#anyways she!!!!!!!!!!!! makes everything better💚
youtappedout · 4 months
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and just after this ride I've been on, I feel like nothing can break me (و â€ąÌ€ áŽ—â€ąÌ )و !!
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sebastianswallows · 1 year
Can I, please, respectfully ask for Seb×MC caught in the rain so we can all experience wet hair Sallow drenched from head to toe? Some spiciness would be welcome if they, uh, decided to blink and idk, warm up, maybe. Thank you! Love you!
You ask, my girly, I give you 💚💩 I made Seb as wet as I possibly could, I hope you like it.
I wrote half of this yesterday, and the other half today, and it rained all day today actually so that was a nice way to set the mood!
— PAIRING: Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
— WARNINGS: smut, pussy worship, a bit of cock worship, fingering, multiple orgasms (kind of overstimulation), dirty talk, a bit of praise kink, and kind of possessive Sebastian but that's just Sebastian
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They were still a half an hour's walk away from Hogwarts when the downpour began, and the little hoods on their school robes hardly did a thing to shield them. Sebastian’s drying spells were short-lived and hardly effective anyway, so they decided to stop their journey short and take refuge beneath a little outcropping of rocks by the road. It was coming down so hard now that everything in front of them was a frothy white curtain of rain.
“Should we look for some better place to wait this out?” she asked loudly, shivering in her soaked school robes.
“What, you’ll Revelio your way to some cave or something? Who knows how long that’ll take,” said Sebastian, shouting over the noise of the downpout.
“Well, it’s not like we could get any wetter!”
Sebastian chose not to make any remarks and turned his body away from her for a moment.
He could feel his teeth clanking in his mouth as he hugged himself. He squinted and tried to guess what was on the horizon, but there was no use. The rain was too dense, and his hair kept dripping into his eyes. As he tried to balance himself from one foot to the other, he could feel how soggy they were, and the more tightly he hugged himself, the more he felt the clothes sticking to his skin.
“Fine!” he said, turning to look at her again. “Fine, let’s try to find something
 better than this,” he shrugged, his clothes splashing as his hands came back down harshly at his sides.
His friend smiled brightly, full of gratitude that he finally agreed with her idea. She took out her wand, and they went out together from the paltry cover of the rocks.
They ran aimlessly ahead, feet splashing in shallow puddles, hair sticking to their faces, and eventually they came across the river that ran near Hogsmeade. It used to be so thin, but now it ran quite deeper.
“At least we know where we are,” she said, looking back at Sebastian.
“Ugh, but where
 Ah!” he said suddenly, turning to the left. “There’s a cave right upstream of it, I know it!”
“Great! Take us there,” she grinned.
Finally, some hope.
Sebastian hadn’t been that way in a while, but as long as they followed the river, they were sure to find it. A few Revelios later, and they came across the cave, a big dark mouth open in the downpour.
It was less of a cave and more of a hole in the ground, so short and stout that trees were growing above it, their roots curling like fingers around its rim and right inside across its ceiling. But it was deep enough that it could serve as cover, give them shelter while they waited. The pair caught their breaths after running straight for it, stopping only a few feet inside. They turned and looked at the curtain of water that protected them from the outside world, and wiped the raindrops off their faces with cold hands.
“We might be here a while,” she said, squeezing out her braid of hair.
“Worst case, we’ll miss dinner,” said Sebastian, breathing deeply as he rested his hands on his hips. “It’ll be dark in an hour or so
They took their robes off and squeezed the water off them too, casting warming spells but keeping them mild enough to not catch anything on fire. Sebastian sat on a rock and started untying his boots, turning them over to drain the water out. The girl laughed when she saw him, and sat down to do the same.
Sebastian smiled, and looked at her. His wet hair hung down in spikes over his forehead, water still dripping off it onto his nose and cheeks. She didn’t look much better, loose tendrils sticking to her cheeks, her face all dripping as if she had been crying, her school shirt transpar—
Oh, but she did look better.
Sebastian felt his face warm up. Before his thoughts took him too far, he looked back down again. Without thinking, he began to take his socks off, squeezing them dry and laying them flat beside him. His cold toes flexed on the rock as he crouched above it, and he hugged his knees to his chest.
“Oh, good idea,” she said.
He looked up and saw her taking her stockings off too, peeling them from the knees down. Sebastian stared open-mouthed for a moment, before he shut it and looked away again.
For a second.
And then he looked again.
Her long school skirt covered her legs almost all the way down to the ankles, but it was still a beautiful sight
 His gaze crawled up and down her figure as she bent and freed her cold little feet, holding the soggy stockings up to warm them with a spell.
 I can try to make a fire, you know,” he offered with a more quiet and timid voice than was typical of him.
“Really?” she asked, not even turning, but he could hear her smile in the echo of the shallow cave. “I don’t think this situation calls for a Confringo.”
“I’d be careful,” he insisted, frowning at her distrust.
She shrugged, her back turned to him. “Do it if you want to. But I don’t need it. I’m starting to warm up as it is.”
The only sound to fill the cave was the pouring of the rain outside which never, never stopped.
Sebastian sighed. “Fine,” he said, not too happily.
He didn’t know why, but he wanted to make a fire for her. He wanted her to want it. Something inside of him was desperate to be seen as adequate by her — probably because she was his best friend besides Ominis, or because he looked up to her so much, or because he
 He just
 He just wished she needed him for something.
Sulking, Sebastian turned around and started pulling out his bowtie without thinking. He slapped it against his hand petulantly, pretending to dry it. Behind him, there was only silence
 He unbuttoned his vest and laid it out flat on the side of the rock he sat on, then mindlessly started squeezing at the hanging sleeves of his shirt. From the corner of his eye he saw a still figure, like a shadow against the white rain, and he looked over his shoulder.
She stood there, staring in something like amazement, her face a little flushed. She was oddly
Oh. He was being indecent

Sebastian bit his lip and looked down at himself, dressed in only his white shirt and trousers now
“D-do you mind?” he asked quietly, expecting her to
 what? turn around? look away?
“No,” she said, and kept on looking.
Sebastian grinned timidly. He faced the cave wall again, sitting with his back to her, and began unbuttoning his shirt. He could hear her gasp in the silence.
His heart was nearly beating out of his chest and he knew he was sporting an embarrassingly hot blush
 Slowly, he turned slightly and looked at her over his shoulder, wet hair falling over his eyes, and smiled. Well, if she didn’t want him to make a fire, she was going to see him get dry the old-fashioned way

“Seb-bastian,” she mumbled, sounding a little bit afraid, a little outraged, but also curious underneath all that.
“Hm? Is there a problem?” he asked, sounding as innocent as he could. It was a tone of voice he used often when he got in trouble.
He saw her blush and look away, hugging herself, and he smirked. In a mad moment of confidence he turned around, his feet braced against the rock, and undid the last few buttons, tugging the shirt out from his trousers. Even that pull felt wet. It licked across his abdomen, folds kissing his shoulders as he eased the shirt off his body. Swaths of it caressed his back like light wet palms as he finally took it off, and placed it down.
Her gaze was timidly on him again, peeking from the corner of her eyes beneath those wet and matted lashes.
“It’s alright,” said Sebastian quietly, like speaking to a forest creature. “You can look. It’s just like
 like after Quidditch practice, right?”
But the boys and girls changed in different rooms and they never saw each other. It wasn’t at all the same, and yet she didn’t point it out. She just kept looking.
Sebastian breathed in, and out, leaning back and bracing himself on his arms as he watched her, and let her watch him. His hair dripped over his shoulders now, droplets falling from his chin to his chest, down the little divots there, sliding down like snakes in wilder and wilder curves to soak his trousers.
She turned to look a bit more fully, her arms still tight around herself. Even in the shadow of the cave, she could see the freckles on his shoulders, a few stray ones on his chest peeking out among the gold-brown hairs, and she smiled.
“What are you smiling at?” asked Sebastian with amusement.
“How much your body matches your face,” she said timidly, but teasingly too.
“Well, I would hope it does,” he said, looking down at himself. “Does
 does yours?” he asked.
She froze.
Perhaps it had been a mistake to say it
 “N-nevermin—” he started.
But then her hands unfolded from their tight grip and she tugged at her little tie. Before Sebastian could get off the rock, she started unbuttoning her shirt.
He cursed and looked down when his toes sank into the mud, but he no longer cared. When he looked up again, he saw that she had paused, as if scared by his sudden movements.
“Don’t stop,” he begged.
Sebastian stepped forward slower as his friend continued unbuttoning her shirt. His eyes, however, were not fixed on her body — this body that she revealed to him for the first time — but on her eyes. They were so much more vulnerable than her exposed, wet, and trembling body, so unguarded, so frail — and they looked into his eyes too, not at his naked chest, skin prickling with cold, dripping with teasing raindrops, speckled and blushing and tight, or his arms that tensed with the desire to hold her, or his thick neck that swallowed unspoken words as he approached her.
“Are you going to take it all off?” Sebastian asked with an air of
 concern, actually. Did he remotely deserve this? “Are you going to take it off
 for me?”
She paused and bit her lip, her fingers frozen halfway down the garment.
“W-would you?” he begged, one step closer. “Please?”
She looked up at him again.
 I’d like to see,” he said.
By the time she had unbuttoned herself all the way, Sebastian stood before her. He looked down almost pained at the intensity of the moment, but had only reverence in his gaze for what he saw.
“You’re really pretty,” he whispered with a trembling smile, standing close enough to touch.
“T-thanks,” she said awkwardly.
“No, you’re
 you’re beautiful, in fact,” he sighed.
His hands itched to touch her, but he waited for her to take her shirt off on her own. She pulled it free of the tight waist of her skirt, peeled it back, and eased it off her arms. She moved almost as if she was expecting Sebastian to tell her to put it back on, which was a risible idea to him. He looked at her revealed body in wonder, his full lips open dumbly as he stared. Beneath her shirt was a soaked chemise which stuck to her like a second skin. It concealed nothing.
“Oh,” was the only thing he could say.
She stepped back, blushing fiercely, not knowing really what to do with herself. Perhaps she felt a little stupid too, but before she could do anything, Sebastian leaned in, took the shirt out of her hand, threw it on a rock behind, and cupped her wet face in his palm.
“Can I kiss?” he asked. “You, I mean. C-can I kiss you?”
“Yes?” she answered, her wide eyes staring into his.
He wasn’t sure she had really heard what he’d said or understood the question, but it didn’t matter anymore.
Sebastian leaned down, and touched his lips to hers, and drank the raindrops off her mouth. His hands were shaking. He swallowed the knot in his throat as he quietly kept his lips slotted to hers, eyes closed tightly — as if to open them would shatter the moment. But then he heard her give a little moan, and his heart broke — was she upset? was she offended? did she change her mind
When he dared part from her, he looked down at her a bit dazed, terrified that
 that he’d made a mistake, that he’d gone too far
 But then she licked her lips.
“Was that good?” he asked with a smile.
“Was, yes” she mumbled. “I mean, it
 it was
Sebastian grinned and cupped both of her cheeks in his hands. His fingers felt the hair at the back of her head still dripping wet, and at his naked chest he felt the heat coming off her body. His lust was drowned in how much love he felt for her. Gingerly, he brushed his thumbs over her cheekbones.
“Would you let me see
 more?” he asked.
He could see some conflict taking place inside of her, and a similar one was fought inside himself: this wasn’t a decent thing to ask of a girl, and it wasn’t a decent thing to ask of a friend, but he didn’t want to be just her friend anymore, and it seemed she didn’t want that either

She couldn’t look up at him when she nodded her consent.
Sebastian smiled so brightly he felt his cheeks hurt. He leaned down and kissed her again, as gently as could be, and whispered ‘thank you’ against her lips before they parted. He pulled away enough to look down at her chest.
With the tips of his fingers, he tugged the chemise out of her skirt. She raised her arms to help him, and then that garment too was thrown behind her.
“I love seeing you wet,” he sighed with a dreamy smile.
The water drops followed the most delicious trail down her neck and her clavicles and her breasts, around and over and between them and to her tense little buds and then
 dripping off her tips. He wanted to lick them dry. Instead, he only leaned down to kiss them.
He placed his lips reverentially on the centre of her chest while his hands cupped her naked waist, then he leaned down and kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her breasts all the way to the tight little berries at the top: first the right one, then the left. They felt hard on his tongue and if he didn’t control himself Sebastian was sure he would’ve bitten them. He wanted to have her as deep in his mouth as possible. He heard her breathing frantically as his mouth worked on her and he could hear how fast her heart was beating, like a drum right next to his ears. His own heart was thumping too. He moaned as he nuzzled her soft, delicate flesh, teeth grazing teasingly on the round bottoms of her breasts and then up, up, until he could suckle on her peaks.
“Sho shweet,” he mumbled mindlessly with one of her nubs between his lips.
She giggled as his smile tickled her. Sebastian’s heart bloomed in his chest when he felt her fingers cradling his head from behind. He circled her waist with his broad hands, pulling her more tightly to him, holding her against him, skin on skin, and kept worshipping her chest.
“I love your skin,” he rambled, kissing her right breast. “I love your body,” kissing the left one. “I love how soft you are, how sweet you smell, how —” he gave one long, wet, slow lick from the sweaty bottom of her breast to the puckered little bud which he took back in his mouth, “— how perfect you feel on my tongue.”
“My Sebastian
” she gasped, back arching into his kisses while she held onto his hair in a possessive grip.
“I love you,” he whispered mindlessly, eyes closed, mouth full. “I love you
“I love you too,” she said quickly, bowing her head to gratefully kiss the top of his head.
They held onto each other while he pleasured her with licks and kisses. Once he felt her tips were appropriately hard, on the verge of painful, Sebastian leaned back and released her with a teasing pull and a wet pop. He moaned as he licked the taste of her body off his lips.
