#Or even a series with the other Shie Hassaikai
fanofflames · 3 months
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Aaaah, finally got the new Overhaul figure! He’s so beautiful, I can’t believe how detailed he is. The photos don’t do him justice at all.
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lineli225 · 9 months
Tomura's Kill count in Canon
I'm done with people calling Tomura a "sadistic genocidal mass murder who killed millions" BECAUSE HE ISN'T.
So, i finally decided to prove it my self.
So today I'll be listing EVERY person Tomura killed! With his reasons too.
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1- His father, his first intentional kill and one of the few he felt a thrill or pleasure, justified since he abused him.
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3- The two thugs, he killed them under AFO's pressure, and if you pay attention, he was wheezing during it the same way he did during his panic attacks.
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Time skip to the present:
USJ had no kills (despite his attempts), Stain's arc had no kills either (except some papers and a binocular, RIP). No kills even during Kamino, as he seemed to not even want to kill Bakugou.
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Tomura's first kill, chronologically, in the entire series, is ironically, only on the 4th season, and 11th story arc (Shie Hassaikai Arc)
4 kills so far, one of Overhaul's man, this kill was literally self defense (and revenge)
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5- The cop driving the police car, guarding the ambulance Ovehaul was in (we don't know if he died or just lost his hand though, it might not have even been intentional considering he aimed to the steering wheel)
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Then we have the Overhaul arm snatching scene, the only moment Tomura is shown as actually sadistic so far.
Totally owned though, Overhaul shouldn't have threatened him, killed and injured his friends
Then, we move to the MVA arc, where the real kill count starts
First, we have a unknown number of kills, when the league visits Creature Rejection Clan, there was around 20 visible members, assuming the kills where shared equally though the League, we can say Tomura killed around 5 or 6 of these guys.
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Which he did with no Sadistic glee, actually, so far, he either kills with no emotions, or seems bothered by it (Also, racists, so owned 💅)
Anyways, around 10 kills by now.
2 kills, then i could count 32 people, so 44 kills.
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Considering Deika had 110,000 Meta Liberation members, and that good part of these people had died by GigantoMachia, Twice, Dabi and others.
We don't know though, how many where killed by Tomura's decay wave.
In the end Hawks had reported around 9,946 MLA members dead
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I don't know if the kill wave should be counted though- since they weren't direct intentional kills
So by far Tomura has killed around 7,000 people, but none of them where innocent people (except that cop rip) People left alive:
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Now we move to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc
First kill being X-less, then once again a unknown number of both heroes and villains killed by the decay wave, let's count the visible/shown deaths.
Crust, these 2 guys, some of the list- around 15 kills by Tomura
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Since the city was evacuated, no one died besides a few heroes.
Tomura didn't kill anyone else during his fight against Endeavor and Izuku, so now we move on, with a kill count of around 61 visible kills and hmm.. 8,000 off screen?
I won't count any kill during the Tartarus scape since these where clearly by All for One
So we move to Stars and Stripes! Since here Tomura and AFO's personality where already half way, i'll count thise ones too. So more 2 kills here
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Then the final arc begins, but despite the absolute mess the fight against Tomura in the UA cage was- it had no deaths besides Bakugou.
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On screen kills by Tomura: 61 kills
Kills counting ShigAFO: around 64
Kills counting off-screen deaths: around 1,000 to 9,000
Bonus: Nine lol
Ngl, owned too
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Now you're probably thinking: uhh- that's still a lot of people.
But the thing is, he killed much less than it looks like, literally all kills where out of self defense or necessity, very few in the list where innocent people, the vast majority are villains, and he never killed for pleasure or in a act of sadism.
Actually, he had very good reasons to kill each one of them.
Yes yes, he did attempt to kill much more, but he didn't.. Even if he did kill "millions" because of Deika- he's still not the monster he is portrayed by some.
Like come on, if you had an entire city trying to kill you, you wouldn't try to defend your self in your way to rescue a friend? If someone threatened you and had brutally killed your friend and taken another's arm, you wouldn't feel joy in vengeance?
Anyways, Tomura is innocent
"The reason why he killed them or how he felt doesn't change the fact he killed them!"
If so same for Gran Torino's "killing is a form of saving" ass!
Like come on, look at him!
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Anyways, my job here is done 😌
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susagnon · 1 month
Eijirou's POV on the dynamic between Bakugou and Midoriya
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Kirishima and Deku share quite a few significant characteristics: Both of them are among the sweetest kids in 1-A. Humble about themselves, but very open about their admiration for others. There is little doubt, that they also hold admiration for each other. Along with Uraraka and Asui, the two boys had to keep their involvement in the Shie Hassaikai raid a secret from the rest of their class for weeks, they have prepared for the operation together, and went into the raid together.
However, I’m not sure, where to place Midoriya from Kirishima's POV regarding their biggest commonality: Each of them has a significant personal tie to Bakugou, albeit very different ones.
Bakugou haters and apologists alike, have argued about class 1-A’s hypothetic reactions towards the true extent of Bakugou’s bullying of Deku, as well as whether those would be warranted or not, to death. I have no desire to get into that.
Nevertheless, I have wondered about Kirishima’s thoughts behind his canonical reaction towards Midoriya and Bakugou's interactions. Or more precisely, his lack of reaction throughout the series.
To contrast: There's one scene where Uraraka confronts Bakugou and point-blank asks him, why he treats Deku like dirt. I see this as a very brave act from Uraraka. Not because of who and how Bakugou is (crass at best, violent at worst, let’s not sugarcoat this), because I don’t think that he would have had physically attacked her for that, but because of the cultural context of Japan. It is very frowned upon to “meddle” in what people perceive to be others’ private business.
However, while I am of the opinion that their relationship to each other is mainly Deku and Bakugou’s private business, I would not classify Uraraka confronting Bakugou with the negative connotations of meddling:
By being so openly hostile to Deku, Bakugou has also broken the social rule of keeping your private business, well, private, and not imposing your issues on others. His degree of unrestrained hostility towards Deku could have (or has it canonically?) very well disturb the entire group’s hero training overall.
In the present, Deku is Uraraka’s friend. And their mutual classmate is presently treating him like shit.
In my eyes, those two facts are reasons enough, for Uraraka to at least ask Bakugou a few questions.
One would think that those would be reason enough for Kirishima to confront Bakugou too. So why has neither he, nor any of the other 1-A kids done anything of significance in that direction?
Uraraka confronted Bakugou, asking questions, to which he logically would have had to either be able to justify himself somehow, or cease his aggression towards Deku immediately. Naturally at that point, Bakugou does neither and just leaves huffing and puffing. But people have to ask others such question, and not just as a throwaway remark (a half-hearted "Bakugou, calm down" doesn't count), to signal, that their treatment of others is not acceptable. Afterall, continuous disapproval can influence people to change their behaviour.
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Even if one may object, that Kirishima is closer to Bakugou than he is to Midoriya... that would actually only be more of an argument for Kirishima to intervene, because he has more emotional leverage over Bakugou than e.g. Uraraka.
And even with everything else aside, based on Kirishima’s overall characterization, one would think, that he would never be okay with his friend attacking another classmate repeatedly for no discernible legitimate reason.
The only tentative possible reason I could come up with, for why Kirishima never intervened here, is that to him, Midoriya had never seemed less capable than Bakugou since the day they all started at UA together. As in, Kirishima had never perceived any power disparity between Midoriya and Bakugou.
However, Kirishima and the rest of 1-A saw what Bakugou did to Deku during their first class assignment (All Might deserves criticsm for not interrupting that fight. He truly was a bad teacher... still isn't a good one). After that incident, Bakugou’s verbal aggression towards Deku also still continued for a while.
While Kirishima may not be emotionally intelligent to same degree that e.g. someone like Kaminari is implied to be, Kirishima is still sensitive to his peers’ feelings (see his reaction towards Tsu-chan's sadness after Kamino).
Furthermore, one must simply be blind and deaf to have missed Bakugou’s belligerency towards Deku - that lasted at least until they had beaten the crap out of each other and got grounded together.
As such, it can be safely inferred, that Kirishima (and the rest of 1-A) noticed that Deku and Bakugou had bad history with each other - and that the animosity came one-sidedly from Bakugou.
Either way. If I witnessed a peer being repeatedly put down by another, I would firmly and repeatedly tell the latter to knock it off, stfu, and get himself a therapist for his anger issues...
What did Kirishima see, when he looked at Midoriya, and everytime he witnessed how he was treated by Bakugou?
How did Kirishima justify it to himself, to not try harder to get his bestie to stop being a total dick to another friend/ a classmate?
