#Which i think a lot of foreign observers too
Sirene asteroid (1009) observations
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Sagittarius Sirene people appeal to others when they're fulfilling their purpose or having a clear direction in their lives. For example, my cousin has this placement, and she's able to appeal to others when she's so sure about being a dancer, believing that she was made for that, following the direction set by her heart/intuition without questioning it.
I have this placement too, and I think people come to me a lot in search for answers, to understand themselves better since Sagittarius is all about expanding ourselves.
Sirene in the 5th house is about mesmerizing people when you're in the spotlight, being confident and letting yourself shine. Also when performing, so this is a good placement for celebrities. My cousin has this, and she grabs everyone's attention when dancing, plus her personality (5H) is very charismatic.
I also have Sirene in the 5th House, and I'm not so comfortable in the spotlight which to me comes from the Capricorn degree (10°, 22°). This brings delays and challenges when it comes to you expressing or getting used to this alluring energy. You have lessons to learn before you're able to own this energy.
A Leo degree shows that you're confident to use this energy, you were born to be seen and to shine under the spotlight! Guess who has this. Yes, my cousin 💃🏻⭐️ It's worth noting though, that she has insecurities and suffers from anxiety, but she still loves the spotlight and wants to shine.
Libra Sirene attracts people when they show a chill attitude, by wanting to make everyone feel comfortable or included, by using a soft voice and having a great sense of aesthetics. My dad, for example, uses a soft voice when he wants to be polite or liked by others, and shows a super chill attitude with my sister and I's friends. A couple of my girl friends simped for him 😷
My sister has this placement too and she's the type to try and include everyone in the conversation, plus she too softens her voice when being polite or wanting to be liked? She also has a great eye for fashion. And with her friends she appears more chill than how she really is (she's crazy, your honor - in a good way).
Jungkook from BTS has Libra Sirene and his singing voice is very soft compared to what I thought it would sound like at first.
He also has Sirene in the 9th House so he might drawn in more foreign fans than korean. This placement could indicate being alluring when you're open to learn from other cultures or expand your understanding of things. Think about ambiences like college, school, foreing countries.
Scorpio Siren could be appealing when they're intense, reserved, observant, alert. Also, when they're being toxic (controlling or uninterested) or give off that aura of bad boy. For example, one of my exes has this, and he pulled me in with little to no effort, he used to take his time replying to my messages and I waited for him, thinking about what he could be doing and wishing for his attention. 🤢
A high school friend has this placement too, and he had this air or mystery when he actually was doing nothing? He has Scorpio Sun conjunct Sirene, and he wasn't easy to get close to at first. It's like he gave off an air of "I'm on my own, don't bother me", and some girls pinned after him.
Virgo Sirene people are alluring when they keep a humble attitude, lending their attention to you and recognizing they can learn something from anyone. My grandma and two friends (a guy and a girl) sometimes would ask me for advice, to explain something to them or to give them my opinion about something, and as I reply they'd look at me with the utmost attention, not wanting to miss any detail. They look at you recognizing the value of your words and that's so wholesome, it makes you feel heard and appreciated.
Sirene in the 1st House might give a great first impression considering it's the house of beginnings. They might be the person people notice or get curious about first in a group, and nobody knows why; it's unconscious. They also might atract people when they take initiative, which movilizes or motivates others. They seem like they would do good in a leadership position, people would be drawn to listening to them (especially when they're in the energy of the sign their Sirene asteroid falls under).
For example, a Virgo Sirene in the 1st House person might drawn people in by taking iniciative and assuming the role of a leader in a humble way, paying attention to everyone's input and striving to reach their ideal.
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ozzgin · 6 months
Hello again, are requests still open? If they are, can I request headcanons for Izuku, Shoto, and Tamaki with an artist reader? They stumble upon the reader's book full of art. The book also has drawings of them and the reader together.
Yes! I even have your previous ask halfway written in my drafts, which I might just conveniently incorporate it here haha. I'm just very slow to write everything. I do mark the request section as closed when it's the case., so no worries.
BNHA Characters x Artist! Reader Headcanons
Featuring Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shoto, Amajiki Tamaki and a reader whose doodles are rather obvious in meaning. More fluff!
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Midoriya Izuku
Deku is not really one to pry. So it was absolutely not his intention to snoop. He'd just assumed that your notebook has generic scribbles made of class notes, facts and observations, similar to his. He didn't expect to find intricate sketches, and of such quality too!
Really, he's mesmerized. He has an eye for detail and will carefully scan every line and every brush stroke. Is this a portrait of your teacher? Fantastic angle you've chosen! The crosshatching adds a lot of depth. He slowly flips through the pages, wondering why you've never mentioned your hobby. He's even a little dejected, fearing you might not consider him as close a friend.
Then he reaches the doodles of him and you together. Oh. Ooooh. He has to look away for a moment, trying to contain his blush. Well, it certainly makes sense you'd keep it from him. He'd like to return the sketchbook and pretend he never saw anything, but...As much as he doesn't want to embarrass you, he can't get the idea out of his mind. To think you like him, too...Can he really hide how happy that makes him?
Todoroki Shoto
Opening your personal belongings was completely unintentional. Todoroki had accidentally included one of your notebooks among his own and swiftly left for his dorm room. As he clumsily dumped out the contents of his bag, he finally spotted the foreign item sprawled out on his desk.
Drawings? He can't think of anyone in class to ever mention such interest. Then he remembers he sat next to you, so it must be yours. He blushes slightly at the idea. It would be most terrible of him to snoop further, but he can't help his curiosity. He'd love to know more about you and a perfect opportunity is shining brightly before him. Just a quick peek...nothing more.
To think you were this skilled and he never noticed. He stumbles upon a portrait of himself. Unexpected. When did you even have the time to observe him so carefully? His lips purse in embarrassment. By the time he reaches the lovely couple doodles, his ears are bright red. Was his crush that obvious? He can hardly believe the coincidence of you liking him back and expressing it so clearly. Returning the sketchbook will certainly be interesting. It is the duty of a Prince, after all (If he is to refer to your little sketches).
Amajiki Tamaki
Tamaki has noticed how you often sneak away from the crowds and assumed you, too, are struggling with anxiety and awkwardness. Upon further inspection, however, it seems you just enjoy sketching by yourself. He feels a little ridiculous, hiding behind the wall and spying on an innocent hobby like this.
Then again, why the secrecy? He always thought you're good friends, yet you never mentioned anything about it. Combined with the fact you frequently praise him or gaze at him uncomfortably long...Are you planning on pranking him or something? No, no, that's just his paranoia talking. He reassures himself as he holds the little book you conveniently forgot behind. This is the perfect opportunity to prove to himself he's overthinking as usual.
Seeing the doodles of you and him together turns him into a fumbling, red-faced mess. His hands are trembling. The polite thing to do right now would be to close the notebook and promptly return it. Still, he's stuck in place, staring at the pages. Is this a joke? You can't possibly like him back. Someone like him. As much as he denies it, the longing won't leave his flustered heart. A man can dream...
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therantingsage · 2 months
Misc additional observations/notes relating to the implication analysis post that I either forgot to add or omitted for pacing reasons.
This one's embarrassing to admit, but I literally did not remember this until the post was done and posted:
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N being bad at keeping things to himself is literally the first thing we learn about him when he starts talking. "Inclusive reflexes" isn't what teaches Uzi this, it's literally the first thing she finds out about his character, so she has no excuse. There is no plausible deniability she knows her boyfriend can't keep secrets.
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((Unrelated to anything but since I'm talking about the pilot like. Why does he fan himself here. Dude you don't even have feelings for her yet bro what's this about. Guy who really likes strong personalities I guess))
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N's tiny little smile in Promening when Uzi admits to wanting his help. He's like, critically underappreciated by the people around him before this so Uzi reaching out to him here must be so meaningful to him. He wants to be helpful and she's letting him be.
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And Uzi, too, despite being stubborn about it. N being so eager to offer help in the first place isn't something she's used to, either. I'm pretty sure the (correct) general consensus is that this is the episode she falls for him, and honestly all the blushing has very little to do with why I think that's the case.
Because, like...no one really bothered even pretending to get along with her. Like, aside from Thad, but that's for like one scene total before N enters the picture, and Uzi's "how do you know my name, people willingly talk to you" implies to me that they didn't have a lot of, if any, meaningful interactions before that point anyway. And then here comes N, who despite how they'd parted, doesn't even seem upset with her. They both spent their time apart terrified of things being bad between them....but it all just melts away when they reunite and the mutual genuine concern shines through. It's great.
N maybe has fragments of memories of life at the manor, not a lot, but he probably has the vague sense that people used to be nicer to him in general. So it's not as foreign to him. Uzi does not have that luxury so having N be so enthusiastically in her corner definitely touches her heart. And it shows through in how she interacts with him in this episode.
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There's lots and lots of little moments in Cabin Fever that I like but this tiny sheepish blush is a funny one. Like he just. Alluded to talking about her. And that flusters her for some reason. We have no idea how much time has actually passed since the last episode but its clear from how little it takes for this reaction to happen that her feelings have grown stronger. She likes him and its cute.
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This scene is one I want to talk about in more detail, though. Home establishes that V still has faint lingering feelings for N, so it's not that hard to assume that her behavior here is at least partially motivated by jealousy. She's petty and vindictive and jealous...but most importantly she's perceptive.
Uzi has abandonment issues, which I think is easy enough to understand so I'm not going to elaborate on it. But V figured that out, and makes this threat with the knowledge that Uzi is worried about being abandoned. Uzi fears the idea that she wouldn't be missed if she disappeared, and here comes V, claiming that the one person she cares most about wouldn't care either. Hitting her where it hurts, trying to convince her that her fears are justified and inevitable.
It's likely that this moment contributes to her eventually going feral. That the stress overheats her faster.
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She's incredibly vulnerable, when she snaps out of it. Shares that specific fear with N, who reassures her. Because this whole scene is him telling her that no, he wouldn't be able to just get over it if she was gone, because their brief time apart in this single episode was already something that scared him. That she's already become important enough to him that her absence was keenly felt.
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It's probably around here, or a bit after this point in the nebulous timeskip between this episode and the next, that N falls for her. Scratch that, his whole speech, as I said in the prior post, just...really feels like some kind of romantic-adjacent confession. But I don't think it WAS explicitly them confessing feelings for each other. N figures out he likes her in this episode I'd like to think, but that speech was the closest he could come to admitting that. Cuz. Y'know. Uzi needs reassurance in other ways right now, no point in muddying the issue.
((and also not news to anybody I'm sure but the song that plays during that scene is LITERALLY called 'Falling...for you??' so. y'know. hindsight is 20/20 this is genuinely the moment he realizes his feelings for her are romantic))
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And additional thing I like that I think about a lot, but the way he deliberately choses to switch his hands to claws when he pries her wings open. "I'm a monster, leave me be" she says, to which he replies "Hey, look, I am too, see? It's ok". It's great, he's mirroring, trying to make her feel seen. And by the vulnerability of her next line, it works. They really just, understand each other so damn well.
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Home stuff. The fact that the first word that comes to mind to describe him is 'cute' is funny enough, but the fact that she even goes so far as to SAY it out loud before hastily correcting herself. Looking at her bf's baby pictures-coded. Has to keep her image up tho, this version doesn't know her so she can't be too weird or open about it.
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But she still wants this version to think she's cool cuz she's a dork who likes him. It's unclear how much of this episode is diegetic when you subtract Uzi, but since these are memories and not proper time travel, we don't know to what extent Uzi's trying to avoid affecting the events. She might not care at all. Did the real N even go down to that basement willingly at any point? I doubt it. But we don't know! And also that's not what I'm making this post to talk about.
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Funny Solvercam-Uzi body language on display. Delighted he recognizes her finally, spits out something edgy to play it cool (genuinely my favorite Uzi line of all time), sheepishly looks back at him, and shyly averts her gaze when he thanks her before looking back. Had she her regular face I'm sure she'd be smiling and blushing about it. It's cute as hell. It's very open delight, when you think about it. But still awkwardly teenage. It's easy to see this and have it make a whole lotta sense if they were already dating at this point. Got that meaningful eye contact going on. She likes making him happy so she's proud she succeeded.
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Him trying to help steady her when they land. She blushes and slaps his hand away like 'dude I'm fine people are LOOKING at us stoooooop >:('
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Her tail chewing on him is fine tho because we don't know if she controls it fully or if it does things subconsciously. And also the others aren't actually looking at them in this shot. Neither of them make the tail stop chewing so at the very least N doesn't mind.
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Still flustered easily when he shows her he cares tho. Early-relationship 'hehehe he likes meeee' moment, adorable. Still clearly giddy that someone cares about her.
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He's so conflicted after 'Tessa' tells him Uzi needs to die. He loves her, he loves her so so much, but Tessa is his oldest friend. All the memories he has of her paint a picture of someone he's supposed to listen to. Someone he can trust. Someone who wouldn't lie to him. He spends the rest of this episode bracing himself for a goodbye he doesn't want to give and its heartbreaking.
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And despite his fear...Uzi still manages to comfort him the best way she knows how. And it gets him to smile! Because that's what the two of them are to each other. He's scared...but she's with him, so its less scary.
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They've both caught up to the moment. 'Oh. We're still holding hands while the other two can see oh god'. They're both tight-lipped. She bumps him and they let go, maybe N thinks 'oh, right, yeah, not in public' but then they hold hands again but with intent this time.
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And once again, it gets N to smile! And a second later Uzi does too! Awkward little moment of intimacy that must be so refreshing for them because there's so much heavy stuff happening but now they get to be distracted thinking about something lower-stakes.
