#and if one day the impossible happens and it turns out i Sniffed Out A Canon Couple. goddamn. id be unbearable. id never shut up about it
Thank you for feeding us the laughingstock <3
you're so Welcome! its entirely Voluntary! i have Every Choice On The Matter!
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alphabetboyluvr · 11 months
once the thrill expires | jjk
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title credit: cardigan - taylor swift
pairing: college!jungkook x female reader
your housemate-turned-fwb takes another girl home after a night out
warnings: angsty, smutty turmoil. it's not that bad, but it definitely isn't a happy lil number. fingering, oral sex (f receiving), rimming (f receiving), vaginal sex, doggy, protected (!!) sex, lil spanks, jaykay sorta makes out with her ear???, jaykay is a fawk boy who needs to learn self-control, oc is holding out for something that'll never happen, multiple partners in one night (jk), jk calls the reader diz (dizzy)
wordcount: 5.8K
note from holly: virgo boy trauma for you in the form of a jk one shot lmao. it's rare you get virgo boy shit laid this bare but he he i love oversharing on the internet! there's an old paragraph from yet another virgo boy fic hidden in here, too so if you think it looks familiar, that'll be why!!
minors dni // cross posted to wattpad
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The knock on your en-suite bathroom door comes as a surprise. 
The subsequent twist of the lock mechanism from a coin wedged in the bolt on the other side does not. 
There’s only one person it would be.
And so you don’t yell. Don’t tell him to go away, even if you do hug your legs into your chest a little tighter. 
Sitting on the floor of your shower, dignity is preserved - but with skin as red as the flags that Jungkook freely hands you, and mascara staining your cheeks from the onslaught of piping hot water showering down on you, how dignified can you really be?
No words are spoken as the steam billows from the room, Jungkook not caring to shut the door behind himself. He takes a perch on the closed lid of the toilet, elbows to his knees, tattooed hands clasped beneath his chin. Refuses to look anywhere other than you.
There’s perplexion to his taut jaw - a frown embedded in his brows - but more than anything, there’s an overwhelming sense of confusion in his soft eyes. You’re unaware of the way he’s mirroring your expression back at you; how defeated you look, wet hair sticking to the side of your face, an emptiness in your gaze that is pale in comparison to the void in your chest.
With nothing but the pitter-patter of your shower to fill the space, you’re thankful that he can’t hear the way your heart is beating, or how you’re sniffing back the tears you were freely crying before he arrived.
“Jem messaged me,” he eventually says, quiet beneath the sound of the water. Leaning back, he wipes a palm over his face, then pushes it back into his dishevelled hair. Lets his hand fall between his legs, then shrugs as he looks at you as if to say, 'Don’t look at me like that' or 'It’s not my fault.'
And realistically, you know that it isn’t. Whatever he’s done is within the parameters of what was agreed upon. The way you feel - like Jungkook has stolen the moon and stopped the tides from turning - is not.
It’s not like either of you had ever expected to let things get this far, and definitely not for this long.
What had started as quiet kisses in the corners of clubs when your friends weren’t looking, had catapulted into drunken hook-ups after those aforementioned nights out. 
He’d call you Dizzy, ‘cause he was convinced you looked at him like you’d been spinning in circles, all awe-struck and smiley. Pretty. Like a giggle was on the tip of your tongue at all times.
Was easy, back then. Convenient. He was newly single. Not looking for anything. 
You’d been quietly harbouring an illicit crush on him from the day you moved into your shared university accommodation. Had been waiting for the stars to align - and once they had, you were certain that soulmates had to exist.
It’s the only way you can explain the small earthquake that happened half the world away at the very time you first met, the tectonic plates shifting to make sure you were perfectly presented to one another. 
You didn’t feel the tremors - would have been impossible - but your heart certainly felt something. Adrenaline? Limerence? You’re not sure.
Whatever it was only became more and more prevalent with every tipsy hold of his hand on the way to clubs, or moments stolen in secrecy in the house you now share with six of your friends. 
Now in your final year of university, if you spent as much time studying, as you do fretting over Jungkook - what he’s up to, who he’s with - maybe you’d get a first-class degree.
You’re on track for a 2:1.
He’s on track for a first, though. 
You choose to believe it’s because he’s naturally more academically inclined (as if you didn’t write an entire paper for him last semester), and not because he spends significantly less time thinking about you.
There’s no need for endless thoughts, though. 
The arrangement is simple: You’re friends. 
Best friends. Spend all your time together. Are plus ones to events. Fill the void that a partner should fill; at the winter balls, cinema screenings you don't want to see alone, and in the hushed privacy of midnight intimacy. He gets you off when you need it, and you him. 
Kisses are never shared between lips - apart from that one summer when he accidentally said he was in love with you, then took it back a week later under the guise of not wanting to ‘ruin’ the friendship. 
You don’t speak about that summer.
Hook-ups are in your room, always, ‘cause you’ve only got Jem in the room next door. Jungkook’s room is up on the middle floor, surrounded by all the boys. They’d realise what’s going on far too quickly.
It’s simple - yet excruciatingly complicated when there’s a lack of commitment, and Jungkook looks at you in the way that he does. 
His lips are a little deeper than their usual pink this evening, but you put it down to alcohol. 
Denial is a wonderful thing, and delusion even greater.
Still, he leans forward to push the shower door open. Leans further still, then knocks the tap off. Lets the water trickle down the drain, the hum of the pipes murmuring like your unspoken grievances. 
Rivulets of water chase down your skin. Jungkook watches one race from your knee to your ankle, running straight over the bruises from messy nights out and the small cut at the bottom of your calf from the fountain you’d both traipsed through when you were a little too merry a few nights prior. 
He’d given you a piggyback the entire way home, blood staining the white of his shirt; the very essence of you embedded now in the fabric of him. 
He’d patched you up after you got home. Showered with you, right here, then carried you the measly five or six steps to your bed. Had told you that you’d definitely get sepsis and die. Kissed it better, then decided he didn’t know any better, and trailed his lips up your leg. Took pity on your impending death and gave you a little, lovely death just to soften the blow. 
Funny, how you think sepsis would be preferable over whatever the fuck it is that you’re feeling now.
“Jem messaged me,” he repeats. Presses his lips together, the ring in the corner of his mouth glistening under the white lights of the bathroom.  “Said I should check on you. Been in the shower for an hour, apparently.”
Well, you think to yourself, bitterness wrapping around your words like poison ivy. You’ve checked. You can go now.
The words don’t manifest in your throat. Nothing does. Not even the echo of a sob you’ve been holding in since he first stepped foot within your sanctuary.
Instead you’re silent as you get to your feet, not caring for your nakedness. It’s nothing Jungkook hasn’t seen before. Probably knows your body better than his own at this point. Can look at the faded bruise on your chest and know that it was left there by his lips last week. Can pick out which ones of your dainty linework tattoos were there before he met you, and which ones have been acquired since.
It’s a quiet intimacy, the way Jungkook looks at you. There’s no towel in the bathroom - an oversight by your tipsy brain when deciding you needed to wash yourself clean of the man in front of you after arriving home from the club - and Jungkook doesn’t care to offer you one. 
Insanity is the product of looking at your body, he thinks. Can’t remember a time he’s ever seen you like this and hasn’t wanted to be inside you. He’s a simple man in pursuit of simple pleasures, and the way you fit him like a glove is the simplest pleasure of them all. 
“Hm?” He questions your lack of a response. 
His deep black eyes are just like the depths of the ocean floor, and it feels like he’s dragging you right down every single time he looks at you like this. Softly. Tenderly. Sweetly. As if he actually gives a shit.
There’s no room for two in this bathroom. It’s not a space designed to be shared, no matter how many times you’ve both squeezed into the shower under far different circumstances - though now you come to think of it, perhaps they weren’t so dissimilar. 
It was always Jungkook’s pursuit of pleasure that put you in that position, just like it put you there tonight.
“Hey,” he says quietly, as you turn to leave, his grip on your waist pulling you between his legs. You don’t look at him. Just keep your head turned to face out of the room - but you make no attempt to leave. Especially when his nose brushes up against the bottom of your ribs right between your breasts, and he husks, “Why are you being like this?”
The softness of his lips as he presses them against your sternum, long lashes splayed across the top of his cheeks, has you spiralling. Kind of feels like he’s twisting a corkscrew through your heart. You know he’ll rip it right out - but maybe you’ll let him, if it means he’ll kiss the wound better.
“Hmm?” He hums. One of your hands rests on his shoulder, the other in his hair, and that’s how Jungkook knows he’s rectified the damage done for a short while. It’s like putting washi tape over holes punched in the walls - useless, and bound to fall off eventually, but ever so pretty in the meantime. Another washi-tape kiss is pressed to your skin, a little higher this time. “We had a good night, didn’t we?”
The tenderness of his voice rewrites the events of the evening. A good night. 
Not one with tears, and jealousy, and arguments that people who claim to be just friends have no business having. A night shared together, perhaps, with no one else to intrude.
Didn’t we?
You so prefer this false chain of events - the one where he left the bar with you, and held your hand in the cab ride back just like he’d done in the cab ride there.
“Is she still here?”
He’s surprised that you’re mentioning it. Half-expected you to act like it never happened. Like she never happened. Is what you usually do, whenever he goes home with someone that isn’t you. 
Still, he just continues to gently stroke your sides. Doesn’t present you with any sort of weakness.
“Did you fuck her?”
There’s a little venom to your tone; the poison ivy around your thoughts sprouting now from your throat. 
Her. Some inconsequential girl that neither of you will likely ever see again. Looked nothing like you, but a hell of a lot like his ex. 
“No, Diz,” he softens the sternness of his tone with a name only he calls you. “I didn’t fuck her.”
You’ve no idea if this is a lie or not. 
It’ll be accepted as truth for an hour. Maybe two. Just enough time for you to convince yourself that you’re the one he wants. That he couldn’t bear to fuck anyone else. That he sent her on her way after a kiss or awkward fumble, because he realised no one else could feel as good as you.
You’ll ignore the fact you know he’s here because Jem messaged him. 
You’ll ignore the fact he thinks you’ve been in the shower for over an hour, and has no actual knowledge of the events of it all. 
You’ll ignore the scratch mark on his back, and in the morning you’ll believe it was you who left there even though your nails are bitten right down.
The lies you’ll tell yourself will be far more grand than the ones Jungkook ever tells you. Nobody can ever hurt you quite like you hurt yourself.
And so, against your better judgement, you let him follow you to your bed. 
There's a clang as he tosses his rings down into the ceramic dish beside your bed. It's white, and speckled in tiny black dots, and matches the one Jungkook has in his own bedroom. Not really a surprise. He was the one who bought it for you. Before then, he used to just tuck his rings beneath your pillows - but he kept losing them, and he found it annoying having to rummage around for them whenever he was trying to make a silent exit so as to not wake you.
You tell yourself that small things like this are Jungkook's way of integrating himself into your life; creating permanence. In reality, it's just something that makes it easier for him to leave.
Leaving is the last thing on your mind right now, though, and it will be until he comes.
It used to be different. He used to stay. You convince yourself each and every time that he’ll do what he used to do before things got so confusing. That he’ll stay, and that things will be okay.
You let him kiss your skin, but he’ll never kiss your lips. Let him lay claim to your body, even though you know he’ll never lay claim to your soul. 
It’s nice to pretend.
Nice, when he lays you down and rids himself of his shirt. Nice, when he presses your legs apart, and looks at you like you’re the first woman he’s ever laid eyes upon. Nice, when he says shit like, “Such a nice cunt,” and “Let me make you feel good.”
So nice, when he strokes up and down your inner thigh, eyes trained on your pussy. 
So, so nice when he slowly drips a little spit between his pursed lips and watches as it trails down your folds. 
So fucking nice, when he spreads you with his index and middle finger, groaning at the sight of you.
See, Jungkook can be nice. Can be honest. Can tell you how much he wants you, and you can believe him without having to do mental gymnastics over it all.
As he sinks his middle finger into you - “Shit. So wet for me, aren’t you?” - Jungkook is on his best behaviour. He’ll make you feel so good that you’ll forget he ever made you feel bad, cause he needs this. Needs you. 
Not in the life-debilitating, earth-shattering, universe-bending way that you need him, but in a way that isn’t too dissimilar. 
You’re his best friend. He loves you in his own, curious way. Would lay his life on the line for you. Just can’t seem to keep his dick in his pants for no other reason than selfish gluttony. 
It’s his fatal flaw, but he just thinks everyone has them. That most people are like this.
Of the seven deadly sins, Jungkook wields them all. Too proud to admit his wrongdoings. Greedy in his need to have everything life can offer, and how he refuses to limit himself to just you. His lust and gluttony go hand in hand - yet whenever any one else with similar predispositions look in your direction, he turns green with envy. Green, until he’s red, wrath taking hold. 
But he’s lazy, too. Far too settled in how easy it is to have his way with you. Why would he try harder when you never make him?
That’s your cardinal sin: desperation. 
It reeks. Spiced vanilla and black cherry. Tarnishes your skin, until Jungkook licks it from you.
And so as his lips press down your legs, wet and wanting, you don’t object. In fact, you don’t really do anything. You just allow it to happen.
Because you are desperate - for him, his approval, his desire. His heart.
You’ll never get it, mind you, for his heart is hollow. 
Saw every example of what he considered to be true love crackle and crumble until it fell apart. Parents divorced. High-school sweetheart cheated. Love, as you know it, doesn’t exist in Jungkook’s understanding of life. 
You never stood a chance. Not really.
The only times his heart is full is when he steals enough adoration from yours, and cosplays it as his own. Shines it back at you, and tricks you into thinking that maybe he did mean it when he mumbled false declarations into your lips.
But that was three summers ago, now, and Jungkook is a creature of habit. Too stuck in his ways to ever change. Comfortable in this chaos with you.
‘Cause while the other girls are fleeting, and fun, and always very nice, they’re never comfortable. Not like you are. 
“I liked your dress tonight,” he whispers, as he pushes a second finger into you. Pumps them gently, palm skywards, coaxing soft little moans from your lips. Curls them just right, just like he always does.
The affection of such a compliment rids you of the haunting way he’d looked at you earlier that evening. 
Up, down. No smile. Turned away to change the song coming through the aux at pre-drinks. Didn’t look at you again until he was passing out shots for everyone to take. Just nodded towards your necklace - the one his hobbyist silversmith mother made you for Christmas - and asked, “You like it?”
The pendant is small. Embossed with the letters DJ - the name his mother collectively calls you whenever you spend the summer together at his place. The hammered edge of the pendant matches the ring that wraps around your thumb. Another one of her creations, gifted to you by him for your birthday.
“Of course I do,” you’d said. Seemed silly for him to ask. You wear it most days. 
“Good,” he’d nodded, then took his shot and pretended as if he wasn't all too aware that your dress would be attracting good-for-nothing men all night.
See, Jungkook knows you like the necklace. Had just been reminding you of it, and the fact it’s his initial on there with the initial only he calls you. Well, him and his mother. Goes with the territory. 
She’s seen you through your formative years. Only ever sees the good parts, because Jungkook orchestrates it that way.
She doesn’t see the moments like these, when he’s crushed your self esteem and tries to fix it in the most idiotic of ways. 
The necklace pools around the base of your throat as your head tips back into the pillows, his thumb coming to toy with your clit, gently pressing down.
“Shush, Diz,” he smiles, so pleased to see your body responding in the way that it always does. “You’ll get us in trouble.”
God forbid the people you live with - who’ve all heard the arguments after his illicit encounters with randomers, and seen his face of thunder whenever you’re getting ready for first dates - ever figure out you’re fucking. Not like it’s obvious in the slightest. Not why Jem texted Jungkook, instead of checking on you herself.
Biting onto your wrist, you try and stifle the impact of his touch - ‘cause if they do hear, it will be your fault. You’ll be the reason everyone knows your dirty little secrets. You’ll be the one who ruins it all. Not him. Just you. 
He doesn’t mean to condition you in such a way. Doesn’t even really realise he’s doing it.
Nor do you - but your self esteem is shot to shit. You’re good enough to fuck, but not good enough to love, even if Jungkook insists that there’s no one he adores more. It always comes with an add-on of ‘you’re my best friend’, or ‘you wouldn’t wanna date me anyways’.
Maybe he’s right.
But maybe it would have been nice to try.
The pace of Jungkook’s fingers pumping into you begins to slow. Leaking around the base of his knuckles, you’re just as wet as you always are with him. Even when the emotional labour of letting him have his way with you feels like a ten tonne weight on your chest, crushing down on your ribs and spoiling you forevermore, your body still wants him. Only him. Always him.
Withdrawing his fingers, Jungkook taps the outer side of your thigh. “On your front for me, Diz. Face down, ass up.”
With anyone else, Jungkook is far more often on the receiving end. It’s a shame, ‘cause his talents go to waste, it’s just what he’s found to be typical of random hook-ups.
He loves pussy. Loves eating it. Loves that you love it, too.
Slow as he spreads your ass with his hands, Jungkook really doesn’t fuck around with wasting time. He dives in without hesitation, burying his tongue between your folds. Cares not for accuracy, nor carefulness. Just wants his tongue all over you.
Your body lurches forward, hands clutching onto the duvet beneath you. He’s always been like this. Hungry. Just as desperate as you so often feel, but better at hiding it than you are.
His tongue laps against you. Sinks into your soaked hole as deep as he can get it. Uses one of his hands to reach around and toy with your clit while he continues to explore somewhere he knows like the back of his hand.
Pulling back a little, Jungkook’s breathing is heavy. You can hear it. Groan, as he grips your ass again. Spanks it softly, then get back to his previous position. Licks a stripe from your clit up to your leaking cunt, then continues. Flicks up against the tight muscle you rarely let him fuck around with.
But you want him to want you. Want him to have you in whichever capacity he so desires. 
You reach back. Tangle a hand in his hair, and encourage him to massage your tight hole with his tongue, like you know he loves to do. 
