#Blogging Secrets
your2mentor · 20 days
Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors Than Those That Don't
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In the digital age, content marketing has turned into a key technique for businesses trying to upgrade their online presence. One of the best strategies in this area is writing for a blog.
Research reliably shows that businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those that don't. This measurement highlights the critical effect blogging to a blog can have on driving website traffic and, at last, business development.
In this article, we dig into the purposes of this phenomenon, explore the advantages of contributing to a blog, and give common-sense tips to businesses hoping to use this integral asset.
The Power of Blogging in Digital Marketing
Contributing to a blog is something beyond a stage for sharing contemplations and updates; an essential instrument that can change a business's online presence. Here's the reason writing for a blog is so successful:
  1. Improved Search Engine Visibility
Web search tools love new, applicable content. By routinely distributing blog entries, businesses can further develop their web crawler rankings. Each new blog entry is a valuable chance to incorporate keywords that potential customers could use to track down products or services. After some time, this practice can fundamentally build a website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Keywords: Using targeted keywords in blog entries assists web search tools with figuring out the content and setting of the site. This pertinence supports the website’s possibilities showing up in top list items, subsequently drawing in additional visitors.
  2. Establishing Authority and Trust
Websites permit businesses to show their aptitude and information in their industry. By giving important, well-informed content, businesses can assemble believability and entrust with their audience. Readers are bound to get back to a website where they think about a solid wellspring of data, subsequently expanding traffic and possible transformations.
Content Quality: High-quality content that resolves normal inquiries and issues looked by the target audience positions a business as an idea chief. This authority empowers more visitors and cultivates faithfulness among existing customers.
 3. Enhanced Customer Engagement
Websites offer a stage for businesses to draw in their audience on a more profound level. Through remarks and social media shares, customers can associate with the brand, share their viewpoints, and give criticism. This commitment drives traffic as well as helps construct a local area around the brand.
Interactive Content: Including intuitive components like surveys, tests, and infographics can enhance engagement. At the point when readers interface with content, they are bound to invest more energy in the website and explore different contributions.
The Multi-layered Advantages of Writing for a Blog
Past expanded website traffic, contributing to a blog offers a large number of advantages that can fundamentally upgrade a business' online technique:
1. Lead Generation
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Each blog entry is a potential chance to create leads. By consolidating suggestions to take action (CTAs) inside posts, businesses can direct readers toward making explicit moves, for example, buying into a pamphlet, downloading a whitepaper, or mentioning a discussion. These leads can then be supported through targeted marketing efforts.
CTAs: Powerful CTAs are clear, convincing, and pertinent to the content of the blog entry. They ought to offer some benefit to the reader and urge them to connect further with the business.
 2. Social Media Content
Blogs act as a rich wellspring of content for social media channels. Each post can be reused into various social media refreshes, assisting with keeping a predictable and drawing in presence across platforms. Sharing blog entries via social media likewise drives traffic back to the site.
Social Sharing: Empowering readers to share blog entries on their social media profiles can enhance the reach of the content. Remembering social sharing buttons for blog pages makes it simple for readers to get the news out.
3. Long-Term Results
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One of the remarkable benefits of writing for a blog is its drawn-out influence. Dissimilar to different types of showcasing that require steady speculation, a solitary blog entry can keep on drawing in rush hour gridlock and create leads for quite a long time or even a very long time after it is distributed. This evergreen content offers progressing benefits to the business.
Evergreen Content:  Making content that stays significant over the long run guarantees that blog entries keep on drawing in visitors long after their distribution date. Topics that address principal industry issues or give ageless guidance are especially compelling.
Commonsense Tips for Successful Contributing to a Blog
To  maximize the advantages of contributing to a blog, businesses  ought to follow best practices that improve the quality and reach of their content:
1. Develop a Content Strategy
A very much arranged content procedure is essential for reliable and effective writing for a blog. This system ought to line up with the business' general objectives and ideal target audience inclinations.