After Bakugou apologized to Deku in front of all of 1-A, did Kirishima and the rest of the class ever wonder, what exact actions warranted such a gesture from someone as proud as Bakugou?
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shadowsandshapes · 1 year
FFTB | CH 2: Trial by Fire (Dabi/F!Reader)
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Summary: Dabi doesn't think you've got what it takes to join the League. He approaches Shigaraki with a request: he wants to test your abilities and see what you're capable of. Contains: Swearing, Canon-Typical Violence, Power Fantasy Elements, A Series Of Very Unfortunate Events, Reader Is A Villain Who Does Villain Things
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This was ridiculous. Shigaraki had to be out of his goddamn mind if he thought a girl like you could benefit the League in a meaningful way. You weren’t cut out for this – Dabi could see that in an instant. Back at the gambling hall, he had only caught glimpses of your abilities, but he was certain you wouldn’t be able to keep up. Recruiting you was like tossing a bunny rabbit in with a pack of ravenous wolves. They would eat you alive. He watched you make your introductions with the rest of the League, scrutinizing your every move. Pretty little thing. Soft features and curves – all smiles and sarcasm. No substance.
There was no way you’d last a week. Let alone long enough to repay your debt.
Thanks to Twice’s disastrous Overhaul introduction, the LOV was short one member and Mr. Compress was out for the count until he could get a new arm. Having fresh meat on board wouldn’t be too bad. That’s why they visited the casino in the first place: recruitment. However, the raid had thrown their plans into disarray. You showing up to mess with the cops definitely helped but, at the end of the day, you were nothing special. They needed frontline fighters. You were a disaster waiting to happen. Not exactly what they were looking for.
“Shigaraki –” Dabi called, motioning for the other man to move out of earshot of the others. As soon as he was certain no one was paying attention to them, he leaned in close and continued. “Let me test ‘em,” he grumbled – nodding his head in your direction.
“C’mon, Dabi…” their leader protested half-heartedly, rolling his crimson eyes at his companion’s overly cautious attitude. Tomura really wasn’t in the mood to argue right now. Not after all the shit they just went through. “What makes you think she’s not a good fit?”
“Look at her.” Dabi deadpanned. “She looks like a fucking pastry. Sweet and fragile. We gotta know what we’re dealing with here. Didn’t you have beef with some other villains? Let me take her to them – see what she can do.”
Shigaraki pressed a thoughtful finger to his lips as his eyes landed on you. Dabi had a point. You didn’t exactly look like the part of the evil villain. As far as he was aware, you could have been bluffing about your Quirk. They knew nothing about you – other than that you had hilariously humiliated those loser Heroes at the casino. Still, those guys were small fry compared to what the League was facing now. If Shigaraki wanted to get even with the Shie Hassaikai he would need strong allies. Whether or not you were one remained to be seen. Dabi was a harsh judge. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to find out. 
“Alright,” he agreed, giving Dabi an affirmative nod. “Take her downtown. There’s a group of thugs who leaked our info to Overhaul’s men.” Shigaraki pulled out his phone and quickly typed up the address. “Make them pay, rough ‘em up – and find out what she’s capable of.”
“You got it, boss –” Dabi checked the location. A warehouse. Remote – most likely abandoned. A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. He’d be able to test your mettle and the authorities would be none the wiser. This was perfect.
Time to give you a proper introduction and grill you a little. Just for fun. 
Dabi strolled up and inserted himself between you and Toga. He slung an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close. The other girl protested but his icy glare was enough to send her slinking off to join the others quietly. In contrast, the grin Dabi was giving you struck you as dangerously venomous.
Just what was he up to?
“Hey, Lucky –” he started, “the name’s Dabi – you and me are going for a ride first thing tomorrow.” His finger shamelessly dipped into the hem of your neckline, giving it a small tug and allowing it to snap back. “I suggest you get some more tactical clothing cuz this get-up you’re sporting isn’t gonna cut it where we’re going.” Oh – the way you blushed when at his touch was delightful. What a peach.
Yeah – he was gonna enjoy breaking you in.
“I have a name. It’s (Y/n).” This Lucky-shit better not stick around – you hated being called that. Bastard. He seemed so very pleased with himself for making you uncomfortable – it was pissing you off. You shrugged his arm off your shoulder dismissively, glaring as he chuckled and raised his hands in mock surrender. There was no way this charmer was getting off the hook so easily: you hadn’t forgotten the shit he pulled earlier. For now, though, you decided to play nice. “Sending me on a mission that quickly – what’s this about?”
“Trial by fire, newbie. I’m gonna find out just how lucky you are.”
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Aside from asking about the mission details, you didn’t talk much – but Dabi did notice you glaring at him every now and then. 
It was hard not to. Your face seemed to be permanently stuck in a seething expression. Sure, being forced to join the League wasn’t a walk in the park – but most villains would be thrilled to gain some notoriety. It came with the territory. Reputation could get you a long way in this world. Considering how many recruits Dabi had turned into burn marks on the pavement, you should consider yourself – well, lucky. 
You walked by his side, keeping pace as you made your way toward the rendezvous point. Despite your reservations with the man, you had listened to his advice – leaving the cocktail dress at home for the day. You really, really didn’t need him getting a free show of your sexy bits if you happened to get into a fight. The memory of his finger on your collarbone kept replaying in your mind – which incidentally was why you kept glaring at him. Among other things.
“Your face is gonna get stuck like that, grumpy. Lighten up, will you?” he said, unable to suppress a grin at your pouty expression. “If we’re gonna start teaming up, ya might as well get used to lookin’ at me.”
“Not the biggest fan of my current company,” you admitted. “Can’t say I’m looking forward to working with the guy who left me for dead yesterday. Do you know how many cops were on my ass? I’m still picking glass from my hair.”
Dabi barked out a laugh. “You still sore about that, babe? So that’s why you were being such a sourpuss.” He could have guessed. His first impression hadn’t exactly been a favorable one. Still – that was hardly Dabi’s most pressing concern right now. “I told you: it was nothin’ personal. Crusty said to block the exit, so I did. You were just collateral.”
“It’s not fair. I tried to help you and you let me take the fall. I mean – yeah, you’re villains, but did you have to be dicks about it?”
He shrugged. “Life’s not fair, sweet thing – the sooner you get used to that, the sooner we’ll start getting along.”
You sighed. This was going to be a long fucking day, wasn’t it?
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You couldn’t have been more right.
The thugs you were sent to dispatch were pussies but the sheer number of them was overwhelming. Dabi was no help. Intentionally, you reckoned. This was your test after all. He spent most of the fight up high – away from the action as you barreled towards certain doom.
Your confidence was admirable. Stupid and reckless – but admirable nonetheless.
Improvised weapons were one of your favorite things to use in a fight. In this case, you’d gotten your hands on a rusty lead pipe. A crude-looking thing. Heavy and wide enough to do some serious damage to human skulls and kneecaps. Perfect for dispatching a pack of low-lifes, really. At first, Dabi thought you were nothing but a bumbling buffoon, stumbling from one disaster into another. He expected you to go down in the first five minutes of the fight but you were still standing. More than that, you were actually pretty good. Someone must have trained you.
After a while, Dabi started to notice a pattern. What seemed like utter chaos was actually far more contained. Every slip-up you made actually worked in your favor. It was almost comical how you skid across the ground – slipping between the legs of one of your attackers to emerge on the other side and crack the pipe against the back of his head. You could influence your luck but its effect was dependent on what you had to work with. Objects, people – anything you could touch was fair game. If he were to put you in an empty room, for instance, Dabi figured nothing would happen. You simply wouldn’t have anything to influence. The way he understood it, Luck was better suited for defense which is why you had invested time in combat training. There was potential in you – Dabi could see that now. Guess Shigaraki was right – maybe you could earn their respect just yet.
With the loud crack of bone and groaning cartilage, you brought the pipe down on a thug's knee. He howled in anguish, dropping to the ground like a cement brick. “Hey hotshot –!” you called out. Dabi perked up – snapping out of his thoughts. “Can you get down here already?”
“This gettin’ too much for you?” the villain questioned – descending from his metal scaffolding perch by sliding down the rafters. “You can say it’s too much, I won’t snitch to the boss – pinkie promise.” He jumped the last gap and wasted no time catching up, ducking past oncoming attacks to reach your side with one quick sprint. 
“It’s not that.” You rolled your eyes, taking a moment to wipe the blood from the pipe on your jeans. “I’ve never taken on this many guys at once –”
“Yeah – I bet,” Dabi smirked, positioning himself to cover you as the thugs regrouped for a counterattack. “You look like a real good girl with that pipe in your hands.”
