#broke: midoriya in white pants
fierysplash213 · 2 months
Now that I wrote part 1 of the x reader, time for part 2.
Part 1
Prompt: after the breakup, Shoto finally gets a plan to confess to you.
Pairing: Shoto x Fem!reader
A/n: How are y’all doing? I hope you enjoy part 2 of the x reader! I had a lot of fun writing this.
Without further ado, enjoy!
Starting to hear how the title sounds like All Might
It’s okay, I am here.
No one’s POV:
It has been weeks since your break up with [insert ex’s name].
Ever since then, Shoto’s love for you only grew stronger.
It’s not like he wanted you to break up with that stupid guy. Okay, maybe a little. But he mostly wanted you to be happy.
And if that stupid guy were to break your heart into millions of pieces, he would comfort you. He was just being a good friend. A friend. That was just what your relationship was. A really good friend.
And he was okay with that. Right?
Wrong. Now that you broke up with that asshole, the only logical thing for him to do was to finally win your heart.
Easier said than done. He also needed a plan. So, he came to his friend, Midoriya for help.
Bad idea.
Y/N’s POV:
You were just chilling in the couch, watching a movie. Then you got a text from your crush good friend, Shoto.
In text:
❤️Shoto❤️: Hello Y/N, can you meet me at the park later at 5pm?
Me: Sure! See you there!
You were calm. Emphasis on the ‘were’, because, seconds later, you checked the time.
It’s only 4.30pm. Wait, 4.30pm??? It’s already 4.30pm!!!
You were going to be late! You wore a plain white shirt with some baggy shorts. To put in short, you looked like a homeless beggar. (Quote from my sis)
So you got ready in a hurry. Tied your hair in a ponytail, wore a cute cat shirt, some jeans, and tied a hoodie around your waist.
Then you sprinted all the way to the park.
By the time you reached there, you were panting, beads of sweat dripping down your chin.
??: “Whoa, you looked exhausted. Are you okay?”
You turned your head to see who it was.
Okay. It’s actually obvious who it is. In the next part, we will see how Midoriya’s plan just backfires! And how Y/N-
I shouldn’t give you guys too many spoilers. You’ll have to wait for the next part! (I am truly sorry for not posting this a long time ago.)
See ya!
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 4 months
Chapter 12: Exam Day of Into Another World a MHAxReader fanfic
I go back to school tomorrow :( (Send help).
Anyways, here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy!
Warning: some language here and there (Don't really proofread any of the chapters that I write so if anything is off or something, I'm sorry. I'm just too lazy to check sometimes but I'll work on it, lol.)
d/n - dogs name
h/s - hair style
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"I'll see you later, d/n. Wish me luck!" 
You locked the door to your home and walked down the pathway and onto the sidewalk. As you walked on, you enjoyed the calmness and quietness of the streets before they got busy and noisy. The display of warm colors had taken over the sky, creating a contrast with the blue and white clouds. The sun seemed to resemble a golden coin, or a dazzling gem in the sky.
And where were you heading so early in the morning? Well, you were going to take the entrance exam at no other than the most prestigious high school for future heroes.
UA High.
It was currently early in the morning, about 7:30, but the entrance exam started at 8:30 and you wanted to make sure you got there early. The day before, you had asked Midoriya if he wanted to walk with you so that you both could go together, but he had other plans. Well, the plans being that he had to go to the beach and inherit All Might's quirk, but you didn't need to know that. You wore your black sweatpants with a f/c shirt and put your hair in a h/s, along with your favorite shoes that always seemed to travel with you wherever you went. Although it was still peaceful outside, someone decided to ruin it.
"Oi, Insect! Wait a goddamn minute!"
Turning around, you spotted Bakugo a few meters behind you, walking towards you with an angry expression. Sighing, you turned around to fully face him as you also stopped walking in the process, hands shoved into the pockets of your pants.
Ever since he tried to blow up Midoriya and you took the hit for him and after class the same day, he kept his distance from you. Even when you sat at your desk and Bakugo beside you, he kept his mouth shut most of the time, only really calling you 'pest' or 'insect'.
"Huh, wonder what he wants...."
He finally came up to you and you both began to silently walk together towards UA. Neither one of you said anything to the other person.
A few minutes passed and still, the two of you were too stubborn to talk to each other first, so as per usual, you broke the ice first as you kept your head forward but talked.
"So, how's it been?"
It was quiet again until Bakugo spoke up.
"What's it to you? And besides, why are you even talking to me, huh?"
"Well, you were the one to say 'Wait up, you pest!', weren't you?"
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes at him.
"Come on, be for real right now, Bakugo."
"I am being for real, you damn pest!"
"Uh huh, sure you are."
It turned into a (yet again) silent walk once more for about ten minutes until it was broken, but by the young male beside you.
"I’m talking about your left side."
Looking forward, you hum in thought. Was he being an ass to you, or was he actually genuinely worried? 
“It’ll be fine. I’ll just have to be on some medication for a month or two, maybe only a week if my body works it out faster or whatever.”
Although you didn’t see it, Bakugo exhaled a breath he was seemingly holding in, now releasing how tense he was as he was awaiting your answer. He didn’t want to accept the truth, but he was pretty worried for your condition after the incident had happened.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, noticing how his brows were furrowed and his lips were pressed into a thin line. You felt a pang in your chest, knowing that he blamed himself for what happened to you. You wanted to say something to reassure him, but you didn't know how to break the ice.
You decided to change the topic and lighten the mood.
"So, are you ready for the entrance exam?" you asked casually, hoping to spark some conversation.
He snorted and looked at you with a smug grin.
"Of course I am. I'm going to ace it and become the number one hero. You should be glad that you're walking with me. Maybe some of my greatness will rub off on you."
You rolled your eyes again, but this time you smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Bakugo. Just don't get too cocky and blow yourself up, okay?"
He scoffed and glared at you.
"As if that would ever happen. I'm not like that useless Deku who doesn't have a quirk. I'm a natural genius, him."
You shook your head and chuckled dryly.
"Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that, Bakugo. Maybe one day you'll actually believe it."
He growled and clenched his fists.
"Shut up, you pest! You're so annoying!"
You laughed and nudged him playfully.
"Aw, come on, Bakugo. Don't be like that. You know I'm just teasing you. You're my friend, after all."
He blinked and looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Friend? Since when are we friends?"
You smiled and shrugged.
"Since now, I guess. Unless you have a problem with that."
He looked away and muttered something under his breath.
"No, I don't have a problem with that. It's fine."
You grinned and wrapped your arm around his shoulder.
"Great! Then it's settled. We're friends. And friends stick together, right?"
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but he didn't push you away.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't get in my way, okay?"
You winked and gave him a thumbs up.
"Got it. I won't get in your way. I'll just be right behind you, cheering you on."
He smirked and nudged you back.
"That's more like it. Now let's go and show them what I’m made of."
You rolled your eyes and followed him as he quickened his pace and walked slightly ahead of you so that you couldn’t see the red that crept onto his face.
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The two of you conversed with each other as you entered the gates of UA, slightly getting to know each other better as they both thought the same thing in their heads. 
"I guess being friends with her/him isn't so bad after all...."
As the two of you walked on, students around started to whisper among themselves and their friends/classmates. 
"Isn't he from the sludge villain incident?"
"Who's that walking next to him, his girlfriend?"
"Nah, I heard from a friend of mine that goes to their middle school, they're apparent rivals of some sorts...."
The whispers went on and on as the two teens walked on, that is until Y/n got a rough nudge from Bakugo as he looked over to someone else in the crowd.
Bakugo guided the two of you towards his direction as he "accidentally" bumped into the poor boy as he stopped his muttering and looked at Bakugo.
"K-Kacchan! I-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he looked at you with confusion and slight betrayal in his eyes. 
Smiling tensely, you looked between the boy standing in front of you and beside you. 
"How's it going Izuku? It's good to see you-"
"Why are you with him?"
Confusion came across your face as you looked at the green haired boy, was he mad?
In his mind, he was slightly hurt that you had walked with Bakugo instead of him, even though he couldn’t walk with you to begin with, but he couldn’t help feeling those emotions.
“Why do feelings have to be so complicated?”
"I was just walking with him over here for the exams, you know, since you were busy with something."
"R-right, sorry."
"No, it's alright Izuku, don't worry about it!"
Bakugo tsked as he looked at the two of you, slight disgust written on his face.
"Eh, you guys are weak, I'm going to go and ace this test. Unlike you two."
Bakugo walked off, leaving the two of you alone.
Looking at Midoriya, you smile as he smiles back and you both continue on your walk.
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as Bakugo left. You didn't like how he treated Midoriya. You hoped that he wouldn't bother you again during the exam.
You turned your attention to Midoriya, who was still looking at you with a mix of curiosity and admiration. You wondered what he was thinking, and if he still felt the same way about you as he did before.
You decided to break the silence and start a conversation.
"So, Izuku, are you excited for the exam?"
He nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, I am. I've been studying and training hard for this. I want to prove myself and become a hero. Just like All Might."
You smiled back and nodded.
"I know, Izuku. You’ll do amazing, I'm sure. Even without a quirk"
He blushed and looked away while laughing awkwardly.
“Y-yea, right. Without a quirk….”
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Everyone in the huge room was silent.
“Damn, I feel bad for the man.”
Is all you thought as Present Mic silently said a low ‘okay’.
“Anyways! I’m here to present to you the guidelines of your Entrance Exam!”
Besides you on your left sat Midoriya as he fanboyed over the pro hero (Present Mic) talking about the Entrance Exam as Bakugo sat to your right and rolled his eyes.
“Will you tell Deku to shut the fuck up? If you don’t, I’ll do it myself!”
Bakugo silently whispered (yelled) in your ear as you turned to face Midoriya.
“Izuku! Please be quiet or you’ll ask questions on what he had been saying later!”
“R-Right, sorry Y/n!”
Midoirya was now quiet as you all began to pay attention to the loud hero once more. 
“After the presentation concludes, you’ll all head straight towards the location you have on the card that was given to you all earlier!”
Looking down at your card, you noticed that it had the letter ‘G’ while Midoriya had his location the same as it was in the Anime, along with Bakugo.
“They're separating us so that none of us from the same middle school can work together, uh. I was hoping to beat Deku’s ass.”
“Each site contains three types of faux villains, you will have to use your quirks to defeat them and earn the points that they may have! Obsoully based on the type of villain you defeat!”
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”
Turning towards the direction of the voice, you see a dark blue haired boy with glasses standing up from his seat while holding the piece of paper on the information you would have to know about the practical exam. 
Tenya Iida.
“Come to think of it, Midoriya didn’t run into Uraraka like he originally did….”
You got lost in your thoughts as Iida continued on with his little rant on the fourth faux villain, until he pointed towards the green haired boy behind you.
“And you! The one with curly hair next to the h/c girl! You’ve been muttering this whole time, it’s distracting! If you can’t take this exam seriously then leave!”
Midoirya muttered a small ‘sorry’ and shrank down into his seat as you patted his shoulder, telling him it was okay as Present Mic answered Iida’s question.
“Um, Nice catch, examine 7111! Although, unlike the rest of the faux villains that are worth one, two, or three points, that fourth one is worth zero points!”
The blue haired boy pushed his glasses backup and sat back down.
“Thank you for clearing up that information! I apologize for not reading the handout thoroughly enough!”
Present Mic was seen having a few sweat drops from his forehead until he cleared his throat and began to talk once more. 
“It’s alright! That villain is kinda like a security guard of sorts! But instead of giving you  points to defeat it, it’s just a barrier trying to waste your time, so I would just ignore it and continue on my way if I were you!”
He clapped his hands together as he was concluding the presentation.
“Now, go break a leg out there everyone!”
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Standing outside of a fake city labeled G, you felt a surge of adrenaline and anxiety. 
You could see the tall buildings, the narrow streets, and the hidden traps that awaited you. 
“Breathe in, breathe out…” you whispered to yourself, trying to calm your racing heart. 
You scanned the crowd of other participants, hoping to spot a friendly face, but you recognized no one. 
You were alone in this challenge. 
Sighing, you headed closer to the massive gates of the city and continued to control your breathing. 
“Alright, Y/n, you got this. The minute he says to start, run as fast as you can.” You repeat your mantra in your mind, psyching yourself up for the task ahead. 
“Breathe in, breathe out, in, out, in, out…” You heard a loud voice booming from the speakers. 
You didn’t hesitate. 
You sprinted towards the now open gates as the rest of the crowd stood there, stunned and confused. You ignored what Present Mic was saying, something about following your example or whatever. 
Upon entering the city, you closed your eyes as you focused on using your quirk to turn small and the all too familiar hornet wings sprouted from your back. You soared into the air, searching for the robots. 
You were determined to prove yourself in this exam.
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Same time, different location….
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In a spacious room, several UA teachers were watching the students on multiple screens, each showing a different part of the entrance exam. 
They were commenting on the performance of the applicants, especially the ones who stood out from the crowd.
“Well, that was unexpected.” A man with long, black hair  said as he saw the all too familiar girl with wings fly over the city, dodging the robots that tried to shoot her down as she was the one to take them down.
“Ooh, how daring. She must have a lot of confidence in her abilities. I wonder what else she can do with those wings.” A woman with a revealing costume said, admiring the girl’s boldness.
“Indeed, she seemed to have shown great initiative and courage. She also wasted no time in entering the city and activating her Quirk, what’s her name anyways?” 
A man in a cowboy getup asked as he leaned over to a white mouse in a suit, who was operating a computer.
“L/n Y/n is the name and her quirk seems to be called Hornet! I suspect it’s a mutation type of quirk.” The mouse said, pulling up a separate screen with Y/n’s information. 
“She can transform into a human-sized hornet or shrink to the size of a regular insect.”
“She’s smart, too. She knows that flying gives her an advantage over the ground-based robots. She can scout the area and avoid detection, especially because of how small she was able to turn herself.”
A man who was literally concret said a serious expression on his face as he analyzed the girl’s strategy.
“Hmm, yes, very impressive. But she should also be careful. It says that she has had a recent injury a couple months back, could ruin any plan she has in mind if she injures it again.” 
A man with wild, blond hair and a gentle smile said, expressing his concern.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t be so negative! Let’s cheer for our students! Go, Y/n, go! You’re the best! You’re the coolest! You’re the-” 
A man with tall, blond hair and sunglasses shouted, waving his arms.
“Enough, Present Mic. You’re giving me a headache. And you’re supposed to be impartial. You’re the announcer, not a fanboy.” 
The man with messy, black hair and a tired look said, rubbing his temples.
“Aw, come on, Eraser Head. Don’t be such a killjoy. Let me have some fun! Besides, didn’t you tell me you knew her or something? You should be cheering for her as well! I bet that Y/n girl is gonna be in the top 5!” Present Mic said, challenging his colleague.
“Oh? I bet she’ll get a place between 10 and 20.” The R-rated hero said, accepting the bet.
“Look, there’s one of the robots. It’s about to fire at her.” 
The skinny looking man said, otherwise known as All Might (in his weak form) said, pointing at the screen.
“Let’s see if she has a plan in mind or is just as reckless as one of us in this room.”
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Welp, Y/n is friends with Bakugo......Right?
And of course, Yn is totally not interfering with the cannon events and changing them without knowing herself......Right?
Anyways, you got the chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Have a good rest of your day! :)
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theythedisaster · 2 years
Worst one. By far.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Words: 1,316
Warning: Angst no comfort, Implide suicide
Katsuki had never regreted many things in his life.
But now the nerd is gone.
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Katsuki had never regretted many things in his life.
He had worked hard to hone his quirk and his body. He was loud and abrasive, he knew it, but it never really bothered him. He had just graduated from UA with honors. He was the best of his class. He was smart and strong, noticed by some of the best hero agencies of his country and even some from America. All of his life choices had taken him to where he was now.
Why would he regret anything? Anything at all? Everyone says things happen for a reason, right?
"Try not to be loud," his mother said with uncharacteristic dejection, smoothing the flap of his black suit as he stood numbly. If his mother had wanted him to answer his agreement, he didn't notice.
His father stood by his side, a gentle hand pressing against Katsuki's shoulder. Trying to stay grounded, present, turned out to be a difficult task.
"Katsuki?" His mother called once more, soft.
Not brat. Not gremlin.
Katsuki. She had called him by his name. She never did that.
That brought him back from his momentary stupor, "I won't be," he whispered, his eyes staring back into nothingness.
With a deep breath and a short nod, she gripped his hand in her's and moved along. For the first time in almost 14 years, Katsuki didn't shake her off. For the first time in so long, he let her drag him forward with her. He let her guide him, his father closely behind.
They stood before that door he had stood in front of near a million times before.
Funny how the last time he came was just like that, with his hand grasped inside of his mother's. But now he was 18, taller than his mom and not really excited to see it open up.
His mother knocked three times, heavy, as if weighted down by sorrow.
It surely was.
The door opened slowly, creaking obnoxiously all the way through. From the gap, a small head of green appeared. But to Katsuki's dismay, it was straight. Well kept and pulled back into a slick ponytail.
It wasn't Deku.
