#abundance mentality
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omegaphilosophia · 3 months
The Philosophy of Abundance
The philosophy of abundance is a perspective or worldview that emphasizes the inherent richness, generosity, and potential for growth and fulfillment in the world. It contrasts with scarcity mentality, which focuses on limitations, competition, and the belief that resources are finite and insufficient for everyone's needs. The philosophy of abundance encompasses various principles and beliefs that shape attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions towards life, prosperity, and well-being. Here are some key aspects of the philosophy of abundance:
Gratitude and Appreciation: The philosophy of abundance encourages individuals to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the abundance already present in their lives, including relationships, experiences, opportunities, and resources. By focusing on what one has rather than what is lacking, individuals can experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment.
Positive Mindset: Adopting a positive mindset is central to the philosophy of abundance. It involves cultivating optimism, hope, and belief in one's ability to create and attract abundance in various areas of life, such as wealth, health, relationships, and personal growth. Positive thinking can lead to increased resilience, motivation, and creativity in overcoming challenges and pursuing goals.
Abundance Mentality: Abundance mentality is the belief that there is more than enough to go around for everyone, and that success and prosperity are not zero-sum games. It entails embracing a mindset of abundance in which opportunities, resources, and possibilities are plentiful and accessible to those who seek them. This mindset fosters collaboration, generosity, and a willingness to share and support others in their pursuits.
Law of Attraction: The philosophy of abundance is often associated with the law of attraction, which posits that individuals can attract positive or negative experiences into their lives based on their thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. By focusing on abundance and visualizing desired outcomes, individuals can purportedly manifest their dreams and goals more effectively.
Generosity and Sharing: Embracing abundance involves being generous and open-handed with one's time, energy, talents, and resources. Acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity contribute to the circulation of abundance in the world and create a ripple effect of positive impact on others. Giving without expecting anything in return fosters a sense of interconnectedness and abundance consciousness.
Growth Mindset: The philosophy of abundance encourages a growth mindset, characterized by a belief in the capacity for learning, development, and improvement over time. Embracing challenges, seeking opportunities for growth, and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success are key aspects of a growth-oriented approach to life.
Environmental Stewardship: Abundance philosophy extends to the natural world, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship, sustainability, and responsible use of resources. Recognizing the Earth's abundant natural resources and biodiversity, individuals are called to protect and preserve the planet for future generations.
Overall, the philosophy of abundance promotes a mindset of abundance, gratitude, generosity, and possibility, inviting individuals to embrace the richness and potential inherent in every aspect of life.
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The Path to Prosperity: Journeying Through the Millionaire Mindset
🌟 Unlock the secrets to financial abundance! 🌟 Dive into 'The Path to Prosperity: Journeying Through the Millionaire Mindset' 💰✨ Link-in-Bio #MillionaireMindset #FinancialAbundance #ProsperityJourney #SuccessMindset #WealthMindset #FinancialFreedom
Introduction What sets millionaires apart from the rest of us? Is it luck, privilege, or something else entirely? While external factors certainly play a role, perhaps the most significant determinant of financial success is the mindset. The millionaire mindset is not just about accumulating wealth; it’s a way of thinking and approaching life that opens doors to opportunities, fosters resilience…
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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💗Robotic affirming is repeating your affirmations until you get your desire. It works instantly , it is totally worth it. You don't have to believe your affirmations. You can repeat them mindlessly.
🤖It doesn't matter how long you do it . There are no rules. You can use as many affirmations you want to. Robotic affirming helps to pass your limits and doubts. Let's say you affirm for 1- 2 hours for your desire but then start wavering ( complaining , worrying , entertaining opposing thoughts etc ) . It is okay if you waver but don't dwell on those thoughts. Deny them. Don't let them get to you. Ignore those thoughts and start repeating your affirmations . Sammy ingram said that you can say your affirmations out aloud to get rid of negative thoughts because you can't speak one thing and think another thing at the same time.
💗Basically, you are saturating your mind with what you want. Once those affirmations become dominant , they will manifest since dominant thoughts manifest. The more you familiarize your mind with your desire, the more fast you will manifest it.
🤖Affirm. Affirm and Affirm. Don't leave your important tasks, in other words, don't neglect your life to affirm but affirm when you are scrolling through your phone , showering , doing skincare , cooking, eating etc .
💗You affirm until your desires materialize into the 3D . You need to be RELENTLESS. You need to be CONSISTENT. Don't think about how or when your desires will manifest. Don't put your desires on a pedestal. I mentioned it my paradigm and mental diet post too and I will mention it again , REPETITION IS THE KEY.
