#Silvija Sablinova
why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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Uncanny Spider-Man #4 - "Slice & Dice" (2023)
written by Si Spurrier art by Lee Garbett & Matt Milla
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wolfscarr · 23 days
Nightcrawler and Silver Sable romance. Great potential!
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So I tend to not really talk a whole lot about comics, even though I do read them. But recently I've taken notice that one of my favorite Marvel characters(and superheroes in general) and one of my Top 2 X-Men(the other being Cyclops), had his own mini solo with being Spider-Man!
But of course I'm not exactly here to talk about that, it was sort of interesting in that aspect, Kurt being part of the Spiders, though I knew it wasn't going to last. Still for what that was, I found it interesting for him...but let's get into the actual topic here.
So during this time, Nightcrawler(Kurt Wagner) gets involved with Silver Sable(Silvija Sablinova) of Wild Pack(and Silver Sable International). It first comes across as her hunting him for Orchis, though it quickly soon devolves into a more...intimate affair.
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Kurt got that blue furry demon elf charm it seems. Along with(according to Silvija) a perfect neck and a remarkable tail.
Now as this short series goes on, before anyone knows it, the two actually become invested in one another and fall in love, to the point where Sable pretty much betrays the Orchis to save Nightcrawler's life.
Ok so I get where people are coming on at this, that this 'relationship' seems extremely rushed, which sure I'll agree that it does appear that way. Honestly this really should have been more than just a 5 issue series, to really flesh out everything, that I can agree with everyone on. Though I feel as if people miss, that time that we don't see between Nightcrawler and Sable, does clearly seem to pass given dialogue between them.
Now sure this isn't exactly the best way to do things, but it clearly had to be done given that the series was only 5 issues. However....with what we got folks? I think there's some great potential between Kurt and Silvija, the way he broke down infront of her and she comforting him really told a whole lot.
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This scene right here to me says a whole lot. This right here, cemented for me that Kurt and Silvija can be something when they are actually in a series that isn't some simple 5 shot mini.
The two of them have potential as a couple, there obviously needs to be more conversation/interaction with them more, but it's there. I'm hoping that whoever writes for Kurt or Silvija next just...doesn't forget about this, because not only does Kurt deserve someone....like with all the shit he's been through...he does deserve love.
But given that Silvija isn't a mutant and Kurt is, I feel like this would be an interesting opportunity to explore....like how humans would react to one of their own dating a mutant and vice versa with mutants reacting to one of their own dating a human.
Kurt has always been one of my most favorite characters and it's honestly because....he does his best to not let anyone or let anything bring him down, he's always doing his best for others, it's not really for himself but for those around him.
But honestly, I feel like he's long overdue for a partner in his love life, like he actually deserves someone and I feel like Silvija could be that for him. Of course...given how things go with the X-Men(and honestly comics in general), this relationship probably won't last and honestly...I find that extremely upsetting, why is it that writers can't just let characters have a romantic partner?
I'm absolutely sick of characters breaking things off(sometimes for the dumbest reasons) just to create 'drama', then they get into another relationship and the cycle starts all over again. LET THEM BE HAPPY, there's other ways to write characters than doing this.
....But yeah, I kinda want more Kurt X Silvija in the future, they have a whole lot of potential together.
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I mean just look at em!
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evilhorse · 2 months
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There are no coffee breaks for a good heart.
(Uncanny Spider-Man #4)
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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Kurt Wagner and Silver Sable have their romantic night at the rooftop.
Uncanny Spider-Man # 3, 2023
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comicwaren · 6 months
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From Uncanny Spider-Man #004, “Slice and Dice”
Art by Lee Garbett and Matt Milla
Written by Si Spurrier
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nitpickrider · 7 months
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This is just how this issue starts by the way. No lead in, no set up. Silver Sable holding a gun on Viper and I for one can't tell which of them is more turned on about it. Captain America 419
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comicsiswild · 9 months
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Venom: Lethal Protector II (2023) #2
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queenretcon · 1 month
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silver sable for @lesbianlilithmon!!
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neo-alpaca · 7 months
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this cover this cover THIS COVERRRRR
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meikomoodboards · 1 year
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🤍Silver Sable X Yuriko Watanabe🖤
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liriel73 · 44 minutes
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Good morning World! today for the superhero alphabet with the letter S: Silver Sable, for you
Technique : pen drawing and white tempera (14,5x10,5) cm
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why-i-love-comics · 5 months
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Uncanny Spider-Man #5 - "Fade to Blue" (2023)
written by Si Spurrier art by Lee Garbett, Simone Buonfantino, & Matt Milla
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wolfscarr · 17 days
Nightcrawler and Silver Sable. Future Rulers of Symkaria?
So with the recent Uncanny Spider-Man series in having Nightcrawler(Kurt Wagner) and Silver Sable(Silvija Sablinova) getting into a relationship, it had me thinking of the possible future for them as a couple.
Within that future, I was thinking of the very real possibility of Kurt Wagner becoming one of the rulers of Symkaria with Silvija. She's already the Princess of it, so it would make sense then that with Wagner that she could then with his help, make Symkaria thrive and the mini series already touched upon such by Kurt giving Silvija ideas on Symkaria's reliance on mercenary finances.
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This not only paints a picture of Kurt wanting to be with Silvija, but the fact he also wants to help her country and he may even have more ideas. Nightcrawler as many know, always wants to help out others and it's not like he hasn't done so, he's been a teacher, he's been a leader.
But even moreso than that, with this future possibility....it could also open the doors for better mutant and human relations. What better way of doing this, than showing that showing Kurt and Silvija running an entire country and making it better than what it was before?
There's a whole host of potential story writing here for Kurt and Silvija, not just for them and their relationship but on the whole spectrum regarding mutants and humans.
The door is there to really have something interesting. Plus I kinda wanna see how Silvija's father(Ernst Sablinov) would react, to her daughter being with a mutant, I wanna see the two of them bond. I wanna see how the people of Symkaria react to Kurt and the potential possibility of him being their future ruler if he decides to marry Silvija. Which honestly I hope that happens, again...Kurt has been through a whole lot, he deserves to be happy.
But anyway these are just my potential story thoughts that I hope Marvel could lean into, hoping that future writers don't just shove away this relationship because it honestly has a whole host of possibilities!
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evilhorse · 2 months
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I have lived and died for a war my people did not start and declined to win
(Uncanny Spider-Man #4)
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heckcareoxytwit · 8 months
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A preview of Uncanny Spider-Man #2
THE DEVIL’S HORNS MEET THEIR MATCH! The Rhino’s on a rampage again—with a different Spidey suit in his sights! Desperate to apprehend the black-clad BAMFer, Orchis is pulling out all the stops. If the Rhino can’t put Kurt Wagner down, surely Silver Sable and her team of elite mercenaries can? But Kurt isn’t just a lawbreaker in the traditional sense…he’s a criminal flirt too. Can Nightcrawler sweet-talk his way outta this one, or is it lights out for our favorite devil?
Written by: Simon Spurrier Art by: Lee Garbett, Matt Milla Cover by: Tony S. Daniel, Sonia Oback Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: October 25, 2023
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comicwaren · 6 months
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From Uncanny Spider-Man #005, “Fade to Blue”
Art by Lee Garbett, Simone Buonfantino and Matt Milla
Written by Si Spurrier
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