#and then she asked me to finish painting the box for her because she wanted to make a cake
trippinsorrows · 2 days
with me + part nine
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authors note: ya'll had me rolling in the comments on the last update. calling this man big dick joe. lololol. i hope this one is okay. i'm not very good at writing those scenes, but i tried!! angst is def more my bread and butter.
song inspo: "with me" by destiny's child
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: language, suggestive themes, smut
words: 8k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
“You look so damn good. If you don’t get ate out tonight, come back home early, and I’ll do the honors.”
It’s a miracle that you’re able to keep a straight face as Alexis does the finishing touches on your makeup. “Well, that’s not gonna happen, period, because this is just a date.”
Alexis pauses and gives you a look. “I know you’ve been out of the game for a while, but you do know what typically happens on dates, right?”
Rolling your eyes, you retort, “Lex, not everyone fucks on the first date.”
She sucks her teeth and swaps out the eyeliner for mascara. “Bitch, this is not a first date. He’s painted your walls too many times for you to say anything between ya’ll is a first.” 
As much as you hate it, she has somewhat of a point. You and Joe have checked so many boxes already that it does seem kinda silly to call this a first date. But, in many ways, it is. He’s never before asked you to go anywhere outside of the couple of times he invited you to his show, since you were already in town because he'd flown you out. 
But never anything beyond that. 
So, in that way, it is a first date.
And maybe that’s why you’re nervous. It’s a first too. Not a lot of things make you nervous. Even when you cheered, there was some level of anxiety before competitions, but even that was minimal compared to some of the panicked expressions you’d see on your teammates faces. When it comes to Callie, there are definitely a lot of things that make you nervous, but that’s just regular parental anxiety. 
So this butterflies shit is unfamiliar and annoying. 
It’s also just Joe. You know him, you know him better than almost anyone else in your life outside of Mariah and Callie. 
Thinking of Mariah, you grab your phone and hit the side button to see if you have any notifications. Instead, you’re just met with Callie’s smiling face.
Alexis sees this and comments casually, “still nothing?”
You don’t respond, because it’s not necessary. She already knows the answer. 
“Well, whatever she’s got going on, let her deal with it the way she wants,” Alexis advises, grabbing the powder brush to brush off some excessive powder on your cheeks. “You’ve got too many good things going on in your life for you to be stressed out over her fake ass.” 
She’s not entirely wrong. There’s definitely not a shortage of topics you still need to sort through, many of which should take precedent over you wondering what the hell is going on with your best friend since kindergarten. Still, it’s hard for you not to worry about her and feel confused about what’s shifted between the two of you.
You haven’t heard from her since you text her when Callie was in the hospital, and she replied back that she was praying for you and Callie and asked if you wanted her to come to the hospital. You thanked her but let her know that Joe was with you, so you were okay.
You haven’t heard from her since then. 
It’s not that difficult to put two and two together. There’s something about Joe that makes Mariah stay away and keep her distance. You just can’t figure out why.
“Okay, enough of your overthinking. Time to see my masterpiece.” She gloats and claps her hand, removing the towel she’d put around your chest area to prevent anything from spilling on your outfit. Alexis sighs, “you seriously look amazing, Y/N.”
Standing and stretching your back, you walk over to the full body mirror against the opposite wall of your bedroom. “Oh….”
The last time you actually dressed up was at the town’s annual Christmas party two years back. You’d always gone growing up and wanted Callie to experience it for herself, even though Callie ended up utterly disinterested, hence that being your last appearance. It was hard to justify dragging her to something she was too young to enjoy and even understand. 
So, seeing yourself done up like this is a shock. Alexis absolutely slayed your makeup, perfect wingliner and all. The white, ruched, off shoulder dress is form-fitting, hugging every curve you’ve had since a teenager that's only improved since having Callie. It’s a beautiful contrast against your melanin. You’ve always thought white on black women looked so classy. 
Your curls are styled and pinned into an almost pineapple atop your head. The jewelry is simple and basic: necklace and hoops. No bracelet considering the dress is long-sleeved.
All of this creates the absolutely stunning reflection staring back at you. It brings a smile to your face. You’d forgotten how nice it feels to actually get done up.
Alexis appears in the mirror and rests her chin on your shoulder, smiling broadly. “Told you. Boss bitch.”
Matching her smile, you turn to hug her. You really couldn’t have done this without her, even her offering to take Callie for the night as it was a nighttime date, and you doubted you’d be home before bedtime. “Thank you.” 
“You’re my best friend. You never have to thank me.” She wiggles her brow. “Just give me a rundown of the pounding that’s bound to commence tonight. A video will do as well.”
Your mouth drops open. “Alexis, you—”
“Mommy! I need you.”
You’ve never in your life felt so grateful to be needed by anyone. Maneuvering through the avalanche of clothes that make up most of your bedroom right now, the result of the two of you trying to figure out what the hell you were going to wear, you’re more than happy to saunter over to Callie’s playroom to see what she needs.
“What’s up, sis?”
You see she’s sitting at her little table, surrounded by crayons, markers, colored paper, and other art supplies. Her eyes fall on you with glee as she gasps loudly.
“Mommy, you look so pretty!”
There’s something about a heartfelt compliment from your child that provides such a level of joy.  
“Thank you, baby.” Moving closer to the table, you sit down on the chair opposite her, ignoring how goddamn uncomfortable it is. “What you got for me?”
She shuffles through a couple of pages and lifts one to show you. “Do you think Joe will like this?”
Your eyes study the colorful drawing she’s created against bright yellow—her favorite color—construction paper. It’s the average sun in the corner, green grass, and blue clouds drawing one would expect from a young child, but that’s not what immediately catches your attention. What draws your attention is the fact that there are two people she’s drawn, a heart between the two of them. 
Her and Joe.
Eyes watering, you do your best not to cry. You’re pretty sure everything on your face is waterproof, but you’re not trying to find out right now. Not when Joe should be arriving at your place any minute. “He’s gonna love it, Callie.”
Her face lights up with excitement at your approval. “Yay!” Taking it from you and tucking it underneath some other papers, she offers you another one. “I made this one too!”
You definitely can’t hold back the tears this time around. It’s the same backdrop, outside scenery but with a big house drawn behind the three of you: Callie, Joe, and yourself. With a heart over everyone’s head.
Callie, being young, sees your tears and automatically mistakens them for something else. Smile dropping and frown appearing, she moves up from the table and comes to hug you. “Don’t cry, mommy. I can make a new one!”
Wiping at your eyes, you shake your head, accepting her hug. “No, baby. Mommy’s crying because she’s happy, because she loves it.”
Instantly, her smile is back. “Really?”
“It’s beautiful. Is this one for your d—Joe too?”
Christmas can’t come soon enough, because this is at least the third time you’ve almost unintentionally given away Joe’s true identity. And that’s something you swore to him and yourself you’d allow him to reveal to Callie. It’s so hard though when moments like this occur, moments where you just want her to know the man she already loves is the same man who helped bring her into this world. 
She surprises you by shaking her head no. “I wanna put it in my room.” 
Sniffling, you nod, agreeing. “I think that’s a great idea.” 
Callie takes your hand and brings you into her room, the two of you taking a few minutes to decide where her photo should go. Eventually, she decides on right above her bed and you post it up using a thumbtack. 
Alexis walks into the bedroom to see what’s happening and gasps when she sees Callie’s drawing. “Callie, did you draw that? Sweetie, it’s so amazing!”
The compliment makes Callie smile harder as she says, “thank you!”
“We’re gonna have so much fun tonight, kiddo.”
Her eyes light up, premature excitement brewing. “Can we watch Disney movies?”
“Not only can we watch Disney movies, but we can dance and sing with Disney movies.”
Oh Lord. You have a feeling Callie won’t be in bed by 7:30pm, but it’s not worth pushing back on. You’re just grateful she’s agreed to stay around in town long enough for your date to stay with Callie. You know you could always ask your mom, but she’s already helped out so much in the past couple weeks, you figured she could use a break. 
You and Alexis work to clean up the disaster that is your room as Callie busies herself in her playroom. Nearly finished, Alexis suddenly shares, “oh, I got something for you!”
Closing up your drawer, you place your hands on your hips. “Lex, you’ve already done so much for—-” you’re silenced by the box she’s suddenly reaching your way. “---me.” A headache is coming, migraine even. “Alexis, seriously?”
“What? It’s obvious ya’ll don’t use condoms.” Moving over to the side of your bed, she slides open the drawer of your nightstand and secures the box of Plan B.
“How many times do I have to say—”
Your 937589th time defending yourself that day is interrupted by the doorbell followed by Callie excitedly yelling “Joe!”
“I’ll get it,” Alexis offers, rushing over to you to give some quick, last minute advice. “You got this okay? It’s Joe. You know him like you know the back of your hand. You’re just hanging out with a muscular, 6’3 wrestler who also happens to be your baby daddy. No pressure.”
“Lex, sometimes you really do suck.”
“No, that’s going to be you tonight.” She laughs, ducking as you toss a decorative pillow in her direction. 
Blowing through your mouth, you attempt a mini pep talk, digging deep for the shitload you had and utilized as cheer captain what feels like so long ago.
“It’s just a date. Just a date.”
That’s the mantra, the ideal that you have to live by, have to pocket and keep with you at all times. 
Just a date. 
Grabbing your purse off the dresser, you slide on your heels and head out to the living room. What you’re met with is both expected and unexpected. Joe is holding Callie who’s clearly catching him up on everything he’s missed since he was last in town, minute by minute play, of course. But, Alexis is in the kitchen surrounded by three separate bouquets of flowers, one of red roses, one yellow, and one pink. 
Joe’s gaze is on you as soon as you enter the space, but your attention is focused on the breathtaking roses. 
“Have I told you he’s my top choice for you?” Alexis asks, explaining and pointing. “The pinks are for me, yellows are for Cal Gal, and the reds are, obviously for you.” A warm smile grows on your face. He’s so damn thoughtful. 
Walking over to him, you cross your arms. “Red roses are my favorites.”
“I remember.” Of course he does. He sweeps his eyes over you, slowly, meticulously. “You look beautiful.”
Bashful would never ever be a word you’d use to describe yourself, but it’s definitely how you feel in this moment. “Thank you.”
He looks good too, but that’s not surprising. Joe always looks good, even in his otherwise basic outfit of dark jeans, long sleeved black fitted shirt, and simple gold chain around his neck. The man could wear an orange jumpsuit, and you’d still want to fuck him silly. 
“Okay, Cal Gal, we better let them get going, so you and I can head out too.”
Alexis' words catch Joe’s attention, as he asks, protectively, “where are you taking her?”
Callie answers, “Auntie Lex and I are gonna have a sleepover at the hotel!”
Joe looks at you, quizzically. “I told her they can just stay here.”
“Just in case,” she winks at Joe and reminds you, quietly. “Nightstand, babes.”
Heading out is as expected. Callie asks once again if she can come with you guys, and Joe promises that the three of you will do something together at a later time. You remind Alexis to not allow Callie to pig out on junk food and go to bed on time, or at least, a decent time. 
Not that it means much. You know she’s gonna do what she wants, because that’s who Alexis is. 
That doesn’t bother you as much as Joe not telling you shit about this date other than that you probably won’t get back until late. Which isn’t much of anything. 
“What about a—”
He glances at you only for a second, then focuses back on the road. “The answer gon’ be the same as it was the last ten times you asked.”
Glaring at him, you cross your arms. “You know I hate surprises.”
“I’m aware.”
“But, you’re surprising me anyway?”
“Sure am.” Sucking your teeth and looking out the window, you cross your arms, turning your body away from him. “Watch the attitude, sweetheart, or I’ll fix it for you at the end of the night.”
His words shouldn’t make your thighs clench together.
“Whatever.” Pulling out your phone, you start to connect it to the car’s bluetooth. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m not gonna sit here in silence, but I have nothing to say to you, so we need some music.” You’re certain he’s rolling his eyes but doesn’t say anything. Hardheaded ass. He definitely does speak up though when the iconic opening guitar from Smells Like Teen Spirit fills the SUV. 
“Oh my god.”
“I don’t want to hear it. You leave me and my musical tastes alone.”
It seems like a rite of passage for every preteen or teenager to have some type of emo phase where they blast and rock out to Paramore like it’s a religious experience. Emphasis on phase. You never really grew out of yours. A love for rock music was something that stemmed from your love of paramore and morphed to the overall genre in general over the years. It was also something you and Alexis had in common, attending Warped your junior year of college. Joe always roasted you for this, because it was so unexpected.
You just liked your Breaking Benjamin just as much as you liked your Megan Thee Stallion.
“You know Callie likes it too,” you inform. One of your personal goals in life is to pass on your eclectic taste in music to your mini me. The appropriate music, of course. You never listen to anything provocative around her, even the clean versions. 
“You got her listening to this shit, too?”
Challenging him, you counter. “Would you rather her listen to Pound Town?” He shakes his head, running his hand over his beard. “That’s what I thought.”
Joe doesn’t ask you anything else, just lets you rock out to your music to help you avoid asking him the same damn question over and over again. But, you definitely do have questions that you’re absolutely asking when you see where he’s taken you. “Why the hell are we at the airport?” The bastard doesn’t say anything, and you start to repeat your question when he pulls around and you see it. 
“Joe, is that a fucking jet? You have a jet? We’re getting on a jet?” The questions keep rolling out as you find yourself unable to rip your eyes away from it. You’ve been on a plane before, but never a private jet. 
“No, we’re going to stare at it.” 
Your mind is a million and one places. Just what does this man have planned?
Jumping, you realize he’s not only parked, exited the vehicle, but is standing at your side of the car, door open. “Come on.” 
Angrily unbuckling your seatbelt, you jump out the car and continue to press him for answers. 
“Don’t get smart with me when I’m panicking. An actual jet? Where the hell are you taking us? Siberia?” He doesn’t say anything, just moves closer to you and places a hand behind your neck. 
“Do you trust me?”
You’re not sure if you’ve ever actually asked yourself that question, but interestingly enough, the answer is a no-brainer. 
“Of course.”
“Then shut up and come on.”
“We could have just gone to a local restaurant.”
Joe finally caved a bit and informed you that he was taking you to a restaurant out of town but within the same state. That was it. But, it was something, and it made you feel a little bit better about sitting here with him on a jet without a clue as to what’s going on.
“Why? So our waiter can be your ex-fiance?” You roll your eyes and decide against telling him the best restaurant in town is owned by your high school coach’s brother. “I’m tired of sharing you.” His strong arms are around you as he nuzzles his face into your neck. Because of course you’re sitting on his lap, the only “seat” he allowed you to use. “Want you to myself….”
Hands on his forearms, your eyes shut as you try to allow yourself to enjoy this. To enjoy him. He’s obviously gone to great lengths to make tonight special for the both of you, so the least you can do is be appreciative and try to enjoy the ride. A small smile on your lip, you taunt, “Callie might have something else to say about that.”
Just the mention of his daughter brings a smile to Joe’s face and yours too. Seeing how much he loves her gives you such peace and satisfaction. “What does she want for Christmas, by the way?”
Scoffing, you answer, smartly, “well, considering you’ve already bought her half of Toys-r-Us inventory, I’m not sure if there’s anything left for her to want.”
He’s unconvinced. “There has to be something. What did you get her?”
“Just random stuff, dolls, more art supplies.” To be honest, you’ve been so busy with everything else that much of your Christmas shopping still hasn’t happened. A rarity since you’re usually meticulous with these things, needing to know what paycheck they’re going to come out of, really. “I mean, the big thing is obviously Disney. That’s on every list: Christmas, birthday, Easter, Chinese new year.”
“Disney world?” He clarifies.
Nodding, you explain, “yup, but of course, because she’s our kid and too smart for her own good, she learned about the different parts like animal kingdom, epcot, and now she wants to see them all.” You’ll never forget the day she came running into your room, jumping on your bed, screaming, “there’s more, mommy! Lots more!”
“I’ve tried to explain I have to save for that, especially since I would want to take my mom with me, but she’s so young, she doesn’t understand it's either Disney, or we have a place to live.” Truth be told, you’ve always wanted to go to Disney too. So did your grandma. And the plan was to go for your high school graduation. Obviously….that never happened.
Your grandma passed away before you all had the chance. 
“I’ll take her. I’ll take all of you.” 
Sitting up, your brows furrow as you clarify, “shit, no. Joe, I didn’t—I wasn’t trying to ask you—”
“I know you weren’t. You’re too stubborn for that.” He’s not wrong, his finger moving up and down your side as he continues. “She wants to go. I’m sure you do too and your mom. I can make it happen, so let me make it happen.”
You hear what he’s saying, you really do, but considering you’ve sat down and cranked out the numbers for what this would cost, just for one person, it makes you almost nauseous to think how much he’d have to fork up.
Joe’s exceptionally well at reading you, speaking again. “I’m gonna say something, and I know you’re gonna push back, because like I said,  you’re stubborn as hell, but I’m gonna say it anyway because that don’t change shit.”
You eye him, skeptically. “I’m already annoyed,”
“Money is something you never have to worry about, especially if it’s for Callie.” You open your mouth to protest, but he lifts his hand to silence you. “I’ve got you, and I’ve got her. Whether you want me to or not.”