You shouldn’t have laughed – but you did. “Shut. up. Fuck me – you’re unbearable.” For the first time today, you didn’t sound all that pissed off. Rather, amused. Almost like you were actually having a good time despite the circumstances. Dabi took note of that, eyeing the smile you were so desperately trying to hide from him.
So you did have a sense of humor after all. 
He felt you press your back against his to make sure no one could take advantage of your flank – surveying the remaining pawns on the field. The rest of the fight was an outright slaughter. Your opponents didn’t stand a chance once the two of you were actually working together. The matter was settled within minutes – blue flames sweeping up whatever bloody bits you and your trusty pipe had left behind. When the dust had settled, you and Dabi were the only ones left standing. Breathless but unscathed.
“Not bad, newbie –” Dabi admitted, reaching up to ruffle the top of your head. “Guess I was wrong about you. You’ve got spunk. One more thing –”
“What – is there a written exam too?”
“No –” Dabi laughed, shaking his head. “Just a question, that’s all.” You know – maybe this guy wasn’t so bad after all. He was kind of tolerable when you were actually on the same team. “Don’t get me wrong – you kicked ass just now but – how’d a pretty little thing like you end up like this?”
“Like what?”
“A villain.”
You became quiet then. There was something there. Behind your eyes. A sadness. Anger – a festering resentment. Dabi could see it all. He knew those feelings intimately. Still – you shrugged and tossed the lead pipe into the grass – pretending the question didn’t bother you. You were a good actress but Dabi saw right through you. 
“Life’s not fair,” you quoted him. “I got used to it.” He wasn’t satisfied with your less-than-masterful deflection, you could see that clear as day. Regardless, Dabi didn’t seem interested in pressing you for an answer. For that, you were grateful. That was a can of worms you weren’t willing to pop open with a stranger just yet. Maybe one day you’d be able to talk about what happened – for now, you settled for quietly boiling yourself alive with these feelings.
Dabi, for his part, only concluded one thing from your conversation: you had motivation. Something every member of the League needed. That was enough for now.
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A/N: Heheheheh Dabi you black cat of a bastard. We're gonna get some actual bonding in the next chapter but the crumbs have been strewn 👀The next chapter does need HEAVY editing, so that one will take a while to come out
Taglist: @kelin-is-writing @dynamars @dabislittlemouse @simpysheep @ohnoitsthatonekid
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Ranking MHA Arcs
Vs. Hero Killer Stain: A 9/10 arc. It had great tension, character development, character interaction, and villain. The friendship between Iida, Izuku, and Todoroki felt 10x more genuine than it ever did with Bakugou. The only thing I would change is maybe make Tensei not so virtuous. Maybe he made mistakes in the past or contributed to toxic hero society in some way. Perfect way to develop both Iida and Izuku
Shie Hassaikai: Again, just a great arc. Great villain and tension and love how the LOV are involved but aren't the current enemy. I love Mirio and his sacrifice for Eri was done perfectly, and him rejecting OFA made me love him even more. One of the only arcs where anyone cared about how Izuku was doing (love Iida and Todo forever). The only reason I'm putting it at #2 is Nighteye being a pretentious prick who pissed me off the whole time.
Battle Trial: One of the only arcs where Bakugou's actions aren't depicted as okay. Also calls out his behavior by making him lose because of it. Izuku's actions are recognized wholly, both what he did wrong and what he did right. Back when Momo was analytical and sharp. Also, evil Iida kills me every time. Just a pretty solid arc overall, good balance of tension and humor. There's only one thing I hate and it's that Izuku felt so guilty that he told Bakugou that he inherited his quirk
Meta Liberation: The only saving grace of season 5. The LOV was so well-written and Shigaraki's progression into a leader was so well done. I would have made it top three if it wasn't for Shigaraki's autonomy immediately being taken away by him wanting AFO. Kind of ruined the whole point of the arc
Entrance Exam: I had to make it top 5. It perfectly captures what made early MHA so great. It's so inspirational to everyone whose dreams have ever been discouraged. Some things could have been handled better which is why it isn't higher, but in general I love it
Sports Festival: I've talked about what I do and don't like about the Sports Festival before. There were a lot of good and bad things about it. Uraraka and Todoroki had great development, Izuku's and Tokoyamk's were okay, and Momo's was terrible. But what really keeps it out of the top 5 is the Bakugou pandering. It's the first arc that really starts to do this and it really ruins what could have been a really good arc
Hideout Raid: Again, the only reason this isn't higher is because it's so centered around Bakugou. If it wasn't just an arc pandering to him and his "development," it'd be a lot better. But I'm putting it at 7 because of the awesome fight between All Might and AFO. Easily one of the best in the series. And how that saved Bakugou was pretty damn cool ngl
UA School Festival: Gentle Criminal is tied for my favorite MHA villain with Stain. Not only is he relatable as fuck, his quirk is so unique. He was just so enjoyable. The festival was cute, though I felt as though this arc could have focused more on Eri's trauma. It's great that the festival was something for her to look forward to, but there could have been more done here. Also, Aizawa blaming his students for the other students being resentful and making them take accountability. Also, Bakugou being good at the drums for no reason
Paranormal Liberation War: As far as major arcs this one is okay. I feel like some parts of it were too drawn out, but it wasn't terrible. I liked Dabi exposing Endeavor, and Mirko chasing down Garaki like a bat out of hell was funny. Hawks' fight with Twice was also very impactful. BUT it also felt like a lot of the pros were useless. Like, Mount Lady struggling so much with Gigantomachia felt odd. She should have been more effective imo. I also wasn't a fan of how Midnight died in the manga, that felt unnecessarily brutal
USJ: This arc does a great job of introducing Shigaraki... And not much else. Like, I don't think it's bad at all, but it was a little boring. It does get points though for Tsu casually drowning Mineta, little moments like this make it watchable
Quirk Apprehension Test: The only reason this arc isn't lower is because of Izuku proving that he belongs at UA as much as anyone else. That was a great moment for him. But the QAT is quirkist and honestly just mean-spirited. Why would you humiliate a student in front of their classmates like that? Not to mention that Aizawa was blatantly singling him out with it. Just the beginning of Aizawa being a bad teacher
Provisional Hero License Exam: I struggled where to put this arc. Because honestly? It was good for the most part. I liked seeing how the kids each handled their tasks and opponents. Bakugou failed (I know I've said that this is undercut by Todo failing too, but it's still satisfying) and it really got into the nuances of rescue work. I liked it... Until Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. This fight ruins the entire arc for me. Bakugou fails because he couldn't stop being a dick for 2 seconds and decides he's allowed to take it out on Izuku? Then he trauma dumps on him while playing victim. And then coerces him into a fight. And then is rewarded from throwing this temper tantrum by being given what he wants (knowing about OFA). This was the arc where my feelings towards the series really soured. I really debated putting it at the bottom, but I didn't want to dismiss the good things about it so easily
Forest Training Camp: Only good thing about this arc was Izuku's fight with Muscular and his relationship with Kota. But after that it's Bakugou making bad decisions and everyone else having to suffer for them. I do appreciate Kota slapping Mineta though
Dark Hero: Just... So much potential. But it feels like we never really go below the surface with Izuku. This is supposed to be his arc and it barely focused on who he is. He should have spoken with the vestiges more. Also, while I can understand where they were coming from, 1A ambushing and then antagonizing him was terrible and Bakugou's bum ass apology was even worse. The only reason it isn't lower is because of my unhinged love for Lady Nagant. She's one of the best written characters in the series and I adore her. Unfortunately, it feels like Hori doesn't allow her to influence the overall story
Pro Hero: So this one is just... Weird. I mean, I don't think I hate it? The fight was pretty cool. I love seeing Hawks' quirk in action because his use of it is so creative. I don't like him and Rei being used to prop Endeavor's development though. I just don't think this arc was that good
Joint Training: So I mentioned this in a reply somewhere, but Bakugou's flawless win felt so unearned. He hasn't put any work into getting along with others and working with a team (all the "progress" he made was others- Izuku- doing the work for him). The fact that he didn't so much as struggle like everyone else was just bad writing. Momo losing even though she did put in the work to learn to strategize better and cover her bases just felt like a slap in the face to her character. Every time it feels like Hori wants to do right by her character, he ends up making it worse but had no problem propping Bakugou up every five minutes. I liked Uraraka being the unsung star of this arc, Monoma's team underestimating her and then living to regret it was nice. It's one of the only times the progress she's made as a hero is ever acknowledged. This arc didn't do a good job of making me care about Shinsou though, no substance to his character. Monoma was pretty entertaining
Endeavor Agency: Boring ass arc. It wasn't funny or entertaining and had zero character development for our main characters. Natsuo is antagonized for calling out Endeavor and poor Fuyumi gets yelled at by Bakugou in her own home for sharing her feelings. And then Izuku's bs "i tHiNk YOurE geTtINg REaDy tO fOrGiVE hiM." Like I love him but wtf is that line? Hori trying to force Endeavor's redemption down our throats
Final Exams: This arc is all kinds of bullshit. Sero takes a hit for Mineta and is incapacitated and fails. Yet Bakugou is continuously uncooperative, attacks him teammate, and is also incapacitated and passes? Not to mention it's all on Izuku to be the one to teach him how to work with others when that's supposed to be Aizawa's job. Every other match was also useless. The only one that has real development and interaction was Tododoki and Momo. Todo gets humbled and learns to stop acting above his classmates (even if he didn't do this with the intent of being harmful, he still did it) and Momo gets more confidence and agency. But no one else really learned anything or improved. This arc just proves how bad a teacher Aizawa is tbh
Remedial Course: I feel like this arc is evidence that Bakugou would suck as the main character. I was bored to tears during the entire thing. It felt like forced Bakugou and Todoroki interaction first of all. And truth be told I didn't know that kid was supposed to be mini Bakugou, I thought he was representative of Monoma. He was nowhere as bad as Bakugou was as a kid and felt a lot more chill. Also looked more like Monoma. Idk if this is how Hori wants us to see kid Bakugou or what but we know this isn't how he was. And then Bakugou gives him this whole lecture only to turn around the next arc and still treat Izuku like shit. Fucking hypocrite. Camie telling him to shut up was the only good thing about this arc (stan Camie)
And that's the list! I'm only doing these arcs because they're the only ones I've read/watched completely. I don't want to make judgements about the next three arcs without fully knowing what I'm talking about. Though the leaks for the Final War don't bode well for its ranking.
