#bucky barnes x omega!reader x alpha!winter soldier
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Illicit affairs (chapter 1)
Summary: Bucky and Y/n are in arranged marriage. Bucky is having an affair. This is all it is about... Let's see where Y/n's fate lies... Should we?
Pairings: Bucky x reader, Bucky x Dot ...
Genre: angst, affair, unrequited love
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'Love' The word floats between all of us on a soft gust of air. 'Deep, abiding, unconditional love. You want it so much you're willing to live for it' Most people think the greatest sacrifice they can make is to die for something. They are wrong.
The truest act of love someone can make is to live for something- to allow it to consume you and turn you into a version of yourself you never recognize.
It is a tale of 4 souls twisted and helpless in their love lives. It is a narrative that contains some heartbreaks, the bitter taste of unreciprocated affection, and one that dared not to unveil itself- which takes courage to love for so long from a distance.
This is a story where one soul offered everything at love's altar, a vulnerable sacrifice, while another callously exploited that very vulnerability, sowing discord where passion once blossomed...
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Y/n's pov
The room feels colder than usual as I stare out the window, my heart sinking with every passing minute. The anticipation is suffocating, and my patience wears thin. "Again," I whisper, the word heavy with disappointment.
I watch the street below, searching for a familiar figure that is yet to appear. The seconds drag on, and my anxiety intensifies. The lump in my throat grows, making it harder to swallow. A sigh escapes me, a mixture of frustration and hurt.
"He is late again."
I can't help but clench my fists on the curtains, the fabric bunching in my grip. The emptiness in the room echoes the ache in my chest. Tears threaten to spill, and I fight to hold them back. I bite my tongue, tasting the metallic tang of frustration as I try to steady my trembling emotions.
I force myself to look away from the window, taking in shaky breaths to regain composure. Each breath feels like a struggle, a battle against the rising tide of disappointment. I look up, my eyes blurred with unshed tears, and will myself to find strength.
Deep breaths. In and out.
I wrestle with my emotions, fighting the urge to crumble. It's a lonely battle, and the weight of unspoken words hangs heavy in the air. The silence is deafening, broken only by the echoes of my own heartbeat.
half an hour later
The sound of the door knob rattling pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to see him entering, supposedly from his so-called 'jogging' session. His disheveled hair and the hickey marks on his neck don't escape my notice, but I keep my gaze down, focusing on chopping the ingredients for breakfast. The rhythmic slicing helps channel my frustration into the task.
Silence hangs in the air, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of disappointment. I clench my jaw, determined not to let the emotions bubbling within me overflow. Why me, I wonder.
I put on a fake smile, a mask to conceal the turmoil beneath the surface. Breaking the tense quiet, I decide to confront the reality before me, choosing words carefully as I break the uneasy silence.
"How was it?"
The question hangs in the air as I continue chopping, my hands steady despite the storm raging inside me. The tension is heavy as I await his response.
He seems startled, caught off guard by the unexpected interruption to your silence. Nervously, he stammers a response.
"Huh? W-What?"
"Jogging... You went jogging, right?" I press, my eyes focused on the task at hand, but my peripheral vision catches his every move. I put down the knife, turning to face him with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"Oh, jogging... Yes, jogging... Yeah, it was good... good," he replies, the words rushed and accompanied by a forced smile. The tension lingers, hanging in the air like an unspoken truth, and I maintain my fake smile, masking the hurt that hides beneath the surface.
The question hangs in the air, a carefully veiled inquiry concealing the knowledge I already possess. "Bucky," I murmur, the weight of the question palpable in the room. "how many years has it been since our arranged union? One or two?" I lock eyes with him, searching for a flicker of guilt, a hint that he might confess to the secrets he thinks are well hidden.
The room feels heavy with the unspoken truth as I press on, my voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of accusation. "You would never hurt me, right?" I ask, knowing the answer even before the words leave my lips. His eyes betray a hint of unease, a fleeting glimpse of a man caught in his own web of betrayal.
I turn my attention to the task at hand, my fingers gripping the edge of the counter as I continue, "It's just, sometimes I wonder about our arranged marriage. Do you?" My words linger in the air, a calculated challenge, as I maintain a facade of innocence, masking the storm of emotions that swirl within me.
Bucky shifts uncomfortably under the weight of my penetrating gaze, his eyes momentarily faltering before regaining composure. "Uh, yeah, it's been two years," he answers, attempting to sound nonchalant. His attempt at a casual demeanor betrays a hint of unease, a subtle acknowledgment that he senses the underlying tension.
I maintain my facade, the corners of my lips twitching into a semblance of a smile. "And you'd never hurt me, right?" I press further, watching for any subtle changes in his expression. Bucky hesitates, a fleeting moment where the truth seems to hang in the air. "Of course not," he replies, the words lacking the conviction they once held.
As I turn back to my task, the air between us crackles with unspoken truths and concealed betrayals, creating a rift that neither of us dares to bridge.
Bucky's POV
Bucky's response hangs in the air, a weight on his conscience that he can't shake off. As I turn away, the guilt tightens in his stomach. He can't escape the unease, knowing he's betraying not just the arrangement but the person at the center of it.
He sighs, heavy with remorse, as he heads for the bathroom. The sound of running water becomes a feeble attempt to drown out the turmoil in his mind. Bucky leans against the cool tiles, steam clouding the mirror, mirroring the fog in his thoughts.
"What have I done?" he whispers, the weight settling in his stomach. The jog's facade crumbles, revealing the truth of his choices. The affair, the lies—it's a web tightening around him, and he's not sure how to break free without causing irreparable damage.
Under the shower's cold stream, Bucky stands, his hand braced against the tiles. The water pounds against him, a feeble attempt to wash away the guilt. As each droplet falls, he confronts the consequences of his actions. The arranged marriage, once a distant pact, now feels shattered. Bucky closes his eyes, trying to block out the guilt threatening to consume him. In the cascade of water, he faces the mess he's made, uncertain if there's any way to salvage the delicate threads holding their union together.
The cold shower beats against Bucky, a stark contrast to the heat of his thoughts. His hand tightens on the tiles as he battles the storm inside. The water's steady drumming echoes his emotions, a chaotic mix of regret and confusion.
"What am I doing?" he mutters, the words lost in the shower's noise. The images of his mistakes play on a loop in his mind—the marks on the neck, the messed-up sheets. It's a vivid reminder of betrayal.
The truth is undeniable. The affair breaks trust, a breach of the commitment he made, even if reluctantly, in this arranged marriage. As the water rushes over him, Bucky tries to wash away not just the physical traces but the guilt staining his conscience.
The fogged-up mirror reflects a man in conflict. His guilty eyes meet their own gaze, and for a moment, he doesn't recognize himself.
"What have I become?" The question lingers, unanswered, as he stands beneath the unrelenting water. The bathroom isn't a refuge; it amplifies the loneliness. Bucky is stuck in a silent struggle, torn between duty and desire, unsure if he can find a way out without leaving everything shattered behind.
Dot's POV
(girl with whom Bucky is cheating with)
"He is gone again," I murmur to myself, my gaze fixed on the fan dangling from the ceiling. The bed beside me feels emptier than usual, a constant reminder of his absence. The weight of silence settles in the room, and once again, I find myself engulfed in loneliness...
Every day, it's the same struggle. A battle between the promise I make to myself and the undeniable pull he has on me. "Every time... every day. I let him in," I admit in the quiet of my thoughts. The bed, cold and untouched, bears witness to my internal conflict. It's a routine of surrendering to a love that should never have blossomed.
"I can always stop," I tell myself daily, a mantra of resistance that crumbles with each passing moment. The realization hits hard — I'm ruining myself for him. The weight of guilt presses down as I acknowledge the gravity of my actions.
"I am so bad," I confess silently, my heart heavy with self-loathing. I'm entangled in an affair with a married man who has a loving wife. The reality of my choices echoes in the hollow spaces of the room. "I'm so sorry," I whisper to no one but myself, a futile apology to the shadows that witness my moral descent.
"I hate myself... I hate it," the thought echoes, a painful admission of the self-destructive path I tread. Love, tangled with regret, becomes a poison that seeps into every corner of my being. Yet, despite the self-flagellation, the ache for him lingers, a bittersweet melody that refuses to be silenced.
The room, my safe place, now shows the mess inside me. I turn from the fan's spin, lost in the shadows. The secret love has left marks, stains that no apology can wipe away. As I try to understand this mess of feelings, I wonder if I can ever fix the pieces of my self-respect that have shattered.
The words slip out in a hushed murmur, barely audible in the quiet room. "I am sorry." The weight of the apology hangs in the air, a fragile attempt to mend the fractures that linger between us. It's a simple phrase, but it carries the echoes of regret and a longing for forgiveness. The weight of regret settles in, and I can't help but wonder if these simple words will ever be enough to mend the fractures I've created.
The illicit affair has left its mark, a stain that no amount of whispered apologies can erase. As I search through the wreckage of my emotions, I'm left to wonder if the fragments of my self-respect can ever be pieced back together.
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Not everyone gets the same version of me.
One person might tell you I'm an amazing beautiful soul.
Another person will say I'm a coldhearted bitch.
Believe them both, I act accordingly.
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Chapter 2
Note: Hey guys! Hope you like it. English is actually my second language so if there's any mistake you can inform me by messaging me privately. And PLEASE REBLOG AND DON'T STEAL MY WORK. Please like and comment too so, that I can know your views. Thank you for reading guys! Have a nice day and please comment if you wanna be tagged in.
