#but he's SO nice. I love the way he talks. he's so intense about magic. so sweet about mystra. he's insane about his cat.
sb-essebi · 8 months
"I was surprised you'd stick up for Astarion"
Shadowheart. GIRL. He's biting me every night. You sleep right next to us. I'm bending my goody-two-shoes paladin ass over backwards to get him to like me. Do you not have eyes? You tought I'd sell him out to a monster hunter??? Girl. Girl, I figured out what your hand wound does. It's selective blindness. Shar, goddess of darkness, makes perfect sense, girl, Shadowheart, listen-
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ash-says · 2 months
Things to be aware of as a Hopeless Romantic:
We all have been there daydreaming about the perfect man, the perfect life, the perfect whatever,etc. Still life is not full of roses and thorns are inevitable.
So here are some aspects to look out for according to me so that you won't fall in the delulu is the only solulu trap.
Remember if you follow me, we don't do regrets here. We accept, take accountability and move on. We don't soak ourselves in problems. We solve them effectively.
1) Drop those rose-colored glasses. Crush them under your feet and now look at the world again. Learn to accept reality. It is what it is. Not what you make it out to be. Learn to become an observer of your life from time to time. It will give you the real picture.
2) Potential is useless if you are not leveraging it. It's a trap both for yourself and others. You see potential in him of changing and being a good guy?? Girl, he *IS* not a good guy. It's not your job to raise a man. It's embarrassing. Stop babysitting grown men.
3) Standards are important but ensure they are not rooted in fantasy. Let's be honest finding a man who is rich, dark, tall, sexy and talks in the way you read in your romance novels is difficult. I am not saying it's impossible but don't be too rigid. All I will say is make sure you are also on the level where if you come across such a man he should be ready to date you.
4) Men view sex differently than us women. I know many of you will get triggered after reading this but the majority of men really view women as sex dolls. Blame the porn industry maybe. Good men exist but not every other man who talks sweetly is good.
5) A person in your life treats you nicely. Always talk sweetly, tells you that you matter to them but their actions don't match it. Chances are you are being breadcrumbed. Plans being cancelled? Messages being unseen? But when confronted all you get is,"Sorry love, I was busy. I was going to do it. You matter a lot,etc etc." Breadcrumbing. Be smart it can happen even in friendships too. I understand people get busier with time and things do happen. Use your discernment to see who really is busy and who is faking to be busy.
6) That uncle was so kind to me. He talked to me sweetly and always tried to help me out. Now, that's really sweet of him. Next he calls you home to help out with the household chores and he is alone at home because his wife is out of town for some work. Would you go and help? Yes. Will you go alone? No. That's unsafe.
No matter how much a gentleman a man appears to be you are not allowed to be in a situation where he could potentially take advantage of you. You always bring along a friend or deny it. I know it's wrong to not help someone but at your own risk. No. Never. It's common knowledge in our society.
7) Dreaming of a Prince Charming to whisk you away from all your troubles??? Dream on. The idea that a soulmate or one person will magically solve all our issues is dumb. We as human beings add to each other's happiness rather than becoming the core of it.
8) One of the biggest mistakes I have seen girls around me make is of being fully invested in a relationship to the point one small fight makes them depressed. That's codependency. It's unhealthy.
9) Never make your relationship your identity. You should always have a separate identity out of it. Stop curating yourself for your partners. Morphing yourself according to their likes and dislikes. That's one way ticket to an identity crisis after breakup. Compromises are essential but changing your core self??? Crazy shit.
10) Your relationship should not be the reason for your downfall. It happens especially with my intense girlies we invest so much of ourselves in the relationship to the point it becomes our focal point and when it faces upheavals we are devastated. The mental distress starts flowing in other areas of your life and suddenly your grades are falling, your career seems unstable, etc. Develop the emotional strength to compartmentalize your emotions and not allow them to overflow in other areas and affect them.
Imagination is fertile but being delusional is being stuck in a swamp.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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hellodarling1357 · 5 months
Can i ask for Cassian x reader fic where the reader becomes friends with Bryaxis?👀
Like someday she decides to go down to the lower part of the library and meet the monster everyone is so afraid of... and finds Bryaxis, silly guy who just wants some friend to talk to. And the reader begins to visit him from time to time, chatting nicely and just having a good time
And poor Cassian so stressed out with these two😮‍💨
Friend and Foe
Hello!! Thank you for sending me this request, it was so much fun to write!! Sorry it took me so long but hopefully the Domestic Cassian makes up for it, we love a man who can cook 🥹
Bryaxis really is just a silly, goofy guy
Enjoy 🥰
Word Count: 3.1k
After being mated for all of two months, Cassian had basically begged you to move into the House of Wind with him. It really hadn’t taken much convincing, especially after Rhysand had ensured you that you wouldn’t be imposing.
So the very next day, your belongings were all packed, Rhys using his magic to move them for you, and Cassian was helping you do a final sweep over your old apartment, barely containing his excitement as he reassured you, yet again, that everything was sorted.
“Okay, I think I’m good. Ready to go?” You asked with a final glance around the room.
Cassian, who had given up on trying to convince you to stop fussing and had instead decided to sit on the floor by the window, jumped up with a broad grin stretched across his face.
“About time.” He teased, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, your forehead, then your nose, before wrapping an arm around your waist as he led you outside.
As soon as you had locked the door behind you, Cassian was scooping you into his arms and leaping into the sky, flying you towards your new home.
You had been to the House of Wind multiple times, but this time felt different; you weren’t going there to visit Cassian, you were going there to live with him, to start your life with him.
You nuzzled your face into his neck, pressing kisses along it as he tightened his grip on you, quickly approaching the balcony that jutted out of the mountain.
Upon landing, you prepared yourself for Cassian to place you back on your feet. Instead, he shot you another wide grin and walked towards the balcony doors with you still in his arms, not letting you down until you had crossed the threshold.
“Welcome home, sweetheart.” He softly said before pulling you in for a kiss.
You smiled against his lips, realisation finally hitting that this would be your everyday from now on, the thought causing you to wrap your arms around his neck and tug him further down to you.
“Now, please remember,” Rhysand’s voice drawled, “this is still a shared space.”
You broke away from your mate, cheeks reddening in embarrassment, but Cassian simply looked annoyed at the interruption.
Giving him a sheepish smile you, for the hundredth time, thanked Rhys for letting you move in.
“Don’t mention it, it’ll be good to have you around.” He brushed off as Azriel entered the room.
“Especially if it means we no longer have to listen to Cassian complaining about how much he misses you, how far away you are, how—” But the Shadowsinger was cut off by Cassian throwing a book at his head and shooting him a glare.
You grinned at them all and laughed alongside Rhys, surprised at how quickly you had grown comfortable around Cassian’s brothers after only really meeting them a few weeks ago.
“Anyway,” Rhys interrupted, picking up on the taunt that was seconds from escaping Azriel’s lips, “We were just heading off. Figured we’d give you the night to…settle in”
With a wink at you and a teasing ruffle of Cassian’s hair, the two males made their way out towards the balcony before flapping their wings and heading towards Velaris.
“So…” Cassian started, eyeing you with an intensity that you had first seen after accepting the bond. “Where should we start?”
You knew he wasn’t talking about unpacking.
It had been three months since you had moved into the House of Wind. Cassian had made space in his room for all of your belongings and the two of you had set out redecorating it together to make a space of your own.
You had fallen into a routine, not just with Cassian, but with Azriel as well.
Your mate had decided to take it upon himself to set up a training and defence program for you. But, when he first caught sight of you in your skintight Illyrian leathers, he had quickly decided it wouldn’t be the most productive use of your time and had handed the task over to Azriel instead; although, not before muttering to keep your leathers on for later, with a wink and a pat on your ass as he sauntered back inside.
You had also grown a lot closer to the rest of the Inner Circle, finding that there was always someone floating around if Cassian was away.
Now, however, you slumped into one of the plump armchairs and let out a sigh. Cassian and Azriel were both away checking in on the Illyrian war camps, Mor and Rhys were at the Hewn City, and Amren… you weren’t entirely comfortable spending time alone with her just yet.
Deciding you couldn’t spend another day aimlessly roaming around the house, you made your way towards the library that was built into the mountain.
You had dragged Cassian there after first moving in, spending hours marvelling at all of the books whilst your mate trailed after you, looking as though he wanted to be anywhere else. You, however, happily let him follow along, handing him book after book to carry for you with a cheeky grin that he couldn’t say no to.
This visit, however, had you wanting to explore the deeper parts of the library, with a sudden desire to browse through some of the ancient texts that you hadn’t had the chance to peruse yet.
The further down you went, the more intrigued you were by the seemingly never ending darkness that spiraled into the depths of the library.
Whether it was out of boredom or pure curiosity, you pulled one of the swinging lanterns from the wall and let it guide you through the inky black space, the lights from further up growing smaller and smaller with every step, the shelves of books coated in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.
Despite the silence and the darkness of the unknown space, you felt at ease as you reached, what you could only assume to be, the bottom of the black pit.
Edging further into the space, the light coming from your lantern begun to flicker and you tensed at the sudden rustle of movement from behind you.
“Hello?” You cautiously called out, stretching the lantern further out to illuminate more of the room. Straining your ears, you listened closely for the slightest sound of movement, instead, however, a small cluttering sound bounced across the floor and ended by your feet.
Looking down you saw the small stone that had been thrown from the darkest corner of the space. Not quite knowing what to do, you slowly leant down to pick it up, turning it over in your hands a few times as you squinted into the darkness.
There was another quiet rustling noise and then another stone came into view, stopping where the other one had landed.
You picked this one up as well, your expression a mixture of puzzlement and amusement. With a quiet laugh to yourself, you gracefully threw the first stone back into the corner, watching it bounce across the floor before disappearing into the darkness.
A pleased sounding gasp of excitement filled the space around you and then the stone was bouncing back towards you in a hurried manner. You were smiling now, throwing both stones back and waiting with anticipation before they were sent your way again.
Still feeling unsure about playing this game with a creature shadowed by darkness, but not being one to question the weirdness that seemed to live within the Night Court, you sat cross legged on the ground and continued to bounce the stones back and forth.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You said into the darkness, feeling somewhat silly and not expecting the reply that followed.
“I know. I’m Bryaxis.” The chilling voice of the darkness replied.
After that initial trip to the pit of the library, you found yourself heading down there at least once a week. You continued your game of throwing the stones back and forth but as the visits built up you found yourself asking questions about the creature and, in return, he provided you with a deep insight into the long forgotten histories of the world.
Walking back into the House of Wind after one of your library trips, you were surprised to find Cassian in the kitchen surrounded by numerous pots and pans and piles of food.
“Hi,” You greeted excitedly, leaning up on your tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. “You’re back? I thought you wouldn’t be home for another few days. And you’re cooking?”
Hand still holding a wooden spoon, Cassian turned to face you, his other hand cupping your cheek as he lent down for a kiss.
“Hi,” He said against your lips. “Az took over for me,” Another kiss as he backed you against the counter. “Thought I would surprise you.”
You hummed against him, content in letting him wrap his free arm around your waist as he hoisted you onto the kitchen bench, legs coming up to wrap around his waist as you deepened the kiss and knotted your hands through his hair.
A sudden hissing sound had Cassian jumping back and turning in horror as the pot of boiling water started to splatter out across the stove.
“Where were you, anyway? You weren’t here when I got back.”
Content to have your mate beside you again, you absentmindedly swung your feet as you helped yourself to the pile of cut carrots he had set aside.
“Down in the library.” You answered between mouthfuls.
You dipped the carrot into the bowl of a sauce looking substance, deciding you liked it and going back for seconds. Cassian, noticing this, flicked your nose and moved the sauce out of reach.
“That’s for later.”
You poked your tongue out as you jumped off the bench and moved to stand next to him as he stirred the still sizzling pot.
“Yeah, it’s a bit weird. A few weeks ago when you were away I got bored and wanted to explore the library a bit more,” Cassian turned his back so you helped yourself to whatever was simmering on the stove, earning your nose another flick and a sound of mock outrage from your mate.
“Anyway,” You continued as you lent against the bench, content in watching him cool for you. “I got right down to the bottom of the pit and met this creature,” You weren’t really sure how to describe your newfound friend, you had never actually seen his true form. “And we’ve sort of become friends, I guess?”
You laughed at the silliness of how it sounded, not noticing how Cassian tensed. “You never mentioned anyone else living in the library, his name is—“
“Bryaxis.” Cassian interjected, looking at you with an expression of horror and concern.
“Yes, that’s him” You said excitedly, still missing your mate’s distress.
“Y/N,” Cassian took your hands in his trembling ones and looked over you as though checking for any signs of harm. “Please tell me you’re joking. Did Rhys set you up?”
You stared back, surprised by his response, “Cass? What’s wrong?” But he didn’t seem to hear you.
“Have you seen him? Are you hurt? Y/N, how long has this been going on?”
“I’m fine? And no, he always stays in the dark. Why are you freaking out?”
But Cassian couldn’t answer, simply pulling you into a tight hug as he buried his face in your hair.
“Promise me you won’t go back.”
“Love, you’re starting to scare me—“
“Y/N, I need you to swear it to me. I can’t believe I didn’t know this was going on…” He trailed off, the haunted gleam still present in his eyes.
You were stunned by his reaction, not once had you seen Cassian acting so spooked. Sure, he tended to get a bit possessive around other males but this was entirely different, he seemed completely and utterly fearful of the thought of you being in Bryaxis’ presence.
“What happened? He’s never done anything to cause me harm. We just sit and talk and throw stones back and forth… Is there a reason he’s down there?” Maybe you had missed something, and Bryaxis was, in fact, some sort of monster.
Cassian pulled back, still somewhat wary but you could feel the tension leave his body.
“No, he’s always just been there. I had… an encounter with him, years ago—“
“Did he do something to you?” You cut in with concern.
“No, but… You said you haven’t seen him?”
You shook your head, still at a loss for what had brought all of this on.
