#but exhaustion I have no doubt about. And by the time my roommate saw the kinds of mistakes I was making that I don't usually make
ante--meridiem · 3 months
Slowly slowly learning to believe that when people express surprise that I feel something I wasn't showing very much it's not necessarily doubt/disbelief, just genuine surprise, and I don't need to start interrogating myself about whether I was secretly lying/making excuses.
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justme-1723 · 8 months
Episode 11: Sand Ramblings
- Sand is not responsible for making sure Ray doesn’t drink.
- Traveling the world, going to all the different festivals, is Sand’s dream. He once wanted to share that with Boeing, but they broke up. Ray is in his life now and wants to experience this with Sand. That’s okay! Things change and sometimes life doesn’t go as we expect. I’m happy that Sand has someone else he trusts enough to share this with.
- I rewatched this episode twice and each time I did, I noticed how utterly exhausted Sand seemed when he was dealing with Boeing. His body language, his facial expressions, everything about him screamed, “I’m fucking miserable… why are you doing this to me?” I never got the vibe that he wanted Boeing back.
- Sand sending Ray home didn’t feel dismissive to me. It felt proactive. He knew the two of them together wouldn’t end well. I think Sand wanted to handle this alone because that’s who he is. “Don’t feel pity for me. I can deal with my own feelings.” He’s independent and likes to take care of things without help. Ray is known for being explosive and Boeing is manipulative as fuck.
- Sand telling Boeing he had a roommate when Boeing asked him if he could come over to his place wasn’t disrespectful. Boeing already knew Sand had a boyfriend. He had just met him. That didn’t stop his advances. Boeing didn’t care. I think Sand knew him well enough to pick up on that. He gave him another reason as to why it wouldn’t be a good idea. Sand isn’t always great at setting boundaries and YES he could’ve been more direct, but Boeing coming back into his life really threw him for a loop. He was trying his best y’all.
- Sand tried to remain uninvolved. Ray and Boeing had a pissing contest of sorts, which clearly annoyed the shit out of Sand. He didn’t want to have the pool party. He didn’t want to get in the pool. I’m not blaming Ray, I understand his need for Sand to actively choose him. I just think Sand wanted to do this without all the damn theatrics.
- I have no doubt that Sand is in love with Ray. I have no doubt that he has zero plans of reconnecting with Boeing. I DO think that Boeing being back has brought back some old insecurities. “I’m not that important. I don’t want to be anyone’s option.” Boeing chose Top. Ray chose Mew… and this has stuck with Sand. Now he has what he’s been craving and those feelings no doubt came rushing back. Sand is fucking terrified and we all know how he deals with that. He shut down. He retreats. That’s exactly what he was doing. He literally looked like he was on auto pilot the second Boeing showed up. The carefree attitude we saw with him when he was around Ray was gone.
I wanted to hug him the entire episode and punch Boeing. I’ve been around manipulative people like him and it wears you down. Poor Sand aged twenty years when Boeing was anywhere near him.
Enough of my nonsense.
Can’t wait for the finale ❤️
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whenlostinthedarkness · 8 months
Afterglow: Chapter 2 / Part 1 - In My Way
Leader Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Photo by @abbysthighs ; edited by me
Summary: You and the band attend a party after the show, which leaves you social exhausted. Ellie takes note and you both decide to head back to the hotel for some much needed come down time from the surplus of social interaction
Warnings: Social anxiety, Weed smoking, and mentions of reader & Ellie’s past relationship; I believe that is it.
A/N: If you haven't caught on by now, each chapter will be named after a MUNA song that is fitting for the situation. Listen to ' In My Way' here.
Intro | Chapter One |
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A soft towel was thrown around your shoulder by Dina as you and the rest of your bandmates exited from the stage, leaving a crowd still screaming as they begged for yet another encore, even though you'd already given them two on top of the one you did every night of every show.
"Well, they were fucking crazy", Jesse laughed while dabbing his forehead with his own towel.
"Seriously! I think that was the highest energy we've gotten from a crowd so far," Ellie said, mirroring Jesse as she too held the towel against her forehead that was dampened with a few locks of hair.
The thundering crowds noises were quickly dissipating the further your band walked into the back stage area, until you all had finally made it to the large, shared dressing room.
"God, it's fucking hot!," you exclaimed while dramatically fanning yourself as you stood in front of a table top revolving fan that was turned up to high.
"Yes, yes you are," Dina teased as she began undoing her button up shirt, joining the rest of the group that had already started undressing out of their sweaty clothes.
In a flirtatious manor, that you both knew held nothing but friendly intentions, you turned around with your hand on your hip.
"Don't tease me D."
"What if I'm not?"
Both of your coquettish expressions caved into humored ones the minute you made eye contact.
"We've already been down that route in college, no need to revisit it," you joked with a pointed finger as you began undoing your top.
"God, don't remind me. It was like fucking my sister-no offense." You nodded in agreement with Dina as you voiced your mutual feelings about the night both of you had drunkenly hooked up after a party in college.
Thankfully, It wasn't a completely bad experience. It was the reason the both of you had become friends after all. What better way to bond than after a hook up that neither of you felt a romantic connection with, yet still enjoyed the others company.
As Ellie began zipping out of her jeans, she couldn't help but listen in on yours and Dina's conversation and reminisce about that night.
You, Ellie, and an apartment that was much too small for the amount of people that were walking in through the back door.
A local college band was playing in a space that no doubt was originally a living room that had been moved around to arrange a space for the band and others to gather around them.
You held on tight to the back of Ellie's-aka your roommate who you had met just a couple days ago- shirt as you allowed her to guide you through the mass amount of bodies that were somehow fit into this space that couldn't have been more than 1,000 square feet.
As college parties go, you and Ellie ended up talking with cheap beers in hand for awhile as you watched the people around you, until you saw Dina walk in. She was clearly the life of the party, which is what caught your attention in the first place…and she wasn't bad looking either.
Ellie remembered you whispering how hot you thought the dark haired girl, who you would come to know as Dina, was. Urgently, Ellie turned her head to look at you with furrowed eyebrows that begged to ask a question.
"Are you gay?"
Present day Ellie laughed quietly in the dressing room as she recalled you saying "do I look like I'm straight?", in a way that was so deeply offended, you would've thought you had been mistaken for the worst possible human being one could imagine.
Suddenly, there was a feeling of fear and hope spun together in a braided ribbon. Because now that she knew you liked girls, that meant that her immediate attraction to you wasn’t something that she could shove off in a corner. No, now her mind would conjure up all these scenarios and universes where it was you and her tangled up in sheets as your bare skin touched her bare skin, all because it was something that was possible.
Sure, it wasn’t definite and, at that time Ellie had no idea that you had felt this immediate attraction to her as well, but now, it was easier for her to picture herself with you because it wasn’t like the crushes Ellie had on straight girls in the past. This time it was real and raw and vulnerable.
"What so funny?"
Ellie hadn't noticed you, snuck up on her as she changed with her back to the rest of the group.
Quickly she peaked over her shoulder as she continued getting undressed.
"Remember when you were offended that I didn't know you were gay?"
A warm, comforting feeling filled you as you thought back to your very first outing with Ellie.
You nodded, "Yeah! I'm still pissed about it."
Ellie chuckled, "You're dumb."
You didn't reply, merely just watched silently as one by one, Ellie's legs slipped out of the denim, leaving her in plain colored boxer briefs and an undone button down shirt while her back was still to you.
You knew better than to allow your eyes and imagination to linger too long-that was dangerous territory; a been there done that type of territory.
The group continued chatting as each of you finished changing into less dampened clothing.
"You guys going to that party tonight?"
At Jesse's words your eyebrow raised in question, until you recalled the big name popstar's birthday gathering you all had been invited to that was happening tonight. Quietly, you sighed as you finished grabbing all of your personal belongings.
"Not sure. You?"
Jesse 'pst' his lips, "Ah c'mon! You have to come. It'll be a nice way to decompress. We haven't had a night off in ages."
You couldn't disagree. It had indeed been a two week spread of shows every single night...maybe a party wouldn't hurt.
But on the other hand, you knew you dreaded any sort of social gathering that was bound to leave you overstimulated and exhausted by the end of the night.
"I don't know.."
"Babe cmon, you deserve it. I deserve it. We all deserve it! Besides, we can ditch if we're too exhausted or if it's lame or something," Dina said as she turned around, joining the rest of you and your bandmates as you all naturally gathered in the center of the changing room.
You wagered your plan of staying in the hotel in stretchy clothes with takeout in hand and a shitty movie on the tv as you snuggled into the fluffy blankets…but the looks you were getting from your bandmates pretty much prepared an answer for you.
"Fineeee," you dragged your words as Dina took the initiative of leaving as she opened the dressing room door.
"Who knows, maybe you'll get laid."
You shook your head, shoving Dina playfully on the shoulder as you followed behind her. "Shut up slut."
Ellie followed behind you, and Jesse behind her as he chuckled at the usual banter between you and Dina that continued for the entirety of the walk to the black vehicle that was ready to take your band to the party.
You'd been at the party for only an hour before you felt your threshold being pushed to it's farthest limit.
Dina and Jesse had been loved up on the dance floor, shouting the words of a song that was unfamiliar to you as Jesse had both of his arms around his love.
Ellie had caught your eye as she talked with other people throughout the party, always having some sort of whiskey drink in hand as she fidgeted with the small black straw she was swirling around her drink.
You knew how awful Ellie was in conversation, or rather following along with a conversation. Her thoughts always seemed to take over, making it hard for her to be fixed in on the entirety of a conversation as she, instead, resorted to zoning out or fixating herself on some sort of habit like she was right now.
With your back lent against a crisp white wall, you raised your drink to your mouth as you took a sip while still watching Ellie attempt conversation, until her eyes locked with yours.
She knew this version of you too well. The crowds, the socializing, the various amount of different noises all going on at once, none of it was ever your forte.
You quickly averted your gaze downwards into the honey colored drink in your glass, which made you oblivious to the fact that Ellie had already dismissed herself from her conversation and began making strides towards you.
"Over it already?"
Her familiar tone made your eyes glance upwards briefly before bringing them back down to your drink. You shrugged, "You know how I am at these things."
Ellie indeed knew too well. She also knew how much you resented yourself for not being able to handle a party without feeling like shit before, during, and after.
"Wanna head out? I'm kind of over this too." Ellie said as she mimicked your position of back resting against a wall with nearly empty drink in hand.
Your eyes remained low as you talked. "You don't have to leave because of me."
"I'm not," Ellie assured, "you're the one who can't do social gatherings, I'm the one whose bored of superficial small talk with people that I couldn't give less of a fuck about."
At her words, you chuckled, your neck now raising as your tipsy squinted eyes finally made contact with Ellie.
"Promise it's not because you feel sorry for me?"
Ellie's face lit up with a familiar, warm grin as she held up her pinky to swear her promise was true. "Promise."
You wore a lazy, but genuine smile as you extended your own pinky and gently hooked it around Ellie's. "Let's get the fuck out of here then."
The drive back to the hotel was silent except for the easy listening radio the Uber drive had been playing in the vehicle. You were thankful they were playing music that was appropriate for the 3am hour that it was. The last thing you needed was heavy bass to fuel your already slightly aching head.
Both you and Ellie made your way into the hotel once the uber had reached your home for the night. Thankfully, your manager had taken care of check in so your room key was already tucked inside the palm of your hand, leaving the only thing to do was slide your key through the appropriate suite numbers door so you could fall face first into a fluffy, white bed.
Your mind pulsed with the room number as you got closer. '208, 2010, 2011, 2012."
A literal weight seemed to fall off of your body when you mentally read the 4 digit number.
"This is me. What room did you get?"
'Fuck', Ellie thought as she did a double take on the room number that was written on her key card and the room number engraved in a gold plaque on the door you were both stopped in front of.
"Me too. Guess we’re rooming together."
Ellie didn't mean for her words to come out with a grimace expression, but you understood why the second she said it.
Annalise. You'd told her once about not wanting to room with Ellie due to your past with her and it was never a forgotten thing..I guess not until now.
It wasn't that you didn't want to hang out with Ellie. Ellie was your best friend first, ex girlfriend second. Despite the past the both of you shared, you always made it your mission to never let it interfere with one of the strongest friendships you've ever had with a person.
Not rooming together was more of a...preventative measure. You and Ellie had dated for a couple years, obviously you also slept together during that time. Keeping separate sleeping arrangements was just a way to keep certain situations less likely to happen.
Without either of you making eye contact, you slid the card in, then out of the slot in the door as a light flashed green, signaling the release of the lock.
You could feel the very dim way your hands shook as you grasped the metal knob in hand, allowing you and Ellie entry into the spacious suite that, thankfully, had two queen sized beds in it. You couldn’t imagine what would happen if the hotel somehow made a mistake and gave you a suite with a single bed; at least one thing was on yours and Ellie’s side. Though it didn’t make the situation at hand any better.
The tension was thick like a humid august day in Florida.
You and Ellie had taken to silence as you both worked on unpacking the few essentials you had on your person - thank god your team had already managed to put both yours and Ellie's luggages by each of your bedside, leaving not too much work to be done tonight unpacking wise.
Once your shoes had been tucked away in the small closet, your phone charger plugged in with your phone attached to it, and your pajama's in hand, you set off for the bathroom in the still silent hotel room.
A quick shower paired with freely brushed teeth, a clean face, and much more stretchy clothing had you feeling almost fully recovered post show and post social gathering.
As you walked out of the bathroom, you couldn't help but follow the trail of clothing that was sprawled sloppily on the floor and on top of the bed that was Ellie's for tonight.
It was like a mouse hunt as you followed along the fabric and items Ellie had no doubt shoveled out of her bag instead of putting them away neatly - typical for Ellie. She was never the cleanliest of the band members.
The humored smile remained on your face as you walked from the area in the suite that contained the beds, over to the small hallway that led to the living room area.
Ellie was sprawled along the couch with nothing but a table side lamp on as her eyes were glued to her phone while her finger moved along the screen.
Thankfully she hadn't caught wind of your entrance or else she would've seen the way you ran your eyes up from her sock clade feet all the way up to the athletic shorts and hoodie that was branded with your bands logo. She only looked up when you sunk down on the opposite side of the couch she was on.
Startled, Ellie looked up at you, looking as if she had forgotten you were even here, and for a minute she honestly did. Ellies eyes had been zoned in on the text exchange between her and her girlfriend, Cat, since the moment she flopped herself onto the couch in a living room that wasn't hers- this was somewhat of a routine she had subconsciously started doing ever since the tour began.
Your eyes naturally followed along to Ellies screen as curiosity got the best of you, but when you saw the name and photo labeled at the very top of the text exchange, you felt that same god damn feeling. That drop, that warmth, that surge of an energy that was anything but positive.
It was as if Ellie could read your mind as she followed your eye line and quickly locked her phone before setting it on the arm rest of her side of the couch.
Clearing your throat, you tried your best at creating a diversion.
"I see you're still messy as ever." Your eyes remained low as you fiddled with the hem of your sweats that sat on top of your ankle bone.
Ellie smiled, mimicking your lack of contact gaze as her vision zoned out on the grey colored couch cushion.
Her mind began to dump through memories upon memories; when you and Ellie were roommates, you were always complaining about her side of the room, which quickly morphed into the entirety of the room as the floor was filled with various clothes, personal items, etc.
You only genuinely got upset about it once- finals week, freshmen year. You were stressed, Ellie was stressed, thus ensued the first of many fights that the both of you would have over petty things.
But the both of you were grown now and surely you could have a conversation over something like that.
"Shit, I'm sorry." Ellie made the move to get up from the couch until you spoke with a waving hand.
"I'm fucking with you El. You're good," you said with a calmed smile and warm tone.
"You sure? Cause I can-"
You were nodding quickly, having to fight back a large grin and laugh at how quick Ellie was willing to get up and tidy the space. You couldn't help but interrupt her quick thoughts that you could tell were piling up a mile high in her mind.
At the sound of her name, Ellie felt her thoughts fall from their whirlwind as she instead focused her attention on one thing at a time and that one thing was you.
"You're good, I promise."
It was crazy how, just at the confirmation of your words, Ellie was able to calm herself down. There weren't many people in the world who could fully put her mind at ease and allow it to stop the overthinking, but you always could. You held a sense of magic over her.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?"
Though Ellie hadn't agreed yet, the remote control was already tucked in your hand as your thumb pressed down on the appropriate buttons. As if you already knew what a routine of assisting Ellie from an anxiety come down was like, which you did.
"Yeah that sounds good." Ellie's words were straight laced as she recognized her pulse for the first time and just how rapidly it was beating.
"Do you mind if I smoke? I usually do it after shows, but since we don't room together I wasn't sure-"
"Yeah your good." You interrupted, making Ellie let out a breathy laugh as she walked over to her bag that sat on top of her bed.
"What?" You asked with confusion.
"You've interrupted me like five times already." Ellie's tone was anything but malicious which assured you that she wasn't upset with your bad habit, but that didn't make you feel any less ashamed either.
"I'm soooorry," you dragged out, the sound of rummaging in the background as Ellie grabbed her trusty tin box that contained a single pre roll and her lighter.
"You know I'm fucking with you." Ellie made her way back to the living room area as she scouted out a source for proper ventilation to ensure the smell of the potent greenery wouldn't cloud up the room or the entire floor.
Thankfully the suite was equipped with massive windows that looked as if they were from the 1920’s. Adorned with different variations of swirls and florals that made the layer of cream colored paint anything but some plain colored windowsill.
Using two of her hands, Ellie grasped the bottom of the window and pulled it upwards as far as the rusted parts would allow. As if out of some sort of rom com, Ellie took a seat on the windowsill as she flicked the lighter with her thumb until it lit a small flame.
At the noise of the lighter, you turned your attention to Ellie just as the flame caught the tip of her joint- a line of smoke streamed from the now charred stuffed rolling paper. You watched Ellie’s chest as she deeply inhaled with her eyes closed, the end of the 'j' searing red as she did so, and held the smoke in her mouth for a few seconds before releasing the breath she was purposefully holding.
Even though Ellie was used to the weed, she never failed to let out a string of coughs after a deep inhale. After her second cough, you turned your body fully around to find Ellie with her mouth tucked into the crevice of her elbow as her body tried to rid itself of the irritant in her throat.
“Water?”, you questioned, to which Ellie nodded as she continued to blow out on last cough until you were standing in front of her with your steel water bottle in hand.
The way Ellie’s mouth wrapped around the tip of the bottle made your pupils dilate as you watched her gulp down several sips of water. She muttered a “Thanks” while handing the water bottle back to you while you scolded your mind for reminiscing on exactly what Ellie’s mouth could do in certain situations.
Once her throat had been cleared enough times for the saliva in her throat to break up, she leant her back against the window frame again, relaxing as the high in her mind began to build.
“Wanna hit?”, Ellie said with hooded eyes as she looked up at your standing form.
The fact that you had to stop and ponder your answer made you cringe. You were a far off version of who you once were only a year ago. Now, you got up early in the morning and did yoga just after you made yourself a hot cup of decaf coffee because, for some god awful reason, you needed a change and that change happened to be weening yourself off of caffeine.
It was funny how well you were convincing yourself and others that you were better and striding along nicely on the path of self love and content while being by yourself. What others didn't know is that you had never felt more lonely in your life. Even after Ellie and your's breakup nearly 4 years ago, you had never felt this bottomless pit that you only had to deal with once off that stage.
Maybe thats why you felt so addicted to performing. Maybe thats why you were the only one who didn’t complain when you saw how many shoes you would be putting on this tour. It took your mind off of reality..it was your drug.
"Sure," you answered Ellie as she reached her nearly limp hand out to you with a relaxed grin on her face.
The moment the joint was held between your pointer finger & thumb, it felt instinctual, despite a year or so without the substance.
As the smoke sucked down your throat, you could already feel your head beginning to float.
"Nice, right?"
You nodded, as you passed the joint back to Ellie just before taking a sip out of your water bottle that moments ago had been pressed against Ellie's mouth. You could still taste the vague cherry chapstick flavor of her lip balm. “I haven't smoked in fucking ages."
Ellie nodded as she took another big hit that made her shoulders slump even more against the window as she delved into a state of relaxation. "This shit is the only thing that calms me down after shows now."
With a nod, Ellie's eyes scanned you as if she were searching. For what? You didn't know and neither did she, but yet she allowed her eyes to linger until she landed on your arm. "How's the tattoo healing?"
Your eyes pulled down to your arm, but not without feeling a lag in motion due to the weed in your system. The amount of at ease you felt was something you hadn't felt in years. You couldn't help but question why the fuck you stopped smoking in the first place, until you came back to that self love journey, bullshit, blah, blah, blah.
"Tattoo is good. The shading on it is soo beautiful”, you dragged along your words more than usual as you prepared for your last statement that would inevitably bring her up. "Your girl is good."
At the mention of her girlfriend, Ellie felt comfort in her smile. "Yeah, she's great”, she answered honestly.
You knew her words held double meanings-yes, Ellie's girlfriend was a great tattoo artists, but you knew her and Ellie were good for each other, at least from your view it seemed that way.
"You seeing anyone lately?"
The hairs on your arms began to raise at Ellie's question. It seemed that anytime relationships or partners, whether romantic or sexual, were brought up..it always felt awkward to you. But maybe that was because you were just being you, and Ellie was matured past the college relationship you and her shared.
Not that you weren't stuck on the relationship itself entirely. You were more so stuck on the feeling of being loved like that and loving that person in return just as much. You craved it, yet no one ever scratched that itch for you after Ellie.
"Nah..I'm good," you lied through your teeth, but Ellie saw right through your faux satisfaction.
"C'mon, it's been, what? A couples years since your last relationship?"
Ellie hadn't intentionally meant to strike that nerve when the words left her lips, yet she could tell she managed to do just that according to the look on your face.
"Fuck, 'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring that up..I forgot that your last relationship was us."
You felt the urge to spit in Ellie's face out of pure spite that was bubbling inside you even though you knew she meant zero malice with her words. Deep breaths consumed your chest as you repeated a mantra to yourself: You were the one who had the problem. Not her. You were the one who had the problem. Not her.
"Yeah...it's been awhile," You chose to ignore the subject as best you could, yet it felt so damn difficult when your last relationship was sitting right in front of you, looking beautiful as a joint hung from her lips.
Ellie breathed the smoke through her gritted teeth before snubbing the end of the joint on the brick that sat on the outside walls of the hotel just outside of the open window she was relaxed against.
"So you really don't want to see any one?"
"Can we talk about something else," you huffed out with aggravation, taking Ellie by surprise, making her eyes fill with sorrow.
"Don't be...", you trailed off for a moment as you took another drink out of your water simply just to give yourself something to do that wasn't sitting in silence. "I'm just sick of people asking me about it,” you shrugged. “Sorry to get pissy with you."
Ellie nodded her head as silence built between the both of you.
The longer you both sat in silence, the higher and higher Ellie felt as her eyes began to alter her perception, her brain began to cloud her judgement, and her filter on her words grew thinner and thinner.
"Do you ever think about us?”, Ellie said with a head tilted backwards and her eyes staring up at the ceiling.
Meanwhile, your lips hesitated as they forgot how to move in time with your tongue. You were finding speaking to me exceptionally difficult when it was a question like that from a person who used to be your everything.
Part 2 coming soon
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beefromanoff · 8 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 3
summary: the first official encounter with James Buchanan Barnes is...not exactly love at first sight.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: let me know what you think! thanks for reading, xox!
tag list: @bangtanxberm (let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
I was exhausted. 
For my first full day, we’d toured the entire facility, and I still felt like there was so much I hadn’t seen. There were rooms full of screens with dozens of agents talking on headsets, rooms with mechanical arms and welding sparks flying, rooms with so many weapons I felt like I was on a military base. It seemed to go on forever. Hangars, shooting ranges, labs, even an extensive medical wing for mission or training injuries. Natasha and Steve had been more than accommodating, staying with me through dinner. I’d met a few other Avengers, ones I recognized from either the news or online. It felt like a strange, high-tech college dorm, with ultra-powerful roommates. Not that I knew what that was like. 
I’d spent what should have been my college years in living hell. Not something I wanted to think about at that particular moment, though. I was just glad to be back in my room. Just glad to have a room to call my own, really. I twisted on the bed, my back sinking into the plush bedding. The feeling of a comfortable bed after a hot shower would never lose that euphoric feeling. Not when I’d gone so long without it before. 
This room was unfamiliar, yet strangely comforting. Soft light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the walls. The bed felt good beneath me, oddly similar to those of the luxurious suites I’d grown so accustomed to in Vegas over the past few weeks. 