Taglist: @angstysebfan @cjand10 @learisa @themorningsunshine @binkszamsstuff @dreamerglassesgirl @winterslove1917 @perfectpieslimeprune @nikkivillar @bethexo07
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hello! Do you perhaps have recommendations for Alpha!bucky?
masterlist | req masterlist
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Crave by @harrylovex
you realise that you can’t survive your heat without bucky.
intensional by @noctumbra
alpha!bucky sends you a shirtless pic and then offers to spend your heat with him. feelings ensue.
scent by @noctumbra
“you’re one eager and hungry kitten,” bucky whispered in your ear as he licked over your scent gland, where his bite situated perfectly.
vanilla by @noctumbra
his scent was the other thing that made you go stupid other than his eyes: leather, a bit of vanilla, oranges and wet wood.
wet by @noctumbra
your mating sessions are always intense with bucky.
butterfly by @idy-ll-ique
bucky's going into rut. y/n volunteers to help him. feelings come out.
Let Me Love You by @slothspaghettiwrites
When an Omega is feeling very anxious or nervous their Alpha will hold them close while gently crooning and scenting them until they calm down.
Dating apps are stupid by @buckylattes
You decide to download this dating app, well….Natasha persuades you into it. You make a profile and agree to just have it for a week. If nothing becomes of it then you can delete it. But….you swipe right on this handsome man who’s description shows him out to be a gentleman like you’re looking for. So…what happens when he matches with you???
make you mine by @bonky-n-steeb
Bucky keeps his distance from you thinking you can do better than him. but he loses all his restraints when he sees you with another alpha.
to love is to burn by @bonky-n-steeb
You go into heat at the worst moment in the history of time, maybe ever.
took one hit and I was gone by @bonky-n-steeb
after the rise of hydra, your entire life turned into a living nightmare. you lost everything you held precious, your job, your house, your degree, even hope. but then you’re assigned as a mate to him, your enemy and your only ray of hope, James Buchanan Barnes.
little red riding hood by @bonky-n-steeb
your big bad alpha chases you across the woods.
Break Lights by @boxofbonesfic
his omega by @bucksfucks
bucky helps you through an expected heat.
ever since by @syntheticavenger
Bucky Barnes finds his center in a late night subway ride.
By Chance by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Female!Reader is an Omega. Alphas and Omegas are rare, and Reader’s been able to avoid alphas through sheer force of will and luck in equal parts.
Feral by @bucknastysbabe
And You’re Mine by @winterarmyy
In which Bucky, the big, scary, 'undesired alpha' was tricked into a blind date where he met his precious little omega.
Protector by @rookthorne
After an eternity of being held against your will, and just as long having been forced to watch your alpha suffer at the hands of the wicked, an opportunity arose. An opportunity so rare, so unique, that it would never be offered again. It was time to escape, and it was time to bathe the halls in their blood – never again would you be held by the bars of a cell, not if he could stop it.
Heart and Soul by @all1e23
Alphas only brought trouble. The only thing they are good for is bringing their Omega’s pain and forced submission. They were dangerous, reckless and cruel. There wasn’t an ounce of kindness in any of them.  She didn’t need an Alpha, and she certainly didn’t believe in that True Mates fairytale. That was just some fabricated fable Alphas made up to trick innocent doe-eyed Omegas. She wasn’t going to fall for that.  Not again.No Alpha would ever get her to believe that love truly exists. And then, James Buchanan Barnes walked into her life.
Better Like This by @simsadventures
You are the newest addition to New York’s elite team of Detectives concentrating on domestic violence and rape, which everyone calls the Avengers.  You are an Omega, very bubbly and open to everyone around you, and everyone is super sweet to you, except one person- Bucky, your true mate.  Will you be able to destroy the walls he has been building around his heart for years, or will he reject you and break your heart forever? 
Some Alpha by @ofstarsandvibranium
Bucky is an Alpha, but can never seem to find someone who wants him to be their Alpha. Until he finds you, a Beta, who’s as firey as an Alpha, yet also tender-hearted like an Omega.
Heal by @chucksfavouriteprophet
For months you managed to distance yourself from Bucky Barnes, the alpha you long for. But one night you have no choice but to comfort him, something which brings out emotions in both of you. Except it also brings out emotions in the Winter Solider, which results in a devastating turn of events that neither of you might be able to come back from.
All The King’s Men by @nastybuckybarnes
Your father always said that if it weren’t for your presentation, he’d think you were an Alpha. There’s a reason for that. Growing up in a world where Omegas are treated like garbage, you’ve fought for the respect that you have. Until you’re sold off to an old King desperate for a bride. But you will not lay down and present for your new husband. No, you will fight back.
Mr. Grumpy by @holylulusworld
Bucky hates omegas. You change his mind.
knife play by @helvonasche
They're on the run and Bucky goes into rut.
Knight In Rusty Armor by @revengingbarnes
For the sake of politics and to get rid of you, their omega daughter, the King and Queen of England marry you off to the King of France. Settling into an unfamiliar monarchy is a tedious process all by itself, but a new problem arises soon after your arrival at your new home.One of the Knights turns out to be your true mate. Your Alpha. The one you are meant to be with. But you’re mated to someone else. And that someone else is the King of France.
Masterlist by @angrythingstarlight
Masterlist by @holylulusworld
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myfanficlibraries · 1 year
Bucky Barnes
1) Alpha!Bucky Drabble by @vanillanaps
2) Heart and Soul by @all1e23       Complete Series
3) Little Red Riding Hood by @holylulusworld       Dark
4) Need You Now by @angrythingstarlight       Smut
5) The Start of Something New by @navybrat817​       Featuring: Hal Carter       Omega!Reader       Ongoing       Smut in later parts
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1) Question by @bluehourbucky       Cheating
2) Stuff of Fairy Tales by @hannibals-favourite-meal       Complete Series       Plus Size Reader       Pregnancy       Sex Pollen
3) The Ultimatum by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky       Ex-Boyfriend Angst
4) Waiting on the Corner by @holylulusworld       College AU
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1) Kiss Me Like You Mean It by @angrythingstarlight       Fluff       Implied Smut
2) Roar & Giggle by @holylulusworld       Ongoing Series
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1) Can You Not by @buckyalpine       Exhibitionism (later parts)       Reader’s Ex
2) Measurements by @invisibleanonymousmonsters       Fluff       Tall Reader
3) So Perfect by @bloodredwolfsbane       Fluff
4) Something New by @beanthesprout       Smut
5) Take the Trash Out by @splendidreads       Angst       Reader’s Ex
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1) Make You Feel My Love by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
2) Wrong Number by @targaryenvampireslayer
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1) Clingy by @sleepypanda27
2) Drunk Baker!Bucky by @angrythingstarlight      Dirty Jokes      Implied Smut
3) Drunk Bucky Drabble by @pellucid-constellations
4) Drunk Words Are Sober Truths by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
5) Guess What’s On Your Mind by @tellmealovestory       Angst       Insecure Reader
6) Guys Night by @teamcap4bucky       Featuring: Avengers       Injuries       Mentions of vomit
7) I Think I Wanna Marry You by @likeahorribledream
8) Maybe Later by @lovelybarnes
9) Sober Thoughts by tropicalcap (Deactivated account)
10) You Know What Rhymes With Drunk? Sex by @seventven         Implied Smut
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Fairy Tale AU
1) The Unseen One by @extremelyblackandwhite       Complete Series       Hades!Bucky
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1) Anything to Make You Smile by @takenbypeter
2) Best Boyfriend You Never Had by @language-rxgers       Fake Boyfriend       Complete Series
3) Big Fan by @bubblessunshinehoney      Ongoing Series
4) Happy Little Accidents by @espinosaurusrexex​       Veteran!Bucky
5) The Life by @hesthermay
6) Little Black Dress by @thefallenbibliophilequote       Insecure Reader       Plus Size Reader
7) Tall Drink of Water by @invisibleanonymousmonsters​       Tall Reader
8) You Are Beautiful by @holylulusworld       Ongoing Series       Plus Size Reader
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1) Send Nudes by @bucky-barnes-diaries       Implied Smut       Nudity
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1) Face Sitting by @bucky-barnes-diaries       Smut
2) Once Upon a Time by @navybrat817
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Mafia AU
1) A deal with Bee by @angrythingstarlight       Fluff
2) Blow Sweet and Thick by @angrythingstarlight       Smut
3) Owned by @jobean12-blog​       Smut
4) Passionate Negotiations by @targaryenvampireslayer       Smut
5) Plot Twist by @winterarmyy       Arranged Marriage       Mini-Series       Smut in later parts
6) Power Play by @late-to-the-party-81       Ongoing Series       Smut       Soft!Dark
7) Promise by @straywords       Smut
8) Trespassing by @sebstan2020      Dark Fic    
9) Your Hands On Me by @slyyywriting
10) Your Love Gets Sweeter Every Day by @povlvr       Series
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1) A Touch Too Far by @angrythingstarlight
2) I Am Sorry Alpha by @bucky-boo-bear
3) Where the Shivers Won’t Find You by @heli0s-writes       Alpha!Reader       Smut
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1) Baker!Bucky by @angrythingstarlight       Fluff       Ongoing Series       Smut
2) Keeping Me Up by @writing-for-marvel      Complete Series
3) You Will be the Death of Me by @fluffysucker       Angst       Completed Series       Ex-husband!Bucky       Fluff       Some Smut
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1) Beard Burn by @biteofcherry        Featuring: Ari Levinson
2) Fitness Pack - Bucky by @holylulusworld       Personal Trainer!Bucky       Plus Size Reader       Smut in Part 2
3) Lumberjack!Bucky Drabble by @angrythingstarlight
4) Midsummer Night’s Dream by @jamesbuckybarnes1917
5) Overtime by @navybrat817       Featuring Jake Jensen
6) Petals by @biteofcherry       Sex Pollen
7) Pluvious by @buckymorelikefuckme
8) Sleepless Nights by @kikixreverie
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Soft Dark/Stalker!Bucky
1) Follow You Home by @navybrat817
2) Permission by @silver-pieces​
3) Sleeping With a Friend by @rubynationwins​      Plus Size Reader      Somnophilia
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Soulmate AU
1) Heartbeat for a Biker by @definitely-a-nerd
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Winter Soldier
1) Kidnapped by @buckgasms       Dark       Smut
2) Sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3       Smut       Soft Dark
3) Welcome Home...Soldat? by @winterarmyy       Light smut
4) Winter Soldier is a Match Maker by @universitypenguin       Dark/Soft Dark?       Smut
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Heal - Masterlist
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader (female)
Summary: For months you managed to distance yourself from Bucky Barnes, the alpha you long for. But one night you have no choice but to comfort him, something which brings out emotions in both of you. Except it also brings out emotions in the Winter Solider, which results in a devastating turn of events that neither of you might be able to come back from.
