#and missing it tbh….hey Marvel…how much do you want for that to become a more regular thing????
age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2023), #4.
Writers: Taboo and B. Earl; Artist and Colorist: Juan Ferreyra; Letterer: Travis Lanham
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knowlessman · 1 year
bonko no honko I ran out of good jokes a long time agodemia (bnha)(if I ever had any) s3e1-3
(I forgot about the prequel minisodes but I'm already here, maybe I'll watch them later idk)
ooh this OP's got a pi-aner in it. I dig it. some of the opening bits sort of reminded me of homest - why is bakugo swole wtaf
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(void teleport business slenderfrend watching all might on tv) patrick star: I hate this channel -- why IS slendervoid so fucking dapper tho
"worst character? worst-character-in-training?"
…"Vlad" has orc fangs instead of vamp fangs : \ huh
there's that "be a fuck[bleep]ng superstar" thing again. it's so jarring every time -- (going down the list of all of Class A's quirks) …like, yes, we do know all these things already, and it is recycled footage, but I'm not finding that I mind it -- I knew they weren't gonna do the same for Class B's but. I mean. idk
"you said you were gonna use the pool for endurance training, right?" already hovering finger over the right arrow key -- breaking news: anime school has girl's swimsuits that are actual clothes. granted, figures it'd only be for a joke
guy with literal jet engines in his legs: hey, who wants to do a race? -- oh come on, none of you are even touching the water -- iida you fuck 'XD I thought you were the rules guy
(flashback) the bit where deku says "you haven't put a single scratch on me yet" when all of his fingers are broken and todoroki is at full health is still fucking hilarious tbh -- (still flashbacks) "I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked" also still reminds me of that "do you have ANY IDEA how little that narrows it down" meme -- yes, yes, you're all protagonists, this is a recap episode huh
"don't hold back on me, half n half!" "okay" freezes bakugo and deku and wins easily -- (eraserhead butts in) hehehehehehehe -- ("pool's closed, go home") aw dammit, I wanted him to make them do the last race legit 'XD
…has this show been doing these Marvel-ass after-credits scenes this whole time? …well, hopefully it doesn't mean I've been missing any needed context when I didn't watch the credits all the way through
"what, Class A is taking extra classes? did you fail? did you fail?" oh shut up Ditto, I gave up liking you ages ago
who is this Charlie-Brown-side-character looking mfer, what's their deal 'XD
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uh…… huh. well, the Jellicles have arrived.
who's the grumpy kid who looks like he wandered in from Bleach. …or Digimon. idfk. he their manager? is he hiding cat ears under that hat?
(wonders something, checks the dub) aw, I can't even comment on what they translated God Explosion Murder (you know, that guy who got kidnapped by the slime monster)'s catchphrase to in English because if I type it here FB will ban me : [ (also I'm too lazy to change these much before posting em to tumblr regardless of what order I do em in)
am here for action banjo I guess
kaminari that thing is literally made of dirt, it couldn't be any more obviously Ground-type wtf
…o-kay. mineta gets a new friend in superhell tier I guess
wheeeeeze 'XD what the fuck, I can't - what - why? fuckin' brat just punched mr nice guy in the balls -- guy whose sole defining trait is bullying deku: "heh, he reminds me of me"
"hey kota, can you bring those vegetables? they have a sticker on them that says Vegetables in English, but don't look at it too closely, you'll get a headache" what did the artist(s?) think we were gonna think was in that box anyway?
ugh, not hot springs, we just did this gag
deku looks pretty darn normal when his head isn't on an anatomy figure : |
yooo, class b's here too, hellyeah
(going through how everybody is trying to level up their powers) all choji and hagukure have to do is hide and seek, huh. all this support tech and all and they still haven't invented anything hagukure can, idk, wear or use that's as invisible as she is or that can become invisible?
swolecat might be okay
secret hideout? isn't that just the cave where they had tokoyami doing his crona-ragnarok training? -- (camera pans to show a hole in the cliff) is kota a cognate for kyle? also is that meme still funny? idk
literally a cenobite. who let clive barker into the writing room, this is a family show. …that occasionally says "fuck" in the background.
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dancing boy is waiting for a full party
why does it not surprise me that bakugo's apparently good at cutlery. he probably says "die" in his head as he chops
("bravery test" game thingy) …yeah no I'd better not even try to understand this one, I still haven't gotten around to googling what a cavalry battle is -- "revelry in the dark" kthx sasuke allen poe or wever
'XD they passed up the opportunity to pair bakugo with deku and decided to stick him with half n half instead
is it zombies again. or midnight. -- oh, it's dancing boy making a move. hm.
no after-credits scene this time, only spoilers. maybe it's only for first and last episodes of a season, who knows.
got stuff tomorrow. …I think. stoppin here for now.
0 notes
kindahoping4forever · 3 years
I Want Your Midnights // Ashton Irwin
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Happy 2021 everyone! Thank you to everyone who feverishly (yet politely) requested a follow-up to Under The Christmas Lights; those holiday fics were really fun but kind of a lark and I didn’t expect that any of them would get that kind of reaction! I hope this continuation lives up to your expectations. 
Big, big thanks to @cal-puddies​​ for setting me back on the right path more than once while I was writing this - I honestly gave up about halfway through and she (lovingly) refused to let me give up so if you enjoy reading this, it’s because of her tbh.  
Warnings: Equal parts fluff, banter and smut, mentions of quarantine, frantic resolution of sexual tension, protected sex within a new relationship, references to consensual voyeurism, masturbation and oral sex on a male, oral sex performed on a female, discussion of and use of sex toys, single joking use of the word “Daddy”
Word Count: 5675
Hoe For The Hoe-lidays Masterlist
Masterlist // Taglist and Ko-Fi linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
11:29pm, December 30
“So we really overestimated our self-control skills tonight, didn’t we?”
Ashton laughs raspily at your comment, the sound travelling from your phone speaker straight down your spine, giving you chills. You prop your head up on your pillow, gazing towards the direction of your window, towards his bedroom window, a sight you’d become quite accustomed to these past few nights.
You’ve talked to Ash everyday since your feelings for each other became obvious and ever since your Christmas encounter when your intentions for those feelings became explicit, you’ve spent your nights engaging in some sort of mutual self-pleasure either via text, phone call or window watching.
Tomorrow the quarantine you both agreed to will be over and you'll safely celebrate New Year's Eve together; earlier, the two of you decided you should forgo your nightly socially distanced rendezvous in the interest of building anticipation for your imminent in-person one. But you were already in bed when Ashton called to ask if there was anything he should bring tomorrow and one suggestive comment led to another and before you knew it, your hand was between your legs yet again.
“It’s my fault, I asked what kind of chips you wanted me to bring, I should’ve known that would get you hot and bothered,” he jokes, the sound of him pulling tissues from the box on his nightstand now a familiar tune to your ears.
“Pretty goddamn slutty of you, honestly,” you laugh giddily.
“Can’t imagine what you would’ve done had I asked if I could bring soda as well,” he cracks himself up.
You giggle, “Ohhh, listen, if you talk Dr. Pepper to me, I’ll have no choice but to break quarantine and have my way with you right now.”
“Explain how that’s supposed to deter me from the subject,” he teases. You hear his sheets rustling and know he’s settling back into bed. He exhales loudly before admitting, “I’m nervous for tomorrow.”
"Aww, why? It’s just me… just us.”
Ashton is quiet for a beat before answering. “I think part of it is it’s been a long time since I’ve had something to look forward to,” he ponders. “But also… I can’t remember the last time I wanted something… someone… this badly.”
Your heart feels like it skips a beat, like it always seems to around him, since the day you moved in over a year ago. “It’s gonna be good, Ash,” you quietly reassure him, reassure yourself. “We’re gonna be so good.”
10:45am, December 31
You wash your breakfast dishes in record time, focused on all you need to do to finish your work day and get ready for tonight; it’s only when you’re drying your hands that you mindlessly glance up and notice the sight before you.
You look up just as Ashton, midway through his daily workout, is reaching to peel off his white tee that’s mostly soaked through; you find yourself staring as his muscles flex, tighten and relax again as he pulls the material off his body and then uses the discarded shirt to wipe the sweat running down his chest and neck.
He takes a swig from his water bottle before he starts up again and you hear yourself audibly gulp as he bends and stretches, giving you the opportunity to admire his ass and thick thighs in his athletic leggings. You watch his body and lose yourself in thoughts of him hovering above you, moving over you the way he's moving over his mat on the deck.
The alarm on your phone set to remind you to clock back into work snaps you out of your lusty daze. You silence the noise and then quietly cackle to yourself as you type out a text to Ash: “Watching you stretch is really making me look forward to the stretch I’ll be feeling tonight.”
You hang by the window, waiting to see his reaction. He reads your message and a self-satisfied smirk spreads across his face; he looks towards your kitchen, hoping to catch a glimpse of you in all your surely flushed glory, but you’re already gone.  
4:07pm, December 31
Despite your mind's best efforts to distract you with wild thoughts about tonight, your work day finally ends and you head upstairs to get dressed. You stand in front of your closet, weighing your wardrobe options when your phone's text chime sounds out.
You scoop it off the bed, clicking on a message from Ashton reading, "If you need suggestions, you could wear your green dress… I’ve been thinking about taking that off of you for a while now.”
You shake your head at how instantly your heart speeds up once that image is in your mind. You bound over to the window to find him standing in front of his, waving with a cheeky grin on his face. You greet him by holding up the dress he mentioned in one hand and your middle finger in the other. “No spoilers” is your texted reply as you pull your curtains closed for the first time in weeks.
5:10pm, December 31
The doorbell rings and you’re shocked you can hear it over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears; you make yourself count to ten before you answer it. You take a deep breath and turn the knob, opening the door to reveal Ash beaming at you excitedly; one look at him and you feel any nerves that were nagging at you dissipate.
“Hey neighbor,” he greets you with a chuckle.
It takes you a beat before you realize you can reply with more than the shy wave you’re used to and you step forward to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. You breathe him in, grateful to finally decipher the scent you’ve caught occasional wafts of over the fence and have spent so long trying to pin down. It’s sweet, spicy, woodsy and fruity all at once; you can’t wait to have it all over you by the end of the night.
You pull back to study him, it’s the first time you’ve really gotten to look at him up close and he’s stunning. You never noticed his dark hair was dyed but now you see the light roots at his hairline, softening his face; some stray curls have fallen out of place and you sweep them aside, revealing the laugh lines crinkling around his eyes as he smiles at you. His eyes are deep pools of hazel you already feel yourself drowning in and his cheeks are much rounder than you realized, growing bigger the more he grins at you. His lips… well… his lips look soft and shapely and suddenly you feel like you might die if you don’t taste them this instant.
You place your hands on either side of his face, running your thumbs over his beard before closing the gap and pressing your mouth to his. It’s everything and nothing like you’d imagined your first kiss would be: soft, slow, cautious yet undeniably heated. You feel his tongue slide over your bottom lip and you allow him to deepen the kiss; he murmurs as your tongue connects with his for the first time and he pulls away to check in with you.
You offer him a sweet smile that quickly turns into something more frisky. “I think we can do better than that, we’ve spent the past week listening to each other cum,” you tease.
Ashton smirks at you, stepping inside; in one swift motion, he kicks the door shut behind him and scoops you in his arms, backing you up against it, lips crashing into yours. Suddenly it’s like your mouths can’t move fast enough, feverishly trying to make up for lost time. You kiss him like you’re trying to commit his taste to memory and maybe you are.
He breaks away to mouth over your neck, immediately licking and kissing over the parts of your skin his beard scratched moments before; you run your hands through his curls, marveling at the fact that’s something you’re allowed to do now. His mouth ends up sucking over a spot behind your ear that’s such a specific turn on for you, your mind races to remember if you told him that during one of your phone sessions or if he just knew. He bites down a little and you cry out, pushing him back, ready for more.
You slot your lips with his again, already missing his taste on your tongue. You walk him backwards as you kiss, trying desperately to lead him to the nearest surface, any surface where you can get him between your legs.
You make it to your desk at the other end of the living room and you thank your past self for taking the time to put away your work from earlier, although it would’ve been fun to see Ash do the cliché “impassioned arm sweep” to clear it. You hop up on the edge and spread your legs, pulling him close, needing as much of him on you as possible.
Ash groans when your hips move against his and you grin at the feeling of his cock straining against his pants, brushing over your clothed heat. “Hard for me already, eh?” You tease, biting at his lower lip.
He gives a lighthearted scoff. “Please, I’ve been hard for you since I saw you in this dress through the window before I walked over here,” he rasps, gliding his hands up and down your body in the form-fitting outfit to illustrate his point. “You look incredible, by the way.”
You rut against him again and you both moan. “God, I can’t wait any longer, Ash, I need you,” you rush out, breathless.
“Yeah?” He checks, looking over your face, noting the desperation in your eyes. “I have a - ”
“Yeah, please, Ash, fuck,” you pant, out of your mind with desire.
He kisses you hurriedly as his hands skillfully slide under your dress and tug your panties down your legs, setting them aside; he reaches to retrieve a condom out of his coat pocket. It briefly crosses your mind how absurd it is that he’s still wearing his coat and you’re about to move to help him out of it but then he’s pulling his cock out and you can’t focus on anything other than getting your hands on him.
You give him a feather light squeeze before starting an agonizingly slow rhythm on his shaft and reaching down to cup his balls like you’ve seen him do; he’s as thick and heavy in your hand as you imagined and you feel yourself becoming wetter with every stroke. He brushes your hands aside so he can roll the condom on and you capture his lips in a lusty kiss because you’re not sure what else to do.
One of Ashton’s hands cradles your head as you kiss him, the other trails between your thighs and starts teasing your clit; he murmurs into your mouth when he feels how wet you are, how after just a few touches, you’re already rocking into his hand. He breaks the kiss to push your skirt up over your waist so you can both watch as he lines himself up at your entrance. He glances at you and with your eager nod of approval, he starts pushing in.
You inhale sharply at the sensation and he pauses, eyes darting up to yours. “No, it’s good, more,” you insist, hooking your legs around his waist. He continues to slide in and you feel your eyes roll back, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. It's obviously been a while since you've had anyone inside you but the fact that it's Ash and the size of him… what a way to get back in the game.
He groans as he starts moving in you, slowly at first, eyes trained on your face to make sure you’re comfortable. You pull him into a kiss that’s all tongue, tangling your hands in his hair, needing to feel as much of him as you can in this moment. You've started moving along with him, your body asking for more, so he carefully lays you back on the desk, gripping onto your thighs so he can ramp up his pace.
The sound of his hips hitting yours, your clothes rustling together and your intertwined grunts and moans of encouragement for each other fill the living room. He lets go of one of your legs so he can move his hand back down to your clit and as he rubs circles on it, you curse under your breath, stunned you already feel as undone as you do.
"I'm already close," you whisper, gripping his arm as he leans in, bracing himself on his hands on either side of you.
"First of many tonight," he smirks, trying to maintain his sexy cool demeanor but failing as you both burst into giggles at his remark. He lightly encourages you, "Tell me what you need."
You squeeze your clothed breasts and use your legs to bring him even closer to you. "Hard. Just. Hard," you pant.
Ash growls, grabbing your legs again, pushing them up towards your chest, fingers digging into your skin as he thrusts with force. You cry out at his renewed vigor, at the change in angle making him somehow feel even thicker and longer inside you. You bring your hand to your clit and it only takes a few seconds of pressure for your breath to catch and your body to start shaking.
"Ash… fuckfuckfuckfuck oh my god," you breathe, pawing at the collar of his coat, your back arching up off the desk as your orgasm crests.
You're not sure if he was holding off waiting for you to finish or if the intensity of your body climaxing around him does him in but Ashton follows you over the edge less than a minute later. He gasps your name as he cums like you've heard him do many times over the phone but hearing him say it as he hovers above you, knowing your pussy is the reason for his pleasure is a different experience entirely.
He collapses on you briefly and you revel in the tactile experience: his lips pressing gently against your neck as he comes down, the texture of his wool coat under your fingertips as you rub his back, the unexpectedly satisfying scratch of his beard on your skin.
Ashton's lips travel back up to yours in an unhurried, relaxed kiss before he pushes himself back over you, joking, "We've really got to work on that impulse control thing, don't we?"
7:52pm, December 31
The two of you enjoyed a nice dinner comprised of delicious food and compatible conversation; you’ve talked a lot over the past few weeks but being able to finally be so close, being able to touch his arm when he says something sweet, feel his laughter vibrate the wood of your table - there’s an air of normalcy and domesticity that wasn’t there before. It’s nice, almost like there aren’t strange global circumstances that led to this evening, like you haven’t been basically dating from a distance.
You stand up to clear the table and when you reach for his plate, he grabs your hand and pulls you into his lap, hugging you tight and thanking you for inviting him over. He helps you carry the dishes to the kitchen because of course he does and when he stands at the sink to rinse them, you wrap your arms around his waist and press your face into his back, because that’s something you've always wanted to do.
You move to the living room, coffee mugs in hand but they’re soon forgotten with the return of Ash’s lips to your neck and your hands in his hair. You’re not in the hurry that you were earlier so everything feels much more relaxed; you’re able to appreciate the little things more, like the way he hums into your kiss when you brush his hair behind his ears, the quick pecks he sneaks in as he’s pulling out of a long liplock with you.
He finally undresses you, laying you gently on the couch in your underwear. “For someone who said they’d been waiting to get me out of that dress, sure took you a while,” you tease, gasping as his hands massage your breasts through the lace you’re wearing and his mouth peppers kisses over your stomach.
“Looked too good, wanted to enjoy it a little longer,” he smoothly replies, hooking his thumbs in your panties, glancing up at you to make sure it’s okay for him to continue. You nod, lifting your hips to aid the process. He kisses his way back up your legs, beard dragging across your skin, murmuring, “Something else I’ve waited too long to do…” before pressing a series of wet kisses directly over your clit.
You squirm against his face, eager for him to get into it but Ashton seems determined to take his time, slowly teasing up and down your lips, moving over to nip at your thighs and then returning to your pussy, tongue lavishing attention everywhere except where you want him most.
You’re just about to speak up when his fingers spread your lips apart and his tongue starts fluttering at your clit, causing you to suck in a breath instead. “God, Ash, yes, like that,” you encourage, fighting to keep your eyes open so you can watch him work. It feels so much better, looks so much more erotic than you ever could’ve imagined.
His mouth remains attached as he slips a finger inside you; the way your hips start grinding against him tells him when you’re ready for another and you moan as his tongue and fingers find an alternating rhythm to please you.
You paw at your tits, pinching your nipples through your bra as he works you. He pulls off to catch his breath, pushing himself up near your face to check in. “This working for you?” He asks, panting.
You affectionately swipe over what you thought was sweat on his beard, groaning at the realization it’s actually moisture courtesy of you. “Are you fucking kidding me, dude?” You laugh. “The other night I came thinking about you doing this and it’s already better than both the fantasy and the toy I used.”
He grins with pride. “Good,” he winks at you before diving back in.
Ashton eats your pussy with confidence, attentively listening to your sounds to determine what you like best. It’s when he sets one of your legs over his shoulder, angling your hips up slightly, that you start sounding really desperate and he smirks to himself. “Aww, ready to cum already? I was just getting started,” he taunts playfully.
You let out a guttural moan at his remark, gripping his hair a little bit rougher, holding him to your body a little bit tighter. He grabs on to your hips as they try to speed up and you murmur incoherent praise as you cum on his tongue.
He continues to lick at you, cleaning you until you push him away, clamping your legs shut. He massages over your thighs tenderly before moving up to kiss you. With a twinkle in his eye, he asks, “So what other fantasies of yours can we best while I'm here?”
9:24pm, December 31
After an enthusiastic but quicker than either of you would’ve preferred blowjob on the couch, you and Ash end up back in the kitchen, ready for a snack. You giggle to yourself as you stand in just his shirt, digging through your kitchen junk drawer, searching for a rubber band to help grip the jar of nacho sauce neither of you seem to be able to open.
“It’s not funny, how humiliating that I’m showing such weakness on our first date,” he jokes through gritted teeth, trying his hardest to turn the lid.
You grin, enjoying the show of Ashton clad only in his boxers, pouting as he loses the battle against a jar of cheese sauce. “Yes, you’ve fed me, done my dishes and made me cum twice since you’ve been here but I clearly still need you to prove your worth as a mate to me,” you smirk, passing him the rubber band you discovered. “Although I have to say, if you want to keep trying to open that yourself, I don’t hate watching those tattoos dance while you struggle.”
He laughs sarcastically as he fits the band over the lid and effortlessly pops it open seconds later. “Easy, I don’t know why you were so worried,” he giggles loudly before he even finishes his sentence.
He begins pouring the cheese over the chips you set out and you slide yourself under his free arm, fitting easily into his side. “New Year’s resolution, you clearly need to work on your upper body strength,” you tease, playfully biting at his shapely bicep.
He snorts, smiling as he passes you the plate of food to put in the microwave. He leans against the counter, observing you fondly while he wonders out loud, “Are you a New Year’s resolutions person?”
You move to get the other toppings out of the fridge; you stop and think before passing him the goods. “I mean, I’ll make them but I never really follow through. It’s like after the first week or so it just kind of slips my mind... maybe I’m making the wrong resolutions, I guess.” You shrug, setting the heated plate on the counter. “You?”