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goddesssin111 · 2 years
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urloveangel · 4 months
at some point you realize stress, worry, frustration are unnecessary and only slow you down…
you can move through life with compassion, love, acceptance and joy instead, and thrive with much more ease 🫶🏼
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angelic-loveerr · 11 months
I love these little circles
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sparklingself · 2 years
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do you know you have it or do you hope to have it? do you feel peace and satisfaction or are you doubting?
why a lot of people have anxiety when manifesting is because they choose hope over knowing. this is rooted in not having a full understanding of consciousness being the only reality. when i say consciousness is the only reality, then i mean that absolutely everything is you. when you understand that consciousness is the only reality then you would break the habit of feeling remorseful, depressed, or regretful. You will no longer think unkindly about another, because you will know that he is actually yourself pushed out, and appeared in your world because the Father in you called him. (Neville).
developing this mindset can obviously take time but if you live your day to day life acknowledging your consciousness as the one and only reality, then you’ll get there and it will all become habitual. but for it to become habitual you need to first break the bad habits that hinder you from getting there.
the habit you need to break is checking the outside. eg when you make your mind on what you want you might start to rationalise and think how it’s not possible or might not happen. that’s living on hope. or you might be looking for confirmation that you’re going to get what you want all day long. again, living on hope.
so, what does it mean to live on knowing instead? you KNOW you already have it because consciousness is the only reality and what you do in consciousness will be duplicated to the outside. you assume not for it to be so, but because it is so. you don’t have to “fake” anything. there is no need as you already have it. you don’t need external validation. all you need is within. it is your word over everything. if you say so, then so it is.
so break this cycle of remorse. assume new lovely thoughts and let them be. when it brings you relief and joy, you know you have accepted it. it is yours.
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celestial-heartbeat · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 “𝐲𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲” 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝
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this is a quick yet effective method to help y’all live in the end and manifest EXTREMELY fast.
basically you affirm in the past tense. more specifically for this method, you affirm as if you already received your desire yesterday!!
✧ example
“i got my dream job yesterday!” 
“my sp confessed to me yesterday”
“i woke up with my desired face yesterday”
“i received a million dollars yesterday” 
“i got all of my desires yesterday” 
when you affirm, really get into the state that you already have your desire and that your manifestation already showed up. how would you feel if you received your desire yesterday? get into that state and really embody the feeling of wish fulfilled. it’s done. there’s nothing more you need to do because you literally got your desires yesterday! 
✧ 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
if you ever start to waver or doubt because you don’t see any “evidence” or “movement” remind yourself that it’s DONE! why would you stress or worry about receiving something you already have?
let's say you ordered something online and received the package yesterday. would you be saying “oh where is it? is it really coming, i don’t see it. i rlly hope it arrives :(('' NO you would be enjoying whatever you ordered, like duh of course you have it!! you got it yesterday.
that’s the mindset you need to have with your desire. be in the absolute END of your desires and know for a fact that the 3d will conform to your desires! by affirming that your desires manifested yesterday, so are putting yourself in the state of wish fulfilled and taking the stress of waiting off of you. (here’s an excellent video by my fav loa youtuber on living in the 4d)
when neville wanted to go to barbados, what did his mentor abdullah tell him? "you ARE in barbados!" he consistently reminded neville that he was already where he wanted to be. abdullah told neville to go to sleep every night as if he was literally in barbados. at first, neville kept wavering and looking at the 3d and every time he complained, abdullah slammed the door in his face and reminded him that he was already in barbados. eventually, neville manifested first-class tickets to barbados!
in the same way, you need to completely live in the state of already having your desires. by affirming in the past tense, you are giving youself the absolute assurance that you already recieved your manifestations. it's DONE! you arrived in barbados yesterday! there's nothing more that you have to do now.
✧ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞!
everyday for at least a week (or however many days you want) affirm that you already received your desires yesterday! ask yourself “how would i be thinking/feeling if i got my desire yesterday” then think and feel those thoughts. mentally go throughout your day as if you literally just got your desire. as a bonus, you can use SATS and affirm/visualize yourself having your desire just like neville did!
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© celestialheartbeat - 2022
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awhkacey · 1 year
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Sayings and Words That Make Me Feel Powerful:
I'm not going to do that.
I don't want to. I will not.
I am not comfortable with that. I'm sure you understand.