He straightened himself, and his hands slid slowly down to the her skirt. “May I take this off too?” he asked. “It’s a real question
 You can say no
“No,” she said. “I mean, not no, I mean, yes...”
He chuckled and kissed her lips again. She smiled against his mouth while his fingers worked their way down the buttons of her school skirt. They fumbled awkwardly, unfamiliar with how the garment worked, but eventually, he slid it off her hips enough that he could take it off. She was only in her drawers now, and —
“Oh sweet goodness
” He could see her through them. “I want them off,” he mumbled, looking greedily at the lower half of her body. “I want them off right now.”
His fingers went to untie her undergarments when, suddenly, she placed her hands on his. “You first,” she said in a hot whisper. “I w-want to see you too.”
Sebastian blushed, but bit his lip and nodded.
His hand went quite hurriedly to his trousers and, without even sitting down, he pulled them off, and took the drawers along with them. He didn’t even know where he threw them, because he was right next to her body again, pulling her tightly to him. Something about being seen by her — and her wanting to see him — destroyed and rebuilt his life all at once. He held her face tenderly and pressed all his need, his gratitude, his love into her mouth. All the while, he felt her hands go up around his body, past his shoulders, to his neck, to thread around his dripping hair and hold him.
“Sebastian,” she moaned, her large eyes gazing into his once he released her.
“What is it?” he asked with a warm smile.
She didn’t speak, but instead looked down between them — at the long stretch of his body, all naked, all exposed, at the thicket of dark curls around his loins and the straining manhood that sprung from it. It twitched at her, and she gasped at the sight.
“You want to look at it?” he grinned.
She nodded.
Sebastian swallowed his fears and decided he would do it. He’d done this much for her
 he could do more. He kissed her forehead and then stepped back, leaning against the rock she had sat on before.
Still in her drawers but nothing else, she tip-toed through the mud to stand in front of him, hands covering her chest. She drank in greedy, shameless swaths of gazes at his body.
What confidence Sebastian had on the average day — which wavered now and then according to his moods — collapsed beneath her scrutiny. He looked down at the ground, at the mouth of the cave and the pouring rain outside, then back at her. Would she like him? Was he enough for her? But oh, she looked so hungrily at him
 She’d never looked at him like that before, or if she did, it was so rare. His shaft swung a little bit when his muscles clenched, tip dripping on his stomach, and he felt his heavy sac tickling his thighs.
“Do you
 do you like it?” he shrugged, feeling unbearably vulnerable.
“You’re fishing for compliments,” she pointed out.
“So what?”
“So stop it.”
“Alright,” he grinned. But by then, he could already tell she liked him. His eyes slid to her breasts, still tipped with those tight puckers that he’d caused.
She liked him.
She was close enough to touch, and just as Sebastian had the instinct to move away, she leaned in and kissed his chest. He gasped, his heart suddenly stopping. It never had a moment to recover because she kissed again: lower down his chest, and lower, down his stomach, and —
“Oh, don’t tease me!” he whimpered in an unworthy voice.
She smiled and stopped, but trailed a little finger up his thigh, scraping away the wetness, and looked into his eyes for a moment before she leaned down.
Sebastian stared in that dumb open-mouthed way again as she shamelessly looked at him. It was almost like she was back in class for something
 It was a look of wonder, and curiosity, and

And she touched him, just a light finger trailing up his tense manhood.
“Aaah!” he cried, head tilted back before he caught his breath and looked back down again.
With one warm hand, she gripped his member and held it to the side against his tummy, and with the other she traced around his sac, through the messy wet curls there, just following the curves of his body. His legs trembled with tension, and he could feel his member begin to leak again, lazy dollops tickling their way down toward her little fingers. She wiped the rain away from the curve of his swollen globes, down where his torso met his thigh, and then again on the other side, holding his length firmly with one hand while caressing him gently with the other.
“So soft,” she smiled to herself, her eyes greedily observing this very delicate part of him.
“Do you want to kill me?” Sebastian bit out, chuckling awkwardly as he stood still and let her play with him.
She giggled and bit her lip, cupping him in his palm. He groaned, breathing out heavily, and leaned back against the rock as he spread his legs a little more.
He felt two fingers trail his fat globes, feeling their way around, and then she started trailing them beneath his sac. For a moment, he was scared that she had a
 different aim, and he blushed fiercely and panicked, but then she stopped just at his taint and cupped him, quietly and gently, in her hand.
“It’s warm
” she whispered.
“And full
“Good grief, please stop,” Sebastian whined. “Or else I’ll do something that’s going to embarrass us both.”
The hand that held his shaft squeezed it a little, almost testing how firm it was, and in passing she teased a finger over his hole. Sebastian’s whole body shivered, but she paid him no mind. Her fingers, still holding on tightly, went down his member, pulling the soft skin away, and she gasped so sharply he felt the warm breath of her mouth fan over his tip. He leaked again, right before her eyes.
“Please,” Sebastian whimpered.
With a lick of her lips, she gentled her hand across his loins from top to bottom with one last caress, then let go of him and rose to her feet again.
“You have to show me,” said Sebastian, scrambling to take her in his arms and kiss her again. “Show y-yourself to me,” he begged between kisses.
She whined deep in her throat, but couldn’t bring herself to deny him.
Sebastian kissed her cheeks, her neck, her shoulders, as he gently guided her to where he’d just been, against that long, curved rock, and made sure she was steady. He looked into her eyes as his hands cupped her hips, and, giving her enough time to change her mind, he finally untied her drawers. The air was loud with their breaths and the rain that kept pouring outside the cave as he undressed her. He looked into her eyes while he pulled them down her hips, her thighs, her legs, and then he had to lean down to take them off her feet in such a way that they wouldn’t get muddied. Oh, and when he saw her

“You’re so pretty,” he gasped, his face levelled with her waist. “So beautiful
“Don’t talk like that,” she moaned, hiding her face in her hands.
Without even looking, he placed her discarded drawers on the rock beside her, then stayed right where he was, balancing on his feet with his hands beside her thighs.
“I could look at you for ages
“Well, don’t.”
“Don’t?” he smirked, looking up at her — but her face was still hidden by her hands. “What would you like me to do instead?”
“Any ideas?”
 I don’t know
He sighed as he looked at her again — at her most sensitive, most hidden parts. His touch was soft as he caressed up her thighs, fingers gliding to the place he yearned to pleasure. The wetness that was left on her legs pooled in the webbing between his thumb and index as he scraped her skin in one long upwards stroke. He moved a little closer, so close that she could feel his warm breath on her stomach.
“So beautiful,” he whispered — mostly to himself — “more beautiful than I imagined, more beautiful than I thought you could be
“Don’t say that,” she mumbled, her fingers finally slipping down to grip her neck in an attempt to calm her breathing. “It’s not beautiful, it’s just
“It is,” he said roughly, frowning up at her.
“Say it is, or I’ll leave.”
“You can’t—”
“Say it, or I’ll stop,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her right hip teasingly. It tasted of sweetness and salt and rain. His tongue slid out to lick it. “Say...”
 beautiful,” she mumbled.
“That’s right! It is,” he hummed.
His hands cupped her hips now, thumbs resting just at the top corners of her mound. Her tummy was still dripping wet. Stray drops were scattered messily over her curls, between her thighs, everywhere. Sebastian’s manhood twitched in yearning as he trailed a thumb just on the surface of that dampened tuft, and then went lower. His eyes never left her girlhood as he did so, staring right at her most intimate of places with a hard and greedy look while his hand stayed tender, his touch soft, his fingers slow.
Without a thought to himself, Sebastian kneeled in the mud, his knees sinking just a bit but not too deeply, and he rested his rear on his heels. One hand cupped her hip, the other teased her.
“How close can I look?” he asked, gazing up into her eyes darkly beneath his thick lashes while fingers gently moved over the surface of her wet little girlhood.
“A-as close as y-ou want,” she muttered breathlessly.
Her hands were braced against the rock now, almost like she wanted to crawl away any minute, but she didn’t move. Her toes curled into the mud right between Sebastian’s knees.
He kissed her right thigh gratefully, and gently took his hand from her mound. With a stretch of his arm backwards and a wordless Accio, Sebastian summoned his drying clothes in a clump and arranged them behind her.
“There,” he said smiling, letting her lean back more comfortably.
She smiled at him and settled herself over his clothes, letting her back rest against them. They didn’t make much difference, but at least she could lay back under Sebastian’s care and not get scrapes along her spine.
Between her legs, he brought his attention back to where he wanted it — where she needed it. His right hand traced the edges of her folds, index resting on a plush one to feel it throb. He smiled cheekily at the feeling of her heartbeat, and moved his finger deeper. She gasped and spread her legs, giving Sebastian the space he needed to lean down a little more, and look.
“So soft,” he whispered, his eyes dark and greedy. “I can see you blushing here,” he smiled as his finger parted her folds a bit, revealing her hole to him. “So dark and flushed
 Is it a little needy?”
“Sebastian,” she groaned, her eyes closing in shame.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” he chuckled.
His hands then both cupped her upper thighs, thumbs working to spread her flesh more. She throbbed again, and he could see her tight hole drip every time it winked open for him. He gasped at the sight.
“Does it like being looked at by me?” he asked, a sultry edge creeping into his voice. “Huh? Does this little hole like its owner being looked at this way by her best friend?”
He smirked and thumbed one plump fold away, letting his warm breath tickle her nub.
“Yes!” she gasped. “It
 it likes being looked at,” she blushed, looking pleadingly down into Sebastian’s eyes.
“Then I should get a better look, should I?” he whispered, nuzzling her mound. It left the tip of his nose wet.
He pulled away and slowly leaned down more, his eyes fixed on that most secret of places, fingers working her open. She was damp and throbbing all over, her flesh warm and swollen and painfully shy.
“Is this your first time being seen?” he murmured in a rougher voice, something between compassion and possessiveness.
“It is,” she mumbled. Her hands were at her neck again, her breasts hidden behind her folded arms.
“Good,” he said, petting her with a thumb.
He breathed her in, smelling her lust, watching patiently while her intimate flesh suffered — his did too, in sympathy. The tip of his manhood tickled his stomach, and between his thighs his swollen sac throbbed, but he was too distracted by seeing these tender places of hers to deal with himself right now.
“And does it want me to touch it too?” he whispered, leaning close enough to kiss. “Tell me, sweetheart
 Tell me how it feels right now."
 Yes, it
 it wants —”
“— Wants me to touch it?” he whispered teasingly, greedily.
“Does it hurt you?”
“A little,” she moaned. “It won’t stop throbbing
“Oh, I can see that,” he chuckled. “This tiny hole of yours keeps winking at me. Wants something inside, doesn’t it?” he crooned in a mockingly sympathetic voice. “And look at that, that naughty little nub you have is so swollen...”
She buried her face in her hands and groaned.
 I’ll give it what it wants,” he said, voice soft and warm while his hard gaze never left her. “Just a little touch
 It’ll make you feel better.”
He had no idea whether that was true, but it felt like the right thing to say. He wanted to make her feel better, he wanted to make her feel amazing, and most importantly he wanted to be the one to do it.
Slowly, he brought his middle finger down to touch her. It tickled the surface of her folds before it eased its way between them, and then he dragged it back and forth all the way from her nub to her wet hole.
” she gasped dreamily, her hips canting in his grasp.
“Is that good?” Sebastian asked with a little smirk, gazing up at her flushed face briefly before looking once again at her intimate place. “Does it like that? Hmm?” he teased. “It likes what your best friend is doing?”
“It likes what I’m doing to it? Tell me
“Yes!” she breathed out, her voice shivering. “Yes
” She moaned and whimpered in such a light, distracted voice, as if he wasn’t even there, and he came to wonder whether she did this to herself at night, whispering his name

His finger turned, palm facing upwards, so that he could now scrape her tight little nub better. He teased it with one long inward caress and right before pulling back, he curled his finger slightly and eased it just beyond the rim of her hole. With each slow rub, in and out and in and out, he worked himself deeper inside. He worked her slowly, so slowly she almost didn’t notice when he pierced her entrance properly. A fat wet dollop dribbled out just as he opened her, and he was there to see it. His breath caught in his throat.
“So beautiful,” he whispered, eye going wide.
“Sebastian!” she wailed. She widened her stance a little, legs spreading nervously as if she couldn’t find her place. “It
 it needs a little more,” she pleaded.
“It does?” he teased her, already bracing the hand on her hip tighter. “Well, how could I refuse my best friend
 my favourite girl
She blushed at the compliment, at the wrongness of it — because by now, they weren’t anything like friends anymore, and they both knew it. When she felt his finger going deeper, she yelped loudly before her hands clamped down over her mouth.
“So warm inside,” he whispered in wonder, “how are you so warm
He kept his gaze on his middle finger digging deeper into her tight hole, making sure to scrap the sensitive tip of her nub with each back and forth stroke. The motions made her leak all over her thighs, and he could see them shaking, could see the muscles underneath go tense. His body was so hot all over, the raindrops on his back and chest all evaporated. His loins were throbbing fiercely, lonely and ignored, but nothing was more important to him than looking at her, than pleasuring her, than worshipping this secret part of her nobody else got to see but him...
Sebastian bit his lower lip and moaned as he worked his finger all the way down to the second knuckle, and saw her hole clench. It rebelled against taking more of him. He kept still, holding his finger there, and curled it gently, feeling as deep inside her as she let him
 She was so tight. And then he felt a pull, like a shy suckle
 And she throbbed.
“Sebastian!” the girl moaned. Her stomach tensed, back arching, and she let herself fall slowly over his clothes that cushioned her back against the rock. “Stay there, stay there
“I’m right here,” he reassured her, “I’m right here with you, sweetheart. My darling, my lovely girl
 You’re so beautiful, every part of you is so beautiful, and all mine
She whimpered, her body shaking beyond her control in one long, tense orgasm.