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To me, this bit is an interesting parallel to the Cabin Fever falling scene. He tends to be pretty perceptive about Uzi's worries. He's a good listener. Uzi fears abandonment, he fires back with a promise to stay with her.
But here, the thing Uzi fears is that things are being kept from her. That these two are keeping secrets from her. But instead of assuring her that they'll talk later, like they said they would, he instead chooses to use this moment to put his foot down with 'Tessa'. He just lost V maybe, and he's not willing to lose Uzi too, so he's decided she must be wrong about this being the only solution to the problem.
Up until that very moment, she didn't realize hurting her was on the table. It comes out of nowhere, freaks her out, and confirms her fear that she's not being told something. So she runs.
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And the guilt he feels for scaring her off is heartbreaking. Half this episode is limb-chopping, genuinely, so the fact that he chooses this bone-saw to cut himself free instead of the litany of other things he has that he knows are quicker can't be a coincidence. He's punishing himself. And, additionally, probably reminding himself of V, hiding things because he worries the truth will hurt. Which makes the V hologram showing up moments later thematically very appropriate.
Can't add anymore pictures to this so maybe I'll make a part three later lol
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bat-besties · 1 year
People often say Cass’ reason for identifying as nonbinary is “not understanding gender” and while it’s often a joke, I do think it’s the complete opposite to Cass’ knowledge. (I’m using she/her for canon, this applies however and whichever way you headcanon Cass’ gender identity)
I feel it’s often coming from a place of her not understanding language, but gender is so much more than language. A lot of sociologists and gender theorists would kill for the ability to perfectly understand body language and then travel across (at least) China, Vietnam, and the US observing people in urban and rural environments, in both peaceful and violent situations. 
 In many ways, her lack of preconceptions about gender or need for language to shape her observances would make her more able to see the reality of gender performance rather than ideals. The idea that women are weak or men are unemotional would be foreign to her. 
As a child she’s isolated, but she still trains with the League of Assassins briefly. Unfortunately, the first time she is heavily gendered is as a disguise and a weapon in the most traumatic event in her lift, which undeniably shapes her attitude to femininity as this post covers. 
But as she runs, her world suddenly expands to, well, the entire world. 
Her gender identity may have come to words and self-expression in America, but the first place she would be able to really observe people is in south China, likely passing through Guangdong and Guangxi over the course of a year or two. That’s a really formative period, and as I personally think Lady Shiva is from south China (specifically Yunnan), is also unintentionally Cass connecting with her heritage. 
She’s a homeless and very traumatised nine year old, so obviously her experience would have been overall awful. However, a teenage Cass still strongly believes in the sanctity of life and the capacity for goodness in people, and I have to think that while she’s seen a lot of darkness, she’s seen a lot of goodness too. Cass isn’t always curious about things she doesn’t understand (as with her reading), but she has to have been observant to keep travelling and keep escaping from Cain. 
She will have seen the wealthy gamblers of Macau, the street vendors of small-town Vietnam, the pickpockets of Gotham. She will have seen different gender norms across cultures, even if she doesn’t know how each language reflects those norms. She would have to adjust to each new place, and refine her body language reading more generally (like how Americans smile way too much), including gendered readings. 
Cass will have seen a million couples, straight and gay. Pairs of women afraid to hold hands but projecting their nervousness on the first date like a signal. Unhappy marriages hidden by false smiles for the neighbours. Elderly couples where the man still walks on the road side of the pavement.
Considering herself an orphan, she will have seen mothers nursing their babies, fathers pushing their daughters on swingsets, sisters yelling at each other one moment and laughing the next. 
Watching unobserved, she would see all kinds of women in the city. Groups of women going from club to club in high heels, schoolgirls copying each other’s homework on the train, business women in neat makeup and a purposeful walk.  
She will have met other homeless girls like herself. Despite being unable to speak with them she might recognise the guarded set to their eyes, the way they are always poised to run - but they might have a smile for her, and a willingness to share a sheltered spot. They might have cut her hair spiky and short, or taught her to play cat’s cradle.  
Unfortunately, she will have seen predatory behaviour, men who leer or talk with deceptively friendly tones to a little girl alone. (I know she’s meant to “discover” men being attracted to her in the comics as a teen but that’s optimistic). When those men approach other girls, she doesn’t hesitate to protect them. 
But she would have seen so much joy too - boys playing football and grown men joining in, old men sitting on plastic chairs and observing the street together, gangly teen boys play-fighting.
On the streets, clustered and sometimes hidden, she would have seen people whose clothing and body language doesn’t match their bodies. Before Cass knows the words transgender and drag and gender nonconforming, she knows that these people are at risk for being different - at risk like she might be, if she couldn’t convince herself she only needs her fighting skills to protect herself. She wouldn’t need words to take each person as they look to her, to have an amorphous and wordless idea of performativity. 
And then of course, she has Barbara, and Batgirl, and finally language. 
So, I think Cass’ gender identity is something she discovers with the background of this huge tapestry of humanity she’s observed over the years. And if she goes “fuck that it makes no sense”, that’s a deeply informed, nuanced Fuck That. 
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isa-ghost · 1 month
I see you have hcs, do you have any for mr fitmc?
Here's some ones of his relationship with Phil past and present too bc I don't think I have Fit standalone ones until now.
Obviously these will apply to AMFMN Fit too!
Fit is extremely observant and perceptive. Years of roaming a wasteland, spending every minute of every day documenting, chronicling, exploring and witnessing so much really sharpens those kinds of skills. Not much gets past Fit unless he simply wasn't there or doesn't know. All it takes is an inkling and he'll start connecting dots and making theories.
It's why he Hates the Federation. Not only is he an anarchist, he hates the way they make it so easy to keep him in the dark. It's why he weaseled into it in the first position he could get. Being a janitor sucks, but it's something. Anything to get a foundation for making next moves.
He struggles with trust though. He trusts people, but very few if any does he trust whole-heartedly. Pac & Phil are likely the only ones he trusts that much. And even then, he doesn't confide in anyone nearly as deeply as he does Ramon. Spending so much of his life in 2B2T has taught him to reserve trust for people who prove without a doubt that they're ride or die with you. He wishes he didn't find it so difficult to trust more people though.
Okay complete 180 in vibes here but I'm very passionate about this one: Fit has a giant warhammer that's his weapon of choice. Chainsaw, scythe, potato cannon, whatever other stuff he's got is good. But big fucking hammer. With those muscles? Oughoughouhgh.
By the way he never in his life had experienced people simping for his muscles or flirting with him prior to being on QI. It was whiplash and it's changed him for the worst /pos
On the surface it seems like Fit is pretty cold or at least disinterested in stuff that leans on the vulnerable side. It's not entirely wrong, he's spent so long in a place where vulnerability gets your base blown to smithereens or gets you robbed blind or both. But he Does enjoy such things. I mean, just look at the Fitpac date! And hugs? Hugs rock! He'd be so much worse off if he didn't let loose or let himself lower his guard every now and then. It takes a lot of energy to keep those walls up, it'd be unhealthy to never let them down. Especially in a place like Quesadilla Island, where it seems like it's a bit safer to do so. Honestly, he's the opposite of disinterested in letting walls down. He wants that more than anything, and it took being put on QI, becoming a dad, and falling in love for him to realize it.
Which makes keeping up this facade really hard. Not just the whole "snooping for data" thing, just Everything Fit has built himself to be over the years altogether. He doesn't want to keep holding people at arm's length and looking over his shoulder all the time anymore. It's exhausting.
That's not to say he wouldn't relapse right back to how he was before QI softened him up, though. Again, those trust issues. Purgatory really fucked with his head for a while. And plenty of things that happened after, like the whole Phil Ender King thing, really didn't help either. What he's going through is a form of healing, and healing isn't linear.
He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Be it with dirt, blood, or otherwise. His motto is you gotta do what you gotta do. He's a very means to an end kinda guy. And despite wishing he could shed being so hardened by the 2B2T Wastelands, he does value that it's given him this kind of strength. It takes a lot to be willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
The reason Fit loves fofoca is not only because he enjoys indulging his inner drama whore. He's spent most of his life roaming a place where secrets were as good if not better of a trade than actual currency. When he first arrived on QI, he wasn't entirely sure how to just. Casually socialize. There's little to no risk in it. It was incredibly foreign to him. But it turns out that gossip is like trading secrets in a different font. He's good at that. So collecting and spreading fofoca is how he taught himself to appear kind of "normal" to the other islanders.
Most if not all of the above is also evidence to support the fact that Fit in general is a very adaptive person. You can put him in any environment, as soon as he gets the gist of the status quo and what kind of stakes he's dealing with here, he'll manage no problem. Chances are he's experienced worse. Purgatory and the prison are 2 good examples.
Calling back to the wanting to be vulnerable + confiding in Ramon the most things, GOD is he grateful he got such a brilliant son. Ramon learned a lot from him, but even so, he already had many of the same traits Fit does. It did wonders for bonding, and it's part of what made trusting Ramon come so easy. He's glad he got a son that's so understanding of the way he operates.
The only thing stopping him from taking a page from Cellbit and just starting to kill Feds for information or other reasons is because he knows he'll get more out of playing the long con and letting himself be strung along. Infiltration goes further than outright brutality in his eyes. Brutality is saved for something you no longer need anything from.
Btw his stealth skills are fucking insane. In 2B2T your detection is life or death, and it'll only end in your favor if you can talk sweet enough or have something worth bargaining with. He often did one or the other, but even so, a historian like him typically lacked anything of much value to most bandits and the like. He was simply charismatic and lucky. Which means staying hidden, laying low, and moving with more calculation than a math class is more beneficial to him. And boy has it come in handy on the island too.
In his time on QI, once The Horrors all started, he's learned he really likes having intense intellectual talks with other islanders. Strategizing, theorizing. It feels like the survival he's so used to but with less imminent threats on his life. Bagi especially is an absolute delight to get into these kinds of talks with. It feels like casual socializing and the kind of talking he's used to at the same time. Very much his jam.
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bunnakit · 5 months
do you want to get chicken noodles?
i've had several people wonder why i'm obsessed with playboyy's aob and why i'm constantly saddened by the indifference towards him on the dash so i figured i'd grab hold of my 'too much' habits again and do a breakdown of all the reasons i love aob.
as always, i'm just a little guy on the internet. i could be way off base, i could be seeing things that aren't there, i could be reading too much into things, could be forgetting points of the plot or times when people have mentioned aob in a bad light, whatever. i just ask that you be nice to me because i'm only this big 🤏🏻 (and i also took the time to make gifs of almost every single aob moment across 8 episodes and i've been working on this for 5 hours - some gifs are crunchy because i had to lower the quality to capture everything i want to address)
to preface, so much of aob isn't in what he says - you actually gain so much more to learn from aob about what he doesn't say and observing his body language and facial expressions closely. aob tells his entire story with his body, because that's how he's grown used to communicating.
episode 1 🌸
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we see here aob is genuinely baffled by the behavior of teena and soong. he's used to the environment of playboyy where clients are just paychecks and there's game of cat and mouse and as a result no need for any sort of emotions or emotional manipulation. he's simply providing a service and doing a job. he doesn't have to lure and romance, his clients come to him. the idea of getting emotions involved is completely foreign to him.
episode 2 🌸
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we're brought to a flashback almost immediately in episode 2 that raises a lot of questions but also shows us quite a bit. as aob walks up the stairs he moves as if he owns the place, with the utmost confidence. as he ascends we see security treat him with respect and offer wai's in passing - almost as if he is someone in charge here. this shows us what a big deal aob is among the club, how respected he is even as far as the security is concerned. i think it's a very interesting detail that helps back up aob's arrogance and confidence, because why would he be anything else?
the following conversation with the other workers is a bit confusing to me and as far as i recall we don't have all the answers to the questions it raises just yet. we do learn aob is the one that taught jump, teena, and soong during their time at playboyy. he asks them what they're going to do for a living if they're leaving and i think this conveys the idea that aob isn't as heartless as he appears. he worries for them and wonders how they'll take care of themselves if they leave.
teena makes a comment about the boss going too far but i'm not sure if we know what he means by that yet? i had actually completely forgotten about this encounter until i went back to grab screens. i want to comment on this part more but it's not really the point, i'm just really curious what the fuck they're talking about here as they seem to insinuate they've been forced to work here and even aob is surprised by that. this leads me to believe that aob might be a bigger part of the plot later on, perhaps in uncovering whatever was meant by these comments.
episode 4 🌸
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i think this is the moment aob really lost favor with so much of the fandom and i do understand why, however, there's a lot that happens here that's very interesting to observe.
"Don't say 'true love' and 'soulmate.'"
i have to wonder why these were the first words aob brings up as soong laments his situation. no one said those words, aob, but you sure did.
teena then talks to soong about what he's heard and tells him he should be responsible for first's feelings in all of this to which aob makes the above expression. aob hates the discussion of feelings, believes emotions need to be removed from the equation entirely, and is baffled by the way his friends are acting about people that should be nothing more than clients and believes any form of relationship impossible.
"Try being in love." "What, stupid love?"
something about this makes me believe that aob doesn't know what love is, not real love. he dismisses it as stupid and scoffs while the others almost roll their eyes at him. it's easy for aob to give the advice he does when he doesn't have love burning a hole in his chest the way they do, he's never felt it before, doesn't know how all consuming it is.
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and then as first confronts soong the camera pans from teena to aob and i find his expression very interesting. that doesn't look like a man removed of emotions. to me, that looks like a man that has just had his world tilted on it's axis and is now questioning everything he's ever told himself. he sees first's tears and the way soong stands still and listens as first falls apart. i think that moment truly startled him and drove home that the emotions between the boys and their 'clients' are very real.
episode 5 🌸
alright, episode 5 is a lot so i'm sorry for the absolute wall of gifs and texts coming for this single episode.