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Warnings: Descriptions of sexual assault, violence, forced knotting and claiming/marking, trauma, bond breaking, non-con, angst, injured reader, near death experience, seizure, vomit, hallucinations, lots of emotions, smut, fluff too though
Word count: 10,000 ish
A/N: Not only is this my first Bucky fic, but also my first attempt at writing A/B/O. I only know what I have read from other fics, so I'm welcome to suggestions and corrections!!
🦅 Part I
🫀 Part II
👣 Part III
🫁 Part IV
🪡 Part V
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aikaterini-drag · 2 months
Princess and the King
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Pairing: Russian Alpha Bucky x OmegaFem!Reader
Summary: Urged by a bout of jealousy, your Alpha fucks you from behind, his metal arm cradling your waist, his other hand gripping your hair.
Warnings: ‼️ MINORS DON’T INTERACT, omegaverse vibes, Russian endearments, p in v sex, hardcore, knotting, licking, nipping, unprotected sex, cockwarming.
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“Like that ‘mega?” Your Alpha panted, his balls slapping against your ass with each primal thrust. His metal arm cradled your belly, feeling where he was fucking you so deeply while his other hand gripped your nape, fingers forking in your hair.
“Alph—mhpp…” your words faded, devoured by his greedy mouth. His tongue delved inside, brushing wetly with your own. “Pl…please—ungh—hhn…"
Trembling palms gripped the hard surface of the table which was shaking precariously. Gasping and gasping, your mouth felt dry and kiss-swollen as he pumped from behind, his thighs splaying your legs wide. Your eyesight was blurry, desire making you hazy. The only thing you could focus on was the feel of him, thick and swollen, buried so deep within you that with each thrust you felt his cockhead kiss your womb.
This sex marathon had started because another Alpha had kept his eyes on you for more than normal. Said 'normal' was 3 seconds. You were shopping at the supermarket, and to add insult to injury, Bucky was standing there beside you when the Beta looked at you. That was all the more reason for Bucky to get bonkers with the puny male who had dared lay his eyes on his omega. Your Alpha was usually good at maintaining his composure but with your heat coming in a few days, he was a little more on edge than usual.
He scared off the Beta male and did not kick his ass because you distracted your Alpha with your touches, finding yourself in this delicious predicament. Shopping forgotten, he all but carried you to your apartment, devouring your lips along the way until he had you all to himself.
Worth, it. So worth it. You loved your Russian Alpha hunk, even more so when he was filled with possessiveness.
“How about you give me a third one, ‘mega?” He hent down, his chest tickling your back, his lips suckling your earlobe.
Right… he’d make you cum two times already, once while licking and fucking you with his fingers, the second on the floor with you riding him, and now, over the table, his fat cock —which seemed to never go down— spearing you again and again.
You were dripping slick, your eyes rolling to the back of your head with each glorious shift of his hips. He knew exactly how to move, how to touch and caress. Your bodies fit perfectly and mated all the more wildly.
“Close, 'mega?” He dragged his teeth over your neck, causing your walls to contract and grip his cock tighter.
Nodding, your eyes shut tightly, a moan leaving your lips.
His voice rumbled through your bedroom, rich with authority. “Look at me, моя принцесса.”
You raised your gaze to meet his, the mating bond thrumming between you, loving yet feral.
"Uhhhn, am close, so close Alpha..." you whined in desperation, unable to formulate words with his insistent fucking and the marks he left against your skin. He was everywhere, lips and teeth nipping, kissing, his hands now cupping your cheeks and splaying them open to gaze at where you were joined.
“Words.” He slapped your asscheeks. “Use them.”
“Need to… pl.. please.. a‐anghh-please, f-f-faster... need to cum!”
His cock twitched from how sweet and needy you sounded, your juices drenching his cock and balls.
With a growl, he urged you backward, tipping your head so it was resting on the curve of his shoulder. You collapsed into him while he fucked you in earnest, his warm hand playing with your sensitive breaths. His metal thumb vibrated against your clit, gathering your slick and then spreading it around your nipples.
Vision blackening, you clenched so hard around him and rode the waves of rapture that seemed to wreck you. The wet sounds of your pussy got vulgar, his husky moans joining in your own. He surged inside you with deep, frantic strokes, while mumbling praises and biting the expanse of your creamy throat and all over the mating bite that marked you as his.
“Mine." Slam. "Mine.” Slam. "Mine."
“Yours. Always.” You dug your nails into his sides and hung on as he fucked and fucked and fucked. Gods, you couldn’t take the wait any longer. You needed him to come, to knot you into oblivion.
When he finally did come, it was an explosion, his cock pulsing and erupting inside you. He fed you ropes and ropes of his Alpha seed-- it was so much it tricked down your thighs even with his knot swelling to full mast and locking you together.
Kisses were peppered on your lips while he purred and whispered words of affection and praise. My pretty princess, always taking me so well, letting me knot your pretty pink pussy and fill your greedy womb. Oh and how right he was. His cock, still throbbing and hard, caressed over all your sensitive spots.
“Feel good, ‘mega?” he asked after the cloud of desire had thinned, his hand cradling your face.
"I'm alright, Alpha."
His heart thundered against your back, just as fast as your own.
Gently he cradled the undersides of your knees and helped you back against him. Trapped on his knot, you could only whine as he lifted you against him and got seated in the nearest chair. His knot tugged at your folds but held your pussy securely. You sat down fully, your tender ass against his pelvis, your legs draped over his thick thighs. Utterly relaxed against him, you particularly enjoyed the way he cupped your breasts and pinched your nipples.
"I'm sorry. " He kissed your lips, his metal hand cool against your breast.
You whimpered and turned your head to meet his ocean eyes. “Hmm, jealousy suits you, Alpha.”
“It's not my fault for wanting to ensure that every bloody male knows his boundaries and keeps their eyes off of you.”
“So possessive. I love that about you,” you murmured, your voice a soft caress.
“Can you blame me, little ‘mega? When every fiber of my being longs to keep you as mine?”
Your lips curled into a playful smile. “I’ll always be yours, Alpha. My heart belongs to you, and you alone.”
“Моя принцесса,” he drawled, his voice a low rumble that made your pussy tighten around his pulsing knot. “Heart of my heart, light of my soul.”
With a loving smile, you reached out to brush your fingers against his unshaven cheek. “Мой король,” you whispered in broken Russian. “My King.”
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sweet-writings9 · 4 months
Only For Them | one
Summary: A lone omega was on the run from a ruthless alpha. Running was all she knew until she bumped to two certain alphas that would change her life forever. Crazy things happen to her once she realizes that they are her mate. Two mates. How will she able to cope?
Characters: Omega!Fem!reader , Alpha!Steve Rogers, Alpha!Bucky Barnes (James Barnes)
genre: omegaverse au, alternative au, love, humor, angst, comfort, yandere
warning: self harm, suicide, dark past, trauma, insecure thoughts
notes: i'm so glad you all really liked the prologue hehe i was so shocked at how many messages i got. you guys are amazing and I'm glad you guys like it so much. Here's the first part which isn't much but it'll soon get better. :) hope you like this. feedback is appreciated! thank you again!
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It was black.
Pitch black.
Nothing was to be seen from miles away.
[Y/N] ran as far as her legs could go. Even with the darkness, she forced herself to keep on moving. She wouldn't stop. She couldn't. She wanted to turn into her wolf form but she couldn't. She panicked as she kept moving.
She wondered why.
Why was she here? Why was it so dark? Where was she?
She was focusing on her running that she couldn't focus on her change form. Her breaths came out rapidly and loud as she couldn't control her breathing from all the running she had done. She didn’t know why she felt so weak. Normally, she would last hours running but now she could barely catch her breath. It felt like she was running for hours. She then turned back to see nothing but darkness getting closer to her which scared her more.
Pitch black.
She didn't know why she was running away or from who but she had that gut feeling telling her to keep moving. She had to. There must be a reason why she was here. She slowly started to slow down as she felt her legs giving out. She fell to the ground as she started to take deep breaths so she can breathe again. Calming down her heartbeat since it was beating rapidly. She sighed as she leaned against a tree big enough to hide her entire body which was a mistake as she started to hear voices around her.
Multiple voices that she's never heard before.
She gasped as she looked around, expecting for someone to come out and laugh at her, revealing all this to be a joke like some alphas from the past that would do it to her all the time; but nothing came which scared her even more.
The waiting. The anxiety was killing her slowly.
She suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from her chest, placing her hand where she felt the pain. She slowly looked down, seeing blood dripping everywhere. Her blood. Her eyes widen as she opened her mouth to yell for help.
But she couldn't.
It was like she couldn't speak.
Like her vocal cords were ripped out of her throats.
Then, she heard those voices again.
"You're nothing but a weak omega!"
"You're just weak. Trash to everyone!"
"Just die already!"
Those words that always have made her heart hurt more than everything. She never showed her weakness to anyone but she felt her heart break each time.
Those words that haunt her everyday since she could remember.
Until she heard that voice. His voice.
She heard it clearly yet it sounded so far away that she hardly heard it over the other voices. She closed her eyes slowly as she felt the cold ground against her back as she soon blacked out. Still hearing someone calling her name but she couldn't open her eyes. She was slowly dying.
