#Frog's walls of text
Hey there! Hekate has pointed me toward your blog and I just wanted to say hi 💞
I do have a question though, have you ever had deities help you with motivation and executive functioning skills? I've got ADHD and the "laziness"(🤢) or what I call "going slug mode" (staying in bed all day, no motivation to shower, etc) really commands my life.
My periods of deity work tend to coincide with my periods of productivity and energy, but I often fall off when, well, everything else falls off. So I guess I'm also looking for advice or at least to connect with someone who's had similar experiences.
(I've also connected with Aphrodite and Loki! Other gods I've worked with in the past are Mother Hathor and Brigid)
First off, I may or may not have had so many feelings upon seeing "Hekate has pointed me towards your blog" because the idea that my blog can be useful enough that a deity would go "go look at what that dude has to say" just brings me so much joy.
Second off, OH THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SOMETHING I SHOULD SCREAM ABOUT THANK YOU. I can't believe I haven't already made a post about this!!
I, too, am an ADHD motherfucker and I have always had so many issues with keeping up with my craft. I will absolutely be calling it "slug mode" from now on, that's the best fucking way to put it. I've had deities help me with executive function at times, but if I'm honest I've forgotten lately that I can ask them for help with that. More often than not it looks more like nudging me towards a task than giving me the energy- but that doesn't mean you can't ask! It just means I forgot I could, lol.
This is gonna be a chonker post, so I'm breaking this post up into two parts; 1, why accepting "falling off" was the best thing I could have done for myself and 2, how to still connect with your craft (and deities) through those times anyway.
So for one, you're not broken or a failure, and your deities fuckin' love you.
Call me philosophical, but hear me out; I've always worked in cycles. Cycles of insane productivity, cycles of tiredness, cycles of hyperfixation on one thing, then another, then another. I'm just someone who works that way, and I've always viewed it as a problem to be fixed. I've always viewed MYSELF as a problem to be fixed, which really started with the school system but that's an unrelated rant. So, apologies for getting a bit intense especially since this may not apply to you personally, but just in case:
You're not a problem. You don't need to fix yourself. The world works in cycles. Seasons, reincarnation if you subscribe to that belief, the water cycle, and a billion other things I've forgotten- working with cycles is just a natural way of going about life that I think shouldn't be forgotten. I have intense periods of growth in my craft, and I have periods where I don't do much and instead play my favorite video game for eight hours straight- and that's okay! One of the best things I did for myself and my craft was give myself permission to do that. I, and you, are not failures as witches for "falling off" and our deities love us anyway. Not in spite of it, either, because of it. They know how to work with the cyclic nature of things; people are no different.
So honestly, there's a chance that none of this will make sense to you- but there's a chance that you, and maybe others seeing this post, might find that giving yourself permission to go through cycles might be the best thing you could do.
Okay, now that I've yelled about that, here's ways that I keep myself connected to my craft and my deities during my less witchy periods.
I give myself permission to use witchcraft for "dumb shit." I have at least one post on this, but witchcraft can BE childish, playful, "dumb-" it doesn't need to be serious all the time. So I'm learning to let go of what I think it should look like and recognize that sometimes the way to stay connected is to lay in bed and draw a sigil on my phone as a mini-spell to manifest a nice little treat or a thing I want in a video game.
This isn't deity work, but it had been huge for me: SIGILS. Sigils my beloved. I don't often have the time, energy, or supplies to do what most people think of when they talk about spells. So instead, if I'm feeling like I could do a spell for something but that's just too much, sigils can be done on my phone or computer while just chilling. Also, if you're like me and a writer, I just write spells too. Literally the same way I write statements for sigils, but a bunch of 'em.
Personally I just talk to my deities. I would like to do this more, actually. You don't need to have a big reason for calling them in, just ask them to sit with you and talk about your day or infodump about a special interest. They're not going to deem it unimportant; you're important to them.
Turn anything into a devotional activity if you want. Any self-care. Not just the typical stuff; I mean food, meds, literally any sort of "maintenance" to keep your body and mind running! If you can't do those, play music you associate with them, or watch a show/play a game and invite them to just sit with you. Whatever you're already doing, you can just ask them to do it with you. If that's literally just laying in bed doing nothing but feeling crappy, I can assure you I've asked them to sit with me during those days too and they've been more than happy.
Literally most of my offerings are just random food. As we speak, I have a little tiny thing with a few sips of soda because I give Loki some when I drink some. If you don't have the time or energy to put it on the altar, literally just drink it with the intention that you're drinking it "for" them. When I did a reading and Kali visited for it, she asked for a graham cracker of all things. It doesn't have to be associated with them. Virtual offerings too! If you can, I've seen people just scroll through pinterest/google images and pick images to offer to their deities.
This might not be something you struggle with, but this is definitely something I would need someone to tell me so: ASK. PLEASE. ASK FOR THINGS. They're not going to riot if you ask for things!! Let them help!! Ask for things, unapologetically if you can muster it!!! I am using excessive exclamation marks for a reason, I swear. My deities are in a constant state of telling me to just ask for things.
Be gentle with yourself. Genuinely, I think one of the best ways to honor your deities doesn't even require them to be there at all; just try not to hate on yourself for being the way you are, because they wouldn't want you to.
Overall, my only advice is just... throw away what you "should" be doing and find out what you LIKE doing. What works for you? It's a hard question to answer, but it gets a lot easier when you start looking away from what "should" work. Your deities are working with you, they wouldn't be working with you if they didn't accept every single part of you. That includes slug mode.
As always, my DM's and asks are open if you have any more questions/just want to connect because being a neurodivergent witch sometimes just feels isolating at times! If you actually read this whole post thank you, I hope some of it helped!!
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markscherz · 10 months
A friend of mine sent me a yt video of a guy who was relocating frog eggs (prolly a vernal pool) and showed 1000s of baby frogs coming out of the water in his backyard. she asked me how I felt about it as a ecologist. I felt like it was irresponsible to do, especially to post videos on it, but probably not "ecological terrorism" like people in the comments were saying, because I see baby frogs in nature come out of water in hoards sometimes too. Kind of a mixed bag.
But I wanted to ask you, since you're a herpetologist and waaay more experienced than me: how do you feel about the yt channel "frog army YouTube"?
Many frogs and toads are classical R-strategists. Some toads can lay 20+ THOUSAND eggs in a single clutch. The whole point of that strategy is that not all of the offspring survive. In fact, it would be really rather bad if all of the offspring were to survive, because (1) they wouldn't be feeding the predators and decomposers that live off of their noble sacrifice, and (2) they will require massively more resources than they otherwise would. It can have all kinds of detrimental down-stream effects.
This is the reason we often see swarms of tadpoles darkening some small pools (especially ones where there are no fish!), and later hoards of froglets (that's the technical term) emerging from pools at once. It's an evolutionary strategy, that only few individuals survive to achieve reproductive age.
Point 1: it is *fine* if not all the tadpoles survive to adulthood. That's how the system is supposed to work. You are not doing the system favours if you are changing tadpole survivorship to 100%.
Now, humans really are fucking things up in a lot of environments. Environmental pollutants, like heavy metals, can cause major issues for wildlife, and especially frogs, which (1) are not as vagile as e.g. birds and medium- to large-sized mammals and thus cannot escape the problem zone effectively, and (2) are EXTRA sensitive to the environment because of their permeable skin.
Point 2: we do have some responsibility to do something if we notice that there is a major problem emerging, which could dramatically alter the population dynamics for one or more generations of frogs.
However, *moving* clutches of eggs that are found in polluted pools is not the right move, especially for your average person. There are many reasons that it is not the right move, but chief among them are
(1) A lot of frogs that lay eggs in vernal pools have tadpoles that cannot survive being in larger ponds, and certainly cannot survive in streams or other bodies of flowing water.