Ash shakes his head, hopping up on the counter so he can easily look at you and dress the nachos at the same time. “I never really understood why the calendar resetting is supposed to be this all-powerful impetus for change. If you want to do something, you should just do it no matter what the date is,” he says passionately, with furrowed brow.
You nod, pouring two glasses of soda. “It’s important to make goals but the rigidity of a resolution kind of just chains you to one thing when the whole point of a new year is that you don’t know what it will bring," you point out. "I think that's what's slipped me up before. Instead of saying 'I'll work out five days a week' I should be saying 'I want to live healthier.' It shouldn't be about the thing, it should be about the change you want to see."
You notice he's gone quiet and you look up at him inquisitively. You find him gazing at you, enchanted. "I agree," he reassures you. "I was just enjoying hearing you talk about it."
You feel your cheeks get warm and you pause to take a sip to collect yourself. "What I do like about New Year’s is the opportunity to reflect on the year you’ve had and let that inform what your next year will be like," you share. "So. What's one thing you didn't do this year that you wish you had? And not something because of quarantine, that's a copout."
Ashton doesn't hesitate to say, "I wish I had gotten to know you sooner."
10:53pm, December 31
You chuckle at Ash's wide-eyed interest, “No, I haven’t used that one to get off with you yet.” You take the thick blue dildo from his hands and smack it on the headboard of your bed, yanking on it to demonstrate the suction cup. “It’s more of a shower toy… or sometimes I’ll stick it to one of my chairs and ride it.”
His cock twitches with interest and he absentmindedly gives it a subtle squeeze. “Well we’re gonna put a pin in that, I guess,” he mutters, peering back into the drawer. “Also I like that you said ‘yet.’”
You smile widely at him, enjoying his enthusiasm. You’d finally made it to bed and were getting ready to ride him but when you opened your bedside table to grab a condom, your toy collection caught his attention and curiosity took over; you’ve spent the last five minutes watching him eye your toys, eagerly asking which ones you’ve used during your phone conversations with him.
He jumps as a pink contraption he doesn’t recognize starts to rumble out of his grasp with the push of a button. You giggle and reach over, unfolding it, placing the top portion of it over the back of his hand. “I used this one last night,” you admit, clicking the second button, watching his jaw drop as he feels the toy start lightly sucking at his skin.
“You’ve definitely had a much more fun quarantine than me,” he laughs, shaking his head in disbelief as he turns up the settings of the vibe. “What do you even need me here for?”
“You’re a lot nicer to talk to,” you say sweetly, leaning in to give him a playful kiss.
“I also would’ve accepted ‘your cock is much bigger, Daddy,’” Ash deadpans. He waits a beat before bursting into loud laughter, clarifying, “I’m totally kidding.”
“Well we’re gonna put a pin in that, I guess,” you tease, reaching down to lightly give him a few strokes. “Although I don’t know if I can say that first part, you haven’t seen my other drawer… I’m totally kidding.”
He scoffs, kissing you hard, placing his hands on either side of your ass and moving you closer to him. ”What’d you do with that condom?”
You pat around the bed for a few seconds, triumphantly holding up the stray package you found lost in the sheets. You roll the condom on him while he continues rifling through your belongings. “This is cute,” he declares, rolling a purple bullet vibe across his fingers. “And tiny. We could probably use this right now, huh?”
You raise your eyebrows, surprised but impressed at his openness. “Yeah, if you want, that’d actually be great,” you agree.
He beams at you, tossing you the vibrator while he settles back against the pillows; you set it aside and sling your leg over him, leaning in to kiss him thoroughly. You lean your forehead against his as you line yourself up over his cock and start rolling your hips back and forth, teasing the both of you by running your pussy over him; you watch him bite his lip, not sure whether to cry out from pleasure or object in frustration. Finally, you reach to guide him inside you. You take him a little easier than last time but the stretch is still deliciously intense and Ash can see it on your face. He plays with your tits while you adjust, watching you closely to see what you like.
You eventually start moving, lightly bracing yourself on his chest as you get going; you set a moderate speed, eager to let him fill you but cautious of trying to pace yourself, trying to pay attention to what he seems to respond to. You switch from rocking to a bouncing motion after a couple minutes and his hands move to squeeze your hips, helping you along; you notice his eyes haven’t left your breasts since you started moving like this and you whimper, running your hands down your front, stopping to pinch and play as needed.
Ashton's hands soon replace yours again and you arch your back, allowing him easier access. He gives a low groan, you’re giving him such a show, he’s not sure where to look. You’re leaned back and bracing yourself on his thighs, hard nipples jutting out, begging for attention; you expertly work your bodies together and he finds himself hypnotized watching his cock disappear inside you over and over again.
You love how he’s staring at you; it’s making you feel wanted and bold and you decide to tease him a little. “Working so hard to take all this cock, does it look as good as it feels?” You murmur, lifting yourself off almost entirely and then sliding back down on him with ease. “You like watching me fuck you?”
A growl escapes his lips and his hands roam your body wildly. “Doing so good… look so fucking good riding me,” he says, voice rasping with desire. “Better than I ever imagined.”
He feels the overwhelming need to make you moan for him and he sneaks his hand between your folds; you jolt at the contact, letting out a yelp and he smiles at his victory. He reaches over and grabs the vibe, tapping your leg to ask if you’re ready. You answer with a breathy “uh-huh” as you continue riding him.
He clicks the button, setting it to the lowest speed and presses it to your clit to gauge your reaction; you shift your rhythm, slowing to allow yourself to feel the new stimulation. You lick your lips, mumbling, “Oh, that’s nice,” as you grasp his hand to move the toy over just a bit until you’re moaning outright.
Ash holds the vibe on you for a bit longer until you sit up to change position. After a short spell of trial and error, he slips the bullet between your bodies and you help him once again fit it against you until it’s giving you the kind of stimulation you need. You roll your hips a few times, testing the setup and within seconds you’re whining, his cock hitting inside you in just the right place and the vibrations making you squirm above him.
He runs his hands up and down your thighs, watching you work yourself on him, using his body and your vibrator to build your climax; he gently rocks up into you, not wanting to disrupt you but between your movements and the stray buzzing of your bullet, he’s starting to become overwhelmed himself.
“Ash! Fuck… good… fuck,” you mutter, falling forward, place your arms on either side of his head to prop yourself up as you keep fucking him. “Close. God, I’m so close. Please.”
He recognizes that tone of desperation in your voice and knows just what to say to help you over the edge. “Fuckin’ me so good… ‘bout to make me cum for you… need to feel you cum around me first,” he wraps his arms around your back, panting in your ear. “Come on, baby, you deserve it.”
Your breathing speeds up and you whine his name as you start to pulse around him, losing your rhythm, clawing at his shoulders. He holds you as you cum, riding it out until you can’t take it anymore and you reach between you, throwing the vibrator across the bed, not even bothering to shut it off.
Ashton chuckles softly at your frenzied action and notices what looks like a wince as you rock yourself lightly on him. “Hey, I can finish another way if this is too much for you,” he offers.
You shake your head vigorously. “No, it still feels good,” you tell him insistently. “I’m just tired. Maybe you could…”
He gathers your meaning and pulls you down into a sloppy kiss before you move your mouth to his neck, slowly sucking to leave a mark, humming as his beard scrapes your skin; he grips your ass tightly with both hands and starts fucking up into you. He begins cautiously, wanting to make sure you’re still feeling good and as the noises pouring from your lips reassure him that you are, he increases his speed, thrusting up with force.
Your moans blend together in perfect harmony until yours trail off as you lose your breath; before you know what’s happening, you feel yourself cumming again and hard. You bury your face in Ash’s neck, hands tugging roughly at his hair. Feeling you squeeze around him again and with such intensity is enough to set him off and with a few loud grunts, he’s filling the condom.
He sighs deeply, rubbing your back as the two of you come down; your breathing falls into a synchronized rhythm and you bask in how nice it feels just to lay with him for a minute.
"Well that was something," he comments, pecking the top of your head as he helps you off of him, laying you on your pillow.
You quickly pull him back in, planting a quick kiss on his lips before he gets out of bed. "No, you are," you coo.
12:39am, January 1
"Ash… Ash… we missed it," you laugh softly, pressing kissing along his collarbones until his eyes flutter open.
"We fell asleep and missed midnight," you explain with an amused smile. "Happy New Year."
He lifts his head up, looking around the room in confusion. After you’d both cleaned up, you climbed back in bed, intending to relax and chat until it was time to watch the midnight countdown on TV. Evidently, once the cuddles started, exhaustion from the night's activities overtook you both and you awoke to the sound of fireworks going off in the neighborhood.
"Oh," he frowns, rolling on his side to face you. "Well. Happy New Year." He leans in and gives you a soft kiss that easily could turn into more but you pull back, wanting to say something.
You run your hand up and down his side and say, "I'm glad we did this." He raises an eyebrow, smirking at you and you playfully pinch his arm. "You know what I mean. I'm glad you came over. I'm glad you're here."
Ashton's face softens and he scoots closer to you, placing his head next to you on your pillow. "Me too," he responds sincerely. "Sorry we missed midnight though, wanted to kiss you."
“Well lucky for us, we’ll get another midnight in about 23 hours,” you grin, reaching over to scratch his beard.
He slips his hand around your waist, pulling you to his lips. He murmurs against your mouth, “Do over at my place? It’s a date.”
Taglist issues again so my apologies if you get notif’d more than once (or not at all)
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@lovelybonesetc​​ @xsongxbirdx​​ @justhereforcalum​​   @ashtonangst​
@laura66sos​​ @calumrose​​ @karajaynetoday​​  @pilunb​​ @jazzyangel242​​ @babylon-corgis​​  @heyheyhaleyd​​ @calmsweetcreature​​
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@irwindoll​​ @cheekysos​​ @carrielfisher​​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @creampiecashton​​ @lovelywordsblog​​
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  @Too-et-moi215 @photochic18  @kouska901 @Indermeow  @dantord
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Itzan Escamilla x Reader
Request by anon: Heyyyy!! Love your imagines so much tbh they make me MELTTTT ❤️ I was wondering if you can write an imagine about Itzan Escamilla (as himself, not as Samu) where the reader is coming to visit the Élite set and then she meets everyone and Itzan falls in love with her at the same moment and he gets shy so Danna helps him out to ask her out on a dinner the same evening which ends up by Itzan & the reader kissing at the end of the night. Thank you & I hope you’re well! Much love 💕💕💕
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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“Girl I’m so happy you’re here!” Danna exclaims when she sees you, hurrying over and wrapping you in an embrace, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“It’s so crazy here,” You laugh, watching as another golf cart passes across the set to quickly transport something else.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll show you around - it will feel like a second home in no time,” She jokes, linking her arm with yours as she starts leading you through.
You had been one of Danna’s dancers for a while now and you’d become close friends ever since you first started working with her. Now she was on the elite set, she’d invited you down to meet everybody so that the two of you could have a long awaited catch up.
“I’ll make sure I introduce you to everybody, they’re all nice so don’t worry,” She explains, “We’re kind of busy filming different stuff today so I might have to leave you a bit but there’ll always be someone around.”
She drags you over to one of the trailers and knocks quickly on the door.
“This is Mina!” She beams and a young woman opens the door with a bright smile.
“You must be (Y/n)! It’s so lovely to meet you!” You instantly recognise her as Nadia from the show and you’d heard Danna always speak highly of her.
She engulfs you in a hug and you instantly relax into trusting Danna when she’d said everyone was lovely.
“Hey!” A boy calls from behind you.
You turn around and see the two boys you knew as Ander and Omar from the show walking toward the trailer.
“(Y/n), right?” One of them smiles, walking straight toward you, “I’m Omar!”
He hugs you instantly and you knew Danna was right when she said he was one of the most extroverted on set.
“I’m Arón,” The other boy offers you a wave - Danna was also correct when she said he was a lot more introverted.
“It’s nice to meet all of you,” You smile, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope,” Omar nudges her, “How long are you here for?”
“I’m in town for a couple of weeks so Danna offered to show me around, I’m just waiting for her to finish filming so we can start performing again.”
They laugh and it makes you feel even more at ease.
“Speaking of which, they were calling you to set Danna,” Arón comments, taking a sip from his water bottle.
She looks at you and sighs, “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine,” You glance around, “I’ll wait for you.”
“Here, I’ll show you around a bit if you’d like?” Mina suggests, “They don’t need me for a while anyway.”
You thank her and she ushers you off through a maze of more trailers, asking you questions about your career and your friendship with Danna as you went through. You’re stopped when one boy comes out of one of the trailers and looks fondly at Mina.
“You’re Dannas friend right? I’m sorry I’m terrible with names,” The boy laughs, “I’m Miguel.”
“(Y/n) - and I’m just as bad with names so don’t worry.”
“(Y/n), I’ll try to remember that,” He grins, giving you a hug too, “Fancy walking down to set with us? I think Itzan and Ester should be around there.”
You agree and follow the two of them. Miguel was just as friendly - asking similar questions to what Mina had, also telling you a little bit about the set and what they’d been filming today. He’d asked for any secrets that he could use against Danna and mentioned that he’d seen you perform at a few shows before.
“Ah! Ester, Itzan!” He calls out to two other people who had their backs to you.
“Ahhh hello beautiful!” Ester grins as she sees you, hurrying over and enveloping you in her arms. You’d met her at a party before with Danna and had stayed in Instagram-comment contact ever since.
“Hey Ester!” You smile, returning her gesture, “It’s so good to see you again.”
“You too, girl! It’s been far too long,” She beams, “Oh Sorry, this is Itzan too.”
The boy looks about your age, fresh faced however to make him look as young as his character. He has sharp features and dark hair that make him seem a lot more mysterious than his bashful smile suggested.
“Hey, nice to meet you,” He nods, glancing down at his feet before glancing back up.
Was he always this nervous?
“Yeah, you too,” You respond, trying to stop yourself from blushing at his adoring gaze.
“Here,” Miguel gestures over to some black canvas chairs, “Take a seat and we can watch the scene.”
You follow where he’d been directing you and sit down in one of the chairs, the one that would be designated for Danna. Itzan takes the seat beside you.
“So how long have you kno-“ He begins, prematurely cut off.
“Silence on set please!” The director calls from their chair.
You offer Itzan a smile instead and turn to watch Danna in her scene with Jorge and the man who played their father.
- - - - - -
“They weren’t too bad were they?” Danna jokes as she walks over to where the group of you had been to watch the scene.
“No, no, not at all,” You shake your head, “Good job on the scene.”
“I find it so hard to not laugh at Jorge!” She exclaims, hitting his arm as he walks up beside her.
The boy laughs and shakes his curls, “Nice to meet you (Y/n).”
Danna turns her attention to Itzan who’s beside you with his eyes trailing the floor, “You okay Itzan?”
He glances up and nods, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure, buddy?” Miguel clasps his shoulder, “You look a little flushed.”
“No, I’m good,” He slips through the group, getting away from their attention, “I should probably get ready for my scene.”
“They didn’t even call us yet!” Ester laughs, “Whats up with him?”
Danna catches your eye contact and shoots you a knowing look, “I have no idea.”
- - - - - -
“So, they need me to stay for a few hours tonight to do some evening scenes,” Danna explains as she touches up her makeup in the trailer.
“I thought you said you were done for the day?”
“Well, plans change, don’t question it,” She responds with an evident lie, “But I did manage to find you a replacement companion for the evening.”
“What?” You laugh, “It’s fine, I’ll just head back to my hotel room.”
“Itzan wants to take you out.”
“Itzan?” You raise your brows, “He told you that or you forced him?”
She rolls her eyes at you, “He was just too nervous earlier, but he really wants to go out with you.”
You eye her suspiciously, “Okay, fine.”
You couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t excited. He was handsome to say the least and there was something about his offset nervous nature that made him intriguing to you.
“Where are we going?”
“You will find out later, darling,” She shoots you a wink, “There’s an outfit on my rail that you can wear, and I just need you to text me to let me know you’re safe,” She jokes.
- - - - - -
As Danna has promised, there’s a knock on her trailer only half an hour later and you find yourself checking your appearance quickly before opening the door.
“So Danna said you didn’t have plans tonight, and she didn’t want you to be alone,” Itzan explains, “Would you maybe want to go out with me?”
“Yeah, Id love to,” You smile warmly, “I’ll just grab my purse.”
You check your outfit again. Danna had left a pair of suit shorts with a black bodysuit with the matching suit jacket and you were relieved she’d actually given you something that you felt comfortable in.
“So where were you thinking of going?” You ask as you follow the path he takes through the set.
“Danna didn’t tell you? She said she’d already made a reservation when I spoke to her,” He frowns, “I thought you would’ve known.”
You laugh a little, “Looks like neither of us know. I’m sure she’s got a car booked.”
You’re pleasantly surprised by how easily you and Itzan strike up conversation. He was a good listener, you learnt. He was welcoming and easy to talk to and he remembered little details and asked you more about them. You had niche things in common and even started debating things you disagreed on - like your favourite Marvel movie.
It flows so well that you find yourself eating lukewarm food at the fancy restaurant after forgetting about eating for so long. Danna had booked a restaurant for you and she’d already covered the cost of the table. You’d thank her later.
“I’ve had a really great time tonight, thank you for keeping me company,” You smile as the two of you decide to walk back to set instead of taking the car.
He matches your pace as he walks beside you, “I did have to get Danna’s help to try to somewhat ask you out.”
You laugh, “Yeah I figured she didn’t have any scenes to film tonight.”
“Not exactly,” He scratches the back of his neck, “I’m not the best at stuff like this.”
“Well I’d say you’ve done a pretty good job so far,” You reassure him, wrapping your arms around yourself in the cold.
“You’re cold?” He frowns a little, tugging off his jacket without question, “Here.”
You turn towards him and let him drape the jacket over your shoulders. His fingertips brush the hair away from your shoulders and linger there for a moment. You’re pleasantly surprised at the delicate confidence behind his touch as his hand moves to instead cup your jaw and he slowly leans in to match his lips with yours. It’s soft and his lips still hold onto the sweet taste of the champagne from dinner. They’re soft and young and you find yourself practically melting under his gesture.
“Looks like your confidence is improving,” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away slightly.
“Maybe Danna should have a few more evening shoots whilst you’re here,” He smirks, hands sliding down your arms until one of them locks with one of yours.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
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chargingbolts · 4 years
love me, love me, love me.
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synopsis ; being taken was the last of her worries, it was the mind fogging feeling that the leader of the league of villans gave her.
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pairing. shigaraki x reader genre. angst   contents. fic based on love me, love me, love me by kikuo note. there is Zero romance in this tbh. she’s technically a child with no understanding of love. 
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entire masterlist. 
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all rights reserved © chargingbolts | the reposting, modifying, and/or translating of any kind on any medium is allowed. the reposting, modifying, and translating of my work without explicit permission from me is technically a criminal act under the law but will not be dealt with legal action because i would enjoy my ideas to be distributed.
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y/n was shigaraki’s pet. he had taken her the night he grabbed the brat bakugo. but it seemed that they were only successful in grabbing the one who was conscious. she was forced into the males captivity and torture, him scrounging for any information he could about all might and deku. unlike he had planned, she had fallen deep into stockholm syndrome within the months of being in shigaraki’s hands. 
her quirk was to do with healing, but the more she used it, the weaker her mindset and physicality became. this is the reason her body was quick to fall into a deep hole filled with only shigaraki. 
“you know, kurogiri.. i looked far away, distantly, locked in my memories, i came upon a collar from my past and realized.. it’s people that i need. oh, it’s people that i need.” shigaraki announced, hands clapping in excitement, “but it turns out, i only needed a girl.” 
“speaking of collars, spinner was able to get the new toy from endeavors care. he had dabi attack the house while he searched.” kurogiri sighed, slapping the collar down onto the bar counter, “her quirk will no longer be usable and she’ll be forced into submission. be careful.”
giddy for his new toy, he quickly went to find his pet, pushing into her room without a word. she sat on the cement floor, eyes soon widening in surprise at the sudden intrusion. 
she was used to twice and toga slipping into her room to feed her, but it had been a while since she had seen shigaraki. her heart almost stopped once she saw the man once again, mind fogging over.
snapping the collar around the females neck, shigaraki only stared down at her, wondering how well it would work. without thinking, her hands flew up to the collar and yanked at the suffocating metal. 
“oh.” his voiced cooed, a smirk forming on his face as he watched the female struggle. 
this look did not last long as the collar snapped in her hands, coughing soon filling the entire room. she cried out, throwing the metal ring onto the floor as she grunted.
“how dare you break our new toy-” the males voiced growled.
oh, this is what the cursed collar did scream, “please don’t be mad at me. please, please, i didn’t mean to break it.” the girl cried out towards her captor, grabbing onto the collar and trying to place it back around her neck. 
in a fit of anger, shigaraki rolled his eyes and pushed himself to leave. as he grabbed ahold of the handle, her weak voice called out to him, having him freeze in his tracks.
“please don’t abandon me. please stay with me.. please never say you won’t stay. i know you want to stay with me” she could only whisper, but the male heard every word she spoke. 
shigaraki smiles, turning back to her before he leaves, “just put it around your neck, until your stomachs upset. wait until your vision blurs.. and you’ll see friends no more, seeing, they did abandon you.. lovely result, don’t you agree?”
  “hey.. hey. Lovely, just like me?” 
“you’re worthless, y/n, trust me, out of all the villains in this building-” 
“aren’t i the cutest of all? but hey.. hey. I’m good, aren’t i? If you say no.. i’ll cry.”
  how weird, he thought she was just another hero who would beg for their life. he stood here now, watching as the girl sobbed against the hardwood flooring. she was bowing to him, crying to him, wanting to hear a praise from him. 
the next words she spoke shook him to the core. 