It’s such a strange shift, traveling from this mindset where you are the sole financial provider for your child to having a partner who has more money than he knows what to do with and doesn’t mind spending it to make your child happy. To make you happy. 
“Let me do something for my daughter.”
He’s got you there, even if he’s done so much already. You’ve already denied him so much more. Why add to the list? “Okay.” There’s no support for an argument. Who are you to try to get in the way of a father fulfilling his daughter’s lifelong dream? Sure, you could probably make it happen eventually, but time waits for no one. And you can’t really fault Joe. He just wants to do something nice for her daughter. “But….but not Christmas. Her birthday, maybe?”
This seems to work for him as well as he nods in agreement, probably thinking of the benefit to having more time to arrange being away from work.
Joe does an excellent job distracting you for the rest of the ride, which ends up being relatively short, definitely not as long as you expected. Granted, nothing so far has been what you expected, especially when a driver picks you up from the airport and transports you to this top secret location.
Hand in his, Joe leads you inside the building that’s revealed to be a restaurant of some sort. Gracefully decorated and almost entirely empty. 
Touched, you ask in a soft voice, “you rented out a restaurant for us?” 
He glides his thumb over your knuckles and brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it gently. “Not exactly.” 
“Joe, is that you?” 
A voice calls out, and he answers back with a yes.
Confused, you watch an older black woman with salt and pepper hair emerge from the back of the restaurant, wearing one of the friendliest smiles you’ve ever seen. You study her, wondering why she looks so familiar. 
“There you are,” she greets, clapping her hands on her apron. “I was wondering when you’d get here.”
“Sorry, we’re late,” he apologies and releases your hand to bend down and hug this woman. Separating, he looks at you, introducing, “Joyce, this is Y/N.” Taking your hand again, he explains, “baby, this is—”
“Joyce Green,” you finish for him. “Oh my goodness, my mom and I watch your show.” 
Joyce and Dennis Green.
Known as the culinary king and queen throughout your state. They have a chain of restaurants that stretch over the south, a successful cookware line, and television show that’s been atop the charts for years. Arguably, the most successful, African-American couple in this part of the culinary world. 
Suddenly a bit starstruck, you offer your hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
She looks at you and waves off your offer. “Baby, I’m a hugger.” Laughing, you accept her warm hug as she pulls back and assesses you. “You just a pretty little thing, ain’t you?” She compliments, and you’ve never felt so validated in your life. There’s just something about compliments from older black women that heal the soul. Her eyes shift to Joe. “And you….my Lord, he took his time with this one.”
Biting your lip, you agree, “sure did.” 
Joe chuckles and says, “thank you for agreeing to this again.” 
“Of course. My grandbaby still talks about your make-a-wish visit. It’s our honor to have you here.” You say nothing but realize this is how he knows them, how he arranged for whatever this is. She claps her hands together and asks, “now what would you say is your level of experience with cooking?”
It’s directed to both of you, but you answer first, “I can cook a little bit.”
Joe looks at you, brow raised before telling Joyce. “That’s not what her mom or our daughter says.”
“Ya’ll have a baby?” Her eyes light up. “Could I see a picture? If you don’t mind, that is.” Joe shakes his head and pulls out his phone, unlocking the screen which reveals not only a picture of Callie, but you as well, the two of you smiling together. 
She gasps. “Oh, she’s beautiful.” She looks between the both of you. “Perfect combination, but she has your smile.”
“Thank you.” Anyone saying anything nice about your Callie always lands a genuine grin on your face. “It’s the dimples,” you add.
“Joyce, are you in there talking a hole in them people’s heads?” Another voice enters the room, and you see an older black man also wearing an apron around them. Dennis. This is Dennis.
Joyce sucks her teeth. “Oh hush, you old fool.” She beckons him over, and he shares a quick hug with Joe before her eyes rest on you. Joyce introduces, “this is his girlfriend. Ain’t she pretty?”
“Sure is,” Dennis agrees, shaking your hand. “Pleasure to meet you, young lady.”
Your focus is partially on the conversation at hand but also on how she introduced you. 
You’ve never once considered yourself that to Joe, even in being with him for three years. It always felt wrong and invalid. Because of his wife.
But, she’s out of the picture now.
What reason is there for there not to be a label between the two of you?
Shaking your head, you try to return to the present. 
This is ending up being so much more than just a date.
“How long have ya’ll been together?” 
You’re in the midst of mincing garlic when Joyce asks her question. 
This wasn’t just a dinner date. It was a private cooking lesson with thee Joyce and Dennis Green. Not many things made you giddy, but this was definitely one of them. 
Thinking on her question, you realize it’s something you’ve never thought about and thus have no idea how to answer. Because just how does one quantify your relationship? Can you even count the three years you were actually together when he was legally married to someone else? 
Joe, conversely, has no difficulty answering.
“Almost eight years.”
Joyce glances at your left hand. “How much time you need to make up your mind, young man?”
“Oh, Joyce, leave them kids alone,” Dennis chides, carefully chopping up the onions. “Let em’ do what they want.”
“I’m just saying, you already have a child together,” she continues, asking, “What’s stopping you from taking the next step?”
“Uhhh, we, we’ve had some ups and downs,” you answer, hoping the change in tone will indicate this is a sensitive subject.
“I see, well….” You can tell she’s trying to carefully choose her words, and you’re grateful for that thoughtfulness and respect. “All things considered, you seem to have found your way back to one another, so that has to mean something.”
Her words resonate deeply. She’s right. Yes, obviously Callie will always bound you to Joe in some sort of capacity, but countless people co–parent without being together. However, that doesn't seem to be the case with the two of you, something tethers you together. 
And it’s not just the child you share together.
The four of you work together to prepare your meal with Joyce and Dennis having to be extra patient with you, because Joe of all trades over there excels without the need of much help. It’s annoying how he’s just naturally good at so many things. 
At one point, Joyce gently whispers to you, “some people just don’t got it, baby, and you don’t. That’s okay.”
Of course, Joe hears this, and you have to stop yourself from flipping him off. Instead, you settle for mouthing asshole.
The entire process takes about an hour, and when the meals are finished, you’re surprised to find that Joyce and Dennis move to a separate room to eat. It’s not something that entirely bothers you though. You enjoy your alone time with Joe. And it allows you the space to briefly FaceTime Callie in the middle of your meal to tell her goodnight, an absolute must. 
Not even just for you anymore, but Joe too. 
She has to see and speak to the both of you before she can fall asleep.
You can’t wait for her to find out the truth. 
Stealing off Joe’s plate, you quickly realize that while your food came out fine, his is delicious. It’s why you decide to seat yourself on his lap instead of your chair so you’re not constantly reaching over the table. 
“You done messed up your food, and now you wanna come after mine?” Ignoring him, you bring a forkful to your mouth, moaning instantly. 
Covering your mouth as you finish chewing, you exclaim, “it’s so good.”
He chuckles, hand on the small of your back. “I see I’m the one who’s gonna have to do the cooking for us.”
“Well, according to you and everyone else, I can’t cook, so—”
“You can’t, but that’s okay. I hoped this would help, but you may be beyond help—” He laughs as you shove on his chest.
“You’re such an ass….” Gaze softening, you bring your hand to his face, gripping his beard. “Thank you for this. It’s incredibly sweet.”
And you mean that. Joe didn’t have to do this, didn’t have to do any of it. But, this is just who he is, a kind, sweet, thoughtful man. It’s what makes him such an amazing father. 
An amazing partner.
He kisses your palm. “You’re welcome….”
Once the food is finished, you two spend the rest of the time just talking, laughing, enjoying each other. You could never get tired of being around this man. His energy is so warm and welcoming. You’re starting to relate more and more with Callie’s difficulty every time he leaves. This night is too short, but you wonder if you could ever have enough time to be with him.
As the night draws to a close, you two reunite with Joyce and Dennis to thank them for a wonderful evening. However, it’s the closing remarks that really sit with you. When Dennis pulls back from his hug, he whispers to you, “young lady, I’ve lived a long life, so trust me when I tell you this.” You watch him, listening intently. “A man doesn’t look at a woman the way Joe looks at you unless he’s in love.” 
Your breath catches in the back of your throat. That’s….definitely not what you expected him to say. And Joyce is no different. She holds onto you a little longer in the hug, and you’re grateful. She reminds you so much of your grandmother. 
“A little piece of advice from an old lady?” It’s almost impossible to prepare for whatever is about to leave her mouth, your mind still trying to sit on Dennis' words. “You don’t lose love by sending it away” A beat. “All you’re doing is making it grow stronger.” 
The rides home are more quiet than the journey there, and that’s because you’re trying to balance this heavy battle between your head and your heart. 
Your mind is all over the place. You’ve felt so conflicted since opening the door for Joe for the first time in almost five years. And you don’t regret it, far from it. Callie’s father is in her life. She has that relationship, that love with him. 
That’s all you wanted, all you expected. 
You didn’t expect for your feelings for him to resurface or his for you to be as strong as they clearly are. 
It’s such a suffocating, overwhelming experience. 
And at the same time, everything you’ve ever wanted. 
He is everything you’ve ever wanted. 
Walking into your apartment, Joe locks the door behind the two of you, always wanting to make sure you’re straight before he leaves. As he always does. 
He brings his hands to your face, concerned, asking, “what’s wrong? Talk to me.”
Your eyes close, hand to his chest. 
This is too hard, too painful, too difficult. 
You can’t do it anymore.
“Fuck it.”
In a matter of seconds, your lips are on his and his hands are all over your body. It’s explosive, the both of you battling for dominance, Joe’s tongue circling around yours. You moan into his mouth, and he hikes you up on his waist. 
"Are you sure?" He breathes against your mouth and you nod fervently.
Come what may, you'll deal with it then. You need this. Need him
Gaining your consent, he skillfully guides you to your bedroom only breaking the kiss when he places you on the floor in front of the bed. “Take off your clothes.” 
His tone is authoritative, demanding, but even if it wasn't, it's not like he needs to ask twice. You squeeze yourself out of your dress, tossing it to the side. As the top was padded and shoulders out, you didn't bother with a bra. And before you can hook your fingers around your underwear to discard them, Joe tosses you on the bed, hovering over you.
He lifts his shirt over his head, and you chew on your bottom lip. This man is too fine. His strength has always been so sexy to you. As a woman on the thicker side, you’ve always needed a man who could handle you in the sheets. And Joe was more than adept in that area. 
He stares at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever had the privilege to lay his eyes on. Your stomach flutters. No ones ever been able to make you feel things like Joe can.
Its such a welcomed experience, one you've missed deeply.
“God, you’re beautiful….” 
His big hands travel your body, but it’s when he bites down on the strap of your panties and glides them down your legs that your back arches off the bed. You're already so wet, dampness coating the inside of your thighs.
You need this man more than one needs air to breathe.
“Patience, baby.” His voice is soothing on a surface level but does little to abate the fire burning through your entire body, the throbbing in your center. “Don’t I always take care of you?” When you don’t give him an answer, too busy trying to settle yourself, his hand grips your thigh. Tight. “I asked you a question.”
Swallowing, you nod, answering, “y-yes, you do.” 
Pleased with your obedience, he goes to remove his pants, and your eyes go straight to his massive bulge. You wet your lips. The moonlight shining through the window creates a backdrop of his broad shoulders, silk hair down and free. Just how you like it. 
He’s so beautiful and yours. 
Only yours.
Your hand reaches for his abs, wanting to touch him, when he captures your wrist, bringing your fingers to his mouth, sucking slowly, teasingly. 
Groaning, your head tilted back, another spasm works its way through your core. You need this man, and you need him now.
Joe detects as such and hovers over you, one rough hand grasping your breast as he glosses his lips over your clavicle. Moaning, you lift your thigh against his hip, wanting, needing some type of friction. 
He begins lining kisses down your body, lips leaving a flaming trail of desire in its wake. “Spread your legs for me, baby. And keep 'em open.” He doesn’t have to ask twice. You heed to his command, opening yourself to him. He kisses the inside of your thighs, eyes alight with desire. “Before you come on my dick, gotta taste this pretty pussy.” 
Joe makes a sound, taking his finger and swirling it around your pussy. A sticky line of your cum drips from his fingers, and you nearly come right then and there watching him suck it off. 
“Fuck,” he groans, bringing both of your legs over his shoulders, hooking them behind your knees. “Forgot how sweet you are.”
His cool breath hitting your core is the first thing you feel followed by that deliciously talented tongue taking one long swipe up your cunt. Instantly, your back is arching off the bed. That’s how sensitive you are to him, how easily your entire existence becomes focused solely on him and the insane pleasure he provides you.
The tip of Joe’s tongue swirls around your swollen, sensitive bud as he uses his other two fingers to keep your folds open, available to and for him to do whatever he wants. He plays with you, a tactic you’ve noticed he gets off on, edging you in a sense.
“Stop playing with me,” you groan, even if this feels just as good as anything else. It’s not what you want, what you need. What you need is his mouth on you, not this toying shit.
Sucking his teeth, he blows on your clit, and you hiss. “You really gon tell me how to take care of my pussy?” There’s a trace of humor in his voice as he dips one finger inside of you, smiling at the way you grip at the sheets. “Naw, baby. I know what you need.” 
And that’s when he finally does away with the teasing, locking your legs on his shoulders with his hand and buries his face into your pussy. “Shit!” It’s what you wanted, most definitely what you needed, but not what you expected. 
Fuck. He’s too good at this. 
Joe alternates with expert strokes, sucking and flicking your pussy, with a yearning and longing that’s matched only by the rapture soaring through your body. 
He eats your pussy like he does all things in life, with passion and dedication.
“Joe.” Tears burn your eyes as he continues to eat at you, rarely breaking for air and never allowing your body time to recover. He’s back to back, bringing you to climax and going right back to eating you out.
You’d forgotten how much he loved this. It’s nearly impossible to recall how many times this man has had his face in between your legs, but you could most definitely count how many times he’d let you return the favor. Joe didn’t care much about receiving. He was a pleaser, through and through.
“Baby, please, I can’t—I—-“ and it’s a waste of time because every inch up the bed is met with his strong hands on your hips, tugging you closer. Even as you cum, hard, nearly convulsing off the mattress, he stays sucking your pussy, lapping every bit of it up as his tongue circles your sensitive bud.
You’re not sure when he finally comes up, just that it’s after at least two orgasms. Maybe three. Keeping count with Joe is always a waste of time, because it’s always going to be several.  Panting, eyes fluttering, you take in the sight of him. His beard is wet, glistening with the result of his expert work. “I love eating this pussy.” His finger swirls and plays around with the absolute drenched mess you’ve made. “but I need you to come on my dick now.”
There’s a bit of dissociation in the next few minutes. He’s tongue fucked all of your five senses out of you that it’s only when you realize he’s got you on your hands and knees, dick teasing your soaked entrance that you're aware of what's about to happen. 
“Wait.” Your breath is haggard, voice drained from only this man’s tongue. This. This is the shit he does to you. This is why it took so long for you to let him go all those years ago. It’s the same reason you don’t think you’ll ever be able to let him go. Not after this. “I need—you gotta let me adjust, Joe.”
Joe’s dick is thick, long, and curved. The best you’ve ever had, but it’s been years since you last had him, so he has to take it easy on you, allow you time to accommodate him.
“You can take this dick, baby,” he encourages, pushing down on the top of your back until your cheek is pressed into the pillow, back arched perfectly. “And you always will.”
His tip nudges your sticky, gushy opening, starting a slow entrance that has your hands fisting. Inch by inch, he enters you, jaw clenching at how tightly your cunt clenches him. 
It’s been too long since he’s been inside you.  
“Oh my god.” You’d forgotten this, forgotten the delicious stretch of him inside of you, forgotten how deep he could go, touching you, reaching you in all the areas no one else could. And you had tried. God, you tried. Had your hookups, but no one was checking Joe’s box when it came to length, girth, and skill. And that tongue. Fuck, Joe ate your pussy like you were his last supper every single time.
Never a miss.
He doesn’t need to ask if you’re good. Joe sees the way you back your ass onto him, eager for him to fuck you like only he knows how to.
And he obliges. 
He slams into you with a force that has you wanting to scream out bloody murder. He feels so damn good inside of you. He stretches you so good, and you take him just as well.
“You on the pill?” He suddenly asks, slowing the speed and force of his thrusts, watching and enjoying your moans as he cruelly teases you, halting at your entrance before gradually re-entering. He’s playing with you, and it’s both blissful and miserable. 
Whining, you manage to answer, “fuck—n—no.”
“Good.” You shout when he slams back into you with such force that you reach for the headboard, needing something to keep you leveled. “Gonna fill you up with my cum.”
“Joe….” His words register, but it’s hard to think straight with this man fucking you so good. Shit, you missed this. “We—” You’re cut off again when he reaches in front of you, hand ghosting over your pussy, index finger circling your clit. “We ca—”
“I’m not pulling out.” He groans above you, the way your shit grips him. “You’re so fucking tight.”
“You’re just big,” you counter and cry out when he slides out of you and slams at a different angle that has your big breast slapping against your chest. “Shit, Joe.”
“Can he fuck you how I can?” For a second, you’re confused cause who the fuck is he talking about? There’s only one person that exists in your world right now, and that’s the man blowing your back out. “Answer me,” he demands, bringing a hand down on your ass. 