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"Time to work, Puen."
aob meets puen on the stage and immediately his face falls as it's not him picked first but puen. later, aob walks into the back where puen is smoking and immediately takes in the sight of him.
"Are you Puen?" "I am." "You're quite hot."
"Come find me later. I want to know why you're so popular."
aob wants to know who has dethroned him and why his clients are so enamored with puen. what does puen, someone completely new to the business, have to offer that he doesn't? this is also where aob begins to look at puen and from here on he will never look away.
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aob speaks so very much with his eyes. you can see his gaze drop and take in all of puen here during their 'evaluation' as he asks permission before going further with him. it's obviously quite professional but i think it also shows us that aob isn't as cold as he tells people he is; or perhaps that's just where puen is concerned.
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this is really where i realized that much of understanding aob is reading into what he isn't saying or what his words are hiding.
"I knew it, you aren't that great."
but he is, because aob can't look away from him.
"...You attract clients that want to try new things. Once they are bored of you they'll dump you."
you're attracted to me and want to try something with me, but once you're bored you'll leave me.
"Why don't you teach me? I want to be like you."
show me what you want from me. i want you to like me.
"I'm sorry. I can't be a teacher. I'm a prostitute. Oh. Don't be like me." Because you can never be. Loser."
i'm sorry. i can't like you. i'm a prostitute. and please don't like me because i can never like you back. don't look to me anymore.
but puen accepts that challenge.
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(i forgot to watermark this one lmao, i don't care enough to go fix it)
i'm still not entirely sure what to make of this moment with prom. why does he squeeze aob's shoulder as if to offer him some kind of reassurance? why does aob shake his head just the slightest bit and suddenly look like he's going to face a firing squad? does prom know it's already too late for aob, that he's in too deep? is he trying to prepare aob for the sudden fire in puen's veins? i'm really struggling to figure it out, really. i think it could mean quite a few things or nothing at all.
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"Why are you criticizing me? People might think you're jealous of me."
puen has so very clearly learned what makes aob tick. he's learned that aob's pride is also his biggest weakness and he picks at that weak point to evoke a response from him - and it works. suddenly aob is all bluster and anger, but interestingly puen doesn't back down, doesn't even flinch. instead, he has a confident smile and meets aob's eyes with a challenge burning in his own.
aob doesn't know what to do with that. you can see it in the shift of his face. this expression is very similar to the one he makes when first confronts soong - he's on the wrong foot, confused and adrift because suddenly puen is no longer the innocent doe-eyed novice but someone who is pushing back and challenging him. no one has ever challenged him before.
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they meet again later in the bathroom where aob is doing some sort of display of dominance perched on a urinal. listen, that's my blorbo, but even i can't defend that. baby get down from there, you're making even more of a fool of yourself.
"Do you want to eat chicken noodles with me?"
aob rejects the invitation and puen laments that he seemed fine earlier when they were in the room together.
"What happens in the room stays in the room, Puen. You can't have feelings for the clients. They'll be strangers when they leave."
what i do in the room with you has to stay there. i can't have feelings for you. you'll become a stranger to me when you leave.
"Why do you have to act so cold and emotionless to everyone?"
and aob doesn't answer. he doesn't even get angry. there's just a quiet look of resignation on his face and he bites his lip, almost like he's nervous, almost like puen is looking at him too closely and starting to see right through him.
"Can you have feelings for your friends or brothers?"
or for me.
"You aren't my friend or my brother. You're a competitor."
because you have to be. because i can't handle any alternative. i can't love you.
episode 6 🌸
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they're in the bathroom again but this time it's puen waiting for aob asking why he's been avoiding him.
"Why can't you have sex like a couple? You taught me how to feel. So practice what you preach."
why can't we have sex like a couple? you taught me to remove the feelings from it so why can't you do that?
and i think it's very interesting that for a moment aob drops his gaze and looks away. he's been caught and called out and looks away almost in submission before pulling up his guard again.
"I don't have any feelings for a kid like you. I just can't do it. You're not sexy enough."
he attacks puen's looks but this is a direct contradiction to when they first met and the first thing he said was "You're quite hot." once again aob says the opposite of what he means.
i have feelings for you, this is why i can't have sex with you like a couple. i like you far too much.
"Fine. I'll be better than you someday."
fine. i'll make you love me.
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and aob can't take it any longer. he goes just outside the door and breaks down because it's all so much; his feelings for puen, puen's refusal to back down, the turmoil he finds himself in having everything he's ever known turned upside down. he was never supposed to have feelings, least of all for someone as stubborn and determined as puen who breaks down his walls and challenges him at every turn. his will is breaking down every bit as much as he is in this moment.
episode 7 🌸
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this was one of the first scenes to really make me emotional in this show. throughout this entire scene aob cannot look away from puen. all of his attention is on puen to the point where he neglects the client and even pushes him away. he touches only puen, kisses only puen. he seems almost tortured by the moment, to be so close but so far from the object of his desire.
and puen looks at him with the challenge in his eyes again, almost mocking: look at me, i've surpassed you. you can't take your eyes off me. i've won.
and aob continues to watch him, his eyes almost a caress, gaze almost reverent as if he's witnessing something holy. my man is absolutely lost in the sauce.
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"You have a crush on a loser like me, huh? So you couldn't help yourself."
"This is how you pay me back?" why are you doing this to me? "Do it to me, not in front of the client. What's wrong with you?" don't challenge me in front of a client. don't push me.
but puen knows he's won, he knows he's hit the nail on the head and aob, as he always does, is growing defensive. because he's scared.
"But I'm glad that I'm important to you. Like I said, I will be better than you someday. But that day came so quickly. You lost."
i'm glad you've realized i'm important to you. like i said, i would make you love me. that day came so quickly. i've won.
episode 8 🌸
i didn't get gifs of the scene but prom asks aob if he's jealous of puen's popularity. that's all he asks. but what's interesting is aob replies:
"Jealous? I don't have feelings for him."
aob... i don't think that's what prom was asking. prom asked if you were jealous of his popularity among the clients, if you were jealous that he'd taken your throne.
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and puen appears to challenge aob again, blows him a kiss almost as a reminder of their previous encounter. but aob doesn't get angry, doesn't rise to the bait. if anything he looks sad, maybe contemplative, and perhaps like he's coming to terms with something.
You only appreciate the value of something when you are about to lose it. It's just so fucking awful.
Especially when you know in your heart that you are powerless.
Because he isn't your boyfriend.
The more you want to know the more painful it gets.
throughout this entire scene aob looks so sorrowful, like he knows he has to do something soon or he will lose his chance with puen. he has to try because this powerless feeling is growing to be too much.
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aob is waiting for puen at the bottom of the stairs and if you look he's bouncing his leg in a nervous tick. when puen rounds the corning his face is immediately in some semblance of a smile which is something we really haven't seen from aob. it gives the impression that he worked himself up to this moment despite how nervous he is. (his shirt is also very wrinkled, were you in a rush?)
"How are you going to haze me today?"
and this i think drives home that puen is tiring of their game. that aob is so very close to losing puen because puen is starting to believe aob's words, believe that aob doesn't like him and only wants to harass him.
so aob takes the leap.
(and i find the handle with care on the wall particularly interesting, as both of them need to be handled with care. aob, with his unfamiliar and warring feelings, and puen with his earnest and hopeful heart.)
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and as aob bridges that gap puen looks taken aback and confused because what the fuck, aob isn't soft, doesn't do things like this.
"Do you want to get chicken noodles?"
aob asks, a throwback to the day puen had asked him on a date. an acknowledgement and an apology.
i'm sorry i wasn't ready then, but i'm ready now. will you still have me?
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and that's why today's episode made me cry and why i love aob so, so very much. his journey learning his feelings and learning what love feels like and what love can be isn't pretty, he fights it tooth and nail the entire way, but the smile on both their faces as he jumps on puen's back gives me so much hope that they can be good for each other and support each other.
there are still so many episodes left and maybe i'll be wearing clown make up by the end of this, maybe my hopelessly disgustingly romantic heart has misled me, maybe i've read the facial expressions and body language all wrong, but regardless of all of that aob and puen are so special to me.
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articdelilah · 6 months
Hello! I really loved the Ikemen Prince x Teen!Reader concept. Could you please make a Gilbert, Keith and Silvio version of this? Thank you <3
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Hi Anon!! Of course I can!! I’m been waiting for a Keith request so Thank you!! Sorry for the wait as I’ve had quite a busy few days and no ideas but I hope you enjoy 💞 I only wrote about kind!Keith🕊️
Foreign Princes
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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(Keith is so sexy oml) At the Goodwill gala, Keith was very confused at the fact such young nobility was attending. He didn’t immediately have any suspicions however.
Nevertheless, he struck conversation with Belle. Asking her how she’s enjoying the gala and where she was from. Both parties enjoyed their conversation, talking about books they enjoy and such.
Belle had asked Keith if he’s interested in the study of plants to which he smiled and said yes. The girl expressed how she always wanted to travel to Jade and learn about plants in their top schools, but simply never had the chance too as she had to stay here to help her family.
Keith only shook his head and told the girl he would teach her everything he knew. And not to give up hope of course!!
Keith decided to stay a couple of days because of Belles interest in plants and herbs, wanting to teach her more about them. They made plans practically everyday, usually spent in the gardens, talking about all types of useful plants.
Keith made it sound all so simple and was a great teacher. He was patient and answered all questioned the girl had (even silly ones) (because my husband is perfect duh)
Another activity that would bring the two closer is doing each other’s hair. Keith braiding Belle’s hair and Belle putting small charms and flowers in his.
Keith found out Belle was well Belle from Silvio and he wasn’t surprised. However he told Silvio he wouldn’t use that information against Rhodolite, after all why would a King’s death be held above their heads? They were grieving (they are totally so sad) and he didn’t want to add to that.
Dill absolutely loves Belle! The bird is always trying to get the girls attention which embarrasses Keith extremely.
Tall trees towered over the greenery of the lush forest. For many days now Keith has been teaching Belle about herbs and flowers therefore she really wanted to repay him. Belle had taken Keith out for a walk in her favourite forest when the girl felt herself suddenly being drawn to a patch of small white flowers. Belle crouched down in front of them, brow raised at the flowers she’s so used to seeing. She never payed them much attention before but the Prince had shown her how important every plant was, even the ones you usually think nothing of. “What are these?” She asked, too busy inspecting the plant to look up at Keith who held a gentle smile on his lips. Her fingers stretched out to hold one of the tiny flowers. Twirling it for a little before she saw grey haired man again in the corner of her eye. He too had crouched beside her, observing the flower with his gentle gaze before giving her an answer. “Feverfews. They are good for-“ “Giving a few fevers?” The girl giggled at her pun and Keith couldn’t help but chuckle along with the horrible thing.
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Silvio didn’t want be around snotty chil-Wow this girl knows a lot about trade and economy
Silvio knew Belle was being taught about such things at the castle but he couldn’t help be impressed at how actually knowledgable she was. She knew a lot about Benitoite and how important they were as well as not undermining the importance of Jade and Rhodolite, Silvio liked that.
That was the reason Silvio chose the engage in conversation with the young girl.
Silvio can have anything he wants, but Belle had taught him how true feelings could not be bought with money. She was patient and not pushy, though a bit bratty at times of course.
Silvio and Belle really like picking on each other. Poking fun of one another whatever chance they got, laughing cruelly at the other. Obviously in good fun!
Silvio already had his suspicions on the girl being Belle so when the news broke, he really wasn’t surprised.
Belle was in town with Silvio, sitting inside a small tea shop as the words “I always wanted to visit a Benitoitian beach” blurted out. She hadn’t even realised what she fully said when Silvio asked her to focus on her food.
This does however give him the rich prick an idea; he speaks to Sariel about it. Sariel thought it through, but the diplomacy of the country came first then his moral rights from wrongs so he agreed. He wanted to send Guards but Silvio simply paid them to not follow, and they were kind enough to take the money and shut up.
Belle was shocked at the news of being taken for a trip however she simply thought it was in Rhodolite. The girl didn’t know what was in store for her!
“You get back here girl!” Silvio snapped as the girl started to run away from him. He was lying on the light blue towel, trying to soak in the warm sun when the girl decided to bring a bucket of icy cold ocean water, pouring it on the Prince’s face before quickly retreating. Silvio’s eyes sprung open and her laughter filled the afternoon air. He wasted no time to stand quickly and sprinted right after her. The bright sun smiling down at the two; Belle however didn’t get very far, mainly because of how hot the sand was. She had tried to run to the cool salty water but it was ultimately useless as Silvio had already caught up with her. His large hand covered in rings of pure gold and gems worth millions came down to ruffle her soft hair, his other arm bringing her into a (gentle) chokehold. Silvio wasn’t exactly mad, his face held a pleased grin as the girl laughed and tried to wiggle out of his grasp. He couldn’t get it out of his head how he’ll have to travel back to Rhodolite to leave her.
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Gilbert already knew Belle was Belle.
Let’s be honest! He has spies all over and the fact that Rhodolite had chosen such a young girl interested him deeply.
He struck conversation right away with his calm smile. It creeps Belle out at first, he IS Gilbert from Obsidian after all.
Gilbert decides to stay in Rhodolite and he started to appear everywhere the girl was. In the kitchens, the library and the gardens!!
Overtime, his smile was Belle’s favourite features about him.
As she grew closer with the Prince, Belle and Gilbert both kind of rubbed onto each other. Belle unconsciously started to speak a little like him.