“Good. Good,” Cassian muttered to himself now, turning back to finish dinner. You silently got some plates out for him to serve up and opened a bottle of wine, still watching your mate from the corner of your eye.
You were both sat at the table but Cassian couldn’t seem to bring himself to eat, merely pushing his food around on his plate.
With a sigh, he looked up at you, “Y/N, you know I’d never usually ask this of you, and be so…,” He trailed off, swirling his wine before taking a sip. “Please, I really don’t want you going back down there.”
Now it was your turn to sigh, putting your fork down as you reached out to grasp his hand.
“How about this, you come down there with me—,” Cassian started to interject but you gave him a warning look to let you finish. “You come down there with me. You can see that he’s not this monster you seem to think he is, and if not, then we’ll talk about it. But I’m not just going to stop visiting, as weird as it sounds, he’s my friend.”
Cassian knew there would be no changing your mind on this, so with a grimace of a smile he reluctantly agreed, sighing at the beam of a smile that lit up your face.
It had taken weeks to get Cassian back into the library, and not for a lack of trying on your part. Whenever you were both not doing anything, you would suggest heading down there. And every time you did, Cassian would suddenly have something he needed to do, or would mercilessly distract you and leave the library as a long forgotten thought in your mind.
This time was going to be different, you refused to let him weasel out of it again.
“Love, what’re you doing right now?” You innocently asked as you sat yourself in his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Nothing, nothing at all.” You expected as much, especially when he lent in and trailed lingering kisses along your neck.
“Good,” You stood up, pulling him with you. “Come with me.”
Your conspiratorial grin had Cassian thinking your mind was on something else, so he eagerly followed after you, pausing when you walked in the opposite direction of your bedroom.
“Sweetheart…?” You just walked back to him, holding his hand and dragging him alongside you.
Once you got to the library entrance, it finally clicked what you were doing.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Cassian.” You said but he was slowly taking backwards steps away from the library door.
“I just remembered, Rhys needed me to—“
“No he doesn’t. I already checked.”
The frantic panic in his eyes had you almost feeling bad about deceiving him. Almost being the key word.
“Cassian,” The commanding tone of your voice had him stopping in his tracks. “If you don’t come down there with me, right now, then there’s no more sex.”
He gave you an unconvinced look, clearly thinking he was calling your bluff.
“I’m serious. This has gone on long enough. No more sex until you go down there. In fact, I’m staying at the town house until it’s done.”
Cassian stared you down with a torn expression of frustration and disbelief. You stared right back, letting out a sigh of relief as you watched determination spread over his face.
“Fine,” He was a man on a mission, marching towards the library and grabbing your hand in his as he walked by to keep you at his side. “Let’s get this over with.”
You didn’t even try to stop your delighted grin as you headed down into the deepest depths of the library.
As the lights flickered and as darkness started to surround you both, you felt Cassian beginning to tense and slow his pace. Refusing to let him change his mind, you sent a wave of emotions down the bond that told him exactly what he would be missing if he bailed on you now. Cassian squeezed your hand in response, his steps picking up as you reached the bottom of the pit.
“Bryaxis?” You called out, rubbing your thumb in soothing circles over Cassian’s hand when you felt him tense up beside you.
There was movement to your left and then the lamp you had brought down with you flickered out. You could feel something curling around you, flicking your hair in a playful manner, causing you to smile. This was going to be fine.
You turned to Cassian to tell him as such, but the chilling voice that you had since grown accustomed to spoke up in a rasp.
“I didn’t think I would be seeing you again. Not after last time, Lord of Bloodshed.”
You sensed, more than saw, your friend move around your mate and that seemed to be too much for Cassian.
“No. No, Y/N, we’re done here.” And then he was holding onto your hand as though his life depended on it and bolted back towards the stairs.
Your confused laugh sounded out and was met by the amused laugh of Bryaxis swirling through the darkness.
“I’ll see you soon, friend.” His voice followed after you, all traces of the harrowing rasp he had used on Cassian was replaced by a genuine fondness.
“I won’t bring him next time,” You replied in farewell, gesturing towards your mate who was frantically trying to drag you away.
Cassian let out a groan. He knew there was nothing he could do to convince you to never come back down here. You gave his hand a reassuring pat, sending a wave of gratitude and love down the bond. You didn’t know what had happened between Cassian and Bryaxis during their last encounter, but at least your mate had tried to face him for you.
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babyjakes · 6 months
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | edging
pairing | dom!steve rogers x sub!reader
warnings | dom/sub relationship. stevie - he's so stern but sweet i love him :'). daddy kink (steve and reader refer to him as ‘daddy.) restraints. fingering. toy use (magic wand.) edging, orgasm control. crying. lots of praise and talking reader through it. some aftercare.
word count | 670
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thinking about how a stricter dom!steve looooves edging you, his sweet little subby baby 🥺
he lays you out spread nice and wide on the bed, securing your wrists and ankles with rope to keep you from squirming. settles at your side with the magic wand in hand— his fav 😌 he loves the way your eyes go wide at the sight of it
he starts you on low, gradually working up the speed/intensity. slipping a finger into your needy hole at some point, then another, and another. three’s your limit without making it too much of a stretch. “good girl. so full of me, aren’t you baby? how’s that feel? you like taking daddy’s fingers?” smiling so sweetly at you when you nod and whimper
he knows just the spot to nestle the bulb of the wand into, right up against your aching clit 🫶 your poor little pussy gets sooo hot and tingly so fast, steve can’t help but chuckle gently at the sight of you unraveling so quickly
“pretty girl, daddy wants you to hold it.”
your distressed whines and big, pleading eyes earn you a sympathetic smile, but no mercy 😔 “c’mon baby. know you can be a big girl and hold it, right? can you show me, doll?”
you’re gritting your teeth as your toes curl, using every ounce of your focus and energy to hold off the inevitable. when steve sees you’re nearing the end of your rope, you’re suddenly hit with a sense of emptiness and need— his fingers are gone and the wand has been pulled away just in time
he strokes your tummy lovingly as it clenches, your breaths coming out in staggers. the look of shock and disappointment on your face are hard for him to bear, but barely shows it
“breathe, sweetheart. there you go,” he’s talking you through it. licking up your juices from his fingers, savoring your taste
a few minutes pass before he gently brings the tips of his digits back to tease at your entrance. “one more time for me baby, can you do that? one more time, then daddy’ll give you what you need”
the bulb of the wand is eased back up against your throbbing clit as he starts working you up again. this time it happens much quicker. “daddy, d-daddy!”
he knows this time around is much more intense for you. as cruel and punishing as he comes off, he’s well in-tune with your body and knows just when to pull away again, right before sending you over the edge
“shhh, i know, babydoll. i know,” he croons as you let out a frustrated sob. he’s wiping your tears away gently, kissing your forehead. “you’ve been so good for me, honey. daddy’s good girl, think you’ve earned yourself some relief, huh?”
you’re a wiggling, writhing mess as he finally brings the wand and his fingers back for the promised finale. fucking his long, muscular digits up into you faster and with more force this time, working the wand in steady up and down strokes over your burning core. “okay baby, there you go. c’mon, give me a nice big one,” his encouragement sends you over the edge as your orgasm is pulled from you.
body on fire from all the built up anticipation 😩 it was so worth it!!! a high that lasts what feels like minutes, your pussy contracting harshly around steve’s waiting fingers. “there it is. such a good girl,” he’s smiling so big, so proud of you
you cry through and after your orgasm, your soft whimpers and sniffles melting the stern man’s heart. as soon as his hands are clean and the wand is switched off, he’s holding you, praising you, taking care of you. he knows how vulnerable you are after such an intense buildup and climax
“my precious girl, you did so well. daddy’s so proud of you, baby. come here, come let me hold you. there you go, sweetheart. deep breaths, daddy’s got you” 💕
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beachylupin · 10 months
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Harvest Moon || Remus Lupin x Muggle!Fem!Reader
it's finally here! here’s the moodboard to go with it! i worked far too hard on this so please let me know if you like it or if you want to see more of her! <3 to preface: this part takes place in roughly september :-) pt. 2 here word count: 4.6k warnings: mention of alcohol and cigarettes, maybe like two swear words, fluffy, some pining, quickly edited
You and Lily went to primary school together. Your mum and dad loved her like she was their own, and even though she had loving parents, she would often spend a lot of her evenings after school and summers at your house, evading Petunia’s constant need to bully her. The two of you were like sisters: sharing secrets, having constant sleepovers, playing pretend.
However, there was something different about her that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Petunia incessantly told you that Lily was a witch, but you didn’t believe her. Why would you believe someone who hated the girl that you loved so dearly? Lily wasn’t green or wicked, and she didn’t have a wart growing on the end of her nose. That’s all witches were to you back then, and Lily was the opposite. She was radiant and kind, like sunlight on a dark day. She was your best friend, not some evil hag.
It wasn’t until a giggling Lily appeared on your doorstep the July before you turned eleven.
“Look!” She said, shoving an odd letter into your hand. “It’s for a place called Hogwarts! Go on! Read it!”
She eagerly watched you read it out loud. “Dear Miss Evans. You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” You couldn’t believe it. Lily, the radiant girl, was actually a witch. Petunia was right all along, and that September, Lily left to go to this magical school.
When Lily came home, she had befriended the greasy haired boy from down the street that you had only known as “snipe” from the kids at school, saying he looked close to the little bird that shared the name. You were willing to share her, seeing as he had no other options for friends, but he tried to take Lily away from you completely, saying she was his kind. Of course, Lily didn’t stand for this and split her time with the two of you equally.
As the years went on, the more you grew to dislike Severus. It was almost like he had a vendetta against you because you were Lily’s friend before she was his, or something like that. Whatever it was, you kept your head high whenever you saw him, ignoring his constant “filthy muggle” comments, and greeting him with a nice, “Hi, Severus! It’s so wonderful to see you again!”
His possessiveness didn’t seem to matter in the long run because Lily came back from her fifth year at this magical school gushing to you about some bloke named James. He was all she ever talked about. James, James, James.
“He’s annoying, and kind of a prick, but God, I just love looking at him…”
You felt like her real sister as you cursed Lily under your breath the entire way to the reception tent next to Potter Manor. She didn’t invite anyone else in your family to her wedding except you.
Sure, you were the only one to really know Lily, but a quick explanation, and your mum wouldn’t have asked any questions.
It wouldn’t have been that simple, you decided, when you saw the actual wedding. James and Lily took part in what the pixie-haired girl sitting next to you called the “Unbreakable Vow” in which they used wands to seal their promise to marriage. If one of them were to break this vow, they would die, the girl explained. It sounded intense, but as a hopeless romantic, it was one of the most beautiful sentiments of love you had ever seen.
Their vow keepers were the best man and maid of honor. The best man wore flamboyant plum dress robes with jewels adoring the lapels. He had shoulder-length, raven-colored hair and the biggest smile you had ever seen. He didn’t let the smile drop once. The maid of honor wore a pretty sapphire blue dress that complemented her skin tone very well. She wore her curls in a high bun, curly bangs framing her face.
James and Lily looked magnificent. James had on maroon dress robes that nearly matched his best man’s, but they were more humble with gold accents rather than the gaudy jewels the other man chose. Lily wore an ivory dress that flowed off her body like it was made of water. It had lace cap sleeves, and a bodice that contoured to her small shape. Every step she took, the ground blossomed with small lilies. 
The more you looked around, the more you realized that everyone dressed insanely nice. You felt self conscious seeing that other people around went “all out” for this wedding: beautiful gowns and tea-length dresses of all colors of the rainbow, and the fanciest dress-robes you had ever seen adorned with silver, gold, and jewels. Obviously, you thought, they had gotten their clothes enchanted, seeing a special tailor to look as amazing as they did. 
You got to work with Primark and Harrods, and since you didn’t have the luxury of getting something custom made by a literal wizard, you looked simple. You wore your hair down your back in loose waves, a plunging rose colored dress, and nude heels. In any wizard’s eyes, you’d look plain, unwilling to flaunt your nonexistent wealth through fancy clothes.
While the other people were nice and smiled widely at you as you walked past, you could tell that they knew you were different. It was in the hushing of their voices as you passed, and the way they looked at you like you had something growing out of the top of your head.
As far as you could tell, you were the only outsider in a sea of people that seemed to know each other. They all mingled, hugging and kissing each other like none of them expected this type of occasion, which baffled you.
Lily and James were made for one another. Even though James was quite literally Lily’s opposite, they worked. They fit together like two fiery puzzle pieces. You couldn’t see why anyone wouldn’t be expecting their wedding.
You self-consciously raked a hand through your hair, taking extra care to not snag any of it on your fingers, and looked at the table spots on the board next to the giant tent, desperately searching for your name. When you found it at table nine, you walked, head down, into the tent to sit down.
You took your seat in the nearly empty tent, pouring yourself a generous amount of the table wine, and drank it down. You sighed, taking a breath for what felt like the first time in an hour.
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself shy, but in this specific scenario, you felt yourself clamming up. These people, the party; it was all overwhelming. It was so different from the normal, non-magical life you were used to. You were normally willing to talk to just about anyone, but feeling underdressed at a huge wedding where you thought you were the only outsider left you feeling less than worthy.
You poured yourself another glass of wine and took a butter mint, popping it into your mouth. You sucked on it, looking around the slow-to-fill tent to catch a man glancing at you.
He was tall, lanky, and just so happened to be one of the most normally dressed people you had seen all evening. He wore a creamy brown sweater, with darker brown slacks, and a jacket that matched. From where you sat, you could see the faintest stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth. He was leaning on a cane, but didn’t seem to look any older than you since he had sandy brown hair that was long and swept off to the side with not a grey in sight.
A chill ran through you, and you looked away, feeling your face flush. He was handsome, and you decided then and there that at one point during this strange reception, you would talk to him. Needing the eventual confidence, you took another sip, glancing to see if he was still standing there, but he wasn’t.
“So you were the name I didn’t recognize,” said a voice from behind you, followed by a mention of your name.