You cry out, “no, baby.” Your eyes water. He’s so deep in you. “N–no one fucks me like you do.” 
“Exactly,” he continues to play with your clit as you work hard not to let your entire apartment building know you’re getting your entire insides rearranged. “Your moans are for me,” he slows down momentarily, no doubt enjoying the view of his thick dick sliding in and out of you, coated in your cream. “You scream out my name.” 
“Yes, baby,” you whimper. You and Joe have fucked plenty of times, but this is different. There’s a meaning in every word that leaves his mouth, an oath behind every declaration. You know that after tonight, there is no turning back. 
“You’re mine,” he growls, big hands moving to the small of your back, holding you down and against the bed as he rams into you, determined and focused. “You’ve always been mine.”
Tears burn your eyes when he suddenly yanks you up by your hair, pulling your body flush against his. His hair fans part of your face, mouth pressed against your temple. “I can take care of you. Take care of this pussy. You don’t need nobody but me.”
Reaching your hand behind to caress his scalp, you murmur, head laid back against him. “I don’t want anybody but you.”
There’s something about your words, so vulnerable, so sincere. With a gentleness that’s contrasted all of his fucking thus far, he pulls out of you and lays you on your back. A whimper leaves your mouth at the loss of him inside of you only for him to move his body over yours and lift your legs to his waist. He sinks into you again, and you moan together, his head resting in the crook of your neck as he finds a pace that pleases the both of you.
Ankles locking above his ass, you enjoy the different kind of depth this allows. People shit on missionary, but it’s one of your favorite positions with Joe. It’s a level of connectedness and togetherness that makes you feel so close to him. Like you two are one and the same. 
“You're so good for me,” he continues to talk you through it, tears streaming down your face as he repeatedly thrusts against your g-spot. “So fucking good around me, fucking made for me.”
His words send you over the edge.
Hands on his face, forcing him to meet your gaze, you encourage, gently, “come with me.” He looks at you, and you know. You just know that there's not much, if anything, you could ask that he wouldn't do for you.
His thrusts become more uncontrolled, erratic, and that’s how you know it’s coming, building up until there’s a blinding white light behind your eyes, toes curling and head rocking back against the pillow. Joe is not far behind, staying true to his promise as he empties inside of you every bit of his cum until there’s nothing left.
Joe doesn’t move from off you, doesn’t remove himself from inside of you, instead his body rests on top of yours. Panting, you bring your hands to his scalp, nails gently raking through his hair as he lays against your chest, muttering, “let me stay like this in you for a little bit.”
You don’t want him to move anyway, don’t want him to go anywhere. You never did, just followed what you felt and believed was right. Joyce’s wise words from earlier suddenly return to the forefront of your mind. 
“You don’t lose love by sending it away. All you're doing is making it grow stronger.” 
That’s never felt and rang more true than in this moment.
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c-nstantine · 5 months
for the man who has everything
Description: Dick doesn't know what to get Bruce for Christmas
Warnings: Allusions to sex
Word Count: 0.6k
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Just days before Christmas, Dick Grayson had found a gift for everyone except Bruce Wayne. In all fairness, it's really hard shopping for a billionaire. Either Bruce already had the gift or it was something so minuscule that it didn't matter if Dick had gotten it or not.
"What did y'all get Bruce for Christmas?" Dick asked as he found his siblings wrapping presents in the den. Thomas was drawing his mother and father pictures while the twins simply played with bows in their playpen.
"Condoms," Jason spoke first. His tongue poked out of his pink lips with concentration as he focused on making sure that the edges of the box were wrapped to perfection.
"Listen, I love Thomas, Martha, and Alfred, but he doesn't need any more kids," Jason tried to justify himself as his siblings turned and stared at him.
"So as a Christmas present, you got him condoms," Stephanie reiterated carefully.
"Yep, a whole lifetime supply," Jason said proudly, holding up the now-wrapped box of condoms. Interestingly, enough his siblings agreed that maybe this was a good gift.
"Okay? Next," Dick said, slightly ignoring what Jason said. He didn't want to think about how Jason 'acquired' a lifetime supply of condoms because that doesn't seem possible.
"I finished his paperwork for the next three quarters," Tim slipped a manila folder into a Christmas bag with a bow and smiled. Sometimes Bruce was a little lazy with his paperwork but it's not like the board of directors would notice anyway.
"Sometimes I forget he's a CEO," Stephanie said while scratching her head. Honestly, he just gets referred to as Y/N Wayne's husband. It's totally not like she took his last name or anything. Sometimes he was grateful to not have all of the spotlight on him.
"I painted a portrait of mother and father," Damian adjusted the bow on his gift. He had painted a large oil painting of the two of them. His siblings were a bit surprised at how he had found the time to do this.
"Me and Cass got him an original copy of Zoro's poster," This gift was a bit more sentimental. Coming from Duke and Cass, it was perfect. Knowing Bruce he'd probably hang it in one of his offices. These were all exceptional gifts but Dick didn't have anything yet. The door opened to the den and everyone stopped what they were doing.
"Hey, ma. What did you get Bruce for Christmas?" Jason asked, after exhaling. The room was less tense at the realization that it was just Y/N. She had come to get the twins and check their diapers.
"I can't tell you," She said in a baby voice as she picked up Martha and Alfred from their playpen. The two babies gurgled at the sight of their mother.
"Gross," Tim spoke before realizing that he said it out loud. Dick snorted in response and Y/N jokingly glared at her son.
"Not like that, it's a surprise," She spoke with a baby on either side of her hips.
"Is it another baby? Because if it is Jason's gift is going to be hilarious," Duke asked, putting two and two together. The room tensed once again and everyone panned to Y/N waiting for a response. She felt like they were searing holes into her head.
"No, it's not another baby." Everyone collectively let out a sigh of relief. The thought of Bruce having any more children was a bit daunting. Isn't he old by now anyway?
"You'll find out at dinner tonight. Merry Christmas, kiddos," She said walking out of the den with her babies in tow.
"Merry Christmas, "The kids chorused back to her and Dick still didn't know what to get Bruce for Christmas.
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joedirtymadre · 2 months
How bout an angst and fluffy Luffy x reader? Like, he's trying his best to be a good boyfriend but he doesn't know exactly how do it. So he gets insecure and afraid of reader leaving him
The Painting
You were peacefully working on a new painting. You had a strong passion for art, but recently you have decided to pick up painting again. Plus, today is a slow day on the ship, so why not? You hummed to yourself, as you continued to add the finishing touches to your work. “Wow, you really outdid yourself this time,” you smiled to yourself as you took a moment to look at your canvas. It was a portrait of the whole crew, you wanted to surprise everyone at dinner with it. You spent the last few weeks on it too, so I’m sure that they’ve been waiting for the reveal.
You then heard your door open and saw Luffy. “Hey Luffy,” you smiled. “Hi (Y/N)! Hey can I hide here? I’m playing hide and seek with Usopp and Chopper,” he explained as he ran over and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. “Sure, but please don’t tip over my supplies. Last time you made a mess I spent 2 weeks cleaning it up,” you sighed. “I promise!” He said as he quickly jumped into your supply closet.
You continued your artwork, until you were disrupted again. You heard a small knock on the door and soon Chopper opened the door. “Hi Chopper, what brings you here?” You asked. “Hi (Y/N)! Have you seen Luffy?” He asked. “Hmmm… I haven’t sorry,” you smiled. “Hmmm… well can I look around your office? Just in case,” he said. “Go ahead,” you said as you continued painting.
Chopper checked under the table, in your art boxes, and was now heading to your closet. You lightly giggled as you knew your boyfriend was about to get caught. Chopper quickly opened the closet door, and out jumped Luffy. He began running around the small office, “Hey Luffy, this isn’t tag!” Chopper shouted as he chased him. “Now it is!” He yelled, as they circled around you. “Luffy be care-“ you were cut off by Luffy running into you. You fell straight into your paint, easel, and most importantly your painting.
The two boys quickly stopped and stared as you slowly picked yourself up and stared at the destroyed painting. Smudged and ripped, even your easel broke. “(Y-Y/N) I-“ you ran out before you could hear another word from your stupid boyfriend.
Luffy’s POV
I watched as (Y/N) ran off, I tried to chase after her but Chopper blocked me. “Wait! I think she should be alone right now Luffy, she might say something she doesn’t mean because of how she’s feeling. So, just give her some space,” he explained. “But I have to tell her I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to play,” I explained. “I know, but we messed up. Really bad, and she needs time to herself right now,” Chopper said. I grabbed my head in frustration.
I looked over to the destroyed painting and realized it was a painting of all of us. “This is what she’s been working on for weeks,” I said softly. “Oh no, and we ruined it!” Chopper cried. “No, I ruined it. I always ruin things for her,” I said as I picked up the painting. “That’s not true, she loves you Luffy,” Chopper said. I shook my head, “She deals with me, I keep doing dumb things and it always ends with me hurting her or breaking her stuff,” I sighed as I placed the canvas on her table.
“It’s ok Luffy, if she didn’t love you she wouldn’t be with you. Right?” Chopper asked. “I guess,” I said. “I’m gonna go check on her,” Chopper said before running out of the room. I sat on her stool and stared at the mess I made. “Why do I keep messing things up? Maybe… I should leave her alone, then she wouldn’t have to deal with me. She could tell me to leave her alone if we weren’t dating, like Nami,” I said to myself.
I dragged myself to the deck and straight to my spot, to try and think. “Hey Luffy,” Nami said as she sat on her beach chair. “Hey…” I said softly as I continued to drag myself. “What’s wrong? Did (Y/N) kick you out of her art room?” She laughed. “No,” I moped. “Woah, then what’s wrong? Here come take a seat,” she said as she pointed to the other beach chair.
I told her the whole story and ended up with 4 bumps on my head. “You idiot! How could you do that to her?” Nami frowned. “I know… Nami… has she ever talked about how much I mess up around her?” I asked. “(Y/N)? No, not really. She just tells me how fun and cute you are,” she explained. “Really? Even that time I broke her clay pot?” I asked. “Oh man, she was so mad that day, but no… Now that I think about it she didn’t talk bad about you,” Nami said. “What about the time I accidentally squeezed her paint tube too hard and it got all over her face?” I asked. “Nope, nothing,” she said. “Or when I dropped-“ I was cut off.
“Ok I get it, you’ve done a lot of bad things. But she’s never talked bad about you, I think she knows that mistakes happen… especially around you,” Nami pointed out. “But I really messed up this time, what if she wants to break up. She should break up with me… I keep making her mad or sad,” I sighed as I fell back into the chair. “Or… you could make it up to her. Come on captain, you’ve fought warlords and admirals. I’m sure you can fix this problem and make your girlfriend a little less mad at you,” she said. “You’re right! I can try and fix it!” I said excitedly. “But I’m gonna need help,” I said, determined.
Your POV
You’ve been in bed for the last 6 hours. Chopper and Nami checked up on you, but you had no strength to get up. You just need some time to calm down. Suddenly a knock on your door, you didn’t respond, hoping the person on the other side would think you’re asleep. However, the door slowly opened. You saw your idiot captain peek inside, “(Y/N)?” He called out.
“Go away Luffy, I don’t feel good right now,” you said as you turned around, showing your back to him. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry, really sorry… I know you’re really mad at me, but I wanted to make it up to you,” he said as he stepped close. “How?” You asked. “Can I show you?” He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You slowly turned around, seeing a distressed look on your usually careless boyfriend. “Sure,” you said calmly before getting up.
“But I need you to wear this,” he said, handing you a blindfold. You stared at it with one eyebrow raised. “Please?” He asked. You nodded and quickly put it over your eyes, you then felt a warm hand grab yours. “Alright hold on,” you heard, before being picked up in bridal style. “L-Luffy?” You asked, feeling your face heat up. “Well, I don’t want you to trip while being blindfolded, so I’ll just carry you,” he explained.
You then laid in his arms as he carried you to wherever it was that he wanted to show you. “Alright, I’m gonna put you down now,” he said softly before helping you down onto your feet. “Alright now on 3, take off your blindfold,” he said as he stepped away from you. “Ok,” you said.
“1,2,3,” he said, and you quickly took off the blindfold. You gasped at the scene in front of you. It was your art room, clean and way more organized than it was before. Also, your easel was fixed with a bunch of more upgrades to it, and finally your eyes fell to the painting on the easel. “My painting!” You said excitedly. You smiled as you saw the rough strokes and the taped backing. It wasn’t perfect, but it was way better than how it looked earlier.
“Did you do all of this?” You turned to ask Luffy. “I had some help, but I wanted to fix what I messed up earlier,” he explained. You ran over and gave him a kiss, “Thank you Luffy! I’m so happy,” you smiled and hugged him. “You’re not still mad?” He asked nervously. “Mad?” You asked, confused. “Well… I always mess up your crafts or art projects, I know how upset it makes you,” he said as he stared at the floor. “Well I do get a bit upset, but I know you don’t mean it. I just give myself some time alone so I don’t say anything that I might regret later,” you explained. “Wow, Chopper was right,” he said.
“But I’m really sorry I messed up your painting, I know how hard you worked on it,” he said, before pulling you into a hug. “It’s ok, I forgive you. Just next time, no more games in my art room, ok?” You asked. “Deal,” he smiled. “Oh, I made you something,” he said, pulling away. “Huh?” You asked. He grabbed a small canvas from the table and turned to show you.
You pouted when you realized it was a portrait of you and him. “I know it’s not that good, but-“ you interrupted him. “It’s perfect! I’ll hang it up right now!” You said as you pulled him into a hug. “Really?” He said excitedly. “Yeah, and we should paint together sometime, you’re a natural,” you smiled, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You think so? I did have fun doing this,” he grinned. “Mhmm!” You nodded and you both went to hang his masterpiece on your wall.
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thetriumphantpanda · 10 months
i'm not the only one | joel & tommy miller
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Summary | You have your baby. You have your family. But can you really have everything you want? Can you really have your cake and eat it too?
Warnings | Fluff, mentions of breastfeeding, small children (in my world they need to come with a warning because ew), let's say it one more time for old times sake: TOMMY GETTING CUCKED BECAUSE HE LOVES IT, dirty talk, fingering (f) and allusions to other smut.
Word Count | 1.9k
Authors Note | Wow. I just wanted to take some time to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read and supported me through this little fic. What started as a filthy little one-shot has become something super special to me. I'm so proud with how this turned out and I really hope that you love this ending as much as I do. I need to say a massive thank you to the JFC - @cavillscurls @dinsdjrn @morning-star-joy @cupofjoel @tightjeansjavi @sinsofsummers for continuously losing their mind over this fic with me and helping me come up with the ending where no-one gets their heart broken, I love you girls more than I can express 🧡 Thank you to each and every person who has read this, has given me their love, interacted with me and generally just made me the happiest girl for deciding to come back to fic writing. You're all awesome and I love each and every one of you. Please let me know what you thought of this, either by commenting, reblogging or sending me some love in my ask box, and if you'd like to support me with a donation, you can do so over on Ko-Fi.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
The late September sun is still warm, even as it begins dipping below the horizon, painting the sky a beautiful mix of pink and orange. The beer in your bottle is lukewarm, but you finish it off anyway, attention dropping to your son, sat on your knee, as you bounce it up and down to keep him occupied at the table. He’s just turned two and is a much better table companion at Joel’s birthday cook-out than he had been last year. He’s starting to show a little personality, babbling along when Sarah tried to talk to him, teasing Tommy when he hands his son a toy, throwing it to the ground because he already knows he’ll pick it right back up and play along. 
Everyone else has long gone by this point in the evening. This year’s celebration of Joel’s birthday being held at your house because he’s having his garden landscaped. It’s just the five of you, the people who matter most to you in life, sat around, finishing drinks and just enjoying each other’s company. Sarah yawns to your left, the day finally catching up with her. 
“You tired, bug?” Joel asks, smoothing a hand over her hair. 
“I’m not tired.” But she yawns again, chuckles erupting from the table. 
You poke at her arm, “Your room is ready whenever you are.” It had already been agreed that Sarah and Joel would stay here tonight, so he could have a drink and enjoy his birthday without worrying about driving home. 
To her credit, she lasts another hour sat at the table, but once Joshua starts fussing as well, it’s clear it’s time for everyone to call it a night. Joel kisses Sarah on the forehead, wishing her a goodnight as she heads inside. Tommy takes Joshua from your arms and presses a kiss to the top of your head, leaving you and Joel together for the first time that evening. You reach out your arm across the table, palm up to the darkening sky, Joel’s own, much larger hand, slipping into it. 
“Shall we go?” You ask, the smile across your face mirroring his own. 
“I think we should.” 
As you’re walking through the neighbourhood your mind drags back to this time last year and the conversation with Tommy as Joel’s birthday loomed on the horizon. 
“What do you think we should get him for his birthday?” Tommy asked, flipping through the catalogue of construction gear that comes through the letterbox every few months, “He was saying his toolbox is too small these days, maybe we can get him a bigger one?” 
Joshua is cradled against your chest, suckling as you feed him. You’d always wondered how the other women you knew could multitask before he’d been born. One of your best friends could breastfeed her child, cook dinner and talk to her older daughter all at the same time. Now, standing in the kitchen feeding your son, two pans on the stovetop as you cook, holding a conversation with Tommy, you realise it just came naturally. 