(2) A lot of frogs that lay their eggs in vernal pools are already adapted to less than ideal conditions, and have excellent strategies to overcome those conditions, such as incredibly quick metamorphosis (sometimes just a few days!)
(3) By moving clutches of eggs, you could easily be moving the pathogens or pollutants that are causing the problem in the first place.
(4) If there is Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis fungus around, you are spreading chytrid, and that is VERY bad. Chytridiomycosis has already driven several frog species to extinction, and caused massive population collapse in several others.
(5) If you do not know the species, attempts to rescue them might be aiding the advance of an invasive species.
(6) It's often illegal to intervene! Many species are protected by law, and you are not allowed to remove them from the wild. Consult your local laws.
Point 3: the responsibility to do something does not include removing the frogs and raising a frog army.
So what should we do if we find a clutch of eggs in an oily pool? Or in a nearly dried out puddle?
First assess the nature of the problem. Is the pool just about to dry out? Then leave it alone. The tadpoles will probably be fine (and if they're not, they'll provide rich nutrients to predators and decomposers). But are there signs of pollution? Then assess: is the pollution covering a larger area? Or is it localised? If you find dead frogs or other amphibians is a major warning sign, and it needs to be brought to the relevant authorities. Contact your local environmental agency/department, and notify them of the precise location of the problem, and its extent. Document everything with photos and videos.
Point 4: there are organisations and agencies specifically tasked with intervening in cases of environmental damage. It is *your* job to bring it to their attention, but unless instructed by them, you need not take any further action. It is their job to know what to do, and to take appropriate action.
TL;DR: 'Raising a frog army' is for the likes, not the frogs, and is not environmentally responsible or ethically defensible. Build a home for the frogs, and they will come.
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amphibianaday · 2 years
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day 1086
Happy Halloween! i worked very hard on my costume this year so i wanted to share it :)
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dragonowlie · 10 months
The more I get to know about totk's english localisation the more grateful I become that I did not play it in english
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emo-batboy · 8 months
Things Battinson Totally Did During His First Year of University
Using Unhinged or Odd Things I Also Did as a College Freshman :D
Note: for this list, let’s believe Bruce was living in an (admittedly expensive and swanky) dorm because it is required for first-years, especially those entering at a young age, and Alfred told him he needed to make friends. Also yes I did every single thing on this list. I never claimed to be a role model
Bruce, to his TA: I’m so sorry I’m late to class. I gave blood a few hours ago and almost fainted on the way here, but it won’t happen again.
Signs up for a class called “Age of Dinosaurs” despite it not being required whatsoever and proceeds to work his entire schedule around it
Bruce: Your mental health is super important. If you think you should see the on-campus therapist, go see them. Friend: Fine. I’ll sign up for therapy if you sign up for therapy too. Bruce: Hold on-
Finds a loophole in his housing contract that allows him to get a pet frog, calls him kermit :)
Gets a second frog because Kermit was lonely, names it Constantine after Muppets Most Wanted, then realizes that they’re gay for each other. Wonders if the rainbow-colored rocks he got them triggered anything
Swings dramatically between calling Alfred every single day and ghosting him for weeks, cries when he realizes what he did
“Accidentally” joins the student body council, doesn’t know what he’s doing, gets re-elected anyway
Molds a dragon out of Laffy Taffy instead of doing his work
Bruce: *joins Honors, gets all A’s, takes the max amount of classes, has several minors, overachieves* Also Bruce: I’m a failure.
Breaks into a building after hours to study because NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AT THE LIBRARY
Bruce: I will not get seasonal depression this year. Bruce: *gets real and seasonal depression that year*
Meticulously schedules his day with a color-coded planner because if he sits down for too long, the thoughts will consume him
Gives a presentation to his rhetoric class on how much he likes Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (it is 20 minutes long)
Successfully allocates funding from the student body council to pay for free feminine products in the dorms OUT OF SPITE because someone said it couldn't be done. fuck you, Andrew
Bruce: It is not an all-nighter if I go to sleep before my first class. Friend: It is 7:30am, the sun is in the sky, and your first class is at 12:30. Bruce: But I am getting sleep.
Refuses to go anywhere without his backpack because what if he needs three notebooks at once
Loses over 20 pounds because ✨stress✨ and scares the shit out of Alfred when he comes home for Thanksgiving
Argues with his TA over the one (1) question he got wrong on his Dinosaur exam
Bruce, calling Alfred: Hello father figure. How do I do taxes? Do I have to do them myself? Also, I think I’m having a panic attack.
Joins in on a charity arts-and-crafts project that gives kids books with matching activities made by volunteers, proceeds to commandeer the project because “it’s not color-blind friendly” and rewrites the instructions for everyone
Makes a murder wall
Goes to one (1) sports game and proceeds to leave in the first ten minutes because it’s way too loud wtf is wrong with people
Professor, addressing the lecture hall: I dare you to write an essay about these two sentences. Bruce: *writes an essay about six words, gets a 100, never even read the book*
Crawls into the ceiling for some alone time
Ghosts someone after a date because he’s too scared to tell them he didn’t know it was a date in the first place and now he feels bad
Classmate: How tf does he walk across campus that fast? I go in the same direction he does on my bike, and he’s always ahead of me. Bruce: *is gay sprinting to Dinosaur class*
Refuses to let others use his Favorite Pen TM
Constantly gets mistaken for a Grad Student because he is “so wise and mature” (bestie, that’s the autism)
Alfred: *casually mentions he got into a car accident through text* Bruce: *replies with a meme while hyperventilating because he doesn’t know what to do with that information??!*
Wears a suit to one of his finals
Regularly eats non-organic food for the first time in his life, proceeds to learn about several allergies Alfred forgot to mention he has
Writes “What is a Hot Pocket?” in calligraphy and proceeds to laugh his ass off alone in his dorm because he is so exhausted he’s reached the point of delusion
Locks himself out of his dorm right before class, frantically asks the floor group chat if someone can help, proceeds to tell the nice gay man on the floor who saved him “I love you” because his social skills have hit rock bottom
Makes a little music album display next to his desk for his favorite band (Nirvana) His friends call it a shrine, and they are technically correct
Has a blacklist of people he refuses to interact with because Reasons
Counselor: What do you want to do when you graduate? Bruce: *gestures vaguely*
Refuses to take the bus because there are people in there and he doesn’t like those
Loses one of his frogs, how tf did he do that, they’re fully aquatic, oh fuck, this is probably why they got rid of that loophole a year later because unbeknownst to Bruce, he accidentally started a frog revolution in the dorms, btw he SWEARS he did not mean to do that
Has two trash cans in his room: one for the Good Garbage, and one for the Bad Garbage. Only Bruce knows which is which
Bruce: *writes a creative piece about a ship’s final thoughts as it sinks, bringing its passengers down with it* TA: Absolutely lovely, Bruce, but are you okay?
Goes on Night Walks, keeps himself safe by maintaining a level 12 resting bitch face at all times
Earns the nickname “8th floor cryptid” after pacing the halls at 3am when it’s too cold for Night Walks (honestly tho how tf didn’t he get the nickname earlier?)
Bruce: Do you think a depressed person could do this? Bruce: *has a manic episode*
Okay that's all love you BYE
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ninjigma · 10 months
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Taking place between chapters 6 and 7 of 'One Last Moment' Track: 'Fallin' (Adrenaline)' - Why Don't We (Spotify / YouTube)
It was sudden. One moment he was naming the loads of food he would get for Fox in apology for the hectic evening being chased by thugs, and in the next the helmet was gone and lips were pressed against his. It was fast, and hurt a bit with the slight clumsiness of it catching between teeth, but Quinlan couldn’t care less. In fact, he couldn’t feel anything besides the elation and joy, and how every ounce of self control rose in him to stay still a moment. To let Fox move first.