“Oh!” You nearly jumped out of your skin, setting your wine down before you dropped it on your lap.
“I’m sorry, love! I didn’t mean to startle you!” He gushed, patting your shoulder as he pulled out the chair next to you to sit.
Embarrassed at the way his hand made your shoulder burn, you huffed, “You didn’t startle-”
You turned to look at him, your mouth turning bone dry despite the mint you had been sucking on.
It was the same man that had been staring at you before. Closer up, you could see that he had jagged white lines covering his face. A fresh scratch worked its way down his cheek, sure to leave a scar to match the rest of them. If you looked closer, you could see the tip of a wand sticking out of his jacket pocket. You were wrong.
You blinked, realizing you had been trying to figure out how to melt inside the chocolate that his eyes resembled. You swallowed the mint thickly. “Sorry, um-” you said sheepishly, tucking hair behind your pink-tipped ears. “What did you say your name was?”
You suddenly felt drunk, butterflies filling your belly with tenacity, but your mouth was so dry that you had to take another sip of wine before saying anything else.
“I didn’t,” he said, sitting. “I’m Remus.” He stuck his hand out to capture yours in his with a quick shake. Your eyes flicked to his hand, seeing if it was on fire. He was looking too, your gaze captured in the middle when you both looked up at each other. You pulled your hands away at the same time, Remus making himself busy by hanging his coat and cane on the back of his chair, a smile lingering on his lips.
You stared at the plate in front of you, trying to mentally blame your flush on the amount of wine you had already consumed. “Do uh- Do you know everyone here?” You asked, glancing at him.
Remus blew a puff of air out of his nose, amused as he looked around. “Just about everyone. You?”
“Nobody except for Lily,” you said, grabbing another buttermint to try and sate your dry mouth. “I mean, I know of James, but I spent every summer with Lily when she was home from school.”
“Oh?” Remus said, sitting straighter. He cleared his throat like had gotten something stuck. “Where did you go to school?”
“Saint Grogory’s,” you answered him. You tried to ignore that he was staring at his lap instead of you, his posture still stiff. “Now I work at a cafe while I’m going to the University of London to get my Master’s in English Literature.” 
“You can just study that?” He asked quietly, looking at you. Your eyebrows raised with amusement, gathering that he didn’t know you knew about any of them. “Sorry, that’s a daft question,” he said, exasperated. “I mean, that’s really… Um- That’s really neat.” You didn’t say anything, deciding to let the poor wizard flounder. “I’d go to school for… For um… For maths, but I hate maths, so it wouldn’t really-”
“I know that I’m the only muggle here,” you said, eyebrows still raised as your mouth tugged into a smile. “It’d be very hard to think this was a normal muggle wedding. There are candles floating mid air. That doesn’t happen in the muggle world. You know that right?”
“Yeah,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Yeah.” He visibly relaxed, sending his gaze skyward as his ears started to burn red. “Here I was thinking that I was about to spoil everything.”
“Lily told me the day she got the letter,” you said, smirking as you nudged him. “I sure got you though.”
The heat from Remus’ ears made its way to his face, his cheeks turning crimson as he nodded, looking back at you.
“Wine?” You asked, filling his cup without a response. “How do you know Lily then?”
Remus took his glass before you overfilled it, taking a sip. “We went to school together.”
“Is that where everyone is from?” You asked, and he nodded.
“Mainly,” he said, looking around. “A few from-”
“There you are!” The best man shouted, slapping Remus on the back. He rested his bottom on the table next to his friend. He peered over to you, his grey eyes sparkling. “Magnificent wedding, isn’t it? I heard the house elves did a real bang-up job on the feast too.” He grabbed the near empty bottle of wine, pouring what was maybe a sip into the glass next of him. “Merlin, Moons, you finished it all yourself? Nervous about sitting next to a pretty bird?”
“Sorry, that was me,” you admitted, flushing when the raven-haired man looked back at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No worries,” he said, waving his hand nonchalantly over the bottle. It filled instantly, and he took it, pouring more into his glass.
You blinked hard, staring at the wine bottle. Grabbing it, you peered inside to make sure it was real. “How’d you do that?”
“Do what?” He asked incredulously. “Do you not know that spell or something?”
Remus took the bottle from you, setting it in front of his friend. He introduced you to his friend, finishing with, “Sirius, this is Lily’s friend from home.”
Sirius paled. “Oh… Fuck.” His hands met his face as he muttered something about James being upset. He looked at you, his face still alarmingly pale as he started taking out his wand. “I’m so sorry, love. Just sit still, and I can help you forget-”
“I just didn’t know that you could do magic with your hands,” you said, still staring at the wine bottle. “I thought you always needed a wand.”
Sirius shook his head, the color slightly returning to his face as he deadpanned, “What?”
“She knows we’re all wizards, you plank,” Remus sighed, drinking his wine. “Put your wand away.”
Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, a smile breaking his face. “Oh, good! Brilliant! Ignore that comment then.” He pocketed his wand then turned to his friend. “Have you got a light and a ciggy?”
Remus huffed, patting the table in front of you. “Excuse us for just a moment, will you?” He grabbed his cane, slipped on his coat, and he and Sirius went off to smoke.
Sirius was right. Dinner was magnificent, as well at the people who sat with you. Remus was back in time to introduce you to them all. Frank and Alice, who said they were going to have the next wedding, were the same people you sat next to during the ceremony. Next to them sat Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene had a bright smile and a head full of white blonde hair that hardly ever left Dorcas’ tanned shoulder. On the other side of Frank sat Peter, who looked to be the youngest of the group with his baby-faced cheeks.
The wine was passed and refilled a few more times as the night went on, as well as special cocktails, feuling riveting conversations amongst the wizards and witches. You decided to listen, taking in everything the boys were talking about. From the legalization of recreational boomslang to the crackdown on broom riding. Eventually, their conversation hushed down to mumbles and whispers.
Dorcas, Marlene, and Alice, however, were busily chatting about her wedding and how excited she was to finally marry Frank. They eventually roped you in on their conversation, asking your opinion about what would be better: live unicorns or a toad choir. Of course, you chose unicorns which had the girls roaring in laughter.
By the time that James and Lily danced their first dance, you felt good, and that wasn’t including the way you brushed up against Remus’s side as you stood alongside your newfound friends.
“We’re gettin’ drinks then goin’ to dance,” you slurred, the butterflies reemerging as he looked at you. “You want me t’ grab you somethin’? ‘M gettin’ water.”
He shook his head, pushing himself up from the chair. “I’ll come with you.”
“You sure?” You asked, watching him grab his cane and coat and nod a goodbye to Frank and Peter. “‘S not a big deal f’ me-”
“I insist,” Remus said, walking past you, slightly turning over his shoulder. “Come on then.”
You caught up, trying not to stumble alongside him. Focused on him, the two of you walked straight past the drink table.
As if Remus could sense your reminder, he said, “I want to show you something quick,” and led you out of the tent into the dusky lawn.
You didn’t protest, rather you felt bad for him, his nose scrunching every time he took a step. You lightly hooked your arm in his, your hand resting on his bicep.
“You ‘right?” You asked, feeling dumb as the words left your mouth. “‘M sorry. That was rude.”
“It’s a valid question,” he reassured you with a soft nudge of his elbow. “Hip just acts up sometimes. I’ll live,” he said, glancing at you as you pressed your cheek against his arm. “Are you okay?”
You sighed. “Yeah.” You moved off his arm, rubbing the side of your face that touched him, praying there wasn’t a burn mark. “I think I overshot.”
“You were drinking a lot of wine,” he snorted, opening a large manor door for you. “Do you need some water?” You entered, and he followed you, offering you his arm again. “A sober up potion?”
“The latter,” you said, desperate to feel the burning in your hand again as you hooked onto him. “‘M gonna hurl if I drink anymore.”
“We don’t want that.” Remus led you down a long hallway in the expansive manor. Marble floors and large columns made up the hallway, breaking off into the entryway and the living room. The two of you passed the huge, bustling kitchen and came to a double door.
“Here,” Remus said, nudging the door open slightly. “You go wait in there while I go find that potion, alright love?”
You nodded and the corner of his mouth tugged into a half smile. You watched him, entering the door he had nudged open.
You could’ve dropped dead on the spot, and you would’ve died the happiest lady on the planet. Books covered the walls up to the ceilings, lit by the large moon as it rose over the manor. 
You stepped closer to the shelves, tickling the spines when you noticed that they weren’t just books. There were books on runes, books with fur, and books that were quietly whispering.
You picked up a shiny book, cracking it open. While nothing popped out, the book began shouting. You screamed and quickly slammed it shut, putting it back. Your heart beat out of your chest as you picked up another one, finding ice cold air blowing out of it as soon as you opened it. The third book you picked up had a plaid spine, and looked safe. The cover read, “Frankenstein's Monster: Did It Actually Happen?” You held it to your chest and sighed, breathing in the dusty, papery scent.
You could live here, and nobody would know. You could nestle in amongst the shelves, hiding in the hole until all the books were read. Feeling drunk and overwhelmingly happy, you sighed again, closing your eyes as you plopped down on the sofa.
“Do you like it?” Remus asked from the door.
“I think I’m in love,” you replied dreamily, turning to look at him. “Has anyone read all of ‘em?”
“James said his dad was working through them,” he said, sitting down on the sofa. He handed you the potion. “I think he got about halfway through before he gave up.”
“God,” you said, looking around. “I’d try to read ‘em all.” You smelled the potion, instantly recoiling with a gag. “‘M not drinkin’ this.”
“It just smells bad,” he said, an amused smile gracing his face. “Drink it and you’ll feel better.”
You sighed, grumbled, “Fine,” and downed the potion like a shot. 
Remus lied to you. It tasted just as bad as it smelled, but it worked. You felt all the drunkenness leave you like it was being siphoned out of your body. You sat up straighter, pushing your hair out of your face.
“Better?” Remus asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Much,” you said, smiling as you looked at him. “Thank you.”
Despite not being drunk, you still felt the butterflies in your stomach as he matched your toothy grin, glancing at the book in your hands. “Are you going to steal that?” He teased.
“I’d like to,” you admitted, reading the first page to yourself. “It’s the first book that hasn’t done something.”
“I’m sure Fleamont wouldn’t care,” he said, his fingers dancing against yours as he took the book from you, pocketing it in his coat. “I can hold onto it for now. Until you leave, of course.”
“I suppose I should probably get back and say goodbye to everyone,” you said, standing and smoothing out your dress over your thighs. “The last bus leaves in an hour, and I still have to see Lily.”
Quietly, Remus nodded, standing alongside you. He offered you his arm again, and even though you weren't stumbling, you took his desperately, letting him lead you back out of the manor.
“Moon’s really big,” you said, looking up at the moon that shone orange in the sky. “Must be full.”
Remus winced, glancing at you to see if you noticed, finding you still staring. “There was a full harvest moon a few nights ago. If you look, you can see it waning.”
You narrowed your eyes trying to see what he was talking about. “Do you like the moon or something?”
“I-” He paused, catching you already looking up at him. “Sure.”
“I like the sun more,” you admitted, looking back at the moon. “The moon is fine, but without the sun, it’s just another dark rock.” You glanced at him to catch him staring at the moon, a grimace on his face.
Before you could say anything, a sharp squeal followed a flurry of red hair that was barreling toward you.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! I thought you left already!” Lily shouted, picking you up and spinning you around. She held you at arms length. “Look at you!”
“I wouldn’t have left without saying anything to my favorite girl!” You beamed, taking in your Lily. “You... you look radiant.”
“Oh, pish,” Lily said, waving her hand in the air. She looked at Remus, who was still staring at the sky as if to give you and Lily your space. “Hi, space man,” she cooed at him, causing Remus to look at her, a tight smile on his face. She reached up, squishing his cheek between her fingers. “I’m stealing her from you.”
“Be my guest,” he said, pulling cigarettes out of his pocket. “I’ll be in there in a minute,” he said more to you than to Lily.
“That’s a nasty habit, Lupin,” Lily sighed like she had said it about a million times.
“Really? That’s funny,” he said, lighting a cigarette and holding out the pack to the three other men coming toward him. “Seems as though the other Potter likes it.”
You smiled as Lily pulled you away toward the tent, grumbling about James being irresponsible and how she was going to have to have a little chat with him later.
“Oh, you love him,” you cooed, and Lily sighed heavily.
“Very much so.” She turned the two of you around, gazing at the group of four boys all smoking and chatting away. “I mean look at him,” she mumbled to you. “I just want to hit that cigarette out of his hand and scream at him until my throat bleeds, but God, I just want to kiss him until he chokes, and I love him, and I just wish I could-”
While Lily continued to tell you about all the things she loved about her new husband, you couldn’t help but to look at Remus whose face was pulled in a genuine smile as James and Sirius began loudly talking about God knows what. The way he threw his head back as he laughed had your cheeks flushing, and this time, you couldn’t blame the wine.
“He’s cute,” you blurted, sensing Lily following your gaze.
“Remus?” She asked, and you confirmed with a short nod.
“He took me into the library,” you said, looking at Lily. “He’s got a book in his pocket for me.”
“Really…” She said, sounding far off as she continued looking at the group of boys. “It makes a lot of sense…”
“What does?” You could hear your heartbeat in your ears watching the way she smiled, knowing she made eye contact with one of them.
“You and Remus,” she said, looking at you with the same smile. “You should give him your number.”
“Lily,” you groaned and she grabbed your arm, leaning in.
“He wouldn’t have looked over here at least four times if he didn’t want it,” she whispered, a fiery look in her eye when you began to protest with pink cheeks. “He lives in muggle London. He owns a phone.”
You huffed. “Fine.”
Lily’s smize turned giddy as she gave you a napkin, your number already written on it. “I’ve had this in my pocket since I saw you sitting next to him.”
“You’re a minx,” you hissed, taking the napkin. You checked your watch and sighed. “You planned this out so I couldn’t say no, didn’t you?”