“Mine to look at,” he murmured, praising her through her orgasm. “Mine to touch, mine to take care of
Sebastian pet her thigh with his free hand while he kept his finger there, inside her, letting her little hole nurse on it, comforting it while it convulsed under all that pleasure.
“I wish you would’ve shown me this part of yourself earlier,” he sighed, looking up into her face as he held her. “This secret part of you
 I want to see more of it
 Will you let me see more of it from now on?”
 I will,” she whimpered, breathing heavily as the sharp throbbing stopped. The pleasure gently washed away from her with every heartbeat.
“Every day?”
“Every single day, Seb
He grinned happily, brown eyes shining up at her. He looked down at her intimate place again and moved his finger a little to the side to see her nub while still penetrating her. In a moment of greed, he leaned in to place a suckling kiss on that little pearl, then gripped it between his teeth to hold it at his mercy and flicked his tongue against it.
He’d just made her orgasm again, just a little one on the tail-end of her pleasure. A smug chuckle bubbled out of him at feeling her tighten again for a second.
Her channel throbbed punishingly around his finger, and he could feel it growing that much more wet, so wet it licked its way out of her and down to his knuckles. Once she was distracted and relaxed, her delectable pulsations done, he shove the finger gently higher, up, up until the end, until he cupped her pearl in his hand.
“Sebastian!” she gasped, her bleary eyes gazing up at him from her lazy laying back. She sounded pleasured, and a little scandalised to feel him that deep inside.
Without a word, he stood up while he kept her pierced around his finger, and leaned down to kiss her mouth.
“Remember what you promised,” he said quietly against her lips.
“What?” she asked dreamily.
He kissed her again, lips caressing hers with nothing but love. “You’d let me see more of you.”
“Yes,” she smiled, barely saying it before his mouth covered her own again.
“And every day, too.”
“That might be an issue.”
He quieted her with another kiss. “There’s a lot of you to see?” he said with a cocked brow.
“Is that so?”
“And you can see me too,” he offered — sounding a little shy, and hopeful

“I want that,” she sighed, leaning up to kiss him back.
“Good,” he smiled. Between her legs, his finger started thrusting gently back and forth. “So good
Outside their shallow cave, the rain had gentled to a hazy shower. On the far horizon, where the clouds ended, the sunset was a dark soft pink, and all around them, for miles and miles, there were only empty fields. They felt alone in the world — so happily, happily alone.
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onyichii · 19 days
Why do Yumalia haters or just haters in general have to make their hate public? đŸ€”
I guess misery really does need company.
This morning I saw a post on twitter of someone asking how people felt about Yumalia. 🙄
As soon as I saw the post I knew it was from a person who does not like Yumalia. How did I know this? Because no one who likes the ship asks this!
The girls who get it, get it. 💅💙💚
I was just gonna mute this person so that I never have to see them on my For You page ever again. But I was curious and clicked.
Sure enough.
I was right. 🙄 just someone wanting to talk about how they don’t like Yumalia with people who also don’t like Yumalia.
What gagged me is that they said Yugo should end up with someone better. I didn’t respond because it is their opinion and are entitled to it. If they said “Someone else” I can respect that as a valid opinion. But “someone better?” Bruh
Why do you hate Amalia so much?
It does make me wish that Ankama developed Amalia and their relationship better so that the girls who don’t get can get it. But that’s okay
 Those of us who do get it are on another level! LMAO
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Also many people do judge Amalia from s1 and s2 when she was a kid. OVA and S3 she was better (though she did have hiccups. Yugo did too, in my opinion). But in s4 she shined. I guess those first two seasons left the biggest impression on people đŸ˜©.
Wakfu is a shonen (technically). It may not be Japanese but it did kinda suffer the “not well developed romance” that Japanese shonen have. Dally and Eva were okay but there could’ve been more built there. I feel like Ankama likes to make their romance more subtle. You’d have to look and think about it.
I’m hoping that this manga does develop the Yumalia relationship. I hope it gives us everything we need to overfill our Yumalia chalice. They got time this time. And no restraints like TV studios or lack of budgets holding them back (hopefully).
Anyway, I did end up removing them from my For You feed because that post was definitely not for me.
To add to this

I enjoy Lore Olympus and there is a hate page for it on Reddit. Honestly, it’s hilarious. Why do people publicize this? Lmao.
Finding a community of mutual disdain for something is nice tho
ngl. But it’s nice for a moment not for forever. Get your frustrations out and don't engage with the media.
(I say all this just to be the same person who openly hates Aurora when given a chance đŸ˜łđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž. In my defense, she is meant to be disliked
at least for now.)
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finniestoncrane · 18 days
I submitted one before I knew about the eventđŸ«ą Congrats, omg!!! I want to purchase tickets for front row, sci fi, with the ghoul/cooper howard + wine, mayo, and frozen yoghurt. and perhaps cupcake? or rly anything else u think would taste together😉💕 (I submitted a req about innocent!vaultie female reader blurting out that she loves him during sex bc it feels so good she just doesn’t know any better, he thinks it’s real cute😉)
thank you love!! i'm excited for this, because i thought the idea was adorable, and the prompts you picked just added to it!! đŸ’šđŸ©· cw: confesing feelings, awkward sex, lil bit of roughness on coop's part 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request ‱ masterlist ‱ kofi link ‱ tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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The words were out of your mouth without you even noticing. It was hard to focus on anything but pleasure when Cooper was fucking you. There was something almost hypnotic about the way he could work his cock inside you that meant you were in a lust filled haze, no thoughts crossing your mind except for those about Cooper himself or your impending orgasm.
And really, you weren't sure why he had stopped so suddenly anyway. It felt like the right thing to say in the moment, as he thrust himself into you, all care abandoned as he clumsily bucked you around on his lap.
"I love you."
That was always the magical words in any romance novel you had read. It seemed appropriate to offer it to Cooper now in the moment. Especially since you felt that you held a significant amount of affection for him, and you suspected he could return that favour, even if he still insisted on acting cold, pretending that your presence was a burden and not a welcome comfort.
"What did you just say?"
He had stopped so abruptly that you were stunned into silence, unsure of what kind of faux pas you had made. In your naivety, you often slipped up. Lack of experience, Cooper said, making excuses for your sheltered, literally, upbringing.
"I said... I said 'I love you'. Is that... Is that not ok?"
You could feel your cheeks burning, suddenly embarrassed, feeling put on the spot. And Cooper's patronising smile didn't help. He reached for your cheek, stroking it with his thumb, smiling slightly.
"You're lucky you're cute, you know."
"Because that's about the dumbest shit you've said so far. And you've said a lot of dumb shit, darlin'."
You considered it for a moment, beginning to roll your hips slightly, hoping that by reminding him that his cock was deep within your wet, warm cunt that you might mitigate some of the scrutiny, the embarrassment.
"It just feels good, Cooper. And I do care about you..."
"You only love the idea of me, sweetheart. Nothin' more."
It was confusing. Everything was on the surface. Simplicity was a luxury, that was the first lesson you'd learned out there.
"I think I could love more though."
"I would be willing to put money on the contrary, little miss."
"How can you be so certain?"
"Well, let me show you."
Cooper shifted his hips, bucking them into you. His cock was buried up to the hilt, a painful, dull ache that gave way to a shiver of pure pleasure, of brutal ecstacy. The movement shocked you, the tingling, pulsing, throbbing, divine feeling pulling a scream from your lungs.
Cooper laughed, feeling certain that he'd proved to you that it was just lust, and that his cruel disregard for your comfort in favour of getting his dick stroked deep by your cunt was proof that you couldn't love more of him.
It hadn't worked.
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mountainsandmayhem · 24 days
Hello - it’s your favorite green beagle đŸ¶
If you feel up to it, I’d dearly love a piece where Joel is taking care of reader after they’ve had abdominal surgery. Reader is a fiercely independent person, and is always the one who is the caregiver and it is incredibly hard for her to ask for and accept any help. She always feels like she’s being a bother, intrusive, or that people truly don’t want to help her.
But her current situation is forcing her to do exactly that, and it’s making her very vulnerable and emotional, because she feels like she doesn’t deserve this level of care (lots of past baggage there).
She’s also afraid that Joel maybe won’t want her anymore after seeing her like this, and he tells her and shows her (the best he can in her current condition) that absolutely isn’t true.
Thanks you so much for your time & talent - love you and your work so much đŸ’šđŸ’œđŸ’™đŸ©·
Hi beautiful.
I don’t want you to think that I am ignoring your ask. I’ve been racking my brain on how to write this and I just don’t feel like anything I can come up with can do justice to such a personal journey.
That being said, Joel would have booked vacation from work and would have taken you shopping the day before so you could have all of your favourite things at your fingertips. He knows you’re not going to ask for help, so he’ll set up everything you need where it won’t be too strenuous for you. He’d be kind and encouraging, offering to get you anything and then understand if you said you can do it yourself.
He’d have an alarm set for your meds because it really does break his heart to see you in pain. Once you’re in the all clear for physical activity, if ya know what I mean, he’d take it at your pace. Not removing anything you didn’t want him too, but praising and worshipping you the entire time. “You’re the strongest woman I know”, “I’m so in awe of you, baby”, “I love you so much”. You know. All the ooey gooey praise.
Anyway, I digress. I hope you’re doing well and are starting to feel better.
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thegreymoon · 5 months
The Story of Minglan
LMAO, granny is a queen!
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Granny is the smartest person in this house and will not be so easily manipulated đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
Molan really screwed herself here in a multitude of ways by setting up her sisters for punishment.
Aww, these babies đŸ€—
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God, he's cute, but then he also comes out and says things like that and I can't decide whether or not to smack him.
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I am on Manniang's side here. Poor woman.
Imagine your husband, for whom you risked your life and bore him two children, having this conversation right in front of you and you having to enthusiastically agree that yes, you don't mind if he marries another woman whom he'll place above you 🙄🙄
Murder. Murder for all of them.
So, find someone who is weak and easily manipulated because no self-respecting woman with any choice in the matter will agree to this.
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Disgusted by everything going on here.
Again. I realize she has no choices here if she wants to live and her kids to eat, but jfc.
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Team Manniang here. All men and their enablers can rot.
Ha! Three cheers for TGCF and Sanlang too! 😄
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LMAO, I love him đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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He's a dog, but he's cute and has the game down pat!
Aww, they are stupid cute, no doubt about it đŸ€—
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LMAO, I love that he had to come and beg his first wife for this bs anyway đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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Make him squirm, Big Madam! Make him pay!!!!!!!
I am cackling đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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The biggest punishment for Molan, though, will be the fact that they are pulling her out of the academy. I know she is mean and awful, but she is the definition of wasted potential. If she had been born in another age, she could have been great.
LOL, what is her fucking endgame?
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Murder, Big Madam!
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I keep telling you, you must resort to killing them all! Swallowing your resentment like this for years, you will only end up with an ulcer.
The irony of someone illiterate being an authority in education 🙄
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Hell society.
LMAO, she is so lazy, but it is kicking her two brain cells into gear to figure out how to work less and be pampered more in the future đŸ€Ł
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LMAO, love the aunt đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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She's insane, but she has the spirit! Also, considering how many times I've begged people on this show to start resorting to poison, I can see her point!
Xiaodie? 💚💚
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I'm so glad we get to find our what happened to her!
Poisons, lady.
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Teach them to brew poisons. Nothing will cultivate their disposition better than getting rid of a shit husband. Or an overbearing mother-in-law. Or the fifth concubine he brings into your house.
Oh, shut up.
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I am always inclined to be on her side because I love this actress and this entire system is bs, but she's just so unpleasant. She will be her own downfall because she will burn all bridges and have no one in her corner when she needs it.
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darsynia · 1 year
They Show Their Truth (one single time) | Oneshot
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gif from @marvelheroes
Summary: Steve's managed to keep how he feels about Natasha a secret, but the vision he saw in South Africa shook him.
Caring about Natasha Romanoff this much means that when there's a chance to heal her wounds by revealing his secret, Steve throws himself on the grenade, because of course he does.
Length/Warnings: 5,443 | Porn with plot, unrequited love. Minors DNI
Tags (please forgive me if this isn't your thing, feel free to ignore if so 💚): @ronearoundblindly @munstysmind @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @starryeyes2000 @deepbatched @chibijusstuff @caplanreblogsfics
This was written as a request for my friend @salovie a while back!
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They Show Their Truth (one single time)
“I don’t trust a guy without a dark side.”
The worst part is that Stark would probably appreciate what Steve is struggling with. He might even trust Steve more because of it, and isn’t that just exactly the worst conclusion to draw, tonight?
Steve’s on his back on the floor in the Barton family room. He’d feel more comfortable if he could rest on his side with his back against the couch, second best to the wall, but every square foot of wall in this room is filled with shelving. Toys, books, puzzles; the accoutrements of a life he’ll never live, all stacked up with the chaotic order of an unexpected visit. The couch is ready for Natasha, with a sheet covering the cold, worn leather. He’s left her the handcrafted afghan and the better of the two pillows Clint’s wife had offered, and kept the sports fleece for himself.
It makes sense that they’ve put the two of them in here; whatever is going on between Bruce and Nat means it would be irresponsible to force them to share. Stark’s by himself on an air mattress in the laundry room instead of in the guest room with Bruce, because out of all of them, he’s the one most likely to accidentally set Banner off-- and just like Clint said, it’s not that they don’t trust Bruce. They don’t trust Tony.
Steve likes Laura Barton. It seems to him that she understands the purgatory they’re all putting themselves through, most of them, anyway. He sure as hell hopes she hasn’t caught on to his, but she couldn’t have.