It’s kinda cute, in a way. He likes doing it, ‘cause he loves the way it feels whenever your tongue toys with his ass. Assumes other people must love it too. Just wants you to feel good. Wants to right his earlier wrongs.
He continues to trace up and down both your holes, stimulating your entire body in the process. Rubs your clit with his fingers, till you're writhing against the sheets, body pressed flat to the cotton as Jungkook begins to fuck his fingers into your again. 
“You gonna cum for me?” He husks, a smile on his wet lips as he watches the tell-tale sign of an orgasm rush over you. Soon, you’ll be looking at him with dizzy eyes once more, and your namesake will make Jungkook feel things he pretends he can’t feel. “That’s it, Diz. All over my fingers. Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.”
There’s a relief that comes with your orgasm for Jungkook. Hope that you’ll stop being mardy with him. He doesn’t like it when you don’t like him. These days, he keeps making choices that make it hard for you to like him. 
But you always like him - like him so much - in the comedown of a climax.
He doesn’t give you much time to recover. Wants to coax a second orgasm from you while he still can. Pulls you back into position - face down, ass up - and pushes down his sweats. Cock hard, there’s a small damp patch in his boxers from the precum he’s leaked for you. Lines himself up. 
“Let me fuck you,” he begs before he pushes into you.
“Uh-uh,” you full forward a little, preventing him from doing what he so desperately wants to do. Turning to look over your shoulder, you shake your head. “Condom.”
He furrows his brows. Has the audacity to look fucking offended, as if he didn’t bring another girl back to the house you share.
You’re stupid, and you’re desperate, and you make all the wrong choices, but you aren’t naive. Not really. Your delusions and denial are always elevated away from reality, of which you like to think you have a firm grip on.
And so you simply say, “Don’t believe you didn’t fuck her.”
He doesn’t deny it. Shakes his head, not that you can see it. Just reaches to the shelf above your bed, and gets one from the pot you keep them tucked away in. Rarely ever use them. It’s a novelty, more than not, when you use them. Something to make him last a little longer.
It’s different today.
Today, it’s because you don’t know if his cock is fucking clean or not.
It should crush you, but it doesn’t. 
Just a fact of life. Jungkook fucked someone else less than three hours ago. Came, probably. For someone else. Over someone else. Inside someone else. 
But that desperation of yours is back once more. You want to be the reason why Jungkook loses his mind in temporary bliss. To be better. To be his last memory of the evening.
And so as Jungkook rolls the condom down his thick shaft, you position yourself perfectly for him. Whimper as the tip of his cock kisses your entrance. Whine, as he pushes inside you. 
“That’s it,” he husks, gripping your ass cheeks to spread them nice and wide. Looking down to where your bodies meet, Jungkook is reminded of why he enjoys you so much. No one takes him so well. No one. He knows this. Doesn’t know why the fuck he ever feels the need to seek out anyone else. They’re never as good as this. “Fuck. That’s it, baby.”
Your hips roll back, ass bouncing in that hypnotic way he always swears will ruin him. His grip loosens to let you do the hard work, one of his hands stroking up your spine until it’s resting around the base of your throat. 
Taking back a little control, he keeps your head pushed into the pillows. Grunts. “Take this cock so fuckin’ well, don’t you?”
The mumble you moan into the sheets isn’t enough for him. He always does this. Asserts control and then realises he actually kinda fuckin’ hates it. Fingers still wrapped around the base of your neck, Jungkook pulls you up.
Chest pressed to your back, Jungkook wastes no time locking you in place with an arm around the front of your waist. His cock continues to pump upwards into you, the movements a little subdued but by no means lacking. 
The ridge of his thick head rubs up against your sweet spot. Gets you so fucking needy. Has your hand dipping to your clit to match the pressure.
And when you do? Oh, it’s heaven. You can’t help but whine - so Jungkook uses the hand that isn't on your waist to cover your mouth.
“You only get to cum if you’re quiet,” he tells you. “Be quiet for me, baby.”
But his hips are erratic. The sounds are lewd; skin on skin. It’s wet. Disgusting. Needy. Him, just as much as you. Sweat blossoms on his skin, keeping you both in this clammy haze of hedonism. 
Catching his lips on your ear, Jungkook doesn’t care if he isn’t supposed to let kisses linger so close to your lips. Tongue wet, he intrudes. Licks the shell of your ear. Grazes his teeth on your lobe. Whispers, “You looked so pretty tonight,” then drags his tongue across your ear. 
Cares not for precision nor accuracy, just the fact that this is an area of the body he doesn’t often explore, and that maybe he should do it more often, given how tightly your pussy is clamping around him.
There’s something about it - the obstruction of one of your senses likely to blame, sound distorted whenever his tongue licks against it - that makes you whine. 
You can’t even really do that now. Are too muffled beneath his hand - until he pushes the two fingers that had been inside your pussy earlier into your mouth. 
The taste is just the same as it always is whenever he does shit like this. Loves having you taste yourself. Experiencing what he experiences. Wants you to know exactly why he’s incapable of letting you go.
“Slutty little mouth,” he smirks against your ear. “Gonna finish in it.”
“Mhhm?” you mumble against the fingers you’re keeping wet and warm for him.
“Mhmm,” he replies. Presses a kiss to your temple, ‘cause he isn’t really thinking straight. Groans when your cunt clenches from the touch. “God, you want it, don’t you? Want it so bad. Wanna swallow my cum.”
Of course you do. You’ll take what he’ll give you. 
Your mumble around his fingers isn’t enough. He wants to hear you say it. Frees your mouth of himself. Grips your chin between his forefinger and thumb. Turns you to face further over your shoulder.
He’s just gonna make you say it. Just make you say something lewd to get him a little closer. Just… Just gonna… Just...- Oh, fuck it. Your lips are just there, and they’re wet, and they’re pouty and - God, forgive me - perfect for him.  
His eyes flitter between your eyes and your lips. Is aware you’re doing the same. 
“Kook,” you whisper, as if you’re about to reprimand him.
“Please,” he begs. Thinks he needs this just as much as you do. Maybe even more so.
And so somewhere between the overwhelming acknowledgement that this is a catastrophic chain of events, and the promise of a happy ending (of which you know damn well will never reach fruition), you let him sink his lips into yours.
You’re pretty in war, and even prettier in defeat. 
Jungkook thinks you’re prettiest when you’re all his. 
You think that to be his is to accept an eternal loss. 
The breath of his nose is heavy against your cheek as his lips press into yours, brows furrowed. The need for you to be lewd is abandoned, ‘cause Jungkook doesn’t even think he’ll last long enough for it. Thinks that nothing gets him closer than the flavour of your lips. 
Hips still jerking up, the sound of his skin hitting your ass echoing around the room, Jungkook fucks himself into you until he can do it no longer. Pulls away. Rips off his condom. Tosses it to the floor. Gets you face down again. Wanks himself to the point of coming undone, hot spurts of cum dripping onto your ass and spilling down to the valley of your spine.
He’s the one moaning now, your body defiled by a boy who you wish would paint you in pretty compliments instead. Still, this is a compliment. Kind of. You’re hot enough to make him cum. That’s nice, you suppose.
“Shit,” he chokes out, breathing all out of sync, heartbeat far too rapid. A light spank is tapped against your ass, then softly stroked. He soothes. Aloe on sunburn. Milk with hot sauce. Pretty kisses in the comedown of a rough fuck. 
You won’t get those. Wasn’t a particularly rough fuck, either - and yet it hurts so much when he gets up to leave.
It’s awkward. He doesn’t really say bye. Doesn’t acknowledge the fact he stoked a fire inside you that burned you from the inside out. Ignores the ashes that are scattered around your vessel, as if your soul has been ejected from its home. 
He’s warm, when you look at him. That little part of your heart has been stolen once more. He’s just feeding it back to you.
“Sorry,” he says, a hand on your doorknob. “I shouldn’t- I mean, we shouldn’t-”
“It’s fine,” you offer.
That’s the thing about Jungkook. He’ll give you the world, then realise it was never his to give. Always has to ask for it back. You’ve lost count of how many times he’s fucked you, then acted as if was foolish - only to repeat the same mistakes the next evening.
It’s what he’s always done, and is what he’ll always do.
You’ll never learn. 
The shirt you chuck on to head downstairs the next morning is his. 
Far too big for you, it finishes around your thighs. Television blaring in the room beneath you, it’s obvious your housemates are awake, and even as you’re trudging down the stairs, you’re not quite sure you’re alive.
The headache of an overbearing hangover is threatening your life. You’re certain of it. The fact your housemates have the television set to what must be the maximum volume? Only further sending you to an early grave. 
And yet when you see Jungkook sitting by the breakfast bar, hair in all different directions, a bowl of cereal in front of him, and smiling in the direction of whomever else is in the room, you find yourself smiling, too. 
“Morning,” you say pleasantly as you walk into the kitchen, ready to flop your forehead down on Jungkook’s shoulder like you so often do.
Ready, until you notice the look in his eyes when he turns to face you.
Ready, until you glance in the direction of his previous smile.
Ready, until you see the girl who looks a lot like his ex-girlfriend and absolutely nothing like you leaning on the other side of the counter. Mug from your trip to Amsterdam together in her hands, and the shirt you got him for his birthday covering her body, she smiles.
You’re drowning.
“Oh,” you say, not looking at him. Only her. “I didn’t realise we had company.”
“Is she still here?”
She’s awkward as she nods. “Sorry, hey. I crashed here last night - hope you don’t mind? It’s just you know what it’s like getting an uber at that time-”
“Yeah, yeah,” you nod. Smile. Jungkook thinks you look pretty - but of course he does. You look defeated. “Totally.”
“Did you fuck her?
“No, Diz. I didn't fuck her.”
“Jungkook said you were feeling unwell last night?” She tries to make conversation. She needn’t. You feel far more unwell now than you ever did last night - and that’s before you notice the pretty purple bruise forming on her neck. “How are you feeling now?”
Her care is kind. Considerate. Wholly wasted on you because you’re gonna lie, and say that you’re fine, even though it feels as if your lungs have been filled with venom spat by a lover who is incapable of loving.
Still, you don’t look at Jungkook. Just make your excuses. Leave.
And even though he knows that he should, Jungkook doesn’t chase after you. 
He lets you go, because he knows you’ll always come back. You always do.
But if you don't?
Well, he’ll go back to you, and you’ll let him. Again, you always do.
From the kitchen, Jungkook can hear your showering starting up. Appetite lost, he isn’t listening to the girl in front of him. Isn’t even really sure of her name.
All that he’s sure of is that the fall out of this is not gonna be pretty.
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tw1l1te · 4 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 2
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, soft and domestic, suggestive themes
Authors note: I was too excited to not post this lmao :3c
Time seemed to stop, and you didn’t mean by the Old Man.
Time literally seemed to halt. You stared at Rusl, trying to find any signs of lying or amusement in his eyes, as if this was some joke. A cruel, twisted joke.
“W-what?” you asked, the only word you could muster. You could feel your fingers shake on the table. You didn’t want to believe what Rusl said, or did you? You weren’t sure. 
You weren’t sure if you’d accepted the fact on whether or not you were coming home ever again, but you didn’t think it would happen now, or so soon. Maybe Hylia wanted to see how your head would react. A twisted game for her, like it always is.
“Are you sure that’s what she said? Maybe she meant something else-"I know what she said. I may be old, but I saw what she wrote clear as day. There’s another mirror.”
Before anyone could say anything else, you stormed out of the cottage, the door squeaking on it hinges as you storm out.
“Y/n! Wait!!” Hyrule yells after you.
Before you could stop yourself to calm down, you break into a spring, heading straight towards the forest. You needed to run. Run. RUN.
This couldn’t be happening. You researched and combed through Hyrule Castle’s archives to find any sliver of hope that you’d be able to come home. Even if it said it was impossible, you never found anything to begin with. You had no answers.
You don't know when you stopped running, you panted as you sat up against a tree, silent tears running down your cheeks and down your neck. Breathing was so difficult, you began hiccuping and hyperventilating, gripping onto your hair for any kind of grounding back into reality. That’s when you felt something wet on your forehead.
Looking up, you were relieved for it to just be Wolfie, or Twilight. 
“Twilight you shouldn’t have followed me.” you whispered into his fur.
Twilight turned back into his Hylian form, your face still in his pelt. 
“I needed to make sure you were okay. Can’t leave you alone, especially in Faron Woods. Who knows what’s still out here,” he murmured into your hair, combing through your sweaty locks. He kissed the top of your forehead, hesitating before pulling back.
“It’s gonna be okay, Y/n. I promise. We’ll be with you, every step of the way, ok? We’re gonna find you a way to go home. Whether it be this lead or if we find something else.”
You sighed. Twilight was always the more outwardly calm person in the chain, alongside Time and Warriors. 
“Twilight that’s the thing… I’m not even sure if I want to go home. It’s probably been years back home, hell I don’t even know if I have my apartment or my friends or… But its not like I don’t want you, y’know? I’ve been dreaming of going home since I first came here, I’d been up for nights at a time just researching in the underground library archives. I-I don’t know what to do or think, Twi.” you rambled, voice breaking at the end, letting more tears slip out.
“Although I don’t know exactly what you’re feelin’, I’m here for you, whatever it is that happens. We’re all here for you.”
He takes a breath.
“Speaking of the others, we should head back to the village, the others are probably worried sick about you.”
You nodded without a word, getting up and making back to Ordon Village together, Twilight wrapping his pelt around your shoulders. It smelled like him, you thought. 
Twilight never gives anyone his pelt, its the one thing he sees as his. So why’d he give it to you? He has no idea. Instinct, he thinks. It’s cold, you needed it more than him. He looks down at you, your pink cheeks and wet lashes making you look more fragile and doll-like. Your cute nose sniffing every few seconds, breathing in the cold air. Your ears were so small, littered with at least 3 or 4 piercings, one of which was a triforce. 
Twilight smiles slightly. He always liked the little pieces of “memorabilia” you had of them. It was incredibly strange and unsettling when they first found out, but he sees it more as like your belonging to them admiration of them.
Twilight’s train of thought stopped for a moment.
Where the hell did that thought come from?
Before he could ruminate on his psyche, he’s shaken out of his thoughts by Wind yelling “Oh thank fucking Hylia!”
You came back into Twilight’s treehouse, heading toward the bathroom to take a warm bath. You noticed that the tub was already filled, hot steam coming off the surface of the water. You’d have to thank whoever drew you the bath.
Stripping your clothes, you set them in a pile near the door. You step into the tub, wincing slightly at the hot water making contact with your skin. It was a bit too hot for you, but you knew the water will cool off fast enough, so you powered through it.
You sighed. This was nice. Even with the chaotic stream of thoughts coursing through your head, the bath seemed to dull it, even for just a moment. You grab your hair and start combing through it, no doubt getting knots from running through the woods earlier. You look at the necklace Four made for you a few months ago. It was to commemorate a year being with the Chain, which in retrospect should’ve made you sad, but it made you extremely happy and grateful for everyone in the group
You knew it was much easier to come across rarer metals and jewels here than back home, but you were still just as in shock when you realized what it was made of. You remember sobbing from joy when you received it, as you never held something so expensive and meaningful in your entire life.
The necklace was made of metal sourced from Death Mountain but you had no clue what the gem in the triangle shaped cavity was. It looked like emerald, but the boys said it wasn’t that, and that they won't tell you. They were so petty at times.
You were startled out of your thoughts when there was a knock at the door.
“I brought you some fresh clothes, Dove.” Ah Sky, honestly you were a little relieved it wasn’t Legend or Wars, knowing they’d say something snarky or suggestive.
“Come in Sky.” 
You could hear the cogs turning in his head for a moment before he entered, red in the face. You almost laughed at what you were seeing.
Sky turned his head away from you and covered his eyes, just to spare you some dignity.
“I-uh gave you one of my older shirts since you don’t have any other clean ones and its thicker, so it’ll help keep you warm and it has-”
“Sky, for the love of god you’re making this more awkward than it has to be. You’re sweet for being so thoughtful, but we’re both adults Pumpkin.” you mused, chuckling a bit.
Sky finally made eye contact with you, but still avoided your eyes for the most part.
“Right. Um, well, I’ll just leave these on the chair then.”
Sky then stared at you. Not in a creepy way, just in admiration and awe. Luckily, the rest of your body was hidden under the bubbles of the soap in the water, so its not like he could see anything anyway.
He then walked up to you and sat down outside of the tub, still gazing at you.
“I was so worried about you earlier, Songbird. Are you alright now?” he asked, worry crossing his face.
You sighed. Ever the most thoughtful. Bringing your hands from under the water, you cup his cheeks looking right into his eyes.
“Don’t worry so much about me, Sky. I’m fine now. Twilight calmed me down a bit, but you know how shocking such information can be. I just need a bit to process, y’know? I’ll be fine though.”
You gave him a small smile, trying to read the thoughts behind his eyes. He just kept looking at you. You swear he looked at your lips a few times. Biting his lip, he asked “Can I wash your hair for you? No offense at all, I just wanted to offer because you never know when the next time we’ll get to be clean again.”
You nodded with a smile, sitting back against the porcelain tub, handing Sky the glass bottle of soap. As soon as he lathered his hands, he started massaging your scalp, a feeling you’ve missed so much. 
“Fuck, Sky, that feels so good.” you said, not realizing the tone or implication you said it in.
Sky’s breath hitched, but you didn’t catch it, too busy on the sensations on your scalp.
“Yeah?” he whispered, looking at your bare shoulders that were littered with scars from your journey with them, wishing he could wash them away. He felt his ears get hot from your soft sounds, happy that you felt so comfortable and wishing you’d make those sounds more often  domestic with him.
Suddenly the movement stops. Opening your eyes, you turn your head over your shoulder, almost jumping at how close his face is. Your gaze flickered to his lips, almost as if it was instinct.
“Sky… I-” “I’ll let you finish up.” And with that, he left, softly shutting the door behind him.
What the HELL is he thinking???
Sky gripped his hair, walking down the hallway, panting slightly.