A shiver tore through my body as an unwelcome thought reminded me of the cold, rickety hospital bed I’d spent so many nights sleeping on before my escape. How long ago was that? Years? Decades? I shook my head, willing the thoughts to fall out of my ears and never return. There was so much I still didn’t remember. 
Taking a deep breath, I focused on something good. A friend. Natasha had assured me this was a safe place, but could I really trust it? Could I trust her?
I squeezed my eyes shut and tried again to silence the doubts swirling in my mind.
This room, it's like a cage that's too comfortable to be real. How did I end up here? How did Natasha convince me to trust her, to trust them? I’ve spent so long avoiding people, avoiding connections. And now, I’m here, surrounded by... superheroes? I’m supposed to believe they have no other motive? 
She said I don’t have to work with them, I don’t have to fight. Why would she say that if it isn’t true? To get me to come with her. God, I’m so dumb. Of course they’ll want me to fight. Why else would they want me here at all. The only thing I can do is fight. 
At least if I’m here, I’d be fighting for the good guys this time. At least, I hope so. 
Natasha, she’s different. Right? I saw it in her eyes. She understands what it means to fight against the darkness. She told me the Avengers are a family, a team. She had no one before them. I have no one now. Can I really have that too? Would they accept me if they knew…knew everything?
Closing my eyes tighter, I try to push away the memories of the experiments, the pain, the fear. Flashes of white, hot anger and blinding rage. 
Natasha said they'd protect me. She said I could start anew here. But how can I trust these people I barely know? What if this is just another trap, another illusion to get me to do someone’s bidding?
I feel a lump forming in my throat. 
I have to give it a chance, don't I? I have to believe in something. Believe in someone. Maybe this room, this bed, is more than just a comfortable cage. Maybe it’s a sanctuary, a haven where I can rebuild what HYDRA took away from me.
Maybe I can have a life here. 
Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that I'm not alone anymore. I'm not that scared, fragile girl they took to their labs so long ago. I’m not the angry, violent assassin who escaped them. 
I’m Charlotte Rossi, and I survived. I survived all of it. I survived for a reason.  
Maybe, just maybe, I can learn to trust these Avengers. Maybe I can find a new purpose here, a reason to fight back.
As sleep started to claim me, I took a shuddering breath, making a promise to myself:
I'll give them a chance. I’ll trust them. For Natasha. For me.
And with that, I let the darkness take me, hoping that when I woke, I'd find the strength to face this new chapter of my life, whatever it may bring.
The night had been turbulent, the remnants of my nightmares still lingering in the corners of my mind like cobwebs. I had always found solace in the quiet hours before dawn, where the world seemed to hold its breath, and the horrors of the past felt momentarily distant. 
Slipping out of bed, I padded through the dark common room to the balcony, my bare feet cold against the smooth tiles. Like everything here, the balcony was pristine and expanse. It stretched in a large semi-circle, boasting the best view of the entire compound. Except maybe the one you’d get from any of their impressive aircraft. 
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The first hints of sunrise painted the sky in soft hues of pink and orange, casting a serene glow over the lake. As I settled into a chair, the tranquility of the morning wrapped around me like a comforting blanket. Nightmares weren’t new to me, but I never quite learned to quickly bounce back from them. There was still a cold sheen of sweat on my chest as I leaned back, taking in my surroundings. 
My attention was drawn to the trail surrounding the compound's lake, where a figure emerged from the early morning mist. I tensed out of instinct. He moved with a surprising amount of grace for someone of his size, every step purposeful and powerful. Even from a distance, I recognized him - James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. 
There was an undeniable magnetism about him, something in the way he carried himself, a nearly predatory confidence that was both captivating and intimidating. A shiver ran through me as I watched him turn a corner and disappear from sight. 
I knew I’d see him eventually, it was inevitable. Some part of me found peace in the kindness of the rest of the team. If there was going to be an issue with my being here, surely I’d have picked up on it by now. Why would they have even brought me here if anyone had a problem with it?
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Steve approaching until his shadow fell over me. He held out a steaming mug of coffee, the aroma rich and inviting. "Couldn’t sleep either?" he asked, his blue eyes kind and understanding.
I accepted the coffee with a grateful nod, the warmth seeping into my hands as I wrapped them around the mug. "Thank you," I murmured, taking a tentative sip.
"Want something to do today?" Steve’s voice was casual, inviting. "I have a training session with some of the agents. You're welcome to watch. Might give you a sense of what we do here."
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the prospect of witnessing their training firsthand, but cautious about any hidden motive. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to rope you into participating.” Steve lowered his own mug. “I don’t like ulterior motives. If there’s ever something I think, you’ll know it. I’m just a guy who was new here at one point too, I know the first few weeks can be a little…aimless.” 
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Chuckling, I nodded. “Yeah, you could say that. I was hoping for some kind of activities list, like at summer camp.”
“You went to summer camp?” He looked incredulous. 
“I’ve seen movies.” 
“Ah,” He sipped his coffee. “That’s where I learned about -” He gestured vaguely. “Everything, I suppose.”
There was a moment of silence as he decided if he was going to address the obvious. 
“I had a lot to catch up on, too.” He spoke softly. “For a while, I had to write down everything new about the world that I wanted to remember. I watched a lot of movies, probably not historically accurate, but I definitely enjoyed learning that way.” He smiled, looking back at me. “Not a lot of people can relate. Just know I’m here.” 
“Thanks, Steve.” I pressed my lips together in a small smile. 
“For what it’s worth, you’re much more well-adjusted than I ever was. You must catch on quick.”
“You have no idea.” 
We leisurely finished our coffee before going to our respective rooms to get dressed. I had returned to my room to find a small pile of folded black clothes on the bed beneath a handwritten note.
‘In case you don’t feel like wearing sequins all week - xo, Nat’
I grinned, pulling out a set of black workout tights and a matching long sleeved top. It was chilly out here, which I guess was to be expected from upstate New York in October. Not nearly the balmy temperatures of Nevada. I did a quick change, laced up my sneakers, and met Steve back in the common room so we could make our way to the training wing. 
The moment I stepped inside, I was awestruck by the high-tech setup. The room was a marvel of modern design, sleek and functional, with state-of-the-art exercise equipment lining the walls. Rows of punching bags hung from the ceiling, several sparring rings placed throughout the massive room. 
The sound of bodies moving and the echo of instructions filled the air. Agents in SHIELD uniforms were scattered across the training mats, engaged in various forms of combat. Steve led me to a vantage point where I could observe the proceedings without being in the way.
A small group of six agents stood around one of the mats, waiting for him. They paused their stretching to greet him as we walked up. 
“Team, this is Charlotte. She’s going to be around for a while, I trust you’ll all make her feel welcome.” Steve’s words were met with nods and various greetings towards me, to which I smiled and tried to look as non-threatening as possible. Maybe they’ll think I’m just someone’s long-lost cousin, here to visit for a few months. 
Steve’s movements were a symphony of precision and power as he demonstrated different combat techniques to the agents. His punches were lightning-fast, his blocks seamless. Each motion was deliberate, a testament to his expertise. The way he moved, the way he fought, it was both beautiful and awe-inspiring. I could tell he was pulling his punches, using as much effort to go easy on the agents as they were to try and land a single blow on him. Super soldier strength was no joke. 
I watched, captivated, as he guided the agents, offering corrections and encouragement in equal measure. There was a quiet intensity about him, a dedication to his craft that was impossible to miss. At that moment, I understood why he was the leader of the Avengers, why he was Captain America. He was confident, not arrogant. Kind, yet firm. He had their respect but he so clearly respected them as well. He was the kind of guy you’d want to follow into battle. 
As the training session continued, I found myself drawn into the rhythm of their movements, the energy in the room palpable. Despite myself, I felt familiar patterns happening within me. My eyes tracked their movements, clocking every position, every wince, every shift of weight from one foot to the other. With an almost computerized precision, my mind began to catalog the fighting style of all six agents and the super soldier right in front of me. 
Later that day, I retreated to the workout facility in the Avengers’ building. It was smaller, but equally as nice. There were small modifications, clearly for accommodating superhumans. For starters, the ceilings were much higher, likely to accommodate for those who could clear a 30 foot tree in a single jump. The weights ranged far beyond the standard 45 lb plates and 100 lb dumbbells, which was where the other facility capped out. 
I punched a few buttons on the treadmill and worked up to a moderate pace. The row of treadmills faced the lake, already one of my favorite things to look at. I focused on the trees, the wind rustling through them. I controlled my breathing, thankful for the peace and quiet. The solitude lasted a good half hour before I heard the door slide open. 
“Hey stranger,” Natasha’s familiar rasp announced her presence. 
“Long time no see,” I tugged the safety cord out of the treadmill and let myself slide off the back, landing on my feet. 
“Heard you got to see Rogers in action today?” She strode over and took a seat on the bench nearest me. 
I shrugged. “The basket weaving class was full.” 
“Well, if you want to see the more exciting training sessions, I help out with weapons and hand-to-hand a few days a week.” She winked.
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t have wasted my first training session on Steve!” I mocked a tantrum. 
“Hey, super-soldier hearing here.” Steve strode through the door, right on cue.
“Beat it, Rogers, we’re having a girl talk.” 
Dropping his bag, Steve pulled out a roll of tape and began wrapping his hands for what I assume would be a round of sparring, either with the punching bag or an actual person. “You’re just mad I set the bar so high with Charlotte’s first training experience.” He grinned. 
Raising my eyebrow, I watched as Natasha rolled her eyes and grinned. There was so clearly something between them, it took me less than 48 hours to pick up on it. I wondered if it was something they’d explored yet, or if they lived in denial. 
Before I could make a snappy remark, the doors opened again and in strode the one man I wasn’t sure I was ready to see yet. 
Blue eyes snapped up to look at me, and he stopped in his tracks as the door slid shut behind him. Based on the way his jaw clenched, I don’t think he was quite ready to see me either. The world felt like it slowed to half speed, I felt my thoughts get muddled. I was slipping away from reality. No, please no, not here, not now -
White hot light exploded in my skull as I collapsed to my knees, fighting against myself.
“Charlotte!” Natasha was at my side instantly, holding my arm.
“Stop…Me…” My breathing was labored, I spat each word out through gritted teeth as I felt myself losing the internal battle for control.
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” She gripped my upper arm tightly, looking at Steve in concern. He hovered over me, halfway crouched. 
Then it all went black. 
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Steve looked from Natasha to Bucky, still frozen by the door. Charlotte had collapsed to her knees, face contorted in pain. In the few seconds since she’d cried out, sweat had already broken on the back of her neck. 
“Stop…Me…” Her voice was somewhere between a growl and a plea. 
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” Natasha asked, looking up at Steve. Before anyone could react, Charlotte sent them both tumbling backwards. In one fluid movement, she’d rolled forward and closed the distance between her and Bucky. Her momentum carried her from the roll straight into a fighting stance. Before Nat or Steve could scramble to their feet, she’d swung into a roundhouse kick straight at Bucky’s head. 
He ducked, eyes wide with surprise but movements instinctive. Charlotte went straight from her kick into a crouch, swinging her leg to sweep his out from under him. He landed on his back and rolled away from her as she advanced. Left hook, right jab, knee to the ribs, Bucky narrowly blocked each one. She was quick. 
For a split second, Bucky took his eyes off of her fists and looked at her face. A chill nearly paralyzed him as he saw the blank expression on her face, the unseeing and glassy eyes. His pause was costly, and he felt the full weight of that when her foot collided with the side of his head. He spat blood on the ground just as Steve’s feet stepped between him and Charlotte. 
Steve blocked her jabs as rapidly as they came, with Natasha running up from behind. 
“Get the hell out of here!” He yelled at Bucky, still on the ground as blood pooled from the cut on his eyebrow. “Go!” 
Bucky didn’t question it, rolling to his feet and sprinting out the door. 
Natasha came from above and wrapped her legs around Charlotte’s neck, throwing her to the ground. Without releasing her, she continued to squeeze. Steve dropped down, pinning her arms as she writhed against Natasha. After a violent resistance, she went limp as she finally passed out. 
“What…the hell just happened.” Nat fell back on her elbows, breathing hard. 
“I have no idea,” Steve held a hand out, helping her to stand. “Do you think she needs medical?” 
“Well, I don’t think we should just go tuck her into bed after this.” Natasha rubbed her sleeve across her forehead, wiping sweat off. “You go check on Barnes, I’ll call up to the room and see if anyone’s here to help me take her in.”
Nodding, Steve took off in a jog after Bucky, following the trail of blood splattered on the ground.
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smgsecretsanta · 5 months
A gift from @legenspeople to @axo-fucking-lotls!!!
Text under the cut
Hey guys!
I know, it feels like a ‘déjà vu’, but this time, it’s a genuine request to be reunited after so long. We’re all wary of Josh, but none of you would doubt your old friend Chris! (I know I had my fair share of pranks, but come on…) So, to reunite after more than a year (!!!) I decided to plan a weekend at the beach! I rent a beach house (with Josh money, I have not become rich since the last time you guys saw me) so we can take advantage of the big waves and the sun!
We hope to see all of you there!
Chris and Josh
Sam had received the email of their next reunion while she was in Peru. After the events at the Washington’s mountains, she had decided to leave America to travel around the globe. Australia, Laos, South Africa, Egypt, Greece… she had bought an airplane ticket as soon as the police released them, and she had not been home since – except for a few stopovers to avoid losing her citizenship. After the events, she would have done anything to be far from the mountains and her traumatized friend group – the only news she had gotten from them was through the few phone calls she had shared with Chris during the year.
She had met many different people, saw many nice cities, but also slept in the most disgusting or surprising places to avoid wasting money on an overpriced hotel room or apartment. She never stayed for longer than one season to work in a touristic shop or to rent skiing equipment, depending on whether it was the cold or hot season.
Sam stopped traveling five months ago in Peru. She was starting to feel exhausted, plus she felt great there. She had two roommates who rapidly became close friends and a job she enjoyed most of the time. She was constantly wondering when she would come back to the United States, and the email had been the sign she had been waiting for.
It had hurt to leave her new friends, but Sam knew she needed to come back eventually. And when she had stepped out of the airplane, she felt better than she had for a long time. She thought that she would feel like a stranger in her own country, but she had been wrong.
Sam was currently on the bus, which was driving toward the address Chris had given to all of them. She was relieved when she saw that the place was not as secluded as the Washington lodge had been – it was still a private beach, but a small town was next door if they needed it.
The bus arrived at the stop, and she got out of it, along with a few other people. They all went a different way from hers. They all walked toward the middle of the town while she went away from it.
It was a nice walk to the beach house. Once she arrived, she was surprised at how big it was. She knew it was Josh’s parents who were paying, but after they blew up their ski lodge, she had expected them to be more reluctant to pay something big.
Sam was about to knock on the door when she saw the paper Chris put in the window.
“To anyone showing up late, we are at the beach!”
Sam searched for a minute the way to the beach and found it behind the house. The young woman started advancing toward her destination, but she was soon stopped by a familiar voice behind her.
“Sam! You made it!”
Sam turned around to face Jess who was running toward her. They jumped into each other’s arms in a long hug. Jess smiled.
“I’m so glad you could come! It would have felt incomplete without you… oh! What do you think of my new swimsuit?”
She stepped away from the hug and gave Sam a spin to show her friend her swimsuit. Sam was glad that Jess was comfortable enough in her body to show her skin again. The first summer after the event, according to what Chris told her, Jess had refused to do anything because she was embarrassed of the scars she had from that terrible night. It had taken a long time for her to not feel insecure about the marks.
She was happy now. It made Sam’s heart feel lighter.
“So? What do you think? Pretty cute, right?”
Sam, who had not paid attention to her clothes, took a quick look at her in the light purple bathing suit before nodding.
“Fits you well.”
“Aw, thank you! Now come on, we need to join the others.”
Jess grabbed her friend’s hand and pulled her in the direction of the beach. They quickly felt the sand underneath their feet and saw their group further ahead. As soon as she saw them, Ashley waved.
“Hey Sam, it’s nice to see you.”
“It’s nice to see you too.”
Chris got out of the water and ran toward them wearing a wetsuit. Before he could get too close, Sam stopped him.
“You are not getting a hug while you are completely wet.”
Chris pouted.
“What! But I thought you missed me!”
“Hardly. Also, what’s with the wetsuit?”
“Tried to catch some waves.”
“Yep, and it was a complete disaster.” Said Emily. “I have it on videos if you want to see.”
Matt laughed as he recalled the show he got to see earlier. Sam felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see Mike.
“Hey, Mickey! What’s good?”
He showed the bucket filled with ice and beer in his hands. He put it on the ground and grabbed two, passing one to Sam.
“Nothing is better than a beer under the sun.”
Sam took the offered alcohol. She looked over Mike’s shoulder to see Josh, who stood there, awkwardly. When he saw that she took notice of him, he approached slowly. His eyes were jumping from a spot to another.
“Hey, Sam… listen, I’m sorry about what happened last time. I goofed up big time, ha ha… hum, so yeah, just wanted to say that.”
The scars all over his face were healing well. Chris had said Josh had been distant and exhausted when they managed to get him out of the mine. He had looked completely out of himself, scaring Chris and the others, but she knew that, since then, he got the medical and psychological help he needed, and now he looked like their old friend again. She was thankful that Chris had kept her updated on his progress.
Of course, she had been angry at him for the prank, but she was one of the first to forgive him. Sam knew he did not mean to harm them, and that he had a rough time after Hannah and Beth’s death. It still felt good to hear Josh say it.
Sam opened her arms. Josh hesitated before hugging her tightly. He buried his face in her shoulder, and she could feel him tremble.
“It’s all alright. Let’s just have fun now. And Mike brought beer, so let’s get wasted.”
The group cheered behind her, and she could hear the bottles opening. Josh snorted. He let go of her, his eyes slightly red.
“Yeah! Let’s get this party started!”
Sam enjoyed the sun while lying on the beach and sipping her beer. She talked with Emily – who showed her the comic show that was Chris trying to surf – while observing her friends.
Matt and Jess were making a sandcastle, chatting like two architects on a mission. They had thought of bringing shovels and buckets and were making good use of them. Their castle was enormous, yet simple. It was funny seeing them put buckets of sand over buckets of sand. Every time their bodies were obviously tensing from the possibility of it destroying the entire structure of their work.
Although Chris had given up on surfing, he and Josh were in the water, trying their best to jump over the waves as they crashed their way. They were laughing loudly. Ashley was cheering them on with the bare minimum of enthusiasm each time one of the boys were turning to her to ask her to watch them. Sitting next to her, Mike was booing them while drinking his beer.
Sam realized how much she had missed them. One year had been too much, and now after almost two years without even being anywhere close to any of them – or anything she felt close to – she realized how hard it had been. It had felt good to distance herself from everything, but she was glad to be back.
When it was starting to be too cold to stay in bathing suits, the group went to the lake house to change. When they were in better clothes, Sam proposed to hike around the beach. It did not take long to convince Emily to agree, and soon they were all outside again.
Matt and Emily were walking in the front, swaying their hands in between them. Behind them, Jess was taking pictures of the sunset and showing them to Ashley. Mike and Josh were talking and laughing loudly in the back, which often made Emily snap and tell them to shut up. They kept talking like she never said anything, which made Chris laugh.
“They’re lucky Matt won’t let go of her hand, or else she would have jumped at their throat.” He said into Sam's ear.
She snickered at the thought.
In front of them, Ashley turned her head to them. She sent a shy wave and smiled toward Chris before looking in front of her again. Chris responded in the same way with the same awkward shyness.
“So, maybe I missed something, but I thought you two were officially a thing now?”
“Oh, well…”
Josh wrapped his arms around both of them.
“They are ‘taking it slow’.”
“Oh, I see.”
Chris scoffed. “Hey, it’s not a bad thing!”
Josh raised his hands in surrender. “You do what you do bro.”
“You two go at your own pace.” Said Sam with a gentle punch at Chris’ shoulder. “I’m happy for you.”
“And what about you?” Added Josh with a smirk. “Met anyone interesting on your trip?”
“I met a lot of interesting people on my trip. But, if you mean ‘did you meet a romantic partner’, which you definitely do, the answer is: no.”
“Ah! I’m also still single, by the way.”
“Like if she would have guessed otherwise.” Said Mike, joining the conversation.
Sam and Chris both snorted. Josh and Mike started arguing, and Sam tuned them out while Chris rolled his eyes with a laugh.
The rest of the walk was peaceful – if Sam ignored the boys who were still talking. They had been outside long enough to see the sunset. The bright colours reflecting on the water were beautiful. Jess insisted on a group photo to capture the moment. Everyone gathered around Jess and said ‘cheese’ before the ‘click’ of the camera.
Chris, Josh, and Ashley were eager to see the picture. Sam waited until they looked before looking at it herself.
Jessica was smiling in the foreground, holding her phone slightly tilted so everyone could fit in the picture. Right behind her, there was Mike, smiling over her shoulder, and Emily with her arm intertwined with hers. Sam and Ashley were on the right of the trio. The two girls were smiling, obviously trying to hold back a laugh and an eye roll at the three boys behind them. Chris, Matt, and Josh were in the middle of a jump when the photo was taken. Their mouths were open in a scream, and they had thrown their arms in the air to make it as goofy as it could.
Sam snorted before giving the phone back to Jess.
“I knew it was too much to ask for a serious picture.”
They walked back to the lodge when Josh told them he brought a few board games to pick from. Chris and Jess were trying to guess which one he brought, but he refused to tell them if they guessed right or wrong.
Once they were back inside, Josh ran to his room to reappear with a miming game. They were all excited to play and made two teams. On one side, Ashley, Chris, Mike and Josh, and on the other, Sam, Matt, Jess and Emily.
It all started well. Chris started by miming a wolf, a mermaid and then a firefighter. He was great, even though he made Ashley and Josh laugh too hard by exaggerating every one of his moves. They lost precious time since Mike kept telling them to be serious if they wanted to win instead of guessing on his own. Emily managed to make her group guess natation, a lion, a fish, and a photographer. She gained applause from her allies and boos from her enemies, which both delighted her.
It soon turned out to be a nightmare when it was Ashley’s turn to mime. She had made a movement with her hand to begin the impression and, without thinking twice, Josh screamed "ERECTION” which left his two partners laughing while Ashley was just awkwardly frozen in the middle of the living room.
Josh kept guessing different things related to sex, making Chris hyperventilate from how hard he was laughing. Mike tried to keep his mind in the game, but he snapped at the sixth time Josh made a guess. They ended up arguing, forgetting the purpose of the game. It’s not like it mattered, because Ashley had stopped trying to mime anything, sitting on the couch with her face hidden in her hands.
When their time was over, they all turned to Ashley, who weakly said:
“It was an elephant, guys…”
This sad revelation made Sam and her group laugh at the others' misery.
Matt’s turn went as normal as it could have, although he wasn’t good at this. He took too long to choose how to mime, and only managed to make his team win one point. After him, Mike barely read his paper before making an impression. Unlike Matt though, it was impossible to guess what he was miming. After this turn of useless guessing, he gave up his miming and said it had been an impression of a lumberjack. His group exploded with confusion, pointing out that nothing in his movements had resembled a lumberjack.
Mike's poor performance did one thing good for his team; when Jess went next, she kept laughing every time she looked at him from the corner of her eyes. She still managed to make her team guess an actor and a moving van.
Josh’s performance, without surprising anyone, was filled with unnecessary sexual innuendos. His team still succeeded in guessing the action of moping and a police officer.
Sam’s impressions went without trouble. She had picked up what they could agree were the easy ones: eating, dancing, a giraffe, and a queen. Josh and Mike were insisting that it was cheating, but when Emily proposed they took away the last points, they were disappointed to know they still lost by two points.
To celebrate their victory, Matt brought back shooters that they drank while cheering their amazing performance.
The rest of the night was spent listening to music and talking. Sam had taken the time to catch up with the others and she told them some of her traveling stories.
Jess and Mike went to their room around one A.M., and Matt and Emily were soon to leave too. Chris and Ashley were slow dancing to a waltz Josh had put on for them. Sam was sitting on the couch, trying not to laugh at Josh who started twerking next to the unaware couple.
“I missed you guys.” Said Sam, too drunk to contain the thought that kept coming back since she first saw Jess in the morning.
“We missed you too.” Said Ashley, smiling sweetly at her.
“Aww… bring it in!”
Before she could process it, Josh was effectively crushing her in a hug after practically falling on the couch.
“Yeah! Group hug!”