The glint in Lily’s eye said it all as she threw her arms around you. “I’ll see you soon. I can come round your flat, and we can watch movies, and we can have a proper girl’s night, alright?”
You squeezed her tightly. “That sounds amazing, Lils. I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you!” She said, pulling away. A mischievous grin grew on her face as she pushed you forward. “Now go get ‘em, tiger!”
You stumbled forward, throwing Lily a scrunched nose over your shoulder. She met it with a thumbs up and a cheeky smile before James snuck up behind her, batting him away as he tried to kiss her.
You laughed to yourself, shaking your head. You could only hope to have a love like Lily and James one day.
The napkin in your hand grew increasingly damp the closer you got to Remus. He was still standing outside nursing a cider that one of his friends must’ve given him. You stepped outside of the tent, siding up to him.
“Hey, you!” Remus said, nudging you with his elbow. “Are you heading out?”
“I am!” You said, the napkin becoming damp in your hands. “Bus leaves soon, and I need to catch it before I’m stranded here.”
“Alright,” he said, grabbing the book from his pocket. “Here you are.”
You took it, smiling while you looked at it. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
The two of you became quiet, not knowing what to do next. A handshake would’ve been proper, you thought, considering you had just met him and he took you under his wing for the night.
You panicked and stuck out your napkin-filled hand without saying anything. He looked at you with furrowed brows then took your hand, the burning sensation filling you from the tips of your fingers straight to your chest.
“It was really nice to meet you, Remus,” you said, pulling away and leaving the napkin in his hand.
You turned around before he could say anything, head down as you walked quickly down the Manor drive, hoping the scorched feeling in your hands would never go away.
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loveburrowx · 4 months
The Victoria's Secret Model
Request - Joe falls in love with Y/N who is a Victoria’s Secret Model
Warnings - Smut (Intercourse)
A/N - I am personally very proud of this story that i’ve made! Enjoy!
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As the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip bathed the city in a neon glow, a crowd of thousands erupted into deafening cheers. Their excitement was palpable, their anticipation tangible. They were here for one reason and one reason only: to witness the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. And in the midst of this electrifying event, one man would find himself utterly transfixed by the ethereal beauty that graced the runway. That man was Joe, the star quarterback for the NFL's Cincinnati Bengals. As he sat among his rowdy friends, his gaze drifted from one stunning model to the next, until it landed on her: Y/N. With each sultry step she took, each seductive sway of her hips, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love. And when she finally turned to face him, those piercing blue eyes meeting his own, he knew without a doubt that she was the one.
After the show, Joe mustered up the courage to approach her. She was surrounded by paparazzi and adoring fans, but he managed to navigate his way through the chaos. As he extended his hand, she looked up at him with a smile that could light up the entire Strip. "You're Joe, right?" she asked, her voice as smooth as silk. "The quarterback for the Bengals? I've seen you play." He felt his heart skip a beat as he nodded, unable to find words. "Well," she continued, "I'm Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you." And with that, she placed her delicate hand into his.
Their first date was nothing short of magical. They talked for hours over dinner, laughing and sharing stories. But as the night wore on, the tension between them grew thick. They could feel it building, pulling them closer together. And when Joe finally leaned in to kiss her, she willingly surrendered, returning his passion with an intensity that left him breathless. The rest of the evening was a blur of heated passion, their bodies intertwined as they explored each other in the most intimate of ways.
And then, as the sun began to peek through the curtains of her bedroom window, they found themselves here: naked and entwined, the scent of their lovemaking still lingering in the air. Y/N gazed up at Joe, her chest rising and falling with each ragged breath. "That was incredible," she whispered. "I don't want this night to end." And without hesitation, she straddled his waist, guiding his erection back to her wetness. With a moan, she lowered herself down, taking him inside her, their skin slapping together in a rhythm that was as familiar as it was new. As they moved together, their bodies in perfect sync, she leaned forward, her breasts brushing against his chest. And then, as if in some sort of unspoken agreement, she leaned back, taking his face in her hands and guiding it down to her waiting mouth.
As Joe's tongue tangled with hers, he couldn't help but marvel at the feel of her lips, soft and full around his own. And when she began to stroke him with her hand, her nails raking against his skin, it was almost too much. He felt himself building towards release, his hips bucking up against her in a desperate attempt to find relief. But Y/N wasn't about to let him off that easily. Instead, she sped up her movements, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she neared her own climax. And when it finally hit her, her body arching against his, her nails digging deeper into his skin, Joe couldn't hold back anymore. With a groan that seemed to echo through the room, he thrust deep inside her one final time, his release pouring over them both as they collapsed together in a tangle of limbs.
Later, as they lay spent in each other's arms, Joe couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten so lucky. Y/N was everything he'd ever wanted in a woman: beautiful, intelligent, and passionate. And now that he'd had a taste of her, there was no way he was letting her go. As they drifted off to sleep, he vowed to make her his forever, to give her the world and everything in it. Because in his mind, there was no one more deserving of it than her.
The next morning, they awoke to the smell of coffee brewing and the sounds of the city coming to life. Y/N stretched languidly, her body still sore from their passionate encounter the night before. She glanced over at Joe, who was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling with each breath. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she remembered how he'd made her feel. The thought of being without him now filled her with dread.
They spent the day exploring Vegas together, hand in hand. They went for a stroll along the Strip, people-watching and enjoying the sights. They ate at a fancy French restaurant, where they shared a bottle of wine and laughed over stories from their past. And as the sun began to set, they found themselves back at her place, the air thick with anticipation.
This time, their lovemaking was even more intense than before. It was as if they were trying to recapture the magic of their first night together. Y/N straddled Joe, her hips moving in a hypnotic rhythm as she rode him. He could feel her tightness around him, her muscles clenching as she neared climax. When she finally did, her body arching into his, her cries filling the room, Joe couldn't contain himself any longer. With a groan, he thrust deep inside her, his release pulsing through them both.
Afterward, they lay together, their sweaty bodies entwined. Y/N ran her fingers through Joe's hair, marveling at the feel of it between her fingertips. She'd never felt this way about anyone before, and she knew that this was something special. Something real. As they drifted off to sleep again, she whispered a silent prayer of thanks, hoping that this was just the beginning.
The next morning, they made love one last time before Joe had to leave for the airport. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a dance of desire that seemed to stretch on forever. As they came together, their orgasms echoing through the room, Y/N knew that she would never forget this weekend. It had been the most incredible experience of her life, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.
As Joe got dressed, he leaned down to kiss her one final time. "I love you, Y/N," he whispered. "I'll be back soon." And with that, he was gone, leaving her with a hole in her heart that only he could fill. But she knew that they'd found something special, something that defied time and distance. And as she lay in bed, watching the sun rise over the Strip, she couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. Because even though they were apart now, they would always have this: the memory of their time together, and the promise of what was yet to come.
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Hey, I'm pretty sure that this was asked before, but I can't find the post.
What if MC died in the repository instead of professor Fig?
(I'm sorry, but I'm in an angsty mood)
I love your posts, and thanks
A/N: I do have vague recollection of answering a similar prompt once upon a time, but nothing wrong with a reprisal!
WARNING: angst, death, grief
Dark ancient magic flew violently through the air around MC. The whirlwind of human agony consumed them as they released silver blue light from their wand. The magic thrashed and roared as MC expelled more and more effort to contain the chaos. Cracks started to form along the length of their wand.
Time slowed for them. MC could see Fig's silhouette just beyond the veil. The hundreds of young souls above them weighed heavy on their conscience. If they can't do this, everyone will die. They had to use all of it.
MC closed their eyes and whispered their goodbye. A light even brighter than the one from their wand emerged from their chest. The ancient magic within them burst forth with the fury of dragonfire. The silver light merged with the darkness, and as quickly as it had appeared, the magic vanished.
MC was gone. Their broken wand was all that remained.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He has officially lost everything. After losing his uncle, Anne, Ominis, and MC all at once, he's cracking. They can't be gone. Not them. They were too powerful to just vanish. He just has to find them. Yes. That's what he needs to do. He leaves Hogwarts. He MUST find them. Then Anne will see. Then Ominis will know. What he did was worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: He rarely speaks anymore. The silence in his life has become so oppressive it took his own voice. The good life he thought he had was nice while it lasted, but now it's all come apart. It's only a matter of time before he loses Anne too, and when that happens...he doesn't know what he's going to do with himself.
ANNE SALLOW: She doesn't know how to feel about MC's death. On the one hand, they were trying to be a good friend to her and her brother but on the other...they also enabled Sebastian in his treachery. She's so very tired of the pain. She just wants to go to sleep.
IMELDA REYES: Well, damn. Mc was the closest thing to a friend she had in years. Someone competitive but friendly and fun to have around. They could dish out as much sass as she could, and she respected them for it. She cries a little at the end of year feast.
NATSAI ONAI: She should have been there. She could've done something! Why didn't they tell her!? She would've had their back! She....she...she breaks down into sobs so intense, even her mother can't comfort her. Her best friend was dead. Her heart was shattered and it would never be whole again without MC.
GARRETH WEASLEY: What? No. Nonono. Not them. That's impossible. They couldn't be dead. They're too strong to be.... He's in denial all the way until the MC's memorial service at the end of year feast. Then he breaks down. A bit of his fire died with MC.
LEANDER PREWETT: He wasn't super close to them, but he was still quite fond of them. They were a real friend. He hopes they're at peace and raises a goblet in their honor.
AMIT THAKKAR: He feels cold and numb all at once when he hears the news that MC died in the attack. He'd grown to care about them. He cursed himself for not spending more time with them when they were around.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He and MC didn't talk much outside of flying class but he had liked them. It was a shame he didn't get to know them more. He doesn't feel like eating when the feast is presented.
POPPY SWEETING: She hadn't cried this much since she left her parents. She finally made a friend, and just like that, they were gone. She doesn't know if she could make another friend again if she wanted to. Was she just doomed to lose every human connection she made?
ELEAZAR FIG: He wholeheartedly and inconsolably blames himself. Even if this fate couldn't be avoided, why did they have to die so young? He can't stand to hear the words "ancient" and "magic" in the same sentence at the same time anymore. It sends him into a dissociative trauma spiral.
He finds MC's wand. It's snapped in the middle with bits of wood frayed outward like the very core of the wand exploded. The two pieces are held together by the slightest sliver of wood.
He retires from teaching at Hogwarts. He doesn't trust himself with the care of students anymore. He doesn't trust his own judgment. He's tortured every night by the survivor's guilt taunting him that he should have done more. He should have protected them. He shouldn't have let them go as far as they did. They weren't ready. They couldn't handle the power they were forced to control. It takes everything in him to not attempt to destroy the map room with the portraits of the Keepers. He just leaves.
But every once in a while... On quiet moonless nights.... When he sees MC's wand displayed with Miriam's, he hears a whisper. A quiet breathy whisper that he could swear on his life sounds like MC. He chalks it up to the fact that he could be going mad from grief, but it's still strikes him as strange... If he looked at the wand hard enough... He could swear he sees a blue glow...
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fuumiku · 6 months
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They’re really interesting foils in many ways. I’ve always thought that Marcille & Mithrun have underrated dynamic potential. Give me the cringefail dungeon lords. Give me the elves with ears-centric metaphorical self-image issues. Give me the academic elites whose deepest strongest desires will always remain unreachable and the only option is to turn to the corrupt forbidden fruit of a demon pact. I am so so normal about Mithrun and Marcille
I wonder if the resemblance between captain Mithrun and general Hagreus aka Marcille’s fave in Dalclan is intentional… They definitely look very alike. It could represent idealization vs reality? Something something the romanticization of elves and their societal drama in their fiction vs a very real and imperfect product of their military system. The canaries certainly aren’t glamorous next to whatever Hagreus is the general of. I feel like she never had the opportunity to notice the resemblance herself bc within seconds of meeting him he was wrestling her on the ground but. If she had… She would so think he should have been his actor in the tallman stage play of Daltian Clan in that new extra comic hehe. I love the little details like Hagreus’ lips being drawn with extra details because they’re full and pretty while Mithrun’s lips are drawn with extra details because they’re chapped lmao.
