#but then enables or directly causes SO MUCH HARM
raisedbythetv89 · 2 months
Me when the manipulative character manipulates irl viewers into ignoring all the bad and only seeing the good and then treating me like I’m the crazy one because I see through the manipulation and see the characters for who they really are instead of how they want to be perceived
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comradekatara · 2 months
Ik you went into the whole stupid "nonbenders are oppressed" thing in lok in one of the asks I sent you, but it keeps on making me think about how much I wish i got to see mako and bolin's mixed earth kingdom fire nation heritage play a role in the story. Maybe if lok had the themes of atla it could go into how the two are treated differently for Mako looking more fire nation and bolin looking more earth kingdom. I think it'd be interesting if Korra keeps on hearing Amon's followers yell on the streets about how benders oppress everyone but then notice how Bolin gets treated significantly better when he pretends to be a non-bender fire national/lean into his fire nation heritage by ignoring his bending compared to when he is openly an earthbender which directly ties him to his earth kingdom heritage.
right!!! i am literally always saying this. like it’s sooo weird how lok does not understand what it means to be mixed in any meaningful capacity. neither with the kataangs nor with mako and bolin, they’re each just largely tied to the element they bend with no consideration given to the other half of their heritage. bumi doesn’t consider himself an air nomad until he magically gains airbending, despite his father literally being the only air nomad currently in existence. instead of trying to preserve his familial heritage, he completely undermines all of aang and katara’s cultural values and joins the fucking military. kya doesn’t seem to give a shit about air nomad culture either, seeing as she doesn’t even know guru laghima’s name (and he’s the wisest air nomad who ever lived!). despite apparently being an independent free spirit who values her freedom, she seems 100% affiliated with her mother’s heritage, because waterbender. even though the values of community and tradition kind of conflict with her whole “you can’t tie me down” attitude, so. um. and they never once explore how the value of, for example, hunting as an important cultural tradition in the water tribes may conflict with the value of vegetarianism and doing no harm to any living organism. these are interesting tensions that could have been explored!! but instead, tenzin is merely an air nomad who takes after his father both culturally and physically, kya is a waterbender who takes after her mother, and bumi is a…..cosmopolitan, and nobody likes him.
as for mako and bolin, they don’t even get the privilege of being the children of the avatar and the chief of the southern water tribe (i said what i said), so being mixed race in the neocolonial cesspit that is republic city would be bound to cause some tensions. but instead of actually addressing what the ramifications and complex colonial dynamics of inter/multiracial family structures in a postwar society that is nonetheless still struggling to contend with a century’s worth of global imperialism and the lingering trauma of that violence would be, they kind of just….ignore it. yes, mako is a firebender who takes after his fire nation mother, and bolin is an earthbender who takes after his earth kingdom father, and they live in a city that was once earth kingdom land that now functions as a neocolony of the fire nation, but also, the police force are all earthbenders, and there isn’t any sort of lingering racial/colonial tensions in this city whatsoever! you know how mako and bolin were orphaned as children and forced to live on the street and dumpster dive for food and eventually did labor for a gang because they had no other means of survival? are we going to question or implicate the systems that enabled those abject conditions? no, of course not. look at mako fumble two gorgeous, ridiculously privileged girls! look at bolin do the charleston! isn’t republic city FUN???
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 20, Uninhibited - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, vomiting, mentions of speculation of poisoning.
Word Count: 562
Previously On...: You confronted Bucky for sleeping with Jade. He was full of apologies and tears, but you'd had enough of both.
A/N: We now officially begin the third arc of the story! While the betrayal is done, there are still going to be a lot of dark themes that will be explored. You are warned.
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Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
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The rest of the week was awful. You distracted yourself as best you could, practicing your dance routines on the pole Tony had reluctantly transferred to your new, temporary space. Thank goodness you’d kept yourself in shape over the years; you’d forgotten how much core and upper body strength pole dancing required. Yet the movements came back to you with ease, muscle memory that allowed your mind to wander, which wasn’t always necessarily a good thing.
You were still vomiting, though not as severely. One early morning, after nausea had pulled you from a restless sleep and you were hanging your head, exhausted, over the toilet bowl once more, you had the terrifying thought that Jade had been poisoning you this entire time, deliberately, to take you off the mission with Bucky so she could insert herself. You wondered, horrified, if she and Bucky had been in on it, together. If it had been their plan all along to get you out of the way.
You shook your head, dispersing the ridiculous thought. Bucky was careless with your heart, but you didn’t think he actively hated you. Emotionally, he obviously didn’t give a flying fuck how much pain he caused you, but he wouldn’t physically harm you. Carthage, on the other hand, well, you thought her entirely capable of such a thing. But how would she have the access without ensuring others were getting sick, too?
No, your overtired imagination was getting the better of you, and you were more than eager to paint Jade as the villain in any circumstance that might present itself. The truth of it was, she’d already done enough damage; you didn’t have to invent more.
You tried your best to avoid Bucky, but as Wanda and Nat had warned you, it was easier said than done. Though Tony had allowed you to restrict access to your new floor to ensure Bucky couldn’t follow you to your room, he still managed to always be around every time you ventured out throughout the Tower. 
He only tried to engage with you once, two days after your storage closet confrontation, but you’d turned and immediately walked in the opposite direction. Everything was too raw, the pain too new, for you to be near him at the moment. Just the sight of him broke you apart all over again. The sooner you were out of the Tower for your mission, the better.
You’d warned him that if he couldn’t stay away from Carthage, you’d ice him out in such a way that he’d long for the warmth of Siberia. It was only fair for him to experience the consequences of his own actions.
As your birthday approached, you felt even worse. Before everything had gone to hell, Bucky had talked about taking a trip, just the two of you, to celebrate, but like all his other honeyed promises, it turned out to be nothing but bitter lies. You resented him for taking away any excitement you’d felt for your upcoming party, for destroying your chance to feel an emotion even close to resembling happiness, even with something that had nothing to do with him.
So, you stayed confined to your room as much as possible, practicing and researching, hoping that, with enough time, you’d finally manage to bury all of the pain beneath enough layers of ice to numb yourself.
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hypexion · 2 years
There was no Chloé Bourgeois  Redemption Arc
It’s time to for me to write about the so-called “Redemption Arc“ for Chloé Bourgeois, of Miraculous Ladybug infamy. Many people claim that such a thing existed. These people are wrong. While Miraculous Ladybug may provide the illusion of such an arc, that’s all it is - an illusion. And like all illusions, it falls apart once you touch it.
There’s also some questionable takes in regards to exactly how responsible Marinette is meant to be for Chloé’s “redemption”, which need to be tackled since they help feed into the illusion. And also because I find them deeply offensive. To me, personally.
A neccesary preface here is that I’m not saying Chloé is incapable of redemption. What I am saying, however, is that during seasons two and three of Miraculous Ladybug, the redemption arc people claim existed clearly did not.
Redemption 101
In the most basic sense, a redemption arc is a type of character arc where a bad character decides to stop being bad and start being good. Along the way, it’s generally accepted that they need to atone for their bad actions, and perhaps do something to reverse the damage such actions have caused. A critical component required for this to work is that the character both understands that their actions are harmful, and so decides to act in a better way.
Probably the most famous redemption arc in western animation is Zuko’s, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Zuko begins the show as an antagonist, directly attempting to capture Aang, the Avatar and Last Airbender. Doing so will allow the Fire Nation to win the war, and also complete their genocide of the Air Nomad people. However, Zuko realises that supporting the Fire Nation’s bid for world domination is harmful to others, and himself. By the end of the series, he has rejected the worldview of his father, grandfather and great grandfather, and indeed helps Aang defeat the Firelord. Along the way, Zuko find a way to help not just Aang, but also Katara and Sokka, who are also victims of Fire Nation Imperialism. Zuko earns redemption not through the decision to be good, but by performing good, and in many cases, reparative actions.