“love me, i beg. please, love me, i beg you.” her cries got louder, piercing his ears, “love me, dammit,  i beg you. more and more.. please.” 
“please love me, i beg. love me, i beg.” he mocked, grabbing onto the females shirt collar, and forcing her to look at him, “‘til we feel madness creeping in”
“it’s agony, the curse i bear. undo.. undo it.. hey.” 
as confused as he was, he refused to act curious. he took the pride he had left and left her to sit alone. he didn’t realize, but he would not visit her room for another two months after this incident, despite her constant pleading to see him
the next time the two see one another, kurogiri has teleported the two away from a hero attack. once he caught a glimpse of bakugo katsuki, he yelled at his friend and forced him to take care of them before the others. 
  he knew who they were there for. she had been missing months by this point, they all knew she was going to be searched for. kurogiri called it, the heroes coming so soon. he could tell they were becoming restless, the entire top ten were out searching for her. 
dabi was even able to get information out of hawks - finding out that the heroes knew the league still had her in their reach. 
but now, as she laid amongst the grass, she wanted to sigh in relief. she was happy that they had taken her from the heroes now, knowing how badly they treated her. but shigaraki treated her better. she would do anything to stay with the older boy. 
“time goes on..” she muttered, not seeing the others show up behind the two of them.
she misses toga. 
“time goes on and changes come to your frame.. but the collar stays the same.” shigaraki’s voice mumbles from beside her.
“it’s agonizing now.. but this is nothing new.” she admitted quietly, shuffling away from the man. 
“people just.. people just..” he started, turning towards her, “they’re not enough..  Needed bakugo.. even that todoroki kid would have worked”
“i vow to not lose to anyone in my class.. aren’t i such a lovely child? way more than that child.. and more than that child. ladies and gentleman.. gather around.. marvel at me. why won’t you marvel at me?”
“your quirk is not good enough. all you can do is heal. you work with dabi and toga.. but you’re not what i want. you’re useless.”
“behind the gymnasium, bakugo, when i told you i was in love.. wasn’t that kind of a lie?” she muttered before her eyes found shigaraki’s, “i love you so.. so very much, shigaraki.. why can’t you see that?”
“love me, i beg.” shigaraki remembered her words, confusion filling his features, “love me.. I beg.”
“love me, i beg!” she called, “i’ll give you everything. but in return..”
“but in return.. i’ll make you share this hatred of you that i bear. good god, y/n, It's not enough, you're not enough, just not enough, but I won't let you go, aah. you are keeping the heroes around. you’ve been such a good little pet”
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a/n ; lol i didn’t proof read at all. i wanted something up asap
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visionofnoxus · 4 years
// OOC 
RANT. Long one too. Let’s talk about the “Cast” of Sisterhood of War pt 1. 
If you’ve yet to read the thing, go read it. If you want. This wall below WILL spoil.
The Sisterhood. We don’t know who these characters are. Some backgrounds are VERY loosely referenced. I am sure we’ll learn more in the next parts. But apparently they were Riven’s companions or friends. Everyone except the POV and the Runesmith. And of course thus they are absolutely strongest, toughest women one could possibly think of. 
Runesmith mage with ties to Black Rose and LeBlanc. She has a mission. A top secret mission from patrons that gives her orders and passports to go through pretty much any bureaucratic hurdle Noxus can throw her party’s way. And yet apparently this decree did not give them the right to “act independently” and they have to become deserters. If this patron of theirs is truly so potent, one could assume they’d be permitted to operate WITHOUT having to commit desertion and turn their nation “enemies”. Just a thougth.
Tracker, woman with four drakehounds who has named them essentially 1,2,3,4. And as the story so helpfully pointed out, drakehounds are sort of expensive. As in VERY. But she has four and named them with numbers. And just in case somebody missed it, she is cold and distant, doesn’t talk unless she absolutely has to. You know, because she is the Tracker. The Ranger. The One Who Likes To Be Alone With Only Her Hounds. Ps. Yeah, the drakehounds according to the artwork wear full face masks, which for a drakehound is like removing 50% of it’s arsenal. But I chalk that to artist’s liberty and assume in the story it is not so.
Then we got the Cavalier. A former noble with a mount with overblown noble name. And while the mount’s species was not mentioned, I assume it was Drakalops. Same species that Kled’s Skaarl is. Okay you have a near immortal creature as a mount lady. Good choice. A bit rare maybe but great choice. And did I read it correctly that she single handedly drove away the entire raider horde and saved our group of heroes? Because based on the text I got the impression there was a whole Attila’s horde on them and she just dived in there and drove them away after killing some. She speaks though. So there is that. Nothing nice of course and disses POV just like the rest of them. But she at least converses with him. And she is ordered to join the group by someone within Noxian military by the threat of death should she refuse.
Last of the sisters is then the tank. A Shieldbreaker who we meet as she is doing what she does best. Outmaneuvering a guy who supposedly was about to win, but she is more skilled and stronger and beats him down. She is also the first person who treats our POV character with any level of decency. Except of course that she then there is that whole next night shenigan where the “brute” showcases her talent as an rogue. Sneaking up on our POV and taking him a prisoner, threatening what is essentially a stable boy. 
And finally the Boy, untested young warrior who wants to do what is right. And this story is from start to finish told from his point of view as these strong and powerful women take every possible chance at demeaning, mocking and honestly bullying the kid. Seemingly for no other reason than because. Why he is with them is supposedly because they needed someone to carry their luggage, or handle the beast carrying their luggage. Yeah. The elite team of super competent warrior women just so happened to need a “man-servant” (author’s words) for their super secret mission. And they chose an untested shepherd from middle of nowhere. I suppose he is expendable so there is that but... Yeah. He does not fit the mission profile and we are not told of any special reason or quality why he’d be included. Considering how the Runesmith, the leader of the mission treats him, we are led to believe he has no real value. And the ladies make sure he knows that too.
But there is a silver lining in this story as well. The one character that’s name stuck with me and whom I found endearing and lovely addition to the otherwise obnoxious party. TALZ. The absolutely marvelous basilisk who dutifully carries the party’s supplies on it’s strong back, eating, sleeping and dutifully following it’s caretaker’s instruction. He (I presume it is a he) was the one thing that brought a smile to my face every time he was referenced even slightly in  the story. And that is somewhat sad detail TBH. But yes. Talz is my favorite character in this story. 
In closing, this story has the feeling of someone trying too hard. And I am not sure what they are trying. I don’t know of too many people who find this kind of storytelling pleasing to read. Dialog is sparse, exposition is for miles, most of the main characters are rude and dislike-able. The character part is the most outrageous to me personally. I don’t mind having a tough or cold character here and there. Hell. I roleplay Swain. But these characters are just... Obnoxious. It feels like the author is trying to say “hey look how awesome badass characters I’ve got. They are awesome”. But telling the reader they are awesome does not make them so. Now, they are just rude and OP. And that is not a good look for non-established character.
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littlemeangreen · 4 years
Since you like my alt-Marauders (WHICH IM SO HAPPY FOR) how about challenge for headcanons of them interacting with the Smashers, as allies or foes or just a chance encounter? No need to, I just thought it might be something you'd have fun with!
@thecorteztwins k I'm suddenly in a big writing mood so!! FINALLY getting around to this I'm so sorry sksksk
For anyone who doesn't know: Thecorteztwins has an amazing au where she's collected Haven (thicc angel lady who was possessed by a demon disguised as a baby), Claudine (Miss Sinister),Madelyne (clone of Jean Grey), Pyro, Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi Shaw and sometimes Alice (a clone being tested by Claudine)!
I feel like the first few days are really testy. Everyone's got some bone to pick, the usual. But the biggest thing? The name. A brief encounter with paparazzi ends with their name and the reactions go from Pyro and Claudine scoffing at how silly it sounds and what a rip off it is (Pyro being a writer?? U KNOW he wouldn't stand for Alt Marauders) to Shaw sighing about the fact that he's been stuck on a team with a cliche super nickname.
Then there's personal names because once again, Pryo and Shinobi both agree that everyone needs a name to reapply make them unique! Hardly anyone goes for it, ranging from Haven's soft "no thank you" to Shaw punting Pyro into a wall. Madelyne is slightly soft for Pyro's RPG themed alias ideas for her and less than impressed for Shinobi's idea of "Mad Milf".
Alice....I'm definitely thinking she gets nicknamed "White Rabbit" or "Wonderland" because; 1) no one can leave her out of getting a name. 2) Pyro 100% would give a cheesy media related name and 3) I like the very small connections of white rabbit to the white and red queens in Alice in Wonderland (and 4) rabbits always get experimented on :).
Gamma Gals having amazing duos with the ladies of the Marauders? Absolutely!!
Jen and Haven, being an amazing duo and I feel like they'd be the two who would have that issue where they're the only ones who can save the day and end up learning a lot from each other? Haven is probably thanking her stars that she finally gets to meet a hero who believes in her kindness just as much as she does (S H A W).
Just....Haven being able to meet an even bigger woman and trading stories and being GalPals(TM). Its a really interesting concept to me that Haven is someone who was deliberately used to destroy and Jen is someone who's entire identity is formed around smashing and destruction. It's probably rather cathartic to be working with someone who purely doesn't want to resort to violence immediately and who has been used (Haven by her demon and Jen by different people).
But also learning something from each other? Haven being able to see that sometimes you do need to fight for what you love and Haven proves to Jen that even after all this time, it isn't the muscle or power that can save everything, it's her and her drive and will alone. Catch Red and Shaw scoffing about it.
Speaking of, those two could either REALLY clash or really get along, no imbetweens. Have we found another old man for Shaw to wrestle with, Roman style??? (Ngl that would be hot in a sick way)
Skaar and Shinobi? Both long haired, beautiful, sons of big figures, grew up in abusive environments,,,,its a duo. Just put Shinobi into a mini team with Skaar and Daken and we have the "Black haired brood squad"
Rick and Pyro working together to have a joint production??? FIrebomb productions baby!! My podcast ideas? Absolutely would happen when you combine these two and its hell. Aka; Rick and Pyro gossip on their podcast and give advice to starting heroes as immortals and smack talk. But also outside of that I imagine they can get along a lot in the "had a hard time accepting stuff" and "we were heroes who often did a lot for others and got disregarded and hurt for it".
Pyro: Hey if I set you on fire can you become a flaming bowling ball
Rick: well let's fine out!!
Red and Shaw....there's a lot there. Both are old men who have been pressed on in their lives and affected by masculine presences in their lives...both are regarded as awful shitbags but they're both MUCH more complex and driven by a need for power and stability...lots of thoughts here.
Shaw and Red are one team you do NOT wanna mess with because two old men who are perfectly willing to do what's needed? Red can respect a man willing to get his hands dirty with clear means and Shaw can probably like a guy who has the drive to do what he believes is the better good. Also big hulk man who can give you endless power.
But also differences in them because Shaw abused and continues to abuse Shinobi while Red neglected and most likely emotionally abused Betty but it seemingly trying to make a difference in it now that she's come back? I feel like these two probably have a SUPER in depth conversation when forced to or alone and then never speak about it again.
Spending of Betty! Her and Madelyne?? What a DUO they're litreally a great mix because Maddie is a clone of Jean, Betty was assumed to be a clone at first and often has to suffer being the "domintrix" she hulk. Both have serious issues with their mental health and identities as well as dealing with their lives being ruled or devoted to men who ruin them. Both want freedom and have such passion! I just....so much to say about these two and the similarities. They're both red.
But yeah Phoenix and Harpy?? Skksks Maddie voice: I'm FIRE HARPY nOW
Am I still yelling for her hero name to be Griffin because of how mystical they are and being a bird and lion??? Yeah.
Also sad thoughts but,,,gals talking about their lost kids (Maddie with Nate and Betty suffered a miscarriage induced from stress), the stress of their lovers and who they've lost to (Jean, Emma, Caiera, Jarella,,,) and being manipulated by men for their power (Maddie by Sinister into Goblyn queen and Betty by Leader into Red She-hulk, Harpy, both died).
Anyway point is I can fully see them two just CLICKING or fighting a lot at first until someone points out just how similar they are. Then? Maddie and Betty out here being the brand new Thelma and Louise. Red and Black styles, willing to use force but protect the innocent, both take Alice and this cute kid that Betty absolutely mother henned in her run and,,,two moms and their talented daughters pls step out the way sir.
Tbh I don't think I have much for Samuel apart form him having a small crush on Claudine (and like,,,,not in That Sense, but Samuel does have a big history of falling for smart women or just...OP women). And then a series of gags where Haven wants to know him because he's like Shaw but also incredibly different in thinking and everytime she walks into the room,,,,Samuel is doing some horrific experiment and she just NOPES OUT. Shaw wants to make use of this but it goes horribly wrong oh God why did he try.
Lyra! I just....feel like there could be a lot for her and Claudine and Alice. Lyra was genetically engineered to be used in a war and was bullied relentlessly for being "half man" which...is rather transphobic and sexist but that's her storyline and it's too deeply embedded for me to headcanon over it so...sighs.
But yeah!!! Lyra taking Alice and giving her a night of being able to just....be whoever that night, not being pressured to have an identity of the sorts from anyone and just being able to fight people with a giant green woman. Probably has a lot of deep talks later that night with Lyra, sitting over a building and eating ice cream because it was one of the first things Bruce shared with her and a first realisation that Lyra could be more than someone's daughter.
100% would picture this with Carmilla (Lyra's sister and...also messy kinda clone) or Laura Kinney hopping along and!! Clone weapon woman team!! I could GET INTO this!!! Just...pls marvel give me a team of women overcoming abuse and forming identities among each other and cool women,,,,
But also Lyra admittedly would respect Claudine for her skills and her...tenacity? Yeah, that. She has strength and guts and Lyra probably actually tells her that she'd rather get experimented on by Miss Sinister than some pig of a man and Claudine just "thhhanks?"
Hulk,,,,funny enough I don't think I have many ideas for him yet? Probably gets into a fair few fights with Shaw and Haven over different stuff, Maddie has a bome to pick for Betty,,,I am,,,blank.
I feel like a lot of things for him would be Haven trying to break through into him, maybe each of the Marauders dealing with different parts of the system? I can imagine Shinobi and Pyro don't have a high opinion of the oversized dad until Bruce turns super ashen pale and immediately Joe starts yelling for some whisky and GIRLS....and a fella or two for matchstick and ghost baby here.
Maddie thinking that he's another Scott and then finding out that Hulk's thing is more complicated than Scott simply looking for Jean again. Also Maddie demands that she will forcefully adopt Hulk's kids and these two bonding over abusive dads???
But uh,,,that's about it!! Hope you liked it!!! I probably could easily delve into more thoughts if there's anything specific for me to set my mind on.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part forty four/
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: lmfao I lied. I said I’d update tomorrow but I wanted you guys to have it tonight! Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated!! And yes I know it’s not Douglas Booth! Nikki Sixx for the gif but tbh, I stopped picturing Douglas Booth as Sixx like 20 damn chapters ago sooo...you’re free to imagine which ever version you want!
Warnings: SMUT!!!! And language
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @baiabouk @awesomealmostdopestudent, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy, @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @malibubarbievince, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer@electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist @emmaelizabeth2014, @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @cranberribread, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe, @opalrustad, @kellysimagines, @dillightfulpickle, @marvelismylifffe
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*Nikki’s POV*
My brain was scattered, I double checked everything again. I lit the candles making sure they weren’t going to catch anything on fire. I walked around the beach house I had rented just for us with baggies of fresh red and white rose petals, sprinkling them all around the floor. They began in the dining room where I had a table set for two, for just me and her.
The food wasn’t anything special though, I failed in that department. I just had Chinese takeout delivered a few minutes ago, but I got all of her favorite dishes. I walked down the hallway to the bedroom, dumping the rest of the baggie of rose petals before opening up another one. I scattered them around the bed before lighting more candles of some of her favorite scents, vanilla and honey.
I looked around the bedroom, exhaling. I hope this wasn’t overdoing it. But Christ, when did I become so damn romantic? Either the drugs blocked it off or rehab made my cold heart a little bit warmer. Vanity deserved this. She deserves to be swept off her feet. She deserves to be treated right. She deserved this more than she deserved me taking her into some grimy bathroom and bending her over the sink, she didn’t deserve what I did to other girls that didn’t mean jack shit to me. I mean, I would still gladly bend her over a bathroom sink, but I wanted to show her I loved her, respected her even. I want to show her that she means so much more to me than just being a fuck and then a fight.
I cursed under my breath when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly tossed the bag into the trash before stopping in front of a mirror and readjusting my tie. Mick had to show me how to tie one earlier today.
*Vanity’s POV*
I pulled down my black cocktail dress as I stepped out of the rental car. Nikki had given me an address on where to go earlier today. I looked around at my surroundings. We were at some beach house, I could smell the salt in the air as well as hear the crashing of the waves against the shoreline. I walked up the path and rang the doorbell, I waited until Nikki answered.
The door unlocked and opened. I smiled at him as I held my breath. This is the most dressed down I’ve ever seen him. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt, with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and showing off all his tattoos. He was even wearing a black tie to go with it. His hair wasn’t all over the place as it was tamed and combed through. He looked very handsome and had me in the palm of his hand already.
“Hi.” I said shyly, smiling still as he smirked down at me. He held his hand out as I gladly took it, he bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek, “Hey Princess, you look beautiful.” Nikki expressed, his eyes wandering down my body before bringing them back up to me.
“You look nice too.” I returned the compliment as he smiled cheekily. Nikki’s hand found its way to my lower back as he led me through the house and to the dining room. His presence behind me was intimidating and I was drowning in it.
I marveled over the display he had going on. There was white candles, plus his touch of black and red that were flickering in the lightly dimmed room. I looked down seeing rose petals along the floor followed by some fallen on the table.
My stomach was doing somersaults, I turned to look up at him. He was already looking down at me with a smile and his bottom lip between his teeth, “I hope this isn’t...like too much or whatever.”
Over the soft rock that was playing from somewhere and the overwhelming romance factor, I was in awe, “Nikki...I’m speechless.”
“Clearly not, if you spoke.” He teased as he let out a laugh. I playfully nudged him in the side, “I wanted it to be perfect for you, doll.” He explained as he pulled me to him, lazily wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head. I breathed in the scent of his cologne as I smiled and nodded, “Well thank you, baby.” I stood up on my tip toes and pecked his lips.
Nikki gently took my hand before pulling out the chair before pushing me in when I sat down on it . Who knew Nikki Sixx could be so...so chivalrous. He sat across from me, grabbing a bottle of wine and pulling the cork out. He poured me a glass of deep red wine, more than likely it was super sweet. He had himself a water as he took a sip of it.
“I just wanted our last night together before you leave tomorrow to be special.” He says, digging through a bag filled of Chinese takeout as he pushes over two carry out containers. I opened them seeing it was orange chicken and white rice, he then tossed over a whole bunch of little packets of soy sauce. He knew me so well.
“I wish you didn’t have to go back home yet, just stay with me, I’ll be home in a month.” I took a bite as I watched him frown and pick at his kung pao chicken.
“I know, I wish I could stay too but Francisco says I leave to much, which I mean he isn’t wrong. I don’t know how many times I’ve left and came back now.” I gave him a small smile as I took a sip of the wine, “We can survive a month, it will be fine.”
“I just can’t wait to be home with you. I mean, I have the guys and everything, but it’s lonely here and the strippers are frowned upon in rehab. There’s only recovering ones.” He lightly joked as I let out a small chuckle, “Bet that was a nice sight for the eyes.” I retorted, picking at the food as he started talking again.
“They were uh, the job took a toll on them definitely. Most were cokeheads anyways.” He explained, “I can’t wait to get back home and then finish the album down there. I’m sure the fans miss us.”
I nodded, “Oh they do, trust me. After you left and everyone still thought you were dead, fans were leaving roses and candles outside the gate. I had to tell them to stop because it was starting to keep the gate from opening, I told them you would appreciate the gesture but it was becoming a little too much. Then when it came out you were still alive, I came back to your house after work and it was a fucking mad house. Doc had to send Fred over to deal with it.” I explained as he let out a laugh.
“Then your uh, drug dealers and friends and some chicks came by a lot.” I shrugged taking a rather large sip out of the glass.
He cleared his throat, “I am sorry for that. I hope they weren’t too much of a problem.” He replied, taking a sip of his water.
“It wasn’t a problem until one of the girls came into the house in the middle of the night. She scared the fuck out of me, I was sleeping. She knew where the spare key was...”
Nikki’s face scrunched up, “I’m so sorry, I guess maybe I should find a new place to live.” I shrugged, “It’s up to you. I mean, if I were you, I would. I would get out of the drug house and start somewhere fresh.” I mumbled, finishing off the glass of wine before pouring more.
“You wanna help look? The house in Van Nuys was literally the first one I saw so I bought it but I ended up hating it after a while. It’s not what I even wanted to begin with.” He explained as he watched me put the cork back in the bottle.
I pondered on the idea, “Yeah, I’ll keep a look out for medieval Gothic castles in Los Angeles.” I teased him as he chuckled.
“I wouldn’t say I’m against the idea of a castle. I just want something nice, no closets I can turn into my own little sanctuary. I’m done with that. Is the wine good?” He asked, I stopped mid sip as he pointed to the glass.