Then the millisecond was over and Quinlan was tilting his head, letting their noses become less smushed and lips to press a bit softer. One of his hands delicately came to rest on one of Fox’s cheeks, encouraging and calming in one go. It was Fox’s pace, but Quinlan had never been one to hide his thoughts; and he wanted it clear that he wanted whatever Fox gave, no matter if it was clumsy kisses in precarious locations or the bickering over food on late nights.
Quinlan loved. He knew this about himself well, and had already left the order once based on such feelings. He felt for so much sometimes it was overwhelming, and his own abilities in the Force felt like a lightening rod for emotion, even from those long past. Even now he could feel the hum as his thumb swiped slowly over Fox’s cheekbone, and he used every trick in his book not to read anything beyond that surface level. What Quinlan truly wanted was it to be Fox’s own choice to share. His own feelings given freely at his own pace. Of course he couldn’t help sensing the nerves Fox was projecting with how strongly they wavered past the clones walls, but he kept everything else as locked as any shadow can. Locked with the key that would be forever freely offered. That if Fox wanted, he was there, and if he didn’t, he would stay at his side regardless.
If this was the only kiss, Quinlan wanted it clear how much he treasured it. Protected it. Already kept it within his heart where no one but Fox could ever take it away from him.
If it was just this moment, Quinlan could accept it and return to being the nuisance nat-born Jedi that Fox had dubbed him. And he would then use every ounce of that title to ensure they made it through this war anyhow. Because Fox would always be a friend, and for Quinlan, that title was nothing short of the highest importance.
If it was only right now, Quinlan would be happy.
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Literally has been sitting in my drafts for way too long as I wanted to write something more for it, but have been too caught up with work to finish it; and I just get too sad seeing it in my drafts every time I scroll to leave it any longer.
Who knows, maybe I will finish writing later and reblog with it/edit the AO3 story. Stay tuned just in case XD
Enjoy! (And enjoy the new Dumpy the frog text divider!)
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reverie-starlight · 11 months
crawling back to you- fushiguro megumi
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just something silly I started a while back that I'm finally finishing up!! i'm very in love with megumi and since I was doing a season one rewatch with my dad, I have plenty of megumi-centered thoughts I can't talk abt with him. but I can write them!! and YES okay the title was a failed bug pun.
warnings: just fluff! death of a spider, though. megumi is a little annoyed, but it gets resolved super fast, so no angst at all.
gn! reader, no specified gender or physical description, but they do stay in the girl's dorms for this fic for the sole purpose of being nobara's next door neighbour!!
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You opened your door and stopped in your tracks when you saw something scuttle across the ceiling from the corner of your eye.
A loud gasp was released and Nobara, already in her PJs, peeked out from her door to see what the fuss was. “Y/n? You okay?”
You frantically beckon her over, your eyes never leaving the beast that decided to infiltrate your room. She made it to your side and followed your eyes.
“Ew! Why’d you have to show me a spider right as I’m about to go to bed? Now I’m going to be paranoid all night, thanks a lot.” She crossed her arms and made a yuck face.
“Nobara,” you started, deadly serious, clutching her arm. “I need you to use your hammer and nails to get this thing. We don’t have to get close to it that way.”
She looked as though she was seriously considering it for a moment before reluctantly shaking her head. “Y/n, cursed energy is for jujutsu work, not creepy crawlies. Besides, it’d leave some nasty holes in your wall.”
You sighed and almost resigned yourself to having to find a long stick or something to get it with. But then she spoke again.
“What about Fushiguro? He brings out his demon dog for you to play with all the time, right? What’s one more non-curse related job for a frog who’d probably love a snack?”
This finally brought your attention away from the eight legged monster on your ceiling. You looked at her with so much admiration and thanks and hugged her tightly. “Oh, Nobara you’re a genius! Thank y-“
You visibly deflated when you realized that your boyfriend wasn’t exactly happy with you at that moment.
Nobara winced. “Ouch, is he still upset?”
You nodded and frowned. Of course this would happen at a time you didn’t have him as back up.
It was a petty argument that got you into this situation- in the shared kitchen for the students, you accidentally ate a snack of his that he had been saving, which you apologized for. Great! Should’ve been over with after that, right?
…Except you accidentally did it again the next day AND forgot to put his milk back in the fridge that he had just measured out for some recipe he was excited to try.
And even though you apologized and he reassured you that it wasn’t that big of a deal, mistakes happen, he still wasn't letting you hang out in his room after training as usual. He seemed to be annoyed with you at the very least.
With the long week he’s had from being sent on two missions back to back, you understood why. He really need the mental break that you accidentally took away.
So yeah, you really doubted that he’d be willing to kill a spider for you when he’d barely even talked to you in the past 24 hours (save for his usual good morning text and a peck on the cheek when he saw you in person).
Nobara patted your back and sighed. "I think you should go ask him anyway. He's probably suffering from Y/n withdrawals by now, you know? Yuuji said he was sure he caught Fushiguro pouting on their jog earlier. Could be a good sign."
You looked at her hopefully and smiled. "Thanks, Nobara, but I think I'll just wait until morning. I'm sure if I could just find a-" your attention was drawn back to the ceiling and a feeling of dread washed over you. "Nope, I'm going right now, the spider's fucking gone," you quickly shut your door and stepped away.
She made a blended noise of disgust and fear. "Alright, I'm out. Good luck and don't let that thing out. If I see it in my room tomorrow I'm putting my nails through your clothes." She waved and headed back to her room.
You waved back and headed the other direction, towards the boy's dorms. Since it was getting late, you had to be mindful of noise so you wouldn't get caught by any faculty member- especially Gojo.
If he were to catch you "sneaking" over to Megumi's room, you were pretty sure you'd never hear the end of it, and even more sure that it would just irritate your boyfriend further.
So you put your stealth to the test until you were finally at his door. You quietly knocked three times, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear it.
When he opened the door, he raised an eyebrow at you and checked out in the hall before dragging you inside so you could talk at a somewhat normal volume.
And of course you wanted to take the time to make everything up to him, to talk it out for real and not have him be annoyed at you anymore- if Nobara said he was starting to have Y/n Withdrawals, then you had already been feeling the effects of Megumi Withdrawals since his first mission earlier this week- but right now the most pressing matter on your mind was the spider currently lost in your room.
So you decided that sweet talking him was the way to achieve your goal of getting his help.
"Megumi, love and light of my life, my one and only, my beloved-"
"Please stop."
You got down on your knees and took hold of his hand. "I am so sorry that I have ailed you this week, I promise that I will be more mindful moving forward and use my eyes to look for your name on things in the fridge-"
"You don't have to beg for my forgiveness, get up." He was basically a tomato, his whole face red and slightly covered by his hair. If you weren't on such a time crunch, you might keep going just to tease him.
"And I come to enlist your help on a quest that only you have the required tools to complete!"
"Ah, there it is. So you just need my help, then?" He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice, but you caught it and immediately stood up to explain yourself.
"Baby, no, I do genuinely want to apologize and fix things! But um... yes, I do actually have a problem that only you can help me with."
He sighed and regarded you for a moment before nodding. "Alright, what is it?"
You immediately lit up and shook his hand excitedly. "Really? Thank you so much!"
"So... what is it?"
"There's a spider in my room, and I lost it and I need your toad to eat it."
He gave you a deadpan look before throwing his head back with a long sigh, looking at the ceiling. "Alright, let's go."
On your way back to your room, you fell into silence. Mostly because you didn't want to get caught being out past curfew, but also because neither of you really knew what to say.
Once you were in front of your door, you opened it and let him in. He summoned his toad and helped you search for it (by helped, you really meant he did all the searching while you stood outside and quietly directed him to where you saw it last.
"Can you at least come and help me look?" He asked, currently looking around on the floor under a couple of bags.
You hesitantly walked in, surveying everything before standing next to him to double check.
He broke the silence first. "You know... I really wasn't mad at you for any of the kitchen stuff. I know I told you that already, but I feel like you don't believe it."