Wait, no. Izuku. It wasn't Izuku.
"Mitsuki-chan?" Inko's always soft voice broke through Katsuki's fog and he forced himself to pay attention. For once.
"Hello, Inko."
He couldn't exactly see his mother's face, but she took her friend's hand. Support, comfort, even if not enough. At least he could recognize that.
Inko let them pass, making them sit at the living room couch he sat on so many times before, but now the tv was off. There was no All Might movie playing at full volume. There was no All Might themed blanket thrown over him, no cookies on the side table, no sticky fingers cradling through his hair.
No Izuku snuggled beside him.
What there was, was a small shrine with white flowers and incense at the right corner of the room. It demanded his attention, called to him like sirens to wayward sailors. He couldn't stop staring at it.
Inko came into the living room a few minutes later, followed by his mother, who had refused to let her do the tea alone before. They both sat and placed a cup of what Katsuki assumed was mint tea in front of everyone at the coffee table.
Katsuki didn’t touch his.
He was aware there was conversation going on around him, but he couldn't really get himself to care. All of his attention was drawn towards the picture among the flowers and candles and incense.
Dopey, sparkling green eyes that shrunk from the force of a brilliant smile. Strawberry freckles that covered beautiful rosey cheeks. Wild, soft green hair that framed his face in a youthful way.
Izuku. That was beautiful Izuku in that picture, at that shrine.
It didn't feel real.
Suddenly, the letter in his pants felt like it weighed a million tons.
"You can get close if you want to."
The hand on his knee startled him, his eyes meeting glassy green orbs that reminded him so much of the ones he had been staring at just a second ago.
With a hesitant nod, he stood and slowly made his way to the shrine. When he finally stood in front of it, he breathed, feeling like his lungs constricted on themselves, feeling his hands for the first time since he found out. He reached for the letter in his pocket. Katsuki placed the closed envelope delicately, feeling like a piece of his wall chipped away. "This is for you, Izuku. Sorry for the delay."
He didn't know how long he just stood there, staring into Izuku's picture, but it seemed Inko deemed it enough. "Katsuki, dear," She touched him by the elbow, so softly, so motherly. This woman was incredibly strong.
The blond turned towards her, seeing her dark eyebags. She looked tired, sad. Of course, she would. Her son was gone.
"Zuzu left something for you in his room."
If something could bring him back to earth, maybe it was that.
He followed Inko in curiosity and shame as she beckoned him to follow after her.
Why would Izuku leave anything behind for him? He didn't deserve it. He was the one who caused this. Izuku had finally followed his advice. It was his fault.
Entering Izuku's room felt like a dream, or maybe a nightmare. It was just the same as when he last saw it, but with a few more things added. Some things like, drawings of Red Riot and Shoto and Uravity. Others like All Might and Eraserhead.
And Dynamight. Him. Katsuki.
The nerd, even after their fall out. Even during their time apart, watched him. He always watched him. Of course he did.
"He left this for you," Inko offered a small shoebox to him, making him feel massive as he grabbed it from her hands with fear that they would ruin it.
His hands always ruined everything.
"Stay for as long as you want. I'll be outside with your parents." Katsuki watched her turn around.
Why was she so nice to him?
"Why?" Came in a broken whisper, his throat dry and painful.
She turned back towards him, a small sad smile dancing on her lips. "He loved you. He still does, wherever he is. I'm sure." She walks closer and pets his cheek like a mother would.
How could she treat him like this? She must know, it was never a secret how he acted towards Izuku. How could she not hate him? He had made her son’s life a living hell during most of their time together and he even had the audacity to go and play the hero in highschool. She should hate him, she should.
She grabbed his chin with delicate, chubby fingers and turned his face back to her (he hadn’t even noticed he avoided her eyes). She looked into his eyes, so full of love and understanding.
And forgiveness.
"How would I turn you away, when he never did?"
Katsuki feels how the hole in his chest finally opens and caves in. He feels how the last of his wall -that has been chipping away ever since he set foot inside that house- crumbles under her soft caress. His face contorts strangely, hurt and unused to the movement. And he cries. He lets the tears fall down his cheeks and the sobs to come out of his soul with the force of a million suns. And he lets his body double over into Inko's embrace and his frame shake in the midst of his sadness and regret. They slip to the floor. And she holds him and he holds her.
There weren't many things Katsuki Bakugou regretted in his life, but maybe letting himself love Izuku too late was one of them.
Maybe the worst one. By far.
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iicandy-pop · 1 year
The Boys Taking Care of Baby Y/N:
(WARNINGS: Mentions of blowouts, vomit, premature birth)
Y/n will be female for this :)
Bakugou: Katsuki doesn’t like kids. Not one bit. They smell, they’re sticky and they’re needy. When you were hit with an age regression quirk, he decided to make an exception for you. He picked up your tiny form, and you squirmed. He knew that he couldn’t yell or swear in front of you, so he did his best to stay calm and collected. You eventually melted into his warmth, and he carried you to the market to pick up some necessities. He stared at you, all wrapped up in your towel. It brought a smile to his face. “You’re so adorable, Y/N-chan.” He admitted. “I still hate kids, but you’re just so adorable that I can’t help it.” After he bought what he needed, he checked out and drove home with you cradled in his muscular arm. He sanitized everything that would go in your mouth, such as the bottle nipples and your pacifiers. He went in to your care blind (probably not the best idea), making sure to read the instructions on all of the things he bought you before using them. Unfortunately, he missed something vital about your clothing: He forgot to wash the black pants he bought you before dressing you in them, and your legs were stained the dye color for a few days. When Katsuki first saw your legs, he panicked and immediately took you to the hospital, where he was later told that there was nothing to worry about and that he most likely forgot to wash a piece of your clothing before putting it on you. It was a dye stain. He felt relieved that nothing was wrong, but also stupid how he could forget so minor. When he got home from the hospital, he stared at you. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” He said. He made you a bottle, in which he made another error. He put too much probiotics in it. The right amount was supposed to help with proper digestion, however he put in a lot more than the recommended dosage, which he was going to pay for later. During your evening nap, you woke up crying. Katsuki immediately rushed to you. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked, picking you up. You kept crying. Katsuki was unsure of what you needed. That was, until the volcano erupted. His eyes widened. ‘Oh no…’ He thought. He held you out in front of him. ‘Please dear god.’ He gulped and immediately took you to the bathroom. He undressed you to find an unholy mess. You had a blowout. He gagged, nearly vomiting at the site of what has been caused due to too much probiotics. He threw the onesie in the trash, there was no saving it. It was dead. He immediately washed you, changing you into a new diaper and pajamas. He held you to his shoulder as he cleaned up the living room. There were bottles, wipes, pacifiers everywhere. He groaned. “Y/N, I love you and all, but I do NOT want kids.” He said.
Midoriya: Izuku adores children. The thought of being a father has always been on his mind. Now? Well, too soon. When he saw you shrink down to an infant’s size, his heart broke. He caught you in his arms, concerned at your face which radiated discomfort. He wrapped you up in a blanket he found so you won’t get cold. When you started crying, his heart hurt. He got you to safety as quickly as possible, holding you close to him to calm you down. “Shhh, you’re safe, I promise.” He assured, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. While shopping for you, he realized just how expensive baby clothes can be. His heart was set on a certain sleeper he wanted to buy for you. It was teal, with white polka dots, and on the front it said, “little lady” with a lady bug decal next to it. When he saw it was $15 just for the sleeper, he decided to pass on buying it for you. His shopping trip was cut short when you started to get fussy. He bought the essentials. Diapers, formula, wipes, all that. At home, his mom dropped off some of his newborn clothes for you to wear. He was so grateful for her gesture, and put a diaper on you along with a onesie. It was light blue, and you looked absolutely adorable in it. He picked you up, kissing your cheeks to make you smile, which you did. Come nap time, you weren’t tired at all. You wanted to stay awake, fighting sleep when Izuku tried to soothe you. You were crying, still not even the least bit tired. He rocked you in his arms, attempting to sing softly to you to calm you down. You were still in tears, and Izuku continued trying to comfort you. It took about 30 minutes to get you to sleep. If even a singular floor board creaked because of another classmates footsteps, he would dart his eyes at them and politely tell them to shut the fuck up because you were sleeping. Protective Izuku is a scary Izuku. The next day, he gave you a bottle first thing when you woke up. You downed about half the bottle before needing to burp. You pushed the bottle out of your mouth and groaned, indicating that you needed to burp. Izuku hefted you to his shoulder, gently patting your back. You burped and he continued feeding you. After your bottle, Izuku patted your back again. Up came a burp, and also some of your breakfast. Izuku immediately gagged at the site of you spewing on him. “Oh good lord,” he said, cleaning you up and changing his shirt. He picked you up, once again kissing your cheeks and holding you close. He was excited to be a father, even though he’d have to wait.
Todoroki: The first place he took you when you regressed to a baby was the nearest hospital. You weren’t the size of a normal newborn baby. You were tiny. You were immediately taken to the NICU and examined. When carried back out, wearing a pink hat with a bow on it and swaddled in a fleece white blanket, Shoto’s heart skipped a beat, relieved that you were going to be okay. The nurse handed you to him. “She’s around 16 and a half inches tall, and she weighs five pounds. She’s the size of a premature baby, which could mean she was premature when she was originally born.” She explained. Shoto simply nodded. His mission? Take care of you. He arrived back to the dorms, carrying a huge bag of baby stuff. Fuyumi spoiled you. He set everything down and sighed. “Jesus, how much stuff did she buy for you?” He asked. He opened the bag. There was a LOT of stuff. Lots of clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, even hats, socks, mittens and toys. There was no WAY you were going to use all of this stuff. Shoto put a diaper on you and swaddled you in the blanket you were previously swaddled in at the hospital, putting a load of the clothes to wash so you had stuff to wear tomorrow. He laid you down next to him on the couch, researching on how to properly care for babies. He took everything in and studied the information in the screen. He looked at the clock. “Five o’ clock? It’s dinner time.” He said. He looked at you, who was sound asleep. He smiled, gently picking you up to cradle you. You squirmed and let out a small whimper. He kissed your forehead. “It’s alright.” He soothed. After your clothes were dry and warm, he dressed you in a red and white striped sleeper that was fleece. He didn’t care that the footies had santa clauses on them, he wanted you to match his hair. He also put a white bow on you. He cradled you and carried you to the kitchen. He propped his phone up on the counter and started recording. He was taking a video for his mom. You made a noise. “Oh,” he responded, beginning to cradle you again. Another noise, this time a whine. “Oh,” he said again, now cradling you in the crook of his left arm. You let out a cry of hunger. “Oh, okay baby.” He said. He looked at the camera. “Hi Mom, Y/N got hit with an age regression quirk. I’m making a bottle for her.” He said. He put the bottle in the warmer, and you cried again. He gently bounced you, patting your bottom. After the formula was warm, he dried off the bottle and fed you, kissing your head once again. He watched you as you ate, making sure you had enough to eat before taking a break to burp you. You squirmed while being burped, making so many cute noises that tugged on Shoto’s heart strings. When you finally burped, he snuggled with you instead of feeding you the rest of your bottle. He caught it all on camera. He wanted to make his mama proud because he learned how to care for babies. He pressed his lips against your head, swaying slowly on his feet as he held you close to his shoulder. He closed his eyes and took it all in: your warmth, the newborn baby smell, the longing to hold you for however much he wanted. What he wanted more was to prove he could be a better father than his own. You squirmed more and whimpered. He gently rubbed your back. “I got you, baby. It’s okay.” He soothed. You fell asleep on him, to which he didn’t mind at all. It only meant he could stop recording and cuddle with you some more. During the night, you kept waking up and sobbing loudly. It never bothered Shoto. After all, it was his self-assigned job to take care of you. Reasons being hunger, dirty diapers, gas or just needing some cuddles. After taking care of your needs, Shoto lulls you back to sleep by shushing you and patting your back. It never failed to knock you out. Even though Shoto woke up sleep deprived the next morning, he didn’t mind one bit. He was just preparing himself for parenthood in the future.
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luffysbasement · 5 years
not to be That Person but competitive tango dancers bakudeku au with the guy in white pants being katsuki and the other izuku
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | friends older brother!izuku + college student!reader + f!reader + squirting + size kink + more! minors dni! does this count? as dark content?
— 2.4k words
"It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
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“Uh, hey Izuku!” You smile, grip tightening around the strap to your bag. Izuku fills the doorway, broad shoulders kissing both sides of the frame, and you can’t help but feel minuscule in comparison. “Kota around?”
Izuku shakes his head, peering over his shoulder for a second before returning his attention to you with a click of his tongue. "Uh, no I think he's out with Eri. They should be back soon though...it's been a few hours."
"Shit," you curse under your breath. Your friend's older brother smiles in apology, biceps straining under his white tee.
"You need something?"
"Yeah," you nod, forcing your eyes back onto his, instead of the broad chest presented at eye-level. "Just my precalc book."
Izuku waits a second, thinking, before his palm claps against the doorframe and he's walking deeper into the house. "Come on in, then! I'm sure he won't mind."
You step into the house after him, and it's...weird. Weird being with your Kota's older brother without Kota there, because despite the thousands of times you've been in your best friend's house and as well as you know the greenette, you and Izuku have never been alone.
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"Find it?"
You've been rummaging through Kota's room for a solid ten minutes and somehow still empty-handed, moving slowly in fear you'll see something you can't unsee. And hey, with Kota and Eri dating, anything's possible.
"No," you sigh, ready to give up rather than find a strap-on. "It's fine. I can just come to get it tomorrow or something."
"How soon do you need it?" The greenette asks, his forearms leaning against his younger brother's dresser. You take a seat on Kota's comforter instead, silently hoping you'll find your book by accidentally breaking your tailbone against the damn thing; you're a little disappointed when all your ass comes in contact with is a plush mattress.
"Like, tonight," you grieve, knowing that tomorrow morning, your math grade will suffer severely. "'S fine though. There's always another test."
Izuku snorts at that, crossing the room to take a seat next to you. The bed whines under his weight but doesn't collapse, and you feel a little bad to say you're surprised. Voice full of reminiscence, he sighs, "Ah, the college days."
You giggle, "You act like they're lightyears behind you."
"They might as well be," the greenette shrugs, before reaching behind your waist to steal a pillow. "Couldn't tell you a thing I learned."
You shrug trying to remember the last time you’ve felt prepared for a test, “Neither can I.”
Izuku chuckles and nods, though you’re convinced it’s because he has nothing to say. An awkward silence takes possession of the room by the neck, and you shift awkwardly, unsure of what to say that could give you an excuse to leave, or at least redirect his strange yet heavy gaze. As Izuku licks his lips, you notice how close you two actually are, as he's big to the point where your shoulders almost brush, but not quite.
"How um, hows your boyfriend?"
You scoff at that, but you suppose it's been a while since you and the greenette have talked one on one—and the last time you had, you weren't single.
"Oh uh, he's fine, I guess," you brush it off with a shrug and a wave, cringing at the thought of how that ended. "I don't know. We broke up a while ago, so."
"Oh sorry!" Izuku flushes and throws a hand over his mouth, and you giggle.
"You're fine. He was an asshole anyway," you chuck a laugh, but it's not really that funny. Frankly, he's left too many emotional scars to count, along with the ones healing from past exes. "I...don't have a good reputation when it comes to picking boyfriends."
“So, I’ve heard—no offense,” he says sheepishly, though you don't blame him. You've definitely had a few surprise visits caused by a nasty break-up or two, knowing this is the place you'll probably find both of your best friends hiding out. When Izuku speaks again, it’s borderline awkward as his eyes dart around the room, cheeks puffed and lips pursed in apprehension. “Found...anyone new?”
You frown, “Anyone new.”
“Yeah!” Izuku exclaims, and it’s almost encouraging. “Like a new boyfriend.”
“Oh,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Um, no. Like I said, I don’t have much luck with that type of stuff.”
Izuku snorts, rolling his eyes before he’s adjusting himself to lay on the pillow, half of his body upright. “I bet you do. You might not realize it, but you do.”
Now it’s your turn to snort and roll your eyes, leaning back on your hands with a huff. "You're just being nice, Izuku."
"No, seriously!" He props himself higher so you can see he really is serious, evergreen eyes locked and deadset, "Like—okay, and this might be a TMI or something, but how do they, y'know, and then be dicks, y'know?"
"They don't."
"They don't...what?"
"They don't...make me cum," you heave with great depression, despite the seemingly surface-level complaint. With wrists tightening around your ankles, you hate uncomfortably in the silence, and watch Izuku's mouth open and close, before it opens and closes again.
"No." You give him a weird look.
"But what about your last boyfriend? I thought he—"
"I don't know what you're looking for, Izuku," you chuckle, shaking your head. The greenette seems more pained than he is shocked, eyes wide with a big fat pout in place of a neutral face. "It's not like I haven't had an orgasm before. Just...not with someone else."
"That's not the same!" Izuku defends, slowly becoming more animated than you've ever seen him. "It's like...more passionate with another person, you know? And that makes everything a whole lot hotter."