If she had, she wouldn’t have put him in a room with Natasha.
He gets up and turns off the overhead light, using the chain, then flips off the switch. The ceiling fan’s breeze is just on the edge of too much, but if Nat wants it on, it’ll be set up so the light won’t disturb her. He walks over to the door and cracks it, listening. Laura and Natasha are still talking quietly in the kitchen. Steve pushes the door mostly shut again, and turns off the light that’s across the room from the couch, leaving just the one lamp directly next to it. 
He winces. The room is now bathed in an orange-yellow glow that reminds him of the quality of light in the vision he’d seen in South Africa. The truth is that practically everything here reminds him of the vision.
The glint of the sun off of the axe had reminded him of the flashbulbs.
One of Barton’s kids had spilled juice, and its blood red color had been like the wine on the soldier’s chest.
A rare moment of collective laughter in the dining room with Nick Fury had pulled Steve out of the moment and thrust him, unwillingly, back into the vision.
He’d had to walk away, away from the mirth, away from her red hair as she faced away from him, so similar to the twice-damned vision where Peggy Carter had asked him to dance. As he’d turned to say yes, she’d spun away, dress flying off to reveal a tight-fitting black jumpsuit, the brown wig falling away to red, her familiar, beloved face morphing into Natasha Romanoff’s familiar, beloved face.
Because she is. Beloved. Despite everything. No amount of brutal training at the gym until his hands are numb and bruised, no amount of self-denial or self-recrimination has cured him of it. Hell, no monk has ever kept himself as pure for the sake of his God as Steve Rogers has, for fear of thinking of his teammate in a way that is definitely unholy.
The result has been the exact opposite of his intention; all roads lead to Natasha in his mind, because as ever, Steve Rogers aspires for that which cannot be. The only thing he’s learned from being chosen for the program, from rejecting orders and saving his best friend despite everything, from crashing the plane to save the world, from waking up after seventy years on ice, is that fate loves to give him what he wants.
And he wants her.
“Not this time,” Steve murmurs from his position on the floor, one knee up, arm behind his head.
“Well, if that’s the way it’s gonna be,” Natasha says in a sultry, teasing voice from the doorway.
Steve launches himself into a stand as if she’s the personification of an enemy, and in a way, she is.
“I don’t know how to tell you this, Steve, but you’re a little edgy.”
“You and Clint are always telling me to rough it up a little, just trying to follow orders,” Steve jokes, backing up out of her way as she walks into the room.
“We were thinking more along the lines of getting you to watch some porn, grow some scruff,” she tells him. “So, you trying to be chivalrous, leaving me the couch and the best blanket?”
The tingling awareness he’s been fighting down for hours rears back to life at her provocative words, even more so when she immediately tempers them with a challenge about the couch. He knows her. Her behavior tells him that she thinks her words were reckless, that’s why she’s covering them. That means there was some truth to what she said, that they were revealing. If he were an enemy, it might be a trick to let him lower his guard, but she doesn’t know that he’s been fighting her in his mind for months. At least, he hopes to hell she doesn’t.
“Not at all,” Steve lies smoothly. “It’s pure math. I don’t fit.”
Nat turns her warm, impish gaze towards him and Steve feels a jolt of pure, unadulterated desire. Don’t, sweetheart. Don’t, he begs in his own head. She’s vulnerable, open, teasing, coy. Because she trusts him.
“Now, come on, soldier,” she says, sweetly mocking. “That’s boy scout math. Unimaginative math. I could probably fit the whole team on that couch if I had to. They might even enjoy it.”
He’s hardly ever seen her like this, but he knew she had it in reserve. “Well,” he says in his best regimental, Team Captain voice, hoping she won’t hear the regret he feels in pulling it out to dash water all over her lush, flirty flames. “That might be so, but that has nothing to do with sleeping.”
“Oh no, Steve,” she says, amused concern woven through the husk of her voice. “Turn it off, I absolutely cannot sleep with a Steve Rogers figurine in the room with me tonight!” Natasha comes over to him, her lips curved into a smile under furrowed eyebrows, and before he can fully understand what she’s doing, she’s got her hands on him, stroking along his back, and he’s hard, his heartbeat spiking, she’s going to know, fuck, fuck
“Nat, what--” he chokes out, throwing his arms out wide in hopes that he can talk himself down before she walks back around.
“I’m looking for the pull cord,” she says, resting a hand on his arm so she can lean over and catch his eye. “For your sayings. You know, ‘It’s the American Way!’ and ‘Do it for your country!’”
Every single thing she says sounds like innuendo to him. To think that Tony fucking Stark thought he doesn’t have a dark side. He’s sworn more in silent frustration about this gorgeous, unattainable woman than Stark probably has in the whole year, on purpose, out loud.
“Lay back and think of Uncle Sam?” Steve suggests, forcing his limbs to move, walking toward the other side of the room as he pulls his arms out of the long-sleeved overshirt he’s wearing.
“I’ve actually done that, you know. Multiple times,” Nat tells him, chuckling.
“Are you going to sleep in that? Do you want me to leave the room while you change?” he forces himself to ask. She’s got her own dark, long-sleeved shirt on, over a soft, grey thing that clings to her curves in a wholesome, farmhouse way that doesn’t stop him from finding it sexy in the slightest.
“You wouldn’t have to even if I wasn’t,” she tells him in a voice that chastises him for even asking.
I don’t trust a man without a dark side, Tony’s voice repeats, in his mind.
He should have just confessed to Stark. ‘Some nights I’m so desperate for thoughts of Natasha that I’ve tied my hands to my own bedpost. Just enough resistance so I wake up if my hands drift down to touch myself. It’s her face in my erotic dreams, her body in my everpresent thoughts. Not Peggy’s. I’m not wholesome, Stark. I’m a sinner. A hypocrite.’
“The figurine comment was metaphorical, Steve,” Nat is saying. She’s inches away from him somehow, because once again he’s caught up in his thoughts. “You okay? Tony said you were unaffected, but--”
“He’s wrong. She got to me.”
“Yeah,” Natasha breathes, looking up at him. “Me too.” Her eyes are troubled, hurt, practically anguished.
Steve’s resolve weakens, and he smiles down at her with a fraction of his feelings showing through as reassurance. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Nat looks up at the ceiling and does a little frustrated shiver. “Talk, no. I either need to--” she breaks off and looks at Steve, her eyes shining with repressed tears. “There’s something really wrong about punching Captain America in the face because I need a release of tension.”
He thinks he knows what her aborted sentence was. I either need to hit someone or fuck someone.
Steve says what he was thinking out loud. “People see me as standing for the way things ought to be. Fairness. Doing your duty. Things working out the way they’re supposed to.” He lets out a short, frustrated sigh. “Life doesn’t always happen that way, and reacting with frustration against that fact is very reasonable. If you need to, go ahead. Punch me.”
“She really did get to you,” Nat whispers.
“I mean it. You know I can take it, Natasha. Physically, I mean. I won’t take it personally.” He wants her to. If he can’t have her softness, he’ll take hardness over nothingness.
The regretful vulnerability is back on her face. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew why I need it.”
“They’re trying to tear us apart, Natasha. The best way not to tear is to reinforce the connections you already have.”
“It’s not about what I saw. At all. It’s about wanting someone and being rejected, not even because I’m not enough, but because he’s too broken.” She reels back in reaction to even saying the words, and impulsively, Steve reaches down and takes her wrists, shakes them until she responds by resisting his actions.
“You didn’t want to set him off in Clint’s house. You won’t set me off,” Steve lies. She already has, in exactly the wrong way. “Shove me, hit me, punish me. Get it out.” He pulls her hands, despite her resistance, until they’re flat on his chest. “He said he was too broken?”
Natasha’s lovely face crumples for a split second before her jaw tightens in anger. She shoves him; Steve was ready for it, doesn’t stop himself, lets the momentum carry him back a little.
“As if being broken is some kind of contagious!” she bites out, her voice angry but restrained. There are children sleeping in the house somewhere, after all. “As if I’m not a shattered teapot--” another shove. “--held together by the kind of toxic glue that builds up--” she punches his shoulder in a jab that does more than sting. “--in your system until I’ve killed you just by doing my job!”
For the word ‘job,’ Natasha drops back and her foot flies out, catching him in the chest. If they had been anywhere else, Steve would have let the full force of it knock him across the room, as intended, but he can’t risk the sound bringing someone who might see the heat he’s trying to repress. Instead, he takes the hit, his foot braced on the door, which shakes but doesn’t make much noise. Steve ends up on one knee, looking at Natasha, who is breathing heavily out of fury rather than exertion.
“Isn’t that just the perfect kind of symbolism,” she sighs, sounding defeated.
Steve raises his eyebrows, biting his cheek inside his mouth against the way his pants are pulled tight and uncomfortable against his arousal. That should be enough to kill it, but she’s walking toward him and all he can focus on are her hips, the way they sway. He wants to see what they look like with his hand gripping them, his thumb pressing against the thin, delicate skin that curves toward her inner thighs.
“You have my shoeprint on your chest, Rogers,” Nat says.
“What, it’s visible now?” he quips. The hold she’s got over him has been too close to the surface for too long.
“Now don’t go trying to make me feel better,” she says in that rich, amused voice of hers, tossing him a look before starting back toward the couch. It reminds him of the first time he ever wanted her; she’d said something in that tone and he’d found himself suddenly desperate to trace the origins of the sound with his lips and tongue against her neck.
“Any man who doesn’t want you is definitely broken,” Steve tells her, standing.
If she doesn’t recognize his confession, is that his fault?
“Even if that’s true, and I know it’s not, I’m just as easy to brush off,” she says, nodding at the way he’s wiping away the dust of her shoe so it doesn’t soil Laura Barton’s bedclothes. His hands still, not just because of what she’s said, but because Natasha’s rolling up the sheet and tossing it to the side, adding the pillow seconds later.
“What are you--” he starts, cutting himself off when she tugs the couch cushion off of the frame of the couch and sets it beside his makeshift bedroll. “Nat?”
He can’t sleep beside her. He can’t not sleep beside her, not after Bruce seems to have done his best to fracture her confidence into little pieces just so he could sweep her away more easily.
“You asked what you can do? You can do this.” Her words are short, choppy, defensive. “I can’t sleep next to Clint and take my confidence from him, not when he’s doing that for Laura right now. Unless you--”
“Here, my arms are longer,” Steve says, picking up the sheet and unfurling it over the cushions for her before she finishes that final, uncertain sentence.
“Thanks, Captain,” she tells him, her lips twitching up into a tiny, precious smile.
“At your service, Ma’am.”
He doesn’t let himself watch her wriggle into a comfortable sleeping position, choosing instead to walk over and turn out the light. He seeks out his own sparse sheet and too-short blanket in the fresh darkness, turning his back so his arms can’t seek her out in his sleep. Steve does scoot back far enough that he’s up against her cushions, the only concession he’ll allow himself to her nearness. He reminds himself sternly that it is just to give her the warmth and closeness she said she needed, nothing more.
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Steve wakes to the feeling of a small hand worming its way under the tight shirt he’s wearing. He can feel Natasha’s body pressed up against his back, all softness and curves and forbidden sweetness.
Is she awake??  
This is the stuff of his nightmares, dreams he’s forcibly categorized as such because of the moral implications. Her arm has snuck under his, so he lifts his arm, hoping the change of pressure will be enough to wake her up. Instead, this earns him a closer snuggle, one where he can identify her breasts along his back, the dip of her pelvis molding against his ass.
“Nat?” he whispers.
“Cold,” she says, her lips and nose nuzzling the word against his shoulder. Steve doesn’t know what to think. Her hand on his stomach is warm. In his sleep-fuzzed laxity, he decides to react the way he assumes he would if he didn’t have an attachment to her, which is to roll over and encourage her to curl up against him to warm herself up.
Steve rolls onto his back, the movement brushing his body against her in thrilling ways.
“Mmm,” she murmurs, chasing his heat as he carefully scoots over so that she can slot into the warmth of the place he’d been lying. Steve only succeeds in moving about three inches before Natasha throws her right leg out and twines it around his left leg as she slips down from the thick cushions toward him. Before he fully understands what’s happening, she’s mostly on top of him, her head pillowed on his shoulder, her hot hand tucking ever so slightly into his waistband.
“Natasha, this can’t be what you do with Clint,” Steve hisses at her, desperate for her to stop moving before he shames himself with the speed of how fast he hardens for her. So far he’s controlling himself through sheer embarrassment on her behalf, but that won’t last much longer if she keeps squirming.
“Mmm, you’re right. He would have shoved me off by now, and we would have sparred about it or I’d have headed off to have a hot shower and a thorough conversation with my own hands,” she says, her voice wavering between an actual whisper and a tone husky with vocal fry.
Steve is nearly speechless. “Shower it is, then?” he suggests.
“Fresh out of hot water.” Natasha tells him, using a firm grip on his waistband to haul herself across his body to straddle him. Steve lifts both of his hands up over his head in self defense, but he’s essentially lost the battle. She’d removed her pants at some point in the night, and she’s sleep-mussed and gorgeous. Their enemies’ mental handiwork has done its job, led him right to what he’s always wanted, and it’ll be the end of them. She has to feel his reaction to her.
He closes his eyes and turns his head away. “I’m not going to fight you,” he says.
“That much is obvious,” she observes.
“What do you want me to say?” he asks between gritted teeth. “Put any man in this position and he’ll react the same.”
“Anything but that,” Natasha says in a small voice. Steve looks at her and sees pain in the angle of her head, the tightness around her eyes, the straightness of her back. She’s not putting all of her weight on him, he can tell, and just imagining the coiled strength that she’s exerting to rest so lightly and devastatingly against his thighs is undoing him.
