#Folk Lore
its-ticsticstics · 8 months
The Wend*go is Not Your Cryptid
I'm Algonquin/Ojibwe and this is a spirit that comes from our teachings.
As a young child, the elders taught me to never even SPEAK its name, to not even sing its songs. When we sang a song about it during drumming group one year, we all got in trouble.
You do not spell the word or speak the word.
It's NOT a "cryptid" or a "spooky story" for white people to appropriate.
Its bearly spoken about in our own communities, and even then, only very carefully.
Again, not because its "creepy" but because its respected and something in our traditions that is not played around with; so its certainly not for non-ojibwe/algonquin people to speak about whatsoever. Period.
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riotcat103 · 2 months
regarding to my last post this is what the LI's if they were mythological creatures from the Philippines.
Vere- Mananangal - a creature that can separate its upper torso from the lower part of its body, using an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck out the blood of someone who is sleeping. It also haunts newlyweds or couples in love and sometimes newborn children or fetuses in the womb. (most mananangals are women, but there are men too but women out numbers them)
Kuras - Bakunawa- a serpent-like dragon that is believed to be the cause of eclipses, earthquakes, rains, and wind.
Leander - Tikbalang- a half man half horse creature that is believed to scare away travelers or lead them astray, if a tikbalang falls in love, it would most likely follow its love interest their whole life.
Mhin - aswang/multo- refers to the spirits of the deceased that are believed to linger in the physical world, often due to unfinished business, unresolved emotions, or traumatic events. They haunt the living until insanity or got what they wanted.
Ais - Kapre- a tall, grimy, dark humanoid and is known as a tree demon(height is around 7-8 ft). They are also known to smoke and drink in trees. They play tricks on people by making them go in circles or completely lost in the woods.
no other thoughts just glad to ramble about the two things i like <3
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lunegrimm · 1 year
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To close the year up my favorite project I have worked on this year:  a wood burning  on my new hurdy gurdy, hopefully I will have lots of time in the new year practice playing it 
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monthgirl · 7 months
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weirdlookindog · 8 months
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Spring-Heel'd Jack, The Terror Of London, 1867
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poisonapplezine · 2 years
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OVER 60% FUNDED! Thank you!
Poison Apple: Wickedly beautiful Illustrations, short stories, comics, and tarot deck inspired by villains, creatures, and horrors from fables and legends around the world. Join us and help bring this project to life 
(Click here to see the Kickstarter Page)  
These beautiful tarot card previews are by:
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tofurevolution · 2 years
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A wonderful Krampustag to you all! 🔔
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outworldletters · 6 months
My lovely apprentice.
I hope I have taught you enough for you to know you should not touch suspicious letters that you have found under your pillow with your bare hands.
But if you did, there is no telling what the magic I imbued these words with will do to you. Please, tell me if you feel any strange urges immediately. Like the urge to kiss me.
Just kidding! Actually, you won't be able to unglue your eyes from my words. I mean, literally. Try throwing this letter away from you.
You can’t, right?
it appears that your senses of caution haven’t improved under my tutelage
Anyway, I should have your undivided attention, no? Be a good apprentice and listen to my words.
Did I tell you we are invited to the Owlight Festival Ball? We are tasked with making sure there is no foul play in the main event. Therefore, I have been developing this gluing spell.
The ball takes place after dinner, once the street food stalls have closed and night has fallen. Lanterns of all shapes and sizes are hung on the canopy of trees, their gentle glow illuminating the dance floor covered in wildflowers. The air is filled with the sweet, succulent fragrance of nectar and the smell of underhand shenanigans I will explain later.
To take part in the ball, the guests must don their moths and butterflies inspired finery, and be blindfolded for part of the festivities.
Ah, picture us, fluttering and flying in an endless dance, spinning in a gentle whirlpool of color and light!!
The rules of this dance are simple and require you to match twice with your pair in order to win a prize. During the first dance, all the Moths guests, blindfolded, give their name-cards to the Butterfly guests. During the second dance, it is the opposite - the Butterflies exchange their cards with the Moths guests, while the Butterflies guests only have their hunches to guide them.