He was so… close to you. He could smell the soap on your skin. He could see the different colors in your eyes. He felt strange. He knew he liked you… and not just as companions or friends… he wanted more. He felt happier, lighter since you came around. He genuinely laughed for the first time in ages.
It seemed like there was a spark of sorts between the two of you, but he didn’t want to assume or jump into anything… yet, at least. He needed a minute to calm down.
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wolven91 · 3 months
The Ceremony
As the ursidain leant in, claws filled with sharp implements and teeth bared in concentration, James lifted his chin, defiant of the nerves that threatened him. He willed himself still, despite his fear. 
Her hands reached for the material that covered the man and stabbed a sliver of metal through it. It was sharpened shard and as long as his finger, although thinner. It seemed impossible for her to be so dexterous with such massive paws around such a tiny device. The man’s eyes snapped to the side as the archway that led to the room they were in rattled as the curtain made of beads and polished stones hissed and cascaded. It reminded the human of heavy rain. 
“He looks pretty good! After what you said, I was worried you weren’t going to be able to get him ready in time!” Declared the newcomer in a jovial tone before joining the former lone occupants of the room. He joined the pair and settled his own paws against his double wide hips, wearing a carefree grin as he leant back and observed the human from above. Appraising her work.
The seamstress leant back onto her stool, her mighty paws on her knees. She wore elegant blues and turquoise. The robes that flowed off her stopped at her shoulders and fitted her rotund form closely, allowing her to move unimpeded as she had been, slowly moving around James as the sun crept across the sky through the window. She had spent the last hour putting finishing touches to the robe that now covered him. 
It was a facsimile to the one that covered the newcomer, Hensra. 
James had saved Hensra’s life only days before. His fear had been forced aside by bravery for a mere scant few moments, but it was enough to prevent the ursidain from meeting his end. 
That was why James was here. 
On Source, the ursidain homeworld. 
Why he was being fitted for a ceremonial robe by the clan leader’s personal seamstress. 
All as a reward for his bravery in saving the only son of the current clan lord. Above as the clan leader was above all other clans. 
“When you said you needed a rush order for a new member, I expected someone…” She glanced at James’s face, “Larger.” James said nothing. 
“Hey. He’s big where it counts.” Declared the male, hitting his own chest with a fist. “He looks good though.” Hensra complemented, gesturing at the red and black robes that fitted James perfectly. The seamstress reached forward and for a moment her hands and wrists blocked out the world either side of James’s head. Then her fingers pinched the hood that hung around James’s shoulders and brought it up and over. 
It hung low, covering the man’s head all the way down to his eyebrows. He could see the two ursidains, at least their knees. 
“Of course he does. I made this. Is everything prepared for tonight?” Sniffed the seamstress, seemingly satisfied with her work.
“Yeah, I just need to tell our friend James here, how it's going to go.” Replied Hensra calmly. 
It was only when the seamstress twisted at the hip as she stood to openly stare at Hensra that James realised that this was not something that should have been left until now. . 
“You haven’t told him? This is happening this evening, Hensra.” The older woman pointed out with an incredulous tone. Almost admonishing what was essentially a prince. 
“He’s brave. It’ll be fine.” Dismissed the large male with a wave of his paw.
“Fool!” Snapped the older lady. “How you came from your father’s loins is beyond me. Every year I am yet more certain that he found a particularly talkative rock and named it ‘Hensra’.” The seamstress declared with blatantly no fear of punishment for such brazen insults. She picked up her equipment and packed it away in haste. The male gave the human a shrug but said nothing as she tidied rapidly. 
Before she left though, as a silhouette in the open archway, the tall female turned back. Her eyes shone the sunlight that was filtering into the room back at James. The gleam in the dark. A predator’s eyes. Something buried deep within James’s evolution cried out in fear. Fear of the cave bear. Hunter of man. 
“He may be a fool, but the boy speaks only truths for as long as I’ve had the displeasure of dressing him. Listen to his instructions. Obey them. Be brave. Good luck James of Earth.” And with that, and a rattle of beads, she was gone. 
James felt doubt replace her as a presence in the room. 
“Right.” Hensra started, clapping his great paws together. “Let's talk about tonight…”
== 0 ==
The veil of the darkness of night had settled across the plains and the giant rocky cliff faces that stood in front of them. Only the moonlight illuminated the path. The five figures stood in the dark at the very mouth of a valley. At the end of the valley, at the top of the hill, was a bright bonfire that burnt steadily, licking at the vertical cavern walls. It cast strange shadows that played with the eyes. 
Sparks rose in the distance, disappearing into the sky. This was the premier clan’s ancestral grounds. Were tradition demanded they respect the old ways. 
From James’s position, as he watched the sparks, he noticed the three moons of Source had aligned perfectly over the bonfire and the crowd that were at the top of the hill. The three sisters were why this ceremony had to happen so soon. 
A pair of horns, placed on the very top at the cliff edge on either side of the valley entrance declared the beginning of the event. Even from all the way down at the bottom of the valley,; James could see how big the horns were. He watched as dark shapes, ursidains, approached, reached up and began a single mighty and long sound through the horns. Both were strong and sure, perfectly in time with one another. The sound echoed through the valley, but also out into the plains at the five robed figure’s backs. 
It declared the beginning of the ceremony. 
“Here we go. Translators out.” Whispered the familiar voice of Hensra, robed as James was. Hensra was at the head of the convoy of four robed ursidains and one robed human who was second to last in line. He would lead the way. James dug the translator bead from his ear and slipped it into a pouch on the inside of his robes. 
A powerful voice shouted and called out from the top of the valley. An ursidain and one with a voice so loud and clear James heard every word. It was clearly a declaration of some kind, not an invitation or question. 
“Aaaah! Dree! Dah! Kai! Sky! Vah!” James had no clue what the words meant, but the three ursidains ahead of him began walking towards the bonfire and the one that shouted. 
The five robed figures began their ascent of the valley. Drums began, marking their approach. A steady beat that almost matched James’s heart as it drummed within his chest. As it echoed down towards them, James noted it was a staccato beat. 
James recalled what Hensra had explained to him as they walked. 
*”First, we’ll ascend the valley to the ancestral clan grounds. We can’t talk once we start. Throughout all of this, you’re not expected to speak or respond.”*
James nervously smiled under the deep hood as he kept pace with the larger creatures. A walk for them meant a quick paced march or even a mild jog for him. Whether they were taking their time for him, the human wouldn’t know, but he made sure to keep up. Wind blew in from the plains behind them and played with the heavy hems of their robes. James barely felt it.
In James’s nerves, and concentration not to put a foot wrong as he walked up the hill, the man barely even realised how quickly they made their way up the path. Within what seemed like moments, they had already approached the edges of the ‘camp’. 
A wall of fur and broad shoulders prevented the five robed figures from progressing further. Unphased, Hensra walked forwards without hesitation until at the very last moment, as James expected him to slam into the back of the ursidain, the ursidains who had their back to the newcomers parted. 
A path appeared almost instantly. 
A low rumbling chant began. Every single ursidain held the beat with the drums, a short word for each thud.  
“He Ooh Gos Ran Dun Niu Yeh Petro Hes Manus Laga Sota Lah.”
James kept his head low as Hensra had told him to. 
*”When we get to the bonfire, we line up and present ourselves to the leaders.”*
James took his spot next to the other robed ursidain. A fugitive glance from beneath his hood showed him how to stand. The other robed figures had their shoulders back, chin parallel to the ground. James matched them as the crowd continued to chant, only now a low grumble had appeared beneath the words as a rumbling growl. 
The crowd on the other side of the fire were all staring, all chanting, their eyes gleaming in the dark. As the human watched, it appeared that as the ursidains across from him finished a line in the chant, in turn they would draw out the final words into animalistic howls, craning their heads back and ultimately roaring, growling or outright screaming into the sky. 
Three of the largest ursidains James had ever seen, were stood directly between the fire and the five robed figures as they waited in a row. James tried to remember what was next. 
*”First, the test of nerve. He’ll try to intimidate you. You can flinch at any point after this, but not to him.”*
One of the shadows stomped forwards and James steeled himself, expecting something loud or sudden. He was right and wise to have done so as the ursidain roared and snarled and bellow at someone further down the line, what James assumed was their face. 
It wasn’t long before it was James’s turn. His hood was torn from his head, but James remained still. 
*”He can’t touch you. It’s just bravado.”*
“HUURGH! GARREE DARINMURAH!” Roared a maw full of teeth and spittle, scant centimetres away from the human’s face. James willed himself to remain still and calm. He was rock, and would allow the water to merely flow over him. 
With that, the roaring face was gone, shouting at the next and final in line.
The first shadow that had done the shouting disappeared into the crowd, hidden instantly amongst the shadows and flickering lights given off by the fire. 
The second silhouette approached. 
*”Next is the taste of character… Trust in her… She decides whether this is successful or not.”*
She raised her hand into the air, a glint of steel flashed before she brought her hand down in a swift strike that left James’s sight. He heard and felt the ‘thud’ of flesh on flesh at high speeds as well as a grunt by Hensra.
The figure did the same action two more times, before a huge belly appeared in James’s vision. He tilted his head back to meet the new ursidain’s eyes. A female by the looks of it. On her hand, capping her first finger, was a metal spike, like a weaponised thimble. If she hit him with that, not only would James go flying, the spike would definitely go deeper, into more important things than if he were an ursidain with literal inches of blubber. 
The ursidain raised her hand as before. 
For lack of a better idea, James tensed, grit his teeth an set his jaw and held his shoulders back. He’d come this far, he would not be found wanting now. 
Something struck James in the pec. It was solid hit, like a cricket ball striking him. He grunted, but otherwise blinked in shock. She had pulled her punch!
James glanced back up at her, only to see a single red droplet, gleaming in the firelight. The ursidain touched it to her tongue, before nodding and repeating the process with the fifth and final ursidain.
With that, she too melted into the crowd. 
Which suddenly went silent, with the exception of those that were growling or howling. They finished in their own time until all the remained was the crackling of the bonfire and the howling of a distant wind. 
“Whoooar! Tami Ro Mara!” Bellowed the hits and final ursidain, framed by the flames. He was by far and away, the largest, tallest ursidain that James had ever seen; even on a planet of them. He held his arms up in a declaration, one that James had no clue of what it meant. 
Whether it was positive, or negative? He might have declared them blood brothers or announced they were to be eaten and the human wouldn’t have had a clue without the translators. 
The titan shouted again to the crowd, his arms still up and turning so all could see and hear him.
“Whoooar! Tami Ro Mara!” 
This was an unseen trigger as the entire crowd erupted in their own cheers, starling James until he flinched at the sheer wall of noise that battered him from all sides. All seriousness was lost, the robed ursidains tore their hoods from their heads and joined in with the shouts, jumping in place and hurling themselves around. 
For a brief moment, James feared for his safety as titanic bodies, easily twice his size, threw themselves chaotically in their mad joy. That was until a strong hand grabbed the back of James’s robe and hauled him clear of the floor. 
It was Hensra, who merely dropped James onto his broad shoulders, he grinned from ear to ear and spoke.
“Glyow weese? Ou bes Woul.” 
One of his paws reached up and tapped the pouch that contained James’s connection to the rest of the aliens. He quickly fitted them into place where they suctioned securely. 
“You’re one of us now!” Hensra declared, still grinning up at the human.
“You said you’d explain it afterwards, what do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re a clan brother now. You’re an ursidain!”
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uglypastels · 1 year
okay how about something comforting and cutesy like Eddie just absolutely coddling you and babying you since you had a rough day, idk maybe he helps calm you down
i swear i need an eddie right now. especially needed one yesterday. thank you for the request! i did my best (might be a bit rusty since i haven't written properly in a while )
warning: reader is having a hard day. exhaustion. idk. nothing else i think
masterlist. || join the Stranger Things taglist
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Eddie knew something was up the second he stepped past the threshold. He could practically smell it in the air… or maybe the burned bitterness was coming from the kitchen as a dark grey cloud of smoke. Or maybe he figured it out by listening to your curses at the oven and the pitch-black baking dish you threw down at the counter. The metal clanged loudly, causing you both to flinch. 
‘Baby?’ Eddie asked apprehensively, not wanting to startle you. He half succeeded as you turned around harshly but immediately softened your features at the sight of him. ‘Are you alright?’ 
You don’t answer since both of you already know the answer. All you do is take the steps to break the distance between the two of you, lips are dragged down into a horseshoe-shaped frown, and tears threatening to burst at any second. Eddie catches you into a tight embrace, pulling you in. 
‘Hey, shh, it’s ok.’ He had just returned from work and must have been driving with the windows down because his hair smelled of the summer wind. 
‘I just wanted to make you some dinner, but it got burned– I’m so sorry, honey.’ You sniffed out. 
‘Is that all?’ He felt it was quite an extreme reaction for a burned casserole [or whatever the ashes in the dish were supposed to be. Truly impossible to tell by the state it was in.] Then again, he knew how much work you put into your cooking and especially after a long day having something go this wrong could be the last straw, but knowing you, there must have been something before already to put you in this mood. 
‘It’s just been… a lot.’ You didn’t feel like talking about it. Would much rather forget everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. 
‘I understand, baby. Do you wanna sit down for a bit?’ He pulled away slightly to look you in the eyes–which were now red and beginning to puff up. Besides that, he saw how frazzled your hair had gotten throughout the day and how tired you looked. He could only assume he looked about the same, if not worse. 
‘No,’ you wiped at your eyes, ‘I should make us some dinner. There should still be some—’ 
But Eddie was quick to cut you off. ‘Oh, no. You’re not cooking anymore today. C’mon, you need to rest. We can order something.’ He already saw your frown reappear, not happy with that idea. After all, you really wanted to do something nice for Eddie. Though now the surprise aspect of it all was gone anyway, you might as well enjoy a nice takeout. Eddie grabbed your hand, swinging it side to side. ‘What do you feel like? I could personally kill for a pizza right now.’
‘Pizza is fine.’ You nodded, but Eddie wasn’t too sure just yet. 
‘Sure? Or are you just saying that because I suggested it?’ 
‘Can’t it be both?’ You brushed some of his hair out of his face. Even though he had put it in a ponytail, most of the shorter strands framing his face had come loose. Eddie looked at you for a moment before nodding.
‘The usual, then?’
‘Mhm,’ you simply replied. Then Eddie told you to get comfortable on the couch before placing an order. You sat down feeling tired and restless simultaneously; there was so much you needed to get done, but you had no energy for any of it. By the time Eddie returned, your eyelids were already betraying you, becoming heavier and heavier. The shift of weight beside you was just enough to stir you from the nap. 
‘Sorry,’ Eddie whispered. ‘I didn’t want to wake you.’ 
‘I wasn’t asleep.’ You rubbed your eyes, sitting up straight next to Eddie. 
‘Of course not.’ He chuckled and took this opportunity to bring you in for another tight hug. He practically pulled you into his lap, kissing your cheek, mumbling, ‘I missed you today,’ between a kiss here and there. 
‘Missed you too.’ You kissed him back. ‘And I’m really sorry about dinner, again.’
‘I’m banning apologies in this house tonight. You have nothing to be sorry for.’
‘I nearly burned down the kitchen!’
‘That’s an entirely different problem, then. We still get to have dinner, but if you had burned the kitchen down… ‘ he exhaled deeply, and something inside him lit up at the sight of your smile cracking through the hard shell the day had built up around you. For the next half 20 minutes, he kept making dumb jokes to get your smile to grow bit by bit. Most of the time, you would roll your eyes at him or smack him playfully on the arm, but anything was better than tears. 
Then the doorbell rang, and almost automatically, you got up, but only a few inches off the sofa before Eddie grabbed you by the hips.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ 
‘To get our food?’ You said whilst the doorbell rang again.
‘No, you’re not,’ he pulled you back onto the seat and got up. ‘You’re resting.’
‘But you should be resting too!’ You wanted to shout out, but he had already left the room to open the door for the delivery boy. A minute later, Eddie returned holding several takeout boxes that contained no pizza, but you knew exactly what it was instead. 
‘I thought we decided on pizza?’ You asked, puzzled as he put the food on the coffee table before you. 
‘Yea, but I thought you might like this better.’ Eddie shrugged, beginning to unpack the boxes. ‘Felt like it would do a better job making you feel better than pizza… usually does, at least. But if you’d prefer pizza then I can still quickly call–’ 
‘No, it’s perfect. Thank you.’ You kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you for everything.’
the end.
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thank you for reading! please support your (not so) local writers with comments and reblogs <3 it means the world. also, I love to hear what you thought of the fic. asks are always welcome
consider leaving behind an anonymous review :p
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ashdreams2023 · 10 months
Hello I was just wondering if you could possibly make a Loki x reader oneshot where Loki founds out about readers sh scars? Like the team already knows but he doesn’t so he gets all curious and concerned when he sees her bandages and the cuts underneath?🥺 I understand if not as it may be triggering <33
Sure I’ve written about this before, sorry I went off track here but the main idea still stands 😅 I can rewrite it if you want, there’s no problem I promise
TW: SH (self harm/cutting)
"Disney or horror?"
"What sort of options are those?"
"It’s what’s left on Netflix that we didn’t watch already"
Loki sighed and pointed at the screen, he picked a slasher.
Fridays were the one day a week where the compound was completely empty except for you two, you ordered takeout and picked a series of random movies to watch.
You pulled on your sleeves as the scenes unfolded on the screen, there was a beautiful blonde screaming and running with her arm injured.
Loki was watching with mild interest.
At one point you got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen to get some more popcorn, that’s when you heard a loud scream coming from the screen.
You shook your head and opened the fridge looking for more snacks, there was still dome fruit that loki brought from home and they look fresh.
After turning on the sink you rolled up your sleeves and washed the fruit in the skin, the cold water felt kinda of nice on your scars but at the same time it made you want to reach out inside your pocket and pull out the small blade you carried around.
The thought lingered there, you looked at the clock ticking on the kitchen wall and wondered if you would be noticed if you took a few extra minutes in the bathroom, Loki can survive without food for a little longer.