Editorial Calendar: Making an article calendar helps in arranging and coordinating blog entries. It guarantees standard distribution and considers opportune content that lines up with showcasing efforts or industry patterns.
 2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity
While incessant blogging to a blog is valuable, quality ought to never be compromised for amount. Excellent content that offers certifiable worth to readers will perform better than various inferior-quality posts.
In-depth Articles: Writing inside and out articles that completely explore points can offer more benefit to readers. These presents are more probable to be shared and connected to, supporting their scope and effect.
3. Optimize for SEO
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Search engine optimization is fundamental for making blog entries discoverable. This includes utilizing significant keywords, enhancing meta descriptions, and guaranteeing the specialized parts of the blog are sound.
On-Page SEO: Including keywords normally inside the content, utilizing headers, and guaranteeing the site is dynamic are urgent parts of on-page Search engine optimization. Furthermore, utilizing inward and outer connections can improve the Website design enhancement worth of blog entries.
4. Promote Your Blog
Making incredible content is just around 50% of the fight; it is similarly vital to advance it. Using social media, email advertising, and businesses with different sites can assist with directing people to blog entries.
Content Circulation: Utilizing numerous channels to disperse content guarantees it contacts a more extensive audience. Working together with influencers or guest blogging to a blog on related destinations can likewise support visibility.
5. Analyze and Adjust
Routinely breaking down the presentation of blog entries helps in understanding what works and what doesn't. Measurements, for example, website visits, time on page, and change rates give important experiences.
Analytics Tools: Utilizing devices like Google Analytics can assist with following the presentation of blog entries. This information can illuminate future content strategies and work on general adequacy.
Case Studies
Looking at case studies of businesses that have effectively contributed to a blog can give significant experiences and motivation to your efforts.
Examples of Successful Blogging
Taking a gander at genuine models assists you with understanding how successful contributing to a blog can be. Gain from the triumphs and methodologies of others in your industry.
Illustrations Learned
Gain from the encounters of different businesses to improve your contribution to a blog methodology. Comprehend what worked for themselves and how you can apply those examples to your efforts.
In outline, businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those that don't. Publishing content to a blog is an incredible asset that can fundamentally increment website traffic and drive business development. By further developing web crawler visibility, laying out power, and improving client commitment, businesses that blog reliably draw in additional visitors.
The complex advantages of writing for a blog, from lead age to long-haul results, make it a key piece of any computerized marketing technique. By following prescribed procedures and zeroing in on quality content, businesses can tackle the maximum capacity of writing for a blog to accomplish their showcasing objectives.
What is the main benefit of blogging for businesses?
The principal advantage of contributing to a blog for businesses is expanded website traffic. Publishing content to a blog further develops web search tool visibility, lays out power, and upgrades client commitment.
How often should a business blog?
The recurrence of blogging to a blog can fluctuate, yet consistency is vital. Numerous effective businesses plan to distribute new posts no less than one time each week.
Can blogging improve my SEO ranking?
Indeed, contributing to a blog can essentially further develop your Search engine optimization positioning by giving new satisfied, coordinating keywords, and expanding your web website’s listed pages.
What type of content should I blog about?
Centre around giving important, useful content that tends to the necessities and interests of your interest group. This can incorporate industry news, how-to guides, and master experiences.
How can I promote my blog?
Promote your blog through social media, email marketing, and businesses with different sites. Guarantee you share your content on different platforms to contact a more extensive audience.
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marketingprofitmedia · 4 months
Learning Affiliate Marketing — Six Figure Blogging Secret Tricks for Creating High-Profit Blogs
To master affiliate marketing and achieve six-figure blogging success, learn the secret tricks of creating high-profit blogs. Key strategies involve optimizing content, leveraging SEO, and engaging audiences effectively.
Affiliate marketing through blogging holds the potential to be a lucrative online business with the right approach — guiding you to a six-figure income. The trick lies in identifying a profitable niche, crafting high-quality content, and establishing a strong online presence.