"Thanks," you huff, mood souring more than it already has. Izuku's mouth stills once he realizes what he's essentially bragging, guilt clouding his face. As you exhale out of your nose, you can't escape feeling bad for snapping. "Look. I'm perfectly fine with being the only person to be able to make myself cum. It's not that deep."
"You sound like you expect no one to be able to," Izuku snorts with a raised eyebrow, shoulders bumping against yours. "You've just...had bad boyfriend luck. That doesn't mean no one's capable of doing it."
"Well," you click your tongue bitterly, because you've heard all of this before, and you're utterly tired of hearing it. "They've been able to make all their exes orgasm. And it's not like it even matters, relationships aren't abou—"
"I could do it."
"I—" you blink, shaking your head at the pure audacity of his request? Suggestion? Comment? Whatever the fuck. "Excuse me?"
"I—wait, listen," Izuku rushes like you're getting ready to book it the fuck out of there, sitting upright so his body is turned to yours. "You're...it's...I've been told I'm good with my fingers, right?"
And what a way to start a story.
"Izuku, in the nicest way, every guy is like this," you scoff, "He thinks he's all that just because a chick or two said you made her feel really good. I don't need to fake another orgasm."
"You won't have to," Izuku purrs cockily, leaning forwards on his hands and making you wonder where all of this is coming from. "Let's play a game of simon says, yeah?"
"Simon—" your chest collapses with a giggle of pure disbelief, "I'm not that much younger than you, you know."
"I wouldn't be offering if you were," the greenette reasons, eyes growing dark slowly, if any. "Yes or no?"
"What's the catch?" You bargain and Izuku huffs a laugh. You can feel it on your face.
"No catch, Pretty," he hums, and you can feel the vibrations in your fingers. "It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
You gulp as Izuku lifts a hand—and a very large one, at that—and it's jagged and rough with scars and bulky knuckles. His free hand makes you grab his wrist and you're fingertips barely touch, but you’re pulling his hand south by your own volition.
“Gotta take your pants off first,” he chuckles, and you flush red. That would be helpful, yes.
It doesn't take long before they're off though, flung towards a corner somewhere—and this is when you realize that maybe, you shouldn't do this on Kota's bed.
"Izuku maybe we shoul—"
But before you can say anything else, he's pushing your panties to the side and shoving both fingers into you at once, eyebrows folding as he groans under his breath from the sensation.
"So wet already? Clearly, someone likes this more than they let on."
"I—what the fuck happened to simon says!" You yelp, but his fingers don't move. Izuku just beams like the deceptive asshole he is.
"Game starts now," is all he says, and you're huffing, propping yourself up on your elbows. Izuku's fingers might as well have knocked the wind out of you, lungs struggling to find room to breathe as he curls his fingers to tap directly onto your g-spot with worrying precision.
"Simon says um, move please," you grunt out. Izuku's fingers stay still, and you frown, kicking him in the thigh. "Hey, I sai—"
"You gotta be more specific than that, Pretty,” he says with a grin. You snarl. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."
"I..." you start, but it's fucking embarrassing, and you know Izuku feels you twitch around him when you say: "Can you um, fuck me with your fingers."
He doesn't move.
"Simon says fuck me with your fingers, asshole," you grunt with narrowed eyes, though they widen when he starts to pump his fingers in and out, chuckling when you shiver from the dexterity.
Except, his fingers move painfully slow, and you find yourself gritting your teeth at the speed when he doesn't make an effort to go any faster. You click your tongue—he's really going to make you request everything, isn't he?
"Simon says faster," you growl with a challenge burning in your eyes, and Izuku meets them with equal fire, fingers finally forgetting their torturous pace for a much quicker one. Finally.
"Fuck! Simo—simon says right t-there," your legs spread wider and Izuku makes more room for himself in between. He hums with dark eyes as you whimper and whine his name, writhing in his younger brother's sheets like they belong to him—like you belong to him.
"I wanna touch you all the time, you know," Izuku grunts before cursing at the sight of your wetness around his fingers. "Make you feel good, make you mine. I don't think Kota would approve, though."
"We don—" you wheeze and he places a hand next to your head, towering over you. The angle only gets better, your hands digging into the sheets as Izuku's fingers curl just right. "We don't have to tell him."
Izuku chuckles at that, chest rumbling as he leans in closer to the point where your noses nearly touch. "You dirty fucking girl."
You moan at that, hips bucking into his hand. You're so close and yet you need more, something else to push you over the edge for good. With a whimper behind a bitten lip, you say, "S-Simon says rub my clit."
Izuku's thumb falls upon your clit and you squeal from the amount of initial pressure, thighs jolting from the white-hot waves that pump through your bloodstream as his thumb moves in small, ever-quickening circles that have you gripping for Kota's comforter for dear life.
"Iz—Izuku I'm gonna—g-gonna cum," you pant, and he's ripping his hands away before you can even reach a hint of the edge. You glare at him out of pure and utter betrayal, and he beams.
"Simon didn't say, did he?"
Your mouth flies open before your brain has time to process it all, "Simon says make me cum, p-please, I need to—fuck!"
Izuku's stuffing you full with his fingers in an instant and his thumb returns to its rightful place.
"Yeah? You gonna cum for me, Pretty?" His hands somehow find the energy to speed up to the point where the clap of his palm against your pussy fills the room, slowly being replaced by a lewd squelch as you tighten around him. He chuckles when all you can do is whimper, grappling for his big shoulders as he says, "Oh, yes she is. So fucking close I can feel it."
You let out a broken moan and in a blink you're squirting, body buzzing as you make a big wet mess of Kota's sheets. It doesn't even register how screwed you two are because you're too busy wading waist-deep in the sea of Izuku's eyes, chest heaving in time with his as he gives you a look of pure awe. Not at what you've done, per se, but at you, and that's when you understand it—the passion.
"We should uh, probably clean up," Izuku flushes as he chuckles, cheeks pressing into the crescents of his face, and you find yourself smiling along with him. With a final click, he pulls his fingers out, gesturing to a circular wet spot on his now see-through shirt. "You made quite a mess."
Fuck the passion.
You shove your fists into his chest and Izuku laughs, pushing your hands away with his one dry free hand, wiping the wet one on Kota's sheets.
"Izuku!" You gasp, looking at the new and improved addition to your mess. The greenette shrugs.
"What? We're going to have to clean it anyway," he shrugs before assuming the dry spot to your right and nestling his forearms in the pillow to peck you on the forehead. Then he freezes.
"I uh...am I allowed to do that?"
You roll your eyes, grabbing him by his squirt-soaked shirt to pull him into a kiss. Izuku hums at that, suppressing the urge to smile as his big hands find their way to your waist. He's an annoyingly good kisser
"No, you're not," you say with swollen lips once you pull away. Izuku grins, teeth digging into his bottom lip as his eyes flutter to yours for a moment, before they're staring into your soul again.
"I like you," he boldly states, albeit quietly, like he's talking to your eyes and nothing else. "Like, a lot."
"I—" You start, but you're interrupted by a click of a lock and the sound of the front door opening. Shit.
"Oi! We're home, Izuku!"
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oilivia · 3 years
“Friends? I don’t think so. Friends don’t know the way you taste”- w/ Deku & Tamaki
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request: It says requests are open and I have a soft sport for deku and amajiki. Idk if the prompt list is exclusively for Haikyuu but I really like number 23 🥺👉👈   
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a/n: thank you for the request! it was a lot of fun to write and i hope you enjoy it! all characters are aged up, you can find the tws separately for each drabble. smut after the cut. no beta, so let me know any mistakes you find!
Pairings: Deku x fem reader w/ dubcon (alcohol) & oral (f receiving); Tamaki x fem reader w/  oral (f and m receiving), slight body worship
Wording: 1.2k
if you want to request drabbles, i have a list of prompts here.
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tw: dubcon (due to alcohol), fingering, oral (f receiving)
It all happened so suddenly. One moment you were celebrating your best friend’s birthday at his favorite bar and the next thing you knew, you were wrapped in his strong arms while he pounded relentlessly into your sloppy cunt. 
You wanted to blame the alcohol, you really did. But was it alcohol that made you daydream about Midoriya pressing you against the wall of his office, his throbbing cock splitting you open, whenever you’d go ask him to sign some documents? Was alcohol to blame for the way a wet spot grew on your panties whenever he’d get close, his palm on your back or his fingers brushing against your thigh? 
You’d say you didn’t plan for anything to happen. Not when you wore your lacy underwear, not when you put on your sheer stockings and neither when you chose that dress you knew he complimented last time. And you definitely didn’t imagine the way your plush lips would look wrapped around his cock when you put on your favorite lipstick.
Deku offered to take you home - a gentleman, as always. He didn’t want anything to happen to you, not on his birthday. You asked him to stay over, what was the point of going home at this hour when you had an empty couch? You sat next to him on that same couch, just to chat a bit while you drank some water, you said. The way your eyes lingered on his mouth whenever he talked, the way your chest heaved as you watched him take off his shirt (he wouldn’t sleep in his best shirt now, would he?), the way your fingers were absentmindedly playing with the hem of your dress - you wanted him, he could tell.
You moaned the moment his lips crashed with yours, leaning into his every touch. You tasted just like that cherry chapstick you put on when you left the bar, so sweet and delicious. And a hint of alcohol, but that didn’t matter. The faint smell of cigarette smoke mixed with expensive perfume filled his lungs when he moved to kiss the column of your neck. You were intoxicating. He loved how sensitive your body was, how you responded to his each and every touch like it was made for him.
You knew pro-hero Deku was much more confident when he was drunk, the alcohol serving to lower his inhibitions, but you still didn’t expect him to be this bold. You didn’t expect him to act on his impulses. To fuck you with his eyes the way he did, to let his hands roam your body.
His fingers easily found your lacy underwear, pulling it aside. You felt him smirk against your flustered skin when he felt just how drenched you were. He couldn’t wait, he wanted to see if your cunt tasted just as good as your lips did. Taking off your panties in one swift motion, he kneeled, his large palms spreading your cheeks as he buried his face in your slit. You whined, your body bending as his tongue slid along your folds, pressing at your entrance.
“Izu, I-” you tried speaking between the moans he kept pulling out of you “I hope we can still stay friends after this. I don’t want to ruin-”
“Friends? I don’t think so. Friends don’t know the way you taste. And you taste so damned good,” he answered, a glint in his eyes before he pushed a finger inside your cunt. His lips captured yours in a kiss - he wanted to show you just how intoxicating your taste was.
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tw: oral (both f and m receiving), bit of body worship, creampie and a tiny bit of angst
You had known Tamaki ever since you were kids. He was sweet, kind, caring, you were sure he’d make the perfect boyfriend. But not for you. No, he was too good for you, you couldn’t do that to him. That’s what you told yourself.
Then why didn’t you stop him from kissing you when he nervously approached your slightly parted lips? Why did you kiss him back, tangling your tongue with his, exploring his mouth as your hands sank in his hair? You didn’t say no when he asked you if he could touch your breasts, lustful look in his eyes. You nodded, your hand wandering to the outline of his cock, greedy when you saw how it strained in his pants.
You let Tamaki explore your body, savoring the way his fingers and lips worshiped your naked skin as he carefully took off your clothes. You relished the look of admiration on his face, the way his skin was flustered and the soft moans that escaped him when you touched his sensitive body. 
You smiled when you saw the deep blush that adorned his cheeks and rapidly spread to his chest and the tips of his ears when you kneeled in front of him, licking the precum that oozed from his tip. His cock twitched when it passed your lips and he covered his mouth with the back of his hand, half-lidded eyes following every bob of your head. He cried your name when he painted the inside of your mouth white and you swallowed. The way he moaned your name made your cunt tingle.
You let him spread your legs, watched the way he took in the look of your pretty pink cunt glistening with slick, the way he gulped, hungry for a taste. It felt good. Your toes curled when he buried his tongue between your folds and when he flicked the bundle of nerves with his tongue, making you grab your sheets - so close to bliss. His hands kneaded the flesh of your thighs, trying to keep you still as he lapped up your cunt.
You guided Tamaki’s cock inside your sopping walls that ached to be spread further. He was hard again, throbbing in your palm. You moaned, his girth hitting your sensitive spots with each thrust, hips meeting yours with soft pants. It didn’t take you long to cum again, this time his cum spraying the inside of your cunt. 
After cleaning up, you laid on your stomach, enjoying the gentle way his hands massaged your back. You hummed in appreciation, letting him know how just good it all felt.
“W-What are we?” his slightly shaky voice broke the silence, prompting you to turn your head to face him.
“What do you mean, Tama? We’re friends,” you answered a bit too quickly for his liking.
“Friends? I don’t think so. Friends don’t know the way you taste,” he averts his eyes when he speaks, the blush returning to his face. You let yourself sink into the mattress, enjoying the comfort for a little while longer.
“I wouldn’t be good for you, Tama,” you let the words fall from your lips. You shouldn’t have let him kiss you. You shouldn’t have let him touch you. You shouldn’t have, but it felt so good, the way he cherished you, the way he worshiped your body. 
You sighed, thinking of the mess you’d have to untangle in the morning.
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© 2021 all content belongs to @cherrysdollhouse​, please do not modify or repost without permission
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stealforreal · 3 years
Future kids - Todoroki Shoto I
Todoroki meets his children from the future. Part 2 is up now you can find it on my tumblr masters list. Or click [here]
Todoroki Shoto x F! Reader
Warnings: none
Todoroki was understandably confused. One moment he was eating his cold soba in peace and quiet, the next a little girl came barreling into him. Clinging onto his pant leg for dear life, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks. Todoroki tensed, even if he was coming out of his shell, dealing with a little child while not having complete control over his flames terrified him. What if he ended up hurting her, when he wanted to help? He refused to be like his father. hurting small children.
A small tug on his leg brought him out of his thoughts, and back to the reality that a young girl probably no older than 6 was clinging to him. He could feel his pants getting wetter by the minute, drenched in the redheaded little princess’ tears. Kneeling down to her height, he put a hand on her head and pattet it gently. It was the only form of comfort he could think of would be appropriate. “ Hey snowflake, where's your parents?” Todoroki asked the little girl, making her look up at the stranger whom she was clinging to. A small gasp escaped her lips, as she began to sob harder and cling to him even more if that was even possible. “ I-Im so so sorry daddy *sniff* I can’t find Ren” Todoroki stiffened. Daddy? He wasn’t a dad, not yet anyways. But that didn’t matter when he was comforting a young girl, so he would play along for the time being. Besides he felt drawn to the little snowflake, maybe it was the fact that she was comfortable enough to seek comfort from him. Maybe it was the fact that she looked like him, with beautiful heterochromia eyes, one classic Todoroki cerulean blue and one e/c.
“ Take a deep breath, little snowflake. Can you tell me what year it is?” His usual monotone tone, took on a softer note talking to the girl. He was kneeling at her height, rubbing small circles on her small back, while she clung to his shirt, sobbing in his chest. She looked up at him with her big mismatched doe eyes brimming with tears “ Its 20xx” okay weird that is 15 years in the future, Shoto wasn’t stupid this was probably the work of a quirk. He then proceeded to ask her if she was indeed hit by a quirk.
She told him that apparently her and her twin brother Ren, were playing with some of their friends at a park. But when they were playing tag one of their friends got their quirk, and the twins got separated. When Reina, as she told him her name was, woke up and couldn’t find her twin brother Ren she began to panic. Then she began looking for him, but then she recognized the dual colored hair and ran to him.
In between her telling the story and sniffling quitely, Shoto had picked her up. While she was calming down in his arms, he began making his way back to the campus grounds. Mr.Aizawa would hopefully know what to do, and maybe they would find Ren on the way. It broke his heart to hear her sniffle, his little snowflake crying was heart wrenching. Even if she technically wasn’t born yet, she was still his little snowflake and he would protect her no matter the cost. He was so possessive of his little girl already and he had only met her 1 hour ago, he promised himself then and there that he would be a better father than Endeavor ever was.
Her sniffles and sobs stopped, and her trembling figure relaxed in his hold. He could feel the little one's gaze on him, and he turned his head to her tilting his head a bit to ask what was wrong. “ Why do you look so young, daddy? '' She asked with the little innocent voice of an angel, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her question. “ Well my little snowflake, right now I’m 16 and you haven’t exactly been born yet. I’m guessing your friend's quirk is something along the lines of time travel” he patiently explained to her, she nodded her head along as if she understood him. And if she inherited his intelligence, she just might have understood what he just told her completely.
The walk back to the dorms were filled with idle chatter, Shoto asking Reina about his future and how he was as a father. To which she exclaimed with a bright toothless smile ‘Daddys the best daddy in the whole world’ and he was so relieved that he wasn’t a horrible father like his own was to him. He ended up stopping for a minute so Shoto could pepper her with small soft kisses all over her cute slightly chubby cheeks. Her squeals of excitement warmed his heart, and a soft smile made its way on his face.