You sifted through some clothes. "No, I did. I guess I was just sad that you weren't letting me hang out with you as much. I totally understand it- you needed a break from everything and I respect that, but I wish I could have helped before you got to that point. And I'm serious, I'll keep a better eye out before I accidentally eat your stuff." you both kind of laughed at that.
It was silent again for a couple seconds. "I'm sorry I kind of pushed you away and isolated myself."
You smiled a bit. "I'm sorry I kinda tipped you over the edge."
You turned to face each other for a moment before he wrapped you up in his arms. "You didn't. I promise next time I feel overwhelmed I'll let you know so you don't think I'm upset with you," he mumbled.
"Thank you... I love you."
"I love you too."
You stayed like that for a moment before you pulled back a bit and smirked at him. "Nobara told me that Itadori said you were pouting on you jog together earlier."
He blushed. "I was not. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
You giggled a bit and cupped his face. "I would bet a million yen that you were!"
He groaned and tried to gently pry your hands away from his face. "Stop it... I was not pouting, I don't pout."
"You so do! You're doing it right- holy shit Megumi the spider is right there gET IT PLEASE-"
The sweet moment was ruined by the spider from earlier scuttling across the ceiling over your bed. You jumped onto your boyfriend for protection, even though he couldn't do much while supporting your entire bodyweight so you wouldn't fall. He managed to send the toad after it, and it happily chased it with its tongue.
The spider was no more.
You settled back on the ground and patted the toad on the head before Megumi released it back to the shadows.
You sighed in relief.
"Thank you, my love, I appreciate it."
He nodded at you. "No problem. I should head back to my dorm now before-"
"Want to stay with me?" You tentatively interrupted.
He paused and looked towards you. "We'll get in trouble if we're caught."
You tugged on his hand a little. "Please, Megumi? I've missed you this week..."
He sighed and let you pull him to your bed, hiding a small smile when you cheer. "Fine, but I'm leaving before the sun comes up. I'm not letting Gojo think he has anything over me."
You giggled. "That's fine," and then you both got settled under the covers.
He'd be lying if he said he hadn't missed you while he was isolating himself, but he pushed any thoughts of that away and fell into a peaceful sleep with you in his arms.
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this took foreverrrrr but it's finally done since I have time to write today!! ty for reading, hope you all enjoyed <3
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sumaneun-stars · 6 months
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Pairing. Sunghoon x reader
Genre. Fluff
Warnings. None:>
Synopsis. In which a dare from your friends could either ruin or spark a relationship with the absolutely gorgeous man you met at the mall.
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You got the second text from your group chat, after you had a girl's day out two days ago. 
Chaewon: "Y/n! A reminder, don't forget the dare!"
You rolled your eyes at the message.
Y/n: "I don't have memory loss, Chae”
The dare, in fact, was an embarrassing one for an introvert. You couldn't even talk to a child without stumbling over your words, let alone tell a good looking person who's about your age, that he's handsome.
You walked away from the counter, bags in hand after you got carried away while picking a birthday gift for your classmate. I mean, it had been a while since you went shopping. You waited for the elevator beside another person who you didn't focus much on, and got on once it arrived.
“Which floor?” The person asked.
“Ground” you said simply, too busy shifting the bags to a comfortable position to look at his face.
‘9th floor to the ground floor, might take a while’. 
You let air fill your mouth in boredom, looking around the elevator, until you caught a glimpse of the person's face who stood beside you from the spotless walls. The air left your mouth like a balloon being let go, leaving your lips in a pout.
You looked up at him, starstruck. ‘An angel. He's not real. Am I dreaming?’. He looked like some ice prince or an angel descended from heaven. Maybe even an alien, considering that his features were out of this world. Whatever he was, he was certainly not human. He was simply unreal.
Your mouth was slightly parted in disbelief, resisting the urge to poke him to see if he was real or just another one of your hallucinations. Except you did poke him. A dare is a dare. Your mouth opened to speak, but once he brought his attention to you, you were lost for words. 
His eyes sparkled as his lips were brought into a polite smile. He held a confused yet gentle expression, and you couldn't help but stare at him with heart eyes. He cleared his throat, bringing you back to your senses.
“You're handsome” your voice came out as a mumble.
“Hm?” He leaned closer to you. You got a slight whiff of sandalwood and cinnamon. You could faint on the spot, no joke.
“You- you're extremely good looking” you said without thinking, still staring at him.
He brought his hand on his mouth, chuckling at your words. ‘Oh. My. God. This man has the prettiest hands ever’. He removed his hand, still holding that gorgeous smile of his. He had fang-like teeth. It's probably illegal to be this perfect. 
“You too- I mean- you're pretty” he replied, smiling with his eyes. Your cheeks flushed red, but you knew he said that out of politeness. You hid your face in embarrassment, looking away as your cheeks boiled in your skin. ‘You're such an idiot, y/n’. There was an uncomfortable silence between you two, until the elevator door opened.
You walked with fast steps out of the elevator, too embarrassed to even look back.
“Wait” you heard his honey-like voice once again. It was probably in your head, or was it? You stopped in your tracks when you felt a hand on your shoulder. ‘He's so tall’. You looked up at him in silence.
“Do you mind if I- I get your number?” He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. 
You couldn't process his words.
“My number?” You asked in disbelief. He nodded in response. You started glitching. Your hands went back and forth from your head to your hair, and finally to your pocket. You took out your phone and gave it to him. He chuckled at your wallpaper- a poorly drawn frog with a crown on its head, with goofy handwriting spelling out the words “frogs are queen cards too”. One of your artworks, of course.
“Oh that's just what I did when I was bored, I'm actually talented” you mumbled to defend yourself and your dignity.
“It's cute,” he said, making your heart race at the smile that formed on his face.
“Sunghoon!” You heard from a distance, and saw him turn at his name, probably. It came from a group of boys- his friends, of course.
“I gotta go,” he told you, pursing his lips in guilt. “Bye, queen card” he said with a slight smirk, before handing over your phone after typing out his number and running towards his friends. 
You were left speechless. You watched as a few boys hit his shoulder, teasing him as they screamed a few ‘ooh's and ‘ah's at him. He had a shy smile on his face, before he looked over his shoulder at you one last time. 
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lightwing-s · 1 year
hii love your work!! you're one of mu favorite blogs atm :D
can i request trying to study late at night, only for jason in his red hood suit to come bother u??
thanks 🥰✨
omg i’m so glad you’ve been liking my stuff, hope me taking this long hasnt made you hate me lol i’m so sorry. but here it is, hope you enjoy 🩷🩷
Exam season was driving you crazy. Exams, essays, projects, all stacked up and taking 100% of your time. And for this, you were wake at 3am on your 100th pomodoro session of the night, fighting a battle with your own body to keep yourself awake.
Concentrated on your text book, you were unaware of your surroundings, of the window slowly being open, and of the giant creeping into your bedroom. It wasn’t until you felt a strong presence at your side, heart speeding up in fear as you slowly turned your head, that you saw the bright red skull of your boyfriend and let out a loud scream in fear.
“Relax, it’s just me” he told you through a laugh, closing your mouth with his large hands. In return, you repeatedly slapped his chest, hardly causing any pain, as Jason’s laugh continued.
“D’you wanna fucking kill me?” you whisper-screamed while he removed his helmet.
“Sorry, you just looked cute, all concentrated and shit.” you rolled your eyes at his compliment, caving in to his sweetness and pecking his lips. “Just this?” Jason complained.
“I have to study.” you explained, but he still threw at you his big puppy eyes. To counter him, you pouted your lips, which he kissed away swiftly and moved to sit behind you on his bed.
“Fine.” he still sounded upset, but he left you to study with a smile planted on your face. Or so you thought, as minutes later you felt something hit your shoulder, and then another.