So what do we think? Agree? Disagree? Let me know!
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number1villainstan · 5 months
Random questions? I'm down! So on the whole thing with deku not existing and all, can you elaborate I've had some thoughts on it but haven't thought of it hard enogh too write anything about it?
jesus fuck this took so long to answer, i straight up forgot this was in my drafts--
The short answer/thesis statement: Midoriya Izuku is a "black hole protagonist": he, as a character, twists the story around him in order to make himself look sympathetic/always right/super cool (or, more accurately, Horikoshi writes the story that way) to the detriment of the plot, themes, and development of other characters--hell, even to the detriment of his own character depth/development.
(Disclaimers and justification/the rest of the essay under the cut. This is going to be long, and will probably take a long time to answer.)
(Disclaimer: I've really only watched the anime to the end of the Shie Hassaikai arc and through part of the Gentle Criminal--sorry, School Festival arc and read the manga chapters where Lady Nagant appears (the first time) or is mentioned. Quite frankly, I don't want to watch or read further, except for maybe watching the Nagant episodes, or clips of the MLA. That being said, from what I've seen of spoilers, I'm not sure the later part of the series is much different on the points I'm going to talk about.)
Probably the first thing is Deku's internal/inherent traits as a character. What traits does he have? Well, there's his physical appearance, he's a fan of All Might, he cries a lot, he wants to be a hero. Okay, sure. But why does he want to be a hero? What does he get emotional about? He was bullied for being Quirkless--where do we see the effects of that in canon? He and the rest of Class 1A have been repeatedly attacked by villains and lived through seeing one of their classmates chained up like an animal on live television BY THEIR SCHOOL and then kidnapped by a group of villains that attacked a summer camp that was supposed to be safe. (Yes, I am salty about the Sports Festival and Bakugo, because that was bullshit.) Moreover, that student that got chained up was supposed to be someone Deku looked up to. What the hell are the emotional effects of that? Does Deku even see Bakugo Katsuki as a person? A bully? Or just as a standard to surpass? Canon doesn't answer any of these questions--it doesn't even treat them as relevant. Deku's just a bland character for the author to make look cool through Beating Up Villains and pretty (but ultimately hollow) Speeches About The Importance of Heroics and Compassion.
And of course, we have the traits we're told he has, like compassion and understanding, but that don't actually play out--or at least don't play out consistently--in his actions. If he's so compassionate, why doesn't it extend to Overhaul, who breaks out into hives every time someone touches him? That's not normal or healthy! If he's so understanding, then what's this shit I hear about him telling Dabi he's worse than his abusive father? And--furthermore--why does this "compassion" only seem to come out when he's physically fighting people? Why is it that he never steps down from a fighting stance and sits down next to someone? (Although maybe that part's just shonen bullshit.) Furthermore, his informed compassion never leads him to change his mind--no matter what his opponent's arguments are, the narrative always frames Deku as in the right.
And then, of course, there's the fact that he takes up far more than his fair share of screen time. Yes, even though he's the main character. Like 80% of every single episode is dedicated to just showing him off (and despite the disproportionate amount of screentime he gets, he's still such a nothing of a character). How much character development does anyone else around him get, outside of maybe one or two arcs? Hell, it's so bad that Bakugo Katsuki, the guy who's apparently supposed to be his long-term bully/friend/frenemy, has practically no details about him. We don't see his room in the dorm tour, we don't see his parents outside of the montage of a bunch of different characters' parents when the teachers are going around (and the fact that his mother slaps him and calls him weak for getting kidnapped goes completely unaddressed? In a series with the Todoroki family and the Hassaikai arc???), we see comparatively little of Bakugo outside of his interactions/relationship with Deku. And Bakugo is supposed to be a deuteragonist--think of how many secondary characters have their characterization cut short or subsumed into the black hole of Deku. Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, to some extent even Todoroki Shouto, every other member of Class 1A.
And then there's the effect of having Deku as a protagonist on the story's treatment of its villains. BnHA tries to send the message of "everyone deserves to be saved" or "villains are products of their circumstances", but, for a variety of reasons--including Deku being a "black hole protagonist"!--but, uh, not a whole lot of the villains actually end up getting saved (rather than arrested), and when they do sometimes it's in a way that negates their very real concerns/reasons for being a villain. Very first to my mind is, of course, the Hassaikai: the only one in that group "saved" in any capacity is Eri, which, being one of thirteen named characters (among a host of unnamed ones), isn't exactly a very high rate of 'saving.' I thought everyone was supposed to be saved? And of course, there's the added factor of Overhaul--the main villain for that arc--being the character most heavily coded as mentally ill and/or neurodivergent in the series, and that that coding is used to make him seem more scary/villainous/evil. (I could write a whole Rant on how the narrative's treatment of Overhaul's character is ableist as fuck, but that's not what we're focusing on here.) And then we have Lady Nagant--who is saved, yes, but how many of her concerns about the deep structural issues associated with hero society and the HPSC are actually, meaningfully, specifically addressed? She shouldn't have been 'saved' by a fifteen-year-old cop in training. She shouldn't have been able to be 'saved' by a fifteen-year-old cop in training.
Sometimes, the kind of self-indulgent overpowered protagonist that Deku is can have its place, but BnHA as a story is trying to make a point, and Deku's role in the story actively contradicts its messages. BnHA is supposed to send a message of compassion and "everyone deserves to be saved" and whatnot, but then, not least because of its black hole protagonist, turns around and says that actually the mentally ill don't count, queer people don't count, anyone who's ever hurt a child doesn't count, anyone who reacts to trauma in the "wrong way" (with anger, irritability, etc) doesn't count, anyone who was subject to the wrong high-control group doesn't count, anyone who has the wrong idea about how the world should be doesn't count, anyone who isn't "sympathetic" for whatever fucking reason doesn't fucking count. Maybe I could just write Boku no Hero Academia off as a mediocre show if it had failed its goals in some other way, but as someone who fits just a few too many of the traits I just listed, it's hard to ignore the bigotry and judgement behind these contradictions.
And quite frankly, this shit makes me mad.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
UA University:
So what events exactly is adapted to the accelerated timeline and what happens as is (unchanged from canon)? i.e. Shie Hassaikai no longer exists before izuku's first year at UA University so they're irrelevant.
and a diagram of the timeline (a line and bubbles connecting to it with text saying when it actually happens) if you have the time for it that is, if you can't make a diagram, a list with dates will suffice.
I was just gonna ask when would AfO actually puts his plans forward due to him wasting away to his injuries, but a timeline of when and what happens is a better ask tbh.
So the goal is to change the overall timeline as little as possible, by which I mean that even though UA is a university, events happen when they happen. Stain is around while Midoriya is a Highschool first year, for example.
So it would look something vaguely like
Junior High, Start of Third Year: Sludge Villain Incident exactly like canon.
Junior High, Third Year: Midoriya trains by cleaning the beach. There isn't an upcoming Entrance Exam as a hard deadline.