Late night walks with Gilbert in the gardens aren’t uncommon but Sariel was definitely not happy about it. Sariel knew what Gilbert was capable of doing, Belle did too, so he warned her day and day out.
Belle however was determined to impress and such, so she didn’t listen to Sariel (sorry Sariel). Gilbert was very pleased at this, not like Sariel trying to stop him would ACTUALLY stop him
Belle was practicing her dancing alone in the dead of night. The girl unaware of the beast which lurked within the shadows of the palace. His cane hit the door, letting a thud echo through the empty ballroom
He laughed and offered his hand.
It was cold and dark in the now abandoned ballroom. There were no stars in the sky, the moon hidden behind clouds as if scared of the beast that had sneaked on Belle. Instead of mauling the rabbit, he offered her a dance. He couldn’t just stand as the girl tried to waltz alone. Gilbert’s hands rested on the girl’s, guiding her through each step of the dance. The empty room was large and illuminated by a singular white candle; its flame dancing along with them. It flickered and rocked, trying to match their steps. One glide to another, each motion carefully guided by the black tiger. He talked through each move and even with Gilbert, the dance was still hard. “This is so difficult!” The [H/C] girl sighed defeated. She knew this wasn’t the only dance she had to know, but she was tired and Belle could see the crack of dawn outside the stained panes of the big windows. She always muddled the steps, timing or direction. “The Waltz is the easiest dance of the many you’ll have to learn.” The Prince of Obsidian laughed at Belle’s increased sour expression. Her nose wrinkling simply at the thought of learning another dance. The two spent hours within the cold room, their shoes clinking and echoing bouncing off the walls. Let’s just say Gilbert wasn’t pleased when he had to leave Belle behind.
If you like my work, please feel free to request!! Anyways Goodbye Doves! Til next time🕊️🌙
Can you tell I really like Keith?
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weixuldo · 10 months
Allow me// ch 9
Vader x Reader
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a/n: this ch is mostly for the purpose of furthering the connection btwn vader and the reader… lots of fluff (oops)
The mask finally comes off
warnings: cursing, anxiety, self hatred/loathing, cannon disabled character, emotional vulnerability
The tension in the room was thick as he sat up to remove the final shell of his suit-
His helmet.
Vader’s heart was racing and he was sure his temperature regulating system was working overtime to make sure he wouldn’t overheat.
He was skeptical of your eagerness to see his unmasked face, did you have ulterior motives?
No, what was he thinking? 
He hadn’t shown himself to anyone in a very long time and he cared about you…so much. So he was afraid that- by showing himself to you- you would leave.
He did not think he would be able to handle it if you left him. 
But those same emotions were urging him to take it off- he wanted to share himself with you
And it was one of- if not the most intimate things he could give you. He felt so wanted by you that he would do anything you asked…
even this. 
So with a final deep breath he lifted his gloved hands to the sides of the outer shell of the helmet. 
Slowly his face was revealed; first you saw his nose- a paler color than you expected- but to be fair, he doesn’t really see much sun.
Then his eyes- the trademark piercing yellow of the Sith. They were much less intimidating than you expected, instead they looked scared. 
Finally he had the whole helmet off and held it in his lap. Your eyes widened as you observed his face: he was deathly pale, had no hair, his ears were basically just stubs, and scars littered his whole face.  
At first you were a little taken aback, only because you had no reference of what to expect, but as you continued gazing at his naked face you kept finding more and more that intrigued you.
His face told a story- a story of a man who had been through hell and yet still persevered. His scars looked like those of burns (which checked out because of the loss of hair and the withered ears).
His eyes were so captivating… you could hardly look away. 
You understood why he was nervous to show you, anyone else may have had a bad or even insulting reaction to his face. But you were so deeply invested in the man in front of you that nothing physical could change how you felt about him as a person.
You had feelings for Vader- not just the body he inhabited.
Even with all of his ‘flaws’ you could still tell how handsome he was; his jawline was strong, his eyes were beautiful, and his lips (no matter how scarred) still looked perfectly kissable.
His eyes scanned your face as you gazed over his features- what were you thinking… you had been staring a long time- you thought he was hideous, didn’t you. 
His yellow eyes twitched and narrowed for a moment before he spoke: “This was a mistake”.
He lifted his helmet and began to put it back on when you caught his hand. 
“Wait” you lowered his hands and he skeptically watched as you gently placed his helmet on the nightstand next to your bed. 
“What are you-” 
Soon his thoughts were interrupted by the warmth of your gentle hand on his scarred cheek. When was the last time he had felt something so tender on his own skin? 
You brushed your thumb up and down as he shakily breathed through his nose with closed eyes. This sensation felt so foreign yet so right to the Sith- he wished he could save this feeling forever. 
He slowly opened his eyes but you were surprised to see that they were no longer yellow, instead they were a captivating light blue. He blinked a few times and they began to tear up. 
“Here, let's take this off too” you said as you unclasped the bottom piece of his helmet in the back. 
You set it down as well and watched as his irises faded back into their standard yellow- interesting. 
“What are you thinking? I cannot read your force signature” he asked anxiously. 
Without a word you scanned his features once more before placing both of your hands on his face and drawing him in for a gentle kiss. 
He flinched at the sudden contact- it was not something he was used to. But once he realized you were willingly kissing him, he returned the favor. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you broke away.
Vader was at a loss for words; all he could do was bask in your perfect presence. 
“W-was that alright?” you asked, worried you had upset the man with your sudden kiss. 
His scarred bottom lip trembled as he answered, “more than”.
You kissed him once more and he reveled in the feeling of you smiling into his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
After a while of admiring glances and soft kisses you leaned back into your pillows, inviting him to do the same.
Once the two of you were settled (he leaned against the headboard and pillows as you rested your head on his shoulder); you spoke again, “thank you, V”.
His brow arched as he tilted his head; some of his raised scarred skin pulled at the motion.
“For what my dear?”.
“For showing me your self, I know that wasn’t easy for you.” you smiled.
He nodded, “thank you for your kindness”.
You knew what he was referring to; what he really meant was ‘thank you for not running at the sight of my face’. 
“No need to thank me, I would never leave for such a miniscule reason” 
He hummed in response and gazed at the floor before asking, “is it…alright?”.
You reached for the hand that was idly lying in his lap and looked up at him.
“You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen”.
He looked away, “Please do not lie to me, y/n. It is cruel”.
Gently, you turned his face back to you and shook your head with an awed expression. 
“darling, I would never lie to you”.
His heart fluttered at the endearment. 
You kissed his forehead, his nose, and then finally his lips. 
He sighed and his eyes jumped between yellow and the light blue you had just recently discovered.
“A few months ago, I would have never imagined you would give me the privilege of looking upon your face” you said. 
“A few months ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that I would be showing myself to someone so…special,” he responded. 
With a small smile you thanked him. 
“For what?”
“For being vulnerable enough to be yourself with me. It means the galaxy to me V”
You saw an inkling of blush creep onto his scarred cheeks.
“I only opened up because I feel comfortable with you”.
You knew that was his way of telling you that he was just as grateful to you, for being as open as he was. 
His eyes drifted between your eyes and your lips until he initiated a kiss, much to your surprise.
It wasn’t as hesitant as the first; this one was sure and true- yet still tender and soft. 
It was perfect.
Afterwards he reclined and closed his eyes at the relieving sensation that washed over him; he felt light (not just because he didn’t have his troublesome armor on), he hadn’t felt this at ease since who knows when. 
All thoughts of his meeting with the emperor left his mind; all of his worries subsided.
Nothing could go wrong in this moment: he was in a comfortable bed, the air pressure allowed him to be without his helmet, you were at his side, and he just kissed you. 
Everything was right in the galaxy.
Vader had to leave pretty early to go back to his own chambers and not long after, your work day (technically) started.
But of course with Vader as your boss, he gave you a pretty simple task so that you could finish early and take a well deserved nap. 
He was so thoughtful- you caught yourself throughout the day still amazed at the fact that you actually cultivated a relationship with the almighty Sith. All of your “unprofessional” thoughts (scandalous or not) weren’t just delusions…
The man you literally dreamt about was now coming to your room in the middle of the night!
It was crazy.
Vader’s agenda for the day was a bit different than yours; he was to have his audience with Palpatine (though he wasn’t quite sure what for).
Nevertheless, he headed into the throne room that Palpatine retired to once he arrived aboard the Executor; hopefully this would be quick. 
“You wanted to see me master?” Vader said, as he knelt before the Emperor.
“Yes” he hissed.
“I’ve heard that you have been entertaining a rebel… is this true?”.
Vader had enough experience masking his thoughts around his master after he disappointed him one too many times throughout the years. 
And he could lie well too.
“Those rumors must be just that… rumors. I have done nothing of the sort”. 
There was no way Palpatine would have evidence of his collaboration with Sabe. 
He no longer felt bad about lying to the man who was supposed to be on his side, after years of torment and belittling.
Vader had enough. 
Especially now that he had you; there was more to life than simply existing to carry out his master’s dark deeds.
Now there was a light at the end of the tunnel, someone to cherish and protect. 
“Ahh… I am pleased to hear these rumors are not true.” Palpatine said with a grotesque smile. 
“Is there anything else I may be assistance for?” Vader asked, hoping to leave soon.
“That is all for now, you may go apprentice”
Vader cringed at the title “apprentice”, but regardless- he bowed to the cloaked man and quickly headed out the door.
Hopefully that would take care of any more speculations (Plus all of that happened a while ago, no sense in digging up the past). 
a/n: just reminder, reader and V have not outright expressed their feelings yet, they’ve both said things but neither explicitly told the other what they want or how they feel… (we love emotionally constipated baddies). Also reminding-when I was saying “visits your room at night” I don’t mean in the sexual context- yes both parties are physically attracted to eachother, but this story is more rooted in deep emotions and the psychology of a relationship rather than just smex. 
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls @monada43 @lauriidoesstuff @vienettacream @ray-rook @itswhatever06 @ilovenielperry
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lurking-latinist · 2 months
When I read enough easily-crossed-over stories, such as for instance all of these boat and boat-adjacent books, what inevitably happens is I end up with a nebulous meta crossover setting where they can all hang out outside of their respective canons, because I have spent far too much time in This Time Round.
Also I was thinking about that post I made about how Aubrey and Laurence are not that similar actually, and speculating that if Aubrey had (in an equivalent situation) taken the cure to France he wouldn't have spent the next however many books regretting everything, he'd come around a lot quicker to just owning it.
That's not what happens in this snippet but I did write a snippet from the nebulous meta crossover setting, see below. I am terribly afraid it is wildly out of character but I actually don't think it is.
Edit: Now on the Archive.
“So you are Laurence,” observed the big post-captain, accurately; “the lunatic who gave up the Reliant to go flying about in the air. Aubrey, in Surprise.”
Laurence looked at the other man’s extended hand for a moment as if it were a foreign object. He took it and felt his own hand vigorously shaken. “That’s what you object to?” he said, unforgivably blunt, but he had not expected such a greeting, not now, not from anyone in that uniform. Some of the spacefarers had been kind, but he found the nature of their service still more disconcerting than the Aerial Corps had once been.
“Object? Why, you must do as you see fit,” said Aubrey, puzzled, and then his face cleared. “Oh, that. I own Dr Maturin—my particular friend, a physical gentleman—” (he nodded across the room towards a small dark man in a shocking old wig, deep in conversation with one of the starship physicians, who was distinguished by a sky-blue jumper which evidently passed for a uniform) “I own I did not see just how it was, till he explained it to me. I am only sorry to hear the Government should have behaved like such very mere scrubs.”
“So I thought,” said Laurence, quietly. “And yet I fear there are worse names for my own actions.”
“None to be used in this company. Now come,” said Aubrey, sweeping him along to a table, “tell me how you navigate, seeing there is a vertical component….”
[NOTES: a. In fact Jack and Stephen had a massive row which he's not describing; he didn't start out this OK with Laurence's treason but I think he and Stephen together would end up there, especially as it wasn't his England that got invaded as a result. b. I know Laurence comes to terms with it in the end but this is set before that. c. Stephen's new friend is Dr McCoy of Enterprise but neither of them know him yet.]
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I absolutely love your writing! ♡ Especially your twisted wonderland chitchat! and after long day I always check if you uploaded smth bc it cheers me up! so thanks for that ☆
Also, you mentioned in previous posts before about how (or was it in the tags?? 😂) "Love/relationships/sex etc.... In the sea is Quite different than what we are used to" and NOW I'M CURIOUS!!
So, What are you thoughts??? how different do you think is love for the octavinelle trio? Do you think they view it in a unusual way? do they take a "mate" by force?? how different is it from human standards? 👀👀👀
Oh! and can I be 🌸 anon ? 👉👈
Thank you for liking my writing and twst chats!!! I'm happy to know it can cheer you up! :D you may be 🌸 anon! Knowing me, it's highly likely it was written in the tags hehe. ^^;;;
I think some merfolk who have observed humans and their traditions attempt to adopt such behaviors for themselves, such as getting rings and making promises to stay together forever, even things like marriage or ceremonies associated with binding souls together in eternal love. I like to imagine in the sea the concept of marriage is a little foreign to the mers who live farther from human civilizations (such as mers from the Northern part of the Coral Sea, which is where the trio hail from). Perhaps it's something where, once you mate with a mer you are intended to stay with them forever if it's a species that mates for life, or stay long enough until the eggs have been laid or hatched. That's probably the closest thing to "marriage," only it's more so once you've mated you're stuck together for life (or so that's how some mers view it).