[Y/N] gasped loudly as she sat up and looked around, seeing herself in the middle of a street. She gripped her head as it felt like a pile of bricks fell on her until she heard a loud honk coming from her right. She slowly turned to see a few cars coming her way. Her eyes widen as she quickly got up from her feet and ran away as she heard a few curse words coming from behind her. She ran towards a dark alley and fell on her knees as she couldn’t feel her legs. She felt drips of sweat crawling down of her face as fear was written all over her face. She doesn’t remember anything. Nothing at how she got here. In this city. She was about to get up until she felt a sting feeling coming from her chest.
It was time. 
It was heat season. 
The worst time of the year that she hated so much. 
After all, she was an unmarked omega. 
Every year it would get stronger and more aggressive that she could hardly bear with it but she managed with it. Sadly, she had to stay away from anyone, hide that way she wouldn't be able to attack anyone or the other way around. The heat was something so vicious and it could turn the innocent to monsters. 
She crawled back until her back was leaning against the brick walls as she tried to calm her breathing. Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest but she knew that it'll be over soon. She just had to stay hidden and away from everyone, especially Alphas. She didn't know how long she'll be able to manage since she was in New York. In the place filled with all sorts of people. It was the worst time for her to be on heat. She leaned her head back as she closed her eyes and tried to ease her mind and heart. She slowly calmed her body as she fell into a deep slumber.
Yet, who would ever want someone like her? 
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Somewhere out of the city
Tossing and turning, sweat dripping all over his body. Words mumbling out of his mouth as the dream was taking over. He had been like this several night. Ever since he started having these dreams of this woman. This woman that he didn't know at all, but he kept dreaming about her.
Her running away from him.
The more he calls for her. The more far she goes.
It makes his wolf howl for her.
Bucky can't stand it. He needed to see her. To be close to her.
"STOP!" He screamed out as he sat up on his bed, breathing heavily as he looked around to see himself in his room once again.
He cursed under his breath as he rubbed his face that was filled with sweat.
It has been several days since he had been having the same dream. The same person every time. It always ended the same too.
Once he would reach her, she was gone. Vanished like she didn't exist at all.
It would make his chest hurt so much that he just wanted to rip out his heart out to stop all the pain. The disappointment.
He leaned back down as he tried to calm himself down. He turned to the side to find the other side of bed empty where usually Steve would sleep. He sighed as he figured that he must of been called for a mission. He was always out helping everyone unlike him that was still trying to deal with everything that has been happening to him. The nightmares. The triggers that would take him back to the past. His horrible past that he just wanted to erase. Now with these dreams, he felt like he was going even more insane. He had the urge to just go out and find their scent.
Their scent filled with strawberries. Sweet strawberries.
It made his mouth watery just by the thought but he shook his head. After everything he has done, he didn't deserve a mate. No one. He felt out of place, but his friends; Steve and Sam would always help him out.
Mostly Steve since he was his mate.
Sam would annoy him and he'd do the same back to him which would always be a rowdy argument.
With them by his side, the cold walls became warm and welcoming.
Even with the missions he would go to weren't helping him at all. There would be times where something would trigger him and he'd black out and remembering what he used to do back with HYDRA.
Steve noticed right away and would help him out of it, but there was times that it wasn't enough.
He knew that now he couldn't go back to sleep. Too much adrenaline and thoughts going thru his head. He got out of bed and walked to his balcony for some fresh air. He has been doing it ever since the dreams happened. Stayed up all night, trying to forget about her.
The woman that has made his wolf and himself go crazy.
"Who are you?" He whispered as he looked up at the dark sky with stars shining dimly back at him. "Where are you? Why can't I ever catch you?"
Everywhere he looked, he would see mates happily living their lives which he wanted. Just wanted to be normal with a mate, living normally like everyone else yet at the same time he didn't. He knew he didn't deserve that life. He was a killer, well used to be.
He was broken and nobody wanted a mate like him, right?
But he wasn't the only one that was suffering with these dreams. Steve as well.
Steve was up in a hotel in Washington after finishing his mission, he decided to stay the night and leave early morning for NYC to see Bucky. He was concerned for him. He worried for his friend and mate. He knew everything Bucky went through and he was there when Bucky laid it all for him. He didn't judge him at all since he couldn't understand the pain he was going thru.
Yet, he was by his side no matter what.
Nothing would change that. He was his mate after all.
They had been mates ever since they were little and the time that they were apart was torture for them. When they met once again, they were so happy to find each other again. So happy yet they still felt incomplete.
Like something was missing. More like someone.
He felt the same as Bucky, not being worthy of being someone else's mate. He felt like he didn't deserve it.
He didn't deserve a mate.
Didn't deserve that woman in his dreams as well.
The strawberry scent filled his nose and his wolf would howl in joy. He didn't understand whom this person was.
Why he had this effect just by the thought of her?
He sighed as he looked outside of his window as he wondered if that woman was real or just a figure of his imagination.
"This is just ridiculous..." He mumbled to himself as he headed towards his bed and turned off the lamp.
Pitch black all over his room as he laid back down on his bed, trying to get some sleep.
He hoped that morning would come sooner so he can go back to Bucky. He admitted that he missed his mate. His friend. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, hoping to forget about that woman that's been in the back of his head ever since the dreams started.
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 month
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I'm Writing Happy Little Family tonight. I'll be including various imagery in this fic, and Bucky won't look the same in every picture. Just choose the version you like best to imagine, I guess!
💖If you want to be tagged for this fic or others, please use this form. 💖
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It's like waking up from surgery. The smell of professionally scented, circulating air hits you first, and then a gradually increasing sense of awareness. You think you're somewhere very bright, but the more you blink your eyes, the more the brightness fades and your vision comes into focus. And ... there he is, sipping a crystal glass and looking like he's been waiting for you.
"Well hello there, sleepyhead. Welcome back."
You move your dry tongue in your mouth, trying to remember what happened. And then it hits you in waves, each one more devastating than the last:
James: He found you.
June: she's not there.
"How're you feeling, Hon?"
Windows, cabin: Shit, you're already on a plane.
"Steve. Set her down and get our girl a glass of water, will you?"
"Sure thing, boss."
And then the worst one of all. You look over and see the Winter fucking Soldier holding your baby:
They've got June.
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Keep Each Other (Cold)
Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Warnings: Breeding kink, ABO aspects heavily used, mentions of abuse in a past relationship, sexual content, slower burn, but not the slowest, mentions of dom reader, domination and submission aspects, Shibari, werewolf au, hypothermia mentions.
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Summary: It's gotten a little heated, and Bucky's willing to agree
Word count: 2.3k
AN: Enjoyed writing this but I'm going to write eddie munson porn now. Completely unedited cause I'm lazy.
Bucky didn’t hate her for this, he really didn’t, but he could smell her heat. And it was killing him. 
He wants to wait, to show this part of him. The possession he developed as the few weeks went on with her. This interest he’s developed in the omega is curving him away from the isolation he’d kicked himself into those years ago. 
He’s kinda glad she showed up, she’s given him so much to look forward to, even if it’s small things. Each morning he wakes up to her sitting on the couch, his only other mug in her hands, cradled to her chest as she beams up at him. It’s dizzying how pretty she is, her eyes so gentle with him but not in a way that makes him feel inferior, In the way that makes him feel appreciated. 
She was eager to see him each morning as well, her head bowing as he walked out of his room and her hands gripping his mug as she smiled up at him, “Morning Buck.”
He could swear his heart would stop if not for your eyes fluttering at the same beat as it, as he muttered, “Mornin’ doll.” 
He’d pass her, the smell of chocolate and fire on her usually faint, a light misting of her warmth as he walked by, but this time, the scent was heavy, like a coating of the smell of savory food after he cooks in the kitchen, or the weight of Steve close to his rut, and he’d been in his house for much too long. He could cut her scent with his knife, one of the ones in the kitchen right next to him.
She shifted, subtly presenting her neck to him, unbeknownst to him, he was growling down at her. He was subconsciously asking her to present and didn’t even notice. God he was acting like a horny teen trying to get off, he had to calm down. He stepped back, muttering an apology and moving to the kitchen, “What do you want for breakfast?”
She muttered softly, “Whatever you make, I like your cooking.”
He nodded, moving to the kitchen and pulling out pans for himself, setting them onto the counter as he moved to the fridge, “What veggies would you eat in an omelet?”
She smiled, turning and looking up at him, “As many vegetables as possible.” She smiled, her arms crossing as she rested her chin onto her forearms, her lower half shifting to a more comfortable position, her hips pushing back a bit. 
Bucky watched from the corner of his eye, trying to hide his hips shifting as he planted them firmly in the kitchen. He wasn’t going to act on his instincts purely because his mother didn’t raise him that way. He was told to respect omega’s, give them the space they needed, and to understand that heats are painful before they are even thought to be pleasurable. He knew that, he knew that she was getting comfortable and that he should just allow her too, because he saw what his mom went through during her heats. Painful cramps knocked her out, rendering her unconscious in their living room while he and his sisters tended to her fever and attempted to keep her hydrated. He knew what that did to an omega and swore he would never let an omega under his care go through pain like that. 
Maybe it was just the alpha haze but he knew far better. His connection with this one rendered an emotion he hadn’t known in a while, so he decided that what was best was to just let it simmer. But he knew that wasn’t wise either, speaking softly, “Do you need anything? I know… your heat might be coming up, and you might want to go stay at a hotel or something.. I can help with the fever though, raised with three sisters and a mother.” He cocked a brow, glancing back at her as he sprinkled vegetables into the pan. She shifted, glancing up at him with hazy eyes, “I might just need to get some sort of fever lessener. Other than that I should be fine.” 
He frowned, knowing that was bullshit as he finished cooking her omelet, plating it and glancing up at her, “I know that’s a lie, are you sure you don’t need anything else. I’m willing to run to the store for you, get you something…” he cut himself off, glancing away with a nervous expression, “Seriously, the CVS that’s on the edge of the town carries stuff for heats.” He glanced over at her finally, noticing she was staring directly at him with big eyes, “Sure- that’s fine.” 