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This art is all silly and surface level but in my head mithrille is like so dramatic and I make up daltian clan level big plots with them gbdgd. I made a spotify playlist for mithrun if y’all interested, rn it’s mostly centered around cravings that consume and losing yourself and illusions inspired from his time as dungeon lord but it’s branching out. Varied vibes, levels of intensity and degrees of confusion and await you ✨ I would emotionally rant about Chainsaw Man ost lyrics and how they tie in with Mithrun and the winged lion’s relationship but this post is already a monster
I want more of these two please please please pleaseee just one or two interactions in the new canon content coming up… All they ever did was debate philosophy on desires and human self-fulfillment and try to murder each other, please… I never get to gush about them and I can’t shut up so if you want more thoughts I talk about them more below
To get a girl to peacefully accept arrest follow these simple steps: in private, ominously stand above her and forcefully interrogate her, while in public, tell her you’ve met before (untrue and also not a pickup line, you’re just face blind) and interrogate her with a thin veneer of decorum. If all else fails, threaten and follow through on said threat. My guy needs more than just physical therapy I’m afraid
Sorry if most of these were Marcille-centric with Mithrun standing there looking cool, if I were doing these more from Mithrun’s pov things would be like "She’s a bit much but I guess I don’t mind hanging around her." or "Oh you’re a half-elf? -insert elven supremacist rethoric-" or "I have to keep her from becoming demon stew." immediately followed by "Did someone say demon? Kill kill kill kill kill" since these are set prior to like really knowing another. Then things would be more like "huh she has bad tastes in novels but her magic research is pretty interesting" and "I’m lonely and don’t understand myself— Oh she loves talking about feelings? Oh shi-" That last one is an aspect of why I like Marcille and Mithrun’s potential dynamic lol. She’s very… Emotionally intelligent alongside being impulsive. You think you have no feelings because the world has beaten them out of you? Think again!! Marcille be upon ye! -In a therapy sort of way but mostly in a connecting with people and your own self through interpersonal relationships and talking kinda way. I just think a lively, upbeat, annoying friend way too interested in your personal life would do him good, the canaries are nice but like if Marcille went to prison and was a sort of extra new bunkmate I think that’d be interesting and fun to read is what I’m saying
Unlike Kabru she wants all the useless messy filler of his backstory, eating chips while listening. Like two chibi sets side by side, "me and my fellow canaries, name name and name-" "Hold on we don’t need to know that." Vs "Then we were to sleep on the third floor of the dungeon, which had the look of a mausoleum, and name and name got into a fight over the campfire placement." while Marcille is like uh-huh what next what next while kicking her feet. She thinks of pre-dungeon pompous Mithrun and is like omg you went through a character arc and become better as a person- and then he opens his mouth and she’s like nevermind let’s keep working on that. She would also go "ew ur hair is greasy" and give him a full hair care treatment. What I’m saying is I need them to be forced to spend time in a dungeon together and become besties through a life or death roadtrip
Marcille is insecure about her ears, long, like an elf’s pride should be, but rounder, inelegant. Seeing Mithrun though, the epitome of beauty, with his half-cut ears make it a sillier thought. Not sure if Mithrun is the best person to reconnect with ur elven culture with but it sure is an option Marcille would so appreciate being around someone both cool headed and kind, I genuinely think they’d get along, like not that Senshi isn’t that too most of the time but I think Mithrun would be in a way that’s more refreshing to her. I’d be so curious about them discussing Dalclan, I doubt he’d have read it but she could make him read it, maybe post-canon with the excuse that they’re trying to find him a new hobby hah. He’d tear into the writing and everything but it’d be a fun time, I like to think that it’d make him a bit less prejudiced. Marcille @ Mithrun "👉👈 Soo maybe you don’t know these books they’re pretty recent having come out 50 years ago but…"
I’ve been in a Mithrun phase I want to make and read Mithrun-centric fics and angst so baaad. I razz him a lot here but he’s literally a traumatized military man that became obsessed with revenge due to bad coping and neglects himself in the process idk not much for him going on and some of it is because he has to work on himself, but hey no one’s perfect it all comes from a place of love and relating though I prommy. He’s the one ungodly angsty squeaky toy blorbo with brain damage rep I have don’t take him from me
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Uhm,,,, may I ask for geo x shy reader (whatever format you want, im just starving for geo content) (´·ω·`)
Diffidence (Geo x Shy! MC/Reader)
Thank you for the ask Anon! I had fun writing this one (albeit, as someone who isn't even remotely shy, I want to apologise if the shyness part seemed inaccurate). Hope you enjoy! :D - Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Diffidence: modesty or shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence.
Geo wasn’t the shy type. He never was, nor ever planned to be. Unfortunately, you were.
He never understood how someone as…dare he say…beautiful and smart as you could be so insecure of yourself. Even actively talking yourself down, trying to doll yourself up to appease the gazes of people who’d never appreciate you. Not in the way he did anyway.
When Crowe first introduced you to him, and the others, you tried asking him about Hyugo, about why he even hung out with Crowe and company; and all it took for you to become antsy was a couple seconds of intense eye-contact. Sure, he was irked by the former query, but it didn't mean he was irked by YOU.
It didn’t even register in his head at the time that someone could be as shy as you. But he wasn’t planning on letting others take advantage of it.
He’s seen first-hand how cruel other people at this school can be, and he wasn’t going to let them lay a finger on you (if someone already did, they’re dead)
Everytime someone remotely dodgy approached you, asking for a favour, or for ‘help’ with ‘something’, he’d nonchalantly drag you elsewhere, ensuring that you were again safe. That you didn't have to do anything they requested of you.
He would try to be less cold with you, especially since he was starting to become extremely somewhat fond of you. 
He would make attempts to get you to join the Archery Club, so he could see you more often assist (and subtly praise) you whenever you did well; which was always. You get the bullseye each time. He trains you well. (A bit *too* well some have noticed).
He’d 110% death-stare anyone who tried talking to you after that, didn’t matter if they seemed nice or not, they aren’t trustworthy, not like him.
If you become a target of bullies? They’ll end up hospitalised. Rumours? Person who started them will magically vanish without a trace. He doesn’t care, he’s got enough money to buy this whole city and not make a dent in his funds. The city cops love a good bribe.
Tries to slowly grow closer to you during Archery, hoping that you will warm up to him, become less antsy around him; and eventually (to his unbounding relief), you start talking.
You tell him about your interests, your likes, dislikes, worst fear, what classes you had; and he’s entranced. He doesn’t even care if he spends all day there anymore, he enjoys your voice too much. Also remembers everything you tell him. 
You start talking to him more, and all he can do is relish in the fact that he’s befriending one of the kindest, prettiest, smartest people he’s ever met.
Oh, if you like Crowe? You won’t soon enough, Geo will make sure of that. He won’t harm Crowe’s reputation or try to paint him as a monster, but expect Crowe to become way busier than usual.
Will start randomly muttering compliments to you; sometimes you hear them, to which he denies…but deep down you know he sung your praises, and it fills you with warmth; because you know he isn’t the type to lie to his friends.
“Ugh, Brittney’s so pretty.”
“Not as much as you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.” (you’re not).
Will send you a gift on your birthday, Valentine’s Day (he’ll make an exception to hating it if it means seeing you happy), Halloween, Christmas, he doesn’t care. Any occasion to give you something is a good one.
Will ask you out…eventually…maybe in a few decades (jkjk)
But when he does, his stoic face will crack, possibly for the first time ever, and he’ll smile. (You can’t handle it he’s too beautiful)
Will ensure you know how highly he thinks of you every single day, along with letting you be the only person to hold his hand.
Will treasure you. Will tell you secrets after a while, will remind you that you can say how you feel around him, and you better start believing it.
As long as you’re comfortable, safe and happy around him, he's content.
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jbaileyfansite · 5 months
Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer's Interview with The Hollywood Reporter (2023)
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“Johnny B! Johnny B!” Matt Bomer exclaims as he logs in to Zoom to join his Fellow Travelers co-star, Jonathan Bailey, to do press for their critically acclaimed Showtime limited series.
“Hey, Matty Mo,” Bailey replies. 
The actors spent about six months filming the eight-episode series — so, of course, they’ve established a playful bond. On this particular day, they’ve even given each other nicknames.  
“I don’t think I’ve ever called Matt ‘Matty Mo’ in my life,” a smiling Bailey says.
“I love Matty Mo,” Bomer replies. “Listen, I love Matty Mo. I appreciate it.”
Bomer and Bailey built a brotherhood and onscreen chemistry for the historical romantic drama about two male political staffers who fall in love at the height of the Lavender Scare, a time when homosexuals were banned from holding positions in the federal government. The series — based on Thomas Mallon’s 2007 novel of the same name — follows their intense affair into the ’80s, also visiting Vietnam War protests and the AIDS crisis.
Zoom, it turns out, is where the actors first met, reading lines together to see if there was magic. And there was.
Since debuting in late October, Fellow Travelers has had an overwhelming response from viewers — some connecting directly with Bomer’s Hawkins Fuller, a veteran and State Department official who carefully hides his homosexuality, or with Bailey’s Tim Laughlin, an eager and naive congressional staffer who falls hard for Hawk. Others have identified with some of the supporting cast, including Allison Williams in the role of Hawk’s wife, Lucy Smith, and breakout stars Jelani Alladin as reporter Marcus Hooks and Noah J. Ricketts as drag performer Frankie Hines, whose gay Black love story is one of the show’s many highlights. 
“It’s so nice to be able to have discourse with people who are responding to the show. That’s been really refreshing and enlightening,” says Bomer, who is also an executive producer on the series.
Bailey, best known for Bridgerton and his theater work, says he was drawn to the show because “it felt new and it hadn’t been done in this way — in an elevated, eight-hour, rich aesthetic with gay actors.
“The queer experience is so different for so many people,” he adds, “but the one thing that unites the queer experience is these moments in history.”
In an interview with THR, Bomer and Bailey talk about prepping for their roles and being gay while playing gay, while also breaking down those milk and toe-sucking scenes.
What has it been like to have people connect emotionally to the series?
MATT BOMER: I won’t name names or anything, but I’ve known people over the years who’ve made similar choices that Hawk made in order to survive. Not governmentally — I mean in a society that certainly didn’t want to see them succeed. But for me, the most refreshing thing has been the young people who are really engaged in the show and knew nothing about the Lavender Scare, and are speaking to the show and the characters, but also, aspects of our history that they were unaware of that the show has — I don’t want to say taught them about, because it’s not a teaching tool — but they’ve learned about through the show.
JONATHAN BAILEY: When people respond in that way and you hear their personal stories, it’s amazing that people feel that they want to share that. It’s the most grounding thing to tell a story and investigate a time or a period or a movement, that hopefully leaves an imprint on people, and/or catalyzes them to tell people and talk about their own stuff. That’s the dream, really.
Jonathan, it’s so heartbreaking to watch Tim hurting in various scenes. What were you pulling from to give such a strong emotional performance? 
BAILEY: Thirty-five years on this earth. (Laughs.) Drawing it from the ground. Naturally, it’s totally parts of me and parts of people that I know, experiences that you think of. Tim’s character arc is so huge, and [I wanted] to capture his youth in those early moments and then expand into what breaks such a pure, optimistic, passionate soul and all the different ways in which that could show itself. There were moments on set that you couldn’t help but be incredibly moved by. 
We found ourselves filming by coincidence on World Aids Day. It is really not hard to feel the importance, but also just the grief is palpable in the stories. And there is a lineage — you inherit this in your community. It just felt like an opportunity to learn as much as I possibly could, generally, about the queer experience. We are surrounded by amazing gay men, as well. And then, of course, I’ve lived my life trying to understand the gay experience, so it wasn’t a shallow pool to [pull from].There’s a well there.
Matt, your character is so cutthroat, but obviously there’s sympathy for him, as well. What was it like playing Hawk?
BOMER: Hawk does what he has to do to survive. He has his empathy and his allegiances, but anything that calls his survival into question, there are immediate and severe boundaries. But then enters Tim, who is so guileless and so full of love and all the things that Hawk wishes he could be at his core, or maybe once was before certain aspects of his life changed that or his point of view about that. You’re always looking for a shadow in your character, and it was so refreshing — he obviously has a public persona, a veneer that he presents to the world in order to maneuver in it, but he really leads with a lot of the more shadowy aspects of a typical character. It’s the love and the more open and vulnerable aspects that are his shadow in many ways. That was an interesting flip for me to get to sink my teeth into. 
It’s profound to have two gay actors playing two gay characters on a TV show. Did you ever think something like this could exist?
BOMER: Honestly, no. My mind has been blown so many times over the past 20 years. I’m just so grateful that the gatekeepers gave us this opportunity. I was doubtful, almost up to the 25th hour on this, that they were really going to put the money and the opportunity into this series that they did. And I’m just so grateful that people who are in the position of calling the shots gave us the chance to tell the story — and the way we needed to.
BAILEY: It’s the Tims of the industry, who are searching for more, who are deconstructing, who are questioning. Because they’re all a similar peer group — [series creator] Ron [Nyswaner] knows Dante [Di Loreto, executive producer of Glee and P-Valley], who’s at Fremantle [which produced the show], and they’ve worked together for years. This isn’t something that just got commissioned overnight, because there’s a wave of progress. The people who are really doing it, as well as the actors, are the people in positions of power who have worked their way up with these questions.
And it’s funny, the one thing I have thought over the years is — I’ve just looked at gay characters, they’re such rich, brilliant, oppressed, complicated, joyous characters to play, so of course people want to play them. And this is a brilliant example of: What better way to do a character study of two polar-opposite gay characters than have gay people play them? But that’s what I felt growing up. I just thought, “Of course people want to play those parts,” which is great. It’s just, what happens if, just for a moment, gay people play them?
And I do think that everyone can play everything, and that’s what we should be headed toward. But I do think there’s a balance that needs, and needed, addressing. And there are a lot of people whose questioning and hard work have created a world in which this can fly.
BOMER: I agree with you wholeheartedly. And it is the Tims of the industry or maybe some Hawks, too, hoping for retribution.
BAILEY: That’s true. We stand on the shoulders of all the Hawks, as well. 
BOMER: (Laughs.)
BAILEY: [The Hawks] did all the work at MGM, yes. (Laughs.)
Jonathan, your character drinking milk in the series got a lot of attention. 
BAILEY: It was a brilliant way of showing such naiveté, and immediately you know that this is a character who’s completely outside the world Hawk inhabits, and he sees the world completely differently. He’s so open. It’s so interesting, isn’t it? Because, it’s funny that Tim leads with his heart and his openness and his childlike wonder, and his shadows are his compulsive nature of constantly needing something that he can’t fill. There’s a moment in episode six — they’re in Frankie’s flat, and I was like, “He’s got to be drinking milk.”
BOMER: There was a power shift in episode eight, too.
BAILEY: Exactly. The milk was on the call sheet. It’s a character in its own right. And also the milk’s character arc is more dramatic than everyone else. Give it a spinoff, I say. (Laughs.)
There was also that toe-sucking scene. Jonathan, did you get the script and it said “suck toe”? 
BOMER: Just “suck toe.” (Laughs.)
BAILEY: It was very, very precisely written down — it was as precise as it needed to be. I saw that as an incredible way to dissect power. I got it when I read it, and I wasn’t intimidated by it. I was just like, “If in the first episode that’s what we are doing, it’s going to be worth five months moving to Toronto, and it’s going to be a series that I would want to watch.” Because not only is it incredibly complicated, not only is it really hot, it’s also something that masks as being provocative, but actually it’s really psychologically impactful and the people who get it get it.
BOMER: I think all those scenes were a really external representation of what was going on with these characters internally, emotionally. And for me, it was really refreshing to see the gay love scenes brought to light in a really unflinching way.