UA University High School, Early First Year: Midoriya receives One For All. Because the High School has limited Quirk resources, Gran Torino gets involved to train him
UA University High School, First Year: Stain attacks Ingenium.
UA University High School, First Year: Midoriya and Yagi attempt to convince Nighteye to teach Midoriya. On their way back they run into Eri and take her with them.
UA University High School, First Year: I-Expo occurs. Wolfram has only one Quirk
UA University High School, End of Third Year: All For One launches some kind of attack because he doesn't have the time to wait anymore. All Might and several top Heroes, including Star and Stripe, team up to defeat him. Shigaraki may remain unknown.
High School Graduation: Midoriya can use something like 50% of the stockpile and most if not all of the other Quirks. All Might retires.
UA University Entrance Exams: Go largely the same as canon, but Midoriya does way better thanks to the above bullet point. (Side note: there may be more than 40 students per year in the Hero Major thanks to the college structure)
UA University, First Year: MLA begins making political moves.
UA University, Some Point First Year: Student Exhibition Expo. A series of games and challenges that showcase the potential of the students, like the Sports Festival.
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nishikiace · 9 months
are there any other rules you want to add? like any other specific characters or subjects you won't do that you haven't already mentioned? how many characters can we ask about at once? will we get less hcs if we ask for more characters? how caught are you with some of the series like one piece? just want to be clear before sending anything in. thanks and have a great day!
Thanks for the question! I'll try clarify as best as I can, sorry if I ramble.
1. Any other rules I'd like to add?
I'm pretty loose with rules - except the do-not section. It's a case-by-case basis with requests since I have so many fandoms and kinks I write, but most vanilla / normal kink / popular kink stuff with main characters is almost always an instant yes.
If its a specific grey area or loophole you're unsure of - send a question. I treat all DMs and blogs as anon so don't worry about me knowing your blog #short term memory loss 🥰
2. Any specific subjects I won't write?
For specific subjects outside my rules, yes probably, since there are so many kinks out there. If its something unusual then don't be afraid to shoot me a specifc dm or question first so I can think about it.
‼️Main thing to understand -> I post for everyone to see and read, so if its super questionable or an "acquired taste" kink then I might not do the request‼️
3. Any specific characters I won't write?
There are definitely characters I dislike or would struggle to write, but I do try my best anyway - even if its fan "unfavourites" like OP Blackbeard.
If your character is the type to only have a 5 second cameo, please help me out with understanding them eg. youtube links, other short fics. I give everyone a pretty fair shot.
4. How many characters can I include? Will I write less?
I will definitely write less, the more characters a request has (compare the length of my strawhats pieces to my toji pieces).
On average a post takes me 1hr+.
If I'm less inspired or confident in the scenario/character, I might write less too.
If you'd like many characters with longer pieces, submit them in very spread out singular requests and don't spam too hard. I can tell if there's 5 identical asks from 1 person per character, and I won't delete them BUT I'll probs only write 1 every few weeks to keep my blog diverse.
Try limit your asks to 3-6 for multiple characters for shorter HCs.
5. How caught up are you on your fandoms?
I'm fairly caught up with most but wiki exists when it gets hard to keep track.
However I definitely don't regularly follow some series like BNHA (dropped after Shie Hassaikai) and recent BSD.
If it's a small side-character request, or a newly introduced character, I'll decide based on how much I can quickly learn about them.
Canon story-heavy requests are also harder for some fandoms but I'm happy to try.
Don't be scared to check with me first though! Sometimes I'll decide I want a challenge like that.
If I can't write your request:
I'll either message back if you're not on anon
I'll quietly delete it if I don't want the ask posted (breaks rules, etc.)
I'll reply to your ask as a post, and delete my reply after 7 days
(to avoid spamming my blog)
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
A Series of Serious Stalkings (Except, Yes Really)
A series of serious stalkings (except, yes really) by egg writes stuff
A long time ago in a land far far away..
13 years have passed since Izuku was shoved in tartarus and forgotten in there by everyone. Until one day, he is freed by someone whose face he didnt even recognize anymore.
A lot changed in those years, such as the rise of the meta liberation army as the new doctrine, being strong is the law as society has no place for weaklings.
Now, as rebel forces try to end this reign of terror and once more change society for the better, Izuku must try to find his place in a world that had long forgotten about him.
What will he fight for?
Is fighting for anything even worth it anymore?
(this is the third part in a series, dont read this separately) (Also, I hope everyone read this summary with the clone wars narrator voice) (Also also, just to be clear, i purposefuly made this summary similar to star wars bc i thought it was fun, but the plot really isnt in that tone :))
Words: 1638, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Of Kidnappings, Stalkings and Cake.
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Eri & Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant, Eri & Hatsume Mei, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice & Midoriya Izuku, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Shouto, Eri & Shie Hassaikai Boss | Pops, Eri & Izumi Kouta
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Mercenary Eri, Meta liberation army won, Hero Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sort Of, Vigilante Bakugou Katsuki, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Denki is still the most functioning human here, Stalking, Author Is Sleep Deprived, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Midoriya Izuku is a Mess, Midoriya Izuku is Not Okay, Shoto knows how too human now, Villain Todoroki Shouto, BAMF Yaoyorozu Momo, BAMF Eri, hero commission does not exist anymore, Cake, Crack and Angst, Fluff, no beta we just die
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46086967
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actualfemslash · 2 years
Here to Stay (68420 words) by pocketsized_owl Author tumblr: @pocketsized-owl Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako & Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Hadou Nejire, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, POV Alternating, GAY AWAKENINGS, precious girls with broken hearts, then they fall in love with girls, bi girls learn that they are bi, bnha feminist manifesto, Implied Sexism, Character Study, Relationship Study, hopefully one of the best bnha femslash fics that you read, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, First Love, First Kiss, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, whew this fic is finally finished, momojirou goes to a concert, tsuchako goes on a mission, tododeku learns how to communicate, strong platonic izuocha and todomomo vibes (chapter 5 and onwards), so many new tags, wlw analysis and feels, will they or won't they (come out of the closet) Series: Part 2 of Habits of My Heart
Summary: She can’t deny it even if she wants to: Todoroki and Deku would follow each other to the ends of the earth. Yaoyorozu must recognize that as well, that they’re good together, and just like Ochako, she must want only the best for her boy. It’s the biggest irony that comes to being in love: you will sacrifice anything for the greater good, and the greater good is always the person that you love, even if they don’t love you back. If there ever is a story about Heroes, UA, and Class 1-A, Momo hopes that it’s all about the girls; the way they fought their way into UA and kept fighting each day for their right to stay there. If she can write it, she'll write about Jirou: a girl who gave up one dream in order to chase another, fully convinced that she can’t have both but still unable to let go of the last guitar string, the last dissolving note. --- Or, the way Uraraka Ochako and Yaoyorozu Momo move on from their broken hearts during the events of pre-Shie Hassaikai and post-Cultural Festival, and instead learn to fall in love with their best friends, their big dreams, as well as the best versions of themselves. Can be read as a standalone fic.
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isabeauwolf · 17 days
I'm curious. What was everyone's first anime amv's that you watched and what ones stays in your mind rent free?
This Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura amv got me into RED back in high school. If ya'll have read the og Yu-Gi-Oh manga and Duelist, ya'll know. If not, let's just say its wayyy darker than the 4kids anime we grew up with and a lot of stuff was censored. All the crap Yami Bukura put poor Ryou through, Yami was super creepy and throwing out death punishments left and right, but the people deserved it. That was even before the card game was introduced!
I know, I know, Inuyasha is basic and over memed to death, but it's still very close to my heart. It was my first anime in middle school and is very close to my heart, say what you will, but I love the dub. I've re-watched the series 5 times before The Final Act aired, I watched it every week both in subbed and dubbed. I've read the manga online years ago after the original anime ended cuz I had to know what happened! I bought the VizBigs and have a couple of the anti-manga which I hope to finish collecting someday, have other merch and games too.
I'll even share that I used the instrumental version of "Dearest" while walking down the isle for my wedding. Why? The song fit my husband and me so well, we had been through so much together and our love only grew stronger. Even while we were apart, we never stopped thinking of each other.
Eternal Snow always hits me with heavy nostalgia. Do I always cry while singing it? Of course, I do. I always come back here in winter to listen to this beautiful song. I remember watching the whole series on YouYube in high school after reading the manga. The story really sticks with you and inspiring, no matter what your dream is.
This amv I think best summarizes Kai Chisaki, Overhaul perfectly as a character. He has such a twisted mind, but that's part of the reason he was such a great villain, and his style/quirk made him such a bad-ass villain.