Honestly, from this basic definition, I think it’s pretty obvious that Chloé hadn’t even started the first step of a redemption arc by the time she betrays Ladybug in Miracle Queen. She never accepts her actions are wrong, makes no attempt to change them without an ulterior motive, and generally continues to do bad things for bad reasons. But in spite of this, the claims of this mythical redemption arc don’t just exist, they are considered generally accepted. Why? It’s complicated, yet simple.
Chloé Who?
On a basic level, Chloé Bourgeois is fairly generic character - the “mean girl“ school bully, who torments the protagonist, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. In keeping with Miraculous’ superhero genre, Chloé admires Ladybug, Marinette’s superhero alter-ego. How ironic! Generally, Chloé acts as a minor, civilian-level antagonist to Marinette, who gets in the way, while being clearly much less of a deal than Hawk Moth. However, due to the mechanics of akumatization, Chloé’s actions often spiral into larger, supervillain-shaped consequences. Because while she may fit into the bully archetype, there is one thing that makes her somewhat atypical: a reach that extends far beyond the school setting.
André Bourgeois is his daughter’s primary enabler. As a rich person and Mayor of Paris, he has a significant amount of influence. Influence he makes freely available to Chloé for basically any purpose. No grudge is too petty, no problem too small when it comes to indulging her whims, and no bridge is too big burn. Nobody who theoretically has the authority to say no to Chloé actually can, because her father is implicitly approving her every action. It’s hardly a shock that Chloé is consistently terrible when she faces no consequences for her actions.
But there’s one last piece in the Chloé puzzle - Audrey Bourgeois. Chloé really wants her mother’s approval, but her mother lives in another country. Audrey is also a terrible person, a character who is literally defined by her vileness. She has Chloé’s attitude, and André’s level of influence, and like her daughter, immediately throws a tantrum when she can’t get her way. The attention Audrey gives towards her daughters is primarily negative, and that’s when she actually pays attention to them. Thus, Audrey provides Chloé with a Tragic Backstory, and some much needed Sympathy Points. This, of course, forms the foundation of the Redemption Illusion.
The thing about Chloé’s relationship (or lack thereof) with her mother is while it explains her behavior, it doesn’t excuse it. The harm she inflicts is no less because of it, and many of her actions cannot be ignored due to it. I think there’s a pretty obviously piece of bad logic here. Many characters who undergo redemption arcs are often sympathetic villains. Chloé is a sympathetic villain. But that doesn’t mean that Despair Bear, the episode that introduces this sympathetic side is the start of, nor the foundation of a redemption arc. If anything, Despair Bear shows the primary reason why Chloé isn’t on the path to redemption - her attempts to be “nice“ are motivated entirely to maintain her friendship with Adrien, and once she has what she wants, she immediately reverts to her normal behaviour. This theme of apparently good acts being done for selfish reasons will be repeated later.
Marinette: Victim, Not Victimizer
An important part of the Redemption Illusion is how it ultimately revolves around not just Chloé, but Marinette. Chloé is nothing but negative towards Marinette, but at the same time admires Ladybug... who is Marinette. This isn’t Alya style “wow look how cool and heroic she is“ style admiration, however. No, Chloé, in a sense, wants to be Ladybug. First by pretending to be her, and later via the Bee Miraculous, which would seem to put her on the same level as Ladybug. But since Ladybug is Marinette, this can only lead to conflict.
While Chloé has perpetrated many on-screen acts that are selfish, obnoxious and downright cruel, something that manages to slip under the radar is her pre-Origins treatment of Marinette. Sabine’s comment about how long Marinette and Chloé have been in the same class indicates that the latter has been bullying the former for at least three years. This has evidently damaged Marinette’s self-confidence, since even after being Ladybug in part one of Origins, she still thinks she can’t do it, and tries to give it up. She also doesn’t dispute Alya’s rather hasty assessment of Chloé as evil, and immediately assumes that Adrian is a bad person because he’s friends with Chloé.
Marinette’s relationship with Chloé is already poisoned at the start of the show. And it’s entirely Chloé’s fault. She didn’t have to bully Marinette. Being cruel to Marinette wouldn’t earn Chloé her mother’s approval. All it achieves is making Chloé feel better, by making Marinette suffer. Three years of bullying isn’t something you can ignore. It’s not something Marinette can simply “get over”, even as Ladybug. She probably hates Chloé, and every drop of enmity is earned. But how can I know this all from the limited picture painted by Origins, and the glimpses into Marinette’s pre-Ladybug life? I don’t. This isn’t something I needed to find from the text or subtext of the show. So then, how do I know?
I know because I lived it. When I was Marinette’s age, I was bullied. A lot. It hurt. But what people don’t want to acknowledge is that being a victim of bullying doesn’t just make you sad. It’s deeper than that. It made me angry. At the perpetrators, and the staff who let it happen, no matter how many times it was brought to their attention. It’s took me years to realise just how much it affected me, how my aggressive behaviour in certain online spaces might be connected to it. In Marinette, I see a part of myself. So when I see people claim that Marinette is somehow to blame for Chloé’s actions, that “Marinette should have given Chloé a chance“, it makes me a little angry. If someone told me I should be responsible for making my bullies better people, I’d tell them to fuck off.
Attempting to shift the responsibility for repairing Chloé’s bad behaviour on to Marinette is simply victim blaming with extra steps. Yes, Marinette is Ladybug, hero of Paris. But Marinette is also Marinette, a long-term victim of Chloé, and someone who Chloé continues to try to abuse, even if the efficacy is no longer there. It’s also not really fair to Chloé, either, when you think about it. Marinette is positioned to think the worst of Chloé, meaning she’s likely to see any regression on Chloé’s part as proof that the whole endevour is pointless. For Chloé to escape her toxic behaviour, she needs help from someone she hasn’t caused significant damage to.
And as with the rest of the Redemption Illusion, you have to ignore a lot of the text to make the idea that Marinette is somehow to blame seem reasonable. Marinette shows more compassion to Chloé than Chloé does to anyone in her entirety. It simply doesn’t help, because Chloé doesn’t want Ladybug to be nice to her, she wants Ladybug to accept her as an equal. And when that isn’t given, Chloé isn’t above trying to take it, with disasterous results.
Bad Bee-haviour
A key point in Zuko’s redemption arc is when he joins Team Avatar. This is when he truly abandons the ideals of Fire Nation Imperialism, and chooses to work directly against them. It’s not the end, but a midpoint. And it’s not a reward - it’s a duty, a commitment to help Aang defeat Ozai. I think it’s worth noting that Zuko actually gets weaker due to this, as he can no longer draw on his negative emotions to firebend. Only by helping Aang discover the pre-imperialism version of Firebending does he regain the ability himself. Rejecting the negative brings Zuko so far, but to be complete he must embrace a positive alternative.
Chloé’s transformation into Queen Bee is her anti-Zuko moment. She doesn’t work to attain it - the Bee Miraculous is literally dropped into her path. It gives her power, yes, which she immediately abuses. Queen Bee doesn’t exist to do good, like the other four heroes at the time. No, Queen Bee exists to exalt Chloé. Becoming a hero doesn’t move her to toward redemption. If anything, it moves her away from it.
It all comes back to Chloé’s first act as Queen Bee. In an attempt to prove that she’s “exceptional“, she transforms and tries to find a problem to solve. But when she can’t find one, she chooses to create one. By paralysing a train conductor, which ends up creating a problem she can’t solve. If it weren’t for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s timely intervention, a lot of people would have been injured, or even killed. All because Chloé wanted to seem like a “hero”. It’s an act so callous that it should have marked the end of her career as Queen Bee. It’s instant, irrevocable proof that she can’t be trusted with a Miraculous, because she nearly murdered a bunch of people with it.