BAILEY: The shock and overwhelm and the tantalizing chemical combustion that happens seeing it — it’s a greater sensory experience because that’s exactly what it meant for Tim in that moment. It captures exactly what’s going on for Hawk and Tim, hopefully, allowing the viewer to experience a bodily reaction to it in the same way, whatever that may be. 
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Something Else: Bode Leone x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @jeysbae @cloveroctobers @dizzybee03 @a-porcelain-gir1 @missy203 @floydsglasses @@alixw22x @shelbygeek @muligatorrr @jaybae @yousigned-upforthis @kmc1989 @brenobikenobi @mini-bee-bee @timmybradford @zippeylay @rhilee91 @switchbladeclub @itzkiarabxtches @girlinwounderland @choppedgalaxynerd @drunkangels @freecreationpost @stefani-topaz @chlo-lo14
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One of Bode’s favourite things about being out on parole is the upgrade in shower facilities.
In prison you get ten minutes in the company with at least one other person, you try not to look but it’s incidental. The water was always freezing cold or scalding, there’s no in between. It was different at fire camp, you get fifteen minutes to yourself but the water pressure was shitty and the temperature tepid at best.
At home with you he gets as much hot water as he wants for as long as he wants, and baths…
They are a game changer after a hard day working construction or volunteering with Cal Fire.
Another thing he enjoys is the aromatherapy aspect. He’s used to relying on the shit they have in commissary and then what Cap was able to source from the General Store. It was always nameless, scentless, rough on his skin.
When he comes across the Wild & Sage stall at the Farmer’s Market he’s overwhelmed, he’s always liked the idea of natural products he’s just never been able to try them due to his legal predicament.
“I don’t know what to choose.” He says softly to you, his fingertips trailing over the silver reuseable containers. “There’s so many…”
“That’s what samples are for.” You say quietly, taking his hand in yours. You dab your fingers into the moisturising cream before spreading it across the back of his hand. He raises it to his nose inhaling it and that scent, the woodsy overtone, it makes everything feel a little lighter. His skin feels softer, less tight, less dry.
He spends over thirty minutes in front of that stall, talking with the vendor, trying all the samples. He works out what he likes, what he doesn’t like. He ends up spending a small fortune on toiletries, something he’s never done in his life.
“It’s nice to see you investing in yourself.” You tell him, when you come back from the florist with a bouquet of sunflowers tucked into the crook of your arm.
He smiles when the bathroom door clicks open, he sees your shape beyond the frosted glass, hears the sound of your clothes falling onto the tiles. This is the other thing he likes, the company.
“Hi.” He murmurs as you step underneath the stream of water with him.
“Hi.” You say, your fingers threading through his damp hair as you press against him.
“God you feel good.” He whispers against your lips, your fingers wrap around his cock and he inhales sharply because the sensation of your hand working him over, it’s bliss.
“But this is better right?” You tease, your thumb tracing over the tip of his cock.
He moans into your mouth because you, you have magic hands. He’ll never get tired of the way you touch him, the light brush of your fingertips, the steady intense pressure of your palm. The ecstasy, it builds in the base of his spine, searing through his synapses as you stroke him a little faster, a little harder. His breathing becomes ragged, his kisses messy, he’s right there at the edge of the precipice when your pussy envelops him.
He can’t think, he can’t breathe, all he can do revel in the sensation of that tight wet heat as it grips him.
“Baby.” He drawls as you clench around the tip of his dick. “Fuck baby, fuck!”
He comes so fucking hard that he sees stars, his release spilling into you. When he pulls out, it coats the head of his cock. You grasp his shaft, smearing his spent all over your pussy and he almost loses it all over again. You kill him with this shit, he swears to God, you do.
“You are something else you know that?” He murmurs, his forehead coming to rest coming to rest upon yours. “Truly you are.”
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hanjisunglover · 5 months
heya! may i be ⭐🍰 anon if its not taken? (ik my user is exposed bc im gonna show a photo but ill still be an anon) thanks☺. but i have a thought to bring to the table anddd its abt jisung so you may love it or like it! but enough rabbling, let me tell you the thought.
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imagine if jisung looked like this everytime you give him head. like it'll be a calm Saturday afternoon and jisung just came from being at the dorms for the week. you were in the room with Bbama laying on your chest while you play your animal chef game on your phone. jisung comes in says hi and gives hugs and kisses then gets in the shower. after his shower he puts on a sweater like black shirt on and basketball shorts. then you asked him how was practice and his day went. he told you about it and talked about him being stressed a bit and how he needed some type of relief (*wink wink*). so you put Bbame down in his bed in the living room then come back to the room and started putting up your hair. jisung is a bit confused then he realizes,your about to give him head.he watches you sink to your knees on his side of the bed then look at him "ji,if you dont mind taking your shorts off for me?" you said in your always soft voice and he immediately started taking off his shorts. you see hes left in his black briefs,then you started softly kissing the bulge in them. jisung let out a sigh as he watches you with his plump bottom lip his in mouth. after your teasing, you pull down his briefs and his 7 inches springed out and softly slapped his belly button, it was a bit girthy but the stretch felt so good when he'll enter you. his pink red-ish tips' precum oozing out, it looked delicious and your mouth started to water. the shaft slightly curving up a bit. jisung looks at you waiting eagerly for you to take him in his mouth...
(im gonna leave this here and let you do your amazing magic and make this piece of trash wayyy better. and sorry if theres mistakes and sorry again for the basically huge paragraph or more. and btw, DO NOT feel pressure to write this! totally fine with me if you just react to it and not write ;) buttt ill see if you write it or not~ bye bye! 😘)
hello ⭐🍰 anon, sooo nice to have you here! AND OMG YOU DON'T GET IT HOW MUCH I THINK ABOUT THAT VLOG. your writing skills >>>, also it's pretty short but yeah
warnings: switch reader, switch hanji, oral receiving (m), praise kink, cum eating.
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Your eyes are locked in his, he's looking at you so impatiently that it's driving you crazy and still need even to taste his pre-cum. "Angel please, do- do something."
Your hands travel on his thighs, as your breath hits the sensitive head of his cock, Jisung grab lightly your hair driving your mouth to him, "show some respect baby," you make fun of him — just to see his expression getting darker, his grip gets stronger.
"Give me that mouth y/n," he hisses lightly, your tongue take the way from the base of his cock towards the tip, sucking as soft as you can, his head move back as his other hand grab the sheets under him. Your lips open enough to take half of his shaft in your mouth, the moans that he's letting out are the best sound that you could ever ask. His grab on your hair get tighter when you start to move your head up and down.
"God, do not stop.." His voice gets high pitch with a whimper, you're sucking his dick so well that his toes curls for the pleasure, he feels that he's gonna explode in your throat. Your eyes start to tear up for the deep throating that your beautiful boyfriend is receiving, the saliva run down to your chin making his view blurry for pleasure. He cum in your mouth, making you moan around his shaft cause the taste it's amazing and you just can't contain yourself from swallowing every drop of it.
Jisung moan even louder as his muscles tense up for the pleasure, your eyes are closing letting the tears for the intense moment that he just felt, his hands stroke your cheeks softly as your head move slightly up from his cock. "you're.. perfect."
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norieoncrack · 6 months
(N): the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff (with hints of angst)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Riddle (Rosehearts)
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: One Shot
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: they/them
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: He’s jealous of you, someone who’s put into high regard but at the same time he loves you, the star of his night sky.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Violence, attempts of drug usage (love potion).
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Roses weren’t your favorite flowers, they’re beautiful but there are too many thorns, the red color itself never suited you and… it reminded you too much of him. Being the third child of your royal parents, they’ve always been there for you seeing as you are the youngest. It would have been nice for you to continue living in ignorance, perhaps serve the country and kingdom by becoming a duke or duchess yet life wasn’t so kind.
Ten years ago if you had remembered it correctly, you first met him after a history class about the Kingdom of Roses, the crown prince and only child to the infamous Red queen, Riddle Rosehearts.
“(Y/n), say hello to your fiancé, won’t you dear?” Grey eyes which stared at you with no other emotions, you were scared out of your wits seeing as how intensely he was looking at you.
“…A please meeting you, (title), Riddle Rosehearts, from the kingdom of Roses.” Despite being so young he had already carried the attitude and grace of nobility, something your young self has yet to possess.
“They’re a little shy, I hope this doesn’t upset you.” Your mother doesn’t like forcing her children to marry people they don’t like, but it’s not like she would ask their opinions before pushing them into engagements.
“Oh I’m sure it’s alright, this would make a good connection for our kingdoms either ways” Fake smiles and bothered complexion, the current queen of the Rose kingdom scares you. “Well, let’s have a talk while the kids get to know each other, shall we?”
To be completely honest, you don’t like talking to new people and had a bad habit of hiding behind your mother’s dress everytime you had to accompany her to meet different people. That was the very first time you’ve been forced to accompany a stranger without your mother, his eyes narrowed at you making you think he somehow despised you.
“Let’s cut the formalities here, you don’t want to get married, do you?” His voice was a bit different from before, it sounded softer but much more broke.
“I… No, I don’t. I don’t even understand what’s going on.” What type of child would understand when their mother suddenly burst down their bedroom door one day and said they have a fiancé with no other explanation?
“You don’t have to get close to me, let’s just treat each other like acquaintances.” Since it was the younger you naturally you agreed not wanting to interact with people, you’d rather spend time imagining about stars or fairytales. “Let’s just become friends”
Your first meeting with him wasn’t like how the stories said it would be like, your first meeting wasn’t a magical one like how your mother would tell you, your first meeting didn’t spark the feelings your siblings said it would for them, your first meeting felt like two old friends meeting in a different lifetime.
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Riddle was a hard working person, you noticed that when your mother began arranging classes for your studies and Riddle would be your study partner, normally you would be studying with your siblings but ever since the engagement you began to see him more.
Beautiful and graceful, a poker face the mask he wore, it wasn’t who he was but it was who he survived being the heir to his kingdom, the way you saw it he wasn’t a perfect fiancé but a respectful one, one you could tolerate since you both had a mutual agreement.
Roses, began to remind you of him, the vibrant red colors he held on his 11th birthday, and ever since then you can’t help but think of him every time the flower was present.
“ Isn’t he such a gentlemen?” Yes he was, but you hadn’t found it in yourself to love him.
“Doesn’t he treat you well?” Only the bare minimum as you both couldn’t be anything less but acquaintances.
Love was a foreign feeling, and one you can’t see associated with him out of all people, you yourself don’t understand love, so how could anyone ask you to love him?
He's gentle out of everything, despite the cold and noble face he puts on he still treats you with respect and he listens to you, not many would listen to a royal who was rumored to be a useless asset to the kingdom and is ‘the one who will ruin everything’, but if anything you’re happy this means you don’t have to meet people.
If someone were to ask you now as a more matured royal, if you had a choice would you have chose a different fiancé? Then the answer would be no, he wasn’t like the other types of fiancé who gave warmth and told lies to mask the truth, but you wouldn’t have any other way with the his cold truth and out of reach behavior.
In all the time confined in the four walls of his room, you were his only escape, he remembered your first meeting a bit differently than how you did for him. A timid and quiet person who had no other interest than to hide behind their mother.
“(Y/n), say hello to your fiancé, won’t you dear?” Your shy self wanted nothing more than to run away and he understood that, he didn’t want to be in that room himself.
While the adults chattered away he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, you weren’t exactly beautiful to him at least, he couldn’t tell anything by only seeing your occasional peaking from behind your mother but there was something, something about you that he couldn’t take his eyes off of.
“You don’t really like being here do you?” (E/c) which somehow saw through his acting, perhaps he was mistaken and was delusional and buried in the thought of you understanding him for who he is. “Your eyes showed discomfort, they’re as truthful as fate is”
“You can’t just tell what I feel like by looking at my eyes, it’s just not possible” day and night to please his mother, he acted in front of a mirror, to play the role of a perfect prince, to play the role of a bright scholar for you he would have played the role of a perfect fiancé but you saw through the mask, so why did he need to wear it?
“W-Well what if I can? It’s not h-hard to see it” you’re stuttering like there’s no tomorrow, but he doesn’t mind that, he knows that if he said something about you, you’d get self conscious and never talk to him again, if you never talk to him again you might as well call of the engagement…
“You don’t have to get close to me, let’s just treat each other like acquaintances.” Behind the exterior of a shy royal who wanted nothing more than to run away from the crowd, he saw a star who could shine brighter than anything else. “Let’s just become friends”
He’ll do whatever it takes to keep the engagement from being called off, his mother relied on him, the future of his kingdom relied on him.
His first meeting with you he knew the type of person he had to be, the broken prince who puts respecting you over all and everything else, if you are unhappy he was in trouble, and he doesn’t want that. He’ll make sure you don’t have to deal with troublesome problems, so that you don’t have to consider him worthless and cast him aside, he’ll make sure he doesn’t talk to much so that you don’t think he’s annoying and speaks too much. Everything and anything that is in his power, he’ll do it to please you.
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You were like the ocean, calm and quiet yet you hold so many secrets, you filled surprises and wonders which he can’t ever seem to forget. Yes, you were the sea, the sea who admire and always faced the moon and he knew even as time passed he could never be your moon, he was just someone who you were bound with as children.
You’re different from the rest of the nobles and royals he’s met, maybe this was what made him unable to keep his eyes off of you. He doesn’t love you, the butterflies in his stomach every time he sees you was just him getting nervous, the sound of his heart racing every time you glanced at him was just the anxiety you give him.
He doesn’t understand what love is, everytime he asked about it his mother would brush him off telling him it’s a useless feeling, or she would tell him that everything she’s ever done for him is love.
If love was the times his mother scold him for not getting perfect scores and not doing his best, then everytime you gave him a piece of your dessert wasn’t love, if love resulted in him crying in pain from the beatings and scolding his mother gave him then your doodles and words of encouragement weren’t love, no matter how much joy it brought him.
You don’t love him, and he doesn’t love you, no matter how wrong and hurt he feels when he think of those words. Maybe in his dreams he would understand what love means, but when he faces the world after waking up, he’ll forget the meaning all over again.