Ashley and Chris joined them, and although she could barely breathe, Sam felt great with her friends around her. The alcohol made her drowsy and she was almost sure that Ashley was going to fall asleep too if they stayed in this position a minute longer.
“We should go to bed.”
“It’s not even late...”
“Shush, Josh, I’m with Sam on this one.” Said Ashley, not doing anything to move from the couch.
Chris was the first one to get up. He pulled on Josh’s hand to get him up. Josh made some hissing cat sounds in protestation, but Chris still managed to get him on his feet. Sam helped Ashley to get up and they walked toward the empty rooms upstairs.
“So, where is your next destination?” She asked. “The Ivory Coast? Brazil? Japan?”
Sam took a second to think. She shrugged. “I don’t know. I might stay here for a little while.”
Ashley managed to look up and smile through her tiredness. “That’s nice. If you’re looking for a place to stay, I have a spare room in my apartment. I live close to Josh and Chris, and the others come often visit us.”
A crash rang behind the two women. They turned to see their two friends sprawled on the floor, laughing and blaming each other for their fall. Sam and Ashley shared a look.
“I understand if you don’t want to see them regularly.” Said Ashley with an exasperated look.
Sam smiled. “I think I’ll take your spare room.”
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circus4apsycho8 · 2 years
I really enjoy all your writings and I saw that there was very little Jay so I decided to take my shot and request something for him.
If you had the chance to could you write a fluffy one shot of Jay where him and the reader are dancing.
They dance together and laugh and just have fun for a bit until a slow song comes up.
Them they just sway to the music in each other's arms, just enjoying each other's presence.
(Also, I am excitedly waiting for the next chapter of the Young Garmadon story. Can't wait for the update!)
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘! 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑! <𝟹 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜! 𝚒 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚓𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 :) 𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍! 𝚒 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚒 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍!!
𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍: "𝚋𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢" 𝚋𝚢 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛
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blue monday. | jay x reader
“I should really fix my sleep schedule.” 
The words tumble from your lips as you frown, staring at the pot of water in front of you. It rests on the eye of the stove, gradually warming up. Exhaustion laces your eyes, but you know you won’t be able to sleep. 
Plus, you’re hungry, and macaroni and cheese sounds delicious right about now. You eye the pack of cheese mix and box of noodles, eagerly waiting for the water to heat up. A few seconds later, you hear the oven beeping. Thankfully, you’ve prepared the dinosaur nuggets already, so you slip them inside the preheating oven, being sure to set a timer.
You decide that you’ll check in on your roommate, knowing that he’s probably up and tinkering away. Before you go, though, you grab a bottle of water from the fridge, already knowing that he’s probably dehydrated.
Sighing, you make your way through your apartment before stopping in front of his door, knocking a few times. “Jay?”
“Huh? Come in,” you hear him say. You push the door open, stepping inside. 
There sits Jay, stationed at his desk with some kind of robot on it. Tools lay scattered across the top. His red hair is wild and unkempt, but part of you finds it cute. 
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” you start, setting the bottle of water on his desk. “But I just wanted to tell you that I’m making mac and cheese and dino nuggets if you want some. Everything will be ready in about twenty minutes. Also, hydrate or I steal your kneecaps,” you instruct, pointing to the water bottle and staring at him sternly. 
He raises his hands in mock surrender, smiling softly as his blue eyes sparkle in the dim lighting. “That all sounds great. Can we watch Starfarer too? I could use a break from this damned thing,” he mumbles, gesturing to his robot. 
“Of course we can. The night is still young,” you joke. 
“Wait, what time is it?” he wonders, glancing around. “Ugh...where’d I put my phone?” 
“Almost three,” you reply. “And your phone is right there, on your pillow.” 
“Oh, thanks,” he responds. “Okay. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be out.” 
“Sounds good,” you say, smiling at him before you gently close his door. 
Your smile fades as you walk back into the kitchen, sighing as you enter it. You never thought you would click with someone as well as you did with Jay. He’s like your roommate soulmate. Or...something like that.  
And honestly? You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have feelings for him. By now, the two of you have been living together for almost a year. But that would just be weird, right? You couldn’t make things weird. You two are both busy as it is – with college, work, life, et cetera. There’s just no way something like that could work. 
Something annoying in your heart whispers to you that it’s not true, though. As much as you would like to believe it, you just can’t. Not when he’s the only one splitting rent with you. Yeah, you could find another roommate, but you doubt you’d get along with anyone else as well. Not with your nonexistent sleep schedule. 
You shut those thoughts down, electing to just focus on your mac for now. Mac and cheese. Yes please. 
After dumping the noodles in, you wait for them to cook while checking the notifications on your phone. There’s nothing much of interest there, but that doesn’t surprise you. There’s never anything exciting going on in your life anyway. 
It’s then that your Bluetooth speaker catches your eye from its corner on the counter. Hm...surely it wouldn’t hurt to play a quiet song, right? 
Decision made, you turn it on before shuffling the playlist you and Jay created together. 
First up is “Blue Monday” by New Order. Damn, putting the bangers on already. You set your phone down once you’re satisfied with the volume, listening to the instrumental’s introduction. How fitting that this plays on a Monday. 
Jay steps into the kitchen a few seconds later, donning a pair of pajama pants with cute dinosaurs all over them along with a Fritz Donnegan shirt. Additionally, he has on a pair of Pikachu slippers. He sets his water bottle on the counter. To your delight, you find that he actually had drank about half of it. 
“Ugh, I got so absorbed that I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” he says. You chuckle, directing your stare back to the mac and cheese so you can check on it. 
“I figured. You’ve been holed up in your room for a while.” 
“Yeah...finals are coming up and I still don’t understand what’s wrong with my code,” he mumbles with a sigh, bumping his forehead on the wall. “I can’t wait for this semester to be done.” 
“Same,” you comment as you realize that the noodles are done cooking, proceeding to the next step. “I feel like the days have just been dragging on.” 
“Me too,” he responds, peering into the oven for a second before he turns his head towards the speaker. “Hey, I love this song!” 
“It’s our playlist, remember?” 
“Oh, right,” he replies, softly nodding his head to the beat. “I can’t believe you actually use it.” 
“Of course I do!” you retort, whirling around to face him. “Why wouldn’t I?” 
He shrugs in response, still bobbing to the music. “I dunno. Just thought you’d forget about it after a while, I guess.” 
“Well, I didn’t. I listen to it all of the time,” you reply. “Do you?” 
“Yeah. I listen to it all of the time.” 
“Thought so,” you mumble, going to check on the nuggets. Still not quite ready, but that’s not much of a surprise considering that your timer hasn’t gone off yet. You’re about to search for dishes to set the table with when suddenly Jay snatches your hand and the speaker, bringing you out in the living room. 
You observe him as he releases your hand, setting the speaker on the coffee table. “Jay, what are you doing?” 
“Dance with me.” 
“Let’s dance,” he says again, holding his hand out to you. “Come on, it’s fun!” 
You smile, shaking your head as the lyrics to the song kick in after the long musical introduction. “Seriously?” 
“Fine,” you relent, taking his hand. He grins, spinning you around before separating and dancing. But...not in an amateur kind of way. It looks like he actually knows what he’s doing? This lanky, introverted nerd of a man can actually dance? 
“Wait, since when can you dance?!” you wonder as you watch him in disbelief. 
“I took a few lessons with my friends a while back,” he replies, shrugging. “Just let it all go. You know that I, of all people, won’t judge you.” 
“Okay, fair enough,” you reply. He continues with his moves as you start moving too, if a bit bashfully at first. Soon enough, though, you’re able to push past that and actually enjoy yourself. 
“There you go!” Jay encourages, twiriling you again. 
You find yourself relaxing as your heart pounds, getting more lost into the song as you and Jay dance in the living room. For some reason, this is the most excitement you’ve felt all semester. Just being dumb with your roommate, who you may or may not be in love with. Watching him move in his stupid Fritz Donnegan shirt and dinosaur pants...his red hair disshevled to hell, blue eyes sparking like lightning... 
You’re about to say something when the timer rudely interrupts your dance session. You frown, going to turn it off. 
“Dino nuggies?” Jay questions, voice hopeful. 
“Dino nuggies,” you answer as he follows you to the kitchen. Jay steps over to the cabinents, grabbing a few dishes to set next to you. You portion out the food before snagging a drink and getting ready to sit down. 
Soon enough, the two of you are seated and enjoying your Michelin-star worthy meal. 
“Thank you for making all of this,” Jay says, picking up one of his nuggets and grinning. You recognize that grin, pulling your plate of nuggets closer to you as you eye him suspiciously. 
“You’re welcome,” you reply hesitantly. Dinosaur nuggets are special for the two of you – every time they’re made, a new chapter of the Dinosaur War is added. Jay seems to be scheming, which makes you weary. 
He places one of his nuggets on the plate, holding it so that it’s standing and facing you. “I know this might be a tender subject, but I propose an impromptu meeting.” 
Oh man. Here come the chicken puns. You sigh, picking up a stegosaurus nugget. “Sir Dinglehopper, you know that I have high egg-spectations. What of this meeting? What are we to discuss?” 
“A truce, Lady Bumfuzzle,” he replies. “The fact of the matter is that, over the course of our trifles, I have found your leadership to be rather im-peck-able. I believe we should merge our forces together in order to defeat the aliens.” 
You raise an eyebrow through a bite of mac and cheese, not quite believing him. Your stegosaurus tilts to the side questioningly. “How do I know that you’re not planning an ambush?” 
“We will meet on neutral territory, with the Council observing our union!” 
You sigh, deciding to give in to his antics. “Very well then. We will meet at the Council.” 
“Yes!” Jay cheers, proceeding to eat his chicken nugget. You shake your head while smiling, doing the same. “To be continued!” 
“You better not destroy my army again,” you huff between bites. 
Jay chuckles at the memory. “I would never.” 
“Whatever,” you mumble, laughing quietly as the room falls quiet save for the music. The two of you eat in silence. Normally, Jay’s chattier, but with all the work he’s been doing on his robot, you know he has to be exhausted. Like you. Tired, but unable to fall asleep – whether it was due to projects, homework, or other variables. Either way, you still enjoy these nights with him. 
A few minutes later, though, the two of you finish your late-night meals. After cleaning up, your interest piques at the new song change. 
This one is a slower song – not as energetic as the previous ones. You turn to find Jay standing at the counter, humming softly as he gazes at you. 
“What is it?” you wonder, tilting your head slightly when he sticks his hand out to you again. You quietly, take it, gasping when he pulls you to his chest. “J...Jay?” 
“You’re the best, you know that?” 
“Huh? I am?” 
“You always look out for me when I forget to take care of myself,” he mumbles as the two of you sway together. 
“Well, yeah,” you reply, resting the side of your head on his chest as the two of you sway. “You look out for me, too. We kind of suck at this self-care thing.” 
From the way his chest is vibrating, you think he’s chuckling. “Yeah. We really do.” 
The song gives you a chance to think for a moment. Tonight feels...different. More intimate, maybe? A confession dances on your lips as you debate on whether or not you should tell him. Fear restrains the confession, though, causing your expression to sink as your confidence falters. 
Instead, you glance up at him in an attempt to decipher his expression. His eyes meet yours, and you study his face. His lips, his eyes, that cute little notch in his eyebrow... 
Stars. You want to tell him...but your anxiety is eating you alive. How are you supposed to coherently tell him how you feel? You close your eyes, trying to gather your courage. 
“Fuck me,” you mumble, groaning. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I just..it’s...” you stumble over your words, trying to figure out what to say. His expectant blue eyes prompt you to continue, however, and in that moment, you find a surge of determination out of nowhere. Not that you’re complaining. “I like you, Jay. I really like you. But, I don’t want to make you feel weird, or uncomfortable, and I don’t want things to be messed up between us, and I feel like now I shouldn’t have said anything-” 
“Hey,” Jay interrupts, smiling smally. 
“Rambling’s my thing, not yours,” he jokes, pressing a hand to the side of your face. “Truth be told...I feel the same way. I was just too scared to actually say anything to you.” 
“Wait, really?” you question, heart pumping rapidly. 
“Yeah. You’re kind of scary sometimes.” 
“Okay, maybe scary isn’t the right word. How about intimidating? I means, a lady who massacres my dinosaur nugget army is kind of menacing. But also kind of hot.” 
You laugh, shifting your arms so that you’re facing him. “I’ll massacre your dinosaur nugget army anytime.” 
Jay chuckles as his arms shift to your waist, holding you close to him. His gaze dips down to your lips before returning to your eyes. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
You nod, smiling at his sweetness as he dips his head down, planting his lips onto yours. You close your eyes, kissing him back as you find yourself pushed against the counter. 
A few seconds later, the two of you separate, gazes locked on each other as he holds you. You can’t help but giggle as you take his hand, dragging him out to the couch, making sure to grab your phone on the way there. 
You pause the music before plopping onto the couch, Jay coming to sit beside you as you reach for the remote. 
With that, you put on Starfarer as Jay snatches a blanket, the two of you cuddling up together as Fritz Donnegan conquers his enemies. You remain snuggled against him until you fall asleep, grateful that you decided to speak up. 
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𝚊/𝚗: 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚊𝚐𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗; 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘!
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bodytoflame-ao3 · 2 months
twas tagged by @coraniaid, here i am
How many works do you have on Ao3? 77
What's your total Ao3 word count? 245,927
What fandoms do you write for? Buffy/Angel, Person of Interest, Percy Jackson, dabbling in Yellowjackets….
What are your top five fics by kudos? you’re the only thing that i think i got right  yall thirsty sunnydale anonymous ate served deserved! my baby!!! if you ask how I'm feeling tonight (baby nothing could make me feel bad) literally just genderbent Percy judo flip scene and they ate it up! the world keeps turning my first wlw percabeth fic….. and they were roommates percabeth one-shots what it says on the tin. this list is soooo skewed by how big this fandom is lmao. 
Do you respond to comments? yes they bring me serotonin ☺️
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? haaaaas to be a tie between the insane post wilderness Shauna fic and the inbetween 5x09-10 POI fic! i can go anywhere i want (just not home) entr’acte
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? move with the tide marriage proposal!
Do you get hate on fics? no! I’ve gotten some weird comments of people trying to like nudge me in one direction story/character wise but I pretend I do not see it and frankly it makes me want to do the opposite of that
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i really only feel motivated for it if it makes sense within the greater story I’m trying to tell. my work is really heavily based in character dynamics so it definitely does feel like the right move at times, but I generally don’t like to stay there too long and don’t tend to write with a ton of detail. i tried to write a pwp once and it ended up 10k+ words with a plot.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written no but during our leverage rewatch the cursed idea of the person of interest team getting all the leverage team’s fake identities as numbers while they’re trying to con finch was dreamt up. and i think someone should write it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated? I had someone ask and I said yes so….. probably?
Have you ever co-written a fic before? WAY back in like 2013 I collaborated with someone on a House of Anubis fic in FFN dms that never saw the light of day hahahaha. i'd love to do it for real.
What's your all time favorite ship? It’s Root/Shaw and it’s not even close!
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have about 30k written of a Buffy post-series fic/Angel s5 rewrite that I’m absolutely infatuated with but it’s sooooo biting off more than I can chew. 
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue literally just dialogue baby!
What are your writing weaknesses? can i say long covid lmao cause long covid lmao. kicking my ass. jokes aside my current weakness is being exhausted by html code, and the middle point of stories.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i am not fluent enough in anything to trust myself to do so lmao
First fandom you wrote for? Ojamajo Doremi! Waaaaaay back on the 4kidstv forums when I was 8. shoutout 4kidstv fan fiction forums.
Favorite fic you've written i can't hide from you like i hide from myself im a SUCKER for soulmates and also s7 fuffy. chefs kiss i loved writing this.
Tagging: i think this has hit everyone i know here expect @displayheartcode
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priestessofspiders · 11 months
Past Life Regression
Up until recently, I have led a fairly unremarkable life. I worked at an uninteresting but decently well paying office job, which allowed me to pay my half of the rent for a two bedroom apartment which I share with a roommate who I almost never talk to. I was dimly spiritual in the way that many of my generation are, paying vague lip service to a God I almost believed in, but largely being too preoccupied with the mundanity of day to day existence to deal with any thoughts of the supernatural.
About two weeks ago, however, I became consumed with an almost palpable feeling of intense dread. No matter the situation, day or night, whether I was at work or at home, I felt utterly terrified that something horrible was about to happen. I found myself studying the faces of strangers, as if I was looking for someone who I was trying to avoid. I'd jump at unexpected sounds, drink coffee at night to keep myself from falling asleep, and frequently found myself looking over my shoulder.
It was during my monthly brunch with my mother when I finally admitted that something was wrong. She had noticed the intense bags under my eyes, the way I twitched whenever I saw someone pass by our table in the cafe, and the difficulty I was having in maintaining any semblance of conversation.
"Are you alright Margaret?" she asked, concern causing her brow to wrinkle slightly, "is there something wrong?"
I nearly broke down crying on the spot, but managed to hold it together somewhat. I explained to her how I had been feeling recently, and how frustrating it was to feel scared all the time for no reason at all. My mother listened attentively, nodding at the appropriate pauses to gently encourage me to continue. When I had finished, tears welling in my eyes from the relief of being able to express these feelings, she squeezed my hand gently and suggested that I visit a friend of hers who practiced hypnosis.
Now, my mother has always been into a lot of New Age mysticism and alternative medicine. After my father died, she became even more interested in the subject, getting into crystal healing, astrology, that sort of thing. It never seemed too harmful, aside from the handful of times where I had to talk her out of believing borderline antivaxxer propaganda, but it was definitely something I'd never really had much patience for. When she suggested that my problems may be due to some repressed memories that could be restored via hypnosis, I was understandably a bit dubious as to its legitimacy.
I expressed my protestations to my mother, but she was insistent that the source of my problems could be rooted out and dealt with by this hypnotherapist, Dr. Moritz, and she was willing to pay for my appointment to boot. She insisted that he had helped her a lot in the years since my father passed away, and that it was all based on sound science. This was, of course, highly doubtful, but in the end I begrudgingly agreed, if only to avoid making a scene. She wrote down an address and a phone number and told me to give him a call as soon as possible to set up an appointment.
After I got home I was tempted to toss the scrap of paper into the trash, but something made me call that number, some instinct which I wasn't able to explain. It felt as though I had to call, that if the same scene played out a million times in a million different universes, each time I would find myself dialing that number.
I figured from the way my mother had referred to Dr. Mortiz as her "friend" that he was going to be some aged hippie operating out of a trailer park which reeked of cannabis, but I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted on the phone by a professional sounding receptionist. She managed to slot me in for an appointment the very next day.
I arrived at Dr. Mortiz's office in the late morning feeling bedraggled and exhausted. I hadn't been able to get a wink of sleep the previous night, so great was the dread which increasingly seemed to permeate every moment of my continued existence. I gave my name to the receptionist who smiled at me warmly before informing me that the good doctor would be with me in a few minutes. I slumped down into one of the empty waiting room chairs and stared blankly at the floor, too tired to indulge my paranoid instinct to inspect the faces of everyone around me.
In the way typical of psychiatric professionals, Dr. Moritz took significantly more time than expected to call me into his office, perhaps 15-20 minutes. I had practically dozed off at that point from my utter exhaustion, but the sound of my name dug me out of my stupor.
"Margaret Jackson?"
I looked towards the speaker, idiotically raising my hand as if I were a student in an early morning high school math class silently announcing my existence when the teacher called my name while taking attendance. The man who had spoken my name was short, perhaps 5'6" or so, with thinning gray hair, a round bespectacled face, dark brown skin, and a tweed jacket. He smiled as he noticed my hand raised, gesturing at me to follow him as he opened the door which led back towards the exam room.
I got up laboriously and followed the doctor, going down a short corridor before passing through another door, behind which was warmly decorated room fitted with two chairs and a couch like one would expect to see in the office of Sigmund Freud. The walls were covered with various simple but pleasant paintings, mainly idyllic natural landscapes and small cottages. Near the couch was a bookshelf containing a number of children's books and small knick knacks, such as stuffed animals, toy cars, etc. A record player sat in the corner of the room.
"You treat children as well?" I asked, struggling somewhat to wake myself up as I observed a small plush skunk sitting next to a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth.
"On occasion", he replied, sitting down in one of the two chairs, "but the books and toys aren't just for them. In certain cases, when the patient's trauma is buried deep enough, it may be helpful for the patient to temporarily regress to a younger state of mind. Objects such as these can assist in the process. Please, sit down." He gestured towards the other chair as he fished a notepad out of his coat pocket.
I did as he instructed, trying my best to sit up straight despite my fatigue.
"So", Dr. Moritz began, clicking his ballpoint pen, "what exactly has brought you into my office today Ms. Jackson?"
I explained the underlying sense of dread which had begun to permeate every single part of my life, and how I was barely able to function. I told him about my obsessive need to check the faces of strangers, as though I were keeping an eye out for someone who wanted to hurt me, about how I was unable to sleep at night due to the paranoia that something horrible was going to happen. Most of all I expressed how confused I was, at how utterly without cause my whole ordeal seemed. Through it all Dr. Moritz listened and nodded, jotting things down on his little notepad.
When I had finished, he took off his glasses and folded them into his pocket, leaning forward to look at me in the eyes. "Well Margaret, I think you were absolutely correct in coming to me with this problem. Your symptoms are very consistent with some form of repressed trauma, possibly something which happened in your childhood that you are just now beginning to recollect. However, while your subconscious mind seems to remember this event, your conscious mind does not. What I'd like to do, with your permission of course, is to place you into a hypnotic state. While in this state, I will ask you some questions which may help in unlocking the repressed memories which have been causing you so much distress."
I agreed, and Dr. Moritz instructed me to lie face up on the couch. He dimmed the lights slightly, and turned on the record player. It wasn't really music that was played, but a gentle droning sound, a sort of mindless white noise that lent the room an almost otherworldly energy. It was comforting, in a strange way, somehow relaxing.
I'm not sure exactly what I expected the process of hypnosis to be like. I knew it wasn't likely that Dr. Moritz would swing a pocket watch in front of my eyes like a pendulum and tell me "You are getting very sleepy", or that he would have me stare into a rotating spiral, but nonetheless what wound up occurring was still somewhat surprising.
It just felt like he was talking to me at first, he made a series of rather repetitive, calming statements and told me to follow his pen with my eyes, to focus only on the pen. In the beginning it felt rather silly to be quite honest, and I struggled to keep myself from from giggling at how ridiculous everything seemed. However, as time passed, I began to feel more and more relaxed, my inhibitions waning, all mental barriers breaking down. My shoulders, which had been tense for the past week or so, loosened, and my breathing became regular and rhythmic. I didn't fall asleep, but I felt as though I were just on the edge of consciousness, that if Dr. Moritz told me to I would instantly pass into the deepest slumber I'd ever experienced.
Once I had reached this point, Dr. Moritz began to ask me some questions.
"Margaret, why are you afraid?"
"Something terrible is about to happen", I replied, my conscious mind not processing the words I had spoken.
"Why do you believe that something terrible is going to happen?"
"It has happened before. Many, many times before."
He paused at this, and I barely heard the faint scratching of his pen over the droning from the record player "Now, Margaret, I'd like you to tell me something, as well as remember something for me. Can you try and do that?"
I nodded.
"I want you to tell me what you are worried is going to happen, and to remember when it happened before."
"I am going to die", I said, before everything went black.
I was no longer laying down in Dr. Moritz's office in the United States of America in the year 2023. I was no longer Margaret Jackson, 27 year old office worker.
I stood in a field of grass at sunset, in one hand I clutched a spear tipped with a flint point. I was clad in crudely tanned skins, and my hair was matted and filthy. My body felt different from normal, different proportions, different structures. I was a man. I had always been a man. I had no name. Language wouldn't be invented for thousands of years.
I surveyed the field, searching for my quarry. I had been pursuing the deer for hours, and expected that it should soon tire so I could sweep in for the kill. My tribe would eat well when I brought home the fruits of my labor, and the skin would be a useful source of material to fabricate new clothes to replace those that had become worn over time.
I heard the crack of a stick breaking underfoot behind me. I turned around to see what was there. The plains held more predators than just me.
Standing before me was a man, perhaps two heads taller than I was. He was naked, save for a loincloth, and carried in one hand a crude stone axe, with a handle made from a human femur. His face was hard, jagged, as though it had been carved from rock. Greasy black hair fell down to his shoulders in matted clumps. His eyes glinted like shards of obsidian in the dying sunlight.
I raised my spear reflexively, unsure of what the stranger wanted. He began to walk forward. I grunted something out in the crude half-words of this time before time began, a warning perhaps, but he paid it no mind. I thrust toward the man with the spear and he grabbed it with his free hand, snapping the shaft with a single swift movement.