But even if you ignore the train incident, being Queen Bee clearly doesn’t make Chloé better. In both Stormy Weather 2 and Miracular, her cruelty is what triggers an akumatization. In Animaestro, she forms a truce with Marinette entirely for the purpose of harassing Kagami. These are not the actions of someone trying to be a better person. Indeed, they look very much like the actions of a person who doesn’t think they need to change, and is thus continuing as usual.
Yet in spite of the lack of actual progress, Queen Bee is perhaps the keystone of the Redemption Illusion. She wants to be a hero. So it is assumed that if she wants to be a hero, she must be good. I suppose this line of argument sounds convincing, if you only consider it on the surface level. The problem is that it falls apart when you actually examine Chloé’s actual behaviour after becoming Queen Bee. Which is mostly the same as her behaviour before, except sometimes she tries leveraging being Queen Bee for status or bullying. This is because her motivation for being a hero isn’t heroic - it’s selfish.
Malicious Queen
Of course, the Redemption Illusion eventually collided with reality in the form of Miracle Queen. When Hawk Moth offers her the Bee Miraculous, Chloé doesn’t hesitate to take it, and is then willingly akumatized. While I do think this could have had a little more setup, it’s an action that’s entirely in-character for Chloé. She’s selfish, she’s cruel, and she’s unwilling to change. But Ladybug couldn’t be bullied or blackmailed via Chloé’s normal methods. So when Hawk Moth offers her a way around Ladybug’s No, of course she takes it. She accepts akumatization because she believes that the best way to prove her superiority to Ladybug is by harming her. The same way she harmed many other characters up to this point. (Including Marinette, who is Ladybug.)
Some people attempt, in the usual poor manner, to deflect Chloé’s responsibility for her actions onto Ladybug. Gotta keep that victim blame train going, I guess. The logic is that because Ladybug chose Kagami to help fight Heart Hunter for selfish reasons, Chloé is magically absolved of her guilt. I can’t disagree that picking Kagami in order to break up her date with Adrien was a bad thing, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that bad. The fact of the matter is that Ladybug probably wasn’t going to bring back Queen Bee, no matter the situation. It’s not her job to make Chloé a better person, and it’s not her responsibility to stop Chloé from making bad decisions.
Marinette made a dodgy decision because of a teenage crush and suffered massively disproportionate consequences. Chloé decided to help a terrorist because she felt entitled to the Bee Miraculous, and could still go back to her incredibly privileged life afterwards. It’s Marinette who had to live with the consequences of both their actions, becoming Guardian far earlier than she should have. A consequence that only occured because Chloé decided to help Hawk Moth. Once again, Marinette is not the problem; Chloé is the problem.
Ultimately, Miracle Queen is entirely in-character for Chloé, because Chloé has never been a good person. The Redemption Illusion persists, however, because people seem to have blended her few sympathetic traits with her occational (and temporary) good actions to create a version of Chloé who doesn’t exist within the show. Along with one last act, that really isn’t as heroic as it might seem on the surface.
The One Where She Isn’t Akumatized
In Miracular, Hawk Moth tries to akumatize Chloé and fails. Up to that point, akumatization had been presented as 100% effective, with no attempts to resist being successful. This is occationally used to suggest that Chloé is becoming good, which ignores basically all information the show provides about akumatization.
Throughout Miraculous Ladybug, succumbing to akumatization is never considered to be an immoral act. Indeed, the reasons for akumatization vary, from completely unjustified selfish reasons, to justified selfish reasons and more community-minded reasons. But no matter what a victim’s starting intentions are, Hawk Moth twists them around until he can make them into a supervillain. People are even akumatized over stuff like “kids don’t respect panthers“ and “ice cream was wrong“, which aren’t really things you can appy a moral judgement to.
Since being akumatized is not a moral failure, it follows that resisting is not a moral success. While breaking the akumatization is impressive, with very few people achieving it, that doesn’t mean Chloé gets merit points for it. Indeed, Chloé resists akumatization on the basis that she believes she can still be Queen Bee. She rejects Hawk Moth’s offer not because it’s the right thing to do, but because she thinks she doesn’t need it. Which is why once it becomes clear that Ladybug won’t be giving her the Bee Miraculous, she willing accepts akumatization.
But the real killer problem is that Sabrina is able to be akumatized into Miracular because of Chloé’s actions. When Lila’s fake Ladybug dance fails, Chloé takes it out on Sabrina, in a way that’s just, look, here’s the exact quote:
PLAY? With you!? Who are YOU anyway? You don't have any powers! You're a nobody! I'm a superheroine, okay? I'm Queen Bee! You and I have NOTHING in common! Go away!
That’s a horrible thing to say to someone, especially a friend! She explicitly ties Sabrina’s worth (or lack thereof) to having powers. And the real kicker? This is the last thing she does before the failed akumatization. Out of context, Chloé resisting akumatization might seem heroic. With this context? It’s anything but.
The Overdue Conclusion
Ultimately, a Redemption Arc is a narrative process for developing a character. It’s a trope, a storytelling pattern. The key element of such an arc is change. A static character cannot undergo a redemption arc (or indeed any arc), because the arc is the process of transformation, of becoming a better person. Not just on the surface, but in a fundamental way. A post redemption character is, in some ways, a different person to who they were before.
During seasons two and three of Miraculous Ladybug, Chloé does not change in such a way. She’s just as cruel and spiteful after becoming Queen Bee as she is before. She does bad things for bad reasons. Her motivation for being Queen Bee is entirely selfish. Indeed, while there is some feeling of a divide between Marinette and Ladybug, Queen Bee is simply Chloé with superpowers. And while she may be a victim of abuse from Audrey, that doesn’t mean she is excused from abusing others herself.
Chloé’s tragic flaw is her desire to be exceptional, in a way that places her above other people. This is why she fails to change. In the narrative of Miraculous Ladybug, the exceptional that matters is to be exceptionally kind, exceptionally couragous, exceptionally selfless. Character traits which Chloé displays sparingly and insufficently, because she believes she is above them. But without humility, there can be no change. Without change, there can no redemption. And while others might provide a catalyst for such a change, ultimately it must come from within.
The concluding point is that I still don’t think there was a Chloé Bourgeois Redemption Arc, but I can sort of see how you’d fall into thinking one existed. But when you actually examine the character’s behaviour, the illusion quickly crumbles. At this point, the whole thing has clearly taken on a life of its own beyond the source material, and is perhaps unstoppable. Will my long, somewhat rambly Tumblr post make much of a difference? Perhaps not.
But there are harmful ideas attached to it. As long as people try to make Marinette responsible for Chloé’s actions, it adds, however slightly, to the notion that the abused are responsible for the actions of their abusers. In many respects, I don’t care that strongly about these particular fictional characters. Yet other people do, and in doing so I see how they distort the role of victim and victimizer, and I care about that. I understand that it’s not a big serious issue, but it matters to me. So I’ll say my piece, and move on to other thoughts.
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54625 · 2 months
my biggest source of confusion with the unions latest statement is that they’re being extremely vague in a situation where being vague can cause more harm than good. i understand not being able to talk about everything due to legal issues, but when you’re accusing other ccs of enabling this behavior, it would be better for everyone involved to name them directly so everyone has more context to what was said.
I don't have much to add here other than that I agree. If you cannot back up a claim you are making then you shouldn't be making the claim in the first place, especially in such a serious legal situation.
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watcherintheweyr · 2 months
Feyre Archeron is very similar to a certain green queen in chains and I do not mean that in a good way but I don't think yall are ready for that conversation
Something something women in positions of power using it to abuse people while thinking themselves utterly self righteous and better than all else. Something Something women in those positions of power taking out their pain on those who have never deserved it and feeling utterly justified in doing so.
