unstablemotions · 2 months
Hey, you! You who suspect you might have PTSD, DID or another trauma disorder, but you think you didn't experience trauma "bad enough" to have developed a mental disorder from it? Let me suggest looking at it differently:
"If there's smoke, there's fire"
Do you experience symptoms of PTSD, such as hypervigilance, trouble sleeping, flashbacks, memory problems, dissociation, ect? Then yes, it was "bad enough". Maybe you don't remember anything "really bad" happening or you don't "feel like" it affects you, but listen to your body. The body remembers and the body doesn't care if you think it is "stupid" or "weak" to have a panic attack when someone touches you or that you still have nightmares about that thing you saw when you were 4 years old
Trauma isn't what happened. Trauma is the reaction to what happened. So what I'm trying to say is that if the reason you think you can't have PTSD/DID/OSDD/ect is because you didn't go through anything horrific enough for that, then maybe forget about what happened to you for a moment and just look at the evidence your body and mind are showing. And then, most importantly, be compassionate with yourself. You're going through a lot and it's gonna be okay in the end. Take it easy, okay? <3
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"I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy" well I fucking would
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webkinzpossum · 1 year
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wingedbeings · 1 year
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wheelie-sick · 18 days
Based on the final lines of Dante's Inferno, walking through hell and reaching the other side
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[ID: a digital art piece done with a sketchy style. a wheelchair user with medium length black hair looks up at stars in the sky. he has a slight smile. he's wearing a black t shirt with a skull on it. he has his left arm out stretched and his right arm tucked behind his wheelchair, his left arm has many scars on it. surrounding him are the words "where we came forth and once more saw the stars"]
this piece is a reminder to myself that there is another side of hell, that you can walk out and see the stars again. I first saw this quote from Dante's Inferno used to signify healing in a memoir about depression I read for one of my classes, it stuck with me. I've been thinking about it ever since and decided to draw something based on the quote and this particular usage of it.
I messed around with some different brushes for texture this time, it was fun
‼️ Reblogs okay but do not trigger tag my scars ‼️
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wormworker · 5 months
!!! Psychotic does NOT mean violent and it's super fucced up that this term has become a buzzword for violent things or just things people don't like !!!
When a person is having a psychotic episode, it means they're in an emotional crisis so far outside the threshold of what they can endure.
A person in psychosis is almost always harmless to others.
They will shut down, be unresponsive, be crying hysterically, having anger fits, desperately reaching out for someone to talk to, saying things that don't make sense, seeming unusually upset by random things, pacing, muttering thoughts out loud, and being unable to access or effectively use coping skills.
A person having a psychotic episode NEEDS YOUR HELP. You most likely will not be able to effectively communicate with them about what they need (though maybe offer a paper and pencil or mobile phone if it helps for them to write it out).
Try playing their favorite music, just sitting with them and not prying, making them a comforting drink or their favorite food, helping them get to a quiet place, giving them a blanket or a fan, putting on their favorite movie, giving them a fidget toy, etc.
And always remember, everyone is different and has different things that help them. Some may not want help and just want to be left alone until the episode passes but you can still try to un-invasively check in on them while still giving them space.