You placed the fruit into a clean bowl and stepped away from the sink, you swallowed as you looked down at your exposed damaged skin.
You clenched your fists and then started pulling down your sleeves bef-
"What in Valhalla happened to you?!" You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden voice of Loki and all but screamed when he grabbed your wrists "Who did this to you?!"
"That’s none of your business!" You breathed quickly and tried to pull away from his grip, he wasn’t supposed to see these, no no…they were a secret, something no one should know about, how could you be so reckless!?
His green eyes stared into yours with a mix of concern and anger, he wanted to know who did this to you, why would anyone hurt you?
"It is! You’re mine and I don’t want you hurt! Why would you hide this from me?" He pulled your sleeve up and looked closely at them, it made you feel uncomfortable and exposed.
"Please let go of me…I’m fine…"
"You’re fine?! These are fresh and deep…this happened before, why are you hiding things from me, I just want you safe"
You frowned with your eyes now glossy "Protect me from what? Myself? I’m a danger to myself then!"
Loki’s face dropped from anger to complete and utter sadness, it made your heart shatter, this is exactly why you didn’t want him to know.
"You…did this to yourself…but why?" He loosened his grip on your wrists and got closer to your face, his warm breath hit your face.
You shook your head, you didn’t know what to say, you weren’t prepared for this situation at all.
"Just say something…please, is it me? what’s the reason?" You lowered your head and bit down your bottom lip then shook your head.
"No…there’s nothing wrong with you, it’s me, I’m the broken one…it’s…you shouldn’t have seen this"
"No and you’re impossible to think I shouldn’t! I care about you and you don’t know how it feels when you find out you can’t protect the most precious person in your life!"
He pulled you close and held you in a tight hug, there was no escaping. You sniffed and hid your face in his chest, you didn’t want to look him in the eye.
"You must be out of your mind to think I will play a blind eye to this…you know I love you, don’t you?"
"Yes" you chocked out.
"Then why?"
"I don’t know…ok! I don’t want to talk about it!"
He stayed silent and just held you, he didn’t utter a word, it was for the best, he didn’t want to make even more frustrated.
You don’t know how long you stayed there but it was long enough for him to heal your scars before you could notice what’s going on.
The skin mended and the scars looked like little scratches instead, like some kitten had attacked you.
You looked down at them and felt tired, you were so drained.
"Why don’t we just sleep" he lifted your chin "We both need to rest and tomorrow we may talk about it"
"You’re not mad at me?"
Loki sighed "No, I could never…I’m just worried"
"I’m sorry…"
"It’s ok. Let’s go dove. Everything will be alright" he took your hand and kissed your healed scars.
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scarydeadlavender · 11 months
꧁༺ 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓶𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻 ༻꧂
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Request of : @thedogisontopofthecarmom
I hope you like it and I hope I managed to write your idea haha
Resume : Can you do one where the reader and Daniel are together and aged up and one day the golden trio come to Hogwarts for something and the see Daniel and they think he’s Snape ( for this can we pretend that Snape had a wife) and they think you are snapes wife and they ask if we know who they are we say no and they go and show you there portraits and it’s like looking in a mirror ( and Daniel and us are the potion and Herbology professors)
Harry got off the train and arrived on the flowery platform that was familiar to him. He stretched and put his glasses back in place, feeling very nostalgic. It had been an eternity since he had been here.
?: Hey Harry!
The man turned around and smiled at the sight of his friends Ron and Hermione. He ran towards them and hugged them tightly. The Golden Trio reunited, and they burst into laughter.
Hermione: It feels strange to be here, don't you think?
Ron sniffed the fresh air before putting his arm around Hermione's waist, a small sparkling ring on her finger.
Ron: Yeah... so much has happened...
The three friends looked in the direction of the famous castle.
Harry: I think... it's time to go home.
Throughout the journey to reach Hogwarts, they recounted their most beautiful memories, such as their encounter with Luna Lovegood or the Quidditch matches, seeing the pitch and its towers in the colors of the different houses, rebuilt after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Once they arrived in front of the grand entrance of Hogwarts, a mix of emotions was present: joy, sadness, nostalgia. So many feelings impossible to express all at once. Harry turned to his friends; they stood a few steps below, looking at the great courtyard that had once been shattered, broken by his battle with Lord Voldemort.
Harry: Guys, I think we should visit our old school. I mean, it's been a long time since we came back here!
Hermione: Harry, you can have good ideas sometimes!!
Hermione ran up the stairs and hopped a little.
Hermione: Let's become Hogwarts students again, at least for a day!
Without further ado, the two boys joined her as in the good old days. In the corridors, many students, all in different colors, looked at them with curious eyes, whispering from time to time when they saw the famous Harry Potter in their midst. After all, it's not every day that they see the famous modern wizard!
Sometimes, a few brave students would approach him and ask for an autograph. After all, it's not every day that you meet the famous wizard of modern times!
The first place they decided to visit was the grand library, where Hermione loved to come. When she entered this familiar place, the smell of books brought back many memories. She smiled softly, seeing her favorite book still there.
Although he was happy to be there, the library was not Harry's favorite place. He wandered through the aisles, looking at the various books present when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone he knew. He quickly put the book he was holding back and went in search of the individual.
But there was no sign of him anymore, disoriented; he didn't notice his two friends approaching him from the side. Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder, seeing his pale face.
Ron: Are you alright, Harry? You look like you've seen a ghost!
Harry: I... I think I saw Snape...
Hermione: Snape? Are you sure? You know he's...
Harry: Dead? Yes, I know... I'm telling you, it was him! Same haircut, same style of clothing!
His two friends looked at him perplexed... Seeing this, Harry changed the subject.
Harry: Nevermind, let's continue our visit!
The second place they visited was the haunted bathrooms with Moaning Myrtle, the same bathrooms where they had discovered the Chamber of Secrets. Surprisingly, the place was cold and filled with dust, no living soul was present, except for the ghostly girl who descended from the large window where she stood. The sun passed through her cold body, and she was surprised to see the famous trio!
Moaning Myrtle: You!
Ron: You!
He shuddered at the memory when she passed through his body. She stood close to them.
Moaning Myrtle: Oh... how I envy you...
Hermione: Come on, Myrtle...
Hermione went to put her hand on the girl's shoulder, but she passed through her.
Moaning Myrtle: I'm both happy to see you again and sad to know that you were able to leave this place... Boohoo...
She started crying harder.
Harry: Come on, come on! Don't cry so much!
Ron: That's right! It's cool to be a ghost!
Moaning Myrtle: Cool? COOL?
Despite several attempts to calm her down, the sound of her crying echoed far enough for a familiar silhouette to appear.
?: What's going on here? Harry, Ron, Hermione!
A laugh they could recognize anywhere resonated.
Hermione: Hagrid!
The trio turned towards Hagrid to give him a hug. Hagrid's large arms embraced them in return.
Hagrid: It's so good to see you again! You haven't changed!
The trio chuckled, digressing on various subjects. However, Harry still seemed troubled by the mysterious encounter. He couldn't remain without an answer.
Harry: Hagrid, do you know if... well, I mean, if Snape's ghost would be present at Hogwarts?
Hagrid narrowed his eyes.
Hagrid: Snape? It's been a long time, Harry. If he had become a ghost, I would have seen him!
?: What ghost? Do we have a new resident?
A mysterious voice was heard.
Hagrid: Ah, Professor!
Hermione: Professor?
Hagrid stepped aside so that the trio could get a closer look at the new person present. He was about 25 years old, wearing green robes with some gold details adorning his sleeves, and on his wizard hat, several flowers were attached around a golden ribbon. In his hand, where a pair of brown gloves protected his fingers, he held a bouquet of flowers and herbs, all different.
Hagrid: Harry, Ron, Hermione, this is the Herbology professor. Professor, this is Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
The professor smiled and took off one of his gloves to shake hands with the trio. Hermione squinted her eyes.
Hermione: Your face looks familiar...
The professor looked puzzled.
Professor: Oh, I have a doubt, haha, I'm sorry, I must leave, I have to go give this to the potion classroom.
Ron: Oh, can we come with you? We'll go there!
The professor smiled and motioned for them to follow him, bidding farewell to their old friends. This time, it was Hermione who seemed lost in thought, reflecting on where she had seen this face that seemed so familiar to her. Harry noticed and approached her while waiting for the stairs that changed positions to come towards them.
Harry: What's going on?
Hermione: His face seems familiar to me; it's getting strange. First, the sudden appearance of Snape, and now this face...
Throughout the rest of the journey, she pondered and didn't notice their arrival in the potion classroom. The classroom hadn't changed, the tables made of white tiles, the various dried flowers, the numerous potions, the large cabinet containing all the most dangerous products, and that unique smell.
The classroom was empty, at least the main classroom. Another person was present, another professor who was manipulating a green potion that he poured into a cauldron.
Professor: Honey, here are the herbs and flowers!
The famous potion professor turned around and looked at the flowers now placed on one of the tables. The professor had medium-length curly hair, a black cape, a white shirt with a vest adorned with golden buttons underneath, and, in his hand, a bouquet of flowers and herbs, all different.
Professor: That will be perfect for the pro...
All eyes turned towards Ron, who had spoken a bit too loudly.
Potion Professor: Uh... I beg your pardon?
Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the two figures side by side.
Hermione: You are Professor Snape, and you are his wife!!
Hermione turned to Harry.
Hermione: Oh, Harry, you were right! Snape is indeed alive!
The trio was overjoyed, yet the couple didn't seem to understand the situation, not knowing how to respond to the many questions from the trio.
Potion Professor: No, we don't know who that is, unfortunately... Can I help?
Hermione passed the book to the potion professor, who flipped through it while looking at the herbology professor.
Potion Professor: Ahh, I see, you're former students...
He smiled sadly.
Potion Professor: Sorry for not being the people you were looking for... but let me introduce ourselves.
He cleared his throat.
Daniel: I'm Daniel Page, Potions Professor, and this is Tp (your last name), Herbology Professor!
Tp: More precisely, Tp (your last name) Page recently!
Daniel smiled at Tp before taking her hand. Time had passed, and several years had elapsed. Now, all their years at Hogwarts were memories that could be sad, boring, angry, but above all, happy.
Their friends had taken different paths, artist, Quidditch player... And they had decided to stay in the academic field, but this time as professors! Daniel had become a Potions professor, and Tp, an Herbology professor... and of course, the two lovers had married each other.
Ron: Oh, congratulations, and sorry for mistaking you for someone else.
Tp smiled sadly and put her hand on the redhead's shoulder.
Tp: We're sorry for not being the people you were looking for... but if you don't mind telling us more about them...
Daniel gestured for the group to sit at one of the tables. They took their seats on the wooden stools.
Hermione: So, you really don't know who they are?
Daniel shook his head again before seeing a small portrait slide towards him. He was shocked himself by the great resemblance. He felt Tp's arms on his shoulder; she rested her head on it to see better.
Tp: It's true that the resemblance is striking!
Daniel: I feel like I'm looking at myself in a mirror!
The Golden Trio laughed, sharing some details about the two lovers.
Harry: Are you sure you don't have any family connections?
Once again, Daniel shook his head negatively.
Daniel: I'm a half-blood; my father is a Muggle.
Tp: Sorry, I don't know, but admit it's quite extraordinary to have such a resemblance! Daniel, admit it! You are actually Snape, but you took a rejuvenation potion!
Tp tugged at Daniel's cheek, who groaned a little at the slight pain.
Daniel: No, no, I was born in London, and I'm definitely a half-blood!
Tp looked at the small clock before noticing that several hours had passed. She got up hastily.
Tp: Excuse me, but my next class is in 20 minutes, and I have to prepare everything!
Hermione: Wait a moment, please!
Tp stopped in her tracks.
Hermione: Do you mind... if I add a photo of you to my album? Just to remember you and... your resemblance to them!
Tp smiled and stood next to Daniel, who entwined his fingers with Tp's, giving her a light kiss on her forehead. They smiled, unable to stop laughing.
Hermione: There you go!
She shook the photo to make it appear more quickly, and once it did, she smiled, giving it to the couple.
Tp: I thought...
Hermione: I made two; accept this one, you both look adorable in it.
When Hermione put the photo she had taken into the photo album, she placed it on the same page as Snape and his wife. What a surprise to see that they were both in the same place, and both couples had their fingers entwined, laughing... She felt like she was seeing two different timelines or even... ❝𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫❞
number of words : 2333
I really like writing this Thanks again for your request! I hope that I have respected it and that you will have liked it
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kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
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chapter summary: sabine heads back to the comm tower to get away from it all and think, by herself, but someone follows her home. chapter word count: 1.6K a/n: looks like this is my last chapter. it's been so much fun to share this with you, vods! i'll still probably be posting oneshots on saturdays and i've got a couple things planned for sabezra life day week, so stay tuned! taglist:@laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
Chapter 6: Dralshy'a Tome
 No one noticed when Sabine slipped out of the party a few minutes later. She didn't run into anyone as she made her way down the capitol tower. No one asked questions when she hopped a speeder bike parked below and rode off to the comm tower, her thoughts racing with her speeder, going so fast she could hardly keep up with them.
 She shuddered as she got off the bike, parked at the base of the comm tower. It wasn't easy to go back to places where you've almost died— though, for Sabine, there were many of those— and she could still feel something dark hanging over the entryway, and quickly went inside.
 If Sabine had bothered to turn on the lights when she went inside, she would've noticed how much of a mess she'd left the place in her hurry to bring Ezra home.
 She also would've noticed her Loth Cat instead of almost tripping over him.
 "Osi'kyr, Murley!" Sabine scolded, "you could give me a warning before scaring me like that!"
 But she could tell the little di'kut was only excited to see that she'd returned, so she scooped him up in her arms and brought him with her as she sat down on the edge of the bed.
 "I found Ezra," Sabine told him having spent many years sharing her struggles with the furry friend, "I brought him back home."
 Murley looked up at her with his silly little Loth Cat face that she could swear understood her sometimes.
 "He never stopped counting on me," Sabine said, "and… and he never stopped loving me."
 Murley bumped his head against Sabine's arm.
 "I didn't realize I ever started loving him back," Sabine shook her head, "but somehow I did."
 Murley jumped out of her arms and crawled across the bed as Sabine flopped back on the bed in frustration. She reached her hand out, and the Loth Cat sniffed at it.
 "And then I walked away," Sabine told him, "I realized I liked him, I couldn't take it, and I left— and he doesn't know why."
 Murley bumped at her hand.
 "Now he thinks I don't like him— now that I do like him," Sabine shook her head, "funny how that works."
 She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. For thirteen years, finding Ezra had been her goal, always on the back of her mind, her late night plots and nothing-else-happening thoughts. Finding him, bringing him home, that had been her plan, her desire, her fantasy— her dream, and now that she'd gotten it, she'd need a new one.
 She didn't know when her motivations had shifted from "my best friend is counting on me" to "the man I love is counting on me," but she knew it must've come gradually, fading in slowly, so slowly she didn't realize it'd come— until he'd leaned closer to her and spoken in hushed tones and she discovered it was what she'd wanted for a very long time.
 "Congrats," she told herself, absently counting the cracks in the ceiling as she often did when she lay awake in thought, "you got exactly what you wanted. Now what?"
 Finding Ezra had seemed such an impossible goal that she'd never considered the possibility that it'd have an aftermath. Where would she go from here? She was a rebel without a war, a Mandalorian without a clan, and nothing to fight for. She was a warrior trapped in a time of peace, and that left only one option. As soon as Ahsoka rendezvoused with them, she'd continue her training as a Jedi, a keeper of the peace. At least it'd give her something to fight for, no matter how bad she was at it.
 But for now, that meant waiting— something Sabine had gotten very good at by this point.
 And as she lay in the tower, waiting, she heard something outside— the unmistakable engine of a speeder bike heading in her direction, moving fast enough that by the time she'd gotten up and to the balcony to see who it was, they were already in the tower, and coming up towards her.
 She took a deep breath and steadied herself, one hand on the lightsaber at her side, the other clutching a blaster. She turned around and walked towards the door, ready to defend herself if this intruder wasn't so friendly.
 But instead, as the door opened, she wasn't greeted by one of her dozens of enemies— she instead saw the one person in the galaxy she'd wanted to see most, and she lowered her guard, physically— though not yet emotionally.
 "Ezra?" she asked, "what are you doing here?"
 "Really?" Ezra crossed his arms, "you've been squatting in my old home for seven years and you're asking me what I'm doing here?"
 "Yeah," she said, "don't you have a party to be at?" "Last I checked," Ezra said, his eyes scanning the room for the first time in years, as if scanning for shadows.of a life he'd left behind, "you were on that guest list too."
 "Last I checked, I wasn't the guest of honor."
 Ezra smiled as Murley ran to him, unprompted.
 "Friend of yours?" Ezra asked, picking up the Loth Cat.
 "His name's Murley," Sabine said.
 "You have a pet Loth Cat?" Ezra laughed.
 "And you just walked out of your own party." Sabine deflected.
 "You were supposed to be there too," Ezra said, gently petting the Loth Cat that'd immediately taken a shine to him, "why'd you leave?" 
 "I don't know," Sabine shrugged, "there wasn't really anything there for me."
 "Then that's my answer to both your questions," Ezra said, "why I'm not there, why I'm here."
 Murley jumped out of his arms and skittered across the floor.
 "There was nothing for you at your own party?" Sabine asked.
 "Not when I left," Ezra said, taking a step closer to her, "I…" he sighed, "I'm sorry."
 "For what?" Sabine asked, as he took another step towards her.
 He shook his head, "I'm trying my best Sabine," and he took another step towards her, "you have no idea how hard it is to spend so long waiting for someone, to find them— for them to find you when you least expect it— how hard it is not to love them." Now he stood right in front of her, his eyes trying desperately to meet hers.
 Sabine bit her inner lip. She came here to get away from these stupid emotions, not to talk about them. But then again, she couldn't deny that the chasing her down, the desperation in his voice, the reckless overexplanation— it was very Ezra, and, try as she may, she couldn't deny that she enjoyed it.