I dropped the ruined remains of the spear and tried to flee, running like mad through the primeval wilderness. However, in the fading light, it wasn't long before I tripped and fell to the ground, my ankle twisting painfully. I cried out to the sky in agony, and moments later, the tall man with the long dark hair stood over me, gripping the axe in both hands now. He snarled, baring his crooked, overcrowded teeth, before he buried the blade deep into my skull, and I knew no more.
I was no longer a prehistoric hunter, senselessly murdered in a field at sunset.
Now I sat near a tent in the desert sand, resting after a long day's work. My name was Nezemab, and I was a workman who had been employed at the construction of the Great Pyramid. By modern reckoning, the year was somewhere around 2570 BC.
The job was almost complete, and I sat contemplating the enormous structure that had been under construction for as long as I could remember, staring up at how it seemed almost to touch the stars themselves. I was one of thousands who had worked on it over the years, but still I felt a sort of pride swelling in my chest as I looked upon my handiwork.
My fellows were all asleep, but recently I had been having difficulty getting much rest at night, regardless of how exhausted I was from my labors. I kept having the nagging suspicion that something was coming, something terrible which had happened at some point before, but I couldn't remember what.
I decided to go for a walk to clear my head, thinking that perhaps the night air could do me some good. I wandered out into the night, away from the countless tents in the workers' camp and into the vastness of the desert. It was a full moon, so I had a little light to see by, but still I had to walk slow to avoid tripping, or stepping on one of the many scorpions which came out when the sun went down.
The walk was pleasant, and the moon shone beautifully down upon the dunes, the stars twinkling in the sky like a million lanterns, but still I felt my heart weighed down with dread and paranoia. My eyes wandered over a tall dune in the distance, and there I spotted a figure standing in the moonlight, staring back at me. It was too far to get a clear view of whoever it was, but my blood ran cold with recognition, even from this far away. My mind flashed with images of a man with greasy black hair and a stone axe. After a moment of our eye contact, the figure began to sprint towards me with almost unnatural speed. I screamed and began to run back towards camp, crying out for help.
As I approached the tents I could see people begin to stir, roused by my shrieks of terror and panic. I waved my arms wildly, desperately trying to get their attention. I turned my head around to see how close my pursuer had gotten, and began to sob with utter horror as I saw that he had already halved the distance.
I was just about to reach the outskirts of the camp when I felt a sharp blade pass through my leg and I fell to the ground in agony, clutching at the wound. Standing over me, wearing a ragged cloak to protect from the harsh desert wind, stood the man with the greasy black hair and crooked, sharp teeth. In his hand he held a bloodied khopesh, and he raised it to strike the killing blow.
In my final moments, I cried out the words "I know you! This has happened before!", but it was too late. The blade severed my neck, and my decapitated head fell to the sand, blood spurting from my twitching corpse. As my vision rapidly faded, I heard the man speak, in a low gravelly voice that sounded like a knife being dragged across stone.
"Pray it does not happen again."
I was no longer Nezemab the workman, my headless body spurting blood onto the desert sand.
Once again I was a woman, and once again I spoke English, though of an archaic type. My name was Isabel Waite. It was the year 1613, and I had been found guilty of witchcraft.
I was dragged through the street in a yoke, the crowd jeering and shouting, pelting me with rotten vegetables and clumps of mud. Chants of "Burn the witch! Burn the Witch!" rose up from the onlookers as I was led into the town square, where a stake had been set in the ground, surrounded on all sides my kindling. Someone splashed a bucket of oil onto the scraps of wood.
I cried out incoherently, too terrified to eloquently express my need to escape, unable to protest that I was innocent of the allegations set against me. But a child had gone missing, and someone had to be blamed. Before the baby's disappearance I was seen as a healer, often visited by the townsfolk to treat their wounds and ailments, but now I was an object of hatred and revulsion. There was no staying their hand.
And yet, even before the missing child, I had been filled with a terror I could not explain. I had never been a soothsayer, never had I before prognosticated anything. But even a week before the infant had disappeared, I knew in my heart of hearts than one day soon, my life would come to an abrupt and painful end.
I was released from the yoke, only to be bound painfully tight to the stake, my hands and waist wrapped in a coil of rope. From my vantage atop the mound of oil soaked wood, I could see men and women who had once been my friends cheer on my coming incineration. Their faces were filled with hatred and rage, all sympathy long since replaced with a burning need for vengeance.
"Burn the witch! Burn the witch!" they cried louder and louder as the final knots were tied and I was securely fastened to the stake. The calls for my demise were silenced as a man dressed all in black stepped forth, unrolling a scroll upon which was written my death warrant.
"Isabel Waite, thou hath been found guilty of sorcery and the murder of young Henry Snowdon. By the power invested in me by his majesty King James, I hereby sentence thee to death by immolation. As thy body burns, may the sins committed during thy pact with Satan be cleansed. So sayeth the gospel, thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. May God have mercy upon thy immortal soul" spoke the witchfinder, rerolling the scroll and pocketing it. He stepped back into the crowd, and the calls for my destruction renewed. "Burn the witch! Burn the witch!"
I screamed and gibbered, begging to be saved, crying out to a God who had forsaken me. From the crowd stepped forth a man holding a lit torch, and I shrieked upon seeing his face. In that instant my mind was flooded with memories of ancient Egypt and prehistory, of prior lives ended before their due time. Obsidian black eyes reflected the light of the fire, greasy black hair cascading down his shoulders. His lips were curled back in a snarl, exposing his jagged, crooked teeth.
"What doth thou want?" I cried at the man who had already killed me twice.
"Surely thou hath realized by now?" snarled my murderer, before tossing the torch atop the kindling, and thus this life ended in burning agony.
I was no longer Isabel Waite, condemned to death for a crime she didn't commit before a mob of frightened, ignorant townsfolk.
Now I was Bertha, a Frankish peasant in the year 856. My village was in the middle of a viking raid.
I had warned by neighbors that doom was coming, that I felt in my very bones that we must flee, and soon, but they laughed at me, believing my words of warning to be the delusions of a mad old woman. Their laughter died on their lips when the longboats were seen off the coast, bristling with warriors intent on slaughter and pillaging.
The invaders came with axes and swords and torches, looting and murdering to their hearts' content. I sat and looked down at the chaos from the hill atop which my hut stood, in awe at the orgy of bloody violence which spread out before me. I watched houses burned, men and women carried away to be taken as slaves, and valuables carted off to fill the coffers of some distant jarl.
Smoke from the ruination of my village streamed up into the air, and I watched ashes flutter past like leaves in an autumn breeze. My gaze lowered and I saw a lone viking begin ascending up the hill, battleaxe in hand. I waited for him, not moving from my seat. I was old, and did not fear death.
Eventually the man reached me, pausing as he looked down at my slight form. He towered over me, and when he took off his helmet I couldn't help but gasp a little in recognition. For the third time now, my mind suddenly remembered the ends of my previous lives.
"This doesn't make sense", I muttered, staring into his malicious, obsidian eyes as he began to raise up his weapon, "the last time you killed me it was the year 1613, that is over seven centuries in the future. How can you be here now? How can I remember?"
He stayed his hand for a moment, replying, "The linear passage of time is an illusion, one invented by the human mind to understand the world around us. It has no reality."
My attempt to think of a followup question was the second to last thing to pass through my brain, followed in quick succession by my murderer's axe.
I won't bore you with the more detailed intricacies of my dozens of other lives. Instead I will attempt to summarize, as best as I can, the prolonged and disjointed conversation I have had with the dark haired man with the crooked teeth and obsidian eyes over the millennia.
I am a cowboy in a Californian saloon, the year is 1876.
"Are you the Devil?" I ask
"The Devil is just a myth, made up to frighten children and fools into submission. I am real." A hunk of lead ends this life an instant later.
I am a peasant in feudal Japan, the year is 1285.
"How do you keep finding me?" I ask.
"I just know", he replies, before bisecting me with his blade.
I am a French partisan, captured by the SS. It is the year 1943.
"I'll do anything you ask, just please don't hurt me!" I shout, trying to reason with him.
"Stay dead this time", he demands, executing me with a pistol.
I am a scavenger in the ruins of what was once a great city, in the year 2567.
"Will you ever stop?" I scream, my leg caught in rubble.
"I will stop when my job is finished", he snarls, snapping my neck with his bare hands.
There were other lives, countless others, but eventually he stopped letting me ask any more questions. He began to seem increasingly frustrated, angry that I simply wouldn't stay dead. His face had become contorted with horrible, primal rage, and he would often scream with incoherent madness before ripping me to pieces like a rabid animal. I think he has long since gone mad with his hatred for me, an eternal Ahab hunting a whale which steadfastly refuses to die.
Sometimes, when I had the chance to do so, I would choose to kill myself rather than give him the satisfaction of ending my life for me. Sometimes I would try to fight back. It never made much difference though. Whether I put a bullet between his eyes or a dagger through his heart, it wouldn't stop him. Whatever drove him ever onward through the bleak infinity of time to end my seemingly endless lives, his will was stronger than mere flesh. I gave up on trying to kill my seemingly unstoppable pursuer after I watched him walk naked across the surface of the moon to beat me to death with a rock.
I snapped out of my trance and promptly sat up from the couch before vomiting onto the floor from the whiplash of returning to this lifetime. Dr. Moritz leapt out of his chair in surprise and quickly paged for someone to come clean up the mess.
I began to walk out the door, and he tried to call me back. "Wait, Ms. Jackson, just a moment!" he called, frantically trying to get my attention. I simply walked out of the clinic and drove home.
I know he is coming soon. I know there is nothing I can do to stop him. Some of my past lives had the mental fortitude to choose death on their own terms, but I personally cannot conceive of doing so. So instead, I rest, sitting at home in comfort, patiently awaiting my murderer. I do hope my roommate is away when I am killed, I'd hate to traumatize them.
Maybe after this time he'll give up.
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minsyal · 3 years
The Fugitive (Finding Home), Pt. 1
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Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Warnings: strong language, Resident Evil-esque violence and descriptions of gore, and dark/sexual themes
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime trip turned dark. You're quickly exposed to the sinister and mysterious world of a cursed village under the control of dark leaders. How long will you last and will you ever return home in one piece?
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Backpacking through Eastern Europe was not a top priority on your “to do” list. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Being one to preplan everything, you were completely caught off guard when your roommate sprung the idea of the trip out of the blue. You roommate, Jezebel Haine, was your first and only roommate from college onward. All legs, she was one of the stars of the track team but was most certainly not one of the brightest shining ones. She was considerably dim-witted, fanatical, and had a booming over-the-top personality that scared every potential boyfriend who had the disservice of meeting her. There were times, though, that she was rather endearing. Her childlike sense of self and emotional drivers consistently put her at a crossroads between what everyone else was doing and what she should be doing; she was, and always will be, a follower.
After four years of becoming “the bestest of friends,” you had a hard time imagining such a hard shift either into another roommate or living alone. Plus, her parents funded most everything she did and, in turn, funded the apartment the two of you shared.
“It’s an amazing opportunity!” She insisted, waving her hands in a simple manner as she rose from the condensed cushion of the leather-clad couch. “Think about it.” Gathering your hands in hers like a 20’s actress who had just met the man of her dreams, she pulled the bundle to her chest. “We frolic through the European countryside, it’s golden hour. My skin looks absolutely gorgeous… yours too, of course. The sun is just about to set, but alas!” She let out a dramatic gasp, removing one of her hands to cover her mouth. “It’s growing dark out!”
“That’s what happens when the sun sets.” You noted, causing her to drop the act for a moment only to immediately go back into character.
“We hear the crunching of leaves and twigs all around us as if something…” she drew close and lowered her voice to a whisper, “sinister is coming. Out of no where we’re ambushed! By what, I’m not sure. Then,” her eyes became glassy as she lay a delicate hand to her forehead, “two absolute studs… and I’m talking big bulging muscles, gorgeous trendy hair, captivating eyes… really everything a simple girl could ask for… seemingly drop from the sky! We’re saved!” She throws your hands into the air as if they’d fall like confetti. Drawing both her arms in, she sways back and forth in a waltz of one. “We’d be married by the next day! Hell, maybe we’d even end up as princesses.”
Oh, how utterly wrong she was.
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“I told you this was a stupid idea.” You groaned, haughtily holding your chin up while feeling your spirits low. A few miles back, on an asphalt road that quickly turned to dirt, sat the dingy red rental truck with a blown out engine and a deflating tire. With no cell service and the last town being over 100 miles back, your only choice was to walk.
“Don’t blame me!” Jezebel stopped walking, feet falling flat to the ground as she stomped her foot in a childish manner. “I,” her lip quivered as all the anger held in her body dissipated, “I just wanted to have a fun time with you.” Big tears flowed from her eyes quickly after finishing her proclamation, leaving smearing black lines down her face from the eyeliner she insisted was necessary in the Romanian countryside. God, if her parents weren’t funding this trip, you’d throw a fit for your money back.
“Jess, just,” reaching backward, you fished a rag from your backpack, “don’t cry. That’s not going to make this better.” Sniffling, she accepted the rag and wiped her eyes, further smearing black all over her face. You couldn’t help but feel a shred of sympathy for her. “Let’s just keep going. No use in wasting daylight. I really don’t want to get caught out here in the dark.”
“Where are we supposed to go, then?”
“I’m sure the next town will have some sort of inn or hotel. At the very least, they’ll have directions to the nearest city.”
After another five miles of walking, the sun was beginning to set and no gorgeous studs were waiting to save you. The blazing yellow ball inched slowly beyond the horizon. Its warming rays that had kept the snow from freezing the two of you in the day crept down below the snow peaked mountains that were nestled in the distance. Shadows began dancing between the trees, sending the forest into a theater of silent performers. The dirt road that was once large enough for two cars was now only a walking path so slim that Jezebel had to follow on your heels. Every now and again you were reeled back by the piece of rope that she had attached to your backpack that was firmly gripped in her hand. She claimed it made her feel safer.
“You think those two hunks are going to come save us now?” You joked, attempting to make light of this dark situation.
“I wish.” She huffed, frustration evading her voice as exhaustion took center stage.
Flickering light caught your eye. Hues of yellow and red mingled together in the distance, the outlines of rooftops and smoke-filled chimneys littered the ground below. “I think that’s a village.”
Another mile of downhill travel was all it took to reach the place where the once distant flickering of torches and lanterns grew into the quiet streets of a cluttered settlement. There was no clear indication of movement once you stepped foot in the village; the only evidence of any life came in the form of fresh boot prints, livestock, and the ever-blazing lanterns. Jezebel was all to happy to release your makeshift leash from her fingers, trotting mindlessly by to examine the street corners and homes. Your eyes continued wandering up the rooftops, finally landing upon the eerie looming castle situated on the mountainside above.
From around the bend, you heard Jezebel screech.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You threw caution to the wind, quickly rounding the corner to scold her like a parent would to a misbehaving child. “You don’t know if these people are violent or not. We can’t just go parading ourselves into the town center.”
“I think they’re violent.” She mustered the shaky words. Her hands covered her eyes and the majority of her face as she backed away from whatever had caused her distress.
“What?” The unpleasant squelch of snow beneath your feet caused your attention to draw downward. Dark snow surrounded your boot, an unnatural red hue stained the pure white. Gaze moving upward, your chest restricted feeling as if it had crushed inward on itself. The putrid smell finally fell upon your nostrils as you backed away from the scene. Severed animal heads hung lazily above you, their tongues flopping from their opened mouths.
“I want to go home.” Jezebel sobbed, rasping her cries into her cupped hand. Shaking her head as if to knock this moment from her brain, her short-lived façade of curiosity gave way to her immediate feeling of impending dread.
“That’s what I’m trying to do right now, Jess. Just, calm down.”
A low grumble had you standing further on edge, if that was possible at this point. The sound was clear as day and was anything but human. You weren’t even sure a human could get to an octave so low without the help of technology. Eyes darting upward once more, a chill ran from your shoulders to your toes.
Hauntingly yellowed eyes lingered upon the two of you. The beast-like figure was silhouetted by the moonlight, outlined like a ghost. It looked to be a man, but also anything but a man in the same sense. Its mouth was parted, baring old rotted teeth that looked to have dried blood caked between its gums. Its hands were bloodied as well, small cuts were painted across its forearms only hidden by the rags that clung to its chest.
Before you could process the situation, Jezebel let out another yelp. In an instant, the beast lunged down from its perch, landing with a ground shaking thud nearly five feet before you. “No!” Jezebel’s open palm collided with the space between your shoulder blades as she pushed you toward the monster. The last thing you saw was her backpack falling to the ground as she began running toward one of the homes. You landed face-first in the snow, groaning as all the air in your lungs were forced out. The beast snarled, once again showing its teeth as it hunched down to your level. This was, most certainly, not the way you envisioned dying. Things like this weren’t supposed to exist; this is myth, this isn’t real. It all felt like bad dream gone worse that you couldn’t wake from.
“Pesky creatures, aren’t they?” A new voice called out as the horrendous sound of metal crushing bone and muscle slithered through your ears. The disgusting feeling of gore instantly trickled down your hands. “Please,” the voice continued, “feel free to thank me anytime.”
A moment later, the stranger let out a scoff with the squishy suction of whatever he had used to quiet the monster. The tap of a boot on your elbow finally prompted you to uncover your eyes. “Or don’t.”
“I,” you started, opening and closing your mouth multiple times unable to find the right words, “thank you.”
“Oh.” He tiled the stiff rim of his frayed hat back, exposing a pair of circular sunglasses perched upon his nose. “Foreigners, eh?”
“Yeah, um.” You gathered yourself, finally pushing up to stand on your feet. “We got lost.”
“And ended up here, no doubt.” A stifled chuckle left his lips as he tilted his hat back in place and swung whatever he used to kill the beast over his shoulder. “If I were you, I’d get the hell out of here.”
Without another word, the stranger sauntered off with a backward wave of his hand. “Oh, and have someone clean this mess up.”
“Y/n!” Jezebel’s shrill voice called as she returned with a rather confused villager. He held a shotgun with both of his hands, Jezebel shone a flashlight in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” The villager moved forward with extreme caution after peering around you dumbfoundedly seeing the crumpled body.
“I’m fine, no thanks to her.” You spat, anger swelling in your throat causing a particular acidity to your words.
“All of you! Inside this instant.” A matronly holler came from behind Jezebel and the villager. “You know Miranda’s protection only runs so far as we grow closer to this time.”
Who is Miranda and, more importantly, who was the man who saved you?
The home you were ushered into was on the outskirts of town. It was one of the larger estates given the fact that some people seemed to live in one-room shacks. Upon entering, you were greeted with the warm glow of yellow light trickling in from what looked to be a formal living room. The sweet aromas of honeyed tea wafted through the air, drawing further in as the woman led the three of you deeper into the home. What was worse? You pondered. Being killed by that beast or potentially being murdered by the inhabitants of this home? You couldn’t decide. Thus far, the two gave no indication of malice.
“Please, sit.” The woman pulled out two of the chairs at her table, the wood scratching against the floor. “I’ll fetch the tea.”
Jezebel was so brainless. She smiled at you as if she hadn’t just offered you up as a midnight snack. Surely there was no hamster running on that squeaky track that powered her.
“What was that thing?” You turned to the man who was now seated to your right. “The monster.”
The man ignored your question, instead grabbing a piece of rounded bread from the plate at the center of table. Slathering butter on it, he looked to you. “How’d you kill it?”
“I didn’t.” You frowned, recalling the mysterious man who saved your life without even dropping his name. The villager raised his brows and kicked his foot up on the table. He was waiting for more information. “Some man came out of nowhere. He had some hammer-like weapon.”
As soon as he processed the words, his foot fell from the table and he leaned forward, uncomfortably close. You could smell the distinguishable bite of alcohol percolate from his lips. “Did he wear glasses? A hat?”
“He did.” The words slowly drifted from your mouth. “Hair to about here.” You motioned to the halfway point of your neck.
“Adelina,” the man called, presumably to the woman who guided you inside. He got up quickly, rushing to the other room leaving you and Jezebel alone.
“What the hell is going on here?” You whispered in a harsh tone, leaning forward to get closer to her. “Is this not weird at all to you?”
“I think they’re nice people.” Jezebel responded at full volume without a second of thought.
“That’s coming from someone who tried to feed their supposed best friend to a monster.”
“I was buying us time to get help.”
“Help? I almost died!”
“But you didn’t.”
“When we get back to the U.S. I never want to speak to you again.” You seethed. How could she be this bad? You knew there were a few… a considerable amount of screws missing from Jezebel, but how in God’s green earth does she justify her actions at this point? The thought of it accompanied by her dazed and empty stare only fueled the fire of anger more.
“Dear,” the woman, who you now knew was Adelina, reentered the room accompanied by the man with a tray of cups and a kettle in her hands. She set a delicate china glass in front of you, softly filling it with a reddish colored liquid that she assured you was Celestial Seasonings, a tea imported from Africa. “I hear that you’ve met Lord Heisenberg.” Placing a hand over her heart, she gave a warm smile that only sent another wave of dread through your body. There was something so alluring about this woman, yet so sinister.
“Lord, who?”
Adelina stiffened, craning her neck to the side as she plastered a forced smile upon her lips once more. You had upset her, that much was obvious. “One of the four Lords that rule here alongside our dear Mother Miranda.” She explained, pushing the cup of tea closer to your body. Jezebel had already finished her first glass. Warily, you lifted the cup in your hand and allowed the warm water to heat your frozen body. An elongated finger pointed to the framed painting that hung to the wall. “Mother Miranda protects us here.”
Mother Miranda. You could only focus on the image of the woman silhouetted by six black wings and a halo outlining her head. Her eyes were indistinguishable behind the raven-like mask that clung to her face. Adorned in a black garb, she looked to be a holy figure in this town. But like Adelina, something just wasn’t right with Miranda.
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The unsettling reverb of crickets and cicadas chirping grew louder and louder with each passing hour. You counted the seconds between waves of mass chorus; so far, it was roughly thirty seconds between each bleating scream of their nightly tune. You couldn’t sleep. Despite the somewhat comforting, but entirely unsettling welcome given by Adelina and Marion, you couldn’t help but feel like a caged animal in the tiny cupboard room they had given you. A curious thought tickled the back of your mind, willing you to remain as alert as possible after an exhausting day of hiking; where had they put Jezebel? Not that you particularly cared at this point. After the attack she had done a 180, dropping all suspicion of malice in this village. She simply flushed the pictures of hanging heads and wild beasts from her memory. You sometimes envied her lackadaisical memory accompanied by a fanatical view of the world. Living blissfully ignorant, especially in a situation like this, seemed to serve her best.
After a small dinner of fish that smelled of ammonia, of which you politely picked at, Adelina insisted the two of you stay the night. “The beasts will return!” She exclaimed, holding a firm hand over the intricately carved wood of the doorframe. “Early tomorrow we can arrange for a car to pick you up from the next town over.” Hushed murmurs climbing up from the cracked floors pulled you from your thought. The voices spoke in an incomprehensible argument.
“I’d quite like to keep...” the words faded in and out.
“No, no, no. Don’t be ridiculous...”
“What if....”
The floor spoke a soft squeak from beneath your feet as you shifted to get closer to the voices. Their conversation stopped, and you waited with bated breath for it to continue.
“We have to offer someone up tomorrow.” It was Adelina.
“I know, I know.” Marion sounded frustrated. “But you know Mother Miranda prefers only the purest. How are we supposed to know if either of them are-”?
The words faded once more as the two moved from room to room. Walking on the sides of your feet, you followed. Peeking around the corner, your eyes landed on Adelina and Marion illuminated by a flickering fire. They stood close to one another, keeping their tones low.
“Clearly, we offer the frumpy one. Take a look at her. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s unexperienced.” Adelina snickered, taking a seat on the worn couch with her back to you. “She wouldn’t fit in here anyway.”
“The dumb one would get along nicely with our son.”
“I agree.”
A knock at the front door sent a shiver of adrenaline down your spine. Quickly scrambling to hide, you took in a deep breath as Marion passed by with his shotgun in hand. From the parted door, you could see the sun barely peeking over the horizon. Had it really been that long already?
“Are you sure she’s pure?” The new man stood in the doorway rushed past Marion, looking in the direction of the room they had put you in.
“I suppose we could check.” Adelina called, rising to join the others. “The both of them had that tea. They shouldn’t wake until the ceremony later today.”
“Is she in there?”
“Yes, the other one is upstairs.”
“Let’s check this one first.”