“I mean, we can,” You throw over your shoulder, “But I think that man deserves more than a toolbox for his birthday.” 
Once Joshua has finished feeding, you hand him to Tommy, along with placing a rag over his shoulder – you fed him, Tommy gets to burp him, that’s the deal. 
“I just feel bad,” You comment, going back to pushing the steak around the pan, “Do you not feel like you’ve kinda just abandoned him a little?” 
“What do you mean?” Tommy asks, patting his son on the back. 
You sigh, trying to focus on cooking as you speak, “I just mean that he did this for us, gave us this life we have now, and what are we going to do to thank him? Give him a toolbox? Just seems like we don’t care.” 
“Well, what would you suggest?” He asks, you're quiet in response, trying to think of how best to put this, "You miss him, don't you?" He finally asks.
You turn around, leaning against the counter to the side of the stove, “I do miss him,” You say simply, not afraid to admit it, “You said before Joshua was born that you understood the connection we have, I just want to give him something good.” 
Tommy has Joshua cradled in his arms now, trying to get him to go to sleep so he can lie him down and enjoy dinner with you in peace, "You wanna fuck him for his birthday?" There's a smirk on his lips, just like there was when you'd needed Joel before Joshua was born.
“Hey, language!” You chastise, pointing to his son in his arms, “Don’t say it like that either, you know you come first, you always have, I love you Tommy, but can’t we just give him one time, once a year, where I can really show him how grateful I am for what he gave us?” 
You can see him mull it over in his mind as he bounces his son in his arms before he relents, “Okay,” He’s smiling, and it reaches his eyes, so you know he really means it, “If that’s what you want, I’m happy.” 
You smile, walking over to kiss him, “I don’t deserve you,” You murmur against his lips, “I love you so very much, Tommy Miller.” 
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Joel thinks, as he walks hand in hand with you back to his home, that he really didn’t need this. He didn’t need thanking for what he’d done. He remembers walking into your hospital room with Sarah after Joshua had been born – she’d insisted on picking the biggest and brightest bouquet of flowers for you and had been so excited to finally meet her nephew. He’d pushed open the door for her that day and had been overcome with a strange sense of satisfaction. 
You were propped up in bed, Joshua cradled in your arms, his tiny hand clutched around one of your fingers, Tommy stood, hand brushing your hair as he looked down at the both of you with pure adoration. He knew he’d given you everything in that moment, that he’d managed to make the two of you the happiest people ever, and that was enough. A fleeting moment in time between you and him, that had created the most beautiful baby boy he’d ever laid eyes on, he’d been happy to let it lie, to wait and see if you wanted more and came back to him down the line. 
He hadn’t expected that on his birthday last year, you’d have cornered him and kissed him with such passion that he wasn’t sure he’d survive once he pulled away from you. Then you explained, one night a year, he could choose when, where you could show him how thankful you were to him. A night just to yourselves, without Tommy’s eyes trailing over you both. Secret and sacred between the two of you. 
Once Joel has unlocked his front door and brought you inside, he wastes no time. He craves this, has spent the last year thinking of the moment he gets to fuse his lips with yours. It’s soft, as his mouth opens against yours, slow as your tongues meet, he doesn’t have to rush with you anymore, he gets you to himself for the whole night. He pulls away, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“Hey.” You smile softly. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” He’s smiling, palms resting at your hips, “You want me to take you upstairs? 
You bite at your bottom lip and breathe out, “Yes.” 
He leads you up the stairs, your hand clutched in his own, through the threshold of his bedroom. He settles himself on top of his sheets, head propped up on his pillows as he motions you to join him. You clamber onto the bed, crawling up his body on your hands and knees until you’re straddling his hips with your mouth back on his. 
As you grind your hips down onto him, his hands coming to cup your ass under your dress, you can feel him growing hard for you. All you want is to strip him down and put your mouth on him, but it seems he has other ideas, and since this is all for him, you let him take the lead. He slips his hands under the waistband of your panties, warm hands on your flesh as he pulls them down as far as they’ll go in this position. 
“Lie down for me, babygirl.” He whispers against your lips, you oblige, settling yourself down on your back as he pulls your underwear off fully, shucking the hem of your dress up to your hips. 
He’s got one of his arms under your head, his lips at your ear as you spread your legs for him, letting his fingers slip through your folds to gather the slick that has slowly been gathering there all evening as you both watched each other, knowing what was coming. 
“So wet for me, pretty girl,” He breathes into your ear, taking the lobe between his teeth to nibble as he slips two of his fingers into your tight pussy, “Been thinking about me?” 
He drags those fingers from your core, up to your clit where he begins to play soft circles across it, it’s so gentle that your breath catches in your throat as you arch yourself into his hand, “Couldn’t stop,” You admit, turning your face to kiss his lips, “Thought about you all day.” 
He dips his fingers back into your cunt as he kisses you, you can feel him smirk against your lips when you grind down to meet his fingers, “I’ve been thinking about you all year, hot mama, couldn’t wait to get my hands on you.” 
He brings his slick fingers back up to your swollen bundle of nerves, showering it with attention as you whimper for him, arching your back and bucking your hips, fingers gripping at his arm as he works you to the crest. You come for him, moaning into his mouth as he kisses you, his fingers making sure they work you for every ounce of your orgasm. 
Joel has you more times than he can count that night. He brings you over the edge over and over again until you can do nothing but sob, beg for a reprieve but beg him not to stop. You let him put you in positions you didn’t know possible, his cock thick and heavy inside you, brushing that spot within you that makes you sing and scream for him. He fills you up with his cum, protected by the pill you take each morning, and then, when the sun is rising and the beginnings of the day break through his drawn curtains, you lie on his chest, fingers drawing patterns on his skin, slick with sweat. You’re both sore, both spent, and both happy, most importantly. You know that within the hour you’ll have to start the walk back to your own home and it’ll be like nothing ever happened. Sarah will think her dad slept on your couch and you were in your rightful place, in bed next to Tommy, and that's how it will continue to be for another year, happy with the man you love, but safe in the knowledge that you still have this slice of heaven each year. The play will continue for another year – the doting uncle and niece, the happy family with their growing son, and you’ll be happy, because this is all you’ve ever needed. 
“I love you.” Joel whispers, lips pressing a kiss to your forehead as he brushes the sweat slicked hair from your face, his eyes mapping every inch of you, claiming this scene as his own, committing it to memory so he has one thing he can think of, in the depths of his nights, when he feels the loneliest. To remind him that he’s not lonely at all, because even if he can only have you once a year, at least he can have you. He’s a simple man and he’s happy to take this one moment with you, until you decide you want more from him, if that’s ever the case. 
“I love you too Joel.” 
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
five more minutes
pairing: sam carpenter x reader
summary: in which sam just wants five more minutes together
warnings: probably OOC sam
word count: 1170+
author's note: this was a request! and this is my first time writing for sam, so i don't really have her personality down. also, got carried away with the dream sequence LMAO
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You’re alone in a field, the sun beginning to set in front of you and painting the sky various hues of pink, orange, red, purple. Birds are chirping in the trees that frame the grassy terrain, a smooth, somehow familiar tune falling out of their beaks and into your ears. There’s a light breeze painting over your skin, refreshing you from the otherwise humid air. As you stand there, all you can think is, Sam would love this place.
And then, suddenly, she’s beside you. 
“It’s beautiful, huh?” she asks, her arm brushing against yours. “So peaceful.”
“Yeah,” you agree, not bothering to question how she had appeared and instead reveling in the fact that she was there. “It really is.”
Sam takes a few steps forward and then glances over her shoulder, holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on.”
You don’t hesitate as you intertwine your fingers with her own. “Where are we going?”
“I have a surprise for you,” she says, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes are shining with pure joy, so who are you to refuse?
She leads you through the field with slow, lazy steps, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so content in her life. Here, in a place where she knows there are no threats, where she can relax and relieve herself of her anxieties. For the first time, her shoulders aren’t tense, and she’s not squeezing your hand like she’ll have to drag you along in a high-speed chase at any point. 
The two of you travel farther into the field, and you see no end point, but you don’t raise any questions. You simply follow her, enjoying her hand in yours and the ease that she’s at. 
Suddenly, she stops, and you have to dig your heels into the dirt below you to stop yourself from running into her back. You peek around her shoulder yet see nothing, and you furrow your eyebrows. 
“Sam, what—”
Before you can finish your question, she’s spinning around, her hand still in yours, and kneeling down on one knee. You gasp, realizing quickly what’s happening, and your eyes widen. Your heart is fluttering, and you think your legs might be shaking, but you can’t really feel them. 
“Y/N,” she begins softly, “I know we got off to a rocky start.” You giggle, thinking about the first time the two of you had met, in which Sam nearly tased you when you tapped on her shoulder to return her wallet that she had dropped. “But the journey that we’ve been on since then has been the most wonderful years of my life, and I’ve never trusted anyone in the way that I know I can trust you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’ll let me.”
She reaches behind her with her freehand, digging into her back pocket, and returns with a ring box. You briefly wonder how you hadn’t seen it early but almost immediately dismiss the thought as she pops the box open, revealing a beautiful ring within. 
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
A loud, incessant beeping woke you from your dream, and you groaned. Without even opening your eyes, you reached out for your phone, bringing it close to your face. You cracked one eye open, ready to turn off the alarm, but you were met with a blank screen, which meant only one thing. 
It was Sam’s alarm. 
You turned over and were met with the sleeping brunette, her hair mused and breathing still even. For a moment, you simply looked at her, taking in her beauty, but then the alarm seemingly got louder, and you knew that you had to wake her. You reached over her body, careful not to jostle her too much, and turned the alarm off before returning to your original position. 
“Sam,” you whispered, placing a hand on her cheek. You were always careful when tasked with raising the woman from sleep because you knew how high-strung her body ran, even if she didn’t mean for it to. The first time you had to wake her up, she had tackled you to the ground, strong even though she was barely awake, and then proceeded to apologize profusely. 
You tried again when your first murmurings didn’t work. “Sam, baby.” You rubbed your thumb along her skin, ran it over the bridge of her nose. Your gentle touches seemed to work as Sam’s eyes fluttered open, dark brown peeking out from beneath her lashes. 
Her immediate reaction, as per usual, was offering you a small smile. “Morning, pretty girl,” she said, lifting a hand to pick up your own. She brought yours to her lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “Any good dreams?” she asked, in the same way she did every morning. 
You hummed, thinking about what had occurred just before you were woken up. “They were amazing.”
She rubbed her thumb along the skin of your hand, squeezed it slightly. “Good.” Her eyes started to close again; she was clearly extremely tired, which you already assumed because Sam always woke to the first ring of her alarm. 
“Your alarm went off, baby,” you said. “You have to wake up for work.”
Sam grumbled softly. “I’d rather stay right here.” To emphasize her point, she reached out, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into her. She rested her chin atop your head and intertwined her legs with yours. Warmth was radiating off of her, and you were tempted to fall back asleep. 
“Baby,” you mumbled into her chest. You slipped a hand beneath her t-shirt, fingers running along the skin over her ribs. “You have to get up.”
“How am I supposed to get out of this bed when you’re cuddling into me like this? It’s not fair,” she murmured. She tightened her hold on you and you felt more than heard as she let out a content sigh. “What if I just called out sick?”
You laughed into her. “You know you can’t.”
If you looked up, you were almost positive she would be frowning, her eyebrows knitted together in disappointment. “I know,” she groaned, “but let me have five more minutes. Please?”
“Okay,” you agreed, nuzzling further into her. Your hand slipped from her side to her back, tracing over her spine lightly until you reached the nape of her neck, where you lightly played with her hair. “Five more minutes.”
bonus: when you woke up again, you were still pressed against sam’s front. you sighed happily and tried to bury yourself deeper into her touch before thinking, wait, sam?
you sat up, hand flying toward your phone. you picked it up, turned it on, and your eyes widened at the time: 10:56AM.
“oh, fuck,” you said. you glanced at the woman still sleeping and shrugged. well, she’s clearly not gonna go in anyway, you thought as you slipped into her hold again. might as well let her sleep.
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
Seeing Faces
It’s rare when we get a shipment to deliver that’s not packaged somehow — either in Earth-standard boxes, another world’s version of shipping crates, or a livestock pen of some kind. Even that bunch of alien trees had been thoroughly wrapped at the bottom. But this collection of machinery parts didn’t have so much as a layer of cling-wrap on it. I guess the owners figured these things were sturdy enough not to need it.
They were probably right. The metal chunks were heavy. I tried to guess what they were made for as Blip and Blop muscled the biggest ones onto a hover sled, clearing the way for Paint and me to gather up the smaller pieces. Captain Sunlight bid the customer farewell and shut the cargo bay door.
“I think these look like vertebrae,” I said to Paint. “Greasy vertebra. Ew. I’m going to need a new shirt.” The offworld engine oil of whatever didn’t seem acidic at least, so that was nice. I sighed about the black smears.
“Strange vertebrae,” Paint said, juggling her own armload of odd shapes that didn’t seem to be rubbing off on her orange scales. Not that I was jealous or anything. “There would need to be a dual spinal cord.” She tapped a claw on one of the holes.
“Hm, yeah. There are probably animals like that,” I said. “Or robots, as the case may be.”
Ahead of us, Captain Sunlight opened the door to the appropriate storage hold, then headed off on captainly business. It was impressive how different a vibe she gave off compared to Paint, for all their physical similarities. Both were little lizardy people, but one strode with her lemon-yellow head held high, every inch the authority figure, while the other was Paint. She somehow bounced when she walked, even when weighted down by unwieldy metal things.
“I’ll bet these stack really well,” Paint said. “They look like they interlock. We could probably build a spinal column without them falling over.”
“We probably could,” I agreed. “But I don’t want to be the one responsible for bending one of the flanges because we wanted to test it out.”
“Hm. Yep yep yep. But I maintain that we could.”
“We could.”
The two of us entered the storage hold to find Blip and Blop racing to see who could unload the sled faster. It’s not that the Frillian twins were overly competitive, but they were twins. They’d apparently hatched at the same time, and had been in a low-key competition to see who was better at life ever since. But they smiled while they did it.
“Done!” Blip declared, setting down a lump of metal big enough for Paint to hide behind. She raised her hands in triumph, fins fluttering.
“Doesn’t count,” Blop said as he put down his own piece. “You didn’t line them up right. Mine are tidier.”
They squabbled about this while Paint and I unloaded our metal chunks nearby. I had to kneel to keep from dropping the things. It would be just my luck if they did warp on impact, or bounce off each other and whack me in the shin.
The Frillians took their debate out the door before I finished. They’d already moved on to who could steer the hoversled with the minimum of touching.
“Ha,” Paint said. “They do stack.”
I turned to see only one of the things set on top of another, with Paint ready to catch it if it slid. She took it down before I could say anything.
I just nodded and arranged my own into a reasonable huddle, then wiped my hands on my shirt. It was only when I moved toward the door, with a look back at the big pieces, that I got a good look at the one that Blop had set on its side.
This was the logical place to put it, not sticking out past the rest, but the thing that caught my attention was the shape when seen from this angle. Those two holes could have been eyes, and the flanges were shaped like stubby arms. There were even a couple slots in the middle like nostrils.
I burst out laughing.
“What?” Paint demanded.
“It looks like Zhee!” I said, pointing. “Big bug eyes and everything!”
“What does?” Paint asked. She came to stand next to me, following my arm, but just looked confused. “Where are the eyes?”
“These!” I said, stepping closer and pointing at the holes. “And those are the arms. Isn’t it perfect?”
Paint cocked her head as if slightly tilted vision could unlock the answers. “Arms?”
I repeated myself, but she still looked lost, so I found a notepad and pencil in a storage cupboard —reliable even when the batteries all run out — and sketched what I saw.
“Ohh, I get what you mean now,” Paint said when I showed her. “Those parts are lifted like pincher arms, and those are roughly the same proportion as Mesmer eyes.”
“Yeah, it’s uncanny,” I said.
Paint took the notepad to study it closer. “How did you even notice that?”
“It was pretty easy,” I told her. “It just jumped out at me when I looked from the right direction. Like seeing faces in clouds, you know?”
Paint’s blank expression said that she didn’t know.
“Do you not do that? Find patterns of familiar shapes in random things?”
“No?” she replied. “Is that a thing I’m supposed to be doing?”
“You don’t have to! It’s just something that everybody does on Earth, ever since we’re kids. It’s probably from a long history of watching for camouflaged predators in the bushes. You’ve got camouflage on your planet, right? You must.”
“Yeah, sure,” Paint said easily. “But I guess not that much. I’ve never seen a face in a cloud; that sounds terrifying.”
“Not really; it’s more like feeling smart for spotting something. Well,” I amended. “It could be a little unsettling if you see a skull or something. But that’s rare. There are whole systems of divination about this sort of thing.”
Paint looked like she was about to ask a million questions, but right then the sound of familiar clicking footsteps tapped down the hall.
“Zhee!” Paint called, whirling with the notebook in her hand. “Zhee, look what Robin saw!”
Zhee came into view looking just as eyecatching and purple as usual, halting at the doorway while Paint eagerly explained the conversation we’d just had. Quickly and enthusiastically. With lots of waving the sketch around, and pointing back at the machine part.