He let out a small sigh of relief shifting on his feet as he moved back to the kitchen to cook, “Okay. I’ll go do that today.”
She sat back, eating as she nuzzled into one of the blankets she carried from the couch to the table, the sight of it making him go a little wobbly in the knees as he turned back to the stove, finishing cooking his own food and moving beside her, sitting down as well, “Let me know if you want me to get you anything else, heating pad, cooling towels. Whatever I can do to help.”
She shifted a bit, glancing up at him, “Why are you offering to help?”
“Because I know how painful it can be to go through that without a mate. My mom had to do it for ten years after my dad left.” He frowned, picking at his food, “I just don’t want you to be in pain as long as you’re in my home.”
She nodded, her eyes glancing back at the food, “Thank you Bucky.” He nodded, finishing and standing, walking to the kitchen to wash off his plate, putting it into the dishwasher. He moved back to the table with a notecard and a pen he had in the kitchen specifically for grocery lists. At that thought, she smiled softly, turning to look at him, “You keep supplies for grocery lists in your kitchen junk drawer?” She let out a small laugh.
All Bucky could do was smile, “yeah- what do you want me to get? Anything at all.”
She smiled, “Chocolate, and a heating pad would be nice. And then…” She looked away gripping the blanket closer, “Could you get me some of those heat supplies?”
He nodded, “Do you- uh have a preference?”
“The knotted ones.” She murmured, looking down still.
He nodded, holding no ill will against her as he wrote it down, “Okay, do you want any produce for this week? Fruits, vegetables?”
“Could you pick up some cherries?” She asked softly, kicking her feet off the seat where she was curled up and placing them on the ground to lean forward. He noticed, glancing at her with a small smile, “Sure, cherries, some apples, some vegetables for any meals I plan to make…” He glanced up at her, smiling gently before turning back to the list, “Should probably head out now before it starts snowing again.”
She nodded, standing as well and moving to the couch again, glancing back at him gently, “Thanks…”
He nodded, opening the door and walking out. As soon as out of earshot, she threw her hands up, flopping back, “God he can’t catch a hint!”
Bucky walked to his car, starting it hopefully before hearing the engine cut off, his body tensing up, “You’re shitting me.” He slid out of the car, moving back into the house, “Okay so bad news. My car's engine just- stopped working.” He glanced up at her, shifting nervously, “I can walk?”
“No no, don’t do that- that’s at least three miles in the snow.” She frowned, “I can figure it out, just don’t walk.” She asked softly, leaning up to look at him closer, “Come on it’s cold, let's just hang out for a bit.”
He nodded, stepping closer to the couch and flopping beside her, glancing up at whatever was playing on the TV as he yawned a bit. She noticed, shifting closer to share some of the blanket and muttering, “You can sleep if you want?”
He nodded, quickly falling into her as he slumped a bit, falling asleep slowly as he muttered, “Wake me if you think you’re developing a fever.”
She nodded, leaning close as he felt his heat radiate onto her, not thinking much of the feeling that filled her chest at the feeling of his scent wrapping around her. 
There is a shift beside Bucky, a small whimper falling onto his ears as he woke up. He didn’t think to find the woman he’d found on his porch only a short three weeks ago, sliding her fingers into herself, letting out weak whimpers as she preened at the sight of him awake. He tensed up, feeling her forehead and frowning quickly, “You didn’t wake me.”
“I didn’t know I was getting a fever if I’m honest.” She muttered back, her head falling back.
Bucky threw the blanket on top of her, frowning as he moved to the kitchen, pulling an ice pack back from the freezer, the sight of her dripping cunt filling his body with pure agony as he moved back over to her, sliding the ice pack onto her head. She whimpered, having seemingly not stopped her actions as she leaned up for his touch, “Please Buck. Need you…” He quickly shook his head in response, speaking slowly “No doll, you’re far too vulnerable.”
She shifted uncomfortably, growling out, “I need this Buck. Please. I am consenting. I promise you that this isn’t because of the heat- I need it.” She looked at him, expression solid and almost that resembling stone at how sharp her features were. He nodded slowly, his eyes closing, thinking about her clenching down on him so well, thinking about how he’s wanted her for the past weeks, his eyes finally opening again, “Yeah okay.”
She shifted quickly, tugging the blanket up and looking up at him with desperation, “please.. Need you in me.”
He slid onto the couch again, positioning between her legs as he looked up at her, “Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”
She nodded quickly, “I’ve wanted to fuck you since last week Buck, now put your cock in me now.” She snarled out, her legs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer.
He nodded, a flush filling his cheeks as he leaned down, kissing along her neck and subtly scenting her.
She let out a small whimper, the touch of his lips on her neck alone driving her mad, but he was scenting her. God she was so far gone but that, she was going to remember that. He muttered softly, reaching down to roll her clit with his flesh hand as he positioned his tip with his metal one, having gotten hard since he caught a whiff of her slick. He spoke softly into her neck, “Let me know if you wanna stop.” He pushed into her slowly, his head falling onto her shoulder as he let out a soft sigh, “Christ you feel better than I imagined…” She smirked, glancing up at him with fever ridden weak eyes, “You imagined fucking me?”
“You’ve been at my house for three weeks straight, fucking you is the main thing I’ve thought about.” He chuckled, fucking into her to help aid some of her pain, “Better? At all?”
She nodded quickly, her legs wrapping tighter around him, “Feels so good.” She muttered, her cunt tugging him in as she continued, “Needed this, thank you Buck.”
Oh fucking god. Now Bucky knew he had some sort of praise kink, but a woman thanking him for fucking her? Fuck he might combust on spot. He leaned down into her neck again, hiding his flushed expression as he slid his thumb to her clit, rolling it gently as he kissed along her flesh, “Gonna make you feel good, I promise.”
She nodded quickly in agreement, her hips rolling up to match his movements as she let out small pants, pleasure squishing the pain in her as she felt him and only him.
Bucky let out a gruff noise, his hand sliding to tug her closer, “You close?”
She nodded quickly, feeling his finger roll her clit even quicker now. His voice came over in a haze, soft as she felt the deafening noise of her release filling her brain with red and white flashes, “Where do you want me to cum?”
She tugged him closer, his eyes going wide, “You’re not on the pill doll- I can’t.”
“Please…” She begged softly, “I’ll get a pill later, just need you in me longer.”
He shifted, tugging her back by her upper thighs slowly pressing all of him into her, knotting her with ease as he let out a low growl, his hands gripping her thighs in a bruising grasp. God he was too far gone to even check if she was okay, but the soft mewls below him all but proved she was doing fantastic. He leaned down on top of her, kissing along her shoulders slowly, “Feel better? How long should I expect your heat to be dollface?”
“Four days give or take.” She sighed, her body relaxing beneath him as he slid out of her, muttering gently, “Easy does it.. You wanna sleep, it’s late.” He looked up at her, noticing she nodded and turned away, flushing quickly.
He could talk to her about what this meant later, but now he was more worried about making sure she was resting with the fever. He picked up his t-shirt that got discarded at some point, using to wipe between her thighs before picking her up gingerly, carrying her to his room this time, noticing she relaxed in his arms at the wave of his scent that filled both of their lungs. He muttered softly, “You okay sleeping here?”
With a curt nod, she climbed into his bed, looking at him to follow. 
He did so with content filling his chest, wrapping himself around her protectively, despite neither of them being marked or knowing what this all meant- content was all either could feel.
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toadstoolwriting · 9 months
Star Crossed- Chapter Two
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Warnings: Cursing, a singular google translated Russian word, idk what else at the moment
Word count: 1.4 k
Series Masterlist
Chapter One
Chapter Three
The drive to your apartment wasn't exactly peaceful in your head. While the brooding alpha was sitting in your passenger seat, you were going over a million and one scenarios in your head. There has to be someone looking for this guy, if not the police, then someone. Maybe the person who shot him. He must have done something to warrant that. And you're on the way to your house with that guy. What if he has a mate? No, that's not an important question right now, but they must be worried sick. Something in the back of your mind told you he didn't, but you had to be sure. Unfortunately, his shoulder-length hair made it so that you couldn't see if there was a mark on his neck. If he did have a mate, then at least you could try to contact them.
You cleared your throat; you couldn't take the silence anymore. "Do you have a mate?" Your voice was no more than a whisper, scared to speak and break the quiet and tense atmosphere. Unfortunately, he had decided not to respond. A guilty feeling flooded your chest, and you apologized to the possible mate. You were still trying to figure out if he had one.
Keeping your eyes on the road, you quickly looked at him. He was relaxed in the seat, but his flesh arm was wrapped around his torso. You wondered briefly if the gunshot wound hurt… of course, it hurt. It's a gunshot wound. Jesus, this whole situation was so weird. He doesn't seem to show the pain, though. All you could see was his face towards the window. So you couldn't even guess what he was thinking right now.
Your apartment complex finally came into view, thanking the universe that there were no significant problems on the twenty-minute drive you pulled into your spot. You took a deep breath, something you have been doing a lot this evening. Stepping out of the car and into the breezy night, you made your way to his side of the vehicle to help him out. By the time you reached it, he had already opened the door and held onto the top to keep from falling.
You made your way over to him, hooking your arm around his torso again as he put his arm over your shoulder. You stepped back to give you both room to close the car door. His body tensed as you made your way to the entrance of your apartment. You took your time helping him up the stairs, thankful that your place was on the first level. His metal arm held his side as you hobbled up the stairs together.
Finally reaching the front door, you dropped your hands so that you could find your keys. Once the door was open, you tried to resume the position of helping, but he put his flesh hand on your shoulder, causing you to look up at him. His expression softened ever so slightly as he gestured for you to go in. With hesitant steps, you entered your living room before turning back at him.
"Please sit," you gestured to the well-loved couch behind you. "I'll bring you some water." Making your way into the kitchen, you steal a look at him as you get a cup. As you fill it with water, the home phone starts ringing, making you jump. Briefly, you look at the man who had taken residence sitting on your couch. His eyes meet yours in a look that can only be described as pure fear. Your thoughts are confirmed as the room begins to smell of sour lemons.