Harming those who have genuinely loved them and have never been the cause of their pain, either because they're angry those people didn't suffer at their sides or that they didn't hold them as their highest pinnacle of attention and affection.
Who harm those around them whilst constantly idolizing, enabling, and giving passes to the men in their lives who have GENUINELY caused their pain and suffering.
They became weapons and weaponizers of the systems that harmed them. (Olivia Cooke herself says Alicent weaponizes the patriarchy against other women- Feyre judges and sneers at Lucien for 'being homeless' and 'shacking up' with others without homes- when she is the reason Lucien and much of the Spring court have no homes, no friends, no reputation or safe place- and continues to allow the abuse, alienation, and use of Lucien within the Night Court)
Her treatment and condoning of Rhys' treatment of Tamlin- even though she gives Rhys passes for doing worse to her AND for trying to do to her sister what Tamlin did to her. How she blows off how miserable Keir and his people are in a stone city- people born to the night court that have never seen the night- because they have 'every comfort' but tries to destroy Tamlin when he locked her in a manor house 'with every comfort.'
(I am not saying what Tamlin did was good or right- but it is worth mentioning that he was trying to get her to NOT go with him, for her own safety, and she was refusing to listen. And she later proves his every fear right, because when it's revealed she has the powers of every court, Beron does, in fact, want her dead or worse. It is worth mentioning that his actions are very easily explained by the 50 years of trauma and ptad caused by Amarantha. Not excused. But certainly explained. And im sorry but nothing Tamlin did makes him in any way irredeemable. Rhys on the other hand..)
To Feyre, no one's trauma is important except for her own and Rhys'. It doesn't matter- but if it inconveniences her, then she will do everything in her power to shame that person- all because she wants to control them, and ultimately wants them to put her first. She lambasts and belittled Lucien for trying to protect her, because even though he did try to intervene on her behalf with tamlin, he was also trying to protect himself- so that makes him a dog, blindly loyal, worthy of her verbal and mental abuse. She literally **considers leaving him to Ianthe** while knowing Ianthe had SAed him and was quite obviously intending to do so again.
She despises Tamlin for not 'noticing' that she was wasting away, despite the fact that his own trauma was also causing *him* to waste away. At one point she GENUINELY considers the night court conquering and absorbing the Spring court- because she feels entitled, because she and Rhys can do no wrong.
When Tarquin calls her and Rhys out on how they manipulated and wronged him, how her actions directly led to the destruction of the Spring and Summer courts, she plays victim and Rhys plays 'holier than thou'.
Feyre isn't a morally grey girlboss. She's a self righteous, entitled bully. Just like Alicent.
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lokisasylum · 6 months
The situation is critical, we need to be careful…
Jang Seunghyun, also known as ARMY52Hz on twitter/X, has been for the past 24 hours posting after posting, after posting none stop in a desperate attempt to save his ass after being exposed for his lack of transparency, favoritism and one-sided beef with—not just Jimin, but all the other members as well.
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‘Cause if you guys recalled when I posted about this guy earlier this year, during Jimin’s first and second wave of sabotages, where it was revealed that this person is not only working directly for Hybe and therefore under their payroll. He’s very much obsessed with Jungkook to the point of dressing up and wanting to look like him, and in addition has been caught hanging out around DCGallery, the infamous forum filled with BTS antis who love to fabricate rumors and hate campaigns (his email and IP address also match that of one of the biggest Jimin hater blogs).
But if that's not enough to raise your blood pressure aside from the damage he's already done to this fandom since God knows when. Here's a recent post he made:
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Did you catch that?
No? Lemme just--
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Yep, you read that right, on one hand he is admitting that he "and his team" (meaning other staff who help in managing the account) made a mistake (althought I sincerely doubt that purposely and intentionally manipulating charts in order to "encourage" people to vote for who YOU want is a "mistake" that bypassed multiple people).
This bastard is referring not only to Jimin, but also Suga and V as "unrelated singers". Jimin was at No.11 on the chart and only needed TWO points in voting to enter Top10. Both Suga and V weren't too far below him and could have also entered, but no, they purposely made Karmys hoard ALL of the votes for ONE member. 'Cause this is how they continuously showed the charts to "the fandom":
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But if Jimin, Suga, V and any other member are considered "unrelated singers" and are known to have been directly sabotaged by this same account who we know works for HYBE... are they indirectly admitting to something we still don't know, but have been suspecting for some time now?
Is the whole "2025 BTS Reunion" a farce and they're only creating false expectations to keep Army from leaving so when the dreaded d-word happens the company will be free to promote ONE member and use the fandom AGAIN?
But if that's not enough to get your panties in a bunch with an uncomfortable itch. Then the next thing surely will.
Remember I've also warned you guys about trusting certain "translators" in the fandom because many of them are known to do (intentional) mis-translations in order to portray certain members in a certain way to feed an agenda and get them hate.
if the name "hiraeth8221" sounds familiar to you, it should because she has been exposed like many others as these type of translators so it should be no surprise that someone exposed this little gem:
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This was before Bighit became HYBE. And it was known the translators were few and people sometimes "from the fandom" would get directly hired to work with them.
But guess who this particular translator is defending TODAY:
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Yep, ARMY52Hz. Which means hiraeth8221 is STILL under Hybe payroll and very much involved with other Hybe controlled accounts known to create trouble in the fandom.
But that's not the most disturbing part, the real scary thing is that after she too got exposed today, minutes--maybe SECONDS later MANY army and especially Jimin stan accounts that opposed what ARMY52Hz did and are actively boycotting them, started getting mass reported by mysterious "Korean army accs" that seemed to have been created in the past 24hrs when ARMY52Hz got first exposed for manipulation.
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This has of course enabled jungkook solos to also mass attack other members and their stan accounts. While also publicly defending ARMY52Hz. WHY? Because its been known and mentioned for YEARS that the fandom did nothing to control them and taekookers whenever they caused harm, especially to Jimin. Hell, they said it themselves:
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But now that their little bubble is close to bursting if and when they loose accounts like ARMY52Hz. They'll be done for and finally exposed for the deranged bunch they've always been.
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If at this point you don't feel your stomach turning at how much from this fandom (and maybe even BTS themselves) has been heavily manipulated over the years... and now with the addition of Scooter Braun doing the real damage by manipulation of the charts, sales ect in order to favor certain people... then I don't know what else to tell or show you guys to make you understand how BAD the situation is.
And honestly at this point, not even the 2025 BTS Reunion will fix it. if anything it might get WORST.