To onlookers they looked like a cute set of siblings, and small aw’s and so cute were heard in the background. But inside their little bubble, nothing could burst Shoto’s happiness at knowing he wouldn’t repeat his fathers mistakes. The long walk back to the dorms felt a lot shorter with his little snowflake talking his ear off. It was adorable really, she stumbled over a few words every once and awhile. She told him all about her and Ren’s adventures, how they accidentally froze their teacher when Ren got his quirk, and how he had to come and free the teacher.
Shoto was inexplicably happy that Ren got his quirk from his mothers side. But one thing caught his attention was the mention of their mother. He realized that Reina not once had mentioned her name, and as much as Shoto would hate to admit it he was beyond curious as to who he would ultimately spend his life with. A big part of him hoped that it was you, since he had finally found out what the fuzzy feeling he had around you was. Yep Todoroki Shoto was utterly and completely enamored by you, your personality was sweet and you would do anything for family and friends. Alongside Midoriya you were his best friend, and he was in love with you.
The closer to the dorms the two Todorokis came, the more his curiosity nagged him to ask his daughter who her mother was. When he could see the height alliance building a little longer down the road, his curiosity won. “ Snowflake, you never told me your mom's name. '' Reina brightened when he asked about his future wife, a big tell that his little girl adored her mother as much as she adored her father. '' Silly daddy, mom's name is Todoroki y/n of course, ``she said giggling. A bright smile adorned his handsome features as Todoroki stepped into the dorm's living room with Reina still in his arms with her head on his shoulder.
Class 1-A consecutively looked towards the door when it opened. They were trying to calm down the child that was crying on their sofa, who also happened to look suspiciously like their dual haired classmate. The young boy had dual colored hair and cerulean blue eyes, his hair was half white and half y/h/c. The child was obviously confused and scared, and had only stopped wailing when Kaminari short circuited. But alas he was still sobbing and the class was almost out of ideas. He had been asking about his parents, and calling for a person named Reina.
There in the door stood a smiling Todoroki, holy damn was the world ending. But what also caught their attention was the little redhead in his arms hugging him, the little girl's voice reached them and their jaws dropped. “ Daddy, is this the place you and mommy met?” It was such an innocent question, but 1-A was in a frenzy, so much so that they didn’t notice the little boy springing up from the couch and dashing toward Todoroki and the girl. They only came back to earth when a small happy “Daddy” was heard.
Todoroki was about to answer Reina’s question, when he heard the little cry “Daddy”. He turned his head towards the sound and so did Reina, she began bouncing in Shoto’s arms. “ Ren '' She shouted, making Shoto bend down and extend his arm that wasn’t holding Reina. Ren launched himself into Shoto’s chest, and Reina began hugging her twin brother as much as she could in their fathers embrace. “ Don’t worry my little snowflake, daddy’s got you” He whispered softly, calming Ren immediately. The rest of the class stood gobsmacked, daddy?
“Now my little snowflakes, let's go find Mr. Aizawa, so you can go home” Shoto’s arms were full, his little boy on one arm and his little girl on his other arm. How is he supposed to open the door? “ Midoriya, would you come with me to open the door?” Shoto’s tone was monotone as always, but slightly softer in the presence of his children. Midoriya simply nodded dumbfounded, nobody said a word. What were they supposed to say, with all the daddy claims, and seeing the children in the arms of their classmate confirmed it. They looked like the spitting image of the dreamy heterochromia boy, but with some tweaks. There were the y/h/c and the girls one e/c eye, that obviously must’ve come from their mothers side.
On the way to the teacher dormitories, the twins talked excitedly with each other, while Shoto explained the situation to Midoriya. Midoriya felt like he had seen the features on the twins that certainly didn’t come from Todoroki’s side, but with how much they looked like their father it was nearly mission impossible.
Coincidentally on her way to Mr. Aizawa as well, you spotted the tuft of green hair and tufts of red and white hair. Hm, must be on their way to Mr.Aizawa as well you thought. Jogging up to them, you poked Midoriya’s shoulder. Even if you were in class 1-B, you had a pretty good friendship with the cute green haired cinnamon roll. Your quirks were similar in a sense, since yours was a boost of strength as well. Not nearly as strong as Midoriya’s, but still. That is why you were training partners, and through him you had met his friend circle. It wasn’t an unusual sight to see Midoriya and Todoroki together.
But when they turned to you, you were left flabbergasted by the two cuties in Todoroki’s arms. Before the boys could react, Ren began squirming chanting ‘mommy’. Shoto sat him and Reina down, because she too began squirming once they caught sight of you. The two children that were previously in Todoroki’s arms, now tackled you in a hug. “Daddy look, we found mommy” they said in unison. Two children around 6 years old launching at you, could make even the best of them fall on their butts. Which was exactly what happened, they were squeezing you as tight as their small forms would allow.
Choosing to ignore the small ‘mommy and daddy’ comment, you carefully scooped them up in your arms. The look that Shoto gave you was enough to go along with this little charade, he looked at the three of you like you were his entire world. His eyes were shining with happiness, and his lips quirked up in a small smile. Lightly bouncing the ecstatic but sleepy children in your arms, you turned your attention to the two males before you. “ You wouldn’t happen to need Mr.Aizawa as well, would you?” You raised a knowing eyebrow. The two boys nodded, and you began walking again towards the teachers dormitory. You sent Todoroki a small pointed glare, silently commanding him to explain the situation.
The walk to the teachers lounge felt shorter than usual, since your attention was occupied. Todoroki explained his theory that a quirk sent the twins to the past, and that the two of you were their parents. As crazy as that sounded it made so much sense, and looking at the children you would lie if you said you didn’t see the resemblance. Midoriya explained how Ren was crying before Todoroki arrived, and how confused they were when they heard the little boy yelling ‘daddy’. Ren was probably the most scared, since he didn’t recognize anyone in his panicked state. Besides, most of the students probably look a lot different in the future, so it's kind of a miracle that the twins recognized you. Shoto will always be pretty easy to recognize, with his distinct hair, eyes and the showstopping scar. It complimented the handsome teen next to you so well, no wonder he was one of UAs top heartthrobs. Stopping for a second, you just realize something. If the twins in your arms are you and Todoroki's, then that means that you ended up scoring the half-n-half quirk user. Nothing could wipe the shiteating grin that made its way on your face, eliciting concerned and curious glances from the males beside you.
Mr.Aizawa had his fair share of strange situations. He had been teaching at UA for some time, and student’s quirks weren’t always a walk in the park. Never had he ended up in a situation quite like this though, he had to rub his eyes twice to make sure it was real. In front of him were 2 out of Class-1A’s trouble makers and one of his favorite students from Class-1B, they had two small children with them. Easily recognized as twins, and they looked like the half - n- half troublemakers children.
This was going to be a long night.
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boomboombakugou · 3 years
Big 3’s Reactions to Sleeping in the Same Bed for the First Time
Pairings: Midoriya x Reader, Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader
fluff :) *swearing*
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~Izuku Midoriya~
You were at a training camp for the weekend with the whole class. Everybody had their own bed, but the second you set your bag in yours, it broke. Must’ve been old.
You and Midoriya kinda had this thing where you both knew you liked eachother, but nobody ever said anything. He offered to share with you.
“Unless you don’t want to! That’s fine. Not that I- I like want you to- wait! I’m not saying I don’t want you to either! I just mean uh.. do w-whatever you want.” He stuttered ending with a smile. Everyone else laughed at him, making him even more flustered.
You accepted cooly, but you were more nervous than it came off. When night rolled around you rummaged through your bag, looking for pajamas. You only packed corny matching sets because you didn’t think this was happen.
After choosing the least embarrassing ones, you knocked on his door. He opened quicker than expected, “Hey Y/N!” He said enthusiastically, but you could hear the anxiousness in his voice.
It smelled nice. You couldn’t tell if it was the natural smell or if he sprayed something in preparation for your arrival.
He was wearing a white tank top and plaid pajama pants. You both just kinda stood there awkwardly. “I- uh.. do you wanna.. Are you tired right now?” He asked
You were, but you didn’t wanna make it awkward if he wasn’t, so you just asked him if he was. Awkwardly enough, he was thinking the same thing. He just scratched his neck and admitted he was.
You agreed and he opened up the covers for you. It was a queen, so you didn’t have to be so close. Not that you didn’t want to be.
You got under the covers and faced the wall. He got under and faced the opposite way. “Goodnight Y/N.” He said turning off the lamp.
He quickly turned it on again, “Sorry I forgot to ask! Are you like- are you afraid of the dark? I won’t make fun of you if you say yes.” You laugh to yourself and tell him it’s fine.
“Goodnight Izuku.” You responded.
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~Katsuki Bakugou~
Like 2 weeks ago, Bakugou had asked you to be his girlfriend. No awkwardness. He just told you he liked you. You said you did too. And now here you are.
After failing your last test, he insisted on tutoring you because he, doesn’t want to be labeled as “someone who’s dating a dumbass.” He was definitely joking, but it motivated you.
You were both in his room, in your pajamas, while he explained the work to you.
“Y/N! Wake the hell up!” He snapped, poking your forehead. You had dozed off while studying. He tried to keep going, but you could no longer focus.
The next test was in 2 days, so you told him you would get up early and come study. “If you’re coming back anyways, just sleep in here.” He stated. Your eyes widened. You weren’t opposed to the idea, but it was just your guys first “sleepover.”
You shrug and set your stuff back in the table.
“No light, no tv. If you’re scared, don’t be.” He said as you crawled under the cover. You actually were slightly afraid of the dark, but you guess it wouldn’t be as scary with someone you know beside you.
Bakugou always went to sleep early, you pretty much just went on your phone till you fell asleep. “I thought you were tired. Why are you in your phone?” He growled.
You tried to explain, but he just snatched it away from you and tucked in under his pillow. “Sleep.” He affirmed. You rolled your eyes, but shut them.
You were awoken by a warm hand shaking your shoulder. Bakugou is staring you dead in the face when you turn around.
“Oh it’s morning.. already?” You murmur. He looks annoyed as he clicks his phone. You hear the sound of a very loud snorer.
“I can’t sleep with your fucking snores echoing the room.” He said angrily, but you knew he wasn’t trying to be hurtful. You rubbed your eyes and told him you would just go back to your room.
“No.” He protested. You lifted the covers and told him it’d be better. He snatched you back and wrapped the blanket back around you. “No. I’ll live. Just thought it was funny. Go back to sleep.” He whispered.
You shut your eyes. Suddenly you hear a soft snoring. Well how the turn tables. You remember your phone is under his pillow, but he’ll wake up if you get it, so you just note the memory in your mind.
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~Shoto Todoroki~
You had told Shoto that you were having nightmares. He insisted that they weren’t really nightmares, instead just dreams you didn’t like.
Regardless, he acknowledged that they made you uncomfortable. “Do you wanna sleep in my room?” He asked, in response. He didn’t know how to comfort you, but he was trying.
You agreed and bought your one stuffed animal into his room at night.
“What’s that?” He asked. You stared at him confused. “A stuffed animal that my mom gave me when I was like 7. I can’t sleep without it.”
He smiled a little bit, “I wish my mom made gave me plushies instead of scars.” Well that was awkward. You stood there in silence for a while. You know he doesn’t mean to make things uncomfortable, he’s just blunt.
He asked you if you wanted the right or left because he was more comfortable on the left, but he’d let you sleep there if you wanted.
You didn’t have a particular preference, so you laid on the right.
He wrapped him arm around you and scooter in close, not saying a word. “Goodnight sho.” Yiu said breaking the silence.
He responded, but not to what you said, “Is this too close? I just thought this would make your dreams less scary.” You laugh and say it’s fine. It does make you feel safe.
“Goodnight Y/N. Goodnight stuffed animal.. what a gruesome title for a children’s item .” He ended.
(A/N: okay my second post :D i still don’t know how requests work, but I want some because I’m terrible at thinking of scenarios.)
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babymilkawa · 3 years
HI BEAN!! so basically i saw that ur inbox was open and i was wondering,,, could u maybe do like todoroki in a secret relationship x gn!reader, either texts or hc format bc i feel like thatd be rly cool. have a good day!! 😊 oh also if u want u can do like a how yall got found out too sksjdh
yes!! aah how have I never thought of doing a secret relationship with texts before,, this is brilliant!!
secret relationship headcanons with:
todoroki shoto
gn!reader :)
mild swearing
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so it was your idea to keep it a secret because todoroki wouldn’t really mind letting other people know that you’re his
but he completely understands your reasons
although he wishes he could openly hold your hand and stare at you without midoriya and iida following his line of vision, he wants you to be comfortable first
there’s a lot of sneaking around, whether it’s glances at each other or to spend the night in one another’s arms, you have to admit it’s kind of fun
y’all even have a little knocking pattern
one time you were wearing his hoodie in your bed and you heard his usual knock
as soon as you opened the door, his arms were around you immediately, giving you only a few seconds to close the door with your foot
he’s picking you up by the waist and throws the two of you on your bed
“shotooo” you say, giggling
he’s usually clingy but today he was all over you
his hoodie that you were wearing had your own scent mixed in to it, making him rub his face on the crook of your neck while holding you by the waist
your hands instinctively went up to his hair and ruffled his soft locks
after rubbing his face print onto your neck LMAO, the two of you just lay there, panting from laughing so hard
he’s still on top of you and he doesn’t plan on moving any time soon
his cheek is to yours and his face is literally 😌
then you get a text saying that everyone’s meeting up in the living room to talk about plans for the weekend
gently pushing your boyfriend off you, you say “hey I need to leave first, you can come 5 min later or I’ll text you. Ok sho?”
he didn’t respond, arm still snuggly wrapped around your waist
you wiggled out of his grasp and got out of bed
remembering to take his hoodie off, you leave your dorm, looking around to see if anyone was near
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you immediately sat up from your seat on the couch and rushed to your dorm
you saw midoriya standing outside of your room and you didn’t know whether to be relieved or to panic
he was a good friend of your boyfriend’s and if he did find out, you trusted that he would keep it a secret
midoriya saw you coming and whispered, “uhh y/n I think you have someone in your dorm”
“what? Oh no don’t worry about it, I just came out there’s no one in there”
“are you sure? I think we should check..”
“nopeee don’t worry about it! I think we should go, they’re probably waiting for us”
you dragged him away from your door and the two of you sat next to each other on the couch
you could tell that he suspected something, though
although you were grateful that he was worried and wanted to ensure your safety, you knew that your tone of voice sounded suspicious
then iida spoke up “where’s todoroki? We said to meet in 5 minutes!”
you looked at anywhere but midoriya and he turned to you, suspicions confirmed
uraraka was on your other side and just at that moment, she started dusting your shoulder “y/n why do you have white hair on your shoulder, red too”
ah shit
you could see midoriya’s eyes widen from your peripheral vision and see other heads turning to you
“yea..” denki said. “where is todoroki?”
“why are you looking at me? I don’t know where he is.” you say.
then at that moment, your boyfriend walked in, looking around
realizing that there were no seats left, he subconsciously plopped down right at your feet, causing the whole room to gasp
“I KNEW IT” kirishima said, jumping up to his feet and pointing at the two of you
mina was hopping around and screaming “how did we not notice 😫😭”
“well it wasn’t really obvious until like 5 minutes ago” midoriya says beside you
“wait..so the hair on you.. was Todoroki’s?” denki says.
“no shit sherlock, who else could it belong to?” bakugou growls
you honestly don’t know how to react and looking down at your boyfriend, you realized that he looked pretty calm, except for the tiniest smirk on his face
to be honest, you didn’t mind anymore
plus now, you could put the collage you made of your couple pictures as your screen saver
todoroki already had todorokiy/n as his phone passcode but he wanted to change ur contact name and put his favorite picture of you as his screensaver
then he got up and pulled you off the sofa, only to sit back down himself and bring you into his lap
the room broke out in “awws” and you could feel the color rushing into your cheeks
he rested his chin on your shoulder and said, “so what are we talking about?”
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a/n: this was so fun to write!! aah yk I really wanna give you guys content/prompts that you don’t usually find on here,,,hence the quarantine ones,,,but I apologize if you come on Tumblr to get away from all that oops 🤭
bnha masterlist
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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locked lips
pairing: Pro Hero! Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: NSFW 18+ MINORS DNI [please im literally begging you], swearing, legal consumption of alcohol, slight praise, fingering, use of the name ‘baby’, deku being a little bit of a cocky jerk, unprotected intercourse, make-up sex
genre: ex’s to lovers, smut, aged up characters, fluff/angst (?)
word count: ~2.2k words
synopsis: You broke up with him on impulse. That doesn’t mean you stopped loving him. Now you’re back at his place, at a party you planned, with him looking just so desirable. What else were you to do?
a/n: hi hi! alright friends, this being my first nsfw post i cannot stress enough how important it is that minors don’t interact. if i catch any minors interacting with this post, ill delete this post and block them, which i obviously don’t want to have to do. just please respect these rules :)) anyway, reblogs are greatly appreciated and enjoy xx
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You scrolled through your phone, mindlessly. You tried your best not to double tap on any of the pictures on your screen. The last thing you needed was for him to know you were stalking his page.
“You should start getting ready,” said Uraraka. You looked over at her, cocking a brow.
“Uh I'm not going?” you huffed. Uraraka sat down beside you.