“Really, Jason?” you turned around to see him pretending to be asleep in your bed, the large smile on his face giving him away. Turning back to your studies, it wasn’t long till you felt him throw something at you again, and again, and again, not caving in to his incessant tries to get your attention.
Suddenly, though, you were being pulled from your desk with your chair and placed between his legs as sat on your bed. “You really can’t be serious about ignoring me.”
“I have to studyyy! I’m so full of stuff, Jay, you can’t even imagine how…”
“I know!” he cut you off, hands holding onto your waist. “But you also need to rest, it helps with retaining information. And you also need to give your boyfriend some attention too, or he’s gonna get upset and go punch bad guys on the streets. You really don’t want to be responsible for that, do you?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness, but there was still so much to do. “I just have two chapters left.” you stared at him innocently. He huffed and spun you back to your desk, kissing your head while complaining.
“Whatever, I’ll just go to sleep.” You watched through the mirror on your wall as Jason stripped down to just his underwear, throwing his pants on your head and going under the blankets, looking all warm and hugging your stuffed frog, Mr. Lollihops.
You tried to focus on your book again, but the sight of your boyfriend all wrapped around your childhood toy was too much to handle. So you fixed your desk, turned off the lights and headed to his arms that he had spread out for you.
“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” he said as you snuggled into his chest.
“If I get a bad grade on the test it’ll be your fault.”
“You’re too smart, you’ll do great.” he kissed your forehead, fixing the blankets around you both. “Besides, the Red Hood can always threaten your professor to give you a better grade.”
Laying there on his chest, eyelids heavy with sleep, his fingers caressing at the nape of your neck, you allowed yourself to forget school, forget the world, and just melt into your boyfriend for the comfort you so wanted that night.
a/n: i’m writing this after spending all night awake and bombing my test today. all i wanted was sweet giant jason to hug me to sleep tonight and pretend i don’t have any school work to do.
send me a word or prompt and I'll write you a 200 words blurb x
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tsukiasaurus · 1 year
visiting him at work | tsukishima kei (18+)
hi im writing this at work while waiting to go home. unedited and intentionally lowercase. hope you like!
warnings: heavy kissing, thigh riding, some biting, kei cums in his pants (and so does reader)
reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns!
tsukishima has been working long hours at the museum between sendai frogs games, and you’ve barely seen him more than 10 minutes all week. you send him a text that you’re coming to the museum to see him, to which he leaves you on read. its not an uncommon occurrence for him to do that, but this time it made you pout.
the museum is basically deserted when you get there, and if your boyfriend wasn’t working there, you’d be sure that it was closed. as you walked in, the receptionist greeted you with a smile.
“hey there, y/n!” she said. “kei’s giving a tour right now, but you can go wait in his office if you want!
she was always cheerful, and her happiness always rubbed off on you. seeing her smile always made you smile. you were sure that she was the only one in the museum who loved her job just as much as kei did.
you thanked her and walked toward kei’s office, a space you have grown quite used to. it was a small room with a cute little desk. there were a few pictures of dinosaurs on the walls as well as footprints matching the dinosaurs. on his desk there were a few small framed photos. one of the karasuno high school team, one of him standing with kogane and kyotani, and one of you and him.
you sat in his chair, admiring the picture of the two of you. sugawara had taken it at the team reunion that tsukishima invited you to. you sat in his lap, arm around his shoulders and clearly laughing at something someone had said. you assumed it was nishinoya because he always made you laugh.
tsukishima walked into his office, jumping nearly three feet in the air when he saw you.
“jesus christ, y/n!” he gasped, a hand over his heart. “you almost gave me a fucking heart attack!”
you just giggled, twirling in the swivel chair that you were sitting in.
“i told you i was coming!” you said. “but you were out being a good employee and giving a tour.”
tsukishima rolled his eyes. “what brings you here?” he asks, leaning against his desk. “you usually only visit when you’re bringing me food, and i don’t see my favorite food.”
you chewed on your lip. “i missed you.” you said softly. “you’ve been working so much and i barely saw you this week!”
the pout that rested on your lips melted tsukishima’s heart every time without fail. he hated seeing his babygirl sad, even more so when he was the cause.
“get up.” tsukishima ordered, motioning to the side of the room.
you do as you’re told, walking to the wall. tsukishima sits down in his chair, looking over at you. he pats his lap with a small smile.
“come sit.” he says.
you sit in his lap, legs spread over his lap. he wraps his arms around you, giving the fat of your ass a squeeze. you gasp and look at tsukishima, who only smirks.
“can’t have my baby miss me too much.”
with a small adjustment, you’re straddling his thigh as he kisses you roughly. you whimper against his lips as your hips stutter involuntarily, grinding your center on his muscular thigh. no matter what you did to satisfy yourself on the nights that tsukishima was on the road, nothing would feel nearly as good as his thigh. you tried everything. humping pillows, that vibrator that tanaka bought you for your birthday as a joke, and even a dildo that was just as big as kei was. nothing worked.
tsukishima looked at your hips as you mindlessly ground them on his thigh. your knee grazed his crotch, giving him just enough stimulation to get hard.
“so desperate already, aren’t you?” tsukishima coos, caressing your cheek. “missed my cock so much, didn’t you?”
you nod, babbling as you continue moving your hips. the sensation is unmatched, and you feel yourself getting closer.
“missed you so much.” you whimper. “missed you making me feel good, ah!”
you moan as tsukishima sinks his teeth into the exposed skin on your collarbone before licking the now bruising skin.
“gonna get yourself off on my thigh baby?” tsukishima asks, watching as your movements get more desperate.
you nod quickly, moans filling the room. tsukishima digs his fingers into your thigh, your knee grazing his clothed cock just right.
soon, you find yourself coming undone on his thigh. right around the same time, you hear tsukishima let out the breathy whimper that he makes whenever you two fuck in public and you make him cum.
“atta girl.” tsukishima praises as you lay your forehead on his shoulder, hips slowing. “thats my good girl.”
“s’good.” you pant, closing your eyes. “love you.”
“i love you more, angel.” tsukishima whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple. “i gotta get back to work, but we’ll finish this once i get home tonight. i miss my special girl.”
you nod, kissing him on the lips sweetly.
“you won’t work too late today right?” you ask, looking at tsukishima with your famous puppy eyes.
“of course not.” tsukishima said. “i don’t think i’ll survive if i don’t fuck you into the mattress tonight. now go home and get ready for me. i’ll be home in two hours.”
you nod, happily getting up. you feel so happy its almost dizzying. with the promise of mind breaking sex - and honestly just being able to hug and kiss your boyfriend again - you couldn’t wait to get home.
“leaving so soon?” the receptionist asks as you walk out of his office.
“yeah, we just made plans for dinner.” you lie.
“oh, okay!” the girl replies, her cheeks tinged a slight color of pink. “see you later, y/n! have a good night!”
as you leave the lobby, the receptionist sighs, hiding her face in her hands. the walls of the museum are surprisingly thin considering the age of the building. you wouldn’t be the only ones getting off that night.
ta da!! another tsukishima smut drabble in the books! if you’ve read down to this note, please send me some requests! thank you<3
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kindaqueerngl · 1 month
short fanfic ig?
It hurt.
it hurt when Nico realized that he never had liked Percy.
that on it's own didn't hurt, but the fact that he thought he'd had a crush on Percy when really he was just alone and in pain and he liked the comfort of another human being.
which made Nico think that maybe he couldn't feel love.
maybe he was heartless or gross.
he'd never have someone like how Leo had Jason, or Percy had Annabeth, or Hazel had Frank, or Reyna had Thalia.
his face felt warm and his heart hammered as he slumped against the wall in his cabin, feeling his throat begin to close up and his eyes sting.
he curled himself up, shaking, trying to take deep breaths.
no one could hear him cry. It would be to embarassing.
he shuddered, feeling a tear trace down his face.
he remembered how he felt special when he'd liked Percy. but that wasn't real.
he didn't know why it was upsetting him so much.
he didn't know why he was being so overdramatic, why he was crying and shaking in his cabin when he could be of worth.
he didn't know why he was being useless.
the thought forced a sob from his chest, shaking his core as more tears spilt from his face.
he remembered what Will had told him.