Love is not entirely foreign to merfolk, though. All species have versions of love and affection, however unfathomable they may seem. Human traditions regarding love are just as strange to the trio as mer traditions are to humans. Affection in the sea is protecting your mate and fry from harm, it's hauling in the biggest, meatiest fish for dinner, it's settling down in a comfortable cove at the end of every day, curled and wound around one another, it's leaving to find warmer waters in the spring when spawning and mating seasons roll around, it's going out to search for the fry who will inevitably return after hatching, carried home by the pull and push of the vast sea, some lost to time, devoured by predators or smothered by the weight of the world, and others strong and lucky enough to survive the lottery of life.
As fluffy as that sounds, mates are difficult to come by. Some mers are picky. Merfolk want strong mates to produce strong, healthy offspring. Merfolk like colorful displays, though the trio know that too much flashy colors and shiny scales are as pretty as they are harmful (predators are drawn in by lights, sounds, smells, flashy displays just as much as potential mates are). Most merfolk seek mates out of biological imperative, so it's not usually love that brings mers together (at least not for the sake of breeding). And a lot of mers can be territorial and violent when it comes to mates. Merfolk might kill or fight for their mates, whether out of possession or part of a courting ritual (a test of strength); humans don't normally do that. And it's not uncommon for mates to be taken by force. It's not uncommon for toxic dynamics to be seen as normal or, at the very least, acceptable in parts of the ocean where life is difficult to come by.
Azul was raised in a loving familial environment. It's natural that his perception of love would be very sweet and gentle and almost human. He reads about it in books. Humans are strewn all throughout the tales merfolk exchange. Even the mermaid princess from so long ago experienced love with a human. Azul knows these stories well because they are often told before bed or passed around during youth. But Azul knows his species is not very common. He knows he stands out from other merfolk. He knows he is a solitary creature by nature's design. That's why love is so important to him. He'll scoff and insist he has no need for such trivial things, but it's his dream to find someone who he can live out the rest of his life with. Octo-mers mate for life. Naturally, some who follow more "human" ideals might inevitably drift apart or separate like how his parents did. But Azul knows deep in his three hearts that if he ever does find his forever match he will do everything he can to ensure he never has to remarry or search for another love because his one true beloved fell out of it with him.
The twins were also raised lovingly, albeit they were raised to be predators capable of protecting and defending themselves. Jade and Floyd are more accustomed to violence and gore than love itself, not only because it happens so often in the deep sea but because the family business is not for the faint-hearted. They've heard their fair share of human stories. They know of the love humans indulge in. They've spied humans tangling together on the beach. They've witnessed ocean weddings on the shoreline or from afar on the deck of ships. Their parents have often said that when humans love they kiss to show their affection, hence why Mama and Papa Leech kiss so often. It's very sweet. It's also very human. Jade is indifferent on the matter; he has always been that way: analytical, realistic, level-headed. Floyd... not so much. He has always been more emotional, more hormonal, more sensitive. For all of the playful immaturity and volatile mood swings, he wants a genuine bond. Morays don't often mate for life. Some have multiple mates; some do not. Their parents chose each other and have remained together ever since. It's exactly the sort of lifelong bond Floyd wants.
Jade can understand the appeal. Growing old and maturing together, forging deep, unbreakable bonds, witnessing the world unfold throughout years of devoted partnership. But Jade has never been able to fully grasp his emotions as well as Floyd does, and so, as fluffy as forever romance sounds, he often thinks about it logically. Logically, he will need to find someone in the future, if only to secure the next branch in the Leech family tree. Logically, as he matures sexually, he will need someone to fill with eggs as that is what biological imperative calls for (otherwise it's a great bodily discomfort when he has eggs and yet there is no one to accept them), and so he's forced to endure for a few days, wallowing in unshakeable heat, irritable and hungry, reduced to raw instinct.
On land, love is different. Humans do not need to hunt for their meals as often as merfolk do. Humans court in subtle ways (though sometimes it's grand and flashy). Humans are so hung up on getting to know someone, on determining whether they're a suitable match, before getting to the part where they mate (and sometimes they never reach that part). Love is a process on land (that's the best way Jade can define it). There are stages and steps one must take. There are rules, some apparent and others unspoken. It is very peculiar, but that is exactly what draws the trio in. Curiosity is much the same across all species. Humans can never tell when they've found "the one." Jade has learned that humans will often say they've found "the one," but that may have been said about previous lovers. Conversely, mers have this unique sixth sense; they often know when they've found the one that is right for them, the one they will spend eternity with.
And when the trio spend enough time with you, they all realize rather quickly that you are the fated half who will fulfill their pair.
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tunamayojazz · 4 months
all of your inuokko art is so lovely it’s hard to pick just one!! i loved the ex-idol concept that was so perfect for inumaki, and the baseball and college aus are adorable too! we love mutual pining in this house 🥰
i just looked a the date in which this was sent and shrieked out loud 😭 i am so sorry and also happy new year!
thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ i'm so happy to hear you liked the ex-idol toge and baseball player yuta au hehe that was so much fun to do. now that you mention college aus (which i also LIVEEE for), would it not be cute if they used to crush on each other when they were college students!! music major toge was part of the dance club and spent a lot of time on campus for practice, same for yuta who had been a prodigy baseball player his whole life. from his club's practice spot, toge had a convenient view of watching yuta practice (as did many other students haha, man always had an audience). from observation and also through word of mouth, he knew that yuta was a very sweet person, friend and teammate. he took care of his team well and everyone looked up to him. toge was inspired by his drive and it motivated him to try his best too.
for yuta it was a much more private experience. while toge would sometimes just join the crowd watching yuta or sit somewhere alone on a day with less people, yuta was intensely shy. he came across his school's dance club profile on social media one fine day and that's when he first saw toge. 30 minutes of doom scrolling later on their page and it was over for him...let's just say toge was a really good dancer with lots of charm and personality in his style (and also has a little fanclub of his own!).
despite them mutually pining for one another from afar, they unfortunately only ever interacted once. they happened to both be on their way out of school, and it was the day before yuta and his team went off to the all japan university baseball championship. toge's got a good luck charm for him but is way too nervous to actually approach him. luckily for toge, yuta accidentally drops his student ID. and the little opportunist within toge comes alive and dives to grab it before yuta can even do it himself (he still cringes about this moment years later). yuta's brain is also doing an internal system crash but somehow doesn't combust when toge very calmly hands him his ID back with the charm underneath. he then walks off in what seems to be the fastest speed yuta has ever witnessed. after the moment is over, yuta uncovers the good luck charm tucked under his ID and then, he combusts.
it doesn't get better yet, they don't meet again for a long time. yuta and his team go on to win the championship, but when he returns to campus with all the glory and confidence in the world (to finally speak to toge), he can't find him anywhere. tldr: toge got scouted by a really good music label and got whisked away to trainee life at 19 in the period of time yuta was away for championships; it all happened very quickly bc toge was quite naive and dropped out of school for a shot at his dream career) (why do i feel like im writing a such a cliche romance plot !! haha)
we'll get to the bad parts immediately. toge knew trainee life would be hard, but he was willing to give it his all to debut. except things didn't really improve after debut. before he could even notice all the red flags, it all came crashing down at 23 when toge had been overworked to the point of damaging his vocal cords. he left the group shortly after, and eventually left the label all together. as for yuta, he was scouted to play for a foreign team and left japan. his career was a success overseas and he'd attained the status as japan's pride. all the things he'd dreamt of as a kid playing baseball with his dad had come true. but in true yuta nature, he was like, yknow what, i think i've done it all and i really miss my friends and family. so i'm gonna move my life back to japan! bye bye! (not gonna give him the successful athlete sustains career damaging injury plot no yuta closed the curtains with his own hands simply bc he missed his friends) i think at this point (age 25) he's only thought of toge from time to time as this sweet boy from his college days that was out of his league, he hasn't heard or seen him in forever either. that is until he returns to japan, gets like a million brand deals, collaboration offers and of course, invites to events and parties for the elites and celebs of japan.
a few weeks after he returned to tokyo, he's invited to a private party to celebrate team japan's success at the winter olympics, with his best friend rika as his plus one. he meets a lot of big name athletes there and quickly becomes friends with maki zenin, one of japan's best speed skaters, and yuji itadori, one of players of the national ice hockey team. (geez i wonder who maki's plus one is)
when he feels himself go past tipsy and approaching drunk, he excuses himself to the balcony for a breather. he's known to be extremely talkative after too much alcohol and he doesn't really feel like pissing off his new friends. when he steps out, he sees a single person smoking by themselves outside and cringes internally (he hates the smell!). but he finds that he won't be stepping back inside so soon, because somehow, he's met with the very beautiful face of inumaki toge.
yuta covers his mouth with his hands at the same time toge drops his cigarette.
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inthestarsme · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.3
‼️Don't repost my Observations without consent and mentioning my page‼️
I very much respect non-binary or trans people. If i'm talking about man or woman, i'm talking about cis-men or woman i know, because often, due to societal coding/standards, there can be differences depending on the gender. But it could very much apply to you if you are non-binary or trans. Just take what resonates and leave what doesn't, as spiritual people like to say.🫶🏻
If you don't agree with my observations, please don't send any hate. They're only my personal observations that i'm posting just for fun. Especialy the specific ones can only apply to certain people. So don't take anything you read too seriously. It's not a science, just pop-astrology!😎
‼️TW: I will be talking about miscarriage, illnesses and other darker stuff. So if this might trigger you, please don't read it!‼️
Jupiter 4th house: I've seen many people talk about different placements that indicate moving to a different country, but this one rarely get's talked about or just get's left out. I have this placement, and when i was little i moved to a completely different continent with my family. And this fits perfect into this placement. So maybe at some point in your life, you might have moved or might move to a different country/ continent because of or with your family.
I've also seen people say this placement indicates a happy homelife. It very much can indicate that, but for example, i also have saturn 4th house. In my younger years my childhood was pretty crappy, my parents were actually not the best parents, but when i got older, it got a lot better and now my parents are very supportive and have changed a lot for the better. So other planets can kind of block out jupiter, but jupiter could also influence other more negative planets in the same house, and make them change into something positive, after the challenges of the other planet have been overcome. Remember that saturn (chronus) was the titan-father of jupiter (zeus) and only after saturn died (because jupiter killed him) jupiter could truly reign. My family growing and learning (jupiter) eventualy killed the restricting, bad patterns (saturn) and jupiter is now ruling my family life. 🪐
Jupiter 10th house/ Jupiter conjunct MC: It can indicate your career life being very important in your life or you having a big career. But it can also, just like i already touched on before, indicate getting your actual career or your biggest career improvements/ changes in another country or continent. 🌎🌍
5th house in Scorpio or Pluto 5th house: At it's best, this placement can indicate your first pregnancy/ birth being very transformative for you, you could experience a lot of ego deaths, which might be hard at first but very good in the long run. But on the negative side, this placement can indicate problems during pregnancy or birth, and even miscarriage or you having to abort your child. This is just one placement, so i would very much take it with a grain of salt. This can depends on so much, so don't be scared if you have this placement! 🤰
Mercury 9th house: You might love talking, thinking or even writing about anything that has to do with philosophy, religion and foreign cultures or just cultures that are different from the one you were born into. Your mind thrives on these topics and they might be the ones you could intellectualy contribute a lot to. Also, you could learn a lot in foreign countries (or, like i sayed, countries different to the one you were born in) or your mind/ communication/ writing could especially thrive there.📖
Sun in the 8th house: I feel like this placement can very much indicate getting some inheritance at some point in your life or benefiting from some persons death in some way (it sounds fucked up and it can even actualy be fucked up, but it doesn't have to). Personally, you might go through a lot of personal transformations, even intentionaly, because you're always trying to go deeper into who you truly are and your psychology (bringing light into the dark). Your heart could also experiences a lot of "deaths and rebirths" and you might have to be careful with heart disease. You could have inherited some illnesses from your family. When you feel heartbreak or go through anything really traumatizing you could literaly feel pain in your chest or feel the pain of your trauma predominantly in your chest/ heart area. 🫀
pluto 10th house/ pluto conjunct mc: You might get bored by a certain career path very easily and always want to persue something new. This can make you very experienced in a lot of different areas, but it can also cause problems, because many bigger career paths require the willingness to stay and be persistent. So for you, the best career path would probably be something that always challenges you with new things, not something that is very repetative. But it could still be more difficult for you to find a fitting career path, but if you do, you could become very powerful in that area. 🦾
Scorpio moon: You guys might always feel very deeply, but don't like to share or talk with others about how you are feeling or what you are going through. You like to process stuff very privately. On the one hand, you don't really bother other's with your personal stuff or whine to other's about what you're going through. But on the other hand, this can be challenging to deal with, because others always have to guess if somethings up with you or poke it out of you. I know you don't have to talk with others about everything, but it's also not other people's responsibility to always check up on you and keep up if you might have a problem with them. So i would really ask you to learn to go to people and at least be open about certain problems you have with them. I know it's not always easy, but it is important!🗣
That's it for today! I know it's been a lot about scorpio/ plutonian placements, i promise the next one is going to be a little more versatile.
Feel free to reblog, like and comment to show some love.
Bye 🫶🏻
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whxre-bxby · 8 months
The recoms x reader with competitions sounds hilarious
I can totally imagine them having weird ass competitions Lol
Can't wait for that one
Yeah, this has been in my inbox for ages so glad to finally post it
"Pecking Order"
f. Y/N Recom x Recom Quaritch /Lyle /Prager /Mansk /Brown /Lopez /Ja /Walker /Zdinarsk
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Summary: Being a recom soldier is difficult. Especially when dealing with the new instincts and needs the body requires. To keep his team sane, Quaritch comes up with a solution in which Y/N is shared with everyone.