The way Pops found Kai as a boy, alone, covered in filth and I imagine he was hungry, always made me feel as if we were missing something from his past before the latest chapters came out. He wanted more than anything to replay the man who saved him, rebuilding the Shie Hassaikai's former glory and reputation along with returning people quirkless. Might have saved so many lives who were eventually lost, but at the end of the day, he still choose the darkest route and solution.
"You have no place here", hearing those words from Pops, his father figure, that's probably what finally pushed him to do everything he did. Ignoring Pops wish and taking matters into his own hands, its brief, but it hurt him, he's shocked before recollecting himself and putting Pops into a coma.
Kai’s final scream makes me cry every time because you just know that’s when he realized he’s lost literally everything he ever had, his quirk, the ability to fix Pops, the Shie Hassaikai his only home, and the quirk erasing bullets and serum, his plan that's been pouring so much time and who knows how long working on.
I haven't said it often on here at least, haha. But MDZS is one of my favorite BL anime, danmei, and manhua I've been obsessed with since 2020.
If you haven't watched MDZS, or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, I highly recommend it. The world building, music, the characters, the animation and raw feelings it pulls out of you.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian's love is only a part of the series, the depth of their feelings cannot be matched by anything after what they’ve gone through together. No boundaries to their relationship and not even death stops their love.
Lan Zhan let go of everything to protect Wei Ying and tried to feel the pain he felt. They went through life and death together. It was literally them against the world. Even though they had no one by their side, they were with each other.
I still have to catch-up with The Untamed... XD I always play their song, "WANGXIAN" before "Mourning for Love."
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bzar-bzar · 1 month
Wild MHA manga predictions time. (Spoilers)
I'm usually wrong about this, but I think:
Tenko overcomes AFO with the power of spite and wanting to save himself from the man who ruined his life
Tenko submits to quirk deletion and is allowed to live (in prison?)
This is where shit gets actually crazy. I'm like 75% in on the idea of everyone losing their quirks. How that happens, I'm not sure. But I think it would really make sense if the Shie Hassaikai arc (and Chisaki/deleter bs) came back into relevance there. The idea of everyone willfully giving up their quirks seems farfetched, buuut. There's the standing quirk singularity problem that doesn't really get answered any other way (as far as I know). How else are the hero society and misclassification of people as villains problem going to be solved?
It has always kind of irked me when MHA fans embrace the idea of hero merch and hero rankings, etc. etc. because it seems like the series is trying to show the downsides of that culture (even though Izuku is obviously otaku). We'll see!
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The “Popularity” of Midoriya Izuku
Following the post that explains the connection of the hero name Deku to the ‘deku-no-bou’ line in the poem Ame ni mo Makezu (of which is famous in Japan, hence most Japanese readers likely getting the reference from the get-go while the out-group hasn’t) and details as to how Izuku choosing ‘Deku’ as his hero name shows that he never sought praise nor credit for his heroic acts, is a series of heartwarming reactions where people echo the inspiring yet bittersweet sentiment of the poem.
Some express that the realisation had made them cry. Others feel rather satisfied, saying how it adds yet another layer to the hero name. And lastly, most importantly, quite a lot noted how it fits Izuku’s character, if rather lonely and tragic for him, because—already—speculations arise that him being ‘The Greatest Hero’ by the end of the story will only be known to the readers...but not in-universe.
So let me offer some reprieve.
But first, let us establish first how outsiders perceive Izuku, and what exactly he is recognized for at this current time. (Because he is talked about a lot, even more so than we realise.)
After all, our storyteller, Midoriya Izuku, is such an Unreliable, Non-attention-seeking Narrator, which is why the narrative is framed in such a way that doesn’t put Izuku in the spotlight... nor does our MC’s point-of-view linger upon the positive impact of his own actions.
However, it doesn’t mean that he isn’t seen at all. In fact, history certainly has both eyes on him.
Without further ado, let’s talk about the popularity of—no, not Deku...
The “Popularity” of Midoriya Izuku.
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Izuku is most commonly known as the ‘kid who broke his bones and kept on fighting during the Sports Festival,’ while his more incredible feats like single-handedly taking down A-Rank Villain Muscular (twice!), defeating Shie Hassaikai Leader Overhaul, and saving the U.A. Cultural Festival (by stopping Gentle Criminal) were not—and might never be—common knowledge.
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Truth be told, whether they’d realized it or not, people started looking at Izuku before the Entrance Exams. That was when Izuku ran to face the Slime Villain, while the other pro heroes were just standing around waiting for the arrival of a ‘better match-up’ against the enemy. Not sure how canonical the light novels are, but in one of them, Kirishima internally mentioned a certain ‘middle school student’ who went against the Slime Villain w/o use of his quirk, which sparked discussions on the internet. Certainly, cameras could be rolling during the villain fight, so copies of Midoriya’s act might have gone around.
If in manga canon, people already began watching him when he smashed the Zero Pointer into pieces. That’s certainly a very memorable feat. They called him ‘special.’ Furthermore, later on, we see that Izuku was immediately popular amongst his classmates. Everyone wanted to talk to him. They praised his moves (with an emphasis at times on how he was doing great even w/o use of his quirk—in fact, his quirkless moves and dodging garnered more praise than his final Smash move) and were inspired by him after the Battle Training round. Izuku was rather overwhelmed. For the first time in his life, his classmates weren’t ganging up on him to tease him nor make fun of his dreams!
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Despite his crazy performance in the Sports Festival and not having a single pro hero interested in sending him an internship offer, Izuku was still popular amongst the civilians. They complement his hard work, they encourage him... When he patrolled the streets with Mirio in the Shie Hassaikai arc, he was recognized by two ladies and they smiled at him as they passed by.
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If you also notice, outsiders acknowledge his incredible progress even more so than Izuku’s internal narration. They put him in a whole other league, as if there was no question at all whom really is the strongest one. They talk about his training, how he’s developed new attacks... Midoriya Izuku seems to be a popular topic around U.A., to the point that gossip about him circulates fast, with the details known by almost everyone the very next day. Furthermore, he mainly gets talked about in a positive light despite his supposed ‘delinquent’ actions. Most U.A. students respect Midoriya Izuku.
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And they know him by name and will call out his name! (As the random guy from the concert crowd demonstrates, whereas he’d only referred to Aoyama as ‘Laser Boy.’) Pro heroes like Gang Orca also knows that bone-breaking kid as “Midoriya” (Gang Orca also internally mentions his name in the anime!!!). I don’t know why I’m excited over Gang Orca calling out Izuku’s name, but...yeah, I am. I’m just a fan of pro heroes knowing and seeing Izuku and referring to him as Midoriya-kun. :’)
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And of course, Midoriya is also very much known to some villains, and in a positive way as well. Gentle Criminal and La Brava immediately remembered Izuku’s tenacity and determination the moment they identified who he was. He was someone to look out for. Spinner, on the other hand, derived his own assumptions about Izuku being a ‘true hero’ based on Stain’s actions on saving him. He was watching Izuku that closely.
Midoriya Izuku doesn’t stand out at all; Horikoshi says that it’s better the plainer he is, since ‘Deku’ is supposed to stand for that faceless everyman who doesn’t hesitate to do kind acts unconditionally. But in spite of that, in other words, people from different walks of life still notice plain Midoriya. 
It’s true that he doesn’t get loudly applauded for his every victory. The cameras are nowhere to be found when he accomplishes something particularly All Might levels of media-worthy.
But is it really tragic for Izuku that he simply does saving for saving’s sake?
Behold, the reactions over the poetic explanation of Izuku’s hero name.
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Because let me tell you now, the post that talks about the “uselessness” of Midoriya Izuku reflects how his kindness is already celebrated.
Izuku still gets the recognition he’s due for his heroism, albeit in ways that we don’t usually think of as “enough.” People he saves or meets get internal revelations when they meet him. They change their views, they would start aiming for the better. Even from the beginning, his are acknowledgements that are more personal. It contrasts against All Might’s, whose goodness and greatness felt so distant and unattainable it created a hierarchy and a divide.
In-universe, Izuku’s kindness endures, his kindness demands change. With a little push from Uraraka’s kind act of teaching him how to reclaim Deku by pointing out how it sounds like dekiru (I can do it!), he gains confidence and makes the revolution last further. Deku is a phenomenon, and a society built upon the premise of ‘being a deku who can save everyone’ is a worthy thing to be remembered by all on its own. By making Deku his hero name, Deku becomes timeless (like the poet of Ame ni mo Makezu on his deathbed). All Might won’t be almighty forever, but anyone can be a ‘nobody who lends a hand to those who look like they’re asking for help.