Can you imagine the joy we'll feel on finding our match, not once, but twice in a night?
It is all about trusting the connection that you feel in your heart and being perceptive enough to recognize the signs that your partner gives during the dance, even being blindfolded.
Or it is all about using the right tracking spells.
You would not believe the length some couples would go to guarantee they can find their spouses. I heard matching with random strangers does not do wonders for a couple that enters the ball together.
Alas, our job is to guarantee no one cheats! I trust you will study hard all the most used tracing and marking spells on the three worlds. For my part, I will be enchanting all the name-cards to ensure they cannot be traded again once exchanged.
Hence the glue spell you are currently experiencing. Neat, yes?
Would you be mad if we mismatched, my dear apprentice? Jealous? To me, matching with you would be the ultimate prize and the icing on the cake of an already perfect night. But if we do not match, I will still be incredibly proud and thrilled to have spent time with you. The festival and the prizes mean nothing to me compared to your happiness and our connection.
That being said, I am pretty confident in my abilities of finding you blindfolded.
You have a special aura that sets you apart from others, and I can always recognize it. I have become attuned to your essence, your thoughts, and your feelings. Your presence would feel familiar and your body would fit into mine perfectly. There is no darkness, no distance or separation that can ever be enough to separate us completely. For I know you like the back of my hand, my love, and I know what I am capable of when you are truly in my grasp.
You know, this festival has a sweet little story behind it. Do you want to hear it?
Ah, yes. You have no choice but to keep reading. Next time, don’t stain your fingertips with my magic, yes?
Once upon a time, there lived two birds- one a songbird and a night owl.
Although they lived under the same skies, they never saw each other.
The songbird sang every day and the song of her voice filled the owl’s dreams with melodies so pure and so exquisite that the owl fell in love with her. Yet, they never saw each other, for day and night are two worlds that never meet.
The owl, wanting to get to know their love better and not having any other option, offered something he thought a day-dweller would cherish the most - night moths. Every evening, the owl would carefully choose a moth to present to its love, putting it where they would find it.
The songbird, not knowing who offered her the gifts, was nonetheless touched by her admirer's love. She would catch and carefully select the loveliest butterfly she could find to present him.
Thus, these lovebirds continued to offer each other gifts, never knowing their time or fate is soon to come. And so, one day, a sudden change happened. As the songbird collected its butterflies, a shadow passed over.
It was the Owl, who had decided to offer something more special than moths. He was willing to hunt for something beautiful and unique to the day - something like a colorful bird that caught his eyes. However, what the owl did not realize was that his own lover was what he had caught.
I can only imagine the shock and the guilt at that moment. He thought this was what his love wanted, instead all it did was destroy them both.
And so the Devildon found that this cheerful little story was an excellent excuse to make a whole festival out of it. Demons, yes?
But I get why it would tickle their fancy. For them, it is a cautionary tale of the dangers of offering more than what ones receive. About keeping the equivalent exchange. In a way, the owl and the songbird had a clear pact going - butterflies for moths. The owl overstepped.
For a talented sorcerer like yourself, my apprentice, you seem to have almost a distaste for the give and take.
I am used to pacts. That our relationship is not built upon one makes me nervous sometimes. At first, I used to tally everything that you gave me, so I could make sure I would reciprocate you exactly. Nothing more, nothing less.
It is easy to put a price on magic and power. But you, my lovely apprentice, made me discover I had no way of measuring what you gave me.
I’ve only ever focused and obsessed over those complex, arcane patterns that I could break down and recreate into something new. All this time, I’ve lived life looking for something grand and grand and grand… yet to you, all it takes is small things. And it is through you I’ve realized that small things can also add up to something grand.
Your first gift to me was the gift of perception. I have come to cherish and find beauty in even the simplest things, like a cat sleeping on a cushion. The way the wind brushes my face or the stars glitter above me at night. Your kindness, empathy, and affection fill me with such joy every day you wake me up with a kiss good morning. The taste of food prepared by you or the comfort of a hot bath after a long day. I have even found joy in your constant teasing or the way you love to sleep on top of me at night.