“Don’t be like that Y/N. You still have to go tonight, regardless of Deku.”
“The party is at Deku’s house. I’d look like a total idiot showing my face there after we broke up.”
You sat up and crossed your arms. Ochaco sighed. She grabbed your shoulders.
“Y/N, you are gonna go to the party and make Deku regret his entire life. Anyway, I’m bringing you as my plus one, so you have to come!”
You sighed. “Fine, but I’m staying with you the whole night.”
Ochaco smiled and gave you a quick hug. She got up and began scanning through her closet again.
You had been staying with Uraraka since you and Izuku had broken up. It was a blow out fight. You yelled at him for caring about work more than you. He shouted at you for not being understanding of his career. The words you meant mixed with the words you didn’t, and chaos erupted between you and him. So, you packed a bag and left. You didn’t want to, but you were done.
While you and Deku were still together, you helped him plan an event for him and his fellow Pro Heroes, as an opportunity for them all to get together. Now, you would be attending that same event. Only, not with him.
“Who would’ve thought there’d be a day where I’d have too many clothes to choose from,” laughed Ochaco. You smiled.
“You should wear that pink dress Iida bought you for your birthday. I don’t think you’ve worn it out yet.”
“You think? It’s not too much…”
“Of course not! You’ll look hot,” you teased. Ochaco smiled.
“Alright alright I’ll wear it. But then you have to wear this!” She pulled out a bag from her closet and handed it to you.
“Please don’t tell me you bought me something…”
“I had to! All your clothes are still at his place...and I wanted to make sure you felt good tonight.”
You gave Ochaco a nudge and pulled out the tissue paper. You felt the soft material in between your fingertips, pulling it out from the bag.
“No need to thank me. You’ve been through hell and back these last few weeks, the least I could do is get you a pretty dress.”
You jumped towards your friend, engulfing her in a hug.
“Thank you.”
“Hey now, let’s get ready! The limousine will be here in just a few hours!”
You sat in the back of the limo with Ochaco as you were on your way to Deku’s party. You looked like a million bucks. A little part of you hoped someone would take notice.
The estate where Izuku lived was gated off. Once you were let inside, you could see the beaming lights from the top of the hill. You felt your stomach clench, nerves building inside of you. You wanted to see him, but you also didn’t want to see him doing better without you. You haven’t even been apart that long. A month maybe? Certainly not long enough for him to be over you, because you certainly weren’t over him.
“Oh wow, Deku went all out!” cheered Ochaco. You looked to see the endless decorations and glamor that surrounded you.
“Yeah, these were my ideas,” you mumbled. Ochaco placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t stress about it. Let’s just have fun, okay?”
You exited the vehicle and began to make your way inside. Champagne fountains and blasting music greeting you. His house was just as extraordinary as you remembered it. Nothing less than perfect for the No. 1 Hero.
“Uravity! Y/N!”
You turned to see your friend Iida, plus others from your old days at UA.
“You two are looking stunning tonight!” smiled Kirishima.
“Why thank you, it’s all thanks to this one,” you chuckled, giving Ochaco a nudge.
“I honestly didn’t expect to see you here tonight Y/N,” said Shoto. You shrugged.
“Well, I was invited after all. So Mr. Number One Hero can deal with it,” you huffed.
“Sounds like you could use a drink.”
Kaminari handed you a glass of champagne, which you took happily. You clinked glasses with your friends before dousing the beverage down.
“It’s gonna be a long night,” you mumbled to yourself.
You found yourself on the living room couch of Izuku’s large complex. You watched as Pro Heroes danced mindlessly with far too many drinks in their systems. You chuckled. At least they’re having fun.
You hadn’t seen Izuku all night, which was strange considering this was his party. You looked over to the glass staircase, knowing more than well that his bedroom was upstairs. You knew the layout like the back of your hand, after all, you lived here for a year.
You knew all your stuff had to be upstairs. You only had time to pack a small bag the day you left. Surely he wasn’t awful enough to throw your things away. You got up from the couch and quietly made your way up the stairs, hoping no one saw you sneak away from the action of the party.
His bedroom was at the end of the hallway. The doors were closed. You placed your shaky hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. It was unlocked.
You stepped inside. The smell of his cologne filled your senses, causing memories to flood in as well. His room was neat, as if no one had been sleeping in it. You turned to the closet. All your clothing should be on the right side.
“Sneaking around?”
You jumped, removing your hand from the closet handle. You turned around slowly.
“Just wanted to make sure you didn’t burn my shit,” you huffed. Izuku chuckled. He took a few steps towards you, opening the closet.
“Don’t paint me as a villain Y/N. All your things are safe and sound.”
Your side of the closet was just as you left it. Exactly how you left it. You looked back to Izuku.
“Perfect. Then I’ll be taking it with me when I leave-”
“I’m surprised you came at all. I figured you’d want to be as far away from here as possible.”
“I didn’t come for you, I came for Ochaco.”
“Oh right.”
Deku took a step back, placing his hands in his pockets. That devilish smile stared you down, causing your face to burn. You could see the outline of his muscles through his white button down.
“You look incredible by the way. New dress?” he smirked. You rolled your eyes.
“Well since all my clothes were here, yes.”
“Well serves you right for leaving out of nowhere.”
Your eyes widened and you clenched your fists.
“I didn’t leave out of nowhere, I left because you cared more about your job than me!”
“That’s not true-”
“To hell it is! I was tired of being second to everything so I left!”
Izuku took a deep breath and stepped closer to you. He placed his hand under your chin, having you look at him.
“I didn’t want to break up.”
Your breathing got heavier without you even realizing it. You also didn’t realize that Midoriya had you pressed against the closet door.
“I-I didn’t want to either…” you whispered. Izuku smiled.
“Then tell me baby, why did we?”
“B-Because I didn’t know what else to do…”
Izuku brushed his thumb against your cheek, then took a step back.
“Look, I’m sorry. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel under-appreciated...but-”
Izuku moved closer to you again, pinning your arms to your sides and pressing his torso against you all in a swift motion.
“-I can think of a better way to prove it to you.”
You tried to catch your breath. All you wanted was him at this exact moment. Was that a good thing? Of course not. Did you care? Of course not.
“Then prove it to me.”
Izuku wasted little time in moving you onto his California-king. He pinned you down onto the mattress and instantly kissed you. You felt the rush of butterflies swarm your stomach. You hated how much you had missed this.
Deku let go of your wrists and you began to unbutton his shirt. With little patience, he helped you from out of your dress. He dived back down, locking lips with you once more. You dragged your nails down his back, listening as soft groans escaped his lips. He moved down to kiss and suck on your neck.
“Fuck~” was all you were able to get out. Izuku’s hands grazed your burning body, feeling the skin that he had been craving since the day you left. He snaked his hand to your back, unbuckling your bra easily.
“I’ve still got it…” he teased. He threw the bra to the floor and gave you little time to breathe before kissing you again. You ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
His puppy dog eyes stared back at you.
“What is it?”
You panted heavily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I need you.”
A smirk creeped onto his face. Izuku kissed your cheek.
“I promised I was gonna prove it to you, wasn’t I?”
Izuku sat up, unbuckling his belt. He slid off his pants and boxers. You caught a glimpse of him, causing your body to feel on fire. Midoriya placed his head in between your legs. He teasingly kissed your inner thighs, keeping his hands glued onto them. The anticipation was practically killing you.
“Patience baby...I’m in no rush…”
He moved up to your underwear, biting onto one of the strings and pulling it down. They were practically soaked already. Same with your bra, he tossed them to the floor.
He continued to kiss and nip at your thighs, inching impossibly closer to you. You couldn’t take it anymore.
You grabbed Izuku up and kissed him feverishly.
“So eager baby~”
“Please just fuck me,” you whispered. Izuku chuckled. He licked his lips.
“As you wish.”
Izuku spread your legs apart, dipping one of his fingers inside of you with ease. You arched your back, letting out a moan, and gripping onto his arm tightly.
“That’s it baby~”
Midoriya slipped another finger in, stretching you out even more. You clenched around him as he added more pressure.
He removed his fingers and better adjusted himself above you. He held his cock in his hand before slowly pushing it inside of you.
You didn’t remember him ever feeling this good.
Izuku began to thrust into you, slow at first before building in speed. You could feel yourself clenching around him, sweat forming on your skin. Midoriya groaned with each movement as he pushed even deeper. He kissed you as he fucked you, though you were such a mess you could barely keep up.
He knew exactly how to get you worked up.
“Oh god...I’m c-close,” you mumbled.
“Not yet…”
Midoriya moved his hand down, taking his thumb and rubbing your needy clit. You gripped onto him even harder, digging your nails into his skin as he pushed you over the edge.
“Oh fuck-fuck-”
“Fuck baby, I-I love you-I’m sorry-” he stuttered out.
“I-I love you t-too. Fuck Izuku- I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum with me baby-”
Izuku went even harder as he reached his climax, following you. You let out a pleasure filled scream as you let go. Izuku laid on top of you, catching his breath as your body shook below him.
He looked up at you, brushing his hair back.
“I love you,” he repeated, in case you didn’t believe him the first time. You smiled.
“I love you too.”
You had forgotten all about the party that was occurring below you. As you got redressed to head back down to meet Ochaco, you felt Izuku grab your hand.
“What is it?” you asked him. Midoriya took your other hand as he stood before you.
“I really am sorry. I don’t want you to leave again,” he explained. You sighed. You ran your fingers through his hair, kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, I won’t.”
You walked downstairs with Izuku, his hand interlocked with yours. You watched as Ochaco’s jaw dropped at the sight of you.
“Oh so that’s where you were for the last hour and a half?” she huffed. You chuckled nervously.
“Yeah sorry…”
“Well the limo is here to take us back home, or are you staying here?” she asked. You looked up at Midoriya.
“I’m staying.”
Soon the Midoriya residence was quiet, just you and him remained. You curled up with him on the couch, his arms holding you tightly as he kissed your head.
“You wanna know why I didn’t get rid of any of your things?” he said. You laughed.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I knew you’d be back.”
reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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Ice Skating - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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A/N: This is my favorite that I’ve written so far, also I don’t know a ton about ice skating so there might be some inconsistencies with the sport irl <3
Maybe a class 1A trip to the local ice skating rink wasn’t the best idea but it certainly wasn’t a boring one. With each student bundled up and topped off with hats, earmuffs, and insulated headbands, you were all seated and tugging on your skates. Two benches away from yours, you already see trouble stirring. 
“Oi, dunce face, watch your waddling!” Bakugou exclaimed, standing up. In the process he wobbles slightly, but is stabilized by grabbing onto Kirishima’s arm.
“Haha, sorry Bakugou!” A sheepish Denki replies. You smile at the silly interaction and return your focus to lacing up your skates. You’ve always loved skating, ever since you were little, and you did it often enough that your parents had bought you your own pair of skates. You never went super far into the sport but you do know how to do a few jumps and tricks.
“Wow, Y/N, your skates are so pretty!” Uraraka complimented. You flush a bit, looking at what's on your feet compared to the others. The pretty ivory white did look quite stunning next to all the boot-like skates the rest of your classmates were wearing.
“Oh, thank you! They were a Christmas gift a while back.” You stand up with ease and stretch a bit.
“Have you skated before?” Poking out from behind Uraraka, you see Midoriya's face with a curious expression plastered on it.
“Yeah, I got lessons when I was a kid but I didn’t compete or anything. I knew when I got my quirk that I wanted to become a hero but it didn’t hurt to have a hobby.” You say, smiling as Uraraka helped the green haired boy to his feet, red faces exchanged between the two.
“I wonder if Todoroki has ever been ice skating. I mean he does have an ice quirk.” Uraraka wonders. You’re sure that she doesn’t realize that her hand was still holding Midoriya’s, but you make note of it to tell her later.
“Hmm?” A smooth voice questioned from behind you. Speak of the devil, you remark, turning around to see the boy the three of you had been talking about. Wearing a white, loose turtleneck and a soft pair of black pants, he looked great. You get lost in thought for a second but shake your mind from its grasp, flashing him a nice smile.
“We were wondering if you’ve ever been ice skating,” You say, reiterating Uraraka’s previous question. A small smile and... wait was that a blush? flashes across his face.
“I haven’t, actually. This would be a first for me.” He says, looking at the rink through the plastic barriers.
“Well then,” Uraraka starts to say, making her way - as best she could with skates on - over to you. Oh no, I know that tone, you think as she links an arm through yours. “You should ask Y/N to give you some pointers! She was just telling us how she used to skate when she was younger.” You panic a bit on the inside but show no fear on your outward expression. When Uraraka had told you about her crush on Izuku Midoriya a couple months ago, you had shared your small crush on Shouto Todoroki with her. You might be regretting that a little bit now.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Are you okay with that?” He asks you. You see something flicker in his eyes, but not being able to a finger on what it actually was, you let it go.
“Yeah! That’s cool with me!” Mentally facepalming for acting so weirdly casual, you make your way over to the gate. However, everything seems to calm as soon as you step onto the ice. The glossy surface beneath the blades of your skates felt so comforting, melting all of your previous worries. You take a few glides across the ice to get a good feel and turn back to wait for Todoroki. The rest of the class piles onto the ice in an… unorganized fashion, but they all look to be having a good time. You even spot Uraraka and Midoriya skate past you, very discreetly holding hands. This causes a giddy smile to break out over your face.
“They seem close.” Todoroki comments as he starts to shakily enter the rink. This causes a laugh to erupt from you. The red-and-white haired raised an eyebrow and you shake your hands in front of you.
“Sorry, that just caught me off guard. Are you ready to start?” You ask, looking over his stance. While he did stumble a bit as he entered, he seemed to be doing fine now.
“Yeah, uh, how do I move forward?” He asks you, heterochromatic eyes meeting your Y/E/C ones. You smile and skate so that you're parallel to him, granting him a better angle at looking at your movements. 
“To start, I usually push off of my dominant foot like this,” you say, directing his gaze to your preferred foot, stepping forward in a somewhat diagonal angle. You step a few more times and turn back to Todoroki. He nods, his eyes on the ice beneath his skates as he tries to copy your movements and immediately succeeds. He looks up to find your eyes but is graced with a beaming smile. “Wow Todoroki! That was amazing, it took me ages to do it that well,” you praise, skating over to be next to him. The both of you start to glide in a synchronous manner, matching your steps exactly.
“So Uraraka was saying that you did this when you were younger?” He inquires as you make your second round around the perimeter. You nod and smile, effortlessly gliding across the ice. “Did you ever go into competitions?” His second question surprised you a bit. Of course, you had several conversations with each other about non school or hero related things, but him asking about what your younger self liked to do made you blush a bit.
“Oh, uh, I didn’t, no. At the age I was, I wouldn’t be able to compete properly with the other girls.” He nodded but you see that same flicker in his eyes as you did before.
“I used to watch skating competitions with my mother when I was younger. I, um, always thought they were quite beautiful.” You grin at him as you pause at the gate.
“That’s what drew me to the hobby originally. The intricate moves and spins always seemed to capture my attention.” Todoroki immediately agrees with you, leaning against the wall.
“Can you do some of them?” He asks, a small smile gracing your face. You nod, bashfully.
“None of the super cool ones but I can pull off a few doubles.”
“Could you show me?” Your eyes go wide at his request and only get bigger when, from behind you, Uraraka cheers.
“Everyone clear the ice! Y/N is gonna show us her moves!” Red rushes across your face which causes Todoroki to immediately start apologizing.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to put you on the spot-”
“It’s fine, Todoroki. I’d be happy to show you.” Before you step out and glide to the center of the ice, a hand wraps softly around your wrist.
“Shouto.” He says simply, causing an eyebrow of yours to raise in confusion. “Um, call me Shouto.” If you weren’t already grinning then you were definitely beaming at him.
“Then I would like you to call me Y/N.” You swear you see a blush creep up onto his cheeks, but you skate to the center of the ice. That’s when you see that the entire class had stopped to watch what you were doing. A little stage fright, you glance around until your eyes fall back onto Shouto’s. Just his eyes meeting yours results in immediate solace. You start to skate around the middle, gaining speed as you prepare your first jump - a double toe loop. You prep, spin your leg, and jump off of the ice, turning twice in the air before landing. You were honestly proud of yourself - it had been a little while since you practiced these kinds of jumps but you were able to execute them and land almost perfectly. You do a few more jumps, one double axel and one double salchow, before you skate back into the middle and stand there, awaiting your class’ response. You don’t expect the class to erupt in cheers but that’s exactly what happened. You laugh a bit before you scamper off the ice, donning guards to protect your blades.
“Y/N, that was incredible! If I had roses I would throw them all on there!” Uraraka exclaims, her arms thrown around you in a hug. You thank her and give her a grin as you walk towards the water fountain, gaining several pats on the back while the class clambered back onto the ice. All of the class, except for one person.
“I don’t know much about ice skating but I know enough to say that what you did was quite beautiful.” Shouto says, leaning against the wall next to you. A happy expression broke out across your face.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“I was also wondering if…” his sentence trailed off, your happy expression replaced with an eager one now.