With heavy footsteps falling upon the rotting floorboards of the somewhat dilapidated home, you slunk further into the shadows of the room behind you. The glint of something metal caught your attention; a small handgun sat perfectly on a dresser as if set there intentionally for you to find. Holding your breath, you crept forward to it. You’d never shot a gun in your life, but you knew the basics... both hands, check for ammo, rack the slide, pull the trigger. At least, that’s what the movies told you.
“Out of bed so soon, are we?” The soft voice turned malevolent as Adelina appeared in the doorway of the room. “I wouldn’t use that if I were you.” She motioned to the gun that was aimed rather unskillfully for her chest.
“What the fuck is going on in this village?” You spoke with purpose now, tone wavering slightly as Marion stepped behind his wife.
“You don’t understand things around here, girl.” Adelina spat, moving aside as Marion began charging into the room. The loud blast of the gun echoed from the walls of the home followed by a harsh curse and the sound of a body crumpling to the floor. You had shot Marion in the leg; he’d live.
“No,” you started, re-racking the slide as Adelina’s other friend approached wielding a similar gun to your own. Adrenaline washed over your nervous system, your hands shook violently, but you attempted to remain composed. “You’re the one who doesn’t understand. This isn’t normal! Tell me what’s going on now or,” your eyes trailed down to Marion who was attempting to control the flow of blood from his wound.
“You wouldn’t.” She laughed bitterly.
“Like hell, I wouldn’t.” You exclaimed, training the gun onto her. “Now tell me, what’s happening here.”
“You’ll understand soon enough.” Adelina’s friend’s words were the last thing you heard before your ears rang and the sting of a bullet burnt white hot in your shoulder. You weren’t sure if your gun ever went off again.
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Despite being tied, bathed, dressed, and currently sitting on a freezing alter-of-sorts, you still hadn’t the slightest clue as to what was going on. A crowd of villagers surrounded from the south, all carrying on with a rumble of conversation. Adelina shot daggers at you, Marion as well, from a small, inclined hill at the edge of the crowd. The clothes you wore were your own, she had fished through your backpack claiming that it was of no use to waste a nice dress on “someone like her.” Jezebel was likely still fast asleep at their house.
A woman with the likeness of the framed photo you had seen appeared out of nowhere. So, this was the famous Mother Miranda that everyone regarded so deeply. She stood before you as the crowd’s voices hushed and their eyes became hazed with looks of admiration and devoted appreciation. Surely, she was a human, deities and gods didn’t exist in a physical form, you assured yourself.
Without a word, Miranda moved gracefully as if flowing across the ground to stand before Adelina. Taking her face between her hands, she whispered what you assumed to be praise as Adelina’s lips moved rapidly thanking Miranda. She then moved to Marion and grazed her hand against the wound on his thigh, speaking of how his steadfast devotion would quickly heal any injuries of cruelty spread by evil. When her attention finally fell back to you, she frowned. Stalking around you in circles, Miranda’s imposing figure made you want to shrivel to nothingness.
“Thank you.” She turned to the villagers as if to dismiss them. “When the time comes, I will return for another.”
The black wings you had seen in the photo sprouted from her back, shielding your sight of the villagers as they retreated to their homes. Hopeful cries and shouted blessings to Miranda echoed from the crowd as the village gate slammed. The only evidence of them once populating this empty square were flowers and offerings of fruit and grain left for the supposed goddess.
The world swiftly darkened once more.
Part 2 - Paths Meet
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I promise there's more Heisenberg in the next part..
Feedback is always appreciated
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Home, James
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,086
Summary: Sam and Bucky finally return home after a mission, but Bucky is stubborn about getting the help he needs for his ailments from an expert. He always chooses you.
Warnings: mutual pining/mutual idiots, mentions of injury but it's not graphic, honestly can't think of anything else but feel free to let me know!
Notes: Another self-indulgent piece lol. I liked the idea of Bucky intentionally getting hurt on a mission but refusing to go to a hospital because he'd rather you heal him. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while so I thought I’d just go ahead and post it.
Two missions, back to back. It was happening more often lately, much to your dismay.  
The boys had been away for almost a month this time and while you enjoyed your solitude, it was getting rather lonely without Sam and Bucky bantering in the background.  
And okay, maybe it was lonelier without Bucky.  
You absolutely had a crush on your roommate that you and Sam adopted in. But if anything, he only saw you as a sister. Sam teased you relentlessly about liking him every time you denied it because you knew nothing would come of it, so why get your hopes up? Bucky was wonderful in every sense of the way, and even if he didn’t feel the same about you, you’d make damn sure to prove to him just how amazing he was. Even if it cost the entirety of your crushed heart.  
You are currently tucked into the living room sofa, sipping hot chocolate and watching reruns of Supernatural. Bobby drops his infamous one worded line of “Balls!” when your apartment door swings open to reveal to your two very sweaty, very exhausted roommates.    
You set your mug down and excitedly leap from your spot to greet them. Sam is all but dragging his feet across the floor and Bucky has a slight limp, but he straightens up when he notices you looking at him. “Oh my gosh, I’m so glad y’all are home!” you shut the door behind Bucky, who slumps back against it. “You guys okay? Either of you need any stitches?”  
“Well,” Sam starts. “I’m mostly intact. But I Robot over there? He’s worse than me, he just won’t say it out loud.” He discards his duffel bag next to the couch, flopping down onto it before getting comfortable.  
Bucky listlessly shoves himself away from the door. “I’m fine,” he growls, glaring at Sam. The thick tension between the duo makes it clear that they’ve been stuck together for far too long. He makes his way towards the refrigerator to probably look for a beer, but angrily slams the door back when he sees there isn’t any.  
You sigh. “Come on, Bucky, let me see.” He leans onto the table with his hands, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Slowly you walk over to him, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. You peer up at him earnestly. “Please show me?”  
You’re somewhat ungrateful for the bathroom light revealing the bloodied black eye that Bucky has. A freshly scabbed over cut trails from beneath his right clavicle and underneath his layers of clothing-how he constantly wears so many still manages to bewilder you. “Jesus Bucky, why do you always do this? You’re hurt! I swear I don’t know what to do with you.” You start to tug the hem of his shirt up to make him remove it when he grabs your wrist to stop you.
“’s okay. Nothing’s bleedin.’” Your eyes meet his. You don’t want to imagine how many bruises are littered across the super soldier’s torso.
“Except for that,” you gesture towards the purple ring around his eye that started oozing blood and water you don’t know how long ago. He winces as he adjusts himself, and you gather the supplies needed to treat his wound. “Seriously, Buck, you do this every time,” you fret while ringing out a rag that you’ve dampened with warm water. “Please take care of yourself. I’m not a nurse by any means; I only know a little from what Sam’s taught me. So if you happen to come home in pieces after a rough mission, I won’t be able to stitch you back together.” He twiddles his thumbs while peering up at you expectantly and you hook your index finger under his chin to stabilize your movements.
You don’t know.  
He doesn’t care how inexperienced you are about treating wounds. He doesn’t care. He almost counts on getting a nick or cut just so you’ll react the way you’re reacting right now, tenderly caressing him and making his heart flutter. He insists to Sam after every mission that he’s fine when they both know he isn’t because he knows that you’ll tend to him. Always. He doubts any random nurse would ever treat him the way you do and he’s reluctant to find out. You take your time with him, checking him over to see if there’s a wound he’s fibbed about, trying to appear tougher to you is what you think.  
And oh, there it is.  
That hesitant touch of yours that’s grown confident the more he’s sat before you with that kicked puppy look. You dab onto the surface of the scrape and he nudges into your palm so subtly you barely catch it. His eyes close as he exhales, finally allowing himself to relax into the familiarity. You face the sink once more after you disinfect him, washing your hands a good while to get all the blood off. Bucky breaks the silence. “You’re like the housewife I never got to have.”
You snort out a short laugh at his admission, ringing out the rag for a second time. “Don’t call me a housewife.”
“You cook, clean-”  
“-I work a mean microwave,” you interrupt, smiling. “Who else is gonna clean up the mud you drag in with you?”  
“-you patch us up,” he continues, seeming agitated.
“When I have to. But Bucky, I swear you do this on purpose,” you teasingly raise an eyebrow at him.
“You make me feel right at home,” he blurts impatiently.  
“Ha!” you lay the rag over the ledge of the sink to air dry. “Sure I do.” Bucky doesn’t respond so you take a chance to glance down at him, not realizing the sincerity behind his words. “You’re...not joking.” He shies away, a bit of blush sneaking up his neck.  
All the times you’ve both ended up in this position, with Bucky sitting either on the side of the tub or the lid of the toilet, gazing up at you and anticipating your mild scolding, your attentive touches...everything. You only joked half-heartedly when you’d said he did this on purpose, but the more you think about this, in retrospect, you believe it’s true. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks.
“Well, in that case...” you bend down to cradle his bruised cheeks in your hands, running your thumbs along his cheekbones. The second his pleading eyes meet yours, you press a tender kiss to his busted lips. 
“...welcome home, James.”
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tootiredmotel · 3 years
Inspired by @ledzeppelinmixtape 's emoji prompt: ⛈
Read on ao3 or below / 2.3k words
It's 11pm and storming biblically when Dean and Cas's apartment goes dark.
"Great," Dean mutters under his breath. "Fan-freaking-tastic."
From somewhere else in the apartment, his roommate asks "did the power go out?"
"What do you think, sunshine?" Dean replies sarcastically.
He has a half-written essay in front of him, but he knows his old-ass computer won't last long unplugged, so he saves the document before shutting it off. He leans back in his chair, stretching for the first time in an hour and running a hand down his face. He actually needed a break from the screen, he realizes, feeling his eyes relax as he rubs them.
The steady rain and strong winds outside make an overwhelming white noise track, interrupted only by thunder that goes from faint and distant to deafening in volume. If Dean wasn't stressed out of his mind and completely exhausted right now, he might actually find this kind of nice.
"It's raining cats and mice out there," he hears Cas say, his voice now in the room.
Dean smiles, still rubbing his eyes with the backs of both his hands. "Cats and dogs, Cas."
"Right. Cats and dogs."
It’s really no use correcting him; the entire animal kingdom could be falling from the sky right now and there wouldn't be much of a difference. The winds are definitely knocking things over, and the streets will certainly be flooded come morning. Dean wonders for how long the university will cancel classes after this (if at all, the heartless bloodsuckers).
A particularly loud clap of thunder startles Dean. He drops his hands from his face and opens his eyes, expecting to see pitch black nothingness, but the room is faintly lit by the flashlight Cas is holding as he rummages through their kitchen drawers. He approaches a minute later and sets a candle down on the small table.
"Thank you, Dean," Cas says, sitting down opposite him. Dean smiles again, this time shaking his head.
If anyone ever asked him to mention one thing he likes about Cas, just one, he'd probably say how genuine Cas is, how he takes everything to heart and speaks from it as well. Dean said just one word, smart, a simple comment on the fact that it occurred to Cas to light a candle instead of wasting the battery of their one flashlight, and Cas genuinely thanked him for the compliment. He's just ridiculously cute in his earnestness.
Cas is trying to light the candle now, but their lighter is tricky. Despite living together in that apartment for a year and a half now Cas has never really gotten the hang of it.
"Here, let me."
Dean means to take the lighter from Cas and do it himself, he really does. That is 100% his intention as he reaches across the table. Except he sees an opportunity, and Dean Michael Winchester is nothing if not smooth.
He wraps his hand around Cas's, gently guiding his fingers until they’re placed just right, and the lighter clicks on with ease. Cas meets his eyes, smiling, and Dean can feel the slightest brush of Cas’s thumb against his hand. It’s a small gesture, but clearly deliberate, and it sends Dean’s heart into overdrive. Cas leans away, puts the lighter aside, and starts leafing through a book he brought. Dean’s heart is still racing as he watches him.
Scratch that first thing. If anyone ever asked him what’s one thing he likes about Cas? His hands. God. Neat nails, slightly calloused palms, and overall larger hands than you’d expect. Cas is an environmental science major and he wants to get a Ph.D. in botany, so of course, there’s a small garden on their fire escape. He tends to those plants every day with more gentleness and care than Dean has ever seen, and Dean loves to watch him, even though he has no idea what Cas is doing with them half the time. He just knows that not a single one of their plants have died under Cas’s care. He names them too.
His attentiveness. That’s another thing Dean might say if anyone ever asked. Cas left to visit his sister Anna last winter break. He left Dean in charge of the plants, three of which died inside the week. (For Dean’s birthday a couple of months later, Cas got him a book. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean keeps it on his nightstand.) Dean went out and bought new ones, but he knew Cas would notice the difference, and he did. He wasn’t mad at Dean though, and he appreciated the effort, and as Dean apologized profusely over and over again, Cas looked at him in the eyes oh-so-softly and told him he was forgiven.
How could Dean possibly forget? If anyone ever asked, he’d say that Cas’s eyes are one of his favorite things about him. One of his favorite things, period. Dean is absolutely mesmerized whenever Cas looks him in the eye, and the guy loves making eye contact, which means that Dean lives in a perpetual smitten daze. He has never seen that shade of blue anywhere else on this earth. Or maybe he just hasn’t been looking, content to get his fill of that blue by staring into Cas’s eyes as much as he gets to on a daily basis.
“Are you alright, Dean?”
Dean blinks himself back to reality. “Hm?”
“You seem… spaced.”
Dean is staring. He’s been staring this whole time. Shit. Crap.
“Yeah, um. Just tired.”
Mr. Smooth, everybody.
“Maybe you should go get some rest. I doubt the power will be back anytime soon.”
Castiel Milton, always looking out for you. It makes Dean melt.
“Yeah, maybe.” I wanna stay here with you, though, he thinks. Instead, because he’s pathetic, he asks “what’re you reading?”
Cas shows him the cover. How Not to Kill Your Houseplant. Dean breaks out in laughter.
“So you’re going into my room and stealing my shit now?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch your Vonneguts.” Cas puts the book aside, an easy smile on his face. “Just wanted something light to pass the time.”
“You done with your homework?”
A soft yawn escapes Cas. “For now.”
“Dude, why not just go to sleep? You look exhausted.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Dean tries to deadpan him. He fails, because around Cas, it’s near impossible for him to not smile.
“Besides, I might be done but you weren’t.”
“And you wanted to keep me company.”
Cas shrugs as if to say I guess, but he does it with a knowing smile. The smile doesn’t falter as he meets Dean’s eyes, and he doesn’t look away when silence settles between them, the only sound being the stormy white noise.
Dean is sure he could drown in that blue and die happy.
Before that train of thought gets away from him again, Dean tears his gaze away and stretches. “We should really go to bed though, I’m not getting any more done tonight,” he says as he stands.
“Of course,” Cas says, but he grabs the book again.
“You not going?”
“I want to finish this chapter.”
The seriousness in his tone makes Dean smile. Again.
“Well, g’night, Cas.”
“Good night, Dean.”
Dean thinks he detects a bit of shakiness in Cas’s voice but decides that he’s probably just tired.
He gets to his room and changes into something comfortable, the first t-shirt and sweatpants he finds as he rummages in the dark. He goes to set his phone on his nightstand and crawl into bed, but in place of the book he keeps there and puts his phone on top of– the book Cas has at the moment– he finds something else.
It’s paper. It’s folded into the form of a book, like one of those youtube craft tutorials with bad music, and it's no bigger than his own palm. The cover is handwritten, and Dean immediately recognizes it as Cas's. He smiles, expecting a prank or joke of some sort, Cas knows how stressed Dean can get with the start of the semester. However, his smile falters as he reads the cover:
How to tell your best friend you’re in love with him.
With a shaky hand, Dean opens the small book. The first page is the only one with any more writing on it, and it reads:
You leave him a note and hope it’s enough.
Dean is storming out of his bedroom (no pun intended) before he knows it. He barely even feels his feet moving, too focused on the pounding in his ears and the dryness in his mouth. He doesn’t go into the living room, not yet; his feet stop at the end of the short hallway and he braces himself against the wall. The room is spinning and he can barely breathe.
“Cas?” He chokes out.
Cas puts the book back down on the table in front of him and interlocks his fingers in front of him. He doesn’t look at Dean– Cas, who makes too much eye contact – and takes a deep breath before saying “yes?”
He’s nervous.
Dean takes a step forward, still keeping one hand on the wall just in case, and holds up the note. “What is this?” he asks, because his brain is just not there with him yet.
Cas stands, still not facing Dean. “Dean, do you know what day it is?”
He’s asking this now???
“September firs–”
Oh. Oh shit.
“Cas isn’t today the–”
“The night we met. Two years ago.”
Dean feels his brain catching up now as the memory starts coming back to him. Cas helps, starting to recount that night.
“Two years ago tonight, I was leaving my night course at the university, and it was raining. Not as bad as this,” –Cas looks out the window and lightning strikes, as if on cue– “but pretty badly, and I was an inexperienced freshman without an umbrella.”
Dean remembers. He was walking Charlie to her dorm when it started drizzling, and it was pouring by the time he made it back to his car. Dean had a night shift at the gas station and was about to head there.
“Two years ago tonight,” Cas continues, “you invited me into your car to shelter me from the rain.”
Dean saw this guy running in the direction of the men’s dorms, which were on the other side of campus. He felt bad, and he had a car, so he opened the passenger door and let him in.
Turned out to be the most gorgeous guy he’d ever laid eyes on. He was a bit awkward, but he had no filter, which made him weirdly funny. He asked about the music playing in the car and listened intently to Dean's rambling. He laughed at his jokes too.
At the end of the five-minute drive, he said his name was Castiel, and Dean asked for his number and saved it as Cas with a thunderstorm emoji. Because even if he didn’t know it yet, Dean was already whipped.
“Two years ago,” Cas says, finally looking up at Dean. His eyes are wide and vulnerable and he looks terrified and Dean can barely stand it. “Two years ago tonight, I started to fall in love with you.”
Dean can’t breathe. His ears are hot and he can’t stop fidgeting with the note in his hand and he can’t breathe.
But his feet start moving again, out of their own volition. They move toward Cas.
“If you don’t feel–” Cas starts, but Dean swallows his words.
Again, Dean’s brain isn’t all there yet, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he’s already in it. He’s grabbing Cas’s face, digging his fingertips into the back of his hair, and the note is forgotten on the table, and thunder rumbles not that far away. He’s darting out his tongue, begging to explore Cas’s mouth as he’s wanted to do since forever, and Cas lets him. He tastes like toothpaste and coffee and honey and Dean never wants to taste anyone else ever again.
Cas is wrapping his arms around Dean’s waist and pressing his entire body against him. It’s making Dean weak in the knees but it’s okay because Cas is almost holding him upright at this point. There’s another clap of thunder, much closer this time, and the lightning probably illuminated the apartment, but it wasn’t enough to make them part. They’re moving and grasping and exploring frantically, and Dean is afraid Cas is going to disappear, or that he’s going to wake up and this will all have been another dream. But no, it’s real, and they’re playing catchup on two years worth of desire and longing and love.
They eventually pull away, breathless and giddy. The only sounds are the rain and the wind. Dean opens his eyes first, needing to see Cas and make sure this is completely, definitely, unequivocally real. Cas is smiling and taking deep breaths, and a weight seems to be lifted off his shoulders. He opens his eyes a second later, and even in the darkness, even with just the faint candlelight, the blue in them seems to shine. And even though there's no power, it feels as if there's electricity crackling in the air around them. It might be the storm.
No. It's the moment. This moment with Cas is what feels electric.
“Come to bed?” Dean asks, feeling brave and going out on a limb. The only way Cas responds is by interlocking his hand into Dean’s and kissing him again.
And after tonight, for the rest of his life, if anyone ever asks him “what’s one thing you love about Cas?” Dean won’t be able to narrow down an answer.
He’ll just say: “Everything.”
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selfcarecap · 3 years
*wiggles into your inbox* ugh fuck *stumbles* HIII HEARD YOU WERE LOOKING FOR A REQUEST 😁😁😁 so how about this- finding out Peter can play the guitar 😎😎 pls have you seen thomas play the guitar my heart-
warnings: horniness at the end, me writing in past tense?
-this is a repost of an old blurb-
Your plan was to surprise Peter.
Both of you were finally finished with your exams for the term, and had to make up for all the times you couldn’t see each other because you were busy studying.
The last class of your day had been cancelled, so you had time to sneak into Peter’s room before he came back.
You caught his roommate just as he was about to leave, and he quickly let you in.
After a while you decided to take a nap. Peter would take at least another 30 minutes anyway. You climbed up the ladder of the bunk bed, getting comfortable on Peter’s blanket.
You were exhausted from all the studying in the past weeks, and before you knew it, you were asleep.
The clicking of the door woke you up. You stretched your arms over your head, ready to greet Peter.
He probably knew you were here already, Peter tingle and all.
While you were still lying flat on the top bunk, Peter walked into the room as if he was alone.
He put his backpack down, and got his phone out for a second. Your phone was on mute but you saw you just got a message from him. “I’m done with classes now, when can I see you? :)”
Was he trying to scare you? Was he pranking you? Would he creep up the bed slowly when you couldn’t see him, and say Boo? You doubted it.
You didn’t move as you heard him wash his hands in the en suite, and then sit down on the bottom bed.
Should you wait longer? Should you say something? Had he really not seen or heard you?
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the familiar opening chords of Best Part by H.E.R. and Daniel Caesar.
It was one of your and Peter‘s favourite songs to listen to. Not just because of how beautiful it sounded— (oh, he was playing the instrumental version on his phone). Not just because of how beautiful it sounded, but also because you related to the lyrics.
You heard him let out a breath of annoyance, and then restart the song. Maybe he didn‘t mean to click the instrumental .
But he played the same song again, without vocals. This time he started humming along.
After a few seconds he paused it again though and you heard a quiet thump against the floor, along with a quiet buzz of vibrating guitar strings.
Your mouth fell open when you realised what was going on.
You leaned over the rail of the bunk bed, sticking your head out. You saw Peter underneath you, head in his hands and a guitar leaning against the bed.
“When did you learn to play?“ You asked, your voice loud and full of shock.
Peter jumped at the sound, staring up at you in surprise, a hand on his chest, “What are you doing here? Fuck, you scared me.“
“Sorry,“ you frowned, swinging your legs to the ladder and getting down. You kissed Peter as soon as you were back on the floor.
“Was gonna surprise you. But then you surprised me. Why didn‘t I know you could play the guitar?“
He scratched his neck, glancing down at the guitar, “You weren’t supposed to know. I only rented the guitar, so I could learn how to play Best Part for you for our one year anniversary.”
“Awww, that’s so cute. It already sounded so good, I thought you were playing the actual song at first,” you grin at him, proud of how good his skills were already.
“Yeah but I can’t get past the first few seconds. And it’s not even hard to play. I guess it’s good that you found out now because it wouldn’t have been a good surprise if I can’t even play it,” Peter pouted, looking away.
“No, it sounded amazing already. It’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, I don’t care if it’s not perfect. You’re perfect enough anyway, you’re the best part, baby,” you said, and it sounded cheesier than you intended.
“You’re the best part,” he said, his lips brushing against yours.
“So you really didn’t hear me? Why didn’t your spidey senses go off?”
“Probably because you’re not a threat,” he shrugged, closing his eyes as your fingers brushed through his hair.
“So, I already knew I had the hottest boyfriend on campus, but now he can also play the guitar. And he learnt it just for me?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, pulling you in for a kiss, fingers playing with the waistband of your jeans.
“You think you’re gonna get away with not playing for me?” You smiled.
“It’s not that good yet.”
“What I heard was brilliant. The fact that you’re trying is already impressive and more than what most people would do.”
“Okay,” he said, hesitantly sitting down on the bed again, taking the guitar in his lap and positioning it.
He cleared his throat and looked at you, cheeks already red, “Okay, so.”
He took a deep breath, and you made yourself comfortable next to him on the bed, making sure he had enough space with his guitar.
You could see his phone with a screenshot of the chords perched on the bed, leaning against one of the bedposts.
The familiar tune filled your ears once again, and for a moment you thought you preferred Peter’s version over the original.
At first, he was concentrating hard, but after a few moments he seemed to be getting lost in the music.
You were so focused on the lovely melody, that you didn’t even open your eyes for the first half of the song.
Although the music was beautiful, so was Peter. So were his fingers, moving over the guitar strings.
The song was romantic, nothing that should make you as horny as it did. But you couldn’t help but press a desperate kiss to his lips once the song was over, still being careful with the guitar.
He put it down on the floor, pulling you in closer, “So that means you liked it?” He asked, only interrupting your kisses for a second.