I nodded, “Yeah, it’s really good actually. Not too bitter and not too sweet.” I explained as he nodded.
“Are you done eating?” He questioned, motioning to my plate. I pushed it to the side, “Yeah, whats for dessert?”
I saw his lips turn into that arrogant smirk I love to hate, “Me.” He bluntly said, pushing his plate away from him as he leaned back into the chair.
I laughed, taking a sip of the wine again as my eyes didn’t leave his for one second, “Yeah, right. You’ve been denying my advances the whole time I’ve been here. We’re probably just gonna cuddle like we have been until you fall asleep on me.” I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I took another sip of the wine.
Nikki stared at me before that confident smirk reappeared, “Because I wanted to wait till you had to leave. I have to let you go with a good impression.” He retorted as I watched his ringed fingers loosen up his tie before they slipped down and unbuttoned his shirt half way, exposing the tattoos on his chest and a necklace he was wearing.
My heart started racing as the shit eating grin I had going on faded away. I watched as he got up from the table, my eyes not leaving his for one second as he tugged on my hand and led me to the bedroom, his grip was tight around me.
When Nikki pulled me in to the bedroom, he wrapped his hand around the nape of my neck before crashing his lips onto mine. I groaned when my back hit the door. He held me close to him, the kiss was deep and it was hungry. Hungry for me, hungry for him.
His hand traveled from my neck down to my back, pushing me against him as I felt his fingers pull the zipper down. My hand tugged at the shirt that was tucked into his tight leather pants. He broke the kiss as his lips trailed down to my shoulder when he pushed the straps off of me, letting the dress hit the floor. He exhaled deeply when he saw that I wasn’t wearing any panties.
He raised an eyebrow as his gaze met mine, “I forgot?” I laughed nervously as he smiled. I chewed on my bottom lip, “Kiss me again.” I said, grabbing him by his belt buckle and pulling him towards me. He obliged as my hands cupped his jaw and as his arms wrapped around my waist. Without breaking the kiss he walked us over to the bed, laughing as he fell on top of me.
His lips soon found their way to my neck and chest as I quickly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt before pushing it off his shoulders. The tie was still wrapped around his neck, I gently tugged on it to bring his lips to meet mine once more. He propped himself up as he looked into my eyes, “I love you, Vanity.”
I smoothed his hair out, nails running over the shaved sides, “I love you too, Nikki.” He smiled before he lowered his lips to my neck, hands wandering down my body. He reached underneath me, skillfully unclasping my bra and pulling it off my skin.
Nikki was quick to lower himself, placing light bites as he moved his way down south. He pushed my legs apart more before grazing his teeth against my hips. I watched intently as I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to close my legs as he nipped and sucked at my inner thighs.
He suddenly flicked his tongue across my clit, groaning as he started making figure eights. I let out a breathy moan as he dived between the folds, his hands gripping my hips to keep me from moving.
He brought his hand in between my legs, his thumb brushing over my clit as he continued pleasuring me with his mouth.
He teased my entrance with his fingers before slipping one inside slowly before pulling it out again, “Nikki...” I moaned quietly, closing my eyes as he readjusted himself: laying flat on his stomach with my legs draped over his shoulders. His hands came up and gently cupped and kneaded my breasts.
He slowly inched a finger inside of my core, his moans sending vibrations through me as he started to curl his finger inside, before quickly adding another one, his tongue still lapping at my clit feverishly.
“God, Nikki.” I moaned, roughly tugging on his hair with one hand while the other gripped the bed sheets. Nikki licked his lips as he looked up at me, gently pressing a kiss against the wet skin as he leaned back on his knees, still deeply fingering me as his thumb rubbed deep circles into my clit.
His fingers sped up, curling against my sweet spot as I reached for his wrist, “I-I’m gonna cum..” I moaned out, hips starting to grind into his hand as he chuckled. Nikki crawled on top of me, hand still in between my thighs as he placed his lips on mine. I groaned into his kiss, tasting myself on his tongue. I broke the kiss, gently nipping his bottom lip as I felt myself tighten around his fingers, “That’s it good girl, show me how much you missed me.” Nikki praised, seeing that arrogant smirk as I closed my eyes shut, choking on my own moans and breath as I felt myself release around his fingers.
My moans became louder when Nikki wouldn’t stop, pushing me over the edge once more. He gripped my hips, making me stay pinned to the bed as I cried out for him, “Fuck! Nikki!!” I reached for his hand, he slowly pulled out as I felt empty and needing more.
I watched him as he sucked his glistening fingers dry. He sighed in contempt as he watched me sit on my knees in front of him, “So god damn beautiful.” He moaned, pressing a soft kiss on me. My fingers trembled as I reached for his belt buckle, quickly undoing it as I pulled his pants down slightly, exposing the red lips that were tattooed on his hip before he stopped me.
“As much as I love your lips wrapped around my dick, I’m gonna pass for right now.” He said, gently pushing me down on my back again. I watched him tug his pants off, his hard member springing up at full attention. I placed my hand on his chest, nails clawing down as he rested in between my legs.
He reached over to the nightstand, opening it up as he pulled out a condom. His hips jerked forward when I lightly tugged on his cock, thumb brushing over the tip. He quickly smacked my hand away as he rolled the condom onto him.
“I just wanna feel you.” He mumbled, lowering his head down to the side of my neck, gently dragging his teeth down the side before kissing my shoulder.
Nikki’s eyes stayed locked on mine when he entered inside of me slowly. My lips gaped open, head being thrown back as he kissed my chin.
Nikki’s thrusts were slow into me as he whispered sweet words into my ear, “I love you so god damn much.” He kisses below my ear, “You’re my whole world, Van. You’re all I want and need.” He kissed the side of my temple.
“You’re-“ I interrupted, “Are you making love to me, Sixx?” I asked, giggling underneath him as I rubbed the back of his shoulders.
He smiled, pecking my lips, “If you could shut the fuck up for once maybe I can.” He retorted, shaking his head as he looked down at what he was doing.
“I don’t have too, though. I may be sober but...” he stopped talking, immediately wrapping his hand around my throat as I let out a sigh, “But I’m still as sleazy as before.”
I brought my bottom lip in between his teeth as he tightened his grip around my neck, only for him to give me deep and hard thrusts. He let go of my throat before pressing his lips against mine as he continued his movements, filling me up to the brim of explosion.
Nikki reached for my legs, throwing them over his shoulders as he gave me every inch of himself. By the look on his face, I could tell he was enjoying every moment of this, which I mean, Why wouldn’t he? Everything was in perfect view. He watched his cock slide in and out of me with ease as he grabbed one of my tits. His free hand massaging the sensitive bud as I felt myself tighten around him. Hot white emotions flashing over me as I held my breath.
“Nikki, don’t stop. Oh my god.” I moaned out, feeling myself cum around him. He grunted, his hips not stuttering for one moment as he threw his head back in pleasure.
“So warm...so fucking wet for me. Fuck.” Nikki moaned before wrapping his arms around my back, rolling us over so I was on top of him.
My hips skillfully grinded against his, making myself take all of him as I rested my hands on his chest, nails digging into him as he began forcing his hips up to meet mine.
He placed a well timed slap against my ass, causing me to puncture him with my nails even more. He grimaced before smiling, taking my hands into his as he held them at my hips.
“Fuck, Van!” Nikki groaned, tilting his head back as I leaned over and peppered kisses down his neck and chest, his moans vibrating onto my lips.
“On your fucking knees, now.” I bit my lip, getting off of him. There’s the vile and sleazy Nikki I knew.
“You got the sweetest little pussy, Y’know that?” He groaned, lining up his hard member with my core as he gently rubbed against my clit before slowly pushing inside of me, moans simultaneously erupting from the both of us.
“All mine, all of you.” He moaned, placing his hands on my hips, gripping tightly as he trailed his lips down up my back before roughly biting the top of my shoulder.
He freed one of his hands, wrapping it into my hair as he yanked me up against his chest, my hands resting against his sides, “You still belong to me, even after all this god damn time. Always have and always will be mine, understand?” He grumbled, with lips placed against my ear. His thrusts inside of me didn’t subside for one second.
I nodded my head, wincing as the grip on my hair became tighter, “I’m-im yours.” I said quietly, placing my hands on his forearm that was wrapped around my waist.
“Are you now? Because I don’t believe you. Could you repeat that for me, darling?” He said, his hand letting go of my hair and wrapping around the front of my neck once more as he thrusted into me hard, almost to the point where it hurt but the pleasure it gave me was more rewarding.
“Fuck! I’m yours Nikki! I’m yours!”
I saw that smile out of the corner of my eye. He relaxed his grip around my body as he continued the merciless thrusting into me. His hand came in between my legs, rubbing deep circles against my clit.
I moaned his name, arching my hips up to his. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the overwhelming rush of ecstasy that was tipping over the edge, “Nikki, I’m so close.”
He pulled out of me, yanking me down to the bed as I was on my back. I looked up at him, my hand going in between my legs as he smiled at me. Nikki crawled on top of me, quickly situating himself inside and kissing me deeply as I moaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss as he watched what was going on between my thighs.
“God damnit...” He groaned, trailing his lips down my chest before they connected with my tits, his mouth going back and forth between them before he kissed me again, “So fucking perfect, Van.” He panted into my ear as he started speeding up, his fingers now toying with my clit once more.
My lips parted as I dug my nails into his back when he gripped my thighs so he could fuck me deeper. I placed soft kisses and a rough bite against his neck.
“C’mon, Princess. Cum for me, let me know how good I make you feel.” He breathed into my neck, and right on queue I felt myself release around his cock, “Nikki!!” I cried out as he groaned loudly, his thrusts began to get sloppy as I felt his release right after mine like clock work. He stayed inside of me, riding out both of our orgasms. He moved his lips slowly against mine, my hands sprawled out over his back that was covered in a thin layer of sweat. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He moaned into the kiss, moving strands of my hair out of his way.
I gently nipped the bottom of his lip, resulting him to tug on my hair, tilting my head back as he kissed down my neck then back up to my lips. I felt him leave my over stimulated heat, but he still stayed in between my legs. He rested his head against my chest as he laid down on top of me. His fingers dancing over my collar bone as I raked my nails through his jet black hair.
“I love you, Nikki.” I told him, as he perched himself up, hands on either side of my head, “I love you too, doll. So damn much.” He pecked my lips before finally leaving the bed and left the room.
“Fuck.” I laughed at myself, pushing my hair out of my face as I sat up in the bed. He came back in, now wearing a pair of black Calvin Klein boxer briefs.
He walked over to his dresser, pulling out a Girls, Girls, Girls shirt and handing it to me. I slipped it on, pulling down the covers for us as we both laid underneath him.
He laid on his stomach, wrapping an arm around my waist as he had his head turned towards me, “Van, do you really have to go tomorrow? Just stay with me and we’ll go home in a month.”
I relaxed under his touch as I turned my head to him, “I wish I could stay too but Francisco will put my head on a chopping block.” I chuckled as he did too.
“I still don’t get why you have to work, you have a fuck load of money, and I do too.” I scrunched up my eyebrows, “What’s that suppose to mean?” I said, poking his cheek as he smiled with closed eyes.
“You don’t gotta work if we’re together, you have money and I have money so you’ll be taken care of.” He explained as I let out a laugh.
“Good joke, sixx.” I rolled my eyes as I felt him kiss the side of my arm, “I work so I won’t be bored. I like working.”
It was his turn to laugh, “Nobody truly likes working. I’m just saying doll, if you didn’t want to work anymore , it’d be cool with me. You could go on every tour.”
I shook my head, “let’s...let’s play it by ear, okay?” I said, sinking into the bed as I moved closer to him, my finger tips running up and down his bare arm compared to the other one that was decked out in multiple colors.
“Sorry, I’m not meaning to jump the gun. I’m just..I’m just excited we’re together.” I smiled wide at his words.
“We’re gonna have so much fun, you and I.” I whispered, pressing my lips to his as I felt his form a smile into the kiss.
“Just Vanity and Nikki.”
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nomadicbeard · 5 years
Hi! I saw on one of your posts you said that you used to be a stucky shipper. I actually started off as a stony shipper but then absolutely fell in love with stucky but I like both . I was just wondering what made you "jump ship" on stucky lol. Sorry if this comes across as annoying or anything im just curious!
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Hey! As you can see a couple of people have asked me this over the last couple of weeks and I’m really lazy and haven’t got around to responding yet, but the people deserve an answer so here we go. Before we start a quick disclaimer: I’ll only be talking about the ships themselves, not the communities or any of the discourse surrounding them. This is not a ship-bashing of any kind and please do not take it as such, it’s just my own personal experience surrounding these characters and these relationships. 
 Buckle your seatbelts kids, this is a long one.
I first got into Marvel c. 2015. I’m European so I’d never really watched any marvel movies before that, I watched Age of Ultron on a plane and remember being vaguely aware the Steve/Tony was a thing (what is pretty interesting is that to this day I have no clue where that knowledge came from) but was mostly just excited by the superhero stuff. I then got home and watched The Winter Soldier and fell in love. I love the Winter Soldier, it’s probably still one of my favourite marvel movies (it got kicked out of its top spot by Black Panther last year unfortunately) and to me no other marvel movie could hold a torch to it at the time. So I came onto tumblr, searched up The Winter Soldier and was just inundated with Stucky stuff, as expected. I rolled with it, got invested just from constant exposure (it was also around the height of the Stucky ship) and as far as I was concerned, that was that. I was super into Stucky for almost six months and was pretty much your average shipper, I didn’t understand stevetony, loved Steve Rogers, was close to creating a Stucky sideblog wit some ridiculous pun as my username, I was gone over this ship.
Then one day, I sat down and read the man on the bridge by boopboop on ao3. You’ve almost definitely heard of it, but it was the most popular fic in the Steve/Bucky tag on ao3 at the time (for some reason I had just never got around to reading it until then, it was long and I didn’t have the stamina I have now). It was your pretty standard Stucky fic, Steve gets Bucky back, they have to deal with his trauma which results in Steve and Bucky declaring their long lost love for each other etc. etc. What was different about this fic, was that it was all told from Tony’s point of view, and since Steve and Tony were on the same team at that point, their dynamic was a huge part of the fic. And I found myself falling completely in love with Steve and Tony’s dynamic. I went back to the fic for this post (and god it is a good fic) and pulled up the first couple of chapters and instantly just found so many instances of that dynamic
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(grade A stevetony arguing over each other’s safety with a side of flirting from Tony)
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(Idk why but the image of Steve and Tony not going to sleep, but rather staying up and brewing coffee together was such a vivid one when I first read this fic, I still remember it to this day. )
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(Tony picking Steve flowers while trying to desperately play off that he didn’t aka. Tony caring while trying desperately not to care)
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(Everyone knowing that Steve would definitely come to Tony, apart from Tony himself.)
Now obviously, this is a stucky fic and I went into it knowing this, but I found when Steve and Bucky finally got together I felt honestly a bit bored, a bit cheated. I had no idea why at the time. I remember very clearly x-ing out of the fic at the end and feeling really uneasy, I came onto tumblr, went straight back into the Stucky tag and all was well.
When I next went back onto ao3, I started out with a couple of oneshots in the Stucky tag, but for some reason it wasn’t working for me anymore. I remember sitting there, a little bored, not at all invested in this relationship and just missing something. I figured I was probably missing Tony’s presence in the fic and so filtered in Tony Stark’s character tag. I read a few of those and all was well but I realised the same thing was happening as had happened in man on the bridge, the moment that Steve and Bucky got together, the fic lost something for me. Desperate at this point, and a little annoyed at myself I conducted an experiment and went into the Steve/Tony tag on Ao3 and as they say, the rest is history. If you go onto older posts on my main blog there’s a pretty drastic, almost overnight shift c. January 2016. I have to admit, I expected Civil War to be a conversion so I enjoyed stevetony without consequence for five months, while still labelling myself as a Stucky shipper because I expected to be pulled back to Stucky after civil war, the reality was that somehow I came out of civil war shipping stevetony harder than ever before. From there, I spent two years reading my way through the stevetony tag on ao3 and finally set up this blog in 2018, with a really obscure reference as my username and it’s been stevetony til I die ever since.
I just couldn’t read Stucky anymore. That’s what I mean when I say on this blog that stevetony has ruined me for every other ship, because it has. Steve and Tony’s firecracker dynamic pulled me away from what was fast on its way to becoming my favourite ship in 2015, all because they had a bit of banter on the side in a fic. It’s kind of depressing really, the sort of hold that Steve and Tony’s dynamic has over me, 
It’s strange you say you fell in love with Stucky, I fell absolutely out of love with it. I have thought a lot about how I ended up falling into stevetony and why I was so drawn to them instead of Stucky in the first place and I think it all comes down the the story itself. To me, Steve and Bucky’s relationship carries much more weight as a friendship, I still have no doubt that Bucky is one of if not the most important person in Steve’s life, but having that be a lifelong friendship is way more powerful and impactful to me, (especially since what I know I misconstrued to be Steve’s obsession with Bucky is actually Steve’s obsession over the past. I’m not saying Bucky isn’t dear to Steve and he does want to obviously rescue him, but looking back on it there’s more to Steve’s obsession with Bucky than just love, it’s a fear of change and it’s him desperately trying to hold onto a past that’s gone.)
Conversely, I feel like adding a romantic element to Steve and Tony’s relationship enriches the story being told, if you look at something like civil war (either MCU or 616 tbh) in the context of Tony being desperately in love with Steve, it makes a lot more sense, especially with things like The Confession in 616 or the stuff brought up in that strange conversation in the conference room in the MCU. There’s lines from Steve like “I’m home/you gave me a home” or even straight up “he loved you” and his tormented behaviour throughout infinity war and endgame that just really makes you wonder, not to mention lines from others like “you two still gazing into each other’s eyes/sounds like both of you got into bed with the wrong people” and they did have to share a bed at Clint’s farm after all lol. The tragedy of their story is heightened if you look at it through the context of them being absolutely in love with each other, just never having actually got around to telling it to each other’s faces. This tragedy is heavily implied in The Oath/The Confession in 616 when they confess their deepest darkest secrets to the other’s comatose/dead bodies, and apparently it’s always been that they love the other person. Actually you could easily introduce a romantic element by making relatively few changes to the MCU, but that’s a post for another time (I have a long and comprehensive list in my notes app on how little you actually need to change to make that happen, it’s literally the matter of a few lines of dialogue and one major story change at the end of IM3, an interesting thought exercise to say the least).
Finally, there’s a quote that came up on my dash the day I made that fateful venture into the ao3 stevetony tag, “your soulmate isn’t someone who comes peacefully into your life. It is someone who makes you question things, changed your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone idealized, but an ordinary person, who managed to revolutionize your world in a second” to this day, it resonates so strongly with me about stevetony. It’s everything I love about this ship just compressed into a quote. 
So yeah it was basically a bunch of happy coincidences, but thank god it happened. As a writer, stevetony has taught me so much about character and dynamic, stuff that is honestly invaluable. When you have long fics that basically detail the day by day life of Steve and Tony post-civil war in rural Italy and consists of them sleeping, crying and working through their repressed feelings (looking at you @silkspectred ), it is the characters and their unique dynamic that drive the entirety of the story. Steve and Tony, in the hands of a compelling writer, can keep me hooked over a frankly embarrassing number of words. I still have a bit of a special place for Stucky in my heart really, it did start me out in marvel after all and it was one of my first ever ships, but your first love is only so good until you meet your true love, not to get all sappy but stevetony has completely destroyed my ability to ship anything else. I might get a bit flirtatious with some other ships, like sambucky (I still love Bucky, and I love Sam!), or the riverdale ships (beronica and jarchie or bust), or even the game of thrones crack ships (daensa til the day we die), but I’ll always come back to stevetony.
So yeah this escalated into a far longer post than I intended to make but I’ve never really spelled out on this blog how or why I ended up jumping Stucky to Stony when I know it’s usually the other way around. I guess it just comes down to stevetony catching me out when I least expected it, and never having let go of me since. 
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sunlightdances · 5 years
Killing the Space in Between
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Title: Killing the Space in Between Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Words: 2,514. Rating/Warnings: No real warnings. Rated PG. Summary: The theme for this challenge is “nostalgia”, so here’s my take on it: this takes place after Civil War, but Bucky doesn’t go to Wakanda right away. The gang's all healing together. Enter our Reader. Prompt: “Are we on a date right now?” Author’s Note: Written for @whirlybirbs​’ Endgame Fic Challenge! Thanks for hosting, Hope! I love your writing and am so pumped you’re gonna be reading something of mine. Disclaimer: I don’t own Marvel, Bucky Barnes, or any other characters/plots from the MCU. I don't own the song “Closer to You” by Carly Pearce, which inspired the title. I also don’t have any knowledge about Manhattan, so please suspend your disbelief for this fic, please and thanks. Please don’t repost my work on any other sites without my permission! This includes AO3 and Wattpad. Reblogs are fine and encouraged, tbh!
Bucky Barnes has sweaty palms.
Well, one sweaty palm. He would chuckle at his own joke if he wasn’t so nervous, glancing down to where you’re practically pressed against him on the train.
The train lurches as it comes screeching to a stop, and he grits his teeth as you sway against him, sending him an apologetic smile as he automatically wraps an arm around your shoulder, steadying you.
God. He’d be ready to flee if you weren’t so nice and so warm and looking at him-- oh. You’ve been talking, he realizes, and he feels so off kilter. He can’t stand it, but sort of in a good way.