“Yes, Shouto?” You urge him, hoping and praying that what he was about to say matched what you had in mind.
“I was wondering if you would like to study with me later tonight, in my dorm.” Now, normally this wouldn’t have been the greatest step for a regular relationship, but for Shouto it was leaps and bounds.
“I would love to.” You respond with a sweet look in your eyes. As the two of you step back out onto the ice, he takes your hand in his - subtly, like what Uraraka and Midoriya had displayed earlier - and starts to skate around with you. A few beats of silence passes which you are happy to break. “Would I be safe to assume that this study session would count as a first date?” You inquire cheekily, looking between him and what was in front of you. Shouto says nothing for a bit but you feel a squeeze in your hand.
“...yes, you would be safe in assuming that.” Oh, what ice skating does to bring out a boy’s courage.
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darlingyanderes · 3 years
Idk if you’re still doing two timed, but could you do a part 4 where the reader tells izuku that they love him? Like, really genuine while they’re done getting cleaned up.. maybe some nsfw? If not then sfw is okay, thanks a lot!
Thank you for your request!! I was really into it, so I might have written a whole lot more than I originally planned to write hehe I hope you enjoy it!
For anyone who hasn’t read part 1, part 2, or part 3, please check them out!
Warnings: murder mention, blood, dubcon, handjob, blowjob, 
Word count: 1583
Two-timed pt.4 - Yandere!Bakugo Katsuki x fem!reader x yandere!Izuku Midoriya (NSFW)
Deku had been busy for a long while. After they had bathed together, he had put (Y/N) in her room and buried her with blankets and snacks, telling her to relax while he takes care of everything. Although he had turned on the TV for her to keep her entertained, she could still hear the sounds of him dragging something and the sickening sound of breaking bones and knives slicing through flesh.
The sun was already shining its first lights on the new day when Deku had finally finished cleaning the scene of the crime and removing all traces of violence, or at least covering them up. With his slightly bloody cleaning gloves still on, he popped into her room to tell her in a sweet voice that it’s all done and that he’ll go wash up now.
He left the room, but he wouldn’t leave (Y/N)’s thoughts. He looked so tired. It must’ve been an exhausting day for him, yet he still does his best to be as nice as possible to her. He even brought her her favourite snacks. No one else would be this kind to her, no one else would do this much for her. No one would murder for her.
A small part of (Y/N)’s mind told her that murder is wrong and that she shouldn’t feel grateful, but Deku saved her. She couldn’t even imagine what would’ve happened to her if he hadn’t gotten rid of Bakugo. For him to do something like that, to kill his best friend for her sake… he must truly love her.
(Y/N) only noticed she had started crying when she felt a teardrop fall on her hands. Her heart was aching with loneliness as she hugged her knees. She had to see him.
Right now.
Jumping up from the bed, she ran to the bathroom and threw it open. Deku, who had just come out of the shower and had barely grabbed a towel, gasped in shock and tried to quickly cover himself up. He stuttered like a maniac while his hands fumbled around with the towel. “(Y-Y/N)? Oh my god, What are you- why- I’m sorry, I’ll cover up!!”
When he took a second glance at her and saw that she had tears in her eyes, he froze. His expression turned worried. His arm reached out to her and he softly said: “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Seeing him like that, with that loving look in his eyes, made (Y/N) cry her heart out. She quickly ran up to him and threw her arms around him, not caring that he was still wet. She clutched to him as tightly as she could and buried her face in his chest, sobbing loudly. All the emotions she had been holding back, the hurt, the fear, the relief; everything came gushing out all at once. Pushing through the tears, she sobbed: “Thank you, thank you so much.”
Deku wrapped his arms around her shivering form securely, rubbing her back softly and placing soft kisses on her head. He slowly cradled her back and forth, while whispering in her ear: “Of course, anything for you. I love you.”
For the first time, (Y/N) felt truly safe in his arms. It felt right, like it was her home. She belonged here, with him. Hearing his heartbeat through his chest helped her calm down and it wasn’t long before her tears had dried. Sniffling, she pulled away from his embrace.
Deku cupped her cheek and wiped away the remains of her tears with his thumbs. With a kind smile, he asked: “Are you feeling better?”
(Y/N) nodded, to which Deku showed her a bright grin. He put his hand on her head and exclaimed: “Glad to hear that!”
Seeing his smile like that and feeling his touch made her heart skip a beat. Hesitantly, (Y/N) looked down at her hands. A small blush made its way to her face as she bit her lip. Softly, she said the same thing she had told him so many times before, but now was the first time she actually meant it: “I love you.”
She shyly looked up at him to see his reaction. Usually, he’d simply smile slightly at her and then go on doing whatever he was doing before. He always knew she didn’t really mean it, but still appreciated hearing her say it.
But now, he knew it was real.
His face was completely beet-red as his hands clutched her shoulders. His eyes were wide and his jaw almost hung at the floor. His lips moved to say something, but his brain was too fried to utter a single word, let alone produce a coherent sentence.
He’s so cute, (Y/N) thought. Feeling a little brave, she gave Deku a small kiss on his cheek, to which he gasped loudly and started smiling like an idiot. (Y/N) giggled before giving him another kiss, this time on his nose. When she moved in for another kiss, Deku quickly moved his head so they’d kiss on the lips. It was so soft and sweet that it made (Y/N) melt into him.
Soon, Deku gave her another kiss, and another, and another, until their lips were locked. His strong arms wrapped around her back and neck, pulling her closer to him. Deku licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Happily obliging, (Y/N) opened her mouth slightly. It didn’t take long before Deku’s tongue was exploring her mouth, making (Y/N) hum in pleasure.
Panting for air, they both pulled away from the kiss. (Y/N) looked down at Deku’s towel when she felt something poke her thigh. Through the fabric of the towel, she could see that he became hard. Once Deku realised his little situation, he distanced himself from her and put up his hands. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You’re so cute and all, I just… I’m sorry, we can stop if you want.”
Without hesitation, (Y/N) said: “No.” She had been pushing him away for so long. He had done so much for her; this is the least she could do for him, the one who she loves so much. Pushing him against the wall, she put her hand around his dick through the towel, slowly moving up and down.
Wild shivers ran down Deku’s spine as he threw his head back. Breaths were leaving his body in shallows gasps already, despite her barely touching him. When she gripped it more firmly and pumped quicker, he put his arm on her wrist. In a breathless voice, he whispered: “(Y/N), it feels so good. Don’t stop.”
Before she could respond, his mouth had found its way on hers again. As they kissed, (Y/N) could feel the towel getting wet around the tip of his cock. Desperate for air, Deku broke the kiss with a moan. “(Y/N), I’m so close, I’m gonna-“
Then, (Y/N)’s hand stopped. Deku looked at her, slightly disappointed. However, when she went down on her knees, his eyes widened in surprise and delight. He clasped his mouth with his hand, feeling like he was on cloud nine. Is this really happening to him?
When (Y/N) removed his towel, his cock energetically jumped into her view. It was dripping with precum and was twitching so much, it looked about ready to burst. Looking Deku in the eyes, she gave the very tip of his dick a soft kiss, before circling around it with her tongue. When she took the top in her mouth, Deku’s knees started buckling and he buried his hands in her hair. As she took in more of him, he started moaning and bucking his hips, almost unable to contain the amount of pleasure he was feeling.
Bopping her head up and down, she could feel him twitching inside of her. She hummed as she savoured his taste in her mouth. Deku started pushing her head down his length while his eyes rolled to the back of his head. “God, (Y/N), it feels so good! I love you, I love you so much!”
His breathing turned uneven and he started moving his hips more as he neared his limit. Suddenly, he thrusted his entire dick in her mouth, loudly moaning her name. His body shook as he shot thick ropes of white cum into her. In a complete haze of heavenly bliss, he rode out his orgasm in her mouth.
When he came to his senses, he quickly pulled out and crouched down to (Y/N)’s level, who started coughing. He wiped off a trail of cum that was dripping down her lips, while anxiously telling her: “Sorry, you can spit it out if you want to.”
Instead, (Y/N) looked him in the eye and swallowed loudly. When she stuck out her tongue to show her mouth was empty, a flustered Deku grew a manic blush on his face. He almost couldn’t believe what had just happened, nor anything that had happened that day. This must be a dream.
(Y/N) crawled into his chest, pressing herself against him and making sure her breasts were squishing against him. With desperate eyes, she guided his hand to her slit, allowing him to trace her soaking wet entrance with his fingertips. She leaned into his ear and as seductively as she could, she whispered: “Can you go another round?”
Deku, with an eager grin, slithered his arms around her waist and pulled her on top of him, letting her straddle him. After quickly kissing her jawline, he said: “Of course.”
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straw-of-the-hat · 3 years
I love Kit's and Izuku's friendship. They're my BROTP. So could I bother you to write some headcanons based on their friendship and the shenanigans they get into?
Kit and Izuku shenanigans
These headcanons belong to this story!
✨ Let me just start out by saying they've definitely committed arson.
✨ Kit is the only reason Izuku had any confidence and if anything ever happens to him Izuku is probably going to shrivel up like a piece of month old broccoli and never move again.
✨Tenya is deathly afraid of leaving Kit and Izuku alone together but can't do much considering how close they live to each other. He's never considered himself religious, but by god does that boy pray everytime he sends those two off on their own.
✨Kit somehow managed to get into a fist fight at least once a week on their way home but Izuku has learned to just sit back and watch it go down rather than try and intervene.
✨They both chill at the Midoriya apartment all the time and talk about theoretical plans to overthrow the hero commission and revamp it from the inside.
✨Izuku has written "adopted by All Might" fanfiction and yes Kit knows and will forever hold it over his head. He's printed out four copies and has sent it to fifteen different emails.
✨They try to start a quirkless mafia but it's literally not working and Kit is irrationally angry because most of Japan's quirkless population is made up of old people. Old people with knee problems. As the mafia, they should be the ones causing the knee problems, not experiencing them!
✨Izuku is inspired and decides he absolutely must know how to seduce people. Kit forces Tenya into his demonstration and Izuku has like, half a notebook worth of notes.
✨He practices on Katsuki, naturally. Kit is all for it because Katsuki always comes home looking like he just got blasted in the face with a stream of ice water: shivering, flushed cheeks, wide eyes. It's fucking hilarious.
✨ They're low-key constantly insulting each other. Like all the time. And yet their self-esteem never stops growing? How can they be putting each other down and lifting each other up at he same time it doesn't make sense. Quirkless unity?
✨Kit tried—really, honest to fuck tried—to get Izuku into anything other than one of his weird shirts labeled "pants" or "flannel". He made a gargantuan effort and it just didn't work. Izuku could be a fashion icon if he just let the shirts go. He could be on the runway, and Kit is in agony.
✨They DIYed their own Tenya shirts to irritate him because what else are they supposed to do if not annoy him? They also run an Iida family Stan account on Twitter and worship Tensei like he's some sort of saint. Which I mean, he may as well be.
✨Izuku has never had alcohol so they dressed Denise up in their stolen Endeavor costume and sent him in to go illegally purchase them whatever the nomu could get his hands on. It was white claw but they made do.
✨Izuku starts a blog about Kit and Tenya's relationship and Kit knows this yet can't find a way to permanently delete it. It just pops back up and Izuku rags on them publicly for their PDA. It's brutal. The commenters are so cutthroat.
✨They stole a minivan once because Izuku used his pay to buy a rare, life-sized All Might statue off of eBay and they had no way to transport it. Where did Izuku even learn how to hotwire?
✨Denise does have a crush on the statue and they're not going to tell All Might this nor are they going to do anything about it. It's comedic relief at it's finest. Plus Inko really enjoys setting up fake dates for the statue and Denise because it makes the Nomu so impossibly happy. Who are they to get in the way of that?
✨They make a Chad shrine in every public bathroom they find and there's sort of a thing about it on Reddit that's slowly growing in size. I.E., they accidentally made Chad his own cult. They're both too afraid to tell Tenya.
✨They bully Katsuki on purpose and it's so fun. He gets so scared. Kit is already teaching Izuku how to take him down in a one on one fight without a quirk and by the time Izuku gets to UA he will be unstoppable.
✨They like to dress Luis the Chihuahua up in little outfits and post them on the Instagram he made for them. They're both way too invested in it. It's a miracle that dog isn't dead with own old and decrepit it is, honestly.
✨They have six different secret handshakes and they all mean different things.
✨Kit is GOING to give Izuku a haircut one day soon, even if he has to knock him out to get it done.
✨Why does Kit literally make Izuku livid what the fuck. Izuku used to be fine. Docile, if you will. Now he's just irritated and drenched in sarcasm that he can't stop from pouring out. Yet he also adores him. Where is the line and when did they cross it?
✨ Izuku's still too afraid to ask for ketchup at a restaurant. That's what Kit is for, Izuku supposes.
✨Izuku writes down any kink Kit alludes to ever for the sole purpose of later shaming him. Oh, and giving Tenya a heads up. Poor guy has no idea what's going on.
✨ They kill it at dance dance revolution
✨Kit is always trying to hook Izuku up with anyone hot they come across. He just knows Izuku would thrive in a relationship.
✨ He's sort of eyeing Shoto Todoroki for the role, actually. He and Izuku would be cute, right?
✨Izuku knows all of Kits passwords and sometimes breaks into his Instagram just to screenshot all the thirst messages the other boy gets and sends them to Tenya. Tenya gets so offended and Kit is left to deal with the aftermath. Absolutely hilarious.
✨Izuku knows how to disarm pretty much any type of bomb you can think of and teaches Kit all he knows. In return, Kit takes him to a casino and shows him the ways of poker
✨Kit is really good at poker and that makes people made and yes they are now running for their lives
✨Izuku always carries a pair of emergency shoes for Kit even though he knows they'll just be lost. Better safe than sorry.
✨Kit, in parallel, has a variety of fidget toys hidden on his person at any given time in case Izuku finds himself feeling anxious
✨Kit once sat on Izuku's shoulders and they wore a really longe trench coat to break into Best Jeanist's main fashion department building to steal his runway plans so they could know what they were up against
✨They outclassed him in every imaginable way
✨Izuku literally dissociates anytime Kit opens his mouth to talk about Tenya. He doesn't want to know. TMI. Time out. No.
✨Kit dared Izuku to go up to Endeavor in disguise during his patrol and pretend to ask for an autograph and instead knee him in the balls.
✨Izuku's chosen disguise was a full sonic the hedgehog costume and he did in fact knee endeavor in the crotch. And yes, it's a meme now
✨ They have an Endeavor hate chant
✨Izuku really wants to add All Might merch to the Suzuko line and Kit just thinks he's a nerd and a suck up. All might is already his teacher and now he wants designer clothes with his face on it? Too far, man. Too far.
✨They have matching jeans that they definitely didn't steal when they broke into Jeanist's fashion depot.
✨Overall they're an unstoppable and rather irritating force to be reckoned with and will stop at nothing to wreck havoc, much to Tenya's disdain.
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Immortal - 4 (kinktober)
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Dabi - Branding
AFAB reader
Warnings: 18+(minors dni), noncon, degradation, branding, spanking, pain, not edited
Word count: 2, 664
Previous | Part 4 | Next
You stared down at the mess on your stomach. Hot white spattered all over it.
Midoriya saw your concern. He turned to the window and reached up for the curtain rings. He removed it and handed the cloth to you.
You did your best to wipe it up. Should you wipe it off into something? Was there anything to put it into? Or did you just have to try to pick it up and fold it in the curtain. Your eyebrows lifted in a sudden realization.
"Can that window open?" You asked.
He turned to the large window and fumbled with a latch you hadn’t noticed before. With a click, he pulled it open. You slid off the desk and stood with the curtain cupping the mess. You awkwardly tried to partly sit on the small ledge, with the majority of the curtain on the floor, and turn your body enough to wipe the cum off and into the void below. Then you began to think.
"Do you know the way out of this mansion?"
He froze. Seemingly stunned by your question. For a moment, his eyes were distant, as if watching a memory.
"I mean, you had an entire piece of paper where you were trying to figure it out."
You finished getting the substance off of your stomach. The end of the curtain you used was disgusting, sticky, wet, and smeared white all over it. You flicked it out the window, but only truly succeeded at getting some onto the side of the mansion too.
He blinked and the distant look was gone.
"Yeah." He absentmindedly tapped his finger against his chin. His eyes drifted to the floor.
Your heart danced in your chest. A weight disappeared you didn't know was there.
It was then you realized you still had nothing on your lower half. You grabbed your clothes, and began to put them back on.
"So, can you help me get out?"
His face lit up. "Sure! Anything I can do to help." He did the same thing as before, once again deep in thought.
"Is something wrong?" You finished buttoning your pants. Then something occurred to you. Your face fell. "Wait. If you knew how to get out, why haven't you-?"
The sound of footsteps caught your ear. Your blood went cold. Your head whipped in all directions, you ducked underneath the desk, but hesitated. Was it too obvious? If you were found, you'd be trapped.
"What's wrong?" His eyebrows creased. His arms slightly held out as if subconsciously preparing to protect you.