I felt like apologizing as he stared with an unreadable alien expression. His antennae weren’t even moving; I couldn’t tell what he thought of it all.
Finally Paint finished talking. “She says it’s probably because her species watches for predators in the bushes. Isn’t that amazing?”
Zhee made a point of looking slowly from the sketch to the metal thing, then to me. I braced myself for judgement.
Instead, Zhee raised his pincher arms into the same pose and declared, “I am the danger that lurks in the bushes.” Then he slunk out of sight, many legs scuttling in a quickstep way that he knew darn well I found creepy.
Paint blinked at the empty doorway, still holding the notebook.
“Aw, man,” I said. “He’s picking things up from Trrili.”
Paint immediately closed the notebook. “We definitely shouldn’t show her.”
“Agreed!” I said.
After a moment of thought, Paint tore the page out and handed it to me, then took the notebook back to the cupboard. I pocketed it with a final glance at the metal vertebra that looked remarkably like a cartoonish Mesmer squaring up for battle.
Someone had left a roll of no-residue marking tape on a box nearby. I grabbed a strip and stuck it onto the metal, with the ends curved up.
Now the thing had a goofy grin that possibly no one would recognize. But if there were any humans on the receiving end of this delivery, they ought to get a good laugh out of it.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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kissitbttr · 16 days
So like what’s frat!miguel and the rest of the boys’ reactions to the Kendrick and Drake beef. Cause fuck Drake ofc.
“oh god here we go” gloria sighs exasperatedly, throwing her head back while groaning as muñeca giggles,
“drake is fucking. cooked! yall seeing this shit right?!” carlos points his phone with a finger as he all but wide eyed,
“man i know! certified lover boy certified pedophile?? jesus he’s out for blood!”
“can’t disagree with the man. drake’s been weird since 2015. icky bro”
“remember when he tried to make a move on my girl riri?” carlos asks as if it truly what happened. “ticked him off the box”
“they did date, idiot” chang corrects, “and weren’t you the one who had his album needed to be played for every weekly party we have on?”
“i’m a changed man!” carlos exclaims. “he is sooo lucky he’s not making a move on my babe though—or imma need to beat his ass”
“sza, chang! damn it bro, keep up!”
the boys all gathered in the living room, muttering bunch of ‘drake is a piece of shit’ and how ‘kendrick is the goat’ to each other,
“motherfucker really has another kid?? a daughter?! bro what the fuck!”
“man really took the cum and dump too literally”
“i don’t think anyone says that, mayback”
“didn’t he try to flirt with the kid from stranger things?”
a collective of ‘ews’ and gasps filling in the room as they all beginning to get intrigued. carlos even props himself on the stomach and legs kicking up in the air as he watches his frat brother explains the timeline,
it’s like watching girls gossiping at a sleepover
“i don’t see your man joining in” gloria nudges your side who’s munching away on your banana bread. “sucks because i’d love to see him act like a childish. grown up!” gloria speaks the two last words a bit louder so beck could hear,
yet the man only spares a quick glance at his girlfriend and sends a wink,
“jesus” her head shaking in disbelief. “I’m surprised o’hara is the one with a brain”
you disagree by putting a hand on hers, “don’t speak too soon. he’ll be here any second—“
a familiar booming voice coming from upstairs, and both of your eyes are quick to look up. seeing it’s miguel with a towel wrapped around his hips and hair wet with a large smile across his face.
you’ve never seen him look so cute.
“now” finishing off your previous sentence as your eyes refuse to leave his while giggling when he nearly trips down the stairs,
“children. all of them” gloria rolls her eyes, sipping on her drink as she glares at beck,
“oh come onnn, they’re happy” you try to change her mind but she simply just glares you too,
the boys cheer at miguel and wave at him to come huddle, wanting him to join all the hip hop gossip that’s been taking a toll on internet.
but not before he runs towards you first,
miguel basically sprints to you, grinning from ear to ear “hiiii mi amor” he squeals before stealing a kiss off your lips, hand gripping on the towel to secure his lower body,
a frown painted across your features. “are you not wearing an underwear or something?”
“i am” he says. “what, does it not look like i am?”
“kind of. i could see the print”
“shit my bad—guess it’s too big” he shrugs, saying it too casually that earns him a look of disapproval from you. one that says ‘i hope you’re not saying that shit in front of girls’ “kidding baby, kidding—hi gloria”
“put some clothes on dumbass”
“damn, i’m doing well, thanks for asking.”
“yeah yeah” she waves him off, not paying anymore attention to your man,
“you seem happy” a comment you drop soon as the grin on his face isn’t washing off,
“of course! drake is getting his ass dragged. who’s not happy?”
“just that?”
“just that” he confirms, grabbing an apple from the counter. “me and the boys were talking about it during class. apparently they all agreed with what i had in mind”
“oh? and that is?” you find this so amusing, you have to indulge,
“drake is a piece of shit!” he yells with a mouthful of an apple, earning another cheer from his brothers. “had his song on repeat during class, practice, work—kendrick’s insane”
“tell your man that he’s exaggerating. why is he participating on this damn beef” gloria mentions, “idiot”
“your man is in it too!” miguel defends,
“then you’re both idiots! he hasn’t shut up ever since euphoria dropped! can’t even suck his dick without him mumbling the lyrics non-stop”
miguel furrows, glancing at beck for a second before moving back to look at gloria. “okay that’s weird—you’re staying tonight, muñeca?”
head shaking, you almost feel bad at the deflated look on his face. “can’t baby—i’ll sleep over on a thursday, okay?”
“but whyyy” he whines, unbeknownst to gloria wincing in disgust before she moves away from the two of you. “you never say no”
“finals week, handsome” you move a piece of dampen hair that clings against his forehead. “i have to study and i’m tutoring too now, remember?”
“why can’t you study here then?” he moves closer to you. “in my room—together”
“miguel it’s for my english lit class, not sex ed” you roll your eyes. “you have me any other day, aren’t you bored?”
“blasphemy—again” he disagrees. “i get bored without you” a pout form on his lips in which you admit looking awfully cute that you almost cave in. “plus what am i supposed to hump? my pillow? i need sex! with you!”
you grimace. “you need a therapy, miggy”
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creedslove · 10 months
hiii, how about a headcanon of reader, sarah and joel painting the house or redecorating sarah's bedroom now that reader is married to joel, AND MAYBE IT IS THE FIRST TIME THAT SARAH CALLS READER MOM by accident???? and reader and joel cry?? idk 😭😭 I know it is much but I can not stop thinking of being a wife to joel and have a family with him😭😭
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: this is too beautiful anon, I loved this request ❤️
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• Sarah had been begging Joel to redecorate her bedroom since the two of you got engaged and though you were excited to help them, Joel always seemed to come up with an excuse not to do it
• one month he said he didn't have enough money to buy the paint and the other materials to do it and he absolutely refused your offer of helping him pay for it
• the next month he told her you two were too busy with the upcoming wedding and the three of you wouldn't have enough time to finish it
• and the other month he said you wouldn't be able to do it because of your honeymoon, which was kind of true, but it was during the wedding you found out the real reason why he was postponing doing the redecoration
• at Sarah's refusal to wear the pink dress full of flowers her grandma - your mother-in-law had bought her because it was too childish and settling for another dress that wasn't so pink she picked with your help, you could see in Joel's eyes the melancholy of his little girl growing up
• she used to love pink, flowery dress, just as she used to love the pink walls of her room her dad painted when she was just a baby and now the walls were about to go, just like the bunch of dolls she got over the years
• you felt sad for Joel, you knew how strong his bond with his daughter was and how close they were, but you also felt sorry for Sarah, she was growing up and she should be able to enjoy the new phases of her life
• so as soon as you returned from your honeymoon, you sat down with Sarah and took notes of everything she wanted to get it done with her bedroom and then you drove her to the store, letting her pick everything she wanted
• you had saved some money and you thought it would be a nice way of spending it, she would be happy and Joel would have to accept it one way or the other
• once you got home with the new paint, curtains, bedspread and carton boxes to store everything she didn't want anymore, he widened his eyes at the surprise of seeing you two with the new stuff
• he was chewing on a sandwich so you sat next to him and asked Sarah to begin gathering the things she would like to donate, which she quickly went to do it and you took Joel's hand
"You know she'll forever be your little girl, right? No matter if her walls aren't pink anymore or if the barbies are gone, she'll always be your daughter and love you, just as you love her"
• a blush spread through his face as you said those things, he swallowed his sandwich wanting to say something but you just shook your head
"besides, think of all the lucky little girls that are going to be able to play with Sarah's old dolls, she's doing something really nice for them and she learned that from you... You know, how to be kind. Also, she told me she doesn't want pink on the walls because it hurts her eyes when she's reading"
• that was partially a lie, Sarah was going to help other kids by donating her old toys but she hadn't said anything about the wall colors, but judging by the way his eyes softened when you justified why she was leaving behind a part of her childhood, you knew you'd said the right thing
• so once Joel was done eating, the three of you changed into older clothes and after a painful period of dragging around furniture, you began painting the walls
• you didn't actually know how to do it, but as soon as Joel showed you how it was done, you got the hang of it, plus it ended up being a lot more fun than you had expected
• turns out Joel got really excited about the fact he was spending time with his daughter and that made him realize that was much more important than the color of her walls
• and the happiness in her face was just beautiful, she was excited and telling you about her plans of decorating, asking for your opinion and advices
• you were more than happy to help her and give your thoughts, seeing she really valued and appreciated them
• it took the three of you most of the day to get her bedroom done, but once you finally got the decoration part - the one she was more excited about - Joel decided to help
"so are you putting your books or your funkos on this shelf?"
"I don't know dad, let me ask what mom thin- I mean, Y/N"
• Sarah felt embarrassed at her mistake and looked at you with widened eyes, not sure what to say, if she should apologize to you or what, she hoped you wouldn't think it was weird
• you turned to her with a gentle smile and took a step closer, brushing your fingers through her soft cheeks and wrapped your arms around her smaller frame
"you can call me mom if you want, I would be very happy and lucky to have you as my daughter"
• you sniffed softly, your eyes watery at the emotion of hearing such beautiful words from her
• Joel also felt very emotional and wrapped the two of you into his warm tight embrace, he had tears in his eyes he wanted to hide, he really loved hearing his daughter call you mom, because you'd been acting like one ever since you walked into their lives and he knew you were just perfect at it
"Alright mom..."
• Sarah shyly dried her own tears and chuckled a little shy, she looked at you and gave you another tight hug
"Where should I put my books?"
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cloudy-em · 10 months
No One Else - Carmen Berzatto x Reader
very loosely based on "No One Else" from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
When Carmen was first invited to the charity event, he was nervous. He didn't want to be outside his comfort zone with a bunch of celebrity strangers. He'd much prefer to be at The Bear, overseeing everything and making sure everything could run smoothly (or as smoothly as possible). He wanted to make an appearance, and the charity was a good one dedicated to childhood education, but the idea of having to go through it alone was what made him almost check the "Cannot Attend" box on the RSVP form.
What stopped him was the "Plus One" box.
He wishes he could say he muddled over who to bring for hours; Sugar? Sydney? Marcus? But he didn't have to think for a second. He checked the box and wrote your name without hesitation.
The night of the event, he felt his nerves bubbling in his chest. He must've checked his tie so many times while standing at your door. He heard your apartment door open before he saw you, but when he did, his jaw nearly dropped.
Seeing you all dressed up was never something he had the pleasure of viewing, but holy shit if he could see you looking like this every Friday night, he'd go to every fancy event he could.
"You look," he paused, swallowing and looking for the right word. He wanted to say stunning or gorgeous but those words didn't feel appropriate for a coworker he wasn't supposed to be in love with. "Great!" He finally finished, internally kicking himself for his word choice.
"You ready to go?" he asked, needing to move on quickly from that exchange.
"Yes, chef!" You smiled teasingly. He never thought hearing those words would make a blush rise in his cheeks.
Upon arriving to the event, which was being hosted in a hotel ballroom, Carmen found himself getting more nervous. He wasn't exactly sure what to expect from something like this. He felt your arm wrap around his, your other hand patting his forearm in an act of comfort. He took a deep breath, allowing himself just a bit of relaxation.
As it turned out, events like these weren't as stressful as he thought they would be. There were a couple of boxes and iPads spread across a table where attendees could make donations and most of the evening was spent with various artists and students presenting their work. Buying something from them would result in a percentage going towards the charity. Carmen felt himself relax as the night went on. Upon seeing a 16 year old's painting of bread, you practically begged Carmen to buy it for The Bear.
What he wanted to tell you was that you didn't need to beg. He'd do anything for you.
You made most of the conversation for the evening, and Carmen didn't know if it was because you were excited or because you knew he was on edge. Either way, he was grateful for your conversation skills. You'd move around the large space, starting conversations with whomever you could, and Carmen couldn't help but stare at you from afar. It was like a spotlight was always on you in his mind; it never took him long to find you amongst the crowd, and whenever he spotted you, it looked like you were positively glowing.
Carmen walked you to your door, smiling and chuckling lowly as you chattered excitedly.
"-and then she said that she once went for a walk across the entire state of Wisconsin, picking up any trash she saw on her route! Isn't that amazing, Carm?" He nodded and hummed, really only half listening. You noticed - of course you noticed - and paused. "You okay?"
Carmen felt his cheeks warm. "Y-Yeah!" he stuttered slightly. "'M all good."
You nodded suspiciously. "Alright, well, thank you for taking me with you tonight! I had a really good time. I'm sure it wasn't easy to pick who was going to go with you-"
"It was easy to choose you," he interrupted without hesitation, once again wanting to kick himself when the words tumbled out of his mouth. He saw your cheeks flush, and avoided making eye contact.
"Oh, wow, why's that?" You asked, curious as to what his answer might be.
He took a deep breath. It was now or never.
"When I'm with you, I feel peace," he sighed. "Like the world is just you and I..." he trailed off.
"...and no one else," you finished for him. "Oh, Carmy. You're the sweetest thing!"
You opened your door, turning back around to peck him on the cheek.
"Well, goodnight, I s'ppose," you paused. "Unless you'd like to stay for a while?"
Carmen once again didn't hesitate, and he entered your apartment for the night.
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smoooothoperator · 10 months
Beautiful Stranger
Driver! Lando Norris x OC (Lily Barton)
Summer love, strangers to friends to lovers, Greece and Greek mythology references
Words: 3.4k
Official playlist
previous part
a/n: so... this is the end! I hope everyone liked this story, because believe me, I loved writing it, I loved writing about Lily and Lando. It was exciting write and read all the feedback all of you sent me, I'm so so so gratefull!!!
I want to thank my beautiful @racinggirl for being my beta reader and always cheer me up, and I want to thank @elisysd for creating Lyanne and letting me bring her to my story
I'm open to write bonus chapters for them, just ask me what you want o know about them!
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The painting in front of her was being brighted by the flashlights the operators were fixing, making sure that the light was only on the surface of it and anything else. 
She felt shivers running all over her body, walking around the open room with paintings and sculptures that were part of the exposition, with the title of the piece of art, an explanation of it and the name of the artist. 
"Liliane, can you come check this out, please?" the man said, calling her with his characteristic Italian accent. "What do you think?"
She looked at the painting, how the colors and textures told her a story, how the protagonists of it were holding each other.
"I think it looks perfect" she nodded. "Maybe the nameplate should be placed a little to the right, but besides that, it looks amazing. Thank you Paolo"
"No, thank you" he smiled, hugging the woman and talking with the operators in Italian.
She walked away, grabbing her things from the reception and hanging her bag on her right shoulder. 
The streets were crowded with tourists that spoke a lot of languages, making her smile.
This last year she has been traveling as much as she could, discovering new places and new cultures. She learned new languages, new artistic techniques, new art. 
This last year she was the happiest.
Going back to her apartment she smiled looking at how it was decorated. There were new things, like the new space in her art and craft room, with a desk with a few monitors and glow neon details on the wall. Or her living room, with shelves with trophies and little wheels are placed where there used to be an empty space.
But the thing she liked the most was walking inside her bedroom and finding her boyfriend sleeping on the bed.
"Hey" she whispered, sitting at the edge of the bed and touching his shoulder.
"Oh hi" Lando yawned, stretching when he woke up and found her there. 
"Long flight?" 
"No" he smiled, rubbing his eyes and then looking at her. "Long media duties"
"Mhm" she nodded, leaning closer to him and kissing his lips softly. "I saw the new trophy box. I'm so proud of you"
"Yeah?" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. "Why don't you show me?"
"Idiot!" she laughed, hitting his arm softly making both of them laugh. "I was thinking about making you dinner"
"That sounds even better" he smiled.
She got up from the bed and walked towards the kitchen, hearing her tired boyfriend follow her and sit on one of the highchairs of the kitchen.
"How were things at the gallery?" he asked, grabbing the cutting board and cutting the veggies. 
"Amazing" she smiled. "Did you bring the suit?"
"Of course" he nodded. "At what time was it? Some of the guys wanted to come to visit"
"That's so sweet!" she smiled softly, touched by how his friends wanted to come to support her too. "Around seven the sponsors and art elite will come to the gallery. I can make a call and put them on the list"
"Cool" he nodded. "Maybe we should go have dinner after going to the gallery? What do you think?"