And that, I think, is the best recognition of all.
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wri0thesley · 3 years
examination - overhaul x reader (2.5k)
warnings:  dark content. yandere/overly controlling overhaul. non-consensual drugging, medical kink, glove kink, examination, surgical setting kind of, reader is basically a prisoner, choking, mindbroken reader, needles, non-con implied. afab reader, fem pronouns. not sfw, minors dni!
me: might write that overhaul choking drabble today idk. also me: writes this 2.5k shameful bullshit instead
this is the first mha fic i’ve ever written pls be nice to me, i love this horrible horrible man
The leather of the operating table sticks to your bare thighs uncomfortably as you tug the gown down, despite knowing that the small gesture is useless. You will end the ‘examination’ on your back, gown pushed around your hips, feet in stirrups--
The door opening startles you, big doe eyes flying to the door to see him. Half of his face is still covered by the bird-mask that you always see in your nightmares, but the overall expression of his eyes is satisfied. You are exactly where he told you to be, exactly when he told you to be, exactly how he told you to be. It’s not a surprise – he’s aware of how much fear he commandeers – but it’s still pleasing to remember just how thoroughly broken you are.
He doesn’t greet you as he comes to stand by the operating table, his eyes instead roaming over all of the bare skin not covered by the medical gown. You’ve been careful. You know that you’re not bruised, or cut, or scratched – you’d looked at yourself in the mirror before you’d made your way here.
Bare-faced, hair brushed back, skin still looking a little uncomfortable and raw from the thorough scrubbing you’d given yourself. It’s better to pre-empt these things, you’ve learnt.
He lets out a sigh. Gloved fingers come to pinch at his mask and remove it – you lean back automatically, not wanting to breathe on him or anything that might set him off, and you win a light tilt of his lips that’s covered with a clinical black surgical mask a moment after you’ve seen it.
The gloves he’s wearing are tugged off with a furrow of displeasure, dropped onto the tray beside him as he snaps the new dark latex ones over his hands and wrists instead. Seeing his bare hands always makes a flash of fear go through you. He does not threaten, in so many words – but sometimes, if you displease him, he tugs at the wrist and you feel coldness drench your back.
“Open your mouth,” he says, detached. He always talks like that to you; still, you occasionally hear talk of what he’s like with those who have displeased him, and you think perhaps his cool detachment as he probes and pokes and prods at you is preferable to the other options. Two of his fingers push on your lower lip, forcing your jaw wider until you ache. “Stick out your tongue.”
You think actual doctors use some kind of tool for this; you don’t think they press two long fingers onto their patient’s tongues so that your eyes squeeze shut for a moment, the taste of rubbery latex flooding your senses. You just manage to stop yourself gagging; there’s no telling what he’ll do if you do that with his fingers still in your mouth.
“Hmm.” He says, golden eyes trailing over your tongue. You are not aware of the throb of heat that goes through him at the sight of you, docile and obedient, your mouth wide open for him. He is an expert in making sure his feelings do not project onto his face. “I’ll up your vitamin dose.” He pulls his fingers out, eyes narrowing in displeasure as he changes out the glove on the hand that was on your tongue.
You sometimes wonder how many pairs he goes through, and let yourself have a brief smile at the thought of how much of the Shie Hassaikai’s budget must be devoted to things like surgical masks and latex gloves and anti-bacterial hand gels. Certainly, your little room in the compound must have cost a pretty penny in all of the vitamins and supplements and other various medications that Overhaul tells you to take.
Another vitamin. Your face is falling before you can stop it, and school your features into a blank mask. He does not miss the change; you are usually so good for him.
(You don’t need to be taking half of the things that Overhaul makes sure are emptied into your too-large pillbox. But you’re easier, sweeter and more pliant when you’re so drugged up you can barely open your eyes.)
“Is there something wrong?”
There’s a knife edge to his voice. Your shoulders shrink in, fear evident in every inch of your expression. Thumb and forefinger come to grip your chin, jerking it harshly so you’re looking directly upwards into narrowed, golden eyes.
“I asked you a question. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
A knot of fear in your throat almost stops you from speaking; but that fear, you know, will be tenfold if you make him madder than you already seem to have. Overhaul doesn’t shout; but his cool, clinical tone and the dangerous glint of his iris is just as frightening as if he did.
“I already take so many,” you whisper, your voice very quiet, cracking. You don’t speak much anymore. His face twitches.
“Perhaps a throat spray, too,” he says, evenly. The fingers on your face trail down, and you bite back a whimper as suddenly both of his hands are on your neck, thumbs pressing directly into your windpipe. He doesn’t press, yet, but the danger lingers there as he keeps his gaze on you. “You sound scratchy.”
(He thinks of a throat numbing spray; of your sleepy, dazed eyes as he pushes himself further inside. He might make you bleed, or tear something, he supposes – but his quirk was made for quickly fixing such flaws, even if he was the one to have made them.)
He presses one thumb down, relishing in the soft wheeze that issues forth from your mouth; the terrified, deer-in-headlights shine of your eyes under fluorescent lighting.
“S-sorry, ‘m sorry--” You manage, voice sounding even drier than before. Overhaul tips his head to one side to consider you. You certainly look sorry, pathetic as you are. But . . . not good enough. Your neck feels good under his hands. He presses the other thumb.
Your hand flies up as if you’re going to grab his forearm, but flutters before it does. You force it back down, curling your fingers around the edge of the operating table – good. He doesn’t know how he’d have punished you if you’d been so bold as to touch him without permission or asking, but he knows you won’t have liked it.
You hate the feeling of the latex gloves on your bare skin; hate the squeaking sound they make when they rub against something, hate the cloying scent of them that lingers wherever Overhaul goes.
The fingers wrapped around the back of your neck dig in, too. He’s pressing too hard, restricting too much airflow – you try and take a hurried breath of air, but nothing can get through the blockage. Your lips suddenly feel very numb. Panic is flooding your senses, as well as a vague sense of . . . nothing.
If Overhaul chokes you out right now, and keeps going until you’re limp and your heart stops beating, nobody will do anything. Nobody will care. The thought is strangely comforting.
He releases the pressure, turning away in distaste as you let out a series of distressed little coughs. You manage to get your wrist in front of your mouth before you cough everywhere, but an antiseptic wipe is still pressed into your other hand forcefully before you’ve even stopped choking.
“What do you say?” He asks you, as he turns back to the medical trolley as if he didn’t just come seconds away from killing you. His gloved hand brushes various silvery medical tools, not all of which you recognise, and your heart misses a beat in fear at the sight of the surgical blades. He ignores those ones, thankfully, instead settling on a syringe.
You’re not sure what’s in this one, but you don’t ask. He’ll tell you as he does it; you no longer know how truthful he is, but it’s not like it matters.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” you manage, through the hazy mess that is your poor oxygen-deprived brain. “I-I’ll t-take whatever you tell me to take.”
“I do it for your own good,” he tells you, tapping the syringe with one gloved finger. He looks at it with that same bored, unreadable expression. You wonder if you could tell what he was thinking better if he didn’t wear the mask. “I just don’t want you to be sick.”
He stresses the word. He is always talking about how filthy and ill and diseased the rest of the world is. You swallow again. You should be grateful. You should. Should be grateful that, for all he tells you is wrong with you and plies you with medicines and drugs and vitamins, he doesn’t think you’re sick enough to just outright disassemble you and put you back together.
You hold your arm out, hoping your compliance will make some of his anger at your outburst fade. His eyes linger on the pinprick bruises of your inner elbow, the side he usually injects.
“Just a painkiller,” he says to you, but you don’t believe him.
He doesn’t give you a warning the way nurses used to when you had to be injected as a child. The needle presses into your skin immediately, almost too deep, and you’re immeasurably glad that Overhaul doesn’t see the flinch on your face because he’s too busy watching the liquid be injected directly into your bloodstream.
Needle out. Gauze. Medical tape. He is practised, clinical, careful as he bandages the site of the injection.
(It’ll kick in in about fifteen minutes, he thinks. By then, you’ll have your back flat and your feet in stirrups and you won’t say anything as he presses three gloved fingers inside of you. All you’ll do is let your breath catch, your hips jerk, your eyes hazy and unfocused as the tranquiliser works its magic.)
An alarm sounds from the device wrapped around your wrist.
“Ah,” he says. “I’ll give you the new vitamin now, then. Just a moment.”
He strides over to the other side of the room and you are well-trained enough to not let your eyes follow him, as perfectly organised cupboards are opened and the rattle of pills echoes in your ears.