"I'm worried that's one of the villains,"
"Yeah! I'm sorry, they might have followed me in, or maybe I was just unlucky, actually- What are you doing?" You asked before you could fully remember it wasn't your fault.
"Looking for something to make a trap with." He smiled. He fiddled with a mess of ropes for a second and held it out to show you.
"A net?"
"Yes! To catch the villain! C'mon, help me, get the trip cord in that drawer."
You scrambled to help him. Finding the chord, laying it out and holding it while he tied it down. Your head was spinning somewhat, but in less than five minutes it was ready. A trip cord attached to pulleys and a net on the floor.
"Wow. You're really g-"
"Hide. In the other room."
Without another thought, you dashed to the other door and through it. You gently closed it behind you. You immediately searched for a hiding spot. What if the trap didn't work? Either way, simply being separated by a wall didn't comfort you. You ran for the dining table, prepared to move a chair aside to hide under.
At least you were about to do that, but not even a second after you broke into a run, you hit something. Something firm, yet somewhat soft. You fell backwards, almost hitting your head on the narrow table against the wall. You winced from the sudden impact. Thankfully, another rug absorbed some of the shock. Yet, the back of your head did still not take kindly to being bumped so hard. You looked up to where it would be.
There was nothing there. But you had to have hit something. In fact, now that you thought about it, whatever it was felt an awful lot like running into a person.
You squinted and glared at the empty space. “Who’s there? I know you’re there,” you did your best to keep your voice strong, but quiet.
You stood your ground. Your legs parted and bent, and your hands clenched into claws ready to grab anyone charging toward you or jab someone in the eyes. The stance also boosted your confidence.
A few seconds. Nothing.
“Answer. Me,” your growled.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting. Maybe you actually partly expected it, but you couldn’t help but be shocked when someone suddenly appeared in front of you. He faded into vision. A man with long black hair that nearly covered his face. He didn’t meet your gaze, rather staring at the floor. He shrunk into himself with his hands close to his chest. His lips were pressed into a tight line.
You made eye contact for a millisecond before he looked away once again.
You tensed and stepped back. “Who are you? How-? Wait…” You stared at him more closely. “Suneater!? This is where you’ve been the past year!? Is every missing hero in this place!?!"
“A year?” his voice was quiet and shaking, “It f-felt like a lot longer than that.”
You opened your mouth, about to speak, when suddenly a large BAM sounded from the next room over. The one Midoriya and the trap was in. Then there was a scream. Not of pain, but of rage.
You and Amajiki looked to each other before scrambling to hide. You got onto the other side of the table and crouched down. He did so too, then suddenly vanished once more. You had just remembered you could pull a chair out and try to get under the table, but it was too late by then.
Bam! BAM! The door flew off its hinges with a flash of electric blue light. You couldn’t see much of where you were, but you did your best gazing through the chair legs. Where the door had landed, Midoriya jumped back, radiating a blue light. Someone, probably the villain, stood in the exact same spot. Your position, you did notice that the skin above his shoe was charred, or burnt. He held his chest and coughed.
"Surrender!" Midoriya cried.
"Just leave me alone, crazy," the villain said. His voice was deep and gravelly.
A large blue flame went up in the air towards Midoriya. Wait, this was…
Midoriya sprang forward and the villain jumped onto the table and out of the way.
Dabi's eyes and yours locked together. A deep blue staring into yours, like he had just found the thing he was looking for. It was too late to hide.
You frantically crawled away and tried to get to your feet. You tried to grab at the pen in your pocket you only remember just then. But it was no use. You felt a hand tug at the back of your shirt and pull you up, back against his chest, and a hand on your throat.
Midoriya's face went pale. "Don't you hurt-!"
"Or what?" You could hear the smirk in his voice. "What are you going to do?"
Midoriya shuffled back, trying to keep his face strong. His hands were clenched into fists.
"You can't do anything, because the second you try, this little thing is going to get a pretty burn on the neck. Or worse." He placed the other hand on your jaw and your neck had never felt for fragile than in that moment.
Dabi placed a kiss on the she'll of your ear. You shivered. A primal, cold, fearful chill down your spine that made you feel cold despite the warmth. Midoriya's eyes flashed and teeth barred. He moved as if about to leap forward, only to remember Dabi's threat.
You wanted to break away. If only you could grab that sharp pen just in your pocket. You wanted to get away from the heat building in his hand and chest. You wanted to get away from him and his disgusting touch and shower until you felt clean again. You wanted to at least squirm and fight back. But you knew he could hurt you and you froze.
You wanted to go home…
Dabi began to back away, still holding onto you, never turning his back to Midoriya. Your beat became uneven. You couldn’t let him get away with you. You frantically searched for a way out. Maybe if you thought for long enough, you'd think of one.
He took his hand off your jaw to open the door. His head just for a moment. That was your chance.
Steeling your nerves, you attempted to push on the arm holding onto you and make a break for it. It worked… for a second. You made a step forward and his hand was off your neck. Midoriya noticed and flashed blue as he prepared to charge forward.
Unfortunately, Dabi noticed.
He jerked the door open and quickly placed both hands in their previous positions. A surge of heat went through them that made you yelp.
"If you follow me, I'll make sure you and your friend here regrets it."
And with that, vision blurry from sudden tears, you were pulled through the door and it closed. Leaving you alone with Dabi.
He started running and dragged you along with him. You did your best to keep track of where he went, as well as trying to form a plan to get away. At one point, you got your foot caught on something, hoping the sudden forced of you stopping would be enough to let you go, but no such luck.
"You may have helped me get away, but you caused so much trouble for me."
He suddenly threw you against a coffee table. You would have wondered how there were so many tables in this place if it weren't for the fact a homicidal, pyro-maniac villain was right behind you. You scrambled and tried to get away, quickly seeing where this was going. But he was too quick. A scorching hand roughly pushed down on your back. You panicked. If it was that hot through your shirt, you couldn't imagine how much it would burn when he touched your bare skin.
You kicked at him, but all that did was open your legs for him to grope between your legs. You muffled a cry in your throat. You burned with shame that it had actually gotten you wet. With the heat seeping into your parts.
He hooked a finger into your waistband and pulled down. You made a frantic and weak attempt to knock his arm that was holding you down with your elbow. You tried to run, forward and leap over the table. Anything to get away, but his left hand still held onto your shoulder. His tight grip pulled you back and held you in place.
"I wouldn't do that."
You felt the cool air on your hip. With your pants and underwear nearly halfway off your rear, you felt him press a finger against your hip. You didn’t think much of it at first, until it got hotter and hotter and-
You yelped and kicked at him.
He managed to catch your legs and get his on top of yours as he kneeled. He used his elbow to slam you back fully down on the table. The wind was knocked out of you.
"So stay down, or you know what's going to happen."
He finished tugging down your clothes. He placed a warm finger into your folds and teased.
"This wet for me?" He chuckled.
"Or was it for that psychotic hero?"
"He is n- Ah!" He shoved a finger into your hole, invading the tight rings of muscles.
"Too bad, I'm going to have to do." He started pumping his finger into you. "Sorry to tell you this," he said, not sounding sorry at all, "but you wound up in the wrong place."
"I didn't even want to be here! Ow!"
Your skin stung and burned from the slap to your cheek. You had to bite your lip to stop from whining and blinking rapidly to not cry. He would only make fun of you. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Still got some spunk? Even after everything? I guess I'll have to show you your place and shut you up."
He placed a hand on your thigh. It heated up until you were squirming and trying not to scream. His fing-! two fingers now, we're increasing in temperature as well, though not as much. That had you squirming in a different way.
The fingers left you with a wet slick sound, filling you with relief. Until you heard the sound of a belt being undone. You heard a sigh, or quick breath in, just before you felt something prodding at your puckered hole.
He leaned down to whisper, "How would you like it if I-?" You didn't let him answer.
That was it. With a new-found willpower, you threw your head back and hit him square on the nose. You heard him cry out in pain, bringing you satisfaction and a smile to your face, for the first second.
"That's it, you little brat!"
He pushed his searing finger down and along your skin. Your mouth opened into a scream you couldn’t hold in. It seared to the point your body didn't even notice it was hot, it just felt pain. He slowly trailed down, seemingly to enjoy your pain. You tried to move away and even thrashed involuntarily. Every move you made to get away only had him gripping harder on your wrists and his palm slowly heat up. He stroke he made was torture.
He finally pulled his finger away. It still hurt for the first few seconds. It still ached and burned, like your nerves wouldn't forget what it felt like.
"Look at you. Broken and with my name on you.
Your eyes widened and turned your head to look at the back of your leg. It was hard to see, but you saw enough. Your blood boiled, and began a descent into a rage of fury.
"What the fuck did you do!?!"
His finger was against your lip and you froze. It was wet and you nearly puked from being able to smell yourself on him.
"I think you should keep that pretty little mouth shut."
You felt something warm and hard nudge between your cheeks.
"Maybe I should go in here instead." He applied the slightest bit of pressure.
No no no no no no no no. You unconsciously opened your mouth and he stuck his finger inside. Forcing you to taste him and yourself.
He must have had mercy on you because he began fucking your cunt instead. Jackhammering into you with no regard to how you felt. Until your brain was mush.
You could barely register he command, the word suddenly sounding foreign for a second. He shoved his finger in further and you began to hallow your cheeks.
His thrusts became before wild. It felt like slow motion when he slipped out and went straight into your asshole.
"Oops," he said with a grin.
You felt like screaming as he tightly plunged in. Your body seizing up as he continue to move in and our of you like a fucktoy. He took his finger out of your mouth to grab a fistful of your hair and pull your head back.
He said in your ear between thrusts. "And if you think we're almost done, you're dead wrong."
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
Love Festival
Kirishima Eijiro x F!OC
Summary: Being Fatgums adopted daughter can be challenging, especially when it comes to meeting his new interns while also having to keep watch over Eri.
Quirk: Ram
Quirk fact: Bring able to run, jump and react like a Ram, the user is able to also headbutt and cause great damage with their strength and horns. They also can digest anything like a Ram. Also has a fluffy wool tail, and a wool band around both wrists. Her legs from the waist down are ram legs, so she looks more like a Mythical Fawn.
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, enjoy!!
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"Oh hey Eraser Head! What's going on?" Fatgum answered his phone while sitting at his desk in his office at Fatgum Agency. "Fatgum, Midoriya and Togata have requested for Eri to be present at our School Festival, seeing as how Eri has bonded with Aki, do you think she'd be willing to join her on that day?" Aizawa questioned, standing outside Eri's hospital room where the young girl was currently having her lunch.
Fatgum pondered for a moment,"Well I don't see why she couldn't. I guess she could use a break too, between her assignments and being with Eri at the hospital, I'm sure she'd love it!" "Alright, I'll be sure to let the class know so they don't freak out. Speaking of, only Amajiki and the others in the Big Three have met Aki right? She was away on another assignment when Work Studies happened," Aizawa knew his students would probably freak out when seeing Eri's caregiver and friend, who was the same age as them but on a whole other level.
"You're correct, so Kirishima hasn't met her. It'll be fine though, I have full confidence that everything will be fine," Fatgum smiled into the phone, nonchalant about anything going on. "Alright, we'll discuss details later then," with that the two hung up.
"Oh hey Togata!" Midoriya called out to Togata, waving him over from where Togata was hiding behind the bush. Togata narrowed his eyes, realizing he'd been found out before he can surprise them.
The dance team looked on in surprise as Togata stuck his bottom out from the bush, Eri standing beside him looking surprised as well, "Hey guys! I brought a PEACH for ya,"
"Eri!" Midoroya called out as he, Uraraka and Tsuyu ran up to greet them. "That dress looks so cute," Tsuyu commented, "You are precious!" Uraraka gushing in fondness. The girls couldn't help the big smiles on their faces.
"Midoriya, I finally got permission from the Principle," Togata climbed out of the bush and began brushing off his pants as Aizawa spoke, "in order for her to not get stressed, we're allowing her to roam around today before the Festival, also there's someone you all need to meet as well,"
The other dance team members came forward to introduce themselves to the young girl. "Well hello there, you must be Eri, I'm Iida, nice to meet you," "Wassup I'm Mineta, man you're gonna be a looker when you're older huh~" Mineta smirked, but the young girl hid behind Togata, "I want Aki,"
The name had taken them by surprise, "Aki? Whose that?" Midoriya questioned, confusion written on the Work Study kids faces. "Oh right, you haven't met her yet. Aki is Eri's caregiver, well when she's not on Assignments for Fatgum," Togata explained, "Eri can be a little shy around new people, but her and Aki get along very well,"
"Its perfectly alright to be shy," Iida commented, softening his voice to not scare Eri further. "Let's start the tour! Aki should be here soon, so I wanna show her as much of the school as I can so she can see what we do here, you wanna come along too Midoriya?" Togata extended the offer, knowing that since Aki isn't here, Eri might be calm with Midoriya around too. "You bet!" "Hey Dance Team! New idea!" Kirishima's voice broke out, before realizing Eri was there.
"Oh hey Eri! Wait, we've never been officially introduced," Kirishima crouched down to meet Eri's gaze when another voice broke out.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, someone decided to rob a gas station on the way over and I couldn't just leave the situation," it was a soft, silky voice that came from behind Aizawa. The students all turned their attention to see a young dark skinned girl about their age.
Her hair was a dark auburn red that came to below her shoulder blades, soft waves accentuating her purple eyes that seemed to have a swirl of white in them but were framed with thin gold wired glasses. Freckles dawned her nose and cheeks that were flushed with red, giving her an innocent look. What caught their attention the most was the Ram horns that protuded from her head, her legs being Ran legs with red fur like her hair but black hooves. Her outfit consisted of a off the shoulder wool dress she seemed to be wearing that came to stop at her upper thighs, a bell was wrapped around her neck and jingled everytime she moved, of course it also brought attention to her chest that was framed by the wool.
Some of the boys blushed, and Kirishima found himself entranced by her. "Aki!" Eri exclaimed, walking over to the girl who crouched down to her height, "I missed you!" Eri reached her arms out to her, Aki smiling and welcoming the girl into her arms, "I missed you too," giving Eri a nuzzle as the girls closed their eyes and embraced eachother.
"So you're Aki! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoroiya smiled, the class seemingly broken from the momentary shock. "The pleasure is all mine! Thank you for what you did for Eri, I would've been on the assignment too if Papa hadn't sent me on a different one," Aki greeted, before realizing she needed to properly introduce herself.
Standing up, Eri still in her arms as she bowed, "I'm sorry! My name is Toyomitsu Aki, it's so nice to meet you all, please call me Aki!" Straightening up, Eri wrapped her arms around Aki as rested her head on Aki's shoulder.
"Wait, Toyomitsu? Why does that sound familiar?" Kirishima wondered aloud, rubbing his head as if it would bring the answer to him. "WAIT I KNOW YOU!" Midoriya yelled out, eyes growing wide as he pointed toward Aki,"YOU'RE RAM-RAM, THE YOUNGEST PERSON TO EVER BECOME A HERO, YOU'RE ALSO FATGUMS DAUGHTER!" Now the students outside all yelled in shock, "WHAT!?"
"Oops, guess the cats out of the bag," Togata laughed, Aizawa just shaking his head in embarrassment from his students. "WAIT, you're really Fatgum's daughter!? Why didn't I know this!" Kirishima cried out, his head a mess knowing the girl he found cute was actually his Mentors daughter.
"Yeah, Papa adopted me when I was a baby, I hope this doesn't affect us becoming friends?" Aki smiled nervously, her small tail twitching in anticipation. "No way! That's so cool, let's take a break everyone, it's tea time!" Mina chimed in, hoping to calm everyone down from the excitement, "There will be more time to explain later, get on with the tour, we don't have time to waste," Aizawa called out, Togata and Aki nodding as Midoriya went to go change his clothes really quick.
"So if you're Fatgums daughter, you must know Amajiki right?" Kirishima questioned, trying to push through his nerves in front of the pretty Ram girl. He was determined to get to know his Mentors daughter. "Definitely! Tama-Kun is so nice, I love going on assignments with him, especially when he shares his food with me like Papa," Aki gushed, her red cheeks getting even darker with excitement, a closed eye smile making Kirishimas cheeks match hers in color. "My name is Kirishima Eijiro, my hero name is Red Riot, I'm actually a new intern at your father's agency for my Work Study," He introduced himself, holding out a hand in greeting.
Aki's jaw dropped and sparkles seemed to erupt from no where, "NO WAY! Papa has told me all about Red Riot, your name is a play off of Crimson Riot right!? I love that, he's such an amazing Hero!" Aki rambled, Kirishima feeling himself fall even harder.
Togata chuckled and took Eri from Aki, who was so engrossed in her conversation she didn't even seem to notice the weight lifted from her arms. Eri looked between the two red heads and noticed that Aki looks so happy, like when she finds a good object to chew on, then again anything was good to chew on for Aki.
"Totally manly right! Hey, are you gonna be here for our School Festival? It'll be totally killer, we're putting on a performance!" "Of course, I'll be chapperoning Eri that day so we won't miss it," The two had seemed to have fallen into their own little world, the other students just watching in amazement.