"I think that's a good idea" she smiled, pecking his lips.
When they finished their dinner, both of them went to the living room, starting the ritual they created after he moved in with her.
While she was making space for the new trophy, he grabbed it with his hands, looking at it with a proud smile on his lips. A new win in his career, making his points get higher.
She smiled looking at him and spread her arms to take the new addiction to the shelf. She grabbed it, looking at it and kissed the metal of it before placing it on its new spot.
"I'm so proud of you" she whispered, standing next to him and leaning on him.
Today is the big day.
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Her collection of paintings will be finally exposed in an art gallery and she couldn't be more excited.
When she woke up he wasn't next to her, making her frown and moving her arm over his side, opening her eyes and watching the door if the room opened and the smell of food coming from the kitchen.
"Silly" she smiled to herself, getting dressed on the shirt he left next to her to wear, and walked out of the bedroom.
Her boyfriend was there, shirtless, humming a song and making breakfast for them.
"Smells nice" she whispered, wrapping her arms on his waist and kissing the back of his neck. "What are you making?"
"One of those Greek things you taught me to make" he smiled. 
"You are getting better at cooking, baby" she giggled, kissing his cheek.
"That's because I have the best teacher" he laughed.
They ate breakfast in silence, looking at each other with a smile. 
Today is an important day and they have to organize it perfectly. Their friends will come to help with everything, since they were going to have dinner in the apartment. Her friends would be locked in her bedroom, getting her ready like if she was a model and they were her make up artists and hair stylists.
"Should I go buy some things to have snacks for you and the girls?" he asked her, making her laugh.
"Is not necessary, love" she chuckled. "We will be quick! I have a model and and actress to help me get ready"
Their day continued normal. In the morning they cleaned the apartment and after that one of them went to get groceries for dinner while the other cooked lunch.
She had the dress ready, already hanging at the door of the wardrobe and all her makeup up collection was on her dresser. 
"Hello!" the first couple walked inside the apartment, making her giggle and walk towards her friend and hug her.
"Kika!" she giggled, hugging the girl.
"Lily!" she smiled, hugging her back. "I'm so proud of you!"
The two girls giggled and ran immediately to the bedroom, getting everything ready. Kika left the dress she will wear next to the one Liliane will wear and sat next to her. It's been a long time since they saw each other because of their work, and being able to come for a special occasion made both of them happier.
The second couple arrived, followed by his friends that stayed with him in the living room.
"Kika and Lily are already in the bedroom" Lando pointed, at the half closed door with a smile, hearing the girls talk with giggles in between.
Lando watched the actress walk towards the room with the dress on a bag and smiled hearing how the three women started to giggle, making him guess that they were hugging each other making little jumps.
"So… when are you going to do it?" Charles asked him with a smirk.
"Huh?" Lando hummed looking back at him.
"Yeah, you know what we're talking about" Carlos laughed. 
"Oh! Eh… This summer" Lando inked proud. "We planned a trip back to Greece. I'm going to ask her there"
"That would be cute, the place you two met" Max laughed softly.
"Exctly" he man laughed.
While the men were talking in the living room, the three friends were in the bedroom, getting ready for the event.
"When are you going to tell him?" Kika asked her, looking through the mirror at her friend.
"In Greece" she smiled. "We're going next week. I'm going to tell him there"
"That is so cute!" Lyanna giggled. "I'm sure he will like it"
The time to go to the art gallery finally came, and the friend group went there together. 
Everything was perfect, just how she imagined it. People walked around with glasses of champagne and things to eat to serve the people that walked around the exposition.
The moment she walked inside the room, people started to clap at her, making her friends give her space to join the clappins too.
"The exposition is so beautiful, Miss Barton" one of the sponsors said. "You have a very bright future"
"Thank you" she smiled breathless, not believing what that man told her.
She turned around to look at her friends and boyfriend, eyes wide open, surprised. She received a compliment from one of the most important art critics of the city, and she could see more of the sponsors getting ready to walk towards her.
"I think she will be pretty busy tonight" Pierre chuckled looking at Lily.
"Yeah" Lando smiled proudly, watching his girlfriend talk with people that started to get interested in what she was talking about. "Come on, let's have a walk around"
They walked around the exposition, looking at all the paintings and sculptures that were clearly influenced by all the travels she made with them. 
They stopped on the final painting, the main protagonist of the exposition. 
Lando smiled proudly looking at it, remembering the moment she showed it to him.
"It's you two!" Lyanne gasped looking at it, then looking at Lando. 
"Yeah" he smiled, looking at it.
The day he finally moved in with her, he bought dinner from her favorite restaurant. 
While she was folding his clothes and placing them on the wardrobe, he was  building the new shelves to put his trophies on it.
"Lando" she smiled, walking towards him and hugging his waist. "Are you sure about this?"
"I am" he said, nodding, looking back at her. "I really am, Lily"
"But what about your apartment in Monaco? What about work?"
"I still own it" he said. "We can go there when we have free time, how does it sound, hm? To enjoy the sun, go to the beach. We can use the apartment when I have a race there, so we don't have to be on a hotel"
"I like the sound of that" she smiled, kissing his cheek. 
They were holding each other, the shelves no longer in the process of putting them together, while listening to the soft music.
"You know I love you, right?" he whispered, placing his lips on her forehead. "So much"
"And I love you too" she whispered 
There they were, making a slow dance with an apartment in process of changing, with the light of the sun getting inside of the living room.
"It's so beautiful" the group of friends smiled, looking at the painting.
Lando smiles happily, watching the painting of them dancing on their living room.
The moment they landed in Athens she felt like home. She wanted to go immediately to Parga, to hug Nora, to thank her for everything she did.
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"I rented something" Lando said smiling, holding her hand and walking out of the airport. 
"Lando!" she gasped, watching the camper parked in the parking lot of the airport. "No way!"
"Yes way" he smirked.
It was like the first time they made a trip last summer. But this time they were being themselves, not hiding anymore and stopping in crowded places without having to escape the people.
She liked watching how people walked towards him asking him for pictures, how he asked her with his eyes if it was okay to take pictures with the fans. 
She liked to walk around the places holding his hand, hearing him talk about his life and his plans, about what they should go next, what they should eat and who will drive next.
"We have to go to the temple of Aphrodite" Lando said, making her laugh surprised.
"But it's the other way! You should have told me when we were in Athens, Lando" she laughed looking at him and then at the GPS.
"Oh" he laughed. "I mean, I wanted to thank her for everything, but okay"
"Thank her?" she smiled softly. "Why?"
"I kinda prayed her to make you see that I'm the love of your life" he joked, making her laugh harder and kiss his cheek. 
"Oh yeah, yeah" she laughed. "It worked"
He smirked triumphantly, making her roll her eyes,smiling.
Since that day he came for her birthday, both worked hard to fix their mistakes and make their relationship grow every day more. Every minute next to him she fell even more in love with him, discovering his world and celebrating his wins and supporting him when he felt bad. She loved to go with him and learn new things about his work, enjoying race after race this new life and cheering for him louder and louder.
"We're close to Parga" Lando informed her, looking at the sign that marked the kilometers left to arrive at the town. "Do you want to stop somewhere and buy Nora something else?"
"Oh, yeah" she smiled. 
The camper smells like flowers after their stop, making her smile wider than before. During the stops on their trip she bought a canvas, wanting to paint something for the woman that took care of her during her stay in the town and that made possible the relationship she has with her boyfriend.
They parked the vehicle at the other side of the street, in front of the restaurant the old woman owns. Lily walked out of the camper with a big smile, giggled when she saw the streets she loved were exactly the same a year after.
"Nora!" they called her, walking inside the kitchen through the back door.
"Oh god!" she gasped. "My kids!"
They smiled and hugged her, giggling when the woman kissed their cheeks happily.
"How have you been? Everything's okay? Come on, tell me!"
They laughed hearing how excited she was. She checked what she was cooking in the oven and then grabbed two chairs, letting them sit and she started making something for them.
"We're good" Lando smiled, holding Lily's hand. "Really good"
"Lando won a few races this season" Lily informed.
"I know, I saw his races" the old woman smiled softly at him. "I'm so proud of you, little man" she said, pinching his cheek.
"And she put her paintings on an art gallery last week" Lando smirked.
"No way! Really?" Nora gasped looking at her. 
"Yeah" Lily nodded proudly. "Oh and we have something for you"
Lando got up and grabbed the painting his girlfriend made, one he helped to paint too, and gave it to the woman.
"Oh, Lily…" she smiled softly. "Thank you, so much"
Lily smiled and got up, walking towards her and hugging her tightly.
"Well, you want to stay somewhere while you two are here? I can ask the guys to get one of the free apartments ready" Nora smiled looking at them.
"It would be so nice, thank you" Lily smiled, holding the hand of the woman. "Let me help you, yeah?"
Lando smiled looking at the two women, how they moved in sync inside the kitchen.
"Then I'm going to take the things off from the camper" he said getting up, kissing his girlfriend's lips and Noras cheek. "Thank you for letting us stay on an apartment, really"
"No, thank you two for visiting me" she smiled. 
Lando nodded and walked out, getting the things out of the camper and looking at his backpack.
He smiled looking at the box that kept his best kept secret ever. He's surprised at how well he could keep it away from her, since he bought it two months ago with Lyanna and Kika during the race week in Monaco.
He planned everything. When and how he will ask her, where it will be and what he will say.
"Lando!" Nora called him, making him get out if his thoughts and look at the woman. "You brought it?"
"Yeah" he smiled, grabbing the box and showing her the shell that has jewel inside of it.
"It's so beautiful, kid" she smiled, watching the ring and being amazed by it. "I'm so happy for you two, really. I feel so proud watching you two be so in love. I'm glad you could fix everything"
"I did it thanks to you Nora" he smiled, hugging her. "You were so important on this, you helped us get together"
"And I'm glad you took the opportunity and didn't waste it" she said. "I'm so happy to watch her like this. She glows, kid. She's glowing and makes me so proud to see the woman she became. And to.see the man you became after finding her again. I'm proud of you"
He smiled and hugged her, rubbing her back and kissing her cheek.
"Would you let me grab a scooter?" he smiled. "I planned something"
"Of course, go ask Bastian" she nodded excitedly. "I'm sure he would let you take one if you tell him I sent you"
He smiled and nodded, leaving the suitcases to the guy he will get the apartment ready, and going where she told him and rented a scooter. After getting the keys, he drove back to the restaurant to pick up his girlfriend.
"Oh no" she laughed. "Not again"
"Come on, you know I got better at driving this" he laughed, giving her the second helmet. "Get on it, the apartment is ready"
She shook her head, laughing and wrapping her arms on his waist after sitting behind him, placing her head on his shoulder and watching the streets of the town, smiling at the people she recognized and waving at them hello.
She felt so glad to come back. She was so happy to be here again.
When they arrived at the apartment they put the clothes out of the suitcases, placing it on the wardrobe.
"Hey, why don't we go have dinner out?" he smiled. "To that place you liked that is near the beach?"
"Of course" she smiled.
"And wear this dress" he said, grabbing a dress he loved. 
The same dress she wore the day they met a year ago.
She smiled and put it, getting her hair and makeup ready for the hour he reserved a table.
It was perfect, the dinner was perfect as well as everyone around. None of them asked him to take pictures, or took off their camera. It was something private between the two lovers and people understood.
When they finished the dinner they walked around, holding hands and smiling at the people that waved at them.
"Come on, it's late" Lando said, squeezing her hand softly and walking back to the scooter.
They walked together to the vehicle and she sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist with a wide smile on her lips.
"This is not the way to the apartment, Lando" she said looking where he was driving. 
"I know" he chuckled, stopping the scooter. "But it's a stop I wanted to do"
He parked the scooter on one side of the street, holding her hand to help her get out of it and stand on the ground. 
"Do you remember this street?" he asked her, holding her hand and stopping in the middle of the road.
"How could I forget it?" she smiled, looking around
"It was a year ago" he said, kneeling behind her and holding the box. 
When she turned around she gasped, finding him with a box and kneeling on one knee.
"Lando" she gasped, feeling her heart beating so fast.
"A year ago we met in this town. This place saw us fall in love. I told you a lie about myself, but because I loved you I worked my ass to have your forgiveness. I tried everything to get back to you and here we are" he smiled, looking how she started to have tears in her eyes. "I love you, Liliane Barton. I love you with all my heart. And even if we met a year ago and we are 24 years old, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to get married with you and have kids. I… God, I even wanted to buy Miss Rose's house, but someone was quicker than me and already bought it…"
"I did"
"But we can buy another house to grow old…" he said, but stopped immediately. "Wait, what?"
"I bought Miss Rose's house" she said, grabbing her bag and showing him the keys. 
"No way" he gasped, laughing. "God, marry me?"
"Yes!" she giggled, kneeling in front of him and kissing his lips.
"I love you" he whispered on her lips, holding her hand and putting the ring on her finger.
"I love you too, my beautiful stranger" she smiled kissing his lips. "I told you, some love stories start with a crash"
@lestappenloverr @racinggirl @roni-midnights @livster8 @kakorrhaphiphobia @starkeyellow @celestialpierre @ophcelia @msliz @lorarri @ironmaiden1313 @imsorare @mycenterfold @im-an-overthinker @soosheee @karmabyfernando @landoyesrizz @sticksdoesart @beatricemiruna @nonameishere @flwr-stella @lordperceval-16 @arisainz
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auteurdelabre · 6 months
Losing our Minds Together (SERIES) Part 2 soft!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: You introduce Ellie to the neighborhood.   Rating: 18+ (for future smut chapters) Word Count: 2.3 Warnings: This is saccharine slice of life with smut and a Soft!Joel. You have been warned. There is smut, but when it gets to those chapters you will have plenty of warning. (That is if there is interest in my story!) A/N: Y’all voted that this was the story you wanted to see updated next so I’m comin’ through! masterlist
Chapter 2
You throw your purse down onto the floor before you go to your garage, tossing the ruined supplies in with a loud sigh. They make a hollow boom when they hit bottom of the bin. 
You can't stop feeling furious about everything. The stupid fucking neighbor scaring you into dropping your supplies. That stupid fucking accent and those stupid fucking wide eyes. Everything about him from the way his lower lip is shaped to the curl of his hair is making you infuriated.
You kick off your shoes furiously, not caring when their rubber soles leave a mark on your wall. You let out a small growl, hands curling into angry fists.
All this anger has to go somewhere. 
You march to you studio, flicking on the lights. Your teeth are clenched and bared like a feral animal. You rip the plastic from a new canvas like a beast ripping flesh. Setting it up on your easel.
You grab tubes of your acrylic paint, smudging it onto your palette.
Red. Black. Deep, deep greens 
You grip the brush and begin. Ugly, angry slashes across pristine white canvas. 
You can feel the emotion pouring out of you.
Its hours later and you only stop because your fingers have gone numb, making it impossible to keep holding the brush. But that's okay; it feels like a natural stopping point. Your eyes are heavy and you throw yourself into bed, paint drying in your hair and under your fingernails. 
Ellie lays on her bed and tosses the tennis ball up to the roof, listening to it gently smack and then fall back into her hands. She does this over and over as her mind wanders. It feels weird to be outside of Wyoming, outside of the place she called home.
There’s a knock, Joel. Dad. Adoptive Father. Whatever you want to call it. He’s just Joel to Ellie. And yes, to her Joel is as close to a father as she has ever known, and yes it’s been two years but it still feels strange to think of calling Joel Dad. Thankfully he’s never seemed to mind. Never pushed the issue, never made her feel bad.
“Come in.”
Joel peeks his head around the door to her room, surveying the still full cardboard boxes, the bed half made, the desk covered in paper and pencil shavings and Ellie looked bored over at him. He thinks of insisting she start unpacking, it’s been two days since they arrived, but he knows Ellie takes things at her own pace.
“You wanna get ice cream?”
“You wanna help me pull weeds in the yard?”
“You wanna sit inside and be a typical teenager?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“Well too bad, you’re helping with chores. Then we’re gettin’ ice cream.”
Ellie gives a good-natured groan, pushing off the bed and following Joel through the house. Before anything begins he insists she eat put on sunscreen. Ellie is still getting used to this affection, this gentle love of a parent for the welfare of their child.
She does as he asked while Joel finishes his coffee. He’s staring at the house next door through the kitchen window, a frown on his face that she picks up on.
“What’s up?”
“Didn’t exactly make a good first impression with the new neighbor,” Joel says, turning back to Ellie. “Made her drop some expensive shopping.”
“She seemed pretty pissed off.”
Ellie hums a response, her eyes going to read the back of the sunscreen bottle. Joel saunters over, seating himself in the chair opposite hers at the circular table.
“So you got a whole summer stretched out in front of ya,” Joel says, eyes on her face. “Thought about what you wanna do?”
“I thought I could come help you and Tommy on the job site.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna work, kid,” Joel says shaking his head. “Gotta have licensing and special insurance.”
Ellie feels her face fall. She had kind of been hoping that he’d show her the ropes. But she supposes that fourteen might be a little young to be on a construction site.
 “I was thinkin’ more you’d wanna make some friends. Take a class. Try a sport. Somethin’ like that.”