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>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Entering The Affiliate Marketing Arena
Entering the Affiliate Marketing Arena marks the start of an exciting journey. This path can lead to substantial income through blogging. Success requires understanding the essentials. Let’s unlock these secrets together.
Choosing The Right Niche
A well-chosen niche sets the foundation for a profitable blog. Consider these steps:
Identify your interests and expertise areas. Passion drives content.
Analyze market demand with tools like Google Trends.
Check competition levels. Find a balance, not too high or low.
Ensure monetization potential. Some topics sell better than others.
Understanding Affiliate Programs And Networks
Get to know the platforms that will pay you for promotions. Look at:
Affiliate Program Features Commission RatesAmazon AssociatesWide product range, easy to use1–10%ClickBankHigh commissions, digital productsUp to 75%ShareASaleDiverse merchants, reliable trackingVaries
Before choosing, read the terms of service. Not all programs fit all blogs.
Building Your Affiliate Blogging Platform
To nail affiliate marketing, start with a solid blogging platform. Get ready to learn essential tricks for building a blog that makes money.
Selecting A Domain And Hosting Service
Your domain name is your brand online. Pick a name that sticks. It should be easy, memorable, and relevant. For hosting, choose reliability and speed. Let’s break it down:
Domain Name: It’s your digital address. Keep it short and catchy.
Hosting Provider: They keep your blog online. Look for uptime and support.
Compare providers for the best deal. Think long-term for your blog’s growing traffic.
Blog Design And User Experience
Make your blog a joy to visit. A clean design keeps readers coming back. Focus on these:
Design Element Why It Matters Layout:Helps users find content easily. Navigation: Guide visitors through your site. Mobile-Friendly: Most users are on phones. Adapt to them.
Remember, a beautiful blog must load fast and look great on all devices. Simplify your design. Highlight your content.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Content Creation Strategies
Content Creation Strategies are the backbone of six-figure blogging. Creating blog content that connects with readers and search engines can transform a blog from a hobby into a high-profit business. Let’s explore tried-and-true methods for developing stellar blog posts and tweaking content for SEO to drive organic traffic.
Crafting Engaging Blog Posts
Writing blog posts that capture attention requires strategy and skill. First, understand your audience’s needs and interests. Align topics with these insights for maximum engagement. Here are steps to craft compelling content:
Choose Catchy Titles: Titles are the first hook. Make them intriguing and clear.
Open with Impact: Start posts with an engaging sentence or question.
Use Subheadings: Break text into sections with descriptive subheadings for easier reading.
Add Visuals: Images and videos make content more interactive and shareable.
Storytelling: Share stories to connect with readers on a personal level.
Include Actionable Tips: Offer practical advice that readers can apply right away.
End with a Call-to-Action: Encourage readers to engage further, whether it’s to comment, share, or read another post.
Incorporating Seo For Organic Traffic
SEO is vital for any blog’s success. Focus on the following elements to boost rankings and attract organic traffic:
Keyword Research: Find relevant keywords with tools like Google Keyword Planner.
Optimize Titles and Meta Descriptions: Include primary keywords in these elements.
Internal Linking: Link to other posts on your blog to keep readers engaged and distribute page authority.
Quality Backlinks: Obtain links from reputable sites to enhance credibility.
Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your blog is responsive and mobile-ready.
Page Speed: Optimize site speed for a better user experience.
Regular Updates: Keep content current to signal an active and relevant blog to search engines.
Monetization Techniques And Optimization
Monetization turns your blog into a profit-generating tool. Proper optimization elevates potential earnings. Learn how to blend these strategies to set up a high-profit blog.
Strategic Placement Of Affiliate Links
Placing affiliate links strategically within content is crucial. It affects click-through rates and earnings. Key areas to consider include:
High-traffic pages: Place links where users frequently visit.
Above the fold: Early placement ensures visibility without scrolling.