You turn the bracelet around your wrist off. It’ll beep again once more, later on, for your third lot of medications. Once in the morning, to both wake you up and to tell you to take your first cocktail of pills. Overhaul never usually sees you until the afternoon unless he wants to check on something, but that doesn’t mean he’ll let you rot in bed hating your life all day.
(You are permitted some books, some hobbies that Overhaul does not think will be damaging to your poor health and that don’t make a mess. There is a half-finished embroidery in your desk drawer, a jigsaw puzzle you must have done twenty times spread out over the desk proper, origami animals in a neat line on your bedside table.)
The second alarm goes off at five fifteen. You are supposed to be in this room – you always consider it the surgery room, though it’s more of an examination room than anything else. You’re not permitted to wander the upstairs of the base at your leisure, much less the cavernous underground hallways, so you often wonder what else Overhaul is hiding down here. Overhaul gives you these drugs himself; sometimes this particular cocktail features some new tablet that you’ve never taken before. He watches you take them with the eyes of a hawk, checking underneath your tongue to make sure you’ve swallowed them all.
And the last lot are taken before you go to bed (half nine in the evening, always. Overhaul says a routine for you is integral to keeping you well).
He’s back. One small cup full of rattling pills and medication is given to you, and a half glass full of purified water from the water filter jug in the refrigerator.
He watches you tip the small cup back, watches the bob of your throat as you trustingly swallow them.
You don’t bother looking inside of it before you do this; you probably won’t recognise half of what it is, anyway. You’re going to take them no matter what, so you have decided perhaps it’s better the devil you do not know.
A gulp of cold water, too loud. You’re given a tissue to wipe your mouth.
You’re suddenly getting very tired. Your arms feel very heavy, your mouth dry, your head stuffed with cotton wool. You blink so slowly you feel like you’re wading through a marsh.
“Mouth open,” he’s saying, again, and you do it so he can check you’ve taken the medication, but it sounds and feels like he’s very far away. If you spoke aloud right now, you feel certain that your words would come out slurred and unrecognisable. “Good.”
Your brain attaches itself to the phrase. He so rarely praises you. You feel your mouth pull at the corners, your smile somnolent and pliant. You cannot see the way Overhaul smirks at your expression underneath his mask, but you can see the pleased light reflecting in his eyes.
“Last examination,” he tells you, brusquely. “Lean back. Feet up. You know what to do, don’t you?”
You do! You’ve done this one a hundred times. A soft giggle escapes from your lips as you swing your legs slowly onto the table and the back is readjusted by Overhaul’s own steady hands to make you comfortable. It is comfortable, despite the cold, sticky leather. You miss the stirrup the first time, and you hear Overhaul click his tongue as you’re forcibly pushed into them. It’s not your fault. You always feel drowsy after taking your medicine, but today is even worse than usual--
“Just relax,” he tells you. Latex-covered fingers rest on your outer thighs, pushing the thin medical gown up so that the hem is ruched up around your waist. “Close your eyes. This will be cold--”
You close your eyes and let out a soft sigh as slick, cold fingers (you suppose that he lubricated them, and you’re grateful – he’s not always so kind) gently prod at the space between your legs.
You could fall asleep, right here, you think – which is absurd. You shouldn’t be feeling so heavy and tired and comfortable whilst your . . . you never have quite the right words to describe what Overhaul is to you, but the fact remains that you shouldn’t be so trusting and naive as to fall asleep here with fingers that have killed probing your slit.
You can hear a clock ticking as if it’s somewhere very far away. You can hear Overhaul’s meticulous, even breathing – like even that has to be perfectly in time, perfectly meted out. You can feel your own erratic heartbeat, like a bird trapped in your chest.
You shouldn’t fall asleep, you shouldn’t fall asleep--
You watch fireworks and swirls and patterns on the inside of your eyelids like you’re at a festival; the kind you are no longer allowed to attend, lest somebody’s sickness rub off on you. Watching your own in your mind seems like the next best thing.
You drop into oblivion.
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wait i should re-phrase this better than the last ask (i mentioned NO SPOILERS so you know who this anon is, and feel free to simply respond to this one) but tldr, at least with bakugo there is genuine effort in the series to develop his character and get him to change, and its something that continues throughout the series. he starts off awful, and its something the writer of the series had to work on throughout, but at least he puts in the effort to develop and try to change this character so that the time we spend on bakugo isnt wasted. with chloe its half assed at best, to try and create a 'redemption' for a character only to take it away completely when the writers/thomas felt like it was 'too hard' to do so, and rewrite canon to firmly fit her into the comfortable antagonist role once again. his story for her mattered so little that he was willing to make several horrible writing mistakes and mess with fans just to make his life a little easier, and i think its that part that has rubbed me the wrong way with this show. good or bad, if a creator doesnt even care about the character or plot they've put time into then..... omph. thats a special kind of bad writing that's beyond executing your idea in a bad way, or even writing a genuinly unlikable character.
Okay, fair point there. There is at least effort to intentionally make Bakugo a likable character.
The problem is that we don’t really see a lot of vulnerability from him whenever his worldview gets challenged. He just starts yelling again about how strong he is to the point where Vegeta would tell him to zip it.
I don’t think Bakugo is an inherently bad character. I just think the writers should put more effort into giving the audience reasons to like him other than showing how tough he is, or at the very least show why Midoriya considers the guy who bullied him for years a friend.
EDIT: I should mention that I haven’t caught up completely on the anime or manga, so I might not be aware of any character moment Bakugo has past the Shie Hassaikai Arc.
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number1villainstan · 2 years
Blog Masterpost
Ao3: I_Deal_In_Nightmare_Fuel
Dreamwidth: dealer_of_aus_666
Recent/In-Progress Works:
March 2024 Monthly Short Piece, setting down roots: The thing is, Kyouichi has finally and permanently uprooted himself from Ohtori’s poisonous ground, but even as he feels himself growing into something new he’s desperate for familiar soil. The thing is, Wakaba needs a roommate to help pay rent and ease the loneliness, someone who will believe her when she lets something slip about the insanity of her previous school. The thing is, on paper, this new arrangement is perfect for them both.The thing is, in practice it might not be so perfect. A post-canon work for Revolutionary Girl Utena. Featuring Saionji and Wakaba trying to live together after Ohtori and navigate all the mundane difficulties of the real world. Also featuring a few Shie Hassaikai character cameos, because I could not resist. (You can read the entire series of my monthly short pieces, all the way back from August 2016, here.)
And the Universe Said “I Guess We’re Doing This the Hard Way”: My piece for the 2023 Natshig Big Bang. One of two/three chapters published. Neither Todoroki Natsuo nor Shigaraki Tomura put much stock into the concept of soulmates, unlike what seems like every single other person in the world. The future Symbol of Fear would only be weakened by a soulmate, and Natsuo is highly skeptical of the idea of meeting someone magical that will fix all his problems. So how the hell is whoever's in charge of this going to get them together? Spans one day, featuring angry cosmic geese, Todoroki drama, and maybe--just maybe--a little bit of hope for these two cynical dorks.
Analyses and Metas
AtLA Episode Analyses/Reactions (Ao3) (On Hiatus/Discontinued)
S1E1: The Boy in the Iceberg
S1E2: The Avatar Returns
S1E3: The Southern Air Temple
S1E4: The Warriors of Kyoshi
S1E5: The King of Omashu
S1E6: Imprisoned
S1E7: Winter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World
S1E8: Winter Solstice, Part 2: Avatar Roku
AtLA Miscellaneous
A rant on “Azulon wanted to test Ozai”
Boku no Hero Academia
Chisaki and Pops’ relationship rant
Ask game for what I think about Chisaki
The first step in any Chisaki betterment arc is for him to chill the fuck out
Revolutionary Girl Utena:
Adolescence of Utena (the movie) First Time Watcher Reactions
Revolutionary Girl Utena (the series) First Time Watcher Reactions full thread
Saionji being forced to embody Bad Masculinity (vs the princely Good masculinity)
Dune and SW: Paul and Anakin
Writing Snippets
“My Writing” tag
Prophet Nemoto
Mitsuki/Nagant meet-cute
Ijichi, Gojo, first years drive to Nightvale by accident
in which Nagant actually kills Deku
Atai inherits the witch’s hands (original piece)
ShigaNatsu Week 2022: Day 2: Folklore/Mythology AU
Fae Chisaki (Outside Perspective)
Bakugo and Shigaraki play a game
The World According To Chisaki Kai
An older Eri idea (mind the tws because I fucking mean them)
A stage, a scene, and a conversation (Chisaki Kai and sentient Quirk Overhaul)
Fire Mage Dabi
Ozai possessing Ursa
Art Drabbles (Reblogs)
Ghost Aaravos
Fandom Events
Zhaomas: Pride
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