"you're having a panic attack" said Will's soft voice in the back of his head.
the same thing that was happening a now had also happened a while ago, after Nico had had another Tarturus flash back.
he breathed deeply through his nose, trying to calm himself down while trying to remember the advice Will had given him.
"go to your happy place, Di Angelo. Try to think of things that make you smile. or laugh. or just feel good".
Will had told him this while rubbing his back in a rythmatic way, tracing invisible circles on his spine.
he remembered that Will had started awkwardly laughing and apologizing for being a dork with horrible advice.
Will had always been there, though Nico didn't know why. Will was constantly looking after Nico though Nico didn't return said generosity.
and yet Will went out of his way to talk to Nico.
to text Nico through the demigod safe phones Leo had desinged.
to make him laugh or smile.
Nico's breathing began to steady slightly, and instead of a clogged throat it just felt dry. he wiped the tears off of his face, feeling his breath shudder.
his heart began to regulate, but spiked again when he heard a knock at the door.
he tried answering, but instead of saying yes, he just made a weird gargling groan with his throat.
the doorknob twisted and the door creaked open, revealing Will Solace who was scanning the cabin for Nico.
"Nico"? he called, his voice startlingly loud compared to the lulled silence of cabin thirteen.
"hey" Nico croaked, now sounding less like a dying frog and more like he had a tissue in his mouth, muffling his words.
"Nico"? Will raised his eyebrows, "what are you doing on the floor"? he creaks the door open further, washing Nico in slivery moonlight.
Will's eyes widen and his surprised expression melts to concern.
"before you ask, I'm fine" Nico mumbles as Will closes the door behind himself and sits next to Nico.
"you've got to stop doing that, you know. I'm a doctor. I know when people are in pain, whether that's physical or mental".
Nico scoffs. "you're more like a school nurse".
"plus, you have red splotches around your eyes. You've been crying" Will adds, ignoring Nico's sarcastic comment.
"well... everyone cries" Nico mutters.
Will sighs.
Nico arches an eyebrow.
"I dunno. You're the "doctor". You should know better then me" he answers, rolling his eyes.
"not that, dumbass. why are you crying"? he jabs his finger into Nico's ribs playfully.
another shuddering breath. Silence.
"you don't have to tell me. I know you're apprehensive when it comes to trust. No pressure, Di Angelo", Will says gently.
deep breath.
"I feel..." he looks down at his hands, scars jagged like lightning bolts.
"sometimes I feel like I'm uncapable of... love, I guess".
"what"? will asks incredulously, his eyebrows shooting up to his scalp.
"sorry" he says in a gentler tone, averting his eyes, "but you aren't, Nico. Love doesn't have to be romantic".
"I know, but that's the thing. I want to feel... attached to someone. But I just... I don't... I don't know? like it feels like no one wants to be attached to me, and I'm scared to be attached to someone, because I've lost people before and I'm scared it'll happen again because it's horrible. And what if I mess up? And what's it supposed to feel like? I've never really truely liked someone, even when I thought I did. So was it fake? am I fake"?
Nico stops, realizing just how overdramatic he was being.
Will breathes deeply, chewing his lip like he does when thinking.
"Nico... how do you know"?
"how do you know that no one wants to be attached to you"?
Nico's eyes widen, and he looks down awkwardly.
"maybe... maybe the person you liked before, you really did like, just not love. They're different things. Sometimes when you like someone, it's almost just like friendship with added steps. When you love someone, it's so many more steps, so many steps that it clouds the friendship aspect, though it's still there", Will says, his eyes trained on Nico's.
"maybe".... Nico whispers, trailing off into silence.
Nico paused, but asks carefully, "have you ever loved someone like that"?
The corners of Will's lips curve upwards, his dimples reappearing.
Nico nods, not knowing exactly how to say what he wants to, but knowing exactly what it would sound like.
"thanks for talking to me, Di Angelo. I mean it".
Nico smiles, which hurts his cheeks slightly.
"thanks for listening", he replies as he rests his head on Will's shoulder, listening to the sound of his heavy breathing.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
hello !! <3 I need some batfam headcanons !! random go !!
Bruce actually jokes about his parents the most. He has a picture of Martha's gravestone on his phone that he sends to the batkid who thought they could just skip brunch with a " your grandma wants to see you" text and they're there IMMEDIATELY
Dick has " Live Laugh Love" and "Bless This Mess" wall art in his apartment. Additionally, he participates in retail therapy but only with Bruce's credit card(s)
Damian has a special compartment in his utility belt. It's filled with treats for cats and dogs when he's on patrol and he does the " pspspspspspsp" thing
Jason listens to Olivia Rodrigo on loop
Duke's blood can glow in the dark, but it's most visible when his emotions are up to max. Think kintsugi art in human form
Cass knows math mechanically; She doesn't understand the theory behind it, and frankly, she refuses to learn
They have a chore board but instead of actual chores, it's a " whose turn it is to scare off Bruce's gala creeps" and surprisingly? Dick is booked
Each of them have a special movie to watch with Bruce one on one. Legally Blonde for Dick, Night At The Museum for Damian, The Hunger Games for Jason, The Empire Strikes Back for Tim, Home Alone for Cass, Mad Max: Fury Road for Steph, and Princess And The Frog for Duke
That being said - they make appointments for their Bruce time. Jason uses the " Okay, but I DIED" card everytime he wants a full Bruce day. He has to share it with Damian and he's so salty about it
Dick and Jason's BIGGEST fight happened because Dick made Bruce a dating profile. It also never dies because he always sets him up for blind dates, but it's more to annoy Jason at this point
Steph picks fights with Spoiler haters online for the fun of it
Bruce is part of a Gotham Facebook mom group - not a toxic one, but a cool, chill one, where they just share funny stories and photos of their kids. the moms there aren't concerned at all by Bruce's wacky stories bc this is Gotham
Damian is super sweet with little kids and let's them ride on his shoulders as Robin. He volunteers at his school's kindergarten and babysits as a part time job too!!!
Bruce has all his kids listed as their pet names in his contacts. Dick is Chum, Damian is Baby, Jason is Sweetheart, Tim is Honey, Cass is Princess, Duke is Sunshine, Steph is Champ
In return, he's Tati <3 in Dick's phone, Papi 🦇in Jason's, Baba in Damian's, Papa in Tim's, 爸爸 🖤🖤🖤 in Cass's, DAD #2 in Duke's and Batdad in Steph's
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markscherz · 11 months
Are there any frogs that keep their tails in adulthood?
Basically no. The famous 'tailed frog', genus Ascaphus, has a tail-like posterior extension of the cloaca (used for internal fertilisation, very rare in frogs), and not a true tail
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There is a pretty good reason adult frogs cannot really keep a tail. Tails are made of post-sacral vertebrae. The sacrum is the vertebra involved in the hip. A tail is separate from the main trunk of the body. This is achieved by the tail starting behind the cloaca, which is basically where the body ends. In frogs, two things are going on.
Firstly, frogs have extended parts of the hip that articulate (interact) with the sacrum—the ilia. This elongation is responsible for frogs being so good at jumping.
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Because the cloaca is kind of tied to the hip, the cloaca of the frog is shifted dramatically backwards relative to the sacrum. So now, the end of the main trunk of the body is not right behind the sacrum like it is in most tetrapods, but shifted waaay back, all the way to where the hip is.