 "We didn't get a chance to really talk about last night," Ezra said, "but I can take a hint. I just want you to know, I'm trying my best to be the friend you want me to be— but it's always been hard not to love you."
 Sabine shook her head, wishing she could look away, but knowing she couldn't. "I thought those feelings went away years ago, Ezra."
 "That schoolboy crush did," he smiled, "but the more I got to know you, the more I wanted to know you. I can't blame myself for falling for you."
 Sabine swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath.
 "Neither can I," she said, so quietly she herself almost couldn't hear it, and it still felt too loud.
 "What?" Ezra asked, his face bearing the most beautiful smile she'd ever seen.
 "You heard me," she mumbled.
 "Then maybe my ears deceive me," Ezra said, "because it sounded like you said you… you love me too?"
 Sabine nodded, but Ezra shook his head in disbelief.
 "You mean as a friend, right?" he asked, "or a brother? That's what…." "No," she interrupted him, laying a hand on his cheek, "I… I love you."
 He reached forward and ran his thumb along her cheek as well.
 "Why didn't you tell me?" Ezra softly asked.
 "I've never been in love before," Sabine said, "but I know how much love hurts sometimes. Can you blame me for being scared?"
 "Not at all," Ezra shook his head, smiling, "now, can I please stop pretending I'm not in love with you?"
 "As long as I can stop pretending too." Sabine shrugged.
 Ezra leaned closer to her and whispered, "I love you."
 "I…." Sabine stopped, still not able to get the words out, no matter how hard she tried, nodding instead.
 "It's alright," he said, and his free hand took hers, "you don't have to be ready to say it back, I just…" his hand shifted so his fingers could interlock with hers, "I've waited eighteen years to say that to you without risking you punching me in the face for it."
 "And how do you know I'm not gonna punch you for it now?" Sabine teased.
 "Take your best shot," Ezra called her bluff, letting go of her hand, leaning closer to her, so close that there was only one way she could think to respond— by pulling him closer, by the neck and by the collar, so her lips met his.
 It was a kiss both natural and unexpected, one that spoke for both chemistry and history, something as soft as a Loth Cat and at the same time as passionate and dangerous as a firework display, though with more sparks flying.
 She pulled away from him, and from the look on his face she could tell his heart was skipping as many beats as hers was.
 "Woah," Ezra whispered, "Sabine, I…."
 "Don't you dare say something stupid and ruin the moment, Bridger," Sabine said.
 "I don't even think I could say something that stupid," Ezra shook his head, "I'm gonna remember this moment for the rest of my life."
 "Me too," Sabine whispered, and she brought her lips back into his, to make this perfect moment even more memorable.
 Years later, even after a million more precious moments together— their shared joy when they'd tell the crew about their blossoming new relationship, the precious moment when Sabine would first say "I love you," and not long after when they'd start a new chapter with an engagement followed by a wedding, even long after they'd begun the rest of their lives together— they still never would forget that moment together, and every moment leading up to it, the moments that made up the most beautiful love story either of them would ever know.
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callsign-daydream · 6 months
The Breaking Point - TGM - Hangman X OC
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Summary: Hallie and Jake are assigned to a difficult night mission. With training sessions not going well, the two aviators are near their limit. But, exhaustion might be what they need to finally come to terms with their feelings for each other.
Warnings/Content: Hangman x OC, OC included (about her here), dangerous mission alluded to, angst to fluff, kissing maybe?
Word Count: ~1150
A/N: These two are so stubborn, an extreme situation is the only thing that would make them actually admit their feelings...so naturally I decided to put them in an extreme situation to admit their feelings. Just one of a couple little Christmas surprises for you all! Enjoy!
A singular sliver of moonlight broke through the blinds and spilled over the room’s floor. The cracked base couch offered no support, but Jake didn’t care. The sound of Hallie’s footsteps failed to rouse his head from his hands. He didn’t ask for the lights. He didn’t move when she sunk into the overused cushions beside him.
They sat there for several minutes with only the sound of their breath and the ticking of the clock on the wall.
For once, Jake Seresin didn’t have the courage to speak first.
Heavy boots thudded into the room.
“Go home, you two.” Maverick’s voice sliced through the air. “Get some rest. I’ll talk to Admiral Simpson tomorrow.”
He was gone as fast as he came. Jake almost smirked at the man’s eagerness for speed on land and in the air. Almost. The words hung around his neck with the rest of the mission. It had to be bad when even Maverick thought the assignment was impossible.
Hallie’s voice made him jump as she whispered into the darkness.
“Do you think we can really do this?”
He couldn’t move or talk. It felt like he was in g-LOC. Even as he felt her eyes on him, he couldn’t bring himself to answer. Apparently, the silence was enough of a response for her. 
Her head dropped to his shoulder, breath shuddering through her body. A vague apple scent drifted from her hair and made him dizzy. Leave it to Hallie to make sure she smelled good after a close run like that. He could feel her heartbeat in her forehead, pounding out the last shreds of adrenaline from yet another failed night training session. At least he thought it was her heart and not his own. Maybe it was both.
He had no words to comfort her. Instead, he decided to pull her close and hold her until they felt whole again.
And then she embraced him back, and instead of feeling hollow, he felt as jittery as the time he’d knocked back five Red Bulls in ten minutes on a bet (that he’d won).
Jake didn’t know how long they stayed there. All he knew was that she was safe and warm, and he didn’t care if he never flew another mission if it meant being right here in this room, even with the spring stabbing his back and his stomach threatening to growl.
“Hal?” He whispered.
“If anyone can do it…it’s you and me.”
Her turn to be quiet.
The AC jolted on with a grumble, and Jake pulled back to look at her. He noticed how close they were. She clearly did too. It was too close for the unspoken “work friends” agreement, but neither of them moved to stop it.
“Whatever happens up there,” he said, “I’ll be right there for you.”
Hallie gave a small nod. He could tell she was doing her best not to cry.
“I promise.”
She sniffed, then gave a small smirk in an attempt to lighten the weight of the room. “Only up there, right?”
Any other day or place, and he’d dive right into the joke. But here, with only two shards of moonlight washing over half her face, Jake wasn’t ready to be Hangman. Not on this mission. Not on the job that could end everything for both of them. If this was the end, he wouldn’t dare let her go until she knew that he’d fight the clouds for her.
He tightened his grip. “Anywhere. I’m here for you, Hal. I always will be.”
She looked up. “Don’t say that.”
“It’ll just make things harder.”
“That’s an excuse and you know it.”
“It’s not.” She looked away. “Not on this mission.”
He thought her tone would break him. Hallie never talked about a mission like that. Even the near-fatal, illegal radiation facility she and Phoenix had hit last month had been nothing more than an exciting challenge to her, despite it making Jake want to pull his hair out.
She sounded small, when she was larger than life. Otherworldly, he thought, as the moon caught a glint of amber in her brown eyes. He’d originally called her “Dreamgirl” as a prodding play on her callsign, but it’d slowly turned into his reality. She was a dream for him. A dream he couldn’t bear waking up from.
He turned her back, and she didn’t object to his hand on the back of her neck.
“It won’t be harder than trying to pretend I don’t want to kiss you every day.”
She stared, clearly searching for words. He loved catching her off guard, then watching her eyebrows twitch as she puzzled through some comeback like it was the deepest mystery of the world.
When he caught her eyes flit down for a nanosecond, he couldn’t hold back.
“Tell me to stop.”
She didn’t.
He was kissing her. And then she was kissing him back, and Jake Seresin didn’t care about the near-suicide mission only a week away or that Javy had puked all over his favorite shirt last week or that they were probably in clear view of a security camera. All that mattered was the feeling of Hallie’s lips on his and the fact that he wanted to experience it every day for the rest of his life.
When they parted, her eyes were wide. He brushed his thumb over her cheek and wondered how she could be so sharp in the skies and so soft here. He hoped the latter could be saved just for him.
“Now what?” She whispered.
He couldn’t help but smirk at that. “I guess we need to go home and sleep.”
“I guess so.”
“But I don’t want to leave you now.”
Hallie rolled her eyes and stood. “I bet you’re going to expect me to invite you to spend the night.”
“No.” He stood and grabbed her hand as they strolled out. “I was going to invite you to come with me.”
“And what if I say no?”
“You want me to die of heartbreak?”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Hey, you kissed me too, so you’re just as bad.”
“It was a pity kiss.”
“I'll take it.”
She paused to look at him as they stepped out into the first beginnings of the California morning. The sky on the horizon was beginning to brighten, giving Hallie a backdrop of deep indigo against the green of her suit.
“Try anything funny, and I kick you out to your own couch.”
He saluted. “Whatever you say, Dreamgirl.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes. All Jake could do was grin and give her hand a kiss. Maybe this mission would turn out alright after all.
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If you're in the mood can I prompt more of the feeding-people-to-the-institute? That left me really intrigued regarding what backstory you had going there!
here we go, some more of in the light of the night
i hope you enjoy!
Magnus doesn’t recognize him at first and it’s his magic that first alerts him to Alexander’s presence.  He looks different here and he looks impossibly young without his scruff and the blood of his enemies covering him. The mundanes avoid where he is which mean he’s glamoured and Magnus laughs, walking down to break the glamour with a flick of his finger.
“Magnus.” Alexander says with surprise and it’s gratifying to see the hungry gleam to his eyes and the way his gaze immediately flickers to Magnus’ mouth. “I didn’t know you’d be here.” There’s a soft charm to the way he sways towards Magnus unconsciously and Magnus sighs, already forgiving him for leaving instead of staying forever.
“This is my club, Alexander.” Magnus tells him and he reaches out to boldly press down his thumb over where he knows his teeth left an imprint the day before. “Though I’m glad you’ve come, I’ve missed you terribly.”
Alexander shudders, eyes intent and heavy and Magnus just knows that he’s wrecking him, because it’s barely been a day since they’ve met and it’s very clear that neither of them were happy to part.
“I wasn’t sure—” Alexander says carefully and then he’s turning, eyes going cold and alert as he throws a small  dagger. A figured drops and Alexander scowls, eyes tracking the crowd before he goes over to collect the dagger and body that the mundanes are now ignoring. It’s very clearly a Circle member and Magnus is reworking all of the wards, no matter how annoying it is for seelie to pass through them.
Magnus is about to take his annoyances out by incinerating the body when Alexander shakes his head, ruining his fun.
“Identification purposes.” He murmurs and Magnus sighs, snapping the body to the front of the Institute instead.
Alexander stays relaxes, clearly trusting Magnus until he’s told what happened to it.
“I expect payment for my services.” Magnus tells him imperiously, sniffing haughtily as he finger-walks his way up Alexander’s chest. This is not how he imagined this would be going when his magic alerted him to Alexander’s presence. However he’s not one to waste a chance.
“By all means, what would you like.” There’s a smirk on his shadowhunter’s face and they both know what Magnus wants, but he wants to make Magnus ask for it just like Magnus wants to make him agree.
“You, until your next patrol.”
Alexander seems to hesitate and for a moment, Magnus thinks he’s going to say no but then he nods, as if he’s reached an understanding with himself.
“I’ll need to let my Institute know that I won’t be available for that long. I’ll let them know I’m on  patrol after a meeting.”
 “Are they normally so restrictive that you have to let them know you’ll be out?” Magnus asks snidely, surprised when Alexander takes him seriously and nods.
“If I don’t know where my people are, then I can’t be sure they aren’t in trouble or causing trouble and neither are acceptable. I’m not exempt from check-ins for my own safety as is my second.”
Magnus follows the language and then steps close, sliding an arm around Alexander’s waist who is apparently, a Lightwood and someone of importance in the hierarchy of the local Institute.
“I’ll keep you very safe.” Magnus murmurs teasingly and Alexander swallows with a hungry nod, accepting Magnus’ lead as they go through the crowd and Magnus takes him away.
To his lair and his bed.
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julie810xd · 2 months
mating season [Nomu X fem!reader]
You arrived at your apartment, exhausted, it had been a hard day at university, the studies, the work schedules, everything was very exhausting, you lay down on the couch, trying to relax your muscles, your mind and consciousness, until you heard heavy footsteps. walking towards you
You knew who it was, a beast with large muscles, an exposed brain, a mouth with a bird's beak and penetrating eyes, it was a Nomu, you remembered that day when it appeared at your house as if nothing had happened, it was walking and eating some meat that you had saved, he seemed hungry, you remembered the shock you had had at that moment, it was disbelief, surprise, mixed with a little terror, then you recognized what Nomu it was, it was the Nomu that was in the U.S.J, the one that All Migth defeated, Nothing was known about that Nomu until now, for some reason or another, the Nomu did not attack you, it simply approached you and sniffed you, like a dog trying to recognize someone, then it pounced on you, it took you by his arms gently but strongly at the same time and threw you to the floor, were you scared, was this big beast going to kill you? No, that was not his plan, the Nomu began to sniff your body, first it was your hair, he touched it a little with his big fingers, then he reached your chest, he touched the sides carefully but then his hand grabbed your breast, you let go. You gasped and tried not to scream, you wanted to move your legs but it was impossible, his weight and strength were greater than yours, then he began to sniff your groin, it reminded you of how dogs sniffed each other to recognize each other, you finally freed yourself. from his grip and moved his head away from that area
"n-no…don't do that" you said, trying to stop the Nomu from continuing.
The Nomu seemed to understand and walked away from you, you couldn't move him from your house since it would be impossible, so you had no choice but to keep him until someone came to claim him or he left, that same night you were ready to sleep When you felt a great weight on top of you, it was the Nomu, he was getting comfortable next to you, he was rubbing his groin against your body, from then on I knew that it would be almost impossible to get him off of you.
and that's how you ended up with a Nomu that looks more like a giant puppy than a normal person.
You turned to look at your side, only to find the gigantic monster looking at you, you got up from the couch and walked towards it, you gently placed your hand on its head, right where its brain was, it was strange to feel the texture of the exposed brain. But you couldn't complain, since the Nomu always asked you the same thing, from the first day you met him. You went to the bathroom to take a shower, it was the best thing you wanted if you wanted to go to sleep, you opened the handle. the bathtub and you let the water run over your naked body, you took a little more time to relax, since today was an exhausting day, you got out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, you went to your room and closed it, It was not necessary to lock it since the Nomu was outside, waiting to enter, it had been difficult for you to teach him that he should wait outside, the first time you tried to teach him not to enter when you were changing; you remembered when he came in abruptly, you were not even in your pajamas, almost You scream, the Nomu began to approach you, the Nomu began to sniff the air, but it was in the direction of your body, it stood next to you, you were almost crying from fear, the Nomu seemed to notice this, it took a few steps back and stood. It was from the room, that was what happened that day.
At that moment you felt two large hands taking your waist, you went pale, you were scared, you turned your head on your shoulder, managing to see the great Nomu close to you, the Nomu's groin rubbed against your private area, you let out a gasp and tried to to push him away, but it was useless
The Nomu laid you on the bed, he stood on top of you and began to sniff your neck, you were afraid, you placed your hands on his chest to keep him away from you, but he took your hands and placed them on top of you. head
The Nomu began to lick and kiss your neck, biting the weak points, you moaned and screamed to get him off of you.
"s-stop!!! no!!" You begged, but the Nomu didn't give it any importance, he continued biting and kissing your neck.
You moaned and begged, you tried to free yourself from the Nomu's grip but it was impossible, he held your arms tightly, until the Nomu spoke.
"I'm…in…mating…time…" said the Nomu, you were surprised, but you quickly remembered why he knew how to speak.
You had always tried to get the Nomu to talk, whether with children's books, teaching him to write or giving him a dictionary, and although it seemed that you had achieved nothing, you were wrongly wrong.
The Nomu gently took you by the head and stood up, standing at the edge of the bed, he placed your face near his groin, then he began to pull down his pants, you were madly dreaming, he had revealed his bulge, it was big, a Amazing size, he brought his groin closer to your mouth, he wanted you to kiss it, you took a deep breath and swallowed,
You slowly brought the lump close to your mouth, your lips collided with it, you felt nervous, suddenly, the Nomu took your head and made you swallow that thing, you were left without oxygen, you could feel that thing in your throat, it was hard, you could feel As it was hard as a rock, you should have bought lube if you had known this would happen, besides, you were afraid of breaking your little insides with its bulge, you knew what you should do, you began to move your head back and forth, sucking and licking the bulge, the Nomu began to move his hips, hitting his bulge in your throat, you let out some tears, after what seemed like hours, he walked away from you, leaving a thread of saliva on the member
The Nomu laid you face down, you could feel how he brought his bulge close to your small entrance, you were afraid, you knew you wouldn't be able to bear that same member.
"stop…please…I don't want to do this…" you begged, you could feel that lump going in, it would, there was no doubt about it.
You tried to move, you tried to move your groin in order to avoid that lump, the Nomu grabbed your buttocks tightly, the Nomu suddenly entered, you almost screamed from the pain and pleasure, but the Nomu covered your mouth, preventing anything from coming out. sound of your mouth
He began to move, his movements were slow but painful, you could feel your walls stretching and giving way to the large lump, you could hear every blow he made against your body, you moaned silently.
"I knew from the beginning that you would be the perfect partner for me when I saw you… I couldn't help but feel so attracted to you…" said the Nomu, his voice was silky and hoarse "you will be the mother of my children… "said the Nomu
He began to accelerate his movements, each thrust hurt you, you cried and gasped, since you couldn't do much with your mouth covered, he began to accelerate in brutal ways, it hurt you, it hurt a lot, but now you had no choice but to accept your fate.
Finally he climaxed, he stayed still for a few moments, making sure not a single drop of his fluid was wasted, there was no way you wouldn't get pregnant, after his fluid finished, he gently moved away from you. He lay down on the bed next to you
You sighed and cried, your insides hurt, you were full of his fluids and now you were going to be the mother of the children of a Nomu.