Warnings: indication of smut, little bit of fluff, depressing ending, outrageously minimal wordcount (my apologies)
Word Count: 1590
(I'm sorry about how short this is, but I'm really struggling to write at the moment because I have so much going on)
(Once again I am pretending that Warren and Zhang don’t exist, I am sorry to those who like them but I really don’t.)
Being on Pandora is weird. It’s a whole new planet. But what’s even weirder is being on a foreign planet in a foreign body. Another human’s body wouldn’t have been so bad, but no, you’re blue now. You and your squad along with your Colonel have all permanently become Avatars. It takes a lot of time to get used to the changes. It seems like you discover something new about yourselves every day. Luckily it’s been almost two months since you woke up from criyo. 
It seems as though the foreign environment and new feelings have almost strengthened the connection of the team. You all got along when you had to before but now you feel like they are all close friends to you. 
One evening at dinner, Lyle had brought up how most soldiers used to have fuck-buddies to get through life on Pandora. Most of the team did back then too. Now, it seemed as though no one had even thought about it. You and the others didn’t exactly know how everything worked so the subject was ignored and brushed off. But it was definitely not forgotten.
It had quite literally been years since any one of you had experienced any form of sexual pleasure. That was suppressed in the beginning but the Avatar’s body language was more visible than a human's and it was more difficult to control and suppress emotions. 
At one point in time, all recoms including you were constantly tense and distracted. No one was able to fully focus during training anymore and Quaritch noticed this. He himself had the same problem and he knew he couldn’t send his squad out into the forest like this. You would die on the first day out. The Colonel would rather solve the problem in any way possible than explain what is happening to the General. The recoms are meant to be reliable and professional. What is happening to all of you is getting in the way of both those things. 
The Colonel forced everyone to attend his ‘emergency meeting’ even though you all had the rest of the day off. The atmosphere was thick and you found it hard to breathe even though the room was ventilated. 
Quaritch had made you all sit down to listen to him but your attention was barely on his words. Instead, you were subconsciously studying Mansk. He was calmly fiddling with his fingers but you noticed how strained his arms were and how far back he had his ears pinned. Nobody was relaxed. 
You also realised earlier today that you basically lost control of your tail. It’s just doing its own thing at this point and there is nothing you can do about it. 
The Colonel started explaining his recent observations of our behaviour and you immediately thought you were all being scolded. But you were wrong. 
“The only option I see te’ help us with our probem,” Quaritch says, inhaling deeply as if he were not sure how we would react. “Is to fuck it out.” 
Lyle snorts, thinking his superior is joking but Quaritch is dead serious. 
“Suggest otherwise, Corporal Wainfleet.” The Colonel says, sternly glaring at Lyle. I stare at both of them with wide eyes. No way is he suggesting this. 
There was some kind of argumentative discussion between the two but you have tuned out, blankly staring past Quaritch and at the wall behind him. This room had no windows, so no one could see or come in here because it was a recom only area. 
“Y/N.” Quaritch’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. You glance up at him while Mansk shifts his gaze to you. 
“You’re with me.” he orders, watching your surprised yet innocent face process the information. 
“No fuckin’ way.” Mansk interrupts. You stare at him now, completely surprised by his words. Mansk never objects or argues with people. He’s the best soldier when it comes to following orders. This is out of character for him. 
Quaritch doesn’t seem pleased by his words but once again to your surprise, he doesn’t put Mansk in his place. Since this isn’t a professional environment anymore, it seems as though the ranks between the soldiers don’t play such a big role. 
A few other recoms back Mansk up, not liking that the Colonel wants you to himself which still baffles you. 
But it turns out, they all seemed to have taken a liking to you. Most soldiers were ignorant and self-centred. You weren’t. You seemed almost naturally submissive to the others, especially as an Avatar. Something about you, perhaps your scent of strong pheromones, drew them to you.
So that evening, while you were being eyed hungrily by every single one of your teammates, they made a fair plan. In their free time, they would hold weekly competitions to figure out the order of who gets the most time with you. You were included and nothing was forced on you.
Since life in the RDA was really dull and colourless, these planned activities and competitions amused everyone. 
To keep it fair, it wouldn’t always be the same task to win, it would be changed so that everyone gets a chance. Otherwise, it would always be the same people with you. 
The first and most obvious challenge was a physical strength competition. This one lasted a long time and it went all the way from who could hold themselves in a plank position the longest to wrestling in the gym. In the third week, things took a drastic turn when Lyle decided to time himself to see how fast he could make you cum. Any technique was allowed and on the same day, everyone had their turn which had you not only fucked out but completely dumb and tired for the rest of the day. 
Z-Dog won that one and right behind her was Walker. Lopez was next and all three of them took great pride in it. It seems as though oral sex was the way to go.
Quaritch was always near the top and most often the first on the leaderboard in the physical challenges. Which meant you spent a lot of time in his room, which you honestly didn’t mind. While he was a brutal and cold-hearted man on the outside, he took care of you behind closed doors. Miles picked you up and walked you to his room when it suited the two of you. There, he took his time with you. Nothing was ever rushed because he wanted you to enjoy it as much as he did. 
Let’s just say, you always slept well after having sex with him and he took care of you in his bed, letting you sleep in it. You always left his room feeling satisfied in the morning. Lyle, Mansk and Prager were also usually quite at the top so when you and Quaritch would finish, they would get a day of the week each to spend with you. Sometimes, you had a few of them at once. 
Normally, you would feel bad about yourself for sleeping around so much but they made you feel like you are all that matters to them, so you rarely worried about that. You didn’t feel used, you felt loved. Something you had been deprived of since you left Earth years ago. 
Once everyone had a turn and the feral instincts calmed down, the competitions continued but they became more funny than serious. At this point, you were all just doing it for shits and giggles because there really wasn’t anything else to do. Except for finding Sully but that mission wasn’t ready yet. 
So the subjects of the competitions started to change along with everyone’s behaviour. The lust has been brought under control so you weren’t as tired anymore and only occasionally had sex with the recoms that needed it. 
A cooking competition was held which turned into a completely messy disaster. Mansk won it by far but at what cost? The oven had exploded because Ja refused to take the food out, claiming it wasn’t done yet. Lopez put metal in the microwave which really damaged the machine and you can’t quite remember how it happened but Z-Dog and Walker had accidentally set a curtain on fire. Instead of trying to put out the flames, they got angry because “What’s a fuckin’ curtain doin’ in the kitchen anyway?!”.
Another one was who could breathe oxygen for the longest because we were now adapted to Pandora’s air. Prager won. He said he used to dive regularly back on Earth so he was able to hold his breath for a long time. 
Brown and Walker almost lost consciousness. 
It kept going on and on like this because it was all the fun you had. Even when the mission started, the challenges were who could tame their Ikran the fastest, who could guess the Na’vi words correctly and who could properly land a fall from the Ikran. You started taking part in the competitions just for your own fun. It really had brought everyone together but eventually, all good things must come to an end. 
When you started encountering Sully, you began losing soldiers and once some teammates were gone, no one was feeling good enough to even suggest anything fun. From that point of, you all just wanted to finish your mission and end this.
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Enjoy the bunnies instead of the abrupt ending :)
Tag List: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @jatwow @numarusworld @number1gal @ikranwings
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love-thisbe · 4 months
- alex claremont diaz birth chart.
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hi guys!! this is my first post ever here!! i posted a thread of alex's birth chart on twitter and i decided to bring it here as well since i love astrology, and i don't see a lot of people talking about firstprince's birth charts. thank you casey mcquiston for also being into astrology and giving me this amazing gift of knowing at what time they were born.
just a few notes before we begin:
- im sorry if there’s any typos, english is not my first language
- its ok if there’s something you don't agree with, astrology is not 100% correct and some things might not apply
- im planning to do henry's birth chart next, so let me know if you want that!
anyway let's start!!
sun in aries
the sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality and your evolving higher self. in the sign aries it is cardinal-fire, and rules the head. the ruling planet is mars. aries people tend to be energetic, forceful and outgoing. alex is good at getting things done, although might prefer starting to finishing. like the energy of the first rush of spring, alex moves into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. alex is likely to rush into things before reflecting, and may also be impatient or unwilling to sit back and allow events to mature. he has great vitality and a tremendous need to be physically active. he has a strong will, and is self-centered about pursuing it, so that he may try to dominate other people until he learns to be more subtle about getting his way. he also has an acute need for love and affection. he benefits from self-discipline, so that he can channel his abundant energy more constructively. 
the sun in the ninth house represents a concentration of the vital force of abstracting and understanding universal truth. alex is strongly invested in creating for himself a philosophy as his personal vision of life as an interconnected adventure or journey. he willingly study the various meanings ascribed to life that are visionary in nature, involving patterns that interplay or holistic forms. he uses his higher awareness to look for pieces of life’s mysterious puzzle and then organize his perceptions to connect them within a broader picture of reality. in addition to his voyage through his own inner landscapes he enjoys adventuring by traveling to foreign lands and learning languages. he is also drawn to be an observer of other’s ideas and experiences. he loves to study and reflect back into society anything that people have gathered and learned. his nature is to eliminate the extraneous from hidden truths and reveal their essence to those around him. alex is at his best when he has a range of areas of interest to experience and absorb into his mind and body, in order that he stretches out his visionary vistas and make them more concretely available to others as he lucidly explores the outer reaches of his perceptions.
moon in aries
the moon in aries gives an ardent nature with inclinations to impatience, independence and impulsiveness. with this placement, alex has a high energy level. he also has a strong competitive streak, which, together with his attack first attitude, may conceal subtle feelings of insecurity. his emotions are keenly felt, direct and spontaneous. he may have to guard against a quick temper. he should also guard against a tendency towards a too hasty reaction to situations, rather than a more carefully reasoned approach. he is more comfortable thinking of himself as strongly independent with great physical daring and courage.
the moon in the ninth house represents an emotional sensitivity in the area of higher ideals and visionary philosophy. he may be something of a dreamer and tend to romanticize his emotions. his philosophy is based on his feelings and sensitivity to his ideals regarding the superconscious realms. he constantly studies his experiences to redefine his own philosophy about life, which may be the basis for his own vision of religion. his philosophical attitude may seem difficult for other people to understand. he may suffer from a utopian ideal of wanting to feel good all of the time which can cause his suffering. alex tends to be a dreamer yet his dreams may reflect truths about reality when he is in tune to his higher awareness of consciousness. he loves travel and is likely to take many journeys. he is constantly trying to maintain his ideal emotional state of being. he is a natural teacher. alex has a strong need to share his philosophy of life with other people. in this way, he can share his refined imaginative and creative insights and show others how to refine their inner visions along with him.
rising in leo
leo rising people are dramatic, extroverted and assertive. their ruling planet is the sun. they have great energy, courage and honesty, and are very creative, self-confident and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. they expect to be the center of attention, and often are. even so, people tend to forgive them for their excesses, sensing in them the incurable romantics. they are likely to have a leonine appearance, with a thick mane of hair and a dramatic flair to their clothing and appearance. they also enjoy the warmth of the physical sun. they are determined and usually get their way when they really want to. they also possess great integrity, and are natural leaders. leo people are very proud, and their challenge is not to be arrogant or egotistical, but rather to develop humility and compassion, and to learn detachment in the gift of their affections.
mercury in aries
mercury in aries gives a forceful impetuous and impulsive mentality. witty, inventive and quick, alex takes up new ideas with enthusiasm. his intuition is keen. he tends to be impatient with with opposition and delay. he may also be very sensitive when it comes to visual or auditory sense impressions. he may have a tendency to exaggerate, or to argue. he has considerable mental energy, and a need to assert himself in his thought process and his communication with others. it benefits him to learn concentration, for with control his abundant mental energy is vastly more useful.
mercury in the ninth house represents a strong mental connection between his inner awareness and the natural laws of expanded perspective: higher learning, philosophy or religion. he has a keen-witted and idealistic mentality, with great powers of logic and deduction. he enjoys a wide range of studies, through reading and travel. he is also naturally inclined to teach what he perceives and discovers, for his idealism is strong. he is very direct in thought and expression and will say exactly what is on his mind, giving him a reputation for lack of tact. he may be subject to visualizing grant possibilities and centring his perceptions on the larger issue, rather than on the details. his thought process is better suited for exploring and advancing his position on a particular topic than for cautious investigation of every angle. he is the consummate student and teacher of life, at his best when he can exchange ideas with others and constantly expand his perceptions.
venus in aquarius
venus in aquarius gives a calm and detached nature. he is idealistic, even revolutionary in his outlook, and wants to see a better society emerge from the vagaries of the present day. he is an admirer of symmetry and elegance, with an enthusiastic appreciation of artistic form in music, poetry and painting. he functions well in friendships and in groups, but he may not always be happy in intimate connections with significant others. his love is broader and more general, and he may be given to spiritual or philanthropic activities rather than to close personal relationships. he may go through many changes in his love life, being very open to new influences that suddenly comes up for him. he benefits from deepening and more fully expressing his affection for one person in particular.
venus in the seventh house represents a strongly felt connection to partnerships with others. relationships are important to him. he is also inclined to be “young at heart”. he feels at his best when acting in concert with another person, especially an intimate partner, then his natural gifts of grace, diplomacy and charm comes to the core. what is nice on his own becomes really nice with another. he has a gentle personality, very considerate and kind. he also has refined aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and a keen sense of color. he has the potential to excel in many professions, including legal work and diplomacy. he tends to idealize his chosen love partner, and he benefits from the realization that the true source of grace and beauty in his life comes from within his own nature.