“Sorry,” his voice is gruff even to his own ears. “What did you say?”
“I was just saying thanks for agreeing to come with me. I know you don’t like crowds.”
But I like you, he wants to say. He doesn’t. “Sure, it’s no problem.” He makes a face at himself when you’re not looking. That’s all he could come up with? God. Sam is never going to let him hear the end of this. Steve either, for that matter. If word gets back to them about what an awkward idiot he turns into around you, he’s finished.
He’s still a little unclear on where you’re taking him, but he jumped at the chance to get out of the Tower for a day. It’s a little suffocating there. He knows everyone is trying to help him, but there’s still too much tension between he and Stark, and Steve’s-- he’s trying his best.
It’s hard for Bucky to know he’s disappointing his oldest friend every day he can’t pretend to be the man he was when they were in their twenties. He’s seen too much. He’s not the same person, and he knows part of Steve is always going to wish for that version of Bucky.
When Steve found him in Budapest, he barely had two weeks of being relatively back in his own head before he had to fight for his life, for the life he wanted to have.
You were there too.
A year ago…
Steve is banging on the door, Bucky’s right arm locked in his tight grip. Bucky feels woozy, he feels like his brain is being pulled apart. Steve keeps looking over his shoulder and curses under his breath before knocking again, this time harder.
The door is pulled open. You’re there, hair disheveled, a bruise blooming on your cheek and a cut on your temple. “Sorry- had to check.” You say, and then you’re ushering Steve and Bucky inside.
There are no introductions, not really.
Steve is semi-panicking. Bucky might not have a solid grasp on Steve anymore, but he can read the tension radiating off the other man.
“I need to hide him here. No one knows about this place.”
“It’s his tech. That’s why I need you to stay here. He shouldn’t look for him here, but that’s the least of our problems. Someone’s tailing him - they think he set off the bomb. I’ll set the alarm when I leave--”
“Leave?!” Your voice is high pitched, “Steve--”
“I have to try.” He steps closer, voice low. It’s clearly not meant for Bucky to hear, but he does anyway. “He saved my life. We took some fire at the apartment -- he wouldn’t have done that if he was still trying to kill me and everyone else.”
You look wary, but nod. “Okay. Okay. I-- Steve, Tony’s serious about this.”
“I know.” His voice is firm, but Bucky can tell Steve’s more upset and rattled than anything else. “I have to go figure out what to do next. The only other person I want you to let through this door is Sam.”
Bucky is overwhelmed. Too many names, too much going on inside his head to make sense of. He feels like he’s going to be sick.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Just-- keep him comfortable.” Another step closer. Definitely not meant for Bucky to hear, “Keep your gun on you always. Don’t go anywhere without it. Don’t let your guard down.”
You swallow hard, but you don’t look scared. Bucky finds himself wanting to smile as he watches you roll your shoulders back and straighten, determined.
“Be safe, Cap.”
A squeeze of your shoulder and an indecipherable look back at Bucky, and then Steve is gone.
A few uncomfortable seconds pass before you look at him, clearly nervous but trying to hide it. “Are you hurt?” You ask, and Bucky’s knees feel weak.
When is the last time someone asked him that?
“I--” His voice is weak, rough with disuse. “I don’t know.”
“I’m a nurse,” you tell him. “I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to, but if something’s hurt, you should let me help. We might be stuck here awhile.”
His heart is hammering. He’s-- he feels fear, and he’s not used to that. He’s used to not feeling much at all. But you’re-- the kindness in your eyes is sending him spiraling. He’s afraid what he might do. He shakes his head, almost violently.
“Okay,” your voice is soft, placating, “Okay. I won’t touch you. We’ll just wait here for Steve, okay?”
Bucky wonders if you’ll ever know how much of a help you were to him that day. You never did anything without his permission, but you stayed close. You respected his boundaries, and you kept an eye out for him, for any sign it was all becoming too much.
When Steve and Sam came back, it was simultaneously the worst and best thing that ever happened to him. They were on the run. There was a rogue Hydra operative trying like hell to unleash the Soldier everywhere they went.
He had to face the truth about the Starks. The fight with Tony.
But in the end, Steve offered him a home, a place to recover. That meant he had to face his past, though. He didn’t want to. He didn’t trust himself, or anyone else, even Steve.
But you were there too. You helped, and Steve’s friendship never wavered. Soon he had a tentative friendship with Natasha too, forged by a shared past that they both never liked to speak about. He had a weird, wonderful new alliance with Sam.
And you. You were-- he doesn’t want to put a name to what he’s feeling, because it’s too much, and he’s not ready for that yet. Not yet.
He forces himself back to the present.
You both walk in comfortable silence down the street, and Bucky’s so, so tempted to let his hand bump into yours, weave your fingers together, hold on tight and just let himself drown in the comfort he feels when he’s with you.
You look lovely in the early winter morning - you’re bundled up in a puffy coat, a scarf wound around your neck, and a knit hat on your head. He wants to memorize all the details of this morning and keep them locked away, so he can revisit them whenever he’s feeling lost.
“I thought we’d check this out-- the exhibit is-- I don’t know. I thought it might help.” You say, bringing his attention to where you are. The New York Historical Society. “Two of Brooklyn’s golden boys… it’s a wonder they didn’t dedicate the entire museum to the both of you.” You say, smiling, talking about him and Steve.
Bucky smiles but doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t think he deserves to be remembered like this.
He follows you into the museum, trying not to scowl at everyone who turns and looks in his direction, some with awe on their faces, some with clear trepidation. You insist on paying his admission, even when he protests, but the sparkle in your eyes won’t be denied.
If he wasn’t so anxious, he’d actually be really enjoying this. He’s always liked learning and history in general, and there’s so much he’s missed - he could spend hours here and never know enough.
He can tell when you’re close to the exhibit. You walk a little closer, a little slower, chewing on your bottom lip. “If you get freaked out, just say the word,” you say over your shoulder, leading him on. “We’ll get out of here the minute you say so.”
He clears his throat. “I trust you.” He says. And it’s the truth. You look momentarily surprised, but try to hide it. You’re adorable.
The exhibit is everything he hoped it would be and nothing like he expects all at once. It’s similar to the one Steve’s taken him to in Washington. It’s a little overwhelming - the music, the voiceovers… the photos. His memories come to him in flashes, more now that he’s recovering.
The exhibit with the uniforms is startling. He knows they’re replicas. Whatever happened to his blue coat after he fell… he doesn’t want to know. But seeing it there, seeing all of them there, the Commandos… it’s a lot. He doesn’t know why he’s so emotional. But he misses them. He has flashes of laughing around a fire, of the ear-splitting sound of artillery and the adrenaline of making it out of a fight, the relief of seeing his friends alive and well.
He’s aware of your eyes on him.
You try to act like you’re looking at other exhibits, giving him space and time to take everything in at his own pace, but it’s the opposite of what he wants right now. He wants you right there beside him, he wants to grip your hand, he wants you to tell him that he’s done alright with his life, that none of this is his fault, that--
“Hey.” Your voice interrupts the beginnings of what he suspects would have been a panic attack. “Doing okay?”
He looks down at you. “Yeah.” His voice is thick with unshed tears. “I think this is enough for one day,” he says gently, still not used to saying what he’s feeling or drawing boundaries for himself. “Can we--”
“Let’s get something to eat.” You say immediately, brightly, your enthusiasm drawing the dark clouds away.
“I feel like you had ulterior motives for getting me out of the Tower,” he says, elbowing you gently.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you reply, prim, and he laughs. It feels-- going from feeling this unavoidable sadness to cracking jokes with you… he can’t put it into words how it makes him feel. Light. Unburdened. Happy.
Bucky Barnes doesn’t think he’s being dramatic when he says this is the best meal he’s ever eaten in his entire life.
He’s got the biggest slice of pizza, and you. You’re across from him, smiling as he tells you about the stupid shit he and Steve used to get up to in their Brooklyn neighborhood, your head propped up in your hand as you hang on his every word.
This is-- it’s a day he never dreamed he would have.
He knows he still has to face the music in terms of his recovery. There’s the trigger words, and whatever other shit they put in his head that he’s got to find a way to get a hold on. But he feels better knowing he actually has people on his side that want to help him.
Steve’s been talking about the Avengers. About Bucky, and having a place for him there, for as long as he wants one. He’s been talking about helping people, saving people… it seems like a dream.
And then there’s you.
You’re always there, eyes shining like diamonds, a bright smile there to greet him whenever he comes into a room. If you were ever afraid of him, you hid it well. He doesn’t think he’s ever been more grateful for anything than he is for meeting you, your friendship, and your gentle affection.
He wants to-- he wants to tell you things. He wants to say things to you that are probably too much, too soon, but he wants to say them anyway. He wants to tell you that his heart beats faster when you’re around. He wants to tell you that he thinks about you all the time.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, eyes on your plate as you grab another slice.
“Are we on a date right now?” He blurts, and immediately regrets it. Your wide eyes meet his, and god, he wants the Earth to open up and swallow him whole. “You don’t have to answer that. Sorry--”
“Do you-- do you want it to be a date?” You ask, sounding a little nervous yourself, and Bucky can feel the spirit of his mother practically smacking him in the back of the head for being such an idiot.
But the truth? He does want this to be a date. He’s scared as hell. But still, he wants it.
“Can I tell you something embarrassing?” You ask, not waiting for him to answer. Letting him off the hook.
He nods.
“I have the biggest crush on you.” There’s a blush on your cheeks and you duck your head, and Bucky has never wanted to kiss someone so badly in his entire life. “I know this is the worst timing -- you’re still going through so much, and I’m so happy just to be in your life--”
“I--” He interrupts you, not even sure what he wants to say, but knowing he can’t let you think that he doesn’t want you. “I like you.” He admits, and can hear Steve’s snort of amusement in his head. He’s Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. The Fist of HYDRA. And he tells you he likes you?!
That blush is still there on the apples of your cheeks though, so he takes it as a good sign. “I’m not… sure how to do this anymore. It’s been awhile.” He says, wry, and beams at you when you laugh in return. “I just know that I like the way I feel when I’m with you.”
You reach for his hand across the table, slowly, giving him enough time to move away if he wants to. He absolutely doesn’t.
“I feel that way about you, too.” You tell him. “We-- we can go as slow as you want. We don’t even have to do anything else besides this.”
“I can think of a few other things I’d like to do.” Bucky replies quickly, and there he is. The James Buchanan Barnes he thinks he was once, the one who was confident and sure.
“That was terrible,” you say, but the smile on your face is worth it. He thinks he’d do anything to see you smile like that more often. Your face and your voice softens, “Let’s just take it one day at a time, okay?”
On the way home, there’s absolutely no space between the two of you as you walk to the train station, hands clasped tightly together. No space between you on the train either, one of his arms slung around your shoulders as you sit.
He’s going to walk you to your room tonight, but he won’t kiss you. Not yet. He’ll save that for another day.
One day at a time, he thinks. One day at a time.
There's a diamond sky that's waiting for us just outside of town With the moon hanging for me and you, baby We can cut the headlights out when there ain't no one else around Kill the space in between, slide across that leather seat Heart to heart, face to face, you know all I wanna do Is get closer, closer, closer to you
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
Rick In The Water; Ch7: Shameful Metaphors
Summary: There’s some fluffs, there some action. I might be just a little too proud of how this chapter came out.
A/N:  Rickshank Rickdemption? Never heard of him. CW: Bastardization of a whole ass episode for my own selfish gains tbh Pairing: Rick Sanchez/Reader Word Count: 5529
My ao3
|Ch6: Do You Feel It?|
Rick looked like a goddamn kid in a candy shop. When we crossed the threshold, his pockets bulging with his Monopoly money, he took off ahead of me, shouting about someone called Roy.
“Rick! Rick wait!” I called after him, trying to cut through the crowd and keep up with the oversized child that Rick had suddenly become. He paused briefly, allowing me to finally catch up. I surveyed the room, astounded by how it enormous it seemed. To our left was an expansive bar. Two large arcades ran adjacent to it, emanating with sounds of laughter and loud sound effects. The building had multiple stories, all accentuating the large planetary statue situated in the center of the room. More sounds of mirth and excitement rained down on us from above, leaving me to assume it was multiple levels of rows and rows of video games.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Rick looked proud like he had come up with the whole place himself.
“Ah, if it isn’t my friend Rick Sanchez,” a large slug-like creature called warmly as he slithered over to us.
“Slitherino, buddy! How the hell are you?” Rick greeted him jovially, shaking the creatures… hand? I guess?
“Doin’ great, my friend. Business is booming ever since that commercial you did with us. Who would’ve thought an interdimensionally wanted criminal could bring in so many kids?” Slitherino chortled. “And who do you have here tonight?” He raised his brow at Rick as he regarded me.
“Slither- this is Nova, Nova this Siltherino Slimeofogus the Fourth, owner of the greatest establishment this side of the galaxy,” Rick boasted.
“Now, now Rick. You’re not trying to get extra flurbos out of me are you?” Siltherino asked, eyeing him seriously before breaking out into a huge smile. “Because it’s working. Here you son of a bitch, you guys have a great time.” He handed us a large bucket of coins from within his apparently gelatinous body. He bid us farewell as he slithered away, leaving Rick to count the contents quickly.
“One thousand ninety-nine, two thousand. Two thousand flurbos Nova!” he exclaimed as he slid the coins back into the bucket. “Are you hungry? They’ve got zurbos here now, so fucking good Nova.” Rick gushed. I barely recognized the man next to me as his eyes flitted all around the room. I shook my head, earning me a one way trip to a game called Roy 2: Dave. “The line was ridiculous last time I was here,” Rick marveled, “You should play!” He deposited some of our flurbos in the machine before sitting me down in the chair and dropping a helmet over my eyes.
“Dave! Come out here and eat dinner with us!” a voice called out to me. I closed my binder, rushing out to the living room to find my big brother Roy and my parents sitting at their TV trays. “Oh sweetheart, you’re just in time! We’re getting to watch the newest episode of Planet Music!”
In high school, I met a girl named Arabelle, an outcast just like me. We spent nearly every day after school hanging out by a waterfall where we got high and talked about music, art and anything else that came to mind.
I didn’t stay friends with her for long, my parents didn’t approve of her dark sense of humor and overuse of sarcasm. I knew they just wanted the best for me. They bought me a guitar and lessons instead and allowed me to spend all hours of the night practicing. My brother Roy and I formed a band, along with a couple of his friends from school. Our first single was a smash hit, propelling us into the limelight.
Arabelle and I reconnected after a show one night. I forgot how much I missed her and we stayed up the entire night talking like we used to. She told me how heartbreaking it was to lose my friendship. I apologized and worked my way into her pants that night.
Our second album flopped, and Roy and I started fighting constantly. Arabelle and I had started dating, and she insisted I was the talent of the band. I listened to her, leaving my brother and his friends to seek new highs and new ways to become creative.
I joined the twenty-seven club, dying of an overdose.
“What the fuck?!” I screamed as the helmet was removed from my head.
“Only twenty-seven?” Rick commented, reading the stats on the screen. “You at least led a fun life I suppose,” he shrugged.
“Everything was so real. I felt myself die,” I trembled. My knees shook as I stood up and tried to reorient myself with my real body.
“You’re alright Nova,” Rick smirked, “Now get outta my way, it’s my turn!” He tore off my reward tickets, handing them off to me and depositing a couple more coins into the machine. He fitted the helmet over his head and his eyes unsettlingly rolled back in his head. I watched the screen, watched the body I had thought was my own as it fought with its sibling Roy, become the most popular kid in school before completely running from home at the age of sixteen.
“You didn’t do much better, Mr. Age Twenty-Five,” I teased as Rick pulled the helmet off in frustration, grabbing his own tickets. My grip on reality had finally returned after watching Rick’s version of Dave’s life and I was actually eager for another go.
“How was I supposed to know the bungee cord was going to break!?” he shot back. “These games, some of them really just want you to keep pumping flurbos into them,” he growled, stalking off toward what I could only assume was the space equivalent of Skee Ball. He pumped more flurbos into the game, picking up the hovering puck and chucking it skillfully. It bounced off of the holographic mountains before hitting a secret passageway and setting an alarm off.
“I take it you’ve played these games a couple of times,” I mused, watching him perform trick shots as the machine produced ticket after ticket.
“Well, if you look at the screen, that’ll be my high score,” he pointed proudly at the marquee that read ‘HI-SCORE: ARSE” followed by a series of illegible symbols.
“Arse, really?” I asked, trying to stifle my giggles to sound terribly unamused.
“It stands for Actually Rick Sanchez,” he told me flatly.
“Oh, what’s the E for then?”
“Yeah, I mean, come on Nova, I had to,” he shrugged.
“I mean, if you already went that far…” I trailed up, grinning up at him.
When he had finally spent his last flurbo, he begrudgingly walked us out to the ship to head home. Today had been incredible, with its high and low points but weirdly enough, the trip to Blips and Chitz felt like an actual date. I was going to comment as such, but we were being approached by an alarming number of bug-like creatures.
“Rick Sanchez, we have you surrounded,” one called out. Rick froze, scanning the area to find the bug creatures claims were true. “If you come quietly, I can assure you no danger will befall your Nova.”
“Rick, what is going on?” I hissed as he pulled me in close and pulled out his portal gun.
“Don’t even think about it, Sanchez!” the bug shouted, “We have you in our sights, and you’ll be dead before you even try.”
“Goddammit, Slitherino,” Rick snarled, releasing me to confront the bugs.
“You’ve committed numerous crimes against the Federation. I urge you to stand down,” the bug declared again as he closed in on us, close enough for me to make out his furry legs and large wings.
“Let me send her home,” Rick demanded. “I’ll come with you, just let me send her home.”
“Rick, no-” I protested before he cut me off
“Nova, just be quiet, please,” he glared down at me.
“If you come peacefully, you may send her home in your ship,” the bug compromised nonchalantly.
“Yeah, that’s not how it’s going down,” he snarled, pulling out his portal gun again. As the bugs opened fire around us, he deployed a shield around us. “This is not going to last long enough for me to explain any of this to you.” He opened a portal on the ground behind me, discreetly shoving his portal gun in my hands. “Nova, just trust me, I-I’m sending you somewhere safe,” he murmured, kissing my forehead before shoving me through the opening. I heard the shield shatter as I fell through, gunfire coming to an immediate stop as the portal closed above me. Shellshocked, I realized I was in an oddly familiar, dingy hallway and a door with a rusted peeker stood in front of me. I stood quickly, knocking urgently on it. When I received no answer, I sighed in frustration knocking the same knock that Beth and I shared. The peeker slid open to reveal the same pair of angry eyes before quickly opening, Scar Rick grabbing me as I crumpled to the floor.
The world was spinning around me as I came to, Scar watching intently from across the room as I sat up in a panic which served to only make the spinning faster. I was on a thin cot, surrounded by similar weapons to the ones I’d seen in Rick’s garage. Rick. The thought of him propelled me from the cot, heading for the door. I had no idea how I was going to save him, but damn if I wasn’t going to try.
“H-Hey, Nova, it’s okay. Calm down,” Scar said gruffly, soothing me simply by sharing the same voice as Rick. My legs were weak as I stood, and he grabbed me hesitantly before I fell again, sitting me back on the cot.
“The hell it is! Some fucking b-bug creatures took Rick- They’re gonna kill him,” I shouted hysterically, making another move to stand. Scar grabbed my shoulder, roughly forcing me back onto my cot.
“Nova, I know. This is the third time you’ve woken up screaming about it,” he assured me, grabbing a dirty canteen and offering it to me. My mouth was a desert and I drank from it greedily. “H-Hey, calm down. Drowning won’t bring Rick back,” he remarked smartly, gently tugging the canteen out of my grasp.
“Wh-What am I going to do? I have to get him back,” I panicked, bunching my legs up into my chest as I slowly rocked myself back and forth. I had always thought of Rick as untouchable like he was always five steps ahead of every potential foe.
“Why don’t you tell me everything that happened after you left here three days ago,” he asked with surprising calm.
“Three fucking days ago? How long have I been passed out?” I asked, breaking out of my grasp on my legs, moving to stand up again.
“You passed out at my door,” he said, his gruff tone returning as he blocked me from making my way to the door by outstretching his arm across my chest, resulting in me stumbling back onto the cot. “You’ve been in and out these past few days, screaming about Rick and monster bugs when you were conscious. This is the most lucid you’ve been yet.”
“Wh-What were those creatures?” I asked him, just the memories of the way they surrounded us stilling me to my core.
“Those were most likely the Groflamites,” he sighed, standing up and returning to the other side of the room. A portal gun laid in pieces on the table he approached, the glass on the top completely shattered. He noticed as I stared at in horror, my only way directly to Rick completely destroyed. “You fell on it when you passed out,” he explained, “I’ve been trying to fix it, but I haven’t had one in over a decade.”
“Y-You can fix it though, right?” I asked nervously, unable to take my eyes off of it.
“I should be able to, I have to go out and get some parts. I just hadn’t been able to yet, I didn’t want you to wake up alone,” he admitted sheepishly, “I-I know my N-Nova wasn’t a fan of that.”
Clearing his throat, he continued, “If you think you’ll be okay for a couple of hours, I can run out now. There are just a couple of pieces that need to be replaced, I promise I’ll be quick.”
“C-Can I just come with you?” I asked anxiously, not trusting myself enough to be left alone with my thoughts.
Fucking asshole. That fucking piece of fucking shit. I’m gonna- I’m gonna burn every fucking Blips and Chitz to the fucking ground when I finally get the fuck out of here.