Secondly, all frogs actually have post-sacral vertebrae. But they are fused into a single rod, called the urostyle, which does not extend outside of the body, but is instead coopted into the funky jumpy hip joint. If frogs were to gain a tail, it would either have to be (a) by breaking the urostyle back into its component vertebrae and separating them out of the main body of the animal—extremely unlikely, because it would compromise the hip joint and require major muscle restructuring, or (b) by adding additional vertebrae behind the urostyle that would be normal—extremely unlikely because there are no known mutants that do anything like that to my knowledge, and it would also probably require some kind of support at the base (a second hip?), which is hard to imagine.
So in a way, frogs actually have tails, they're just on the inside. But it is very, very unlikely that any frog would evolve a tail again, without first rebuilding the whole hip mechanism. Even with the weird-ass stuff that evolution has done to frogs over the millennia, they seem to be pretty canalised on this tailless fate. But, at least they get to have a highly functional tail as tadpoles—at least, in those species that have tadpoles.
Anyone wanting to do some hardcore reading on the topic of urostyle ontogeny and evolution can check out this paper on the topic.
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wonijin · 1 year
there are many walls in kang haerin's life. she'd overcome many of them. except this one. but this time, she'll make sure she succeeds.
tags: kang haerin/fem!reader. fluff. 1.5k words
warnings: none
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kang haerin sat beside you, mumbling a small greeting. just like she did ever since you were children. but this time countless pairs of eyes follow her around, and in extension, you.
“i guess even famous idols can’t escape the grasps of geography.” a grin that haerin missed adorned your face while she let a tiny smile graze her lips.
the cat eyed girl took out her books. your presence eased her from the swarming students wanting a picture or an autograph. at that moment, haerin felt two thick walls.
one that separates the both of you from the outside world, a shield from prying eyes. a little space where its just you and her.
another one, an old wall dating way back when you both met at a playground divides you and her. a wall she’d been dying to overcome, break and burn just to be with you on the other side.
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“yeah. but i thought how you’d like to see my perfect handwriting in person.”
“you’re such an idiot.” haerin shook her head, her smile never faltering. the teacher entered before you reply something even more ridiculous.
a comfortable silence engulfed between the two of you. haerin sneaked glanced at you only for you to catch her eyes and flash her a genuine smile. the idol looked at her lap in hurry to hide her red cheeks.
the idol understands it might a long time before she can attend school and see you again. her schedules wouldn’t get any looser in the future.
sure, you both chat when you send her notes or assignments she missed. you call to explain a problem she couldn’t understand. but haerin wants more. something more intimate than trying to understand a scientific concept.
“do you wanna come by my dorm later?”
you wouldn’t have heard her if you were paying attention to the lecture. but this time there was no need to jot down notes if the only reason you do them is sitting beside you.
“i missed too many classes to comprehend your notes. can you explain them to me?”
you stared at her a little bewildered. kang haerin is smart girl, no other person in this planet is able to understand your messy notes other than her. and now she wants you, a failing student, to explain something to her.
after all, taking notes and understanding it are two very different things. for you, at least.
“yeah. sure, of course.” you wanted to say how you’re absolutely sure you’d be zero help or ask if her members are okay with you there.
but you were scared you asking would make her double guess and you couldn’t afford to mess up a chance to be with haerin.
“great. i’ll text you the address.”
this is it. the first step into breaking that wall.
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haerin first laid eyes on you when you were both children. she'd left ms. kero, her frog plushie, at the playground. but when she came back she saw you kissing it.
imagine her shock when she found a stranger smooching her favorite plushie. it was the first time she'd actually been horrified in her life.
the look on your face when the realization that you got caught hit was nothing less than petrified. moments passed with just the two of you staring at each other, your small hands still clutching the soft plushie.
suddenly, haerin dashed towards you.
"look-i can explain! it's not what it looks like!" you shouted while your feet scrambled to run away.
"get away from ms. kero, weirdo!" haerin chased you with surprising speed for a six year old. she was too fast and you were too slow. she had managed to caught up to you in no time. you fell backwards into the sand, her tiny figure towering over yours.
"i watched the princess and the frog yesterday ok!" you plead with your eyes closed and hands over your face. six year old haerin was really intimidating.
"what has that got to do with anything?" her eyes narrowed at you and you found yourself taking a large gulp of saliva.
"i-i thought she'll turn into a pretty princess if i kissed her," you admitted embarrassedly. it seemed like a good idea at the time. but now that you got caught red handed, not so much. "here, you can have it back."
haerin stared at the squishy toy in your hand, slightly disgusted. she snatched it from your grasp and wiped every single inch of it with the hem of her shirt.
"it might have weirdo virus," haerin muttered, turning away from you.
"stop calling me weirdo. i was just testing out if the movies were true!" you whined, standing up and shaking the sand clinging to you. then following haerin around her like a lost puppy around the play ground.
"of course, it wouldn't happen. you'd need an evil magician to curse her first," haerin replied, studying the toy closely for any traces of you. "and i wouldn't let anything like that happen to ms. kero"
"im sorry i kissed ms. kero," you looked at the ground, your hands behind your back.
"let's be friends?"
"only if you stop kissing ms. kero. it's really weird."
haerin's little hands met your extended ones and shaking it gently.
she didn't know it back then but that was the first time the wall appeared. six year old haerin had no way of knowing you'd make her heart beat faster and her cheeks redder no matter how many years pass by.
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“woah. its like a penthouse!” you gaped as you removed your shoes at the entrance. you followed haerin to the living room like a lost puppy.
“sit anywhere you want. would you like something to drink.” haerin asks, she stopped her hands from fidgeting. she wouldn’t want you wondering why she’s nervous over something as simple as studying. “uh—whatever you’re having is fine.”
meanwhile, you sat stiff as a rock at one of the most comfortable couches ever. when haerin comes back, you’d have to teach her shit you know nothing about.
you would have succeeded embarrassing yourself and this study date—study session would be over before you know it.
“you look like you've seen a ghost. don’t worry, all the members are out.” before you know it, haerin came back with a couple of orange juice.
haerin lay her books down at the coffee table. while you dragged out taking a notebook as long as possible.
“whats wrong?” haerin looked at you pointedly. inside, alarms blare in her head. did she do something wrong?
“its just—” you scratched the back of your neck sheepishly. “i mean i don’t understand why you’d ask for my help. if anything i should be asking you.”
“then, we’ll study it together.” your eyes widen as she scooted an inch closer to you. you looked at the textbook she placed in front.
“oh come on, chemistry? really?” haerin giggled at you, opening it to a certain page.
and sure enough, you taught haerin nothing. in fact, haerin ended up teaching you. a lot.
“see, you’re better at this than me. did you even need my help in the first place?” you say as you spin a pencil between your fingers.
“no. i just wanted to spend time with you really.”
your hands stopped and your body turned rigid. haerin felt her breath hitch, dying to know your reply.
you turned towards her, visibly shocked. haerin is scared she just messed your friendship. if worse comes to worst, she’s ready to clarify that she wants to spend time with her bestfriend. but she didn’t want for it to come to that.
“why didn’t you just say so?” you complained loudly. and haerin smiled, her eyes in a crease. and the sight of it made your heart soar.
“we could’ve watched a movie or something. my head hurts—” your ramble was cut short when you felt soft lips on your cheeks. haerin pulled away with a blush.
“shut up. we’ll watch a movie after this problem.”
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Ooh how abut number '11. toothpaste kisses' for soft prompts! Love your writing
Send me soft prompts! Ao3 collection post here!
Eddie is going to make everyone late.