"It's okay!" you grabbed the phone, answering it as you continued to look at him.
The voice on the other side said your name in a nervous tone. It was the manager of the diner. Fuck you forgot to lock up in the heat of everything. You didn't even think about it. You knew your face must have shown it because the alpha in the living room started getting up. You relaxed and tried to give him a reassuring smile as you gestured for him to sit down again.
John repeated your name, this time with confusion laced in his voice.
"Oh, yeah! Hey, how's your night, John?" You had no idea how this phone call would go, but you hoped and prayed that it was mostly about forgetting to lock up.
"My night is pretty shit so far," a nervous laugh came from the other side of the phone. "Some knucklehead decided to break into the diner and came in through the back. Sucker made a mess of the office. Police are going through it now. Poor bastard must've hurt himself on the window, which serves him right. Seems like he left through the front door. His blood is all over the place." He scoffed.
"Anyway, I am just calling to make sure you got home alright; considering you were the last one here, I wanted to make sure you were okay." You smiled at what he was saying. John was a little rough around the edges, but overall, he was a good boss, and you appreciated that about him.
"Oh! I am okay, don't worry… It must have happened after I left because I didn't hear anything strange." Your voice sounded so unsure you wanted to kick yourself for it.
"Alright, that's good," He must have moved the phone to talk to someone because all you could hear for a few moments was voices in the background. "Well, the police wanna interview you at some point, so if you can tomorrow, go down to the station to give your statement."
"Yeah, I will… Uh, thank you for checking in. Tell Officier Anderson I'll be down in the morning." Something about living in this small town and working at the most popular was that you knew just about everyone. You were about to say bye and hang up when John cut you off.
"Actually, it's not Anderson here, it's some German asshole. He said he was tracking a string of break-ins happening all around lately." Even he seemed skeptical of what he was saying but didn't acknowledge it.
"Oh, okay, so he'll be at the station tomorrow?"
"That's what they said. Listen, if you feel nervous about going, call me, and I'll pick ya up and bring you myself."
"Thanks, John, I might take you up on that. Good night." At this point, you were desperately trying to hang up the phone. Something about all this seemed off to you.
"Good night. Stay safe." You hung up the phone and gently put it back on the wall before looking back at the alpha who had broken into the diner who was in your living room. At this moment, you realized you didn't even know his name. This man was a stranger, and you had let him in your house. But looking at him, you couldn't believe he would hurt you. Your intuition has gotten you this far in life.
You picked up the cup filled with water and made your way back over to him. "See? Nothing to worry about," you handed him the cup before sitting on the loveseat a couple of feet away from him. Sighing as you melted into the couch, this had been a long night. You didn't know how you would go into the police station tomorrow, but that sounded like something for future you to figure out.
"Спасибо" You lifted your head at the sound of his voice.
"Huh," He just lifted the cup, looking at you with a look that said thank you, albeit very subtly. This man's face didn't seem to like to move much. "You're welcome?" You hoped you interpreted that correctly. A smile briefly appeared on his lips. If you had blinked, you would have missed it.
"Hey, so my name is," you said your name while placing your hand to your chest, hoping he would get it. "What's yours?" You then gestured to him. He looked down for a moment as if contemplating something.
"Bucky." A smile bloomed on your face. Something about that seemed so correct.
You tested the name on your lips. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you."
A/N: Thank you for reading! I am not as satisfied with this chapter, but that's fine. I just need more practice. I'll probably fix it when I edit.
Also this story is set in the 1980s I am trying to figure out how to say that without saying it but I didn't live in the 1980s so i'll figure it out eventually.
I'm also thinking about writing longer chapters because I prefer longer ones. What do y'all think?
Constructive criticism is encouraged!
No beta we die like men
See you in the next one! - Phrog
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Illicit Affairs (preview)
'Love' The word floats between all of us on a soft gust of air. 'Deep, abiding, unconditional love. You want it so much you're willing to live for it' Most people think the greatest sacrifice they can make is to die for something. They are wrong.
The truest act of love someone can make is to live for something- to allow it to consume you and turn you into a version of yourself you never recognize.
It is a tale of 4 souls twisted and helpless in their love lives. It is a narrative that contains some heartbreaks, the bitter taste of unreciprocated affection, and one that dared not to unveil itself- which takes courage to love for so long from a distance.
This is a story where one soul offered everything at love's altar, a vulnerable sacrifice, while another callously exploited that very vulnerability, sowing discord where passion once blossomed...
Y/n's pov
The room feels colder than usual as I stare out the window, my heart sinking with every passing minute. The anticipation is suffocating, and my patience wears thin. "Again," I whisper, the word heavy with disappointment.
I watch the street below, searching for a familiar figure that is yet to appear. The seconds drag on, and my anxiety intensifies. The lump in my throat grows, making it harder to swallow. A sigh escapes me, a mixture of frustration and hurt.
"He is late again."
I can't help but clench my fists on the curtains, the fabric bunching in my grip. The emptiness in the room echoes the ache in my chest. Tears threaten to spill, and I fight to hold them back. I bite my tongue, tasting the metallic tang of frustration as I try to steady my trembling emotions.
I force myself to look away from the window, taking in shaky breaths to regain composure. Each breath feels like a struggle, a battle against the rising tide of disappointment. I look up, my eyes blurred with unshed tears, and will myself to find strength.
Deep breaths. In and out.
I wrestle with my emotions, fighting the urge to crumble. It's a lonely battle, and the weight of unspoken words hangs heavy in the air. The silence is deafening, broken only by the echoes of my own heartbeat.
half an hour later
The sound of the door knob rattling pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn to see you entering, supposedly from your so-called 'jogging' session. Your disheveled hair and the hickey marks on your neck don't escape my notice, but I keep my gaze down, focusing on chopping the ingredients for breakfast. The rhythmic slicing helps channel my frustration into the task.
Silence hangs in the air, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of disappointment. I clench my jaw, determined not to let the emotions bubbling within me overflow. Why me, I wonder.
I put on a fake smile, a mask to conceal the turmoil beneath the surface. Breaking the tense quiet, I decide to confront the reality before me, choosing words carefully as I break the uneasy silence.
"How was it?"
The question hangs in the air as I continue chopping, my hands steady despite the storm raging inside me. The tension is heavy as I await your response.
You seem startled, caught off guard by the unexpected interruption to your silence. Nervously, you stammer a response.
"Huh? W-What?"
"Jogging... You went jogging, right?" I press, my eyes focused on the task at hand, but my peripheral vision catches your every move. I put down the knife, turning to face you with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"Oh, jogging... Yes, jogging... Yeah, it was good... good," you reply, the words rushed and accompanied by a forced smile. The tension lingers, hanging in the air like an unspoken truth, and I maintain my fake smile, masking the hurt that hides beneath the surface.
Chapter 1
Note: Hey guys! Hope you like it. English is actually my second language so if there's any mistake you can inform me by messaging me privately. And PLEASE REBLOG AND DON'T STEAL MY WORK. Please like and comment too so, that I can know your views. Thank you for reading guys! Have a nice day and please comment if you wanna be tagged in.
Taglist: @angstysebfan @cjand10 @learisa @themorningsunshine @binkszamsstuff @dreamerglassesgirl @winterslove1917 @perfectpieslimeprune @nikkivillar @bethexo07
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buckrecs · 1 year
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 3
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - completed
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Galavano by @ichorai
Bucky x Reader
a series that follows the hero galvano through the events of the mcu!
2. Time (D)rift by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Dark!Bucky x Reader Apocalypse AU
The end has come and gone as you keep waiting for your own.
3. Uncontrollable by @fictional-affairs
Bucky x Widow!Reader
The year is 1992. The Winter Soldier is under HYDRA’s control, and the Red Widow is under Dreykov’s control, but when they find out their organizations are working together to have them kill each other, they decide to make a deal.
4. The Lake House by @rustytricycle
Dark!Bucky x Dark!Reader
You decide to spend the summer before Freshman year of college with two of your girlfriends at one of their parents’ lake house. It turns out that Captain America and his two best friends are staying next door. Bucky thinks you might be his perfect girl. But are you too perfect?
5. turn a blind eye by @sergeantxrogers
Bucky x Reader
The Winter Soldier was cold. Brutal. Unflinching. A machine formulated to comply. Bucky Barnes was the sun warming your skin, your happy pill. Loving him was like bittersweet liquor, sickeningly sweet when you sip, harsh and burning when you swallow.
6. Rooftop Sessions by @forever-rogue
Bucky x Therapist!Reader
Y/N is a therapist that works with war veterans that ends up meeting a mysterious stranger who asks for her help.
7. it’s all fun and games, until you catch feelings by @prettyyoungtragedy
Bucky x Reader
You’re pining after Steve and Bucky is pining after Nat, what better way to distract yourself from those two perfect humans than to distract yourselves with each other?! Fuck buddies it is then.
8. oh my delightful heart by @prettyyoungtragedy
Sequel to it’s all fun and games
Bucky Barnes is the sweetest dumbest most adoring boyfriend any girl could ever ask for... 
9. Follow My Lead by @ciarawritesmarvel ✨
Bucky x Reader
You and your new friend Wanda are enjoying a day together at the Avengers Tower, her giving you a tour around the place when you both run into the infamous Bucky Barnes. Moments later, he’s introducing you to Sam as his girlfriend and placing a kiss on your temple and you’re not sure you’ve ever been so confused in your life.
10. The Maid of Mr. Barnes by @disasterofastory
Mob!Bucky x Reader
You get a job as Mr. Barnes's maid. You heard about the notorious gangster, but since you desperately need money and a place to live, you are not in a position to be picky.
11. Guiding Light by @wkemeup ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra. While you struggle to stay alive and hold your sanity, Bucky begins to lose himself to a darkness and gives into the soldier because he doesn’t know how to breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can.