“Loved it. You looked so fucking hot. The fact that you learnt this for me is so fucking hot.”
“Can’t believe you’re the one telling me I’m hot,” Peter chuckled, pulling away to admire you.
“Well, if you think I’m so hot, then maybe you could show me what else those fingers can do, other than amazingly play guitar.”
“Oh, you can bet on it.”
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Late night devil, put your hands on me
Pairings: Dabi x Hero!Reader
Words: 7.7k
Summary: It was supposed to be a relaxing Saturday night while your roommate was out on a date. Finally some peace and quiet from all the work of the last few weeks. Just you, your bathtub and a good book. Too bad someone had a whole other idea.
Rating: M for Mature & F for Filth
Warnings: Mentions of dubcon, rough sex, choking and a lot of other things. It’s Dabi, you know what’s coming.
Also on: AO3
A/N: How much would I let a man ruin me, level: Dabi. This was supposed to be short and filthy and now it’s long and filthy. Enjoy!
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Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
“Have fun and good luck with your date,” you yelled from the hallway when your roommate was almost out of the door.
“Thanks, I’ll need it,” was the only reply you got before the door closed.
Your roommate had been nervous all day long, so it was no surprise to you that words were a little short right now. You just hoped it would go all right, it had been quite some time since the last date.
Which also meant you finally had some peace and quiet on your own this Saturday evening. During the week you two barely saw each other because of work so you would normally spend the weekend together which can be quite exhausting at times.
But today it was only you, a good book and a bathtub. The hero business was always buzzing, there was always a criminal to catch at some corner and the last couple of weeks had been tiring your body out so much that your agency had given you off for this weekend.
Being a sidekick was hard enough in such a renowned agency and you had the tendency to work too much, rarely looking after yourself. They barely had to kick you out yesterday evening and ban you from the agency for the weekend.
You were happy they did, really. Your body needed the rest.
As you were walking through your room, trying to gather the things you needed for a relaxing bath you kept thinking back to the last few cases this month alone. Two attacks from the League, kidnapped children and people getting set on fire for seemingly no reason with no pattern. You didn’t get the League sadly but could at least solve the other two cases.
The one with the children strained your body and your mind the most. It had been hard seeing all those kids in danger, almost getting drowned in acid as an empty threat from the villain. Your team had been able to get everyone out alive, thankfully. But all those crying and terrified children that would have a hard time getting back to their lives...it had been different.
You closed your eyes and shook your head. You shouldn’t think about such things when you are trying to relax and actually forget about work for once.
With a fresh towel and your book under your arm you walked over to the bathroom where you had the water running. It had been quite some time since you actually had the time to take a bath. Normally it was just showers and mostly not even long ones.
You took your clothes off and dipped into the water, letting out a sigh as the hot water moistened your skin.
You leaned back into the tub and closed your eyes for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth around you on this rather cool fall evening.
When you felt comfortable enough to reached over to grab the book you were currently reading, almost halfway done but still so much to go.
It was a fantasy story about love, revenge and a lot of faeries. It was a nice read and you actually really loved the story, you just didn’t have enough time to read it on a regular basis so your plan was to read as much as you could this weekend. You should be able to finish it because as soon as you were caught up in the story again, you knew you couldn’t just leave it be anymore.
As you were reading your book you really did get caught up in it again, the story drawing you in and-
Your head shot up from the lines in front of you, eyes looking towards the closed door of the bathroom room. A frown was forming on your face, there clearly had been a loud noise just now.
Was your roommate back already? Did the date go to shit? Was it another bird that flew against your window? It had just happened three days ago so what were the chances?
“Back already?” you hollered with a slight teasing tone on your lips. You would be happy if your roommate had been able to take his date back to your place already but you highly doubted it. It had been barely twenty minutes, you had only been in the bath for roughly ten.
There was no answer. Maybe it was really a bird or something fell from the table. Maybe it had been one of the neighbors in the hallway in front of your apartment but it sounded a little closer.
You shrugged and turned your head back to the book in your hand, trying to find the line where you were when you heard steps. You quietly put your book down and listened in closely.
You swallowed and took a deep breath. There wasn’t enough time to jump out of the tub and get dressed so you readied your quirk while your naked body was still in the water, the bath foam the only thing hiding you.
The handle of the door was pushed down and you were about to set your quirk off when the door opened wide and you were met with blue flames, briefly wrapping around your hands and burning them so you couldn’t use your quirk.
Blue flames.
You hissed in pain and put your hands under the water quickly, trying to cool them down. It wasn’t a bad burn but it still hurt.
“Calm your quirk, doll. It’s just me and we know how far you get every time you used it,” the black haired man said almost annoyed while standing there, leaning against the doorframe with that stupid smirk of his.
“What the fuck are you doing here? In my apartment? Don’t you have people to burn somewhere?” you snapped back at him and he put a hand on his heart, acting like he was affected by your words.
“Oh my, doll. Your words hurt me. I just wanted to visit my favourite hero on her day off,” he told you with a wolfish grin on his lips as he took a step forward. His blue eyes were looking you up and down and only then you realized once more that you were actually naked.
Your relationship with Dabi was...complicated, to say the least. It had started a few months ago when you were chasing him once more, deep into the forest and him setting trees on fire as you two passed through.
Your quirk had been almost useless against him but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t try to catch him. When he had suddenly vanished only to show up behind you, it had been the turning point.
Strong arms wrapped around your middle, pulling your back close to his chest. He put his hand around your throat and you could feel the heat radiating from them, seeing small blue flames dancing along his skin.
“Such a sweet girl, following me wherever I go,” he whispered against your ear and you knew that he could snap your neck within a second when you moved now.
“Let me go,” you growled as a weak warning but he just laughed against the skin of your neck when he started to nuzzle it, squeezing with his hand a little.
“What a weak protest. You actually like this, don’t you?” His voice was venom that was dripping into your body and you clenched your jaw.
“The others will be here soon,” you replied, ignoring his comment. 
You had met him a couple of times before, never catching him and you couldn’t deny his handsome features, especially those icy blue eyes of his but that wasn’t something you would admit to anyone. He was a villain, you were a hero. He killed people, you saved people. Simple as that.
Your eyes widened when the hand that was wrapped around your middle moved upwards and squeezed your right boob.
“What the-” you started but he squeezed your neck once more, preventing you from getting enough air.
“Shut up and let me enjoy this moment alone with you,” he growled before he spun you around, pressing you against the next tree. His hand was still wrapped around your throat, one of his knees now pressed between your legs.
A chuckle left his throat when he looked at you as you were gritting your teeth, trying to think of a way to get out of this.
“Don’t act so strong, little hero. I’m not going to hurt you that bad, you’re too precious for that,” he growled as his lips were so close to yours that you could feel them brushing against you ever so lightly when he spoke.
You couldn’t deny the attraction, the pull that made your body relax.
Something he noticed, of course.
“Good girl.” He licked his lips, looking at you like you were his prey that he had been hunting down. You for sure felt like that right now.
“y/n!” Suddenly someone yelled your name and Dabi let out an almost feral growl of annoyance while looking around, trying to find the person but from the sound of their voice, they must have been still quite far away.
You tried to answer but felt the fingers around your throat closing tightly once more.“Too bad, I was hoping to have more time with you. Well, maybe next time,” he whispered against your lips before sealing the kiss.
The villain was kissing you and there was nothing you could do about this, except gasp in surprise which he only took as an invite to invade your mouth with his tongue, tasting him and the faint metallic taste of his tongue piercing inside of you.
And as if you didn’t have a mind of your own, you kissed him back only to feel him grin against your lips only a second later. He had what he wanted and you knew it.
What a fool you were.
“Such an obedient doll,” he said with a chuckle when he pulled apart, leaving you breathless and feeling filthy at the same time. “I’ll be back for you.”
And back he came. Multiple times. He was pestering you over and over again and you didn’t stop him.
You gave yourself willingly to him and didn’t even know why. He was a dangerous man that had no problem killing you if he wanted to. Had no problem with killing everyone you loved just to get what he wanted and yet, you couldn’t stop it.
Whenever you saw him he was ready to stuff you full with his massive cock, splitting you apart and you were always begging for more.
Maybe it was the feeling of doing something forbidden that was always pulling you back to him. Maybe it was the fault of his eyes that sometimes had a hint of sadness and you just wanted to find out more. The burn scars of his body didn’t come out of nowhere after all but you would never dare to ask. It was all physical after all.
“Cat got your tongue?” he barked at you and got you out of your trance, realizing he stood right in front of the bathtub now, towering over you. “It’s not nice to ignore your guests, you know.”
You bit your lip from keeping the reply inside, still trying to ignore the pain on your hands.
“It’s not like I invited you. How did you get in anyway?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant while his crotch was so close to your face. You kept your eyes on his but that wasn’t making it any better. His eyes were one of the biggest selling points after all.
“Balcony, it wasn’t that hard to just melt the lock,” he said with a shrug as he crouched down in front of you, face now on the same level. For a moment you wondered how he even got up here, you didn’t live that close to the ground but he probably had his ways. For some reasons the League of Villains were always able to show up in the most unexpected places and they had been seen using portals before even though you doubted he would use portals for such occasions.
“I hate you,” you replied, just thinking of the damage he had done to your door only to get in. You had no idea how to explain a melted lock to your roommate and there was not enough time to switch it out before they would notice.
“I know, that’s why this is so great.” While he said ‘this’ he gestured between the two of you.
You hated him.
You should just gather new strength with your quirk and at least distract him so you could grab clothes and leave.
You should kick him out, inform your colleagues so they can catch him. You should do something and yet you didn’t do a single thing when he let his hand run over your arm with a featherlight touch that was so unlike him.
You didn’t do a thing when his hand dripped below the water, tracing around your breast, your nipple, along your stomach until the center of your legs.
What a fool you were. A naive fool that couldn’t keep her physical needs in check. It wouldn’t be that hard to go out and find a decent man to just get your needs satisfied with.
And yet here you were, with one of the most dangerous, most wanted villains of your generation and you would let him do anything to you.
Kind of pathetic if you would really think about it but thinking was out of the window when his fingers find your clit under the water and you lean your head back with a moan.
Whenever he touched you it felt so electric, you had no explanation for any of this. You were nothing but a toy to him and you didn’t even complain.
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled when he watched how your body started to squirm, you arching your back so your boobs were outside the water. “And I’m barely touching you.”
You knew, for fucks sake. He was only rubbing small circles against your clit and yet you already felt like you were on fire.
One of his fingers dipped inside of you and you let out another moan, opening your eyes again to look down, watching how he was pumping one finger in and out of you, then adding another one.
“You’re so wet,” he chuckled and you turned your head towards him. His other arm was resting on the side of the bathtub, his head on his arm, looking almost innocent if it wasn’t for that wolfish grin on his lips that made you afraid he would just eat you up any second.
He was pumping three fingers in and out of you now and you were barely able to hold it together, your legs were moving on their own, splashing water around more than necessary until he pulled his hand away suddenly and your whole body stopped.
“What?” you said in confusion and heard his laugh, shaking his head and simply putting his hand in front of you, spreading his fingers apart and you could clearly see your wetness coating his fingers. He dipped his hand under water once more to clean them.
“What what?” he replied as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. Fucking bastard.
“I-” you stopped yourself, biting your lip. Your body was burning hot and you just wanted release but that’s just what he wanted to hear.
“You what, doll?” He grinned at you and watched you taking deep breaths, trying to calm your body down but with him so close that turned out to be quite the challenge.
“I want to cum,” you mumbled, barely audible even to yourself. God, you felt so ashamed even thinking about this.
“Excuse me? I must have water in my ears, what did you just say?”
Gods, you hated him. You hated that smug smile, that teasing tone, that pleased look in his eyes that he had when he got close to getting what he wanted.
“I want to cum,” you said again, this time louder and clenching your jaw in anger. You didn’t just hate him, you also hated yourself for this.
“Why didn’t you just say so, princess?” he chuckled and stood up, opening his buckle. You looked at him confused and he caught on, shrugging with his shoulders. “Well, you have to earn it first.”
Of course he wouldn’t just let you off the hook that easily. 
His pants and underwear dropped to the ground and he let out a relieved sigh when his cock sprang free, not straining against the fabric anymore.
“Open up,” he told you and you sat up straight in the tub, feeling a cool breeze especially around your breast, only causing your nipples to grow more. Something he clearly approved of because his cock started to twitch at the new sight that you were giving him.
Dabi took his cock in his hand, pumped it a few times before ligning it up with your open mouth. 
“Tongue,” he demanded and you pushed your tongue out, letting him put his dick it. He let it rest there for a moment before pushing inside of you slowly and you closed your lips around him.
“Hm, that’s good,” he said with a low moan falling from his lips and you got to work. After all this time you had figured out what he liked, figured out how to be careful of his piercing in your throat so you didn’t hurt yourself or him.
You shifted a little in the tub, trying to take him deeper and reaching forward to fondle his balls.
He let out a choked gasp and leaned forward, hands resting against the tiled wall of your bathroom while he tried to hold himself steady. For some reason it made you proud that you could do this to him because he always did way worse to you.
Wet sounds were filling the bathroom,  sounds of the water splashing a little as you were moving around and sounds of your lips and tongue swirling around his cock, making him moan from time to time.
But suddenly he grabbed the back of your head without a warning and pushed his dick deep inside of you. 
“C’mon, be a good doll and choke on it.” His words were ringing in your ears when he was hitting the back of your throat, tears gathering in your eyes and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“Don’t be dumb, you have a nose for a reason,” he reminded you and you tried to breath through your nose before he pulled back out almost completely, only to push forward with more force and there was nothing you could do against it. You simply took his dick as far in as you could, opening your jaw to its maximum and yet, it still felt like it wasn’t enough.
He did this a few times and after one more big push and his tip once again tickling the back of your throat you felt his hot semen spilling down your throat and you were struggling not to choke. 
When he pulled out you were coughing, trying to catch a breath, some of his cum still on your lips.
You heard how he started to hum when he picked his pants back up and you looked at him with widened eyes.
His eyes landed on you once again as he was about to close his belt. “I really like this sight of you, you know. Wet, messy, my cum still on your lips.” He chuckled, more to himself than to you. 
The black haired man noticed the look on your face and he tilted his head a little to the side. “Hm? You want to say something?”
Obviously but you couldn’t. Your throat was still burning from the ruthless attacks only seconds before and you were trying to catch a breath to even form a sentence.
“I thought-” you started but had to stop, swallowing hard. He was once again just standing in front of the tub, looking down at you with that cold look of his. “I thought you’d...give me release.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me to go, princess? Because it really sounded like you wanted to get rid of me when I arrived.” He tried to hide his grin but you saw the edges of his mouth twitching, the staples moving ever so slightly, giving him away. Not that he would mind. He knew exactly that you were at his mercy and he knew that you knew.
“Gods, I ha-” Once again you stopped midway when you saw how his eyes darkened and you swallowed the rest of the sentence. “Can you please not go?”
“That doesn’t sound really convincing, maybe try again?”  He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze fixed on you and it almost felt like he was trying to drill a hole in you with his look.
You took a deep breath. “Can you please stay and...fuck me?”
“Are you begging for my cock, doll?” Dabi asked and started to smirk again.
You hated this, him, you.
“Yes, please fuck me with your cock. I need it,” you said without thinking. You were tired of thinking, tired of fighting this. It had been a lost fight from the beginning, you knew this and even worse, he knew this too. 
“My, why didn’t you say this sooner?” he replied with a chuckle and looked almost a little too gleefully for a second. “Up.”
“Up?” you repeated his words back at him and looked at him confused.
“Out of the tub, doll. You’ll get all wrinkly otherwise and as much as I’d love to leave bruises on you, I’m not interested in having them on myself. Meet me in the living room.” With that he left the bathroom so casually as if he would live here. As if he wasn’t a dangerous villain.
You got out of the bathtub, legs a little weak. You used your towel to dry yourself and thought about putting on clothes for a moment. That would be the perfect time to get back on track, to gather your things and get out. He was distracted and you would have your chance to get away from him.
Only problem, you didn’t want to. The pull was too strong. It was something feral that was boiling in your stomach, something raw that you couldn’t stop.
Your clothes were ignored and forgotten as you made your way over to the living room. Only dimmed lights were on and you saw how the balcony door was opened a bit, letting cool air inside.
It made you shiver so you wrapped the arms around yourself.
“Cold?” he asked and you spotted him in one of the dark corners. “I actually appreciate the look.” 
Dabi walked towards you and pinched both of your nipples at the same time, already hard from the cold and now even harder. Arousal was building up between your legs again.
It felt quite humiliating to stand in front of him like this, naked in dimmed light. If your neighbors would look carefully they might even spot what was going on through the big windows of your living room.
Normally you only had quick fucks with clothes on, simply pushed down to the knees and ankles, him forcing himself inside of you, trying to get as much out of the little time you had together.
But this? This was different. You didn’t just have fifteen minutes, you probably had at least two hours or however long it would take for your roommate to return. A lot of things could happen during this time.
You felt the heat radiating from his body, standing so close to you but he was fully dressed and not naked.
“Tell me again, doll. What is it you want from me?” You weren’t sure if he just loved his own voice so much or if he only wanted to hear you say filthy things. Maybe a bit of both.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to clear your brain. Thinking wouldn’t help now. You just had to give in to your urges. Forget who he was, who you were.
“I want you to fuck me,” you replied after opening your eyes and he took a step forward, causing you to take a step backwards out of instinct. One more time, two more times, wall behind you.
The cool wall was not really comfortable against your back but the heat in front of you was close to burning your skin. You wondered if he had activated his quirk without the flames to cause this heat or if it was just your body reacting to him.
“Are you sure you can handle it, doll? It won’t be like the other times. We’ve got time. I’m going to split you apart and make you mine, there’s nothing to stop me this time,” he growled, his voice so deep and dripping with lust.
He put his hands next to your head, trapping you with his whole body. It sounded almost like he was asking for your consent, not something he would normally do. He liked to take the things he wanted.
“What if I say no?” you blurted out, surprised at the words leaving you but the curiosity was too strong. Curiosity also killed the cat.
He grabbed your chin with his right hand and forced you to look him deep in the eyes.
“Can you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and his blue eyes looked at you so intensely that it felt like he was looking directly into your soul. As if he could see that you would not refuse, could not refuse.
“Please use me.” You didn’t directly reply to his question but your words were enough of an answer.
Without wasting another moment he pressed his lips against yours. You felt relief and your body relaxed, even more so when you opened your mouth and let him in. He always kissed like he was a dying man and maybe he was. You didn’t know, wouldn’t know if you asked him. It was not your place to know.
His hands started to wander over your naked body, groping your breasts, then down to your ass, fingertips running through the slit of your ass before grabbing your cheeks and hoisting you up, pressing you more against the wall, all of it without breaking the kiss.
“You really are special, you know?” he said when he pulled away from the kiss and you tilted your head, asking what he meant without using words.
Dabi started to kiss along your neck, licking and sucking the soft skin there. “You’re so defiant, so rebellious whenever we fight and yet here you are, acting like my willing slut.”
He was right about this but you couldn’t explain it to him because you didn’t have an answer to yourself. You knew it was wrong and yet, you still wanted him, all of him.
Thankfully he didn’t expect a reply to his words, not that you were able to answer the moment he bit down hard on the flesh of your neck, bruising and almost breaking the skin there.
The villain in front of you was marking you. Marking you as his and people would probably see the mark at some point, asking you questions and you had to make up a stupid excuse. You couldn’t tell anyone the truth.
Your legs were wrapped around his middle and you could feel his cock once again straining against the fabric of his pants, pressing against your center, begging to be freed.
Dabi growled against the wounded skin on your neck, a feral sound that left his throat and you felt how his hands got hotter while holding your ass. You tried to ignore the pain that was slowly growing stronger and suddenly, it stopped.
He lifted his head from your neck to look at you and you leaned forward into another kiss, wrapping your arms around him.
The black haired man started to move with you in his arms, carrying you across the living room before dropping you without a warning, turning you around and pressing you against the window next to the broken balcony door.
You only had a moment to prevent being pressed completely against the glass, hands in front of you.
“That’s not how we play, doll”, he said, followed by a disapproving ‘tsk’ and he took your wrists, pulled them towards him and put them on your back so you were completely pressed against the cold glass in front of you.
Thankfully it was rather dark in your room but you were sure if some people from the apartment block over there or even just from the street, they would be able to spot you.
You felt humiliated once again, pressed against the window with your cheek , nipples on display for everyone.
“Imagine all those people being able to see you now,” he said with a dark chuckle behind you, hands grabbing your ass before pressing his chest against your back, towering over you and also getting a good look on the street below you. 
You were pretty high up here but not high enough to not get noticed. 
He slipped a hand to the front and ran his fingers through your folds. “Looks like that turns you on.”
You were almost embarrassed with how wet the thought made you. You didn’t want it to happen and yet, when he was saying those things to you, you couldn’t stop being aroused by that.
Dabi lifted his wet finger to your face and used his free hand to grab your hair to pull you back a little. Even though your hands were not held in place anymore now, you let them rest at your back, they were still trapped with his body anyway.
He lifted your face and held his wet finger in front of you. “Lick.”
Without another thought you opened your mouth to let your tongue swirl around his long finger, licking your own juice off of him.
You felt filthy and used but loved every second of it.
He let go of your hair and you put your face back against the glass, letting the cold glass cool you down for a moment before he grabbed your hips and pulled you back roughly. This time you had to use your hands to brace yourself against the window or you would have fallen over.
You felt the tip of his cock dancing around your entrance and you hadn’t even noticed that he had taken off his pants once again. God, you were really dazed with lust and need if you couldn’t even notice this. So much for not letting your guard down around a villain.
Without a warning he pushed deep inside of you, making you scream in surprise and you had to bite down hard on your bottom lip to stop yourself. The balcony door was broken and open after all, they would not only be able to see but also to hear you.
“You feel so good, doll. My cock buried deep inside of you. Is that what you wanted?” You felt his piercing rub against your most sensitive spot inside of you and you moaned, nodding slightly.
“Yes, it feels so good,” you replied, trying to keep your voice down, afraid you might give someone outside a clue about what was going on in here.
Dabi started to pull out and push back in, first with a slow rhythm, actually giving you time to get used to his thickness, time you normally never had. During your usual encounters he would leave you split open and with a burning. Not that he cared. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but it made you remember him for days afterwards.
This time was different. He let you adjust, giving you time and you wondered what plans he had in that sick mind of his.
Your hands started to get sweaty against the glass, slipping down millimeters from time to time whenever he pulled out of you and pushed back in.
It didn’t take long for his rhythm to get faster and all you could do was moan and take him. With every thrust he hit the right places, his hands gripping your waist tightly, fingernails digging into your skin.
Soon enough you could only hear the slapping noises of skin meeting skin, his balls hitting against your from behind.
Suddenly a loud slap rang into your ears and the pain came only a moment later. It wasn’t the normal pain of getting spanked, it burned. 
You gasped in surprise and saw blue flames from the corner of your eyes when you turned your head around.
“Don’t hold back with me, princess. I want to hear those moans.” It wasn’t a request or a reminder, it was a threat, the blue flames speaking for themselves. 
You hated yourself for actually liking it.
When he pushed deep inside of you with the next thrust you let out the moan he wanted to hear, trying to forget that you were right in front of a window, that the door was open, trying to forget everything but him and how he made you feel.
“That’s it. Stop thinking. I’m the only important thing that exists for you, my little doll.”
You repeated his words in your mind over and over again, letting him fuck you hard from behind, letting him take control over you. It felt good to let go for once.
Your mind was taken back to reality when you felt how he started to massage your butthole from behind.
Once again you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your gaze meeting his and he started to grin. His thrusts had become a little slower while he kept rubbing soft circles around the sensitive skin of your back entrance.
“What are you-” you didn’t get to finish the sentence when he started to slowly press a wet finger inside. You weren’t sure if it was your own wetness or just spit.
“I told you to stop thinking. Are you deaf or just a brat?” He sounded way more aggressive but even this tone sent more arousal down your core and you felt yourself getting even wetter. Something he must have felt too with his cock buried so deep inside of you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled and he nodded, pushing the finger inside deeper. It burned but not as much as your cheek that he had slapped moments before. It was a different kind of burn.
“I can actually feel my cock from here,” he said with a chuckle and wiggled his finger inside your back entrance, causing you to moan loudly. It was a completely new sensation for you. You had done it yourself before but this...this was different.
You closed your eyes and your legs started to get weak when he picked up the pace again, one finger buried deep inside your ass. The whole feeling had shifted, the penetration felt completely different now and you were barely able to handle it. He was really fucking you stupid at this point.