mars in aries
mars in the ninth house (or sign) gives you a friendly and optimistic nature. he is likely to lead a physically active life, and is fond of sports and gambling. he is idealistic, outspoken and honest with his opinions. he is also likely to be spontaneous and even a bit impulsive. he can be scattered in the application of his energies, and will perhaps benefit him to work at becoming more reliable. he has a great propensity for learning. his energy is most naturally invested in adventures of the higher mind: travel, education, perhaps publishing. he likes many different pursuits, and has a kind of haphazard way of going about things that can get him into trouble. he may tend to miss the details, by fixing his gaze on “the big picture”. he also can be dogmatic at times, when he gets to carried away with his own point of view. he profits by learning to slow down his enthusiasm and focus on his concentration on reachable goals.
mars in aries (or the first house) gives an independent and positive nature, and outwardly directed and ambitious orientation. he possesses great strength of character as well as an inordinate degree of self-assertion. he is a formidable adversary, tending to react aggressively when threatened. he is extremely courageous and enthusiastic, traits that will take him far in life, but he may need to work on a tendency of being quick to anger and he can behave impulsively at times. he may also cause trouble by unwilling to give way and make concessions, especially if mars is afflicted in his charts by planetary aspects. it benefits him to learn the art of compromise. he can also benefit from cultivating patience and tolerance to offset his occasional short temper. he will gain in the long run when he practices self-control and displays a great degree of unselfishness in his dealing with others.
jupiter in pisces
jupiter in the eighth house (or sign) gives him a shrewd and careful personality. he can also be somewhat secretive. he has good judgment, and a constant sense of what is important to him. his focus is excellent, and you make a good worker because of it. he has an innate sense of who he is and where he wants to be, and that is usually where he will be found. alex is passionate and sensual and very tuned in to other people. he has the gift of observation. he is fond of the occult, and he can possess the powers of a healer or mystic. he will likely go through many changes in his life in search of a deeper connection to his own higher power. he should beware, though, of being overly self-indulgent.
jupiter in pisces (or the twelfth house) gives him a quiet and unassuming personality. he is good and kind, very considerate of others, and is friendly and easygoing. he needs to feel an emotional resonance in order for his work to be satisfying to him. he has his own personal code of conduct to which is his truth, no matter what public opinion may be, or convention may dictate.he may suffer in his life from being overly sensitive to the needs of others, or seek to retire from the casual cruelties of the world at large, so there is some danger of escapism. he is content to do what he does because is helpful to other people. he often appear more at home in an imaginary universe of his own design than concrete reality and benefits when he pay some modicum of attention to the nitty-gritty details of life that surrounds you as well as to the secret world of your dreams.
saturn in aries
saturn in the ninth house (or sign) gives an educated and philosophically active mentality, with a deepening and a concentration, or a blockage, in the area of higher learning and expansion into new horizons. he is courageous in expressing his opinion, has a keen intuition and makes a good teacher. his early beliefs may be characterized by adhering too strictly to a dogmatic and rigid set of principles, but he grows into a more mature wisdom in his later years. he likely has a need for physical exercise. he makes a good teacher, and may also feel a calling to work with the disadvantaged. while open and honest, and intent on expressing his point of view, he may also doubt himself in this area, seeming indecisive or rebellious. his goals are mental and spiritual, rather than material, and he may search for a new framework of moral or spiritual values, than adopt existing outworn belief systems. his lesson is to eventually come to the realization that the true source of moral and ethical valuation lies within himself.
saturn in aries (or the first house) gives a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, in the area of self-confidence and self-expression. with this placement he is likely to be reserved. he also has good reasoning power. he desires to better himself, and is eager for success in the world of tangible results. the purposeful expression of his expressions of his will may however be inhibited by subconscious fears, preventing action. this is a cross to bear, but he can definitely overcome this tendency with persistent effort over time. he may appear shy or stiff, or self-effacing, or he may overcompensate through defensive or argumentative behavior. he may at times strongly assert himself, seizing control of situations. he may also suffer from headaches. he possess a powerful desire for freedom of expression that does not easily find is realization. his lesson is striving to overcome any fears he may has in expressing himself, and thus come to a better understanding of who he is and what he can achieve.
uranus in aquarius
uranus in the seventh house (or sign) gives an individual who is independent and original in the expression of artistic impulses and relationships. he is a lover of harmony and beauty, and he express this love in his own unique manner, he does not subscribe to a conventional sense of aesthetic, but is always breaking new ground. he is idealistic and philosophical, and he has a restless interest in new forms of stimulation, there can be problems with marriage in that partners may find him alternately affectionate and uninterested. he is likely to seek a rather unconventional relationship, which allows room from growth on both sides. he needs more space in the relationship the most, and search for a partner who understands that, and has his or her own unique perspective. he may also bring new concepts of the area of partnership. part of his purpose in this life may be the transformation of the partnership energy into a new mode of being that can serve his own interest as well as enliven and invigorate his partner.
uranus in aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives a clever individual who is idealistic and also highly unconventional. he is humane and concerned with the progress of mankind. he is likely to associate himself with groups and associations having as their goal the betterment of society, and he can also have conflicts with such groups, depending in part on whether there are stressful aspects to uranus in his natal chart, he has his own unique point of view and his role in the group may often be to throw the monkey wrench into conventionally and simple-minded lock step with the group concept. because uranus is the most changeable of planetary influences, he may also experience changes in his own goals or group affiliation over time. he has a strong urge for personal freedom, and is attracted to the pull of new horizons, and this can impede the formation of stable alliances. his challenge is to make available to others, through collective action, the progressive ideals for social reform that he feels so clearly within himself.
neptune in aquarius
neptune in the sixth house (or sign) gives a mentally creative personality with a tendency to be critical at times. with this placement he can become confused over details. he may have problems with responsibility or feeling that he must be of assistance to others, no matter how he is feeling about it, or he could experience his work as frustrating and ultimately dissatisfying. or there may be an unconscious tension between his rational mind and his innermost feelings, such as psychosomatic illness not properly diagnosed. on the other hand, the ideal of service he aspires to, both to other people and to his own highest purpose for himself, may led him to a significant mission in his life. he could achieve greatly in the helping professions, possibly with a specialization in alternative medicine, and especially if neptune is well aspected by other planets in his chart. he benefits by getting away from too great an involvement toward the broader ideals of service to humanity and personal transformation.
neptune in aquarius (or the eleventh house) gives a visionary personality with altruistic principles. he is popular, and may have a wide circle of friends. on the other hand, he may have problems to be worked through with deception in friendships, or confusion regarding friends’ true motives, or issues of using social interaction to escape his responsibilities. he has a highly developed social sense, and a strong affinity for groups expressing spiritual ideals. he may need to clarify his goals. he has a tremendous and positive vision of his own possibilities and those for society at large, but if neptune is no well aspected in his chart, he may have difficulties to work through regarding the practical fulfillment of his visions and plans. at his best, he is compassionate towards others, making significant contributions toward the creation of a more loving world, based on humanitarian ideals of universal brotherhood.
pluto in sagittarius
pluto in the fifth house (or sign) gives a tremendous desire to be recognized and admired. alex may feel compulsion toward self-aggrandizement, or have underlying feelings of insecurity leaning to self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. he is an essentially dynamic and charismatic individual with a strong need to make an impact on the world around him. he may find much to admire in the acting or artistic professions, and find his own creative outlet there, although he is likely to go through many changes and challenges in putting himself forward in a way that truly serves as an expression of his highest purpose for himself. his desire for personal reputation may also be thwarted, but this can lead to benefits for him, by forcing him to re-evaluate his need to achieve. transformation in this area is quite possible, as he learns how to work with his personal power in more constructive ways. by embodying the more positive form of his creative energy, and thereby expressing his deepest truth, he can perform an important service for himself and society.
pluto in sagittarius (or in the ninth house) gives alex a thoughtful personality, with a focus on deeper understanding. with this placement he may work to constantly discover and rediscover the meaning of his existence. he may be concerned as his life unfolds with religious or ethically based belief systems, and he may attempt to coerce others into accepting his own viewpoint oe become a zealous spokesperson for your particular philosophy or cause. as he arrives at conclusions regarding his own personal code of ethics he may feel called upon to express these beliefs to others, but he benefits from avoiding dogmatic discourses that are unlikely to sway anyone else’s opinion. his ultimate mission is to find inside himself the motivation for his method of seeing the world around him, to penetrate into his own hidden agendas and find a more holistic worldview based on direct experiences. his personal understanding will undoubtedly undergo radical transformations in the course of his life, ideally these will progress toward developing his own unique ideology based on a more conscious understanding of his own process rather than on socially accepted belief systems received from others.
chiron in scorpio
chiron on the fourth house (or sign) represents issues with the vital force of self-nurturing and taking care of those closest to yourself. with this placement alex has a strong drive, even a compulsion, to be centered in home and family, but this desire does not easily find its fulfillment. there may have been painful episodes in connection with early family life; perhaps he had trouble getting settled down to enjoy the comfort that a safe and secure home brings to a child. as a result, he may be even more motivated to having this firm base of security in his adult life than others tho whom it is second nature. he may alternate between over-identifying with his family or under-identifying with them, or he may find himself constantly thwarted in finding this important level of security as he goes through life. on a more symbolic level, he is also painfully challenged in finding his own center in a psychological sense. because of the inherent insecurity of his inner world he may struggle to find himself, and becomes easily influenced by others due to lacking his own clear sense of self. without this base he is more easily unbalanced, and he may find that he moves in many different directions emotionally, as the wind blows. he may long for a more secure and comfortable sense of who he is, independent from other’s opinions, a place where he can truly be himself. part of the problem with connecting to his inner self and externally with home and family, is that the conflict you feel may be largely unconscious in nature, running on autonomously as a result of long-buried experiences too painful to recollect and consciously examine. he may have difficult times with issues regarding home and family as he goes through life, until he can become more conscious of these influences, and less easily overtaken by them. there may be conflicts with his mother or other primary parental figure, that needs to be worked through, as he really begins to get in touch with his blocks and difficulties in these areas. once he begins to nourish himself and to provide his own parenting, rather than depending on the external world to provide comfort and security, he can come around to being a source of inspiration for others as well as himself.
chiron in scorpio (or the eighth house) represents issues with one’s vital force and transform and to regenerate. with this placement alex has a strong compulsion from intimate connection with other people that does not find its realization. he is likely to have been wounded in his sexuality in some fashion, possibly through early experiences, either physical or emotional. as a consequence, being close to other people becomes both desired and painful. he may hold the prospect of closeness with others with some carefully engineered defenses, such as retreating from expressing his true feelings by means of clever dylanesque obfuscation or perhaps by using other people before they have the chance to use him. if he retreats into cleverness and mental gymnastics rather than risk staying with his actual emotion, he leaves these feelings unexpressed, and continues a process of being out of touch not only with the intimate other, but with the deeper part of himself as well. his journey of discovery of his true emotions, the poignant and vital basis of his inner life, is ultimately the most important one for him, and provides rich rewards as he begins to consciously experience these inner depths of his being, over a period of time. in this journey he will re-connect to his own long buried emotions, and through this process to others as well. as he begins to find himself and his power, and is truly able to work with other people, he may be able to provide a sense of hope to them in their own individual journey as well, through the increased consciousness he has gained.
north node in virgo
lunar north node in the second house (or sign) south node in the eighth house or sign. this placement gives a personality somewhat focused around the issues of money and material possessions. in a previous period, or a past lifetime, he was concerned with the utilization of the other people’s resources rather than his own. he also may have gotten involved with occult practices, or engaged in a deep and even taboo relationships with others, factors that shaped your past, and the residue of which still colors his present life experience. now, in this lifetime, he must learn to marshal his own forces and be a resource to himself. he is in the process of clarifying his values, based on a new feeling of independence, having come through the fires of hell, as it were, in order to establish a more stable and lasting sense of self-worth.
lunar north node in virgo (or the sixth house) south node in the twelfth house or sign. this placement gives a personality with a great desire to be of service to other people. in the past, or in past lives, he was dreamy and unfocused, and paid little attention to detail. he was in the process of connecting to his higher self, journeying back into the cosmic realms within his own mind. now his focus must shift to the details of daily life, in a constant effort to improve himself, to serve himself and others, and to remain alert to the myriad mundane details of life that do not leave much time for daydreaming. this is a difficult transition to make, but necessary if he is to fulfill his destiny, this time around. since he feels a close kinship to the spiritual world, dealing with every-day details sometimes may seem boring and unsatisfying. as he works through these challenges, though, he comes closer and closer to an understanding of how dealing with everu-day issues really does connect him with the world of spirit, still operating at the core of his being.
midheaven in taurus
the midheaven, or MC (medium coeli) is usually but not always the same as the tenth house cusp. symbolically, the midheaven represents you individuality, the outward expression of your energies, it can also be referred to as ego identity, and has a strong connection with public life and career, symbolized by the tenth house. the midheaven also represents your aspirations and ideals. together with the ascendant, it represents personality in interaction with the world.
the tenth house symbolizes public life, authority, career issues, and also represents the mother, or perhaps the opposite-sex parent. as standing opposite the fourth house, the tenth house represents how the foundation of the personality is made manifest and concrete in the world. the birth chart is often divided into four seven-year periods, one per quadrant, cycling each twenty-eight years of life, and the tenth house is reached at age 21, te age of legal adulthood. planets in the tenth house will indicate what the energies and challenges are for your career, also how your mother (or perhaps father) was experienced.
taurus midheaven individuals achieve success when they openly express their own values. their career needs to reflect those values, perhaps by building something that furthers what they feel is a worthy principle. they access the strength and serenity of letting others know where they stand.
and that was it!! please rebloge it and let me know your opinions :D xxx
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Anonymous asked: Of all the many languages you speak which is your weakest one? Do you use those languages?