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veil-of-exordia · 1 year
alright we all know about the hamlet+laertes foils thing. But have we considered. Gertrude and Polonius foils
For starters we have Polonius dedicating too much attention towards his kids and Gertrude paying too little attention to Hamlet but also. there is the implication that Gertrude pays not enough attention to Hamlet because she is more dedicated to Claudius. Whereas Polonius is apparently a single parent and this may have caused him to be overprotective. The play thus encompasses both ends of the terrible parent spectrum so to speak
Then we have the moment where Gertrude and Polonius directly enter a conflict. Where Gertrude criticizes Polonius with 'more matter with less art' and Polonius replies 'I use no art' On a literal level this is simply about their different ways of speaking. perhaps their different outtakes on life BUT we have to consider that at this scene they were both competing for the approval of Claudius. If we went with a more sinister interpretation we might speculate that Claudius purposely chose the people around him so that they would be constantly squabbling with each other. So that they would be distracted with petty arguments and won't notice that he is the ultimate cause of all the problems by murdering Hamlet Sr. I think the more important thing though is that Polonius and Gertrude ultimately come to an agreement with each other. It is almost similar to Hamlet and Laertes' sort-of-forgiveness scene during their duel, right? Except that Polonius and Gertrude's agreement is enabling Claudius, while Hamlet and Laertes's agreement (after Polonius and Gertrude both died) ultimately kills Claudius So you could say that this a commentary about the relationship of older generations with younger ones. It's almost like Greek Mythology in a sense, where the younger generation both echoes and displaces the older generation
finally, Polonius and Gertrude's deaths themselves also mirror each other. Polonius died when Hamlet stabbed him through the arras. It could have been either intentional (i.e. Hamlet knew that Polonius was treating Ophelia badly and supporting Claudius) or accidental (i.e. Hamlet mistaking Polonius as Claudius). Gertrude died when she drank the wine poisoned by Claudius. Again, it could have been either intentional (i.e. Claudius intentionally not stopping Gertrude, as she might support Hamlet against Claudius if push came to shove) or accidental. If we go with the both accidental interpretation it adds to the theme of "tragedy occurs when it could have gone another way, but didn't". If we go with the both intentional interpretation, it becomes a bit more interesting. We could say that Hamlet killed Polonius because Polonius harmed Ophelia, while Claudius killed Gertrude because Gertrude would help Hamlet. Ultimately there appears to be no right way to be a parent in the play, because both of the main parental characters die because of their parenting
Anyway I think Gertrude and Polonius deserve to suffer around each other in hell. Yeah
(posted this to the Hamlet discord too)
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 10 months
To cry
It was a very rare occasion to see you cry. Not that you were made of stone, but because honestly, it wasted so much energy to do so. But today, you ended up crying hysterically, unable to stop the flooding tears. Your emotions were all over the place. You couldn't just name one.
Rage, betrayal, shock, frustration, agony. They all consumed you. You continued to cry as the teachers nervously shifted from their kneeling positions at your feet. They had gone too far. It was well known how much you loved each of those kids, and now knowing multiple of them were suffering from injuries caused my several teachers well.... your reaction had not been expected.
You had just been so overwhelmed you couldn't say anything. The moment the event was over, you made sure the kids all stayed in the nurses' wing as you gave all teachers a firm glare. One that spoke volumes as Sullivan called for a meeting.
The moment the door closed, you collapsed in a chair and started balling your eyes out. Opera was quick to stand at your side, revealing their own look of dissatisfaction and rage to the staff. They quickly scrambled into submission. Sullivan walked to the other side of your chair and gently cupped your tear stained face.
"I have failed to keep you safe." He sounded miserable as he wiped your tears. That's when you settled for rage. "You think I'm crying because I'm scared??? I'm crying cause not only did you hire those two, but you placed every single student in danger! And then you let that betrayer fly away with that cockroach!!!"
Seething in anger as you grabbed your father's wrist. Wrenching your face out of his grasp. "I'm outraged by the fact that not only did that thing harm one of my babies, but it tried to harm the younger classmates as well!! It tried to take my little boy who knows where!" Panic leaking out as you worse case scenarios played in your head.
"And the worst part of this is not one but two. TWO!!!! Of your trusted staff members, went overboard on this simulation and crossed the line between teaching and tormenting!" You pointed an accusing fing first at Momonoki, then at March. The two winced.
Fury echoed in your voice, and you did not stop there. "Punishment is in order, and since I can not take it out on the bastard who almost killed Sabro, I will decide the fate of the one who decides to let there emotions take over and beat a child to a pulp." Glaring harshly at Momonoki.
"And the one that excessively tortures a student for pleasure. There are thousands of methods you could have used, and you chose physical!! Too many things could have gone wrong if you hadn't been stopped!!" You eyes locked onto March now as you bared your fangs. "I will show you the true meaning of the word sense you seem to have forgotten it."
Opera rested a hand on your shoulder, and you turned your head slowly. "Are you challenging me to this, Opera?" The question caused many to hold their breath. "I would never with hold you from such justice. I merely had one question." They bowed their head at you with lowered ears.
"Speak." You commanded. "What of the rest of them? They all have allowed this incident to occur right under their noses. Do they not also require punishment?" You slowly blinked as you turned and eyed the rest of the teachers now squirming.
"Oh, I suppose I did get carried away... Opera?" They nodded. "I await your orders." Mischievous Opera, sweet and loving enabler. "Seeing as we are currently down a teacher, I'm afraid you will have to replace them." You could hear a pin drop in the room. "I humbly accept this responsibility."
Rubbing your eyes, you sighed. "Momonoki, you are on probation. This will go on your record, and you will be apologizing to Kamui. You are to report directly under Opera-san. If they say jump, the only question better be how high."
Removing your hand, you tilted your head pondering. "March, I know you won't apologize. You teach torture. I understand that. Keep in mind, though... I meant what I said." You saw him shiver, and you let out a chuckle. "You won't know how or when. Just know my lesson will come."
Heading for the door, you sighed. "I'm going to spend some time with the children. In the meantime," Your icy gaze pierced each individual. "Clean up this goddamed mess." You slammed the door shut behind you.
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highly-important · 10 months
I think a big criticism I have of Heartstopper is how it makes a sexual minority (Ben) the face of homophobic oppression.
We know that one of the things that affected Charlie the most was the bullying he went through earlier. That it was so bad no one can really put it to words.
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Charlie describes his bullying in a very abstract and intangible way, and never directly points the finger at anyone specific.
In general, there is this collective amnesia about who actually bullied Charlie and who let it happen. No one is really held accountable for it.
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This is also very similar to whatever happened with Elle at Truham. Elle was extensively bullied, but she brushes off her problems and we never see the extent of her trauma. We honestly don't even know how this actually affected her, apart from the ways that she minimizes herself. But its all abstracted - no one is really ever identified as responsible or complicit.
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Ben is the only person who is identified from that time in Charlie's life, and it means its easier to blame Ben for it than anyone else.
I understand why Nick and Charlie don't want to forgive Ben, and I don't think he is owed that forgiveness. But I also think Ben is a stupid 15 year old in an awful, traumatizing situation. There is reason to believe he would have behaved differently if he wasn't also in a homophobic environment. Do you think Ben could hear other people call Charlie disgusting and not internalize it himself? And the responsibility for their relationship going badly isn't squarely on Ben's shoulders, either.
There is also no reason why someone else, like Araji or Farouk couldn't have given him an empathetic moment or helped him a little. Ben is equally deserving of support and compassion.
Ben becomes the face of Charlie's trauma, and Ben seems to bare the responsibility for it. The straight people around him slip under the radar, despite arguably being the ones bearing the most responsibility for Charlie's issues. Charlie's self hatred, his ED, and the cutting are all caused by the bullying. The straight bullies are allowed some grace and empathy that isn't given to Ben.
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We forget that Nick has been a part of Harry's friend group for years. Nick isn't really doesn't stick up for what's right on his own, and doesn't help much when they hit Tao with the ball. Obviously his feelings for Charlie cause him to reexamine these things. But its not something Nick ever has to come to terms with. (Its similar with Imogene, she hangs out with and enables some of Charlie's tormentors, but never really has to come to terms with that.) And in S2, the actions of Nicks' friend group are largely forgotten, and the emphasis is put on how supportive they are when Nick comes out.
It is very realistic that kids would react differently to an unpopular kid coming out than they would a popular kid coming out. But they're still the same people. Charlie doesn't even feel resentment that the same people who called him disgusting are now voicing support of Nick.
It is the bullying that made Charlie feel disgusting, its the bullying that gave Charlie an ED and made him self-harm. And its the bullying that made Ben want to keep his relationship with Charlie a secret.
If Nick was friends with Harry for a while, and Nick doesn't really remember the bullying Charlie went through, it also means that Harry maybe wasn't a main antagonist when Charlie's bullying was "really bad." So even though Harry is the face of homophobic bullying, even he is disconnected from the "really bad" that happened the year before. Harry is just an asshole, and somehow not responsible for causing serious trauma.
