textsfromcybertron · 6 months
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(479): No. It’s going to be “I’m mad that it took you so long to get over here” angry sex.
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mothaday · 5 months
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featheredstudies · 1 year
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2023.05.08 // 14:25  so many things feel better when it’s green outside again. and cold brew season helps too haha
pics: prospect park, brooklyn, n.y.
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Today’s KAITO module of the day is:
Goodbye, Summer by Akiyoshi!
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grimdominance · 3 months
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Here are two of my Pokemon ocs :] feel free to draw them
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akutagawa-daily · 9 months
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Akutagawa daily 479/★
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kaesileigh · 11 months
479 Tri-type description
479s typically tone down their hyper-emotionality and suffering when around others. They don't want to be difficult, and they don't want to be drama queens. They find such a self-image embarrassing, and they are certain the future holds great promise and potential, so aren't they a little pathetic for focusing on their tragedy? They may self-dramatize and bring attention to themselves at times, but it's typically followed by a down-playing of the tragedy and a reframing of the situation- "All in all, it was probably worth it, and not really a big deal, anyway..."
479s view themselves as special, clever, elite, talented, and regrettably, ordinary. Attracted to the new, the known, and the emotionally intense, they can feel a bit of the will-o'-the-wisp, never quite knowing where their fancy will take them- will the day be mundane or exhilarating? Dramatic or comforting?
Intellectually and emotionally curious, yet liking balance, 479s tend not to push things 'too far'. They may play it safe in a lot of ways, getting their stimuli and emotional depth via books, film, music and other artistic media versus through gritty life experience or putting themselves on the line (although they likely swing through levels of mania or hyper-excitability and depression or listlessness). 479s are somewhat risk averse- the four may dive into dangerous waters but the seven wants to keep things pleasurable and light while the nine would really rather take it easy, so the 479 ends up swimming back to shore, reads a good book in a hammock and then falls asleep, all the while wondering when something big will happen in their life, when they will finally reach their full magnitude.
The 479s' tendency to take the easier road can quite likely lead to a regretful place where they find themselves mired with difficult questions: "Why do I fall so easily? When will I get my drive, determination and self-discipline? What will it take for me to stay committed to one thing, no matter how difficult it is? When is my life going to be how I expected it to be?" These questions (and the failings they acknowledge) may lead to depression and a loss of self-esteem, but that doesn't mean thinking about them and recognizing their flaws is going to get them anywhere. The only way 479s will truly have lives which please them is through sucking it up and getting down to business. This doesn't mean a life of drudgery, but rather acknowledging what matters to them and making it manifest- honestly expressing their emotional range vs sugar-coating it; recognizing that potential doesn't equate ability and experience (and then making a point of acquiring that experience and ability); and not getting tired and apathetic when life throws challenges their way.
With accomplishments and self-fulfillment, 479s can't help but recognize that they possess great worth. They are innovative and creative in an inspired and life-affirming way. They see beauty in all things and beings and recognize the necessity of both pleasure and pain. They are wholly aware that they are entirely unique yet simultaneously connected to every living being, and they are joyful to be living their life, with all its messiness, struggles, and simple pleasures.
Core Fours will have a harder edge and go deeper. They will be more emotionally expressive and darker than the 974 or 749.
Core Sevens will be lighter and more energetic. They will be more upbeat, fun, and enthusiastic/excitable than the 974 or 479.
Core Nines will be more gentle and accommodating. They will be more easy-going, relaxed, and have more of a healing presence than the 479 or 749.
Credit: https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/4-7-9-tritype.117159/
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pikabean · 1 year
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479 hes trying to make gold
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every-luffy-smile · 1 year
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textsfromcybertron · 1 month
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(479): I don’t want to go to sleep. I like partying with myself.
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git-it · 10 months
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Based on Rotom/Jolteon Crackle by rosquerade  and Rotom/Shinx Zipper by BlueNoelle
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pokemonfrommemory · 9 days
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Oh shit it’s weaponized :0
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steddieficfind · 8 months
I’m really sorry but all my horny lizard brain remembers from this fic is Steve and Eddie doing body shots off each other while partying with all the other older kids. Understandable if it can’t be found 😂
Request 479! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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cricketpie · 1 year
“We have the same typology!!!!” Cool story bro! [loads gun] there can only be one
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texts-from-last-ninth · 9 months
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[Palamedes Font: (479): I mean that was the nicest way to be dumped by some one I wasn't dating.]
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enfp7w6-jatniel · 1 year
your moodboards are rlly cool !! could you make one of my typology please? ENFP EN(F) 4w3 so/sp 479 EIE SLUAI sanguine-melancholic | thank u <3
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ENFP 4w3 So/Sp 479 EIE SLUAI Sanguine-Melancholic (F)
Ask for: @machinebat
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