The first order of business, unfortunately, figuring out where in the hell here was.
It looked like I was in my garage, but that couldn’t be right. Key details were missing, my newest tinker toy, for instance, not to mention Nova’s crudely drawn smiley face on my work desk.
“Alright assholes, what in the fuck are you waiting for?” I shouted into the ether. There was no response at first until a tall Groflamite knocked on the garage door.
“Hello, Rick,” he remarked coolly, leaning against the door as he closed it behind him. “That was a cute little trick, sending your Nova off with your portal gun. You know we have to hunt her down now right?” he told me perfectly politely, although the threat of it was apparent.
“Good luck,” I remarked darkly, turning back to my workbench even though there wasn’t really anything to focus my attention on.
“We already have a good idea of where you sent her, hard to believe a Rick would trust another Rick with his most treasured possession, but I guess you’re an odd one through and through,” he commented, inspecting the fur on the back of his hand.
“Tr-Treasured- possession?” I sputtered. He had to be bluffing. Scar was an old friend, back from before the council formed. The council hadn’t been very sympathetic to the kidnapping of his Nova, ultimately opting not to rescue her to keep themselves laid low. He wasn’t going to let another Rick go through that.
Well, fuckwad better not.
“Come now Rick, let's not pretend. We both know you love that human girl,” The Groflammite told me flatly.
“Love is just a chemical reaction,” I recited, bored.
“Mmhm, but yet you still love her.”
“I-I do not!” I lied.
“You don’t have to lie to me, Rick,” he shook his head, “Go ahead and lie to yourself all you want, but we’re in your head. I’ve seen a lot more of your dirty thoughts than I ever wanted to, and somehow they all featured her. And a couple of giraffes I won’t be asking any questions about.”
“Get to the point, bug.”
“I’d think the smartest man in the universe would know what I wanted.”
Jesus fucking christ this fucking douche.
I stuck close to Scar as he led us through the bustling city of Shingrap. He didn’t have much to say, not completely unlike my Rick on a bad day. Through a particularly tight crowd, he grabbed my hand tightly, and for a moment, I forgot where I was and who he was. His hands exhibited the same coarseness, and for even the smallest second I felt safe. Maybe that’s why he sent me here? Did he know he was going to die? Did he send me to this Rick to offer him something he’d lost?
He was far too cocky to allow for such planning. He must’ve known this Rick would be able to help, or something. I just wish I knew what to do. Scar must’ve realized I had started spiraling because he turned around quickly and grabbed me by the shoulders.
“Nova, I need you to focus, we’re almost there.”
‘There’ was a filthy pawnshop. Why was I always ending up in the dirtiest parts of space? All of these people with their illusions of grandeur when it came to space should feel lucky to not have a Rick in their lives to completely shatter them. Scar and the clerk spoke in low tones as I investigated the shop, never straying out of Scar’s eyesight. He grabbed my hand again, his transaction apparently complete as he led me back through the city. As we cut the corner to the alley that would lead us back to his safe house, I spotted a Groflammite scanning the city gun in hand.
“Rick,” I whispered sharply, pulling on his hand sharply as the bug’s gaze was moving in our direction. Scar found him immediately, breaking into a sprint down the alley, shooting one of the lecherous bulbous headed creatures my Rick and I had encountered our first time here. We made it safely back to his building, but as Scar sealed the door behind us, a quiet fluttering of wings assured us they had spotted us. We ran up the stairs as they slammed their weight into the door. Scar locked his safe room door behind us before starting on the repairs to the portal gun. A large slam from the floors below told us they had made it through the first door and it was only a matter of seconds before they were at this one.
“Start grabbing anything you see with a trigger,” Scar growled as he inserted the glass bulb on the top of the gun, opening a small door to work on the circuitry. I grabbed every weapon I could get my hands on, shoving them into a small pile in the center of the room. A loud bang on the safe room door made me jump out of my skin, but Scar was slamming the panel on the gun shut, smirking. “Let’s get the hell out of here baby girl,” he murmured tenderly, grabbing me by my waist and shooting a portal under the pile of guns. We followed the guns through just as the bugs broke through the door, dropping us right onto a marble floor.
“Nova N-682,” Riq IV called from behind me. I brushed my hair out of my face, huffing as I turned to face him. “Where is your Rick?” he asked curiously, looking around as if he expected him to erupt from another portal.
“Rick Alpha-392,” Scar growled up at him viciously.
“Oho, you’ve renounced your Rick for Rick Beta-125?” Rick Prime grinned down at us, “Now there’s a match I never even thought to put money on.”
“There’s a name I haven’t heard in centuries,” Riq IV laughed darkly. “What brings you back here? Want to put this Nova’s head on the chopping block too?” Scar roared, picking up one of his guns and aiming at the council member.
“You fucking killed her, not me,” Scar snarled. I reached up gently, lowering the gun with a gentle look.
“Not here, not now.” I soothed him. He relented, turning away from the sneering Ricks atop their thrones. “Rick- N-682 has been arrested by the F-Federation.” Riq IV’s face darkened as he regarded me, before turning to his fellow council members. They deliberated a moment, before coming to a decision and turning back to me.
“So he dies. I’m sorry Nova.”
“So they’ve spotted Rick Beta-125?” The Groflammite spoke into his watch smugly. “Excellent, were they able to apprehend Nova and the portal gun?”
Shit. Fuck. Shit fuck fuck shit.
The bug’s watch murmured again, his face falling as he listened. “They got away? What do we even pay you assholes for?” he spat angrily into the watch. He sighed, regaining his composure before returning his even gaze to me. “Looks like you got lucky Rick, but this is your last chance to be useful.”
“I’m never useful if I can help it,” I told him darkly. Nova being safe was enough to keep me from throttling the stupid bug, but the option was still there. He approached the garage door, watching a memory play in front of him.
“That’s her, isn’t it?” he pointed. The memory on full display was the two of us in my ship, her mounted on my lap and kissing me like it was the last kiss we’d ever share.
It might be.
“Yeah,” I murmured, forcing the dark thought away. I watched the memory, trying to resist the emotion it was instilling in me, the doubt, the fear. What if we never got to finish what we started? What if I couldn’t get out of here?
“You can watch this right now and tell me you don’t love her?” he asked conversationally, as though we were old friends discussing curtains.
“I-I can,” I lied again, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. The memory switched, playing the memory of saving her from Rick U-236 and having to see that fuck on top of her, touching parts of her I still hadn’t had the pleasure of infuriated me.
“Ah, I see. Of course. You still think she doesn’t care for you the same way.” The same conversational tone, but now I just wanted to rip his voice box out. The memory changed again, this time of the first time I took her out into space.
“St-Stop!” I begged, tearing my eyes away from her awestruck face.
“Just tell me how you figured out portal technology Rick and I swear, I’ll let you see her one last time,” he urged gently. A door appeared between us.
“If I show you, you have to promise not to hurt her,” I conceded weakly, trying to ignore the moisture accumulating around my eyes.
“No harm will befall Nova, Rick. You have my word,” he assured me. Still, I knew he was lying. I decided to play along, opening the door to step into another garage, this one being from the home I shared with Beth’s mother.
Another Rick stood before us, scribbling furiously onto a notepad in front of him as he made adjustments to the crude device that I would soon turn into the portal gun.
“H-Hey Rick,” a voice came from the doorway. A twenty-year-old Nova stood there, eyeing the Rick in front of her nervously.
“O-Oh hey Nova. Beth’s not here,” Past Me brushed her off callously. Her face fell as she approached the workbench to investigate what I had been working on.
“I-I know, I came to see what you were working on,” she told me timidly. God, this was too much, too hard to watch.
“It’s a portal gun,” I told her, extending the device for her to inspect. “I think I almost have the formula right. Just a couple more days and I should be able to traverse the galaxy in an instant.”
“Wow,” she murmured, eyeing the scribbles I had made. “R-Rick, I think your equations wrong here,” she told me hesitantly, pointing to a small error in math I had made.
“Shit, you’re right.” I picked up the portal gun, adjusting the error before pulling the trigger. A green circle appeared on the wall, another four inches to the right. I tossed an apple through, only to have it reappear through the second portal in the same condition. “I-I did it,” I murmured, awestruck. “W-We did it.” I looked at her, beaming as I pulled her into a tight embrace only to quickly push her away. “Hold on,” I paused, sticking my arm through the hole only for it to also appear unharmed on the other side.
“So that’s it?” The Groflammite asked eagerly, running up to my desk to start taking pictures of the equation scribbled on my notepad. He uploaded it quickly, announcing to his superiors that’d he’d gotten it. A devilish grin erupted on my face as the bugs on the other end of his headset stopped replying.
Thank God.
“You know, watching that brilliantly concocted lie made me realize something.” I grinned wickedly at the smug bug.
“L-Lie?!” he exclaimed.
The walls of the garage fell around us as my current garage formed around the fake memory. “You’re probably right, I do love my Nova, I love her more than I’ve loved anything before,” I conceded with a shrug. “But if you’d done any research, you would’ve realized two things.” He tried contacting his supervisors again, to no avail. “I left Nova when she was sixteen you idiot, and more importantly, for all of the strengths she has to offer me, she knows jack shit when it comes to science. That math would have looked like absolute gibberish to her.”
“What’s happening, what did you do?” the bug panicked.
“I didn’t do anything, you were the one who uploaded a virus from a fake memory,” I told him with a shrug.
“Get me out of his head!” he shouted into his watch, “It was fake, it was all fake!”
“They won’t be answering,” I told him simply. I raised my own watch to my mouth, mocking his serious tone as I spoke, “Go ahead and pull me outta here guys.”
It was a curious feeling, being in a bug body, but I played it off well until a team of SEAL Ricks descended from the ceiling, shooting every Groflamite they saw. I ducked down behind the chair, reaffixing the brain switching helmet to my head as they shot my original body directly between the eyes.
Well, that kind of sucked. Poor old bastard.
Since they weren’t exactly here on a rescue mission, I aimed the device at one of the SEAL Ricks. I injected my conscious into his brain, surprisingly thankful for the roominess of it. I took out the Groflamite I had been previously occupying before taking out the remaining SEAL Ricks, grabbing the brainalyzer and climbing the rope back up to their ship.
After a series of Rick switching, I was finally back on the Citadel, at the helm of Control. I portalled the entire fucking thing directly into the galactic federal fucking prison.
God, I’m such a fucking badass.
Chaos poured around me as I made my way to the council, knowing if Scar was going to take her anywhere, it would be here. Despite his history with the council, it was still the safest place to hide from the federation. I just had to hope my hunch was right. Worst come to worst, I was going to be able to kill two birds with one stone. Take out the Federation and that stupid ass council, sure, why not. I found Quantum Rick trying to flee amongst the chaos and knowing my only way in there with the least amount of resistance would be as a Rick they recognized, I performed one last swap, smashing the brainalyzer as I took off down the Council hall.
“Get your hands off of her,” I bellowed, crossing the threshold to a confusing scene. Riq IV and Zeta Alpha Rick were pulling her in opposite directions, apparently trying to decide which would be escaping with her. Scar laid dead on the floor and with the surprise of my appearance, they released her abruptly. Nova fell to Scar’s side, openly weeping as she looked up at me with a fury I’d never seen before.
“Did you come to finish the job?” she screamed at me. “You don’t have to worry. He’s fucking dead.” She stood up, grabbing one of the, surprisingly, many guns littering the floor. “You killed my Rick, you fucking piece of shit.”
“N-Nova, wait-”
“I loved him you fucking piece of shit. And now I’ll never get to fucking tell him,” she sobbed. To my luck, the gun she chose had a harsh kickback, causing the shot to miss my head, but only by a hair. I mussed my hair, returning to the look she was accustomed to before pulling the pretentious council robe off, showing I was strapped with as many stray weapons I could grab from my previous bodies.
“Nova, please don’t fucking shoot at me,” I shouted, more annoyed than angry.
“R-Rick-” In her shock, Riq IV was able to grab her, holding his gun to her head.
“You just can’t keep a dumb Rick down can you?” he seethed, backing away to the window. I quickly took out the other Ricks surrounding us, leaving only one shit stain left.
“Let her go,” I growled through gritted teeth.
“Let me tell you what’s going to happen here, N-682.” Riq IV started, slowly getting closer to the window. “I’m going to take your Nova, and you’re not going to shoot at us because you’re not going to risk her insignificant life,” he sneered. My eyes locked with Nova’s trying to find the best course of action that would kill Riq IV with minimal damage to her.
“Who’s to say I won’t let that happen, dick. You truly underestimate how badly I want you dead,” I told him darkly, not looking at her.
“You won’t kill her, not every Rick can just kill their Nova. Especially not when they love her,” he taunted. “Luckily for me, I never had a Nova, I have no attachment to her kind.”
“I’ve only had her for a couple of months, I lived my whole life without her, I think I can go a couple more decades,” I sighed and turned to her, “Nothing personal sweetheart, I’d just rather have him dead.”
“You fucking asshole,” she sobbed, turning away from me into Riq IV’s chest.
“Oh, maybe I could get used to this,” Riq IV said deviously, lowering his weapon for the briefest of seconds as Nova stared up at him before kneeing him right in the groin. As she ducked out of the way, I took my open shot, getting him directly between the eyes. The shock stilled us as we watched the Council leader fall gracelessly to the ground dead. We stared at each other before she came to her senses and launched herself into my arms.
“Nova, I’m sorry,” I murmured, kissing her desperately. “I didn’t mean it, I promise. I’m so sorry.”
“Rick, I know it’s okay, I know,” she assured me, burying her face in my neck as she clung to me. “Please, please just take me home.”
“I will baby, I will,” I told her, “I just have to finish what I started.” I pulled my portal gun away from Scar, silently thanking him for protecting her for as long as he had.
“He saved me, you know,” she murmured, staring down at him sadly. “I was going to kill them, the council a-and I think they knew that. H-He sacrificed himself for me.”
“I knew he would.” I kissed her head, opening a portal into the level nine control room. A groflamite appeared, trying to stop us but I shot him quickly.
“Wh-where are we?” she asked nervously, staring at the dead bug on the ground.
“This would be the level nine control room, I came here to topple a government,” I told her with a shrug. She stared at me with wide eyes as I typed into the computer, accessing their economy with far too little button clicks. “What?” I asked as she gaped at me. “I’d prefer it if we didn’t have to do this again.”
“S-So are you gonna like, redirect their missiles? Or disintegrate their space fleet?” she suggested.
“You sound like Morty and Summer,” I rolled my eyes. “No, I prefer to do things the easy way. Like, change a one to a zero.” The operation complete, I opened another portal, this time directly into my garage, pulling Nova along behind me just in time to watch as ships took off from Earth. Damn, they moved fast.
“D-Dad? Nova?” Beth said, sounding stunned from the doorway. “Where have you been? We haven’t seen you in over a week! There was a new government, they gave Jerry a job but apparently, their entire economy just collapsed. So, it looks like he’s out of a job again.”
I looked between Beth and her best friend, opting to just shrug. “I was out.”
“By the way Nova, Ryan’s been looking for you. He wants you to come home,” she rolled her eyes. “You know you’re welcome here as long as you need, right?”
Nova nodded, still shellshocked from waging a brief but entire war against two different governments. “M-Maybe it's time I go home,” she murmured sadly. She remained silent as Beth sighed at us both, shaking her head as she left the room.
“Y-You okay?” I asked hesitantly as she stared blankly ahead. She shook her head sharply, breaking herself from her train of thought and smiled weakly.
“Are you?”
”I’m better now that you’re safe,” I murmured, pulling her into my arms. We were silent for a while, just enjoying each other’s embrace. “I love you, Nova,” I murmured into her hair as we swayed. She stopped, looking up at me longingly before returning her face to my chest.
”I love you too.”
+Ch8: What It Is To Burn+
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earlgreytea68 · 6 years
On the Anthropological Fandom Impulse
When I first got into fandom, I feel like I did it in the way that you hear about it: I watched a thing (for me it was always watching), and I loved it so much that I wanted *more,* and then I sought out fic, and then I waited to feel like I had something I needed to say about it. This is what people will traditionally tell you fandom is. 
But, Idk, as I’ve gotten older, I have shifted this. Fandom has become more of a habit, a general way in which I interact with creativity, rather than a specific reaction to *someone else’s* creative work. Which isn’t how fandom is traditionally defined but is how I do it, and I guess I’m writing this out to see how odd this is, and where this impulse comes from within me? 
Because it’s been a while -- a very long time -- since I consumed a piece of media that I loved so much I wanted to seek out the fic. I have tried. I have consumed all of the things that are big fannishly now. None of them really caught my creative spark. 
The first thing to catch my creative spark after Sherlock was in fact Inception. Not because I’d seen the movie (which I had seen, and barely remembered). But because the Inception *fandom* seemed kind of amazing. I read a fic, and then another fic, and then more fics, and then I was performing what I now call my Fandom Anthropology. I dug through historical layers, uncovering old rec lists, ending up on old LJ kinkmemes, letting them link me to other things, finding fanvids, going through meta, until I had assembled a picture of what I thought the fandom was doing, what the fanon conventions were, which pieces of canon were the most important. It was like settling into an entirely different mental location and mapping it out like a tourist. 
Since the Inception rabbit hole, I have always consistently come to a fic-reading rabbit hole not from the canon but from the fandom itself. I subscribe to authors on AO3, and whenever they update with a fic, I tend to click on it curiously. I am such that I can tell right away if I’m going to be caught by a ship or not. I’m actually fairly predictable in what I like, tbh. I’m sure you can pick up on my preferred OTP dynamic. :-) 
I read all recs sent to me, but not all of them necessarily hit me at the right time. And then suddenly something will catch me and I’ll just spend a little while devouring everything I can in that universe. I did that with Social Network RPF (which I revisited this summer and it remains delightful) and Sports Night (which was a show I’d been fannish about in the early 2000s before being fannish was the more organized thing it is today) and Marcone/Dresden from the Dresden Files (I read some Dresden Files many years ago, but left off before Marcone even entered the narrative) and for a little while I read a bunch of Raven Cycle fic (despite never having read a word of these books). There was a small attempt to explore BTS fandom but I found it a little impenetrable (I couldn’t get a handle on the characters); I also tried to read some One Direction stuff but mostly got distracted that no Harry Styles was like how he was in my head (Idek, I barely listen to One Direction, I have no idea where my very clear picture of Harry Styles came from, but I kind of think he’s a delight, he’s just my fave). 
But, anyway, the point of all of this is: I read fanfic these days not because of inherent interest in the canon but because writers I like are writing in it. And if I like the characters they write well enough, then suddenly I’ve opened up a ton more fic that I can read. As far as I can tell, I am treating fic as original writing. I come to it with little knowledge of the characters. All I know about it is its *genre.* And fic is definitely its own genre. I know the basic shape of everything that’s going to happen in every fic I click on, so I’m entirely reading because something about the characters have caught me. Not because of canon, but because of *fanon.* Because, Idk, so often it’s the fan artists who are really creating this marvelous complexity, and I feel like I’m just cutting out the middle man. And, once I’ve been caught by a dynamic, lucky me, it’s super-easy to find a million other ways to explore those characters. And the canon of them is entirely secondary to me in the first exploration, and then eventually becomes part of my excavation of what’s going on. 
Is this a weird way to do fandom? I feel like it might be. But also I don’t think it’s necessarily the *wrong* way. It might even have always been my preferred way, but before the age of AO3 and Tumblr, it was actually harder to jump between fandoms. I know you *could* do it on LJ, but I remember when I switched from DW to Sherlock, having to be like, “Hey, were are the Sherlock people on here? Where do I find them?” Whereas now it’s just all simpler to run productive searches that get you what you’re looking for. Or just asking on Twitter, “Hey, who knows anything about this fandom and wants to point me to the best fics?” 
This has been, for me, a far more reliable way to discover things I love than to sit around waiting for a canon to find me. I would never have randomly rewatched Sports Night last spring had a Sports Night fic not crossed my inbox. I would not be listening to nonstop Fall Out Boy had a random bandom fic not crossed my inbox. Fandom is the thing I use to introduce me to mainstream culture; not the other way around. 
And, tbh, I am kind of enjoying doing it this way. I guess the main thing I fear about it is that I probably miss canon the first time around, because it turns out I find myself letting the *fandom* seduce me in. So, like, I know Fall Out Boy songs, and even had friends in bandom, and paid, like, zero attention to anything fannish, until I started reading bandom fic, and then I had to perform Fandom Anthropology, and uncover old LJ posts and new Tumblr primers and long lyrical analyses (that are WAY better than any analysis of any FOB lyric on Genius, those analyses are...weird, Idk). 
So, Idk, in ten years I’ll probably finally get the huge appeal of the big fandoms today. There’s a possibility I’m bad right now, at this point in my creative life, at, like, being part of the *active* fandom formation part of things. Which I don’t say in a way to imply that I’m annoyed with myself, because I’m not. I am doing lots of original writing because that’s apparently what I’m in the mood for and life is too short to fight with the things you want to write about, and6 being part of an active fandom is a very different energy than just kind of passively enjoying a fandom. If that makes sense? And I think you just go through cycles. My most creative fic periods coincided with a lot of soul-searching transitioning in my life as I staggered into my career. I feel like I’ve finally got a bit of a handle on who I am? And that feels a little bit like it’s unlocked an original writing impulse within me that honestly had been dormant for many, many years. 