"Now…darling…you are my wife…my partner" said the Nomu
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yeowangies · 2 years
dangerous - chapter III
Chapter I I Chapter II I Chapter III: Dangerous
PAIRING: Vegeta/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Rough sex, Dom/Sub undernotes, Unprotected sex WORDCOUNT: 6556
Summary: An AU in which Earth was destroyed, and you are one of the few humans left alive. The plot is meaningless once the smut comes up.
Notes: It took me so long to post this simply because I'm too lazy to proofread. This is the last chapter, and I wanna write more for this story in the future but I don't know when or if I will, so for now, this is it. Enjoy!
When you tried to get out of bed in the morning, you weren’t ready for the soreness to hit you like that, almost making you trip as soon as both of your feet touched the floor. And when you looked at your legs, you were even more surprised by the amount of bruises adorning your skin, particularly one that was obviously made by Vegeta’s tail. When you made it to the bathroom, you gasped at your sight. The fact that your hair would be a mess was a given, along with the numerous red marks on your chest, but what caught your eye was the bruise on your neck and jaw. Had Vegeta actually held you that hard? It didn’t seem like it while you were going at it, you never even felt like you had been choked. 
You had a newfound respect for Chichi now. No wonder she always wore clothes that covered almost every inch of her skin. You huffed, realizing you were going to have to wear a suit that covered your legs up to your neck. 
As you got dressed after taking a shower, your mind lingered on what had happened the night before. Forgetting it happened would be an almost impossible task, how could you? Your body was basically screaming from the exertion it had been subjected to, almost as if reminding you of the affair with your every move. 
But the thing was, you were almost upset that was all you would get. You obviously got what you wanted, which was to sleep with Vegeta. Would it be greedy to want to do it again, and again after that? Everything that happened that night had been such a surprise, from him knocking on your door, to how he touched you, and even the fact that you had a conversation was shocking in retrospect. 
Maybe that was that. You got what you wanted and more after all.
Your body was begging for food, so you headed out to the cafeteria. You were about to walk into the room when you practically crashed into the wall of muscles that was Raditz, making you wince as your body collided with his. 
“You should really watch where you are going, girl,” He said, his usual smirk on his face.
You opened your mouth to respond until you caught him sniffing the air around you. What Vegeta mentioned about your scent some days ago came to mind, and when you looked at Raditz’s face, you wondered if you smelled any different, and if it had anything to do with your activities the previous night.
When you saw his smirk turn into a knowing smile, you knew that was the case.
“I’m sorry! I’m hungry, bye.” You said before rushing inside as if your life depended on it.
When you sat by one of the tables, eyeing your food with a grimace (the food in space was truly horrendous), Raditz sat across from you, making you jump.
“God, don’t do that,” You said, clutching your chest dramatically. 
“Relax,” He snickered, before taking a huge bite from his own food tray. “I’m not gonna make any advances to you.”
“Really?” You scoffed.
“Yeah, and neither will any man on this ship. Probably.”
“God, you guys and your smell.” You sneered. Was there no private life in space?
“Humans are so weak, are none of your senses well developed or something?”
“Shut up.”
You somehow felt like you were on dangerous territory, however vaguely. 
“You got what you wanted at least.” Raditz commented, having practically devoured all the food on his tray in what should be a record time. 
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You said and looked away.
“Maybe I should be grateful.”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe you’re the reason things’ been… tense. There’s a chance I’ll survive today’s training.” He snorted, eying as you ate. “We’ll see.”
“How are you, by the way? You looked pretty roughed up yesterday.”
“We Saiyans are not like humans,” He grinned widely at you. “I already healed.”
“Good,” You smiled back. 
Raditz put his tray aside before getting up.
“See you later.” He said, walking away.
You watched him leave, taking small bites of your food. 
Was the smell you supposedly had that… obvious? Vegeta did mention you smelled like a ‘fertile female’ but very few men had bothered you since you joined the Frieza army. Maybe it had something to do with Saiyans being compatible with humans. In any case, it was uncomfortable feeling like you were surrounded by animals. Would everyone know you slept with Vegeta? Did you smell like him or something? Furthermore, did he smell like you too?
You snorted at the thought. If anyone dared to even comment on it to him, they’d probably be killed in less than a second, or at the very least left on the verge of death.
Anyway, none of that was your issue anymore. You doubted Vegeta would speak to you again, and if he did, it would probably be to yell at you about the training room, or whatever other thing he or his companions decide to break while you were on board. 
However, everything that had happened with Vegeta had stunned you, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when you felt him standing outside your door that night. Again. You didn’t give him a chance to knock, jumping from your bed and sprinting to the door to open it.
He didn’t look nearly as stressed and feral as he did the night before. But there was a glimmer in his eyes, something akin to uncertainty. And when he looked at you, it was almost like he was asking for permission, without actually verbalizing it. You were unsure about how to respond. He leaned in then, and kissed you. It was brief and merely a touch of lips, as he gauged your reaction. 
You let him in, feeling touched by the kiss. You thought he might launch himself at you once you closed the door, but he didn’t. Both of your eyes were fixed on each other, and after a beat you felt slightly nervous. Vegeta must have sensed it because his hand reached out, fingers threading through your hair and pulling you in for another kiss by the neck, this time more urgently. You returned it, just as earnest, cupping his face, as he practically pushed you towards the bed.
“Did you actually come here because the training room is broken?” You asked, out of curiosity, as he took off his armor, discarding it on the floor.
“That… That does not concern you.” He seemed taken aback, and even a little embarrassed. You rolled your eyes.
“I know it doesn’t, but it’s nice to know.”
When Vegeta didn’t reply, looking away from you as he got rid of his gloves and shirt, you knew you were right. Mentally thanking Raditz for the inside information, you eyed him intensely as he crawled on the bed and on top of you, knowing exactly what you wanted to do this time around.
“I have an idea,” You commented, trying not to get lost in the sensation of his mouth on your neck. When he hummed in response, you gently pushed on his shoulders. “Lie down for me.”
He didn’t budge, but pulled away to look at you, skeptical. You urged him on with your eyes, pushing a little harder this time, but even then he didn’t seem like he was going to move.
“What do you intend to do, woman?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well, I could show you…” You pushed, even harder, using strength humans didn’t have, and he smirked, amused, when he remained unmoved. “I just wanna help you relax, that’s all, if you would actually let me.”
“Are you still on about that?” 
“Let me put it another way: yesterday you did things I never expected. Let me show you what I can do for you.”
His expression changed, and he even seemed interested in what you were proposing. After a beat, he pulled away from you, and lied down on the bed. You straddled his waist, his hands instantly going for your hips as you kissed him, his tongue slipping into your mouth and tangling it with yours. 
You pulled away (too soon, judging by the way he leaned up to try and capture your lips again), sliding downwards, placing little kisses on his torso until you settled between his legs. When your fingers found the hemline of his pants to tug them down, lips ghosting over his crotch, his hand grabbed your wrist, making you hiss out of surprise.
“What are you doing?” Vegeta asked, face stern. 
“Just… You don’t want to?”
He pursed his lips before replying.
“You could inflict serious damage from that position.”
“I’m not gonna hurt you, why would I do that?” You looked at him, confused, as you leaned back to regard him fully.
Vegeta didn’t seem convinced, but he was still staring at you intensely. You had to remind yourself that he had every right to be wary, living in the world you currently were.
“I promise I won’t ever hurt you, or your… privates.”
His expression remained the same, and after a few seconds, you sighed, not wanting to push him further if he wasn’t comfortable. As soon as you let go of his pants, he sat up and scooted back towards the headboard to lean on it. 
“Keep doing what you were doing.”
You offered him a small smile, crawling closer and planting a brief kiss on his lips.
“Thank you, Prince Vegeta.”
That must have done something to him, as he gulped and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, but you didn’t comment on it.
You would have preferred for him to be lying down, but that position worked as well. You placed yourself between his legs once again, and when you pulled his pants down and off, he didn’t stop you. He was already hard and standing at attention, and you couldn’t help but lick your lips in anticipation. Leaning in, you darted your tongue to lick at the head. You heard Vegeta choke back a moan, and you smiled, looking up at him, only to see his face contorted in pure hunger. You wanted more of that. 
Taking your time to enjoy him yourself as well, you flattened your tongue on the slit, using your hand to keep his dick in place, but not wrapping it around him. When you ran your tongue up the underside and down again, you saw Vegeta’s hands going for the headboard and gripping it hard. And when you placed an open mouth kiss on the head, you heard the headboard crack.
“Shit…” Vegeta breathed heavily, gazing at you.
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your lips. Vegeta was most likely the most powerful being on that ship. And yet he was crumbling under your touch. That was more motivation than you needed to keep going. 
“Are you toying with me, woman?” Vegeta groaned, almost annoyed, but he didn’t move an inch.
“I just wanna enjoy myself.” You replied cheekily, before licking at the head of his cock once more, making him grunt.
Not wanting to torture him further, you did wrap your hand around him this time, keeping him in place as you took the head into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around him, your hand gently stroking the rest. You heard him curse under his breath, as his hips bucked slightly into your mouth. You sucked on the head, before pulling away to lap at the tip a couple of times. 
When you wrapped your lips around his cock again, this time taking more of him in, you heard the headboard break even more. When you looked up at him, you knew Vegeta must be fighting the urge to grab your head by the way the veins in his arms were sticking out, and you mentally thanked him. You weren’t sure if you could handle a Saiyan gripping your head down like that without ending up hurt somehow. 
Trying to relax your throat, you slowly slid up and down his dick. You flattened your tongue around him, and you heard him growl, his hips pushing up once again. You slid a hand behind his back, trying to both encourage and comfort him, and you accidentally grazed his tail, where it met his lower back. Vegeta let out a startled groan that had you staring up at him with wide eyes. 
That was new.
You pulled off his cock just a bit, still sucking at the head, and softly stroked his tail, the same spot you had just touched. Vegeta growled, deeply, and his hips snapped once more, cock twitching inside your mouth. It intrigued you how sensitive his tail was, and wished to touch it further, maybe even under different circumstances.
You went back to taking more of him inside your mouth, this time fully relaxing until his cock hit the back of your throat. You tried not to choke, especially when his hips moved again, and you pulled away after a second. Slowly, you bobbed your head before going down, still stroking his tail with your fingers. 
Vegeta’s groans were getting louder, even more so when you caressed his tail, and when his dick twitched again, you knew he was close. You tried not to gag as you swallowed him down once more, hollowing out your cheeks as you sucked him. You bobbed your head up and down, and suddenly he thrust into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. He came with a grunt, filling your mouth with cum. It was impossible not to choke while you tried to swallow everything down, pulling back a little to stroke him to help him ride out his orgasm. 
His body shuddered when you pulled off him completely, making a soft ‘pop’, your hand still rubbing softly at his lower back and tail. Vegeta looked completely lost, panting and  forehead glistening with sweat, eyes unfocused. You couldn’t fight the smile that creeped on your face. He suddenly grabbed your arm, the one that was still caressing his back.
Vegeta pulled you in, your chest colliding with his as his lips found your neck, licking and sucking on the skin there, making you shudder. You shifted, straddling him, as his hands roamed your legs and up your thighs. 
“Do I get a thank you?” You asked, smiling playfully.
Gripping the back of your neck, Vegeta pulled you in for a kiss. You hummed, wrapping your arms around his neck, gasping suddenly when you felt his hand sliding between your legs, stroking your clit over your panties.
“Is that enough?” Vegeta asked, pulling away and grinning smugly.
You scoffed, leaning in to kiss him again when you felt his other hand tug at your shirt.
“Wait, I only have a finite amount of clothes here.” You said, sitting back on his thighs to take off your shirt.
When you looked at him, he was tracing his hand over one of your bruises and staring at it, the one that was made by his tail when he wrapped it around your thigh the previous night. For less than a second you thought you saw a glimpse of guilt in his eyes. You didn’t even want to attempt to mention it to make him feel better, you knew he would never admit to that anyway. Besides, you kind of liked being marked up like that anyway.
“Want to mark me up some more?” You asked, smiling at him. 
“You really are demented, woman.” Vegeta snorted with a smirk.
His hand was inside your panties then, and you choked back a moan when he started earnestly stroking your clit. You leaned your head on his shoulder, taken aback by the sudden intense touch, and heard him chuckle against your shoulder. He slid two fingers into you, without much warning, and you moaned, your hands going to the smashed headboard to brace yourself. 
Vegeta picked up an almost furious rhythm, his fingers plunging in and out of you fast, and you were whimpering against his skin, embarrassed at the wet sounds produced by his hand making contact with your skin. You weren’t even sitting on his lap anymore, his moves had made you raised to your knees, your thighs attempting to clamp together. Your chest was practically in his face when he started to nip and suck at the skin of one of your breasts, his other hand on your waist to hold you close against him.
“Wait, ah… Don’t…” You breathed, crying out when you felt his teeth grazing your nipple.
“Is this too much for you?” Vegeta teased, obviously amused at your reaction under his hands. “Would have never thought you’d be this sensitive.”
You gasped when he punctuated every one of his words with a curl of his fingers, touching your sensitive spot inside you. You were out of breath, and when he licked at your nipple, combined with the moves of his fingers, you felt chills running up your spine. For a second you thought you might pass out, there simply wasn’t enough air in the room. 
Vegeta withdrew his fingers suddenly, leaving you empty. Gasping for air, you leaned forward, supporting yourself with your hands on his shoulders, feeling like jelly as your thighs quivered. You were about to say a word or two to him, when you felt one of his hands tugging at the waistband of your panties.
In the blink of an eye, Vegeta had ripped your underwear off with a grin on his face.
“Goddamn it, Vegeta!” You slapped his chest, not nearly strong enough to make him even flinch. “I don’t have that many panties!”
“You look better without them anyway.” He said, pulling you in for a kiss.
You were surprised at the weird sexual compliment he gave, but didn’t mention it, your mind focusing on his tongue roaming your mouth. You hummed when you felt his hand around his cock, pumping it just beneath your entrance. With a hand curled tightly on your hip, he slowly guided you, making you sink into him in one move.
Your mouth fell open at that moment; he reached new places within you in that position, and his previous play had left you more sensitive to every stimulation. Vegeta cursed under his breath against your lips, holding your hips as if his life depended on him, but he remained still. You were still a little sore from the night before, and the fact that he was still waiting for you to adjust to him warmed your heart. This man kept surprising you and you were a little confused if you were honest. But you weren’t going to complain if he kept giving you orgasms like you’ve never experienced before. 
After a few moments, you sat back, put your hands on his shoulders and rolled your hips slowly. His breath hitched when you started grinding down at a steady, experimental pace. Vegeta let you move at your own speed, his eyes trained on your face as you tried to find the right position to please yourself more. 
When you leaned your body forward, shifting and changing the angle, Vegeta bucked up, and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips. You saw the grin on his face immediately, and you didn’t want to miss the chance to wipe it off his face. You lifted your hips, almost pulling out completely, before sinking back down in one swift move. A guttural growl left his lips, his hands going towards your butt, holding onto you as you kept rocking your hips. 
When you started riding him, you fixed your eyes on his face. It was a nice view from your position, even if you would have preferred if he lied down. Vegeta’s eyes had closed when you started pushing your hips down onto his dick, and his lips were parted, small puffs of air leaving his mouth. He looked almost soft, and you smiled at the sight of this expression of his, especially under the circumstances, engraving it in your memory.
He opened his eyes then, looking right into yours before leaning in and licking up your neck. When he began nipping below your ear, just where the imprint of his finger was, a bruise from the night before, your rhythm faltered. You gasped, a shudder running through your body when he began sucking on that spot. 
Vegeta took this opportunity to grab at your butt, kneading it tightly just as he thrust up with calculated intent. You cried out, digging your fingers into his shoulders. He took full control then, lifting you up and pulling your hips down until you were flush with his waist. 
Having been abused by his fingers already, you felt heat begin pulsing in your tummy already. Your thighs were quivering as Vegeta kept rocking your hips back and forth on top of his dick. You clenched around him when he thrust up, his skin grazing your clit, your jaw going slack. 
“You’re getting tighter,” Vegeta breathed, pulling back to look at your face. “Are you going to come already?”
Your eyes fluttered open to look at his self satisfied expression, and you choked back a moan when you tried to reply just as he started bucking up at the same time he pulled your hips down, his cock hitting inside you just right. You slanted forward, resting your forehead against his, as he began a rough pace of thrusting upwards while moving your hips down onto his cock. Vegeta seemed to have the sole purpose of making you come, and when he sneaked one of his hands between your bodies to rub at your clit, you knew that was the case. 
You wouldn’t have been able to warn him about your impending orgasm even if you wanted to, the fierce movement of his hips leaving you at a loss for words. You dug your nails on his skin, wanting to last a little longer, especially since he seemed nowhere near close to his own climax. But before you knew it, you tipped over the edge, a long stuttered moan slipping from your lips as you saw stars behind your lids. Pleasure spread through your body, making it vibrate as you clung to his shoulder. 
Vegeta’s eyes remained fixed on your face as you came, but his moves didn’t let up, his thrusts faltering only a couple of times when you clenched around him, making him groan with a strained voice. Only when you let out a sob, shaking with aftershocks, did he slow down, the hand between your legs going to rest on your hip to squeeze your flesh there. 
You slumped forward, worn out from your orgasm, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your face in his neck. His tail wrapped around your waist, squeezing you tight and keeping you close to him. His lips were on your jaw, licking and nibbling at the skin there, his hands still kneading at your butt roughly. How could Vegeta last that long? Your work with your mouth earlier should have left him more sensitive, but the only sign that he might come at some point was the quiet grunts he let out against your neck every once in a while. 
Vegeta pulled away from your neck, dipping down to lick and pull at your nipple with his teeth. You whimpered, and slowly but steadily started feeling that warm feeling in your belly building up once more. When he bit at the curve of your breast, you whined again, tugging at his hair this time. 
“Should I stop to let you collect yourself?” Vegeta taunted, pulling away from you, suddenly slowing his treatment of your behind to an almost dead pace. “I thought you weren’t that weak, human.”