“Are there even people around my age here?” Ellie asks, face grim. Joel shrugs in that dad-way of his, grinning around his coffee cup.
“Dunno, guess you’ll just have to find out.”
You finally pull yourself awake mid-morning, your face tight from the paint that’s dried there. You have a cold shower, feeling the heat of the summer morning already creeping up your spine. Your air conditioning is shot and you definitely don’t have enough to repair it.
As you get dressed you turn on the fan in the corner of your room, sighing when it does absolutely nothing to help. You grab a cereal bar from the kitchen before padding into the art room, wanting to take a look at what you created last night.
You blink rapidly as the onslaught of paint on canvas assaults you.
It’s wild. Nothing like you’ve done before. You can’t put your finger on it, but the piece feels alive. Like there’s no restraint in any of the paint strokes or palette smears. You like looking at it at first, but then it bubbles up emotions in you that feel uncomfortable.
You take a snap of it with your phone, sending it off to Frank just to see what he thinks of it. You always like his opinion. Maybe it could be worth something? If not it’ll be easy enough to gesso over to reuse. You don’t have enough money to be wasting canvas of that size.
You decide that you need a new way to make money. But teaching in the schools again isn’t going to happen. That dream died off a long time ago. Maybe you could do private lessons? Just a few a week could really help with the extra costs.
You mull this over before grabbing an iced tea. You’re about to head out into your backyard to relax when you hear a mower from next door going. You go to the sliding glass door, peeking through the cheap horizontal blinds.
He is there, the annoying hillbilly mowing the overgrown lawn, chatting over his shoulder to the teenager girl you saw move in the other day.  She’s moaning about pulling weeds and you can’t help but smirk at that. She’s a girl right after your own heart. Domestic shit has never appealed to you, and your own weed-filled lawn showcases this. Usually the Thompson kid would mow your lawn for you for a five, but he’s gone off travelling before college starts in a few months.
You take another sip of your iced tea, the glass sweating in your hand and watch Joel as he scissors across the lawn, his spine a slick line of sweat down the center of his t-shirt. You can’t deny that he’s an attractive man. He may be a hillbilly, but he’s a hot one. Watching his muscled arms gleaming with sweat as he works in the hot sun is a sight to behold and you’re surprised to feel yourself swallowing.
It’s been too long since you got laid.
You feel uncomfortable in your own skin in this sweltering house. You decide the front yard will do. It’s more public, but it’s something.
You bring a folding chair from your closet out into the front yard, magazine and iced tea in hand. You tilt back, reading about the latest vogue collection, taking lazy sips of your drink.
“Hey do you paint?”
You lower the magazine and your oversized glasses to see the teen girl standing there, her hair tied back from her face but damp at the edges. She’s sweating bullets and it’s no wonder, she’s dressed for fall; long sleeves, heavy looking jeans.
“Honey you’re gonna die in that get up.”
The girl wrinkles her nose at the term honey, her dark eyes surveying you in your cut offs and t-shirt.
“It’s not a get up. It’s my clothes.”
You hear the edge to her voice. The immediate need to defend. Your recognize it in yourself and you lower the magazine to your lap, nodding solemnly.
“You’re completely right. Sorry about that. What were you asking me?”
She relaxes a bit, her eyes blinking against the sun. She raises a hand to shield them, still looking intensely at you.
“I wanted to know if you painted.”
“How did you know that?”
“I can see into your studio from Joel’s room.”
You take a glance over your shoulder, seeing that a bedroom does in fact face your studio. You’d never noticed with the old lady Silva living there before. She always kept her blinds closed and was forever complaining about you to the HOA.
 “Yeah, I do paint. I sculpt. I draw. I do it all.”
“Cool. Is that your job?”
“I’d like for it to be,” you smile. “But you ever heard the term starving artist?”
“There’s a reason for that.”
She smiles at this, a tight little thing that makes her look so young. She looks nervously over at her yard, as if she’s waiting to be called back. But you can tell she wants to linger, to keep talking to you.
“You want an ice tea?”
You disappear into the house, reappearing less than a minute later with a fresh glass and another folding chair. She eases into it, taking an appreciative sip of her drink and looking over at you when you start talking again.
“What do you think of the house?”
“It’s amazing. Way bigger than our old place.”
“The lady that lived there before you had about fifteen fish,” you tell the teen. “She was obsessed. Aquariums everywhere.”
“Yeah. Well, that’s what Kathleen told me anyway.”
“Who’s Kathleen?”
“I’m ready. And my name is Ellie.”
“Okay Ellie,” you point across the street of the suburban neighborhood to a blue ranch-style home. “That’s where Kathleen and her husband Perry live. Perry’s cool but Kathleen’s the busybody of the street, major gossip, just be aware.”
“Got it.”
“Okay, moving onto the beige house, the one with the perfect yard? That’s David something. Can’t remember his last name. He is obsessed with religion and will try to convert you. So if he asks you if you’re free on Sunday’s you never are, unless you wanna hear a big long sermon.”
“Okay, that’s Marlene. She’s got a high up job in the military, but she doesn’t like to talk about it. She’s got a daughter Riley about your age actually.”
Ellie perks up at this, her dark eyes wide. “Really?”  
“Yeah, lemme know if you want an introduction. Okay, now the house right next to you and your dads? That’s the Burrell’s. If you see them it’s a miracle because I have never seen a busier family. They have two sons, one a couple years younger than you that’s deaf. Sweetest kid you’ll ever meet.”
Ellie nods, taking another sip of her drink. You can tell she’s trying to memorize everything you’re telling her and it makes you smile.
“And that just leaves me on the other side of you,” you say sharing your name and giving her a brief handshake. “Coolest, best looking neighbor on the block.”
Ellie grins. “You got kids?”
“Fuck no,” you laugh, shaking your head. “No husband either. I like my freedom thank you very much.”
Ellie’s eyes thoughtful. “Me too.”
“Ellie! Lunch!”
You both turn to see Joel standing at the front door, glancing over to see you both relaxing and sipping your iced teas. You hold in the scowl that threatens to spill over your features before glancing back to Ellie who’s placed her glass on the ground beside her chair.
“If you ever need ice tea or a place to paint you lemme know,” you tell her smiling.
“Really? Okay.” Ellie gives you a short wave before jogging over to the front door where Joel is waiting. You watch him smile at her as she enters into the house saying something excitedly. Joel’s dark eyes flit over to you and he gives a friendly close-lipped smile and wave.
You ignore him, pushing your sunglasses back up the bridge of your nose and going back to your magazine. You feel his eyes on you for a beat longer before you hear the front door close behind him.
A buzz at your hip alerts you to a text from Frank. It’s an overly dramatic selfie of Frank with his hand to his cheek, his light eyes wide.
Honey this is amazing. This is the kind of stuff you need to be selling. More of this! Please!
You shake your head in amusement. You can’t really imagine how you could recreate that piece. It came to you from nowhere, it just bubbled out of you. You don’t forsee another one in the near future, but you don’t tell Frank that. You quickly text back.
We’ll see if I’m inspired again.
With that you shut your phone off, tilt back in your folding chair and relax.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Invisibly Beautiful
The hot nighttime air blasting through the windows of the hovercar made conversation hard for all of us, but that didn't stop Paint. She pulled her lizardy face into the car long enough to ask "Can we make more deliveries to climates like this? It's great!" Not waiting for an answer, she stuck her snout back out into the gale.
"I'm just glad the air is moist," said Captain Sunlight from the driver's chair. She was as fond of extreme tropics as the next scaly little Heatseeker, but as least she was tactful about it. "If this was an arid climate, we'd dry out in no time."
Zhee snapped a pincher in irritation, adjusting the coldpack draped around his shoulders. He had another around his praying-mantis hips. "I," he declared, "am glad it is DARK. Sun this intense would fry us on the spot. This is not a temperature for any reasonable being." He cast a big bug eye in my direction, with what passed for subtlety.
I hadn't spoken up yet because I was busy guzzling water to replace all the sweat I was losing. "Agreed," I said when I came up for air. "There's a place this hot back home. We call it Death Valley."
Paint leaned back into her seat. "What? How could such a lovely heat mean death? It's so nice."
"For you," I said at the same time as Zhee. I would have high-fived him but didn't want to hurt myself on his pinchers. Instead I said, "I'd die of heatstroke in no time."
"But you have that temperature regulation!" Paint said, waving a hand in my direction. "I thought you were fine in hot and cold!”
"Just because I'm warm-blooded doesn't mean I'm comfortable in all temperatures," I said to my scaly crewmate. Holding up an arm, I asked, "You see this sweat? This is not fun." I was wearing the smallest amount of clothes I could stand: sports bra and shorts, and it was still too much. “At least the wind helps. I’ll want to get the unloading done as quickly as possible when we stop.”
“We’re almost there,” Captain Sunlight said, pointing at the navigation screen.
It was a good thing she had that screen, since the view outside was an endless nighttime seashore with sand dunes and rocks, but no memorable landmarks. You’d never know there was civilization here. We’d been instructed to land our ship far inland, so we didn’t risk blowing sand into a burrow when we took off again. Luckily the hovercar was acceptable. Thinking about dragging all those crates across the dunes by hand was enough to make me need another drink of water.
When we settled in to park, it was beside a boulder at the very edge of the water. Gentle waves lapped at a very flat shore. No civilization that I could see. The air gushing in the windows was oppressively hot and wet.
“The client should join us at any time,” Captain Sunlight said, getting out of the chair. “Let’s unload.”
“Aw,” Paint said.
Zhee led the way out the door while I focused on taking deep breaths. This was unpleasant.
Sunlight insisted on keeping all but the dimmest lights off, for the sake of the client’s nocturnal eyes. The many stars helped. Luckily there wasn’t much around to trip over. And the boxes were head-sized, not gigantic hassles. There were a lot of them though, and we weren’t quite finished stacking them on the wet sand when the client rose from the waves.
Captain Sunlight’s polite greeting prompted me to look up just in time to see what looked like a lobster the size of a horse come splashing toward us. I clamped down on a startled yelp. Professional calm, I reminded myself. This is entirely normal.
I did a pretty good job of pretending to be calm while I set down the box I was holding and went back for more. Sunlight kept up the small talk and handled payment, both thanks to technological aid: a translator and credit screen with some impressive waterproofing. The voice that came from the speakers was almost too deep to hear. It reminded me of my aunt’s favorite whale impression.
“Thank you for your use of time,” the client said. “Our previous delivery people arrived at high tide, leaving us with a long walk to the burrow.” A little crustacean leggie waved back at the water, where I assumed the doorway lurked. Now that I thought about it, I could almost make out a darker spot among the waves.
And that’s not so much a lobster as a huge shrimp, I decided, setting down another box. Looks like it would have some bright colors in the sun, too. The starlight didn’t illuminate much, but the faint glow from the ship’s cargo hold showed hints of red, blue, and green. And far too many legs, honestly. But you didn’t hear that from me.
“Last one,” Zhee announced, resting a box against the others. “Would the esteemed client like to confirm the count?”
The client did, waving two legs while counting. “Confirmed. I am pleased to do business with all of you.” Captain Sunlight started to say something else polite, but the client wasn’t done talking. “And it is pleasant to see such a lovely being of light.”
With the way all those legs moved, it took me a heartbeat to realize she meant me. “What?” I blurted.
The rest of the crew were confused too. “Being of light?” asked the captain tactfully.
“Yes, and with those charming stripes, too!”
It was all I could do not to ask “What?” again. I just looked at Sunlight, wondering if I was being pranked. If so, she didn’t look in on the joke.
“I, ah, can’t say I’d noticed,” she told the client.
“Your eyes are different, aren’t they?” asked that deep voice with even deeper sympathy.
“Um. Must be.”
“You’ll have to take my word for it, then. You two little ones blend in with the surroundings, while you, friend, look more like an artfully painted land-skimmer,” she said to Zhee, who looked like he had decided to take it as a compliment. “But you. You glow like a gentle moon, with all the curves of a crashing wave across your surface. My night has been enriched with the view.”
“Uh, thank you,” I managed. “My pleasure.”
“I will be sure to request such prompt and pleasurable couriers for my next delivery. I thank you.”
“And we thank you!” Captain Sunlight said. “We’ll be on our way. I trust you can get the boxes into your home without trouble?”
“Oh yes, this will be fine,” said the client with more leg waves. I wasn’t even sure which part of that complicated face to look at. “May you have safe travels!”
With more polite words from Sunlight, we re-entered the hovercar and took seats in even hotter air. The door shut, the engine started, and a very welcome breeze wafted in. Sunlight eased away from the beach at a tactful speed before gunning it toward the ship. No one spoke until the sea was out of view behind a dune.
“Glowing?” exclaimed Paint. “Stripes??”
“Did she mean heat vision?” Zhee wanted to know.
“Can’t be,” Sunlight said from where she drove madly. “She compared you to a nice paint job, remember?”
“As she should,” Zhee said. “But was that a different thing she was seeing when looking at me?”
“Hard to say,” Sunlight said. “Robin?”
“I have no idea!” I burst out. “This is the first I’ve heard of any of it! Is there a chance she’s joking?”
“I don’t think so,” said Captain Sunlight. “All the courier reviews of her behavior are top-notch. If she was the type to lie like that, then surely she would have done it before.”
“But stripes??” I asked, sticking a forearm into the aisle. “You’ve seen me! What stripes? I don’t even have that much body hair!”
“You don’t glow in the dark, either,” said Zhee, staring with the kind of intensity that only someone with truly gigantic bug eyes can. “You reflect a little starlight right now, what with all the grossness you’re exuding, but I doubt that’s what she meant.”
I laughed. “You know, people do sometimes describe sweating as glowing, but it’s really not meant to be taken literally.”
Paint leaned close, all curiosity. “Does something in your sweat fluoresce?”
“No!” I said. “Nothing about me does! This is absurd!”
“We can check the wiki as soon as we get back in range,” said Captain Sunlight. “The ship’s knowledge banks are pretty good, but let’s not kid ourselves.”
“I can’t wait,” Paint said. “My money is on the sweat.”
I shook my head and finished the water bottle. With the way Sunlight was driving, we made it to the ship quickly indeed. Paint was already out of the car and telling the rest of the crew about it while I had barely stood up. I exited to several other curious faces, immediately telling them no, I had no idea.
Normally after that kind of delivery I would have gone to wash up, but this time I just grabbed a towel to wipe off the sweat (and to wear as a shawl in the much cooler spaceship air). Captain Sunlight was calling for top speed.
And she got it. Good thing we’d be refueling soon, because I was pretty sure we’d used up a solid chunk of the reserves.
But we were back in range of easy broadcasts, in record time! Everyone who didn’t have to be somewhere else crowded into the meeting room with the big info screen.
And we all learned that humans freaking glow. Just too dim for anyone to see, unless they have extra-super-special eyes. The kind of eyes that can also pick up the seams from cell division that are usually just as invisible.
“What the heck,” I said, staring at the screen.
Sunlight had called up both topics side-by-side, and everyone was reading at different speeds. I’d skimmed enough to be unsure of what emotion to settle on.
“It’s not the sweat,” Zhee said.
“Well, it’s also not the heat vision!” Paint retorted.
“It may sometimes coincide with heat vision,” Captain Sunlight said, pointing as she read. “Tied in to metabolism, changing throughout the day. Human metabolism creates heat, right? So it could be both.”
“But it said it’s not.”
“I still win the bet,” Zhee insisted.
“Oh, you didn’t even make a bet!” Paint said.
Mur sat beside me, flipping a tentacle in amusement. “It’s a pity we don’t have anyone with those extreme eyes onboard,” he told me. “We could send the pair of you into dark areas, and she could see by your light.”
I shook my head. “This is just bizarre. I can’t believe nobody told me.”
The squiddy alien shrugged a pair of tentacles. “If you can’t see it and neither can most of the civilized galaxy, I’m not surprised that it isn’t common knowledge. What I want to know is—” he spoke louder “—Hey Zhee! Do you want to get glowing paint to decorate yourself with now, since somebody is outshining you?”
Zhee angled his antennae into a glare. “Maybe.”
“Ooh, me too!” said Paint, to no one’s surprise. “Can we do the walls too? It’ll be great if we ever lose power!”
I huffed a laugh. “Look what you started.”
“You’re welcome,” Mur said. “Care to see who can paint some nice new decorations in the highest and most creative places?”
“Absolutely. You know I can reach the top of the engineering crevices by putting a foot on each wall and shuffling upward, right?”
Mur cackled. “And you haven’t seen what a properly motivated Strongarm can do! Extra points for painting a likeness of Zhee somewhere he’ll never find.”
“You are on.” We shook on it, which is an absolutely disgusting experience when tentacles are involved, but I managed to pretend it wasn’t. Gotta be professional, you know.
Fact check! Humans do glow slightly, and we do have stripes called Blaschko’s Lines.
Yes I based the alien on a mantis shrimp; yes I know the shrimpvision thing has been debunked; did it anyway. They’re cool.
And if you enjoy these shenanigans, you may like the book that this is backstory for. More stories to come!
(Thanks to @theacegamingdemon for giving me the idea for this one months ago.)
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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bellysoupset · 3 months
"So what do you think?" Vince asked in a rasp, sitting down on the shitty couch and grimacing. The flu had taken a toll on him and even though he felt much better, all the moving around and loading and unloading of boxes hadn't helped.