We get more of an indication that Harry can grow and do better than we do Ben. And yes, even though Harry is never forgiven or forgotten, he's also never confronted with it either.
All the straight people at school are easily redeemable because weirdly, none of them seem to actually be complicit in the "really bad" bullying that fucked Charlie up.
(And even making these distinctions between when the bullying was really bad and not so bad missed how any kind of daily micro aggressions, no matter how small, can build up to have toxic effects. Hearing your sexuality degraded pretty consistently can have huge negative affects on your health, even if to an outsider it doesn’t look like that much.)
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I am seeing more and more media do this - make a minority the face of that minority's oppression. Its this gentle way of exploring oppression, while avoiding making people outside that minority group feel uncomfortable or ask difficult questions about their own complicity.
It perpetuates this idea that homophobia is actually over, despite the fact that somehow, mysteriously, the affects of homophobia are still felt. Harry is written as someone who can improve, Ben is written as someone who is incapable of change. I think there is just something deeply unsettling about who is given compassion and empathy.
Not only does HS really avoid the hard work of showing how Ben gets better, but it avoids the hard work of having the straight characters confront the harm they caused.
And I'm not saying this to "cancel" Heartstopper or tell you you're a bad person for liking it. I've written extensively about the things I think this show gets right. But I think that making a minority the face of minority oppression is a damaging trope that we should be as critical of as we are of tropes like "Bury your Gays"
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
i will be for real with you all. the many variations of the "everyone should be commenting on/reblogging my fanfic!!" mindset (and its children, "and if you're not doing that you're a bad person" + "and i am directly tying that to my motivation to write/my self esteem" + "and if you don't do that you are directly harming my motivation to write/my self esteem") are all bad for you. i've said it before! and i'll say it again! there is nothing wrong with reminding an audience, whether it's in the notes of a fic or in a tumblr post, that authors like comments! calls to action are great! it's the anger that i see when people post about how they get no reblogs. or the passive agressiveness in posts about how people will like but not reblog. or posts straight out saying that likes mean nothing. that's the shit that's not working.
first off: it has to be said. you are not entitled to people's time or effort. it's a harsh fucking truth but it has to be said! you're not entitled to the time it takes someone to read your fic, much less comment on it. you're not entitled to a space on someone's personal blog. human beings are never going to do exactly what you want them to because people just don't fucking do things sometimes. and expecting things from the people that read ur stuff (or see your art!) is only going to create a cycle of frustration in which your expectations are continuously left unmet and unmet and unmet, and if you cling to them, you're going to build up that frustration and anger, and it's not going to go anywhere positive. prommy. it's okay to be frustrated with a lack of attention! but then you have to let that go. and accept that any interaction is because people choose to interact, which is more than they can be expected to do.
which leads me to the "likes are worthless" argument. first off telling people that you don't want their interaction is not going to lead to more interaction. second off what the FUCK are you talking about. i know people get upset when people like but don't reblog because it doesn't further their content's reach, but: what the FUCK are you talking about!!!! likes are an acknowledgement that someone saw what you did and they liked it, enough to let you know. isn't that the goal? with a quick reference to the above paragraph (you are not entitled to time/effort/blog space), we have to talk about the way that people structure their intake of validation. likes are good! reblogs get your stuff out to another person's audience, but that enables more likes! any interaction is interaction. and also:
we cannot be basing everything around validation and interaction from strangers. that is only going to do you harm. as i said, your expectations are realistically most often not going to be met, unless you don't set expectations; if you will only have good feelings about something if people give you a certain amount of likes/kudos/comments, a certain amount of reblogs, you're going to end up with negative feelings, because most times, you're not going to get that. and the same way that you build up anger and frustration, you'll build up anything else you tie to that: sadness, worthlessness, however you feel when you don't get something you want. you can't let that control you. you can't live your life with all of your sources of happiness and self-worth rooted in external factors. those things are great for a boost! but you have to love your creative work for its own sake. you have to enjoy sharing things because you enjoy sharing things. it is genuinely not a healthy mindset to hang so much on other people's actions.
and i get it! believe me! i had one big work a while ago that got a bunch of comments with every update and it was absolutely thrilling and i got hooked on that validation. and then it fucking sucked afterward, cause nothing else i did ever got to that point again. it's brain poison! for real! it's the same shit they put in likes on social media, and i'm sure we've all seen the articles or ted talks or whatnot about the dangers of social media addiction! it's the same thing! and what i had to do to get out of that was find validation elsewhere. start investing myself into my creative processes for the sake of enjoying the creative process. train myself into enjoying every bit of interaction i got, rather than setting a threshold at which i could enjoy it. and it's hard work and i have to do it constantly and it fucking sucks but i am so much happier with my fics because of it. living in that disappointment and anger is awful. i promise it's better to fucking. practice gratitude. i hate that shit but it works sometimes.
and also! it has to be said. as a fic writer + reader: the "likes are worthless, everyone should be reblogging/commenting on fics" posts are fucking annoying. make different posts.
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the way cuntlander sees shit is strength in power and the use of fear as a control. I'm sure he's aware that certain actions are wrong- there's possible subtle implications that he admits that much when he acknowledges what vought did to him and doing to ryan is wrong; but in his mind what he's doing is ensuring his future as a "superhero" that is not to be trifled with with an heir to follow his example.
That being said, he definitely keeps getting worse; and in my mind that is due to the infuriated desperation to have control over shit. Every time he does something, it's questioned; he doesn't care if what he's doing is wrong, he just hates that others don't respect him. So if he can't get obedience with respect then he'll do it with fear and become increasingly more desperate and dangerous with each rebellion.
because that's what was used on him, it's literally all he's ever known so as they say, monkey see is monkey do.
there's implication that homelander is *not* self aware enough to recognize that what he does is wrong, he's literally not aware of this if his repeated mantra of 'i'm the homelander and i can do whatever the fuck i want' is any indication. he is aware that his actions may hurt/disturb/cause harm to others. but his belief is that he is above all that/a god/so he knows best and therefore--it's okay when he does it (whatever 'it' may be)
i.e. he is under the impression that they should accept and rejoice his actions, whatever they may be, when he does them.
also, he's not doing to ryan exactly what vought did to him, so i'm not sure what you're trying to say there anon. he can recognize that he despises what vought did to him and that he wouldn't want that for his son, but with vought making him believe he's a frickin' god able to do anything, all it does is give him a nasty case of exceptionalism.
and even then, he hardly cares what humans do with each other or what he does to them because they're mostly just animals to him, it's when they mess with *his kind* that it becomes a problem.
he's being influenced and pushed by situations and certain people (namely butcher now) around him. but if you had zero control over your own life and everything you had to do was decided by other people, wouldn't you be desperate and frustrated, vying for some semblance of control too?
honestly, at that point with everything that's happened? i mean homelander's reactions are just predictably common sense. it *makes sense* that he's gonna lose his shit, people keep *poking the bear* after how many years a this shit?? plus the nothing but enabling him further even when he fucks up? are you kidding??
he doesn't *know* that anything *he* specifically could do is wrong (he's the homelander, he can do whatever, how could it be wrong if he does it plus nobody could stop him/he deserves that right in his mind) and if goes way way WAY beyond simply hating that other people 'don't respect' him.
it comes back to the agency thing. he never had it, nor was he ever treated as a human being, nor was he ever truly loved, so of course that's gonna leave him in a lonely and frustrated place.
remember, his worst reactions are generally to people calling him a 'monster', above all else (he legit blanks out and goes full berserker in diabolical, having flashbacks, so i can only assume the scientists called him this a lot when he lost control but def didn't deserve it as a kid) so it's not as simple as 'oh he hates it', the perception people have of him is directly linked to his trauma and even causes visceral if not volatile reactions he def never learned to control. and it comes back to what he told starlight.