“Hey, stop staring at me" he's sure of it after so much time has passed, he doesn't love you, even when he doesn't know what the feeling is.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, (Y/n)" Compared to his mother the feelings he has for you are much more different, that's why even though he's confused he'll act the way he is, the perfect and respectful fiance you've always known.
Perhaps one day he’ll understand his feelings, but for now all he’ll ever think of are the plan approvals and administration work. Maybe one day you’ll understand how you’d feel about him, but by the time that day comes you’ll still be preforming the duties bestowed upon you, the welfare of your prosperous country.
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Maybe he should have told you from the beginning why, why your engagement was so important, why his mother wanted him to get closer to you, why he put respecting you above everything. It was all due to simple power differences and protection…
When you and him were but infants, his mother came to your kingdom in hopes of striking a deal with the royalty of your kingdom, your parents, in exchange for safety of the Rose kingdom, which had lost it’s king in a war, you’d be be engaged to the crown prince of the Rose kingdom.
“But what if… this child doesn’t want the engagement?” Your mother cradled you in her arms, you were so young when all of this was set for you.
“The Rose kingdom has many things to offer, my queen, I will ensure you everything I have to offer, so please…” perhaps we all knows what ends up happening afterwards…
Everyday of his life ever since the engagement was made, was dedicated to you, his studying served as the purpose of not making a fool out of himself when he’s next to you, his rigorous training was to protect you, from the dangers that could hurt you.
His mother was never a gentle person, she had more concerns and care for the kingdom, more than she ever did for her son. Her love wasn’t a sadistic or twisted one, it was a vacant one, perhaps she doesn’t even know what he truly wants for his life, because even he can’t remember when was the last time she had asked him if he was happy or not.
“Riddle? Riddle~ is anyone still in there?” Your hand waves gently in front of his face, snapping him out of his dream.
“Sorry, I was just…” If only the peaceful days could last, he would still see you like this, a shy person infatuated with the stars and countless of worlds beyond the grounds and skies.
“Thinking about something? You always say this when you’re daydreaming or distracted.” But he knows one day, it’ll change, and along it you will change
“Alright, you caught me red handed, what do you need?” You quickly held up the astronomy book you’ve always been reading.
“Meteor shower…” you trailed off looking away, how could he have forgotten, it was the meteor shower you’ve always been looking forward to for a long time. “A meteor shower is happening soon”
“Oh.” There is a problem if you were planning to go though, it was your birthday celebration the night the meteor shower happened.
Your fascination about the stars didn’t just end at the moon, everything related to the night sky, you were there to witness it all, it’s a strange hobby only those closest to you would know since you’d hide it so well no one would know.
Just because you two only consider yourselves to be friends never meant you two got closer with time, just because he respects you and keeps his distance doesn’t mean he can’t learn more about you.
“You do know you could get in trouble for sneaking out.” It’s as if you didn’t even hear him, you’re daydreaming (nightdreaming?) about the stars again, that look on your face was more than enough for him to tell.
Sometimes Riddle is jealous of your freedom, unlike him you could actually runaway from your problems or could leave it to someone to deal with it. Free to chase what you truly desire, free to express how you feel, maybe it was consolation to him seeing that you can’t love freely as you’re engaged to him.
“Can’t you join me?” It came as a shock to him, but seeing you looking so excited and hopeful, it just makes his heart beat in such an uncomfortable way. You’re killing him.
“I’ll… I’ll think about it.” He’s weak to you, his only weakness in this world.
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He never really liked the quietness of the castle, of his home, his mother was rarely around and the servants couldn’t talk to him, he’d much rather stay in your kingdom. In contrast to the warm and bright atmosphere of your home, his home was cold, the garden of roses looked like lifeless decoration, precise and perfect, everything and anything.
“Your highness, her majesty wishes to see you” it’s rare that his mother even wanted to see him, but if it was anything, she probably just wanted to meet him again to give him a task.
He doesn’t see the Rose kingdom as his home, perhaps it was because of how long he spent studying and growing up next to you, he was only home for two months each year after all. Yet he can’t still can’t let go of the responsibility of wearing the crown forced upon him.
“You wished to see me, mother?” Cold and strict, he almost forgotten what she looked like.
“I trust there are no issues or incidents with your engagement, so I’ll get straight to the point.” If he was any younger, he would have resented his mother for not caring about him in one bit, but what’s the use of doing so when she’ll just stare at him like that? “I want you to announce the engagement to the public, and officiate your marriage by the end of the year.”
“Hah?” He’s surprised, maybe that’s why his mother sighed disappointedly.
“The king… from (K/n) has decided to annul the engagement now that peace has been established across the Rose kingdom.” His mother looks stressed and tired beyond anything.
Added details about your “terms” in the engagement, since this was forced upon you and Riddle there were terms to ensure that you and Riddle could back out of the engagement whenever you both wanted.
The engagement was never made public, meaning your relationship was always been kept as “friendship” in the public eyes. Although the nobility had figured it wasn’t just any “friendship” ,still, if the engagement hasn’t been completely acknowledged by the families and those who are said to be in the said engagement refuse to give any details to the public, it will continue to be seen as “friendship”.
When both of you had found “love”, it is just as it has been said, if both or one of you has found someone else to love, the engagement would be annulled so that it wouldn’t cause any future complications.
If the Rose kingdom war has been settled and peace has been established, the last one was the one that mattered the most out of everything. When peace is established across the Rose kingdom there would be no need to continue the engagement and the engagement would be annulled, however, if you two were to love each other regardless of the peace and settlement. Then you both can decided whether you both want to continue being fiancés a bit longer or get straight to marrying.
“But why? There’s no reason to continue the engagement now that peace has been established.” His mother sighed still having that disappointed and dark look on her face.
“Don’t you understand, riddle? My dear child our kingdom may have established peace but it’s dying.” His kingdom although had been saved was still suffering from droughts and the aftermath or wars, your kingdom’s help was what that had been keeping them afloat for so long.
“But you can’t force them into it mother, we’ve never loved each other, and there’s no way this relationship would work.” Though his heart felt like it’s been torn apart, he still said it, it was his truth.
“Then just make them love you.” His mother placed in the palm of his hand, a small vial the color of reddish pink, it was definitely what he thinks it is. “I hate underhand tactics but this one will be our only exception”
“No, no, no! I can’t do this to them!” The vial shatters as he threw it to the ground, the sickening sweet smell spread, as well as the sound of his mother slapping his face.
“…I’ll overlook your little mishap today for the sake of this engagement, the vial will be given to you on their birthday.” With a flick of her hand, servants began cleaning up the broken glass shards and handed the queen another vial. “You may leave, Riddle”
He walks away, that stone cold face seemed to have darken, he’s frustrated, he feels conflicted about right and wrong. What choice can he even make right now? Should he sacrifice the sake of your happiness for his damned home and kingdom? Or sacrifice the kingdom in exchange for his broken heart and that smile which rarely shows up?
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You never liked the spotlight, you hated everything that had to do with meeting new people or even meeting anyone else in general. But maybe it wasn’t so bad meeting him for you, you got comfortable enough for him to be next to you and become your friend, but perhaps you weren’t ready when you heard the engagement was soon to be annulled.
Still you can’t help but feel sad when you should have felt happy, a strange feeling you had when you heard of the rumors from your personal maid and close servants.
“(Y/n), it must have been hard for you, being engaged against your own will.” Your mother said sympathetically, you couldn’t blame your mother, she had always been the type of person to help others regardless of the outcome, perhaps she felt the need to say sorry now was because the engagement was at its end.
“The Rose kingdom won’t need our help anymore, I hope you understand why we had to do that to you.” Your mind no longer cared for your father’s words, you played with your food out of boredom.
You’re free, you should have been happy to been able to return to a life without him, a life where you could devote your life into studying the stars and the land beyond your home, so why does it hurt?
Every time you think of leaving his image appears in your head, red hair which haunts your every thought, the soft smile which rarely appears unless you truly wished for it, grey eyes although cold and hold the truth eventually began to warm up to you. It’s strange to see how your initial impressions have changed, maybe your feelings have as well.
No one would be able to understand you, yet then there was him and slowly there were others as well, like a starless sky which slowly light up so did your heart, he became your stars.
“Can’t I at least have Riddle as my escort?” Your mother and father exchanged looks, before nodding accepting your request.
You weren’t a fool to notice how hard Riddle tried to keep your engagement from breaking so long, letting go of your dreams of witnessing the meteor shower, you decided to honor him in his last task as your fiancé, to share your final ball together.
So what if you can’t witness the skies for one night? You might never be able to meet him again, and that was something you couldn’t bare have happening, the stars will come again but not him.
It’s funny to admit it now that your at the end of your engagement, perhaps first meetings don’t necessarily have to be where love begins to bloom, perhaps that spark can be set ablaze after a while when you get to know the person for who they are.
There’s a difference between love at first sight, the love based off of looks and impressions, and love through time, the love that blooms after getting to know each other long enough. Sure it’s late to have realized it know but, you liked him, no, you loved him, and you’re going to loose him.
The bitter pill which is so hard to swallow you ended up taking it anyways, at least you wished to end your fairytale with joy instead of tears. It might be a tale where you won’t be happy, but you couldn’t careless if it meant he could smile more.
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It’s quiet, the sounds of the world at night filled with wonder beckons you towards it, ‘the child of spring sits on the throne made of flowers’, there was a saying like that when you were born on the day of the spring celebration.
“Not going to run away and watch the meteor shower?” A bittersweet smile on his face, it’s rare to see him smile but for some reason you don’t like this smile, not one bit.
“I don’t think I should do that, people are expecting for us tonight, right?” You closed your book of stars to look outside, the streets of flowers and the joy of people, another successful spring celebration.
You were halfway on the preparation, all that’s left was your make up and hair style, Riddle knew you never liked putting on that stuff despite never saying anything or acting out. Prince or princess, the outer appearances always needed that stuff to “beautify” it as they say.
“Why don’t we just run away?” It was quiet the moment he said that, what’s going on?
He was completely serious saying that, the confidence and playfulness on his face as he ran his hand through your hair while looking into your eyes. It’s strange and so different from the usual stone cold indifference he always gave you.
You’re so conflicted right now, you told yourself tonight you were going to let him fulfill his role and last task as your fiancé, but with a request like this it’s like a stab into your conscious between right and wrong.
“Just for tonight, run away with me” He’s tired of playing the role of a perfect and respectful fiancé, he’s tired of being cautious and careful with each and every one of his movements. “Please just for tonight let’s forget we’re royalty and have duties, just for tonight I want you and I to just be Riddle and (Y/n)”
You’re still conflicted, it’s not easy to understand how you’re supposed to feel hearing this, it’s wrong to have run away just like how you’ve always done but why can’t you deny it and stay to fulfil your role? Why do you want to fall into his arms and run away even if it was for one night.
Riddle didn’t care about anything else at this point, forget the vial his mother gave him to tie you down into a loveless marriage, forget the kingdom which he calls home it will eventually heal and grow from the pain of loss, forget it all he just wants to be with you tonight as himself.
He understood now what he truly felt after being close to you for so long… he loved you, his love is different from his mother’s and it will always be like this, it’s selfish making him want to always be next to you, it’s stupid for appearing now as your said relationship comes to an end.
Perhaps he’ll move on one day, maybe you’ll forget him and find someone new but for tonight you’re all he wants to see and remember.
“But what about the celebration?” It’s unlike you to take precautions, despite being a shy and quiet person you’re more reckless than Riddle is, why is it now that you’re like this?
“I’m not forcing you to go with me, (Y/n), you can stay but tonight” His eyes turned to look at the distant skies, the meteor shower was happening soon. “I want to see it, the meteor shower you’ve always dreamt of seeing”
“…I’ll go, so follow me, I know the perfect spot.” You hope your parents can forgive you, for running away from your own birthday party, to be with the boy you might never meet again.
It’s true what they said about fairytales being different than reality, because it’s reality that makes those tales come to life, in more then one way. Your first meeting was the start of your story, your troubles and pains as well as the time you spent with each other had formed the emotions and bonds you could never erase.
You couldn’t understand it, what were you feeling in that exact moment? The butterflies in your stomach, the way the world just slows down and there was only him and you, your face burned up in embarrassment, you don’t know.
Grabbing your coat you took his hand as you both secretly sneaked away from your bedroom, it was like when you were children who wanted a midnight snack.
Eventually you both made it in time to the hillside just outside of the imperial city, where the people never venture you built as a secret place to watch the stars. Books and notebooks hidden in the bushes, a full view of the city and skies in its glory, how long have you been here he wonders.
“We’re just in time!” Bright light which runs across the skies, one after another until it looked liked the skies were falling.
It was beautifully worth all the trouble you both went through, all for this moment, under the skies where you belong, a picture he could never get out of his head. Your excited childlike look as you pointed towards the falling stars, it’s as if the stars were falling tonight for you and you only and he was a lucky spectator to have witnessed it.
Taking your hand in his Riddle questioned what he was doing, why couldn’t he hold back and reach out towards you? And for a brief moment he stopped breathing, he wanted to kiss you so badly, yet in the end he just holds you close.
“Thanks for indulging in my wish, (Y/n).” When the meteor shower ended you were left with a flustered Riddle for some reason.
“There’s no reason to thank me honestly, it was also my selfish desire to see the stars tonight” the city lights and cheerful noises couldn’t pull your attention away from him, for some reason you can’t help but stare at each other.
It’s quiet again, however in this comforting silence you both had fun enjoying each other’s presence. Whatever happens tomorrow will happen, but for tonight you two had each other.
“What are you doing to me…” when your story finally ended.
“Nothing at all, I’m just realizing how much I loved you all this time” you hope it can be come the foundation for a better tale to blossom.
You and Riddle, despite no longer being engaged to each other, still kept in close contact, you both weren’t exactly courting each other but it was a good start now that you’ve started opening up and understand each other’s feelings more.