Contextual placement: Embed links within relevant content for higher engagement.
Maximizing Earnings Through A/b Testing
A/B testing your affiliate marketing strategies can massively increase income. Test elements such as:
Element Variant AVariant BCall-to-action (CTA) TextBuy Now Learn More Link ColorBlue GreenLink Position Within textEnd of content
Analyze results to find what works best. Simplify changes, watch user behavior, and boost earnings.
Growth And Scaling Secrets
Turning a blog into a six-figure income stream is no magic. It takes smart strategies to grow. Use these secrets to scale up and earn more.
Leveraging Social Media For Traffic
To build a wider audience, you can’t ignore social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can drive massive traffic to your blog.
Create eye-catching content that demands a click.
Understand when your audience is active for maximum engagement.
Use hashtags that relate to your blog’s niche to get found easier.
Collaborate with influencers to get your blog in front of more eyes.
Track performance with tools to know what works. Tweak your approach to keep growing.
Expanding Your Outreach With Email Marketing
Email marketing keeps readers coming back. It’s a powerful tool.
Start by building an email list right from the start.
Offer valuable freebies as sign-up incentives.
Send regular emails that add real value not just promotions.
Segment your list to personalize the user experience.
Use analytics to measure opens, clicks, and conversions. Fine-tune emails for better results.
With consistent effort and these growth secrets, your blog can reach new heights. Watch your traffic and profits climb.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Maintaining And Evolving Your Blog
Maintaining and Evolving Your Blog is crucial for achieving long-term success in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing. As the online landscape changes, your blog must adapt to stay relevant and profitable. Implementing the latest affiliate marketing strategies and continuously refining your blog will ensure you stay ahead of the competition.
Staying Updated With Affiliate Marketing Trends
Keeping pace with the latest trends in affiliate marketing is essential. Become a trendsetter by:
Subscribing to industry newsletters and podcasts
Joining affiliate marketing forums and groups
Attending webinars and conferences to learn from the experts
Use this knowledge to update your blog content regularly. This strategy keeps your audience engaged and supports SEO efforts.
Diversifying Income Streams And Products
To maximize your earnings, consider diversifying. Introduce a variety of products and income streams related to your niche. Steps include:
Researching new affiliate programs to complement existing offers
Testing different ad placements and affiliate products
Using data and analytics to track performance
Adjust your strategy based on data insights to optimize blog profitability.
Learning Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How Can I Make $1000 A Month Blogging Give Your Best Tip?
Focus on creating high-quality, keyword-rich content. Monetize with affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and ad revenue. Engage with your audience to drive traffic and build trust.
Q. How Do I Become A Six Figure Affiliate Marketer?
Choose a profitable niche and focus on building authority. Develop a content-rich website to attract traffic. Master SEO to improve visibility. Network with reputable affiliate programs and select products with high earning potential. Continuously analyze and optimize your strategies for better conversion rates.
Q. Is Affiliate Blogging Still Profitable?
Affiliate blogging continues to be a profitable endeavor. It requires strategic content creation and audience trust to monetize effectively through affiliate partnerships.
Q. Can I Become A Millionaire From Blogging?
Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire through blogging by consistently creating valuable content, monetizing your blog effectively, and scaling your audience.
Q. What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based strategy where businesses pay commissions to individuals or other companies (affiliates) for promoting their products or services and driving sales or leads.
Q. How Do Affiliate Marketers Earn Money?
Affiliate marketers earn money by promoting products or services through unique affiliate links; they receive a commission when their audience makes a purchase through those links.
Embarking on your affiliate marketing journey, remember the power of dedication and strategy. These secrets are your roadmap to a profitable blog that resonates with audiences. Implement them with consistency, and watch your efforts blossom into a thriving online business.
Your six-figure dream is achievable; start building now. Embrace the tricks, reap the rewards.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Grow Your Business with the High Ticket Profit System — Unlocking High-Value Sales
Thanks for reading my article on “Learning Affiliate Marketing — Six Figure Blogging Secret Tricks for Creating High-Profit Blogs“, hope it will help!