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manifestingbabe7777 · 6 months
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Manifest with me
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botanicalsword · 1 year
❥ Masterlist
/ instagram : @le.sinex / @botanicalsword
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❥ Solar Returns / Transits Observations ✧ solar returns ✧ transits ✧ sun placement in solar returns
❥ Relationship • Compatibility Chart Observations ✧ long term relationship ✧ slow-burn ✧ house synastry ✧ karmic ✧ crushes ✧ how they view you ✧ qualities of partner they seek for ✧ how they think about this relationship
❥ House Stellium Observations ✧ 12th House ✧ 12th house stellium ✧ 12th house dominance ✧ hidden strength
❥ Astro basic info / Brief reads ✧ synastry chart ✧ empty houses ✧ mythology ✧ asteroid
❥ Asteroid database ✧ Pallas ✧ Lilith ✧ Chiron ✧ Medusa ✧ Nymphe ✧ Vala ✧ Diotima ✧ Manto
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❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. ♡
© 2024 @botanicalsword
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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Hot girl era 1
Hot girl era 2- It girl inspired
Hot girl era 3
Glow up
The Wonyoung Effect
The Song Jia Effect
The Jennie Effect
The Lisa Effect
The Yunjin Effect
Rapunzel Effect
New Jeans Effect
Hermione Granger Effect
The Good Doctor
Self concept icons part 1 ,part 2
Appearance change
Master manifestor guide (aesthetic 1 , 2 )
Feeling is the secret part 1 , part 2
I wanna see you win ( red , yellow version )
Disney Princess
Comfort affirmations
A love so beautiful
Hidden love
Tam kaur series -self validation ( updated ) , dream girl , overthinking , high value woman, good luck , detachment
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🎀💗Affirmations & LOA related💗🎀
Hot girl era 4
Self concept icons part 3
Twice Effect
Girl crush
Gf material
Better in stereo
Tam kaur - abundance mindset
Y/N is that you ?
Weight loss affirmations
Kpop idol body
Kpop idol body -2
Flower beauty
You are the creator
Do you think I'm fragile ?
Self love
Solar system
Self concept
Trying doesn't exist
Mindset like Jia, Wonyoung & liz
Circumstances don't matter
Kokomi Teruhashi Affirmations
Paradigm shift
Mental diet
Drop the old story !
Edward art series
Robotic affirming
Stop over-consuming!
Fav solar posts
Manifestation simplified
LOA Memes
Songs for self-concept/self-love
Doubts, resistance and victim-mentality
See yourself as garbage and the flies will come
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It girl guide
It girl youtubers part 1 , part 2
It girl era 2024
Be selfish
Study icons
Stop caring about others opinions
Focus on you
Study tips from Straight A student
Growth VS Fixed Mindset
Movie therapy-Queen & English Vinglish
The ultimate Song Jia guide
Love, me - 1 ,2
Glow up guide
Good posture
Always be aware of people !
She is a mystery!
How to love yourself ?
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The wizard liz - Selfish summary
Stop being lazy and pathetic
You are not a victim
You don't like yourself ? Create a new version of yourself
The wizard liz Effect
The wizard liz beauty and confidence
Alanna Foxx Confidence , beauty and body image
Alanna Foxx Self love.
Rebrand and Reinvent yourself summary
Lim ju kyung Affirmations
Goddess Guide
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punkpandapatrixk · 4 months
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
🍯New Age Money ★ Concept Affirmations
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🍯main character🍯
I am the main character of an exciting Life. It is MY Life. I live in a world surrounded by Kindness. I make my world exciting, joyful, and full of adventures. I have a sense of purpose. I learn and study all kinds of things that are interesting to me. I intend to be useful to my community and make the world a better place. I am unwavering in my pursuit. I meet helpful people. I meet kindhearted souls who are patient with me as I work out my place in this world. I belong in this world. People appreciate my effort and support my passion. I am appreciated for just being. I am the main character of an exciting Life!
🍯divine talents🍯
I am a divine being blessed with many talents. I was born to fulfil an exciting role. I have in me all that’s needed to fulfil my Destiny. I follow my heart to refine my skills. I have great discipline and develop myself accordingly. What I do is important. I am important. My dreams and daydreams show me where I need to go where I’m needed. I have complete faith in my abilities. I am the best at what I do. I am extraordinary and the most unique of them all. I am unshaken in the face of adversity. I learn from my mistakes. I grow myself with healthy self-esteem. I respect myself and my boundaries. Life is an exciting adventure where my divine talents are needed!