Look: he really thinks most of it isn't his fault. He'd covered for somebody on B shift Tuesday, so he'd only had 24 hours off and he'd had to sleep through a good chunk of it, so laundry went a little by the wayside, leading to him tossing a frantic load into the washer at 5 am when he realized he had no clean work clothes. And, again, he’d covered that Tuesday shift after a 12 hour on Monday, so it’s reasonable that he forgot how dire the toothpaste situation was. The look Chris had given him when he said they needed to run to the store right now at bright and early 6 am would have withered a lesser soul, so at 6:04 Eddie, still in sweatpants and wearing ratty old slides is running down the block solo to grab whatever they have at the nearest corner store. He winces as he grabs the baking soda kind (Chris hates it) and books it back to the house, trying to breathe through the waves of oh god I’m a terrible father who left my kid alone and forgot about dental hygiene.
The house is considerably more crowded when he gets back to it. First, Chimney is lugging a dresser up the front stairs.
“What- hey- what-“ Eddie grabs the bottom of the thing, hastily shoving the toothpaste in his pocket. “What’s this?”
Chim tilts his head at him. “We were getting rid of it and you said you could use a new dresser, remember? I texted you I was coming to drop it off.”
Eddie’s phone is probably dinging away uselessly on his bedside table. “Right, yeah, sorry. There was a toothpaste emergency. Uh, thank you, we can just-“
Before he can come up with some way to finish that sentence, Carla opens the door. He hadn’t even seen her car, shit, he hopes there’s no calls right away when they get to work because he’s clearly not slept enough and should lay down again as soon as possible.
“Oh!” She says, surprised and cheerful. “Why don’t you bring that into the living room. I put your clothes in the dryer, Eddie, I figured if you were running the wash this early it was an emergency.”
Well thank god somebody has a plan and knows whats happening. He and Chim set the dresser next to a wall someplace as out of the way as they can get, and then Eddie points at Carla. “Thank you,” he says, trying to put as much sincerity into the words as possible, before pivoting to head down the hall to find Chris. Its not a long journey, the kid standing right around the corner. Eddie hands him the toothpaste. “There you go.”
Chris scrunches his nose. “Baking soda kind. Gross. And I don’t need it, Dad, Buck brought the good stuff.”
Eddie pivots again to look in the kitchen, where the man himself is leaning against the counter drinking a cup of coffee out of his current favorite mug, the one with the squiggly little drawing of a frog and a chicken dancing together. “Hi.” Eddie supposes he isn’t exactly surprised he’s here, Buck is a feature of their household as much as the mug he’s holding is, but he is a little concerned about the amount of people popping out of the woodwork without him noticing. “Anybody else here? Why’d you bring toothpaste?”
Buck grins. “I think you’ve seen everybody now. And you were running out when I was here last, you’ve been busy, figured it might be helpful.”
Eddie nods, a little… wordless, maybe, a little bowled over. “I’m gonna…” he gestures towards the bathroom and limply leaves the conversation. By the time he’s brushed his teeth (it is the good stuff, the pricier name brand arctic fresh, Eddie usually goes for generic spearmint) Chris and Carla are ready to head out the door. Eddie is glancing at the clock and nervously calculating exactly how wet the clothes he’s about to put on are going to be as he says goodbye, leaning to kiss Carla, Chris, and Chim’s cheeks. “Ok, thank you, have a great day at school, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
It takes a few seconds of staring at Chimney’s trying not to laugh face, and listening to Chris’s not-trying-not-to-laugh-at-all guffaws before his brain catches up to his actions. “Oh my god.”
Chimney grins and Eddie shakes his head futilely against the oncoming barrage. "I always knew I was your favorite." He smacks a hand to his cheek and swoons, and Eddie rolls his eyes. "Everyone said it was Buck, but I knew the Han-Diaz love connection was just waiting to happen."
Buck is laughing somewhere behind him, and Eddie wants to see what look is on his face, but instead he rolls his eyes again, harder, and says "I'm going to check on the laundry," and shoos his son out the door before fleeing to the dryer.
Of course it's all still fucking damp. They're already pushing it on time though (maybe if all three of them are late they can unionize against Bobby?) so he shucks his sweats and shimmies his way into the unpleasant cool of his pants. When he emerges from his shirt, wincing, he finds Buck in the hallway with him.
“Chimney says we’re running late and if you don’t hurry up he’s leaving you for dead, no matter your new found love.”
“I know, I know, I just need to find my shoes-“
“I put ‘em by the door,” Buck smiles, and then the smile becomes a grin. “Hey, Eddie.”
“Yeah?” Eddie says with the right amount of apprehension for the situation.
“No goodbye kiss for me?” He tilts his head, grin thoroughly classifiable as shit-eating.
“We’re going to the same place, Buck. I’m probably gonna ride in your car.” He’s absolutely going to ride in his car, they both know it.
“Ah, so is Chimney, he got one.”
And Eddie could defend himself with the reasonable explanation that he just happened to be standing in a row next to the people he’d meant to press his affection onto, or the less reasonable explanation that he only gives goodbye kisses to people whose names start with a C, but instead he says “You want a kiss, Buck?”
And he’s moving before he loses nerve, and Buck is also moving, laughing at him, so again Eddie feels like it’s not entirely his fault when his kiss lands sort of on his cheek but mostly- it’s mostly on his mouth, which is soft and exhaling a little surprised sound against Eddie. They both pull back but maybe not as far as they probably should, if they weren’t them, if Eddie hadn’t spent the last few weeks or maybe years wondering how he could ask Buck to live on the shelf with all the mugs he’s cycled through as favorites. Then Buck darts his head forward, pecking another little kiss to his mouth, and Eddie chases him for a third, and Buck’s hand tangles in his shirt and he says “Oh” into Eddie’s mouth because the fabric is wet under his touch.
“Buckley, Diaz, I’m getting in my car, and I’m not going to defend you to Cap!”
Even at Chimney’s words they don’t entirely jump apart, just slide back a little, stand more firmly facing each other as the front door distantly opens and shuts.
“We’re gonna be late,” Buck says, an awed little smile pulling at his face.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, a little breathless. Maybe he can blame that on the cold clothes. “We should probably get going.”
Buck nods, and barely finishes the motion before Eddie puts his hands on his face and pulls him in for another minty kiss, firm, a promise. Buck is grinning when he backs off and Eddie is sure his face is a mirror image as he ducks around him to go find his shoes.
They’re late. But as Buck settles next to him on the couch, all pressed along his side despite the still damp clothes, Eddie thinks it was worth the wait.
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WIBTA for rejecting a gift?
🐸🐸 <for my refrence
My buddy got me a poster yesterday as a Christmas gift. I was asleep when he dropped it off, but he's really excited about my reaction. Even asked my roommate to tell him what my initial response is.
I love this guy- he's my best friend and he tries really hard to maintain our relationship, despite having radically different schedules. He's a ✨Creative✨ and doesn't work a lot, so he has a very limited amount of spending money. He insists on getting friends gifts, though, because the tradition is important to him. Last year he got me a custom baseball bat and I was so excited I actually blacked out for a minute (don't hold your breath as a bit)!
This year I asked him to come to a drag show with me and bring his own single dollars. we did, we had fun, but he still wanted to get me something.
It's a poster of a frog painted rainbow with the text "OBAMA TURNED THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY." overlaid.
I'm gay and like a meme as next as the next homo, but I'm really uncomfortable with this. I don't like using the language or rhetoric of people who literally or figuratively want me dead. Even though it's got a rainbow on it. I don't want to think about Alex Jones, I don't want to think about Obama and his war crimes, and I don't want to think about my political enemies in my own home. It's funny to reference but I really don't want to put those words on my wall. I'm also not huge on frogs so the cute factor doesn't do much for me.
My sister recently got me rainbow "don't tread on me" stickers and I feel the same way about that- it feels like Make America Gay Again hats, where I'm just freaking out my community for no reason (until they get close enough to see it's a joke).
I live in a small apartment and I don't have a place I could put this out of the way, like a garage.
WIBTA for regifting or throwing away the poster? Is there a better course of action? He was really excited about this and I don't want to break his heart, but I also don't want my home full of alt right quotes, hilariously misguided or not.
What are these acronyms?
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