She’s holding steady, but it feels like she’s pressing down thanks to his reaction to her. His body is gorging itself on a futile hope, and there’s no way that Natasha Romanoff doesn’t know this.
“I’m not Bruce,” he says, simply.
Her smile is a slice of pain. “Obviously,” she says, lowering herself fully and rocking her hips, pinning him with a challenging gaze.
Steve’s instinct is to stop her, but when he tries, his hands clutch naked skin and soft lace. The smile she offers him in response freezes him in place.
He shakes his head, delighted, miserable. “What are you looking for? Validation?”
“Goddamnit, Rogers, stop trying to fix everything,” she says, grinding against him again, making him gasp. “If the team’s fucked, the team’s fucked, so why not fuck the team, right? That’s what I’m trained for.”
The agony in her voice is all the worse because she doesn’t sound vulnerable anymore, and her eyes have lost the sheen of regret. She’s bitter, determined, and so broken in the process that Steve aches for her in a whole new, terrifying way. He reaches up to touch her face and she slaps at him before grabbing him, tearing open her shirt and clutching his hand to her breasts, fighting to keep him from fisting it.
Steve sits up, alarmed at her violence, and she tightens her thighs against him, rocking rhythmically.
“This is just sparring with different weapons, Nat, don’t do this,” he says.
“It’s all I have,” she snaps. “It’s my role. Tony would do it, you know he would.”
The jibe hits him in just the right way to be really painful, and Steve wrenches his hand away from her breast, trying to mitigate the way she’s ramping his desire up so skillfully with the drag of her body.
“Tony couldn’t, not in the way you want,” he says, his heart pounding, realizing that her plea for him not to fix it will have to be the one that will go unanswered. He knows exactly what she needs. Exactly. It’ll rip him apart to do this, in all of the best, soul-destroying ways, but it’s what she needs. Steve Rogers, throwing himself on the wire for his team.
“You and your stupid fucking rivalry--”
Steve interrupts her by arching his back, thrusting up against her, holding her gaze. “That’s not it.”
Natasha’s still hard-edged, scoffing. “I should have realized that would set you off. It must drive you crazy that his giant tower puts him ahead in your dick-measuring contest.”
“You think Tony wants you the way I want you? He doesn’t,” he says, blunt and honest. Her hips stutter in surprise, and Steve lets himself slide one hand up to the front clasp of her bra, flicking it open. “He’s known you longer, sure.” Natasha’s green eyes are wide, stunned. He takes advantage of her momentary stillness to hold her steady as he sits all the way up, sliding his other hand up to cup her face. “But would he throw away everything he has at the very thought of kissing you again, on purpose this time? No.”
“Steve?” she breathes, hesitant, haunted.
“Say the word and I’ll sleep on the porch and never mention this,” he tells her, hoping to hell she doesn’t.
“What even is ‘this?’” Natasha asks, tracing his face with doubtful eyes. “You trying to make up for Banner? I’m not a grenade, Rogers.” Her words are vulnerable but her voice isn’t. She’s using it as a weapon, pushing her sex appeal into the tone, sultry and challenging.
He watches himself push one of her wild curls back behind her ear, indulging a long-held desire that has nothing to do with the other ways he wants to touch her. “Seems like you’re trying to blow up like one. You just picked the exact wrong person to prove your point.” Steve makes eye contact with her. “Since when do I lie to you? About anything?”
“You want me,” she states dubiously, tossing her head, shaking it as she questions him, as if even saying it at all is too much to be believed.
“Very much.”
“I find it hard to believe this is anything more than a seventy-year--”
Steve buries his hand in the curls at the back of her head and kisses her, pouring all of his longing into the sweep of his lips, coaxing her to respond. For all the time he’s wanted this, he’d always thought if he got the chance again, it would be like the first time. Unexpected, unplanned, uncomplicated, unrepeatable. Not like this. Not with ardor, affection, adoration.
Natasha shifts toward him after a few seconds, letting out a small noise and tilting her head to deepen the kiss. Her movement sparks the napalm in his blood, little explosions of pleasure that follow her hand as she grabs his shirt, dragging it up his back to bare it for her fingernails. Steve can’t help it, he thrusts up into the sweet heat of her thighs in his lap, even as she gasps her mouth open for him to taste her. Natasha pulls back and rips off her shirt.
“Touch me, please, Steve, touch me,” she begs, grabbing his hand from where he’s been gripping her hip like a lifeline.
“I--” he starts, completely forgetting what he was going to say as he watches her throw her head back as soon as he palms her breast, shifting his grip so he can trace his thumb across her nipple. “Ahhhh, fuck,” she groans. Steve dips his head to suck an open-mouthed kiss against her neck at the same time he uses both hands to circle his thumbs across her nipples again. The sound she makes in response is as resonant and aching as he’d always hoped it would be, from the outside.
“Do you believe me now?” he says, each word a kiss.
“I might need more proof. You could be very dedicated to my well-being,” she laughs. It’s throaty and sexual, and he surprises her and even himself by the way he abandons what he was doing to hold her down as he grinds his hardness against her yet again, blatant and demanding. “Yeah?” she encourages.
“Yeah,” he pants, screwing his eyes shut to settle the overpowering urge he has to wreck everything about himself and the team, rip off their clothing and rut with her. He wants to keep this, and to hell with Banner and his reticence.
“So, you’re saying
” she dangles, reaching down and unbuttoning his pants, taking down the zipper, and lifting herself up long enough for him to yank everything down in a frantic rush. Steve can barely believe what’s happening until it happens-- she takes him in her hand at the same time she curls her other hand around his neck to haul him down for a filthy kiss. Every single nerve ending in his body is a conductor for her electricity, and the two of them together prompt a chemical reaction that send his pleasure centers into overdrive.
With a herculean effort, Steve pulls back from the kiss, cupping her face with one hand, the other fisted in the fleece beneath them, channeling all of his excess energy and desperation. He’s not in control, and he knows he could hurt her by accident.
“Was supposed to be about you,” he manages to say between a gasp and a groan at the way she’s working him with expert movements.
“Are you kidding? You should see your face,” Nat says in that rich, sensuous voice of hers. “Very complimentary. But how did you keep this from me?”
Steve drops his head, overcome, when she leans over and tongues his nipple in a completely unexpected, devastating move. “S’wrong,” he slurs. “Ahhhhh, stop, stop, Natasha, you-- stop.” She stills her hand slowly, easing him into the loss of it, and it’s so thoughtful, so thorough, so Natasha, that the action cuts the last threads that held his heart back from its inevitable fall.
“Bet you never thought you’d try to stop me,” she whispers in his ear, hooking her chin over his shoulder for a second, her various movements inexplicable until suddenly they’re not, she’s naked and sinking onto him, and Steve’s gone, he’s gone, his back arching, hips chasing her heat and tightness.
“Shhh, shhh,” Nat reassures. Her hands smooth over his back, his arms, his face, and finally he can open his eyes and see her, sweat-touched and exquisite.
“Natasha,” Steve whispers, shaking his head. He has never felt so clumsy and imprecise in his life. “I wanted to make you see,” he tries to explain. She’s given him everything he’s wanted, freely, somehow, but his goal had been to tear apart her insecurities, not force her to support him in exposing his own.
“You did. You are,” she says, but he shakes his head, noses a caress onto her shoulder.
“We’re all a mess in so many ways, the team,” Steve tells her, groaning as she tightens around him, seeking out her lips to taste the groan when he strokes his fingertips over her nipple. “Most of our strengths are outside-in. Yours is inside-out. You’re made of steel, coated in silk.”
“You always fuck so poetic?” she teases, but her eyes are luminous.
“Gotta get it all out now,” Steve whispers, seeing his peak on the horizon and craving as well as dreading it.
“Steve,” she warns, and he shakes his head.
“You know I’m right.”
Natasha leans over, kisses his neck just under his ear, and whispers, “That why you haven’t really touched me?” she challenges.
“I’m inside you, that’s not enough?” he groans, knowing it’s not, feeling caught out, hating and loving the way she absolutely knows him. His avoidance had been subconscious, but she’s a master of that domain.
Oh my, is she.
Natasha sets a hand on his shoulder and caresses him all the way down to his hand, pulling him, unresisting, to just above where they’re joined.
“Touch me, Steve. Make it so every time I see your hands I remember this. If I can’t keep you, if this is it, if this is all I get, give me that to remember this by,” she whispers.
“Fuck, Natasha, you can’t just--” he groans, so close to coming his vision is whiting out, but she stills her hips.
“You kept this from me,” she says.
She’s right.
As penance goes, it’s appropriate.
Steve turns his hand, lightly probing and swirling his fingers exactly where she wants him to. Her reaction rattles him to the core; Natasha had always struck him as an inherently sensual person, even if she only let small glimpses of that show at any given time, and rightly so. But even a light graze of his fingers against that sensitive part of her takes her apart. It’s wrecking to watch, and he craves the chance to see it over and over, again and again, in any and every possible way, even as his orgasm approaches exactly like the tiny death the poets call it.
“God, Steve, yes. Yes, fuck, please, please,” she babbles, her mouth pressed against his shoulder to muffle the noises just enough for propriety, or so he hopes. “Please, sweet-- ahhhhh!”
Because fate loves to give Steve just what he wants, they come apart at the same time, the cloying, clenching, glorious pleasure bearing down on him just as the woman he cares so much about shakes and shudders and begs in his arms.
They hold still for long enough that each of them has to know it’s just to prolong the inevitable.
“Count of three?” Natasha finally whispers.
“No need,” Steve says, and they slowly pull apart, avoiding eye contact. He’s trying to decide which shirt to soil when she brings him a package of non alcoholic baby wipes.
“Thanks,” he says.
“No, thank you,” Natasha says. It’s sincere, he realizes. No sarcasm, no innuendo, no amusement, just a sincere, heartfelt gratitude that feels simultaneously like a slap and a caress.
“You’re important to me,” he mutters, pulling his clothes back on.
“Right back at you, Cap,” Natasha tells him. It’s the transition, he can sense it. He settles back onto the sheet, facing her this time, a tiny concession to plausible deniability. She’s perceptive enough to catch it, of course, but they’ve got a shared secret, now, and that’s just the way things are. There’s just one more thing to do, one final rip through a single word written on a mostly torn piece of paper.
“Don’t give up on Banner,” Steve tells her, his tone as kind and matter-of-fact as he can make it, right now. “Today was probably the worst day of his life. People don’t make rational decisions on days like that.” The smile feels bitter and truthful on his lips.
Natasha’s lying on her side, lifted those few inches above him by the height of the cushions she’s resting on top of. Her expression had been sober, maybe even sad, but on hearing those words, a tiny fraction of lightness crosses her face. One corner of her lip turns up.
Steve’s paper metaphorically flutters to the floor, the bold block letters of the word landing imprecisely, but readable. UNRE QUITED, it reads. The meaning of the first four letters of the second half are not lost on him.
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pastafossa · 4 months
Hi honey! How are you? How’s your mom doing? I hope she’s better nowđŸ„ș💚
I’ve recently decided to learn how to book bind bc it’s a must to have my fav fanfics as actual books. I’m still learning and it’s probably gonna take a while before I get the results I want but I wanted to ask you if it was okay with you to book bind The Red Thread? Obviously it would be just for me, I would not sell it or make any profits. (And if it turns out how I want to, I would love to gift you one👀)
It’s one of my favourite fanfics of all time, like it’s a masterpiece and I would love to have a physical copy of it<3
And I know it’s not finished yet but it’d probably have to be a few volumes anyways bc it’s a lot so😅
She's doing ok! Progress is slow but it's definitely happening! She's graduated from at-home physical therapy to outpatient, which is a HUGE thing. We've gotten the house pretty well set up too now (chair lift for a section of stairs not covered before, new railing on the front steps), and between me, dad, and sis's various sleep schedules, we're all able to make sure she has someone nearby when she needs help getting around or opening things. I'm still in caretaker mode and trying to balance everything, but she's getting there, so I hold onto that! As for me, I'm doing... ok I think, considering how exhausting and brutal the past few months have been. I'm taking @shouldbestudying41 's advice and just trying to be kind to myself, and I'll admit my brain seriously needed the break. I continue to miss Cato something awful, but I've felt a little more settled since his ashes came home, and I think I'm starting to adjust to sleeping without him next to my pillow. I also got my follow-up today with my cardiologist on my heart issues and their answer was basically a shrug and a, 'we have no idea why your heart's doing this, but it's getting better every time we test you, so keep doing what you're doing!' Which could be worse. So... I'm getting there. Slow and steady!
And oh my gosh, you absolutely, ABSOLUTELY can bookbind TRT, thank you! 😭The idea anyone would love it enough to bookbind makes me SO FUCKING HAPPY! Hell, if I could sell copies at cost I would, but sadly that's a huge no no and all I can do legally is tell people, YES you can bookbind TRT for your shelf! I'm 100% supportive basically (also I would D I E if I got one, like no pressure at all cause D A Y U M it's a long thing to bind, and also just knowing it's out there on someone's shelf is more than I ever expected would happen so I'm delighted even if you just bind for you!).
TRT volumes one to ten maybe??? LOL. I know I had it planned as a series originally before I decided to just kinda keep it in one thing since we were all already there LOL.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Forget Me Not
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, sadness, depression, all the angst, very minor death ideation, mentions of memory loss, anger, minor accusations of cheating, mild swearing
Summary: After you left you try your to accept your Loki is gone, you just hope he's happy.
*the response to this was amazing!! It means so much to me that you guys read and share my work, and I'm so glad you like it. So, because I love you all (and with an insurmountable amount of peer pressure lol) I give you........part 2💚💚
Part one Part two-
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It had been three months since you left the tower, since you left your life behind and the pain hadn't lessened. The man you love haunted your mind. Some nights you would dream of you and Loki, cuddled on the couch and you would wake crying, others you would see him and Mellissa from that night in the kitchen, and you wanted to scream, hit something, burn everything. You had everything you ever wanted and it was snatched from you in the blink of an eye.