12. Home | Better by @softlyspector ✨
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
13. Mad For You by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Nat hosts a costume masquerade. Bucky meets the Alice to his Hatter. Shenanigans ensue. 
14. Sanguis Sanguinis Mei by @captainscanadian
Vampire!Bucky x Vampire!Reader
It took Bucky Barnes two centuries with the blood of his blood to realize how much he loved her. This is their story. 
15. Another World by @sinner-as-saint
Alien!Bucky x Reader
In a futuristic world - a millennium from now, you and your team rescue and care for stranded and hurt otherworldly beings; who are held captive and kept on Earth against their wills. You save them from the bad guys who exploit them. You help them adjust to your planet’s life, and give them their freedom back. Then one day, while on a rescue mission, you come across a human-like extraterrestrial being; in a cryogenic chamber, with a missing arm. And nothing is ever the same again…
16. Picking Up The Pieces by @gogolucky13
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky chooses to stay in his tumultuous relationship knowing you’ll be there to pick up the pieces, until finally you’re not.
17. Knight In Rusty Armor by @revengingbarnes ✨
Knight!Alpha!Bucky x Queen!Omega!Reader
For the sake of politics and to get rid of you, their omega daughter, the King and Queen of England marry you off to the King of France. Settling into an unfamiliar monarchy is a tedious process all by itself, but a new problem arises soon after your arrival at your new home. One of the Knights turns out to be your true mate. Your Alpha. The one you are meant to be with. But you’re mated to someone else. And that someone else is the King of France.
18. The Escaped Bride by @marvelouslytrekking
Pirate!Bucky x Reader
Being forced to marry someone was not something you wanted, but when it turns out that it is to your best friend, who you secretly loved, things weren’t so bad. Unfortunately, good things don’t seem to last and when the worst happens, you refuse to sit around and be miserable. Will you find true love again, or will your life be turned upside down?
19. Plot Twist by @winterarmyy
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
20. The Road Goes Ever On and On by @rocketrhap3000 ✨
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
Life as a single mother of a three year old certainly has its struggles. But when a sweet stranger makes his way into you and your little boy’s life, a one of a kind connection sparks.
21. you’re my desire by @marvelouslizzie & @notafunkiller
40s!Bucky x Reader
Your best friend drags you out on a double date. You were supposed to be Steve Rogers’ date but plans change pretty quickly and you end up in Bucky Barnes’ arms.
22. Death Do Us Part by @sgtjbuccky ✨
God Of Death!Bucky x Mortal!Reader
For centuries, the God of Death had known two things about mortals. One, they were his job, his to collect when their days came to an end, and two, they were obnoxiously odd beings. Their purpose ceased to make sense to him. Never did he understand why they created a life for themselves, why they loved, why they loved other mortals when they knew that none of it would last forever. It was nothing but sheer stupidity, but that was until he met you. A mortal unlike any other. A mortal that would make him question everything. A mortal that would teach the God of Death how to live.
23. Lost In Each Other by @majestyeverlasting ✨
Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
For Bucky, one of the best things to come home to is family. Especially after a day at work. So he's pleasantly surprised when you want to show him a new dress after dinner one night. And it just so happens that little Eden and Jamie find a way to work themselves into the equation. But it all makes for good fun and memories you will never forget.
24. Fight For Me by @littleseasiren
Bucky x Reader
After years in an abusive relationship, you finally get out. When the Avengers decide to raise awareness for your Battered Women's Home, you bump into Bucky Barnes, the hottest, most complicated man you've ever met. He thinks you're too good for him, but when your abusive ex reappears, Bucky knows he has to keep you safe - by any means necessary.
25. call me baby by @cherryrogers ✨
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
26. Static Verse by @theconstantsidekick ✨
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Tony Stark's sister's a fucking badass, codename—Static. Here's her story through the MCU.
27. Bygone by @borntobewondering
Bucky x Reader
You and Peter get sent back in time, and you fall in love with someone unexpected.
28. Clockwork by @aries-writingblog ✨
Bucky x Reader
Bucky has moved on. He’s found a place in the new world of the 21st Century. Found peace. But the past is always half a step behind him, waiting to snatch him backwards- like clockwork.
29. Deny the truth, set the world on fire by @lizatill
Bucky x Reader, Dark!Winter Soldier x Reader
He knew that she was having an affair...she denies, but the love marks on her body are still there. She can't tell him the truth, it will break him - the Winter Soldier is indeed inside of him, fucking her at night and Bucky doesn't remember.
30. Carnations by @viollettes
Bucky x Reader College AU
It’s a simple concept: Students can buy flowers for each other at the carnation sale. Red flowers are for love, pink flowers are for friendship, and white flowers are for expressing secret admiration. A carnation fundraiser, an iota of possibility, and a longtime secret crush on your hot best friend - what could go wrong?
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jwnchstr · 1 year
title: behind the thick glass wall | b.barnes
characters: alpha!bucky barnes, omega!you!reader
summary: it's hard being an omega, but it's even harder to see your alpha on a date with another omega.
masterlist | my wattpad
it was cold. literally. you've gone to several mission with temperature below zero but the december wind seems to be eating your flesh.
you hugged yourself tighter, hands clamp into fists inside your jacket pockets (as if that would help that much) as you stood behind a thick glass wall, overlooking a couple who were having a good time.
you're keen to throw yourself inside. part of it because of the cold you could barely contain, but another part of you (this one is bigger) is because jealousy. how could a man look happier with a woman he barely knew?
bucky was making a joke, you're sure of it. that's how he was with women aside from you. his tight face loosened as he smiled at leah, showing his oh-so-friendly face. his eyes even sparkle under the yellow lights of the bar. he screamed romantic alpha, one that you could never have.
you can feel your heart shattering inside your chest, but not like you have an option here. you're just an omega whom genetically cannot produce that sweet pheromone that could make your alpha yearn for you. you're an omega who's genetically broken.
your breath hitched when you saw bucky reached leah's hand. how you wished it was your hand instead of leah's that he was reaching because you long for his touch. and you could blame it on failed missions, where bucky had to carry you in his arms, his fingertips grazing against your bare skin without being intended to. but since then, you can't forget what his touch felt like and you wanted more.
leah smiled and thing that you dreaded the most happened right in front of your eyes: leah reciprocating bucky's interest towards her. she linked her fingers with bucky's. it made bucky tensed for a few short seconds (and you wished you could smell him from the outside to know if he's somewhat uncomfortable with leah's gesture) but soon relaxed under leah's touch.
your heart broke even more.
as you punished yourself watching the lovely lovebirds, a cough attracted your attention. this time, it was your turn to tense. though, if anything, you'd rather call yourself alert. being an agent always has its advantage. you're ready to pounce on the incomer, but a familiar smell hits your nose. you cool down immediately.
it's mister nakajima.
"i don't believe that's how you attract the man you want, merely staring at him," standing a few steps behind your shoulder, he remarked.
you tried not to appear understood to what mister nakajima was referring to, but you know you'd look like a fool if you did so. at last, you sighed. sad knowing that mister nakajima was right. but again, you don't have any option and the old man didn't exactly know what's wrong with you.
"you had lunch, mister nakajima?" you asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the subjects who were inside the bar.
"i'm about to." mister nakajima nodded his head towards the bar. he was shifting from one foot to another helped by the cane that he firmly gripped.
you glanced at the bar over the shoulder. "oh." your face fell as the thought of mister nakajima joining bucky and leah laughing together like a happy family without you.
but then, an idea popped into your mind and a smile crept onto your face. "i wonder, what would you say, mister nakajima, if i were to ask you to have a lunch date me today?"
mister nakajima's eyebrows shot up to his forehead, interested but also a little bit confused with your invitation. "well, if you don't mind having a date with an old man, i don't see why would i say no."
you barked a laugh. a little too loud that without your conscious, it traveled inside the bar when a customer opened the entrance door.
"and must i warn you that i can't walk faster than a snail."
mister nakajima smiled at you and allowed you to finished laughing at him before you said, "i know a place. and i have no doubt that you'll love it."
he old man said nothing more when you linked your arms with his. he let you guided the way, through the pedestrians walk.
just as you crossed a junction not far from the bar, you caught a familiar smell in the wind. the smell that makes your legs wobbly, thoughts mushed and butterflies in your belly.
when you turned your head over your shoulders, you saw bucky, with his full appearance watching you walking away with mister nakajima in your arms.
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juicyfruit-22 · 5 months
aiight but this is totally how I see omega Bucky. I mean look at those bitties! Steve motorboats him I just know it
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Bucky x reader
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Alpha/Omega au
(trigger warning, mentions past abuse)
(alpha/omega au)
(im.on vacations dn I have vertigo so if my stories are crapoy that's why)
Bucky awoke to the bed moving as he turned over to see you sobbing and grabbing at your chest in your sleep.
The Alpha inside of him panicked when he could feel your distress and fear.
"Doll, it's okay. Wake up, sweetheart." He said gently shaking you as you jolted awake and screamed.
You sat up and your entire body shook violently.
"No, no, no please don't. Please, you can't, you can't. You'll hurt me." You whispered over and over rocking back and forth.
"Y/N, I'm right here." Bucky said gentle as he placed his hand on your thigh and you turned to look at him.
You and Bucky were together, but you weren't bound together.
It was impossible for you to be claimed since the glands on each side of your neck had been destroyed.
You always kept your shoulders and neck covered so the team never knew, not even Bucky knew.
They noticed you didn't have a scent but they just assumed you were on suppressants.
"Bucky?" You whispered as he smiled softly.
Bucky wanted to claim you more than anything, and you hated that he couldn't.
But you weren't ready to tell him.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as you began to sob.
"Doll, it's okay. You're safe." Bucky whispered as you leant against him, you nuzzled into his neck and sighed softly.
Bucky played with your hair softly as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to see Bucky already awake.
He was reading a book while playing with your hair.