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🍯Lyfe Purpose🍯
I step into my Life Purpose. I live an authentic Life. I am strong in my conviction. I don’t worry about a lack of support. I never worry about a lack of money. The Universe takes care of all of my basic needs. I am protected by my Higher Self. I am shielded from great harms by my team of Spirit Guides. I am supported by the Cosmos in my pursuit of realising my Life Purpose. My Life is all about learning and experiencing. I am secure and safe. I am able to rest peacefully when my body mind and soul need a recharge. I make beautiful memories with interesting people. I develop great friendships. I am of service. I am always taken care of.
🍯easy currency🍯
I easily monetise my divine talents. I am well-compensated for all the work that I do. I am appreciated for my honest passions. All of my income is positive. I am unaffected by the streams of negativity attached to my income. I easily transmute lingering negative aenergy attached to my income. I am happy with my income. I am grateful for my income. People are glad to pay for my products and services. People are happy with my products and services. People are grateful for my products and services. I receive generous amounts of income. I get a lot of gifts for any work well done. I live in ease and abundance. I am prosperous and generous.
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🍯time management🍯
I have an abundance of Time. I have an abundance of aenergy to manage my tasks. I have all the time in the world to do what I want when I want. I work and study at my own pace. Time is on my side. Time is my friend. I am relaxed. I am at peace. I know everything is as it should be. I accept Divine Timing. I am not in a competition with Destiny. I’m never in a hurry. No task is ever an emergency. I manage my time masterfully. I enjoy my Life, here and now. I am always in alignment. I am on time. Time is my friend. Time is on my side. Time comes to my aid. I have an abundance of Time.
🍯unmatched luck🍯
I am a lucky being. I am blessed with good fortune. Everything turns out in my favour. I see God’s message in everything that unfolds before me. I believe in the benevolence of the abundant Universe. My faith is unmatched. I believe in myself. I trust my path. Lady Luck loves me. Lady Luck favours me. I am the world’s luckiest being. I easily manifest good fortunes. I am met with positive life experiences at every turn. I have the best luck in the world. My faith and my goodness are my strongest lucky charms. The Universe gladly bestows me with lucky opportunities. I manifest rare opportunities. I come on top. I win every competition. I am a lucky being. I have unmatched Luck!
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valorascult · 2 months
⋆.˚✮ Mental Glow Up Tips ✮˚.⋆
When we hear the words “glow up” - many of us automatically think about our appearance, not understanding that a glow up is internal and external. Too often we neglect our mental state and stay stagnant; repeating the same cycle our whole lives. It’s important to practice mindfulness and stay in the present moment so we are able to be fully aware of our thoughts / actions to reduce stress and increase mental clarity. Taking care of our mind is a large component to self-care, if not, the most important.
Below are a few exercises & knowledge ideas to practice.
Write down all the old habits the new you wouldn’t carry & write how you will replace them - what new / more self fulfilling habits will you now include into your daily life
Focus on reading one book a month. This can be about anything you wish. Reading will help you expand your vocabulary & literary skills , lower stress levels, improves your sleep if you read before bed, improves memory & can give you the confidence to speak with others about topics you might’ve stayed silent about prior to reading.
Stay up to date on global changes. You don’t have to know everything going on but its important to know at least 3 big events currently happening. When you go to gatherings and people are speaking on global events, you will have the courage and knowledge to also pitch in. Don’t be the one sitting in the corner clueless.
Aquire a mentor. It’s important to have a guide in your life, why not make it easier with someone likeminded and encouraging? You never know where this connection may lead, this will always open new doors for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions & share ideas. A mentor is able to provide you unbiased advise from their previously acquired knowledge + hold you accountable.
Start learning a new skill that most people wouldn’t expect you to have. This allows you to be more interesting from some else’s pov. This doesn’t mean acquire a skill you normally wouldn’t care for just to be ‘cool’ - but rather, acquire a skill you’ve been wanting to achieve for a while that you probably haven’t told many people about. Pick a niche topic.
Listen to informational podcasts - this improves your overall listening skills and feeds you valuable information at the same time.
I know it’s talked about 24/7 but STOP procrastinating. That goal you have set a year from now? How can we now make that achievement in 6 months? Every day you should be working towards something. Too often we fill our days with things we believe are getting us somewhere (cooking, cleaning, running quick errands, etc;) when in reality those activities are simply getting you by - these are already set in stone chores you are going to do regardless. What is your goal? How can you break down your goals on paper to achieve things each week instead of each month?
Learn financial literacy - you should have control and understand your finances. When it comes to money, you should have confidence. This equips you with knowledge to make informed decisions.
I could write around 20 more tips but I will keep it at the basics. Don’t overstimulate yourself, reward yourself for achievements - you don’t have to be strict but don’t slack either xoxo.
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