When he added a second finger you moaned loudly, not sure if it felt good or if it was just discomfort, you weren’t sure of anything anymore at this point.
His hips snapped at you roughly and you could feel wetness running down the insides of your thigh.
“You sound so sweet when you take all of me.” He sounded so amused, knowing he had you at his mercy, there was nothing you could do at this point. “But I want more. You better not resist or it will hurt.”
Without having the chance to even process what he said he pulled out of you, leaving you to feel horrible empty. You started to whine, almost desperate noises leaving your mouth and when you tried to look back you felt it.
His wet tip at your ass as he started to push it in. You wanted to protest, wanted to say something but you tried to focus on relaxing so it wouldn’t hurt.
It hurt anyway, his thickness was too much for you.
You were a sobbing mess by the time he had all of himself buried inside of you, his piercing rubbing against you on a whole other level now.
Tears were in your eyes but to your surprise, he didn’t move. Let you adjust once more.
“Good girl,” he replied and stroked your back. It was actually comforting, something you had never felt with him before.
When you sobbed once again he slapped your ass hard, only making you whine louder.
“Don’t be like that now. I’ve told you I’d split you apart. You gave yourself willingly to me,” he said with a slight edge in his voice. He was right, of course, you just didn’t expect it to be like that. 
He was rough and yet gentle. He made you sob and moan at the same time. You wanted this, you had agreed to this and after a long moment of silence and adjusting, it actually started to feel good.
Dabi must have felt how your tights rings started to relax around himself because he patted your cheek he had slapped before almost gently.
“See, not too bad. Better brace yourself.” He pulled out of you slowly only to slam it back inside and your body surged forward, pressing back against the window, your hands stopping the collison.
“Well, actually,” he started again and grabbed your wrists again, pulling them to himself once more and pinning them on your back like before.
Once again your face was pressed against the window, your back was arching so far back it almost hurt but the feeling of satisfaction that was soon added to your rollercoaster of emotion was overshadowing everything.
The way he was buried deep in your ass and kept fucking you hard from behind felt so good, made you feel alive, made you forget the world around you.
“You’re such a willing slut if you want to be. Not a single thought in that mind of yours right now, pressed against the window with no care in the world if anyone sees you now or not,” he said and watched you in your state. You almost felt high from the feeling, his grip on your wrists was strong, his words were dripping sex to you in this moment.
“Do you want to be seen by people, doll?” he asked and you swallowed, trying to form a thought to answer his question.
“I don’t care, just fuck me. Fuck me hard.” Your reply was music to his ears and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
His hips started to snap against your behind, his dick going outside and back inside almost forcefully. You moaned loudly now, not holding back anything anymore. It felt too good, everything had become such a haze. 
You had never felt this way with anyone before and you knew that was his way to make you his, to claim you, to make you come back for more.
You knew you would.
He reached forward with a hand and pinched your clit for a moment before letting it wander towards your breast, stroking them for a moment until his hand closed around your throat.
You swallowed hard and he growled behind you.
“Stop being scared, it’s annoying.” To emphasize his words he gave you another, single hard thrust that made you squeal, a sound he could feel against his hand that was comfortably wrapped around your throat.
“You’ve been so good, don’t ruin it now,” he mumbled and you barely heard it between your moans and the sound of wet skin.
Your body was sweating already and you could barely breathe, even less with his hand wrapped around you.
Dabi suddenly pulled you back, making you choke briefly with his hand. The angle of his cock changed and without even realizing it, your tight rings clamped down around him and you came, wetness coming out of you and running down your thighs.
“Anal orgasm, hm? Never seen that before,” he chuckled and sounded almost proud but you weren’t sure if he was proud of you or himself.
You felt his cock twitch when you were clamping around him and he already sounded out of breath with every word that left his mouth.
“I’m close, doll.” At least one warning this evening but the tone in his voice told you he wanted something. You knew exactly what it was.
“Please, come in my ass. Claim it, it’s yours,” you moaned out between sobs and quick breaths, breaths you weren’t able to take anymore when his hand tightened around your neck, pressing yourself back roughly against him.
You felt dizzy when you felt his cum seeping inside of you. It was still so much even after you had swallowed quite a bit before.
Your insides became hot when he painted you with his cum and you whined, trying to catch a breath but he didn’t let you.
Only when the world started to spin and became slightly black at the corners of your eyes did he let go of your throat and you immediately took a deep breath.
“Don’t pass out on me now, princess.”
Your chest was heaving and you tried to get as much air in your lungs as you could. He pushed you forward slightly and pulled out of you.
Your own wetness was running down the insides of your thighs while his cum came out of your other entrance.
He chuckled slightly and slapped your ass, something that made you realize how weak your legs actually were. You were about to meet the floor but he caught you without any effort.
“Got you better than expected,” he told you with a grin that you didn’t see but heard.
Dabi lifted you up and carried you over to the couch, putting you down on your stomach. When he wanted to turn around he stopped you.
“Stay. I want my cum to stay in your ass, just as a reminder,” he said with a cheeky wink and you felt exhaustion washing over your body.
For a moment he vanished from your sight and returned fully clothed to your sight. He crouched down in front of you and pushed some hair out of your tired face.
“Cat got your tongue again?” he asked, trying to provoke you into saying something stupid as you always did.
“Shut up,” you mumbled weakly and he laughed at your weak attempt. A dark laugh but different than before.
You wanted to say so much more, so slap him for making you almost pass out, yelling at him for being so rough but you just couldn’t. Your body and your mind were tired and you didn’t have the energy to fight it. That would have to wait until your next meeting.
“Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out. I’ll even use the front door this time.”
You just hummed in approval, hoping he wouldn’t seal anything on the way out. Tiredness was coming over you and you barely felt how he threw a blanket over your naked body before you fell asleep.
“I’m back,” you heard the familiar voice of your roommate while you slowly woke up from your slumber.
You smiled slightly when waking up, a yawn leaving your mouth when he started to turn around on the couch.
It took you way too long to realize where you were and why you were there.
Still naked on the couch, covered only with a blanket with Dabi’s cum in your ass. Balcony door still melted, imprints of sweat against the window next to it, and the bathtub was still filled.
Your roommate walked into the living room and turned the light on maximum from it’s dimmed state.
“Date was okay but I don’t think she is the girl for me,” the young man you shared your flat with replied and he was looking at your widened eyes.
He squinted his eyes at you and took in the surroundings. He wasn’t stupid. He would know. The state you were in would give it away if not anything else.
The small grin tugging at the edges of his lips told you that he knew.
“Looks like someone had fun on their own while I was gone. Please clean that up tomorrow, I don’t want to sit on any bodily fluids,” he replied and waved with his hand, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“Of course,” you replied, still tired. All you wanted was for him to go to his room so you could either fall back asleep on the couch or make it to your bedroom. When you shifted on the couch, it was clear that you would go nowhere. Everything hurt and your legs were still weak.
Suddenly his two colored hair peaked back out around the corner, followed by his face and he grinned at you again.
“Actually, I’m quite jealous. I wish my date would have gone that way,” he told you with that bright grin of his and you threw a pillow after him.
“Go to bed or I’ll give you a scar that matches your other one!”
You only heard the young man laugh as he made his way down the hallway and you waited until you heard the telltale sound of his bedroom door close.
Once again you shook his head, mind filled with Dabi as you fell back into a deep slumber.
It was only the next morning that you noticed all the hickeys on your neck and the imprint of his hand on your ass that he burned in on there. It wouldn’t be permanent but it would for sure be there for a few days.
'Cause I'm a sucker, I'll do 'bout anything
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clouddd-hannn · 3 years
It Was The Costume Part 1
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COUPLE: Kang Yeosang x M!Reader
GENRE: Smut and Slight Angst and Fluff
WARNINGS: Degradation, master kink, crossdressing, dumbification, slutshaming(in a good way(?)), breeding kink(?) and other kinks
SUMMARY: You were convinced by your friends to crossdress at a party, eventually getting fucked by a random stranger.
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"Shit~" you moaned as you continued to ride a complete stranger who simply saved you from two brutes by acting as your boyfriend. "Master, your dick is so biig~ I love it when it hits my deepest inside. Fuck~."
"I know you do, M/N. Now, focus on riding Master's cock and make him cum. You don't get to cum until I tell you to. Got that, slut?" The stranger said as he gripped on your hips and pushed your bottom down further, making you jolt in surprise as the tip of the other's cock brushed against your prostate, your pre-cum staining the inside of your own white skirt.
How the hell did you and this complete stranger even meet you all ask? Well, let's start from the beginning.
"M/N, c'mon. You have to get laid before you turn 21," Seungmin, your best friend and roommate, stated as he slumped down on his own bed. You just shrugged as you chuckled at Seungmin's statement, finding it rather ridiculous. "I'm not joking here, M/N."
You muttered a small 'yes' as you managed to complete a game of Solitaire on your phone then sat up, looking at Seungmin with a small smile. "I don't need to get laid just 'cause I'm getting older. The time will come and I don't need to hurry it. Besides, I'm not that much of a 'sex' person. Heck, no ones ever showed interest in me back when I was still in high school."
"Dude, you're already in art school," Seungmin said before he thought of a bright idea and snapped his fingers as he looked at you with a suspicious smile. "What time is it?"
"I don't like that look, Seungmin," you stated as you shook your head and looked at your phone's clock anyway. "It's a quarter to seven pm. Why?"
"Get up and come with me. We're going to Felix's," Seungmin stated as he stood up and grabbed you by your arm before dragging you towards your shared room's door. "I won't even accept 'no' as an answer so you have no choice but to come with me."
You just rolled your eyes with a smile before grabbing your room keys. "What are we supposed to do there? Drink some tea?" You asked as you both exited your room and locked the door behind you. "Felix is probably with Chan, playing Uno. I'm betting Felix is gonna lose again this time."
"Nope. Felix is in his shared suite room with Jisung. Hurry up. Felix is waiting for us," Seungmin stated as he dragged you and ran towards Felix's suite room as fast as light that you could feel your energy drain already. Why is Felix even expecting us? You thought as you let the other drag you along. Seungmin just chuckled at your exhausted state as he stopped and knocked on the door. "Felix, Jisung. It's Seungmin and M/N."
Immediately, the door opened and you were honestly shocked when you saw the two dressed up in crop tops and skirts, heeled leg boots and silver earrings, black chokers and leather wrist gloves. "I love the outfit, really, but what is up with the get up?" You asked the two as you and Seungmin entered and sat down on Jisung's bed. "Is this a costume party? You could've told me so I could've came prepared."
"Oh no, M/N. This isn't a costume party. We are going to a party," Jisung stated as he smirked at you which made you raise a brow in suspicion. Is this what's all about? "C'mon, it's just for tonight. Don't be a party wacker."
"And then? Are you sure the security won't catch us?" You asked with a scoff as you crossed your arms and legs, as if to challenge the three. I mean, sure you'd love to go to a party. It would be the first time since you've been in college but the thought of having your name dirtied was holding you back especially with alcohol involved. "Pretty sure we will, no doubt."
"My baby Minho will be coming to get us, so get your ass here and get dressed," Jisung demanded in his usual attitude-like tone, making you flinch and gasp. You had no choice but to follow. These boys are sassy as hell and they'd get what they want, order you around if they had to. You don't even know how these three became your friends when you were the total opposite of these three guys.
"Get dressed? Do I have to change into something just for a party?" You asked as you walked towards the closet and began rummaging for stuffs but Seungmin stopped you. "What? I thought you said 'get dressed'?" You raised a brow as you looked at Seungmin, quoting Jisung's words.
"Yep, and you'll be getting dressed in these," Seungmin said as he offered you a pair of lingerie and a set of clothes. You widened your eyes and blushed. You were gonna dress just like Jisung and Felix, but unlike them, you had no experience with crossdressing. You looked at the three then back at the items. "Go on," he offered as you gulped and bit your bottom lip.
"I've never tried crossdressing before. I mean, I've thought of it but I've never ever tried doing it," you admitted as you looked at the stuffs being handed to you. Seungmin sighed and neared you as he smiled widely at you.
"M/N, it's time you experience something new than just focusing on your academics and that favorite Solitaire game of yours," he stated then held onto your shoulders. "We've got you, okay?"
"Yeah," both Jisung and Felix muttered as they looked through some wigs.
You sighed as you got the items and entered the bathroom. Was this necessary? You just chuckled as you stripped yourself off of your clothes and undergarments. Then, you looked at the pink lingerie that was on top of the bathroom sink's countertop. "How do you even wear this thing?" You mumbled as you took the bralette and panties, managing to put it on successfully after how many attempts.
Then, you wore the clothes that was offered to you, having a hard time wearing the thigh high net stockings that were given to you. Currently, you were wearing a rainbow themed crop top that fully complimented the creamy white skirt you wore. Then, you were wearing net stockings that had rings on the front of it.
After you were done, you walked outside and adjusted your skirt since it was a bit short to your liking. "Hey, guys? Did I wear this right?" You asked then looked at the three guys who were staring at you with sparkling eyes. "Uhm.."
"You look gorgeous!"
"Undeniably beautiful."
You just blushed at the compliments as you looked down at your feet. "So, what about my footwear?"
Jisung, who was already wearing a wig that looked natural on him, opened his closet and took out a pair of platform boots that, you estimated, stopped just above your ankles. You took it from him and then wore it after Jisung's instructions. "You look ravishingly hot and seductive, M/N. There is no doubt that people will come swarming in to know your name."
You nodded with a chuckle as you got up and, yet again, adjusted the skirt you were wearing. Felix noticed so he immediately pointed it out. "Oh? Is the skirt too short for you, honey? We can change it for you, if you want."
"Huh? Oh, no. It's fine. It's just my first time wearing one and all, but I'll manage it," you answered with a genuine smile before your eyes traveled towards Jisung's hand that was holding a makeup kit. "Am I going to wear makeup, too?"
Jisung looked at you then inspected for a little while before shaking his head. "We want you to but if we put some makeup on you, I'm afraid you'll be stealing all the spotlight. 'Cause seriously, you look glowing with or without makeup. Just maybe wear a simple foundation then we're done," he answered as he placed a small amount of liquid foundation on your face and a little bit of gloss on your lips. "Done. Go to Felix."
You nodded then did as you were told, you looked at Seungmin who was still clothed in his own clothes and scrolling about on his feed. "Aren't you gonna change as well?" You asked as you looked at Seungmin with a raised brow.
"I would but I'm meeting Hyunjin there and we're gonna have a date. Besides, Hyunjin's an innocent bean. I don't want him to be overwhelmed by my own crossdressing kink," Seungmin answered with a wink, making you nod with a small 'ah'.
You smiled as you then moved towards Felix who was holding some wigs, even Felix himself was already wearing one. Then, he looked at you. "Wow, I've really outdone myself with your outfit. First question, brown, blonde, or black?"
"Nice choice. Blue, red, or pink."
"Good. Beret, headband, or hairbands?"
"I guess a peach beret would complement my outfit."
"You've got really good taste, M/N. Last question, bell or ring?"
You raised a brow. What's with the question? You thought before muttering a small 'bell', going for the first one since you had no idea what Felix was talking about for that last one.
Then, Felix got some stuffs from his walk-in closet (yes, they're suite room is that big). You waited a little bit before the other reappeared with a blonde wig, it's inside was dyed pink and a peach beret with two rings attached in it's side. "Wear the wig first. Here, I'll help you."
You nodded as you let Felix do his thing with the wig by turning you around. Then, he made you face him to adjust the wig and the bangs, making it look natural-looking on you. "These wigs look real. Where'd you get these wigs?"
"It's synthetic horse hair and of course, we only pick high quality wigs," Felix replied as he cut up the bangs and made it look more appealing and 'current'. After, he placed the beret on top of the wig, adjusting it to your taste. He, then, smiled as he backed away and stared at you. He gasped dramatically as he covered his mouth with his hands.
"What? What? Does it not fit me?" You asked anxiously, making Felix shake his head and wipe a fake tear.
"M/N, how come you've never tried crossdressing? You could've caught a lot of men already with that look! Seriously, if I were straight, I could've easily thought you were a girl. You're so going to be my model again next time," Felix stated as he hugged you. Then, he pulled away and took a choker with a bell on it, jingling it a little as he showed it to you. He placed it on your neck and then clapped his hands, adoring his masterpiece. "Perfect."
"Thanks, Felix. Now, let's go. Jisung and Seungmin might be waiting for us."
The four finally exited Jisung and Felix's shared suite room after a few more compliments from Jisung and Seungmin. You all silently walked towards the parking lot where Minho was waiting for you four.
"Hey, babe," Minho greeted Jisung with a kiss to his lips, making Jisung smile widely and hug him. Then, Minho widened his eyes as he looked over Jisung's shoulder, seeing you who was busy playing with the bell on your choker. "Who's she? A friend of yours?"
You looked up and saw Minho's eyes on you, meaning he was talking about you. You chuckled before shaking your head and offering your hand for Minho to shake. "My name's M/N. Hate to break it to ya, but I'm a male."
"Ah, right. I knew I could've noticed that adam's apple. Name's Minho, I'm Jisung's boyfriend. Anyway, let's all get in before security sees us. We're going to Hongjoong's house," Minho stated as he entered the car before opening the door for you four(prioritizng Jisung, of course).
"When we get there, we want you to know this," Jisung began as Minho started to drive off towards Hongjoong's house, which you still don't know where it exactly was.
"What?" You asked.
"Never reveal your true identity to a person. If he wants to have sex with you, deny it."
"What? What's the purpose of going—"
"Just promise us you won't M/N."
"Okay. I promise."
You stared at the house's exterior in awe. "Wow! This place is huge! It's like a whole ass hotel!" You exaggerated as you looked at the other four with a toothy grin, your friends was looking at you with a smile. The whole place was booming with DJ music and neon lights, some people were even by the porch drinking beer from their blue and red solo cups. "I don't regret coming here."
You stated with a small chuckle, before Seungmin was called by his boyfriend, Hyunjin. "Oops, I gotta go. Hyunjin's here. You all have fun, especially you, M/N. You have to let loose once in a while."
You just nodded as the four of you waved goodbye at Seungmin and Hyunjin. Then, you four finally walked towards the door and all eyes were on you, clearly uncomfortable by the attention you were receiving. "Is Changbin here?" Felix asked Minho who nodded, making the Aussie boy squeal as he hurriedly entered the house and ran to find Changbin with a loud 'Where are you, Changbinnie?'.
You, Jisung, and Minho both entered after you three were let in by the butler who kept staring at you to which whom you bowed to. "See? All eyes are on you. Now, go find someone and mingle while I go with Minho."
"What? You're leaving—" before you could finish your sentence, Minho and Jisung had finally walked away and went upstairs. "..me. Great, I regret saying I don't regret coming here. If only I had known I was gonna be left alone, I shouldn't have agreed," you fixed your hair(the wig) as you walked towards a rather empty place, placing some of your long blonde hair over your right shoulder while some were let down, swaying by the small of your back and exposing the pink strands that were hidden.
But I guess luck wasn't on your side when suddenly, two guys appeared in front of you, one had black hair while the other was a brunette, making you stop in your tracks. "Hey, miss muffet. Are you alone?" The guy with black hair asked as he eyed you up and down hungrily, as if a predator wanting to devour it's prey.
You quivered as you shook your head, unable to answer with words out of fear. "What's wrong, babe? Are you shy?"
"N-No, I'm not used to talking with strangers like you two. I have to go," you stated as you opted to go but the other two was persistent, making you stomp your foot and stare back at them with puffed cheeks. "I have to go, you bastards. Or I'll call my boyfriend!" You threatened but the two just laughed as they neared you and the brunette groped your ass, making you flinch and punch the guy on instinct. "Shit, I'm sorry. I was just—"
You were cut off when you were suddenly backhanded by the black haired guy, making you fall down on the ground, the bell on your choker ringing. You looked up at the ravenette who was now staring down at you in anger. "Fuck, now you're really getting on my nerves."
You looked at them in shock as you stood up and dusted your skirt, attempting to run away but you were met with a hard chest. "What the fuck?" The guy said.
Wanting to finally escape those two, you backed away and looked at the man. You were in awe at how handsome the man was with his dyed jet black hair and his white fitting tee that was hidden by his leather jacket, his tight pants, his tattooed hands, his silver earrings that dangled on his ears, and the red solo cup he was holding, the content now spilled on the floor.
You shook your head and did the first thing that came to your mind. "Baby, where have you been? I was scared. Those guys, they're harrassing me."
The man widened his eyes as he stared at you who immediately clung onto his arm. Then, the man looked at the two other men who was now quivering in fear. I mean, who wouldn't be scared of him?
This guy is infamously known as the 'person you don't ever want to mess with' after he had sent numerous amounts of people to the hospital just by kicking them by their ankle. Who is he? He's Kang Yeosang, the notorious brute who can beat anyone up into a pulp if he wanted to. "Really?"
"Yeah," you answered, making Yeosang stare at them with a raised brow. He held you protectively with one arm and glared at the ravenette and brunette, threatening them.
That one word was enough for them to finally run away, muttering small curses as they both fell down once in attempt to finally find a place that Yeosang's nowhere to be seen. He heard you sigh and watched as you looked back. "Are they gone?"
"Pretty sure they are," Yeosang answered as he looked down at you who pulled back and clutched on your rainbow crop top.
"Thank you so much, mister. I don't know what could've happened to me if I hadn't bumped into you. Are you here with someone?" You asked, to which Yeosang just shakes his head to.
"Yeah, but they're off somewhere," the guy answered as he threw his solo cup and used his handkerchief to wipe some of the alcohol away from his leather jacket.
"Well, as a thank you, I'll keep you company, since my friends left me and I'm all alone. Well, if you're okay with that," you offered.
"Sure," Yeosang answered. "You look really pretty by the way."
You chuckled as you jokingly punched Yeosang's arm. "Oh, you flirt. Thank you. This is actually my first time cro—uh—going to a club and my friends chose this outfit for me," you answered, almost revealing your true identity.
"Who were those two? Do you know them?" Yeosang asked you as he led you to one of the tables, letting you sit down in front of him. You shrugged before shaking your head.
"Nope. They just came up to me," you answered with a small scoff. "Probably asking for sex."
"What if I told you that I also want to have sex with you?" Yeosang asked blatantly as he placed his elbows on top of the table and placed his chin on his knuckles, staring at you intently, making you blush hard as you looked at him directly into his hypnotizing and mesmerizingly beautiful dark brown orbs. Lost in those ocean of brown eyes, you nodded.
"I-I don't mind," you answered absentmindedly as you watched Yeosang trudge towards your seat.
"What's your name, kitten?" Yeosang asked as he used his thumb and index to tilt your head by your chin.
"M-M/N," you stuttered but Yeosang seemed like he didn't care that it sounded like a male's name, nor your voice sounded like one.
"Why don't we go upstairs, kitten?" Yeosang suggested as he offered an open palm for you to hold onto. You nodded as you turned your head away and happily grabbed Yeosang's calloused and rough hands which perfectly fit in yours.
You two finally walked towards the stairs and were already halfway the stairs when you suddenly remembered your friends' reminder.
'Never reveal your true identity to a person. If he wants to have sex with you, deny it.'
Part 2
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
I missed you // Draco Malfoy
A/N: This was an anonymous request I received about 4 days ago. It took me a while to write it because school was A LOT this week and I’ve been so exhausted from trying to keep up with everything. I’ve also started trying to shift so if anyone has any tips on that, please let me know! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Draco and Y/N have mutually broken up and have started experimenting with other people. But it’s only a matter of time before Draco gets jealous.
Warning(s): Swearing
Word Count: 2.5k 
It was for the best. Wasn’t it? He didn’t love her anymore, and nor did she. That happens sometimes. People just fall out of love. It was mutual; there was no fight, nobody was angry. The relationship had run its course, no feed to fuss about it. Besides, it wouldn’t have made sense for them to remain, boyfriend and girlfriend, when they’d each lost feelings.
If all of that is true...then why does it hurt so much? Y/N wondered as she lay flat on her back, the bedsheets around her in disarray from all her tossing and turning. She knew there was no way she’d find sleep easily tonight, not after the breakup. She felt as if a piece of her had been forcefully ripped from her. But why? She had a hunch for almost an entire month that she’d lost feelings for Draco. Shouldn’t she have been prepared for the end? Alas, Y/N knew that completely preparing oneself for a breakup is an impossible feat. 
These thoughts swirled through her brain as she finally closed her eyes. She clutched the sheets in her palms, trying to ground herself. Her forehead was tense with wrinkles as she was already anticipating the nightmares. But nevertheless, after a few more minutes of restlessness, her body’s need for slumber overtook her.