Last night, it was the latter. You woke up screaming as your sobs racked your body. Could you die from a broken heart? If so you yearned for it, if nothing else so the dreams would finally cease. You climbed out of bed, making your way to the tiny kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee before going out onto the porch. You sat watching the ocean, trying to clear your mind. You had settled on a small island in the middle of nowhere, only you and one small village on the other side. Secluded, peaceful, lonely.
Deep down you hoped Loki was happy, you had no way of knowing, deciding to go off the grid you had no way to contact anyone, it was better that way. You would never be able to love anyone the way you loved Loki, your heart died the day he didn't know who you were, you had become a shell of who you once were. You knew you were alone, and you always would be.
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"Loki! Loki wake up!" Melissa half yelled shaking Loki awake "w...what is it love?" He asks rubbing his eyes. "You were saying her name again." She said glaring at him. "Whose name? What are you talking about?" He asked sitting up. "Y/n! You've been saying her name in your sleep for months, what is the deal?" She asked crossing her arms. "Darling, honestly I have no idea, I don't..." he said looking around. "Do you love her?" She asked "i....I don't know. I don't remember her before my accident, just that she took care of me after, and was kind to me." He said sitting against the headboard.
"I can't do this Loki, I can't be with you when your thinking about her." She said getting up. "Darling, please. She's gone now anyway, and Thor said she most likely won't return." He said getting up following her. He grabbed her waist turning her around "I adore you darling, you know that." He said hugging her, she sighed hugging him back. "I'm going to go get coffee." She said, pulling away getting dressed. "I'll be right there love." He called out as she left.
He sat on the bed, his head in his hands. "Why can't I remember you y/n." He sighed sitting up. His dreams had become flashes of you and him, cuddling on the couch, watching TV, making love to you, if they were dreams or memories He wasn't sure. Thor had told him before you left how much you loved eachother, but his mind was blank, nothing of you was there before the accident and now, you were gone and he couldn't even talk to you about it. He ran a hand through his hair, heading towards the kitchen.
The sounds of Melissa laughing drew his attention as he slowly crept to the doorway, seeing her and the soldier, standing very close, smiling at eachother. He was about to walk out when something down the hall caught his attention. "Thor, what are you doing?" He asked walking towards him. "I'm packing up y/n's things. Its been months, I don't believe she is returning." He sighed setting some boxes down. "Do you need help?" He asked "if your up to it, I would appreciate the help, stark wants all of this in storage." Thor said unlocking the door.
He walked in, setting a couple of boxes on the bed looking around. It felt familiar, comfortable. "Ok, I'll start in the closet, you start with the nightstands." Thor said grabbing some clothes packing them. Loki walked to the nightstand on the right, picking up a book of Shakespeare's sonnets, opening the drawer seeing a small dagger, a green blindfold and a picture of the two of you, the ocean behind you both, his arms wrapped around you as you both smiled at the camera. He packed the other things away, still holding the picture. "Thor.." he called out "what is it brother?" He asked coming up next to him.
"Maybe someday we can come here on our honeymoon." He said holding you tighter "we could stay in a cardboard box, as long as I'm with you Loki." You said smiling at him.
The memory flashed to the front of his mind "Thor, was i......" he started as Thor sighed "Yes, that was the trip you told me you were going to propose, you said she was the one." He said pointing at the picture "But it matters not, she is gone." He said going back to the closet. He slipped the picture in his pocket while Thor wasn't watching and continued packing.
He made his way to the desk, emptying the drawers into a box as he started clearing off the top, seeing an envelope with his name on it. He looked up seeing Thor packing the dresser before folding it and putting it in his pocket, he needed answers and you may have left them for him. They finished packing everything, stacking the boxes by the door "let's go have lunch before we move everything to storage yes?" Thor asked patting his shoulder.
They made their way to the kitchen, seeing Melissa was gone he remembered what he saw this morning "I'll be right back brother." He said heading to his room. Not seeing Melissa there either, he headed for the training room, peeking in he saw her and the soldier, sitting on a bench with her legs draped over his lap, her fingers combing through his hair. Loki slowly back out, leaning against the wall sighing before heading back to the kitchen. "What is wrong brother?" Thor asked handing him a sandwich. "I believe my beloved is going behind my back." He sighed sitting down.
"How do you know?" He asked sitting across from him. "I just saw her and the soldier in the training room." He said looking up as Thor nodded "I am sorry Loki, she was never deserving of you If im being honest." Thor said taking a bite as Loki nodded. He went back to his room that night after helping Thor, seeing Melissa packing her things. "What are you doing?" He asked closing the door. "I can't deal with this Loki, I need someone who loves me, not someone else." She said continuing her packing "like the soldier hmm?" He asked sitting in the chair as Melissa stiffened.
"Did you fuck him?" Loki asked glaring at her "you don't have to be so crude." She said crossing her arms. "Well?" He growled "No, I haven't. But he cares about me." She said "gives you attention more likely." He said rolling his eyes. "I'm over this Loki, enjoy being alone." She huffed, grabbing her box "I'll have the rest of your things packed and outside my room, I don't want you back in here." He growled as she got to the door "Oh don't worry, I won't be." She said slamming the door. He got up locking it before settling on the bed, pulling the picture and letter from his pocket, setting them on the nightstand.
He leaned his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands "Dammit! Why can't I remember!" He yelled as he felt his seidr pulse through him. He leaned against the headboard picking up the letter, turning it in his hands, hoping you had the answers he seeked.....
Im not sure of eveyone who wanted tagged.....sorry!!! Of you want tagged in part 3 let me know!!!
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @lulubelle814 @immersed-in-mischief @daggers-and-mischief @geekwritersworld @freshprincessofpain @buttercupbestie
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carlos-in-glasses · 9 months
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Thank you so much for the tag @paperstorm 💚
From my 3x08 coda, which I'm posting on Saturday
The oldest of the neighbours’ kids, Claudia, is fifteen. She turns to her mom. “When they wheeled the TV in and played the news in class, they showed people falling out of the windows.”
“Claudia!” her mother scolds. “Stop it – it’s inappropriate.”
Carlos is the second youngest in the room. The very youngest is a sleeping one-year-old baby. He knows, the way children always know, that the adults would be talking about the falling people if he weren’t here. He resents it.
“Why did they fall?” Carlos asks his mom. He hates it when people won’t tell him things.
Andrea strokes a hand through his bounce of soft curls. “I think it’s because there was so much fire and smoke in their offices, mijo. It was very scary for them. Hot. Hard to breathe. They
they had to get to the windows for fresh air and–” she chokes up and puts her hand over her heart.
“But why couldn’t the firefighters come and put out the fire?” Carlos asks.
“I’m sure they did everything they could–” Andrea abruptly turns her face. “I’m sorry, Carlitos.”
Carlos gets upset. He’s made his mom cry. She wasn’t crying, and now she’s pretending that she isn’t, and it’s because he said a stupid thing. His dad returns home seconds later, hot and scruffy and angry. He’s greeted by all the neighbors with stone-faced nods and ignores Rocky pawing at him. Carlos can see his dad just wants his mom. It's in the way he crosses the room so quickly, his eyes big and fixed on her. He kisses her cheek, wipes away a couple of tears with his thumb, doesn’t question at all why she's crying – which makes Carlos feel a little better. What is a surprise though, to Carlos anyway, is that Gabriel decides not to pull up a chair. Instead, he sits on the floor with the kids and the dog, brings Carlos into his lap, and kisses his head a few times. It all feels a bit too unusual, and in front of everyone like this, but Carlos is too bamboozled to protest.
The news cuts again to the planes flying into the buildings, the massive fireball, the white paper released against the backdrop of pure blue sky. The scale of it. The scale that nobody in the room can grasp, to the point where Carlos senses everyone is on the same level as him, in this moment.
“What do you think, Gabriel?” Claudia’s mom asks. Gabriel tightens his arms around Carlos, rests his chin on his head. He sighs before he responds. Carlos feels the great weight of it.
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@thisbuildinghasfeelings @strandnreyes @chaotictarlos @bonheur-cafe @tailoredshirt @reyesstrand @goodways @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @never-blooms @alrightbuckaroo @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @alrightbuckaroo @kiloskywalker @chicgeekgirl89 @lemonlyman-dotcom @rosedavid @taralaurel @theghostofashton @noxsoulmate @wandering-night19 @ambiguouspenny @catanisspicy @mikibwrites @basilsunrise @orchidscript @three-drink-amy @jesuisici33 @heartstringsduet @inflarescent @freneticfloetry @louis-ii-reyes-strand - if you want to share anything/haven't already! No pressure!
❀ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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vxlepop · 1 year
A ticklish sleepover.
This is my first fiction story, I hope it's alright! The fic contains ler!April and lee!Donnie ( Rottmnt ). I write this as a platonic thing.
Warnings: None! It has a little swearing. But it's all fluff (: .
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Donatello crept through the alleyway late at night, avoiding any chance of bumping into a human who wasn't April. He made sure to remain out of sight. Him and April had been planning this sleepover for a good while. Their friendship surely was awesome.
- 💚: Dee, hurry up!
- 💜: Calm down, kiddo. I'm almost at your apartment. [ Read 19:30 ].
Not even five minutes later, O'Neil heard a tap outside of her window. Jesus, that was fast. Talk about ninja skills. April proceeded to open her curtain to see the soft-shell turtle, wearing his purple hoodie, hanging upside down. Donnie never failed to make her giggle. April opened the window, allowing Donnie to hop on inside. But before that, Donnie had fallen. He fell straight onto his ass, making April hysterical.
"That was surprising quick!" April exclaimed.
"Oh please, just because I'm a turtle doesn't mean I'm slow." Donatello scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"I can tell. Good thing I have a list of everything we can do tonight! From watching movies, playing games, to prank-calling people!" April mentioned with such excitement. She signalled Donnie to follow her into her room. Donnie followed, of course. April's room gave off a nice cosy and comforting vibe. Her room was quite nice. Everything was organised.
"Nice room." The taller complimented. "And no, that wasn't sarcasm."
"Awh, thanks, Dee! Anyway, hope you like scary movies." April smirked.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You should know me by now - horror movies are the best!" Donnie gave a small smile. "I simply do hope you aren't calling me a scaredy cat.. well, turtle."
April had a huge Leo grin on her face, from one ear to the other. A LEO GRIN. She was challenging Donnie now. She walked up closer to him, having to look up due to his height. "Oh, but what if I am calling you one?" 'Feisty', Donnie thought to himself.
Donnie almost laughed. Almost. He looked down at her, giving off a scientist's smirk back. "Hah! It's on."
As April went to decide what movie to put on, Donatello was in the kitchen, grabbing snacks and drinks. He grabbed popcorn, sour sweets, and some cans of Cola. He placed them at one end of April's bed. April found a film to put on, "Pray for the devil".
Both of them sat down on April's bed as the movie began to play. It somewhat reminded them of "The Conjuring," only a little, though. As time went on, none of them got scared. Well.. that was until a jumpscare. The jumpscare was about the demonic figure appearing out of absolute nowhere. It's not the most attractive looking thing, that's for sure. Surprisingly, it made Donnie out of all people jump.
"FU– oh for the love of Newton's first law!" He whined in slight embarrassment. Oh, this was absolutely priceless. April saw and heard everything. Donnie? Donnie with facial expressions? There ain't no way! This night was just getting better and better. Yes, the soft-shell turtle was a little dramatic, but wow.
"Awh, Dee~! What's wrong?"
"Shut up."
"Gosh, if you're scared of that monster, then you should definitely be scared of this one.."
Donnie GLARED at April. Oh dear, he was screwed. He knew that for himself, and April, who was about to tickle the life out of the soft-shell turtle, definitely knew it herself.
'Nope!' Donnie thought to himself as he jumped off the bed, sprinting off. April laughed, immediately chasing him. "DONALD, YOU GET BACK HERE!" She yelled.
"I will. Just when ribosomes become non-important cell organelles."
April rolled her eyes. That turtle did love his science.
"That's not gonna happen, D. But what is gonna happen is–.." April pounced onto Donnie, straddling his hips. Oh, he was done for. April gave Donnie the chance for him to push her away, meaning he didn't want to be tickled. If he doesn't push anyone away, it meant that Donnie was alright with it. And today was April's lucky day. Yeah, sure, he did squirm, but he didn't push April away.
"The tickle monster is gonna feed off your laughter!" And without wasting a single second, she dug her fingers into his sides, getting a squeal out of Donnie. Donnie smacked his hands over his mouth, doing his best to prevent his laughter coming out. He giddily kicked his legs as he thrashed around. Donatello always had a bad habit of trying to prevent his laughter, just to keep up with his 'bad boy image'.
"Leo was right. You're not ticklish.. you've broken the ticklish scale!" God dammit. Leo, the little shit. Of course, his snarky twin had something to share.
"Shuhut up."
'How dare he? Who is my friend to tell me to be quiet?' O'Neil thought to herself, immediately digging her wiggling fingers under Donatello's arms. With great speed and force, the turtle's arms shot down quicker than you can yell, "cowabunga!" Despite his efforts to protect himself, his smile was now on display to April. His smile, his laugh.. rare, but amazing! It was nice seeing the soft-shell smiling for once. Not only April, but his brothers and Splinter loved to see him smile.
"Peekaboo! Someone's awfully sensitive under his arms."
"YOHOU HAHAHAVE NO ROHOOM TO SPEAK!" Donnie squealed. He looked so happy, April awed at the sight of him. He definitely needed this.
"Perhaps, but look at you! I think someone might be enjoying this."