"I don't think I've seen Kirishima this excited before," Tsuyu commented, Uraraka and Mina nodding in agreement. "Oh jeez, he's got it bad," Ojiro laughed, Mineta seething from the mouth that he didn't get to touch the pretty animal girl. "He's got what?" Shoji asked, looking to Ojiro for answers, although Hagakure answered instead, "Kirishima is totally falling for Aki! What better romance is that!? An employee and the Bosses daughter? It's so forbidden but romantic!" Hagakure couldn't contain her excitement and started to swoon, Mina grabbing her shoulders as she tries to balance her friend.
"Hey Aki! Let's get this show on the road!" Togata called out, waving his arm to grab her attention. "Oh, coming MiMi-Kun! I guess I should go, we'll talk again soon, right?" Aki questioned, taking Kirishimas hands into her own, a bright smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle. Kirishima felt his face warm up, but nodded, a nervous smile on his face from how close she was,"Definitely, we can meet up sometime at the agency maybe,"
"See ya later," she giggled, walking over and taking Eri's hand into her own. Kirishima could only watch with his heart beating out of his chest as the beautiful girl left, when he felt a hand on his back slap him forward, "OH MY GOSH KIRISHIMA, YOU'RE SO LUCKY, YOU SLY THING YOU!" Mina exclaimed, repeatedly hitting him in her excitement. "Way to go dude," Ojiro laughed, the rest of the students all smiling and calling out their support for him. "Come guys this is so not manly," he whined, embarrassed having realized they watched him and Aki. Yet he smiled and couldn't help but think 'Maybe this Festival will be good,'
Walking around the school seemed to excite Eri and Aki, both wondering how all the different classes worked and what each class would put on for the School Festival.
Meeting up with Amajiki and Hado excited Aki to the point of her having steam come out of her nose in puffs, "Tama-Kun!Nene-chan!" She called out to them, Nejire flying over in greeting as they began to discuss the beauty pagent in detail and how Nejire was going to win this year.
"Hey! Maybe you should join Aki! I bet you'd be a shoe in for runner up!!" Hado squealed, wanting the girl who was like a little sister to join in on the fun. "Oh I'd live to Nene-chan but I'm not a student here," Aki smiled, though Midoriya thought her smile seemed a little forced, "plus I wouldn't wanna ruin your chances by competing, I'll be sure to cheer you on though!" Aki grinned, giving Hado two thumbs up who returned it. Eri looking between the two and then to her hands, mimicking them but smaller, though everyone swooned.
After visiting the Support Class last, they went to Lunch Rush's in the cafeteria to give Eri somthing to eat to finalize the tour. "Well that's all of U.A!" "What did you think of our School Eri?" Midoriya questioned, Eri though looked unsure, "I..I don't know," both boys looked at eachother nervously, but Aki smiled at her which gave Eri enough courage to continue, "But I can see how hard everyone is working, so I do wanna see how it turns out," Aki gave her a grin, proud of Eri for trying to speak out more and explain her thoughts and feelings.
At the end of the day, they returned Midoriya to Heights Alliance and said goodbye. "We'll be back on the day of the festival," Togata explained, pumping his arm in excitement, "So make sure it's killer,"
As they went to leave, Aki spoke up, "I will catch up with you in a moment MiMi-Kun, I wanna ask Midoriya somthing really quick," Togata nodded and escorted Eri out.
"What is it Aki? Is everything okay?" Aki stared at him for a second, before her eyes sharpened and it made him jump back, "What is your deal with Eri? What are you hoping to gain?" "W-what?" Midoriya was taken back, 'How can such a sweet and cute girl get terrifying to quickly!?'
"You seem very focused on making her happy. Why? I don't want anyone near Eri who was bad intentions," "It's not like that! When we found Eri that first time, I was so upset we couldn't do anything. I beat myself up everytime I think about it, I wanna be a hero that saves people with a smile. But Eri hasn't smiled once, so I wanna help her smile. I wanna help her become a child again, especially after what she went through," Midoriya was firm with his answer, now staring Aki back in the eyes, hoping to show her the true meaning of his intentions.
Aki suddenly smiled, sparkles surrounding her like with Kirishima earlier, "Okie dokie. I hope your goals come true," Midoriya sweat dropped, 'How bipolar can she be?' Aki then bit her lip nervously, arms behind her back as she shuffled, "I do have one more question, more of a favor though,"
This caught him by surprise, "Sure, what is it?" Holding out a folded up paper, she asked, "Can you give this to Kiri-kun for me?" "Huh!? KIRISHIMA!?" "Y-Yes, I know this sounds silly but.. he's very cute," Aki admitted, her face turning red and her tail stub swished back and forth.
"U-uh sure, I can give this to him. Wouldn't you wanna give it to him in person though," "I-I don't know..I don't wanna over step," "Nonsense, come on,"
With that Midoriya led her inside, the rest of the class unwinding in the main sitting area, though they looked in surprise with the girl in tow with Midoriya. "Hello again!" Mina greeted, "Guys this is Toyomitsu Aki, she's Eri's caregiver," Midoriya introduced the girl, her bowing to the class with a smile.
"Hello everyone, so pleased to meet you," her smile made them all flushed, 'SO CUTE'. "So what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Jirou questioned, "I-I was hoping to speak to u-uh..Kirishima-kun," Aki was embarrassed, now noticing how many people were staring at her intensely.
"Did someone call me? Oh hey Aki! What's up?" Kirishima questioned, having just walked out of the kitchen, but smiled big when he saw the beautiful girl from this morning.
"H-hi! I just wanted to u-uh, give this to you," stumbling over her words, she tried to act relaxed but was dying on the inside and outside. "O-Oh, thanks," Kirishima blushed, taking the folded up note from her out stretched hand, when their fingers touched however they both jumped apart and their faces burned red.
Of course, Mineta took this time to try and sneak up behind the girl. Reaching his hand out to flip the bottom of her dress, mumbling on how it was so short, it'd be a crime to not go through with it. Thankfully, Kirishima took notice and pulled her to him, hardening his hand as he punched him away, "KNOCK IT OFF," He growled, holding Aki close in his left arm.
Aki shivered, noticing how his muscles squeezed her like she'd dissappear if he let her go. Tapping his chest, he realized he was holding her and jumped back, "I'm so sorry! He can just never keep his hands to himself and it'd be so unmanly if me to not step in," Kirishima freaked out, waving his hands and trying to plead his case. He froze though when Aki walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "It's alright, thanks for being my Hero," she winked, suddenly finding some courage in his embarrassment. "I'll see you at the festival like we talked about earlier, right?" Aki asked, let her hands rest on his chest, "U-Uh YYEaH Suree," his voice cracked, his whole mind running in auto pilot. "Awesome, I'll see you then," she turned on her hoof and began walking toward the exit, she looked over to the class in a whole and waved goodnight before exiting Heights Alliance.
A loud thud made everyone turn toward where Kirishima was, noticing he'd fallen over, his eyes swirling and a giant grin in his red face. "Aki's so cute," he chucked, Kaminari and Sero whooping for him while Iida lectured about proper PDA in the presence of others. All Kirishina knew is that the festival couldn't come soon enough.
On the day of the festival, Aki and Eri sat in the back if a taxi has Togata sat up front and was going over the schedule for the day. "We'll catch 1-As performance, then race over to 1-B for their play, then it'll be lunch and the pagent, does that sound alright?" He turned to face the horned girls in the back, Eri's outfit was a cute red and white dress while Aki wore her usual wool dress only this time it was red to compliment her hair.
"Sounds great, we can probably catch 1-A setting up before they perform," "oo~you just wanna catch Kirishima before he performs, maybe to wish him luck~" Togata teased, Aki gritting her teeth and raising her hood, kicking him in the back if the head leaving a hoof print, "Hehe, nevermind," Togata smiled, Eri looking up at Aki, "Do you like Kirishima?" "U-uh well, I admire him so to say," Aki tripped over her words as Togata laughed at her misfortune.
Once they'd arrived at the school, Aki mentioned she was going to see Nejire before 1-A to wish her luck before she got ready.
"Nene-chan, are you in here?" Aki knocked, hearing a lot of voices from inside the dressing room. Opening the door, Aki was met with Hado, Yuyu, and a few other students. "Oh sorry, I just wanted to come wish you luck," Aki smiled, holding her hands together in front of her.
"Ram-Ram!?" The other students exclaimed, shocked that a young hero would show up here. "Oh hello! Wonderful to meet you," she bowed, greeting them as they momentarily freaked out before bowing back.
"Hey hey! What're you doing here Aki? Where's Eri? Or Togata?" "They went to go see 1-A real quick, I was about to go see them, just wanted to see you first," Aki sheepishly explained, Testutestu suddenly appeared in front of the girls face making her lean back in surprise.
"Wait a second are you that girl Kirishima is always talking about!? The pretty red haired Ram girl that is Fatgums daughter!" Aki flushed hearing the red haired boys name.
"Well it's nice to know he thinks of me," she said happily, before looking at the clock, "I've gotta go, I hope everything goes good for you girls!" She cheered, waving as she walked out leaving the others stunned, "Why does Kirishima always get the good opportunities," Testutestu cried out, falling to his knees depressed that a beautiful girl like that was already taken by Kirishima.
"Hey! I'm not too late am I?" Aki called out, running up to the 1-A group. "Oh Ram-Ram! Welcome," Yamomo greeted, fiddling with her keyboard to make sure it was on the right setting. "We've still got about twenty minutes until we go on, Midoriya should've been back by now, he went to go get rope earlier," Kirishima mentioned, cheeks going a light pink at facing Aki again.
"Well I'm sure it'll be amazing, are you doing special affects?" Aki questioned, leaning close into Kirishimas personal space, "Y-Yeah, I hope you'll enjoy them," he smiled, running a hand through his hair. "HEY SHITTY HAIR, LETS GO WE AINT GOT ALL DAY!" Bakugou yelled out then realized Kirishima was talking to a girl.
"Hey Sheep Ass! What're you doing in here?! Don't be trying to pull anything dammit," Bakugou seethed, his teeth gritting together in annoyance of a new person.
"I was just wishing you guys luck," Aki began to ring her hands nervously, "Well we don't need luck! We'll kick ass either way dammit!" Bakugou exclaimed, getting in her face. Aki decided he needed to calm down and quit yelling.
Ramming her head into his stomach, Bakugou lurched forward coughing as he fell to the ground holding his stomach,"Damn Ram Bitch. What the fuck was that for," he gasped, rolling around on the floor in pain. "I didn't appreciate you being in my face," she calmly spoke, turning to Kirishima again who looked at her in awe at her strength.
"I'll leave you to it, you'll do amazing," her lips pressed to his cheek again, although this time they grazed the corner of his mouth slightly. Giggling she turned and left the room.
Silence ticked by for a second before Kirishima belted out, "GUYS THIS HAS TO BE AMAZING, TOP NOTCH MANLY," He hardened up without knowing, the others in the class around him sweat dropping at the sudden mood change.
As the curtains opened and a deafening explosion happened, Aki smiled as Jirou started her song, the dancers and musicians knocking it out of the ball park all at once.
The beat had Aki dancing in place, Togata laughing at her as Eri watched in surprise of Midoroiya dancing, well at least until he went off stage for some reason. "He left," "He'll be back, let's keep watching," Togata assured her, the music still blaring into their ears.
The song kept continuing to grow in progress when all of a sudden a lot of special effects went off, Uraraka swinging out to the crowd and lifting some audience members off the ground, one of them being Aki who laughed and brought Eri with her who couldn't hold it in any longer, throwing her arms out and laughing, a giant smile on her face. Aki and Togata had tears in their eyes as they smiled, knowing this young girl had finally broken free from her shackles of a pervious life. Aki hugged her tight before spinning in a circle with her, both girls laughing together in glee as Togata cheered them on. The song came to an end as the audience screamed and cheered, Aki and Eri now holding onto Togata as the three of them embraced in a hug. Eri had finally smiled and it made the two older ones warm with happiness.
As the gym filled out, the three met up with Midoriya on his way back in, Togata congratulating him on a job well done. "It was so crazy! First there was a loud sound and it was scary, but then everyone started jumping, even Aki was dancing and then Deku you went away for a little bit. But then there was a spinning guy and it started to get cold and I saw a lot of birds and people went "Wow" and you know what I said? Wow too!" Eri rambled on, her arms being thrown everywhere in excitement as Togata and Aki copied her from her side. "It was so much fun! Especially when Aki flew in the air with me and we danced," Eri stopped when she noticed Midioriya getting tears in his eyes, "I'm so glad you had fun Eri," this caused Eri to smile wide at him, Aki not able to hold it in anymore and swooped her up, spinning in circles as both girls laughed together. The boys looking on with their own smiles.
Heading outside, they met up with some of the boys that were melting the ice. "Ah dang this ice is too big, hey Bakugou can you-" "Kick Force!" A voice cut off Kaminari as a blur of red jumped in the air and came down on the giant block of ice, breaking it into little pieces. "Whoa!" Peoole passing by stopped and stared, Aki standing up and fixing her glasses. "Is this okay?" She asked, tilting her head with a smile.
"Hey its Ram-Ram!" "I didn't know she'd be here!" "She's so cute!" Voices came from behind her, causing her to turn over her shoulder and smile at the students and give a wave causing them all to flush red from the adorableness.
"Hey Aki! How'd you like the show?" Kirishima asked, hands on his hips, but he quickly put them put to catch Aki who jumped at him, landing in his arms as hers went around his neck that was turning red, "It was so amazing! The lighting, the music, the dancing, it was so beautiful! The affects were so awesome too! It was a rush of adrenaline for sure," Aki couldn't help but gush over the performance, Kirishima grinning and twirled her around, cheeks still flushed, "THAT'S GREAT! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it! I did happen to catch you dancing a few moves too," he winked, catching her off guard but she laughed and nodded, finally getting set back in the ground.
Togata watched for a second before smirking, "You know we still have about two hours or so before the pagent, why don't you show Aki the rest of the festival Kirishima!" Aki and Kirishima turned bright red, but both agreed to it as the rest of the class came out to begin their own sight seeing if the festival too. Kirishima grabbed Aki's hand and began to drag her out of sight, she looked back over her shoulder to see Togata and Eri waving to her, both smiling as she disappeared from sight.
Both red heads walked around, looking at all the different food vendors and games, before coming upon the High Striker game, where you bring the hammer down to ring the bell and win a prize. They went to walk past it before Aki noticed fluffy Ram and Shark plushies. Kirishima looked to her and then the prizes before waking up to the student running it. "Hey dude! What do you have to do to win those two?" Pointing to the plushies Aki was eyeing. "You've gotta ring the high bell, you only get one try though," the student informed, gesturing to the tallest one they had which looked to be about fifty feet high. Kirishima grabbed the hammer, Aki stopping him momentarily, "You don't have to do that Kiri-Kun" she informed, but he shook his head, "It wouldn't be very manly of me to not win a pretty girl the plushies she wants, so just sit back and watch," he grinned at her before turning his attention to the game in front of him. He hardened his body as he swung the hammer up and brought it down full force, the little rod shooting straight up and knocking into the bell, denting it but ringing it nonetheless.
Aki cheered in amazement as Kirishima was handed the two plushies, the student behind the counter complaining to himself about needing a new bell now. Aki was handed both but then looked to Kirishima and handed him back the Ram one. "Seems only fair you get one too, right," she giggled, Kirishima smiling and nodding, taking Aki's free hand into his again as they continued down the path. Both could agree that this was probably the best day ever.
Standing at the gate to see the three off, Aki and Kirishima stared at each other for a minute before smiling softly to one another. "I'm glad you could join us, maybe you can come back another time?" Kirishima asked, hopeful he'd get to see her again, preferably outside of Work Studies and School. "Mmm, I don't know. I have my assignments and taking care of Eri too," Aki admitted, her purple eyes staring into his Ruby red eyes that were full of hope.
"Actually, I guess it's alright to tell you that you'll be seeing everyone alot more. We're planning on moving Eri into the dorms here, to keep a better eye on her and her progress with her quirk. Of course, her care taker is gonna have to be with her," Aizawas voice cut in, making both teens turn toward him in shock before turning back to each other.
Kirishima whooped and picked up Aki, spinning her around as they both laughed, setting her back in the ground, he blurted out, "Would you like to go out sometime?!" He realized what he said and burned red, but kept his eyes trained on her shocked face but she soon smiled shyly and nodded, "I'd love to, maybe you can show me a nice Cafe around here?" She asked, Kirishima nodding as he took out his phone to get her number so they can plan it for the day she comes back.
Aizawa and Togata watched the two as Midoriya and Eri said goodbye a little ways to the side, "I'm gonna regret this aren't I," Aizawa sighed, feeling the need to go to bed after such a long day, "Awe come on Eraser Head, it's cute," Aizawa merely shook his head, turning to walk off, "Some School Festival this turned out be," Togata only laughed and called out, "I'm pretty sure you mean Love Festival!"
Hiiiii. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts! I know some people don't like OCs that much but I thought I'd give it a try.
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