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lavandamichelle · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Earning $1,000+ Per Month Blogging in 2024
Are you ready to transform your life and start making money from your blog? Imagine the possibilities – an extra $1,000 per month, $2,000, $5,000, or even an amazing $10,000+ per month. It’s all within reach if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Envision Your Life Transformed – Picture a life where you’re not just earning an extra thousand dollars per month, but also an additional…
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View On WordPress
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pinkcoated · 2 months
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agarafile · 8 months
Grian: Gem joined us for this series. She just kinda didn't leave the discord and no one wanted to say anything.
Gem: You can't get rid of me.
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fungi-maestro · 2 months
Happy tdov to fat trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️ Biggest thing that helped me as a trans kid was seeing older fat trans people. There were a lot of really irritating "advice" posts going around early in my time on the internet with a lot of misinformation in them, but one that I constantly saw (in addition to people claiming you should wear your pants rediculously low or only wear button ups) were posts saying you had to lose weight to transition. Can confidently confirm that is completely untrue. 👍
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eamour · 4 months
nothing exists outside of you.
when you end up not getting what you want, it’s never because of something or somebody else. no one actually thinks "oh, you weren’t good enough" or makes things happen in your reality that go against your wants. i know this is a hard pillow to swallow but it’s no one else but you doing that. like, for an example, when you get dumped by your partner, when you get denied from your dream university, when things don’t end up going your way or even the opposite, it’s never other people sabotaging you and being in your way.
things don’t exist outside of you, remember that. it’s only you in and out there.
you are your own limit.
but this is exactly where it gets exciting. the most useful and thoughtful quote i have heard so far regarding manifestation is: "it is entirely up to you to decide how much is within you. you declare who you are." this means that NO ONE can ever tell you "no". well, i'm sure they can, but you are not obligated to accept it. you don’t have to force yourself to like things you don’t like, or to settle for things you don’t want. again, you DESIRING a state is enough for it to exist. and there are infinite states and therefore realities out there! think about it this way: there is a version of you, right now, experiencing all of your desires. they have everything you have ever dreamed of. and you wanna know what’s so cool about it? you can be that person!!! infact, you already are them for all states exist within you and belong to you only! creation is fucking done, and just as neville said, your refusal to see that you already are who you wanna be is the reason why you will remain as you are right now.
others can not hinder you.
no one can define your worth. no one can determine your success. no one can make decisions for you and expect you to obey them. no one can create your life. no one can limit you. only if you think that others have power over you, then they can do whatever they want — because you let them!
only you direct your life.
i know life gets hard sometimes. genuinely hard. sometimes it’s unbearable and you feel like being suffocated and you‘ve got a shitty 3d right in your face, demanding you to deal with it, draining you the fuck out, and and and… but that doesn’t have to stop you. it won’t stop you. the outside world is also your creation. it is nothing you have to fear babes. after all, you know it’s only your conceptions of self… it’s just you. really nothing that scary!
get back on track.
now, do yourself a favour, and stop being afraid of circumstances. stop being a slave to your senses. stop giving in. stop thinking so small of yourself. stop belittling yourself. stop being so overly submissive. stop wavering. stop overthinking about every single detail that won’t go your way and remember that there is a wonderful version of you "inside" you that wants to be embodied. how wonderful is that? to be fully in control of your world? and it will only ever be up to you what you do with it!
things can change in a day. your 3d can look so… deranged? if you will? and yet, you could still get your desire the same exact day. NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY YOUR DESIRES FROM YOU BUT YOU!!!
with love and rage, ella.
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belle-keys · 1 year
The Ultimate Dark Academia Book Recommendation Guide Ever
The title of this post is clickbait. I, unfortunately, have not read every book ever. Not all of these books are particularly “dark” either. However, these are my recommendations for your dark academia fix. The quality of each of these books varies. I have limited this list to books that are directly linked to the world of academia and/or which have a vaguely academic setting.