Which is all to say: Being creative is an all-over-the-place experience. If you roll with it, you never know where you’re going to end up. And the key, I think, is to learn to just go with it without judging yourself too harshly for it. There’s no wrong way to do creativity. I don’t think there’s a wrong way to do fandom, either (apart from being a bully, of course).  The universe is infinitely expanding. 
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
happy galentine’s day. we did this, like, a week ago for The Roommate ( @goteamwin ) ‘s birthday and i just took f o r e v e r to type it up sorry
in my defense, it’s hard to meme-efy a movie that’s already extremely meme-eful. Hence, memeception. although tbqh if Guardians of the Galaxy is giving me trouble because it’s already making fun of itself, I don’t know WHAT I’m going to do with Thor: Ragnarok. Remember when GotG was the memiest Marvel movie? We were so young.
It is important to me that y’all know that because of cacw, whenever The Roommate and I see any kind of... title page? whatever? We bellow the word at top volume even if the font ISN’T inexplicably filling the entire screen. 
and so, I say to thee:
E A R T H ! ! ! 1 9 8 8 ! ! ! ! !
stealth reagan in the background to let you know it’s the 80s in case you were confused.
In What Sense is he like his father At All???
Honestly, to anyone who was surprised at Starlord’s actions in IW, they set up his tragic flaw right here. it’s page one. i don’t know why u were surprised.
B- grandfathering, but extra credit for difficult circumstances. u tried
Day Whatever, I Still Miss The Old Marvel Logo.
26 Y E A R S L A T E R
so, 2014 confirmed, for all the other timeline enthusiasts out there.
This is. The WEIRDEST gadget.
why is it like this
what is it doing
and how
I love this scene because up until this point it could be literally any other marvel movie and then 
it’s GotG, bitch. get ready to Have Some Fun.
also it pretty firmly establishes that Peter Quill is our protagonist, but he is No One’s Hero.
there are giant fucking eels here? what the fuck? what HAPPENED to this place???
stop trying to make star-lord happen, it’s never going to happen.
i have questions. 
specifically about Ronan’s whole. everything.
Is he literally sleeping in the blood of his enemies?
is it necessary to have all these people help him get dressed?
what is up with this Immortan Joe Esque powder tossing business
what sorry sucker gets to put THAT on their Kree Resume
“Ronan’s Makeup Artist”
what is his fucking deal. how did he get the name “accuser” and will Captain Marvel give us these answers?
anyway, moving on.
people DO NOT call you star-lord
Gamora is a real #Icon in this whole scene.
love that Rocket’s entire plan is to put criminals in a literal bag
and that it’s foiled because Groot doesn’t get gender.
also, John C Reilly has some of the best lines in this movie and I think he deserves more recognition for that.
“I am Groot.” “That’s gonna wear real thin real fast”
WEIRDLY NO??? srsly how did they prevent that from getting old fast?
Me: was it witchcraft?
The Roommate: No, it’s just Groot.
can we appreciate that Gamora is One Of Us? like. She’s into that.
if you don’t know what I’m talking about i am not going to explain it
Don’t Worry About It.
oh no they gave me feelings about Rocket
the real hero of this movie is that prison lady and her telenovela
good job drax u found ur light
Rocket’s Bedhead is An Entire Mood.
how can Thanos take you seriously with all that shit on your face you look ridiculous.
“my favorite daughter” DUDE NEBULA IS R I G H T. T H E R E.
 Rocket’s UGH face is also An Entire Mood
i love how the others are like. wanting to get out. but Drax just joins in for shits and giggles? like? he’s having a good time? wholesome.
“Oh. yeah.” Rocket is maybe explosion-sexual. which. ok yeah mood there as well.
I will never tire of the fact that the prison uniform prints their rap sheets on their legs and Quill’s is the shortest
like, it’s even shorter than Rocket’s. And let’s remember that Rocket is definitely less than 20 years old since he’s A Raccoon.
Rocket just casually putting bombs together just to have something to do with his hands.
Let’s pull this apart: No one is phased by the Jackson Pollack reference. They seem to know exactly what Quill is talking about.
Jackson Pollack is an alien. CONFIRMED.
oh hey it’s a dark elf
“he killed my parents in front of me.” I mean. kkkkkkinda
The Gal Pal, who teaches English Language Learners: “Sticks up their butts” is actually a prime example of the ELL struggle and why English is hard to learn
Rocket one drink in is sad AND angry
oh yeah? how many friends do YOU have, petey boy?
We firmly believe that the Collector kept them waiting so he could do his hair. He truly is the Grandmaster’s brother.
oh hey it’s exposition time
wait is that the planet we were on earlier? is the power stone why it’s Like That? did they just leave the power stone there after it did that? it’s the reality stone all over again honestly what the fuck
seriously. “the accuser” is a hell of a name.
aw drax. don’t you hate when you realize that someone means more to you than you do to them.
it’s like bumper cars but there’s a winner!
spinal fluid is an extra gross way to drown
omg it’s the frog all over again SHE’S EVEN GREEN
Quill’s eyes here are red and that feels right but also I HATE IT
everyone thinks they’re Groot’s dad, when in fact Groot is everyone’s dad.
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This whole argument/discussion scene is Solid Gold
12% of a plan
Rocket understanding everything Groot says
basically Rocket tbh
“To Give A Shit”
The Roommate: I feel like this is when Quill becomes Quill instead of the superhero Andy Dwyer imagined. 
wait did they say sakaaran???
freaking Glenn Close wth man
Random Extra #2056 has amazing hair and she knows it
Drax is having too much fun
Honestly I’m typing this up and in my notes it just says “And This Happened” and even I don’t know what I mean there
Honestly, they had to kill Yondu. He’s too powerful. Thanos wouldn’t have stood a chance
“Star-Lord” oh my god it’s happening.
the way peter slides around in this movie -- does he have ball bearings in his ass or what?
Bucky and Nebula would really get along. I hope they get to meet some day.
More Questions About Ronan “””THE ACCUSER??”””
did he spend the last few hours just like
“ugh he WAS familiar”
“where the FUCK do I know him from ugh ugh ugh”
“Their screams were pitiful”
“I should tell him that.”
Did they not evacuate the city? wasn’t that a thing?
oh buddy you need like. all the skin cream.
So is Ronan... not mortal???
like, he says 
How much time has passed between the battle and this end scene? coupla weeks? months? What are we thinking? I need to know for timeline reasons.
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remnantoforario · 6 years
RWBY V6 Premiere Thoughts
Back from the premiere. Rapid fire thoughts. Spoilers obviously.
About the Theater:
Decent size
A good number of people showed up for this thing
Even saw a couple cosplayers so that was nice. 
Onto the feature:
They are really showing the last three episodes of V5...really didn’t need to be reminded how bad that was.
Note to self: If I ever go to another RWBY premiere, show up one hour LATER so I don’t see crap I’ve already seen multiple times.
I swear the more I look at Cinder the more my blood boils, and not in a good way.
Raven too.
This is the longest hour of my life.
Thank god its finally over. Now we can get to the...what the hell is this?
RT I appreciate you letting the fans look behind the curtain, but I couldn’t care less about the staff right now.
Is this a special feature explaining the growth of CRWBY, or a help wanted ad?
Seriously they’ve at least mentioned three different times about people being promoted and new jobs being made.
They’re talking more about the animation than the storytelling...don’t know if that’s good or bad yet. 
Starting out with a fight scene, RT? Someone’s ambitious.
I’m sure Weiss puked her guts out after that ride. 
I’m just glad they remembered that trains are a thing instead of trying to walk to Atlas. No I will never get over that!
Hey Ruby’s Semblance, that would have been useful at the end of V5, probably around the time Weiss was impaled, but what do I know?
Also, Ruby is a dick for spreading all those petals around the station. Someone has to clean that up.
I’m surprised Weiss isn’t making more of a fuss about going back to Atlas. The girl had to basically become Solid Snake to leave, now she’s just coming back via train. Talk about anti-climatic.
Speaking of anti-climatic, Adam took off his mask and dropped it in the woods at the end of his character trailer...only to immediately have it back on when V6 started. Way to waste that moment, RT.
I’m going to bring up my point from earlier now that he have a timeline between the end of V5 and start of V6 (two weeks). Why did no one bring a damn jacket for this trek through the snow?!
Honestly I got way more out of Ilia hugging Blake than Blake kissing Sun’s cheek, they didn’t even deem it necessary to zoom in on the latter. For all we know Blake whispered a joke into his ear or something. 
*salutes* Goodbye, Cherami Leigh. You will be sorely missed. 
Hey, Neptune, you’re back. The people in my theater were happy to see you...for some reason. 
The music fading out coupled with Neptune’s reaction illustrates just how unimportant Sun going back to Vacuo is. 
Back to the train!
That Blake/Yang moment was a decent appetizer, but I’m gonna need that yummy tension very soon. 
Guy should have lost that arm tbh.
So Jaune is basically the Wendy Marvell of the group...neat.
Did the relic get smaller or something? Pretty sure it was much bigger than that when Yang had it.
Ruby actually being a main character and team leader was nice. Let’s hope this trend continues.
Yes now that the important people are back together, JNPR can go back to being...whatever they were before V4.
I feel like they should have all died when that trash jumped the rails, but whatever.
This old woman is either going to be really great, or really annoying. Too early to tell.  
All in all it was a solid first episode. I give it a 3.5/5. Hopefully things get better from here. We don’t need another V5.
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 2
Warning(s): swearing, PANIC ATTACK, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3135
A/N: IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! I’m so so so deeply sorry this took me like eight years to actually do but hopefully it’s good! I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
series masterlist
add yourself to my taglist!!
chapter 1      chapter 3
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don’t know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie” -Nancy Sinatra
“You shot him? Thomas Stanley I thought he just owed you money!” The red haired woman yells at her eldest son.
“Actually Nikki, it was me who did it.” Harrison interjects.
“But it didn’t actually kill him. I just got his collarbone, it’s broken at best. He’ll live,”
Nikki sighs, shaking her head.
“He was saying some really messed up shit, using his cousin as a bargaining chip instead of the money he chose to spend.” Harrison continues.
She flashes a sad smile.
“You boys always are involved in such dangerous things. I miss when you were all little. OOH! WHICH REMINDS ME.”
Nikki walks over to a couch in the living room. The boys immediately notice a beat up, brown book in the middle of the glass coffee table. Tom and Harry sit on the couch next to their mother while Haz stands behind them, looking down. Nikki reaches over, grabbing the book and flipping open to the first page, revealing Tom’s baby pictures.
“Oh this is too good” Harrison chuckles while playfully clapping a hand on Tom’s shoulder.
Nikki smiles at the two of them and turns to the next page, filled with pictures of Tom and Haz, along with another brunette girl.
“Oh Lindsey Fuller! You three were always so close. I don’t know if you boys remember but Harrison, your mom and Denise Fuller, rest her soul would always come over on Saturdays for brunch and the three of you would play until it was dark.” She sighs, remembering the good days.
“Wait” Harry says, snapping everyone out of their thoughts.
“What happened to Denise Fuller?”
“Car crash right?” Haz asks.
Nikki nods
“‘Ts a shame too. It was only a few years ago”
They all nod as Nikki continues to flip through old pictures of Tom, the twins, Harrison, Lindsey and even some of Paddy. Nobody noticed Harry pull out his phone as he scrolls through social media, soon finding what he was looking for.
“Guys, I found her Instagram.”
Their eyes widen as Harry lowers his phone so they can see her page.
“She’s gorgeous” Haz whispers as Tom clicks on a picture of her.
“She dyed her hair” Tom adds.
This is true. Lindsey went from a light brown to a shade of black with some hints of red.
“It suits her though” Harry says, smiling.
“It really brings out the green in her eyes.” Nikki continues.
Harrison didn’t really hear anything past the moment he said something as he continued to marvel at the picture of her, zoning everyone and everything out.
Lindsey cracks a small smile at the notification on her phone
“harryholland64 is now following you”
She looks down at the picture of the five of them, Tom, Harry, Sam, Harrison and her. Lindsey opens the camera on her phone, snapping a picture and setting it as her lockscreen.
“What’re you still doing up?” Lindsey hears from behind her.
She turns around to see her roommate, Grace. Short, blonde hair, blue eyes, absolutely gorgeous. Lindsey lets out a small chuckle
“Ah, I’m just looking through this old stuff”
Grace smiles, pulling up a chair from the kitchen table and sitting down.
“So it wasn’t a bomb then?” The two girls laugh.
“No, no. It was just an old scrapbook.”
Lindsey subconsciously wipes a stray tear away as she thinks back to the memories with the boys. Grace gently rubs her back.
“I’m sorry, love. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to”
Lindsey shakes her head.
“No, no it’s just,” She lets out a heavy sigh.
“I-I just miss them so much y’know? We started growing apart senior year and now I’m twenty-two, the last time i saw anyone remotely close to me in my childhood was their mom two years ago at my mom’s funeral and now I’m crying cause one of them is following my instagram and oh my god I’m such a mess I’m sorry.”
Grace shakes her head.
“Don’t say that Linds. There’s nothing to be sorry for. It sounds like you just miss them”
Lindsey nods her head again, closing her eyes, prompting more tears to fall down her cheeks.
“Well, you have one of their instagrams now, right? Why don’t you send him a message! He probably misses you too! I mean, at least enough to track you down on social media.”
She smiles, brushing some stray burgundy hair from her face. Unlocking her phone, Lindsey taps on the paper airplane icon and types out a simple
The next morning, Haz emerges from his room to see Tom, Harry and Nikki around the kitchen island, talking.
“What’s going on?” He asks, his voice low and raspy, indicating he had just woken up.
“Lindsey and I were talking last night.”
His bright blue eyes widen and his eyebrows raise.
“What’d she say?”
Tom lets out a chuckle.
“A little eager there aren’t ya mate?”
Harrison looks down, hiding the rose dust creeping on his cheeks. He thought no one knew about his inability to sleep the previous nights flooding with Lindsey.
“W-whaddya mean?”
The three laugh again.
“Nothing, Haz. We’re just joking.” Harry further explains.
He lets out a sigh of relief.
“She was talking about how much she missed us. I guess she got Denise’s scrapbook as well.”
“Y’know it was Denise who got me into scrapbooking. Oh my goodness we would always need two, maybe three copies of your guys’ pictures so we could each have one.” Nikki interjects.
“Mum!” Harry says, glaring.
“Anyway, she has Denise’s scrapbook, she’s keeping herself busy, really busy but most importantly, she wouldn’t shut up about how we all need to get together again. Oh also she asked about Tom and Haz.”
Harrison smiled, looking at the hardwood floor again. They really did miss each other.
Lindsey’s mind swirled with thoughts of the guys, the kids she works with and all the other things she needs to do as she paces around the back of the diner.
“Focus, Linds.” She whispers to herself.
“You’re here. Just focus on the things that are here. Text Harry later, go over notes later, focus on the diner and the customers”
She sighs, tying the apron behind her back, running a hand through her dark hair and walks to the front of the diner. “Hi! My name is Lindsey. I’ll be taking care of you today. Is there any drinks I can get you started with? Water, juice, coffee?” She trails off.
The man gives her a bone chilling stare. Not even blinking or breaking eye contact, he slicks his over-gelled black hair back and says
“Just a water, please. Thanks.”
Lindsey nods while writing his request down and forces a smile at him. She walks towards the counter, still feeling a pair of eyes on her. She’s greeted by her co-worker mumbling
“This is like the eighth time he’s been here for breakfast”
Lindsey giggles, covering her mouth.
“Mari, it’s only Tuesday”
The two girls giggle again while Lindsey pours the water and some coffees for the people at the table next to the man.
“Just be careful alright? He’s still looking at you.”
Lindsey closes her eyes and nods. She puts the drinks on a tray and walks then over to the respective people.
“Anything you want me to get started for you?” She asks the man.
He flashes a bewildering smile at her as he quietly says
“Just a poached egg. No sides.”
Lindsey raises her eyebrows.
“You sure I can’t get anything else for ya?” He shakes his head and Lindsey finds herself needing to force another smile.
“I’ll put that in right away.”
As Lindsey turns to walk away, she feels a hand tightly grip her forearm. She turns back towards him with wide eyes and a rapid thumping in her chest, resonating in her ears.
“I’m Chris by the way”
She gulps, trying to steady her breathing.
“W-well then I’ll put that in right away, Chris”
Lindsey gently tugs her arm away, walking towards the counter, feeling a pit form in her stomach. Right as she gets behind the counter, her manager, Karlie taps her on the shoulder, signaling for her to meet her in the back to talk. Lindsey follows the older woman, subconsciously rubbing her wrist.
“Linds, you’ve been working hard and given what just happened, I wanna send you home. Are you okay?”
Lindsey just nods. She wasn’t okay. She was concerned for her safety, but she didn’t need people knowing that.
No customer had ever grabbed her like that. Her mind races in fear as she feels her chest tighten. She knew what was coming. She quickly and shakily fumbles for her phone, tapping the instagram icon and texting Harry
“Harry, Lindsey texted you.”
Tom hands Harry his phone and unlocks it to see
lindseyfuller: Hey is it cool if I call you? It’s kinda important
Harry gulps and sends his phone number saying a quiet
“She’s gonna call us”
Without missing a beat, Harry’s phone rings.
“Lindsey?” He asks, setting the phone down on the coffee table and putting it on speakerphone.
“H-hey! How ya been?”
The three can hear labored breathing in the background.
“Hey Linds you’re on speaker with Tom, Haz and me.”
Harrison immediately becomes concerned with the tone of her voice.
“Everything alright, love?”
They hear a sigh from the other line, a sliding noise and the unmistakable sounds of sobbing.
“Lindsey, answer me. Are you okay?” Harrison asks with concern and a hint of fear in his voice.
“I-I dunno there was this guy at work a-and he grabbed me and I’m really freaked out cause my boss told me to go home and-“
“Breathe, darling.” Tom cuts her off, fists clenched.
They all hear hiccups from the other line.
“Hey, Lindsey. Love, it’s Haz. Hey, remember that one time the Holland’s were out of town? We were sixteen and you had gotten into a fight with your mom so I picked you up and took you to the beach remember?”
Lindsey, while sitting on the bathroom floor with her elbows on her knees, nods and says
“Good. Think about the sound of the waves, how the breeze felt on your skin. Remember when we curled up and looked at the stars? And you told me that it was literally the most serene thing you’ve ever experienced? Bring yourself back to that.”
Harrison felt himself tear up as his fists clenched around the chair he was sitting in. Slowly, he stands up, mutes the phone so she can’t hear them and says
“We need to fuckin kill this guy”
The other two nod asHaz unmutes the phone. Lindsey’s breath cycle returns to normal.
“Thank you guys so much. I’m really sorry for freaking you out like this. It’s just my roommates busy a-and I didn’t really know who else to call.” She sniffles, wiping a few excess tears from her face.
“So how ya been?” She asks, softly giggling.
The boys laugh with her.
“We’re all good here, darling.” Tom says
Harry and Haz murmur in agreement. Lindsey smiles from the other end.
“H-Hey can you guys do me a favor?”
They hear shifting from the other line.
“What’s up, darling?” Harrison asks
Lindsey sighs, running a hand through her hair.
“D-do you guys mind staying on the line with me while I walk out of work? Cause I’m pretty sure that guy is still out there a-and oh my god he’s gonna know I was freaking out I’m literally in the back of the diner”
“Hey, hey, hey, Linds. It’s gonna be okay. If he hurts you or even looks at you I swear to god I’ll kill him” Tom says with fists clenched so hard, his knuckles turn white.
She laughs.
“No, no it’s fine. I don’t need you getting arrested or something like that” Lindsey says, completely unaware of the boys’ professions.
Throughout the day, Lindsey insisted to keep Chris’ identity a secret from the guys and continued to excessively look over her shoulder.
“Everything alright, Linds?”
She’s snapped out of her thought by a fellow drum tech. She smiles.
“Yeah, Ali. I’m good. It’s just there was this guy at work today that freaked me out and I’m just a little on edge, that’s all”
Ali nods.
After a long rehearsal, Lindsey and the rest of the drum staff start packing up. She feels eyes on her again. Turning her head behind her, her eyes widen as she sees the same man from the diner. Lindsey increases her walking pace into the school and soon emerges, feeling her breath hitch in the back of her throat once she sees that he’s gone. She takes out her phone and starts to type out a message to Harrison. Ever since the diner, the boys insisted she have their number, plus Sam’s who’s away at school.
Lindsey Fuller Hey can you talk?
She tugs her sweatshirt sleeves to cover some of her hands and self-consciously wraps her arms around her abdomen. Her phone buzzes.
Harrison Osterfield Yeah what’s up?
Lindsey is too busy texting to realize the man waiting for her at her car, until an arm pushes her up against the vehicle while another one meets her lips to muffle her screams.
“Shh, shh, shh. Linds it’s me. It’s Chris.”
The tears don’t hesitate to fall, drenching her cheeks.
“What do you want from me?” She asks, muffled by the hand clamped over her mouth.
Chris lets out a chuckle that would make anyone feel the chill in their bones.
“I want you, Linds”
She cries even harder and struggles to get out of his grip as he removes his hand from her mouth to stroke her cheek.
Chris says some more things but Lindsey was too busy realizing she got closer to her car door. Close enough to get in. Lindsey wiggles more under his grips until she feels the handle of her car door. She tells herself to carefully calculate the movements. Just one slip up can put her in even more danger.
“Are you even listening to me?” He questions with a tone of aggravation.