"AM NOT! HOHOW DARE THEHEHEE MAKE SUCH A-ASSUMPTIONS?" In full honesty, he didn't mind being tickled. But with him being a soft-shelled turtle and sensitive skin, he wasn't always okay with physical contact.
"Oh, I dare quite easily! But tell that to thay small blush on your face!" April smirked.
"Excuse me?" April promised she'd never do this often, for which it was rare, but she dragged a single finger down the sides of his soft-shell, getting a snort in response.
"OH NOHOHOHOHOHO!! I'M SORRY, DOHOHON'T!" Yep. Ladies and gentlemen, that was D's worst spot.
"I promise I'll stop when you want me to, okay?" April smiled softly. She'd never overstep his boundaries. Donnie nodded as April began to gently trace all over the sides of his shell, making twist, buck, kick, squirm.. you get the idea. It was that bad, tears threatened to fall due to him laughing his ass off.
That was Donnie's breaking point, and April knew it. She immediately stopped, getting off the turtle, and sat down beside him. She did question if she took it too far. It was VERY rare for April to tickle his death spot on his shell. She had always been cautious.
"Are you okay, D? Was that too much?"
Out of breath, the turtle replied, "I-I'm good. You didn't take it too far at all. Thank you for respecting my boundaries." April gently patted Donatello's head in response. They remained on the floor until Donatello had fully recovered from the playful tickle attack. His body felt at ease, and he felt relaxed.
"You wanna order some pizza?" April smiled.
"You bet! Just please.. not hawaiian."
April laughed out loud. Her friend really did hate that stuff. For the rest of the night, they ate pizza, watched movies that aren't in the horror genre, prank-called every big business they knew! It was such the night to remember! Donnie was smiling from ear to ear. This truly was a night to remember. As some may can call it, a ticklish sleepover.
Tags: @mythica0 @someone1348 @sunsetsandsunshine @anxious-lee
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soaps-mohawk · 23 days
hey pook!
take care of yourself!!!! i adore your work and appreciate absolutely everything you put into it, but you and your wellbeing is always top priority!! you're still human, no matter how much tumblr can make it seem like you aren't.
if it's anything to think about, i had the most brain-consuming idea about reader, ghost, and soap 😈 of course ghost naturally takes control, but reader also found she could have a degree of control over soap, right? and i think that's super interesting, dynamics-wise!! and it could lead to something quite steamy đŸ€­ johnny boy deserves the love, the insatiable beast
but anyways pookster, make sure you're eating well, hydrating, and sleeping as best as you can 💞 don't sacrifice yourself for a fic that will be waiting for you once you're feeling better
- đŸȘ
Thank you 💚 Y'all have been so understanding, it's heartwarming to get so much support. I'd love to be able to just write away all the time, but like you said. I'm just a human.
đŸ€­ Johnny isn't gonna know what hit him once the reader and Simon get to that point. Poor man is gonna be going through it.
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nerdieforpedro · 1 month
Wednesday WIP
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Hello! đŸ‘‹đŸœ Nerdie here, I am working on a few things:
1. A second entry for @undercoverpena ‘s April Showers Challenge (maybe featuring an agent I haven’t written for a bit). I had a burst of an idea which was different than the original one I had. Such is a Nerdie brain. Don't get lost in there, but there are cookies.
2. Finally progress of my “Wedding 101 with Dieter” fic! I had been having trouble with it. I’m happy to have more Maya, Dieter and Daisy. đŸ€­ I apologize to @angelofsmalldeath-codeine in advance for any undue stress I shall cause you.
3. Going to finish up my short Frankie body part series which sounds menacing but is the opposite. 😂 Very much so lol It’s called “Only Parts of you Mr. Morales.”
4. I’m working on a Javier Peña series because I feel like I need to give him something nice. Just one thing. 😆 It's very sweet, I have 2 chapters and no idea what to call it. Pfft, go figure. No idea how long it will be - sorry, won't be ready for a bit. Between Javier P and Joel recent. I need to be nice to them. They’re both very haunted. 😖
5. I'm still working on both Din fics and Benny. I'm redoing the outlines. Bullet points are friends and not our enemies. I think. Will there be more random Star Wars people? Is Obi Wan Kenobi a children’s author and Luke that old man who swings his lightsaber in the yard?! Both these things are true. 😌 Messing with Star Wars canon one character at a time. 😂😂😂 The sweet Din fic will remain so. My walking pile of nervous Beskar. 💚
And that's about it, I've cut back a bit on writing to do more school work (papers...ugh...writing about not Pedro. 👀 Eww...)
Previews under the cut:
Anyway, somehow, I went from being stuck in chapter five for 'Weddings 101 with Dieter' to now being in chapter six. I'd like to thank Hemmy for being so encouraging and @megamindsecretlair for discussing Pedro and Oscar with me the other night. I feel like I should make notes and keep both of those in mind for future fics because it's the right thing to do.đŸ«Ą Just thinking about it is
This is a small excerpt from chapter six, we should all know Nerdie's humor by now đŸ€Ł:
“Who’s banging on my door this damn early?! You better get out of here!” “Dee at least ask who it is.” “I don’t care, it could be the president, pope or, no Beyonce could come in.” “I am not meeting Beyonce in my robe. My hair is a mess, my face is puffy, I haven’t showered yet
that’s not who it is!” “I mean, if she shows up on this door, she’s gonna have to be okay with my bare ass, balls and your robe with your cute puffy face. It’s just us. You don’t need one. I’m just going to take it back off to eat you for-” “MR. BRAVO IT’S ME ZACK! YOUR ASSISTANT!” He screamed, he didn’t need to hear Dieter removing anything off of Maya or eating her in any capacity, they can do that after he leaves later. Never any filter with this damn man, he just needs to remind himself of his loans. This job pays the loans.
Gotta love how....open Dieter is with everything. Even Sasha Fierce is not safe. 😭
Second is from my pending Javier Peña fic (I'll think of a good name, I swear!):
Meeting his gaze had her mouth run dry, the sandy tone to his skin contrasted with more papaya tones in his neck. Dark hair and kind eyes behind a gold pair of aviators perched on his curved nose. Tourmaline waves parted on the left side of his crown were matched by his bold eyebrows and thick mustache. His lips were a lace pink and plush. The sunlight made the sweat along his neck glimmer, accentuating its definition. The light blue shirt made the reds and browns in his skin stand out even more. “Did you need to get some fresh air too?” She asked, he could be doing that, escaping someone like she was doing or something else entirely. Now she was curious too, about this man who’d chosen to sit next to her.
I very much enjoy my description of Javier, hehe 😉
That's it! Normally I have more, but it's either still in bullet form or in my head. đŸ€­
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @604to647 @connectioneverywhere @morallyinept @rhoorl
@goodwithcheese @soft-persephone @djarinmuse @pedroshotwifey @magpiepills
@secretelephanttattoo @tinytinymenace @inept-the-magnificent @soft-girl-musings @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@laurfilijames @grogusmum @alltheglitterandtheroar @jessthebaker @musings-of-a-rose
@julesonrecord @wannab-urs @schnarfer
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fj10gaa · 9 months
"A Spoonful of Sugar" (Modern AU)
Reposting my fic on AO3
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Ship: Shigadeku (Tomura x Fem!Izuku), Bakudeku
Rating: Not Rated
Word-count: 3154
Additional Info: Bullying, Bully Katsuki, endgame shigadeku.
A school life of two youth, a nerd girl Fem!Izuku and a goth boy Tomura.
[Settings] 💚Fem!Izu: a nerd who loves hero comics. 💙Tomura: a goth boy who loves hero comics but his fav characters are always villains. He hangs out with his goth friend, smoking, sipping black coffee etc. Recently he quitted smoking 💓Baku: a jerk who can do everything better than anybody
On Monday morning, the sunshine woke her up.
She has finished eating her onigiri and miso soup, then her mission is about to start! Izuku opened her closet door and checked what she has today. There's a lot of clothing in different tastes, and those were making a color-full rainbow in her closet. She picked a red hoodie in her hands because red is "his" favorite color.
She thought this kind of spring never came to her because she was not confident in her appearance. Bit short height, curly hair like a sheep in winter terms, clumsy smile, rounded plump-hip and her modest bust, she didn't like everything she had. She doesn't wanna admit there's just a gap less than one inch between her band-size and cup-size. Every time she buys new clothing instead of her old clothing, she really felt uncomfortable before. She felt "oh, it's too fancy to me" when she took a skirt in her hands. She felt "my hip will stand out in a bad way" when she took a pair of skinny pants in her hands. Actually, there "were" many of the same old flannel shirts, and those were making a low-key rainbow in her closet.
However, her biggest issue was her freckles, she hated those the most. Since that day one guy who is her childhood friend Katsuki called her "ugly" because of that, she totally lost her confidence and lost her interest in dress and grooming. Because Izuku has been in love with him for a long time.
But “he” changed everything. Unexpectedly spring came to her last winter with a boy named Tomura.
He was an upper-class student of her school, always wearing black clothing, and looked a bit smaller than his actual height because of his arched back. It was a cold day in the early winter when they first met. Tomura helped her to her feet. Actually Katsuki caused Izuku to fall down by the way
 Anyway Tomura helped Izuku and he felt like listening to the poor girl's story. It was lucky for both of them. Because they got new friends who have the same interests, and future partners on the same day!
Izuku wasn't outstanding in a bad way in the school because Izuku was really nice to everyone, even to Katsuki! but Izuku actually felt uncomfortable in her school, she was feeling like she didn’t fit in at school. Then Tomura showed up, she had started to spend more time with him and felt she finally found her place in the school! Nor is this all, Izuku has started caring herself like wearing nice clothing, doing her makeup and her hair for fun. Izuku wanted to be a girl who deserves being beside Tomura. Izuku asked her classmate Ochako for advice "How can I be an adorable girl like you?" Ochako laughed and said "You're an adorable girl already!" Then they went to a mall to get stuff that makes Izuku more adorable after school. It was the first time Izuku had fun with shopping. Izuku definitely became a girl with confidence.
Her change was obvious to everyone in the school, especially Tomura. Talking about Tomura, he praised her change a lot almost too much but he was anxious in the back of his mind. Because she made so much effort and got back her confidence and getting more beautiful day by day, on the other side Tomura made no effort to be with her! He thought maybe he doesn't deserve her. Tomura thought he's just an emo boy who belongs with the low class of school caste. Someday she might find another alpha guy and dump him, he's afraid of that.
Izuku who didn’t know her boyfriend’s concern really loves to show her boyfriend her achievement. She's in high spirits especially when they go out dating. Someday Tomura looked having mixed feelings. So Izuku asked "did I screw something up? ah, this skirt maybe?" but it's not! Tomura just couldn't take his eyes off his beautiful girlfriend. But Tomura said only “Nothing!” while his face is getting red like a rose!!
With this and that, Izuku got a whole new life with a goth boyfriend Tomura. Everyone was happy
except Katsuki.
He has noticed Izuku's change, and she's dating an older emo boy, not with Katsuki. It made him so badly mad. Because he knows he's the one her first crush and he believes the fact she's attracted to Katsuki never changes!
One day Bakugo called Izuku out after school. He said "it's disgusting to see that you're dressing up and hanging along with a guy!!" he yelled at her. "you should follow me just like a stoker! just like before! but you won't!! Why do you get on my nerves?!" Bakugo pushed her against the wall in a classroom. He kissed her against her will at the end, and said "This must be what you wanted huh!?" She got shocked and pushed him away as strongly as she could. Her hands were getting cold and sweaty. "This must be what you want
!" he said so again with his shaking voice She didn't listen to what he said and ran off from the classroom, from him. With or without her knowledge, Bakugo actually, really, loves her so much from the bottom of his heart! He believes she looks at just him and it won't change forever! Bakugo just couldn't take that reality.
The most important thing is "Bakugo hasn't told his feelings to Izuku." He never gonna win, never gonna be defeated because he doesn't even fight, and feels defeated before he fights. This is a bad situation for Izuku too. She doesn't know what's going on and how to deal with him. maybe if Bakugo would have made a confession at the first place, Izuku would have been able to have some clear options like turning down his confession politely. now she must be confused! "Why did my childhood friend who bullied me suddenly get upset and kissed me?" also felt Bakugo crying before she left the classroom. This also must be a huge mystery to her.
Izuku was running away from Bakugo and went to a certain place. The place where Tomura has taken her before, an observatory with a view of the sea. She could just give him a phone call but felt ashamed to do that. so wishing the destiny will bring him to her, She walked toward there.
When she arrived at an observatory deck, nobody was there, against her wish. Her shoulders dropped when she knew that. She took a seat on the bench alone with rounding her back, and saw the beautiful view of the ocean. Her mind was so messed up but the sea was too beautiful and too calm. It made her cry. The chilly sea breeze in early spring never pacifies her.
"what do you want from me!"
She said what is on her mind without thinking. She don't care about anything because there's nobody but only herself 
but actually somebody came to her.
"what are you doing alone? hey, are you crying?"
She heard the comfortable voice. there was Tomura who was anxiously looking at her, when she looked back.
"that's my line."
Having said that, actually she felt relieved. Tomura has noticed soon something wrong happened to her and she's not okay. He took a seat next to her and put his arm around her and he snuggled up with her. He stroked her curly hair to calm her down.
She tried to tell him what happened to her, but her voice was trembling too much to tell.
It's ok, I'm waiting for you to get ready."
She stayed to lean on his shoulder as Tomura said. She felt the sound of waves that fazed her mind, turned to the comfy sound when Tomura was beside her. She mustered up enough courage to tell him everything. Some parts are definitely hard to tell him like Bakugo is her first crush, and He kissed her
 Tomura listened to her whole story without interfering. She said at the end "Idk what he wants from me, or what he wanna do." Tomura shut his mouth and thought for a while. Because it's clear that Bakugo loves her. He was afraid of what would happen if he told her the truth. He doesn't feel like telling that your first crush actually loves you for quite some time and he kissed you. congratulations? No! But when he saw her, when saw her eyes were swollen because of him, he thought he was never going to let him take her!