It’s privilege to learn any language that isn’t your mother tongue. As Ludwig Wittgenstein correctly observed, “The limits of my language means the limits of my world”. If English is our native tongue we put ourselves at a disadvantage because we expect every other nationality to take the trouble to speak it. There seems no incentive to learn a foreign language. We become lazy not just in language but also in other ways including our cultural enrichment, our imagination, and a misplaced sense of our self-importance in the world.
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Of the European languages I know, I probably think German would be my weakest. When I was in school in Switzerland you’re brought up in three languages: French, Italian, and German (even if the Swiss speak Swiss German). When I say weakest I mean I can converse fluently, but I don’t have time to read German literature in the same immersive way I would say with French literature or take any special interest in German affairs.
I would say I’m fairly fluent in French now but still prone to silly mistakes. I’ve been told that I can speak without an accent and that is heart warming to know, because that was always the goal once I moved here to France. I don’t really use French in my work as it’s a multi-national entity and so English is the default language of corporate world, but I’m speaking French pretty much the rest of the time outside of work.
I was extremely fortunate to be born into a multi-lingual family where Norwegian and English were spoken from birth. All my siblings were being versed in Latin (not Greek which came years later after doing Classics at university) by the time I was 8 or 9 years old because my father was a classicist and he felt Latin was the building blocks to mastering other languages.
All this occurring whilst we moved lived and moved around a lot in the world such as China, Japan, India, and the Middle East. When I was initially sent to one of the first of my English girls boarding schools I was horrified that most of the girls only spoke English. I thought I was the stupid one for only knowing 6. Boarding school, if nothing else, gave me a great privilege to hone in on the languages I did know and start to learn others.
My parents didn’t take the easy way out and put us children in international schools like all the other expat children. That would have been too easy given how tight knit the British expatriate community was out there. Instead we were left to sink or swim in local schools in places like Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan or Shanghai in China or in Delhi, India. It was a struggle but you soon find your feet and you stumble towards some basic level of fluency.
I’m fortunate that before Covid my corporate work took me often to the Far East and it was a great opportunity to hone what I already knew. The result is I can converse and take business meetings in Chinese and Japanese (though English gets thrown into the mix too).
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I would say Chinese is more of a struggle for me these days because I’ve not been back since before the Covid lockdown in 2020. Chinese is one of those languages that can easily melt away if you don’t get the chance to converse in it on a regular basis. Japanese less so, probably because the culture had more profound impact on me than Chinese culture.
Hindi is less of an issue because I have close Indian friends and also I watch Bollywood movies as well as converse with Indian immigrants here in Paris who have local stores. Urdu I learned through the backdoor because Urdu has a spoken affinity with Hindi (if you know Hindi then you know spoken Urdu, more or less, especially in Northern India and cities like Delhi where Urdu was born in the burnt ashes of Mughal India). Reading is another matter because they each use different scripts - Sanskrit for Hindi and Arabic and Persian script for Urdu.
Strangely enough when I was doing my tour in Afghanistan years ago with the British army, I would speak Urdu with local Afghans who served as official translators or were selling goods on the base. These Afghans knew Urdu because an entire generation of Afghan boys and girls grew up in refugee camps on the Pakistani border during the different phases of the Afghan war. I have very fond memories of their friendship and hospitality, but less so of the war itself. 
With Arabic, it had lapsed woefully until I did a posting in Dubai in the past year (as catalogued in my blog) and I found myself suddenly remembering a lot and asking Arab friends. Soon I was able to hold my own amongst my colleagues and corporate clients. In these cultures it’s really hard to stay focused because so many of them speak very good English. So it’s hard to get them to stick with their own language because you want to learn from them - but they want to show off their English proficiency - and so you have to be polite but persistent to stick with Arabic.  
If you’re learning a new language then I hope you stick with it. There’s almost nothing more rewarding in your life than the disocovery a rich culture through language. The key is to find a way to make it fun rather than a trip to the dentist chair for a root canal operation.
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Thanks for your question.
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abellalu · 5 months
Adventures on a Foreign | Chapter 3
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Summary: After narrowly escaping Thanos, Loki is given a chance for a new life. The Avengers allow Loki to live in New Asgard with his brother, Thor. However, The Avengers are not quick to put their trust into Loki. SHIELD Director Nick Fury recruits an Agent who was once said to be one of the most promising SHIELD Agents, to follow Loki and ensure that he has no plans to harm Earth. Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader Word Count: 2k A/N: Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a happy holiday(s). Lots of interesting conversations in this chapter and setting up a (hopefully) interesting journey for these characters. [ Previous Part | Masterlist | AO3 ]
The sun had only started to emerge when Loki decided to visit the downtown of New Asgard. He knew someone was watching him as he walked down the cobblestone path covered by overgrown grass. There was no point in glancing back and he knew it was you following him.
It had only been a few days since the two of you arrived in New Asgard. For most of that time, he stayed in Thor's house only adventuring as far as the garden. Today, Loki decided it was time to see more of what was supposed to be his new home. He knew there were whispers among the city about his arrival. 
Loki had assumed that his visit was early enough that most of the city would still be asleep and the streets would all be empty, giving him the chance to explore without the staring gazes of others. What he didn’t account for was you knowing that he would be up so early. 
Did this woman sneak a tracker on me in the middle of the night? He wasn’t sure he could ever get used to your ever-existing presence, but for now he continued on,
As Loki continued to walk through the town, he heard footsteps approaching him. At first he assumed it was you, but as he turned around he was greeted by a different presence, “Valkyrie, I'm surprised to see you wake this early,�� Loki said quietly.
“I could say the same to you Prince Loki. I haven't seen you explore at all since you and your Agent arrived,” Valkyrie said as she continued to walk to Loki’s side and smiled at him. “She’s quite pretty isn’t she.” 
Loki rolled his eyes, “Don’t you already have a lover. I don’t think she would be interested anyway, she is taking her job of observing me far too seriously.” Loki looked around him trying to find where you were hiding.
“Don’t underestimate me Loki, I could seduce her if I wanted to,” Valkyrie laughs to herself, “But you’re right. I do already have plenty of lovers that need my attention. That and I have a city to rule.”
“Yes, I sure hope your lovers don’t distract you from your work.”
“I’m fully capable of multitasking.” She signaled to Loki to follow her “Tell me what do you think of this city, Prince Loki.”
Loki looked closer at the buildings, many of which still had not turned their lights on yet. People seemed to be settling into their homes and building their new lives. There aren’t many businesses in New Asgard, or at least not as many as there were on Asgard. It was becoming a functional city and even some novelties were appearing, namely the new library featuring both Midgardian books and the copies of Asgardian books that were managed to be saved. 
“You are doing a good job my King, the Asgardians deserve a new home and you are providing them a beautiful one,” Loki earnestly said. 
“There’s lots of work to be done Loki.” Valkyrie smiles softly, “But I do appreciate the sentiment, especially from you.”
Loki tensed. “And why do you need my opinion?”
“Because you are a Prince, it was your home too that is now gone,” Valkyrie asserted. 
Loki stopped walking and Valkyrie looked back towards him. “No matter how many times you call me a Prince, it doesn’t make me one. Not anymore.” Loki wasn't sure if he was ever truly a Prince of Asgard. If anything, he was the heir to Jotunheim. Thor was the only Prince that Asgard ever seemed to need.
“These will always be your people, Loki. I know what it’s like to try and abandon them to create a new life. But I was miserable, I didn’t feel like myself again till I helped fight during Ragnarok. I know you felt a similar way. You could have run away and left them to die, but you didn’t. You felt good fighting for your people and can continue to serve them now.”
“I think you put too much faith in me,” he said gravelly.
“Maybe,” Valkyrie shrugged. “But I also know you want to be more than the villain in stories. This can be a new start for you and your relationship with the people of Asgard, just like me.”
Loki turned away and began walking back to Thor’s house. “Goodbye Valkyrie,” he murmured. 
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Mission Report for Director Nick Fury
Loki Laufeyson is…
You've been sitting at the kitchen table for over an hour, desperately trying to find the words for your mission report. 
This morning you heard Loki get up, having always been a light sleeper. It was useful for the job though, as it helped you stay aware of his every move. That's all how all your time has been spent in New Asgard: listening and waiting for Loki to make his move.
For the most part, Loki kept to himself. The change of routine today, made you assume that it was the start of some malicious plan. But when you followed him into town, he did nothing but observe the city until he had a conversation with the King of New Asgard, Valkyrie. 
Having no more time to procrastinate on your mission report, you decided to give Loki some space for a few hours. As you stared at the blank page on your laptop, you heard the door to the house creak open soon followed by a boisterous voice.
“Soon we shall need a celebration, but for now-” Thor entered the kitchen, the large smile on his face somehow grew bigger. “Hello our dear Lady, how is your day so far?” Following behind him is Korg, a tall rock-made creature with an ironically soft disposition. 
“Hello Thor,” you smile back at him. “My day has been well though now I’m just trying to get my mission report for Fury done.”
“How is your mission going so far? Are you taking time to explore and enjoy the city like I suggested?” Thor asked.
You sighed, “My work is my top priority Thor, I haven’t had much time to explore. But I will eventually, I promise.”
“My brother has been too difficult to work with, has he? Because I promise, I know he wants to change and work with-”
You cut him off, “He hasn’t been too much trouble. He’s just been… distant, I guess. It’s hard to fully know he’s goals and ambitions when he always tries to keep to himself.” Thor frowns at first, but then he slowly smiles again. 
“Well you must talk to him then! Loki has been reclusive, yes. But I swear that if you try to reach out to him, you can see him for who he truly is.”
You stay quiet for a moment, before Korg speaks up. “We just saw him, he was looking over the water on the edge of the hill.”
You looked at Thor's hopeful gaze as he anticipated your response. “I'm hoping you're right, Thor,” you said as you stood from your chair.
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Loki was far away enough from the city that all he could hear was the crashing of the waves below him and the calm wind moving through the tall green grass.
After this morning running into Valkyrie, he needed time to himself. Instead of going back to the house, he found this spot. A place where he had a birds eye view of the water, but was still surrounded by the rugged mountains. 
“It's beautiful here,” you interrupt his thoughts. 
“It's nothing like what Asgard was.”
“It was glorious wasn't it,” You said softly as you walked up next to him. The proximity makes him uncomfortable. “I'd never been to Asgard, you'd have to describe to me what it was like.”
“It was,” Loki quietly looked down. “But it doesn’t matter now that it’s gone, we simply have to move on.”
“How do you plan to move on Loki?” What are your goals here on Earth?” It came out more accusatory than you meant, but you couldn’t resist. You know so little about this man that you are required to watch for most of the day. 
“Trust me, I am not going anywhere and I already tried world domination. Now if you’ll leave me be.” Loki said as he walked back towards the city.
“There is another title you are referred to as Mischief. God of Lies, is that correct?”
Loki paused. You were correct, there are many names referring to Loki. Many of the names now have negative connotations even if they just started as a descriptor. But the God of Lies title was always said with malice. 
“Well you’ve created a problem, see, I could admit to being the God of Lies but that could be a lie or I could say I’m not and that could also be a lie. No matter what, you are not closer to the truth.”
But to Loki’s surprise, you laughed. “Maybe, but here's the thing, Loki.” You walked closer to him. “But I still like to know more about you, if you could-” you think to yourself for a moment. “If you would talk to me, I’d greatly appreciate it. I hear so many different stories about you.”
“And which ones do you think are the most accurate?” Loki asked, looking directly towards you.
“I don’t think any of them are fully accurate, some yes, have more truth to them. But I want to have my own perspective on who you are. I think that’s how I’ve lasted so long as a SHIELD agent,” You laugh quietly. “It gets me in trouble often, especially with Fury, but I know I need to trust my instincts and not assume everyone around me has the right answer. I need to discover for myself.”
“Fury certainly made an interesting choice sending you here.”
“Oh absolutely, do you know what he said to be when he assigned me this mission? ‘Loki annoys the hell out of me and so do you,’ In his mind it’s the perfect match I guess.” You try to hold in your laugh, but Loki just scoffed. 
You continue, “We’re stuck with each other for who knows how long, Loki. We have to find a way to make it work.” You look up at him, focusing on the sharp angles of his face. 
“I suppose so,” Loki begrudged. 
After a few moments of silence, the two of you walk back to the house. You excuse yourself to work on your mission report and Loki goes upstairs to his room. He closes the door softly behind him and lays on his bed, his hands covering his eyes. “Norns, this woman will be the death of me.”
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At the same time, on a far away planet called Chitauri Prime. 
The Chitauri, tall gray monstrous creatures, are yelling at one another. In months since they lost their army leader, Thanos, they argued back and forth on how to move forward as species. 
“We must continue to fight!” one Chitauri yells. “We will avenge our leader and kill anyone who ruined his plan!”
“Our army is weak now and there are too many that were against Thanos!” another yells. “We can not rush into battle, we have to be strategic about our first attack without our leader.”
“Then we will get a new leader.” Soon everyone turned to the older Chitauri, one who stopped fighting battles many years before Thanos was killed. “There is an option, one that we have not been ready for, but now it is time.”
Chitauri looked at each other, confused by what this elder was saying, but he continued, “We will have our leader, he is known as Warlord, he ruthlessness and brutally made us put him into hibernation. But we always knew there would be a time where he would need to fill a role no one else can.” The elder Chitauri walked up the stone steps to the platform, the Chitauri all stared up at him.
“And I know exactly where our first war will be. The downfall of Thanos is all due to one man, the dark prince of Asgard. He was the one that failed us, he is the reason Thanos never got the infinity stones. We were promised Earth if we helped Loki.” The Chitauri cheered, captivated by his speech.
“We will kill Loki and destroy Earth, to avenge our leader and bring honor back to our species.”
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