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chemicalcarousel · 1 year
The fawn response is such a horrible struggle to deal with
TW // SA , child abuse , death threats
We are survivors of early childhood trauma and when you are a toddler, you can't fight or flee your own parent. This leaves you with two other options - freeze and fawn. While freeze left us totally defenceless, fawn gave us a fake sense of control. If we please our abuser, they won't kill us. If we "go along", it was our choice and we have the power to navigate our abuser. We can play the game and survive by making them satisfied. All this was of course subconsciously learned as we were abused since birth
While fawning made a lot of sense when we were 4 years old and at the mercy of a grown adult that we lived with 24/7, it is very maladaptive when it happens in our everyday life as a 27 year old person, who's physically removed from our abusers
I will now share some personal experiences involving sexual harassment/abuse:
We struggle with men sexually harassing us online and we can't say no. We try to send them signals with a shaky voice, like "I don't know" or "I'm not sure", but they never pick up on it. We've ended up having some sort of video call sex with a guy once while we were drunk and through the entire time, we just wanted it to be over and forget about it. Because of the fawn response, we couldn't leave the call, couldn't block the person, and couldn't close the app. Physically, it was always possible with no true consequences, but our nervous system stopped us from using any other defence response. We just acted without much control at all. A part of us stuck in time from when we were a toddler took control and just did what they were told. We felt horrible afterwards and blamed ourselves for not setting clear enough boundaries. But this fawning response didn't change when the same kinds of online harassment happened again and again
We've had men pressuring us into rating their dicks and their jerk off videos and again, instead of just leaving the call and reporting them, we just tried to please them. We were stuck in a flashback and just acting, not thinking. A poor "inner child" was trying to protect us by satisfying strangers' sexual needs. And we felt so fucking disgusting and stupid for it
I'm sharing this story in case other people might feel alone in their struggle with fawning. You're not alone and you're not disgusting. Your body and mind are trying to protect you. Be compassionate with yourself. We are on this healing journey together
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bunfart90 · 1 year
it sucks having free time with PTSD because the PTSD will be like "let's do something upsetting" if you aren't already preoccupied
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traumatizeddfox · 2 years
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unstablemotions · 6 months
Every book about PTSD will repeatedly mention how your personality will change after the traumatic event. How this is an indicator that you have the disorder. How this is a universal experience for everyone who suffers from post traumatic stress.
But I never got to have a life before trauma. That person was killed before they were alive. All that remains is a broken shell from where a child was ripped out with violent teeth.
I didn't change from my trauma, because I never existed before it began.
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when you realise you're actually constantly experiencing flashbacks when you thought it was just anxiety
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unrelentingembers · 5 months
hey y’all looking for some advice/insight if you have the energy for that rn
we have some major pruning of the “family” tree to do however we’re also a system and members have very mixed opinions and experiences with these people. the bottom line is they are harmful and unable or unwilling to address and correct their behavior. the relationships cannot continue as they are so regardless of the attachments folks may have these cut offs will be occurring. that said I’m trying to minimize the damage for us.
in the past when cutting people off the ramifications were great. lacking the understanding I have now of being a system meant that there was no communication prior to relationships ending. entire system reset occurred and i’d like to avoid that happening again.
younger parts especially don’t necessarily have a full understanding of everything so tips on working with them through this would be great. whether that’s from the perspective of another system or a parent bc honestly this is essentially parenting lmao. how tf do you explain to a traumatized child the complex layers of abuse and racism within the people that raised you and all this other shit when it’s something you’re still processing yourself. and in general how do you cope with removing people that still claim to love you without ever following that up with genuine actions😶
also long ass shot but if you have RAMCOA resources.. lemme know
if you made it this far thanks for reading🫶🏽
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scribbleheaded · 7 months
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wormworker · 4 months
Recovery is not linear.
You can feel fine about something for years and then suddenly it's caving in on you again.
You can feel numb about something that just happened, and then a few months later, it feels like you'll never be okay again.
Time does not heal all wounds. It takes work. It can involve a lot of being catapulted back and and forth between recovery and feeling like you're getting worse.
There are people, habits, and places that you will need to stay away from to stop falling into the sinkholes. There are some things that will guarantee that you'll never get better if you don't distance yourself from them.
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thatkinkyautistic · 7 months
Rsd feels absolutely horrific. So does actual rejection,I react very intensely to both perceived and actual rejection. It's agonizing. It is a huge deal,it's like having an anxiety attack on top of an panic attack on top of extreme,severely debilitating sadness. When I experience distress,it is genuinely very,very painful. Everytime I get that oh so familiar feeling wrenching in my guts,that reminds me of all of my more traumatic social interactions.
So please,be gentle with me. I'm a highly sensitive person because of my adhd,autism and cptsd. I'm very fragile.
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thehyphaesystem · 3 days
I love my system
We are going to a funeral today and as soon as i was dressed and ready to go I heard Tim (dad insys) tell me whos here. Him, Midas my big brother, Toby, Kavinsky and Ronan.
Dad and brother for support
K and Ronan in case i get in a fight, one of my abusers will be there and my uncle who im pissed off at will be there
And my sweet Toby whos here to help with symptom suppression like tics, to heighten my pain tolerance, hypomania and hallucinations.
Moments like today is why I love my system, why I could never look towards final fusion as our healing method and why I know everyone cares so deeply for each other
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