There was still so much in the car, but Vince didn't have it in him to finish unpacking. His father would come over the next day and he could help.
"I like it..." Wendy mumbled, wringing her hands together.
When Vince had told her the plan was never to move in with his parents —  in truth he wasn't sure how she had even assumed that since he had asked her to move with him as well — Wendy had looked about ready to cry.
The same distraught, heartbroken look she had displayed on her face that very moment, walking around the tiny apartment Vince had rented near the school he'd be starting at the next day.
"Are you sure? Because you look like you think this place is haunted," Vince teased her lightly, rubbing his chest. All the heaving and puking from three days before had left him with a perpetually sore abdomen, his lungs aching.
"No, I like it, it's-" Wendy breathed in, pulled on her corset top in order to collect herself and brushed some imaginary dust off, "it's cute. Could use a fresh layer of paint," she regained some of her usual sass and Vince smiled at the clearly forced attitude.
He got up from the couch, wrapping his arms around her from behind and squeezing his girlfriend. Wendy stiffened up for a second, before melting against him, shoulders dropping.
"I fucking hate that you're leaving," she whined, fingers closing around his wrist and keeping him hugging her, "I fucking hate this place and I hate that I- I want to move here, but I-"
Vince pressed his lips to her temple, bending down in order to kiss her cheek, "no, you don't. It's only going to be a year, honey."
"A year, right," Wendy sighed, looking all sorts of defeated, "a year until we break up."
"A year for us to try long distance," Vince corrected, ignoring the way his heart squeezed at her words. He had no plans of breaking up, but the fact that Wendy kept bringing it up as if it was a fact didn't help in the least to reassure him she wouldn't break things off, "then if it doesn't work, we'll think of something else."
"We're only delaying the inevitable," Wendy mumbled, nails digging in his arm and he let out a sigh, kissing her temple again.
"We are not breaking up," he promised her, "not unless you dump me," it was meant to be a joke, but he was genuinely scared of it and it came out as a question.
Wendy let out a scoff and he could almost hear her rolling her eyes. Vince squeezed her a little tighter, "honey, my parents did long distance when in college and look at them," he said, trying to sound optimistic, "practically hired actors for a margarine ad."
She let out a little watery chuckle at that and nodded, "I know... I know, you're right..." Wendy leaned back, then wrinkled her nose in distaste, "but really, this apartment is so ugly."
Vince let out his first real laugh, deep in his chest and rumbling against her back. Wendy smiled, eyes stinging at the fact she would no longer wake up every morning feeling him all but purr with soft snores, the exact same vibration she was feeling right now.
"Yeah, it's lacking some pink, don't you think?" he teased her, planting a kiss on her neck, "and some glitter."
She rolled her eyes, "I'm not sure about glitter for your little bachelor pad-"
"I'm happily taken," Vince scoffed, his voice muffled by her hair, breath brushing her ear, "stay the night?"
She knew what he was doing, trying to distract her with sex, the issue was... It was working. Wendy turned on his arms, shaking her head, "I can't, I have work tomorrow morning. But I'm gonna see you Friday and you're going to call me tomorrow night, right?"
He nodded, "yeah, probably during lunch as well-" Vince bumped his nose with hers, bending nearly in half to kiss her and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling Wendy off her feet.
This was so unfair, Wendy thought viciously, as Vince's hands dropped from her waist to her ass and she locked her legs around his torso, them stumbling back and falling on the cheap couch.
The furniture let out a groan under their weight and Vince muffled a chuckle against her mouth, feverish kisses dragging down her lips, her jaw, her neck-
"I really have to leave," she groaned, pushing him back. Vince let out a sigh, resting his forehead to her chest, since she had some height sitting on his lap.
"Alright, alright..." he planted a kiss the exposed skin, "text me when you get home?"
"Okay," Wendy nodded, before stealing another peck, "use the red shirt tomorrow, it fits really well."
"Yes, ma'am," Vince kissed her again and it took Wendy all of her self control to pull back, pushing him away. He walked her back to her car and it took them at least another handful of kisses, before Wendy found strength enough to hit the road.
She meant to go home, but just the thought of her empty apartment made her shudder and the knot in her chest get even tighter. Wendy parked the car in front of Jonah's building and quickly shot him a text, as well as letting Vince know she was home safe. A little lie he didn't need to know.
Jonah was wearing his olive silk pajamas set when he opened the door, looking super sleepy.
"Dee, what-"
"I can't sleep in my house tonight," she pouted and Jon's frown cleared up immediately. Her wordlessly stepped aside from the door and Wendy entered, noticing most of the lights were off. She had no idea what time it was, but it had already been nearly ten when she left Doveport.
"C'mere," Jonah sighed, wrapping her up in a hug and Wendy squeezed her eyes shut, sinking into his arms. He was warm, clearly taken out of bed.
Her eyes burned, stinging with tears, throat aching as she was doing her best not to cry. Jonah's chin pressed on the top of her head, "it'll pass," he whispered, "you're alright, I got you."
"Can I stay?"
"I'm not kicking you out at 2 AM," He scoffed, squeezing her a little tighter, "c'mon."
Wendy didn't say a thing as Jonah guided her further into the apartment and she didn't even register when they passed by the guest room. It only downed on her once they entered the master suite and she saw Leo curled up on his side, with JD happily asleep against his stomach.
She frowned, but Jonah simply yawned and slipped under the blankets on his side of the bed, lifting the covers as a wordless invitation.
Wendy chewed on her lip, but it was an empty gesture. She needed this, to be wrapped up and squeezed until her heart glued back together and she could be her powerful self in the morning.
She kicked off her shoes and crawled on the bed, taking half of Jon's pillow. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, yawning.
"Thank you," Wendy whispered, cuddling as close as she could and closing her eyes.
"Anytime, darling," Jonah yawned in return.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Steve hadn't even remembered the letter.
After everything had happened, after Steve had to leave Eddie's body, had to sit at the bedside of a girl that might not wake up, had to bury an empty box and hold his kids as they were told they were losing Max all over again, the letter was furthest from his mind.
Max's body was too damaged, her mind too post despite El's best efforts. The weight of responsibility and the energy it took every time El tried to bring Max back was killing El too. After the fifth time Max had coded, Hopper had to tell her to not being her back again if it happened.
Three months after they buried Eddie, they buried Max too. The ghost of her was felt in everything they did. When Suzie visited Hawkins for the first time, Max was missed in the party's introductions. When Lucas became captain of the basketball team in junior year, Max was missed in their group hug. When they party graduated, Max was missed in the chair left empty between Darcy Lunce and Paul Meston.
As the kids left one by one to college, following the footsteps of Nancy and Robin years before, Max was missing from their goodbyes.
Steve hadn't been able to leave until he knew the kids were safe and grownup and out of Hawkins. He'd thought about leaving with Robin when she first left, he'd had a panic attack when he started packing. Now the kids were gone he could leave too, the protector could finally rest.
He was moving to Chicago, Nancy and Robin already had his room ready for him. They had understood why he'd had to stay. Most of his items were packed up and loaded into a moving van that the girls had driven back to their apartment. All the was left was Steve's car. He was selling it, he didn't need it in the city and some extra cash would tie him over while he looked for a new job.
He was cleaning it out ready for the buyer when he found it. Dropped between his chair and the gearbox. Perfectly preserved from the day Max handed it to him. At the time he refused to believe he'd ever need to read it, refused to believe he'd lose one of the kids before dying himself first. Yet here he was, alive, and the author of the note was gone.
He tucked the letter into his jacket and finished with the car. Once it had been picked up he still had an hour before the taxi came to take him to the airport. He made his way to the cemetery, it was only fair he say a proper goodbye to her before leaving her to watch over their town. When he arrived at the plot he took a moment to admire the bright flowers the kids had planted years ago, the beautiful mural Will had painted on the back of the headstone.
Here lies Maxine "Mad Max" Mayfield
He took a deep breath and sat down facing her grave, eerily mirroring the girl years before. He took out the letter, carefully opening it and began to read.
Dear Steve,
First off yes of course I'm going to write you a letter, I don't want to hear any self deprecating nonsense when I hand this to you, you're my brother as much as Dustin is and as much as Billy was. People care about you and love you and shut up yes they do.
Second of all if I somehow don't die you better have burned this I don't want you having anything soft and gooey to hold over me if I'm still kicking. If I find out you've still got this I get to drive your car ok?
I should really get to the point of this letter, I'm writing yours while putting off Lucas', I don't know what I'm going to say to him yet, I wish I could ask you to help me but I need to write these myself, he deserves that and so do you. These might be my last words to you and I need you to know a few things and you've got to believe them because if you're reading them it means I'm gone and you have to honour the dead asshole.
It's not your fault.
Listen to me Steve, if this is the last thing I do, if tomorrow everything goes wrong and I can't be berating you for getting hit in the head and you're crying somewhere alone I need you to know it's not your fault.
If I'm dead, if any of us are dead, it's not your fault. We're old enough to make our own choices. If I'm lucky in a couple years I'll be the age you fought a demogorgan for the first time. If I'm dead it's because whatever is down there took me but that's not on you. If I've made myself bait, or run off or done something stupid or brave or sacrificial or we just got unlucky, it's not your fault Steve.
It's not your fault.
If I hear you thinking it's your fault I'm coming back to haunt you.
Love, Max (your favourite)
Steve has to catch a later flight, he doesn't cry until later. Max's words rattle through his brain, years of guilt that he had pushed down slowly bubbled to the surface until he was in Chicago and could sob in his best friend's arms. Whenever he needed to he would reread Max's letter just to remind himself.
It's not your fault.
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remusslove · 2 years
hello I loved the request you made I don't know if you write to tom riddle or not but if so you could make one in which tom and the little one! reader who is non-verbal are in the slytherin common room along with matheo,draco, theo, blaise and pansy and they are playing with the little one! reader while tom is reading a book if you don't write to tom you could make this request with another character or feel free to ignore
Stickers~ mattheo riddle
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Includes age regression, tooth rotting fluff, little reader, and cg!mattheo
You face was covered in stickers as you placed more on the sketch book on the floor. Everyone was currently cooing at your cuteness causing mattheo to chuckle while reading his book. You giggled putting a purple butterfly on the page. You loved scrapbooking even when you were little.
You mostly did it color coordinated but when you were little you decorated it however you wanted. When mattheo caught you working on the sketch book he bought you tons of supplies.
Arranging from stickers to crayons, paints to markers, to color pencils and pretty tape, everything. You’ve scrap booked every day since then. Your new page consisted of butterfly’s and pastel colors. The group was helping you arrange the pastel colors away form the more vibrant colors.
“Do you want this purple or this little one?” Theo asked softly suggesting to the two sticker sheets he was holding up. “Wan da bue won!” You answered pointing at the nice ombré shade of blue pansy was holding. Pansy chuckled and formed a “I told you so” grin on her lips.
She passed it to while Blaise was smelling you’re silly scented crayons. “Mattheo where did you get these? They smell really fuxking good” Blaise asked taking another deep breath at the smell of the mint green scented crayon. “Don’t cuss infront of tiny Blaise” Draco scolded the boy infront of him.
They called you tiny whenever you hung out with them. Mostly because your a little and a bit short. You looked even shorter standing next to mattheo since he was 6’3 and all. “I got them from hogsMeade Blaise, and sorry to burst your guys’s bubble but, me and tiny have to go” mattheo said closing his book.
“What?!? Noooo we’ve only been hanging out with her for like 2 hours!” Pansy exclaimed in protest. “Yeah what’s so important anyway?!?” Theo asked. “She has to take a nap before 5:00 and it’s 3:00 Theodore now goodbye” mattheo finished off picking you up.
“That I’m like two more hours come one mattheo just thirty more minutes” Blaise said. “Fine.” mattheo agreed putting you back on the floor. “And stop smelling her crayons you crackhead” mattheo said taking the crayon away from the Blaise and putting it back in the box. Blaise pouted and picked up another one this time scented “freshly moved grass”.
Fourth five minutes later you were yawning softly rubbing your eyes. That didn’t get un noticed by them. “Mattheo I think tiny’s sleepy” Draco said nudging mattheos arm. Mattheo looked away from his book and smiled at your figure. He closed his book and picked you up once again.
“Can we see her tomorrow?” Theo asked hopefull. “We see her everyday Theo, mattheo can I please keep these crayons?” Blaise asked with fake puppy eyes. “No Blaise, and yes Theo you’ll see her tomorrow like everyday” mattheo answered walking up the stairs to his dorm. You whined giving them a tired hand wave goodbye.
They cooed and waved bye as well. The day ended with you taking a nap, going to the great hall to eat causing the group to perk up, and going to sleep once again. They loved you, big or small. When you were big you always acted like how you were in little space, which they adored.
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tati3001 · 2 years
Love Affair
Summary: Wanda moves into a new house attempting to fix her marriage with Vision. Little did she know that the house came with more than just the walls.
Words: 1,069
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"Are those all the boxes?" She asked as Vision left the last one of them on the floor close to the stairs. "Last one" He turned to look around all the boxes around them and let his hands rest on his hips. "With the size of the house, it'll look like we have little to nothing" He mentioned amused.
Wanda smiled and looked at the house. It was big. It was a mansion. It had been her idea to move from New York to LA, but Vision had managed to find such a big house for a minimal price. It's not like they did have money but right now she wasn't sure if they were using their united accounts, or if that's something she also lost the right to after what she did.
The wallpaper of the house looked old, and it didn't make her comfortable. She wanted to feel like she was home, so she walked toward it and ripped it away, letting the yellow paint from the wall face her face. "I'll get started on the kitchen" She mentioned to him. "You want me to rip the wallpaper?" He asked, looking at what she did. "No, that's okay" She smiled at him and rested her hand on his arm. "Wanna start on the room?" She asked, but were they even sleeping together?
He seemed to be thinking the same and took a few seconds to answer. "I think that we shouldn't sleep together" He mentioned, before turning to the stairs and taking the box.
Wanda sighed and turned to grab a box to take to the kitchen. She deserved it, she knew that. After everything he did for her, how could she cheat on him? She sighed as she left the box on the counter and started to organize the utensils.
It all started when she was ten years old. She had woken up and thought that the day was gonna be normal, until dinner time came and robbers broke into her house, leaving her and her brother with dead parents and nothing worth of money to survive on the cold streets of Sokovia.
They lived on the streets for eleven years before they had enough money to rent an apartment for one night. And considering the coldest night of winter, they took the opportunity. The landlord of the apartment told them they could stay for a week, which ended up being a trap. He told them he needed payment for them and since they didn't have any money they had to be his servants for the rest of their lives.
That is until Pietro found him trying to abuse Wanda, and all hell broke loose that day. Wanda left that house with a dead boss, a dead brother, no money, and no place to live. After that, she managed to get a job for a rich man that helped her to travel to the United States.
He wasn't an angel, of course, he didn't abuse her. However, she was underpaid for several years but didn't have any other option, until she found another job. She wasn't underpaid but she was working her ass off for the minimum wave.
But that's where she met Vision, and their love story quickly turned up to be Wanda's salvation. He helped her with her education, her job, with her status in the united states. And she repaid him by cheating on him.
Natasha had been her friend since day one. And slowly she made Wanda believe that she didn't marry Vision because she loved him, but because he had saved her from a hard life. He had been her angel, and Natasha was ready to help Wanda leave him to go with whoever she loved, who happened to be no one else than Natasha Romanoff.
"Do you need any help?" A voice startled Wanda. She turned around to find a young girl, who couldn't be older than twenty-five, dressed in a maid's uniform. "Who are you?" She asked confused. "My name's Y/n. I'm the maid". "I didn't hire any maid". "I come with the house".
"Shouldn't you be in school?". Y/n walked around. "I don't go to school. Need to work to help my family" She finished. "Can I help you with something? Maybe the wallpaper? I could tell you didn't like it". "Uh, yes. Please" Y/n smiled and walked out of the kitchen.
Vision never mentioned anything about a maid. She finished the kitchen in record time and left Y/n to finish the walls. She walked upstairs to what would be her new room and started to unpack her things.
A picture of Natasha fell into her hands and she couldn't help but sit on the bed and clean the tears that fell down her cheeks. Natasha had been her greatest adventure. Her best memories occurred when she was with the redhead. She had never felt more alive than when she was with her.
So of course, she made the mistake of not taking care of Natasha the way she could only do it. Natasha had died six months ago in a car crash, and that's how Vision found out about her extramarital relationship. Tho he never knew who she cheated on him with, and after their marriage went to hell she didn't try even bringing up the subject.
At first, she didn't think about fixing her relationship with him, because she didn't find it worthy of her time. She knew she didn't feel the same for Vision. But as much as she thought about it she realized that whoever else she loved would eventually die. And Vision had already been so good to her that the least she could do was try to fix things with him.
Because he wanted her too. He wanted to be with her. He was willing to forgive her and forget about it all if she tried to. And for him she did. Or was trying to, but she wasn't doing a very good job. And Vision was still mad at her.
She placed the picture on the nightstand and continued to place her room as she wanted to. She didn't know where everything would be fixed, she didn't know if she could love Vision the same way she did. Or if she would be able to live the life Vision was used to. But what else could she do, other than try?
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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