Riddle’s mother was originally still upset at Riddle for failing to maintain the engagement however after a long time of convincing from Riddle (mainly from your help because Riddle is still nervous when confronting her, you didn’t face to face tell her anything), she relented and stopped thinking about it.
A nice ending to a story, no?
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A/n notes: A- I hate my writing skills ;-;
I wanted to explore more onto the last scene but was so tired and I felt like I dragged it out long enough ehe-
Req from @amaribelt
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iamnmbr3 · 6 days
I love your meta but it's gotten to the point for me that when I read fics and Harry says something like "He's a disgusting Death Eater" I'm like- Nope, not in character. Harry? No. 1 Draco Malfoy apologist Harry? Unrealistic, I can't.
Thank you so much! That's really nice of you to say! And lol saaaaame. I mean don't get me wrong. I love some bitter 'both-these-characters-have-literally-tried-to-kill-each-other' enemies to lovers but that's not drarry (as their dynamic is portrayed in canon). And I think that's fascinating because they should hate each other a lot more than they do but they just can never bring themselves to. I just find it so striking how little real violence there is between them despite their very intense rivalry evolving into them literally being soldiers on opposite sides of a war. And how they just can't bring themselves to really truly hurt each other the way you'd expect and how they both always risk everything to save each other even when they should have no reason to.
Personally I think that's more interesting than them just disliking and distrusting each other. Because yes there is rivalry and bad blood and hostility but there's so much more than that and that fascinating push and pull is what makes their interactions so interesting to me.
I mean, canonically by the end of book 6 Harry has shifted into full-on worrying about Draco. And he keeps worrying about him all through book 7. (Not to mention saving his life and being saved in return by Draco at the Manor). This is wild. Draco is a Death Eater. Draco let other Death Eaters into the school. Draco almost got Katie and Ron - 2 friends of Harry's - killed. Draco is indirectly responsible for Bill's face getting ripped off. He also seemingly contributed to Dumbledore's apparent murder by disarming him and leaving him vulnerable.
But Harry doesn't hate him. He understands that Draco has changed his mind and doesn't want to be doing what he's doing anymore and has realized the folly of the side he's chosen (but tragically too late). He pities him. He worries about him. He doesn't despise or blame him. He even apparently conceals Dracos's crimes from magical law enforcement and blames everything on Snape.
Given this, I always personally find it a bit jarring when canon compliant fics have Harry go too overboard with the whole "omg he was a Death Eater" angle because it doesn't fit with his actions in canon. I mean after he walks in on Draco crying in book 6 and saying some hugely incriminating things Harry's reaction is to completely back off - simply because his investigation is putting Draco in danger. Even though Draco is pretty clearly a potential danger to others. And by the end of book 6 he's even more sympathetic to him after seeing Draco's change of heart. In book 7 he's viscerally horrified by seeing Draco forced to torture Rowle and the thing that motivates him to block out his connection to Voldemort for the first time is not wanting to see Draco tortured after the escape from the Manor. And he thinks about him quite frequently. And he even puts not only his own life at risk to save him, but also the lives of his friends (who he values far more than he values himself).
Given all this, while I certainly think Harry wouldn't immediately be best friends with Draco or forget about all the bad things he and his family did, I don't think he'd be over the top hating him like I see in some fics where Harry is outraged Draco didn't go to Azkaban or enraged by his mere presence at Hogwarts for 8th year or stuff like that, given he wasn't that bothered by Draco in 6th or 7th year when he had a lot more reason to be. That level of hostility and mistrust just doesn't feel like it fits to me.
Of course everyone is free to interpret and write the characters how they like. These are just my personal views and preferences. (And to be fair I also find it a bit jarring when Harry starts talking like he's been on tumblr reading drarry metas in defense of Draco so it's definitely a balance).
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actual-changeling · 3 months
Hey there Alex! So, I've loved your content for a bit of a while now and your explanations/insight really gives a lot of clarity to people who either might not understand certain points about Good Omens, need a reality check, or may have missed something. You've also really helped me stop being so shy about my love and defense for Crowley in response to Azi apologists weaponizing his trauma as excuses for the way he treats him.
Anyways! I don't know if you've talked about it before, I think you mentioned it briefly in passing but could you possibly go more in depth about the scene in s2 between them about the Bentley situation. The first time I watched the scene, I remember thinking it was so adorable how Crowley trusted Aziraphale enough with his car and how Azi changed the color of it. However, there was always.... something! Idk that struck me the wrong way and you realize upon watching it again that it wasn't as straight forward at at. I'd like your opinion, since I feel it really plays into that constant dynamic of Crowley being uncomfortable for Aziraphale's sake once again.
Do you think he was actually okay with it in the end?
Why did Azi choose this rather than by train?
Does the Bentley truly like the Angel?
If Crowley is connected to the Bentley, how come he doesn't seem to realize when Shax was in it with Aziraphale?
Thank you, that's really nice to hear! I'm glad that my posts have been helpful in a number of ways 💚
Now, I have THOUGHTS on the Bentley scene, excellent questions!
It is another one of those moments that seems sweet on the surface but is actually deeply uncomfortable to watch once you look past that. Let's start with the easy ones and then work our way through the scene in chronological order.
Why did Azi choose this rather than by train?
Aziraphale is basically roleplaying at this point. His weird obsession with his "Clue" has turned into a performance similar to his horrible magic acts; his facial expressions and body language change and become more theatrical when he talks to Crowley about it. At this point, he has probably already decided that he will pretend to be a journalist for no other reason than fun. Driving a car instead of going by train is presumably a part of that, it's an elaborate fantasy he's trying to live out—similar to the ball later on.
We have to keep in mind that while Crowley is aware of the gravity of the situation, Aziraphale is actively choosing to ignore it. Going to Edinburgh for fun is a horrible idea considering the danger they're in, but Aziraphale does not care.
Does the Bentley truly like the Angel?
I think the Bentley likes him exactly as much as Crowley likes him, simple answer but tbh that's really it.
Do you think he was actually okay with it in the end?
Now, the one million pound question: Did Crowley willingly give him the Bentley or did Aziraphale coerce him into doing so? Before we answer this one, there are some more things to consider.
Firstly, the circumstances.
With Shax in his flat and Jimbriel in the bookshop, Crowley has exactly one safe place left: the Bentley. It is HIS, it is mobile, it does not belong to anyone else, and he has a connection to it, meaning that he protects the Bentley but the Bentley also protects him.
We saw Crowley's intense reaction to Gabriel's presence, and it's not 'funny' or 'dramatic', it is Crowley being deeply traumatized by heaven, his fall, and the trial, and there's a very high chance Gabriel was involved in his fall, too. What Aziraphale is essentially demanding of him the entire season is that he locks himself in close quarters with his abuser, who can literally kill him on the spot.
Crowley is fucking terrified, he cannot sleep, he is hypervigilant and even more paranoid than usual, his mood swings get worse, he is a mess—and Aziraphale does not take any of his concerns, emotions, or needs seriously.
Secondly, past experiences and boundaries.
Whenever Aziraphale needs a lift, Crowley is happy to provide one, he enjoys driving him around. Emphasis on him being the driver. Aziraphale has not once driven the Bentley, and it is safe to assume that Crowley has never once OFFERED that he could drive it. That alone should be enough for Aziraphale to not ask that question in the first place, but it isn't.
It also means that Crowley does not expect the question and—when probably at some point asking himself the question whether he'd be okay with Aziraphale driving it—decided he does not want anyone but himself in the driver's seat.
So how does Crowley react when Aziraphale demands the keys to the Bentley?
Oh right, yeah, let's actually talk about that first. He does not ask.
Aziraphale does not ask. I cannot overstate how important it is that he does not ask Crowley if he can drive the Bentley. This is how their conversation goes:
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There is no question. "I will take the car" is Aziraphale informing Crowley of a decision he has already made without consulting him—wow, I wonder when that will become relevant again?
final fifteen *cough*
Before he asked, Crowley was rather relaxed (or as relaxed as he can possibly be in his situation), but that changes immediately.
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First picture is when he asks Aziraphale about what time his train is, the other two are when he says 'what car'.
His back straightens, his shoulders tighten and freeze, he snaps his jaw shut and grinds his teeth, chin up, mouth lips pressed together—I interpret this as initial panic plus a spark of anger over "our car".
Crowley denies Aziraphale ownership of the Bentley, saying that no, there is no "our" car, this is MY car. It is clear, simple boundary, but Aziraphale went into this conversation having already decided that he will take the car, no matter what Crowley thinks about it.
While he might sound all cheery and excited, look at his body and the expression on his face. That smile is fake, it's bordering on angry, and it is sending a very clear message to Crowley: I want this car and you will give it to me. Once again, my way or the highway.
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Bringing up the bookshop is him trying to "out-logic" Crowley, but it does not work because
a) Crowley very much does not consider the bookshop to be "theirs"
b) even if he had, the bookshop is no longer a safe place because of Jimbriel
c) Aziraphale KICKED HIM OUT of the bookshop in the first episode, establishing that Crowley is a guest and nothing more.
He then intentionally misinterprets Crowley saying that he "can't drive [his] Bentley" and mentions his license. Again, entirely irrelevant because that is not even remotely the problem.
Throughout their conversation, Crowley becomes more and more uncomfortable and panicked. This is not a squabble or banter, this is Crowley trying to protect the one thing he has left and Aziraphale not giving a fuck.
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Now, the REAL banger here is that after pushing Crowley this far, he then suddenly dumps the rest of his "decision" on him: stay with a person that has severely harmed you, alone, without a way of escaping. This is where Crowley grows from panicked and angry to genuinely frightened.
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He stops Aziraphale from touching it—rightfully so—and then reaches out himself to calm himself; it is right there, my car is right next to me, it's okay. Aziraphale ignored all of his attempts to set and enforce boundaries, ignored his panic and emotional state, ignored what Crowley was telling him, ignored everything Crowley told him BEFORE, and keeps pushing pushing pushing until the very end.
So to circle back to your question, no, Crowley is absolutely not fine with Aziraphale taking the car by the end; he fights him right up until the moment he begrudgingly gives him the keys.
It is a very good example of their current relationship dynamic, and personally it actually hurts to watch it happen. Anyone who has gone through trauma around privacy, safety, and personal effects knows how terrifying and traumatizing it is to have your boundaries repeatedly violated like that.
Aziraphale is being manipulative and coercing Crowley into doing what he wants; it's fucked up, and this doesn't even begin to deal with happens later.
If Crowley is connected to the Bentley, how come he doesn't seem to realize when Shax was in it with Aziraphale?
Maybe he did but did not really care because Shax has been in the Bentley before (just like Beez), maybe he is too distracted by Jimbriel and potentially being murdered in his sleep to pay much attention to Aziraphale on his way back.
Maybe he DID notice since he does ask Aziraphale if something happened, and then once again makes the mistake of trusting him when he denies it.
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Without more information I can only speculate, but, personally, I think Shax being in the Bentley was not too big of a deal for Crowley even if he noticed it.
As always, if anyone has follow-up question, feel free to ask!
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maxverstepponme · 3 days
hi steppy! i’m one of the admins of the late povkellypiquet so here are the messages we got. sadly we don’t have access to the screenshots anymore because it was all through tiktok but this is what our source said. 
"Jerome D'Ambrosio and Natalie got married in 2013 but prior to that she would travel a lot with Jerome on the f1 circuit. She would always say most of the wags were incredibly kind. She also said you had to be tolerant and have an amicable personality to be able to be with an f1 driver because although they are glorified they are have really intense personalities, they are often controlling and absolutely have to get their way. (not all of them but most are). At that time Kelly was absolutely a nobody, she was just known for her father and her need for attention so she ended up doing some blogging for formula E and that's where her true colors came out so everyone knew she was dying to be a wag and no one liked her, she would purposely try to befriend drivers and made her rounds... one of them being Jerome, Natalie's husband at the time. They weren't even married a year and she kept getting sent pictures that were taken on the track from the media of her with him talking super close and always together. She then found out they would go on shopping trips and he would stay extra days in whatever city to spend time with her. Besides her being promiscuous she's got a very arrogant unlikable personality. So that happened - her marriage ended."
"So Jerome and her stopped dating. To this day he denies it but she probably doesn't because she just wanted soooo badly to have the status of a wife or a drivers girlfriend. So at that time this girl who worked in formula E started dating her brother Nelson Piquer Jr. they were super in love- Kelly absolutely hated the girl because she actually had a job and is a super beautiful and nice person so Kelly made every effort to destroy their relationship which she did. Kelly would relentlessly bully Nelson's girlfriend and make up rumors. Kelly got her way and the girl and Nelson eventually broke up. Kelly is widely known for being home wrecker, a morbid narcissist and a spoiled, entitled brat. She had a super low key Brazilian surfer bf while she slept around with drivers trying to be relevant."
i asked my insider if they knew anything about the magical night between max and kelly, and this is what they said:
"This is how it went: max's gf was visiting him in Monaco for the weekend and, max, the Gt, Nelson's gf and Nelson all went out clubbing the second night and Kelly decided to join them. Then Kelly left the club with Max.... so Max abandoned his then girlfriend at the club and Kelly went back to his place to sleep with him. His gf ended up spending the night with Nelson and V and was devastated. Kelly absolutely knew she was in the club too and didn't care. So in summary: Kelly stole Max from his then girlfriend."
after that i asked them if this was dilara or another of max's exes, and this was their response:
"It was not Dilara it was a blonde from Amsterdam. Her name is Roos Van Der Aa. Million times more beautiful and nice than Kelly... Not sure what max was thinking"
in the name of the other admins we want to thank each and every one of you who supported the account. we know that some posts were harsh sometimes but most of them were showing kelly for how she really is. she got mad about that and had her friends message us and threaten us… i think she threatened us too. before we got taken down we got an anonymous tip saying she had reached out to jerome about this but he said he wasn’t going to defend her. we don’t know if this is true but it might be because she was really desperate to take the account down. 
if we ever get more tea we will share it with you. if you have any questions for us we can answer them! 
— ❤️‍🩹  
I just hope you guys don’t get doxxed 😭
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