When she awoke the next morning, she could practically feel the bags sitting under her eyes. She could only guess that her sleep had been plagued with nightmares as she was lucky enough not to have any recollection. Her head pounded as she sat up in her bed. Her roommate gave her a pitiful and knowing look. Y/N took in a deep breath and clambered out of bed.
It didn’t take her very long to get ready since she frankly didn’t care whether or not she looked presentable today. She made sure her teeth were brushed and that her tie was on correctly and walked out of the dorms. Truthfully, she knew she wasn’t very hungry, but people would ask questions if she missed breakfast. While walking to the Great Hall, she was startled by someone jumping right in front of her.
“Good morning!” George Weasley said. “Why the long face?”
Y/N gave him a weak smile and said, “I didn’t sleep well, that’s all.”
George looked skeptical but pushed no further. He fell into step beside her.
“Where’s Freddie?” she asked.
“Morning detention with Filch, he slipped a puking pastille into his drink.”
“You had nothing to do with it?” she asked, a doubtful smile on her lips.
George shrugged, smirking as he did so. “I have my ways,” he said while bumping her shoulder slightly. She looked up at him with a fake mean glare as they strode into the Great Hall. Y/N caught sight of Draco immediately. He was where he always sat in the morning. Usually, she would’ve made a beeline for the space next to him. Today, that spot was taken by Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl who had always taken a keen liking to Draco. Y/N stopped in her tracks and stared. Pansy was fawning over him, running her hands up his arms. Y/N felt anger begin to rise in her chest...but then she remembered. 
Shaking her head, she forced her feet to follow George to where he had sat down at the Gryffindor table. He was talking animatedly with his mates and didn’t notice Y/N standing behind him awkwardly while she tried to figure out whether or not she was wanted at the table; she was a Slytherin after all.
George eventually took notice of the presence behind him when his friend nodded his head towards her. “Y/N, did you want to sit? Thought you’d be with Malfoy. Has something happened?”
She sighed as she threw her leg over the bench and sat down. “Yeah, we broke up,” she said softly.
“Broke up? He didn’t do anything, did he?” George asked while turning to look at Draco.
“No, no. It was mutual. He didn’t do anything.”
“Good. Well, cheer up then. You’re a free woman now. The world is yours, right?” 
Y/N smiled at George. “Yeah, you’re right, it is. I don’t know why I’ve been sulking so much. I lost feelings, and so did he. Nothing more to it.”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit! Who needs Malfoy anyway?” George bellowed, successfully making Y/N giggle. She felt her stomach rumble. This surprised her; she didn’t expect to be in a good enough mood to be hungry. But the buttered rolls on the table now looked extremely appetizing.
{A few months later}
Draco paced back and forth in front of the mirror. He was nervous. In nearly twenty minutes, he’d be on his first date since breaking up with Y/N. He couldn’t believe he was really going on a date. With Pansy Parkinson, nonetheless. These past few months, she’d really grown on him. She was from a pureblood family, she was kind to him, and she was rather pretty. Draco knew his parents would love her. He could only hope he could grow to do the same.
He gathered his courage and left the bathroom. They had agreed to meet outside the potions classroom. It was an odd location, but Pansy suggested it, and Draco had no reason to object it. As he walked down the middle of the corridors, his mind began to race. What would she be wearing? Would she like him? Would they become boyfriend and girlfriend after this? Would Y/N find out? What would she think?
Draco’s face grew tense. What a silly thought to have. He wouldn’t actually date Pansy. And as for Y/N, he knew she wouldn’t care. She and George have had a thing for a few weeks now. They were always holding hands or sitting shoulder to shoulder, lovey-dovey stuff like that. He had even given her a kiss on the cheek. The image of it was burned into Draco’s memory.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Pansy outside the classroom. She had her back leaned against the wall. She donned a dark green dress that reached her mid-thigh. Her hair was wavy and fell over her bare shoulders. Draco exhaled sharply. He felt the anxiety in his stomach but was determined not to show it.
“You clean up nice, Parkinson,” he said cooly and confidently while nodding his chin towards her. 
Pansy rolled her eyes, “Thank you, Malfoy. You look handsome as well,” she said while scanning him up and down, her voice slow and sensual. Draco shifted his feet, feeling uncomfortable. “Shall we?” he asked. Pansy smirked and pushed off the wall and sauntered over to him. She reached for his hand and grasped it tightly in hers. Draco had to fight the internal instinct to wriggle his hand out of hers.
Just as they were about to go, they heard a noise from behind them. They turned around saw none other than Y/N, her arms full of potion ingredients and notebooks. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Stealing potion ingredients, Y/N?” Pansy asked with a knowing smirk on her face.
Y/N’s eyes shifted back and forth between the pair. When her eyes landed on their interlocked fingers, she straightened her spine and frowned. “You know perfectly well that we have a section that’s open to students. And it’s none of your business anyway,” she spat.
But Pansy was unfazed. “Lavender, Flobberworm mucus, and valerian sprigs. What’s wrong, Y/N? Can’t fall asleep? Oh no, don’t tell me you get nightmares,” Pansy taunted, using a voice one might use when speaking to a baby or a dog.
Draco watched as Y/N’s face turned red. He knew she’d always struggled with nightmares and would often have to make herself a sleeping draught potion to be able to get some genuine rest. As he looked at the ingredients in her hands, he noticed she was short on a few of them.
“You don’t have enough,” he said without thinking. Both girls’ eyes turned to him. He ignored Pansy’s and instead focused on Y/N’s.
She waited a few beats before replying, “Snape has stopped refilling the supply. He said I need to stop relying on it so much,” she muttered. Her head had turned away from the couple. Draco’s eyebrows knitted together. When did she become so dependent on those potions? While they were together, she’d only need it maybe once every few weeks.
He didn’t have time to wonder about it any further. Pansy had begun walking and dragged Draco with her. Leaving Y/N alone in the cold dungeons, watching them go.
Draco stared through the leaves of the tree he lied underneath. Classes were over, and he was relaxing before Crabbe and Goyle were bound to come and bother him. The week had dragged on for what seemed like years. Frankly, he was ready to crawl into bed and sleep the next few days away, but he had already made plans for the weekend. 
He allowed his eyes to close, and the stress from the week began to leave his body. But his peacefulness was short-lived. Loud cheers made their way to his ears. He sat up angrily, ready to hex whoever decided to irritate him. However, all that frustration dissipated when he saw what people were cheering for. When he saw it, time seemed to stop.
George was holding Y/N in his arms, she was parallel with the ground, and her lips were pressed against his. He was kissing her passionately while her hands gripped his shirt collar.
Draco felt his heart sink. The only word running through his brain was “no.” No, no, no, no. After he watched the scene in front of him for nearly a minute, he decided he couldn’t stand it any longer. He jumped to his feet and stomped out of the courtyard, passing Pansy as he did so.
“Draco, what’s wrong? What’s happened?” she asked, her face was strewn up in confusion as to why Draco’s shoulders were heaving. 
“Not now, Parkinson,” Draco snapped.
“But Draco—”
“Shut up! Merlin, do you ever shut that trap of yours?” he shouted at her. Her eyes widened in shock, but Draco paid her no mind. He was halfway down the corridor when he thought better of himself and turned around. Rage overtook his body as he stormed back into the open courtyard and headed right for George and Y/N. They noticed him coming towards them and took a few steps back. George took Y/N’s hand and pulled her behind him.
“What d’you want Malfoy?” 
“Move, Weaslebee, I’m not here for you.”
George pursed his lips and withdrew his wand. He was intent on not letting Malfoy come any closer to the girl behind him. “If you’re here for her, you’re not getting her.”
Draco clenched his fists and also withdrew his wand. He aimed it straight at George’s face. “Move,” he demanded.
George widened his stance and raised his wand towards the blonde boy. “No,” he said firmly.
Draco inhaled and opened his mouth, but before he could hex George, a golden light shot towards Draco’s hand, and suddenly his wand was thirty feet across the yard.
Y/N emerged from behind George. Her wand was clutched in her palm. “There’s no need to fight. I can decide whether I want to speak with someone, and I certainly don’t need protection. So if you’ll excuse me, it’s obvious that Draco and I need to have a chat.”
She didn’t waste a moment; she began to make her way towards the exit. Draco quickly came to his senses and went to fetch his wand before hurrying after her.
He followed her through many hallways before she stopped outside the Slytherin dorms. “Salazar,” she muttered. The walls opened up before her, and she and Draco walked down the stairs into the eerie common room.
Y/N took a seat at the couch on the left of the fireplace. It was the couch they’d use to cuddle on after a long day. It felt weird to sit on it now since they both sat on opposite ends.
“Let’s not waste time,” she said, “you’re obviously upset. Care to tell me why?”
Draco scoffed and threw his arm over the back of the leather sofa. “Weasley, huh?”
“Draco, don’t be a git. We’ve been broken up for months. I’m allowed to see other people, aren’t I? I mean, you went on a date with Pansy.”
He shook his head vehemently and shifted in his seat. He couldn’t sit still, he was so angry.
“Speak, Draco. You know we can’t work any of our issues out if you don’t speak,” Y/N reminded him.
He let out an angry sigh and turned to face his ex-girlfriend. He had expected her to look just as mad as him, but instead, her eyes were filled with worry and concern. Her hand was pressed into the couch, and her body was slightly leaning forward. Draco felt the fire within his chest begin to die. He took another breath before talking.
“I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it, Y/N. Seeing you with someone else fucking kills me. It makes me so angry. When he kissed you, I… I forgot how to breathe. It was like a dementor had come and sucked all the happiness from my veins. I was infuriated, not just at him but at myself. How could I let someone else hold you?”
Y/N stared at him with soft, gentle eyes. Slowly, she reached for his rigid fist that was resting on his lap. She took it into her hands and felt the tension leave. She had always had that effect on Draco. Her touch was able to calm his stiffness with ease.
“What am I saying?” Draco wondered out loud as he shamefully wiped a tear from his cheek, “you’re not mine anymore. I know that, and yet…” he trailed off.
“Then make me yours again,” Y/N whispered.
Draco’s head whipped towards her. He saw a look of nervousness on her face. Steadily, he took her head into his hands. He moved his head slightly below hers, forcing her to look into his eyes.
“Do you mean that?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Almost as if he was afraid to ask.
Y/N nodded her head, “I do. God, I do. It’s always been you, Draco. I’m so sorry—” She was cut off by Draco pulling her in for a kiss. Y/N felt herself melt into his embrace; she felt at home again. 
He pulled away to catch his breath. “I’m sorry too. I never stopped loving you. I know that now. Please, let me be yours again.” 
Y/N smiled, “I missed you, Malfoy,” she said with a small chuckle. Draco felt a grin spread on his face, and he dove back in for another kiss. 
“I missed you more. Don’t you ever let me walk away from you again, you hear?” Draco asked playfully. Y/N laughed and gave him a quick peck on the nose.
“I solemnly swear,” she said in a fake deep voice while trying not to giggle. Draco rolled his eyes and tackled her onto the couch, causing her to squeal happily. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, vowing to himself to never let go of her again.
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It's simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if...Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
"A future without you is a world without color."
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Note: I just wanna dedicate this chapter to @jooniebugg coz your feedback in Your Eyes Tell (09) is <333 and it inspired me to write chapter 10! some lines in this update is my response to your comment heheh :*
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You were not in trouble, but Jeongguk was.
"Guk," Jimin let out a breath as he closed his eyes. "Slow down, okay? I can't understand what you're saying."
But Jeongguk couldn't do it. He was sobbing uncontrollably that Jimin literally had to tell him to breathe.
Jeongguk tried to follow the instruction of his best friend's boyfriend. Breathe. It should be easy, right? He only needed to stop thinking about you in able to breathe properly.
Unfortunately, it was difficult to get you out of his mind.
"You good?"
Your soulmate nodded even though Jimin couldn't see his face. They're currently talking over the phone. Jimin called him after finding out what happened during the trial.
It was all over the news. Countless of articles were published online. Most of them were unreliable and full of speculations.
Jimin gave up after reading one sentence. He knew he had to call you to know the truth—or at least the fragments of truth. Jimin wasn't really interested in the case; he was only interested to know what was up with you.
Were you alright?
Jimin found some of your decisions in life questionable, yet he didn't say anything. He remained tight-lipped when you told him about your entangled fate not only with Jeongguk, but also with your assistant and client.
Just like your soulmate, Jimin could not understand why you were trying to defend Kim Seokjin. Their reason was different though. Jeongguk's thoughts were selfish. Jimin, on the contrary, was plain curious.
Why were you so invested in this case?
Was it because of your stubborn nature? Jimin knew that once you set your mind into something, you wouldn't stop until you won.
Jimin only learned to accept your competitive side when he realized that you were raised this way.
You didn't choose to be like this. You were actually forced to be like this. This being the case, Jimin was only able to release an exhausted breath after Jeongguk told him what happened in the courtroom.
Some might say that you pushed too hard, but this didn't give Mrs. Kim the right to hurt you.
"It's my fault, hyung. I wasn't there to protect her." Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek.
It had been an hour since you locked yourself in your room and Jeongguk wasn't sure whether to comfort you or to just leave you alone.
It felt like you preferred the latter option. Jimin told your soulmate that you weren't answering your phone, an obvious indication that you didn't want to talk to anyone. This was also the reason why Jimin decided to just call Jeongguk to know if you were okay.
You weren't.
It was weird, but Jeongguk was positive he could feel your heart breaking. If this was any other day, he was sure that he would simply ignore this, but something definitely changed. Jeongguk didn't know why, but he had this intense urge to embrace you—to make you feel better.
"But you can protect her now, Guk. It will be hard, but please..." Jimin begged your soulmate. He didn't want to burden Jeongguk; however, the latter was the only person who could comfort you right now.
As much as Jimin wanted to embrace you, he couldn't. He was in Busan, his hometown, at the moment. Jimin was processing some important documents because he's planning to ask Taehyung to marry him.
"W-What can I do to make her feel better?" Jeongguk stammered. He's nervous, but he's decided. He couldn't let you go through this alone. It hadn't even been a day, yet he already missed your goofy side.
"You're a smart boy, Jeon. You'll figure out what she wants."
What do you want?
Jeongguk's heart was recoiling once again. He realized that he never knew what you wanted since you were always catering what others wanted.
You were a people pleaser.
"But if nothing works, just call her parents." This was Jimin's last reminder before ending the call.
Your soulmate didn't understand why Jimin thought it would be a good idea to call your parents. Jeongguk was pretty sure he could bring the smile back on your face without the help of anyone. He just needed to make sure you were not in some kind trouble first.
Jeongguk opened your laptop to send an email to your boss and other clients, telling them that you were taking a break from work.
Jeongguk was tired by the end of the week. Jimin was right. It was difficult to help you get back on your feet, mainly because you weren't trying.
You stayed in bed most of the time, you barely touched your food, and he felt like you didn't even want to live.
You looked so unmotivated that in the end, Jeongguk decided to just message your parents and invite them to your apartment—this was the reason why he was in trouble.
"You can't just do this without consulting me, Jeongguk."
His scowl deepened when you called him using his given name. You only did this when you were serious or mad. In this case, he figured out that you were mad—or at least he thought you were mad. Your voice was rough, similar to the tone you used when you were inside the courtroom.
Jeongguk was scared.
He was scared to upset you again.
"But Jimin-hyung told me to call your parents!" He reasoned out. Blaming your best friend was the only way Jeongguk could think of so that he could finally escape your piercing glare.
It worked.
Your expression softened a bit, though this didn't mean that he wasn't in trouble anymore.
"Jeongguk," this time your voice sounded tired.
"Y-Yes?" He pretended like he was busy sweeping the floor. Everything needed to be perfect because your parents would be here shortly.
You already accepted your tragic fate. It was decided. You were going to meet your mother and father today.
Damn it.
"Why did you block Hoseok's number?"
You saw how Jeongguk froze after hearing your question. No doubt, he was guilty.
"I-I didn't do it!" He lied.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"You're not a good liar..." Amusement was now dancing in your voice.
Jeongguk had been using your phone to respond to your prospective clients. These people just didn't know how to stop. They kept texting your personal number even though Jeongguk told them that you were on a leave.
Your phone didn't have a passcode that's why he was able to freely access it.
You didn't mind. In fact, you were grateful. He saved your career. If he didn't send a notice of leave to your boss, you were sure you're gonna get fired.
"I'm not lying!" His lips protruded into a sulky pout. "I didn't send those messages!"
"Huh." You arched your brow. "But I only asked why you blocked Hoseok. I didn't say you texted him using my number."
Jeongguk's eyes went wide.
He was instantly busted.
"H-He was spamming you with useless messages!"
"I don't think so," you shook your head as you read the conversation. His excuse just kept on getting worse.
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 "Wow. You're cold," you could imagine Hoseok's disbelief upon seeing the thumbs up emoji. It was actually apparent by your friend's response.
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 "Jeongguk..." You called his name again.
"What!?" Why was he getting annoyed?
"You don't want Hoseok to kiss me?"
Jeongguk looked like the emoji he sent to Hoseok.
"And why would I want that!?" His chest was heaving up and down. You couldn't see, but his face was as red as tomatoes.
You suddenly laughed, causing Jeongguk's heart to swell in joy. This was the first time he heard you laugh after weeks of getting used to your impassive face.
Were you finally moving on?
Jeongguk guessed you were. Your expression literally changed the moment your parents arrived.
You looked happy to see them—too happy that Jeongguk felt like he was only imagining your annoyed expression a short while ago.
Didn't you say you hated the fact that he invited your parents to your place?
You did say that. Unfortunately Jeongguk had no idea how much you hated talking to your mom.
You swore you loved her with all of your heart, though her principles were different from what you believed in. It was draining to pretend like you agree with her.
"So how's the case you've been handling, sweetheart?" Your mother's sweet smile made you cringe.
It hadn't been long since she pulled you inside your room to 'talk.'
Your parents had already met Jeongguk. As expected, they loved him. Your soulmate made it very easy to like him. Perhaps it was because of his eyes. Damn those big, doe eyes. It never failed to make your heart melt.
"Good." You walked towards your bedroom door. "Let's go back to the kitchen. I think Jeongguk prepared some desserts."
"Dessert could wait, dear." Your mom offered you another sickening smile. It was the kind of smile that told you to give up. She always had her way of making you follow what she wanted you to do.
"Come on, eomma." You laughed nervously as you told her that your soulmate was excited to let her try his yaksik, a popular dessert that your mom truly loved.
You didn't know how Jeongguk found out your mother's favorite dessert. You just knew that you were willing to eat dozens of yaksik just to get away from your mom. You didn't even care if your stomach was still full after eating the lunch your soulmate had cooked.
Your mom only shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't hear what you said.
"Tell me about the Kim's case." She demanded as she meticulously inspected your wardrobe.
Your heartbeat doubled.
It was easy to simply give into what she desired because you were certain that she wouldn't stop anyway.
Sadly you couldn't speak—not anymore. Not when you knew how all of this would go.
You wanted to move on from this nightmare on your own. All your life, you relied upon what your mother would say.
"You can't be sad over this. It's nothing compared to what I've been through!"
"Stop crying. You just think you're hurt. You're not."
"No. You can't. That shows weakness."
These were some of the things your mother would say whenever you encountered problems in life. She honed you to be this strong person who wasn't allowed to mope.
You remembered her telling you that it was insensitive of you to cry over little things when it was clear that so many people had it worse than you.
This was exactly why you didn't want to meet your mother today. She would force you to stop feeling bad about Seokjin's case since it was petty.
It was funny actually. People admired you for always ignoring the pain you felt.
You found this toxic. It felt like you were expected to be strong—making you feel like you should heal right away and not with your own pace. This was also the reason why you found it hard to open up to people, even if you were really close to that someone.
Your mother made you feel like there would always be some kind of adversary when it came to handling inconveniences in life. Sometimes you wished people would shut up and just listen. You didn't always need advice. What you wanted was for them to stop quantifying pain because people had different tolerance when it came to feeling what's painful and what's not.
"I think I lost," it took everything not to cry in front of her. At the end of the day, you were still afraid to be perceived as weak.
She had that much control over you.
"Why did you lose?" Her voice was stone cold.
Your response was automatic. You told her what happened during the trial in spite of telling yourself that you would never get swayed by her authoritarian nature anymore.
"You don’t have to answer. I know now why you lost." She crossed her arms as she shook her head at you.
"Didn't I tell you? You lost because you didn't acquire enough knowledge." She proceeded to tell you what you already knew.
Your mom always said that knowledge is power, but the word "knowledge" that was delicately tattooed on your Achilles heel said otherwise.
For you, knowledge is downfall. This was why you chose to have that word tattooed on your Achilles heel—a part of your body that symbolized fatal weakness.
You were working as an auditor before you decided to go to law school. You knew this field inside out and it came with a price. You helped a firm conceal fraudulent acts using your knowledge.
It was a dangerous thing. Your mom tolerated your unprofessionalism since she was a major stockholder in the said company. She actually pushed you to continue the misrepresentation; however, you were guilty.
You couldn't do it anymore. You couldn't use the power you acquired to fool people. Law school taught you to uphold justice, but you were blinded once again.
You failed to see the impact of your actions to Soobin, an innocent soul. Maybe your mother was right. You were bound to fail your law career. Maybe you should just go back to the corporate world and help billionaires to achieve their disgusting scheme.
"Sorry," you swallowed hard, looking straight into your mother's eyes. "I'll do better."
"You should be." She gritted her teeth as she continued to invalidate your emotions.
You wondered when the torture would stop. You just wanna lie in bed and sleep the pain away. Luckily Jeongguk came knocking on your door, saving you from your mother's poisonous words.
"Wait," Jeongguk stopped you from following your mom to the living room.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face; worry was evident in his eyes. You looked like you were in pain.
Did your mother say something to you? Jeongguk wondered.
"Nothing." But you brushed him off before he could ask.
Jeongguk pursed his lips into a thin line. He swore something was wrong, but he didn't want to push it since it was clear that you were not in the mood to talk about it.
But he couldn't stay still knowing that you were bothered. This being the case, he went out of his way just to make you smile.
Jeongguk was being such a good boy. He kept on praising you in front your parents. He was also respectful towards them. His jokes were appropriate and he smiled so kindly at them.
His lingering touch on your wrist, waist, and shoulders didn't go unnoticed by you. It was like he was guarding you from any possible danger.
"What do you think about this, my sweet daughter?" Your father showed you his artwork with a proud smile.
You chuckled.
Jeongguk was teaching your father how to draw.
"You did great, Appa!" You weren't lying. He had done a good job sketching The Hulk.
"Really? What about the color? Do you like it?"
You nodded eagerly. It wouldn't hurt to lie, right?
"I like the shade of green that you used."
You were expecting your father to smile back because of your compliment. Sadly, he only stared at you blankly.
"What?"  A nervous giggle escaped your lips.
Your parents and even Jeongguk were making you feel awkward. Why were they looking at you like you were a poor, poor soul?
"This Hulk is color pink." Your father said softly, making your breathing hitch.
He was trying to show contrast. The Hulk was the personification of rage. He colored him pink because in your world, the mentioned color symbolized gentleness. He wanted you to see in his drawing that people should be gentle even though they're angry.
You ruined it.
They probably know by now that you were lying when you said earlier that you could see colors.
Why did you even lie?
Why couldn't you just tell them that Jeongguk wasn't in love with you?
"Ah," you scratched the back of your head. "Is it pink? Sorry, Appa. I'm still trying to learn colors."
Your lie was understandable. You told your parents that you met Jeongguk a few months ago. It was impossible to know all colors in a short period of time.
You knew you weren't a great liar, but damn. When you looked at Jeongguk, he was smiling as he mouthed, "it is okay," to you.
He was saying that you were doing well, that you didn't ruin what your father had been wishing for: he wanted you to be loved by your soulmate.
You felt like Jeongguk loved you.
You couldn't stop staring at your soulmate as he continued to smile brightly at you.
In this moment, you swore you could see the brown in his eyes.
Or so you thought.
You just couldn't have one peaceful day, could you?
"N-No..." Your voice broke, tears falling down on the sheet of paper you were holding.
Your parents already left. Jeongguk was kind enough to drive them back to their hotel.
You were alone in the house.
The paper in your hand was mocking you, telling you that you would forever be alone in this house.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP IN A CONTRACT TO SELL Vendee Jeon Jeongguk of  Room 13, Apartment X, Seoul, South Korea—you stopped reading the next words.
You couldn't believe it.
Jeon Jeongguk was going to leave you.
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