Dark Academia staples:
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
Dead Poets Society by Nancy H. Kleinbaum
Vita Nostra by Maryna Dyachenko
Dark academia litfic or contemporary:
Bunny by Mona Awad
The Idiot by Elif Batuman
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever
White Ivy by Susie Yang
The Cloisters by Katy Hays
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Lake of Dead Languages by Carol Goodman
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Black Chalk by Christopher J. Yates
Attribution by Linda Moore
Dark academia thrillers or horror:
In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides
Ghosts of Harvard by Francesca Serritella
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
The It Girl by Ruth Ware
Never Saw Me Coming by Vera Kurian
Dark academia fantasy/sci-fi:
Babel: An Arcane History by R.F. Kuang
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
The Betrayals by Bridget Collins
Dark academia romance:
Gothikana by RuNyx
Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake
Dark academia YA or MG:
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
Crave by Tracy Wolff
Wilder Girls by Rory Power
The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Dark academia miscellaneous:
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
Disorientation by Elaine Hsieh Chou
Alphabet of Thorn by Patricia A. McKillip
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finally jumping on this trend lol. deadline for giving this notes: MAY 10, 2024. (my birthday!)
100 NOTES: i'll finish my current read (The Great Gatsby)
200 NOTES: i'll work on my current writing WIPs every day and i might start doing WIP wednesday?
300 NOTES: i'll actually learn to draw anatomy...
400 NOTES: i'll make an art blog/give my current art blog a makeover & actually post on it
and finally, however many notes this ends up with, i'll write that many more words of one of my WIPS (i'll have y'all vote when this is done.) (edit: here's the poll.)
i don't expect this to get that many notes lol but yeah :) (if this doesn't get that many notes, i'll lower the numbers.)
@real-sephora what have i done
EDIT: this got wayyy more notes than i could've imagined. i'm changing the deadline to April 17, 2024 & adding some new goals for y'all.
700 NOTES: i'll start practicing korean everyday! (i'm korean american but i never learned the language nor did i get in the habit of practicing. so. i need this.)
750 NOTES: i'll make a poll of random references i should add to the winning WIP! (the winner from the linked poll above.)
800 NOTES: i'll learn how to do animation!
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toteangel · 4 months
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adriana lima for victoria’s secret 💞🌷👙🩰
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ririthedoll · 11 days
This Era Of Victoria Secret>>
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★
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cathy-plus-e · 1 year
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euphoricdior · 1 month
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Gisele Bündchen at the 2008 Met Gala ִׄ˚ • 𖥔 ࣪˖ ⭑ ₊ ⭒ *
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wedarkacademia · 2 months
In the first week of April the weather turned suddenly unseasonably, insistently lovely. The sky was blue, the air warm and windless, and the sun beamed on the muddy ground with all the sweet impatience of June.
– Donna Tartt, The Secret History
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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౨ৎ ⋆。• vogue beauty secrets 🐰 ๋࣭ ⭑
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ hair
don't wash your hair every day! i think everybody knows this but i know a couple people who still dont wash their hair only 2-3 times a week. obviously it depends on ur hair type but only wash your hair when it needs it!
don't wash your hair with scalding hot water either. its not only bad for your body and face but its also bad for your hair as it ruins the natural oils and damages cells etc
if you have frizzy or easily knotted hair i recommend keeping a comb on hand in the shower and using it to detangle before putting in any products
i've been emulsifying my shampoo for only a couple of weeks but my hair is sooo much fluffier afterwards so i definitely recommend that!!