Damn him. Hadn’t you been so worked up already, you probably would have dared him to stop, to see who could even last longer without getting any. But in that moment, the only thing worse than Vegeta’s tortuous rhythm of his hips against yours was him stopping altogether. 
“Please, don’t…” You begged, voice coming out more high pitched than you intended. 
“Don’t what?” He teased, smirking up at you, as he deliberately pulled his dick almost all the way out.
You wailed, frustrated, trying to push your hips down, but his hold of you was too strong for you to even dare break it off. 
“Don’t stop! Please! Please!” You practically yelled, wiggling your lower body as much as he allowed you to. 
With a single thrust, he was already deep inside you again. You gasped, sure you felt him in your spine as he began his initial pace, ramming into you heatedly. Vegeta kept his grip on your butt, squeezing it desperately as he pulled you down onto him. 
“I like seeing you beg more than I thought I would.” Vegeta groaned, his breath becoming more ragged as his hips began stammering. 
“You’re an, ah… An asshole…” You whimpered, voice breathy from the exertion. 
He chuckled before pulling you flush against him with the help of his tail, kissing you hungrily before trailing his tongue down your jaw. You were moaning, loudly, when he sank his teeth into your neck, as his fingers dug into the skin of your butt. You were almost embarrassed of the noises you were making, mixing in and filling the room with the obscene wet smacks produced by his cock sliding in and out of you. They only seemed to spur Vegeta on though, his hips ramming into you violently. His moves turned sloppy after a beat, and when he started panting near your ear, you knew he was close. 
One of his hands sneaked in front of you and found your clit again, stroking it with his thumb with purposed intent. You whimpered weakly, your voice almost lost. You were going to come again, and you noticed Vegeta’s breathing becoming increasingly more ragged, just as his thrusts turned almost violent, hitting against you at an irregular pace.
You clung to him, trying to anchor yourself somehow, just in case he might decide to slow down or stop like he did a minute ago, though you knew he wouldn’t. He was close too, you could feel the muscles of his shoulders and jaw tensing, and the hand on your butt holding onto you like you might slip away. 
Your orgasm sent chills up your spine and made your vision turn white as soon as it hit you. You shivered, jaw going slack, overwhelmed with the intensity of having come twice in such a short period of time, as your walls inevitably clamped around his dick. 
Almost simultaneously, Vegeta reached his own climax, burying himself deep inside you, cock pulsing as he filled you up with cum. Through your haze, you heard him curse as he came, speaking to you in a low voice, but you didn’t register a single word, too far gone to even try. He pumped into you a couple more times, riding out his orgasm, making you sob and your entire body shake, almost on the edge of overstimulation.
You kept your body close to his, not even attempting to move, resting your head on his shoulder while both of you tried to catch your breath. Vegeta eased his grip off your butt, resting one hand there while his other traveled up your back, keeping you pressed flush to him. His tail, however, never let go of your waist.
It caught your attention that his lips were ghosting your neck, and that his fingers on your butt were slightly caressing your skin, he was barely moving them but you could feel them grazing you gently. You wondered briefly if Vegeta knew how soft those small gestures were.
Not wanting to dwell on those thoughts too much, at least not while he was still inside you, you pushed yourself off him, both of you groaning when he slipped out. Your legs were trembling weakly as you practically collapsed onto the bed beside him, facing up. 
Your butt was starting to ache a bit by how hard he had grabbed you, and your thighs still felt a little wobbly. You were pretty sure your voice would be hoarse tomorrow, not to mention that the soreness between your legs would still be there. And yet, that was still the best sex you ever had. Again. You would have slapped yourself in the face in disbelief if only it didn’t mean you would have to move. 
You eyed Vegeta curiously. He had slid down so he was resting right beside you, he was breathing normally again, and his eyes were closed. He looked unbelievably serene; his brows weren’t furrowed, lacking its usual stern look, and his skin was glowing with sweat. Your heart fluttered at how attractive he looked. You still didn’t dare to attempt to snuggle up to him, you were satisfied with the small gestures he unconsciously had towards you. It was still wild that he had shown up a second time. 
He must have noticed you were staring at him, because he opened his eyes to glance at you from the corner of his eye. 
“Why are you staring, woman?” Vegeta asked, though his voice lacked the usual hostility in it.
“Why did you come back?” You pondered on whether or not you should ask him that, but figured if he didn’t want to answer he simply wouldn’t. He’d probably won’t come back if he was truly annoyed by anything you’d say.
“Are you complaining?” His brows furrowed, like he was confused, or even sulking.
“Not at all, I just… didn’t expect you to show up again.”
“I enjoyed our… meeting last night. If you were still willing, I wanted to visit again.” Vegeta eyed you up and down briefly before speaking again. “And fortunately, you were more than willing.”
You flushed under his gaze, slightly taken aback by everything he was confessing. You were unsure about how to reply, so you simply told him the truth.
“Yeah, I… I had fun today too.”
Vegeta smirked, eyes darkening as he looked over at you again, taking his time to take in the sight of your naked body. You blushed more profoundly, but remained quiet. His eyes lingered on your thigh, and you followed his gaze towards the biggest bruise on your thigh, the one he had traced with his fingers earlier. 
“It doesn’t hurt that much.” You reassured him, remembering the gleam of guilt in his eyes you briefly saw.
He raised an eyebrow, like he was unsure of why you were telling him that, as if you hadn’t told him before that you actually liked being marked up. His hand reached for you, and his fingers softly caressed your thigh as he inched closer.
“I can try to be gentle.”
You looked at Vegeta with eyes like plates. Was he actually saying those words? He looked completely serious, but those words didn’t sound like him at all. His hand slid upwards towards your hip, and he effortlessly turned your body so you were lying on your side, as he settled behind you, your back pressed against his chest.
“But I’m not done with you yet.”
You gasped when you felt his erection poking your butt. 
“Are you an animal?! How can you be hard again already?!” You turned your head to look at him, completely astonished, though you couldn’t ignore the way your insides turned in excitement.
Vegeta fixed his gaze on you, the cockiest smile you’ve ever seen on his face, as lust overtook his eyes. 
“You said you weren’t that weak, but maybe Saiyan stamina is too much for you, human.”
The son of a bitch was taunting you, the tone in his voice making it that much obvious. His hand on your hip traveling towards your center and settling in your lower belly made it hard for you to focus, your body already anticipating another delightful endeavor, no matter that ache was starting to set in certain places. 
“If you want me to stop, I’ll stop.” Vegeta spoke against your ear, voice low and almost velvet like; a tone you hadn’t heard from him before. That’s how you knew he meant it, this time he wasn’t teasing you.
A moment, a longer moment to compose yourself would be nice. If he were to push himself inside you again, while your body still retained fresh memories of your last orgasm, you weren’t sure how or even if you would be able to stand on your feet tomorrow (especially with how he had handled your ass, sitting down was going to be a nuisance).
However, you still wanted him. 
You weren’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse that Vegeta was always hot and hard and eager for you. But as long as it was still a possibility, you weren’t going to deny him. 
“No,” You replied, turning to look at him, pushing your ass back against him at the same time. “Like I said, I’m not that weak.”
Vegeta hummed when you kissed him, obviously pleased by your words. 
You were surprised when you felt his tail wrapped around your thigh, hoisting it up, before his hand settled in between your legs, running his fingers over your entrance. You wailed, still sensitive and very much wet from both your release and his cum. Vegeta shifted behind you, aligning himself better before pushing his cock inside you again. You gasped, feeling so full once more, heat stirring in your belly. 
You were vaguely aware that your loneliness was making you crave him. And by the little insight you had on Vegeta, you could assume that he felt the same. Even at times when you saw little gleams in his eyes of certain emotions, you could tell he was craving something. Maybe he didn’t even know it himself. But that was fine with you, he would obviously never bring up any emotion other than desire in a conversation, and neither would you.
Just fucking each other to alliviate whatever emptiness or boredom you two felt was enough. You kissed him again, throwing your arm behind you to tangle your fingers in his hair, just as he started thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace.
Vegeta should have felt insulted that you fell asleep so easily after the fact. Did you not have any sense of self preservation? He could snap his fingers and you’d be dead in a second, you wouldn’t even notice. He wasn’t going to hurt you but you didn’t know that. Though it was evident that it wasn’t in his plans when he had been close to you multiple times and the only harm he had done was burying his cock inside you while you were still sore, but you had basically asked him to do it, so technically it didn’t count.
On the other hand, he was proud he had basically reduced you to a mumbling mess when you came for the last time, your body shivering and whispering words that made no sense, wearing you out so much you practically passed out afterwards. He did catch you moaning his name, in fractured syllables, but it was no doubt his name on your lips.
You had hummed, contently, smiling at him before drifting off, just as Vegeta snorted. He was pushing the limits on how much he could take from you until you decided that it was enough, that you at least needed a break to recover. 
He would have loved to think that that was the last time he would show up at your door. But he knew himself. Vegeta caved once, twice, and he simply knew he would keep coming back for more. Your presence did soothe whatever curiosity he had prior to the affair, but now that he had tasted you, if anything it had only made that initial feeling grow bigger still. He wanted to know what more could you offer, was there a limit to the times he could have you? The way you moaned his name sounded the same every time, yet at the same time, it didn’t. Even being inside you felt different every time, warm and tight, but different. He didn’t know how to explain it, and he was glad he didn’t have to verbalize it because he would be at a loss of words.
After you fell asleep, Vegeta laid beside you for a while, very much awake. You were curled up right beside him, not touching him but close enough that he felt warmth radiating from your body. For a brief second, he considered staying and sleeping in that bed with you. Maybe he could even have his way with you in the morning once more. If you’d let him.
Vegeta huffed, annoyed at himself, and got up, gathering his clothes and putting them on. Women, sex, had never distracted him from his missions or getting stronger. Now, not only was the goddamn training room inoperable, but there was still a week until they reached their destination. And, after that was done, it was the whole trip back. He was angry if he was honest, but it didn’t compare to the anticipation he felt about coming back to that very room the next night, and the night after that. 
Running a hand down his face, Vegeta didn’t recognize himself. He could still blame his actions on pure lust, which wasn’t untrue. But if that was the only reason, he wasn’t sure he would have come back after the first night. And he sure as hell wouldn’t have considered sleeping in the same bed you slept in. Saiyans slept alone, and with good reason. Every single being was at its most vulnerable when they slept. Unless they were in a combat zone, in which case one slept while an ally watched the other’s back; Saiyans slept alone. 
Every thought running through his mind was overwhelming. Vegeta took a glance at your sleeping form when he was about to leave. 
For all the times he had lay with a woman, it was never like this. And it was maddening he couldn’t decipher why. It was like you were close to him without actually knowing anything about him. You had touched his tail. And he had let you. And after that night, he would let you do almost anything you wanted to him.
You were dangerous. He couldn’t reach any other conclusion. 
Even when a voice inside him was telling him not to leave, his brain was telling him to never set foot in that room again. Walking outside the hall and closing the door behind him, he had at least listened to his mind when he told him to get out of there. But that would probably be the only time he did. He knew he would be coming back the next night. 
His anger had mellowed out at the prospect of being with you again soon, and with a long sigh, Vegeta walked away.
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the-werdna · 1 month
Title: Robcina Week Day 7 - Free Day
Description: After two years apart, Robin and Lucina have been reunited following the tactician's sacrifice to kill Grima for good. But so wrapped up in their reunion, Robin had forgotten the pain he'd put his wife through.
Notes: Takes place after the end of Awakening, after the events of Chapter 65 of Love Across Time and just before Chapter 1 of that same story
Words: 737
"Lucina, you know you don't have to hold onto my hand all day, right?" Robin asked, turning his head to look at the beautiful princess pressed close at his side. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise," he added, laughing softly as his wife continued to cling to his hand all the more fervently.
"Nope. I shall not," she murmured in reply, nuzzling her head against his shoulder.
"Mhmmm. Why is that?" Robin asked
"So I can ensure you're still here," Lucina answered. She lifted her head, peering up at him with glimmering azure eyes. "Now that I have you back, I don't intend to let you out of my sight."
Oh. Robin cursed himself inwardly, realizing at once just how flippant he was being. It had been only a couple of hours since Chrom had found him in the same field he'd first woken up in years before. Mere hours since the tear-filled reunions with his wife and his friends. He'd been so wrapped up in it that he'd almost forgotten. Forgotten that while for him it seemed as though no time had passed, for her, it had been two long, painful years.
"I-I'm sorry. I… I'm being inconsiderate, aren't I?" He grimaced, taking his turn to squeeze her hand back. He had to reassure her that he was there and wasn't going to leave and put her through that all over again.
"It's okay," Lucina assured him, flashing a gentle smile. She reached over, placing her free hand on his arm. "You came back to me. That's all that matters."
"I'm glad too, it's just… I should have been more considerate. Since I've been here I've barely considered what you must have gone through." He gave her hand another squeeze, his voice falling into a faint whisper. "You deserve better from me than that."
"Robin I…" she trailed off, her eyes misting up as she gazed at him. "I did miss you terribly." She squeezed his hand tighter. "I don't blame you for what happened. You were just doing what you believed was right. But I… I just don't know if I could bear to go through that again."
"Hey, Lucina, don't worry, okay? I am here now. As you said, that's what matters, right?" Robin assured her, trying his best to smile as confidently as he could.
"Yes… yes, you're right." She sniffed, bringing a smile of her own to her lips. Tilting her head, she dabbed to her face to draw away the wetness from her eyes. She rested her head back against his shoulder, murmuring, "It's just like you told me back then. That you'd be there at my side no matter-"
Lucina stopped suddenly, bolting upright. A laugh fell from her throat, and Robin was surprised to find a look of wonder on her face. "Gods, Robin, I just realized. Your promise. When we visited Bathrealm, you told me you'd stay with me no matter what. That even if you died, you'd come back. And you did. You came back."
"I-" he frowned, the realization hitting him. He had done that, just like he'd promised back then. Maybe that was how he managed to claw his way back to life. What better motivation than to keep a promise to the one you love? "Huh, I suppose I did." He said, his frown turning to a grin as it fully sunk in. "I did say that, didn't I? That it was my job to pull off the impossible. And I did, thanks to you. Because you were my motivation, Lucina. I had to keep my promise to you."
Lucina laughed too, nuzzling her head close to the crook of his neck. "Robin?" She asked at last.
"I truly am blessed to have found you in my life. Thank you for being here for me, by my side.'"
Robin blinked. It seemed like it was his turn to tear up. "Lucina?"
"I can't accept your thanks. Because… I should be the one thanking you. I love you, more than anything in this world. If not for you, not for your love, I couldn't have done any of this. Without you being here, I don't think I could have come back." Leaning down, Robin kissed her softly on the lips. "No matter what happens, I'm here now, and I'm never letting go ever again."
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madegeeky · 5 months
Let me preface this by saying, no one got hurt and nothing else caught fire which is alarming to hear, I know, but less alarming than me just blurting out:
So our dishwasher caught fire last week. >.<
We were running it early. I was in the living room (which is right next to the kitchen) and Mr. Geeky was in the kitchen. We had turned the dishwasher on earlier than normal because it kept getting stuck at specific part in the cycle and we wanted to see it happen.
So, suddenly from the living room, I hear a pop/crack noise and a "oh shit" and a cabinet being slammed open and an absolutely horrific smell of burning plastic and Mr. Geeky comes out of the kitchen and goes "The dishwasher caught fire." And I was just like O.o
And he's not being dramatic, he was far enough away he could see a little under the dishwasher and there were literal flames. Luckily, the dishwasher has a kill switch so he turned it off immediately (its in the cabinet under the sink which is why there was the sound of the cabinet being slammed open).
It smelled awful, y'all. Fortunately, we were leaving for my Mom's the next day so we popped a window open, stuck a fan in it pointing outward, and put some mats and towels around it so any rain/snow wouldn't end up on the wood and left.
We got back yesterday and, good news, we no longer want to die going into the kitchen. Bad news, there is still definitely a smell despite it being a week. We've removed any melted/burnt parts we've can and have tried scrubbing the parts we can't removed to try to get off any extra burnt bits we can.
I am hopeful that the smell is coming from the dishwasher so once that is removed (later this week) the smell will be gone entirely. My fear is the smell has gotten into the walls or the floor in a place that will be impossible to get to once the new dishwasher is installed. And they are removing the old and installing the new one at the same time (which makes sense).
So later today I'm going to go sniffing around and see if I can smell it particularly strongly on the wall or something. Since the smell is coming from the bottom of the dishwasher there's not much point to trying to smell the floor but I'll probably still try anyway.
Y'all, it seems weird to say this, but we were so lucky. We normally turn the dishwasher on right before we go to bed (so it runs while we sleep) and we usually turn on the dishwasher right before leave to my Mom's (so it runs with our last minute dishes after we leave). We only had it on cause it was acting just a little wonky and we wanted to be there to see what was happening.
Mr. Geeky says that it wouldn't have caused a huge fire or anything but holy shit, y'all, can you imagine waking up or coming home to whatever the fuck it would have been like if Mr. Geeky hadn't been there to put it out within seconds of it happening?
So I guess salute to the universe for being cool enough that if this was going to happen, making sure it happened while we were here and awake.
And huge fucking salute to Mr. Geeky for having the fucking reflexes of a ninja cause I don't think it took even 10 seconds for him to see the fire and then turning off the dishwasher.
Anyway, cross your fingers that the smell is only in the dishwasher and leaves when it's removed.
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scarletsaphire · 8 months
Tucker enters an inventing competition with his newly finished Ghost Suppressor. Unfortunately, the non-Amity Park judges don't recognize its value until they see first hand just how helpful it is.
Ectoberhaunt day 9: robot
"A three out of ten?" Tucker said in shock, looking down at the paper the judge had handed to him. "Why is it a three out of ten?" Tucker looked up at the judge, whose face was stone cold. "You all said it yourself, it's the best feat of underage engineering this contest had ever seen!"
"While it may look technically impressive," the judge snuffed. "...it is completely impossible to verify your claims. Furthermore, it does not fill the brief."