"Bucky?" You whispered as he put his book down and looked at you.
"Morning, doll. You okay?" He whispered as you slowly sat up and nodded.
"Yeah, just a nightmare." You whispered sitting on the edge of the bed.
Bucky stood up and stood in front of you.
"I know you're not ready, love. But if we were to mate I could take it all away, I could help calm you down and make you feel safe." He said as you stood up and backed away.
"I know. I'm going to get breakfast." You said about to rush off before Bucky grabbed your wrist.
"Wait, Y/N! We need to talk about all of this. I know you had a rough past, but mating isn't scary especially not with me. I would keep you safe. The last thing I want to do is force you, but I just want to know if you really want this or not." He muttered as you looked at him sadly.
"You deserve a mate. I wish you could have one." You whispered as he looked at you in shock.
"So, you're breaking up with me?" He asked as you looked at him.
"You're an alpha, Buck. You need an omega." You whispered trying to hold back your tears.
"And why can't that be you? I desever an explanation Y/N!" He shouted making you flinch.
"So why can't we mate? Is there someone else? Am I not enough for you?" He said as you pulled away from him.
"I can't mate Bucky!" You shouted back making him look at you in shock.
"I want to, I want to with all of my heart but I can't." You whispered, the tears falling from your eyes as Bucky slowly stepped forward.
"Why, Y/N?" He asked reaching out to hold your hand.
You reached up with your other hand and moved your shirt away from your neck to show him the deep scar.
His eyes widened and he reached forward to gently touch it.
"So, that's why you don't have a scent." He whispered as you nodded.
"It's the same on the other side." You muttered before covering it back up.
"Y/N... What happened?" He whispered as you looked up at him.
He could see you couldn't bring yourself to tell him.
"Shh, it's okay. You don't need to tell me, I'm just glad you got this far, doll. I'm here whenever you need to talk, okay?" Bucky said as you nodded and hugged him.
"I'm going to go see Bruce about it today. I've never had anyone look at it so maybe he can help." You whispered as Bucky held you tightly.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked as you pulled away and wiped your tears away.
"I just want to go alone, of that's okay." You replied as he smiled and kissed your forehead.
"Of course it's okay."
You sat in Bruce's lab, softly playing with your t shirt.
"So, what brings you in today?" He asked making you smile.
"It's about my omega side." You muttered as he nodded.
"I've noticed that you and Bucky aren't bonded. Are you on suppressants?" He asked as you shook your head.
"No, but I can't...mate." You muttered before you pulled your shirt across to show him the scar.
"Shit." He muttered reaching forward to get a better look.
"Y/N, what happened?"
After explaining everything to Bruce and him telling you it was basically impossible to fix you went back to Bucky where he was waiting in your shared room.
When you entered he jumped up and hugged you tightly.
"I want to tell you what happened." You whispered as he nodded.
"Just know you dont have to." He said as you smiled and led him over to the bed to sit beside you.
"I want you to know the truth." You replied as he held onto your hand tightly.
"My father did this." You whispered looking down at the floor as Bucky looked at you in shock.
"Was he trying to protect you from other alphas?" Bucky asked as you shook your head.
"No. He...he wanted me." You whispered feeling tears in your eyes.
You squeezed Bucky's hand even tighter and took a deep breath in.
"He tried to mate with me." You muttered looking to Bucky who looked pale and in shock.
"Of course it was impossible, he got so angry that he tore into my skin so no one else would ever have me." You explained looking into Bucky's eyes.
He reached forward and wrapped you up in his arms as you began to cry.
"I'm so sorry, doll. Thank you for telling me." He whispered running his hand through your hair.
"I'm guessing that's what all the nightmares are about." He said making you nod in response.
"I love you so much, Y/N."
"I love you too, Bucky."
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sweet-writings9 · 5 months
Only For Them | Prologue
Summary: A lone omega was on the run from a ruthless alpha. Running was all she knew until she bumped to two certain alphas that would change her life forever. Crazy things happen to her once she realizes that they are her mate. Two mates. How will she able to cope?
Characters: Omega!Fem!reader , Alpha!Steve Rogers, Alpha!Bucky Barnes (James Barnes)
genre: omegaverse au, alternative au, love, humor, angst, comfort, yandere
notes: hello everyone ! my old account got hacked so I had to make a new one sadly *cries* anyway, I hope you guys like this! i had to edit it and make some changes. if you are interested and wanna get tagged just comment below or send me a DM. Feedback is appreciated. Hope you guys enjoy this little peek lol
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Footsteps echoed through the dark city as rain poured even harder. Slight winds getting bolder as they came stronger by the second. A soft thud echoed in a dark alley as heavy breaths were heard. [Y/N] tried to catch her breath as she was on her knees in a puddle. She had been running for the past hour from him. He had finally found her. After so long trying to get away from him, he found her once again.
In the back of her mind, there was this small little voice that kept nagging at her that he would always find her no matter what. Her whole body shivered as she managed to get up.
Chills ran thru her whole body as she walked deeper into the dark alley.
"I need to keep moving.." She mumbled to herself as she kept her feet going.
If she stopped then he will catch her again. She couldn't let that happened. She already caused a lot of trouble for everyone.
Especially two men that hold her heart so deeply.
Steve and James.
Tears rolled down her face at the thoughts and memories of them. She was only with them for a couple of months and it had been the best time she's ever had. She wouldn't let him hurt them. She would never forget herself if they are hurt because of her.
Even her wolf is hurting. Clawing and howling at her to get back to her mates.
Well, now her ex-mates.
Her heart was tearing so much at the last moments she was with them. How she had to hurt them to get away.
She couldn't move anymore as she leaned against the wall, sobbing her heart out.
"Stupid [Y/N]…I'm sorry Steve…James. So sorry." She mumbles as she slides down to the ground, exhaustion winning the game. "I'm so pathetic..such a pathetic omega."
Her vision was slowly getting worse as she was seeing double now. As she sat there, memories of her time with them flashed in her mind once more. Her lips curved into a smile at all the love and care they gave her. Even the rest of their so-called family. They welcomed her with open arms which she wasn't used to. She felt like crying even more from losing them to him. Fear of him hurting her new family. She would rather give herself to him than have him hurt her family.
Her mates.
The thought of her mates was killing her even more. She gasped for air as it felt like someone had punched her so hard that she couldn't breathe.
She wrapped her arms around herself as if she could just turn invisible. She wished all this ended. All the pain. All the running.
Just everything to stop.
She sniffed as she tried wiping her tears or so called rain. She knew that she had to keep moving. She couldn't stay here. She slowly managed to get up on her feet as she was about to be on the move until something stopped her.
More like someone did.
Her eyes widen at the soft, broken tone that she's very familiar with. Her body froze for a slight second before she kept moving.
"Take one more step and you'll get it."
Another familiar voice that she knew.
She shook her head as she kept her legs moving.
"Leave…me..alone." She says out loud, trying to sound confident yet it sounded like a cry for help.
"Like hell! Doll stop this!"
His yell made her shake in fear at his alpha tone as she gripped on her head, trying to forget all about him.
"Please…just stop…" She mumbled to herself but loud enough for them to hear her.
"We will never stop."
That voice sounded closer which caught her off guard. She cursed under her breath as she was about to make a run for it until she bumped into a hard body. A warmth that she knew very well.
She gasped as she backed away and looked up to see blue eyes looking at her.
It was Steve. He looked so broken and hurt.
"It's all your fault that he's like that." A small voice echoed in her mind.
She shook her head as she backed away from him, hoping that she can outrun him but as soon as she turned around, she noticed someone in front of her. Someone she knew very well.
"Doll…please stop this. Just come home with us."
It was Bucky. James as he would always tell her to call him.
He was the most emotional one of the two and she could easily tell that this was hurting them two. Not just her.
She shook her head as she backed away from both of them. If she ever got too close to them both then she'll give in to them. She couldn't do that. She had to leave and fast.
"I…I can't go home. He'll…find me. He'll kill you to get…to me."
Steve and Bucky looked at each other before looking at her, getting closer to her.
But the closer they tried to close the distance, the more she'll open it.
"We can protect you, love. You know that we can protect you. You're save with us." Steve tried to reason with her.
She shook her head.
"No, if he hurts you then…I..don't.." She couldn't even finish the sentence.
She kept looking away as she tried to find a way to escape them.
But there was no way.
She was weak and tired. Also an omega. Unlike them that are alphas.
She didn't know how long the silence was but it suddenly stopped once she felt rough hands cupping her face as he made her look at him.
Rough lips smashed against her as she couldn't help but moan at how bad she had missed him. It had only been a week since the last time she saw them. Now, they were here in front of her and Bucky was kissing her with so much passion. She could feel the burning sensation thru his body pressed against hers.
"Don't you dare leave us again, Doll. I don't care about him. I only care about you." He mumbles against her lips before kissing them again harder. "It's been only a week and I'm this crazy looking for you. I'm not letting you handle this alone that's why we are here. That's why we are your mates. We are in this together."
[Y/N] gasped as she looked up at him, staring into his beautiful, brown eyes that she grew to love, but that quickly changed as she felt another pair of arms around her waist. A different type of warmth behind her. She glanced back to his blue eyes staring at her with so much love in them.
"Love, we've told you before. Whatever happened in the past with you, don't worry. Me and Buck will protect you. No matter what. It doesn't matter whom or what. We will always protect you." He said with a stern look on his face while he leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss.
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prettyinpink350 · 2 years
I need your guys opinion what oneshot should do next? I have a whole list of them
Miss congeniality au, bucky x fem reader
An angst cheating au with bucky
Enemies to lovers with steve Rogers
A thriller cult classic with stucky
A summer love with college bucky/ older brothers bestfriend falling in love with the little sister
Or another abo kiss and cry oneshot
Help!!!!!!! I cant chose eight now in in the future I hope all of these will be done. Just comment and whatever one that has the most comments saying I should do I will. Please comment!
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