I look at your face and I am immediately drawn to the simplest things - your lips curving into a smile or your gentle eyes full of questions. I love the way your eyebrows twitch when you're confused or how you tuck your hair back when it falls in front of your eyes. The invisible freckles on your nose that I could just about kiss. The way you curl your legs up underneath you to make yourself smaller when you are feeling unsure. The way your skin gets glazed by moonlight, your breath on my neck. The way you bloom under my tongue.
It is you, the grand thing I was looking for. You, the sum of all these simple, delightful little parts that makes for the complex being that is you.
My sweet, intelligent apprentice, I am more than happy to give you anything you want. You have helped me see and treasure a hundred small things I would have just glanced over and forgotten otherwise. There is not a single thing you could ask of me that would ever be too much.
You are worth more to me than you could fathom. I feel I don’t give you nearly enough. So tell me, what would you like in return? I know what you would say - you want for nothing.
The owl and the songbird: I don’t see their story as the demons do.
I believe the moths and butterflies were also representative of the Songbird and the Owl themselves. The moths, which belong to the dark, were the Owl. And the butterflies, which belong to the light, were the Songbird. The insects were, to them, representative of their bond and were the closest thing they had to communicate their feelings to one another. So, in the end, their tragic fate may also be seen as a representation of the owl and the songbird becoming unable to distinguish themselves from their offering. So much so that the songbird ended up on the beak of the owl.
This - this was your second gift ever for me - the understanding that love is not a magical transaction or a pact, nor should it be tied to what one party offers to the other.
You are not what you give me - and I am not what I give you.
I don’t want your magic or your power. Instead, I want to hold you in my arms and comfort you on your bad days. I want to be by your side and watch your dreams come true. I want you.
I love everything about you- your wit, your humor, and your sweet innocence. But what I love the most is your curiosity, your intellect, and your desire to learn and grow. I have met no one capable of asking so many questions and never being satisfied with the answers. You fascinate me with your unique take on everything, your ability to see beauty in everything around you, even things most people would deem ugly. You humble me.
Still, there is a gift and there is a pact I would wish for us to trade and firm.
First, a gift for my songbird.
It is something I already gave you long ago, which you continue to hold every single second we are together: my heart.
And as for the pact, I hope that as soon as you finish reading this letter, we can do the simplest exchange: my warmth, your presence.
With love, Solomon.
P.S. If you managed to get your eyes and fingers unglued from my words, that was just the first part of the spell. The real challenge is getting me unstuck from your mind. Good luck!
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samglyph · 8 months
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I have been in such a redraw mood lately I don’t know what’s up. Fun way to test out new techniques I guess.
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orrinivalis · 7 months
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here dwell the spirits of the water, goges
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ashleabechaz · 8 months
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The Lost Harpy
Gouache and Watercolour painting on paper
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neltotxparacosm · 3 years
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Kappa are aquatic reptilian creatures found in Japanese folklore. They thrive in rivers and streams, excelling in swimming. They have scaly skin in various earthy hues, webbed hands and feet, and a turtle-like beak and shell. Kappa possess a dish-like depression on their skulls, which must be kept wet to survive.
These creatures can live alone or in family groups, befriending other yokai and humans. They're proud, honorable, and intelligent, able to learn human languages and possessing medical skills. Kappa are omnivores, with a taste for raw innards, especially human anuses, and cucumbers. They enjoy mischief, sumo wrestling, and games like shogi.
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INFO: Mythology.wikia.com
PHOTOS: Matthew Meyer
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loreofthelandblog · 1 year
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My take on the May Queen crown and Beltane symbolism.
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notesbynataly · 1 month
Currently writing my latest manuscript. Folklore fantasy, ethereal, dark, and whimsigothic. I don't have much information for you now ... except that it has a touch of the occult driving its inspiration.
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weirdlookindog · 10 months
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Legend of the Banshee, 1892.
Illustration from 'The World of Romance. A treasury of tales, legends and traditions'.
British Library
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