"It totally fills the brief!" Tucker protested. "I use this thing, like, every day back home!"
"I'm sorry, but I fail to see how you could possibly use a 'ghost suppressor' every day," the judge replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other entries to score. Ones that actually meet the qualifications."
Tucker gripped the paper with his score on it almost hard enough to tear it. "Dumb non-Amity Parkers. Don't understand just how useful this thing is." He turned back around to the "Ghost Suppressor" he'd entered into the contest. Tucker had first built it from one of the Fenton's Specter Deflector's; it was a useful device, but its electric shocks and limited range made it much less user friendly. Especially when that user happened to be a physically inactive best friend of a half ghost. His new and improved Ghost Suppressor was able to detect ghosts in a radius, and dissuade ghosts from using their abilities through a much more humane means: obnoxious, remixed, Box Ghost declarations of fear. (It did not work against the Box Ghost himself, but that was ok. No one needed help dealing with good ol' Boxy.)
He'd brought the Ghost Suppressor (her name was Rebecca) with him to school to show off to Danny and Sam, but Tucker's long term friendship with Danny had infected him with the terrible Fenton luck. Skulker had decided that that was a wonderful time to bust through the wall during lunch, activating the Ghost Suppressor in front of the entire student body. And the lunch lady. And half of the teachers. 
Luckily, it had been highly effective! (Danny transforming to lead Skulker away may have been an additional deterrent, but there were definitely a number of statements about that "infernal cardboard cretin sticking his nose where it didn't belong" so Tucker counted it as a win.) His invention had been effective enough, in fact, that Mr. Falluca had immediately started bombarding him with questions, the main one being "Would you be interested in joining a highly competitive statewide robotics competition?"
Tucker's answer had originally been a resounding "No." After he heard that there was one hundred dollars of prize money on the line, along with an all expense paid vacation during the school week? Tucker simply had his priorities in check. 
Which led him here, to the Illinois's capital, Springfield, at the Junior Inventors Competition, getting his incredibly helpful invention absolutely ribbed on by uneducated judges who didn't have to deal with ghost attacks at least twice a day. Tucker picked up the Ghost Suppressor, which looked a little bit like a radio, and turned it around in his hands. "I'm sorry that they don't see your talent, Rebecca. You deserved more than this." He sniffed and wiped away a tear. "We both did."
Rebecca flickered to life, and the beginning beats of Tucker's own remixed track "Fear Me!" started to play. Tucker looked down at it in shock for a moment, before looking around the large building frantically. Rebecca wouldn't act up on him for no reason. Somewhere, there was a ghost. 
The wall only a few feet away from Tucker's booth was blown away in a shower of splinters and debris. Luckily for him, it wasn't one of the more subtle ghosts. That would've been a pain to deal with. 
"Behold! The master of all things wired, Technus, is here!" In fact, it was one of the least subtle ghosts Tucker had ever had the misfortune of meeting. Most of the crowd began  to panic, running wildly towards exits and under tables. It had been a long time since Tucker had seen such a complete failure of ghost attack evacuation techniques. Most people in Amity Park had it down to a science, when they evacuated at all. It wasn't uncommon for the more common, less harmful ghosts to be dealt with by anyone. (Boxy, for example.)
Over the sound of the panicking crowds, Technus continued his monologue in normal Technus fashion. "The Great Technus heard through his extensive network that there was to be a gathering of all of the greatest technology created by the youngest geniuses of your time! When I heard that such a technological treasure trove was gathered here, I knew what I had to do! I, Technus, must become master of it all and integrate it into my already expansive collection! Now, cower before the might of-"
Technus's already loud and obnoxious voice was drowned out by the familiar sound of an even louder, more obnoxious voice, this time with some mediocre dubstep behind it. Rebecca had finally made it to the beat drop of "Fear Me."
Technus turned from his place in the air to meet Tucker's eyes. Tucker waved. Technus sighed. "I see that I was not the only technology wizard who heard of this place. And I see you brought that... thing with you." 
Tucker didn't bother trying to yell over the sound of Rebecca. Technus might have the special ghost gene of "yell really loud" that they all seemed to have, but Tucker didn't. Instead he just nodded.
"I fail to see why you would want to bring a reminder of that crazy cardboard caretaker with you everywhere, but I get enough of him in the Zone. I'm certain that there will be another chance for I, Technus, to amass this technology when I am not haunted at every step by that ." Technus shuddered, then turned invisible, presumably flying out of the hole in the wall he had made and back to Amity Park.
The remaining panicked people began to calm down, with many of them turning to stare at Tucker in various states of awe, confusion, and fear. One of these individuals was the judge, who had taken refuge from the attack (Tucker was hesitant to call it that, honestly) underneath the neighboring booth. 
"So, now that you've had a live demonstration, would you care to reevaluate my point total?" Tucker asked, holding Rebecca out in front of him with a smile. He couldn't wait to show his parents the first place ribbon he was about to win. 
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deardiary17 · 8 months
AO3 or below the cut.
Chapter Summary: Rose has a bit of a breakdown. Joan alerts John. John tries his very best to cheer Rose up. Fluff, romance. What else is new?
Author's notes: Hello! Thank you all for your marvellous reviews and for your support. I appreciate it immensely. Sorry for such a long update. I'm going through a very, very dark period at the moment, and believe it or not, my eyes still bother me, I've been jumping from doctor to doctor. I'm scared and anxious, but I've decided to take a short break and wrote this chapter. Sending love! Hope you like it. P.S.: in the ‘Carnations’ universe, the Doctor had to hide for more than three months. There’s no reason for that besides me wanting it to be so.
John was surprised to see Joan standing at his classroom’s door after the bell rang, and the boys scattered away, happy to be free for the day.
“Mrs. Redfern,” he acknowledged politely, worried about her presence. Was she there to inform him about Rose’s health? Did she turn for the worse in the few hours he wasn’t by her side?
Damnation! John frowned, sniffed angrily, and turned his attention back to Joan, expecting worrying news.
Oh, God. He wouldn’t survive it if something happened to Rose. His heart was out of its place already, his mind restless with the thoughts of her ailment. He knew that these days the flu wasn’t as serious as, say, thirty years ago, but people still died from complications here and there. And Rose wasn’t surrounded by the best professionals at school, either. While John respected Joan’s position and medical knowledge, she wasn’t the most experienced practitioner both because of the town’s location and because of her sex. She wasn’t allowed to study as much as male doctors did, and there were only two of them in town.
Maybe he ought to send for one of the doctors to take a look at Rose. It might offend Joan’s feelings, true, but Rose’s wellbeing was more important than Joan’s pride.
For a fleeting moment, John wished he had something better, something more modern and quickly-working, a hospital room of his own with equipment so advanced…
Like the Doctor did. From his dreams. From the 'Journal of Impossible Things' , as John himself named it, hidden at the bottom of his travelling bag.
He didn't want anyone to see it, not even the maids who'd never dare to rummage through his personal belongings.
It was his dreams and his secret to keep.
John scoffed at his thoughts. Silly, fanciful things!
Rose needed real help, not wild fantasies.
“What is it, Mrs. Redfern?” he asked, growing more distressed by a second. “Is Miss Tyler worse?”
He hoped, he prayed she wasn’t.
A coal of jealousy started to burn inside Joan at that moment, but she suppressed the tiny flame with her professionalism.
John wasn’t hers to moon over, it was clear as the day, and she certainly was grown and wise enough to not start an ugly competition for his attention.
Miss Tyler, it seemed, was the only one on John Smith’s mind ever since they arrived at school on the same day.
And what a strange day that was.
Joan’s woolgathering was interrupted by John’s worried voice.
“Mrs. Redfern? Just how bad is Rose?” he asked, clutching his mortar hat in-between his fingers. The knuckles were white from the pressure. “Should we s…what should we do? Is there any other medication we could send for?” Joan started at the man’s quick, worried manner of speech.
Head over the heels for Rose, he was.
Joan pursed her lips at John’s clipped tone. She hoped he wasn’t implying that Joan’s knowledge wasn’t enough to treat a thing as trivial as the flu, and in a person as young and vivacious as Rose.
“Mr. Smith,” she took him down a peg, “I assure you that Miss Tyler is in capable hands and is doing well considering the strain of the flu.” John had the decency to look chastened, at least, but Joan could sense the underlying worry in his body language. She took pity on him; after all, the object of his love, Miss Rose, hadn’t been feeling well for the past few days.
“What’s the matter, then?” John asked, still not quite looking her in the eyes.
“Miss Tyler…while she seems to not be worse physically, I believe that she is in low spirits. Just this afternoon, after you’d left, Miss Rose had cried herself to sleep.”
The broken-hearted expression on Mister Smith’s face was heartbreaking enough for Joan to offer an extra hour - maybe an extra hour and a half - for John to spend with Miss Rose after the curfew.
“You’d allow this, Mrs. Redfern?” the man asked, his face brightening like that of a little child’s who’d been offered the toy of his dreams for Christmas.
“It’s only wise to raise Miss Rose’s spirits so that her health doesn’t deteriorate any further,” Joan said, sniffing gently, being very serious. 
John started to nod enthusiastically, taking Joan’s recommendation to heart.
“Yes, yes, you’re quite right, Matron. I…” he hesitated, twisted his mortar hat in his hands, half-anxious, half-excited. “Thank you so much. I will do my best to gladden Miss Tyler. Thank you!”
And with these words and a luminous smile, John Smith disappeared down the teachers’ quarters’ hall.
“Knock-knock? Miss Rose? Can I come in?” John leaned onto the doorway in the infirmary, sticking his head into the room.
His hearts - heart! - damnation, what was it with him and saying this word in plural , twinged painfully in his chest upon seeing Rose’s swollen, bloodshot eyes and the tip of her nose red.
Bundled into the numerous sheets and blankets, with her hair ruffled and out of the braid, Rose looked like a tiny bird that fell out of its nest.
She looked adorable and impossibly fragile at the same time, and John was stricken by how young and vulnerable she looked with her face bare; with no kohl around her eyes, no blush on her cheeks and no coating on her eyelashes.
Rose looked so different from how John had pictured in his dreams.
He shook his head, irritated at his scattered thoughts. It was about Miss Rose and her wellbeing and happiness and not about his outlandish night visions.
Mercifully, Rose didn’t comment on the intermission. She, however, gladdened him with a tremulous smile, even if it didn’t reach her eyes. 
“Mister Smith! How were your lessons? Did you have time for dinner?” she asked, happy to see him, but puzzled nonetheless. It was dinnertime, and all of the teachers and students were in the dining room now, in the middle of the second course. 
Did John skip the meal just to be there with her?
Rose felt her lower lip tremble. No, no. No! She won’t be crying again, not in front of him. She’d just barely proven to him that she was nothing like the sugar-like ladies of high society, that she wasn’t fragile or simple-minded, that she didn’t need to be cared for as if she was unable to take care of herself. That she was as capable as any man around, and that she didn’t need to be coddled.
Well…not always.
Rose honestly wouldn't mind a bit of coddling now, in this backwater time, when she was feeling utterly shit-like.
When she had been Doctor-less for more than three months. 
And so, she welcomed John’s hovering, and she was mightily happy he came that evening.
Even if Rose was sure that the evidence of her ‘runny nose’ was still visible on her face.
Rose must’ve looked like a right mess. No matter how crafty she tried to be with her tiny breakdown, it didn’t work. Even Joan was softer and kinder to her after John’s leaving and Rose’s consequential pity party.
Rose’s shoulders dropped when she understood the reason for John’s appearance.
She must’ve told John about Rose’s moment of weakness, and he immediately worked himself into a state of worry.
Dear man, Rose thought affectionately. As worried about her as the Doctor would be, if not more: after all, John Smith didn’t have the best medical equipment in the world at hand, as the Doctor did.
And that caused him to worry too much.
“How’re you feeling, Miss Rose?” he asked, and he looked a bit guilty. 
Rose couldn’t understand why. Maybe it was because of what Joan told him. Was he feeling guilty for ‘intruding’ on her now in the evening?
Well, she couldn’t have that!
And so, she sniffed as quietly as possible, tried to straighten out her appearance - it was a lost cause, really, then smiled warmly at the man in the doorway.
“Better, thank you, Mister Smith!” Rose replied, truly feeling better after seeing him.
“Hm,” he let out, still standing near the door, rolling back and forth on his feet awkwardly. Rose reached out and dragged the chair next to her bed a bit closer, patting the seat invitingly.
John immediately jumped at the opportunity. He walked to the chair she’d pulled, rearranged a package in his hands and plopped down on the seat, not caring about crumpling his suit.
Rose held back a smile. “What is that?” she asked, pointing at the package.
“Oh! That!” he exclaimed, suddenly excited. “This is something to cheer you up. I know you don’t feel much better, Miss Rose,” John admonished gently, “and I was tol…and something tells me that you’re putting on a great act.”
Rose huffed and rolled her eyes. She wasn’t afraid of scandalising John anymore, not with her antics.
“Well, I didn’t lie when I said that I felt better upon seeing you,” she said playfully, tucking her chin into her shoulder.
John’s cheeks were tinted pink now.
“Miss Rose, you…”
He didn’t sound hurt or insulted, if anything, he looked positively pleased with her words.
Rose pitied the man and didn’t let him suffer any further.
“So, what’s that? Is it for me?” she asked, a bit rudely.
Well, the Doctor wasn’t the only one who was allowed to be rude, was he?
John looked stunned for a moment or two, obviously shocked by her cheeky behaviour. 
Then he pulled himself together, closing his mouth with a comic ‘snap!’, and went to unfold the brown paper on the package. 
“These,” he mumbled, distracted, “are from the wife of the professor who once worked here. You’ve got so many beautiful dresses, and I thought…” he trailed off, uncertain, and tugged on his ear nervously.
Rose’s heart twitched painfully upon seeing such a Doctor-like gesture.
She wondered how much of John was what the Doctor wanted to be, but couldn’t.
“Oh, these are lovely!” she cried, trying to dissolve the awkwardness, but her enthusiasm wasn’t fake. 
The old, mid-19th century fashion magazines in John’s hands were truly a treat, even if they differed from Rose’s usual gossip magazines. She missed “Hello” dearly…Rose took one of the magazines, the 1860s one, it seemed, and smiled at the dress she saw on one of the pages.
“Awww, look. I…my mum used to have one like this, only the back was a bit less…big,” she pointed to the page where a fashion plate was drawn. Truly, the dress looked a lot like the one she was wearing to the Cardiff trip with her first Doctor.
She still remembered his half-hidden compliment.
It meant so much to her that he of all people considered her that - beautiful.
Even if he was a jerk about it then, trying to joke about her being pretty enough for a human.
Rose sighed dreamily, tracing the picture with the tips of her fingers. 
John was looking at her intently, worried at the sad sigh. Miss Rose’s eyes went misty, as if she remembered something fondly, something that had long been gone.
Now, that didn’t sound like he was cheering her up.
John cleared his throat, properly nervous now, and wanted to pull out his journal but chickened out at the last moment. He gently placed a small paper rose onto Miss Rose’s lap instead.
And watched with great happiness as her lips widened in a bright smile.
She looked at him then, from beneath her slightly damp fringe, and her eyes sparkled enticingly, making his heart tremble in his chest.
God, how elated he was for having placed that smile on her face after so many gloomy days.
Miss Rose traced the lines of the origami rose with the tips of her fingers delicately as if it was a real flower.
“Did you make it?” she asked, her voice soft, surprised.
“Uhm,” John stuttered, then nodded when his own voice betrayed his nervousness. “A bit of a hobby on the side. A bit…childish and maybe a bit fanciful, but there’s not much to do when sleep evades me at nights,” he confessed.
“I think it’s lovely. Thank you. I love it,” Miss Rose replied and stroked the paper petals pensively. Then she perked up, looking anxious.
“Are you having trouble sleeping? Is it…” she wavered, biting her lower lip, “are you having nightmares? Or are you sick, too?” 
There was so much worry in her words, John marvelled, and he was quick to reassure her.
“Miss Rose,” he said, then hesitated and started again. “Rose, I’m okay. It just seems to me that I need less sleep than normal humans do. Ha!” he chuckled for good measure, trying to dissipate her worried thoughts. “I’m very healthy, and you, madam, shouldn’t be worried about anyone’s health but yours!” 
John supported his last words with a playful wiggle of his index finger.
Miss Rose pursed her lips. Her shoulders fell from her ears, signifying the end of her worries, but she still looked somehow tense. “You’d still tell me if you were unwell, wouldn’t you?” she asked, pleading with her eyes.
John sighed, slightly frustrated at her being so stressed over nothing, but nodded and smiled. “I promise you would be the first person to know, Rose. And stop worrying now, I was serious - you shouldn’t be concerned about anything but yourself getting better.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” the blonde joked, and John grinned, pleased at her antics.
Finally, Miss Rose that he knew!
And Miss Rose that he knew, he knew, would never judge his mad dreams and even madder adventures. If anything, she’d be as fascinated with them as he himself was. It was true that he also felt guilty for the unnatural, ungodly ideas that chased his nights, and God forbid any of the staff, let alone the headmaster, learned of John’s deviant ideas.
He’d be sent packing from the establishment immediately, and there would be no hope of employment in the future.
Not by Miss Rose, however. Surely, not by her. If anything, she would be the one chased away with him, his faithful accomplice, laughing freely, unreserved, unbothered by manners, and he would be yelling ‘Allons-y!’ on their way to their magical blue box.
John smiled, and his smile was so bright and enthusiastic that Rose immediately smiled back, although she looked a bit puzzled at his mood change.
And so, he finally gathered his courage and took the leather-bound journal out of his jacket’s pocket.
“Would you like to see something as wild and fanciful as you are, Miss Rose?” he teased, gentle. He wanted to make her smile, to see that infectious grin, but he was still so afraid of acting non-gentlemanly and offending Miss Rose.
Much to John’s relief, Rose gave him a tongue-touched smile - quite scandalous, really, and outstretched her hands for the journal.
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