"I think
 he's in love with you just like me." Tomura said so awkwardly. Of course Izuku got upset when she heard his words. "what did you
! He bullied me and called me ugly! " "hmm, it's difficult to explain, but who wants to kiss somebody they don't like?!" "He was just trying to harass me
 Why did you tell me such a thing? hey what were you going to do if I still think about him?" "It's possible but I don't wanna lie to you. And the most importantly, I believe in you." "
.you're too honest, sometimes." "Thanks, hey why don't you go to a café or somewhere warm? it's cold here." "yeah, sure. and thank you again. It was nice to have you here." "you're always welcome, Izuku." Tomura was relieved because he doesn't have to say another thing that he's gonna stop her when she finds someone new or when she says she's gonna date Bakugo. His dignity as a chill boyfriend has been saved!
She felt better by the time they arrived at a café. In a café, a tall cinnamon almond milk macchiato warmed her up. On the other hand, Tomura ordered just a drip coffee because he doesn't like sweet things. While Tomura waited for his coffee to get a bit cold, he was looking at Izuku holding a cup with both of her tiny hands. She puckered up her mouth, and blew out softly to cool her macchiato, then drinking little by little.
"You look like you're enjoying your sweet macchiato." "You wanna try a sip? this is really tasty." "No, thanks. every single sweet thing tastes exactly the same to me." "You're missing out!"
Tomura thought about buying her something sweet food. It may bother her because she always watches her weight. She said she doesn't want to let him down even though Tomura said you always look fine. More than anything, Tomura loves to see her eating something. The sight of Izuku eating something without saying a word held his heart and won't let it go. She might say "no" but she looks like a squirrel and it's so adorable.
A few times later, they realized the sunset was casting a bright orange light on them. Time flies when they're having fun. It was time to go home! Tomura walked her home for her safety.
Izuku waved her hand to Tomura and said goodbye to him. She sighed a bit when she saw he turned around and started walking home. There is one thing she didn't tell him.
"He's there
She looked at the second floor window of the house next door and murmured quietly. Baku lives in the house next-door. She was worried about what would happen if she or Tomura met him accidentally. Izuku quickly got in her house before such a thing happened. Her mother Inko came out to meet her lovely daughter at the entrance. "hi, mom. I'm back!" "hey there my princess. Wash your hands and come to the living room. There's something for you!" "Got it mom!"
What is waiting for me? she washed her hand quickly and thoroughly while she's full of hope. Inko told her to look on the table, so Izuku was walking to it. Then Izuku found a paper bag on the table. When Izuku opened the bag, she found there were muffins Inside the bag. Those muffins look familiar to Izuku.
"Is that
" "yeah, Katsuki-kun brought them for you."
Of course, it's him. Izuku knew that.
"Hey, mom. I'll have dinner later. I have something to do. " "Homework, right? you can have one muffin before dinner time!"
"Noted it" Izuku responded simply. Izuku grabbed that muffin bag and went to her room on the second floor.
Izuku thought of throwing the muffin bag in her hand towards her bed but one second she thought again and stopped to do that.
"Muffins are innocent." Izuku murmured so while she was looking at the muffin bag in her hand. She unwrapped the bag and took one muffin and bit a little.
"So sweet."
The muffin tasted really good. She was remembering her old memory with Bakugo while she's chewing the sweet thing.
They were good friends before. Bakugo started learning cooking when he was 6 or 7years old. He used to bake sweet things and gave it to Izuku often. He said "girls love men who do cooking." Looking back, Bakugo might have been in love with her for a long time, she thought.
Then she thought "where did we grow apart?" Tears came up from her eyes. The second bite of muffin tasted a little salty. In that moment, she found something on the muffin bag, there was a card that stuck on the bag with tape. "What is this?" She took a card and turned it over. it was a message card and it said just "Sorry". She got what was on the card immediately.
She put just the muffin bag on the desk and jumped into her bed.
"what am I doing
She asked herself. it was just
 Her first love suddenly got mean to her but it's actually he loves her, that's it! She doesn't have to be bothered about him or she doesn't have to forgive him, not at all.
Still, the girl wanted to end this, about the unhealthy relationship with Bakugo that was made from "bully and bullied kid", also about her first crush. She needs to finish them officially.
She took a deep breath to make her mind to end all of them. She got out of her room, went down the stairs, and stood by the front door. There is one thing she has to do.
"Mom! I'll go visit Kacchan, and say thanks to him!!"
She said her mom so, and left her home. Actually, she has no idea what she should say to him, but a sense of mission. Unfortunately, It took just one minute to get to his house from her’s, so she could arrive at the front door of his house soon. She pushed the door bell nervously.
Izuku heard a woman's voice responding to the other side of the front door when the bell rang.
"Oh, Izuku-chan! It's been a long time!! How are you doing? " "Hi, Mitsuki-san, I'm doing good. ummm, 
Is Katsuki-kun there? I came here to say thanks to him." "oh, okay. Come on in, I'll go get him now. " "Thanks, but I'll wait outside." "Got it, have a seat on the swing. You two really loved that, right? " "yeah, we did
thanks, again!"
She heard her yelling as soon as Mitsuki closed the front door. She laughed a bit and walked forward to the wooden swing in the front garden of the house. When she stood by the wooden swing, she felt like the swing got a bit smaller than the swing in her memory. The swing made a squeaky sound when she sat on it.
"You got old too."
"What are you doing?"
There came the familiar voice when she was feeling nostalgic.
"Hi, Kacchan."
There was Katsuki standing by the swing and staring at her with his grim eyes when she looked in the direction where the voice came from. He seems so confused because the person that he thinks he won't ever see again came to visit him and said "Hi" to him.
On the other hand, Izuku continued to talk to him really calmly. "Hey, why don't you take a seat? right here." She tapped the right side of her. The old wooden swing was made for two-passengers, so it's a little tight but there was enough space to sit both of them.
No, thanks." "Do you think you're in a position to decline?" "Whatever"
He murmured "You'll regret this, damn nerd" but he sat on the right side of the swing, at the end.
"So? Seriously what did you come for?" He said "I came here to end this." "What end?" "This messy relationship between you and I." "You don't wanna see my face ever? huh, fair enough." "No! no, that's not what I meant! I came to say we should stop that bullying or get bullied and
 maybe we should just be friends again!!" "What?" "Remember we were good friends before? I don't want to be awkward with you. So why don't we go back to the way we used to be?"
Her suggestion is definitely just a pipe dream, Bakugo thought so, or everyone would think so without doubt.
"That's impossible. Don't you remember what I've done to you? also
uh, " He faltered for a moment but went on at once.
"Also,I have never been your friend. Because I've been in love with you for a long time." "That's
" "sigh
I know you just came here without a plan. " “uh! Why did you think so?!” “I know who you are. You must be confused and need some time to calm. I won’t get along with you but I won’t treat badly never. I think that’s enough for us.”
while in the moment, Izuku found that Bakugo made his mind up and won't ever give up.
"Okay, Kacchan. thank you so much." "You better go now, or you get cold." "Got it. bye now, and good night!"
Bakugo responded nothing to it, and he was just seeing Izuku walk away from from him.
"I forgot to say thank you to him
she murmured that when she closed the front door. but She didn't feel like going back and saying it to him or sending a message to him. That's because she didn't wanna disregard his goodwill.
She casually saw her cellphone and found there was a message from Tomura. It brought her back to peaceful days. That message said he's worried about her. She sent a message back to him, and they were chatting along together until midnight.
The sunshine brought morning. She was doing her makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror. There were freckles on her face as always, but she didn't even care about it or she can say she liked them now.
"You look so good!"
She said to herself who is in the mirror. The girl won't hide her freckles anymore.
the end!
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gilears · 10 months
As someone who clearly loves the bad kids dynamic, (a fact i am infinitely grateful for and delighted by, love the luxury lads fics and o&t) what're your thoughts on the bad kids canonically having spent MONTHS in a prison cell together, with nothing to entertain themselves but each other's company?
HELLO!! im one million years late replying to this (the agonies, agonizing) but !!!!! <3 !!!!! i have seen u in my daily kudos email tearing thru all my fic so literally the smile i got on my face when i saw this ask. um hiiiiiii. thank u for being the sweetest 😁💗
also yes the bad kids dynamic. i like it a normal amount.
so i havent spent an extensive amount of time thinking about this (my brain really saw the pocket of s1e11 downtime for luxury lads and went 'you will consider no other canon time period') BUT actually i do have an abandoned wip that was an extension on me and @grasslandgirl sav's headcanons from like. 2021? eaaaarly 2022? on the bad kids birthdays and i like to think that riz's birthday happens when theyre in prison and he just. doesn't tell them. so later like in the summer when they find out they, firstly, riot, and secondly, throw him a big party because he has FRIENDS and they LOVE him 💚
otherwise. with the large grain of salt of me not having seen freshman year in quite some time so this may all be contradictory, some thoughts fresh off the dome
of course the luxury lads, especially kristen and fig, are very accustomed to living together and being around each other all the time so they cope considerably better* than the others
*this is basically cancelled out tho bc riz is case spiraling and kristen is worried they're gonna call her parents. fig is chillin tho, being in prison is so punk
fabian puts on a brave face but fully inside of a week he's like. im going to die here
gorgug sort of loses his mind with everyone so close and loud all the time so he and adaine spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to mage hand his headphones out of wherever they keep their shit and into the cell so he can not be on the verge of a rage constantly
fig and gorgug try to make the most of it and have band practice in the cell because theyre bored anyway, but that gets shut down real quick on account of the Loud. they do end up writing stuff together tho
adaine gets put on fabian duty because shes the only one that speaks rich, is kind of annoyed but secretly glad to have a distraction/something to channel her anxiety into so she doesnt lose her own mind
kristen: you know this is kind of like camp
fig: you know thats like, really sad, right?
kristen: hm. interesting.
kristen trying to convince the bad kids to let her teach them how to make friendship bracelets out of her own hair, absolutley no one lets that happen
but gorgug lets her braid his hair and she teaches him to braid hers, it calms both of them down
riz and fabian and fig spend a lot of time messing with the idiot cops (which is all of them, all cops are idiots<3)
somehow they dont discover riz's timothee chalamet hair during this time period. OR he changed his shampoo between freshman and sophomore year. i think thats funnier. being in prison made him change his shampoo.
fabian and gorgug leading group stretch time every day after 3 weeks when everyone starts complaining about everything hurting
okay thats all i got. love you bye
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cripple-council · 4 months
6h late to the rant but OH GOD this is gonna be a nightmare of a semester from gym class alone
yesterday (monday) I was tryna participate in gym class cuz despite being disabled I typically don't mind most gym activities, but heres a thing with whatever specific chronic pain I have: I won't realize I pushed my physical breaking point until it's way too late. Like I'll be chilling and then suddenly the worst migrane will hit, followed by my entire body simotaniously wanting to spasm and being unable to move due to the intense pain. To the point that when I asked the gym teacher to sit out (which he let me do no problem cuz he knew my issues) I could barely walk to the outside of the gym (where my friends were cuz one was recovering from a panic attack) and once I got out there I was basically unable to move due to a mix of having to stand still as for my body to not completely go haywire and because more movement = more pain. At some point both me & the friend who was sitting out cuz panic attack both ended up laying on the floor cuz they were lightheaded and my body was about to either go haywire or tense up enough to where I couldn't move so I wanted to atleast be on the ground just incase, and while the friend who was lightheaded got actual help from the 2 other friends sitting out for no reason I was just given a bunch of shitty jokes and sarcastic "are you okay?"s and after admitting that I genuinely wasn't okay (as if me going on about the fact that my body was doing everything wrong at once wasn't a major hint that HEY I WASN'T FINE.) the only one who rlly stepped up to help me was the friend I was the closest too and she helped me sit up and attempted to get a tylenol from the office for me (couldn't because I had to be there to get it. bad thing to say when the "I" in question is currently unable to walk but that secretary just seems to want me dead for being crippled anyways) while the other 2 friends were too busy making jokes abt how they wanted to fuck eachother to even glance over at me. Fastforward a bit and gym ends, gym teacher helps me stand up, friend who had to sit out cuz of a panic attack talks to gym teacher abt stuff I didn't care to eavesdrop on and I barely manage to get in and out of that changing room. my body still feels like its pain-burning (like. its almost like a burning feeling but without the heat and just the pain) today and I'm debating just missing school today cuz of this. fuck my dumbass body's inability to know when to stop until its too late and fuck Kat & Quade who couldn't get their eyes off eachother for a second to try and give a shit about another human being
honestly can’t really imagine what it’s like to have ablebodied friends as a physically disabled person, well i have one but they’re incredibly helpful, and it must be so disappointing to have your ‘friends’ ignore you like that. i’m truly sorry that you had to experience that & you deserve so much better.
you truly think that your friends will be there, and when they’re not, it’s really hard to grasp honestly. like, do you not care?? (you as in the friends).
i’ve had many one sided friendships where i’ve had to do all the work, while getting nothing in return myself. it truly feels like a betrayal.
i’m incredibly happy to be surrounded by physically disabled friends, because in a special way, i can ALWAYS rely on them. there are days where their issues are worse than mine, or they are hindered by their physical disability so they can’t help with something; but they will always think about how they can help in case they can’t help in a specific way. it’s just a completely other experience than with able bodied ppl.
i truly hope you’ll get surrounded by more physically disabled people in your life, it’s a game changer.
much love to you, and i with a low pain/symptoms day for you! (and otherwise, the ability to manage the pain/symptoms)💚
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