Quiero bajar 10 kilos y dejar los transtornos alimenticios al mismo tiempo.
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mothhblue · 1 month
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You feel that way? 🪰
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aniela93 · 2 months
⋆⁺☾🩸⋆TO MY DAD, I NEVER HAD ⋆ ☾🩸₊⋆
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how can one accept being rejected by his own parents, his won creators?
how can a daughter be happy knowing her father never wanted her , . .or that he wanted a sun , not HER.
how can one heal this pain?
how can a girl be a woman when her right to life was denied by her own father?
This tears running down my chicks hurt, burn and carve scars into my heart.
i miss him,
i miss my dad i never had
i miss feeling safe and protected by his love , that pure and noble love fathers have for their daughters
i miss the games we never played,
laughs we never laughed
walks we never walked ,
stories we never told
i miss his hug, that warm embrace, i never got
his rooted roots
his speech of faith.. For me
his trust in me , in all my power,
my power to rise again and again every time i fall
That power he took away from me.
I miss
his wish for me to be happy from the bottom of his heart
i miss a part of my soul i never had.
That part where his love should be.
It feels
like i have been a broken soul forever
i miss something i never had
there is an empty space in my heart . . .wearing his name
a missing part
i can't live without
i love a dad i never had
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yulianaowo · 5 months
Feliz 2024 JSJSJSJS si volvers Tumblr del 2014 nosé,pero si me hubiese gustado ser adolescente es en 2014
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ccjjacobbreal · 11 months
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yo cuando vaya a ver barbie con mi real (soy solo yo)
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karlu0-0 · 9 months
Los videojuegos la mayoría de adolescentes y personas los conocen. Además que han evolucionado por los años, se han vuelto tendencia gracias a los famosos gamers conocidos mayormente en la plataforma twitch. Twitch es una aplicación donde podemos interactuar en una comunidad siendo espectadores de un creador de contenido, o incluso ser los creadores de contenidos.
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baarbieee · 9 months
Escribir sentimientos y dejar que los lean una vez que dejaste de sentirlos, es para mi, una forma hermosa de sanar.
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solangelodelavida · 10 months
Me he sentido bastante mal, muchos problemas, amores no respondidos que he llorado, problemas con mi padre, bajones emocionales, etc.
Me an tratado diferente desde que entre a la adolescencia me tratan como un loco, me controlan demasiado como si fuera hacer algo malo, dicen que en mi cabeza pienso cosas que ni siquiera dije de ellos. Desde niño mis padres me trataron mal pero ya que crecí y les tengo odio de como me trataron de menor ahora me aman
Mi pregunta es ¿Por qué desde ahora quieren mi atención si antes necesitaba la de ellos?
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tvcrip · 2 years
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whispersatmidnight · 2 years
Es tan patético preocuparme de algo que ya sabía que pasaría, pero aún sabiendo las consecuencias lo pase de largo, algo me impedía darle la importancia que merecía, me importó tan poco que ahora me arrepiento de todo lo que pude hacer y no hice...
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alfany-blog1 · 5 months
Odio ser el centro de atención, si soy rar@ y qué ?
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juan-ka-lgbtqia-plus · 6 months
Condenan a dos adolescentes por crimen en Inglaterra 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 joven trans 🏳️‍⚧️ de 16 años fue apuñalada 28 veces
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chicacrazy0 · 2 months
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girldecristal · 7 months
Los propósitos de la vida
Todo tiene un propósito, esfuérzate para que se el mejor y aprende de el.
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ccjjacobbreal · 9 months
me encanta q escribo como q si hubiera estado en una relación y ni cerca estuve de estarlo jajaj :'v
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unesco-bmw · 10 months
Why do Asian countries contribute much more to overpopulation compared to Western ones?
It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and avoid generalizations, as the factors contributing to population growth can vary widely across different countries and regions. Overpopulation is a complex issue influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural, social, economic, and political aspects. It is not accurate to attribute higher population growth solely to Asian countries or compare them to Western ones as a whole.
Population growth rates vary significantly among Asian countries, just as they do among Western countries. Some Asian countries have experienced rapid population growth in the past due to factors such as high birth rates, cultural norms, and limited access to contraception and family planning services. However, it is essential to note that many Asian countries have made significant progress in reducing population growth rates through effective family planning programs, education, and development initiatives.
Similarly, Western countries have also experienced population growth in the past, but at different rates and influenced by different factors. Some Western countries have lower birth rates due to factors such as increased access to contraception, higher levels of education, and greater economic opportunities for women.
It is crucial to approach discussions on population growth and its causes with nuance, considering the unique circumstances and contexts of each country or region. It is not accurate or fair to make broad generalizations about population growth solely based on geographic or cultural categorizations.
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