now i'm torn on this one but apparently shampooing twice is better for your hair than doing it once? i tried it one time and it did not end well for my hair type but i know it works for a lot of people so if you wanna give it a try then go for it ♡
i squeeze excess water out of my hair before i put in my conditioner so i can completely get it in there without
also change your pillow case often! this is for your face too, as the oils will build up and thats not good for ur hair or face. i change it once a week but 2x a week is good too if you're able 💓
don't go to bed with wet hair. stop doing that. its super bad for your hair and keeping it pretty & fluffy & cute
airdrying is my holy grail, been doing it since i was little and dont regret a thing. its a billion times better than blow drying & makes ur hair so fluffy too ♡
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ body
DO NOT. HAVE. THE WATER. BOILING HOT. i am guilty of this and have been for years but it has such a bad impact and you shouldnt do it! cold showers are better but i prefer warm showers so theres a middle ground (& its always cold in england, so id freeze to death.)
using body lotion after the shower has been such a game changer for me its incredible. makes you smell nice, feel nice, look nice, and its so relaxing and i feel like a princess after i do it <3
exfoliating is really important if your aim is for soft skin 💓 i have been doing it for months and as somebody with super rough skin its SO soft now
partake in some form of exercise. i hated hated hated sports and exercise when i was younger but i did do dance up until i was eleven and have been doing pilates consistently for months now, and my mindset towards it has changed drastically over the years to finally a healthy one. it can be a difficult thing to get into but make it something you enjoy. it doesn't have to be sports. ill make a post on this soon but it can be pilates, kpop dances, running, hot girl walks, anything! and most importantly, do it for mental health and physical health, not losing weight.
make sure you're eating properly. remember that 2000 - 2500 calories a day is the MINIMUM. please do not stress over things like that. your body is so important & is there to be nourished and not neglected
change your bedsheets every week if you wanna smell good, this is so important bc sweat and odour will build up if u dont and thats icky and wont make u smell good & probably isnt the best for your skin either!
i also put two similar body washes on in the shower that i get SO many compliments on & its really helpful if one of your priorities is smelling good
dont just wash body wash straight off, let it sit for a few moments so the scent can actually sink into ur skin
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ face
skincare every morning & every night. if ur tired or just not feeling it today then simplify it, just make sure you never leave it out because its super important! no. skipping. no work = no reward.
on this note, try not to have a too complicated skincare routine, as this can backfire and make ur skin worse than before. your skin isnt meant for 18 different products and 200 chemicals every morning!
never wash your face with hot water... this is also a given but just in case... it strips your skin of its natural oils and does more harm than good
stop touching ur face... just for those who need a little reminder
make sure ur sleeping enough. seriously disney princess movies meant it when they talked ab beauty sleep; it seriously makes a difference, so please try make this a priority, especially if you already have dark circles like myself! (like girl did you see aurora's face? my girl's skin was so clear i could see my reflection)
pay attention to what makes ur face puffy or irritated or makes you get break outs. i keep a little break out log in my skincare page in my journal (little teaser for an upcoming post 🤭) and this has helped me go over what helps or hurts my skin! i recommend this especially if ur prone to acne or breakouts 💖
cold spoons in the morning to depuff your eyes; ive only been doing this a handful of times but im making it a habit seeing as it really helps! (as someone who can get vv puffy eyes 😭)
hydration is so important, for everything in this list, but most of all (from my experience) your face! i drink A Lot of water every day. probably a bit too much. but its so worth it, my skin has been absolutely amazing ever since i started actually making hydration a priority. (and this is coming from a girl who didnt touch a drop of water when she was younger & had to go hospital for dehydration several times.)
i'd recommend scrubbing ur lips too in the morning when you brush your teeth, i saw this on pinterest aaages ago bc i had super dry lips and i do it every morning & every night RELIGIOUSLY. its so so good and i definitely recommend
i have super dry lips in the morning so lip balm in the mornings w my skincare is absolutely essential for me
i also put perfume behind my ears & on my neck so its the first thing people smell when they hug me! im a very touchy person and i love hugs and i love showing love to people so this is essential for me but its optional, just makes you smell good ♡
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gloomybludgenedheart · 4 months
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Literally so obsessed with this skirt- it’s a must ♡ ✧*。
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