"i'd prefer to be loved, i would... but if you take that away from me, well... being feared is a-one okey-doke by me..."
he has been nothing but dehumanized, neglected, hated, and feared his whole life from the second he was created. fear, indoctrination, grooming and manipulation were also used as a means to control him. and still to this day, he hasn't been made consciously aware that none of this was 'normal' or justifiable, or that it shouldn't have ever happened to him.
"i don't want your fucking apology"
"too little, too late."
there's a part of him that can recognize it wasn't 'normal', but in the way that it doesn't meet the 'status quo' standard he was probably legit taught to long for. not so much in the way that, 'you have super powers yes, but you're still a person and deserve to be treated like one'
his mantra is a reminder. but not so much for us. we see him say it when he 's alone trying to reinforce the mentality. he's literally trying to convince himself that he *is* what vought 'made' him. the *god*. the *homelander*.
his reactions keep getting worse over time because people keep doing the same shit to him over and over, so he keeps pushing back the only way he was taught, and with him getting stronger/more unstable, well...
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
i believe that one was from albert einstein but that is essentially what's been happening here.
boi's gonna blow his top and... well~...
i look forward to it~<3
and the inevitable carnage that will bring<3<3<3
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Hello! I read the previous ask (about Griffith and Guts getting together after the events of Berserk and Griffith having his heart unfrozen), and I was wondering about the latter, wouldn't that destroy Griffith (emotionally at least, if not in other ways)? I can't help but feel like that would be very devastating for him, being that he had a tendency to feel extremely guilty even about things that weren't his fault, or directly caused by him (like the dead boy and his comrades dying in general), so wouldn't him accepting to make the sacrifice be so much more worse for Griffith to handle, reaching levels that are unbearable? Do you think Guts' love and forgiveness would be enough to override Griffith's intense feelings of guilt and self loathing? Do you think Griffith would self harm or self destruct in some way due to those feelings? How would Guts react if he witnessed Griffith doing something like that (in general, like in the scenario with NeoGriffith but also if he'd seen it during the Golden Age pre-eclipse)? Sorry this ask is a lot, feel free to take your time with it or ignore this if you want!
If I'm being completely honest about what I think is most IC for Griffith, I would say "I think his first instinct would be to double down on pursuing his dream to the end of the sky because otherwise the sacrifice was a waste and it's not like he can undo it." Because that's what Griffith does - he pursues justification and validation of the things he feels bad about having done or caused.
And if I'm being completely honest about what I think is most IC for Guts, I would say "Guts isn't going to be much help in that because it's not like he's going to be there telling Griffith it's fine that he had the Hawks killed." I don't think he is capable of permanently severing ties with a Griffith who acknowledges his actions, cares about him, and/or misses the Hawks and regrets his choices at least to some degree. But I do think if Griffith's response to it is "I feel shitty about that, now I need to accomplish extra hard to justify that choice" Guts would need a long walk and something to hit.
The other thing is, if we're talking about giving NeoGriffith his emotions back, that's not really the same thing as just swapping him for the Hawks Griffith, right? He's still a cosmic demon king - he still knows IoE's plan, he still sees the lines of causality, he still has the same nature and duties and role in the world, he just feels some type of way about it (and about other things). His perspective on things and on his own choices would still be very different than it would if you just time displaced one for the other.
All that said do I think Griffith would feel terrible about it, yes absolutely. I don't think it would be as big a shock as one would assume though - his feelings were intact when he made the decision, after all. But even so he's never had to face the emotional fallout from that or the consequences of it since he immediately lost most of his range of emotions and then fucked off to the Vortex.
I'm torn on whether Neo Griffith, emotions-enabled version, would actively, physically self-harm - it's not even really clear that he can be injured... though I imagine he could injure himself. I do think he would be in danger of becoming passively self-destructive, which is kind of funny (not ha ha funny) because, again he's not really prone to being injured so like... what's he going to do, let himself get hit by a cannon? It won't reach him, though.
I don't think Guts would want him to get that way though, no. I mean Guts can be prone to being harsh but kind, so I don't think being annoyed would make him comfortable watching Griffith display signs of self-hate, whether passive or active.
...I always feel like a romance buzzkill for some reason!
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maybebecomingms · 8 months
oh, what little light we have
October 8th, 2023
To follow up from the beginning of this year, the pastor under investigation for sexual crimes within my former church was charged and arrested this past week. The charges are numerous and particularly heinous, as all the victims were children.
It's been a hard week of... lamentation trying to process this. Yes, that is the best word to describe it. The kind of grief where you just want to lie on the floor and yell.
I managed to find the full criminal complaint, and I made the mistake of reading it while I was at work last week. I was mentally shot for the day after that.
I remembered reading somewhere on social media that my ex-husband indicated he'd read it because the church sent it out with a situation-update sort of e-mail (I haven't gotten their e-mails in years, but apparently he still does). So, I reached out: "Did they really send this out with their e-mail?!"
Yes, yes they did. We actually had a really good chat about weird stories that didn't add up, wondered about who knew in our circle at the time, and commiserated over the fact that basically the entirety of our 20s were devoted to a total scam. "Sorry we lost so much money and energy and the opportunity to form normal, healthy relationships to this," I offered toward the end, not so much as an admission of fault as it was a weary sort of solidarity.
"Sorry I was the one who pushed it all those years in an attempt to follow all the rules," was his response.
My ex-husband was abusive. I will never try to minimize that. The things he said and did, and the impossible expectations he had caused real harm over the course of many years.
But maybe he wouldn't have been that way if he hadn't been taught so many shitty takes about what marriage is supposed to be. Maybe if he hadn't been taught that a wife owes her husband sex at all times, submits to him fully in every way, and quietly parents his children single-handedly without ever asking him for a thing, maybe he wouldn't have expected that from me. Maybe if he hadn't been taught that if your wife doesn't do these things naturally, that it's the husband's job to "lead" (in other words, bully and force by any means necessary) her until she does, he wouldn't have tried it with me.
This does not absolve him of personal responsibility. Along the way, he should have realized the harm in this messaging and course corrected. He should have stopped and thought, "wow, this is really fucked up; maybe this is not for us." He should have come to this conclusion on his own.
And if not then, when I directly told him "no," and "do not talk to me that way," and that this way of life wasn't reasonable or attainable, because I did so continuously over the years. Instead of listening, he doubled down. I was seemingly always crying, until eventually I shut down and became a shell of myself. None of these things changed his mind until it was way too late.
And for what? Strict adherence to rules about how to live from folks who literally enabled a child molester? And who took their money and ran when this all came out?
We can't medicate man to perfection again We can't legislate peace in our hearts We can't educate sin from our souls, it's been there from the start
But the blind lead the blind into bottomless pits Still we smile and deny that we're cursed But of all our iniquities ignorance may be the worst
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In your infinite knowledge of everything and everything, do you know anything about being in a relationship with a narcissist person? Cause I think I may be but sometimes I also feel that I am thinking too much into it
The question you ask is, is their self-centered behavior at the expense of others? Are they exploiting, manipulating, or otherwise harming with ill intent due to their perception of them being more important than others, including you?
There does exist a healthy level of narcissism. As a person, you should think you and your needs are important. You choose who you surround yourself with to flourish you, not hinder you. When someone tries to push their self-image on another for their own personal gain with no regard to the other person's feelings, narcissism becomes harmful.
