ignorance or undiluted visionaries of the last stage. It's either too hot or too cold, am I right?
We live in between these polarities. Care to explore the route in between? Stop and watch the sunset, Sniff the fresh summer's morning, stand a while to pet the cat on the sidewalk, lift the hunched shoulders and watch those two strangers dramatically talk to each other.
Oh, to be able to smile at your neighbours and nod a hello, to share lunchboxes at recess with your pals, to bite into a ripe apple and hear the luxurious crunch.
No, I prefer to notice the carefully picked scent on your clothes and the appreciation in your voice in conversations.
I prefer to note the warmth of your palms in mine. The tiny knocks on my desk that remind me to drink water, all the gestures of warmth. And, no, it's not sparks flying, it's not hot, there's no 'heat'.
But the warmth, we so easily dismiss is read between the polarities and speaks in gigantic waves.
Find warmth, my dears. It is quite misplaced and ignored. No amount of ignorance and sparks can replace it. Rest assured, warmth cannot be spoken. It can only be felt.
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poniadeaur · 3 months
A cringe poem I wrote years back....
Don't try to invade my personal space, Don't touch my body nor my face No, not because of your gender and race Neither because I' having bad days
It is for everyone, you're not the special case Whether in public or in the workplace Remember this basic rule always "MAINTAIN AN ADEQUATE DISTANCE"
Not that I want to treat you like dirt, I strongly mean these words, not a blurt On my thighs and under my shirt Certain touches cause great discomfort.
Trust me, it has nothing to do with the mood Only that, touching someone without consent is really lewd. Humble request, not to sound rude Just try to act a little more prude
For long, in our society it brewed A judgment rough and crude, That the victim was supposed to be reviewed But now that our senses have been renewed
All those cool dudes are really screwed Because now legal measure will be pursued You'll be surely sued And judges will be the final ones to conclude
For sexual harassment Or touching without consent  So you better act a little descent Or jail will be your next segment
And all friends who've been through this,
Whatever you tolerated, whatever you underwent, Play, push, pull or another torment You need to suppress their dissent  And put forward your argument
Ask for help better not too late Courage is all you need to generate Be patient, be sedate And at last, everything will be in a better state
Justice is not served in silver plate No need to hesitate And for sure, this movement, once you initiate A lot will be able to relate
Your words should debate, activate and agitate Your actions should illustrate, educate and generate Don't dominate, irritate or isolate And finally, it should cultivate and recreate  Our new and safe world
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tanaka-drew · 4 months
do you think percy has wished for so many times that his father would protect him from bullies? come to his and sally's rescue when gabe would abuse them? do you think percy felt let down and resigned because he thought no one would protect him like before when zeus was about to strike him down? i wonder what percy felt when poseidon came in between him and zeus like a sweeping wave? so many thoughts
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mashriqiyyah · 11 months
Listen up, if you're in pain. Or any situation that makes you feel stuck and you find yourself making Dua for relief desperately...this is for you.
I know, it hurts like hell, you cannot even form words sometimes and all you want is one moment of peace and contentment to enter your heart on what has happened with you. You're making sincere Dua too, I know...but the aching doesn't seem to stop, so you're wondering if your Dua is not sincere enough, what is it that's blocking your way of peace. So remember this, when you ask Allah for contentment in your heart, for healing, don't just sit there and wait for stars to fall in your lap. Allah has repeatedly Told in the Quran, that hearts find rest and peace in the Dhikr of Allah. Yes, you talk to Him, but the biggest physical form of His Dhikr is over there, lying in your shelf. The Quran. His Speech. Glory be to Him. Get up, and open your Mushaf, try reciting with all your heart, go look for the meaning of what you recited, then read it's Tafseer. And then thank Him because He alllowed you to learn something from His Book. Seek His forgiveness for your heedless behaviour towards His Book. Keep doing this as you ask Him to heal you, because in the Quran there is AshShifaa. Cure. The remedy to your bleeding heart, it's there in the Quran. So, seek it.
If you're asking for Eimaan, Taqwa or Tawakkul...do what pleases Him. Leave off desires for His sake. He will grant barakah in your goodness. Don't just ask Him, also show some efforts. Show Him you're trying.
This dunya is a test, you cannot sit in the test and think about answers in the mind...you'll have to lift up the pen and write them down. Mere asking to Allah and not working your part is like waiting for crops without sowing seeds, tending to plants and harvesting. Always remember, the world works by Allah's command, and Allah loves those who are people of cause and action. A Believer doesn't sit idle, he/she gives their 100% at whatever is in their might. In Sha Allah.
So, remember. Dua. Work. And Wait. With Sabr. :)
Zeenat Nazeer 🕊
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relicsongmel · 5 months
Sister Iris Fey Hawthorne of Hazakura Temple is so so autistic no I do not take constructive criticism
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