“Mmm… no” She pushes herself up while kneeing him in the groin. Chris doubles over in pain and without missing a beat, Lindsey opens her car door and has the gas pedal pressed to the floor the whole way home
Harrison paces around his room. He shouldn’t be this worried about Lindsey but he is. She only asked to talk and that was twenty minutes ago. Did talk mean on the phone? Did talk mean texting? Did talking mean ghosting to her? Is she okay?
“Fuck it” he mumbles to himself and presses the call button on his phone.
He sighs in relief. “Hey, beautiful” He says in a soft tone.
“What’s goin on?”
Lindsey sniffles.
“I-I honestly just need to talk. It’s been a long day and I just need to talk.”
“What happened?”
“H-haz, um, he, uh he came back.”
Harrison lets out a sigh, running a hand through his light brown curls. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He mumbles.
Lindsey shakes her head, forgetting that he wasn’t in front of her. She closes her eyes, feeling a single tear rush down her face.
“N-no. He was at my car this time”
Harrison hits his wall in frustration.
“God damn it. Are you okay? What happened?”
She quietly laughs.
“I, uh, I kinda kneed him in the crotch? And then floored it home. So now I just got out of the shower and I’m curled up on the couch with my pajamas and my tea.”
Harrison lets out a chuckle.
“Damn, Linds. I wish I could’ve been there to see that.”
They both laugh as she says
“Shut up!”
There’s a moment of silence between the two before she asks
“So I guess Harry told you guys I miss the shit out of you.”
Harrison laughs again. “Y-yeah. He did. He also showed us your instagram.”
Her eyes widen “Oh no!! How much did you see?”
“Whadya mean ‘oh no’ you look really great!”
The two talk until roughly 1 AM just talking about their current life and reflecting on their memories. As Harrison strips his shirt and pulls on a pair of sweatpants, there’s one memory of the two that can’t seem to leave his mind.
“You really didn’t need to come rescue me y’know. I coulda just dealt with it.”
Harrison wraps his arm around her waist, bringing her closer. “You’ve had a rough day and you’re always so stressed so why not take my favorite girl to the beach to just walk around n stuff?”
She nods, sighing.
“You’re the best, Haz. Y’know that?”
He just smiles, squeezing her shoulder and pressing his lips to her forehead.
The two walk in silence. The only sounds being the waves and the sand parting between their bare feet.
“Holy shit this water’s cold” Harrison mumbles, making her softly giggle.
“Sounds like a you problem, Osterfield” Lindsey says at the same volume.
Harrison smirks.
“What was that Fuller?”
Lindsey innocently smiles
“I didn’t say anything”
He laughs, shaking his head
“You’re gonna get it, Linds” He says, scooping up some of the water.
Her eyes widen as she runs away from him, screaming. He chases her, the water eventually pouring out of his hands. Lindsey looks behind her to see him getting closer and closer until he grabs her by the waist and rapidly moves his fingers, tickling her sides until she falls down, laughing. He straddles her hips, continuing to tickle her sides.
“Ha-Haz stop. I-I can- I can’t breathe”
He lifts his hands up and gently crawls off of her, allowing her to catch her breath.
“Psst.” she hears from behind her.
Lindsey turns around to see Harrison, sitting in the sand with open arms.
She stands up and plops herself down right next to him. His arms wrap around her and she puts her hands on his. Lindsey looks up at him, smiling before burying her face on the crook of his neck.
“Stop looking at me like that” She says, muffled by the skin of his neck.
“Well excuse me for admiring how my best friend looks absolutely gorgeous right now”
“Hazzzzzzz” She says making sure to drag out the last part of his nickname while playfully pushing his shoulder.
He laughs pulling her closer.
“Hey, Lindsey?” He asks, not breaking his gaze of the water.
“Hmm?” she responds.
He looks down at her, pressing a kiss to her cheek
“Y’know I’m here for you right?”
She smiles and nods.
“I’ll always be there for you” Harrison whispers to himself before drifting off to sleep
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tear-her-aus · 5 years
Dirty Dancing - pt 2
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Part 1    Part 2    Part 3
Summary: It’s been long; way too long since you last danced. Going out with friends seems like the perfect solution to your longing, but what happens when that longing turns into something else? 
Pairing: Hoseok x reader, Jungkook x reader
Warnings: A little smuty (tbh I don’t even know if it’s smut or not, probably not)
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Okay so this was supposed to be a one shot but some of you asked for part 2, so here it is! I don’t know if it’s what you expected, but I felt like the story should go this way before going somewhere else ;)
Part 2
“So show me,” you whispered against his lips. “I’ll show you,” he said before crashing his lips in yours once again.
Fire danced through your system. Everything was hot and burning. The connection of your lips was the match that set your whole body and mind aflame. Just as his body was moving to the beat, his lips found their own rhythm on yours. If his lips could dance, they would be dancing a sexy tango; they started slowly but became edgy and passionate as they increased pace. You didn’t know how to dance tango, but it didn’t matter since he was a good guide. With his lips he taught you patience, with his body he taught you composure, and with his hands he taught you delicacy. It was all new to you since most of the times you made out with someone, the sensation that lingered was raw lust. Hoseok was the opposite, he made sure his caresses felt sincere and loving. It didn’t feel like a possible hook up anymore; it felt real. As his lips grew their pace, you let yourself feel everything while your other senses shut down. His body was the missing piece for your body to find stability; together, you were the complete puzzle.
In one second, you lost stability. Hoseok broke the kiss apart, breathless. You didn’t realize how breathless you were as well, but from the way he was looking at you, you were sure it would be hard to get air in your lungs again. His eyes were sparkling, the same way you felt yours were as well. You wondered if he felt the same thing you did. If he felt how a simple touch of his could ignite your body on fire. No even a moment did your body disconnect from his. Both of you kept swaying to the rhythm of the music while looking at each other. Hoseok brought his hands up and down your body, causing every fiber and nerve of your body to stand up with electricity. You did the same thing with his body, exploring every muscle and line of his toned body. You couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to explore each other in a more intimate circumstance. At this point, you wanted nothing else than to take Hoseok with you and “dance” together to completely different rhythm.
Just when your best impulses were urging you to collide with his lips again, the song that expressed sensuality changed into a more upbeat melody. You wanted to show Hoseok just how much you wanted him as well, so you used the song to your favor as you danced seductively in front of him. He seemed shocked at first at your sudden movements, yet he followed you suit with moves of his own. There was no verbal communication between you two, everything flowed through and forth with physical and visual messages exchanged. The way Hoseok matched your moves was only turning you on; his hips moved with reflection to yours as his hands contoured your body with a ghostly touch. But, the thing that turned you on the most was the stare he had on you, Hoseok was looking at you with half lidded eyes and a closed-lip smile. His eyes showed want but his lips expressed adoration. You wanted him to show you what his expression stood for, so you moved closer to give him the flexibility to do what he wanted to do with you. His ghostly touches became firm trails of fire up your arm until it stopped on your neck. The caresses he produced with his thumb on your neck, however, were a contrast to the fire he ignited before as it sent cold shivers down your spine. You couldn’t figure him out, he was warm like the sun but a simple move of his could make you stone cold. Whatever temperature he changed you into didn’t matter, it was all too consuming for your body. You needed him now. Moving your hands to his face, you crashed your lips against his. This kiss was desperate and full of desire as you took control over his mouth. His lips opened surrendering to your commands. Your tongue slipped in his mouth as it explored the cavities until it met with his own tongue. His surrender was a trap, for his tongue fought for dominance in a heated dance battle against your own. You were curious to know what marvels his tongue could do if you summited to its power, so you yielded in. To say Hoseok had total control over his body was an understatement. If his tongue could drive you crazy like that, you didn’t even have to think of what he was capable of in his totality. This time, you were the one to break the kiss since his mouth consumed every ounce of air you had left. Hoseok was looking at you with a similar look as before, but this time, it was more desperate than before. It was a staring contest to see who would give in first this time.
At some point, however, you felt it was unbearable to look anymore, so you turned around again. This time, you were surrounded by the looks of everyone else. Suddenly, all the liquor that had been running through your body stopped moving. You were wide aware of everyone around you. At first, you looked over at Jin. He had the biggest shocked face you have ever seen. It seemed like he didn’t expect that sort of moves from your part, or perhaps from his friend’s part. Then, you looked over Jimin and Taehyung, who were sharing looks in what seemed like a silent conversation. Your friend’s girl friends seemed to be drunker than you as they were simply laughed like hyenas. And your friend, well she had a motherly proud smile on her face. She has known you for years, yet this was a new thing for her. Off course you’ve made out at parties before, but it was always without her knowledge on the matter. You couldn’t help the burning flush creeping in your face. You felt overly exposed for some reason, and you didn’t like it if you were honest. Blaming it on lack of alcohol, you decided on getting another round. You looked over your shoulder and told Hoseok you would be getting something to drink. He nodded your way and disconnected his body from yours. You walked over to the bar and found Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook sitting on stools while having a drink. It seemed like as soon as you approach them, their conversation died down. You decided to ignore this and friendly asked them what they were drinking. “Irish Bomb,” Yoongi said before downing it in one go. “Is it any good?” you asked before slapping yourself internally at how stupid your question sounded. If they were drinking it off course it was good, at least for them.
“Want to try it?” Jungkook offered his drink for you to try.  Sheepishly, you nodded and extended your hand to grab the glass. You were about to take a sip when Yoongi interrupted you mid-way. “That’s not how you do it,” he whined rather cutely.  You frowned, confused at what he meant. You looked over to Namjoon and Jungkook for an explanation. Namjoon seemed to be drinking something else, so he shrugged as an answer. On the other hand, Jungkook decided to elaborate. “You should drink it quickly before it hardens.” He looked over at his drink now in your possession as if that explained it. You were taken aback as you didn’t want to steal his drink. “But it’s yours,” you counteracted. He shook his head and ushered you to drink it. “Okay but next round is on me,” you declared before downing the drink in one shot.
Oh, it was good. Your eyebrows shot up at the after taste as you nodded your head in acknowledgment. “It’s good,” you let out. Yoongi seemed pleased with himself at your appreciation of his taste. “Friendship is?” he questioned. “Irish bomb,” Jungkook answered right away, bumping fists with Yoongi. You looked between them, curious at their antics. Namjoon seemed to notice your curious face. “It’s their thing,” he commented. You nodded not really understanding the nature of their special greeting.  You found an empty stool next to Jungkook and sat down, skimming over the available drinks on the menu. “I would advise taking it slowly,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, brushing his lips over your earlobe. The contact made you shudder as you were already stimulated by Hoseok. You looked his way with a confused look. He had moved backwards in his seat, yet he was still really close to you since the stools were rather too close together. “It’ll hit you soon,” he explained afterwards. “Oh, okay,” you nodded, “guess I’ll have to dance it off then.” You thought back of Hoseok and wanted nothing else than to use your now acquired power of alcohol on him. Alcohol was your weapon when it came to boldness, you had to say. In your sober state you would never attempt any move on a boy, so when it came to drink you had to use it wisely. You were about to stand up, but Jungkook’s hand on your wrist stopped you midway. You looked from his hand to his eyes, waiting for an explanation as to why he was stopping you.
“Hey, what about my drink?” he smiled shyly at you. From the way Jungkook was acting now in comparison to how he acted in the dance floor, you could tell alcohol could do the same trick on him as it did for you. He had become somewhat bolder, yet his shyness seemed persistent. It was your time to intervene, he needed another drink. You smiled back and sat down again, crossing one leg over the other. “Tell me, Jungkook, what do you want?” you asked. He shuffled in his seat nervously, probably considering your question. “Surprise me,” he shot back. His answer caught you off guard, yet a smirk made way to your face at this new version of the shy boy you had met before. You nodded, contemplating your options as you surveyed the menu once again. “Let’s go for something strong, shall we?” you commented as you decided on some tequila shots. Calling the bartender, you ordered several tequila shots. Once the shots were in front of you, you looked towards Jungkook, who had a spaced-out face. You couldn’t help giggling at how lost he seemed before snapping your fingers in front of his face to get his attention back at you. He blinked and looked over at the 10 shots in front of him. “Isn’t this too much?” he asked, probably pressured at how much he had to drink. You shook your head as you took one glass in your hand. “Who would I be if I let you drink alone?” you lifted your glass and gestured with your head for him to do the same. Without questioning any further, he took one glass and held it up in front of him. Clanking your glass with him, you down it in one go and he did the same. Immediately, you brought a piece of lemon to your lips to have the perfect combination of flavors. You frowned when you saw Jungkook’s piece of lemon utterly untouched. “That’s not how you do it,” you whined cutely, trying to mimic Yoongi’s previous scolding. For some reason Jungkook’s face became red, which you found rather cute. Tequila probably made him hot, you concluded. Yoongi, on the other hand, reacted differently to your imitation of him; a death stare was thrown your way. Apologetically, you mouthed a sorry before focusing on the remaining 8 shots. Before drinking the next shot, you explained to Jungkook how tequila worked harmoniously with salt and lemon, showing how to down the shot correctly. He nodded his head in understanding as he pushed a glass your way. Both of you cheered before downing the second shot. 5 shots later, you were energized once again. You could tell the same thing from Jungkook. From the way his shoulders relaxed to the way his posture seemed more layback, you could tell alcohol was making its way through his system. It had been about half an hour since you came for a drink and being seated didn’t help your body with how alcohol was clouding your senses. You needed to dance and spend all the energy (and boldness) acquired. You told Jungkook you were going to dance before standing up.
“Let’s go together,” was all he said. You nodded not thinking too much about it before making your way to the dance floor. As soon as you entered the circle, you spotted Hoseok, who was across from you. You smiled at seeing him dancing on his own with the same energy as before, too enraptured in his dancing to notice you. You were about to make your way towards him when something stopped you. Not something, but two hands on your waist were hindering you from moving. You looked over your shoulder to find Jungkook smiling down at you. You smiled back, not knowing how to react at all. Your senses were already too clouded to think of anything else than to dance. You let your body move to let all the heat captured in your body by alcohol be exerted. Jungkook seemed to be doing the same thing as his body moved in unison with yours to a matching rhythm with the music. Closing your eyes, you let alcohol take control over your senses as music took control over your body. You enjoyed every second, not thinking about a thing.  Opening your eyes again, you saw Hoseok looking your way. You smiled at him, being too consumed in ecstasy to notice his stern expression. He didn’t smile back. In fact, his stern expression only became more prominent as it went down your body. You followed his stare to see it landing on Jungkook’s hands on your waist. A shiver went down your spine when you saw his stare go up, landing on your eyes. You were between the devil and the deep blue sea. However, right now you didn’t know who was which. It was your fault, you had to admit it, but you couldn’t have foreshadowed this would happen. At first, you had wanted to corrupt Jungkook, but as the night progressed, Hoseok managed to get impregnated on your mind. He was the one you wanted but being captured in Jungkook’s hands as well as in alcohol’s numbness proved to be an obstacle for you to get to him. Guilt surfaced to bother your mind. You didn’t want to hurt any of them. They were friends after all and you didn’t want to be the cause of a fight. As you considered what to do, the Irish bomb and tequila shots you had earlier started to have a stronger effect on you. You were feeling rather tipsy and if Jungkook weren’t holding you, you would’ve lost your balance. It seemed like you weren’t the only one who realized your state, for Hoseok’s expression changed from serious to worried before he made his way towards you. He tried to approach you, but Jungkook seemed to be against it as he stopped Hoseok with one of his hands. From the way Jungkook was acting you could tell alcohol was having a strong effect on him as it was having on you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jungkook said as he stopped Hoseok from getting near you. This seemed to get everyone’s attention as they watched apprehensively between the three of you.  You didn’t like this as well, but your swaying head didn’t help you think straight.
Hoseok was getting mad, you could tell from his set jaw and piercing eyes. His tone, however, was controlled as he said, “I’m trying to help her, can’t you see?” He looked at you once again to check your condition.
“Help her?” Jungkook snorted, making Hoseok look back at him. “Are you sure you don’t want to help yourself instead?” From the way Jungkook was holding your waist you could tell he was getting possessive over you. In comparison to the way he held you before, he was holding you with such force it would form a bruise.
This was getting out of control, so you intervened. “Guys, calm down.” You tried to look at Hoseok but your vision was blurry. You tried to focus, and it somehow worked, yet you didn’t see what you expected. Hoseok wasn’t looking at you, his eyes were fixed on Jungkook. It seemed as if neither of them had listened to what you had said.
“Yes, I’m pretty sure, Jungkook,” Hoseok snapped, “Now, take your hands off her,” he warned. Your vision was starting to get blurry once again, so you looked around for help. Taehyung and Jimin had moved beside you and Jungkook, probably planning to calm the younger one. On the other hand, Jin was besides Hoseok, the smile he had had all night was gone.
Jungkook’s arm enclosed your body as his grip got harder on your waist, “What if I don’t want to?” he spat. You heard Jimin and Taehyung telling Jungkook to stop.
That was all it took for Hoseok to lose his control. He grabbed Jungkook’s collar with one hand. This allowed you to free yourself from Jungkook’s grasp as he was caught off guard. You stumbled a few steps beside them before you saw Hoseok’s fist go straight to Jungkook’s face. Just in time, Taehyung stopped Hoseok’s fist from landing on Jungkook’s face with one of his hands. That must have hurt, you thought.
You couldn’t see any further; you couldn’t see anything in fact. You were losing your vision, this time for good. The last thing you could remember was your friend calling your name before you couldn’t hear anymore as well. Everything was dark and soundless as you fell into the unknown.
First, you felt movement. You were moving but you didn’t know how. The movement stopped, and you felt something cold against your back. If you could move, you would be shivering from how cold you felt. The coldness only increased when you felt something being splashed in your face. Your eyes wouldn’t open yet since you could already feel a strong headache creeping in your head, making it unbearable to do so. You felt more splashing in your face and then something warm holding your hand. You tried grabbing the warmth, being so desperate for something to heat your cold body. When you heard your name, your eyes opened slightly. The illumination seemed to block your view, but you could tell someone was beside you from the contact on your hand. You looked over your right and saw two worried eyes searching yours. “Hoseok,” you whispered before gaining more consciousness of your surroundings. Opening your eyes wider, you realized your friend was in front of you with a bottle of water in hand. Jin was beside her, waiting expectantly. You tried sitting up, and Hoseok helped you slowly. “What happened?” you asked, shielding your eyes from the burning light. Hoseok seemed relieved to see you re-gain consciousness. “You passed out,” he explained. “What?” you questioned, not understanding anything. Blinking several times, your eyes adjusted to the light, and you realized you didn’t know where you were. “What is this place?” you asked another question. Hoseok was about to answer, but your friend interrupted before he could say anything. “Y/N, this is Hobi’s place,” she said softly, “You were unconscious and since this was the closest place to the club, we decided to bring you here to rest.” You looked around some more to realize you were in a cozy-like apartment. “Hobi?” you questioned, not really grasping the nickname. “Yes?” Hoseok answered right away, expectantly. You looked at him again as he waited for what you had to say. “No, it’s just… I didn’t know you were- I mean,” you rambled. He nodded in acknowledgment before looking down at the floor to hide a small smile on his face. Your senses were clear enough to remember what had occurred before you passed out. “What happened with the others?” you asked, trying to avoid Jungkook’s name in front of Hoseok. Jin crouched down in front of you before answering. “Jimin and Taehyung took Jungkook home. He seemed to have too much to drink,” he explained. You felt Hoseok’s hand tighten on yours, so you looked his way unconsciously. He seemed tense but not angry as he had been before; he seemed tired more than anything.
You, on the other hand, felt guilty. Today was supposed to be fun, but it ended in a stupid fight because of you. You wanted nothing else but to apologize to everyone, specially to Hoseok and Jungkook. Jin´s voice made you look his way again as he continued with his answer, “Yoongi and Namjoon went home before we did, it seemed they weren’t having that much fun.” Nodding, you tried to stand up, but everyone seemed to be against it. “Hey, take it easy,” Hoseok tried, “you hit your head pretty bad.” At the mention of your head, you started feeling the pain creeping on your temple. “It’s better if you stay here and rest,” your friend said. You looked at her, expecting for her to say she would stay with you, but she didn’t. “I don’t thin-” you were about to complain but Hoseok interrupted you. “I don’t mind,” he said with a warming smile, “really.” Before you could protest any further, your friend grabbed Jin’s wrist and jogged to the door, “We should go now. It’s pretty late,” she said, opening the door.
“But,” you tried. “Bye!” Jin interrupted you, “Have fun!” he said, throwing a wink your way before closing the door shut.  Your head ached pretty badly, so you were unable to think of a way to escape this situation. Nervously, you looked Hoseok’s way. He ran his thumb over your hand before standing up. “You should sleep in my room,” he commented. You were about to complain but he didn’t give you the chance to do so. “Wait here,” was all he said before he walked towards a door at your left. Being in a strange house, you did as ordered. Minutes later, he walked out of the room and signaled for you to come. You stood up and everything started revolving again. He seemed to notice, for he ran to you, worried by your expression. Without saying anything, he lifted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style to his room. You wanted to complain, but you were so tired and numb that you didn’t have the strength to do so. Delicately, he placed you in his king size bed before moving a blanket to cover your body. Your eyes were already closing at how comfortable you felt. The last thing you heard was “good night, beautiful” before sleep clouded your senses at last.
A/N: As I said before, this was supposed to be a one shot, but since there’s part 2, I could continue with a part 3. If you want part 3, just ask for it :)
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