I'm sure you know, but I do tend to speak highly of myself. Mostly in jest and partially because at one point I only said negative things about myself. I found that it really wasn't helpful for me to be constantly with this negative self-talk, so I just started saying more positive things about myself, whether I believe in them or not. Is it true if I'm "super hot" and "super talented" and "super mentally strong" and "super humble"? Yeah. Maybe. (lol) But saying the opposite doesn't change the outcome of how people view me. Therefore, if I change the way I talk about myself and it helps me, I think I should keep doing it. I'm not trying to make someone feel worse, but I think everyone should see themselves positively and it doesn't make sense to say that if I don't practice it myself.
I think it's bullshit that you have to be overly deprecating to be considered humble or even that you must be humble to be considered "good". Why must someone speak poorly of themselves to be more pleasing to others? Someone speaking highly of themselves does not necessarily mean they are trying to put other people down. More people should see the good in themselves and acknowledge those parts to give themselves strength.
To get back to your original point, although narcissism is not inherently negative, there are negative connotations to it because, like everything, this is a spectrum and the extreme is very noticeble. (This is the case that you will notice them. They will be sure of it.) It's no secret this current world society is hyperfocused on comparison. Sometimes you see someone that has the confidence you want and you feel bad. That's society influencing your thinking. It is when a specific person flexes their confidence directly on you that you start tilting your head and thinking, "uh, wait a second here." Because this an act directed at you, using your insecurity to their benefit.
I said all that stuff about myself previously because there was a time that I didn't understand the difference between 'positive self-talk' and 'being a shitty asshat'. Learning curve, hah. For some people, you just gotta tell them, "Hey, you're acting really full of yourself right now. You're making people feel like shit. Shut up." Takes a couple times but you have to say it. You can't enable it and let it slide. (Maybe say it in a nicer way tho. XD) These people think their behavior is okay if no one objects to it, but that's because they aren't yet self-aware of their behavior and its effects.
With a true narcissist though, they actually believe they are better than you. You cannot change their mind. Some people even go as far as straight up gaslighting you because, in their head, "You're just making a big deal out of nothing. I am better. This is how it is." Their view of themselves is an absolute and you objecting to it is an attack on that belief. Now, I'm not saying that people can't change. Of course, they can, if they want to. But malicious narcissism won't, because they don't see themselves as the problem - you are the problem, and, if you don't fit their narrative, they will remove you from their life.
So, if this person is belitting you for their sake and they know and continue to do it, even when told time and time again, refusing to listen to reason, that's fucked up. I wouldn't want to be around someone like that, personally. I would talk about it with this person. Get to know their reasoning behind their behavior and actions. Some people do have personal work to do and that's okay. It's also okay if you don't want to be around as they're working through that. Everyone is at different stages in life. You can and should choose wisely when it comes to the people around you.
I want you to be healthy and happy. Sorry if that's super narcissistic. But also, not sorry. It's okay to put you first to work towards being your better self overall. I think you should. Tho, all this is just coming from someone who is super hot and super humble. ;)
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Which Areas of Your Property Require Regular Sewage Cleaning?
In the labyrinth of urban infrastructure, there lies a vital yet often overlooked network: the sewage system, is also a significant contributor to water pollution. In the inner hiding of those shops, this intricate system, effectively segregating from the waste and wastewater makes our cities clean, and our life healthy. Nevertheless, there is always risk involved in such system  since  there  is  no such thing as a perfect system. This takes us to the place where sewer cleaners – unsung heroes of sanitation – play an essential role. In this thorough guide, we'll explore the subtleties of sewage treatment, its significance, methods, and recognize hardworking professionals who contribute to our cleanliness.
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Sewage cleaning Services is important for sanitation which makes it a vital task for everyone.
In addition to that sewage system, breakage or clogging due to carelessness of system can cause serious damage to infrastructure. Prolonged buildup of waste and obstructions to pipe can lead to loss of pressure and line breaks, which translates to high repair bills. The threats that inefficient sewers pose can be avoided by municipalities and private owners' investments to the cleaning services.  This will ensure the system's seamless functionality.
Seeking to improve the environmental quality of the city, the sewage cleaning procedure is as much significant as providing transportation.
Sewer cleaning has a complex process and it involves many steps for the identification, removal, and the prevention of the entrances of blockages and contaminants into the sewage system. To begin with, professionals usually do a thorough camera inspection with the use of sophisticated equipment such as the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and distant sensors. These machines can accurately narrow down the problem areas corresponding to cracks, clogs, or tree roots, so the technician can directly and conveniently perform necessary repairs.
Next, after people pinpoint the issues, that's the moment the cleaning is conducted. Power jetting is a type of ultrahigh water pressure used in many pipe cleaning applications. This technique applies some specific equipment into breaking blockages by delivering a strong sudden stream of water to help get rid of such obstructions with ease from the system. Furthermore, certain specialized mechanic augers and rodding tools could be employed to physically take out hang-ups.
Cutting-edge Technology in the disposal of Sewage
Of late, technological developments in the sewer cleaning domain have taken to the next level with new innovations making the process more effective and accurate. An exciting innovation is the deployment of robotic crawlers that are fitted with a camera and sensory to traverse the sewage lines via distant, remote control. These robotic systems can approach a dedicated space and areas affected by hazardous conditions, so the human workers won't have any contact with them and will be protected from any harm.
Furthermore, the emergence of trenchless technologies could be called a game changer in the labor efficiency of sewage system maintenance. Likewise, pipe lining and pipe bursting techniques enable repairs and replacements to be done with minimal excavation, so to say, no generate distraction to other infrastructure, and therefore, more proper and cost-effective. Besides the fact that they will improve efficiency in sewage treatment services, these methodologies as well contribute to environmental sustainability by cutting down the carbon foot print produced by the conventional excavation methods. The situation of  sewage contamination in ecology of the nature is very critical.
The impact of a sewage system contamination is far greater than a given sewer system and goes beyond the ecosystems and related communities downstream. Unlike treated sewage, untreated sewage that overflows or leaks into water bodies have a lot of pollutants such as pathogens, chemicals and nutrients when left untreated. Such factor then leads to the overgrowth of the algae, the killings of the fishes and undermining of the water habitats, and thus the biodiversity and the ecosystem health.
Disaster Response and Recovery.
Sewage cleaning services become invaluable in times of distress such as natural disasters and failure of infrastructure in maintaining water in sanitation.  They are vital components of disaster responses and recovery. Back-ups and overflows from outdated sewer systems; over-flooding or earthquakes can lead to spreading of contamination of wastewater all over the place.
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Immediately sanitation after the disaster is determined by selecting areas that are of utmost importance such as hospitals shelter and water processing plants to curb health hazards and still maintain the essential services. Water-exceeding capacity HGVs and pumps are used to pump out the excess water with water from the flood water so that the repairs and disinfection to take place can be done. Moreover, respective enforcement structures can easily implement temporary measures for isolation, e. g.  sandbags and barriers, to neutralize the dispersion of pollution.   
The Future of Sewage Cleaning
Looking forward, the pursuit of sewage cleaning aims at more advancement and cutting-edge techniques in the domain. Technologies that are emerging like artificial intelligence, remote sensing, and nanotechnology can become a major catalyst for how we are going to monitor, maintain, and repair the sewage systems. They provide as well as potential to strengthen efficiency and have the price going down, and environmental impacts reduced which create a way in redirecting sanitation to sustainability.
Sewage cleaning services, ultimately, serve as critical tools for safeguarding public health, defending the environment and defending the structural integrity of our infrastructures. The services may go from simple routine maintenance to emergency responses, which are necessary as far as proper sewage system functioning and preventing the contamination and pollution is a concerned. In order to achieve this goal we need to continue developing and implementing advanced technologies, employ highly trained personnel and use green practices.  Only in this way we will be able to keep the cleaning of sewage independent from all disruptions. As a group, let’s fully comprehend the enormous role of sewage treatment in community health and appreciate the people who dig this deep For More Details Our Contact Us.
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